#well anyway my bias will probably be one of the older members
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nnight-dances · 2 years ago
the title is self-explanatory but also a complete lie, i love all the members so much but thanks to it being like my first month as a seventeen enjoyer, i only so much about so many members. this is purely self-indulgent so feel free to let me know how insane i sound and also, if i messed up their personalities.
as mentioned before, jeonghan is my favorite and thus, you can see how i’m being particularly mean to him. hate is my love language <3 also, someone please teach me how to write scoups because i love the man so much (no idc if he’s like a decade older than me) but could not bring myself to write anything for him. thanks, friends and foes!
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…unrequited love probably? LMAO sorry but he’s my bias and i am convinced his standards are really, really high. like you’d have to discover and name a new continent after him before he looks your way.
okay, i’ll stop being mean and start being more delusional: a strangers to lovers maybe? because i feel like he’d be fascinated by you at first so he’d get to know you slowly. you’re wary of him when he tries to get closer to you,, because like… why is this sly devil of a man throwing you eye smiles left and right?
anyways, the moment you let your guard down around him, he’d invade every waking thought you have until you don’t have a choice but to rant to him… about him. yes, he’d watch with a smug smile on his face, as if he’d planned every second of this, and patiently wait for you to finish before leaning in and kissing you because apparently, his feelings were “obvious enough” (his words when you shriek away from him)
best friends to lovers, for sure (and i imagine it’d be something like this)
it’s because even though he’s extroverted, i just feel like he’s still pretty reserved and so i think it’d take a long time of knowing him to be intimate enough to be a lover?
he wouldn’t have being anything more than friends for a long time because he enjoys the space of a friendship and he thinks of it as a test for how well the two of you can work out. mans taking this way too seriously but it pays off when one day he gets to call himself your boyfriend.
be careful though, i feel like timing matters a lot with him, and if you get it wrong…
ummm this one is hard because the possibilities with hoshi are so endless?? anything could works?? he’s just so loveable that any way you meet him would be so precious
but since he’s introverted, i feel like with him it’d take a long to move on from one phase to another just because both of you are unwilling to budge. like it’s a waiting game with you guys where both of you are constantly dropping hints and neither is picking anything up.
so i’m thinking a fake dating situation for some external pressure that slowly reveals how comfortable pretending to date hoshi seems… maybe because you’ve always been a little more than friends….?
oh god, another loveable one, someone save me… um but in full seriousness, he’s so sweet i can’t imagine anything that wouldn’t work with him
but i’m leaning toward idiots to lovers with a LOT OF mutual pining because neither of you can tell if the other is flirting or just that nice to everyone (spoiler: you both suck at flirting so the fact that the possibility is even being discussed in the slightest… yeah, you’re down bad for each other)
idk he’d be so easy to fall for that even if you’re not generally too good-natured, it’d take everything to not go the extra mile for dk
academic rivals to lovers is soooooo enticing with this one,, because you’d have to match him point to point for his pretentious but wise tendencies to keep up in a romantic relationship
and like, tell me if i’m wrong, but it’d be clear from the beginning that the two of you transcended the boundaries of friends because you’d dwell on the others’ actions for wayy too long for it be friendly banter or even genuinely malicious scheming
just takes you a frustratingly long time to smooth out the feelings because you know you want to maintain a slightly hostile tone when it comes to him or your life would lose all meaning and stimulation
listen … i’m considering one-sided love to lovers? because how could you not fall for wonwoo when you first get to know him? he’s just weirdly good at everything… and so calm
but when you let him know your feelings, i think he’d be so awkward about rejecting you (maybe because doesn’t truly want to) and you’d catch on pretty quick
fast forward to a few months and you’re still friends with him because well… he’s way too captivating for you to leave. so you’ve been pining from the sidelines for a while until wonwoo wakes up one day with the sudden awakening that he enjoys your company as something more than friendship
yeah, took him long enough, but he’s so sweet when he confesses that your heart breaks a little. he apologizes to the verge of tears for making you wait? and thanks you for not abandoning him? and then shyly admits that those things just made him fall for you more.
you don’t understand. there is nothing but an enemies to lovers in store with this one because he looks so normal that you unsuspectingly try to befriend him, only to be shocked by his attitude. he’s a little bitch. and for what.
for one, he’s so hard to understand, only showing the slightest surface of his personality and when he does,,, well, your head’s suddenly throbbing because what the fuck. someone restrain this man.
no but you’re always ready to fight him especially because he makes it his life mission to follow you around and one thing leads to another until he’s … um in love.
you promise you have an out of body experience when he tells you he’s in love with you, showing unprecedented seriousness, and his sincerity alone would’ve been enough to woo you
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faceglitchsworld · 3 months ago
It's the 20th of November, which means that today we're going to say farewell to the birthday letters for this year. It has been a pleasure managing to cover another K-pop group and I hope I'll manage to redo this tradition next year with a new group, new collages and new heartfelt letteers!
That's enough of the sad part, let's celebrate our little crocodile over there!
Happy Birthday Mujin! 🥳
As always, have the pleasure to look at the collage I made for him 🥺
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Guess what? Instead of adding another member, I wanted to add his cat. I'm a genius, I must admit.
I confess that I always wanted to include idols' pets in the collages, but not every idol has a pet, and adding them would have made the collages a little…inconsistent, I think?
Maybe in future collages, I will add more pets, who knows.
And now, have the pleasure to read the last letter for this year.
Talking about Mujin is...complicated. The main reason is that if it wasn't for Ivan (especially Ivan) and Dann, Mujin would have been my bias. Don't worry, he still managed to enter into my list. He's one of my wreckers...which makes my life as a kingmaker pure hell bliss. I wanted to make this intro to highlight how Mujin had every requirement to get into my bias list. Heck, I think I would have made a lot of jokes about him being a sort of little brother because I'm older than him by only eight months. Eight months! Isn't it funny?
Anyway, you might wonder what requirements he had apart for the eight months thing. Well, let's start with the most "professional" ones.
First and foremost, his character and his own album on HOK. I think I'm becoming repetitive recently with HOK but when I say that Mujin's album is one of my favourites from HOK, I truly mean it. I'll keep repeating it over and over, but this album is in my top 3 and I don't think I'll ever get over this. And his album is also the first one where I experienced, during comeback season, keep in mind this, his writing skills. I confess that I didn't check the other albums' credits and see if he wrote other songs before My Wave, but if I tell you that My Wave is one of my favourite b-sides, I truly mean it. This boy has a huge writing talent and it deserves to shine more.
His character in Kingdom's story and lore is also one of my favourite ones. I think I'm starting to have a thing for tragic characters for real, especially if those ones were beloved heroes at first. As time as I write this letter, it seems that his character is turning to the dark side, although I prefer waiting for the next comeback to see if I'm right or not. And if he manages to become a dark side character...uhm, I don't know, I just hope he'll be fascinating.
And his voice? Heck, the people who listened to his covers will probably agree with me that he has a beautiful voice whether he's singing or rapping.
Of course, all these talents are also compensated by his duality. This talented boy is the same one who ends up making the cutest and the loudest noises ever. His dolphin scream has become one his most iconic sounds along with his laugh! They make him immediately recognisable.
And what about some of his hobbies? Some of you are probably thinking about some of his vlogs where he shared a huge interest in clothing. His latest birthday vlog is literally a behind scene of a photobook! But I was also thinking about his knitting. Even tho it's not shown that much nowadays in the videos, I always found his knitting hobby very fascinating. You don't always find your typical idol finding some time for knitting. And if the idol whose knitting is Mujin then the simple action of knitting becomes cute too.
And the last important thing that makes Mujin very dear and important to me is...his cat. I'm sorry, I'm a cat person and his cat is literally a fluffy white cloud that deserves all the love and cuddles from Mujin. I want more pics of that cat...or videos of Mujin cuddling his cat. Or both. Or anything with his cat in it. Just his cat. I love that cat.
Dear Mujin, your letter will close this year's tradition and even though I don't know if I'll manage to do it again, I want to say that I'm glad your letter will be the last entry. Your talents and your cute and fun personality deserved to be highlighted and shown. During the years, you managed to give us a lot of precious moments that Kingmakers will keep with them forever. Please, be always healthy, don't get hurt and keep chasing your dreams.
My birthday wish for you is that you'll manage to get a modelling contract. That's incredible, uh? But honestly, after seeing how much you're passionate about modeling and how, in recent vlogs, you were trying to fix your styling choice, I think becoming a model would fit you a lot. I can't wait to see you as a brand ambassador, it doesn't matter if the brand is little or not.
Happy birthday, my buffed alligator 🐊
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bandsanitizer · 7 months ago
GOT7, obviously.
obviously except I really didn’t expect it so there’s a lot of me thinking through the answers in these answers 🤣 thank you for the ask!!
fan or not:
I want to call myself a fan but … lowkey I feel fake if I call myself an ahgase.
how long I’ve been a fan:
about a year? just over a year now? my friend (who kind of got me into kpop) is a huge ahgase. like they’ve been one her top 2 groups (probably her ult until they left jyp) for a long time so it’s been… something I was tentative to approach bc I don’t know how to be a casual stan usually. (hence the above answer)
first song I heard by them:
I actually have no idea? but probably You Calling My Name as my friend and I were discussing similar songs and I do think it sounds a bit like Attention by Charlie Puth… so that’s the first song I have an actual memory of listening to.
first mv I saw:
Eclipse. the funny thing about this not being the first song I listened to is that at a local restaurant, they will play random kpop music videos while other music plays through the speakers.
first bias:
current bias and why:
MARK! the easiest and most truthful reason is his nose? apparently if you line up all my biases they have very similar nose bridges lol but beyond that, he’s funny and despite breaking laptops and ac units (?) I think he’s quite genuine and appreciate his vibes (again, outside of the angry part. though I think he’s chiller now lol) ((also he can backflip. that’s cool.)) (((also all my biases are connected to my other biases by some personal fact and it happens mark & sungho share a birthday lol))) AND I love his vocal tone and laugh.
bias wrecker(s):
possibly JayB and Youngjae. not necessarily in that order. and sometimes Yugyeom.
favorite song:
can you guess? lol it’s Poison.
favorite mv:
LAST PIECE! I fuck with this mv. the transition from JayB to Bambam to Mark back to JayB back to Mark back to JayB back to Mark??? ICONIC. I also just love the set design with the art gallery and different sets they used.
favorite era:
Dye probably? my favorite album. my favorite songs. conceptual one of my favorite aesthetics they’ve done from physical album design to outfits.
favorite choreography:
just one? 🥺 (how about jus2? 🤣😭) anyways… this is where I admit that I don’t often pay attention to the full impact of choreo. like I have to watch with the intent of contemplating the choreography to actually have an opinion. that said the opening of You Calling My Name is probably one of my favorite moments they’ve ever done. Not By The Moon was also my first thought and Thursday is super fun. but also Allen from Cravity covering part of Hard Carry definitely made me appreciate it more. but I will go with Lullaby (specifically the MAMA 2018 stage.)
who I think is the best-looking:
Mark. he models for obvious reasons LOL
who I think is the cutest:
Mark Youngjae or Yugyeom or Bambam. unfortunately I think all maknae-line members of all groups suffer from cuteness they cannot escape. but like I would protect Youngjae with my life.
best singer:
Youngjae. Youngjae. Youngjae. I’m a lot more favorable to JayB’s tone/vocal color but you can’t deny the absolute range and fullness Youngjae has.
best dancer:
Yugyeom. with the idea of versatility also in mind.
best rapper:
Jackson is a stronger rapper. lyrically and flow-wise, I would say he’s the strongest rapper in the group. that said, Bambam approaches with a certain coolness that delivers well imo
an unpopular opinion about the group/members (if I have any):
I don’t think I really have any unpopular opinions? although I’m not huge fan of the “la gangster” title for Mark and his vibes or whatever. like I think it’s more prominent from older fandom stuff but yeaaaaaah like his masculity or w/e can be appreciated without hyping up some anger management/expression issues.
send me a kpop group and I’ll answer questions!
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catenchanter · 1 year ago
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…Can you tell where my interest lies?
So um. I did a silly I saw ages ago and had been meaning to do.
Also just as an FYI - By the NOtp category - I don’t actively hate any of the ships, it’s more I’m personally not keen on them.
Though lets be real the Town of Salem is the equivalent of playing dolls with how little is canon like. I could deadass see a lot of the platonic dynamics being romantic to some degree. Heck you can absolutely make my NOtps work and I would be like “That is some good stuff” /gen
There’s probably way more I forgot, or just didn’t mention but. This is just for fun, and if you want to yell at me in my ask box regarding my takes, please feel free. Or if you want more rambles I guess! Or ramble at me, why not?
Also - I hope to god I didn’t mess up any icons, I am. Old. Anyway, further commentary underneath, I am sorry.
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Kitty’s commentary
ANYWAY All the mafia are pretty closeknit w/ each other, though I like to think there’s a split between the “older” members (Godfather, Consigliere, Hypnotist, Blackmailer) and the “younger” members (Consort, Janitor, Forger, Disguiser and Framer). The Mafioso is kinda split between the middle, getting along with both sides. Ambusher came much later to the mafia and as such is also kinda caught in these disagreements between the two sides. Also I say younger and older very vaguely.
Blackmailer is very rarely seen, even by the mafia. Everyone in the mafia completely trusts them though, especially since they have dirt on everyone. They’re treated like some entity that you ABSOLUTELY do not want to piss off and the Blackmailer takes pride in that they are probably the most terrifying thing. Purely because they know your internet history. Do not question how they got that information.
Mafioso/Ambusher is a funny dynamic. I like to think they constantly try to one up each other, trying to impress the Godfather.
The Ambusher used to be the Survivor, but ended up befriending the Mafioso. They both bond over the whole “yeah I really don’t know where my place is in all of… this.” And because of their friendship, the Survivor learns to calm themselves and not get so panicky, whilst the Mafioso opens up a bit more and tries to not be. As much of a mindless drone. Survivor ends up getting too comfortable and joins the mafia.
The Mafioso is sick of the Framer’s shit. Framer is a little shit. They don’t know what they’re doing wrong, but it annoys the Mafioso regardless.
Godfather and Mayor are brothers. Or, at least related to some degree.
Please know I die for the Consigliere/Godfather dynamic just. Boss and assistant who place so much fucking trust into each other and would probably die for each other. Whether you interpret them as being lovers or friends is up to you, though I can take it. Either way - it really depends on the characters.
HOW THE FUCK DID I FORGET CONSORT/CONSIGLIERE AS BESTIES DANG IT ME- WELL OKAY. They’re either at each other’s throats, or they’re besties. It’s a gamble ngl. I personally headcanon that the mafia has two Consiglieres (Card game and In game) and the Consort would throttle the Card Game bc he’s “so self absorbed” but adores the In game consigliere and would spoil her.
Furthermore, In game consigliere declares herself as the Mafioso’s right hand gal. He plays along, but would never actually trust her as his right hand gal her due to her being incredibly bias and emotionally driven. He would gladly trust the card game though (his boss already does), even if they have numerous disagreements with how to handle the whole dynamic.
Consort/Forger is the mean bisexual, even meaner lesbian dynamic. You can guess whose who. They are both girlbosses and will chat shit about you.
Disguiser is the Hypnotists son. They have a pretty strained relationship thanks to Hypnotism bullshit. Why else do you think Disguiser always wears a mask?
(Also stupider headcanon - but Disguiser is actually the Mafioso from the card game. I have no reason to believe this really I just like card game mafioso’s design and wanted a reason to acknowledge his existence.)
The entire Coven and Mafia get into petty fights. I say petty its more “jfc we helped the witch and now you wanna kill us?” “You guys are literally criminals and also why are you in salem?” “TIME TRAVEL FUCKERY THAT YOU DID” “THEN TIME TRAVEL BACK DIPSHIT-“ “THATS YOUR ISSUE” “OH IS IT NOW?”
The town and neutrals probably just. Watch these two go at it in awe. It gets more and more unhinged.
For some reason Disguiser is close with the coven though. Why else do you think the Coven got the Disguiser during the traitors era?
Speaking of the Coven. They are lesbians. I do not know what impact this has on the lore, but I feel that is important to mention. Are they dating? Just friends? You decide!
Legit they all. Appreciate each other very much. You mess with one of them you mess with all of them.
Survivor/Amensiac/Medium are all besties who are basically the bystanders in the Town’s BS. Medium is kinda obligated to stay with the town, but would genuinely consider leaving.
Plaguebearer adopts the Jester. Plaguebearer also gets possessed by Pestilence when everyone gets infected. I like to think Pestilence hops out every now and again, and Jester doesn’t know how to react.
The Spy, Tracker and Trapper are all related to each other. They are rarely seen apart and probably all work together on Town Surveillance. Spy and Tracker mainly, Trapper is just making sure the right people are protected.
I’m a firm believer of “The Consigliere and Investigator used to be friends but then mafia and now they are. Conflicted!”
Speaking of “Conflicted!” the Sheriff and Investigator have a similar issue, but that’s not the mafia’s fault, that’s the “they are both stubborn little shits and refuse to let the other investigate how they want” ‘s fault.
The Consort constantly teases the Vigilante. The Vigilante does not know what to do with this information.
Skarso is too iconic. I feel like they would probably kill each other, but because the community wants them to kiss I’m just like “gdi”. Would anything of substance come from them? I personally don’t think so but at this point they’re so iconic I have to respect it.
I’m just saying but………… Town of Salem Mafioso……………. Sir……………………………… 🥺
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lovestrucklyuniverse · 5 months ago
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Another case of "I'm bored, so let's rank Disney Princess dresses with a template I found." Now, this template also includes the LA remake dresses as well but to be honest, outside of Jasmine's dresses, I don't really care for the costuming in the remakes. Yes, that includes the big poofy Cinderella dress, y'know the one. Unpopular opinion: I think Cinderella (2015) while being the best remake, it is also incredibly boring and does not do service to the story and character that I love so much.
Now, let's go into my deeper thoughts on the ranking. Opinions under the cut.
Aurora's Blue dress: surprise, surprise, this is the first one. Mainly as a #TeamBlueDress member, but I just think the blue compliments Aurora's gold locks and skin tone better than the pink. Plus she wears the blue for longer in the movie anyway!
Anna's Birthday dress: This is partly my Anna bias, but I really like this dress. Sunflowers are a perfect flower for Anna with all its meanings. Loyalty, devotion, positivity, strength, resilience, etc. All these traits encapsulate Anna to a T. Plus I love the colors in the dress so incredibly much. This is probably my favorite Anna look of all time; I will collect every version of this dress that I can.
Cinderella's Silver ballgown: The gown is silver, fight me. Anyway, I love this dress so incredibly much. I love the sleeves, her elegant gloves, and the way the skirt twirls, AHHH. When I was a kid, I wanted so badly to wear the costume version of the dress that my cousins had, but it didn't fit me. So, I'll just love it from afar.
Ariel's Sparkling Silver dress: The moment is iconic and the dress itself is just plain gorgeous. I wish they held onto it longer than a few seconds.
Anna's Coronation(?) as Queen dress: Now, I don't think the scene is her coronation, as it makes no sense why Elsa wasn't there, but I don't know what else to call this. Now, I really love Anna's dress at the end of the movie. She looks so elegant and mature, frankly it just makes her look so much older. The colors are rich and suit her color scheme really well. And her crown?! I fucking love that crown, I need to get it someday!
Anna's Cream Autumn dress: Look, I'm an Anna stan, it's not my fault that she has such beautiful dresses and I'm naturally drawn to them! Anyway, I love this dress so much. I like the color on Anna, the jacket is really pretty and the look overall is comfy yet formal. A very important combination for Anna, in my opinion at least.
Anna's Coronation dress: probably my second favorite Anna dress from the first movie. Believe it or not, I actually like her outfits in the second movie better, despite that the first movie is my favorite film of all time. But in terms of this dress, it feels like a very good way to showcase Anna's personality. It's loose, bouncy, and it generally looks pretty comfy for such a formal dress. I also love the hairstyle and the use of this shade of green throughout the look. Anna's main color is green and I would say it's mainly because of her coronation dress.
Anna's "End of Movie" dress: And here's my favorite dress that she wears in the first movie. Is it just a recolor of her dress from DYWBAS? Yes. Do I care? NO. That shade of green is perfect for Anna and I like how she kinda resembles a plant in it. Like she's growing into her new life in Arendelle now that the gates are open.
All Time Favorites - CANNIT BEAT
Aurora's Peasant Dress: Look, I like medieval dresses. And I think Aurora's dress here is a great showcase of the time period she is from. Plus I think the more mute colors in the gown do a good job of letting her beauty (the thing she's KNOWN FOR) shine through. I also like the black headband in her hair; I actually like it more than her princess tiara. Overall, a pretty cute look and I'll be damned if someone slanders it.
Rapunzel's Main Dress: I've always loved this dress of Rapunzel's. I like how the purples and pinks compliment her golden hair, and I like the smaller details. Such as the slight corset look to the front of it and the slight lace along the collar. Put simply, it's pretty. But I prefer it in 3D; I don't like the flat colors of it in the series.
Moana's Wayfinder Dress: Look, I don't like Moana or her movie very much. But damn, do I love both of her dresses. The flower crown is my favorite part. The reds and oranges are just perfect. Actually, those colors actually really pop against the blue ocean. That was a good choice to not have her wear any blue to match the ocean.
Elsa's Riding Uniform: I don't know what else to call this, but I love this look of hers so much. In fact, I still remember how excited I was to see the F2 teaser where she pulls all that clothing off and ties her hair up. It makes her look determined and by not wearing so much, it makes her swimming through the water easier. If there's any outfit for her to wear while taming the Water Spirit, it's this one.
Anna's Travelling Look, Part 2: I like this one better than the first movie, but I like how it pays tribute to it at the same time. She honestly looks like she is actually prepared and ready to travel, as well as looks warm for the colder weather. I like how the more spontaneous younger sister is the sensible one on the trip by packing a bag of supplies XD
Belle's Blue Dress: If I'm being honest, I like how real this whole outfit feels. It looks comfortable, it looks realistic and lived in. The apron is a nice touch and while we never see the blue dress on its own, I'm sure I'd actually wear it irl.
Tiana's Waitress Uniform: Looking at this and the previous entry side by side, they kinda look the same, but I still like her uniform. The yellow compliments her dark skin well and I like how she has the sleeves rolled up, that way it's easier to carry things.
Wendy's Pajamas: Now, I am NOT a nightgown person, never have been to be honest, but I like Wendy's nightgown. It's a nice shade of blue, I like the little ribbon around her waist, and her bow is the icing on the cake. She's cute, what can I say?
Elsa's Green Dress: Spoiler alert, I like this dress better than both of her main blue ones. I think that shade of green looks great with her pale skin and it actually brings out the slight pink pigment as well. The flowers are a nice touch as well. This is also probably my favorite cape of hers as well, as it's a lot more subtle compared to her others.
Elsa's Spirit Dress: I'll always like this one, even if the overuse of it in fanart is starting to kill that for me. I like how her hair is down and that it kinda comes with her longggg cape and how the different crystals add a bit of color to the white dress. The only thing that I don't entirely like about it is the points on the collar. They look childish to me, which doesn't feel like something the mature Elsa would choose.
okay okay love it love it
Elsa's purple Autumn dress: I'm not entirely sure what shade this is, but I love it nonetheless. I like how slimming it is, the off-shoulder action reminds me of her Frozen Fever dress, and it goes really well with the Autumnal colors of the season. (Maybe slightly better than Anna's?)
Rapunzel's "The End" dress: I like how this one is somehow more regal yet simpler version of her main dress. The color is really nice on Rapunzel and the slight plainness of it really allows for her short hair to shine. And I love it.
Elsa's pajamas: Is it too elegant for sleeping? Honestly, yeah, it is. But boy is it pretty! I love how sparkly it is and I love that color on Elsa. When promotion was coming out for Frozen 2, I remember being so happy that Elsa was not only getting new looks, but they were putting her in other colors! Like, I get it, she's the Snow Queen. But blues wash her out and that has ALWAYS bothered me.
Mulan's Armor: The armor is the wrong color in the picture for some reason, but I still like it either way. It does a good job of hiding and protecting her. And I appreciate that her looking so good in the armor has made her a genderfluid or nonbinary icon.
Anna's Travelling Look, Part 1: I honestly like this look of hers better than most. So many complain about how it doesn't look like it would actually keep her warm, BUT, you guys do realize it was all Oaken had in stock right? That's kinda the point? Anyways, I like the different colors of this look. I like the cloak, I like the dress, and I like the Bunad cap that she wears for most of it. My one complaint is I wish the cap and the cape weren't pink. I've edited it to be brown before and it honestly looks way better. Or it could've been green, as that is a bigger part of Anna's color scheme than the pink is.
Belle's Pink Dress (both with/without cloak): I am so excited that this look is this year's Holiday Disney Doll, as it's a beautiful design! The pink is really pretty against Belle's brown hair and the bow is a great addition. And the cuffs to the sleeves?! Ah, I fucking love it. As for the cloak, it's a cherry on top to the look. It's a nice shade of red and I love the white fur lining.
Ariel's Pink Dress: The pink makes sense for the time the movie was made in, even though I would've chosen a different shade maybe? I love the hairpiece holding Ariel's hair in place, as it looks like it came with the dress. I also like the ruffles of the dress a lot.
Moana's "Normal" Look: I'm not really going to say much about this one except for I like the colors and that it's probably one of the nicest Disney Princess dresses out there.
Elsa's Coronation Dress: I actually like this look better without the cape, when she's just running around on the mountain. But I like the cape a lot, with the gem clip holding it in place and the Arendelle crocus being embroidered into it. At the same time, however, it does feel a bit stuffy, which is the point at least.
Rapunzel's Wedding Dress: This is only here because of the veil. That veil is everything. And I usually hate wedding veils. But having it be as long as her hair used to be was a great touch. The dress itself is still nice, but it's just a recolor of her end of movie dress.
Cinderella's "Scullery Maid" Dress: I like how this looks a lot more cohesive than you'd think it would be. Do I wish they were actually rags? A little bit. But I like the shade of brown and blue used, the apron is nice, and Cinderella's hair is nice whether it's pulled up by a scarf or tied up via bow.
Elsa's Christmas Dress: I don't know why Anna's dress from OFA wasn't included, but I can overlook it because I do like Elsa's dress a little bit more. I love this cape. I love the fur trim so much. The shade of blue is better in my opinion, and overall, a very beautiful dress. But I do wish the fur trim was used a little bit more and they could've given her hair a bit of holiday cheer like they do for Anna.
ehhhh it's a classic but not my cup of tea
Aurora's Pink Dress: I like the blue more. Enough said. The way Disney markets the pink dress in every other form aside from the parks is also the wrong shade of pink anyway, so it annoys me more.
Tiana's Green Dress: It's well designed, I'll give it that. But it doesn't feel like Tiana's style. It's too big, it's too poofy. And the lilypad on her the side of her dress? Nope, I don't like it.
Elsa's "Let it Go" Dress: Alright, we've reached the one that has been bugging me for almost 11 years. I have NEVER liked this dress. It's the wrong shade of blue. It looks way too freaking modern. Why does the corset look like it's covered in sequins?! I love the transformation, it is iconic, but the dress itself? Nope, I don't like it. Literally every other dress Elsa has is better than this. And I hate how so many of them are designed to resemble this one, yet look so much better!
Merida's Main Dress: I like this better than her more "proper" dress, and I like the shade of green they use, but it's just kinda meh to me. I just wish they could've given it one more detail to make it better, or at least, not as boring.
Belle's Gold Ballgown: Hear me out. I like the ballgown, I love watching it move onscreen. But I wish it looked more gold, or just use a different color instead. As it stands, it's just not my favorite.
Anna's Pajamas: That picture does her so dirty. It's the wrong shade of green in the picture and I hate it. But anyways, it's nice. Not much more to say, it's just nice. I like the green and the little bow, but having her hair in braids makes me miss the realism of her iconic bedhead in the first movie.
Mulan's Promotional Dress: I cannot remember for the life of me where this dress came from. Is it only for promotional material? Because I don't remember this one in the movie. Now, I like the greens and yellow, with the slight red. But this one is boring. Literally, all my rankings of Mulan's dresses are low and her armor is ranked higher. Why is that?!
Alice's Dress: It's cute and I like how poofy it is for somewhat comedic purposes. But I don't really care for this movie, so I don't have much of an opinion on it.
Elsa's Travelling Dress: I do think this one is way better compared to the Let it Go dress, but it's still not my favorite. The cape is better, but it's not very noticeable. Elsa doesn't look prepared for adventure, not like Anna. Elsa deserves better.
Jasmine's Basic Look: She's a pants girlie and I love that for her. But it is also just really boring.
Snow White's Dress: I didn't really know where to put Snow. I like the more pale tones in the movie, not the ones they use in promotional material. I like the top, but the bottom is just kinda plain. But it's better than the one set for the live action remake.
Pocahontas's Look: This one is a little bit harder for me to talk about. Pocahontas is pretty overtly sexualized in this movie and it's a bit uncomfortable. She looks nice, and I've always liked her necklace. But I don't know what else to say.
Tiana's Blue Dress: It's sparkly and I like it. But neither of Tiana's "marketable" dresses really feel like her. They both feel like she's wearing costumes. I liked the one that she wore before putting the blue one on after it got ruined. At least with the costumey feeling, it makes sense as she is at a costume party, but still.
Um yeah that's a no from me
I've never cared that much for Mulan's hanfu, if I'm being honest. I know the intention is that it doesn't feel like her, but it doesn't feel like her. It's too formal, too stiff. And looking at real hanfus makes me go "Disney, you fucked up. You screwed over one of your best protagonists big time." Even if they couldn't go all out, they could've done better.
Merida's Formal Dress: I was happy when this ugly thing got destroyed. It doesn't feel like Merida and Elinor is awful for putting her in it. That stupid hood thing pisses me off. I like the tiara, though.
Ariel's Sail Dress: This one is a joke, I know, but I can't help thinking about how slimy that ripped sail must be from being washed up on the beach.
Jasmine's Disguise: I like her disguise, but the one that she wears in the LA movie is just more detailed. Any of Jasmine's costumes in the LA is way better.
Ariel's Beach Waves: I know why they changed it for promotional purposes, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. They could've used one of her dresses from the second movie if they wanted to change it so much!
Jasmine's Seductress (yikes) Outfit: It's her normal outfit recolored with some gold elements. Jafar is creepy for putting this on her and yuck.
Why did they create this?!
Cinderella's Pink Dress: This could've worked, in theory. I love how happy she looked to be wearing it, in honor of her mother and the mice friends that made it for her. But it just-Whyyyy! It was better on the hanger! (But it's better than the pink dress Lily wore in the LA)
Snow White's Rags: Now this is what I meant when I said earlier that Cinderella's rags should be more ragged. But it does not mean I like it. Snow looks adorable in it, but it makes you hate the Evil Queen for putting her in it.
Ariel's Wedding Dress: I get it, it's super 80s. But I don't like 80s fashion! I never have. I hate how poofy the sleeves are and the veil is ugh. I've seen recolored versions of her pink dress and those look way better!
Finally, I'm done typing this out. I'm not kidding, this took actual hours to finish writing. Now, if you guys wanna do this for yourself, here's the link to the template: https://tiermaker.com/create/disney-dresses-rags-main-dresses-live-action-ect--15163173 I hoped you liked this as much as you liked my EAH ship ranking and I'll see you all next time.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 year ago
Well, okay then... here we go!
I most want to take care of Hobi. He's always taking care of other people. Someone needs to take care of him.
I want Namjoon to take care of me. He's big, strong, smart, wise, has integrity and has a poet's soul. He's perfect. (No, I'm not drooling. Why do you ask?)
The person I'd like to kiss gently on the forehead is JK. Or JImin. Or both.
I think Jimin probably gives the best hugs in terms of emotion, but physically it would have to be Joonie.
Yoongi feels the most like home.
Do I have any platonic biases? No. Am I supposed to? ;)
What do you think makes them unique/stand out? -- All of BTS are ridiculously talented, hard working as hell, caring and compassionate, smart as whips, creative, kind, and genuine. They stand out because everything about them is special, unique and truly them. There may be parts of the BTS brand that have been manufactured by the agency, and there are parts that they have to keep to themselves because they have that right to have their own lives and privacy, but otherwise they're exactly as they seem. What you see is what you get, and I've never heard anyone who knows them who's said differently.
Name 3 similarities between 2 of your biases. Well, I think all seven of our Tannies share more than 3 similarities, but these are things they all have in common: dedicated to their art, devoted to the people and animals they love, full of kindness.
Are there any general trends you notice between your biases? I think they're all getting tired of being under other people's thumbs (the agency and the government). They all seem to be yearning to live their lives on their own terms. Once MS is out of the way, there will no more leverage that can be used against them.
Is there a specific position (what they do or age) your biases tend to be? (Rapper, singer, dancer, leader, older in the group, younger, maknaes, etc.) Nope. If I'm honest, I have 7 biases, and if I'm claiming a bias, then at any given moment I'll also have 6 bias wreckers. Can't really pick a specific position other than "All". (I'm restraining myself from making this dirty. I'm working hard, here.)
Do you have an ult? If you do, who? If not, why do you think you don't have one? Jikook are my ult, with JK being ever-so-slightly ultier than Jimin. That shifts at a moment's notice, though. Just say these two are tied.
If you have an ult, how often does your ult change? The two ults are constant, but who's ahead in #1 Ult vs. #2 Ult changes all the time. That's why I keep them more or less as a tie.
What's the longest you've had one ult? Five years.
Any stories to share about starting to bias someone? I was watching "Fire," my very first BTS MV and gateway drug. JK and Jimin just really caught my eye in their dancing and their faces and their voices and... yeah. It was just a "click" moment.
Do you have any bias wreckers? Heh. See above.
What do you consider a bias wrecker? To me, a bias wrecker is someone who distracts/attracts me the same amount as my bias. The difference between my 2 Ults and my 5 bias wreckers is a matter of microns anyway, so it doesn't take a lot to wreck me. ;)
Are there any groups where you have multiple biases? BTS
Any groups where you have a hard time picking a bias at all? BTS!
Does your bias affect the way you see the other members of their group? (Send a group or random choice) Not really. I appreciate all of the members as themselves as well as for interactions with JK and JM. Their friendships and love for each other make me all warm-hearted and gooey inside.
Is there anything in particular that draws you into your bias(es)? I'm drawn to the light of their souls in their eyes.
Talk about one of your favorite features of a bias (Send a group or random choice) This is true for all of the Tannies. My favorite feature is kindness.
What are they passionate about and how does that make you feel? (Send a group or random choice) They're passionate about doing good and being good, both in terms of personal behavior and performance. I respect the hell out of that. Perform and exercise your talents to as high a level as you can, and be a good human being at the same time. Gold.
Any particular clips or pics that you find comforting of a bias?
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24. Any favorite funny moments of a bias?
25 through 40 on next post.
Bias questions
(Could also be used for favorite characters, but kpop biases is where I'm starting this from.)
Who do you most want to take care of?
Who do you most want to take care of you?
Is there anyone in particular you'd want to kiss gently on the forehead?
Who do you think would give the best hugs?
Who feels the most like home?
Do you have any platonic biases?
What do you think makes them unique/stand out? (Send a group or random choice)
Name 3 similarities between 2 of your biases
Are there any general trends you notice between your biases?
Is there a specific position (what they do or age) your biases tend to be? (Rapper, singer, dancer, leader, older in the group, younger, maknaes, etc.)
Do you have an ult? If you do, who? If not, why do you think you don't have one?
If you have an ult, how often does your ult change?
What's the longest you've had one ult?
Any stories to share about starting to bias someone?
Do you have any bias wreckers?
What do you consider a bias wrecker?
Are there any groups where you have multiple biases?
Any groups where you have a hard time picking a bias at all?
Does your bias affect the way you see the other members of their group? (Send a group or random choice)
Is there anything in particular that draws you into your bias(es)?
Talk about one of your favorite features of a bias (Send a group or random choice)
What are they passionate about and how does that make you feel? (Send a group or random choice)
Any particular clips or pics that you find comforting of a bias?
Any favorite funny moments of a bias?
Share a favorite selfie of a bias (Send a group or random choice)
What do you share in common with your biases?
Tell me 3 fun facts about your bias (Send a group or random choice)
Do you associate any of them with a specific animal? (Could be official, fan designation or just what you personally think)
Do you associate any of them with something other than an animal?
Are there any songs that make you think of them?
Do you own any special merch of any biases?
Is there anything you want to own of your bias but don't?
How many photocards/album items do you have for each bias?
How many photocards/album items do you have for your bias wreckers?
Do you intentionally collect any of your biases? (Going out of your way to trade/buy their photocards and other stuff)
Have any of your biases motivated or inspired you?
Have your biases helped you with anything?
If you could meet 1 bias in person and have an actual conversation with them, who would it be and why?
Express how much they mean to you in one sentence (Send a group or random choice)
Express how much they mean to you no limit ramble as much as you want (Send a group or random choice)
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wickymicky · 4 years ago
i love the part in the stayc choreo where one member holds another member’s face and moves her head in time with the song, that’s such a cool part right at the beginning of the song
#idk their names#the only members i know by name are yoon and j#i could list the other names but i forget who is who#there's a seeun and sieun which is confusing lol#i recognize one member who i know is either sieun or seeun but idr which one she is#i really like So Bad but idk i dont feel the same pull to learn more about them and stan them the way i did with some other rookies#i think its just that none of them jumped out to me as a bias candidate#like they all seem good- i just mean that there isnt one in particular who caught my attention more than the rest#which like.. i hate to admit lol.. is a big factor in deciding what groups i stan haha#i wanna be more impartial or whatever but i mean idk... they call it ''bias'' for a reason i guess lol#that might be why ive ended up choosing weeekly as my roty instead of cignature who were my roty for the whole year up until july#cause like i dont really have a clear cignature bias either.. tho i like a lot of the members#whereas with weeekly i have one really strong bias and another secondary sub-bias and like two other members who im invested in#like its not JUST that tag me is my second favorite song of the year... it's also that jiyoon gives me yoojung vibes#i do wanna learn more about stayc tho! they were on fact in star recently and i'm gonna watch that soon!#and hopefully i'll come away from that with a bias! and be more invested in the group overall!#oh huh i didnt actually realize that theyre all really young... theyre the same age range as weeekly p much#idk i just assumed they had a member over 20#well anyway my bias will probably be one of the older members#apparently sumin is the person i was thinking of (who has lines during the part that im posting about here) and i like her voice#so maybe she could be a bias? idk what any of them are like though#i'll find out#tho maybe i wont end up stanning this group lol. idk. i can only stan like one group with no members older than 20 at a time...#lmao...
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yeeunjia · 3 years ago
Hii!! So I just watched a video about Enhypen and their siblings especially Heeseung's brother fanboying about Jay and Sunoo's sister fangirling about Jay and Sunghoon. Which got me thinking... How about Enhypen reaction to their siblings fangirling/fanboying about their Idol S/O? Thank you so much!!!
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PAIRING : idol!enha x idol!fem!reader
▬▬ GENRE : fluff !! ▬▬  WARNINGS : none !!
✧ user yeeun : i’m aware of the fact that heeseung, jake, sunghoon, jungwon, and niki have siblings but i’m not quite sure if jay and sunoo are an only child! + it’s been quite a while since i’ve posted reactions!!! i genuinely hope this doesn’t end up being too rusty ヾ(☆▽☆)
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⌗ .. heeseung !!
❝ heeseung has stated it himself that the fact that his brother is probably one of your biggest fans doesn’t bother him much. he thinks that it’s normal, especially because of how you’re one of the most admired idols too! well, he’s right. it is normal. but when his brother wouldn’t stop praising his girl after seeing pictures from a photoshoot, it did bug him. way more than you think, honestly.
❝ hee would immediately glare at him but wouldn’t even dare to tell him to stop! he’s still his older brother anyway (#><) “when will you introduce me to her, hee? you wouldn’t even get her autograph for me!” his brother chuckles and your boyfriend wouldn’t even know what to say, but after a few minutes of thinking, he finally gives a reply, “i would if you’d just stop fanboying over her too much like what happened in their concert.” heeseung was referring to how his older brother couldn’t stop jumping and screaming your name in your group’s most latest concert in seoul ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ his brother laughs again while giving hee’s shoulder a pat, “you know that it can’t be helped!” “yah! how would you feel if your brother suddenly starts screaming your girl’s name while yelling how much he loves her?!” silence conquers them both once again. oh boy, he’d need to try to convince hee to let you guys meet 100x harder.
⌗ .. jay !!
❝ jay would either feel really jealous + upset or not even care much at all whenever he sees people fanboying/fangirling over you. although, if things get out of hand and he does feel jealous, he wouldn’t make a move either. he’d just glare at the person. still, his own members even fanboy over you and it’s not like he can stop that so he wouldn’t mind it much if it’s them. but seeing his siblings admiring you…?
❝ he didn’t feel a hint of jealousy. not even just a little bit. jay- if he’s being honest, he found it TOO hilarious! i mean, seeing his siblings jumping up and down + screaming while watching your inkigayo stage almost made jay die from laughter! when his siblings finally calmed down and faced him to say something, he could also laugh at their expression and the way they’re panting so much. “i still can’t believe my brother is dating my ultimate bias!” one of them blurts out and a smirk appears on jay’s face, “i’m also the main reason why you can always interact with y/n.” they all pout, jay was right after all. when you finally got the chance to meet each other, everything ended up as pure chaos. but despite that, you all still got along really well anyway!!<3
⌗ .. jake !!
❝ we all know that jake would be the most supportive boyfriend ever! he’d have visible sparkles and hearts in his eyes while showing you the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. but of course, jealousy would be a normal thing too. especially when some starts calling you their girl or the love of their life (*°ー°)ノ jake knows that tons of people would eventually say such things but it still makes him a bit jealous too! and not to mention the fact that sunoo also acts like that whenever you’re around ..
❝ his brother finally decided to give him a visit! there was so much things jake expected. one of those expectations was also his brother talking about how proud he his. there was just one thing jake didn’t expect that was a big big big deal to him. it was his brother saying all nice comments about you when he took a peek at jake’s lockscreen (which was a polaroid of you and jake, by the way) but he didn’t mind. that was until he started noticing how his brother started fanboying over you while showing his collection of your photocards… jake swore that he was so close to losing it, but he didn’t anyway. “you know… i think my brother likes you.” your boyfriend raises his head to look at you while giving you puppy eyes. you chuckle, “how come, jakey?” “he literally collects your photo cards! he even got the ones with your autograph..” jake was really just upset of the fact that his brother has more of your photo cards than he does! (probably even asks for it too (°▽°)/)
⌗ .. sunghoon !!
❝ hoon’s cockiness would be on another level. he’d see so much edits in his fyp and he wouldn’t even be surprise when he sees how much hearts you’ve stolen. he doesn’t admit it directly, but he does find you attractive and even too perfect! <//3 he’d either feel really jealous of really proud + act all cocky 🥲 and when he saw his sister fangirling over you? this guy loved it too much.
❝ his own sister wouldn’t even show a hint of admiration for him and would even keep on choosing the other members so this was a first. he’d walk over to her, a grin on his face, already ready to start teasing her! “you got y/n’s photocard, didn’t you? geez, i didn’t know you love my girlfriend that much!” his own sister wouldn’t even know what to say. it’s true, she does like you way more than expected but she can’t let it be too obvious, especially in front of hoon. still, despite holding back on that day, she still failed to do so miserably when you two finally meet! the poor girl swore that she could just faint right when you gave her a hug! ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃
⌗ .. jungwon !!
❝ wonie knows that you’re everyone weakness! crowds go crazy over you and you’re even able to get other fandoms’ attention! well, you’re also known as the ‘4th gen it girl’ so it’s also not much of a surprise! he understands why tons of people would fanboy or fangirl over you but there are also times where he can’t help but get a bit pouty + upset too!
❝ well… not knowing what to feel over someone REALLY close to him fangirling over you was a first. his sister didn’t show a huge reaction when meeting you, but all he knew was that she loved you (^-^*)/ but the thought of his sister getting excited over you concept photo never crossed his mind. not even once! won told you to wait for him as he was going to get a gift he kept in his room. wonie knows that his sister would eventually tease him by jokingly stealing you but seeing you two getting along is enough to set those thoughts aside. he’d walk over you two with a smile on his face! “hi, won! you’re really lucky to have a pretty girlfriend. you know…. i might even steal y/n from you!” yeah, that smile immediately disappeared and turned into a big frown. ( ◡‿◡ *)
⌗ .. sunoo !!
❝ sunoo is one of your biggest fanboys and he even admits it himself! he never misses the chance to attend your concerts, fansigns, watch your vlives, and buy your most recent albums ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ he’s honestly the most supportive boyfie anyone could possibly want and ask for! seeing your boyfriend even blending in with your fans wouldn’t be surprising as well. not to you and even your members! he didn’t mind the fact that you had tons of fanboys. but he just didn’t enjoy seeing his own brother fanboying over you ..
❝ his parents invited you both over to stay with them for a week. you knew that his brother was also one of your fans and the fact that your new music video was going to be released on that week seemed like a dream to his brother too! it meant that he could watch it with you and sunoo, after all! sunoo was excited too. but not when he saw his brother suddenly getting all TOO excited and close to you while watching your parts! he didn’t mean to be that close too! your boyfriend would glare at his own brother as his grips tightens on the remote while watching him grabbing your shoulders and shaking you out of excitement ( ° ∀ ° )ノ゙ anyone could tell that the way he smiled at you both were all just an act. sunoo then had enough of it and suddenly takes your hand to drag you along with him to his room, “MY girlfriend actually still needs her beauty sleep! BYE!”
⌗ .. niki !!
❝ fans have always wanted and longed for you to finally meet and interact with your boyfriend’s siblings. you’re all dance enthusiasts and you’ve even seen konon and sola talk about you so it was no doubt that you three would immediately get along (^0^)ノ niki wanted that too- but what he didn’t want was his own sisters PURPOSELY trying to steal you from him! his hyungs would often do that to bug him too, he tried not to care but this time was different. it was his siblings so of course he didn’t even bother holding back!!
❝ you agreed to join them when they wanted to pass by their dance studio. the place was still unfamiliar to you which is also one of the main reasons why niki decided to come too and made sure not to leave your side! he only had to leave your side when you asked him to buy snacks and he gladly obeyed. niki was on his phone while he was on his way back to the room, he was trying to think of a caption for your pictures that he was about to post and he immediately gets distracted as soon as he hears giggles and squealing coming from the room (°▽°) this boy immediately starts running and frowns when he sees you teaching his sisters a new choreography. he was supposed to be fine with it, but then again, konon and sola do love teasing niki even if it means needing to steal you from him as a joke <//3 it all ends up with niki sulking for the rest of the time while aggressively chewing on all the snacks he bought !!
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samthecookielord · 7 months ago
Every question and where to find the answer, under the cut. And also a bonus edit of why i think i may have made the questions a little too hard at the start
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1-Which Clive is closest to canon?
I guess this one could be cause for discussion but yeah like the explanation shown, Timeclive is a canon divergent post-canon, unlike the others who have larger changes starting from earlier on in the timeline. You can probably tell from their sprite edits too (i dont have one for triclive yet so i just put his drawing there). As you can see, Timeclive is the only one whos outfit is literally the same as in-game.
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2-What is the in-universe nickname of every Cliver member? (i.e. what do the Clives generally refer to each other as?)
I realize now it is not very apparent from the clides. Oops. This was the first mention i could find FHHSFD
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Well anyways this post has part of the answer. And I guess I just spread out the nickname usage across different posts dfjdsjfd
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3-On the clides, there are two characters that get dedicated full slides despite not being Clive. Who are they?
Okay this one you can actually tell from looking at it. Considering its about the clides. Lukebot gets at least one slide, and Parker has one. Even if you weren't sure if Lukebot is considered a Clive or not, nobody else on the multiple choice gets a dedicated slide.
4-Which AU Clive came first?
I guess this one is a little hard to tell too but considering the fact that his slide comes first and he was present in an early post of pgw clive, hes a solid candidate for the answer. If you really wanted to exercise your right to taking this quiz open book you can use the "tumblrurl/tagged/name/chrono" thing for each au tag and look at the dates OOPS WAIT MY FIRST TIMECLIVE DRAWING WAS IN A DOODLE DUMP AND I DIDNT TAG THAT. SORRY </3 but i do post the original first doodle AGAIN later and MENTION that its an older doodle. im really good at this making easy questions thing.
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5-How many guns does AV!Clive own during Curious Village?
Straightforward, check slide 19 and dont get confused by the previous text box.
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6-How many iterations of the "cliver" image are there?
(1) (2) (3)
7-Clive Triton AU currently has 2 named custom songs made by me and Katie. What are their names?
Another terribly poorly thought out "easy" question. My badddd. If you comb through Triclive's slides, you can find i tucked away some music links (oh wait i should also update the artfight thing. hes there now!) (the answer to this may become outdated soon because Im cooking another theme for lukebot) (also im so sorry to anyone who took this quiz using the clides BEFORE i added the lighthouse link to it. it was brand new and i had recency bias HDJFHJSDF)
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8-As of August 1st, there are 3 (dis)hono(u)rable mentions at the end of the Clides that are in a "special zone" due to being actual AUs and not one-off doodles. Who are they?
Straightforward check final slide they are there
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9-triclive is losing it in this panel do you know why
Read my comic read my other comic.read my comic
If you want a precise lore location that tells you "he was kidnapped by dimitri and is currently fueled by 1 hour of sleep, trauma, and soul-crushing fear of lonliness", here's two panels from one of the posts i just linked
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10-Where does Timeclive get his blue top hat?
On his ref. If you want context, here's the post
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12-PGW!Layton interviewed PGW!Clive. Why?
Although this fact has been sitting around the mutual circle:tm: for a long time (CORRECTION: only me and pastel knew JFDSKJSD), I only very recently actually made it into a comic because I kept forgetting to draw it.
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13-There is a non-Cliver AU with the original premise being Timeclive accidentally caused a lot of this AU's major changes. Which one is it?
You can check my layton status post.
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Also this is my first tagged BEHUH post
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It is also mentioned in this slideshow. I also have friends telling me I made a comic about Timeclive pushing Layton down a pit but I do not have any evidence of this comic existing and trust me I searched very hard. What
14-Who got Rifle first?
If you check the clides, rifle is mentioned twice. the kity :3 from the wording, you might infer that i gave rifle to pgw!clive first. also chronologically, i have drawn pgw!clive with rifle first
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15-There is a drawing with the caption "Finally. Cliver." where each Cliver member is playing an instrument. Which instrument does each person play?
Finally. Cliver.
16-When does the fic "Second Chances" take place? (the one where av!clive gets burnt and shot)
Read Second Chances. As said in the uquiz explanation, "Can't be post-LF because Assassin AU Layton stops killing after that. And can't be before curious village because Flora is in the fic." It could go either way of between CV and DB or between DB and LF tbh. we picked the latter tho. u gotta guess lmao
17-AV!Clive has an AITA post on aita-blorbos dot tumblr dot com. What's the title of the post?
You can read it here
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18-I have a blog where i post screenshots from the layton games. On April Fools 2024, I posted joke screenshot edits instead. One of them contained a cliver member. Who was it?
I tagged my april fools posts. This question is a little tricky because you see both Lukebot and AV!Clive. However, it is AV!Clive because he is the only actual official cliver member that fits the answer.
19-There are currently 5 Timeclive fics posted on AO3. Which one(s) is/are mine?
Look at my ao3 man idk
20-What's the name of my Cliver youtube playlist?
This playlist is actually public and you can find it linked on the first page!
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21-In Flight Rising, which Clive did I make my first Cliver fandragon of?
sorry anyone who doesnt even know what a flight rising is HJFSDHJSDF look at my awesome dragon
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23-What is the name of the doc for Second Chances?
youre on your own buddy. guess boy guess o7
24-Timeclive keeps notes on the various universes he encounters, giving nicknames to notable ones. This is shown on a slide i made. What is the second name he gave to PGW?
See the timeclive notes slides here
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25-What is the original name for Null Solution? (THATS RIGHT YOU ONLY KNOW THIS IF YOURE ME LOLLL) (oh i guess not wow so many people get this right??)
guess boy guess
26-I snuck a cliver clive into a school project once by designing a character who was very based on one of them. Which Clive did I base this character off of? If it helps, this was for a murder mystery themed project.
This is definitely unfair and this is why its in the unfair section BUT it is possible to locate this info. probably better off guessing though. While not directly stated that this is primarily pgw!clive inspired, you can probably tell from the scarf and the text "hired commercial director". funnily enough the killer is the guy i designed after desmond
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27-How many Cliver clives are active in my friend group's "interdimensional server" roleplay?
I have a tag for posting screenshots from this roleplay
Timeclive appeared once. However, I specify "and then he never showed up again" meaning he is not active. We only play as ocs for this, with very few exceptions.
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28-Triclive can hear the Layton soundtrack, and there is a hypothetical bonus mechanic where post-game you can ask him to play a piano cover of any song from the current title, with a comment for each one. What does he say in reaction to Future British Gentleman?
The post is here
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29-Before we called him Timeclive, someone suggested a different nickname that I eventually used for his tupper bot for his singular interdimensional server cameo. What was it?
guess boy guess
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30-Okay here's the last of the unfair questions. Nice to end on a nice even number, right? Anyways, what was the exact message that spawned Timeline Hopper Clive?
guess boy guess
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play my nefarious cliver quiz. here are my clides if you need it (you will).
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orangesaek · 2 years ago
The Grape scenario was so cute 🥺🥺🥺 Could I request one where you are Rino's sister-in-law (like your older brother married her younger sister) and went to visit Korea where she invited you to the dreamies concert rehearsal and you met the boys. But one particular boy seems smitten with you, I don't mind whichever member 😅
Ps: Rino is their tour/concert planner but I'm sure you know her from the Dream Sketch episodes
^^ https://youtu.be/skHn-gpH0bg
omg omg of course, rino 😭 she's one of the professional dancers i look up to along with koharu (tmi) anyway, thank you so much for sending this request! i have no idea who your dream bias is, but i hope you don't mind jaemin 🤍 he wrecked my bias list so hard 🥲 i hope you see this & let me know if you liked it ♡ a/n: slightly proofread. lowercase intended.
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wow. that was the only word you could utter ever since you landed in korea yesterday. everything was just so pretty in your eyes — the buildings, the road, the food, the people. just, everything.
and wow was also the first word you uttered as soon as you arrived in jamsil olympic stadium. 'big' would be an understatement. it was massive, or any other word that's definitely a lot bigger than 'big'.
"bestie, let's go." rino said, ushering you to get inside the back door with her. you snapped out from your daze and ran to catch up with her.
your relationship with rino didn't make that much sense to many people, as the majority expected you to be closer with your brother's wife and not your sister-in-law's older sister. you were close with your sister-in-law, of course, but rino just matched better with your younger energy. not to mention, you were both huge fans of kpop.
she was promoted as one of the concert directors for sm entertainment not too long ago, and as it was her first time to handle nct dream's concert (which was going to become one of sm ent's historic concerts ever, and in korea's largest stadium at that), she called you up to visit her in korea to support her & to watch the concert as well.
every kpop fan knew about nct, and you were no exception. despite knowing all of their units, casually listening to their title tracks, and knowing around half of the members' names (only because of reading articles about them that piqued your interest), you still refused to stan them because of their 'crazy, unlimited' concept. you swore to yourself that you will never ever become a part of their fandom.
rino knew about you avoiding to get to know nct better, and she wanted to change that. sponsoring your trip to korea and getting you to watch at least one of its units' concert to make you realize what the group is really made of was a part of her plan.
after greeting a couple of staff members, rino brought you backstage to personally meet nct dream. although you weren't a fan (yet), you were excited with the thought of meeting them. millions of fans would fight to be in your place right now. who are you to complain, right?
rino held onto your hand as she led you through the slightly dim areas backstage before finally arriving at a well-lit hall with some doors. based on the number of behind-the-scenes videos of kpop groups that you have watched, you safely assumed that nct dream is inside one of the rooms, probably lounging or doing whatever while waiting for their rehearsal to start.
before you knew it, rino began knocking on a door. your heart started beating really fast and your hands have gone cold as soon as a staff member opened the door.
"grandma's here!" haechan shouted in excitement as he ran towards rino. his voice was something you could easily recognize anywhere, even as a non-nctzen.
rino let go of your hand to greet haechan with a tight hug.
"oh? who's this lady, grandma?" haechan asked after seeing you standing behind rino. that was the time the members noticed your presence, too.
your were looking down on the floor that suddenly became interesting to you at that moment, when in reality, you just didn't know what to do after it dawned to you that you were now literally breathing the same air in one small room with nct dream.
rino let go of the hug and gently pulled you to stand beside her.
"boys, this is my brother-in-law's younger sister," she introduced. "and my bestie."
you heard the oohs and ahhs of the members and quickly looked at them to say hi. the members then introduced themselves (with haechan proudly introducing himself as rino's grandson), and asked you to sit down comfortably with them as rino left the room to take care of some things.
"oh my god!" chenle exclaimed as he covered his mouth dramatically. "i think i just found myself a new bestie."
although it had only been a few minutes since you sat down with them, the nervousness you felt when you stepped inside the room was all gone thanks to the boys who made an effort to make you feel comfortable in such a short amount of time.
you honestly didn't want to start assuming things, but you definitely caught jaemin frequently stealing glances your way. he kept on smiling at you as well, and just generally had the best reaction to whatever you said (right next to mark, who laughed at literally whatever you said).
"kids, let's go." one of their manager hyungs suddenly called, and the boys quickly stood up to go. you were quite unsure if you should go with the dreamies or just wait for rino to text you where to go.
you were sitting a bit anxiously on the couch, watching the boys get ready to leave the room when you saw a hand in front of you.
you looked up to see jaemin, flashing his billion-dollar smile at you.
"come on," he said, waiting for you to take his hand.
you looked up at him, then on his hand, feeling a bit flustered and confused at the same time.
you could see the other members and staff leaving the room one by one, but you were still sitting on the couch.
"jaemin-ah, hurry!" renjun shouted as he left the room.
"yeah, yeah, i know!" jaemin shouted back before looking at you again. "my arm's gonna fall off soon," he said, shaking his hand lightly in front of you.
seeing that your butt was glued on the couch for some reason, jaemin took your hand instead and gently pulled you up.
"let's go before renjun kicks my ass," he said, holding your hand tighter as the two of you left the room.
you were now sitting on one of the chairs close to the stage. though not the actual concert yet, it felt surreal that you were now watching nct dream perform in front of you.
it made you realize you were missing out on such an amazing group, that you made it your personal assignment to do some research on nct dream and listen to all of their songs once you get home.
during the entirety of the rehearsal, you could see jaemin looking at you. and this time, you were sure because each time he sang his parts or would dance near where you were seated, he would lock eyes with you. unashamedly.
(un)fortunately, you weren't the only one to notice that.
rino, as well as the other dreamies, couldn't contain the playful smile on her faces. they just found it so cute how you would blush and shyly look away from jaemin.
"amazing job today, kiddos!" rino said when the rehearsal came to an end. she quickly thanked the staff around her before running to where you were.
"how was it?"
"it was awesome! i'm looking forward to their concert." you answered, feeling so hyped up.
"hmm, that's great. and what about the members?" she asked, brows raised teasingly.
rino's question caught you off guard and all you could do was chuckle nervously. she gave you a knowing smile before hooking her arm with yours to go home, letting you off the hook just once.
you honestly felt a bit sad that you were unable to properly say good bye to the boys — to jaemin, your new-found crush, to be specific. you didn't get the chance to meet them again when they rushed backstage right after the last song.
after eating dinner, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. just then, your phone chimed, signaling a new text message.
you opened the text and choked on the foam of your toothpaste, "i don't want to sound like a creep, but your hand was really soft", it said.
another text from the same unknown number arrived.
"oh, it's nana. jaemin. teeheehee"
you were now coughing so much that rino rushed to the bathroom in panic.
"what's going on?! are you okay?!"
you waved your hands to tell her that you're alright. well, except for the fact that you have just received a text message from nct dream's na jaemin.
"j-jae...min..." you tried to say between coughs. rino looked at your now-red face, seeming to understand what just happened.
"oh, i see." she said with a knowing smile on her face for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. you looked up at her with a puzzled look on your face after you have slightly recovered.
"what do you mean by that?" you asked. rino chuckled.
"haechan asked for your phone number so he could give it to jaemin," she finally said. your body froze as rino laughed at your frozen state.
"i wasn't the only one who noticed the way jaemin looked at you during the rehearsal this afternoon,"
you still stood frozen.
"so the dreamies asked jaemin what he thinks about you, and he said he would like to get to know you better."
"oh..." that was the only thing you could say at the moment. everything just felt too much for you to digest, and rino understood, so she left you in the bathroom, giggling to herself.
you rubbed your eyes a few times before looking at your phone again, making sure that you weren't just imagining things. however, the texts from the unknown number were still there, waiting for a reply.
quickly gathering your courage, you finally sent a reply.
"hi, jaemin. uhm, it was nice meeting you."
not even a minute later, you received a reply from jaemin.
"i really thought you forgot about me already TT_TT anyway, sorry i had to get your number this way. you must have been surprised"
you smiled to yourself, thinking how cute he was. you made your way to the bedroom and lay on your bed as you saved jaemin's phone number as 'nana jaemin'
"no, not at all. it's all good :) don't worry"
"so uhm see you at the concert tomorrow?"
"of course, i will be there :)"
"and at the company dinner after?"
"uhm, i'm not sure if i can go since i'm not part of the staff, but i guess we'll see??? i'll ask rino"
"well then, regardless if that's the case or not, what do you think about going out for dinner with me this weekend? :)"
"sure, i'd love that :)"
- end.
requests are OPEN ♡
UPDATE: anon just requested a continuation 🤍 you may read it here.
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honeyhotteoks · 3 years ago
I understand about the fic, thank you for considering it anyway. Your latest chapter had me kicking my feet, I saved it in my tabs.
This is my gift to you for your service to delulu fantasies all over the world.
Yunho's Mars is at a Pisces degree which means he could have a thing for feet (and with the amount of feet pics he takes...I'm not surprised).
His Taurus Venus is at a Cancer degree which means he loves to embody the 'Prince Charming' lifestyle & if he's into women, he would want them to have the 'princess' look, all elegant & feminine. Probably would love to call you 'princess' as well.
His Mars & Venus in the 5th & 6th House means he could have 'casual' sex and 'one night stands' but it wouldn't emotionally satisfy him, he does view sex as a means of relieving stress so he can detach himself emotionally if he needs too.
100% dom, hard dom. If he's in a mood for an intense scene, he wouldn't mind having his partner be a 'slave' for him. Definitely the type to be interested in toys & open for experimenting.
Absolute praise king, degradation (giving & receiving) would be a turn-off for him.
Humiliation (giving) he would absolutely simp over.
The size kink is 100% real, he would prefer a partner that's smaller & shorter than him so he can feel protective over them. Would also love to be able to throw them around & pin them down as he pleases.
He can be a pervert, let's be real. What I mean is, he would love to show that your his in public.
An example is, he would love to respectfully destroy you while you're wearing his hoodie, then he would make you wear that hoodie while you're going out with friends.
Sir/Master/Daddy-huge corruption kink, I feel he would genuinely love the idea of an inexperienced partner that he can train to please him & only him.
Ppl talk about Hongjoong Stan's having daddy issues. The Yunho Stan's are the true Stan's with daddy issues, would love to be a D$LF when he's older.
Would love to choke & be choked, would love to leave huge marks everywhere and in rlly obvious places.
Finally, food play. Like whipped cream & chocolate sauce everywhere.
'I don't want to eat too much dessert Princess, not while I have the best looking meal right here in front of me' 😏😏
(For real, why do I think he would actually say something like that.)
I hope this will give you some inspiration for some yunho fics in the future.
If you want me to do this with another member, I absolutely would.
😵😵😵 IM LITERALLY LOSING MY MIND. I genuinely had to walk away from my computer like three times this is making me properly delusional. if you would be so kind, my friend is a san bias and i would LOVE to send her what you have to say about him. ♥
however.... i have yunho thoughts~
listen i didn't want to acknowledge the yunho foot agenda but it exists, like we all saw him spanking san's feet in ode to youth
i so agree with his whole prince charming agenda too, he has always seemed like the type of guy who wants a girl he can spoil a bit. he remembers everyone's birthdays, and he's extremely considerate when he gives gifts, so i think that would be double with a romantic partner.
i also agree with the lack of degradation but still corruption, he seems like the type to want to take care of his partner and ease them into being the perfect sexual partner for him. i can see him wanting a confident and successful partner in her own right, but being a bit jealous and possessive, he loves that she's all for him.
for the choking agenda..... inception yunho during tour was something else. and just yunho saying 'actually i get jealous easily' in this video...
anyways i'm fully delusional now and this is perfect fodder for my fics, thank you as always 💛
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goldenhypen · 3 years ago
Ship your moots with Enha members? Or just any or the people you like talking to. And also why did you ship them with that specific member. 🥺
hii anonnie! <3 omg yes ofc !! these are so fun! (btw, these are listed in alphabetical order ok? 😭 also i’m so sorry if i forgot anyone 😭💔)
⬖ @artiiistyxoo w/ jungwon ▸ i just associate celine with jungwon at this point 😭 plus these two are both cuties 😚💖 and i think even as just friends, the dynamics would just be so fun and perfect 🥰
⬖ @atrirose w/ sunoo ▸ her blog’s description is literally “sunoo’s girl (real)” and she talks about him like all the time so- djdjdjd they’re both also very sweet and i could see them like,, caring for each other every day and being giddy over the other just by hearing their name or the their voice skdjkddj
⬖ @enhasfever w/ heeseung ▸ ofc ari with heeseung omg who else 😌 this doesn’t even require any thinking. whenever i think of ari, i think heeseung. 😌✨ she has so much love for hee and ik that if they would ever get the chance to meet each other irl, though ari would probably initially shrink in overwhelming excitement and nervousness, her and hee would get along rlly, rlly well and he’d make her feel rlly comfortable,, but then he’d proceed to hit her with his smooth pickup lines 😩 skdjdj
⬖ @ethereal-engene w/ sunghoon ▸ ik ash sometimes has her heeseung phases but i’m definitely shipping her with sunghoon, no questions asked 😌 she loves hoon, and their personalities would get along great. idk,, i could just easily picture them tgt 🥺💗
⬖ @hoes4hoseok w/ jay ▸ not just bc jay’s her bias, but out of all the members, i could honestly picture them two going rlly well tgt <3 they’re both mature and like,, smart and wise and talented skdjdkdj i could just see them getting along rlly well 🥰
⬖ @iuwon w/ jay ▸ everyone knows i love jay. you can often find me in my jay jay feels,, but i definitely trust lina with him 🤧 lina is the bestest, sweetest, talented, perfect girl, and her with jay would just be so 🥰💗
⬖ @iwonzzi w/ riki ▸ i see a lot of similarities in vivi and riki, like i love both of their creative sides. they’re both v admirable and i think they would just go rlly well tgt yk? 🥺
⬖ @jalnandanz w/ heeseung ▸ just knowing xae and hee’s personalities, i think they would compliment each other rlly well. and being older and being the gentlemen he is, hee will like,, take care of xae rlly well,,, yeah 🥺
⬖ @jungwoniics w/ jungwon ▸ i’ve been prepared for this day bc lia + jungwon = 🤩 skdjdj maybe it’s lia’s @ or the pfps or themes of wonie lia often has, but i 100% ship them ✋🏻 they would just be such a cute duo pls 😩 i think their personalities would complement each other so nicely and,, idk i just adore both of them too 🥺🥰
⬖ @koishua w/ jay ▸ when i think of viena and jay, they’re both very,, sophisticated and fashionable and both super good-looking?? like have you guys seen viena?? 😩 anyways- idk i could just see them going rlly well tgt ykyk
⬖ @kpophubb w/ jake ▸ definitely definitely jake ! with my own man, i would trust no one more than my lovely mia 🥺 the love and compassion this girl has,, pls anyone would be extremely lucky to have her in their life, and ik jake would definitely treasure her 🥺 i just know they’d get along sososo well and they’d have sm to talk about 🥺💗
⬖ @linoragi w/ heeseung ▸ obviously heeseung omg plus rey would come for me if i didn’t ship her with her moon <3 /j but yeah i don’t think there’s really a need for an explanation. the amount she posts of him and the fact that he’s on her mind 25/8,, i think that just proves my point even further. it’s clear they would just go so well tgt. rey, pls get back tgt with heeseung, it’s ok, he didn’t cheat on you 😭 plus, he told me he misses you 🥺💞
⬖ @meraniki w/ heeseung ▸ ik elly’s currently on her break but that’s totally ok! i’m not leaving her out of this 😤 but i’m shipping elly with heeseung bc i just feel like knowing how sweet and kind elly is, her and hee would get along rlly well, even as friends. everyone could use an elly in their life 🥺💓
⬖ @moonhoures w/ sunghoon ▸ along with some other specific idols, i associate moon with hoon <3 (omg the rhymes !! ig it was just meant to be 😌 skdjd) ik she’s in love with him and pls they would go so well tgt omg
⬖ @s-ngh8n w/ jay ▸ out of all the members, i picture jay as the most fitting for lemon 🥺 idek exactly what it is,, maybe it’s the lifestyle? or personalities? or maybe the fact that lemon is writing a whole series for jay <3 (go check it out besties 😚) but i just feel that they’d go rlly well tgt <3
⬖ @sultrybaby w/ sunghoon ▸ i just get major sunghoon vibes skdjdkd i feel like kel and hoon both would get sm benefit out of being with each other,, and not even necessarily in a relationship, but even just as friends. they’d be rlly cute 🥺
⬖ @sungsbear w/ sunghoon ▸ pls omg just imagine the two besties duos,, jakehoon and emali (hELP SKDJSK I JUST CAME UP WITH THE BEST NAME I COULD THINK OF ON THE SPOT SKDJDK) but i could totally see alison and sunghoon tgt. their personalities just fit tgt so well and they’d be so fun tgt <3
⬖ @tyunni w/ riki ▸ pLS i’d be stupid not to ship may with riki skdjdkdj she loves riki as much as i love jake,, if not more,, so- may is like enhypenblr’s #1 riki stan 😌 she can literally write hundreds of essays on reasons why she loves him. and i feel like they’d just be so good for each other yk? :(
to all my mooties, ilysm and i appreciate all of you sm <3 i’m so honoured and lucky to even be able to call each of you my friends and to have you guys in my life :( thank you for everything and for making my life just that much better <3 ily guys ! <333
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ji-lixie · 3 years ago
hellooooo my love — how about pentagon & golcha for the ask game 🌼✨💖
hello my love!!
i ramble too much
for pentagon i'm unfamiliar aside from knowing & loving literally one song (daisy and im 99% sure thats bc of u!!)
I’ll listen to their top song on Spotify & tell you my thoughts
daisy is right underneath shine.... cursed bc i actually realLY WAIT
oh hey this was the group dawn was a part of. id say i hope he's doing well but i'm actually pretty sure he is lmao
anyway shine slaps and i like the like. chorus ig??? its all good but i recognized the like... one line at the beginning immediately.
I’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me
uhhh im looking at group pics like last time which is probably not smart but: guy in the very middle in this picture, the two on the end here, and the guy who looks soft as hell w the blonde hair in this picture... hes kinda got teddy bear vibes in this pic tbh
I’ll tell you if I’d look into them more
i was abt to be like "time to add them to the list" but theyre already there adfkhsdf ill def have to listen more sometime!! shine + daisy are both v good and i feel like i'd enjoy more of their music if i actually sat down and listened fully :0
and for golcha... who r they? haha ive never seen bae seungmin in my life (drops pictures of him + my other beloveds) oh fuck oh shit--
favorite member / bias line
idk who my favorite is rn but its usually between bae seungmin + joochan + donghyun!! do not ask me why i dreamed of jangjun last night. i do not know.
seungmin is v funny and also i love his visuals and vocals and his dancing, joochan honestly seems to be a (cute) mess sometimes (the pasta...) + his vocals as well, and donghyun is a gamer boy and im weak for gamer boys as u may know. also he dance! :) altho i feel like i could def say tht like... all of golcha is funny lmao they are chaotic sometimes and i live for it <3 being bad at mafia is a small price to pay.
which member I’d fight (& why)
.... probably jangjun for dabbing in damdadi. some crimes cannot be forgiven sdfkhsdf he'd probably beat my ass bc i'm p sure the guy works out a lot but i'd still try.
other than that, i dont think there's anyone i'd fight??? i'd feel bad and also they could all def kick my ass unless we're going shorties vs the rest of golcha lmao even tho seungmin is almost definitely taller than me but we could kick his groups ass
favorite song(s)
that feeling + ddara + wannabe are all somewhere in my top golcha songs tbh? ra pam pam + without you also!! :0 but they have a lot of good songs, esp older ones, that im just leaving out lol (with me is on my repeat playlist for a reason...)
favorite thing about the group
god. so like. i feel like its a lil obvious to go 'oh i love their music' but literally i love how strong all of their songs seem to be. damdadi slaps so fuckin hard, especially to debut with? i feel like their choreography is always really on point and even if their line distribution isnt equal, it genuinely feels like they all do get to shine? i think typically its their dancers who get less lines (which makes sense to me) compared to vocalists + rappers, but it never really feels super unfair?
idk they also cover other groups pretty well imo but that might just be me being biased toward them lol i just think abt the time they covered fear by svt sometimes like??? also their aju nice cover... the original def has a distinct sound that u cant replicate but i do appreciate the golcha cover esp bc i think that was way closer to their debut??? proud of them <3
something i’d like to see from them
give my man his solo song. dont be shy. also give jibeom his solo song for ursa. it's what we deserve.
besides that... i dunno. i feel like ra pam pam + ddara both were more in the vein of like. a sexier concept? and i do love them for tht lmao but i wouldn't mind seeing something softer with the full group? more in the realm of "singing in the rain" but it def doesnt have to go tht far imo!! just a warmer like... autumn date-esque concept if that makes sense.
thank u my beloved i am love them and, more importantly, U!!! <3 i hope u are having a good day ily!!
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straystarsun · 3 years ago
Secret Love Songs Series
Chapter II Red Lights Pt. 1
Bang Chan x O.C.
A/N: *Trigger Warning* This chapter contains mention of self-harm and eating disorders. If you or someone you know is struggling with either, I am here to listen-feel free to message me privately.
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Previous Chapter
One more thing, this is NOT edited yet, so let me know if I should fix anything!!💜💜
The morning after Ji-Min and I landed, I still had not responded to him. I had spoken to Ji-Min about it over breakfast Eomma had made for us and she decided to snitch to my mom about it. That’s where we were now…
My friend had snatched my phone from my hands and read off a few of our past messages to my mom. She looked at me over her reading glasses, causing me to choke on my drink a little and she began speaking to me in a string of Korean and English, “Isabelle, you and this boy have known each other for years! And you haven’t decided to try to text him in the months you did not speak?! Did you happen to forget he is in Korea trying to make a way for not just him and his mates, but his family here as well?” 
I rub my palm down my face in frustration, “Yes, Eomma, it’s almost as if he would tell me that all the time! I was there when he needed me, but where was he when Appa died?! I called him,” at this point I had my voice strained and was nearly shouting at her, “he was not there, Ji-Min and you were. Not him, he was off on a break with his members!”
The two in front of me shrunk back a little as I took a few breaths to calm down, knowing no good was coming out of this, “It doesn’t matter because it’s not like he really wants to see me anyway. Ji and I have the studio to get to for our Live.”  
I stood up and bowed my body slightly to my mom and stole a glance at my best friend just as she spoke up, “Actually, I think he might want to see you.”
I let out a questioning exclamation as she continued, “I texted him a little bit ago for you and, um, he’s here…in Australia…”
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“Ji-Min, why would you do that?” I spoke softly to her as I began getting out of the car. I had been bothering her about it the whole ride here. I grabbed both of our gym bags out of the back as she growled in frustration and slammed the car door aggressively. We began walking up the steps and she took her bag off of my shoulder, “Because, Iz, you have loved this man for the majority of your life and I was there when you two fell off. I thought I was going to have to put you on suicide watch and force-feed your ass.” 
She wasn’t lying and I knew that if she didn’t message him, I probably never would have. She opened to door for me as we greeted the older woman at the front desk.
“You two have four hours to yourself, loves. We just got rid of the kids who use it in the mornings!” She grinned as she hugged me. Mrs. Lee had owned the place since before I was born and I had grown up with her in my life. We thanked her as we went inside the studio room. It was just as I remembered, the dim lighting did well for a calming ambiance, but we needed more light. As I dropped my bag next to the door and began turning the dial to change the lighting, Ji-Min began to set up the cameras. One for the Live we planned and the other, to capture the performance we’ve worked on for weeks. 
It had been Ji-Min’s idea, in all honesty, at the studio we go to in the states our group had done ONE ‘sexy’ concept and she couldn’t wait for another one. We took to Red Lights…yes, by Bang Chan and Hyunjin. If I remember correctly, her exact words were: “Come on, Izzy! Your kid, and my bias…we just have to!” 
So here we are. 
I checked my phone, he hadn’t responded to the last text I had sent which was just a simple ‘Oh”. Although I was slightly nervous about his response, I pushed it down and opened a message my mom had sent a few minutes previously. 
“I’m meeting with his mom for lunch. Maybe you and Ji will be able to join us after you get finished?”
I tossed my phone into my now-open bag and rummaged through for my brush so that I could do our hair. Ji-Min sat slightly in front of the cameras and mentioned she was starting the live. The two of us did our brief introductions and I explained what the plan for the live was, which was to give both of our followers a chance to see a “behind the scenes” of our process of filming our dance covers. I began brushing through her hair as she began reading off a few comments and responding to them.  
“You should put on music, it’s so awkwardly quiet lol.” she giggled out. I let out an echoing laugh and requested her to hold the three strands I had set for a braid. While she continued to interact with our viewers, I briefly grabbed the speaker in my bag and connected my phone to it. I decided to put on what was playing last, which happened to be one of Ji-Min’s favorite Stray Kids songs. Yes, Ji-Min was a huge fangirl and considered herself a STAY…lucky me, right? She hummed along to the lyrics, every once in a while letting out a little conversation with both me and our fans. 
“Ah! I like this question: Ji-Min and Isa, who is your bias in Stray Kids?” She stated teasingly as she stared at me through the mirror in front of us. “Mine is Hyunjin, amazing man right there. But, our Izzy here claims she doesn’t have one, but personally, she kind of has a thing for Bang Chan.” 
I yanked on her hair a bit as my face flushed a little bit, “I don’t have a thing for him, I just…” I honestly had no clue what to respond to that with. “She has a thing for him.” She said in a matter-of-factly tone. I pulled her hair once more, “No, yeah, I relate to him in a way. So, sure I guess you could call him my bias. Plus, I mean, have you seen him? Downright handsome!”
I finished up with her hair and held the few flyaways down with hair gel. Just as I sat down, the song faded into one of my personal favorites; Sorry, I Love You. I was rapping along through the beginning, “Seo Changbin, if by any chance you find this video I absolutely adore this song and you’re a genius.” I translated what I said to Korean as well as Spanish due to us having the majority of our fans from both Mexico and Korea. Every once in a while I would glance down at Ji-Min’s phone for the comments and respond to a few. I began to tie my two braids into a low bun at the base of my neck when my phone began to ring. At first I paid no mind, expecting it to be my mom, and I gelled down my hair. Ji-Min still held the device in her hand and she got behind the camera with a shocked face as she turned it around to show me.
“What should I do?” she mouthed at me as she pressed the volume button so the ringing would stop. I took it from her and hesitantly pressed decline on the screen. She crouched down in front of the camera and apologized in the three languages we typically used with our fan bases, “I am so very sorry, Isa’s boyfriend decided to call at such a bad time!” Her fake, but accurate, Australian accent rang through the studio.
I laughed from the back of the room as I took my sweatshirt off and replaced it with a simple black cut-off shirt, “Boyfriend! As if, he wants nothing to do with me.” 
Ji followed me shortly to the back as she took a drink of water and unzipped her hoodie. I slipped my phone out of her pocket and turned on our warm-up music. We usually started with slower songs and worked our way up to the faster songs. In this situation we started with Aurora by ATEEZ, did I mention that her last name was ‘Song”...yes she was related to Mingi of the group. Adopted, but that never stopped her from treating him like any other would their brother, and she was proud of her brother. The two of us quietly sang along as the songs went through until we were finished. 
I turned to her, “How is your brother lately?”
She smiled her bright smile anytime he was mentioned, “He’s doing really good, actually, just a little nervous for their upcoming comeback.” 
I nodded in understanding,” Good, good,” I almost forgot we were live for a moment and decided to change the subject, “rock, paper, scissors to see who changes first?”
We did three rounds, but she lost and left the room to change. I sat down and began scrolling through the comments until one caught my eye. “Isa, have you ever fallen in love? Uh, well depends on your definition, but I can hardly fall asleep at night. What makes you think I can fall in love?” Once again, I translated and laughed through each one a little bit. I heard the door open and my best friend yelled, “Ji-Min in the building! And man, I look hot! I can’t wait to see you, Lovely.”
I turned around to look at her and she wasn’t wrong. Our friend had designed our outfits based on the music video as well as the two idols’ outfits with our personal style embedded throughout. Her top was that of a white suit, which crossed into strips at the waist. Her pants were white with red lace wrapping around the thighs, flowy and formal and her shoes were red combat boots. She finished it off with a red ribbon tied around the ends of her pigtailed braids. I brought my fist to my teeth and bit my knuckle teasing her, “Damn!” 
She laughed loudly and tossed my bag into my arms and shoved me out the door to get changed. I put the strap over my shoulder, took my phone out of the waistband of my sweatpants, and saw a new message from him.
So, you think I’m handsome?
My face flushed…he was watching? My fingers found my keyboard and flitted out a message.
You weren’t supposed to hear that.
I saw the three grey dots fade across the screen and anxiously threw my phone back into my bag so I could get ready.
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breakingbadfics · 4 years ago
Kamen Rider: Power Rangers older slightly more mature cousin
So okay, I'm gonna preface this with a little pre-amble.
Kamen Rider was previously inaccessible in america, making it so that the only means to watch it was through streaming sites, but only recently did the franchise begin licencing distribution to america through Shout Factory dvd sales and the TokuShoutsu channel on Pluto TV. So while if you know where to look you can very easily find any entry in the franchise through alternative methods, I would be remiss to say that if you have any chance to support the franchise legally to please do so. And with that out of the way...
Kamen Rider!
In May 1938 Action Comics number 1 unveils to the world SUPERMAN. An alien from another world sent to defend Metropolis Fighting for Truth, Justice, and The American Way.
Nearly a year later in March of 1939 Detective Comics number 27 brings us, Batman. who fights corruption, and crime on the dirty streets of Gotham City so that no one ever have to experience the pains he once did.
50 years ago on april 3rd of 1971 a new show was created. It was not the first in it's genre but it would go on to become one of the monoliths with in it.
The Original Kamen Rider is the story of how Takeshi Hongo was abducted by the evil organization SHOCKER forcefully made into a cyborg, but before he can be brainwashed to do their bidding he escapes and chooses to use the abilities given to him by shocker to fight them and prevent them from taking over the world.
The original Showa era of Kamen Rider was all connected and would run through 9 series additions to the franchise along side 3 original films.
meanwhile, in the modern day of the Heisei and Reiwa era's there are now a total of 20 and 2 series for the two respective eras. All unconnected, but occasionally move crossovers occur
In the spirit of the original each series follows a protagonist who acquire great power from the same source as his respective antagonists, he proceeds to use these these powers for justice and righteousness.
it is kinda like power rangers and in certain series they actually directly cross over once or twice. however Kamen Rider sort of bends in the direction of the 13 and up set, where power rangers and Super sentai are kinda more geared to the 10 to 12 set (though, real talk, age demographics are kinda bullshit, just watch whatever you want friend) People have died. VIolently during the storytelling in Kamen Rider.
The main characters are often goofy, usually relatable and a touch childlike in demeanor. The bad guy is TERRIFYING. typically the Kamen Rider has a couple companions, then eventually a second Rider to fight along side them. along the way they're either collecting or happen across things that will inevitably be sold to the demographic as toys.
It's formulaic, but formulaic isn't bad so long as there's passion in the execution.
Anyway, it's time for the reccomendations part of the essay.
Kamen Rider Fourze For those of you most familiar with the original mighty morphin power rangers and want something bent in that direction. This is your point of entry. Gentaro Kisaragi wants to make friends with the entire world, and no one is going to stop him. Every one of the 48 episodes are split into a series of two parter's making the show feel much shorter than it is, it rarely gets especially serious, and has so much going for it that I feel like going to deep into it's very basic plot gives too much of it away.
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: So the world is being plagued by a deadly viru-WAIT NO COME BACK I PROMISE IT'S NOTHING LIKE....real world....Ex-Aid was release in 2017...okay, sit down? okay I'll keep going. So Emu Hojo is a doctor who gets wrapped up in trying to figure out how to cure The Bugster virus, a video games disease that infects people and then eventually becomes a monster that can kill you. Emu teams up with the people of the Computer Rescue team at his hospital and discovers the secrets of how the virus came to be and then some. This is one of the series that look far more Silly on the cover but is like...way more deep than expected.
Kamen Rider Gaim: Did you like Madoka Magicka? Well Gen Urobuchi was involved in the writing for Kamen Rider Gaim, one of the writers of the Dagonronpa series was involved too. So you probably know what to expect from this. Everything is a metaphor until it stops being a metaphor
Kamen Rider Build: TO THIS I OWE BIAS. Build was my point of entry and for that this entry in the reccomends may be longer.
The story begins 10 years ago. The first expedition to mars has successful returned a mysterious stone box named Pandora's box (no. it isn't subtle at all.) Upon touching this box A GIANT STONE WALL splits japan in three with members of Japans government shcisming off and making their own three states and naturally they're in a state of coldwar (because this is not a subtle show). In the modern day Ryuga Banjo has been framed for murder, he meets our protagonist Sento Kiryu, They live in a coffee shop and are very gay together. They fight the evil organization Faust (not subtle) and it just keep going from their.
You should really watch Kamen Rider
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serenityseventeen · 4 years ago
Hi, I just want to tell u that I really appreciate u for continuously working hard and giving content every day! Like seriously, ur 14, how do u manage to do that??
Anyway, what I really wanted to do was get to know u! I've liked ur works for a long time and each one I read always amazes me 😍😍
So I saw ur about me post and I was wondering how u chose your bias?? For me, I always bounce between members because I like them all😭😭 but I feel like I've settled on jeonghan
Also, if it's not too much can I ask what ur favorite song by txt, ikon, ace, bigbang, and svt is? I am a multi too and I want to get to know u!!
Lots of love to u 😘
Oh, thank you for enjoying my stories! I really appreciate it!! Your compliments flatter me ^^
+ well... I'll answer your questions one by one hehe... (It's pretty long)
First of all, I guess I just made it a daily routine?? I really love writing and since my love for it grew so much, I just want to do it. I also have a lot of stuff in my mind and I feel like writing helped me throw away stress...? Plus, if I develop my writing skills when I'm younger even if I'm just writing fluffy fanfiction maybe I'll have more opportunities when I'm older?? I want to develop a skill while I'm young just in case it'll have an impact on my future... Yeah, I think that's how I manage! (I also just love seventeen so much and my ideas for fantastical scenarios are always popping up like boom boom boom).
Second, bouncing between members is so relatable! When I first became a stan, my bias was Vernon because he stood out to me. I thought he was really handsome and his beginning part in "Don't Wanna Cry" was always on my mind! However, sometime later, I began liking Hoshi lol. I think it was when I saw his choreo to "Bad" by Christoper. I thought Hoshi was hella cute and his dancing was FLAWLESS. I don't even know how I came to choose Wonwoo lol. I think it was when I was scrolling on Pinterest and looking at SEVENTEEN photos after watching Bad Clue and I just fell for him and his charms??
Third question: my favorite songs from TXT, BigBang, iKon, A.C.E, and SEVENTEEN??
TXT - probably Run Away...! That song was and still is an absolute bop in my opinion! I loved it when it came out!
BigBang - Let's Not Fall in Love has a place in my heart. ❤️
IKON - hmm... I really like I'm OK because it's relatable, So I'd say that one is my favorite; but close competitors would be Killing Me and Love Scenario!
A.C.E - UNDER COVER AND CALLIN' AND TAKE ME HIGHER (A.C.E has so many good songs, makes me want to listen to them more often!)
SEVENTEEN - I LOVE almost ALL of their songs and each one is just, mwah, chef's kiss. Anyway, I would say my favorite is THANKS. I don't know but I can just feel the sincerity in the lyrics for this song. Plus the meaningful choreography; they are the only group I know that successfully incorporated sign language into their dance.
I hope I didn't go too overboard...? Thanks for asking me questions, I'd love to answer more questions and see your responses to the questions you asked too (Does that sound confusing?)! ^^
Thanks for the love, sending some back to you! <3
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