divinum-pacis · 1 year
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March 22, 2023: Indonesian Muslims perform evening prayer, “tarawih,” marking the first eve of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia.
(AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)
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myprogrammingsolver · 6 months
CS4023 Week07 Lab Exercise
Lab Objective: In this week’s lab we will look at writing a program that reads a large matrix of numbers and then reports all numbers that are equal to a reference value (or within a tolerance of that value). Here’s a quick summary of the tasks: Create a directory (folder) for this week’s work Begin work on the findvals program . In doing this you will learn about Dealing with 2-D arrays or…
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programmingsolver · 1 year
CS4023 Week07 Lab Exercise
Lab Objective: In this week’s lab we will look at writing a program that reads a large matrix of numbers and then reports all numbers that are equal to a reference value (or within a tolerance of that value).   Here’s a quick summary of the tasks: Create a directory (folder) for this week’s work Begin work on the findvals program . In doing this you will learn about Dealing with 2-D arrays or…
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professorbananacrew · 4 years
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Week 07 Remember that there is no class on Monday, Oct. 12th due to the holiday. We will have class only on Wednesday, Oct 14th. Principles and Elements of Design https://stuyhsdesign.wordpress.com/web-design/elements-and-principles-of-design/ Photoshop Resources Blend Modes https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/blending-modes.html Brush https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/painting-tools.html Selections https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/using/making-selections.html?red=a ***Exercise 7.4 - replaces Exercise in Syllabus Post an image that demonstrates progress (Work In Progress WIP) on your Homework 7.3, eight silhouette monster designs with greyscale interior details
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Week 07 Rigs & Walk Cycles No class on Monday, Oct 12th due to the holiday :) See you again on Wed, Oct 14th. Golden Age of Animation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_age_of_American_animation The golden age of American animation was a period in the history of U.S. animation that began with the advent of sound cartoons in 1928 and gradually ended throughout the 1960s, where theatrical animated shorts began losing popularity to the newer medium of television animation, produced on cheaper budgets and in a more limited animation style by companies such as Hanna-Barbera and Filmation. Exercise 7.1 – Character Rig Animation Test WIP Specs: 1280 px x 720 px (min) Continue/Finish rigging your character Animate a test with your rig to demonstrate range of motion Output: .mov posted to Vimeo Homework 7.3 – Walk WIP Specs: X Frames (where X is the tempo of your Walk, p110), 1280 px x 720 px, @ 24fps Show a Work In Progress (WIP) Walk Cycle Choose a tempo for your walk cycle (12 x or Marching Time is typical) Consider the emotion of your character – how do they feel? How can you show their emotional state in the Walk Cycle? Are your key poses clear? Did you include Contact, Down Passing, Up, Contact? Remember, for a full walk cycle that’s looped, you should have the following: Contact A, Down, Passing, Up, Contact B, Down, Passing, Up, Contact A Make sure it loops :) (First == Last == Contact) Incorporate your name (Animated) Incorporate Visual FX = Effects & Presets (e.g. Motion Blur, Drop Shadow) Output: .mov posted to Vimeo
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supercoolsecurity · 5 years
Week 7: Security Everywhere T&Cs
A currently trending application right now is the FaceApp which transforms a selfie editing it to a predicted version of the photo when aged using AI. In the app’s terms and conditions it grants permissions including name, likeness, voice, persona which may be allowed to be used in commercial purposes. This has gained traction due to the wording in their T&Cs, and individuals are concerned as to how their data might be used, it is not a single case, but quite common in many other apps including Facebook and Twitter. It is rare that people read terms and conditions, and with that, the convenience of having able to use Facebook and Twitter is worth the trade of your data and their ability to use it. 
Terms of Use: Facebook
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Terms of Use: Twitter
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yiaun97 · 5 years
Do Not Feed Da Trolls
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Being a Prick Just Because You Can
Trolling is a huge part of modern digital citizenship. It’s a deliberate behaviour that attempts to torment digital citizens in a provocative and insulting manner (Nicol 2012). According to Coles and West (2016), trolling could manifest as a subtle or unsubtle offensive message directed to offend, start an argument or lure people to pointless debates. Its core purpose is to garner strong and emotional reactions. Emotionally trigger those who are unable to resist this provocative behaviour.
Have you ever wondered why do people troll? The answer: anonymity. Anonymity facilitates the condition for trolling. When people hide behind their computers, they assume that they are invisible and they are under minimal authority. Therefore, it motivates them to do things that they wouldn’t dare do in daily life (Nicol 2012). Essentially, they are ‘keyboard warriors’, through the power of the internet, they do unthinkable things under their virtual disguise.
Just a Prank?
It’s just a prank! Or is it? Trolling can have serious consequences online and in daily life. It results in harsher opinions or judgements being formed, acting as a mechanism for prejudice behaviour (Coles and West 2016). If an individual troll decided to spread false news, he might just receive verbal backlash. However, when a collective group of trolls decided to spread false news, the impact of their behaviour might be dire than you think. People who are unaware of the legitimacy of the news might assume it to be true as it is constantly spread. Besides, trolling has other severe consequences such as the increase of suicidal thoughts and self-harm (Coles and West 2016). Hence, we could conclude that trolling is more than unpleasant; it is, in fact, unethical in some cases.
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Trolling ≠ Bad
There is another concept of trolling called ‘kudos trolling’, where users will post irrelevant information in good faith (Coles and West 2016). Hence, the disruption caused by the interactions here is considered as an unfortunate or unintended consequence.
Some brands use trolling as a strategy for marketing. It gives the brand a chance to go viral without spending a lot of cash (Vox 2019). Besides, it humanizes the brand, proving to customers they can be funny (Vox 2019). Spotify celebrated the end of 2017 by sharing reflection videos and statistics to their users. They took the information they had and turned it into an ad campaign, poking fun of their user’s habits (Adweek 2017). The campaign was very successful, garnering huge attention from consumers.
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Grey Area
Now that we’ve covered both sides of trolling, is there a way to limit negative trolling? When it comes to online content, digital media companies are the governing authority. They have the power to control who they want on their platform. Recently, Facebook and Instagram banned controversial right-wing figures that include Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos due to their policies on hate speech and promoting violence (Bloomberg 2019). While some applaud Facebook’s decision, critics might say that Facebook is suppressing conservative voices and violating freedom of speech. In my opinion, trolls can never die off, it’s a part of internet culture. Therefore, banning trolls from digital platforms might not be the best solution. However, I do agree that trolls have to be liable to their online behaviours. They have to be identified and face legal consequences if they broke the law.
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Adweek. (2017). Spotify Unearths More Hilarious User Habits in Global Outdoor Ads for the Holidays. [online] Adweek.com. Available at: https://www.adweek.com/creativity/spotify-unearths-more-hilarious-user-habits-in-global-outdoor-ads-for-the-holidays/ [Accessed 6 May 2019].
Bloomberg.com. (2019). Facebook Bans Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Other Far-Right Figures. [online] Available at: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-02/facebook-bans-alex-jones-yiannopoulos-other-far-right-figures [Accessed 6 May 2019].
Coles, B.A. & West, M. 2016, "Trolling the trolls: Online forum users constructions of the nature and properties of trolling", Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 60, pp. 233-244.
Nicol, S. 2012, "Cyber-bullying and trolling", Youth Studies Australia, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3-4.
Vox. (2019). Why do brands attempt April Fools’ Day pranks?. [online] Available at: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/4/1/18290776/april-fools-day-brand-worst-pranks-history-google [Accessed 6 May 2019].
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techthoughts · 2 years
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[Week 07 - Techthoughts]
Week 7 - Effective Communication and Storytelling and Lesson Learned Pitching Template
Communication plays a critical role in a startup company. Still, more than that, it plays a vital part in effectively conveying our purpose and the message that we want to reach our target market through our navigation application, NavigaTour. 
As a startup company working to put our name out in the market for our audience to recognize, we place significance in communication well not just on the external faces of our product but as well as on the internal - meetings, discussions, deliberations - all of which help us hone our skills, understanding, and perspective as distinct individuals working as a team for this project.
For this week’s activity, we interviewed three individuals to gain insights into their viewpoints as users of a navigation application. We presented them with our MVP and asked what their opinions and feedback were about it. We also had the chance to ask about the following:
Frustrations when going to malls
The time it takes for them to find their desired store/facility in the mall
Their thoughts on having a portable navigation application
Their desired features on a navigation app
Their views on using the application in the future
Overall, it was an excellent method to help us better understand our valued potential market and assess which parts of our navigation application’s features we can include, improve, or omit to cater to our target market's needs, desires, and preferences.
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douglaseveryday · 4 years
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Week 7: Summary 
We got back into the swing of things this week, after taking our week off last week. Both of the kids were excited to “do school” again, and honestly, so was I. I think there’s a certain rhythm with our days that we both seem to enjoy when we’re doing school. 
We’re fast approaching our first set of tests, so this week was spent preparing for them. Eli is reading WAY better than he was when we started, and I’m amazed at the difference 20-something lessons has made. Maybe it’s the one-on-one approach, or the new curriculum, but it’s made a world of difference. His confidence in reading has improved so much. 
We also learned about rain forests and the animals that live there this week as we read Afternoon on the Amazon. The kids were most excited about this!
We watched Wild Kratts: Under the Canopy
We had Poetry Teatime on Wednesday. We had cupcakes and tea while we read the Flower Fairies: Autumn poems. 
Brilynn participated in the library’s preshcool program where she learned about germs. 
Eli participated in the library’s STEAM program where we did a few experiments, including watching sugar dissolve in water (using Skittles), and performing a chemical reaction with baking soda and vinegar to fill a balloon. 
We also used our five senses to describe mangoes after learning that mangoes grew in the rain forest. None of us had tried them before and they’re a new favorite fruit in our house! 
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artistajourney · 7 years
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Day 47 / Week 07
Continue with another 2 values sketch. But it takes me too much time to finish it, so I need to focus on the speed as well.
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frankfoo3-blog · 5 years
Week 07: Tutorial Reflection
We started off by going through some of the mid semester answers again. Then we covered Diffie Hellman Key exchange and a bit on certificates. We went through the various types of block ciphers.
ECB - Electronic Code Book
Break a message into blocks
Encipher each block seperately 
Patterns persist - which is a problem
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining
Use the previous ciphertext XOR with the block -> put it through the block cipher encryption 
Can’t decrypt the second without the first 
Makes it more random
Very slow I think?
CTR - Counter Mode 
Stream cipher
We went through Caff’s Buffer Overflow Questions!
I had no worries with 1.0 basic
It took me a while to figure out 1.1 whereamI, but that is only because I compiled with gcc instead of using the prescribed make file 
Still strugging with 1.2 Blind
Finally we started the case study, which was a debate on whether or not we should have more or less surveillence. We were split into two groups and we had to debate with each other. I was on the side of less surveillence. I remember listening to somebody a long time ago (who did a lot of debating), who said that when you debate, regardless of what your personal beliefs are, when you fight for your side, you begin to believe it, even for just the duration of the debate. 
I didn’t really take down notes for this part, as I was too engrossed in listening to the debate. Some of the points below I took down during the debate, others I took from the email sent by Max. 
If we collect data now, how do we know what the future holds and how the data will be used in the future? Can we trust the people who hold this data? 
Rwanda example 
Census on everybodies race, it’s okay, countries relaxed
A couple of years later, that census was used to perform mass genocide 
Insider attacks stealing the data
Employees abusing the data to stalk people 
Data sold for money?
Help improve safety/ prevent crimes
Stop terrorist attacks 
Perform better background checks 
There was a point made from the FOR side which was something along the lines of we’ll get world peace. Dunno if it was serious but it got me thinking. World peace through mass surveillence sounds like a totalitarian state akin to 1984. I’d be terrified to live in one of those countries. 
Personally though, obviously there’s no right answer here. I would lean slightly towards having more surveillence. But this kind of surveillence is guaranteed to draw bad people in who will abuse it for their own purposes. 
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siximage · 5 years
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two drafts for movie poster recreation
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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Week 07 - Seventh Update of 20-Time!
NOTE: Apologies for being absent for a week or so, there was no time in class that week to work on it, but time will later be “doubled” up. 
Actual Status Updates:
Since it’s the halfway point towards the end goal of this entire project, I’d like to spend this update explaining my successes, failures, and how close I am to the end goal I presented myself. Throughout the entire process I placed for myself, I made multiple changes to adjust to the amount of time provided as well as my free time. I successfully went according to my plans and what I expected from me, being able to make 3 pieces in 6 weeks and making the other 3 pieces within another 6 weeks, along with using the other 2 weeks for planning so that everything runs smoothly. Multiple failures and obstacles showed up, one major failure was the fact that I was unable to completely color the big full piece, meaning it adds on more work onto each week than expected. Along with that, planning out how I’m going to equally divide the large piece along with the other pieces was quite difficult, but I made it work for now. So far, I’d say I’m making significant progress during class, especially since I was able to do the sketch and line-art of the 3rd piece during class, meaning all is left is to actually color it. Overall, I hope the next 6 weeks will continue to be successful and allow me to make progress on this, similarly to how well the first 6 weeks went. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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professorbananacrew · 4 years
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Week 07 = Week 08
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Week 07 Continuity Editing Screening Pause 2017 Opening Titles “Different Perspective” http://motionographer.com/quickie/pause-2017-opening-titles-different-perspective-by-zaoeyo-echoic/ Exercise 7.1 – Cuts
 Specs: 72 Frames, 1280 px x 720 px, @ 24fps
 Re-use any previous project(s), but add 2 of the following cuts: -1 x Straight -1 x Match -1 x Jump Output: .mov posted to Vimeo ***460 – 96 frames, add all three basic cuts Exercise 7.2 – Transitions Specs: 72 Frames, 1280 px x 720 px, @ 24fps
 Re-use any previous project(s), but add the following transitions:
 -1 x Dissolve OR Fade -1 x Wipe (of any kind – remember to use an animated mask) Output: .mov posted to Vimeo ***460 – 96 frames, add a Dissolve, Fade and 2 different Wipes Homework 7.3 – Continuity
 Specs: 120 Frames, 1280 px x 720 px, @ 24fps
 Re-use any previous project(s), but incorporate the following items: -5 different shot types (remember, shot = composition)
 -1 x Straight Cut -1 x Match Cut -1 x Wipe -1 Dissolve OR Fade
 Consider the following: -How can you set up your sequence of shots as Questions-Answer? -What animated elements can you add to your shot (character/environment) -Consider the 5 Shot rule, and how a minimum of 5 shots can help drive a narrative – what narrative do you want to show? Output: .mov posted to Vimeo ***460 – 120 frames, 2 different Wipe animations
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supercoolsecurity · 5 years
Week 7: Time Management
I have definitely been struggling to keep up, two new assignments for 1521 and 2521 have just been released. Also keeping up with the lecture recordings for those subjects and trying to understand them have been difficult and time consuming. Furthermore, I have been in an interview process for an internship for almost 2 months and gone through 4 interviews. 
How I am to be on top of all of this: 
Do what I can
Focus on tasks that I consider more important - i.e. probably dont need to do all activities for the modules, but understanding the concepts behind them are important. 
Do prereadings and research before tutorials so that I would be feeling lost during also having my own perspective and taking in other perspectives.
Attend the lectures as there are interesting views on concepts and it is quite different to the video recordings - new content at inperson lectures.
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