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rareblackcat · 3 months ago
I take cat person to a whole other level
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raventhewolf9 · 2 months ago
People will probably get angry at me for this, but...
I'm honestly so sick of hearing about tiktok therians... like okay yeah I get it. it's annoying that people are misinformed and being rude. I get that people are worried about tiktok therians migrating to tumblr after the ban. and I also get that people think that all of this rudeness towards them is unjustified (which I agree with, being misinformed doesn't make them bad people and not all tiktok therians are misinformed and/or "bad"). I get all of that. But I've seen SO. MANY. posts about it. It's getting kind of tiring to see everyone recycling the same words about it. If you have your own unique take to add to the situation, go ahead, but I've seen way too many posts that are basically just rewording the same few points. It's getting redundant, I think.
Again I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people adding their own two cents to the discussion, I'm just a little tired of seeing people talk about it right now.
This blog is a safe space for people coming from tiktok btw, as long as you're respectful
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were-bastard · 13 days ago
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Quick doodle that’s kinda how I’m feeling right now.
Maybe it’s because of the ticking, but my fur always feels slightly different colours. Anywhere between this darker brown, all the way to the light tan of a lion’s pelt. Usually it’s a bit closer to puma-colours.
My fur is ticked and I have other faint markings, but they’re all so hard to draw….
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we-are-other · 2 months ago
♡ My boyfriend does like the most species affirming things for me. I love it when he pets me and calls me things like cute.
♡ I love dried meat, like Slim Jim's. I eat them a lot and they remind me of treats. I also love things like fish, especially fried catfish and salmon.
♡ I go public gearing sometimes when I go out with friends. I even wore cat nose make-up once. It went well and I got one compliment.
♡ Sleeping is the best thing ever!
♡ I do things like cobbing and nuzzling a lot
♡ I feel dysphoric over my species and body every day
♡ I also have constant changing phantom shifts (that ties into me being a werecat)
-Hiddentail She/her 17 Bombay werecat
We are other
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thealterhumanaike · 24 days ago
El lenguaje de amor entre hombres gato/werecats es contacto físico de rasguños
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a-cat-called-sock · 6 months ago
p shifters teach me ur ways ... /srs
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kinfeelings · 5 months ago
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by @p0lyb1uz -- a $5 comm!
my werecat self!
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rabidpunkradio · 7 months ago
qwonderiing maybe iif wanttinf to eat thiings ii find vv cute iis a form of prey driive
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sunflower-werecat · 8 months ago
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Hi! I go by Sunflower (she/her) and I’m a feline therian!
🌼 I am a minor, but won’t be saying my age
🌼 I am queer and neurodivergent
🌼 Theriotype: Cat or werecat
🌼 Hobbies: Drawing, reading, and writing, just to name a few
🌼 Interests: Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire, Undertale/Deltarune, Pikmin, Animal Crossing — that’s only some of them
DNI: Basic DNI - Any bigotry, MAPs, z00s, proship, anti-therian or anti-otherkin, NSFW
I plan on mostly posting about my experiences as a therian and maybe some fandom content which will be tagged.
Have a great day!
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txmpus-edax-rxrum · 2 years ago
ruminating on the fact that im just. a werecat.
like everything werewolf except feline.
what the hell lmao
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rareblackcat · 2 months ago
Feminine woman ❌️
Masculine woman ❌️
Feline woman ✅️
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raventhewolf9 · 19 days ago
oh, to be the mysterious creature in the woods who is feared by all the townspeople but is one day visited by a brave and curious person who slowly but surely befriends me and sneaks off into the forest to visit me and stroke my fur and feed me pieces of their tuna sandwich and tell me about their day even though they aren't sure if I can understand them or not
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were-bastard · 9 months ago
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(Tumblr please don’t eat the quality)
I drew myself again, but this version is nicer, so I’ll share it with y’all! This is how my body feels just like, as a default. I don’t consider it a theriotype since I’ve been like this since birth, and it’s just how “human” feels to me! (The colors aren’t accurate, they’re just for funsies)
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we-are-other · 2 months ago
My identity as a feline impacts my day-to-day life in many ways.
I'm autistic, and many of my stims involve doing catlike things such as meowing.
I love meat (especially fish and shrimp) and often get cravings for it. Sushi is one of my favorite foods. My mother made a delicious ham for Christmas this year, and I ate a lot of it. I often feel sad that I can't eat most meats raw, and I wonder what they would taste like.
Speaking of food, I'm fictionkin, and my fictotype (Sydney Sargent from Camp Here & There) is cursed to only be able to eat buttered bread, so sometimes I find myself craving buttered bread too.
My shifts tend to get more intense around the full moon, since I'm a werecat.
I like to make a den out of blankets and pillows, especially in the wintertime. I also like sitting in boxes, and enclosed spaces in general.
I love being stroked and gently scratched on my head and back, though I only let people do this if I'm very close with them.
I feel dysphoric almost all the time. I miss my tail, my fur, my whiskers, my claws... I wish that this body reflected what I really am. Wearing a tail eases the dysphoria somewhat, but at the same time makes it worse because it can't move of my own will or feel sensations.
My fictotype loves mushrooms, so whenever I see a mushroom I stop to admire it. They make me happy.
Being called a cat or being compared to a cat is incredibly euphoric for me.
I like to make jokes about my fictotype and being fictionkin, and it's really affirming when people joke about it back to me.
Many times, I forget that I don't have wings, or that I can't jump as high as cats are supposed to. I get the urge to fly, or to jump onto a surface I definitely can't jump to, and when I remember that I can't, it makes me sad.
When I get angry, I wave my arm back and forth because I don't have a tail to lash.
I rub my face on my plushies, like a cat scent marking things. I like to make them smell like me, even if I can't smell my own scent in the way that another cat could.
I miss people from my source, even though many of them didn't treat me well.
I like to knead on my blankets and pillows. It helps me feel calm.
Overall, there are good sides and bad sides to being nonhuman and fictionkin, but it's part of who I am, and I'm proud of that.
--Sydney/Simon; he/it; werecat, Sydney Sargent fictionkin, and winged shapeshifting cat; minor
We are other
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rareblackcat · 2 months ago
I was tagged to participate by @liondrakes
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
I have adopted quite a few labels over time. Therian was the first label I was introduced to and my main label to describe my animal identity. I am a vacillant therian specifically, as I don't have an animal-human side and am both simultaneity while still experiencing shifts that vary in intensity. I also use transspecies because it aligns with my feelings of being a werecat trapped in a human body and my wanting to change my body. I also use the border term Nonhuman because I am simply not human despite my current form.
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
I am a winged werebombay but I just say werecat. Bombays are a specific breed of cat. I am a Bombay specifically because of my domestic nature, as Bombays were bred to be pets and I look like them in my full and feliped forms. As a werecat, I can transform and have three different forms. One is felinoid (Humanoid cat), the next is Felianthro (anthropomorphic) and the last one is fully cat. You can see what they look like here
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
I am permashifted and I experience mental, phantom, and envisage shifts. How am I permashifted while being a vacillant therian? Because my shifts never reach non-existence. If shifts are on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being completely human, I simply never reach 0. My strongest shift is my phantom and envisage one. The two types of shifts come together for me allowing me to see my in my mind's eye/imagination. I can feel my whole body being covered by a phantom body or just specific limbs.
4/How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
My animality affects the things I like to do. I love to eat meat and fish, sun basking and, I'm pretty social for a cat so hanging around my friends is always nice. Being a blend between human and cat I'm pretty good at blending in. I'm my most cat when I am alone or with my boyfriends. Being cuddled and taken care of like a pet is the best.
5/ What do you think of the community?
I am in many different Alterhuman communities, I'm on TikTok, I occasionally look through Reddit, I'm in a few Discord servers, Pinterest, YouTube, and even some forums. I can't give a proper answer because the community is just like any other community, it has its good and bad parts, its misinformation, and its joys. I will say that information about different alterhuman experiences is lacking in certain communities and would be useful. All in all, I think the community is both chill and fun but also a bit high-strung in some places.
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
Being able to talk to like-minded individuals who understand me always makes me comfortable and euphoric, I also enjoy looking at media and pretending I'm in that world in my true body (though I don't have a hearthome,) I do enjoy wearing gear even if It doesn't help with my dysphoria, and my boyfriend treats me like a cat so talking to him is nice too. I also enjoy sleeping, eating meat, rubbing myself on soft blankets, sitting in the sun, biting, and play fighting.
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
I do experience species dysphoria almost every day. It to me, feels like I have an incomplete body that doesn't quite fit me. I don't hate my body and my true body would still incorporate this one, though it would look a bit different, It's just this one doesn't quite fit who I truly am on the inside.
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
"Education is elevation" is something a beloved content creator of mine says. When looking for what labels fit you don't fret about asking for other's experiences who use that label and jump into some ask boxes. Do your research and ask around, hear both sides of the argument before you make up your mind on something.
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
I do! I have a pair of ears, a tail, and some gloves. I do have a mask but I don't wear it unless I need to protect my identity. I've already ordered some black fur leg warmers and some more ears. I'm looking to buy a pair of wings and some fake teeth.
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
I consider my Therianthropy to be psychological but I do not think I was born a Therian but I was born a bit animalistic. I watched a lot of animal media that helped foster my identity. My identity is behavioral and something that just feels right at the same time. I act like a cat and so calling myself one feels right. I think my animal identity is just something I developed over time. I think from a psychological standpoint the idea that therianthropy might be psychoneurological. Our brains might be wired differently and that causes us to act more animalistic and then our brain either latches on to an animal that matches what the brain experiences or we push it away and train it out of ourselves.
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!
@zith-ipeth @bunnyboyzyon @creatureheart @wanderingcritter
@thatintrovertedbobcat If you're a mutual and have already done it please @ me!!/nf
If you are a alterhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
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a-cat-called-sock · 6 months ago
being mostly expressionless not bcuz im neurodivergent , but bcuz im a cat & we dont emote like humans do
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