#we...... have a lot of tma fictives i feel like........
facelessfractal · 25 days
Looking for friends. I am weird and sad but i make a lot of art and if you're nice to me, i will cry and be your best friend forever and draw you things probably.
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michaelofthevast · 2 years
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Hello! I thought I'd give a little introduction for those who may visit.
• I am Michael, or Mike; any pronouns are fine, slight preference for he or sky.
• This is not a roleplay account.
• I have OSDD. A specified type was never given to me, but I fit the criteria for both 1 and 2. I don't participate in syscourse, nor do I care about it. I do not claim to understand the psyche of strangers, and I'm against fakeclaiming.
• I'm a fictive of Michael Crew from TMA. I identify a lot with my source, and I'm fine with talking about it.
• I don't have a DNI. As long as you behave, we aren't likely to have any problems. I do ask that you are kind to others; I see a lot of harassment on this site over very small things.
• If your content makes me uncomfortable, I may block you. No hard feelings.
• I am not a minor, so please do not privately message me if you are. Public interactions like reblogs and asks are fine.
• I have no idea what I'll be posting here. It's a personal blog, I guess. Enjoy!
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solipsistful · 4 years
HI 1ST I LOVE YOUR EYES LIKE OPEN DOOR FIC 2ND you have no idea how relieving it is to find another TMA writer who is pro-fiction AND writes systems respectfully regardless of eldritch entity status! I'm in a system of mostly pro-fictioners so this really touched me. Thanks for being you.
Hahah yeah, we notice a lot of system spaces tend to be... very anti-fiction. Some part of that we’ve seen attributed to fictives who freak out seeing their source character hurt or shipped with certain characters, but dear god that is not the writer’s problem, get over yourself. 🙃
Relatedly, antis in the TMA fandom are wild lol.
Glad you like the system OCs. I still feel slightly bad that my writing process there was “I need a Spiral avatar to be nuked by Michael” and then “what if they were plural o:”, which made them... very temporary.
Fun fact, if you read the comments on that fic, I did indeed get someone annoyed for me daring to write a system into a fanfic of a horror series at all. :V I don’t entirely blame the kneejerk reaction, but it sure does feel goddamn kneejerk rather than an actual reaction to the fic. Like, oh my god there are so many plural experiences that can fit into the Entities? You’re stuck in a body that isn’t yours! Depending on memory boundaries/coconsciousness, you have much less/no privacy! (I’d go further, but you didn’t send this to the TMA sideblog. :’) ) Let systems be evil eldritch horrors too.
It’s kinda been on my thoughts lately because I have seen more than a few cases of “What if TMA was a Bad Show (perhaps a Straight™ Show, if I want to vague one blog in particular) that used multiplicity/DID for horror? lol” and I’m not saying that a singlet would necessarily do it right, but multiplicity in horror alone isn’t some innately Bad Trope, ahhh.
- Serpent
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pinkalaska · 3 years
Recently we've come to realise that we don't actually have a lot of fictives. Some of us are on the border between fictive and not-fictive but more headmates than we thought just kind of Existed already, or split off as "regular" headmates and then used something fictional to define themselves.
Kris' own account is that they existed before even Undertale had come out, and yet we considered them a fictive for a time because they presented as such and started fronting again specifically because we played deltarune.
Watcher wasn't formed to be a fictive but we recall that when he came about, he was with a little who told him he was like Lurien from Hollow Knight, so he latched onto that and formed around it to an extent. The little was also new to front, and iirc named themselves after a fictional character too, but in a "I like this character I'm gonna be like her" way. (Note about Watcher: we also started listening to TMA around the same time he appeared, which would probably explain why he's more british than the rest of us and we keep associating him with Sims but I don't think he's actually associated with that canon, somehow?)
Un/Void is sort of in the middle here, where we can't quite...tell what they are. They share traits with several headmates and may be more of an EP or a disembodied force that can span the system, and while they share similarities and take the name of the existence that is Void (also from hollow knight) they're probably older than the HK canon itself.
It reminds me of the cocktail effect, where talking about a headmate brings them closer to front, but it's more like "when you interact with something a headmate resonates with they show themselves and grab onto it for dear life", I guess?
The only fictives I know of are our PK (and possibly Grimmchild and Pure). Like, everyone else mostly just seems to be grabbing onto preexisting characters to understand their existence and to have a quick way to illustrate who they are to ourselves and others, so we don't get them mixed up because all they gave us was their name *COUGH*wraith, ghost, abyss, half of the littles*COUGH*. And what's more confusing is that they respond to things that happened to those characters in canon like they're traumas that happened to the body.
It's kind of...tricky to navigate. We're not actually fictive heavy, but one look at our member list and it sure looks that way to any fakeclaimers lurking around. I don't know what to call them either - do we still call them fictives? Can we still say exotrauma? Currently their folder on simplyplural calls them "ficties" and we do call it exotrauma but we also feel kinda like the odd ones out lol. I wanna look into the whole thing with Un too, we haven't taken the time to check if there's a term for "headmates who exist as a manifestation of a trauma response but have enough will of their own to have names and talk sometimes" anywhere =.=
This was just a weird ramble in the end, oh well!!! I don't even know who wrote what here because it's so long and directly from our brain (which is a mess) so I'm not even gonna try and proofread it out of fear sorry if it's totally nonsensical </3
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