#went in a different direction but y'know
helielune · 3 months
#thoughts from hel#so basically i submitted a cover letter with some highlighted text in random colors bc i forgot to unhighlight them before submitting#(i highlight things to remember to change them for each job app but i might have to deprecate that practice after this)#and then i realized and was like oh fuck and i was like well maybe i should just own it y'know. it's me being super innovative and creative#and also since i highlight stuff to change all the highlighted texts were the most relevant parts of the cover letter anyway#but the highlighting job was messy as hell after i dragged sentences to and fro all over it while i was formulating that thing. like#the highlighting started kind of in the middle of my sentence and had extra highlighted spaces and colors n stuff it was. haphazard.#so i was like okay. i probably can't gaslight (by sending psychic vibes to the recruiter-- since it's an online form#with no direct communication between me and them whatsoever) the recruiter into reasonably thinking this highlighting job#was on purpose. so i spent a full like TWO EXTRA HOURS spiraling into “can i submit the form twice or should i just take the L on this”#and ultimately submitted it a second time with the fixed letter. uhhh hopefully it was the fixed one but i'm too tired to care now#part of the job description was “attention to detail” so i definitely failed that one the first time around but the recruiter#who reads (hopefully. because with how saturated the job market is now they might not even do that) my apps#had BETTER see all the fucking attention to detail i paid to making sure my decision to resubmit would be a good one#telepathically. of course. (the difference between overthinking and attention to detail is how much you are appreciated)#i literally went on so many forums and the help page for the recruiting application website thing to find out how exactly they handled#duplicate applications bro i could RECITE this shit to anyone now. fuck#time to go to sleep. tomorrow is a new day. with ten+ more companies to apply to. 👍
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orangeocelotmartyn · 3 months
xB: I'm gonna go on a little bit of a--of a tangent, here, m'kay? But what's new, right? When-when will these companies learn, m'kay, that happy employees, y'know, employees that are taken care of...will work harder, than employees that are underpaid, underappreciated. Like, when are they gonna learn? Will they ever? Probably not, probably not. I dunno. It's one of those things.
xB: Like, like waitstaff. There's no reason waitstaff should still be at two dollars, something, y'know, like. (scoffs) If you're gonna calculate their tips and then adjust their hourly rate, to where they make minimum wage? You're a scumbag, and that's the only way about it. Like there's no other way around it, you're a scumbag. They should make an hourly wage, and then tips on top, if you, y'know, you're gonna go that direction. Oh--
xB: Tip culture is...stupid, it's stupid. It's-it's dumb. It's just, like it's literally a way--(aside) what am I looking for, glass--um, it's just a way for companies to pay less. Like, that's literally all it is. And it's just, it's such a scummy thing. And they're like, (mocking voice) "oh they make so much money with tips!" Well, they can, but the vast majority don't! (mocking voice) "Oh, well they should get a different job!" Well, uh, yeah, how are you gonna like it when you go to a sit down restaurant and there's no waitstaff because they all went and got a different job? Are you going to wait on yourself? No? Alright then, quit your bitchin'.
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brittle-doughie · 2 months
Hello! 7th time i've sent this ask sorry if I seem impatient. Just wanna speak out my idea here lol.
Just imagine, y/n cookie has the ability to control the winds and joins in gingerbrave's and his friends journey/journies. After a while, throughout their adventures y/n somehow gets seperated from the group and sees a tornado, it's not like the average tornado the cookies know, but a tornado at the same size of an average tornado size, like from irl.
When they saw it they where amazed and in awe, and from there on they would study these tornadoes and their different types in secret, knowing that the other cookies wouldn't allow them to do so as they would dangerously get close to it leading to many close calls.
So in the fight between the dragons ensue and the cookies fighting of the eye thingies(idk what their called i'm so sorry) y/n gets an idea and immediately uses their abilities to swiftly get to the dragons whilst the cookie protests are left unheard. Once they reach their they talk to pitaya and ananas saying they have a destructive plan, before pitaya says that they want to join in y/n immediately tells them to bring the cookies with them then go as far as they can and don't come back until the plan's done.
After a few seconds of persuasion the dragons go back to the cookies and tell them to get on their backs, lychee secretly follows them out of curiousity. Y/n watches them as they dodge longan's attacks to their best of their abilities(idk how but plot). Once they deemed they are at a safe distance they enact on their plan.
They swiftly recreate an irl size F6 tornado in the area as quickly as possible. Everyone, including lotus,snake fruit, and the other cookies back at the lotus palace looked towards the location of the longan palace and saw that the entire area is engulfed by the tornado that y/n cookie made. They and especially lychee and the rest of the cookies were glad that they left but are now incredibly worried for y/n's safety.
Longan struggles inside the tornado as the wind speeds exceed 300 miles per hour at maximum. this alone would be strong enough to lift up houses from their foundations and they're having difficulty in balancing themselves as they're being thrown around and hit by multiple debris from their now broken palace and from the ocean floor in the tornado.
despite the destructive nature of the tornado, y/n cookie floats calmly in the center of the tornado in a sitting position with their eyes closed. The center of the tornado is called death zone due to low temperatures and oxygen levels which makes it hard to breathe, it's a miracle that they are even alive at all.
And with that, could we get the characters mentioned in the ask and wind related cookies(not limited to ovenbreak cuz y'know, wind deity cookie) reaction to this cenario? Oh and sorry for how long this ask is.
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Gingerbrave was completely flabbergasted at how large and deadly of a tornado you could create, one that could even make Longan struggle a bit. Were you always capable of this?
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Were you holding out on Pitaya this whole time?! They would’ve fought you so much if they knew you were able to do powerful twisters like this! Don’t think you’re in the clear once the Longan deal is over!
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There it is, Snakefruit thought to themself. You had finally decided that the dragons won’t leave it alone and went all out on your power. They had a suspicion that there was more to you than meets the eye. They expected it, but are still impressed by just how immense your tornadoes can be.
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While unexpected for a cookie, Lotus might be a little iffy when it comes to you drawing attention to yourself like that. The plan they had in place kind of leaned towards the opposite, until you intervened. It does do the job of weakening Longan for the others, Lotus still wished the plan went as directed so you wouldn’t make yourself a spectacle.
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Longan themself, while frustrated during the whole thing, had a sense of relief and maybe a little bit of excitement. This was the first in a long time that a mere cookie had given them a problem. It really makes you a spectacle in their eyes, much to Lotus’s fears of Longan having this exact reaction. You may be strong, but can you keep up that strength for a whole fight?
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Ananas being the most sentimental towards cookies, would have more worry compared to Lotus. They know what Longan might do if they ever got their hands on you, so you putting on that giant tornado pretty much painted a target on your back. It was annoying, annoying and worrying that Ananas now had to make sure you didn’t fall into Longan’s grasp.
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Lychee knew it! They knew you weren’t the weak and pathetic cookie that the others cookies in your group were! You HAD to be different somehow and they got their wish with that little tornado you cooked up there! Which means they don’t have to hold back either!
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 4 months
not today
ant x reader, probably gonna have multiple parts!! i am so in love with him stop.. there's a severe lack of heartbreak high work on here!!!
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was it wrong to be in love with your best friend?
you often debated the logistics of this question every night before you fell asleep, when all you could think about was him.
anthony vaughn. your best friend since diapers, the ned to your peter, the ron to your harry and everything in between. you were together that often he had his own place at your dinner table.
it was an unlikely pairing, really. people often deemed ant as an idiot, which sometimes you couldn't refute. he had made lots of stupid decisions over the years, you couldn't deny that.
"YOU THREE DID WHAT?!" you screamed, as ant had a guilty look on his face.
ant, spider and dusty had made up a rumour that amerie had slept with jojo, the teacher of the group you both had been forced to join - SLTs. this resulted in jojo being fired, and a huge protest involving yourself, ant and the rest of the group sleeping in woodsy's office.
"it was dusty's idea!" ant exclaimed, trying to defend himself. he hated when you were mad at him.
"yet you still went along with it?" you scoffed.
"spider did as well." he protested.
"of course he fucking did." you rolled your eyes. as much as you were best friends with ant, you hated his other friends. they were cunts, mostly.
"look (y/n) i'm sorry-"
"i don't think it's me you should be apologising too." you interrupted him, firmly.
ant sighed, and you hated yourself for how you really can't stay mad at him for too long.
"look.. i've already apologised to amerie. we just.. i just.. was mad. SLTs is so boring y'know? and amerie is the reason we're there anyway!" he said.
"it was still wrong of you." you replied, but your eyes softened.
"cmon (y/n), you can't be mad at me forever." ant said, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
you sighed, and playfully rolled your eyes.
"you're right, i really can't." you groaned and he got up and tackled you into a hug.
"get off of me, you smell awful!" you protested weakly, yet you still wrapped your arms around him.
you were screwed. well and truly.
you, on the other hand, were deemed as someone smart. someone respected. it confused people how you were so close, when you were just so different.
you didn't even want to think about how your friends would react after finding out about your feelings. that's why you told no one.
however, it seemed that you weren't as secretive about your feelings for ant as you thought. amerie's map. you couldn't look him in the eyes for a week after that.
loud voices were heard as you, ant and spider approached what seemed to be the talk of your year group. you looked up to see a map, a map full of names of everyone that you knew.
"what the fuck.." you muttered, your eyes roaming the map, taking it all in.
you see your own name, with lines between dusty and cash. you scoff. it didn't happen. whoever made this clearly relied on rumours that had once gone around about you.
"darren jerked you off.. nice bro, you into dudes now?" spider's voice, directed at ant, brought you from your thoughts.
you looked at the map to see ant's name connected to darren. you raised an eyebrow.
"fuck off spider." you roll edyour eyes.
"what, you jealous?" spider responded, making you clench your jaw.
"still mad i rejected you, yeah?" you replied. ant laughed at your response, making you feel quite proud of yourself.
"bro, ant and (y/n) have that same line between them that mine and amerie have." dusty's voice spoke up, pulling you from your argument with spider.
confused, you looked up to what he's talking about. your eyes widened. he was right. in all your anger about the other lines coming off your name, you had failed to notice the gold line between yours and ant's name.
"what the fuck does that mean?" ant asked, also looking up.
you look to the key.
"destined.." you muttered. you were mortified. destined? how had these mystery map bitches both fed your delusions and humbled you at the same time?
"the fuck does that mean?" ant said. to a normal person, you'd probably be offended that your crush of many years had that response but to you, you didn't care. it was likely he genuinely did not know what it meant.
"you're destined to be together, ain't that cute?" spider teased, smacking ant on the back.
you avoid eye contact with ant for the rest of that day. when it was revealed amerie created the map a small part of you wanted to ask her to elaborate. you still haven't asked ... yet.
you could never confess your feelings for him. there was no way you would. years of friendship would be on the line, if he said no.
you'd wait. wait until it was the right time.
anthony vaughn was your best friend, and you were in love with him.
one day you'd confess.
just not today.
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amymbona · 3 months
can u pls expand on them fawning over u being tashis friend pls??? like how they would find out abt u being at the academy or if tashi would work as their wingwoman or smth??
The boys have been staying at Stanford for about a weak, sleeping in your and Tashi's dorm room on a mattress that they fetched God knows where. You don't really question anything regarding the two, knowing the more attention you'd pay to them, the crazier you would go. And at the time, you genuinely can't afford to lose yourself over two boys you used to have a crush on.
However, the boys are making it infinitely harder for you. They seem to be everywhere you are, asking you how your practice went, how did you do on that literature exam and if you want a company for lunch. As if they have figured out your whole schedule and everything else concerning youe life at Stanford.
If only you knew that your precious roommate is the one feeding the boys' little brains with valuable information about you, you'd probably threaten to burn one of her favourite Adidas sports sets. But Tashi is far from stupid and far from blind, she can very clearly see how interested the boys are in you. And she knows damn well that you need to get laid as well.
She never really told them about your background, judging that it's only your call to do so, and honestly, the missing knowledge of your past really doesn't discourage Patrick and Art from going after you. What matters to them is your immense cuteness and bashful smiles you cast in their direction when they speak to you. Your beautiful body that they imagine squished on the bed between their own, where they hands would have access to each square inch of your soft skin. How badly they are aching to touch you, to hold and kiss you, to make you their.
"So... Any plans for the weekend?" Art questions, breaking the calm silence of the dorm room, his head resting against Patrick's shoulder.
"Uh, no, not really." you shake your head. "Tash?"
"Nope, nothing. Just practice." she responds without lifting her gaze up from her notebook, probably scribbling down something about tennis.
"Well, me and Artie wanted to go clubbing, 'cause I dunno 'bout you, but I'm thirsty for some beer." Patrick proposes, patting Art's thigh.
In reality, they are just hoping to get you drunk and find out more about you, perhaps find an excuse to touch you after getting you drunk and having to transport you back to your bed.
Immediately, Tashi senses the hidden plan. "Well, Y/N could show you some places."
"Me?" you almost choke onto your saliva. "You know I don't go out that often."
"But you liked the place down the corner, y'know, where we went last time."
This is how you find yourself at a local bar, popular mainly among the young aduls attending the Stanford university, stuffed in a ridiculously short dress that Tashi insisted makes your booty look the best. The boys are on their third drink, their behaviour not so different to the sober state. If anything, the alcohol is merely allowing them to proceed with their flirting game.
"So Y/NNN..." Patrick is in a slightly looser shape than Art, his arm thrown around your shoulders in a leisured manner. "Feeling drunk enough?"
Drunk? No. Hot and borhered and flustered? Hell yeah.
"You could use a drink or two. Not that we're forcing you into anything." Art proposes with a gentle smile, sliding his glass of whiskey along the countertop right in front of you.
"He's right, baby, drink. Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Patrick's lips brush over the shell of your ear as he picks the glass up and brings it to your lips.
Four glasses and some songs later, you're in the middle of the dancefloor, surrounded by sweaty bodies and squished between the two handsome tennis players. While you're facing Art, hands lazily resting on his shoulders, his cheeky smile completely filling your field of vision, Patrick's behind you, chest rubbing against your back, palms planted on your hips.
And they can't believe it, that they have you so close, half drunk and slowly losing your mind. They're ready to be your bodyguards whispering in your ear that they've got you, that you're okay. Just enjoy yourself, you're safe with them. Plus they feel so fucking good.
"You're so pretty, Y/N." Art leans in, forehead resting against yours as his hands wrap tighter around your waist.
Almost whining that he's attempting to steal you from him, Patrick is basically glued to your back, sealing the sandwich the three of you form. "Our pretty girl."
It's all too hot, too loud and sweaty, not your optimal choice for a Friday evening. But at the moment, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else. They're holding you so nice, pressing into you from all sides, making your body burn with the touches of their palms. Tiny kisses are being placed on your jaw and neck, both of the boys testing the waters and smirking when you do nothing to push them away. As if your mind is too clouded to realise what's actually going on.
What they don't know is, that this is your teenage dream coming true. The two boys you spent long months having such an intense crush on, wishing they could see you the way you see them. That they would touch and hold and kiss you the way you imagine it, the exact way that they are doing it now. And it feels so good to have such power over them, to have them completely wrapped around your finger. At that point, you swear to yourself you'll never tell them about your background, about the academy. Because if they love the Stanford version of you, why would you remind them that there a tennis academy one as well?
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coconutdays · 1 year
s. my attempt at a mutual pining ??? slowburn??? with the Honored One, Gojo. obviously there will be other parts hehe
w.c. 3.4k
w. fem! reader , gojo! x reader , fluff! , angst! , slowburn! , ( I think the slowburn is lowk angsty in my opinion) I also didn't really proofread this, did this as my day went. also y/n’a cursed technique is basically like Wanda from marvels abilities, thought it would be cool
You're restless.
The soft bedsheets encircling you do nothing to soothe your itchy skin. there's pillows thrown everywhere across your room in hopes that less pillows mean more sleep. Your legs and arms have been sprawled in different angles and directions to try and cater to your sleep, but it's all useless--your head won't let you get a wink of rest.
Your heart rate rises the moment you feel any sort of sleep try to overcome you. It beats furiously to take away your breath and forces you to jump up for relief before your eyes close for those oh so peaceful hours you yearn for.
It's annoying,
Like satoru gojo.
And there you feel that annoying flutter in your heart again.
This was not how he was supposed to keep you up at night.
no, what--
fuck fuck fuck fuck
You flip onto your stomach, fisting at the bedsheets and screaming into the mattress, your body movement similar to that of a fish out of water.
it came out of nowhere one day, that itch for him.
He had popped up during one of your missions, mid-battle, might you add. He was seated in a tree, watching you do your work, adding witty commentary on the fight every now and then while he mostly talked about his plans for dinner. Whether feta cheese would be healthier than greek yogurt or if squid really tasted different than octopus.
It was offensive to your opponent--a quite special grade curse--that Gojo never deemed it necessary to enter the confines of your shared arena and even further when you started responding back to your white haired friend.
"Why don't you just leave that up to your chef, Satoru."
Unbeknownst to you, you were listening to him not looking, he smirked when the sentence left your mouth.
"Yeah, but I feel like making the decisions over my palette today. Feeling frisky, y'know?"
He always says stuff like that, it's been one of his trademarks for as long as you've known him, but for some reason it had your face heating up as you pulverized your special grade out of existence with one closing of your fist.
You had turned around after the fact, trying your best in those milliseconds to get rid of that random feverish symptoms before he popped up behind you.
Lo and behold, he's right next to you before you can speak again.
He's wearing his uniform, along with his ever so interesting choice of headwear, his blindfold. He towers over you, effortlessly, with his hands in his pockets and that stupid light lipped smile he always has.
You almost want to take a step back when those mere details cause your heart to race. It's extremely off-putting to you when it happens.
"Or should I just tell my chef to go ahead and make that wagyu steak he set aside for me yesterday? It's supposed to taste divine with some wine." He cocks his head to side, smile growing a bit wider.
You give him half-assed eye roll, resorting to flicking his forehead when you respond, "Completely up to you Chosen On-."
He had grabbed you by the wrist of the arm you used to poke at him, lifting up over your head and towards him, pulling you a little to him in the aftermath of the action.
"But that's why I'm asking you." He fake sighs, "I'm asking my friend for advice."
You in return, actually sigh, "If you let go of me, I'll tell you what to eat."
You should've told him to eat-
why why why why why why why why why
You've known him for so long without this feeling grabbing and pulling at you. It's so bothersome when you're alone, the temptation to reach out to him and send him a text for a singular smidge of interaction with him is debilitating.
And it's a whole other beast when you can interact with him.
The god-strength you pull off to act as if you don't want to hold hands with him and listen to him talk all day is exhausting.
Because it has to fade away soon right?
When you get up after failing to get a satisfactory amount of sleep that morning, there's a text from your anti-melatonin on your phone.
you want some croissants?
And before you can even think of a response, your doorbell rings.
You run to the door as you hastily put on your robe, the pajamas underneath are not something you'd want him to see you in.
One peek through the peephole and you see his silky white hair standing up, it makes you open the door without hesitance.
"Oh, " He smirks, a brown fancy bag in hand, "who kept you up?"
Gojo is wearing at the moment one of his slutty long sleeves, the ones where his collarbones and shoulders make an appearance, along with those shaded in glasses of his.
This time you actually do give him a good roll of your eyes and chuck the bag out of his grasp, "Nobody. I just didn't sleep well."
He follows behind you as you walk into your apartment and to your dining table.
"That'll explain the eyes. Then why the skimpy pjs?"
You jump up a little, rushing to flatten your robe near your ass.
"How did you see?!"
"I didn't, just a little guess is all."
The urge to kick him in the shins seems more appealing than your everlasting urge to kiss him the moment he blabbers that.
You siphon two plates from your cupboards with a small movement of your hand and set them on the table, all with an annoyed look on your face.
"You can start eating, I'm going to change so my privacy isn't invaded by you again." You huff, stomping all the way to your bedroom.
"Won't start without ya." Satoru chides, leaning back in the chair he was in.
He did, in fact, see your ass peeking out from your robe, the little twirl you did after you took the bag from him lifted the skirt of it up a little. It was just enough to see a bit of lace clinging to your skin. It was a pretty color on you.
But he wanted to save you the embarrassment and stray away from the acknowledgment between the both of you that he's seen you like that, even if it was a smidge of-
You were naked.
Not directly in front of him, no, you'd never do that.
Your door was slightly ajar, but even though it was behind him, the mirror across from him and within his line of sight was all exposing of you.
You were topless, your back completely bare to him as you hauled up your jeans and buttoned them up.
He stopped breathing and felt something get stuck in his throat.
The entirety of skin felt like it was on fire, from his scalp to the pads of his toes. You should have completely closed your door. he can't help but stare until he drags his eyes away from the sight.
He won't even allow himself to touch the thoughts or feelings again, forcing himself to look out the window instead of through the mirror while he waits for you to change.
"What kind of croissants did you get?"
You're walking across the room and starting towards the seat next to him.
"Chocolate and pistachio." He exhales through a smile, as if he'd been thinking of something else before you asked him.
"But you like almond better." You cock your head to the side in curiosity as you start to open the bag. Chocolate and pistachio were only your favorites, and although he could eat them, you knew he loved his almond croissants.
"What can I say, I felt like switching it up today." He leaned forward, clasping his hands together and laying his head on them before he took the croissant you were offering him.
You gulped down the bite you had just taken and proceeded to ask him another question.
"So what brought you to be near my place?"
You wish you could see beyond his glasses when he turns his head to you and shrugs, "Looking for buildings with adequate cursed spirits for my students. Thought I'd pass by and get breakfast with you on my way."
"Yeah thanks for the heads up." You grumble a little, a little smile and a shake of your head following up.
"Wanna come with?" He speaks through a mouthful of croissant
You start to snark a little, "Do my job without any pay? Sounds like-"
"I'll get you lunch from the onigiri place you said was only for special occasions and then dinner at the restaurant you said had entrees pricier than your electricity bill." He smiled
You blinked up at him, it being cute to him a fact that he chose to brush over by waving his card in front of you, "Being the Chosen One has its benefits."
Which is why you found yourself walking through Tokyo with Satoru the entire day.
You'll admit, you wanted to say yes even if there were no financial benefits to it. He was a benefit enough, time with him was, but it wasn't within your best interest of hiding your feelings to say yes without missing a beat.
On the other hand, it hurt a little, to know you'd be spending the entire day with someone who makes your heart flutter and your eyes unable of holding eye contact. It hurt more that you knew the time together with him would strengthen the feelings your heart held for him.
Fuck it though. At least you get to be with him today.
He let you walk a bit in front of him the moment the both of you left the apartment. It was his best bet of keeping his eyes on you, knowing you were there with him in the swarm of people as opposed to the alternative of receiving that reassurance through the warmth of your hand on his. His six eyes do prevent any mishaps either way, but the domesticity of it was calming for him.
But your back was to him.
It gave him flashback thoughts to this morning, your body practically bare to him, the underwear you had on leaving little to the imagination.
He had to force his heart to beat normally.
"Hey Satoru, that building over there has loads of cursed energy. Wanna check it out."
"Yeah." He smiles nonchalantly, making sure his eyes only look at the top of your head and nothing else.
Both of you don't even need to enter the building when you get in front of it. A simple lift of Satoru's shades and he smiles knowingly.
"Now that one's gonna be fun for Makki."
"Absolutely." He confirms confidently, placing the frames over his eyes again.
After marking down the address of the building, the two of you proceeded to look around for more spots within the city. And not that either of you two knew, but Satoru was scaring off every male within a 20 feet radius during the time spent looking. His eyes were hidden by the specs perched on his nose, but the animosity of an aura he held towards any ogling eyes at you were enough to frighten them off.
He wasn't aware of it, if it weren't any obvious to him after doing it countless other times while hanging out with you. Had he been self aware, he would've muted that part of his feelings too. If any, it gave him more peace. He didn't know it gave him peace, but what he was sure of was that the hairs on the back of his neck would stand up if a guy came up to you.
You, on the other hand, couldn't really notice when you only cared about the guy walking right behind you. All other eyes were white noise to you.
To the eyes of those around you, the both of you looked like any other couple walking around Tokyo together. Satoru was never a step too far behind you and followed you as you walked without never looking back, as if you knew he'd never leave your side as you guided the path.
But you weren't a couple, you were just friends.
The former statement needing a reminder when dinner came around.
Your waiter had just taken down both of your orders at the dimly lit restaurant Satoru had mentioned in the morning. It was on the top floor of a skyscraper and the sun had just set, setting a slightly tense ambience for you--and Satoru, but he couldn't confront that thought for himself. Satoru was very good at remaining neutral for his own benefit.
"Ah and what wine will you and the missus be enjoying tonight?"
"Giacomo Conterno Monfortino please." Gojo smiled politely as he closed his menu and picked up yours to hand it to the waiter.
It was a simple mistake of an assumption from the waiter, it didn't need the attention of either of you. You had to tell yourself that.
"You like this place so far?" Satoru asks with a cocky smile, leaning forward and resting his head on his palm.
"It's beautiful." You say stifling a small smile, "worth all my hard work today."
For a second, Gojo takes a small second too long to respond to you. He seems stuck in a thought during that time before he acts like he normally does.
"Definitely. I could tell you were about to break out in a sweat when you checked if Zara had any cursed spirits in their clothes after my eyes said otherwise."
"Sometimes flukes happen. I thought you knew that." You raised your hands up in defense, winking at him in the process.
His breath hitched milliseconds within you doing that and he started to say something when-
"And here is your Giacomo Conterno Monfortino."
Your waiter had come around with the wine Gojo ordered, serving it in both of your glasses before leaving the bottle there for the both of you to serve yourselves again if necessary.
You took a sip immediately after the waiter left and gestured the glass at Satoru, "You should take a sip, it's really good. But what were you going to say?"
Satoru leaned back in his seat, making it look as classy as possible considering the status of the restaurant you were in, and cradled the glass to his chest.
"Nothing really. Just banter."
After taking two sips, Gojo didn't care to drink anymore. He called for a glass of water when your dishes came around. It was nothing new to you, he wasn't much of a drinker. Being the strongest meant never saving space for vulnerability and the inhibitions of the drink would subdue his abilities to being low quality.
You, however, had already been two glasses in by the time you had finished your small bowl of soup and started cutting your steak into bite sized pieces.
"Someone's hungry." A teasing voice poked at you
You looked up from your chewing on the steak while cutting up another piece to eat and made eye contact with bright blue irises, lips curving upwards beneath them.
"And drunk."
You sat up straight in your seat, having accidentally been hunched over to devour your food. Unfortunately the quick movement cause your head to spin a little.
You couldn't say you weren't drunk, when in fact you were.
"I didn't think it through when I served myself that second glass." You lightly groaned, looking at the ceiling because looking at the former would make the wine further bring you down. Satoru's eyes would make the dizziness worse and get rid of all your inhibitions.
You had to calm yourself down.
"Why didn't you stop me?" You tried to deadpan at him when you gathered enough courage to face him again.
You did deadpan at him, but it felt as if someone dipped your face in flames the moment he kept the eye contact with you.
"I wasn't going to tell you what to do." He shrugged, haughtily putting a bite of his chicken into his mouth.
"Ass." You murmur as you sadly take another bite of your steak.
It didn't take much longer for that second glass of wine to hit you even further. Satoru had asked the waiter for some water for you too after expressing your distress for him not stopping you any sooner, so you weren't going to get any worse--too much. Both of you had been quiet, more so you, the alcohol had made you oddly focus on finishing your dinner, until the waiter brought around the dessert.
It was a shared bowl of some fancy peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream, two spoons on either sides for either of you to take.
"This is huge Toru."
"This is huge. I don't know if I'll be able to even eat half. You were right about the steak being too much earlier." You pouted, gathering a spoonful of peach cobbler and ice cream to feed yourself before you looked at Satoru with the biggest doe eyes he's seen from you.
He stares at you while getting his own spoonful.
"I'll help you. And even if we don't finish we could probably ask to take it to go, they probably have small coolers for something like this."
"Yea and then they'll think we're dating or married or something. Like a couple saving it to eat together later."
"Come again?"
You were slouched in your seat, trying your best to keep eating. The alcohol obviously lowering your guard both physically and mentally.
"When the waiter called me missus." Your lips curving downwards
"It doesn't matter if they think we're dating." He reassures, concentrated on swirling around his piece of peach and ice cream too much "It's just to go."
There were no worries in finishing the peach cobbler and ice cream you soon found out. Gojo, although not drunk, ate the dessert as if he was intoxicated. You stared at him throughout all of it, admiring how cute he looked even though he shared the same appearance you did when you stress ate.
The only worry that existed after, was the walk to your apartment. You two were obviously safe, more so you, it was Satoru Gojo walking you home after all, but it didn't mean that the space between you two was.
You hugged his arm to you the moment you felt a slight gust of wind. An action you didn't overanalyze because you weren't really thinking much at all. You knew you had feelings for him, but he didn't and clinging onto his arm because you were cold wouldn't let him know that. At least drunk you was simple enough to think that way. Had sober you been here, she would have flung you away from him.
He hadn't done or said anything to let you know it bothered him the entire walk to your place. He was oddly calm, not to say that he never was, he was always calm, but witty about it. He wasn't being witty right now. He only really spoke to tell you to watch your step when needed and to answer your question on how much time there was left to get to your place.
When you got to your apartment, you easily swiped your key card on the door and unlocked it.
"Thank you, Satoru." You gave him a close lipped smile with sleepy eyes.
"It's what I'm here for." He answers without a thought, shrugging like its second nature to be this nonchalant.
The second Satoru looks back to you after letting his eyes wander to your lips, your eyes look different.
"What." He breathes.
You keep looking at him, as if you hadn't heard him. Your only response being your breathing.
He steps forward without knowing, subconsciously trying to close the space between you. It's when he's about to lean into you that you speak up again, taking a step back.
"I think it's time for me to sleep." You bite your lip awkwardly, looking between the wall behind him and his eyes because the thought of enduring his gaze on you for more than two seconds was agonizing.
"Right." He straightens up
"I'll see you later." Your eyes get watery from holding back a small yawn, "Have a good night Satoru."
"Sleep well y/n"
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fuckitupfelix · 2 months
DONT WORRY ABOUT IT BRO ITS ALL GOOD!!! IM GONNA COOK WITH THIS ONE TO MAKE UP FOR IT 🙏🙏 actually writing now hope this doesn't turn out bad..
hit it til it breaks...?
iwaizumi hajime x male reader
word count: 1k
iwaizumi's noticed that his boyfriend, seijoh's libero, hasn't been doing his best.
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iwaizumi has seen what pushing yourself past your limits can do to you. he's seen how oikawa always strived to be the best he could, sometimes pushing himself beyond exhaustion. it takes a huge toll on your body, so iwa promised himself he'd take care of himself, and it's not exactly a secret. he pushed everyone to do the same.
so it surprised iwaizumi when he noticed (name) acting different in the past few weeks. they were all very subtle changes; he would buy coffee in the morning more often, was a bit slower with receives, and a little more tired than he usually used to be.
he was pushing himself.
that's what iwaizumi thought initially. he's seen the signs in oikawa enough times to know the aftermath of straining yourself and making your body work overtime. he decides to wait a bit, see if (name) would mention anything by himself. he didn't.
"iwaaaa," (name) called, leaning over iwaizumi's desk. "can i borrow your homework answers?"
iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at that. "you didn't get time finish it last night?" he asked, pulling out the papers. he noticed his boyfriend's hesitation before he took the papers.
"nah, only got through half of it before i went to bed. my mom had me run errands after school. y'know, groceries 'n stuff." (name) said causally. he hunched over iwaizumi's desk to quickly write down the rest of his answers before passing the worksheets back to him. "thanks!"
"yeah, no problem. . . by the way—" but (name) had left before he could ask his question.
later that day, during practice, the team was doing a spiking drill. (name)'s receives were all flawless, but iwaizumi noticed the slight stiffness of his movements. how he grit his teeth for a spike that wasn't particularly hard to get. how his feet left the ground half a second too late. how his breathing grew ragged faster than usual.
'maybe im overthinking things,' and so he shook the thoughts away. he's used to having to deal with oikawa's bullshit. maybe its made him paranoid.
he went to spike, moving fluidly. the ball went a bit of a distance away from (name)'s direction— almost halfway across the court— but he still went for it. that's when it happened.
(name) reached, pushing himself to make contact with the ball, willing himself to. and he did. he sent it up nicely— a beautiful arc straight to the net. but his body had already exhausted itself. it was too much. his face contorted in pain as he felt his leg spasm. his body slammed against the floor, his shoulder connecting with the wood panels in an odd way. his body tumbled over itself like a ragdoll. (name) just laid there.
iwaizumi darted over to (name), eyes blown wide with panic. as gently as he could, he grabbed his shoulders, lifting him up. his grip was still tight.
"(name)? (name), are you okay?" he asked, sweat dripping from his forehead onto (name).
(name)'s eyes opened, face morphing into a frown. "yeah, shit. . . sorry," he mumbled. he tried to push himself to stand, but let out a sharp groan, falling back down to the floor.
the sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floors was faded as (name) and iwaizumi sat together in the club room. (name)'s leg was propped up on one of the chairs.
'how did this happen?'
sure, (name) was pushing himself more than usual, but that was because the inter-high preliminaries were right around the corner! he had to do his best so the team could go to nationals!
"hey." iwaizumi's voice drew (name) out of his thoughts. ". . . why didn't you stop?" he asked.
". . .what?"
"you were pushing yourself too hard, your body couldn't keep up, and now you can barely move your legs. why didn't you take a break?"
(name) tensed up at iwa's words. he frowned. "because i needed to do better. i needed more practice. i need to be better—"
"is this really better to you?" iwaizumi cut him off. (name) flinched at the volume. iwaizumi was pissed. "seriously, tell me. do you think pushing yourself this far helping anyone? we all need practice, but without breaks, you're doing more harm than good!"
"i know that!" (name) snaps. he glared down at the floor. his head was spinning and his legs were throbbing and he could feel his face grow hot, tears brimming in his eyes.
"i know it was stupid, i know i should have paid attention, i'm sorry. i just wanted us to do better! i wanted us to win." (name) managed. god, he knew he sounded pathetic, the way his throat closed up on him, making him sound all whiney. he rubbed the tears away with the back of his hands, his face scrunched up.
iwaizumi wasn't expecting that. he walks over, sitting next to his boyfriend. he wraps an arm around his shoulder, bringing (name) in to rest his head on his chest.
"hey, hey, it's okay," iwaizumi mumbled. he wasn't great at comforting people. he ran his hand along (name)'s back, rubbing circles. "c'mon. can you stand properly? i'm taking you home."
"what? come on, iwa, just give me a minute, i-i can make it for the rest of practice—"
"(name)." iwaizumi said sternly. "what you need is rest. you don't need to overexert your body anymore. and, you're banned from any type of practice until you get better." he adds.
"what?" (name) sputtered. "that's not fair!"
"of course it is, dumbass!" iwaizumi huffed, crossing his arms. "if you try to play volleyball injured, it'll get worse and take longer to heal. seriously. i don't like seeing you hurt," he adds, quieter that time.
a small smile grew on (name)'s face at that. "fine, but only cause i don't want you worrying," he chuckled. he leaned over to plant a small kiss on iwaizumi's cheek.
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". . . okay, now help me up? please?"
AAAAJFHHH i hope that was okay (⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)!!! it was kind of angsty idk if you wanted that. . . lmk if i need to fix anything!!! requests are still open btw!!
divider by @/plutism !!
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Ease on Down₊ ⊹
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Earth42!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of smiles! TWs: N word usage, cussing, n thats it! W/C: 1.1k A/N: A lovely lovely request I got! Tysmm♡
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For the past week or so, you and the girls in your friend group have been planning a secret spa trip for you and the boys! You had especially agreed considering how tense and stressed your boyfriend, Miles, had seemed to be. Even during the wee hours of the morning or the weekend, he always seemed to be a little stressed out about something you didn't quite know about. So here you are, sprawled out on the couch on the phone with Dior. "Nah yeah, we'll be able to make it there don't worry." You whispered into the phone. "Just get yourself dolled up n focus on bringing the other guys, aight?"
"Already done! The girlies already fooled they asses so they'll be meetin' us down at Tierra's house!" she laughed. "Aight girl lemme call you back. I gotta get ready." She blew a faux kiss to the phone that I reciprocated almost instantly. "Bye boo!" I giggled before running back up to my room. I stopped at the door to calm my giggles, before entering and making direct eye contact with Miles. "C'mon, get ready we finna go walk to this new shoe store that just opened" you lied, but he didn't really need to know that. "We're gonna go with gang n them."
You got ready in your room as Miles patiently waited for you downstairs, seeming a little more giddy than his normal stoic personality. "Mami!" He shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, Miles?" you answered as you slipped your shoes on, stumbling slightly down the hallway. "What kind of shoes they got there?" he asked as he held out his hand to help you down the stairs. "Uhh, sneakers? Y'know, Nike, Puma, Adidas. That kind of stuff?" You shrugged as you grabbed your bag and a plush headband from the coffee table. You kind of felt bad for lying, but he wouldn't be mad at a little bit of self-care, right?
When you all got to Tierra's house, you opened the door and joined the cluster of giggling girls as Miles made his way over to the boys who were discussing the types of shoes they'd get when they got to the store. You all confirmed the reservations before rounding each other up and setting off for the spa. It wasn't really a long walk, so when you arrived Miles immediately asked what was happening. "Princesa, ¿dónde estamos?" He asked as he shuffled behind you and snaked both arms around your waist. "Alright, don't get mad at me but...I kinda lied..." you sighed.
"Whatchu mean ma? We not getting sneakers?" he asked as you all walked into the spa, confused murmurs coming from the male half of the group. "Nah, we're not. I wanted to take you to a spa! I'm sorry my love, please don't be upset or nothin'" you pouted as you placed a series of kisses on his face. "Could never be mad at you, Mami. But if you wanted to go with me you could've asked" he chuckled briefly. "I know my love, 'm sorry. Just had to get you down here without you knowing." You shrugged as you made your way to the dressing rooms, exchanging your initial outfits for fluffy heated robes and swimsuits. You watched as the rest of the group emerged in the ivory robes, pure comfort donning their faces as the group decided what they wanted to do first.
Since nobody could actually agree, you all broke apart and went to different stations, but agreed to meet up at a certain time to be in the hot springs. "Alright, so we can get like massages, there's a mud bath, there's a sauna-" You began to list the various stations before Miles's expression caught you off guard. "Stop stop stop, what the fuck is a mud bath nigga?" he muttered with a look of disgust. You laugh loudly, immediately deciding that that would be the first place you drag him to. "I'll show you! C'mon, guapo." You giggled as you dragged him to a room with beige tiled floors and individual little "baths" filled with mud.
Miles gave the most unamused glare of all time, sighing loudly with a deep scowl. "This mud touches my braids and erbody dyin'" he spat as he slowly sank down into the mud, cringing and gagging with each slow movement. "What the hell is this supposed to do anyway?" He barked as he shifted uncomfortably in the mud. "It eases your muscles, exfoliates your skin, and kinda works like a vitamin for your body I guess" I shrug as I lower myself down into the small tub, slinging my plastic bonnet on my head because I'll be damned if I let that bullshit touch my hair either. We stayed there for about 5 minutes before Miles just couldn't take it anymore and hopped to. "Yeah nah, Ion fuck with this mud shit..." he huffed as he rinsed himself off in the nearby shower. You giggled as he eagerly scraped the rest of the mud off his hands and retched silently as he turned off the water. "Next station."
You moved on to the sauna, both of you shuffling into sauna C and setting the time for roughly 20 minutes before closing the door behind the two of you. "I think I've been in one of these once...it was a lil while back though," he recalled as he wrapped both ends of his towel around the back of his neck. And DAMN did he look attractive. Sometimes you forgot how lean and toned his torso was, with each individual scar decorating his neck and shoulders. Jesus Christ you fucking won. "You don't even know how fine you are," I pouted as I rolled my eyes, "Like that shit ain't even fair..."
Miles laughed loudly, throwing his head back and giving you a kiss on your cheek. "The G in Miles G. Morales stands for game," he shrugged, "I'm just him." You gave him a sharp glare before giggling quietly. "Yeah, yeah, shut yo ass up." You panted as the room began filling with steam. He chuckled lowly as he leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes in bliss. When the 20 minutes were over, you both emerged feeling drowsy and like you were just cooked alive. "It's almost time to go and meet the others at the hot springs, c'mon."
You both shuffled in your fluffy robes in the direction of the pool area, being greeted with a massive hot spring and pool. You watched as your friends attempted to drown each other in the water, giggling and shouting at each other like the teenagers that you were. You ran in and joined, tackling Tierra with a splash and a fit of giggles. Nobody was mad, and everyone had an amazing time! You even actually went to the shoe store afterward, so you'd consider today a win.
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rizzanon · 10 months
[Shitty Day] Manjiro Sano
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You were grudgingly walking back home under the moonlit sky, relieved that your cram lesson was finally over. Today had been a shitty day for you, and you couldn't wait for it to be over.
First, you somehow didn't hear your alarm and woke up late, making you absolutely late for school that day. Even though it was your first time being tardy, the discipline master showed no mercy and sent you to detention, assigning you to write a 2 page essay on the importance of punctuality and why you shouldn't be late.
Pointless, really.
But you couldn't do anything about it, and obliged to the punishment given to you.
During lunch, you managed to bump into some idiot who was running around in the cafeteria, and he spilt his drink all over you. You were frustrated, and to make matters worse, you didn't have a spare set of uniform to change into, resulting in you having to wear the stained uniform for the rest of the day.
It was at this point in time where you wished your boyfriend would magically show up.
Too bad you and him don't go to the same school.
So you went along with your day, hoping that Mikey would show up later on.
For the remaining lessons you had, the teachers for some reason, picked on you to answer their questions. Irritating, it seems like everything was against you that day.
By the time your lessons were over, you were exhausted, and relieved to finally get a break. But your moment of relief was short-lived, as you still had cram school to attend.
Internally cursing at your parents for signing you up for it, you made your way to the destination, dreading the next four hours of constant revision.
Which lead you to where you were now, walking back home in comforting silence, thinking back on how the day could've been different, if it weren't for the bad luck you were somehow possessing that day.
If only you could see your boyfriend right there and then. You'd think that he'd instantly cheer you up in his own way, like he always does.
"Yo, (n/n)-chin! Over here!"
Your head instantly whipped towards the direction where the familiar voice came from, and your eyes lit up as you recognised the person.
There, in a few metres distance, stood the one and only Manjiro Sano, waving you over to where he was standing with his bike.
With a soft smile spreading across your face at the sight of Mikey, you walked over to him.
"Mikey? Why are you here??"
"To see you of course! I didn't get to see you the whole day, y'know. Do you know how torturing that was?!?"
You let out a giggle at his antics and shook your head in disbelief. You could see Mikey's gaze on you grow softer, as his eyes scanned you up and down, finally noticing the stain on your shirt.
"Woah, how did that happen??" Mikey asks, as he immediately drapes his jacket on you, trying to cover up the huge stain on your uniform.
"Some guy wasn't looking where he was going, and spilt his drink on me." You replied, face flushing at his gesture.
Mikey frowned at your words, seemingly taking in your expression seriously.
"Haah?! What guy dares to cause an inconvenience to you, my girlfriend?! I won't let him get away with this. Nuh-uh!" Mikey bellows, and your eyes widen in shock.
You had to hold him back from storming off to who knows where.
Probably thought he'd find the guy who spilt his drink on you somehow by doing so.
"Wha- Where are you even going?! You don't have to do anything! I'm fine! It was just an accident. Today's just.... a shitty day, that's all." You said, your voice trailing off as you said those last words.
Noticing the change in your tone, Mikey stopped in his tracks and turned to face you, his soft gaze lingering on you.
After a few moments of silence, you heard him sigh, and walked back to his CB250T, getting on it immediately.
"Sounds like you really had a rough day, huh? Come on, let's go for a drive, (n/n)-chin." Mikey murmurs, locking eyes with you as he flashed you his signature smile.
You blinked in surprise, before hesitantly walking over to him, and getting on the bike. You wrapped your arms loosely around him, much to his dislike. So, doing what any boyfriend would, he started driving off at full speed, causing you to tighten your arms around his waist before you get flung out of your seat behind him.
"Woah! Mikey! Slow down!"
Mikey only just chuckled in return, still driving his bike at high speed, making you groan at his stubbornness.
Within minutes, the both of you arrived at... a port?
Mikey quickly parked his bike, and helped you get off it, leading you to the far end of the place, taking a seat along the railing, where you could see the wide stretch of the sea lit up under the moonlight.
There was a moment of tranquility as you took a seat next to Mikey on the railing, watching the ships sailing slowly to and from the port.
It was relaxing in a way, making you forget about the events that happened that day.
"I always come here whenever I need a moment to myself, or if I need a place to think about stuff." Mikey finally speaks up after who knows how long.
He turns to look at you, and flashed you a warm smile.
"Now, this is our place. Call me when you need me, or when you have a shitty day, and I'll bring you here. As random as it is, this place helped you forget about everything that's happened, didn't it?"
Your eyes widened at how easily Mikey was able to read you, and you could only just nod, returning the smile. You leaned to his side, and rested your head against his shoulder.
No matter how shitty your day was, you knew Mikey was always able to find a way to cheer you up. That was what you loved about him.
"Thank you for this, 'jiro."
"Don't mention it, (n/n)."
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canmom · 6 months
Ping-Pong The Animation: eps 1-3
So Masaaki Yuasa [AN12, AN28, AN150] can do no wrong, right? OK, well, I'll admit Ride Your Wave was kinda mid, and Devilman Crybaby goes hard as hell at the beginning and end but sorta treads water in the middle, but... generally speaking! No-one does it like Yuasa.
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For reasons I don't really remember, I didn't get very far watching Ping-Pong The Animation some years ago. It should be entirely my shit: Yuasa pulling in a gang of wildly creative animators to put their unique spin on something. However, the first episode didn't entirely hook me, and I never got round to trying the second before something else punted 'watching Ping Pong' out of my brain. ADHD, y'know.
This is a shame because even the very next episode seriously goes, as does the one after that. But also this anime isn't entirely what I was expecting (crazy sakugafest full of Yuasa weirdness). Not to say it doesn't do a lot of really unique stuff with its cinematography and animation, but these first episodes at least are more about like... dissociation! ennui!
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But more on that in a mo. First I wanna continue the thread of 'how do you animate sports'.
So, ping-pong, or table tennis. Not a sport I know much about, I'll be honest. (To be fair I don't know a lot about sports in general outside of some very specific niches. The sports I've pursued so far are rather eclectic: swimming, fencing, tai chi chuan, and roller derby; I never got particularly far in any and it's been years since I've done them.)
I'll inevitably be drawing a lot of comparisons to The First Slam Dunk, the other sports anime I've watched recently. I do think it's a productive comparison though! Both of them bring something of the visual language of manga into their presentation in unique ways. I have not yet read the Ping Pong manga, but it's by Taiyō Matsumoto, otherwise known for scifi manga like Tekkonkinkreet (god tier movie, still need to read the manga) and Number Five. So that's a pretty impressive track record!
If you go take a look at some scans of Ping Pong, what will immediately jump out is the shaky, rough line style and unusual camera angles and compositions.
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The stylisation is also very different from a lot of manga. Noses are fully drawn, eyes are realistically small, and in contrast, lips and mouths tend to get the emphasis - as well as hands.
Knowing this makes a lot of the creative choices in the anime make sense! It also adopts a shaky lineart style, and makes use of heavy line weights and spotting blacks to add definition. It also has a lot of crazy closeups and layouts, and it loves a visual metaphor. But most of all, the most striking element of this anime is how often it loves to split the picture up into little panels...
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...which [eli]'s subs do a really good job of typesetting, incidentally, moving the dialogue to fit naturally into the split composition. And while this shot with 7 smaller shots is perhaps on the extreme end, splits of three or more are pretty frequent. It's a really interesting way to evoke the effect of seeing a whole page of manga
So, as you proooobably know, ping-pong is a game of bouncing balls off a little table and directing them into places the opponent will find it hard to hit them back. From watching this anime I picked up that there are a number of styles of holding the racket (e.g. 'penhold grip' and 'shakehand') and approaches to hitting the ball (e.g. 'chopping'). A lot of this pretty much went over my head, but honestly it didn't matter, since the narrative significance was pretty much always evident.
Compared to basketball, though, ping-pong is a pretty tricky sport to make visually interesting! Sure, you have the players running to and fro, and that can lead to some interesting poses, but how do you get the drama and tension into this?
Ping-pong additionally is all 2D, it doesn't have the sort of resources that Toei could throw at making the best looking 3DCG basketball game ever. It is limited to a TV-feasible drawing count. So it has to make use of clever limited-animation tricks to get the most impact out of fewest drawings.
Let's take an example sequence from episode 3. A minor character is about to get his ass kicked by Tsukimoto. Tsukimoto is something of a pingpong prodigy, and yet he is very emotionally closed-off and even standoffish; he doesn't particularly seem to like the game very much, and doesn't particularly feel inclined to flex on other players and get into the status games. But other players, like Wenge, have heard about him and want to see what he's got.
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First we have the setup. Other characters are observing and discussing the game. Since ping-pong tends to involve very rapid exchanges, it can follow the classic shōnen model where there's a lot of talking, flashy fight sequence, more talking...
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The cut happens in two steps, maintaining the vertical dividing line. This approach to cutting is used a lot in Ping-Pong, and it's quite a creative way to keep visual interest when it's using a lot of largely static shots. The panel on the right is more animated than the panel on the left, a naturalistic depiction of bouncing the ball off the table.
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Things start moving faster here. A rapid pan on the image on the left disguises the fact that this anticipation pose is actually not moving at all. This then goes into a rapid, explosive moment as this guy serves.
The final pose is held for a couple of seconds while the voiceover line discussing his intended move finishes. This sort of elasticity of time is a very Osamu Dezaki type of move - it's something that Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata actually really disliked.
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A sound effect hits as Tsukimoto appears on the right in silhouette, anticipating his reaction, and setting up the next shot which leaves the split picture and hides the background for just a moment, as if to put us in Tsukimoto's shoes: he only sees the ball.
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Tsukimoto follows through and holds this pose - the ball is the only thing moving here. The ball moves mainly on 2s while Tsukimoto moves on 3s and 2s, and he and the ball move on alternating frames. He holds the pose as the ball zips off to the right (bouncing off the corner of the table), with a speed lines-like effect. At the end of the shot, the ball freezes in the air for the moment while the sound echoes.
The actual table-tennis round lasts just seconds, and the drawing count involved is pretty minimal, but it does a lot with those drawings.
We go back to voiceovers and reactions in the next few shots, returning to the split video as Tsukimoto's opponent thinks about how he'd really rather be at the beach...
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Often, these comic-like compositions will change one panel at a time, and while one panel is animated another panel will be still, naturally moving your eyes across the screen. It is an approach similar to some experiments I've seen in 'animated comics' viewed in a web browser, where the panels do not appear all at once, but enter with some animation.
So this is the sort of animation technique that Ping Pong uses. It's effective! Elsewhere the cuts are used in a less direct, continuity-editing way and more in a juxtaposition/montage way. For example, Wenge's desire to return to China is symbolised by match cutting/fading to shots of an aeroplane.
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And there is a recurring image, which I'm sure will be expanded on, of Tsukimoto hiding in a cupboard and wishing for a tokusatsu hero to come save him from his isolation. As Tsukimoto's feelings about himself change, the toku hero is replaced by a robot. At this points it starts to feel like an outright Ikuhara anime.
There is occasionally a little bit of CG, mainly when Tsukimoto uses a different type of racket surface, and the way the ball and racket make contact is the crucial thing that the shot is trying to convey...
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It gets the job done, but I'm glad they stuck with 2D for most of it.
So I went in the first time expecting like, crazy elaborate sakuga - and to be fair, the OP, animated by none other than Shinya Ohira, delivers on that front - but if anything what I've seen so far in Ping-Pong is actually a triumph of storyboarding and limited animation techniques. I think back then I didn't have the eyes to appreciate it in the same way.
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OK, that's the film nerd stuff, but what about the story? Ping Pong follows two school friends, Makoto Tsukimoto aka "Smile" (right), and Yutaka Hoshino aka "Peco" (left). Smile is defined by a flat affect and a standoffish persona. He's just going through the motions. He's very good at ping-pong, but to him it's just a way to pass time, and he's scornful about the idea of caring all that much about it. Much like Shinji with his casette player, Tsukimoto is pretty much always staring at a handheld games console rather than make eye contact with anyone.
Peco on the other hand is the more childish one - playful, kinda arrogant, very much an 'emotions on his sleeve' kinda guy. He sulks when he loses and gloats when he wins, and is constantly seen with bubblegum or other kinds of candy. He provides a lot of our commentary when he chats with the other players.
日本語上手 readers probably noticed the tsuki (moon) vs hoshi (star) symbolism thing they've got going on here!
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High-school table tennis in this story seems to be a rather 'tough love' kinda world. Most of these players tend to look down on those who can't meet their level. Going easy on someone is seen as weakness, or cultivating bad habits, by almost everyone. Tsukimoto doesn't play at his full potential because he isn't as invested in winning as all these weirdos, but it seems that might be starting to change...
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The coach is interesting. He's an old man and fairly disdainful of the club at large, and prone to speaking English randomly with a heavy accent. But he gets excited at the prospect of getting Tsukimoto to unleash his full potential, in terms that are repeatedly metaphorically compared to romance/marriage.
And when Tsukimoto gets sick of it, he challenges him to a game, with the stakes as...
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Cue Makima/Beatrice images here I guess.
Tsukimoto de facto wins when the coach collapses, but this episode marks a change of heart. He starts to think of himself as a robot - the affect of a robot replacing the affect of the toku hero in his fantasy. And in this way he does what people seem to want and plays ping pong with mechanical precision, expressed once again in visual metaphor (shot here from a cool transformation sequence)...
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What if I just dissociate harder? This is gonna end well.
So it really is one of those kind of like 'ennui of being a teenager' kind of stories - c.f. say FLCL. 'Boy with complicated emotional landscape' is Yuasa bread and butter, but the particular variant here seems a little unusual for him - they tend to be a little more earnest. I'm curious to see how Tsukimoto develops.
I am definitely enjoying the arrogant Chinese player Kong Wenge. Dude's got a lot of screen presence, and while I'm sure he'll get shown up sooner or later, he makes for a very fun antagonist of sorts.
In comparison to Slam Dunk... one thing that's significantly different about table tennis is that it's an individual rather than a team sport, which means it's harder to have an ensemble cast all contributing to the protagonists' eventual victory - instead it's about a lot of individual arcs interweaving with each other, individual duels. Besides that, it does seem like it will be following a similar arc of a character in an emotional hole (grief for Ryota, depression for Tsukimoto) finding new meaning and purpose through sports - though I can't be sure how things are gonna go for Tsukimoto here!
The tone however is quite different. Even when it's silly, I feel like Slam Dunk is a very sincere story. There's little detachment or irony, or false consciousness - with perhaps the major exception of Ryota's mother, who lets her own grief and trauma get in the way of understanding her son. But ultimately 'why would you care this much about basketball' is not a question that anyone would ask in Slam Dunk. Even the judo guy in the manga who's trying to recruit Sakuragi is just as hot-blooded about his own sport of choice.
There's a difference in like, general affect about the players as well, which has something to do with the sport itself. Yeah, Sakuragi's superpower is his 'genius' ability to predict rebounds, and there is plenty of strategising in Slam Dunk - but basketball is still a sport that very much emphasises physical power, and as much as Slam Dunk will work hard to sell you on a clever trick pass, the visuals are also emphasising the speed that players are dashing, the height they're jumping, their physique. Table tennis by contrast seems to be a sport that's more about prediction and mind games.
That said it is equally just like Matsumoto's style being different from Inoue's. Now I know it's by the guy who wrote Tekkonkinkreet, a lot about this series falls into place! There's a sense of tension here, of being fundamentally at odds with the world. The autismfeels. This is reflected also in the drawings - the characters don't entirely seem comfortable in their embodiment.
So if that's what I'm getting from just three eps, I'm very excited to see what the remaining 8 have to offer. This series is probably too long to cram into Animation Night format, but we'll see...
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w-wolfhard · 10 months
hi would u write for rodrick heffley? i’m living off of crumbs lmaoooo
paring : rodrick heffley x f!reader.
warning(s) : none.
a/n : yall oh em gee i havent been on tumblr in so long holy shit😭 missed y'all😪 also i'm writing f!reader cus thats what im used to but if ya need me to write it differently i could try and do so 🫡🫡
in which y/n & rodrick try to bake cookies for a thanksgiving party but fail horribly.
it was thanksgiving weekend and rodrick's family next door was throwing a party. everyone had to bring a dish if they wanted to enter, so there you were; in your house next door, trying to bake a batch of last minute cookies with rodrick.
he pulled out the cookie dough from the fridge, slapping the package on the counter, "soooo.." he sighed. "do you know how to do this?" rodrick questioned, looking at the package of cookie dough as if it were a question from his previous math test.
"sure i do!" you said hesitantly. "you just have to– i dunno." you sighed as well.
"well okay.. that's fine. that's alright! neither of us know how to bake fucking cookies but that's decent!" he tried to be enthusiastic but he just sounded stupid.
"rodrick no, we're being fucking dumb. we don't even have to make the cookie dough. how are we gonna fuck this up if the cookie dough is already made?!" you rambled, slapping the cookie dough.
"i don't know man! it's you and i, and we could never cook!"
"we've never even tried cooking, dumbass!" you slapped your forehead. "y'know what, directions exist for a reason; let's read the directions." you told him, taking a deep breath.
"nuh-uh! directions are for babies, y/n. we're highschoolers, we can do this without that dumb shit." he scoffed.
"yeah, we're highschoolers that don't know how to bake cookies," you bit the inside of your cheek. "if you don't wanna read the directions then be the director! go on, i'll follow."
"fine! then i will," he folded his arms. "why dont we just roll up the cookie dough into a ball, place it on a paper plate then pop it in the oven?" he said proudly. "ya ever thought of that smartass?"
"i'm glad i haven't, 'cause what in the world kind of plan was that. you sound like a kindergartener rodrick." you narrowed your eyes at him and he looked at you offended. "seriously?! a big ball of cookie dough, on a paper plate, in the oven? we'll blow up or something!"
"will not!" he argued.
"gosh, i'm dating someone insane," you muttered.
"well do you got a better plan? 'cause if you do, i'd like to hear it." rodrick scoffed.
"how 'bout we, i dunno, read the directions?"
he groaned, giving in. "fine. just so we can get this over with so we could finally feast back at my house."
you chuckled and picked up the package, reading what it says; step #1 – get a trey. step #2 – put small pieces of dough onto the trey. step #3 – bake the cookies in the oven at 350° for 10-12 minutes. step #4 – take them out let them sit for a bit & feast on your cookies!
"that's basically what i said—"
"that's the complete opposite of what you said." you cut him off, shaking your head. you both did as the directions said; rodrick handed you the trey and you covered it with parchment paper while rodrick was preheating the oven. you and rodrick made small balls of dough together and placed them on the trey, spaced out good enough.
once they finished doing all that, rodrick popped the trey of cookies into the oven and closed it. once they finished, they pumped their fists in the air, celebrating. "woohoo! we so just did that!" you gave him a high five.
"definitely! i can't wait for them to be done!"
"yup, then we can finally go to your place and feast on the funnel cake your mom made." you licked your lips.
you both cheered and went over to the couch in your living room and watched tv. you guys were so indulged in the movie that was playing that you forgot about the cookies. except the smell reminded the both of you. "rodrick! the cookies!" it's definitely been over 10-12 minutes since you guys last popped those in the oven.
"fuckfuckfuck" rodrick hurriedly took out the cookies which looked burnt but still looked edible. you both sighed, "well we tried?"
"did we rodrick, did we?"
"yes we did." he nodded slowly. " atleast that's what we'll tell them," he chortled, grabbing two paper plates and stacking the cookies on it neatly, he made his way to the front door while you followed. he handed you one of the plates, as he unlocked the front door, "after you m'lady."
"never call me that again," you both laughed and he shut the door behind him locking it. he picked a cookie from the top of the stack, "cheers to shitty cookies on thanksgiving?"
you chuckled and grabbed the cookie on the top of your stack, "cheers to shitty cookies on thanksgiving." you clinged your cookies together and then took a bite.
god were they burnt.
you both forced yourselves to choke it down. "i'll stick to your mom's funnel cake." you sighed as rodrick unlocked his front door.
"yeah same."
susan answered with a grin, "hello y/n! come in, come in!" she stared down at your cookies and her grin morphed into a different look, "are those edible?" she motioned to the cookies in your guys' hands.
"well yeah, but i advise that you don't eat them. leave it to the little ones to chow it down." you snorted and rodrick nodded in agreement.
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blackdollette · 1 year
if ur requests r still open and u rnt overwhelmed AND if youre okay with what im abt to request...
heres a thought. euronymous and like opposite style innocent reader (mb i love dark guys and innocent bimbo-y girlfriends)
so theyve had sex before obvi. and typically she just lays there and is disinterested because frankly.... he has a little fear of breaking her and shes like "this isnt enough for me :((" so one day she just looks up at euro like "smack me." and it shocks him ! and when he does it opens a door for both of them. they like impact play 🤷‍♀️ and sprinkle a little bit of euro breeding kink but not rly breeding just more like "im cumming in u coz ur mine and i want everyone to know it when your bellys full and round" not rly like "i want u to have my babies" coz i think he wouldnt like babies.
mb that was a bit tm ranting woopsies
i love opposites attract type of stuff, im obsessed!!
"he dyes his hair black, i dye mine platinum blonde" | euronymous
me & my boyfriend. - lana del rey
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p.s. this story has nothing to do with oystein aarseth. this is rory's portrayal of the character.
bimbo!female!reader x euronymous
contents: spanking, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie
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you two were as different as could be. you were like day and night. he went around trying to instill fear into the souls of all who made the mistake of looking in his direction. and you always looked like a child's doll, the way you were always dolled up making you extremely pleasing to the eye.
you never showed any interest in the dark and evil stuff that euronymous invested all his time into. you revolved your life around looking good and geting everything you wanted, giving the impression that you were soft and fragile.
that's why euronymous always tried to be as gentle with you as possible when it came to sex. he would go painfully slowly, always asking if he should stop. you had always appreciated him being so kind to you, but you couldnt help but yearn for something more than all that.
so the night you asked him to completely have his way with you, he was completely taken by surprised. "a-are you sure? i wouldnt wanna hurt you or anything, y'know." you continued to insist, but he kept on resisting. this went on for a while before you snapped and decided to take matters into your own hands.
without any further communication, you took off your miniskirt and tight shirt, throwing them to the side. you sat on the bed, only in your hot pink thong and matching bra. he attempted to speak, but his words got caught in his throat as his eyes wandered down your beautiful body. no matter how many times he saw you like this, his reaction would never change.
you turned around and stuck your head into a pillow, putting your ass in the air. "spank me." your voice was slightly muffled, but he heard you loud and clear. he hesitated, but seeing that you were actually serious made him want it almost as badly as you did.
you got behind you, his hands on your hips, gently rubbing your soft skin before he raised his hand and laid the first slap. you winced in pain, but you kept yourself together. you heard euronymous chuckle, and you knew that it was about to get a lot worse. finally, your fantasies were being fulfilled.
he lands another hard slap on your ass, this on stinging even more, making you whimper enough for him to hear. it sounded like music to his ears. he continued to spank you, each slap getting more and more painful. you could tell that he was enjoying this. this was something that he'd been dreaming of for a long time.
your hips got a little sore from keeping them up for so long, so you lowered them a little. euronymous started to unbuckle his belt, throwing it to the side. he slapped your ass once more. "ass up, whore." he said, his voice lower than usual.
you whined as you stuck your hips back into the air. euronymous undid his pants and pulled out his already hard cock out. he ripped your thong off of you, your little pussy aching to be fucked. he smiled at the sight, thinking of all the things that he was going to do to you.
he rubbed your slit gently with his thumb before stuffing you with his cock. you let out a loud, slutty moan. euronymous had never heard anything like it before considering how gentle he always was with you.
he wasted no time quickly thrusting into you, his hips coming into contact with yours making a loud slapping sound each time. you started falling apart instantly. you had never felt this way before. he was being so rough and wreckless with you, but you loved it.
your moans got louder and louder, along with the sounds of euronymous slapping your ass. he fucked you at an inhumanly fast pace, finally letting out all these years of sexual tension. he had always fantasized about being able to destroy your insides and make you go completely dumb on his cock.
he kept a firm grip on your hips as he pounded into your sore little pussy, whispering things that couldnt be heard underneath the sound of your moans and whimpers. you felt you pussy tightening around his cock, signalling your orgasm coming.
his groans became more audible as he felt you getting tigther around him. he wanted to make you cum harder than you ever have before. he reached a hand forward and started rubbing fast circles on your throbbing clit, sending you over the edge.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came all over his cock, which was still pounding into you at lightning speed. you felt your vision going blurry as he started to overstimulate you. you sobbed as you started cumming even harder, making his cock throb inside of you.
he started speaking to you in between strained groans. "a-ah... gonna fuck my cum into you... gonna fill you up real good..." you felt your body completely surrendering to him as you felt a second orgasm about to him.
with the feeling of your pussy squeezing him, he started releasing his hot cum into you, making you feel so warm and full. his nails dug into your skin as he reached hit orgasm, throwing his head back as he continued to fuck you. he kept going until you were leaking his and your cum.
he finally pulled out of your sore little cunt, flipping you over so he could see you. your mascara was completely ruined, your lipgloss was smudged, and your cheeks were flushed, making you look like a total mess.
euronymous grinned before giving you a kiss on the forehead. "such a pretty girl... i think i like your makeup better this way." you rolled your eyes. euronymous spread you legs and sat himself right infront of your pussy.
he used his fingers to spread your lips so he could watch all the cum drip out of you. needless to say, sex got a lot more entertaining from then on.
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author's note: so sorry this took a while to come out, i can procrastinate for the olympic i swear. im working on another request rn dont worry yall :))
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tenabrye · 2 years
your nicholas and vash request got me thinking of their reaction as a drabble when they’re reunited with their crush after being separated for some time and finding a new wound/scar on their crush?
He honestly thought he'd find you after you both had to flee town, but things didn't quite go that way. Sadly, the separation lasted a year and a half. A year and a half without you by his side, without seeing your lovely smile, your adorable laugh, your reassuring and gentle touches. It was horrible. The absolute worst time in his entire life, so far, that is. But when he found you?
The man was, at first, stunned. Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or was it his brain that created your image out of thin air? He didn't believe it at first, yet the second your hands took his, the thumb gently rubbing little circles on the back of them, he knew. The reunion is filled with tears of joy, mostly from him, because he never thought he would be able to see you again. He held you close, face buried in your neck, breathing in your familiar scent.
"How have you been?" It's the first question he asked, followed by, "I missed you so much." He really can't contain his emotions after finally seeing you after so long, so he cries. His tears soak into your clothes, and you rub his back, letting him get it all out. "I tried finding you," he said, "I never stopped. Town to town, city to city, I kept looking."
You frowned. It hurt you seeing him like this. You then pulled out of the hug and cupped his face with your hands, now smiling softly at him. "Vash," you started, voice soft and calming, "you're okay now. We found each other." Your voice brought a familiar calmness to him and reassurance took over in the form of a small smile that was present on his face. "C'mon, let's go catch up."
He liked the idea of being able to catch up with you, alone, in a hotel room. Such privacy allowed the both of you to indulge the other with your journeys. You learned that after the incident that separated the two of you, Vash had gone back the next day in hopes that you had somehow returned, only you didn't. He spoke of how he waited for you there for two days before finally leaving, talking himself into believing that you'd be smart and head to a different town.
When you weren't in the first town he reached, he trekked to another, and another, and another. He kept repeating this cycle, often asking if anyone had seen someone matching your description. The string of bad luck was constant, slowly making him believe he was never going to find you, slowly having him think you were already gone. You frowned at that, holding his flesh hand in yours and sending him a soft smile.
You then spoke of your travels, and how you immediately went to a different town in the opposite direction he had gone. Vash felt rather silly now knowing you had been in the opposite town, to which you chuckled softly at. He understood why you couldn't ask around for him, knowing full and well that folks would have automatically assumed you to be involved with him and his supposed wave of destruction throughout the lands.
You stood from your seat at the small table in the room and stretched, soon raising a brow after hearing the man let out a small, surprised gasp. "What is it?" You asked.
"What is that?" He responded with a question of his own, the pointer finger of his flesh hand poking at the marking he could now see, caused by your shirt raised when stretching. Your lips pursed and you averted your eyes. "That's a scar..."
"Vash," you started, wanting to tell him that it wasn't a big deal. People got scars all the time, right? Right. "It's nothing, really--"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounded hurt, and it caused a sigh to slip from your lips. "How'd you get it?"
"Escaped a bounty hunter," you told him, lips curled into a slight smirk. He chuckled at your expression. "Luckily for me it was just one, but the guy somehow found out I knew you and, well, y'know the rest."
The blond shook his head at you. "I'm sorry," he said, "he was hunting me and wanted to use you to find me." You shrugged your shoulders and stayed silent before running a hand through your hair. "Oh, but guess what?" You cocked a brow at him, watching as he lifted the left side of his shirt, revealing a scar that almost matched yours. "We match now."
The grin plastered to his face caused you to chuckle as you shook your head at him. "You're such a goofball, Vash, but at least you're my goofball."
It nearly killed him when he couldn't find you among the debris. He kept telling himself that you weren't dead, that he knew you weren't dead. He saw you make it out of the building. He saw you...didn't he? He bit down on his cigarette in frustration, instantly cutting it in half in the process. He spit the end that was left in his mouth out and took the time to sit down on flattened rubble, eyes glancing around the area. Did you die? Were you really...gone?
He was frustrated for five months after the incident, still having the slightest bit of denial that you were truly dead. Alas, none of the citizens in the various towns and cities he visited could identify you from the description he gave them. Failure after failure of trying to locate you slowly turned into a sad realization for him. You really were gone from this world. You had to be.
His walking came to an abrupt stop as he removed the large firearm he carried, shoving it deep enough in the sand so that it stood upright without the slightest notion of falling over. The man then sunk down, ass hitting the sandy floor as his back leaned against his gun. Wolfwood wasted no time in whipping a cigarette out, taking a quick drag after it lit and blowing out the smoke.
The man was at the end of his ropes. His denial over the few months of you being dead having been pushed back, although he now felt as if he couldn't continue doing it. He needed to face the facts. You were dead. His jaw clenched at the thought, careful to not break his cigarette as he hung his head, defeated. Any passerby, if anyone was to be seen in this vast desert, could say he looked downright pitiful.
Footsteps could be heard from in front of him, yet he didn't bother looking at whoever it was. The stranger would no doubt glance at him and move on. They always did. Until this one didn't. Wolfwood stared at the shoes belonging to the person that stood before him, eyes widening at the immediate recognition of them. His head snapped up, jaw unclenched as his mouth hung open, letting his smoke fall out.
Was he dreaming? He had to be. Maybe the desert heat finally got to his head? Either way, he really couldn't believe what, or who, he was seeing right now. Standing right in front of him with a familiar, sweet smile was you. The man was quick when rising to his feet, specks of sand flung around from the rapid movement. He tilted his head as he stared at you, soon taking a hand and moving it forward, only to bring it back in hesitation. It couldn't be you. It wasn't...was it?
"Nicolas," you called to him, voice as soft and sweet as he remembered. He moved his hand forward, again, his body freezing once he felt your own hand grab it, fingers intertwining with his own. You let out a small, surprised gasp as he immediately pulled you into his body, arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you.
"I thought you were dead," he breathed out, body slightly shaking as he pressed his forehead against your shoulder. "I looked everywhere, they all said they didn't see anyone like you." You could hear the hurt in his voice, the slight crack, and it tore you apart. "I didn't want to think you died, I couldn't."
"Nicholas," you spoke his name, again, slowly pulling out of the hug, "I'm sorry." The frown on his face broke your heart, and he certainly looked like a puppy that had been kicked. Until you saw the way his face scrunched up, causing you to furrow your brows at him. "Are you--"
"What's on your face?" He asked, his brows now furrowed in annoyance. It amazed you at how quickly his mood could change, but then you frowned when he reached a hand out and touched your cheek. "The hell is this? Who did this to you?" It's as though he forgot about the fact that you were alive and not dead, because with the way his jaw clenched, you could tell he was angry.
"Ah, well, you see--"
"Are they still alive?" He cut you off with his question. "So I can kill them myself."
"No, no," you told him, "they're not alive anymore. Don't worry."
Wolfwood sighed. "Five months apart and you've gotten into trouble. Then you go and get a reminder of that trouble." You playfully rolled your eyes at him. "I didn't see you make it out of the building."
"I thought I wasn't going to, at first," you started, "but I guess I had lady luck on my side that day."
He hummed in response, his anger now having dissipated and a frown on his face. "I'm glad you lived."
"I'm glad you never once stopped looking for me," you smiled.
"If I had to, I'd search this entire planet for you." His lips curled into a grin and he pulled you in for another hug. "Until death took me."
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Soul Eater Ler Headcanons
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Soul/F! Reader, Death the Kid/F! Reader, Black Star/F! Reader, Maka/F! Reader. Tsubaki/F! Reader, Liz/F! Reader, Patty/F! Reader, Stein/F! Reader
Length: 1.5k+
Summary: N/A
Soul Eater Evans:
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Soul is very casual most of the time and I feel like tickling someone to pieces wouldn’t be any different. 
Like Maka, takes it in complete stride which his Lee likely wouldn’t expect if they’d hidden it from him out of fear for any length of time. 
He finds this hysterical and incredibly endearing at the same time, leading to him laughing at you good-naturedly. 
“Damn, you went that long without something you wanted out of some misguided sense of feeling weird? You could’ve just told me, ya know. I tickle Blackstar and Maka all the time, Hell you’ve seen me do it. You had to know I wouldn’t mind.”
When you fumbled to explain it was different he sighed and rubbed his head. 
“Man, you’re hopeless. Least now I know why you ran away all those times. Must’ve been really embarrassing for you, huh?”
He grinned, wiggling his fingers at you eagerly as he cornered you.  
“Welp, guess all we can do is make up for lost time huh? C'mere so I can help you experience what you’ve wanted so bad first hand!”
He’s not a chaser, prefers for you and him to be more stationary. 
Admittedly gets a kick at seeing you try to hold your arms up or not struggle too much, even though a cool guy like him could totally overpower you.  
Reassures you in his own way too, bringing it up casually after wrecking you after you both had a stressful test that day. 
“Y'know, the others won’t mind tickling you either. Even on the fraction of a chance they’re not willing to- they wouldn’t make fun of you for it. Even if they did, they’d have me to deal with!”
He flashed a shark-toothed grin your way. 
“You like being tickled. So what? C'mon, say it. I know you can!”
Messes with you for a few days and sessions until you finally spit the words out. 
He doesn’t tickle you directly till you get it out- only giving a quick poke or huff of air along your neck or ears to make you jump, around the others that prick-until you crack. 
He’s kind’ve mean about it, honestly, but he does it to help you not hide who you are from the others. It’s all out of love in the end. 
Rubs it in your face so hard when he ends up right. Doesn’t let you live it down ever. 
Expect group tickle sessions for a while too just to be extra sure you got the message it’s not a big deal. 
Maka Albarn:
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Maka is really intuned with everyone around her and that translates to when she Ler’s too. 
She senses the little things- the way someone leans into her touch when they like a spot. 
She’s kind too- not the type to call you out and tease you for it like Soul or Stein, and if she does it’s playful and she’ll immediately admit she liked it just as much as you.  
She loves to make others happy, and this is no exception. She views it as perfectly natural and normal and just about Maka-Chop’s you anytime you put yourself down. 
You learn to accept your little quirk with her and the rest of your friends help. 
Black Star:
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God Blackstar is a rough one. 
Good luck, the second he finds out you’re ticklish I hope you like it because he’s gonna use it to mess with you constantly. 
Getting out of things, making you forgive him for small mistakes, you name it he’ll implement tickling somehow if it fits. 
And when Tsubaki finally spells it out for him that you like it? 
Even training isn’t safe then and he is merciless in that environment when he’s focused so trust- you both do and don’t wanna be caught by him. 
He’s loud when he teases so you have to be direct and tell him not in public, and remind him if it bothers you fairly often otherwise the whole damn school is gonna know. 
Speaking of teasing, KING of teases.
I’m blushing just thinking about it. 
“Wow, is this really all you can handle? I know it’s a tall order because you’re up against a big star like me, but I’ll have to help you build up your stamina and endurance.”
“You’re lucky there’s no Kishin who tickle their victims; otherwise you’d be a goner for sure! Luckily you have the great Blackstar to help you as a failsafe precaution! Aren’t you lucky?”
300% uses his Ninja skills to fuck with you.  
Sorry I don’t make the rules. 
You called his bluff when he was just starting out and assumed he was loud and obnoxious with no other mode and boy did that backfire on you horribly. 
After finding out you like being tickled, guess who now has a way to show you just how well he can sneak up on people whenever and wherever he wants?
Uses tickles as a reward/motivation too, to keep you training with him just that little bit longer than you usually would. 
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Gosh she’s so flustering as a Ler without even trying. 
It’s because she’s so sincere and gentle. 
It makes her amusement and sweet teases all the more effective. 
“Aww you’re so precious like this! I’ve gotta do this more often!”
She’s one of the easiest Lers to go to, especially if you want relaxing tickles. 
She’s so gentle technique wise, really only using spidering and stroking but it still tickles like Hell. 
The only one who can reign Blackstar in with either tickling him or just talking sense.  
Death the Kid:
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Kid is generally very put together and that translates to when he lers. 
Of course, he has to tickle symmetrically which means his poor Lee will have to put up with either both his hands or two tools at once. 
The only good thing is that means you know the sensations are predictable. 
Unless he has Liz and Patty help. Then? Then they’re really in trouble, because they’ll do the same, but as long as they keep the same technique? Kid’s fine letting them have variety from him. Predictability neutralized. 
Unintentionally so flustering, holy shit. 
Kid is naturally very logical and serious, and has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. That man’s smirk is lethal. 
Absolutely uses this to his advantage. After all, he has to make both of your cheeks the same pretty shade of red, and what better way to do that then make it cover your whole face~?
“Oh come now, surely it can’t tickle that badly? You’re flattering me.”
Can’t stop at an uneven time- works together with his Lee to get to 88 minutes for perfect symmetry. 
He’ll stop before that if needed of course, but it’s typically best when the numbers match. 
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Brings out of her Lee’s childish natures with her own. 
Tends to giggle happily along with her Lee and is one of the Lers most often to start tickle fights and the like. 
Adores how much fun it is to make her friends, family and s/o’s laugh omg. 
It’s why she does it so often. 
Most think she’s not smart but really, she’s quite aware. She just chooses to embrace her more childish side openly. 
Loves to tease her Lee’s and pouts when she has to stop or gets pulled away by Liz. 
“Aww but why? They’re so cute like this!!”
“Yes Patty but you kind of need them alive to tickle them more yeah? Let ‘em breathe, k?”
She salutes her sister all cute-like.
Switches spots often and has to get reminded by Kid to be more symmetrical if they’re Ler'ing someone together because she forgets a lot and it always makes her Lee jump in their grip. 
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Queen of self-care/self-comfort tickles, for both her Lee and herself. 
Compliments galore she’s so damn nice.
“Your laugh is so pretty, I swear. I’m so jealous!”
“Oh my God your nails are so cute!! You have to paint them for me later! Maybe if you agree to I’ll stop~”
Her teases are like that, mixed with her genuine compliments. 
The most merciful between her sister and Kid. 
Kid tends to get lost in the symmetry while tickling his Lee so if she’s helping or knows he’s gonna be Ler'ing someone she always reminds him to set an alarm so the poor Lee isn’t stuck there for 3 hours.
Definitely hasn’t happened more than once, nope. 
Not that the Lee was complaining-
Absolutely loves using her nails as a tickle tool. It’s her go-to method and she is good.
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Unsurprisingly, the scientist who loves to experiment, also does so when tickling. It’s just his nature. 
In addition to that he’s perceptive as Hell so good luck hiding your reactions. 
In all likelihood, he knows instinctively if a Lee enjoys it thanks to seeing their Soul and being able to sense their nature better than most. 
Let’s face it; Stein’s a complete sadist- and not only that- he’s very open about that fact. 
Which means if it gets to you that he’s like that he’ll absolutely call you out and mess with you with it, switching between his typically playful and analytical self and his more cruel side. 
Knows every tool out there, and relishes testing more unconventional ones too like back scratchers, combs and the like. 
That goes for enhancement methods too. Everything from oil, sensory deprivation, and bondage. Whatever he can think of, really. 
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moroostar · 7 months
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–☆ fluff
–☆ including: Freminet
🗒: I love him <3 | mermaid male reader!
❕️: requests are open! (read rules before requesting <33)
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Freminet went on his usual drive to see if you would there in your spot to see him. When he saw you, his eyes lit up just the sight of you.
"Freminet! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages, I missed you!"
You held a wide smile on your face, while Fremient was slightly taken back by what you said.
"Miss me?.. We only saw each other 2 days ago."
His cheeks were pink as he wondered his eyes everywhere, he was glad you couldn't see his face when he wears his helmet.
You spun around him as you went rambled about different things about what happened to you in the 2 days of not seeing each other. Freminet attempted to you keep his eyes on you as you talked, but soon enough gave up.
"Sounds like you've had an interesting of 2 days."
You stopped going around when you landed in fronf of him and nodded.
"Mhm, now, how about you tell me your 2 day break from me, hm?"
'It was more like a 2 day of sadness because you weren't there..'
Freminet talked about his two dyas as you had an otter in your hands, petting it, he kept on frumbling over his words just from looking at you petting an otter. Poor Fremient had to keep pausing to calm down to not make it obvious he was flustered.
Having you stare at Freminet the way you are at that moment almost made Freminet pass out. The look of interest and admiration on your face was making him want to kiss you. He liked the fact you listened to him and seemed interested in about everything he says. He just likes you so much.
Finishing his small ramble about his two days, you let the otter go with a pat on its head then it swimming away.
You both talked for awhile longer before he had to go back up.
"In all honesty, you just about my favorite part of my day."
You blurted out to him as you floated in the water as Fremient was taking off his helmet. His cheeks grew pink as he almost dropoed his helmet.
"Really?.. Oh, well, your my favorite part of my day as well..."
He looked the opposite direction avioding eye contact with you. You sat up on a nearby rock with a smile on your face.
Grabbing his chin and kissing his cheek then pulling away and patting his head.
"I had fun today with you as usual."
You leaned closer to his ear
"You also have an adorable expression when you get flustered y'know"
Pulling away with a smile as Freminet stared at you wide eyes as he trying to process what's happening and his face being entirely pink.
You waved goodbye before going back in the water.
Freminet was now left there standing with the band of his hand covering his mouth smiling. He was very much more excited to see you the next day.
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Hiii! Can you do "god, sometimes it's so hard to... to not kiss you, you know?" with Pedro Pascal? Thank you! 🥰 Congratulations on reaching this milestone!
don't stand so close to me # 200 follower special event
» prompt event » special events masterlist
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
pedro pascal x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k
warning: it's a fluff but might be slightly suggestive
summary: There's always been an air of excitement surrounding secret relationships.
a/n: hi hello, and thank you!!<33 thank you for joining the event! this piece of writing wasn't supposed to go in the direction it went, but i'm not complaining, y'know. let me tell you, i was giggling while writing the last scenes
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @alexxavicry @babypeapoddd @domaniquessidehoe @one-sweet-gubler
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The night sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one shining as bright as the next. Hollywood was bustling with life and excitement, as the highly anticipated Academy Awards was underway. You never imagined being part of such a grand event, as you often preferred the comfort of your own home while watching it on TV. Tonight, however, was going to be different, because your boyfriend was going to be one of the presenters and he wanted you to be by his side.
As you stepped out onto the red carpet, the energy was electrifying. The atmosphere was abuzz with people, cameras flashing, and voices echoing through the air. All eyes were on the biggest names in the entertainment industry, and tonight, Pedro was one of them. As he emerged from the car, he was immediately surrounded by a swarm of reporters and fans, all vying for his attention. But Pedro remained cool and collected, flashing his infectious grin.
Pedro was one of the most popular actors at the moment, known for his quick wit and charm. He was dressed to impress, donning a sleek black Gucci suit and stylish hand jewelry that complemented his rugged good looks. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration as you stood by his side, watching him navigate the sea of people with ease. Tonight was a night to remember, and you were grateful to be a part of it all with Pedro.
But as much as he loved the spotlight, there was only one person he had on his mind as he walked down the red carpet – you. Your relationship had been a secret for almost a year, and Pedro was determined to keep it that way. He knew that being in the public eye came with intense scrutiny and didn't want to subject you to the same level of lack of daily privacy as he did.
As you walked down the red carpet together, Pedro couldn't help but steal glances at you. You looked absolutely stunning in a black gown that hugged your curves in all the right places. Your hair was styled in natural waves, cascading gently over your shoulders. Pedro felt a tug of pride and admiration as he looked at you, knowing that you were the one person who truly mattered to him.
The cameras clicked away as you posed for photos together, Pedro wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. He wanted to show the world that you were the most important person in his life, even if they didn't know the extent of your relationship.
As you approached the end of the red carpet, Pedro leaned in close to you, his breath hot on your ear. “God, sometimes it's so hard to... to not kiss you, you know?” he whispered. Your eyes widened in surprise, and you couldn't help but blush bright red. You knew that you had to be careful not to reveal your relationship in front of the cameras. If it had happened at the Oscars, everyone would have been talking about it, especially since Pedro was now a hot topic. But he just grinned and took your hand, leading you out of the public's view and into the theater.
As you got comfortable in your seats, Pedro found himself unable to resist stealing quick glimpses at you. He reached over to take your hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of your hand. You knew that he was nervous about his presentation, but he seemed to find comfort in the fact that you were there by his side.
As the show went on, Pedro lost himself in the excitement and energy of the night. He cheered on his friends and colleagues, clapping and laughing and joking around. But as the night wore on, he found himself growing increasingly distracted. He couldn't stop thinking about you, about how stunning you looked in that tight-fitting dress, he much he loved you and how badly he wanted to be alone with you, away from the flashing cameras and the adoring fans.
Finally, as the show drew to a close and the winners were announced, Pedro's desire to return home was getting closer to coming true. It had been a long night with a lot of people surrounding him from all sides, and even his puppy personality needed a break. But all that mattered all the time was that he was there with you, the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
As you left the theater and made your way back to the car, Pedro kept his arm around you, looking at you with a mix of love and playful frustration. “I know we have to keep our relationship a secret,” he said quietly. “But I don't want to hide anymore. I want to shout it from the rooftops. You can't even imagine how hard it is for me to keep my hands to myself.”
You chuckled, knowing exactly what he meant. Pedro had always been a bit of a flirt, and you loved teasing him about it. “A little self-discipline hasn't hurt anyone yet.”
Pedro grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “Oh, I have plenty of self-discipline,” he said, leaning in closer to your ear. “I just choose not to use it when it comes to you.” You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at his words. There was something about the way he looked at you, like you were the only person in the world who mattered to him, that made you feel so loved and cherished. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and keeping it a secret only added to the excitement. But you knew the risks of revealing your relationship – the paparazzi would be all over you, and you didn't want to be the center of attention like that.
As you climbed into the car, Pedro couldn't resist stealing a quick kiss before settling into his seat. You both knew the drive home would be quiet as the exhaustion of the night was finally setting in. You leaned back in your seat, letting out a contented sigh. The warmth of Pedro's hand on your thigh, as he drive, was all you needed to feel safe and loved. As the car drove through the city, you looked out the window, watching the lights flash by. You couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have found someone like Pedro. He was charming, talented, and kind, but above all, he loved you for who you were.
Pedro's voice interrupted your thoughts. “You know, I have something else planned for us tonight,” he said, a mischievous grin on his face. “But I can't tell you what it is yet. It's a surprise.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “A surprise? You know I don't like surprises, Pedro.”
He chuckled. “Oh, I know. But trust me, you'll like this one.”
As the car pulled up in front of Pedro's apartment building, he leaned over and kissed you again. “Come on,” he said, opening the door. “Let's go see what I have in store for us.”
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