#well these books don't engage with religion as a positive force that much do they
gideonisms · 2 years
Prev post I do think though that all three books critique the dynamic of having someone in power over you in a religious sense because they're pointing out how for anyone given that level of power, their personal hangups and desires become inextricable from the position that they hold and that position is a position that easily lends itself to abuse. so to have the conclusion of that be "but when it's a hot girl it's fine" just doesn't really mesh with the rest of this setup and I think regardless of what harrow says at the end of ntn, it's actually way more complicated than just choosing another deity
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kihyunspanda · 7 years
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Hello, fellow ARMY!
In light of recent events I feel like it’s time to address a few things.
We as ARMY have a bad reputation in the KPop community. People with bad attitudes and people who attack other groups, fandoms, and even members of BTS. This is unacceptable.
We should not have people say that they refuse to listen to or stan BTS because of ARMY.
Here are some Do’s and Don'ts for proper fandom behavior. Because whether we like it or not we DO represent our boys.
(I will be covering 5 areas and if anyone has anything to add, please do.)
1. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Bangtan Sonyeondan:
DO have a bias. (If you can’t choose, that’s okay too)
DON’T mistreat or attack other members who are not your bias.
They are a group. If you support one, you should support them all.
DO follow them on social media.
DON’T follow them around a city they’re visiting or around their home.
Stalking is NOT okay. Give them their privacy.
DO take pictures of them. In approved areas only.
DON’T break the rules that BigHit has put in place for taking pictures.
This applies to other rules as well. Those rules are in place for their protection and privacy as human beings.
DO go see them in concert in your country, state, area, etc. if you can.
DON’T purposely book a flight (or other transportation) you know they’re going to be on.
If you happen to be on the same transportation as them: Be respectful! Don’t bother them. Don’t take photos of them without their permission. If you happen to sit next to them or catch their eye: wave, smile, send finger hearts, etc. Show your love but treat them with the love and care they deserve as humans and our idols. If THEY offer to take a picture with you, then feel free. But they shouldn’t be living in fear of us, and Jin shouldn’t have to tell us to leave them alone. Common sense, people. Put yourself in their shoes.
DO watch their solo VLives.
DON’T ask for other members.
This is so important. They don’t HAVE to do them. They WANT to. Because they love us as much as we love them. If it’s not your bias and you don’t want to watch it… then don’t watch it. Simple. Asking for other members is so mean. Hobi should not feel like he has to pass on the phone to another member because he feels unwanted. Not only is it damaging to us Hobi stans, it hurts all of Bangtan. Especially Hobi. Or any of them. There are plenty of posts about this. So, I’ll leave it here.
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2. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other ARMY:
DO fangirl/fanboy with other ARMY about your favorite member(s).
DON’T attack other ARMY for their choice of favorite member(s).
Everybody has their own tastes.
DO support each other and make friends.
DON’T attack each other because of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Plain and simple. I won’t go any further into this subject, but this is soooo important and applies to everything on this list and everyone in your life. Hate only breeds hate. Let’s fight the hate with love and acceptance.
DO enjoy fanart, fan fictions, and any other fan-made things that are to your preference.
DON’T attack others for the things they enjoy, even if you don’t like it.
If you don’t like it and can’t look past it, just unfollow or walk away. No need to create drama. You have every right to voice your opinion, be angry and say whatever you want, but I urge you to treat others with respect and tolerance. Wouldn’t you want to be treated the same way? Every person has feelings. Also. Please don’t kink shame.
DO share fanart, fan fiction, fan-made stuff from the blogs, accounts you like.
DON’T, for the love of J-Hope, steal other people’s work and post it as your own.
If you want to repost on another site they are not on, want to translate ff into another language, etc. ASK THE CREATOR FOR PERMISSION. Each creator has their own rules and expectations from you as a reposter. (Is that even a word? It is now.) As a general rule, you need to link the original work to the original creator and their original post. There are plenty of posts about this, so I won’t say anything else on this subject.
DO thank and praise the creators for their work and for sharing it with the rest of us.
DON’T harass creators for updates or new content.
Creators work hard and are doing it on their own time for us to enjoy. Most have some form of FAQs posted for you to see. Search them out before you bombard them with questions they have already answered.
DO have fun at concerts, fan meets, fansigns, etc.
DON’T cause problems by pushing, shoving, hitting, yelling at other concert goers.
We are there to connect with each other over our love for the boys. By all means, make friends. But treat the people around you with the respect you would expect. Also. We are guests at venues. Please pick up after yourselves and treat staff with respect. They’re just doing their jobs.
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3. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other Idols/Groups/Bands/Artists (both Korean and non-Korean):
DO be happy for other artists’ wins.
DON’T attack them for winning over BTS.
It’s statistically improbable that they will win everything.
DO be respectful.
DON’T send hate or threaten them.
No need to be a jerk for no reason. We call that “petty”.
DO be supportive of collabs with other artists.
DON’T accuse other artists of using a collab to gain more fame.
The example of Wale and Namjoon is perfect. The behavior of some ARMY toward Wale is SHAMEFUL. Not only is it damaging to our reputation as fans, it damages the reputation of Namjoon. That is beyond horrible. They want to collaborate because they like the other’s music and respect them as an artist. Getting in the way of Namjoon making a connection with fellow artists is damaging to his career. Do you really want to be responsible for ruining an amazing opportunity for him?
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4. Do’s and Don'ts for the Treatment of Other Fandoms:
DO be happy for other fandoms and their successes.
DON’T start fan wars by attacking their groups.
Again: petty
DO defend the boys from serious attacks by reporting users.
DON’T feed the trolls.
Engaging in arguments only makes the problem bigger. They want you to fight back. They’re trying to get a reaction out of you. Don’t let them have it. Also… Don’t be the person to start fan wars. If you see other ARMY behaving badly, please calmly and politely remind them who they represent.
DO take threats seriously.
DON’T try to handle it yourself.
Report. Report. Report.
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5. Do’s and Don'ts for Social Media:
DO comment or reply to our boys’ posts. Show your love.
DON’T be inappropriate with your comments or replies!
Let’s all have some decorum, please. Refrain from being perverted towards them. And for the love of Hobi, DO NOT CALL THEM “DADDY” TO THEIR FACES. Online or in person. So not a good look.
DO share your fanart, poems, love letters, etc. with the boys.
DON’T share things that would make them uncomfortable.
Let’s keep it PG.
DO participate in Selca Day if you want.
DON’T be inappropriate.
Again: PG
DO respect their privacy.
DON’T share their location if you see them out somewhere.
Don’t make things difficult for them. Give them space. If you snap a few pictures because you saw them out and about at a museum or whatever… please wait to share it. Like 24 hours minimum.
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Let’s just all behave with decorum and let’s show the KPop community that we are a positive force to be reckoned with. Let’s make the boys proud of us.
And this applies to more than just ARMY. This is a basic guideline for all fandoms and for life in general.
Maybe I should have just titled this: How To Be A Decent Human Being.
Thank you for sticking it out until the end. Please share and feel free to add anything I missed!
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