#wellness spiritual retreat
hestiamagic · 2 years
Immersion Program by Hestia Magic
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Book your 1-month immersion program that is from Nov 7-Dec 5, 2022 and Dec 26-Jan 23, 2023 by Hestia Magic at very reasonable package and indulge yourself in nothing but rest, daydreaming, creativity, and stargazing for 1-month and reconnect with yourself and your intuitive spirit by bringing silence to your planning mind.
Our services include :- 1.Comfortable private lodging 2.Weekly 1:1 coaching (4 sessions total) 3.Access to powerful energy spots on the land 4.Guided chakra walk 5.Nourishing breakfast baskets prepared by our onsite chef 6.Massage, acupuncture and other wellness services 7.Guided tours to our favorite sacred sites around Mount Shasta
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Embrace the Harmony Within Yoga- The Soulful Dance of Cells, in Perfect Rhythm with the Breath. In this fast-paced world, finding serenity amidst the chaos is a precious gift. Yoga, the ancient art of mindfulness, offer this precious opportunity.
Check our Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to our yoga retreat! We are thrilled to have you join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Our retreat is designed to provide you with a nourishing and holistic experience, allowing you to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit in a serene and supportive environment.
Throughout your time with us, you will have the opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, explore various meditation techniques, and cultivate mindfulness. Our experienced and passionate instructors will guide you through yoga sessions tailored to your needs and level of experience, helping you develop strength, flexibility, and inner awareness.
In addition to the yoga and meditation practices, we have curated a schedule that includes workshops and lectures on topics such as yoga philosophy, anatomy, nutrition, art and holistic wellness. These educational sessions aim to enhance your understanding of the yogic lifestyle and provide you with valuable tools for personal growth and well-being.
Our retreat takes place in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature. You will have the chance to immerse yourself in outdoor activities, such as hiking, nature walks, or simply taking in the peaceful atmosphere. This connection with nature will enhance your overall experience and promote a sense of harmony and tranquility.
At our yoga retreat, you will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and holistic living. The bonds and friendships formed during this retreat often become cherished and supportive connections that extend beyond our time together.
We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with you and create a space where you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Get ready to experience the healing power of yoga, embrace self-care, and rediscover your inner balance. Welcome to our yoga retreat!
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mamaindia · 6 months
The Art of Shakti Touch: From Embrace to Bliss
Shakti Touch is like feeling the heartbeat of the universe, pulsing with vibrant energy and connection. It’s not just a concept but a living experience that awakens our mind and senses, making us feel fully alive and in the moment. Imagine dancing in tune with the elements around you – fire, water, earth, and air – embracing both the light and the shadows, and the beautiful dance of masculine and…
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queerholmcs · 1 year
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quietmindm1 · 22 days
Trauma Retreat California | Stress Relief Wellness Retreat | Spiritual Retreats San Diego Find your path to healing with our trauma retreat in California, designed to support emotional recovery and personal growth. Our stress relief wellness retreat offers a serene environment for relaxation and rejuvenation, helping you manage and reduce stress effectively. Explore spiritual retreats in San Diego that integrate mindfulness and spiritual practices for a transformative experience. Whether seeking relief from trauma, managing stress, or deepening your spiritual journey, our retreats provide tailored experiences to meet your needs. Join us for a holistic approach to wellness and discover lasting peace and balance.
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quiet-mindretreat · 24 days
Top Wellness Spas in Southern California | Lake Cuyamaca Hotels & San Diego Yoga Retreats Wellness spas in Southern California offer a serene escape, perfect for rejuvenation and relaxation. Nestled near the picturesque Lake Cuyamaca hotels, you’ll find tranquility at every turn. For those seeking deeper spiritual connections, the San Diego spiritual retreat center provides a haven of peace and reflection. Embrace a holistic experience at a yoga retreat San Diego, where mindfulness meets nature in the most breathtaking settings. Each location is thoughtfully designed to enhance your well-being, making it an ideal destination for your next getaway.
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orpheusterminals · 4 months
SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish
In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard 
Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg
Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue
Robert Bell Steak Mtn.
Chris Uphues, Robert Bell, Jason Robert Bell
 The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainous regions of the world. They have known for a long time that they would be required to return to the every day world of men to bring man to the next stage of human evolution.
These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well as a stream of cosmic love from the one divinity known as God. At this time these
Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable with each other. The Masters are concerned with the activities of the human race, and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.
The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos that are now in the process of incarnation are very advanced souls and may even be initiates and will later shine as the noon day sun in all of its glory
Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation will ,for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical
At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarnation to achieve as this is the most active level of work and needs to be dominated. Some souls will take many incarnations before he can be admitted through the gates of the second initiation for the student must at all costs dispel the astral mist that surrounds them.
Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousands of years the divine instructors once again will move and mingle with the human race as they did during the Atlante an time, and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more advanced members of humanity as they themselves have tread the path for a very long time and are counted as the ones who can
be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why the ancient mysteries schools are to be established during this new age that we are now entering.
The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and
human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example,Jesus ,Krishna,the Buddha, Hermes,Yogananda,Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need ,such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are ready at any cost work towards the establishment of a much more uplifting joyful experience. 
The Masters of Wisdom are the elder brothers of all humanity and love us all very much to the point that they will help us in any way that they can within the law of karma for they have been watch over all humanity for untold thousands of years and they know all about the situation that we are now in and will help in any way that they can.The Masters have always been teaching us about the laws of life and love and how to manifest our most beatiful dreams right here on this manbearing planet.
Over the next few years or so we are to see many of the Masters emerge from their ancient retreats and begin their teaching all over the world. The Masters are here to help us in the building of right human relations with each other and between the other kingdoms in the planet.There are as well about 500 initiates of the 4th initiation who will take the 5th initiation during this coming new age and many of them are along the 2nd ray of aspect which is that of Love Wisdom and is the major ray of this solar system.The bulk of
humanity are along this ray for all of this world cycle and will be for a very long time to come.
Secret Project Robot is an installation and performance centered experimental art space that believes in creating a supportive environment which functions outside the usual commercial sphere where artists are free to experiment, create, and develop styles that aren't contingent upon their ability to sell.
210 Kent Avenue
#SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish#In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard#Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg#Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue#Robert Bell Steak Mtn.#THE RETURN OF THE MASTERS#Chris Uphues#Robert Bell#Jason Robert Bell#The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainou#These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well#Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable#and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.#The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos t#Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation#for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical#plane.#At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarn#Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousand#and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more adv#be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why th#The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and#human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example#Jesus#Krishna#the Buddha#Hermes#Yogananda#Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need#such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are
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reachlovenheal · 5 months
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Best Reiki Healing In Kolkata
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and chaos seem to reign supreme, the ancient practice of Reiki emerges as a gentle yet profound remedy for restoring balance and harmony within. Originating in Japan, Reiki is a holistic healing modality that taps into the universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Join us on a journey of exploration as we uncover the transformative power of Reiki healing and its capacity to illuminate the path to inner peace.
Understanding Reiki Healing
At its core, Reiki is founded on the belief that life energy flows through all living beings, animating our bodies and nurturing our souls. When this energy becomes blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as physical ailments or emotional distress. Reiki healing works by gently channeling this universal life force energy through the hands of a trained practitioner, allowing it to flow freely and harmonize the recipient’s energy field. By addressing imbalances at their root, Reiki facilitates deep healing on multiple levels, restoring vitality and promoting a sense of wholeness.
The Practice of Reiki
Central to the practice of Reiki is the concept of intention and presence. During a Reiki session, the practitioner acts as a conduit for healing energy, directing it with focused intention to areas of need within the recipient’s body and energy field. Through gentle touch or hands hovering above the body, the practitioner facilitates the flow of Reiki energy, creating a space of deep relaxation and receptivity. As the recipient surrenders to the healing energy, profound shifts can occur, promoting physical healing, emotional release, and spiritual awakening.
Healing Beyond the Physical
While Reiki is renowned for its ability to alleviate physical ailments, its benefits extend far beyond the realm of the physical body. By addressing the energetic imbalances underlying illness and distress, Reiki also nurtures emotional healing and spiritual growth. Many recipients report feelings of profound peace, clarity, and emotional release during and after a Reiki session. Through the gentle yet potent power of Reiki, old wounds can be healed, negative patterns released, and a sense of empowerment and inner peace cultivated.
Embracing Reiki as a Way of Life
Beyond its role as a therapeutic modality, Reiki embodies a way of life rooted in mindfulness, compassion, and interconnectedness. As individuals deepen their practice of Reiki, they cultivate a greater awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and the sacredness of life itself. Through daily self-treatment and acts of loving-kindness, Reiki practitioners nurture their own well-being while also extending healing energy to others and the world around them. In this way, Reiki becomes not only a tool for personal healing but also a catalyst for positive change and transformation on a global scale.
Conclusion: Walking the Path of Healing and Wholeness
In a world hungering for healing and connection, Reiki stands as a beacon of light, offering solace, comfort, and hope to all who seek it. Through its gentle yet profound techniques, Reiki empowers individuals to reclaim their innate capacity for balance, healing, and wholeness. As we journey along the path of Reiki healing, may we open our hearts to the transformative power of universal life force energy and embrace the radiant light of our true selves.
In the gentle embrace of Reiki’s healing energy, may we find peace, joy, and fulfillment on our journey toward wholeness and harmony.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki healing Kolkata, Kolkata Reiki practitioner, Energy healing Kolkata, Holistic healing Kolkata, Reiki sessions in Kolkata, Kolkata spiritual healing, Kolkata Reiki master, Healing center in Kolkata, Chakra balancing Kolkata, Kolkata energy therapy, Distance Reiki Kolkata, Reiki training in Kolkata, Kolkata wellness retreat Reiki, Kolkata alternative medicine, Mind-body healing Kolkata,
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markllockwood · 6 months
The 10 step mental health model
The 10 step mental health model from South Africa that really works for people all over the world with all sorts of wellness issues forges forward with the right, tested psychological research behind it.
The 10 step mental health model from South Africa that really works for people all over the world with all sorts of wellness issues forges forward with the right, tested psychological research behind it. There is no doubt that there is a mental health crisis that is making its way around the world like a strong and ferocious wind that is blowing people over left, right, and centre. The new…
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lake-cuyamaca-hotel · 6 months
Discover the Best Wellness and Romantic Retreats in Southern California at Lake Hotel Cuyamaca
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If you're seeking a rejuvenating escape nestled in the serene landscapes of Southern California, look no further than Lake Hotel Cuyamaca. Surrounded by breathtaking mountain vistas and tranquil lake views, our retreat offers an unparalleled experience of relaxation and romance. Explore our range of wellness and romantic offerings, tailored to enhance your mind, body, and soul.
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Buddhist Retreat San Diego: Immerse yourself in the teachings of mindfulness and inner peace with our Buddhist retreats, designed to cultivate a sense of harmony and spiritual well-being.
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Spa Retreats Southern California: Indulge in ultimate relaxation at our luxurious spa retreats, where expert therapists pamper you with rejuvenating treatments amidst the stunning backdrop of Southern California's natural beauty.
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San Diego Spiritual Retreat Center: Find solace and reflection at our spiritual retreat center, offering tranquil spaces for meditation, contemplation, and self-discovery. 
Wellness Hotels with Mountain View California: Experience the perfect blend of luxury and wellness at our hotel, where every room offers sweeping mountain views to soothe your senses and inspire your journey to well-being. 
Lake View Romantic Hotel California: Ignite the flames of romance with a stay at our lake view hotel, where every moment is infused with intimacy and charm against the backdrop of scenic lakeside vistas.
Yoga Retreat San Diego: Reconnect with your body and spirit through invigorating yoga sessions led by experienced instructors, set amidst the serene surroundings of our retreat.
Romantic Couples Getaway San Diego: Treat your loved one to a romantic escape filled with unforgettable moments, from sunset strolls by the lake to private dining experiences under the stars.
San Diego Romantic Getaway Packages: Elevate your romantic getaway with our specially curated packages, featuring luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, and personalized experiences tailored to your preferences. 
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and embark on a journey of wellness and romance at Lake Hotel Cuyamaca. With our range of tailored retreat experiences and idyllic surroundings, you'll discover the true meaning of relaxation and rejuvenation in the heart of Southern California. Book your stay today and immerse yourself in the serenity of our lakeside oasis.
At Lake Hotel Cuyamaca, we are dedicated to providing you with an unforgettable retreat experience that rejuvenates your body, mind, and soul. Whether you're seeking a wellness escape, a romantic getaway, or a spiritual journey, our resort offers the perfect setting for your ultimate Southern California retreat.
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Choose to spend your day relaxing instead of running around without focus. Why let stress control your life? — Harmony Hill Health Retreat .
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Le Chamarel Holistic Retreat & Wellness
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Website: https://www.lechamarelholisticretreat.com
Address: St Anne's Road, Chamarel, Mauritius
Le Chamarel Holistic Retreat & Wellness is nestled in the serene environment of Chamarel, offering a unique blend of body and mind treatments, facial treatments, and package deals designed for holistic well-being. Our retreat focuses on rejuvenating therapies and wellness packages tailored to enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Experience personalized care in a tranquil setting, where each treatment is curated to your specific needs, ensuring a revitalizing retreat experience.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087964735209
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Words by our Founders Oorjayii Yoga was created to provide a welcoming and safe space for people. We started with sharing circles and self-love yoga retreats, inviting healers and organizing workshops to promote balance, love, and mindfulness. Along the way, we noticed a growing disconnection in the world, especially due to modern lifestyles. Our vision expanded to include teaching yoga in schools, instilling kindness and mindfulness from a young age. As we progressed, we recognized the need for more teachers, or "Gurus," who could guide others out of darkness and into light. Our goal at Oorjayii Yoga is to train teachers who can facilitate personal growth. We offer individual attention, focusing on teaching skills, philosophy, anatomy, and the development of each person's inner teacher. The journey as a yoga teacher truly begins when one steps into the world to teach, whether for self-exploration or to guide others.  Yoga brought a big change in both of our lives and that makes us more eager to bring change in other's lives who are in need of help. Any help to bring that change is always welcomed. You can reach us if you wish to be the part of our journey. We would love to hear from you :)
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mamaindia · 7 months
Goa Goddess Glow Retreats
Welcome to Mama India’s Goa Goddess Glow Retreat, offering an extraordinary and a one-of-a-kind Feminine Shakti Wellness experience that is both authentic and non-profit. My carefully curated retreat program, comprised of 15 proven feminine energy wellness activities meticulously crafted to honor the unique journey of each Goddesses. Each element is thoughtfully designed to honor your individual…
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4sretreats · 8 months
Florida Bliss: Inner Transformation at Spiritual Retreats in Florida
Dive into serenity with our spiritual retreats in Florida. Experience transformative practices amidst the state's natural beauty, fostering inner peace and personal growth. Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and renewal at our serene spiritual retreats in Florida.
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tranquilwatersretreat · 8 months
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