#went to a new store that just opened and it's super cute
absolutely love going out with my friends when i have some money i feel okay with burning some, because not only do i get to have a good time with friends but i get some neat stuff too
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boysmentfs · 5 days
Gym Opening.
With the amazing @kylestfs
The time was 9 in the morning, Louis finished breakfast with his mother, since his father was currently on a business trip, he got up from the chair and washed his dishes, His mother looked at him with pride, she had raised a kind, cute and responsible boy.
"Okay mom, it's time for me to go to school because I don't want to be late" he approached his mom and gave his a kiss on the cheek while grabbing his backpack.
"Have a nice day, son!" His mother shouted as Louis left the house and headed to school, once he entered his friends greeted him and began to talk about movies and video games, until the bell rang, so everyone went to their classrooms.
The hours passed, Louis had lunch at school with his classmates, took some more classes and so the day went by and now the clock read 3 pm, Indicating that it was time to leave, the bells rang and so everyone began to gather their things and began to go home
"Hey Louis" his friend said as he ran up behind him and gave him a small pat on the back.
"What's up, John? Do you have something to tell me? I need to get home and start doing the homework the teacher's gave us."
"No, nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you would like us to go together" John commented.
"Is that it? No problem, I can go alone, you don't need to accompany me, I'm not a little kid." Louis started laughing
"Well, if you want it that way, no problem, see you tomorrow, take care!" John commented as he left school and headed home.
Louis closed his locker, put his backpack on his back and started walking towards his house, he left school and headed towards his house, as he was walking he passed near a new gym.
"Wow, another gym, we don't need more of those, we need more comic book stores" Louis muttered to himself And before he could take another step, someone behind him covered his eyes and pulled him into the gym.
Once Louis was inside, he felt himself being sat in a chair, his hands tied, and he could clearly hear the gym door being locked.
"Help! Who are you and what do you want from me?"
The guy who had blindfolded him removed the blindfold so that Louis could see who had "kidnapped" him.
When the blindfold was removed, he saw that he was inside the gym.
The light in the gym was somewhat warm but at the same time somewhat dark, The guy felt a little scared, he wanted to ask for help but he knew that the boy in front of him could knock him down quickly, In front of him was a tall, muscular, bearded guy, he looked like one of those guys people called "jocks" and was able to confirm it, since it gave off a smell... Strange.
"He smelled like sweat..." Louis murmured.
But an acidic sweat and he also smelled like some semen, the smell of the gym was very intense and that made he head spin, When he looked around there were some exercise machines, benches, weights and all that stuff.
"To start with... You might be wondering, Who am I? Why did I kidnap you, well, I'm shake, the owner of this new gym I am 30 years old and why did I kidnap you? Well, We don't need such disappointing and nerdy people in this world, ya know?"
Louis didn't know what he meant by that, he wanted to get up from the chair to hit him but... His hands were tied and also...
The height of both was very obvious, the boy was super small next to the muscular guy, the nerd was barely 1'45 while the boy in front of him seemed to be 1'88, So even if I wanted to I couldn't knock it down.
"What do you mean the world doesn't need people like me? Explain yourself properly" Louis said in an angry tone.
"Well, you'll see," Shake said with a mocking smile, as he began to untie his hands.
The moment he untied his hands, Louis stood up and tried to run, but unfortunately Shake grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him.
"Not so fast, nerd"
While with one arm he held Louis' shoulder, the other arm lifted him up and directed Louis towards his hairy, sweaty armpit.
"You inhale the smell, bro... Don't stop, soon you'll be a dumb, muscled guy like me... And above all, my frequent bro"
While Shake was saying that to Louis, Louis was trying to get away from him, but something told him that he wouldn't stop smelling his armpit so he kept doing it, while shake began to say words that Louis did not understand.
"you are a straight brother"
"You like girls"
"You like the smell that your big muscular body gives off"
"That makes you more masculine and manly"
As Shake said those words, Louis began to change.
His straight black hair began to turn a brownish hue as its shape changed from straight to wavy, He also began to grow in height, almost matching the size of the guy from the gym.
His face began to creak a little, as all the little baby fat began to oxidize to give him a more masculine and mature face, His pimples disappeared, his jaw became more defined while his skin also began to soften, His small lips began to enlarge and become fleshy, his nose changed, his brown eyes also changed to a brown color.
His skinny body began to burn, as he began to grow and muscles began to emerge, his clothes could not hold on any longer and tore as his shredded clothes fell to the ground revealing his new body.
He now had two big, juicy pecs, while his shoulders became broader, his torso expanded, his arms became more toned while now his triceps and biceps looked good, His back also expanded and grew giving him a back carved by the gods themselves.
His belly that was thin, now had a pack of 8 well-worked abs while on his sides he had some v-lines, As he continued to sniff Shake's armpit, his Adam's bell grew larger and stood out even more.
"That's it bro... Change and keep smelling my scent, I know you like it"
The changes were still happening, now his legs began to hurt, while his thighs grew to the size of a tree trunk, his calves also exploded, His jeans ripped as they could no longer hold the size, revealing his large, muscular legs as some brown hair emerged from them.
"You're a bro, all your friends are bro's, you're a frat guy"
"You love to leave all your candy inside the girls, you love to breed"
The moment Shake said that, Louis could feel a little excitement in his cock, he could feel it starting to grow in size and so it did, His cock began to grow and thicken, its vulnerable size of 10 centimeters stopped growing, now he had a large anaconda of 20 centimeters, erect and sore.
Now, his feet began to burn and hurt, as they grew in size, his toes lengthened while his feet gained some more flesh to make them look more masculine and worthy of a athletic man, And just like all his clothes, his shoes and socks also ripped off revealing his cute and juicy 15cm feet, The moment his feet came out of his sneakers, they began to give off an unpleasant and stinky smell, just like Shake smelled.
"You love the gym, your whole life is the gym, the girls, your brothers, the parties and the alcohol"
"You hate nerds, you make fun of them and you hit them"
After that, Shake let him go, Louis was surprised to see himself in the mirror that the gym had in front of him.
"What have you done to me!?... Wait- my voice... It sounds different, it sounds deeper"
"Of course bro, you already saw yourself in the mirror, right? A muscular and stinky bro ike us must have a deep, masculine voice, I just need the finishing touch"
Shake took a perfume out of his shorts pocket and began spraying it all over the gym.
"wait, what are you-"
The moment Louis inhaled it, his mind began to blur as his head ached, He put his hands on his head and began to growl.
His old memories were beginning to fade, he tried to hold on to them, but the scent of the perfume was too strong, new memories began to flood her mind.
He began to remember that he was always a spoiled child, he was always in the best schools and that his parents were millionaires, he remembered the countless times he had left several girls pregnant.
He began to remember that he started training at the age of 18 and now at 21 he had a body that he loved.
He remembered that he was in college and in the best fraternity, he remembered the countless parties he had had with his brothers.
His mind began to fill with girls and their big boobs, making him feel needy.
Brown hair began to grow in his armpits while a sweaty smell began to come out of them.
He started thinking about his girlfriend and her big boobs, making him came, saying goodbye to his old self.
"Bro! "You've made a mess in my gym"
"Sorry bro, but I couldn't help but cum at the thought of my girlfriend, but it shouldn't bother you, this will give a unique smell to your gym" Jake laughed as he punched him on the shoulder
"Whatever bro, here, go put these pants and boxers on, it's time to train"
Jake grabbed the gray-colored sweatpants and the boxers, headed toward the locker room. Once there he put on his pants and boxers, he saw some AirPods that he recognized as his own, He put them on while grabbing his phone that was in his locker.
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"damn it, I look so goooooddd, My girlfriend is very lucky to have me"
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sstrwbrryccke · 9 months
— sweetly spoiled | sub choi soobin
tags: rich reader x sugarbaby+broke soobin, financial dominance, gn reader, this was super fluffy until the end, porn with feelings, anal sex (can be interpreted as pegging), overstimulation, window sex, cum eating, hair pulling
not proofread 😭
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you’re a hardworking rags to riches, new money type of billionaire. it started from taking over a failing business to investing into real estate and now a multibillion franchise. through sheer hardwork, will and a keen eye, you were one of the youngest billionaires in the world. you were rich beyond belief, rich but lonely. suffering from the many losses of your family members wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t as if you could make genuine friends in this industry.
meeting him was a total coincidence, you were picking up some late night snacks at a convenience store- just because you’re rich now doesn’t mean you forgot your roots, the convenience store was quick and cheap after all. there you spotted him, tall yet nervous at the cashier, fumbling in his pocket for money to pay for the ramen cup. money which he seems to not have, he sighed, about to return the item before you stepped in to buy it for him. financial dominance at its best, really. when you glanced his direction, met with his shocked face, the first thing you noticed was how seriously cute he was, a man that was 100% your type. wide bunny eyes with pretty pink lips, when he beamed a smile at your kind action, you felt your heart flutter. but that was all it was, a random encounter with a very pretty stranger. he thanked you and you waved him off, the two of you parting ways.
and to be honest, he didn’t come up on your mind that much after, you were a busy business person after all. hours of paperwork and meetings filled your mind as the weeks passed. but one day, your assistant called in sick, and you felt maybe that was your sign to take a rest for the day too. but left alone in your penthouse apartment seemed to only perpetuate how spacious your living space really was. even your personal butler had taken a vacation. so huge, alone, isolated and quiet. when the ticking of the clock was too much, you decided to take a walk to escape the mundanity of your solitude. but he caught your eye again, wearing plain clothing and crouched next to the door of a cafe? you approached him, curious. the sudden shade made him glance up, his eyes instantly lighting up in recognition.
“oh! it’s you!”
he seemed happy to see you, and you instinctively smiled along too.
“what are you doing here?”
he seemed sheepish at the question, craning his head and shaking his hair with an exasperated gasp. it was cute, he was cute.
“i just got fired from the cafe.”
it was such an unexpected and ridiculous answer, you heard yourself snicker. he was embarrassed, lips pouted.
“i let a few stray cats and dogs in.”
you snicker again, he instantly shot up to defend himself. reminding you how tall he was.
“it was raining!”
the two of you end up talking, and you invite him to another cafe to chat. of course you paid for everything, you insisted. he was shy at first, very thankful and grateful for your hospitality. what an obedient and well-mannered boy. eventually, through more talking and prodding, he opened up. he was called soobin, and soobin’s adorable looks matched his personality. he was endearing in every way that word could mean. he ranted about his university and disastrous job history, and he really really had a penchant for being broke. seriously, how was it possible for someone to be this financially unfortunate? every time he tried to earn a living, something prevented him, like god’s divine will if you were religious. first job at a restaurant? broke 20 plates in one go. second job as a waiter? the restaurant got struck by lighting and went bankrupt. the list goes on.
when he finished, he was sheepish again at your shocked face, sipping on his mocha awkwardly. you pitied him, honestly, you could tell he was innocent to the qualms of the world, and you really wanted to take him under your wing…
except, what was stopping you?
“uh… sorry for ranting. i normally don’t talk this much.”
he meekly commented, suddenly all shy, back to a very introverted mumble. you just shook your head at him.
“i’m listening to you willingly, aren’t i?”
your tone was stern, he instinctively straightened his back as if preparing for you to reveal something big to him, maybe you were going to shoo him away? you took a moment to stare at him, observing his features. looking at him closer just made him so much more attractive, and you could listen to him talk for hours, even if he didn’t talk. just his presence had soothed you of all your troubles.
“soobin, do you want to be my sugar baby?”
he blinked at you. and you thought you would have to explain the concept to him until his face darkened a deep red, fingers fiddling together. maybe he wasn’t as innocent as you thought he was, maybe you should’ve expected it, but it only made your desire arouse more. there was a moment of silence as you let him contemplate the choice.
you break his train of thoughts, and he jolts up, shoulders tightly bunched together as his wide bunny-like eyes lowers. he whispers something you couldn’t hear.
“use your voice, soobin.”
“does that mean we do that?”
slightly taken aback by his question, so that was what he was thinking. he was secretly a pervert, wasn’t he? you grin at him, leaning forward.
“someone’s getting his hopes up, isn’t he?”
to your surprise again, he nods obediently, and your grin widened. being alone wasn’t so bad after all.
it took him awhile to get used to the sugar-baby lifestyle. and for some reason, he was more endearing after becoming your sugar-baby. despite how broke he was, he really wasn’t the type to thirst for money. even being awful at receiving gifts sometimes. he had already been so thankful at you covering his living costs, so anything extra made him jittery and blush, profusely thanking you. not to mention, sex with soobin was beyond wonderful, he was just as obedient in bed as he was in his daily life. you found out later he gave his virginity to you, and that honestly made you turned on and ready for 10 more rounds.
you learned more about soobin’s hobbies too, and one thing you note is how much of a nerd he was. when you give him a very hefty and large allowance, he mostly uses the money for games, mangas and anime subscriptions. even though you insist many times that you give him enough money to buy all of that and way more. he seems to be more than satisfied with just those items.
gradually though, he really takes over your life with his presence, and it was only more apparent when he moved into your penthouse apartment. (even though you offered him a separate apartment, you learned he was a rather clingy person) you found yourself buying more shelves to display his manga collections, catching up to his favourite animes when you have time so you guys can watch together on movie night. he’s an introvert to the core, so he often prefers to stay in the penthouse rather than go out. not that you mind, it was nice to spend the night cuddling with him after long day at work, plus you dote on him extensively, if soobin wanted to stay in, you were going to let him stay in.
and you didn’t know life could get this happy until you entered to the smell of freshly baked goods, a smiling soobin poking his head out from the kitchen. god, who needs michelin star chefs when you have a cute bunny boy? and damn was it was the best cinnamon roll you’ve ever had in your entire existence.
eventually, your work finds out about soobin too, it first manifested in drifting rumors of a mysterious partner you had. then it became plain obvious when you straight-up brought soobin to your office one day. it was a bizzare sight, a man dressed in a hoodie sitting in a room full of men and women in suits. he mentioned he was curious about your work, and next thing he knew, he was in your limousine driving to the high skyrise building.
another time you brought him to those socialite parties, which was really just a fancy name for ‘rich people getting drunk asf’. he was so adorable, muttering to you about how nervous he was as you adjust his bowtie. he wore a grey asymmetrical suit jacket, you had it tailor made for him. you would hold him by the waist and kiss his worries away, reassuring him. and just as you thought, it went great. though soobin wasn’t talkative at all, just smiling beside you as you’re approached by another acquaintance. you two had fun though, you would snake your hand around his waist and whisper to him while gesturing to another rich nepo baby.
“and that one over there, that blonde hair? oh yeah, definitely a wig.”
“stop- that’s mean!”
but he was giggling with you, his eyes creasing into sweet crescent moons. the night passed smoothly, and the two of you retreat back to the penthouse apartment again. there you sat on the bed, freshly showered. soobin comes out from his shower as well, wrapped in a towel. he seemed embarrassed again, at how scantily dressed he was.
“stop hiding yourself, i’ve literally seen you naked soobin.”
“nope, who knows when you’re going to get horny and attack me.”
he shook his head teasingly, his wet hair tousling around. you raise an eyebrow, standing up to walk to him and he instantly starts laughing and apologising while backing away, knowing that once you take action you weren’t going to stop.
“hey i was joking!! i was jokin- AHHH!!”
you go for his hips where he was the most ticklish, and it didn’t take a lot of wrestling until he was under you, huffing and giggly. cheeks red, puffy eyes beautifully curved with his smile, his dimples in full show. touching your knee was something hard, as well, and you smirk at him.
“and i’m the horny one?”
with just the right amount of teasing and edging, you get him squirming and moaning, begging softly for you to touch him more. you haul him up, and he seems to wake up from his submissive daze when he realises you brought him right up to the massive windows of the penthouse. naked and exposed, leg spread embarrassingly far apart as you make him bend over- using the glass as support.
“w-what if people see.”
“let them.”
you whisper in his ear and he visibly shivers. you thumb at his lubed pink hole, dipping in and then dipping out, he becomes more and more desperate with each passing second. when it was clear you were going to keep playing with his rim, he softly whines, glancing behind him to look at you. bunny eyes wide and pleading.
“use your words soobin.”
“mmm… please.”
he gulps, nervous. he was so turned on he felt like he could come with any type of friction.
“spoil me please.”
oh, and you were going to spoil him alright. he was your pretty prince and you would genuinely buy him the earth if he wanted to. hurray to capitalism and this pretty boy. you kiss his nape as you insert a finger. he squirms and clenches his thighs, trying his hardest to hold it in because you hadn’t given him permission yet.
you insert another finger and begin to pump them in and out, purposefully hitting his prostate to push him over the edge. he comes without a warning and he sputters, his thighs trembling.
“s-sorry! sorry! i didnt mean to! im sorry!”
he begs profusely, legs still feeling the aftershocks of his orgasm. but you weren’t done with him just yet, he chokes down his words when you continue to finger his prostate, overstimulating him and making him squeal out in both pain and pleasure. he comes again, very close to the first one, and the white substance spurts onto the window.
“messy baby, you’re making so much trouble for the cleaners. bend down and clean that.”
he knew very well that you had cleaners who wouldn’t even blink an eye when wiping cum off the window. but he obeys as he always has. his weak legs was going to give up on him anyways, so he bent down kneeling on all fours, ass in the air as he awkwardly licked the salty cum off the window. doesn’t mean the work was over for you though, because you join him, aligning your length with his hole as you push into him. he moans loud at the sudden intrusion, arms giving up on him as he slips down on the floor, perking his ass up further.
“did i tell you to stop? keep going.”
he whines, trying to support himself but failing, so you give him a helping hand, your hand gripping the back of his hair and you pull his head back until he’s craning his neck. you swipe a finger at the remaining cum, bringing it to his mouth, feeding it to him, making him swallow.
the whole process was so arousing, it only took a few more thrusts until he was coming again. this time though, the overstimulation was too much and soon enough he was sobbing and crying. you chuckle, he was such a baby, but maybe it was your fault for spoiling him so much. you gently embrace him, thrusting into him softly until you orgasmed as well.
you pull out and coo at him. his body trembling and spasming. you use a wet towel to wipe down the both of you, until he refused you movement by hugging you tightly. it takes a moment to get back to bed, especially with an oversized koala clinging to you. but the two of you flop down, and you take the moment to caress his face. he was sleepy, but registered your soft touches with a satisfied smile.
“want to go shopping tomorrow?”
he hums, shuffling closer to you until his face was in the crook of your neck.
“mm i just want to stay in.”
you snicker. and you have never felt so much warmth in your heart.
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Hey saffy. Could you possibly do a request of the boys and reader getting a puppy or pet of some sort? Thanks in advance. Your work is really cool.
This is too cute!! Hope you enjoy🙃❤️ sorry it's a little short
141 + König x Reader Getting a New Pet
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of malnutrition and death
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Simon Ghost Riley-
The two of you were walking around a strip mall on your day off, trying to kill some time when you passed by a pet store.
"Oh, Simon! Can we go in? Just to look." You turned to your husband, a pleading look in your eyes.
Simon was about to say no before seeing the look you were giving. "Quickly, love. This place is a trap."
Your eyes grew wide, and a smile was plastered on your face as you ran to the door, opening it quickly.
Dragging a reluctant Simon behind you, you walked along the wall of puppies before finding a small German Shepard pup, trying desperately to get your attention.
"Si! He's so cute! Can we see him, please? Super quick, I promise." You clasped your hands together and begged.
Simon sighed and waved you to go ahead. "I'll watch sweetheart. Go on ahead."
You squeaked from excitement, and went to grab the store clerk to set up your little meet and greet.
You'd managed to convince Simon to sit in the little room with you, and bounced up and down gleefully when the pup was brought to you.
"He's a sweet guy. Super playful. I'm honestly surprised nobody has taken him yet." The clerk told you before placing the puppy down on the ground in front of you and Simon.
The Shepard immediately ran to you, his tag wagging rapidly.
You giggled in delight as you got down to the same level as the dog, letting him lick your face. "Oh, he's so cute, isn't he?"
Simon tried not to smile as he watched you, not wanting his self-control to break. The more he looked, the cuter the dog got. To be fair, he had been wanting to get something to make sure you were well protected when you left.
Slowly but surely, Simon's resolve crumbled, and he ended up getting down on your level to play with the pup. The Shepard bolted to Simon, attacking him with frenzied kisses. Simon reached out to pet him and knew he was done for.
"Can we....can we get him?" You pleaded, mustering the best pouty lip look you could.
A small smile formed on his face, and that told you all you needed to know.
After bringing him home a few weeks later, the two of you settled on calling him "Riley," although it took Simon a while to stop calling him "dog."
The two of them ended up becoming best friends, and it was rare if you'd find one without the other. If you hadn't known better, you'd say your little plan worked out perfectly.
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You and König had the weekend off, so the two of you decided to go to a small getaway in the mountains, packed with trails to hike.
You were on one of the many trails, walking past a patch of bushes when you heard a small squeak.
"Kö, did you hear that?" You turned your head to try and find the source of the noise.
König nodded and moved toward the bushes to investigate. "Schat! Look!"
You walked to him and watched as he carefully picked up a small furry creature from the bushes.
"Oh god! How cute, it's a little kitten!" You squealed as you approached to get a closer look.
It was a little black and white kitten that looked slightly malnourished.
"Was he left by his mom? Is there any sign of her being around?" You questioned, peeking around the bushes for signs of the mom.
"I think he was left behind. It looks like he's been here for a while." König replied, staring down at the kitten with a wide smile.
"He's so cute Kö." You looked up to him with a matching smile.
The two of you stood there for a bit, oogling at the cat, before König blurted out, "I think we should bring him home with us."
Your eyes lit up at his words as you let out a squeal. "Really? You mean it?"
You'd been wanting a furry friend to keep you company for some time, as you often grew lonely during Königs deployments.
König nodded at you, beaming and grabbed a piece of cloth from his backpack to wrap the small kitten in. "Come on, little guy, we'll give you a loving home."
After getting the little one all his shots and a checkup at the vet, you brought him home. König adored the kitten and was ultimately the one who named him "Sylvester."
The two of them developed a strong bond, the kitten being overly attached to König. Sylvester followed him all over the house, slept with him, and never let König from his sight. Needless to say, he was, in fact, brought to a home where he was loved.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
You were a frequent volunteer of your local animal shelter and decided to take Johnny with you on one of your trips when he was home on leave.
Johnny was over the moon, constantly going between the different dog kennels, playing with each and every one.
There was one, however, that he completely fell in love with. She was an older Pitbull mix who'd been at the shelter for some time. You watched as she came right up to him, tail wagging as Johnny approached her. She was often very shy with new people, so you were pleasanty surprised with how quick she took a liking to your husband.
"Babe, she's so sweet." He looked at you as you made your way into her kennel with him.
"She's been here since I started volunteering a few years ago. She's an angel. I really don't know why people haven't looked at her. Once she warms up, she has such a wonderful personality. " You smiled sadly as you crouched down to pet her.
The two of you were silent for some time, giving all your attention to the dog, when Johnny looked up to you, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"You want her, don't you?" You asked, a small smile forming on your face.
He said nothing in reply, his smile only growing wide.
You chuckled softly, knowing this was bound to happen bringing him here.
"I'll go get the papers."
You brought her home later that day after going to a pet store to get supplies for her. You'd spent way more than you'd originally planned to, as Johnny kept adding stuff to the cart that he "insisted" that the pup would like.
After much deliberation on the name, Johnny's name choice had won. She was lovingly named, "Lassie".
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John Price-
You and John were walking through your local supermarket, grabbing some groceries, when you passed by a small table with cats available for adoption.
You immediately stopped pushing your cart and approached the table, much to John's dismay. "Love, we are here for milk and eggs, not cats."
Waiving your husband's words off, you leaned down to the table to look at an elderly tabby cat.
"Interested in adopting him? He's a senior cat. He's around 11. His owner passed, and unfortunately, not many people are keen on adopting older animals." The woman behind the table told you, seeing you eyeing the cat.
"Oh, I'm just looking. He looks so sweet though." You replied with a sad smile.
The cat came up to you and rubbed himself against your fingers that were laid against his cage. You pouted at the action, your heart melting as the cat continued to rub his face on your outstretched finger.
John watched the encounter, and he felt his heart soften a little. He knew you were an animal lover and have been wanting a pet for a while. It wasn't that he didn't like pets. Rather, he felt they didn't like him. Shaking his head of the thoughts, he moved to join you.
Standing beside you, he reached his finger toward the cats cage.
The tabby immediately came to nuzzle against his finger, causing a smile to form on John's face. "Well... maybe we can talk about taking him home."
A few hours later, you guys brought the tabby home. He immediately got himself comfortable after a thorough inspection of the house. He took a liking to John right away and took a particular liking to licking at his beard. Which then earned him the name "Mutton Chops" from John.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
You were scrolling through Facebook when you had seen a post from your local shelter about a three-legged Husky they recently saved. The more you scrolled through all of the photos, the more you knew you wanted to meet the dog.
Running outside to where Gaz was tending to his garden, you promptly handed the phone to him, a wide smile on your face. "Look! Kyle baby, we have to get her!"
Gaz wiped his hands on his pants before grabbing your phone, a giant smile forming at the sight of the photos. "Oh my God, Y/N. She's so cute."
"Do we... want to go see her?" You asked, biting your lip. You and Gaz had talked about having a new addition to your family for quite some time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring a pet into the equation.
There were about 2 minutes of deliberation that followed (there was no question that you both wanted her), and now the two of you were on your way to the shelter to meet her.
You both were over the moon as you were introduced to the Husky. Both of you knew the minute she hobbled over to you that she was going to be going home with you. She seemed to have taken a liking to the two of you as well, as it only took a few minutes for her to roll over and have you give her belly rubs.
On the way back home with her, Gaz had the biggest smile on his face that you'd ever seen (only competing with your wedding day). As she got settled in her new home, the two of you sat down to discuss names, Gaz ultimately choosing her name to be "Nova."
A/N: Thanks for reading! I try to do at least one request a day or every two days, so feel free to send whatever you'd like written!🩷🙃
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 2 months
Pim and charlie (seperate headcanons) x janitor gn reader who works at smiling friends is shy until you get to know them pretty pls? I love ur workk
yes ofc!! tysm i cant believe how much attention my stuff is getting recently, im glad people are liking it! hope you like this one too :3
Pim/Charlie x Janitor Reader
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includes: general and dating hcs
He was really excited that he has a new co worker! He even made a little goody-bag full of snacks and cute cat stickers to give you on your first day. Pim really wants you to feel welcome at Smiling Friends.
He knows it's not his job to do this, but on slower days he tends to help you clean around the office, especially after rough misadventures (or bliblie infestations)
He doesn't mind you being shy around him, he's a patient little critter. Willing to listen to your problems with an open heart; only gives advice when you ask.
Do you like coffee? He'll make you some! Prefer energy drinks? He'll get you some from the store! After awhile, maybe a few months or so, he'll ask if you can get lunch with him sometime. Perchance hang out after work? At a cafe maybe?
Whoops he's in love with you.
If you two end up together, he obviously helps you with your job when needed. If you have any sort of pain that day, God forbid being sick, don't even think about getting out of bed that day. He's making you some chicken noodle soup (or some vegetable and pasta soup if you're vegan), he's turning on the TV, and he's making you some tea.
He gets super flustered every time he's reminded that you aren't shy near him, only with others. He sometimes forgets you trust him, and his heart skips several beats when he remembers. Maybe a little nauseous but it's a good nauseous.
He will gladly take you on missions with him if you ask! Doesn't realize until it's too late that most of his missions are either super deadly or super boring. Probably won't take you on adventures after that for your own safety.
Charlie didn't even know that you were hired as a janitor until he saw you (about a week after you were hired) mopping up some spilled water around the office. He asked if you were a client, but he was quickly shot with confusion as you told him that you worked there.
You two shared some laughs, introduced yourself, and went on with your day.
After that, you wouldn't talk much with him, mostly small conversations about the weather or recent news. He was your coworker, yes, but felt more like background noise. Charlie thought that you were a little reclusive, but he didn't mind the quiet between you two.
He always makes sure to clean up after himself though, just out of courtesy. He's worked one of these kinds of jobs before, he knows they suck.
One night you stayed long after to help clean up the aftermath of a very hectic mission, the office being partially destroyed by a pissed off client. You clocked out and stepped out of what remained of the building, finding Charlie sat down on the sidewalk, lighting a cigarette.
You two talked for a little bit, maybe smoked with him if you're a smoker. Charlie talked about how a lot of the time, he regrets working here because of how much of a nightmare people can be. You couldn't blame him for that. He brought up how he especially feels bad for you, because you have to clean up his messes. Now that surprised you.
When midnight struck, he offered to drive you back to your house/apartment, and you accepted. After that, you both grew close to one another. Too close to be considered a friendship anymore.
Officially dating and closer than ever, he would hang out with you after work, mostly at either his or your place. Talk about drama in each others lives or online, eat junk food, play video games, watch movies, all until the break of dawn. Maybe a few beers get involved during the weekends.
Overall, he's just glad you have someone to confide in now, someone you can trust and be yourself around, not hide behind any walls. Every time he sees you he just wants to run up and hug you, and he does (unless you're in public, he just holds your hand).
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
RIIZE Park Wonbin as a Boyfriend
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Cards: the hermit, three of wands, three of pentacles, seven of pentacles, king of wands, temperance, knight of cups, queen of pentacles, three of cups, the lovers, nine of pentacles, seven of cups, five of swords and ten of wands.
Remember, this is just my interpretation based on the tarot spread. All of this is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Take it with a grain of salt. This was a requested reading.
With his love for fashion, dream of becoming a sushi chef, and secret desire to work at a clothing store, Park Wonbin is a man of many talents. It's no wonder so many fans are curious about what it would be like to date him.
Dating Wonbin would be like dating a low-key adventurer with a side of introvert. He probably loves his chill time and might not be all over you right away. Don't worry though, this quiet dude could secretly be a thrill-seeker.
Wonbin seems super chill when it comes to relationships. No drama, just teamwork. He'd be down to chat late-night about anything and don't be surprised if he shows you he cares with cute little surprises. Plus, this dude might be a natural leader, the kind who plans exciting date nights and weekend getaways. Basically, dating Wonbin would feel like having your bestie by your side, always down to conquer whatever comes your way, even if it's just trying that new ramen place you've been eyeing. Super low-key vibes with a side of excitement? Sounds like a win-win.
Imagine this: It's Friday night and you're curled up on the couch with Wonbin, takeout containers scattered on the coffee table. You're both wrapped in cosy blankets, chatting about a movie or documentary you just watched. He laughs softly at a particularly funny scene, his smile making your heart flutter. You steal a glance at him, wondering what adventure he might be planning next.
Hold on, gotta unpack Wonbin's boyfriend vibes! This dude seems all about finding that ~balance~ in a relationship. You know, like open communication, patience, and understanding each other's feelings? Super chill. Plus, he's probably a romantic sweetheart – think cute gestures and remembering important dates.
Dating Wonbin would be like building a dream team. He'd be your rock, your hype man, always there to support you. He'd probably love going on adventures with you, trying new things, and just soaking up quality time together. Basically, Wonbin's looking for the real deal, someone to connect with on a deeper level. Deep feels and all that! Sounds pretty promising, if you're into that kind of thing.
Imagine this: You were having a terrible day. The presentation at work went south, and your favourite coffee shop was out of your usual latte. Dragging your feet through the door, you braced yourself for Wonbin's usual warm greeting.
Instead, he just smiled softly, his eyes holding a warmth that melted away your stress. He handed you a steaming mug decorated with a tiny heart drawn in chocolate syrup. "Rough day?" he asked, his voice gentle. You took a sip, the rich coffee and sweet chocolate instantly lifting your spirits. "The worst," you mumbled, a small smile playing on your lips.
Wonbin pulled you into a hug, his arms strong and comforting. "Let's forget work for a bit," he whispered. "How about we order takeout and build a blanket fort for a movie marathon?"
Another plus point about Wonbin is his provider mindset. Wonbin sounds like a total #adulting boyfriend! Financial security? Check. Taking care of his commitments? Double check. In a relationship, this dude's got his life together and wants to make sure you're comfy too. Imagine a partner who always pays their share (and maybe even surprises you with takeout sometimes). Plus, Wonbin's all about clear communication – no mind games here! He'll tell you straight up what's on his mind, which can be super refreshing in a relationship. Basically, dating Wonbin would feel mature and drama-free. You know exactly where you stand, and he's always got your back (and your feelings!). Sounds pretty ~adulting goals~, right?
Okay, so Wonbin isn't perfect (but who is, tbh?). Here's the tea on his chill vibes with a side of maybe-not-so-chill. Wonbin might take a while to decide, you know, like what movie to watch or where to eat. And don't be surprised if he has some idealistic expectations about love – gotta manage those butterflies! Commitment might take a while too, so patience is key.
Another thing about Wonbin is that he might be a bit of a control freak sometimes, wanting to do everything himself. Relationships won't always be sunshine and rainbows with Wonbin, but that's kind of normal. He might take on too much sometimes and forget to ask for help (like, hello teamwork!), and there might be some bumps along the road together. The good thing is, Wonbin's probably down to communicate openly. So, even if you argue sometimes, you can work through it together.
Basically, dating Wonbin would be real, with ups and downs, but hopefully more ups! It all depends on whether you're cool with a chill but indecisive boyfriend who's a sweetheart but needs a reminder to delegate.
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Channelled songs:
These songs remind me of him.
Note: This is a requested reading from @theridderhoe
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strawbby-shortcake · 8 months
Dating Tyler Durden! ♡︎
Tyler isn't one to wait around with his feelings, so he's very open and honest when it comes to you. He knew what he wanted, so he went to get it.
Honestly though, he doesn't take rejection well. So if you refused him the first time, you'll have to do it again and again until you give in. He'll display grand gestures to prove that he's the man for you.
If you didn't refuse, great! You're now with an anti-capitalist that kicks ass!!! He's not so bad once you get used to him though.
Tyler is a mix between talking a lot and not talking at all. He likes to talk to you about society and how he's going to change it for the better because you actually listen to him.
When he goes quiet, it usually means his mind is at work or he's focused on a task at hand. That doesn't mean he wants you to leave him alone though. He would rather you be by his side while he's planning.
When he starts Fight Club, you're the first one to know. He makes you promise three times that you won't say anything about it to anyone.
You are NOT allowed to fight, but you can watch him beat people up or tell them that they are "not their fucking khakis."
If you really wanted to fight though, Tyler would only allow you to fight him. Of course, he wouldn't hurt you or anything, but he'll get to see how strong you are.
Every member of Fight Club/Project Mayhem is super kind to you and often steals you things from stores. Whether it's because Tyler told them to do it, or they just wanted to, you didn't know.
For example, one day you were out with Tyler and a few of his space monkeys, and they noticed that you were staring at an item from one of the store's windows.
We all know how Tyler feels about consumerism, BUT he makes an exception for you. Plus, it's not like they're going to pay for it *hint hint*
The next morning, you wake up and see the item placed on your bed with a sticky note that has smiley face on it.
You often hear Tyler yelling at the members, but he never yells at you. He's quite respectful towards you.
Tyler takes you with him to all his odd jobs. You help him splice frames of explicit images into family films. When he has to work as a waiter, he seats you at a table and brings all the clean food you want. He gets distracted by you though and goes to your table far more than the actual customer's tables.
HE MAKES AND HE SELLS SOAPPPP!!! So that means you get to help him out and watch! Be prepared for late night liposuction clinic dumpster runs.
The first time you went with him, you threw up because of the smell. Tyler forced himself to throw up too so you didn't feel embarrassed.
If you have a complaint about anyone or someone is bothering you, there'll be a missing person report on the news within the same week. Tyler does not mess around.
Tyler doesn't force you to smoke, and if you don't like the smell of it, he doesn't smoke around you. In fact, if you really wanted him to, he would attempt to quit. It would be near impossible for him though, but you gotta give him credit!
He loves going into alleyways, hotels, or apartment buildings to dance with you. He doesn't care if anyone is watching. He'll probably have several of the guys to keep watch near the building though, just for safety reasons!
He likes to go thrifting with you. He will pick the most non-matching shirt, jacket, and pants and do a whole fashion show in the store and then walk out with it on. No, he didn't pay. He might borrow your clothes too if he sees something he likes.
Smashing cars around town at midnight? Check. Going to Lou's Tavern multiple days a week? Check.
He'll ask you to play with his hair all the time. He loves it when you do because it relieves tension and makes him sink into the floor.
Makes you special bars of soap with your name on it in different colors.
You get to try on all his cool glasses that he owns.
You'll always be protected no matter where you go.
He's extra cautious when he's out since he doesn't want to die without coming home to you. He could be bleeding out or have a limb ripped off, but he'll manage to come home to Paper Street just to see you one last time. But don't expect that because he's not going to die any time soon.
He shares his gum with you.
He's a great listener when you need him to be.
If you tend to his wounds or scold him when he gets hurt, he doesn't complain. He just sits there, grins, and leans in, knowing you'll kiss him afterwards.
He doesn't say "I love you" super often, but when he does, it's genuine.
Teaches you all about glycerin and the wonders you can do with it.
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 1 month
"Oh and You!" ~ Ethan Morgan x Reader
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sum! Glue song by beabadoobee, also just cutesy moments with your boyfriend Ethan. (different moments/days)
tw! super fluff in gonna cry
this is so cute, also did yall know i do these a/n's before the fic lolzzz
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"I've never known someone like you, ooh. Tangled in love, stuck by you, from the glue."
You and Ethan recently started dating and oh my goodness is this boy the most perfect amazing person boyfriend ever, and my golly he is whipped. He is so so sweet and treats you so so good. Not only that but he just loves you so much. Probably more than you love him.
Nonetheless, even though its been less than 6 months it is still the most perfect relationship and perfect boyfriend ever!
You were walking up to him and his friends at lunch. You sat next to him and he looked at you with those sweet eyes full of adoration and love. God, he loved you so much.
But much like every relationship there were flaws. He would forget to do some things that you had gotten used to, seeing as how this is his first relationship. He doesn't do it on purpose he's just not used to having say 'love you bye!' whenever one specific person is in the same room as him and he's leaving. He mostly gets in trouble over the phone for that though.
The bell rang, signalling that they're lunch was over and they were to head back to class. Leaving you alone.
Ethan was about to just leave. No kiss, no hug, no 'love you bye'.
"Uh, Ethan!" you grab his attention with your somewhat snarky yell.
He looks confused, scanning where he was sitting to see if he had dropped something, "hm?"
"Don't forget to kiss me!" you couldn't hold back your smile as his face came to the realisation.
You then changed to a more smug look when continuing on, "or else you'll have to miss me..."
He smiled and gave you a small but sweet peck on the lips before leaving the cafeteria.
"I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue, oh and you!"
Later that day you were in class together and there was a... pretty girl sitting next to him. She was new to school and needed a tour. She was asking Ethan, before you could interrupt he responded with, "Yeah, me and my girlfriend can show you around."
She immediately shut down the offer and he refused to take her without you. 20 minutes later while the teacher was in the middle of a lecture there was a paper ball wadded up that had hit your shoulder and was now on the floor. You open it up to see in green ink, 'Im stuck by you'
"Finding the right words to use for this song. I have you in mind, so it won't take so long!"
Ethan met you outside of your English class, one of the classes you don't have together. The assignment was, write a poem. About anything, horses, eggs, boyfriend, mom, dad, cat- wait boyfriend?
So you wrote a poem for him, you grabbed the paper out of your bag and read it to him. (im not good with poems you cant make me write one.)
"Never thought I'd find you, but you're here, and so I love you! I'm not wrong when I say,"
It wasn't unknown that Ethan was unpopular. It also was common knowledge that he got bullied. Usually it didn't bug him, but today it did. He walked home by himself. Shut himself out all day. Was consistently zoning out.
You went to the store, bought his favorite stuff and went to his house. You even got him some chocolate and flowers, because how often do guys get those when they feel bad. He immediately let you in when he found out who it was, he just wanted cuddles and you to rub his head. Then he saw you with matching star wars pajamas, chocolate, his favorite food, and flowers. As well as a scarf from his hogwarts house.
He gave you the biggest hug. He didn't ever think he would date you, or even end up knowing you! But you are. And you show up when he's upset, and so he loves you.
"hey, I've been stuck onto you. Like glue." He said peacefully. And while he was acting like you and him were stuck together, you knew he meant metaphorically. And he knew you would understood that.
"I've been stuck by glue. Right onto you!"
"I've been stuck by glue."
"I've never known..."
"I've never known someone like you"
"I've never known..."
Ethan whispered, "I've never known someone like you."
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mantou-rin · 2 months
Sharks are cute, but you're still my favourite
Prompt: Aquarium date with Yaku
Characters: Morisuke Yaku, reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 897
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Yaku thought about you a lot. And he often thought about what his favourite expression of yours was. Of course seeing you happy and excited was one of his favourites, but he also couldn't forget about the time when the both of you went to one of those science museums in town and how fascinated you looked when you saw all the different exhibitions. Well not to mention the multiple times you went to cheer him on at his volleyball matches, the way you couldn't sit still in your seat and your jumps of happiness whenever his team scored a point will never fail to make his heart do a million backflips. 
But today, in this moment right now, Yaku may have finally settled on his favourite expression of yours. 
Your body was literally pressed against the shark tank, your eyes wide open as they tracked every movement of the fish inside the tank. The little noises of excitement you made every time a new fish came swimming along but most importantly, your little jumps each time you saw a shark - undoubtedly your favourite animal in the aquarium. 
Yaku felt like he was gonna pass out from how cute you looked at this point, but he did his best to hold it together, after all there was no way he didn't want to take in the sight of you at your happiest. You had mentioned before to him how you loved going to the aquariums as a child and how you thought that sharks were super cute. Yaku had made a mental note then to remember to bring you to the aquarium for a date, and indeed was he glad that he finally brought you there today. 
He couldn't help but sneak out his phone to snap a photo of you - it will probably be his new lockscreen for the next month. Yaku often did this, he loved taking photos of you when you weren't looking, partially because he realised that you didn't like to take photos of yourself, saying how you weren't really a photogenic person anyway. But in the field of flowers, Yaku always thought that you were the sunflower - bright, cheerful and of course the prettiest. 
The only time you took a photo of yourself was when you went to Disneyland with Yaku. The two of you had matching headbands on and you decided that the long mirror in the store was a perfect photo opportunity. You told Yaku that you felt comfortable taking a photo because he was standing right next to you.
That particular photo became a permanent wallpaper for the both of you. 
“It’s cute isn't it?” Yaku nodded towards the shark as he made his way to your side, his arm naturally making its way to hold you by your waist.
“It’s soooo friend shaped.” You replied, making random gestures with your hands, your eyes still fixated on the shark that was swimming past you.
Yaku’s heart exploded. He let out a soft chuckle and pressed a quick kiss to your temple - you were definitely cuter than all the fishes in the aquarium. 
“You took a photo of me just now didn't you?” You suddenly blurted out, catching Yaku slightly off guard. 
You were smart, and eventually you managed to figure out when Yaku sneaked photos of you. Usually it was moments where he wasn't by your side for more than a second. He wasn't necessarily the most clingy, but Yaku always made it a point to stand next to you and have your hand in his at all times if possible. 
Yaku simply nodded and showed you the picture he took just now, telling you once again how pretty you looked, which obviously led your cheeks to heat up slightly. All these years of dating and Yaku still made your heart race all the time. 
After spending a good amount of time at the shark exhibit, you finally left, although reluctantly. As the both of you continued to walk through the rest of the aquarium, you would occasionally drop random facts about the different aquatic life you read on the internet. Yaku loved listening to you talk, even if it was information he already knew or you already mentioned previously. He didn't mind, he completely adored the sight of you being so excited and if anything, he encouraged you to talk more. 
“Did you know that jellyfish have no brains, they're literally no thoughts head empty.” You said, pointing at one of the multiple glass tanks that had the said creature floating inside. 
“Really? Is that why you're always telling me you want to live like a jellyfish cause they seem so stress free?” 
You gave Yaku a nod and continued admiring the jellyfish in the tank. 
When the two of you left the aquarium, the sun had already set, and compared to the morning, the weather had gotten rather chilly. Yaku had carefully wrapped his scarf around you and held your hand inside his pocket, while giving you a heat pack to hold in the other. He always made it a point to keep you warm, knowing that you often got cold easily. 
“Did you have fun today?” He asked.
You looked at him and nodded your head a couple of times, your face wearing the brightest smile. 
“Can we come back again?”
“Of course we can, my love.” 
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
OMG I loved your ghost and sunshine wife headcanons! Can you please also do one similar with Gaz with a wife that’s kinda goofy and a total optimist? Like she’s the type to put googly eyes on random objects or leave to go to the store real quick to buy milk and come back with an alpaca saying that she “was super lucky and got the last one!” I feel like Gaz is a total realist in a relationship and him having glass half full type of wife is a perfect fit for him :)
um of course! Gaz is so cute, such husband energy.
warning: none just some fluff
to most outsiders, Gaz was a man of few words, but once he got home you almost couldn't get him to stop talking. The two of you spent countless nights on your back porch just laughing over stupid jokes, enjoying each other's company.
he hated leaving you at the house when he had to deploy but it always made him smile when he'd reach into his tactical vest and find a picture of you two with a note on the back, always signed the same, 'all my love' right beside a small heart you had drawn.
it wasn't uncommon for him to return home and find new pets living at his residence.
"Oi love" he called, eyes glued onto the small orange cat pressing against his ankle.
"You're home!" you practically screamed as you ran across the room, throwing yourself into his arms, feeling him wrap around you in a tight embrace as you planted kisses all over him.
"Who's this?" he had asked, head nudging toward the feline.
You giggled a little, "This is Price" you say, picking the cat up to hold him in your arms, while Kyle bows his head, palms rubbing at his eyes.
"You got another one, and named it after my captain," he states plainly, eyes focusing on your beaming smile.
"He's so cute though, I couldn't not take him home, plus I figured kinda orangey-brown, long whiskers, he's totally Price" You fight the laughter that threatens to erupt from your chest.
"Had I known leaving you alone would mean I'd come back to 9 different animals, I'd quit the service"
You fake a gasp, "You love them"
The days you two spent at home mostly consisted of him chasing you around, stopping you from buying more plants for the house, or costumes for your pets. He loved how spontaneous you were, he was used to order and rules, and you threw both those out the window, often urging him into the car so you two could drive out to some lookout point and watch the sunset.
His favourite days were when you'd surprise him at his office, he'd always hear you coming down the hall, engaged in conversation with whoever was near, you made him see the good after the years he spent in warzones.
You rarely asked about work but were always open to talking about it if he had something to get off his chest.
He'd bring you home flowers purely to watch your smile grow wide as you grabbed the bouquet and dragged his lips to connect with yours.
The two of you had been married only a few years, but he had fallen head over heels the second he laid his eyes on you. Your energy was infectious, he felt like you were some bright glowing light over the sea, calling him home.
The team attended your wedding, it was small but bright, strings of flowers hung anywhere they would stay, Price of course standing in as Kyle's best man, he even shed a tear when Gaz had read his vows.
He had promised to love you forever and all of the typical things, but he also vowed to always come home to you, which given his typical circumstances meant so much more.
Often times he'd come home exhausted, just wanting to collapse into bed but then he'd see you, hair a mess, barely dressed and hips swaying to whatever music you had on while making dinner.
He'd immediately forget about the fatigue that had settled in his muscles and promptly pull you into a tight hug, whispering into your ear about how much he missed you, how good you looked, et cetera.
Birthdays were a big thing in your home, Gaz didn't much care for them but you went all out. Sneaking out of your bed before dawn to hang balloons and streamers, always cooking his favourite breakfast.
One year you had fashioned all the pets in matching hats to celebrate, waking him up with soft kisses over his bare chest.
He woke up eyes tired but full of love as he pulled you tightly into his form.
"Can't stay long, have a surprise for you" you told him, a mischievous smirk on your face.
He quirked his brow in intrigue as he let you guide him out of the bedroom, opening the door to a scene of bright decorations and scattered animals, all donning birthday caps.
You had turned to him to see his reaction and he just started laughing, hard enough that it turned into a small wheeze as his arms snaked around you again to hug you, his lips pressing onto the crown of your head.
"I love it, hun, thank you"
You hid your wide smile, pressing your face into his chest.
"Oh! One more thing" you say as you pulled away, crossing the room to open the front door.
Loud shouts and chants filled the room as the rest of the 141 rushed in, headed by Soap who was also wearing a birthday hat and rushing over to grab Gaz, practically lifting him into the air.
You stood back, hands over your mouth trying to muffle your fit of laughter as Kyle simply shook his head.
He loved that you balanced him out, for every negative thing he saw in the world you saw two positives, he'd let you influence him with your optimistic view on life.
The only thing he wouldn't let you change his mind on was sharks, you thought they were so adorable and misunderstood, but Kyle was terrified of them. On one vacation you had insisted on swimming out into the ocean to see the small sharks, trying to convince him to join you but he stood firm on the beach.
He watched you explore the waters with so much curiosity, giggling when some creature would brush against your leg, he couldn't help but smile, looking at you treat everything in the world with such kindness.
He couldn't understand why someone as cheerful as you would choose to be with him, he had seen and done such terrible things, he had so many regrets. But marrying you, he'd never regret that. He loved everything that came with you, the heart-shaped pancakes you'd make (you made special skull ones for when Ghost visited), your impulsive desire to always pull him in to dance with you, that fact that more than a few rocks in your garden had googly eyes on them.
He had thanked whatever higher power that he had met you, and that you loved him just as much as he loved you, even if it meant getting woken up at 3am because you simply had to drive 2 hours out of town to visit a petting zoo that had alpacas.
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Standard Operating Procedures 1.01 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Previous Part: Sales Pitch
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie Munson's Official Comprehensive Pizza Tour of Hawkins
Warnings/Themes: Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Fluffy and awkward and a little bit emotional. Slowish Burnish because of reasons. AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins.
Note: Don't know if this should become a series of Standard Operating Procedures that specifically feature their hang outs/not-a-date nights? Because I have other ideas that are not their Sunday nights that I am also interested in writing. I JUST LOVE THEM OK?
Also minor disclaimer that Reader mentions being from Chicago in this, but has mentioned knowing small town mentality in Sales Pitch. She's from the suburbs, she's saying Chicago but she's from the suburbs. It's just what we do. (And if you're in the know but are suspish, she is not, I repeat, is not from Naperville.)
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring Eddie and his favorite Store Manager, and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"Tonight’s the night!"
"You going to meet her upstairs?"
"Uh huh."
"You seem nervous...you nervous Ed?”
"Really trying to keep my mind off it, man," Eddie grumbled and went back to counting down the registers and ignoring his boss' teasing.
Kyle was like the older brother Eddie never realized he wanted and now, after working together for a few weeks, was kind of glad he didn't actually have.
Eddie had been shitting bricks at his interview. This job was something he really wanted and he truly thought that he would be rejected immediately, knowing his reputation around town. But Kyle was not from Hawkins. He had been the manager at the Tape World at the Muncie Mall and then transferred when he heard that a new store at StarCourt was opening.
And in what was either the dumbest or smartest move ever, when Kyle asked if Eddie had any questions at the end of the interview, Eddie asked why he chose to move to the desolate pit that was Hawkins, instead of literally anywhere else.
"For some people, escape is a thousand miles away," Kyle explained. "And for others, it's like...an hour up highway 65."
Then Kyle offered him a job as a key holder, saying that had been the most insightful question he had gotten all day. (With the added bonus that Eddie was also over 18.)
Even after the official paperwork was filled out, after Eddie got his keys, after the first paycheck was cashed, after Kyle literally asked him one night after closing if he knew of any dealers in town that could hook him up, Eddie still felt like it was the biggest prank being played on him.
(Eddie gave him Rick's address because there was no way in hell he was going to sell weed to his own boss. He might be stupid but he wasn't dumb.)
And sure, Kyle could be a hardass sometimes, like any boss could be. He cared about his business. But he was so easygoing and took care of everyone. Made sure everyone was able to have the hours they wanted. He knew a lot about music and really challenged Eddie to be open minded about his personal music preferences.
He also ribbed Eddie to no end after you, "the cute chick from that jewelry place," brought him cookies during opening week.
"She thinks you're cute too by the way," Kyle insisted.
"That's hilarious," Eddie snorted. "She was super rude when she came in."
"Food beats rude, Ed. She likes you."
Eddie, of course, refused to believe it. He had seen his fair share of stuck up, fake, cheerleader types yanking his chain only to laugh in his face when he made a fool of himself.
So he stuck to the Munson Doctrine. And vowed never again.
When he told Kyle as much, Kyle just shrugged and ate the cookies himself. "Your loss man."
But Eddie kept seeing you around and you kept smiling at him. And then...well, he didn't really know what to make of you. One plus one was not adding up to two. And when you didn’t give up whatever game he was convinced you were playing, Kyle was inevitably there to play Devil’s Advocate.
“Just go and say hi. Or at least smile dude. God, no wonder people think you’re some evil brooding asshole. Kidding. I’m kidding. She’s new in town. Maybe she needs a weed dealer too. Or maybe she likes metal. Just go talk to her. Fuck it, ask her to hang out. What’s there to lose?”
So he took Kyle's advice, and that was probably the last thing he should have done because now he had a date. Was it a date? Neither of you had really specified. Eddie kicked himself when he got back to the store and realized that aside from the agreed upon Sunday after close and Pizza, no actual commitment to a date had been made.
All Eddie knew was, Kyle wouldn't get off his fucking ass about it.
"Ok so here's what you're gonna do," Kyle clapped him on the shoulder after they locked up and Eddie was about to head up to meet you. "You're gonna be really respectful--"
"I've got it."
"--and really cool, because you can kind of be a nerd sometimes--"
"I've gone on a date before, fuck."
"Did you or did you just fool around with someone at the back of a dark movie theater?" Eddie refused to look him in the eye and Kyle snorted. "I knew it."
He proceeded to give him some halfway decent advice before sending Eddie on his way. The advice was now bouncing around Eddie's head, along with every single shred of self-doubt he'd ever had, as he waited outside of your store.
You had smiled and waved when you saw him through the gate, and he was really trying not to stare as you wrapped up your own closing tasks. He fidgeted with his rings, he nodded as other mall employees he knew passed by on the way to the exit, he wondered if he would survive the fall if he just fell backwards over the railing overlooking the food court.
Surely a cracked skull would be better than everything he was feeling right now.
When you disappeared into the back for several minutes, Eddie let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. There really was no turning back now. He was going to be spending the rest of his Sunday with you.
He tried not to smile like an idiot, but he honestly couldn’t help it.
Finally, you made your return and ducked under the gate before locking it. When you turned to face him, Eddie stared and that smile disappeared as he went from giddy to utterly dumbstruck.
No neon, no scrunchies, no stacks of jingling bracelets. Your hair was down and the obnoxiously bright eyeshadow you were just wearing--that he could clearly see, even from outside of the store--had been wiped away.
"Hey, so I obviously drove to work," you closed the distance between the two of you, breaking Eddie from his reverie with a long string of words that, were he in his right mind, Eddie would have wondered whether you had practiced beforehand. "But I didn't know if you wanted to maybe drive and I'll pay for the pizza because I really don't know my way around yet except for home, work, and the grocery store. And if I just follow you and we get separated or something, you're probably gonna have to send a search party.
"Unless it’s kind of near Main Street then I’ll be…well if—what?" You raised your eyebrows when you noticed he was staring.
"What?" Eddie parroted, processing...well, just processing. Trying to figure you out once again.
You looked down at yourself and fidgeted where you stood.
"Yeah I know, it's different," you shrugged down at your perfectly normal outfit. A Cherry Coke t-shirt, jean shorts, and a baggy sweater. "I thought...well it's just pizza…so I figured casual—”
"No, it's totally fine, I'm sorry. You look..." Eddie suddenly couldn't remember any of Kyle's advice.
He had been practicing the whole you look nice compliment with the picture of you that existed in his mind: The trendy store manager. Which, yeah did look nice on you, but was also a little intimidating, if Eddie was honest with himself. Those clothes were the same clothes as the girls who lived in Loch Nora who teased him because he lived in a trailer park. The high ponytail and scrunchies were the cheerleaders who laughed when the jocks pushed him and his friends around. All of it tied back to people he hated, people who hated him.
And now suddenly, that wasn’t you. It was a relief. He could look at you and not worry that some sharp, pain-inflicting words would be directed at him.
But the look on your face, the fidgeting, the stammering and backtracking. Eddie realized you were just as nervous as he was.
How many times had Wayne--or even Rick once or twice--said the kind of people who judged someone’s looks before their character were not worth having around anyway? Now here he was, doing just that.
"I just wasn't expecting you to look--"
"Yeah," you laughed nervously, interrupting him. "I really only wear that stuff for work. It's a lot. And you kind of have to look the part. I think I mentioned that…before right?”
"It's fine, you look great," Eddie offered, gaining enough courage to stop you from feeling bad because of his stupid nerves and big mouth. "Really. I just...have never not seen you like that. And now—”
"It's silly. I feel silly wearing that stuff sometimes," you admitted, playing with the hem of your sweater. "And I do like some of it. The jewelry, for sure. But altogether...well it's still me. It’s just the me who also answers the phone in a different voice, and comforts kids when they're scared to get their ears pierced, and tells people what's on sale. And this is me when I'm not that."
You shrugged and held your arms out, and Eddie could clearly understand the unspoken "so take it or leave it."
Eddie took a second to process and then smiled again. Of course he would take it. He would be stupid not to.
"I get it," he nodded.
"Really?" you smiled. “Cool.”
"Cool." There was a beat. "So back to the original topic of conversation, I can definitely drive us around but there is no way I'm letting you pay for pizza. I'm the one who asked you to hang out, after all."
He started walking away, leaving you to protest as you followed.
There were only 3 really good pizza places in Hawkins, in Eddie's professional opinion: Lou's on 8th street, Pizzeria Uno which was conveniently in the same strip mall as the arcade and the video store, and Domino's. None of which had any indoor seating, which meant the two of you could sit in the back of Eddie's van with the doors open so you could enjoy the nice weather and talk.
Eddie, of course, had cleaned the van beforehand. All of the shit his friends left after gigs or when they stopped for food when he drove them home from Hellfire during the school year. Random empty baggies, magazines he really didn’t want you to see (yet…or maybe ever), and some other questionable things. It all needed to go.
And although you seemed a little hesitant when Eddie led you to his trusty chariot, you happily agreed to Eddie’s plans for the night.
“Sorry, I’m sure you get that reaction a lot,” you said as he helped you into the passenger’s side. “I dunno, van…suspicious.”
“Either that or they’re calling it a rusty old shitbox,” Eddie laughed it off, happy that you still seemed to trust him. “Which is even more offensive. Especially when it comes from my friends.”
“Listen, as the owner of my own rusty old shitbox, I can totally relate. And it’s not even that bad. No holes in the floor.”
The drive back into town was filled with Eddie’s own personal rubric for good pizza along with your comments.
“Pepperoni pizza.”
“Why pepperoni? Why not just cheese?"
"With a coke."
"Do you guys not drink RC here?"
"And ranch. I usually just pour it on, but I'll leave it on the side. For you. In case you like to dip your slice in."
"Of course you're a ranch guy," you scoffed.
"Of course you're not," Eddie challenged. "What's your perfect slice then?" And you went into a tirade that he, quite honestly, enjoyed watching.
Eddie honestly never thought he had ever had such an in-depth discussion about pizza with anyone (except when he got high at Rick’s, but that was mostly one-sided anyway). It really said a lot about you. Incredibly opinionated, but willing to stop every so often and hear his side of things. Willing to let yourself be convinced, let yourself be wrong.
Which he found out as he pulled into the Domino's parking lot on the first stop of the Pizza Tour and you finished off a passionate speech about red pepper flakes and "good parmesan" only to give him the most skeptical look.
"Eddie," you began. "When you said pizza--"
"This is pizza," he assured you.
"I'm from Chicago for one thing," you explained. "And besides that, I used to help my grandma cook as a kid, every Sunday, in her basement kitchen."
"Then you've never had Domino's before?" he assumed, correctly if your sudden fidgeting was any indicator.
So it wasn't gonna take much to make you nervous...noted.
"Just trust me--for today--ok? If you hate everything, you never have to see me again."
"Eddie! I--"
"But if you like it, then one day I'll let you make your grandma's pizza recipe for me.  And I'll trust you not to poison me."
It was a risky bet to make, on Eddie's part at least, because he really hoped this wouldn't be a one time thing. But you nodded and he grinned and left you in the van to choose something from his little box of cassettes while he ran inside to place the order.
When he got back he teased you and grilled you on other delicacies you might have missed out on thanks to the "gourmet cuisine" of your obviously superior upbringing. No Swanson TV dinners, no snack pack chocolate pudding, no sloppy joes, no chocolate milk.
"That's it," he threw his hands up in the air, looking to the heavens for guidance. "I'm going to have to teach you everything."
"Stop it, oh my god, Eddie!"
He grabbed your shoulders.
"Have you ever experienced the sweet taste of Mountain Dew," Eddie begged. "A Twinkie! Please tell me the truth; have you ever eaten a Hostess Cupcake?"
"Yes," you laughed as he shook you. "Yes I have. Stop!"
"Maybe you're not hopeless after all," he sighed in feigned relief. "There's still time to undo all that's been done to you." As though homemade dinners were some sort of torture.
When the order was ready, you toasted with your cans of coke and Eddie watched with great anticipation as you took your first bite of a Domino's pizza. You even dipped a little in the ranch dressing--just for him, you explained. You chewed thoughtfully and then took a second bite, this time from the crust.
Watching and waiting was torture for Eddie, sure, but he got to see you scrunch your nose in thought, bob your head side to side along with Blue Oyster Cult as it played lightly from the stereo, stare right back at him and enjoy the torture you were putting him through.
"What's the verdict, sweetheart," he asked. "I don't think my heart can take it anymore. I can drive us back to StarCourt right now."
"It's...good," you agreed and he whooped, punching the air in victory, before he took a slice for himself. "I'm still not a fan of the ranch though."
"That's fine. Different strokes for different folks," Eddie shrugged. "My uncle always says that."
Pizzeria Uno was next and Eddie mocked your look of relief as he pulled into the lot.
"You act like spending time with me is some kind of torture," he teased, secretly voicing some of the anxieties that he had been pushing down since you had agreed to hang out with him. He knew, even with a short amount of time in your company, that you were enjoying yourself, that you seemed to like being around him.
Historically, that hadn't stopped things from going south for Eddie though. There was still time to screw it up, if he hadn't already.
"I'm just happy that it looks like they use oregano in their sauce," you explained. "Maybe you do know your stuff after all."
"Hey, don't speak too soon," he teased. "There's a Chuck E. Cheese down the road; we could be headed there next."
He left you in charge of the music again, really interested in what you would pick this time, since you had started with--what he believed to be--the most mainstream tape he had in the van.
"Alright," he cheered as he stepped out of the shop and heard the shredding of Quiet Riot over the sounds of kids running around as they got dropped off at the arcade. "This is what I'm talking about."
"You didn't like The Cult?" you asked, still digging through the box as you kicked your legs out of the back of the van. "These are your tapes, right?"
"What you don't know is that this is all a test," Eddie began. "To see if you have taste."
"It's all metal," you emphasized. "Taste means variety. You're lucky I don't grab a tape out of my bag."
"Am I going to need to start you on music lessons too? Seems like it, since you don't think metal is variety." He jumped into the back and snatched the box from your hands. "Gimme that, it's quiz time.
“They’re good,” you nodded.
“Good?! Just good?!” Eddie knew it was better than he was gonna get from mostly anyone else in town, but he was still gonna give you shit for it. “You’re wounding me here, sweetheart.”
“Oh please!”
"My band's gonna be touring with them someday, so if you want to be on that VIP list, you're gonna need to do better than just good. Here," he passed his copy of Ride the Lightning off to you. "For tonight's homework."
“Homework!?” you laughed.
“Yeah,” he shook the tape in your direction and you reluctantly grabbed it. "I expect you to listen to that at the highest volume you can, til your ears bleed. There will be an essay due next Sunday." You rolled your eyes at him but smiled cutely and Eddie felt incredibly smug.
"Fine. I guess if I want to be on that VIP list," you said mockingly. "Tell me more about this band though. Are you any good?"
"You'll have to come to one of our shows and find that out for yourself. But yeah, the best you're gonna find in Bumfuck, Indiana." He puffed his chest out a little bit. "We play at the Hideout every Tuesday night. Not a big crowd or anything. It's just this little place anyway."
Eddie goes into detail about the bar, the makeshift little stage and the single spotlight, and the handful of regulars who probably don't even notice the music as they drink their troubles away anyway.
He doesn't notice the guilty look on your face for a few minutes.
"I close on Tuesdays," you mutter. "I'm sorry. It's one of those things when you work retail long enough, you get kind of set in your schedule."
"That's ok," he tried not to sound too disappointed.
"I could try trading with my ASM," you offered quickly. "Or maybe..."
"I-it's totally fine," he held his hands out. "Jeff's trying to get us on the schedule for the Hawkins 4th of July carnival in a few weeks anyway. So you might even see us there. Don't sweat it."
"Ok. Sounds like a plan. I'm sorry," you reached across and placed your hand on his.
"No worries." Eddie really doesn't want to pull his hand away from yours, but he needs to go back in and grab the food. It's been long enough, right?
When he returns, he basks in your cheers as you find the thin crust, party cut pizza, pre-sprinkled with red pepper flakes and no ranch in sight.
"Ok so Jeff," you recall after shoving the crunchy corner piece into your mouth. "You mentioned him before. Working on his confidence, right?"
"Yeah, not everyone can be as naturally charismatic as yours truly," he brags.
"Uh huh," you deadpanned. "Charismatic."
"You wound me, my lady. But yeah, Jeff used to jam with us...with the band from time to time. He's part of this club at school with me, and then..." Eddie pauses. "Well, then the band pretty much broke up last summer. I mean...we did break up. And it sucked because we'd been playing together for years.
"I was...kind of in a bad place. But Jeff said he could take over rhythmic guitar. Thus Corroded Coffin 2.0 was born. And I noticed he needed to build up his confidence more so I let him front every now and again. And he got his friend Dave on Bass, but it wasn't that hard to convince him, he's been worshiping Geddy Lee for years. And then Gareth on drums, which he said he could play pretty good, but the little shit was actually in an orchestra and played timpani.
"Can you believe it? What the fuck even is a timpani? Had us all fooled too, until we started practicing Hot for Teacher and he could barely keep up. But he's a lot better now, and like...he's stupidly good. Better than Mick ever was."
Eddie gets caught up for a second as he says a name he hasn't uttered for an entire year, after he told his childhood best friend he could go fuck himself.
Grow the fuck up Ed. This band was just some fun, it was never gonna get us out of Hawkins.
It wasn't gonna get Mickey out of Hawkins, because he already left. But it was gonna get Eddie out. It had to.
You clear your throat awkwardly, and Eddie appreciates you not bringing up the pain that he couldn't hide very well yet, the wound obviously too fresh.
"So, your club at school," you began instead. "Do you take classes nearby?"
Fuck. Well...if he hadn't scared you away yet, this might do it.
"You...could say that," Eddie hesitated. "I, um, am still at Hawkins High."
He watched all of the thoughts run clearly behind your eyes like they did when nearly everyone else found out he had failed senior year again. He had heard all of the whispers, the fake politeness. Some people weren't as polite and just said it out loud.
Eddie the Failure. Eddie the Idiot. Eddie the Freak.
"Oh, well shit, if I knew you were still in high school." Eddie looked away from you, unable to deal with seeing the disgust in your eyes. "I mean, Tape World is your first job right? Duh. I mean...Jimmy just got his first job too, god...how did I not...Ok. I should have asked. You do look a lot older than 16 though."
Eddie's head immediately snapped back to yours. You thought--
"I'm not...not 16," Eddie coughed awkwardly. "I'm 19. 20 in October."
"I'm repeating senior year," he explained, still waiting for the penny to drop, for you to start laughing at him. "For a second time, actually."
"Hey listen." Eddie steeled himself for the words he knew were coming. This has been fun but I'm a serious adult and don't want to hang out with someone who failed high school twice. Let alone date them. "Everyone learns at their own pace and yeah school sucks."
"Is that like...any different than the kids who repeat kindergarten though?" You laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "My cousin Doug actually had to repeat kindergarten twice because he couldn't handle it and now he's running for Mayor back home. It's all relative."
Eddie was looking at you like you were the freak now.
"You don't care?" he asked.
"Not...particularly," you shrugged. "Do you...mind that I don't care? Is that weird?"
No one else wanted him around after he failed the first time. He believed. Let alone this second time.
Aside from his buddies who were still in high school. Wayne and Rick told him he could take the time he needed to finish up school...or get his GED, whichever made him happy. It didn't matter to them. And Kyle didn't really seem to mind either.
Would Eddie care if the tables were turned? Probably not. So why should it be weird if you didn't care.
"No," he finally answered. "It's...thank you for saying that. Everyone...is kind of shitty when they find out."
"Are they shitty because they find out?" you ask sagely. "Or are they just shitty to begin with? You don't want people like that around anyway."
No, he definitely did not.
It was dark by the time you got to Lou's. The dinner rush in full swing. Eddie suggested going somewhere else since the lot was small and already pretty full. You agreed but hopped out of the van before he could, insisting on paying.
"I'm trying to be a gentleman," Eddie protested, grabbing onto your arm before you could leave, trying to at least grab your wallet out of your hand if not stop you altogether. "My uncle would kill me if he knew I let you pay for dinner."
"You already paid for two pizzas, let me get this one!" You quickly pinched the skin on his wrist and he let you go, looking shocked and betrayed that you would stoop so low. "With two brothers and a bunch of cousins, you gotta think on your feet. Pick out some music. I have tapes in my bag too. You can snoop, I don't care."
The passenger door slammed shut and Eddie at least waited until you got into the shop before he grabbed your purse, unable to help himself since you gave him permission.
Rush, Moving Pictures. Dave would love you. Styx, Paradise Theater. Not really his thing but passable. The Smiths. Billy Joel. The 5th Dimension? Pass. Pass. Pass.
Ok so this is what you meant by variety.
He popped the tape out of your walkman. Boston. Ok he could get behind it.
He popped it into the stereo and winced as it skipped and dropped out, Brad Delp's voice warping every now and again. He wondered if "Hitch a Ride" was your favorite--interesting--or if the wear and tear was just bad on the whole tape. Very interesting.
Eddie ejected the tape and put it back into your walkman. Maybe something lighter, something with more meaning.
He twiddled his fingers for a second, about to reach for the box of tapes, before turning his attention to the glovebox and popping it open.
It honestly was the one spot he didn't worry about cleaning. The guys knew the glove box was off-limits. It was filled with the usual shit: napkins, vehicle registration, condoms, a forgotten joint that was hastily put out and thrown in that one time Callahan caught him and the guys parked up by the quarry. And then at the very back, rubber banded together, a couple of cassettes. 
The Monkee's Greatest Hits and More Greatest Hits.
You had inadvertently shared something with Eddie by letting him see your tapes, and now Eddie could share something with you.
Besides, you had both been sharing all night, whether you had planned to or not.
Was this a good idea though? It was a heavy topic, these tapes were something he typically would listen to on his own when he couldn't make it over to Rick's to listen to the records he had stashed there, no room for them in the trailer with all of his amps and other shit. He had gotten the tapes last year, after his falling out with Mick and the guys and...
Ugh don't think about that.
Well, if you hadn't been scared away yet, you probably would be now. No better way to end a first date than with some tears right?
"Edward I-dont-know-your-middle-name Munson," you exclaimed as you pulled the door open. "Why didn't we start here? Pizza by the slice and cannoli? I would say that I get to choose where we go next time, but I don't know what else there is, so I guess I have to trust you." You shoved the boxes at him as you climbed in.
"Gotta end the night on a high note sweetheart," he explained. "And next time?" He grinned cheekily.
"Yeah we're having a great time," you shrugged and took the boxes back once you were situated. "I'm having a great time, at least. Except for the part where you made me think I was spending the day with a literal child and gave me a stroke--"
"You did that to yourself," he chuckled and started driving. "But yes, I'm having a great time too. Except when you told me you've never had Chef Boyardee. I took that kind of personally."
"So did you snoop or what?" you asked as you spotted the tapes in his lap. "What are we listening to?"
He passed them over to you and took a breath.
"Oh cool, I love Daydream Believer," you nod and put the cassette in the stereo only for that exact song to start playing. You looked at Eddie in shock. "Shut up."
"It was my mom's favorite song," he explained. "I listen to it whenever...I need her with me. The whole album actually."
"Oh shit," you muttered. "Eddie, I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one bringing up heavy shit when we're supposed to be having a good time." He scratched at the back of his neck. "I've kind of been stepping in it all night, haven't I?"
"No," you shook your head. "No, you've been sharing things with a friend. Important things."
"And here I thought I was the one stepping in it," you admitted. "Maybe I have been if you need your mom's strength to finish this night out with me."
"Absolutely not," Eddie disagreed, laughing. "Listen, if anything, this is her stamp of approval. If you love Daydream Believer, she would have loved you. Dumped me off on the side of the road and you two would have driven down Highway 77 singing it at the top of your lungs together."
"Not you too?"
"I mean, yeah, but she used to drive this two-door car, and I would be too tall for the backseat now, but she wouldn't let a guest sit in back, so I would just be stranded."
Eddie started telling you about her as he drove. How she taught him how to play guitar, how she was an absolute sweetheart, how she did everything she could to protect him and take care of him, both when his dad was around and then once he was--thankfully--sent away. How she was hesitant to start dating Rick, and then hesitant again to let Rick meet him.
He got around to talking about Wayne and Rick a bit too, how they did their best to raise him once she was gone. How he knows it wasn't easy--it still isn't--but he did what he could now to make it up to them.
"Except finish school, apparently," he said in a self-deprecating way that had you tutting at him.
He finished his story by the time he made it to the destination, which just so happened to be Lover's Lake--Rick's house, more specifically, although the house was dark and locked up as Rick was out on business. Eddie backed the van up Rick's driveway so you could have a view of the lake from the back as you ate.
"Well thank you for sharing that with me, Eddie," you began as you settled into the back of the van. "That's...yeah that isn't easy to share with someone new. And it all sucks; it sucks, and you don't deserve that, but I'm sure your mom is still here with you."
"Yeah she is," he agreed. He's proud that he made it through without crying. "She's my angel."
He didn't believe in the divine. But he believed in his mom.
"She is," you smiled brightly and stared at him for a moment. You then turned and surveyed your surroundings. "This is nice, where are we?"
"Lover's Lake," Eddie answers offhandedly, then realizes his mistake as your head pops back and you look at him with wide eyes. "Not that I...that's just what it's called because it's shaped like a heart!
"Not that I wouldn't, because you look...but not that I would because this is just...we're just hanging out. This isn't a date or anything. Right?"
Kyle was not gonna let him hear the end of this.
Eddie was so caught up in his own misery that he missed the disappointed fall of your expression.
"No, that's fine, I get it," you chuckled lightly. "It's still really nice. We don't really have something like this back home. Well, the lake lake, and there are like...forest preserves, but it's not...nature, you know? Not like this."
"Furthest out of Hawkins I've ever been is Indianapolis," Eddie admitted. "So no, I guess I don't."
"Well I've never even been to Indianapolis and never left Illinois before coming here," you explained. "So I guess we're in the same boat. Maybe I'll get to show you where I'm from some day. Show you a real pizza tour."
"Hey, don't knock Lou's 'til you try it," Eddie teased.
"Thank you Eddie, tonight's been really great," you said sincerely.
"It has, hasn't it," he agreed. "So next Sunday?"
"Yeah?" you laugh. "What do you have in mind?"
You started eating as you discussed plans for the next weekend, and more talk of music as it's now Eddie's turn to give you shit for the tapes you had with you. You mentioned a few things about your own family, not going nearly as in-depth as Eddie did about his mother, but enough for him to get the gist.
And then Eddie opened the box of cannoli you had gotten and handed one to you, before taking one of his own.
"To new friends and Sunday nights," he offered as a toast.
"New friends and Sunday nights," you repeated.
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.02
Should I do a tag list? Does anyone want that? DM me or send me an ask if you wanna be tagged...idk.
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tamapalace · 4 months
Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi Collection Review
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The folks over at Cakeworthy sent us a beautiful Tamagotchi decorated PR box of the new Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi collection. It’s no surprise that Bandai Namco US is stepping up licensing of the Tamagotchi brand in North America, and this collection is evidence that it works! The collection features shirts, pouches, a purse, and more. We’ve not only unboxed the collection but personally tried each item and want to provide a review of each item. Spoiler alert, we love it.
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Tamagotchi Blanket - this one has been giving us Gotchi dreams! We feel like Nemutchi wrapped in this incredibly soft, and warm blanket! The blanket is high quality, super plush, and we’re impressed not only by the cute design of Tamagotchi’s sleeping in their bed, but how you can tell that these are not going to wear off. Made from 95% polyester and 5% elastane, the blanket measures to 40” x 60” so it’s big!
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Tamagotchi AOP T-Shirt - What does AOP stand for? All over print! This pink t-shirt is a vibrant pink with vintage Tamagotchi character sprites scattered all over (using screen print), on repeat! Its’ really cute and super soft made from 100% cotton! We love how this shirt comes in sizes S through 4XL! You will see us wearing this t-shirt often!
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Tamagotchi T-Shirt Dress - Cute! This white t-shirt dress is a longer and wider cut featuring a day in the life of Mimitchi using vintage sprites, how cute? We really love how this one is different from the other prints in the collection, you can tell a to of attention went into it. There’s even print on both sleeves, made from 100% cotton, and available in sizes S through 4XL! This is a cute to wear out with leggings or jeans, or maybe even a pajama.
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Tamagotchi Button Up Shirt - Dressing up for an event, or the office. Featuring the same repeated vintage Tamagotchi graphics as the t-shirt, but with a button down. This shirt is light, but durable. Made from 100% rayon material. Sizes S through 4XL.
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Tamagotchi Bucket Hat - OMG, we are literally wearing this all summer, sorry not sorry! A cute pink bucket hat that features Tamagotchi silhouettes in white on repeat. The best part? The BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED TAMAGOTCHI UFO, THIS IS HIGH QUALITY AND ADORABLE. Sorry, but we’re in love. This is not printed on! Made from 100% cotton, adorable.
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Tamagotchi Robe - We love a robe, and this robe is plush. A beautiful light blue, plush robe featuring the same Tamagotchi’s sleeping in their bed pattern that you see on the Tamagotchi Blanket. Featuring both a belt that also features the pattern (love that detail) and a front pocket where we’ve been storing our Tamagotchi’s in! 100% polyester.
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Tamagotchi Crossbody Purse - We call it show stoppin’. This purse is the moment. We’ve been wearing this out and we get asked all the time about it. Who are you wearing? It’s Cakeworthy! Modeled after the iconic Tamagotchi P1 red clock design, and made from 100% polyurethane on the outside, and 100% polyester on the inside. It’s about the details.
The screen in the front is lenticular meaning as you rotate the bag the Mametchi graphic on the front changes! First Mametchi is just hanging out, then he’s eating! We also love how the buttons are stitched on to give that elevated look, and the paint used in the front for the clock design is built to last. The stitching is excellent too. The zipper also features a little heart charm, and feels like it’ll last, and as you open the bag you’ll see that the inside features pixel hearts and poop in a repeating pattern on a light blue material.
We love the the bag strap is long enough to wear crossbody, but also features the red polyurethane material that will rest on your shoulder to make it more comfortable.
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Tamagotchi Coin Purses - Cute! These are really adorable and honestly every collector should get their hands on at least one. Featured in both the P2 blue shell, and P2 white & blue characters shell. They’re small enough to take with you everywhere, and also feature the same high quality graphics on the polyurethane material, stitching, raised buttons, and a zipper with the heart charm.
Open these up to reveal the same interior design and material as the purse, but much thinner. There isn’t a hook or anything to clip onto other than the zipper. We’ve been using these to transport our Tamagotchi’s around, and people will be talking!
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Tamagotchi Blind Box Pins - This was a fun one, you don’t quite know which one you’re going to get, and that’s honestly the best part. These pins are solid have great detail on them. Including a lenticular screen that will show a Tamagotchi character in two different stages, and the pin has a nice backing to it to ensure it secures to your shirt, and stays put. It’s not just one of those cheap feeling pins. We’ve been decorating our outfits with it!
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Tamagotchi Drop Sleeve Sweater - She’s an iconic, she’s a legend, and she is the moment, come on now! This one has our heart, we love her like a sister. We’re tearing up right now. She’s everything we ever wanted. First off, she is HIGH QUALITY AND THICK!
The graphics of the UFO, characters on one arm, Tamagotchi in Japanese on the other arm, whoever designed this, call us. This sweat shirt is going to keep in so warm in the winter, and everyone is going to be starring at that Tamagotchi UFO. Made from 60% cotton and 40% polyester, sizes S through 4XL.
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Tamagotchi Tabbed Notebook - This is just unique, and adorable. When have we ever seen a tabbed notebook this nice with incredibly detailed Tamagotchi Land graphics? The tabs are vintage Tamagotchi characters and this is just a great notebook to write recipes, love letters (he loves me he loves you not), or mailing Bandai letters to bring back another Tamagotchi.
We also unboxed the entire collection on our YouTube channel, we even modeled each item, loves it!
As you can tell we are huge fans of the Cakeworthy x Tamagotchi collection. This collection is high quality, officially licensed, and features the nostalgia from the Tamagotchi Original. We think you’ll enjoy each item of the collection and we’re optimistic that we might see additional items in the future, because we want more!
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winchesterdreamgirl88 · 10 months
Famous In Love
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: So much freaking fluff!! Bf/n= Best friends name
Summary: This takes place in an AU where Jensen isn't with Danneel and is just a normal actor in Hollywood, and Y/n hears about an open casting call for a movie and goes to read for the part meets Jensen and things go from there:)
Word count:1.7k
A/n: I loved this show when it first came out so I figured I would try writing a story based on the pilot of this show. The pilot for this show gets all the credit!
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"Come on Y/n this would be so fun to try. You never take any risks why not try this one." Bf/n was saying as you were walking down the street passing a billboard for an open call audition for some movie.
"No Bf/n you know that's just a publicity stunt. They're never gonna take some ordinary person like me. Besides I'm not pretty enough or good enough to ever be in a movie." You said as you stopped to think about how unlucky your life has been.
First your parents kicked you out at the age of 16 and you lived in your car while you worked a full time and part time job to afford rent. Then when you finally got settled in your new apartment it flooded and you had lost everything. You were 21 now and life was not looking to get any better. Luckily you had met Bf/n at work and she let you move in with her and you guys became inseparable.
"Please just do this one thing for me and if it turns out to be a disaster I'll do your laundry for a whole month. We'll go buy new clothes and go in there and nail this audition."
"Okay I guess we can give it a shot." You said finally giving in and letting her drag you to stores to pick out outfits.
Two days later you and Bf/n were sitting in a casting room waiting to audition. You were nervous but you didn't have high hopes. Expect disappointment and you'll never be disappointed. It was your friends turn to go audition and you wished her good luck as she disappeared down the hall. After about 10 minutes she came back with a smile on her face.
"So how'd it go?" You said interested to know what was gonna happen.
"It went alright, I definitely don't think I'll get the part but there was the most handsome man in the room watching me audition. I swear I forgot every single line because he was just so distracting."
Bf/n has always been super boy crazy so you didn't think anything of her mentioning another random guy she found cute. After about 10 minutes your name was called and you start to walk down the hall towards the audition room. Expect disappointment and you won't be disappointed you kept saying to yourself as you walked down the hall. You took a deep breathe before entering the room. When you entered the room you lock eyes with the most gorgeous pair of green eyes with a hint of brown you have ever seen.
Jensen's POV
I had been at auditions for only a few hours and I was already over everyone who had come and seemed to think it was a game or didn't really seem to try and care about what was happening. I started zoning out through most of the auditions because no one had that special spark that made me feel anything. Suddenly I hear the door open again and it's the last audition of the day, I lift my head up and look over at the door and see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
Reader POV
Your breathe got caught in your throat as you made eye contact with a man who looked to be about 25 years old. He had a very faint beard that you could only see in the light. You took a moment to breathe and then cleared your throat.
"Hi, my name is Y/n and I'm here to read for the role of Paige." You said walking up in front of the table that had the directors and producers behind it. You tried not to make eye contact with the guy who hadn't seemed to take his eyes off you since you came in the door.
"You may begin whenever you're ready."
You take a deep breathe before starting to read the script. "But what about me? What about what I feel. You don't just get to decide how I feel or how I control my life. I love you and nothing is going to change that." You said with your voice cracking as you finish up the scene. You notice everyone has a shocked look on their face, it seems like forever until the director speaks up.
"Thank you very much for coming today. We'll be in touch." You took one last look at the man and then exited the hallway to go find your friend.
Jensen POV
She captivated my attention from the moment she walked into the room. I could tell she was very nervous and shy because she kept her head down and wouldn't look at anybody. But as soon as she started the scene I couldn't help but just stare at her with astonishment. She's been the first person today that has captured my attention and actually made me feel something about the character. I realize she has to be the one for this part.
"She's the best we've seen all day. She knew the script, she was emotional, she was believable, and really cared about what she was saying." I said looking at everyone else in the room suddenly defending some girl I hadn't even said anything to.
"She's just a nobody though. It just doesn't seem right to give her the part." I was completely taken aback by this. "What if we bring her back in, and she reads a scene with me. If we have chemistry and it's believable then she gets the part." Everyone seemed to think that was fair so the assistant producer went to go find her while I tried to prepare myself.
Reader POV
You and bf/n were getting ready to leave the building when a slightly shorter woman ran up to you and stopped you. "Excuse me miss but they want you to come back and read another scene with your love interest and see if you can handle it." You were very shocked because you didn't think that you did that good. You looked back at your friend who had a big smile on her face telling you to go for it. You decide to follow the lady back into the room. When you open the door suddenly everything makes sense, the guy from earlier was playing your love interest.
Your heart started to speed up when you realized you would not only have to keep eye contact with this man but also try and remember words and talk to him.
"Hi, I'm Jensen I'll be playing Blake your love interest." He said while holding out his hand for you to shake. You smiled and shook his hand. "I'm Y/n."
"Okay so let's just read from the top of the page down and then we'll stop." Jensen said letting you know to start. "And action!" the director had called out.
"But what about me? What about what I feel. You don't just get to decide how I feel or how I control my life. I love you and nothing is going to change that."
"You can't love me. I can't stay here, I can't allow myself to fall deeper in love with you. You will only get hurt in the end and I can't let that happen."
"The only one hurting me right now is you. You aren't even considering my feelings. You're just doing what's best for you."
"What's best for me? What's best for me is being with you. But I just can't, I won't." He then turns away from you and you walk up behind him and place your hand on his shoulder.
"Yes you can, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, you're stuck with me. I know you may think you don't deserve to be happy. But you do, you deserve everything in the world that would make you happy. Starting with me." You said and looked away because that was the end of the scene. Suddenly you feel an arm grab your wrist and pull you back and then you feel lips on yours. You were surprised at first because you thought you were done with the scene, but it looked like he wanted to go further. It takes a second but then your brain catches up and starts kissing back. Suddenly he pulls away "Okay, lets do this together." "And cut!" the director said as Jensen slowly backs away from you. You were so distracted by what just happened instead of seeing anything you just walked out the door and ran down the hall. You couldn't believe he had just kissed you like that. It had been the best kiss you had in years and it was from this random guy.
Jenson POV
She was such a phenomenal actress I forgot we were even acting for a minute. When she said her last line of dialogue I didn't want the scene to be over so I pulled her in and kissed her keeping the scene going. I expected her to pull back but instead she gives herself into the kiss and it's the best kiss I've had in forever. Right after she ran out the door looking very nervous. I just knew I had to get to know more about this amazing girl.
"So?" I asked looking at the director. "We like her she's got the part." I get a big smile on my face and go to run out the door to catch her before she leaves.
Reader POV
Suddenly you hear noises behind you and see Jensen running up to you. "You got the part Y/n, you'll be playing me love interest." You were so excited you just decided to give him a hug, Shocked at what you just did you start to pull away but then feel him hug you back. "Congratulations." "Thank you," you say with the biggest smile on your face.
"Would you like to go out sometime. Maybe just do something casual like get a beer and dinner and just talk." He says suddenly being really shy like he's nervous to talk to you. But why would he be nervous, he's him and you weren't anything special. You decided to take a leap of faith, "Yeah I would really like that." He gave you that signature smile and you knew you were hooked.
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starluvsx · 10 months
★𝐎𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚
Chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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Word count:559
A/N:this is pt2 of love birds so if you haven’t read that then you should bc it’s like the set ip for this, also it’s just rlly cute so yea.btw I’m working on the pt2 for ‘jealous girl’ I swear, I just don’t know how to end it rlly😭
𖦹 𖦹
“Jesus it’s cold as fuck in here, can someone turn the heat on” I asked once I got in my seat.i don’t even know how the two boys were in here for so long.it was like 30 degrees.Boston winters are too much sometimes
“Nah cause the heaters super loud and the camera will probably pick it up.”Matt responded as he set up the camera in question.I didn’t want to be rude so I just nodded and opened my phone to answer some snaps while Matt placed the camera on the dashboard and went outside to check if we were in focus.
“You can have my hoodie, I don’t really need it.”Chris suggested, probably not realizing the camera was on.before I could even answer he was taking his sweatshirt off and passing it back to me.
I thanked him as I slid it on.the smell of cologne hit my nose almost immediately. “Cold as fuck out there jeez”Matt huffed as he got back into the car.
“It’s not that bad”Nick, who was decked out in warm clothing, responded.
It had been about 5 minutes now and I realized that I hadn’t opened either one of my drinks yet.when I was in the store I didn’t realize that the Fanta I had picked up was in a can,meaning I couldn’t open it due to my nails.
“Matt, can you open this?'' I asked over Chris and Nick bickering back and forth about if dogs were really dumb or not.normally I would’ve turned to my right and just asked Nick but I didn’t want to interrupt this sibling bonding moment he was having.
Matt didn’t respond in words.only showing me his freshly painted nails which were black and white.there was no use in asking Nick seeing as he was knee deep in his run-on sentence at the moment.
Chris, who was actively making fun of his brother, was my last option. Just as he was about to yell back at Nick I tapped his shoulder.halting his sentence.he turned his head back to look at me.
“Can you open this for me”I said in a regular tone in contrast to everyone else in the car.his face softened once he saw me.his hyper,loud personality dropped as he answered my question.
“Yea sure”he said in a normal voice as well.his actions were simple.he grabbed the can, popped it open and then handed it back to me.such small,basic movements but charming nonetheless.
We were now on the outro.Matt had grabbed the camera and turned it towards Chris, expecting him to do something weird like he always does.but instead of that he was turned around again,talking to me.
“Did you do something new with your hair,it looks nice.''was all he said.no more than 15 words but enough to turn me a flushed color.
The look in his pale eyes was genuine.not a glimpse of anything but the truth in them.something I wasn’t used to with him.we would make fun of each other constantly.compliments either way we’re weird.maybe if he saw how I felt for him and we became something more they wouldn’t be as rare as they were right now.
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sugarsfics · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request a fluffy story of Eddie with a shy female!reader? basically something where she transferred to Hawkins in the middle of her senior year, and she’s having a hard time talking to people. Super closed off, nervous, horribly shy. But one metalhead notices her and thinks she’s as cute as a damn button…
also could you make her short?🤣 I just love a good short reader haha
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Summary: You are the new girl.....when things get ruff a certain metalhead find you quite the caught <3 
Trope: Eddie x shy!reader; friends to crush to maybe lovers?? 
A/N: HIII @laurenandloki I hope you enjoy this I love when Eddie basically adopts the shy girl, I promise you peeps aren’t done with them yet, I want to make them into a little series to have them ofc fall in love and it would have been wayyy to soon to have them date it this one sooooo enjoy <3 
Warning: Cussing, fluff, use of y/n, bullying, small hurt, but a lot of comfort 
Word count: 2.1k 
Alright you got this, you said to yourself it is just another school, no one knows who you are so you can have a new start, how bad can it be? So far it was going well you walked to the office and got your schedule you grimaced at your dad’s last name that cheating scum bag f you found out two months ago you dad had been living a secret life a double life. He said that he started a new position at work where for a week out the month he had to go out of the state to show the higher ups the quota from the month before, well that was a lie. Your mom one day went to the store but had to take the long way due to construction and had to pass by your dad’s work and his car was in the lot she was so confused maybe he forgot something she went to the store and grabbed him so thing for lunch. His car was still in the lot when she came around again. She walked up to his secretary and asked if he was in, she said yes and that his sister was in his office, mind you your dad is an only child, she then walked into the office and found him kissing his supposed sister who had a baby in her hands. His secretary had no idea about the affair and was generous enough to forward mom into a job in Hawkins. So now you are here in Hawkins going into your senior year and starting school in the MIDDLE of the school year, how bad could it be? 
Everything was going great, until “Move it freshman” you were pushed from the back sending you forward, speak up for yourself stop being shy for once in your life “I-I-I am n-not a f-freshman" “Oh” the jock said “You must be from the middle school” the hallway erupted with laughter then the bell rang and everyone went their own ways when trying to get up a ringed hand came into view “Here let me help you up” a voice said you quietly thank them while getting up but didn’t make any eye contact you were too embarrassed. They lower themselves to make the eye contact you were met when the warmest brown eyes ever “Hi” the person said “Sorry about Jason he is a hugeee dick and think being mean to hot people it cool hence why I am his main target” he joked “Oh ok” “Yea oh let me see your schedule” he grabbed it out of your hand “Oh nice we have a lot of classes together including lunch here let me walk you” the walk was very short just to the end of the hallway “Here we are first period math it sucks having it be the first class of the day but then you won’t have to worry about it anymore” you both walked in and all eyes were on you fuck “Hey teach-” “Sit Munson your late” “I was-” “Sit” the teacher didn’t look up from his book “Can I help you” “Um yes I am new here” you showed him your schedule he huffed “Take any open seat” the only open seat was in the back next to that Munson? Was that his name? “Glad to have company back here” he said you gave him a thumbs up and turn to the board “You don’t talk a lot do you” he asked you shook your head “You should you have a pretty voice” Was he flirting with me? I only said like two words to him and he kinda called me hot did he call me hot? I DON’T KNOW. You just nodded at went back to writing notes. “Oh, by the way my name is Eddie” finally his name “Y/n” “Pretty name for a pretty girl” How bad could it be. 
Eddie didn’t have second period with you, but he did walk you to the class. When exiting the classroom, you saw him running to you holding out his arm to take you to third period, which you did have with him. It was the same thing you went up to the teacher, they would tell you to sit in the open seat which was always next to Eddie, which you really did mind. Eddie noticed you didn’t really talk but he wanted to get to know you more, for the first time that day Eddie pulled out his notebook and tore out a page. A folded paper plopped on your desk you look at Eddie as he had a smirk you opened the folded paper in black writing was Hi you became to write looking for the teacher before throwing at his table in pink writing Hi. Your new form of communication, Eddie wrote so much that period, the teacher looked confused thinking he was writing notes, you learned he has his own club, he has a job, has sheep? And is in a band. Fourth period came rolling around but this time the only empty seat was in front, nowhere near Eddie, there was a pit in your stomach the same one you get when it is your turn to present. Was it weird that you grown attached to Eddie so fast? That class went by slow not sure if it was the lack of Eddie or that lunch was next, lunch!! where are you going to sit? The was a nice tree outside? Maybe the library? Your car? Maybe Eddie? No I am not going to get my hopes up he probably won’t want the short shy girl sitting with him and his friends. *ring* oh now the bell wants to go off. You slowly packed your things still trying to think of where you will be eating. You turn and ran into a chest “Woah slow down their short stuff” “Sorry” you mutter. He walked out you were walking toward the parking lot when you felt a tug on your backpack “Where are you going” he ask “My car” “Oh did you leave you lunch in there” “No” “Then why are you going” you can’t tell him that you are going to eat in your car like a loser “I-I-I" “You were going to eat in your car” he questioned “n-no” you mumbled “Yea you aren’t you are seating with me” “I am?” “Yep let’s get going” “With your friends” “Yea don’t worry they don’t bite, maybe Matt, but I will protect you” He will protect me? How bad could it be? 
Eddie pulled you in front of him and started steering you using your shoulders he made little car noises and did a screech when stopping in front of three boys “Welcome to the table” he said bowing pulling a seat from the table next to them. “Here sit” “Thank you” Eddie’s friends stare at you, you started to shrink under their gaze “Quit staring” he told them “But she is a girl” said a one “Ok and” Eddie responded “Girls don’t sit or even associate with us” said another “Who even are you I have never seen you before” asked the last one “Ya’ll are acting like she is an alien your freaking her out” he turned to you “See this is exactly they are the reason why pretty girls like you don’t sit with us” he said patting your head “Oh this is y/n, y/n this is Jeff, Gareth, and Matt” he said point to each “By the way she is new which is why you haven’t seen her before she just moved her from...” he said looking at you “Oh um- New yor-” “NEW YORK why would anyone want to move from New York to sleepy town Hawkins” Jeff exclaimed “Long story” you said rolling your eyes. Eddie leaned on your shoulder and whispered, “You are going to tell me the story later right?” Are you ready to tell him the story? Is it too early in your friendship to talk about something deep? “Sure when we have time” How bad can it be? 
“No way man the outer path is more suitable” Three younger boys came to sit at the table “Are you an idiot this is Eddie’s campaign we are talking about he is going to make the happier light place have way more trouble we should take the “dark way” as you call it” said the one in a cap on “Ah my sheep still going on about last night campaign” “Yea you ended we thing were heating up” said another wearing a track suit “Well you will have to see tomorrow night I have a few tricks up my sleeves or maybe a giant or two” the table erupt with yelling making you jump “you ok” Eddie asked you nodded “Who is that” asked the one with hair similar to Eddie’s but shorter “Oh this is y/n, y/n these are the sheep Dustin, Mike, and Lucas, sheep, she is an honorary member of Hellfire” “I am?” “Yes you are” the boys went back to talking about the campaign when tapped Eddie’s shoulder “um- what is a campaign” when you asked the whole table feel silent “How is this girl a honorary member if she doesn’t even know what a campaign is?” asked Mike “I-” Eddie interrupted you “I am Master here so I call the shots you either be nice to the pretty girl or leave” this is like the 3rd pretty girl Mike sat down and mutter something under his breath “What was that” Eddie said “Nothing” “Good” he turn to you and you were pulling out your lunch bag “Ooo what are we having for lunch” he asked “Oh um I have a sandwich, chips, and some cookies I made” you notice that Eddie didn’t have a lunch in front of him, he has been nice to you all day so it was time to return the favor, you gave him a half of your sandwich and put the chips in the middle of you two “We can have the cookies later” you said smiling up at him he thanked you and overly exaggerated about how good the food was. You really liked Eddie, his friends too, mike you need to get used to but how bad could it be 
Lunch ended and Eddie kept you under his arm. You both had the last two classes together so it was really nice. You both still passed notes, it was really easy not getting caught the teachers didn’t look at Eddie’s direction that much. The final bell rang to go home. Eddie walked you to your locker, “So how was your first day” “surprisingly really good” “Yea” he smiled “Yes I had a cool master to show me around” you joke. He loved that you became more open with him. “So l/n what are you doing after school” you froze at the mention of your last name, “c-can you please not call me that” you said quietly “oh I am sorry I didn’t know.... is that a part of your long story?” “Yea I-I have to go” you said closing your locker, he saw you closing up again fuck Eddie you were so close “I am sorry” he said catching up to you “Please I didn’t know fuck I should have ask” who stopped at your car and took a breath “No I should be sorry for acting like that I am really sensitive to my last name and you obviously didn’t know because you don’t know me and you probably won’t want to due to my outburst-” “I would like to though” “Like to what?” “Get to know you, you seem really cool and pretty and you didn’t judge me over what people were saying or my friends and I being the freaks for the first time in a while I felt like myself at school with you” “I would really like to get to know you too” “Great ca-can I have your number” he said rubbing his neck. You pulled out your pink pen and wrote your number on his arm “Do you have like a curfew or can I call you whenever” he asked “Whenever” “Ok cool cool....can I call you when you get home” “Yes you can” “Great see you well actually hear you then” he replied “Bye y/n” “Bye master” you got inside your car waved at Eddie and drove away. Eddie watched you leave then pulled out all of the notes you have passed throughout the day and put it in his glove department, but he grabbed his favorite one, the first one, and put it on his dashboard he looked at his arm and smile, he got the pretty girl's number. You drove home quickly but safely you hurried to grab a snack and water ran to your room and waiting by your phone. Five minutes later the phone rang. “Hello” you spoked his voice boomed “Hey its Eddie” “Hi” “I hope you have nothing to do because I am planning to talk to you all night” How bad could it be.
tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh 
Let me know if you want to be added<3
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jayoonology · 1 year
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰/ 𝐓𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐮
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𝗮/𝗻 - procrastinated and then gave birth to this. I low-key want to make the Beomgyu part a proper one shot but idk if I should.
𝘄𝗰 - sb (331), yj (324), bg (346), th (314), hk (290)
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Choi Soobin | 최수빈
manga shopping date
It took him weeks and I mean weeks to ask you out. He sits behind you in class and Beomgyu swears Soobin spends more time looking at you than he does at the teacher. From all that creepy staring (as Beomgyu likes to call it) Soobin noticed your wallpaper. Is that jujutsu kaisen..? No way! If it was somehow possible Soobin likes you twice as more. After some (bad) hyping up from Beomgyu and an entire night of pondering he finally decides to ask you out.
Low-key he zoned out while he was talking to you because he couldn’t believe he was actually interacting with you. But somehow he didn’t mess up and asked you if you wanted to check out a manga shop with him. And you said yes?!?! Soobin was still zoned out so didn’t actually process it till later but Beomgyu (who was rudely eavesdropping was SHOCKED) 
On the day of the date, however; Soobin was NOT calm. Man was internally freaking out, he must have changed his outfit at least 3 times. When he did make it there he couldn’t help but overthink the entire thing. Are you actually coming? Do you know this is a date? Is he wearing his shirt backwards?
All his fears melted away when he saw you though. The conversations flowed easily and he sort of forgot it was even a date, everything seemed so easy with you. The both of you spent hours at the shop, browsing and recommending each other series. Most of the time both of you were just freaking out that they had every single jjk manga, even the super rare first edition ones. And by the end of the date the both of you had two heavy bags full of books. You two agreed you’ll never have a date again at the manga store as you’re both most definitely broke now.
“Next time we should go to watch the new jjk movie!”
“next time?” MAN WAS OVERJOYED!!!!! 
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Choi Yeonjun | 최연준
chill evening at roof top bar
you and Yeonjun both work the same shift and for months now there’s been so much playful tension between the both of you. Enough to make your coworkers think there’s something going on. Now Yeonjun can’t lie, he does like you a little bit (a lot) and he admits you’re gorgeous (the most breathtaking person he’s ever seen) but he also knows that you’re his coworkers and things could become awkward (he’s too much of a pussy) This game of cat and dog had been going on for a while now and frankly, you’ve had enough of waiting for Yeonjun to make the first move. If he isn’t going to do it, you’ll do it yourself. So you super confident go up to him and don’t waste any time on pleasantries.
“Yeonjun there’s a new rooftop bar that opened down the street, do you want to go—”
Literally the two of you bolt the second your shift was done. This is your first time seeing Yeonjun outside of work, and there was something different about it. The two of you seemed even more unhinged, even more flirty. You didn’t even need alcohol turns out you just needed to leave that grey office. When you were at the bar the two of you ordered almost every drink on the menu and refused to leave before closing getting absolutely wasted. It was fun sitting on a skyscraper looking at the tiny people below you.
As far as first dates go, it must have been the most brilliant one you’ve been on. You and Yeonjun didn’t leave a single topic uncovered discussing popcorn flavours to white sand beaches. And you have to admit, it was kinda cute how Yeonjun got wasted, he looked like a lovesick boy. And then there was when drunk Yeonjun went on a tangent about everything he likes about you. (you made sure to never let him hear the end of that)
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Choi Beomgyu | 최범규
vinyl shopping
So Beomgyu ended up getting a vinyl player from Hyuka for his birthday, the only problem is, he doesn’t have any vinyl albums. So now he has two options:
Sell the vinyl player and make some cash.
Ask his pretty roommate to go vinyl shopping with him and blow his entire paycheck.
Logically, Beomgyu chose the latter. He isn’t exactly sure when he started developing a crush on you, he just knows that one day he woke up and no one seemed to matter except you. But there’s a little bit of a problem, how is he going to make the outing seem like a date? As roommates you practically do everything together, this needs to be special. He knows that you like music and him buying your favourite vinyls could be called romantic but with no previous warning, it’s just platonic.
He’s determined to make this seem special, but how? Naturally, he watched a romcom, sure he could have consulted his friends but they’re bitchless anyway: how could they have even helped. He landed on getting you flowers, that’s the most romantic thing a guy can give you right? So the next day as you get ready he quickly runs to the grocery store and back and gets you a bouquet of tulips, awkwardly handing them to you.
“uh what’s this?”
“but why?”
“cause this is a date.”
“okay cool.”
OKAY COOL? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Does that mean you like him too? Does that mean you’re uncomfortable? You can see the gears turning in Beomgyu’s head and figure you should probably help the poor boy out. You grab his hand, dragging him out of the apartment. Beomgyu’s face was pinker than the tulips he got you.
You two spent the entirety of the afternoon picking out cool records you found at the shop (and emptying Beomgyu’s pockets) buying the most obscure music you could find. Despite the long day, it was rewarding cause the two of you just chilled the rest of the day, playing the music you bought and eating takeout.
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Kang Taehyun | 강태현
escape room
You and Taehyun have been project partners for a while now and instead of completing your project, Taehyun has spent more time falling for you. He’d vowed to himself that 2023 was going to be the year he was going to focus on school but here you come knocking his walls down.
Now Taehyun knew for sure he was going to ask you out, it was clear to the both of you that you liked each other, you were just patiently waiting for Taehyun to make the first move. The dilemma is, Taehyun doesn’t know where to take you. Sure he could be a basic bitch and take you out to the movies or a restaurant but you were more important than that. He wanted you to enjoy and remember the first date. He thought of many things like bowling or going to a school game together but they’re so crowded and loud, how will he be able to focus on you?
It was like a eureka moment when it struck him while having a shower. He could take you to an escape room! It’s private and fun, plus teamwork. The two of you were good at that (despite not finishing your project that was set 2 months ago) When he proposes it to you, you were overjoyed. Not only have you been waiting for Taehyun to make a move, but he also made the perfect move.
You work together to decipher the clues and solve the puzzles, using your teamwork and problem-solving skills to make your way through the room. Taehyun's quick wit and intelligence are a valuable asset, and you can feel yourself growing more and more impressed by him with each passing moment (his plan is working !!) now not only did you and Taehyun enjoy working together and talking about your interests, but it was also the most memorable date you’ve been on.
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Huening Kai | 정카이
create your own plushie workshop
You’ve been trying to go on a date with Kai for weeks but something or another always comes up. First, you two had a planned a picnic and it turns out it was going to rain, then he gets called to pull an emergency shift, and then your car breaks down. You’ve been wondering if it’s a sign from the universe, the universe is definitely against picnics and you know what it’s fine, who wants to sit on the grass surrounded by weird bugs anyway?
So you decide to come up with something new, something fresh and better. So scour the internet for new events happening in your hometown. Wait, what’s that? A plushie-making workshop? If that isn’t the universe giving you a sign you don’t know what is. Kai loves plushies and wait for it, it’s happening this Saturday when the both of you don’t have work. It’s perfect.
So you call up Kai, telling him to write it down in permanent marker cause there’s no way in hell that this date is going to get cancelled. Luckily the two of you make it there early and basically have the workshop all to yourself. With the help of the instructor, you work on making a plushie together.
Of course, it had all the essentials, plus a little note the two of you wrote, hiding it in the stuffing on the plushie. Your plushie was perfect in every way and the icing on top was that you got to make it with the guy you’ve been crushing on for ages.
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