jinki-ia · 3 years
Will You...? || Wenjin
Jinki couldn’t help but pace up and down his hallway. He chewed his fingers away to oblivion…he should really get a manicure soon. He double checked, triple checked and checked again, making sure he had everything he needed and didn’t forget anything up in his apartment. Checklist was done it was now or never. Walking outside he packed the everything he needed into his trunk of his matte black Audi R8, he didn’t use his car very often but today was a day to impress.
Getting into his car he pulled out after making sure the bar doors were locked, he didn’t open the bar tonight which was a rare occurrence but necessary for tonight. The drive to the academy was quiet only the low melody of music playing in the background just so he wasn’t driving in complete silence. When he got to the academy he sent a text to the man of the hour.
{Text: Love} Hey baby! I’m outside! Hurry up or we’ll miss the movie
It wasn’t until he hit send was when he realized just how nervous he was, he’s never done something like this and he hoped everything went off without a hitch. He convinced Wenhan to come out with him after being apart for so long, both busy with their own respectable things but he wanted to do something for Wenhan to show him just how much he missed him.
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zitao-ia · 4 years
🎄🎄🎄 Ho-Ho-Hoe for you. {Wenhan&Zitao}
“Hey there,” Zitao said as he found Wenhan again after their first meeting which had not gone as smoothly as one would have liked but it had still ended without bloodshed and that was already a whole accomplishment on its own. He had also sent the other some suggestive gifts to go with the ho-ho-hoe -liday. There was no mistaking what Zitao was doing; flirting his heart out to get into the other’s pants.
He didn’t really know the other much but he wanted to. “Did you like my gifts?” He asked, leaning against the doorframe and then threw a green tie at the other’s head. “Want to go to the Christmas ball?” He asked with a small smirk “It is evening wear so I hope you have a suit.” His eyes wandered over the other’s broad shoulders and then back up again. “It’ll be fun, I’ll make it worth your while you know.”
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ra-ia · 4 years
[ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] Wenhan & Ra
[ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] My muse tries to make yours laugh when they are sad
“Really though man, I don’t think that is quite true.” Ra said, sitting at the bar, raising one eyebrow at the other man with an amused smile. He had been sad before, and he still was a little sad but  it was a lot better now that the other had tried to cheer him up.
He had come to this bar since his friend had told him to go there, there’s humans but Jaemin works there and his super-hot friend too. Ra had wanted to see the super-hot friend for himself and it had not been hard to locate said friend. Tall, dark and handsome huh. Usually Zi went for blonde and handsome (and usually the assholes too; Yifan being the prime example of that).
He had been in a bad mood too, Ra that is, it was the death anniversary of one of his close friends from a different life. He had just told the other it was the anniversary of a friend since he had no idea if Mr McHot was actually Zitao’s newest eyecandy. He had no idea if this barkeeper figure was actually supernatural or not.
“By the way, my name is Ra.”
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minwoo-ia · 4 years
🟥 Call it a night {Wenhan&Minwoo}
“So, you are in?” It was dark in the nightclub, the music on a low setting as his android was sweeping the floor as she hummed to herself. No one but Minwoo and the hunter were in the nightclub. Echoes of the night were still there, he could still hear the bass in the ground and hear people laugh high as a kite. Sharply contrasting the moans coming from corners of the club.
It was silent now but the echoes were there. Minwoo hummed. “I need to weed out some vampires when it gets light, they hide in their house like the little sinning shits that they are and have been causing trouble at my other club in the human city. Bringing humans there and then killing them or assaulting them. It is bad for business, dead humans- well, you would know you’re human right?” He asked as his red eyes flared up, sensing the other’s blood.
“Usually I would just send some preliators but I need to do this one myself. We need to let one live, not the powerful one but a low rank one, so they can tell other vampires. They need to know that they don’t run this part of South-Korea. I do.” He cleared his throat as he tilted his head.
“I pay well, I pay fast in gold or human currencies I don’t care. So, you in Wenhan?”
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enchanted-irene-ia · 4 years
Noisy Neighbor|| Wenhan&Joohyun
Joohyun grumbled as she rolled her suitcase down the aisle. “Dumb roommate” She had ben kicked out of her room. In her months of being at the Academy she had only ever seen her roommate in passing, neither bothered to talk to the other and she didn’t mind. Although recently the enchanted doll had found a love for korean dramas her roommate didn't like that much, her squeals and yelling at her laptop in the middle of the night wasn’t letting him get any sleep or so he said. 
With all her classes during the day, doing homework after and cam shows at night, the only time she had to herself was the middle of the night! Also seeing as she didn't need to sleep it was the perfect time. So now shes was on the search for an empty room for a couple days, at least until she finished her latest drama ‘Moon embracing the soon”
The first place she went to look was Vighulir. The enchanted doll simply walked down the halls looking for a room without nameplates on it. When finally finding one she made sure it was a single room before grinning and heading on in. In less than an hour she had the place set up like her own home. A pretty pink with red strawberries blanket and matching pillows laid on the bed, her laptop set on top, her camera and mic on the computer desk and outfits hanging on the closet. Joohyun jumped up on the bed she booted up her laptop, she giggled excited to get lost in the drama world. 
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jungjinwoo-ia · 4 years
Noise // Jinwoo and Wenhan
Finally, no more peace and quiet.
Funny how the awkward blind kid with an incredibly odd brain and sensory overload could not stand the constant silence. After a particularly bombarding day, he loved the quiet moments or a particular song in his earphones to drown out most of the overloaded inner visual. Yet when Jinwoo was in his dorm, there was no one else to talk to or make noise or distract him from pacing uselessly.. When it was too quiet, it was too dark.
And, as much as he hated to admit it, there’s no one to help in a pinch. When Jinwoo was particularly stuck with something or, you know, his more obvious handicap, he had to hope the internet could help or call a friend. Which was frustrating. Then again, now there was the questionable ‘beginnings’ he’d have to go through again. Like what’s your name, where’re you from, what time do you usually sleep by, can I keep the heat on?
Of course the moment the new roommate made himself known he’d be bombarding with: “What music do you listen to? I listen to all kinds but Daft Punk is my favorite. I won’t blast it out loud but if you don’t like Daft Punk we can’t be friends.” Before finally. “I’m Jinwoo, what’s your name?”
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seira-ia · 3 years
Wenhan took it upon himself to sneak into the academy's pool because why not. And as he took a dive in swimming, he well ended up splashing some of the water onto Seira. What a lovely way to meet the new student. "Oh! My bad. Didn't see you there!"
Oh, it's delicious. As much as his excitement soared to new heights, finally being able to be a little farther from the water and discover new horizons, it'd be a lie to say he didn't miss being underwater. The pool was his little refuge and the merman didn't think twice about diving there— it only took about three, four minutes for his tail to reveal itself, and then he would swim freely as he was so used to.
Relaxed, absorbed by the feeling the water brought to him, even though it was clearly not saltwater but still did its trick to the merman, Seira returned to the surface only to receive a splash of water right on his face. His bright strawberry eyes blinked a few times and the pearls under his bottom lashes moved naturally with the action, a playful smile suddenly taking over his rosy pair of lips. “It's okay.”, he replied, but then his tail emerged off the surface, diving back right after; obviously the splash on the other man was way bigger than what Seira had just received. “Maybe I did it on purpose.”
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jinki-ia · 3 years
Continued from here 
[sms: Jinki]: I drank too much.
[sms: Jinki]: You should come picccck me up
[sms: Jinki]: Did I tell you that you look really good when your wearing that necktie. [sms: Jinki]: Your a tease. You should wear it more often.
Oh Wenhan.
[sms:Han] You what?
[sms:Han] Where are you?  I’ll come get you!
[sms:Han] Did you drink on the job? 
[sms:Han] LOL I am so saving this for later
[sms:Han] I’ll wear ties more often just to tease you
[sms:Han] Drunkie
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zitao-ia · 4 years
Love's fire heats water { Z&W&J }
The little Love-god lying once asleep Laid by his side his heart-inflaming brand, Whilst many nymphs that vow'd chaste life to keep Came tripping by; but in her maiden hand The fairest votary took up that fire Which many legions of true hearts had warm'd;
He had been reading Shakespeare that morning. Not completely unlikely of the alien who enjoyed poetry and reading when he was in distress. It helped him to keep his mind off things that were not to be spoken about and not to be thought about. Usually the alien was not one to worry such about things like dates but this time it was different. Almost a challenge of sorts; given out by Jaemin who was so set on not being with Zitao that he had accepted it. He accepted defeat, perhaps the suitor of Jaemin had been more charming than he had previously anticipated.
Perhaps he had just mistaken the physical attraction the vampire had shown for something else. It was all possibly and thus to not end up alone and sad again (because that never ended well with the alien who was so lovesick so easily) he was on a mission.
And so the general of hot desire Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarm'd. This brand she quenched in a cool well by, Which from Love's fire took heat perpetual, Growing a bath and healthful remedy
It was after dinner when the alien arrived at the bar, wearing tight black jeans and a loose hanging black wifebeater. He knew how to look good in a leather jacket and heavy kohl to make his cat-shaped eyes look like those of a character from a fantasy novel instead. He had even taken the time to put in some light lenses, making him look even more otherworldy (which was hilarious since he was, indeed, from another world entirely).
He caught Jaemin’s eye first, no Wenhan in sight just yet so he walked over to the vampire with a small smirk. “And? Do you think I look acceptable?” He asked his friend with a chuckle before he tilted his head slightly. “Give me a drink, please put it on my tab and-” there was Wenhan and Zitao lost his train of thought.
Ever since Christmas he had been thinking of the hunter. They were physically very compatible and their night together had been intensely pleasant so seeing the other again was nice. The drink was thrown back before he let out a sigh and then slapped Jaemin on the shoulder. “Time to go.” He mumbled before walking over to Wenhan.
“Hey Han.” He purred as he saw the other and tilted his head slightly at the man. “How are you?” a pause “I was wondering when your shift ends, I wanted to talk to you. Buy you a drink?”
For men diseased; but I, my mistress' thrall, Came there for cure, and this by that I prove, Love's fire heats water, water cools not love.*
*Shakespeare -  Sonnet CLIV
@jaemin-ia @wenhan-ia
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jinki-ia · 3 years
Date With Death || Wenjin
Slowly climbing out of the levels of sleep he became painfully aware of pressure against his chest. On the bridge of waking up the bright glow of the morning light shocked him awake. He must have slept in to be awake after the sun.  The pressure made more sense when he finally opened his eyes and looked down to see his hunter peacefully asleep on his chest. Blinking away the sleep from his eyes he smiled looking at his boyfriend. He enjoyed these moments with him so much, with no distractions from the outside world just the two of them in their own world. Even if one of them is unconscious…was that strange? Probably. 
His fingertips caress the soft skin of Wenhan’s cheek, he always has such soft skin. Which mirrored Jinki’s tofu-like skin perfectly. What weird thoughts to have so early in the morning. The shigofumi couldn’t help but laugh at himself. 
He could stare at his lover for hours his handsomeness unmatched with anyone he’s ever seen. It really made him wonder how someone with such beauty would choose someone like Jinki. He wanted to give his hunter everything he had he just wanted to be happy with him for a long long time. But for today that would have to start with making him some breakfast. Carefully and as slowly as he could Jinki climbed out of bed trying his best not to wake the sleeping beauty. When the hunter stirred in his sleep Jinki replaced his own body with his pillow. He smiled and leaned down to kiss Wenhan’s forehead. For now, mission breakfast was a go.
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jinki-ia · 4 years
Honeyed mouth|Wenhan & Jinki
Continued from this post.
Their normal exchange usually went, Wenhan comes into the bar they flirt, Jinki gives him drinks, they flirt some more both of them hinting at another night together then end it with the hunter leaving. This was different so it caught the shigofumi by surprise. "I don’t know about hooked but you really do know how to work that mouth”  Where it took the turn he didn’t know but standing there so close to him he couldn’t care less. 
 He looked up at him gaze moving down to his lips as it got even closer. “Hmm I don’t know, you’ll have to convince me” his voice barely above a whisper. Jinki gently pulled his tie out of the other’s grasp and took a step back. Jinki might be easy but this was too fun to pass up.
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jinki-ia · 3 years
Injured Hottie | Wenhan & Jinki
Continued from here
“Yes it does hurt! AH! What was that for?’ He whined like a child holding on to his now throbbing forehead. It was strange for someone else to care about the elder, after so many years of living between earth and the underworld he was usually by himself and taking care of himself. It seemed like after moving to the village it was changing and it wasn’t sure how to handle it. 
“What is with you and your boss I didn’t do anything yet here I am getting yelled at. He sighed, rubbing at the still sore stitches. “ I’m sorry I didn’t call you, I just didn’t want you to get involved which I’m assuming since you do work for Jaemin you must know what happened” He sighed this was a mess this whole thing. Maybe Wenhan didn’t know anything since he was just a bartender he didn't think the vampire would tell him about his love life.
“I get hurt and everyone is mad at me” The shigofumi leaned forward and rested the side of his cheek on the hunter's shoulder. He was ready for the week, month to be over. Would that change anything? Not really but it would give him a chance to heal and forget any of this ever happened, he liked the sound of that.
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jinki-ia · 3 years
Can’t Run Away In Hawaii || Wenjin
The shigofumi was having trouble focusing, his mind was racing with the possibilities of what was to come. He was taken back to say the least when the hunter asked him to steal him away for a week but he couldn’t say no nor did he want to. The days after Wenhan told him about the trip went by as a whirlwind. 
The plane ride sure was interesting, it was only one of the handful of times he’s ever been on a flying death trap. Normally he would teleport or fly to where he needed to be. Being surrounded by mostly humans did nothing but add to his anxiety, a lot of information being thrown at him at once. Once he was settled into his seat he used Wenhan to distract him, by stealing kisses and trying to get more information from him about what he planned for their trip but no such luck the hunter was keeping his cards against his chest. Which only made the shigofumi whine. 
As apprehensive as he was, a ball of excitement grew in his stomach. He could only imagine the fun they were going to have together away from other people and free from distractions and work. The amount of time the two have been spending together came as a surprise to the shigofumi. For Jinki it was almost unheard of to hang out with hook ups. As the shigofumi followed the Hunter through the crowded airport after an almost 10 hour flight after Wenhan asked him to take a trip together he knew this was way more than a hookup. What scared him most was that Jinki didn’t even hesitate, he found himself excited to spend un-interrupted time with his hunter. 
Jinki didn’t know what was going to come from this trip. Now standing by the airport exit with their luggage at their feet.  The shigofumi stared at the hunter, he stood tall, his dark black hair shining in contrast against the bright Hawaiian summer sun. He was  looking away from Jinki, seemingly focused on his phone. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind. His thoughts and his feelings. Maybe knowing his stance when it came to the two of them will clear up his own clouded mind. 
When Wenhan looked over at him, his lips moved but the shigofumi deep in his own thoughts didn’t catch what was said. “Hmm?” He blinked a couple of times, his lips turned up into a smile. “Sorry I got distracted by your beautiful face” He half teased, walking over to him. Making sure to pull his suitcase with him, he went behind the hunter wrapping his arms around his waist in a gentle back hug. He peaked over his shoulder and glanced at Wenhan’s phone that he seemed to be busy with. “Don’t tell me you forgot to book a place to stay for the week?” He teased the younger male, he surely didn’t actually forget….right?                            @wenhan-ia  
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jinki-ia · 4 years
He arched a brow when noticing the change of colors. At first he swore that the that the other didn’t have blue eyes. Sure they barely knew each other, been casually having sex so often, but he would remember the small details of the delicate features he had admired. After all Jinki was quite eye catching to him. And so the hunter got it up slightly setting the other’s hand down. “Hey it’s okay. You look beautiful with blue eyes you know. They remind of Hydrangea flowers.” A bit cheesy, but simple speaking the truth. The shigofumi had his reasons to not like his own beautiful features, and so the hunter could only that Jinki self love will continue to grow.  
“Mhmm want some breakfast? I can make a mighty omelette.” For a change they were at his place. Usually Wenhan was the type to dip after having a one night stand when meeting up with a stranger over tinder. He would cut off contact with them, but maybe this handsome bartender was an exception.
They’ve been spending more and more time together, hookups after hookups and it was safe to say they enjoyed each others bodies. The shigofumi didn’t have anything in mind when it came to their relationships, they were strictly friends with benefits but he did have a soft spot for the other. Who could resists such a handsome man with such a hot body certainly not Jinki.
Jinki laughed at the other’s complement. As his hand was pulled away he looked up and Wenhan, his bright blue eyes shining in early morning light. They had an unspoken rule that once they were done they left until the next ‘come over’ text. This time it was different and Jinki found himself not to mind. Maybe with everything going on at the moment in his life he was happy for someone just to be with him. So he quickly shook his head and laid back down on the bed, He wrapped his arms around the hunters waist and dragged him down with him. “Maybe later, right now lets just stay like this....besides after last night we both need our rest” He laughed. 
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jinki-ia · 4 years
Round Two || Wenhan & Jinki
Continued from here
This was different for Jinki, this was unlike him. Up in the morning making breakfast? For someone other than himself. Unheard of. He lets the man hit it once and here he was cooking away a meal in the kitchen. Okay so maybe he was being a tad bit dramatic, even if they did have their fun they were friends also. The shigofumi had woken up before even the sun, his plan of turning over away from the window and going back to sleep was thrown out when the dull ache of his back side began to throb as his body was waking up.
So he decided to make himself busy making food instead, he opted for an american style breakfast that included pancakes. The batter was all made he just needed to find that flat pan. It had to be here somewhere, he was bent over looking under the cupboard when he felt a body behind him. His breath hitched the shap pain on his butt from the smack. A soft hum leaving his lips feeling his lips by his ear. He chuckled at him, if he was teasing he would be doing a hell of a lot more.
“Something else? And what would that be?” Jinki was turned around to now face him, he was being man handled and he loved it. The shigofumi wrapped his arms around the hunter’s neck with a smirk on his lips. “mm round two sounds amazing but I’m cooking Wenhan” He raised an eyebrow looking at him. “I need to finish.”  He slowly turned back around to face the stove again, his body pressing against the other. Maybe he would catch the hint. “Besides what happen all the ‘Understanding the struggles of barely being able to walk’ talking you did last night” He teased.
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jinki-ia · 4 years
Pissed Bunny || Wenhan & Jinki
“You know what get the hell out of my face! Just get out of here, You’re fired” The shigofumi yelled, he could feel the vain in his neck protruding from the straining of his voice. Before he could take a step foreword a body blocked him the person he was yelling at. “Joonhyung move out the way let me at least get the pleasure of slamming the door in his face. The worker who was holding him back was no so subtle pushing him out of the bar telling Jinki he needed to cool down. 
Jinki had found out that one of his new hired bartenders was stealing money from the registers every night. The shigofumi had no problems helping others in their time of need, he spent countless years talking people off the ledge. Something like money isn’t important to Jinki but the look on the ex workers face when he was caught, smug like he couldn’t care less lying through his teeth about needing it for his sick mother. He wasn’t even a good liar.
The shigofumi was fuming, so many people died because they didn’t have money so their family wouldn’t have an extra mouth to feed but assholes like that didn’t care. Like a child Jinki stomped up to his apartment, he could feel his blood boil the more he thought about it. Was he overreacting? Maybe but he couldn’t help it.  
Opening the door to his apartment he was greeted by the familiar tall hunter who was watering his sprouting lavender plant. “What are you doing here?” Jinki grunted. Harsh. 
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