werbooz · 3 days
Optimizing Website Performance: Best Practices for Faster Load Times
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In today's era, if your website's performance isn’t Ideal, then it could be one of the most frustrating things that your users could experience. This could become a huge problem if not taken care of — In order to avoid higher bounce rates and lower search engine engine ratings, One must definitely invest in optimizing their website’s performance. By optimizing your website, you can attract more customers to your website thus resulting in higher traffic and more conversion rates.
In this article, we will be exploring different aspects to optimize your website performance. We will be :
Understanding different performance metrics to measure the performance of your website
Discussing best practices & techniques for improving website load times.
Exploring advanced optimization techniques like browser caching, lazy loading and many more.
Exploring different tools that can help you monitor or enhance website performance.
Understanding Website Performance Metrics
1. Website Speed
When you think about "What must be an ideal speed for a website?", most of the time the thing you might only consider is how fast a page loads. But there’s much more to it than that meets the eye. In today's era, people have shorter attention spans than ever and it’s crucial to know how your site performs in different speed-related aspects:
Time to Title :
This is the time taken by a website when a visitor request's your website and the time it takes to load the site’s title on the browser tab. If the site's title appears quickly, then this gives the users a sense of trust and reassures visitors that this site is a legitimate and trustworthy website.
Time to Start Render:
After searching a website The worst experience you could provide to your user is when the website buffers a lot and you can not even see a single bit of content. This measures how long it takes for any content to appear on the screen after a user requests your site. Nobody likes to wait and if your website provides the users what they are searching for within a fraction of seconds then they are more likely to stay.
Time to Interact:
 This is the time from when a visitor first requests your site to when they can actually start interacting with it (like clicking on links or scrolling). The quicker they can engage, the more likely they are to stick around.
To start improving your site speed, focus on these three metrics. You can check them using free web page speed test tools.
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Key Metrics For Website Speed
2. Number of Assets
“Assets” are the building blocks of your webpage, including text, images, videos, and more. Each of these elements adds to your page’s load time. The more assets you have, the slower your page might load. Tools are available to help you analyze the size of these assets, and if they’re dragging down your load speed, consider hosting them externally.
3. Error Rate
This metric measures the ratio of error produced by your site against normal requests received by your site. If you see a rise in errors, then that could indicate a potential problem that could bring your site down if not addressed. When you keep a check on your error rate, error prevention and correction is done before it escalates into any disruptive events.
4. Bounce Rate
The bounce rate represents the percentage of individuals that visit your website and leave after a very short time span, more precisely – in the first session. A very high bounce rate could be a threat, not only for your conversion rates but also to your SEO as it portrays your site is not offering what the visitors are looking for. The percentage of the visitors that exit after viewing the first page of the site, is known as the bounce rate and this can be discovered with the help of Google Analytics, the steps are quite simple – Open google analytics, under Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages – Here you can see the entire report of your website. Now, you just have to scroll down inorder to see the bounce rates of individual pages. 
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How To Check Bounce Rate
5. Unique Visitors
Unique visitors denote the daily, weekly or monthly total number of unique people that access the website from different browsers. This metric is the key to measure the growth of our website. While, there is no doubt that repeated visitors are of major importance too, but an increasing amount of unique visitors indicates that you’re bringing in fresh audiences to your website.
6. Traffic Source
Traffic Sources indicate the medium through which users have come to your website. In this context, the amount of traffic to a website and its origin is important, and knowing where the visitors are coming from is as critical as knowing how much traffic one gets. This also makes it possible to determine whether your visitors are coming from organic searches, via social media, or referrals. Ideally, your traffic should come from different sources – If the traffic is weighted heavily towards any one of the sources, then some form of content strategy revision might be called for to focus on the sources which are bringing maximum traffic to the website. 
Fun fact : You can monitor all this in Google Analytics under Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels.
7. Conversion rate
This is also termed as a conversion rate which is defined as how well the site’s visitors are converted into customers or leads generated. In the case of getting huge traffic and low conversion rates, this probably indicates that the conversion strategies of the site could have better yield than they presently achieve. For Google Analytics then, this data can be accessed under Conversions > Overview.
8. Top Pages
Page performance is also important so the pages that are performing better must be taken extra care. These could be pages that have either the highest percentage of conversions, or the highest/latest volume of visitors. Knowing which pages are doing well and why? helps you to make those existing pages of your site to do well based on the research you have of the existing high performing pages. Top pages can be monitored in Google Analytics through Landing Pages and Exit Pages under Behavior > Site Content.
Landing Pages:
These are the pages that users first enter on your website. These pages are frequently labeled as ‘First Impression Pages’ and as such they cannot be taken for granted even for an instance and must be in great shape.
Exit Pages:
These pages are the last pages which a visitor views immediately before leaving the website. As these pages are detrimental to the retention time of visitors, it’s necessary to acknowledge them and improve.
9. Keyword Ranking
Keyword ranking indicates the effectiveness of a particular website for a particular query to the search engines. While a drop in ranking can be scary, as long as the keywords are routinely monitored and updated, you can rest assured that your efforts to improve SEO are not in vain. Also, there are various tools used for monitoring keyword rankings.
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Improve Keyword Ranking Fast
10. Average Session Duration
This refers to the average time spent by the visitors on your website during a single session. Longer sessions suggest greater willingness of users to buy your product or use your service. While analyzing this metric, businesses must understand the type of their website – For instance, the duration of a news website might have a shorter average session compared to an e-commerce website, because the readers might quickly go through the articles and move on
Explore the Insights
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werbooz · 6 days
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Success starts with collaboration! 🤝 Let's build solutions that drive results. Ready to take the next step? 🚀
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werbooz · 17 days
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Boost your website’s performance with these optimizations! 🚀 #WebDevelopment #SEO #WebsiteOptimization #PerformanceBoost #Werbooz
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werbooz · 17 days
Understanding Encryption: How Signal & Telegram Ensure Secure Communication
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Signal vs. Telegram: A Comparative Analysis
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Signal vs Telegram
Security Features Comparison
Encryption: Uses the Signal Protocol for strong E2EE across all communications.
Metadata Protection: User privacy is protected because minimum metadata is collected.
Open Source: Code publicly available for scrutiny, anyone can download and inspect the source code to verify the claims.
Encryption: Telegram uses MTProto for encryption, it also uses E2EE but it is limited to Secret Chats only.
Cloud Storage: Stores regular chat data in the cloud, which can be a potential security risk.
Customization: Offers more features and customization options but at the potential cost of security.
Usability and Performance Comparison
User Interface: Simple and intuitive, focused on secure communication.
Performance: Privacy is prioritized over performance, the main focus is on minimizing the data collection.
Cross-Platform Support: It is also available on multiple platforms. Like Android, iOS, and desktop.
User Interface: Numerous customization options for its audience, thus making it feature rich for its intended audience.
Performance: Generally fast and responsive, but security features may be less robust.
Cross-Platform Support: It is also available on multiple platforms, with seamless synchronization across devices because all the data is stored on Telegram cloud.
Privacy Policies and Data Handling
Privacy Policy: Signal’s privacy policy is straightforward, it focuses on minimal data collection and strong user privacy. Because it's an independent non-profit company.
Data Handling: Signal does not store any message data on its servers and most of the data remains on the user's own device thus user privacy is prioritized over anything.
Privacy Policy: Telegram stores messages on its servers, which raises concerns about privacy, because  theoretically the data can be accessed by the service provider.
Data Handling: While Telegram offers secure end to end encrypted options like Secret Chats, its regular chats are still stored on its servers, potentially making them accessible to Telegram or third parties.
Designing a Solution for Secure Communication
Key Components of a Secure Communication System
Designing a secure communication system involves several key components:
Strong Encryption: The system should employ adequate encryption standards (e.g. AES, RSA ) when data is being transmitted or when stored.
End-to-End Encryption: E2EE guarantees that attackers cannot read any of the communication, meaning that the intended recipients are the only ones who have access to it.
Authentication: It is necessary to identify the users using secure means such as Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to restrict unauthorized access.
Key Management: The system should incorporate safe procedures for creating, storing and sharing encryption keys.
Data Integrity: Some standard mechanisms must be followed in order to ensure that the data is not altered during its transmission; For instance : digital signatures or hashing.
User Education: To ensure the best performance and security of the system, users should be informed about security and the appropriate use of the system such practices.
Best Practices for Implementing Encryption
To implement encryption effectively, consider the following best practices:
Use Proven Algorithms: Do not implement proprietary solutions that are untested, because these algorithms are the ones which haven't gone through a number of testing phases by the cryptographic community. On the other hand, use well-established algorithms that are already known and tested for use – such as AES and RSA.
Keep Software Updated: Software and encryption guidelines must be frequently updated because these technologies get out of date quickly and are usually found with newly discovered vulnerabilities.
Implement Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS): PFS ensures that if one of the encryption keys is compromised then the past communications must remain secure, After every session a new key must be generated.
Data must be Encrypted at All Stages: Ensure that the user data is encrypted every-time, during transit as well as at rest – To protect user data from interception and unauthorized access.
Use Strong Passwords and 2FA: Encourage users to use strong & unique passwords that can not be guessed so easily. Also, motivate users to enable the two-factor authentication option to protect their accounts and have an extra layer of security.
User Experience and Security Trade-offs
While security is important, but it's also important to take care of the user experience when designing a secure communication system. If your security measures are overly complex then users might face difficulties in adopting the system or they might make mistakes in desperation which might compromise security.
To balance security and usability, developers should:
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Balancing Security And Usability
Facilitate Key Management: Introduce automated key generation and exchange mechanisms in order to lessen user's overhead
Help Users: Ensure that simple and effective directions are provided in relation to using security aspects.
Provide Control: Let the users say to what degree they want to secure themselves e.g., if they want to make use of E2EE or not.
Track and Change: Always stay alert and hands-on in the system monitoring for security breaches as well as for users, and where there is an issue, do something about it and change
Challenges and Limitations of Encryption Potential Weaknesses in Encryption
Encryption is without a doubt one of the most effective ways of safeguarding that communications are secured. However, it too has its drawbacks and weaknesses that it is prone to:
Key Management: Managing and ensuring the safety of the encryption keys is one of the most painful heads in encryption that one has to bear. When keys get lost or fall into unsafe hands, the encrypted information is also at risk.
Vulnerabilities in Algorithms: As far as encryption is concerned the advanced encryption methods are safe and developed well, but it is not given that vulnerabilities will not pop up over the years. Such vulnerabilities are meant for exploitation by attackers especially where the algorithm in question is not updated as frequently as it should be.
Human Error: The strongest encryption can be undermined by human error. People sometimes use weak usernames and passwords, where they are not supposed to, and or even share their credentials with other persons without considering the consequences.
Backdoors: In some cases, businesses are pressured by Governments or law officials into adding back doors to the encryption software. These backdoors can be exploited by malicious actors if discovered.
Although technology has made it possible to keep in touch with others with minimal effort regardless of their geographical location, the importance of encryption services still persists as it allows us to protect ourselves and our information from external invaders. The development of apps like Signal and Telegram has essentially transformed the aspect of messaging and provided their clients with the best security features covering the use of multiple types of encryption and other means to enhance user privacy. Still, to design a secure communication system, it's not only designing the hardware or software with anti-eavesdropping features, but it factors in the design of systems that relate to the management of keys, communication of the target users, and the trade-off between security and usability. 
However, technology will evolve, followed by the issues and the solutions in secure communications. However by keeping up with pace and looking for better ways to protect privacy we can provide people the privacy that they are searching for. 
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werbooz · 22 days
How to build a solid online presence for your business
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How to build a solid online presence for your business
If you want to build an online presence, you must break through the noise and define your brand in the market. In today's digital world, Creating a solid online presence has become a must Because as the world evolves and adapts, a business owner needs to adapt to the world and not just remain static.
At Werbooz, we understand the importance of a brand, its online presence, and its role in your business success. Our web development services include SEO, which can help you achieve this. In this blog, we'll guide you through a step-by-step process of establishing a solid online presence for your business, emphasizing the importance of SEO and why hiring a professional web development company like Werbooz is essential.
Whenever you search for a product or a service, If your Website ranks high on Google, then it gives a sense of trust to the customer; this shows that your brand is visible and is as essential as the large corporations around the globe; this provides the consumer with a sort of validation of your Website.
Following these steps will help your businesses grow online and will help you create a strong presence.
1. Understand Your Audience
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Understand Your Audience
Before diving into web development, it's crucial to understand who your target audience is. Knowing your audience's demographics, preferences, and online behaviour helps you tailor your Website to meet their needs. Conduct market research, analyze competitors, and use tools like Google Analytics to gather insights.
The mantra behind developing and building a solid online presence is quite simple: "You have to be visible everywhere". Didn't get it? Let me simplify: if your Website is visible on many platforms, And instead of mixed reviews, you have a bunch of positive reviews regarding your product or service, then the audience that you want to cater to gets to know Your brand, And they will pursue your brand in a good light. 
It becomes relatively easier for a business owner when his target audience acknowledges his brand. Once it's done, the business owner will no longer seek external validation. And the best way for a business owner to build an online presence could be by building his Website. The more your audience acknowledges the online validation, the more likely they are to associate you with Credibility and a legitimate business. 
So, in order to build a solid online presence, first, you must know your audience. To understand your audience, you must know the demographics, their preferences, and the sort of behaviour that is common in your audience. This will help you tailor your Website to meet the specific needs of your audience. Sometimes, you might need to conduct market research and analyze your competitors. If you don't have the necessary infrastructure to do so, then comes the help of a web development company and tools like Google Analytics, together with much more insights about your audience.
2. Develop a Professional Website
Your Website could be a valuable asset to your business Because before making any purchase, the customer first visits the Internet and tries to gather as much information about the purchase he's about to make as possible. That is where your Website comes into the picture if you have a professional website That can provide the customer with what he is in search of. Then you have hit the bullseye. So the question is, how do you build a professional website for your business? Fortunately, we have an entire blog dedicated to this, so you don't need to worry about it. Your Website must be visually appealing, and it must be user-friendly. Website owners must also focus on responsiveness. 
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Develop A Professional Website
Fun Fact: Many keywords are dominated by mobile searches, and only a few by desktop searches. Research by Sistrix shows that there are a lot more keywords, and mobile searches dominate. The distribution of 60% mobile and 40% desktop occurs most frequently for 17.6 per cent of all keywords. This is followed immediately by 70% mobile and 30% desktop.
At Werbooz, we are experts in creating custom websites from scratch; we make sure that your Website reflects your brand identity and engages with your audience. Our web development services cover everything — ideating, design, front-end & back-end development, deployment — ensuring your site runs smoothly and efficiently.
3. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)
Alright, let's get to the SEO part. Imagine that you're really hungry and you're in search of the best pizza in the town. What would be your first instinct? You will open Google, type your query(Best pizzas near me), and get instant results. Among all the results that you have received, you'll go through the first 5 or 10 of them, And then you'll decide which link you will be opening. 
You'll probably click on one of the top links, won't you? 
This is where SEO comes in. It ensures that people are able to find you whenever they search for something that they want, and your business is related to their query, so they find you first — at the top. There are a lot of perks of having good SEO : 
       I. SEO Helps you bring organic traffic to your Website        II. It helps you generate more leads        III. Improves online visibility of your brand        IV. It builds trust among your target audience
So, to improve website SEO, you can hire a web development company that's already proficient with SEO or do it yourself(Which most experts do not recommend). There's no doubt that if you invest your time, energy and resources in learning SEO by yourself, then you might gain some basic SEO knowledge, which would be a temporary cost-efficient solution, but it would be much better to hire someone who specializes in SEO already and has a good understanding and hands-on experience in improving your SEO. 
SEO Experts follow specific techniques that one must follow to rank their websites on top:
I .Keyword Research 
Keyword research is the foundation of building good SEO. You can think of keyword research as finding & discovering the secret codes people use to find businesses like yours. At Werbooz, we understand the importance of keyword research. We use powerful tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to find the keywords that will give high traffic & low competition in Google ranking. These are the words your potential customers will be typing into search engines to reach out to you, and our goal is to make sure your Website appears at the top when they do.
II. On-Page & Off-Page SEO Optimizations
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On Page Vs Off-Page
Once we have the right keywords, we will implement them into your Website like golden threads so that your Website shines among the competitors. This is called on-page optimization. In the on-page SEO optimization, we focus on optimizing URL, title tags, meta description, heading tags, alt tags, keywords, content & images, internal linking, schema markup, page speed and mobile friendliness. A good web development company will ensure that all these factors are handled to optimize your SEO. This is like setting up your Website perfectly so that search engines can clearly understand what your Website is about and rank it higher.
Now, once we have worked on the on-page SEO, it's time to optimize the off-page SEO. In simple words, off-page SEO is like building your Website's reputation on the Internet. To improve off-page SEO, we focus on optimizing elements outside of our Website — backlinks, digital PR, content marketing, local SEO, social media, influence marketing, etc. Experienced web development companies focus on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) to Build Credibility in the eyes of search engines
III. XML Sitemap Creation
If you have a newly developed website that is made from scratch, then the chances are that all the pages on your site are dynamically created. In such cases, it is important for you to structure your Website and link all the pages well. Basically, you need a blueprint of your Website to share with search engines like Google so that your Website can be quickly and easily found and ranked by the search engines because Google ranks websites and web pages. If you don't know anything about XML sitemaps, it is much better to hire a good web development agency. They will create the sitemap on your behalf so that you don't have to worry about the technical stuff.
What is an XML Sitemap?
In simple words, an XML sitemap is a file that lists "all the pages" and "metadata of each page" of your Website to search engines. This helps search engines to easily understand your Website's structure so that they can index your pages more effectively and rank your pages better. Although sitemaps can seem a bit intimidating, creating and submitting one to Google is quite straightforward.
Fun Fact: If you want, you can view the site map of the current page by right-clicking anywhere on the browser And then clicking on the "view page source" option.
Why Do You Need a Sitemap? The way Google discovers new content is quite easy. They crawl the web, and when the crawl bot encounters a new page(that is, your Website), it pays attention to both internal and external links on the page. If the discovered URL is not in Google's search index list, then the crawl bot starts parsing the ContentContent of the page and indexes it accordingly.
A well-made sitemap ensures that the search engines can find & index all your important pages. Apparently, search engines can't rank your website content until it's been first indexed.
How to Create and Submit a Sitemap?
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Create and Submit a Sitemap
Step 1: Generate an XML Sitemap for your Custom Website | Builder-based Website Roadmap for a Custom Website:
Creating a sitemap for your custom website could be challenging because it involves several technical steps that might require professional expertise. 
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werbooz · 22 days
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Think success demands a big budget? Think again! Smart strategies >>> huge spending. 🧠💡 #BudgetSuccess #MythBusted #SmartMarketing #DigitalStrategy
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werbooz · 1 month
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Strong software development relies on key principles that ensure quality and scalability. These aren't just guidelines—they're essential. #SoftwareDevelopment #CleanCode #TechExcellence #werbooz
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werbooz · 1 month
What Are Backlinks & Why They Matter in SEO
Best Practices for Building the Best Backlinks in SEO
Create Content that is worth linking
The best way to get backlinks from different websites is to create content that naturally attracts them. And, By promoting your content to the right publications or platforms, you can not only effectively build quality backlinks for your website but you can also create an audience. In order to attract other sources and get backlinks ensure that the content you create is informational, humorous, and helpful, because people are more likely to link a piece of content that they find useful and that meets these criteria. You can also check the current backlinks associated with your blog.
How to check all the backlinks associated with my blog?
Step 1:  Open a backlinks analytics tool like Semrush and paste the URLof your blog to get a detailed report about your blog. 
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Backlink Analytics Tools
Step 2:  Go to the backlinks tab, To know the websites that refer you.
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  Go to the backlinks tab, To know the websites that refer you.
Step 3:   Here you can see all the backlinks associated with your blog/page. You can also identify some important metrics, like authority score, anchor text, total internal links, total external links and many more.
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 Backlinks associated with your blog/page.
If you want you can export & download the entire report.
Start writing Guest Blog Posts
In a healthy business, there's a common saying: "Your well-being is our well-being." Following this principle, one of the most effective ways to get backlinks from different websites could be through a mutual exchange that benefits both. The strategy is quite simple — your content writer will be writing guest blog posts for other websites and in return you will request them backlinks to your site. 
If you think about it — this approach benefits both parties. You will get a backlink and the other person will receive a quality blog. Isn’t it simple? However, be cautious about the content that you have provided is high-quality, engaging and informative. As no one would want to settle for low-quality content in exchange for a backlink, because if they don't receive what they want, then chances are that they won’t agree with the terms.
Become a replacement for broken links & outdated links
To build backlinks for your website, you need to start finding dead links on other websites. And the idea is to convince the website owners to replace those non-working links with your working backlinks.
Now, which links can be termed as broken links or dead links?
If a website redirects the user to a page that isn’t accessible  and shows “404 Not Found” errors then that link can be termed as a broken link.
You can use this opportunity to provide the website owner with an alternative resource link that offers valuable content for the user.
How can I find broken links that are related to my niche?
Step 1: Open any backlink analytics tool  And type the domain that is related to your niche and generate a report.
Step 2: Go to the “Indexed Pages” tab and check the “broken pages” section. To find out all the dead links. These links will redirect the user to the “404 Not Found” page.
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Find dead links in 'Indexed Pages
Step 3: Click on the number to find out “How many sites are still linked with these dead links?”
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And look for the topics, where your content could become an ideal replacement for the dead link.
Step 4: Once you have found a topic where you can offer content from your website, then contact the website owner and offer your page as an alternative for the existing dead link. 
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This way you can create a win-win situation for both — The website owner has removed the broken link, and you have earned a genuine backlink from the website.
Use the Skyscraper Technique
This technique is quite simple if you are talented enough, in this method you have to out-do the tallest skyscraper. Didn’t get it?
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Skyscraper Technique
Basically what you are trying to do is that you first try to find out the most high ranking content, you can consider it as the tallest skyscraper right now, and then you have to create new content that is more valuable than the existing content.
This process has 3 steps : 
Step 1: Find content that ranks top and has a high number of backlinks
Step 2: Create content on the same topic with comprehensiveness, new information & research, & better visuals that adds more value to the readers than the existing content.
Step 3: Reach out to the website owners through email and offer them better & update content to earn a backlink. Your new content will replace the original content.
Brand Mentions are Opportunity to Build Backlinks
Search for “Unlinked Brand Mentions”!
Unlinked brand mentions are a lost opportunity for building backlinks. These are the places where websites have mentioned your name but haven’t created any link with your website. You can use monitoring tools like Brand24 or SEO tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush to find unlinked brand mentions.
There is a high possibility that you can convert these mentions into valuable backlinks, since the author has already mentioned you on their webpage(This is a clear indication that they like you), it is quite easy to acquire backlink from these authors to improve search rankings and authority of your website.
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By tracking and converting unlinked mentions into valuable backlinks, you can build a solid “link profile” and can increase the authority of your website in search engine results.
Leverage authoritative resource pages
A resource page is born to provide you a back link, Resource pages typically consist of a variety of valuable backlinks for a specific topic.  Resource pages are also referred to as pillar pages and they exist to link out to other websites.
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Sometimes resource pages can be tricky to find,  Because you have to search them on your own What you have to do is that you have to search a resource page, and you have to find that whether they are listing the websites of your competitors or not If they are listing all the websites of your competitor, then the chances are that they will list your website too.
 So reach out to them and ask them politely to add a link to our website along with the others. Here’s a template that might help you, communicate your message : 
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Reach out
Invest time in making “Ultimate Guides”
Long form content performs better when it comes to quality link building, compared to short articles. Here is a graph from hubspot that shows the relation between content length and backlinks : 
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Word Count Vs average Linking Domains
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werbooz · 2 months
Jio Users Facing AWS Downtime: What You Need To Know- AWS Connectivity Issues For Jio Users: Latest
Are Jio Users Experiencing An Amazon Web Services(AWS) Outage
Jio, a leading Indian telecommunications provider which offers mobile and broadband services, experienced huge connection difficulties on June 18, 2024.
There were widespread disruptions across the country. These disruptions significantly affected personal and professional activities.
There were widespread disruptions across the country that significantly affected personal and professional activities.
This blog delves into the specifics of the system failure, how it impacted Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kumo Space and what it means for Jio’s reputation as well as user experience.
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werbooz · 2 months
Everything You Need to Know About the Latest iOS 18 Enhancements
Ron Huang, VP of Sensing, announced new Siri updates aimed at enhancing user convenience and interaction.
Now, accessing Siri is simpler than ever. Users can respond to Siri with a nod or shake to indicate “yes” or “no” without speaking aloud. This feature is especially useful during calls, allowing for discreet and intuitive communication.
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Siri Interactions On AirPods
The new Siri update includes a feature where you can respond to calls using head gestures. For example, if someone calls you, Siri will announce in your AirPods, “You have an incoming call. Do you want to answer it?” If you nod your head to indicate “yes,” Siri will pick up the call. If you shake your head to indicate “no,” Siri will decline the call. This allows for hands-free and discreet call management, making it easier to respond to calls without needing to speak aloud.
These updates collectively enhance the hands-free and seamless experience of using Siri and AirPods Pro.
Siri now offers expanded functionality beyond basic queries, integrating seamlessly with various apps to provide comprehensive answers. For instance, asking, “What is the timing of my mother’s flight?” prompts Siri to connect with messaging or other relevant apps to retrieve real-time information. This enhanced capability enables Siri to fetch specific details from linked apps, offering users a more interactive and interconnected experience.
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werbooz · 2 months
Unlock New Possibilities: June 10th iOS Update Introduces Thrilling Innovations
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What are the new features in the updated IOS? What can we expect from this update? Would this be a historic moment concerning AI?
And many more questions!
We are here to provide you what the expectations and the present trends suggest about these updates. Let us move to this journey of this tech adventure!
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werbooz · 2 months
How Blockchain is Transforming Industries: Use Cases Beyond Cryptocurrency
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Blockchain technology isn’t just for cryptocurrencies!
Well, did you know that it has the capability of revolutionalizing a number of fields due to its popular features of being secure, transparent and decentralized? In finance blockchain technology it reduces the time it takes to make the transaction, and eliminates the need for the intermediaries. In terms of supply chains, it enhances the levels of the former by increasing the reality of the latter. How about healthcare? Blockchain enhances the protection of patient data leading to improved security of the data. Also, it fuels Decentralized applications and smart contracts, shifting the operation of companies and legal agreements. Imagine the possibilities! Here, a versatile technology expands industries’ horizons and showcases that it extends far beyond simple virtual currency.
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werbooz · 2 months
Node.js Vs Laravel: Choosing the Right Web Framework
Difference Between Laravel And Node.Js 
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Differences Between Laravel & Node
Node.js: Utilizes JavaScript, a versatile, high-level language that can be used for both client-side and server-side development. This makes the development easy. Laravel: Uses PHP, a server-side scripting language specifically designed for web development. PHP has a rich history and is widely used in traditional web applications.
Node.js: It does not enforce a specific architecture, allowing flexibility. Middleware architecture is generally used. Laravel: Adheres to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which promotes clear separation of demands and goals, which enhances maintainability and scalability.
Node.js: Acts as a runtime environment, enabling JavaScript to be executed on the server-side. It is commonly used with frameworks like Express.js. Laravel: A full-featured server-side framework that provides a robust structure and built-in tools for web development, including routing, authentication, and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).
Node.js: Node.js is lightweight and high-performance, using an efficient model to handle many tasks simultaneously, making it ideal for real-time apps and high user concurrency. Additionally, it allows developers to use JavaScript for both frontend and backend, streamlining the development process. Laravel: Laravel provides comprehensive built-in features, including Eloquent ORM, Blade templating, and powerful CLI tools to simplify tasks. It also emphasizes elegant syntax, making the codebase easy to read and maintain.
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werbooz · 2 months
Integrating AI into Web Development: Practical Applications and Benefits
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The world is changing regarding growing technology and innovation, and AI has become part of that change. Indeed, AI has helped people to aggrandize their institutions and also abnegate the old technology and working patterns. Web development in technology is one of the most popular subjects!
Will it be possible to incorporate AI in web development? And how far is it practical, with implementations and benefits involved?
Well, hold your alacrity! We will be discussing this in detail!
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werbooz · 2 months
How To Choose The Best Website Development Company?
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In today’s digital world, having an active online presence is very important. Especially for businesses, your website acts as the virtual hub for potential customers and plays a vital role in shaping your brand identity and generating revenue. Partnering with a website development company can enhance your website’s effectiveness, ensuring it meets modern standards and stands out in a competitive market. ⁤ 
The way your website is constructed and designed plays an important role for making a good impression on the customers. Therefore it’s very important to take help from top-notch web development companies, and make use of their web development services. Thus, it becomes essential to get help from excellent web development professionals who can ensure high performance and are proficient in the programming languages used in programming.
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werbooz · 2 months
Unlocking The Potential Of Your Logistics Business With Expert Web Development
Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Logistics WebApp
The old conventional ways of how logistic companies work could be clearer. Just imagine a world In which shippers waste hours of their time searching for a reliable forwarder or carrier. Once a forwarder finds a shipper, then comes round 2; now, in this step, both parties want to negotiate the rates; shippers are unaware of how much is the bare minimum, and forwarders are not aware of the shipper profile. Once the shipment is processed, the shipper still has to change the forwarders in order to receive updates on their shipments. Sadly, this is the Harsh reality for many businesses in today’s era. The process right now is manual time consuming and is extremely prone to errors.
It’s not a problem that we have a problem. It’s a problem if we don’t deal with the problem. In scenarios like this, starting a web logistics company could become a great way to capitalize on these increasing demands for web logistic services.
If you have a good understanding of how business works, then building an online web logistics platform for a logistics marketplace can definitely fill the gap and can connect shippers with carriers, freight forwarders, and warehousing providers. The logistics web solution that you will be providing could become a one-stop shop for all the web logistics needs and could offer solutions like :
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Benifits Of Logistics Software
A web development company can guide you through every step of building a logistics web app and freight marketplace platform, right from ideating and designing to the final deployment of your web solution.
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