#welcome to Hungary
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telaviv-delhi · 1 year ago
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Újra a lehetséges világok legjobbikában, Orbánisztánban, jaj. Ezek a lepukkant, sunyi és ellenséges tekintetű, depi bennszülöttek...
Arcod, mikor a LAX reptéri ellenőrei kiugratnak a papucsodból, majd ugyanazon lendülettel az összes accessoriestől is megszabadítanak. Szabálykövető állampolgárként kiürítem a zsebeimet, karóra, öv, telefon, aksi, kábelek, adapterek, kulcsok, útlevél, sapi, de még a két eJegyünket meg a creditcardot is bepakolom a tálcába. 20 perccel később a duty freeben erősen ráncos homlokkal keresem a kártyám, úrjézúúús, a security checking trayben felejtettem. Ügyvédem beveti a lemondó nézést, ohjaj, ezt a félkegyelmű orkot dobta nekem a kozmikus casino rulettje, ez van, ezt kell szeretni. Majd fizet.
Én visszarohanok a szekusokhoz, láttak már ilyent és bevetik a lerázós szöveget: melyik csekkpojton jött át?... Ár jú kidding mi?!!! Mindegyik csekkpojnt kurvára ugyaúgy néz ki!!! Jó, körbekérdezzük, körbekérdeztük, nincs meg, emilben érdeklődhet, tiltsale, letiltom.
Sikeresen beszállunk a repülőbe két hátizsákkal, két gurulós börönddel meg két dagadozó "útipárnával", amikben az Ügyvédem mesterterve szerint tollak helyett rucikat szállítunk. És igen, a mesterterv működik, a sokat látott sztyúvik arcrándulás nélkül begyömöszölik az "útipárnáinkat" valahova... Az Ügyvédem 12 melltartója természetesen már csak az én böröndömbe fért be, a bécsi reptéren néhány hete drogra is átvizsgáltak, mikor megtalálták az Ügyvédem virágos hajpántgyűjteményét... Nos, végre a gépen, Ügyvédem kikapcsolja a pánik-üzemmódot, mert már reményekedik, hogy talán mégsem késsük le a járatunkat és sóhajtva előveszi a Redondo Beach egyik étterméből tegnap megmentett rágcsát. Én is ellazítom a gyűrűsizmom, sőt leveszem a sapim, mire kihullik belőle két ejegy meg a creditcard. Ügyvédem hosszas, hihetetlenkedő nézése... hagyjuk.
Wien, ez már majdnem édesotthon, hazámhazám, plspls, késsük le a hazafelé vivő vonatunk, örökre.
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whitelotusherald · 2 years ago
Not me thinking about buying Nimona's new edition with the movie cover just because they actually changed Nate's name as well
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lemonkennedy · 22 days ago
please vote still if you emigrate tho.
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stormoflina · 1 year ago
I'm this 🤏🏼 close to write a whole ass thesis on the blatant sport washing, stolen billions, corruption and right wing ideas that the government implemented in our football culture, destroying the mighty legacy of Hungarian football.
I hate it, because I can't even be fully happy about the seemingly starting renaissance of Hungarian football, because these corrupt lot try to force their way into it any given time.
Fuck Orbán, fuck his personal piggy bank and fuck the government.
Mo. vezető sportújságának mai vezető híre:
✨ exkluzív ✨ interjú Mészáros Lőrinccel
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"I was always more of a quiet kid, greatly preferring my books and toys, and the company of those that I was familiar with. I suppose that's why Fritz and I got on well -- We were of the same temperament and had more than a couple shared interests. Being a part of such an unconventional family hasn't always been easy... Especially now that I'm more grown and am more aware of tensions brought about by politics and the like. But I wouldn't change it for the world."
Portrait descriptions under the cut!!
Portrait 1: The Berlin Family, painted in more recent times.
(L to R Back) Otto (Order of St. John), Niklot (Reiner's son, Neubrandenburg), Konrad (Berlin), Gilbert (Prussia), Rahela (Gilbert's wife, Romania), Reiner (Brandenburg), Ilse (Potsdam), Johanna (Koenigsberg), (L to R Front) Ludwig (German Empire), Sztefa (Silesia) - Gilbert and Rahela were wed in 1866, after Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen came to the Romanian throne as King Carol I of Romania. The marriage is purely political, but the two maintain a cordial and warm friendship. much to Erzsi's dismay - Niklot is Reiner's son, born from a human lover he had before the 30 Years War. Father and son were only recently reunited in the 1820s. - Sztefa is Gilbert's adopted daughter, taken in during the First Silesian war, and raised in part by Frederick II. Served in the volunteer corps during the Napoleonic era disguised as a man. Is Ludwig's scary lesbian older sister.
Portrait 2: The Vienna family, painted c. 1830s.
(L to R Back) Erzsebet (Hungary), Sztefa, Anneliese (Vienna), Roderich (Austria) (L to R Front) Ludwig, Gilbert - Roderich may be bonded to Austria, but his sister Anneliese, who embodies the capital, takes more of a leading role when it comes to government matters.
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23fallencomets · 7 months ago
idcccc i’m just glad lando and oscar kept it clean, it could’ve been so much worse if lando decided not to give up his position
lando is getting a lot of shit from it but regardless had he not given up the position, the hate would’ve been so much worse and the name calling would be insane.
Congrats to both of them, a big fuck you to both williams and mclaren for not knowing what strategies you want to implement.
Checo and Charles were in points and really that’s all i could’ve asked for for them
hopefully williams will get their shit together for spa because both alex and logan deserve better than what they’re being given.
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durzarya · 8 months ago
The fact that I only know the policies of the political parties this year means that I have indeed failed at politics is batshit insane. The fact that I would still rather live here than at Hungary is somehow worse
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russellius · 2 years ago
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2023 HUNGARIAN GP : Thursday | © Michael Potts
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schlock-luster-video · 1 year ago
On November 8, 2000, Welcome to the Dollhouse debuted in Hungary.
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Here's some new Victoria Davis art!
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telaviv-delhi · 1 year ago
Welcome to Hungary:
Megvert Levente, megboxolt és megrúgdosott. Mindezt a Spárban, a kassza előtti sorban, mivel nem tetszett neki, hogy előtte állok. Megrúgdostam! - közölte diadalmasan kisérőjével, egy nagymama korosztályú nénivel. - Nem szabad ilyent tenni, Levente - közölte a nagymamakorú kötelességtudóan, de mérsékelt eréllyel, mintha a vasúti menetrendet olvasná fel. Én is lelkesen másodhegedültem a bokámat masszírozva: - Igenigen, szerintem sem szabad idegeneket verni! Bocsánatkérés nem hangzott el, de szerencsére nem sérültem, mert Levente egy négy-öt év korú magyar kisfiú, cumival a szájában.
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gawankeundco · 2 years ago
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Sturmi has no time for your bullshit. | GER vs HUN @ IIHF Worlds 2023 | 21.05.2023
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tunguszka20 · 10 months ago
Spanish, Italian, and I'm sure a bunch of other languages: curva *as in a curve, pretty ordinary word*
Hungarian: kurva *as in a prostitute, derogatory, we still use it all the time.*
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vogelmeister · 1 year ago
its 1am and after a long hard think I’ve decided that it’s actually kinda sad that i feel some of my older more conservative relatives can’t read goud or see it of anything becomes of it
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da-riya · 2 years ago
Based or Cursed?
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nicolebacktoparadise · 11 months ago
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coltii-romanesti · 1 year ago
What's the most embarrassing scar/injury you've had, non-trauma answers only? What's a big ol' "oopsie-doopsie" that you had to explain when people asked "what happened?"
Vlad searched his memory for anything that wasn't the result of something that gave him nightmares. He scanned each one, and then remembered the first time he celebrated Halloween. He stifled a laugh and coughed, holding a hand over his grin.
"It was when my country first started getting into the Western Halloween celebrations. It isn't really all that big, but some of the bigger cities did it, and I was curious. Did a bit of research, and tried to scare people the way I heard they did in the west, but, um... it didn't go well..." His hand shifted from covering his grin to the bridge of his nose. "A poor unsuspecting woman wacked me really hard in the face with her bag and broke my nose... it was entertaining to explain the whole thing to my boss the next day. It wasn't even an elaborate scare, I just jumped out from around a corner. Though, I may have gone overboard on the makeup for it..."
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