#weather forecast today
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mhlivenews · 6 months ago
Marathwada Rain: मराठवाड्यात पावसामुळे ६३ गावे बाधित; दोन दिवसांत पाच जणांचा मृत्यू, पंचनाम्यांचे आदेश
Marathwada Rain Update: पावसामुळे जालना जिल्ह्यातील १५, परभणीतील २६, बीड जिल्ह्यातील १२, लातूर जिल्ह्यातील ९ तर हिंगोली जिल्ह्यातील एक गाव बाधित झाले आहे. तर आतापर्यंत लहान मोठे मिळून ३०० हून अधिक जनावरे दगावले आहेत. महाराष्ट्र टाइम्सmarathwada 5 death rain म. टा. प्रतिनिधी, छत्रपती संभाजीनगर : मराठवाड्यात दोन दिवसांमध्ये झालेल्या पावसामुळे ६३ गावे बाधित झाली असून, पाच जणांचा मृत्यू झाल्याची…
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susanhorak · 1 year ago
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية تعليم انجليزي | الطقس اليوم | اخبار الطقس اليوم اخبار الطقس اليوم في اللغة الإنجليزية درس مهم لكل المبتدئين في اللغة الانجليزية حيث يحتوي درس الطقس اليوم على كلمات مهمة تخص حالة الطقس والجو بشكل العام وكل مايتعلق بحالة المناخ مثل مفردات الاحتباس حراري والتغيرات المناخية وغيرها من المفردات التي تكون اساسية مثل درجة الحرارة والرطوبة وعاصف والكثير الكثير من الكلمات. الا�� دعونا نستعرض مفردات اخبار الطقس اليوم
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة من اللينك ده تعليم انجليزي | الطقس اليوم | اخبار الطقس اليوم https://youtu.be/KpMsnv4yHfA
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
المزيد من الدروس المتميزة تعليم انجليزي | الطقس اليوم | اخبار الطقس اليوم https://youtu.be/KpMsnv4yHfA
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اسئلة الانترفيو - مهارات المقابلة الشخصية https://youtu.be/kFWQACcN3qU
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - انواع الجرائم - الجرائم https://youtu.be/Ir37srWpHiQ
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - التعبير عن الالم - كلام عن الالم والجرح https://youtu.be/xfhlQ4zc-EM
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - كلمات اساسية داخل الصف - الحوار https://youtu.be/kMbYTOsUUw8
دورات اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة الى الانجليزية - المترجم الانجليزي https://youtu.be/-rHI9sGiFWQ
دورات اللغة الانجليزية - تعبير عن الاسرة - الاهل https://youtu.be/A0spa90P5Tc
#مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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webmorch-blog · 2 years ago
निकाल लो छतरी फिर शुरु होने वाली है बारिश का दौर, IMD का अलर्ट
निकाल लो छतरी: मानसून 2023 का सीजन प्रारंभ होते ही पूरे देशभर में बादल बरज रहे हैं। दिल्ली-NCR में पिछले 3 दिनों से हो रही रिमझिम बारिश की वजह से मौसम सुहावना बना दिया है. शुक्रवार को भी कई इलाकों में झमाझम बारिश हुई, जिससे लोगों को उमस और तेज गर्मी से बहुत राहत मिली. (Weather Forecast Today)  हालांकि कुछ क्षेत्रों  में लोगों को जलभराव का भी सामना करना पड़ा. अब मौसम विभाग (IMD) ने अगले 5 दिनों के…
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years ago
IMD Alert | IMD | Weather Forecast | Weather Forecast Today | Delhi weather | imd city weather | Delhi | weather update
IMD Weather Forecast: Delhi will rain once again, know how the weather will be in your state According to the Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature for the early days of the month of April can be 30 degrees। At the same time, the heat in the early days of March had broken many records। But due to the rain before Saturday, the capital Delhi sky was cloudy and the weather remained…
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shimyereh · 1 month ago
I can now say I have experienced -18F windchill. Brr!
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chicago-geniza · 5 months ago
Pros: codeine works as advertised. Cons: arthritis level "can't bend my knees so I'm lurching around the store like a doll with unarticulated limbs"
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analog-television · 11 months ago
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what if i badly doodle my weatherman oc (zenith) in the weather app. thus throwing him into his natural habitat (the weather).
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The sun over the Mathews Bridge today because it's
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aviul · 3 months ago
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novembstract day 24: karu (barren)
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hauntingblue · 5 months ago
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The last look... like Orpheus to Euridice I'm going to be sick... also how they keep evading each other... they crossed each other in town and now they can't even cross glances.....
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I can't do this anymore I'm not making it out of here you guys... I'm going to die all dried up in my bed like a mummy.... I'm just realising how similar luffy and Robin are and how unlucky she got in comparison but luffy reached her in the end... and now they're family 😭😭😭 anyways now to the sbs if I can read through my tears my god. Robin spent the rest of her life running from the government and in hiding just for a minute of contact with her mother. Like are you seeing this. And luffy would do it too. Fuck it is that not what marineford was??
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Have I ever talked about how robin holds her mother's hand and her power (most of it for now) is manifesting hands out of thin air? It's like she can make need for connection manifest physically. That makes me feel so normal and emotionally stable
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Look at these fucking freaks... also usopp who was the one who told robin to trust luffy burning down the flag because luffy told him to do it for robin... are you seeing this???
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Luffy manager and assistant manager
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Sanji is so scared of women look at him...
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Look at his stupid face. What the fuck is that.
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Her alpha pheromones have him ovulating right now. Look at this
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Luffy is very dumb but look at the extreme he is willing to go for her friends. Just throwing himself into the rough sea. Thank god a child and her pet are out there to save him ajdkajsks
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Was she... was she in the tub with kalifa.... fighting????
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okay... normal reaction I guess
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Sanji has never looked more pathetic I love it
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Kalifa wants Nami's full attention.... wonder why that is... *pussy shot*
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You know this is actually the building of a beautiful relationship
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Look how frank approves of nami and her lesbianism... he's so supportive ❤️
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He always has something cool to say... also zoro I saw your approving smile... you can't hide from me
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Zoro couldn't say what he thought to usopp but sanji could do it here.... usopp needs to heart it so bad
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I hollered so hard when I saw this for the first time... that is such a slay sanji.... luffy and zoro have fuck all to say when they beat someone so sanji gets all the one liners (also sanji is a demon and zoro is the king of hell there is zosan everywhere for those with the eyes to see)
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It's fascinating to me that zoro says sorry here. What is going on inside that head. Like in recent developments (egghead) we can see they can be friendly but.... sorry for what....
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Robin going from not trusting the crew, to protecting them because she sees her own life worthless and values theirs, to trusting them and their love to know they will save her... 🥺🥺
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Gear 5 in gear 2 tease (no)
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He is like the sun and he doesn't even fear the gods. Okay. Who made the people who wrote these reasons into prophets.
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Oh my god. One piece water seven is so old that the world population was 5 billion.
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This is so funny. "I love nami and robin" Does he makes cakes like that sometimes with things written on them. A cake with nami looks beautiful today. Another one with robin is very intelligent. Just for the fun of it I guess
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This to me is CRAZY btw. Let me explain. I get it here it makes sense but he says the same thing about ace in thriller bark. And then after time skip he is back to this and he should be TERRIFIED. In my opinion at least. Knowing his friends is all he has left and they could die at any minute if he slips up or isn't quick enough to save them? Or did he understand that ace saved him. Still ace died (not saying this is true) to protect him because he wasn't strong enough or because he didn't get there quick enough.
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Are they stupid??? Arkham games reddit referenced one piece that's so cool....
I thought I could finish enies lobby with one post.... welp....
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ca-d · 3 months ago
we don’t deserve her (earth)
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fraberry-stroobcake · 9 months ago
wish me luck part ?? + 1
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little-bunny-in-space · 9 months ago
🌈🌧️ Heavy Weather! 🌈🌧️
Someone decided to go on an adventure today!
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hejihra · 26 days ago
Happy belated birthday!!🎉🎂✨ Hope you had a wondrous day (with some yummy treats, maybe??) and that you have a wondrous week and whole suitable Aquarius season too 💞💞 Sending you a virtual hug 🤗
thank you for all the wishes 🥺🖤 I had a good day yesterday. I was able to get my samosas (even though the roads were all iced up due to the snow). I actually got surprised with a cake 🎂 so I was able to save my bakery sweets for today 😋 I hope that you have a wonderful Aquarius season as well!!💕
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toomanystoriessolittletime · 6 months ago
It's September!
Go away sun, come here cold weather!
I am ready for sweater weather!
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annabelle--cane · 2 years ago
real lack of foresight for me to have gotten sober in the middle of july 2017 tbh. now whenever the big day comes around and I want to make myself a little treat for it I end up having to bake in like 90+ degree heat. cringe move on the part of past marina, why did I not think this through?
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