#well my first dnd character was also a purple tiefling. so of course
gayestcowboy · 3 months
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new ref sheet for an old dnd character!!
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
Morri's DnD Characters:
So, @novac2281 expressed an interest in hearing more about my dnd characters, and here we are!
First off, I have a Notion database for all my characters and concepts. It looks like this:
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The columns have data on the name, pronouns, race, and class of the characters, as well as showing which campaign (if any) they are from, and how well-developed they are.
Inside is a whole page of information regarding the characters, which is super useful and also fun to make. I have a template that I use for every character. I'm only going to be showing the top portion for each character here, but you get the idea, more or less.
Now, let's jump into the actual characters...
Fully Developed Characters:
First up we have Laverna. She's a tiefling rogue (thief subclass) and was the first dnd character I ever came up with. I've been holding on to her character idea for almost 2 years now, though her background and concept has changed a bit since then. (I actually came up with their concept for a simblr thing about 2 years ago!)
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They were the child of a wealthy merchant family, none of whom were tieflings. (Pesky hellish heritage popping up at random times in the bloodline...) Their family treated her like shit, and they ended up breaking ties and changing her name when she left. Now she's a successful thief who steals from merchants and nobles in her home city. Also, she's a stabby rogue, not a shooty one. (All rogues are either shooty or stabby. It's just a fact.)
Next we have Zenara, who goes almost exclusively by Zen. They're a (purple) tiefling warlock (The Fiend subclass, Pact of the Chain).
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They are a direct result of the early phases of my Critical Role hyperfixation. If you're familiar with CR, especially Campaign 2, then you might be able to figure out the weird mix of character personalities, backstories, and appearances that resulted in Zen. However, there's also a healthy amount of my own nonsense in the mix. As for backstory, Zen grew up in a small town named Hunter's Crossing with their parents and no other siblings. When they were about 17, raiders came and attacked their village. Everyone was either killed or captured, and Zen should have suffered the same fate. Except that they didn't. They dreamed of a terrifying fiery entity who told them that as long as they were useful they wouldn't die yet. They woke up with powers they didn't understand and the fear of their patron taking control of their body for its own uses. Bonus fact, since they're a Pact of the Chain warlock, they get to have a familiar, and that familiar can be an imp. So, they have an imp familiar who just showed up. But of course that would attract a lot of attention, so the familiar is always polymorphed into a raven, with red eyes, of course. The raven/imp is yet unnamed, and I need to come up with one soon, ideally before our next session.
Now we have Alarion, who I actually just totally retrofitted his character. He was originally supposed to be a sorcerer, but I realized that that didn't really fit his character (plus I have another sorcerer concept), so now he's a half-drow ranger (gloomstalker).
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He was found, abandoned in the wood, by his adoptive parent who is a druid who lives in the woods a few miles from a village at the base of the mountains. In those mountains is a passage to the Underdark, and sometimes creatures from there escape into the forests around the mountains. Alarion is the one who hunts them down and either kills them or returns them to the underdark. Being half-drow, he gets weird looks from the villagers, but they at least respect his involvement in keeping the village safe. He has a horse who he's very close with, and he never goes anywhere without his longbow, a dagger in his belt, and his trusty cloak. Fun Fact: I'm shocked I didn't have a ranger character until earlier this week when I changed his class and background, seeing as I was completely obsessed with the Ranger's Apprentice series as a kid. In fact, I still have all 12 books on my bookshelf at home.
Next up we have Avra. She's a Shadar-Kai rogue (assassin subclass). They aren't currently part of a campaign, but I did get to use her for a oneshot where she was at level 12! She kicked ass with a rapier of wounding. (while she is a stabby rogue, she does have a hand crossbow to use if needed...)
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Avra used to be a member of an assassin's guild, where she served for 10 years. However, recently one of her missions went wrong, and she was captured and killed. Yes, killed. She woke up in the middle of the woods, half-buried. Since then she's been on a search for answers regarding her return to "life", as well as a potential betrayal by a member of the guild she belonged to at the time.
Next up (and the last of my strongly developed characters) we have Asra. They are a human fighter (champion subclass) who I used in a short-lived campaign at my university.
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Asra was an orphan who grew up in a city near the coast. Upon turning 18, she moved to the kingdom's capital in search of new opportunities. Once there she was recruited to be essentially a bodyguard for a secretive organization. She was kept in the dark about the group's motivations and goals, so she did not know that the group was a cult to the god of war and tyranny, who were trying to provoke war between two kingdoms. She had a girlfriend who was also a member of the "army". At one point the cult decided to attack some important buildings, but failed. Asra's girlfriend was killed, and most of the cultists were captured. They fled across the ocean to another country and another city, where they have been pit fighting, taking some of the betting pool as winnings.
My favorite character to date is named Rook, and is a half-elven Swashbuckler Rouge. (I'm currently playing him in a campaign, and he is my Most Blorbo Of All Time at the moment. As you can maybe tell by all the edits I've done of him.)
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He's the bastard son of a nobleman who ran away from his shitty father. He joined the crew of a pirate ship and excelled at it. He was named first mate at the age of 22, which made a lot of the older crewmembers jealous, so they plotted against Rook, drugged him and sold him to another pirate captain (who, unbeknownst to Rook has beef with his former captain, Zara...) who kept Rook as a prisoner for 2 years, torturing him until he escaped, setting the ship on fire in the process. Needless to say the captain, Kora Wolf, is not pleased. She vowed to hunt him down no matter what. He'd been hiding out in the Feywild, doing mercenary work until he met the party. He's an excellent duelist and exceptionally skilled with a rapier. He uses self-confidence as a shield to protect his very traumatized heart. He's impulsive and reckless to the point of self-destruction, and he would do literally anything for anyone who shows him the slightest kindness. He's currently really going through it in-game, both physically and mentally. From two deaths in 3 days to a demon's lord curse to sudden reveals about his former captain, he's been having a rough time. But of course that's what makes it fun...
My other currently active character is a fire genasi path of the storm herald barbarian / champion fighter multiclass. (We're doing Gestalt leveling, so we'll get to 20 in both classes.) Their name is Cyra, and she's a lot of fun.
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She grew up in a Mad Max-style warband-cult after being captured during a raid on her village when she was a child. They were raised to be a soldier for the group, and they were very good at it. As a teen and young adult, she entered a relationship with the cult leader's daughter, a young woman named Talia. As Cyra grew disillusioned with the Brotherhood, they dreamed of leaving, and bringing Talia with them. But after witnessing proof that Talia would never leave the cult, Cyra stole a sand skiff fled, ending up on the dwarven continent of Terramor, where she met the party. However, she still has complicated feelings for Talia, which is something they will have to face when the party makes it to their home continent of Pyrothos. Especially now that Talia might just be the leader of the Brotherhood. Perhaps unusually for a barbarian, Cyra fights with a solid metal quarterstaff that she is able to summon from her chest. She has no idea the staff's true origins as it randomly showed up in her possession shortly after leaving the Brotherhood, but recently discovered that it was made using an Elemental Fragment, and might play a key role in preventing another explosion of the elemental nexus.
My next developed character isn't actually a DnD character, but rather a character for an eventual Pathfinder game that is who-knows-how-far-off. Her name is Morana Novak, and she's a fetchling witch.
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She's an orphan and was kicked out of her home city as a teen after she was caught experimenting on corpses she dug up from the cemetery. After that she was apprenticed to a necromancer who was hell-bent on turning himself into a lich. Her familiar is a raven named Miro, who she rescued from being chased by a cat. Morana's naturally chilly demeanor, as well as her bluntness and lack of empathy often cause people to find her unsettling. Morana doesn't mind this in the slightest, as she'd much rather be left to her own devices in her cottage than have to deal with people. She's no stranger to gore, and is more comfortable around corpses than the living most of the time. (Fun Fact, her first name is the name of a slavic goddess of death and winter, and her surname is one that was traditionally given to people who were new in town, making Morana my only character with a name that actually has character-relevant meaning. She's also going to be a lot of fun for me to play and explore because as an autistic person with essentially zero empathy who has to mask that a lot, I'm thrilled to get to play a character who can just say the weird things that pop into her mind, no matter the consequences.)
My last developed character is Aspen Vale. They're a half-elven (wood elf) college of glamour bard / archfey warlock.
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They wandered out of the woods near a small town about a year ago, with no memories. All they had with them were their clothes and a well-made pan flute. They named themself after the first thing they saw, an aspen tree. Though they remember nothing of their life before or during the woods, they have a talent for glamour and illusions, and the songs they know are haunting and utterly alien to the human ear. People are often disturbed by their unnaturally bright green eyes and "eerie" presence. They have the Feylost background, and unbeknownst to them, they were Pied-Piper'd into the Feywild as a child. They were there for years, and at some point while inside they met their warlock patron. But upon leaving the Feywild, they lost all their memories of their life up until that point, and have no idea that they even are a warlock. Their pact is Pact of the Talisman, and the "broken" compass they wear around their neck serves as their talisman. They follow the compass, which is influenced by their patron from afar. They also have a small woodland creature that travels with them that is actually a fey, and the patron uses it to spy on them. Also, they're autistic. <3
Semi-developed Characters:
I also have an aasimar (scourge) oath of vengeance paladin named Asola Riava Ashmark (or Sola for short). I used her in a campaign that was cut short for various reasons.
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I never really got super in-depth developing her, but she didn't know that she was an Aasimar, and her powers only showed up when she really lost control of her emotions, which had only happened once to date when the campaign started. It happened again in the campaign, and she got force-shut-down by a god.
The next character is Elira, also known as Ellie. She's a high elf abjuration wizard.
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She's rather naive, but incredibly smart and very academically talented. She's used to being the best and definitely going through some Gifted Kid Burnout. Also way too pure for this world and when she finally has to kill someone, she's going to have a very rough time. Oh, and she's autistic and has a grey cat familiar.
My next semi-developed character is Commander Saber, who goes by Sabe. He's a warforged fighter (battle master subclass).
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Sabe was made for the military, made for battle. But following his "escape" from the military with the assistance of his friend, a humanoid artificer, Sabe found himself without purpose. So now he's trying to find one. One that is entirely his own, not that of higher powers. He's tired of being a piece on the game board.
That's all the fully developed characters but I also have the following ideas:
a tiefling bard (college of swords) with the charlatan background named Havoc. (They're the red tiefling from my "creatures of legend" post.) (ended up getting turned into a bg3 character.)
a fire-based sorcerer named Orion. (maybe a custom subclass?? idk for sure)
a cleric to a death god who has zero issues with killing bad guys (or anyone, really) because "either I kill them now or they die of natural causes in 10 years. either way my god is happy."
a black Tabaxi monk (shadow subclass)
an older dwarven artificer armorer
a changeling thief rogue
a changeling lunar sorceress
an elven fey wanderer ranger
a shifter (lycanthrope-ish) moon cleric/stars druid bc I thought it would be funny to have a werewolf character who worships a moon goddess
If you made it this far, congrats! I love you!! Thanks for reading all about my silly little guys. I hope you found this at least somewhat interesting!!
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
me? make a really long write up summarizing our dnd game tonight? yes. under the cut because this is long but writing it out now will help me make sense of my notes for next week :)
ok for those of you who didn’t read my last long rambling post about my new paladin, her name is beatrice (bee) and she’s a vengeance paladin without a god and with a burning rage in her heart that will not die anyway anyway we just finished playing
we were down in The Tunnels, we (bee and roswell, purple half-orc fighter, my bro, later this game found out he’s big into honey in his tea) met up with jaquey (hot pink tiefling swashbuckler, later this game found out she’s an amnesiac) and eventually found all the missing people from the town
we were making our way towards a source of dim light when!!! a monster!! made of the bodies of people who lived at the creepy estate (who we recognized because we’d seen a big family portrait, the daughter said they were just “away visiting relatives” ok..... so that was a fucking lie) found us. very scary. you know what was scarier? the way it was immune to non-magical attacks and we had my two smites between all three of us to do any damage. i was able to use my fighting style (protection) to make sure roswell didn’t take a hit, but i was subsequently hit with one blow for 14 of my 29 total hp. big ouch.
so then we started running, jaquey first bc of her initiative (this will have Narrative Weight later) and fast bc she’s a rogue, roswell but he took a disengage action so only got 30 feet, and me who decided to dash. lucky for me opportunity attack missed bc i was at 15.
tried to stop it w/ abjure enemy, that did not work, so it was right on our heels. caught up with roswell first and my dm rolled a 19 on the first attack and a nat20 on the second... oh my god and he was 30 feet back so we couldn’t do anything. so roswell went down. important to note that none of us remembered relentless endurance exists so he was like, dying. failed his death save too because it was his turn next and he got a 7 including bless... roswell!!!
i’m 30 feet away doing a mental calculus because i will die if i go back there but my character would not abandon her friend when i got a healing word from the very exhausted low-level cleric that was with the missing people. so then i’m at 19 hp and i’m like well i am going back. so my plan is 1) get over there 2) get him back up 3) i guess get us back to the group? at this point jaquey’s figured out that the light was coming from a trapdoor in the ceiling and has started shooting at it with her pistol so we’re all kinda like “yeah, we need to get out”
step one accomplished easily, step two i give him 1 point from my healing pool because we’re gonna need my last seven. then we can’t do shit. but it was big code blue, bzzt, heartbeat again stuff. really cool :)
step three was a Problem, because then the monster punched me so hard in the head i did get knocked out right away. RIP bee. so roswell comes awake just in time to see me get just rekt and the attack on him misses. then he picks bee up and starts running both of us back to the group, where the cleric does a little cure wounds and brings me to 8
anyway jaquey gets out first, then bee makes it out and we all do strength checks to help get the npcs out before the monster definitely kills us all. everybody gets out but roswell. he’s down there with 1 hp. he’s gonna go down. the first attack misses but the second one hits and we’re all like no!!!!! but then he remembered relentless endurance!!! and it kicked in and i rolled a 22 strength to help him get up :) that’s my friend!!!
we get upstairs in a combo blood sacrifice/storage room and make some rice (tragically unseasoned but better than the raw rat the missing people had been having) and do a nice short rest, then we burst upstairs to get a surprise round on the daughter and just absolutely slice and dice this wizard lady. but after the surprise jaquey wanted some answers (this is when we find out she has no memory) and bee is like “if you do anything. look at me wizard. if you do anything i will kill u” and then of course the wizard escaped :( so bee was like wtf this sucks and left the room to brood
bee burns the portrait of the family, finds a scary painting behind it on the wood paneling and takes her sword to the wall then burns that too, she’s having a Day. we didn’t kill the monster and we didn’t kill the monster, it feels like a hollow (important!! that we saved those people!!) victory to her. also very temporary. then we had this great rp drinking tea roswell found in the kitchen where jaquey came downstairs like “so what are we doing next? :)”
and then bee said some cool shit that wasn’t exactly this but it was like “in the few hours i’ve known you, you ran away from a fight that killed us both, climbed out of the tunnels without reaching back for anyone (this part wasn’t all the way true but none of it really was she was angry), and let the evil woman escape. Would you consider us friends?” and then they had a back and forth that was like “no, but we have a bond now” and discussed their views on justice and bee was like “listen. i know it’s not your fault cynthia could teleport. but next time-” “next time? next time! there’s a next time!” “-we don’t stop to question the kidnapping experimenting wizard” so now they are grudging acquaintances who are adventuring together and bee is like maybe two hours from remembering that she likes jacquey and thinks she’s cool and that it seems like the world has been pretty unfair to her 
basically it was everything i could want and discord mostly worked and now i spend like 20 min typing a post nobody asked for but the vibes were perfect :)
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