#well on discord yeah but now the joke is lost.
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letting this breach containment.
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ram-bles · 4 months ago
a crumb of nsfw daisuke?
daisuke x reader | headcanons
requests/inbox: open
[ 🔞 minors dni ]
woah. from sweet to spicy. ill give this a try!
wrote this on mobile, sorry for the fuckass formatting.
gender neutral reader. sillies. lots of sillies. weed mention (like once).
🌺 c'mon, he somehow sneaked in some of his secret stash'a magazines. he's still a guy after all.
"Dai?" "Yeah?" He's busy on his Gameboy, but he acknowledges you, tilting his body to show his face but his eyes were glued to the screen. "Did you steal these porn mags from Jimmy or someth—" A pink blur suddenly pushes you away, using his feet to kick it back under his bed. "DUDE. PRIVACY. C'MON NOW."
🌺 You've probably caught him once or twice even before you two were a thing. It wasn't hard to, after all, you both shared a room.
Too lost in the sauce to even notice you, so you had to clear your throat. You've never seen someone so shocked to the point he doesn't know whether to shove his dick back in his pants, hide under the blankets, or try to do both at the same time but completely failing. He's stuttering your name out along with strings of apologies. Don't get your dick caught in your zipper now, Daisuke. "I didn't know you were there! Shitshitshit- I'm so so sorry- Aghhhh." He felt pathetic, whining in embarrassment. Daisuke ends up just pulling the blanket over the entirety of him. "You could've just asked me for help, y'know." He stares at you, scandalized as if he wasn't rubbing one off just moments ago. "How the fuck was I s'posed to know?!" You shrug, amused. "Dunno." "Man, fuck youuuu." "Happily." "Get over here already, please!"
🌺 Outside internship though? Weed before sex seems like something he'd do. I can't explain why.
🌺 Feeling his rings on you... in many ways.
🌺 Pretty sure we all agree that he's into praising. Both giving and receiving.
🌺 You know he's having lots of fun when the pitch of his voice goes high. Squeaking, voice cracking, whining.
🌺 Speaking of how vocal he is, he's probably loud too. But, since you're in the ship now, he'll try his best to keep it down, either on the pillow or you. He'll also be rambling about random things just so he doesn't finish early.
🌺 Dirty talking? ❌ He'll be cringing like there's no tomorrow. He'll make a discord (or whatever equivalent) kitten joke about it if he does.
🌺 Unintentional dirty talking though... That's another story. Or should I rephrase, more-so leaning towards cussing.
"Fuck— you're sosososo pretty..." His hands were pressing the back of your knees, folding and spreading your legs for him. He whines your name out, resting his length on your abdomen while he impatiently waits for your permission. "C'mon, pretty. I'll be this deep inside you." - "Feels good. Feels so good." He's panting and rutting into you like a dog. "You should- nh- loosen up a little- shit- if you get any tighter I think I'll cum..."
🌺 Quickies galore. Sure, it's less risky, but with his libido? Anyways, he's pretty easy to please anyways. A round or two would probably be enough for him.
🌺 Wearing his clothes while at it? Mega turn on for him.
🌺 Well, yes his libido is high, but you still need to be straightforward with him. He can't take hints...
"Want head?" "?!? Who's head?!" "YOUR DICK." "YOU'RE CUTTING IT OFF?" "WHAT? NO, I MEANT SUCKING YOUR—" "Good morning to you both too." "CAPTAIN?"
🌺 He loves giving and receiving hickeys. You would have to remind him everytime not to mark too high on your neck.
🌺 His aftercare involves lots of cuddling and lots of smooching.
🌺 Ending with a silly note. The first time you've done it with him, he ended up saying thank you since he didn't know what to do.
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emmyrosee · 2 years ago
“Mrs Kodzuken said if I win this I can see her boobs, so I need you to throw this.”
There’s a few chortles and some actual laughter the rings through the discord call, all voices that haven’t changed a bit since high school. Even with ridiculously busy schedules and time zone differences, they always reserved Thursday’s to either play a game or watch movies over discord.
Tonight, was no different. Fukunaga, Lev, and Kuroo stood absolutely no chance in beating Kenma this game, but the lighthearted joke seemed to reignite the group.
“Why do we have to lose so you can see boobs?” Fukunaga asks incredulously.
“Yeah!” Lev chimes. “Aren’t you married or something?”
“It’s because Kenma still giggles when he sees titties,” kuroo teases, and Kenma offers him an eye roll that he’s sure his friend can’t see, but knows him well enough to know he did.
“We are, and I do, but it hits different when you get incentive to win. So, with all due respect, choke.”
It’s the last few turns, ready to end the game for the night. Lev’s already lost his stars to Fukunaga, now he’s just playing for fun, pretending his saltiness is real to keep the mood silly, Kuroo being as cocky as ever.
But it’s obvious, to everyone in the call, that Kenma is going to win this round. By a long shot.
Kenma smirks softly to himself when he hears the door creak open and your socked feet shuffle over the hardwood and small rug in the center of his gaming room.
“You have the stealth of a turd in the toilet,” he says, ignoring his friends laughing as he hears you giggle. He swivels the chair to let you plop on his thigh, watching fondly as you get comfortable.
“I just didn’t know if you wanted me in here,” you hum, looping your arms around his neck.
“You know you don’t have to ask to be in here,” he scoffs, smiling. “You wanna come play?”
You shake your head and nudge your nose against his temple, “no… just wanted to be next to you.” You take an inhale against the warm skin of his neck, “missed you.”
“Don’t sniff me like that,” he snorts. “I haven’t showered.”
“Hey, snugglebug!” Kuroo’s voice teases through the headset, causing kenma to roll his eyes again and pause the game to give you his full attention.
“What’s up, baby?”
You smile and squeeze him tighter, “I just wanted to see you… I know Thursday’s are for the boys, but-“
“Fuck the boys,” he mumbles. Again, there’s a chorus of ‘hey!’s that come from his headset and you laugh to yourself. He clicks his tongue and mutes himself and the chat, shifting slightly in his chair to cradle what he can of you. “You just feeling needy?”
You nod softly, cheeks splitting into a smile when he noses your temple affectionately. “I’ll be down soon I’d you wanted to watch some YouTube or something.” You nod against him and he resumes the game to let you watch. “Alright boys, most important member of the band’s back.”
“I didn’t miss you,” Kuroo says confidently.
You do smile wider as you shift easily to watch the battle mini game that’s breaking out between Fukunaga and Kuroo, their screams of distress ringing over the call as you watch.
Fukunaga wins. Kuroo shrieks.
“Alright,” you sigh. “I’ll leave you alone.” You slip from Kenma’s lap swiftly, and he watches fondly. “I just wanted to see Kuroo lose.”
“You wound me,” his voice snarls over the call.
You snicker before stretching softly, and Kenma thinks nothing of it at first.
Then, his brow twitches. In his peripheral, he sees you hide your laughter. He sniffs the air, and feels fond embarrassment settle in his soul.
“Are you kidding?”
Your giggles can be heard on the discord call.
Lev, clearly confused, offers Kenma a quick “what happened?”
“Why do you do that every time I’m playing my games?”
“Why do what?” Kuroo chimes.
“You gotta come across the damn house to fart in my damn office?”
This, now, has the entire call cackling, gawfs and wheezes breaking through and cutting over the mics, and while you cackle and dash out of the door to leave him alone with your… smell, he shakes his head as the results load.
He’ll get you back later.
And as anticipated, Kenma won, and Fukunaga seems to be the only one handling the loss.
Kuroo and Lev? Not so much.
“BY THREE COINS!” Kuroo shrieks, mic cutting out at his distress. “I LOST BY THREE FUCKIN’ COINS?!”
“Dunno what their problem is,” he sighs contently, smirking softly to himself. “I’m seeing boobs tonight.”
“You know what man, I’m proud of you.” There’s only a hint of sarcasm falling from Fukunaga’s tone, but Kenma decides to take it as the bickering of the other two fills the call once again.
Kenma decides, among the yelling and teasing and your fart-filled-affection, it’s a Thursday he’s always down to enjoy.
“Have fun with your boobs.”
“Oh, I will.”
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crazybiaatch · 8 months ago
I'm just gonna put some of my npmd hcs out into the world bc I have been thinking abt this musical all week and if I don’t talk abt it i Will Explode
Peter Spankoffsi
Polish Jew - ethnic, non practising.
Parents aren't around (travel/dead/lost custody) so he lives with Ted, he was originally living in Clivesdale and was shocked by the Clivesdale hate.
Moved to Hatchetfeild in the 4th grade and was immediately bullied by Max for being from Clivesdale
Had an emo phase
Ted and Paul set up playdates with Richie, Pete, and Alice so they could bond
Ruth Flemming
Lives with her autistic dad
Dad is touch adverse, Ruth's love language is touch. This is why she is so desperate to be touched.
Wannabe Discord Kitten
Plays COD - bullies everyone for sucking at it
Scarily good at English (it's the knowledge from the play)
Richie Lipschitz
He was actually the "I have the power of God and Anime on my side" kid
only listens to Ops/Eds/Osts/J-Pop and Midwest emo music
If he wasn't already being bullied so severely, he would be a full blown emo
Grace Chastity
Her parents didn't let her attend sex ed but she already knew everything from finding wattpad as a child
HATES Wattpad when we see her in the show
yknow those people who rant and rave about ao3 being full of cp and r/pe and all those other things? yeah that's her
runs a modesty outfit inspo insta account
She does actually mean well at the beginning of the show. The end is more complicated.
Max Jagerman
hypermasculine to reach his dads expectations
youngest brother (older sister at the least - also middle child brother but I'm not as sure on that)
was scared of Coraline as a kid
If he was Australian he would literally just Be A Guy down here
100% makes Jagermeister jokes
Stephine Lauter
half black (duh)
runs a very popular edit account
when her dad took her phone, her fans held a wake for her
horrible driver with way too much confidence
ofmd fan
was once a child on roblox scamming people for their robux
is now an adult on roblox taking dress to impress way too seriously
has written fanfiction
Kyle is secretly a complete and utter geek and only became comfortable being geeky after Max's disappearance, he was also the only one on the team to actually mourn him when they found out he'd died (also offcier Bailey's son)
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welovetesvkaidan · 8 months ago
My honest reaction:
in all seriousness, if you wanna hear me yap about it, more under the cut
warning like, genuinely a ginormous yap, like a HUMUNGOUS, sleep-deprived yap,,, im cursed to be obsessed with skyrim + modded followers instead of touching grass
I think a lot of this is probably gonna be the same thing other people have said, so im sorry
if you feel i'm gonna be bringing up redundant points and get mad at me😓dont read
I haven't experienced and thus won't talk about the versions of EE and IF that are now separate mods from each other. I don't know anything about that.
if they're better now yayyy but this is about pre-separation
I should preface this with the fact that I've played through Skyrim 3 times with different stages of Kaidan EE/IF:
The initial Dawnguard + fixes/miscs mod
Kaidan EE/IF versions before extensive faction/NPC dialogue for Kaidan
EE/IF w/ NPC Dialogue (AKA Fratpack)
I was also part of the two different discords that were purged and created during these intervals. i don't even know if there is a discord currently?
anyway, that is to say that I have experienced the mod and it's behind-the-scenes progress, extensively so I have a pretty good idea of what I liked and didn't like
That being said, I will introduce probably my biggest problems with it: Tonal whiplash
Okay, well the most common complaint is ofc that a lot of the writing is out of character - and I agree. But it's not just ooc on paper, it's his voice too. I swear, it is very jarring hearing hushed, mild og Kaidan 2 voicelines, and then being deafened by EE Kaidan SCREAMING in my ear ALL.THE.TIME. (like... why are you yelling at me rn jeez)
Seriously. I'm not sure why they didn't just re-record everything from the original mod instead of adding more and more contradicting lines on top of the originals. It definitely could have been a standalone mod, and sometimes it almost feels like it is - because he is just so different.
My most infamous moment in my last playthrough with him happened after we defeated the dragon at Kynesgrove. His og Kaidan 2 dialogue played first, in it he shows interest and is cordial about Delphine ("I wouldn't mind prodding her mind" or whatver dialogue), THEN immediately after his Kaidan EE/IF dialogue will play, in which he walks up to Delphine and STARTS YELLING AT HER AND INSULTING HER - like they argue for quite a bit wtf. And it's like, listen, I have my thoughts about Delphine, but whether or not it was okay to yell at her isn't the problem. It would be fine - IF he hadn't just calmly told me he thought she was okay.
It is sooo confusing how he contradicts himself :(
I mean, yeah, fragments of who he is are still there, I can tell it's Kaidan, but he's warped to fit a different character. Like a con-artist Kaidan.
Anyway, besides the contradictions, it also feels out of character because of his established backstory.
Let's go over it: He's an orphan, lost his only connection to his family(his guardian) to drugs, fell into substances himself, joined a violent cult, had to escape said cult, came clean from his addictions, has been traveling Tamriel bounty-hunting, got brutally attacked by the Thalmor, rescued by mere chance. Do you honestly mean to tell me this man would be yelling, pissing, drinking, lewding, and joking his ass off?? After all that???? NO - or maybe not these levels of extreme. (maybe some other dude might, but Kaidan's characterization insists he is a brooding, keeps-to-himself man, even though he never acts like it anymore)
That man should be tired, and he did feel like he was tired in the original. He was more brooding then than he is now, usually silent, but could still have an edge of comedy/wittiness, he was smart, he had been through a lot!
In that regard, EE/IF Kaidan felt like... we are experiencing Kaidan 10 years in the past - like a Kaidan in his early 20s when he was still a drunkard low-key terrible person. He is just so energetic, always yapping - GOD he talks a lot now. ugh but most of the time it wasn't about anything, it was either inside-jokes, meta jokes, and only occasionally did we get things that added to the experience.
For example, I think most of us who have played Kaidan 2 remember at least one specific line he has said while exploring. What comes to mind for me is either "Can you smell the magicka in the air too? Smells like a rainless thunderstorm." or "Watch for the mammoth with the carvings on their tusks, that's how the giants mark their herd." Alright, both pretty nice small talk for characterization (he IS smart) and worldbuilding.
Tbh i can't really remember any iconic lines from the additions of EE/IF Kaidan... the only two lines that stood out for me were: the "elevenses" line from the clip above (started bumping into him every time he was about to say this so he would stfu... total tonal dissonance), and one he said while I looted Lucky Lorenz ("poor sod wasn't as lucky as his namesake would have you believe!") kai HOW do you know this man, and his nickname, who told you that??? (idc about it that much but its like the only other added line i remember)
I thought that maybe his ooc-iness might have been caused due to the collaborative approach of the mod, I think the mod authors created their own perfect Kaidan - and that's good for them! It takes a shit ton of work (Ik cuz i was there!!) But I think the original essence was lost with each addition. It might have been lack of direction for the voice acting too, a lot of the lines might have hit better if they weren't borderline screamed.
Okay, at some point while playing I got so tired of his constant himbo chit-chatter that I tried tuning him out and bringing other npcs from vanilla skyrim as followers. Problem: even without kaidan on your party, everything starts being about kaidan. Because the extension made it so that Kaidan either has history with/character interactions and development with different NPCs from the base game.
The main poor sods that traveled with me:
Erik the Slayer: Apparently was Kaidan's childhood friend, got inspired by Kaidan to become an adventurer. Least egregious in my opinion, they say sweet things to each other. I swear, Kaidan yells more at me than he ever did at Erik.
The Companions: dumb, dumber, and dumbest basically.. This part of EE/IF was also known as "The Fratpack" and y e a h they pretty much had Vilkas, Kaidan, and Farkas acting like immature frat boys all the time. Just,, absulutely taking away all the maturity out of these GROWN ASS MEN. im sorry, i guess i dont get the appeal. I liked it when they didn't behave like teens (Aela im so sorry, you deserved better than being part of this)
Lydia: All she does is simp for him, ALL.THE.TIME. You think she's about to have a meaningful thing to say? nope, she's checking out Kaidan's ass. Think she'll have a deep convo with another npc about one another? nope! she wants them to tell her all about Kaidan. Both the Companions and Erik will either talk down to her or have to deal with her thirst for Kaidan. i had to start leaving her home.
They also suffered from the same tonal whiplash as Kaidan, unfortunately
additionally, the mod added an "early flirt switch" - you could basically toggle Kaidan to start showing romantic affection for the Dragonborn before the amulet of mara., the interactions were good on paper, but everytime he stammered and stumbled over his words it was written in such an unnatural way... pls people don't talk like fanfics lol !!!
I did like that he gave me flowers, my inventory got full of them - but then he noticed how many flowers I had in my inventory and judged me for "picking everything i see" ugh dude you gave them to me, but also even if you hadnt... mind your business lol
Another addition was a feature that basically made it so NPCs could potentially throw flirtatious comments at Kaidan and the Dragonborn (Bishop flashbacks😨)
You can't do anything to defend Kaidan from those comments, but he WILL take it upon himself to defend your honor infront of any men, women, jarls, or criminals that even so much as find you attractive (THIS INCLUDES FARKAS AND VILKAS BTW :( ) by being rude, forthcoming, AND violent. so yea, you can guess the target audience
speaking of which, he definitely comes on too strong on you once you start the romance, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I specifically picked the "go slow" option for the romance, and the next day or two it was him constantly complaining about having to go slow under his breath, how he wanted to do anything but slow rn... and like just, wow. :/ yikeees lmao
Maybe this is the result of "i can fix him" romance ideals? im sorry but I liked him when he was down to earth
Bonus? He comes with a campsite now, which has to be magic because its ginormous and he somehow lugs it around despite it also coming with a whole ass furnace (fine fine i'll hold my disbelief)
anyway I do like it, its basically a player house you can take anywhere (so long as kai is with you ig) also you can have a cat in there
I like that there is an MCM, I like that the MCM lets you get through the quest stages in case you get stuck
I like that he can guide you places, usually he gets stuck in a tree or rock but its the thought that counts
I think if the mod had continued in the vein as its original iteration when it was just audio/bug fixes and included these qol features it would have been better than it is now.
But it seems maybe i'm just not the target audience, and as a young woman I'm really confused as who the target audience is 😓
okay im srry rant over
if anyone else wants me to yap about other kaidan skyrim things also ask or join in cuz i like yapping about skyrim and kaidan to people!!!
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thenyandrawsnstuff · 5 months ago
day 14 - who/what inspired your OC?
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this might as well be drawing over memes: part two because I have no idea what else I could of drawn lol, anyways here’s the big wall of text:
It’s funny going back to when Bombyx was first made and seeing how they changed
so how were they made?
Uh well you see they just… came into existence I drew the first image in a discord call as a random slugcat oc
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and things kind of built around from there lol
it’s funny seeing that they weren’t originally meant to be an absolute sassy icon
oh, and they were meant as a sort of sona but Yeahh no that got lost eventually
oh, and they got stolen a couple times???? Like one time the old arena icon was used as a pfp randomly and then they also got yeeted in a rp and I had no idea until I was told by the person LOL (there was no hard feelings though dw) i never really looked back on that but it���s really funny actually like wow i was good enough artist for people to want to yoink my characters??? And use my art?? I see it as very flattering NFKNFSKSN
oh yeah the inspo part, uhhh I just went “hehehe I like moths so I should make a scug based off one!” And that’s as deep as it goes in all honestly
I already said this part but their design wasn’t originally based on a specific kind of moth but one day i was like “fuck it, they’re a rosy maple moth slug now” and yeah that’s what Inspired their winged design at least
I’ve had people compare them to eevee from Pokémon before but honestly I don’t know if it was just pure coincidence or a subconscious thing??? I mean truthfully, it’s probably the latter but hey I guess that counts as inspiration then?
oh and a last thing? Their iterator-phobia was definitely a thing that was included early on in the making of them and I was inspired by the thought “hey why are all the slugcat/iterator dynamic always generally positive” yeah in short, I’m a chaotic being that HATES wholesome dynamics! THEY NEED TO BE ABUSIVE AND TERRIBLE AND- ok im joking obviously but since the idea of a negative dynamic between a slugcat and iterator had been something I’ve never seen done before until that point, i capitalised on it! Because of course i did and oh yeah that’s how FS came into the picture?? We’re getting all the creation backstories today
Anyways I’m happy I included that idea because I love seeing my OCs S U F F E R, or because I thought it was an idea unique at the time? Yeah that works too ig smh
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ask-postcrash-curly · 12 days ago
From d1tz to Curly Swirly Murly Yurly:
The Discord Blob you fought is a reference to Discord moderator stereotypes! Discord is an app where you can create servers where you can talk to people and create a community. The internet has made this stereotype that discord moderators don't go outside that often. They love moderating the server 24/7 and talking to their "discord kittens", aka some random girl they met and e-dating with. Though of course, not every moderators are like this! Just... some few weird ones. I hope that clears things out!
Anyways, I'm sure you're either gonna cringe or like this one!
Also, late happy Valentines day! Sending my platonic mental hugs and kisses to you since my totally real and not fictional date didn't show up <//33 (I jest)
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⭐ Loading…
50% █████▒▒▒▒▒
🐟 Ruh roh, here comes the funny guy!
99% ██████████
You blinked your eye, then again and again. 3 times turned to 10, then countless. No matter how much you blink or rub or stare at something else, you could never get rid of the horrific image of the blob that had been burned forever in your mind. And so… you must co-exist with the unwanted memory… so hey, why not fish again? Surely, not all fish are THAT bad, right…? Well, one way to find out!
Little did you know, bubbles started to form in the area where your hair fell as you were trying to recover. You didn’t notice that something had taken your golden locks into the sea… oooooohhhh, subtle foreshadowing…….. dot dot dot…..
You grabbed your fishing rod and tried again. Perhaps second time might bring you a better luck. After setting up your bait again, you adjusted your string to your desired length and plop, went the hook! You waited… and waited… and–  You hear a honk. And before you knew it, you’re face to face with…
🪼 Now Playing: The Amazing Digital Circus - Main Theme (no lyrics) 🪼
0:00 o──────────────────── 1:54
                    ↺   |◁   II   ▷|   ♡
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“Hahaha! What’s the matter? Cod I help you scale back the sadness? Here, here, I’ve got a joke for ya! What did the fish say to his parents when he introduced them to his girlfriend? ‘Mom, dad, meet the gill of my dreams!’ Hahahahaha! Funny funny funny, very very very! Let minnow if that helped you!”
The series of fish pun was… awfully, awfully terrible, diabolical even! It was so bad, you started laughing! The joke wasn’t even funny, but it was the sheer stupidity of it that made you break into a fit of heehees and hoo hah hah!
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You were immobilised by comedy, you didn’t notice that the clownfish was pulling out what appears to be a pie made out of seafoam. It was at this moment that Curly knew: He fucked up.
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Oh no... would be a shame if I leave you on a cliff hanger... oh noooo... connection is breaking... chkk, tssk, chii chii-- haha, juuust kidding!
You lost [ Half a Heart ], [ Clownfish ] and maybe your [ Laughbox ]
You gained [ 20 Seashells ]
Current inventory: 32 seashells, 1 seaweed
You wiped the seafoam from your face and realize that the clownfish had escaped… ouhhh drats! Not again!
🌻Psst, pick a number again. Maybe third time's a charm?
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From d1tz to mod:
Howdy, thanks for laying out the numbers for me, really appreciate it!! I hope you had a great Valentines!
Oh... okay? Thanks! Same to you.
(Ah... blinking. I remember when I could blink.)
While that foreshadowing's less than subtle, I've got no idea what it could mean.
...Oh no.
Trying not to laugh at this right now because it will hurt, but I have to tell you, the reaction you gave me is a lot funnier than the jokes are.
I lost my laughbox? Huh? Well, okay. I might not be too good at this game.
...I'm going with 2 again. Surely this time it'll work, yeah? Heheh.
(Song and art are good too!)
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sprinkleonthatcriticism · 5 months ago
I lost all respect for American Mcgee until HE makes a proper apology holy shit..
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For better context since ya'll don't have twitter or twitter is blocked in your countries because Elon refuse to fix his shitty website and deal with the problematic dipshits.. here is some discord screenshots from American's server (yes, that actually his actual irl name and he even once made a joke about why he's called that lol)
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Then, he ended up banning the person in blue according to the same user who commented on reddit
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American's BS excuse of why they banned HID (short for help i died)
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Now, this is alleged this one screenshot here, I do not have access to his server so Idk if this is true or not but this is just pathetic sorry.. Now I know that there are some people who rather want people to ask first before receiving criticism (example me) BUT if you are a huge company like the Dreadful series or such then you need to expect people voicing their concerns, esPECIALLY for a product like one of the pansexual dreadful rabbits (which I own).
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It's sad because I like the dreadful plush series and I had also loved/played American McGee's Alice series (that being Madness returns). And as mentioned before, I actually brought the pansexual rabbit plush (which I still have to this day and still adored) and I was thinking about buying the transgender plush as well as the Autism plushie but that's obviously changed after learning from POTD (Plush Of The Day) that that guy was problematic for calling Pansexual a trend/phase.
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But yeah, just wanna bring this to attention and I do hope he does make a proper apology even though it's been two months AND he had privated his twitter account...
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sidecharactersdomatter · 1 year ago
Thoughts I had during TGCF Season 1 the Recap!
Basically, I recap the First Season of TGCF with my reactions, before my Season 2 binge watch!
Ep 1
-Don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… *Bride gets snatched* Okay, maybe you should’ve gone out there.
-Right after XL ascends, Lan Hai and Qing Tao then go, “Huh, Who is that?”  Then everybody yells at them, “PRINCE XIE LIAN!”
-So much Property Damage…
-Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
-Fu Yao, *Is sarcastic and rolls his eyes* Basically me: He’s just like me fr!!!
-Hehehehehehe Dick joke XD
-Sees Bride!XL: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m Sorry XD!
-Yeah right a few alterations, she totally fixed his make up calling it.
-*Sees Bridesmaids NF and FY like* W H E E E Z E XD XD XD XD
-So that’s how he was able to last longer than the previous bride
-Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage! *Turns on One Flower and One Sword and vibes like there’s no tomorrow*!
-I now pronounce you both husband and husband!  You may now kiss the gro- I mean, bride!  
Ep 2
-Honey, He looks a little too good looking to be the Ghost groom
-That temple looks abandoned, and the animation camera for walking inside
-There’s the ugly mob
-Hehe Xie Lian’s aggressive kindness
-When the mob scooched away from Bride!Lian I freaking lost it XDXDXDXD
-And Nan Feng and Fu Yao inch away instead of defending him!  
W H E E Z E!
-The fact they both agreed to not explain anything XD!
-Xiao Ying is a real friend
-And hurting the injured is a real low for the mob
-They have enraged the ghost groom
-KO!  Flawless victory!
-Zombie brides!
Ep 3
-Didn’t know it a zombie apocalypse happened in Ancient Feudal China (I need to brush up on my history)
-Welp, now they’re grateful 
-Wait a minute, he was an acrobat???  Xie Lian Pre 3 ascension life spinoff when??? (That’ll prolly never happen)
-Man here comes the Bride Pun count: 3
-Now that is an Azula level breakdown
-They are not merciful with the body count in this whole series
-Woah saved by literal divine intervention
-Geez, Pei Ming this is why we don’t Ghost our Exes, Pun Count: 4
-Man, Xuan Ji, maybe you should’ve heard of the phrase, “Plenty of Fish in the sea”
-The way Xie Lian blinked when he realized he was still in the wedding dress XD!
-Restoring faith in Ming Guang
-Oh no Trauma
Ep 4
-He’s so distraught he couldn’t follow
-The telepathic matrix, is basically the world’s first discord server
-Thank you Ling Wen
-Aw he likes Hua Cheng’s name!
-That explains the fall of Xianle and the Moldy Face Plague
-Let’s be honest, Bai Wuxiang is totally responsible for Covid-19
-Woah Hua Cheng has made his mark on Heaven
-Aww he thinks the Butterflies are beautiful!
-Honestly, smart move Mu Qing and Feng Xin
-Oh she is so burnt out
-Yeah, who was the Prince of Xianle anyway?
Ep 5
-The way he blew off that maple leaf
-Oooh that subtle hinting later on and symbolism with Xie Lian
-The way he moved in closer *fangirls like no tomorrow*
-I freaking love the instrumental version of Hong Jue
-Is he touched starved?  He is touch starved
-I love that when San Lang scared the Ghosts shitless they ended up running like no tomorrow, Ghost 1: Book it guys our lives depend on it!  Ghost 2:  But we’re already dead! Ghost 1:  Well it’s just an expression!
-And there was only one bed.  Oh my gods there was only one bed!!!
-Aw he caught him staring
-I believe you Ox cart man
-Heck with how popular TGCF is right now, Xie Lian would be worshipped today by fans like us
-His luck did rub off on you and you should take it all Xie Lian
-Welp time to go start the next arc
Ep 6
-Woah, that old man is traumatized
-Of course being a martial god, he has experience in combat.  Have you seen him in a sword dual at Yinian bridge? (Subtle Phineas and Ferb quote)
-Yep called it, and the gong noise when the door opened!
-“How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean???”
-Awww look at San Lang’s emo hoodie!
-You know what’s better than one evil Daoist?  Two evil Daoists!
-And he drank the whole thing like a boss
-Now Nan Feng’s acting like an NPC from a fantasy video game
-The woman in the teal cloak saw him
-He’s touched starved again!
-Best chemistry ever!
-And after Rouye grabs San Lang and Xie Lian says, “I didn’t mean San Lang”. Rouye goes: “Really? Ok!”  And then lets him go, that’s just the hypothetical dialogue I’ve got for the silk band
Ep 7
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!
-There’s so many people
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
Ep 8
-Thank you San Lang for protecting your man like a champ!
-Ooooh cool more Ban Yue lore!
-Ooooh his poor, poor head
-And San Lang’s expression, is worried if he hurt him, but it worked!
-Yeah but our faces don’t stick out of the ground like a fresh tater!
-Aw no they’re gonna need sacrifices
-Zhao’s fight response kicked in
-Eeenie meanie meinie that kid (probably Kemo)
-“Sully not thine honor on innocent blood” That almost sounded like a bible quote…?
-Dude Xie Lian was royalty
-Trust fall!  (You’ll see next ep peeps!)
-Oh and Xie Lian’s scream!  Kind of needed more raw emotion though
Ep 9
-He’s gonna jump into the pit, he’s jumping into the pit, he jumped into the
-Xie Lian’s like: Well I am going down there, but I won’t go down alone!
-The pit’s entrance is sealed!
-Trust fall!  TRUST FALL!  
-He touched his throat!
-There’s your answer Xie Lian
-Dance fight!  Dance fight!
-You’re just gonna excuse the mass murder San Lang committed in the pit?????
-Let me just find somewhere that isn’t covered in blood
-Oh yeah you’re grateful for San Lang carrying you
-The faces they made when he called them out for jumping into the pit XD Xie Lian’s eyes are wide and blank while San Lan has a cat face! XDXDXDXDXD
-She came down!
Ep 10
-She saw Xie Lian and San Lang
-So many fallen Ban Yue soldiers
-Hi Fu Yao
-I wasn’t kidding when I said Fu Yao isn’t great at crowd control
-Thank you Fu Yao
-She’s holding his hand and he’s patting her head my freaking heart!!!! 
-Oh No! Vomit trigger warning for this episode people
-Xie Lian raised her more than her Yong’An father did (and to some extent her late mother)
-It was still a good choice after all Xie Lian
-Take it easy with the ‘Bad Cop’ routine Fu Yao
-Oh no a scorpion snake
-Well that’s bad
Ep 11
-Aiaigasa!  It’s Aiaigasa again folks AAAAAHHH!!!!
-Scorpion tailed cobras why’d they have to be Scorpion tailed Cobras?!?!?!?!?
-That explains the sandstorm
-Ooooh Pei Xiu army backstory
-Ugh Classist general
-No Ban Yue!!!!  She was so young!!! T - T
-Yeah where will Xie Lian go from here?
-Oooh Yizhen got name dropped too!
-Uncle Jiang is cured!
-And the way he’s running away from the duo XDXDXD!
-Here’s why Fu Yao left early, as they healed Uncle Jiang he contacted Nan Feng through the telepathic array and Fu Yao’s reason is:  Come on, you know how horrifying his highness’ cooking can be.  This is just my theory, and I’d love to hear your possible ones in the comments!
-And the way Hua Cheng moved in closer and just preferred to be called ‘San Lang’ my freaking heart!!!
Ep 12
-We are back in Puqi village folks
-I freaking love how Xie Lian says ‘The Crimson Rain Sought Flower’ Howard Wang’s voice could act as my new sleeping aid
-Oh yeah San Lang does treasure you dude
-Ban Yue deserves all the head pats!!!!
-Ban Yue, I think you should keep living despite all the mistakes you’ve made… other than that I also don’t know the answer like Xie Lian
-Aww Xie Lian will love him no matter if he’s hideous or a monster he really does have the best standards!
-Awwww He’s hot when he’s mad!
-Another Reason why Hualian works so well is that San Lang also Respects!  Xie Lian’s!  Boundaries! (Yep still not getting involved with the Helluva Boss drama folks)
-It’s official!  That looks like an engagement ring people!
-Dude pass me the Aux cord!  Ya better not be playing mainstream garbage *Puts on Hong Jue at full blast and vibes like no tomorrow!*
-It’s like they’re running towards each other AAAAAHHH!!!
-Welp, see you guys later for Season 2!
Season 2! Here I come!!!!
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words-without-rules · 10 months ago
So, last night my partner and I were goofing around and looking at MK1 Characters on Mortal Kombat Warehouse, looking at the skins n stuff. Then he decided to start downloading some of the character renders and editing them in IBS and the results were... well, let me just show you 🤣 (he gave them all names as well because he made them into Discord emojis)
First we have:
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ChadJohnny 🤣
Next we have:
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Oh but it gets better:
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This one is called 'Bigbrainmoment' 🤣🤣 Very fitting for him, I admit
As is:
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Biangy 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣
This next one is so cursed but also so good:
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Oh God the one after this. Is. My. Fucking. FAVORITE:
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Three words: 'ShangTsungsGYAAT' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY ITS SO FUNNY ITS SO DUMB!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh God and then he made this one (im so sorry in advance):
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...Yeah, the less said about this one the better, I think. It's just called: 'uwu' 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😭😭
We're down to the last 3, but they're all gems in my opinion:
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Here we have 'GiggaKuai' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Im sorry, Kuai, but it had to be done 🤣😭
Actually this next one might be my true favorite, just because it personally gives me so much joy:
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It's 'QuanCHEESE' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This has been an inside joke between me and my partner for such a long time, so seeing it fully visualized at last... A true masterpiece :')
And now, last but not least:
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'Nobitches' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This one was actually my idea. I can so hear him saying something like this 🤣🤣🤣
That's all for now, thank the Elder Gods lmao I was literally begging him to stop towards the end because my cheeks were starting to hurt so bad 🤣🤣🤣
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swaps55 · 1 year ago
Prompt in the Big Place discord server: write a scene using the words survivor, cluster, and friend.
Instead of a scene it turned into a 2k fic, whatchagonnado.
In which Kaidan and Kara Pendergrass have a very ace conversation.
It’s late morning before Kara stumbles out the screen door, blinking into the sunlight, to find Alenko swaying lazily back and forth in the porch swing. A smile touches his face as the voices of Shepard and Aslany carry up the hill from the barn, followed by the whinny of a horse.
Kara sits heavily on the swing beside him, disrupting his moment of quiet contemplation, but she makes up for it by handing him a coffee thermos. “I threw out Shepard’s shit and made this.”
“Thanks,” Alenko says, flashing her a grin. He smiles a lot more these days. They all do, really. Even Aslany.
Alenko takes a long, grateful sip from the thermos. No matter how much you love a guy like Shepard, you can’t love his coffee.
“Think the real survivors of the reapers were everyone who had to drink his bullshit,” she remarks, pushing her foot off the ground to start the swing again and tucking her leg underneath her.
“Yeah, maybe,” Alenko says with a chuckle. He always indulges her stupid jokes.
They sit in comfortable silence. The wind makes the trees wave. The orchard is a lot…friendlier in the summer. The leaves and the blooms and the sun and the warmth make it feel a lot different than that cold winter where reaper cannibals and husks crept in the woods.
Now there’s just deer.
“Surprised he got her in the barn,” Kara says, nodding down the hill. After that string of terrible nights sleeping on haybales and keeping a sniper’s perch in the loft, staring at the clusters of trees and waiting for nightmares to emerge, Aslany had sworn she’d never come here again. But here they are.
“You know Shepard,” Alenko says, lost in thought now. “He’s hard to say no to.”
“She trusts him.”
Alenko gives her the look he gives when he’s putting some pieces together she’s not gonna like. “She trusts you, too.”
Kara shakes her head and draws her feet up onto the swing, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees. “But she doesn’t think she has to protect him. Me? She has to protect me.”
“We all protect each other. Always have.”
“Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just…different with her.” She scowls in frustration. She’s never been good at explaining things. “I can’t take care of her the way she takes care of me. It’s not just a squad thing.”
“Kara, we haven’t been ‘just squad’ in a very long time. Any of us.”
She snerks. “You mean since you started getting naked with one of the squad?”
A flush creeps up the back of his neck. It’s so easy to poke at him sometimes she can’t help herself. “You know what I mean.”
She does, sometimes. But other times…she doesn’t get it at all. She spends about as much time with Aslany as Alenko does with Shepard. If she didn’t have Aslany to spend all her time with and talk her ear off over bad Chinese food that Aslany loves for some reason, she probably wouldn’t spend her time with anyone.
And living alone sounds…well, she’d rather not think about living alone. Too many monsters in her head. Aslany’s, too, based on some of the nights they’ve spent sitting in front of the holoscreen at three in the morning, watching one of Shepard’s stupid B movies and not talking about what happens when they fall asleep.  
Friend doesn’t feel like the right word, which is why she’s always fallen back on squad. But they have no orders to follow anymore, and the only fighting they do these days are chicken fights in the lake. She’s never had a sister, and Aslany shuts down whenever the word ‘sister’ gets thrown around, so that one’s out.
They’ve never fucked. It’s never come up. But it didn’t come up for Shepard and Alenko for a long time before they finally did, and despite all the details Beaudoin shared on the ‘Yang, she doesn’t actually understand how these things work.
She blows a puff of air out the side of her mouth. “When did you know you wanted to fuck him?”
Alenko chokes on his coffee. She pats him patiently on the back until he stops.
“Um,” he manages.
She gives him an expectant look. He hems and haws for a while. Sometimes you just have to be patient while he works things out in his head.
“Why do you want to know?” he says finally.
“Well, at some point you changed from just being squad to sucking his dick, so—”
He holds up one hand to stop her and rubs the bridge of his nose with the other. “Can you just…can you call it…something else?”
“Sucking face?”
“Okay, fine. Sure. I’ll take what I can get.”
He stops talking. The swing creaks. She raises an expectant eyebrow. At first he pretends he doesn’t see it, but eventually he swears under his breath.
“My feelings, uh, changed a few months into the first tour.”
“Damn. You already wanted to fuck him just a few months—”
“No. I don’t work like that. I need…time before that happens. But—” He gestures helplessly. It shouldn’t be so funny to see Alenko so pitiable. He sighs in defeat. “Do you remember Mavigon?”   
“The ice storm? That his dumb ass got us stuck in?”
Alenko’s face gets redder by the second. “Yeah. Uh. Well, you know, when it got cold that night and we all had to..."
She dissolves into laughter. “Wait, wait wait wait, no. You wanted to fuck him on Mavigon?”
Alenko’s face does all the stuff it does when he plays out an argument in his head, loses, and concedes without opening his mouth. “Yeah. Okay? Yes. I wanted to fuck him on Mavigon.”
“Still, like, a decade before you actually fucked him.”
“It wasn't a decade.”
Kara shakes her head in admiration and then sniggers. “You are the only person I know who can have both literal and figurative blue balls.”
“Wow, I am really feeling the love and support after offering up some very personal information I’ve never even told Shepard, so—”
“Wait, he doesn’t know how close he came to getting railed on Mavigon?”
She holds up her hands in surrender. “He won’t hear it from me. On purpose.”
Alenko groans. She grins.
She kicks her feet to get the swing moving again. “Okay, so. What does that…feel like? Wanting to have sex with someone?”
He arches an eyebrow. “Are you wanting to have sex with someone?”
“No. I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking. How do you know?”
Now he actually looks thoughtful. “Well. It’s different from me than for a lot of people.”
“You mean Beaudoin?” She snickers into the back of her hand.
“Yeah,” Alenko says, though something sad flicks across his face. Guilt flashes through her. She always forgets that the others still think about his death before they think about his life. “For me I tend not to notice the physical stuff beyond aesthetics, at least not right away.”
“And then, what, one day Shepard’s ass is all you can think about?”
Now he actually cracks a smile. “No. Not quite like that. I just…couldn’t stop thinking about him. All of him. Not one particular piece. Wanted to be around him all the time, hear everything he had to say. When he wasn’t around I just had this…knot in my chest. At some point I started imagining what it would feel like to kiss him and then it, uh. Went from there.”
She scrunches her nose. Kissing Aslany is such an alien thought she can’t even picture it when she tries. Probably not a good sign. “Okay.”
“Why do you ask?”
Her turn to hem and haw a little. She considers lying, but lying never works with Alenko, so she just says it. “I don’t want Aslany to leave me.”
He sits up straighter. “What do you mean?” 
She shrugs a moody shoulder. “I don’t know. She’s my Shepard. But we’re not like you and Shepard. We don’t fuck. We don’t even hold hands, and yeah, I’d kinda like to hold hands sometimes but I don’t wanna get punched and I don’t think I wanna fuck, but I don’t know what it feels like to want to fuck someone, and she does like fucking people and I don’t want to lose her because we don’t.” She stops to catch her breath.
Alenko looks at her for a long time without speaking. She squirms.
“How long have you been worrying about this?”
She stares out at the trees. “Dunno. A while, I guess.”
“Kara. Hey.” He waits until she meets his gaze. “Just because it doesn’t look like what Shepard and I have doesn’t make it mean any less. To you or to her. Everyone’s different. Sex isn’t a requirement for a relationship. Or whatever you want it to be. You get to define it. Even if that means not defining it.”
She nods, and looks back down the hill as Shepard leads his horse out of the barn, Aslany walking a safe distance away. Shepard may be hard to say no to, but even Shepard isn’t going to get Aslany to not be afraid of a horse.
“She cares about you more than most people care about anything,” Alenko says quietly, like he’s seeing a few of his own monsters. “She’s not ever leaving you behind.”
They’ve all seen a lot of shit. Lot of it they’ve seen together.
Shepard leans lazily against the fence, watching the horse graze. He says something and Aslany laughs. Kara’s heart tightens. But…in a good way.
“Thanks, boss,” she says quietly. He puts an arm around her, and she snuggles up to his side. Maybe he’s right. Maybe they’re all more than squad. But squad was pretty good, too.
That afternoon they shake the chicken teams up, and it’s Aslany and Alenko against Kara and Shepard in the lake. Shepard complains about her bony ass on his shoulders the entire time, but it’s affectionate, and he does a lot of crowing when they finally manage to dethrone Aslany. After they’ve had enough, Shepard uses his biotics to throw Kara around in the water for a while. They finally climb out when the sun starts to get golden but there’s still warmth in the air. Aslany and Kara lay on their towels and stare up at the sky while Shepard pins Alenko to the ground and makes wisecracks between kisses, grin the size of a planet every time Alenko laughs.
Kara watches them idly, then looks over at Aslany, who ignores them completely. Instead the folds her arms behind her head, her dark hair splayed out behind her head in a wet clump. She closes her eyes and sighs in contentment, her usual standing scowl replaced by not quite a smile.
She might be the most gorgeous person Kara has ever seen, but. Nope. Doesn’t want to kiss her. Or anything else.
“Hey, Aslany. Can I ask you a question?”
Kara chews her lip. There’s a cloud in the sky that looks like a pyjack. “Are you ever gonna leave me?”
Aslany lolls her head to the side, the contentment replaced by the look she gives someone who asked a stupid question. “The day you tell me to go, I guess.”
“I’m never gonna say that.”
“Then I’m never leaving.”
Kara grins. “Good.”
Aslany nods in satisfaction before turning her attention back to the sky.
Alenko always makes things make sense. Aslany always makes things so simple.
“Ready to head back to the house?” Shepard asks.
Kara picks her head up. Alenko is still pinned beneath him and looks quite happy to be there. “Dunno, you done sucking face yet?” Alenko gives her the finger, but he’s grinning.
Shepard considers her question. “For now.”
“Then yeah, I guess.” She gets to her feet and offers Aslany a hand to pull her up. They gather their towels and the bag Alenko always brings, because part of him will always be a medic prepared to take care of them when they’re far from home. Shepard starts talking about the B-movie he’s going to inflict upon them when they get home as they walk, Kaidan’s hand gripped firmly in his.
Kara falls into step beside Aslany, like always. But not like always, Aslany reaches out and laces their fingers. It’s awkward, like she doesn’t really know how to do it. Neither of them do, really, and that’s why it’s perfect. Kara beams. Aslany squeezes her hand, with a tiny, tentative smile.
Maybe from some angles, it does look like Alenko and Shepard. From others, it doesn’t. But whatever it is, it’s theirs. And it’s good. And it’s always.
It’s the always part she likes the most.
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deimosbreakfrost · 1 month ago
What are is ur true opinion about TX2?
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Warning! It's Only my opinion. If you don't like it, then bite your tongue, walk away and get lost.
- Quick Opinion:
I hate this band GUTS. I fucking hate Evan, I hate his music, I hate his sense of humor, I hate the fact that he's an fucking parasite, I hate that no one gave him and his band the "BrokeNcyde" treatment until now and his fanbase. ESPECIALLY THE FANBASE.
The fanbase is just a bunch of annoying brats that are from 10-17 years old, defend TX2 on the worse and most ignorant ways possible, uses shitty arguments because they're braindead, have the basic "be gay is quirky" Instagram/discord user sense of humor, makes TX2 their whole personality, can't accept that people hate them and uses "but I'm only defending them!" Whenever someone is (rightfully) saying they suck ass and most of them are those annoying Shorts/Tiktok therians that uses neopronouns and xenogenders (no offense to the actual GOOD people that uses them, just the bad ones) so--- yeah.
- Music:
Even though I fucking hate them, not gonna lie, their music is actually listeneble. "oh, but if you don't think their music is unlistable then why you say it sucks?" Because of Evan's shitty behavior.
The Band could do the most beautiful songs ever made, but if the vocalist who LITERALLY leads the band and is its creator is an huge asshole or an problematic person then OBVIOUSLY a lot of people won't like them or their music. (MSI is an example) But nooo, for the TX2 fans you NEED to like them and won't respect your opinion.
And also, their music is not emo and never will be. "Oh, but the emo music is mostly formed by hard rock, metalcore and pop punk bands that didn't meant to be emo" exactly. Different of them, TX2 always say they're "emo" but have nothing to do with the scene and their fans can't accept they're posers
Their music sounds like average 2019-2023 TikTok pop rock music, none of the songs are actually emotional hardcore (or emotional/hardcore in general) Oh, and also, they copied the music from other bands.
I am 100% sure that their song "black wedding" is an ripoff of Get Scared's "Sarcasm" but there's also allegations saying that they also copied; BMTH, AC/DC and Silverstein.
- Band Members:
Literally the unic well known one from the band is Evan and people just call him "TX2" and don't even give a fuck enough to search for his real name and the other band members. And as everyone from the ALT community knows, he's an poser, loser and popular man child.
While the other band Members? ...Who gives a fuck about them when Evan makes the entire band propaganda go around him and the fact that they're "problematic" just because he's an bitch? Anyways, the Band is formed by the Men child, the women™ of the band and the Drummer who's lowkey a wholesome guy.
I just gave a 2 because I love making Evan my punching bag and the drummer is actually a funny guy, his reels appears to me sometimes and they're actually kinda cool. Yeah I like him, all my friends hate Evan and TX2, BUT DON'T YOU DARE HATE ON THE DRUMMER
- The Band In General
The aesthetic of the band is unnexistent, none of the music are actually popular, well known or interesting, the fact that they're "problematic" just makes them more pathetic because it's all Evan's fault and not theirs and, different of MSI or maybe Marilyn Manson, Problematic ≠ good.
And this all could be fixed if Evan just made an video saying "hey guys, I fucked the things up. I'm sorry, I'll change and stop being like this" then boom, me and some other people might've understand. But no, he expects that the fact that he is annoying as fuck will make his band popular but it only gave us an reason to make him an public enemy.
But, sadly, this isn't the 2000's anymore and we can't just humiliate, chase them out or trow shit at them like people used to do with the crunkcore bands whenever they show up.
- Overall:
Not emo, posercore music, their jokes are overused and unfunny, none of the propaganda are interesting enough to convince an normal person to listen to them, the fact that they keep all the time using Evan and the fact that they're "problematic" as an propaganda is just a gun shot straight to the feet, uses pink money A LOT and, hot take, if someday Evan gets exposed it probably won't be for being "touchy" with minors. As we could see on his past behavior, bro probably is the ADM of the "I hate minors" twt account
- The Basic That You Need To Know About The Band:
"Why are them 'problematic'?" It's all Evan's fault. The band was just an average Poser4Poser TikTok band back in the day but after an alt influencer made an video giving their opinions about some bands, by the end of the video they basically said "if TX2 makes another joke about 'goth mommy wommys' I'm gonna actually kill myself'" Evan, as the man child he is, got SUUUPER offended by an negative opnion and started to beef with an minor because he simply can't take criticism. (The influencer was an minor back in the day, as I can remember)
So he started an entire era of him beefing with them because of an opinion that probably isn't that bad when compared to what I or other people think about them, as I could remember, they even created an song called "Vendetta" because "boohoo I'm a white bitchy twink who's an grownass men and I can't accept that people hate me" (and also, TX2 stole their audio of them saying their opinion and after the part where they say "I'm gonna actually kill myself" Evan yells "DO IT!" And, I don't know about you guys, but when you're an "emo" you need to be pro-mental health. And saying "do it" when someone says that they will kill themself is not so "emo" of your part. And it gets worse when you're an grownass men and the person who you beefing with is an minor.)
And the alt influencer gave their opinion about it and they basically said to him to stop and that he's just tormenting them for no reason at all because their video was not even about him and his band (oh, and also. The influencer goes by They/Them, and Evan misgendered them during his shitty apology video. It was probably an accident, but since it's Evan, I'm going to take this to heart)
And after that, TX2 created an entire "I don't care" personality to their band because they know VERY WELL that their carrier will crash and fucking burn if they even DARE to fall into a other drama.
Oh, and also. Their ass are not queer, is just Pink Money. Why Pink Money? There isn't any confirmation, image or footage if that's actually true and they only use the LGBT cause as an propaganda so they can make those "be gay is everything!" Or "be gay is quirky" teens to like them because they pretend to be queer
"Oh but they don't need to show footage to confirm that they're queer!" Yeah sure, only their words count, huh? As we could see, alot of times Evan basically used an "oh, trust me!" As an "valid" argument on situations where he didn't showed any footage. "But when he made an video saying he isn't a poser he showed a footage of him playing a A7F song on drums and said that he almost killed himself to know who he truly is!" Since when that A7F is emo? Is not because they're metalcore that it means they're emo. And also, again, Evan uses his own words as an argument when he has no footage to confirm that it's true, why you expect people to believe that he ACTUALLY almost killed himself when the unic confirmation we have is his words? I'm not trying to be insensitive but, if he already said "do it!" When a minor said that they would kill themself and the fact that he isn't trustable makes me doubt and have no respect to this men. (If he actually almost killed himself, then bro is an absolute hypocrite)
And with the placement that him and his band currently are, even shit have more weight than their words. And also, I will actually believe that Evan is an "Fag" if someday someone leak a video of him getting freaky with an guy or something. Till that doesn't happens, he won't have the right to get offended if someone calls him a Faggot or say "Fag" at all.
- What I like:
The fact that I have a band to hate on and that I'm not on the wrong for not being ashamed of doing so. Oh, and the drummer. I fucking love the drummer he's the guy ever, a cutie patootie I love him dearly he's really cool.
- What I Hate:
The fact that they collabed with I.N.K. Spencer. Don't get me bad, I fucking love you and your band but why. Why the fuck are you doing this.
- Conclusion:
Don't support or say you're an fan of them. "Can I still listen to their music?" Yeah, but just like BOTDF, probably a lot of people will want distance from you and give you an side eye if you actually say so.
And I can say without shame that I would love to wake up someday and seeing that TX2's Carrier is dead. I want to be the one who cheers and laughs while TX2's have their downfall
... Don't believe me yet?
Thx for asking XO
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deidremercer · 2 years ago
Oh yeah I might as well post this here for the 2 people who follow me and aren't already in discords with me,
I'm doing this:
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In an attempt to improve my art, I started out just doing it for the sake of drawing something almost every day but now I think I'm gonna save these for whenever I feel I've made an improvement. Each day I am doing a different OC and I'm trying to lean towards having each character in an outfit I wouldn't normally draw them in
#1 was done with Orpheus Valor from Paragons
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He was pretty fun to draw because I don't do masc characters very often. Also doing him for the underwear post was good because my GM, Gracie, and I had previously joked about him having scars where top surgery scars would be and just fully not being trans (there are other trans characters in Paragons I feel like we get to do a little bit of queerbaiting) so he was mauled by a bear.
#2 was done with Rabbit Leporidae from Thyrasylo.
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Rabbit is normally dressed in either a suit or a frilly dress despite the fact that her name stems from the fact that her original design was wearing a bunny suit. Her shirt is a gag stolen from Thrilling Intent, I think it's funny for the most powerful spellcaster in my world to be wearing a spelling bee shirt. This was also cool because I got to draw her tattoos. Neither of her previous tokens really showed them off much so I thought I could use this opportunity to draw them. They don't have any real significance as of right now but I might ascribe some to them later.
#3 is with Ivy Blackleaf from Thyrasylo
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Ivy is very fun to draw, this prompt made me finally design a logo for her Mom's cafe. I think I made it a little too close to the Olive Garden logo. Otherwise this was a fairly straightforward one, I did get to practice expression a little bit.
#4 with Roxanne De'Rulo from Crescent King
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Messy hair Roxie is really fun to draw. I forced myself to make this a full body to try and practice feet, I don't think they look all that great. Her hand is a little bit fucked up but I am glad that I drew it at all, practice is important. Otherwise the only thing of note with this one is that I lost the original TRIPWIRE band logo and Redbubble doesnt let you redownload your uploaded designs which kinda blows.
#5 with Jayden Valekrave from Paranoia and Evi Halloran from Macrocosmos
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The first one with a backdrop. This one was also voted on by a whole 37 people who took time out of their day to vote on my silly little Google form. Evi is in the background because she was the runner up and I probably wouldn't draw her anywhere else. I also think I didn't do justice to all the people who voted for Jayden. I super didn't have a reference pulled up and I am not skilled enough to draw from my imagination yet. Jayden's halberd, Dawnbreaker, having sunglasses on is the best part of this image. She is so silly. I also started drawing the eyes without having lineart on them here. Idk how I like it, we'll have to see.
#6 with Vernidaius Yxerei from Decent Into Avernus
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Compression kinda fucked this one up a bit, but the name of the game with this one was experimenting with brushes. I kinda tried to get some of the texture that I really love out of Jackson FrameDodge of The3rdWheel's work. Unfortunately I dont really know how to shade properly so it's kinda all over the place, and harder to see on the skin, oops. This one had a pose reference initially but the legs ended up being too difficult for me to do so I just sorta covered one of them. I also super forgot to draw Vermi's scales here. The line-less eyes are still something I'm on the fence about. I think this background is a good bit better than the previous one, the only part of the previous one that I really ended up liking is the clouds.
And that's everything I've done so far, tune in soon for the next one if you care.
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tempest-toss · 11 months ago
Do not Touch the Glass
Matthias was not expecting his day to start like this. He was rudely awoken by his roommate Fred who promptly told him to pack his bags for a road trip. Matthias was a known push-over when it came to group activities, so he was soon in his roomate's truck along with three other "friends" of his. Natalie, Jordan, and Samantha were their names, and that was all Matthias really knew of them; they were Fred's friends, not his, so his knowledge was limited and he preferred it that way. At least it could net him some shut eye as the trip continued.
A few hours into the trip Matthias awoke to complaints from Natalie about being lost. He took the moment to look out the window and confirm that they were definitely not on their way to Yellowstone, in fact they were in someplace that could only be called Wilderness to a city boy like him. Evidence of past houses were passed by, but Matthias couldn't tell if this was a reassurance or a stressor.
Soon they parked the car and got out. What Matthias first saw was a field of thickets and dead grass, but after walking around the car to the others he saw it: The Calico Carnival. The entrance to a massive amusement park that had been burnt down a long time ago, but the entrance still stood up, looming ominously above the group, the wooden cat mascot mural leering down from its burnt view. Fred explained that he wanted to explore the place since it was abandoned, and that since he had the keys on him, they had no choice but to oblige.
As they approached the ticket counter, they were all surprised to see a woman, about age 67, working the till. With a croak in her voice she called out almost robotically, "5 per ticket." Natalie, a known prankster (at least from what Fred told Matthias), strolled up and handed a fake $25 bill, which the worker snatched and examined. After a tense moment she could be heard opening the register. "Submit bags for check. Entry ticket will be found attached to bag in your cubby to your immediate left." One by one the group submitted their backpacks and purses and entered; as Matthias was handing his over, the lady sharply grabbed his wrist. "Leave now young man, escape your fate while I am still here." Matthias faltered and the woman grumbled before takin his backpack. As Matthias entered he could hear the shutter of her til as it closed.
As Matthias fully stepped in he could see the park stutter to life. Lightbulbs flickered as the filament struggled to light, the wafting of carnival foods began to fill his nose, and the Ferris Wheel in the distance could be seen slowly starting up as the speakers groaned to life, playing discordant theme park music. His "friends" had already scattered, visiting the locals that interested them. Matthias found himself wandering around aimlessly, until he found the tank.
Off to the side of the park was a large glass tank, easily 8 ft by 8ft. The water was murky, and full of algae and moss. An old, tattered sign reading "See What Came From the Green Lagoon!" stood nearby, barely legible after going through the wringer of elements.
"Well look what the pussy found, an old tank. Of course you'd be wasting time looking in a mirror," came a sneering voice from behind. Matthias grimaced. Out of all of Fred's friends he loathed Jordan. Jordan was a piece of shit who knew how to manipulate people to get what he wanted, and Fred was oblivious to how he was consistently being taken advantage of by him. Jordan began tapping on the tank, and was about to crack off another joke.
"Sammy doesn't like being disturbed." The two men turned around to find a young male with white rabbit ears peering out from behind a stack of crates. "Please stop tapping on the glass."
"Oh yeah? Well I'm a paying customer," Jordan complained, eliciting a sigh from Matthias. "So I can do whatever the FUCK I want twerp. The rabbit-eared individual sighed before pulling his ears down to hide behind them.
"There's a latch at the top to stick your hand in," he mumbled. Jordan cheered before doing just that. As Matthias watched in disappointment, he heard the rabbit-guy speak up to him. "Did you know Tabitha poured a potion in Sammy's tank, and it restored his years? He stopped aging when he joined like all of us, but the potion gave him back the years, meaning I need to get a present for a 27-year-old... Do you know anything good?"
His question fell on deaf ears as Matthias stopped processing what he was asking or the nonsense said before. However, the age stuck with him. 27? But the guy on the poster looks barely in his young adulthood. Then the thing in the tank-
A scream from Jordan snapped him out of his thinking as Jordan began to scream that his fingers were gone. Then Jordan got pulled further, his whole arm stuck in the slot of the tank that the usagi talked about. Jordan screamed and shouted and cursed before managing to free himself and land on the ground, his left arm missing and spurting blood. Then the lid of the tank slammed open and he emerged.
A man, approximately of 27 years of age slowly climbed out. He had green, partially scaly skin covered in important areas by tattered clothing scraps. He was slightly hunched over but would have at least stood at an easy 6'5. His body radiated raw power, his muscles tensing and easing with each breath. His eyes practically glowed an eerie yet enchanting yellow, encapsulated by the kelp or algae stuck in his tangled hair. As he stepped forward with his webbed feet he snarled, revealing his sharp and bloodied mouth. Without giving Jordan a chance, he dove down and began to tear at his neck while his clawed hands tore into Jordan's chest, creating a cavity of gore.
Matthias stumbled before booking it, not wanting to see Sammy feast on someone he knew, even if the guy deserved it. Matthias ran back to the entrance just as the shutters began to finish lowering. "Thank you for purchasing your overnight stay tickets," the loudspeaker system crackled to life. "We hope you enjoy a happy and fun time with the other eleven who purchased their tickets prior." To add to this, the park's walls suddenly rose higher, making it near impossible to scale out. Matthias felt panic in his heart as he tried to think about what next. He came to the conclusion that maybe someone could help him out of here, like that bunny-eared guy! But of course, he didn't want to die like Jordan did. A quick scan of the trash near him allowed Matthias to fish out a moldy map of the park. Using the nearest street lamp he was able to make out a few locations to pick from.
Threat Level: Low Remaining Survivors: 15/16 Injuries: none Mental state: Disturbed.
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legendfinder · 1 year ago
have u seen the new jacob geller video? seems like itd b up your alley. id be curious to hear your thoughts on the philosophy of archival he talks about
Oh it was DEFINITELY up my alley, as an (at the very least) above-average obsessed fan of archiving my life's work to the best of my abilities. Geller brings up a really good point I've had to wrestle with, myself: What's the extent to which I can, well, archive?
Lately I've had to omit archiving multiple versions of my art because there's just... so many. Often I found myself erasing old versions just to put new ones in, only occasionally regretting it months or years later. There's some physical doodles I just haven't been able to archive, some that are probably lost forever. Sometimes I go about my day and check Discord only to find something missing I can't quite put my finger on; another server, deleted. How much do I archive of myself? Every word? Every pen stroke? Every conversation? Every thought, every dream, every morsel of food, every footstep, every blink, every fucking breath I've ever taken? Where does it stop?
The answer is it doesn't stop. At least, if you want a full archive of yourself. Different people have focused on different things, yeah. Some make dream journals, others make food diaries, others digitize their notebooks, others have github repositories or the like. But by god, is it hopeless to do everything.
I've tried to back those servers up, but, well... They get updated every day. I can't make backups of every server, every day. Archiving takes time, immense amounts of time, out of my day. Lately, I've been going to class lectures only to spend the time archiving my mind-boggling collection of notebook doodles from high school, for a purpose that isn't really that important right now. I'm not saying it's a universal experience, but to me, the process and goal of archiving puts me violently in the past and violently in the future, and rarely in the present.
I find myself just scrolling through my Everything Drive aimlessly, taking in the same colors I've already looked at for years, and it just feels like... I'm getting nothing new done. And then I continue building up this Everything Drive, for some unforeseeable unattainable "ideal" state that will never happen. I look back and I look forward constantly and sometimes I forget I can just step back and take in the moment as it is, without having to save an audio log of it, without having to record a video of it, without having to be constantly in fear of the decay of my memories. (Note that I have nothing against recording videos of things. I mean, I do that. A lot. That's why I bring it up. It just gets a bit too much after a while. I have 2000 videos and 2000 audio recordings on my phone. I barely ever check them.)
Callie, you probably have a few art pieces that might not be accessible anymore, because you might have put them in a discord server and just... Never kept a copy on your computer. Even for the art you made that is still accessible... How will you even go through the effort of collecting and archiving them, now? I got lucky to start my Everything Drive project relatively "early", in 2020, because Unus Annus scared lil ol me. Even then, I had a lot of work before me. I can't imagine starting that same project now, 3 years later.
On a slightly related note, sometimes a friend's hard drive just gets wiped. Sometimes someone's art hosting site gets taken down. Sometimes there's even something as mundane as someone quickly deleting their discord message as a joke. Things get deleted all the time, outside of my control.
I try to archive as much of myself as possible, but that's basically where I stop. Just myself. I can't archive everyone else to the extent I do for myself. I just hope they get to archive at least a small piece of themselves, their own way.
Back to Geller's video, though. I wanna say, The Internet Archive isn't fully a forever archive. People can try, yeah, and with enough people, something could very well last forever. But with individual items, it's a different story. I used to be very into the Archie Sonic comics, all for one specific character (if you want to know, it's Shard the Metal Sonic). Internet Archive, at that time, had a collection of pretty much every archie sonic comic, neatly organized and easily accessible straight from the website. It was a beautiful thing. Months later, trying to find a panel of a comic to take a screenshot of, I realized the collection had been taken down for copyright reasons. Sure, there's other collections of Archie Sonic comics, but those often fail to capture... Everything. Even the one I was looking at probably failed to capture everything. Some only have the early era of the comics, some only have the comics from Ian Flynn onwards. Some omit the spinoffs, others omit the end pages of the comics with fan mail and whatnot. One collection appears to be the most substantial, but seems to have forgotten a few pages in a few issues. It's just... Impossible, really. To get everything, and make it out in one piece.
I can't capture my paper doodles as accurately as they appear; in the Everything Drive, you zoom in enough, and you see pixels. There aren't pixels in real life. If I were to preserve every page of my high school notebooks, the scale of the collection would become gargantuan and completely inaccessible; just like Borges' map. I don't currently have the resources to download every video I've ever put on youtube or every stream I've done on twitch, and keep them on some external hard drives. I certainly don't have the space or even the time to preserve everything I love, everything I wish could stay just a little bit longer on this Earth. We all have our times to go, and all we can do is move just a few centimeters higher on this sinking ship.
So here I am, carving out my own corner, displaying only a select few categories of what I wish to preserve about myself. And in this corner, I'm happy.
Sorry if this rant is unhinged. I'm not deleting any of it. Guess I'm staying true to this topic, lmao.
I want to end by saying that if anyone wants to scroll through my Everything Drive (a google drive collection of as many digital + physical things ive made as im able to find and archive), I can send you a link! Just dm me if you wanna. Haven't fully finished organizing some recent art projects and a vast majority of my notebook doodles, but there's still already a fuck ton of shit in there.
Also my music streaming platform of choice is VLC Media Player
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iss600 · 10 months ago
The Little Spitfire (Committing to the Joke)
I would recommend reading the document but I'll crosspost below the "Keep Reading" line. Warning, it's very long.
As this is Tumblr and the place for all sorts of weird things, I bring you mine. Probably the strangest thing I put effort into writing. 6 pages of what amounts to a joke idea.
If anyone has an idea of who Eric and Triton should be, tell me, because I don't. At all. I'm so lost.
T.L.;D.R.: The Little Mermaid but it's the Skylanders as the cast instead, primarily the SuperChargers.
The Little Spitfire
(Committing to the Joke)
Somewhere high above and beyond your imagination is an adventure in fantasy. The Little Spitfire is a joke taken way too far and one that I have committed to solely for the meme. It is a Skylanders take on the story of The Little Mermaid (1989), replacing the original cast with our own flame-spirit SuperCharger Spitfire, optimistic lark Stormblade, gloomy Dreadwalker Nightfall and many more.
The Context
This joke came about while I was brainstorming cutscene dialog for a cutscene in my fan-game. This cutscene took place in an underwater kingdom and I was listening to "Under the Sea" to give some ambience. What I had come up with was that all Skylanders of all elements had been magically protected against the waters and were now swimming freely beneath the waves, making their way to an underwater palace. Spitfire and Stormblade would be chatting as they swam, with the conversion involving Spitfire expressing difficulty/confusion at swimming. Stormblade would then suggest he "does it the mermaid way" and would “demonstrate” what she meant (furiously wiggling and spasming up and down like a maniac). Spitfire would then copy her (much more fluidly and gracefully due to his merman-esque body shape). The conversation would then go as follows.
Spitfire: For some reason, I feel like I should get up on a rock and sing about being part of the world above. Stormblade: Same honestly. Can we do that later? Spitfire: Absolutely.
The reason that the conversation would go this way is for 3 reasons:
This fan-game establishes that all Skylanders are fans of Earth media and consume a lot of it. Spitfire alongside others is quite familiar with Disney movies like The Little Mermaid.
The fan-game itself is very musical in its mechanics, so Spitfire having the urge to sing isn't that strange. In fact, singing is a necessary requirement for unlocking the main power in the story. Specifically, it’s working together with others and being in-sync with one another as well as being able to work in harmony that’s necessary. Singing and dancing being the easiest way to achieve that so that’s what everyone’s been doing. That's why Stormblade asks if they're going to sing later. She sees it as an offer to both have some fun and try and work together to harmonize.
Spitfire is willing to humor Stormblade's optimism and slightly odd suggestions like accepting offers to sing karaoke with her or play dancing games with her. If she wants to sing and dance all silly after a mission, he’s happy to join her. It’s not his usual style, but he doesn’t mind it, plus the above reasons of harmonizing would give him good reason to do it too.
Now, I didn’t disregard this at all, because quite frankly, I like merfolk way too much and I saw Spitfire having a tail similar to them as the perfect opportunity to make the above conversation into a wonderful brick joke that still made sense in the setting (I’m imagining either a full theater production of it, or just those two singing on a rock on the beach for fun). To quote myself: “I’ll be honest, it’s the fact he doesn't have legs. I was like "yeah, I can merman this”. I mentioned this in the Portal Masters Lounge Discord server and user “Firedanne” asked the following:
“Does he dream of living up in the sky and collect raindrops and pieces of shot down planes?”
I said “no, but that’s a great idea” and quickly the two of us realized that it made a lot more sense than Spitfire being a merman under the sea (which already doesn’t make a lot of sense, full admittance). And…well, the joke went from there and it did not stop. After replaying the official soundtrack for The Little Mermaid, I decided to do it for the meme and bring you all…whatever this can be considered. Crack post, probably.
The Actual Idea
Summary: Deep inside the volcanoes of Skylands, fire-spirit Spitfire lives in a glowing arcadia of magma and flames. But Spitfire wishes to live amongst the clouds, however his father King X* forbids him from realizing his dreams. One day, after saving the life of Y*, a creature from the air, Spitfire finds himself smitten with Y and makes a deal with a devious deadly witch to become an Air creature and must earn Y’s love before time runs out.
*X and Y are placeholders because I don’t actually know who will fill those positions. More on that below.
The Plot
The plot would be the movie’s plot albeit with potential for some minor modifications to it, either to be more Skylanders-y or just because. Not entirely sure but I see the plot as having the same beats and basic layout but being somewhat different in execution. It absolutely has the songs though, I’m not getting rid of that.
One of the most significant plot changes would be the role of Flounder if Stormblade takes that role. Stormblade would be a being of Air who would be Spitfire’s best friend and also his wingman, assisting him where necessary and such. Essentially, she’d be a much more extraverted and adventurous Flounder who’d act as Spitfire’s wingman and on-land ally (she’d be a secondary protagonist almost). Because in canon, the two get along and seem to be on friendly terms, I can imagine Stormblade as Spitfire’s good friend and the one who tells him all about the sky, brings him stuff, goes exploring with him etc. Plus, the opportunity for both to duet songs like Part of Your World and Stormblade soloing Kiss the Girl is a lot of fun to imagine.
After that, the rest of the plot changes would boil down to some slightly different scenes, different dialog (but with the same intentions) and so forth. Since the story would take place in the sky, the setting would also be different, but that wouldn’t really affect things all that much aside from some wording changes.
The Characters
Here’s the current cast list as it stands. The question marks mean I don’t know if that person I picked really fits at all, but it also means I don’t know who would be in that role at all.
Ariel = Spitfire Flounder = ? Sebastian = Dive-Clops? Scuttle = Smash Hit? Prince Eric (Y) = ? King Triton (X) = ? Ursula = Nightfall
Spitfire would be a flame spirit prince who lives beneath the surface in a massive volcanic kingdom. This is to keep his “no legs, merman tail” thing; now he has a reason to swim everywhere and also explains why as a flame spirit, he can’t simply fly upwards (and on that note, he doesn’t have his wings either, or his technical enhancements; he is pure fire and rock-body). He is stuck underground, but sneaks above onto the surface to explore and collect things that fall from the sky, birdwatch etc. He’d go to the witch and that’s where he’d get his wings and tech enhancement, but of course, he’d give up his voice and have the “get a kiss before 3 days is up” condition.
Now, here’s where it gets tricky for me. On the one hand, I could make Stormblade the Eric of the story (so she would be the Y character) and it would work perfectly fine. But on the other hand, I’ve also got another role for her, an expanded-upon version of Flounder’s role as detailed above and that also works perfectly. Both options for her work out really well because her canon relationship with Spitfire makes her ideal for both positions (as detailed in the plot section). I’m torn about what to do with her because if not her, I don’t know who would be the Eric role. It could be a man or a woman, but I’ve got no clue who I’d pick. I know who I wouldn’t want, but the elimination game hasn’t been super helpful.
The easiest role to choose however is definitely Nightfall as Ursula. She’s a Dreadwalker, she’s got the spooky colors, she’s menacing-looking, she has the tentacled hair and she absolutely would kill it singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls”. And while she’s not evil in personality, her personality would make her a more believable Ursula in comparison to say, Splat. Nightfall being of the Dark element also helps; she’s opposite to bright fire and daylight.
The roles of Sebastian and Scuttle were also OK to come up with, but I’m not too sure about them all. I went with Smash Hit for Scuttle because he’s a rather weird fellow, so he fits with Scuttle’s rather strange self. Dive-Clops is Sebastian solely because he’s the smallest of the cast (I’m talking about him suitless, mind you) and I thought it would be hilarious to put him in a crab costume, or something like that. However, neither of them are Fire or Air elementals, so in the context of the story, it doesn’t make all that much sense.
The role of King Triton is completely up in the air. I have no idea who could, would or should be in his role in the slightest. I know it should probably be a Fire elemental, I just don’t know who. The role of Eric is also unknown for reasons detailed in Stormblade’s entry above. I don’t have a set person at all; the closest I got to someone who wasn’t Stormblade is Ka-Boom and that was for a joke where Ka-Boom auditions and Spitfire struggles to drag him places, and also gets crushed underneath him because of size differences (to me, Ka-Boom look bigger than pretty much every Skylander by a large margin). It was not a serious consideration at all, full disclosure. I don’t have a serious consideration for Eric except for maybe Stormblade as discussed above.
The Music
I’m weak and I always make playlists and this joke is no exception. Obvious edits where necessary are obvious.
Fathoms Below: Opening song.
Part of Your World: Sung by Spitfire (maybe Stormblade too, depends on her role).
Under the Sea: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian.
Part of Your World (Reprise): Sung by Spitfire and no one else.
Poor Unfortunate Souls: Sung by Nightfall.
Kiss the Girl: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian or by Stormblade, depending on her role.
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