#well a liiiiittle bit okay
lokorum · 10 months
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so....................i've read unraveled the other day.................... and then ive re-read it.........and now im in the middle of re-reading it again????
honestly cant promise that im not gonna keep coming back to it until someone would steal my phone and then i'll just log in from the pc lets be real here (¬‿¬ ) but!!! what i wanted to say is that its just such a good fic?? so well written? it has all the right words in just the right order and i can and will argue till late night that it healed part of myself that i had no idea existed. these descriptions of hugs??? gonna stay with me untill the very end  (*_ _)人  
and drawing something is the least i can do to show just how much your work means, @2btheanswertothequestion  (/▿\ )
"unraveled" became my spiderverse canon since the moment ive finished chapter one and it will stay this way!!! thank you so so much for all the long hours and all the hard work you clearly had put into it!! you're amazing!! ♡
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autisticaradiamegido · 6 months
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day 99
i have NEARLY finished the skirt for my ren faire fit i just gotta get a few finishing details added and also get the undershirt bleached (bc i got a bunch of makeup on it at last years fair and shit Stained) but THEN i can show yall the final fit!!
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#okay so obviously i fucking loved glass onion#as of right now i'm like twenty? thirty? minutes into my rewatch and i just gotta say the (musical) theme of this movie fucking slaps#i’m partially rewatching to analyze the music (the other part is analyzing everything else lol) and i just gotta say that along with#the soundtrack being amazing#the theme is just really fucking good on it's own? that's what i like about nathan johnson's music for this movie and knives out#(i haven't heard/seen his other stuff)#that the stuff he composes for the movie function on their own as beautiful complex and just COOL pieces of music#as well as Movie Music#i will say though maybe it's just cuz i payed TOO much attention to the music the first time i watched it#i feel like andi's theme is a liiiiittle overused at the beginning? like we see her as a mysterious figure and those scenes are kinda close#together#temporally speaking within the movie those scenes take place close to each other within the run of the movie itself#and so to me it feels a tiny bit like overused but also i completely understand why it comes up each time it's on screen#like audiences aren't supposed to be picking apart the music of a movie lol they're supposed to just kind of absorb (and enjoy it) kind of#in the background subconsciously (or consciously in some cases) enhancing the film#like i said i try to pay attention to the music in movies i watch#so it could just be me paying too much attention#but personally i feel like those scenes w/ andi are very close together and it feels like that music was very on the nose like#andi's on screen! play her theme!!!!#which again i completely understand that's totally valid and honestly i'd probably do that if i was the one writing the music#it's just a personal thing#but for real the music for this movie is so fucking GOOOOOOOOODDDDD#bluebird.txt#glass onion
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
Would you be willing to write how would the Cullens react to the reader asking to do/wanting to do their makeup?
Doing the Cullens' Makeup
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
I tried to branch out a little and include some more dialogue in this one, so hopefully it’s good.
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He's a bit hesitant
He is one of the oldest ones
And the most old fashioned one
He will take some convincing
Mostly he just doesn't see why you want to do that
Like you have your own face
You would need to start out small
Put just like a liiiiittle bit of blush on his cheeks
He will never let you do a full face btw
So you're gonna have to settle with giving him some subtle eyeshadow, a bit of blush, and maybe some lipstick
Once he sees that it can still look natural and not super obvious he'd let you do it more often
He does draw the line at leaving the house like this though
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Of course
You didn't even need to ask
She would just sit there and talk your ear off for however long it takes
She would find it really relaxing
Even if you're not good at it she'd let you do her makeup all the time
She just won't leave the house with it on :')
She would be nice about it though
"Oh, you put blue eyeshadow on me and the dress I already had picked out was orange so I had to change the eyeshadow to be orange!"
Would never ever tell you if it's bad
Now if you're good at it tho...
Sorry that's your job now
She won't leave the house now without you doing her makeup
"Come on we have an hour before we need to leave you need to start my makeup now!"
Will tell anyone that asks that you did it
She's proud
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He's old fashioned
But I think he's so old to the point that he knows times are changing and he can adapt
So if you come up to him and ask he'll just be like
"Oh okay guys wear makeup now... noted"
And he lets you no questions asked
He will not leave the house with it on tho unfortunately
At least not with like mascara, eyeshadow, or eyeliner
But he would go out with some blush or some lipstick
He would really enjoy the intimacy of it
And he would love seeing you focus
He would really like the brushes on his face
Overall very relaxing
He wouldn't ever ask you to do it
But if you suggest it immediately he is sat and ready
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1000x yes
She loves being pampered just a little bit
And I feel like she already enjoyed doing your makeup before this
So yes of course you can
She has legitimately zero preference
You want to do rainbow eyeshadow and purple blush?
Okay go for it :)
If you're not good at it she'll still let you do her makeup
She will just sneak off to the bathroom afterwards to fix it up a little
And if you notice it looks different no you don't
"Did you redo your makeup?" "What no of course I didn't you just really did this good!"
Will make any colors you choose work as well
If she was planning on wearing something, oh well she's choosing something else that goes with her makeup
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He doesn't care
He thinks it's a fun bonding activity
But he will only let you do his makeup if he can do yours too
And be warned, he is bad at it
He's sort of eye-for-an-eye type
If you want him to go out wearing the makeup you did, then you have to go out in the makeup he did
So yeah best to leave it behind closed doors
He does actually try tho
Full tongue sticking out, really focused on trying to get an eyeliner wing
He just can't
Either way he doesn't mind
If it makes you happy then he's happy
Though he would prefer to get lipstick from kissing you ;)
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I feel like she has a makeup routine
And by routine I mean this is the makeup she's been doing every day for like 100 years or however old she is
So she is a little hesitant for you to do something different to her
And she finds comfort in the routine
She would let you try though
Maybe like... later at night when she has nowhere else to go
If you do a good job though she'll be pleasantly surprised
And she might even let you do her makeup if there's a special occasion
If you do a bad job though...
Let's just say your skills are solely for before-showering makeup
Sorry :)
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(I have been waiting to use this gif for FOREVER)
Anyway he's from a time when guys used makeup very consistently in higher society
So it's nothing new to him
It's just been a while since that's been popular
"You want to do my makeup? Oh, that's nice that that's back in fashion."
He doesn't mind at all
He won't go to work with it on though
He does have a professional appearance to uphold
But he'll indulge you at home as much as you want
And if you ask him nicely he might even do the makeup he used to do for you
I think it would be funny
He would tell you all of his stories while you work on him
Very fun
We love a man who's comfortable in his masculinity
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Vampire! Bella:
I feel like she's never been huge into makeup
In the movies we never see her put any on (not that Kristen isn't wearing any)
And there's no mention of it in the books that I remember
But again she's not opposed
I feel like she'd be really touchy around the eyes
"Stop blinking so much it's just eyeliner." "Sorry it tickles... and it feels weird."
She wouldn't know if you did a good job or not
She's never paid that much attention to makeup or what makes it look good or bad
So she would like it either way
Rose or Alice would have to be the ones to pull her aside and ask if she needs any help with her makeup if it looks bad
And she would say no and ask why because you did it
They just give sort of a "yikes" face
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Thank-you Ko-fi sentences for @beatrice-otter; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!
“Um, can we maybe sit for a bit?” Billy suggests, gesturing towards the bean bag chairs. They look comfier than the couch to him. Which is saying something, because the couch looks really comfy. “I wanna tell you something before you decide if you wanna stay here. Well, there’s a few things we should talk about before you decide that, probably? But this one’s kinda the weirdest one.” 
“. . . fine,” Superboy says warily, and they both sit on the bean bags. Superboy looks a little bewildered by them; Billy represses another wince. Maybe Cadmus didn’t teach him about bean bag chairs? 
That sucks, if they didn’t. 
Well, at least Superboy didn't say “no” this time. Although Billy hopes Superboy saying “fine” doesn't actually mean “no”, now that he's thinking of it, because that'd be–
Yeah, okay, Billy needs to not second-guess literally everything Superboy says, so they're definitely gonna have to have the “no” talk ASAP. 
“Okay, cool,” Billy says as he settles in carefully on his own bean bag, which is a little awkward because he’s about twice the size he was the last time he sat on one, but he figures it out eventually. This is a weird conversation to have, definitely, but it’s not really . . . like, it’d be bad to lie to Superboy about this, even if he’s gonna keep lying to the Justice League, so . . . well, lying to his co-workers isn’t like lying to his kid, he thinks. Like–it’s definitely not. “Okay, so the thing is, uh, to be totally honest here I'm actually only like twelve years older than you, so I know this whole situation is a liiiiittle weird, but I think it'll be great! And I've really only been doing the superhero thing for a couple of years myself but I can definitely still help you with your powers and with learning how to get along with normal humans and that kind of stuff!” 
Superboy stares at him in bemusement. Billy has to repress a wince again. Bemused staring is . . . not great. Though it could be worse, really. 
“. . . wait, are you human?” Superboy asks with a slow frown. “You don't look human. You don't have pores or any variation in skin pigmentation and your face is perfectly symmetrical. And your irises don't have spokes.” 
“Uh, well, technically I'm human but, uh, please don't tell anybody cuz I reaaaaally don't wanna explain that to the Justice League,” Billy says, wincing after all, and then adds in a mutter, “At least not any time in the next six years, anyway.” 
“Okay,” Superboy says, sounding skeptical. But he doesn’t sound mad or weirded out, so . . . that’s a good sign, right? Billy thinks that’s a good sign. So–good! That’s good, that Superboy isn’t immediately freaked out by him only being twelve or walking straight out the door. Like, that’s a relief. So this is going great so far! 
“. . . you’re really only twelve years older than me?” Superboy asks, his frown deepening a little as he looks Billy over. Billy grins sheepishly. He’d show him, obviously, but he’s pretty sure Batman’s surveilling the apartment at least a little bit while they settle in and he doesn’t want him seeing the lightning hit, sooooo . . . yeah, not right now. 
Anyway, if he’s being a dad he should be dad-shaped, right? Being dad-shaped is better! And like this he’s big enough to hug Superboy really good and maybe carry him around and stuff like that, and he knows most little kids like being carried, and . . . well, his dad always did that kind of stuff for him, so . . .
He just wants to be a good dad. His was . . . his was really great, and Superboy should get to have a great dad too. 
“Um, yeah, but please don't tell anyone that either, the League would be so freaking weird about it,” Billy says, still sheepish.
“. . . sure,” Superboy says, still frowning a little. Billy beams at him. This is going really good, yeah! Well, Superboy’s gotta be used to weird age-related stuff, considering he’s technically a baby himself but also “old” enough to understand a lot more than a regular baby would be able to. So yeah, that’s pretty helpful. 
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Well, since it's this weekend… what about Ryan and Luke giving their favorite baby-sitter something for Mother's Day? Either after Eddie officially gets the girl, or before… I bet Brittany would loooove to find out that her kids made something for Mother's Day in school, and gave it to the baby-sitter instead of her. 😏
I love, love, love this. @munson-blurbs and I came up with a little sweet and spicy tale. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there except Brittany 😘
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral f!receiving, mild choking, Eddie’s breeding kink is loud and proud
Words: 4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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“Okay, next we need a cup of water.” Eddie hands the glass measuring cup to Ryan, nodding towards the sink. “Fill ‘er up and then—carefully—dump it in the bowl.” Ryan does as he’s instructed, and Eddie proceeds with the recipe. “Now, Luke, you’re going to gently mix it all together.” 
Luke takes the directions a bit too seriously, circling the spoon around the bowl at a painstakingly slow pace. “Like that?” he asks proudly. 
“Liiiiittle faster, bud,” Eddie says, holding his thumb and forefinger apart slightly to emphasize his point. “I’d like to get these made before Father’s Day.”
Once the waffle batter is completely combined—Eddie had to help out before the milk curdled—he ladles it into the waffle iron, inhaling the cozy scent of homemade waffles. It’s what he’s always wanted: family dinners where he and his boys cook. Getting to spoil his girl with love and breakfast food. 
His girl. He still can’t believe that you’re his girl. 
“Did you guys make anything for Mom at school today?” Teachers usually have the kids do some sort of Mother’s Day craft, and Eddie wants to make sure that it gets to Brittany before she can accuse him of withholding her gifts. 
Ryan and Luke share a look that Eddie is unable to decipher. “Um, nothing?” Ryan says meekly, though it comes out as more of a question. 
Eddie frowns. “No art project this year? Not even a macaroni necklace?” He sets the timer and leans back on the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Neither of you?”
“No, we did,” Ryan admits, “but we were talking, and…we don’t wanna give them to Mom.”
“Yeah,” Luke chimes in, an unmistakable smirk spreading across his face, “we wanna give them to your giiiiiiirlfriend!” 
“Luke!” Ryan scolds, but his eyes tell Eddie that he had the same idea. “Is that okay?” he asks his dad. 
Eddie nods. “Of course. I think she’ll love that.” He starts to wipe down the counter before turning back to his boys. “You still need to give Mom the gifts that we bought her, yeah?” Not that she deserves them, he thinks bitterly, but she’ll have my head on a platter if they come over empty-handed. 
“Okay,” Ryan says as he puts the milk back in the refrigerator. “And the cards we bought, too.”
“Oh! And we made cards to go with our gifts tonight!” Luke adds. 
“Did you now?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows at his youngest son. “You got a future working for Hallmark?”
“Daddy, you know I’m going to be a monster truck driver.”
“Right, how could I forget?”
A key turns in the lock of the front door and an instant smile appears on Eddie’s face. Ever since he’d given you the key to his apartment, he’s been locking the door more just because the sound of you unlocking it when you come over makes him happy. Both boys scurry in that direction and Eddie follows behind at a leisurely pace. 
You’re barely able to put your keys back in your bag before being enveloped in two sets of small arms.
“Oof!” You toss your bag over on the closest chair and wrap your arms around the boys. “This is a nice welcome. Ooh, and what smells so good in here?”
“Happy Mother’s Day!” both boys cheer. 
It takes you a moment to realize that they’re saying those words to you. They are wishing you a happy Mother’s Day. 
“W-What?” you ask, slightly stunned. 
“We won’t see you on Sunday, so we wanted to have Mother’s Day with you now!” Luke says as he takes one of your hands in both of his. 
“Yeah!” Ryan agrees. “And we made your favorite breakfast for dinner. Waffles! Daddy helped.”
“Helped?” Eddie mumbles under his breath, but it goes unnoticed by both kids. 
“This is so sweet,” you say, the wide array of emotions hurtling through you. Dropping to your knees, you tug the Munson children against your body so that you can give them a proper hug. “I love you boys so much.”
“We love you, too,” Ryan says. 
“Let’s go get the presents,” Luke says to his brother.
“Ah-ah, not until after we eat,” Eddie pipes up.
Luke sighs and lolls his head in the direction of his father. “We can’t just go get them?”
“Fine, go ahead. There’s about to be some kissing anyway, and I don’t think you wanna see that,” Eddie teases. It works. The boys head down the hall to their rooms and as soon as you get back up on your feet, Eddie pulls you into his embrace. “Hey there, gorgeous.”
“Hi, handsome,” you say as you loop your arms around his neck. Tilting your head up, your mouth catches against your boyfriend’s and you sink into the kiss. A loud rattling noise and a shout of I’m okay has the two of you breaking apart. “Was this your idea?”
“Nope,” Eddie says, popping the “p.” He rubs his hands up and down your back as he gives you a smile that’s full of pride in his sons. “They asked me just yesterday if we could do this—have the waffles for dinner. And I didn’t know about the gifts until about two minutes before you walked in.”
“I’m getting spoiled tonight,” you muse, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek. You start to walk towards the table, but he pulls you back to him. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he murmurs in your ear, squeezing your ass. “As soon as they leave, I’m going to—”
“Is dinner almost ready?” Luke whines as he thunders into the room. “I’m starving!”
Eddie races to him, crouching down and placing one hand on either of Luke’s shoulders. “Do you think you’ll make it?! Hang on, Luke! Don’t go into the light!” He ruffles his son’s curly hair. “Yeah, it’s ready. Go sit down at the table.”
Luke giggles as he takes his seat, and Ryan trails behind him. 
“How was school?” you ask them, putting waffles on plates and setting them at their places. “Learn anything new?”
Luke nods enthusiastically. “My friend Todd bounced a hot dog on the ground at lunch, and it almost touched the ceiling!”
Eddie shrugs. “I guess that’s science, kind of? What about you, Ry? Conduct any food experiments?”
“No, but we started learning about fractions today,” Ryan says, taking a bite of his dinner. “It was tricky at first, but then I got it.”
“That’s my boy!” Eddie high-fives him. “Munsons don’t give up when things get tough.”
“Is that why you took senior year three times?” you tease him, and his jaw drops in mock offense. 
“Hey, Daddy?” Luke interrupts, grabbing the syrup bottle and positioning it over the waffle and drenching it in the sticky-sweet sauce. “Can we do presents now?”
“When dinner’s over,” Eddie reminds him, taking the bottle before Luke can empty it. “And, no, that’s not permission to shove the entire waffle in your mouth at once.”
“Fine,” he concedes, turning his attention to you. “So, who’s your favorite: me or Ryan?”
You shake your head, cutting your waffle into neat little squares. “I can’t answer that. I love you both equally.” You glance at your boyfriend for confirmation, but of course, he’s no help. 
“That means you must fight for her love and affection!” he roars, deepening his voice to a raspy growl. “Men, grab your armor!”
You roll your eyes at his antics, but there’s a smile on your face the whole time. 
Unsurprisingly, Luke is the first one finished with his food. He sits in his chair, fingers beating a rapid rhythm against the tabletop. The patience of a five-year-old can only go so far, though. Eddie tries to hold in a chuckle because it looks like his youngest is near wetting himself. 
“Okay,” Eddie caves with a sigh. “Get your presents ready.” 
“Yes!” Luke cheers as he grabs his gift and the homemade card made of red construction paper. Eddie stands and clears away the plates while both boys take a seat on either side of you with their respective presents. “Mine first!” Luke slides his towards you. 
First, you pick up the card and grin at the flower smiling back at you on the cover. On the inside, Luke has written in his adorable boyish handwriting: “Happy Mother’s Day! I 🖤 you! Love, Luke.” You ruffle Luke’s curls and press a kiss to his forehead. 
“Here’s the gift I made.” Luke points at it. Picking it up, you see it’s a Shrinky Dink that Luke has written his name on and someone—presumably the teacher, put it on a key ring. 
“This is perfect!” you exclaim as you look over your new keychain. “I use my keys every time I drive or have to get into my house, so I’ll always see your name and think of you.”
Luke grins and throws his arms around your neck. You chuckle and maneuver him into your lap so he’s not hugging you from an uncomfortable angle. 
“Thank you, Luke.”
“Now me!” Ryan hands you his card, designed on purple construction paper. It says: “I am happy that your with Daddy now because that means I see you more and I like seeing you. Happy Mother’s Day! I love you! Ryan.”
“That is very sweet, Ryan.” 
“Thanks! This is what I made you,” he says. A heavy lump of what you can only assume is clay is placed in your hands. Tilting it to inspect the blue ceramic piece, you realize it’s the shape of a hand. Ryan’s hand, to be more specific. His handprint has been molded into a small ceramic dish. “It’s for jewelry! To hold it.”
“Oh, that’s perfect! I’m going to put it right next to my bed for when I take my jewelry off at night.”
“It’s like I’ll be holding it,” Ryan says with a giggle. 
“I know it’s in safe hands then,” you say, reaching over to boop his nose. “Thank you both for the thoughtful cards and gifts. I’m very lucky and grateful for you two.”
“Ahem,” Eddie cuts in with a dramatic throat clear. “No love for me? I’ll have you know that I’m the only one here who knows how to use the waffle iron, thank you very much.”
“You’re right,” you sigh, but when he leans in for a kiss, you just boop his nose as well. “Here, let me get the dishes.” You stand up to start towards the sink, but he playfully tugs you back down.
“Not a chance,” he says with a wink. “The Munson men are on it! Boys, I’ll need all hands on deck.”
Luke and Ryan begrudgingly follow their dad, dragging their feet as they walk to where Eddie’s flicking on the faucet and rinsing the dirty dishes. “Can we at least listen to music?” Luke grumbles, grabbing the sponge.
“Can you ask that without whining?” Eddie nudges him, but his tone is serious. “Try again.”
Luke plasters a giant fake smile on his face. “Can we please listen to music?” he asks.
“Of course, my wonderful, perfect second-born.” Eddie goads, clicking the dial to his usual rock station. 
And when she knows what
She wants from her time
Your head perks up and your eyes widen at the familiar Billy Joel song. Eddie throws you a grin over his shoulder before stepping back from the sink and wiping his hands off on a towel.
“Our song, baby,” he says, holding out his hand as he approaches where you’re sitting. “Boys, take over. Ryan wash, Luke dry.”
“I thought this was a Munson man chore,” Luke grumbles, which Ryan nudges his brother’s shoulder for.
“Shut up,” Ryan hisses under his breath.
Luke huffs and snatches the towel up from where Eddie tossed it on the counter. “What does that mean?” he asks his older brother. “That it’s ‘their song.’”
Ryan chuckles as he grabs a plate and holds it under the water. He looks over at the two of you and watches as Eddie practically yanks you out of the dining chair until your chest is pressed up against his. 
“It’s the song they smoochy-smooch to,” Ryan says.
Luke spins around to look at the pair of you as well, making kissy noises as he awaits a plate to dry.
“I’d start washing those dishes unless you want to see us start smoochy-smooching,” Eddie calls, never taking his eyes off of you. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him even closer.
“Maybe I wanna smooch now,” you say, batting your eyelashes at him. Eddie doesn’t hesitate to fill your request. He leans in and just as his lips are about to brush up against yours, there’s a jarring knock on the front door. 
“I’ll get it!” Luke shouts, taking any opportunity he can to get away from the dishes.
“Good,” Eddie mumbles before stealing a kiss from you anyway. Just as you tilt your head up to continue the kiss, an irritating ahem sounds from behind you. 
Turning your head, you have to fight to keep the sneer off your face when you see who’s standing there.
“Mom’s here,” Luke calls to Ryan as he jogs back into the kitchen.
“Hello, Brittany,” you say, sidling up next to Eddie. You go to grab his hand in yours and he’s quick to give it a reassuring squeeze. Play nice for the sake of the boys, you tell yourself. Those seem to be the only semi-pleasant words that ever go through your head when she’s around. 
“Hi,” Brittany says, the words somehow sounding like a scoff. 
“Boys,” Eddie says, forgoing greeting his ex-wife altogether. “Go get your backpacks and the gifts you bought for Mom.”
The mention of gifts has a slight smirk appearing on the bitchy blonde’s face, and you can hardly say you’re surprised. As materialistic as she is, she’s probably more interested in seeing what she’s getting than seeing her own children. Eddie had already told you what the boys had picked out at the store and all you could hope was that Brittany was able to fake enough enthusiasm so as not to hurt the boys. 
Luke emerges from his room first. He puts his bag down on the table and picks up the keychain and jewelry holder that you had gotten from them. “Mom, look what we made!”
“Good job. Thank you.” She couldn’t sound less excited if she tried. But you don’t care because you know Luke is about to correct her.
“Oh. No, your gift is in my backpack. These aren’t for you.”
Brittany’s face hardens into steel, the forced smile looking more like a disfigured grimace than anything. Come on, look up at me, you think to yourself with a gleeful smile on your lips. Eddie tugs on your hand and you glance over to see him wearing a matching grin of satisfaction. 
Ryan comes in as Luke puts your gifts back on the table, and Brittany’s head finally lifts. You swear you can literally see her face turning red as she locks eyes with you. You raise an eyebrow slightly, as if saying, yeah, that’s right. Those are for me.
“Whatever,” she spits, ushering the boys out of the apartment. “Pick them up Tuesday night. Don’t be late.” 
Before she can slam the door behind her, Ryan and Luke call out to you, “Happy Mother’s Day!” You can see her entire body clench with anger.
As soon as she’s gone, Eddie lets out a huge exhale.
“You okay?” you ask, pressing your chest against his and resuming your position. You can feel his heart beating, and it’s immediately soothing.
Eddie nods slowly. “Yeah, she doesn’t really bother me anymore. ‘S just…” he pauses, searching for the right words, “...I hate not being with them, y’know? And I hate having to send them to their mom’s when they’re happier here. But what am I gonna do, tell her that she can’t have them on Mother’s Day?”
“You’re doing the right thing,” you murmur, rubbing his bicep comfortingly. “And once custody is figured out, I know you’ll be able to see them more. Those boys absolutely adore you.”
He tilts your chin upwards and kisses you, softly and gently. “They adore you, too,” he says with a small chuckle. “I had to convince them to buy stuff for Brittany and not you.”
Your jaw drops, making him laugh harder. “No way. You’re kidding, right?”
“‘M dead serious,” Eddie promises, making an X over his heart. “And speaking of gifts…I have one for you, and it’s in the bedroom.” He waggles his eyebrows, and you hook your finger into his belt loop as he leads the way.
You lay down on the bed as he climbs on top of you, trailing kisses down your body. “This–kiss–is for–kiss–being the absolute–kiss–fuckin’--kiss–best.” He sits up suddenly, taking in the gorgeous view before him. “I love you so damn much.”
“I love you, too,” you whisper against the soft plush of his lips.
“You know,” Eddie mumbles against your mouth, “I was thinking.”
“Uh oh,” you tease. In retaliation, Eddie lightly nips at your collarbone, making you giggle.
“Mhm. About your ass.” He gives it a little squeeze as you laugh harder. “Well, that, and how goddamn gorgeous you’d look having my baby.”
“You mean ‘our’ baby?” you ask, arching an eyebrow. 
“Of course,” Eddie says. He starts to move down your body with kisses again. “Round belly making a home for them.” He pushes your shirt up to the underwire of your bra and places soft kisses around your belly button. 
“Not to mention my bigger boobs.”
“Oh don’t worry, I hadn’t forgot about those,” Eddie says, looking up at you with a smirk. “Shit, I can picture it so well.” His fingers fumble with the button on your jeans as his lips press gently against your skin. “But before that all happens, there’s something I’ve gotta do.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, your eyes never leaving his hands as you watch them work.
Eddie presses one last kiss just above the waistline of your jeans before looking up at you through his enviably long eyelashes. “Fuck a baby into you.”
A whimper leaves your lips, both at his words and at the urgency in which Eddie is pulling your pants off with. Your panties aren’t far behind, but you reach up and tug on his shirt before he has time to undress you any further. Your hands begin to work on his belt, and Eddie lays one hand on your shoulder to keep himself balanced, and the other hand trails along your jaw. Slowly, he swipes his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You want me to make you a mommy, sweetheart? Want to spend next Mother’s Day with the little baby we made?” 
“Uh-huh,” you nod breathlessly, moaning when two of his thick fingers slide into your pussy. “M-Making me regret taking my pill this morning.”
Eddie laughs, pumping his fingers in and out of you as he speaks. “S’okay, babe. We can just practice tonight, hm?”
You nod, unable to speak as you watch Eddie lower his head and attach his lips to your clit. With a breathy whine, your head drops back on the pillow as he gives a harsh suck to the sensitive nub.
“Fuck,” Eddie says once he finally releases it. “Never get used to how good your pussy tastes.” He gives you no time to respond before he dips down and licks at your leaking hole. One of your hands fists the sheets, while the other reaches down and grabs onto your boyfriend’s curls. “Feel good?” Eddie mumbles against your folds.
“So good, Eddie,” you moan. “Fucking love your mouth. B-But I want your cock.” 
“All you had to do was ask, my love.” He looks back down at your pussy and gives it a quick kiss. “I’ll be back for you later.”
You don’t have time to process the fact that he’s talking to your genitals before he’s pushing inside of you with a delicious stretch. “Fuuuuuck, Eddie,” you whine, adjusting to the fullness. “Feels s’good. Always feels s’good.” Your words slur together, already drunk on his cock. 
“Only the best for this tight, perfect pussy,” he growls. He brings his thumb back to your clit, making deliberate circles. “Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum. Gonna fuck it into you s’deep. Gonna knock up my princess, make her a mommy, holy shit!” He cries out when you move his hand from your swollen bud up to your neck, placing it around your throat. “Y’want me to choke you, baby?”
“Yes, please,” you manage, body trembling with pleasure as you feel the pressure from his grip. He’s rocking into you at an immeasurable pace, the ridge where the tip meets the shaft hitting all the right angles. “Keep g-going. ‘M gonna cum.”
Eddie throws his head back. “Good girl, good fucking girl. Cum on my cock, fuck, fuckin’ cream it. Make a mess on me, my good girl.”
One hand still gripping the green sheets below you, the other wraps around Eddie’s arm where he braces himself up against the mattress. Little moans and whimpers are slipping past your lips as Eddie brings you up to the brink. 
“I’m—fuck—I’m coming,” you say, hand tightening around Eddie’s arm as your pussy tightens around his cock. You hit your peak just as he does, an expression of ecstasy on his face. 
“Take it, fuckin’ take it, take all my cum. Want it dripping out of you.” You feel the hot, thick ropes coat your walls as he finishes inside you, leaving you both panting and speechless. 
The two of you lie there with each other for a few moments, letting your bodies relax and come down from their highs. Begrudgingly, Eddie pulls out and you both hiss at the loss. He’s quick to grab a warm washcloth from the bathroom and clean the both of you off. As soon as he tosses it in the hamper, he’s climbing back into bed and pulling you up against him beneath the covers. You eagerly snuggle up against him and rest your head in the crook of his neck.
“So, how was that for a Mother’s Day present?” Eddie asks, his fingers gently tracing patterns on the bare skin of your back. 
“Perfect,” you respond with a lazy smile. “You Munson men spoil me.” 
“Cause we love you so damn much,” Eddie says as he presses a kiss into your hair. When you stay silent, Eddie’s brow furrows in confusion. When he feels your body start to tremble in his hold, he pulls back to look at you. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Shaking your head, you wipe the fallen tears from your cheeks. “Nothing’s wrong. I just…I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
“Is it too much?” Eddie asks, worry creeping into his voice. “Because I can talk to the—” 
“No,” you say kindly but firmly. “It’s just overwhelming. The food, the presents. Them wishing me a h-happy Mother’s Day. Eddie, I…” You’re unable to keep the tears from falling even as a joyful smile spreads across your lips. “I’ve never felt so loved before.” 
Eddie gazes at you with an adoring expression on his face. He gently tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Well, get used to it, baby,” Eddie says. “Because you have the hearts of all three Munson men and we’re all suckers for showing affection.”
Shifting yourself so your head rests next to Eddie’s on his pillow, you still can’t wipe the smile off your face. 
“They think of me as a mother figure.”
“Sweetheart, you’ve been there for them when their own mother hasn’t. Many, many times. Of course that’s how they see you. You’re everything a good mom should be, and they see that. They needed that in their lives. And then you come along; perfect, wonderful you. Who we all were missing, we just didn’t know it yet. But now that we have you, you’re stuck with us.”
You giggle as Eddie nuzzles his nose against yours. “I needed you guys, too. I always will.”
“I love you, my beautiful girl.”
“I love you, my handsome man.”
“Happy Mother’s Day, baby.”
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edit 16/04: pouring one out for the bullet theory, you were fun whilst you lasted babes x
okay ive remained sceptical about the 'something in the mouth' thoughts making the rounds but you know what, i love a batshit theory (exactly how batshit, remains to be seen - im fully prepared to eat my words) as much as anyone, so let's take a look.
first off, i truly just thought it might have been a wee bit of slobber. that's fair, right? saliva on aziraphale's tongue, catches the light, whatever. but it's the frame before that one that has me wondering how much weight the theory has:
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because in that first one, just as aziraphale's mouth opens, you can see that there is - what looks like - a dark, round object. it doesn't match the surrounding colour and texture of aziraphale's tongue, and then in the next few frames it catches the light in the same exact spot. the highlight is also curved, in such a way that, yeah, it definitely looks like a metallic object.
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i know im not breaking new ground when suggesting it contains memories. idk if the object itself is:
a bullet from the rifle in 1941 (although i do doubt it; the calibre it would take would be rather unwieldy to hold in your mouth like this? plus: copper plating - this looks to be steel)
a pistol round from the hitherto-unseen derringer (more likely than the above, and in terms of potential significance of s3 would fit rather nicely in with a 1941 spec of mine regardless: potential crowley discorporation but. it's purely hypothetical), or
a ball bearing (which seems like it would just be a bit anomalous in terms of what props we've seen so far, but who knows. and i feel like if any prop was going to be at most risk of being swallowed accidentally, it's this)
but my current favourite is the derringer round so far. which would indicate that if - big if - crowley were discorporated in 1941, he could potentially have the bullet on him that 'killed' him, so to speak, for the time that follows afterwards.
i'll come back to what memories would be contained within it in a sec, because first, there's the question of whether aziraphale accessed them. if this theory is true (im fully taking this all with a pinch of salt, idk how i actually feel about it yet), i think aziraphale probably accessed them right then and there, as soon as crowley kissed him.
as soon as crowley kisses him, aziraphale looked mighty confused - arguably because of the kiss itself (im predominantly in this camp for the moment), but also possibly because he's just been volleyed something in this wild-ass game of tonsil tennis - before he begins to relax into it. potentially, as he relaxed, that could be when the memories first begin to 'play'.
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and then we have the video below - sharpened and at 0.2x speed - that captures after the kiss breaks:
there's a moment, after his mouth presumably is handling around said object and sliding it under his tongue, that his expression clears, and - im sorry, but i'll die on this hill - instead takes on a look of betrayal. it's almost a realisation, a near instantaneous revelation. so let's say he does access the memories during the kiss, has been 'watching' them since the kiss first made contact/the object switched over... what would make aziraphale take on that expression, and react in betrayal and with an 'i forgive you'?
well, i have my thoughts, but let's go back again to the kiss itself. y'all remember this, right?
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it suddenly feels a liiiiittle more deliberate that a) aziraphale would reach for crowley's wings, and b) the camera would capture this particular angle. maybe it's not, but again - humour me a sec.
so in terms of what the memory is? that crowley would place inside said object, would make aziraphale reach for crowley's wings, and result in aziraphale's initial upset and then expression of betrayal? the damning "i forgive you", and crowley's responding look of dejection and resignation, followed by "don't bother"? the memory that crowley would see fit to impart in the context of aziraphale choosing to return to heaven - the memory that would fit the scenes that have come before the kiss?
im wondering if it was the fall.
aziraphale sees crowley's fall, responds in sympathy and sadness in the back touch, but then perhaps remembers now/knows now the potential part crowley had to play in it.
now, it could be crowley's own account of the fall that he watches, sure. but we haven't seen that as a possible mechanic in the show - being able to access someone else's memories. we've only seen gabriel accessing his own. but that doesn't preclude that it's possible. however, that would suggest that crowley himself now can't remember his fall etc, which would be weird and potentially open too many loopholes.
alternatively, as others have put forward and would be logical, crowley accessed the records whilst in heaven and found that aziraphale's memories were incomplete. that, for me, would be the more plausible, because im not convinced that aziraphale does remember the fall. he makes references to crowley having 'been an angel once', and that he remembers 'the angel you were', and frankly it's all a little loosy-goosey. it would make wider narrative sense, too, that aziraphale can't remember - heaven doesn't want dissent to become an institutional problem, after all; so what do you do? you wipe away the crucial information that would give the angels any ideas in rebelling just like the fallen did.
if crowley did in fact have something to do with the genesis of the rebellion in heaven, instigated it or played an active, crucial part in it... and aziraphale can't remember that... maybe that is where the 'i forgive you' originates. and why crowley would reply with 'dont bother'. he attempts to make aziraphale understand why he can't go back, and why aziraphale shouldn't go back either, but all aziraphale can now concentrate on is the part that crowley had to play in it... the part that, for good reason, crowley has kept from him all this time.
again, idk how i feel about all this, but i do have to eat humble pie on my initial reservations about the narrative value of the theory and admit that it's compelling. especially as it would have aziraphale return to heaven with full understanding as to what heaven did in cause of, leading up to, and in response to, the rebellion - knowledge that presumably the metatron does not know he has... dangerous for the metatron especially, when you consider that he may have had a bigger hand in it than aziraphale previously thought.
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itsplutohere · 4 months
a very appropriately unhinged review of will wood's music (except for icimi)
I rate every will wood song because wtf else do i do with my pathetic life
6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con):
10/10-fuck yes we are BOPPING. we are CRIMINALS. we are STARTING OFF STRONG!
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones):
4/10-okay we are kinda bing chilling. it’s okay :P kinda triggers me a lil cuz it reminds me of EDs???
Front Street:
¡Aikido! (Neurotic/Erotic):
4.7/10-it slaps a liiiiittle but not that hard. like it kneads. it kneads not slaps.
White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?):
9/10-it both slaps and i can jumpscare ppl with the surgery line??? fuck yes sign me up!!!
Cover This Song (A Little Bit Mine):
2/10-ew too slow. yucky nasty bleh hiss ew hiss
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D.:
8.5/10-i hold ur M O M in contempt
Red Moon:
Lysergide Daydream:
5/10-mid!!!! muh-muh-muh-MID!!!
The First Step:
Jimmy Mushrooms’ Last Drink: Bedtime in Wayne, NJ:
1/10-this exists???
Chemical Overreaction/Compound Fracture:
10/10-when ur an unhinged girlie in the middle of a yeehaw desert
Everything is a Lot:
3.5/10-deep but the deepness doesnt stop it from being too slow for me
Destroy to Enjoy:
7.5/10-surprisingly good for laundromat ambience and chanting??? we r bodhisattva we r buddha dying waking up ig <3
7/10-too good for a 6/10 but not good enough for a 8/10. still slaps tho
9.5/10-FUCK!!!! (inhales) (iwasanexistentialcriminalsoinnocentlycynicalignorantasfuckbutaproudindividual-)
My mom also likes it :D :D :D
Cotard’s Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca):
8.4/10-starts slow but then GOES UNIMAGINABLY HARD!!!! jumpscare ur friends with it!!!
Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer’s Prosopagnosia/Pareidolia (As Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus):
8/10-me when i try to replace myself.
The Song With Five Names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao a.k.a. Checkmate, Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government (A.K.A. You Can Never Know):
Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!:
8/10-if i ranked it any lower i would self-crucify <3
Dr. Sunshine Is Dead:
7.8/10-i love the funky little way he sings “i fumble for the switch”. you go buddy.
6/10-good close to the album but NOT FUNKY ENOUGH
Suburbia Overture/Greetings From Mary Bell Township!/(Vampire) Culture/Love Me, Normally:
2econd 2ight 2eer (that was fun, goodbye.):
8.5/10-this actually introduced me to william woodsmith :explode: the nostalgia is def a factor
Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!):
100/10-hehe gender
7/10-g e n d e r
…well, better than the alternative:
3/10-very sweet but too slow for my megamind
Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples:
9/10-i did not know this existed??? still kind of a bop
Marsha, Thankk You For the Dialectics, But I Need You To Leave:
7.5/10-me at therapy
Love, Me Normally:
2/10-boring ew tomato tomato
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world:
Venetian Blind Man:
Your Body, My Temple:
7.5/10-will wood had his whole willussy out. this song is so unapologetically horny
Yes, To Err Is Human, So Don't Be One:
9/10-silly vampire bop!!
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its-no-biggie · 1 month
gets reminded that mario and luigi partners in time exists > wow i really love the concept of adult characters interacting with their younger selves > remembers that i follow an artist who has a similar au for bsd > seems like a cool scenario to put all manner of blorbos in > current biggest interest is orv > thinks about yoohankim as kids > gets sad
anyway lets do it. orv epilogue spoilers ahead
okay first of all. canonically as kids we have: suicidal, possessed by an alternate future version of herself, and literally does not exist. so im gonna come right out the gate and say a mario and luigi-style time travel scenario is off the table just. logistically. and also thematically. you understand.
but luckily the scenario mechanic makes it pretty easy to do whatever you want, so we still have options. are the kids personalities extrapolated from who the characters are now, just younger? or are they based on what they were like at that age? (or what they thought they were like at that age?) do they have the memories of the original? all of them, or just up to that age? if not, would that affect their personality? are they based on/created from childhood memories, almost like an avatar? is it some kind of creature that transforms into a younger version of you? to what end? or is it a robot or doll created specifically for this scenario? and most importantly - how old are the kids?
so heres a potential situation - they randomly encounter a hidden scenario thats meant to test you in some way? i guess i dont really have an idea for a plot or arc yet so i have no idea what the clear condition would be but. hypothetical scenario that creates a younger version of you and forces you to interact with them until you achieve some personal growth. if you wanna get angsty with it, the best way would probably be something like, the kids have all your memories up to that age and you have to help them overcome their trauma (and therefore your own). so in this case the kids would probably be a bit older, like 10-12? i dont remember the exact timeline on the kdj stuff but im pretty sure that would be after his mothers book came out but before he started reading wos. its a liiiiittle older than i was thinking but i think its the perfect age for maximum emotional turmoil 👍
this scenario would obviously be hell for kim dokja specifically, but i think it also has interesting implications for yoo "literally didnt exist as a child" joonghyuk. yes kim dokja has to face a version of himself potentially dealing with the very fresh aftermath of the situation with his mother, but yoo joonghyuk has to face his own lack of identity pre scenarios. probably the more realistic scenario here is that he just doesnt get a kid version of him because he has no memories to base it off of, but what if he does anyway? a quiet, closed off kid with no memories or family to speak of. its just so sad....... admittedly i dont have a whole lot of ideas for han sooyoung here though. well. actually. quick han sooyoung tangent
now. at risk of sounding like i have no reading comprehension. i have to admit that i was never really clear on exactly what memories han sooyoung gave up to create 1863!hsy. because okay. han sooyoung regains her memories when an avatar disappears. and when 1863 disappears is when han sooyoung gains the memories of everything that happened pre scenarios, right? [its actually not at the same time in the slightest but im not here to complain about time travel in fiction or we'll be here all day. theyre presented at the same time so i think its fair to say theyre connected]
so to me that implies that han sooyoung previously had those memories and made 1863 out of them? but why would she do that??? shes pretty careless with her memories but i dont think shes THAT careless. plus she mentions fairly early on that sssss infinite regressor (or whatever its called - her "plagiarized" novel) was based on her dreams - which wouldnt really make sense for her to reference if she previously had memories of 1863 and then forgot them. and that would also create a weird loop where 1863 has memories of herself writing wos, which i dont think tracks because she herself was confused that someone else wasnt writing wos...... and we also know that if han sooyoungs avatars train then she gains the skills from it, so perhaps this is an extension of that? and she gains all of 1863s memories independently from whatever memory hsy gave her originally
once again obligatory "i havent read the back half of the novel in quite a while so i dont remember very clearly" - i could be way off base here because my first read through of anything is usually not very reliable. but the interpretation that makes the most sense to me is that we just dont know what memories she gave up. but it seems odd to me? to specifically mention that she gave up a lot of her memory and thats why 1863 went rogue? not to mention the ways 1863 is so different from hsy.......
ANYWAY the point of this whole tangent is that if the children are based on the memories they had at that age then child!han sooyoung would potentially have an important memory that ours is missing (because she gave it to 1863!hsy). BUT if theyre based on their existing childhood memories, then naturally she wouldnt. in fact, id wager that over the course of the novel han sooyoung has probably lost a lot of childhood memories - that could definitely be a source of angst. its different from yjh who had no say in his circumstances - hsy intentionally threw away important aspects of her childhood in order to survive the present. and these are the consequences - a child who is missing a lot of formative experiences and noteworthy memories. imagine coming face to face with a version of yourself completely distinct from the kid you know you used to be, even if you cant quite remember clearly anymore, and knowing that you have no one to blame but yourself...... ohhhhh i really like that.
lol apparently i had the least to say about kim dokja facing his past self head on - i guess he does do that several times in orv huh. (wait. oh my god. i didnt even think about the oldest dream...... ohhhh my god kim dokja....... like, okay, assuming this happens sometime in the middle of the novel he wouldnt know about the oldest dream but. i guess i failed to consider all the things about his past he might not want to address...... but if this kid hasnt started wos yet then the reader specific guilt would likely be less prevalent. but something to think about......) and in pursuit of a different angle on that struggle i stumbled into yoohans raging identity issues. incredible
omg do the kids have skills?????? well kim dokja has to have the fourth wall no matter what. and probably also orv, but at a lower level - i guess it depends on if he has memories of wos too...... wait holy shit. little kim dokja who has started reading wos....... meeting yjh in real life....... im gonna cry 😭😭 i guess idk how old kdj was when he started reading it - wasnt he in middle school? thats probably older than i wanna go. can you tell i wrote this out of order? anyway. young yjh would have whatever skills yjh started with in the 0th turn (so, not many), but he probably has high starting stats (its only natural). im sure han sooyoung has been writing since she was a kid so she would still have avatar (again at a lower level).
to take it in a different direction though, we could do more of like. a mini clone situation? similar setup but maybe instead of a personal growth scenario its like, take care of your younger self and make sure no harm comes to them for one week. something like that. but instead of who they were as kids its like if you hit each of them as they are right now with an age regression beam. definitely go younger with this one - maybe 7-8? admittedly i have very little concept of the developmental stages of kids. i dont want them to be too young though - they should have some independence but still be way too young for all the fighting. and if sys and lgy are like 10 then a couple years younger than that seems about right? omg i was just checking the wiki for character ages - i didnt realize hsy was 2 years younger than the other two...... she'll be so little....... well i could always make them all the same age but wheres the fun in that
so anyway, in this case they keep all their memories and maybe their skills? maybe only some of them, and scaled down of course. but theyre more emotional and less skilled. vulnerable. child!kdj definitely admires adult yjh more openly, child!hsy is a biter, child!yjh is. strikingly similar but a little more readable. this also has really fun potential if the group gets split up and the kids are paired off with a different adult...... and since the kids are accurate to who the adults are but with less emotional regulation and impulse control, there could be some really fun moments of. your true feelings get revealed without your consent...... ohhhh yeah. its all coming together
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tokkias · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the people around natsu and Lucy and how they see the two in their not quite lovers state? Not really a fan fic ask but something fun!
hi anon! thank you for the ask, i had a lot of fun with this one. i actually got a liiiiittle bit carried away and sort of ended up writing how they percieve their relationship as a whole, so theres a little bit of when they’re in their more-than-friends-but-less-than-lovers stage, and a little bit of when they’re dating too, so i hope thats okay! i just did some of the characters i thought would have the most to say about their relationship, but if you’d like to see other specific characters i wouldn’t mind doing another writeup :)
happy is the one person (cat?) that natsu would ever talk about his feelings for lucy with, but not even in like a serious way, in a very casual “hey i think i might be in love with lucy” way, and happy is like “yeah i know”
even though he loves to tease lucy and make fun of her and be a general pain in her ass, she’s his favourite person (aside from natsu), and he wants to have her stay in their lives forever
as much of a little shit he is, he never tells anyone what natsu told him, because he knows that he needs to go at his own pace, even if that pace is slow as shit
on one hand, he knows that natsu and lucy dating/getting married means that lucy is in fact stuck with them for the rest of her life, but on the other hand there’s a tiny insecure voice in the back of his head that’s scared that he’s gonna lose his best friend to her
obviously no that won’t happen because they both love happy, and them wanting to be alone sometimes have sex doesn’t mean that he’s going to be any less of a priority in their lives
natsu lucy and happy are just a little family and they’re going to be a family regardless of their relationship status, the two of them dating and moving in together is just a fun little bonus
gray was probably one of the first people to really pick up on the fact that natsu and lucy might be heading in the direction of more than friends
because of their forced close proximity growing up, and then again by being on the same team, he begrudgingly knows natsu really well, so he’s quick to pick up on how natsu treats lucy different from how he treats everyone else
in terms of him figuring out how lucy feels about natsu, it’s really more of and educated guess at first because he obviously doesn’t know her as well as he knows natsu, and the way she changes once she figures out she’s in love with natsu comes off as a lot more subtle
gray is not invested in anything that is going on in natsu’s life, so he doesn’t give their relationship any thought until it becomes super obvious to him that lucy is in love with natsu
he recognises that lucy makes natsu a better, and more tolerable person
but he also absolutely thinks that lucy can do way better than him
it takes him a while to get past his “what the fuck does she even see in him” phase, but he does inevitably realise that somehow, natsu makes her really happy
will absolutely remind natsu at any given opportunity that lucy is waaaayyy out of his league
if gray was the first to figure it out, then erza was the last
not because she’s dumb or anything, it’s just that most of the time she spends with natsu and lucy involves mass amounts of property damage
also maybe autism, but thats a whole different post
once she is informed that natsu and lucy have a more than friends thing going on, she starts to see it constantly
she begins to interpret literally any of their interactions as possibly having romantic intent (she’s just like us <3)
she can’t look either of them in the eye for like two weeks while she tries to figure out if they’re having sex (they’re not, they just have an insane amount of sexual tension)
natsu is basically her baby brother and she feels a lot of pride watching him grow up and fall in love, and become a more mature person in the process
she’s just rooting for them so hard because! that’s her family! she wants them both to be happy!
she drops the most obvious hints that she wants to see them in a relationship, thinking that she is being so subtle, but she is NOT 
has to physically hold herself back from planning their wedding as soon as they become official
natsu, lucy and wendy, as a trio are giving very much “girl who hangs out with her older brother and his much cooler girlfriend” vibes
for a little bit wendy thought that maybe they were actually dating, but she didn’t want to overstep or embarrass them by asking
she’s witness to a lot of gossip about the two in the girls dorm, but she’s never one to contribute to it
very quietly she does think they would make a cute couple because they already act like one anyway
natsu and lucy are also like, her primary reference for what a good, healthy romantic relationship looks like, and secretly she really hopes that she gets to experience what they have one day
if lucy is confiding in anyone about her feelings, it’s going to be levy
so she is the only one that is watching them knowing for 100% sure how lucy feels
she wants to see lucy in a happy relationship so bad because she wants the best for lucy, but she’s also tired of her going on shitty dates with boring guys who they both know aren’t right for her
levy definitely isn’t close to natsu, but they still did grow up in the guild together and she’s watched him go from a lone wolf to needing to be around lucy at all times
so yeah, she has an inkling that maybe natsu likes her back, and she lets lucy know what she thinks every time he’s bought up
she definitely gossips about them to gajeel, who pretends he doesn’t care but he secretly does because even though he pretends to be all big and tough, those two are still part of his dumb stupid found family
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Okay well its six am so im gonna try to sleep at least a liiiiittle bit. Tomorrow i will clean my room and blog thank you jesus christ amen or whatever
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awaitingfall · 2 months
Gained a liiiiittle bit but that’s okay cuz it was from celebrating and having fun 🥰 Yesterday my bf and I decided to FINALLY start browsing for engagement rings in-store and I fell in love with one in the very first store we stepped foot in. We even said we’ll wait and come back just cuz we weren’t expecting to purchase anything right away, but even after visiting another jewelry store and going home for a few hours I couldn’t stop thinking about that ring 😍 AND they were having a sale on that specific style of ring this weekend only so we felt like it was the perfect time to just get it. And when we went back in, the lady that helped us said we got lucky cuz someone else came in right after us and was interested in that same ring 😮‍💨 So my bf bought it for me and now I just have to wait for his proposal, which will probably be in the Fall b/c that’s when I asked him to plan it 👉🏼👈🏼 but now I also have to get him his ring! We looked at some styles online and he likes the 2 promise rings I got him back in 2021, so I’m thinking of ordering from them again, but he wants it in Yellow Gold to match my ring. And he wants a silicone ring for work, so I’ll have to get him one of those too ☺️
I’m so excited 💕
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He also wanted to do a paint & sip at home. He never suggests doing stuff like that so I could tell he was getting all excited and emotional lol so we made a little plate of fancy cheese and crackers and shared some cider we had bought on our vacation in June and painted each other. I had showed him that trend of couples painting each other and the guys’ paintings are always so tragic lmao so he wanted to test his skills. I really surprised myself with how well I painted him considering I didn’t have any good paint colors that weren’t totally expired and considering I just haven’t painted in general in over a year, but it came out really well. His on the other hand…😂 we all knew it was gonna be a train wreck lmao but it was a good laugh and I’m happy he wanted to do something like that. Cuz usually he just asks if I want to play video games with him as a way of hanging out 😭 which I’ll happily do, but after finishing the Elden Ring DLC I’m a little burnt out on video games for a while. Until Hades 2 comes out 😗
- - -
Oh! I’m also excited because yesterday we went on a walk after lunch and it was super hot and humid out, but I noticed I wasn’t getting out of breath and I was walking a lot faster than usual without struggling to keep up with my bf! That’s such a big accomplishment, honestly. I make it sound like I’m 300 lbs overweight, but it’s crazy how just mostly eating clean and not over-eating can give you back so much energy. Like I’m not even exercising every day - it’s literally just the type of food I’m eating and how I’m eating it. I’m usually so exhausted after that specific walk, but it was a breeze yesterday. I could’ve even gone a second lap!
Super exciting to see my body changing in positive ways, even if it’s something small.
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mapplestrudel · 1 year
Mando’a for Beginners - Chapter 12: Pel’kebiin (Soft Blue)
Summary: You have your first real Mando Lunch.
Pairing: Paz Vizsla/Earthling!Reader
Wordcount: ~1.7K
(AO3 link to the whole fic in the comments. Translations at the end.)
As you make your way to the kitchen to find that sweet nutrition, a shadow lingers on the edge of your vision.
You turn around.
Paz stands idly at his usual distance of a few meters.
You walk up to him.
"Do you still have to follow me around?"
There's a pause, followed by a grumbled"... No."
"Okay. Just making sure."
There's a pause where you're looking up at him and he's looking down to you.
"I can stop."
"Can you?"
"Well... yeah..!" He sounds indignated.
You cross your arms and tilt your head, your raised eyebrow issuing a silent challenge. His gloves creak as he closes and opens his hands again, black visor fixed on you, trying to stare you down. You are starting to get nervous, but are too stubborn to budge now and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
At long, he huffs.
"Training room, after lunch."
With that he turns around and leaves in the opposite direction.
You continue your way to the kitchen, get a tray with your lunch - and are delighted to see that you get a scoop of gravy! AND a little bowl with dessert! You'd never gotten a dessert before! It looks like pudding?! You throw a big smile at Sky, the cook, thanking them in mando'a. They nod gracefully with an "olarom" and continue to dish out lunch for the next in line.
News seem to travel fast.
You take your tray with bouncy steps to the little elevated nook you made yourself at home in. There's a box with your spindle and some fluff, and you push it aside a bit so there's room for your fanny pack, too.
Feet dangling, you're set to enjoy your meal. First, you examine the gravy. It's got a thick texture and a distinct smell that you've never smelled before. You try a liiiiittle bit, wary and aware of the Mandos' love for spiciness.
And. It. Is.
You heat up immediately, head turning red, tears and nose running involuntarily.
You shove the mashed whatevers right behind - and the sensation changes immediately! The spiciness becomes a sweetness that still stings a little in the back of your palate, but in a delicious way.
You sit there, flabbergasted, staring at your tray, a smile growing, and you dig into it, trying out different combinations and orders of the different things this lunch has to offer, and you have an overall good time and eat it all.
Last remains the pudding. You eye it with suspicion because in your mind it is not beyond probability that these spice-loving mandos also spice up their desserts.
It's blue.
It's also wobbly, and squelches when you hit it with a spoon. The smell reminds you faintly of vanilla, but there's also something... tomato-ish (?) going on in the very background of its olfactory composition.
You brace yourself and take a scoop and...
It's delicious!
Sweet, with a very smooth, soft texture - it basically melts in your mouth. And yes, your nose was right: There is a hint of vanilla accompanied by what could count as cinnamon, and the dash of a tomato's slightly sour fruitiness.
You take your sweet time enjoying this lunch, poking, tasting, smelling extensively, and without any haste, and everything else just fades into a hum in the back of your mind.
Paz eats his lunch in his room, quickly, efficiently, absent-mindedly as he's going over his plans for your training to see if you've got any fight in you. He's curious, a bit unsure of what to expect because you've been good for a surprise since the day you got here.
He gets his tray back to the kitchen and goes to the training room.
And waits.
Aaaaand waits some more.
Lunch is done, what is taking you so long?
He decides to go and at least make sure that the reason you're late isn't some di'kutla mirdnaas Dric has come up with.
Peeks around the corner up to your nook.
And sees you poking the pudding.
Right, you got your first pudding today. There are many benefits to officially being part of the covert. One of them is the pudding.
He watches.
Observes you investigating. The journey your face goes on. He still can't quite discern what's going on there - he's not used to seeing faces. He does know his face. There's a small mirror in his room that he uses when he's shaving and trimming his beard. But then it's just himself staring back.
Not much to see there.
He wonders now if he, too, involuntarily makes faces under his helmet and becomes very self-conscious all of a sudden and focusses back on you. He does recognize the joy when you finally taste the pudding - and now he wishes he'd paid more mind to it himself.
He will, he promises himself.
Next time.
You finish your pudding and he expects you to take your tray and take it to the kitchen and go to the training room and dank ferrik he should not be standing here, but you don't seem like you're going anywhere, anyway. In fact, you take that spindle out of your box, and he doesn't know if he's more infuriated about your forgetfulness or about how endearing you look, up there in your nook, feet dangling, whistling and humming a tune and letting your spindle run the whole two-something meters down to the ground before winding it up and making it twirl and dance down again. Words are gradually added to the humming as if you're just remembering a song. He can make out some words eventually, something about "bear necessities" or so, but mainly he's too much distracted by that happy little smile on your face as you bop along the upbeat melody.
You eventually get lost in the usual "Just one more turn... One more and I'll go to the training room... Just this one... I really need to go now... Okay this one and I'm going... I'm gonna go now after this wind up... Really now... Just one more... Fuck I really have to go now! ... This fluff is so soft, oooooh so soft. I wonder if Paz would like to learn how to spin. He'd get a nice length done with his size. Ugh I love this fluff so much - it's spinning up like butter... One more round and I'm /really/ going... I wonder what made the pudding so blue ... would it work as a dye? Then I could dye this blue, somehow... okay, /this/ is the last round now, really...."
A throat clears below you.
You jerk out of your winding thoughts. "Oh! Oh no. Hi Paz! Uh... oh gosh, it's late, isn't it? How, uhm.. how long have you been waiting?"
"A while," comes the feigned grumpy answer.
You wind up your spindle and put it back into the box. "I got distracted by the pudding... Well, and my spindle... I'm sorry!"
He's not but he won't tell you.
"Let's go."
You climb down and follow him to the training room.
"So you liked the pudding?"
"Yeah! It's really weird. And so melty. But really yummy! Never eaten anything like it before! You happen to know what makes it blue?"
"The milk."
"Wait. That was Blue Milk Pudding??"
"Elek." Your excitement amuses him.
"Oh my gosh! I would love a sip of Blue Milk! How does it taste?"
You look at him as he stoically walks ahead. "Are you trying to be funny?"
A little sideways tilt tells you he's looking at you.
"Maybe? Is it working?"
Your chuckle is met by a chuckle of his own. "Fair enough."
You continue on with this small shared joy between you, and he allows himself to indulge in more curiosity.
"So you don't have Blue Milk in your world?"
"No. We have White Milk. I mean, there's special food colours so we could colour the milk blue but that's just not the same, I guess. There's also all sorts of milk-like drinks from not-milk, like grains or nuts or peas, but they're also not blue, really."
"How do you milk grains?"
Another joke? You look at him in surprise but he's just continuing his steady walk through the stonehewn hallways, looking ahead as stoically as ever.
"Oh, you know! They have these tiny grain farms where the graincows give birth to the little graincubs, and then there's these clubs for the graincubs, the graincubs' clubs and when it rains they take cover under the graincub's club's rainshrubs..."
"You're making shit up."
"Yeaaah..." You grin at him and he gives you a grintilt himself.
"But the Sponge is real, yes?"
"I mean, it's as real as any figure from a kid's cartoon show."
"So you can discern fiction from reality?"
"Well.. I can't possibly answer this. I don't know! What IS real?"
"Stuff you can touch!"
"Okay, then what about the stars in the sky? Can't touch them, they're still real. Or, like, atoms! You can't touch an atom! You can touch the stuff that's made up of the atoms. But then actually, you don't. I've read that if you sit down on a chair, your butt never really touches the chair because there's always this, like, reeeaaaallly small distance between the atoms of your butt and the atoms of the chair.... Maybe I'm not real and just some figment of your imagination! Or maybe you're just some figment of my imagination! What then?"
He stops in front of a door and looks at you for a heartbeat, the side tilt making him almost look like a curious puppy.
A very big, heavily armoured puppy.
And without any warning, he pinches your arm. It hurts. A little.
"Ow! Hey!"
"Did that feel real?"
"... I guess..." You pout and rub the pinched area.
"More's to come."
And with that he opens the door and steps into the torture chamber training room.
"That is not reassuring!" you shout.
And take a deep breath.
And follow behind.
Translations and pronunciations (if available) from www.mandoa.org, and The Total Guide to Mandalorian Language by Tal'jair Rusk:
Pel'kebiin - Soft Blue from: pel -- [pail] -- soft, yielding kebiin -- [keh-BEEN] -- blue
olarom -- [oh-lah-ROHM] -- "Welcome!" (greeting)
di'kutla -- [dee-KOOT-lah] -- useless, stupid, worthless, dumb
mirdnaas -- [meerd-NAHS] -- nonsense
Vod'ika -- litte comrade from: vod -- [vohd] -- brother, sister; comrade, "mate" 'ika -- diminutive form
elek -- [EL-eck] -- yes
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mickmundy · 1 year
sorry to bother ya but do ya perhaps have any new silly thoughts about your silly guys (vamp medic + hunter sniper)?
OMFGGG YOU ARE NEVER A BOTHER UWAAA ;___; i love getting asks!! ^__^ you could sincerely never bother me I feel like i'm bothering YOU when i just blab about stuff so ;_; asks help me feel less annoying ehe!! AND ABSOLUTELY HMMM let me see.,.,
their dynamic is extra fun to me because OBVIOUSLY i am sooo slutty for slow burn pining etc BUT this fic would let me have a lot more fun in the sense of adding on all of these supernatural Creatures and their social dynamics etc.,., plus since it's just a silly fantasy au i can be sooo sillay and a bit Corny Tropey with it but it's okay! let dutch have fun as a treat...................
so i've said before sniper isn't a hostage nor is he a ward or anything else... but medic's castle is really nice and so sniper figures he'd probably be crazy not to take him up on some of that amazing lodging!! medic calls in a chef that cooks for sniper around the clock and often joins sniper when he eats (having just finished eating himself... heh) and is often sitting at the table waiting for sniper swirling a glass of blood in a wine glass and being like "gooood evening herr hunter! ^v^" and at first sniper would think it was absolutely ridiculous but he's also.., kind of lonely.,., and as he gets used it medic just becomes a part of his routine and he looks forward to having dinner with him... they "quickly" become friends and pick each other's brains about humans, vampires, combat, hunting, etc!!
and i think sniper specifically is really well suited to the like. "vampire/supernatural/creature hunter" thing because he's a liiiiittle bit morally gray. like he'd be.,., a little curious about medic and how he ticks (and how he hunts/kills) and medic would think that was so cute.... and of course he loves to talk about himself so that's perfect!! and i think sniper's also just got that Funny Offbeat-ness to his personality (canonically. but as well as in this au ehe) that i think he and medic like things that are "morbid" and "weird" and they just Get Each Other like that!
medic talks to sniper about the thrill of the hunt from the perspective of his wolves.,., "hoo! there is nothing like it!" and sniper on the edge of his seat listening because god it would be so cool to hunt like an animal does.... medic taking sniper up on that and offering to let him tag along the next time his wolves go hunting. sniper does so just to watch his wolves work, fascinated by the fact that it's medic controlling them (or not knowing that bit of info at all yet. haven't decided which is more Delicious ehe) .,., letting out a startled yelp as one of the wolves comes up behind him and blows hot air in his ear and nips at sniper's ear and barks and does the "play bow" at him.,., medic's playing with him.., sniper playfully shoves the muzzle of the wolf away and is like "ALRIGHT alright.,., very funny.,. -_-" but he's chuckling and brushes the snow off of him and readies his own bow and hunts a few animals for them (as a thank you to medic).,.,
sniper coming back in soaked and muddy and one of medic's wolves trotting up to him and sitting beside medic and sniper shucks off his drenched gross outdoor clothes by the fireplace and medic "jogs" up to greet them (going Human Paced) and is like "HOO! LOOK AT YOU! did you have fun? ^v^" and sniper's excitedly babbling about how much fun he'd had and is like "heh., s'fun hunting with a pack. never done that before, well, obviously," and of course the wolves were being controlled by medic but medic's like ;-; because sniper looked so in his element and looked like such a Handsome and Rugged Hunter... and medic's like "well, i'm so glad to hear you had fun; you certainly gave my hounds a run for their money, hoo! why, i-" and sniper's asleep curled up by the fireplace and medic grins oughhhh he wants to hold sniper so bad...
sniper is SO human and medic doesn't miss being a human whatsoever (and of course in true medic fashion Jumped at the chance at Vampire Immortality in the first place) but... it's a nice change of scenery... Very Cute.,., and it makes medic's dead old heart flutter just a little bit... ehe.,.,
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mountmortar · 2 years
okay i joke in a funny way about lucas acting Super Extra Normal to make it seem like he never went missing and came back different and everyone being like ??? because of it but you kind of have to wonder if he's a liiiiittle bit paranoid about Getting Fucking Exiled again when he comes back even though exiling is. not a Thing in the modern day. like professor rowan sits him down to say hey i'm a little worried about your recent behavior. i don't think you can perform well as an assistant with your current mental state. and lucas' mind IMMEDIATELY jumps to -> he;s go,,,nna fuckign EXILE ME......
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
Hello! I'm so sorry if anyone has already asked this before but how did Mao and Ichi meet and how did they get closer?
*cracks my knuckles*
OKAY SO This is basically the plot of my Maoichi fic that you can read HERE IF YOU WANT TO! I understand reading fics isnt for everyone and i am happy to explain and summarize here. IM JUST attaching the fic link for those who may want to read it because i love sharing my writing. I'm very proud of it and all the research i did/am doing
BUT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION MORE COMPACTLY.... under the cut, the summary turned into a couple paragraphs
Ichimatsu was just walking around Akatsuka ward midday down a street he normally doesn't walk down, and sees a sign for a cat café he never noticed and rushes over to the window to see the cats. It doesn't dawn on him until he's actually at the window looking in that it's not open yet. There's someone inside, sitting on the ground, trying to put a cat tree together incorrectly (as in trying to put two pieces together that don't go together) and that turns out to be Mao! Ichimatsu ogles a little bit and realizes he shouldn't so he goes to the OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET to watch from afar because now he's curious for some reason and he just sticks around a bit until Mao finally notices him. They see he's been hovering for a while so they stop what they're doing and go to the front door (going to open it but don't remember that its locked so they thump right into the door which causes Ichi to laugh a little) and then beacon Ichi over to which he timidly does. He doesn't listen to a word they say because he's watching them so intently but he finally realizes and the information gets across that the cat café is going to be opening this weekend, they had him a flyer with a coupon that has 15 free minutes with the cats with no need for purchase, and he goes on his way.
So that's how they meet, and they get closer slowly over several months of him going to the cat café as well as their paths crossing. They are mutually pining for each other hard and tbh im a hopeless romantic so its a liiiiittle bit of like, a love at first sight kinda thing almost? Not exactly but... both are mutually just infatuated with each other, both have anxiety and similar temperaments so they don't realize that their crushes are reciprocated. Think about how Ichi doesn't think he's good for anything, like how he refers to himself as literal trash? Imagine Mao blushing and stuttering because they're nervous to talk to him? He'll perceive that as their face is red because they're so mad he's even talking to him, and they're stuttering because they're trying to hold themself back from laughing or gagging. Meanwhile, Mao is doing their best to get over their social awkwardness and talk normally to a guy that THEY don't think they have a chance with because why would ANYONE give them a chance, let alone the guy they're crushing so hard on.
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