#well “fun” in qoutes
kasewichser · 1 year
i love you but...
a succession/better call saul parallel no one asked for
what it says on the tin; spoilers for both shows underneath the cut
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imagine this. you and someone you're close to have just been affected by a death in your life. the person who died is someone who the two of both disliked/hated, yet their death has still affected you. a few days pass, and for many reasons, you decide that this person you're close to can no longer see eye to eye. you try to get this across to them, you try to explain the differences you have and you two are fighting about it. but still love them.
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so obviously the context of the relationships and even just the world these shows are set in are very different, yet the build up (as described above) is surprisingly similar. not only if the build-up similar but the declaration of love here from kim/shiv is a genuine one as well.
in better call saul, this is the first time we see kim and jimmy say it to one another (although have certainly expressed it before). in succession, while the phrase 'i love you' as been uttered before, this was a real, raw moment from shiv.
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turning to kendall and jimmy, this statement is essentially their execution. kendall's ending is certainly more ambiguous, we have no clue what happens to him after the camera cuts. he could jump over that fence, or maybe he just leaves. jimmys, meanwhile, is much clearer. a new style, new personality, new name, a new life. the crux of these moments, the understanding we're supposed to get is that these men have lost the very thing they did it all for. jimmy did it all for kim, kendall did it all for the ceo position. kendall logan roy has lost everything; james morgan mcgill has lost everything.
when looking at how kim & shiv were affected by this, you can see both woman end up in a miserable situation. shiv is following in the path of her mother; a loveless marriage & neglecting her child. kim, at least when we see her again, has been living a life of no choices; the last choice she made broke her. by declaring their love, they made a choice that only harmed themself, but those around them. yet when there is a cycle of abuse and tragedy built into the very world you live, when you're unable to escape the path set for you, when you're stuck between two evils, what else can you do?
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bandy-andy · 2 years
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Silk robes and sweet conversations
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bdybag · 1 year
@masquenoire asked . 🎉👀 (Only if you feel like doing it ofc!!!)
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Don’t be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokémon
People fashion swords from Skarmory’s shed feathers, so this Pokémon is a popular element in heraldic designs
It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends
Possessing a sturdy build, it takes pride in its strength, taking down foes without using toxins
It doesn’t just transform itself—it also has the power to make hundreds of people see its illusions
They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers’ life spans
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wildesqdreams · 3 months
rom com
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pairing - xander hawthorne x fem!reader.
summary - a girl who loves romance and a playful boyfriend spending time together. it's like out of a movie.
warnings - none, just fluff and cuteness, well, and xander's annoying scones.
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a/n: god, guys, it has been a while, hahaha. i'm sorry for not posting anything, i've just lost inspiration, but i'll try to write more, but i'm not promising anything... enjoy :)
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'i wanna be thirty... thirty and flirty and thriving!'
y/n pulled the blanket up her body, as she got more comfortable on the bed, the smile not leaving her face. watching silly little rom-coms on her laptop with snacks and a peaceful environment was her way of having a fun time, so when her boyfriend suggested it, she was delighted.
she looked at her phone. 30 minutes had passed since xander left to get some scones, qouting, "what's life without a blueberry scone?"
even though the plan was to get everything ready, both being present and then start the movie night, y/n couldn't wait and started the movie - besides xander has watched it a million times because of her, since she loves love.
a small laugh escaped her lips from the scene, where jenna woke up as a grown-up and met the random man in her apartment. 'you're naked!' she spoke, using an umbrella as a weapon.
her gaze went to the door that opened, xander entering the room: "i'm back-" he stopped, the door shutting closed, but him remaining by it.
his hand went to his heart, "you started watching without me."
the smile on y/n's face grew wider at his sarcastic tone, "and you started eating without me?" she motioned to his hand that held a half eaten scone.
xander walked towards the bed, "couldn't resist it, besides jameson already ate most of the blueberry ones," he put the plate on the nightstand while eating the rest of the scone.
the girl hummed, "well, i couldn't resist the movie. besides, you've already watched it," her eyes met his, "multiple times."
her boyfriend chuckled as he moved the laptop off her legs, placing it further in the bed, "i feel heartbroken."
"hmm," she laughed, while xander climbed on top of the girl, putting his arms besides her on the bed, "well you should eat another scone then, since they're your favorite thing."
he laid on top of her, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, humming, when he felt her hand touch his hair, "mmm, after robots."
y/n chuckled, "dammm, and here i thought i was your favorite."
"naa, you're like in the third place or something."
"you jerk!" she faked gasped while smiling and pushed him off of her and off the bed. but before she could get comfortable, she felt hands pulling her waist, "wait, xander-" the noise of them both crashing on the floor filled the room.
xander groaned as his arms tightened around the girl, who was on top, "that's what you get for talking like that."
a small smile appeared on his face, "yes, ma'am."
the boy let out another groan since he was the one who landed on the hard floor, hitting his head in the process.
"you idiot," y/n brushed his curls away from his forehead, then placing her hand on his cheek, drawing small circles with her thumb on his skin.
the boy turned his head and softly kissed her wrist, "i love you," his lips traveled up her arm, "more than scones and robots," he pecked her shoulder before laying his head back on the ground.
"so you're telling me even more than blueberry scones?"
he grinned, "now, that's a little too far."
the girl chuckled, as she pushed his face with her hand, "shut up."
xander's arm traveled up her side to the back of her neck, pulling her down, as he turned his head back, "come here."
he let out a satisfied sigh when their lips met, his other hand squeezing her hip.
"i love you," she mumbled against his lips, her hand on his shoulder
he deepend the kiss, pulling her closer, "i love you too."
if y/n could choose one thing in the world, that would be staying in xander hawthorne's arms forever. feeling his soft touch and rapid heartbeat. feeling the love he has for her till she couldn't breathe anymore. the nerdy, sarcastic boy was her home. he was the dream that she wished for as a hopeless romantic. he was everything.
soon, xander pulled away, mumbling, "what do you think of watching the movie on the floor?"
she pecked his lips before getting up and grabbing the laptop and a blanket, "i would say you're a genius."
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
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Part three of this series now, I've done the Cleven twins, and the Hamilton twins. Someone asked for the Egan twins so here is twenty thoughts on the Egan twins.
1. His name is Joseph James Egan, or Joey as his brother calls him, the 100th calls him Kangaroo because of Bucky calling him Joey.
2. Joey is the younger twin by five minutes, Bucky jokes that he was planned, Joey was not which always earns him a smack.
3. Joey is always wrangling Bucky, he drags his brother by the ear when he's not behaving.
4. Joey's a Bombardier because he didn't want to be a pilot like his brother, because he wanted to break the stereotype that twins do everything together.
5. He's married, has been married since the dinosaurs at least according to Bucky which earns a eyeroll from Joey.
6. Scary flexible, like he can put his own foot in his mouth.
7. Joey is also a dancer like this man can dance unlike his twin.
8. Joey can play the guitar and sing, he's actually part of the 100th band. Bucky jokes he's over compensating for something mostly because he's jealous, but he'd never admit it.
9. Joey is naturally blonde, and Buckys hair is natural though nobody believes them.
10. Joey does cartwheels with Curt and Crosby they make it a competition.
11. He also can fight, he can take down anyone half his size, he doesn't fight like a girl like Bucky. When Joey says that, Bucky flips him off.
12. Joey is the taller twin which Bucky hates.
13. Joey reads the paper every morning with a tea, Bucky calls him a little old man.
14. Joey doesn't smoke or drink.
15. He knew Bucky was in love with Buck before Bucky ever realized.
16. When Bucky and Buck had their girl fight in the prison camp, Joey grabbed them dragging Buck by his hair and Bucky by his ear, he put them in a qoute on qoute time out corner until they made up again.
17. When they were all in the train car thinking they were going to be taken to be killed, Joey sang Amazing Grace to calm nerves.
18. Best friends with Ken, he was the one who gave Ken his harmonica.
19. Joey works for the newspaper back home, he's a investigative reporter, so he has an eye for things.
20. Joey is fluent in German and French, so he listened a lot to the Krauts well they were in the prison camp. He was there little spy which made him feel like he was at home doing his job.
Add onto this if you! Write a fic! Do whatever have fun!
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beescomet · 7 months
V E L O C I T Y || Teaser
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At the outskirts of Ninjago City, lies a town by the name of Akumanosu, forgotten by time. There, all forms of illegal activity seems to occure, ranging from burglary, to street racing, to drugs and trafficking. The mayor had demanded it to be closed off from the city, fearful that the evil it harbors will seep into the city, but unbeknownst to him, it already had.
There were very few rules in that land, but one stood out from the rest, unspoken and known by everyone. Is that you may never leave, at least, not alive.
But what happens when you do leave? Gathering enough money from street racing and escaping hell on earth.
Would you finally be able to leave your old life behind and live one of peace? Or would it catch up to you, dragging you back? It wouldn't be fun if the answer was right in front of you.
Especially because the Fates harbor a different plan for you, a prophecy intertwining your life with a group of Ninjas.
"All I wanted was a chance for a normal life! Apparently, that's too much to fucking ask"
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"And you are?"
"Well, I'm Brookstone, Cole Brookstone"
"Are you seriously qouting James Bond?"
"Maybe, did you find it funny?"
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"I'm so tired of looking over my shoulder my whole life, I just want a normal life, one where I don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back"
"You don't have to do that anymore, I'll protect you, no matter what. I promise"
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"You think its easy trusting others?! It took me years to build up these walls Cole, walls that helped me survive this fucked up universe, they're not just going to come down overnight just because you asked."
"Relationships are supposed to be built on trust Y/N! And you don't trust me, you actively hide things from everyone, from me!"
"You dont get it, you never will."
"Try me, I love you Y/N and I want to help"
"No, cole. You don't love me. You view me as a fucked up damsel in distress in need of saving, you love the idea of fixing me. But you don't love me, if you did. We wouldn't be in this situation"
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"Y/N, please, please, stay with me Doll, fuck you're bleeding so much. look at me, don't close your eyes, keep your pretty eyes on me, gorgeous. I can't lose you. Anyone but you. I promised. I promised-!"
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @crackedpumpkin for inspiring me to start writing this (ily). Literally read their stuff its so 💖💖🩷💖🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼.
I'm excited to share this idea with everyone, but I wanted to give out a small warning that it may not be the best considering that the last time I wrote anything I was in highschool (for context, I'm a 3rd year college student now). So please be nice, I'm open to constructive criticism as long as it's respectful. The first chapter will (hopefully) be out soon. I hope you guys enjoy it. I don't want the A/N to be any longer, so imma end it here, enjoy the story, and have fun!! 🫶🏼
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WHATISUPEVERYBODY you know it wasn’t my intention to watch literally one episode every two weeks but here we are i guess ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER KNOX REACTS TODAY ITS MONKIE KID SEASON 5 EPISODE 4 LESGET IIIIIT
The ssssstorm within, alright, alright, something to do with Mk and blowing up maybe? who knows, perhaps we shall find out MWAHAHA! Well, i mean obviously we’ll find out we’re watching the episode—listen i just woke up i can’t be held responsible for my incoherent ramblings LETS MOVE ON
Face in hands bro i miss flying Bark. BRUTAL DUDE (gotta say it at least once every episode sorry bois :pensive_emoji:)
Sniffs, just plow straight through the underbrush its fine—
Monkey King and Mei face down… okay…. this is…. a very fun frame i will admit…. who wants matching icons—/j/jj/
scratches head. okay so we’re just using sandy yelling as a gag now… cool cool cool okay sure sure, not like Sandy never raising his voice made the emotional beat of him yelling when contention happened devastating and startling. I guess the whole overwhelming Mk with WE GOT THIS!! talk would be an inevitable one, it always worked before. I mean, except for during the season 2 special. And… any other time hype up hasn’t really… worked… Listen I’m just overanalyzing probably but some of the choices in this season with the characters just feels off to me. Ngl with every episode I watch, the less it feels like monkie kid to me. The last one wasn’t so bad, and hey, we’re only a minute 25 into this one so that might change but that’s my gut reaction right now. Makes me a bit sad! I’ve been watching Dragons Rising (ninjago) with my buddy and been having the time of my life, the animation is gorgeous and it feels like the new peeps really understand the characters and its honestly so much fun, and then I’m kinda sitting here with monkie kid and puzzle pieces that don’t really fit and I’m not sure what to do with it! I know like, it’s the same writers but it just does not feel like it to me. Could be how rushed they always are, they’re doing their best, like—oNCE AGAIN TO BE CLEAR, when I criticize anything or say it feels off, this is NOT me saying bad writers bad people bad bad bad, I’m just saying how it feels to me! It feels almost like they’re trying to bring the comedic lightness of season 1 back but like… it feels kinda plastic and wrong! WORDS FAIL ME, PLS DON’T QOUTE ME I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT LETS MOVE ON
the kneeling down is kinda cute good for them
Sandy hype man!
Is he just trying to get them all out of there so Mk can have some breathing roomGML;SMADF Cause otherwise splitting up is a terrible idea
Special Sandy training!!!
Mk smashing rocks together, okay that was cute h;LGKAJWOEF
Sandy so excited about meditation
I FEEL LIKE MK COMPLAINS A LOT MORE THAN USUAL. Why is he so whiny?? Was he this whiny before? Am i losing my mind???? I’ve never wanted Mk to talk less before what is going on
The crackity cracks are backity back
….me fr pretend to meditate so true==
Storm within that’s funny
Just got led to it np that’s funny
Mk’s opening secret access swishy gold thing is fun
Bro’s really assaulting a rock
Owaaaa big ol turtle…. with cracks!
Ah yes meditation, who could have seen this coming
I know he’s complaining as a deflection but :T man Mk whining so much is getting old really fast. Like its for the gag and you could say its for the deflection but MAN. Every four seconds he’s got his whiny voice on, bro?? I’m hoping they get all the humour they want out of that gag in this episode :(
Bro literally has to face his trauma to save his friend what the heck turtle that’s so rude—
OKAY WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WATCH THIS? I’ve tried two separate types of headphones (one stolen from my brother) a friend’s tv and just my computer’s speakers and the audio volume difference in the voices vs the music is STILL jarring. Like???? I have it turned up so much just to HEAR the voices and TRY to understand them and then the music kicks in and its bLARING and AGGRESSIVE and NOT IN A CINEMATIC WAY. dear gods its like they made monkie kid as unfriendly to watch as possible for me what is going on I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MY MONKIE SHOW STOP JARRING ME OUT OF IT [SHAKES LEGO UNTIL THEY FALL TO PIECES] I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MK HAVING TO FACE HIS TRAUMA SOMETHING I’VE HIGH KEY WANTED TO WATCH SINCE SEASON 1 WAILS
Acknowledging the “okay, i want to push that away, but i’m not going to” is really neat i like that
Hello disembodied voice
Okay, i may not be vibin with the audio, the animation, or the jokes in this ep, but my GODS does Ashe know how to write brutal dialogue. The reason Mk being so afraid of his monkey powers is because he likes it?? Oh yeah, I’m down with that i am SO down for that, I have been clawing at that concept for AGES, I am SO DOWN
So who’s going to be trying to control mk this season? Snake guy?? Newbie?? The choosing yourself and making your own path is really heavy handed so far hL;GJKASDF
Sandy’s advice?? GOD TIER. We love that. I love actual good advice in cartoons thank you
Conversations with self!!! OHHH OHH I LIKE THE EXHALE
Sandy’s trigger word is Worthy huh he dont’ like thatLKGMA;OWEFWHEEZE
nah we are so glad Mk has Sandy here actually that is so good I’VE BEEN WANTING SANDY MOMENTS FOR SO LONG AND WE GOTTEM THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU like, the rest of what i said still stands but the emotional beats still hit really nicely and I’m very grateful we still have that!
Yeah that car is gonna get smashed by mei or pigsy and tang yeah yup there we go
oH WOW-oh nvm there it goes
well ! Wonder what mei found! That felt like a little bit of a clunky ending bit for some reason i can’t explain but! Big fan of the Sandy and Mk content I love them, totally deserved, been wanting Sandy talk like that for AAAAGES BLESS
Okayokay, always ending on positive note so lets go over one more time: Mk’s talk with himself? BANGER. Once he got talking, I really liked the dialogue and I really liked the vibe of the whole thing, Loved his exhale, loved the admittance of that all being part of him and that he chooses to work on other parts of him that is AWESOME and super cool to see depicted the way it was all cinematic and cool we love that. Love diving into a little bit of the complexities of our man Sandy! Love him opening up a bit to Mk so he can see he’s not alone in his struggles! That Sandy’s got something like that too and he’s still one of the most wonderful kind people Mk knows! The people who Mk has surrounding him are all exactly what he needs and that’s really cool!!! Ough okay welp, maybe I will be thinking about Sandy and Mk’s dyname for the rest of all time RAAAAAAA I REALLY enjoyed how they wrote them there.
Thanks for reading! Sorry I’m still a bit all over the place with my reactions, i feel like I keep repeating the same things but by GOSH the audio is THROWING ME. But yeah that was a nice way of addressing some of Mk’s trauma, even if it was only for like three minutes, its well done and I enjoyed it! very excited to see they can still nail those emotional bits. HOPE Y’ALL HAVE A SPECTACULAR DAY AND GOOD VIBES HUNT YOU DOWN RELENTLESSLY. KNOX OUT
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whomadewaffles · 7 months
PART 3 of 3 of my Pjhazel incorrect qoutes! Sadly the last part.. at least for now. I won't say for definite there won't be more cos I adore this movie and this ship especially, but may take some time.
Same things apply to this one as the others, hope these were as fun to read as they were to make! This one became longer than I intended because I just had to add a few new ones too it especially the code names one because It made me chuckle and fit so well.
Pj: I’m in lov—
Pj: Lov—
Pj: I have feelin—
Josie: It’s okay, take your time.
Pj: ...Hazel.
Pj *to hazel*: If I have developed a huge crush on you, that's my business. It literally has nothing to do with you.
Hazel: Autism speaks?
Hazel: Yeah, I never shut the fuck up.
Pj: Horny doesn’t always mean wanting to have sex. Sometimes it means wanting to be beat up or stabbed or something.
Hazel: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
Pj: I- hm...
Hazel: be nice
Pj: Of course! I'm finding kind words.
Hazel: ... it takes you that long to find-
Pj: It does! I'm trying!
Ms. Callahan: You're not good enough for my daughter
Pj: YOU'RE not good enough for your daughter
Ms. Callahan: Excuse me?!
Pj: You heard me
Hazel: I set off explosives to feel joy.
Pj: That's adorable.
Pj *delusional from a punch to the face during fight club*: You have... beautiful eyes..
Hazel *flustered*: She's lost her mind!
Hazel: I have no idea what's going on but I am being so brave about it.
Pj *to hazel*: Why do you keep looking me in the eyes? My huge tits are down here
Hazel *is sad*
Pj:*looks up “how to comfort someone”*
Website: “Do not make insensitive comments or mock the person”
Pj: Fuck.
Hazel: Are you okay?
Pj: In what aspect? Phisically, no injury whatsoever and no signs of exhaustion. Appearance wise, I'm not just okay, I'm a whole ass meal. We're talking three courses, five stars.
Pj: But mentally? I could use some therapy I guess.
Pj: it may have been a stupid decision, but it was MY stupid decision and I could never turn my back on it
Hazel: please, stay out of trouble
Pj: Not my strong suit
Pj *about Hazel*: *sighs* God, what a loser. I can't believe I'm gonna sleep with her.
Josie: I mean, you don't have to.
Pj: Nah, I'm gonna.
Pj: Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?
Hazel: Yes. It's February 14th.
Pj: I- Nevermind.
Pj: I wanna sleep with you.
Pj: But like in the innocent way.
Pj: ...
Pj: Get your bitch ass over here and cuddle with me you little shit!
Hazel: Damn Pj, calm down, I'm putting my shoes on.
Pj: <3
Hazel: Sometimes sarcasm is laid on so thick that even I can detect it.
Hazel: This was not one of those times.
Pj: I love you.
Hazel: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*pj and Hazel make out passionately*
Sylvie, to annie: You owe me 20 dollars.
Hazel *after Pj insults someone*: I know Pj is very sorry and didn’t mean it.
Pj: Very sorry.
Hazel: See?
Pj: But I did mean it.
Hazel: pj!
Brittney: Why are you ignoring Hazel?
Pj: I’m playing hard to get.
Brittney: Why would you do that? You’re already hard to want.
Pj: Not much could ruin today.
Jeff: Hey overall bitch #2
Pj: Oh, Fuck. I forgot saying that summons him.
*just before josie and pj find the other fight club members at the game to apologise*
Josie: Talk to Hazel first, and apologise. That's what friends do.
Pj: Urgh, I really don’t want too. I was just gonna wait til' I'm on my deathbed, get in the last word and then die immediately.
Josie: That was your plan for dealing with this???
Pj: That's my plan for dealing with everything. I have seventy-seven arguments I'm gonna win that way.
Josie *drags her to the football game*: Nope, we're doing the apology instead.
Pj: Quick, Hazel, start talking about boring nerd shit!
Hazel: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.
Pj: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
*backstory: the cheerleaders are at practice and the rest of the club are getting together to help plan a perfect promposal for josie to give to isabel*
Pj: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can address me as 'Eagle 1.'
Pj: Hazel is 'Currently doing that.'
Hazel: *high fives pj*
Pj: Sylvie is 'It happened once in a dream.'
Pj: Annie. Codename - 'If I had to pick a republican.'
Pj: josie is... 'Eagle 2.'
Josie: Oh, thank god.
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Hey there! My names eage, I'm 22 and this is my dungeon meshi sideblog! I sometimes draw but I mainly write fanfic
Updates every Thursday!
Fanfic masterpost
The Bed They Made
Chilaios, ongoing, everything is the same but Laios is knocked up and no one but Chilchuck knows
It was a mistake. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, and then he wouldn't ever think of it again. Yes, it was a risky move, one that was both incredibly fun but also so stupid in hindsight. Of course, the one time he caved to his desires, this happens. With his party leader of all people! Laios is carrying his fourth child. And he didn't even know it. Not yet.
Hug me like you mean it
Chilchuck and Laios, 2546 words, pre-relationship
Chilchuck has exceptional hearing, and Laios is terrible at hiding his feelings.
Sick in the Head
Chilchuck and Laios, 2091 words,
Laios thought he knew Chilchuck well enough, but now he wasn't sure. Since his fight with Shuro, he started questioning what exactly he knew, and it made his stomach twist. So when Chilchuck asks to talk to him alone, he can't help but prepare for the worst.
Mana Sick
Chilchuck and Laios, 1288 words,
Coming back from searching for herbs to cure Marcilles petrification, Chilchuck stumbles upon Laios in the throes of mana sickness, and reluctantly helps him
"No, I'm the one whose honored."
Chilaios, ongoing, 9,126 words, based on the smiling friends qoute
Sometimes when Chilchuck drank, he would start spouting nonsense. Looking back, this was probably one of those times.
We Run Faster than Others
Marcille and Fionil, 6509 words, post Canon hurt/comfort
Marcille has a nightmare and Fionil does her hair.
Sleepless Nights
Unrequited Chilaios, 6690 words, pre-canon, Laios has a guilty crush
Chilchuck was always on his mind. Laios wasn't sure when it started. They had worked together for a couple of months, maybe a year, he wasn't too sure. But he knew one thing for certain, and that was Chilchuck was endlessly cool, confident, and skilled. After a certain point, the half foot had popped into his head and made a place for himself.
Language Barrier
Chilaios, 3873 words, pre-Canon Hurt comfort
Over the years, Laios had seen the many sides of a drunk Chilchuck. There was the affectionate variant—one of the more common sides—where Chilchuck was sappy and sweet to the point it felt out of character. There was also the angry variant. This one was more like Chilchuck's usual snippy attitude, but turned up to an extreme. Right now, Chilchuck was neither affectionate nor angry, but... well, it was hard to describe.
Chilchuck has a moment of weakness, and Laios stays with him despite it.
"Hunger, Lust, Love, and the weird ways we connect"
The work of Nightmares
Laios and Chilchuck, Laios and Marcille, 1504 words, Laios has a fucked up nightmare and Marcille suffers for it, part 1
In the middle of the night, Laios began to shake from a nightmare ravaging his mind. Marcille dives in to help him but finds a gruesome scene.
The Laios with terrifying eyes
Chilaios, 3726 words, Shapeshifter episode gone wrong, part 2
Among the duplicates of Laios, one of them stood out particularly well. No, it wasn't the one who towered high enough to hit the ceiling, or the effeminate one who spoke in a breathy voice.
It was the one with wide, hungry eyes. He stood with his back straight, taut, and braced, an 'innocent' grin stretching along his face.
Plagued by Visions of You
Laios is haunting him. Despite being alive, he has infested every part of his mind, clouding every thought, and Chilchuck was sick of how aroused it made him.
Pre relationship Chilaios, ongoing, 11,896 words, porn with plot - Chilchuck gets struck by a horny beam, part .5
Chilaios week
The Laughing Wolf Tavern
Gen, 6683 words, day 1 - Drinking buddies/Seasons
A series of moments across the first year of their working relationship, highlighting the tumultuous relationship between the ever curious fighter and the prickly lockpick. The best way to bond was over booze after all!
A wounded Changeling
Chilchuck and Laios, 3345 words, day 2 - Changelings/Wounded
Fascinating was the only way Laios could describe the whole situation. Swapping to a different race entirely posed issues and highlighted the things he liked more about his old body, but it also gave him a lot to wonder about. Such as - was a headpat supposed to feel a certain way? It didnt feel bad, but it wasnt good either. Without this occurring, Chilchuck would have never done that, and Laios would have never found his answer.
To hold a Half-Foots tools is a Privilege, not a Right
Chilchuck and Laios, 524 words, day 3 - Hold/Carry
Chilchuck reflects on how he's come to trust Laios with carrying his lockpicks.
When I wake up next, I know you'll be there
Chilchuck and Laios, 3544 words, day 4 - Nightmares/Trust
In the dungeon, they were all well acquainted with death. If you hadn't yet met them, you were incredibly fortunate, or it was creeping up on you when you least expected it. Nightmares were just as familiar. It was as unavoidable as death itself, since it came with the territory. Number one is to thoroughly prepare for the worst-case scenario. There would be no nightmares if no one died. No party was ever that lucky, however. Which leads to the next best thing: relying on your party for support. Confiding, or better yet, sharing a bedroll together, chased the bad dreams away most times.
You've Got Some Nerve, Laios
Chilaios, 1658 words, day 5 - Shapeshifter/First Kiss
The group has been infested by shapeshifters, and Laios chooses to utilize information that only the real Chilchuck would know to lure out the fake.
Is it too late?
Chilaios, 3397 words, Day 6 - Beach episode
He followed Marcilles advice, went back to Kahka Brud, and spoke with his wife. She asked that they separate for good. In terms of marriage. So, he came back to Melini. He had nowhere else to go. Even if this place felt like the furthest from home... it held some special people.
Marcille will probably cry when he breaks the news, Senshi will usher him to the kitchen and show him how to make a dish to give him something to do and help him reflect, Izutsumi will give him an awkward pat on the back, and Laios... Laios would sit him down to eat.
Of course I came back for you
Chilaios, 11,401 words, Day 7 - Freeday! Laios got eaten by the dragon
Laios Touden was the biggest idiot in the world, he went and got himself eaten by a dragon! Of course Chilchuck would delve back into the dungeon with Falin and Marcille to get him back, even if that meant confronting things he would rather keep buried.
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soap143 · 11 months
Tapped out
Lee! Hanji
Ler! Lee Know
It was a pretty cloudy and sad day. Ussualy, I would stay home, watch a movie or just do nothing. Days like these always keep me down. However, my amazing friends dragged me outside againts my will and convinced me to spend a day like this outside. Even though the sun was hidden behind the clouds, but it didn’t seem like it was going to rain.
I had no idea what we could do outside. I was more of an introverted inside person, rather than a outdoosy golden retriever. “Change is good…” Chan tried to cheer me up with his father-like, “deep” qoutes. Everyone laughed. “Right Han, you need to get your stinky butt out your room!” I sighed. There was no escape. I was stuck with 7 other men that were comvinced to spend the day in our garden.
Even though it seemed something that Chan would come up with, this whole thing was Minho’s idea. That’s right, Chan was thinking about finishing some work today instead of goofing around outside.
Only a few minutes had passed and was already bored. “ Acctually, now that I think about it I had some very important work to do today… Unfortunetly I might have to miss out on this very fun activity” I tried to sound as dissapointing as could. “No you don’t. Just yesterday you said that you’d finish up some extra work to have today free” Minho said with the most mischevious smirk “Aww, how sweet. He wanted to spend the whole day with us…!”
I trusted Minho hyung very much, telling him things I wouldn’t tell anyone. I had been working very hard and just wanted a rest day, that’s why last night I stayed up a little too long to just have a rest day. Of course, I would use the excuse of having “lots of work” to miss out on whatever my bandmates were doing. I don’t mean to say that I hate them, I just wanted some alone time. Which of course I won’t get now…
“This is boring right?” Minho said as he squated down next to me. “YES! Can we go inside and watch a movie please?” “Well, if you were bored you should’ve said so! Let’s play a game.” I groaned.”What game? Football? You know I hate it!” He came closer and whispered in my ear “If you don’t play with us, I swear I will leave you breathless as soon as we go back inside” I knew what he meant. He would tickle me, zero mercy. So I inmeadiately got up and sugested a game myself. “Hey everyone, do you want to play football?” “Football? Sure!” “How unusual pf you, right Jisung? Since you were kind enough to sugest such fun activity, I’ll let you be captain of the first team, I’ll be captain of the second. You can choose first.” I blushed and nodded. “Hmm… I choose… Hyunjin!”
After a little while both teams were ready. However, Minho changed his mind and decided to do hyungs vs maknaes. So, my team was me, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin. Minhos team consisted of him, Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin. I found it quite unfair, since the players on the hyungs team were quite better than on my team. But, after some convincing and threats (mostly by Minho), I gave in and the game started.
Hyungs vs maknaes wasn’t and uncommon team choice, not only in sports, but also with videogames, washing dishes, making food, cleaning and many other activities. Now, during more competitive stuff, like we were doing right now, our hyungs liked to get playful with punishments. If they were enduring each one of the members aegyo, standing with our back facing them, as each one of them kicked the ball at us and tickling, which was probably the most common.
Each hyung would choose who they want to torture. Now, did the maknaes ever get choose? Rarely. Especially in sports. They always promise to go easy, but that’s never the case and we always lose. Video games are a different story. However, when they do lose, they always somehow bargain their way out of the punishment, and if we do give tgem what they deserve, they always get us back ten times worse. Last time we played with teams like these, the maknae team, obviously lost. And guess who chose me? Minho. I hate love his wreckings. Maybe because he know all my spots, which I told him myself.
Felix was the goalkeeper, Seungmin defended and me and I. N. were the attackers. The opposite’s goalkeeper was Chan, Changbin-defender and Minho and Hyunjin were the attackers. Now, Minho wasn’t the best football player, but he liked pushing and attacking people for the ball that he couldn’t really handle himself.
Of course, we lost the first game. “Now, you know there’s a punishment for the losers~” Minho said. “Let’s do something different, hm? How about you first choose who did best in your whole team” Ussualy, I would be the most useless player of all, but today I gave Minho and the rest of the opposite team a taste of their own medicine by being rougher than ussual, giving me the power that I didn’t know I had. So, upon further discussion (and some bribing), the team chose me.
Perfect. I wanted to paly football for one reason and one reason only — to absolutely wreck Jisung. He had been all jumpy and annoying lately, and intended on spending today all alone. Those were all symptoms of a lee mood, and a pretty severe one. Ussualy, during one of his moods, he would ask me to satisfy it, but that hasn’t been the case. So, I intend on helping him.
Surprisingly, Jisung had done pretty good today, even winning a point or two, which weren’t nearly enough to win. I knew his team would choose him, but that was my plan. I was known for being the number one wrecker of all time, knowing everyone’s spots and only stopping when they were on the verge of death.
“Okay, I see you’ve chosen Jisung. You’ll be the last one to choose” “What, choose what?!” He was angry. Very angry and annoyed. “I.N.-ah, who do wanna be tickled by?” His eyes widened. “Umm… Channie hyung” “Seungmin, you?” “Shit, um Changbin hyung” “An-“ “Don’t even ask, Minho. It’s not you. Hyunjin it is…”
I’ve never seen a smirk so mischievous and unbearable. How can he smile like that, knowing that I’m gonna die? “Looks like you have no choice, Hannie” even though I closed my eyes, I could hear his stupid smile. “Now, we may change our minds if you can win this wrestle match!” Chan yelled. I knew they wouldn’t, but whatever, maybe if I’m more tired I’ll be tickled less. I saw everyone going for the person who they chose, so I ran up to Minho. And let me tell you, he was not prepared. I tackled him by the legs and he fell straight to the ground, I basically got the upper hand immediately. He was easy when jumped by surprised. I was fighting to keep him in place, if he got the upper hand I would be dead.
I tried to keep his body still by squeezing his hips with my thighs and grabbing his wrists. It was hard, but not impossible. He was caught off guard and hadn’t caught up yet, so I could win by being quick. But that obviously didn’t work. He swiftly gripped my wrist as I tried to keep his in place, and squeezed them so hard that I couldn’t even fight back, twisting my body and helplessly laying my head on his chest, begging for him to stop. Minho just laughed and smoothly, in one move, pinned me, crushing my legs with his thighs as having my hands fully pinned. Just like that, I had lost control and was conpletely helpless, laying below him. I hated loved him for that. How he could make me feel so strog yet so weak.
It is quite cute watching him, trying to overpower me. I let him at first, but once I see Jisung starting to get confident, I drop the act and attack for real. I decided to tease him a little, since he wasn’t completely exhausted, by poking his sides and stomach a few times. He twisted violently, but didn’t say anything.
The others were still fighting, trying to overpower eachother. However, I saw Jeongin starting to slowly give up and Chan pinning him with a wide smile. Felix was still fighting, threatening to bite Hyunjin, but immediately quiting when Hyunjin almost actually bit him, hysterically laughing and giving in. Seungmin and Changbin were still in the middle of a fight, with Seungmin winning. I wondered, how Changbin would be capable of punishing him in a position like this.
Han was still pinned beneath me, but much less tired, since I gave him quite some time to rest. I cought him staring at me and smiled. He was just waiting to get wrecked… “I think they lost once again!” Hyunjin shouted. “For sure” Changbin responded, struggling to keep Seungmin pinned under him. “Han said he wanted to go to the bathroom, I’ll keep him company, you can start”
Minho pulled me up by my arm “But I don’t wanna go to the bathroom…” “Oh yes you do, unless you wanna tickles in front of everyone right in our garden” I gulped. Minho knew that I didn’t preferably enjoy being wrecked in front of the rest of our friends. He pulled me into his room and plopped both of us down onto the bed “Arms up” He cassualy said. I hesitated “Don’t you know what that means? Look, like this!” He said, grabbing my wrists and pulling them above my head. “Thought you knew better… Now, I’ll let you choose yourself where to start” I stayed silent. It was far too flustering! How could I answer that. “Well? Too many choices right? You’re too damn ticklish everywhere~”
I had been in my worst lee mood ever the past week and Minho was NOT cooperating. He wasn’t getting any hints and seemed to be completely oblivious. And now, I could get what I wanted. “I’ll choose then, you leave me with no cho-“ “WAIT! Let me tell you something before you start” “Oh what is it?” “Don’t stop if I tell you. Only stop when you want to, ok?” Even Minho himself blushed “Okay, Hannie”
He started off slowly, by lighly squeezing my sides. I started giggling and twisting around immediately. I’ve waiting for this moment for so long, that I felt that i couldn’t take ANY light tickles, I just wanted Minho to wreck the shit out of me. “Minhohohohoho!” “Yehehehes?” did he have to do that? He surely didn’t “ Pleahehehehehehese!” “Please what? Please stop?” oh he definitely knew what he was doing, scratching my sides so lighly “Gohohosh JUST DO IT!” I let out the most flustered scream, but can ypu blame me? If I would’ve waited even the tiniest bit longer I swear the anticipation would’ve killed me already. “Why didn’t you just say so?” He cheerfully said, as he dug his fingers much more harshly “AHAHAHAHAHA LEHEHHEHEHE MINHOHOOHO” The silence was much more flustering. He was like a master, getting every spot that had been oh so hungry for his touch. Until then, I had kept my hands pretty far away from the attacker, but once he dug into my armpits, I couldn’t hold them up any longer. “OHOHOHOHOHOHOH MAHAHAHAHA GAHAHAOOHOHD! GAAHAHAH!” It tickled SO so good, this was exactly the feeling that I had been missing. He vibrated all five of his fingers into my right armpit by holding my right arm above my head. “ANAHAHAHAHAHATHHEHEHER SPOHOHOHOHOT PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” No matter how much I loved it, I knew I couldn’t take much of it in one spot.
I almost felt bad. Han was red, sweaty, teary eyed and hysterically laughing. But then, I remembered that he had BEGGED for me to not stop until I was satisfied (p.s. I was never satisfied) and was going to keep my promise. I was planning to stay on his armpits for a much longer time, but Jisung obviously wanted every single spot to be wrecked. I smiled. He’s just too cute. “Another spot, huh? And we’ve barely even started!” “AHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHASEE ANOTHEHEHEHER SPOHOHOHT!” I couldn’t refuse when he begged like that, so I switched to counting ribs “One, two, three, fou- Hey! Quit shacking! I lost track of your ribs!” “SOHOHORRY, SOHOHO SOHOHORY!” “Well, I’m gonna have to recount…” His face was so red, I was beginning to get concerned “One, two- Again?! Han Jisung! We’re never finishing with you are we…” I tried to sound as disappointed as I could, but it was genuinely hard with that beutiful smile and angelic laugh of his “COUHAHHAHAHAHAHAHANT AGAHAHAHAIN PLEAHEHEHESE!” He was making me blush with words like these. His hopeless begging just made my stomach swirl. Since both of us were flustered, I decided to take over by showing zero mercy, just how he liked it. I fully extended my fingers and gripped all of his ribs “Ready?” “Nohohoho…!” He giggled in anticipation. And then I dug in, clawing his ribs like crazy. I even had to hold one of his arms down, that’s how bad it was “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEHEHEHEHSEPLEHEHEASE MIHIHIHIHIHINHOHOO!” I felt confident again, much better than when I was just as red and flustered as the little lee laying right beneath me. With one had clawing his ribs and the other squeezing and poking his abs and belly button, Han’s laughter went silent. Obviously I stopped, I didn’t want him tapping out! Even though he was still fighting back a little, I lightened the tickles to a stop. He giggled a little and caught his breath, but once he landed back on earth, a frown appeared on his face. “I told not to stop, hyung! Tickle me until I pass out! You’ve been an ass, not even satisfying my mood once this whole week. This is payback! Be rougher too.” Never in my life did I think I would hear that — Han Jisung scolding me for not wrecking him. “Oh, so you want zero mercy? Don’t even worry, because all you have to do is provoke me” “Remember when someone turned off the bathroom light while your were showring twice?” “Oh yes I do!” “…That was me.” He said with the most mischievous smirk of all time. Even more mischievous than mine! Believe it! “Oh, this is a much clearer request to be wrecked” I waisted no time as I dug deep into his thighs. And let me tell you, that got the biggest reaction so far. We almost bumped foreheads at how hard he sat up. “Wow, really ticklish here I see?” “YEHEHEHEHEHES,PLEHEHEHEASHHEHEHE DOHOHOHOHOHOHN’T STOHOHOHOP!”
Once I started begging Minho and provoked him, the tickling really started. My thighs are a pretty bad spot, which he of course started his real torture with. I was laughing very hard, but no matter how out of breath or tired I was, I wouldn’t let him stop me. After some more digging into my legs, I wanted him to switch spots. He doesn’t ussualy stay in one spot for long, how come he’s doing it now? Oh and mind you, he’s being extra rough with me now. “MINHOHOHOHOHOHO WAIHAHAHAHAHAHAIT, WAHAHAIT! STOHOHOPJDKA!” I couldn’t even finish my sentence when he dug in so deep and started very quickly pressing his fingers into the inner muscle of my thigh. “AHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOH MAHAHA GAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” I started flopping around like a worm, no matter how much I loved it, I couldn’t take it in one spot for long. Once he lighly slowed down, I recovered enough energy to say something that wasn’t just deep belly laughter “WahhahahaHAHait, MINhohoHOHO, StohHOHop foHOhor a minutehe” He seemed a bit worried “W-what is it? Was I too rough? I’m sorry if I was, I-I mean that’s what I thou-“ “No! No it’s totally not that! Why do you stay in one spot only? Switch around! You know I can’t take it when you stay in one spot!” the worried expression on his face melted away almost immediately and got replaced by a flustered blushing one “O-okay…” He suddenly grabbed my calf and started squeezing the top of my knee. And I lost it “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINHOHOHOHOHOHOHO AHAHAHAHA” This was the best one yet.
At this point, it was starting to get annoying. I was the ler, yet he kept on flustering me, I felt like a such a child! His knees are possibly one of his worst spots, which I am wrecking right now. This gives the best reaction so far. He bucks his hips side to side, trying to control his movements as best as possible. I started squtching between squeezing the bottom and top of his kneecaps, just how he asked me. Even though it feels kind of weird, tickling him per his request, but I just want to see him happy. I’m sure everyone is done with the punishment now, but Han doesn’t seem to want this to stop. Not yet. Jisung had begged to be wrecked until he he tapped out. But could he handle it? I decided to test it out, as that is something I’ve never done. “Hannie, are you sure you want to be tickled until you pass out?” I’m not even sure how any sentence could be processed in the state he is right now “YEHEHEHEHEHHES YOU AHAHAHAHASSHOHOHOLE DOHOHOHONT EVEHEHEHN AHAHASK ANYMOHOHORE!” No matter how much he begged, I just couldn’t be sure. Jisung was completely red, wet from his own sweat and tears and seemed to be exhausted. I switched back to his upper body, sticking my arms into his armspits once again “PLEHEHEASHEHEHAHEHEHSE! MINHOHOHOHOHOHO!” by now I would’ve completely stopped, but was afraid to get scolded by a red and sweaty Han again. With one hand stuck in between his arm and side and another rubbing my knuckles into his ribs, I knew he would pass out any moment now. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA MINHOHOH HHYUHUHUhuhuhung” his laughter went silent, almost too silent. Then, I looked up to his face. Oh. my. God. I could not believe what I had just done. I loved punishing people with tickles, but never this far! I almost felt guilty, but then remembered how desperately he begged for this.
“Ummm… What is going in here?” Chan slowly walked inside the room. “Oh my! Is he dead? Did you kill him?! I swear Lee Minho…” “NO! No its not like that!” “Then what is it like?! Because all I see is a lifeless Han, laying in your bed!” “I don’t know if I should say this… It’s actually a secret of his.” “Just tell me, I promise I won’t tell anyone. I’m just worried for my child!” “He wanted this” “What?” “He wanted this.” “Wanted what? To die?” “No, idiot! He wanted to be tickled until he passes out!” “Oh… That is-“ “I know, it’s weird! But he loves it, ok? I just wanted to give him what he-“ “That is cute. Like, actually! He likes it? I mean, I kind of could tell…”
I woke up to loud yelling and rambling. As I oppened my eyes, exhaustion hit me. Then I remebered why I was tired, hell, why was I even passed out. And then a smile crept onto my face. I remember perfectly why: because Minho wrecked so hard and the best part — I asked him to do it. “Look, he’s awake! Hey Hannie, is it true that you love tickles~?” My eyes widened in shock “N-n-no, I hate it! Minho, did you say anything?!” Minho had a panicked expression on his face “It wasn’t my fault! He asked why you were passed out!” I closed my eyes and groaned in embarrassment “You are the cutest Hannie!~~” Chan said as he jumped on me and hugged me “Eww! You’re so smelly and disgusting! Why are so sweaty and wet?!” A pink blush spread across my face and I covered it with my hands. “Please stop! I’m tired! Didn’t Minho tell you anything?” “Oh, right, you must be exhausted from your private tickle session~~” “SHUT UPPP!” “Okay, okay I’m leaving…” Channie left with the most dimply smile ever. “Now, mr. Lee we must have a talk…” “I thought you were the lee~” “Yah! Enough teasing now! Why did you tel him that~ It’s so embarrassing!~” “ It’s really not a big deal! He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone, so don’t even worry-“ “HAN JISUNG DO YOU REALLY LIKE TICKLES?!?!?!”
“Yeah, he promised to not tell…”
I like this one a little better. Build up is still very long, but I lowkey like it 🙂
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shmowder · 4 months
memes page 1
Pathologic meme dumps
Mixed memes
Talking racoon
Dating adventures of Artemy Burakh
What did I do last night
Been a clown all my life
Straight guy after a beer
Straight girl after a beer
Pasta night in the Burakh household
Gently shake the screen
Immortality? In my polyhedron?
The Oynon news
Artemy taking you on a honeymoon
Food pyramid
Alternative reality memes
Focus in aiming
We outta panacea
Munching Artemy
home sweet home
hammer and chiselling his way
Well well well
Blood pressure
Average night
Clara lore
tastes like home
tastes like rat
Jimmy Fallon show edit
pride month V1
fist fight god
doomes kitten
Stamatin twins
what they use to shower
If Artemy had whatsapp
Coming out
Bad son
Beloved worms kiss kiss
Let's take Ibuprofen
Termites + Clara adventures
Kids eat for free
law firm ad
when life gives you lemons
Clara's father's day gift
P1 vs P2 models
I think of Artemy
Old man life
A trap
Taya Tycheese
Murky Hamsterakh
Narrative's favourite
4D chess against a bull
she's here
Alphabet mafia
a feast fit for a king
fried cigarette
unsecure connection
chat is this rizz
Brothely responsibilities
Real Medicine
Let's link and create
NEW old coots meme
Notking exam sheet
Road trip with friends
Extended lungs
Fake edited screenshots
Daniil - Bee movie script
Notkin - Future US soldier
Clara - Chicken little
Anna - Inspirational qoute
pride month V2
Community Polls
Which faction do you fall under?
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Train Poll
Train Poll: Aglaya version
Train Poll: NEW and IMPROVED 2.0
Lilakh - Agalay x Artemy
How do I taste like
Trying her best
I love them
True love in the air
new fav hobby
Lotta sick people nowadays
culinary artless
Undooming the romance
Make out or strangle with a coat hanger
She doesn't have a favourite healer
Burakhovsky - Daniil x Artemy
Not a murderer
Heartfelt gift
Letters from Daniil
Oynon is so weird
Fun Steppe Vacation
My dear Burakh
Wanting to fuck you island
is the bachelor gay
live reaction
first date
Yeah I ship... Cubrakhonionsky
Stakhtemy - Stakh x Artemy
What was the question?
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l3viat8an · 6 months
Skylar: “My thighs are so big cause they’re full of secrets”
Leona: “Wrap them around my ears and let me hear them”
Malleus: “You smooth mother-“
Skylar: “I may or may not have been covered in baby oil…”
Leona: “Well I guess racism wins.”
Idia: “Can we see the pictures?”
Malleus: “Girls don’t like me… 😔”
Lilia: “Are you fucking blind!?” *points at the window* “She’s been following you everywhere!”
Skylar: *waving*
Malleus: “But that doesn’t mean she likes me though…”
Lilia: “Are you serious…?”
Ruggie and Skylar: *gossiping*
Crowley: “This is why she keeps getting into trouble….”
Skylar: “some might say all black makes you look like a villain. Not me tho. I think you look like a sexy motorcycle! Vroom! Vroom!”
Malleus: “I…what?”
Leona: “I bet you’re fun at parties…”
Malleus: “I don’t go to parties…”
Leona: “No wonder…”
Helsphskshs the first one!!!- that was smooth damnn~
Jsksjsk not Skylar actually stalking following Malleus and he’s still that oblivious-
Crowley really can’t say shit he’s probably tossed Skylar onto more trouble then Ruggie ever has lmaooo
Malleus doesn’t even get invited to parties 💀
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mattslolita · 3 months
omg today me and my bf were in english and we had to like find qoutes and annotate them from a book. how fun and entertaining, my ideal activity to occupy my wednesday morning!!😍 and then he was sittin there doing absolutley nothing except from looking at me 🫠 and i said
"r u gonna help orrr?" and he went "wasnt planning on it, but your makeup looks different?" and i said "different lashes" and then he went " oh, well u look pretty" and MY TEACHER HEARD THIS AND WAS LIKE "right, this is not appropriate for the classroom. can you focus on your work or ill have to seperate you both. and *hisname* ur letting her do all the work, come on"
my friend started LAUGHING SO HARD BC WHAT? and she went "bro theyre not making out, i think its perfectley appropriate" AND THE TEACHER SENT HER OUT LMFAOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
then when she came back in he took me outside and said "u cant let boys interrupt ur learning, otherwise ur gonna get bad results". yeah, shit bro my bad, sorry for causing such a disruption in ur lesson. i nearly died when he said that and then to make it worse when i came back in my bf was like "he mad he gets no bitches" LMFAOO and then he got sent out (for the rest of the lesson tho 😭) and my friend said to the teacher "shes got seperation anxiety, i dont think she can cope with this. looks shes hyperventalating" OMG I WAS CRYING WHAT THE FUCK LMAOOOO!!!!! he hates us all and we dont even try an piss him off 🤣
anyway my day was great, how was yours? 😭😭 🩷
LMAOOOO you guys r so sillyness. i remember once me & my whole class made our 7th grade sub cry it was funny
my day was okay yesterday !! im glad urs was good💌
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likeadevils · 1 year
Do you think Taylor and Harry wrote any songs together?
so i just did some digging around because i’ve heard jackknife lee said they had, and i believe people are referring to this qoute:
“It was out of my field of expertise and interest, but I was intrigued and my girls were thrilled. Taylor was nice and very professional. She knew what she wanted and there was no fucking about. She was seeing Harry Styles at the time, so he came to Topanga on her recommendation. She wrote a few songs with him, and it was the same thing – quick. But this time it was more directed by the management and label. They were after something specific. I wanted more acoustic and gentle, almost Americana, and they wanted bombast. They got what they wanted, and that was the extent of my foray into teen-pop territory. It was fun.”
which sounds a tad bit like a midspeak to me, but i could see it being true as well. like if there’s a harry styles co-write in the 1989 vault i would be more shocked that it is getting released and less shocked that it exists, if that makes sense
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
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Okay I did the Cleven twins earlier, then I decided to take the whole twin thing a little farther. So meet the Hamilton twins which makes them sound like a music group and here's twenty of my thoughts.
1. Hams twin is named Frank Edward Hamilton or Porkchop sometimes Porky, and sometimes Pork.
2. He's the depressing twin, he's also nicknamed Mr Sadness and Mr Sunshine because duh.
3. Everyone thinks that Hambone isn't a natural blonde because of his brunette of a brother.
4. Frank was born at eleven thirty well Ham was born at midnight, making Frank a day older in technicality.
5. They share one brain cell collectively, like they aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.
6. Frank was the reason why Ham has his two gold teeth because when they were kids, he dared Ham to eat a rock and in the process Ham broke two of his teeth.
7. When Frank was captured by the Krauts, he made them depressed and question their life choices.
8. Frank was the reason why they kept going in the prison camp mostly because Frank kept going "It doesn't matter if we escape, we are all going to die eventually and be in the black abyss." Lets just say that made everyone want to get out mostly to get away from Frank.
9. Ham tries to get Frank to socialize which goes as well as you can imagine, he usually scares away a girl within five seconds, Bucky makes a bet with Buck at how fast Frank can make a girl run away.
10. Ham spaces out, well Frank just stares into your soul.
11. Bubbless nickname for him is Hams Creepy Brother or Mr Creepy.
12. Frank has a hamster named Bucky, which everyone is afraid he'll sacrifice.
13. Ham sorta sits like a normal person, not Frank he makes sure to make people question if they are using their chair correctly. He'll also sit on things that aren't chairs because he can.
14. If you can't find Frank he's usually in this tightest and smallest nook he could find with a book.
15. Ham on the other hand can't read, well I mean not well, he's dyslexic he jokes his twin absorbed his "reading smarts" whatever that means.
16. Frank is secretly scary smart like he pretends to be stupid but he's not.
17. Ham is to put it lightly dumb as a box of rocks, but Frank loves him.
18. Frank is a navigator hilariously enough.
19. Frank knows morbid facts, he tells these facts to the poor Bombardier that gets stuck with him. He one time told him and I qoute "How easy it was for the human body to burst like a watermelon on a hot summer day." Lets just say that poor Bombardier was not traumatized by the Krauts, but Frank.
20. Ham and Frank can talk to each other with just there hands and eyes, everyone jokes they can read each others minds which might be possible.
Bonus modern day fact. Frank definitely has a lip ring in a modern universe just saying.
That's it! I hope the person who adores Hambone sees this, do with this information as you people want add onto it if you want. I don't care have fun.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
90's Pulp Movie Villains Ranked
SO I am going to be doing a series of rankings ,as I have been marathoing the Pulp superhero trend of the 90's .Why not start with my favorite topic ,the villlains...THis was hard in a sense,because I love all five of these baddies
5.Big Boy Caprice from Dick Tracy
The biggest mob boss in town and arch nemesis to Dick Tracy.I actually though going into this rewatch ,I thought he would be number one ....But looking at the other villains he fell to the wayside.I love how bonkers Al PAcinos performance is and his quirk of messing up qoutes and the makeup looks great but honestly I cant help but feel he is a wannabe of Jack Nicholsons Joker .He is fun though
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4.Xander Drax from the Phantom
An evil powerhungry business man who wants to harnass the power of 3 magic skulls .On paper he is the weakest villain,going into this rewatch,I thought I was gonna put him dead last .The problem is the side villains are more intereresting ,like the pirate king Kabai Sengh and Quill who killed the Phantoms father,while Drax is just an evil rich guy ......Thank GOD for Treat Williams performance ,he is taking character description of evil 1930's capitalist and running with it .Not great but he is a ton of fun
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3.Neville Sinclair from the Rockateer
A swashbuckling movie star who is actually a Nazi spy trying to get his hands on an experimental jetpack .NOw we get to the really interesting guys .While Big Boy and Drax were fun,theres a bit more to Sinclair .Being a dashing movie star he is charming but his villainy is motivated by a sense of desperation .Timothy Dalton is an actor who feels like he is right of the 1930's and 1940's ,so he is able to nail the deonair side while also being a legit menacing villain
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2.Don Rafael Montero from The Mask of Zorro
A Spanish Governor who wishes to take over California ,but the big thing is he stole the daughter of Don Diego De La Vega AKA the original Zorro and had him imprisioned for 20 years .NOw what impresses me about Don Rafael is he couldve been a mustache twirly villain,just a hate sink as we root for Zorro to run him through....But they decided to give him nuanace .Oh he is still a villain who kills and enslaves innocent people ,but he has his own morals ,doesnt want children to see his crimes,and does very much care for his adopted daughter Elena .Stuart Wilson plays him with a sense of dignity and nuance one doesnt often see in a blockbuster bad guy of that era
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1. Shiwan Khan from the Shadow
The last descendant of Genghis Khan(I know there are millions of descendants of that guy just roll with it ,its a movie ),Shiwan Khan is a wannabe conqueror who wishes to rule the world using his psychic powers and an atomic bomb.SO while DOn Rafael is a more nuanced villain,Shiwan Khan is a classic supervillain done REALLY well .Like the guys got a simple goal,he wants to rule the world,cause being descended from a great conquerer he wants to be a conqueror himself.A few things make him stand out ,one is John Lones charismatic performance,especially in his scenes with the Shadow .In classic villain fashion he is a dark reflection of the Shadow.....But of the Shadows past .The Shadow used to be a bad dude but has put his sins behind him to fight evil .Basically Shiwan Khan has all the powers of the Shadow and is what the Shadow would be like is he still pursued evil.What I love is Shiwan Khan actually admires the Shadows past and is diappointed he has turned good cause he really wants him to rule with him .He also reminds me of Kilgrave from Jessica Jones in how he uses his mind control powers to convince people to kill themselves who mildly inconvience him .With cool powers ,a good performance and a great dynamic with the hero ,I think Shiwan Khanis one of the most underrated supervillains in superhero movies and best villain of the 90's pulp movies trend
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@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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