#well - often there can be disconnect or discord from values not being the same
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despair-tea · 3 months ago
no one else can have your same experience. your memories are only your own, after all.
sharing something means creating a new memory - you don't know what kind of memory that will be. after all, we can't just conveniently implant other people with our own experiences (yet. hush now, pervert girls).
so part of being friends is accepting that things will be different, but they were valuable because we had each other by our side. does that make sense? it can be so easy to forget after you grow up once.
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twisting-roads · 4 months ago
The target audience for this was for people who don't know too much about the game as well, so I'm going to explain things that a normal player might already know.
Rain World is known for how it simply throws you into the world with almost no tutorial, and is often praised for it.
But this lack of explanation if you do not go out of your way to find it has also lead to a lot of misinterpretations from those who did not read all the game’s available information, or misunderstood what they were being told. I used to watch some RW lore videos that would explain and summarize these things, and in the past I believed them.
I’ve since stopped doing that after having some time to actually process what I’ve been reading, and I’m here to say...
Ok, hyperbole. Not everyone believes these, and art can always be interpreted in different ways by different people, and I won’t stop you from having these beliefs. But also, there’s plenty of ingame content which completely disproves most of these unsubstantiated points from those who do not fully research the game before making videos about it.
Looking at you Tale Foundry…
The purpose of this is to pick apart some of the sadly far too common points I’ve heard many times before from Youtube videos, to Tumblr posts, to people I’ve spoken to on Discord.
Starting with my least favorite…
“The 5 karma were seen as sinful”
Obvious westernization of a game based off fucking Buddhism aside, there’s no ingame text directly supporting this claim. There isn’t any that says otherwise, but we have good reason to believe this isn’t the case.
The 5 natural urges, as they’re sometimes called, were NATURAL. They were what bound you to the cycle. They never worsened your life or made you a terrible person should you keep following them, but an aspect of life on the same level as suffering or ecstasy.
Hey, I’ll break down the 5 karma and their meanings to show you that they're not just "sins"
I believe the natural urges have 2 different meanings: an animalistic one, and a more “human” one.
KARMA 1 This obviously represents violence, as you see one guy stabbing the other. I believe it also represents competition and intense emotions, For example: Artificer experiencing intense grief and lashing out in violence as a result. It was not the violence that started it, but her emotions. (Yes, its Downpour. But it’s a good point.)
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They’re having sex. They’re fucking. They’re- ok you get it. Karma 2 represents reproduction. But, I also believe it’s desire. Joyful bodily experiences, and such. The 2 figures seen here are in a much more playful pose than if they were simply doing this only to reproduce. No, they’re having fun.
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KAMRA 3 Connection. Bonding with others. Yet also trade and personal belongings. Attachment to things that are not yourself.
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KARMA 4 It’s mentioned ingame that this represents gluttony It’s overindulgence, you know. Similarly to karma 2, it can also be searching for fulfillment. I'm not particularly good at telling what the meaning of this could be.
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KARMA 5 Self preservation. Self preservation can come in many forms, from an animal running away from a predator or somebody getting defensive after being accused of something or being threatened, this one is rather vague about its meaning.
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I do this to show that the 5 urges have very NEUTRAL meanings. It being positive or negative is entire dependant on context. They’re not sinful, get out of here with that Catholic shit!
The 5 karmas have both positive, negative, and neutral contexts which they can fit into.
“The ancients hated being alive”
The ancients simply hated the cycle itself and its unknowable properties, as well as being much more aware of things like karma and the urges. Rather, they valued being effortless to disconnect themselves from this cycle.
“This was an eternal dilemma to them - they were burdened by great ambition, yet deeply convinced that striving in itself was an unforgivable vice. They tried very hard to be effortless.” – Bright Green Pearl (DS)
Some practices did of course include things like starving yourself, but as mentioned by Moon, these methods proved to be mostly obsolete. Void Fluid fundamentally changed their culture from what we see. Rather, we do see the ancients enjoying life and valuing it in their own way, which is INCREDIBLY important to some of the games themes, but I’ll get into that later.
"[...]'In this vessel is the living memories of Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel, of the House of Braids[…] Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel nobly decided to ascend in the beginning of 1514.008, after graciously donating all (ALL!) earthly possessions to the local Iterator project (Unparalleled Innocence), and left these memories to be cherished by the carnal plane.The assorted memories and qualia include:Watching dust suspended in a ray of sun (Old age). Eating a very tasty meal (Young child). Defeating an opponent in a debate contest, and being applauded by fellow team members (Late childhood/Early adulthood).’...and the list goes on. I'm sorry, little creature, I won't read all of this - the list is six hundred and twenty items long.” – Deep Magenta (SH)
There’s quite a lot to pick apart here, I had to cut down some parts short, but even the cut parts have important details. Just not important enough for me to bring up here.
The Memory Crypts we see ingame are… well where memories are kept. The qualia (personalized experiences) is stored within these mutated fleshy neural organisms referred to as “cabinet beasts”. These of course, contain the “living memories” or qualia of those who have ascended. There are people smarter than me who have already covered these ideas of course, so I won't go TOO indepth.
The ancients greatly valued titles and achievements just as us. They still lived normal lives. As well as this, they valued personal experiences and memories of the carnal realm so much they built an entire citadel to store memories.
As we can see as well, Seventeen Axes has quite a lot of enjoyable memories from throughout their life. Eating nice food and winning a debate contest and getting validation from their peers? That sounds rather… complacent with the 3rd and 4th natural urges, doesn’t it?
I do not believe this screams “I hate being alive!” as much as people have made it out to be, and is honestly ruins part of the game’s messages of compassion and personalized experiences, especially in the game’s ending where Survivor dreams of home.
“You have no name. I once had! I was embalmed, adorned, readied for the journey. So proud. There was jubilation! My name was sung, loud and clear. Did they know? That I didn't quite leave, didn't quite stay? Should I be ashamed? That I linger here, where my memories are kept? Should I be ashamed that I now envy your flesh prison?” - Four Needles under Plentiful Leaves
This is leaning into personal theory territory, but...
I personally believe that the ancients were somewhat terrified of the unpredictability of the cycle and the fact that life would always have more suffering in it.
RW’s religion is heavily based off Buddhism. This is well known of course. The Cycle is a variation of Samsara. Now, I’m not Buddhist, and I’ve tried to do my research about some of these topics. Feel free to correct me, I’m simply going off what I know. (Also I'd love to hear what you have to say regarding your thoughts on the game!)
In Buddhism, each new life you could be taken into the body of an animal, or even end up being tortured in hell for a very, very, VERY long time if you made the wrong decisions, which made escaping it as soon as you could seem like a rather reasonable thing to do.
The ancients never fully grasped the scope of the cycle, and the prospects of having your soul wake up in the body of some miserable worm with no memory of your past or any ideas of your future might’ve seemed bleak.
Suffering is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean they hated being alive, like I said before.
“Rain World is post-apocalyptic.”
It really isn’t. There was never any apocalypse. The ancients simply left on their own accord, leaving behind their mark on the world that will slowly be buried once again in the ever so present cycle.
“The bones of forgotten civilizations, heaped like so many sticks.” - Two Sprouts, Twelve Brackets
The world is thriving, even. The purposed organisms left behind have evolved and taken over and become it’s own ecosystem.
The iterators are dying though. Dying very slowly, but soon they’ll all decay and everything will move on.
It’s all just another manifestation of the cycle.
“The creatures in Rain World cannot die”
This is definitely something I hear from people who haven’t played much of the game and only hear about it from outside sources and watch the gameplay.
Yes, it is easy to believe this. As slugcat, when you die, you wake back up again. This is entirely a gameplay thing and not actually related to the lore. Saying this might seem like I'm avoiding the question at hand here, but the rules that apply to you do not seem to apply to other creatures.
Every creature in the game has a 4 integer ID (it can go higher, but not in a standard playthrough).
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This makes every creature you see an individual of sorts with its own randomized values or appearance.
As well as this, creatures spawn from specific marked dens. When you kill a creature that spawns from a certain den, the next cycle, that creature’s ID will never appear again. Instead, the den spawn is replaced by a creature of the same species with a different ID, or a new species entirely.
Through gameplay, you see that the respawn rules that apply to you do not apply to other creatures. I’ve heard many points about how these dead creatures are transported to another alternate universe where they are alive, but I really do not want to delve into that theory. You do that yourself.
Excuse my unprofessional language, but this is kind of stupid. Billions and billions of little timeline splits accounting for every single insect and microbe that dies seems far too complex of a solution. Occam's Razor and all that.
With this gameplay element you see, I also want to give LORE explanations as to why this is incredibly stupid.
1) If death had no impact, the 5 natural urges would not matter
If no creatures died, there would be no point in eating (karma 4), competing with other species (karma 1), or any form of self preservation (karma 5). Reproduction (karma 2) has no role and there would be absolutely no reason to do anything any longer. All natural processes would be useless.
2) Light Blue Pearl
The information received from the cycle is most likely from the Light Blue Pearl, found in Outskirts.
“[...]The repeating mantra is important because it symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and death, and the termination verse is a symbol for ascension above and beyond it. I don't know how familiar you are with the nature of life and death, but I imagine like all living creatures you have some intuitive knowledge? Then you know that death isn't the end - birth and death are connected to each other like a ring, or some say a spiral. Some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring. Some ramble in agonizing longevity. But the basis is agreed upon: like sleep like death, you wake up again - whether you want to or not. This is true for all living things, but some actually break the cycle. That doesn't apply to you or me though, you are too entangled in your animal struggles, and for me not breaking that cycle is an integral part of the design. Our mantras keep repeating.”
“Then you know that death isn't the end - birth and death are connected to each other like a ring, or some say a spiral. Some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring.“
This line is very misunderstood. Moon specifically mentions birth and death. She mentions death. She never brings up the notion that nothing truly dies either.
As well as this, Moon says that “some say”, implying that even the ancients weren’t sure what the cycle was either. This is more important to my point regarding how the unfathomable nature of the cycle was why the Ancients were so averse to it from above, though.
“Sliver of Straw found the solution.”/"There is/isn't solution"
No she didn’t.
Ok fine I’ll explain.
If you’ve played Rain World you know that the purpose of the iterators is to find the solution to the “Great Problem”, the problem of how to ascend ALL living creatures.
You’ll also know Sliver sent out the Triple Affirmative…
“[...]affirmative that a solution has been found, affirmative that the solution is portable, and affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable. She's also one of few that has ever been confirmed as exhaustively incapacitated, or dead. We do not die easily.[…]” - Pale Yellow (SL)
After sending out this affirmative, the iterators became conflicted. They never could figure out if she really ascended and had found the solution, or if it was some sort of catastrophic error.
The answer to the Great Problem is clearly intended to be as obscured as possible. There cannot be an answer one way or the other. The themes of it and the endless tolling of the iterators would not be as impactful if we knew there was or wasn’t a solution.
“[...]Either way, after that these different factions developed, as well as a huge forensic effort to recreate and simulate Sliver of Straw's last moments. Some of the simulations were wrapped in a simulation wrapped in a simulation, in case something dangerous might happen. Nothing much has come from it.[…]“ - Pale Yellow (SL)
Here’s my favorite way of explaining what I mean…
Imagine Schrodinger's Cat, the famous thought experiment. There’s a 50/50 chance that when you open the box, you either find the Solution, or find out there is No Solution.
Except you cannot open the box. And the box is entirely theoretical and nobody’s seen it. It seems impossible, but maybe one day you’ll find that box. That’s what the Great Problem is.
Sliver apparently having found the solution would have completely broken everything. Five Pebbles wouldn’t have ended up hurting himself and Moon had Sliver finding the solution been known with certainty. He was taking a shot in the dark.
“Ascension is akin to suicide.”
I strongly believe this point harms the role that ascension and the void sea play in Rain World’s narrative. Ascension is meant to be a final destination, a goal you build up to and prepare for when you’ve lived every bit of life you possible could, and can now move on.
Bringing up the Memory Crypt pearl from earlier, Seventeen Axes lived an incredibly fulfilling life from what we see, and ascended happily.
As well as this, Buddhism strongly encourages those who wish to liberate themselves to discover their own path, which is also subtly shown through the gameplay, as there are many many routes you can take to Five Pebbles, Looks To The Moon, and The Depths.
I do also think this is why Five Pebbles failed. He tried to brute force his way to ascension.
Suicide implies that ascension is only meant to be a fruitless escape and that it’s wrong to ascend. I… do not want to go into why suicide is bad. It’s a strong topic and I’m just here to talk about video games. But ascension is a neutral thing that you can choose to do or not do and to wait until you’re ready.
I really only have the time to cover these 6 misconceptions, and I believe it should be enough. There have been many others I’ve seen, such as the ancients being malicious or that there weren’t any civilizations before them, but there’s not as much to say about them, and they aren’t as common.
Rain World is a very confusing game. I’m not upset at people who think these things to be true, and I do not believe they’re stupid or don’t have any media literacy. I just wish that the people who did actually cover this game did some more looking into it, and actually discussing it with Rain World fans.
Also I should say, that during this entire discussion I have avoided talking about Downpour- RW’s DLC- as it’s more of a official fanmade project. And so much of what it says may not be entirely in line with Vanilla. Because my life isn’t easy and of course there has to be an incredibly divisive and confusing thing like this that I need to avoid bringing up so that way the conversation isn’t muddled.
Thanks if you managed to make it through all this by the way
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years ago
I have been silent for some time now. I have refrained from exhibiting any plaguing thoughts that might warrant me the label of “that person”, but I’m at the point where I’ve had my fill.
Ramble under the cut so as to not... offend or inconvenience anyone. There’s absolutely no obligation to read this. It’s Tumblr. You can block/ignore me. The option to do so is readily accessible.
I’ve been a Bad Batch fan since day one. While I didn’t start creating that very same day, it was relatively close. Point being, I’m a long-time dedicated fan. As the premiere to their series draws closer, I feel like there is going to be a great shift, rift here. That being said, I figured now is as good a time as any to make this post.
I love those boys beyond words. They’ve been the one constant in my life amidst a rapid and debilitating change. I love getting to give them life, even if my interpretations aren’t the most accurate.
Yes, I am a new Writer and yes, I am new to Tumblr, as I am sure both of those things are painfully apparent.
I get that it is impossible to please everyone. It’s something I’m learning more and more with each passing day. It’s something that gets harder to swallow, even more so.
I’d like to say that being here has been a largely positive experience, with all of these great connections and opportunities. But honestly? It’s been more isolating than anything. I’ve actually never felt more isolated than since I joined a year ago.
As a content creator or even just a general blogger, I don’t ask for much. I don’t ask for anything, in fact. I consider myself very low maintenance. I don’t demand/harass/play the martyr for reblogs. I have never mentioned it once, and never will. Some people on here are so damn passive-aggressive about it, and quite frankly, it’s embarrassing. It’s very stigmatizing. While I completely understand the frustration surrounding the like-to-reblog ratio, I think it’s neither tasteful nor reputable to threaten to call people out for not reblogging your fics. I wish I could say I was joking on that one. But I’ve seen it profoundly. Not cool.
And yet, no one says anything or raises any concern there.
Yet I make metas, harmless rambles, and I get shot down? Seriously?
—I need to “chill”, it’s “overkill”, I’m “overthinking”. I and my content are apparently just so damn arduous to interact with.
If you don’t like me, please just move on. There are plenty of other Bad Batch creators for you to enjoy. You know that. My work is absolutely not the final say, and I’ve never claimed it to be.
What is so wrong, with sharing one’s thoughts? Why do people inherently have a problem with other’s creative efforts? I see it time over again. Why do I feel like if I was making a bunch of smutty posts it wouldn’t be as much of a problem, that it in fact would be infinitely more welcome? (Absolutely NO shade to people who create smut, okay? I’ve made my own share. I admire those bold enough to do so regularly. I absolutely love them. Please teach me your ways).
This ramble really has nothing to do with the most recent event regarding my contributions. Rather, it’s a culmination of experiences over the past several months that have brewed and festered to the point where I can no longer keep downplaying it.
Social media, at its core, is one big popularity contest. It always has been, it always will be. But I’m not here to win. That’s never been my objective. That’s not what I’m about. Surprise (or not), I am not a popular blog. Not by a long shot. I’ll never claim otherwise.
I don’t ask people to view/interact with my content, I’m not an activist, I can’t even fathom exuding that kind of confidence. Even though I, admittedly, crave it. I suspect I crave interaction as much as the next creator. It’s a nice feeling. Yet there’s never been any obligation for it, especially with me, so I don’t understand what the problem is. As I’ve said, there are ample ways for you to block/avoid me. It’s the internet. In this day and age, there’s no excuse for viewing anything you don’t want to.
I came here in the hopes of finding like-minded individuals, uplifting and interacting, and exercising some otherwise stunted creativity.
All Tumblr as taught me is that creating and contributing is largely a thankless, empty endeavor. You can give and give and give and be reduced to nothing. There’s a profound imbalance between “giving” and “receiving”, and in regards to both ends of the scale, it’s became apparent to me that if you don’t cater heavily and in unreasonable degrees or get “noticed” by a popular blog, you get nothing, and your efforts are null and void.
Truthfully? I constantly feel like I walk on eggshells here, and it’s all I can do to not crack under the pressure, even though it’s my blog and my headspace. I should feel comfortable and free to express myself here, and I don’t, and I’m unsure of how to achieve that sense of stability. To be completely honestly I feel like a constant bother and a nuisance. When I post, I literally feel like there is a collective eye-roll that comes with people receiving a notification from my blog. Even though I know, rationally, that can’t be true, that’s an absurd level of thinking. I can’t say I can pinpoint exactly where it stems from.
But regardless: I hardly ever talk about/create the things I actually want. I only recently just got ballsy enough to share some metas, and we all know how well that’s going. I try not to have smut out of respect for my asexual/minor mutuals, even though the tag to blacklist is very much an option. I try not to bring up conflicting topics, Tumblr, political, or otherwise, even though with proper tagging I could. But I try not to even bring that into existence. Even though it’s my right to, I don’t.
I don’t actually feel like I fit into any narrative here, especially in the Bad Batch fandom; even though we are all basically the same steadfast group of bloggers. We all know who we are. We all coexist in the same space. It’s nearly impossible to be unaware of each other, at this point.
And yet, I’m not in a bunch of Discord servers or backed by a team of beta readers and all that jazz. It’s basically just me talking to myself out here. It’s very isolating.
Part of that—most of it—is my own crippling social anxiety, and the genuine belief that I don’t deserve to be in the same space/servers as all of these brilliant creators. Because I’m just me, and there’s not a whole lot of value there. With that mindset, it’s hard to actually feel like I belong anywhere. I know that is a mindset I have to conquer alone.
My excitement over my creations has largely dwindled into nothing. I seldom ever bounce my ideas off of others—another issue that stems from the fear of presenting as a burden—and even though I try to write for myself, even that fire has pretty much died out. I’m not even sure how or if I could even reignite it, at this point. It’s really quite sad. It makes me very sad, actually. All I wanted was to safely ramble, project all my thoughts and creativity that has otherwise been repressed through prolonged detrimental circumstances.
More than anything, I wanted to find and hold onto something that makes me feel useful, meaningful, happy. More and more I wonder if that’s even possible. I don’t think it is, not here. I often wonder if joining and sharing on Tumblr was a horrible mistake. I miss the innocent joy of when I first started creating. It was so simple. I’m trying to find that simplicity again.
But I’m burned out. I’m running on fumes. I have been for some time.
At this point it goes beyond just “taking a break” from Tumblr. It’s the fact that it all feels like this meaningless, monotonous cycle. I wonder every day if I am an isolated case in experiencing these emotions.
And yet, come tomorrow I will still be here, business as usual.
I’m not asking for sympathy or playing the victim or attacking anyone or trying to guilt-trip into more interaction. I am very aware of my shortcomings and incorrect mindsets. I’m just trying to make sense of it all. I feel very disconnected from everyone here and it’s lonely. This took a lot for me to share. I will most likely delete this because anxiety will eat me up, as it does with everything I post. Yes, everything.
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sybvrites · 6 years ago
hi angels! im bee, 20, a general mess... u get the picture. this is hugo and he’s... idk what he is but he’s my baby :))) this is really long so you the best if you read it in full && as always my discord is the uk's weird farmer cousin#1697 if y’all want speedy replies for plotting !
tw: death & drug use.
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( xavier serrano, cismale, he/him, twenty-two ) — have you seen hugo talbot, the history and politics student around oxford yet ? i hear they can be acerbic and meticulous, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of driving too fast on an empty road, the whipping wind in a thunderstorm, cashmere turtlenecks & worn poetry books when they’re around. rumour has it that his parents died during the execution of an insurance scam. is it true ? only time will tell…
FULL NAME: hugo byron talbot DATE OF BIRTH: november 3rd, 1996 PARENTS: gregory talbot & marianne cunard-talbot  NATIONALITY: english  IMPORTANT LINKS: statistics & pinterest.
hugo was born on november 3rd, ironically the same day as his mother’s birthday, born twenty-six years apart. marianne cunard-talbot was, to put it bluntly, not the motherly type. her own mother left her and her father when she was one, and since kenneth cunard had no other possible heir to the family business ( and fortune, mind ) the proverbial crown was laid on her brow. with no mother figure in her life, it seemed the capabilities escaped her, as they escaped her husband too. gregory talbot, as a second son to a wealthy family, had little to inherit but a mind for business. when they met at cambridge, both studying literature, in the eighties it wasn’t a match made in heaven, it wasn’t love at first sight, but they made a good team — it was enough.  two more children followed after hugo, and while they lacked a significant amount of guidance from their own parents ( or any sort of guidance at all, really ), they made do with themselves. while hugo and his siblings stayed in london, his parents continued to live in southampton where the headquarters for cunard corporation was, and let the nannies that they’d hired handle the raising of their kids. the lack of supervision and general parenting only served to create an air of entitlement around hugo. he knew from a young age that he was going to be an important man when he grew up, that he would be a powerful man. it was only enforced by the fact that when marianne and gregory would visit it was mainly to nitpick at their children, enquire after their grades and ensure that nobody was stepping out of line.  at thirteen hugo had to leave his siblings behind to attend eton. despite the fact he would return every weekend he still felt the separation from his siblings keenly, they had after all barely been apart for their whole lives. on his first day at eton, he tripped over someone else’s suitcase as he exited his car, and when he turned to angrily confront the owner of the case, he came face to face with thomas. they became fast friends despite the fact that hugo couldn’t help but remember, and wish to rebel against, his parents wish for him to befriend the heir to the throne. the tom he knew wasn’t the crown prince, but rather the boy who had never been allowed his own freedom, a boy who was only just beginning to discover who he was without his parents telling him who he had to be.  by the time hugo was sixteen, and tom seventeen, both had begun to dabble in illicit substances. their reasons were different of course, but it wasn’t as if they necessarily needed reasons to get high and pretend they weren’t going to have the weight of the world on their respective shoulders in ten years. but while hugo usually kept sober unless there was a party, tom seemed to want to spend his time being perpetually high. it was easy to ignore it, his best mate seemed happier after he’d done a few lines, but he also seemed flirtier. tom had come out almost immediately after they’d met, and it was like all the weight had lifted off of his shoulders, sharing his secret with another person seemed to help him immensely. hugo couldn’t say when he began to realise that tom had a crush on him, maybe it was from the very moment they’d met, but throughout the years it started to become abundantly clear. at a friend’s twenty-first birthday party he still felt completely blindsided when tom got high and wasted, and then tried to convince hugo to sleep with him. 
he was eighteen when his parents passed away, it was strange to him because despite their lack of presence it always felt like they were hovering nearby, just waiting for him to mess up, or for his brother or sister to, so they could blame him. it was an accident they said, something went wrong on one of the ships and unfortunately, it took his parents with him when it sunk. his grandfather pulled him aside at the funeral to tell him what happened, he claimed it was hugo's right now, considering once he left university, it was all his. he told hugo about how the cunard fleet was losing more money that it was making, how there was a plan to sink the least valuable to bring in more money, to supplement the loss of money. he told hugo how the plan went awry and the ship didn't sink when it was meant to on its return from australia, and when they went to inspect the ship and why it didn't go down, it sank with them on it. the money was still going to be beneficial to the company, and now the insurance company would be hard pressed to believe that the ship was tampered with, considering who was aboard. the secret had to be kept, he was going to have to keep it for his whole life if he valued his handle on the company and their resulting wealth. it was hard, losing his parents and being burdened with such a secret. his only solace was tom, who didn't know what it was to lose family, but understood what it was like to feel so disconnected.
he would never admit it to his best friend, hell, he’d never admit it out loud, period, but while his mate had been harbouring feelings for him, hugo had a crush of his own. tom’s sister eleanor was quiet around him, he wasn’t sure they’d ever really had a proper conversation and yet every time he caught sight of her when he’d visit tom his heart would kick up and his palms would sweat. it all came to a head when, at tom’s cousin’s twenty-first birthday, he rescued nora from a handsy party-goer and began seeing her in secret, namely so tom wouldn’t find out. their relationship was easy enough to hide, he would stay with tom and sneak off to eleanor’s room once he’d passed out, she would arrive at his door with a hermès scarf to shield her face and hair from those who might recognise her. by the time it had become abundantly clear to the both of them that it was a completely serious relationship and decided that it was time to go public and share their news with tom, and scheduled a press conference ( because an instagram debut was awfully uncouth ), they’d been together for almost a year and a half. 
with the press conference scheduled for the monday after their respective birthdays, and having resolved to sit down to dinner on sunday with eleanor’s family to tell them the truth, both hugo and eleanor went into the weekend confident and happy. tragedy was never far away though, it always seemed to loom on the horizon. after a wild saturday night, tom and hugo found themselves back at buckingham palace, hugo drunk and tom exceptionally high. a quick slip of the tongue ( “ god i’m going to regret this in the morning, nora’s going to kick my ass if i go back to her in this state. ” ), had him thinking he’d ruined everything before nora could present her arguments to her family. instead, tom gave his blessing and sent hugo off to his sister to enjoy the rest of his birthday. he’d thought it was the best weekend of his life, he went home to get ready for dinner and was interrupted by his phone ringing — it was the phone call that he felt turning his life upside down. his girlfriend told him how the maid came to wake him, he was late for breakfast, she shook him and he didn’t wake up. a heart attack, nora told him. the press conference planned for them was used to announce his best friend’s death, the best weekend of his life so quickly turned into the worst.
hugo is still trying to work through losing tom, he’s not about to admit to anyone that losing someone who he’d just assumed would be there for… well, forever, was taken so quickly. it also impeded the announcement for his and eleanor’s relationship and forced them back into the dark when they’d been preparing to be able to not sneak around, and now they’re back to where they were before. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: astute, meticulous, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: acerbic, calculating, imperious  hugo is, above all else, extremely sharp. when it comes to people it usually takes approximately a sentence to leave their mouth before he's made his judgement on them. this also applies to his schoolwork and actual work ( on the occasion that his grandfather requires another set of trusted eyes ). in all things he does he is exceptionally precise, mostly a result of the scrutiny he faced with his parents expecting every move to be absolutely perfect. above all else, and probably the trait he would tell a person he possesses, he is extremely loyal, mostly to his family. there are few people he would go to the ends of the earth for and without a doubt his siblings are the first two ( and eleanor ). he was never raised to be soft, he was raised to run a multi-billion dollar corporation, and as such he never learnt to edge his words with honey, his words always tend to sound as if they have an edge to them, almost confrontational. if a person knows him well enough, they would understand that he usually means nothing by it, he doesn't care enough about most people for it to mean anything. when approaching any situation, his cunning is one thing he has no problem in using, it's often little more than a means to an end as long as it benefits him or someone he cares about. he also has a habit of coming across as quite pompous, he's lived a life where he hasn't ever wanted for anything, everything is served up on a silver platter. as such his view of the world is also quite skewed and his knowledge of simple things like grocery shopping is nonexistent. it makes him come off as conceited and haughty, once the layers are peeled back he is definitely a different person, alas he's hard pressed to let anyone close enough to see him.
okay, i'm definitely spitballing because connections for him are genuinely hard, i can almost guarantee that while i don't think he makes enemies, he's certainly not making friends with many people. he's probably friendly with most people in the riot club, but nowhere close to someone he actually considers a close friend. in saying that, here are a list of connections i can see, but i'm so happy to brainstorm some fun things up ! 
close friends ( 0/2 ) — would have also been close to tom, and i imagine each of them brought a different dynamic/layer to the group ( for instance i definitely think tom was hooking up with one of their mates ). past hookups ( 0/? ) — obviously he isn't hooking up with anyone right about now but i definitely think he was a bit of a fuccboi before eleanor.  childhood friends ( 0/1 ) — hugo never really got out much as a child, but when he did it was usually with this character, their parents were likely friends of his own parents and thus, this character would have been ' approved '. party friends ( 0/2 ) — i imagine that these two were the ones who helped him get through tom's death where eleanor couldn't, he had, and still has, a lot of frustration regarding his friend's passing and i can see him just wanting to go out, drink far too much and forget about things for a little while. riot friends ( 0/? ) — he's not very... chummy with many people, but considering everyone in the riot club are of a similar calibre, he definitely feels more comfortable calling most people in riot more than acquaintances. 
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/monthly-astro-forecasts-november-2019/
Monthly Astro-Forecasts November 2019
Monthly Astro-Forecasts November 2019
By Sarah-Jane Grace
In a world of uncertainty and nebulousness, one thing is abundantly clear: we are all living in tumultuous and turbulent times. Energetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually, politically and morally, the ground is shifting from beneath our feet and it’s bewildering, confusing and exhausting, all at the same time. Just as we feel as though things are settling, something else rocks the boat and sends us into another spin, then another. We barely have time to catch our breath or steady ourselves before the next challenge begins.
We have each been challenged this year on so many levels, and there have been moments of intense highs, but many moments of intense lows. Mainly though there has been a deep sense of unknowable shift, a feeling that everything is changing although we cannot make sense of those changes as they’re still too nebulous and out of reach to understand. We have more questions than answers and yet more questions without answers that continue to surface. We hope these changes are positive and life-affirming, but there is still an air of trepidation that more storms are on the horizon. Of course, there will always be storms as they’re a part of life, but many of us are weary and battle-worn, needing hope not challenge, joy not pain.
It seems important that we each learn how to let these feelings and emotions follow their own path, to travel through our lives like a feather in the wind being gently carried along. Even when a storm hits, the feather is buffeted around, but when the clouds disperse, it gets picked up and carried along once again. Yet, observing these emotions isn’t the same as wallowing in them. Being mindful of the feelings isn’t the same as diving into them head-first. Whilst it’s important to allow ourselves to fully feel and experience this journey, it’s also important not to be consumed by it.
Of course, many do become consumed by the intoxication of confusion and overwhelm, but this isn’t to be judged, they should be loved and shown compassion, understanding, and patience. We all have moments when it all gets too much, and it’s easy to under-estimate the value of a smiling face or a hand reaching out when we’re in the darker moments.
Part of the lesson this year seems connected in transmuting pain into joy, loss into love and life into purpose. It’s time to clear away the obstacles we’ve placed within our hearts and souls in order to live life in more awakened and connected ways. Yes, this means feeling even more, but unless we can wholeheartedly feel, how can we truly live?
So many of us live in a virtual world, surrounded by technology and concrete, disconnected from nature and the earth. It’s no wonder so few can see the pain of Mother Earth, as we live in a world of soundbites and instantaneous connection and expectation. This way of living leads to parts of the soul withering away through lack of use as many of the natural instincts that allow us to interact freely and spiritually become locked in, isolated and disregarded.
It’s time now to accept that our thoughts, beliefs, and actions ultimately shape and define our existence. This is a time of unity, not separation, compassion, not hate, love not pain. Whilst we will all experience all of these, it’s important to reach out now, to walk hand in hand with others, and to find a new way of being human…
For now, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.
With love,
November looks set to be a month of insight and discovery as you continue to connect to your true sense of self. Although you have always had a good sense of your true essence and purpose, life has often got in the way and, over time, this has faded from view by the many different things to do, people to see, places to go and distractions to explore. At the same time, you have also strived to keep others happy and ‘do the right thing’ even when your own needs have been compromised. As a result, there is a sense that you’ve been feeling somewhat bent out of shape in life, as though you’ve been trying to be someone you’re not, and whilst you seem quite content, intuitively you know that there is a whisper of discord between your soul and the outer façade you present to the world.
Of course, everyone has a façade, it’s just that yours seems to have slowly moved further away from the life that makes your heart sing and soul glow warmly. You keep on keeping on, trying to do more, be more and achieve more, but there are threads of discontent weaving their way within. When you tap into this discontent, you want nothing more than to run for the hills in order to shake off the façade and reconnect to the ‘real you’, whilst this is understandable, it’s important to realize that even the façade is the real you, it’s just another version, the one that keeps on keeping on. So, instead of running for the hills (after all, the only person you’re running from is yourself), maybe it’s time now to love all aspects of yourself wholeheartedly and to give your true essence the room the move freely…
Over the course of your life, you have accumulated a great deal of ‘stuff’: memories, experiences, learning, books and plenty of things you’ve kept ‘just in case’; and stuff isn’t just physical, it’s emotional and spiritual as well. Of course, most people collect these things, but there’s a sense that you’re somewhat more fastidious than others! As a result, a large proportion of this ‘stuff’ is surplus to the requirements of your everyday life, but you carry it around within your head, heart, and soul, ‘just in case’. Whilst there’s much to be said for being prepared for any eventuality, there is a sense that carrying around so many boxes marked ‘miscellaneous’ just in case you need them has started to weigh you down, and much of your energy is focused on carrying them rather than on living your life.
There is a part of your soul jostling for space now; it’s as though your spirit wants to stretch out and breathe deeply once again, yet these boxes are in the way, towering high in places in fairly chaotic fashion as boxes marked ‘miscellaneous’ are hard to order as not even you know what’s inside them anymore. You seem to have reached a chapter of change in your life, one unlike previous periods of the shift in that the change is more inner than outer, it’s more heart and soul. This change is coming from a deep longing to set yourself free, to have the confidence to let at least some of these boxes go, trusting that if you do need their contents again in the future, you can tap into your phenomenal intuition and wisdom in order to find a way forward. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to let go of what’s behind you…
There are times in your life when everything feels heavy and cumbersome, as though there are simply too many things to do, people to see, places to go and things to achieve. And then there are times when your life feels a tad empty, as though nothing has any true meaning anymore. It’s important not to forget the times when you are feeling whimsical and reflective, or the times when you are highly motivated and inspired. And then there are the other 98% of times, the humdrum, run of the mill times called everyday life. As a spiritual and intellectual soul, it’s easy for you to explore new realms of consciousness and to seek out deeper meaning and purpose, yet there is a sense that when life gets a bit ‘run of the mill’, you feel flat and rudderless as though someone has knocked the wind out of your sails.
Life is a hotchpotch collection of experiences, and whilst there is a lot of humdrum, pedestrian keeping on keeping on, this is the essential needlework that holds everything together. The rest (those inspirational highs and lows) reflect passing moments, fleeting experiences of reflectiveness, sadness, inspiration, and joy. Although you would love to see more of these enriched moments in your life, you realize that the humdrum brings context and meaning to the ups and downs of life. Yet, there is a part of you that wants more: more highs, more creative acrobatics, more innovative ideas, and more spiritual meaning. Whilst this is only natural, it’s important to realize that this oscillation is needed, as without this context, everything will likely feel meaningless and without purpose. So, try to enjoy your soul pirouetting through life, let your spirit dance freely and savor your creative prowess. In short, be yourself and love yourself for it…
In many ways, your life is like a baking project: the cake is your life, the toppings are the skills and gifts you bring, and the filling is your willingness to be the glue that holds it all together. You have spent a great deal of your life being the coffee buttercream in the coffee and walnut cake or the strawberry jam in the Victoria sponge cake. You have given so much to being the best person you can be and trying to hold everything together that you’ve grown bored of the same old cakes, day after day. You know you have the skill to bake new cakes and to explore new ideas, but you are so used to being the glue, you are finding it hard to extricate yourself as a cake without filling is like jelly and no ice cream.
At the same time, it’s not just being the glue, it’s also being the best possible glue as well as you often feel that you should do more, be more and achieve more. So, as well as trying to hold everything (and everyone) together, you are also giving yourself a hard time for not being ‘better’. Yet, why do you feel you have to be the perfect glue? Why do you have to be glue at all? What drives you to place yourself directly in the middle of the great big cake of life?. Whilst life can create obstacles and responsibilities, you seem ready now to seek out a different way of living your life, one that allows you to breathe more freely and lets you snaffle those delicious toppings (your gifts) and to bake a new cake of your own design as you live the life you were born to live…
November looks set to be a month where you continue to seek out balance in your life as you prepare for some twists and turns ahead. It’s important not to make assumptions that twists or turns mean challenges and tribulations, they don’t. Not always. Whilst your path is always curved and never straight, there is a sense you have always thrived on the meandering nature of the journey of your life. Yet, there is a part of you fed up with dallying and zigzagging as it feels like time-wasting and you want to charge ahead and get to your chosen destination as soon as possible. Of course, intuitively you know just how much extra ‘value’ you get when you meander as it’s often the path less traveled where new insights and deeper wisdom reside, yet you remain keen to get from where you are to where you want to be as quickly as possible. Why? What’s the rush? This is an important question to ask yourself as it shapes and defines the course of your life.
At the same time, you seem so keen to get from where you are to ‘where you want to be’, but when did you last pause and contemplate the shape and form of what that actually is? In other words, have you honed and sharpened your dream lately? Are you still sure you want to head ‘over there’? In short, this is an important time for you to re-shape and re-define your hopes, goals, and dreams. You simply aren’t the same person you were a few months ago as you’ve shifted on so many different levels. Dreams are for evolving, people are for changing and ‘over there’ is for moving, so instead of charging ahead, take a breath and let your intuition lead the way…
As the wisdom continues to rise up within your heart and soul, it seems you are beginning to find a deeper sense of peace, as well as a more profound sense of purpose, in your life. You spend a great deal of your life thinking about your life, trying to make sense as to why things are the way they are and trying to answer some of life’s great unanswered questions. Yet, you are not lost in your busy head as you find ways to channel your gifts into creative and meaningful tasks. You let thoughts, ideas, and feelings flow through you like running water; as though you are standing in a brook and everything babbles along over you, refreshing you in every moment. The free spirit within you thrives on having the space to explore life from every angle and to take time out when needed to just rest and be.
However, there is a part of you that struggles with your carefree nature; this part of you is much more ordered, structured and in need of routine. As a result, there can often be a bit of a tousle in your heart and soul as you pull in different directions, trying to be the free spirit, but wanting to do so in an orderly fashion! Whilst these two aspects of you are very different, they are still both a part of you so it’s important to befriend them both and find ways for them to work together rather than pulling you in opposing directions. It may not be obvious how to have an orderly free spirit, but with your capacity to think outside the box, there is a way, you just need to believe it. Don’t look for reasons not to, instead of opening up to flourishing, thriving and living the best life possible…
As you continue to re-calibrate the great big weighing scales of your life, there is a sense you are beginning to relax a bit more when it comes to making decisions and choices. In many ways, there is a sense of self-imposed pressure to get life ‘right’ and you often judge yourself very harshly for ‘mistakes’. Yet, what you see as a mistake is more just a part of the inevitable journey of life as we all make ‘wrong’ turns and meander off course. However, whilst most people acknowledge this and move on, you find it somewhat harder as you want to know what went wrong, why, how and who, etc. Of course, knowing such things can help you understand yourself better and also maybe help you to avoid making the same ‘mistakes’ again, but there is a risk that focusing too hard on what you get wrong, rather than on what you get right, can leave you with a skewed sense of self.
Life is a moveable object; mistakes and wrong turns are inevitable and can assist in making you more self-aware, self-compassionate and tender. Within your heart and soul you are something of a free spirit and if you’re too hard on yourself, there is a chance that you end up caging your soaring spirit as you find reasons ‘not to’ or delve ever more deeply into ‘what went wrong’; please stop giving yourself a hard time. Understanding is, of course, a good thing, but so is acknowledging the situation and moving on as you create space for new opportunities and experiences, otherwise, a log jam can form. It’s time now to let go of the cycle of self-judgment and instead, start to allow more inwardly focused compassion and tenderness into your heart and soul…
November looks set to be a month of clarity, insight, and inspiration as you have been shedding a great deal of detritus recently, particularly of the energetic and emotional kind. Detritus is ‘stuff’ that takes up plenty of space in your consciousness, but it doesn’t seem to serve any real or clearly defined purpose. Everyone has detritus, it’s not always ‘bad’, it’s just stuff, often head clutter. However, when too much detritus starts to build up it can choke and stifle the flow of your life, leaving you feeling discombobulated and out of sorts, wondering where you are (and why) in the bigger picture of your life. You have experienced more than your fair share of storms creating unrest within your heart and soul, often bringing about a shake-up of your hopes and dreams. As each storm has come and gone, there is a sense that the clear skies revealed after the storm clouds have passed has been dazzling and full of inspiration and hope.
In truth, there is a part of you that loves a good storm: the intense energies allow you to access your own inner storms and transmute these in new ways, blasting lots of the detritus into oblivion. Of course, not every storm has a silver lining and there is no doubt that you’ve had to face some big challenges in your life, but your enthusiasm, passion and zest for life has enabled you to deal with these with courage and strength. Your tendency to look deeply within can often whip up a storm as you have a phenomenal and formidable power to break through inertia and initiate change. As the storm clouds begin to pass and the sun starts to shine, open up your heart and soul towards the wisdom rising up from within…
In many ways you are one of life’s chameleons with a gobsmacking ability to shapeshift as, and when, the need arises. Your stealth, wisdom and quick mind allow you to bend and flex as the need dictates, enabling you to adapt to most situations you find yourself in. Shapeshifting is an artform and you seem to have mastered it over the years, however there is a sense that you are so good at it these days, you often do it without even realising. This enables you to glide through life with relative ease, but it’s important to be aware of this tendency otherwise you can get lost in the moment and disconnected from your true sense of self. That’s the main issue with being a chameleon: if left unchecked, you can lose sight of where you end and where the bending and flexing begins.
Being so fluid has enabled you to explore so much in life, but there’s a sense that being more present in the moment is something you need now as there are some important decisions to make about what happens next. Now, this isn’t to say that being a shape-shifting chameleon is a bad thing, it’s just that it can sometimes take over and take you away from riding on the crest of the leading waves of life. You are a vibrant, passionate, inspirational soul and it’s important to be conscious and aware of this in order to channel it in positive ways in your life. The risk with bending and flexing is a disconnect from rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck in as you become more ethereal and less earth based. You seem ready now to explore new terrain as you ground yourself more in the moment and find new ways to flourish, blossom and thrive…
You’ve always been a bit of a stickler for doing things properly; you have a motto that if something needs doing, then do it properly (and do it well). Of course, ‘properly’ is an individual thing as everyone has a different version as to what it means to them, however, you have a fairly clear idea as to the ‘right’ way and the not so right way! Whilst you are open-minded about the digital age, you still see the value in a pen and paper, a book or even a DVD or CD (or perhaps a vinyl!), you won’t dismiss something because it seems outdated if it still has worth and works well. When you look at your smartphone, if you have one, you don’t take it for granted, you sometimes look at it in awe for making phone calls, texts, emails, storing pictures, music, films and books (and much more).
Your ability to merge the old with the new looks set to serve you well now as there is a sense that you are on the verge of a new chapter in your life, one that seems to span the past and the present, the present and the future. It’s hard to distill and condense into something coherent to articulate and explain, but it feels exciting and tantalizing, as though you are about to wholeheartedly embrace a new way of living and being. It’s your open-mindedness that leads the way, but do be mindful of your sometimes stubborn, resistance to change, as a self-imposed impasse at this stage could thwart opportunities; just because it looks different to your ‘right’ way, don’t dismiss it out of hand. Open up your mind to new experiences and intuitively know that there is often more than one path to the same destination…
You are a natural-born visionary, often gazing ahead towards the horizon with a knowing sense of direction and purpose. Your instincts invariably prove to be correct (when you listen to them!) as you have an almost uncanny knack for knowing when to act, when to wait or when to walk away. Of course, there are always times when you misjudge this, but these thankfully seem to be few and far between, and you always seek to learn from these experiences, enabling you to grow and evolve with an open heart and mind. Being a visionary brings you great wisdom in life, but there is a risk that you may start looking too intently towards the future, rather than focusing on the here and now. Whilst you do gain context from gazing backwards and forwards in time, it’s important to notice where you are now as well as this is the only true reference point you have.
None of this is new to you, but there is sometimes a need to point it out as you can stop noticing the bigger picture of your life. Try not to let the grass grow from under your feet as it may trip you up, leaving you faltering and confused. This isn’t to say that you should stop being a visionary, far from it in fact, it’s more a gentle reminder to keep the context of the present moment so what you both see, and feel, makes sense. Sometimes, the more you focus on the here and now, and the less you focus on the path ahead, the more insight and wisdom you can glean, as it’s only in the present moment where you can truly connect to your sense of self and essence. Set your essence free and be here now…
November looks set to be a month for reflection and contemplation as you consider the life you’ve lived and the life you’re living, as well as thinking about the life you’d still like to live in terms of your hopes and dreams. This isn’t an exercise you do very often as it can feel like a million miles away from your massive ‘to do’ list of things to do, people to save, places to go and stuff to achieve. Oops, did that say people to save? Well, yes! There is a part of you that thrives on feeling needed and this often pushes you towards over-giving and over-sacrificing your own wants, needs, energy and being. It’s important that you have a sense as to why you give so much of yourself, as there is an obvious conclusion that it’s because others take and you give, but maybe you just give a bit too freely? This isn’t a criticism, just an observation, and we live in a world where we need givers rather than takers. However, there is a risk that you over-give to feel better about yourself and this needs to be explored as it can deplete you on all levels.
You are possibly one of the most loving, giving, compassionate and generous souls around, but you fail abysmally at showing any of these qualities to yourself. There is no obvious reason for this, but it really does need to change if you are ever to achieve the promised land of inner peace and contentment that you have been searching for. Giving is great, over-giving to the point of depletion isn’t. Saving others is admirable, but sometimes they can only save themselves. This is a month for some self-preservation and self-awareness as you slowly start to find ways of drawing boundaries and shining that glittering heart of yours back towards amazing yourself…
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funkymbtifiction · 8 years ago
The White Princess: Margaret Beaufort [ENTJ]
OFFICIAL TYPING by Charity / the Mod
Functional Order: Te-Ni-Se-Fi
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Judging Functional Axis:
Extroverted Thinking (Te) / Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Margaret has a tough-talking, no-nonsense approach, which exerts itself in excessive “control” over the enemies that threaten the throne; she wants to impose strict restrictions and rules on the king’s enemies, which means placing Elizabeth Woodville under house arrest, then instilling her in an abbey, away from her allies. She has  a directive style, and her son looks to her for council and diplomatic advice, when making decisions that impact the welfare of his reign and the stability of the kingdom. She is an effective decision maker, able to put her own feelings aside to establish alliances. She cares very much about her son, and for Jasper, but does not articulate these feelings well; it manifests more often through her behavior. She can be ruthless against those she does not like, and tries to impose her values and beliefs on others, through Te-dominance. She is so disconnected with her own moral ethics, she commits murder to protect her son / the throne, then excuses it as being “God’s will.”
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Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extroverted Sensing (Se)
She has a specific vision she has followed her entire life, first for placing her son upon the throne and then keeping him there. Margaret has razor-sharp insights into other people; she quickly sees who is with them and who isn’t, she correctly suspects Elizabeth’s motives are underhanded. Her forward thinking led her to eliminate the York boys in the Tower as a threat; when her secret almost comes to light, she acts in her son’s future interests, by preventing the truth from coming out. She urges Henry to focus on the future, in establishing a strong presence, in securing allies and alliances, in ensuring they will all be stable, for years to come. Her dominance manifests itself in a strong physical presence and her willingness to “get her hands dirty” when need be; Margaret wastes no time in inserting herself into the finer things the kingship has to offer (she takes the queen’s chambers, dresses to impress, and insists on being called “My Lady, The King’s Mother”). She smothers a man when he threatens to reveal a sordid truth; she is willing to take risks, in dealing with traitors, and notices subtle changes in her son and his wife’s behaviors.
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin
House Traits: cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition.
Margaret’s aim was always to get her son upon the throne, and she made it happen through sheer force of will, determination, skilled negotiations, and ruthless tactical decisions. She is driven through her need to protect her son and maintain power. She was ambitious, she is skilled in detecting enemies, and to her, “the ends often justifies the means.”
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Enneagram: 1w9 so/sp
Tritype: 136 The Taskmaster [1w9 3w4 6w5]
Margaret justifies many of her decisions as being the “right” thing to do, but also has a tremendous amount of self-doubt and condemnation; she can be rigid and hard, authoritative, and engage in power struggles with Elizabeth, but the idea of being evil absolutely terrifies her. Her conscience torments her with the lost princes’ deaths and she becomes so afraid of being found out, she covers up her crime so she is not thought of as “less” or “sinful” in her son’s eyes. Though she loves Jasper Tudor, she will not allow herself to have an affair with him, pointing out multiple times that she is married and denying herself her sinful earthly desires. Her 9 fix hates discord but can also be cold, shut off from her feelings, and numb to the appeals of others. Her 3 fix shows in her pride – in her son, in what she accomplished, in that her “vision never wavered” of him on the throne, in her need to occupy the queen’s chambers and have respect. Her 6 shows in her natural distrust of others, her suspicions about their motives and intentions, and her deeper anxieties.
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Note: As an enormous fan of the historical Margaret Beaufort, I cannot let this typing pass without comment, since this depiction was a f**king disgrace.
The real Margaret Beaufort was bad-ass, in all the right ways. She was indeed an EXTJ, but she had a playful sense of humor; people enjoyed being around her. She knew how to organize the world but also laugh and have fun. She was logical, but loved her family. She was a humanitarian who had at least a dozen homeless people in her house at any one time; she would take them in off the street, rehabilitate them, educate them, and find them employment.
She established multiple universities / colleges, and priory schools in England, including one (the first of its kind?) that allowed poor children to receive an education, regardless of their sex (this was unheard of in the early 1500s; only very wealthy sons were educated). Her confessor, John Fisher (later martyred by her narcissistic grandson, Henry VIII) could not sing her praises enough at her eulogy; he called her a devout, reverent woman, capable of great kindness. England’s educational system would not be the same without her.
The real Margaret was a rape-survivor, married off at twelve years old; it was customary at this time to wait to “consummate” the marriage until the girl was older, but her husband ignored that unspoken law; the traumatic experience of birthing a child at 13 left her unable to bear further children, and nearly killed her and Henry VII. Her later behaviors (including her decision to take a vow of chastity inside her last marriage and her insistence her granddaughter and namesake, Margaret Tudor, not be sent to her husband James in Scotland before a certain age) suggest psychological trauma, but she never let it stop her from aiding her son to the throne, from imposing mass change upon the educational system, or from enforcing humanitarian policies.
This woman was a survivor.
Contrary to what this miniseries states, Margaret Beaufort did NOT murder the Princes in the Tower. She was NOT a religious “fanatical” psycho. She did NOT order Henry to rape Elizabeth of York to “test her fertility.” (What the actual f...?) She did NOT smother Jasper Tudor. By the time her son in this miniseries was literally dragging her across the floor to throw her out of his court, I was seeing red. It annoys the crap out of me that thanks to this book/television series, many people will loathe her fictional guts, and carry over that hatred onto one of the strongest feminists that ever lived.
I feel better now.
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bradbishop409 · 6 years ago
Time Management
Juggling Work
 We all may have said it, or at least thought it at one time or another: I wish there were more hours in a day.  Between working between 8 to 10 hours a day (sometimes more depending on your occupation) and keeping up with any other obligations, sometimes it can feel like there is just not enough time in the day.  I mean, there are 24 hours, but we must sleep some time, right?
 But aside from outside obligations, maybe you are a person who is looking to have multiple streams of income.  Most of the success stories we read about or come across online in articles tend to discuss how they have multiple streams of income or the “Side hustle”.  But we only see them after a significant amount of work is put in.  After a website has been created and is now just making passive income.  After the book has been published so they just had to determine what they wanted to do next.  
 So how do you learn how to manage your full-time job, your home life, and your ability to make a lucrative income with a side gig?
As with anything in life, priorities are key.  They are important in helping you determine what will be the best avenue to take and what will yield the highest return.  Having your priorities in order ensure you won’t make a decision that will jeopardize your livelihood and well-being in pursuit of something that does not yield that high of a return.  For instance, if you are starting a new blog, you wouldn’t want to spend so much time being consumed with your blog that you neglect your family or even begin to neglect the current job you have that is providing income in the meantime.
   Set Goals.
Finding your niche when trying to find a lucrative side hustle can be difficult.  It doesn’t usually hurt to try new things.  You do, however, want to set goals for yourself.  Give yourself a time frame on when you are looking to see return on investment (ROI). These goals, along with your priorities, can help you determine if what you are trying is or is not worth your time.
 These things can help in not only ensuring you don’t waste your time, but also that you can determine how much time you should be spending on work efforts.  Work is a great thing as it brings in finances that can help your day-to-day and month-to-month expenses. It is also important to know when it’s time to stop working, and the equally important, when is the most appropriate time to work or take a break.
 Online Courses
 I have heard the question asked several times. No matter if it is a student fresh out of high school, or an older individual looking to further their education. Are online courses for me?
 I have finished a degree online. I enjoyed the convenience of online courses, and how I was able to finish my degree at my own pace, sort of.  If you are looking in to furthering your education, and are considering online courses, there are several things to consider. All these things will help to determine if online courses are the best option for you.
Depending on what courses you are looking to take online and where, price can vary. Obviously if you are looking to complete a full degree plan the tuition would cost more than if you were to just obtain a certificate.  But even in that case, it is still wise to determine what school and program provides the most value for the best price.
  Time Management.
On top of whatever obligations, you may currently have, such as work or family, you must determine if you have good enough time management skills to allot time for these courses if you were to be enrolled in them.  Without having an advisor in the room with you for a specified amount of time, it may be more difficult for you to determine when the best time to complete assignments is.
Time management goes hand in hand with having self-discipline. If you aren’t going to be disciplined enough to complete assignments and turn in work on time, doing courses online may not be the best option for you.  If, however, you believe that you would have no problem in taking the time to essentially teach yourself the material, it’s a more convenient alternative.
 Class Length.
Online programs can vary as far as their course length. For instance, the classes I take are only 8 weeks, while a friend of mine only has 6-week classes.  Even some courses in my program are offered for a full semester, about 16 weeks.  This is something you want to consider when looking at online programs, especially once you look at the price, your time management, and your self-discipline skills.  If you won’t be able to handle a large workload in a short amount of time you may need longer courses.  Whatever would allow you to be the most successful.
 Online courses aren’t for everyone, but for those that take them they can be extremely convenient and appealing. It’s up to you to determine if they best suit your needs.
 Maintaining the House
 Whether you are a stay at home parent or have a full-time job.  Whether you are married or single.  Whether you are male or female.  No matter what category or demographic you may fall in to, maintaining your home is something that you are responsible for. There has been a common misconception that a woman is responsible for maintaining the household.  The reality is, anyone who is in the home should contribute to the maintenance of that home.
 So, what does it mean to maintain something like a house?
 This could mean different things to different people, but for the purposes of this post maintaining the house is referencing the upkeep of the home as well as the financial aspects on what it takes to maintain a home.
 Of course, if I were to ask, most people would say a clean house is important.  Now we all know that most houses also don’t stay clean all day every day.  Clean is also relative to individual people’s preferences.  Clean to one person may be organized clutter (like some room sin my house), while to others it may be completely spotless, everything in its respective place.  No matter what your preference is for clean, it is still your responsibility to contribute to that cleanliness in the house.
 The great thing is, the way individuals contribute may also be completely different as well.  Some may choose to pay a professional cleaner once or twice a month, while others may choose to pick a day out of the week and clean it themselves.
 Maintaining could also be the actual maintenance of the home.  For instance, ensuring light bulbs and air filters are changed, making any repairs, etc.  Again, this is something that you may or may not have to do on your own depending on what type of home you live in, as well as if you rent or own.
 Another major contributing factor to the maintaining of a home is of course, finances. No matter how clean your house is or how often your air filters are changes, if the mortgage isn’t paid or the utilities are disconnected, it won’t matter one bit.  Maintaining your house also means managing your finances to effectively maintain the home.  No matter how you chose to manage your money, or even how you chose to maintain the financial integrity of the home it’s just important that it is done.
 Dealing with Family
 It’s safe to say we can all agree that we love our families.  If you have kids, then yours are the best kids out there.  Our parents did the best they could with what they had, and we turned out great, some of us anyway.  But what do we do when our family is getting on our last nerve?
 Often, I speak with people who have the most issues with dealing with family members as it pertains to their in-laws.  In-laws tend to get a bad reputation for being mean and any other adjective you might have heard someone use to describe them.
 So, let’s say you just so happen to have one of those in-laws.  Or even if you have some distant cousins, nieces, or some other family members that just are hard to deal with. How do you manage?  How do you handle it if they can’t be easily ignored?  What about family holidays?
 Dealing with family can be stressful enough, even without those individuals who seem to be a pain.  There are a few things you can do to help yourself deal with them to make your life a little less stressful!
 Know your relatives.
In most things in life, you can fix your own problems and deal with things just in the way you think about them.  We can sometimes get ourselves in trouble by having different expectations for people who have proven themselves to us time and time again.  It’s important to know your relatives and set your expectations as such.  Having your mind pre-prepared with the expectation of who your family is and what they do allows you to handle them a little better when you must encounter them.  Why?  Because your expectations aren’t so high.
Love them from a distance.
Not all family members are created equal.  Some of them you must know when to keep at arm’s length.  Just because you are in the same vicinity, or at the same family event doesn’t mean that you are absolutely obligated to spend a significant amount of your time with them.  Instead, find a way to be polite and cordial, without making yourself miserable.
 Put your foot down.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a position where we are miserable, and we don’t have to be.  Dealing with family can often be as simple as putting your foot down when you refuse to be treated a certain way, talked to a certain way, or even taken advantage of. Don’t allow yourself to be walked over to “keep the peace”, sometimes things need to be said. Action needs to be taken.  Your sanity is important.
 No matter what degree you find yourself needing to “deal” with family members, it is important to know that there is always something you can do to ensure you are not in a position of stress and discord for a long period of time.
 Social Life
 Social media has become all the craze today. While social media can be a great and effective tool, is it putting a damper on our actual social lives?  You know, the ones we have in real life, not just virtually.  But even today, how much of a real social life do we really need with all the resources available via internet?
 For some of us, our social lives are our livelihood.  We depend on that social life to general clients for our business.  We may even depend on that social life to give us an excuse to put our home and family obligations on hold for a few hours.
 No matter what the reason may be, having a social life, even if it’s a small one, can be extremely beneficial.  When we think about a social life, or minds may go straight to night’s out and cocktail parties. This, however, doesn’t have to be the case.
 Your social life is essentially the friends you hang around, the events you attend, basically whatever life you live in a more social setting.  Typically, this life is separate from your work and home life, though they may overlap from time to time.  As I mentioned, this is where you typically are with friends, relaxing, and having a good time. So, the question is, do you need a social life?
 I’d say yes!  You may not have to have the most extravagant social life possible, but those few faithful friends who get out with you from time to time can be all you need. Your social life shouldn’t be something that consumes most of your time, unless you are social influencers.  Instead, it should be something that affords you the opportunity to put your obligations and responsibilities on hold for a moment.  Make an opportunity to stop and enjoy yourself.
 Your social life also may have different sections. For instance, you may have your own friends that you spend time with alone.  If you are married, you may also have other married friends that you spend time with together as couples with.  Then there is also the friends and events you may have or participate in if you have children.  All these areas can be a part of your social life.
 Whether you are a party animal or are more life me and prefer to just head to a restaurant for conversation from time to time, your social life is important.  It’s what gives you the opportunity to get away or express yourself in ways you might not be able to in your normal business or home setting.
 As mentioned earlier, this social life may also come in handy when it comes to your business.  Depending on your occupation, the connections you make in your social life can be very beneficial for your personal and professional development.
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