beachbeibi · 11 months
The rest of my #myherotober2023 pieces, days 18 to 31!
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vonloup · 2 months
In my opinion therians/otherkins have existed forever but has been covered up and accusing said people of witchcraft, in history shape shifters were most likely therians and same with werewolves...but society isn't ready to hear that nor will they listen
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oh yeah mentioning Stirling in my last post, here r some recent designs! :3
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ID: a snarling black & white werewolf design with a red border titled 'Idiosyncratic Alpha'
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ID: Three Rain World slugcats (Survivor, Monk and Hunter) Hunter holds a spear, Survivor holds a batfly and Monk holds a bluefruit.
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ID: Two hand-painted moth and one butterfly patches (poplar hawk-moth, lunar moth, red admiral butterfly.)
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ID: a remake side-by-side comparison of my main OC and mascot, Corey. one is neater and more detailed than the other and the blue bandanna has been remade into one showing the asexual flag.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Omg werewolf reader and big bad vampire hawk! People might think it's weird for a vampire and a werewolf to be together but she's just a sweet puppy at heart, who else is capable of protecting her other than the big bad vampire🥺
Omg I love it.
She's so sweet with big puppy dog eyes. She couldn't hurt a fly and is just a sweetheart. All she wants to do is hang out with her friends and boyfriend, who she thinks are all the best. If people say anything about how she should be a big bad werewolf, she gets a little sad because why does she have to be that way? Isn't it great to be herself? Why would anyone want her to be like every other werewolf they've met?
Enter protective, mean prince of the night Hawk who gets pissed off whenever he sees herbsad or upset. He's keenly aware of her emotions not only because of her big heart, but because he pays attention. So when someone makes her feel bad, for any reason but especially about herself, Hawk bares his Fangs and threatens their life. What right do they have to make her feel this way? He'll give them a nice attitude adjustment, if he doesn't end up killing them.
With her, he's still the big bad vampire but he's softer with her than he is with other people. When they want to ignore the rest of the world together, he puts on a Playlist of songs he made that make him think of her. Sometimes he blasts it for everyone to hear and block them out or he plugs in his earbuds and shares them with her as they take a late night stroll.
He secretly loves to cuddle into her chubby warmth. When they're alone, he cuddles up to her chest, his arms wrapped around her waist, kissing her neck on occasion. He drags his Fangs only her neck just to tickle her and her her giggle. She shows off her sharp canines and he thinks it's so hot.
They make out a lot and bump fangs, and many people who don't understand them or their relationship think it's gross. Like, how can a werewolf and a vampire even get alone, let alone make out with each other like wild beasts? Hawk doesn't care, though, and neither does Reader. They're totally head-over-heels in love with each other and no one else's opinion of them matter. They'll make out wherever they want to 😏
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Werewolves headcanons
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An addendum to the werewolf AU of the Beast in Black series. AKA the most self-indulgent thing that has ever been written.
🐺 Werewolves have existed as long as humans, or wolves, have. Their origins are shrouded in mystery; an unconfirmed theory has it that centuries ago, the druids of an animistic religion gave wolf blood to drink to their tribes' warriors, thinking they would gain the strength and ferocity of the wolves themselves. One day, one of the warriors went beyond that, maybe because he had drank more blood than usual, and transformed into a wolf; his companions asked to share his gift, and from that day on, werewolves spread throughout the world.
🐺 Female werewolves are on average slightly larger than males, and they are all way bigger than regular wolves. An adult werewolf can reach a length of 7.3 feet and weigh up to 150 lbs, and run up to sixty miles per hour for short distances.
🐺 Werewolves are mortal and their life expectancy does not appreciably differ from that of normal humans; on the other hand, werewolves tend to be physically stronger, even while in human form, and remain hale throughout their life.
🐺 A werewolf is conceived in whatever form their parents have assumed before the intercourse; the foetus shifts together with the carrier parent. Most pregnant werewolves decide to give birth in human form, in order to be assisted by doctors and midwifes, but some prefer to shift, find a secluded spot in the woods and take things into their own hands paws. Many werewolf carriers eat placenta, whatever form they give birth in. Werewolves born during full moon nights are considered to be exceptionally lucky.
🐺 Children are expected to control the shifting when they are eight or ten, and most people can do it seamlessly by the time they enter adolescence. Nevertheless, strong emotions of any kind (sorrow, joy, anger, fear) can trigger a werewolf's transformation, which is extremely dangerous for those who live among unsuspecting humans. Meditation can improve self-control, as well as a draught made with monkshood and various officinal plants; alcohol, sleeping pills and recreational drugs can technically incapacitate a person and stop them from transforming. Except...
🐺 No werewolf can, in any case, avoid shifting during plenilune nights; they usually begin to feel the pull as soon as the moon starts rising, and by the time it is at its zenith even the most strong-willed person will begin transforming. The shifting is a peculiar but not painful experience; many werewolves find pleasure in it, a calming and relaxing sensation not unlike that of taking an heavy load off one's shoulders. At dawn, werewolves naturally shift back to human, but sufficiently experienced individuals can retain their wolf form as long as they want.
🐺 Once they shifted, a werewolf is influenced by the wolf's instincts and desires, clashing with their human rationality, and it can be hard for the latter to take over, especially for young werewolves, or during full moon nights, which often results in brawling and domestic destruction. Because of this, young werewolves tend to remain within their territory, to make sure more experienced packmates can shift and help contain them if needed. Unrestrained werewolves are extremely dangerous, and if sufficiently scared, or enraged, or if their pack is threatened, even subadults (that is, teenagers) can be lethal.
🐺 Just like regular wolves, werewolves tend to avoid solitude, preferring the proximity of their family and friends, and to be highly protective of their loved ones, not necessarily other werewolves. Many of them also strongly identify with the territory they live in (village/city, island, even a whole country) with both jealousy and protectiveness. Communities in which werewolves represent the majority of the population, or where their secret is known and protected by their human compatriots, are rare but not unheard of.
🐺 A pack is a group of related werewolves, often including human relatives and close friends of both races; they usually consist of between four and thirty members. Most adults who move away and even form their own packs normally retain membership; unrelated werewolves can join a pack, usually after giving proof of loyalty and strength of character. Inversely, committing a grave crime, especially towards a packmate, usually results in a member's expulsion. Children growing as members of the same pack often consider themselves siblings; relationships between unrelated packmates are rare, unless one joins as an adult.
🐺 Packs are usually led by a mature member, which can be of any gender; a pack leader can be challenged, and deposed by a majority of their packmates. Older members are expected to contribute to the education of the younger ones, and no packmember is ever left in danger or in indigence. Since werewolves are usually forced to hide their nature, packs are not legally recognized, but most werewolves consider the bonds within them as important as those between the members of the same family or lifelong friends, if not more. When a particularly heinous crime is committed, it is often the victim's pack that demands satisfaction, and a pack leader can sometimes exert more authority than a parent or a political ruler.
🐺 In werewolves communities, full moon nights are often considered a joyous occasion, to spend together with family and friends - that is, with the rest of the pack. The presence of other werewolves nearby has a calming effect, and the night is often spent playing, hunting, and mating; the aphrodisiac effect of the shifting under the full moon is well documented, and often extends to werewolves with human partners (after they shifted back).
🐺 Since normal wolves mate for life, mating with someone else after shifting into wolf form is usually considered cheating, at least between adult partners.
🐺 The concepts of pack and territory are so ingrained in werewolves' nature and mind, experiencing the shifting in an unfamiliar territory, or when alone, can actually be traumatizing - especially during full moon nights, when the shifting can't be avoided. In such situations, fear and confusion can lead a shifted werewolf to aggressiveness, and even violence towards humans.
🐺 One person in a million is immune to the bite, no one knows why.
🐺 Once shifted, werewolves can only eat what normal wolves do - which mainly means raw meat. They normally digest it quickly and without complications, but shifting back to human soon after the meal can make a werewolf queasy and lead them to vomit because their human stomach cannot process the food.
🐺 A centuries-old law, promulgated by the World Government and enforced by the Marines, dictating that werewolves be shot on sight, has fallen out of use, mainly because very few people today believe werewolves actually exist, but it has never been abolished.
🐺 Werewolves are immune to most blood disorders. Anemia is virtually unknown among them, but that might also be because of their predilection for red meat. Women who remain in wolf form for long periods can come into estrous. Werewolves can mate with regular wolves, but these unions are infertile.
🐺 Werewolves-fish men unions were thought to be infecund as well, but a single birth has been documented, a little girl whose werewolf carrier barely survived the birth.
🐺 It is theorically possible for a werewolf to reach an intermediate wolf-human state that allows a person to walk upright and retain their human conscience, even though they cannot speak and need to eat like wolves. The ability can be taught, even though the secret behind it is thought to have been lost; on the other hand, werewolf Haki users develop it spontaneously - pretty fortunate, for a certain werewolf pirate who in wolf form is missing a front leg and would consequently be unable to walk...
🐺 If a child is born from one werewolf parent, they have a 50% chance of being it themselves; with two parents, the probabilily increases to 90%. It has been shown that humans children of werewolf parents can be healthy carriers, and they have an higher than average possibility to have werewolf children.
🐺 Werewolf-human relationships and marriages have never been outlawed but anti-human sentiments do exist, at least when the choice of a partner is concerned. In the event of a mixed couple, the percentage of human partners who are later turned is estimated to be around 65-75%. The turning of a partner is seen by many as an intimate moment, not rarely carried out during the wedding night, soon after the engagement or before trying to conceive, to maximise the probability of the children being werewolves themselves.
🐺 Being bitten by a werewolf in wolf form authomatically turns the subject into one, as long as the werewolf drinks even a small amount of their blood; if the biter is in human form, they will also have to feed their blood to the subject. Parents are often advised not to turn their children until they are adults or have at least reached puberty; turning someone without their consent is a grave crime, that a pack often decides to punish with death. A human who has been turned immediately shifts for the first time, and can have troubles turning back.
🐺 Werewolves are immune to Zoan-type Devil Fruits, and only those.
🐺 There is no specific werewolves religion or creed, but many werewolves ask for a natural burial (that is, without a coffin or another container that would prevent the body's contact with soil) because they appreciate the idea of their corpses returning to and nourishing the earth. In a distant past, the practice of ritual cannibalism was widespread; werewolves considered an honour to feed their packmates, especially during harsh winters when other sources of food were limited.
🐺 Werewolf hunters don't exist - anymore. Still, many of them agree that it's better to be safe than sorry, if only to avoid being captured and sold as slaves or forced to perform in freak-shows.
🐺 Mate is the name werewolves give to their destined partner, a person's one true love and other half; whether a human can be a werewolf's mate is a controversial issue. Most werewolves believe no greater love exists than the one between two mates, even if the relationship remains platonic and not everyone finds happiness in the bond; and that a werewolf who loses their mate will never love again. Most werewolves nowadays consider the matter of mates no more than a pretty story only romantic girls believe in; or at least, that is what they say.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
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(Unedited) (Don't feel like tagging anything for this just yet) ( @gemini-sensei )
Having some deep thoughts about Werewolf!Omega!Reader who came from a rough family.
They didn’t really care about her leaving her to her own devices. They lived out in the woods and for most of Readers life all she did was stay inside or play in the woods, but she wasn’t allowed to go out at night. She was never told why but was constantly snapped at to not ask questions. There where multiple strangers or people she would call “aunt or uncle” that would come by her house but they where not her actual kin. Something she once again never tried to ask about.
As time goes by and she gets older her family starts to slowly disappear. Aunts and uncles no longer visit as much, her really family starts to vanish as well. Things take a turn when one of her older siblings doesn’t come home one night late into the spring.
She crys for days after she realizes something extremely bad has happened, they are not coming back. She here’s her partners talking and her mother crying.
“He/she is dead….I know it.”
“Everyone is, it’s only us now..”
The following month after her 18th birthday she comes home to find almost her whole room packed up. The rest of the house is fine, nothing else is touched nothing out of place by even a inch.
But no one is home.
She looks around and even calls out for her parents and siblings only to her only her own voice a ehco around the walls. Running outside she finds no sign of anyone so she goes back into the house. She quietly goes into her parents room, the room for the most part is extremely the same but the draws are open and empty and the closets bare. Her eyes search the room for any kind of clue as to what is going on. Finally her eyes land on a small piece of paper that sits on her parents bed. With a flick of the wrist she picks the paper up and flips the folded up paper open. In the simple hand writing of her father.
“Your room is packed with what you need. Take what you can and leave before it is too late. We already lost one child and the others we can not stay to see you die as well. You cannot stay here or you will be just as dead as we would if we stayed, we are giving you a head start to get out. We can only tell you the best option since you are young, go to CA, it is your best chance to find others. We regret not telling you the truth but we can at least give you advice to stay alive. Good luck-“
It was a cryptic message that sent chills though her whole body. Her whole family had just up and left their home and told her to get out. That she was in danger and needed to leave all on her own. A sicking feeling came over her whole body as she moved about the house. She grabbed what she could of her things from her room, a few things from around the house. While moving things around she found a wad of cash in a drawer and took it. It was enough to get her on a bus to California and possibly enough for food a rent.
Within the hour she was long gone from her childhood home in the woods.
On a bus to a whole different state all alone to start a new life.
Life in california was rough at first for the young women. She was in a total different state with no family or friends. But as the weeks and months pass she finally starts to settle in to her new home. She finds a nice little apartment in a nice town, she is able to find a good job with nice hours. For once in her life she feels seen and heard as she meets new people. Gaining new friends at work and around town with her free time.
For about two years that was what she did with her life and it was going great. Every day she grew to live the new town she was in and the thought of her old life was slowly fading. She missed her home, her parents and even her siblings but she knew it was best that she leave. She didn’t regret getting out when she did. There was nothing for her back home and she understood that.
It wasn’t until her twentieth birthday was about to hit when things started to change once again in her life.
Reader felt lucky to have met such nice people when first moving to california. After getting a place to live she was able to find work at a local hospital. It wasn’t anything fancy but she was able to get a job in the records department and then she was moved to the physical therapy department. That’s when she met Miguel, a nice physical therapist in training. He just so happened to be looking for a patient file for a new client that was coming in for treatment. Reader of course noticed and helped him find it before he got to lost in all of the paperwork and folders.
He was extremely embarrassed about not being able to find such a easy document. Reader brushed it off and told him that it was fine and that if he ever needed help finding anything in the records department to just come and find her. She knew the place like the back of her hand by now. That sparked a great friendship between the two. They got lunch breaks together and even hung out after work a lot. He also introduced her to a few of his other friends too.
“You know I did karate in highschool.”
It was a random comment he made one day as they where sitting in the hospital cafeteria during a lunch break.
Reader perked up as she picked at her food.
“Oh really? Physical therapist guy did a dangerous sport like karate? Um.”
“Yeah…remember when I told you about my back? Karate may have played a key in that. But it’s in the past.”
“Soooo why are you bring it up now?”
“Well I kinda wanted to know if you wanted to come with me and some of the others to go hang out at one of the lessons. My sensei still teaches and one of my friends is teaching along side him these days. Everyone wanted to go hang out but I didn’t know if you where into that kinda stuff.”
Reader thought about it for a long minute before saying “Iv never been to a karate class before it sounds interesting. Just don’t expect me to know any of your crazy karate stuff I guess.” She laughs as she shoves some of her lunch into her mouth. Miguel grins back at her.
“Don't worry I wasn't expecting you to. It's just for fun trust me, you're going to have a great time.”
The following week Reader gets the address from Miguel on where the dojo was. She pulls up to the nice little place, it's beautiful and quaint. She is just in time to pass a little group of kids walking out of the gate. They laugh and y'all at one another clearly happy about the lesson they just came from. Reader can't help but smile as she passes them, looking back to watch them all load up ain't a small van and take off. Her mind is brought back when she hears loud laughter from behind a large gate from where the kids originally came out from.
Walking up to the gate she opens it and peers around the corner to find Miguel and a blond man talking. She also takes notice of the fact that Demetri and Robby are there as well. Both are off to the side talking about something. She meet Demetri and Robby when they showed up to the hospital to collect their friend after work to go to a local bar. They all have hung out quite a few times since then.
“Reader you made it! I was scared you might have gotten lost on the way here or something.”
“Yeah sorry I'm still trying to figure out this area but your directions were fine, found the place on my first try so no harm done. Hope I wasn't keeping you guys waiting.” she says a little bit embarrassed. This was a new part of town she had yet to be to so finding her way around was still a little tricky. Luckily she was able to find her way with Miguel’s good directions.
Miguel patted her on the should before turning to the blond guy again. He was much older than them and she could only guess that this was Miguel’s sensei he had briefly talked about before.
“Reader this is Johnny Lawrence, my sensei and Robby’s dad.” he mention to the older man who is just smirking at them. Looking at him until close she could see the slight resemblance to Robby. His nose and brows and just a hint of his eyes reminded her of the dirty blond. She smiled and shook his outstretched hand, his grip was firm in hers. He let go a second later. Robby groans as he's mentioned. Johnny rolls his eyes before walking off back towards the dojo where another man comes walking out. He's a bit shorter than Johnny, tan with dark hair.
“And that is Daniel LaRusso! My other sensei.” the other man gives her a smiles before shaking hands with her. His hold is firm but just a tad bit gentler then Johnny's.
“Can we start this thing all ready I'm getting tired of waiting. I don't care if we just finished a class I want to get back to training already!” a voice came from inside the dojo. Reader looks over the means shoulders to try and get a look at who was yelling. The door to the dojo slammed open and a guy strolled out not long after.
He was taller than her by a few good inches, skin pale with only a kiss of sun to it. He was in a gi like the other men but he had the top open hanging loose. His hair was too long but it had a nice length to it, gelled up in a neat mohawk. Reader felt her face grow warm has she took a little to long to rip her eyes away from his open shirt. He had a nice set of muscles that made her all kinds of hot. Quickly she looked away and focused on the others.
Miguel laughed saying “Dont worry about him that's just Hawk.” she raised a brow at him “His real names Eli but we call him Hawk. It's his thing.” she rolled her eyes and gave a small chuckle. His name was definitely something.
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(I admit that I cut this off extremely early. I have more to this idea but I didn't know if anyone was actually going to like it because I started it when I was going through writer's block and I feel like it was a bit bland. Might continue if anybody actually likes it. )
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sulky-valkyrie · 4 months
This was my gift to @storybookhawke as part of the Handers exchange run by @handers-time
Male Hawke (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Hawke's Mabari (Dragon Age)
Additional Tags:
Canon-Typical Violence,Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Rimming, Anal Sex, Knotting, Accidental Knotting, Biting, Blood and Injury
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Some toukei childhood friends edits I did of that one Bakugo/Midoriya moment
Part Two
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Prompt: Bookends
Pairing: Hawkmetri
Wanted to write some vampire!Demetri x werewolf!Eli again after @baldwinboy5ive dropped a werewolf fic and put me in a Spooky Mood XD This takes place sometime after my fic Nocturnal!
“This’ll end in flames someday.”
“What do you mean?” Eli looks up from patching Demetri’s wounds.
Demetri sighs. “People like us don’t get happy endings. We’re the monsters slain in the final battle so the hero can prove their worth.”
It isn’t the first time they’ve played this scene. Hiding in a hotel room, cleaning up after slayers did a number on them.
A cycle that does seem doomed to snuff them out eventually.
Nevertheless, Eli scoffs. “Why do they decide how the book ends? You know, in some stories, the villains win.”
Demetri smiles slowly.
“Yeah. Sometimes they do.”
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flintsdragon · 10 months
✨Everyday it’s a-getting closer ✨
I just spent the better part of the past two days working on this edit of my favorite 20th cen movies I saw this year, and I actually enjoyed every second of it (mostly because the movies and the song rules but the idea of getting better at editing is really exciting to me!)
An American in Paris (1951, dir. Vicente Minnelli)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953, dir. Howard Hawks)
A New Leaf (1971, dir. Elaine May)
…And Justice For All (1979, dir. Norman Jewison)
All That Jazz (1979, dir. Bob Fosse)
The Sting (1973, dir. George Roy Hill)
After Hours (1985, dir. Martin Scorsese)
An American Werewolf in London (1981, dir. John Landis)
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Art Fight Entry from last month for opossumcat!
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yamdraws · 1 year
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gemini-sensei · 6 months
Werewolf!Eli anyone?
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sensei-venus · 2 years
So now that we've brought up werewolf!Tory
I must confess that I think about Werewolf!Hawk 👀 a lot.
- gemini sensei
( @gemini-sensei )
Ummmmm hummm same though.
I have some random storylines I put together and one of them is a Vampire vs Werewolf thing.
Hawk is definitely a werewolf in it. I kinda made him into a weakling at first and at the bottom of the food chain. Everyone seems him as a beta but when be joins cobra kai and starts being influenced by Johnny, they end up finding out he's a alpha.
He's all cocky and snarly~
He picks fights with all the other alphas for the littlest things. He snarls a lot and growls.
I loveeee Werewolf!Hawk so much.
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valharlowe · 1 year
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Hawke is hiding a secret; one that Cullen will discover when he visits the manor on the night of the full moon. (Explicit/18+)
The full moon lighting his way, Cullen Rutherford hurried through the streets of Kirkwall, hand on his sword.
What Meredith needed from the Champion at this hour, he would never know. And he didn't dare ask, either. The Knight-Commander had been in a temper, as of late, and he didn't want to be the one to test it. No, it was best simply to do as she said, and deliver the message to the Hawke Estate.
But he was ill at ease. He could still remember the stories he had been told as a child in Honnleath, of the strange things that happened on the night of a full moon. Maleficar and worse.
Cullen shook his head. He was a man grown; a Knight-Captain of the Templar Order. He had been tortured by demons and lived to tell the tale, not that he ever spoke of Kinloch Hold.
There was no fear to be found in children's tales. Not any longer.
read on archive of our own.
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More toukei childhood au edits... these were fun to do. Part One
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