#wednesday felix day
5283 · 2 years
saturdays lee know days, sundays channie days
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cartoon-buffoon · 11 days
MMMMM, I have the sudden urge to create an ask blog for my characterization of Het Cat (the creepy skull faced Felix from the Russian bootleg) and Euthenasia Rabbit (Wednesday's infidelity) where they're both "roommates" yet the blog is more or less just them complaining about the other because their both mentally unstable and don't understand their feelings due to both not having felt genuine love or trust in a long time.
The only thing stopping me is A: motivation... I lose motivation fast, oh and B: I suck at drawing so it would probably be purely text based and people will find that boring. Ah well, maybe this idea deserves to be scrapped.
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smashpages · 8 months
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Out this week: Felix the Cat (Rocketship Entertainment): Rocketship collects the miniseries by Mike Federali, Bob Frantz and Tracy Yardley featuring the return of Felix and his bag of tricks to comics.
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week
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thelostboys87 · 1 year
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this post really is the blueprint for RR felix vs lover boy felix 
#literally RR felix is like an annoying piece of shit at first because he thinks hes got his life under control#and then he realises he doesnt and hes like omg everything is falling apart nothing matters let me get hedonistic and silly with it#then hes like wait no i want my life to be okay i want to be a good person :(#ASTRONIMIC crisis over that because he thinks hes gone past a line#(so much of RR thematically is feeling like you're a 'lost cause' bc of childhood trauma hehe)#and then lover boy felix is like oh i made positive progress with myself#but its just made me feel fragile because i feel like i have more to lose#mfs with trauma will finally reach a sense of peace in their life and its the opposite of peace because it makes them so scared#but its still funny because RR felix is like doing cocaine in the bathtub on a wednesday afternoon#lover boy felix works at a kindergarten and is probably well hydrated#i dont think he realises how much progress he's made and when he does that's when he gets scared#especially because now hes more intentionally unpacking his trauma which is a lot#but like instead of fucking people and fighting people and breaking into houses to cope he like gets a caramel frappe and has a cry#LMAO#because he's like one wrong move and ill go back to how i was and ruin everything (which he does almost do exactly that BUT)#he will return to being messy at some point though....gotta have him falter which will scare him so much#also has a mild gender crisis between all of this too#that's my infodump on tumblr of the day so many thoughts in my head that i cant do anything with#thats really cool dallon have you been evaluated for autism#lover boy is like the normal spongebob of my wips because its tragic and emotional#but the characters dont feel like theyre basically or literally fighting for their lives every day LOL#it's refreshing i cant lie
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
...WIP Wednesday
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seungazing · 2 years
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Hey, so, still in the throes of moving. Haven't had a day off to do nothing since we got here. Working slowly on getting some chapters up so until I do I'll just be posting Nuclear Family on its usual days until we're settled. (I do eventually have a three day weekend coming up so I should get shit done then)
Sorry this is happening but that's life 😅
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backformores · 1 year
omg only one and a half more months of this godforsaken place
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 16 days
They unknowingly bring up an insecurity Seungmin|Pt1
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Your heart was strung in your throat. Seungmin was always one to tease; and for the most part he was good about shying away from topics you were sensitive about so no problems had ever arisen. But as you read over his texts over and over again you felt your heart pinch in a way that was all to similar to what you had felt in your previous relationship.
"You talk too much, you know that?" Your ex had told you that numerous times, and eventually it led to a break up. And your constant yapping became something that made you insecure.
But when you first met Seungmin you felt like you were perfect the way you were. Chan had said you would balance Seungmin out quite well. And up until now you felt as if that were the case.
Now you wondered if maybe you did become to much.
Maybe the constant chatter had become annoying to the quiet boy you loved dearly.
And while you had been in love numerous times before, it hurt more to even think of losing Seungmin than all your previous heart breaks combined. And that was a lot considering you had always been the one to have your heart broken.
You couldn't tear yourself away from your phone screen - rereading those texts and overanalyizing the tone.
Maybe it was in a light hearted way? Or maybe it was the complete opposite and it was fully aggression?
You sat there trying to pick apart every single meaning, connotation, and tone the words he sent could have when your phone dimed again.
"I'm guessing your busy shopping since my phone has been quite for more than fifteen minutes. Haha, I think that's a first!"
You did everything in your power to try and bite back the knot in your throat from coming up and causing tears. So much so your eyes started to burn and you ended up shedding a few quietly.
The rest of the day you busied yourself with miniscule little tasks like dusting the fans and sweeping the welcome mat that you intended to take along with you when you moved in with Seungmin.
You tried to take your mind off of the texts. You figured Seungmin didn’t mean it in anyway malicious sort of way. In fact you knew he meant it as a lighthearted joke. In the time you had spent with him you had easily learned just how kind and loving of a person he was, and how much he cared for you.
You just couldn’t shake the hurt from those words - and more importantly the fear you had deep down that there was some truth to the words he had sent.
By the time Seungmin arrived at your apartment it was early evening. Every Wednesday you guys would cook together ever since you witnessed him and Felix blowing food up by accident on a live. Seungmin followed the normal routine of slipping off his shoes and into his house slippers and immediately changing into a cheap shirt he had bought when you first had started your endeavors since he was smart enough to realize he was a messy cook.
“Hey baby.” He said as he greeted you with a quick hug from behind and a chaste kiss to the cheek before he went to wash his hands.
You have a small noise of acknowledgement as Seungmin dried his hands off on a plaid towel and turned to you with happy anticipation.
“What are we cooking today?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs.” You replied as you started to grab the necessary ingredients. Seungmin followed you around like a happy puppy and helped you a carry everything to the counter you reserved for preparation of ingredients.
“So how do we start?” Seungmin asked. By now he had noticed your face was a little droopy and your responses were short and if there was any conversation it was only in answer to his initiation.
“With the ground beef.” You said as you pulled out a big bowl to put the meat and seasonings in. Seungmin watched you from his peripheral as you poured in some panco bread crumbs and a bunch of other various aromatic seasonings while he opened up the meat packaging.
As he kneeled everything with his hands he tried asking you about your day.
“So did you end up ordering the mugs baby?”
“No, I didn’t.” Silence.
“Oh…maybe after dinner we can look on Etsy together? Or maybe find a website to customize them? It might seem like a lot but I think the guys would really appreciate your sentiment.”
“Yeah, we can do that.” Silence.
Seungmin started to roll out oddly and unevenly shaped meatballs and continued to try and ask you questions as you guys worked, but your answers we short. Not rude. But literally short.
Not thouroghly explained like usual.
Even at dinner you were quiet and barely even touched your food.
“Do you not feel good baby?” Seungmin asked you as you played with a piece of garlic bread.
“I feel okay…maybe a little tired.” You said popping the piece into your mouth as if to show you were feeling fine.
Seungmin sighed and put his fork down.
“Did my text hurt your feelings?” He had been worrying about it all day when he had seen you had left him on read. It was an odd thing but nevertheless endearing when you would finish a conversation over text and send a meme to him just to acknowledge the end of the conversation, and to make sure he “didn’t find it hurtful” that you had left him on read. Even if he constantly assured you it was in no way shape or form a problem.
You hadn’t sent him a meme. And the more he thought about it he realized that his humor might not have translated through text.
“Im sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was a joke, Y/N. I would never purposefully want to hurt you. I love when you share about your day. I was a bit tied up so while you texting me might have been inconvienent at the moment doesnt mean I don’t appreciate you wanting me to know everything about what you are doing. I love that you want me to be a part of your life , even the tiny thing.”
“It’s okay babe.” You replied putting a smile on your face. “I know you didn’t mean it to hurt me. I’m just tired that’s all.” You let out a breath as you stood up and collected Seungmin’s plate. “Maybe we can just watch a movie instead of shopping? I just don’t feel like thinking very much right now in any capacity…” You let out quietly.
“Of course.” Seungmin responded, trailing you into the kitchen as you set the plates in the sink. “I love you.” He said quietly, his voice lilting up slightly. Were you actually okay?
“I love you too Minmin.” You place a a small kiss next to his eye and head towards the living room.
During the movie Seungmin kept stealing glances at you as you leaned on him but not into him. As you laughed but the curve of your mouth didn’t exactly reach your eyes. And how those same eyes were focused on the screen but your mind was obviously some place else.
Although you had said you were fine your silence gave him the answer you actually wanted to give. That Seungmin had struck a nerve more sensitive than he had known.
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remuslovebot · 6 months
can you do a felix x reader where the reader is like a loner and has no friends/ gets bullied but felix notices her and befriends her. she has like a massive crush on him cause… duh. she thinks he’s doing a dare or something and gets really self conscious etc. but felix’s eases her worries. i’m a sucker for popular bf x loser gf 😫 whatever you think is best honestly cause your work is top tier 🫶🏼
thank you so much for this request and supporting my work!
I hope you enjoy this xx
pairing: felix catton x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n, bullying, insecurity, oblivious reader and felix
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You walked into the dining hall alone, most of the seats taken. As you walked to an empty seat, girls rolled their eyes at you and boys laughed at you.
You’d never fit in anywhere. Before Oxford, you never went out with friends, because you were a loner. You were a scholarship student, only getting into the prestigious university because of your perfect grades.
You sat down next to a group of loud students, laughing and joking about what you assumed were the teachers. You looked over to the boy next to you, who took a drink of his water.
In a miracle of a moment, the boy looked over at you. He smiled kindly and you found yourself blushing.
“Hello,” he said, his brown eyes looking into yours.
“Hi?” You replied, not used to being spoken to in public settings.
“I’m Felix,” the boy introduced himself.
“I’m y/n,” you replied, still shocked someone as charming and charismatic as Felix was speaking to you.
After that night at dinner, you and Felix became inseparable. He invited you to parties, hung out at the pub, listened to him play guitar in his dorm.
Felix dragged you everywhere and you weren’t complaining. You loved to have Felix as a friend. But you would be lying if you said you haven’t developed romantic feelings for the boy.
But you felt he could never love or be with a girl like you. You weren’t popular or rich. You were a scholarship student who didn’t fit in at parties unless you were with Felix.
The girls never liked to speak to you because they didn’t understand why Felix was so obsessed with you. It made them jealous.
Farleigh was kind but mainly snarky in the fact that you couldn’t pay for rounds of shots at the pub.
One day in class, you were sitting with one of your mutual “friends” — that knew Felix. She was asking you about Felix.
“I don’t know why he hangs around you so much,” she complained. “I mean honestly, I think it might be a dare with Farleigh, because i heard them whispering about something the other day.”
This made you self conscious and you believed the mean girl.
Felix had texted you after class that day, asking if you wanted to meet up at the library for a study session.
You replied no, because you decided not to make a fool of yourself any longer. Instead you hid in your dorm room and contemplated never seeing Felix and his friends again.
Meanwhile Felix was wondering why you didn’t want to hang out with him. It made him upset, as unbeknownst to you he had developed a crush on you.
He enjoyed hanging out with you, making you laugh and buying you anything you wanted. Felix felt like he could trust you.
While sitting in his dorm alone, he remembered a time when you saved his neck in class.
“I mean to be honest, I was out late last night and never had the chance to finish the worksheet,” Felix frowned at you.
“Who has a party on a Wednesday night?” You teased in response.
Felix laughed, “It’s University,” he defended.
You playfully rolled your eyes and slid him your finished worksheet over to his side of the table. “Be quick about it,” you said in a whisper.
Felix looked at you like an angel, “You’re a life saver Y/n, thank you.”
What had happened to make you so upset? Felix thought.
The next day you avoided the group as much as possible. Farleigh and the other girls didn’t seem to mind but Felix was in a bad mood.
“I just don’t know what I did to make her stay away?” Felix asked Farleigh in the library that afternoon.
“Maybe she just doesn’t want to be your friend,” Farleigh suggested nonchalantly.
Felix grunted in response, the subject clearly bothering him.
“Okay, why don’t you talk to her then?” Farleigh suggested. “I can tell you really like her,” he added.
At the end of the day, Farleigh still wanted Felix to be happy.
With this advice, Felix decided to confront you. He at least wanted to find out what he did. Or if you would still be his friend.
You were hanging out in the garden, reading your book for advanced English Literature. It was nice to get some fresh air and it was a hot sunny day.
You didn’t notice Felix making his way towards you until you heard his voice.
“Y/n,” he called. You looked up in surprise. Felix towered over you and you found yourself blushing.
“What is it Felix?” You sighed, placing your book on the stone bench.
“I want to know why you’re ignoring me,” Felix said, somewhat shy. It was odd to see him so shy. As Felix was usually confident.
“I’m not interested in your dare with your friends anymore. I don’t really want to be used anymore, I’m fine on my own,” you said.
Felix furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What? What dare?” He asked.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about Felix,” you said, standing up.
He was much taller than you and you looked up at him.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” he insisted.
“Annabelle told me,” You said. “She heard you and Farleigh whispering and said your friendship with me was a dare.”
Felix frowned, how dare someone tell you that. He cared about you so much.
“A dare? There’s no dare. You’re my—I care about you,” felix reassured you.
“Why?” You asked. “What about me could you possibly care about?” You asked.
“Well you’re smart and beautiful. You make me smile. I’ll just think about you and my cheeks go red,” he found himself blushing.
You blushed as well, “but, Annabelle said?”
“I don’t give a fuck what Annabelle says or anyone for that matter,” Felix replied, taking a step closer to you.
Your lips were pink and looked soft. Your hair was pulled back and your beautiful eyes stared into his. Felix wanted to kiss you badly.
You pulled him into a hug and his arms wrapped around your waist. Felix’s head nudged into your neck and he smelled your perfume, it was intoxicating.
When you both pulled away Felix moved a hand to your cheek. At first it surprised you, but you leaned into his touch.
“Felix,” you whispered under your breath. You looked up at him and Felix swore if he died right now he would be a happy man.
“Y/n,” he replied.
But then you took matters into your own hands and planted a kiss on his lips. Felix kissed back. It was soft at first but grew rough and passionate.
You pulled at eachother, his hands around your waist and your hands up in his hair.
Having to pull away for air, Felix caressed your cheek softly. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time,” Felix smiled.
You smiled in return, feeling safe and secure in his arms. “I have too,” you replied.
“Come home with me, to meet my family at Saltburn,” Felix said. He’d never been so sure of anything in his life and with you his obsession and attraction only grew.
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starlostseungmin · 1 month
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✰ notes: posting this a day early since i’ll be out of town please enjoy <33 not proofread. REBLOGGING, COMMENTS AND LEAVING TAGS are highly appreciated! thank you <33
seungmin , chan , lee know , jeongin ( han )changbin , felix , hyunjin.
Husband Han who asked the baker and chef to put the ring inside the cake. You thought it was kind of old school and yet you cried when you saw the ring. He went down on one knee in front of the crowd as the waiter/waitresses came for assistance. “Will you be the mother of Bbama?” “Yes!” 
Husband Han who wrote a song that he’d use on the day of his wedding proposal. The lyrics consist of words about his feelings, how deep his love is for you, how thankful he is, and how you are his favorite person apart from his Minho hyung. He went on the small stage of the restaurant and grabbed a small piece of paper so he wouldn’t forget what he had written. 
Husband Han whom you can order around. He complains but still does whatever you ask for. Sometimes he just obeys quietly or if he’s in the mood, he looks like a kid who’s happy to help his parents with that adorable and proud smile plastered on his face.
Husband Han who loves to stay home and watch your favorite movies then proceeds to cuddle you all day. He also buys things that will serve good for your convenience and cause less effort. He is a home buddy for a reason. 
Husband Han who is happy as a clam when you visit him while he’s at work especially when you bring him and his members with a ton of food.
Husband Han who is a loud introvert and hits high notes effortlessly on a random Wednesday morning. 
Husband Han who overreacts, and screams at any small inconvenience when he gets a chance. Hyunjin would be the one to cover his mouth because his ears suffer the most. 
Husband Han who has a lot of feelings and takes everything to heart (playfully) during a nonsense argument and will say some things nonstop until both of you just laugh them off. Yet also the type to be calm and straightforward that would pierce your heart if it’s serious especially when he does have a point. 
Husband Han who sometimes doesn’t listen to you and is stubborn. 
Husband Han who apologizes hours later after thoroughly thinking of what he did or said wrong during the fight. He would hug you tightly when he sees you crying and say “I love you” instead of  “I’m sorry.”
Husband Han who listens attentively to your worries and gives you useful advice. If he feels like you don’t want to hear anything and just sit there in silence, he will hold your hand or bring you into his arms while kissing the crown of your head. 
Husband Han whose love languages are physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation (through the songs he wrote). 
Husband Han who gets jealous when you pay too much attention to BBama instead of him. He would sulk at the corner and refuse to talk unless you baby him until he decides to forgive you. 
Husband Han who gets sentimental when sad so you let him lay on you and bury his face on your neck while you hum his favorite tune or just play with his hair while whispering some things that he needs to hear. He loves it when you do that. 
Husband Han who loves cheesecakes especially when you’re the one who made them. He’d devour them immediately with some iced coffee he got from Seungmin.
Husband Han who gets round when he eats something or just mainly his cheeks are the cutest that you want to kiss, pinch, or suddenly goes nom nom nom. 
Husband Han who doesn’t mind you wearing his clothes. He loves them on you. 
Husband Han whose voice you want to listen to all night after a long day because it’s soothing to hear and brings you comfort, especially when he is talking softly and in a gentle manner. 
Husband Han who gets undeniably shy when you kiss him, especially when you’re in public. He is all giddy and a blushing mess, expect to make out with him when you get home.
Husband Han who can sleep everywhere that you get jealous but he would ask you first if you want to cuddle until you fall asleep in whatever comfortable place you’re at. 
Husband Han who texts or calls you before going home from work just to ask how your day went and if you want him to buy something. Sometimes you do it the other way around. It’s a must in this marriage. 
Husband Han who spoils you a lot. 
Husband Han who respects whatever decision you make, especially when it comes to the thought of having kids. Just like anyone else, he doesn’t pressure you and wait until you’re the first one to initiate the topic. 
Husband Han who promised to love you and never leave until death do you part.
Husband Han who thinks that having you in his life is the greatest gift he could ever have and the best thing that ever happened. 
Husband Han whom you love, protect, and spend the rest of your life with along with Bbama. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89 , @lashaemorow
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writeonwhiskey · 6 months
the skz house: ch 9
a/n: So excited to get this one out to you guys! I hope you enjoy it 😁Thank you again to @cloverstayy for the beautiful graphic 🩵 she's amazing and is on insta & tiktok under the same name.
edit 1/22/24 - I have changed a few things around, this was previously chapter 7, but will now be chapter 9. Stay with me people!
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Summary: Welcome to Sigma Kappa Zeta, the most popular fraternity on campus. When you, down on your luck and looking for a place to live, see their ad for ‘IN-HOUSE STAY’. You're one of the four girls chosen and find that your duties for the rest of the school year will be cooking, cleaning, and pleasing your assigned house members: Hyunjin & Bang Chan.
Chapter Nine: Of Halloween and Hallways
It’s now approaching the end of your first month at the SKZ house. Hyunjin still has not pressured you to move further, but you have continued to explore each others bodies more. Whenever you’re with him, kissing and cuddling in bed, you both allow your hands to roam freely across each other. He’s made it clear that you have control of the reins with him. You enjoy the power—getting both yourself and Hyunjin worked up, kissing, touching, fondling, just to back off. Maybe Chan’s sadism is rubbing off on you a bit. 
Speaking of Chan, your nights with him since offering your submission are always like rolling a 20 sided die. You might be teased, you might get fucked, he might be sweet, but more often he’s rough. He does seem to make some kind of effort to not come off as a dick, however there is definitely still a wall between you two. You feel more comfortable conversing with him, though it’s usually just small talk and nothing remotely deep. 
Lee Know’s birthday passes on Wednesday, October 25th and everyone celebrates with dinner, drinks and dessert. You and Allie helped Felix bake him a chocolate cake (they wouldn’t let you add arsenic, which was a bummer).
It’s now Saturday, October 28th—the day of the Halloween party. The morning of is spent with everyone moving throughout the house making sure their appointed tasks are complete. As evening approaches, your excitement for the event grows—everyone has kept their final costume reveals a secret and you can’t wait to see what they have all come up with. 
Your main goal is to have a good time and possibly, finally have sex with Hyunjin. But, oh, sweet girl, you have no clue what the night has in store for you. 
All of the decorations and finishing touches have been put in place. There are spiderwebs and bats strewn across the ceiling in the living room, a couple skeletons are seated at the dining room table that’s surrounded by floating candles, severed hands and feet rest on surfaces throughout the home, spiders of various sizes adorn the walls, and there’s even an animatronic Pennywise in the in the guest bathroom guaranteed to scare people shitless, but, hopefully not literally as that will just be a nightmare to clean. 
The kegs arrive and are carted off to the basement and backyard. You’re setting up the snack table, putting out the orange and black paper cups, plates, and napkins when you hear a commotion coming down the stairs. 
“This is stupid,” the familiar voice of Lee Know grumbles and you immediately smile.
“I can’t believe I’m wearing a dress,” says Changbin.
Two weeks ago you challenged Changbin and Lee Know in beer pong—winner got to choose the others Halloween costume. You had Hyunjin on your team and came out victorious.
“I don’t look that bad,” comes the voice of Seungmin. 
Seungmin you challenged in a game of pool, same stakes. You’re shit at it, but he sank the 8 ball early and thus, you had all of them right where you wanted.
You turn around to face the stairs as they finish making their way down and bring your hand to your mouth to cover your laugh. They really committed…and their assignees had obviously helped put their looks together, from the makeup to the faux cleavage.
“The Sanderson sisters have come to SKZ house,” Han announces, pointing and laughing at the trio.
Changbin is dressed as Mary—eyebrows drawn on pencil thin, lips crooked and painted red, with a black wig shaped like a witch’s hat. Seungmin is Sarah—thick, dark eyebrows and eye makeup and a long, blonde wig. And the beautiful Lee Know is Winifred—copious amounts of blush on his cheeks, red lipstick only on the middle part of his lips, red wig and, of course, the look wouldn’t be complete without the trademark buck teeth. 
“BoooOOOOOoook,” he wails as he enters the living room and everyone fucking loses it. 
You finally have a chance to shower and get changed into your costume. It took you a while to decide on what you would be, but Hyunjin suggested an idea to play off what Chan is going as and you went along with it. 
With your dress, corset, fishnets, calf-high combat boots in place and make up complete, you make your way back downstairs. The regular lights have all been turned off so the house has a darker feel to it, but there are various purple, red, and orange lights throughout to compliment the decorations and mood. 
Hyunjin is sitting on the couch and offers you a look of appreciation when he sees you. You can only giggle at his costume. He’s half-assed it, for sure, but he still looks adorable. He’s wearing his regular clothing and has a headband on with pink ears, a pink bow tie, and a pink pigs nose covering his own. He turns around to show you the squiggly tail hanging near his butt. 
“Cute,” you tell him. 
“You look way better,” he says, pulling you close and lifting his pig nose to kiss you on the lips. 
You look around the living room and survey everyone’s costumes. Han is dressed as Jack Sparrow, Felix looks like a man being taken by an inflatable alien and Allie is dressed as an agent from ‘Men In Black’. Jeongin is Woody from Toy Story and Charlotte is Jesse, they’re adorable. Rhiannon has decided to play along with Seungmin and Changbin as the Sanderson sisters and dressed as Binx, wearing all black with cat ears and whiskers, she even popped in some yellow cat eye contacts. 
You don’t see Chan though and you’ve been dying to know what he’s put together. You excuse yourself from the room and check for him in the kitchen, but he’s not there either so you make your way to the basement. 
It’s dark there as well, but lights have been added to each step to prevent anyone from falling. The lighting in the room is purple and a projector casts various Halloween themed images against the walls in slow, spinning rotation. 
Chan and Changbin have their back to you as they struggle to get the dry ice machine working. 
“Need any help?” You ask, and they turn to look at you over their shoulder. 
Changbin’s eyebrows raise at the sight of you, followed by a nod and thumbs up thrown in your direction before he turns his attention back to the machine. 
Chan turns around to face you, smirking as he takes in your costume. The first thing you notice on him is the amount of skin showing on his upper body and the slash-like wounds that have been added to it. You look from his bare navel up to his eyes and arch an eyebrow. It’s definitely not what you had expected but holy fuck does the sight of him make you want to let him do despicable things to you.
In his ears he has one silver stud earring and the the other is shaped like a fang. On his upper half he’s wearing a furry, grey vest that has a hood with a realistic wolf’s head attached to it. On his lower half he has on a pair of black boots and low hanging, ripped black jeans with black Supreme boxers peeking above the top. His hands are covered in grey, furry gloves with nothing but his finger tips out. 
“Little red, eh?” He asks, looking you up and down. 
Your costume consists of a dress that is white at the top (frilly and off the shoulders) then turns red near your hips accompanied by a black bustier that’s squeezing your insides together and pushing up your breasts. A red cloak is also draped around your shoulders, tied in a delicate bow across your clavicle. The fishnets and combat boots add a sexy, grungy feel to the look.
You pinch the sides of your dress between your thumb and forefinger, extend your right foot back and curtsy.
You hate to admit that Seungmin was right. Actually, you would never admit that. However, telling people the party began at 7:30 ensured they actually started showing up around 8:30. Everyone is now scattered throughout the first floor, basement and backyard.
You start the night off with a shot to calm your nerves from being in the house full of so many people. You also can’t help but feel like a hostess, wanting to make sure the snacks and drinks are never empty. You make sure the best costume voting station has pens and paper. You refill bowls of chips. Changbin follows behind you as you refill the drink dispensers to slip more alcohol into it. You eye him carefully and shoo him away from the one dispenser clearly labeled as non-alcoholic. Not everybody wants to get shitfaced tonight. 
When you’re not playing hostess, you float around from room to room. With all the housemates here, you always have someone to wander off and talk to, which is comforting. You spend some time cheering Lee Know and Allie on as they reign over the beer pong table. You listen as Jeongin engages in a conversation with a group of girls, talking about needing models for an upcoming project. He has his arm wrapped around Charlotte’s waist as he addresses them, and she looks so out of her element, but leans onto him for support.
As far as you’ve seen, the boys really live up to the rule about not sleeping with anyone else outside of the house. Jeongin could probably pull any one of those girls in that circle, but he’s making it clear he has someone and is not interested. 
Felix really did put himself in charge of the music and made a master playlist that’s blaring throughout the main floor. You spend some time with him in the living room, watching the people mingle and dance. Later you join Seungmin and Rhiannon in the backyard, sitting around the fire pit with a couple of others.
The house is fucking packed. With the music so loud, people’s conversations sound more like shouting matches. You take another shot with Hyunjin and snack on some of the Halloween-themed food that was catered. There are several giant, soft pretzels shaped like spiders, stuffed peppers that look like Jack-O-Lanterns, witch hat shaped calzones, white chocolate covered strawberries that look like ghosts, cheese wrapped with prosciutto and a green olive in the center to make it look like an eyeball. You’re delighted with the selections you and the girls made. 
Eventually, you duck off from a conversation with Han (who, after two drinks is taking his role as Jack Sparrow a little too seriously), to head to the bathroom on the second floor. You bypass the yellow caution tape blocking upstairs to let everyone know it’s off limits, and head up. It’s dark and the lighting has been changed to red, making it feel extremely eerie. 
Once in the bathroom, you quickly relieve your bladder and wash your hands. When you’re done, you stay inside for a bit longer than necessary, just needing a moment of silence. You can still hear the music bumping and people chattering, but it feels calmer in here. You lean against the counter, check your makeup and adjust your costume. The corset is tight around your chest—but it does look good. You bounce, tipsy enough to giggle at the sight of your boobs jiggling in the mirror. 
There’s a knock at the door that snatches the laugh right out of you. 
“Yes?” You call out, wondering who it could be. The girls would have walked right in, but no one else should be up here. 
There’s no response, so you open the door, ready to tell off whoever it is. 
“Second floor is off—“
The first thing you see is a wolf’s snout. 
“What are you doing?” You ask Chan, shutting the light off to the bathroom. You place a hand on his chest and force him backwards into the hallway.
You move to drop your hand from his chest, but his fur clad hand stops you, keeping it in place. 
“Just making sure nobody else was up here,” he shrugs. 
He places his other hand on your waist and pulls you to him. 
“Hmmm,” you hum, looking up at him skeptically. “Did you find anyone?”
“This costume,” he switches gears and releases your wrist, not allowing you time to call him on his bullshit. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, but he’s not drunk.
His eyes trail down to your cleavage. He brings a hand up to trace lines back and forth across the top of your breasts with his finger.
“So you did wanna play dress up with me?” 
Your eyes drop to his fingers touching you. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of saying yes.
“It was Hyunjin’s idea,” you reply.
“Oh?” He cocks his head to the side. “Those are two different wolves though—from the three pigs and little red.”
“And?” You counter.
His hand slides up from your breasts to your neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. You are slowly growing accustom to the feel of this. You were shocked the first time he did it—there must have been an intense look of panic on your face because he eased up his grip and assured you he wouldn’t hurt you. It’s odd to think you trust him more sexually than in your everyday life, but he’s shown you enough when fucking you to let you know it’s all meant to be pleasurable in some way—sometimes for both of you, sometimes just for one of you. 
“You guys never clarified what wolf I am,” he says.
His hand drops from your neck to yank down the fabric and reveal one of your breasts. You look down the hall, a look of shock plastered to your face, but there’s no one in sight. He doesn’t seem like he would care, even if there was. When your eyes meet with his again, he’s staring right back at you. Daring you to protest.
He pushes the wolf head off and it falls to his back. His dark, curly hair is stuck to his forehead after having it on for so long. You lean back instinctively as he lowers his head to take your nipple in his mouth and let out a surprised gasp. 
“Chan,” you say, gripping his bare waist. 
He swirls his tongue around your nipple and bites it, eliciting another gasp from you. He releases your nipple and stands up straight, cupping your breast as he makes a declaration you’ll never forget.
“I wanna be Red’s wolf.”
No smirk, no smile…it doesn’t feel like he’s joking or teasing you. Does he mean it?
Your hand shoots up to his neck lightning fast, pulling him down and crashing your lips to his. He spins you both around so your back is now against the wall as he kisses you. You roll your body, pressing your hips against his as his tongue clashes with yours. 
He leans back for a moment, biting his furry glove with his hand to pull it off so his hand can feel you completely. When his lips are on yours again, his other hand takes hold of your neck once more, squeezing it as you slip your tongue in his mouth and he sucks it in further.
With his now glove free hand, he lowers it to rub at your fishnet covered thighs. His hand inches higher beneath the hem of the dress until it’s right between your legs. But then he freezes.
He breaks the kiss, still gripping your neck. His thumb rests on one side, pointer finger directly on your chin, and the other three are on the opposite side. He pushes your head up, pressing your head to the wall as you both catch your breath.
“Is shark week over yet?” He asks, cupping your pussy. 
You start to repeat the phrase back to him, but chuckle as the realization hits you. The last three days you had been with him you were nearing the end of ‘shark week’ as he just called it. He had kept his distance, for the most part, aside from an impromptu morning blowjob before he trotted off to class on Tuesday. 
“Yes,” you breathe in response. 
His thumb and pointer finger squeeze your jaw, lowering your head and allowing him to recapture your lips. He resumes moving his other hand, hooking two fingers between the fishnets and the side of your underwear. He sucks on your bottom lip as his fingers rub your pussy, feeling how wet you are. He groans into your mouth as his fingers circle between your lips.
“I wanna fuck you so bad, Red,” he says, breaking the kiss once again.
He withdraws his fingers and brings them up to his mouth, popping them right inside and sucking your juices off. You watch him through lustful eyes, loving how fond he is of your taste. He’s not even remotely communicative with you but in these small moments you share, you understand all you need.  
He pulls his other glove off and tosses it aside before dropping to his knees in front of you and bringing both hands to where the fishnets are at your crotch, poised to rip them apart. 
“Chan!” You yell, grabbing his wrists. “I’ve only gotten to wear this for three hours, the party isn’t even over yet.”
“So?” He says, breaking his wrists free of your hands with ease. 
“So, relax.” You say, taking hold of his wrists again. “And wait.”
He drops his hands and sits back on his heels, looking up at you. With only the red light illuminating the hallway, his gaze feels ravenous. Perhaps he does not like you telling him what to do. You second guess your word choice…maybe you should have added a please in there. You shift your weight from one foot to the other as his continued silence makes you anxious. 
When his hands move back to your thighs, you don’t even try to stop him this time. Resisting is futile. You always give in to the pleasure. They slide up beneath the hem of the dress again, but instead of ripping them, he respectfully finds the waistband of the fishnets. His eyes never leave yours as he hooks his finger inside them and slowly pulls them down, dragging your underwear with it. 
You bite your lip to keep from smiling. So maybe he disregarded the part about waiting, but he did at least grant your request to not rip them. He has a smug look on his face, seeing your reaction. You avert your gaze down the hall, wanting to check that the coast is clear but also wanting to keep him from seeing how much of an affect a small act of kindness from him makes you feel. 
The hallway is still empty. 
You look back to Chan and pull your dress up and out of the way. He uses one hand to keep the fishnets and underwear pulled down as the other guides your leg over his shoulder. And as soon as he leans forward, taking your pussy in his mouth, you know you wouldn’t fucking care if the entire party walked up here right now.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you roll your hips, pushing your pussy against his face so he can properly devour you. The music downstairs is muffled, but still mostly drowns out the sound of him slurping you up. He replaces his mouth with his fingers, playing in your wetness. He uses his thumb to rub circles around your clit as you grip his hair with your free hand. 
“Fuuuck,” he drawls, pressing his thumb against you harder, watching your hips move in response. He slips his fingers inside of you and swaps his thumb and mouth again. 
Your eyes snap open at his words and your hand forces his face against your pussy even more. You had already declared you belong to him the first time he fucked you. Hearing him say it, hearing him claim you drives you wild. 
His fingers pump in and out of you rapidly as his tongue licks up and down your pussy. You put your head back against the wall, moaning at all the feelings. His fingers inside of you, his mouth on you, being in the hallway where anyone could come up and see you. But most of all, being his. 
“Please, Chan,” you say, feeling so fucking turned on you think you might burst.
He detaches his mouth and stands up, causing your leg to fall from his shoulder, and reclaims your mouth. You can taste yourself on his lips as his fingers keep thrusting into you. His other hand finds it way back to your neck, squeezing it harder than before. 
“Please what?” He asks, lips pressed against yours.
You keep your eyes on his as your hips fuck his fingers back, whimpering. You reach your hands between you, undoing the button on his jeans and pushing the zipper down. You slip a hand beneath the waistband of his boxers and grip his cock, feeling how hard he is.
“I need you,” you force out with his hand still around your neck and he grins. 
He knows how he makes you feel and he loves it. Seeing you desperate and needy, begging him to fuck you. 
Before he has a chance to, you see someone step onto the landing from the corner for your eye. The thought of being caught and the reality of it are two very different things. 
Chan reacts so quickly, turning to shield you, lowering his hand from you neck to pull your dress up and cover your breasts. You drop your dress and pull your fishnets and underwear back up. You peek over his shoulder to see who’s come up.
It’s Han. 
He sees you two, but he doesn’t say anything. He opens the door and walks into his room, but a moment later his head pops back out, adorned with his pirates hat and he throws a grin in your direction. You flip him the middle finger and he disappears fully into his room.
You press your head to Chan’s chest. Maybe he does care about people seeing you exposed and he just talks a big game. You don’t want to ask, though. He might just take it as a challenge. 
You lean your head back to look up at him and he chuckles, wrapping his hand around your back and pressing your hips against his. You can still feel the bulge of his cock.
“Let’s go back downstairs,” you say, taking a step away from him as you come back to your right state of mind. You need to clear your head—maybe get another drink, maybe get some fresh air. 
“Will you stay with me Sunday?” He asks suddenly, pulling his zipper back up.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. You hadn’t expected him to concede so easily, nor ask you to stay with him. You had yet to spend a Sunday with him. In all honestly, you didn’t think he cared much for you to be there. But maybe he’s only asking since he didn’t get to fuck you during the week and feels like he needs to make up for lost time or something. 
“Maybe,” you reply.
Sunday is your day. It would mean a lot, to you, for you to choose to stay with him. What would it mean to him? 
He buttons his pants as you pick up his discarded gloves from the ground and hold them out to him. 
“Maybe?” He repeats skeptically, eyeing you as he accepts the gloves with one hand. 
His other hand—the one that had been inside you—he brings to his lips and sucks his first three fingers into his mouth one by one. He’s silent as he puts the gloves back on, mulling over your answer. 
“Okay,” he finally says. 
“Okay?” You repeat him this time. 
The dark look in his eyes makes you feel as though it’s not okay.
“Sure,” his tone is now sickly sweet and you find it unnerving. “I’ll be back down in a sec.”
The keg in the basement has been tapped already. Changbin and Chan work to move the one from the backyard down there with the help of a few other guys. It looks like a disaster waiting to happen and you don’t want to watch. You spot one of your friends that you stayed with after the breakup hanging in the kitchen and talk with her for a bit. You let her know you’re fine and have found a place to stay—sparing the specifics, of course. 
All the housemates and a good majority of the guests crowd around the living room as Felix MC’s, to hand out best costume awards. Much to your chagrin, Changbin, Lee Know and Seungmin win best group. Some guy dressed as Elton John in his bedazzled LA Dodger outfit wins most like the original. A girl with a literal UFO floating above her head and lights streaming down wins most creative. Sexiest female goes to a girl dressed as a skimpy Mario. Sexiest male costume goes to none other than Chan—he celebrates by taking two shots back to back. You’re close enough to notice a small dribble that’s trickled down to his abdomen and you’re tempted to get on your knees and lick it off in front of everyone.
After the prizes—gift cards and alcohol—are handed out, the crowd disburses throughout the house. You stay in the living room with Hyunjin and Felix as Felix gets the music going again. 
Hyunjin wraps his arm around your waist, holding you to his side as Despacito plays. He’s smiling down at you with glossy eyes and you can tell he’s definitely had a couple cups of the Changbin-spiked punch.
“Dance with me,” he says.
“Hell no,” you spit back, shaking your head. “I’m not anywhere near drunk enough for that.”
“Well, drink up,” he says, moving your hand with the cup to your mouth. 
You take a large gulp but still shake your head again. He takes the cup from you and finishes it off, sitting it on the table next to Felix. You protest as he pulls you to the middle of the living room where others are dancing. You’re struck with a wave of embarrassment, covering your face as he dances around you. He moves freely and easily to the beat, tongue caught between his teeth with a smile. He stops behind you and puts his hands on your hips, moving you from side to side with him. 
He spins you in a circle, then brings you back against him, rocking his hips backwards and forwards to the music, guiding yours in sync with his, holding you firmly to him. You want to feel mortified, but you’re smiling and laughing. You’re enjoying yourself. As you always do with him. He wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling your back flush against his chest and kisses your neck.
“Y/n?” You hear your name called and as your eyes snap up to the person who said it your smile immediately drops.
Your ex. 
Hyunjin still has his arms around your shoulder, holding you against him, but he stops moving and looks up at your mood killer too. 
“Who’s that?” He asks.
“My ex,” you tell him. He straightens up, but doesn’t remove his arms from you. 
Your ex walks closer to you, not even glancing at Hyunjin behind you.
“Can we talk?” He asks. 
You’re hesitant. You don’t walk to speak to him, not now when you’re having such a good time.  You also don’t want to cause a scene, though.
You tap Hyunjin’s arm around your shoulder and he releases you. You gesture for you ex to follow you and lead him through the kitchen to the backyard. There are people out here too, but it’s not as crowded. You fan yourself when you hit the fresh air—you hadn’t realized how hot it had gotten inside with all the people, combined with the alcohol and dancing. 
“What’s going on with you?” He asks in an accusatory manner. 
“Nothing?” You respond, not sure what he means. 
“I saw you a few weeks ago with one guy, now you’re dancing up on some other dude?”
“You keep asking these questions as if you’re entitled to answers,” you snap at him. “You wanted to break up with me. You wanted to see other people. You don’t get to say shit about what I do.” You step closer to him and jab your finger into his chest each time you say ‘you’. 
“Is this where you’re living now, then?”
You sigh, shaking your head. 
“Listen, I think closure would be good here…but this is not the way.”
“I told you I wasn’t looking for closure.”
You let out a wry laugh.
“I’m not going to sit around waiting for you, if that’s what you’re wanting. I’m single. I’ll do whatever and whomever I want.”
His jaw clenches as he glares at you. 
“And I have no intention of ever being with you again.” You add. “So, either leave me alone and enjoy yourself at the party or get the fuck out if that’s too hard for you to do.”
You throw your hands up at him and shake your head before opening the sliding glass door and walking back into the house. He follows you inside, grabbing you by the arm to stop you before you reach the living room. You turn to face him, snatching your arm back. 
“So you give me shit about wanting to see other people, but now you’re living in a house with these frat bros?” He arches an eyebrow.
You shrug. He becomes more annoyed at your response. 
“You’re fucking them aren’t you?” He spits, stepping closer to you, leaning down so you can hear him over the loud music. He grabs you by the arm again, dragging you to him.
You put a hand on his chest and struggle to push him away, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. You’re certain the music is still blaring, but it suddenly feels extremely quiet.
“You’re fucking all eight of these squinty-eyed motherfu—“
Your fist connecting with his jaw cuts him off. You don’t know what’s come over you to react in such a physical way, but you’d be damned if you let him finish that sentence. 
The next few moments happen in a blur.
He yanks you closer, seething, as he opens his mouth to say more disprectful shit. But someone wraps their arm around your waist and pulls you away from him and at the same time, someone else shoves your ex. Then Chan is standing between you and him, facing your ex. You can’t clearly hear what he’s saying over the music and the erratic beating of your heart, but they look to be exchanging some heated words. Your ex looks furious with Chan in his face, acting like the literal big, bad wolf. 
You look back to see who’s grabbed you—it’s Seungmin. He’s holding you close, but his eyes are locked on Chan, waiting to see if he needs to get involved. 
Hyunjin and Felix come into the dining room amidst the commotion. He walks behind your ex and places a hand on his shoulder. Your ex shoves his hand off, says one last remark to Chan then storms out of the room. Hyunjin follows behind him to make sure he leaves. Felix puts a hand on Chan’s chest to keep him from following. He forces Chan to look him in the eye to hear whatever he’s saying. 
Changbin storms in, coming from the basement a little too late, but still looking ready for a confrontation. All while dressed as Mary Sanderson. The sight sends you into an immediate fit of laughter. 
The partygoers go back to their own conversation as Changbin approaches you, Chan, Felix and Seungmin. 
“Why didn’t you ride your vacuum?” Seungmin says to him. “You would have gotten here sooner.”
“He’s lucky I was late,” he huffs. 
Chan turns away from Felix to face you and Seungmin releases you from his grasp.
“You okay?” Chan asks, softly. 
“I’m fine,” you tell him, wiping at a stray tear as you regain your composure.  
Chan lifts your chin up with a finger so you’re looking him in the eyes, possibly wanting to make sure the tears are from laughing. 
You nod your head, reassuring him. 
“Nice job, slugger,” Seungmin says, ruffling the top of your hair. You swat him away and wince as your hand comes in contact with his arm. He laughs at your pain. “I’ll get some ice.”
He disappears behind you towards the fridge. 
Chan gently takes your hand in his and brings it up for inspection as you weakly wiggle your fingers. 
“Can you make a fist?”
You squeeze your hand together the best you can but it becomes painful before you can make a complete fist. 
You hear Chan take a deep breath. He closes his eyes, hand still holding yours. 
“Tell me I shouldn’t go after him,” his eyes snap back open and they are brimming with rage. 
“Don’t,” you plead. 
“I wouldn’t lose,” he says, rubbing his thumb across your fingers. He’s here, physically, in front of you, but it seems like his mind is already out the door. 
“He’s not worth it,” you shake your head. 
He readjusts the wolf on his head and nods, as if trying to convince himself you’re right. 
“Go to Seungmin, put some ice on it.”
He lets go of your hand and heads for the basement with Changbin.
You’ve apologized profusely to the members and the other assignees, hoping the altercation with your ex hadn’t put a damper on the night. They assure you it’s alright—they all seem more concerned that you’re okay, and it makes you feel warm and cared for.
The house has mostly emptied, Seungmin and Jeongin are getting the last few stragglers out. Changbin and Hyunjin are supposed to be helping clean but Changbin, drunk off his spiked punch, is cradling Hyunjin’s face in his hands and loudly alternating between calling him the cutest piglet he’s ever seen and asking him to ‘oink’. Hyunjin is cackling, trying to squirm away from his touch, but he’s no match for Changbin’s strength.
Chan, Jeongin and Han come up from the basement and shut the light off behind them. 
“Everyone’s clear from down there,” Han says, removing his pirate hat.
Chan has his arm around Jeongin’s neck as Jeongin supports his stumbling steps. 
“…and that’s why you’re my baby,” Chan is saying to Jeongin.
“Okay, hyung, okay. I’m your baby forever,” Jeongin is smiling widely, amused.
He must not get to see their chapter president like this often. 
You’ve never seen him like this. 
“Y/n,” he says with a smile when his eyes fall on you.
He shakes free of Jeongin and walks to you.
“What did you do to him down there?” You ask.
“We had to keep him from going after that guy—he’s at least responsible enough to not drive drunk,” Han tells you. 
His words give you some pause. You would never want to condone any further violence, but…had Chan been ready and willing to fight over you? 
Chan hugs you from behind, head hanging over your shoulder.
“You should probably take him upstairs,” Felix says, taking the stack of paper plates you’ve amassed and tossing them into the trash bag he’s holding. 
You step to the side and drape Chan’s arm around your neck, holding on to it with one hand as the other holds him by the waist. 
He lets you walk him up the stairs, giggling to himself as he concentrates on taking one step after the other. 
“Do not fucking fall. I’m telling you right now I can’t save you,” you warn him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he giggles again, putting his other hand on the rail to grip as he walks.
Once in his room, finally, you ease him onto his bed and he immediately splays out flat on his back. You kneel on the bed to get his costume off and he lets you remove his gloves, and vest without putting up a fight. However, when you get off the bed to place them on the dresser, he protests
“Come here with me,” he whines. 
“You need to sleep it off, Chan.” You tell him, softly.
“No,” he pouts, sitting up on the bed, swaying. He looks like he’s concentrating every fiber of his being on holding steady. “Come here.” 
There’s more demand to his voice the second time. You sigh and walk towards the bed.
“Don’t do that,” he chides.
“Do what?”
He mimics your sigh.
“Like you hate me or something. Don’t hate me,” he turns to look at you with sad eyes and pout once again firmly in place on his lips. 
“I don’t hate you,” you tell him truthfully, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you sit next to him on the bed. “You’re just always so hot and cold with me. I don’t know how to be or feel when I’m around you. I’m in a perpetual state of conflicting confusion with you.”
You choose to be honest with him about your emotions. You do want him to know how it feels, but you also wonder if he’ll even remember any of this tomorrow.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, leaning to the side to rest his head on your shoulders. “I have to be this way, y/n.”
You furrow your brow at his response. Why on earth would he have to be this way to you? You shake him off of you and he sits back up on his own, leaving his head hanging. 
“Why, Chan?” You ask angrily. He doesn’t budge. “Chan. Look at me!”
Your sharp tone of voice causes his head to snap up.
“Why?” You ask again, softer this time. 
“It’s just easier this way…I don’t think I cou—“ he starts but trails off and shakes head, unable to finish.
“Chan, please,” you plead with him. “How is this easier? Easier than what?”
He shrugs and places his head in his hand. A silence falls over the room as you wait to see if he will respond. He doesn’t, and it angers you. 
“Why would you choose me,” you start slowly, “if you’re so determined to treat me like an object you own when everyone else in this house can be both friends and lovers, fuck buddies, whatever the hell you want to call it with their assignee. Why is it so fucking hard for you?”
“I couldn’t let you end up with anyone else,” he says, words muffled by his hands.
You sigh. Again. You’re desperate to know what he means, to get some kind of clue about why he keeps you at arms length. Why he wants your full submission but refuses to let you get closer to him. You wish he were sober. It's even more frustrating that even when he’s drunk, he’s not spilling out helpful information. It’s the most of an explanation you’ve ever gotten out of him, though, but talking to him like these feels useless. He’s too heavily guarded. 
He looks up again and turns to face you.
“Stay with me tonight?” 
What is he trying to do to you? It’s the second time tonight he’s asked you to stay with him. And the way he looks right now, annoyingly adorable, you want nothing more than to grant his wish. But it’s infuriating to think that this isn’t the real him. Or if it is, why the fuck can’t sober Chan be the same? If you give in to him like this, after he’s explained nothing yet expects everything from you, you will lose even more of yourself. 
You find logical ways to justify your shared intimacy and lack of anything else, telling yourself that it’s part of the gig as an in-house stay. But what happens if you start to choose him and his behavior doesn’t change? Will you become upset if he continues to treat you the same?
“It’s Saturday,” you say finally, standing from the bed. 
He pouts again.
“It’s Sunday, actually.” He corrects you. 
He stands, taking a moment to catch his balance. He reaches for your hand and brings you towards him. He rubs his finger over the back of your knuckles. The pain from the punch earlier had mostly subsided after icing it.
You think back to Chan’s actions in the kitchen, how he immediately sprung to your defense. It’s as if he wants to be the only one who can get away with mistreating you. 
“We’ll just sleep. Stay with me.” He asks again, bringing your hand to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on it. Your stomach flutters at the sight. 
“No,” you say defiantly, shaking your head. “That’s not how it works.”
“It works how we decide it works,” he counters, placing his hands on your hips and looking down at you. 
“No, Chan…not like this.”
“Fine,” he mumbles, dropping his hands from you. 
He turns away from you and walks towards the corner of the room—to your bed. He grabs your pillow and hugs it to his chest as he walks back to his bed. 
He’s acting like the cutest fucking brat you’ve ever seen and yet you still want to slap his face. How had his parents put up with this? Maybe shipping him off to the states for school had been in their best interest. He would have been a handful, and spoiled rotten. You can almost guarantee it.
He climbs into his bed, holding your pillow as he gets comfortable. You stand watching him. You want to go to him. You want to curl up behind him, to hold him. To share a bed with him for the first time. But you can’t keep setting yourself up for failure. If you do that tonight, what happens tomorrow? He won’t treat you any different and you’ll be upset you let yourself fall for it. 
“Goodnight, Chan,” you say, turning for the door. 
He grunts in response as you turn the light off and exit the room.
On your way downstairs, you stop to listen and see if anyone is still cleaning in the kitchen but it’s dead quiet so you continue to Hyunjin’s room. You make it back to the room and see he’s already knocked out. You contemplate waking him up but decide against it. Any mood you had for fooling around is gone. 
You rid yourself of your costume piece by piece and climb into bed with Hyunjin in just your underwear and a shirt. His body adjusts to your presence, as it always does, and you snuggle in to him. What started as a promising night that could have ended with some fun—with either Hyunjin or Chan—turned out to be quite the opposite.
[ read chapter 10 here ]
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a/n: I am struggling so much to keep Chan in check. I want him to just give in an be the bestest boy ever, but then it'll be a rush and the story will end sooner. So, let's ride this out together.
taglist: @iflmho / @skzstaykatsy / @blackhairandbangs / @ayoitschannie / @idunnomanmynamewastaken / @charmer-c / @ihatemen55 / @channiesprincess / @channniesslefttt / @jiwoos-babygirl / @krayzieestay / @kayleefriedchicken / @sunnyhonie / @cotton-candycloudz / @lubsungie / @conwunder / @puckmaidens / @ashleighland / @hyunjiinnnn / @bmnyy / @ihrtlix / @maqqiekwon / @hynxnelly / @teti-menchon0604
429 notes · View notes
starlostastronaut · 4 months
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PAIRING: stray kids x reader
GENRE: fluff, headcanons
CW: reader is called princess in changbin's, they are all whipped af and spoil their partner to the maximum
a little late, but here we are! just a few headcanons on how i think stray kids would spend valentine's day with you! also using this as a thank you gift for you, because we reached 222 followers which i'm so thankful for ❤️ enjoy reading <3
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apologizes days in advance because he will be probably busy because of comeback deadlines
has flowers delivered for you multiple time throughout the day with little notes that say how much he loves you
spends two hours on a video call with you to make up for it
when you come home in the evening, there's a candlelit dinner waiting for you
chan is already there, taking off your coat like a gentleman
"i'm sorry i couldn't be with you today but i was preparing a surprise"
this man-
he spend the whole day in the studio making a song for you
when he plays it, you tear up a bit
absolutely will slowdance with you in the living room to the song he wrote for you
acts like he forgot it
"do you know what today is?" "wednesday. why?"
he asks you to meet him for breakfast like any casual day
what you don't know that while you're getting breakfast together, he has a secret agent jisung at your place packing your bags
instead of driving you to the school/work how he promised, you end up on the airport
he booked you a two-day vacation in japan
you can't believe it but it is really not a joke
you pretend to be mad
but the moment you arrive at your destination you're just excited for everything that awaits you
starts planning two weeks in advance because he has to beat last year
a two hour long videoconference with wooyoung happened to determine the best valentine's day surprise for you
he has it all planned out
he messages you first thing in the morning to wish you happy valentine's and to tell you he loves you
in the afternoon, he picks up from school/work and you go to your favourite shop
"i'm buying today, pick anything you want princess"
then he prepared a romantic picnic at the han river to end the day together
chan had to talk him out of arranging fireworks for you
the week before valentine's day you barely see him
he was busy painting a portrait to give to you as a gift (he painted the photo of you and him that you have as a phone background)
despite being the resident romantic, hyunjin believes simple and intimate is more than grand gestures
which is why he prepares a seemingly simple dinner with candles and wine
and then it's time for the second present, a set of sexy red lingerie you've been eyeing for a while
it's worth mentioning that the dinner is soon forgotten in favour of other activities
decides to surprise you
instead of simple dinner and flowers he plans a romantic walk to the restaurant
spoiler alert: he gets lost
most of the date is you finding your way back to where you know it
he keeps apologizing but you're having so much fun
it feels like a romantic adventure that has a treasure (dinner) waiting for you
plus you get to hold his hand the whole time because he's scared you'll get separated
you make it to the restaurant an hour and half later and they somehow haven't canceled your reservation, so you can enjoy your dinner
few days later you're already making jokes about the experience, because it's a date you'll remember forever
princess treatment all day long
he wakes you up with breakfast in bed
how did he get into your place you still don't know
if it's a work/school day for you, he calls in sick for you so he can spend the whole day with you
it's one surprise after another since
chocolate, flowers, teddy bears... he has it all
he cooked for you and everything
you don't even have to lift a finger, he will do anything you ask him to
just showers you in his love the whole day
definitely makes one of those cheesy valetine's day instagram posts
he was never the one to make a huge deal out of valentine's day, a simple bouquet or chocolate is usually enough
that is until he learns you never had the proper valentine's day experience
he will go out of his way to make sure you get everything there possibly is for your first valentine's day with him
halfway through planning everything he realizes it's pointless since he doesn’t know if you would like it, so he sticks to what he knows
of course he gets you flowers and chocolate, that's a must
but instead of planning anything elaborate, he simply asks what you want to do
in comparision to other members it might be simple, but you spend the whole day doing your favourite activity with seungmin
scared of both overdoing it and not doing enough
it's his first valentine's day with you, he needs to deliver
asks every single one of his hyungs for advice
ends up taking you the the amusement park
insists on winning the biggest plushie for you
this soon turns into a competition
so now you're alone, anxiously watching the hour pass by while you run from stand to stand trying to win more plushies that jeongin will
when the time is up you meet again and compare your numbers
you won by the difference of two plushies
he complains about the amount of plushies and doesn’t know what to do with them
all of them end up displayed on his bed or somewhere else in his room if they're too big
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taglist: (red means i couldn't tag you) @stayconnecteed @bbybearcubbs @kmgfeels @kpopjackie @Aokay1010 @babyphotos0325 @hyunjinshairband7 @feybin @hanjsquokka @stzatzch @palindrome969 @bbokari711 @nujeskz @caitlyn98s @freyjhasdesiredreality @chlodavids @watermelon-mess @kayleefriedchicken @phantombabyy @angelsquid @Jisungsbammey @kangyeonie @lakoya @rylea08 @cookiesandcreammy @kirakombat @azuna-sz @nattisbored @sophias-grove @boldy-49 @traumamama222 @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @btskzfav @missmajdastark @oddracha
@lolareadsimagines @vegetablesarefuntables @urfavblondy @ssozzuu @mitchii
©starlostastronaut 2024 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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oddinarylani · 10 months
'we hardly ever hug' w/ best friend skz
w: angst in lee know's part, anxiety in felix's
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your ears perk at the sound of the door knob rattling but your eyes remain fixed at your laptop screen curiously. eyes flutter over word after word on the document, making a quick adjustment to a phrase, then returning to reading over. it was a vicious cycle really for editors - and this was your seventh piece to edit this week, and it was only wednesday.
the sun had set hours ago, and only the quiet rumbling of a passing storm could be heard besides the quiet shuffling of chan entering your shared apartment. your ears hadn’t perked to sound in hours, and when your eyes filter over the time in the corner of your laptop screen, they widen a bit, now realizing how late it's truly gotten. 
“hey.” you greet happily as his form invades your vision. he’s slumped, shoulders sagging a bit and dark rings have formed around his eyes further creating tender purple lines stemming from them. maybe you had noticed it over the past few days and just not said anything (or maybe your brain truly was beginning to melt into some slushy matter from non stop editing for work) or maybe it was particularly showing today, but chan was starting to look bad again. your heart aches slightly at the sight. 
“hey.” he says quietly, yawning as he makes way to the fridge, eyes filtering over it’s contents and finally reaching for the water bottle he was looking for that took him far too long to notice. “how was your day?” he asks, his eyes melting into a softer gaze as he turns to look at your curled form at your shared kitchen table, cracking the seal on the cap of his bottle. 
“you’re looking at it.” you laugh tiredly, your own gaze finds the mess of a few coffee cups and a couple of breakfast bar wrappers alongside a coffee stained napkin with a pretty brown ring in the middle of it. “nothing too special. i made it to book seven though.” your fingers scroll through your latest progress, knowing full well now that you were coming to a stop for the night. 
“oh wow… seriously? you’ve been at it for that long?” you nod, chan’s lips twinge to the side at the sight of your tired eyes. 
“what about you? what’d you do today?” you ask, making a move to stand to prepare a snack before bed. 
chan sighs deeply, his shoulder bumping into the wall as he makes a sloppy move to lean into it’s surface. he’s slow to start talking about his day, but you listen intently and quietly, giving him all the more room to rant. as you listen, you can’t help but hope that some of the weight on his shoulders is lifted. he talks about pressure from the company, a never ending viciousness of a love-hate relationship. he knows he’s been working extremely hard lately, it feels like more than he’s ever done before, but he can’t bring himself to stop. not when the pressure of performance and appearances weighs too greatly on him. not when fans were waiting for the next schedule, the next comeback, the next taste of artistry. it was the least he could do for them, was share what he loved so greatly. so he’d go above and beyond in providing - even if it meant sacrificing pieces of himself. 
for a moment you think he’s going to cry, which breaks your heart further. your snack is abandoned, instead he has your full undivided attention and and ever softening gaze looking right through him. 
“i don’t know. just feels like i need a big hug right now. that’d help.” he attempts at laughing off his grief, setting his water bottle down on the counter and making a move to grab his discarded work bag. “well,” he slows his movements only by a hair at the sound of your voice. “come here then.” you smile softly. “i could use it too.” 
when he turns around, his eyes are wrinkled handsomely into a soft smile and he waddles over with arms spread. you wrap an arm around his shoulders and another around his waist, embracing him as full as possible. chan goes for a similar movement, his hands softly rubbing at your back as he settles into your embrace. the press of his body against yours is nice, and it was altogether a foreign feeling you wished wasn’t so foreign. chris was your best friend, it was strange you didn’t hug more. 
“y’know we’ve only hugged like 3 times in our entire friendship.” you mutter against the fabric of his hoodie. he laughs, lightly swaying you side to side as he does so. “i was just thinking the same thing actually.” 
“why don’t we hug more this is nice.” you close your eyes for a moment to take in the feeling. the warmth of a friend, the protection you felt from him that you hoped he also felt, and the sleepiness that was washing over you softly. “i don’t know… we should more often.” you can’t see his smile, but you can sure hear it in his gently muffled voice. 
𝓵𝓮𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀.↴
for the third time in the span of a few hours, you curl further into yourself and hide away neat into the comfort of your bed, and push your hands to your eyes - tears, yet again, beginning to flow freely down the rounds of your cheeks. it’s pitiful, really. you think to yourself. that this is the third time this evening you’re crying and that you can’t manage to scoop yourself up and maintain some level of productivity before calling it a night. but maybe, the small voice in the back of your head reminds, you’re just being a little hard on yourself, and you’re allowed to cry. 
the confines of your bed begin to feel hot, but you can’t bring yourself to get out - instead your head swarms with your grief and intermingles with the heat - creating a dangerous tincture. your mind glosses over the thought of your roommate being able to hear you, in fact you completely disregard the notion. 
a quick few taps at your door bring you to face a little clarity. you sit up slowly with the push of your hand to your mattress, and call out, “yeah?” 
“can i come in?” minho asks, his hand resting on the knob to await your clearance. you confirm, a bit weak, a bit sad, and he bites at his inner cheek as he makes way inside. 
he must’ve just showered; he brings in a clean scent with him and his skin looks nice and glowy. you wipe at your face quickly, huffing out a breath in attempts to stabilize your voice. minho beats you to speaking as he sits on the edge of your bed. “what’s wrong?” he asks softly, looking over your splotchy features with curious eyes. 
“a-ah…” you shake your head, unable to meet his eyes so you instead focus your eyes on your hands and the surface of your comforter. “i know you don’t like comforting people so, you don’t have to worry. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
he drags out his voice, claiming nonsense - which earns him a slight smile from you. “we’re friends, you can tell me.” he assures. 
you sigh once, adjusting your sitting, then proceed to tell him about your most recent falling out with your friend from school. he knew their name well, his face settling into a sort of unimpressed expression from the start; which yet again earns him a smile from you. it wasn’t a great end - a  video sent in explanation of their lack of boundaries that you were tearful through, and years of memories now down the drain. your lip wobbles at the end of it, and your hands focus on fidgeting. 
“i-it just… it makes me really upset.” when tears fall down your cheeks again, his brows melt as does his expression, and he leans up and opens his arms. “come here.” he urges. you shake your head, “no no no, i know you don’t like physical conta-” “it’s okay, just come here.” he smiles gently. 
you swallow, scooting forward on your bed to wrap your arms around his waist, the side of your face resting in the junction of his shoulder and chest. his arms wrap around you and you feel totally enveloped in a kind of odd safety. you’d only hugged minho a handful of times, maybe. and while the feeling was new, it was also refreshing. 
“you’re so warm, you need to take a cool shower. it’s too hot in here.” his hands smooth over your back a few times, and the vibration of his gentle voice lulls you into a newfound peace. his hold is gentle - not tight like some people hugged, just light - but it brought a sense of comfort over you you didn’t expect. 
“i think i can count the number of times we’ve hugged on one hand.” you chuckle, adjusting your cheek against his shoulder, bringing your arms up higher on his waist.
“enjoy it now, you won’t get it again.”
get home soon, loser. i don’t wanna remind u again that i miss you dude.
of course you do. i’m your funniest friend, i bet you’ve been sooooo bored since i’ve been gone. 
i’m gonna kill you when i see you again, fr. 
then who would you have around to be your funniest hottest bff?
i’ll start taking applications now for ur replacement.
you chuckle a short evil laugh, tossing your phone on your bed as you make way to your bathroom to start your shower. changbin had been gone now for some months on tour, and with busy schedules and time differences, you hadn’t all the time in the world to chat like you used to. but now with them returning, you were planning on surprising him at the dorms when the guys came back from the airport. as a testament to your long glorious friendship, you’d made it a point to remind him of his bestie back home and had sent him flowers to his hotel one night after a concert in vienna - as you tie your hair back you think back fondly to his spam texts of that night. 
you’re quick in the shower, and when you step out, a toothbrush in your cheek and sweatpants pulled on half-hazardly, you hear a ding from your phone and your brow quirks at the sound. 
didn’t know you got a new door mat while i was gone.
your brows furrow at the text - and the speed at which you toss your toothbrush from your cheek and rinse your mouth to bolt towards the door was thoroughly impressive to say the least. “no way no way no way-” you mumble to yourself as you slip on a t-shirt before throwing open your apartment door, seeing changbin in all of his sleepy glory at your door, a face mask pulled to his chin. 
“bin!” you say affectionately, throwing your arms around him tight. “hey!” he greets back, just as happily, lifting you from the ground as his big arms circle your back. you laugh at his antics, holding on as tight as possible, who knew when you’d get the opportunity again?
“when’s the last time we’ve hugged?” you question as he sets you down, your hands come to rest on his upper arms as you both part, his own resting on your upper back. “i don’t remember, just enjoy this will you?” he scolds playfully, squeezing you once more. 
“oh! i got you something.” he pulls away again to reach for a small bouquet of flowers that rest against the wall and floor in the hallway, handing them to you. “payment for vienna.”
“y’know how lucky you are that i let you drag me here?” your eyes focus on nowhere in particular, washing over the bodies at the party, finding some of the guys intermingled and talking to other artists of the party. while it wasn’t crazy by any means, mostly glamorous what with all the designer clothes and such, it was a social outing nonetheless. you were still very thankful for the invite and opportunity to join the boys at a company party as big as this. “it’s because you love me so much.” hyunjin looks over the rim of his drink, a sassy squinting look shot your way before he takes a sip and runs a hand through his hair. 
your relationship with hyunjin was one that had spanned many years; you still hold onto fond memories of him when you were two little bratty kids, running around in playgrounds and stomping in rain puddles. to an innocent bystander, it seemed as though you might’ve hated each other, but there was a deeper understanding to it all that only you both understood. the constant roasting and bantering was your favorite part of your friendship. it was all in good fun. 
besides, how much could you really complain when you were dressed nice (not out of your own pocket, thanks hyunjin) with a drink in hand and good company. and then the games started. it actuality, they were pretty fun, that was until two hands planted themselves on hyunjin’s back and pushed him into the center of the activities, promptly taking you with him as he grabbed your hand. you make an unceremoniously peeved expression at hyunjin, boy would he get ever the earful after whatever it was you two were about to do. 
“i take back every time i’ve ever said i loved you.” you side whisper to him, to which he rolls his eyes and chuckles behind his hand. “you love me so much what are you saying.”
you’re quickly explained the rules of the round; choosing between a 60 second moment of eye contact or a 6o second embrace. you’re quick to speak up, “i can’t look him in the face. i’ll laugh.” you notice briefly some of the other members laughing quietly. when you turn back to hyunjin he has an abhorrent look on his face, ever the drama queen. “i don’t want to hug you either, though.” he snickers. “i think we have to, come here.” you turn your body to face his, opening your arms for him to walk into. he groans in protest, but wraps his arms around you nonetheless.
you rest your cheek on his shoulder and hold him warmly, sighing into the comfort of the embrace. “when’s the last time we’ve hugged? i can’t remember.” you mutter against the fabric of his button-down. he hums, before resting his chin on your head. “i don’t know, must have been a while ago.” his voice is quiet, almost like you’re the only one who can hear it, it somewhat warms your heart despite the bickering and playful arguing that defined most of your friendship. 
his arms feel somewhere between solid and light around you. not too over encumbering, and not not holding you at all. he’s wearing a light fragrance with a true feminine edge and you’d never admit it to him (you would) but it felt really nice to hold hyunjin and to be held in return. the time is ticking down slowly, you’ve forgotten about the other people in the room for a moment, and when the timer goes off you squeeze him one last time before parting. 
“let’s never do that again.” he smooths his hair, a slight guiding hand on your upper arm to walk back to your spot at the edge of the crowd of people. you flash him a knowing smile, one he returns with ease. “yeah. never again.”
“dude! you almost had it, c’mon.” you jump giddily in your spot next to han, your hands wrap around the fronts of your calves as you pull your legs in tight. he groans, the agitated tapping of the controller alerts your ears as your eyes stay firmly fixed on the game on the screen. 
han had invited you over for the night to play the newest chapter of a video game, it was highly anticipated, and not just between the both of you but it seemed everyone and their mom’s were playing it at the moment - so naturally you got roped into it too. so far, the first three chapter had been amazing. lots of action, amazing graphics and animation, you were surprised to say the least as it drew in your attention seamlessly. and now here you were, on a friday night beside your best friend watching the newest tales in the story being told. 
“i knoooow,” he drawls, once again taking a potion as his character’s life began to drain from damage. “i can’t get past this part, there’s no way to block him.” he’s regained focus, teeth biting into his bottom lip as he leans a bit more forward with new purpose - a full health bar and the dwindling end of his enemy is beginning to peak over the horizon. 
your mouth rounds into an ‘oh’ like shape, nails digging into your legs as you keep watching. “you got one potion left, you’ll be fine, you got this.” you remain calm, which han is forever grateful for as his hands are starting to get sweaty on the controller with anxiety. 
“oh shit-” he perfected his timing on his character’s block, and in a few hits, the enemy was downed. your arms shoot up, “yes! DUDE i knew you’d do it.” han tosses hs controller to the side, and you both throw yourselves into each other’s arms with comity. han is cheery and excited and pats your back with excitement as you rock back and forth in each other’s arms. 
the excitement cools down as the loading screen for your character plays in the background, and you find yourself in a moment of quick thought in your friends arms. “i can’t even remember the last time we’ve hugged, haha.” you smooth a hand over his back as you both part. “yeah we never really hug, but i’ve never really noticed to be honest.” he snickers behind his hand, picking up the controller once more. “me neither!” 
𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝔁. ↴
your trembling hands reach blindly for your phone, your vision blurred and focused elsewhere in your bedroom. inside your skull pulsed a mush of ideas, a flurry of thoughts; moving so quickly in and out of your conscious brain that you couldn’t match them, there was no keeping up. there’s a strong tug at the back of your throat, not even swallowing soothed the ache. your vision registers more clearly when your phone vibrates as you mistype your password. you curse under your breath, stabilize the hold on your phone with two hands, and manage to find your texts with somewhat ease. 
there was one person you were looking for, one familiar sunshiney person you could always count on since you were both little. your hands stumble over words in the text you send him. 
hey, i’m not feeling too well rn. could i come over?
your teeth take your thumb nail between them, blood pools in your cuticle as you pick it. 
oh no :( how about i come over instead? i wouldn’t want you driving feeling bad
okay, let me know when you leave and get here. 
it’s soon that your thoughts are interrupted, and you hear the sound of your front door opening. in walks felix with a beanie and a mask on that he tugs to his chin. he calls your name, closing the door behind him quickly and locking it. you peak out from the hallway, forcing yourself to smile when you meet his eyes.
“hey.” you greet, somewhat breathlessly felix notes. he tugs off his beanie and mask, “hey, what’s wrong?”
you turn to walk back to your room, felix follows as he had many times. his presence alone soothes the ever growing unease in you, but still it grows. the anxiety.
“i’m…” you sit on your bed, pulling your sweatshirt down your hands. the godforsaken pull at the back of your throat reemerges, and you feel your eyes gloss over with tears which has felix’s expression melting. “i-i’m trying not to freak out-” your lips tremble into a sort of frown and he immediately reaches for you, murmuring a few gentle comforts to you. “come here, it’s okay.” 
you let him pull you into his arms as your first tears spill over your waterline, wetting your cheeks furiously and heaving sobs from your shoulders. with your face in his shoulder, your own arms around his back, you close your eyes and try desperately hard to focus on the feeling of felix holding you. the feeling of his voice close to your ear, the feeling of his chest rumbling as he speaks, the warmth of his hands on your back and head, and the gentle rock of his arms. soon your tears are stilled and dried, and you rub at his back to part from him to which he agrees, pushing your hair over your shoulders. 
“when i think about it, we’ve only hugged a handful of times in our friendship, can you believe that?” it’s an attempt to lighten the mood and distract you from the anxiety you’ve now trained to keep at arm’s length. 
“i was thinking the same thing too, actually. but you give such good hugs and you’re very affectionate, i don’t know why i don’t hug you more.” you wipe your face with your sleeve, leaving red blotchy skin in your wake. he frowns at the sight of your sadness and panic, and pulls at your arms to bring you in to hold you once more. 
sleepovers with seungmin always ended up stretching over the course of a few days; not on purpose, it just always ended up that way. now with his break in schedules, he had all the free time in the world for you to annoy him - and annoy him you’d succeed in. it’d been a few hours since he stepped through the threshold of your apartment, but you were already planning on your friday night plans spanning the entire weekend. 
he kept himself busy in your kitchen, promising to make quick work of dinner as you shuffled through your most recent liked songs, your chin resting in your hand as you waited for him to finish. 
“it smells yummy.” your eyes still remain fixed on your phone screen. he hums quietly in agreeance. 
it was too peaceful - and you of course always had to keep seungmin on his toes. you place your phone face down on the counter top, looking at him suddenly. you had to be sneaky of course, something unsuspecting, but enough to get the reaction you wanted. you pull your lips to the side in thought. 
his back was turned to you, a billowing stream of steam wafted off the pan he was cooking in. he had his sleeves pushed to his elbows and occasionally parted from the stove to wash his hands off or chop away on your cutting board. you smile to yourself as your plan blossoms. not that it was anything crazy, but just something to tick him off a bit. 
you stand, remaining diligent in making your footsteps quiet. you eye his movements, positive he’ll be staying at the stove for a moment as you approach him slowly. you smile to yourself one last time before raising your arms and winding them around his middle, pressing your cheek to the center of his back. 
immediately you’re met with a long drawn out groan, which only makes you squeeze him tighter, swaying him side to side as you chuckle against him. “whyy?” he asks you, his arms lifted a bit so as to not touch you. you press yourself closer by his slim waist, admiring the feeling of his warmth and the softness of his sweatshirt. “you’re just so huggable, i don’t know what you want from me. and-!” you continue, voice an octave harder as the realization hits you. “when’s the last time you’ve let me hug you? it’s been years!” 
he shakes his head, grabbing a bell pepper from the cutting board to chew on. “it has not been years.” he assures. “mmm pretty sure it has been.”
you remain connected to his waist, only hugging firmer as you enjoy the feeling of your friend in your arms. he groans again, but this time it’s followed with a short chuckle. “let me go.” you shake your head. “what’s in it for me? you’re so huggable i don’t think you realize.” he hums, trying weakly to pry your arms from him, but you persist and only hold him tighter to you. 
“i’ll let you hug me when we watch the movie.”
you break your arms from around his middle and look at him incredulously. “really? deal.”
he keeps up his end of the bargain, after dinner you start up your tv and after seungmin sits down on your couch, you plop down next to him and lean your head on his shoulder, his arm coming to circle you lightly. you only see it for a split second, but as the movie starts you look up to seungmin and see him smiling ever so slightly. 
“that’s my yang jeongin!” you yell from the barricade of the guest section. jeongin had invited to fly you out to seattle for a concert stop right in the middle of the tour; having been friends for so long he knew he wouldn’t see you for a while on this stretch of tour dates and invited you to come see him so you wouldn’t miss him as bad (as he worded it) though it’d been a few years since you’d seen him perform last, you knew a great deal of his talent and knew he was nothing short of the best of the best and agreed for a little weekend getaway. 
the performance exceeded your expectations on all levels - his stage presence was insane. you knew he was talented but hadn’t any idea of just how stunning he truly had grown to be. “go best friend!” you shouted again. 
when the concert concluded, the boys were quickly whisked away to the hotel to rest up - jeongin was keeping in touch with you the entire time, letting you know management would meet with you in the lobby before being sent up to his room. you followed suit, stopping at a korean restaurant on the way over. 
you did so good! i was amazed, i’m stopping somewhere first before i come by.
ah, thank you, what are you getting?
surprise hehe >:)
oh no
you met up with management and let them check over your bags and the food you’d gotten for the both of you and were quickly sent up, pulling your hat down further on your face as you did so. with a knock at the door, jeongin stands from his bed and make way to it - smiling when he saw you. “hey, you did so good! the concert was insane.” you walk in when he lets you pass him and you set your stuff down on the table across his bed. 
“thank you~” he grins, cheeks a bit pink and eyes wrinkled handsomely.
“come here, i’m so proud of you.” you open your arms wide, taking a few steps closer as he unwillingly opens his arms for you and lets you hug him as hard as you wanted. “i know you hate this but you have to let me hug you, i missed you.” 
you always knew jeongin to be not the touchiest. he always strayed away from your hand holding and hugs as a kid, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss you, and his heart feels full and warm to hear you say such meaningful things. so he indulges, not just or you, but for him too. his arms are fully around your shoulders, his lips pulled into a tight smile as he rests his cheek on your head. 
“i missed you too. did you see me mess up?” he snickers. when you pull away you rest your hands on his waist for a moment. “you messed up? i really couldn’t tell.” 
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is this good? i have no idea, i haven't written for all of the guys yet so some of these might not be the best? lmk.
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baby-yongbok · 10 months
Pleasure & Power
Hard Dom!Hyunjin x Sub!Fem Reader x Dom!Felix
Genre: Smut, makes mud look clean, idol
Word Count: 3,236
A/N: 3rd person POV + Thick/Chubby and POC Reader + I wrote this in a haze at 5am lol enjoy.
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Summary: Your boyfriends take pride in pleasuring you. On another ordinary day, they decide to show you just how much they enjoy you.
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Warnings: Poly Relationship, Unprotected Sex (Wrap it up ya'll), Multiple Orgasms, Semi-Public Sex, Car Sex, Choking, mention of drugs, mention of edging. (That should be all, sorry if I missed anything!)
Reader is called: Baby, Good Girl, Brat, Sweetheart, Angel, Sweetie , Greedy Girl, Kitten
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It wasn’t rare that you’d get home first, your shoots tended to start earlier than theirs since you picked the world's busiest photographer and the only consecutive appointment you could secure is a 6 a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. You kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag by the large front window that was your primary selling point for buying this house. You strut over to the kitchen after checking that the door is locked twice and opening the blinds in the main room. Your pale pink tennis skirt and white crop top moved smoothly with your body as you reached up on your toes to grab a bottle of white wine that Hyunjin brought back with him from his Burberry shoot last week. The only thing on your mind was relaxing and you planned on doing so by sitting on your suede apple red couch with your feet up listening to R&B while you more than generously treat yourself to this fine wine. 
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"Yeah, I just got in." Felix dropped his bag next to yours, locking the door behind him. "Yeah she's here, knocked out as usual."
Quietly, he steps over to the side of the couch trying to ensure that his sneakers against the hardwood wouldn't wake you. 
"Oh? So what are you thinking?" He listened to Hyunjin’s plan as he slipped off his shoes carefully and stepped a bit closer to your sleeping body. 
“Sounds like a plan” The smile on the freckled man’s face spoke a thousand words and little did you know you were about to hear all about it.
"Alrigh', bye"
Gently sitting next to you, Felix puts his arm around you and pulls you into him.
"Y/n" He whispers your name trying to make sure you’re really asleep as he takes a second to take in your outfit of the day, internally moaning at the sight of the pale colors against your vibrant brown skin. 
"You know what." Felix whispers to himself as he moves from next to you, careful not to wake you up. Moving Gently, He sets your feet on the floor from the ottoman and spreads your legs ever so slowly. He wasn't surprised to find you in a thong since it seemed to be your preferred method of undergarment. 
Moving it to the side lightly he wastes no time to lick a hot stripe up your pussy and showing your clit the attention it deserves very early on. Your body jolts at the sudden sensation as it musters and releases an involuntary moan. 
"Baby?" you moaned out before your brain could catch up with what was happening.  
"Mmm" He responded with a hum purposefully keeping contact with your core. He worked his tongue against you just the way you loved it, gaining moans of approval and jolts so powerful that he had to put his arm across your hips to hold you down. 
"Hol' still baby." He mumbles as he pulls back momentarily to lick his lips. "Be good for me."
You tried your best to keep your hips in place, biting down on your lips to displace the pleasure. Your legs shook and your thighs slightly clenched around his head making him moan into you each time. Only the heaven's know how much time passed from the time that he started to now. Five or ten minutes, maybe?  Either way it was enough time for him to get home; the third. 
Felix didn't pull away from your core one bit at the sign of his arrival, if anything, he sucked at your pleasure nub more aggressively attempting to milk a third orgasm from you.  
"Well isn't this a sight to be welcomed home to" Hyunjin, your other boyfriend, comments as he sits his bag down with all the others by the large window. His eyes seemed darkened with lust the moment that he walked through the door and that's when you knew that the two had planned this from the moment that Felix saw you sleeping on the couch. They planned to ruin you. 
"Jin." You moaned his name lazily and reached your hand out to him. He sits on the edge of the curved couch, just out of your reach.  
"Does it feel good, y/n? Tell me about it " Hyunjin's teasing nature was elaborate and nearly demeaning. You'd never guess that he’d like to take the dominant lead until you got to know him.  
"H-he's sucking and licking my pussy so good, Jin." Your answer makes Hyunjin grin.  
"Aren't you glad you have two men who are always planning your pleasure?" Nodding feverishly you let out a deep moan as Felix replaces his tongue with his fingers giving himself a short break.  
"There’s never a day that we don't want you feelin' good, baby" Without a chance to reply, your third orgasm snuck up your spine causing your back to arch in pleasure. A chuckle fell from Hyunjin’s lips.
“That’s a good girl.” Hyunjin gets closer to you, kissing you teasingly soft. He deepens the kiss and you eagerly follow his lead. 
“You know what I want to know?” Felix asks as he slowly removes his fingers from your throbbing cunt. 
“Hm?” Hyunjin asks, pulling away from the kiss between you two. 
“What’s for lunch?” Felix stands from his spot in front of you looking down at you with a menacingly cocky grin. They are not about to do what you think they’re about to do, they wouldn’t.
“I was actually thinking that we should try this Thai place further into town. I think the menu is in the kitchen.” Hyunjin stands with Felix and they both start to make their way towards the kitchen leaving you a literal dripping mess on the couch. You whine loudly earning chuckles from the both of them.
“Did you hear something, bro?” Felix asks.
“Mm nothing besides a whining brat, no.” They both laugh as they get further into the kitchen to look for the lunch menu. You can faintly hear their voices as they laugh and talk over the menu as well as the three orgasms Felix just put you through. “Y/n, you wanna try the Thai place?”
“S-sure” You can’t help but to stutter as you readjust your clothes and fix the wide part of your thong to cover your soaked core. 
“They don’t deliver so Hyunjin is gon call it in and I’m gon pick it up, you wan’ come?
“Yeah, okay, I could use some air.”
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Paparazzi were already swarming the streets when you and Felix arrived at the Thai spot. It happened to be in a pretty popular part of town and once they saw the two of you all of the attention went from some up and coming star to Felix. They immediately started asking questions about the new album and what he and the other members planned to do on tour. They asked him how he feels about dating a model and if he shares you with other guys in the group which earned that particular reporter an aggressive push and a warning from Felix. Yes, you were dating both him and Hyunjin but the two men went by a motto when it came to the public eye ‘It’s none of their business who you’re on your knees for’. 
 Ultimately, he told you to keep your head down and stay quiet, don’t leave his side and you’ll be in and out in no time. That was fifteen minutes ago and you and Felix were just making your way back home when you decided that you wanted some payback for what he and Hyunjin pulled earlier. You placed your hand on his thigh ‘innocently’ rubbing his knee. He looked over at you with a quizzical look that you ignored as you continued to stare forward into the headlights of oncoming traffic. 
Suddenly, he made a left turn instead of a right and your hand stopped rubbing at his knee. With furrowed brows you asked where he was going but he stayed silent only glancing over at you with a hard look on his face. Did you do something wrong back at the Thai spot? Did you deal with the paparazzi wrong? He pulls into a parking deck for some huge business building and goes all the way to the back of the third floor where the cars are more than generously spread apart. Just as you’re about to ask him why you’re there his hand finds a tight grip on your throat and he pushes you back into your seat.
“Do you think that I don’t know what you’re up to, Sweetheart?” He grins over at you before pulling you towards him with one hand on your hip and the other staying around your neck. He positions you so that you’re straddling him in the front seat and he leans the chair back a bit to allow you to move a bit freely. 
“Listen to me when I tell you this, angel; I can read you like a fucking book. There isn’t a thing that you thought about that I didn’t think about first.” A moan leaves your lips as his breath hits your neck. The smell of his cologne only amplifies the arousal you feel at your core. “You wanted revenge righ’? You wanted to get me back for leaving you needy on the couch.”
Your eyes meet his and he can immediately see how desperate you are, it’s not like you were trying to hide it anyway, Felix just has that effect on you. “ Go ahead.”
He lets go of the grip around your neck and you take this as your chance to get what you really want. You immediately start to fumble with his jeans, trying your best to undo the buttons and zipper, he makes no attempt to help you, he simply watches with a wide smile on his face. He loves watching you act greedy for his dick, the way you pant as you focus on getting him inside of you is a sight that he could watch on repeat. You finally free his cock from the restraints of his jeans and moan slightly at the sight of his thickness, pulling your thong to the side for him once again. 
Your palm presses flat against the glass of the window as Felix helps you grind against him, the window fogging up from your breathless gasps and heated bodies that are pressed against each other. Your forehead rests against his as your eyes flutter shut, completely and utterly entranced by pleasure. His lips started lingering against yours before deepening into a breathless makeout while your bare core rubbed over his aching member. 
"Fuck, angel." Felix groans, his eyes flickering down between the two of you, he positions his dick right at your entrance and slowly pushes inside. His eyes never leave your aching cunt as he  watches his cock slip in and out of you, his fingers grip into your hips as you ride him, your head is thrown back in pleasure as you take all of his thick member. The stretch of him filling you with each thrust is what you loved the most, it's what you craved every single day that you woke up next to him. 
"So perfect for me, fuckin' me nice and good, aren't you?" Moans fall from your lips as you reach over to grip onto his strong shoulders, not able to form legible words let alone a full sentence. 
“Take it baby, take it all.” That’s the last thing you heard him say before your orgasm quietly built up and melted inside of you, of course that didn’t matter to him. He fucked you through your climax until he reached his own. The overstimulation you felt was like being high on the best weed you’ve ever bought. You could barely pick yourself up off of him when it was time to go. 
“Come on, sweetie, the foods gettin’ cold.”
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Hours later you found yourself on the same red couch as earlier watching a movie with Hyunjin. Felix turned in early to make sure he got at least a little bit of rest before he had to be up in a couple of hours. Luckily for you and Hyunjin, tomorrow is your day off. You’re not really sure what movie the two of you are watching, it was a random Netflix pick that turned out to be pretty good. You'd love it even more if it wasn’t a horror film. 
“I think I'm gonna grab some ice cream, ya want some?” You ask Hyunjin and he shakes his head no with a small grin. You waste no time in standing from your previous seat, a bit desperate to get away from the movie for a bit. You reach into the freezer for your favorite Ice cream and turn swiftly on your heels to place it on the counter and pick out a bowl. Just as you close the freezer you jump and scream at Hyunjin who’s snuck up on you while you were distracted. He put his hand over your mouth just in time to avoid waking up Felix. When he feels that you’re calm he lets you go.
“What the fuck Jin why -” He takes a step towards you as he cuts you off mid sentence.
“Did he fuck you in the car?” You look up at him with wide guilty eyes as you take in a large gulp of air. “Did he fuck you in the drivers seat? The back seat? Where’d he fuck you, y/n?”
“I-in the driver's seat.”  He steps forward, and you don’t know if his movements are turtle-like or cheetah-like. You step back again and your back hits the counter. He swiftly moves his hand under your tiny nightgown and runs his finger up your folds. “Is that why you’re so wet?”
You shake your head yes and he looks down at your mouth. You can’t move when he steps closer again, crowding you. There’s a pause and then he leans down, pressing one hand flat on the cabinet above your head. He hesitates, teasing you a bit before you both indulge in the welcome touch of his lips against your own. 
He eases your mouth open with his tongue, sweet and slow. His free hand finds your hip, digging his nails into the skin through your nightgown, you gasp and he takes it as a chance to deepen the kiss. His tongue skates along your front teeth and it urges you to press forward and do the same to him. 
Felix has the things that he’s good at when it comes to pleasuring you but Hyunjin takes the award for best kisser. He kisses you so thoroughly and passionately that you find yourself lost in the exchange. 
Your hands come up to the back of his head, almost without your volition. He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and when he bites down ever so slightly, a small moan escapes you. He lets go of your bottom lip then kisses it, like he’s soothing the bite mark there, before kissing you fully on the mouth again. Your body shivers in anticipation as you two fight for dominance with your tongues, a battle that you always lose. Getting more into it, you find yourself sucking on his tongue as he exhales heavily into your mouth. You hum, pleased at his reaction, taking control of the kiss for just a second, but of course that’s about to change.
 He pulled back before lifting you up on top of the counter and spreading your legs. He lifted his hand to the side of your neck and pressed his mouth to yours.
“Or are you wet because you want me to taste you? Is that what you’ve been thinking about, angel?” He asked, nipping at your bottom lip. “I saw the look on your face this afternoon. You wanted me to taste you after Felix did, didn’t you?” He said before running his tongue up over your lips. 
“You’re just a greedy girl aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir, I'm greedy.” You answered, brushing his lips against yours. “You and daddy fuck me so good that I can’t help it.” 
Hyunjin shook his head and dropped to his knees. He curled his arms around your thighs immediately lapping his tongue over your clit. 
“Ooh.” You moaned, tangling your fingers in his hair. “ Please, taste me until I’m shaking from coming so much.” You told him watching him suck around your clit. Hyunjin and you had a different type of relationship sexually. Felix was fun and giggly with a side of pounding and domination but Hyunjin was a mind fuck, He liked hearing you tell him how much you love what he’s doing. He wants to tease and bring you close to the edge over and over until either of you can’t go on any longer. Felix enjoyed you but Hyunjin savored you.
 “But his tongue isn’t your tongue.” You said, shaking your head as another wave of bliss crashed over you. The boys liked when you told them how  much better one was than the other. It was a game to them in the end, they’d playfully argue about who fucks you better, understands you better and god knows whatelse.
 “He doesn’t make me come as fast as you can.” You cooed, running your fingers through his hair. 
“It’s so good.” You moaned, pulling the hair at the crown of his head. He growled in response only driving you crazier. He circled his thumb around your clit while he worked his tongue inside of you. You leaned back against the cabinets, finally breaking your eye contact. He ran his tongue back up to your clit just circling it with firm pressure. Your thighs began to tremble as he brought you closer. You knew without a doubt in your mind that he was the best at eating you out. With a groan he began fingering you while sucking at your clit again and a moment later you were reaching your peak. You writhed and moaned and Hyunjin took in every moment of it. He stood up and yanked you closer to the edge of the counter before connecting your lips again. 
“Taste yourself, kitten” You do as you're told, sucking his lips to get a hint of your taste. “I want to fuck you so badly”
He pulls back and his dark eyes meet your heavy ones, a grin sneaks upon his lips as he takes in your lustful state, hungry for more of him. 
“But, that would be giving you what you want and we both know that you need to earn that.”
“Please I-”
“No.” With another kiss Hyunjin lets you down from the counter and as he’s towering over you once again he grabs you by the back of your neck. “I’ll take what I want when I can’t stand the anticipation anymore and if you touch yourself or Felix I will know and I will edge you for hours.” You stared up at him, your eyes still dusted with lust. Right now edging sounded better than not getting fucked by him but you knew that he meant business and you decided to try and be good for once in your bratty life. 
“Am I understood?”
“Yes sir”
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
Follow The Leader | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Nicholas's habits that the boys subconsciously started doing.
WARNINGS: swearing, idk. I kind of just whipped this out of my ass. I wanted to give you fluff before Wednesday. I love you :)
Nicholas Master list | Reaction Style
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BANG CHAN Throwing their head back when they laugh
Nicholas used to hide his smile and force his laughs down. He was taught expressing loud emotions was inappropriate and was a sign of disrespect. So, he refused to be noisy around his members. While they thought he was uncomfortable, Nick was actually showing them respect.
When they finally broke Nicholas out of his shell, they discovered his wonderful habit of throwing his head back during a really good laugh. His eyes will close, his teeth showing, and his head thrown back as his shoulders shake with laughter.
It's a terrible habit when they're in front of walls.
"Holy- Are you okay?" Hyunjin laughed as he rubbed the back of Nicholas's head. Before Nick could answer, another thud came from the other side of the room, and the duo looked over.
Chan leaned forward, rubbing his head as he laughed loudly. Once what happened clicked, Nicholas laughed harder and fell on the floor. The trio of boys laughed at the two's similar clumsiness.
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LEE MINHO Shouting while running
Let me explain. Nicholas is a pretty big guy. He's going to bulldoze whoever he doesn't see when running. After one too many accidents, Nicholas started making a siren nose while running. Whenever staff hear the siren, they press themselves against the nearest wall or compact their body out of the way.
Minho started doing it to tease Nicholas, but it stuck after he realized how effective it was.
"WEEWOO WEEWOO!" or "BEEEP! BEEEP! Incoming! Incoming!"
Like they trained for this their whole lives, everyone pressed against the walls. Those who weren't lucky enough to get to a wall in time hopped onto furniture or slid into doorways and prayed this wasn't the path meant to be taken.
When the staff looked up, they watched Minho and Nicholas fly down the hallway with the members hot on their heels.
"I don't know if I hate how much it works, or if I love it," Chan huffed as he slowed to a stop in the middle of the hallway. He looked at each staff member before letting out a breathy chuckle. "They're gone now you can relax."
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SEO CHANGBIN Humming when slightly annoyed
Nicholas will never tell you to your face that you piss him off. You have to pay attention to his expressions or his actions. Since he was 6, Nicholas developed the habit of humming to alert people of his growing irritation.
He hums to release tension in his body instead of grinding his teeth.
The members realized it after continuously teasing him about something. They ignored the first few signs, but his repeated humming told them.
"You better stop it," Minho warned, watching Jisung and Felix poke at Changbin while he was eating.
"Why? He does this to us," Jisung huffed as Nicholas sat on the floor.
"Are you irritated?" Nicholas asked, and Changbin nodded as he continued to humming quietly.
"Sorry, hyung," Jisung and Felix muttered before leaving to bother Minho.
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HWANG HYUNJIN Drawing on cups
Whenever Nicholas brings the members a cup of something, he draws something on the cups or leaves a message. Since Changbin told him how happy it made him and the members agreed, Nicholas hasn't missed a chance at drawing on a cup. He'll take their cups out of their hand and draw on them sometimes.
One day, Hyunjin drew on Nicholas' cup, and the smile on Nick's face made Hyunjin promise to repay his kindness. It's become a secret code for them. They both keep the cups or heat protector sheets, whatever they've drawn on, in a drawer.
"How come your cup has a little penguin on it?" Jisung whined as he leaned over Nicholas' shoulder. The older boy shrugged as he sipped his drink to hide his smile.
To busy whining, Jisung missed the smile shared between Hyunjin and Nicholas.
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HAN JISUNG Sneezing with their entire bodies
The members joke about sticking Nicholas into a helmet because of how clumsy he is. He sneezes clumsily. He will pause whatever he's doing and take a deep breath before thrusting his head and torso forward as he lets out a dying rat sound. The members will never let him live down the time he did that and fell into a pile of pillows at a friend's house.
The first time Jisung did it, Felix and Nicholas were watching Jisung's live.
"Where the hell did he go?!" Felix screamed as Jisung flew from the camera, and a loud shout echoed from the mic. Next to him, Nicholas's head is thrown back in laughter at the blur that was once his younger friend.
Minho popped up on the camera and waved, making Nicholas laugh harder. Minho looked down before looking back up with a thumbs up, "He's fine. He just sneezed."
A hand appeared from under the desk, and Jisung gave them a thumbs up. Felix laughed as he handed a wheezing Nicholas tissue to wipe his face.
"He just disappeared!"
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LEE FELIX Silent Feet
Because of childhood trauma, Nicholas learned to walk on silent feet. He can walk loud, but his body is used to walking softly. Unfortunately for the members, this means getting scared by a 6'3 pole randomly appearing in their peripheral vision.
Felix has picked up on this habit and used it for plenty of things. He usually uses this habit to sneak around the dorms at night. One of the members, usually Nicholas, will wake up to a body under them. Half the time, it's Jeongin, but sometimes it's Felix.
"Why are you in my bed?"
Felix spluttered at the deep voice laced with sleep from his older member. Only after he burrowed under the covers and into the back of Nicholas did Felix respond.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
"Don't know," He answered. Felix hummed as Nicholas turned to face him. They stared at each other, thankful for the dark purple LED light shining in the room.
"Maybe you can't sleep because you have these lights on," Felix whispered, and Nicholas smiled.
"Maybe I left them on because I knew someone was gonna creep through the hallway to my room," He said, raising his brows in amusement. Felix huffs as he buries his face in a stuffed animal.
"Goodnight, sunshine."
"Good night, Nick."
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KIM SEUNGMIN Randomly glaring
Nicholas has a terrible case of RBF. When he relaxes his face, it looks like he's glaring at you. He tries not to chill, mainly for that reason. Seungmin developed the habit randomly. They don't know the exact time it happened or why he started doing it.
He just starts glaring at random objects or at nothing. Usually, when Nicholas starts to relax, Seungmin tense up and glares.
"What's wrong with you?" Chan asked, and Seungmin tilted his head.
"Nothing, why?"
"You look like you're gonna stab us!" Hyunjin screamed, and everyone laughed as Seungmin mimicked stabbing him with a crunchy french fry.
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YANG JEONGIN Connecting his fingers to his thumbs
People think Nicholas is counting when he does this, but it's been debunked when they realize most of the time, he has no reason to. Someone thought he was mimicking playing the piano like his older sister does and everyone ran with it.
He's actually just stretching his fingers, but he lets STAY think that because it's cute.
Jeongin started doing it when he realized why Nicholas did it. He didn't even know you could stretch your fingers until Nicholas told him about it.
"What are Nick and Innie counting?" Chan read, and everyone looked at the duo sitting next to each other. They were stretching their fingers again.
"Nothing," Nicholas answered.
"Then what are you doing?" Changbin asked, reaching back to grab Nick's hands.
"Nothing," Nicholas shrugged. Jeongin hummed in agreement as he leaned against the older boy's shoulder.
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tags list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, @rensahazard, @mynameisnotlaura, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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