minwoo-ia · 21 days
The room smelled like vanilla and a clean scent that one would smell in a new car shop. “Mothers usually do that, mine is the same and I am, well, me.” he chuckled as he looked at the filth the other dragged in on his shoes and sighed as he walked over (already in slippers himself) and offered the other a set of fancy slippers for the time being. And a plastic bag for the disgusting shoes.
“Being a cloudling is a bit weird, or well, unique really. I haven’t met many of your kind around after all, I guess most of you stay up in the sky?” he asked as he sat down on one of the other sofa’s (far away enough to not get any of the other’s filth on him).
A laugh escaped the demon as the other questioned whether to call him mister. “Well you can, some do. But I think it is fine for now though you might be in a situation to call me daddy,” he winked at the other. “and I am the owner of several nightclubs and companies, so I need a good office, don’t you think? Do you like the decor?”
i'm a friend // you’re no friend of mine.
yeosang x minwoo
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minwoo-ia · 21 days
“Hmm,” as much as he wanted his lover and his sister back in his life he did not think trapping them in a necklace was a kind thing to do. He did not want to harm them and he wondered how much the soul in Joohyun’s necklace was aware of what was going on. “I think I will keep my doll-amount to only one; you. You wouldn’t want me to have to pay attention to more dolls?” he teased and then shrugged “Besides I own androids, they’re…” he paused not wanting to upset her but, “they’re easier than dolls like you, you know, they don’t have a soul and they don’t feel.”
He did not know if the other felt, but she sure seemed to have emotions. “I know where the souls are, they’re safe and sound. They left this Earth.” and he was glad for that- both were at peace now, even if he was not with them. It would be very egoistical of him to want them to return to the place where they had hurt so much. No, Minwoo was happy that they found a good place.
Besides, if he, one day, would stop living he would be able to go where they went. Or well, at least where his lover went. He hoped his sister had made it to heaven, where he would not be welcomed.
“I think it is okay to leave behind people who aren’t very nice,” Minwoo offered her as he listened and wondered about this Sir creature. What was he? Would he try to get the doll back? Then Minwoo would have to step in and do something…
“You have friends though, right?” he asked as they got some more food and he pushed some of the plates towards the woman. “Besides Sanori,”
Therapy-doll Joohyun was on point with her words and he liked when she spoke about being an ATM. Good for her, he thought to himself as he nodded with a smile and even snorted as she mentioned being a medal wife. He assumed she meant a trophy wife but did not correct her. Instead he took sips from his wine. Watching her amused, his lenses were brown but the red shone through slightly. Annoyed he took them out and discarded the lenses in a napkin and put it away. The people in the restaurant wouldn’t ask questions- he tipped well enough.
“He has mentioned you as well, he is fond of you.” and if people were good to his son it did a lot for him too. Even if he was picky with what people his son hung out with (ew, humans). Thank Lord Justice that Sanori had not made a werewolf friend yet because Minwoo would surely implode or combust if his son came home with a dog.
“Let’s stick to our current relationship, yes.” he did not think he was equipped to have a daughter just yet. He had a sister and that was already a lot of stress. She was a handful already and he worried about her constantly. His eyes softened as Joohyun mentioned that Sanori was sometimes lonely. He knew that his son came from a big family and that their house was big and empty.
“I used to cook dinner with my husband yes,” he said softly “and with my sister,” the one who died, not the one he adopted into his family. He realised he had a lot of ‘found family’ as they called it. While he lost a good bit of his actual family. That was something to think on later. “They both passed away.” he smiled at her.
“It’s like parts of me are missing.” Minwoo tried carefully. “Not even I can cheat death… twice.” he grimaced at the thought but there was a smile in there too. “Though I know that death doesn’t mean they’re gone. They are still around me, just invisible and untouchable.” His eyes flickered up to the sky- what an odd thing to do for a demon. “Your Namjoon is right, it is hard to talk about people who passed away. It makes their loss more real, you know?” He paused as he watched her eat. “Is it good?” the demon asked her as he felt the emptiness in his chest but then sighed and tried to not feel it.
“Have you never lost someone, Joohyun?”
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minwoo-ia · 3 months
Minwoo would not reprimand the angel for glaring and scoffing at the droids- after all they were nothing more than upgraded fridges, right? He would tell the other, if asked, that they were tools to be used as Shiloh pleased. Mihnwoo would not like them to be damaged too badly- unhappy with any kind of damages to his property.
And oh, the angel should know how much Minwoo loved angels and the idea of having one in his possession- he should know how much adoration Minwoo had for them. Not in the way Shiloh might want to be loved but like how a man loved the bottle of booze they hid under the sink away from the eyes of their wife.
The droid narrowed his eyes as he was ughed at but did not say anything. He did not like the angel much, why did their master require such a figure in their presence? Surely Minwoo could have anyone around- and then they chose… this? J was not someone to openly question things, Ky told him enough to not do that, but he was disliking this creature more and more. “Indeed, I have the ingredients for silence. Peace, however, can not be guaranteed in this world. There are too many things going on in the world to guarantee peace for anyone, however, based on my calculations it is unlikely to be disturbed right now.” and according to other calculations you’re a cunt J thought and couldn’t help but snort as the angel closed the door.
The kitchen looked clean but that was no surprise as Minwoo nodded at J who was in the kitchen and looked at him, bowed and offered a polite smile. “I would never forget about you, I have a busy life you know that about me my beloved, all to make sure my beloveds are safe.” he purred with a glass of whiskey in his hand and walking over to the angel but not closing the distance.
“Awful?” his brows twitched slightly and then a small smile played on his lips “Should you not be contemplating life and things like that?” he asked teasingly and stepped closer again. “I have tried to fill this room with everything you might need my love, what else do you need?” He knew what the other desired but that was not his to ask for. Minwoo did not close the distance and instead sat down on the sofa.
“My day was busy, full. Lots of things to do at the company and I had to drop by at the studio where we film our movies and live streams to talk to some of the actors there.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. It had been a long day indeed, and then he had dinner with his son and sister but he did not voice that. Somehow he did not think that Shiloh would do well imagining Minwoo having quality time with others and it was better if Shiloh knew as little as possible about that.
“You look like you want to say something, what is it?”
🎀 Sacrifice tomorrow ୭ Tainted feathers
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minwoo-ia · 3 months
It was normal that people listened to the arch-demo so he didn’t look up at that and instead nodded approvingly. Not even really registering it if he was being honest. His red and golden eyes shot up from the bodies around them. He had been counting them to make sure he got them all (he did).
“Your mother sounds like a reasonable and smart lady, you should listen to her.” Minwoo was fond of mothers in general- more so than fathers which was entirely based on his own parents. That he was a father himself was beside the point. “Though humans will attack at any time, day or night. It doesn’t matter- the night used to be our time, not theirs and yet…” he shrugged, a thought unfinished.
Minwoo would have a field day if he heard about the questions the humans asked. He was a demon but he was decent most of the time- even if he was covered in blood and brain matter right now. Details. Nonconsequential. “You think you got the job? Where they asked so many questions?”
“Gross.” Minwoo shook the other’s hand from his arm and made a face as he took two steps away from the kid. “Well, you seem to be good at people who are in one piece.” he pointed out, looking around him at the bodies and then at the kid. Yeosang, as the resume stated.
“Fine.” Minwoo sighed as he got a small vial of blood (from nowhere seemingly, but it was from his pocket) and threw it against the wall, summoning a portal and stepping through it. If Yeosang decided to follow they would walk into a neat office in black, red and golden. Minwoo’s underground office under his nightclub in Vighulir.
“There are some napkins and a sanitizing handgel there on the side table” he nodded at a small sleek black table next to a large red sofa.
i'm a friend // you’re no friend of mine.
yeosang x minwoo
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minwoo-ia · 4 months
Just another Tuesday night, huh? Poor Yeosang having to have run into the demon and this absolute horror of a scenery- and how lucky the arch-demon had noticed the blood within the other before he did something. “A part-time job in the human city?” the demon asked with as cowl, while he wasn’t sure what the other was right away it was clear the other was a weakling. Minwoo did not mean that badly, he just considered everyone who wasnt an angel or a demon- (or Key, the vice-principal) inferior to him.
There was some blood on the resume’s the other held up- and was that brain matter? “You should stick to other magicals, kid.” Minwoo advised, unasked and perhaps unwanted.
The world was ugly and Minwoo was more and more disliking the humans that ran the world in the open. Slowly he would take over this world- that was his goal. Humans had ruled over them long enough. He did not think this creature should mix in with those mortals at all. “What did you hear?” he asked, curious now and then a small smile played on his lips. It was not often that someone asked him if he took care of the bad guys- not with how he looked. Usually he was seen as the bad guy but…
“Yeah, I did. Hunters are filth of the world.” he answered the other and then walked over to the other and plucked the man’s resume from his hand and studied it, flicking off a piece of brain with his finger. “What kinds of jobs were you looking for?”
i'm a friend // you’re no friend of mine.
yeosang x minwoo
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minwoo-ia · 4 months
Here in the underground vault no one could reach his Angel- a precious toy that was all his own and oh, how he loved and desired this creature. Here in the vault he could keep the other. In the golden cage of his own creation his angel would reside. Was there a better pet for an arch-demon than an angel?
“They won’t always be here, they’re here to serve you.”  he explained looking at the two droids and then back at Shiloh. “They don’t do anything you don’t want to and will help upstairs as well.” he explained and hoped the other would not throw a fit and see that having extra smart tamagotchis was a good thing- and not something bad. He smiled at the other in their own little cage of feathers- it reminded him of the last angel he had been close to. A distant memory now- he loved how feathers smelled. He loved how soft they were and how the holy energy tickled.
He watched the other go to their bedroom and let out a sigh as he gestured to the two droids to go make themselves useful. The female model followed him as the male model stayed behind and started to clean some things.
This was fine. That was what he told himself as the doors behind him closed and locked and he looked at Ky, the droid, with a frown. “He will be fine in there, right.” he asked her but she did not answer, just smiled as she knew her master did not want answers from her- only obedience.
As much as Minwoo insisted his droids were nothing more than extremely well-made fridges they were not that. Sentient beings with zeroes and ones instead of thoughts and souls. Sentient nonetheless. Though Minwoo did not treat them badly and they had comfortable lives, mostly, so they behaved and let him be. It was an unspoken family- the droids -in the Demonic Pleasures company. He had a total of 23 droids signed to him, he owned them like a man can own 23 cars or 23 electric toothbrushes. Ky was the oldest of them all and the most trusted- the droid mama so to say.
Inside the vault the male droid, J, was standing quietly after cleaning some of the surfaces in the room and then knocked on the door of Shiloh.
Do you require anything? I can make 140 dishes with the ingredients currently in the Vault He said as he calculated all the ingredients and when they would go bad. I have not been given any dietary restrictions, is there anything you need? the droid asked and smiled at the angel. J did not know what the other was doing here exactly- Ky had told him about the angel and that he was special to Minwoo but why? J did not think having wings was that cool, after all, a Jet Pack could fly too. He wondered about that as he waited for the other to answer.
- - -  
In the late evening Minwoo returned to the Vault as promised and slipped in. “Shiloh, I am here.” he announced as he undid his tie and threw it on the sofa before wandering to the kitchen and finding the booze he stocked- waiting for an answer. “How was your day?”
🎀 Sacrifice tomorrow ୭ Tainted feathers
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
The vault was located deep under the academy. The arch-demon had started his secondary empire underground years ago when his beloved had been missing, needing places to perform dark magical rituals that should remain unseen- magical rites that were even too taboo for the academy and it’s magical prowess. It was in these halls that were connected to the catacombs that Minwoo had realised a lab where he did his experiments and a vault connected to his office. A place to sit and be safe from whatever humans would unleash on the world- technically it wasn’t in Academy borders. Connected to the underground tunnel to his club in the human city laid the vault.
The vault was designed with having to live there for prolonged periods of time in mind. It was luxurious and had three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living area. There even was a small gym with a few exercise machines to keep in shape in case of an apocalypse. The archdemon was far too tired of humans to entertain any kind of disaster, besides he had loved ones who were in need of serious protection in case something happened.
It was there that the demon had put Shiloh- oh precious angel. The soft soul was a soothing thing to the archdemon. Such a special creature now finding itself in the web of the demon but unable to feel the stick of the thin lines that Minwoo had so carefully spun around the angelic entity. He wanted to keep the angel close- wanted to have it. It belonged to him and what was a better pet for an archdemon than an angel?
In Shiloh’s eyes he saw the memories of Heaven he had, once a vault himself for an angel on the run who had asked him to keep the memories safe. Whenever he looked at Shiloh he experienced that tranquillity. Made him shiver in an anticipation for something that would never be his- and oh how he longed to devour the creature and take it in every way that he knew how. He resisted though- for now; craving the other in more ways than one.
“Here you are,” Minwoo had said the first day as he had made the other think this was all for their own protection- this golden cage. “I’ll bring you anything you need and I will be there again tonight. My androids they will be around.” he nodded at the two droids who were here to make their acquaintance. A feminine model with large hair and eyes smiled and there was a masculine model, taller and with light blonde hair. Looking more western than the femine model. “They can enter and exit the room, you can’t, they’ll find you.” Minwoo promised as he touched the other’s cheek and then pulled away “The things you requested are in that room.” he nodded to the unlocked bedroom. “The other rooms are closed, they belong to me and my son.”
Sanori, the son in question, did not know about the vault. No one did. Only Minwoo knew- and his androids but they were upgraded microwaves, no soul and no will of their own. They were not people.
With that the archdemon left the room- left Shiloh alone for now.
🎀 Sacrifice tomorrow ୭ Tainted feathers
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
🎀 Sacrifice tomorrow ୭ Tainted feathers
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
Therapy-doll Joohyun was on point with her words and he liked when she spoke about being an ATM. Good for her, he thought to himself as he nodded with a smile and even snorted as she mentioned being a medal wife. He assumed she meant a trophy wife but did not correct her. Instead he took sips from his wine. Watching her amused, his lenses were brown but the red shone through slightly. Annoyed he took them out and discarded the lenses in a napkin and put it away. The people in the restaurant wouldn’t ask questions- he tipped well enough.
“He has mentioned you as well, he is fond of you.” and if people were good to his son it did a lot for him too. Even if he was picky with what people his son hung out with (ew, humans). Thank Lord Justice that Sanori had not made a werewolf friend yet because Minwoo would surely implode or combust if his son came home with a dog.
“Let’s stick to our current relationship, yes.” he did not think he was equipped to have a daughter just yet. He had a sister and that was already a lot of stress. She was a handful already and he worried about her constantly. His eyes softened as Joohyun mentioned that Sanori was sometimes lonely. He knew that his son came from a big family and that their house was big and empty.
“I used to cook dinner with my husband yes,” he said softly “and with my sister,” the one who died, not the one he adopted into his family. He realised he had a lot of ‘found family’ as they called it. While he lost a good bit of his actual family. That was something to think on later. “They both passed away.” he smiled at her.
“It’s like parts of me are missing.” Minwoo tried carefully. “Not even I can cheat death… twice.” he grimaced at the thought but there was a smile in there too. “Though I know that death doesn’t mean they’re gone. They are still around me, just invisible and untouchable.” His eyes flickered up to the sky- what an odd thing to do for a demon. “Your Namjoon is right, it is hard to talk about people who passed away. It makes their loss more real, you know?” He paused as he watched her eat. “Is it good?” the demon asked her as he felt the emptiness in his chest but then sighed and tried to not feel it.
“Have you never lost someone, Joohyun?”
Minwoo had about zero interest to see any of Joohyun’s holes or caverns. The arch-demon was not gay by default but preferred men and wildly preferred anything alive. Undead, re-animated, dead or in Joohyun’s case, artificial in some way were all on Minwoo’s ‘absolutely not’ list. He wouldn’t put it like that of course, always trying to be nice and breaking the stereotypes around demons and what-not. Though being a hateful, somewhat racist and especially judgemental son of an asshole in truth (his mother was as close to a saint as demonically possible, so he would throw his good for nothing father under the metaphorical bus).
“Yes, robot people indeed, they are made to look like people.” he explained and then frowned with a small amused smile. What was this girl even thinking? He did not know. “Don’t you take money from the men you perform for now and don’t give it back? In a way you already achieved your ATM-themed dreams.” he joked with a chuckle as he watched her amused. She was like an android in his eyes. Just powered by what he assumed was magic and the droids were powered by electronics and bits and bytes. He did not quite understand it fully but enough to not have much more respect to them than the microwave he gifted his son. Though, he had to admit, he was fond of some of his droids.
Like he was fond of Joohyun, too.
“They won’t hatch,” he assured her and added a few items to their order as the waiter came and took their orders. “There are fancier places, we will go there soon. It will be nice and you can wear pretty dresses and expensive jewellery.” he smiled and was excited about the prospect of showing off the pretty girl as if she was a new car or a brand-new suit. Even if he did put it like that, would Joohyun even care? He paid her well, he did not harm her and he was sure there were plenty of people who would see her much the same. “Sailors used to drink a lot, I think, so they have a better tolerance.”
Her chatter was nothing he didn’t like, it was nice to talk to her. Distracted him from work and everything that was going on.
“Forever is a long time.” he answered with a small smile and the question that followed made him pause even if he could have expected it. “I want to continue to grow my businesses and grow in power… Mostly I want my son to be safe and grow up well, I want him to find a partner or partners that treat him well and see him succeed. I never thought to be a parent again after-” he paused and shrugged “after I lost my husband, but I think Sanori is a gift from the universe I never deserved but still got. Now that I have him, I want to become worthy of his love and the privilege of having him as my son- even if I am just a few years older than him… Ah, there is the food!”
He had gotten unexpectedly emotional. What was with this doll? Was she like the therapy dolls they used?
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
❛  don't be afraid. i'm a friend.  ❜
Thank you, I turned it into a starter :3 - Hope you dont mind here you go love
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
A pause. It hung heavy in the air as the arch-demon turned around and tasted the air around them. His eyes were a golden and red- blood mixed with precious metals as he looked at the figure standing behind him. He was in his demonic form, his nails claws and his teeth pointed as two large horns were coming from his head- curling backwards. The tail he usually sported now thicker and smooth- almost oily as whisps of black danced around him.
“You’re no friend of mine.” he said as he stomped his foot on the body that he had just created- it had been a human once but the hunter was crushed underneath his boot. He had seen the other as one of them- so it was good the man spoke up. He smelled the magick around the other. Not a human hunter?
“What are you doing here?” he asked- they were in the human city on an industrial area. There were three people laying around them- all in various stages of smushed, cracked or turned into pulp. All very much dead.
The reapers would come soon, Minwoo thought with dismay. “It’s dangerous for supernaturals to be outside these days, don’t you read the news?” he asked, now fully turning towards the other- they could still be bait. Who knew? He kept his guards up as he tried to sense other people with blood around- other souls. There were a few people in a building East but they were intoxicated- a secret party he guessed. He could feel their blood run through their veins even from far away.
His eyes flickered back to the other, there was a slight light behind his red eyes, giving his face a red sheen.
i'm a friend // you’re no friend of mine.
yeosang x minwoo
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
i'm a friend // you’re no friend of mine.
yeosang x minwoo
8 notes · View notes
minwoo-ia · 5 months
Minwoo had about zero interest to see any of Joohyun’s holes or caverns. The arch-demon was not gay by default but preferred men and wildly preferred anything alive. Undead, re-animated, dead or in Joohyun’s case, artificial in some way were all on Minwoo’s ‘absolutely not’ list. He wouldn’t put it like that of course, always trying to be nice and breaking the stereotypes around demons and what-not. Though being a hateful, somewhat racist and especially judgemental son of an asshole in truth (his mother was as close to a saint as demonically possible, so he would throw his good for nothing father under the metaphorical bus).
“Yes, robot people indeed, they are made to look like people.” he explained and then frowned with a small amused smile. What was this girl even thinking? He did not know. “Don’t you take money from the men you perform for now and don’t give it back? In a way you already achieved your ATM-themed dreams.” he joked with a chuckle as he watched her amused. She was like an android in his eyes. Just powered by what he assumed was magic and the droids were powered by electronics and bits and bytes. He did not quite understand it fully but enough to not have much more respect to them than the microwave he gifted his son. Though, he had to admit, he was fond of some of his droids.
Like he was fond of Joohyun, too.
“They won’t hatch,” he assured her and added a few items to their order as the waiter came and took their orders. “There are fancier places, we will go there soon. It will be nice and you can wear pretty dresses and expensive jewellery.” he smiled and was excited about the prospect of showing off the pretty girl as if she was a new car or a brand-new suit. Even if he did put it like that, would Joohyun even care? He paid her well, he did not harm her and he was sure there were plenty of people who would see her much the same. “Sailors used to drink a lot, I think, so they have a better tolerance.”
Her chatter was nothing he didn’t like, it was nice to talk to her. Distracted him from work and everything that was going on.
“Forever is a long time.” he answered with a small smile and the question that followed made him pause even if he could have expected it. “I want to continue to grow my businesses and grow in power… Mostly I want my son to be safe and grow up well, I want him to find a partner or partners that treat him well and see him succeed. I never thought to be a parent again after-” he paused and shrugged “after I lost my husband, but I think Sanori is a gift from the universe I never deserved but still got. Now that I have him, I want to become worthy of his love and the privilege of having him as my son- even if I am just a few years older than him… Ah, there is the food!”
He had gotten unexpectedly emotional. What was with this doll? Was she like the therapy dolls they used?
He had not known about her distaste for crowds- still he probably would have pushed through with the thing anyway. He paid her for a reason- she was his doll. Not in the way her master had owned her but in a very much employee of the month kind of way. He did notice how she reacted to the praise and smiled back at her. She had done well and she deserved the praise. “Maybe only when you want to attract attention huh,” he suggested as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
They went in through the backside where the cooks would smoke a cigarette for dinner in between shifts and so they ended up in the fancy restaurant where he would treat her like the princess he suspected she wanted to be.
“Oh, I am sure we can get someone to clean it out for you. I have some androids working for me, my favourite can clean very well. She is trustworthy.” he promised the woman as he handed her the card.
“Hmmm, I think everything would be a bit much but they do offer Tapas before a larger dinner if you want you can get just tapas. They are… Hmm Like small dishes you usually eat as an appetizer before the main dish. I will take you out to more nice places when we work together again, okay?” he promised her as he ordered them some wine.
“I assume you don’t get drunk either, right?” he asks her with a grin and then picks something with meat for himself and a small soup before. “So, Joohyun, tell me, what is your future plan?”
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minwoo-ia · 5 months
❛  we'll just have to make do.  ❜ ❛  come on, it'll be fun.  ❜ ❛  wait, where are we going?  ❜ ❛  you can't be here. go now!  ❜ ❛  it's just a dream, a stupid dream.  ❜ ❛  don't be afraid. i'm a friend.  ❜ ❛  i can't stand up. what should i do?  ❜ ❛  now listen, i'l tell you what to do. if you stay here, they'll find you. i'll distract them while you get away.  ❜ ❛  you have no choice if you want to survive here ... and save your parents, too.  ❜ ❛  why do i need a weakling like you?  ❜ ❛  trembling, aren't you? still, i'm impressed you made it this far.  ❜ ❛  what a pain. you're gonna pay for this.  ❜ ❛  keep your wits about you. if you need anything, ask me.  ❜ ❛  hey, are you okay? don't fall apart on me.  ❜ ❛  listen to me. i'll promise i'll save you.  ❜ ❛  what did you expect after all that rain?  ❜ ❛  i'm gonna get there someday. i'll get out of here for sure.  ❜ ❛  i was just coming to wake you up, look!  ❜ ❛  what should i do? he'll die!  ❜ ❛  what's so funny? wipe off that smile.  ❜ ❛  don't do anything stupid until i get down there.  ❜ ❛  you see, someone i really care about is badly hurt. i've got to go right now.  ❜ ❛  this is our little secret. if you tell anyone ... i'll do the same to you.  ❜ ❛  what are you going to do? he needs help.  ❜ ❛  becoming a sorcerer's apprentice is dangerous business.  ❜ ❛  well, getting there is one thing. getting back's the problem.  ❜ ❛  [name], i promise i'll be back. please don't die.  ❜ ❛  don't you understand? it's love.  ❜ ❛  what took you so long? this is a total disaster!  ❜ ❛  what do you want? you can tell me.  ❜ ❛  what, you're still alive?  ❜ ❛  you still don't see it? she's played a trick on you.  ❜ ❛  since when do you talk that way?  ❜ ❛  you held this, and nothing happened to you?  ❜ ❛  i'd like to help you, but there's nothing i can do. it's one of our rules here.  ❜ ❛  but can't you even give me a hint?  ❜ ❛  everything that happens stays inside you ... even if you can't remember it.  ❜ ❛  see? you have a talent for this.  ❜ ❛  [name], i no longer blame you for what you did. but be sure to protect this girl.  ❜ ❛  will we meet again somewhere?  ❜
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minwoo-ia · 10 months
“Hmm. It is okay for now, though we can have another appointment soon to discuss more. We will have a fruitful collaboration Aster, of that I am sure.” He said and as the impending doom of mortality seemed to dawn onto Aster he took a moment to check whether the demonic blood magic did it’s thing on the scroll and to his satisfaction it did.
The dark eyes of the demon had golden swirls dancing in the crimson lake as he watched the other. Then smirked a little at the mention. Marriage was a sour topic for him and he had a few flashes to his own wedding- or what it could have been. The roses in the snow, then the blood in that same virginal snow that had ended everything he had ever loved in one snap of the fingers of a group of demons.
It did not hurt Minwoo to hunt demons and destroy them- he loved every second of destroying his kind. It satisfied him in a way that only revenge could; a murderous cocktail of hatred and an almost orgasmic satisfaction. “Marriage.” he repeated as he forced himself back to the here and now. “It is for your bloodline.” he said as he weighed his options- if he gave in and gave Aster what he wanted he would never get the three others in this pact. He was intrigued by the mention of Mujin’s family.
“So your children, not your husbands.” he chuckled a bit. “That would be an unfair trade for me. You wouldn’t want to be a cheapskate, right Aster love?” he purred as he leaned forward. “You, your blood, not those you marry. Or you can just marry everyone you care about, that won’t do.” he decided. Marriage was a scam anyway.
Then the following question made him shrug “Kill those that I can’t or shouldn’t. Sometimes it is not desirable to explode someone’s eyes or kill them and leave demonic energy.”
He sighed as he leaned back again and gestured for one of the androids (one with two pigtails and big eyes) to bring them more drinks and a few snacks. “It is good you’re curious and cautious but this is an alliance that will do both of us good. Your family will be a lot better protected against demonic attacks when you have an archdemon that protects your clan, Aster.”
The archdemon looked at the man expectantly.
down the grapevine || minwoo & aster
[text to: MW] On, no. That happened a bit later than that. A few months, give or take. Alright, I'll be there. I look forward to seeing you.
Was that weird? it was weird. It wasn't as if Minwoo had been bad or anything, it had just been an interaction he hadn't quite expected, and now that he was with his three boyfriends, especially Mujin, he felt a little guilty for what he had done. But one couldn't change the past, now could they?
He'd helped to clean up his new colleague's space and to unpack a little, then headed home to shower and change clothing, heading towards the club after letting his boyfriends know he wouldn't be able to hang out that evening, at least not for a few more hours. He'd text and see if they were all still together once he was free. They didn't seem to worried about it, Deimos just seemed pouty, which made him smile.
Getting up to the doors, Aster was slow to get in, mostly since there were a few groups of people standing around waiting for friends or something, and he didn't want to just shove through him. But that's what he ended up having to do to slip through the doors, then up to the hostess to let her know who he was and that Minwoo was expecting him. Right away she brought him towards the VIP area, rushing a little it seemed, but it still gave him time to look around. Still familiar, but hazy as well. Once she brought him to where Minwoo was--as well as a, uh...Nekoninnin? was it? who was kneeling beside his chair and partially laying over the archdemon's lap, Aster turned to the hostess to give her his drink order; a simple iced coffee, since he had a feeling anything hot to drink wouldn't help with his nerves at that moment.
His attention turned back to Minwoo and he smiled, bowing in greeting, "It's nice to see you again, and--" He looked to the neko, whose ears swiveled and he looked up towards Aster, though only by tilting his head, not lifting his head from Minwoo's lap, "Nice to meet you, I'm Aster," the neko grinned, introducing himself as Minsu. The neko seemed to know something that the meteorchild did not?
Anyway, the professor moved to slip into his spot across from Minwoo, tucking his hands into his lap absently. "Ah--can I ask, how did you know about what happened? I thought we had kept it pretty quiet..." Besides his boyfriends and Key, and he supposed a few of their friends. To everyone else it was 'family issues'.
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minwoo-ia · 10 months
He had not known about her distaste for crowds- still he probably would have pushed through with the thing anyway. He paid her for a reason- she was his doll. Not in the way her master had owned her but in a very much employee of the month kind of way. He did notice how she reacted to the praise and smiled back at her. She had done well and she deserved the praise. “Maybe only when you want to attract attention huh,” he suggested as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
They went in through the backside where the cooks would smoke a cigarette for dinner in between shifts and so they ended up in the fancy restaurant where he would treat her like the princess he suspected she wanted to be.
“Oh, I am sure we can get someone to clean it out for you. I have some androids working for me, my favourite can clean very well. She is trustworthy.” he promised the woman as he handed her the card.
“Hmmm, I think everything would be a bit much but they do offer Tapas before a larger dinner if you want you can get just tapas. They are… Hmm Like small dishes you usually eat as an appetizer before the main dish. I will take you out to more nice places when we work together again, okay?” he promised her as he ordered them some wine.
“I assume you don’t get drunk either, right?” he asks her with a grin and then picks something with meat for himself and a small soup before. “So, Joohyun, tell me, what is your future plan?”
🔴 Murder in heels { JooWoo}
It was a good instinct of the doll (did dolls even have instinct? He did not know). He would not harm her since she was now his in a way, his employee and he did take good care of those that worked for him. keep your enemies close but those who were on your payroll even closer. Joohyun was the perfect example of that, and he knew she would be a good doll for him. He did not place his trust in anyone and Joohyun had proven to be delightful in ditzy conversation and made him look really good in front of other people.
“Maybe, I do like suits. I don’t know how official a harness would look though.” he answered with a small chuckle and squished her side a little affectionately. “Oh, we should go to a concert soon. What kind of music to you listen to Joohyun? Ah, don’t tell me… Do you like pop music?” he could just see her dance to the songs.
He liked pop too, but wouldn’t admit it out loud- not very demonlike. Or well, so he thought, he to remain mysterious and dark and brooding and not admit he liked ‘bubblepop’ in the morning.
“Hmm, he will break something.” the demon said and watched as there were some other officials that came on stage. “Okay, when I say go, I need you to scream and run with the crowd. Hold onto my hand, we shouldn’t lose each other.” He held her hand. “Okay?”
Then the demon concentrated on the person on stage and kept staring at him as his eyes lit up slightly- and then the man on stage suddenly started crying. Not normal tears but tears of blood- red lines came from his eyes and the flashes of cameras started to go off as the man started to panic. People were uneasy but there was no panic yet.
That only happened as the woman next to the man on the stage started to cry blood too. Minwoo cleared his throat and then yelled “THEY’RE BEING PUNISHED BY GOD” and people started to yell as some started to panic and tried to get out of the crowd- only to start pushing when the eyes of the man exploded.
“Joohyun, now.” Though the hysteria had already started and there were bodies everywhere.
Who was Joohyun to turn away money and gifts in exchange for being arm candy and helping out with secret missions. It was the perfect job for the doll.
Joohyun grinned at the promise of going to a concert she thought for a moment, no one has ever asked her that before. Sure the music on the radio was fun to listen to but it was a lot of yelling and screaming with loud bass instruments. “Actually not pop music, I like classical music. Its beautiful. The orchestra the piano.” She thought about the ost music in the drama she watched, how hearing the music conveyed the emotions she couldn’t feel. It led her down a path of discovering the classics and she fell in love.
His words came out fast and low but she heard it, she wanted to squeal with excitement while nodding her head to show him she understood. She always wanted to scream like the women in the movies when they find out their child died. The enchanted doll held the demon’s hand tight, she did not want to get lost in the crowd, she already felt uncomfortable being close to so many people. 
Joohyun watched in awe, moving her head from the demon to the man on stage, she had no ideas about the demons’ power. She never asked about it but watching at the moment suddenly had her very curious. 
Her eyes widened as she watched the man eye’s explode, she didn’t even know something like that was possible. It made her think about her own eyeballs, she liked looking at things. The squishy balls in her head needed to be protected, she made a mental note to go to Namjoon about it later. 
She was brought out her thoughts when her name was called. Oh it was go time. The people around her were already pushing in a panic which only made her panic, she was being touched more than she wanted to be. Getting closer to the demon, she let out a loud blood curdling scream at the top of her lungs. Most of the people around them jumped surprised or the panic pushing became shoving. 
Having no lungs came in handy as Joohyun continued to scream with no issue. She was shoved into the demon and she used it to her advantage and held onto the back of his suit. 
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minwoo-ia · 1 year
Zitao knew of Aster of course and he was listening in as he was talking to Ra and Minsu but he wouldn’t do something that would piss off Minwoo. While friends- he knew better than to piss off the arch-demon and he did not feel like behind destroyed just yet. Ra was also listening in- just because he was a curious creature but he had not a soul that he wanted to tell this to, perhaps he wanted to point out to Aster that Minwoo was eternal and that being bound eternally to an arch-demon was always a risk.
He didn’t, instead he questioned Minsu on where he got his outfit, as if nothing was happening behind him.
His eyes twitched slightly, he did not know about Mujin’s family but the way the other spoke it was an important family. He nodded and made a mental note to try to find out.
The soul thing- it was his main power, a joke from the universe after he lost his soulmate. Ah well. He waited for the other to decide- liking that Aster took his time. It meant the man was sensible as he had expected him to be. Smiling a little at the way the other reacted to his promise of respecting boundaries. “I am not an incubus, Aster, our previous… moment was just having some consensual fun. I am not into anything forced or unwanted anyway and I have people if I desire sex.” His eyes flickered to the trio. Zitao snorted and blew a kiss at the demon.
He nodded at the other, it made sense Aster would have to talk to his elder. “I will recognize your soul.” he said with a nod as he watched the other note some things down. “101 years is an awfully short amount of time, how sad.” he mused before nodding. “Please talk with your father and make sure he agrees, it will be for you and your blood.” A pause as the other spoke about the boyfriends. “In the future, perhaps your boyfriends can make a similar pact with me as well, for now, this deal is only for you and your family.”
He nodded and grabbed a small scroll from behind him and rolled it out as black whisps appeared and text did on the paper. “In return for your loyalty and skills, as well as the loyalty of your family I will find and destroy the demons who have harmed you. The contract is soulbound, so when reincarnated it will still be binding.” more text appeared on the scroll.
A small pause and he smiled as he added “and in return for eternal loyalty I will be a protector to you, in this life and those after. Do we have a deal?”
down the grapevine || minwoo & aster
[text to: MW] On, no. That happened a bit later than that. A few months, give or take. Alright, I'll be there. I look forward to seeing you.
Was that weird? it was weird. It wasn't as if Minwoo had been bad or anything, it had just been an interaction he hadn't quite expected, and now that he was with his three boyfriends, especially Mujin, he felt a little guilty for what he had done. But one couldn't change the past, now could they?
He'd helped to clean up his new colleague's space and to unpack a little, then headed home to shower and change clothing, heading towards the club after letting his boyfriends know he wouldn't be able to hang out that evening, at least not for a few more hours. He'd text and see if they were all still together once he was free. They didn't seem to worried about it, Deimos just seemed pouty, which made him smile.
Getting up to the doors, Aster was slow to get in, mostly since there were a few groups of people standing around waiting for friends or something, and he didn't want to just shove through him. But that's what he ended up having to do to slip through the doors, then up to the hostess to let her know who he was and that Minwoo was expecting him. Right away she brought him towards the VIP area, rushing a little it seemed, but it still gave him time to look around. Still familiar, but hazy as well. Once she brought him to where Minwoo was--as well as a, uh...Nekoninnin? was it? who was kneeling beside his chair and partially laying over the archdemon's lap, Aster turned to the hostess to give her his drink order; a simple iced coffee, since he had a feeling anything hot to drink wouldn't help with his nerves at that moment.
His attention turned back to Minwoo and he smiled, bowing in greeting, "It's nice to see you again, and--" He looked to the neko, whose ears swiveled and he looked up towards Aster, though only by tilting his head, not lifting his head from Minwoo's lap, "Nice to meet you, I'm Aster," the neko grinned, introducing himself as Minsu. The neko seemed to know something that the meteorchild did not?
Anyway, the professor moved to slip into his spot across from Minwoo, tucking his hands into his lap absently. "Ah--can I ask, how did you know about what happened? I thought we had kept it pretty quiet..." Besides his boyfriends and Key, and he supposed a few of their friends. To everyone else it was 'family issues'.
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