#well it's heavily HEAVILY implied anyway XD
allmightskitten · 2 months
From the abandoned WIP graveyard:
One Piece Zombie Apocalypse AU : the Donquixote Brothers' Segment
Rating: M
Tags: Donquixote Brothers being Weird, post-apocalyptic setting, no Devil Fruits
Possible TWs: depictions of hunting wild animals, some gore, talk of body image
An uninfected rabbit was a rare prize.
Doflamingo had the unfortunate animal in a fresh empty garbage bag as he made his way through the wreckage of the city, boldly walking in the middle of the road framed by rubble, rodents and corpses. As long as his catch was sealed away safely from this air in general– one couldn't be too careful– he feared nothing, not even the possibility of running into a zombie or two in his exhausted state.
During the day the infected would move sluggishly, dangerous creatures with no predatory skill, and he found them easy enough to kill so long as they didn't turn up in droves. They rarely bunched all together when the sun was high in the sky, as it had been when he'd set out, leaving his dear Rosi behind to find them something to eat. But with night time approaching now, he had to be a little careful.
Sometimes Doflamingo wondered what Rosinante would do if he turned. His baby brother couldn't survive in a place like this on his own. The thought made him giddy, gave him a derisive satisfaction that was rotten at its core, and for that reason he enjoyed the hunt.
He thought of Rosi safely tucked away back in their hideout waiting for him, depending on him and worrying for him, whenever he left to look for food or just to clean up the streets of roaming zombies just for fun. Doflamingo would not let Rosi turn, would never allow him in a situation where that could happen, but if his precious brother– his only surviving family, his beating heart– were to turn into one of those disgusting creatures with peeling green skin and rotting flesh, he thought he might offer himself up as first meal. Dead, of course, by his own hand. He would rather be nourishment for his dear brother than turn into a mindless corpse.
He didn't encounter any trouble on the road back.
The shelter was an abandoned complex of flats, one of few sites within the city still with access to running water. Six months into this situation with no hope of rescue from the outside world made him believe that stroke of luck wouldn't last much longer.
With the reward for his efforts slung over his shoulder in a bag, Doflamingo hummed as he unlocked the paranoid barrage of padlocks and chains keeping the door to their apartment more secure than it strictly needed to be. 
Nothing but the best security for his Rosi. The door was only locked like that when Doffy wasn't home to protect him. He deposited the bag in the kitchen, happy to eventually deliver the news that his precious brother was going to be well-fed tonight.
"Corazón, I'm home!"
There was no response from their bedroom, but the door was closed in place and the apartment showed no signs of anything amiss, so he wasn't worried. Rosi probably hadn't heard him or was alseep– Doflamingo grinned, a quiet thrill rattling his bones at the prospect of joining Rosi in bed, sliding under the covers next to him as if he had never left that morning. 
He got out of his day clothes on the way to the room, because it was filthy to sleep in bloodied clothes worn out for the hunt or that the infected had touched, grabbing a pair of sweatpants that could've belonged to either of them off the couch to put on before he carefully creaked the door open.
The room was dull with its curtains shut, through which the last few dying rays of the sun filtered into the room. The evening light spilled across the floor and the sheets, and the sleeping figure facing the window.
Doflamingo paused in the doorway.
Rosinante was snoring softly, his bare, scarred shoulders rising and falling with each inhale and exhale of breath. His messy blonde hair was splayed on the pillow, grown past his ears now with a fringe that obstructed his vision, almost golden in the filtered light. He looked about as angelic as any person could.
Doffy closed the door behind him, taking care not to make too much noise. When the mattress dipped under his weight and the covers shifted, Rosinante stirred but didn't wake up.
Doflamingo buried his face between his brother's shoulders, possessively tucking an arm around his belly. For a moment he just basked in the fact that Rosi was here– alive and safe, breathing next to him. 
But it was warm in the room and under the covers, and with Doflamingo plastered across the entire length of his back, Rosi couldn't comfortably remain sleeping. He woke up slowly, the back of his neck damp with sweat, almost immediately kicking the sheets off of his body to cool down. Doffy loosened his hold so Rosi could turn around blearily, blinking sleep-heavy eyes as he adjusted to the light.
"Hey," Doffy greeted him in a soft voice.
Rosinante blinked a few more times at him, like he was just regaining his bearings, before pushing at his chest with a palm to create some breathing room.
"I'm hot. You're not helping."
"You'll be cold again in no time." With the blankets now off and the winter air. "Rosi, I got us something good."
Despite his annoyance at being warm still– because Doflamingo didn't exactly give him a lot of space– Rosinante looked hopeful.
"More ammo?"
Doffy sighed. "No, not that. We're going to have to make do with knives and improvised weapons for a bit longer." 
Rosi's brows pinched together cutely, not liking the sound of that. He didn't like close-range fighting. Not because he was so disgusted by the rotting flesh of the infected or out of fear of being bitten, no; he didn't like how personal the necessary violence felt, how it felt like he was killing actual people when they were so close.
Doflamingo, on the contrary, infinitely preferred it.
He brushed some of Rosinante's overgrown locks out of his face, touching his cheek with his thumb, cupping his jaw.
"I got us fresh meat. There was actually an animal without any infection. I'll make you a nice dinner tonight."
"You should eat too," Rosi said, brown eyes staring into his own, seeing right through what he hadn't said. "Every time you find something good you give me the bigger portion. You do most of the work to keep us safe so you actually need it more than I do."
Doflamingo chuckled. "That's a nice thought, Rosi, but I don't need all that much. My health is fine. I'm more concerned with how skinny you're getting."
Rosinante sputtered. "I'm not."
"Yes, you are." Doflamingo removed the hand that was on his face to squeeze the flesh at his side, making Rosi's cheeks turn pink. "Even your adorable love handles have gone down. You looked so healthy before all this started."
Rosi smacked his hand away, embarrassed. 
"Why do you want me to be fat? Stop it."
"It's not that I want you to be fat..."
Rosi rolled his eyes.
"But you're so cute when you're chubby! It's nice to cuddle."
Rosinante had to push his wandering hands away for a second time, feeling way too self-conscious. "Find someone else to torment."
Doffy backed off with a chuckle, knowing when to stop teasing. He didn't understand why Rosi felt that way when everything he was telling him was a good thing. Rosinante had a body most people would be jealous of, he was sure; fit, tall and strong but not all sharp angles and hard edges like himself, because ever since they'd been reunited a few years ago after so many years forced apart by a cruel system, Doflamingo had always made sure Rosi would want for nothing. Before the outbreak of infection that ravaged their country and turned resources scarce, he had been well taken care of and looked it.
Rosi sat up in bed, patting around the dresser for the cigarettes he seemed to never run out of. If Doflamingo's eyes lingered a little too long on the soft folds of his belly that became visible only in this position, and a good while longer on his lips as he put the cigarette between them– Rosinante didn't call him out on it.
A/N; This is part of a bigger AU I had planned a while back, that I unfortunately don't think I will get to return to with the commitment I wanted for it any time soon. The AU was made for the Straw Hats, but there was meant to be a Donquixote bros + Law side story where really Rosi was just trying his best to make them get along and fight the zombies instead of each other XD I don't know if anyone would be interested in more of this– the main story or this side one– but let me know if you'd like me to write more short segments like this one!
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arkarti · 3 months
hiii, it's me, the "followed for Markiplier art" anon
i'm adding your William (only him specifically) to the "old men i like" along with Dark and Actor (it's canon? heavily implied? wkm happened around 1930 +/- 5 years?)
also, this gives me an idea. in case of Mark egos x fnaf crossover, Murdock ("A Murder with Markiplier" Mark, for anyone who doesn't know, it's a bit in ISWM) would either be rivals or besties with William, on the account of them both being serial killers
they are my special interest, i don't really talk about anything else. anyway, feel free to ignore me or something
hello there! ohh well thank you 😳 he has been added to the old man list XD
murdock my beloved 🙌 they do have a bunch of things in common!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 4
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She is part of a weird fucked up love triangle with two dudes. All three of them are honestly kind of terrible for each other but she gets shoved aside in favor of the two dudes in most fics and is not allowed to grow past the toxic relationships of her past. Also she’s a cis woman who dresses pretty masculinely (because she’s in a mercenary band) so she gets type casted as the mean lesbian friend, when she’s straight in canon
I've seen more than one Yaoi Shipper say that Casca should have died during this one big canon event as opposed to being assaulted by one of the people in the Yaoi Ship, which of course conveniently would remove her from the narrative and as an obstacle to said Yaoi Ship. Aside from that specifically, though, I think it's particularly cruel to imply that being killed is a better outcome than being a victim of SA, and is an example of the contempt fandom on the whole has for female characters who act traumatized - particularly when both male characters in the ship have similar trauma and its never implied they should have died rather than be assaulted.
She's an incredibly interesting character in her own right with really good dynamics and parallels to Griffith and Guts, and the way those three play off of each other is integral to the story, but most of what I've seen completely ignores her in favor of focusing on only Griffith and Guts
Elizabeth Midford
She started as just a cutie fiancée trying her best, turns out she's also a swordfighting genius, very under pressure to perform feminity in the Victorian Rose type of way. Fandom crucifies her bc she's Ciel's fiancée and they want him to be with his butler, Sebastian, the demon he sold his soul to for revenge
anime was a shitty canon divergent adaptation that butchered her character down to her "cutesy silly girly" persona, which obviously made the 2008 anime fans hate her with a passion (nothing wrong w being girly I'm just saying the adaptation made her super one dimensional) anyways fujoshis used to treat her as a villain because she's the fiance of Ciel,, who as u might know already was HEAVILY shipped with his butler, Sebastian back then (now it's kinda looked badly upon, nice tbh that ship sucks ass xD) She's a bit similar to Misa Amane from death note in the way she was treated. (Like an obstacle the yaoi ship must overcome rather than a person)
she's my silly little rabbit! i could gush about her character but i'll keep it short and just say that she's really well written and one of the best characters in the series. anyways she's ciel's fiance and she's like, rightfully annoying as any other 13 yr old girl would be but the fanbase fucking crucified her for even existing. she gets demonized for being 'annoying', but then ciel gets yaoishipped with an even more annoying guy. there is 100% an argument that lizzie/ciel is weird bc they're cousins (i personally don't ship it) but that falls flat when her detractors then ship the 13 yr old ciel with an eons old demon who Canonically looks like his father. the anime also never reached her main character development until years after its peak and that was only in a movie, so she really got the bad end of the stick here. not me though i had a giant crush on her when i was 12
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nyaboshi · 3 months
❤️‍🩹 Oh my gosh, that is 100% The World Ends With You. God used that game to shape my understanding of the world, I am so sure of it. That game truly helped me to come out of the shell I had locked myself into! There are so many morals in that game that just.. spoke so my to my 13-year-old self. It's the #1 reason why it will always and forever be my favorite game! I don't know if this counts toward a fandom in particular that helped me, but I'm saying it does.
😎 My favorite part is always the friends I make. I've made so many friends just because I've been part of a fandom, and I think that's beautiful. I met these people because we have one thing in common, but now I'm talking to some of them almost daily and consider them some of my closest friends!
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THESE TWO!! Neku Sakuraba and Shiki Misaki from The World Ends With You. These two– Oh GOSH these two. They have my heart, for real man. They're just so perfect for one another, and like– They both went through so much character development BECAUSE of each other, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT FORMING RELATIONSHIPS IS SUPPOSED TO DO! And I'm not just talking about romantic relationships! This game is so good because the main focus is about forming relationships with people so that you clash with them and ricochet to become a better person because of the relationships you formed and GRAAHHHHH
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Anyways– Neku and Shiki are a perfect example of this particular moral of the game because they build off of each other's personality traits and become SUCH better people! At the start of the game, Neku is – for lack of a better, family-friendly descriptor – a complete and total douchebag. He's super self centered and outright rude with how he treats other people. Wants nothing to do with them and just wants to shut them all out. But underneath it all, he's actually just a boy who's very much hurting from trauma (they imply that in the past he very abruptly lost his best friend and he hasn't gotten over it) and is using his walls as a defense mechanism. On the other hand, Shiki is super cheery and peppy (at first) and tends to bend over backwards for people. But when you get past all of that, she's an incredibly insecure girl who has almost zero confidence in herself. Put them together and what do you get? They hate each other. :D Or, to put it more accurately, their surface personalities hate each other. But once they start to get to know each other a little more, they realize, "Oh hey. They're actually not that bad..." Neku helps Shiki with her confidence via administering some tough love, and Shiki acts as the catalyst that pushes Neku to break down his walls and actually interact and bond with people for a change!
This post by @altorav (my favorite artist to scroll through for NeShiki brainrot, btw) pretty much sums it up. XD Although Neku and Shiki aren't technically canon, they are so heavily implied, man... They have so much chemistry, and there's literally a scene in the game where a guy mistakes them for lovers and they both FREAK. I love them so much.
A close second OTP would be Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa.
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But I'll save you from another long ramble about these two, because I have a lot to say about them as well. XD Just know that they are the epitome of Black Cat GF and Golden Retriever BF. :3 And they are also another couple that isn't directly stated to be canon, but is heavily implied AND IT PAINS ME TO NO END, GRAAAAHHHHHH
Thanks for the ask, May! <3
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luffyrose · 1 year
Hold for the Prince - DPxDC Fic to Be
As a quick note before this, I was asking my sister for help naming this prompt/fic and before I could even finish speaking she had gone;
With such confidence that I will now have to somehow get the name in this fic at some point XD
ANYWAY, onto the snippet of the fic I promised for today while I get back on track with my writing overall!
~~~ TW; Death, heavily implied gore, and all the fun stuff that comes with vivisecting a teenager! ~~~
It had been going so well.
Sitting nervously at the table, Danny’s hands tightened, hidden from his parent’s worried few. He opened his mouth, it dry and only a choked noise came out before he shut it with an audible click.
“Baby, I know we say you can tell us anything...and...I know we haven’t been the most, no, we haven’t been very present in a while now. Jazz helped us see that recently. I digress, but you don’t need to tell us anything hunny.”
He could almost laugh at the pure love he could hear in her voice. A part of him had been so close, so so close, to giving up on them. Then Jazz finally got through to the two. Finally, they paused in their obsessive work to look back toward them. The Fenton parents’ had finally turned back to look at their children. Those two little kids who’d gotten so much bigger, so much older, as they ran after ghosts. It had been a shock for them both to truly see their children so big and the entire week after they’d ignored multiple ghosts in turn of being there for them.
They’d even begun to listen.
Danny’s shaking eyes slowly rolled sideways, meeting the cold stare of his mothers.
It was just a few words. He could just say it. Just get it over with. Looking down at the hand that slowly gripped his own, he stared at the familiar nail polish of his sister. She’d promised to protect him, even if their parents didn’t agree. He didn’t want her to ever have to make that choice, but the words and gentle rub on his back had sent him to tears the night before.
Raising his hand slowly, shaky, he tried to reach outward. Tears burned his eyes, a horrible feeling of suffocating enveloping his throat as he-
“Dann-o, we’re here for you buddy! You tell us when you’re ready!”
Maddie nodded with a gentle file along with her husband. She’d never wanted to become like her own father, so enveloped in his work he never truly was her father, and maybe it stung just a bit to think that her kids probably felt at least some of what she’d known as a child.
“Just like the ghosts. It was...a lapse in judgment to believe they were all mindless, though I still believe those like the Wisconsin ghost are beyond evil with the idea that they do have true emotions. Truly, what insane-”
A cough from Jazz had their mother falling silent, a slightly sheepish smile on her face as she dropped it, instead looking back fully at Danny.
His hands shook. Even the gentle pressure of his sister’s hands in his didn’t prevent it.
“Do you, remember when I got the portal working?”
Jack tilted his head, a clear sign of confusion from their brilliant yet simple father. However, Maddie’s face paled. It had been a secret that he’d...died...but it was impossible to hide the symptoms it brought. Even if he could barely remember his mother sitting beside his bed with a gentle hand running through his head as the initial aftershocks wore off...
“I didn’t actually- I, um...”
The words just wouldn’t leave his throat, the choked feeling coming back tenfold from earlier. It seemed as though the meaning began to come across however, both of their parents were much more somber and worried as they glanced at one another. Looking quickly away, he could feel the temperature drop, the way his fingertips were coated with frost. Quickly letting go of Jazz’s hand, he clenched his hands together between his legs. Whether this went well or bad, he refused to let his lack of control over his own emotions harm his sister.
“It may have...um, killed me...”
Now the cold of the room wasn’t from his own ice, but the silence. His voice was weak, terrified sounding he knew, but he quickly fought the wavering of his voice and continued.
“The electricity and ectoplasm both killed me and saved me, and I was really really lucky to not just die or become a full ghost or-” his breath caught, stuttering as his panic took over “-I became what they call a Halfa, half human half ghost and then things just all happened and you all were-”
A hand landed on his shoulder, causing him to tense, closing his eyes tightly.
“Danny...I’m so so sorry.”
Snapping his eyes upward he found tears. Both his parents were crying. Shakily reaching up toward their face, his mom’s other hand gently took his own.
“We never- oh my god, Danny- we never even knew, never noticed...I’m so so sorry, how could you ever stay when-”
Her voice was wet with emotion, arms quickly wrapping around him, much larger ones joining quickly as well. All tension left him as he felt his own chest shake from a sob. Surprised at his own crying, he let his parents hug him, let their warmth, regret, and sorrow just envelop him. It was so much to feel it all at once, but everything felt so real. His fears were unfounded, his pain recognized...his anger rewarded. Danny felt almost wrong to find some joy in their sorrow, but it was easily overpowered by his own grief.
Things would get better.
-tried to reach for his mother. Her body slumped in a pool of her own blood. He couldn’t speak. Couldn’t cry...he couldn’t even scream.
Things had been going so well.
His parents had accepted him and had worked with him and the ghosts. They had listened and they had changed. For once he could relax. Yet things didn’t stay peaceful. The Observants nagged at him to come to the zone, to do what very few things he was required as the Prince of Ghosts. It was only a week in the zone. Just one.
He never would have left if he’d known what would have happened...never would have asked Jazz to come home a few days after he returned.
White hair stuck wet from his own blood, tears, and vomit to his own head. Eyes and arms still desperately aimed toward his mother, he didn’t dare to look toward her hand...toward the one laying loose within it. Danny couldn’t look at both of them, not when he was the reason they were now dead.
The GIW had learned of him.
It was the day he was planning to return, happily parting with the ghosts who’d agreed to leave the town alone for a few weeks so the family could mend. Stepping through the portal he’d been met with so many white suits he’d nearly missed his tied-up parents behind them all. Shaky eyes met his mother’s own.
“Danny run-!”
The words were lost on the boy as something struck him, electricity soaring through his feigns as a scream involuntarily left his throat.
He’d woken later to so much pain. The scientist were nothing like the agents. They didn’t fear getting dirty with his blood, didn’t panic at even the slightest gore as they tore him apart from the inside out. Didn’t’ blink as they simply slit his throat to stop his screams of pain and fear. How they simply decided that once enough pain was dealt with physically, they would continue to experiment while causing emotional pain.
Silent sobs escaped his trembling body, the hands that had been present within his open chest for what he was sure was at least the past few months finally nearing his core.
His parents had been locked away so near yet so far from him, being used to cause him pain. They’d finally decided to see what death would cause. The pure sorrow and distress his core reverberated finally gave them more of an area to search. Danny couldn’t even care about the nearing hands, trying so desperately for any strength to reach his parents. He wanted to be with them. Even if it meant dying, he didn’t want to be alone.
“...If this is the react ...... would it’s ‘friends’ or ..... Fenton girl cause .... solid read?...”
In an instant, his mind became clear, time feeling so slow as everything just changed. The air was cold, and he no longer felt himself shaking, not even his eyes despite the blurriness of his tears still present. It took him far too long to realize he was no longer on the table, far longer to realize he wasn’t actually in control. His mind pulled in on itself, begging him to fall into the much more comforting darkness than the harsh reality around him.
The loud echoey roar almost pulled him right back from the void he was falling into, and yet he only felt a harsher tug, slipping fully away.
A bright symbol appeared hastily on every available screen within the large meeting room. Silence enveloped it as the shape changed into a video, no noise coming through yet, but clear ongoing destruction present just outside a small town. Nobody spoke while waiting for the audio to come through, yet nobody had been ready for it either.
The deafening sound had many covering their ears, horrified by it. As the roar ended, a single voice spoke, shaking in what everybody could tell was dawning horror. The words only sparked distress in many.
“Bloody hell, it’s crying-”
I know that there's not really much DC present in this yet- BUT IT'S THERE! You could call this the prologue to the fic that it will one day become >:3c
As always I love hearing people thoughts or ideas so if you even just wanna say something small please do :D
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wallflowercrow · 2 years
Some thoughts on Kanej this season (Spoilers!!)
First of all: I loved Kanej in this season. I understand that a lot of fans didn’t like that so many events from Crooked Kingdom were adpated but I personally see the show as an AU that freely includes scenes from the books. I, personally, can live with that because I think they really got the character dynamics . Kanej is still a slow burn and I love it.
They showed how Kaz tries to come close and then pushes her away. They showed Inej having hopes about them but tries to supress them to not get hurt. They both have their armors up and they will need so much time to figure that out.
That dream sequence with Inej realising that it could not be real… that broke my heart. Because she wanted it to be real so badly. And also, the way Freddy and Amita acted in the „I will have you without armour“ scene… my heart. You saw how much they want each other but can not be together yet.
But Inej knows what she deserves and I love that. It hurts to be pushed away all the time. For me it totally makes sense that she leaves at the end of the season (even if it doesn’t have the huge impact it has in the books, imo) and she will not settle for his crumbs.
However, I didn’t like the Tolya/ Inej moment. Not only because Kanej is the one and only for me but also because I am scared now. Will they ignore Inejs trauma over that? Like, it makes sense that she might enjoy some affection/ attention that Kaz is not able to give her yet. And a Tolya/ Inej dynamic would also be interesting to explore (in a friendship way HAHA) because I think they have a lot in common (and Tolya is an amazing character. Really, I love him). But I don’t want a love triangle, not with Kanej and not with Tolya, who is implied to be aroace in the books. And with Inej having flashbacks because of hugs or scents in the books, I really don’t see her just flirting with a guy she barely knows and everthing is fine and easy about that.
Aside from that I don’t want Inej to be focused on another man right now. The whole point of her going away is to be her own person and about her purpose.  Not her being focused on another possible romance thing (even if it is just flirting / teasing which I think it will be. Because, I mean, who gets in the way of KANEJ?!). Anyway, if they do that I hope they use it as a chance to explore Inejs trauma more deeply and for her to realize that she also has a lot of healing to do. That could be a possibility.
I also don’t want Kaz to be motivated by jealousy. Everthing he does for her is about setting her free, about her happiness.  At the end of the season it is heavily implied he wants to fight for her. Please don’t throw that away and make it about his ego.
Well, we will see what will happen for them (if we get another season and / or a spin-off). I don’t think they will throw away Kanej over that. I am just worried about this being an unnecessary subplot that will not do any justice to the characters. (Not that Tolya wouldn’t treat Inej very well, like he would. But still. I don’t want the Kanej dynamic to be ruined. They just mean too much to me. And I would also be happy about some ace representation.)
(Sorry, for the chaotic thoughts and also, English is not my mother tongue xD But I would love to hear your toughts about that! 😊)
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: Two women resembling the Pokemon Rapidash (specifically the Galar variant, left) and Polteageist (right), both with faces devoid of any features. The Rapidash woman has brown skin and long pink and turquoise hair. She is wearing a purple headband with white stripes and a turquoise jacket with pink accents. The Polteageist woman has medium brown skin and violet hair in a ponytail. She is wearing a white and aqua beret with gold accents, a violet turtleneck shirt, and an aqua green top with a gold sleeve. The two women are in embrace and pressing the lower halves of their featureless faces together, emulating a kiss, both heavily blushing. The background is a pixelated pastel rainbow gradient. End ID.]
Oh no, more faces are disappearing! This time it was two at once, my poor lovely Glimwood Girls! At least they seem to be doing okay, at least okay enough to...smooch? Can you really call it kissing when there are no mouths involved? "Pressing" sounds like it could imply something else that I have no intent to imply, and "face bump" sounds like a zit XD Anyway, it's not like these ladies haven't had odd complications to kissing before, remember Oolong usually sews her mouth when it's There so Twilight has to kiss through stitches most of the time hehe.
Wonder how Twilight and Oolong figured out the person approaching them was who either of them expected before going in for the whatever-we're-calling-this-attempt-at-a-kiss. I mean, maybe we could put it down to Twilight's psychic abilities? They most likely wouldn't go away just because her face did...
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~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Rapidash (all forms), Polteageist, and other Pokemon concepts © PuppyLuver Studios Tiana "Twilight" Sparks, Oolong Chai, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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creepy-feathers · 2 years
Okay y'all, I see a lot of people listing off various t-word scenes in movies/books, yet they always somehow manage to leave out my favorites?? Like does nobody know they exist or something?
Well anyway. I'm here to fix that.
There is a really good one in Love Comes Softly (the movie, idk if it's the same in the book), and I can't give a timestamp cause I haven't watched it in forever, but it's after Marty has had her baby. A short chase scene, then the magic happens.
The Vow, and oml this movie is a gold mine. A literal. Gold mine. The best ones happen within the first fifteen - twenty minutes (if I'm remembering correctly), and last several seconds. Here's a mind blower - it is openly said that Paige (the girl that receives it) likes to be tickled, so her husband does it often. I was so happy, even though my mom was in the same room, like I could barely contain the euphoric laughs I wanted to release while watching it.
Liar Liar. Yes, the Jim Carrey movie. There's a short one at some point in the beginning (again, haven't watched it in years but these scenes stay in my memory), in which a father pulls out "The Claw" and gives his son a good laugh, and right before the credits roll, it's heavily implied that tickling is happening behind the walls of the house we can no longer see.
RV, and this is pretty similar to Liar Liar, in which case a dad is shown tickling his kid - a little girl - this time. If I recall, it doesn't last more than a couple of seconds, but still cute all the same.
Pixar - A Bug's Life, Toy Story, Up, Inside Out, Ratatouille, Cars 2. If I'm leaving any out, please let me know. Most of these are brief (what one would probably expect) but I wrote them down anyway.
Disney - Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid 3, Alice In Wonderland, Lilo & Stitch, Tarzan 1 and 2, The Rescuers: Down Under, Bridge To Terabithia, etc. This kinda bums me out, as Disney often included tickle scenes in their movies back then, but they don't anymore. At least we have nice ones to look back on!
Annihilation, and this is honestly one of my all-time favorites. There's only one, from what I remember, but it's so good! Basically Natalie Portman and her hubby are laying in bed together, and (I think?) she says some sassy remark and it prompts him to tickle her.
Coraline. So the producers actually included this scene in the trailer, and I was probably eleven the first time I saw it. The moment I did, I was urging my family "yeah, it looks like a good movie! Let's watch it!" so we did. It was awesome. Also, I will shamelessly admit that I want my own Snap Dragons.
My Little Pony. Okay, I know this isn't a movie or book, but it's still worth mentioning, most notably  "The Magic Duel", "Just For Sidekicks", and "It's About Time".
Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Claire Robinson. This book is absolutely full of beautiful tickle scenes, and if you're willing to deal with the tragedy and brutal nature of its characters' culture, you will be pleasantly surprised. My favorite one happens over the halfway mark, but there are plenty to keep you satisfied 'til then :) Just keep in mind that this story is not a light-hearted one, so if you decide to read it, prepare to sob. A lot.
Dragon Tails. This is another children's show that would showcase tickling a lot. In every other episode, I'd say - there was even one about actual tickle monsters, and one that had a flower that tickled you, so that was a gleeful time for my kid self.
This one is exceedingly random and I swear I just remember tidbits because I was like four, but there is a short scene in ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie’. I literally have no clue when, or where, or who it happens to, but I know it does happen. That was like half the reason I was so obsessed with that movie when I was little XD
Be More Chill, the recording with the original cast. It’s like a two-second scene but I swear it looks like Michael reaches over and tickles Jeremy, hence why the latter reels away the way he does. I’m unconvinced it’s anything less than that, and maybe that’s just cause I’m obsessed with the idea of Michael being a super physically affectionate (yet still mischievous) lil’ bean, but I digress. This is the video, and the timestamp is roughly 26:12. 
Little Monsters. Despite how stupid this movie may be, it was still a large portion of my childhood, and I recently went back and watched it. I rediscovered a very solid tickle scene that I somehow never recalled between Brian and his father. It was very cute and I was pleasantly surprised. It’s around the first half, I think? When Brian stays in Eric’s room the first time.
These are all I can think of at the moment, though I will probably be adding more eventually! It just annoyed me how so many great scenes were being missed out on because nobody remembered/knew about them. So here they are! I hope I informed you~
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flightfoot · 2 years
Alix is canon aro so she for sure won’t end up with someone, but Max is ace. He’s never shown interest in romance outside of, like, Kim’s life, but I think it’s interesting that Astruc made the distinction instead of saying he’s aroace. I wonder if he’ll end up with someone, whether it’s a current character or someone we haven’t met yet. I can see fans in the future looking back at the fan content we have now and being like, wow, remember what Max content looked like before WhoeverxMax became canon?
It’s heavily implied that Chlobrina was kind of a thing. In Oblivio, Sabrina says she and Chloe play Super Penguino together, and Chloe tells her to shut up. In Miraculer they had that whole compilation that ends in them cuddling and napping on the couch. Between that and Sabrina’s little moment with Delmar from New York I feel like she will end up with someone by the end of the series.
A lot of people ship Luka and Zoe because they have similar vibes, which makes sense, but as of right now they barely had any interaction. Astruc said something about them not becoming a thing, but idk if he was talking about only s4 or the whole existing script. There’s also Lukagami because of their personalities and the whole yin yang thing that caused them to not work out with Adrienette.
Anyways, disregarding canon, my pair the spares agenda is LukaxMax and KagamixZoe for reasons I am totally willing to elaborate on. But since this is a fairy tale romance show, I imagine almost every good guy who wants to be in a relationship will have one by the end, and we haven’t had a new canon couple in over two seasons.
I mean, there's very little Max content to begin with XD. Mostly he's shipped with Kim.
Yeah, I'd say Chlobrina has some legs. I don't really want it to be, with the dynamic between the two of them, though.
Luka X Zoe makes sense to me, they're both pretty chill, I think they'd get along well!
...Okay I'm curious where you got Luka X Max and Kagami X Zoe from, I've seen a LOT of ML fanfiction, and I don't think I've ever seen either of those.
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
▶️ benji comfort apple, seems like he needs it :')
Actual comfort???? Everyone thank this anon for their mercy and generosity. XD
Anyway, this is kind of a follow-up to this piece! You don’t have to read that one to understand this one though. :D
CW: Blood mention, broken whumpee, ~caretaking~, crying, graphic description of injuries (cuts), heavily implied past punishment, neglect, Stockholm Syndrome, sub-par medical supplies
Benji doesn’t know why Apple would tell Clay about the watch. He could’ve hidden it. With how little he actually wears it, Clay wouldn’t have realized it was missing for weeks.
Besides, the thing was ugly anyway.
But Apple didn’t listen when Benji suggested it. He never does, not when it’s against Clay. He just waited by the front door until Clay came back, and the moment he walked in, Apple burst into tears and confessed.
After he was taken into the extra bedroom, Benji didn’t see him again for hours.
Now it’s nighttime and Benji can’t sleep, not with this horrible pit in their stomach. Benji slips out from under Clay’s arms like they’ve done a thousand times before and pads into the living room, intent on grabbing a glass of water before heading back to bed. Instead, they find Apple trying to dress his wounds in the dark.
To be fair, it’s not all dark. Where Apple’s kneeling by the window, just enough moonlight trickles through the blinds that he seems to be able to see what he’s doing well enough. Still, he looks like he’s doing a pretty sloppy job of it.
Benji doesn’t think he’s heard them, because he hasn’t moved much besides to grab a roll of something and start wrapping it around his arm. That pit in their stomach, it gets heavier at the sight. They can’t let him go on like this.
Benji steps over to the lamp by the couch and turns it on with a click. The first thing out of Apple’s mouth is a hushed, “I’m sorry, Master Clay!”
With the flick of the light comes the full scene unfolding in front of them. That thing Apple’s wrapping around his arm is cheap see-through toilet paper, and surrounding him is an assortment of other household items, unorthodox and improvised alternatives to your average first-aid kit.
Worse still, the lamp sheds light on the litany of cuts decorating his body, some long and shallow, some short and deep, some spaced so little and placed so plentifully it looks no different than hatching—all oozing half-congealed blood and tinging the surrounding skin red.
“Oh, it’s just you,” Apple whispers. He reaches over and grabs the kitchen sponge from a bowl of soapy water and dabs gingerly at one of the more angry-looking groups of cuts. “Turn off the light, Benji. Master Clay’ll be mad if he sees it on.”
Benji doesn’t say anything. They just walk over to the empty extra bedroom, careful not to wake Clay with their footsteps. When they return to the living room, they’re carrying the first-aid kit.
Apple barely spares them a glance when Benji sets it on the couch and begins unpacking gauze and bandages and alcohol wipes. There must be a part of him somewhere deep down that knows he should accept Benji’s help.
Apple winces when Benji swipes one of the wipes across a cut on the inside of his arm. He chuckles just a little. “I guess that dish soap wasn’t cutting it, was it?”
“Yeah,” Benji says.
The knicks and punctures get the little band-aids. A couple of slices and groupings are small enough to fit under the bigger ones.
“Wear a long-sleeved shirt tomorrow,” Benji says. They finish wrapping the last of the gauze around Apple’s forearm and tape it in place.
Everything goes back in the first-aid kit when they’re done. The trash is hidden behind the potted plants. “Until garbage day,” Benji tells Apple.
When it’s all done, Benji walks over to the lamp by the sofa. Their stomach feels a lot better.
“Night, Apple.”
“Goodnight, Benji. Thank you.”
“...You’re welcome.”
Benji turns the light off with a click.
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thatoneao3writer · 3 years
I was just thinking. The four characters in the ttau that have been superheroes for the longest are Foolish, Eret, Bad, and Puffy, in that order. (I think Phil might be somewhere in there too, but I haven’t gotten to the posts abt his backstory yet in my note taking process, so I actually haven’t put a lot of his stuff on the timeline yet). Anyway, point is, a lot of the other heroes may have been at least partially inspired to become heroes by them. Maybe all of the Titans were at least partially inspired by Bad, just bc I think it would be funny. Also, it would make Bad fit the definition of a paragon, as in, a character who does the right things for the right reasons and inspires others to do the same, which I feel like fits well with his character. He always tries to do the right thing, and I feel like he’s also the sort of person to be very inspiring without meaning to be.
After those 4, the next two to become heroes would be Wilbur and then Sam. So it’s a fair bet that Sam was an inspiration to some of the other independent heroes as well, and I’m pretty sure it’s canon, or at least heavily implied even if no one’s outright said it, that Tommy became a hero because of Wilbur, so between him and Niki, I’d say that Wilbur would’ve also counted as a paragon prior to becoming a villain.
That's such a cool concept Fencer!! I saw your discussions on the server and I gotta say, you're doing a lot better job on keeping this au awesome than I ever have XD
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szynkaaa · 4 years
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I more or less watched The Boy!!! And by watching, I mean I skipped more or less through the jump scare parts because I cannot do horror movies at all. I haven’t watched one since 2015 and The Boy was like the first horror movie after five years
Full disclosure, the ONLY reason I started watching the movie was because someone posted a gif of Greta standing close to Brahms who was all sweaty and breathing heavily n I was like “oh shit who dat he hot” and here I am 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her?
I did some digging for interviews and generally what people have been saying about the movie, took some screenshots from youtube to put my thoughts and musing together too! 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her? 
So first of all, let’s start with a low resolution photo I found on IG of James Russell without mask:
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which brings me to my first musing/thought/question? 
It’s all under the cut, very screenshot and text heavy, you can find more Brahms drawing at the bottom though  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So at the end of the movie, we are shown a Brahms with a broken mask and his face being burned, indicating that he was in fact in the fire.
I assumed first that the fire was created by the parents to fake their sons death and then he had to live hidden inside the walls? 
But I’ve also heard apparently it was Brahms who set the fire to fake his own death or maybe an eight years old kid really was trying to burn himself down?? 
My other theory is that his parents made the fire and tried to kill Brahms and it did burn him but he survived, and the parents didn’t wanna go to jail sooo to hide everything they made their son live in the walls
i mean the responsible thing would be to turn their kid in and have him treated and stuff;;; listened to a murder podcast about two cases where kids murdered enough kids and how they are doing now interesting read Brahms made me think of those two cases 
I also do not think that the previous nannies were killed. Like, c’mon. You’d report a person missing and sooner or later it would go back to the Heelshire mansion and if the body counts piles up? Can’t look good and I doubt that the Heelshire wants the police investigating them close up. 
Also, when the mom was like “He’s chosen you if you’ll have him” to Greta? Is it just me or the wording or does it sound like a marriage proposal/arrangement xD 
Brahms is a brat and he sees the people around him as his possession or to toy around. But I also do think that he has some abandonment issues but not in the sad tragic kind of way lmao. Even if he was the one controlling and manipulating his parents from behind-the-scene (quite literally I suppose?), he was still told as a kid to live in hiding and that no one can know he is alive. I don’t know much about the human brain, but I can imagine how damaging that must be to his mental growth and set him back in some way? We don’t know too much about his relationship with his parents - but I assume that he must have still loved them in his own twisted way. Can’t imagine that he would have been indifferent about his parents suicide. 
The scene before Greta manages to back out - first he uses the child voice to beg her to come back and promises he will be good. That’s his manipulating Greta, but when that doesn’t work and she tries harder to open the door, he becomes more desperate to keep her there and then completely loses his temper and threatens to kill Malcolm if she doesn’t return. I’m pretty sure homeboy would have killed him anyway. And then later when she returns and he is all heavy breathing and smelling her hair and then jumps up when she shouts Brahms? Idk I def think there is some sort of abandonment issue going on. 
I don’t think he is a child stuck in a man’s body or manchild or whatever. I think that he does know how to take care of himself - but he just chooses to manipulate people with the facade of a kid to do his bidding and cater to his needs. 
Anywhomst, but clearly Brahms is also a very manipulative and controlling person based, based on how the mother was reacting on the destroyed bedroom, she really seemed to be at the end of her wits and just breaking down with her “you promised you’d be good”. It was very heartbreaking to watch and also scary because it really makes you realize just how much power Brahms holds over them?? idk maybe it was just me.
Next point: the CGI mask  + the burns 
So according to some interviews with the director stated that at the first test streaming, people weren’t really scared of Brahms because he was too handsome so they had to slap a mask over his face. The face was done after everything was filmed. I’m thinking the face burns were also added post-production when they were adding the cgi mask. Otherwise, James would have needed to go through the makeup department for some wicked face burns and it would have been visible during the filming and test screening too? Which would imply that at first the fire was supposed to be just  a cover story that their son is dead and it was changed later
Observation/thoughts on Brahms Heelshire
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Love how he stands there with his hands behind his back and then nods when Greta tells him to go under the cover
James Russell is 191cm tall. So like. Brahms is really fucking tall. But I notice that most of the time he stands with a slight hunch. Could be due to him crawling through the walls and crawling out of places that requires him to do a lot of crouching. His bed in his hideout made me really sad, I’ll get to it later. 
Since James didn’t get many lines in the ten minutes that he appeared, I do think that his eyes did all the acting. They stand out even more with the mask on, there is just this crazy look on it. I also noticed during my rewatch that he doesn’t seem to blink much or at all. 
Oh yeah, he also peeped on Greta and Malcolm making out on the bed and then cockblocked them. We been knowing that he made a Greta doll and very likely jerked off to it. We also been knowing that he very very very likely wanted to bone Greta at the goodnight kiss scene still waiting for the maskeless kiss scene gimme gimme. I also highly doubt that Brahms has much first-hand experience with kissing n stuff. High key thinking he was trying to do copy Malcolm and do what he observed lmao
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When I first watched the scene, I assumed that the hole behind the mirror has always been and it’s just another one of the hidden passages Brahms to slip in and out, but now that I’m looking at the shape of the holes, it seems to me more like the mirror and brick wall were broken at the same time?? If that is the case holy shit boy is s t  r o n g. I mean, he also punched through the closet door like no big deal so really what have the parents been feeding him. 
I’m also leaning toward the fact that he ran there because Greta screamed loudly. I don’t think he was in the room as them when everything went down there, it seemed more like he heard the scream and had to nyoomed over and then punched a way through to get out of the wall. And then went on to attack Cole. He must have known that Greta wanted Cole gone, since that what she whispered to the doll before going to bed. 
Tbh, I fully expected him to murder Cole in his sleep, but Brahms wrote a warning message in blood to tell him to get out soooooo like. Cole you were warned and now you gotta live with the consequences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Brahm’s sleeping corner
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This scene was shown at the end after Greta and Malcolm escaped. We also see them briefly during the part where Greta and Malcolm are trying to find a way out and stumbled into Brahms’ hideout. I’m not sure why the rules are slapped on the walls. It seems to me that Brahms is very very very set on that the rules / routine should be followed. In the movie, he called Greta and suggested to her that she should follow the rules, to which she then started doing it.
I headcanon that that’s the routine that he grew up with as a kid and it’s just very very very very very hard to break out of it - not that he is trying to break the routine. 
I’m failing to find a good way to put my thoughts into words, but I guess the rules and routine is sort of his coping mechanism? 
I suppose if you had an OC that you ship Brahms with and want to change stuff around the house, the OC would have to very slowly introduce new rules and routines. Baby steps, yknow.
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Brahms has a violin hanging there! Honestly I would be surprised if Brahms didn’t know how to play at least one instrument. The family also has an old ass piano/clavichord (?) and Brahms loves classical music soo yeah. Love me a boy who appreciates classical musical hehe
I suppose the egg boxes are there to soundproof the room more - maybe so he can play the violin? 
There’s also music sheets hung around his attics, it’s not clear on the screenshots but when you rewatch the scene and shove your face close to the screen. Some are hanging next to the violin and there are some taped on the wall next to his bed and porn too
nice to see he has a fridge and microwave, I was concerned that he wasn’t well fed and that leftovers might not be enough, but then again. Dude is 191 cm so clearly he has been drinking his milk
Didn’t take a screenshot of his vanity, but there is a crocodile magnet stuck to the mirror hehe. I do think that he shaves and stuff, otherwise his beard would be much longer??
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We can see more music sheets stuck to a pillar on the right. 
Loving the christmas lights that he has hanging there above his bed. It’s cute. 
On the shelf he has a bunch of tupperware and empty bowls. Most of hte things are neatly organized. We can also see some books and a pen
There’s some sunlight streaming inside - I do hope that Brahmsy stays warm during winters.
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Here we can see more of the food that he has there - there is also a sink but I didn’t snatch a screenshot of it. I think those are potatoes in the pot? Maybe he does know how to cook some basic stuff, I do wonder if he has a functioning kitchen up there. Probably not for fire safety reasons lol
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Yall see that thing on the note sheet covered pillar? Ngl, that’s a whole ass aesthetic right there.
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He got a few potted plants up there. Took a closer look at them and it seems like they were healthy. So he knows how to take care of plants, which is nice to know I suppose?
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Yes, we all know what he was doing with the doll and what the tissue balled up tissue implies. However, has anyone noticed the size of the bed??? 
If you scroll up a bit to the screenshot of Greta seeing the doll, it looks t i n y. The make shift doll takes up more than half of the space. 
Yall. this breaks my heart. Dude is a beanstalk. I’m pretty sure the bed is from when he was a kid shoved by his parents to live inside the wall, does he have to sleep there in his adulthood too??? 
Even though Brahms strikes me as someone who probably doesn’t sleep much or during normal times, that bed must be so tiny for him. He must be sleeping with his knees bend and shit unable to stretch out :((( 
Brahms: is a psychopath that smashed the skull of a girl and very abusive tormented his parents and then Greta Me: omg he needs a bigger bed that poor thing :(((
Brahms’ DIY corner 
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Ah yes, Brahm’s little DIY/creative corner. 
Homeboy got lot of animal traps, cages and taxidermies hanging around, pointing strongly toward that it’s a hobby of it? 
Also at the end where we see him fixing up the doll, we can get a better shot at his desk, and I gotta say the threads and stuff are all very nicely organized. Brahms’s table looks more organized than mine does lmao. 
So we know he is a crafty boy. Not sure how difficult taxidermy is but I imagine it does take a lot of time to learn? Well he had all the time in the world anyway.
So yeah, that’s a wrap. Congrats if you made it to the bottom of my incoherent thoughts and ramblings, have a bonus drawing of Brahms wearing different masks: 
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Words cannot express how much I like the idea of Winter, Weiss, or Whitley being the character inspired by the ‘Beast’ instead of Adam.
I mean, the Beast was born into privilege and wealth, was spoiled, selfish, and arrogant. He was ‘cursed’ into becoming a monster by an outside force, is isolated except for his servants, and also proved to be petty (requiring a life because one of his rose’s were plucked.) The Beast finds some companionship and someone he cares about in Beauty, only to be left alone again, and nearly dies of heartbreak in the absence of being with her (I know, the level of co-dependence.) But Beauty’s love (and guilt at leaving him) brings him back to life and transforms him back to a human, his beastliness falling away. In the Disney version, he’s more sympathetic, he has a magic mirror, has a lot of clear insecurities and self deprecating tendencies, it’s implied that he was turned into a beast when he was a pre-teen, he also is able to let Belle go, and he’s even kind and gentle when he stops being in his own head and taking out his problems on other people, but his early crime that got him turned into a beast was actually cruelty towards a lowly beggar who was seeking shelter from a storm, who he dismissed for being haggard and ugly and sneered at the simple offering of a rose. (And I’m not super fond of the live action Disney Beauty and the Beast, but it’s worth noting that having an abusive father was an addition there.)
I know, I know, RWBY was trying to do their edgy subversions.
But what I don’t like is them choosing to make their ‘Beast’ character a needy oppressed former child slave that got branded like cattle and was unfairly treated like an animal and like he wasn’t even human. And then due to his trauma and desperation to be free and equal, he ‘turned into the monster everyone thought he’d been all along.’ And to quote Adam’s RWBY: Amity Arena card...  "The final traces of love, the beauty he let go, never returns, and as the last petal falls, Adam is cursed to forever remain a beast. Because, in this tale as old as time, there is no happy ending. In this story... HE is the monster." Yeah, sorry, I hate it. Part of the Beast’s whole thing is his wealth and the power he wields over people like the Merchant/Belle’s father and Belle herself. I’m not even going to get into how awful the allegory is in light of their racism/people of color/faunus allegory that they never should’ve even included and how it makes this allegory problematic. But what I am going to say is how much I hate these ‘dark, gritty’ subversions that rarely ever even work well imo. “The Beast, except he’s actually bad,” is like, the coldest take, and anyway, what’s with all the hopeless versions of fairy tales in a show where hope and goodness is supposed to be major themes? Also they’ve now done this with way too many characters. “Cinderella, but she becomes an abuser too.” “Watson, but if he was a criminal.” “The Tin Woodman except if he lost his heart.” “Pinocchio, but if the puppet died the moment it became a human.” I don’t know, I’m sure there’s more. My point is, I don’t like it. XD
Any of the Schnees would be much better as a ‘Beast’ inspiration.
Winter - Born into wealth and privilege, has some level of arrogance and lots of cold behavior, Winter was raised in an abusive household. And I might hate this as a James fan, but the show itself already twisted her time as his right hand into something that made her less than human (eyeroll.) Either Penny or Weiss could be fitted to be a platonic Beauty/Belle role, prodding Winter towards her redemption (and in the case of Winter and Penny even helping to trigger a magical transformation.) Winter then becomes everything she should’ve been and proves there’s more to her than the ice queen exterior and ‘beastliness’ people perceived partially due to her own actions (at least, that’s what the writers were clearly trying to get across.)
Whitley - Born into wealth and privilege, has arrogance, cold behavior and some level of pettiness and selfish behavior. He was raised in an abusive household with some clear neglect, isolated apart from his servants. And he was heavily influenced by his father to be much worse and let his bad traits take over. Whitley had some companionship in Weiss, but she left even before the show started - or alternatively, Weiss’s return home signifies the early stages before Belle/Beauty started seeing past the ‘beastliness’ to the good qualities he has, and Weiss leaves too early, leaving her still considering Whitley nothing more than bad and leaving their resolution open ended. Until season eight when Whitley proves there’s more to him and that he’s more kind and selfless than Weiss had thought.
Weiss - The best option here in my opinion. She had the same sort of privileged and spoiled upbringing as Whitley, manifesting in some similar shared traits like their arrogance, pettiness, selfishness, cold behavior, etc. She as well was severely impacted by the abuse of her father and neglect from both him and her mother. But unlike Whitley, she’s got the mirror motif and is connected to someone who is literally named ‘Ruby Rose.’ On top of that, Weiss is discriminatory and judges by appearances when we first meet her, is dependent on her wealth and status, and yet is often judged by others quickly too (”All my life, boys have only cared about the benefits of my last name,”) some with merit like Blake - the literal Beauty lol. Weiss has to learn to love and let go of not only her father’s way of thinking, but of her own way of thinking to start growing into a truly good, self-possessed person (although sadly we don’t see that growth truly emphasized as Weiss never even apologizes for her treatment of the Faunus.) And that growth doesn’t really even take full effect until she’s separated from the people that she had grown to care about (including rose themed Ruby who fought to see past her prickly and downright awful behavior, full on Belle/Beauty allegory Blake who gave her a second chance and treated her better than she deserved, and described ‘Yellow Beauty’ Yang who seemed to see more in Weiss and enjoy time spent with her despite their huge differences from the start.) Once Weiss rejoins the group, she’s softer, kinder, seems more tolerant (though I know there’s still plenty to complain about in how MKEK continue to write for the faunus plots,) and is overall a much better person. Also, side note, but like the Beast, Weiss does get real close to death, causing a tearful former ‘love interest’ to cry over her unconscious form and trigger what’s essentially magic to heal her and bring her back. 
So... Yeah. I think the ‘Beast’ allusion works much better for the characters of any of the Schnee siblings than it did for Adam.
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senjuushi · 3 years
Umm hello am new to the Senjyushi Fandom and i have a question because i cant find anyone who can answer this for me and hopefully you can if you cant thats completely fine! Ummm whats the difference between both Like Two's? Like are they related or something because both have pink hair and yea so i was wondering if they have any connection that has been confirmed if yo7 cant answer this its fine thank you!
Okay so. Canon and I seem to disagree on this slightly, but I do have a running theory that lines up with it well enough!
Under my interpretation, Like Two is one of two things. We know what kind of gun Like Two is, but Like2′s is... a little up for interpretation. He’s either the same thing as Like Two or a slightly earlier model, but there’s canon information to both support and deny both guesses. 
Thus, Like2 is either Like Two’s similar, but slightly older bother, or the same case as Hachikyu and 89, where they’re the same gun but different individuals. 
Canon is heavily implying that Like2/Like Two and 89/Hachikyu are the same people, but personally, I disagree. If anything, I’m convinced we’re looking at an alternative universe-type situation where Like Two and Hachikyu were part of the WE in their universe too, but they’re still different enough to be considered different individuals in terms of characterization. 
If we’re going with that theory, it applies to (R edition) Mikhael, Belga, and Fal too.
With those two, Belga and Fal are similar enough that I take them to be more or less the same characters. The Mikhael that we’ve seen in R, however, is somewhere in between. He doesn’t quite act like the Mikhael we know, but he’s also not as distinctly different as Like Two and Hachi. 
So to summarize, the moderns from the original game who are appearing in R are most likely from the WE in their universe, but from a different universe/timeline as the ones we originally knew. 
That’s what I’m getting, anyway. XD
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resonating-kitty · 4 years
I spent the last two days writing this little.... uh... I don’t think I’d call it a gem tbh. XD 
Just some head-canon ideals that were swimming around in my head about the Dream SMP storyline and how many paths it could go down. And my hands slipped, as they have been known to do. 
I would just like to preface this by saying that I am sorry! LOL 
Final Word Count:  2,884
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Implied Reference to Suicide, and Character Death
A03 Link
Tommy sat on the beach, staring vacantly out over the raging ocean. Dark swirling clouds rolled over head and the wind whipped around him, chilling him but he made no move to head for cover. He was paler, skinnier. His clothes were in tatters. Dark circles were visible under his eyes. The spark that usually lit up his bright blue eyes was gone. Nothing remained.  
His exile had taken its toll and every day his isolation ate away more and more of him. He longed to see his home again. He longed to see the land he knew and loved so much. Most importantly, he missed Tubbo. 
Tubbo, who was supposed to stand by him, unwavering and loyal, and yet. Yet here he sat. Exiled and alone. 
A twig snapped somewhere behind him.  Well not completely alone. 
“Tommy” Dream’s voice was nearly drowned out by the wind but Tommy still heard him.
Tommy felt the other’s presence materialize behind him. Knew that if he turned to look, the green hoodie cladded figure would be stepping from the shadows. That infuriating white smiley mask regarding him.   
“The storm is getting closer Tommy,” Dream spoke again, closer this time. 
“I don’t care.” Tommy replied, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the raging waters. Nearly everyday since his exile, Dream had materialized to taunt him. Reminded him that he was truly alone and that he would not see his home again.   
“You do.” Dream insisted and Tommy felt the weight as the hand landed on his shoulder. “You do care. Get up Tommy.”    
Tommy doesn’t know why he obeyed, he doesn’t want to obey but he pushed himself to his feet and turned to glare weakly at Dream. 
“Don’t be like that,” Dream says and Tommy can hear the smile in his voice, the sheer amusement, “We’re friends Tommy come on.”  
Tommy lets himself be led away from the raging waves of the ocean and toward Logstedshire’s sturdy walls. Dream guided him as if he were some poor pitiful peasant. The anger that tried to ignite within him was quickly washed away. After all, as Dream had so eloquently put it days before, what was his anger going to solve? He’d been truly abandoned by his friends, left to rot in strange lands. He had no one anymore. No one except a ghost with no memories, and even Wilbur abandoned him to return to L’Manburg for days on end, and Dream, a demon who constantly taunted him and appeared in his nightmares night after night. 
Dream was the only true constant in his life. His only connection to a world he was no longer a part of. As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, Dream was the only thing that kept him from losing what small thread of sanity he had left.
Logstedshire was quiet when they entered, the walls blocked the wind, creating a safe haven from the nasty weather approaching. Tommy was led to the barrels and he plopped down heavily onto one. He watched, warily, as Dream meandered about, inspecting the area. He watched as the green man walked over to the signs he’d hung up. His to-do list. 
“Blaze powder.” He heard Dream mumble to himself before the green man turned to address him, “You hunting for blaze powder Tommy? Why would you need blaze powder?” 
“Oh you know, the same reason anyone else would need blaze powder, drugs obviously,” Tommy snarked, averting his gaze. Dream had been doing that too. Showing up and asking him what he had, making him throw his belongings in the dirt and making him watch as they were destroyed. Keeping him at rock bottom. Little did Dream know, Tommy succeeded with that item on his to-do list. He had gotten the blaze powder and made the enderchest. It was hidden beneath the prime log. 
“Really?” Dream didn’t seem convinced. Tommy saw where this was going before the man even spoke his next words, “Well then, you wouldn’t be opposed to emptying your inventory on the ground then would you?” 
“Why?” Tommy asked, hopping off the barrel. He’d done this dance with Dream many times before. Was so used to it that he didn’t even flinch when Dream drew his sword. 
“You know why.” Dream said, exasperated, stepping closer, “Empty your inventory Tommy or I will kill you.” 
“No you won’t” Tommy sighed. It was a bluff. He had figured that out a bit ago. Dream wouldn’t kill him because Dream wouldn’t be able to taunt him anymore if he were dead. Wouldn’t be able to make his life a living hell anymore. He’d learned this after the first time he was allowed in the Nether, with Dream trailing behind him. He’d been allowed to go to the hub that led to his home but Dream would not let him through, promising to kill him if he stepped foot inside that portal. That’s when he’d contemplated it the first time. Contemplated just throwing himself off the edge of the pathway to the awaiting lava below. Dream had appeared at his side, grabbed his arm and pulled him back, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “It’s not your time to die yet Tommy.” 
“I will,” Tommy was brought from his thoughts as Dream all but purred and stalked closer, pressing the blade of the sword right under his chin. They stood, staring at each other, as the first streak of lightning flashed overhead. 
“Just do it.” Tommy sighed. He was so tired of playing this game. He looked up, his blue eyes boring holes into the white mask that started back at him, and said, “Kill me. End it all.” 
“I didn’t know that even you could swoop this low mate,” A new voice sounded, causing Dream to immediately shove away from Tommy. Tommy stumbled back, catching himself on the barrels. He and Dream turned toward the entrance of Logstedshire, his eyes widening in shock as Dream’s frame tensed. 
Leaning against the outer wall, stood Philza. His black wings were folded tightly against his back. He held a sword loosely in hand. His blue gaze was focused intently on Dream.  
“Thought you were neutral in this Philza,” Dream remarked, hard edge to his voice now. Danger seemed to radiate from his form, turning the air around him heavy. 
“Oh I am,” Philza smiled, pushing himself from the wall. He walked into Logstedshire, glancing briefly at Tommy before focusing back on Dream, “However, torturing a child is just a bit too much for me to ignore. Even if that child is Tommy.”
“Gee thanks Philza,” Tommy mumbled, sarcastically. 
“Shush child or I will leave,” Philza warned and Tommy clicked his mouth shut. 
“You’re going to leave anyway,” Dream ordered, swirling his sword in his hand.
“Am I?” Philza smirked, flaring his wings out. A challenge. 
“Yes you are. Or else you’re going to meet your end.” Dream promised as light rain started to fall from the sky.  
“I’d like to see you try mate,” Philza tensed, readying himself. 
Lightning flashed overhead and Dream struck. Philza brought his sword up, just in time to parry the blow. Tommy watched, horrified, as the two men lunged at one another. Clashing over and over again.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. Dream lunged and lunged, backing Philza back with every thrust and blow. Philza sidestepped on one of the blows, sending Dream stumbling past him and into the wall of Logstedshire. Dream quickly recovered, dodging just in time to avoid the downward swing of a sword. 
“Not bad,” Philza grinned, twirling his sword and dropping into a stance. A bit of hope sparked within Tommy as he watched Philza face off with Dream. If anyone could defeat the green bastard, it would be Philza. He had experience. Knew how to fight. Was friends with the literal Blood God himself.  
“Hm.” Tommy’s gaze slid over to Dream. He knew that Dream was pissed. The way he stood rigidly, knuckle tight grip on the hilt of the sword. Tommy figured that this might just be the first time that Dream had to face an adversary that could potentially outplay him at his own game.
The hope that had started to sprout within Tommy grew just a little bit more, until Dream started to chuckle softly. 
“Philza, Philza, Philza,” Dream started in between his bouts of chuckling, “Do you honestly think you stand a chance against me?” All at once, the whole air seemed to shift with some sort of unseen power. 
Philza frowned, his brow creasing and his eyes narrowing as if he could see something that Tommy couldn’t. His wings spread out, readying for flight. Dream dashed forward, faster than any human. Philza took to the sky just in time to avoid the attack. 
“Now Philza,” Dream growled as a crossbow materialized in his other hand, “You know flying isn’t allowed here!” He aimed and fired repeatedly, multiple bolts appearing. 
Philza twisted and turned, diving and skirting. Dodging some of the arrows while deflecting others with his sword. He flew closer to the trees, letting the branches take the brunt of the arrows. Unfortunately, he lost sight of Dream and heard, too late, the tale-tell whoosh of Dream teleporting directly behind him. 
Pain laced across his wings, causing Philza to shout out in pain. His sword clattered to the ground and he plummeted, landing heavily in a heap just feet from Tommy. 
“Philza!” Tommy screamed, horrified. Blood coated Philza’s back, feathers hanging crookedly from where they’d been cut. 
Dream landed from the tree with a heavy thud. He stalked to where Philza laid unmoving. 
“Dream. Dream don’t!” Tommy pleaded, dropping down to his knees as Dream raised the sword, readying to drive it home. “Dream! Please don’t!” 
Dream’s head snapped up, as if he’d forgotten Tommy was even there. He said nothing. Tommy watched, frozen to the spot as Dream raised the sword a bit higher, poised both his hands on the hilt.
“No!!!” Tommy screamed as lightning flashed and Dream drove the sword down, straight into Philza. Philza’s eyes snapped open and a silence scream escaped him. 
The ground shook with the force of the thunder that rumbled. Tears slipped down Tommy’s face. He gazed unseeingly at Philza’s still body. He didn’t even notice when Dream yanked his sword free and moved toward him. 
The hand that landed on his shoulder startled him, his gaze shot up to the masked man. Fear bubbled deep in his gut as Dream leaned down slightly, just enough to whisper in his ear, “Let this be a lesson. I am your only friend.” 
Dream leaves him. Completely disappearing into the shadows once again. 
Tommy crawled over to Philza’s sprawled body. Sobs racked his body as he wrapped his arms around his knees and buried his face in the junction.
“Tommy,” Tommy’s head snapped up at the sound of Philza’s voice. 
“Phil! Oh gods! Oh gods! What do I need to do? Should I get a health potion?” Tommy panicked. “Wait! I think Will has some stashed around here somewhere.” he made to get up but was stopped as Philza’s hand shot out to grab his wrist.
“Won’t do any good mate” Philza wheezed, a slight smile on his face, “I don’t have much time so I need you to listen to me.” Tommy settled back down beside Philza. He was released and watched as Philza reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a crimson stone that just fit in the palm of one’s hand. The stone was glowing dully, pulsing every few seconds. 
“Do you know what this is?” Philza asked and Tommy shook his head. He truly had no idea. 
Philza chuckled, “I figured. This is a blood stone.” 
“Blood?” Tommy interrupted, “Phil don’t tell me that’s from Technoblade!” 
“Hush,” Philza sighed, “The blood stone was a gift from Techno. When my heart stops beating, it will shatter. And Techno will come. You go with him. Make him take you with him Tommy. I know you two haven’t always seen eye to eye but you need him right now. He is your only hope to escape that green demon. Promise me. Promise me you’ll do that for me, Tommy.”
“It’s Techno! He’s more liable to kill me than to help me!” Tommy argued. 
“You’re my son.” Philza stated, his breath hitching slightly, “Techno won’t harm you. Tommy, promise me.” 
Tommy regarded his father. His father who was quickly slipping from the land of the living. His eyes flicked down to the equally dying blood stone. “I promise.” He mumbled. 
“That’s my boy,” Philza smiled, eyes slipping shut. Seconds later his body fell still. In his palm, the blood stone gave one final glowing pulse before it shattered. 
The rain grew heavier, until it was pelting down in sheets, soaking everything. Tommy sat unmoving, eyes staring blankly at Philza’s body. He didn’t notice the rain or when he became soaked to the bone. He barely paid any attention to the chill that was starting to creep in, causing him to shiver slightly. 
He also didn’t notice the galloping sound of an approaching horse. Didn’t notice when the horse was stopped nor when the figure stepped into the mouth of Logstedshire. He finally noticed, starting violently, when a pair of boots appeared in his peripheral vision. 
Tommy looked up and was greeted by the sight of the Blood God. He was adorned in his royal blood red robe and the signature pig mask that he never took off. His long, pale pink hair whipped around violently in the wind and the crown that sat atop his head glittered faintly in the torch light. The heavy scent of blood lingered faintly in the air. His hand rested loosely on the hilt of his sword, tapping it periodically with long fingers. 
Silence hung between them, Techno not speaking and, for once, Tommy had nothing to say. His words had been taken from him and Tommy just hung his head when it was apparent that Techno was not going to speak. 
They stayed like that for a few more moments before Techno moved. Tommy found himself gently being lifted from the ground as if he weighed nothing at all, which he supposed he didn’t, not now anyway. He didn’t even fight it as Techno carried him over to the small shack that Wilbur had built for him and settled him under the overhang, out of the rain.  
Tommy’s eyes widened in shock when the blood red robe was settled across his shoulders and tucked against his shivering body. Warmth swaddled him and he all but melted against it. He watched Techno move across the yard. A sharp whistle sounded and moments later a demon looking horse was trotting into the space. Techno went to the creature, untying a shovel from the saddlebag.  
Wordlessly, Techno started to dig a grave. Tommy watched until exhaustion overtook him and he couldn’t stop his eyes from slipping closed. The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was Technoblade waist deep in the makeshift grave. 
When Tommy woke up, he was momentarily confused. He was wrapped in warmth and felt safer than he’d felt in weeks. It took only seconds for the pleasantness of the feeling to be washed away by the horror of the events of the previous evening. Tommy sat up sharply, finding himself on the makeshift bed in the shack with Techno’s robe thrown over him like a blanket. 
His heart was racing and his breath was coming in short pants. His hands buried themselves in his too long blond hair and a sob tore itself from his throat. Philza, his father, was dead. Dead by the hands of Dream. Dead because of him. Because he’d been too weak to resist Dream’s will. If he’d just jumped on that day Dream let him go to the Nether- 
That train of thought was stopped abruptly as the door to the shack was thrown open and Technoblade walked in. 
“Tears won’t make it better.” Tommy laughed humorlessly. Of all the words that Techno could’ve said, those weren’t something that Tommy expected to hear. 
“What will then?” Tommy questioned, gazing down at the robe. He felt more than saw Techno draw closer. He watched as the other reached out and pulled the cloak from his loose grasp. Tommy looked up, gaze lost as he stared at the older man, looking for some sort of answer, “What will make it better Technoblade?” 
Techno smirked and leaned down so he was eye level with Tommy before saying, simply, “Revenge.” 
It started clicking into place as Tommy sat there, staring into the pig mask’s eyes. The old flame that had been extinguished, burst back to life. The chaos within him rose to the surface. 
And Techno, as if he could see what was happening, laughed and straightened up, offering his hand out for Tommy to take. “What do you say, Child of Chaos, ready to cause some destruction?” 
A smile lit Tommy’s face for the first time in weeks. It was a cruel thing as he reached out and gripped Techno’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. 
“Let’s go kill us a Green Bastard.” 
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reno2ndgun · 3 years
Exploring a name: Reno
I decided to poke my nose down a rabbit hole this morning. This post is long. TLDR, i search out the word history and origins of the meanings behind Reno’s name!!
Let’s start with google. The obvious place to begin for curious minds! My first thought was that perhaps Reno was derived from maybe Italian, French, or Latin. I actually got multiple answers!
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Born again! 
My friends and I squealed in delight at this given how well it fits with the origin story I’ve written out for him overcoming the drugs and abuse both before and during Academy days!
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Spanish! I should have guessed!! I tried my other guesses anyway for the sake of curiosity because it’s always possible that the name can have multiple sources!
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OOO I was partially correct! There is a French origin as well! I'll come back to this. Let’s explore the Spanish and Latin roots first! I checked the Latin on wroldofdictionary.com
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This makes sense given that Spanish was one of the languages born from Latin. Thus Latin ‘Reno’ meaning a short fur cloak and ‘Renonis/Reno’ meaning reindeer skin, deerksin garment, and fur cloak came to simply mean ‘Reindeer’ in Spanish. While The Latin word isn’t what I would call a first name it’s still worth knowing that It’s a carry over word! I never knew this! This is so cool! NOW back to the French!! Now lets look at the alternates of Renaud, Renault and Renouf :D Let’s start with Renaud!
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Germanic! Not what I expected! He’s an extension of Rufus and ShinRa Senior and their Rule over Midgar when he carries out orders. yeah. this adds up pretty good. There’s some contention over whether this was derived from the French word for fox. ‘renard/renarde’ masc/femme respectively. The internet can’t seem to make up it’s mind. fox is also oddly fitting for Reno, he’s clever and wily. Ok...Lets check Renault!
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About the same. Counsel and rule. He’s definitely someone Rufus depends on to a certain extent as well as ShinRa Senior.
Mk, now Renouf!!
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Yeah. Wolf sounds about right. The ‘ShinRa Dog’ trope. They Send Reno to do ‘cleanup’. It’s implied he’s the killer out of the active field agents.  IT’S REALLY STRANGE HOW ALL OF THESE LINE UP IN SOME WAY WITH RENO AS A CHARACTER DESPITE NOT BEING THE NAME THEY SETTLED ON.
Now, because in Japanese, The characters that correlate with english’s  L and R are interchangeable (you use context clues in the sentence to decide which is used)  I decided to poke my nose into the name Leno as well. The name Leno used to be heavily argued about whether or not it was canon simply because of that interchangeability. This wasn’t a sentence like “The bowl of RICE is delicious.” And you could look at it and go, yeah, that’s probably the word rice, not lice. It was a NAME. TO GOOGLE!! ...
- ... intensifies- 
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Hold up hold up yo, -cracking up- is it really?! ARE THEY CALLING RENO A SLEAZE?!
checked on worldofdictionary.com again and...the Latin iiiiiiiis...
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Daaamn. It might have been that The developers were trying to play up the playboy/badboy image. Maybe he was the money collector when the johns came in to meet the prostitutes and then took everything to the pimp. I would not dismiss the possibility of sex trade slavery in the slums. Not in the slightest. Or Reno getting stuck in it in some way or enabling it.  I’m loosing myself in conjecture here (conjecture is the birthplace of headcanon, lets be real) He could have been a pimp He could have been a whore He could have been a go between what’s that word ‘bawd’ mean....
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Wow they really went the whole nine yards to play this sexuality up. Maybe I'm not shipping ENOUGH. ROFL. I wonder why it was changed to Reno..... I guess he’s a playboy, but that wasn’t exactly hidden. This was fun!! <333
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