#well no wonder he loved whiskey-based incentives
clove-pinks · 6 months
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I'm so obsessed with Fort Meigs, and I wonder how many of my mutuals know how it's pronounced.
It's "Meggs" (written phonetically), rhymes with legs. That's how (most) War of 1812 historians and enthusiasts say it, and that's how the locals pronounce it. I remember one video from a Kentucky historical society pronounced it like "Miggs," but maybe that's the Kentucky accent.
Head Quarters Camp Meigs April 22nd 1813
Genl Orders
The Guards will in future when relieved be conducted to the outside of the Camp and under the direction of the Officer of the day will discharge the loads in their Guns at a Mark— The best shot will receive a quart of whiskey the second best a pint upon the Order of the Officer of the day—
— Orderly Book of Cushing's Company, Fort Meigs (Ed. by Harlow Lindsey, The Ohio Historical Society)
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cagestark · 4 years
Hey Cagey, I hope life is treating you well. Tomorrow's my birthday so I was wondering if I could get a teeny tiny FIC of WinterIron? Anything smutty would make my heart whole. If not that's okay too, just hope your doing well. Sending all my love ❤️
Happy birthday ;)
About this: winteriron. Professor!Bucky, student!Tony. Blackmail. Rough oral sex. 
Bucky shifts the stack of files in his arms, using one hip to jolt open his office door and one elbow to reach the lightswitch. It’s years of well-honed instincts that keep him from dropping the papers at the sight of the figure slouched in the chair in front of his desk. A familiar figure, who turns to give him a familiar smirk at the sight of Bucky in the doorway. 
“Mister Stark,” Bucky says flatly. “Office hours have ended.”
“Did they?” Tony asks, sitting up. He glances down to the Rolex on his wrist. “Well. You know, it’s hard to see one’s watch in the dark.” 
“Something that could have easily been fixed by turning on the light. I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Mister Stark. If you have questions over today’s material, you can send me an email.” 
“Aren’t you going to come in?” Tony asks, eyes glittering. He must know the sight he makes to Bucky, his dress shirt open at the collar, hair rumpled, mouth full and red. Tony Stark knows how attractive he is. Worse, he knows how attractive Bucky finds him and has been leveraging it against him ever since. “After all,” Tony continues. “This is your office.” 
“Leave, Stark,” says Bucky. Before I do something I’ll regret, he thinks. 
“I’ll be quick,” Tony promises, dark eyes growing wide and guileless at Bucky’s stern tone. “I just wanted an upcoming event that I couldn’t find on the course schedule.” 
Sighing, Bucky gives one last glance to the empty hallway. This is most assuredly a trap, but Tony has always had a way of finding the cracks in Bucky’s armor, of wedging himself in like the head of a crowbar and leveraging himself until Bucky feels on the verge of shattering. He steps in against his better judgement, sitting the stack of files on the nearest cabinet. The door falls shut—where the hell is the stopper that will prop it open? Gone from its usual spot. Stolen, Bucky suspects. 
“Be quick, Stark,” Bucky snaps. 
“Got a hot date tonight, Professor?” Tony asks. 
Bucky sits down heavily in the chair on the other side of his desk—better to keep that between them, a silent reminder of their statuses and the separation that must be maintained. The look he gives Tony must be scathing and unimpressed judging by the grimace the younger man gives him. Still got it, Bucky thinks to himself. “Which event isn’t on the schedule?” 
“Your impending termination of employment.” 
It is silent enough to hear a pin drop. 
“Is that so?” Bucky responds cooly. “Then I see where the mistake was made, because I’ve been given no notice of dismissal from the board.” 
Tony smiles, leaning back in his chair. Cocky, he puts one expensive loafer up on Bucky’s desk and then the other. “I haven’t filed my grievance yet. You know how they sent out the teacher assessment forms to select students? Well imagine my delight when the board wanted me to assess your class. To assess you. I haven’t decided what I’m going to say yet. Did you corner me after class and hit on me? Were we in your office when you came on to me, propositioned me, said you’d give me a glowing recommendation if I’d only get on my knees and suck your cock? The options are endless. I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic and honestly, I’m eager to put it to use—” 
Bucky is nearly stunned. “I never would have thought that you’d sink so low, Stark.”
“Honest mistake. Next time, don’t underestimate me,” Tony says brightly.
“Why?” Bucky says through his clenched teeth. “Why would you lie to them and have my job, my certificate taken away? Because I won’t keep turning you down? Because I won’t fuck you? Are you really so desperate?” 
“Yes,” Tony says easily, sitting up and letting his feet fall back to the floor. He leans in closer than Bucky would like, close enough for him to see the darker brown ring around the whiskey of his irises. “I’m desperate. And I know you’re desperate. You fucking want me. I’m just trying to give you the incentive you need to take me. I’ll give you glowing marks all down the line. I’ll never say a word against you. Just give in already.” 
“You’re fucking despicable,” Bucky says. He slides the chair back from the desk, putting space between them that does nothing to abate the fury in Bucky’s blood nor the heat pooling in his gut. It takes several deep breaths for him to keep his temper, for him to turn his eyes to Tony and find the young, relentless student watching him, smug. “Well?” Bucky snaps. “You want me so bad? You’re so desperate for it? Get on your knees.” 
Tony’s eyes widen fractionally, any last shred of doubt in him that this would work brushed away in the face of Bucky’s rough words. He scrambles down onto his knees, crawling around the desk and into the space between Bucky’s thighs. Bucky looks down at him, face twisted with malice. But his shame is obvious, tenting at his dress slacks. 
“I have places to be,” Bucky says cruelly. “Open your mouth and put it to use for once in your fucking life.”
Thin, capable fingers nimbly unbuckle Bucky’s belt, too eager to do anything but press either end aside and reach for the button and zipper. His fingers brush against Bucky’s cock, pleasurable zaps of electricity that have him taking in deep, slow breaths to try and maintain his control. He looks up towards the ceiling begging forgiveness from whatever cruel deity put Tony Stark in his path. Can’t believe I’m doing this, he thinks to himself. 
Then Tony is pulling Bucky’s stiff cock from his boxers. Bucky keeps his eyes on the younger man’s face, watching as Tony assesses him with clever eyes: the flushed head, the thick shaft, the neatly trimmed pubic hair at the base. Reaching out, Bucky threads his fingers into Tony’s unmanageable hair and tugs hard. “I hope this isn’t the first cock you’ve sucked,” he says. “Because I’m not going to go easy on you.” 
“I don’t want you to,” Tony says, eyes half-lidded. “Use me, Professor. God knows you fucking need to get laid.” 
“Open your mouth,” Bucky hisses through his teeth. For once, Tony does as ordered, and Bucky slips past those wicked lips into liquid heat that burns his cock in the best way. A sound is torn from deep in his chest against his will, and when Tony’s eyes flash up at him victoriously, Bucky pulls the head of dark hair down just to fuck the expression clean off. Tony’s mouth is good for more than just snark and flirtation, Bucky learns. He keeps his lips closed tight to create a seal that only increases the pressure around his cock when Bucky pulls Tony’s head back. His tongue works to caress the shaft, but the finesse is lost in the brutality of Bucky’s thrusts, fucking up into Tony’s mouth with a vigor that has tears welling up in those dark eyes. The sounds are obscene, wet gags and stifled, choking coughs, the likes of which squeeze Bucky’s cockhead in a way that has his teeth clenching tight. 
One of Tony’s hands slaps at Bucky’s thigh. 
Bucky draws back for a moment to slap his cock lightly against Tony’s cheek, watching with dark pleasure as he gasps for air. 
“Don’t you fight me now, kid,” Bucky says, hooking a thumb over Tony’s bottom teeth to pull him back in. “You wanted this, you’re going to take it.” 
Tony’s eyes roll, a groan vibrating around Bucky’s cock. The mouth around him relaxes further, throat opening to let Bucky in a fraction deeper, the expression on Tony’s face a cross of bliss and agony. When he glances down, Bucky sees that Tony’s hips are aimlessly thrusting against nothing but air, cock hard and untouched. The sight sends the simmer in his stomach boiling, his balls drawing up, desperate for a release that (Tony is right) has been a long time in coming. 
“I’m going to cum and you’re going to swallow every last fucking drop, do you hear me, Stark? You get a single drop on my suit and you’re going to be licking it up.” A weak vibration around his cock is the only answer, Tony’s eyes fluttering as Bucky gives a few last brutal thrusts, pulling back just far enough to cum in Tony’s mouth instead of down his throat. It’s the hardest he’s cum since he was just a teenager, body seizing up tight as his cock shoots its spend. The sound that comes from him is almost unrecognizable, something primal and so, so satisfied. Tony latches his lips around the head, sucking him clean, swallowing in hefty gulps. 
Tony finally sits back on his heels. His hair is even more a mess, his mouth red and swollen from the fucking he was given, his eyes heavy-lidded. One of his hands reaches down between his own legs, gripping the impression of his cock and squeezing tightly. 
“Hands off,” Bucky snaps. 
“Professor,” Tony groans, voice wrecked. “Please let me cum. Please.” 
Bucky straightens a leg, guides it between Tony’s until his shin brushes Tony’s hardon. “Don’t ever say I didn’t do anything for you, kid. Rub off on me. Thrust your hips—there you go. Good boy. That’s how you take orders, Stark. That’s how you follow instructions. Where’s this obedience any other time? Jesus, are you about to cum already? What a hair trigger.” 
Tony cums with a stifled shout, back arching obscenely so that he can drag his twitching cock against the firmness of Bucky’s leg, entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. Bucky’s own cock gives a twitch. Jesus, but he’s wanted the kid. In all his years teaching at the university, and he’s never given in to any attraction to his students. Until today. 
Standing abruptly, Bucky leaves Tony shuddering on the floor while he comes down. He stalks to the file cabinet by the door and sifts through the files, searching, searching, until at last he plucks one free and opens it. 
Bucky clears his throat. “Tony Stark, student-teacher assessment for Professor J. Barnes, submitted this afternoon at a quarter past twelve. Five stars in all categories. I especially liked your note at the end: Mr. Barnes demonstrates an obvious mastery of his subject and an empathetic investment in his students. He obviously wants each of us to succeed, and does whatever he can to see it come to fruition. He is an asset to the university. Very eloquent, Tony.” 
The younger man gapes up at him. “You, you knew I was bluffing? They aren’t supposed to give you those with our student information on them,” Tony croaks.
“Good thing they did, or I might have been anxious. Next time you try to blackmail me, don’t be a fucking idiot about it. Now get up, clean yourself up, and get the hell out of my office.”
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deadlockedfanstory · 7 years
Deadlocked Pt 2: Comfort Chain
[Two Weeks Earlier]
Gabriel Reyes had just finished shaving his face, it had been a while since he had been without his goatee.  It had certainly taken at least ten years off his appearance and he didn’t appreciate it too much.  His brown eyes stared at the mirror for a moment long before he went back out into his small room.  He was glad he was able to have his own space given his position, he didn’t need much more than this.  Besides it’s not like he spent a lot of time here anyway.
His bag was already packed with the few things he would actually need on this mission.  He was to infiltrate the Deadlock gang in order for them to bring them down entirely.  Reyes knew he was the man for the job and volunteered for it immediately.  He put on his hoodie and sat on the edge of his bed, he wasn’t nervous about the mission though.  The man didn’t want to be away this time around, things had changed since the last time he had gone undercover like this.
That was when a knock came on his door, Reyes had been slightly expecting it but not quite this close to his leaving.  He sat there silently, just watching the door.
“Reyes, can I come in?”
“You’re not a vampire, Morrison, you don’t need permission.”  Gabriel said, he watched as the blonde haired man entered the room and closed the door behind him.  “What do you want, Jack?”
“Just to touch base and go over last minute details before you leave.”  Jack said, his blue orbs watched as Gabriel got up from the bed  and sauntered over to the Commander.
“No need to be so formal, boy scout.  We’re behind closed doors.”  There was that mischievous smile on Gabe’s face that Jack had a bit of a weakness for.
“Hey without your goatee you look like a boy scout too.”  Jack said with a small grin on his face
The Latino man shrugged, “It’ll grow back.”
There was a pause for a moment between them, they had been working together for so long, Jack was still getting used to this thing between them.
“Why are you staring at me like that?  Don’t tell me you’re worried.”  Gabriel growled a little.  “Nothing has changed, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re right, I will miss you though, Gabe.”  Jack said as the gap closed between them, their bodies only a hair apart from each other.
“Nothing has changed.”  He said with a smile  as his hand cupped Jack’s face and pulled him in for a kiss, his tongue flicked out and touched Jack’s lips.
The blonde man opened his mouth and allowed the kiss to deepen.  A small gasp came from his lips as Gabe pressed him against the wall.  Reyes’ tongue pressed the attack and then tangled with Jack’s.  Gabe took in the sweet taste of his lover’s mouth, he pressed his hips against Jack’s.  It had been too long since they had the chance to have sex and it would be even longer after today.  Gabriel’s hands found the bottom of Morrison’s shirt and pulled it over the blonde man’s head.  The Latino man’s hands traced over the toned muscles of the man in front of him, his lips moved down to his neck and started to blaze a trail down his chest.  He was going to enjoy every single moment of this, Gabe wanted a good memory to take with him on those extra lonely nights.
Reyes’ fingers had just started to unbuckle Jack’s pants when a pounding on the door came.  “Your transport is ready Reyes, leaving in ten minutes.”  A stern voice came through the door and boots echoed through the hall as the person who interrupted them walked away unaware of what they had done.
Gabe got that grin on his face once more as he continued to unbuckle Morrison’s pants, “We can do it in five.”
Much to his surprise Jack shook his head and stopped Reyes.  He had felt how hard Jack was, and he knew that they both needed this before Gabriel left, he just wish Jack had been able to get away sooner to do this though. “We’ll have something to look forward when you get back.  Maybe extra incentive for you to finish the job quick.”
“You’re a goddamn tease, you know that Morrison.”  Reyes grumbled as he watched Jack put his shirt back on.
Reyes sat in the hotel room he was now sharing with that snot nosed brat that was supposed to get him integrated into the gang.  Though here was Mateo Rodriguez, he had no problem adjusting to the name change but taking orders from Jesse McCree had been something he hadn’t  taken kindly too.  The young man had at least helped him get his own motorcycle so he wouldn’t have to ride on the back of McCree’s bike.  It was a older black motorcycle, it wasn’t the greatest but it certainly ran well enough.
Jesse was currently sitting at the small table cleaning the six shooter pistol that he carried with him.  That was something that Reyes noticed that while Jesse didn’t have many possessions what he did have he took great pride in.  He quietly put the gun back together and grinned to himself before he holstered it back on his hip.
Reyes had his two shot guns that he had already cleaned that morning, his eyes narrowed a little at the young man before he moved to his bed.  “So tell me, you said we had something planned for tomorrow, what exactly is it we’re doing?”
“Pretty basic house keeping stuff, collecting money and selling some basic weapons like handguns.  After that I plan gettin’ me a bottle of whiskey, maybe findin’ a lady to share it with, then sleep.  Pretty simple day.  Might hustle some pool while I’m lookin’ for a lady, they love a man who can find the pocket.”  Jesse said with a grin on his face.  “You just need to be there for the first two things, everything else is my own personal plan.  ‘Sides I have feeling you’d just get in the way for the second half.  Your old ass will scare away all the pretty women.”
Mateo snorted, “No, I think you��re afraid I’ll steal any girl you set your eyes on.”
Jesse laughed, “Fine!  You can come with, but don’t be mad when I prove you wrong.  Let’s make a wager out of it, if you win you’ll get my respect and I might even teach ya a few of my secrets.  If I win, which I will, you sleep outside for the week and I get the room to have my fun with that lucky lady.  How’s that sound, deal?”
Reyes couldn’t help but laugh at the bet, “Sure thing.”
The pair shook on it and resumed what they had been doing to unwind before sleep that night.  Gabe’s thoughts couldn’t help but wonder to Jack and how he was doing at Overwatch.
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