#welcome to a new au! exclusively here on tumblr at the moment
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Report nro. 34456-446: Lost sight of the suspect in level 2089; the suspect was not apprehended; the surroundings impeded with the process of apprehending the suspect
Report nro. 35567-447: The suspect was chased down to level 2089; the patrol in charge lost sight of the suspect due to poor conditions of the surroundings, which made continuing the chase at full force dangerous for the members of the patrol; the suspect was not apprehended
Report nro. 36678-448: The last sighting of the suspect was near sector 8994 of the level 2089; the patrol in charge of the chase had to slow down their approach due to poor conditions of the area in question, to make sure there would be no excess harm for the troopers; the suspect was not apprehended
Requisition for equipment upgrade, form 6678 B-3
Requisition DENIED
See more information below
There was a headace incoming. Fox could feel it.
Stone raised a brow at him when Fox informed him about it.
"You know, if you can already feel the headache, it means you have a headache", he said.
Fox glared at him.
"When someone tells you that they can feel a headache coming, the last thing they usually need is someone being a smartass", he said, barely restraining himself from gritting his teeth. It wouldn't have done him any good either on the headache department.
Stone didn't seem at all phased by Fox's bad mood. He just shrugged, and then reached over the desk and snatched the datapad right from Fox's hands. That did make Fox grit his teeth, but he forced himself to relax. If the datapad was in Stone's hands, it meant that Fox didn't have to look at it anymore.
He drummed his fingers on his desk, as he watched Stone scroll through the reports and the requisition form.
"You asked for better safety gear for unstable ground and low lighting conditions?" Stone glanced at Fox over the datapad. "Those are weird things to deny, especially since they want us to increasingly patrol the lower levels, even outside an active investigation."
"You think I don't know that?" Fox scoffed, and then tried to make himself relax again. Nothing about this situation was Stone's fault, and Fox didn't like taking his frustrations on his brothers. Other people outside the Guard yelled at all of them enough already, they didn't need their Commander to do the same.
Stone didn't, thankfully, still seem at all phased by Fox's mood. He continued to scroll for a moment longer, his forehead creasing more and more by every second.
"The request was denied because there have been no observations of conditions on the reported area, that are deemed unsafe enough for us to need better equipment?" He glanced at Fox again. "That doesn't make any sense. You have clearly attached the trooper reports onto the form. Did they not read them?"
"Probably not." Fox pushed his frustrated thought out of his head by sighing very deeply. "Or if they did, the person in charge of processing the requests that day just deemed the risks not worth the credits."
Both of those options were just as plausible, as both of them had happened just as many times by now. Fox leaned his forehead on his hand and pressed his thumb hard against his temple. They were just past half a year in their posting, and most things about it sucked already.
Just think about the fact that you have a bed that is not full of mud, sand, or bugs, he told himself. Just think about the fact that at the very least, you don't have immersion foot syndrome. You have things good in here.
That thought helped a little bit, but it didn't change the fact that they had still been denied of the gear they needed, and now there was heavy breathing against the back of Fox's neck.
Stone must've felt it too, because he sighed as well.
"So they expect us to just throw our men at the danger and get results, no matter the cost?" He clicked his tongue. "And when we do that, a few weeks goes by, and they start complaining about too many casualties."
"Tell me about it." Fox jammed his thumb harder against his skin. There was a burst of pain under it as he found the point of tension. "We need to come up with a new tactic for situations like this. Increase the force or use of weaponry, if the suspect starts heading towards an area we know is unsafe. Update all the patrols with a map of said areas."
Stone started to drum the desk now as well in Fox's place.
"That might work", he said. "At least for now, it's the best we have."
"I'm going to implement it until we get the time to have a larger meeting about this issue." Fox forced himself to straighten up. "Give me the datapad back."
"No", Stone said, frowning at Fox. "You're not supposed to be looking at them. You're not supposed to be even thinking too hard. You can knit together a broken bone, but not a concussed brain. You're lucky I haven't already tattled about you to Index."
"Like Index would do anything."
"He would look sad, and then his two little terrors would come down here and kick the door in", Stone said. "You know they don't respect anyone in here, other than Index."
Fair point. Still, Fox extended his hand.
"I promise I won't do any more work", he said, "but I need to send a couple of messages to Casset. He agreed that there is a very high chance that all of these recent cases are related to some sort of bigger activity, as all of their movements are similar. He promised to look up some old reports from before the war and send them over."
Stone tilted his head.
"That sounds a lot like working", he said. "And why do you need Casset to do it anyway? Couldn't you have asked Mirror to find those reports for you?"
"Mirror has other things to do than to slice through old security databases and see if there is anything even remotely related to this", Fox said. "If a natborn wants to be helpful to us, I'm going to take it. It doesn't happen too often anyway."
Casset was the new head of Security for the intelligence office, though Fox had by now realised that it didn't mean a lot, despite the important-sounding title. Casset's job was basically to keep up with five hundred different channels and double the amount of systems used for processing and archiving information related to security. Most of the time Fox saw him, he was talking to at least three people at the same time through his commlink. But still, for a natborn officer, Casset was not bad. He couldn't tell Fox and his brothers apart most of the time, but that was forgivable, and he, at the very least, didn't try to actively make Fox's life worse.
Stone knew all of that as well. He looked back down at the datapad, and then back at Fox.
"True", he said. "But still. It's still working."
"Well someone has to do it", Fox shot back. "And since all of you are busy picking up my slack, because I got thrown off a moving speeder and landed on my head a little bit too hard, I can type a couple of messages."
Stone himself was still in full armor, despite the fact that he had already been on his feet for at least eleven and a half hours. Perhaps Fox should've adopted the train of thought of just doing as Index had told him to do, so he could get back to work faster and prevent Stone and the others from growing massive bags under their eyes as well, but the truth was that he didn't have the luxury to do that, and that was also something Stone knew.
Stone looked at the datapad again, and then with a very displeased look on his face, he handed it back to Fox.
"I will tell Thorn about this", he said. "And if you're still here doing anything else than messaging Casset when he comes back from his patrol, I hope he throws you into a cell for as long as it takes you to fully recover."
"Whatever." Fox had just opened his messages, when Stone's commlink started to rapidly beep for an incoming call.
"Speak of the man", Stone said, and opened the call. "What is it?"
"We found the suspect on the latest case." Fox sat up a little straighter. What Thorn had just said didn't yet tell him a lot, since they had multiple cases open currently, but he sounded serious enough for Fox to immediately recognise that this was about something important.
"What case?" Stone asked.
"The suspected theft of the hyperdrive parts from the shipments to the GAR mechanics", Thorn explained. "The Nautolan guy who worked as an engineer there. Edix. He managed to slip from the patrol somewhere around level 2100 a couple of days ago."
Stone looked at the datapad in Fox's hands. They had both just read report 448, so at least the whole thing was fresh in their minds.
"Yes, I know him", Stone said. "Are you bringing him in here yourself, or do you need someone else to process him?"
"About that", Thorn sounded like he was grimacing when he spoke, "he is being sent to the medical center at the moment. He was...I don't know how to explain it, but he looked like he had been through a lot during the past couple of days. He was barely coherent, and even that is saying it too nicely. We need to make sure that he doesn't die before we can get anything out of him."
"Was he injured?" Stone asked. The answer should've been straight-forward, but instead, Thorn was quiet for a moment.
"Didn't look like it", he said, finally. Fox scowled at the commlink.
"What do you mean?" He asked. "You just said that he was being transported to medical because you're worried he will die without attention."
Thorn didn't seem at all surprised by the fact that Fox was also there, as he didn't comment on it at all.
"He didn't have any visible injuries, at least not anything bigger than a couple of scratches", he answered. "I'm not a medic or an expert in Nautolan physiology, so I can't say for sure what's going on, but he was just...laying here. Gripping onto the ground like he had just managed to crawl to where he was. Didn't even try to resist the arrest, he just stared at us and sometimes muttered something, but our translation software couldn't pick up clear words from it."
Fox gave Stone a look. This wasn't the usual way of operation. If there were no visible injuries, the suspects were to be transported into the medical section of the prison, where they would be monitored, until they were cleared to be well enough to be admitted for regular processing. Fox knew this. Stone knew this. They both knew that Thorn knew this as well.
Fox also knew that Thorn didn't do decisions that went against regulations without a good reason.
"Why did you call up medical personnel right away?" Fox still had to ask. There was something weird in the way Thorn was speaking. Fox wouldn't have said that he was being too serious, no. He just sounded like he was on edge, in a way that Fox recognised many of his brothers and other officers to be when they had seen something rather gruesome, but were able to compartmentalise it away after years of seeing things just as bad or even worse. The problem was just the fact that what Thorn was describing didn't sound like it was anything too grotesque.
It wasn't like Thorn. Perhaps he was just leaving things out while they were on the call. It could've explained it, at least for now.
Thorn sighed heavily.
"I deemed it necessary", he said, now sounding a bit frustrated. "Look, the medical officers that came to take him away agreed with me, and I'm going to trust their word on this. We want our suspect to be able to withstand interrogation. We've already gotten too much drag for all of this, and I don't want any more of it."
That was true. At least now they would have something to show for themselves.
Fox bit back his own sigh.
"Alright", he said. "We'll talk about this after the official report has been made."
Thorn breathed in deeply a couple of times. They were all working too much, Fox reminded himself, especially now that Fox wasn't doing full hours.
"Yes, Sir", Thorn said. "I'll be back to base in three hours, if nothing else comes up. I hope you're not in your office anymore by then, because I don't have the energy to be gentle with you tonight."
"I can accept that", Fox said. "Call me if something else comes up."
"No, I will be calling Stone, because he is the one on duty right now", Thorn said. "Over."
He ended the call before Fox could say anything else. Stone had the audacity to smirk.
"You heard him", he said, and stood up. "Message Casset, and then go to sleep. I mean it."
Fox sent him a much more vicious glare than the previous ones, but Stone still didn't seem to care. He just took Fox's empty cup of caf from the desk, and marched out of the office without a second look.
Fox leaned back on his chair with a groan. His head definitely hurt now. Maybe it had been hurting to whole time. Who knew. Not Fox, that was for sure.
Going to sleep did sound rather nice, Fox wasn't going to lie. He could've given himself a moment, but he knew that if he did so, he wouldn't be able to make himself do anything else, and he really did need to message Casset. It was the least he could do.
He straightened himself, lifted the datapad, and typed a message. Then he leaned back again and closed his eyes.
He wasn't sure how long had passed, but he startled awake when there was a chime coming from the datapad. Fox straightened himself a bit too fast, making both his neck and head thrum. The light coming from the screen seemed definitely brighter now than it had the last time, and Fox had to squint at the device until he could lower the brightness enough to be able to see clearly.
Casset had gotten the reports. He was sorry for them being not sorted in any way, as he had had to pull them from different filing systems. Fox understood very quickly why he was apologising when he saw the size of the datapack attached to the message.
Fox put his head in his hands and just breathed for a moment.
Then he pressed download.
#welcome to a new au! exclusively here on tumblr at the moment#it's the Corries featuring the Horrors TM#or the Horrors TM featuring the Corries#some of these are shorter and some of them have more plot in them#treat this as tumblr anthology shorts of ficlets#The Other Reports#sw#tcw#my writing#Star Writing#Commander Fox#Commander Stone#Commander Thorn#the coruscant guard
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Welcome to Usoppâs 14-Day Tall Tale!
Hello everyone! I'm excited to share this post early so that everyone can get a head start. After discussing when to kick off our celebration, we've (admin and mod) decided to begin Usopp's two-week community wide birthday week a day early. Instead of starting on Sunday, we will begin today on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025. (community link)
The name of our community event is "Usoppâs 14-Day Tall Tale." Please use the hashtag #usoppdaycom2025 to let us know you're participating.
Read on for more details, including the infographics, to understand how to participate, as well as the writing and fan art prompts. There is also a separate event being organized on a Tumblr blog (by completely different people), and we encourage you to participate there as well. However, please note that their event is completely separate from ours, which will last for two weeks.
Further details about the rules, guidelines, and prompts will be provided later in the post.
Read more below:
Weâre celebrating Usoppâs birthday with a two-week-long event â giving everyone more time to join in, create, and share their love for our favorite sharpshooter. This event is exclusive to this community, but feel free to tag your work with #usoppdaycom2025 both inside and outside the community so more fans can find and enjoy it.
How to Participate:
Youâre welcome to contribute fan art, fanfiction, edits, or any other creative works inspired by Usopp.
A few important guidelines:
If your work is NSFW or potentially sensitive, please include a content warning.
No plagiarism. All entries must be original (itâs okay to reblog or share other peopleâs work â but to participate, submit something made by you).
Late entries are okay! If you miss a day or need to catch up, feel free to post whenever you can â just let us know.
This is a pro-Usopp space. Constructive takes are welcome, but if your post misrepresents or bashes Usopp, it doesnât belong here.
Other Usopp Events:
Thereâs another event running separately â @usopp-week-2025. Feel free to participate in both! Just remember that this community event and Usopp Week are two different things. If youâre posting for Usoppâs 14-Day Tall Tale, please use the tag #usoppdaycom2025 so we can find and appreciate your contributions.
Where to Share:
You can post your work directly here or link to AO3, Fanfiction.net, Bluesky, Twitter/X, or wherever you usually share fan content.
Support Each Other:
Even if youâre not contributing, please take a moment to react to and support other peopleâs posts. A quick like or comment can really brighten someoneâs day â and itâs free!
Need Help?
If you have any questions, need clarification, or want to help moderate the event, message @chowyunnafat or @theviolettulip. (Weâre also looking for two more moderators â if youâre interested, reach out!)
Most importantly â have fun!
Letâs make this a celebration Usopp would be proud of!
Week 1: March 23rd - March 29th
Sunday - March 23rd â Usopp the Sniper
From his sharpshooting skills to his strategic mind, Usopp is one of the best snipers in the world. Show off his marksmanship, whether in battle, in a quiet moment of practice, or even in a scenario where his precision changes the tide of a fight.
Monday - March 24th â Yasopp and Banchina (Mom and Dad)
Usopp's parents shaped different parts of his lifeâYasopp, the legendary sniper who left for the sea, and Banchina, the mother who stayed behind. Explore their dynamic, Usoppâs relationship with them, or how their presence (or absence) has influenced his journey.
Tuesday - March 25th â Modern Day AU (or any AU)
Give Usopp a new setting! Whether itâs a modern world where heâs a tech-savvy streamer, a detective in a noir universe, or something completely different, reimagine his story in a fresh way.
Wednesday - March 26th â Angst and Water 7
Water 7 left scars on Usopp, both emotional and physical. Revisit this arc through his eyesâhis struggles with self-worth, the impact of his fight with Luffy, or the weight of being left behind. But does that pain still linger even now? Explore how it affects him post-Water 7, even in subtle ways, or how heâs grown from it.
Thursday - March 27th â Usopp Love
A day to appreciate Usopp! What do his friends love about him? How does he show love to others? Whether itâs found family, romance, or platonic bonds, this prompt is all about celebrating the heart of the crew.
Friday - March 28th â Usopp Keeping His Distance
Usopp often hides his emotions, keeping others at armâs length when heâs struggling. Maybe itâs self-doubt, fear of burdening his friends, or lingering insecuritiesâhow does this manifest, and how do others react?
Saturday - March 29th â Usopp Saves the Day
Despite his fears, Usopp has always come through in crucial moments. Whether itâs an epic battle, a clever deception, or a small but meaningful act of heroism, showcase a time when Usopp truly shined.
(community link)
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Hey everyone! Welcome to my fic masterlist! Iâm so glad youâre here, and before you start exploring, there are a few things Iâd like to share with you:
Exclusively on AO3: I only publish my work on AO3, so if you happen to see my fics floating around somewhere else, please let me know. Itâs likely an unauthorised reproduction, and Iâd appreciate your help in keeping my work safe and where it belongs.
Tags and Themes: While I do follow certain themes and motifs across my fics, each one has specific tags on AO3. These tags are there to help you navigate the content and ensure it aligns with your preferences. Please take a moment to check them out before diving inâthis way, we can both avoid any awkward or uncomfortable situations.
Tumblr AUs: If youâve enjoyed any of my AUs on Tumblr, youâll find their final, polished versions on AO3. Tumblr asks are fantastic for sparking ideas, but when it comes to writing, I put a lot of thought into my decisions, and the final product is always what you see on AO3.
No Post-Publishing Changes: Once a fic is published, I typically donât make changes or add new chapters in between those already released. While I donât foresee this changing in the future, if thereâs ever a significant update or adjustment, Iâll be sure to keep you in the loop through my platforms.
Thanks so much for your support and for being part of this community. Writing is a joy, but sharing it with all of you makes it truly special. I hope you continue to enjoy the stories, and I look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about the fics.
Happy reading!
ââ⊠Through the Night â One shoot. Canon divergence AU. Cabin fic.
Itâs through the night when Erenâs mind doesnât stop thinking while his hands donât stop tracing the profile of the sleeping woman who rests at his side. The boy loses his faith and sinks alone. And itâs through the night too when Mikasa's sweet touch calms his demons. âWe'll be free. The two of us, just waitâ.
ââ⊠White Mustang â One shoot. Modern Au. Smut.
At a party packed with wealthy people, Mikasa is too bored to try to function with the dynamics of that environment. Just when everyone seems to be minding their own business, someone suggests her to illegally escape, even if it is just for a few moments. Destiny? The Mustang car parked in the empty back lot.
ââ⊠Snowdropsâ One shoot. Canon divergence AU. Cabin fic.
Eren lifts his gaze green as the summer forest to meet Mikasa's pearly sparkling eyes. How lovely she is, he quickly thinks. "You can join us looking for snowdrops next Christmas. This time we'll wait for you. I promise." He nods with small tears of affection accumulating in the lines of his eyes. He likes that beautiful feeling. "Of course. We will."
ââ⊠Accidentally in Love â One shoot. Modern AU. Goth Eren & Normie Mikasa.
"She's so pretty, she's outstanding everywhere, and she also studies a difficult degree. Meanwhile, just look at me! I haven't left my goth stage since I was a teenager! I'm a complete disaster!" When a goth boy finds himself smitten with a cute girl (who happens to be his best friend), he's faced with a challenge: overcoming his shyness to ask her out on a date.
ââ⊠Love is a War â One shoot. Greek AU. Ares & Aphrodite retelling.
Just when the warrior thinks the girl will walk silently away, she turns around, dazzling him with her grey gaze. He quickly concludes that her eyes are not like stars. They are like distant galaxies in the universe that shine brightly, like sparks produced by the clash of the metal of two swords. âMy name is Mikasa.â She looks up at him with the corners of her lips turned up, her cupid's bow so deep and so⊠captivating. âThe goddess of love and beauty⊠or so they say.â âEren,â he says, introducing himself, after a few seconds that taste like an eternity. âGod of war.â In which the God of War falls madly in love with the goddess of love.
ââ⊠I apologise if you feel something â Short multi/chapter fic. Modern AU. OG Metalhead Eren.
âMaybe we could make it, you know⊠more private.â Mikasa thinks about it for a few moments. It isnât a secret that Eren usually has one night standing with his fans. If she agrees, she knows that sheâll become part of a seemingly long list. As much as Eren, the vocalist of âThe Rumblingâ is the boy she has had a crush on for quite some time, is it worthy being on that list? Maybe, just maybe... yes.
ââ⊠don't ask, don't tell â One shoot. Modern AU. Mikasa/Eren/Mikasa
âWe can make you feel better, you need it.â One of them tells him with her tender tinkle voice. âYou've been so lonely lately, haven't you?â âDon't think about it too much, Eren.â The other girl demands with a fearless tone. âYou need us.â Eren could have pushed them away, he could have finally run away, because he never told either of them his name. However, he closes his eyes and lets them put a pill on his tongue that he swallows with pleasure. Then, everything goes blackâŠ
ââ⊠All He Ever Wanted â One shoot. Modern AU. Inspired in Around the corner by ili-akkaman.
The day his nose met the strength of her fist smoothly transformed into days riddled with secret kissing in the same house as Carla and Faye; behind the curtains, in the kitchen, or in the garage. Dating secretly from Levi, only around the corner from Mikasaâs house, with the significant risk of being discovered at any time. Yet when they were alone, all the prior tricks they did with fidgety hands fissioned and burst into something wonderful. They invariably ended up rubbing together, tangled up on Eren's mattress of soiled sheets, utterly disregarding Mikasa's curfew.
ââ⊠Scarlet â Ficlet. Canon divergence AU. Scarlet With inspired.
And at that moment, it all became crystal clear to her. The four years of bliss, the cabin in the mountains, and the unborn child were nothing more than a long dream that had finally reached its end. Welcome to the real world, Mikasa.
ââ⊠The Promised Princess â Longfic. Medieval fantasy AU. aka Lord Eren & Princess Mikasa. ONGOING
âI'm not sure how to describe it to you, but I saw you, Mikasa, in the deepest of my wolf dreams, I saw you. It makes me think that perhaps⊠Perhaps we were always meant to be together.â When the last rays of summer kiss the lands of the Seven Kingdoms, a spring-born princess is betrothed to a Winterlord. With small traces of an immemorial connection between dreams, they will soon realise that it is not simply the promise of a king that has drawn them together.
ââ⊠Chemical Hype Boy â Longfic. Modern AU. aka Actor Eren & Idol Mikasa. ONGOING
âIâve reached a point where I canât even picture a life without you anymore, let alone breathe. Youâve taken over my world, become my everything... My foolish heart? Itâs not mine; itâs yoursâall yours to take and hurt if you want, Mikasa.â Everyone knows that A-list actor Eren Yeager hates idols. Yet his life is abruptly disturbed when he meets Mikasa, a top idol who has trained with blood, sweat, and tears to find her spot on stageâbeing him her biggest inspiration. A relationship, tinged with flavours of secrecy, ignites between them. But can it last when their not-so-similar worlds threaten to keep them apart?
FLOWERS SERIES â Set of one-shots inspired by the eremika cabin with an accidental pregnancy.
ââ⊠Growing Flowers â One shoot. Canon divergence AU. Cabin fic.
You know, we never did get married.â âI didnât think it mattered to you,â she answers. âHonestly, I feel like weâve been married for a long time already.â Erenâs laughter, though somewhat strained, rings out as if heâs made an effort to do it. âWell, youâre right about that,â he concedes. âIâve been married to you since I met you. But if you need a ringâŠâ He reaches into his pants pocket and retrieves two wedding rings, their origin a mystery known only to him. âHere, this is for you.â âErenâŠâ Mikasaâs voice trembles, and she fights to keep her composure. She doesn't want to break down. She should not. She must not. She cannot. âThank you,â she says instead, allowing him to place the wedding ring on her finger. Yet Mikasa secretly believes that the red scarf serving as the baby pillow in the basket is her true wedding ring. Months after their daring escape from the ravages of war, two soldiers find themselves confronting the bitter reality that the dreams they once held dear still persist. Flowers grow in Mikasa's belly, and Eren does nothing but cultivate them until his last breath.
ââ⊠Blooming Flowers â One shoot. Canon divergence AU. Epistolary sequel to Growing Flowers.
Please, when my time comes, wait for me on the other side and hold my hand, Eren. Rest assured that I will recognize you instantly, I always did, and I always will. Perhaps, there, we can live a long and happy life together. Wouldnât it be wonderful? Now and always yours, The girl who never gave up on you, Mikasa. Mikasa grieves by writing letters to her most beloved, recounting the events that have unfolded since he went away.
ââ⊠Whitered Flowers â One shoot. Canon divergence AU. Epistolary Sequel to Blooming Flowers.
Thank you for the life you have lived, for the strength you have shown, and for the love that has never faded. You are, and always will be, the most extraordinary girl I have ever known. Our journey together is far from over; it is simply moving to a new and beautiful chapter. You and I, Mikasa, we will be eternal. Lovingly yours, The boy who sought freedom, The one who loves you the most, Your husband, Your man, Eren. PS: I am waiting for you on the other side and trust me, I am ready to hold your hand. In the afterlife, Eren responds to his most beloved's letters.
ââ⊠Dark Knight â Oneshoot. Medieval AU. aka Knight Eren & Crown Princes Mikasa.
âI need a child,â she states bluntly. âMy husband is unable to provide one, so Iâm compelled to explore other options. I, umâŠâ Mikasaâs voice wavers for a moment, but she clears her throat, summoning her strength. âI wish for you to father a child with me.â âSo you would have me as your whore?â Eren interrupts, his voice laced with an undercurrent of menace. The rawness of his words strikes her like a frigid wind, stealing the breath from her lungs. Naturally, he would think of this as a calamity to his chivalry; surely, in this moment of humiliation, he feels no shame in hurling insults her way. The Crown Princess is desperate for an heir, and who better to fulfil this need than her devoted Dark Knight?

UPDATED: 23/11/24
#eremika#eremika fanfic#eremika fanfiction#eremika fic#eren x mikasa#masterlist#dead dolphins writing
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Marcus Moreno Summary: Dieter takes Marcus to a party in the valley. WC: 4.5K Warnings: 18+ MDNI Sexual content. Exclusive M/M dynamics. Written in third-person POV, male protagonists. Anal sex, dirty talk, kissing, cum play, semi-public sex. Small angsty moments. Yearning. So much yearning. AU Marcus Moreno (no wife, no Missy). A lot of purple prose and waxing poetic.
A/N: Hi, hello, it's been a very very long time since I've shared any writing here. I don't have any good excuses other than real-life stressors, mental health and anxiety, and the overall stress of being on Tumblr really really got to me. I'm trying to ease my way back in. Slowly. I've really enjoyed catching up on all the amazing fics you guys have been writing. Thank you to everyone, still here or otherwise. Even when I was off dealing with irl stuff, I could feel the support.
Pretend Alleyways Masterlist II Main Masterlist
For any new writing follow @radiowallet-writes and turn on notifications.
Marcus chewed at his nail bed, surveying the house from the backseat of his Uber. It was hardly the first time heâd pulled up to the Sherman Oaks home. He was comfortable with the routine at this point. Tapping in the code for the front gate with practiced ease. The same one Dieter had scribbled onto the back page of a forgotten script after that first night together in New York City, his cell ringing incessantly from his back pocket, a car waiting down the curb to whisk him away. Marcus swore he could still taste the mint and menthol on the actorâs breath when he stepped in close and pressed the paper into his hands, kissing him until his toes curled.Â
âPlease say youâll come visit.â
After that, it had been one strategically planned visit after the other. Marcus was almost mathematical in his process, arranging flights out west around his patrol schedule, switching shifts, and taking on extra duties just to rationalize the time away. Burning the candle at both ends but not caring even in the slightest, happy to run his tank on empty. Heâd drive all fucking night if it meant more time with Dieter.Â
So he took to the task with a vigilant level of focus, texting details and arrival times, the actor responding with a barrage of emojis, always ending with a heart.Â
Marcus liked the way the little pixelated picture made his stomach flip.
Once together, it became less of a routine and more of a dance, the two of them falling into an easy rhythm that Marcus had no desire to predict. They would lose themselves in each other, wrapping tightly around the other, the heat impossible to turn away from. There were late nights and early mornings, the color of the sun replacing the hours on the clock. Sometimes, he would give up on sleep all together, content to match the actorâs eccentricities, watching Dieter move from room to room, minute to minute, until the other man would return to his arms.Â
But as each visit came to a close, Marcus would find himself falling back on easy habits, his mind already making plans and rearranging schedules, focusing on that instead of the overbearing weight of goodbye.Â
In the middle of one farewell, Dieter had grinned and nipped at his bottom lip, a tease curling around the curve of his cheek.Â
âDonât worry so much about the vigilante shit, sweet boy. Youâre welcome anytime.â
Marcus had frowned at that, but Dieter was unfazed, humming an off-key pop song under his breath before giving one more piece of advice.Â
Be spontaneous.Â
Marcus had gnawed on those two words the entire plane ride home, the concept both enticing and diabolical at once. He imagined all the ways he would have spoiled Dieter if they lived in the same zip code. Spur of the moment cups of coffee, flowers just because, nights in and out and everything in between. But even those daydreams felt out of reach, Marcus unable to let go of the need to control everything. Everything. Everything that he possibly could.Â
Except Deiter Bravo.Â
The actor was bound for overseas, a six-month shoot looming ahead, lonely and large. They had spent the weekend before much the same way they had any other. Twisted together, sweat and cum and lips and hands pressed into bare skin, ignoring the ticking of traitorous time. Cruel miles were taking the other man away from him, and Marcus couldnât stop the swell of jealous fear flaring inside his heart.Â
Would he even be missed when the whole luminous, wonderful, exciting world was waiting for Dieter on the other side of the tarmac?Â
A deep cough from the front seat dragged him back to the present, and before he could second guess himself again, Marcus climbed out of the car, tapping out five stars with one hand and grabbing his overnight bag with the other. He hesitated, just the smallest moment of debate, before he knocked, three sharp raps on the large black door. There was a shout from inside, Deeâs voice alerting someone he would get it, a breath and a curse as the lock was fiddled with, and then they were standing face to face after only 39 hours apart.Â
Dieter seemed shocked to see him and he didn't bother hiding it, his jaw dropping in time with his arms, the shirt he had been buttoning hanging open to reveal his bare chest. Marcus couldnât help but steal a glance of tan skin and a soft belly, licking his lips in anticipation. When Dee called his attention back up, the other man was smiling wide.Â
âThis isâŠâ
âA surprise?â
âA great fucking surprise.âÂ
It was almost a blur after that. Fumbling hands and broken laughter as they came together in a messy kiss. They managed to make it up the stairs and down the hall, Dieterâs bed barely breaking their fall.Â
Marcus wanted to take his time, should have been taking his time, but Dieterâs voice was in his ear, thanking him â thanking him? â for showing up tonight. Thanking him and begging him and pressing salt-slicked lips into the curve of his neck. And before he could breathe the other man in, savor the moment that was coming out of nowhere, they stripped away each and every layer, Dieter panting beneath the hurried press of Marcusâs fingers deep inside.Â
Sooner rather than later, Marcus was sliding into the other man one final time, their hips flush and their fingers laced. He came with a groan, face buried into the dip of Dieterâs neck, while the actor sunk his teeth into his shoulder, the pleasure burning away into the edges of pain. Only after they both found their breath, bodies pliant and limbs loose, did Marcus find his voice.Â
âDo you want to order in?â
Dieter didnât say anything and Marcus craned his neck up to peek past the other manâs chin and catch a glimpse of him worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.Â
âDid you already eat? Because thatâs okay.â
âNoâŠ,â he started, fingers tracing a line of muscle from the top of his shoulder and back around, lingering along the teeth marks he left there only minutes earlier. âI havenât eaten. IâŠthereâs this thing I have toâŠ.well, not have to. I was getting ready for it when you knockedââ
âThereâs a party,â he finally blurted out, eyes finding the swing of the ceiling fan above, a grimace pulling his lips into a jagged line, a deep shade of pink settling on his cheeks.Â
Marcus leaned up on his elbow, watching the small battle of wills dragging across Dieterâs face. He thought maybe he should try to comfort the other man but he was suddenly anxious, those creeping realities working their way up his spine.Â
âA party?â
âYeah, itâs sort of this farewell thing my friends are throwing,â he explained, not needing to. âReally, just an excuse to get blitzed.âÂ
The lack of eye contact suddenly made much more sense.Â
âYou wanted to go.â
It wasnât a question.Â
Dieter was up and over him in a flash, one large hand bending around Marcusâs jaw, thumb pressing the seam of his lips shut. âI didnât want to be alone.âÂ
Marcus pursed his lips, the pad of Dieterâs thumb still pressing firm. He felt the callous from where Dee cheated his paintbrush, a perfect spot to push a kiss before pulling away.Â
âYou want to go.â Â
Dieter searched his face, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, trying to pull apart the determined set of Marcusâs jaw. When he came up empty-handed, he fell back to his elbows with an exaggerated sigh, one large hand still cupping the cut of the heroâs cheekbone, keeping his thumb close enough to touch.Â
âI want to go with you.âÂ
Marcus smiled from where he was leaning against the doorway, watching Dieter rummage through his ridiculously sized closet, a string of muttered musings leaving him as he pulled item after item off of hangers. The Heroic had slipped back into his jeans and t-shirt once the decision had been made that they would attend the party together, not really packing (or owning) anything that fit the L.A. scene.Â
He was two steps towards the bathroom, intent on fixing his messy hair when Dee stopped him with a strong grip on his elbow.Â
âLeave it,â he teased, a quick kiss pressed to his lips, fingers tugging at one of the sweat-slicked curls.Â
Now he was standing behind him, sliding a stone-washed jean jacket up one arm and then the other, one more kiss, this time gifted to the back of his neck. The jacket hangs a bit loose around him, Marcus guessing a mix between the cut and style, and Dieterâs broader frame both at play. He couldnât help himself, tugging the collar to his nose and inhaling deeply, the smell of weed and cologne and something subtle sweet filling his lungs.Â
He felt Dieterâs eyes, watching him carefully in the reflection of the mirror, his hands finding the dip of his waist beneath the bulky fabric, gripping hard then soft, one, two, three times. Marcus took in the pair of them â sex-mussed hair and bright blush on him, wild eyes, and a teasing smile on Dieter â and he suddenly had no desire to go to this party. Any party.Â
All he wanted was for Dieter to pull this jacket off the same way he had so easily slipped it on, and drag him back down to the safety of the mattress.Â
âCome on, sweet boy,â he hummed, the hook of his nose tracing the shell of Marcusâs ear. âSooner we get there, sooner I get to take you home.â
The word followed Marcus down the stairs and out to the car, his stomach flipping each time he let the meaning of it roll around inside his head.
Driving in L.A. was an experience in and of itself. Marcus had made his own attempts, managing to find a rhythm in the few times he had been sent out to the west coast on assignment. It wasnât much different than driving in any other city, as long as you were prepared to sit in what felt like endless hours of traffic. Of course, Marcus had the pleasure of abusing side streets and off-ramps when it came down to emergency situations.Â
Driving with Dieter behind the wheel was a different experience altogether. He seemed unfettered by speed limits or traffic lights, one hand on the wheel, the other wrapped around Marcusâs knee, singing along to the song on the radio but only getting about half the words right. If not for his powers and years of honing his reflexes, Marcus would have maybe suggested he do the driving when he was in town.Â
As it was, it was nice to settle into the plush leather seat and listen to Dieterâs slightly off-key voice, his hand squeezing Marcusâs knee in time with the beat of the music. He leaned back and closed his eyes, weighing the risk of asking Dieter to just keep driving. Maybe if they kept going, all night and all day, they could avoid the inevitable goodbyes looming in the distance.
The last time Marcus and Dieter had been at a party together, they had only ever heard of each other, recognizing names and faces from newspapers and movie screens. They didnât know any different than what was said in headlines or plastered on billboards, rumors and hearsay coloring in their opinions of one another. How many assumptions had Marcus made about the actor upon that first meeting? That he was pompous. Self-centered. Selfish. An addict. An asshole. A monster.Â
Or maybe Marcus was afraid that was how Dieter saw him.Â
The monster in the night. The shadow that lurked in the corner. Fighting away the evils of the world, the palms of his hands so very dirty with blood and secrets and violence. Living in the between of good and bad and never knowing where he really stood.
But when their eyes met across that darkened alley, only the glow of Dieterâs cigarette casting shadows between them, those half-truths and packaged lies that Marcus took for granted started to fall away. Somewhere between their small secrets and one smokey kiss goodnight, he started to learn who Dieter Bravo really was.Â
This party was different in so many ways than that first elegant affair. Gone was the light classical music, replaced with something loud, a heavy bass and fast lyrics. Bowls of chips instead of passed trays. Stiff black and white was traded in for soft denim, Dieterâs scent surrounding Marcus from room to room. They entered the party together, no longer separate, no longer strangers, and instead more.
So much more.
Dieterâs arm was wrapped around Marcusâs waist, holding him close by his side as they navigated the packed mansion. The crowd parted around them, little waves of people ebbing and flowing to make room for the two men, boisterous cheers of joy raining down upon them. Dieter preened beneath the attention, his smile wide and his cheeks warm, the hand wrapped around Marcusâs waist squeezing hard to grab the Heroicâs attention.Â
âThey like to make a fuss,â he hummed into Marcusâs ear.Â
He couldnât help but cock his own grin back, turning his head just enough to brush his lips along the shell of Dieterâs ear, delighting in the shiver that followed. âI think you like the fuss.âÂ
They get separated about an hour in, an inevitability between the number of people vying for Dieterâs attention and the sheer size of the house. Marcus excused himself to the bathroom, trying and failing not to be annoyed when the first empty one he found was on the opposite end of the party. By the time he made it back to where he left Dieter, the other man had moved, now sitting on a couch, friends and fans alike draped around him.Â
There was something strange about watching Dieter Bravo in what some would consider his natural habitat. He was bright and shiny and impossible to look away from. He almost looked relaxed, his arms thrown over the back of the sofa and his legs stretched out long, only the tap tap tap of his heel giving him away.
Marcus wanted to insert himself. To crowd himself beside the other man and press his palm to the bend of his knee in hopes of soothing away the small tremor of anxiety, but he hesitated, his own worries holding him in place. So he stayed where he was, back glued to the wall, arms crossed and frown firm, as he tried to decipher the scene playing out in front of him.Â
Was Dieterâs laugh real just then? Or was the one Marcus had teased out of him hours prior? The sounds seemed so similar, a copy of a copy that looked and felt and sounded real. Were his cheeks pink because he preferred their attention over Marcusâs? Or was it because this room was too damn hot? What did it mean when Dieter touched her knee? Or kissed his cheek? Or leaned a little bit more into their touch?Â
And why did Marcus care?Â
He didnât consider himself a jealous man.Â
But it almost felt inevitable, the dark tendrils of jealousy seemingly always present, ever since that fateful moment in the alleyway, smoke and secrets traded away for unspoken promises for more. Marcus clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes, watching the other man glow beneath the attention of others. Was it merely a reflection back of the attention poured upon him? The mirrors of a disco ball catching in the light and shining for the delight of others? Or was Dieter just enjoying another moment in the limelight?Â
Marcus couldnât seem to see the line between real and fake, or what side he stood on.Â
Someone handed him a drink in the midst of his brooding, and the sting of the alcohol paired well with his bitter mood. He was trapped in a hell of his own making, refusing to look away from the crowd gathered around Dieter, but hating every second of it.Â
The jealousy burned inside of him. What had just been something dark mingling in the background was now present and in full force. Marcus was jealous. Jealous at how effortlessly Dieter lived his life, able to navigate crowds and fame and fervor without ever breaking a sweat. Jealous at how his smile seemed just as bright as it had when he opened his door hours earlier. Jealous at how someone else held the attention of his sweet brown eyes.Â
And suddenly there was fear. Icy cold and horrifying reality.Â
Marcus didnât belong here. Here with these pretty people and their clean lines and bright lights. He was messy edges and dirty hands, stained with years of violence that would never scrub clean. There was dirt on his ledger and red on his chest, and Dieter was beautiful. So very very beautiful.
Another wave of panic gripped tight at Marcusâs throat.Â
When was the last time he told Dieter he was beautiful? Yesterday? Or the day before that? Either way, it wasnât enough. Not nearly. And he couldnât fathom a world where he lost the chance to say it again.Â
He couldnât lose this. He couldnât lose him.Â
The lights above them flickered, an unwelcome side effect of his superpowers, Marcusâs unruly emotions too much to handle all at once. It was just enough to drag everyoneâs attention up, stealing their eyes away from Dieter, but only briefly. The actor caught his gaze in the small interim, brows pinched and lips curved, his sharp mind putting the puzzle together. Marcus blushed beneath the scrutiny, feeling very much like a child caught in the midst of a crime. He slammed the cup down on the nearest surface he could find and shoved his dirty hands in the pockets of Dieterâs jacket, and turned away, the lights flickering one last time as he made a quick and embarrassing exit.Â
From behind he could hear the shout of a stranger.
âHey, Dee whereâs your boyfriend headed?â
Marcus was so focused on the fact that someone else called him âDeeâ that he missed the way Dieter's eyes lit up at the word boyfriend.
The bathroom he had found earlier was blissfully empty, and he took care to lock the door behind him. He braced himself against the sink, the cool porcelain a balm to the heat of his palms, breathing in and out, sharp and fast, to match the beat of his heart. A knock came seconds later, Dieterâs voice chasing the sound.Â
âLet me in, Marcus.â
It didnât sound like a request.
Marcus unlocked the door with a flick of his wrist, and the actor slipped in, eyes pinning him in place as he locked the door behind him. For a moment both of them refused to speak, 2 feet of space between them, and enough silence to last a lifetime. It was Dieter who finally broke the tension, stepping forward until Marcus was within his reach, the palm of his hand cupping his cheek to keep him close.
âFlattered as I am, I canât decide if I like jealous on you or not.âÂ
Marcus knew it was foolish to lie at this point. If his fucking superpowers hadnât given him away, then storming off surely had, and any denial would have rung hollow. Besides, they had promised. Months ago, in an opulent hotel room, cum and sweat sticking them together. They promised to always be honest with each other.Â
âI donât belong here, Dee.â
âShut up.â The sentiment came out as a tease, the tip of Dieterâs thumb tracing the stubble along Marcusâs cheek, but the look on his face was serious.Â
Marcus shook his head, unsure how to say what had seemed so clear to him only minutes ago. âIâm notâŠIâm not gââ
âI swear to fucking all, if you say the word âgood,â Moreno.â
His mouth clamped shut, and he smiled for the first time since he left Dieterâs side earlier in the night. The other man yanked him in for a quick kiss, only pulling a breath away when he spoke again.
âYou are better than all of us, sweet boy. Please tell me you know that?â
Marcus wanted to shake his head in disagreement, the very idea that Dieter saw the good in him too much to bear, but the actor was already kissing him again, lips slanting sweetly along his own. When they broke apart for the second time, Dieter said it again, and then again, each time pairing a kiss with his words. Marcus thought maybe he would have kissed him a hundred times and then a hundred more, praise and adoration passed between them until the inevitable end of time caught up.Â
But then Dieter crowded in closer, kissing him with much more fervor, his intent clear. Hands scrambled as belts were tugged free and pants were pulled down, bodies twisting until Marcus was plastered to Dieterâs back. He slipped inside the broader man easily, still slick with his release from earlier. Dieter whined at the stretch, pressing back into Marcus, fingers curling around the edge of the bathroom counter as he began to beg.Â
âHard, baby. Please.â
Marcus nipped at Dieterâs ear, refusing to move, the entire length of him buried to the hilt inside him. âHow hard?âÂ
âHard,â Dieter begged again, squirming in Marcusâs tight grip. âHard as you can. Need to feel you. F-feel so good.â
It was an intoxicating rush, reducing Dieter Bravo to stumbling pleas and wanton moans, and Marcus swore as long as he was able to pull air into his lungs he refused to take that feeling for granted. He pressed a soft kiss to Dieterâs skin and gently nudged his nose to the back of his head, coaxing his gaze up to meet Marcusâs in the mirror.Â
He dragged his hand up Dieterâs chest, stopping to feel the steady thump of his heart, one, two, three beats, before moving up to wrap his fingers around the other manâs throat. He whined again, writhing to and fro, the sound more pitiful with each passing second that Marcus refused to move.Â
âIâve got you, mi cielo. Iâve got you,â he hummed the promise, pressing another kiss to Dieterâs sweat-damp curls. He squeezed the actorâs throat again, watching as his cock seemed to pulse in time with the action. He bit back his own groan, his own cock painfully hard where he was buried inside the other man.Â
When he finally moved, it was slow, almost torturous for the both of them, but Marcus refused to be rushed. Not this time. Fuck any and everyone who dared to knock on that door. That dared to interrupt them. That dared to break between this moment. He pulled the other man closer, one arm wrapped around his waist, the other still gripping tight to his throat. Dieterâs hands were still scrambling, designer soaps and over-priced products falling to the floor as he seeked some sort of leverage. He finally found it, stonewashed denim bunching between his fingers as he dug them into Marcusâs forearms.
And only then did Marcus give into his request, snapping his hips as hard as he could, teeth sinking into the curve of Dieterâs neck. There would be bruises, bad ones, but he couldnât bring himself to care, too overwhelmed at the thought of marking the other man as his own. Dieter didnât seem to mind either, begging Marcus again and again to give him everything he had.Â
âWant to feel it,â he sobbed, the pleasure just on the other side of pain. âWant to feel you when Iâm gone. Please.âÂ
âYou will, baby. I promise,â Marcus growled. âYouâll feel me for days. You wonât forget me. P-please⊠donât forget me.âÂ
The admission fell out of Marcus before he could stop it, along with his own broken sobs to match. The pain and tears burst to life, the broken pieces he had hidden all over his body finding new life as he begged Dieter to take it all with him. Each slam of his hips and bruising touch of his hands. Every bite from his teeth and kiss from his lips. The words and the promises and the things neither of them knew how to say but felt all the same.Â
âTake me with you, Dee. Please, take me with you.âÂ
âI will, sweet boy,â he gasped, his body shaking beneath Marcusâs anguished hands. âSweet boy. Good boy. I promise.â Â
Dieter came first, though Marcus wasnât sure how, his sobs and sighs of pleasure long past any sort of coherence. His cock twitched and pulsed, coming completely untouched. Marcus watched Dieterâs face break apart in the reflection of the mirror, his brown eyes wild and skin flushed, lips parting around a feral scream.Â
Marcus fell apart in kind, sparks of heat bursting at the base of his spine as tight velvet squeezed around him, Dieterâs voice in his ear, his jacket sticking to his skin. He spilled inside the other man, tears and spit and snot pressed into Dieterâs neck, little words of praise coaxing him through the brunt of it. Eventually, the tears turned to laughter, the two of them clinging tighter as they made guesses at how many people heard them.
âEither way, I hope they enjoyed the show because I sure did,â Dieter teased, nipping his teeth on the hinge of Marcusâs jaw.Â
They did a piss poor job of cleaning up, Deeâs cum barely wiped clean from the porcelain with a towel found below the counter, too high a thread count for something so filthy but neither man really gave two shits to look for an alternative. The products were tossed haphazardly into the sink, the idea of stacking them neatly ridiculous. They both agreed; you get what you ask for when you throw a party in the valley.Â
Marcus took better care when it came time to clean Dieter up. He warmed up the water from the sink as best he could, using that same fancy towel from before to wipe up the trickle of cum slipping slowly down his backside. He couldnât stop from stealing one small indulgence, using his thumb to press some of himself back inside the other man, Dieterâs legs visibly shaking from the sudden stimulation. Marcus shushed him with a soft kiss to one of the many bite marks littered across his neck, humming out a quiet apology.
âDo they hurt?â
âThey do,â Dieter grinned, tilting his chin to admire the marks as he tugged his jeans up over the swell of his ass. âIâm gonna need a few more before I get on that plane tomorrow.â
âOh yeah?â
âMmmm, definitely.âÂ
Dieter pressed something hard into Marcusâs hand and when he looked down he could see it was his car keys, the silver teeth catching in the light.Â
âTake me home, sweet boy. I have plans for you.â
There was that word again, breathed out so easily, like a promise he knew he would keep.Â
#Marcus Moreno#Dieter Bravo#Marcus Moreno fic#Dieter Bravo fic#Marcus Moreno x Dieter Bravo#mlm#we can be heroes#the bubble#pedro pascal characters
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Superior Specimen - Chapter 7

Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig⊠and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, Shower Sex, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Blow Job, Fingering, Lavish lifestyle, Henry is loaded, The Shard, Expensive Gifts, Sixty nine, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Angst, Argument, Jealousy,
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwritesâ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I donât have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, iâll post to both places.
Chapter 7
 When you emerged from the bathroom Henry was just coming out of the kitchen area, two bottles of water in hand before he opened one and handed it to you;
 âThank youâ you took it from him and lifted it to your mouth, not realising how dry your throat had grown from all the exertion. As you drank in silence you couldnât help but to let your eyes stray over his exquisite body, from his broad chest to his narrow waist, to his thick cock hanging heavy between his enormous thighs. You hadnât realised how long - and obviously - youâd been staring, but when he held his arms out and span slowly around with a smirk on his face you realised it hadnât been in the tiniest bit subtle;
 âLike what you see Princess?â
 Stepping forwards you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his chest as you smiled at him;
 âYou know I doâ
 With a sly grin you pressed the cold-water bottle to his naked ass and he let out a high-pitched squeal and leapt forwards, knocking you to your ass onto the soft plush carpet. Propping yourself up on your elbows you grinned at him as he towered over you, a look of dark amusement on his face;
 âOh, you are in for it now Princessâ
 You let out a squeal as he suddenly swooped down and threw you over his shoulder before stalking back to the bed and tossing you onto the king-size mattress. You squealed and laughed as he was suddenly upon you, tickling your sides in a relentless fashion as you writhed and wriggled beneath him. With your legs entangled you were soon rolling around, skin sliding against skin and you could feel him getting hard against your belly. In a moment of weakness you were able to twist your body enough so that suddenly you were on top, straddling his waist. You caught his hands in yours and intertwined your fingers together, your chests heaving from exertion and laughter.
 You leant forwards and pressed a kiss to his lips, and thatâs when you felt it. You werenât sure if henry knew what you were about to do, but as you knelt back upright and rolled your hips just right, you slowly sank down onto his hard length that had notched just right at your entrance when youâd kissed him. His eyes went wide in surprise, his jaw hung open before the feeling of your hot soaked walls completely enveloping him was too much to process and his eyes fluttered shut;
 His lip trembled as you slowly rolled your hips, arching your spine before straightening. With your fingers still linked you moved, riding him slowly, spelling out letters and words with your hips to rub him just the right way to make him go crazy. Out of all the times he had known how to work your body and drive you to an intense orgasm, now it was your turn. With a roll and curve of your hips you felt his fingers tighten against yours, his mouth moving but unable to get out the words he wanted to say, before finally finding his voice;
 âHu-holy⊠fuck... Princess, I-if you keep going Iâm gonna cumâ
 âThatâs the planâŠâ
 âBut youâŠâ
 âShhh⊠donât you worry about me Hen, just enjoy itâ
 His body relaxed when he realised what you wanted to do, that you werenât concerned about your own orgasm, and instead wanted to drive him completely crazy. With a swirl of your hips you started to spell out certain letters with your hips. You closed your eyes and concentrated on spelling and with each letter Henryâs moans and cries got more heated. On the second to last letter he let out a high pitched whine and his hands flew to your hips, the tell-tale tremble where your bodies were joined, and as you swayed your hips from right to left to right to left it was the trigger and his back arched, pumping you full of another load of his thick seed.
 He wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you down to his lips, kissing you before you settled onto his chest, your head resting on his shoulder as you held him in the afterglow of his orgasm. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely a whisper;
 âThank youâ
 âUmm, youâre welcome?â
 âNo, really, thank you. Itâs been a long time since a lover has solely given me pleasure without expecting it in return⊠which I absolutely will do, butâŠâ
 In that moment you felt for him, you knew that he knew he was a skilled lover, but when you have a skill sometimes people can take it for granted. You went to speak but in that moment your stomach rumbled, and you giggled as he ran a hand softly over your back;
 âYou are feeling hungry again Princess?â
âWe did work up quite an appetite⊠do you think itâs too late for room service?â you propped yourself up and smiled at him.
 âGo check out the fridge⊠I would move but youâve rendered me useless for the next few minutes with that pussy from heavenâŠâ
 You delicately shifted off him, feeling his now soft member slip out of you, and you stood on wobbly legs, walking bow legged to the kitchen as you felt Henryâs cum slowly coating your inner thighs. Bending to look into the fridge you let out a squeal when you saw the large plate decorated with miniatures of all the restaurants famous desserts.Â
âBring two spoons!â you heard Henry call from the bed and you smiled as you did as he asked, carrying the plate in one hand and the cutlery in another as you made your way through the room lit by a single lamp at the side of the bed that heâd switched on and settled the plate on the bed beside Henry as he sat propped up against the plush pillows. You handed him a spoon and grinned;
 âOkay so weâre not going to just eat these off each otherâs bodies?â
 âUh-huh⊠you see this one?â he swiped his spoon halfway through what looked like a chocolate cheesecake; âThis one has cocoa nibs in⊠they get caught in my chest hairâ
 He lifted the spoon to your lips and you moaned as the rich Ecuadorian cocoa hit your taste buds, before grinning and talking with your mouth full;
 âSo, youâve done the body cheesecake eating thing with someone else?â you cocked an eyebrow, before your eyes went a little wider when you saw him start to blush and you stopped chewing.
 âNot exactlyâŠâ he took a deep breath and smiled sheepishly; âI was staying here last year - my Air B&B wasnât ready - and I ordered room service. I had fucked up my shoulder on a dig so couldnât be bothered to wear a shirt⊠and proceeded to drop an enormous spoonful of cheesecake on my chestâ
 You let out a burst of laughter, struggling to keep the chocolatey mess in your mouth as he continued;
 âSo not only was it super cold, it got caught in all the hairs⊠and my dominant arm was fucked up so when I went to pick it out I missed the plate with the crumby base and dropped it on the floor⊠then proceeded to step on it and leave a trail of brown stains across this carpet to the bathroom that looked like Iâd trodden shit around the suiteâ
 Your eyes watered from trying hard not to laugh and spray cheesecake over him, but the thought of him having to speak to the concierge about another âits-not-shit-its-cheesecakeâ incident was too much⊠thankfully Henry could see your predicament, quickly reaching to the plate to grab a paper napkin that had been set on it and handing it to you so you could spit the cheesecake out.
 The pair of you picked at the desserts, feeding each other, talking and laughing, before you stifled a yawn;
 âI need some sleep⊠youâve worn me outâ
 âLet me get rid of thisâ Henry grabbed the empty plate and started towards the kitchen area; âAnd then Iâll see about sorting you out Princessâ
 Standing you smiled as you headed towards the bathroom, your body and mind in that pleasant glow of pre-sleep, absentmindedly calling out to him;
 âI love you to pieces Henry but you are not coming near this pussy again tonight, she needs time to recover⊠Iâm gonna pee then fall asleep in your arms in that massive bedâ
 With your back turned you werenât aware of Henryâs reaction to your words, how heâd picked up on your casual use of Love, and that he knew it came from the heart.Â
 By the time you returned to the bedroom Henry had lowered the blinds and was laying in bed, the covers to his waist as you climbed in beside him, curling up to his wide chest as he wrapped an arm around you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You were asleep within minutes; however Henry was wide awake, his mind racing, processing something that had never been said to him before.
You woke to find Henryâs arm draped over your waist, his chest to your back as the cracks of daylight peeked in through the miniscule gaps in the blinds that covered the windows. You shifted a little and he rolled silently onto his back, the sheets draped over his lower body and you could tell he was sound asleep. Sitting on the side of the bed you reached for the water bottle only to find it empty, and with a longing glance at sleeping beauty you pushed yourself to your feet in the search for a drink.
 Twenty minutes later you emerged from the shower, having found your lower body to be a sticky uncomfortable mess upon waking, you spied Henryâs shirt from the night before draped over a chair and pulled it on, smiling at the scent of his aftershave as your body heated the luxury cotton as it nestled against your naked body. Quietly making a cup of coffee you peered in at Henry, still snoring away in the massive bed. Letting him rest you took a seat in the dining area, resting your legs on the glass table as you checked your phone, snapping a shot from your hip that showed Henryâs shirt tails draped over your thigh, your steaming mug of coffee, and the London skyline in the background.Â
 One Instagram upload later you were quietly enjoying your coffee as you checked your messages when one caught your eye, from your roommate. As you read it your heart sank. Two years ago when youâd been hunting for a flat share in London youâd been introduced to a friend of a friend, a photographer that had a flat in Fulham and was never home, as he was a Paparazzi and travelled for 9 months of the year. He kept a place in London that was in essence a storage flat, but for security he liked to have a roommate. The last person had moved out and he needed someone to take on the spare room. Rent would be low by London standards, and for most of the year youâd have the place to yourself. Well, now he had decided to make the move to LA permanent, and wanted to touch base with you regarding how you and he should go about sorting the flat⊠and he was giving you first refusal to see if you wanted to buy it.Â
 You set the phone down on the table and stared out of the window, a million and one things racing through your mind⊠did you earn enough to get a mortgage? Would it just be easier to move out and find another place? You were chewing on a fingernail when a large pair of hands slid down your shoulders and slipped inside the open shirt to cup your breasts, whilst the owner of said hands bent over you and kissed you;
 âYou look delicious in my shirt Princessâ
 Henry's voice was rough from sleep, immediately ridding the previous problem from your mind and it sent a jolt of arousal straight to your core;
 âYou looked pretty damn good in it too last nightâ
 Turning you stood and wrapped your arms around his wide shoulders, sighing into the tongue filled kiss as he lifted you and set your ass down on the cool glass of the table. Slowly he unfastened the few buttons that were holding the shirt together, before letting the garment fall open to expose your naked body. He ran his hand down your body, cupping your sex before sliding two fingers through your folds;
 âYouâve showeredâ
 âI have⊠I was stickyâŠâ
 âMmmn⊠Iâll just have to make you sticky againâ
 He angled his hips and you felt his morning wood press against your entrance, his thumb rubbing against your clit as he slowly pushed into your soaked channel. You were expecting him to just fuck you on the table, but when he lifted you and wrapped your legs around his waist, you let out a cry of surprise before he walked the few steps to the massive windows and pressed you against them;
 âI want all of London to see how beautiful you are when you cum, how well you take my dickâŠâ
 He started to fuck you hard against the glass, your head resting against the cool surface as you clung to his shoulders, and with each delicious flick of his hips he was driving you rapidly towards orgasm, his thickness filling you completely. You were almost there when he paused, and it brought your focus back to his face, surprise to see he wasnât looking at you, instead his attention was outside. You following his gaze and let out a shriek: the window cleaning crew were hanging from their gantry, squeegees in hand and jaws agape as they watched Henry railing you against the window they were cleaning from the outside.Â
 With a smirk Henry reached over and pressed the button for the internal window blinds to be lowered, the two of you still carnally connected as the outside world was cut off. In the now muted light Henry started with fresh vigour as he fucked you harder than ever before, filling you repeatedly before you came with a scream, squeezing his body so tight he followed soon after, pumping you full again.Â
 He spent the longest time just holding you, pressing kisses to your face and neck before your legs started to cramp and you begged to be let down, the sclooping sound of his heavy length pulling free of your cum soaked channel met your ears and it sent a grin to your face;
 âIâm going to need another showerâ
 âI think Iâll join youâ he replied with a grin, before picking the room phone up; âIâll order breakfast so itâll be here for when weâre finished, say 45 minutes?â
 You nodded silently, realising that the shower wasnât going to be a âjust get cleanâ shower.
 The shower had proven one thing; Henry was insatiable and had the stamina of a horse. Heâd had you bent over from behind in the shower before youâd both cum, finally washing yourselves clean after that. As Henry shut the water off and stepped out he held out a hand to you, before wrapping a huge fluffy towel around your body and pressing a kiss to your nose. A knock at the suite door interrupted, Henry wrapping a towel around his waist as you started to dry yourself.
 Emerging from the steamy bathroom a few minutes later, youâd tied the soft robe that was provided by the hotel around you and found Henry setting out the trays of breakfast on the table that only an hour before heâd been fucking you on;
 âBreakfast is served! What would you like; waffles? Fruit?â
 âYes, it all sounds amazingâ
 You sat beside each other quietly eating, before Henry sat back and smiled at you;
 âWhat would you like to do today?â
 You shrugged;
 âI hadnât really thought about it to be honest⊠I wasnât expecting an overnight stay at a hotel, so I didnât exactly pack a change of clothes. I guess just head home after doing a walk a shame through reception in my evening dressâ
 Henry stood suddenly, holding a finger up in a âjust a momentâ way, crossing the room and disappearing to the bedroom. You heard the quiet woosh of the sliding wardrobe doors opening, and moments later he reappeared carrying a number of bright yellow giftbags with âSelfridgesâ emblazoned across them;
 âI thought of thatâŠâ
 He set the bags onto the table in front of you, and you raised an eyebrow;
 âHen⊠whatâs in the bagsâŠâ
 âAn anti-walk-of-shame kitâ You stood and looked into the bags, before starting to pull out their contents as he continued to explain; âI wasnât sure what to get, or what the weather would be doing, so I got a few choicesâŠâ
 Pulling a floaty summer dress from one bag you held it against you and twirled around, revelling in the way the fabric drifted on the breeze. Checking the label you saw that it was the right size, before setting it down and going through the other bags. You found a pair of comfortable velvet sliders that your feet would certainly welcome after wearing the high heels the night before, a cardigan, and a bikini that looked incredibly tiny along with some lace panties. Another bag contained travel sized toiletries and a hairbrush. Another held a pale tracksuit in the softest of jersey fabrics. You set everything back into their bags and looked at Henry;
 âThank youâŠ. Is this normal for you?â
 âNo, not at allâ he wrapped his arms around your waist; âWith everything that happened this week, I wanted to treat you, surprise you with a night that couldnât beat any other night youâd ever had with anyone in your pastâ
 âWhat if I hadnât said yes to staying the night?â
 âThen I would have taken all this back to my place for you to use thereâ he shrugged and a smile on his lips.
 âAnd why the bikini?â
 âOh, thereâs a pool here, thought we could make use of it before lunch?â
 The sight of Henry in swimming trunks was enough to make you want to drop to your knees, the fabric closely cropped around the tops of his massive thighs, and the way his dick bulged obscenely in them, well, you were glad you were the only ones making use of the pool. Your bikini that heâd chosen for you wasnât much better, the top merely two triangles of fabric with an array of straps, the bottoms just about covering your pussy but not a lot else. You were thankful for the robes the hotel provided for your short trip to where the pool was.Â
 Once you were in the water however the playful side came out of both of you, hands sneaking under the water for surreptitious squeezes and caresses. Just at the point where Henry was about to have you pressed against the wall of the pool you heard the door open to the pool room, and a family with three kids came in, the kids dive bombing into the water. You both laughed at their excitement of swimming in a high-rise, the views over London just as stunning as in every other room, and as the parents apologised for the kids you told them it wasnât a problem at all;
 âWe were just about to get into the jacuzzi anywayâ
 âWe were?â Henry muttered but didnât argue as you led him up the steps and quickly sank down into the hot bubbling waters, the jacuzzi just around the corner from the pool. You were in the same room but thankfully out of sight, and the second the two of you were enveloped by the bubbles Henry pulled you to sit on his lap, facing away from him.Â
 âThere are cameraâs hereâ he whispered in your ear; âBut they canât see what happens underwaterâŠâ
 His fingers snuck into your bikini bottoms, seeking out your folds before rubbing against your clit. Resting your head back against his shoulder, to anyone watching it would seem you are just a couple in each otherâs arms; what they couldnât see was Henry already had two fingers knuckle deep within you. He was grinding his dick into your ass when you let the water float you above his lap enough for him to tug his shorts down just enough to free himself, before he pulled you down and you sank onto his hardness.Â
 As you watched the city go about its day Henry whispered utter filth into your ear, his hips making the tiniest of thrusts beneath the water, his fingers rubbing hard against your clit as you did your absolute best not to moan, sigh, or give anything away above the water that you had Henryâs massive dick plundering you yet again, this time in public.Â
 His breaths were getting shorter in your ear and you had almost bitten through your lip from trying not to moan at the pleasure that was building in the pit of your stomach, so when Henryâs other hand snuck inside your top and pinched at your nipple you let out a tiny grunt and started to cum, the tightness of your walls contracting around him setting his own orgasm off.
 Soon after you climbed out having rearranged your swimwear, pulling your robes on before nodding to the family that were blissfully unaware of what youâd just done, their kids having been squealing and screaming far more than you two ever could.
 Back at the room and showering again, you laughed as you playfully slapped away Henryâs hands as he kept trying to grab your ass in the shower, before finally turning and cupping his balls;
 âHenry, give these two a rest, theyâre almost empty⊠gotta save something for my afternoon snackâŠâ
 He grunted as you carefully washed him down of the soapy suds that covered his cock and balls, before kissing him once. As he soaped your back his voice was quiet;
 âWhat would you like to do now? Head out somewhere? Borough Market is just across the road⊠Or itâs just a short walk down the embankment to tower bridge⊠we could be proper tourists for the dayâ
 âThat sounds goodâ
 Sipping on the multiberry smoothie youâd bought as you and Henry had looked around Borough Market, the pair of you slowly strolled along the embankment alongside the River Thames. There was little to no breeze which you were truly thankful for as the dress heâd bought you was shorter than you were expecting, however he certainly wasnât complaining and rather vocally had expressed how much he enjoyed seeing you in it. With your fingers interlinked with his you were deep in thought as you sipped on your drink, walking in silence towards the ornate towers of Tower Bridge.
 â... Princess?â
 Stopping you turned to Henry;
 âYes? Sorry, did you sayâŠ?â
 Henry quietly laughed;
 âI have in fact been wittering away for the entire length of the embankment⊠whatâs on your mind?â
 You saw a bench and nodded to it, Henry following you as you sat down;
 âMy roommate has told me he wants to sell the flatâ
 âOh⊠I didnât realise you had a roommate⊠and a âheâ at thatâŠâ
 You sat back and looked at him, raising an eyebrow;
 âAre you... Are you jealous?â
 He leant forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. Taking a deep breath, he let out a single laugh before shaking his head;
 âNo⊠yes⊠kind ofâŠâ
 âYou donât need to be. Heâs gay. Heâs out of the country for nine months of the year. When he is in the country, heâs barely at home with the hours he doesâ
 âWhat does he do?â
 âPaparazzi photographer. Heâll be here for a few months in the springtime⊠when itâs warm enough for celebs to be here for holidays and shopping. Usually starts with the Brit awards in February and is gone by Mayâ
 âWhere does he sleep?â
 âIn his room of courseâ
 You stood, getting frustrated at the points Henry was focusing on;
 âYes, his room. The door off the right of the living room. Thatâs his roomâ
 That was it. He didnât say another word, instead just looked down at his hands. And it annoyed you. This man, this gorgeous, kind, caring man, the same man you had thought of and nothing else for the past few weeks, who had been your knight in shining armour, was suddenly focusing on such a small detail of your life and becoming jealous of it? The longer you looked at him the longer he kept his gaze averted, saying nothing.
 Youâd stayed long enough, silently you turned, the lump in your throat growing as you walked away, tossing the remains of your drink in the nearest bin. You didnât look back. If he was going to be like that over something so tiny, perhaps youâd fallen too hard for him.
Chapter 8 >>>
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Hello I just finished the Pacific and I'm dying. So it's time for me to delve into the fandom and try and fulfil my poor sledgefu heart. Have any recommendations on who's blog to look at or tags? Other than yourself because I most certainly will spend a solid 5 hours going through your tags. I've already seen a lot of your art and I think it's beautiful, just an FYI.
Oh boy do I ever have recs! It was only about a year ago that I was new to the fandom myself and slowly going through @aboutthatmelancholystorm and @persipneiwrites tumblr sledgefu tags every night, reading all of it, and being totally sucked in! ^_^ (I especially suggest Persipneiâs 3:16 AU where Sledge and Snafu are rock stars!) As for art, I think the biggest collection I know of is the blog @marines-r-gay. Some of my favorite sledgefu artist blogs include @skelesocks (Ace Eugene will hold a special place in my heart forever!) @badgerms and my old favorite the-heebiejeebies who sadly disappeared and deleted their blog :( but you can still find their old art in my âsledgefuâ tag on my blog like here. Thereâs no really âexculsivelyâ sledgefu artists out there right now, but there is a LOT of amazing older stuff to be found mixed into peopleâs blogs! My own art/writing sledgefu masterlist can be found here.
More specific fanfic recs under the cut! Iâm focusing on oldies, because I think itâs fairly easy to find the newer ones on AO3 that are still being updated ^_^
Not Quite Home by Seabright - A fix it fic that really fixes things. Post war set in New Orleans with Eugene showing up on Snafuâs doorstep. Snafu is cantankerous and very in character and he /claims/ he canât âfixâ Sledge, but letâs face it thatâs why they need to fix each other. Snafu has a lot of walls up and Eugene breaks all of them down in his steadfast way. This fic captures Snafu perfectly - even in little things like in the way he fidgets and moves. Also the last kiss is just...SO good.
Canon Compliant
Roadverse by Seabright - There are a few authors exclusively on AO3 that like...if you havenât read their entire sledgefu collection yet, you gotta! Seabright is one of them. Roadverse is set after the war and Snafu takes Eugene on a roadtrip to Florida, thereâs a lot of introspection, they fall in love, definitely a happy ending! The writing here is what really shines.
After The Happy Ending by Handdaddyhoosier - Another author itâs worth reading their entire sledgefu collection. This one is also set after the war and is more domestic. A lot of fluff, a lot of slice of life, a lot of Sledge and Snafu dealing with homophobia and overcoming it (!!). Through it all Snafu and Eugene remain sooooo much in love that theyâre stronger together and...yeah...itâs good.Â
Christmas Even Will Find Me by SOMETHINREAL - My favorite canon compliant Sledgefu Christmas fic! Itâs just perfect! Everybody is all together again after the war for Christmas and Eugene and Snafu are playing their own little dance between each other in the corner...theyâre adorable. Plus thereâs a happy ending!
Maybe Youâll Think Of Me When Youâre All Alone by SOMETHINREAL - A very very good fix it fic for after the war. Theyâre both broken but theyâre together and falling in love all over again, yay! I live for first pining and emotional kiss scenes and this is one of the best!
These Foolish Things Remind Me of You by Spoondragon - Merriell is quirky and weird and collects things and his last line in the fic is gOLD. Basically them being cute, with a first kiss. I highly rec ALL of spoondragonâs sledgefu fics!
To Make Much of Time by Hueligan - FIX THE TRAIN SCENE. I will read almost any variation of that train scene where Snafu makes it right, and this one does! AND THEN RUINS IT. So fair warning, you will fall in love with this fic but then it will break your heart. Kinda like Snafu. But itâs ok cause then you can go read one of the OTHER many fix it fics and mend it again.
Tilled Earth by Killerqueenie - Okay, this is one of my absolute FAVORITES. Snafu finds Eugene playing farmer boy in a small town outside of Mobile ten years after the war and Snafu signs himself on as a ranch hand. This one ACTUALLY fixes the train scene. Eugene is prickly and untrusting and Snafu has to earn his right to waltz back into his life. And oh gosh the love each other so so much!
The Magic Helmet by jspringsteen - Cute adorable and totally in character, canon compliant and not actually sledgefu except for some delightful hints that they are into each other more than they let on. Itâs just such a great moment for Snafuâs character that Iâve reread this on multiple occasions.
All You Got by ssstrychnine - Another fix it fic (I know, I love these). This follows canon so well itâs seamless and only adds subtle touches of love between Gene and Snafu - so very believable as a part of the actual show. This author has four fics on AO3 for sledgefu and I suggest reading them all!
The Jazz Lights of New Orleans by Gracefully - Yet ANOTHER fix it fic! Give me them all!!!Â
Like Itâs Only You And Me by SJTrinity - Snafu is an artist in this so of course Iâm going to biased, but this is one of my absolute favorite college AUâs. All our favorite characters are there, including Bill, Burgie, Andy, and Eddie (and even Pops! as a fatherly figure to Snafu though heâs only referenced). Snafu is as chaotic as ever. The romance is hot! There are parts where I almost bust a gut laughing. Also anytime Eugene gets all haughty and bossy with his little furrowed brow over Snafu thatâs like A+ for me.
Learning Curve by Seabright - ok THIS fic defines ultimate pining over Gene for me. I have never related to Snafu more. Thereâs a description of Eugene swimming in a pool that just..yeah...I have feelings. Anyway, itâs a college AU that is tragically UNFINISHED and will rip your heart out, BUT the same author also has a whole bunch of more canon related fic where the two of them do get together, so that eases the sting a little.Â
F.M.L by @badgerms - I maybe have a thing for swimmers, but I love this swimming college AU especially because itâs in Geneâs POV but done so well that it feels real. This fic also delves into mental illness and mental self flagellation (there are some moments that hit REAL hard if youâve ever had eating disorders). But on top of all that, I feel like lollki really captured what is so magnetic about Snafu, and by having Gene put him on this impossible pedestal it kinda reflects what a lot of us in the fandom do with his character. Snafu makes his existence look effortless and thoughtless, Gene is incredibly jealous of how Snafu just lives, their competition is ENTHRALLING.
The Kind Of Stuff That Only Prince Would Sing About by @stolperzunge A coffee shop AU that has Sledge and Snafu just slowly and sweetly falling in love. This one is from Snafâs pov and since I identify with him more you know Iâm gonna love it lol! There are some GREAT funny lines, Snafu has personality in spades. Eugene is a grandad hipster type who also writes erotica....I dunno itâs all amazing go read it.
There Will Be Better Days by SydneyCarton - High school AU. As someone who had a fairly shitty high school experience and many bad holidays, this is...cathartic. Gene is definitely more the caretaker here, he saves Snafu in a way thatâs just as strong as when he picked him up on the battlefield. But itâs all emotional, and Snafu is this scared prickly kid. And Gene is the honor roll kid who has to play the role of best friend secretly in love with the one person who matters most to them. This author never wrote anything else for Sledgefu and I wish they had!
Okay, thatâs a whole bunch! Thereâs even more in my aO3 bookmarks! This list is just me going through my bookmarks and selecting the ones that I especially remembered and is by no means exhaustive of all my favorites in this fandom. Joining the Pacific train late means thereâs a whole lot to choose from and explore...but it also means the list of active blogs is short and not a lot of new content gets posted every day :( I think the Sledgefu community is still going pretty strong, though! Welcome!
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Repost, donât reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Taylor. I joined tumblr for my first ever rp experience and i had never heard of aliases. Sometimes I joke around with changing it but honestly, I feel like its lying at this point. I donât know why. Some people do it for safety issues and I get that but I had such a reputation as being a jerk that I think itâs better to keep âtaylorâ and let people decide for themselves. Itâs never changing. Kind of like this url/blog. Itâs all here. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Favourite muse(s) youâve written: Captain Hook without a doubt. Not a momentâs hesitation. 100 % full stop. The dichotomy of his entire character makes everything so interesting. Iâve waxed on about how much I love this twit as a muse as far as personality etc goes .. but I also love the relationships heâd led me to. The way writing him has led me on my own journey. The things Iâve learned about myself and the way Iâve grown as a writer. Iâm pretty proud of what Iâve accomplished and looking at the writing relationships I have on this blog and knowing they extend for years is just .. so fucking cool in my mind.
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): It was a myriad of things. Iâve always loved captain hook and I had been on tumblr with my personal for the first time ever for about a month when I somehow stumbled across the rp community. I kind of was like âcan i do this?â but I didnât see a lot of literature based blogs and no version of hook that i knew of felt the âideaâ i had in my head. Like two or three days later I was working on an A&P online lab at my best friendâs house and she was trying to get into ouat and the ep she was on was the crocodile. I barely paid attention but I was drawn to Killian from the first moment. I didnât realize he was meant to be captain hook until the last scene when he yells out neverland! but we wonât talk about that. I checked out his next three episodes and was pretty into it. I knew from the first moment I didnât want to write that character, however. I wanted him to be my iteration of Captain Hook. I was wary with the ouat fandom because i was so new and there were a million killians around, so I randomly joined the robin hood bbc fandom and replied to like five opens?? because what was mutual exclusivity back then. He blew up pretty fast and it was a lot of âlearn on the goâ, but here we are. And I wouldnât change anything. Heâs developed so much from how he used to be and I love that because thereâs no way I could write a static character for seven years.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: the anger. the attitude and confidence that is simply a wall formed around a very broken man. He can be so fucking funny. There are a few times where I laugh out loud writing stuff, even the stuff that isnât necessarily in a âcrack auâ. He can be so absurd that he fits in anywhere and I credit barrie for that. He makes the character of âhookâ a very real human being. A killer, yeah, but heâs also a hedonist who is obsessed with keeping his nails clean and has an affinity for flowers. I love that.
Whatâs your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: Peter Pan 2003 does it for me. But also any emotional scene. The Land Before Time usually gets me going on this blog. I also have a tendency to write killian when I feel overinflated with ego or Iâm bordering on the edge of manic. Thatâs when I get my best writing done (for this blog at least) - so I think my activity is usually like three or four days of writing and then radio silence haha. Iâm also a big fan of songs and I have different playlists for different moods I might try to be creating.
Favourite types of threads: FUCKING ANGST. I love angst. I think thereâs such room for growth during an angst thread. Pushing your character out of their (and possibly your) comfort zone - you learn a lot about someone based on how they react in a crisis. Iâm not super good at fluff etc which is probably why I donât ship a lot.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: the time and the energy. there are so many things i want to write and so many people i want to write with - but sometimes I get overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. I worry Iâm too slow and people will get tired of waiting which then leads to me freezing up and being even slower. I struggle with telling people ânoâ now because Iâve tried to be so much more open and welcoming and different than how I used to be and sometimes I end up writing things I donât necessarily feel or agree with as far as his character goes, because Iâm afraid to let someone down or hurt their feelings. Iâm starting to move away from that though. Iâm falling back into the mindset of i donât care. unfollow me...which is a nice change. I think having a lot of my best friends returning has a lot to do with it. It reminds me of how much fun it was when it was just about writing with friends and ignoring tumblr politics / that new atmosphere that has invaded the rpc as far as hand holding goes. Iâve reached my limit when it comes to making myself available for every single person who follows me and Iâm starting to set boundaries which helps a lot. So yeah, its not a really struggle to write or capture him. But dealing with the things Iâve allowed into my rp life that I donât like or agree with .. is a big oof.
tagged by:Â @murdcck
tagging:Â @twistedwit, @matchedrage , @ahbutimavillain, @trickstercaptain, @whisperedreveries , @valorsworn , @copiesofher, @denydefeat + anyone else who wants to ! tag me!!
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Postwoman au
N/A: Here we go. IÂŽm tempted in making this a continuation of my Krampus au or my drabble, yet, I want to do something new here. Also, Santa here is professional but a freak in the sheet (THEREÂŽS A NICHE WHERE SANTA FUCKS) also, would be racist if Santa attends to all holidays?
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
ThereÂŽs an old saying, perhaps not as old as people made out to be, where it goes more or less like this- interpretations may vary and change a word or two- "love conquers all" and is the pure expression of the truth ever since Jean Grey and Scott SummersÂŽs marriage change the course of history forever. Mutants are no longer seen as a threat and thereÂŽs no more social prejudice against mutants.
Is this heaven? Far from it. Mutants and Humans are the same sides of the coin- thereÂŽre mutants cable of doing more damage than a human can dream and of course, thereÂŽre humans that can respond to such violence with the same requiem - and Kitty Pryde is the one living this new reality among all the mutants of the second generation.
I saw the worse.
I saw the good.
And now IÂŽm drifting meaninglessly.
Her body sludge down on the chair. Letting her foot touch the downy floor while the clock ticks and tack a loud sound- her eyes travel towards all the points in the waiting room. From the receptionist doing her work to the big closed door- and Kitty Pryde can see her reflection on the only mirror present. She was never one to put fashion above all, not even in such a situation. Wearing just a white shirt, short jeans and a yellow jacket wide open.
Then her land on the few magazines on display. Different magazines. Same story. Jean and ScottÂŽs wedding was a fantastic story, but, sadly it has one unhappy ending. A man bursting into the church to confess his love for Jean Grey- Jubilee and Kitty was sure Logan would be the one to cause such scene- it was Prof X declaring his undying love for Jean Grey. It is still a nice gossip.
âWhen a father lusts over his sonÂŽs girlfriendâ Kitty reads one of the main topics of the magazine. Repugnance is clear in her face and body language.
Another magazine has images of Prof X after his confession and even promised an exclusive interview with the man to explain himself. Kitty rolls her eyes at that- she reminisces when Bobby asks her to come to the wedding as his plus one. His boyfriend and he break up before the big day and Bobby didnÂŽt want to go alone. And they only talk about Prof X and his revelation. The man was in love with a woman he raises since she was a kid- her cellphone rings softly. And has a message from her friends.
Good luck with your interview.
The receptionist has red hair. Too similar to her ex- Kitty meets Rachel Grey by accident. She was from a group called Excalibur. The relationship lasts a few months until Rachel and her group leave. Looking back. it was for the best-She recalls vividly an alternative version of herself who was looking at the relationship with confusion. And looking back again, Kitty can see why- and the woman is now looking at her. Was she always a red hair or is her succubus power kicking in? "Santa called...you can enter now, Miss Pryde" and the sultry smile is a tad similar to her ex. A tad bit only.
"Thanks" Kitty shurgs off and goes without looking back. If the succubus receptionist looks at Kitty going or not is her problem now.
Kitty is Jewish. She has fond memories of her Hannukahs - uncle Tim bring a new dog he rescued from families who think dogs are toys or aunt Moira and her many good whiskeys- and yet, in all her past Hannukahs there was never a period where her family thought about Santa. Not for a single second. So, of course, Kitty is looking at the real Santa right now.
The popular version of Santa is a fat man with red clothes and a big beard- Yana jokes how Santa could be communist too-and yet, the reality is far from different. Tumblr has a word for this type of Santa, but, Kitty refuses to use it. So, Kitty can summarize by saying: yep, heÂŽs handsome.
"Ah, you must be Miss Pryde, da" his accent is a mixture of Russian and English. Somewhat similar to YanaÂŽs accent. Kitty nods. "Excellent, IÂŽm sorry for the waiting. WeÂŽre dealing with a problem...all taken care" and gesture to Kitty sit as the other one will be here to interview her in a minute. "Galaticus usually donÂŽt indicate anyone to this job"
"But he puts adds on the newspaper asking for Heralds" Kitty counters back and Santa didnÂŽt deny that.
"He does that. He even accepts Deadpool as his Herald...donÂŽt ask me why." he shakes his head at this information. "now, tell me about you, Miss Pryde...Galaticus only told us youÂŽre good fitting for the job"
"A job as vague as possible" she arches an eyebrow. "And IÂŽm unemployed at the moment." she pauses and adds. "IÂŽm Jewish"
"If you think this will be a problem or that we only work with Christians families. YouÂŽre wrong. I work on any holiday that celebrates the family and love. Any family can receive me if they so wish, I have visited some Hannukahs in my past, I was denied in some Christian families and so and on. Krampus, my friend, is not a racist or believes in ''the old ways'' in fact, he hates the old ways more than you think" Santa states calmly and speaks something in a new language to something or someone way behind Kitty.
"ThereÂŽs the devil!" Satan states all joyful causing Kitty to turn her head and see the so-called Krampus. A handsome indigo man. Golden eyes. and a tail throwing a winning smile at her. "Krampus, this is Kitty. Kitty this is Krampus. YouÂŽll be his secretary...if he agrees" and the man kissed her hand-a bit old fashioned. Kitty didnÂŽt hide her confusion- and both are now alone to conduct the interview.
"Galaticus indicate you" his tone is joyful. Does he want Kitty to forget this is an interview? "Do you know what a Krampus is?" and Kitty closes her eyes hard and starts to mull the word for a moment.
I know I heard this name somewhere.
"Ok, I got it. You have no idea what am I" hos tone is amused and Kitty opens her eyes to see Kurt smiling like a cat. "Do you know what this job is?" and now sheÂŽs losing her patience.
"No, of course not, Galaticus comes into my room and says" Kitty pauses to mimic his voice. "Go to Santa. They have a job for you. And then he vanished. I had no idea what this job is about and no one is telling me anything. I donÂŽt even celebrate Christmas" Kitty finishes her rants. Krampus is still too amused.
"My bad then, for starts, I deal with naughty mortals, so to speak" Kitty is listening. "Your job, if you accept, is to help me organize things. IÂŽm terrible with names and numbers. And SantaÂŽs elves can help me so far...of course, youÂŽll be compensated by your work. Here the initial idea for your salary" and Kitty is more than surprised. Is not a big number nor a smaller. It is acceptable for now. "and weÂŽll offer you some magic compensations to do some of the jobs. I mean, IÂŽll need someone to deliver messages to others deities and I know you donÂŽt have teleportation" Krampus conclude waiting for her reply.
Kitty mulls over for 2 minutes. "Will I have to work all day and night?"
"Of course not. We all have lives. And the weekends are yours to do what you want!"
"If I give you my name..." and now Krampus chuckles.
"IÂŽm not a regular fae. I can give you my name if it makes you feel at peace" and Kitty is surprised by this revelation. "my name is Kurt Wagner"
"IÂŽm not sure if IÂŽll want to do this for a long period" Kitty begins and Kurt states that she needs to fill 6 months of work after that sheÂŽs free. "So, IÂŽm willing to give a chance"
And with a snap of his fingers a pink fae- she calls herself pixie- shows up having in hands a contract in her hands ready for Kitty and Kurt to sign. Kitty read the contract - some laws are protecting her. As well as a law of discretion. Kitty canÂŽt tell anyone what happens in KrampusÂŽs working hour-and Kitty signal the contract.
"Welcome aboard, Katzchen. Hope you can survive the experience"
"Wait, what?"
#Postwoman au#Kitty Pryde#Kurt Wagner#Krampus!Kurt#Kurtty yet#SANTA FUCKS HARD#ThereÂŽs a niche for SANTA FUCKING#He fucks more than Mephisto#Mephisto will show up as a cameo#Prof X still in love with Jean
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Drive Her Crazy || Part II
PAIRING: Wanda Maximoff x OFC/Reader
Summary: AU. Meet Wanda, the new âItâ girl. Sheâs built her social standing as a social influencer through Instagram and vlogging on Youtube. Queen Bee in her social circle, sheâs got everyone wrapped around her finger. Sheâs perfect, you think. Girls like that require a little finesse, and youâre ready to play the game.
Warnings: Non-healthy relationship, psychological games, smut(?)
Note: Welcome to a Tumblr exclusive! PM me if you would like to be added onto the tag list for updates.
Count: 2691
The sun felt good on your skin. You kind of liked it after living somewhere rainy all the time. You had driven your car to LA and David was able to hook you up with a place to stay since one of his clients was out of town for the next 6 months and didnât mind having someone there as long as the place wasnât trashed.
The place was nice and decently sized as you set your equipment down and went back to your car to get your bags.
You had a gig to play at some trust fund kidâs 21st birthday (usually youâd decline these types of requests, but he was paying you enough to buy a liver on the black market), so you needed to drive out to the Palm Desert in two days.Â
After you put all your things away, you sat on the bed, pulling out your phone. This was the tricky part. You needed to find an organic way to meet Wanda. You didnât want to come off as a fan, nor did you want to meet her through work because it would be difficult to discern if she liked you, or if she liked your connections.
You needed to find a way to be in her social circle, without being someone she just networks with.
You were scrolling through her Instagram more in-depth this time, being careful to not like any of the photos.
You discovered that she had a fiancé, some nobody indie singer named Jarvis, but only went by his stage name, Vision (you had to roll your eyes a little at that).
You discovered regular places that she liked to frequent. Book stores, restaurants, bars, beaches, etc.
You tapped your fingers idly at your side. How were you going to bump into her? Her latest Instagram post shared that she had a new partnership with Biologique Recherche and was repping their skincare line, but there wasnât anything you could really do with that.
You sighed and put your phone away. Closing your eyes, you opted to take a nap, being so tired from the drive.
Maybe you would just have to meet her in a work setting, it would just be harder to move away from just networking friend.
But you werenât against hard work.Â
By the time you had woken up, it was pretty late. You were a little miffed knowing that it was going to mess with your sleeping schedule, but there wasnât much that you could do about it now.Â
Your stomach growled hungrily, and you got up getting ready to grab a bite to eat since there was no food in the house. You were thinking about heading to that fast food chain that served healthy food bowls. Wanda had posted a photo of it, and you had to admit it looked pretty good.
It was a relatively new chain, so they didnât have any more than two locations. It was a pretty walkable distance from your place, so you just put on a light cardigan and left.
You were tinkering away on your phone when you walked into the shop, standing in line, not looking up. You shuffled a little as the person in front of you moved up to the counter to put in their order.
âAh, sorry, hold on. I swear my wallet is in here.âÂ
The voice makes you look instantly.Â
Itâs the only voice youâve been hearing for the past two days.
There she was. Standing in front of you, back turned as she was in yoga pants, a tank top, and a sweater. Probably just coming from a workout.Â
You watched as she aggressively looked through her large bag, digging for what you presumed for is a wallet. She sighed disappointedly, letting you know there was no luck in finding the wallet.
This was your organic moment, you thought. It was too good, you were too lucky to get this moment. And you werenât going to waste it.
Just as she was about to tell the cashier to cancel the order, you stepped up.
âHey,â you softly greeted, surprising her to look over. You grinned lightly, trying to look a little sheepish and non-threatening. âI couldnât help but overhear you canât find your wallet. Happens to me too. If youâre okay with it, you can put your order with mine.â
Wanda eyes you for a moment but then smiles. âYeah, if youâre okay with that. I can pay you back.â
You chuckle, waving her off and stepping up closer to the cashier to put in your order. âItâs no problem. Itâs an $8 bowl, youâre hardly breaking my bank.â
She laughs, bringing you to smile a wider. You pay for the order, and the cashier tells you to grab a seat, and theyâll bring it out to you.Â
Wanda turns to you. âThanks again for that, I swear I brought my wallet with me. Since you donât want me to pay you back, did you want to eat together? I mean, if youâre not busy and all.â
Your inner voice canât help but celebrate at how well itâs going, but you put on a happy grin. âSure.â
You grab a corner table thatâs next to the window. Wandaâs hair is in a messy bun before she pulls it out, curls falling over as she pushes her bangs over to one side.
Sheâs too gorgeous, you think.Â
âIâm Wanda,â she introduces herself.Â
You introduce yourself back and set your phone facing down on the table.Â
âLate night workout?â You ask, eyeing her attire again. She nodded, sipping on her water.
âYeah, itâs been a crazy hectic day, and Iâm trying to be really good about not skipping.â She says with a mischievous smirk making you laugh lightly.
âWhat about you?â She asks about your day.Â
You shake her head, âNah, I just got in town. I did kind of put some of my things away, but napping kind of put a wrench in getting anything else done and potentially getting any sleep tonight.â
Wanda giggles and you feel like a lovesick puppy trying to get her to laugh again.
The conversation stays polite. You both trade funny stories and anecdotes to get to know each other a little better.
Wanda is trying to not choke on her food as you finish your story.
âNo way,â she snorts a little, and you sigh in almost a shameful way.
âNope, it really happened. I had to scale down her freaking balcony, couldnât even get my shoes. Guess I was lucky to have my underwear at least.â
Wanda just bursts into a fit of laughter, eyes watering up as she wiped them.
âI canât believe that happened to you,â she says, still laughing.
You shrug your shoulders, throwing your napkin into your finished bowl. âMe neither. What are the chances of an ex-girlfriend becoming roommates with someone youâre banging?â
Wandaâs laugh has died down, but she grins at you. The night is coming to an end, youâre not really sure how to go from here. You donât think this warrants asking for her number, and you think she would reject it anyways since she has a fiancĂ©.
You both get up, chatting a little more as you exit. You think youâre about to separate ways, but then youâre both walking in the same direction. You both chuckle, although a little awkwardly.
âDo you live this way?â She asks. You nod.
âYeah,â you say and then tell her what community youâre living in. Her eyes brighten up happily.
âNo way! We live in the same community! Wouldnât it be crazy if we were neighbors?â
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise. This was insane. This was too coincidental and lucky. Youâre starting to get worried youâre going to use up all the luck you have in this lifetime.
You chuckle, almost nervously as you both walk together home. Sheâs sharing with you about a bookstore she recently went to and loved as it was tiny and unorganized, but every book you pulled out was interesting.
Eventually, you come to her stop. She lived in a nice house as you predicted from getting paid to rep brands.Â
âWell, this is my stop. You any further from here?â She says, turning to you. You shake your head. You canât believe you actually only live a couple blocks from her.
You point down the block and then up the road to where you're staying. âIâm just a couple blocks down and then up that road.â
Wandaâs eyes widened slightly and then her eyebrows furrowed. âOh, wow, those are the really nice houses. I donât remember anyone from there put any listings up for sale.â
âYeah, Iâm actually just here for maybe a couple months. I have a friend who knows the owner of a house up there and is letting me stay while theyâre in Europe for like, 6 months.â
Wanda nods, understanding more of the situation. With nothing really left to be said, youâre saying goodbye to her, thinking about how youâre going to produce another organic meeting.
At least it would be easier now since you knew where she lived. You could pretend to be on a run and pass by. She said she goes to that new book store on Thursdays, so you could do that.
Just as youâre turning to leave, she calls your name again. You turn back around, wondering if you maybe dropped something. Sheâs holding her bag strap a little tightly and shifts from one foot to another.
âDid you, um, did you, maybe, want to come inside for a drink?â
You try to make sure you donât make a surprised face because you think that might put her off and make her backtrack. So, you simply gave her a lopsided smile and nodded. She beamed at you and led you into her house. Itâs pretty dark, and youâre wondering where her fiancĂ© is since itâs late.
âThanks for this, my finacĂ© is out of town visiting a friend, and I hate staying in the house alone.âÂ
Ah, that explains that. You tell her itâs not a problem. She gets you to sit down on her couch as she turns on a lamp and lights a few candles. Soon the room starts to smell like salted caramel, and you love it.Â
Wanda comes back with some wine and hands you a glass as she takes a seat.
âIs this okay? My fiancĂ© hates it when I put on candles, the smell is overwhelming to him.â
You shook your head, taking a sip of the wine. âNo, I love the smell. It reminds me of fall.â
âSame!â Wanda grinned.
âSo,â Wanda started, swirling around her wine a little. âYou havenât actually moved here then?âÂ
You shook your head again, leaning back a little more to get comfortable. Wanda is sitting facing towards you, her side leaning against the back of her couch as she has her legs tucked in.
âNo, Iâm actually just here for work. Though, I suppose if I enjoy it enough, I may decide to move here permanently.â
âWhat do you do for work?â Wanda asked, eyes piping with curiosity.
âIâm in the music industry,â you say cryptically with a smile. Wanda seemed to take it, though, smiling as her eyes spark.
âOh! My fiancĂ©, Jarvis, but goes by his stage name, Vision, is also in the music industry. Heâs a singer.â
You try to keep your lip from twitching as you ask, âAnything I wouldâve heard?â
She pursed her lips, pulling out her phone and loaded SoundCloud on it.Â
âProbably not. Vision just likes putting his music out there, he doesnât really care about making it big.â
Doesnât care about making it big, or unable to make it big, you wonder.
You hear soft guitar music playing, and you think itâs not bad. Until he sang.
His singing voice itself is pretty good. Itâs just his lyrics.
God, you donât think youâve written such bad lyrics since you were 13. The song continues to play and you will your face to not cringe. When it finished, you give a smile to Wanda because sheâs beaming like sheâs so proud.
Your gut clenched because that was so bad and if sheâs beaming like that, is she seriously in love with Vision?
âThatâs...insane...â you say.Â
âI keep telling him to give his demos to agents out there, but heâs not into that. He keeps saying he just likes posting his music and if some hotshot finds him, then itâs meant to be.â Wanda said with a roll of her eyes.Â
You chuckled for lack of what to say and then changed the topic. âWhat do you do for work?â
You already knew, but it would be interesting to see what she would say about it.
âI suppose Vision would say Iâm a photographer,â she mused, and you fight the urge to raise your brow. She wasnât wrong, though, in a way.
âItâs nothing really, I post vlogs and brands pay me to represent their stuff.â
You werenât really surprised by the humble approach, but you decided to give her what she wanted to hear.
Your eyes widened in surprise, âNo way! Thatâs seriously amazing. So, youâre kind of famous?â
Wanda laughed bashfully, slapping you on your arm a little as she blushed.
âOh god, no, not like famous, but Iâve got some loyal followers. Itâs nothing really, pays good money.â
You take this moment to ask her what her Instagram and Youtube it so you can freely look at it and not worry about accidentally liking anything. You trade social media handles and start chatting again before her phone buzzes multiple times in a row. She gives you an apologetic smile as she checked her phone.
âOh, man, are you fucking serious?â She groaned, putting her phone back down and throws her head back onto the couch, hand over her eyes.
âEverything okay?â You asked curiously.
Wanda sighed and lifts her head back up, expression dampened by whatever she read. âYeah, sorry. I have a photoshoot in two days. My friend was supposed to give me a ride since my car is in the shop right now, but she just bailed.â
You watched as she pulled up her phone and scrolled through it, mumbling to see which person might be able to drive her.Â
It doesnât sound promising.
âWhereâs your photoshoot?â You ask her. She puts down her phone, looking a little defeated as she looks up at you.
âPalm Desert. Ugh, I think Iâm going to have to cab it there.â She winced like sheâs thinking about how much itâs going to cost to take a 2-hour taxi ride and you winced too.
Youâre going to offer her a ride. Itâs a little weird you think since sheâs only known you for about 2 hours, but if since the universe keeps giving you these opportunities, you might as well take it.
âI can give you a ride there,â you said, watching her reaction. Her eyes widened, mouth opened a little.Â
âWhat, really? Are you sure?â She asked you, and youâre nearly concerned that Wanda doesnât seem even slightly worried sheâs going to be locked in a car with a person sheâs only just met.
You nodded. âYeah. I actually have to head to Palm Desert for work, so if you donât mind tagging along, I can give you a lift. What time is your shoot at?â
Wanda looked so grateful as she replied, âItâs at noon.â
You nod, thinking if you have anything to do in the morning, but you donât.
âAlright, Iâll come get you at 9AM? We can get some breakfast on the way and head out?â You asked, and she nodded her head up and down rapidly, a broad smile on her face.
âOh my god, youâre a lifesaver! Iâm so glad I met you today.â Wanda says, sinking to the couch a little more, drinking her wine leisurely now that her problem was solved.
You tilted your head to the side and smiled.
âYeah, what a coincidence.â
#Wanda Maximoff x reader#Wanda x reader#Wanda Maximoff x OFC#yandere Wanda#Wanda Maximoff Imagine#Avengers Imagine#Marvel Imagine#MCU#Avengers#Avengers AU#Avengers Reader Insert#Yandere Wanda Maximoff#Yandere Marvel#Modern Avengers AU#Scarlet Witch Imagine#Scarlet Witch x Reader#mm: my fics#series.drivehercrazy#g.smut
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rp guidelines.
Mun is Ash. She/Her. 21+. Ruthless Drama King keeps me prisoner.Â
This blog is 21+ Nsfw/smut will not be written with those under 21 years old. I will not write with minors.Â
I know there are a lot of rules here now but incidents, past stuff in rp scene kind of made it mandatory for myself to put down. Common sense lacks in some too so sorry itâs so long but ya know. Gotta do what we rpers gotta do. <3
tw: potential for triggering content & subject matter due to crime scene investigations/forensic profiling. strong language expected. he is simply a problematic aggressive character in most verses.
no godmodding. unspoken rule but please do not control my character under any circumstances. if you continue to break this rule however I may have to cancel our thread. only in extreme cases.
Donât have personal triggers but I will not write my muse forcing themselves on any other muse.
any personal triggers you are uncomfortable with I will not write and vice versa.
multiverse/oc friendly. au friendly: discussion on AUâs are love. same char different mun friendly. duplicates are always welcome. personally I love OCâs and this boy cannot get enough interaction from them ever. just so you know.Â
Do not screenshot my posts: ooc, threads etc. It is MY content. I should not have to add this but yes this has happened without my knowledge - at first.Â
Unfollowing: If there is something you disagree with, do not favor about my writing, portrayal, muse(s) or views the button is always there. Please soft block to unfollow. I will do the same and quietly if it calls for it.Â
PSA: Donât call 60 Connor. He is not Connor. He is his own person. This sort of trumps the significance I have built for him as an individual entity in my characterization/ headcanons/ personal iteration in a fandom where he is overlooked. Also if you do refer to him as such verbally to his face you consent to the wrath and animosity he will bestow upon you be it verbal or potentially physical. Trust me 60 is not fond of being mistaken for his predecessor. (Itâs a pet peeve and Iâm sorry lol but theyâre two separate people. I mean I write Connor too so bear with me.)
plots are love. let's discuss story, char relationships, just anything really. down for plotted, random prompts and memes. my dmâs are always open. if I donât respond straight away Iâm either not on at the moment or Iâm just swamped in drafts. I still want you to drop in tho.
replies may take a bit. this is a hobby. if I take a while it doesnât mean I donât want to rp. sometimes I forget, tumblr eats my notifs or I havenât thought up a decent reply as of yet. please be patient. I always offer the same to my rp partners. also I do get swamped in drafts and asks so this does contribute to my reply speed. TLDR: I am slow af but I want to write with you.
want to drop a thread? we all lose muse, get too busy, overwhelmed at times. it is perfectly OK. when I do thread purges I will always post an update and @ those I am keeping threads with. the number of follows I have it is just easier for me to do it this way.
shipping: will ship with chars but there are some I may turn down depending on personal preference. typically ships with another RK800/RK900 are a no. sibling, platonic, enemies is where I go. some exceptions may apply depending on verse type but his exclusive and only RK800 ship is with @rob0badge . 60 also would like platonic, friend and enemy ships to counter his romantic ships. any and all are appreciated.Â
open to smut threads. 21+ very explicit at times depending on verse. 60 is ruthless. fair warning. also smut is not a requirement for romantic ships. if youâre not down for that then 60 is all about the respect of his partnerâs wishes.
multiship friendly: winning rk800-60's affection is not easy in the long run. remember he is not easy to get along with.Â
Shipping Additions: I WILL NOT ship cross unless it is plotted mutually between all parties. even then I will be selective about it. please respect this. multiverse is a thing and that is what my blog is. it will just be ignored.Â
Content Trigger: 60 is very much ruthless despite his fall into deviancy. if you are uncomfortable with intense personalities this may not be the rp blog for you. certain themes will be highly thematic, problematic and even controversial at times. all of these will be tagged accordingly and put under read more for my followers/mutuals. he will be aggressive and hateful depending on circumstances. he is not very nice. however, the mun does not reflect this characterization and is extremely nice to followers. 60 may not share that affinity but the mun has no malicious intent. Only this ruthless boy does.
threads containing 18/21+ material always go under read more. please adhere to all warnings. some subject matter may be unsettling. remember any dark or triggering themes are NOT condoned by me irl. it just needs to be said.
Interactions: non-rp blogs, personals or those not part of current threads: DO NOT REBLOG. this is becoming a problem lately and I really donât want to be that person but please follow this rule.If you continue to do so you will be BLOCKED. You can like my posts just fine however. In fact itâs welcome! I like to see others enjoying what I write for the ruthless king.
DBH VERSE REQUIRED: It just works better to be able to write adequately and since my muse is from this universe itâs a given. I rarely do crossovers as I feel some just do not work or fit my muse. If I do they are with main mutuals depending on fandom or personal preference.
Mutual Exclusive/RP Blogs Only: This blog is now private. If you follow me and I do the same back it means I want to interact. Otherwise assume I wonât be following back if I havenât in a week. I have had some odd things come 60âČs way and it is why this blog is locked down now.
Follows: If I follow back it means I want to interact with you. If you're a mutual and you still have not interacted with me after several weeks I WILL unfollow. This is nothing against anyone or meant to be unfair/mean spirited. The blog is an rp blog so of course I want to interact with you all. Also I do not just give free follows since this is not a personal blog.Â
I would love to follow back depending but if I see no rules or somewhere that states 21 and above for the mun on your blog I wonât. I interact solely with those 21+. I myself am 28 years old. Respect this and donât lie about your age to me. I have had people lie to me in the past and theyâve been dropped faster then you can shout âDeviant Spotted!â
I reserve the right to unfollow anyone for whatever reason including but not limited to rp politics. Ya gurl not here for rp snobbery or assumptions made. If I become uncomfortable I will soft block to unfollow quietly. I also practice block back. Meaning if Iâm hardblocked (which is in anyoneâs right who is uncomfortable with my content) I will hardblock back. Itâs only fair and honestly itâs a lovely page taken out of one of my waifuâs books.
OOC: If you post a crap ton of ooc posts (I mean plz itâs your blog and your content is yours so go for it) I may unfollow if I cannot blacklist them properly. I mean things that arenât rp related. This is only in extreme cases. My blog has overwhelmed me so the dash being flooded is something I want to clean up.
Replies: As I have stated in updates on this blog I am super busy and backed up. My reply speed is slower due to lots of drafts and asks. You can remind me but please donât come at me or try to push me. Muse can be fickle. Some days I have it for a specific verse, others I have it for shorter convos or text threads. I aim to reply to everyone but keep in mind running this blog is not easy and I want it be fun for me. Itâs a hobby. When I have to worry and hide from people this is no longer that. If it continues I will drop the thread completely. Only in extreme cases.Â
Pressuring:Â Do not come into my inbox on anon passive aggressively asking when I will reply to threads. If you honestly want to remind me like a normal person my dms are open to mutuals only. Do not guilt me into rping. If you pressure and attempt manipulating me you will be blocked. This has happened and I will not put up with it.Â
Please reblog any memes/prompts from the source and not this blog. I am not an rp source or creator of these. If you continue to do this and just harvest my blog for memes without even interacting I will unfollow/block. If you reblog send me one then. If not well do not do it. non-mutuals do not reblog anything at all from this blog. Also IÂ have to mention some people have used me as a source WITHOUT reblogging from me. Meaning they see the meme and reblog it for themselves as a means of bypassing sending in anything. If weâre mutuals why are you doing this? It will just make me think you do not want to interact.
Asks:Â Do not reblog asks. Please if you wish to continue make a new post and link back to ask. It just makes my dash a little cleaner and I want to avoid extra asks in the inbox continuing it when we can turn them into convo threads. So please donât keep sending asks to continue a plot line. Thread it.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT HATE & ASSUMPTIONS: If I discover you sending hate on anon to anybody youâre gone. If you send hate to people about what they ship, especially to female muns/muses, youâre gone. I will not tolerate hate of any kind and if I see you talking negatively about any female muse I will soft block you quietly. I just do not want to interact with you. People who assume generalized posts are about them when I follow you will be softblocked as well. Honestly itâs a given that if Iâm following itâs not directed at you. I will not put up with assumptions or continue to view it on my dash. Unfollow me, softblock me, etc. Itâs not difficult. My comfort levels are important to me as well as yours should be.
I will not interact with egoists. If I see anything that wigs me out I will just softblock quietly. Elitists go home. I donât want you here.Â
I will never rush or be pushy at my partners. Iâm so chill about threads. please take your time. letâs never take the fun out of it. never think youâre taking too long or bothering me. DMâs are open to my mutuals only.
I do not do passwords or send messages of any kind. If I am following you rest assured that I have read your rules. I do this automatically when someone follows me and vice versa since I expect the same. If Iâm liking update posts you can consider that me seeing it as well.Â
unfollowing/refollowing: Donât do it on my blog. If you follow and then unfollow but for some reason come back to follow you get blocked from my side. I donât need the bs or the attention seeking.
Duplicates are amazing but I will be selective who I follow back and interact with. Nothing personal but I have been the victim of theft in the past. Itâs an unfortunate thing but my characterization and headcanons for 60 are my own. I have been writing this boy forever even long before I made this blog. Iâm highly protective of my ruthless king. He is my baby after all.
softblocks: I remove people by doing this. It could be for any reason to be honest. We never interact, you keep dropping our stuff, show no interest, I donât see us interacting after all or any number of reasons to make my dash more comfortable. Do not ask me why I did it. Thatâs my comfort. No hard feelings. Just move on. I donât have to cater to you. If you donât like my methods use the unfollow button and leave my blog. Simple enough.
hardbocking/blacklisting: Yes I have done it. Am I going to blatantly broadcast it for all to see? Nope. I am not obligated to explain why I blocked you. Most times you have broken my rules despite me reminding to read them. Other times there are people I just do not want to see and that is my right not to see them. Same goes for you. Block me if you do not like what you see. I will not censor myself, my writing or who I interact with.
ostracizing people in the rpc: If you donât like who I am interacting with use your blacklist function. NEVER tell me not to interact with them. If I find out you practice this exclusion tactic on others in the rpc I will purge you off my blog no questions or explanation needed. I totally get it. There are people I donât like. No one is going to like everyone but do you see me telling others NOT to write with them? Hell no because I know for a fact they have done it to me and others love to listen without all sides to a story.
I also drop people who vague in public servers because itâs straight up childish behavior. I also will not follow or interact with anyone who guilt trips, suicide baits or lies with a pity party song and dance. When youâre found out to be lying or telling other people not to interact with somebody in this RPC I want nothing to do with you. Move on. Thatâs it.Â
Drop a like if you made it this far. Whew! No passwords needed. Even if you donât drop a like it wonât prevent me interacting itâs just nice to see.Â
#[ooc files]#{~status: updates}#{~status: guidelines}#{{rule post to be linked for a more mobile friendly view}}#{{new rules fully integrated}}#{{thank you loves}}
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Rules & Guidelines update
Please take a moment of your time to read through the updated Rules & Guidelines page on our blog or under the cut here!
OverwatchSpeaks is a semi-exclusive lightweight roleplay/ask blog hybrid group. Weâre welcoming to roleplayers of all kinds, from veterans to first-timers, and our primary goal is to have fun together! Our members portray muses from the Overwatch franchise, aiming to create something new while following the base set for us by the original canon lore.
The group was established 07/21/2017 and has been active since with a lively, friendly community that weâre working hard to support to this day. Whether youâre already a member of our group or interested in joining us, please read the following rules carefully!
Can I follow the Speaks blogs? Everyone is welcome to follow us! Whether youâre an indie roleplaying blog, a member of another group, or a blog from another fandom and brand altogether, our blogs are made for your enjoyment and we thrive on our interactions from you, so please donât hesitate to click that follow-button!
Can I send asks to your members? Yes! Please do so! Our inboxes are always open for questions, prompts and proddings. You can send your own or join in on any ask meme shared by our members. Donât be shy!
Can I reblog your threads? Yes - usually. When our characters are interacting in first person, bantering or sharing thoughts, you are welcome to reblog these and interact with us! However, if itâs a third-person paragraph style RP post, please donât reblog it, as this can disrupt the ongoing interaction!
Iâm a roleplaying blog for another character, can I still interact? Yes, but remember that only our groupâs members are considered âcanonicalâ. Therefore, if you are roleplaying Pharah on your own blog, remember that whatever happens between your character and our members wonât affect their storyline or relationships within our group and is automatically considered AU or non-canon.
Can I join your Discord server? Our Discord server is only for our groupâs members. Sorry!
How do I apply to become a member? Please visit our Application page for the application outline and examples!
Iâm on mobile and canât access the page. Please use your browser to open our blogâs HTML version, or send us an ask off-anon so we can help you. (How did you open this page??)
Can I claim a Speaks URL for my character before applying? No! This makes it more difficult for our members to claim their urls if you are not selected to play your character. :(
How are applications processed? Our group will review your application, and once enough votes are gathered, we will let you know whether you are accepted into our group or not.
How/when will I know if my application has been reviewed? Our admins will contact you about the results of your application process once the group has voted on it. If you are accepted into our group, you will be able to claim your url and start building your blog as well as join our Discord server. Your url should be something along the lines of âcharacterspeaksâ or âcharacter-speaksâ, but alternatives are sometimes used when the desired url is already taken. Your blog can be a main- or a sideblog depending on which you prefer.
How will I know if Iâm a good fit for the group? Our group is welcoming to all kinds of roleplayers. You donât have to have prior experience with roleplay to join us, but we are still selective and your application will do much better when you show us how dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate you are about portraying your chosen character. Make a good first impression!
We donât tolerate any kind of hostility in our group, as this is supposed to be a fun, safe place for our members to interact and we want everyone to feel accepted and welcome here. While we expect a firm grasp of and a degree of loyalty to the Overwatch canon and lore from our members, we are welcoming to the variety of portrayals and ships our members bring with them and expect that no one should be discriminated against based on their preferences in our spaces. This goes doubly for the real life identities, orientations and other personal characteristics of our members. This is a discrimination and hate free zone for all races, beliefs, gender expressions, and sexual orientations. Discussion of difficult and triggering subjects such as politics and real life religions should be avoided completely.
What kind of content can I post on my Speaks blog? Anything relevant to your character! Think and blog as if you are your muse; reblog the kind of content theyâd reblog on their blog, write out their thoughts, and interact with our other members in first person as your character would. You may also participate in paragraph style 3rd person roleplay as you please.
Do I have to stick to Overwatch lore? While we will always welcome headcanons and different perspectives, your character should begin as if they just stepped out of the gameâs original story. Your characterâs relationships and experiences should be approximately as stated in your characterâs story prior to your involvement. However, from this point on, anything can happen! Just remember to make it believable and build up your relationships and character arc appropriately so that through everything, your character will still be recognizable as themselves. If youâre playing Mercy and want her to join Talon, we want to see her reasons and transformation first - not just her application!
Exceptions to this rule are different events and happenings in our group such as Halloween, when your character can go through temporary transformations and other changes.
Should I keep my blog family friendly? Yes. Our blogs aim to be safe for minor readers. Before posting your content, please consider whether youâd show it to your hypothetical 13-years-old sister first.
Can I roleplay with blogs outside of Speaks? Yes. If a follower interacts with you through asks or reblogs, you may interact with them the same as you would with our groupâs members. However, if you are interacting with an in-character blog outside of our group, please remember that only developments within our group should affect your character - so, if in a thread with an outside blog your character married another character, in reality your character remains single in their story. You should preferably use an AU tag for these threads to keep them separate from your other threads.
How often should I be active on my blog? We have relaxed rules on activity, but you should always aim to be as active on your blog as you can! Even one-liners and in-character thought posts count for your activity. If there is very little or no activity on your blog over the period of three weeks, youâll have to confirm with us that youâre still interested in your role and will be more active in the future.
Post format guideline Write your posts in a manner that feels natural to your character, but please try to use proper grammar and donât over-format your posts. They should be easy to read and easy to comprehend for all readers! It is also recommended that you trim longer threads; if you are unsure how, ask for help!
Ask meme guideline Always try to send an ask to the member of our group youâre reblogging an ask meme from! This will help to ensure that no one is left without asks and interactions. Weâve all been there; everyone reblogs your meme but nobody sends you an ask. Itâs not a good feeling.
Behavior in group Our group aims to be a safe, fun environment for all our members and followers. Respect your fellow roleplayers and keep our spaces free of negativity and conflict. If a problem arises, donât hesitate to involve the admins or moderators, and if at all possible, keep any confrontation and callouts out of our shared spaces like Discord and especially your characterâs Speaks blog.
Can I post NSFW content on my blog or in our Discord server? No. We try to keep our content loosely within the PG-13 rating, and no explicit sexual content or nudity should be posted anywhere in our spaces. If your character is in a relationship and the RP turns steamy, make use of fade to black!
I received a NSFW ask. What should I do with it? Delete it or, if you are of age of majority and have explicitly consented to NSFW asks, answer it in private. No NSFW asks should ever be published on our blogs.
I want to send a NSFW ask. Can I? Assume the answer is no, unless youâve specifically asked for permission OR the inbox of the member youâre sending the ask to states that they accept NSFW asks. Never send NSFW asks to minors. Remember to turn off your anonymous. No NSFW asks will be published on the blogs.
Iâve broken a rule. What happens now? Our group has a strike system. When you break a rule either on your blog or in our Discord server, you will receive a strike. On your third strike, you will be removed from the group and banned from reapplying. If your behavior improves and you donât break the rules again, your strike will wear off in three months. If youâve received two strikes, youâll be back to no strikes in six months. Try not to receive your third one.
For serious incidents, instant ban from the group is possible.
A follower is making me uncomfortable. What can I do? Firstly, block them. You can block anons, which will also prevent blogs from that IP address from contacting you regardless of if youâve specifically blocked their urls. If youâre being harassed, you should warn other members of the specific blog in question so that they know to be wary.Â
Last resorts are turning off your anonymous asks or closing your inbox temporarily and sending a report to Tumblr staff about harassment.
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About Art, Asks & Roleplay
Welcome to my Monster Hunter themed art, roleplay and ask blog.
About Art:
I draw all the art posted on this blog, unless otherwise stated.
My current art software is Procreate app on iPad pro, that I use with an Apple Pencil (Iâm not a particular Apple supporter but I am way too much in love with Procreate which is sadly exclusive to iPad).
I do not take requests, and receiving an ask from your character doesnât mean I will draw them (except for feral Monsters from MH).
I occasionally take commissions, though I can be pretty slow at getting them done. Click here for the last updated commission price chart. Contact me by private messaging or email ([email protected]) for more information.
About Roleplay:
Aside from non-canon RPs in Alternate Universes (AUs), my characters remain in the world of Monster Hunter. I have close to no restrictions on playing with MH-themed characters. Other OCs are fine as well, if they have a reason to find themselves in this world. I might be picky about other fandomsâ characters.
I currently have little time to roleplay because of my studies, so Iâm following a âfew RPs, high qualityâ logic. Unable to roleplay with everyone, I may be selective about my RP partners.
No explicit NSFW content is tolerated on this blog (not to mention Tumblrâs rules).
Little time to RP also means I may not reply very fast! I can take up to one or two weeks. After that time without news from me, you may send me a polite reminder.
I often put a lot of effort in each of my replies, so Iâll appreciate that you do the same. I usually try to adapt my replies to the lengths of my RP partnerâs replies. However, especially on plotted/planned RPs (that didnât start from a compulsive ask for instance) I prefer working with reasonably long replies, with at least two or three paragraphs. Correct grammar is required (please proofread your own reply before posting it!)
I like adding illustrations to my RP replies to make them more thrilling to read. Each illustration is drawn by the mun myself, and used only once, for one RP post. That can delay my pace of replies as well. If you think the pictures are too big (compared with usual icons) you may tell me and I will make them smaller.
I tolerate reblogs of my RP posts by readers who donât take part in these RPs, especially with a small personal comment about the thread. But you may have to ask the other player as they donât necessarily appreciate it. Either way, feel free to tag me in your own text post about the thread if you like!
Especially in fighting RPs, be fair-play ! If you do powerplaying (your characters are too powerful / too omniscient), or godmodding (controlling my charactersâ actions in my place without my permission), I might or not start doing the same; but either way Iâll be annoyed which tends to strongly reduce the lifespan of a thread. To avoid that, read your post again and try to put yourself in the other playerâs shoes to imagine their reactions. I am open for pre-plotting if you like!
About Asks:
Diversity and inventiveness are encouraged regarding asks. They also may be related to current RP threads.
OOC asks are welcome as well!
I can be picky about the asks I reply to, depending on how much they inspire me at the moment, and the available time I have. I also usually try to keep the flow of asks organized and only answer when they are related to the current story.
Sometimes I can answer asks in a weird order, digging up old unanswered asks if they fit some current events or if they were too much off-topic at the moment they were sent.
Like RPs, no NSFW on this blog (suggestiveness can be fun sometimes, but the replies will stay safe).
No demeaning godmodding, donât make my characters do things or be subjected to degrading treatments (especially those meant to leave a mark, such as storming in and cutting Teoâs mane), except within the scope of self-mockery situations or some kinds of ask-memes. This blogâs got proud muses and is run by a proud Mod, I can get quickly annoyed if my characters are humiliated against my will! (this is very selfish I know)
About Characters:
Aside from AUs, my Monster characters canât switch between forms. In my canon story, there are two parallel universes, one with Feral Monsters and one with Gijinkas (humanoid). The main events take place in both universes.
Teoâs character sheet is available.
You are more than welcome to draw my characters if you wish so! Make sure to show me the result!
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Things You Need To Know About: Cuddlepile
Tag: ~V: Cuddlepile
Premise: College in a new city is hard enough without accidentally screwing up your love life on top of it â but thatâs what Victor did when he didnât realize his two regular dates, Victoria Everglot and Emily Cartwell, each thought they were exclusive with him. Fortunately, interested bystander Alice Liddell stepped in to help him straighten things out. Unfortunately, then he started falling for her as well. And then things got really weird when Victoria and Emily started seeing each other in a new lightâŠand Aliceâs friends Christopher White and Richard Hatter got pulled into the mixâŠ
This AU is a direct result of me seeing the âAlice is asexualâ headcanon on tumblr, doing some research on that and other âqueerâ sexualities, and deciding I wanted to make a universe exploring that and polyamory. Iâd always quietly OT3ed Victor/Victoria/Emily in their own verse -- this just allowed me to take it to the next level. In this modern-day world, Victor, Victoria, and Emily are all college students in the general London area, having left their hometown of Burtonsville for the first time in pursuit of higher education. Victor and Victoria have the usual pressure on them by their parents to date, while Victor and Emily came together after Victor found her crying in the woods over her bastard ex-boyfriend Barkis. Victorâs only too happy to date both girls -- finding Victoria to be very complementary to him, and Emily an exciting opposite -- and think nothing of it. After all, itâs only been a few dates each -- and itâs all in casual fun, right?
Nope -- thanks to Victor never thinking to mention that heâs officially dating the other girl, both Emily and Victoria think theyâre exclusive with him. This bit of silly miscommunication blows up in Victorâs face when Emily catches him on a date with Victoria at a local cafe, and the two let him have it before storming off. Victorâs horrified and heartbroken, and has no idea what to say or do to salvage even a friendship with either. . .
And thatâs when a green-eyed young miss sits down across from him and notes, âWell -- I thought you only saw that sort of thing in bad sitcoms. Whoâs writing your life?â
Said green-eyed miss introduces herself as Alice Liddell, saying that normally she wouldnât butt in, but Victor looks pretty lost and sheâs got nothing better to do but help. Victor explains the whole sorry mess to her, and she gives him a little advice on how to apologize. They end up talking about other things, and Victor decides he likes her and would like to see her again. Alice feels the same, and they make some plans.
Later on, Victor visits Victoria to apologize. To his surprise, Emilyâs there too -- turns out the two girls got to talking after storming off, and discovered they actually enjoy each otherâs company. Victor tells them heâs sorry and that he never meant to hurt either of them, and is relieved when they forgive him (having already come to the conclusion his bad behavior was out of thoughtlessness, not malice). They agree that Victor can keep dating both of them more casually (theyâre okay with it as long as they know), and Victor immediately tells them of his plans with Alice, emphasizing sheâs just a friend.
A few get-togethers later, however, Victor realizes that itâs a lot more than just friendship on his side, at least. He confesses to Emily on their next date, not wanting another âsitcom plotâ to start up -- and is astonished when she admits that she and Victoria are starting to develop feelings for each other. Victor calls a meeting with Victoria and Alice to discuss the situation. Alice, who is a bit more worldly than the sheltered Burtonsvillians (the place has very poor Internet access, and while Victorâs family could afford a better line, it came with William and Nellâs parental restrictions) introduces the trio to the idea of alternate sexualities and polyamory. She even offers to get two of her friends, Christopher White and Richard Hatter, to meet with them to explain better (as Christopher is openly bisexual and Richard is openly agender AND was in a brief threesome with two of his best friends). Victor, Victoria, and Emily are only too willing, and the meeting is set up. . .
Only for Victoria to instantly click with Christopher, and Emily to form a bond with Richard. And in the midst of everything getting even more complicated, Alice comes out with a life-altering line: âOh, for Godâs sake -- maybe we should just all date each other!â
Christopherâs response: â. . .I guess that is an option. . .â
Some negotiation and discussion later, and the group comes together into the jokingly-named âcuddlepile.â Things are a bit awkward at first, especially as the Burtonsvillians come to grips with their own developing sexualities (Victor and Victoria being both bi, and Emily realizing she may be biromantic but sheâs definitely lesbian sex-wise), but soon they happily settle into their new poly lives. College is graduated, and the six get a house together --
And then Victoria gets pregnant thanks to a condom failure. Everyoneâs pretty surprised (and curious as to whether Victor or Christopher is the father), but the decision is quickly made to keep the baby. Nine months later, little Matilda is born (and revealed to be Victorâs biological daughter -- thereâs no mistaking that pale skin).
And six years later, she starts school. Which is when the group meets Deborah Winters, from two blocks over, and realize that it wasnât just their own parents they had to worry about disapproving of their lifestyle. . .
This verse has two distinct time periods/locations threads can be set in:
Girls Love Girls And Boys: This is the actual âcollege AUâ portion of the AU, when the group is still settling in a bit to the cuddlepile and juggling their dating lives with studies and parental nosiness. Victor never thought heâd actually be in an official relationship with more than one person, but -- itâs really quite nice. Doing term papers and binging TV shows is a lot more fun with so many interesting people around. And heâs feeling more loved than he ever has before. Now if only he could figure out why Christopher sometimes makes him blush. . .and how to keep his parents from ever finding out about all this.
Welcome To PTA Hell: As indicated by the name, this is the âPTA AUâ portion of the AU, where the six have to deal with disapproving Deborah and all the other joys and dangers of having a kid in elementary school. Victorâs only too happy to help Matilda with her homework and throw himself into making things for the bake sales. . .but if Deborah makes one more snippy comment about his kid not having a real last name, he just might shank her with a pencil.
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (throughout)
Victoria Everglot (throughout)
Emily Cartwell (throughout)
Christopher White (throughout)
Richard Hatter (throughout)
Shipping: Welcome to the Ultimate Poly AU -- in this, everyone's together in an OT6! Specifically, this is how everyone links up:
Victor is romantically involved with Victoria, Emily, and Alice; sexually involved with Victoria; and has a developing interest (both romantically and sexually) in Christopher
Victoria is romantically involved with Victor, Emily, Alice, and Christopher; sexually involved with Victor, Emily, and Christopher
Emily is romantically involved with Victor, Victoria, Alice, and Richard; sexually involved with Victoria
Alice is romantically involved with Victor, Victoria, and Emily; sexually involved with no one
Christopher is romantically involved with Victoria; sexually involved with Victoria; would not mind getting to know Victor or Richard better in either sense
Richard is romantically involved with Emily, sexually involved with no one at the moment but would be open to something with Christopher
NPC Ships: None -- all the NPCs are in the main ship
Important Facts:
Ages in the group -- Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Alice all start out at their canonical 19/20ish, while Christopher and Richard are mid to late 20s (I havenât pinned down exactly what their ages are yet).
Sexualities in the group -- Victoria and Christopher are both âclassicâ biromantic and bisexual (meaning they have about an equal attraction to boys and girls). Victor is biromantic and bisexual too, but has a female preference -- while he can certainly find men attractive right off the bat, he needs to get to know the man in question better before wanting to do anything more than look. Emily is biromantic and lesbian (much to her own surprise, but she adapts quickly). Alice is demipanromantic and asexual -- she has no gender preference, but really needs to get to know someone before she develops an attraction, and she has no interest in sex at all. Richard is panromantic and pansexual, with no gender preference at all. Heâs also agender, though heâll accept being called âheâ (heâs sometimes used âxeâ as well). Everyone else is cis (barring any sudden revelations, like the one that revealed Victor is bi to me.)
Much like their Lloyd/Dodgson counterparts over in Secundus, Christopher and Richard are scientists. Christopherâs currently into the field of food science, while Richard is an engineer -- and, thanks to a car accident that cost him and his best friends most of their limbs (heâs missing both legs and his left arm), the inventor of the worldâs best prostheses. The money generated from his patent has made him about equal to Victorâs family in wealth. (This is basically the main âfantasticalâ element in this verse, which is otherwise supposed to be roughly like reality.)
Christopher comes from a military family, and his father is still pushing him to at least join the Army Reserves. Christopher isnât sure if thatâs truly the life for him or not, but heâs leaving the option on the table.
Emily still has a history with Barkis Bittern -- here, heâs a freshman college delinquent who swept her off her feet late in high school, then stole her credit cards and attempted to kill her in a car accident. Emily pulled through, though she lost her left arm and right leg (replaced with some of Richardâs prostheses), and Barkis vanished into the night. Sheâs still pissed off at the bastard, and would love to bring him to justice once and for all.
Aliceâs personal history still includes Bumby stalking and raping her sister, setting the fire, and running from justice while she barely managed to escape the blaze and spent the next ten years in Rutledge. Where it goes from there is still up in the air, though Iâm leaving open the possibility of Bumby reappearing as a psychiatrist in disguise. Alice managed to actually get a hold of her inheritance after the asylum in this universe, though she works odd jobs at a local theater to make sure she always has money in the bank for rent, food, and her medications (she takes pills to stop her hallucinations of Wonderland from bugging her during the day).
Relatedly, Aliceâs Wonderland is based a bit more on her reality in this verse -- not only are the âWhite Knightâ and âHatterâ real people, so is Cheshire! Heâs an African-American man, Chester Felaide. He works at the same theater Alice does, and regularly amuses/annoys her with riddles and puzzles.
Matilda may be joined at some point by an adopted brother -- Charlie from the games! If it happens, expect it to be a minor plot.
This verse is open to everyone!
#~V: Cuddlepile#~T: Girls Love Girls And Boys#~T: Welcome To PTA Hell#~C: Alice Liddell#~C: Victoria Everglot#~C: Emily Cartwell#~C: Christopher White#~C: Richard Hatter#~M: when he was a boy (headcanon)#~M: meanwhile in our reality (OOC)
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