nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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No filter needed. This is a daily. Living here has changed the way my heart perceives things. Information of all kinds is now being revealed deeply, by listening and observing the new patterning taking place and getting to know new familiar faces. Connecting to truth and honoring your uniqueness is so crucial in this life and especially at this time. I now love the people I choose to surround myself with. I feel more authentic that I ever have felt and have no fears of doubts on my souls path. No more illusions with self. No more monkey mind. Dissolving the ego takes time kids and No offense to city life but fuck does it suck your true potential out of you sometimes AND can also really make you grow if awareness is present. It's been a super big journey to get here and honestly I wouldn't have had it any other way. We're all complex beings. Definitely True Life Warriors - The trek is always worth the next levelness you've been waiting for and seeing with a new perspective changes E V E R Y T H I N G. As I groove with these vivid New Mexico sunsets on the Mesa in the Mountains by the River, during my night walks beneath the Milky Way with my two pups, I sharpen my human experience to a magical tip, and I remember what life is. #nativeshamangypsy #truelifewarrior #heartknowingness #timetolisten #observeandlearn #raiseyourvibration #wereallinthistogether #welcomingthisgoldenage (at Rio Grande Gorge)
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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The real life filter : are you ready to turn it on? Let it play and the good times roll through into you. Changing sweetly the tune, of all your realness, and activating new truths that lie ahead. It's such a wonderful road; this life. Make it a good one, and become one with yourself. Moving makes my heart grow with fondness for those who travel, those who live at constant beats with the universe, those who believe in great happiness and courage of their hearts. Ignite your Truth and Conquer with Love. #nativeshamangypsy #powertothepeaceful #welcomingthisgoldenage #earthmedicineislove #intothewildway #ceremony #mydrum #rockwoman #mogollonrim #manifestmagick
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Gonna miss this deck and forest: walking outside sipping tonics and watching the elk roll through as I type this... their antlers are so velvety this time of year. Really beautiful and meaningful, embracing the masculine channeling the feminine commingling with all life forms is key during this shift. So much is changing, constantly rearranging, showing us that mirror of the shift within. Love yourself. Love yourself. Give love to others. Give Love. Flow. Flow. Flow with the wind, take note of all things, and remain true to father sun and mama moon. Yesterday a huge red tail hawk flew right over me with the biggest rattlesnake in its talons, it was so vivid I could see the scales in its shadow underneath the Magick. Pay attention to the signs the universe is singing so clearly, every moment here is golden. Choose to be Golden. #transformingyourvibration #nativeshamangypsy #earthmedicineislove #arizonaforestgypsy #welcomingthisgoldenage #powertothepeaceful #moving #destinationstation #golden
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Forever a nature bird woman at heart. I resonate so much with this piece, I see myself living in a jungle or rain forest as my hair begins to grey one day. With feathers being my main medium as a native artist and at the current rotation of our Sun, I realize it's sacredness and secret gifts that are given when working with such Medicines. Feathers shield and transmute energies that not only are not efficiently supportive of the harmonious energies that are at hand but again they connect us deeply to the unseen worlds modern day humans have slowly tuned out over the years::: the animal kingdom which speaks louder everyday and with all this change taking place on Earth now we must truly listen, to begin SEE & HEAR their messages, honoring their lives as equal to our wrinkles of Earth Time Bodies. The stunning visual art is created by an artist I truly admire in more ways than one : @rosiesayersdesign I would be so honored to hang a piece of one of your beautiful dreamscapes to christen my new historic adobe home in arroyo secco Taos New Mexico for all my future clients to gaze upon as they come in for healings, readings, and all things sacred and deep. Because when you return to the mud, you know the truth. I would be honored if you choose me for this magical contest your having #rosiesayersdesign #feelinlucky #nativeshamangypsy #powertothepeaceful #mysaturnreturn #welcomingthisgoldenage #dreamscape #meditation #truth #visualawakening #connected #manifestmagick #earthmedicineislove #birdwoman
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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It's happening. This rainbow soul is packing ship and sailing into the golden sunrises of tomorrow. Live and let LIVE. Transform your vibration along the way of today, with smiles ear to ear. Processing a lot and loving the shed down, moving is therapeutic when there is no stress. There's seriously no need to stress when your able to catch the shit that weighed you down along the way, and when you shed you become whole and light in a renewing sense. Time to pack up my crystals in and outside of the house! Woooooo I'm driving right in. When the crystals get packed you know it's on: I'll be there soon Taos! #transformingyourvibration #nativeshamangypsy #earthmedicineislove #shed #mysaturnreturn #movingtotaos #taosnewmexico #powertothepeaceful #stressless #release #process #welcomingthisgoldenage
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Let Us Dream & So Be It! Since I was a young blood I've been tuned into this ultra greater reality....you see, my skin lights up when I talk or write about it. The feeling is unmeasurable of knowing and simply the knowing of truth is indescribable at times. So here is goes: It is officially to all the lovely people that care::: I FOUND MY TRUE HOME IN ARROYO SECCO IN TAOS NEW MEXICO. Here my roar with this lions gate and retrograde babes! I am having a yard sale next Friday & Saturday here in Pine Arizona. Shedding lots of art supplies, crystals, all kinds of artists findings including my tower garden and some of my bitchen vintage antique wooden furniture and a lot of plants!!!! Come dig some out of my garden hehe ✨👍🏽✨ I move at the end of the month, everything is exciting as fuck lately, totally inline with the planets and this extra special orbit around the sun. Returning home for my Saturn Return in ways my heart has always desired and has become very real over these last weeks of traveling. I am feeling more wholeness with everyday of just BEING and realizing this global network of human souls is BEYOND POWERFUL. We are igniting that old ancient knowledge that never left our cellular blueprint, blossoming like a 1,000 petal lotus and rising from the ashes with our beautiful Earth Mother now, forever. WE ARE ON TIME! & IT IS MY TIME TO FLY - OUT IF THESE MOUNTAINS & INTO NEW SACRED LANDS - SHARING LOVE ALL ALONG THE WAY. I give you my truth : always. #nativeshamangypsy #transformingyourvibration #olddoodles #moving #packing #purdging #yardsale #pineaz #taosnm #arroyosecco #mysaturnreturn #powertothepeaceful #welcomingthisgoldenage
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Into the Wild, where my feet and mind belong. Letting my heart be steadfast in New Lands, and realizing Love is all that we can truly be, all we want to be, and always is our truest nature of giving and receiving. Being open to what and how you truly wish to express instead of repress changes everything. Breaking the systems with Love and letting your unique gifts shine is something we must do and connect to. Mama Earth teaches everyone and everything lessons. Our feet know how to receive: So let them. I am rooted even more deeply into my loving nature while wearing shoes that are conscious, observing, learning, realizing truth along this red road called Life. Every step of the way counts, time to make conscious footprints without hurting our Earth Mother. It is time for all of us to shine, and remember what we desire as a collective consciousness. #moccs #handmademoccasins #earthmedicineislove #transformingyourvibration #powertothepeaceful #welcomingthisgoldenage #activation #initiation #purple #moccasins #mirabalmocs #lovemyfeet #sacredwater #gratitude (at Taos Pueblo)
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Bringing some tropical vibes to my cloudy forest this wondrous morning . Creating, creating, creating that ✨golden✨ for those ready to receive. All the new dreamers will be ready to ship by this weekend 😊. Please direct message me if you are interested in placing one of these transformational pieces in your home or as a gift to someone who could use a boost. I create to be of service. I love what I do with my very heart and soul. My art is Alive. Sometimes you gotta just feel it, to believe it! #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #nativeshamangypsy #powertothepeaceful #triangle #dreamcatcher #turquoise #charoite #welcomingthisgoldenage
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Dream away with your soul! Time for the great remembering to take place..... remember your dreams and dream powerfully! This spirit dreamer is available to be shipped to their rightful home. DM me for inquiries. Great for traveling, Gypsy dens, all places that it speaks to be. I make my dreamers in triangles with black bamboo from California, because I am a water baby and honor my roots and where I grew them. THREE is A transformational number. Pyramids generate an immense source of energy that truly transforms vibrations around their placement. Like the sacred pyramids all over the world, we too can connect to that type of frequency. Three holes to cycle and filter out energies and clean our spaces so emergence of truth and clarity can arise in our homes, healing spaces, offices, laboratories and beyond. Hehe... So let the truth be seen and let your soul Remeber.... how divine you truly are. Triangles are my favorite shape! #welcomingthisgoldenage #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #nativeshamangypsy #spiritdreamer #clarity #truth #activation #remembering #pyramidpower #trianglelove thank you to the beautiful visionary @heaven_and_highwater for having the vision that supports my craft and being creative with me! I am honored to call you my true friend. 🌙 y'all should go check out and follow him, he shines beauty to the world!
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Everyone desires to find their unique rhythm, their external hearts beating in their own stellar sequence with the cosmos. All of us have UNIQUE gifts to share in this human life. The biggest challenge can be change itself. Shifting out of the old ways of doing, thinking, & perceiving what we thought was truth. All truth lies within our cellular being, and without resistance the shift comes easier than it would if you fight it. There are many many many out there in this world who seem lost, or in a way fighting to open up to this new wave of energy coming down from the cosmos to our planet we call home. For those I have hope, and the ones that are awakening I honor with so much gratefulness and dignity, to step into your unique gifts and rhythm is the biggest blessing to ever experience. The one thing that will always be constant is change, so why do so many fear it or have issues relating to it? Breathe it, feel it, live it. Be the change you wish to see in our New Golden Age! Don't forget, We're all in this together, no matter your age, place, face, or desire. We got this & We are on time. Time to make it happen people. Seek your Desire. ✨🙌🏾✨ #nativeshamangypsy #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #welcomingthisgoldenage #truthsetsyoufree #loveyourself #loveyourlife #breakingdowntheseflawedsystems #freedom #consciousness #expanding #growth
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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🌈SPIRIT WINGS w/ Titanium Quartz🌈 Great for all things ceremony, wonderful for alter spaces, amazing for smudging. I've had clients tell me these pieces truly guide them when clearing their sacred spaces and houses magnetically picking up where to go first. The crystal and the feather like to flock together. Pretty much anything you can wrap your feather mind around these spirit wings can be used for. I use them in my healing sessions to clear the aura, and when I smudge my home, and they come with me when I travel sometimes too. These turkey tail feathers are from a local little farm nearby in this forest and have amazing life giving energy. Grounding, humbling, loving, giving & receiving of all kinds are the nature of these tools. Turkey teaches us to give from the heart so that we may begin to receive the abundance of blessings that come from giving and knowing when to. DM me if they are calling your name! I ship worldwide🌈🦃🌎✨#earthmedicineislove #transformingyourvibration #nativeshamangypsy #oneofakind #madewithnativeindianlove #spiritwings #titaniumquartz #embracetheunknown #begintosee #welcomingthisgoldenage 📷: @heaven_and_highwater ✨🙏🏾✨
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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We are the ones we've been waiting for. Don't forget that for even a second, just work on connecting to your truth, what you love, and what you seek in this lifetime. We can break free of these chains, living in such systems that felt like prisons will always be wrong. But the power and the beauty in us is that we can BE that change that our ancestors are waiting for. We are co-creating the realities wished to be seen in every given moment. Do you choose to be free or give your time doing something you don't love to do? We are the first wave in this New Golden Age. The Ocean has an immense amount of power and knowledge in the waves, and all I've learned about waves is that they are endless, and out of this world powerful, and they give birth to so many new and wonderful things. Don't fight the flow. If you catch a wave, you will know which direction your heart & soul needs to go. If it feels wrong - it IS wrong. It's time to go back to a life of simplicity so we can begin to share our unique gifts with one another in harmony. Don't be afraid to stand for what you believe in. We are the ones we've been waiting for... time to remember that. #nativeshamangypsy #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #soulfull #fuckthesystemwithlove #wereallinthistogether #wearetheonewevebeenwaitingfor #welcomingthisgoldenage
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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All things wonderful are Wild & Free. Ready to create a new moon collection, ready to raise my vibration deeply into the unknown, I'm ready to move to my true home. Being back in this forest feeling very unplaced, I know is temporary, everything is temporary. Thankful and grateful to experience this truth rising within me now. Thanks to all who wished me birthday blessings, thank you all for being a part of my journey and listening to the channels I connect with and share. It is truly an honor to be on this path with All, in Spirit. Three is the number I choose to work with today, three beats of my drum, three creating a pyramid for success, three to channel new vibrations, three to get me back there. #transformingyourvibration #nativeshamangypsy #earthmedicineislove #three #numerology #digit #wakeuppeople #weneedyou #welcomingthisgoldenage
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nativeshamangypsy · 7 years
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Seriously happy when I wear this hat and when I have my garden days. Thought it was time for a good ol selfie: I have been completely off gridding it. And it's because so much has been happening in my body and in this life. I am now officially back to being. Being all that is me and all that is life, stepping into the new parts of my soul at this moment, at this time, while wearing my favorite sombrero. At times like these I thank the change and the challenge, feeling it in my veins and asking for more, more gratitude, more respect, more love flowing out of us and into our Earth Mother. There is much work to be done, LOTS of work to be done, to reach our highest and live our Golden Age on this wondrous planet, but... we're on time!!! We're all in this together, tribe. Proud and honored to be a part of this amazing #medicinetribe!!!! #nativeshamangypsy #bethechange #tunein #thinkless #justBE #findlovewithin #feelyourself #loveisthehighestfrequency #naturalfrequency #earthmedicineislove #spreadlove #spiritwarriormedicine #medicina #littlegypsyearrings #welcomingthisgoldenage #unlockyouruniquemagick on another note @medicine.tribe I'll be seeing you guys in Taos in a couple of weeks and I can't wait to shed some tears of love and light with y'all as I dance my Gypsy tush off. It's official, just bought my ticket and I'm so ready for the adventure, into beautiful New Mexico I go. Thank you for the Medicine! 🌎✨🙌🏾✨🦋 (at Pine, Arizona)
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nativeshamangypsy · 8 years
The travel vibe strong. Prenumbral lunar eclipse vibe strong too! 🌎🌝🌞I am headed to the city of lights. This gypsy is beyond ⚡️ELECTRIC⚡️ today and learning so much from this new cosmic universal energy daily it just blows my mind! I send love blessings to all walks of life! FEEL THE CHANGE! BE the change! #welcomingthisgoldenage #spiritmedicine #stepintowonderland #earthmedicine #nativeshamangypsy #transformingyourvibration #earthmedicineislove #arizonaforestgypsy
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