#weird one shots for halloween :V
datawyrms · 2 years
He hadn’t wanted to just run off to the Far Frozen again, to take advantage of his ghostly allies for every little problem. Feeling a bit funny in ghost form wasn’t anything new, wasn’t something worth worrying about. It was just a noise. A little thing.
He figured it was just his heart, still beating under ectoplasmic skin. It only felt louder, made his chest twinge uncomfortably because that wasn’t normal for ghosts, that’s all. He was only imaging the click. There wasn't a tick.
He ignored it. It did not ignore him. The stiffness, the discomfort only increased. He had hundreds of reasons to brush it off. How many ghosts had bones like he did? He felt fine after he changed back. It was a ghost only problem, and of course he felt sore as a ghost! Danny fought ghosts as a ghost, and got very well acquainted with the texture of buildings doing so. It would be strange if he wasn’t sore sometimes.
He would have kept ignoring it, dismissing it if his hand hadn’t seized up. It wouldn’t move beyond the slightest shudder, as if his muscles had locked in place. Being human didn’t make the sudden lock up vanish, and the noise he swore had been his heart clicked so loudly in his ears that he thought something had broken.
So much for not bothering Frostbite.
“I can suggest steps, Great One, but without confronting the cause the changes will continue.” The yeti’s massive fuzzy hand on his shoulder was not very comforting with the news that came with it. “Nor can I reasonably expect we would be able to make the ghosts responsible reverse it.”
“I don’t care who it is, I’ll still clobber them if it cuts this creepy stuff out.” Creepy was an understatement, but the only word he could think of. The ticking kept going at the same constant speed, ignoring or blind to his irritation and fear.
“It would be beyond even you. I am sorry. However, any of us here would be willing to assist you. I fear living outside of the Infinite Realms may become difficult if your body locks up more severely.”
“I’m not going to let someone make me unable to go home because they put some dumb ghost curse on me!”
Frostbite did not laugh, did not shrug and let him go ‘try’. Instead his grip tightened as he lowered his great head down to his eye level. “Young one, you cannot fight off time itself. I do not know why it has ensnared you, or how you caught its attention. I only know how to help you keep those growing gears in order.”
It sounded even worse when he phrased it like that. Gears? Like it wasn’t bad enough that he was half some weird ghost, he had to just add weird mechanical bits in too? “What do you mean time itself? You said a ghost did it!”
“Yes. There is a ghost, in theory. I do not know if they actually exist. I only know that in order to keep ‘peace’ within the realms time will twist some ghosts. To give them weaknesses, to keep any one ghost from becoming greater than it.” Frostbite didn’t flinch from his yell, instead focusing on Danny’s much smaller hand, ever so gently moving it and listening for a small click in each joint. “If they do not wish to be found, they will not be. I should be able to fix the misalignment- but it is temporary. Your body will not move in perfect sync with these new growths. They’ll catch and freeze like this again if you are not careful.”
Danny felt an awful lump in his throat. There was only one ghost that did time stuff? One ghost that was doing this to him? Putting freaky cogs and gears under his skin so they’d catch and break? To leave him helpless and unable to move like how his hand had become useless?
It wasn’t a nice thought, but he didn’t want to argue with Frostbite about a ‘time ghost’. If it wasn’t who he was thinking of, they’d know more than his fuzzy friend anyway.
He found the clock tower as easily as he did the time he tried to beg for help in curing his friends after Vlad made them sick. The door was already half open, so he did not have the satisfaction of knocking it aside or kicking it down.
Instead he only had the constant ticking of the massive gears inside the tower. The ticking that was in perfect sync with that awful grinding in his chest, the uncomfortable twinge under his knuckles as if something far too large had been crammed under the joints. As if he was part of it. “Clockwork!” Was it a furious bark, or more of a pitiful mewl? He couldn’t tell over how loud everything felt.
Red eyes loomed over him, sudden and unexpected.
Nothing. Clockwork did not speak. Danny couldn’t force another word out of his throat, even though he wanted to scream at him, to ask what gave him the right to slip awful machinery inside him- to control him.
Clockwork’s face twisted for only a moment, swiftly enough that he couldn’t quite tell if it had been in rage or some other emotion full of bared teeth. “You are in trouble again, I take it.”
His passive question ignited the anger simmering in his chest, confusion knocked aside with a furious certainty. “Because of you!”
“In part.” Clockwork looked away, but did not move out of range of any attack Danny would care to make. “I did not kill you when ordered to.”
“I’m not talking about that! I’m talking about these- this- clockwork! Inside me!” He could have known- it was even the weird ghost’s name- how stupid was he?
“I understand. It is not an enjoyable experience, but one gets used to it, in time.”
No apology? Not even an explanation? “Why? I don’t- I don’t want this!” His fingers clenched and he pulled his arm back, prepared to take a swing. Instead of taking it his elbow made an awful crunch and froze, just as useless as his hand had been before.
Clockwork came close, reaching for his arm but he flew back, eyes burning in anger. “Don’t touch me! Not when you did it!”
The hooded ghost did not approach again, but did not back away either, shifting ages instead as if it would make a difference. “I understand your condition. Let me help, I will not harm you, and leaving your arm in that state will only make things worse in the future.”
He really wanted to shoot Clockwork right now. “No!”
Clockwork lowered his arm and sighed, eyes seeming dimmer than usual. “Very well. Just take care of yourself. If you awake with a key, guard it with everything you have.”
Still nothing useful from the bizarre ghost, just what sounded like threats. “I was stupid to think you were kind.” Danny spat as he backed away. He had to find some other way to fix this, a way to get a jump on this jerk of a ghost.
“I understand the pain you are going through. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else.”
Danny left. He didn’t want to hear anything else. Didn’t want to feel how in sync all the weird little movements inside him were as he listened to seconds tick by. He hated how it smothered his anger and almost seemed to comfort him while he felt awful little metal disks clicking in his limbs. He couldn’t be here, he wouldn’t. He’d come back with friends and make him undo it.
“You always complain you are lonely, Time Master. Be grateful.”
“I will not.”
“Pardon? Did you say you did not want your clock wound? That is what it sounded like, Clockwork. Did I mishear you?”
A low rumble that died into nothing but the constant beat of seconds. “Thank you.”
“Better. It’s difficult for an antique like yourself to get anything done all wound down like this, after all.”
Clockwork could only grit his teeth and refuse to look at his tormentor, the holder of a key he could not function without. “You will not take his key.”
“Of course we will. No reason for a pair of clocks to hold them. It is not as if he could wind himself.”
Perhaps not himself. Yet they could help one another. If only he had not lost his. In only he hadn’t entrusted it to traitors who claimed to work for ‘order’
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Meg, my love...it's gonna start off soft but...let's just get weird with it. (Their whole relationship is a weird one anyway. Why not.)
Warnings/Themes: Smut, Dry Humping, P in V sex, metaphorical monsterfucking (just...have a really open imagination about this), soulmates(? but we already knew that...), the Knight reads a poem to Eddie.
Quoting "The Kraken" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Find other Hymns of Heaven here.
And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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October 1984
Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
It was another lazy Sunday with no work or homework or any other obligations.
You had worked on Saturday morning, then got lunch with one of your coworkers from Bradley's. Eddie had spent a majority of his day at the library to find books to reference so he could finish up his plans for his Halloween One Shot for Hellfire, and then he dragged you to some party that he was asked to deal.
It wasn't your crowd; wasn't his either--the rich pretty kids that lived on the right side of the tracks--but the beer was free, and he'd sold enough to squirrel a bunch of cash away around the trailer, fill his wallet, and treat you to McDonalds for breakfast.
"Only the crispiest of hash browns for my angel," he said as he slipped back into his room after making the food run and presented you with the bag. You rolled your eyes and gave him a reluctant thank you kiss; he knew you hated that nickname.
And now you were lazing in bed, surrounded by books and each other. Your own little world. The stereo was on, softly playing some mix that you surprised him with. A perfect blend of your tastes and his.
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth:
"Hey this is a cool one." Your voice broke through the tranquil atmosphere and you shifted closer to him.
Eddie abandoned his note taking so he could look at what you had found. He vaguely recalled grabbing the book because the faded green cover had been embossed with tentacles. He didn't even know what was in it, it just looked interesting.
"The Kraken." You grinned and began reading, even though Eddie was close enough to see the poem himself.
Eddie chose to watch you instead.
The poem was short, so he didn't get to watch for very long, but he let his sight feed his hungry heart. And oh, how hungry it was.
He knew he would never get his fill of you.
This was where Eddie wanted to be forever.
He could try to imagine some kind of future with you but the details didn't matter. Whether it was a mansion after Corroded Coffin hit it big, or another trailer here in Hawkins if he dropped out of school and got a job at Thacker Tires. Or any and all variations in between.
All that mattered to him was that when you got to the heart of your lives, the very depths of your beings, when you took a peek into the 4 walls that constituted a home...there was just the two of you.
He wanted to be with you, alongside you, harmonious. Inside of you. Buried deep in your heart and in your mind where you could never get him out, even if you tried.
He knew the lightness in you filled and brightened all the dark parts of him and he could only hope that he did the same for you.
He would give everything.
faintest sunlights flee About his shadowy sides; above him swell Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
You finished your recitation and went about on a tangent about divine and infernal beings, as you often did when you were inspired.
Tiamat and primordial chaos. Leviathan and the consumption of the damned.
Something stirred deep within him. A need. He would have made a joke about tentacles being a turn on, but when you looked at him expectantly, he didn't hesitate to kiss you.
Eddie looked forward to this. You both did, obviously. You basked in the emotional connection almost immediately after you met, but the physical aspect of your relationship was a journey you embarked on together after your first real date. Neither of you were inexperienced, but everything took a deeper meaning when you explored.
It was a euphoric experience the first time you kissed, touched, explored, fucked.
This was no different.
Your mouths were greedy things; they always were. Eddie preferred to bite while you liked to lick and lave. And while he was the one to initiate this little dalliance, he was happy to let you take control, to take what you wanted.
In the end he still got what he wanted too.
To be consumed by you. And to consume you in return.
And far away into the sickly light, From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
You nudged him onto his back and he winced at the dig of his notebook beneath his shoulder blade. You sensed the hitch of his breath as discomfort turned into pain, and further still into pleasure as you pushed your body into his, pushed him further into the bed, and let the promised heat of you engulf him. Your fingers slithered through his hair, nails raking against his sensitive scalp, and gave him something to focus on as your tongue pillaged his mouth, traced the grooves of his teeth, mated with his tongue.
He could feel you deep in his very being, licking into his ventricles...searching...searching...
Eddie moaned into your mouth, a sinful sound that even made himself a little more aroused, and your body reacted in kind. Your fingers dug, drilled through his skull and implanted themselves into his brain, depositing impure thoughts and demanding precious affection. Something he so willingly gave.
You could have him, possess him, protect him, and cherish him. Destroy him if you really wanted to, he didn't quite care.
You rolled your hips, clothed core seeking the delicious friction so you could be reborn anew. He angled his own his up, bucked into you. His release would come but he would give into the demand for the rich, ripe fury of yours first.
When you found it, you refused to retreat. Fell against him. Carved the place in his chest where you could live forever. Cradled in the hollow of his body, tangled in his veins, curled around his heart.
His hands gripped you, soothed you. Offered you respite from the savagery of this ritual. And when you were ready, pushed you back.
You patiently peeled one another's layers away. Clothes and skin and sinew. You shed your mortal forms until you were raw and visceral and vulnerable.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge sea worms in his sleep, Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
It was Eddie’s turn now. He liked to believe that he was not as demanding as you, needy little thing that you were. But he had an insatiable hunger of his own.
And much like the leviathan, he would consume what was in his path.
He laid you back and his teeth nipped. He sucked and slurped at what slickness you had to offer, then it was his turn for his tongue to breech you. To search and find the truest path that would belay his ultimate prize.
It didn't take long, and he didn't need to be as thorough as you were, unfortunately. But as your soft little whines became desperate and ear-splitting, he knew you were prepared.
Eddie offered sweet kisses to every inch of you as he ascended, to the fluttering, wanting softness of your core, to your hundred searching limbs that begged him closer, to your bared throat that pulsed with your life-force. Your cheeks, your eyelids, and finally your lips, still open and panting but eager to accept all he had to offer.
Then once by man and angels to be seen, In roaring he shall rise
Eddie sunk deep into you. The rigid, veiny thickness of his cock dragged deliciously into your channel and when he finally found his prize, as he went as deep as he could go, he reared his head and released a gnarled, baritone wail.
It shook the walls and penetrated into the very core of the earth itself. Every God and Devil would know that the two of you had found each other, had found your way home. It was destined; it was foretold. And every power that be knew that if they dared to pull you apart, armageddon would soon follow.
When the tremors finally stopped and you had all senses about you, Eddie's hips drillled and pistoned, down and deeper, to memorize the welcoming softness of you. Every cavern, every chamber, every crevice, until he could practically taste your light.
And he transcended with violent delight.
He gave everything he could, emptied his being of himself so he could accept all of you. Every spurt a plea and a promise all at once. And he didn't need to curl himself around your heart, even if he desired it, because you reached into your chest and handed it to him. It was bloody and raw and dripping around your talons.
As you forced it to take the vacant space that he just revealed to you, he collapsed upon you, panting.
You held him, whispered sweet things into his ear.
"I need you. I see you. I want you. I love you, Eddie Munson."
and on the surface die.
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seiwas · 10 months
Sel how long is your tbr list ? And which fic(s) are looking forward to read the most ?
nonie hello!!! 🥹 my tbr rn is at ~150 🥲😭 (i put them in my drafts!! and i have huge backlog bc i just recently got off a reading ban while writing 'these traces of love, they outline you' 🥹)
listing some hehe this is gonna be long so i'll put it under the cut!!! (in no particular order of preference but it's categorised by anime & character)
am sure there are so many more i'm probably missing/weren't able to see yet tho!!
for jjk
intrinsic warmth by thatdesklamp (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) been wanting to read this for a while but just trying to find the time to!
godmaker by @firein-thesky (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) has been in my tbr for the longest time and every time i see cielo talk abt it i get itching to read it hsajhdfbj
[untitled 'halloween' fic] by @stellamancer (one-shot, gojo satoru) not yet out but niku's been working really hard on this and am so excited hehehe
and i'm asking you to hold me just like the morning paper by @selarina (one-shot, gojo satoru) older brother's best friend gojo; am such a sucker for long titles and older brother's bsf tropes! i also love rina v much!
bfb by @em1e (series, ongoing, kamo choso) best friends's older brother choso; emmie shared the idea and some scenes with me when she was conceptualising it and it was the final push that tipped me over to being a choso fucker
chaos theory by @/hawnks (one-shot, nanami kento) strangers to lovers nanami; op wrote one of my favourite gojo fics ever, cantor’s paradox!!
as it should have been by @k9nto (one-shot, nanami kento) friends to lovers nanami; tallulah always talks about how much fun she had writing this so i'm excited to get to this too!
let me out, i'm starving by @princess-okkotsu (one-shot, okkotsu yuuta) fwb!yuuta; aleks tipped me over to being a yuuta fucker and the idea of an fwb!yuuta with the way aleks characterises him is just soo ouuuuGHH
all of @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat's new fics!! i have so many of ari's fics to catch up on!! but characterisation is always on point and the writing always feels like a movie!! (there are gojo, megumi, and yuuta ones afair!!)
every time @augustinewrites drops smth!! the fushigojos live in my mind but augustine's doing an anniversary event rn themed after taylor swift lyrics!! and the line-up looks so good!!
inez's @itadorey masterlist still have yet to do a sweep of inez's masterlist but i always find myself smiling reading her stuff!! (lot of gojo!!)
lin's @threadbaresweater older stuff while going thru lin's masterlist i saw a gojo fic and nanami fic i'm excited to read!! lin always writes with a certain kind of vulnerability that digs deep!!
for bnha
something just like this by @/ofmermaids (series, complete, midoriya izuku) i've been wanting to get to this for so so long. op wrote some of my favourite bakugo fics, surrender (whenever you're ready) + on my way (to you); this almost feels like a reward i'm saving for when i really have the time tbh
you had only to look at me by @willowser (series, complete, bakugo katsuki) childhood bff!bakugo; i read this a long time ago but willow reposted it and i am!! so excited to read it again!!!
nitroglycerine by @/alrightberries (one-shot, bakugo katsuki) kind of fwb!bakugo; the description/summary got to me omg and am such a sucker for fwb to lovers and the weird in-between
like real people do by @shibaraki (one-shot, todoroki shouto) strangers to friends to lovers; this has been in my tbr for so long too and can't wait to get to it bc i love the way monty writes shouto!!
the glass delusion by @shibaraki (series, on-going, todoroki shouto) touch-starved shouto; i read the first installment and am such a sucker for explorations of intimacy!! so am so excited for this one too!!
i'll find my way (back to you) - homecoming by @bluebird-in-the-breeze (side story of a series, complete, todoroki shouto) chef!reader; read the entire series and loved it!! i love birdie's writing and was so happy that she recently released this for the series's 1 year anniversary!!
i think i'm in love with my coworker (update) by @todorosie (one-shot, todoroki shouto) coworker shouto; the title alone had me so curious omg and i love the tone of sorin's spidey!gojo series so am excited to get to this too!!
fill my little world (right up) by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) single dad au; such a sucker for this au!! and am also really selective with the aizawa stuff i read but always love monty's!!!
the kids are gonna be alright by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) coworkers to lovers; i love the premise of this so much!! i love these kinds of explorations and idk!! again!! i am a shibaraki stan!! i love everything monty writes hjsdbgjfs i've been really wanting to go through monty's entire masterlist too!! (there's a lot of writing to feast on and no matter who it is i think monty always writes em well)
andie's @andypantsx3 entire masterlist!! andie has soooo many stuff i want to read i can't even single one out omg i never feel the length when i read andie's stuff!!
for hq!!
the burden of being by @sashimiyas (one-shot, miya osamu) amnesia au; this has been in my drafts for so long too bc i'm still afraid of reading it but reina writes some of my fave hq fics so am excited to sink my teeth into this!! honestly am also excited to go thru reina's entire masterlist + osamu masterlist!!
get him back by @noosayog (one-shot, miya osamu) fake dating osamu; fake dating is one of my fave tropes and i also love noos's writing!! osamu is also my comfort character... so all of this just speaks to me
cross check by @kagelun (series, on-going, iwaizumi hajime) hockey player!iwaizumi; my god i'll read anything iwa anyway but to have him be an athlete for a completely different sport... just does smth to my brain... also kit has the most insane iwa thoughts i'm excited for this
seasons by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro) friends to lovers; love mint's stuff and am trying to get into makki more lately so i can fully immerse into seijoh4!! also really love a friends to lovers any day
one, two, and... (onlyfans) by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro + matsukawa issei) was sooo excited for this when mint announced they were working on it omfg literally vibrating w excitement to get to this
for multi
leah's @missmeinyourbones new stuff not sure if they're new or just being resurfaced but i see leah rb some of her stuff and am so excited to get to each one asbfj so i might actually just do a masterlist sweep atp... (she's one of my fave writers fr)
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
The Slayers
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!cop!reader
Summary: Vampires begin attacking people in Los Angeles, and as the chosen one, it's up to you and your partner to stop them.
Warnings: mentions of being shot, discussion/depiction of drugs, typical The Rookie warnings, spoilers/references from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 2.8k+ words
A/N: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Rookie 4x05 "A.C.H." mixed in my mind and this is the product. (This isn't set at Halloween though.)
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“I can’t believe I just witnessed Tim Bradford get shot,” you muse as you exit the liquor store, pushing the handcuffed shooter toward the shop.
“I didn’t mean to!” the man says.
“You have the right to remain silent, and I’d suggest you take it,” Tim snaps.
“I think he’s mad,” you whisper as you open the back door. “Watch your head.”
After the door closes, you press your lips together and look over the hood at Tim. He points at you, a silent warning to stay quiet.
“Are you okay?” you ask. “That bullet hit you right in the throat.”
“It was a NERF gun.”
“Right, sorry, that cartridge hit you pretty fast.”
“Drop it,” Tim warns.
“I’m just worried about your health, Tim. Getting shot isn’t easy.”
Tim rolls his eyes and waves you off as he enters the shop. You join him in the car, and when he looks over, you raise your hands as a promise won’t bring it up again... for now.
“7-Adam-15,” Nolan says over the radio. “Unknown… 11-2… bite!”
Tim furrows his brows as he watches the radio. Nolan sounded upset, but the audio cutting in and out worries you more.
“Nolan, repeat that?” Wade requests.
“One suspect in custody,” Nyla answers. “We need an RA. The suspect- he bit somebody.”
“That’s not weird,” Tim murmurs.
“Sergeant, he’s got fangs and there’s too much blood for one bite,” Nyla adds.
“Sending additional units now, Harper,” Wade radios. “RA’s en route.”
“Did she say fangs?” you repeat. Tim reaches for the radio, but you snatch it to ask, “Nyla, are you at Sunset and Highland?”
“Just north of it,” she replies.
“We can’t respond,” Tim points out. “This genius needs to get to booking.”
“The trigger was faulty!” the man behind you defends.
“The trigger was plastic.”
“No, Tim, this is just starting,” you state.
“Fangs, blood, biting? Tim, that was a vampire.”
Tim narrows his eyes at you before he scoffs. The wannabe liquor store thief behind you whimpers, but you know better than to push the subject. Hooking your finger under your hidden necklace chain, you can only hope that a vampire sighting in the middle of the day isn’t a bad omen.
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“Bradford!” Wade yells as you exit booking. “We’ve got over a thousand calls about sightings, attacks, and assaults. Whatever this is, it started somewhere.”
“Whatever what is?” Tim asks.
“Have you been listening to your radio?”
“More vampires,” you say. “Any leads?”
“Not a single one.”
“Were Nolan and Harper the first to make contact with the vampires?”
“Yes they were. Do you have an idea?”
“They were less than a block from Bar Sinister,” you begin.
Tim raises his hand and cuts you off to say, “Don’t start with this again. Location relative to a bar doesn’t give people fangs and make them bloodthirsty.”
“Tim, most of the people who frequent Bar Sinister have sharpened or enhanced canines to look like fangs,” you point out. Turning to Wade, you ask, “Are they actually biting people?”
“Yep,” Nyla answers from behind you. “Drinking the blood and everything.”
“It’s gross,” Nolan mumbles.
“The bar sounds like the best starting place we’ve got,” Wade decides. “You four go check it out.”
“And when we find that it’s just a bar and have no idea where the blood drinking is coming from?” Tim challenges.
“Hellmouth,” you remember.
“From Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” Nolan inquires. “I loved that show.”
“No, not the Hellmouth. It’s a newer drug, making its way to high-end buyers.”
“How do you know that?” Tim asks, his brows pinched.
“A friend of mine, Tan, he worked vice back when Hellmouth had just started. It’s a combination of oxy, anti-psychotics, and some unregulated hallucinogen,” you explain. “Those medications in combination, excess, even, might disrupt the brain enough to make someone thirsty for blood.”
“I’ll let narcotics know,” Wade responds. “For now, get to that bar and find out if it’s ground zero for Hellmouth.”
“How do you know all of this?” Tim asks as you return to the shop.
“I do my homework,” you answer lightly.
“Yeah, and you’re a vampire slayer,” Tim replies sarcastically.
“It seems like we’re both slayers now.”
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“Well, that was a waste of time,” Tim complains as you return to the shop after the most recent dead-end lead. The sun has set, but your end of watch is nowhere in sight. Now, there are even more bloodthirsty civilians on the streets of Los Angeles.
“What do we do now?” you ask, looking into the dark alley.
“You tell me, slayer.”
You nod and pull the silver necklace chain under your uniform. “Which makes you Angel, my dark, mysterious helper.”
“Sure,” Tim answers, preparing to pull out and return to patrol.
“Who I shouldn’t kiss but really, really want to.”
Tim’s eyes widen, and his fingers curl tighter around the steering wheel. His triceps flex, popping beneath his sleeves, as he pushes against the wheel, unsure what to say or how serious you are.
“That’s not… we should,” Tim begins. “Actually, you, uh-“
“Tim,” you interrupt. You reach across the car and place your hand on his forearm. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”
“Okay,” Tim whispers. He nods to himself as he repeats, “Okay.”
You turn toward your window and hesitate before you say, “Uh, Tim?”
“What?” he asks, his arm tensing under your hand.
“There’s a vampire at the window.”
Tim looks over quickly, your hand sliding from his arm. The man nearing your door has sharpened canine teeth, and a thick red substance drips from his chin. When he raises a hand, prepared to break your window, Tim yanks the gear shift into reverse and presses the gas pedal to the floor.
“7-Adam-19,” you radio urgently.
“Additional units and RA en route,” Wade replies before you finish.
“Any word from narcotics on where this is coming from?” you inquire as Tim leans over the wheel to watch the man.
“Nothing. They’re not even sure what it is, but they’re tracking your Hellmouth lead.”
You return the radio to its place on the dash and raise your phone. “Screw this, if I’m the slayer, I’m getting our answers.”
“Do it quickly, because he’s not alone,” Tim says.
You look up, your finger hovering over your phone screen. There are at least half a dozen men now, and you have no idea how to stop them.
“Got any wooden stakes in your war bag?” you joke, but it comes out as a desperate last resort.
“They’re still people. We can keep them contained.”
“Until when? Sunrise? Tim, without knowing what they’re on, we’re blind in this.”
“Then be a slayer,” Tim answers. “But do it quickly!”
“C’mon, answer,” you plead softly. The call connects, and immediately, you say, “Does Narcan work on Hellmouth?”
“What?” Tan asks.
“Victor, we’re dealing with vampires, answer the question!”
“Hellmouth doesn’t always respond to Narcan, it depends on the chemical makeup. If there’s an opiate, yes, administer it.”
“And if I don’t know what’s in it?”
“What’s going on down there?”
“Right now, I’m trapped in a shop with six high vampires outside. How’s your day going?”
“Hellmouth wears off quickly, either the ingested blood dilutes it, or the body starts shutting down,” Tan explains. “It shouldn’t take long.”
“Okay, thanks, Tan.” After you end the call, you tell Tim, “We can wait it out or try to get to all of them with Narcan.”
“We wait,” Tim decides quickly. “But we need to know where these drugs are coming from.”
“I have a bad idea.”
“Don’t get out of the car.”
“I’m going to get out of the car.”
Tim says your name, but you exit the shop and raise your hands. “You guys don’t want to meet my friend in there,” you call. “I’ve got a silver cross around my neck, but he’s a whole lot meaner than me.”
The men stop, and one collapses before he begins convulsing on the ground. It’s wearing off, you think. Within a minute, all of them have slowed or fallen. Tim exits the shop and radios for the ambulances to meet them on the scene.
“Where did you get the drugs?” Tim asks the last conscious vampire.
“Bar Sinister,” he groans. “It was initiation night.”
Tim’s jaw clenches, and you smile as you taunt, “Told you so.”
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“LAPD!” Tim yells as he enters the bar.
“Hands up!” you instruct. “Everybody!”
“Officers,” the pink-haired bartender says with a tired sigh. “I can assure you that our liquor license is up to date.”
“And the illegal drugs turning people into vampires?” Tim asks. “Is that license up to date?”
“Initiation?” she asks. “That’s a placebo, it’s just a sugar pill.”
“What?” someone demands across the bar. His fangs make it sound like waff?
“How often do you do this initiation ceremony?” Nyla asks.
“Once a week, sometimes more depending on the crowd size. We did it two nights ago, had about two hundred people through that night.”
“Grey,” you radio. “How many people have we brought in on Hellmouth?”
“About 150,” he replies.
“That means there’s fifty more,” you realize. “We need to confiscate what’s left of the drug.”
“Oh, uh…” The bartender fumbles for words before she blurts out, “I gave them to my boyfriend, and he sold them.”
“How many?” Tim demands. “How many did he sell?”
“About a hundred pills to five or six people,” she answers quietly. “I swear I didn’t know what was in them.”
“What’s your boyfriend’s name?” you ask. When she shakes her head, you add, “You don’t want to get any more involved in this than you already are, what’s his name?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“I love Los Angeles,” Nolan murmurs to himself.
“What’s he go by?” Nyla asks.
“Spike,” she says. “Like-“
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” everyone in the bar finishes.
“You’re never riding in my shop again,” Tim tells you.
“Um, excuse me, officer?” a woman huddled in a booth by the door calls.
You nod to Tim before you approach her, and she gestures for you to come closer. With you squatted beside her seat, she leans forward to whisper in your ear.
“Spike didn’t sell them. He’s keeping them for himself,” she says.
“Why?” you ask softly.
“He saw what they did and thought, you know, that he could use them for something.”
“To make more vampires,” you guess. “Do you know where Spike is?”
“He’s in a house in the hills, I don’t know which one.”
“He can afford something in the Hollywood Hills?”
She shakes her head and mentions that he’s housesitting for a family member whose name she doesn’t know. “What I do know is that he owns this place. We don’t know his real name, but it must be on some kind of record or something, right?”
“Thank you…” you begin, hoping she’ll tell you her name.
“Buffy, and, yes, it’s my real name.”
“Thanks, Buffy.”
“Narcotics is here,” Tim alerts. “Folks, you’ll have to give a statement before you leave tonight. If you choose not to, there’s a nice holding cell where you can spend the night and enjoy your vampire daydreams.”
“Guys, I’ve got something,” you tell Tim, Nolan, and Nyla quietly. “Spike’s in the hills, and his real name is on the property records as owner.”
“A wooden stake would’ve been easier,” Tim grumbles.
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“Spike, man, hey!” Nolan yells. “It’s been too long.”
“Do I know you, bub?” Spike replies.
“I thought he was Spike, not Wolverine,” Lucy murmurs at your side.
“He’s insane,” Nyla corrects.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Nolan continues, approaching Spike on the sidewalk. “But there’s so much filth inside your head, ain’t no room for the words of truth. Right? Listen, I’ll let you think about whatever you want, but I need some sunny in my dale, you know what I’m sayin’?”
“He’s laying it on a little thick,” Lucy says.
“It’s kind of creepy how much he sounds like Caleb,” you mumble. When Nyla looks at you, you ask, “Am I the only one that watched the show?”
“Yeah, I gotchu,” Spike replies. “We’re just down the hill from the Hellmouth if you want to see it?”
“Love to,” Nolan agrees, discreetly signaling you to follow him.
As he joins Spike on the sidewalk and walks up the hill toward Spike’s aunt’s house, you drive slowly in the dark SUV. Tim and a Metro team are waiting at the house, but if anything goes wrong before they cross the property line, it's your job to handle it.
“Grey said our two hundred vampires are accounted for and receiving treatment,” Nyla says, reading a message on her phone. “So, once we’ve got Spike and the rest of Hellmouth, we can finally go home.”
“And do it all again tomorrow,” you add cheerfully.
“Hey, what freaked Tim out so much earlier?” Lucy inquires. “When we got there to take in the six vamps, he was totally off his game.”
“Well, one of them snuck up on us. Plus, I implied I wanted to kiss him even though I shouldn’t,” you answer without looking away from Nolan and Spike.
“Implied?” Nyla repeats, barely concealing her smile.
“We’ve got to move.”
You exit the car to stay behind Nolan and Spike on foot. When they reach the top of the hill and see the officers waiting, Spike turns quickly.
“As much as I’d get a big laugh watching Bradford kick your skinny, white bum, and as much as I know I can give you a little bum-kicking myself right now, I’m here to tell you something: you’re not even worth it,” you quote, leveling your gun on Spike. “And you’re under arrest.”
He furrows his brows, and you sigh in the realization that he doesn’t understand the references either. Maybe I’m the chosen one in this generation, you think.
“Where’s the rest of the Hellmouth drug?” Nyla asks after reciting his Miranda rights. “They’re going to search the house anyway, so if you tell us now, you might save yourself some trouble.”
“In the urn above the fireplace,” Spike admits. “It opens clockwise.”
“Whose urn?” Lucy asks. “Wait, no, I don’t want to know.”
“Bradford,” you radio. “Spike’s in custody. Hellmouth is in the urn over the fireplace, which opens clockwise.”
“Nice work, Buffy,” Nolan tells you.
“Wait, you’re Buffy?” Spike asks.
“Not happening,” you and Nyla exclaim together.
“I want a lawyer,” Spike demands.
“How’d you know all of this stuff?” Lucy inquires.
“I’ve heard about Hellmouth before, it’s unique enough that it wasn’t hard to piece together. And Bar Sinister was on my beat when I was a rookie. They used to know me in there, I could just walk in and high five a few people to respond to noise disturbance calls.”
“And kissing Tim, your Angel?” Nyla teases.
“Is something that I probably need to apologize for. Again.”
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“Tim, wait up!” you call, jogging through the station parking lot.
When he turns, you stop suddenly and blink in surprise. Two white fangs glint in the streetlight above you, and though you can tell they’re fake, it still catches you off guard.
“Cute,” you murmur. “Look, I’m sorry for all the teasing and the comment about kissing you. It just- I guess it was my way of dealing with a weird day.”
Tim shrugs, and you offer your hand to shake his. He takes your hand, holding it rather than shaking it.
“Do Buffy and Angel end up together?” he asks clumsily around the cheap mouthpiece.
“I’m not spoiling the show for you. You’ll have to watch it for yourself.”
Tim smiles before he pulls your hand. You try to catch yourself rather than run into his chest, but Tim’s arm wraps around your waist and keeps you close as he dips his chin and kisses you. The plastic fangs hit your bottom lip as you raise your hands to hold Tim’s jaw. Tim moves with you, both of you forgetting about the fangs as you get lost in one another. When you pull back, breathless, Tim removes his hand from your waist and removes the mouthpiece, sliding it into his pocket for another time, you’re sure.
“So,” you begin slowly. “How’s your throat?”
Tim shakes his head and tightens his arm around your waist.
“Sorry,” you apologize. “Want to go watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer? You’re going to love Giles.”
“I’ve been shot, attacked by vampires, and had to dig through an urn to find illegal street drugs today, and you’re going to suggest we watch that?”
“You said you wanted to know who Buffy chooses.”
“I want to know what you are choosing,” Tim says, his eyes dropping quickly to your lips.
“I think you know,” you answer, laying your palm against his cheek. “But let’s try this without the fangs and I’ll let you know for sure.”
“Getting shot in the throat hurt less.”
You roll your eyes and push yourself against Tim’s chest to kiss him again. He might be quiet and mysterious at times, but you and he both know, in this moment, that he’s all you’ll ever want.
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iainwrites · 1 year
One last parting shot of the summer 2023 "fuck it why not" list!
-Scary Movie (nowhere near as good as I remember it)
-A co-watch of Scream V. Enjoyed much more than Scary Movie, and enjoyed the fact that I was watching it with a friend and could do my predictions/analysis with them in real time.
-Dr Who 50th Anniversary Special. It's been a LONG TIME since I watched it. Now that I have little connection to the series, watching it critically for the story instead of going along with the hullabaloo of the anniversary, I can say that it's a good Doctor Who story. The way the plot can be moved along thanks to having 3 Doctors is done in a clever way, and more often than not, it's just plain entertaining. The Tom Baker stuff feels a little out of place with everything else, but that final nod to the past has its role, I guess.
-AND! An Adventure in Space and Time. I never watched this when it aired, or when I bought it. Completely wonderful stuff. David Bradley has only ever been the crotchety old man/bastard, so to see him do something similar and different was great. Plus, being able to see something new from a series I inhaled once upon a time is a rare treat these days. The "I don't want to go" feels a little heavy handed, but everything else was pretty fun.
-The Long Halloween. A solid "meh." I came up with the Batman/Superman/Justice League/JLU, so my views on any DC animated piece are biased. Plus, The Long Halloween was one of the first non-TV/movie pieces of Bat-media I took in, which biases my opinion on it doubly so. It's an okay movie; they keep some stuff the same, they change others (sometimes for weird reasons); Troy Baker imitates Mark Hamil but doesn't sound quite right (that's a "me" thing). I don't regret watching it, but it's not something I'm rushing back to see again (see "Mask of the Phantasm").
-The Flash. Another "meh." The reprise of the Danny Elfman theme was very nice, but everything else just happened. And the swearing; you don't need cuss words to be entertaining or interesting. Use them sparingly as punctuation.
-I Know What You Did Last Summer. I was never a horror fan, but going back to things that came out in my hey-day is pretty fun. It was a good movie, too; good killer reveal, fine acting from all on board. I can see where Scary Movie took some of the ideas, and can see when I Know did it a hell of a lot better.
-Starship Troopers. There's probably going to be a big lore read on it later. A military science fiction concept with some pretty interesting world building: I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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homoose · 4 years
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TMSIDK: A Timeline
Several people have asked me about the timeline of events for TMSIDK! Here is the breakdown of the real-life timeline (I moved everything back two years bc corona lmao). Canonically, the entire series takes place post series finale, with the omission of the Je*d arc from season 14. I will continue to add to this as more one-shots are added. I cannot thank you enough for your support for this series! ♥️ moose
♤ indicates smut
♖ indicates angst
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TMSIDK part I - end of September 2018
TMSIDK part II - early October 2018
TMSIDK part III - mid-October 2018
TMSIDK part IV - late October/November 2018
TMSIDK part V - early November 2018
TMSIDK part VI - mid-November 2018
TMSIDK part VII ♖ - mid-January 2019
TMSIDK part VIII ♖ - late January 2019
TMSIDK part IX ♖ - early February 2019
TMSIDK part X - early March 2019
LHALC part I - early March 2019
Only the Best for Jeremy - late March 2019
LHALC part II - March/April 2019
You Know Better ♤ - early May 2019
The Interesting Electronic ♤ - May/June 2019
TMSIDK epilogue - late June 2019
meeting Penelope blurb - late June 2019
dry ass curls blurb - late June 2019
LHALC part III - late June/early July 2019
LHALC part IV - July 2019
A Timely Reminder ♤ - July 2019
LHALC part V - August 2019
deleted scene 1 - August 2019
Lighthouse - November 2019
Make a Memory ♤ - November 2019
sticky notes blurb - November 2019
The First of Many - December 2019
LHALC part VI ♖ - mid January 2020
LHALC part VII - late January 2020
snow day blurb ♤ - late February 2020
LHALC part VIII - February/March 2020
cravings blurb - March 2020
Weird is Good - April 2020
LHALC part IX - July 2020
Love Like This ♤ - July 2020
Wishes Do Come True ♤ - July 2020
LHALC part X - August/September 2020
A Little Messy ♤ - early August 2020
deleted scene 2 ♖ - late August/September 2020
deleted scene 3 - early September 2020
LHALC epilogue - early October 2020
pre-k Halloween blurb - late October 2020
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purplekiwis · 4 years
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When Y/N applied to study at the art school located in Golden Hills, a small city hidden among the mountains, blessed by a beautiful coastal line that is known to captivate large amounts of turists all year around, she would’ve never guessed that she would find herself willingly stepping into a subculture in which the limits are as blurry as the feelings she shares for Harry. The boy with long hair, dark clothes and a very messy heart.
Listen to the Damaged Goods Spotify Playlist: Here
Genre: Enemies to Lovers | College AU
Warnings: Smut*, Cursing, Alcohol & Drug Use, Borderline Abusive Behavior
Read This:
• This story will mention actions that may be considered as borderline abusive, such as public humiliation and verbal abuse. If you’re sensitive to any of these subjects I advise you not to read it.
• Every character mentioned in this story is a legal and consenting adult.
• Although the events narrated are completely fictional, they’re inspired by real college traditions that I’ve experienced myself. I later realized that understanding these traditions may be a little challenging if you’re not already familiar with them, so if you’re curious or want to know more about them feel free to ask.
Chapter I - Golden Hills (11/07) Goodbyes are bittersweet... and this school is already a bit weird, isn’t it?
Chapter II - The Rabbit Hole (13/07) The school is still weird, but now there’s a inconsiderate boy with a bad temper.
Chapter III - Mouthful of Pride (15/07) You've got a problem holding your tongue, and a strong hate for flavored syrup.
Chapter IV - Cards On The Table ( 21/07) Energy drinks lead to bold moves and a disastrous Truth or Dare game.
Chapter V - Strike One* (30/07) Late night drives and curious hands, but it was just a one time slip right?
Chapter VI - The Love Drug (21/08) A magic pill takes you on scenic trip to nowhere, then you wake up on a different side of the bed.
Chapter VII - Hold the Line*
Part 1 (31/08) Jealousy looks terrible on you, and those fishing boots sure are no better.
Part 2* (06/09) Bull shots, frat parties and a boy that won't hesitate to drop to his knees for you.
Chapter VIII - Why Are You Here? (21/11) Emergency school encounters lead to a knock on your door at 2AM.
Chapter IX - Sweet and Sour* (12/01) Who would've guessed that a simple cuddle sesh could lead to such a splashy mess?
Chapter X - Fake Blood and Understandings (10/02) Stolen kisses, creepy costumes and a Halloween party that leaves you antsy for all the wrong reasons.
Chapter XI - Silly Love Songs* (10/04) How is it that a ruined date could end so happily?
Chapter XII - The Portrait* (03/06) Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off.
Chapter XIII - A Truth Too Deep To Deny (22/07) You’ve got a one-track mind, too bad it only comes alive in the nighttime.
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feeling-weirdy · 4 years
**my scarletvision master list**
A giant list of all the drabbles I have written in chronological order for anyone who would like to read from start to finish.  If people are interested in becoming notified whenever I post something, please follow my AO3. 
Please feel free to send in prompts for anything you would like to see added to this list. 
Age of Ultron to Civil War
A Thing Isn’t Beautiful Because... - prompt; “right before or after Vision saves Wanda”; Overwhelmed with emotions, Wanda is filled with grief by the loss of her brother.  Vision tries to help her figure out a way to deal with the loss.
Uncertain, yet Intentional - prompt; The moment before his ‘I did intend to come in here’ line in episode 8 of WV
Silent Tears - prompt; Wanda really lets herself cry for the first time since Pietro’s death and Vision does his best to comfort her.
Unpleasant Dreams - prompt; Wanda has a nightmare and Vision goes in to check on her to see if she’s alright.
Do Better - prompt;  Vision is unable to save everyone in a disaster which helps him learn a very hard lesson.
Never Again - prompt;  Wanda POV; Vision and Wanda watch sitcoms and Wanda gets distracted
Bugging Out - prompt; “Holy fucking guacamole!”; A routine update goes awry.
Vis, We Talked About This - prompt; “Viz, we talked about this”; Vision tries to distract Wanda without seeming too pushy.
Your Electrifying Touch - Wanda POV; Unable to keep her thoughts contained, Wanda slips up but has to find a way to keep herself back on track.
An Unexpected Surprise - prompt; Vision comes home from a tough mission to find Wanda curled up in his bed.
Practice Makes Perfect - prompt; Vision and Wanda practice in an attempt to help get Wanda’s powers under control.
Dancing Out of Tune - prompt; Vision walks in on Wanda listening to Pietro’s favorite genre and throws him off guard.
Striking Thirteen - prompt; a moment where feelings develop; Wanda can’t seem to fall asleep and looks to Vision for help.
Happy Birthday...? - prompt; Vision gets a present from Wanda for his first "birthday"
Neverending Flow - prompt; Wanda gets a nosebleed
While No One is Watching - prompt; The gang starts dancing, but disappears once uncomfortableness starts to set in once the android and witch start to get close to one another.
Heart Over Duty - prompt; What else makes Vision cry?
Overrated - prompt; “I always thought Mr Darcy was overrated”; Vision’s feelings can no longer be kept to himself.  A novel Wanda suggests causes him to blurt out his confession.
Freezing Circuits - prompt; “Vision tries ice cream” 
An Accidental Moment - prompt; pre CW; While watching television together, Wanda initiates the next step in their relationship.
Civil War to Infinity War
Safe and Sound - prompt; songfic for Safe and Sound; After the destruction in Lagos, Wanda breaks down, leaving Vision to console her the best that he can. 
Distraction - prompt; Wanda POV; Wanda is overwhelmed by the Accords and is desperate for something else to focus on.  Vision is happy to oblige.
A Step Too Far - prompt; Vision offers pizza and an explanation for his actions in trying to keep Wanda safe inside the compound.
After the Storm - prompt; Vision arrives to see Wanda for the first time after the aftermath. 
The Little Green Monster - prompt; Vision becomes jealous of someone flirting with Wanda.
A Spark of Light - prompt; “we could be like sparks of light”; Vision attempts to talk Wanda into extending their little walks to something more substantial.
Can I Change Your Mind? - Vision is unable to tell Wanda goodbye and tries to get her to stay with him.
Three’s a Crowd - prompt; “love triangle between Vis, Wanda and Clint” 
Chicken Soup for the Soul - prompt; Wanda gets sick and Vision helps take care of her
And Life Will Always Be... - Wanda POV; Excited to meet up with Vision again, Wanda enters the hotel room hoping to get a head start but finds her plans are pushed to an instant halt.
Between the Lines - prompt; “that was an innuendo, wasn’t it?”; Vision struggles to understand why Wanda is acting so strangely.
Look My Way - Wanda POV; Tired of spending the afternoon alone, Wanda takes things into her own hands.
Cappuccino or Latte - prompt; “what’s the actual difference between a cappuccino and a latte?”; Vision attempts to make coffee despite his disadvantages.
Short and Sweet - Vision can no longer keep himself back from kissing Wanda.
All to Myself - prompt; Vision jealous of Wanda and Cap America’s friendship; The distance they have created has finally brought Vision to a breaking point.
Getting Caught - prompt;  Wanda and Vision get caught coming home late
Not Ostentatious, but True - prompt; “my love isn’t ostentatious, but it doesn’t make it any less true”; Vision becomes jealous of how others profess their love and he does his best to explain himself.
Purrfectly Happy - prompt; The first time Vision ever sees a cat 
By the River - prompt; UK shenanigans; Vision uses an anniversary as an excuse to create a new memory with something they had never tried before.
That One Thing - prompt; Vision and Wanda discuss their future.
To Grow Old In, V - Vision worries about whether or not his next move is too grand, but is determined to move to the next step regardless.
One Last Moment - prompt; “one last moment”; Vision and Wanda talk about their options should Wakanda fail to disconnect the Mind Stone.
Wandavision sitcom AU
Love Me Tender - Vision tries to make a special night for Wanda, hoping to make up for the Mr. Hart fiasco.
Support - prompt; Vision offers his assistance as Wanda struggles with her pregnancy.
Cravings - prompt; Wanda’s weird pregnancy cravings; Vision struggles in the kitchen while trying to keep up with her cravings.
Perfectly Molded - Wanda POV; prompt; Vision wearing gray sweatpants.  That’s pretty much it.
Back to Bed - A pregnant Wanda is sick and Vision struggles to take care of her.
Prenatal Upset - prompt; A pregnant Wanda doesn’t feel sexy and Vision is more than happy to prove otherwise. 
Melting in the Rain - prompt;  Wanda goes into labor and is cool as a cucumber leaving Vision to panic alone.
Nerves of Steel - prompt; Vision gets so caught up in himself that he phases through a piece of furniture and doesn’t even notice 
Painting for Mom - prompt; sweet dad!Vision moment; The boys craft gifts for Mother’s Day.
Yellow Brick Road - prompt; Vision and Wanda help the boys go Trick-or-Treating
The End of the Road - prompt; part 2 to Yellow Brick Road
Movie Night: Titanic - prompt; the family watching Titanic
Peace and Quiet Shattered - prompt; The twins attempt to make a little robot and are having trouble until Vision steps in and fixes it with ease.
Halloween Spooks - prompt; Vision getting scared by Halloween animatronics
Unable to Compute - prompt; Tommy and Billy do something stupid and Vision has a hard time understanding why
post Wandavision
A World Without Color - A series of prompts following White!Vision as he learns more about who he was so that he can move forward.
post Infinity War AU
Make it Real -  A series of one-shots, and possible story, following the traumatic events of Infinity War in an alternate universe where Wanda and Vision are alive and traumatized.
Random AUs
Bidding for Attention -  Tony has a bachelor auction and Hope Van Dyne bids on Vision to upset her dad for fun and then Hope and Vision hit it off and keep hanging out which makes Wanda realize her feelings for him have changed.
Pt 1
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 2: The Best Storyboarder Came Back Just so They Could Draw Tristan Getting Hit in the Nuts
OK lets just get to the good stuff.
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God bless you, storyboarder.
(read more under the cut)
The team has entered the Atlantis lair of Dartz, which is also accessible through Paradius in San Fransisco, but youknow...we don’t have magic so it’s not like we could’ve skipped like 10 minutes and just done that instead of the helicopter escape, the Military moment, and the ride through a hurricane.
Oh wait, we do have magic, that’s right...well...for now, pretend we don’t.
Enjoy the snakes.
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Strangely, Kaiba does not feel comfortable with the snakes, when snakes really just a smaller and cuter dragon. I love snakes. Never owned one...but I trust em.
Dartz has the Yugioh “old guy” aesthetic of “We just really like yellowed sandstone”
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I get that they want this place (and also Yami’s house) to look like a tomb so there won’t be any paint on the wall but this is just a pet peeve of mine that Ancient times freakin loved garish colors on the wall in layers and layers of patterns and yet in fiction we never show that.
But...it doesn’t go with the vibe. I’ll let it go because it would absolutely ruin the vibe to have a bunch of swirly stuff in neon orange and green.
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Before we have a chance to grab a step stool and just kinda yoink Yugi Muto, Dartz shows up, and this shot happens.
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I couldn’t not grab a cap of that. I mean...look at it. It is SO HARD to foreshorten hands so it looks right and then bam they just did that. It’s just...
...I’ve been breaking down foreshortening in Yugioh shots for a while now trying to figure out why when I do it, it looks like a busted huge hand, but when they do it, it looks really good, and I’m starting to realize that maybe it’s more than just stacking but also...the composition?
You can’t really look at this picture as a whole. The hand is such a strong focal point that you must start there, and then follow down the arm to the face. I think when I do these foreshortening shots I make the hand the same weight as the face, and that’s my downfall. You gotta let the composition force the viewer to slow down and take time in order for the optical illusion to happen...maybe? I’m like over 30 now, you’d think I’d figure this out by now.
Whatever, that’s another post.
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So like...what happened to those two people who used to be there????
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And now prepare thyself for my lazy math. I know this math is bad. For people out there who feel like working out the geometric growth and calculate just how many souls Dartz slurps up--feel free to tell me. If I like the explanation, I will adjust the Death Count to match it. It’s just too 2020 for me to do more than multiplication at the moment.
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Did I count how many people would have existed 10,000 years ago? no. Did I account for plagues? No. Like this math of 4 a day is bad...but eh it’s all I got right now in my mental ammunition.
Something that we did think about was...
Why not slurp up the Pharaoh soul when Yami was still alive? Like we assume the puzzle existed in the past but like...did Yami not get superpowered until Yugi woke him up? Was he in fact useless until he got a little bit of a battery charge during Season Zero when he was dumping people off of bell towers?
And like I get not knowing about the underground Ishtars, and not being able to get a hold of Shadi because Shadi is a lazy ghost, but Bakura was RIGHT THERE. You can’t munch up Pegasus off screen and then say “eh but Bakura’s kinda low tier” we know for a fact that Bakura is not...so like...there must have been some copyright situation where they couldn’t use certain characters. This is a filler arc--but it would have been nice to have at least some explanation as to why it took Dartz so long to finally murder the hell out of Pharaoh.
Which is me expecting way too much out of this show. Just something I was really hoping would get addressed but leave it for the headcanon.
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It’s at this point that Mokuba realized he’s standing on top of people.
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A crypt made out of human souls! Crazy, usually we’re in a crypt made out of one single human soul....and both of these crypts have Yugi in it.
In Raphael’s storyline, he’s been busy just cleaning up after everyone else. It’s supposed to come off as very serious but I was totally busting up when he’s just dropping bodies into the back of this jeep.
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And in the Kaiba Corp plotline, Roland is anxiously wondering if he should be a Dad and save the kids or if he should be a dog and stay in the plane.
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He stays in the plane.
Strangely this was the right call. (And this is why Roland has never died)
So they start throwing around cards, as you do, and Dartz puts down his Orichalcos, has he does, when suddenly...they started seeing stuff again. Can’t have a single card game without it.
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So the Orichalcos is just a backstory device? For reals?
Something I alluded to quite a few episodes back with Valon was just...wondering why the hell the Orichalcos crew had so much freakin magic as to make all these visions during duels. Turns out...it’s just a thing to occasionally trip on Oricalchos juice. I’m not sure why we never had a vision with Mai, Weevil, Rex, or Gurimo, but at least we now know that Raphael and Valon weren’t as magical as I thought they were.
So we’re in like...outer space. Kind of the last place you’d expect out of ancient Atlantis and Dartz isn’t having ANY OF IT.
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And honestly that makes sense. Imagine giving someone 10,000 years ago the run down on outer space. They’d freak. They’d definitely think you’re talking about demons.
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If space is an elaborate analogy, we don’t know that yet. For how this is presented, it’s just an old man hootin and hollerin about how much space sucks, and I love that.
PS how anime is this shot of the earth behind the orichalcos symbol and the dude in the middle with the ass length blue hair--really damn anime, right?
Like at least one of you has this wall hanging, right?
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For those that are too tired to look it up, Pangea was 280-230 million years ago.
So my thoughts are...either the math is wrong and I’ll fix it eventually in post, depending on my mood come next Wednesday, OR...humanity was deleted and then came back later??? (because the dawn of mankind was 7 million years ago)
They just felt like drawing Pangea 10 million years ago. Maybe that’s all. Maybe I don’t have to fix anything. I dunno.
Maybe this isn’t Earth.
Maybe Yugioh Earth never had Loma Preita because it isn’t actually Earth. And, like a Final Fantasy situation, is a second planet on a parallel plane of our own?
Either way, I’m not redoing the math because I actually don’t know how to change it anymore. I’m v undecided of the timeline now......maybe the next episode will tell us more? (I doubt this very much)
RIP deathcount.
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Yo Atlantis!
I have a lot of questions!
About Atlantis!
And the purpose of the aqueduct going the wrong direction.
Is that in fact the poop shoot?
But wtv it looks neat.
So anyway, that’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed my bad math, and I hope you enjoy your Halloween. Ours is a whole lot of nothing. I’ll be watching lots of Phasmaphobia streams while eating Butterfingers that I legally can’t give to children because it’s an epidemic (butterfingers is like the last candy that my old 30 yo ass can handle without passing out or gagging. Weird how getting older makes me hate all the good things I couldn’t eat when I was younger because I was too young to be allowed to eat them.) and that’s about it.
WHY did Halloween finally fall on a Saturday DURING an epidemic? I only get so many Saturday Halloweens in my youth...just why.
(and here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
A Beginner’s Guide to Marvel Zombies
This article contains spoilers for Marvel’s What If…?
Man, Marvel’s What If…? series really does draw you in with a false sense of security, doesn’t it? The first episode is an adorable romance story laced with punching Nazis. The second is a tribute to a late actor in the form of galactic utopia. Then we get the Avengers being murdered, the universe being melted, and now Captain America eating human flesh. Enjoy your nightmares, kids!
The fifth episode of What If…? is a bit of a fanservice choice. For the latter half of the 2000s, Marvel was riding the Marvel Zombies train like nothing else.
While the first use of the concept came in 2005, one could consider What If…? v.2 #24 (What If Wolverine Was Lord of the Vampires?) to be the prototype. The story involved Dracula turning the X-Men into vampires, but Wolverine’s healing factor allowed him to overwhelm Dracula’s control and fight back. He then littered New York City with vampire heroes and humanity’s last hope came in the form of the Punisher wearing Dr. Strange’s cape.
Mark Millar
The first real use of Marvel Zombies was more of a prank than anything else. Mark Millar and Greg Land were doing Ultimate Fantastic Four and all signs pointed to the idea that they were setting up a crossover. Not just any crossover, but THE crossover. Marvel had been adamant about the Ultimate Universe being separated from main continuity, but solicitations and covers made it seem like the two Reed Richards counterparts were going to meet up. Much of Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 played into this with Ultimate Reed conversing with an alternate universe Reed who very much resembled the mainstream one. Ultimate Reed created a portal to go visit him.
What he found was zombie incarnations of the Fantastic Four with Reed asking, “Ever had the feeling you’ve been had?”
Robert Kirkman
The rest of the arc was about Ultimate Reed trying to survive and escape that world with the help of that world’s Magneto. This set the stage for the first Marvel Zombies miniseries, written by The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman with art by Sean Phillips (Arthur Suydam did zombie parody covers of classic Marvel art, which would continue for several more miniseries). Initially, Kirkman wanted to do a story about Luke Cage being the last hero alive, playing up his unbreakable skin as a deterrent, but since the Ultimate Fantastic Four arc already depicted Zombie Luke Cage, that was off the table.
Instead, his story involved two main arcs. One was the survival of Black Panther, who – much like the animated What If…? episode – was kept alive, albeit with his limbs being gradually removed for the sake of being zombie food without infecting the body. While the cartoon had Scott Lang’s disembodied head, the comic had a decapitated Zombie Wasp as Panther’s ally. She was never cured of the disease, but she did stop being hungry after a while and came to her senses.
The other story was about Earth’s zombified heroes dealing with the coming of the Silver Surfer and Galactus. A handful of them went on to devour the invaders and absorb their cosmic powers, along with their cosmic hunger. Hank Pym, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and the Hulk went on to wipe out nearly all life in the universe as the Zombie Galacti. The follow-up was the basis for Marvel Zombies 2.
As for what caused the zombie outbreak in the beginning, that’s where things get a little hairy. The Ultimate Fantastic Four story revealed that a Zombie Superman (recolored to be the Sentry so as not to piss off DC) got so hungry that he punched reality until breaking into an alternate universe and infecting its heroes.
Kirkman and Phillips did a one-shot prequel called Marvel Zombies: Dead Days that suggested that Magneto bartered with some force to unleash the virus on Earth, thinking that it would only target humans and not mutants. Then a later miniseries called Marvel Zombies Return created an alternate universe time-loop where the zombies from Marvel Zombies continuity ended up in another universe, where they caused an outbreak, infected that world’s Sentry, and Zombie Sentry ended up popping into the Marvel Zombies universe to cause the initial outbreak.
Did anybody follow that? I hope so. Either way, Zombie Sentry was never mentioned again. He infected the heroes and then…nothing. Just a loose plot thread. Weird. Though fitting that the Sentry stopped being a threat because people forgot about him.
The initial Marvel Zombies universe was revisited here and there in several ways. Black Panther’s comic (during when he was leader of the Fantastic Four) journeyed into that universe and dealt with the Zombie Galacti. Ash from Army of Darkness got his own cool crossover miniseries taking place during the initial outbreak. Zombie Wolverine showed up in an Exiles story about a team made entirely out of Wolverine variants. Zombie Deadpool (Headpool) became a major part of the short-lived Deadpool Corps. Marvel Zombies also did a crossover with Marvel Apes.
There was also a one-shot called Marvel Zombies Halloween that revealed that Kitty Pryde and her son survived, while also showing what Mephisto was up to in this reality.
Fred Van Lente
With Marvel Zombies 3, Fred Van Lente started writing and brought the series in a different direction. He introduced ARMOR, a SHIELD offshoot based on dealing with alternate realities. While it still dealt with the Marvel Zombies universe, focus was more on the mainstream Marvel universe as it tried to prevent an invasion. The protagonists for the story were Machine Man and Jocasta. In the follow-up, Marvel Zombies 4, Morbius brought the Midnight Sons back together to save the world from a possible outbreak.
Van Lente’s swansong was Marvel Zombies 5, which was about Machine Man and Howard the Duck venturing into different zombie universes for reasons. After that came Marvel Zombies Supreme, taking place in regular Marvel continuity and featuring Battlestar and Jack of Hearts fighting zombie versions of the Squadron Supreme. Then came the last gasp for the line with 2012’s Marvel Zombies Destroy, where ARMOR sends Howard the Duck and Dum Dum Dugan to fight an alternate reality filled with zombie Nazis.
The Zombie Saga Continues
They did get a shot in the arm a few years later with Secret Wars. The event featured a world made up pieces of alternate Earths, haphazardly connected together. There’s a No Man’s Land on this Earth that’s filled with zombies and homicidal robots. It’s basically a place to dump criminals for execution.
A couple more stories were released, though neither had any connection to the original Marvel Zombies or the stuff with ARMOR. Marvel Zombie was a one-shot about a band of heroes trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, who end up teaming with Simon Garth, Marvel’s Zombie. The ending is…well, it sure is something.
More recently is Marvel Zombies: Resurrection. This one is about the Brood infesting and killing Galactus. The race evolves into a hivemind of zombies, all very interested in infecting Franklin Richards. The heroes for this one include Spider-Man, a Sentinel reprogrammed to be Franklin and Valeria’s nanny, a blind Wolverine, a techno-organic Frank Castle, and a SUPER EXCITED Blade.
Also of note is Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher and its sequels (Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine and Marvel Universe vs. The Avengers). This reality also dealt with a zombie superhero apocalypse, but in a different and more coherent way. Instead of being a virus, it was a bio weapon let loose into the ecosystem. That meant that presumably everyone was going to succumb to it eventually, turning into a savage cannibal. The Punisher, who was inadvertently behind the mess and was immune, would spend his days hunting down and beheading heroes. Also, he’d have to kill Deadpool on a nearly daily basis.
That’s Marvel Zombies in a nutshell.
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The post A Beginner’s Guide to Marvel Zombies appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3tqMadj
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harringtonstudios · 5 years
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plot: you didn’t expect halloween night to go like this.
A/N: it’s nowhere near halloween haha, but inspiration strikes in weird ways. let me know what you think & if i should try for a part 2? v soft & long! :)
taglist: @iamdorka​ 
Halloween night in Cleveland was almost always crazy. There had been years where you had been off partying in clubs and houses, spilling alcohol over couches and laughing with friends. Usually, that’s where you would be found, in between the music, hands thrown around a nameless face as your best friend egged you from across the room. This year felt different though, quieter in a sense. 
It had been a while since you’d shown your face in the party scene, the last time ending in a disastrous way. You had rushed to the hospital with your best friend, getting there only to find out that she was suffering from alcohol poisoning. It had been a real wake up call, and you both had decided to stay sober for the time being. That had been a month ago, and so far you really hadn’t missed the alcohol version of you. But with Halloween coming up, you felt a tinge of nostalgia at the previous year’s antics. Things had always been so fun and dressing up was something you looked forward to. Swallowing the memories down, you reminded yourself that this was more for your friend’s sake than yours and nodded enthusiastically when she mentioned horror movie night. You wouldn’t get to pull out your costume, but if that meant keeping her safe and happy, you’d do it without hesitation.
One thing neither of you had prepared for was trick-or-treating. Staying at home meant constant knocking on your front door. You had turned off the lights, drawn all the curtains to give off the impression that nobody was home, but the kids didn’t seem to give up so easily. Sighing, you got off of the couch, walking over the kitchen to search in the cupboards for any type of candy to give away. Your hands passed a large bag of Hershey bars that you had once bought after your terrible breakup. It wasn’t even opened and you let your fingers hover over it before you heard yet another hard knock on your door. Grabbing the bag with only a hint of regret, you walked to the front door and braced yourself as you opened it. 
There was a little girl standing in front of you, dressed as a ladybug. She had on a red skirt, and a red antenna headband and you smiled as she looked up at you. Holding out her pumpkin basket, she exclaimed, “Trick oh Treat!”  You laughed as you pulled out a whole bar from the bag, and leaned down to put it in her empty basket. 
“What do we say Case,” someone said from behind her, and you looked past your porch. Standing at the curb, there was a man on top of a skateboard. He grinned as you made eye contact and you immediately willed yourself not to blush. You had a type, and this man was very obviously what you usually went for. You could see his tattoos in the dim light, and he had a beanie propped on his head, at an awkward angle. Regretting your outfit choice, an old Slurpie stained t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts, you crossed your legs trying to hide the worn out fabric.
“Thank,” the girl mumbled and she turned around to cautiously walk back down the stairs. He met her halfway, lifting her up and turning her around to face you. “Thank you,” he said to her and she looked at you, raising her little hand, “Thank yu!”
“Yeah, no problem,” you smiled back. He gave you another grin before setting her down and walking back to grab his skateboard. You closed the door as soon as he turned his back, smiling as you went over the interaction in your head. Leaving the bag of candy by the door, you ran to the window, slightly moving the curtain to see the duo. He was holding her hand as she slowly walked down the road and you could feel your heart melting at the sight. 
“Who was that?” your friend questioned and you turned around. Not wanting to particularly share why you were grinning like an idiot, you brushed it off. “Okay, come back! You’re missing all the good parts,” she declared. You walked back to your spot on the couch and plopped yourself down, willing your mind to become invested in this stupid film.
A few scenes later, you heard knocking on your door again. “Don’t get it Y/N. It’s the climax scene,” your friend whispered as she moved closer to you. You gave her a look as the knock came again a little harder. Pushing her away from you, you got up. “Seriously,” she whispered at you and you stuck your tongue out as you went towards the door. There was a tiny part of you that hoped it was the ladybug girl again, but you knew there was no way it was. You’d opened the door a couple of times in between and it’d always been some other kids, eyes lighting up as you gave them king-sized candy bars. It felt good to see their smiles and enthusiasm as they bounded down your stairs to show their parents. You grabbed the bag from the floor as you opened it again. 
There stood the guy from earlier, holding his daughter again, fist paused mid-air as he reached to knock again. “Oh, hey,” he said as he saw your confused face. “Hi,” you responded questioningly. 
“I know we’ve already been at your house but my kid got their candy stolen and you’re like loaded can you just spare one more c-” he rambled out as you reached into the bag for the last few bars. 
Pulling out four, you dropped them into his daughter’s basket. “Oh God, no not the whole bag of candy, dude, she’s gonna be off the walls,” he ended with as you laughed. 
“It’s all I have left. You should take them, gives me a good excuse to not open the door anymore,” you said as you held up the empty bag. He seemed kinda shocked, eyes glancing up at you before he replied, “You positive?”
“Yeah, my friend’s been trying to get me to ignore the kids anyway,” you blurted out before clasping a hand over your mouth. “I didn’t mean it like that,” you mumbled as he snickered. 
“Nah, you’re good,” he shook his head slightly. As soon as the words left his mouth, screaming started from inside the house. Both of you peered in and you shouted, “You good?” 
He put his daughter down on your porch as he moved a little closer to the door. “Y/N YOU JUST MISSED THE REVEAL MAN OH FUCK,” your friend shouted from the living room. You turned back around to face him, rolling your eyes. Seeing his questioning expression, you clarified by pumping your fist in the air, “We’re watching a horror movie. Halloween nights woooo!”
“Mhm, so your name’s Y/N? That’s pretty,” he said as he casually licked his lips. You laughed a little and he raised his eyebrows at your reaction. Pointing at his daughter, you responded, “Sorry man, she’s like trying to eat the wrapping.” Reaching down, you took the candy bar from her hands and opened it a little. Breaking off a piece, you handed it to her and she giggled before smashing it in her mouth. 
“Shit, I didn’t know she would do that, sorry,” you looked up at him. He was smiling and he waved it away. 
“It’s fine. Don’t worry, I have tissues somewhere,” he dipped his hands into his pockets, searching as his daughter continued to spread the chocolate over her cheeks. Coming up empty, he grimaced.
“Hey, um if you want, you can come in and clean her up? Just take your shoes off at the door,” you suggested. He hesitated for a second before responding, “You sure?” Getting back up, you nodded, “Yeah, my friend won’t mind.”
Scooping up his daughter, he kicked his skateboard, propping it against the edge of the door. You picked up her pumpkin basket, seeing him struggle to keep her sticky face away from his jacket. As he toed off his shoes, he said, “I’m Colson, by the way.”
Closing the door behind you, you smiled at him. “Nice to meet you Colson. Bathroom’s down the hall, first door on the right. Let me know if you need anything.” He shot you a thumbs up from under his daughter’s legs. 
Running into the living room, you sat back on the edge of your couch. You could feel the warmth on your face and you huffed before poking your friend. “Sooo, there’s a really cute guy in our bathroom right now with his daughter, how do I look?” you mumbled out as you struck a pose. She laughed, smacking your arm and you dropped the pose. “No I’m serious. Is this outfit the one?” you said, motioning to the stain on your shirt.
“Y/N!,” she screeched and you laughed, feeling happier than you had in awhile. This might turn out to be the best Halloween night yet, and all it had taken was a few king-size Hershey bars.
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rigginsstreet · 4 years
so it’s my wifes ( @fredheads ) birthday and im a flop who doesnt have her birthday fic ready (it’ll be done... before the end of the month. absolutely should not take that long but thats the only definite timeline i have lmao) SO to celebrate, i think you all should read her fics and leave nice comments because it’s what she deserves :)
MULTI CHAPTER (unfinished)
She's The One (fem!fredsythe)
Just Like Heaven (fredsythe, alice - fred escapes the Sisters au)
talk about a dream, try to make it real (fredsythe, gladys - college au)
quiet mercy (fredsythe - the OG fred & the sisters of quiet mercy fic)
Papa (fred and artie exploration)
wanna be your backdoor man (fredsythe - h*rny neighbor antics)
With a Girl Like You (fred and gladys friendship)
all our costliest treasures (baby fredsythe at christmas julia i would like to see more... its your birthday i should not be requesting things my apologies)
but your kids are gonna love it (archie and jughead - back to the future au i never saw that movie so i cant say for sure but they do time travel so that checks out to me)
Riverdale High's Last Annual Father-Daughter Winter Fling (fred takes veronica to the father/daughter dance because hiram is in jail =/ )
i say the phrases that keep it all going (different takes of fred fp archie and jughead dying in each others arms julia where is the fredsythe one... just asking)
MULTI CHAPTER (finished [according to ao3])
wouldn't it be good (ensemble - everyones paired up and has to raise an egg)
love is like a heat wave (fredsythe summertime antics)
burnt toffee (halice - working at an icecream shop, falling in love, v cute)
if only in my dreams (penelope lies about having a boyfriend)
let nothing you dismay (alice cooper fixing christmas)
there's a blue light in my best friend's room (hal and fred bonding hour)
The Trials of Cheerleading (or, "Throwing In The Megaphone") (the parentdale bible just read it and forget anything else anyone [ras] has ever told you)
fred andrews adopts a gang (bet you cant tell what this is about)
from the rich to the poor they are mostly unkind (i think this is a sweet pea centric fic?? julia really has something for everyone but dont expect her to do this again)
fp's adventures in domesticity (fp taking care of the andrews household while fred recovers from getting blasted in the chest)
Oblivion (all the times fred has experienced god)
west of memphis (jarchie post 107 thats all i can tell you idk)
Wherever you go i'll be with you (fp and archie - a timeline after freds death)
that's as close as i'll get to loving you (fremary - fred asks mary out)
i'm only good at being bad, bad (gladys hating her deadbeat husband <3)
and all the miles in between (fp and tom on the bus to basic training)
excerpts from the same party (freds interactions...at a party... the title is pretty self explanatory but who doesnt love a party fic ammirite ladiez)
don't you know these days you pay for everything (fred, fp, mary - i remember this being fp playing wingman to get fred and mary together cuz he likes mary better than hermione.... read more to find out if im right)
tying faith between our teeth (fredsythe - au where fp goes to college and doesnt ruin his life)
and they were roommates (fredsythe - another college au)
The Construction Tree (jarchie - idk what this is about i dont read kid fics im sorry... but julias a bomb ass writer so im sure the jarchies will love it anyway)
flowers grow through cement (fred gaining weight and feeling insecure)
night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade (HALLOWEEN FREDSYTHE BABYYYY!)
get me a prescription for that one perfect touch (fredsythe sick fic)
i don't know where else i can go (more hal and fred bonding hour)
everybody's got a hungry heart (fredsythe sexy time with food... that sounds weird.... listen either youre into it or youre not)
not so typical love song (fp and mary bonding hour)
all the redemption i can offer (fremary after the shooting... im pretty sure... listen i have a bad brain i cant remember things just read it)
Simply Irresistible (fred is a ho)
took the words (right out of my mouth) (four times fred and fp say ‘i love you’)
if you wanna get it done you gotta do it yourself (fp and mary loving fred... who is a ho)
people livin' in competition (more fp/fred/mary nonsense with fp gay pining what a good triangle i would have liked to seen it...)
buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight (mary works at youth crisis hotline and fred calls in)
that's what they say when we're together (halram post high school au)
a good old fashioned romance (hiram flaunting his wealth instead of displaying emotions)
you don't know what (you) got (fred has great friends even though hes a bit of a putz)
watch your weight (more fredsythe food shenanigans)
Valuable Lessons Learned On The Tilt-A-Whirl, or "Babe, You Ought To Quit This Scene Too" (alice hermione fred and fp go to the fair)
what once was (jughead and the andrews after freds shooting)
you must remember this (i have no recollection of what this is about but it sounds jughead centric)
takes guts to be gentle and kind (idk what this is either lmfao but i know julia saved moose and midge in it... idk midge but good for her [granted this also takes place after 202 so keep that in mind])
FP Jones and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad House Party (or, "Nothing Good Ever Happens At One Of These") (oh i remember this one.... mmmm. title tells you all really)
and so please help them with your youth ( ‘fred teaches archie to walk. archie returns the favor’)
andrews & son (more fred and archie post 201)
Blueberry Pie (fredsythe - my review of this fic is just me clutching my chest saying ‘oh god, oh fuck’)
never drill for oil on a city street (part 1 of mary working at a youth crisis hotline and fred calling in and i should put this above the other fic but like... you can figure out one and two on your own i believe in you)
The Perils of Faking Illness (or, “two times Fred Andrews faked sick to get out of class and one time he actually needed a hospital”) (read the title)
healing, in three parts (fred fp archie and jughead attempt a roadtrip)
all along the watchtower (#fredandrewsisriverdale)
guess that we were too much of the same kind (fred getting visitors in the hospital)
sometimes wonder what's beneath the mess you've become (fred and alice bonding hour)
nice day for a white wedding (fredsythe hospital times babyyyy!)
The Unexpected Perks of Feminist Activism (or, "Fingertip Rules") (fred gets fucked in a skirt by fp thats all you need to know)
Any Way You Want It (reggie x moose idk what it is but if you like them here you go)
fun, fun, fun (till her daddy takes the t-bird away) (beach antics! freds a menace but fp loves him anyway...)
hands over the ears of my heart (fred and hermione share a bed but platonically)
the apocalypse comes sooner than you think (fredsythemione antics)
small as a world and large as alone (a series of drabbles about archie jughead and fred post 104)
do a good turn daily (archie x reggie post 103)
seven minutes in heaven (archie and reggie picked for 7 minutes in heaven)
tell me every terrible thing you ever did (archie drops jughead off after the pep rally)
43 notes · View notes
plush-anon · 3 years
SCOOB! Stream of Consciousness Review
Here we are folks - I finally review the originally cinematic, fully CGI animated Scooby Doo Movie (one year later... I did not queue this as I thought I had last June - damn you, Tumblr. I’m not changing much here, so enjoy as it was intended).
Created by a team who have professed their affection for this mystery team and their meddling dog too, will this be a lush experience fit to satisfy any Hanna-Barbera fan? Or will it be a hot garbage cash-grab, littered with Easter eggs and references that do nothing to hide a meatless mess of outdated memes and shallow character development?
Below this cut is my entire stream-of-consciousness review on the SCOOB! Movie, as experienced. SPOILER warning here - I’m digging into everything, no plot points spared. 
Here we go~
And we start off with a decent shot of the California coastline (looks like the kids backstory is front and center), some 90s hip-hop synthwave song about California, and OH SWEET JESUS THESE MODELS LOOK TERRIBLE
Yeah, this is a problem right off the bat - some of these people in the opening shots look remarkably unfinished - think three shades above “Rapsittie Kids: Believe in Santa” level - and the animation on them is less than stellar. 
On the plus side, we do see a fantastic variety of ages, sizes, and races - there’s a brief blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Sikh man on roller skates playing a sitar - but when the designs look rushed in the opening shots, it’s not a fantastic sign. At least they’re brief, but it’s hard to see if this is a lower level of the film’s style due to rushed animation, or if they didn’t care to polish it up as much, given that it’s maybe a 30 second scene. 
Still, kudos to actually going for variety in the crowd shots. Minus kudos to making most of the clothes look like Play-doh draped over a Barbie doll. I’m not even kidding on that one, the clothes are super basic and barely have any sign of texture or creasing or even fabric/cut variety. Almost reminds me of the first Toy Story movie’s design for human clothes, yeesh. 
Ahh, our first introduction to Scooby Doo at a Greek gyro food stand. That’s foreshadowing right there folks! 😉
Sadly, he is really weirdly animated in his run sequence - he looks out of proportion as he’s running on his hind legs, and the human animation has really bad consistency - some background characters are really janky, while others actually move really nicely. The characters we immediately focus on seem to be pretty smooth at least, but that’s still very strange.
On a side note: Ruby and Spears Sub Sandwich shop. Nice 😁
They are reaaaally pushing the super over-the-top dramatic music for a bike cop chasing a dog that stole gyro meat
It’s not even interesting chase music, just generic super-hyped-up chase music
And now we finally get to see a young Shaggy, standing next to a tie-dye food stand called Casey’s Confections that… sells meat. Hm. Guess WB hasn’t learned after all these years 🙄
Unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of the kid they got to play him, Iain Armitage. He’s not a bad voice actor by any means, but he just doesn’t sound right for Shaggy. I know that as a kid he’d be much less likely to have a cracking/squeaky voice, but he sounds… it’s hard to pin down a word, but - precocious? Darling? Either way it doesn’t quite match, especially given how Shaggy sounds when he grows up via Will Forte. Just… no connection there. 
I tie it down to the particular vocal twangs and nuances the gang usually has. I’ll touch base on that note later I think, once we hit the teenage versions of the gang, but for now I’m just not feeling it. 
On the one hand, I empathize deeply with Shaggy and his Spotify’s unsettling ability to pinpoint his insecurities with song choices, and also deeply enjoy that one small gesture where his fingers kind of shake & tighten around his phone while he takes a deep breath to calm himself- it’s a very nice, subtle sign of frustration
On the other hand we just passed two guys with no nipples and an unerring likeness to a Ken doll in those Barbie movies, so I’m distracted by that now
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(between this and Fred’s no-nipples in Happy Halloween SD!, is WB just terrified of giving men nipples in animated movies now? what gives?)
Also distracted by the thrifty lesbians who bought those two shirts that come together to make a heart in the middle, on the store’s 2 for 1 day
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happy pride y’all!
Finally got context for the two sand piles!
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Very, very sad context, but still! Progress!
Basically Shaggy’s practicing talking to people in order to learn how to make friends, since he either has no idea how, or has never had a friend before. So he’s trying to learn the right way to do it since his own attempts have failed
And him talking to these sand piles not only counts as practice, but he’s using them so that his mom thinks he’s spending time with friends like he told her
Ow :)
So ketchup leather is apparently a thing that exists
I’m learning so much today!
Given that Shaggy has no friends at this stage, but he’s still called Shaggy, I’m kind of wondering if that was a mean nickname that everyone called him, but he was just grateful for the interaction/pretended it was from friends, so he kept it 🤔
Actually, take it back, his mother is calling him that. Family nickname, maybe…?
Shaggy has Blue Falcon (classic) and Dynomutt funko pops
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Oof, you can reaaaaally hear the age in Frank Welker’s Scooby voice. Can we get Scott Innes back? He sounds almost identical to his performance 20+ years ago :/
Also talking waaaay too much - even SDMI Scooby wasn’t this wordy, and he NEVER shut the hell up 
Okay wait
So Shaggy met Scooby on Halloween day - then met the rest of the gang hours later?
Huh. And here I was thinking it would have been a few weeks minimum 
Although I have to say there is a lot here to work with, if it paces out how I think it does
Shaggy meets Scooby. Bare hours later, he buys him a collar (instead of his mom? weird) and asks him to stay with him, despite not really knowing him. Then, only a couple hours after that, he finally makes some friends… but only when Scooby is with him. 
Given that it looks like the gang are all around the same age in the same neighborhood, there’s a solid chance that they’ve taken classes together at the same school. If none of them met/knew/made friends with Shaggy then, but only did so AFTER Scooby came into the picture, that might lead to the argument we know about later when they split up; afterwards, S&SD go to the bowling alley, then get abducted by the Blue Falcon, plot continues. This could make it seem like they were only friends with him at the start because he had a dog. 
And the brief scene earlier with the music device shows that he tries to tamp down on his anger/doesn’t really address it - could lead to something more later 
hmmmm 🤔
Wait what
These two kid bullies just came out of nowhere, stole Shaggy’s candy… and then started on about how Halloween is only a marketing ploy to get companies to rot your teeth and go to the dentist more, before throwing the bag through a window and telling the two that ‘your blood sugar will thank us for it!’
Are - are these the brainwashed children of a Karen? Is that what I’m seeing?
I mean we could have had a Red Herring cameo, but apparently informing children about candy conspiracy theories is more important :/
Daphne: It’s Halloween - no one should go home without their candy
FD&V: *none of them have candy/candy bags*
(Wouldn’t it make more sense if the bullies had stolen their candy too? What the hey man)
I do find it neat that we actually get to SEE the wires the ‘ghost’ uses to fly in full effect - that’s actually pretty cool, and not really something we get to see up close in older Scooby shows. Most of those just have the bad guy randomly flying about, and the wires revealed after the fact 
Actually, given how FD&V react to this ghost almost immediately… have they already been solving mysteries? It seems like it, given how smoothly they move together to capture him
That’s kind of odd in kids. Like, even in PNSD they weren’t perfectly in-sync on stuff
This then leads to the gang solving mysteries together… in spite of the fact that all Shag and Scoob did was hide in the wardrobe that had the stolen goods, while FD&V captured the dude 
Granted, they do ask Shag and Scoob if they wanna join in and say yes, but that seems like an strange jump after what could have been a one-time deal
I just find that a touch odd - esp when they could have had a five minute scene or so of them wandering around the house, touching on some old SDWAY traits. Heck, show that they’re SCARED in some way, and don’t immediately move to tackle what looks like a murderous spirit at age 8-9 or so. Even just showing the kids learning about each other would be enough, but what do I know. I’ve only watched Scooby Doo everything since I was 4 🙄
Ahhhh, and now for the updated rendition of the theme song
Where they’re all still kids doing everything the teenage gang did in the theme song
It doesn’t look as good as the OG, though - kind of like a computer game simulating the SDWAY intro using the PNSD kids in CGI. It’s honestly strange to see, and a little jarring - especially when we then transition to the older teenage gang right in the middle
Like, we don’t get to see you guys age through the song as you’re chased by/catch different monsters? That could have been pretty neat honestly - shows how long they’ve been doing this
Tho I gotta admit, seeing the Spooky Space Kook with his OG sound effects is pretty awesome, brief as it waoH MY GOD FRED WHY ARE YOU HAVING A ROMANTIC BEACHSIDE DATE WITH THE MYSTERY MACHINE 
Huh, looks like Ruby & Spears gave up their subway sandwich shop for a coffee shop
That apparently the gang goes to in order to eat malt shop food
Ah, and here’s where we finally look at the voice acting of the older teenage gang. Buckle up folks, cause I gotta lot to say
We’ll start with Fred, bc honestly? I think Efron actually fits him pretty dang well. He’s got a different cadence from Welker, true, but as far as an update goes? I think he’s a solid fit. Very much in line with the all-American kid that Fred’s kind of been slated as for the past 50 years or so, but updated more for the modern perspective. I call it solid (and possibly a replacement for whenever Welker decides to retire). 
Next? Oof. Velma is, IMHO, the weakest casting. Velma, no matter her voice actress, has ALWAYS had some form of nasal twang to her voice - that’s part of what makes her Velma to begin with, and helps her stand out. Nicole Jaffe, Pat Stevens, BJ Ward, Christina Lange (PNSD), Mindy Cohn, Kate Micucci, Linda Cardellini -heck, even Haley Kiyoko from ‘The Mystery Begins’ and Sarah Gilman from the ‘Daphne and Velma’ movie understood this! They all had that nasal twang to their voice - differing between actresses, of course, but still recognizable as Velma. Gina Rodriguez though? Honestly, it just sounds like she’s acting it straight. Not bad acting at all, by any means - she just doesn’t sound like Velma, and doesn’t seem to be trying to. (Honestly wondering if she was only hired bc she voices Carmen Sandiego in the reboot cartoon for the lolz fun reference! type connection) 
Daphne is sort of similar in voices, but hers is more of a pitch her voice hits - Heather North, Mary Kay Bergman, and Grey Delisle Griffin all have that pitch they hit naturally when speaking. Amanda Seyfried? Does not - in fact, her voice is actually deeper than I was expecting - but it’s not quite as big a difference as it is for Velma. It fits her character type okay, and she does well with it overall.  
And finally, the most controversial one: Will Forte’s Shaggy. 
I’ll go ahead and say this: he’s not Scott Menville levels of bad Shaggy voice acting. If I were to place him on a list, I’d probably put him around Billy West level - kind of sounds similar via vocal tics (voice cracking, likes and zoinks, etc), but his own voice just overtakes the impression he’s seeking to hit. When I hear him speak, I don’t really hear Shaggy; I just hear Will Forte trying to do an impression of Shaggy. 
In comparison: when Scott Innes took over for Shaggy, it was like Casey Kasem’s, just a touch more of a twang to his voice and just a dash over-the-top - but it was still Shaggy, and you didn’t doubt that for a minute.
Same thing for Lillard, but maybe moreso - he was pretty much the most perfect casting for a live-action Shaggy there could be at the time Scooby Doo (2002) was made. Him taking over for Kasem from there made perfect sense: he was honestly the best cast Mystery Inc member of the live-actions, and a lot more recognizable to the general public as Shaggy than Scott Innes was. He could also do different emotions with Shaggy that not a lot of the other voice actors had the chance to do (mainly bc script), so for future stuff they have that flexibility, if they wanted to play around a little more. 
With any luck Forte will get better over the course of the movie, but honestly the casting could have been so much better with Matt Lillard and Kate Micucci. 
Shaggy Rogers, evading taxes since 2020
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Also he’s there as a potential investor in Mystery Inc as a detective agency
A music industry professional… is interested in funding a detective agency.
Like… did he miss out on Josie & the Pussycats? Is that why he’s here?
Wait a minute
Oh noooooo
I know why he’s here
I remember this spoiler
And once again, here is your reminder to tell Simon Cowell a great big fcuk you
Only this time it’s for making Shaggy and Scooby feel worthless and saying that friendship is worthless and cannot be counted on for anything worthwhile
Simon Cowell: Professional Dickhead
Welp, at least this gives a solid reason why they leave: Simon Cowell was being a professional dickhead, and the gang didn’t really say anything against him or interrupt him on his whole ‘Shag and Scoob are worthless spiel’
Or, well... Daphne stepped up some, but more to say ‘they’re our friends!’ rather than ‘that’s entirely wrong, our friends aren’t worthless!’ Better than nothing, but yeesh
Ahhh, Takamoto Bowling - the emptiest bowling alley in the evenings this side of Coolsville 
(no seriously, the past few times my dad has taken my sister and me bowling pre-pandemic, no matter the day or time? it’s ALWAYS got more than 6 lanes of people there, what the heck)
Also Scooby wears three bowling shoes, which honestly makes more sense than I thought it would - that pup goes spinning and sliding every which way on a normal floor, bowling alley floors would be like ten times worse
here’s a nice little detail - when Scooby sees one of the bowling pins peek out with red eyes and he yells that to Shaggy, Shaggy actually squints and walks closer to see if it actually does have eyes
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Huh, okay 
Panicked Will Forte Shaggy actually sounds more like a good Shaggy voice than normal talking Will Forte Shaggy
I can dig it
Still kind of underwhelmed by the Shag and Scoob disguise scene - wouldn’t it make more sense to have them like, dish up hot sauce or something on a plate that nonsensically makes the robots overheat before they discover their ruse?
Idk, maybe they’re off their game after Simon ‘Dickhead’ Cowell
Carlton Way - must be named after Fred’s only other voice actor, Carlton Stevens of PNSD
Also Hanna’s Barber Shop is next to Barbera’s Pizza! Cute.
And… Pitstop’s Pink Perfume ad. Wait, who is that? *assorted googling noises*
...ahhh, Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Races! Who, according to Wikipedia, was revealed to have Greek ancestry in the 2016 Wacky Raceland comic book, having been born on the island of Aegina
Now I’m wondering if we’ll see her in this too, given Cerberus...
Honestly kind of fascinating to see the gang with a police radio in their van
Also fascinating to see that only main characters are allowed clothing variety and texture/creases/folds
it’s actually really sweet to see Fred, upon hearing that Shag and Scoob are likely in danger, immediately makes a 90 degree turn in traffic
It looks like they changes Dee Dee’s name a hair - now it’s Dee Dee Skyes, instead of Sykes
It works well for the Falcon aesthetic, so that’s cool
Shaggy, after Dee Dee tells them that Dastardly’s trying to kill them: Scoob, someone thinks we’re important enough to *mimes slitting throat*!
Scooby: It’s nice to be wanted.
Excellent! This movie has captured Shag and Scoob’s blasé attitude towards death! Now we’re onto a solid Scooby film :D
Dee Dee: Hmm, I hear that!
And they even have a friend to share in their attitude! Splendid!
Christ, I can work photoshop better than Blue Falcon can, and I don’t even know how to use photoshop
I will give major kudos on his costume tho - it maintains the important elements of the OG Falcon, while still updating it with more bird-related aesthetic, like the feathered appearance of parts of his costume, the split cape resembling the tail feathers, and the talon gauntlets & boots. neat!
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Yooo, Dynomutt, I thought secret identities were still a thing with Superheroes, what the hey are you doing giving it out to a duo you literally just picked up behind a bowling alley
Ngl, I’m kinda hoping we get some scenes where Dynomutt messes up a little like in the OG cartoon - this one feels really serious, which is kind of strange
Okay now I want to see older!Blue Falcon come in for a cameo
Mainly bc I’m getting the feeling that this one is a major dumbass, and not in the fun and friendly himbo kind of way 😑
Wait, THAT’S our first look at Dastardly? That’s a bit abrupt, isn’t it?
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Also his ship must be pumping thousands of gallons of toxins into the air, that smoke cloud looks hideous. Forget logging into his mom’s Netflix account like the trailer said, EPA should probably be hunting him for sport with a laser cannon, jesus fcuking christ
Honestly kinda want a plane you can pilot like a motorbike now
Welp, it looks like we have a fun, mustache-twirly, puns-aplenty, loves-to-be-bad kind of villain on our hands folks! This is gonna be FUN AS HECK
Eurgh, this scene - the super-stiff-but-stretched-out ‘yeeurgh’ faces really squick me for some reason, but I can’t really pinpoint why
I have decided I highly dislike the Brian Blue Falcon, or Brian Falcon for short, and would like to see Dastardly tie him to some railroad tracks
North St for Heather North, and… wait… Funland Carnival? Like where Charlie the Robot hung out?
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Apparently that’s in Romania.
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A very yellow-greenfilter Romania at that.
 Like, I’ve seen blue washes on movies trying to portray evening in the middle of the day so they don’t actually have to shoot at night, but yellow? That’s normally used for deserts and hot days and uhhh 
NOT for evenings in a country with landscape like THIS
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(I mean I guess they got the mountains and trees right, but still. Yellow filters make a place look arid, which Romania is Not, to my knowledge)
Dude, Brian Falcon is such an idiot even Shaggy and Scooby, commonly portrayed as the idiots of Mystery Inc, look at him like he’s a moron.
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(They are Not Amused.)
Also Brian Falcon is an absolute coward. That’s new. Even Shaggy and Scooby face off against the robots directly in a Whack-a-Mole game and destroy some. Dude, get your head in the fcuking game already, yikes
Woah, Laff-a-Lympics, Wacky Races, Hex Girls, The Banana Splits, Penelope Pitstop, Space Stars, Posse Impossible, and Hong Kong Phooey easter eggs in one shot
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Another nice moment: when cornered by Dastardly, Shaggy moves to stand in front of Scooby to protect him
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Dastardly (to Shaggy): I don’t care about YOU. You’re not REMOTELY important!
*proceeds to shoot Shaggy THROUGH the ceiling and up into the highest car on a Ferris Wheel where Brian Falcon is hiding like a man baby*
Welp, so much for a fun and zany villain. Time for this Plush Anon to kill a bitch *cocks shotgun*
I will, too - kudos to the animators for hurting me so badly with the face Shaggy made right before being shot because
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Ehehehhehe, yess, the infamous ‘Dick’ scene
Dastardly: No, I’m a DICK. With a D!
You sure are, you sack of dildos with a D!
This scene had to be put in on purpose - if this had been released in theaters, I just know the adults would be dying in laughter 🤣🤣🤣
Shaggy: Brian, do something! 
Brian Falcon: Like what?
Shaggy: Like, drop some F-Bombs!
love it 😂
Is it like movie law now, that if there’s an action scene with a Ferris Wheel in the background, it has to fall off and roll down a mild incline like a wheel? Because it kinda feels like it
Aha! Dastardly said his drats! Perfection.
Now to shoot him through a ceiling to make them matter even more :D
Well that hurt. 
Poor Shaggy - basically internalizing now that he’s the worthless one and weak link of the group now that Scooby is considered more important
Holy fcuk I’m crying
Shaggy just broke Brian Falcon down to his deepest insecurities without even trying while talking to him
He even used the words ‘imposter syndrome’ 
Shaggy hon, you’re the best
Oh hey, Fred, Daphne, and Velma! It’s been a while since we saw you guys again, what are you doing?
Arguing about the metric system and realizing that Shaggy and Scooby reminding them to eat periodically helped them keep a clearer head...
And using the word ‘hangry’.
But then looking through a ridiculously cute photo album of the two and a video the gang took together (the video is honestly really heckin’ cute, 10000/10 would recommend)...
And then getting pulled over so Fred can have a brief ‘oo-la-la’ montage about the pretty blonde cop who honest-to-gods looks like a Barbie doll.
Where Daphne then describes how ugly Dastardly is...
Right before the petite blonde cop who’s maybe like 5’7” at best rips off her outfit to reveal it was Dick Dastardly this entire time, all 7ish feet of him.
And then kidnaps them all along with the Mystery Machine while he makes terribly fun dorky puns
...where Scooby is making kissy faces in the mirror while wearing his Blue Falcon uniform
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Hrm, that’s not really better is it
We actually see Shaggy reading (OG) Blue Falcon’s autobiography, and making hurt but snide comments about Scooby’s ego
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Which are actually pretty clever tbh
Cooooooongratulations, Fred Jones! You are now officially a full-on himbo!
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Alas, poor Daphne. While your knowledge of the tropes of your show might have served you well in other places, this was to be a theatrical release once upon a time, and so such knowledge falls to ruin.
You know, I just realized - we’re never really told HOW the Cerberus skulls work, both in how each skull can be used to find the others,  and, presumably, in releasing Cerberus itself. We’re given a brief glance-over of Scooby’s ancestry (and I mean REALLY damn brief), and a quick mention that these are supposed to be Cerberus’ skulls being stolen, but… that’s it. Nothing else is given. 
Now, I read the first few chapters of my SCOOB! Junior Novelization, and it actually went into further detail about the skulls themselves and what Dastardly’s initial plan was early in the book - open the gates of Hades and obtain the seas of treasure therein. It acted as an introduction both to the climatic endgame we’ll face at the end of the movie, and to Dastardly, who uses the same disguise trick he used as the Barbie cop when he stole the first one in South America. 
(They actually DID plan to use this as Dastardly’s intro, but cut this… 3 minute scene for time. Yeah. See below video for the details - honestly think they should have kept it in. Saves time later and definitely more show than tell, compared to what we got)
I feel like that would be a better introduction to him than the one we got - hell, it would have fit in quite neatly after the revamped theme song montage. They could have the scene with Dastardly finding/stealing the first skull as an introduction (as above), then have him answer a call or something. Exposit openly “You found the key! Excellent! Now where are we going next?” 
THEN cut to the diner/coffee shop scene we had earlier. We still wouldn’t know exactly what the key was/entailed off the bat, and they could still have FD&V find out on their own - maybe by hacking the little robot instead? IDK.
The final skull is on Messick Mountain.
On a side note, I do love how Dastardly’s ship interior looks - very dieselpunk
Velma just hacked into Dynomutt… somehow, and I finally get my wacky Dynomutt shenanigans!  Hazoo!
...sadly that was really dang brief. Realistic, yes, but still too brief. 
Eyyyy, we finally get the whys of why Scooby is needed! … really dang fast. 
Also Fred says Jinkies. 
Hey, Muttley popped up! In a shrine… to his demise… that we find out he reached when Dastardly pushed him forward into the Underworld to steal the treasure of Alexander the Great in a portal he rigged up… only for both of them to find out it was a one-way deal unless they used the key to be able to come back. The key, of course, being Scooby Doo, descendent of Peritas, Alexander’s dog. 
Eh, workable enough-ish. It’s interesting to see that Dastardly, despite how much he disliked Muttley in the older cartoons, still cares about him to a certain extent. 
Pfff, Fred’s a poor man’s Hemsworth XD
Sweet, we’re in ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ now!
You guys really had to do the ‘me or them’ thing with Shaggy and Scooby… and tHeN hAvE sCoObY cHoOsE tHe FaLcONs?!? Just because they said he was important as “the key” and gave him a spandex costume.
Over at least 7 years of friendship. 
actually no I’m Not Done Yet
This whole scene is a mess.
Shaggy’s turn was really dang fast… but I can still see how he gets to it. It’s at least a day between Scooby being chosen as a pseudo-sidekick and the island arrival, during which Shaggy’s talk with the main adult (who has taken up the mantle of his favorite superhero) essentially confirms his feelings of worthlessness and leaves him to stew for HOURS on end (on top of another adult, Dastardly, who also calls him “not even REMOTELY important” at the carnival before freaKING SHOOTING HIM THROUGH THE CEILING NO I AM NOT OVER THIS). Tie that to a teenager who also believes his only friends have come to think he’s meaningless baggage, and suddenly his entire support system is vanishing underneath him to one of his former idols without ANY sign of hesitation from Scooby’s part (with the exception of the collar scene, but I don’t think that that means the same to Scooby, given how quickly he bounces back)
Scooby tho… hrm. It could be that he’s clinging to the good feelings Brian Falcon inspires in him (by choosing him as the next possible Dynomutt), as a way to overpower how FD&V hurt him, while also building on how he came to love the duo because SHAGGY loved them so much. But the movie doesn’t frame that up… at all?? At least compared to Shaggy. 
Idk, maybe I’m missing something, but this scene is a mess through and through
Scooby: *tries to leap into Brian Falcon’s arms like he did with Shaggy but falls*
Brian: Uh, what are you doing?
Scooby: Rhaggy never missed. 
Damn straight he didn’t
oh hey, it’s Captain Caveman
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I was wondering when we’d see him.
It’s that blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene from the trailers I sobbed over - the one with Shaggy holding Scooby’s collar
Oh No
Fred is here, alone, after that whole scene with Dastardly saying he had a use for Fred
...while that’s likely Dastardly in a Fred suit (that sounds creepy just typing it), I’m still going to enjoy this brief but absolutely lovely hug Shaggy and Fred share...
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(seriously tho, look at this, it’s a genuinely close, squish-your-lungs-out kind of hug, I love it)
...as well as Shaggy, who's still hurt from his fight with Scooby, immediately gearing up to go help him after hearing Dastardly’s trying to kidnap him.
Brian Falcon and Scooby Doo now have to take on Captain Caveman in gladiatorial combat in order to claim the final skull of Cerberus
I love cartoons sometimes
Captain Caveman just put the smackdown on Brian Falcon and punched him into the ground up to his CHEST
Then smacked him so far into a wall he cracked the stone around him!
GodDAMN is this satisfying 😆 altho minor question here: how did he gain the rank of Captain? Do cavepeople have a naval force?
He just whirled Scooby around his head, then spun him so fast his costume broke off
I may have to look into some Captain Caveman stuff now, that’s fantastic
Shaggy and Fred - sorry, “Fred” -  just smashed through to the colosseum in the Mystery Machine
And Dynomutt just fired missiles at Captain Caveman to smash him into an Amigara-shaped hole of himself
I REALLY love cartoons sometimes
Oh No
Just as Shaggy starts trying to apologize, “Fred” kicks him in the back, rips off his disguise to normal Dastardly self, and kidnaps Scooby atop the skull, before revealing he destroyed the Falcon Fury jet
New tagline for this movie? Shaggy Rogers and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
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...at least the rest of the gang is back together?
Brian Falcon: *Immediately tries to blame Shaggy for inadvertently leading Dastardly to them, while storming up to get in his face*
Fred: *upon realizing BrianF is blaming Shaggy for everything, without a SINGLE moment’s hesitation, immediately leaps in to defend Shaggy and physically push back Brian Falcon several feet*
We stan one Himbo, theydies and gentlethem
Velma (sneering): What kind of hero blames other people for his problems? *Walks over to comfort Shaggy with Daphne, while Shaggy looks dumbfounded they’re defending him bc he also blames himself for Scooby’s kidnapping*
This. This right here, is the kind of Mystery gang content I wanna see.
I don’t care how the rest of this movie goes now, this scene right here is ambrosia to the Scooby fan’s soul, and therefore makes this entire movie worth it, outdated memes, lingo, and all
Cackling rn - Fred and Brian Falcon are in a point-off a la the Spiderman meme 😂
or, more specifically, the post-credits sequence of Spiderverse where they’re arguing about who started pointing first
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It gets better when Velma and Daphne try to pull each other off of their pushing fight, and Velma grumbles “Toxic Masculinity” I’m crying
More super Shaggy stuff here (apart from being flung through a building roof without a scratch) - he pushes apart both groups effortless, and even knocks them back several feet
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If we estimate Dynomutt as… we’ll say 450 since he’s made of metal, Falcon at 220, Dee Dee at 160, that’s about 830 lbs on one side
Then Fred, Daphne and Velma on the other (hmm, 180, 150, 130?) would be around 460 lbs
Dang boi
Oh honey no, it’s not your fault
But dang if he didn’t get a good message from it, one I’ve done my best to transcribe here:
“I was afraid that... things were gonna change. And they did change. But like, that’s okay! People can grow. But it doesn’t mean that we’re growing apart. Because the one thing that will never change is that Scooby Doo is my best friend! Ten years ago, a little boy made a promise to a stray puppy that he’d never leave him no matter what. And I’m gonna keep that promise! Now it’s time we stopped that mustachioed menace from opening the gates to the {underworld} and letting loose that fearsome {Cerberus}. So what do you say we get out {of here}, and go get my always-snacking, never-lacking, often-napping dog back? Who’s with me?”
Honestly not a bad message for kids. Things will change, people will change, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends. (Obvs real life exceptions apply, but that’s not a bad note honestly)
...shame that that conclusion comes right the FUCK outta nowhere
How, exactly, did he come to this conclusion? WHEN? What inspired him to realize this, what was the impetus for this specific line of thought, that it’s okay for friends to change?
It kinda feels like this should have been either the happy ending speech given after they’ve saved the world, or one at the start of the third act, like if Shaggy arrives when Scooby thinks he’s chased him away and ruined everything, and Shaggy & the gang still save him. And Scooby asks him why he did that - when Scooby tried to change himself to fit what Brian Falcon wanted, instead of treasuring the friend he still had, or maybe why Shaggy reacted the way he did. THEN Shaggy gives the speech we hear, a la:
“I yelled at you because… like, because I was scared. I was scared that... things were gonna change. And they did change. But like, that’s okay! People can grow. But it doesn’t mean that we’re growing apart. Because the one thing that will never change is that YOU’RE my best friend! Ten years ago, a little boy made a promise to a stray puppy that he’d never leave him no matter what. And I mean to keep it!” 
At least that would make a little more sense to me. Again, not a bad speech, but a little rearranging would help to really hit home. 
Okay, now we’re back with Dastardly in Greece, and suddenly the background people all look MILES better than the ones at the start of the movie. Did they just forget to polish the first two minutes of film, what the heck?
Also, Dastardly’s ship is literally the entire length of the Greek ruins presented o_O
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They’re also colored a very atmospheric neon arrangement that’s surprisingly quite tasteful ^.^
The Mystery Machine can fly now!!! eeheeheeeheeheeheeheeee
And so we finally see Cerberus, a massive, towering figure with sharp teeth and pffffffhahahhahaa why are all three heads wearing Spartan helmets
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To its credit, they’re also wearing basic body armor, wrist guards, tail spikes, etc, but the helmets are killing me 🤣 who thought to stick that onto the dog? Did Hades forget to remove the armor after winning the Gods’ Pet Costume Contest, or was it like that horse in the ATV costume - it felt safer so it didn’t let anyone take it off?
Or was this a precaution against Herakles coming back? These are questions - hilarious, hilarious questions 😁
Awww. Scooby immediately runs to the battered Mystery Machine to rip the doors open for the gang!
And… wait. THIS is where that wonderful hug was in the trailers? I thought that was at the end of the movie when everyone was safe!
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This now does not bode well. But we’ll worry about that later. Time to enjoy this gorgeous wonderful hug of the entire gang, and Shag and Scoob apologizing to each other for fighting 🥰
Yet another scene to make the rest of this movie worth the rest
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(halfway wanna frame this shit and put it on the wall, it’s that lovely)
Fantastic! Dastardly is now in Hell, where I’ve been wishing him this entire movie! :D
And dang… he actually apologizes to what he believes is a dead Muttley. Who is, naturally, snickering at all of this. The two bicker predictably, but eventually hug and make up, too happy to see each other to resort to old habits. Honestly a nice little scene, all-in-all. 
Back to the gang and they’re doing the glowy eyes in the dark bit! I actually haven’t seen that in a Scooby movie forever, it’s neat.
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Also Fred is now going full Liam Neeson over his van, war paint and all, using the tire cover as a shield and… holy shit. 
THE ASCOT IS BAAAnnnnnd it’s gone. Boy, that was… short. 
Fred just ran full-tilt at Cerberus, screaming like a mad man, before getting flicked away by its big toe, and losing the ascot and makeshift shield. It punched so hard his facepaint came off
It was fun while it lasted y’all
Heyyy, Shag and Scoob just came up with the plan, and it’s actually solid! I’m so proud, and so is the rest of the gang! Also willingly going to distract Cerberus while the rest figure out how to close the gate and stuff Cerberus back in
I love my boys 😊
Annnnd there goes Brian Falcon like the coward he is
To… call his dad? And admit he isn’t a hero.
Only for Dynomutt to point out Shaggy and Scooby are taking him on and are terrified. 
This then cuts to Shaggy and Scooby running around in a chariot and gladiator wear, running back and forth a la the door gag from Cerberus to the OG SDWAY theme
I think I love this movie
(although they’re hinting at Dynomutt being resentful of OG Blue Falcon essentially abandoning him to his incompetent son, and I really wish it had been touched upon more
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that’s actually rather heartbreaking, when you stop to think about it, and there’s a lot that could be done with an additional two minutes of screentime) 
Huh, another good message for kids: it’s okay to fail and be scared, so long as you keep going and try to do what’s right.
Two good messages for kids in one movie. Not too shabby, on the whole. 
Brian Falcon just flew in and punched the three-headed dog, then jumped into its mouth as it tried to eat Scooby, resisted the MASSIVE JAW STRENGTH, and got them out of there safe and sound
Finally, something heroic!
I was wondering where Dastardly and Muttley got off to - apparently they’re off to take a money bath.
Shag and Scoob have now convinced the Rotten Robots to turn into bowling balls to knock Cerberus off their feet a la the classic marbles pratfall back into the underworld
That is a sentence I just wrote
I mean i know its a kids film specifically Scooby Doo so happy ending but what the literal FUCK
“Buddy, back when we were kids, you saved me. Now, it’s my turn.”
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Shaggy: I yelled at my dog, got him kidnapped, and ended up helping the bad guy to open the gates to Hell. Guess I’ll die. 
Dee Dee: Well actually, this is more Dastardly’s fault because -
Shaggy, yelling as he slams his hand against the lock: GUESS I’LL DIE!!!
Ah, so the writers wrote themselves into a corner, and the only way out was a Deus Ex Machina (at least, I think I’m using that term correctly…) 
Because to get Shaggy back, a giant statue of Alexander the Great and Peritas appears out of nowhere - literally, since it definitely wasn’t there before - with an inscription Scooby has to read to get Shaggy back.
This would have been a lot more effective if we’d seen it when Dastardly arrived in Greece - maybe even as the marker for where the gate to the Underworld was. Have Alexander facing one way, and Peritas facing the other. You open the gate on Alexander’s side, and come home on Peritas’ side. Having this unfold into the gate gives it more purpose than “magically appears right the fcuk outta nowehere” and you could have a pun with the “backdoor” escape. Everybody wins!
And if that’s too good for ya, how about a brief lingering shot by it at some point as Dastardly flies into Greece, behind where the gate materializes, or directly across from it on the plaza? Maybe have one of the gang kick it after Shaggy leaves, and say ‘This is all your fault! Why would you make something like this?’
It’d still be a magical contrivance, but at least it would make some fcuking SENSE.
(Granted it DID lead to this hilariously ominous shot, so maybe I shouldn’t complain:)
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Velma: I finally figured out what you guys are! You’re the heart of Mystery Inc.
Shaggy: *rips off Dastardly’s face to reveal…*
Me, choking on food: I’m sorry WHAT?!?!?
Velma: *takes off mask again to reveal*
Dastardly: Drat! No one ever goes for the double unmasking. 
So I was right all along - Simon Cowell truly was a Dick this entire time.
And so we close on the gang unveiling a Mystery Machine paint job on their official detective agency building, Brian Falcon living the good life as the DJ at their party, the Falcon team gifting a sleek new Mystery Machine to the gang (which honestly looks pretty unique - it’s not the classic, but it is something new that isn’t awful, so kudos there), and the gang on their way to another mystery.
So, at the end of the day is this a good Scooby movie? 
Meh? *waves hand in meh motion* But it definitely had its moments. 
This Scooby film is flawed as heck, no doubt about it - the plot has a MAJOR problem with telling instead of showing, some parts feeling out of order or WAY too short, and of course the deus ex machina ending. I honestly would have loved some more time for their first mystery as kids, where we actually got more character moments/bonding from Fred, Daphne, and Velma as they solved it the more traditional route, as well as not framing FD&V as super duper mystery solvers right off the bat??? 
The stuff with Blue Falcon isn’t AWFUL, per se, but it is ridiculously satisfying to see him get smacked around. Captain Caveman was honestly one of the funniest bits in the movie, same with Dynomutt. 
As far as the character stuff? It all felt fairly natural, progression-wise. Shag and Scoob don’t have this big break-up with the gang - they’re hurt by the literal Dickhead’s comments the gang don’t speak up against, and go to blow off some steam together. Shag and Scoob don’t have this giant blow-up argument - it builds over the film into a hurt spat they both recognize they overreacted to almost immediately. The gang (FDV) go looking for them almost as soon as they leave, and, upon hearing they’re in danger, turn and head towards them to save them, realizing how important the two are to Mystery Inc along the way. They defend each other, help each other, have some of the Best Dang Animated Mystery Inc hugs I ever did see - THIS feels more like the Gang I’ve been waiting for forever to come back to DTV (and in a rough sense, did). While I do wish we’d gotten more screen time of FD&V, what we got wasn’t too bad. 
Weirdly enough, at the end of the day, I’ve actually grown more accustomed to Forte’s Shaggy - it feels like it fits this different style a touch more than I originally thought, and holy hell if I didn’t come close to tears at that ending gate scene, he knocked that one out of the park.  Velma still doesn’t feel much like Velma, but I did get used to it by the end. I kept cracking up at Efron’s Fred, and no complaints on Seyfried’s Daphne.
Jason Isaacs as Dick Dastardly absolutely killed it. Blue Falcon Crew was okay (excepting Mark “The Racist” Wahlburg - it was just him talking, no real effort. You could recognize Wahlburg right off the bat, acting as a goofy douche) and freaking Captain Caveman was awesome. Apparently they combined both Billy West and Don Messick’s recordings for Muttley (awesome!!!), so this may very well be Don Messick’s final role in a Scooby Doo film. 
It got off to a rough start, but ended well enough. The animation was solid, the writing has some unexpectedly clever and funny moments sprinkled throughout, with some pretty fun action sequences on the side. Watching this, I really do believe that the people working on it love Scooby Doo and all things Hanna-Barbera… at least in their own way. 
I ended up buying this instead of just renting it ($5 more, why not) and I am honestly glad I did so. Despite its flaws, it has some great moments with the gang as friends, and I have been Craving That Shit for DECADES
And if these writers/directors ever did another Scooby film? I think I’d be up for giving them a chance - at least so long as we got some more absolutely BEAUTIFUL hugs with the gang
I hope you enjoyed this stream-of-consciousness reaction to SCOOB! (2020)... a whole ass year LATER, admittedly (I didn’t switch my Save Post to Queue, curse my hubris), but hopefully y’all’ve been entertained. Good night everybody!
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04/12/2020 Additions to Reylo Friends-to-Lovers
These fics have been added to the Friends-to-Lovers list located here.
A Reylo Christmas Carol Chapter 3 by altargaryen (AO3 2019  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben wants to know what Rey wants for the office Secret Santa.) sign up now for a free trial! by hi_raeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben catches feelings and decides to take things to the next level with his long-time roommate, close friend, and occasional hook-up. Rey, ever the more sensible half of the duo, decides that they should make sure a relationship between them won’t be a total disaster first. What they need is a trial run.) Saturday Morning by Graendoll (AO32018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey asks her roommate for advice on losing her v-card.) My Whole Life by AttackoftheDarkCurses, thebuildingsnotonfire (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The "Without a Hitch" high school sweethearts, fake-dating rom-com AU.) Kiss My Dreams, Make them Sweet by Hellyjellybean (AO32020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey keeps falling asleep in the living room when she's watching tv or hanging out with her roommate Ben. He carries her to her room and tucks her into bed. After several weeks, Rey sleepily admits she does this on purpose. No one ever tucked her in when she was a child.) Not Delivered by Erulisse17 (AO32020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben are neighbors who have been pining for each other for a year. Rey decides to move out of state as she thinks her love is unrequited. That's just the kick Ben needs to get him to confess his feelings.) Number Thirty-Seven by AttackoftheDarkCurses (AO32019  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey discovers her neighbor is hopeless with computers. She also discovers he has an interesting to-do list... one she might want to help him with.) Spending Valentine's Day Solo by jyn-z-solo (jynzandtonic) (AO32020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has the hots for her coworker, Ben, and decides to send him a Valentine's Day card. While at the shop choosing one, she bumps into him. Too embarrassed to confess it’s for him, she lies about the intended recipient. Ben is in love with Rey and gutted the card is for someone else!) Tits v. Porny by jeeno2 (AO32019  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo and Rey Johnson are attorneys, working together to defend their client against claims of plagiarism and copyright violation brought by a published author of original A/B/O fiction. It involves them having to read a lot of online porn and leads to some pretty awkward moments.) Making Love Out Of Nothing At All by LoveofEscapism (AO32019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben are roommates who are also friends with benefits. Ben knows Rey doesn't want a relationship but he can't help but fall in love with her.) I'm Your Dream Girl by Hellyjellybean (AO32020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Reylo AU where Ben & Rey are roommates but Ben is constantly blowing up at Rey for being messy, eating his food, but Rey always just smiles and takes it. That’s because she knows Ben’s secret. He talks in his sleep. Mainly about how much he loves her and wants her to be his wife.) Dear Future Husband... by Hellyjellybean (AO32020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey writes a list of requirements for her future husband, her smitten flatmate Ben finds the list...) Sugar and Spice by Rebel_Scum1221 (AO32019  Rated E Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey bakes when she's stressed, but unfortunately never has enough room to finish all of her baked goods. Thus leading her to give her neighbor- who she may or may not have the hots for- her leftovers. Shenanigans ensue.) Needing A Teacher by Twisted_Mirror (AO32020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey tells her roommate, Ben, that she has only had sex in missionary position, he offers to let her use him to see what she likes. He vows to himself it's all for her pleasure, he has no idea that Rey is trying to drive him crazy.) under thy own life's key by galvanator (AO32020  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey share a bed on a trip and everything is totally normal and nothing is weird.) Fireproof by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO32020  Rated M Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey's home is overrun by a wildfire, she has to evacuate with little time and no warning. Then she saves the life of Ben Solo, the neighbor she barely knows, on the road and he offers her a place to stay in the aftermath.) A Christmas Hope by CanteculLuiA (AO32019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is a grumpy businessman meant to spend Christmas all alone until he meets a homeless Rey, who might be his good deed for the year.) Building Something Together by walkingsaladshooter (AO32020  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Ben confronts his new upstairs neighbor who keeps making all manner of odd noises at all manner of hours, he didn't expect what she's doing up there. He also didn't expect her to be so pretty.) She's My (Work) Wife! by Darth_Malfoy (AO32020  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are platonic coworkers as far as she knows. When Ben introduces himself and Rey to new hire Poe, Ben has a Freudian Slip and refers to Rey as his wife.) At First Scent by g_girl143 (AO32020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey, an omega, thinks her best friend, designated alpha Ben Solo smells amazing. But he doesn't smell her so she assumes they're not compatible. But when Ben gets surgery to fix a deviated septum, he develops a keener sense of smell. As luck (or misfortune) would have it, Rey goes into heat just as he comes home from the hospital.) Now I'm In It by crystanagahori (AO32020  Rated E Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: So Rey might have accidentally told her boss that she was bringing her loving husband and sweet two year old son to the fundraiser. She does not, in fact, have either. She does, however, have her neighbor Ben and his two year old son Noah.) Halloween Wishes by danceinmystorm (AO32020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo tries his best to make sure that his daughter gets to trick or treat and get candy for Halloween. Just as the night feels like a bust, their next door neighbor invites them in for a fun surprise.) Locked Out by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO32020  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Single mom Rey has never accepted help from her neighbor Ben. But when she gets locked out of her apartment with a crying toddler, Ben is there. And Ben wants to continue to be there for them.) His New Girl by Hellyjellybean (AO32020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has a problem...he is completely unprepared to run into his polished princess ex-girlfriend Bazine. Now he is standing in front of her without an answer to her question regarding if he is seeing anyone because of course he isn’t but he doesn’t want to tell her that. Then he hears a familiar voice. Rey. Would she be willing to help in his hour of need?)
9 notes · View notes
an-ambivalent · 5 years
Anime Masterpost
List includes: aot, atla, Boku no hero academia, demon slayer, haikyuu, magi, mystic messenger, naruto, noragami, spiderverse (its not an anime but whatever) who made me a princess 
Warnings: This contains yandere works with behaviours and themes that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk, I do not condone such behaviour irl, it is written for fictional purposes only. Everything on here is reader-insert unless stated otherwise. 
Read my request rules here before sending in a request
Attack on Titan
Scenarios / Imagines
-Yandere! Eren Imagine 
-Um,,, this weird crossover idea I had for yandere sasuke x reader x yandere eren modern au
Boku No Hero Academia
Made For Me [Yandere! Bakugo] [Drabble / one-shot series] - ongoing 
Made For Me 
For Our Friendship [Prince AU]
Making You Mine
Drabbles / One-shots
20 w/ Yandere! Shinsou
Betrayal Burnt Hearts [Yandere! Mafia! Bakugou]
A Crown That Bleeds [Yandere! Ceo! Shouto]
Headcanons / Imagines / Scenarios
Yandere! Todoroki Shoto Headcanons
Yandere! Todoroki Shoto NSFW Headcanons
Yandere! Tenya when s/o escapes
Yandere! Katsuki Bakugo Headcanons
Yandere! Midoriya Izuku Headcanons
Yandere! Main trio Alice In Wonderland AU
Yandere! Midnight Headcanons
Demon Slayer 
Yandere! Sanemi Shinazugawa 
-The Game Of Love [Oikawa Tooru] [Reader-Insert]: Prologue |
Roses, Violets & Us [Oikawa Tooru] [Reader-Insert] -- Ongoing 
Synopsis:  Roses are red, Violets are blue, You’re my love, stars and moon. With you by my side, I have nothing to fear. Just us and our love, I love you the most, my darling dear. 
Our Moments of Weakness 
You & I [Oikawa Tooru] [Reader-Insert] [COMPLETED]
 Pretty Things 
 A Breath Of Fresh Air 
 Broken Beings 
 i have you, it’ll be fine 
 Summer Naps 
 Threads Of Fate 
Take A Deep Breath 
 Play Your Cards Right 
 Love From Afar 
Headcanons / Scenarios / Imagines / One-shots
Kageyama headcanons
Yandere! Kuroo relationship headcanons 
SFW and NSFW Lev relationship headcanons
Yandere! Oikawa headcanons
Yandere! Oikawa relationship headcanons
Encased [Yandere! Oikawa Tooru]
False Sense Of Treachery [Yandere! Oikawa Tooru]
NSFW Oikawa headcanons
Yandere! Tendou relationship headcanons
SFW and NSFW Tendou relationship headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Yandere! Sukuna, Gojo, Getou & Choso
-Yandere! Manipulative Gojo 
Sukuna x Uchiha! Reader
Mystic Messenger
Erratic Tendencies [Jumin Han] [COMPLETED]
Synopsis: Sophistication desired understanding. Status yearned to be forgotten. Jumin Han craved for his who to outshine his what. Individualism began to leak, and emotions ran a haywire. When a man such as himself, had never been taught love, and finally receives it, erratic tendencies began to occur.
One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Sins Of Love & Halloween [Yandere! Supernatural! Mystic Messenger][COMPLETED]
Angel! Yoosung 
Werewolf! Zen 
Banshee! Jaehee 
Vampire! Jumin 
Knight! Saeyoung 
Seer! V 
Devil! Saeran
RFA Yandere
V + Saeran Yandere Headcanons
RFA comforting MC when MC feels neglected
RFA Assassin Headcanon/ Scenarios
RFA + V & Saeran as Seven Deadly Sins Headcanons
RFA + V & Saeran: Bubble bath w/ MC [SFW]
Yandere! Royal! RFA Headcanons
RFA + V & Saeran Zodiac Stereotypes
RFA When They Leave MC To Go To The Army
RFA + V + Saeran comforting MC when they recieve a college rejection letter
Haunting [Yandere! Jumin Han]
Suspicions & Addictions | Zen [Reader-Insert]
Zen w/ a foreign MC who has some difficulties with Korean
A Not So Sweet Love [Yandere! Ray]
The One Who Has It All [Jumin Han] [Slight Jumin x V]
Lean On Me [V/Jihyun Kim] [Reader-Insert]
The Devil’s Smile [Yandere! V] [Royal! AU]
Uchiha Concepts Masterpost
Uchiha Therapist [Yandere! Madara x Reader x Yandere! Sasuke] - ongoing 
Synopsis:  [Name] is a struggling post graduate psychology student who has more on her plate than she can handle. Between her practicums to gain work experience and writing reports, to trying to maintain a decent lifestyle and look after her own mental health, there is little to no time left to work an actual paying job. Yet, money is essential for survival. So,  she does the next best thing that has been trending recently to assure a good paycheck; she becomes a sugar baby. The only thing is, [Name] is unaware that she’s become sugar baby of the Madara Uchiha, the notorious CEO of Uchiha Corporation. She is also unaware of the fact that she’s the therapist of his nephew Sasuke Uchiha, who has begun treading over the professional boundary of a patient, and has started developing an abnormal fixation for his therapist since she seems to be the only one who actually understands him.
Part I | Part II 
Oneshots / Drabbles
Biased [Yandere! Tobirama Senju] [NSFW]
Blooming Love [Itachi Uchiha]
Unrequited [Yandere! Sasuke]
With My Entire Being [Soft! Yandere! Madara] 
Wrongly Convicted [Yandere! Madara x Sakura]
Yandere! Sasuke Uchiha
Yandere! Sasuke [Genin] 
How Sasuke spends his birthday with his s/o 
Yandere! Itachi Uchiha
Yandere! Hokage! Itachi
Yandere! Itachi NSFW 
Yandere! Itachi courting & kidnapping his s/o 
Yandere! Obito Uchiha
Yandere! Kakashi & Obito sharing a darling
Yandere! Kakashi dating headcanons
Yandere! Shisui Uchiha
Yandere! Madara Uchiha
Yandere! God! Madara Uchiha 
Yandere! Hokage! Madara
Yandere! Izuna Headcanons
Yandere! Naruto Uzumaki
Yandere! Husband! Naruto cheating on his s/o
Yandere! Hashirama Senju
Yandere! Tobirama w/ an Uchiha darling
Kakuzu SFW and NSFW 
Yandere! Kabuto
Yandere! Sasori
Yandere! Neji [Genin]
Yandere! Neji (continued)
Yandere! Shikamaru
Yandere! Deidara Headcanons
Imagines / Scenarios / Reactions 
Yandere! Madara [God AU]
Yandere! Madara leaving the villiage with his wife
Yandere! Sasuke’s love interest on his search team
Yandere! Sasuke with his s/o and their son
Sasuke becoming yandere with Fugaku’s influence 
Yandere! Itachi with his s/o and their son
Yandere! Itachi when another akatsuki member hits on his s/o
Yandere! Itachi, Sasuke & Shisui sharing one darling
Yandere! Shisui reacting to someone flirting with his s/o
Yandere! Obito reacting to someone flirting with his s/o
Woes of Reincarnation [Yandere! Miguel] - Completed
 As a recent enjoyer of the movie Across the Spiderverse, you were recently converted to a Miguel stan. Consuming all the edits on tiktok and instagram did nothing except feed into your delusions. So after a drunken night out with your friends, when you’re walking home being absolutely hammered, you failed to see the truck with bright lights that was speeding your way when you crossed the road. You die and are reincarnated into Earth 928B - in the very place your current self-exclaimed fictional husband resided in. So, just like any dedicated fan, you turn to a life of petty crime to get his attention. Except, you had no idea of the dangerous new reality that awaited you and very different Miguel you would encounter.
Part I | Part II 
-Reunited [Yandere! Miguel]
Oneshots / Drabbles 
A Facade Of Love [Yandere! Hakuryuu Ren] 
Our Love Over Their Loves [Yandere! Hikaru Hitachiin]
Selfish [Yandere! Zuko]
Silent Submission [Yandere! Yukine] 
Yandere! Claude Headcanons [WMMAP]
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