#wednesday is like twice the size ;-;
intramoon · 2 days
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a softcore halloween 🕷️
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4pfsukuna · 2 months
California king bed
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Debrief: its 1:12am and neither you or satoru can sleep, Suguru has a solution.
Warning: satoru is a sore looser who sucks at rock, paper, scissors. Satosugu x Black coded reader.
Suguru stirs slightly in his sleep when he hears your soft giggles. He was never a rough sleeper but  he loved laying in the California king sized bed lovers not far, to him this was peace. A lazy Wednesday afternoon when it's raining the soft pitter patter of rain hitting the window Gojos long ass leg thrown over you and him—
—your r&b playing as he alternates between running a thumb over his calf and leaving soft little kisses on your temple curls that slipped out from under your purple satin scarf tickling his chin. He knows your scarf is going to slide off soon and you’d complain all morning so he adjust it eyes half lidded.
But it wasn’t Wednesday afternoon, it was Sunday morning approximately 1:12 am, the pitch black being illuminated by the glow of Satorus  bright blue eyes and the slight bickering of you two.
It's when he hears Gojo suck his teeth and “no, best 2 out of 3” the soft clicks of your acrylic nails and then “wait princess 3 out of 5” that he hears your giggle again.
“You're hogging him and I want my time” he hears Satoru whine before he feels your body press further into him. There's the strong scent of your vanilla lotion and caramel scented leave in conditioner followed by a cool breeze in the room but he knows thats absolutely not the reason you moved closer.
“So what! you lost at rock paper scissors 7 times im not sharing so you can cuddle him, fuck you” he hears you whisper yell to the snow haired man and his eyes snap open. You two were up disrupting his sleep with a fucking rock paper scissors game to see who got to cuddle him?! 
He felt his eye twitch…twice before a smile falls on his face and before he knows it he’s laughing ending the bickering between you two. You two were the biggest idiots and had a strange way of making him feel so loved. You both wanted him? 
You both wanted him.
Oftentimes in your relationship he felt he was fighting Satoru for your attention and oh did that man have a slick way of getting exactly what he wanted. He’d pout and huff and puff and he was equally in love with satoru so he knew once the man got pouty it was hard to not give him his way, hard not to bend to his wants.
But hearing you fight Satoru to be close to Suguru? He only wishes he let it go on a bit longer. He craved your affection.
Rolling on his back he looks over at the two of you seeing the pure love and adoration in both your eyes he can’t help the way his heart skips a beat. 
“If i sleep in the middle will you two shut up?” He asks teasingly, pulling you from the middle to his left side letting you curl up and throw your leg over his thick thighs. He pays you no mind as you stick your tongue out at Satoru before yanking him closer, his head immediately resting on Sugurus' chest directly across from yours, flicking your tongue.
“I could hollow purple your tongue right now and—“ he begins his empty threat until you roll your eyes and cut him off making sure your leg brushes his.
“You wouldn’t! You like the thing i do with my tongue” you smirk closing your eyes feeling  Suguru plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.  
“What?! She threatened me and mmpph—“ you peek an eye open to see Suguru pressing his lips against Satoru watching how he melts into it all fight dying on his tongue any leftover battle being licked out by Sugurus tongue. 
The dark haired man pulls him down to his chest and you watch as Satoru complys looks overly contempt with himself closing his eyes. He hums when your hand finds a way to his hair nails on his scalp, his fluffy white hair covering your hand.
Suguru watches the whole interaction fighting to keep his eyes open and admires the both of you falling asleep in a pile of tangled limbs and love for another, there's no place he'd rather be. 
So yes he might like wednesday but he also loves Sundays at 1am during the spring  when both of his lovers are curled into his sides blocking him from leaving the California king sized bed.
 He loves Sundays at 1am during the spring when you’re dressed in nothing but his oversized tshirt and Satoru is in a deep sleep occasionally squeezing him or curling more into his side.
He loves Sunday at 1am during the spring when it’s still dark outside, still quiet… still. Because he has several more hours in bed with both of you, more time to get rest, more time to admire you both, more time to love and feel loved as he pulls the both of you closer. 
Sinking further into the pillows he lets sleep takeover the glow of the city 20 floors down from the penthouse lost behind the black out curtains, the city sounds of cars and horns lost from so high up the only sound is breathing and the steady thumping you hear of Sugurus heartbeat.
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stirthewaters · 1 year
Too Sharp to Touch pt. 1
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: slight language
Summary: After getting into another fight, Wednesday has no choice but to come and get you.
Pairing: Wednesday x Reader
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It was the second time this month, and you had somehow gotten into another fight?
At this point, Wednesday was beginning to think that you wanted another detention.
She had been on her way to drop off her botany assignment, finished early as usual, stopped by a familiar tap on the shoulder from Thing. 
Her eyes flicked to her shoulder, voice hinting at irritation
“What is it now?”
Thing signed a couple times, and Wednesday’s eyes narrowed, a frustrated sigh escaping her.
“Y/N is fighting…again?”
Thing responded with a couple more taps, and she closed her eyes, summoning what patience she’d be able to have for you right now.
“She isn’t my problem, Thing. I have more important matters than deterring yet another trivial dogfight.”
Thing tapped again, growing impatient, almost tumbling from her shoulder when she halted abruptly.
“I do not care for Y/N, Thing, I merely keep Enid from going hysterical over her well-deserved wounds due to her lack of fighting skills.” -she fixed the hand with a cold glare - “Suggest something like that again and I will be locking you out of the dorm again.”
The hand stubbornly continued to sign, causing the raven’s eyes to narrow.
“I agree that Y/N lacks self-control but that does not mean I shall be taking responsibility for it.”
Wednesday began walking again, trying to ignore the ever-frequent tapping on her shoulder, that of which was becoming harder and more insistent.
You couldn’t be that hurt yet. You were tough (though she’d never admit it to you or anyone else). Despite this…she couldn’t ignore the fact that your abysmal fighting skills would indefinitely cause yet another concussion. She knew that you’d never let her or anyone else hear the end of it if you were walking around for the next couple of weeks with a head injury, complaining and whining annoyingly as you always did, and she did not have the patience to go through that again. 
Wednesday also knew, irritatingly, that you would not listen to Enid, no matter what her roommate attempted to persuade you with; as close as you two were you tended to be infuriatingly stubborn at times, and now seemed to be one of them.
She turned and glared darkly at Thing, who was still tapping away insistently.
“This is the last time, and I will be doing it solely keep our sanity intact. Say otherwise and I will not hesitate to follow through on my threats.”
She was most certainly not doing this because she was concerned for your safety, which you obviously had no personal regard for. 
If she was lucky she’d at least get to see some bloodshed.
As expected, upon entering the quad, there you were, beside the fountain, locked in a fight with a boy almost twice your size; obviously another werewolf by the size of him, and the untamed hair that nearly every male werewolf possessed.
Enid was among the couple of students watching, glaring at you as she looked for an opportunity to step in and pull you away; not that Wednesday thought you’d listen to her.
Wednesday noted disapprovingly that your hits were clumsy; surely this wasn’t the best you could do? She continued to watch as you swung left when you should’ve swung right, and caught a blow to the side of your stomach, rolling her eyes in disgust.
other students looked on with concern, worry, or perhaps exasperation, whereas Wednesday watched as her roommate tried desperately to pull you away from her opponent, the blonde’s eyebrows furrowing with frustration as her attempts were repeatedly proved useless, the faintest of smirks hinting at Wednesday’s lips as she watched her try and persuade you away from the fight, even though your eyes were alive with adrenaline, and what she thought to be a hint of sadism, blood dripping from your nose, and a wonderfully nasty bruise beginning to form on your cheek. Blood could look good on anyone, she observed, somehow even on you.
After about five minutes of what was clearly a pathetic attempt at fighting on your end, she let out a sigh of frustration and swiftly began moving through the quad toward you, muttering under her breath. With one hand she neatly grabbed your wrist and with enough force neatly yanked you backward, placing her heel firmly behind yours, which caused you to trip backward and onto the ground.
Ignoring your look of indignance and surprise, she stepped forward and dodged a swipe from your opponent, kicking out into his stomach and sending him reeling backward, glaring at him so fiercely that he didn’t dare try and fight back.
Turning to you, she fixed you with an equally cold glare, grabbing your wrist once more and pulling you up to your feet. Her eyes darted to the blood dripping from your nose, and the growing bruise on your face, and an irritated sigh escaped her. “What was it this time?”
“He wolf-whistled me,” your response was breathless through your pants, as the faint animalistic glow began to leave your eyes, signaling you were beginning to calm down.
“So you decided to fight him?” the raven raised an eyebrow, annoyed - “The least you could do is fight decently.”
You frowned slightly and began to respond before you were interrupted by Enid approaching, a visible frown of exasperation, annoyance, and concern on her face. Wednesday released your wrist, fixing you with that same cold glare before leaving you with Enid and exiting the quad, returning to her original task.
It was about ten or fifteen minutes later when Wednesday returned from the greenhouse, and when she opened the door to her dorm found you on Enid’s bed, with Enid tending to your wounds..
Ignoring both of you, she sat down at her desk, placing a sheet of paper in her typewriter. As she began typing, her eyes remained locked on the words being type, although unfortunately she couldn’t drown out your occasional grumbles or huffs. 
“Ow! Enid, what the hell?!”
“Stop squirming!”
Wednesday continued typing, but the sound of your well-deserved little smack from Enid did bring a slightly sadistic hint of a smirk to her lips as she worked, though your already irritating little complaints were becoming more and more annoying.
“Silence would be appreciated,” she remarked coldly, still typing. 
“You’re not going to pay any attention to me?” your voice came out slightly congested; clearly the bloody nose was catching up to you.
“I said hold still!”
Wednesday couldn’t help rolling her eyes, continuing to type. The steady hum of her typewriter became more of her focus as she honed in on the sound of it rather than your grumbles; although she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed hearing your soft winces of pain every now and then.
As she tore one of the finished pages carefully from the typewriter and aligning it in the box containing her novel, you complained.
“You’re taking too long on purpose.”
Enid responded with a hint of impatience.
“Then stop wriggling so much! It’s like I’m bandaging a child instead of a damn werewolf.”
“I can do it myself, you know.”
“No, you can’t. If you were in charge here you’d just “let it heal on it’s own” and do nothing. Now shut up and let me work, I’m almost done.”
Wednesday exhaled through her nose; she most definitely did not want to help, but she needed you out of the room so she could focus, and Enid was taking a ridiculously long amount of time to finish what could’ve been done in five minutes.
Standing stiffly and pushing away from her desk, she walked over to Enid’s side, approaching you on the bed; upon closer examination, the bruise on your cheek was beginning to swell, though luckily the bleeding in your nose had stopped. Rolling her eyes, she glanced at Enid, raising an eyebrow.
“You didn’t consider getting an icepack?”
The blonde looked back up at her with a small, indignant frown - “it took me this long just to get Y/N’s nose to stop bleeding.”
Wednesday gazed over at you, eyes narrowing slightly as she sighed
“Thing, go retrieve an icepack from the cafeteria.”
The faint scuttling of the hand obeying her command gave her the confirmation to move on, and she reached out, touching your bruise firmly but carefully, causing you to wince and pull away.
“Stop moving, you’re acting like a child. Even Enid is tougher than you,” she remarked, causing a huff of annoyance from the blonde. “If you hadn’t been fighting in the first place this wouldn’t even be happening.”
Her eyes briefly flicked up from your bruise to your eyes as you responded
“It’s not my fault. He started it.”
“Do I even have to ask?” She muttered, eyes returning to examining the bruise, which, although it was swollen didn’t look too serious. “He was nearly three sizes bigger than you; the least you could do is choose an appropriate opponent.”
“I’d call it brave, taking on a guy that size and leaving him with the marks that I did.”
“Foolish, more like.”
You rolled your eyes, and her lip curled into the faintest of smirks. Thing returned promptly, balancing an icepack on top of him as he hopped atop the bed. Nodding once in thanks, she took it and wrapped it in a handtowel that Enid had prepared, handing it to you and watching with another sigh as you pressed it your cheek.
“Y/N, you gotta stop getting into these fights. Learn to control yourself,” Enid said with a disapproving frown, causing you to scrunch up your eyes with indignance,
“I do control myself.”
“Wrong.” Wednesday glared at you. “You’re impulsive.”
You glared right back up at her. Bold of you. “So are you.”
Wednesday’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I’m starting to believe you want to become a rug.”
“I would make a lovely rug,” you muttered, eyes darting away. Good. 
You got to your feet, still holding the icepack in your hand, and looked down at Enid. 
“Look, if it makes you feel better, I’ll try and ‘control myself’, better in the future, okay?”
Enid looked back up at you and her expression softened, as usual. She couldn’t stay mad at you for long. “Good. I don’t want you dying on me. Wolves gotta stick together, y’know?”
Wednesday could feel herself getting nauseous at the horrible cliche, and she frowned, eyes narrowing. “Just leave; I have work to do.”
You turned, a small smirk on your face as you mock-saluted, turning on your heel. “See you later, Dr. Addams.”
Rolling her eyes, Wednesday stared at the door for a moment, arms folded, before she noticed Enid with a huge smirk on her face, similar to yours. Raising an eyebrow, she frowned slightly, “what?”
“Nothing,” she said in her dreadfully sing-song tone, which the raven chose to ignore as she sat back down at her desk, returning to her novel, eyebrows furled in annoyance as it took her a moment to wipe the image of you covered in both your and your opponent’s blood from her mind. Odd. Blood really did look good on anyone.
pt.2 here!
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pedrostylez · 1 year
The First Week
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pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
summary: reader and Javier are coworkers that typically hate each other, but find each other helpful in relieving that stress
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count:4.4k
warnings etc: smut, dirty talk, light choking, unprotected p in v sex, pet names, oral male and female recieving. NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: I debated back and forth about how I wanted to write these characters and I think this one and possibly the next 2 (?) will be all before “Mi Luz” to show the development of their relationship. Thank you for the kindness on “Before Mi Luz”, I enjoy everyone’s reactions and encouragement :) 
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Peña waited all week to see what you would do. He hoped you would beg, but something deep down told him that you wouldn’t do that. That not even if you had been a serious couple that you would be all over him like he was used to his previous girlfriends doing. You were too independent, too caught up in what you were doing to ever lean on someone else for help. 
On Saturday and Sunday he dreamed of your mouth. Of your promises for next week, hoping that no one had in fact stepped out of the embassy while he was fucking you in the back of his Jeep. He dreamed of the noises you made and how you were a totally different person from what he saw from his desk. 
On Monday he was antsy. He came into work surprisingly early-the security guards, the other workers were all surprised to see him. He just said he “needed to get a head start on paperwork.’ But when you came in you didn’t even make eye contact with him–not even a glance in his direction. You walked right past his desk, speaking lightly to Murphy (who had his head on his desk) a good morning and then down the hallway and stairs to the archives. 
On Tuesday he was determined to get you to speak to him.  He went all of Monday listening to what everyone did on the weekend, how the drinks were on Friday and “wish he could of made it”’s and not a peep about you and him staying late. He was confident no one knew and that left the window open to see if you would want him again. He was desperate for anything from you. 
He went down to the archives twice that day, asking you for help on a couple different bits of information. He fished for any sign of nervousness or attraction and got nothing in return. He left the door open to the archives on both occasions. 
On Wednesday he did not come in early, but immediately went to the archives to find Murphy there already asking for your help. “I’m hoping you can find something on him?” Murphy’s hair was a mess and you looked flustered. It wasn’t typical for you to be flustered at Murphy, but if both of you were out of sorts…
“Steve, I’m telling you, I’ve never heard that name before. I need a connection to it that I do have to see if the name pops up. Then I can create a file on them specifically.” You sounded exasperated, looking over to Pena as if to say ‘what is Murphy’s deal today?’
“What’s the name?” Peña could help without just pushing your buttons, right?
Murphy’s head whipped around, surprised to see Javier in the same room as you without poking fun at you. Murphy fed Peña the same information he said to you, you glanced down to your notes and adding a few more details as more information poured from Murphy’s brain. You tracked it, noticing the differences in what he told you versus Peña, noting in your brain where you might be able to find information. 
Javier listened intently, watching you take additional notes and realizing that Murphy had been too vague originally. “You have to always give her the whole run down even if she knows who she is looking for. Being vague makes her files inaccurate Murphy.”
You looked at him with your eyes the size of dinner plates, mouth slightly open. How did he know that? “It’s okay Steve, I think I may be able to look at a few files and I can bring something up to you within the hour. I know I typically already have a grasp on what you’re talking about, I just had  a rough night last night.” You smiled lightly, trying to break the tension between Peña and Murphy. 
Murphy grunted, apologizing for not being as detailed and said he would go grab coffee--that maybe he was just not awake enough yet. Murphy slid past Peña, eyeing him briefly and asking if he was going to join him. “I’ll be up in a minute, have my own question.”
When the room cleared of Murphy you sighed, glancing at the door and seeing it still open. “Which file do you need, Peña?”
“I thought I was Javier now?” He smirked, leaning against one of the tables that held stacked files not yet put away. You looked directly at him, which was all he wanted for the past couple days.  “Why was last night rough?”
“I went out.” You declared quickly, glancing back down at your notes and putting the pieces together in your brain of what Murphy was requesting. “Susan and Amy wanted help getting a lay and asked for me to show them how.”
He felt the heat in his body rise quickly, almost to anger. “And did you? Show them how?” He had to take a breath–it wasn’t like he asked you not to or that you were exclusive.
You thought you hid your smirk, typing into the computer quickly but he caught it and he knew he had been busted for being jealous. “What does it matter to you, Peña?”
He paused, tapping on the table and picking up a random file. “It has almost been a week and no one has batted an eye at either of us being absent from the party.” He raked his eyes to you, blue blouse with ruffled sleeves, smooth from collarbone to hip with your pencil skirt ending just above your knees. Some stylish sandals on your feet instead of sneakers you sometimes wore–it meant you drove into work instead of walking. “Do I have to wait a full week before I ask if you want to go out?”
You paused your typing, looking up at him. “We aren’t going to go out on a date, Javier.”
He felt himself melt and wince at the same time. “I figured you were the type of girl that wanted some wining and dining before doing–”
“Based on last time, do you actually think that or are you just trying to have an excuse to talk about this at work?” you scoffed, feeling your head start to hurt. The tequila flowed too easily last night, and the guy was not as good as you thought he was going to be. “Don’t come in here to talk to me about whatever it is that you want. You ask about intel, archives, and administrative things. That’s it.”
He clenched his teeth, feeling the heat of embarrassment reach his cheeks but wanted to prove you wrong. “Fine.”
On Thursday he left you alone.
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On Friday he came in early and waited until you were in the archives to walk down there. Murphy was out, the office was busy answering the phones, and this was a perfect time. He walked in, seeing you on a step ladder and turned away from him. Your ass was at eye level in the work pants you were in, belt cinched around your waist and a flowing green blouse riding up so he could see your smooth back. He closed the door behind him quietly in the hopes that you didn’t hear him. “It’s Friday, hermosa.”
You jumped, almost losing your footing as you whipped your head to the direction his voice was coming from. “Peña, you can’t corner me at work. This is my job.” You were so flustered with him standing in your space. You were just trying to put files away, and the ladder wasn’t high (only a couple steps) but it wouldn’t have been a fun fall. You turned, acutely aware of his eyes on your lower half and made it so he was level with your stomach. 
“It is my job to ask you questions and for your help, which means I will be in your space hermosa.” He breathed out, glancing down at your shoes and seeing your laces were coming untied. He was trying to not lose his nerve. “It has been a week and I have been dying to be alone with you.”
You closed your eyes and sighed, turning back around so his face was now level with your ass again. If he was going to be a perv then so be it. “Get your eyes off my ass and get it through your skull that we can’t do anything at work. I won’t jeopardize it-I need the money.”
He scoffed. Maybe getting you riled up was the way to get you to fuck him. “The other girls don’t seem to mind.” He was trying to get under your skin, and you weren’t going to let him know that it was working. “Your shoes are coming untied cariño.”
“What does that mean? Cariño? Hermosa?” You felt out of the loop, looking at your own shoes and grumbling, stepping down carefully from the steps.
He tilted his head, noting that your Spanish was so poor that you couldn’t even tell a pet name from a swear word. “You really are just going to ignore how I said the other girls in the office beg me to fuck them here?” He felt like he was losing a battle that didn’t really matter in the scheme of it all, but he wanted to see some sort of emotion on your face. Anything. He couldn’t stop getting you out of his mind from last week and how you laughed when you were alone with him. You had stopped getting angry with him and maybe that was a good sign, but the monotone felt worse. 
“Well you didn’t say it like that the first time.” You sighed, stepping around him and being careful to not touch him. “If you need information ask it, otherwise, get out of my archives.”
“Let me drive you home later.” It was a demand, not a question. He wanted to reach out and grab your arm to get you to look at him, but instead he got in front of you and on to his knees, reaching for your shoe laces. 
Your breath stuttered, holding on to the file in your hand with fluttering fingers, surprised he was here in front of you like this. “What are you doing?” His fingers reached out to your ankle, pulling your foot up on to his one raised knee and looking up at you. 
“You were going to trip eventually, and I didn’t want to see your knees scraped up from that at least.” He mumbled, finishing your shoe laces and glancing up at you. Your cheeks were flushed and he felt the satisfaction settle in his stomach. “Can I drive you home later? I know you walked today.”
“How do you know that?” You felt breathless, dropping one foot as he went to pick up the other and place it firmly on his leg.
“You’re wearing sneakers instead of those sandals. And I drove by you this morning.” He smirked, seeing your eyes widen. “You were very cute walking up the hill by the corner market-”
You breathed out, rolling your eyes. “I plan on staying late and the girls wanted me to go out.”
“Again? Tell them you can’t and I’ll drive you home.” He was getting desperate. He wanted to be alone with you again. The hurt of you going out more often than not didn’t matter. He dropped  your foot and stood back in front of you. 
The pause was long as you looked through the file, glancing at the information and committing it to memory. You looked up, his hands on his hips staring back at you. He was biting the inside of his cheek, his only sign that he was nervous. 
“Fine. But you’ll have to wait for me.” Maybe that would deter him. 
“I will wait as long as you need.” He nodded, immediately leaving the archives and keeping your door open. 
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At five o’clock, Susan and Amy cornered you at the coffee station that was next to where Peña and Murphy still sat. You were making tea in the hopes that it wouldn’t be too hot by the time you got back downstairs. “Babe come with us! What changed from this morning?” Susan was yanking on your arm, purse already in her hand. 
“I know, but I have more to finish and Tuesday night wasn’t really that fun.” You mumbled, hoping it wasn’t too loud. You didn’t need the whole office knowing your business. 
Peña’s ears perked up but he left his face stoic. He was straining to listen, but he made the preemptive decision to unplug the phone at his desk 30 minutes ago so he could concentrate on what he was doing and it just happened to work for listening in to your conversation. 
“What?” Amy laughed, pushing at your shoulder lightly. “You showed us all the moves and then went with what’s his name? Robert? He was so cute and clearly smitten with you!”
Peña ground his teeth. He would find this Robert.
“That’s nice and all but he wasn’t that great. And I don’t want to see him again and have him think I like him. One and done you know?” You stirred your tea bag in the water and squeezed it out, tossing it in the trash. “I’ll see you ladies on Monday. Try out the moves I showed you guys and let me know how it goes!”
Peña watched you wave them off, casually rubbing your sneakers on the back of your pants from where Susan had stepped on them. He had a single chuckle bubble out, making Murphy look up at him with a pointed expression. “Stop listening to them.”
“I just can’t believe that they ask her for moves. Her?” Peña felt like he was trying too hard to get Murphy to not see what was right in front of him. 
Murphy hummed, looking back at his paperwork and stacking it up. “I’m going to drop these off to her for filing away since she is staying and then heading home. Do you want to come over tonight? Wife is making some fancy something and invited over some of her friends.” 
“No, thank you I am going to finish this up and I’ll head home too. Maybe I’ll meet Susan and Amy at the bar?” Peña laughed, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. 
Peña hoped he wouldn’t have to wait too long for you. 
An hour and a half later, you appeared in front of Peña’s desk. “Are you still working?” You questioned, your bag on your shoulder and your fingers playing with the buckle on the end of the strap. 
He looked up at you feeling suddenly breathless. “No, just busy work. Are you ready to go?”
You nodded, giving a stiff closed-mouthed smile, and waited for him to grab his jacket and turn off his lamp. You followed him out to his Jeep, again the only car in the lot, and casually glanced at him once you were in his passenger seat. His eyes were already on you, sticking to you like glue while turning over the engine to bring the car to life. “Stop staring, Peña.”
“Can’t I be Javier now?” He smiled, pulling out of the lot and onto the main street toward his apartment. “Would you want to have takeout with me? There’s a mean Indian place down the street that is actually pretty good given that we aren’t in India.” He laughed, looking over at you again to see your eyes already on him. “Or we could have something else.” He felt himself wanting to ramble.
You smirked, making him feel butterflies in his stomach. “I like Indian if you pick the meals, Javier.”
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He really didn’t know how he got here-truly. 
One minute you both were watching some stupid movie while opening up the food that was just delivered, even though you couldn’t understand what was being said in the movie. He was questioning how you had not learned any of the language you were immersed in, especially since you read transcripts from all the intel. You explained how it was all translated to English by the time it was on your desk, and you typically could play the “stupid American” card when you were in the store. 
The next minute you were on your knees in front of him after he made a comment about how you swore much more when you were relaxed and that your mouth would get you into trouble. 
Peña’s chest rose and fell heavily, anticipation making him clench his fists around the fabric of the seat cushion. “How much trouble do you think I could get into?” You asked, smiling as you ran your hands up his legs still covered in his jeans. 
He was impossibly hard. From 0 to 100, ready for you. “I think you could get into lots of trouble, especially looking like that.” The way his voice dropped never really made sense to him, but he couldn’t help it. And he saw the way your eyes lit up when you noticed the tone he took with you, and it made him want to find a way to speak to you like this around others. 
“How do I look?” You asked, cheeks going red as you realized what you asked. You weren’t typically one to fish for compliments, but something in the way he spoke made you want him to keep going. 
His pupils were blown out as he reached for your jaw and skimmed his thumb across your bottom lip. “Like you want to beg for my cock.” 
The whine that left you couldn’t be helped. You didn’t mean to, but Peña didn’t mind. You reached forward to unbutton his pants as his hand traveled down your neck and across your collarbone, pulling at the flimsy buttons that pieced together your blouse. He could see the blush that started just above your breasts, traveling up to your face and lips, making them look plusher. He lifted his hips as you pulled down on his jeans, cock slapping against his stomach as you took him in. 
“Are you going to beg for it?” He ground out in a husky tone, feeling the pearl of precum drop onto his lower stomach. He saw your eyes on him, unable to pull away from his lower half, making him move his hand up to the back of your head and tug at the hair at the nape of your neck. 
You gasped, eyes raking up to his face and seeing a similar flush on him. “Please, Peña.”
He closed his eyes and squeezed his fingers, slightly digging into the back of your head. “Try again bebe, you know how to get what you want.”
You could guess what that word meant and it made your heart flutter. “Please, Javier.”
He groaned, pulling your head closer to him, watching your mouth as it opened, tongue sticking out slightly to greet the head of his cock first. The minute your lips were wrapped around him, he threw his head back and exhaled deeply. “Fuck-that’s it. Show me your moves Susan and Amy won’t shut the fuck up about muñeca. Huh?”
You lifted your hand to the base of him, giving him one short stroke and then holding firm to direct him where you wanted. Your eyes fluttered up to his face as you pulled back, bringing spit to the front of your mouth and letting it drool onto the head mixing with his precum. “I don’t know what you mean, Javier.” You smirked, leaning back down and giving one long lick from your thumb to the underside of the head wrapping your lips back around him and bobbing. 
The minute you started bobbing your head on him after that little show, he knew you had every guy left in your path thinking about you constantly. The way you gripped him, the way your tongue seemed to wrap around him to aid your sucking had him flying to the moon. 
He groaned, looking down at you and seeing your spit gather at the corners of your mouth, how you breathed out of your nose only when he was mostly pulled out, and how your eyes were watching his mouth. “Do you want to kiss me azúcar?” He huffed, pulling you off of him and letting you take a deep breath. 
Without letting you answer he grabbed your upper arm, yanking you to him and enveloping your mouth with his. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, desperate to be closer to you. 
Your hands wrapped around his shoulders, sitting on his upper thighs in a similar way that you did in his car. He detached himself from your lips, kissing down your neck and bringing his fingers to your blouse. He bit at your collarbone, unbuttoning the last few buttons and pushing the sleeves from your shoulders, revealing a green bra that matched your shirt. 
“Will you let me have you again cariño?” He breathed, looking up at you as he pulled down the cups of your bra, squeezing your chest and rubbing his thumb over your nipples. “What do you need?”
You felt like you could cry by how good he was making you feel. It had been a long week of avoiding Peña to not get too worked up. You tried to find someone else-anyone else-but it just wasn’t the same. The thrill, the encouragement-
“Where did you go, baby?” He looked up at you, concern apparent on his face as he slowed his touches,  pulling away from your chest. You yanked his hands back to you, leaning in to kiss him quickly. 
“Just fuck me, Peña.” You whispered, standing up to undo your own belt as he tried to compose himself. He took off his own shirt, watching as you dropped your pants and stood straight again. He stood as well, wrapping his hands around your hips to reach your ass and squeeze. 
“Bend over the couch.” He said lowly, twisting you around and maneuvering you to the arm of the couch, hips resting firmly on the end and your hands outstretched. He groaned, slapping your left cheek lighting and then kneeling down like he did earlier to tie your shoe, but now to taste you. “Just give me a taste hermosa, you look too good to not have a little.”
You moaned into the couch cushion, his nose at your entrance and his tongue snaking out to lick at your clit before wrapping his lips around it and sucking lightly. His hand was wrapped around his own cock, pumping it quickly as he lost himself in the taste of you. 
He stood soon after, continuing to pump himself as he lined himself up and pushed to the hilt, both of you groaning in unison. “Fuck–I can’t get enough of you.”
The snap of his hips made your hips push into the arm of the couch in an almost painful way, the sound of his skin slapping against yours absolutely obscene. “Oh-ahh-Javi fuck yes.”
You used his name again and again, and it made his eyes roll in the back of his head. Did you not understand what you did to him? He reached forward and grabbed your hair, pulling lighting to direct you to stand up. “Do I feel good inside you baby? Huh? Tell me no one fucks you like I do.”
You resisted, hands reaching forward to the arm of the couch but he pulled back harder making you squeal out. He continued to push into you, his other hand reaching around and squeezing at your chest. “Yes, y-you do. Fuck-you make me feel so good.”
“Is anyone else able to make you feel like this?” He persisted, moving his hand down to your core and finding your clit easily, and making lazy circles with his middle finger. “I can’t fuck anyone else but you now, don’t you understand?”
You nodded slowly, sweat building on the back of your neck as your core began to shake. “Only you make me feel like this Javi.”
He smiled, pushing into you quicker and letting go of your hair, moving his arm around to your neck and holding you up from there. “That’s right baby, only me huh? Fuck-I can feel you squeezing me. I want you to cum. Can you do that?” He continued to circle your clit, not changing the pace or pressure. 
You nodded frantically, holding on to his forearms as he wouldn’t let you lean forward moaning as your release began. “I’m-fuck–I can’t stop.”
“Don’t want you to stop hermosa, cum all over me. Make a fucking mess.” He was straining to hold out, wanting to hear you before he lost himself too.
You started your release, bigger than the last time you were with him and he immediately started to release too. Groaning together in unison as you saw white, breath leaving you quickly as he continued to push into you until he stuttered and held your hips to his. 
A few moments passed with him leaning his forehead on your back until he was sure you were ready and he pulled out of you slowly. He silently went to the bathroom, found a towel, and brought it out to you. 
“Thanks.” You laughed awkwardly, cleaning yourself up before finding your underwear and pulling them up your legs. You looked at him, still naked and going soft as he scratched the back of his head. 
“I uh–I want to let you know that if you want to I would be okay doing this more often.” He stumbled out, glancing at your and your perfect recline on his sofa in only underwear, breasts out and legs shaking. 
You laughed lightly, looking at him again. “Yeah, I think I would be okay with that Peña.”
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alchemistc · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @liminalmemories21, who Doesn't Go Here but whom I am going to try to tempt further into the fold by choosing a hockey heavy snippet just for funsies. Just to see. Also I couldn't decide where to clip this so... enjoy like a whole game.
Tommy shifts his weight and settles the nerves, accepts the smack to the back of his helmet, and watches Binnington throw a fit between the pipes when the stripes don’t call the puck trickling in behind his net an icing.
They’re five minutes in and everyone’s getting testy. He can feel it.
This is where Tommy does his best work. It’d been a task, ten years ago, a part of the job he’d accepted because he was good in a fight and fully capable of taking a few punches. Under the thumb of the old boys club it’d just been expected of him — the ability to throw his weight around was what had kept him from complete obscurity in a lower league that would have worn him down much sooner. Tommy’s fists and his ability to twist his shoulder just in time to knock a guy flat on his ass were the only things that mattered when his agent settled him down with two offers and he’d chosen the team most likely to make his dad proud.
Never mind that his dad had come to three games when Tommy was a bright eyed-rookie, seen Tommy get his ass handed to him by a man twice his size, and stopped bothering to show up.
He’d turned that around, in recent years. Longer stints with the affiliate teams, less time under the microscopic eye of the national press (even as a role player he’d had his moments under that eye) — he’d learned when to pull his punches, when to turn the other cheek, and when to lock his ankles and aim for the fucking chest. He had friends up and down the continent who knew him as the guy who’d take them all out to dinner after a bad loss, find something stupid and entertaining for them to do after, and then go into the next game with a chip on his fucking shoulder.
There were three kids with insane star power in the league who had him on speed dial even though he hadn’t played with them for a year or more, because for some fucking reason he had the ability to talk them off a ledge when the pressure drove them towards it.
He’d never tell a soul that Crosby still sent him gym selfies so they could compare the relative size and plumpness of their ass during the offseason.
There was still a reverence for real enforcers, in the league, even if they’d fallen by the wayside as teams got smaller and quicker. They were more a deterrent than anything else these days, but that usually meant Tommy got to lumber around on the ice for a few minutes a game, remembering what it had felt like the first time he’d laced his skates and stepped out to a roaring crowd, before he took another dumb penalty and spent the next forty-five minutes riding the bench. He’d been instructed not to take any dumb penalties, tonight, because St. Louis didn’t tend to get sloppy until the game was on the line.
Thirty-six minutes in, Schenn takes a chop at Diaz’s knee under the guise of a poke check and the home crowd gets loud, and ornery.
Nash smacks him on the shoulder on their way back down the tunnel for the third, eyes a little wild, and Tommy immediately recalls the old highlight reels of Nash shaking hair out of his eyes while he squared off against a guy twice his size, motor-mouthing his way into getting the other guy to take the first swing. Minnesotans and their right hooks weren’t something to fuck around with. Too much time in the cold not to have a little crazy in them.
Tommy rolls his tongue over his teeth, tilts his head to where Diaz and Buckley are bent over the boards together on the bench, already prepared to hop out the moment Bannister tries to get a match-up that’ll tilt in the Blues favor.
Nash sends him out with the rest of the fourth line, and Tommy doesn’t waste any time.
It’s immediately clear that they’ve all been warned to keep level heads. Schenn won’t engage, Buchnevich barely acknowledges Tommy when he hip checks him into his own bench — he goes ass over tea kettle and Tommy gets nothing more than a few shifty looks and some smack talk from the guys sitting.
There’s an easy way around that, though.
Tommy clambers back over the boards and waits out his next shift, practically vibrating with it when a shot pings off the crossbar and Greenway skates right through Binnington’s crease chasing after it.
Kyrou tries to take out Buckley against the boards, looks livid when Buck skates just free of it, and Buck does some ankle breaking in a rush to the goal. It hits the post, and when the whistle gets blown fifteen seconds later Tommy watches level heads not prevail when Binner says something snippy to Kyrou that has him rolling his eyes on the way back to the bench.
It takes another minute and a half for Nash to set up the line matches the way he wants them, but as Greenway skates off for relief and Schenn’s line stays stuck in their own zone spinning their wheels, Bobby smacks a thick hand down on Tommy’s shoulder. “Kinard, you’re up!”
Tommy takes an awkward pass once he’s past the blue line and goes full tilt towards the net. Full tilt for Tommy isn’t anything special, but it’s not what the Blues are expecting, and most of them have been out for two plus minutes at this point, hemmed in by their third and fourth lines just shoveling the puck back in every time it nears the blue line.
The snow shower he aims at the goal, half an inch into the crease when he fully stops, isn’t anything to write home about, but it has it’s intended effect. Already short on patience, Binnington watches Schenn intercept and send the puck careening down the ice — a third icing in a row — and lashes out with the butt end of his stick, a glancing blow Tommy laughs at as the rest of the players start to circle up at the whistle. Tommy’s laugh pisses him off. The laugh pisses him off so much.
It’s so fucking easy to rattle him with he’s already two goals down. There’s some shoving, a few hockey hugs to keep things from escalating, but Panikkar has apparently cottoned on to Tommy’s plan, and he says something under his breath that has Sundquist in his face, and Binnington skating around behind the net in irritation while the zebras break up a few of the more reticent shoving matches.
Tommy wins about one face-off out of every fifty, but that’s not the reason he’s bending across from Schenn now at the circle.
“We could end this before he loses all his cool and breaks his stick on the pipes,” Tommy goads, and the linesman with the puck rolls his eyes towards Schenn. The other man shifts, readjusts the grip on his stick. “Or I could just keep taunting him for something that isn’t even his fault, this time.”
Schenn’s not a particularly bad dude, just a little gun shy about fighting when his coach has clearly told them all not to engage.
Tommy wants him to fucking engage.
Schenn waits for the puck to drop, and miraculously, it’s Tommy who scoops it up to a fresh-faced Buckley just in time for the man to wind up and sneak it through about four bodies on it’s way over Binnington’s shoulder.
It takes Tommy a few breathless seconds to remember to skate in and hug the rest of his team, and another five to realize that technically the assist is his. He stopped caring about stats so much the second year in a row that his time in the box exceeded his time on ice for more than five games out of the season, but it sits there, in the back of his mind, his name next to Buckley’s on the score sheet.
And then Schenn gets sloppy again, a check into the boards that has Panikkar limping back towards the bench while the crowd boos the refs, and Tommy doesn’t give Schenn any time to think about it when Nash sends him out in the immediate chaos.
He catches Kyrou mid-ice with his head down, a shoulder right to the chest that sends him reeling back, skates leaving the ground as he crashes backwards, and Schenn is on him in the next five seconds, gloves off and a resigned look in his eyes. Tommy grins and shifts his weight back, tossing his own gloves and reaching for the neck of Schenn’s sweater.
i know it's late so consider this a no pressure tag for Thursday Tidbits: @beefcakekinard @rcmclachlan @kirkaut @xofemeraldstars @princessfbi
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ornii · 2 years
Hai hello hai
Ok so remember how you said enid goes into heat cuz shes a werewolf and all... so enid and reader hook up alot, and wedsnday find out and gets jealous
Male reader x wenclair
ThxThx. btw Love your writing so much
“Our” Boyfriend
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Wenclair X Male Reader.
Summary: Who Knew Wednesday Addams was a Commie?
Wednesday Addams obviously isn’t a commie it’s a joke I don’t want to be canceled right when I start using tumblr over an obvious Joke
When it came to Enid and Wednesday, you couldn’t find more polar opposites who seem to get along just fine. While you never particularly adored Wednesday you were on good terms, however Enid was a different situation. With Enids primal libido and drive, hooking up was a constant that happens at least twice a day. There’s a decently sized list of how often and where.
Sometimes when walking to your biology class, you can spot Enid heading into a small janitors closet. Confused you peer in and she turns and grabs you by your tie, yanking you in for skipping class and a “Quickie.” Which was more than an hour, it’s a surprise nobody heard the walls banging.
Other times she gets even more reckless, along the balcony walkway over the quad, all seems well until she “Leans” over the the railing, purposely wearing a much shorter skirt than usual, almost teasing you to take her, obviously who wouldn’t and your palms gladly grip her waist and plunging in.
Enid would even go so far to bring you in her dorm as Wednesday slept near by, you had to be as quiet as possible but that wasn’t particularly easy. The way Enid rocked her hips into yours, her panted breath, wolf like whining when you hit just the right spot. You had to let her bite your arms sometimes just to keep her from howling in pleasure. The soft bed creaks were just enough for Wednesday to awaken, she didn’t move an inch though and just, listened. That one mistake lead you to the situation you’re in now.
One afternoon, Enid was preparing for a night out. Wednesday was preoccupied on her typewriter.
“You’re leaving?” Wednesday asks.
“Yeah, Yoko throwing a small Party. It’d gonna be like totes cute!” Enid says putting on lipstick. And Wednesday stops and turns to her.
“That’s odd, Yoko informed me of no such party.” Wednesday said and Enid stops, slowly growing fearful.
“O-oh, well yeah i-its a bit private.”
“Is it? Or are you going to meet (Y/n)?” Wednesday says which Enid slowly turns to her, trying to be cutely oblivious.
“What? No, it’s not like that we’re just friends—“
“Friends who fornicate Like hounds in heat, and in the same room next to me.” Wednesday says and stands up, and Enid slowly begins to realize she knew. Enid is slowly backed to a corner.
“We-We wouldn’t do that!”
“Hm, would you? Shall I read an excerpt from your diary?” Wednesday asks and Enids eyes go wide. “June 14th, (Y/n) didn’t want to go to the dorm but I couldn’t wait, so we did it in my bed next to Wednesday, I really didn’t want to wake her but it felt so good that I almost made a—“
“Okay! Okay! You made your point.” Enid says sadly. “I’m going to meet him and well, he knows a few open empty dorm rooms.” Enid said.
“Interesting.” Wednesday says, “a word of advice Enid, if you’re you’re going to break the rules, don’t Leave a trail of evidence.” She says.
“Noted, so, what do you want?” Enid asks.
“Him.” She responds, much to Enids confusion.
“Excuse me?” She says, “You aren’t his girlfriend, meaning he can be in any relationship he wishes, and I wish to partake in it, or would you rather me inform Thornhill?” She says, and Enid pouts.
Later that night (Y/n) Lays on his bed, with Enid around his left arm.
“So, Wednesday basically blackmailed you into sharing me as your hook up buddy?” You ask, Enid nods sadly, “I’ll admit it’s weird sharing you, but I’m kinda okay with it.” Enid says, you turn right, to Wednesday who was also lying with you.
“Wow Wednesday, didnt know you were a commie, “Our Boyfriend.” Heh.” You say smiling and Wednesday rests her head upon yours and speaks.
“Da, chert voz'mi”
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kitchen-spoon · 4 months
Steve needs glasses
1989: Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and Max all live in Chicago together. Steddie and Ronance are in Established relationships and live together in apartments near each other. Max just moved to the city for university and Lives on Campus.
Before they all lived together Max figures out they are dating first and see’s Steve in glasses first because she cut herself pretty bad and was home alone. She goes to Eddie’s for help. He takes her to the kitchen and is cleaning her up when Steve walks out in his underwear covered in hickies with his glasses on asking what is going on.
Eddie is a mechanic. His style has changed a lot because of his job, he needs to dress more practical now. The few things he doesn’t give up are his septum and bridge piercings and his rings. He routinely takes them off and on everyday before and after work. Mostly he wears homemade muscle tank tops he cut himself that show his ribs made from band t-shirts. He wears work boots often now too. His hair is usually tied back into a ponytail and he uses his bandana to keep his bangs away from his face. His usual uniform also involves navy Carhartt overalls.
Steve works at a diner. On Wednesday nights he closes so Eddie, Robin, Nancy and max all come in after close and eat the leftover food that was going to be tossed. Nancy doesn't come often because she usually has work the next day and can't stay up late so, Eddie and Robin deffer to Max for Stories about Steve when he first started dealing with the upside down.
Eddie’s suspicion about Steve needing glasses starts right before they get togther. At first it was because of how much Robin brought it up but he just chalked it up to their weird wonder twins friendship. when He really notices though is when they go to a college party thanks to Nancy and Steve spills his drink trying to pour it in the cup while sober.
Eddie gets his suspissions confirmed when he gets Steve to admit he has trouble seeing one night. They are in the garage together, Steve is ‘helping’ by passing Eddie tools. He asks Steve to pass him a specific sized ratchet and Steve passes him the wrong size Twice. Eddie just straight up asks if Steve has trouble seeing but, Steve gets defensive and is like ‘alright asshole I get it I’m not handy jesus.” But Eddie calms him down, apologizes and asks again letting Steve know he is serious. He mentions the party and other things (squinting at the remote when he puts on movies, always clips the corner in the hallway going into the washroom.) And Steve finally relents and admits "maybe I’ve been having problems for the last year." Eddie freaks out, "like year?! Jesus Steve you need to go to an eye doctor. Seriously." and convinces him somehow.
They go. Steve’s head injuries / concussions have weakened his right eye. He has Amblyopia or a lazy eye. His brain has a disconnect and can’t recognize sight from his right eye as well. He’ll have to get glasses and wear an eyepatch. (which he only wears around Eddie) They make another appointment so he can get tests done and they can get his prescription.
Once they leave the eye office Steve makes Eddie swear not to tell anyone about anything. They talk about how needing glasses makes Steve feel weak and less useful, how he won't be able to protect the kids as well anymore and they won't trust him to keep them safe. He also worries about how they'll make him look because he knows he is stupid so all he has left going for him is his looks which will be ruined by the glasses. Eddie sits and listens and then talks Steve through all his worries, especially the ones abut his looks. Its how they have their first kiss and subsequently start dating.
After that Eddie takes Steve to all his appointments and they have little dates after to feel better. For one appointment Steve has to have his eyes dilated so Eddie really does have to come. It's on a Monday so Eddie has to come in his workboots, coveralls, and bandana right after work. Steve gets his eyes dilated and Eddie helps guide him around. They go to the cafeteria while they wait and have milk and cookies because that is all that is left. Eddie soaks the cookie bits for Steve and feeds him. Eddie laughs and says it’s what Steve looks like when he is stoned
When Steve gets his glasses and hangs out with Robin, Nancy and Max for the first time Eddie goes in first and is like don’t say anything or he’ll never wear them again and be blind by the time he’s 40.
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graciebaberams · 10 months
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Hey all, I’m making an update post about Rory because the original one is very long and not currently up to date.
Rory is my 4.5 year old dog who was attacked by a dog over twice her size on November 14th. She endured a 4 hour life saving surgery to repair severe tissue and muscle damage. She was at the vet overnight, came home with me on Wednesday evening the 15th, but on Thursday morning the 16th I had to take her back to the vet because one of her wounds wouldn’t stop bleeding, and I didn’t have the means to take care of her in an apartment by myself. She has since been in the hospital receiving life saving care. (Today’s date November 25th,2023)
She developed an infection that has since been treated. She developed necrosis (dead tissue) on several of her wounds, so lots of tissue around her wounds had to be removed. She currently has 5 (that I saw) open wounds that need to be sutured up after they heal a little more. Good news is that the open wounds look very healthy and are not infected. The bad news is that she developed necrosis on one of her ears and might lose it, as it was torn clean through in the attack. They are doing everything they can to save it, but most of her blood vessels in her ear were severed in the attack.
The extra bad news is that she is going to be in the hospital continuing treatment for 1-2 more WEEKS. The vet center she is staying at is nearly 30 minutes away from me which is one of the big reasons why she has to stay there instead of being with me at home. She has already been in the hospital for a week and a half, and as of Wednesday the 22nd, her bill was at $278. The only reason it was that low is because another customer at the vet heard her story and donated several hundred dollars towards her bill.
She has already had 2 surgeries, and will require a 3rd surgery early next week. Her 1st surgery was over $1600(paid). Her 3rd surgery will not be as long, but she will be under anesthesia again for it, which will be very expensive. I have not gotten an updated bill, but I am anticipating it will be in the low $1000’s without the surgery, and with the surgery will likely be close to $2000. With continued hospital care for 1-2 more weeks, it will likely climb to $3000+ and I do not have that kind of money. My Redbubble and Etsy will be linked below via my link tree if you want to help out in that way. I will also include my c*shapp and v*nmo. If you would like to help via PayPal, please DM me.
I will reblog this post periodically with a picture of her updated bill to keep everyone in the loop, as well as any major updates. Thank you to everyone who has donated or bought something so far, I was able to get Rory a few things to keep her comfortable while she’s gone as well as when she gets back.
C*shapp: $elmidnights
V*nmo: el-midnights
P*ypal: dm for link
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Wednesday: I want to make a good first impression so I printed off some flash cards to prepare for dinner with your family. Can you go through them with me before we leave?
Enid: Sure! *reading card* I introduce you to my mom, what do you say?
Wednesday, making an awkward attempt at being flirty: Is she single? *winks*
Enid: Oh my god Wednesday! Please, for the love of god, don’t ever do that. The answer is ‘good evening and how are you doing’
Wednesday: Good evening and how are you doing. Got it. Next one.
Enid: My dad asks how your studies are going, what is your reply?
Wednesday: Easy. Last semester I studied the habits of a monster who was murdering people in the woods. I successfully learned of the identity of both the monster and the sociopathic teacher who was controlling him in a crazed attempt to murder every outcast attending Nevermore. This lead me to be captured, stabbed and almost killed before your daughter was forced to risk her life to save me, fighting a Hyde twice her size while I ran off to fight an undead pilgrim with a sword.
Enid: Baby no. The card says ‘I’m a straight A student at the top of my class’
Wednesday: Damn, I was close on that one.
Enid: No you weren’t. But okay, moving on. You sit down at the dinner table and my brother brings up sports, how do you engage him in conversation?
Wednesday: I know this one *clears throat* I am so bummed I couldn’t catch the game last night, I was arrested after new evidence surfaced in the murder case I’m a suspect in.
Enid: Is that why you were so late back to the dorms last night!?!
Wednesday: No. I fell asleep in the morgue fridges again, I told you that. I’m just saying what’s on the card.
Enid: Wednesday, that is not what it says.
Wednesday: I feel like I’m being gaslit right now.
Enid: You wrote the cards!
Wednesday: That sounds like gaslighting.
Enid: Whatever. Let’s keep going, I doubt this could get any worse. My mom’s cooking red meat for dinner, what do you bring to drink?
Wednesday: Espresso martini’s.
Enid: That’s weird, unnecessarily complicated and illegal for our age. But it’s the most normal response you’ve had since we started so I’ll allow it.
Wednesday: Made exactly as my mother does, with one glass spiked with cyanide. We Addams’ believe that a formal dinner without any deaths is a dull affair.
Enid: *considering faking her own death to get out of this dinner* I’m just gonna finish these as quickly as I can. My mom asks you what your favourite book is, please say something normal.
Wednesday: Frankenstein. I greatly admire Mary Shelly and hope to beat her record and have my first novel published before I’m 19. And once the time comes I plan to pay my respects to her genius as I temporarily emulate her morbid nature by making love to your daughter for the first time upon one of our mothers graves. Enid’s never been a patient woman so I presume it’ll be whoever drops first.
Enid: …just ‘Frankenstein’ is fine baby. And we’re not doing that. My dad asks about your hobbies, how about you pick something that won’t make my family question my sanity for choosing to date you.
Wednesday: Murder, serial killers, grave digging, exorcisms, murder mysteries, creepy abandoned buildings, waking the dead, killing the undead, centuries old mental asylums, making out with your daughter, reading and working on my novel.
Enid: Scratch out the first ten and we have a winner.
Wednesday: Your censoring of my personality is making me sound very boring Enid.
Enid: Parents like boring sweetheart and you love lying. You’ll have to time of your life pretending to be normal, I promise. Okay, last one. My mom begins— seriously?
Wednesday: We don’t have all night Enid.
Enid: *rolls her eyes* my mom begins clutching her throat, choking and foaming at the mouth, she has been poisoned for being mean to Enid, how do you react?
Wednesday, casually leaning on her desk: I’ll have what she’s having am I right? *slips an empty vial into her pocket* I don’t know who I should frame yet, I’m thinking I’ll know in the moment.
Enid: You’re lucky I love you.
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rachelsfav-queer · 2 months
I Was A Were-Cat Wednesday
Notes: This has no relation to “I Was a Teenage Werewolf” I just thought it would be a funny title. Thanks to @twobirdsflytogether for posting about this and giving me the random kick in the ass to actually write something for once in my life lol
Wednesday sighed internally as she finally reached her room she shares with Enid, closing the door behind her and trying to not scream in frustration. She has no idea why every single Outcast in this school has decided to suddenly be all overly conversational with her, but it’s been a curse ever since they all returned to Nevermore after the Crackstone attack. Something to do with Wednesday being a “hero” and “saving the whole school”. Never mind the fact that Wednesday wasn’t the only one who put her life on the line that night, she can’t fathom why her peers feel the need to bother her when the much more deserving of the praise and attention, Bianca, Yoko, Enid, were all still going to the same school.
Whatever, Wednesday thought to herself as she carefully set her backpack beside her desk. As she did, Thing popped out and crawled up onto the desk at the same time as Wednesday collapses onto her chair. The disembodied hand tapped on the desk questioningly and Wednesday sighed once again, glaring at him and the hand took the message and showed himself out, finding himself some trouble of his own to get into and allow Wednesday some privacy, knowing that she prefers to be alone when she shifts. Speaking of which, and with no particular fanfare (just how she preferred), Wednesday let out a full sigh and shifted to her cat form, obviously resembling a normal-sized, if not appearing a bit malnourished, black cat, though her eyes remained deep brown while still taking on the typical cat-like features. Once she had shifted fully, Wednesday stretched out her body in a couple different positions before licking almost furiously at a spot where, on her human body, another student had stupidly, though with friendly intentions, tried to touch her. It was only a manner of Barclay being around that had saved the young gorgon girl from having her arm ripped off.
But that's all besides the point. The point is that now Wednesday is safe and alone in the quiet sanctity of her dorm room, far above the rest of the school where barely any noise beyond the incessant howling of the werewolves could puncture her precious silence. Letting out a few sassy meows at the thought of having to listen to the wolves of Nevermore making noise all night long tonight, it being the full moon once again. At least she'll have her werewolf nice and close and in direct sight of her. Due to the nature of Enid's first time wolfing out, that being under the light of a blood moon and to save the life of her mate, Enid's wolf was nearly twice the size of even the adult werewolves of Nevermore's staff, which meant that she was very much far too large to fit inside the lupin cages. Add on the fact that separating a mated werewolf, especially one of Enid's size and ferocity, from their mate, even for just a single night, was a spectacularly awful idea, and it was quickly decided, against the wishes of some of the more old-fashioned members of the school board, that Enid would be best placed in her dorm every full moon with Wednesday at her side the whole night, along with a few vampire staff on guard outside their room. And so, Wednesday could more than live with the constant noise as her roommate, girlfriend, mate, and soulmate was beside her the whole time.
Once Wednesday finishes cleaning herself and mouthing off her lycan schoolmates, she jumps down and explores the room a bit, nudging certain objects that caught her interest and rubbing her face and body against certain objects that she adored and wanted her scent all over (*ahem* mostly Enid's stuff). It was a pretty natural sequence of events for Wednesday to eventually end up on Enid's bed and curled up against her pile of plushies beside her pillow, soon after falling asleep surrounded by everything Enid.
Some hours later, Enid had barged into the room with her natural level of excitement, if dampened only slightly by exhaustion from all her clubs, immediately looking over to Wednesday's side of the room, expecting to see the psychic at her desk, working on her novel. But when she doesn't immediately spot her girlfriend, Enid's eyes frantically search the room. Thankfully, only a couple seconds pass before Enid spots Wednesday, in her cat form, laying all cute and cuddly on her plushies!
It's quite clear, at least to Enid, that Wednesday is awake, woken up by her entrance, but Wednesday pretends to still be asleep in hopes for Enid to read her mind and come over and give her cuddles ASAP. Enid does read her mind, though she opts to have a little fun first. The wolf sheds off some her clothes and quickly hops into some comfier clothes she had set out this morning, then walks over and picks the seer up and cradling her in her arms.
Wednesday meows in a fake annoyed tone and playfully slaps Enid's face with a paw, no claws to show that she's not truly upset with the affection. Enid simply giggles and starts spreading little kisses all over Wednesday's tiny cat face, only stopping when the tiny seer starts shifting around in discomfort, immediately pulling back and then setting Wednesday back down onto her bed. Enid quickly steps into the bathroom to swiftly remove her makeup and immediately returns to her mate and curls up in the bed with her. The two were-creatures cuddle close together and simply exist together, waiting for the sun to set and the moon to rise, and with it, for Enid's wolf to come out.
When it's nearly time, they move to the floor and prepare for the shift. Once Enid is fully transformed to her giant wolf form, she curls up into a ball on the floor and Wednesday takes her opportunity to jump up on top of Enid and also curls into a ball on the blonde's back. There, the two girls rest and embrace each other's presence. Peace and silence. That is what they find that night. And... each other.
End <3
(Note: Sorry the end is so rushed lol. It's nearly 10 at night and this has been sitting in my drafts unstarted for too long lol. Hope y'all liked it either way!)
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iloveapplejacks · 9 months
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Inspired by Wet Dreamz by J.Cole
I wrote back and said "of course I had sex before"
Knowing I was frontin'
I said I was like a pro baby
Knowing I was stuntin'
But if I told the truth I knew I'd get played out son
Hadn't been in pussy since the day I came out one
But, she don't know what
So she done roll back and told me
"Oh you a pro homie? Well I want you to show me
My mama gone for the weekend
So Saturday baby we can get to freakin'"
Warnings: heated make out
"You ever had sex before?"
This question caught Chris off guard causing him to sit looking down wide eyed
He looked at her and saw that she was looking at him waiting for an answer
2 thoughts went through his head, one was, should I just tell her I'm a virgin and I hadn't been in pussy since the day I came out one
Or should I just lie and say I have?
Deciding on the latter, Chris Coughs before writing
"Of course I've had sex before, I'm like a pro baby"
Y/N looked at Chris , seemingly shocked by what he said just as she was going to respond the bell rang.
Chris waited by the door and they both walk together to their next classes
"Well this is me" Chris chuckled as he begins to leave but Y/N grabs his arm to stop him
"I know this is going to sound so straight forward but I literally have not been able to stop thinking about what you told me" she mumbles before taking in a deep breath and looks at Chris
"What are you doing this saturday?"She asks
"I have no plans so nothing much probably, why?" Chris Asks confused
"My parents are gone for the weekend, So you can come over" she says
"Yeah sure we can like watch a movie, relax and shit" he shrugs
"No, you said you were a pro homie, And well I want you to show me" she said before walking away
The week that followed was quite quiet, well as quiet as it could be after Y/N confessed her desire to Chris .
Which, of course freaked him out. I mean it isn't everyday that A drop dead gorgeous girl wants to make a dick appointment with him.
Who wouldn't freak out?
If you had asked Chris how many videos he watched pornos online to help him educate himself on something he clearly wasn't Educated about.
He taught himself how to put on condoms and practised how to stroke right
Fucking hell, why did I have to lie? He thought to himself
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday sped past and before he knew it, it was Saturday night.
Having made sure he wasn't smelling musty and was prepared, Chris began to make his way to Y/Ns house but not without saying a prayer
"I'm praying God please don't let me buss quick"
Arriving at her door, Chris knocked twice before he steps back, after a minute or so, the door opens
"chris hey" she smiled as he looked at her up down, Short shorts and a tank top
- damn
"Come in" she smiles, opening the door wider and grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs
A smirk plays on his face as he closes the front door with his leg and stares at her ass as he followed her blindly
She opens the door to a room and let's go of chris’ hand and sits herself on her king sized bed. He follows suit and sits himself next to her
She crosses her legs and looks at him with a smile
"What is it?" he says looking at her funny which causes her to laugh and shake her head
"Nothing, I just can't believe the guy l've been crushing on for ages, is actually here" she chuckles shyly looking away from his face
"Damn? You're hiding another dude in here?" he says jokingly Which causes the two to start laughing
"Nah I'm playing, you like me?" he asks with a massive smile on his face edging nearer to her
She bites her lip as she looks into his eyes before looking at his lips and then back up to his eyes
Chris cups her face with his hand and leans in and begins to kiss her
She reciprocated and he deepened the kiss, pushing her back slightly so that she was now underneath him
Her hands roam across his torso and she tugs at his shirt to remove it, when she does, she discards it
He removes her tank top and begins to leave kisses and hickeys down her body
Soft moans were heard as She grinded her hips against Him An action that caused him to get hard.
The feelings of worry and stress about whether he was doing things correctly all left his brain as the feelings of euphoria and Bliss overtook him
"You ready baby?" He asks, she nods her head vigorously which makes him laugh
the items of clothing they were wearing were removed wearing was removed
Chris trying to conceal his nerves opens a condom and rolls it on
He positioned himself between her legs and praying to God that he didn't bust quick
Just as he was about to insert himself inside of her
She flinched and grabbed it
An action that caused his heart to beat rapidly, and assuming the worst
Did she change her mind? Was his shit too small to fuck with?
she looks chris in the eye before she says with the sweetest voice
"I wanna get something off my mental, I can tell you're a pro but baby be gentle" she looks down shamelessly
“cause i’ve never did this before”
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
I haven't talked reptiles in Wet Beast Wednesday in a while (and the first time I did it got like 9 notes) so I'll do it again with marine iguanas. Admittedly they're more amphibious than aquatic, but there's no Moist Beast Monday and I think they're cool so it'll have to do.
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(Image: Doug Jones in The Shape of Water a marine iguana basking on a rock)
Marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) are large lizards native to the Galapagos Islands. They are unique for being the only extant lizards that spend time in the ocean. As of 2017, there are 11 distinct subspecies that are isolated from each other by the islands they live on. Occasionally a member of one subspecies will end up on the wrong island and produce hybrid offspring. Marine iguanas also can but very rarely do hybridize with the land iguanas of the Galapagos, with whom they are believed to share a common ancestor.
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(Image: an iguana perched on a rock
Marine iguanas vary in size based on subspecies, with those from smaller islands reaching a smaller adult size. In general, they race from 12 to 56 cm (4.7 - 22 in) from snout to rear, with a tail ranging from 17 to 84 cm (6.7 - 33.1 in). Males are significantly larger than females, up to twice the weight and noticeably longer. Marine iguanas are robust, with relatively short limbs. Their leg bones are heavy, to provide ballast while swimming. Their tails are laterally flattened and provide propulsion for swimming. They have a row of spines down their backs that provide stability while swimming, similar to a fish's dorsal fin. Their feet have powerful claws and can be used to cling onto and push off of undersea rocks. Marine iguanas were noted by many explorers for their dark color, including Charles Darwin (who referred to them as "clumsy" and "disgusting"). This dark color helps them warm up quickly after diving in the sea.
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(image: an iguana going for a swim)
A major feature of the marine iguana is its diet, which is a huge factor in their semiaquatic lifestyle. They feed almost exclusively on green and red algae that grown underwater. To reach the algae, females and smaller males browse the intertidal zone during low tide, while larger males and abnormally large females can swim out to the deeper subtidal zone to forage. They can spend an hour underwater one one breath and dive to 30 m (98 ft), but most dives are much shallower and shorter. Only the largest males swim offshore and dive to significant depths for their food. Because they are positively buoyant, divers must actively swim or cling onto rocks to stay underwater. Most individuals will return to the same spot for feeding and competition over feeding spots have been known to happen. Larger males that swim out for their food have the advantage of less competition for their feeding spots. The species has adapted to be able to fast or subsist on reduced for long periods. During El Nińo, where food supplies can be reduced for years, they will actually shrink, with even their bones getting shorter, then return to full size once the food supply is restored. Because they consume excess salt with their food, marine iguanas have developed the ability to filter the salt out of their blood and expel it through glands in their nostrils. The secreted salt can then be sneezed away. Juveliles spend the first few months of their life feeding on (WARNING: GROSS) the feces of older iguanas. This helps them develop the culture of symbiotic gut bacteria that helps them digest algae. In fact, their digestive systems are so specialized to algae that they can't switch diets.
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(image: a marine iguana grazing on algae underwater)
As ectotherms (cold-blooded animals), marine iguanas need to keep themselves warm to survive. The water around the Galapagos is typically around 11-23 degrees C (52-75 F) while their preferred body temp is 35-39 C (95-102 F). This high preferred temperature helps with their digestion. To keep themselves warm, the iguanas spend a lot of their time basking in the sun, especially after swimming. They can also reduce their heart beats while cold to help prevent heat loss. Basking iguanas can cover large beaches. They live in colonies that usually range between 20 and 500 individuals but can sometimes get up to 1000 members. Their biomass to area ratio can be the highest of any reptile. While they are considered gregarious, they display no social behavior such a grooming. The closest they get to a group activity is sleeping next to each other to conserve heat at night. They also get along with other species, such as Darwin's finches, mockingbirds, and crabs who will pick parasites off their skin. Divers may allow cleaner fish to pick off bits of dead skin. Another lizard, the lava lizard, likes to visit colonies to hunt flies attracted to the iguanas. The iguanas allow the much smaller lizards to climb all over them. Marine iguanas often share beaches with Galapagos sea lions, who will occasionally allow the iguanas to climb over them.
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(image: a group of iguanas basking together)
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(image: a male marine iguana, identifiable by the rough scales on his head, with a lava lizard climbing on him)
During mating season, male iguanas stop being as chill with their neighbors, attempting to establish a territory and push other males out. They also change from their normal dark appearance to a much brighter coloration. Territories are usually bordered by rocks or crevasses and can be found next to each other in groups. Males will attempt to attract females to their territories while fighting other males to get access to their females. This behavior is called lekking. Females show a distinct preference for larger males and it is the largest males that are most successful at maintaining territories. Medium males are forced to patrol the edges of territories to try to pick up mates while small males often pretend to be female to sneak into another's territory and attempt to mate. Males with territories defend them with special displays where they will raise their dorsal spines and open their mouths while bobbing their heads around. If another male challenges the dominant, they will display at each other. If neither submits, a fight will start. Males fight by headbutting and trying to push each other around. These fights can last for hours and the participants will occasionally take breaks. In most cases, one will eventually display a submissive posture and retreat, though in a few cases the fight has escalated to biting and scratching. When courting a female, a male will nod at her and approach in a sideways walk. Smaller males without territories may also try mating forcibly. Females only mate once per year and will signal rejection to additional suitors by nodding at them.
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(image: a male performing a territorial display)
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(image: two males headbutting each other in a territorial battle)
Mating season usually lasts between December and March. Females will lay eggs about a month after mating. The eggs (usually 2 to 3 but sometimes up to 6) can collectively weigh up to a quarter of the mother's weight, which is very large for an iguana. They are laid well above the tide line and buried in sand or soil. In places with few good nesting sites, mothers will guard their eggs after hatching to make sure other females don't dig therm up to steal the spot. When females fight over nesting spots they are less disciplined than males and will quickly resort to biting. The eggs hatch after 3-4 months. Females reach sexual maturity after 3-5 years while males do so after 6-8 years. They live an average lifespan of 12 years, but can live up to 60.
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(image: a female iguana digging her nest)
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(image: a group of juveniles climbing on each other)
Marine iguanas are classified as vulnerable by the IUCN, while a few populations are instead considered endangered. A major threat to them is warming seas, which can reduce the red and green algae populations and replace them with inedible brown algae, leading to starvation. Marine iguanas only have a few predators and most of them target juveniles or small adults. As a result, the adults demonstrate island tameness, a lack of wariness to potential predators. This has left them vulnerable to predators introduced by humans, such as dogs, cats, rats, and pigs. Despite these invasive predators being present for ver 100 years, they have not developed any anti-predator defenses against them, a phenomenon called ecological naïveté. They also do not fear humans and will allow tourists to approach them, which has led to injuries and the spread of human-introduced diseases. They are protected by laws of Ecuador and most of their range is in protected areas. Efforts to remove invasive predators have seen some benefit. They are difficult to keep in captivity due to their specialized diets, and they have never been bred in captivity.
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(image: a male with his bright mating season coloration)
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matchavellichor · 1 year
A Misplaced Apparition
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Garreth Weasley x f!MC - Fluff/Banter - 3.2k words - ao3 link
While helping Garreth forage for potion ingredients, a misplaced apparition leaves you both magic-less and stranded somewhere in the Forbidden Forest.
Black Cat MC, Golden Retriever Garreth // Huddling for Warmth/One Bed trope // MC is a little mean, Garreth is a pining himbo who loves her for it
Recent Weasley Wednesdays have awakened something in me for this man and I just... 🫠 had to write a dumb lil fic
“Just stay quiet and stay behind me.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Garreth gives you a mock salute before he follows you further into the moss-covered cavern. Water drips from stalactites on the ceiling, the sound echoing eerily off the stone walls. 
Your wand is outstretched in front of you, a soft glow emitting from the tip of the wood and illuminating the surrounding space. The lair is quiet, too quiet, and your shoulders are strung high with anticipation, reflexes trained to react accordingly to any threat.
At the first sight of an acromantula, Garreth shrieks, before you quickly slash the creature’s head off with a slicing hex. Suddenly the cave is not so quiet, the sound of numerous legs scrambling down the stone passageways of the cavern some distance away, quiet hisses and clicking. 
“Shout a little bit louder, will you?” You chastise. “I think you only woke about eighty percent of the colony.”
“Oh, my bad!” Garreth retorts. “I’ll make sure to keep my cool the next time a hairy, eight-legged monster lunges for my throat.”
He quickly kneels beside the carcass, grimacing when he slices into the exoskeleton of the creature with a scalpel and black goo immediately drenches his fingers. He makes a small puncture in the venomous gland and collects the liquid into a vial, corking it and wiping his hands with a disgusted shudder. “Merlin, I hate spiders.”
“Yet you drag me to an acromantula lair?”
“Uh, duh? I’m not spending 100 galleons a pint on this stuff when I have my own personal body guard to help me extract it for free. Plus, this is—” He interrupts himself with another shriek when a second acromantula, about twice the size of the first, pounces from the shadows, fangs flared. You immediately incinerate the creature with a confringo, but Garreth bumps into you in his fright, knocking your wand out of your hand and sending it rolling out of reach on the stone floor of the cavern, your lumos going out with it.
“Weasley, you dimwit!” You groan, feeling around on your hands and knees for the lost wand. It’s pitch black inside the lair, and you know the longer you sit around defenseless and blind, the greater your chance of ending up as spider dinner. 
“I found it!” He announces, reigniting the lumos with your wand in hand. He walks back over to you with a smug smile before his eyes catch on something over your shoulder and his expression immediately drops. 
You can hear the tell-tale click of pincers behind you and it doesn’t take a genius to guess what’s got him shitting his trousers. Before you can even take back your wand and defend yourself, he’s yanking you into his chest by the collar of your coat and you’re feeling your entire body squeeze with the tug of apparition.
A few seconds later, you land flat on the ground on top of him, limbs entangled in one another’s. You both wince from the impact, your insides feeling like they’ve been rearranged in the wrong order. 
“I’m…I’m going to kill you.” You groan, willing yourself not to throw up your lunch all over him.
“‘Oh, thank you, Garreth, for saving us from the big, angry spider.’” He mimics, voice shrill and high-pitched. You’re unamused. 
“I would’ve handled it!” You retort, sliding off his chest. You sit up, trying to gain some level of composure after just having all of your atoms immaterialized and recombined. “Where the hell did you even take us?”
He takes a look around, scratching his head as he tries to spot some identifying landmark. “Er, I’m…not sure.” 
“Oh, lovely.”
“I wasn’t thinking! There was a ginormous spider in front of me, I kind of just pictured in my head ‘not here’, you know?”
“Perfect! We could be in bloody Uzbekistan right now!” 
“I’m flattered that you think I’m powerful enough to accomplish transcontinental apparition at the drop of a hat,” He splays a hand over his chest, a smirk tugging at his lips. He takes another look around the immediate surroundings. “But, we’re clearly still in Scotland, don’t get your knickers in a twist.”
“I’m going to put off throttling you at the moment for both of our sakes,” You pick yourself up off the ground, head still slightly woozy, before you outstretch your hand in front of him. “Just give me my wand so we can get out of here.” 
He slowly gets up himself, revealing the piece of wood snapped in two, having been wedged underneath both of you when you apparated.
You gape at the crushed wand, now just a dull, magic-less stick after having severed its core. “I’m going to kill you.”
“You’ve said that already. I don’t think it’s possible to kill someone twice, even with your talents.”
“Garreth, this is serious!” You seethed. “You snapped my wand!”
“I didn’t snap anything, it was a blameless casualty!” He raised his hands in a placating gesture, trying to calm you.
“Oh my God, just, nevermind.” You groan, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Take out yours and apparate us out of here, for the love of Merlin, before I burst an artery.” 
He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. “So…about that.”
You look at him dumbfounded. “Tell me you’re joking.”
“Well, excuuuse me for having a little faith in my friend,” He scoffs. “You wield Ancient Magic, for Merlin’s sake! I assumed I was in safe enough hands to leave it in my dorm.”
“Perfect, so we’re stranded in a random forest without any magic.”
“Look, just relax, we’re probably not far from Hogwarts,” He squints his eyes as he focuses on a particularly ordinary piece of shrubbery. “You know what, yeah,” He tilts his head, contemplative, as if this random bush has given him a grand epiphany. “I know exactly where we are, it’s uh— right this way.”
“Oh, then by all means,” You gesture your hand forward.
He takes a couple over-confident steps north before he stops in his tracks, squints and scratches the back of his head as he examines the path in front of him. He turns on his heels on a ninety-degree angle and resumes his strides. “Okay, just kidding. This way, yes, yes, definitely this way.” 
“You have no idea where we’re going, do you?” 
“Of course I do!” 
The two of you make your way through the woods for several, long, grueling hours, cutting through thickets and beaten-down paths. For the first few hours it’s admittedly a little peaceful, the forest floor covered in reds and oranges from the autumn leaves, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the treescape. Soon enough though, the last vestiges of daylight dwindle into darkness, shrouding the forest in twilight. When you realize you seem to be nowhere closer to civilization, you stop in your tracks, defeated.
“This is pointless,” You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. Your feet ache from stepping over so many overgrown roots and boulders and you’re starting to feel sleep pull at your eyes. “We’re clearly getting nowhere.”
“You’re right,” He relented, letting the rucksack slung over his shoulder sink to the floor. “So what now?”
“I think this is the point where we draw lots to decide who eats who.” You sigh. “It’s our best chance at survival.”
He looks genuinely concerned at your seriousness for a moment before he breaks into a smug smirk. “Oh love, if you wanted a piece of this,” He gives you a little wink. “All you had to do was ask.”
You blink at him. “You’ve cured my appetite. Thank you, Weasley.”
“Let’s just…call it in for the night.” You lay back on the grass, legs aching. You’re so exhausted you’d probably kiss the blast end of a skrewt for a warm bed. “We’ll walk more in the morning.”
“Good idea.” He kneels down beside you, rummaging through his bag and pulling out various materials that he’s managed to fit inside with an expansion charm.
“Let me get this straight,” You squint at the litter cluttering the floor around you. “You bring with you a frying pan,” You dangle the lunky piece of metal in front of his face. “But not your wand.” 
“Uh, yeah?” He scoffs as if it’s obvious. “You never know when you might want a quick snack in the middle of your gallivanting.”
“Great, so I assume you also have some means of starting a fire then? It’s freezing.” 
His response is a silent pause, to which you return with a groan. 
“Has anyone ever told you you’re not really the sharpest tool in the shed?”
“I have no idea what that means,” He looks at you a little puzzled. “But Sallow has told me I’m not the brightest lacewing fly in the jar.” He scratches his chin, contemplating. “Never really understood what he meant by that.” He shrugs to himself and continues sorting through the madness stuffed in his sack. 
“You know, Weasley, you’re so clueless sometimes it’s almost adorable. Like a… big, red Puffskein or something.”
He perks up, looking up at you with a grin stretching ear to ear. “You think I’m adorable?”
“You have selective hearing, huh?”
“Yup,” He pauses for a moment, and you can almost see the little gears turning in his head before he opens his mouth to say something that’s going to give you an even bigger headache. “Okay, so, hypothetically — if aforementioned adorable critter was very tall and very ginger, would you ever shag a Puffsk—”
“Christ, alright, forget I said anything about Puffskeins.” 
He raises his hands in an acquiescing gesture before he’s back to rummaging through his bag. You watch as he pulls out cheeses and breads wrapped in cloth, crackers and little jars of jams. The man packs an entire charcuterie board but doesn’t pack basic survival necessities like matches. He grins proudly when he pulls out his pièce de résistance, or so he calls it, a large bottle of cheap, goblin-made elderberry wine.
“Really splurged on the good stuff, huh?” You mutter, a thick layer of sarcasm slathered on top. You eye the label of the bottle, that has enough alcohol stuffed in it to inebriate a young manticore.
“Duh,” He slices you a piece of sourdough. You’re glad that if you’re attacked by poachers or a wild animal, at least you’ll have a flimsy bread knife to defend yourselves with. “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t properly wine and dine my lady on our date.”
“Date, huh?” You snort. You lean in, tapping a finger to his temple. “Think you might’ve hit your head a little too hard when we apparated, Weasley. Something’s not right in there.”
“Oh, that’s not true,” He turns to look at you, a small smile playing at his lips. He holds two jars of jam in front of you. “That I hit when I fell for you. Quite a nasty tumble.” He gives you a wink and you roll your eyes. “Apricot or blackberry?”
He opens the jar and slathers a generous layer on top of your bread. It’s admittedly a little endearing to watch him slicing a piece of cheese for you, nimble fingers focusing on the presentation. He hands you the bread with a little ta-da and you bite back a smile. 
He makes true on his promise to wine and dine you for the better part of the evening, and you admittedly find yourself enjoying his company a little too much. He’s witty and charming, and despite how much you tease him for being an idiot, he’s so blaringly not. He talks in detail about his latest brewing endeavors, and you marvel at how much practical and theoretical knowledge he has about the subject. 
You admire the way his green eyes light up when he speaks about what he’s passionate about. At how they almost seem to glow when he says something that makes you laugh, a proud smile on his face. 
“You look pretty like this,” He murmurs some time after the laughter and conversation died down, moonlight casting a soft glow around your surroundings. It’s cold out considering it’s the middle of October, but there’s a pleasant warmth seeping through you from the wine in your stomach and the feel-good banter. You try not to think about how warm he makes you feel, spreading through your body like hot honey. 
“Like what?”
“All giggles and smiles,” He nudges your shoulder. “Not so serious. You should do it more often.”
You shrug, chancing a side-long glance at him, a small smile tugging at your lips from the sincereness in his voice. “You should make me do it more often.” 
“Believe me,” He grins, lopsided and charming. You’d press your lips to that stupid smile of his, chase the taste of sugary blackberry off his tongue, but you haven’t had nearly enough wine to lower your inhibitions to that point. You just observe him. 
“I would dedicate my life to doing exactly so if you let me.”
“Aha! Found it.” Garreth pulls out a thick, rolled-up comforter with twine around the middle from the depths of his rucksack, holding it up proudly. It’s plush, and very red and gold — because of course, even Garreth’s sleeping bag has to be on brand. He lays it out under the cover of a large oak tree, smoothing down the fabric. 
“Alrighty, climb in,” He pats the soft material. “I don’t mind sharing as long as you promise not to murder me in my sleep.”
“I’m fine right here,” You huddle into yourself on the soft patch of grass you’re laying on, knees bunched up to your chest. “Also, no promises.” 
“It’s freezing,” He protests. “You can’t really expect me to let you sleep like that.”
“You don’t have to let me do anything,” You roll your eyes. “I’m sleeping right here.”
“Stop being stubborn and get in the bag.”
“No. I don’t want to get in the bag.”
“Just get in the bag.”
“Oh my god,”
“I’m two seconds away from strangling you.”
“Oho, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Fine, fine!” He chuckles. “Grouchy. No strangling.”
He settles down for all but five seconds before he opens his mouth again. “Unless it’s erotic strangling, then by all mea—”
“For the love of—”
“Alright, alright! Shutting up now.” 
You try to keep the sound of your teeth-chattering to a minimum, determined to not give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s right, but you last all of twenty minutes before all of your resolve is withering away. 
You peer over at Garreth, his eyes closed, sound asleep. He looks so infuriatingly soft and inviting, and you hate yourself for thinking that his arms would feel heavenly wrapped around you right now, your body pressed to his, leeching off his warmth. 
Screw it.
You stand up from your spot, muttering curses to yourself under your breath as you make your way towards him. The second he hears you move, he lifts an arm to open up a space for you, as if expecting it. He doesn’t make a comment, doesn’t even open his eyes, but you can feel his self-satisfied smirk as you slide into the sleeping bag with him, your back pressed to his chest. 
And fuck him, if he doesn’t have a right to be self-satisfied. 
Because he truly does feel heavenly. He somehow manages to be cushiony and firm all at the same time. You can feel the rigid contours of his muscles pressed against your frame, taut yet velvety soft. You chalk up the heat you feel on your cheeks to the fact that his skin is warm like a furnace, devastatingly comforting. When you press back against him, your body wriggling against his like you’re draping yourself over a sun-bathed rock, he takes it as an open invitation to slide his hands over your sides, arms wrapping around you. 
“For fuck’s sake, I’m not your teddy bear—” You grumble but he hushes you.
“I know, Mr. Snuffles is a lot nicer.” He murmurs, cheek pressed against your shoulder. “But, you make do with what you’ve got in the rugged wilderness, I suppose.” 
You snort, the image of Garreth actually cuddling with a teddy bear coming into mind. You try not to linger on the fact that’s probably what it’d look like he’s doing at the moment to an outsider’s eyes, his body significantly dwarfing yours. 
“Mr. Snuffles? Really?”
“Hey! I named him when I was eight.” He retorts. “Mmhm, you do smell a lot nicer than him, though.”
“I smell like sweat and dirt.” 
“Yeah, but it’s you, so it’s like a…pleasant sweat and dirt.”
“You’re a very strange individual.”
“I love it when you sweet-talk me.”
You shift against him, letting yourself sink against his body because he feels just too good wrapped around you for you to protest. “Will you take your wand out of your pocket? It’s poking me.”
“I don’t have my wand. That’s something else.”
“Oh God—”
“I’m teasing!” He chuckles. “It’s my deluminator.” He slips the strange contraption from his pocket and flicks it open, a soft glow emitting from the tip. He tucks it away and wraps himself back around you. 
“Come on, do you think me some kind of pervert? I’ve been picturing Leander in a bathing suit the moment you came in.”
You snort. “Oh, so that’s why you have an erection,” You tease. “And here I was thinking you were just happy to see me.”
He shifts you against him, rearranging you how he pleases in the tight space of the sleeping bag so your face is pressed against his chest. He tucks a leg between yours, entangling your limbs as if he’d find any ounce of personal space an offense. He sighs contentedly at the feeling of your warm breath against his skin, squeezing you even tighter. 
“Do you have to manhandle me like this?” You grumble, though make no efforts to move out of position. It is admittedly a little nice to be his plush toy for a night, to feel his strong arms wrapped around you, his chin resting on top of your head. Okay, screw it, it’s actually insanely nice.
“Be less easy to manhandle then.” 
“Are they dead?”
“Dunno, —uh, try poking one?”
You wake up with a startled gasp, sitting up and finding two third-years hovering over you in Quidditch uniforms, brooms in hand, and a mixture of curiosity and concern shrouding their expressions.
They both look startled when you wake, jumping back. 
Garreth groans beside you as you shift, wrapping his arms around your waist and sleepily murmuring “Five more minutes,” with his face pressed against your stomach.
“Are you alright, miss?”
“Uh, fine,” You stammer. “How…how are you here?” 
“What do you mean?”
“How’d you get here?”
They both look at you confused. “You realize Hogwarts is just about a hundred meters that way, right?” One of the boys asks, perplexed. He nods his head towards the direction they likely came from. “We just came here to retrieve a stray Quaffle.” 
“Oh, uh…yes.” Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Yes, I knew that.”
The boys just shrug before they hop back on their brooms, snickering to themselves as they make their way back to the Quidditch field.
Garreth hasn’t stirred a muscle during the entire interaction, blissfully asleep beside you. You sigh when he sleepily pulls you back down and into his arms, tucking you against his chest.
You decide to give him his five more minutes.
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edutainer2022 · 24 days
It's WIP Wednesday, so I'm gonna use some of my battery on a little thing, set after Jeff's return, I've been working on. There IS more to it I wanted to finish yesterday and today, but over 12 hour blackouts had a different plan.
Some days were worse than others. Some days the heady rush of pure JOY and BLISS of being back with his beloved boys, his Ma, in his own home, back on his own PLANET, beneath the blue skies, breathing unprocessed air... were not enough to tide him over the bone deep weariness. Days, when the bustling world around was suddenly too much effort. Too much, period.
That morning he woke up, gruff and bleary, feeling every ounce of gravity amplified weight down to his marrow. He didn't remember sleeping a wink, but he knew he was late. The corner of the blanket peeled away, catching on his stubble, revealed a silhouette perched on the side of his bed. Scott. Already dressed to the nines in a suit that looked like it was shipped straight from the Milan runway. It probably had been. His son's aftershave was fancier and more expensive than he could ever afford or had any clue to choose at that same age. Predawn light was casting a grey hue over Scott's features, gleaming in silver highlights, making him look older. Tired. His eldest looked hauntingly like Jeff felt, sagging under the crashing weight, stretched thin, even put together all sharp like that, bright and early. The sudden heartache of that thought came out as a hoarse groan.
They were supposed to meet several executives first thing in the morning to get Jeff up to speed a bit more. To get the company brass reacquainted with the Tracy Patriarch too. There were many new promotions and appointments over the past eight years. But Jeff could barely keep his eyes open. The thought of getting up and moving gave him a shiver, which, in turn, deepened the worried frown on Scott's face. The taut lines in the corners of his son's eyes and mouth became prominent. Much as the pallor and dark circles, belying a sleepless night. Scott took a call out in One, right off the roof of Tracy Tower. It was the fastest and most expedient option, regardless of Virgil's protests. That's how Jeff remembered most of his sleep being drained by nightmares - One screeching off and him spending eight endless years calculating and hoping (praying) the rocket plane made it out of the Zero-X launch blast radius in time, taking his son to safely far enough. He winced at the memory and squinted against a nauseating headache. Scott's worry was obviously reaching the red zone.
A firm hand landed on his shoulder, then moved to press for the pulse. His boy's fingers were uncharacteristically cold, but maybe Jeff was just catching space chills.
"Dad, are you alright? I will cancel the morning! I'll get you to the hospital right now, then Virgil will fly Grandma in!"
The on the go plan was all IR Commander, but blue eyes blown up twice the usual size in panic was Scotty at any given time Dad was about to disappear. Again. He hated the treacherous frailty that got his unwavering boy so scared. As much as he hated the very idea of hospitals, enthusiastically shared by all his children.
"It's okay, Bluejay! No need to worry! Just one of those days. I'll sleep it off. You go ahead with the meeting and I'll rise and shine to have brunch with you, deal?"
Between the Zero-XL assembly under wraps, the possibly one-way mission to the middle of the galactic nowhere, and Jeff's subsequent laborious rehabilitation, the Tracy Industries senior executives really needed some quality face time with the Tracy-in-charge. So they would have it. Jeff was under no illusion he was in any shape to be that, anymore. Scott was, still. But that would have to change maybe sooner, than they both wished, if mornings like that became a recurrent thing.
Scott didn't appear entirely convinced and there was definitely a ping being sent up to Five to monitor Jeff's space-addled sleeping hunk extra closely. However, the anxious scowl softened into warm mirth as Scott smiled down at Dad's rugged face. Cool fingers moved from the pulse point to brush away the matted grey curls from Jeff's forehead. The gesture was definitely well practiced on any and all of the younger brothers, but in that moment all Jeff could see in the slight tilt of the head and a special, radiant fondness in the blue gaze, was the boys' mother.
He nearly choked on a sob and covered his eyes, feigning a fit of cough. Scott moved immediately to give him a glass of water from the bedside table. Once done blinking away the stinging moisture, Jeff caught the tail end of a hastily covered wince in the boy's features. If he were operating at full capacity, he would have probably dug to the bottom of it with proper insistence. As it were, Jeff settled for a squeeze of the premium wool clad bicep:
"How're you holding up, son? Tough night?"
"I'm okay, Dad! You don't need to worry! A couple of bruises here and there. Mostly my ego, as I landed in a heap when the jetpack gave out. I'll never hear the end of it!"
The edges of Scott's "cheeky flyboy" smile were tighter than Jeff should have been placated with. But gravity was already pulling his lids down.
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Fate, After All | Joel Miller — Part Three
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warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, Joel is head over heels and a fuckin SOFTIEEEE for reader, no-outbreak!Joel, and smut (including protected p in v, oral [ f and m receiving], dirty talk, and a bit of a size kink I guess??), and pet names. no use of y/n. 18+, minors dni.
word count: 5.7k
series masterlist
“Dad, it’s been a couple of months. Why haven’t you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?” Sarah quirks a brow at her father sitting across the dining room table from her, arms crossed over her chest as she awaits his excuse.
“I want it to be special.” Joel mumbles, wanting nothing more than to change the subject. His feelings for you were so strong that it quite honestly started to scare him a little. This was way too fast, right? How does this even work?
He honestly hadn’t been this involved with someone since Sarah’s mother, and though you were nothing like her, he was terrified of getting hurt again. Deep down he knew you wouldn’t do such a thing, but then again, he thought the same thing about Sarah’s mom.
“She’s one patient woman, I’ll give her that.” Sarah giggled, and Joel scowled at her.
“Eat your damn eggs and hush up, you.” Joel chided playfully, which caused Sarah to giggle even more.
“Good mornin’.” Tommy walks into the kitchen with a yawn, mindlessly making himself a plate of breakfast.
“Dad hasn’t asked his girl to be his girlfriend yet.” Sarah blurts, and Tommy looks at his older brother in confusion.
“Seriously? Thought y’would’ve already.” Tommy points a piece of bacon at Joel, causing him to roll his eyes.
“As I was just telling your niece who apparently can’t mind her own business,” Joel sighed in exasperation, “I’m waiting for the right time. I want it to be special.”
“You’re askin’ her to be your girlfriend. Not your wife, Joel.” Tommy’s retort was laced with a laugh, but Joel’s stomach oddly twisted nervously at the whole ‘wife’ thing—and not in a bad way.
“Jesus, fine, I’ll ask her this weekend. Maybe you two can get outta here for a couple of hours while I set somethin’ up.”
“How’s a movie and dinner date sound, Sarah?” Tommy grins at his niece, and she beams at him.
“Love to, Uncle Tommy.”
“It’s settled then. Call her and get her here this weekend.” Tommy sits down next to Joel, and Joel nods as he gets up to retrieve his phone from the kitchen counter. He walks upstairs into his room because lord knows he doesn’t need comments about how you make him smile like a fool at the mere sound of your voice.
He dialed your number and pressed the phone to his ear in anticipation. It only rang twice before you picked up.
“Hello?” Your sweet voice sounded through the phone.
“Hey darlin.’ How are you?” Joel couldn’t hide the grin that played on his lips.
“Hey, Joel. I’m good. Is everything alright?” Your voice was full of concern, which made Joel’s heart melt just a little more.
“Everythin’s fine, darlin.’ Just wanted to see what you were up to this weekend.” Joel moved the palm of his free hand against his jean-clad thigh, nervousness seeping through his bones.
“Nothin’, really. Just a little bit of housekeeping and grocery shopping on Sunday.”
“Would you maybe wanna come over on Friday night n’ spend the night?” Joel’s hopeful tone had your heart doing flips.
“Of course. I’d love that. Should I bring anything?”
“Just your beautiful self, darlin.’ Can’t wait t’see you again.” Joel’s voice was soft and loving, and you couldn’t hide the foolish smile you wore.
“Sounds good, handsome. I’ll see you Friday night.”
Friday night couldn’t have come any slower. Joel had only called you on Wednesday, but those two days seemed to drag. Maybe it was because you were so giddy about seeing Joel again. You both had been pretty busy, so you didn’t get to see each other too often since Sunday brunch a couple of weeks back.
Work was also kicking your ass, so relaxing for the weekend was something you desperately needed. Joel told you to bring your swim suit, which you were happy to oblige to. The Texas summer sun was nearly unbearable, when crazy thunderstorms weren't impending. Keeping your hair tame in the awful humidity was a mission in itself.
You'd called Joel to tell him you were on your way to his house, which he told you to be at around seven in the evening. Nervousness ran over the course of your body. Why? You're not entirely sure yourself, but just the thought of the older Miller brother made butterflies course rambunctiously in your stomach.
A small smile played at your lips once the Miller residence was in sight. Joel's truck was parked in the driveway, but Tommy's wasn't. You parked your car on the street, grabbing your overnight bag and your purse before stepping out of your car and locking it. You smoothed out your sundress before making your way to the front door—that is, until a woman's voice interrupted you.
"Hi honey, are you Joel's girlfriend?" The older woman asked. She was shielding her eyes from the setting sun, looking at you intently. Your eyes noticed the glinting cross necklace she wore, and you met her gaze again while smiling kindly.
"No ma'am," Unfortunately, I'm not his girlfriend... yet, you thought, "Just a friend of his and Tommy's."
"Hmm," She starts, licking her lips, "Well, if you have a moment to talk about Jesus, I'd love to share some scriptures with you. I know how you crazy kids are about pre-marital sex and such." Her tone was almost demeaning. Almost.
You almost choked out at her words. "Uhm," You grew uncomfortable rather quickly, but luckily, Joel opened the front door to his house.
"There you are, sweetheart. Why're you just standin'—oh." Joel met you on the pathway to his front door, looking across his yard to see Mrs. Adler standing on hers.
"Evenin' Mrs. Adler." Joel politely greeted his older neighbor, mustering up the best tight-lipped smile he could give.
"Joel, honey, I was just tellin' your friend here the importance of the word of God and how pre-marital sex is-" She couldn't finish her sentence before Joel shifted uncomfortably, clearing his throat.
"Right, um, maybe another time, Mrs. Adler." Joel placed his hand on your lower back before he started to guide you to his house, "G'night now." He waved at her before you both stepped into the air conditioned home.
"I am so sorry y'had to endure that." Joel huffed, a chuckle laced with his words.
"It's okay, Joel. After all, I could've used the lesson on how terrible pre-marital sex is." You tease, wiggling your eyebrows at him. His boisterous laugh fills the room as he shakes his head, grabbing your bags from you. He set them gently down on the sofa as you followed suit.
He turned around and easily wrapped his arms around you, bending down slightly to peck your nose.
"Missed you, darlin'." Joel closed his eyes as he rubbed his nose slightly against the side of yours.
"I missed you too, handsome." Your arms found purchase around the back of Joel's neck, as you two just stood in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes. You lifted yourself up a little so your lips met his, and he eagerly moved his lips with yours.
"Where's Tommy and Sarah?" You mumbled against his lips, and his grip got tighter on you.
"Tommy took Sarah out for dinner and a movie. We have the house to ourselves for a few hours." Joel smiled as he parted from you, looking down at your features. Every time he looked at you, he could feel his heart melting with desire—desire to protect you, to cherish you, to be with you, to (eventually) love you, and just desire you in general.
"Mm, so what did you have planned, cowboy?" You grinned up at him and he shook his head with a playful smile on his lips at the nickname.
"Well, my dear, if you follow me this way..." He trailed off, gently grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers with his. He led you out to the backyard, which coincidentally you'd never seen before.
You softly gasp at the sight before you, heart swelling at the set up. String lights were strung all along a wooden gazebo, with a cute patio table and matching chairs underneath it. A bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates sat on one of the chairs. The pool was merely a couple of feet away from the set up, and the lights from the gazebo twinkled brilliantly against the softly still water.
"Joel," Hot tears began to form in your eyes, "This is so beautiful. I- I don't know what to even say." Your gaze met his dark brown one, and his eyes bored into yours as you turned to face him and rest a hand on his sturdy chest. "Thank you." You whisper, leaning up to give him a peck on the lips.
"No need to thank me, darlin'. I know you've been stressed at work n' all, so I thought a nice romantic evening would do the trick." His boyish smile that he wore tugged at your heart. You never knew Joel could be such a romantic.
"Who knew Joel Miller could be quite the romantic?" You teased, nudging his torso lightly.
"Only for you, baby. C'mon, let's get you settled so we can eat dinner." He guided you to the gazebo, pulling out your chair for you after setting the chocolates on the table and handing you the flowers.
"These roses are beautiful, Joel. This is so thoughtful. Thank you." You sit down as Joel helps you scoot closer to the table. You take a sniff of the beautiful flowers, and his hands rest on your shoulders gently.
"Ain't a thing, darlin'," Joel smiled down at you as you tilted your head up to meet his gaze. "Here, let me get dinner." He moved to the grill that was a few feet away, getting the two plates that sat in there with foil on top. You gently set the flowers down on the table as he served you your plate, taking the foil off. He did the same thing for his plate, then went to the mini fridge by the grill and pulled out a chilled bottle of wine with two glasses.
He set both glasses down and sat across from you, filling up your glass first. He did the same to his and set the bottle to the side when he was done. A look of nervousness flashed across his face, and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Everything alright, Joel?" You ask, tilting your head slightly. He reached across the table for your hand, and gave his a small squeeze when your hand rested in his.
"There's uh, somethin' I've been meanin' to ask you." He's quiet, and you can feel his hand get a little sweaty.
Your heart started to hammer in your chest, so much so that you didn't doubt Joel could probably feel your hand pulsating harshly, too.
"Anything." You whisper, keeping your gaze on his soft and steady, even though you were internally freaking out.
He clears his throat, "I know it's taken me awhile, but I wanted to make this right—I wanted to make sure we were both ready for something like this," He gestured between you two, and you nodded in comprehension.
"My sweetheart, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" His shy smile is nothing short of dreamy, and once again, leave it to Joel Miller to make your heart do all sorts of flips.
"Of course, Joel. I'd love to be yours." You give his hand a tighter squeeze this time, and he lifts yours up to his lips.
"You have no idea how happy you make me, darlin'."
"I can say the same for you, Mr. Miller." Something in your tone awoke something in Joel. Your saccharine smile almost made his heart give out. He offered you an award-winning smile before you both dove in to the delicious dinner. He made some sirloin steaks with rice and broccoli.
"I gotta hand it to you, Miller. You're a master on the grill." You groan at another bite of the tender, juicy steak that was quite literally seasoned to perfection.
Joel beamed at you boyishly, a huge lipped-grin thrown your way.
"Thank you, honey, I take pride in that."
Honey. The pet name made you stifle a smile, the reality of being Joel's girlfriend finally hitting you.
"I was thinkin' after dinner, we could take a dip in the pool. It's still warm enough." Joel suggests, and you nod.
"Way ahead of you, baby. Already wearin' my suit underneath the dress."
Around forty five minutes after finishing dinner, Joel grabbed two pool towels and went to change into his swim suit. You slipped off your sundress, resting it on the back of the chair you sat in for dinner; your sandals followed suit. You sat down on the concrete beside the pool, letting your legs dangle in the surprisingly warm water. The slight breeze the night let on was comforting. Not too hot, not too cold.
The back sliding door to the house opened and shut, and Joel's heavy footsteps padded along the concrete. He set down the two towels somewhere behind you, and made his way over to you.
"Well howdy there, pretty lady." Joel said flirtatiously, causing you to laugh. You look up to where he was standing next to you, and couldn't help but notice how his eyes ran over your nearly bare figure hungrily.
A heat pooled between your legs as you bit your lip, quickly averting your gaze down to the pool water. Joel felt his swim trunks get a little tighter, so to save himself from humiliation, he did what any man would do—cannonballed into the water.
His action was so sudden that you let out a loud gasp as a few stray water droplets from the wave of his splash rained on you.
"Joel!" You're laughing uncontrollably, head tossed back as one of your hands clutched your abdomen.
"I think it's your turn to come in with me, sugar." Joel had a menacing smirk on his face as he swam closer to you.
"Oh no you don't cowboy." You warned, kicking a foot up so you could splash him with water.
"Just for that, you're definitely comin' in with me." He swam up to you and grabbed both your ankles before you could splash him again, but he didn't tug you in like you were expecting. He stood up straight, hands trailing up your legs slowly.
He smiled softly as he felt goosebumps adorn your soft legs. He loved the affect he had on you, because hell, you had the same affect on him too. His hands made their way up to your thighs, making sure to rub tiny circles into your soft skin.
Your gaze was fixed solely on him. If it were logical, you'd jump his bones right then and there. You wanted his name to roll off of your tongue like a prayer on Sunday morning. His touch had you wanting to write beneath him; signal him to go further somehow. Your shyness caught up to you in the moment, so all your body physically could do was just sit there and endure the tease.
"You're so breathtakin', baby." Joel's voice is a whisper as his eyes darken, lust clearly taking over his features. His hands were nearly at the apex of your thighs, so you did the only thing you could think of to suggest him to go further if he'd like: you adjusted yourself on the concrete and spread your legs a little wider, moving yourself closer to the edge.
A look of determination flashed across Joel's eyes, hunger taking over his physique. Joel looked at you questioningly as his fingertips neared your core. All you did was bite your lip and give him the slightest nod. His eyes moved down to your clothed core as he brushed his fingers over you, eliciting a small whine from your throat.
"Joel, please." You murmured, looking down at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Please what, angel? Gotta use your words." He teased, dipping his head down to leave feather-light kisses on your inner thighs.
"Please, use your fingers, y-your mouth, god, just touch me, Joel." You begged, and usually, you couldn't stand how needy and desperate you sounded. You usually never had to beg with any of your past partners, but when it came to Joel and his skillful touch, you were more than willing to do so.
"That's my girl. Usin' her manners too. Y'must really want this, hm sugar?" You couldn't take the teasing much longer. Your hand found its way into his wet locks, threading your fingers through.
"Lift your hips for me, baby." Joel's deep voice sent a shiver up your spine, arousing you even further. You did ask he asked and lifted your hips, and his hands easily tugged down both sides of your bikini bottom. He tossed the cloth next to you on the concrete, and used his hands to separate your thighs even further.
"So fuckin' pretty, baby. So perfect. All mine." Joel mumbled almost to himself, and he couldn't fucking wait to have his dessert. He ducked his head back down as he kissed your inner thighs a couple of times more before moving to your already soaked pussy. Joel nearly moaned at how wet you were for him already.
"Christ, woman, you're soaked. I get you that worked up, huh?" He looked up at your face, moving his hand to your core. His middle finger went up and down your slit, then popping it into his mouth to taste you. He hummed as he moved his hands back down to wrap around your thighs. He moved his head down and licked a long, hot stripe up your core.
You gasped loudly as you gripped his hair a little tighter.
“Oh, f-fuck.” You cried, reveling the feeling of his tongue on you. He moaned against you as he started to ravish you like a starving man.
“Fuck, baby you taste so goddamn good.” Joel mewled, not wasting a second your moans began to get louder and your arm supporting you up started to become shaky.
It’d been way too long since someone’s gone down on you, and even then, no one ever pleasured you as good as Joel was in this very moment. His skilled tongue was enough to make you want to convulse in a matter of minutes. Him adding his ring and middle finger to the mix was enough to make you want to scream his name out.
You were a writing mess beneath the beautiful man, but you didn’t care. You started to grind your hips for that last bit of friction you needed, and Joel kept his fingers at a steady pace when he unlatched his mouth from you to give you the final push.
“C’mon, pretty girl. That’s it. Give it t’me.” Joel looked up at you, loving the way you were unraveling around his fingers.
The white hot coil that was building up in your core had finally snapped, pushing you over the edge with pleasure. His name was rolling off of your tongue freely, loudly, and repetitively. Your grip on his hair loosened once you were coming down, body still convulsing time to time.
“Fuck.” You tried to catch your breath as your chest was heaving.
Joel chuckled, but took a moment to admire the flush in your cheeks and the way your eyelashes fell against your cheeks when your eyes were closed in pure ecstasy. You truly were so beautiful.
Your eyes slowly opened and refocused themselves on Joel.
“What time are Sarah and Tommy supposed to come back?” You ask him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he stood up to normal height. He kissed you, and you immediately tasted yourself on him. His chin was completely drenched with your arousal.
“Not until around eleven or so,” He wrapped his arms around you, trailing kisses down your jaw and neck before making his way back up to your lips. “Why? Did you have something in mind?” Joel’s subtle smirk meant he knew exactly where you were going, but he wanted you to say it.
“Mm, looks like we still have a couple of hours.” You grinned, twirling the hair at the base of his head around your fingers.
“It would appear so, darlin’.”
“I have a couple of things in mind, cowboy.” Your voice is merely a whisper as you tug him closer, pressing your lips to his.
“Like what baby?” He’s grinning like a fool, but he doesn’t care.
“I’d rather show you than tell you.” Your words went straight to Joel’s aching cock. He groaned and rested his forehead against your chest before looking up at you.
He moved away from you to get himself out of the pool, offering you his hand to help you stand up. His bulge was clear as day through his swim trunks, even though the heavy chlorine water was weighing the fabric down.
“Like what you see?” Joel chuckled as he tried his best to dry himself off quickly.
“Actually, I do. Very much.” You grin, picking up your bikini bottoms from the ground before sliding them back on.
Joel fake pouts at you, “Why’d you put those back on?”
"You already got a taste, Mr. Miller. Let's go back inside before Mrs. Adler gives us an earful about our sinful endeavor." You grin up at him as he leads you back into the cool home.
"Get your sexy ass upstairs. I ain't done with you yet, darlin'." Joel's words sent a rush of heat down to your core once more, making you stifle a whine.
You both made it upstairs to his bedroom, and Joel couldn't keep his hands off of you. You loved it, though. It showed how needy he really was for you without saying a single word.
He gabbed your hips gently and pushed you against his body, wrapping his arms around you as his mouth left an array of kisses on your face and neck. The coolness of his swim trunks pressed against your body contrasted greatly with how heated you were feeling not only externally, but internally too.
"Joel," You breathe, "You have to wash the chlorine off of you." You whisper as you gently held the back of his neck while his lips found their way to your collarbone. He pulled away from you and gave you a confused look, as if you were brushing him off and didn't want to continue your escapades.
You simply just grabbed his hand and lead him to his bathroom, turning on the shower to a temperature you both would like. You turn around to face him and smile shyly up at him before undoing your bikini top, slowly sliding the straps down your shoulders. You didn't hesitate to slide off your bottoms once more as well, all in one swift motion.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered, causing a small smile to find its way to your lips. Joel's breath hitched in his throat at the proximity between you two.
He stared down at you with curiosity and wonder, as if he was trying to guess your next move. You moved yourself closer to him and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, pushing yourself up on your feet so your lips could meet his in a soft, gentle kiss. His arms immediately found home around your waist once more, pushing you against him. Your bare body on his sent a shock wave down your spine. Joel must've felt it too because he groaned.
You moved your hands delicately down his chest to his torso, nails ever so slightly scraping his skin. Goosebumps ran over his skin as your hands went further down, until they rested right above his swim trunks. He pulled away from the kiss, eyes settling on yours.
"Can I?" You ask, and he nodded almost frantically. You undid the string that was tied at the top, sliding down his swim trunks only to leave them a sopping mess on the bathroom floor.
You wanted to gawk at how big he was. You'd felt it during your frequent make out sessions with him, but truly underestimated how big he truly was. Without saying another word, you took his hand and led him into the shower. The warm water coaxed you both to relax your muscles almost instantly.
Joel eyed you conspicuously, heart beating so rapidly he swore you could hear it, even over the droplets of shower water hitting your bodies and the bathtub floor.
"It's my turn to take care of you, cowboy," The saccharine smile you throw his way is conflicting the tone of your voice—velvety and sickly sweet, but in a manner that screamed I want you. "Can I do that for you, my honey?" Your eyes bore into his and he nearly buckled right then and there.
"Please," He begged, "Please take care of me." Joel was always so insistent on never being a beggar, especially when it came to anything involving sexual activities, but you were driving him fucking insane with the innocent look you had on your face. He knew damn well you were far from it, and he couldn't wait to experience that side of you.
You dropped to your knees in an instant, softly grabbing his rock hard cock into your hand. You began to pump your hand at a languid pace, making sure to keep eye contact with Joel the whole time. He groaned at the sensation and closed his eyes, shuddering at the feeling of your small, warm hand wrapped around him.
You smirked to yourself as you moved your head forward, your lips meeting his swollen tip. He sucked in a sharp breath as you lazily ran your tongue over him, immediately tasting the pre cum that'd been there the moment you agreed to let him devour you.
"Fuck, angel, please." Joel inhaled, threading his thick fingers through your now wet hair. You hummed against him, moving your lips down the side of his cock. You kissed him at the very base, moving your lips back up to the tip before opening your mouth and taking him in inch by inch. You had to go slow at first, because you knew adjusting to his size was going to take you a little while.
He moaned as your lips met the base of him, tears already forming in your eyes. You moved back ever so slight; just enough to only have half of him in your mouth. He opened his eyes and looked down at you, pupils blown and irises black.
"Takin' me so fuckin' well in that pretty little mouth of yours, angel." Joel gritted through his teeth, brows threading together and head lolling to the side as you found a steady, rhythmic pace to bob your head. Your free hand gripped the back of his thigh, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.
"That's it. Just like that, baby, fuck." He mewled, and his praise made you involuntarily moan against him. Heat spread throughout your body at the sight above you: Joel Miller, a panting mess because of your sweet mouth. Just the thought of that alone nearly made you come.
You could tell Joel was close with the way his hips stuttered, eager to help him find his release. You gave one last push, taking his whole length into your mouth. His tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag—and Joel come undone. He nearly whimpered as your eyes were locked on his, swallowing every last drop he gave you.
He pulled you up to his level again and crashed his lips against yours, the need to fuck you into oblivion becoming too strong to control any longer.
It's as if you read his mind when you reluctantly broke apart from the hasty kiss. "Joel, please, I need you." You whimpered, desperation transparent in your voice.
Joel was quick to shut off the shower faucet, not giving a fuck if both of you were dripping wet. He dragged you out of the shower and into his bedroom, nearly tossing you on his bed. The look in his eyes said he wanted to take you until you saw stars, but reluctancy held him back. This was your first official time together after all, and he didn't want to be a dick and be rough with you.
You on the other hand, wanted him to do exactly what he originally intended to do. You sensed his reluctancy, so you grabbed his bicep as he hovered over you, and you nodded frantically.
"Joel, don't be gentle. Ruin me." You really couldn't even process the words spilling out of your mouth before Joel had you flipped over on all fours. You perched your ass up in the air as you lay your face down on the soft comforter. You felt the dip in the bed where he was disappear. He rummaged through his night stand and pulled out a condom, ripping the foil packet open. You watched as he rolled the latex onto himself before disappearing from your peripheral.
The bed dipped down again, excitement and anticipation all too prominent in your core.
"You sure 'bout this, darlin'?" Joel asked, sincerity in his voice. You appreciated the fact that he was double checking with you, because you knew this was going to be a lot for the both of you.
"Yes, Joel. Please." Giving him the green light was all it took for him to line his cock up to your entrance, grabbing your hips as he slowly pushed himself into you.
You gasped at the sensation, gripping the comforter below your fingertips.
"You okay, baby?" Joel pauses his movements, rubbing circles into your hips. You wordlessly nod your head before he keeps pushing himself into you until he's completely buried in your warmth. The sight below him made him groan. You fit around him perfectly.
"Please move, Joel." You moaned, starting to rock your hips for some friction.
"My needy sweetheart." He chuckled before moving his hips back, snapping them forward with such force that it nearly knocked the breath out of you. You cried out, the tad bit of pain quickly being masked by the overwhelming sense of pleasure. Joel rocked his hips at a steady pace as you tried to move your hips back to meet each thrust he gave you.
The sounds you were eliciting from your throat nearly sounded unrecognizable. Never had you been so damn needy for someone in your life, and it drove you fucking insane.
You felt one of Joel's hands move from your hips, sliding up the front of your torso. He stopped to toy with one of your breasts, kneading the soft flesh and rolling your sensitive nipple between his fingers. The sharp sensation went straight to the build-up of the white hot coil brewing in your core. He moved his hand from your breast and up to your throat, wrapping his hand around it. He squeezed the sides which elicited a loud moan from you.
Joel's unrelenting pace and hand wrapped around your throat had you rolling your eyes back. You could feel every vein and ridge of him inside of you, working to bring you to release. He was reaching spots inside you that you didn't even know could be reached—until today.
Joel coaxed you upwards so your back was pressed against his chest. He kept his hand wrapped around your throat as he gritted into your ear, "Tell me who you belong to." Joel growled, his primal side completely breaking through.
"Y-You, fuck, you, Joel. Only you." You whined. He let go of your throat and moved his hand down to your breast once again, squeezing it generously.
His other hand that had your hip in a near-death grip moved down to your swollen clit, rubbing it tenaciously. You cried out as you threw your head back onto his shoulder, your whole body shaking as your release neared.
"You like that, baby? Look at you, dirty fuckin' girl takin' my cock so well, hm?" Joel's voice was dangerously low in your ear as his pace started to falter. "C'mon baby, give it to me. L'me feel you. Fuck, angel, that's it." Joel coaxed, which was the finality that pushed you over the edge. You cried out loudly, whole body feeling like it was being ripped apart from the inside out in the most pleasuring way possible.
Joel was chasing his own orgasm as he thrusted up a few more times before stilling, wrapping both arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck as he came. He softly moaned your name into your ear, causing you to flutter around him once more. He sharply inhaled before kissing your neck a few times, gently setting you down on the bed before completely pulling out of you.
You completely collapsed onto his bed, body limp and entirely devoid from any movement. Joel plopped down next to you after he tossed the condom into the trash, pulling you into his chest as he gingerly kissed your forehead.
"Fuck, baby, that was incredible." Joel breathed, a chuckle prominent in his voice.
"It was. Didn't know you had it in ya, cowboy." You teased, fingers subconsciously tracing light patterns on his chest.
"Plenty more where that came from, darlin'." Joel ran his hand up and down your arm, kissing your forehead periodically. You don't know how long you two were laying there, but being in Joel's arms like that just gave you a sense of protection you never thought you'd be able to get in your life.
Joel was a noble, honest man. He was someone who was goofy, loving, reliable, and steady. Just what you needed in your seemingly hectic life. You knew he was it. Joel was the man for you. That four letter word you were terrified of not too long ago started circling your head, and this time, it didn't make you want to run. It made you get those stupid butterflies. It made you feel like a crazed teenager. It made you be aware that you'd never been so sure of anything in your entire life—
You were completely and irrevocably in love with Joel Miller.
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eddiesguitarskills · 2 years
Just A Scratch
Eddie Munson x Reader/Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: one of Jason’s friends is picking on your boyfriend's friend Dustin. Dustin can't keep his mouth shut so ends up aggravating the basketball player more, meaning you have to intervene. One thing leads to another and you get hurt. The last person you expect to be there to help you is your ex-boyfriend Steve.
Content warning: arguments, broken nose, being hurt, a whole lot of angst, jealousy and language. Eddie and Steve really don’t like each-other
Word count: 2k
A/n: let me know if you want a part two I have ideas. I am dyslexic so if some of it doesn’t make sense I apologise
Not prove read
Part 2
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You had decided to spend an hour after school in the library catching up on your work, since your boyfriend had distracted you every time you tried to study. So you decided it would be best to be completely alone and the library after school on a Wednesday seemed like the right place. You had gotten more work done in that hour than you had in the last couple of weeks.
Your hand started to cramp from all the writing so you knew it was probably a sign to leave. You walked outside, excited for the fresh air you were sure your skin needed. You were also excited to get home to get ready to see your boyfriend, Eddie. The only problem is as soon as you get outside you hear the mumbles of an argument. You knew it probably wasn’t your place to get involved, until you heard the voice of Dustin Henderson. He was becoming more and more like Eddie by the day. So you knew there was a good chance he was making whatever the situation was, worse for himself.
You walked over and spotted chase who was also a senior getting into the freshman’s face. “Can you at least have a mint before getting that close?” Dustin smirked. You'd know that smile anywhere it was Eddie’s signature. It was the face Eddie usually pulled before he ended up with a black eye. You pushed your way in between the two, surely he wouldn't hit you. “Don’t you think you should pick on someone your size?”. He pushes you out of the way to get back to the freshman, you were blocking. “it’s none of your business”.
Dustin scoffs at him, was he trying to make things worse for himself? Even you wanted to hit him in the head now, to knock some sense into him. “I can see you're starting early on your career as a wife beater”. Shit. Rage is all you can see in Chase’s eyes any hope of Deescalating the situation was gone. He raised his fist to hit Dustin. Instinct took over and you moved in the way, putting your hand up to stop the assault. But you were too late when you hear a crunch in your nose.
Blood pours from your nose but you don't notice, as you’re too enraged. The Jock stumbled back shocked at what he just did. “I'm sorry y/n I didn’t mean to hi-” you cut him off “but you meant to hit him so”. He didn't have a response just silence “ I suggest you leave him alone unless you want me to report you for assaulting me”. He nods awkwardly and shuffles away embarrassed. He felt like such an idiot he didn't mean to hurt you.
Dustin felt really bad, he didn't want you to get hurt because of him. Plus he could handle himself , Chase was nothing on the upside down he thought. “Shit y/n are you okay?” you turn around to glare at the boy. He glumped he had never seen you angry and he knew he was about to be on the receiving end of it. “Oh don’t worry about me, worry about your attitude. I get you th-”. Dustin's eyes widen upon the sight of your face. Your nose didn't look right. How much blood was pouring out didn't look right. “Y/n-”.
Too annoyed you didn't even feel the pain of your nose or feel the blood dripping from your nose. “I’m not finished. I know Eddie seems cool, but even for him there are consequences. Plus Chase is twice your size, how we're you going to fight him?”. You wait for an answer, Dustin is too stunned to speak, what should he do? You rub your hands over your face in annoyance. Ow. That didn't feel right. You had never felt pain like it. You looked at your hand to see it painted with red blood. The sight makes your knees weak and you fall to the ground.
“Omg y/n!” Dustin lowers to your level. You felt tears being to fill your waterline, he couldn't see you cry. You needed to get him away even for a minute, you didn't want him to blame himself. “I’m fine, can you just get me some water please,” you say weakly. He quickly scurried away wanting to do anything to make this right.
A little while after you, you’re sat on bench outside of school. You haven't been able to move as you still feel too dizzy. Your nose was still bleeding but it was a lot slower than before. Your ex-boyfriend pulled up to get Dustin. “I can get Steve to check it. He's good at things like this”. You shake your head biting your lip from the pain this causes. Dustin nods and walks over to Steve’s car getting in. You turn away from the scene so Steve doesn't see you or your nose.
Steve is about to set off when Dustin stops him. “What did you forget this time?” Steve talks to the boy like he is his father. “They are gonna hate me for this but they are already mad so, y/n-”. As soon as your name is mentioned, Steve gets worried. He still cared for you a lot. He just wishes he treated you better when you were together. Then he wouldn't have lost the best thing to happen to him. Without needing to hear anything more, Steve goes over to the bench and taps on your shoulder. Not knowing it's him, you turn around. The last person you wanted to see right now was right in front of you. You try to turn your face but he holds it in place gently but firmly examining it, being careful to avoid your nose.
He honestly felt like he could cry, he had seen hurt yourself from being clumsy, but it was never anything this bad. “ It's just a scratch”. Steve shakes his head. “Don't do that, you're hurt. Stop acting like it's a chore for people to look after you”. Tears pour from your eyes. He doesn't know if he should, especially since you hadn't talked to each other since the break up a few months ago but he had to hug you. You melted into the hug, you needed this. You missed this. After a few moments, Steve broke the hug and got up holding out his hand to you. “I'm gonna drop Dustin off, then we are going to the hospital. You can tell me all about what happened on the way”.
The wait in the emergency room took hours which left you with lots of time to catch up. You missed having Steve in your life. You need a friend like him. You had also told him what happened with Chase which he was really angry about, but tried to keep calm while in the hospital so he didn't get kicked out and could stay with you. It didn’t stop him from complaining to you about Dustin’s new found attitude though “ the kids lucky he had you, I don’t know where he gets that attitude from”. You try to laugh but it hurts too much “I do”. Steve laughs a little too shaking him head “yeah so do I”.
A few hours later Steve was dropping you off at your door. “Thank you” you smile at him. “You don't need to thank me, I'm glad we went. I'm gonna kill Chase for breaking your nose though.” you shook your head a little, pouting at him. “Please don't, you'll adult now, it's an assault on a minor, even if he does deserve it. I don't want you behind a cell”. How could he say no to you? So he agreed, even if all he wanted to do was round-house Chase in the face. “Why will you miss me too much?” he pulled his signature Harrington smile, he knew he shouldn’t but he could help flirt with you. Even a little. “Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep a night.” You playfully hit his arm. He blushed a little. He missed this, he missed you. “I'm gonna get going so you can rest, remember to ice and take the painkillers. Like the doctors said the better you take care of it the less likely you are to need surgery”.
He turns around to leave trying to ignore any butterflies that were forming. The longer he looked at you, the harder it was to remember that you weren’t his anymore. You stop him leaving by holding onto his arm. God he hopes you can’t feel the goosebumps. “I know you two don’t talk but if you happen to run into Eddie please don’t tell him” there it was. Munson was your boyfriend now, despite how much Steve wishes he could have you back. “I think the nose will give it away”. You nodded your head “I know but I'll think of a lie. If he finds out Chase did it. He’ll get in a fight and end up looking a lot worse than me.” Steve agreed not like there was much chance of seeing Eddie, they avoided each other like the plague. But if agreeing made you happy he would. He also relished in the fact that he would know something about you Eddie wouldn't. This would be your little secret. “I promise, now rest. I'll call tomorrow to check on the patient”.
You were supposed to be at Eddie’s at 7 pm but now it was 10 pm, and he was beyond worried. He had called your house, receiving no one had answered, so to stop the terrible paranoid thoughts in his head, he drove over. His van pulled to a stretching halt. He looked out of his window to see your ex-boyfriend walking away from your house. What the hell was he doing? He had lost you So he had no right to be around you after breaking your heart. He hated how forgiven you could be. He quickly got out of the car storming over to Steve ready to confront him.
“Surely that can't be Steve Harrington leaving my y/n’s house”. Steve smirked “looks like it to me”. if looks could kill Steve would be dead. But that's all it was a glare. He moved closer to Steve, he wanted to hit him. He couldn't though because he knew you would hate it if he hurt Steve but someone had to wipe that smug look off his face. “Care to explain why you're here”.
Steve's face didn’t change “well someone had to be there for them.” Eddie clenched his fists “you lost that right a while ago. I don't know what this act is but you can drop it. They aren't gonna fuck you”. Steve laughed, why did you have to go for him? Steve couldn't understand what you saw in Munson. “I already have...Many times” he emphasized the word ‘Many’. He gets in Eddie’s face. How dare he say anything about Steve wanting to fuck you, when that's what Eddie did when you were with Steve. He waited till you were at your lowest and slithered in. That had always been how Steve saw it and it made him hate Eddie more. “I can be their friend without wanting to fuck them, unlike some people.” he barged passed Eddie. “I wouldn't knock she looked like she was pretty tired out”
Eddie turned around and got into Steve’s face holding onto his collar “wanna go Harrington?”. He smirked again, Eddie couldn't wait to wipe that look off his face with his fist. “tonight made me pretty tired too so I'll have to rain check”. Steve slipped out of Eddie’s grip to leave in his car. Eddie was stunned. Surely you two hadn't done anything. It would explain why you hadn't answered the phone or met for your date. No. His thoughts were getting the better of him, he might not trust Steve but he trusts you.
Something wasn't right but with the foul mood Harrington had put him in, he decided not to find out tonight. Seeing you now would only cause an argument so he got back into his van. Slamming his head into the steering wheel in frustration.
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