#webtoon rewrite
mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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my redesign(s) for Kira! This webtoon has been on my mind so much lately and i couldn't not do anything for it
So much more in depth stuff is below for anyone who also read Antistalker and disliked anything about it
So, I don't actually mind many of the designs in canon, the biggest complaint I have being. Everyone looks the same. Like, EVERYONE has the same hairstyle and skintone. Which is white. Of course its white.
The uniforms don't help much with the samey look a lot of the characters have. I have my own redesign for Yulai in the works since he looks almost exactly like August but with blue hair, but I decided what if the uniforms in my version weren't actually uniforms. Like, the school had a couple colors that if you wore them u were fine.
You have the option to wear fancier stuff w suits an what not but thats only to show ur class. After all, in a school that puts humans, werewolves, and vampires in the same space, not everyone is gonna have the same economic status to allow purchasing a uniform, or multiple. Though that being said I do like the canon uniforms, they were very unique and you could TELL the same creativity just wasn't there when the main three went to Black Moon.
My version would have a looser dress code to really highlight the priviledge the school filled with elite Vampires has. I think their name was White Moon? Or smthn. But they could have been really exaggerated in how identical and eerie they are in comparison to the warmth at Red Moon.
Anyway were was I.. PANTS for kira. Get RID of the skirt RID OF IT I SAY and add some patches cuz that hints at her new financial situation. Can't afford new pants so when she gets tears she patches them up.
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(i didn't bother changing her shoes cuz there really isn't anything wrong with them. I like a lot of the outfits in s1 even if i think the writing could be better. Though, i think it would be interesting if she had Good Shoes for school and changed into worse ones at home, so that she always has her best for when she's keeping order. In mine, she's being paid for her efforts to keep the school sane. That way, she has at least one income to explain living on her own as a sophomore.)
I also looked at a bunch of pics of wolf cuts bc I liked the idea of giving her more hints in her design that she isn't HUMAN.
She had a knife at the very beginning but then a bird took it and its no were to be seen for the rest of the series??? idk abt that chief. Let her keep her weapons! She's the president of the displinary committee for fucks sake!
I kept her hair pins bc of course i kept her pins. She's much more covered now since I wanted more references to the fact she's part vampire, and that includes having more parts of her hair white. I tried to keep it equal amounts white and black so that she has equal parts of her mom and dad.
I changed up her bangs mainly because everyone has them and I thought they were a cute style. The way I have her hair rn makes it really easy to subtly shift them into doggo ears
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I drew my design as close as possible to canon's style and made a ver. with canon's colors. I switched were the eyepatch is cuz thats an uper important detail i have in my rewrite. In mine, ever since Kira discovered her powers allowing her to control werewolves, or however I change the mechanics of that power, she has that werewolf puberty awakening and one of her eyes reflects this.
She gets the orange eye and KEEPS IT. But from then on she hides it with an eye contact, even if she doesn't know why. It's just something she knows she should do and the reason came from her memories she's lost
If you pay attention, one eye is less saturated than the other when both eyes are red, in mine. I think it would have been just so much more clever to have had it be a secret she's kept up until the injury over her eye heals + her getting her memories back
She's removed the eye contact cuz with her eye covered up, theres no point in it. And by the time she doesn't need the eye patch anymore, she remembers enough to be like "well fuck this I'm not hiding anymore."
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I ALSO redesigned her past self! Before she meets august. She purposefully dies her hair to avoid daily suspicion that she's a "half breed"
If she had her hair mostly white, it would be pretty obvious she's her mother's daughter, so its kept more black like her father's to avoid suspicion. But that doesn't mean she isn't still singled out.
When she meets August and befriends him, eventually she cuts her hair with his help, trying to get a layered hair cut without having to go to a salon, and it ends up very uneven.
The reason I wanted her past self to look different than her current is because in MINE there is/would be an emphasis on how much Kira has changed since August was last with her. He idolizes the idea of his childhood best friend that he saved but made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for by removing himself from her life, so she would be safe!! He was still manipulated by his father into that specific choice in mine, but the idea this was the best course of action still remains
August thinks that when Kira remembers again, she's gonna revert to how she was before the incident, before it all. But she's not really that girl anymore. She's picked up skills in fighting, become Punisher Volkov, she had to sell her family's house at 14 so she could get an affordable place farther away, she has to deal with her abusive grandfather's bullshit just so that she can keep his monthly checks she receives. She has had so much on her plate. And she's also made so many new friends, deep friendships, built a community, a strong support system, and gotten stronger.
And who she was before didn't have all that. I feel like canon could have easily gone this route in canon! Kira said she wanted to clarify the past so she could move forward! She wanted closure and she deserves it! But August's behavior never went corrected. He's back in her life again and she's back to her old crush. Season 2 tries to address Kira's life now, how different it is compared to her rich life before, but it tells us the solution is for her to MOVE IN WITH AUGUST oh HE'LL SAVE HER and EVERYTHING WILL BE BACK TO HOW IT WAS
No. Give August the lesson that things have changed. He can take that and either move forward with how Kira is now, or forget any romantic interest with her. She's not who he thinks she is.
anyway thank you for reading my info dump <3 I'm insane about kira and how much potential was lost in s2
just. vokivormok really flushed so much down the toilet. probably had too many plot points to figure out how to resolve BUT I HAD FAITH IN EMM they should have taken more time b4 season 2...
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grzybjek · 11 days
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temperature dropped by 2 celcius today. its oficially autumn and im back to drawing old characters. and writing about miserable teenagers and their unsaid past
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lav3nder-bees · 2 months
hello all i need help deciding a style for my twst rewrite (webcomic style)
anyone with knowledge about webcomics, twst fans or just people w opinions please help 😭🙏🙏
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andromedavwrites · 7 months
SCREAMS!!! It’s time!! Please tell me what y’all think i am-
losing my mind-
we are choosing to ignore that i cannot draw old crusty ass men like Milton-
i’ll be better by the time we get to Giles I PROMMY
but for now take a silly little prologue!!!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Gun Park x Reader: this is our place (we make the rules)
Chapter 10 - Probably should read ch1 first
Gun has a new neighbour. Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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Gun doesn’t think of them as love letters.
Everything that he has written or typed, more a statement of fact rather than him dwelling too much on the words. 
He tells you he thinks about you because he does.
He tells you he misses you because he does.
He tells you you have a hold on him because you do.
Gun’s train of thought, as he admits that he misses you - a startling vulnerability that he has never exposed or felt before, does not follow his usual logic. 
He thinks having it spoken, not written, makes it less of a weakness. Simply because it’s less tangible. Invisible.
A confession made all the more intimate spoken in the dead of night. Travelling hundreds of miles, across seas and valleys and fields, to reach your ears.
Which makes everything he does, all the more romantic. Because Gun Park does it without thinking, without logic. 
He just is. Innately so.
An unforeseen characteristic that only you could tease out.
You read and re-read the messages until you could recite them, imagine his fingers gliding over the screen when he has something to tell you.
Scan over the images, inspecting each and every pixel. A glimpse into this side of his life that you’re not privy to but he is slowly inviting you in. 
Listen to the voice message so much that you think you would be able to pick out his sigh like you can his handwriting; the timbre and inflection and articulation as unique as a fingerprint.
The day of Gun’s return draws nearer.
You find yourself staying at his place later and later. Eventually sleeping over every night, curled up on the sofa like a cat. 
In case you hear the click of the front door, the footsteps, that sigh. 
Every small noise makes you jump.
They finally concluded all business.  Everything went to plan, everything running to schedule.
Gun and Goo didn’t even make it back to the hotel for a night of rest.
Instead, they climb into the car, racing to Seoul and chasing the sun across the sky as darkness and starlight followed. Roads turned from dusty tracks into tarmacked lanes and then super highways.
Your texts start to come through at once.
“Is that Y/N?” the curious blonde tries to peer over.
“Focus on the road.” 
Gun’s voice comes out amused without meaning to. He couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he scrolls through your messages.
Even though he mentioned he would not be able to contact you, your fingers still twitch when anything, no matter how minute, happens or a random thought pops into your head - Gun being the first person you want to tell.
You draw back at first, not wanting to bombard him with messages when he is unable to receive them.
In the end, you give in.
Besides, you reason, it's nice to know when someone is thinking about you.
Goo feels the eyes burning into the side of his head. Had felt it for probably a good minute how. It's unnerving.
"Can't you drive any faster?" Gun growls.
“What you in such a rush for?"
“I’m not going to drive any faster with you glaring at me, you bastard!”
“Stop looking at me!”
Ugh. Goo presses down on the accelerator.
The speed increases from 120kmh to 130, ticking up to 140... 150... 160 and higher still.
"You're paying for any speeding fines!"
Gun never thought he would fall for someone.
And never that the way to his heart is through his stomach.
Because even with the push and pull of your blossoming relationship, that was how it all started wasn’t it?

He realised fully how he felt about you, the depths of his affection, with the first picture he sent, when he said that your food tastes better.
It’s the truth.
Goo had declared his meal the most delicious thing he has ever had in his mouth with a suggestive waggle of the brows.
To Gun it was bland and tasteless. Goo, in disbelief, stole a bite from his plate then looked at him like there was something severely wrong with him.
Maybe there is.

Each time he read a message from you, it was a dopamine hit straight to his brain and his heart.
Something to look forward to after a long day.
Gun doesn’t remember ever feeling so tired with work, especially not when there is the thrill of a fight waiting just around a corner.
Now all his thoughts are invaded by you.
He lies in bed awake at night wondering what you are doing.
"I've been driving non stop for 4 hours man!"
"Either we pull in at the rest stop or I piss on you. You choose."
Gun doesn't want to test him. Usually one to be so meticulous about his car but the blonde menace might just really do it. The possibility is, worryingly, not at zero.
"Just hurry the fuck up."

Gun can barely believe it. Usually one to bide his time and wait, to lament the end of fights and violence; now he's rushing home to see you.
The business trip was nothing short of a complete success.
They’ve expanded HNH’s influence, secured a promising business partner and pocketed themselves a pretty penny.
Goo had even made himself a secret friend. He thought for sure he was going to have to fight Gun for them, the person fitting all their criteria:
Excellent fighter with ample raw talent, patient and shrewd, the fun side of mentally unwell.
"Wanna flip for them?" Goo nudged his partner.
"You can have them."
There's a convenience store selling bouquets when they stop.
As Gun waits for Goo, he wonders if this will be too much.
"Huh. Gun Park pulling out all the stops? I never thought I'd see the day."
Goo comments on the bouquet as soon as he sees it. Gun ignores him, studying the flowers in his hands. He nearly went for red roses until he saw the pink camellias.
It's the same shade as your lips.
Goo pulls up with a screech outside the building, streets empty and only the sound of his engine purring filling the early morning air.
"Don't say I never do anything for you, you bastard."
Gun spots your shoes in the hallway.
Had wanted to bang on your door anyway despite the early hours. Held back just enough to collect his thoughts. This just makes it easier.
He takes his own shoes off and softly lowers his duffle bag, holds the flowers in his hand feeling like a fool with their first crush.
Which is true, he supposes.
The apartment smells like you, your scent lingering in the air. Sweet and fragrant.
With quiet, measured steps, he strides through his home. Something in him knows where you are. Senses your presence like it calls out to him.
Gun sees you fast asleep on the sofa. Wrapped in a blanket and remote control held loosely. In the background, the TV hums, low and almost muted. Casting everything in artificial light.
He plucks the remote from your hand, rests it and the camellias on the floor. 
You stir at the disturbance.
“Gun?” you murmur, sitting up, trying to see if it really is him.
“I’m back.” He tucks your hair behind your ear with a gentle hand.
You blink the sleep out of your eyes until they adjust and focus. 
Gun Park. 
That face and company you have so dearly missed.
“Hi,” you whisper, shy and face blooming under the intensity of his gaze. 
The moment is desperately sentimental and soft and everything that Gun isn’t, but completely is with you. 
"These are for you," and he nods at the bouquet on the floor and you burn crimson. 
Pink camellias. Longing. You wonder if Gun even realised. But even if he didn't... he got flowers. For you. You don't know what to do with how full your heart is.
"T-thank you."
Gun gives you a small smile, the one that makes his eyes crinkle and light up, and you smile back. That smile he has missed more than he thought he was capable of.
His eyes drop and follow the curve of your lips, the slant of your mouth.
He can’t resist. 
Gun curls his hand under your chin, running his thumb along your bottom lip, feeling your small intake of breath as you gasp.  He has never wanted anyone, anything more.
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper as Gun leans his forehead against yours.
“Me too.” 
You glance up from his lips to find his black eyes staring back. 
What should have been intimidating from the start, yet you never thought it was. How can you ever find them intimidating when he looks at you like you’re everything.
Gun tilts forward, just slightly. 
Enough to slot your mouths together. A tender caress of the lips. 
Tentative, like you’re fragile and could break any second. Like this is fragile and could break any second.
This will never do, you think.
So you kiss back with all the energy you have, throwing your heart into it, desperate and a little messy-
Until Gun matches you beat for beat. Smiling and humming against your lips.
Until he’s the one taking charge. Kissing you deep and passionate as you hit the back of the sofa, arms wrapping around you. Rough and a different type of desperate, teeth nipping at your lips.
Gun wants you and he wants this and-
He pulls back, leaving you chasing and whining. 
He’s got so much on this, so much to lose. He’s never been in this position before.  Never wanted something so at odds with everything he has ever known. 
Never done this before, feeling a fear that he's not sure he likes.
His gaze pierces into your soul.
“I need this to be real.” 
Is that all? 
And you tell him,
"It is. This was real from the very beginning."
Your pour everything into the next kiss and Gun has no choice but to believe you.
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unordinaries · 3 months
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presented without comment
(chapters 280 + 344)
#unordinary#unordinary webtoon#cw blood#i fucking lied i have so many comments#FIRST AND FOREMOST. i originally had the images in the opposite order (meaning john’s on the left and rei’s on the right)#when i was drafting this post. but then i was like. ‘oh i should put them in chapter/chronological order instead’ and it oh my god#uru you bastard that’s so much worse#(and then ofc i had to rewrite my tags accordingly)#but anyways#like literally almost everything about these scenes is mirrored/opposite#obviously they are facing different directions (and thus. each other)#they are also looking at different places in the second panel - rei is looking up and john is looking down#rei is looking up directly at kuyo. yes. but his raised head also makes him look a bit defiant. his kind of smirk also adds to that feel#he’s obviously not… happy. he’s been through a lot (is literally about to die) but his spirit remains.#there’s still light in his eyes. hope.#and he still finds the time to tell kuyo to call it quits and give him well wishes#then we have john’s half which is. ough.#and uhh cw suicidal ideation from this point on i guess?#looking down! no light in his eyes! defeated and dragging himself to the finish line!#alone.#he’s still fighting but he’s TIRED. absolutely nothing to look forward to here.#keep going because there’s no turning back now#he is doing this for the people he’s already lost (jane william sera). not for people who are here now (blyke remi isen)#rei didn’t go into this thinking he would die but ended up choosing to sacrifice himself anyways#john went in with the intention of sacrificing himself and survived anyways#i could be reading too far into it but i think you can kind of see that in their expressions in the first image set#rei looks like he’s realizing he’s about to die but john just looks like he’s fighting#he’s already made his choice#that’s about all i got (and i’m at the tag limit) so.#to everybody who hated my john-william comparison post this one’s for YOU 🫵
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ciel-em · 6 months
I say this to all those who start orv that when you reach the end of the story, of whichever version you chose, that it'll leave you shattered on the ground never being able to put yourself together as you were before
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pruneunfair · 28 days
My rewrites for TRE characters in my fanfic
so about 6 months ago I fell into the Au pipeline and it ended up resulting in a bunch of stories that's basically if maximalism was a 7 season long book series. One of those seasons combines tons of characters from different manhwas I read but it's mostly a new interpretation of remarried empress with some Oc's.
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One major change I made is that Navier isn't the protagonist anymore but I didn't want her to be a cold blooded villain either. If you ever went on history tik tok specifically the tudors and the French revolution, there's a lot of people who romanticize Anne Boleyn to the extremes of villainzing Jane Seymour or babying Marie Antoinette as a sweet coquette girly who was unfairly killed by "savage revolutionaries" or claiming Elizabeth I as a feminist girlboss who only wanted to end her fathers bloodline. These historic women weren't the most awful people and they definitely were victims but that doesn't mean they didn't have noticeable flaws that affected the lives of others. That's the direction I went for my version of Navier, she still cares for her loved ones and makes good decisions but she was raised with a classist mindset, not pouring wine on maids and poor people but viewing them as emotionless husks with only one purpose which explains her apathy to slaves. I also gave Navier a backstory beyond wanting to be a perfect empress which was a relationship with her mother that is inspired by Catherine the greats relationship with her mother, so yeah not very great. Unlike the original she is fully aware of what Heinrey is doing but she barely cares (not much of a change from the original tbh) the goal is that I still want Navier to be a little likeable while also making her complex and realistic as an empress.
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I didn't give Sovieshu as many changes and for the most part, he's the same as he was in the original: a toxic partner who pushes his faults on other people around him. In this version though instead of becoming cold and cruel to Navier to moment Rashta shows up, the two have already been drifting apart for a while and it only got worse when Navier had a miscarriage a year prior to the story. Sovieshu is more of a cautionary tale of how misogyny is encouraged in boys at a young age, in his youth, Sovieshu had all the love of his mother since his parents struggled to conceive and only had one son. He wanted his father's love more than anything but Osis was about as interested as you'd expect, only wanting his son to be a great Emperor and nothing else, to please him, Sovieshu started to emulate the misogynistic views of the men around him which grew to be his actual beliefs. The only person that kept Sovieshu from turning into his dad was the former empress until she takes her own life, leaving Sovieshu with Osis as his influence. I still want Sovieshu to remain a scumbag but it will be more of a tragedy in how the future generations can never improve if we continue the cycle of abuse.
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I think Rashta is the most altered out of all the original characters since she's not even a villainess but rather a sort of anti hero. Her past as a slave is more fleshed out, her childish manner is age regressing to try to gain back her stolen childhood and she doesn't try to befriend Navier after getting the message that Navier wants nothing to do with her. In this version she's the best friend and later love interest of the new protagonist who bottles up her past and feelings to please others so she can keep her cozy life in the palace and that becomes a problem as the lack of care causes Rashta to grow more depressed and even has a few panic attacks. She won't do a good portion of the horrible acts she does in the original since she now had actual friends and because some of her sins are just so contrived to make her hateable, but she still is petty and holds grudges so she doesn't feel too bad when she ruins Nians marriage or snubs Lebetti, she'll even be conflicted since she feels guilty that the slaves on the Rimwell estate are still suffering but she doesnt want to risk being removed as concubine if she tries to call for slaves rights but she does find her voice and will start to push for slaves to be freed mid-way through her term as the empress of the eastern empire. In the end, Rashta does become Empress of a different empire after spending a good 7 years healing from her trauma and getting a good education, she lives her days with her kids and dies at the age of 81
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Hes one the main antagonists here, I kept his love for his wife and family though but it's not an "uwu my queen!" Or really anything puppy like. For Heinrey I wanted to make him a true white lotus and he's has more vibes of a comforting friend with soft mannerisms and tones in voice, he loves Navier dearly because I still think even monsters like him can fall in love but the reason he tortures and kills people who don't side with Navier isn't even because he's that adamant about Naviers honor but rather because if someone were to find out his sadistic nature to those who disagree with him, he can use the "puppy husabnd" excuse to appear as a sadistic sweetheart. It not only scares the shit of his people into respecting him but it also wins him a little sympathy points since "he's just a hopeless romantic" I wanted Heinrey to appear uncanny too, like you know somethings off about him but if you said anything people would just be like "what are you talking about? He just really loves his family." His death is also pretty brutal, naturally Heinrey makes a lot of enemies and during a war arc he is shot down while in bird form leaving him at the mercy of a former maid he pushed over the deep end, she offs him, plucks him, cooks him, and serves him to the remaining family members of Lazlo.
and that's only the main 4, I did almost all of them with the exception of McKenna since he's honestly the only good character thats written well in remarried empress.
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broresteia · 11 months
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rewriting the villainess~
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My Marina redesign so far + comics for backstory story beats in their relationship im planning
More of my thoughts under the cut :3
I don't know for sure if antistalker got cut short because of Webtoon's bullshit, but regardless I think it was a real shame we never got any time spend exploring the beginnings of Kira and Marina's relationship. The early days when Kira was alone after her parents' deaths. What Marina thought of Kira
So I'm amending that in my wip rewrite. And along with the ideas I'm brewing I also redesigned Marina. So far it isn't drastically different from canon aside from having a different skin color and hair type. (and nose too but common everyone has the same nose I'm not gonna give that nose to a now black character)
I'll talk about their story another day and leave you with no context for the images sry
Marina's design changes: At first I changed her skin cuz. there are too many white characters in antistalker I wanted to change up at least ONE persons melanin amount. But I also now really like how I can now experiment with her hair reflecting different stages in her arc and place in the story.
She starts out wearing a wig in S1, then her secret is revealed and she no longer wears it while in custody, her hair is in braids until she is released/her and kira resolve their relationship. Then she's cut her braids and have her hair all curly
Most of the changes in her design are to differentiate her from other characters. Kind of get rid of some SERIOUS same face syndrome canon had going on
Canon didn't get to the point where it was IMPOSSIBLE to tell between characters, the closest to that happening was August and Yulai literally looking the same aside from hair color
but um. it was still not great
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jkdfjklfdsjkl i edited this. its. something
granted i colored over anton's freckles so out of everyone here he's got the most against the same face syndrome allegations
Again. its not a big deal given it doesn't interrupt the story with "wait who is this" like LORE OLYMPUS does, but still not great
also. I don't hate canon's designs btw.
well. I don't hate Kira and Marina's designs. Redesigning kira was mostly for fun, Marina even more so. I haven't gotten to Nadya yet but she isn't bad either. The rest? yeah they need an upgrade.
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kanghera · 1 year
Some completed manhwas that I have read *may contain spoilers*
***I’ll keep editing this post***
My gently raised beast 
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Length: 93 chapters + 13 side stories Art: good, one of the best ones Genre: supernatural characters (beast), fantasy, European themed (duke, emperor, princess etc) Recommendation: swoon worthy, good plot and backstory would recommend Notes: initially it can get a little disinteresting as for 30 something chapters the ML and the FL are just young children however the build up is worth it
The tainted half
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Length: 40 chapters Art: absolutely beautiful Genre: ancient Korean or Chinese themed, concubines, kings, some supernatural phenomenons, fantasy, contains sexual themes Recommendation: definitely recommend, very unique plot different from typical historical manhwas, also it’s short and easy to follow  Notes: the ML and the antagonist are twin brothers hence they essentially have the same facial features however the hair, plot, direction and dialogue makes them distinct. The ML is also extremely swoon worthy and one the best long haired ones in a while (don’t worry even though they’re twins the antagonist is nothing in comparison)
The double agent 
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Length: 73 chapters + 3 side stories  Art: definitely pretty, we love platinum hair MLs Genre: modern historical manhwa, detectives, spies etc. European themed, tragic themes, contains sexual themes  Recommendation: if you enjoy plots with tragedy some action and vague romance, would recommend  Notes: can be disturbing initially, but the conclusion from the MLs pov is beautiful, does contain toxic themes but we love little bit of that, it’s kinda like trust the process but not quite 
Beware the villainess 
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Length: 92 chapters + 36 side stories  Art: extremely beautiful, the outfits are amazing and the ML is the best long blue haired in all of manhwas Genre: European themed, transmigration, fantasy, supernatural (wolves?) Recommendation: would recommend for the romance since it’s expressed little but it’s swoon worthy. May become lengthy after a stretch however there is a strong plot that is followed  Notes: one of the reasons I didn’t drop this manhwa was bc it was already completes including the side stories. The only thing motivating me to continue was to see more romance between the ML and FL and also the ML is stunning and down bad. Also there are very few mahwas about wolves or animal transformations so I kept reading this one.  I really wanted some more skin ship but felt like it was too little and expressed too and late.
Love advice from the great Duke of hell
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Length: 131 chapters + epilogue + afterwords Art: wasn’t impressed at first but honestly it’s pretty neat for being sketch like and adds to the humour and aesthetic  Genre: the true definition of supernatural meets romance meets comedy. And this shit is funny. Like funny funny. I’ve had to suppress my laughter funny. The plot is unpredictable af.  Recommendation: Highly recommended for all readers. It’s just simply peak in its game. I believe all readers that like action, supernatural (devil, duke, occult etc.) romance and humour will enjoy this  Notes: the only manhwa that I wish I had been following along as the chapters were released usually I like to binge the whole manhwa but this one was honestly a ride with all the cliffhangers strategically put to make to continue scrolling. Also one of the best ending I’ve read extremely unpredictable. One of my most highly recommended manhwas even to new readers. The laughs are amazing.
Him & him & him 
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Length: prologue + 16 chapters + 6 side stories Art: it’s good the MLs are cute  Genre: it’s smut, heavily sexual themes, sex partners, threesomes etc. the FL leads a typical office life, reverse harem  Recommendation: if you want some smut with a vague plot, or if you prefer short smut stories Notes: I wanted a better ending, although it remains harem. The smut had a potential to be way more kinky (since I’ve read many more creative ones). Two of the MLs are twins and the other one is their uncle which may sound weird but with the hot art and smut it’s not.
Mythical errand 
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Length: prologue + 83 chapters Art: I love it. It’s pretty distinct and unique, the blushes are too cute, and the MLs blushes are 😩 Genre: historical (Korean era), mythical, college students, mythical beings, modern setting, comedic elements and romance  Recommendation: It’s really funny and entertaining, for a person new to webtoons and mythical creatures it’s a fun experience. But if you’re looking for harem ending then I have to reveal that it’s not one. Notes: the first season was amazing I had been obsessed, however it went downhill from then onwards. It’s alright to pick a ML from the two however the ending for the second ML was not satisfactory and it felt rushed and forced. Also the moments with the ML were not enough. In fact I had been thinking of way more creative continuations as I had been waiting for daily pass.  My dear cold blooded king
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Length: chapter 0 + 161 chapters + afterword  Art: stunning, the MLs are hot Genre: historical, some action, romance obviously, certain mature themes Recommendation: yes, one of the og emperor trope manhwas. There’s a ML and a second ML and fortunately she ends up with whom I wanted her to. Nota damsel in distress FL  Notes: it’s been too long since I read this, one of the first manhwas I ever read. Was already concluded when I read it so was fun binging though the less interesting chapters quickly 
Rewriting the villainess
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Length: 62 chapters + afterword
Art: pretty, the characters are too cute, the only green(?) haired FL manhwa that I know as of now
Genre: Korean school setting, also a little medieval, body switching typa isekai I’m not sure, the FL like switches with a character of the manhwa she wrote, so it’s supernatural, romance and fantasy 
Recommendation: I do recommend reading if you enjoy an average looking FL
Notes: A little different from the plot lines of other villainess manhwas but not too crazy, it’s short, although I didn’t expect how long the manhwa would actually run for as I had been following it (catched up again after skipping a few weeks). I wish they explored the other lead and his attachment to Liza.
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Length: 48 chapters + afterword 
Art: pretty, the FL could have been prettier, her hair seemed almost grey in certain panels, the FL is extremely hot, his facial features are like the typical back haired FL in manhwas (which is one reason why I began reading this) and that panel of him in the traditional Korean clothes is hawt hot (the second reason)
Genre: fantasy, demons, supernatural, ceo, employee, office, romance 
Recommendation: for binge reading some fantasy, could get a little stretchy or rushed at times
Notes: you could totally just binge read the chapters where the ML and FL interact or just scroll to the outfits that I was talking about earlier.
Romantic flow 
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Length: 50 chapters
Art: good, very professional, the ML is really fucking hot
Genre: romance, office romance, misunderstandings, ceo, lawyer, contains sexual references
Recommendation: short, easy to follow, recommended if you want some plot with hot ML, or if you like dark straight haired FLs
Notes: I personally only read this for the kissing panels and sexual panels and otherwise just skimmed through the rest
There must be happy endings
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Length: 109 chapters + 3 side stories
Art: very beautiful, almost too pretty
Genre: time rewind, married, ceo, company stuff, angst, domestic abuse(only referred)
Recommendation: classic for a time rewind manhwa or if you like pretty art or you if want to read about married leads
Notes: initially began reading this having no idea that it’s a time rewind, I just thought the that the characters were too pretty to be ignored. I especially loved the concept of the möbius strip.
Dahae’s Dream
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Length: 34 chapters + authors note
Art: Stunning, the FL could be prettier, but all the MLs are stunning
Genre: (don’t worry there’s one endgame if you’re not into harem), there isn’t an actual reverse harem, she does not sleep with multiple men at once, but she does sleep with them consequently. Its obviously smut, it’s obvious but I didn’t see the genital visuals closely, you know, like the other manhwas. Is a little supernatural. Office romance, there’s also a cafe trope, director trope and celebrity trope.
Recommendation: definitely, it’s super hot and sexy and it’s short, but I feel like the story could have more, like it’s not over yet, we didn’t get enough of the endgame.
Notes: I wish the drawings were more explicit, bc the characters are hot af and it would be better if they had a more defined ending. And of course it’s too short. Like I just binged this in half a day and to immediately write down its review. Other manhwas that ill review in the future are the ones that I read like almost 2 years ago.
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lav3nder-bees · 1 month
sneak peak of a webcomic im working on
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if anyone has suggestions or critique PLEASE TELL ME ITS VERY VERY WELCOME im struggling soo badly
also its a twst rewrite btw!
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andromedavwrites · 4 months
*cracks neck*
we are so back!!!
due to my dumbass not being able to draw for almost 2 months, writers block hitting like a truck and travelling for a month, I finally have the brainpower to work on Ever After again!
so let’s answer some questions:
is the webtoon still in the works?
yes! i’m working on coloring episode 1 as well as finalizing designs to make them feel more like EAH and redefine my design style.
will *insert character* be in the webtoon/reboot?
im gonna try my damn hardest! i want to bring every character from the main book series and the animated show into the reboot.
happy pride month! will there be lgbtq rep in Ever After?
Yes! So much! They/Them Cedar Wood and Cerise Hood because i’m just built like that! (Closeted) Lesbian Apple! Bisexual Briar! etc etc!!
also i will be ‘leaking’ my designs in my current art style and not the heavily simplified version that was meant to look like Habromania-
uhhh i can’t think of anything else so here’s some random little sneak peaks from Ever After!
funny line tehehe
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Summary of ‘episode 1’(tv show format)
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okay that’s going to be all for today, time to get back to work!
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ponkssponk · 4 months
Knowing the creator of trash belongs in the trash can, surviving romance, like mother like daughter, & rewriting the villainess all like each other's instagram posts is so wholesome to me??? Like of course the best in the business know each other and are moots 🙄 idk maybe this doesn't matter and I'm just parasocial
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ravs6709 · 5 months
“You bastard, are you the <<Big Brother>>?”
LIKE FROM 1984???? who the fuck is this guy im
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This plus your way later ask about someone else made me laugh because like. You already met the 3rd protagonist. It was buddha
As for this guy actually he's the protagonist of the authors' other work the world after the fall who. Ig he made it out of his own universe??? And from what I've read so far he hates regressing he's always been one to always push forward so that would explain his reaction to kdj (who has regression stigma so...)
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Shoutout to ORV for letting the fictional and real world merge and keeping it that way and taking it a step further by reuiniting all the characters regardless of what worldline or reality they come from. Yes, your sacrifices matter and they change things and the people you came to love in either reality are so important enough to die for yet partings are a part of life BUT the webnovel really said that while they matter, your sacrifice doesn't have to end with death. You CAN be brought back. Maybe you don't "deserve" to live but maybe you're loved enough that it doesn't matter. And maybe you can be part of two worlds, one that you loved already and another that you came to see still had good in it
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