#we're very proud of this one
leiawritesstories · 2 years
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SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!!!! IT’S HERE!!!! honestly i’m the most surprised we actually have something to post lmao @rowanaelinn and I are SO SO EXCITED to share this with all of you!!! without further ado........here you go :D 
Summary: She’s a professional figure skater headed for her second Olympics, aiming to make everyone forget what happened her first time, he’s a former pro skater coaching her through the competition. When the stress of the global competition, several familiar but unwelcome faces, and everything they’ve overcome in their pasts gets to both of them, will they work through it together? Or will it push them apart?
Word count: 2k
Warnings: language, injury, a certain redhead 
You are nothing. 
Jump, spin, land. That was all she had in mind. A buzzing sound took hostage of her ears, she didn’t know if she was even on rhythm for her program. She hoped she was. 
You are barely an acceptable skater. You’re only here thanks to your name. You are not allowed to be anything less than perfect. 
Those words, these hateful and venomous syllables was all she could hear. All she could remember. Her dance, the movement and stunts… She relied on muscle memories for them. Secretly hoping that some part of her brain she wasn’t aware of was listening to the music. 
She dared a single glance to the side of the ice skating rink, she wasn’t fazed by the thousand pairs of eyes on her, no, the only pair of eyes that bothered her, that made her swallow her throat were steely grey, and always angry
She wasn’t doing well. 
You’re no good without those pills. Take them or you lose me. 
And so, she took the pills. They made her sick, made her lose weight. Good. Now you can actually compete, actually look right for the cameras. But it was never enough for her coach, and soon, it became never enough for her either. 
Tears burned the back of her eyes, but she didn’t want to fail. So, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius swallowed back these emotions too, and finished her first program of the day. 
Your jump is weak, Galathynius. Shabby. Sloppy landing. 
Shutting out every noise but her music, she launched herself into the air, locking her legs together, one ankle hooked beside the other, extending her arms over her head, and spun. Once. Twice. Three times. Uncrossing her legs in one elegant maneuver, she landed on the ice’s smooth surface, her free leg extended behind her at a perfect 120-degree angle. 
The audience and announcers exploded. 
Triple axel from Galathynius, and did you see that? 
Stunning–perfect–brilliant–so difficult with the arms over the head–look at the score!
She tuned out the voices again, focusing only on the music and the ice. None of that mattered if she didn’t finish her program strong. Gliding powerfully into the center of the rink, she pushed herself into a spin, leaning backwards to grab her extended leg by the blade of her skate, spinning and spinning as she pulled that leg straight up above her head. The faces of the crowds blurred past as she whirled, slowing her spin in time with the ebbing music, until she released her leg, slicing the toe pick into the ice behind her, and stood with her back arched, her head tilted backwards, arms extended to the sky, and bowed to the judges’ bench. 
You will make it at least past the first round or you are truly a failure.
A beat of roaring silence, and then applause crashed over Aelin like a tidal wave, the audience and even the judges clapping and cheering for her. Smiling, she skated off the ice, slipping on her skate guards and jacket embroidered with the Terrasen colors, and met Arobynn for the reveal of her score. 
“You were awful,” Arobynn said. 
What she always thought was awful about her coach was his voice. It wasn’t angry nor aggressive. No, it was just cold. As if throwing insults and degrading terms at her did nothing to him, spurred no emotions at all. As if every program she danced, every award she won, would never be enough to make him approve of her. 
She was only sixteen years old, she shouldn’t have be so scared that her coach, a former Olympic skater himself, would push her to compete harder and harder each month, each year, until she was here at the Olympics, one of the youngest skaters to qualify this year, and she was completely terrified that she was going to make a horrid mistake in her debut program and disgrace herself in the eyes of her coach–and the world–forever. 
The score flashed across the arena’s huge screen. 
Which put her in the lead.  
Aelin’s jaw dropped in shock as the crowd exploded into cheers again. 
“Seventy-nine point two-five from Aelin Galathynius!” crowed the announcer, his voice rolling over the applause. “Absolutely unheard-of from such a young skater! We look forward to her next round, oh yes we do!” 
Aelin beamed for the cameras, smiling and waving and, in a dramatic touch, throwing kisses into the crowd. She was still riding the high when she walked back into the hall to the locker rooms, Arobynn at her side, and her coach suddenly halted and pinched her arm. 
“You should have at least scored an 82,” he hissed, his mouth flattening into a thin, irritated line. “It’s because of your landing, Aelin. You can’t wobble on your fucking landing.” 
“I’m in first place!” she snapped back, pissed and emotional from her debut program and her staggeringly high score. “Can’t you see that for an achievement?” 
Arobynn pushed her against the wall, bringing his face into hers. “Don’t you dare talk back to me,” he snarled. 
Then he pulled away, looped his arm through hers, leaned in towards her–but not too close– acting for the cameras. Always acting for the godsdamned cameras lest the millions of people watching the Olympics get a glimpse of how sadistic Coach Arobynn Hamel, retired Olympian himself, really and truly was. 
You are nothing. 
You are weak. 
You will get nowhere without me. 
She heard his cold anger in her dreams, the harshness she could never escape even as she slumbered creeping into her mind, destroying her peace. 
Two weeks later, she stepped onto the ice for her pre-semifinals practice, shaking out her limbs, her fleece sweatshirt and fingerless gloves and legwarmers keeping her from freezing before she’d warmed up. Like a reprieve, Arobynn stayed silent for once, just folding his arms and watching her skate in broad loops around the rink, loosening her muscles and joints and warming herself up before she started her routine. She marked through some of her more difficult steps and combos, waiting until the pills she’d swallowed under her coach’s glaring eyes started to kick in, a tingle forming in her blood. 
When she felt that tingling, she nodded, her signal to Arobynn to start her music. 
And she launched into her routine, her skates carving fresh grooves into the pristine white ice as she jumped and spun and leapt across the rink. She breathed out deeply as she prepared for her triple axel, the jump was giving her hard times in practise, and launched herself into the air, spinning one two three times and coming back down, her leg wobbled and she had to drop her other leg instead of keeping it lifted so she didn’t fall over. 
Her music stopped. 
“Get up.” No emotion in Arobynn’s voice, only coldness. 
She stood still, waiting for his anger. 
“That was pathetic.” He glared at her. “Do it again, and try not to fail, Aelin. I don’t spend all my time here just to watch you disappoint me.” 
Biting back a rude retort, she lined herself up, exhaled, leapt into the jump again. This time, her jump was off, she only managed two and a half turns before landing, but her landing was solid. 
“Horrible!” her coach snapped. “Do it again.” 
And again. And again. 
Exhausted, but determined this time, Aelin pushed herself forwards and upwards, spinning three times in flawless form, and landed solidly on the ice, only wobbling a little bit as she stabilized herself. Although she was scared to look, she shot Arobynn a glance, waiting for his comment, feeling both fear and pride. 
His face was a mask of cold indifference. “You are not even trying, Aelin.” He sighed, clicking his tongue like a disappointed parent. “Because I’m a generous coach, I will give you one more chance. Land the jump, and maybe you’ll manage to get a decent score. Don’t land it, don’t even bother dreaming about returning to the Olympics.” 
This time, it was anger that fueled Aelin as she skated across the rink, anger that narrowed her eyes as she lined up her jump. Angry at her coach for being an asshole led her up into the air, into one two three perfect rotations, down in a graceful arc to the slender blade of her skate meeting the ice. 
She never anticipated the bump in the otherwise flawless surface of the rink. 
One second, she was beautifully landing a triple axel, and the next, she was sprawled over the freezing cold surface, a distant scream echoing in her ears and a searing white-hot blaze of pain shooting up her left leg, snaking up her left arm. 
Distantly, she realized that the screaming was growing louder, closer to her. Until it clicked, and she realized that was her screaming, her voice, her pain. That the other yelling was her coach, crouched on the ice next to her, ranting and raving about how stupid she was, how she was a complete failure, never ever going to make it professionally, she should just give up, she was nothing, nothing, nothing–
Aelin jerked out of sleep drenched in sweat as frigid as the ice itself, panting, heaving for breath, her lightweight sleep shirt clinging to her back with cold sweat, gasping as she realized that it was a nightmare, only a nightmare. Not real. Not anymore. 
Arobynn hadn’t been in her life since the accident. That day, just before the paramedics arrived and carried her into the ambulance, he screamed his last insults at her and stormed out of the arena. That was the last time she saw his arrogant, cruel, cold face and she wished him good riddance, he could go die for all she cared. 
Until she saw the scans of her leg, until the doctors told her that she wouldn’t be able to skate for three months while her leg was in a brace, until the lack of his pills made her shake and shiver and break into cold sweat. Until she tumbled into crushing self-doubt and thought she would never skate professionally again as she worked through the long, painful process of recovery. 
Hyperextension. Not as terrible as it could have been. 
Nothing had torn, but the ligaments in her knee had stretched enough that her physical therapist didn’t want to risk her tearing anything as she recovered, so she was strictly forbidden from doing anything more than skating laps with a goddamn fucking trainer sled like she was five years old until she was cleared to actually skate again. She was young, she had the time to recover properly and still be able to skate, that’s what they all told her to keep her from overworking herself. 
Six months after the accident, she was back on the ice. Her parents stood at the side of the rink this time, her mother’s eyes sad but proud as she watched Aelin cautiously skate in slow circles around the rink in their hometown, gradually getting more confident the more time she spent on the ice. 
“Who is going to coach her?” Rhoe whispered to Evalin. 
“We’ll find someone,” Evalin whispered, never looking away from Aelin. “We know lots of coaches and retired professionals, we’ll be able to find someone.” 
“Aren’t they all taken?” 
She frowned. “Rhoe, darling, this is why we call in favours.” 
He nudged his wife affectionately. “I thought it was just Arobynn who owed you a favour, Ev.” 
“You thought wrong,” she teased. “There’s another skater I knew, he’s younger than us and he’s pretty recently retired from professional competition. I agreed to partner skate with him for an exhibition when he was debuting professionally and I was a couple years away from retiring.” 
Aelin’s father wrinkled his brows. “Do you mean…what’s-his-name, Ronan?” 
“Rowan Whitethorn,” Evalin confirmed. 
“He’s willing to coach?” Now Rhoe was surprised. “I thought he said he was done with skating after he retired. Because, well–you know.” 
Evalin sighed. “I think I can convince him just this once, just to help Aelin get back where she belongs. Back to the Olympics.” 
TAGS: please let us know if you want to be tagged! 
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averlym · 7 months
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fairest of the fair
#hi! im alive and back and etc.#six the musical#six the musical fanart#katherine howard#thinking of that post going 'i think eventually you become the person you needed most' and like maybe that's the thing with my art#this started out as a redraw and <improvement meme> i think i've finally reached the stage where i'm making the things that my younger self#aspired to create. like i can do this now! i've reached That level of technical skill! tiny me would be so proud. it's very gratifying#redraw from august this year actually. i've made a surprising amount of improvement HAHA maybe it was the adamandi stuff getting me#back into digital rendering. i think that obsession has quietly slipped away but yknow. one never truly leaves a fandom. just less intensit#also speaking of old fandoms! we're back with the six stuff haha. as of writing i'm in the midst of blog revamp- figuring out how to chill#multifandom status doesn't mean ditch all the old stuff ! but i do feel much freer and less stressed. i think hiatus has been good for me#notes on this piece particularly: redraw about cutting hair and thinking of the lyric above. also lowkey &j ref + pinterest poem excerpts#of female suffering. and maybe a dash of amanda heng let's walk inspo. this work is really just full of contradictions..#1. the mirror and cutting hair as an act of self liberation 2. the & is part of the lyric but also a nod to &j (in another iteration it was#pink but the white looked better) and like. &j is really all !!! girl power!!! etc. and i was like hmmmm. also matching pink shiny aes#3. the frame as a cage; the mirror as a self reflection idea (ie. saville's propped insp) but also as a sign of vanity. 4. sparkly costume#and pretty pose- read one too many poems about women feeling like they have to be pretty even in their suffering. something i wanted to#explore. and also in 5. the show itself... all you wanna do is. despite all the dancing and pink and sparkly the content of the song is#darker. and even though it's a story of her suffering it's still presented as a shiny fun pop song and ajshdhfhfh ok... 6. the lyrics fall#outside the frame. sort of a caught inbetween. sort of a trapped in the narrative and yet#within the frame it's all. vaguely handwavy breaking free vibes. like i said contradictions?#7. cutting off the long ponytail vs the pull my hair lyric at the end. yeah#8. the blocked off & looks a bit like scissors. positioned to cut right at the neck#anyways yeah irl remains hectic! but if i get around to more doodles they'll appear here :)
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silverskye13 · 2 days
Zoey, my very smart german shepherd walks into the room. She looks very proud of herself, side-eying me. She walks over to her crate where she sleeps at night. She belches very loudly. She looks at me again, with a big dog grin.
I ask, "Was your dinner good?"
She wags her tail and walks away.
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Lisa Ann Walter as Melissa Schemmenti in Abbott Elementary| 02×20: Educator of the Year
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neolxzr · 1 year
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and everybody is so trolled
(8 now)
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nero-neptune · 7 months
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made up a group of edwardian-era hockey girls, Heavily inspired by the many wintery late 19th/early 20th century photos i processed in an archive over the summer. at some point, i decided their team would be called "the hail raisers".
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yanderespamton78 · 2 months
ive already shown this to anyone who actually cares pretty much loll (anyone following the addison arg) but i might as well post it on here
this is actually the first proper animation ive done :'D like other than this ive animated a ball bouncing but that was more to test the software than anything,, lucky for me i consume animation memes more than i consume water so i know the basics B)
#i need to drink hmm#ok im gonna ramble in the tags about the process because i like rambling#that frame where hes looking down and saying “we're coming” was actually the first frame i did#this was gonna be a stupid meme wtf happened#i can show you the first image it was just joking about how quickly everything had escalated lmao#then i drew that and was like#“woag;;;;; ook so like what if i animated this”#twas GRUELING#it may not have seemed like it bc i didnt mention it when i was wokring on it but i wanted to keep it a surprise lol#anyways im finally free from this stupid animation I CAN DRAW PIN!!!#i ended up redrawing the first frame once or twice because it looked really really bad#then the last ones im still kinda unsatisfied with but i couldnt be arsed to change them#im still unhappy with the way he jolts his head back it feels weird#thing is because of my insistence to keep that one really cool frame in there i had to do it#basically i needed a way to get him from hunched over to back straight looking down with his face hidden at one point#and it ideally had to look very unnatural that was the general goal#but idk i thought that line where Slick called Addon blue bell was really FUCKING COOL#also in a voice message Turnip acknowledged the static#SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT URUAHGH GURAH GH GHH#YES!!! THE STATIC!!!! I DID DO STATICCC!!!!!#also i know thats probably not what Slick possessing Turnon looked like but thats how i visualised it lol#I was binging tawog while watching this B)#OK actual tag time woag#animation#beginner animator#addison oc#turn off the lights arg#not my oc#addisons deltarune#my eyes hurt
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hella1975 · 7 months
there's a very specific kind of vibe that comes with living with your friends in final year that it just does not have in first year or even second year. like as a fresher it's usually the first time any of you have lived away from home let alone with SO MANY people your age and it's terrifying and exciting and randomised to boot so it's generally carnage for a whole year in the best and worst ways, and then second year you pick who you're living with and it feels like for the first time you're doing this adult thing PROPERLY. you have a place of your own now. these are the people you've chosen to live with. studying gets serious etc. but it's still fresh. it's still new. you still don't know how to navigate it. but final year? final year is when you actually get it right. you know how to manage your time better. you know what works for you and what doesn't. studying is the main focus and you've been out in the world for three years now and it's not loud and boisterous like it was in first year and you're not exciteable and awkward like you were in second year. you're comfortable. every single one of my flatmates has their own friend group and we mainly keep to our own social circles, but we'll still meet each other back at the house after a night out and sit in the kitchen or my room to do the debrief. sometimes i'll go days not seeing either of them despite sharing a house but every now and then someone will softly call up the stairs that 'the heating's on!' or one of us will sneeze and the other two will yell 'bless you!' through the walls. the lack of interaction isn't interpreted as dislike in ways it would have been even last year, because we're all just old enough to be past that now and settled enough in our friendship not to worry about it. idk. uni is very loud and unsettling a lot of the time so it's been really sweet to see how almost boringly comfortable final year is.
#like my day today was literally drag myself out of bed at 10am to meet my econ friends bc we're in a group together#and i spent two hours with them writing a fucking TRADE REPORT before coming home#and the rest of the day was kinda lost. i showered. i put a wash on. i had a nap. i mainly stayed in my room#which sometimes is the End Of All Things but today was quite nice#and i can hear in their rooms how my flatmates are doing the exact same thing. pottering about and getting on with uni#and we've barely spoken all day but earlier my one flatmate ran into my room all excited to show me her nails#bc she's been teaching herself to do gels and it took her 2 hours but im still one of the first people she wanted to show#and just now we all went to use the bathroom at the same time and it led to one of our Stair Sessions#where we all inexplicably just gather on the stairs and chat for no reason with a cup of tea#idk it's just nice. it's such basic shit but i can't belive in first year i used to spend EVERY DAY with these girls#and we were one single friendship group and that was all we had#and then in second year one girl branched off bc she lived in a studio and got into her societies#but me and the other girl lived together again and it was the same thing of she was a friend before she was someone i lived with#and weirdly that can actually be detrimental to a dynamic. but this year we're all just very solidified and confident in ourselves#and where we stand and yes we all have our own friendship groups outside of the house now#but there's still that love and simple comfortableness around each other that you only get with time and a hell of a lot of proximity#and a sense of being settled that maybe is just what happens as you get older#idk it's just really nice. if i had this exact same day in first year (doing economics and barely leaving my room)#it would've been a really bad depressive day for me so the fact i can find such contentment from it now is really heartening#i love my little life here im very proud of what ive been able to achieve :)#hella goes to uni#feeling nostalgic because SOME BITCH decided to ribs post
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emathevampire · 28 days
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A Reconsecration in Blood and Twilight
Happy Pride to everyone, but especially to my beloved prince in horns Askalaphos and his blackguard, Solar, an NPC from our Ravenloft campaign.
Once a devout paladin of the Morning Lord, then of Mother Night after his death, corrupt rebirth, and subsequent fall from grace as he pursued power no matter the cost in the pursuit of vengeance against Strahd... the aasimar blackguard Solar now learns what it is to be true to his own heart as the newest disciple of Askalaphos, a fallen demigod son of Ares and former slave to the Abyss slowly regaining his own spark of divinity and sense of purpose as he seeks an escape from the mists of Ravenloft. None of this would have been possible, however, had their mutual annoyance friend Rixa not been dead-set on saving the both of them from themselves, despite their belief that this was a hopeless cause... or if they had not joined forces to save her in return when she was captured by her nemesis. A long and dangerous road still lies between them and victory over Strahd, the Dark Powers, and the corruption that stains their very souls, but walk it they shall... after all, nothing worth fighting for is ever easy.
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soulsmadworld · 4 months
for the wonderful @callmerose0 's "How to train your.... Avian?"
Quick NOTE!
as of yet, this has neither happened nor is it confirmed to happen
nor is this incentive or pressure for the author to make this happen
this is just my hyperactive imagination needing this vision to exist
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if u love the ranchers and haven't read their fics yet
what are u doing
go read them
individual panels after cut
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kinaesthetiqueer · 4 months
nora muse: sooooo when's my next chapter
me: *avoiding eye contact*
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heroesofenvellfan · 1 year
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Ace flag color-picked from Kira! This felt like too good of an opportunity - she's got the colors! And they go so well together! 😄😄
Feel free to use the last one as an icon, though credit is appreciated!
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arcaneyouth · 2 months
*disabled guy voice* why the fuck is this happening to me
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ffxvzinefest · 1 year
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lisbonsteresa · 8 months
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they're so annoyinggg
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arolesbianism · 9 days
Man oni can't do this to me I'm supposed to be preparing for artfight but all I can think abt is Them™ from the second I wake up to the moment I go to bed how am I supposed to prepare in these circumstances 😔
#rat rambles#oni posting#and dude the beta is probably still going to be going during that time klei how could you do this to me#like I will still be participating in artfight but I fear Ill be on oni lockdown for the first week or smth dhskdhkdh#Ill try to at least sketch some stuff out but god if I can get my hands onto any amount of lore its so jover#now thats not a guarantee this is a beta after all but god man. fuck.#also I need to know the new dupes name right now its important#mostly because I want confirmation that I got z on the cypher right lol#chances are theyll just have another a name or smth#who knows maybe theyll have a w name and be the second ever contender for being sent to the constant#although for all we know there could be plenty more w names in the cast that are just hidden in the full names like with nails#I am in such agony rn with seemingly every place ppl post abt oni being dead silent still hello is anyone there#I thought Id at least see some more speculative stuff on the gameplay side of things but Ive seen like 2 things where ppl even bring it up#tbf some of the new stuff seems pretty obvious to deduce to me like there's no way the new fox deers dont produce lumber#and we already know the bunny guys (or the big one at least) provides reed fiber at least#the plants are mostly more mysterious tho#we have the obvious one being our new bestie the oxylite plant and the lil puffball tree thats probably the new decor plant#and the crystal grapes are probably going to be a new muckroot equivalent and at least one of the new plants probably produces smth edible#as for what recourses they need we know that at least 2 of them need watered in some way#Im currently betting theyll need ethanol but thats not based on a lot#honestly if any of them use plain ol water or even any water variants Ill be surprised#I wouldn't be surprised if most of them take ethanol or some liquid gas or smth#I still am holding out on a plant that consumed liquid carbon dioxide but Im not too hopeful#one thing Im very curious on is just everything abt how the oxylite plant grows I wanna know how good itll be so bad#because I am a proud member of the desperately wants more viable oxygen production option in oni gang and I wanna see this baby flourish#but based on how seemingly abundant it is Im afraid itll just join the squad of early game oxygen options that become too much of a hassle#to sustain late game so you're usually just going to switch to exlectroliszers each time#I hope Im wrong but I wont be surprised if Im not#they already took one oxygen plant out back and shot it dead so this guy might just be a corpse on arival if we're unlucky#well hey thats why there's a beta ig gotta make sure things are balanced or whatever
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