#we've already talked about a couple of these... i am repetitive
spidey-strange · 1 month
Romeo, Romeo...
I am now living in a post Romeo & Juliet world. It might well be the only time I get to see it, but honestly what I saw on Saturday is going to stay with me forever. I wanted to put it down into words - my review of this play.
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The first part of the experience is the music. We were in the bar and this repetitive rumble sound played over the tannoy, signalling that we were being called to Verona. We took our seats and we waited, all while more and more haze appeared across the sparsely-set stage and the music bore deep into my soul, gnarling and industrial, giving a sense of dystopian doom and foreboding. By the time the lights went out and the video screen showed 1597 in bright red lettering, I was already feeling a nervous nausea and an elevated heart rate.
This play is asking you to pretend, as much as they are. There is no set. There are no props. The actors stand like statues, dotted around, sometimes deep into the back of the stage as if ghostly apparitions. Sometimes the actors talk freely, other times they take their place behind mic stands as if part of a debating society. What happens on stage is coupled with video footage of other actors scattered around the bowels of the theatre, in the narrow backstage corridors, or even the theatre bar (and, of course, the roof). The fourth-wall breaks that often punctuate the end of these short video pieces eally pierce into your soul, looming over you, much like the mood of this whole production.
An example - as Mercutio lay dying, the camera is right in his face so you get the full pain and rage of him as he screams "a plague upon both your houses" and takes his final breaths. All the while, Romeo stands metres away, covered in blood, seething with unbridled rage, tears mixing with the blood of his friend.
The interval moment that follows literally made everyone gasp, a jumpscare that absolutely warrants the gravity of the moment. I won't say more because if there's even a 0.1% chance of you seeing it I don't want it ruined.
The second act of this play is decidedly quieter than the first. Clandestine conversations, whispers between characters, the comedy, gone. The deaths of Thibault and Mercutio loom large as the reality of the consequences kick in. Juliet remains defiant to the last - this is a Juliet who really knows what she wants (supported by Nurse, who is more like an older sister character full of kindness and friendly age-appropriate advice). As the end draws near, and the inevitability of what's about to happen (let's face it, we've all studied it at school, we know what happens!) becomes apparent, the silence in the theatre speaks volumes.
This production challenges you to see the traditional story through a far darker lens, and the blank spaces leave room for the oppressive mood and music to thrive and grow. It asks you to find answers in the quiet as much as the loud. It might be the best known love story of all time but the added weight of the staging proves everything hangs on the final line: "For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
Now. Acting. And oh boy was there acting. I'm going to start with Mercutio (Joshua-Alexander Williams) and Paris (Daniel Quinn-Toye) - two actors who are in their first professional production. What pressure, and how they dealt with it. Particularly Joshua-Alexander! I thought Tomiwa Edun, who played Capulet, Juliet's father, was immense - so sinister in his delivery, he had me convinced he was head of a family and of a gang empire. And Freema Agyeman as Nurse was wonderful, as I said earlier, giving this big sister energy and providing delighful lighter moments against the shade. HUGE mention to Nima Taleghani who not only was an excellent Benvolio but also edited the original text to make it a 1hr 45 version that was powerful and punchy.
Now, our main stars. Francesca Amewudah-Rivers as Juliet was incredible. She was headstrong, she was poised, she was dynamic and still at the same time. She portrayed a Juliet desperate to be free from the confines of her family, but clear that she knew what she wanted from the love (and escape) she sought. The second act belonged to her, her stillness lingering.
And the reason I fought for a ticket, Tom Holland. I've seen him at film premieres and press events, and twice playing golf, but the opportunity to see him do what (as fans) we all know to be his true calling, was irresistible. And oh my God. Honestly I was blown away by his portrayal. Brooding, emotional, at times so quiet you had to strain to hear his lament. And then rage, euphoria, shyness, a fumbling lovesick idiot. Throughout the production he provides so much range, but also so much depth, it's impossible not to feel everything he does.
To see him, clearly in his element, providing a soul to Romeo that I've never felt before - I couldn't be prouder as a fan. For too long he has been tarred with the brush that he is not a "serious actor". As fans we know that The Devil all the Time, Cherry, and The Crowded Room are proof otherwise. This should be the moment the world realises he is INCREDIBLE, to be taken seriously, to be given the respect he is long overdue.
I wish beyond words that I get to see this play again. I hope at the very least it gets an NT live screening so that fans around the world get to witness this amazing, unique, innovative production.
Violent delights indeed have violent ends.
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kyleoreillylover · 6 months
Anger Management
Summary: Sami is sick and tired of you and Kevin's temper tantrums. He decides to do something about it.
pairings: Kevin Owens x Fem!Black!Reader x Sami Zayn
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff!!
word count: 3,651
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant
a/n: I love zowens. they are so babygirl and have been my brain rot for so freaking long. Hope ya'll enjoy!
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"And joining me are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the WWE Women's Champion, Y/N!"
You walked over to Byron with your best friends on either side of you, the three of you wearing a smile to the camera. Albiet, at least a forced smile on your face. You had too much shit on your plate and an interview was the least important thing on your list.
"Thank you for having us Byron." Sami sensed that something was bothering you and rested his elbow on your shoulder, his touch conveying comfort as Kevin wore a similar forced smile on his face. He knew the two of you were on the brink of snapping as you had over the past couple weeks, but he hoped he didn't have to call you out in front of the cameras.
"No problem. Now, I have to ask you guys, how are you feeling with the Bloodline implosion that happened and we all knew would happen." The fake smiles dropped from you and Kevin's faces ,replaced with scowls that could melt steel.
"Oh my god Byron! Who cares about the stupid Bloodline? Cause I don't care! Don't you get sick and tired of asking these stupid questions about the stupid Bloodline, cause I am!" Kevin quite literally screamed in your ears, his face already flushed red with the force of his frustration.
"Kevin, calm down," Sami said, placing a hand on his arm and attempting to diffuse the situation as the tension in the room escalated.
But you thought Kevin was right. These stupid interviewers should be asking questions about things that actually matter, like I don't know, your championships? 
"No, why should he calm down! Every time we're here, it's the same damn questions. 'How do you feel about the Bloodline? What are your thoughts about the new thing happening with the Bloodline?' It's like they don't care about anything else, even though we are the champions!" You glared at Byron, frustration boiling over as you vented your pent-up irritation.
"Y/N, calm down!" Sami was like a broken record, now grabbing your shoulder and trying to ease the rising tension.
"I-I'm sorry, I just asked because of the impact that the Bloodline has on the WWE since their inception-" Bryon's apologetic crap was cut off by Kevin, who was unable to contain his frustration any longer.
"Impact? Impact? You wanna talk about impact? How about the impact we've made as champions, huh? Y/N here is the Women's Champion, and Sami and I are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions! Doesn't that matter to you guys at all?"
"Yeah, doesn't that matter instead of this constant obsession with the Bloodline?" You  chimed in, huffing at the repetitive nature of the interview questions. Byron, visibly taken aback, attempted to salvage the interview.
"I-I apologize if it seemed that way. We just thought that given the recent events with the Bloodline, it'd be relevant to—" Byron stuttered, trying to justify his line of questioning.
"Both of you, calm down!" Sami's loud voice echoed in the room, finally making you and Kevin be quiet and stop losing your shit. He took a deep breath, looking at each of you with a calming yet worrisome gaze.
"Look, I didn't wanna talk about this in front of Byron." Your eyebrows furrowed and you exchanged confused glances with Kevin, unsure of what Sami was about to address.
"No no, don't hold back for Byron's sake. Say it." You urged Sami, expecting another defense of both your frustration.s
Sami let out a sigh, looking between you and Kevin. "Alright, fine. You guys have an anger problem."
"What?" both you and Kevin exclaimed simultaneously, your voices dripping with disbelief.
"Yeah, right!" Kevin snorted, shooting a disbelieving glance at Sami. "I don't have an anger problem. I just don't tolerate nonsense, especially when it comes from idiots."
"Exactly," you chimed in, crossing your arms. "I don't have an anger problem either. I'm just passionate and talk loudly, Sami. You know this!"
Sami shook his head, his voice calm but assertive. "Guys, come on. Remember last week, Y/N, when Shayna accidentally spilled water on you? You nearly went off the rails, ready to take her down."
"She did it on purpose!" you exclaimed defensively, crossing your arms.
"The janitor accidentally pushed her! You saw it!" Sami countered, frustration creeping into his tone.
Turning to Kevin, Sami continued, "And you, Kevin, remember when you nearly went after Vinci for simply walking past you?"
"That baldie shouldn't have been walking past me all smug!" Kevin defended, his agitation evident.
Sami shook his head, a mix of concern and exasperation on his face. "See, that's what I'm talking about. You both have a tendency to overreact to minor things."
"That's ridiculous!" you protested.
"Yeah, we're just passionate about what we do!" Kevin added, crossing his arms defiantly.
Sami sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright, here's the deal. If you both can get through the rest of tonight without snapping at anybody or anything, I'll drop it. But if either of you loses your cool, you have to admit to me that you both have a problem."
You exchanged a glance with Kevin, both of you wearing expressions torn between determination and skepticism. You guys totally did not have a problem, and you were gonna prove Sami wrong.
"Y'know what, fine. This is gonna be so easy anyways, you know why Y/N?" Kevin asked, a smug smile on his face.
"I know why. Because we don't have an anger problem in the first place!!" You paused with a smug grin on your face as you caught sight of Sami's knowing expression, the challenge set before you. "Let's get through this night without a single outburst, and then we'll see who's right."
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The evening progressed, and Sami remained by your sides, observing the situations with a subtle smirk, occasionally looking at his watch as if counting down to something. You and Kevin did your best to keep your composure, but as the night unfolded, it grew increasingly challenging.
The three of you were walking down the hallway, when a technician accidentally bumped into Kevin, spilling water on him. You and Sami looked at each other in bated breath, anticipating Kevin's reaction. Surprisingly, Kevin's jaw clenched, but he managed to keep his cool, wiping the water off his jacket and giving the tech a fake smile.
"Oh, and it's ice water! You hate being wet and cold!" Sami's words seemed to make Kevin's eye twitch as you grabbed a towel, handing it to Kevin. 
"Nah, it's all good! You're all good, dude." Kevin wiped the water off his shirt and forced a smile, much to the surprise of both you and Sami. You exchanged a glance with Sami, impressed by Kevin's composure.
 Riddle strolled up to the three of you, flashing his trademark grin. Internally, you groaned, knowing Matt's tendency to spark off conversations at the most inconvenient times. As expected, he turned his attention to you, his relaxed demeanor exuding a laid-back vibe.
"Hey there, champs! Y/N, you're looking absolutely fabulous tonight. How about after the show, we grab some pizza and talk about the universe, man?" Ride flashed a grin in your direction, his relaxed and carefree attitude making your nerves jump.
"Umm, I'm good, Riddle." You tried to give Riddle the hint that you didnt wanna talk to him, but he didn't seem to catch it.
"Bro, c'mon, we can hang out, chill, and vibe together. It'll be totally awesome!" Matt continued, undeterred by your attempts to politely decline his offer.
"I'm really good, Riddle." You tried to signal your discomfort, but Riddle's obliviousness persisted.
"And then we can just kick it, grab a slice, and-" You cut Matt off mid-sentence, unable to take it anymore.
"Riddle, shut your mouth before I-" , Before you could say more, you glanced at Sami's expression, your words faltered mid-sentence. Panic flashed across your face as you realized what you were about to say.His raised eyebrow and warning look stopped you in your tracks. God, the hold this man has on you.
"I, uh, mean, shut up! I was just thinking of grabbing a bite with Kevin and Sami, thanks but, uh, never mind," you stumbled, trying to salvage the situation. Matt, oblivious to the tension, simply chuckled and shrugged, sauntering away in his usual carefree manner.
Sami looked at you with an amused yet knowing expression, clearly enjoying the struggle you were facing to keep your cool. "Smooth recovery there, Habibti. Real smooth."
You rolled your eyes as Kevin patted your shoulder, reassuringly. "You did the best you could with Riddle. That man does not know when to shut up." At Sami's look, Kevin shot his arms out and said defensively,
"Hey, it's true!"
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Then, when you were busy doing your makeup backstage, Sami and Kevin sitting with you gossiping with themselves, Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser walked in, their smug expressions instantly causing a change in the atmosphere. You continued to focus on your makeup, hoping they'd leave without any confrontation. But that was just wishful thinking.
“Well well well, look who it is, Vinci sneered, glancing at Sami and Kevin before his eyes fixed on you. "The so-called champions, huh? How's it feel knowing that your reign is coming to an end soon?"
You clenched your jaw, internally cursing their timing. Sami linked both his hands with yours and Kevins, leaning closer as if trying to create a barrier between you and the duo. “To what do we owe this pleasure, Vinci?" Sami replied, trying to maintain a composed tone, though a hint of annoyance slipped through.
Vinci and Ludwig exchanged smug glances before Vinci continued, "Oh, just thought we'd remind you lads and the pretty lady here," Vinci smirked, his gaze lingering on you, "that our time is coming. The Undisputed Tag Team Championships are practically ours for the taking."
“Pretty lady?” Kevin muttered under his breath in disbelief, face scrunching up at the thought of someone like them flirting with you in front of him.
"You two again," You grumbled, visibly frustrated but trying your best to keep your mouth shut.
Vinci chuckled, clearly enjoying getting under your skin. “Oh, that reminds me, I got you a gift, darling.”
Kevin’s eye twitched when Vinci brought his arm out from behind his back and presented you flowers with a mocking smile, his tone dripping with condescension.
“A little something for the lady, you know, before I take your championships and her too."
You clicked your tongue sarcastically, refusing to take the flowers. “I’m good, baldie.”
Sami’s eyes darted between Vinci, Ludwig, you, and Kevin, sensing the tension thickening in the room. He moved swiftly, stepping closer to you and placing a hand gently on your shoulder, attempting to stop the escalating situation.
"Vinci, enough. Take your gifts and your talk somewhere else," Sami interjected, his voice firm trying to steer the conversation away from an inevitable explosion.
But Vinci persisted, pushing them closer to you. "Come on, don't be rude. A lady always accepts a gift."
That was the final straw. Kevin's patience snapped like a stretched rubber band. No one talks to you like that. He lunged forward, snatching the flowers from Vinci's hand. With a glare burning with fury, he threw the flowers onto the ground, stomping on them without any remorse.
“You wanna know how she feels about you? This is how she feels about you!” Kevin stomped on the flowers, his voice raised with anger as he directed his fury at Vinci. “This is how we all feel about you!”
Sami immediately stepped in between Kevin and Vinci, trying to defuse the situation before it escalated further. "Kevin, stop!"
But Kevin was seething, his chest heaving with anger. “No! I’m sick of these guys! I just wanna punch them in the face! So you know what?” Kevin grabbed his titles, pointing a finger in Vinci’s shocked face. “I am gonna punch you in the face! Me you, in that ring, right now!” Kevin left angrily, huffing and puffing. You and Sami watched in disbelief as Kevin stormed off, his frustration palpable, taking your titles and chasing after him.
At least Kevin waited until the bell rang to unleash his rage. This didn’t count, right?
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As the night wore on, you both managed to navigate through various situations that tested your patience. However, the ultimate test came when Rhea, your long-time rival, interrupted you and your best friends promo in the ring.
Everyone knows you hate being interrupted!! She made her way to the ring with a smirk on her face, and her presence alone was enough to spike your blood pressure.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the overrated Women's Champion and her two sidekicks," Rhea sneered, eyeing you with disdain before turning her attention to Kevin and Sami. "And you two, still sticking around with her? Pathetic."
You bit your fist, and it was almost comical the way you were trying so hard to hold your frustration and anger bubbling beneath the surface at Rhea's derogatory remarks back. You exchanged a tense glance with Kevin, who clenched his fists but managed to maintain his composure. Sami stood between you and Rhea, sensing the rising tension.
"Rhea, there's no need for this," Sami interjected, attempting to defuse the situation.
"No need for what? To state the truth?" Rhea shot back, her words laced with venom. "It's quite clear, isn't it? Y/N here is a paper champion, and you two," she gestured dismissively at Kevin and Sami, "are just carrying dead weight. Champions? Ha!"
You struggled to keep your cool, your fists tightening at your sides. Sami shot you a warning look, silently urging you to maintain control. You tried to hold back the boiling rage at Rhea's words, but you were barely hanging on. Rhea got in your face at your lack of a response, smirking smugly, her words laced with malice.
"You know, you're just proving everyone right by staying silent. Can't handle the truth, can you?" Rhea taunted, her voice dripping with condescension.
"Shut up, Rhea." She ignored you, smiling devilishly. 
"You are nothing but a fake champion."
"Shut up Rhea."
"You and your boys are nothing but a joke."  Rhea's voice raised an octave, emphasizing each word with deliberate malice.
That was it. The last straw. No one talks about your boys without getting their ass kicked.
 In a split second, without thinking, your hand swung, delivering a resounding slap across Rhea's face. Rhea quickly punched you in retaliation, causing chaos to erupt in the ring as Kevin and Sami tried to separate the two of you, but it was like trying to separate wild animals.
Hair pulling, name-calling, and nail scratching ensued before Sami and Kevin latched both your arms and finally grabbed you, dragging you out of the ring as security rushed in to separate the brawl between you and Rhea. The backstage area was a frenzy of commotion as Sami and Kevin struggled to restrain your boiling anger. 
"Let me go! She had it coming!" you shouted, struggling against their grasp, your rage still uncontainable.
"Y/N, stop it!" Sami's voice was firm, but there was a hint of concern. "This is exactly what I was talking about."
"I don't have an anger problem! She insulted us!" you retorted, trying to break free.
The security guards stepped in, helping to separate the chaos. Rhea was being escorted in another direction, both of you yelling insults and threats back and forth.
"You psycho bitch!" Rhea screamed at you as she was being escorted away.
"Takes one to know one, bitch!" You yelled back, trying to break free of Sami and Kevins' grip, but they literally dragged you out of the arena, the camera capturing the chaotic scene as the broadcast switched to another segment.
They finally let go of you once you were outside, breathing heavily, seething with frustration, and the adrenaline still pumping through your veins.
"I can't believe she said those things about us! She had it coming," you muttered angrily, pacing back and forth. Kevin was equally as angry for you, pacing with you, and Sami just about had enough. 
Sami sighed, rubbing his temples, clearly disappointed but not surprised by the outcome. "Y/N, that's exactly what I was afraid of. We need to talk about this."
"Talk about what? I defended us!" Your voice raised defensively, refusing to accept the possibility of having an anger issue.
"Y/N, you lost control. And so did Kevin, with Imperium. We can't keep denying this," Sami explained, his tone firm yet understanding.
Kevin crossed his arms, looking away with a stubborn expression. "I don't have an anger issue. That was just... Imperium being Imperium."
"Guys, come on," Sami pleaded, trying to reason with both of you.  "It took you both one night to prove my point."
Sami's expression was a mix of disappointment and concern. "Y/N, Kevin, this is what I was afraid of. You both need to admit that this is a problem."
"No! She insulted us! She had it coming!" you protested, grabbing Sami's hand and  trying to make him see reason. 
"Yeah, you know how annoying she can be, Sami. You can't expect us to just stand there and take it!" Kevin interjected, his frustration evident in his tone.
"Guys, this isn't about her. It's about us," Sami said firmly, trying to make you both understand. He squeezed your hand, his thumb gently rubbing your knuckles in an attempt to soothe your agitation.
"Look, I understand why you both reacted the way you did. But it's not about just this one incident. It's a pattern. We've had multiple instances where both of you have almost crossed the line," Sami explained, his voice filled with concern.
You sighed, feeling the weight of Sami's words sinking in. "I just... I hate when someone talks trash about us. I can't help but react."
"I get it, habibti. I really do." Sami put his arm around your shoulders, trying to comfort you. "But we need to find a way to handle situations like these without losing control. And the same goes for you, Kevin."
Kevin sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Fine. Maybe... maybe I overreacted a little."
Sami let out a little smile, it wasn't often the two of you admitted any fault.  "That's a start, Kev." He brought him into a tight hug, rubbing soothing circles into his back as a silent thank you for his admission  before turning to you, his expression softening. "Y/N, what about you?"
You sighed, not wanting to admit it but knowing deep down that Sami was right. Sami sensed your hesitation and gave you a tight but relaxing hug that left you momentarily speechless. When he pulled away, he looked at you with a gentle yet firm expression, waiting for your response.
"I... maybe I did overreact," you admitted, reluctantly conceding to Sami's observation. "But she was out of line."
Sami nodded understandingly, a small smile making its way onto his cute face at the way you were trying to come to terms with it. "I know she was, habibti. But that's what she wants. She wants to get under your skin, and when you react, she wins."
Sami paused, his eyes meeting yours, his gaze gentle yet firm. "I know you are protective of us, and I love you for that. But I don't want it to be at the cost of your well being. And my ears can't take any more screaming."
You chuckled at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Okay, okay," you relented, leaning into Sami's embrace. "Next time I'll just think of ripping of the face of whoever annoys me instead of actually doing it."
"That's all I'm asking for," Sami giggled, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. He then turned to Kevin, who stood there with a thoughtful expression.
"Kevin?" Sami's tone was encouraging, yet serious, awaiting Kevin's response.
Kevin scratched the back of his neck, his expression softening. "Yeah, alright. I'll work on it too." Sami smiled at him and leaned down to give him a platonic kiss on the cheek as well,, Kevin's anger melting away with every touch.
There was a peaceful silence until you and Kevin exchanged a glance, both of you having the same train of thought.
"But what if Rhea-"
"But what if Vinci tries to-"
"But what if-"
"No buts, guys!" Sami stopped your questions, laughing at your predictability. "Nothing is gonna happen tonight and if it does, we'll handle it together, calmly." Sami emphasized the last part, looking between the two of you with a serious look, as if daring you to object.
Kevin and you exchanged a knowing look, both of you thinking how this adorable puppy dog of a man could scare you more than any opponent in the ring when he's serious. You nodded in unison, accepting Sami's terms, knowing he wouldn't allow anything else.
Sami beamed, pleased that you both agreed. "Thank you. Now, if the two of you don't fight in the car, we can get Waffle House on the way back. Deal?"
"Deal!" You and Kevin chorused, sharing a smile at the thought of enjoying some delicious waffles after the intense night. You linked your arms with Sami and Kevin, walking to the rental car, ready to put the night behind and embrace the comfort of waffles and each other's company.
The two of you knew you'd have to eventually work on your anger, but you ignored that with the promise of delicious waffles in store for you tonight. (And maybe you'd break your promise to Sami by fighting over the bill, but that was future you's problems).
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
fic writer asks! 💞🧠🥰
Thank ya, thank ya!
💞 Who's your comfort character? -Answered this one! (or didn't answer kind of haha)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. -If you have someone else in mind, feel free to drop them in the comments, but I'll go with one for Ava and one for Deborah, since I feel like they're safe bets :)
Ava: A weird kinda niche one since I feel like I've already talked to you about a lot of my Ava headcanons in fic comments: I think she has a little bit of a complex about the New York comedy scene. I feel like she had to have been very deliberate about her choice to go to LA despite NYC being so much closer (and to stay in LA even when she might have appreciated being closer to her dad). She's so fiery and brash and brazen, but I think there's a little...idk self-consciousness about where she chose to "make it" and the scene she finds herself fitting into (or making herself fit into).
Deborah: Deep in my heart of hearts I really do believe she would appreciate Moby-Dick and sympathize with Captain Ahab haha! But for a more canon-y headcanon (and I know it's something we've talked about, so sorry for the repetition): I think she has a deeply ambivalent relationship to conventional femininity and the dictates society has made about it; on the one hand, they were impositions--things she had to do (and she's actively bitter about the fact that new generations of women don't, which is, imo, an important distinction from being bitter that she had to)--but on the other hand, I think she also takes a great deal of pleasure in performing it successfully--not only for the ways she's been rewarded for it, but also on a more personal level. It makes me want so, so deeply for there to be a kind of deep dive in fic of Deborah's coming out and exploring femme identity where some of those same aesthetics and embodied performances might be present but under such a different rubric with none of the external impositions (bc it's not being done for or bc of this patriarchal apparatus anymore). Anyway I will stop bc this is no longer a neat little 1-sentence headcanon haha
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics? -I LOVE it! I write for at least part of my living, but it's not the kind of thing where I get a lot of feedback outside of two reader reports and maybe a couple citations years later, so having this space where I get to write something that's often deeply personal (or at least feels important to me and who I am or what matters to me) but also deeply communal is a really amazing thing and how I feel connected to the fandoms I write for!
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azarchive · 4 years
@saveveryone​ asked for 👫 GIVE THE PUBLIC ( me ) what they want
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i. at first lillian feels completely out of place in may’s world. may is so warm and kind, so full of love, giving so freely with a smile that makes her heart melt. in comparison, she feels cold and dull, like she fades into the background, like she doesn’t belong in the light may seems to radiate. its a feeling that only increases when she sees may’s home, full of the life she built with ben and her kids, a place of such warmth and love. and yet, may makes her feel welcome. with each smile, with each gentle touch to her arm, she feels herself being pulled into that world. she doesn’t understand it at all at first, why may would want to spend time with someone who barely remembers how to smile, but gradually that out of place feeling fades away.
ii. in the early days of their friendship, lillian spends almost all her free time helping out at all the places may is involved in. she loves volunteering her time and helping at the community garden, happy to reach those high places for may. she goes at first because she’s really interested in the things may does, and keeps going because of how much she enjoys helping. she’s always asking how she can help more, if there’s anything she can do. seeing may’s enthusiasm for what she does is what originally prompts lillian to open up about what she’s doing with her prosthetics. 
iii. lillian falls in love with may’s laugh. the sound of it, the way she looks when she’s overjoyed, the way she laughs with her whole body. she loves how her house always seems to ring with it, whether it’s echoed by peter and stella, or simply a memory that lingers for her. the first time may makes her laugh, and their laughs echo together throughout the house, lillian thinks that maybe she’s found a place where she belongs. 
iv. lillian’s always spent too long at work. she’s always pushed herself too much, kept terrible hours, preferring to remain in her office working on her designs than returning home to her cold, empty apartment. it always reminds her of how lonely she is. but after may asks her to move in with her, things change. even if may’s at work and the kids are at school, even if the house is empty of people, it’s never empty. it’s full of may and peter and stella, of the people she loves. she finds herself leaving work on time, or early. she can keep her own hours, and so she does. she goes home when she wants to. stella greets her at the door with a hug and two massive dogs, and it’s usually peter who has to pull her up from the floor. she kisses may and joins her in the kitchen, and lets herself be happy she’s home.
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Heyo, just a quick lesson for all you fuckers out there who still can't get it through your thick skulls that trashing people online is a). a shitty thing to do, and b). really quite embarrassing for you (because please, tell us you have no life without explicitly saying it). I thought I'd just throw this out here to give y'all a little incentive to quit being little dipshits.
Quick review before we start today’s lesson, according to Black's Law Dictionary (aka the most used law dictionary in the US), harassment means "repetitive annoying, irritating conduct towards another that is designed to torment the victim... Harassment may be oral, written, graphic. The goal is to be create unrest in the target of such conduct." Now that we've gotten that down, the next step is to see if what you're doing qualifies as harassment. 
Telling someone the world would be better off without them → creates unrest to your target, check ✔️
Repeatedly sending hate to the same blog (or multiple blogs bc you're salty that someone has more friends than you) → repetitive conduct with the intent to torment your victim, double check ✔️✔️
Well, harassing anons, it looks like you fit the definition of harassment to a T.
Now, what to do with that information? Well, fun fact, there are a couple laws out there that *gasp* makes your tomfoolery quite illegal.
Before you rip a hole into me and give me the classic "not everyone lives in the US," I'm going to throw a curveball and say over 150 countries have passed forms of anti-harassment laws, so don't be an ass and just look up your own laws.
Also, another side note, I'm going to be talking about US federal statutes, but be sure to check your state's laws, because your state can have some harsher punishments set up against harassment than stated in the federal law.
Alrighty, to start off, we have 47 U.S. Code § 223, aka the Telephone Harassment Act. My favorite part of the act is where it says it's a crime to utilize "a telecommunications device, whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without disclosing his identity and with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass any specific person." Granted we're in 2022 and they could be a bit more inclusive with gender equality and all that, but this act boiled down basically says it's illegal to harass people, online or in person.
And then there's also 18 U.S. Code § 2261A, the federal anti-stalking law. I can already tell what's going on in that small head of yours, so don't worry, I'll act it out for you guys so you understand what I mean.
Limp dick coward anons who send hate: "Oh, but me telling someone to off themselves doesn't mean I'm stalking them! I'm just being an asshole. Being an asshole makes me a really pathetic human being but it doesn't make me a stalker."
OP who's fed up with all the hate being spread around: "Well I got news for you, buddy. You can still sue someone under anti-stalking laws if you're being harassed. Just think about it. If you continually harass me, the logical thought would be that you're going out of your way to be a creep on my page (*cough cough* stalker *cough*) just to be able to get your unwanted messages my way."
So in conclusion, harassment is a shit thing to do. It’s also a thing that can land you in lots of hot water, so just don’t do it (unless you think getting fined and being imprisoned anywhere from a year to life sounds fun).
Cool, cool. Now that we've delved a little into the law world, do what you want with this information. You can listen to me and get the fuck out of people's inboxes and maybe try to find something productive to do with your lives OR you can keep on being slimy sleazeballs. After all, who am I, a stranger on the internet, to tell you what to do with your life? (See what I did here? I'm being a sane individual who could care less what you do with your own life bc it's your life, not mine)
All I can say is, if you want to waste my time with your continuous pointless bullshit, I guess I'll waste your time and see you in court.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
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PAIRINGS: Haikyuu boys x fem! reader
GENRE: angst, pining, teasing, spicy level at 1?
A/N: i am hooked, captivated, jealous, and many more emotions🤨 this was honestly a little random but no complaints
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⟡𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔's offhanded comments on an essay he didn't participate in was a bloodbath waiting to happen. Though you understood that he was in a tight schedule regarding practice and matches was a tough schedule to keep up with, the expression on his face when he sees the score ignites the rage that was kept tight when you stayed up just to pinch in to replace their mistakes and their unwillingness to cooperate that had you pulled out of calmness.
"Wipe that shit expression off of you, Miya. Maybe if you were there we could've done better but no." You huffed, while there's a chuckle from the blonde as he takes the paper from your hands, a punch to your efforts, while he waves it around before towering over you with eyes glancing to your lips before it goes straight to your eyes before he spoke,
"If you wanted the best, then I'm all yours to take."
⟡𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀 would go overboard majority of their practice so at those moments—you never know what to do seeing that you weren't on good terms anyway. He'd be too focused and frustrated to be communicated with while Hinata's drive to progress himself always mixes with the setters competitiveness then it leads to late practices making you stay until they finally leave.
"You two— c'mon I have to lock up. Get going already." Hinata smiles at you softly sharing his intents to stay a little longer while you shook your head. He gave out a defeated sigh while you walked to the storage room to make sure everything was placed to where it was but when you expected silence, it never came. The sound of heavy impacting echoes through the gym while you rolled your eyes to walk out and see the setter all alone.
"Kageyama, go home." You were down to the remaining ounce of energy you had left. You could only roll your eyes as you held the ball he was meant to hold as he blinks at you.
"I'm not gonna say it again. Let's go home already." He turns the other way around whispering, "Just one more." making you hold onto his wrist as he turns to you surprised but held a glare in secret. "Stop being so stubborn." Kageyama scoffs before holding onto your hand on his wrist, a slight tug while you leaned forward because of his actions.
"And stop trying to make me go home with you." You pushed him slightly with raised eyebrows, a fluster in your cheeks as you tried to pull away.
"Idiot- that's not what I mean!" You argued while his hand remained on yours as you both stared each other down. "It's not like I meant it that way either." Tobio said before letting go of your arm, walking away with his own heated cheeks while grabbing his bag and ending the day with one more glance to you.
"I'm going now, if you're going to come with me—then I'll see which of the choices you did mean."
⟡ 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 doesn't like the way your personality mirrored his twin. A duplicate of another duplicate. He saw how well you and the blonde had bonded and brought a migraine to his head, realizing that the annoyance he gets from his twin has doubled when it came to you but he does deny that there's an ounce of envy seeing that you were never that close to him and always favored Atsumu.
And now that you were in their residence, the laughter from you and the setter ticks him off as if he was a thirdwheeler in every situation—god, even in their house.
"Oi, do you mind? I think my controller is in Samu's room can you get it for me?" Atsumu asks while you shrugged before knocking over to Osamu's door. You figured that he didn't like you as much and you kept your distance but at times, you can definitely feel that the distance that had grown to a state that even you were confused in how it got that far.
You casually enter in, glancing at Osamu who was only busy on his phone but shares a stare to you when you wander around.
"What're ye looking for?" He asks, while you responded saying it was the controller. He stands up with a groan, noticing how messy the other side of the room was as you began to pick up a few shirts while Osamu cocks an eyebrow.
"Ain't no touching that, I'll clean it myself." He suggests but you continued nonetheless thinking that this may reduce whatever tension was there. Right at the moment where you reached for the jersey at the stairs of their bunk bed, Osamu had grabbed your wrist making you wide eyed before looking at him.
"I said I can do it." He says in which you followed with, "I just wanted to help you and Tsumu." He rolls his eyes but the proximity of you two is alarming especially when his hand was still wrapped around yours.
"Atsumu this, Atsumu that—can't you worry about me?" He jokes at first but there's warmth to your cheeks alike to his own, but he leans forward, a smirk to his lips. "Only you?" You asked before he spoke again,
"Only me and no one else, doll."
⟡𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀's bad start during mornings never get along with your rants along with Iwaizumi to help maintain the health of MSBY. Whenever Iwaizumi would be off to observe a different team, you'd be the subsitute. All of the things he's said to them—you'll be there to remind them all over again. In which repetitiveness irks him knowing they've been told before.
"We've been through the same routine. Today's not any special." Kiyoomi suggests, though you get how irritating it can be to act like a broken record—you knew Iwaizumi would do the same thing you were doing.
"And if we go through it like every other day, then we'll finish fast." You argued as Atsumu sends you a chuckle before leaning on his teammate.
"Not with all that yapping." Sakusa whispers making you scoff while Hinata and Bokuto share a worried glance.
"You've got something to say to me, Kiyoomi?" You asked, edging him on because you weren't entirely at fault. You were strictly just following Iwaizumi's orders.
The MSBY player then takes a few steps forward before lowering his mask and with a threat of a stare to look down on you.
"Why don't we stop talking and I'll show you a better routine?"
Atsumu rolls his eyes but rather entertained at the vanter unfolding in front of the entire team.
"Like you'll ever find a way to shut me up." You bragged but there's a chuckle from him before he leans forward—a close vicinity where his lips linger on your ears as a cold voice welcomes you.
"I'd like to see you try and stop me then."
⟡𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀 is the person that throws distanced glares when it came to you. Ever since the aggravating Atsumu teased you two as a perfect couple that he quickly declined followed by an unnecessary sentence saying you were impossible to date. You understood that you were never friends to even label it but since you were with the twins, you and Rintaro never hit it off the way you did with the Miyas'.
So even as you sat a few seats away from at the local bus, it irks you that this banter goes on even outside school. Looking away, there's a hand to your waist making you glare instantly at the man beside you while he only gives an appalling glance to your attire that made your blood boil as you struggled to move away from him.
"Get the fuck off me." You ordered him but he acts nonchalant. The moment you were about to raise a hand to show some defense, another hand travels to your waist while the previous hand around you was removed.
Gasping you turned to Suna who radiated a heated energy while the man scoffs knowing it was a facade to act like you were together.
"Hey now—if you don't believe she's my girl, then why don't you watch?" Rintaro threats as his lips lingered around your neck while you stood frozen. The destructive and taunting stare he gave to the man caused the bastard to move away not long before Suna had the chance to push him to the other side, cocking a smirk while he pulls you to his body.
"Thank you." You said, while he only shrugs in response, still cautious of the jealousy that lingers the mans eye.
"Seems like you'll be mine for the rest of the night."
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