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avevobisognodelloceano · 4 years ago
[Marrakech - A spasso per il Souk]
Inizia il nostro secondo e ultimo giorno nell'affascinante Marrakech. Giornata piena nel Souk in cerca di suoni, odori e colori da filmare e registrare, cerco di cogliere tutta l'essenza di questa magica città. Mi lascio trasportare da tutto quello che vedo e sento…mi ci perdo, è un circo incredibile: venditori, giocolieri, suonatori ed incantatori di serpenti. E' davvero impossibile sfuggire al fascino di questo luogo. Con ancora in testa le immagini di questa splendida avventura affrontiamo il lungo viaggio in treno per il ritorno a Rabat. Alle 23 siamo di nuovo in barca, ansiosi di riprendere il nostro cammino per mare, in attesa che il vento giri verso Nord-Ovest.
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memeurbane · 6 years ago
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Got to show babe some of my favorite places in North Bend a couple of weeks ago.❤️ . . . . . . #northbend #pnw #pnwonderland #gameoftones #artofvisuals #photowall #thecreatorclass #theimaged #fatalframes #heatercentral #houseoftones #expofilm #moodygrams #discoverearth #uncalculated #visualsoflife #welivetocreate #staywild #optoutside #wildernessculture #wanderlust #theoutbound #exploretocreate #visualsgang #whyweshoot #thevisualscollective #createscenery #folkcreative #createcommune #modernoutdoors (at Franklin Falls) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHyg8ppgRM/?igshid=1vgvj5vbk2jzy
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vanished98art · 6 years ago
Here is the trailer for "HOPE FOR A BETTER WORLD" a short film by @rockyhorrorvictorshow in partnership with @thescreammproject and Me! You can see the full video from the link in my Instagram bio Check it out! 🤗 #film #video #thescreammproject #ilovethisjourney #collaboration #expressing #art #artistsbeingartists #create #welivetocreate #love #peace #throughdarkness #likestarsweshineinthedark #warriorofpeace #beautyoflife #youtube #shortfilm #beyondexpression #insta #futureofnodepression #art #videography #friends #family #music #local #phx #az (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byao-y7lZdS/?igshid=18kdsgn2utni8
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damnairfresh · 7 years ago
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Isn’t it amazing how many folks flock to the spotlight but never want to deal with the heat! Changes is never comfortable but it is always necessary..#itsgettinghot #changeme #uncomfortable #heatwave #spotlights #shine #damnairfreshener #allgasnobrakes⛽️🏈🚴 #welivetocreate #creativitywithinyou #iamwhoiam #greatnessawaits #transformation #beastmodebaby 👩🏻‍💻🔥💪🏽#interstrength #devinedesign #drawfromwithin 🔥❤️👊🏾⚔️⚔️⚔️
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findingmarv · 8 years ago
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take time to do what makes your soul happy. . . . . . . . . . . . #artofvisuals #typekita #pinasmuna #thelostkidsph #vsco #vscohub #findingmarv #curationnation #WTNadventures #timeoutsociety #travelstoke #theglobewanderer #welivetocreate #livefolk #folkvibe #visualsoflife #vscophilippines #fotografiaunited #exploretocreate #manilamagazine #vscophilippines #wewandertoo #ipadlettering #procreateapp #brushlettering #thedailytype #typematters #grammerph
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ghanaweddings-blog · 9 years ago
Tag your dumsor partner. Brought to you by creōtv #welivetocreate #valsday #dumsor #ghanawedding
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findingmarv · 8 years ago
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this didn't happen. . . . . . . . . . . #artofvisuals #typekita #pinasmuna #thelostkidsph #vsco #vscohub #findingmarv #WTNadventures #timeoutsociety #travelstoke #tastethefeeling #cocacolaph #welivetocreate #folkvibe #visualsoflife #vscophilippines #fotografiaunited #exploretocreate #manilamagazine #vscophilippines #wewandertoo #ipadlettering #procreateapp #brushlettering #thedailytype #typematters #grammerph #PIHABF21 #balloonfestph
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findingmarv · 8 years ago
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taste the feeling . . . . . . . . . . . . #artofvisuals #typekita #pinasmuna #thelostkidsph #vsco #vscohub #findingmarv #WTNadventures #timeoutsociety #travelstoke #tastethefeeling #cocacolaph #welivetocreate #folkvibe #visualsoflife #vscophilippines #fotografiaunited #exploretocreate #manilamagazine #vscophilippines #wewandertoo #ipadlettering #procreateapp #brushlettering #thedailytype #typematters #grammerph #PIHABF21 #balloonfestph (at OMNI Aviation, Clarkfield Pampanga)
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