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socialproofbooster · 2 years
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
Decadent Desires Ch 3
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, minor political conversation, minor mentions of sexual encounters.
It was the sound of your coffee pot automatically brewing that originally roused you from sleeping, the beeping signalling it was done the reason you finally got out of bed. Traipsing down the stairs still in your silk pj set you yawned, starting to stretch out your body, dropping your phone on the breakfast bar before padding through the living room to open the blinds. The sun slowly rising through the sky and you deemed it warm enough to crack one of the windows, letting yourself actually get some fresh air on a work day. Wandering back to the kitchen you pulled down a coffee mug, adding a bit of creamer from the fridge before filling it with coffee. Right as you went to take your first sip, your phone buzzed on the countertop and you let out a huff, scooping up the device to a text from Heather.
‘You can work from home, it’s a low day.’
‘Thank god. I really didn’t want to put real clothes on.’
‘Well you’ll have to at some point. You’ve got lunch at Old Ebbitt Grill at two.’
‘Who am I schmoozing for you?’
‘Emily Prentiss.’
‘The fed from yesterday? What’d’ you need with the FBI?’
‘She asked to meet with you. You’ll have to discuss it with her.’ ‘Put it on my card.’
‘Alright. Thanks.’
‘Wear that Tom Ford blouse I like so much.’
‘The blue one?’
‘It brings out your eyes.’
‘I’m beginning to think you might have ulterior motives going on here...’
‘Enjoy your lunch.’
You dropped the phone back onto the counter with a huff, knowing you weren’t getting another word out of her on the subject. It wasn’t unlike Heather to send you in to do a certain level of dirty work when it came to getting other politicians to do what she wanted. It was technically part of your job, she would simply just suggest you use your assets in a way she couldn’t to get them to lean her way, and it almost always worked. Still, you couldn’t possibly imagine what a Section Chief from the FBI would want with your skill set, surely the bureau had their own type of publicists to deal with whatever kind of a situation this was.
You glanced to the clock above the stove to find it was barely eight o’clock and nearly debated going back to bed but you knew that was a bad idea and turned to your coffee instead. You thought about what to do for breakfast while you grabbed your work phone and laptop from your bag, setting them up on the breakfast bar before opening the fridge. You settled on some easy eggs and avocado on toast and restarted the coffee machine to brew a fresh pot, turning on an instrumental playlist on your phone to get your day going and your brain running.
Finished with the food, you refilled your coffee and settled in at the counter to start sorting through emails, shooting one off to Heather with reminders of all the upcoming week’s appointments, meetings and appearances. The rest of the morning felt rather dull, the anticipation of lunch piquing your curiosity more often than not, sending you down spirals rather than focusing on your actual work. You caught yourself leafing through FBI websites and any news articles you could get your hands on, and considering the status you held, that was more than the general public.
Finally around eleven thirty your brain couldn’t get through another email and you opted to jump over to the gym for a quick workout to distract yourself for a bit. You left more than enough time to shower, making sure you were fresh and styled, selecting the blue blouse Heather had recommended before finally leaving your house.
Old Ebbitt Grill wasn’t far, it only took you ten minutes to get there, especially considering the lack of midafternoon traffic. You’d been there a few times before, a standard choice for business lunches among the elite of Washington, close enough to Capitol Hill that it was convenient but just far enough away that it was slightly more away from eavesdropping ears. You pulled up the drive in front and were offered valet service that you accepted, passing off a five for a tip before heading inside where you were greeted by a young bubbly hostess.
“Hi,” you smiled back, “reservation at two, could be under Walton, Prentiss or Dunbar. I think it’s only for two.”
Her finger began scanning through the reservation look in search of one of the names, “oh! There you are.” She beamed up at you, “Walton for two. You’re the first to arrive, would you like to wait or be seated?”
“I’ll sit.” You laughed softly, “god knows I could use a drink.”                                                    
“Of course, right this way.”
You were led past the bar area to the dining room and directed to a green velvet back booth, white table cloth adorning the table. You slid in as the hostess scooped up the extra place settings and wine glasses,
“Can I get something started for you?”
“Uh… two waters and a glass of pinot grigio would be fantastic, thanks.”
With another smile she was gone from the table and you were left to settle in, glancing at your watch you realized you were practically twenty minutes early and let out a soft sigh. Punctuality was almost too much of your strong point, but at least you were never late for things. You scanned the menu quickly, sliding it off to the side to pull out a work file that you’d been putting off looking through, thanking the server that came back with your drinks.
When Emily entered the restaurant she wasn’t entirely too sure what she was getting into, it almost felt weird to be doing this during the day, especially on what was technically a work day. She’d gotten an out of office lunch and work from home afternoon approved so she didn’t have to drive back, and it was Friday so she just kept telling herself it was an early weekend. The hostess picked up right away that she was meeting someone and offered up your last name to confirm before guiding her through the room.
The moment they were through the bar Emily had eyes on you, neatly tucked into a booth, a pen in your hand and a file folder in front of you that all your attention was focused on. Your hair was pulled back off your face but most of it still down and loosely styled. The make up on your face was slightly more detailed than it had been when she’d met you at the office, a little heavier around the eyes, a slightly less neutral lip. Your outfit hugged your frame, accentuating your body perfectly, blue top dipping slightly to expose a tasteful amount of cleavage, black pencil skirt leaving just enough leg out to be admired, and of course designer heels on your feet. It was all accented with a silver bracelet, necklace resting on the swell of your chest and jeweled earrings to match your shirt. You glanced up at the movement coming toward you, a smile taking over your face as you greeted her.
“Agent Prentiss,” you smiled as she slipped into the booth, “or, is that a demotion? Should it be Section Chief Prentiss?”
“That’s way too much of a mouthful.” She laughed, “just Emily’s fine.”
“Alright.” You shot her a grin, flipping the file shut and capping the pen before you slid it back into your purse, “sorry, work never ends.”
“I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” While she was concerned she may have been late, she was happy to see that you were completely content on your own, and that you took work on the go, already another green flag in her book.
“Oh not at all, I have a habit of being insanely early wherever I go.”
There was a slight pause as the server came over to ask about drinks and Emily glanced towards you, your eyes flicked to your half empty glass and you thought about it for a second.
“You may as well bring another one.”
“Heather okay with you drinking on the clock?” Emily asked with a small grin.
“Have you met a politician who doesn’t?” You laughed, “you know… I think that’s the biggest difference between our branches of government, you’re usually armed. The only weapons we carry are our words and nefarious blackmail.”
Emily chuckled at that, watching as you took a sip, “well I took a half day.” She turned to the server, “I’ll have a sauvignon blanc please.”
A few moments later they returned with Emily’s wine and the two of you placed an order for a round of appetizers consisting of scallops, beet and burrata, calamari and the bread service. Conversation flowed easily enough, chatting here and there about the day, how the weather seemed to finally be warm enough to enjoy being outside, little tidbits about work. Emily found joy in the fact that you could keep up with her when she mentioned work, that it didn’t take an extra three tangents of explaining details for you to understand what she meant. By the time the food came out, the two of you were fully comfortable around each other and after a bite of a scallop, you decided to make the jump to attempt to get to the point.
“So, I know I’ve heard that the BAU’s in a bit of hot water right now, but I didn’t think you needed a full PR takeover. Don’t you have your own communications team for those kind of things?”
Emily stalled, quickly popping a piece of calamari into her mouth to spare her a few seconds to figure out how to start things. “Uhm….” She swallowed the food down, chuckling awkwardly, “that’s not exactly why I wanted to meet. Heather… recommended you for something else.”
“Ah…” You leant back against the booth, your elbow draping over the back of it, “I knew Heather had ulterior motives about today but I didn’t realize she was passing me off to utilize the extra skill set.” You chuckled, having now figured out exactly what Emily was alluding to, but you weren’t going to let her off that easy, you wanted to hear her say it. The corner of your lips twitched up at the way she tensed across the table from you and you went in with another tease and false lead. “You want to know what other PR teams I’m close with, whose assistants have loose lips or an axe to grind, dig up a little dirt on someone. Director Bailey? AG? Who’s the thorn in your side, hmm?”
The knot in her stomach burst at the latter part of your sentence, suddenly distracted she glanced up at you with a furrowed brow, “wait, you could really get in with the AG for me?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded over a sip of wine, “she thinks she’s a good friend, would you like me to do some nosing around?”
“No, no.” She waved you off, “that could get you in trouble.”
“Emily, believe me, with most of them all you need is a few too many glasses of wine, a little flattery, maybe a hint of an illegal substance and they’ll tell you whatever you want.”
She let out a low laugh, “I’m going to ignore that last part.” You chuckled as she picked up her wine, taking another sip while you scooped up another scallop. “You certainly have some kind of pedigree, don’t you?”
“I had a lot of ladders to climb to get where I am now, and a decent education and quick thinking always helps.”
“Was PR always the goal, or did you have your eye on Capitol Hill?” She asked and you nearly snorted.
“Where I am is where I want to be. Communications Major at UCONN, followed by a stint at Georgetown.”
“What does a ‘stint’ consist of?” She asked with a raised brow.
“Just a little law degree, never really intended to use it just wanted the knowledge.”
“Did you write the bar?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, taking another sip of wine, “passed with flying colours. Just never really saw myself as a lawyer, fighting in courtrooms isn’t my style.”
“So why bother with the extra three years then?”
You shrugged, “Heather paid for it. Said if I was overqualified for a role I could bargain for better pay.”
“Wow…” Emily’s eyes widened, “she must really like you.”
“We’ve known each other a long time. She always knew she wanted me working for her in some capacity and she needed someone who she could trust, someone who was going to know what they were doing and was right for the field. When you work for Dunbar you have to fit the brand. Now making sure that brand is upheld is my job, she had to start with someone.”
“You enjoy working for her? She’s a good boss?”
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, “being on her payroll is better than any other politician in the country, maybe even the world. She has a much higher level of expectations that always need to be met, she knows quality, she knows class and she demands it out of everyone. So she supplements with extras to make sure we know how appreciated we are and to keep us loyal.”
“Sounds like she knows what she’s doing.”
“She always does.” You leant forward, bracing your elbow on the table so your chin could rest in the palm of your hand, “which is why I know whatever she suggested I help you with is exactly what you need. But I’m starting to feel like I have to sign an NDA to even have this conversation.”
Emily sucked in a deep breath letting out a sigh before reaching for her wine glass, “well… I am hoping for a certain level of discretion and the previous couple of times I’ve tried this it didn’t exactly work in my favour.” She glanced back across the table to find your head still perched on your hand, eyes full of curiosity as you looked back at her and she nearly gulped.
“Do tell… what is it you want from me Agent Prentiss?” Your voice was lowered, both an attempt to get her to own up and to make sure you weren’t overheard, “I work in PR, I know how to uphold an image and believe me, I know how to keep a secret.”
She swallowed down a gulp of wine before slowly beginning to speak, “I’m… looking for someone who is willing to spend a night or two a week together, could be friendly company, could be more if you’re comfortable. And I’m willing to pay.” She winced, suddenly stopping herself, “wait, that sounded bad.”
You chuckled softly, smiling across the table at her to urge her to continue.
“Basically, I’ve got a bit of spare time and extra finances. I need someone who understands I can’t always be around, that work can and will upend plans constantly and suddenly. Someone who values privacy. I don’t have time to do the whole dating thing, the strings that come along with that.”
“Casual intimacy in exchange for fancy dinners, pricey jewels and lavish vacations?” You murmured softly, your head tilting in her direction and she nodded, “well… now we’re finally on the same page.”
“And you’re comfortable with that?”
Your eyes slowly raked over her, taking in her beauty, a small grin on your lips as you nodded, “Mmhm.”
“And the stipulations that come along with my work?”
“Not an issue. As you know, I have my own career and working for Heather can be a twenty four seven, seven days a week job and similar to yours, it includes a lot of travel. Discretion is easily attainable and I know how to uphold a certain image.”
“Good.” She let out a low huff of a laugh, “the last couple of dates I went on before this were garbage.”
“Mmm… I think you likely got caught with the ‘professional’ babies… they don’t want to work; they just want to get paid for being hot.” You rolled your eyes, “they don’t care about careers, they want to be center of attention at all times.”
“And lord knows I don’t have the time or patience for any of that.”
Before you could reply your phone began a series of buzzes on the table top, your eyes flicking to the lit screen and you sighed, “hold on, it’s Heather.” You picked up the device to swipe open the text chain, half muttering to yourself, “bitch said I could work from home today but god knows I can’t go twenty four hours without having to put out a fire.”
“Duty calls?” Emily asked with a near grin, watching as you finished your wine.
“Unfortunately.” You cast a smile in her direction, “and right as we were getting to the good part, sorry.”
“No apology necessary, go. I’ll take care of this.” She gestured to the table.
“Are you sure?”
“All things considered; I think it’s my responsibility.”
“Right.” You laughed softly, popping your phone back into your purse as you slid out of the booth, “you have my number?”
“I do.” She nodded, “I’ll make a reservation for next Friday, we can do dinner and discuss this further?”
“Of course.” You smiled at her, “I’ll see you Friday Emily.”
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catsofcalifornia · 7 months
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Willa from Animal Aware in San Francisco, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Animal Aware's main website.
Willa (For author/activist Willa Cather) Willa is a smart, attentive young lady needing a home with people who fill it with cat toys she’ll enjoy alone, or better yet with humans who throw, roll or wave them, especially into an empty box or paper bag. She likes play time in the day and early evening, but will settle in to sleep thru the night. She takes some day naps, but often goes on patrol to see what people are doing, check in, get a minute of petting, then carry on to explore sights, sounds and any new stuff she discovers.
She isn’t one to spray or sharpen claws in off limit places, only occasionally jumps on counters or tables she isn’t allowed on, and responds to voice commands like “no” or “get down”, along with positive things like “come”, “want a treat?”. She may settle on a lap a long time if you are watching TV, likes sleeping on the bed with an arm curled around her, but is fine with a couple cat bed choices, maybe one high up on a bookcase. She would love a dedicated fuzzy blanket to suckle while making biscuits. Willa was bottle fed after street rescue, initially playful with other kittens, but got selective about which cat family members she would cuddle or play with versus bully, when the household got too full of other foster kittens last summer.
They all enjoyed free garden access in the day, were ushered inside by dusk. Willa stuck close to home the most, usually just to her back and front yard, used to the very low traffic street, no experience with coyote risks, copacetic with nearby outdoor neighbor cats that left her family alone. She should adjust to indoor only living though, with enough space, toys and activity, especially needed if she’s the only pet in the home. She may thrive as an only kitty, but also adjust to bonding with another cat or two if their personalities clicked, after a careful and patient transition phase.
She was raised with a calm, gentle cat loving dog named Blanca, who is also needing a new home asap, and they would be happy to keep living together, but Willa should adjust to any new calm dog sibling. FYI that she was fostered in a one human home during Covid, and will need time to trust new people besides her foster. She otherwise has an outgoing and confident, playful personality, and meeting active yet gentle kids willing to play with her a lot might be a blessing. Her foster is losing their house lease per the landlord selling soon, and moving in with a relative in tiny home that can’t accommodate all the current rescue pets in the family per legal restrictions.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
THE United States and Israel have reportedly proposed a massive infrastructure project to connect Middle Eastern countries with India through a network of ports and railways, potentially as a counter to China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The South China Morning Post (SCMP) and US news website Axios reported that the proposal came out of discussions between the I2U2 Group, a coalition of the US, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), India and Israel established in 2021.[...]
Axios reported that Israel raised the idea of connecting the region by rail over the last year, while the US proposed extending the new network to include Saudi Arabia. The initiative would include connecting countries in the Levant and the Persian Gulf via a network of new rail lines that will also enable traffic to reach India via Persian Gulf ports.
26 May 23
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Hello!! I'm the one who did the domain lookup. I was trying to figure out if it was H related or not, and right now, I am not sure. Usually a company is hired to block out a purchasers information of its someone that doesnt want to be known, which is where the markmonitor company comes in. As for origin, I first heard it was concertleaks on twitter that posted this website (they're an anti, its been larries finding things, but I digress..)
From what I have seen from the YAH rollout and looking back at the site.for Eroda, Sony has their info on the page with disclaimers and other information. Their website coding looks different as well and this new site is pretty bare bones without a tiktok traffic counter or anything embedded yet.
Other than the relatable menu items, I'm waiting to see any official hint that it is, in fact, Harry and team behind it. We may see movement on it tomorrow.
Honestly, if it is, the primary purpose of it for the video is likely to keep the Fandom distracted from My Policeman, in step with their overall blatant ignoring of the movie. (Where are my emails with a link to buy tickets? How will I ever survive?). I'm pretty irritated that they would drop MFASR on an important movie premiere day but for from unexpected from this awful team of his.
I guess just keep an eye on the site, stream #outofmysystem and go watch My Policeman on Friday until we know more!
Hi, there you are!! haha thank you so much for that, that's what I was looking for and I love your thoughts about it as well, thanks for sharing. This is interesting. I was just very confused because people were kind of sharing it like it was confirmed to be Harry's. But I always like to go slow and take a step back with these kinds of things, especially because after Eroda, trolls are literally everywhere and that's something I despise. Have you seen the amount of follows of these trolls on twitter and instagram? Ooof it's like people are begging to be fooled.
But anyway, as I was saying in tags, it doesn't seem like something fanmade to me. I think it has a good potential for it really to be a promotion for the new music video. But who the fuck knows. And I totally agree with you, a new website thing AGAIN bothers the shit out of me 🙄 First of all, because of MP and all the mess and everything you said (it's just unbelievable, omg) and then because it just feels like they're repeating the same formula over and over. It was fun and original with Eroda, but they let it die a horrible death and for what! With YAH was fun at first but it completely lost its purpose after a while. So like... ugh, really? Anyway, let's see how it goes and what this will turn out to be. Thanks again, love <3
In reference to this
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Rail traffic came to a complete halt in Finland on Monday, following the failure of last-minute negotiations to settle the labour dispute between the railway workers' union RAU and the state railway operator VR.
As Helsingin Sanomat reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun), the strike completely stopped local train traffic as well.
The strike does not however affect metro drivers, so Helsinki's metro is running as normally. The same goes for buses, trams and the Suomenlinna ferry.
Tuija Ruoho of the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL) told the paper that the HSL website provides tips on how to find a replacement connection, including a list of buses that run from train stations to the centre of the city.
The director of passenger and operator services for the nationwide Matkahuolto bus transport company, Anu Pekurinen, said on Friday that the operator had not as yet decided whether additional buses would be provided during the rail strike.
Petteri Rantala, commercial director of Onnibus, one of Finland's largest long-distance transport operators, told HS that the company does not have the human resources to organize extra shifts for drivers.
Late Sunday, authorities reminded commuters that not all traffic on the rail network has stopped due to the strike. Maintenance and track work is continuing on the rail network as normal, so drivers should still take care and watch out for trains at level crossings.
Three families and a cat
Late last year, Finland offered to take in 100 Ukrainian refugees from Estonia per week.
Iltalehti tells readers (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that moving from Estonia to Finland has however not interested Ukrainian refugees at all. IL writes that over the last two months, only three Ukrainian families and one cat have resettled to Finland from Estonia.
Liis Paloots, head of the Estonian Social Insurance Board's immigration service, says that the reason for Ukrainian refugees' reluctance to move to Finland may be that refugees are placed in reception centres in Finland.
"These people would be bound to the reception centre for 12 months. Estonia, on the other hand, has prioritized the fact that people become independent as soon as possible. This includes the right to various benefits to facilitate the search for a permanent place of residence when a person has received a residence permit, instead of living in reception centres or other places provided by the state," Paloots told the Estonian public broadcaster ERR.
Refugees who have arrived in Estonia and have not yet applied for international protection are offered the opportunity to move to Finland, but there has been almost no interest in making the move.
"People rather say that they came to Estonia because they have relatives, friends or acquaintances here. Recently, we have also been told that many people have a job waiting," Paloots added.
The number of Ukrainians applying for international protection in Estonia, has stabilized at around 200 applications per week, Iltalehti reports.
Light-fingered shoppers
Ilta-Sanomat writes (siirryt toiseen palveluun)that the number of incidents of shoplifting in Finland began to show a rise at the end of the last decade, with around 50,000 cases reported to the police in 2020.
According to Statistics Finland's most recent crime statistics, most shoplifting takes place in the province of Uusimaa, including the capital region, where approximately 20,000 shoplifting reports are made to the police per year.
Stores have implemented special arrangements for certain products to deter shoplifting. For example, the Lidl retail chain says that in some of its stores products have been shifted from the shelves to checkout counters. These products vary by store, but include, for example, vitamins, parmesan cheese, alcoholic beverages and razor blades.
Some anti-theft measures go to extremes. Petri Miettinen, director of Tripla Mall's K-Market and K-Supermarket stores, says that it was decided to completely remove large instant coffee refills.
"More of them were stolen than sold," Miettinen notes, adding that thieves are interested in more valuable products for which there is a secondary market. In addition, some goods are stolen for personal use.
When asked by Ilta-Sanomat what more unusual items items interest shoplifters, Miettinen answered without a moment's hesitation.
"Baby oil. Our loss is really, really, really high. To this day, I haven't figured out what it's being used for, but I have a hard time imagining it going into normal use."
Campaign vandals
The farmers' union paper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus (siirryt toiseen palveluun)reports that campaign posters promoting candidates in the 2 April parliamentary election have been the target of vandalism around the country.
The paper says that Finns Party posters were torn down in front of the City Hall in Tampere. Vandals have also targeted election ads of the SDP and the Greens in Ylöjärvi, in the Pirkanmaa region, and in North Savo roadside billboards for the campaign of a NCP candidate were riddled by airgun pellets. Similar vandalism has also been reported in Seinäjoki and Riihimäki.
The paper also reports that a campaign event by Centre Party candidate Mikko Kärnä was disrupted in central Helsinki by social media video producers posing as anti-vaccine citizen journalists.
Spring still being coy
Looking at the weather this coming week, Hufvudstadsbladet (siirryt toiseen palveluun)writes that temperatures are forecast to be somewhat warmer than the average for the time of year, but it doesn't look like the trend will last long.
The week will bring rain, sleet or snow and night frosts.
The paper quotes FMI meteorologist Juha Tuomala as saying that the thermal spring will be late this year. That is when the average daily temperature is above freezing for one week straight.
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socialproofbooster · 2 years
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How to Generate Youtube Video Embed Code Easily
You can get the YouTube video embed code in two ways - firstly, you can directly copy the YouTube video URL and paste it into our YouTube video embed code generator, our tool will generate the embed code for you instantly. And another way is you can play that video on youtube and click on the share button available just below the video there you will get the option to share, By clicking on the share link you will get an embed link, click on that, embed code will be generated in front of you. Visit Social Proof Booster to use our video embed code generator.
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texasobserver · 1 year
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From “The Who Behind ‘Where Wolf’” by culture correspondent Nguyên Lê:
Sorry, Waldo, but folks won’t ask for your whereabouts this time around.
In Robert Saucedo’s horror-comedy graphic novel Where Wolf, a lycanthrope is racking up quite the body count in College Station, prompting journalist Larry Chaney to track it down. The hunt also provides Chaney relief from the occupational “ennui” he’s experiencing. His search soon puts him in touch with the local furry community, where the part-man, part-canis lupus assailant has gone to blend in—and to feast.
A real life furry emailed Saucedo when the first chapter (of the 12 in his book) went live as a webcomic on the horror publication Fangoria. This furry reader asked if his inclusion of that subculture stemmed from hatred. 
The reaction had him recalling when he was the features editor of the Battalion, Texas A&M University’s student newspaper: “I assigned a story to one of the reporters about the local furry population. That was one of the most controversial stories in the paper—we had hate mail coming in for months!”
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He countered the assumption by sending a link to Where Wolf’s first four chapters and earned an admirer who would also give him self-created fan art and that from others. He added, “I never thought I would get erotic fan art of something I wrote, but I’ll take it!”
The graphic novel is Saucedo’s first—and a self-financed—leap into the world of sequential art, one that also features illustrations and coloring from Debora Lancianese plus lettering from former Marvel staffer Jack Morelli.
To the latter, Saucedo has captured lightning in a bottle. Over email, he wrote that “The body language and facial expressions are flawless, as is the storytelling, all moving seamlessly from horror to humor to pathos to gore and back again.”
Saucedo, a Port Arthur native who has spent time in McAllen, Bryan/College Station, and now lives in Houston, said three figures served as inspirations for Where Wolf’s Larry Chaney: the protagonist and the actor playing him in the 1941 film The Wolf Man, the namesake of Gregory Mcdonald’s Fletch series, and the author’s own experience. 
Indeed, Saucedo worked for a Bryan–College Station Eagle as a reporter for about a year until dissatisfaction reared its head. He wasn’t confident enough in his writing. The switch to copy editing also didn’t work out. He added, “Larry is kind of like an avatar of where I thought I might be, professionally and emotionally, had I stayed in journalism, which is, to say, also not happy.”
His initial vision for the project was, in fact, a tribute to the journalism profession. 
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“When Larry finds out that there’s a werewolf attacking the town,” Saucedo said, “he sees this as a big chance to get all the fame and glory he has been chasing his entire life. That’s where I was at in my life—I spent most of my 20s and 30s chasing that ‘fame and glory’ before realizing you kind of have to work for what you want to get.”
Saucedo found plenty of time to work on Where Wolf in 2020 when COVID hit and the Alamo Drafthouse, where he had programmed films, furloughed him. He applied the “a chapter a day” mantra and finished a full draft in less than two weeks. At this stage, his work was an online novel. (“No one was reading it—I could see the traffic on my website”). He briefly considered turning it into a podcast, but plans were scrapped after he realized he would need a sound editor (and an industry pro he met quoted him $10,000).
A graphic novel, then, became the best medium for Where Wolf.  He could invest in artists and nourish his love for cinema. 
“Having watched as many movies as I have, you kind of think in a very cinematic way when you’re trying to tell a story,” Saucedo said. “The rule of thumb I basically had when I talked to Deb was, ‘Even if you take out all the dialogue, the page still needs to look funny.’”
Read more on the Texas Observer.
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themesfores · 6 days
WP Safelink Plugin 5.0.4 with License Key - Client Version for AdlinkFly
https://themesfores.com/product/wp-safelink-plugin-with-license-key-66445/ Requirements : PHP v8.2 and Ioncube v13.0 intl ioncube_loader Supported Hosting: 👉Hostinger Extra Discount: https://bit.ly/47lUH3R 👉Verpex 90% off: https://bit.ly/3QLMrFm 👉Cloudways (40% Discount): https://bit.ly/3eU0bgP Improve Your Earning and Drive More Traffic with WP Safelink free license key In addition to boosting your website’s security, WP Safelink Plugin can also help improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your site. By optimizing your links with this plugin, you can increase your website’s visibility on search engines and attract more organic traffic. Here are some of the SEO benefits of using the WP Safelink WordPress Plugin: Automatically generate SEO-friendly links for your website Customize your links with your own keywords for better search engine rankings Track your link clicks and analyze your traffic with detailed reports Improve your website’s overall performance and user engagement Subheading 3: Monetize Your Links and Earn More Revenue with WP Safelink Plugin WP Safelink Plugin also comes with advanced monetization features that allow you to earn more revenue from your links. With AdlinkFly integration, you can easily monetize your links and track your earnings with detailed reports. Here are some of the monetization benefits of using WP Safelink Plugin: Integrate seamlessly with AdlinkFly and other link monetization platforms Customize your ad types and placements for maximum revenue Monitor your earnings and optimize your ad performance with detailed reports Increase your revenue stream and monetize your website’s traffic WP Safelink 5.0.4 with License Key – Client Version for AdlinkFly WP Safelink – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense Solution for those of you who have a downloadable blog but want to install Adsense on a blog that violates the Adsense policy. WP Safelink WordPress Plugins are the solution to the problem you are experiencing right now. Increase Your Adsense Earnings with “WP Safelink” Features: Auto Generate Link Manual Generate Link New Short&Long Generate Link Counter View & Click Three Permalink Anti Adblock New Unlimited Redirect Page Loop New Adlinkfly Integration New WP Safelink Client WP Safelink – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense Unlimited Domain License You can use many domains to use our unlimited products. Premium Grup Support. Don’t worry, you are a beginner because we will help you in the premium support group. Free Update Lifetime Get the latest plugin updates without having to pay back. Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses, or advertising. For License Key: products are functional without entering a product license code. We are unable to provide a license code for you, and it’s because we already obtain the Plugin/Theme to the original developer. The use of a license code usually is for automatic updates and premium support from the original developer. Besides, we guarantee you to deliver a free manual update and minor assistance for your convenience of using the product. Refund Policy: If the plugin or theme is not working properly and we also fail to help you then, in that case, you will get the money back. If the plugin and theme are working properly then you will not get the money back. How to fix “style.css missing” error while uploading themes? A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the theme download package on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme such as the documentation, license etc. https://themesfores.com/product/wp-safelink-plugin-with-license-key-66445/ #WordPressThemesandPluginWithLicenceKey
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websitebloggers · 10 days
How Can Long-Tail Keywords Benefit Bloggers? How Can Long-Tail Keywords Boost Your Blog Traffic? What Are the Best Strategies for Identifying Long-Tail Keywords? Why Are Long-Tail Keywords Essential for Website Bloggers? What Makes Long-Tail Keywords Essential for Website Success? No matter if you are creating a blog post or working on SEO, keeping keywords at the forefront is vitally important. But you need to use them effectively - using them grammatically makes the best impression and builds trust with readers. Long-tail keywords may seem counter-intuitive at first, but they can be extremely powerful. Long-tail keywords are words or phrases used to target search queries that have specific intent, such as purchasing products or services. To read the rest of this article, please click on the link below: https://websitebloggers.com/how-can-long-tail-keywords-benefit-bloggers/?feed_id=10742&_unique_id=66e1791785031
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jmaartenw · 17 days
Is your website is working against you? Is your website is working against you?  What a lot of people don't realise is that having a website can be counter productive to your business success. So often companies will rush into creating a new website without carefully considering the risk to their brand or their sales figures if the website is not designed by a professional and does not send the right message for your business. A badly designed website with poor quality content can actually put customers off from buying from you. In other words a bad website can be worse then not having one at all. in addition you can be losing money if you have an ecommerce website which does not give users confidence. You may be losing vital sales as a result. We offer free Website health checks."Bad websites are bad for business" No Obligation Free Website health Checks That's why we offer free no obligation website health checks for your ecommerce website.  Our expert developers will review your website and give you an honest, no obligation assessment which you can use to improve your sales, or increase your website traffic or generally just make your website more appealing to your customersDon't allow your website to be working against you, Just follow the link below to our website and complete our contact us form.Register your details on our Contact us page. Register your details for a free website check https://lnkd.in/dyhEvD50800 009 3064 / 3065
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southgatetravels · 18 days
The Ultimate Guide to Airport Taxi Pickup and Drop Services in Trivandrum
Traveling can be both exciting and stressful, especially when navigating through a new city or catching an early morning flight. One of the key aspects that can make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable is reliable transportation to and from the airport. In Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, airport taxi pickup and drop services are a convenient and popular choice for travelers. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about using Airport Taxi Pickup and Drop Service in Trivandrum.
Why Choose Airport Taxi Services in Trivandrum?
Convenience and Comfort: Airport taxi services offer a hassle-free travel experience. Whether you’re arriving at or departing from Trivandrum International Airport, a taxi service ensures you have reliable and comfortable transportation. No need to worry about finding parking, navigating unfamiliar roads, or carrying heavy luggage across long distances.
Punctuality and Reliability: Professional airport taxi services prioritize punctuality. With a pre-booked taxi, you can rest assured that your ride will be waiting for you on time, ensuring that you don’t miss your flight or have to wait after a long journey.
Safe and Secure: Safety is a top priority for airport taxi services in Trivandrum. Licensed drivers are well-trained and knowledgeable about the local roads and traffic patterns. Additionally, most services provide tracking and customer support, ensuring a secure travel experience.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing: Unlike other modes of transportation that might have fluctuating rates or hidden fees, airport taxi services offer transparent pricing with no surprises. You can often choose from a range of vehicles to fit your budget and preferences.
Professional Drivers: Airport taxi services employ professional, courteous drivers who are familiar with the city and can provide helpful tips or recommendations. This is particularly beneficial if you’re visiting Trivandrum for the first time.
Types of Airport Taxi Services in Trivandrum
When it comes to airport taxi services, Trivandrum offers various options to suit different needs and preferences. Here are some common types:
Standard Taxis: These are the most economical option, perfect for solo travelers or couples. Standard taxis provide a comfortable ride with sufficient space for a few pieces of luggage.
Luxury Cars: For those looking for a more luxurious experience, premium cars like sedans and SUVs are available. These vehicles offer additional comfort and style, ideal for business travelers or special occasions.
Shared Taxis: Shared taxis are a cost-effective option for travelers who don’t mind sharing a ride with others. This service can be arranged through online booking platforms or at designated taxi stands at the airport.
Airport Shuttle Services: Airport shuttle services offer scheduled pickups and drop-offs between the airport and various locations within the city. This is a good option for those traveling in larger groups or with more luggage.
Outstation Cabs: If you’re planning to travel outside Trivandrum immediately upon arrival, outstation cabs can be booked for long-distance journeys. These cabs are ideal for tourists looking to explore more of Kerala.
How to Book an Airport Taxi in Trivandrum
Booking an airport taxi in Trivandrum is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:
Online Booking: Many taxi services in Trivandrum offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps. You can choose the type of vehicle, select pickup and drop-off points, and confirm your booking with a few clicks.
Phone Booking: If you prefer speaking to someone directly, most taxi companies provide a dedicated phone line for bookings. This is a good option if you have specific requests or need assistance with your booking.
At the Airport: You can also book a taxi upon arrival at the airport. There are dedicated taxi counters and stands where you can arrange for a ride. However, it’s recommended to book in advance during peak travel seasons to avoid long waits.
Tips for Choosing the Best Airport Taxi Service
Check Reviews and Ratings: Before booking a taxi service, it’s a good idea to read reviews and check ratings online. This gives you an idea of the service quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
Compare Prices: While airport taxi services in Trivandrum generally offer competitive rates, it’s worth comparing prices among different providers to find the best deal. Be sure to check if there are any additional charges for luggage, night travel, or tolls.
Look for Professionalism: A professional airport taxi service should have well-maintained vehicles, uniformed drivers, and clear communication. These factors contribute to a safe and pleasant travel experience.
Availability of Vehicles: Depending on your needs, check if the taxi service offers a variety of vehicles. Whether you need a standard taxi, a luxury car, or a larger vehicle for a group, having options is essential.
Customer Support: Opt for a taxi service with reliable customer support. In case of any issues or last-minute changes, you should be able to reach someone for assistance.
Top Airport Taxi Services in Trivandrum
Southgate Travels: Known for its exceptional airport taxi services in Trivandrum, Southgate Travels offers a fleet of well-maintained vehicles, including standard taxis, luxury cars, and SUVs. With a reputation for punctuality and professionalism, they provide both pickup and drop services, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride.
Trivandrum Cabs: A popular choice for travelers, Trivandrum Cabs offers a range of vehicles and competitive pricing. Their drivers are courteous and knowledgeable, making them a reliable option for airport transportation.
Kerala Airport Taxis: Specializing in airport transfers, Kerala Airport Taxis provide a variety of vehicles to suit different budgets and preferences. They offer online booking and 24/7 customer support, making it easy to arrange your ride.
Final Thoughts
An airport taxi pickup and drop service can significantly enhance your travel experience in Trivandrum, providing convenience, comfort, and peace of mind. Whether you’re arriving in the city for a holiday or leaving after a business trip, choosing the right taxi service is crucial for a smooth journey. By considering your needs, comparing options, and booking in advance, you can ensure a hassle-free ride to or from Trivandrum International Airport. Enjoy your travels!
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q3tgftyj · 21 days
A Complete Guide to Airport Rental Car Services in Malta
Why Rent a Car at Malta International Airport?
Malta is a small island, but its attractions are spread across different regions, making a rental car an ideal choice for tourists. Public transportation is available but can be time-consuming, especially if you want to visit less accessible sites like the Dingli Cliffs or the Blue Grotto. With a rental car, you have the freedom to explore Malta on your own schedule, whether you're heading to the bustling capital of Valletta or the serene countryside of Gozo.
Booking Your Rental Car
Booking a rental car at Malta International Airport is a straightforward process. Many international and local car rental companies have counters at the airport, including well-known brands like Hertz, Avis, Europcar, and Sixt, as well as local providers like Goldcar and Aquarius. Airport rental car Malta To ensure you get the best deal, it’s advisable to book your car in advance through the rental company’s website or through comparison sites like Rentalcars.com or Kayak.
When booking, consider the type of vehicle that suits your travel needs. For instance, a compact car is perfect for navigating Malta's narrow streets and finding parking in crowded areas. If you're traveling with family or in a group, an SUV or a larger car might be more comfortable.
Picking Up Your Rental Car
Upon arrival at Malta International Airport, the car rental desks are easy to locate in the arrivals hall. The staff will guide you through the paperwork, check your driver's license, and provide you with the car keys. It’s important to thoroughly inspect the vehicle for any existing damage before driving away and report any issues to the rental company. This can prevent disputes when returning the car.
Driving in Malta
Driving in Malta is relatively easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, like in the UK, traffic drives on the left side of the road. If you're not used to this, it may take some time to adjust. Most of Malta’s roads are well-maintained, but some rural areas may have narrower roads. Always drive cautiously, especially in urban areas where streets can be narrow and winding.
Parking is another consideration. While parking in rural areas and smaller towns is generally easy, finding a spot in popular tourist areas like Valletta, Sliema, and St. Julian’s can be challenging. Look out for blue parking zones, which are pay-and-display, and white zones, which are free but often full.
Fuel and Insurance
Most rental cars in Malta operate on unleaded petrol. Petrol stations are scattered across the island, with many offering self-service pumps. It's important to return your rental car with the same amount of fuel as when you picked it up to avoid extra charges.
Regarding insurance, it’s recommended to opt for full coverage, which can save you from hefty expenses in case of an accident or damage. Car rental Malta airport Check with your rental company about what is included in the insurance and consider purchasing additional coverage if needed.
Returning Your Rental Car
When your trip is over, returning the car is simple. Follow the signs to the car rental return area at Malta International Airport, usually located near the terminal. Ensure that you remove all your belongings and that the car is in the same condition as when you picked it up.
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softseot · 21 days
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sohojware · 30 days
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How To Create A Statistic Counter For Your Website Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript — Sohojware
Do you ever wonder how many visitors your website attracts? Or perhaps you’re curious about how many times a specific button is clicked? Website statistics counters provide valuable insights into user behavior, and statistic counters are a fantastic way to visualize this data. In this comprehensive guide by Sohojware, we’ll delve into creating a basic statistic counter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This guide is tailored for users in the United States who want to enhance their website with an engaging statistic counter. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this tutorial will equip you with the necessary steps to implement a statistic counter on your website.
Why Use a Statistic Counter?
Website statistic counters offer a multitude of benefits. Here’s a glimpse into why they’re so valuable:
Track Visitor Engagement: Statistic counters provide real-time data on how many visitors your website receives. This information is crucial for understanding your website’s traffic patterns and gauging its overall effectiveness.
Monitor User Interaction: By placing statistic counters strategically on your website (e.g., near buttons or downloads), you can track how often specific elements are interacted with. This allows you to identify areas that resonate with your audience and areas for improvement.
Boost User Confidence: Well-designed statistic counters can showcase the popularity of your website, fostering trust and credibility among visitors. Imagine a counter displaying a high number of visitors — it subconsciously assures users that they’ve landed on a valuable resource.
Motivate Action: Strategic placement of statistic counters can encourage visitors to take desired actions. For instance, a counter displaying the number of downloads for a particular resource can entice others to download it as well.
Setting Up the Project
Before we dive into the code, let’s gather the necessary tools:
Text Editor: Any basic text editor like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) will suffice. For a more feature-rich experience, consider code editors like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
Web Browser: You’ll need a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to view the final result.
Once you have these tools ready, let’s create the files for our project:
Create a folder named “statistic-counter”.
Within the folder, create three files:
Building the HTML Structure
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Let’s break down the code:
DOCTYPE declaration: Specifies the document type as HTML.
HTML tags: The and tags define the root element of the HTML document.
Lang attribute: Specifies the document language as English (en).
Meta tags: These tags provide metadata about the webpage, including character encoding (charset=UTF-8) and viewport configuration (viewport) for optimal display on various devices.
Title: Sets the title of the webpage displayed on the browser tab as “Website Statistic Counter — Sohojware”.
Link tag: Links the external CSS stylesheet (style.css) to the HTML document.
Body: The tag contains the content displayed on the webpage.
Heading: The tag creates a heading element with the text “Website Statistic Counter”.
Counter container: The element with the ID “counter-container” serves as a container for the counter itself.
Counter span: The element with the ID “counter” displays the numerical value of the statistic counter. The initial value is set to 0.
Script tag: The tag references the external JavaScript file (script.js), which will contain the logic for updating the counter
Styling the Counter
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Let’s break down the CSS styles:
Body: Sets the font family for the entire body and centers the content.
Heading: Adds a bottom margin to the heading for better spacing.
Counter container: Styles the container with a border, padding, width, and centers it horizontally.
Counter: Sets the font size and font weight for the counter element, making it prominent.
Implementing the JavaScript Logic
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Let’s break down the JavaScript code:
Variable declaration: Declares variables counter and count. counter references the HTML element with the ID “counter”, and count stores the current counter value.
updateCounter function: Defines a function named updateCounter that increments the count variable and updates the text content of the counter element.
setInterval: Calls the updateCounter function every 1000 milliseconds (1 second), creating a continuous update effect.
Running the Counter
Save all the files and open the index.html file in your web browser. You should see a webpage with the heading “Website Statistic Counter” and a counter that increments every second.
Customization and Enhancements
This is a basic example of a statistic counter. You can customize it further by:
Changing the counter speed: Modify the setInterval interval to adjust how frequently the counter updates.
Adding a start/stop button: Implement a button to start and stop the counter.
Displaying different units: Instead of a raw number, display the counter in units like “views” or “downloads”.
Integrating with analytics tools: Connect the counter to analytics tools like Google Analytics to track more detailed statistics.
Styling the counter: Experiment with different CSS styles to customize the appearance of the counter.
1. Can I use a statistic counter to track specific events on my website?
Yes, you can. By placing statistic counters near buttons or links, you can track how often those elements are clicked or interacted with.
2. How often should I update the counter?
The update frequency depends on your specific use case. For a real-time counter, updating every second might be suitable. For less frequent updates, you can increase the interval.
3. Can I customize the appearance of the counter?
Absolutely! You can modify the CSS styles to change the font, color, size, and overall appearance of the counter.
4. Is it possible to integrate a statistic counter with other website elements?
Yes, you can integrate statistic counters with other elements using JavaScript. For example, you could display the counter value within a specific section or trigger other actions based on the counter’s value.
5. How can I ensure the accuracy of the statistic counter?
While JavaScript can provide a reliable way to track statistics, it’s essential to consider potential limitations. Factors like browser caching, ad blockers, and user scripts can influence the accuracy of the counter. If you require highly accurate statistics, it’s recommended to use server-side tracking mechanisms or analytics tools.
By following these steps and exploring the customization options, you can create a dynamic and informative statistic counter that enhances your website’s user experience and provides valuable insights into your audience’s behavior.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
In Africa, the risks of traffic accidents are exceptionally high. The number of road accidents is also higher than on any other continent. 
In the past week alone, road accidents have claimed dozens of lives in Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, and South Africa, to mention just a few countries. Available data from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that Africa has the worst rate of road traffic deaths in the world, with an unacceptably high fatality rate of 26.6 deaths per 100,000 people — nearly three times that of Europe.
The Dominican Republic takes first place in a ranking compiled by the health service platform World Life Expectancy using WHO data. After that, only African countries, such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Liberia, Eritrea and others, follow until Venezuela breaks the ranks at 26th.
Kenya's crackdown on traffic offenders
Kenya is ranked 12th, with 48 traffic fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. However, the number of deaths in relation to the population has risen steadily since 2013. Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki announced that he would take tougher action against drivers who do not obey the traffic rules.
"We expect all regulations governing traffic on our roads to be complied with 100%, by all people, regardless of their rank or social position," Kindiki told reporters, adding that he had instructed the police to take action against all those who violate traffic regulations without exception.
South Africa: 'Arrive Alive' campaign bears fruit
Traffic authorities in South Africa have warned motorists to be mindful on the roads during the Christmas and New Year celebrations. With slogans such as "Be safe — get there," radio stations have been drawing attention to the dangers of flouting traffic rules almost every hour.
The "Arrive Alive" campaign has been active for years and provides valuable tips on responsible behavior behind the wheel and during traffic jams and other disruptions. It also offers help on how to plan trips to a destination popular with tourists. Recently, South Africa has observed a decline in traffic fatalities.
Nevertheless, traffic accidents still killed about 22.2 people per 100,000 inhabitants in 2019 on South Africa's roads, according to the WHO. By African standards, that's a huge improvement, but well above the global average. 
For example, about four people per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany died in road traffic accidentsin 2018.
Fighting corruption and driving while drunk
Alcohol is a major factor in accidents in South Africa, writes the South African Journal of Science on its website. The journal recommends introducing zero tolerance for drunk driving. 
Overall, calls for stricter penalties for road traffic offenses are growing louder, not least because corrupt police officers often make it difficult to punish traffic offenders efficiently when they can buy their way out for small amounts of money.
In Kenya, too, the excesses of corruption contribute to carnage on the roads. In some instances, some have been caught driving without licenses, thereby risking the lives of other commuters. 
"Our drivers cut it short. They buy papers at the counter, and the next day, they're on the road, driving too fast and we have to be on our guard," Eunice Imwenda, manager of a driving school in the capital, Nairobi, told DW. 
Accidents different from crashes
In Nigeria, road traffic crashes are among the leading causes of death, along with insurgency and banditry, according to data from the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Africa's most populous nation recorded 41,709 road deaths between 2013 and 2020.
In many cases, one should speak of collisions (crashes) rather than accidents, Gbenga Akimbule, a policy analyst, told DW. 
"An accident is something you didn't plan for, but if you have a bad tire and you know that the tire might not get you to your destination and you pray and believe that God will get you there, that's different."
Daily reports of road accidents
"Road accidents and collisions have become so normal that hardly a day goes by without a report of a road accident that takes lives or causes permanent disabilities for victims," Badiya Sani from Maiduguri told DW. "Those of us who don't own a car have no choice but to switch to public transportation. But we do so with a lot of trepidation," she added.
As in many African countries, authorities must establish a good public transport network. Buses and minibus cabs are usually in poor condition, technically untested and often involved in accidents. The government needs to do more about this, Sani urges.
Educating Kenya's bodaboda riders
In Kenya, local motorcycle cabs known as "boda bodas" are a popular means of public transport. But they are also responsible for many accidents, Evans Langat of the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) told DW.
The agency is therefore emphasizing this in its educational campaign. "We've made all drivers aware, and I think the message has gotten through," Langat said.
The numbers in the coming years will show whether he's right about that. For now, many a Kenyan family will breathe a sigh of relief once the holiday traffic is over.
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