#went to bed at 11:15. woke up at 12:15. went back to bed. woke up at 12:30. wokw up at 12:45. etc
#couldnt sleep last night. at all#had to wake up at 5:15 so i went to bed at a crisp 11:15#six hours is enough sleep for a ten hour shift right?#it doesnt matter. because i got MAYBE two hours#two NONCONSECUTIVE hours#went to bed at 11:15. woke up at 12:15. went back to bed. woke up at 12:30. wokw up at 12:45. etc#seriously it was almost exactly 15 minute intervals. for hours on end#and those fifteen minutes were not sleep#i closed my eyes for a bit. felt like hours had gone by. opened my eyes to find that only fifteen minutes had passed#finally at 4am i decided that i didnt want to keep trying to sleep#so i went on my phone for a bit and then took a shower before work#do you know how difficult showering is??????? do you??????? i xan barely do it on a good day#to be clear. i shower regularly and am always clean and hygienic. it's just difficult for me#but at 4:45am after almost no sleep i easily got myself out of bed and took a shower#what the fuck kind of witchcraft was that#im halfway through my ten hour shift and it's gone by so quickly. thank god#i was alone for the first 4.5 hours so my boss only made me run drive thru#and sunday is always chill. i got like five total customers#then two of my coworkers showed up and we had to open the entire store but whatever#took another adderall today which is probably helping. took two yesterday which probably caused this problem#but i dont care. i took a shower. im awake and feel alright. and time is going by quickly#thats all that i need in life#that and a better job
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antiwhores · 5 months
You accidentally had sex with Bakugou.
You two had fallen asleep in his room after a hang out. You were bestfriends but you had some underlining feelings for him. So when you woke up in the middle of the night to him cuddling you, you almost choked.
You needed to pee really bad so sadly you had to pry yourself out of his arms. When you came back his eyes were cracked open just barely. He mumbled something before opening his arms for you to join him again.
It was out of character, maybe tired Bakugou was just a touchy guy. It couldn’t be more than that.
So you joined him on the bed. You buried your face into his neck. You had to savor this cause most likely this’ll be the last time this happens. Also, you were too tired to freak out. You just wanted to fall asleep in his arms.
You can barely explain what happened after that. He hiked your leg onto him, still with his half open eyes, and thrusted right against your clothed pussy.
The next thing you know, he’s dry humping you. And then he’s fingering you. And finally he’s fucking you.
It felt good, too good.
But the morning after? You felt embarrassed. No way you just fucked him without even a first date. He’s gonna think you’re easy. He might even tell everyone that you are.
Of course, that would never happen but you were panicked. You couldn’t possibly comprehend that the great Dynamight chose you. You weren’t famous. Not a vogue model, a hero, or even wealthy. You had nothing to give him.
He had to be messing with you.
So you slipped out of his hold at 5am sharp and went home.
You fell back to sleep in tears and woke up to several texts and calls. Good thing you had your ringer off.
Bakugou - 6:34am
Where’d you go?
I was gonna make you breakfast dumbass
Bakugou - 6:52
Missed call - 7:00am
Bakugou - 7:30
Is this about last night?
I’ll wait for that call back so we can talk about it.
Missed call - 10:03am
Bakugou - 10:05
Call me and we can talk about it. This ignoring me isn’t gonna make it go away.
Missed call - 11:12
Missed call - 11:26
Missed call - 11-31
Bakugou - 11:40
Fucking call me back, this shit isn’t funny.
You’re so lucky I don’t know where you live yet. I’d be there in 15 minutes if I knew.
You debated calling him back. But your embarrassment and anger stopped you from letting him explain himself. How could he use your feelings against you like that! He probably knew that you liked him and wanted a quick fuck.
You started to cry all over again.
A week passed by with no contact. He sent you the occasional text telling you to talk to him but after the 6th day he seemed to give up. At least you thought that until he showed up at your door.
You opened the door wide without checking who it was since you were expecting a package. Your eyes widened when you noticed the blonde leaning against the doorframe, still in his hero costume. He must’ve just gotten off work, saving civilians and climbing the charts. It was another reminder of how he could never want you.
“You gonna let me in or am I-“
You tried to slam the door in his face but he shoved it back open easily. He let himself in, scanning the place.
“Nice place, ‘don’t see why you hadn’t invited me over.”
Maybe it’s because your small, cosy apartment didn’t compare to his high rise penthouse at the top floor.
You grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out. But he wasn’t having it and didn’t let you move him an inch.
“You need to leave, Bakugou.”
“Wow. Last name basis and I was inside you a week ago.”
“Yeah well that shouldn’t have happened.”
“Okay but it did so let’s fuckin’ talk about it.”
You just wanted him to leave before you bursted out in tears. You shook your head, trying to pull him harder but to no avail. Your lip quivered in frustration as tears welled up in your eyes.
Suddenly, he threw you over his shoulder and set you on the couch.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
You broke down in tears.
You told him everything, every assumption you made and every insecurity. You told him how you liked him but you knew he didn’t like you back. He sat there patiently, not speaking a word until you were done.
He got up with a blank face. You thought he was gonna leave at first but he kneeled down to be eye to eye with you.
“Wanna go on a date?”
It surprised you. It was the last thing he expected you to say.
“I’ll take you on a date and prove to you how much I want you. And for the record, I’ve probably liked you longer than you have me. When we met in that coffee shop I immediately knew you were the one I wanted. ‘S rude of you of you to make assumptions but I’ll let it pass if you go on a date with me.”
You agreed as he wiped off your tears. Who were you to say no?
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A Legacies Secret |10|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 3k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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You rolled your head to the side, groaning as you slowly came to. You tried lifting your hand to your head, but your arm got caught on something. You groaned again and slowly opened your eyes. Your eyes instantly snapped shut when they were met with a harsh light. You brought your other hand to your head, trying to cover your eyes and ease the pounding in your head. 
You heard a click and slowly brought your hand away, deciding to try opening your eyes again. You let out a sigh when you were met with a dark room. “You were hit pretty hard,” someone said. You tried placing the voice, but you couldn’t focus and thinking hurt too much. “You might be sensitive to light for a bit.” 
“What happened?” You rasped out. You blinked your eyes a few times, finally taking in the pale walls and lack of décor, not that you could judge, your place was rather empty. You ran your arms across what was beneath you, feeling the scratchy fabric, your bed was certainly softer than this one.
“You don’t remember?” A voice asked, one that sounded oddly like Sam. 
You winced as you turned your head, even the smallest movement seemed to make the pounding worse. When the pain eased back down to what it was when you woke up you opened your eyes, seeing Sam in the corner of the room. That’s when you realized the room you were in was similar to Tara’s, but this wasn’t Tara’s room, that meant you were in the hospital. 
“Why am I not dead?” You asked, easing yourself back down onto the pillow, sitting up was too much. 
“So, you do remember,” Sam said. 
You wanted to glare at Sam, but you could only manage a groan, though you were pretty sure it came out more like a whine. “I left Mindys after you all accused me of murder.” You closed your eyes trying to think back. “I called Tara.” Everything was just so fuzzy; it was like you were fighting with yourself to fill in gaps and give shadowy figures a form. “Then…” your eyes snapped open; your heart suddenly felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. “Ghostface,” you whispered. “Why am I still alive?” You asked again. 
“That’s a good question,” Judy said, opening the door, followed by Dewey. You winced when they let the door swing closed just a bit to loudly. “One I would love to get an answer to.” 
“Couldn’t wait five minutes,” someone snapped. You glanced to the other side of the room to see a woman you had only ever seen on the TV screen, Gale Weathers. “They literally just woke up.” 
“I have a case to solve,” Judy snapped, giving Gale her special passive aggressive smile. “Three attacks and one dead body, all within the last three days.” 
“Enough,” Dewey said tiredly, stepping between the two women. “Let’s focus on what’s actually important right now.” 
Gale and Judy, both gave each other tight lipped smiles before Judy turned her attention back to you. “How about you just tell me what happened,” she said, sounding much kinder than when she had stormed into the room. 
You let out a sigh, you had a feeling you’d be repeating yourself more than once. “I was at Chad and Mindy’s with everyone else,” you began to explain again. “After they all accused me of murder I left.” Judy wrote down stuff in her notepad, occasionally glancing up at you. “I went back to my place, intending to shower before coming back here.” 
“Then what happened?” 
You shrugged, explaining everything to Judy and trying to remember what happened was making the pounding in your head louder. “I went to the kitchen and then I heard a noise…” you closed your eyes, trying to make the memory clearer. “The door was open. I know I closed the door,” you whispered. “I went to check it out and…” 
“And that’s when Ghostface attacked?” 
“No,” you shook your head. 
“No?” Everyone in the room furrowed their brow. 
“He was already there,” you whispered. “I don’t know how or when but when I turned around, he was right there.” 
“Anything else?” Judy asked softly. 
You began to shake your head but stopped when something else came back to you. “Someone called me,” you furrowed your brow, you still didn’t know who. 
You shrugged. “I didn’t answer, didn’t recognize the number.” 
“Well, we can take your phone and trace the number. It’s a long shot but maybe-” 
“Don’t bother,” Gale said, interrupting the sheriff. 
“I know you’re a hot shot reporter, but this is how real police work is done.” Judy placed her hands on her hips, glaring sweetly at Gale. 
“I mean,” Gale snapped, before taking a deep breath to calm back down. “I know whose number it was. It was mine.” 
“You were calling her?” Sam asked, pointing at you. 
Now you were even more confused, you didn’t know why Gale Weathers would call you, you didn’t even know Gale Weathers. You weren’t sure how Gale would have even gotten your number, if she asked anyone for it then they could have just called you themselves. 
“How do you two know each other?” Judy asked, gesturing between you and Gale. Her eyes lingered on you for a split second, a new hint of suspicion in her gaze. 
“We don’t,” you said quickly. “Why would you call me?” You looked up at Gale. You tilted your head, everything you had heard about Gale was that she was a headstrong reporter and didn’t let anything get in her way. Gale was refusing to look directly at you, she wouldn’t even meet your eyes for half a second. 
“I got sent this,” Gale whispered, handing her phone over to Judy. 
Judy tapped the screen on the phone then whatever she saw made her eyes widen. She held the phone out for you to see it. You furrowed your brow at first, it was just a picture of a mailbox with a knife scratching the surface. Your eyes widened when you saw the name on the mailbox, it was your name, it was taken before Ghostface got in your apartment. 
“As soon as I realized you were in danger,” Gale whispered, flicking a glance at you but quickly dropped her eyes back to the floor. “I reacted, called you, called the sheriff,” she pointed at Judy. “And then we just raced our way to your place.” 
You continued to look at Gale, she still hadn’t fully answered the question, you were just as confused as before. “Why would Ghostface send you a picture like that?” Dewey asked. You felt better, looking around and seeing everyone just as confused as you were. 
Before Gale could explain herself, a ring erupted, making everyone in the room jump. You winced; you weren’t sure if the ringing was unnaturally loud or if your head just couldn’t handle it at the moment. You looked around, waiting for someone to answer their phone but as everyone pulled out their phone, they looked at it with furrowed brows. You saw Judy’s eyes land on something on the table beside you, when you followed her gaze, you saw your phone sitting there. 
You hesitantly picked up the phone, seeing ‘Unkown’ on the screen as the ringing continued. You sucked in a breath as you swiped your finger across the screen, quickly putting the call on speaker. 
“Hello?” you asked, holding your breath as you waited for the voice changer you knew would be on the other in. 
“Hello Y/N,” Ghostface’s voice crackled through the phone. “I’m sorry our time together got interrupted, I had so many plans for you.” You could practically hear Ghostface smiling on the other end. “Don’t worry, our fun is just getting started. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to congratulate a family reuniting.” 
“Family?” You scrunched your eyebrows, looking up to see everyone else with the same look, everyone besides Gale, Gale continued to stare down at the phone, tears beginning to fill her eyes. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
Ghostface let out what sounded like an exasperated sigh. “Guess we know why they asked you to step down deputy Dewey,” Ghostface let out a light chuckle. “You didn’t even know when your own wife was keeping secrets from you.” Dewey looked at Gale questioningly, but she refused to look at him or anyone else. 
“Okay that’s enough,” Gale snapped, snatching the phone from your hand. 
“Gale Weathers,” Ghostface sighed. It was hard to decipher with the voice changer, but it almost sounded like there was admiration in their voice. “I’m a big fan.” 
“Yeah? Wish I could say the same.” 
“I even followed in your footsteps,” Ghostface ignored Gale’s comment. “Found a story and dug and dug until finally, I found your daughter.” 
“Daughter?” Dewey asked. He barked out a laugh. “My wife doesn’t have a daughter.” 
“I probably wouldn’t acknowledge them either,” Ghostface sighed, as if they understood the struggles Dewey was going through. “I can’t imagine the disappointment when you look at them, knowing you’ve arrested them.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” you snapped. 
There was only another light chuckle on the other end before Ghostface hung up. “What the hell was that about?” Dewey asked, looking at Gale but she refused to look at him. 
“This is what Ghostface does,” Judy said, trying to calm everyone down. “He plays mind games; we all know this.” She was saying the words, but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone. 
“Why would Ghostface lie about this?” you asked, shaking your head. Attacking your abandonment issues was an obvious choice, you just didn’t know why Ghostface would imply you were related to Dewey and Gale, you didn’t even know Gale and Dewey was just the cop that arrested you, it didn’t make any sense.” 
“It’s not a lie,” Gale whispered. You snapped your eyes to her; she had her arms crossed and was looking down at the floor. 
“What?” Dewey asked, shaking his head. “It’s impossible!” 
“It was 1999,” Gale began. “We had just broken up,” she looked up at Dewey, tears filled her eyes but didn’t fall. “I had just moved to New York when I found out, had gotten my dream job.” 
Dewey shook his head. “No,” he whispered. “You would have told me.” 
“I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “I didn’t know how.” she shook her head; she moved her hand as if she was about to reach out to Dewey but dropped it. “We didn’t exactly end on good terms, I didn’t know what I was going to do, I thought about getting rid of it.” You felt a pang in your chest, you were barely processing what was being said but you certainly felt that. “But I couldn’t.” 
“You were on TV,” Dewey continued to shake his head. “I would have seen; I would have noticed.” 
“Sitting at a table with the right height, wearing the right clothes,” Gale said softly. “It wasn’t hard to hide.”  Tears filled Dewey’s own eyes; you were practically watching his heart shatter in front of you. “I knew I couldn’t raise a child, I would have been a terrible mother,” she finally glanced over at you. “And I didn’t know how to tell you,” she looked back at Dewey. “But I wanted you to be close, so I came back to town and...” 
“They said I was left at the hospital,” you whispered emotionlessly. 
“It’s a small town, I couldn’t risk anyone seeing me,” Gale said, you could see the guilt in her eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
“We were together,” Dewey whispered. “We lived here, we got married,” his voice slowly raised. 
“I couldn’t take back my choice, it was already done,” Gale shook her head. “No matter how much I wanted to.” 
“You were here the whole time,” you whispered. You weren’t even looking at Gale or Dewey anymore. You could only stare at the blank wall in front of you as your entire life flashed through your eyes, you were abandoned outside a hospital, you never knew your parents, and now, your parents had been in town while you were growing up, they had been married, they had been happy, and you had never been good enough for them. 
“If I could take it all back,” Gale’s voice cut through your internal spiraling. “I would, I-” 
Your eyes snapped to Gale. “Get out,” you said, your voice steadier than ever. 
“I’m sorry,” Gale’s tears began to fall. “I-” 
“Get the fuck out!” You were only vaguely aware of Dewey storming out of the room, slamming the door closed behind him. You didn’t care if it was because he actually decided to listen to you or he just needed time to himself. 
“I never wanted you to be dragged into this mess-” 
“Sheriff, can you kindly escort her the fuck out!” you didn’t mean to snap at Judy, you knew she had nothing to do with this. 
“Let’s go,” Judy said, stepping in front of Gale and blocking your line sight of her. “Now,” she pointed. Eventually, Gale listened and Judy followed her out of the room. 
You tried to blink away the tears that had begun to form, you couldn’t deal with all this shit right now, there were more important matters at hand. 
“Ar-are you okay?” Sam asked, breaking the silence. She had been so quiet you had actually forgotten she was there. You couldn’t help but let out a humorless chuckle. “Right, stupid question,” she mumbled to herself, you weren’t even sure why she was still there. 
There was a soft knock at the door, making you and Sam look up. “Hey,” Liv said, popping her head around the door as she cracked it open. “We wanted to check on you.” she opened the door the rest of the way so you could see she was followed by all of Tara’s friends. 
Your eyes lingered on Wes as he entered last, your mind going back to Ghostface’s call, when he had called Dewey deputy. Wes had also called Dewey deputy when they were going over suspects, but Dewey was the sheriff when all of you were growing up. You didn’t want to suspect Wes but couldn’t help it, it was beginning to make sense. Wes had a crush on Tara, you were dating Tara, so the best person to take out or make look guilty would be you. Wes’s mom was also the sheriff, Wes had access to things most people wouldn’t, he was also smart, Ghostface had said they followed Gale’s path and investigated, that’s how they learned about you. 
“How are you feeling?” Liv asked, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Been better,” you mumbled. 
“Did we miss something?’ Liv looked from you to Sam. 
“Yeah,” Amber chuckled. “Never thought I’d see the day Gale Weathers was escorted out of a building by Judy Hicks.” 
You tensed up at Gale’s name leaving Amber’s mouth. “What’s going on?” Liv asked again, she looked down at you worriedly, she probably could feel how tense you were. 
“Ghostface called,” Sam said softly. “And he revealed,” her eyes darted to you. “He-” 
“Gale fucking Weathers is my mother,” you cut her off, letting out a humorless chuckle. 
“What?” Liv asked, her eyes snapping to you. 
“A Dewey is...” you shook your head unable to finish the sentence. 
“Are you-How are you-I-” Liv couldn’t finish any of the sentences she started but you felt her give your shoulder a comforting squeeze. 
“Holy shit,” Mindy whispered. Her eyes were wide as she stared right at you. “Well, this just makes you even more of a suspect.” Your eyes snapped up to Mindy, glaring at her. 
“What the hell Mindy,” Liv snapped. 
“She’s the love interest of the first victim,” Mindy gestured to you. “Now we find out she’s also the daughter of not one but two of the legacy characters? Who she was abandoned by.” 
“Fuck you,” you said coldly. 
“I’m just saying, out of everyone with a motive-” 
“Read the fucking room,” Liv snapped. 
“Get the fuck out,” you said, continuing to glare at Mindy. 
Mindy opened her mouth to say something else, but before she could Chad grabbed her and pulled her out the door, Wes and Amber quickly following them. “I...” Liv whispered. “I’m sorry.” you looked up at her, your gaze softening. “I’m here, whatever you need.” 
“Thanks,” you whispered and attempted to give her a small smile. “I think I just want to be alone right now.” Liv nodded and gave your shoulder one more squeeze before making her way out of the room. 
You sat in silence for a few minutes, staring down at the cheap blanket over you. “What do you want Sam?” you asked. She was the only one who had yet to leave you. 
“I want you to stay away from Tara,” Sam said, her voice was soft but serious. Your head instantly snapped towards her. “You’re a target, just as much as me.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
“You’ll just put her in more danger.” 
You glared at her, ignoring the tears filling your eyes. “Fuck you,” you whispered, though it was much less harsh than anyone else you said it to. 
Sam gave you a sad smile and left without another word, gently closing the door behind her. You tried blinking away the tears, but they fell anyway. Sam’s words replayed in your mind, you knew she was right, you were the reason Tara got attacked. Tara would be much safer without you around; you would only hurt her in the long run. Maybe if you had never gotten to know Tara Ghostface wouldn’t have attacked her, maybe they would have only targeted you. You knew that was illogical considering her sister was the daughter of Billy Loomis, but you still couldn’t help but wonder how much better Tara’s life would be without you in it. 
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luvrdrop · 3 months
ft. ran haitani x afab reader! ( father’s day special. )
synop: you and ran, are co-parents, parenting one babygirl named saiyana. you let saiyana spend the day with ran for father’s day but when you go and pick her up, plans seem to change.
cont: no established relationship, rough sex, ran basically seducing the fuck outta you loll , tipsy driving, tipsy sex , cursing , unprotected sex , fingering , oral ( f. receiving! ) , no clear aftercare! , hair pulling, petnames - baby, sweetheart, pretty thing , good girl lmk if i forgot anything!!
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it was currently 11:35 am, you woke up to the tapping and shaking of little hands and the soft call of your daughter. “ mama, mama! we have to get ready. “ saiyana repeats. you open your eyes to your babygirl pouting, you smile softly placing your arms around her holding her in your embrace. “ good morning, yana. “ she hugs you back uttering a sweet greeting. “ good morning mama! “ your eyes shifted to the clock, it was time to get up and get ready. today was father’s day, ran haitani, your ex-boyfriend and father of saiyana was supposed to be coming to pick her up around 12:45 pm.
you lifted your daughter up, while lifting your own body off of the bed slipping on your brown fuzzy slippers. “ you ready to go with papa? “ you asked, pressing your forehead against your daughters while she played with your necklace. “ yes mama “ she chirped. you carried her to the bathroom , standing her on her stepping stool, brushing her teeth and washing her face doing the same thing for yourself. “ what do you want for breakfast, hun? “ you asked while wiping her face with the warm face towel. “ hm.. pancakes!! “ she squealed. your daughter always favored pancakes over any other breakfast dish. “ okay, cmon sweetie. “ you held her hand, helping her down from the stool, leading her to the kitchen.
after around 15 minutes , the pancakes and fruits you had placed on her plate where almost finished. at this point it was almost 12 pm and you still had to dress her and put some actual clothes on, speaking that you only had on some shorts and a tshirt. “ mama i’m all done. “ she had ate all her fruit and only had a few crumbs of her pancakes left. “ okay, you can go pick out your outfit sweetheart. mama’ll come help you get dressed in a few minutes, kay? “ you went a wiped her face and hands with a napkin, she hopped down from the chair and ran to go pick out her cute little outfit.
you laughed before scraping the remainder of food in the trash and placing the dishes in the dishwasher. you turned to the sink and washed your hands, shifting your head once you hear your cell phone ring. “ i wonder who that is.. “ you dried your hands, quickly walking back to your bedroom to grab your phone, picking it up without looking at the name in fear of it sending the caller to voicemail. “ hello? “ you said softly into the phone. “ good morning, darling. “ you hear a familiar voice on the other end. it was ran. “ you two pretty girls awake? ” you turned on your heels, heading back into saiyana’s room seeing the outfit she had picked out, she was actually getting better, before she would pick out costumes and tutus to wear but now she’s picking out cute jean shorts and shirts with shoes to match.
you smiled and answered ran, “ yes, ran. we’re up, she’s already had breakfast, she’s picking out her outfit now. yana, here’s your papa. you remember what i said? “ you whisper the last part to her, and she giggles before you placed the phone on speaker and sitting it on the bed so you can start dressing saiyana. “ hi papa, happy father’s day!! “ she said perfectly just like you asked her to say it. “ aw, thank you sweetheart. thank you so much. i’ll be there to pick you up soon. okay? “ he said sweetly over the phone. you never really understood why you and ran left each other, it just seemed like the right thing to do. he was so busy and you didn’t work as much, but you can’t lie you ended up missing him. it’d take a hell of shit to get you to admit that though. “ okie! byebye papa!! “ she said to him and the phone clicked off.
after saiyana was dressed, you combed through her hair softly while she watched tv, some cute little pony show she liked. you glanced at it, it was pretty interesting. “ all done, you look so pretty, yana. “ she smiled and replied with a small “ thank you mama “ you were so proud of her, she was so well mannered even without you reminding her. you heard knocks at the door, saiyana’s eyes widened and you did the same, to be playful with her. “ i think that’s papa! cmon “ she hopped off her bed and ran to the living room, you went and opened the door revealing who was on the other side.
“ hi papa!! “ saiyana ran up to ran and hugged him and he held up effortlessly. “ hi sweetheart. i missed you. “ he kissed her cheek, closing the door behind him. “ happy father’s day , ran. “ you said to him, your heart warming at the sight of your daughter seeing her dad for the first time in a while, he was away on a business trip before this. “ thank you, darling. “ he turned to face you, his hair was down and he was dressed casually, a white shirt and sweater over it. “ i see you let your hair grow back out. “ you acknowledged referring back to a few months ago when he had cut his hair shorter. “ yeah, i didn’t feel like going to get it cut again. i think i like it longer, what do you think, sweetie? you think papa looks better with long hair? “ he looked at her as she played in his hair. “ yep! it’s super long, i want my hair long like papas! “ she exclaims. “ well i won’t cut it hun. “ you reassured her that if she wanted her hair long she wouldn’t cut it. ran chuckled, before looking at her. “ sweetheart you do have to get trims regularly, that’s the only way you’ll have healthy and long hair. “ he explains , pretending to trim her hair with his fingers. saiyana nods, before laying her head on his shoulder.
“ i’ll come pick her up around 9:30? “ you ask tilting her head. “ any time is fine, love. “ he says. “ okay, i’ll call when i’m on the way. “ you noticed how he kept calling you cute little nicknames. “ alright, sweetie. tell mama bye and give her a kiss. “ he leans her in to you and she wraps her arms around you, kissing your cheek. “ byebye mama, i love you! “ she gave you a pretty smile, “ mama loves you more, i’ll pick you up later. “ you kissed her forehead. “ see you later, darling. “ ran said sweetly. “ byebye, ran. “ you closed the door behind them.
you locked the door and headed back to your room, laying back in the bed. you wondered if maybe ran was having the same thoughts as you, like the whole break up was nonsense. you used to argue a little bit, but it was never nothing serious. never any disloyalty. your family back home, loved him. there was quite frankly, no reason to separate. you just felt like he was always so busy, and it kinda lead you to feel as though he didn’t want the relationship anymore. he did try to reassure you that it wasn’t that, but you guess it was in your best interest to ask if breaking up was best. him being the person he is, never wanting to hold someone where they aren’t happy.. he let you go.
you were in your head so much you didn’t even realize that you fell asleep, you woke up to your phone ringing. you jumped before closing your eyes again, grabbing the phone and putting it to your ear without looking at the caller. a bad habit you had at this point. “ hello? “ you answered very sluggish sounding. “ y/n? are you sleeping? i thought you were coming over here! “ you hear your friend hina on the other end, “ huh.. what hina? “ you groan out of exhaustion. “ y/n. you told me yesterday that you’d come hang with me and emma while the boys were out for father’s day. you said you’d be here at 3, it’s 3:40! “ hina squealed, making you sit up and look the clock. “ shit- my bad i’m on my way. “
you sat up and went to go get ready, putting on some black tights and a tank top, throwing your everyday jacket over it. double checking to make sure you grabbed the little things you were taking you walked out and locked your door behind you. normally you would have walked to hina’s but you had plans to go pick up saiyana after this so you just drove. it took you around 6 minutes to get to hina’s. you hopped out of the car, locking it and knocking on the door. emma was the one to open it and greet you.
“ hi y/n! “ emma hugged you, squeezing you. you hugged her back, “ hi emma, so the boys are gone? “ you questioned, the house being unusually quiet. “ yep. they left about 10 minutes before you got here, “ you nodded. “ saiyana is with ran, i’m guessing? “ emma asked out of curiosity, “ yeah , he came and picked her up from the house earlier. “ you explained before you realized both emma & hina were side-eyeing you. “ what… “ you genuinely were confused on why they were looking at you like that, taking a sip of the drink hina passed you as you sat in between the two.
“ you really don’t want to talk to him about it at least? “ emma asked once again. “ no.. i mean.. i don’t know? “ you were feeling uneasy with the questions. “ you do know!! either you miss him or not. “ hina poked your shoulder. “ i mean i do.. but it just didn’t work out.. i don’t know why “ you shrugged your shoulders , looking at both of them. “ my point! you don’t know why, which means that you don’t have a reason not to try again. “ you sighed, they went on and on about how you two should hash it out like grown ups and talk about why the two of you broke up. you looked at them once again, “ if i agree to talk to him about it, will you two zip it? “ you took another sip of your drink, “ yes! “ they shouted in unison. “ fine, fine. i’ll bring it up. “ rolling your eyes, you finished the drink.
after around 3-4 hours, it was time to go pick up saiyana. and you knew this because the sky was getting darker and you felt the tingling of the few cans flowing through you and you wanted to make the trip before you got too wasted. you said your goodbye’s to emma and hina before hopping in your car and heading into the city to make it to ran’s house. you couldn’t lie your head was spinning, you were nervous to say the least. ran probably had a girlfriend by now, it had been 8 months since you and him called it quits on your relationship. you didn’t have any idea on how to bring it up, or how to go about it. you were on the highway, trying not to speed. you realized you were around 10 minutes away so you decided to call ran, the phone rung.. once.. twice. and then there he was.
“ hi darling, what’s up? “ the way the words had rolled off his tongue had you feeling a bit hot, but then that could have just been the tipsy mindset you had. “ ran.. i- uhm.. i’m on my way to your house. “ you tried not to sound too.. off. but you were far too late, ran noticed the weariness in your voice. “ okay, you alright? you don’t sound too good. “ he said, voice going deeper than usual. you had to get him off the phone or you were going to lose it right there. you adjusted yourself in your seat. “ yeah- i’m fine.. we’ll talk when i get there. “ you said quickly, “ i’ll see you then. “ you hung up after a few seconds. you sped up until you reached the street of ran’s home, carefully pulling into the drive way. “ i can’t believe i’m doing this shit.. fuck. “ you cursed to yourself. deciding that time was only gonna kill you, you hopped out of the car and walked up the walk way, knocking on the door once you reached it.
ran opened the door, looking down at you as soon as he did so. “ darling, come on in. “ he moved over slightly , letting you in. you walked in , uttering a small “ hi, ran. “ you walked in not hearing anything so you already knew that saiyana was asleep. “ i’ll go get her from upstairs.. but before i do that, are you sure you’re alright, love? you sounded troubled over the phone. “ ran moved a bit closer to you, looking deep into your eyes. “ oh yeah- i actually wanted to see if we could talk about something.. i just.. “ you were tailing off, a loss for words and he picked you up right where you lost it. “ of course. come sit with me. “ he lead you to follow him to sit on the couch next to him. once you looked more comfortable, he asked. “ what’s on your mind love? “
after 30 minutes of talking about how “ neither of you did anything wrong” , you found yourself layed over ran, lips crashing against each other, your hands find their way in his hair while his found the familiar curves of your body, caressing them in ways he says he missed so much. “ missed your lips.. you’re so sweet baby. “ he whispered to you, squeezing the flesh of your ass through the thin material of the tights you wore. “ ran.. want you.. please. “ you whined, body aching to be touched at least a little bit. “ he lifted you up, taking you to his bedroom.
once you both entered the room and the door was shut, he layed you on your back, kissing you once again. you can hear him groaning through the kiss, the tent in his pants pressed against your sopping midpoint. your hand reached down to feel it, until he gripped your wrist. “ not yet, pretty thing. be patient, i want to show you how much i missed you. “ he moved down to your neck, sucking and kissing onto your soft spots. you started to let out moans and quiet whimpers, in need of more which he promised to deliver. he removed your top layers of clothing, while you helped him remove his own. he moved lower, cupping your breasts and placing his mouth around the nipple, the right one first. he used his fingers on the left, pinching and twisting it while his mouth sucked and nibbled on the current, he switched once he was satisfied, moving even lower, sliding down your pants and panties.. “ sweetheart.. you gonna let me see? open em f’me.. “ he basically pleaded while opening your legs, bending them and pressing them against your chest. “ hold em for daddy.. can you do that, hm? “ he whispered.. “ answer me, pretty. you know what to say.. “ he reminded you of how he liked to be addressed.
“ yes daddy.. oh- fuck.. “ you stammered out.. feeling a fat glob of his spit fall on your sensitive clit, he went down and sucked it up, licking all over your pussy, making your legs tense and close up, “ mmh, r- daddy.. please oh fuck!!! “ you squealed. ran wasted no time in spanking your ass from beneath you, “ shut it.. don’t you wake my baby up.. “ he warns you, ran was always meaner during sex. he never meant any harm. one of his hands slid up and wrapped around your throat as he sucked and nibbled on your already swollen clit. his finger found it’s way into your mouth and you lapped at his middle and ring finger getting them all wet. once he felt it was good enough, he brought them down and pushed them into your aching hole. “ d-daddy.. wait, i- “ you quivered, legs shaking. “ shhh.. shut up. i need you prepped before i fuck you.. you don’t wanna hurt do you, baby? hm? answer daddy.. “ you shook your head , saying “ no.. i don’t wanna- ah! “ he moved his fingers faster, pressing his tongue flat against your clit. once you started to squeeze his digits, he pulled both his fingers and tongue away. a long string of slick connecting both of them. “ you’re still as wet as ever for me.. such a good girl.. “
“ you ready, pretty thing? “ he was lining the tip of his cock with your opening, “ you know what to say if you want me to stop? “ you nod and heave out, “ yes daddy.. i want it.. “ he smirks before pushing it in , watching you gasp and take in the stretch. “ shh.. it’s okay.. “ he coos at you.. once he’s in until the hilt, he pulls out and pushes back in at a even speed, but he makes sure you take the whole thing, and he means the whole thing. by this point, you’re pressing against his abdomen, and he’s gripping your wrist. “ nuh uh, stop pushing me, love.. you can take it.. take it, baby.. such a pretty girl.. “ he has your eyes rolling back, when he starts to go faster, the tip of his dick hitting your insides just right. “ shit... daddy.. “ you whine out, he knows you like it. he won’t stop until he’s fuck a load deep into you.. his thumb has made it’s way to your clit, rubbing it backs and forth, you’re shaking and on the verge of cumming. “ daddy- i’m.. oh god i’m cumming!! “ you feel his body detach from yours, “ no, not yet. “ he rubs your stomach to soothe you from the fallen orgasm you couldn’t reach just yet.. “ please.. daddy please.. i wanna cum.. “ you beg.
now, he’s behind you and your back is arched, he pushes in, hands placed on your back to balance himself, “ oh fuck.. baby you feel amazing… “ ran grunts out. your mouth is open, at the feeling of his cock so deep in your tummy. you lay your head on the mattress. you’re letting out a river of curses as he begins to go at a fast pace, you’re crying and drooling at the feeling, completely fucked out. it doesn’t take long for him to hit that spot again that has his cock twitching inside you. “ daddy’s gonna cum.. cum in you and get you pregnant all over again, hm? you want that? “ he’s grabbing your hair, pulling your head upward. “ yes- yesyesyes daddy… wantyoutofuckmefull.. oh god!! “ you still haven’t came yet, but you’re really close.. “ can i cum.. please daddy let me cum.. “ you scream, he hisses spanking you once again, “ i told you not to wake my baby.. cum, cum for me. “ once he gives you permission, you’re gushing all over him, and his hot seed is spilling out from the sides of your cunt..
after cleaning you up and getting you nice and comfortable, you and ran lay down falling asleep in each others arms. maybe emma and hina were right about it , there was no excuse not to try again. <3
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kai:3 - hiii this is my debut fic & father’s day special!! i had a ask for this but i read it completely wronggg and didn’t respond do it correctly!! so sorry to whoever that sweet soul was i hope this is good!! but any requests can still be sent!!
( not proofread! )
©️luvrdrop <3 reblogs are appreciated!!
383 notes · View notes
jiminjamms · 10 months
sex therapy :: 23. homewrecker
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chapter tags/warnings: naoya has sex with toji’s older ex-wife. misogynistic! naoya. age gap. exhibitionism. creampies. masturbation. infidelity/adultery. family drama. strong language. plain manipulation. corruption. 
word count: 3.8k
notes: a longer chapter, but i had became so enraptured in the writing process hence the quick turnaround! given the thanksgiving weekend in the united states, i want to thank all my readers for being so invested my story! likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Naoya Zenin had no qualms in calling himself the Master of the Universe.
He had everything he wanted in this world.
Money? Check. Power? Check. Fame? Also check.
Mind you, Naoya had to work hard to get into this position too. He didn’t just sit around on the couch all day waiting for opportunities to come flying his way. He had to be proactive. He had some tough decisions to make. Like how he had to choose between spending the weekend on a golf course or a ski resort. Or if he should pull up to the next board meeting with a Patek Phillipe or a Rolex. Nothing in his sad and poor life came easy when he only grew up as a spare heir, always living in the shadow of his once almighty cousin.
Which was why nothing could fuel his ego more than watching Toji's ex-wife ride his dick like this was some fucking rodeo.
"Naoya, baby," Mari whined, flushed as she ground down hard on his cock, her pussy squeezing him to the point his sight became spotted with stars. "I'm so close."
“Yeah?" Naoya managed to croak. His voice was hoarse; he longer recognized himself. He could only feel how his cock was splitting his mistress open, and with one long groan, he sank his face into her fat tits that were like clouds against his skin, his heavy balls slapping against her ass cheeks with each thrust up. "Gonna make a mess over my cock?”
She nodded confidently. “Mhm…We’re going to leave the sheets covered with cum.”
“Fuck, yeah.”
Sighing, the woman leaned forward with her palm holding the headboard’s edge for dear life while the other groped her own breast to keep her bosom from moving wildly.
“Don’t stop,” she mewled.
But shit, Naoya knew he was going crazy at this fantastically sexy sight. With this goddess before him, his mind and body wanted to go all in. No holds barred. He wanted nothing but to stuff this celestial being full of his cum, making sure her cunt would be aching when she woke up. 
The Zenin CEO moaned at his lewd ideas, the mattress beneath them rocking back and forth from their combined forceful movements. Damn, he knew he should've booked a hotel room at the Ritz Carlton rather than at some InterContinental, where he knew (from experience) that the beds were sturdier and wouldn't be such an annoying mid-sex turnoff. 
"I'm cumming!" Mari shouted in the midst of Naoya's haze, and his mind placed a screeching halt in his thoughts to focus solely on how her walls now squeezed around his cock, contracting around him in waves. 
She might be twenty years older, but goddamn, did she still have that grip.
Naoya’s climax didn’t take long to follow. The way his mistress's hot body crumpled against him as she wailed out his name repeatedly was simply too much, his own breaths dissolving into a strangled moan as his orgasm consumed him. “Holy fuck.”
In one white flash, Naoya's vision went blank. Hot semen shot from his tip in intense bursts as Naoya plunged himself completely into one of the tightest cunts he'd ever fucked. (And yes, he had enough girlfriends and one-night stands to make this conclusion. Don’t be silly to assume he didn't have experience.)
He panted hard, trying to catch his breath as Mari rolled over into the spot next to him, leaving their sweaty forms tangled in bed. As his heart slowed down from its marathon, he puffed his cheeks out and exhaled. 
He hadn’t gotten his dick twisted like that in a while, and to award the star of tonight’s show, he faced his lover and pressed a kiss against her forehead. 
“Drained my balls completely empty,” he hummed in sheer amazement, pulling the sheets to cover their naked bodies. If they hadn’t gone for four whole rounds already, he would have hauled her into another episode of intense thrusting and moaning, perhaps slamming into her by those windows for the entire Tokyo area to see.
Giggling, the older woman slipped off the bed. She trailed toward the vanity mirror to re-apply her lipstick for what must be the millionth occasion. Not that Naoya was complaining because he had a thing for women with that cherry red on, and every time Mari went smacking her painted lips together, Naoya would find a way to get all that off.
All Naoya could picture in his head was how much he wanted to watch her suck him off again and see her print lipstick stains on his dick, from the base to the tip.
Well, fuck. 
He’s getting hard again.
To distract himself, he tossed over to the side, propping an elbow on a pillow and resting his chin on his palm. This gave him the perfect angle to watch his hot girlfriend while hiding the boner between his legs. A genius move.
Then, he thought aloud, “I don’t know what I would have done without those nudes that you’ve been sending me over these past several weeks.”
She purred, flattered. “Liked them?”
Naoya had to correct her.
“Loved them.” Recalling the slew of dirty photos that he had received over text made his eyes roll to the back of his head. “I would bring my phone to the bathroom just so I could beat off to your pictures in the shower. Even came on my screen once because I couldn’t hold myself back a moment longer.”
Mari grinned from ear to ear from the compliment, staring into the mirror to wipe away a misplaced smear. “So, you really missed me.”
Naoya nodded in acknowledgment, reaching for his unfinished glass of Rémy Martin that had been left on the bedside table. “Most certainly, I did.”
“Of course.” Through her reflection in the mirror, he saw her scarlet lips pucker into a pout. “We haven’t been together in weeks since you are always busy and all.” 
Despite her leveled tone, the bitter twinge caught Naoya off guard. 
Did Mari think he did not care for her anymore after everything that he had done just this night alone? It was not like he had intentionally avoided her in recent weeks. Naoya had made himself extremely clear in the past that he had a company to run, a marriage to tend to, and a father to please. 
Especially that last bit. 
Naobito Zenin had been on Naoya’s ass on what seemed like everything lately: ‘financial forecasts’ this and ‘earnings call’ that. The Chairman had been chasing him on whether he had been planning for his upcoming strategy discussion with the board, consulting with other C-suite members about new firm initiatives, and speaking with Daisuke (your father) about recent company operations. Immensely annoying. His very own father should at least have some sympathy, knowing that Naoya—unlike his older cousin—did not grow up with a business mindset drilled into his head. 
With the family patriarch also now aware of his son’s extramarital affair, Naoya must especially tiptoe around every interaction that involved his mistress.
After all, Naobito might have been turning a blind eye ever since discovering those scandalous paparazzi photos online, but he was no fool to ignore his son’s funny business, especially if this would jeopardize the Zenin Corporation’s success and the proud family’s reputation. In their most recent meeting, the older Zenin had reiterated that if there was any evidence that his son’s affair may imperil the company’s bottom line, there would be ‘severe consequences’—and in these matters with his own father, Naoya understood that no punishment was off the table. 
“So,” Mari pressed, noticing the blond’s silence, “when are we going to see each other again?” 
Meanwhile, the woman before him was absolutely oblivious to everything that had been going on ever since Naoya rushed back to Japan from Mexico. 
He would take the blame, too.
Naoya intentionally did not mention how his father discovered their scandal’s photos, to lessen Mari's worry. Turned out the decision bit him in the ass, given how the woman narrowed her gaze in suspicion.
With the glass of cognac now trapped between his teeth, he took a slow sip that burned down his throat like spiced liquid fire. The warm residue, a testimony to the drink’s potency, pulsed through his veins like a slow-burning hearth as he sat up slowly.
“As soon as I can.”
She surprised him with her fast response. “Why not this weekend? We were supposed to go to your lakehouse in Switzerland soon, remember?” she pointed out, and Naoya had to conclude that she could not possibly be serious given that the European country called for a ten-plus hour flight from Tokyo, even with his Gulfstream. 
“That, I cannot do,” he replied, his tone firm.
If he went missing again, his father would be livid. 
“Why not?” an unaware Mari asked while walking over to the bed again and seated her naked form along the edge. “Trying to make time for your wife again?”
Interesting that she assumed you had a role in this. Frankly, Naoya had not thought about you the entire night, seeing you last as a sobbing mess in the penthouse.
As your husband, he should feel a teensy bit bad about cursing you off, but he had never been the one to chew on an emotion that did not serve him, so he quickly let that guilt go. This whole thing was your fault, anyway. Purposely poking around in his business, and then letting him have his way with you despite how obviously little he could care. As far as he can tell, he left you huddled up in an adorable little ball on the floor, sulking and crying over how badly you fucked up. 
That should teach you a lesson.
Perhaps Naoya would like to see a little backbone in you, but if that meant you may grow even more testy when around him, then he would rather not.
With his tongue running over his lower lip, he placed his glass atop the oak table again. “About my schedule,” he began, “no, my wife doesn’t have to do with anything.”
“Good!” Mari huffed with finality, his answer giving her the green light to crawl across the mattress and push the covers off Naoya. She straddled him perfectly, allowing his latest load to trickle out slowly from her cunt and onto his thighs. “That’s what I thought, that you two were over had your marriage certificate not existed. Besides, what was that you had texted me?” she continued as if she wasn’t pressing her slicked pussy against his semi-hard cock. “That your wife had been cheating on you for who knows how long.” 
He nodded. “Pretty much.”
“Disgusting,” the older woman spat, rolling her eyes at your audacity. “So, she’s a spoiled brat and a two-timer. For someone from her noble background, your wife is one dumb and cheap whore.”
Quite an ironic statement given who was talking, but Naoya kept his mouth shut at the thought. Rather, his hands kneaded his mistress’s fat butt, which at least helped him keep his mind away from things he didn’t want to think about. 
“Yeah, she sure is a slut,” he agreed.
Naoya sent a convincing smile in between his words, and he could practically see Mari’s face light up from his validation. 
“See! Exactly!” she exclaimed. “That bitch never lived a hard day in her life and is already blessed with everything the world can possibly give her—wealth, respect, a good last name. Yet, she dares to act like she has nothing?!” Enraged, she threw her hands into the air from frustration. “Might as well just leave someone as entitled as her! Filing a divorce is simpler than you think, speaking from my own experience. Once the whole world understands that she’s a nobody unmatched by you, everyone would support your decision, right?” Wrong. His father surely would not. But to satiate his own curiosity, he let her continue. “Not to mention, baby, people would respect you more as a businessman without your current wife.” Wrong again. 
His hands might be tracing another woman’s curves, but Naoya understood that he needed you if he hoped to ascertain his ascendancy in the company. That was why his father, with his life’s many decades, easily recognized this necessary union and had pressed for this marital arrangement.
To the Zenin family, you were the perfect addition. 
Descending from a line of honorable financiers, you not only had the right connections to the upper echelon since birth but also were the daughter of the Zenin Corporation’s Chief Operating Officer. Yet, most importantly, you were incredibly elegant, classy, and admired, exactly the person people would want to be associated with if they wanted to clear their public images and tarnished pasts…and exactly the impeccable character that Naoya needed by his side.
His marriage to you served him as not a bond forged upon mutual love, but rather a calculated decision to leverage your virtuosity as a cloak—or moreso, a distraction. With the public adoring you, Naoya could confidently hide his lack of competence and credentials behind your flawless paragon. Goddamnit. He fucking hated how he relied on you more than you depended on him (albeit you might not realize this), but until his father kicked the bucket, what could Naoya realistically do?  
Therefore, dissolving this shrewd alliance between him and you would be detrimental not only to two distinguished bloodlines but also to Naoya in particular.
He already skirted around being shown out the door once.
Given Naobito's recent stringency, there was no room for Naoya to make another mistake again.
But rather than dealing with an upset Mari if he chose to reveal these facts, Naoya instead patted her head with encouragement and brushed her brown locks. “That’s my smart girl,” he praised, tilting his head forward to express his agreement. 
Flustered at the commendation, she went on without much thought. “I’m so glad you agree with me, baby. That’s just…That is a thought that has been on my mind for a while, but,” and she paused briefly to formulate her next words carefully, “I mean, I only want the best for you. Naturally. So, maybe there are better people to spend your money on and life with.”
Now, Naoya would admit that he can be shortsighted at points, but he was not that stupid to realize that she was alluding to herself. 
“I appreciate you for thinking about me,” he still said, because he must stay on her good side if he hoped for a comprehensive answer to his following question, “By the way, do you know any new rumors going around about Toji?”
The said man’s ex-wife perked up visibly at the question. Even though she was busy plotting your downfall a moment ago, the mention of Toji inveigled her such that she would push all her other thoughts aside. 
Although Mari had presented divorce papers to her then-husband earlier this year, Naoya continued to allow—in fact, encouraged—Mari to still visit Toji on the occasion. He didn't give two hoots that his mistress was getting railed by his cousin if that meant that she came back with fresh dirt about him, allowing Naoya to indulge in his custom-tailored version of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
“I had an appointment with him yesterday." Using her fingers, Mari combed through her dark strands. “Crazy that you used to work with him and his stupid little entourage, right?"
“That is crazy.” Had he not been reminded, Naoya would have nearly forgotten that he used to work as a sex therapist too up until earlier this year. In that office was where he befriended the then-Mari Fushiguro, although he had known her years prior as an in-law. Naoya only terminated his position after his father finally decided to hand his only son (rather than his nephew) the CEO and heir apparent titles. “To think that now I oversee a large conglomerate,” he stated proudly, “so unlike everyone else, I have matured and am off to better things.”
"Funny for you to say that,” the woman resumed, now twirling her hair out of habit. “Do you remember your office in the middle of their hallway? Only recently did I realize someone scratched out your name from the door’s plaque. Don’t even know who did that.”
What pettiness.
What was this?
Middle school?
Were the other therapists that butt hurt when Naoya turned against them to propel himself toward his well-deserved future as the Zenin Corporation’s heir? “Choso probably did that. He is the type to hold grudges and act upon them.” 
Even if he has to kill, Naoya mentally added from what he recalled about his former co-worker but preferred to keep that morbid possibility to himself.
“That makes sense. I never liked Choso anyway. He will talk shit about you to your face,” Mari declared, which launched her into a soliloquy about her grievances regarding the other therapists that Naoya used to work with. “Meanwhile, Geto smiles too much. Creeps me out.” Agreed. “Sukuna is overly cocky.” True. “Then, Toji,” and this is the part that Naoya really wanted to hear about, “has been distancing himself from me these days.”
Why, this was not the news that Naoya hoped for. 
Rather than soaking in joy from hearing about Toji’s demise, Naoya instead felt his stomach drop from a sinking dread.
While he found some sick gratification in pleasing his cousin's past partner both emotionally and sexually, the more important reason he needed this MILF in his life was to monitor his estranged cousin’s moves from afar.
She was merely the perfect spy.
What better source of intel was there in this world besides Toji’s former spouse, who simply walked up to Naoya and offered her espionage services the day she learned that her then-husband was no longer set to inherit the Zenin thone? All that she asked in return was a little money and a little physical attention, which was easy for Naoya to throw at her.
After rightfully (and he must place emphasis on that last word) taking back what he was entitled to, Naoya was positive that Toji had a target placed on his back. Therefore, Naoya needed Mari's updates on Toji and Co. to protect himself, to protect his position, and to protect the status quo that he had worked so hard for.
If Toji stopped talking to Mari completely, how else would Naoya keep his threats under watch?
“Do you have ideas on why Toji is giving you the cold shoulder?”
Pressing her bare chest to Naoya’s toned ones, Mari stopped briefly in contemplation but ultimately shrugged. “Do you think he’s getting suspicious? That he realized I left him for his younger cousin Naoya?”
“No,” the said man denied vehemently. “That cannot possibly be.”
Naoya had been extremely careful in keeping his extramarital relationship as discreet as possible. For example, the moment he learned about those photos of him and his mistress en route to Mexico, he immediately called every publisher to have them take the pictures down, no matter the monetary cost.
He made sure to leave no crumbs along his trail and refused to believe in the contrary. “Any other reasons you can think of?”
With Naoya not reciprocating her libido, Mari started to appear visibly annoyed. “Maybe he’s moved on," she suggested, answers curt. "Maybe he'd found another person.”
If Naoya thought the first hypothesis was alarming enough, this second explanation definitely took the cake. 
At least, if Toji had truly gotten suspicious about Mari’s affiliation with the current Zenin successor, Naoya somewhat had some control over that situation. Divert the paparazzi. Create cover-up stories. Bribe more publishers. Find each and every way possible to take the spotlight off him and his secret affair.
On the other hand, there was not much Naoya could do if Toji no longer found interest in his ex-wife.
Well, that wasn't quite good.
How could Naoya play his next move?
Or had Toji been playing him all along?
Naoya needed to strategize. C'mon, he was the fucking CEO of the fucking Zenin Corporation. He had done strategizing plenty of times before, so why was his mind suddenly going blank on what to do next?
“Who has Toji taken interest in?” Naoya found himself asking, desperate for information.
“Beats me.” Mari guided his hands to trace her curves, cupping her breasts with Naoya's palms to urge him to massage the rounded mounds. “Although, think about this: she cannot merely be anybody,” and she released her grip around his wrists to start counting with her fingers, “One, she has to be well-off. Therapy ain't cheap. Two, she is stuck in a bad relationship. And three, she is also stuck with bad sex.”
What a good approach to the situation, narrowing down the potential suspects and investigating from there!
Who knew some women had the smarts in them to devise such detailed commentary? That was what Naoya loved about mature and more experienced psyches in ladies like her. 
Now, her brilliant analysis reminded him of someone, but he couldn’t exactly place his finger on who. 
Whatever, because with this turnaround in the mystery, Naoya decided he would figure this out soon enough.
Triumph was right within his reach.
It was only a matter of time until his aging father Naobito, the one person who had the final say in all company and familial matters, solidified his Last Will and Testament to ensure his wonderful only son Naoya would be the successor to the multibillion family-run conglomerate, condemning Toji Fushiguro to be dwarfed by his little cousin forever. 
But first, he must treat his paramour to a much-deserved reward that would render her limping in the morning.
With all the moving parts falling into place, Naoya burst into a wicked cackle by her left tit, leaving Mari staring back at him with a confused frown.
"What's so funny?" she demanded to know. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Naoya assured between snickers, leading his mistress forward by gently pulling her waist toward him. He attached his mouth to the nipple, flicking the bud with his tongue as he added, “What you should worry about, though, is how you will walk when you wake up after how sore I’m going to make you.”
The cheesy comment made Mari laugh as she batted her long lashes. She saw where this was going, and her large chocolate-colored eyes sparkled with an excited twinkle as she met his hazel ones, her thin lips stretching into a Cheshire Cat grin from delight.
"Baby," she cooed, "the dirty things you say to me make me forget that you have a wife at home sometimes."
Something about her remark made Naoya chuckle even more heartily as his mind meandered back to his nearly forgotten spouse: his wife.
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: The end to Act Two: House of Cards! The very reason behind this act’s name is to reference the precarious web of disguise and deception in this story, only for this structure to topple like a domino chain. Thank you to all my lovely readers for reading, and although I recognize my writing is imperfect, I would love to hear your thoughts before the third and final arc!
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @puffaloxx @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Me, Joel and Sarah (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: Pov: what it’s like living with Joel and baby Sarah.
Words count: 1.4k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 11 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ There are still more chapters for this series so stay tuned! Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Since you and Joel started dating, you had practically lived in Joel’s house. All of your stuff was slowly moved to his house. You visited your house just to take some things and cleaned up once in a while.
It was another morning and you woke up earlier to make breakfast. You slowly got out of bed not to wake Joel up. Before you went to the kitchen downstairs, you checked up on Sarah in her bedroom. 
“Morning sweetie. You’re already awake, huh?” You opened the door and saw her eyes were already open.
“Why don’t you wait with daddy while I make breakfast?” You lifted her and kissed her cheek.
You carried Sarah back to your bedroom and laid her next to Joel. Then you went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. You cooked some eggs, bacon, and toast. You didn’t forget to make Joel some coffee too. After you were done with everything, you walked upstairs to wake Joel up. 
You chuckled softly when you saw Sarah sucking Joel’s nose. Apparently, Sarah thought her dad’s nose was a pacifier. You wished you could keep this image forever. You put your hand on your chest as you were touched by what you were seeing. You felt warmth watching Joel and her daughter sleeping so soundly with his big arms surrounding her little body. (I saw a video about this on tiktok and found it so cute then I thought it would be so cute if it was Pedro especially with his beautiful nose😭)
“Baby..” You chuckled as you gently shook Joel a few times.
“Huh?” Joel opened his eyes and pulled back. 
Joel rubbed his wet nose and looked at his hand. He was confused. You laughed. 
“Sarah just sucked on your nose.” You chuckled.
“Oh..” He just understood the reason why his nose was wet. 
“She thought my nose was a pacifier?” He wiped his nose with the blanket. 
“I think so.” You chuckled again.
“Hey, babygirl. It’s daddy’s nose, not a pacifier.” He raised his daughter and blew on her tummy.
Sarah woke up again and giggled. She patted her dads cheeks with both of her hands while Joel bounced her. Joel chuckled at his daughter. He could never get angry at his daughter. He loved her too much.
“Okay babygirl, I know you’re hungry so time for breakfast.” You lifted Sarah and carried her downstairs.
Joel followed you downstairs as he took his shirt and wore it. You put Sarah to sit on the baby chair then you grabbed a glass of orange juice and passed it to Joel.
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“Where’s my coffee?” He refused to take the glass from your hand.
“Drink this then you get to drink your coffee.” You sighed as you shoved the glass to him.
“I don’t like it.” He insisted.
“Oh..my baby doesn't like orange juice huh. Here, let mama feed you.” You cooed at him as you tried to feed him.
He swerved and held the glass from your hand. 
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be such a baby. You need vitamin C.” You patted his shoulder and walked to the dining table.
Joel stared at you while he gulped the whole glass. You smirked looking at him.
“There you go, mama’s boy.” You pinched his cheek and cooed at him.
“You do that again and you’re gonna be responsible for me bein’ late to work.” He raised his eyebrows while munching on his breakfast.
“How am I gonna be responsible?” You teased him.
“You know what I mean.” His lustful eyes moved up and down scanning your body.
“Oh my God Joel!” You gasped. 
“Not in front of a baby!” Your hand moved to cover baby Sarah’s ear as she giggled.
“Your fault.” He pointed at you with his fork.
Of course you wanted morning sex with him, but you didn’t want to be the reason why he was late to work. So you had to act like you weren’t aroused by him acting like a little kid hating on orange juice with that morning face, morning voice and morning hair. 
“Stop it. Just eat your breakfast.” You chuckled and shook your head.
Joel finished his breakfast and got ready to work. Since you moved in, the two of you always kissed each other goodbye before leaving to work. 
“Got your keys?” You reminded him. 
“Yep.” He showed the car keys to you. 
“Okay, daddy’s going to work babygirl.” Joel kissed his daughter’s forehead on your arms and went out.
“Bye baby.” He just put his hand on your shoulder and left.
You froze as he shut the door close. He had never forgotten to kiss you before he left for work but why did it happen today? Not after all the teasing when you had breakfast with him.
“What the fuck?” You flinched at yourself.
“I’m sorry, sweetie. I just didn’t expect daddy to forget to kiss me.” You caressed Sarah’s head.
You sighed in disappointment as you turned your heel and walked to the living room. You put Sarah to play on the carpet and suddenly the door opened. It was Joel.
“What? Did you forget something?” You frowned and rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I forgot somethin’.” He smirked as he walked closer to you.
“Just get your stuff and go. You’re gonna be late.” You got on your knees and passed Sarah her toy.
“I forgot this.” Joel crouched beside you and gave you a kiss.
You pouted as he cupped your cheeks. 
“I got you, didn’t I?” Joel sneaked his head inside and smirked.
“Fuck you.” You cursed at him.
“I love you baby. There’s no way I forgot to kiss you. I was just teasin’ you cause you forced me to drink orange juice.” He chuckled as he leaned in and dragged your head to kiss you. 
“Don’t do that again.” You hit his chest.
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight baby.” He gave you one more peck.
“Have a great day at work, mama’s boy.” You gave him another peck and smirked.
Joel chuckled as he dragged your head close, squeezed your face until you pout, then he gave you many pecks. You chuckled and caressed his head before he left to work.  
“Go!” You shooed him.
You went on with your day as usual and went home earlier to prepare dinner before Joel arrived home. You were in the kitchen when you heard something drop. Your heart beat faster and you rushed to the living room to check on Sarah.
“Oh my God!” You covered your mouth as you gasped.
To your surprise, Sarah just stood up and walked baby steps on her own. Every day, Joel would let Sarah hold on to his fingers and helped her learn to walk. You and Joel had taught her and finally she could walk on her own. You were so proud and you couldn’t wait for Joel to see his daughter walking on her own.
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I hope this pic can help you imagine 😭
“Oh sweetie! I’m so proud of you!” You crouched cupping her cheeks and she giggled. 
“Your dad gotta see this!” You squealed at her small face.
You kept thinking how to surprise Joel in a special way. Suddenly, you had the idea to buy some balloons. So you decided to go on a short trip to the nearest store to buy some balloons. When you heard Joel’s car parked in the driveway, you ran to get the balloons and tie them to Sarah’s wrist. You put Sarah near the door so she would be the first thing he saw when he opened the door. You stood behind Sarah just in case she fell. You jumped excitedly when you heard Joel’s keys jingled.
“I’m ho-” Joel didn’t finish as his jaw dropped when he saw his daughter walking towards him. 
“Babygirl!” He crouched right away and took his daughter to his arms.
“She’s a big girl!” Joel teared up.
“I know!” You hugged Joel and sandwiched Sarah. 
“Daddy’s proud of you.” Joel kissed his daughter’s forehead.
Then Joel kissed you and the three of you had a family hug for a moment. Enjoying the present and making sure this precious moment was kept inside your memories forever.
To be continued…
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brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 17
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | AO3
Eddie wakes up with his face smooshed against Steve's bicep, which, honestly, is not a bad place to be. He lifts his head up a little, blinking bleary eyes, and sees they've both migrated towards the center of the bed. Steve's rolled over onto his stomach, face buried in his pillow. Eddie's still on his back, but he'd shifted a little, leaned in towards Steve, and they're pressed together all along their sides.
Steve moves, which Eddie is guessing what woke him up in the first place, and turns his head to look at him.
"Morning," Steve mumbles, all rough with sleep.
It's not the first time Eddie's heard him like that, yeah, but it is the first time that Eddie's been this close, that he's been touching this much of him, and it makes his brain shut off.
"Doesn't it hurt sleeping like that?" he says, like an insane person.
Steve huffs out a little laugh. "My back's all torn up too, man, it kind of hurts sleeping like anything."
Shit, right, Steve'd gotten dragged over the lake bed in the Upside Down. Eddie has a vague memory of red streaks like road rash all up his back before he'd put on his vest.
Eddie makes a noise, quietly distressed, mostly because he doesn't know what to say to that, and he gets to watch the way Steve's eyes go all soft up close.
"I've had worse," Steve says.
It makes Eddie snort. "You keep saying that, but it's not as reassuring as you seem to think it is. Will you at least let me take a look at it later?"
Steve smiles. "I look after you, you look after me?"
"Something like that." Eddie ducks his head. "Come on, I'm starving."
They take turns in the bathroom. Eddie borrows more of Steve's clothes - another pair of boxers, the same track pants and a dark gray sweatshirt this time. Steve abandons the attempt he'd done at jeans yesterday, opts for navy sweats and a green sweater.
This time, Eddie lets Steve help him downstairs, even gets set up in a chair at the kitchen table so he can watch him cook breakfast.
They're halfway through eating a massive stack of pancakes when the walkie flares to life, and a time is agreed on for everyone to come over.
Turns out Steve hadn't been kidding about an invasion.
There's everyone in their little Vecna fighting mission, of course, Robin and Dustin and Erica arriving in Nancy's station wagon with her. But a Surfer Boy pizza van comes up alongside of it, Max and Lucas and Mike Wheeler spilling out of it along with Jonathon Byers, a pair of kids that Eddie's going to guess are El and Will Byers, and a dude that Eddie's pretty sure he's never seen before.
He's Argyle, apparently, owner of the van and the guy who pointed out that Eddie was not a girl, Jonathan's best friend from California.
Also brand new to all of this, which makes Eddie toast him with his second mug of coffee, from where he's pretending he needs to lean against Steve for support to stand up but he's also mostly using him as a shield because both Dustin and Mike look like they're ready to tackle him any minute.
Someone must have updated the California crew on what went down in Hawkins, because no one asks Eddie why he's standing in Steve Harrington's kitchen wearing Steve Harrington's clothes.
Steve stops working as a deterrent for Dustin about two minutes after the introductions are done, and really, Eddie's kind of surprised it took him that long to come over and hug them both. He's reasonably gentle about it, at least, so Eddie guesses he can't complain much.
"Hey, buddy," Steve says, ruffling his hair. "We're still okay."
"Still alive and kicking," Eddie chimes in, slinging one arm around Dustin and giving into the hug.
Mike looks - sullen and uncertain, like he's not really sure of his place here and he's unhappy about it. For a moment, Eddie considers ignoring it until he absolutely has to do something about it, but, well. He's kind of ignoring a lot of things right now, and he really doesn't want them all to come back up at once.
So he stays in the kitchen as everyone else trickles out into the living room, plops down at the table and makes significant eye contact with Mike, raising one eyebrow. Sure enough, it works, and Mike stays behind.
He doesn't say anything, just drops down to sit at the kitchen table with him and looks mulish.
It reminds Eddie of himself, actually, and he wonders if this is how Uncle Wayne felt sitting across from him when he was fifteen. Shit, he owes that man so much. Eddie's still got some coffee left, though, and he can wait this out, taking slow, lingering sips.
"You weren't supposed to get involved with all of this," Mike says finally.
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, well, Vecna disagreed with you."
Mike scowls. "You were supposed to be safe. Everything was supposed to be done, or I never would have-"
He cuts off, but Eddie knows exactly what he was going to say.
"Or you never would have left," he finishes for him.
"I wouldn't have!" Mike insists, looking up at him with a fire in his eyes. "Joyce left, and she took Will and El and Jonathan, and Nancy said she wouldn't have left us alone like that if the gate wasn't closed and we weren't safe. Once November passed and nothing happened, we thought we were good."
Eddie sets his cup on the table, the hand that isn't all splinted up running absently over his knee. "That's a lot to unpack right there, Wheeler."
Mike groans. "Whatever. The point is, people who get involved with this because of us die. And it wasn't supposed to be you."
"Aw. Almost sounds like you care," Eddie says, batting his eyelashes at Mike, who scowls harder at him. "Mike, none of this is your fault. I didn't get involved in this because of you, I got involved in this because Hawkins is a shithole and Vecna is a jackass who targeted a girl I knew. Being friends with you guys is the only thing that got me out of this, okay?"
Mike scoffs. "You mean Dustin and Lucas got you out of it."
Eddie raises his eyebrows at Mike, because really, is there jealousy happening here? "If we're going to be technical, Nancy was the one who figured out the Creel connection, and Robin was the one who figured out that music was the key, and Steve got to Max in time and-"
"Okay, okay," Mike grumbles. "I still should have been here."
Ah. Not jealousy - or at least not entirely jealousy. It's the paladin thing, being upset with himself for not being there when his friends needed him. "Mike," he says, pitching his voice a little gentler. "You can't be everywhere at once, you know that. When the party splits, you have to pick which group to go with, and from what it sounded like, you were right where you needed to be. El and Will needed their paladin, didn't they? And we had Steve."
The cloud over Mike's face had been lifting, and he even got a smile when Eddie said that El and Will needed him, but it drops back into a scowl when he mentions Steve.
"Steve's not a paladin," Mike retorts. "If anything, he's a barbarian."
That's not the point, Eddie knows it isn't, but he can't help but consider that, thinking about Steve bare chested with blood and grime all over him for probably a moment or two too long. "All right, yeah, I can see that," he admits. "But what gives, I thought you guys all thought Steve was a badass?"
Mike whips his head around, looking out the kitchen door, then slouches down in his chair. "That was before you knew him! I just didn't want you to like, pick a fight with him when he picked us up, because he's already had too many concussions."
Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. And how many of those concussions did he get saving you little assholes?"
Mike pulls a face that Eddie is going to assume means all of them. "That's not the point. I just - are you and he -"
Oh, shit. Somehow, Eddie had completely forgotten their shenanigans over the walkie yesterday morning. He fights the urge to fidget, and instead gives his best stoic, you'll never get it out of me face. "And what if we were?"
Mike slumps down even further. "You don't have to yell at me. Jonathan already got there, I'm not going to say it's gross. It's just - I was gone for like a week! You kept insisting that he was an asshole, and wouldn't believe Dustin and Lucas, and now you're staying with him?"
All right, well, when he puts it like that - Eddie scrubs a hand over his face. "Kind of hard to hate someone when you watch him rip up demobats and then he carries you out of the Upside Down."
Mike rolls his eyes, but he looks a little less like his world has been completely shaken. "Oh. Yeah, Steve does that. So you're not-"
"No," Eddie says, because he can't keep talking around it, and saying anything else would be a lie. There's a pit in his stomach that says no is technically a lie, too, because Eddie's pretty convinced that Steve is his soulmate, but he can't let that trip him up. "I mean, we're definitely friends now, but he's letting me stay here because I've got nowhere else to go."
"They told us," Mike says, his scowl back. "We'll figure something out. Nancy and Jonathan got Hawkins Lab to release a story about Barb, and all of Starcourt got covered up. We'll get your name cleared."
It's a great sentiment, but Eddie's not sure he can believe it at the moment. He clears his throat, nodding towards the living room. "You better get back out there."
Mike stands, though he pauses to look at him quizzically. "You're not coming?"
Eddie holds up his cup. "Just finishing my coffee, I'll be right out there."
Fuck, he knows as soon as he says it that it's a lie. He'll just have to hope that Steve is too busy with the gremlins to check what just got written on him.
Mike apparently doesn't believe him, either, because it's only a few minutes after he leaves that Robin comes into the kitchen.
"Your turn to check on the new guy?" he asks her.
She scoffs. "Awfully self absorbed of you, Eddie. Maybe I just came for leftover pancakes and coffee."
He raises an eyebrow at her.
"Okay, I mostly came for coffee," she relents, pouring herself a cup. "But also to check on you. Hey, though, bonus, you're not the newest guy anymore."
"Thank you, Argyle," Eddie mutters as Robin comes to sit next to him.
"So," Robin says, taking a long drink from her cup. "Are you going to give me something that's a reasonable approximation of the truth so I can not lie when I give a condensed report back to concerned parties, or are we just going to sit here for a while and make this awkward?"
He huffs out a little laugh. "I don't know, Buckley, I'm pretty awkward and you're definitely awkward, I don't think we have much of a shot of this not being awkward."
She smiles at him, wide and amused, but that doesn't stop her from taking another pointed sip of her coffee as she looks at him over the brim of her mug.
"How come I have to be the one who's always getting checked in on?" Eddie bitches. "I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one not doing okay."
"Because you are the new guy," Robin says, though not unkindly. "Everyone else has been through this enough that we kind of know how they're going to react, and what to look for that means things are getting worse. They did it with me, too, after Starcourt."
Eddie hadn't actually been upset, just a little ruffled by the fact that so many people are this concerned over his well being, but if he had been, that would have soothed it. "Steve told me a little about the aftermath of that, about the song you taught him."
Robin laughs a little. "There you go. I had Steve singing that for me just about every night for a while. That's mine - my brain gets itself all worked up with hypotheticals and possibilities, and things that could have happened but didn't will just start spilling out until I have a hard time sorting them all out from what actually did happen. Some of the others have gotten pretty good about knowing when to let me talk myself through it and when to cut me off and distract me."
It's shockingly vulnerable, especially for sitting in Steve Harrington's kitchen with a huge group of people just on the other side of an open doorway, and Eddie appreciates it more than he can say.
"I hyperventilate," he blurts out. "I get trapped in my head and I can't get words out. It gets worse at night and when I wake up, but Steve and Dustin have kind of figured out how to talk me down. I'm sure some new terrible way of not coping will probably come up, but that's me right now."
Robin nods, looking thoughtful. "Has Steve had a nightmare yet?"
"No," Eddie says. "I don't think so. He said he does better with one of us there, so we've been sleeping in the same room."
He isn't expecting it, but that makes Robin light up, looking at him - almost like Steve does, when Eddie did something for one of the kids, and Steve smiles so warm and open at him.
"Thank you," Robin says, toying with the handle on her mug. "My parents wouldn't let me stay over until they knew for sure I was okay, and I just - yeah, that's him. He goes into protect mode when he wakes up from a nightmare, and he needs someone there to tell him that we're all safe."
Eddie gives a little smile, trying not to give into the way his stomach does a stupid, lovesick little flutter at that. "Protective mode fits him so much better than that you're all so beneath my notice thing he did in high school."
Robin barks out a little laugh. "Right? I couldn't believe it when I actually met the real Steve and found out how dorky and sweet he was."
He lifts his mug to her in a toast, draining the rest of his coffee in one gulp. "I'll keep an eye on him for you until your parents relent," he promises, even though it feels a little disingenuous because he was planning on doing it anyway.
She shoots him a grateful smile. "It was a lot easier after Starcourt, probably because it was so new and my parents figured I'd just sneak out and be over here anyway. This time they said they'd come find me, so, you know."
So she didn't sneak out, because Eddie was here and no one can know that, and he feels a stabbing of guilt.
Robin continues before he can decide if he should say anything, though. "We came to a deal, I'm home for a week and then I can come over and stay with you guys until they start school back up again."
Fuck, okay, then. Well, no, mostly not fuck - he's kind of excited about it, actually, the idea of staying with both Steve and Robin for a while is stupidly appealing - but it means he's only got a few more days to suck it up and tell Steve he thinks they're soulmates, unless he wants to do it with Robin there. Which, actually, wouldn't be the worst thing -
"Wait, start school back up?" he asks, his mind skipping and catching on that.
She grimaces. "Yeah, with the earthquake and the school still being used as a shelter, the school year's on hold. They made sure to inform us we'll have to make the time up during summer, but, eh. Gives us more time to make sure you're graduating."
He must look a little blank, because she rolls her eyes at him.
"You're one of us now. If you think Nancy and I aren't going to make sure you're right there with us on graduation day, then, well, you've got a little more time to get your head out of your ass before the mandatory study sessions start."
He shouldn't have finished the last of his coffee, because there's suddenly a lump in his throat that he can't quite swallow past.
There's a little bit of a commotion outside the kitchen, though, saving him from having to say anything.
"Robin!" Dustin shouts from the living room. "Is Steve lying?"
"Nice try, dingbat, you know I need more than that before giving up any of the goods!" she shouts back without hesitation.
"He says there's nothing the hospital could've done for him if he stayed and let us look after Eddie!"
Robin pauses, like she's doing a mental catalog of something, and Eddie clocks onto what it is at the same time as she calls, "Not lying! Not enough to count, anyway."
His stomach drops, and he feels like the floor goes with it.
"You and Steve are soulmates." Eddie's not sure why he says it. It's obvious, and he doesn't really want to hear it confirmed, but - he's an idiot, apparently.
"Yeah, we figured that out during Starcourt."
Eddie - needs to say something, he knows he does, because Robin's looking at him in that searching way again, like she's seeing too much of him. But what the fuck is he supposed to say? Robin's his friend, how is he supposed to tell her that he'd wanted her soulmate to be his so bad that he'd almost tested it a few times, that he still wants Steve to be his, that he's angry at her and Steve and himself and the goddamn world, even though he knows he's the only one to blame for thinking he could have this? He can't even bring himself to look at her, gaze dropping down.
"Wait, you didn't know? I thought the gremlins told you."
There's a moment of silence before he hears a sharp intake of breath, and he can't stop himself from wincing.
"Steve and I have two!" she blurts out in a whisper-shout.
His gaze snaps back up to her face, and she's staring at him wide-eyed and frantic.
"What?" he asks, feeling a little wide-eyed himself.
"Soulmates. Steve has two soulmates, and so do I."
"Oh," he breathes out, his eyes darting to look back at the doorway, where he can just see the back of Steve's head.
"Yup. A platonic," she says, emphasizing the word way more than is really necessary for Eddie to pick up on what she's implying. Steve hasn't found his platonic soulmate yet - it could be Eddie. "And a romantic. So, you know. If you wanted to do anything with that information. It's there."
Eddie swallows, finally looking back at her to see the way her eyes are brimming with nervous excitement. "And you're… you'd be okay with that?"
She rolls her eyes at him. "If anything, I'd be relieved. It'll be a hell of a lot easier to navigate if it's someone who's been through the Upside Down stuff. I like you, Eddie, don't go getting a big head or anything, but you're pretty great."
And that's soft and sincere enough that it actually does make his head feel a little bigger - or at least his cynical heart, anyway, because he likes her, too. He's never been jealous of her before - watching her and Steve together has always felt good, made him all gooey and fond even when he refuses to acknowledge it - and he doesn't want to be jealous of her now.
He can do this, he decides. Steve might already have a romantic soulmate, but Eddie'd already resigned himself to having a platonic soulmate more than once. He can do it, if it means having Steve.
"Cool," he says, and resists the urge to make a face at himself. "That's, uh, yeah. I'll keep that in mind."
She raises one eyebrow at him, and he groans, leaning over to plant his face on the kitchen table.
"Just leave me here," he implores her, his voice all muffled.
Robin laughs at him, though not meanly, and pats him on the head. "No," she says cheerfully. "Suck it up and take your next dose of meds and let's go into the living room."
He groans louder, but he does get up and shuffle over to down his meds, not looking at her as he sets the bottle back down. "You're pretty great, too," he admits.
She doesn't say anything in response to that, until he finally looks up to find her grinning at him.
"I know," she replies smugly. "Now come on, potential soulmate-in-law, your solitary brooding time is up."
Taglist (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
Part 18
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queenlucythevaliant · 8 months
under the wings
1. Polly would always always always remember the feeling of falling asleep beneath Fledge's feathered wings.
2. She'd been curled up close to his side with his coverts over her shoulders like a shawl. His pinions had stretched past her to break the night winds. She'd leaned into the crook of his wing, feeling softness on her cheek. When she turned over in the night, feathers brushed her from all sides, whispering against her skin.
3. If Polly could have wished for one thing, at twelve, at twenty, at sixty, it would have been the same: to live in that memory. If she might, she never would have emerged from her place beneath Fledge's tawny wings.
4. She loved her smuggler's cave because it was safe and small and hers. She loved all kinds of nooks and closets, window seats and beds with curtains and covers she could crawl under.
5. Digory never understood it. He himself liked wide open space and covering skies. "It's the same concept though, I think," Polly remarked once. "There's something lovely about the feeling of being underneath."
6. Polly was even, unfathomably, rather partial to certain bomb shelters, though she'd never have admitted it. How pleasant it was to fall asleep underground, curled up in a corner wrapped in a blanket, safe in the knowledge that she was too far down for anything to hurt her.
7. (And when she wasn't in a shelter and the bombs fell anyway, she squeezed her eyes shut and pictured tawny feathers all round her.)
8. Digory wrote her letters and she wrote back. His were full of ditches in the ground and hers of shelters, but they both liked to write about lions and the sky.
9. After the first war, it was easy for a pretty lady to talk her way into flying lessons with one of the hundred wayward pilots left over from the fighting.
10. He was a mechanic by trade, and he didn't mind unconventional women; but he told Polly she had no business in a cockpit if she didn't know her way around an engine. So, two summers after the war ended, she spent her mornings smearing oil across her ruffled blouses and learning how to make things fly.
11. (She would have married him, if ever he'd asked her- but he never did, and maybe it was for the best.)
12. As the years wore past, Polly met other little girls with ribbons in their hair. She told them stories and she taught them her magic, and when they cried she brought them into her hiding places the same way she'd once done with Digory Kirke.
13. They called her Aunt Polly - both those children that she cared for interbellum, and the ones that came after.
14. Once, Polly dreamed that it had been her instead. Aslan told her, you will be the grandmother of all the angels, and feathered wings sprang from her back. Once, Polly dreamed that it had been her instead of Fledge.
15. (She woke with the feeling of feathers still clinging to her shoulders, itching.)
16. During the second war, she worked at an aerodrome. Occasionally she flew with the training crews, but mostly she'd go out onto the tarmac after the sirens were done and stand in the shadows of airplane wings.
17. When Digory told her about the wardrobe, Polly went to his estate, pulled out all the coats, and shut herself in. She didn't have any notions of getting back to Narnia that way-- but she did it all the same.
18. Jill and Eustace made her laugh: Eustace, who hated heights, and Jill, who panicked in small spaces. Oh Lord, thought Polly, save me from the irony. She loved them anyway.
19. In the end, she died in a train crash and opened her eyes to something like fragrant, golden feathers.
20. And suddeny, Polly understood. They're weren't really Fledge's wings at all, were they?
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 21/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 22
When Lucifer awoke again, Alastor was no longer there. He shifts to find Marigolds all over his bed with a note.
'To keep you from missing me, my lonely King. - Alastor'
Lucifer lets out a chuckle, picking up a Marigold to smell. He doesn't remember falling asleep but it was probably the best sleep he had had in a while. No dreams, no memories- just sleep. He would cry if the circumstances were different.
There's a bowl of cold gumbo on his bedside table and the sight made his stomach growl. He takes a bite and almost moans. Man, was he really this hungry? He didn't even think he could still get hungry as he doesn't need food to survive.
The opening of his door interrupted his gumbo filled thoughts to reveal Charlie who was carrying more flowers.
Lucifer: Char-char?
Charlie yelps in surprise, dropping the newly arrived flowers on the ground. He moves to help her but she hastily stops him.
Charlie: No, dad! It's fine, I got this. Sorry, you just surprised me. Haha. When I came back you were asleep again.
Lucifer: Sorry for startling you, sweetie. Are those still for me?
Charlie: Really, it's okay dad. And yes! From Uncle Leviathan. I think he's competing with Alastor of who can give you more flowers plus some denizens leaving some too, which is a problem because I think we're running out of room here. But I don't mind! I'm just glad you're appreciated.
Lucifer: oh..
Charlie, noticing her father's change in demeanour, gave him a sympathetic smile and comes closer. She holds his hands in hers and locks eyes with him.
Charlie: You saved all of Hell, dad. And a lot of people want to thank you for it. They want you to see that they care the moment you wake up. These flowers? This was actually Alastor's idea. He kind of let it slip that you're love language is gifts and he always appreciated when you gave him one. Don't tell him I said that.
Lucifer: It is?
Charlie: The hotel was getting a bit hounded of demons who wants to see and thank you. It was getting out of hand but then Alastor went on air.
She pulls out her phone, tapping her fingers until she found what she was looking for.
Alastor: Salutations, citizens of Hell! To commemorate this joyous day, the Hazbin Hotel is accepting gifts that one wish to give to our beloved King as a sign of appreciation for his valiant efforts! Gifts will be screened by hotel residents/staff first. No sneaking past our eyes now!
Alastor's voice through the recorded broadcast blares from her speaker.
Alastor: Failure to comply to this simple rule and you'll earn a special guest appearance in my radio broadcast. I'm very much excited to see anyone who tries haha!
Charlie: A lot of people were asking what you would like. But as soon as they saw royals coming in with flowers, they just went with that too. I've never seen Hell be this united before and it's because of you, dad. It's not perfect but... it's a step in the right direction.
It warms Lucifer's heart that his actions are helping his daughter's dream even by just a little. He didn't even care about what people might think of him after the whole thing but his daughter seem happy and that's the only thing that matters.
Suddenly, a thought came to mind.
Lucifer: Goodie!
Charlie: Goodie? Was that the woman you brought from Earth?
Lucifer: Yes. Where is she?!
Charlie: I don't actually know. Last I heard, she disappeared.
Lucifer: Huh?
Charlie: As still acting Queen, Uncle Satan told me that he managed to capture Goodie and put in custody but then a day later, he said she's just....gone. Some of his imps are out looking for her.
Lucifer: Knowing her, she may have already been on Earth. Damn it!
Charlie: Dad... what happened in there? I passed out before you went in and when I woke up, you guys were already here.
Lucifer: You passed out?! Are you okay, applepie??
Charlie laughs, pushing away her dad's fussy hands.
Charlie: I'm fine, dad. I was just worried about you. You really scared me.
Lucifer: Sorry.
Charlie: I said it's okay. But stop avoiding my question.
Lucifer: What question?
Charlie: Dad... You went to Earth to find this Goodie, to ask her for help. Help she couldn't give and in the end you're the one who still had to risk his life. Angel and the others said you were there for hours and then when you did come out, you look- You're not you! Aunt Bee said your aura was so bad, she couldn't stop vomiting. Please dad. Something happened in there.
Lucifer: .... Goodie's seal didn't work because it apparently needed to be in close contact with what you are using it for. As the strongest there, I was the most viable to perform it in close range. We couldn't risk losing someone just to see if it would kill them.
A little white lie would hurt no one (biggest misconception ever). But he couldn't bring it up to Alastor and definitely not to his daughter. Roo never said it has to be a secret but Roo isn't dictating his body yet so he'll make this one tiny stupid decision himself.
Lucifer: As for my appearance, it looks like Goodie's seal had side effects. Maybe being exposed to the toxic environment that closely altered my body. In the end, I'm not so sure. And this?-
He gestures to himself.
Lucifer: -Is a small price to pay for Hell's safety. For your safety.
Charlie: I'm sorry.
Lucifer: What? What for, honey?
Charlie: For what I said that day. I hurt you and I'm-
Lucifer: We both hurt each other, Charlie. As the parent, I should've done better. You were just a child. You were my child. And I abandoned you as much as Lilith abandoned us. I lost a wife but you? You lost both of us. And I could never blame or hate you for thinking that way.
Charlie: But, I would never wish that! I want you here as much as I want Mom. But the difference is, you're actually here, supporting me. Even if you weren't there from the beginning, you're here for the future. And I- I can't be more thankful you're still here.
She's sobbing now. The tears just won't stop and she feels herself being pulled in a hug.
Charlie: So stop punishing yourself, dad.
The King of Hell looks up at the ceiling, trying to blink the tears threatening to fall away. Why now? Why when he's finally reconnecting with his daughter? When he has a partner who loves him again? Why did Roo choose him? Why is this happening just when he's just learning to care and love for it?
He thinks about Roo's words-how his life will end one way or another, about the daughter he's going to make an orphan, the partner he's going to eventually widow, the found family who wormed their way into his heart, and a Kingdom he'll leave in ruins.
Lucifer can only hope that they come out alright, even if he doesn't.
Lucifer: I'll try my best, sweetie.
Charlie: Don't leave me again, dad.
He hugs tight like it's the last as he lets her continue to cry on his chest.
'Oh, Father. Is there anything more undoing than a child?'
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nariism · 11 months
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links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
thank you everyone for participating <3
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hiii all my lovelies💗 i'd like to give a huge huge huge thank you for 1k followers and friends (!!!), 4.5 months of endless support, and the chance to be a part of such an amazing community of people :')
i've always been on and off with writing because of my self-doubts but i've come to absolutely love writing as a hobby and remember why i enjoyed it so much in the first place back when i was a dweeby 13 year old kid 🫶
i would love to do a small appreciation writing event for anyone who would like to participate. it's open for everyone so don't feel nervous to send an ask! see below the cut for more info.
if you're just stopping by, then i'd like to tell you thank you for everything!! 💐
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info — you choose 1-3 prompts/tropes + a character and i'll write a drabble/one-shot! requests can be sent to my inbox like this (preferably off anon so i can let you know when it's up!)
prompt number: fandom/character: additional info: (ex. tropes you want, angst, fluff, platonic, etc. anything you'd like to add that you want to see!)
i will be closing requests for this event on 13 Nov EDT
the same rules apply as my regular writing rules. please see those before you send a request!
note. all writings will be x gn!reader. i have free creative liberty for anything i write and i may not get around to all of the requests if i can't think of anything for the combination submitted. i am also busy with life stuff so it might take me a bit to finish things. remember, this is all for fun!
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blue lock: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi
genshin impact: open for any characters!
haikyuu: miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, ushijima wakatoshi
other: hayakawa aki, gojo satoru, geto suguru, loid forger (💐)
++ i would consider characters not listed here that you want to see!
1. friends to lovers / childhood friends to lovers
2. forced proximity
3. fake relationship / marriage of convenience
4. soulmates (any rendition)
5. coffee shop
6. roommates
7. accidental confession / accidental kiss
8. handcuffed together
9. hurt & comfort
10. enemies / rivals to lovers
11. mutual pining
12. oblivious pining
13. one bed
14. drunk confession
15. second chance
16. unrequited love
17. matchmaking / matchmaking gone wrong
18. domestic
19. "do we like... hold hands now?"
20. "please, come home."
21. "i could kiss you right now!"
22. "oh no, the power went out, however will we stay warm?!" (/s)
23. "we fell asleep by accident and woke up as a mess of tangled limbs."
24. "i'm done waiting."
25. "i've always needed you!"
26. "you look so beautiful in the moonlight."
27. "i think i'm in love with you."
28. "don't look at me that way."
29. "do you want my jacket?"
30. "wait, don't pull away... not yet."
31. "i can't sleep."
32. "i can't believe it took you this long to admit you like being the little spoon."
33. "your necklace fell off... let me put it back on for you."
34. "i could stay up all night talking to you."
35. "say it again. please."
36. "we're fighting. i'll take the couch tonight." ➡️ (bonus) "we were fighting???"
++ feel free to add any you want! these are just some examples
i'm so thankful to each and every one of you. i hope you enjoy! <3
links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too Part 16
Being a little mean today and putting out this instead of the reconnect AU because this chapter has been waiting for a couple of days.
In which Steve has a night terror, Wayne has some advice, and Allison gets the shock of her life.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
The third night in the Munson house, Steve woke up screaming. Wayne and Eddie were in his room in a flash. They threw on the light and found Steve upright in bed, head in his hands, sobbing.
Eddie was at his feet in an instant. “Baby? Hey, sweetheart. Can you hear me?”
Steve turned to Eddie slowly as if he wasn’t sure what he would see. When he saw Eddie, he launched himself into Eddie’s arms and continued to sob.
“I’ll be in the kitchen making tea,” Wayne said. “Bring him out when he ready, it’ll help calm him down.”
Eddie nodded and then turned back to Steve. He rubbed circles along Steve’s back until the sobs slackened to cries and then to whimpers.
“What happened, sweetheart?” he asked softly.
“That’s the first night terror I’ve had in awhile,” Steve admitted shyly, gently pulling away so he could sit up. “I used to get the them all the time after the mall burned down. Finally stopped having them in February and then...”
Eddie nodded, moving to sit next to Steve on the bed. “And then Vecna happened.”
Steve nodded back. “I think I didn’t have them before now because I was focused on surviving and then on planning the date.”
“And then worrying about your parents coming home,” Eddie said, “coupled with worrying about what’s going to happen with the divorce. It made for a heady cocktail of fuckery to mess with your head.”
Steve sighed. “Pretty much.”
“What happens in these night terrors? Are they nightmares? Memories?”
Steve shook his head. “They aren’t like normal nightmares. There aren’t any images for starters.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Wait, really?”
He nodded again. “Yeah. It’s just sheer darkness. The terror comes from not knowing, not seeing. Just a feeling of dread. Of evil just lurking out of sight.”
“That does sound pretty terrifying,” Eddie murmured pulling Steve to his chest. “I’ve got you, babe.”
Steve went willingly, practically climbing on to his boyfriend’s lap. “I didn’t mean to scare Wayne.”
“And he knows that, sweetheart,” Eddie placated. “Why don’t we go and get his tea before he gets grumpy.”
Steve giggled and untangled himself from Eddie. They both wandered into the kitchen where Wayne was indeed waiting for them both with cups of tea.
“It’s chamomile,” he said, handing a mug to Steve. “It’ll help you go back to sleep.” He handed the other mug to Eddie. “I think you’ll need this too.”
They both murmured their thank you and took a sip of their tea.
“It’s sweet,” Steve muttered.
Wayne smiled. “I used honey to sweeten it, as that will help calm you down too.”
Steve nodded and took another sip.
“How long have you been having night terrors, boy?” Wayne asked over his own mug of tea.
Steve and Eddie looked at each other in shock.
“How did you know they were night terrors?” Steve asked, in more than a little awe.
Wayne chuckled. “Did you forget what I told you at the hospital? About the things I’ve seen?”
Steve opened his mouth in an ‘oh’ shape. “Makes sense I guess. I thought I had gotten over them.”
Wayne scoffed. “Was that before or after the most recent tour of hell?”
Steve blushed. “Before...”
“I thought as much,” he said with a small chuckle. “Steve, it’s okay to process trauma this way. And I’ve been talking to the suits and scientists and I think all you kids need therapy. Group and single.”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other again, this time in confusion.
“We were never offered therapy before...” Steve muttered darkly.
Wayne’s smile grew fierce. “So I’ve been told. And I threatened to sue them for child endangerment if they didn’t pay for it.”
Eddie blinked. “Even me?”
“Especially you, kiddo,” Wayne said. “Your friends have had time to process or bury the shit that went on before, but you haven’t. And I think group therapy would be good for all of you, so that you can all see how the rest of them are coping.”
Steve hung his head. He didn’t want anyone to know that he wasn’t coping, but he could see Wayne’s point. If the kids could see that he was struggling with it all too, maybe they would be more willing to seek help when they needed it.
He lifted his head back up. “Yeah, okay. I’ll do it.”
Eddie pulled him in for a hug. “I really think this will help, sweetheart. This shit is scary and you need to tell someone who understands this whole thing, okay?”
Steve nodded. “Thanks, Wayne. For the tea and everything.”
Wayne nodded. “There is just one more thing, Steve.”
“What’s that?” Steve asked cocking his head to the side.
“Do you want your mom read in?”
A stone sunk to the bottom of his stomach. Did he? Did he want her to know about monsters and hell? Did he want her to understand how bad it was that Steve was left alone to deal with this?
“I–I don’t know,” he admitted softly.
Eddie rubbed his shoulder sympathetically. He understood.
“Take your time,” Wayne said. “But I think it could really help her in her divorce with your dad.”
Steve straightened up with a frown. “What do you mean?”
Wayne pursed his lips together and looked down at the floor. “If she can prove that he was criminally negligent with you she can get whatever the hell she wants, plus criminal charges, which would put him away for a very long time.”
Eddie frowned. “Holy shit! That’s what you did with Dad! You proved he was criminally negligent and got the book thrown at him.”
“What he did to you could have gotten you killed,” Wayne agreed. “The DA tried to spin it that you were old enough to make your own decisions, but I had evidence that proved that he deliberately hid the nature of the job from you as well as a shit ton of other evidence that proved him incapable of being your parent. Best day of my life.”
Eddie blushed. “I thought that was the day you adopted me.”
“Same god damn day, Ed,” Wayne said with a smile.
Steve smiled at them both. “I’ll think about it. But you’re right. This might hurt her a little because she didn’t know what was going on, but she can use it to make my dad hurt a lot.”
Wayne and Eddie nodded.
“You’re a good kid, Steve,” Wayne said. “I trust you do the right thing.”
Steve’s smile grew. “Thanks. I’m glad Eds had someone in his corner.”
“And now he has you, too,” Wayne said.
Eddie and Steve bumped their foreheads together. “What a god damned miracle,” Eddie breathed.
Wayne rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You know, I think your luck is finally turning around. For both of you.”
Steve sighed happily. “I think you just might be right.” And then he kissed Eddie.
Wayne cleared his throat and they broke apart. “Normally I would be against this, but you’re both adults you can make your own damn decisions, Steve you can sleep in Eddie’s room if it makes sleep easier for the both of you.”
Eddie shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt to try. Who knows, maybe just knowing where the other is will help with the nightmares and shit.”
Steve nodded. “Sure. I mean we did sleep in the same bed in Indy and it didn’t hurt your wounds then.”
Eddie chuckled. “The bed was much bigger in Indy though.”
“And we barely used the middle of it, you dork,” Steve teased, bumping their shoulders together. He looked up at Wayne. “Don’t worry, I’ve already told him we aren’t doing anything until he’s fully healed.”
Wayne laughed at Eddie’s moue of protest. “Sorry, boy. That’s what you get for dating a protector type.”
Eddie sighed dramatically. “I know, I know.” He kissed Steve again. “And I do love him.”
“Good to know,” Steve whispered.
“Now off to bed with the pair of ya,” Wayne growled. “Go on!”
Eddie and Steve put their cups in the sink and made their way back to Eddie’s room.
Steve sat in front of Owens with his mother at his side. Owens stared at him a moment.
“Are you sure you want her brought in?” he asked Steve directly.
Allison and Steve shared a glance and Steve nodded.
“I think it would be better if she knew. Plus, she could probably figure out shit we missed.”
Owens sighed and slid an NDA at her. Allison raised her eyebrow and took it from off the desk. She read through the whole thing three times before she got a pen out of her purse and signed it.
“That’s a very good agreement,” Allison said with a wicked grin.
“It was done up by some of the best legal minds in the country,” Owens admitted. “It better be good.” He then handed her a large file and stood up. “I will be back in two hours if you have any questions Steven can’t answer.”
Allison nodded and then waited until he left before she turned to Steve. “I’ll read this, no question. But I want to hear it from you.”
So Steve told her everything. Except the parts he wasn’t there for. By the end of it he was sobbing into her arms, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
“I’ve got you, Stevie,” she whispered. “I’ve got you. I’m so sorry I wasn’t around when you needed me. But I’m here now, love. And I’m never letting you go.”
Steve’s sobs slacked off and he was able to finally let go. Allison held his hand as she read through the official reports and the witness statements.
She was nearing the end when Owens came back in. He saw where she was and moved silently to sit at his desk while he waited for her to finish.
Allison looked up at him and said, “Why is it the only adults involved in this are one of the boys’ mother, the chief of police, and a crack pot conspiracy theorist?”
Owens blinked at her a moment. “You haven’t met his friends, have you?”
Allison looked over at Steve with her mouth open and he blushed and ducked his head. “Apparently not.”
“The only way to stop these children from getting involved would be to lock them up and throw away the key,” he said calmly. “And as they would promptly break out, leaving behind a burning wasteland, we find it safer to just let them do what they want.”
Allison looked back at Steve. “Darling, I have to meet your friends.”
“Well, one’s still in the hospital,” Steve muttered, “but sure you can meet everyone else.”
Owens looked at her with a somber expression. “May God have mercy upon your soul.”
Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20
@anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly @ravenpainter @nightmareglitter
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A Legacies Secret |7|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Language, Talks of Murder
Word Count: 5.1k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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Tara sat in her hospital bed with you right by her side, your arms were crossed, and your eyes were looking down at your shoes. Tara had been sleeping when you messaged her, she didn’t know what happened until you came into the room with an arm around Sam. She was rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she saw you help Sam into a seat at the table near Tara’s bedside. You had moved to her bedside and quietly told her what Sam told you, that she was attacked by someone dressed like Ghostface.
Richie had come into the room a second later, his headphones in and his eyes still glued to his phone. You didn’t say anything, but Tara noticed the way your eyes tracked Richie’s movements, the way he looked up and instantly ran to Sam’s side, like a caring boyfriend would. Tara had been sleeping, she didn’t know when Richie had left the room or how long he had been gone.
You hadn’t said anything, but Tara read over your texts, her eyes widened when she read that Vince had been killed and you were the one to find his body. She was happy that Judy seemed to not question you too long, it meant she at least believed you were innocent, or she didn’t have any evidence against you and no grounds to hold you. Tara was going with Judy knew you were innocent though.
Tara noticed the little bit of blood on your shirt and your shoes, the shoes you kept staring at. She wanted to ask you if you were okay, she couldn’t imagine what was going through your head. You weren’t friends with Vince by any means, you complained almost every time he was at the bar. That didn’t mean you could just brush off finding him dead, seeing a dead body of someone you knew, or anyone for that matter would be traumatizing. Tara didn’t want to bring it up with everyone in the room though, she knew you wouldn’t talk about it, especially with Amber there. 
Amber had come rushing into the room a few minutes after the deputy guarding Tara’s room told them the sheriff was on the way. Tara didn’t question it as Amber said she came as soon as she heard what happened. Tara probably should have, she had just woken up, she sent Wes a quick text but that was it, unless he and Amber were together there was no way she could have known so quickly, unless she was already on the way to the hospital. 
A few minutes later Judy came in, checking on Tara before she started questioning Sam about what happened. Tara didn’t know the whole deal between sheriff Hicks and Sam, she just knew all those times she woke up in the middle of the night to red and blue flashing lights outside her window, usually followed by Judy dragging Sam to the front door, sometimes in cuffs, before handing her back over to their mother. 
Tara wasn’t blind to the fact that Sam caused trouble. Even though Sam didn’t hang out with her anymore, even though she never talked to Tara about the trouble she got into, Tara knew it wasn’t good. Tara noticed the little things, like how Judy would hesitate before allowing Wes to enter the house when she dropped him off for Sam to babysit. Tara figured if Judy was still allowing Sam to watch Wes, then the trouble, she got into couldn’t have been too bad but maybe there just wasn’t other options for babysitters, or she didn’t want to suddenly send Wes somewhere else when all his friends were being watched by Sam. 
As Judy went over what happened with Sam, though she tried to remain professional, Tara caught the hint of distrust in her voice. She didn’t think Judy didn’t believe Sam, more that she didn’t want to be there and that she thought this was all somehow Sam’s fault. Tara wasn’t sure how being attacked by a psycho was Sam’s fault, she didn’t care what Sam did in the past, she came back when Tara was hurt and that’s what mattered. 
“I got a body outside a bar and then you get attacked here,” Judy directed at Sam, pacing back and forth as Sam continued to sit in the chair as if she were being scolded. “You said the call came from Amber’s number?” Sam could only nod. 
Sam had barely said a word since you brought her back to the room. Tara had tried talking to her, but she never responded. When Judy got there, she answered her questions and began to recount what happened, but her voice was distant. Tara didn’t know what Ghostface said to Sam over the phone or what happened when he attacked her, but it was clear Sam’s mind was somewhere far away. 
“So?” Amber said. “We know he cloned my phone before when he attacked Tara.” Despite questioning why, the call coming from her number mattered, she still handed the phone over to Judy to confirm there were no calls to Sam. 
“And,” Richie said, speaking up for the first time. Tara was surprised he was saying anything, he barely said a word since Sam first introduced him, he just sat in the corner of the room on his phone. “I’m just spit balling here, you’re the killer,” he looked at Amber, then Judy. Amber crossed her arms, glaring at him as if she couldn’t believe he dared question her. 
“And where were you when all this happened?” Judy crossed her arms directing her attention to Richie. That was a good question, Richie was the only other one in the hospital with them at the time and with Tara asleep she definitely couldn’t be his alibi. 
“I was…” Richie closed his eyes and sighed. “Watching Netflix.” Tara caught you rolling your eyes out of the side of her eye. It was in no way a good alibi, if Richie was involved then it was a terrible lie to choose. 
“Ooh, yeah, super solid alibi, bro,” Amber snarked, nodding her head. 
“So, where were you?” 
“I was questioning Amber and her friends at the sheriff’s station,” Judy answered for her. She handed Amber back her phone after thoroughly going through it, seeming to not find anything suspicious. 
Tara wasn’t fully surprised by that; she didn’t know the details but one of her texts from you mentioned her friends’ causing problems at the bar. You mentioned Vince trying to start shit with Chad. Tara definitely wasn’t surprised by that, she witnessed Liv dating Vince over the summer, she knew how he would still text her occasionally and still come into the video store trying to flirt with her. Tara assumed Judy brought the others in not long after talking to you, if they had had any sort of confrontation with Vince, they would all be suspects now. 
“Yeah, I came as soon as I heard,” Amber said. “But you know, the Netflix alibi is good too.” 
Tara saw you furrow your brow at Amber’s words, but you still didn’t look up from your shoes or say anything. Tara had a feeling she knew what you were thinking though. If Amber was being questioned by Judy at the station it would make sense how she heard about the attack on Sam and arrived so quickly, she could have overheard an officer or Judy could have told her herself. Amber was her best friend but even she couldn’t deny that Amber getting to the hospital a few minutes before Judy was pretty suspicious. 
“Both of you stop it,” Judy sighed. 
“You’re going to put more cops on her room, right?” Sam asked, finally looking up at Judy. 
“Yes,” Judy said instantly. “And I can move you to a private floor. Deputy Vincent knows what he’s doing, you’ll be safe.” 
“Like we’ve been so far?” 
Judy gave a tight-lipped smile. “Samantha let’s step outside?” she nodded towards the door. She worded it like a question, but Tara knew it wasn’t actually a question. 
Sam sighed, making sure to give Tara’s uninjured hand a squeeze before she got up and made her way out into the hall. Tara couldn’t blame her sister’s hostility; she was attacked by Ghostface and then while she was sleeping Sam was attacked by Ghostface in the hospital she was in. The hospital was supposed to be where Tara was going to get better, where she was meant to heal, not where she could get attacked by Ghostface again. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to sleep again knowing Ghostface knew where she was, and he had been there just down the hall from her room less than an hour ago. 
“Hey,” Tara whispered, looking up at you. You still hadn’t moved from leaning against the wall, but you turned to face Tara when she directly talked to you. “Are you okay?” 
You let out a sigh, parting open your mouth slightly as if you were about to say something before closing it. You glanced over at Amber and Richie who weren’t even looking towards you or Tara. It didn’t seem to matter though because you just shrugged and slumped back against the wall, Tara nodded, she’d just have to ask again when the two of you were actually alone. 
“Well, she remains a delight,” Sam mumbled as she came back into the room. 
“Are you okay?” Tara asked, sitting up in her bed slightly. She didn’t know what Judy wanted to talk to Sam about but clearly it wasn’t a pleasant conversation, though Sam didn’t seem too affected by it. 
“Would you mind giving us a second?” Sam asked, looking at Amber and Richie. “I need to talk to Tara.” 
“Come on Netflix, let’s go,” Amber said, though she didn’t seem thrilled about Sam asking them to leave. 
Sam stayed by the door, playing with her fingers as she looked at Tara and glanced towards you. You looked up, seeming to notice Sam was waiting for you to leave as well. You pushed off the wall, not even seeming like you’d fight to stay and hear whatever Sam wanted to talk about. 
“You good?” you asked, still looking at Tara with the same softness you always did, even after experiencing what you went through earlier that morning. Tara nodded; she wanted you to stay but whatever Sam wanted to talk to her about, it was clear she wanted to do it alone. “I’ll be right outside.” You kissed the top of her head then made your way out of the room, quietly closing the door behind you. 
“Do you remember when dad left?” Sam asked. 
“Parts, sure,” Tara said, scrunching her eyebrows as she watched Sam. 
They hardly talked about dad leaving when he left, let alone years later. Tara asked questions about where their dad was and when he was coming back, no one ever answered her and one day their mom snapped telling her he was never coming back. After that Tara just stopped asking, as she got older, she figured their parents got into a fight, she was always curious but never wanted to press the issue. Part of her always thought maybe it was her fault, he had left so close to her birthday and never called, or sent her a card, or anything. She wasn’t sure why Sam was bringing this up now though, it seemed they had other priorities besides their broken family. 
“I was eight, I don’t know what that has to do with anything,” Tara said, watching as Sam walked away from the door and around to the front of the hospital bed. 
“It has to do with it,” Sam said. Tara’s face went from one of confusion to one of caution, she didn’t know what Sam was about to tell her, but she knew it wasn’t anything good. “Do you remember how mom used to keep those boxes up in the attic?” Tara didn’t nod or anything, she still wasn’t sure where Sam was going with this. “Well, I was up there once, when I was thirteen, looking for Christmas presents. And I found these old diaries she kept from high school.” 
“Sam, what does-”  
“Please, I just-I have to do this.” Tara’s eyes fell, she didn’t know what Sam was about to tell her, but she knew she didn’t want to know. “So, I found these old diaries and I knew it was wrong, but I read some anyway because mom got pregnant with me in high school,” Sam shrugged, giving a sad smile at the memory. 
“And I thought it’d be cool to see how her and dad got together. How romantic it must have been,” she gave a small chuckle. “So, I read some,” her face fell again. “Only it wasn’t romantic. Mom was dating dad, but she was in love with this other guy, and he got her pregnant.” Tara’s eyes widened at this information, having an idea of where this was going now. “She told dad it was his and that’s why he proposed senior year.” 
“Sam what are you talking about?” Tara couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t know why Sam had to drop all this on her now, she already knew their family was messed up, she still didn’t see what that had to do with their current issue though. 
“And I’m sitting there in this attic and I’m thirteen,” Sam continued, completely ignoring Tara’s question. “And I just found out that my dad isn’t my dad.” Tara looked at her sister with shock, she couldn’t imagine Sam going through that at such a young age, at any age, she never knew anything like this had been going on, she was only eight at the time. 
“So, I go find mom in her bedroom and I’m screaming at her and shoving this diary in her face, and I didn’t even realize,” Sam shook her head at the memory. “That dad was standing right behind me.” Sam’s eyes began to fill with tears and Tara waited for Sam to confirm what she assumed. “He didn’t know. He found out right then from me.” Sam nodded, trying to keep herself together. “He left that night. He left because of me.” 
Tara shook her head. “No,” she whispered. She needed Sam to understand that she wasn’t the reason their dad left. Sam might have been the reason their dad found out their mom lied to him, but she certainly wasn’t the reason he left. Their mom cheated on their dad and then lied to him about it, that wasn’t on Sam, that was all on their mom. 
“Mom never forgave me,” Sam was quietly sobbing but still trying to keep herself together. “And she made me promise to never tell you because you were so young. And that’s why I changed,” Sam walked around the bed to be at Tara’s side, kneeling down so she was at eye level. 
“And I got distant and weird with you,” Sam continued sobbing as she got further into her explanation, Tara had never seen her sister that upset. “And I went out and started doing every drug I could get my hands on until I couldn’t take it anymore and I left town.” Tara began shifting in her bed, this was all so much to take in and she still wasn’t sure how this related to a psycho trying to kill them. 
“I just couldn’t be around you anymore Tara,” Sam admitted quietly. Tara stopped moving at that, she didn’t know why their father not being Sam’s birth father made Sam not want to be around her anymore, they were still sisters it wasn’t like it changed anything for Tara, it wouldn’t have changed anything for her back then, she still loved Sam. 
“Not only because I destroyed our family that night,” Sam continued. “But because those diaries told me who my real father was.” Tara’s eyes widened as she waited for Sam to say what she was about to say next. “It was Billy Loomis.” Tara turned her head; Billy Loomis was Sam’s father. Billy Loomis was one of the original killers, he was the mastermind that started it all. Sam’s relation to him was the reason Tara got attacked. 
“And somebody knows, and I think that’s why you got hurt,” Sam confirmed it, someone knew she was the daughter of a serial killer and now these new psychos were coming after Tara because she was Sam’s sister. “And I’m so fucking sorry that I never told you and that I ran away. I’m so sorry-” 
“Get out,” Tara said, cutting Sam’s apology off. 
“Tara,” Sam begged. 
“You’re gone for five years. Five whole years,” Tara’s voice got louder. “And then I get stabbed, and you want to come back, and you want to drop all this shit on me?” Tara ignored the tears beginning to fill her eyes. 
She couldn’t believe it, she was so happy to have her sister back, but the truth was Sam didn’t come back because she wanted to or because she cared, she came back because she felt guilty. Tara was attacked because some psycho was inspired by Sam’s birth father and was trying to send her a message and now Sam felt guilty. 
“No,” Sam shook her head. “I swear I thought I was protecting you.” 
“Protecting me from what?” Tara yelled. “The truth?” Tara shook her head. She didn’t care who Sam’s real father was, Sam was her sister and that was all that mattered to her, but it didn’t seem to matter to Sam. 
“No, no, I,” Sam shook her head, clearly trying to gather her thoughts. 
“Please, Tara.” 
“Sam, I need you to get the fuck out.” Tara didn’t want to be harsh, but she couldn’t deal with all this now, she couldn’t deal with it when Sam was right there. 
“I’m so sorry,” Sam said again, still trying to apologize. 
“Sam,” Tara said much harsher than before. 
“Please,” Sam said desperately one more time. 
“Get the fuck out!” It wasn’t her first choice, but Sam clearly wasn’t responding to her attempt at asking nicely. 
Sam was taken back by her harshness, anymore apologies died on her lips, and she sat back. Tara tried to ignore the way Sam was crying as she got up, seeming to finally listen to her. A few seconds after she yelled at Sam the door swung open and Tara saw you standing there, your eyes instantly on hers, silently asking if she was okay. Your eyes then went to Sam, though there was no softness like when you looked at Tara. You stepped aside but kept your hand on the door, holding it open for Sam. You didn’t say anything but if Sam hadn’t gotten up from her chair and rushed out the room right then, Tara was sure you would have tried forcibly removing her. 
You let the door swing close behind Sam and instantly went to Tara’s side, taking the spot Sam had just been. “What happened?” you reached up, brushing a few strands of hair out of Tara’s face. She looked over at you, her tears finally threatening to fall. “Are you okay?” 
Tara shook her head. You looked back at the door Sam had just left out of. “You don’t have to tell me anything,” you said. “Just let me know what I can do.” 
Tara smiled, lightly laughing as she brought her one good hand up to wipe away her tears. It wasn’t even nine in the morning, and you had already found a dead body, been questioned by the police, and now you were trying to comfort Tara, even if you didn’t know why. Tara wouldn’t need to tell you anything that was said and you’d still do whatever she asked. Tara was sure she could ask you to kick Sam’s ass and not let her back in the room and you’d do it, you’d probably be confused but you still wouldn’t press her for answers. 
“Sam’s dad,” Tara rasped out. You said she didn’t need to tell you, but she didn’t want to lie to you, you needed to know. She was attacked and now you and all her friends were most likely in danger because of this. “Sam’s dad is Billy Loomis.” 
Your eyes widened; Tara had never seen your face go so white. “Wha-How?” you shook your head. 
“Guess, mom cheated on dad back in high school,” Tara said bitterly, shaking her head. She couldn’t be surprised; this was just typical of their mother. Before her dad left, everything had seemed fine but that was probably because her mom got everything she wanted, she wasn’t the girl who had a child with a murderer, because she lied, she had the picture-perfect life, on the outside at least. 
“I’m sorry,” you continued to gently run your fingers through Tara’s hair. 
“It’s why my dad left.” Tara shook her head, their mom lied to him, and in turn he abandoned all of them. He might not have been Sam’s birth father, but he raised her, Tara didn’t get how he could just walk away from Sam after being her dad for thirteen years. Tara was his biological daughter and he abandoned her as well. “It’s why Sam left. It’s why-” 
“It’s why you were attacked,” you cut her off. Tara had never seen such anger burning behind your eyes. 
“It’s not Sam’s fault.” You looked away from her, she could see your jaw clenched as your glare burned a hole through the door. “It’s not her fault.” You looked back at her, nodding until you finally unclenched your jaw. Tara was pissed at Sam, but she didn’t blame her for being the reason she got attacked. “Whoever’s doing all this knows though.” 
You nodded. “So, what next?” you sighed. “If they knew the truth, then attacking you wasn’t a mistake.” 
“It was probably to lure Sam back to town.” Tara looked down, she hadn’t even thought of that before, targeting her to get to Sam made sense, Tara was the only thing that could bring Sam back to town. “Which means they left me alive on purpose.” 
Her eyes widened and began filling with tears, the only reason she was alive was because that’s what Ghostface wanted. She didn’t survive because she was strong or because the police arrived. Ghostface toyed with her, he hurt her, and he wanted her to make her think she was going to die, only to let her live. The only reason she was alive was because Ghostface allowed it. 
“Hey,” you whispered softly, drawing Tara back out of her head. “None of that.” You used your thumb to gently wipe away her tears. “You’re alive and that’s all that matters.” 
The two of you had a few more minutes of peaceful silence before someone knocked on the door, followed by the deputy watching over Tara entering the room. The deputy held the door open for Tara’s doctor to enter as well, who was rolling in a wheelchair. 
“We cleared a floor,” the deputy said, resting his hands on his belt. “It will just be you, me, and an officer near the elevator. Any nurses or doctors will only come up if needed and of course those you’ve authorized,” he gestured towards you. 
“Thank you,” Tara said. 
The doctor pushed the wheelchair closer to the bed and locked it in place. You gently put Tara’s good arm around you while the doctor had her tuck in the injured arm. Working in sync, you and the doctor lifted her up and helped her to the wheelchair. The doctor had it setup so Tara’s leg was propped up. 
“I got it,” you said, taking the doctor’s place behind the wheelchair. 
Tara could only look at her surroundings as you pushed her in the wheelchair, following the officer to her new room. It was a short elevator ride, and the doctor was right behind them, helping Tara get settled once she was in the room. The room was definitely an upgrade, there was only one bed this time and it was a bit bigger. The officer smiled, giving her a small wave before he stepped back outside to take his post. 
“Are you okay?” Tara asked, her eyes followed you as you looked around her new room, giving a nod of approval. 
“I’m fine,” you said, moving to sit by her side. “What about you? I know you don’t blame Sam but that couldn’t have been easy to hear.” 
Tara shrugged, she shook her head, she couldn’t even process what Sam told her. She’d take time to process that their mom cheated on their dad and that Sam’s biological father was a serial killer after the whole Ghostface thing was settled, assuming she and everyone else made it out alive. 
“It wasn’t,” Tara admitted. “But I’m not the one who saw someone killed earlier.” 
Your eyes fell, you reached out slowly intertwining your hand with hers. “I didn’t see him get killed,” you mumbled. 
“You saw him die.” You gripped Tara’s hand a bit tighter and started rubbing circles on the back of her hand with your thumb. Tara learned early on in your relationship that it was something you did to comfort yourself when you were feeling anxious. “That’s not much of a difference.” 
“I didn’t even like the guy,” you whispered, wiping your eyes with your other hand. “But he died alone, in the dirt, outside a fucking bar.” You looked up at Tara and she could see how red your eyes were already. “Choking on his own blood.” You shook your head. Tara’s own eyes began to fill with tears, she couldn’t imagine seeing that in person, to literally have to watch someone’s life leave their eyes. “Nobody deserves that.” 
“I’m sorry,” Tara whispered. “I never should have made you go to work.” 
You broke out into a laugh, even through your tears you smiled. Tara gave a small smile at her joke. “You’re right,” you nodded. “It really is all your fault.” 
Tara took her hand out of yours but only so she could lightly slap you. “Asshole.” 
You were quick to snatch her hand back. “We’re going to get through this,” you said softly, tilting your head as you stared into her eyes. Tara had never felt more love than when you looked at her, you were her world and with one look she could tell she was yours. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Tara whispered. “How did I get so lucky?” she truly didn’t get it, her dad left, her sister left, her mom might as well have left, but somehow, she found you through it all. 
“You have amazing taste.” 
Tara rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You’re such an ass.” You only chuckled at her response. “Now, come here.” A smile broke out across your face, and you didn’t hesitate to get up from your seat. 
You were gentle as you put your hand over Tara, careful not to actually touch her. Tara knew you were being careful of her injuries, but she really just wanted to grab you and kiss you quickly. Tara decided you were taking too long, so when you were hovering over her, she just leaned up and stole her kiss. 
You broke the kiss a second later to laugh at her. “Impatient,” you mumbled against her lips before leaning back down, connecting them again. 
A couple hours later Tara was sitting comfortable in her hospital bed with you by her side. She had turned on the TV, flipping the channel until she found something that you both enjoyed and would be good to fill the silence. Her attention was brought away from the TV by her phone’s incessant buzzing. Tara finally rolled her eyes and picked up the phone, expecting it to be Sam asking her when she was allowed to come back. Tara furrowed her brow when she saw it was from Mindy. 
“What?” you asked. “Who is it?” 
“Mindy,” Tara mumbled, shaking her head as she read through Mindy’s texts. 
“Are they stopping by? Did something else happen?” 
Tara shook her head. “Everyone’s gathering at her and Chad’s to go over suspects.” Tara glanced at you, catching you roll your eyes. “She wants you there.” 
“No,” you shook your head. 
“Just go.” 
“Why? They’re your friends.” Tara glared at you. “I don’t want to leave you here alone.” 
“Deputy Vincent is right outside.” You gave her an unimpressed look. “Judy made sure I’m on a secure floor, there’s a deputy outside my door, and one down the hall.” Tara smiled when she heard you let out a little huff. “I’ll be fine for an hour or two on my own.” 
“I don’t like this.” 
“If it’s someone we know then you’ll all be in one place anyway.” You scoffed at that. Tara needed to reevaluate how she could convince you she would be fine. “It will give you the chance to change,” she looked you up and down. “And maybe shower?” 
“Are you saying I smell?” you leaned back, holding a hand to your heart. 
Tara wrinkled her nose. You didn’t smell but she knew since she was attacked the only places you had been was the hospital, your job, and the police station. She might not have been able to literally smell you, but she wouldn’t prevent you from taking a shower. 
“You still have blood on you,” she pointed out. You let out a sigh, but Tara knew she had won. “Maybe you can learn something useful, Mindy has seen all these movies before.” 
“We’re not in a fucking movie.” 
“Please,” Tara begged. “I’ll text you every ten minutes.” 
“I was joking,” she chuckled. “But if that will give you peace of mind then yes.” 
“Fine,” you sighed, standing up from your chair. Tara smiled, she didn’t know why you tried arguing with her, you both knew you’d cave one way or another. “But only because I need a new shirt.” 
“Thank you,” Tara smiled up at you, happy to know she got her way, like always with you. 
You rolled your eyes and leaned down, giving her a long kiss. “I’ll be back in one hour,” you whispered as you pulled away. 
“One or two,” Tara shrugged. 
Tara gave you a soft smile and nodded. She might have gotten you to agree to go change and listen to Mindy’s theories on this new Ghostface, but she knew she was at her limit. You would go do those things but would make sure you were back with her within an hour.
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arteastica · 1 year
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (4)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27) | (28) | (29)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters). no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.5k
“Everyone is to be positioned at fixed intervals, to extend the message relay range as far as possible.”
At the Survey Corps headquarters, time seemed to pass rather quickly. Two weeks had already gone by, and with them some of your insecurities. The more familiar you got with your job, the more comfortable you felt in your position. And the commander’s words had proven to be true: your days had grown repetitive indeed. But that was something you didn’t feel the slightest need to complain about. In a world where one moment you could be at home making breakfast, and the next, in a titan’s stomach, you found reassurance in the predictability of your job.
Every day, you woke up early, washed your face, walked into the office, disposed of the spent candle, replaced it, prepared the commander’s work space, received a thankful smile in return, brew his morning tea, received another one, organized his mail, wrote responses, then sent them, then trailed behind him, paused for lunch, then trailed behind him some more, sat at your desk, wrote reports, organized them, brought him his evening tea, heard a ‘thank you’, double-checked you had replaced the candle, asked if he needed anything else, got a ‘no’ followed by another ‘thank you’ and the respective smile that always came with it, bid him goodnight, wrote a diary entry, went to bed, and repeated it all over again the next day. Exhausting? No, not for you. Repetitive desk work happened to be your area of expertise. Oh, and once a week, you attended meetings like this one.
“A black smoke round will be fired as soon as an abnormal is sighted, which they will be since the area is full of them.”
From the secluded corner you liked to stand in, you listened attentively as the commander went over the formation one more time. Your eyes drifting from his face to the now familiar expedition plans that were laid out on the wooden table. Every morning, there was a new scribble on the paper, and it was getting increasingly difficult to see what was underneath. But maybe it was just you. Neither the commander nor his captains seemed to have any problem seeing through all the additional lines and hasty handwriting.
“And it’s primarily the forward recon soldier who will encounter them.”
The forward recon soldier. You checked in with your notes before fixing your eyes back on the table. Ever since you noticed it one morning while organizing his desk, you had been wondering if there was a particular reason why the commander assigned only one person for that position. The third column, however, was marked as multiple.
“Anyone who sees the flare should fire the same round to relay the signal”
And when the commander sees it, he’ll fire a green smoke round, and show the formation where to go. Impressive. The formation looked impressive enough on paper, but you wondered how it would look in real life, under actual life-threatening circumstances. And with the expedition quickly approaching, you were surprised to discover in yourself, even though slight, a tinge of excitement at the thought of seeing it all play out in the field. Impressive. The commander was really something. You thought as you watched him. Firing that green smoke round would be nerve-racking for anyone, knowing so many lives depended on whether you made the right call or not. A slip in judgement, even the slightest one, could mean his soldiers wouldn’t live to see another day. And yet, there he stood: solid and resolute.
Impressive, indeed. To think such complex strategy had been devised entirely by one man. Sleepless nights working tirelessly on his project. No, not his. Humanity’s. So many nights spent under the candle light, leaning over his desk, so focused, so determined. Just as he was now. And you couldn’t help but notice that the rumors you heard in the capital never mentioned how attractive he was. Sapphires instead of eyes; neatly combed hair, fair and trimmed short at the sides; well built and broad-shouldered, yet elegant and sophisticated. If one didn’t know any better, one could have assumed he descended from royalty.
“What do you think?” A question with your name attached at the end took you by surprise. The commander was talking to you. “I’ve noticed you’ve been staring at that one spot in the paper since the meeting started. What’s on your mind?”
“Sir, I-” the short woman with strawberry blonde hair, whose name, you had learned, was Petra, gave you an encouraging smile “I just think the third relay, the one in the third column, would work better as a one-person position” you explained, leaving your self-appointed confinement in the corner of the room to join them at the table “I mean, because of the place it is located in, I- I think it is unlikely that they will encounter a titan before the others” you said as you tried to focus your attention on the commander only, doing your best to make it past squad leader Miche’s sniffing and Captain Levi’s dead eyes. “And in the event that they do, I think it would be more efficient to use a strong soldier for that position, instead of multiple of average… strength” you continued, trying to convince yourself that ‘average’ wasn’t an insult “that- that way the strong soldiers could deal with the situation alone as a one-man team, and we would be able to send more people to the peripheral positions and support those who are more likely to find titans, like the recon soldiers, for example. I believe this way the chances of survival would be slightly higher for everyone” you concluded, relieved to have reached the end of your intervention “It’s just my opinion, sir.”
After, what you estimated, had been a century of the commander contemplating the paper before him, he finally grabbed his pencil and wrote something in his small black notebook. Then, he moved on to the next topic.
“You’re not one of many words, are you?”
“Sir?” You looked up from the papers you had been organizing.
“Strange. Something about you also tells me you are quite fond of talking. I can’t decide.”
Oh, you talked. Inside your head. There, you never shut up.
“I used to think it was an innate ability, you know, being able to choose one’s words intentionally” the commander told you as he drew his signature on a report “But one author I read once, said it was actually an acquired skill. And now I can’t decide either. But whatever it is, I respect that” he looked up and smiled softly “Today, however, was the first time I heard you string more than two sentences together. And I must say, I would be delighted to hear your input more often.”
You liked that. Very much. So you smiled back.
“Nanaba told me they had never heard a recruit speak so much for a first interview.” You had to pause what you were doing “She admitted she was overwhelmed at first, but then grateful, because, after such descriptive self-introduction, she knew exactly where to place you.” Did he know about all the things you told them? “I confess that, knowing that, it was starting to concern me, that you may be scared of me. That’s why you never talk. Am I that scary?”
Not scary. Intimidating maybe? But definitely not scary. So you shook your head lightly.
He smiled, looking a little bit defeated by the continuous silence on your end, and then said “In the future, share your ideas with us. There’s value in them. I won’t keep you any longer, you may go.”
But you didn’t move, instead you took a deep breath and opened your mouth. “I think that paper is a mess” you pointed to the formation plans “There’s so much written on it, and it’s getting difficult for me to understand what’s going on underneath. I mean, I understand because I saw it before it turned into the chaos that it is now, and because I go to the meetings every week, of course. And your explanations there are always very detailed. I think you’re great at explaining things by the way, you could explain chess to a titan. But I was just thinking, the other new recruits may find it rather confusing too. When we present the plan to them next week, they’re only gonna see scribbles and doodles and lines that go in all sorts of directions. And they’re gonna be left to wonder if your son grabbed his colored chalk and wrote on it while you were sleeping.”
He looked down at the paper, then back at you, and then threw his head back laughing.
“Very good. I’ll work on that tomorrow. Thanks” he concluded, seemingly satisfied.
“And also” he said as you were almost at the door “I don’t have a son.”
And you found yourself smiling back complicitly.
“Good night, commander”
You opened the map and when you saw it, it made you smile. The forward recon position was no longer a soldier but a squad.
Like hell you were going to let him rewrite the plans. This was the whole point of you being there, to take over trivial stuff like this so he could focus on more important things. So you showed up even earlier the next morning and started working on it.
When he opened the scroll later that day, his eyes immediately went to find you at your desk.
“Scribble on it as much as you like. I’ll make a new one when I see it starts getting messy” this time it was you giving him the reassuring smile.
“Erwin, it was about time you cleaned up that thing. It was starting to upset me.”
“It wasn’t me, Levi. The new recruits will be here” he pointed at the space between the wagon defense squad and the support squad. “They will be moving with the spare horses, as well as relaying signals.”
The one month anniversary of your enlistment had arrived, and the day of your first expedition beyond the walls was quickly approaching. As you had expected, the atmosphere at the headquarters had gotten more and more hectic. That week’s meeting had been significantly longer. They had taken hours going over each one of the soldiers individually, and deciding their positions in the formation.
Captain Levi’s squad was already in charge of Eren, so you assumed they would continue to serve that role for the expedition as well. But the commander hadn’t specified so, neither revealed their exact position yet. Not during the meeting, at least. You didn’t understand what was the reason behind all the secrecy. Did he suspect something was off? Was he worried someone might hurt Eren? If so, who and why? Eren’s name, however, wasn’t the only one missing. You couldn’t find yours anywhere on the paper.
“The forces this time are significantly smaller than in previous expeditions, we should concentrate on getting back with minimal losses. Any questions?”
“Yes, sir” you raised a hand “What is going to be my position?”
“Commander, please”
“I’m not risking losing my assistant to a titan�� he said while opening the door to his office “I need you here, not in a titan’s belly.”
“If a titan grabs me I’ll scream for it to unhand me.” Not even you knew if that was supposed to be a joke “Unhand me, monster.”
He chuckled as he sat at his desk, still not bothering to look at you. “I can guarantee you that’s not the way things work out there.”
“I know those plans like the back of my hand. And that too” you said pointing at the map scroll he had just placed on the table. “Commander, I swear, when I close my eyes at night, I’m only able to see that thing. I’m forever haunted. By that and by your scribbles.”
“All the more reason to stay then” he looked rather amused, and for a brief moment you were tempted to ask if he derived some sort of enjoyment from the situation. But you settled for listening instead. “In the event we all perish out there, there needs to be someone left who’s able to pass on the knowledge to the next soldiers.”
“All the more reason to go then” you said as he gave his full attention to a pile of reports. What was he even doing? You were supposed to organize that later. “If you perish out there, so will my intentions of going beyond the walls. Because I’m not following anyone else out there.”
He put down the papers and finally looked at you. And something about his demeanor reminded you of that night.
Are you ready to die if I ordered to? But the memory didn’t make you think of him as much as it made you think of your past self. What would she say? How would she feel knowing that all it took was one month. One month working under Erwin Smith, and you were already begging to be taken on a suicide mission. Talk about unexpected.
“Commander, back then you said all the new recruits would join you in the expedition beyond the walls” You added in a composed manner, watching your tone the whole time because the last thing you wanted was to sound whiny. You knew that wouldn’t help. You needed to make him understand it was not an impulsive plea. Because it really wasn’t. You wholeheartedly believed you could be of some assistance out there. Maybe not fighting titans but helping with provisions, running spare horses, anything he needed. Him or anyone. Plus how would you call yourself a scout if you never, well… scouted.
He remained silent. So you took it as an indication that you could keep going.
“You said you wanted to hear my ideas. I can’t tell you what I think if I’m here and you’re miles away.” you stepped closer, the front of his desk meeting the front of your thighs. “Please, let me go with you.”
He stared back at you. All amusement seemed to have abandoned his eyes. But beyond that, it was difficult to guess what he was thinking. After a while, however, he spoke again.
“You’ll take the position to my immediate right.” You released the stiffness your muscles had been holding. The spearhead. Through your relief, you tried to go over the plans in your mind. “Don’t stray too far apart and keep your eyes open at all times.”
“Yes, sir” you didn’t try to hide the contentment in your smile.
next chapter
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Good Night, Baby (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, pregnancy, insecurity (let me know if i missed any)
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Words count: 1k
A/N: This series is ending soon so be ready 🥺 This is part 18 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Epilogue
*keys clanking*
Joel slowly opened the door and put his keys on the table. The lights were off but the TV was on. He walked to the living room and found you asleep on the couch. Joel turned the TV off then he crouched beside you and kissed your lips. 
“Hmm?” You opened your eyes slowly.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Joel stroked your head.
“Hmm.” You rubbed your eyes.
“Where’s Sarah?” Joel raised the blanket to cover your body.
“She’s in her room.” You yawned.
“Oh!” You suddenly felt a flutter in your stomach.
“He just kicked.” You chuckled and sat.
“What? Wait! I have to get Sarah!” Joel ran to Sarah’s room and carried her to you.
Joel promised Sarah to show her if her baby brother kicked so she could say hi. So he ran to Sarah’s bedroom and woke her up.
“I want to say hi to my baby brother!” Sarah squealed in Joel’s arms.
“Knock, knock.” You poked your belly.
Your baby understood the assignment. He kicked again.
“Oh! There he is.” You pointed at the side of your belly that was sticking out. It seemed like his little feet. 
“Hi! I’m your big sister!” Sarah said hi as you put her little hand on your belly.
Joel put his hand on top of yours and Sarah. The three of you chuckled. This was one of the most beautiful moments that you always had since you had Joel and Sarah as your family. 
“Okay! Back to bed, babygirl.” Joel kissed his daughter's head and carried her to her bedroom.
“Goodnight, sweetie.” You stroked Sarah’s head and kissed her goodnight.
“Good night, mommy.” Sarah waved her hand to you.
Then you went to lay on your bed while Joel took a shower. You groaned as you were trying to find a comfortable position on the bed. You felt contractions but it was mild so you were sure it was just braxton hicks. It wasn’t that painful to you but it was uncomfortable. You kept sighing and rubbed your belly. Joel finished showering and was ready to climb the bed when he realized there was something wrong. 
“You okay, baby?” He asked as he climbed on the bed.
“Hmm, it was just braxton hicks.” You sighed.
“What? Braxton? You named him braxton hicks?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows. (I found videos on tiktok about the husbands don’t know what a braxton hicks is and found it so funny so I’ll use it here 😁)
“You named our baby without discussing it with me? I mean, I know you’re the one who's doing most of the work, but I contributed too.” He shrugged in disappointment.
“Baby, what are you talking about?” You giggled.
“Why are you laughing? This is not a laughing matter.” Joel was confused.
“Baby, it’s not our son’s name. Braxton hicks is the name of “false labor” pains. It’s a medical term.” You explained to him and chuckled.
He raised his eyebrows and nodded as he just understood what it was. He had no idea about it before and he thought it was his son’s name that you came up with.
“Are you in pain?” He started getting worried.
You nodded.
“But it’s not that bad. It’s just uncomfortable.” You put your hand on your belly.
“Wait here.” Joel ran to the bathroom.
*water flowing*
A few minutes flew and Joel came back to you. 
“Come on.” Joel put his arms around and carried you to the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” You giggled.
“I made you a warm bath. Hope it helps.” He slowly put you down and helped you move inside the bathtub.
“Hmm..This feels good.” You closed your eyes and smiled. 
“Do you want to join me?” You opened your eyes and looked at Joel.
He nodded and pulled off his towel that was covering his lower body. Then he went inside the bathtub right behind you, put his arms around you and pulled you closer to his chest.
“Thank you.” You kissed his arms that were around your chest.
“Glad it helps.” Joel kissed your shoulder.
You and Joel stayed like that until you felt better. He put on a towel on his waist then he helped dry you and put you to bed. Then he went back to the bathroom to shave. You sat on the bed putting moisturizer on your belly. Looking at the stretch mark then you started crying. Your mood changes during your pregnancy were horrible. And you were always feeling insecure about yourself. Joel heard your sobs so he peeked from the bathroom door. 
“What is it? Does it hurt again?” Joel walked to you and sat beside you on the edge of the bed.
You shook your head and looked at your stretch marks on your belly. 
“I’m not beautiful anymore.” You sobbed.
“You’re beautiful, baby. Wish I could see you being pregnant my whole life.” Joel chuckled.
You shook your head and said, “Look.” You showed him your stretch marks.
“Stretch marks don’t change your beauty.”  Joel caressed your belly.
Joel opened his palm asking you to give him the moisturizer. Then he helped you put on the moisturizer. His touch was so loving and affectionate that it made you feel calmer. 
“I love you, Joel.” You put your hand on his.
“I love you too.” Joel placed a kiss on your lips.
“Okay, I’m gonna finish this and join you in the bed soon. Alright?” Joel pointed at his jaw which still had shaving foam.
You nodded and laid on your sides on the bed getting ready to sleep. Joel finished shaving a few minutes later and climbed on the bed beside you. He snuggled behind your back and extended his hand to turn off the night lamp on your bedside table. 
“Good night, baby.” Joel kissed your temple and spooned you.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Soft Touch Baby
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Eddie’s POV | Song | ao3
Robin wiggles around excitedly. “I like the sound of this.”
Steve rolls his eyes. Still can’t look her in hers. “I kinda cried all over him, Robs. Literally nothing romantic or suave about that. At all.”
She wiggles again. “Okay, yes, but the emotions! Tell me!”
Steve sighs, but they both know he’d never deny her anything. “He just kinda… held me. And then when I finally pulled back, he didn’t actually stop touching me.” He knows she can see the blush he feels rising on his cheeks. “And, uh. He made me pancakes.”
“Oh my god. Steve. What time was it?”
He’s pretty sure his blush is all the way down to his chest now. “Like three.”
“Steve.” Somehow his name has eight syllables and lasts twelve seconds.
“Yeah. We didn’t finish them all, so I stuck them in the fridge and we went back upstairs. He, uh, followed me into my room.”
Robin grins. “And into your bed?” His lack of reaction is answer enough, and she shuffles excitedly again.
“Then I wake up, and it’s way too early, and I’m really comfortable, and I realize sometime during the night I kinda octopused onto him. And, uh.” He bites his lip again. Takes another bite of ice cream. “He was holding me, too. But I’m an idiot, so I moved, and he woke up, and…” he shakes his head. “He asked if I was awake. God, Robs, his face. Y’know that face someone makes when they wake up and it’s bright so they’re kinda halfway smiling?”
“That. So he asked if I was awake, and I shook my head, and he, uh. Pulled me back down. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep faster. Then I actually wake up, later, and he’s playing with my hair and oh my god Robin I want to date him.” He bends over the ice cream. Robin giggles again and pushes him up via a palm to his forehead. “So I remind him we have more pancakes, and we just kinda mess around some-” he catches her look and presses the ice cream carton into her thigh, relishing in her yelp. “Not like that, Robs, Jesus. We’re joking around, and then we get serious, and I’d said earlier how I slept really well, and so just then he says that he slept really well, too, and we kinda made an agreement that if we needed it, or… or something like that, we could call each other. No questions asked.”
“You know this, like, way crosses any sort of platonic line in the sand there once was?”
Steve snorts. “I kinda assumed, yeah. So he left, I dunno, something about the band, and I immediately called you. And now here we are.”
“Here we are,” Robin agrees. “Steve.”
“I’m really happy for you.”
The blush is back. “Thanks.”
They put in the movie, quoting as much of it as they can. About five minutes in, it turns into an unspoken competition. Steve wins. He’s not sure Robin doesn’t let him.
She leaves with the movie after it finishes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “See you later?”
“As you wish,” he grins, laughing when she groans.
He turns around after closing the door and sighs. Alone isn’t his favorite thing to be, so he puts in a random cassette as he cleans up.
He doesn’t wait by the phone, doesn’t linger as he’s heading upstairs to go to bed, doesn’t unplug the phone and carry it up to his room. Except in all the ways he does.
The phone doesn’t ring that night. The next morning, Steve very carefully doesn’t feel anything.
A few nights pass before he wakes up gasping again, screwing his eyes shut and pressing the heels of his hands into them. He mutters a curse before sitting up and reaching for the phone.
It rings just as he touches it. He jumps a foot in the air, heart hammering in his chest all over again.
He answers, taking a deep breath as he picks it up. “Hello?” He curses the way his voice shakes, hopes the caller won’t notice.
“Come over?” Eddie’s voice is small.
Steve breathes out in relief. “Yeah. I’ll be right there.”
“I’ll unlock the door.” The line clicks off.
Steve breathes in. Breathes out. Grabs his keys and walks out.
The radio’s playing quietly as he starts his car, and it’s a welcome distraction from his thoughts. He leaves it on, turns it a little louder, taps along to the beat on his steering wheel, nods along. Quietly sings some of the words he halfway knows.
He’s at Eddie’s trailer before he knows it, walking right in like he knows Eddie was hinting at, making just enough noise he won’t startle him.
He’s sitting on the couch, staring at the blank TV, before slowly slotting his eyes over to Steve. “Hey.”
Pt 11
@thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @the-redthread @tiny-enthusiast @thatonepotatochild @maya-custodios-dionach @imsociallyanxiousgetoverit @vhelt @newtstabber
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Integration party in First Order:
1. Everyone in high command was outraged that they are expected to fraternize with rest of the personnel.
2. Hux told Ren that he is not going. He has work.
3. Ren sent him official order though official channel ( which he never used before)
4. Hux hates him even more now and promised to himself that Ren is going to regret that.
5. Whole high command arrived in uniforms still outraged and mad.
6. Hux arrived in the most inappropriate outfit that they ever saw him in (i will left the actually outfit for your imagination). He went straight to the bar.
7. "Hux! General. You are not going to sit with us?" Hux stopped after Kylo's question and looked at the table where high command was siting.
8. "You throw an integration party and expect me to sit all nigh with old sulking sycophants?" He raised his eyebrow. "No. I will be at the bar. Maybe find someone who will bring me drinks.."
9. One of generals stood up abruptly almost spilling his drink on Pryd's lap. "I will gladly keep you company, Armitage."
10. "Is that so?" Hux smiled watching Ren who was clenching his jaw "alright. Lead the way." he accepted his arm.
11. Glass on the table exploded.
12. Hux spend party with other general. He enjoyed attention. And appreciated courage because Kylo persecuted them whole night...
13. Hux drank 5 shots of Chandrillian vodka. There was hand on his thigh.
14. He didn't mind. Wouldn't let him for anything more though. It would complicate his work.
15. Kylo minded... Very much.
16." Leave him" there was ligh saber between them. Hux tilted his head looking at the terror in other general eyes. Well even the bravest has to know when accept defeat. He slowly withdrew his hand. Stood up. Nodded to Hux. Bowed before Ren and run.
17. Hux drunk another shot.
18. "You deprived me of company."
19. "You would want him?" Hux turned his head around to look at the knight. At Supreme Leader.
20. "You are the one who ordered me to come here. And "for once in my life have fun" So. I am having fun." He gulped down another shot.  "Are you jealous? Or do you simply want to take his place?" Kylo was staring at him blankly. He sat down next to him.
21. Hux woke up with headache, in bed that was definitely not his and with Kylo Ren glued to his back.
22. Something about his initial plan went wrong, but he did not figure out yet what....
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