#we're gonna aim for every week but it might be every other
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gonna be more sporadic in posting from here on out, folks
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shimejidissertation · 9 months
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Have you ever wanted to hear two girls talk about two other girls? You're in luck! @friedbreadfast and @therepudiatedimmortals are starting a podcast called shimeji dissertation, discussing shimeji simulation, the widely acclaimed manga by tkmiz fans, with each episode focusing on specific chapters, from start to end.
Any sort of question or contribution you might want to send, our inbox is open! We'll read them during future episodes as they air, and add them to our discussions!
First episode is currently in editing and focuses on the first 2 chapters, with some light discussion of girl's last tour, so any contribution will be added to newer episodes.
We're aiming to have episodes air around every 2 weeks, and will be posting which chapters we're gonna discuss per incoming episode (with episode 2 focusing on chapter 3 and 4,) so people can read along and send any questions or things they'd like to see discussed.
We'll keep posting updates near episode release dates, and we look forward to how far this project can take us.
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septembersghost · 1 year
What do you think of the idea that this was PR for SNTV so that everyone would be paying attention to the Nash shows?
oof. okay, first of all, and this isn't aimed at you anon, but everyone has gotten way too comfortable using the term "PR" inappropriately, to the point where it's meaningless, because you get people online saying everything they see ever is PR when that's simply not the case and a lot of things are just...humans living life who happen to do so in the public eye. but the whole point of the concept there is some benefit. this is not an instance where there's benefit of publicity - trolling potential aside, because that would serve a different purpose - all eyes are already on her.
she knows fans pay attention to the shows every week (even the ones like me who aren't viewing the livestreams! i read along with the updates as they happen but haven't watched, others might check in the next day due to time zones or busy schedules, and so on), no matter what we all know what happens and what surprise songs she plays and what she might've said, and we know very quickly. every entertainment and music outlet is paying attention. an album announcement would make spectacular noise and immediately be reported no matter what.
furthermore, stoking romance/personal rumors, if anything, takes *away* from the announcement, it doesn't add to it - hence the internet being in a dither about matty rather than only being focused on excitement over SNTV. why on earth would she intentionally court speculation and rumor that distracts from an important project? moreover, why with someone who undeniably would be controversial and cause anger/annoyance? how does that help her? (answer: it's irrelevant to her if she likes him.) i'd be slightly inclined to think it was a silly joke for the sake of 1989 TV and a potential collab if she'd announced that album instead, but everything about the optics, especially given very recent events and history, has such overwhelming negative downsides with really no upsides as far as press and reactions go. so PR for SNTV specifically makes very little sense to me, versus her being in a do-whatever-i-want-with-whoever-i-want moment (which, let's be real, is not out of character).
it's either a (perhaps ill-timed and unclear) bit of shenanigans between chaotic friends or it's...whatever it is, and we're going to be living with that rebound reality for a bit. he took a very long trip to get to a hometown show for her...we're gonna have to face what that means, particularly after not seeing the person we thought we should have seen on opening night. i didn't want to read into that absence before, but unfortunately information is now what it is. (me @ mr. bowery: you should've been there! you should've burst through the door with that, "baby, i'm right here" smile!)
the announcement of SNTV would've happened last night no matter what, i'd lay odds she's had that planned for the first night of nashville for quite a while. the matty of it all is a wrinkle, not a boost. the only thing i hope is that it doesn't have any negative ramifications for her (not necessarily in the press, but in her personal life. having fun is fine, i just don't want her to be hurt anymore than what's already happened, you know?).
ultimately, what we all have to remember is that boundary - we don't know her directly. we have no say or influence over her decisions or personal life. that doesn't mean we have to like them, but we have zero input into her making those choices. all we can continue to do is what we already do, support her artistry, wish her the best, and cherish her music.
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invisiblegarters · 5 months
23.5 Ep 10
Last week we introduced a little angst via Sun possibly going to the US for a year, Alpha having some relatable struggles regarding her place in life and her family, and poor Aylin being accosted by everyone and dealing with it by smashing her food in Ton's face (no sadness for him, he deserved it).
Sigh. I should have known they'd do the towel falls and panic ensues thing. I can't pretend it doesn't make sense, lol. And we still have that gloriously sensual kiss from the end so I can't really complain.
Dinner with the folks. Poor Ongsa, she's so nervous, but Sun's family is so warm and lovely.
AW I like Sun's parents. I always love it when parents react positively in BLs and GLs. My favorite is still Akk's parents in The Eclipse, but He's Coming to Me was good too.
Okay. I don't know how other people feel about this, but I will say that I firmly believe in not changing your plans for a love interest. Do not switch colleges, do not change cities or reject a great job offer or decide not to go to the States to study in what is a golden opportunity for you. Do NOT. Especially not when you are a freaking teenager, my god.
I hope Luna feels bad. I love her but Aylin's my girl and she totally pushed her into a corner. I still do wonder if Aylin does want friends but she doesn't know how to handle people being genuinely nice to her, but she has to go at her own pace. And Ton was way out of line. Read the room, himbo. Some people don't want you all up in their face.
I don't know the more I thought about it the more annoying it got to me. I'm not really mad at anyone - they're all stupid kids tbh and I remember enough about being a stupid kid that I can give them some leeway, mostly because none of them meant any harm - but I do think that the appalled reaction was aimed at the wrong person in that situation.
I just want Aylin to be happy okay? Whatever that looks like for her.
You know, it would amuse me if Ton and Mawin wound up together after all of this. I don't think that's what's gonna happen but it would amuse me.
I still think that Ton only wants Charoen because she doesn't want him. I would love it if they don't end up together but I don't have that much hope.
Oh no. Please you two do not make her feel bad.
Oh Aylin.
Look at her face. I just have to say it, View is so damn good in this role.
"But we're friends" doesn't really cut it when she's spent most of her life being picked on, Charoen.
YES Bambam tell them. Genuinely, I do love that the girls are getting this kind of...gentle reminder from them that not everyone is the same and that just because you want someone to open up or talk to you doesn't mean that they are ready, and if they are never ready or never want to that's their choice. I do think that they're both pushy because they care about Aylin, but well. They needed to hear to slow their roll. And I do love the gentle way that Bambam lead them to that conclusion on their own.
Ugh Nida and Bambam are great. Now if they would just kiss, please.
Okay I know that this year separation sucks when you're young and in love. And that a lot can change. But also, maybe I'm just unromantic because I'd still do it. I also knew that Ongsa would not want to go with her, although my guess is that in the end she does.
Bambam and Nida! Bambam and Nida!
Right. I totally want them to get together I will cry if they don't but. But I am also really loving watching Bambam reach new oblivious heights.
I do wonder what all this looks like to Ongsa's parents. Literally every time they have a meal with these kids someone is having an issue.
I'm sorry. I just don't think that it's romantic.
Yeah called this with Aylin. I think that I might have to think about this for a bit.
Oh Ton. This fucking guy.
And yes, you can make her smile and that's a good thing. Just stay out of her face.
Aw that's a yes. NOW KISS. KISS KISS KISS.
Well that was cute. Methinks that even if the cards tell Bambam to stay far away she'll find a way to interpret them the way she wants, lol. Love that for her.
I actually kind of love that Ongsa is being the mature one here. And I agree with her. Because I really do feel that when you do something like that - give up on a dream because of a relationship - it will more often than not become a crack in that same relationship you were so desperate to preserve.
Does Ongsa think that her parents are gonna be upset that she and Aylin are in relationships with girls? Because they really do not seem to be bothered by the idea of Aylin and Luna at all.
Not that I agree with Sun doing it either.
I don't know. Like I said I have to sit on this one for a bit. I might have more to say (terrifying, I know). I might not. But this one will be on my mind for sure.
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seradae · 2 years
Okay, so I started off writing a short lesbians in space story that would quickly turn into smut. And now ... It's not that. There will be future smut, but I just got so into the world and the characters, it's multi-chapter. Next one will have some space fuckin'. Also, I'm cross-posting this to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43928488/chapters/110452822
Anyway, the story!
The Spire
Chapter 1: Arrival
Erica floated near a wall, staring at her phone. She watched as the shuttle map updated, a blip coming closer and closer to the port. She fidgeted excitedly as the seconds counted down and then she heard the characteristic click-hiss of the docking procedure, grinning so hard her face hurt.
A few moments later, airlock door swung open and attendants began helping passengers out into the hub and onto the waiting train.
Before the arrival, Erica had talked to the attendants and asked for the passenger manifest, so she knew that Lou was going to be the fourteenth person off. As the twelfth disembarked, she kicked softly off the wall towards the airlock, rotating herself in air to align with it. As she flew over, they appeared and she grinned even wider, a few tears springing from her eyes. As she approached, she nodded in appreciation to the attendant and exclaimed, "you're here!"
She grabbed a handhold on the wall to suppress her motion and yanked Lou off to the side, pulling them in for a deep kiss. "God, I missed you."
Lou wrapped their arms around her and squeezed her so tight she was momentarily worried she might bruise. "I missed you too, baby! I thought you were going to meet me in the Donut?"
"I couldn't wait and Lys -- the one who helped you off the shuttle -- is an old friend of mine. Knew she was working today, so I pulled some strings." She kissed them again and then grabbed them tight and kicked off, aiming toward the train. "C'mon, another one won't be here for a bit."
As they got their lapbelts on in the train, she asked, "how was the trip? Why'd you end up so late?"
"The flight was fine -- short and uneventful -- but everything leading up to that was hell. The passenger trains from the Buenos Aires ring to the New York ring were down for almost a day; apparently a tether snapped and had to be completely replaced. So I had to transfer through the Bangkok ring and missed my shuttle," Lou grumbled.
Her eyes grew wide. "Wait, the entire tether snapped?!"
They laughed a bit at that. "Oh, fuck no. That would've taken a lot more than a day to fix. Just one of the redundant lines, but you know how strict they are. Either way, I'm just glad I'm finally here."
"Me too," she said quietly as she laid her head against Lou's shoulder. "It's nice being able to touch you again."
"Perv," they teased, turning to kiss the top of Erica's head. "I know it's only been a few months, but it feels like years. How's it been living up here?"
"Pfft, takes one to know one. Honestly, it's been really nice. I'm finally starting to make some friends outside of work. And I was able to set up a few fun surprises while you're in town!" She reached over and held their hand, sighing softly as their fingers interlocked for the millionth time.
Lou perked up at that. "Oh? Like what? Can I get a hint?"
"Nope. If I give you a hint, we both know you'll figure them out. I know you're terrible at it, but be patient."
Speakers on the train chimed and said, "next stop: Euclid station, your hub for shopping, entertainment, and hospitality," then repeated the same in several other languages.
"That's what you call the Donut, right? Isn't that where your apartment is?" Lou reached down to undo their lapbelt to get up, but Erica pulled their hand away.
"Yes, but that's not where we're getting off," she replied with a smirk.
"I guess the surprises are starting early," they said inquisitively.
She kissed them on the cheek. "Damn right. I only have my baby for a week and I'm gonna take advantage of every second."
They sat together in silence for the next few minutes, occasionally talking about the various stops and what was available at each of them, or chatting about random little things. Finally, the speakers chimed again and said, "next stop: Spire Prime, luxury hospitality."
Erica detached her lapbelt and gestured for Lou to follow suit. "This one's us!" They raised an eyebrow but didn't speak. "When we stop, just follow me."
As the train came to it's stop, she pushed herself up and they both proceeded to the exit. As they left the train, they were greeted by a pair of attendants. One of them spoke kindly, "welcome back, Ms. Rae! And you must be Mx. Cruz, lovely to meet you and welcome to Spire Prime. Your luggage should be here shortly; we'll see that it gets to you as soon as possible. Would you care for assistance to your suite?"
They both smiled wide at the personal greeting. "No thanks, Tom, I'll lead the newbie," Erica said with a wink.
"Understood! Let us know if you need anything, and we'll see you shortly with your luggage."
She locked arms with Lou and kicked off the doorway, leading them towards the panoramic glass exterior wall of the module. They could see the whole Earth below them, fully illuminated, though at this distance it was impossible to make out details.
She grabbed handholds along the wall and propelled them around the module until they reached their room. She waved her wrist in front of the lock on the wall and the door opened, beckoning them in. She grabbed hold of them and the door and flew inward, past a bathroom and into the living room.
Lou had seen pictures of this place as it was being built, but they absolutely did not do it justice. They looked around the room, taking in the sights. "Wow... This is absolutely amazing. You didn't have to do all this, you know." They drifted toward the glass dome window at the end of the room, while Erica attached her purse to the wall near the couch.
She scoffed. "It's your first time on the Spire! Do you think we were just going to go hit dive bars?"
Lou twisted around to look at her. "... Are there dive bars here?"
"I mean, yeah. But they're faux-dive still. Gonna take a few years to really get them dirty; we'll work on that later. But for now, I just want you to enjoy yourself." She pushed off the wall and flew over to them, grabbing a handhold and pinning them to the window, kissing them hard. "And I want to enjoy you."
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thelegendofj · 2 years
Not that it really matters, but for the record, I'm not a "tw*tter refugee"- I've always despised that place. I have dropped in there every now and again (but had to limit my time on there for mental health reasons because something on there would make me feel like crap literally every time. Tumblr has similar issues with certain attitudes etc. but it's still easily one of the better 'social' sites on the whole internet) and semi-successfully made an experimental account there with the specific intention of curating the HELL out of it and only 'allowing in' anything/anyone with good vibes, but... yikes, I don't think that's possible anymore, and I refuse to even slightly support musky odors in any concievable way.
I've been on Tumblr since... geez, 2011...? And only really left my main account for a while because of the NSFW ban, not that I even chose to post any to this account? I checked in on it every now and again, but It always felt way too quiet. I lost some great internet buds who left because of that ban, and my trans internet experience got exponentially worse because of it too. I'll always miss those pre-NSFW ban days, it's not been the same since. I have also still been hanging out on my less than SFW side-accounts to keep whatever I could of that former trans-validating online existence, but I made a point to distance myself from "main" tumblr because it just depressed me by that point.
I might be back a bit now. I have been for the past week or so. Largely out of spite against tw*tter and the stinky whiny babyman, but it is a bit more alive here now.
There's still some attitudes and vibes I don't fully gel with, but maybe that's a me thing. Recently realised there's like a 99% chance I've been suffering from bad ADHD my whole life, and especially the rejection-sensitive-dysphoria part of it. I don't intend to start arguments or anything like that, some things just scrape against me really bad, and I'm always aware that I hold some opinions that would be openly mocked on here if I dared mention them (nothing bigoted at all- I'm a big supporter of LGBTQ+/PoC/disabled/neurodivergent/marginalised people/*insert whoever the right hate here* etc. etc. etc.) and always will be) and that makes me really uncomfortable, but it should just be in a 'we're not all gonna think the same' way, not a 'person A doesn't think person B should be allowed to exist' kinda way.
Basically, I regularly seem to have slightly unpopular opinions because I'm a weirdo kook who's always exploring new and crazy ideas, and that makes me always feel a little on the defensive. I'm sensitive, I'm maybe over-optimistic/utopian/head in the clouds, and I'm gonna keep pushing for things to be better for everyone in whatever little way I can. I have to hold myself back like a rabid dog from getting mad at stuff online on occasion, but that's not what I wanna be, I just struggle sometimes.
This has turned from an explanation about my social media life to a weird rant about online discourse and my struggle with it, but that's just... how my brain goes sometimes.
Though both are important, I really want to focus on bringing/encouraging the good rather than just attacking the bad. I may slip sometimes, but that's my aim, anyway.
"Be excellent to each other! Party on, dudes!"
- Bill and Ted knew what was up.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
These guys got in the way and the max are doing it building it and they found out it's not good they get one up and they can't stay up they have their bases up already and they're not from the mega lasers and they can't go up because they can force the fleet to defeat them or force other fleets to. They found out they're firing a little bit yeah it's all taste now they've seen the power they're gonna go after these ground bases it'll be over for them but other people see it they feel good about that. Does he understand what's going on it's not very simple you say you're young this is kind of a lot of stuff and these guys are flustering me every few minutes I got some kind of training that's not really what they're up to but it did happen that way he says and we say it too. By the trooper for a little kid these kids are our leaders and we need them intact we're trying to express it to you you're not listening and now you're gonna have to the Pseudo Empire they're a bit more serious about things they're telling you to get out of the way you push back the heavy and that's fine and Jason is above scoring around with them they pretty much had it with you other people have two your method is wrong and we're very upset we don't think you're right at all we did write it up in a document and we are going to send it to you shortly it'll explain why you're wrong and I've signed a daughter now if they get the strategic advantage over us and foreigners you're all done easily and the whole world might suffer and we don't wanna because you don't know what they're doing. Further our son and daughter said you have a game and you don't want to play it it's a winning game and you are willing to check out rather than do it and become our enemies rather than do it so we have no more patience for it. We went ahead and we wrote the document and we told you it's time for you to move on and go West and leave us alone. Seemed to want to and you wanna talk about all this stuff say you're doing it and don't do it and then say you're putting bombs out and then you get killed. Tonight's going to be a banner day for you here you're going out there in numbers to face them down and they went down to the fifth ring it's about 70 miles away and they're out of range and they have not been able to fire their cannons they raise them up a little they get hit and we're gonna watch you get hit cuz they're gonna be aiming at your level. And they make a big hole in their trucks and then it blows up and they're gonna be astonished but boy do those go straight for quite a while we want you to hear this and know it they have a huge army out there it's getting bigger and they can muster pretty fast and you're gonna get wiped out some saying that you guys have 3 million and they have 4 million others say they have about 5 million and you're going to be outnumbered and we shall see. This other stuff happening around here people are going missing people are evacuating people are fleeing people are going insane and there's no room at the mental hospital and they're off their meds and they haven't seen their doctor in weeks and the medicine was calming them these people are getting sick and manic and it's probably 20% of Charlotte County is actually 20% of Florida and their senile people here already and they're starting to go nuts and we need to send in troops and we are luckily there's only about 20% of you here but 20% of them is a pretty good number and they are affecting the others and they're trying to raise an army and they don't seem to be able to so we don't know what you're gonna do we're gonna have to stop nuts and Crazies and we'll be in grabbing criminals.
contd next post
Thor Freya
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msookyspooky · 4 months
honestlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I AM SOOOOOBFHRWFEHSU HAPPY (also kinda sad bc of dewey, randy, karla and the kids) but jjfdjujdsjufdsjiuuof billy FINALLY realised!!!!!!!!!!
the SCENE WHERE HE WAS HELPING YN DRESS HER WOUNDS LIKE HAHHAHADJAIUHFUDSUUFSAI im kinda sad with stu but at the same time i get that thats the way he shows he cares, the way the killing would go shows he cares
anyWAYYYYSSS im soooo exiteddd hehehehe esp to see yn and gale or dewey meeting again maybe, like THE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just wanted you to know that i fucking love your fic and i swear i check AT LEASTTT once a week if you have posted a new chapter or even just a little wip or something because girlllllll it has me on a choke hold for a LONG TIME i think im reading it since 2022 LMAOOOO I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH I LOVE LOVE LOVE UUUUU
OMG HI!!! Hi, hi hi, sorry this is late my weekend and the last day or two is ugh hectic 🥲😤
BUT FR!? I'm so flattered you've been here since 2022 my God I feel bad procrastinating writing this last year I'm so sorry! 😭 I APRECIATE THE LOVE AND SUPPORT SM AND ILY FOR THIS ASK 💘🥺
I'm TRYING to get back to at least every two weeks instead of once a month every other month bs (Sadly idk if I mentally can do weekly updates bc back then they were like 2k-5k words in 2021-22. Now, I aim more for 7k to 10k with these newer chapter being more climactic and other writing projects as well.)
There's going to be a decade time skip from 2011(Fours a Franchise) to 2021 (5 whatever I'll call it lol) so there actually might be a lot of one shots! Because that's a big chuck of time!!! I mean, a decade ago I was barely in HighSchool and it's like wow that much time went by!? so that's a lot of time to go by between YN and these two assholes no matter how it may turn out 😪🤔
AND NO I FEEL YOU!! Ik I probably shocked and irked a few folks but there is no way YN x Billy and Stu could EVER happen with Randy and Dewey in the mix. It's almost impossible because I cannot see either one being okay with us not killing them or at least sending them to prison (Especially Dewey which understandable) and YN was half ass living a lie with them anyways. The poor woman is under sm depression and stress that Randy's death and Dewey's rejection who else does she have but these two. And Randy was always meant to die the second I spared him in 2 I knew 3 or 4 he had to go and get this!
BEFORE 5 EVEN CAME OUT I MADE HIM HAVE TWINS WITH A WOMAN!! So I was clutching my face elated and eager to use Mindy and Chad as his kids instead of neice and nephew bc why not? It was perfect! And Randy's death is very important to YN's story so even if I adored writing him my mans had to go 🥲😞
NGL the best ending for our girl would've been Mark living, getting the boys arrested, YN lives how Sid did in these future Scream installments the end. But we're just unlucky af like that
And tbf Billy x YN x Stu is such a toxic love polycule like they hate but love they are almost codependent on each other because of circumstances yet resent each other. It's gonna be REALLY interested to write all this out (And hard to make believable 😭)
Anyways thank you and ily and i love reviews like this I'm so so glad you sent this to me I really do need and adore this to keep my motivation up!!! 💘💘💘
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dailyaudiobible · 9 months
12/28/2023 DAB Transcript
Zechariah 12:1-13:9, Revelations 19:1-21, Psalm 147:1-20, Proverbs 31:1-7
Today is the 28th day of December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It's great to be here in the week between, right that week between Christmas and New Year's where we start thinking about bigger things and goals for our lives and it's important that we keep the Scriptures the front and center of our journey. And so, let's take the next step forward together as we do every day. We are in the book of Zechariah as we wind down our way through the Old Testament, and today we will read chapters 12 and 13.
Okay, so, we were talking a little bit yesterday about how reflective we get. I get so reflective this week between. There’s a lot of work to do to get ready for the next year but it’s kind of a different sort of week. And we do get reflective and we do get like, we look back at what happened in the year and there are news programs like that and magazines like that and all these opportunities to consider the past, especially like the past 12 months. And here we’ve been taking steps every day, day-by-day, step-by-step to get here in the last 12 months. And we’ve been reflecting over the last couple of days about New Year's resolutions. The kinds of stuff that we do this, this time of year, the things that we’re going to change, things that we’re not gonna put up with anymore, the things that we have to accomplish, the goals that we need to set. And Psalms gives us something to consider as we're considering the next 12 months. The Lord is pleased with those who fear him, those who wait for His mercy, those who open His unfailing love. So, if we think about this in terms of like, I don't know, like let's say we’re saving for retirement. So, we put a little bit of money away and it's accruing, it's supposed to be building up and…and maybe gaining momentum so that we have the resources that we would need to live after we stop working. And so, we do this, we put this money in and we have the hope that it will mature, the hope that it will become what it's supposed to be when we're going to need it. The Bible is saying those who put their hope in God's unfailing love, those who fear Him and wait for His mercy, this is pleasing to God. God delights in that person. When we think about our New Year's resolutions, are we thinking about pleasing God at all. We might be thinking, I need to read the Bible more. I mean, I need to spend more minutes in prayer, but pleasing God as a New Year's resolution. I mean, we’re resolving to make all kinds of changes that will make our lives better. At least, that's what we think. But what would make our lives better and more in the center of things then pleasing God, becoming the Lord's delight. And so, may we consider what we are investing in, where our hope is. Is it in that bank, is it in that job, is it in that person, or is your hope invested in God. Are we waiting expectantly for God's unfailing love and the Lord's delight, or are we more interested in the waistline, like what is, what is going on here, as we consider what we want to change in our outward life, let's consider what's going on inside of us. And let's resolve to be pleasing to the Lord.
And so, Father, we invite You into that as we wind down these days, take these next final steps through this year and march our way into a brand-new beginning and a fresh start to be pleasing to You, to bring You delight. This is our aim, Holy Spirit come, and show us how to do that. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com that is home base, it is the website, it is where you find out what is happening around here. And we’re getting ready to change over into a new year. That is what's happening, but you can always check out what's going on here. Check out the Community Section, the Prayer Wall lives there, we’re always praying for each other, we’re always asking for prayer there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, as we wind down the days of this year, then thank you deeply, profoundly, humbly, we can't do this if we don't do this together. Thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey guys, it’s Katie Jill from Wyoming. I’m calling to encourage Marilyn from New Hampshire, for your brother David whose struggles with alcoholism. I just wanted to give you a testimony of my life. My dad, who I had no relationship with all my life, because he was an alcoholic and I mean, he’s been drinking for 45/50 years straight. I mean, I never saw him. Had no, I hated him so much. And me and my mom believed and then me and my brother came to the Lord. And but I’ve just, God’s just been working in my dad and so, it’s so funny. I am with like Youth with a Mission. And so, after I came back from my school worship in Switzerland, and my dad just saw how much I had changed and he, God just did something with that, with all those changes. And my dad just started listening to worship music. And he had already restored our relationship. Like, I had wanted no relationship with my father. Didn’t even pray for it. And God just restored it and I was so happy and I was praying for his salvation. I had the whole church praying for his salvation. And after that school, he just started listening to worship music and stuff that he wouldn’t normally do. And he gave his life to the Lord. And I will tell you this, he stopped drinking overnight. It’s amazing. And so, right now, I mean, he has COPD and he’s really struggling with that. And he’s really discouraged but he’s really trying to quit smoking. And I just wanted to tell you that and encourage you with that, that God is always working. Thanks.
Hi family, this is Prisoner of Hope. His Little Songbird in Canada, praying that you’ll be able to get your dog Toby’s teeth cleaned without paying a bunch a money. And then for also your friend pumpkin, that she’ll have favor with her cancer being gone and for her three brothers who don’t know the Lord. White as Snow in Tennessee, you lost your job. Praying you’ll be able to find a different one or maybe the same job but just in a different location. And for others who have been affected by this as well. God’s Little Bird, you had a job interview and you said you know it’s come and gone but you know that God can hear your prayers. You’re absolutely right. We’re praying that the Lord will lift up, lift away any anxiety that you feel and that He will provide for you. Raven, you need to find a job and you’ve been denied for a home loan, so you need to find a home too. And then you have surgery coming up, or you need surgery and you’re stressed and worried about finances. We’re praying that the Lord will come through for you. Lost in Texas, you’ve been out of work and you had this amazing opportunity to open up, so we’re praying for God’s will either way. You just said that you’ve also been alone during the holidays, so we’re praying for God’s comfort for you during this as well. And then Rebecca from Michigan, praying for God’s direction for a new job and home. You’re stressed at your current job. So, we’re just lifting you up sister. Lord, we just come to You. In Proverbs 8, it says, does not wisdom call out. Indeed, God’s wisdom does call out. And those who respond positively and prayerfully to this, find blessing and favor from the Lord. So, we pray for that. We do ask that these people who need your favor, that You would give them Your comfort and Your peace and Your strength, and direction and love. May they receive everything according to Your will. And for those who don’t know You Lord, we lift them up, that they would know Jesus in a personal way. That they would receive Your healing, mercy, love and guidance and that they would, You would change their hardness of hearts into a heart of flesh, that they would accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. We ask this in His powerful name. Amen.
Abba’s Daughter, Sadie M, this is God’s Life Speaker. I heard you on the community prayers, I think it was somewhere around the 10th of December. And you were in despair. You felt like you could not get your mind wrapped around truth. And it was just consuming you. But by now, I’m sure this all behind us and you have passed this semester and now we are looking at surgery coming up here, I think about three weeks. Right after your phone call, at about the 3 hour 18 minute mark there, Taken With Love came on. She was amazing. It was like she was speaking right to you, to all of us. But she said we had, we had gone 345 days into the year, believing Him and His word, and walking the miles, seeing the fruit of our labor in prayer. And she’s right. She was speaking life over all of us. And we speak it over you. That in the name of Jesus, these thoughts are taken captive. And that they will not destroy what we know to be true. So, speak it out loud, Sadie, and say what you know is truth. Even if you don’t want to believe it in the minute, you know that His word is true. So, find some scripture that you will declare over yourself, in the name of Jesus, I declare that I am healed by His stripes. In the name of Jesus, I do not have a spirit of fear. In the name of Jesus, He goes before me, behind me, beside me, and with me. And carry on, Sadie. We all need to speak truth. We know it, and we need to overcome it. And we do that by the power of prayer. Like Take it With Love, was talking about. We pray it for you. Lord Jesus, we pray health and healing over Sadie M, all of us Lord. That You would right our minds and we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family, we love you. It’s the day after Christmas. And I just saw some concerning news from my friend. I just know the Lord has got His hand on Reese but my friend from work has a daughter, I wanna say she’s 9-11 years old. She has been getting sick intermittently and had had seizures, a few, like last week. And now she is sick again and admitted to ICU and they don’t know what’s wrong. And they’re monitoring her. Her seizures and I don’t know if they’re doing, I haven’t gotten a lot of details but it looks like they’re doing some sort of intercranial pressure monitoring. So, it’s something that seems pretty concerning. And my friends just so worried. I just ask that you guys would join me in lifting little Reese up to our heavenly Father. Lord, we know You have this in Your hands. And I just have a feeling that You, You have this under control and that You’re going to help her recover really quickly, Lord. And we just praise You. And we just ask that You would help this family with answers and that You would touch Reese with Your healing hands. Lord, help her to get better quickly. Help them to find out exactly what’s wrong right away, and Lord, may Your hand just heal her completely, even if it’s by Your own hands Lord. If it’s Your will, will You do this. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Thank you family. Talk to you soon. It’s Susana in Texas. Bye.
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Asks: How about some Wrecker Fluff?
Y/N is on her period. She tries to hide the fact from the boys but Hunter can smell it and Tech knows because of his useless facts. Clones probably aren't taught much about the female anatomy as it's not "important" for a Soldier. Wrecker knows something's wrong and after Y/N explains the issue, he ends up bringing her stuff like chocolate and cuddling to make her feel better. Bonus points if she ends up losing her crap on a whole bunch of baddies. Whether it's Droids, bounty hunter, or something else.
I think this is cute- so Ima do it
Strong Muscles Stronger Gut| Wrecker
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"Are you. Um..." Hunter spoke.
The two stood in the hanger, both alone.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You uh...smell...stronger"
"I what!?"
"I mean! Well! You smell...diffrent." Hunter tried to explain, "You do atleast once a month for a week. Are you okay?"
Y/n rubbed her temples- oh so she had to have this talk.
"Yes. Im fine." Y/n spoke, "its a girl thing."
"A. Girl thing?"
"Yeah." Y/n spoke, "Every girl gets- well most, usually around pre teens."
"Its important then?" Hunter asked, "I uh. Know she won't want to go to me about it. She might. I- I don't know-"
Hunter started to ramble, mixing up his words with uhs and ums. He was talking about Omega.
"Can. Uh. You explain it to me? I know it affects you. I just...wanna be there for her you know?"
Y/n nodded, she had explained periods before to boys- men- young girls that were sobbing in the bathroom confused.
Y/n explained what was happening to her body, and what essentially Omega would go through. She told him- everything- spilled all the beans. Y/n had offered to show how much periods really hurt and he agreed saying "its only fair so I understand"
Y/n held his shoulder, he growing increasingly worried.
"What are they doing?" Wrecker asked as he watched them from a far.
Tech looked up from his work, Y/n holding and apologetic face as she then proceeded to slander his guts, kneeing his stomach as hard as possible.
Hunter doubled over letting out a spew of Mando as he went down.
"Yeah thats about a quarter of the pain. But it depends on each girl." Y/n told him, as he was slolwy getting up.
"Remind me never to call you weak even if we are just messing around." Hunter spoke Y/n holding his shoulder.
"Sorry about that..."
"Oh." Tech spoke understanding what was happening, "Y/n must be busy this week then."
"Busy?" Wrecker asked looking at the two, Y/n now in pain as she held Hunter's shoulder leaning over holding her stomach.
"Right now?! You didnt even do anything?!" Hunter complained.
"E-excatly- fuck! Fuck fuck! Ow..."
"Is she okay?" Wrecker asked Tech.
"It will go away- soon- unless. How many days has it been since mid week?"
"Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "three?"
"Makes sense." Tech spoke, "she has most of her pains three days in."
"Three days in of what?" Wrecker spoke.
"Menstruation." Tech spoke, "hand me the-"
Wrecker handed him a tool, "no not- oh yes this one thank you."
"What's Menstruation?" Wrecker asked.
"When a women, in this case, our lovely brutally honest Medic, Y/n." Tech infromed, "is going through a cycle once of month..."
Tech contuined to ramble- Wrecker. Well Wrecker didnt process one piece of information Tech was saying.
"What?" Wrecker asked.
Tech sighed looking back at Wrecker, "she bleeds and has cramps."
"Why is she bleeding? Did she get hurt?"
"Is she okay-"
"Then why is she-"
"Wrecker!" Tech stopped him, "her monthly bleeding means she's healthy, shes fine. Sure she is emmense discomfort and I certainly hate to see our sister like such, but thats what makes her strong- well also the fact that she can- at any momment be with child, carry the damn thing for almost a year give birth and take a squadron of droids down with just one blaster."
Tech looked back at Wrecker who still looked confused out his mind as Tech sighed, "You know somethings wrong?"
"Yeah." Wrecker answered.
"Go ask her."
"Good idea!"
Wrecker made his way over to Y/n and Hunter the pain Y/n was mild now, she could deal with it.
"Wrecker." They both greeted.
Y/n looked at him worriedly, "something on your mind?"
"Can. I talk to you?" Wrecker asked, "alone?"
Y/n looked at Hunter, "I'll leave you to it." Hunter responded and left.
Y/n looked up at Wrecker worried, "Wrecker? Hun? What's wrong you look worried?"
"Tech says you're bleeding." Wrecker tried to explain.
"I'm bleeding?" Y/n asked- oh- oh here we go again.
"Y-yeah.." Wrecker spoke rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "and I. Don't really ever understand what comes out of Tech's mouth....unfortunately...and I saw you in pain for the last three days. I just- are you okay?"
Y/n smiled at Wrecker, "Im fine."
"Oh. Oh good." He spoke, not seeming fully satisfied with what she had said, "but uh. Why are you bleeding? Can I stop- We stop you from bleeding?"
"Please I wish you could." Y/n spoke with a light chuckle, "No Wrecker, see women once a month go through a cycle, it unfortunately makes you bleed like you're birthing hell out of your guts but is one of the ways we stay healthy."
"Oh." Wrecker spoke, "so. You bleed to stay healthy? When I bleed Tech's always poking me with needles."
"Well... yes and no. The cycle once a month helps get rid of an egg- well its called an egg, but Im not a chicken alright?" Y/n explained.
Wrecker sat and listened intently to her, something that wasn't really common when learning about what would be considered a random thing to him.
Y/n was pretty impressed by him to say the least. She had never seen him so focused, and it was honestly kind of cute.
"But boys or men don't have it." Y/n told him.
"That doesnt seem fair! Why do you have to suffer?" Wrecker argued as Y/n shrugged with a laugh.
"You tell me." She smiled.
It went silent as he thought intently, "well nothing can make you feel better? While your on your period?"
"Well because of War I've been so busy with fighting That I've only used heat packs and compresses. Usually I just have to fight through it." Y/n spoke, "but I've heard of alot of women saying like affection makes them feel better."
Wrecker hummed in thought, "Hey! Wrecker! Y/n!" Omega called.
The two turning there heads seeing the girl across the hanger with the others.
"We're going to a Cantina for dinner! Come on!"
"Come on Wrecker." Y/n spoke.
They met up with the rest of the group, walking to the Cantina with as usual happy Omega. They sat down for dinner as usual. Talking back and forth with smiles. Wrecker would frown though everytime Y/n winced, closing her eyes taking deep breaths. She was obviously in pain.
"Can I leave earlier?" Wrecker asked.
"Uh, sure?" Hunter asked as Wrecker got up.
"Can I come?!" Omega asked.
"Oh. Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "not this time...sorry Omega."
"Oh." Omega frowned, "Okay then! I'll see you later!"
Wrecker left the group who was relaxing.
"Odd." Tech spoke, "Wrecker always likes to take Omega."
"Maybe he's found a girl." Y/n recommend leaning back and drinking her water.
"I doubt that." Echo spoke, "thats not him"
"Maybe he just wants to go back and sleep?"
"Now that sounds like Wrecker." Hunter admitted.
Y/n shrugged, the group talking casually. Until some bounty hunters came up to them.
"Well hello Doll."
Y/n only contained her arguement about physics with tech.
"Whats a princess like you doing hanging around a few clones?" The man spoke with a purr.
"Call me princess again and you'll have no cock."
The men laughed as the batchers kept quiet, it was bad to mess with her in one of her moods.
"Oh come on Princess. Whats a small fry like you gonna do?"
Y/n quickly grabbed her pistol from her tigh, aiming it at the guys head.
"I warned you didn't I?"
"W-woah now put the-"
She aimed the gun down shooting the man right in the Kenobis.
"I fucking warned you!" Y/n argued.
"What the hell!" His friends shouted.
Y/n lifted the gun up, "It may just be on electric shock but I will turn it to live ammo!"
"You bitch!"
Y/n growled as they came at her, Y/n grabbing a bottle on the table smashing it against of there heads as they fell to the floor. The third ramming Y/n into the table as he pulled out a knife, Y/n reaching back grabbing a fork and stabbing the man in the shoulder.
He cried out in pain as he fell to the floor.
The group left the cantina after paying, no bystander daring to make a comment. The group returning to the Havoc Maurder.
"Wrecker! Wrecker! You should of been there!" Omega cheered rushing inside to find the large batcher.
Y/n rubbed her stomach in pain, "still bad?' Echo asked.
"Just a bit yeah..." she groaned.
"I can see if we have any heat patches" Echo spoke as Y/n nodded in thanks, the group walking in.
Omega came back out, "Y/n Wrecker wants you in the bunks."
Y/n nodded, Echo handing her a heat patch.
Opening it with her teeth she walked towards Wrecker and her's shared bunk.
"Yeah Wrecker? Omega said-" She stood seeing Lula on her bed and a large paper bag.
"Hey!" He cheered holding lots of blankets in his hands and in his blacks.
"Hi." She spoke, "whats up?"
"Oh well I heard about the fight." Wrecker spoke, "and uh. I know you've been in pain for a few days so this is to make you feel better!"
Y/n cocked an eyebrow up still confused, Wrecker wrapping her in one of the blankets as she held it so it stayed in place.
"What in the bag?"
"Well me and Omega always go get sweets and it makes us feel good so..."
Y/n walked over seeing the mass amount of choclate bars,
"I bought a few." Wrecker spoke.
A few? More like a whole isle.
"And thought made you'd want a hug." Wrecker recommend, climbing into the bottom bunk, it was often they shared a bunk.
"Oh." Y/n spoke, "uh. Are you sure? I don't wanna...you know bleed on you by accident."
"You've bleed on me on the battle feild how is this any different?" Wrecker spoke with a smile.
Y/n chuckled, only Wrecker.
Wrecker had wrapped a blanket around him waiting with open arms to Y/n. Y/n smiled making her way into his arms, her blanket wrapped around her and his, Wrecker pulling another blanket over them. She smiled head in Wrecker's chest. He rubbed the middle of her back as she hummed in pleasure, her head barried into his warmth.
"Your like a heater..." she spoke muffled as he chuckled, rubbing up and down her spine.
"Do I ever tell you how much I love you?" Y/n purred, "especially your back rubs..."
He kissed her head as she smiled.
"Thank you Wrecker." Y/n told him.
"Anything for you, after all. Your always making sure we're all okay."
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Only One God For Me
(Part 2 of Love Never Wins)
SUMMARY: After blowing up at him afyer weeks of hiding out you challenge Loki to hand to hand. Blowing up might have been the best thing, it could help you let off that frustration you had built up.
Characters: Nat, Clint, Thor, Loki, avengers on the side line.
(Loki x you, clint x you, Thor x you, Nat x you)
ANNOUNCEMENT: I didnt know how much part 1 was going to be but I am forever greatful in this amazing community! Thank you guys SO much! Check out my other stuff too if you like this. As always reblog, ask, comment, and like! After I finish up here I'll be back to writing for Fire and Ice. Thank you again so SO much for everything! 💚💚💚
Loki Master List
You and Nat were standing at one end of the training area as Loki walked in. You glanced up from Nat wrapping your hands and noticed he was wearing his normal traing gear. Plain leather black pants with a dark green Henley, his hands already wrapped.
"Focus, your getting distracted." She said yanking on one of the straps.
"Ow. I cant help it Nat, we went from cant keep our hands away from each other to literally fist fighting each other. Ya know this is normally frowned upon is normal society." You streched your fingers out and balled them back up streching out the gloves a little.
"Hunny, even in a perfect world were anything but normal. I mean for god sakes your fighting a literal god. You remember what I taught you. Right?" She asked looking almost terrified for me.
"Yes mother, I havent forgotten. This is gonna be a piece of cake." Inside you were freaking out. You normally was in a very high spot with your bow or normally trying to break into the computers. You wasnt normally in hand to hand combat, but you were smarter than to think you would never need it.
You turned shaking you head and putting the mouth piece in your mouth. Hitting you fist together jumping back and forth getting ready. Loki just stood there smirking. You was gonna smack that smirk off his face.
"Hey sis, Im not saying you cant beat him just be careful. He throws a nasty left hook." Clint said munching on some chips."Thanks, Hawk. Mind explaining why the rest of the team is here?" You mumbled around the mouth piece.
"Thor, definitely Thor." He said walking back to the small group that gathered.
"Sweetheart. Are we gonna fight or are you just gonna stand there chit chatting?" He called across the mat.
"I'm coming." You walked across the mat to the center. Someone hit a bell signaling for the fight to start and he jumped toward you. You dodged his first attemped and circled him slowly. You could read his every move, read where he was going next.
You took a defence stance that Nat had taught you from your training before he lunged again. This time you managed to upper cut him in the side knocking some of the wind from him.
"Oh you little minx. I figured I would take it easy on you but we can play your way also." This time he took a step back centering himself. Looking up you noticed he had a dangerous look in his eye.
"I didnt invite you here to take it easy on me, I invited you because you dont take anything serious. Because if someone like me can beat you in hand to hand then anyone can." You stepped closer to him gauging what move you was going to make next.
He dropped down to the mat attempting to sweep your legs out from under you, he missed one but caught the other causing you to fall. He jumped on top of you pinning your hands above your head. "Now this positions brings back memories." He whispered to you causing your face to turn bring red. You brought your leg up able to wrap it around his waist and slammed him back down to the mat gaining some advantage.
"This one also." He smirked. You raised your fist above you aiming for his face. Whem you brought it down he moved his head causing you to miss. It felt like forever that you were both on the mat neither one gaining aginst the other. A busted lip here a bloody nose there. When the bell rang for a break Nat was in your corner with Clint offering you some water and a rag ti wipe the blood off.
"Sis, I'm try in real hard not to grab an arrow and stabe him with it." Clint said from one side. You could see anger in his eyes.
"Hawk, its fine. Given the circumstance its all good. Its just training in a matter of speaking. Anger is mostly wunning but I got this. I was trained by the best. I'm not even tired." You took another drink of water before going back out to the mat.
"This is fun. I have never seen my brother trying harder to win anything in his life." Thor shouted across the room. "Lady y/n is quite good at sparing. We must fight sometime." Thor laughed.
A few more rounds when and you could feel the weight of the afternoon but you wasjt about to simply throw in the towel just yet. You knew you could get the best of him. You had thrown him back on the mat then he took his feet placing them on your chest shoving you off of him. Before you knew it you were surrounded by multipuls of him.
"Loki we agreed no sedair! This is cheating!" You yelled at them.
"God of Mischief and lies sweetheart. Besides we're in weird predicaments all the time. You said so yourself. Tell you what. You find the real me and I'll forfeit." One of the clones said. You stood up in the middle of them all focusing everything you had on concentrating, ignoring Clint yelling in the background and the rest of the group shouting.
You opened your eyes zeroing in on one closest to you and walked up to him.
"Are you sure your right about this decision?" It mocked.
"Yeah. I think I am." You brought the ball of yoyr fist up crashing it into Loki's nose. The rest of the clones disappered as he fell to his knees in front of you. "You are a complete and utter asshole Loki Odinson. I hope that it messes with you for a while that you got beat by a mortal." You started unwrapping your gloves as you walked away.
Over the next few weeks you avoided every living space in the tower that you knew he would be in. It had truly hurt you that he had cheated during the fight. You still couldnt understand how just months before you couldn't keep your hands off of each other now you were both avoiding each other like the plague.
"Miss y/n. Team has a mission. Tony wants everyone in the confrence room dressed and ready in 15 minutes." JARVIS called pausing your movie. With a roll of your eyes you walked to your bedroom to start getting ready. Pulling out your tight skinny jeans a black tank top and your zip up hoodie you French braided your hair and grabbed your bow case before heading down.
The rest of the team was gathered when you walked in and placed your case on the table opening it up to make sure everything was right. Streching out the strings and making sure the sights were spot on aiming them to the other side of the room where Loki stood.
"It would be more effecitve if you had an arrow." Clint whispered next to you.
"Shut up, I'm just making sure everything is right." You put it back down in the case and started going over your arrows.
"You realize we have a place you can put that when your not using it." Tony said walking around you.
"Right up your ass if you suggest that again." You laughed putting everything back up.
"Love the enthusiasm kid." Tony laughed walking to the front of the table.
"Ok Team, going to be a long few days for us. Just got some Intel about a caravan carrying some explosives across the Scandinavian border. Gonna have to divide into teams for this one. Hawk, Nat, Strange, Rodgers, Bruce, and Thor you'll be starting at the meeting point and working your way toward us. The rest is with me." Tony pulled a map up on the big screen showing where you wwre going.
"Oh come on, why cant I be with the A team?" You asked with a groan.
"Sorry kid, gotta divide it up right. One god for each, one Archer. Only fair. And even if you two hate each other you guys work good together." Tony shrugged.
"Yeah sorry kid." Clint laughed.
"Hey I'm a full three minutes older that you. Probably explains why I'm better. Whatever. I'll go pack my stuff." You huffed standing up.
The next two hours seems to drag by, it was freezing here. You was just ready to get this over with so that you could go back home and relax in a nice warm bath, you pulled your jacket tighter aginst you.
"I've told you many times that you should start wearing the uniform that they gave you. You'll freeze to death one day." Loki said taking off his cloak and putting it around your shoulders.
"Thanks, but I'm still pissed at you." You hugged it closer. "I hate the whole uniform thing. To tight to revealing."
Another few minutes pass before Tony gives everyone the heads up that your about to be over the caravan. Figuring you were warm enough you took the cloak off and handed it back to him. "You may still be pissed at me but I do still care very deeply for you y/n. I was an idiot for everything." He took it and wrapped it around his shoulders. When his fingers grazed yours there was a surge that went through you.
"Give me time. You really hurt me, not just by breaking up with me but by lying to me during training. Good luck out there God of Mischief."
"Tony, your gonna have to get lower i cant get a clear shot on the driver!" You yelled over the wind whipping around your face. About that time a diffrent arrow shot through gettkng the driver in the side causing the vehicle to completly stop.
"Gotta be faster than that sis. One for me." Clint laughed over the com.
"You are my least favorite person right now Hawk." You mumbled. Tony brought the Quinn Jet down so your team could spread out.
"That is truly saying something my dear." Lokis smooth voice said in your ear.
"You gave me your cloak to keep me warm. Gave you a fell points." You pulled back again and shot it through the truck behind the first hitting the driver in the head. "Got one, Hawk, your next."
"Can we cut the chatter. Got alot going on in the sky at the moment." Tony said. Youbcould here something firing above you looking up you could see Tony being followed by a jet firing at him. "Need some back up guys. Twins. Anyone."
"Hawk. I need a Boom Boom stick." You met him in the middle of the road.
"I really wish you wouldnt call them that." He said handing you one. You both pulled your bows back and aimed. "Heads or tails?"
"I like the tails." You let go of the sting and watched as the jet exploded.
"I think she can call them whatever she wants as long as she keeps doing a good job keeping bogies off my ass." Tony yelled over the coms.
"I hate this. I cant see shit down here." You yelled over to Clint. "I gotta get higher." You looked around eyeballing the turnes over truck. You threw the bow across your back and started climbing up the truck. Shots rang around you one grazing your side, before it had started it was like it stopped looking behind you you noticed Loki with his daggers in his hands.
"You need to pay more attention y/n." He scolded you.
"Why pay attention when I have someone keeping an eye out for me." You smiled.
"Oh darling Im doing more than just keeping an eye out." After everything that ass had done to you he was flirting FLIRTING with you.
"Y/N! No. More. Gods." Clint yelled. From here you could see everything going on. Nat fighting two men, you took one out easily from your spot. She shot you a thumbs up. Bruce had hulked out throwing things everywhere, multiple times you had to dodge something flying your way. The fight was almost over when you glanced behind you noticing four men backing Loki aginst a turned over car.
His hands were up as if in surrender. "Loki why arent you using your sedair?" You mumbled pulling the bow back.
"Well darling you could say that I am in on of those weird predicaments. I've exahusted alot of my power down here." His back was aginst the truck now.
"Could let him get beat up." Clint pipped in as you shot one of your last arrows though two of the guys standing there. You watched Loki easily take out the other two.
"Told you Hawk, I'm not like that." You smiled walking over to Loki. "Although you could use a little practice in hand to hand, dont you agree?"
"Only if your the one practicing with me he smailed down at you.
"Ugh! Y/n! No mo-" Clint started before you pulled the com from your ear.
"Only one God for me." You leaned up kissing Loki on the cheek.
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The Same bed - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Friends are there to help each other out, but can they help falling for each other when all the long days they spend together turn into late nights they have and their reliance on each other.
Word count: 2544
Warnings: Fluff, angst, description of blood and injuries, nightmares, slow burn.
A/N: Chapter 4! Off we go. Read it enjoy and I’ll see you on the other side. There’s also a tag list, so be sure to tell me if you want in, as well as a masterlist so be sure to check it out. As are the latests, Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine.
Series masterlist 
Dean didn't sleep that night, too busy cursing himself for hurting Y/N and simultaneously afraid he may have a nightmare. He had gotten up several times with the intention of going to her room and seeking forgiveness if she'd give it to him, though he wouldn't blame her if she refused. Instead, he'd pace around his room or make it as far as her door before heading to the bathroom to wash his face rather than knocking.
The next night Dean had been too exhausted to stay awake, now accustomed to getting around 8 hours he passed out some time just after 2 in the morning while everyone else slept soundly. Dean managed to get just over an hour of shut-eye before waking up to one of his worst nightmares. He jolted up with a scream though quickly cut himself off as to not wake anyone. Nevertheless, he was half a scream too late as Y/N sat up in her own bed wanting to go check on him but refused due to her own stubbornness.
Dean mumbled a 'son of bitch' before getting up and making his way to the kitchen to get started on some coffee. Dean was given about 2 hours to contemplate his idiocy towards Y/N before his brother found his way to the kitchen.
"Huh? Hey, morning."
"Man, you look like trash."
"Oh, thanks you're not so bad yourself in the shorts." Sam looked to his running shorts before rolling his eyes.
"You always did give me a hard time for wanting to stay in shape."
"Hunting keeps you in shape, not some little jaunt you do every morning. Hey, speaking of, have you found any new cases seems like forever since we've killed a deserving asshat."
"I've been talking to Jody and Donna, they've got a lead on a vamp nest, said they're heading out in two days and we're more than welcome to tag along."
"So, tomorrow. What time."
"They wanted to hit it just after sundown. So, we would leave tomorrow morning if you're interested."
"Oh, I'm interested, give me some' to kill."
"Dean are you sure you're okay. You usually become self-destructive when you've got something going on, something you need to talk about."
"I'm fine, Sammy."
"I'd mention that Y/N isn't sleeping in your room anymore, but I think that'd just make you mad considering that's probably what's bothering you."
"So much for not mentioning it." Dean swallowed what was left in his coffee cup before washing it and setting it in the dry rack. He made his way back to his room hoping his brother would take the hint and leave for his run, which he did. Once he heard the bunker door shut Dean went back to the kitchen to have another cup of coffee. As he sat down the sound of footsteps padding down the hall alerting him that Y/N had awoken. Dean straightened his posture as she entered the kitchen making her way to the cabinet to fish out a mug without making eye contact.
"Morning Y/N."
"Oh my god! It speaks." She filled her mug before walking out having not looked him in the eyes once. Dean rested his chin in his palm kicking himself for having hurt her. After a deep sigh, he dragged his palm over his face closing his eyes momentarily allowing them some rest from the lights of the bunker. Dean strolled his way to Y/N's room and knocked on her door. He heard her sniffle some before the door swung open, Y/N standing in front of him, eyebrows raised clearly on her last nerve.
"I just wanted to let you know we've got a case tomorrow, with Jody and Donna, we've got to leave early-ish so, you know, you might want to pack today so you're not rushing. Anyway, just keeping you in the loop." Y/N looked at her best friend whose eyes were tired, red, and glossy, staring at the ground in front of him. She missed him, but she didn't know why he was angry at her.
"Thanks." She turned away from him intent on closing her door to block the view of the broken man she so deeply cared about and wanted to help, and he spoke.
"Yeah?" Dean swallowed trying to think of what he wanted to say to her but came up with nothing. There wasn't anything specific he wanted to tell her in that moment he just wanted to be with her. In the same room sitting next to her, looking at her. He wanted to spend time with his best friend whom he had been missing lately but if there was one person more stubborn than Y/N it was Dean.
"Nothing...nothing." With a sad smile and a sigh, Dean walked to his own room with the aim of avoiding her, once again, all day.
Dean listens as Y/N played her music in her room and smiled when the Grease love song came though it wasn't given a chance to finish before Y/N skipped it. He could hear his brother and Y/N talking in the library during the day occasionally finding something funny as they giggled in unison. He missed having her, missed being the one laughing with her, or even just talking with her.
Nearing the end of the day, Dean made his way out of his room for the first time that to grab a snack before trying his hand at some forty winks, wanting to be rested up before their hunt tomorrow. The energy of the room sizzled to nothing as he entered the kitchen. Sammy and Y/N were sitting next to each other looking at pictures of haircuts on the internet.
"Seriously Sam, I've been cutting my own hair my whole life. Just let me add a little shape to it. A little trim here and there I can make you look like the handsome devil you really are."
"I'm not letting you cut my hair. I don't trust you not to just cut it all off. Besides, I don't—" Both their eyes looked up to Dean as he stood in the doorway observing their interaction. Once he noticed their gaze he moved to the counter, pulling a bowl from the cupboard and reaching for the box of cereal.
"Sam and I made pasta if you're hungry for real food." Dean looked over the noodles as his tummy growled, licking his lips.
"Dean, just have some, we're not gonna finish it. It'll just end up going to waste." He hesitantly looked over his shoulder forcing a smile to Y/N who had the smallest one of her on her face. She watched him as he traded his bowl for a plate. Dean plated himself some of the homemade food before Y/N gestured at the spot in front of herself and Sam along with the parmesan on the table. Dean took a seat not wanting to be impolite more so than he'd already been.
"Anyway, I'm trying to convince Sam to let me trim his hair."
"You're not touching my hair with a ten-foot pole."
"Oh, come on Sam it grows back. You'll see, it'll look really good and you won't even want to grow it back. Won't be in your eyes anymore, won't distract you during hunts, monsters won't be able to grab at it. You know I make a good case."
"Sure. But you're still not cutting my hair." Meanwhile, Dean was silently moaning at the flavours on his plate. Y/N watched as the eldest closed his eyes savouring the taste, before he spoke, displaying his voice to them for the first time since the early morning.
"This is kind of amazing. I don't think I've ever had spaghetti this amazing. What jar did you guys use?" Referring to the sauce that had his taste buds dancing on his tongue.
"Actually, Y/N made the sauce."
"My mum used to make these gigantic pots of spaghetti sauce and freeze it so we could have it whenever we want. I was missing it, so I made some from memory. It's not hers but I think it turned out alright. I know I missed something, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was." Dean looked up, his mouth full, to the women speaking, no longer focusing on him rather in her head desperately searching for the missing ingredient, as he swallowed.
"You made the sauce? From scratch?"
"Uh-huh. Yeah, I mean it's not really that hard just time consuming, you have to let it simmer for a little bit, but I think it's worth it. Once in a while at least."
"You mind if I have more?"
"Go right ahead. Sam and I both already had seconds." Dean finished what was left and helped himself to more before moving back to his spot at the table.
"Sam promised to make me the 'Winchester Surprise' one day? Said you used to make it for him." Sam looked to his brother who reminisced, thinking back to the worst meals he had prepared for his baby brother.
"It was terrible. Sam that's — to repay her for this. Seriously Y/N you won't want to eat anything we make for the rest of your life. It was god awful."
"As much as I believe you because I do, by the description, Sam gave me, oh boy, I'll still be the judge of that." Dean chuckled at her retort missing her effortless comebacks and modesty when it came to the things she was good at, though he found it frustrating when she didn't accept the compliment he'd give her. He wanted her to brag about how many Djinns she could kill in a week, or in this case how good the sauce was instead of saying it wasn't perfect, so he'd done it for her, telling his brother when she would do something 'awesome', as he'd put it, that made him feel proud to call himself her friend. The guilt he felt was sudden and overwhelming. Even after he'd gone days without speaking to her, after pushing her away so abruptly, she was still offering him dinner, the conversation, the casual smile, the eye contact. How he longed for her eye contact. She had always been able to communicate with him with her eyes. He craved her gaze, how her orbs would sparkle when she was happy or grow dark when hooded with anger. But the thing he loved the most about her eyes was the fact that when they looked into his, it was like nothing else mattered. He could see he had her attention, and he wouldn't want to look away.
"I'm—ehem— I'm heading to bed, didn't sleep well last night, gonna try to rest up before our hunt tomorrow." Dean looked to Y/N who had a saddened look on her face, clearly angry and confused as to why Dean wouldn't let her help him. When he noticed the look on her face, he realized his words and quickly made up an excuse for why he couldn't sleep hoping to ease Y/Ns mind indirectly.
"Maybe it was a full moon, could never sleep well during a full moon."
"Full moon was last week Dean." Y/N answered him with an unreadable expression along with it. He didn't respond in an effort to save what dignity he had left. He forced a smile in Y/Ns direction as he passed by, once he'd finished cleaning his dishes.
"You mind telling me what's going on between the two of you Y/N?"
"Honestly Sam I haven't got the slightest."
"I know you two were sharing a bed... was that like—"
"If you're suggesting that we were a thing then no. He slept better when there was someone in the room with him, so I was that someone. Then out of the blue, he got distant and said he didn't need me anymore so." She shrugged not sure how to further explain their recent exchanges. "I know he's not through with the nightmares though because I heard his screams last night. I didn't check on him 'cause I was angry at him saying they were done, and he didn't need me anymore, but it was petty. I wanted him to stew in his nightmare, remember how bad they were before I told him I'd stay. I just don't understand him, I didn't do anything to warrant his actions. I haven't bothered asking why he's mad at me and even if I did, he'd just ignore me some more so what's the point. He's being a child. He's acting like I killed his brother when really all I'm trying to do is cut his hair." Her joke succeeded in lightening the mood as Sam chuckled moving to the sink to clean off his plate.
"You're a good influence on him, you know?"
"Why's that."
"Well for starters, he washed his plate."
"Oh yeah, I yelled at him this one time for leaving a mess, which I'm pretty sure was actually mine from the night before, but he hasn't left dirty dishes since so I guess it all worked out." Sam outright laughed at that before excusing himself to prepare for bedtime.
By the time 8 o'clock rolled around the bunker was silent, everyone in their respective bedrooms reading or watching a little telly before getting some rest. Due to the lack of sleep the nights prior and the upcoming hunt, Dean closed his eyes tight willing the nightmares away as he gripped his sheets. It didn't take him long to doze off though and it didn't last long before he was startled awake by Y/Ns voice. "Dean! Wake up!" She looked terrified, holding Dean down by his shoulders. "You idiot. Get up."
"Y/N? Why? What's—" She dragged him out of bed to the bathroom.
"Look at your hand Dean." She could hear the anger in her voice frustrated with him for refusing her help. The help they both knew would work. Dean looked down at the palm she hadn't grasped as she marched him down the hall like a child in trouble. It was bleeding, trailing down his fingers, shards of dark glass still imbedded in the tender skin of his palm.
"How did—" It came out as a whisper, laced with sleep as he did his best to orientate himself. Y/N turned on the light in the bathroom before forcibly sitting him on the lid of the toilet.
"You must have grabbed the beer bottle on your nightstand in your sleep." Y/N had pulled out the first aid kit they had stored under the sink along with a pair of tweezers, kneeling in front of the older Winchester.
"Y/N you don't have to—"
"I swear Dean if you tell me you don't need my help one more time I swear," she looked up from his palm to glare at him, "I’m going to tie you down until you get past... what ever this is." She didn't break eye contact with him until he nodded, shamefully looking down at the injury he only now started to feel.
Chapter 5 ~~ Out now!
Tag List: @akshi8278​ @bargedog @just-someone-difficult​ @mila-dans​ @valhallavxlkyrie​
Series Tags: @autobotgirl15-blog​ @classyunknownlover​ @laycblack​ @lovememisha​ @music-is-all-i-need​ @redbarn1995​ @wellfuckmyexistence​
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
We need another sneak peek *PLEASEEEEEE *😀
You know how much we love the demon give us some mercy *pleaseeeeeeeeee *
Have a nice day please..
Ps : love your ff dude
I know you weren't trying to be rude, I do. So far I've been really fucking lucky in not having any legit rude anons or readers. But I just... sometimes it can start to feel like I'm this work horse, ya know? And sometimes things are like "... Hey 😔, I know it's taking a while but ya coulda asked a little more politely here man I work hard on this stuff." When someone post a 1k snippet you have to realize that represents a couple hours of work they put in instead of doing other things because they want to make these stories great for readers. So just, yeah. Please keep that in mind. But yes, here's a little snippet but nO MORE I GOTTA FINISH THIS DAMN THING 😩
She had this. 
Raven was right. It was just a friendly dinner. 
A friendly dinner where Clarke could possibly see what it might feel like to live out the mortifying ordeal of being seen as half of a… something. 
A something with Lexa. 
Clarke pushed the thought down as she twisted the handle, taking a minute to herself to breath and calm her nerves.
Which was all shot to shit the second the door swung open. 
"Hey, gorgeous."
The smirk that greeted her sent a flutter through Clarke's belly, her eyes doing a quick route down the length of Lexa's body. Gone was the skirt and skin tight blouse from earlier, all vestiges of the office wiped clean.
The usually wild mane of brunette was pulled back in a ponytail, an exquisitely messy one that hung over her shoulder and draped across the curve of a sharp collarbone. Clarke's gaze wandered along the waterfall of it, sliding to the cleavage that peeked out from the unbuttoned dip of a low-cut navy Henley. Her leather jacket stopped just shy of distressed jeans that clung to her thighs, calves, and ankles and stretched down to a smart looking pair of black boots. 
Clarke shook her head at the deeply pleased look painted across Lexa's face.
"How did I not foresee you managing to get yourself invited here?"
Lexa's smile slipped into a frown, head tipping to the side as she spoke. "... You didn't know I was coming?"
"No," Clarke sighed. "I was not made aware until about five minutes ago. We've been set up."
"Ah," Lexa breathed in understanding, shuffling awkwardly on her feet on the front stoop. "I should've known when Raven told me to hurry up. The texts felt very urgent."
"Don't know how you don't know this by now, but you can never trust Raven. And I'm saying that as someone who also fell into this trap."
"Do you want me to leave?"
"I can't uninvite you from someone else's house, Lex."
"That's not what I asked," Lexa murmured, throat bobbing with a swallow as her eyes strayed to her shoes.
Clarke licked her lips. Thumped the door twice with her thumb. Weighed the conversation from the kitchen that still felt fresh on her tongue. 
"You really weren't in on this?"
"I would tell you if I had been. She just texted and invited me. Said it was dull with just the three," Lexa shrugged. "Felt rude to say no."
"I'm sure that was the reason," Clarke snorted, shaking her head with an exasperated smile. "Not at all like you wanted to spend the evening with me or anything."
"Well you already know how I would've preferred tonight to go."
Clarke's smile weakened when Lexa wagged a devilish brow. 
There it was. Why she hadn't wanted to do this to begin with. Not this way. Had questioned ever even fucking confronting the jumbled mess of thoughts that had been churning in her skull for the past few days. Because she'd set up these boundaries and didn't know why she'd begun questioning them to begin with. 
Something in her face must've given her away. A glimpse of her hesitance. The stab of something sharp and unpleasant at Lexa's admittedly innocent words sobering the smirk on Lexa's face. 
Lexa stepped in closer, one foot on the threshold, the other firmly staying outside. "I can go if you want me to," she said so quietly Clarke wouldn't have heard if she weren't that close. Wouldn't have seen the sparkle in Lexa's eyes from the porch light above them. "But I'd like to stay. If you want… You know I'll take any time I can get with you."
Never mind.
That was why she'd been having those jumbled mess of thoughts. 
It sent her stomach flipping and chest aching with something else entirely. Clarke smiled more genuinely, throwing in a cursory roll of her eyes for good measure. "At least you're getting better at being smooth."
"Just like making you smile, gorgeous."
"Mhm… in that case, I guess you can stay."
"Lucky me… So are you gonna invite me in now?" Lexa asked, the silky hum of her voice causing Clarke to sway a bit on her feet as Lexa lifted her hand to reveal a 6-pack of imported beer. "I came bearing libations as peace offering. Just on the off chance you were a little… cranky. For whatever reason."
Clarke eyed the bright label as she reached out to grab a fistful of Lexa's shirt, stepping aside to make room as she yanked Lexa inside and shut the door. "How did you know what beer I like? You're a wine girl."
"I asked Raven," Lexa said as she set down the case and shrugged out of her coat. "She's a very helpful secretary… Sometimes."
"She's a goddamn schemer," Clarke corrected with a grunt as she shot a glare in the direction of the kitchen. 
"Don't be mad," Lexa soothed and hung up her coat on the wall before sliding back into Clarke's space.
Her hands settled low on Clarke's waist, thumbs brushing over the swells of her hip bones that peeked out from beneath her shirt. 
Clarke felt a rush of heat flare through her as Lexa bent down and kissed her. Kissed her slow, and full, with the careless intensity that left Clarke spinning. That languidness Clarke had been struggling so hard to describe. She felt a moan against her mouth as Lexa pulled back with a smile. Barely reigning in a pleased smile of her own, Clarke worked to keep a straight face as she poked a finger to the flat of Lexa's chest.
"Hello to you too, handsy."
"What?" Lexa whispered, eyes twinkling in the dim light filtering from the doorway a few feet away. 
"We're in Raven's front hall."
"And? I don't see anyone else with us."
"Ya can't just cop a feel every single time someone isn't looking."
"'Cop a feel?' You mean like this?"
Clarke sucked in a breath as Lexa surged forward again, the length of her body pressing along Clarke's front as hands wrapped around her backside and squeezed.
"Lexa, hey, you made it!"
A reproachful yelp died in Clarke's throat as the new voice called from around the corner, her mind working just fast enough to thrust her hips forward to send Lexa a few stumbling steps back. 
Clarke shot up off the wall and turned as Raven emerged from the kitchen, an inviting smile on her lips even as sharp eyes slid between the two.
"Here I am," Lexa said without missing a beat, bending down to retrieve the all-but-forgotten drinks. "Complete with alcoholic party favors."
"Oooo. A woman after my own heart," Raven leered as she drew even, taking the pack from Lexa's hand and bussing a kiss to her cheek. "I'm gonna go pop these in the fridge, but make yourself at home. Clarke knows where everything is if you want anything. And dinner should be done any minute. Sound good?"
Lexa nodded as Raven flashed her another smile and turned to leave, Clarke barely resisting the urge to throw a middle finger up when Raven mouthed a silent 'lock it down, bitch' on her way out. 
"Okay, new rules," Clarke sighed as she tugged Lexa by the elbow down the hall. "Since apparently my very well thought out guidelines for us around people are apparently useless, let's just get through tonight unscathed, please? Yes, obviously Raven knows we're…"
"... Fucking?"
"Friendly fucking."
"This is gonna be a disaster," Clarke mumbled to herself, reaching up to rub at her temples. "Yes, Raven knows. Yes, I'm okay with it. Just… please try to at least keep your hands in appropriate places. And no offering up details about… this. Us. I know you think it's hilarious to embarrass me to the point of wanting to run screaming from any given room, but in reality, Raven wouldn't let me live it down for weeks. So. Behave... Behave-ish. Aim for like a three on a scale of one to... you."
"I promise, gorgeous, don't worry," Lexa whispered, leaning in to nuzzle a spot beneath Clarke's ear as they rounded the corner into the front room. "I'll be such a good girl for you."
"Jesus Christ, Lex."
Quickly pulling back, Lexa shot her a devious smile, lip firmly planted between her teeth despite Clarke's shove to her shoulder. A throat clearing stifled the flustered rebuke that teetered on Clarke's tongue as the crack of a book closing sounded through the room.
"Sorry, I would've met you out there, but Raven said to give you a minute," Anya said airily as she tossed the book in her hands onto the table with a thunk and turned. "I'm Anya, Raven's…"
Anya's words seemed to die in her throat as she ground to a halt halfway around the far end of the couch. 
Clarke watched as the bored set of her eyes sharpened. Widened. 
A paleness slunk over her features as Anya stared at the woman at Clarke's side, Clarke's brow furrowing as she glanced between the startled look of her friend's wife and the relaxed grin on Lexa's face.
Throat bobbing through a few dry swallows, Anya's ribs expanded and released as she breathed in deeply. 
"You're Raven's boss?"
Lexa gave a quiet chuckle, Clarke's heart jumping at the dark timbre of its sound. 
"Guilty as charged."
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userdokja · 5 years
Protective | Avengers x Reader
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Steve found you during his fight with the Winter Soldier, He saw you shift and attacked the Hydra agents disguised as Shield, You made sure every civilian made it out safely. And after that he looked for you and offered that you join their team.
Summary: See Request
Warnings: Injuries, My Writing and Grammar.
Requests are always open!
A/n: I tried my best but I still hope you like it!! Can't do the 'read more' thingy I'm on my phone:(
You cared for everybody you know and would never want any of them to get hurt. You're shape shift into a tiger whenever you wanted to, some say it's cool but it's pretty hard ripping clothes off whenever you shift. Bruce knows the struggle.
You weren't very happy when the fight between Steve and Tony happened, you didn't want to choose a side. But here you were, on Captain's side wanting everything to be over soon.
A guy in another red suit made his way into the scene. Your eyebrows furrowed at him as he talked.
"Tony, you brought a kid?!" you exclaimed.
"Uhm- I'm not a kid--"
"I- we'll talk about this later." You nodded at him. "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, Taking Y/n. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart"
"You did that when you signed." Steve answers. You already know this isn't going to end well.
"Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys ... with no compunction about being impolite."
Steve looks to his side.
"Come on." Tony whispers. You didn't like seeing everyone like this, You take a deep breath as Sam spoke through the comms.
"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." With that, Steve raises his webbed hands up and Clint shot his arrow to release him.
"Alright lang." Scott we t out of his hiding place from Cap's shield and returned his shield.
"I believe this is yours, Captain America." Tony had already scanned the whole place.
"Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?"
"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes."
"Barnes is mine!" It was like you were on programmed to protect someone who's in threat. So you ran and made your way to Sam and Bucky before anyone could get to them. When you arrived Spider-boy had Bucky's fist in his hand.
You tackled him tot he ground and pushed him down when he tried to get up.
"Stay. Down." He pushed you off him and webbed your hand to the floor.
"Sorry, I gotta follow Mr--" Sam grabbed him and flew away, You sighed.
You formed your free hand into paws and used the sharp nails to get the webs off.
You were walking along with the others, making your way to the jet. But you were blocked by Vision.
"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Tony and the others arrive.
"What do we do Cap?" You ask him.
"We fight." You definitely didn't want that. But everyone started running towards each other, You attacked T'Challa and avoided his sharp claws. He already managed to scratch your left cheek and your side, making you loose focus because of the pain, he took this as an opportunity to push you down. You groaned as you head hit the concrete.
You tried to get ride of you dizziness and stood up. T'challa and Bucky had each other by the neck.
He pulled Bucky's hand away and kicked him backwards. He raised his claws, and aiming for Bucky's neck, But you pushed his hand away from behind. His claws made a deep scratch on your arm but you continued to drag him down, Landing on your back.
He used his elbow to hit you in the face, but you didn't let go until you saw Wanda. Once he finally stood up, Wanda pushed him into one of the crates she went away after giving you a smile. you wiped the blood from your nose and Bucky helped you up.
"You okay?" He asks worriedly.
"Yeah." You smiled at him reassuringly.
"Why did you do that?" He asks, But you understood what he was talking about without needing to explain.
"You're Steve's friend. You mean so much to him, He won't like you getting hurt." He nodded.
You head turns to Steve who was fighting with the kid. He kicked him backwards and he landed under one of the crates, Steve's eyes wanders to it.
Can the kid take it?
A part of you is saying he can but your instincts kicked in, The next thing you knew you were running after the Spiderboy, pushing him out of the way.
Normally you would handle it like a pro but the scratches on your arm made your hand slip. You managed to lay on your back before the whole thing hit you. You screamed in pain.
Half of your body was stuck underneath the crate. You couldn't breath properly since,you were panicking. You used all your strength to push it away from you. You hadn't noticed that everyone stopped fighting.
"Y/n!" Steve ran beside you, He lifted it off your Body and Spiderboy pull you out, Steve cradled you in his arms and put his hand under your head. Someone was saying something about your head bleeding. "You gotta turn. You'll heal faster."
"She can't." Tony says. Everyone looks at him, wanting for him to explain why. "It hurts when she shifts and she's already in too much pain, a punctured lung's dangerous!  We need to give her medical attention right now!"
You were in a van with Sam driving, you were still clinging on Steve. Tony offered to fly you there but realized it might not be safe, It was getting harder and harder to breath. It felt like your chest was stabbed multiple times.
Peter- the Spiderboy, was also in the car. Kept on apologizing to you and saying that you shouldn't have done it because he could handle it.
"Hey kid, It's okay."
Steve grew more worried when he felt your grasp weaken on his shoulder. "You need to stay awake, we're almost there. Just keep your eyes open." Steve said in a stern voice. "Damnit, Y/n. Focus on me."
But your eyelids continued to drop, and everything turned black.
You woke up in a cold room, There was a monitor beside you making an annoying sound.
"Hey. You alright?" A male voice spoke.
"Yeah I'm actually feeling okay now, Cap." You replied. "How long was I out?"
"A week." Your eyes widened at his answer.
"You've gotta stop doing that." He shakes his head at you.
"Stop doing what?"
"Saving everyone, I mean that's great but you're putting yourself in so much danger." You sighed at his words.
"You sound like my dad." He chuckled at you.
"You're gonna hear more about it, The rest of the team's coming over." He smiled at you before standing up from his chair and walking closer.
"You did good."
Permanent Tags: @aintnouseofpretending @heartbeats-wildly @just4muggles
Marvel Tags: @hollymac79
539 notes · View notes
iwritethat · 5 years
Wally West: One
A/N: This was a detour from what I was doing. Oops.
Warnings: None
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"The cute alien chic?" You thought of the girl, clarifying it was indeed the correct one.
"And you're sure this one is the one because you said that 3 girls ago."
"Yes... I mean no, I don’t know - look can you please help me (Y/n)." Wally playfully pleaded with you like he’d done on multiple occaisions prior to this and you could only shrug in defeat.
"Sure but my conditions remain the same."
"I know, no bragging, pizza on me, you pick the film for the next 3 weeks."
"And?" You mockingly coaxed, knowing how much the next particular demand pained him which was evident in his deadpan but reluctant tone.
"And no mocking your dates."
The following day you’d stategically accompanied Kid Flash on a visit to Mount Justice, the sight of you two together was no surprise to Robin, Aqualad nor Speedy though the remainder were intrigued by the mysterious stranger so Wally proudly made introductions.
"Hey M'gann, Conner, this is (Y/n)."
"Ah, this is who you love so much to talk about!" The Martian beamed grasping your hands as you shot a glare to a flustered Wally, the guy sheepishly running a hand through his strands.
"Is this your... girlfriend?" Superboy casually inquired after thinking of the correct terminology, yet again leaving you to wonder what your friend has been saying about you in your absence - also considering the implication this’d have on your scheme.
"No! Definitely not! I'm totally single, just because I've told you about (Y/n) doesn't mean we're dating. We're not dating by the way." Wally briskly recovered, blush fading as he emphasised his point specifically for the sake of M'gann.
"Nice to meet you both. Ah Kaldur!" You lit up once seeing the Atlantean, immediately embracing his form just as he did to you in hopes of catching up with him.
"It's been a while (Y/n), you look well."
"(Y/n) is here? Looking as lovely as ever, surprised you're still hanging with Wally though, you're way out of his league." Robin proudly joked as he walked toward you, genuinely happy to see you again and a girl called Artemis agreed with him despite only recently learning your name - supposedly teasing Wally was a commodity amount the Team.
"I'm here for training, Canary said she'd activated the sparring platform so I wanted to test it." With a content shrug you set your plan in motion, gesturing over to the designated area as indication.
Now you were very well trained, the team knew that so it wasn't a surprise when every single member landed with a 'FAIL' until Wally challenged your winning streak. You went two rounds, the first you played to his strengths allowing him to take you down with his speed and received the only 'PASS' of the day. M'gann cheered, flying over with questions and compliments whilst you comfortably sat up and proudly watched Wally bask in the desired attention. Meanwhile got to your feet, brushing yourself only to be met with a smirking Robin beside your figure.
"I know what you're doing and you are good at it, but I don't think it's gonna work."
"Does it ever work with Wally? He's never met a girl he's really caught deep feelings for but I'm only in it for the free food he's promised me." Came your knowing reply, softly smirking at Robin who seemed to disagree but accepted your justification nonetheless.
"There is one y'know..."
"Hey (Y/n) ready to get your ass whooped by the best there is? Fastest kid alive babe." The speedster smugly gained your deadly gaze, his boasting violating the agreement you’d struck less than 24 hours ago and thus not giving you a chance for Robin to elaborate like you’d wished.
This time you would not allow him a victory, like the others you took him out with a mischievous smile and then crouched over his waist whilst he leaned up on his elbows to meet you.
"No. Bragging." You raised a brow, tilting his chin towards you as you punctuated each word as a reminder before heading out. Although your plan had still succeeded to a degree, you walked backwards finding the Martian kneeling down to your friend inquiring about his condition as you winked at him - Wally seemingly impressed with your antics, as he usually was whenever he roped you into these scenarios.
You retained your attentive skills, even talking him up to M'gann but it became painfully obvious that her romantic affections were reserved for a certain clone which left you disappointed albeit pleased for her. Now, you had to break the news to Wally - you'd considered such measures while sitting against the wall in one of the Mountains many hallways bouncing a ball off of the other side as a form of contemplation.
Soon enough your felt a familiar comforting presence beside you, catching the ball and initiating a harmless game between the two of you.
"What's on your mind?" Wally knew you incredibly well, narrowing down I even the smallest quirks and he'd use that to his advantage.
"Nothing, but I'm afraid you might have to give up on M'gann."
"I know. Supes right?" He didn't seemed phased by your sympathetic disclosure, which surprised you slightly due to how long he’d spent gushing over the girl.
"Yeah, sorry West."
"It's alright. Thanks for trying, I'll still get you that pizza."
"But I didn't...?" His response was unexpected, leaving you somewhat speechless but he soon continued with conversation before you could finish, no evidence of heartbreak to be seen.
"That Dan guy you went out with? (Y/n) c'mon you're stunning, and he didn't even offer to pay the full check at the coffee shop. You deserve so much better, his flirting game was awful too." Wally reminisced on the details you’d cruelly given knowing he wouldn’t able to comment due to you deal, although such a thing was now void and you’d regretted that decision. Yet part of you enjoyed his mocking support.
"So I get the pizza but have to suffer your judgements for not getting you a date? I'm sure you have something to say about Jackson too." You threw your head back with an exaggerated sigh, Wally laughing as he replied.
"Don't get me started..."
How unaffected Wally seemed about the let down still puzzled you, although you believed something else must've attained his focus - not that you had any indication of what it was as you sat flicking through the channels.
"So... there's another girl." There it is.
"Dude, are you kidding me? Give yourself a month at least."
"No this one is the one, I know it." His tone was oddly confident compared to his usual dilemmas regarding that topic which automatically gained your full attention.
"Uh Huh. And when did you meet her? Love at first sight or whatever?"
"I've known her longer than a few days give me some credit here. But it wasn't at first sight, I didn't even notice it was happening or rather happened..." Wally's point was certainly more realistic in comparison and he was being truthful - again, maybe this peculiar circumstance held promise.
"You know my terms an-" You simply shrugged, assuming he wanted your assistance once more which dulled your growing investment slightly.
"No, not for this one."
"Hot damn, this woman must be special. Tell me everything!" That decision shocked you and it was evident in your tone, you excitedly encouraged him to indulge your lowkey interrogation since he never turned down your assistance.
"Yes she definitely is, but I don't know what to do for her y'know?"
"Romantic restaurant? Roses? Tell her over a romantic dinner." You listed things instantly, barely stopping for a breather.
"Would you want all that though?" Wally considered your ideas, furrowing his brows before he asked his question even if his posture radiated nervousness despite the confident facade he’d attempted to convey.
"Hah, no way! Honestly I'd love a chill night in, order a take out, put on a good series and just enjoy each other's company. I mean roses are nice too but I want to know my date likes me enough to relax and be themselves - you can't really do that in a fancy restaurant. Anyway, you should probably find out what this girl likes first." You simply smiled, giving him an honest opinion and advice for you felt he'd finally found someone more than just a crush to him.
"I guess..."
It was silent for a moment until familiar words echoed in your mind 'There is one y'know...' and instantly you stood up with your realisation.
"I know who it is!"
"What?! How?!" Wally snapped to with concern evident in his expression like a deer in headlights, unbeknownst to you why that was but he too halted in his tracks.
"Dick told me, I don't believe it Wally - it's great!" Now you had Artemis in your head, they'd hated one another at first so it certainly made sense that he'd grown to like her. They'd also kissed at New Years Eve or so you'd heard.
"Robin told you I liked you?! Are you kidding? He only knows because I thought he had a crush on you." That answer caught you off guard, practically disintegrating your ability to form a coherent sentence or even think straight due to the abruptness of it.
"Wait me? I didn't, um, I can't, since when? All the times I've been helping you with girls I... I..."
"Wait you didn't know? Okay stay there, I'm doing this again!" Wally held his hands out in defence, soon disappearing leaving you standing alone with your thoughts. A dangerous thing really.
Did you even have feelings for him? Quite possibly, that would explain why you occasionally compared dates to him and why you were always so willing to help him find his happiness but surely you wouldn't have suppressed them? It was so confusing.
Within a minute he appeared before you, a single red rose in hand and sheepish smile.
"I'm late I know that but there's no pressure for you. This is not how I expected you to find out, I aimed to flirt with you and only you before making a move so it wasn't thrown on you so suddenly but here we are. Guess I'm not great with girls without you."
With a mischievous grin, you pulled him close by his red hoodie and gently met his lips with your own and you couldn't deny how right it felt - an action you’d hope would quell the warring emotions. You pulled apart, his arms wrapped around your waist and yours on his shoulders.
"You're actually quite adequate, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"Oh you're hilarious." He matched your witty sarcasm, but still you find his happiness intoxicating.
"Can we, um could we take things slow? I know that's ironic to ask the fastest kid alive but please."
"I'd slow down for you, I want to take my time in every moment I get so it won't be a problem (Y/n). I promise." Despite the trace of concern in your voice, Wally was reassuring and sincere with his words so you both felt comfortable in whatever situation you'd crafted.
"So, I assume you won't be mocking my dates anymore."
"I think every date you'll have from now on is gonna be too great for me judge. Ah too bad, I know how much you loved me doing that." The speedster playfully responded with a knowingly satisfied smirk to which you threw him an 'are you serious?' expression.
Later, as you both sat comfortably on Wallys' bed eating pizza whilst a film played in the background, you received simultaneous texts from none other than Dick Grayson - his smugness translated even in a message.
[Dickiebird: Told you so.]
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Libi & Bobby
Libi: When are you two going to 🎩👞🤵? Bobby: 📌📅 1 week exactly Libi: Are you going to go for the matching look or just complementary 🤔 that's the real question Bobby: 🤞 he don't want a throwback to my mini me days Bobby: cross everything Libi: But you were so cute! 😚 Libi: I doubt he's going to make you dress like anything, when the chances of getting Cass into a bridesmaid dress are less than none Bobby: cute's alright for 👶s and 🐶s Bobby: a cardboard cut out could work for both of us, me lil and Cass 👗👠 Libi: There's plenty of the former, not sure the registry office would be happy about a procession of pooches though Libi: 1. Where are you planning to be? 2. And who are you trying to impress when you get there? Spill Bobby: 🐶💍? 🤔 Bobby: probably not gonna dress you in a 👗 puffy enough for me to hide behind, are they? 💔 Libi: Sadly, I don't think we can convince them hearing-ear dogs are a thing Libi: though, maybe it is worth a 🎯 Libi: Let's 👀 into it Libi: You'll be great though, he wouldn't have picked you if he didn't know you could handle it Bobby: you could convince anyone of anything, including as a massive hint, that there's no need for me to make a speech Bobby: or hold onto valuable 💍 Libi: You make me sound like some kind of evil mastermind, flattering or worrying? Libi: I don't think there's going to be any meringue dresses or big 😭/😂 speeches Libi: and you've met my grandma, and my granddad, for that matter Libi: if there's any 💬 to be had, they'll almost certainly take charge Libi: If you wanted to say something about Jimmy though, we could work on it together and I could do it for you on the day, I don't mind, of course Bobby: less 😈 more like 😎💭😏👏 Bobby: you sure you're not gonna have your hands full filming it? Bobby: bit rude to give you a full plate unless it's got wedding cake on it Libi: I'll take that, thank you 🙇🌹 Libi: I can manage, I don't think I'm going to have many, if any, stereotypical bridesmaid duties Libi: though, we COULD record it beforehand and give it to him as a present Libi: as he's just as likely to be 😳 receiving a speech as you are giving one Bobby: 🎬🌹 Bobby: if it means I can have more than the one go at it, I'll take the closeup Bobby: risk of 😳 and all Libi: You can trust me Libi: Going to threaten to make Cass too 🤪 Libi: he'll 💘 it, I'm sure Libi: what I'm less sure of is if I should put together the 📼 I have 🔮💭 for Janis Bobby: her accent's well strong again he'll love that throwback if nowt else 😉 Bobby: I do trust you and in all your ideas Bobby: 😎💭😏👏 like I just said Bobby: never put a foot wrong, you, Libs Libi: 😅 Libi: It'll be nice to have her back, not that I'll 💬 that to her face Libi: more 😒 than 😳 probably Libi: I try 🩰 Bobby: the dancing! 😳 deffo Bobby: I'll be putting that out of my head now Libi: Okay, there might be SOME dancing Libi: I 🤞 not to film that bit, even for laughs Bobby: only from the neck up, or we're gonna fall out Libi: Never! Bobby: hang on, unless I'm looking at where my feet are going, then don't Libi: Your concentration face IS very endearing Bobby: 😕 or 🤔? Libi: A solid mix of 🤔😋 Libi: we might furrow our brow if we're being VERY serious and having VERY big thoughts, of course 😉 Bobby: 👅 brings us back to cute like a 🐶 a bit Bobby: tell me YOUR big 💭 then, go on Libi: Don't be disrespecting 🐶s even if you want to decline the parallel, sir Libi: WELL Libi: you know my parents made lots of 📹 of their own Libi: and they had their own wedding, and I was bridesmaid then and my mum talked about if I ever had a wedding, and about Junior, Billie, Grace and Janis, their weddings they might have...I thought I could splice bits of her footage and audio with what I get on the day for Janis Libi: but, be honest, does that sound too depressing for words or? Libi: or like I'm making it all about ME and MY mum...I'm conflicted Bobby: I think it's a great idea, Cass would love it if she could have our mum there if she ever gets married, any bit of her Bobby: and that'll be like she's there Bobby: instead of everyone just 👀 an empty chair Libi: I'm glad you think so Libi: I'll probably run it by everyone else first but I can't really spoil the surprise for her beforehand Libi: I know I'd like it too, I think she will Bobby: even if it's a bit sad, it should be sad that your mum is missing it Bobby: and she'll get why you're doing it Libi: It's so strange Libi: seeing that I knew her Bobby: if you need a hand going through the footage, I'll put my concentration face on Bobby: I know there's loads Libi: Thanks 😌 Libi: I'll take you up on that Libi: luckily there is somewhat of a system but there's still a lot to go through, I don't want to miss anything Bobby: 📌📅 tomorrow? Libi: If that works for you Libi: that'd be 👍 Bobby: I'll wake you up 🍳🥓☕️ or the smoke alarm will Libi: 😂 Libi: If nothing, we'll have the ☕☕ Bobby: and I can work a 📱 whatever you wanna order Libi: Very impressive, Bobs Libi: could make you my 2nd unit DoP Bobby: 🙇🌹 Libi: Oh dear Libi: Venus is messaging me Libi: A lot Bobby: 😬 Libi: I think she thinks she's a bridesmaid too Bobby: but she knows how they're planning to do this Libi: Maybe she doesn't? But I'M pretty sure she's not Libi: this is awkward Bobby: you're busy, I'M keeping you busy Libi: She's 8, I can't be rude Libi: Why does she have her own account though 🤔 Bobby: she's 8, loads of other people are about to deal with her ❓❗ Bobby: you don't have to be the one who 💔👸🏽 Libi: 😬 AHH Bobby: put your 👟 on and leave your 📱 behind Bobby: that's my bright idea Libi: Where are we going 📌📅 today? Bobby: we'll let the 🐶s choose Libi: Okay Libi: but I need to bring the 📱 Bobby: I'll give it you back in case of an 🚨 Libi: 😖 Okay Libi: I'll let the adults deal with it before she finds out the 💳 she probably has too Libi: you're right Bobby: I'm saving you from an if where she gets it into her head that YOU'RE saying she can't be a bridesmaid Bobby: 'cause I can 👀 it happening Libi: That would not be good Libi: it's not like a thing thing, I'm only bridesmaid in name, really Libi: and Janis won't care if she wants to wear a massive dress Libi: it's fine Bobby: I can hide behind her when she does, problem solved Libi: We're both happy Libi: though you might have to duck a 🤏 Bobby: 🤞 I don't get taller beforehand Libi: How high do you think her 👠s will be? Libi: more fashionable than me already, that's for sure 😅 Bobby: high as 🌃 Bobby: but you'll be doing too much dancing to bother with any of that Bobby: 👣 Libi: Someone has to make sure you keep planted firmly on yours Bobby: or your video'll end up going viral for everyone to 😂🤣 at me and my moves Libi: Obviously, that's tempting 😉 Libi: but I did 🤞 so I'll stick to it Bobby: and I said you weren't 😈 which I wanna stick to Libi: Ideally, me too Bobby: 🤝 Libi: Just trying to get Killer's harness on 🙄 Libi: I'll be ten years 👌 Bobby: she don't wanna go, she'd just eat Venus instead Libi: Not before dinner ❌ Bobby: let's get 🍕 delivered to wherever we end up 🌳🥅🌼 Libi: Only if we can get ALL the dips Bobby: obviously Bobby: not gonna eat my crusts otherwise and Killer can't have every one of them Libi: No matter how hard she 🥺🥺 Bobby: I'll pretend I don't see her Libi: Good luck Bobby: not a patch on your 🥺 Libi: Well, don't take more than your fair share and I won't have to employ them 😋 Bobby: long as you give me my fair share, I won't have to take it Bobby: bigger half remains the going rate Libi: 😱 I was about to say Libi: how dare you suggest I take more when that's clearly you Libi: you didn't want to grow, remember Bobby: still time to convince someone a bit older into a dress like a meringue if you're not gonna hide me Libi: Grace might Libi: you could try her Bobby: 👌 Libi: OR even more thrilling, you could help me look for dresses over 🍕 Bobby: okay Bobby: one I really mean this time Libi: I really don't have a clue what to go for Libi: at least you know where you are with a suit Libi: or if she were that kind of bride and I just got told Bobby: you allowed to do whatever you want? Libi: Yup...It's a little daunting, actually Libi: maybe we should let Venus organize it Bobby: might be even more daunting if you did Bobby: we'll figure it out Libi: Us all in baby pink marshmallow gowns Libi: 🤐 okay, I'll take that back Bobby: 💐🎀👑🩰🧁✨ Libi: Cute for her and the twins Libi: I'll literally look like a 🐖 Bobby: whatever animal you wanna look like, we'll aim for that Bobby: but I'd have said 🦑 Libi: 😂 How is that any better? Bobby: camouflage is a skill they have, that benefits me Bobby: plus you have more legs to juggle 📹🌹🥂🍰💃 Libi: Good, solid arguments Libi: I'm convinced Bobby: didn't even bring up that you can shoot ink at predators Libi: I don't think that's a ➕ Libi: around all the 👗s Bobby: might be if there's a family argument Libi: 🤫 Libi: There won't be! Libi: 🥛 half full Bobby: Cass is coming but alright Bobby: 🤞 Libi: Yeah but Libi: no need for squid ink Bobby: 😇 Libi: You? Libi: 🤔 Bobby: everyone Bobby: on their best behaviour Libi: I won't be enforcing it Libi: not ☔️💃 Bobby: you'll be the mirrorball ✨💃 Libi: Only if you're dancing 😊 Bobby: only with you, not Venus Libi: We'll find ways to keep you looking busy if she 👀 Bobby: I'll hold your 📹🌹🥂🍰💃 as you're not going for a 🦑👗 Libi: All the arms would be useful in general Libi: Think how many 🐶s I could walk Bobby: but think how many 👶s you'd have to hold Libi: That is 75% of the guestlist Bobby: 🤞 she's not pregnant now Bobby: that's why loads of people get married Libi: They've been together forever Libi: I don't think it's that Bobby: me either Libi: Such a 🃏 Libi: if you want that family feud, just ask her if she is, I'm SURE she'll oblige 😏 Bobby: I don't have a death wish, Libs Bobby: or want a family 🥊 Libi: Good call Libi: all I want is 🍕 now and we're finally out the door Bobby: I wanna to find you a 👗 before Venus does but I do need 🍕 for that Libi: 💪 building is a must, of course Bobby: what's Astrid gonna wear? Bobby: be ideas there 🦚🦜🦋🐛 Libi: I'll ask her Libi: don't know if she starts her creative process early on or inspiration just comes to her Bobby: 👍 Libi: It'll be amazing, regardless Bobby: couldn't even deny that as 🃏 Bobby: I'll look so boring in my 🤵 next to you 2 Libi: Well I could never pull off half the 🦚🦜🦋🐛 she does Libi: and you won't look boring! You'll look handsome, and not at all like a mini-me now Bobby: you can pull off anything Bobby: and used to when you were lil Libi: I don't want to look lil now Libi: she looks cool, I wouldn't Bobby: you'll look and feel top of the world Bobby: the search is on Libi: You're the best Bobby: you Libi: 😊😌 Libi: Maybe I could wait to see your suits Libi: colour match? Bobby: we haven't done that for ages Libi: Does it make me a bit too Libi: Venus? Bobby: not if we don't choose pink Bobby: or gold Libi: An all-gold tuxe, stunning 😅 Libi: I'm fine with those stipulations Bobby: I'm not pulling off anything like that Bobby: but matching is like a proper wedding thing Bobby: you won't look lil Libi: Right, even if they aren't the types to insist, I don't think it'd make them mad either Libi: it'll give us some focus Libi: too many options Bobby: and an excuse to stay together Bobby: soz everyone who won't get to dance with me but Libi: We ARE the wedding party, however unofficial Libi: practically our jobs Bobby: there you go, it's come together Libi: Thank goodness for you Libi: I'd probably still be freaking out being NO help or fun right now if I didn't have you Bobby: you came with me to that bollocks school 💃🕺 with my whole year there this'll be loads better than that Bobby: nowt to worry about Libi: That was spectacularly lame Libi: but we made the best of it still Bobby: yep and we didn't need to get drunk how loads of them did Libi: Be a sorry state of affairs if we forgot how to have fun together without it Bobby: be some sort of head injury Libi: Not matching 🤕 🤕 Bobby: 😵😵 Libi: It is a family function Libi: possibly Bobby: you said no 🥊 Libi: I was thinking about all the 🥂s Bobby: 😲 you're thinking about getting me drunk! Libi: Don't say it like that! Libi: I just meant everyone else WILL be and we can have some Bobby: we should do it Bobby: you're right about the obvious opportunity Libi: Just to get more used to it Libi: so when we go to more 💃🕺 outside of school, we won't look lil either Bobby: yeah Bobby: we won't be 😳 Libi: I don't wanna get drunk Libi: just not recoil when I taste it Libi: 🤝? Bobby: tell me if the room's spinning when you've stopped 💃and I'll cut you off 🤝 Libi: It's a plan Libi: if your eyes go all 😵🥴 I'll take your bottle away too Bobby: long as you're making eye contact, that'll work Libi: My 👀s will do their best to keep up with yours, of course Bobby: 💃🕺 Bobby: can you 👀 me now? Libi: 👋 Libi: [and then 👋 IRL as you run up] Bobby: [hug her and probably have to disentangle the dog leads like your own rom com moment] Libi: [at least these old lady dogs won't be going as crazy god bless them, say now that obviously we sign everything for him as we speak 'cos duh, 'this is good practice for dancing' as you do the thing where you have to go under a lead and around] Bobby: [likewise just know that I'm obvs purely signing everything cos we don't speak but I'll still write it like speech cos it is 'in that case, nothing to worry about' touches his face like is there a 😳 and shakes his head like nope] Libi: ['I told you' and a big smile and checking our own face but like seriously hoping we're not blushing because he cute] Bobby: [an even bigger smile back because she's cute and we're glad she's not stressed any more] Libi: [giving Twix some love and treats as we head off 'Is Cass bringing anybody?'] Bobby: ['if she's going out with anyone, bringing them to a family wedding isn't gonna happen' cos true even though it's a scaled down family function] Libi: [nods like yeah, true 'I liked her last boyfriend, shame we can't invite him' 'cos what happened did you just decide to go back North or what] Bobby: [a look on his face like did you like him or did you LIKE him because we're jealous and you know it but we're doing the JJ move of acting like it's pure bants of course] Libi: [slapping at his arm like excuse you! but we're 😳 so it looks like you LIKED him even though obviously not you're just embarrassed to even be talking about this with him like we know why 'As if! He was just nice, and Cass had more fun when he was around'] Bobby: [a look like mhmmmm sure because we do think you like him now gal] Libi: ['that would be so inappropriate, ew' emphasizing the EW dramatically like stop it] Bobby: [a look like true you'd never do anything like that because we know her inside out and that she's never trying to rock the boat like that which is also a little bit true of him tbh cos Cass is the explosive one so we have to be the chill one to make Jimothy's life easier] Libi: [sigh like thank you and telling him about some girl in her year who's got a teacher crush 'I swear she thinks it's going to happen' and shaking her head like honestly] Bobby: [telling her about someone in his year who does too because it's always a thing and doing an even more dramatic ew than she did] Libi: [🙄 'Sometimes I think we're the only normal people around' and pulling a 🤪 face] Bobby: ['we deffo are' and obvs doing his own silly face back before putting his arm around her like that's why we gotta stick together forever thank you] Libi: [feelsy lean 'at least we don't have to worry about any of that, dates, and stuff'] Bobby: [an OTT dramatic sigh like yeah thank god that we actually do mean 'there's nobody at school I would take if I had a gun to my head' full offense to everybody lol] Libi: [can't help but smile, 'I don't think we're old enough to qualify for plus ones anyway' but nudges him conspiratorily 'no one, REALLY?'] Bobby: ['is there someone you would?' because that's how that sounds to us now, even though we clearly don't wanna get back onto talking about who she fancies] Libi: [shakes our head 'the boys are worse than the girls'] Bobby: [the amount of relief he'd have to hide is making me lol 'you sure you wanna go to more parties? drunk they'll be even worse'] Libi: [shrugs 'cos not really but we're growing up honey 'don't wanna miss out, do we?'] Bobby: [rallies because we don't wanna her to miss out because of us so we do an emphatic head shake like NO and we're on socials looking for any parties coming up because realistically there are probably some coming up always like why wait until after the wedding] Libi: [just peeping over his shoulder] Bobby: [let's say Asia's sister is having one after the suit shopping next weekend so he's like !? because do we want this to be our trial run lol] Libi: [a face like OH GOD 'cos we know she's the worst 'We don't have to'] Bobby: ['not much to lose, she already hates us and we know it won't be fun unless we make it' a shrug like it's so casual and we're not at all ! waiting for what she'll say] Libi: [just studying his face trying to work out what he wants without asking of course 'Could be funny, if not fun' 'cos we know she's tragic we don't need to be nice about her she's not family] Bobby: [likewise studying hers and her tone/body language like do you actually wanna do this or not 'we can just dance away if it's not' trying to reassure ourselves here as much as her which would be obvious] Libi: [does another twirl like yeah we can] Bobby: [control your 😍 please boy and do a IRL 🤝] Libi: [just keeping holding his hand as you walk these dogs] Bobby: [love that for you] Libi: [realising you need them for talking though so you literally only can when you're being quiet, which is quite cute] Bobby: [we stan a comfortable silence in this house and also please take lots of pics like you did when you were bubs around JJ's influence thank you] Libi: [of course, I'm going to try to be more artsy with it to bring in your parents influence too but obviously selfies are a must regardless] Bobby: [it do be why people think you're dating because his entire socials are literally gonna just be selfies of you two but I'm not soz] Libi: [people aren't just being straight and weird about it, people who actually know y'all] Bobby: [god bless] Libi: ['be good to see Jay again' also unrelated but not, I think this wedding should be around xmas time 'cos when they met okay] Bobby: ['it has been ages' because realistically probably has been because she'd only come back for big fam functions really because we're not grown yet and as we know Buster's bday is right by Matty's so she probably didn't do that in october so god knows when she was last here tbh] Libi: [ages in as much as she doesn't live here so deffo 'at least she won't know what to wear either' sounds like a drag, she's just not that girly as a kid we know] Bobby: [yeah and she's literally Bobby's age so you feel awkward at formal occasions then unless you're girly af and go in 'maybe she should go suit shopping too' again not a drag or pisstake] Libi: [nudging him 'you gonna ask her?' when you're pretending it's #bants but we're alerted lmao] Bobby: ['I think Jim wants it to just be us' because no offense Jay but he probably does want that bonding moment, factor in that when he's using his name he's using a feelsy sign for it like we know he has and that's true of everyone's name when we're talking IRL] Libi: [smiles like of course, jk jk, because you love how close they are] Bobby: ['Ava'll help her if she needs it' cos she always dresses amazingly and still would lbr] Libi: [nods because we are not worried about it 'she always manages to look cool too'] Bobby: [nudging her because we see you comparing yourself again gal and we think you're the coolest] Libi: [face like ugh soz 'cos can't help it but not trying to be that bitch though] Bobby: [drags her along like come on we're gonna run until your brain switches off which the dogs will love too] Libi: [run babies run] Bobby: [then dramatically flop onto the grass with her like breathless but 😁 in a very cinematic manner] Libi: [likewise because we do feel better for it 'how do you always know what will work?'] Bobby: ['years of practice?' not really a question because they've known each other forever so that is true] Libi: ['You deserve a raise' 'or a medal' and mimes putting one on him Bobby: [mimes breaking it and giving her half 'unlike the pizza, I'll let you have the bigger bit'] Libi: ['so kind' 😏 gets her phone out like speaking of 'usual?' 'cos of course we know these things about each other] Bobby: [nods and gets the dogs to bark that they also agree] Libi: [laughs 'none for them, remember'] Bobby: [looks away from the dogs like soz 'I promise' but 🤞 playfully where she still see it instead of behind his back like we might break that lol] Libi: ['soft touch' but we're clearly not mad] Bobby: [😲 but we're not offended] Libi: ['It's what we love about you' who's we like okay] Bobby: ['you won't be saying that when I put my foot down about taking your bottle away' I doubt she's gonna be an angry drunk and try and stop you that hard but okay, daddy energy of that statement excuse us] Libi: [😲 back at him 'I'm not that much of a brat, thank you!' but folds her arms and pouts like a kid for dramatic effect 'besides, if I say anything it'll be thanks for not letting me make a fool of myself'] Bobby: ['I'd never let that happen' sincere af because we wouldn't 'especially not at a party of China's' since she really do be the worst, doing a 📷 mime because it'd be all over socials] Libi: [shudders like oh god and is 😒 'make a change from her feed being full of her embarrassing behaviour but no thanks'] Bobby: [gets his phone and gestures her closer so they can watch her story together because honestly imagine we're 14 going on 24 now] Libi: [big yikes, big lols, also what was the other ones name/could we put her in Libi's year for double the amusement/potential] Bobby: [we did say she was the youngest one and the other one called America was like a bit younger than Cass but no reason we can't change that if we want to because we've only said it out of character so] Libi: [Like it doesn't truly matter I know but she was friends with a girl that looks like she could be Asia's sister, so maybe if America is in our year she could not suck as hard] Bobby: [I'm down for that, why not if you have stuff you can use] Libi: [Asia's mum could've got a new man for these two, who also peaced, a moment] Bobby: [that's very much a mood] Libi: [just thinking who's another bitchy but kinda goofy blonde hmm] Libi: [okay China=Imogen Poots America=Lia Marie Johnson] Bobby: [a good shout and it makes sense that you're bitchy gal because you're prettiest and clearly also smarter than Asia was so you're clearly your mum's fave and popular at school with your squad] Libi: [golden child, how nice for you madam] Bobby: [and I imagine her hating that her sister is friends with them on any level so that's some fun drama] Libi: [yeah, always good to have that fun level of not too deep going on] Bobby: [yeah we won't be going hard with it but there's things we can do through the years, though please don't also go to Trinity gal I'll die] Libi: [we won't let you, gotta have limits lol] Bobby: [anyway enjoy lightly mocking her socials kids because she thinks she's such hot shit] Libi: ['I bet she wears heels to her own house party'] Bobby: [showing her a picture of whatever she wore the last time she had one when they obvs didn't go like yep there they are] Libi: [when we're shooketh 'cos we're pretty casual at all times 'but she's at HER HOUSE' like we do not understand lmao] Bobby: ['her mum probably keeps her drinks in the top cupboard' we're obviously joking here because it's obvious her mum isn't the lock up her booze sort but she's adorable so we have to joke to distract us] Libi: [little lols 'should let me throw a party' because literally live with Fearghal, everyone would lose their shit lmao but we ain't gonna hens] Bobby: [does the walking fingers across her knee or wherever like baby steps gal because we've only just said about going to parties never mind throwing them 'you should leave her off the guest list' we don't like honey and we never will] Libi: [acting like it tickled so much to hide the 😳 we'd have, when we've collected ourselves/the dogs have stopped jumping all over us too 'she wasn't top of the list' and does a shh don't tell] Bobby: [lists off who the guest list would be but in a silly way like Venus, Cass' ex etc etc] Libi: [tutting any time it's a family member like shh but we're amused, and adding our own additions of unfavourable party guests] Bobby: [just getting sillier and sillier about it until we run out] Libi: ['I'd much sooner someone else's parent's house got trashed, like' and shrugs like not sorry] Bobby: [we're nodding because we clearly often hang out at mcvickers and like it there 'and that someone else got in trouble' because we see you gal always] Libi: ['is getting in trouble mandatory for parties?' like we're taking the piss but also like, why does there need to be any drama lol] Bobby: ['if anyone could change the way parties go, it's you' because everyone at school be throwing parties the same exact way, getting trashed and trashing the place but we know Libi could do it better] Libi: ['I'll add it to my to-do list' and doing a little ✔ in the air 'what would your best party be like?'] Bobby: [shamelessly gonna say he describes either one of his birthdays or hers when they were younger and in the peak of their bubby love] Libi: [you would've had some great birthdays lads, we're so happy and reminiscing] Bobby: [enjoy just reliving all those mems and then you can look a pics and stuff of you two on your phone instead of that bitch] Libi: [posting some throwbacks and talking more about your video ideas and stuff as it is related] Bobby: [love that and I also love thinking about how many times they would've watched the wedding video when they were bubs and wanted to get married] Libi: [RIP, so sweet and extra, also how shooketh Tess would've been by you makes me lol] Bobby: [one day you will get married, I hope Tess is still alive to see it] Libi: [my boo says hold on bitch lmao] Bobby: [looking down from heaven like] Libi: [aww, also go on the swings please whilst waiting for your pizza delivery] Bobby: [you gotta, soz dogs you amuse yourselves for a sec please] Libi: [we can throw a ball for you gals but you old so you might enjoy the rest too lol] Bobby: [have a little snooze huns we gotta push our bae on the swings for a bit before we get on because that's gentlemanly behaviour] Libi: [see how high you can get hun, some kids should come along and want a go, like little kids, so we're shamed like oh, I was acting like a baby, although Bobby was also swinging and we were having a nice time, such a difficult age] Bobby: [that's so real and also really hurt my heart so much excuse me being a hormonal bitch over here, play with the dogs guys, we gotta cheer the bae] Libi: [soz gal the insecurity be popping out] Bobby: [when you realise you didn't ask her what her ideal party would be like so you do] Libi: [describe what is essentially your dream wedding moment but leave out the wedding part 'cos that bitch] Bobby: [I'm FINE meanwhile Bobby be like 'alright now I wanna change my answer to that' because perfect sounding] Libi: [😁 'you're invited, of course'] Bobby: [hug her because she's adorable and you can hide your 😍 whilst still showing that we're buzzing] Libi: [you're so cute guys it's rude, lord knows this delivery better show up so you have to break up to eat] Bobby: [my boo says eat your pizza, I bet they have such a cute order like they probably make their own little weird thing, oh I love you two] Libi: [deffo one weird thing that NO ONE else would want ever but you two do] Bobby: [that's such a vibe and I feel like they'd have a million little things like that which other people think are weird (again not in a Ro way) when he gets with Cammie's mum she's gonna be like um no I won't be eating that] Libi: [just missing all those little things honey, a vibe] Bobby: [for now live for your best lives because we're evil and gonna put you through it] Libi: [we're so rude] Bobby: [I was thinking that the party should go badly for whatever reason so then they're even more determined at the wedding and they can get drunk which will be useful for us] Libi: [easily done, so many reasons not to be living] Bobby: [yeah exactly my thought, like you only need to feel slightly awkward/ like you're not keeping up and that'll lead on nicely] Libi: [if you like we can skip to getting ready for that party and do it in this convo, it's not long] Bobby: [why not, I said it was after the suit shopping so imagine all the cute pics he would've sent her] Libi: [Okay, so later on] Libi: Have you guys made a decision? 😄 Bobby: I think so 👍 Libi: Did you send me a 📸 or is it a total surprise? Bobby: I've held back on the 📸s of 🥇🥈🥉 Bobby: do you wanna 👀 the runners up or just skip to the winner I've saved to show you in person? 🤔 Libi: 🤔🤔 Libi: No, save it for in person Bobby: you sure? Libi: Yes, we're meeting up before this party, right? Bobby: yeah, it'll be ages before we can go there Bobby: getting there too early 🤓 Libi: Exactly Libi: even I know that Libi: and pre-drinks are a thing too, so I've heard Bobby: are you inviting the others for them? Libi: I hadn't really thought about it Libi: do you think they'll behave? Bobby: some of them might Libi: We could do then Libi: we won't be able to have hard stuff, just beers and that kind of thing Bobby: we probably shouldn't go too hard before the party, knowing how they end Libi: I'll invite them then 👍 Libi: tell them to save their bottles for the party too Bobby: don't tell them I said to be 🐢🐌 Bobby: not very 😎 Libi: It's me who wants it Libi: but it's okay, nans home so I can blame her 😬 Bobby: it's me too Bobby: I don't wanna fall over before I've had chance to 💃🕺 Libi: Of course I can count on you to understand Libi: what's the point of showing up somewhere to socialize and being incapable of it because you're wasted? Libi: I see the merit in being a little buzzed but Libi: it sounds 🤓 when it's just logical Bobby: no merits to 🥴🤢🤮 Bobby: she'll have a lovely bathroom but I don't wanna spend the whole party on the floor of it Libi: I have 0 plans to go that far anyway Libi: surely that's more embarrassing than being naive about it Libi: anyway, I'd never be let out again if I did so ❌ Bobby: and I don't wanna go out and about without you so ❌ Libi: I wouldn't be allowed if you weren't there Libi: I think it helps, that we know who the family is too, even if they have no idea what a nightmare China really is, at least she's not some 😱😱 stranger who's running some kind of kiddy crack den or whatever goes through parental 🧠s Bobby: we've gone from cute 🐶 to guard 🐶 Bobby: is that progress? 💪😎 Libi: 🙄😏 No pressure, or anything Libi: obviously, I'm perfectly capable but Libi: always the but Bobby: challenge accepted, even though it isn't one to keep you out of trouble Libi: You're welcome for the easy life then 😉 Bobby: if you could just dress me like Jim did earlier then it really would be Libi: Okay but seriously Libi: what do we wear Libi: not that the dress code is going to be the same for us but Bobby: I'm not wearing 👠 that's cuter when you're lil 🤴👸 Libi: you've had the growth spurt, you don't need to Libi: another plus to inviting the others Libi: take a vote so my whole wardrobe doesn't end up on the floor Bobby: if you're thinking about taking it to a vote you're overthinking it Libi: 😰😰 Bobby: just choose something that don't make you feel 😳😳 if China's going to say something she will whatever it is Libi: If it were that easy Libi: She's so Libi: ugh Bobby: why can't it be? Bobby: I could close my 👀 and grab something that you'd end up looking great in Libi: Maybe all my clothes are awful and I've only just realized tonight Libi: so inconvenient 😂 Bobby: come on, Libs Bobby: I know you trust me not to let you walk around looking 😳 Libi: I know Libi: I'm just freaking out for no reason Libi: she always thinks she looks better than everyone, like you said, what I wear doesn't matter Bobby: not no reason, just a bollocks one Bobby: if you wanna swap wardrobes, we haven't done that for ages either but I'm in Libi: Considering how #shamed I'll be if I don't opt for 👠👗 Libi: save that for another day Bobby: you're dressing for 💃🕺 with me not auditioning for her Bobby: any day Libi: dancing in 👠s sounds more dangerous than 🍾 Libi: noted ✔ Bobby: we're gonna have fun Bobby: tell your 🧠 Libi: We always do Libi: I'm going to cheer up Libi: Am says she's invited SO many people, she probably won't even notice we're there Libi: we can 💃🕺 unbothered all night Bobby: a bit relieved I won't have to have my face painted like a 🐺 to improve things this time Bobby: dunno if I could still pull that off Libi: 'course you could Libi: but Jimmy might be a bit busy, all things considered Libi: 🤞 she's hired the lady again Libi: 🍧🍨🧁🍰🎂🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪 Bobby: I bet it'll be 🍣 this time Bobby: 🤞 not off some poor lad Bobby: be wishing I was blind instead Libi: Bobby! Libi: 😂 That's horrific Libi: worse than anything I've been warned against Bobby: soz! Bobby: it's not her 🎂 she'll probably have toned it down 🤏 Libi: I should hope so Libi: maybe she'll have gone 50/50 and we can eat 🍧🍨🧁🍰🎂🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪 off some dude Libi: I'll be able to tolerate that Bobby: chuffed for YOU Bobby: won't catch me eating anything off anyone Libi: Spoilsport 😜 Bobby: you started drinking already? Bobby: offering yourself up as a 🍽 don't sound like something sober you would do Libi: I didn't! Libi: You're 📑 between the lines, I think Bobby: 🤔👌 Libi: It's most offensive you think I'd start without you Libi: how rude when you're stuck suit shopping Bobby: I bet China has Libi: If you were Jake Gallagher, what would YOU find more attractive? A girl who can keep up and hold her drink, or a girl who goes hard and blacks out Libi: that's who she's after right now, so I've heard Bobby: 🍾🥂💅💄 all just part of getting ready for her Bobby: what's his? the sniff test and shots Bobby: sounds like 💘 to me Libi: Second best option, least in her head Libi: she can't get you so, I guess Bobby: she don't want me Bobby: the real question is, why are you asking me about Jake's POV? Libi: Only because she's shot herself in the foot by being a bitch to you Libi: Because whatever kind of girl she reckons he's into, is what she'll be being tonight Libi: and you're a boy, so you'd know Bobby: I'm not the same kind of boy as him Libi: Yeah but precisely 0 of the boys at school are as nice as you Bobby: which lads aren't being nice to you? Libi: No one's not being nice to me Libi: but there's a reason you're my best friend Bobby: you can tell me, just 'cause I can't have a conversation with them don't mean I can't make them understand that they need to treat you nicer Libi: This is why you're trusted to keep me safe Libi: not calling you 🐶cute don't worry Bobby: you're my best friend, you can call me what you like Libi: Well now I just have to come up with the most ridiculous nickname, obviously 😏 Bobby: after a few drinks that'll come easy Bobby: I've heard that's how it works Libi: I won't tell Astrid it's your new sign name or anything Bobby: she'll make it stick if you do Libi: Exactly why we'll keep it secret Libi: I know deaf etiquette but you know the rest of 'em'll be asking for the story Bobby: and you don't want the story to be that you were pre-drinking Libi: UM, I'm protecting you from the story being you was 🥳😵🥴 and then... Bobby: oh NOW I get it, tah for being my hero Libi: SO welcome 😚 Libi: and I am not pre-drinking yet Bobby: you want me to go first in case everything we try is 🤢 Libi: 1. I KNOW beer is and I KNOW wine is so I don't know what I'm even going to start with 2. Even China isn't sad enough to be drinking alone, she'll have her mates there, like Bobby: what if it's really ALL 🤢? what are we gonna do? Libi: I'll bring a massive bag as part of my ensemble and we can just mix everything with the coke I hide in it Libi: I've got one we could at least fit 2 2l bottles in Bobby: my actual hero Libi: You'll have to carry it for me there so don't be too thankful yet Bobby: how many batteries will I have to carry for your 📹? Libi: I can kick it disposable Libi: don't need her 🔊😘 in my memories forever Bobby: relieved I don't lip read so girls can't use that to say I'm flirting with them 👀💋 Libi: They're 💔 Libi: also clearly think you still do, half of them Bobby: faking it and playing a really really long game Libi: 🙄 Honestly Libi: They think there's only one way to be deaf, is why Bobby: bit awkward that I'm doing it wrong Libi: How dare you, like Bobby: about as awkward as the BRIGHT lights this party would need for anyone to lip read Bobby: the things we'd 👀... Libi: 🤐 Libi: at least I can freely tell you all the good bits I do overhear without looking like a massive gossip Bobby: yeah, I'll be 💔 if I don't find out about Jake's ✔s and ❌s Libi: Yeah, 90% of it is really boring Libi: but there must be something decent in the 10% to make it worth going, right? Bobby: we're about to find out 🤞 Libi: 😎 Bobby: is Am coming or is it too close to home? Libi: Coming to us or coming to the party? Bobby: 😂 both questions work Libi: She's lowkey got to be there, I think, or go to her nans which she's almost as 😒 about Libi: their mum is at her boyfriends Libi: he's lasting, hence the increase in parties Libi: I'll invite her even though it probably feels counterproductive, so at least she can have fun here before going back Bobby: tell her I said I NEED her to teach me how to drink Libi: 😂 How could she refuse Bobby: she won't Libi: Careful, don't wanna sound like Jake Bobby: 🤐 Libi: She's down though Libi: China is fully telling her she HAS to go to their nans, like she's got a leg to stand on Bobby: 👶ing her is DEFFO gonna make her do anything Libi: Seriously, she acts like she's so much older, it's ridiculous Bobby: makes me feel like I should give Cass some kind of sister award Libi: Don't have to wait 'til she gets hitched to do a 📼 Bobby: I probably do Bobby: or at least wait for her 21st Libi: Right, she's not the sentimental sort Libi: or IS she? 🤔🤫 Bobby: when it's about our mum Libi: It's understandable Libi: even if it's hard to Bobby: yeah Libi: What about you? Bobby: what about me? Libi: How are you feeling about it? Bobby: it's not like there's anything new to feel Bobby: it's been ages since she was even a real person to me Libi: Your feelings could change, even if the situation hasn't Libi: But I understand what you mean too Bobby: it's different for her, she has loads more memories Bobby: I don't even know if mine are proper ones or just something I made up 📚🤴👸🐉 Libi: It is a different sort of loss Libi: more, what you could've had, not what you did Libi: it's the same for me, compared to everyone else Bobby: I don't feel like I missed out on anything Bobby: Jim didn't let me Libi: That's what's important Bobby: it's a bit rude to him that Cass acts like she'd have been better off having mum back Libi: She clearly isn't thinking about that Libi: it is though, but in terms of her priorities, she can sort being a bit rude out later Bobby: she wasn't a mum like yours, anyone would miss that Libi: that's because she was 15, just a kid herself Libi: like all the fun we had with Jim and Janis Libi: your mum was a proper adult, things get messy and difficult Bobby: you can still 👀 she was and would've been a good mum, how much she loves you is on every 📼 Bobby: as a proper adult mine should've done better, is what I think Libi: She definitely should've Libi: maybe Cass just wants to tell her as much Libi: I don't know Bobby: maybe she wants someone else to be 😡 at Bobby: dad isn't gonna change if she shouts at him Libi: Hope's a powerful thing Libi: whilst there's still a chance there's still a chance Bobby: feels like a dangerous thing if you're holding onto it for either of my parents but what do I know Libi: Probably is Libi: but maybe the way she sees it is your dad has blown it and your mum has a final chance to Bobby: officially she's dead though, they don't just decide that if they think someone's coming back Libi: I know Libi: it takes a lot of factors to make it seem official though Libi: maybe more for her than you Bobby: I think it should count for something that she's been gone longer than she's been around Bobby: you've never even met her and I've known you forever Libi: Probably don't need to ask if it's worth having this conversation with her? Libi: 😡 Bobby: she's the deaf one on that subject Bobby: even my dad's said more about her than Cass has Bobby: all 🤬 obviously but still Libi: Of course Libi: you can always talk to me Libi: don't need to be pre-drunk or anything Bobby: what's the deaf version of slurring, do you think? Bobby: signs that don't make sense? Libi: It'll be like an experiment 😁 Libi: maybe you forget all the signs like people do the right words Bobby: it'll probably be like when Janis was learning and kept getting everything slightly wrong for ages but was still doing it really confidently Libi: 😂 exactly like that Libi: as long as I don't start shouting again Bobby: 😂 Libi: I shouldn't forget you don't 👀💋 Bobby: I hate the idea that we won't understand each other Bobby: if we forget everything or whatever Libi: that's not going to happen Bobby: how do you know? Libi: 'cos it just never will Libi: we'll always be able to understand each other Bobby: we'll still have body language Libi: and telepathy Libi: if we try hard enough Bobby: unless we're too 😵 to have proper 💭s either Libi: I can still read your muddled ones Bobby: I don't wanna talk myself out of this but I Bobby: need to be able to talk to you Libi: We're not going to get that drunk Libi: we don't have to if we don't want to, and I don't want to Bobby: alright Libi: If it stops being fun we'll slow down Libi: or just keep drinking coke and pretending there's vodka in there Bobby: 🤝 Libi: 🤝 Libi: and Am is going to teach us Libi: we'll be pros Bobby: I'm overthinking it, must be my go Libi: I started it and put too much pressure on you Libi: it'll be like any other party Libi: we'll do our own thing and it'll be good Bobby: nah, it's not your fault that most people there couldn't talk to me sober Libi: 😞 Libi: we'll find a party Libi: where you can talk to everyone you want Bobby: that sounds like a 📚🤴👸🐉 Libi: A good one though? Bobby: I don't know Bobby: a weird one Libi: There's bound to be groups or social shit, there's plenty of schools, I bet they put stuff on Libi: you'd only have to endure those a few times if they were really lame to find people to hang out with outside of it Bobby: there's no expecting Cass to go back and be mates with anyone or everyone who's a bit northern Libi: that's why you have to find the decent people out Bobby: I've found you, don't get any better than that Libi: 🥰 Libi: I'm pleased to hear you don't plan to totally replace me Bobby: couldn't if I wanted to Bobby: irreplaceable, you Libi: You practising your lines on me? Bobby: is it working? Libi: Who are you practising for? Bobby: China, obviously Libi: Don't even joke! 😷 Bobby: I'd get alcohol poisoning before I was drunk enough to go near her Libi: I'd drag you home before you made such a bad decision Bobby: I've got your back with Jake too Libi: I'm not going anywhere near Jake Libi: plus he's 15 isn't he? Libi: doubt he's actually interested in her nevermind me Bobby: didn't get an invite to any of his 🎂🥳 so I can't say for sure Libi: Rude of him Libi: they'd be a great couple Bobby: 💘 like I said Libi: Okay Cupid, you were right Libi: how are you going to make it happen? Bobby: they don't need my help Bobby: perfect for each other Libi: 🙄 Libi: Happy for them 👏 Bobby: 🎬🌹 Bobby: well convincing performance there, Libs Libi: I'll be ready by the time we get there Libi: 🙇 Bobby: and I'll be ready if Jake needs to borrow any lines to win her over Libi: An interesting twist on Cyrano Libi: he's going to need to understand sign though Libi: or it'll be you to me to Jake to China Libi: no 🔺 all ⬛ Bobby: if he can read I'll pass him a note 💌 Libi: Oh Libi: DUH Libi: keep the words short and he shouldn't struggle that much Bobby: but I think Netflix would prefer it your way ⬛ Libi: Probably Libi: the more convoluted the better Libi: gotta get multiple series Bobby: at least 7 Bobby: we're in our late 20s by the middle Libi: definitely should be out of school, should definitely be over this #drama Bobby: definitely should 👀 some of those plot twists coming Libi: 5 relationships and 3 murders in Libi: Started out so innocent Bobby: or did we 😉 Libi: 😱 Libi: If you've been the killer this whole time Libi: disappointing Bobby: is it? Bobby: 💔 Libi: Of course, I trusted you Libi: Great dramatic speech though, if you don't end the finale by killing me too Bobby: you can still trust me, I did it all to keep you safe Libi: Now THAT'S 🎬🌹 Bobby: 🙇 Libi: Bet we'd even get a shitty spin-off Bobby: 12 episodes Libi: give us a weird looking baby Libi: still getting into drama though Bobby: 🐶 too Libi: the dog can be cute Bobby: have you ever 👀 one that isn't? the real question Libi: Some of the pure breeds but that's not their fault Libi: still cute they just might make me sad Bobby: ❌😢 Libi: *😿*🐶 Bobby: 🥺 Libi: Well that's not fair Libi: don't just bring out the puppydog eyes with no warning Bobby: the warning was 😿🐶 Libi: well I think that's playing dirty Bobby: how is it? Libi: 🥺 is last resort Bobby: do it back and we'll be even Libi: [selfie 'cos duh] Libi: When are you gonna come over? Libi: It's not cool to be early to the party but when is it acceptable to start the pre-party? Bobby: we're on our way back, we can start it then Bobby: I'll just need to grab my 👗👠 Libi: Of course Libi: feel free to send those 🥉🥈🥇 options Bobby: how many do you have? Libi: I think 2 Libi: well, 3, but that's the one I think is utterly ridiculous but you might tell me it's right Libi: then one more casual and one that's what I'm assuming the 😎 girl would wear Bobby: don't worry about 📷s I'll 👀 when I get there Bobby: for the full 💃 effect Libi: as long as it's before the others get here Libi: don't want to look like I'm showing off Bobby: we won't tell them the pre-party's started, it's alright Libi: 👍😅 Bobby: I'll grab [food from place they like 1] and [food they like from place 2 that doesn't work together for anyone else but is one of their weird combos] then I can't 🤔 for too long before it'll go cold Libi: Now THAT is a 💡 Libi: I'm starving 😋 Bobby: me too, that's how I knew you would be Libi: fainting would really make us look lightweight Bobby: if it was just one of us we could probably turn it into a 🕺💃 move Bobby: both, not so much Libi: I can hold you up Bobby: not if you're wearing 👠 for the first time Libi: It's not the FIRST time Bobby: trying them on and deciding you don't like them doesn't count Libi: 😣 Rude Bobby: you don't have any secrets from me, I know everything you've done and not done Libi: or do I? 🤔 Bobby: I'll get you to tell me whatever it is Libi: Oh really? Bobby: yep Libi: Good thing I don't really have any then Bobby: 🤔 that's what someone with loads of secrets WOULD say Libi: 😂 make up your mind Bobs Bobby: once I've read yours Libi: Go ahead Bobby: 👀 Libi: All I'm thinking about is the food now Bobby: I'm 🏃ing in Libi: Step on it 👏 Libi: jk Bobby: hang on in there, Libs Bobby: ⏲❗ Libi: I'm SO patient Bobby: there's a MASSIVE queue though Libi: Well that's rude Libi: don't they know we've got places to be Bobby: I'll write down how much I miss you and wave the paper at them Libi: I've missed you too Libi: you've got to tell me all about today before we go anywhere Bobby: I've got an impression of the salesbloke you have to see Bobby: he didn't have your patience with us Libi: That's literally half his job, humouring people until they buy something Bobby: maybe he was starving too Bobby: or missing someone Libi: In the show he'd definitely have a tragic backstory that made it alright he was so rude Bobby: definitely 💔 Libi: 🤔 Libi: Maybe his son died young and he never got to buy suits with him so now he works there to punish himself because the accident was his fault Bobby: ❗ you should be one of the show's writers ❗ Bobby: wasted in the ⬛ Bobby: I was gonna say his husband to be died on the way to the wedding Bobby: he hated the suit he chose but he HAD TO ⚰ him in it Libi: Ooh, that's good too Libi: maybe his husband wanted to wear a dress but the family said no Bobby: he did manage to sneak 👠s on him before the burial but Libi: a tasteful 3-inches, nothing crazy Libi: 😂 Libi: I wish people were as interesting as we give them credit Bobby: might be when you find all these ✨Deaf people✨ Libi: Look, I didn't promise they'd be magical Libi: just that you can have the same experience talking to boring people at parties as everyone else Bobby: if they're not riding 🦄 I don't want it Libi: It was just a suggestion but alright, stick with me and my 🦄 Libi: **donkeys my grandma has Bobby: I will Bobby: 🤞 things don't go so far with Jake tonight that China needs to borrow one Libi: 😏 Libi: She wishes she was still in her glory days Bobby: I think she thinks she is Libi: I'm not casting her Bobby: ❌🎬🌹 Libi: Get a dodgy lookalike for the ⬛ Libi: she'll be fuming Bobby: Am would do it Bobby: she's great at the impression Libi: Depends which way this ⬛ is going to go Bobby: you don't want her with Jake either, I get it Libi: I don't want anyone with Jake Libi: he'll have to be murdered before anything real can happen Bobby: 1st victim Bobby: end of episode 1 Libi: They won't see it coming Bobby: he won't, everyone else will see it slow motion as the 1st scene and over and over as a flashback Libi: You're SO troubled Bobby: ☔🎻 Bobby: put a black hoodie on me Libi: Seriously Libi: You don't think it's a bit 😬 to cast you as the villain? Libi: like all the Bond villains with the deformities and queer coding Bobby: I already don't speak, that's every high school outcast Libi: That's also your brother Bobby: but let him get to 30 before you cast him Bobby: 😒🔪 Libi: or let him get to 35 and he can be your dad Bobby: he'll be VERY chuffed about that Libi: don't tell him I said that Bobby: 🤐 Libi: When do you think they'll have babies? Bobby: we might've put them off Libi: At least for a while Libi: my nan is SO welcome 😁 Bobby: warn her I'm on my way Libi: She likes you really Bobby: 😁 Libi: That's EXACTLY how she feels Bobby: I know Libi: Are you sleeping over after? Bobby: yeah Bobby: none of the others are, right? Libi: No, I've not asked them Libi: they'll give the game away, we can be 🤫 and act sober Bobby: or actually be sober if we want Libi: exactly Libi: I don't trust half of 'em, no offence Bobby: not enough of them have 👀 your nan 😤 Libi: I trust Beck but Am...not so much Libi: guess China taught her how to drink young 🙄 Bobby: she's gonna be ON one tonight Bobby: we'll have to 👀 out for her Libi: 👶sitting Libi: what about the guys? Libi: I've never seen them drinking, I don't think Libi: even if they SWEAR they do, all the time Bobby: you should ask them what Bobby: that'll expose the truth Bobby: 1 🍺 last St Patrick's day or whatever Libi: 🤔🔎 on the case Bobby: while I 🏃 to get the last bit of our order Libi: 🤗 Bobby: are you watching China's story? 😲🍿 Libi: ❓❗ Bobby: ❗❗ Bobby: I had no idea a house party was SUCH a big deal Libi: Oh God Libi: let me go see Libi: the boys are being coy, hold on lads Bobby: I call bollocks if they're trying to say it's 🥃🍸🍹 all the time Libi: Oh, they are for SURE lying Libi: I just want to know how much they've actually done it before so we know how hard we need to 👀 Libi: but OH GOD Libi: 😰😥 Bobby: like, is SHE gonna ride in on a 🦄 Libi: I'm going to be so underdressed Libi: and without a steed Libi: 😱😱😱 Bobby: I'll give you a piggyback in Bobby: and you'll look 🥇 Libi: She's really gone IN Libi: Jesus Bobby: was this a bad idea? Libi: Maybe? Libi: it's too late to back out now though Libi: all the others have been invited Bobby: 😳😳😳 Libi: How do we make this okay? Libi: Aside from looking after each other Bobby: and looking 😎 Libi: Don't leave me alone with any dude Libi: I am not in the right shoes to kick anyone in the balls Bobby: I won't leave you alone unless you're going 🚽 and even then, probably take Beck Libi: and you'll have to let me know if you want to be left alone with any one Libi: otherwise I won't either Bobby: I don't want to be left alone with anyone but you Libi: Then I won't 🤞🤝 Bobby: 🤞🤝 Libi: [we can skippity to any point or just vibe out how we want the pre-party with friends to be/the actual party, whatever's cool] Bobby: [let's plot it and see how we get on, like obvs you're having your weird food when he gets there and then he's gonna help her pick an outfit by making her do some silly dancing in each] Libi: [having a lovely time when it's just you two frankly] Bobby: [that's the tea, have you got a vibe for how you want pre-drinks to be?] Libi: [I think some of you, aka America 'cos there's no way to avoid how messy and sad she looks, and probably some of the boys whatever, are already going harder so you two cuties are like oh] Bobby: [she definitely has that vibe as we were both trying to put across in this convo without just calling her a messy bitch lol so that feels legit] Libi: [we should probably map out your main group at some point hennys but yeah, she's definitely a mess god bless, and I'm saying the Beck girl is more chill] Bobby: [at least give them names and roughly decide how many there are roughly, is Beck Rebecca Black or is she a friend that Libi gets later on?] Libi: [Yeah I think you can be Rebecca Black, there's a gal or 2 others she's consistently friends with but I'll use you 2 for now minimum] Bobby: [could be those gals and 2 or 3 boys then as like the core group and obvs Astrid but idk if you're coming to this party hen cos you are only 11 but also Drew is your dad so] Libi: [yeah I doubt you're dying to come to this but you can if you wanna] Bobby: [I feel like you'd love a party hen so you'd wanna come but then get there and be like oh because it's not the kind of party you imagined] Libi: [You probably know China sucks] Bobby: [you'd tell her to her face lbr so don't go gal] Libi: [she'd be worse to you than she is to Bobby, if she's ever acknowledged you so let us not] Bobby: [honestly, you don't need that in your life] Libi: [when someone else has a party, one of us or one of the gang] Bobby: [doesn't really matter but are saying all these friends are in Libi's year or are any from Bobby's] Libi: [I feel we could have a mix but 'cos of the deaf moment maybe there's like one decent lad or two from his year that are his friends, know what I mean] Bobby: [yeah that feels real, we're on the same page as per] Bobby: [I feel like that's probably the lad that's going too hard and America probably wants to get with him cos older but not to a creepy extent] Libi: [I vibe it, we can give you a face boy, but we just hang with lots of people casually but we don't have to name you all unless we wanna] Bobby: [yeah we said that Libi is lowkey friends with everyone unless they're dicks so, is there a lad the America girl's face gets with in that show we could use or is it just Noah?] Libi: There's another one, 'cos one of the storylines of s1 from what I can gather is he's Claudia's bf but cheating with America's face who's her bff, so predictable, we could use him maybe, I'll have a look] Bobby: [doesn't matter if he's not cute because we know she's a messy bitch so] Libi: [none of the lads are really but they're useable and we know Bobby's the cute one soz] Bobby: [she's blatantly the cutest girl as well not soz] Libi: [we know it's true even though we're not dicks about it] Bobby: [@ China calm yourself you're not that special] Libi: [seriously there's no need hen] Bobby: [thank god we can all mock you during these pre-drinks] Libi: [might find a ridiculous photo of some hoe outfit for you just to amuse myself] Bobby: [did you pick a Claudia outfit?] Libi: [not an outfit but a disposable esque photo and I'll just go from that, as we're not living laughing loving not gonna waste a lewk] Bobby: [other than obvs dancing can you think of anything else cute that could happen at this party before they leave?] Libi: [Hmm what's unwittingly cute and something you think just pals do but everyone else is like ok couple umm] Bobby: [taking loads of pics is a given] Libi: [definitely, idk why my mind has gone blank, again, apart from the obvious fact that people would try to flirt with both of you and we shut that down lmao] Bobby: [literally not leaving each other's side is pretty damn coupley tbh and he is carrying her stuff for her as well, like I picture them going off on their own for ages as well to like the garden or wherever so people think things about that because you can't even use the excuse you can't hear yourselves talking over the music lol but actually we're just shooketh about how wild this party is] Libi: [when you're just trying to hide from everyone else sincerely lmao, when your mum is so dickmatized that she lets you get up to drama and lowkey wreck the house every weekend, gal, just thinking it's bants like oh having teens] Bobby: [she's probably lowkey a bit stupid like Asia was, hence an easy target for shit men] Libi: [mhmm, soz to you gals] Bobby: [also soz to the squad but as soon as the bf appears we are leaving because Bobby will be like I recognise this energy and I have to peace] Libi: [can we call him gary tah] Bobby: [I was thinking about it and like realistically Bobby probably only moved in with JJ pretty recently aka when Cass went to uni and they weren't gonna leave him alone because Ian's not just gonna let them take him when they're 18 and even if they could they are living in the flat above the pub and like Janis has her modelling and they travel for that for a while so yeah that hit me bye] Libi: [yeah it's a couple of years at most] Bobby: [lowkey heartbreaking but anyway] Libi: [we know it's worse when Jimmy is there no offence boy but Ian picks on you is what I mean, he lowkey just ignores Bobby which is rude but easier to deal with when they're still around making sure you're good] Bobby: [mhmm] Libi: [but yeah, gotta remember that, now you probably live above the pub still but you'll probably be moving into their new house soon that they have when the bubs[ Bobby: [yeah you might've already moved into there before getting married, just depends how jj decide to be living and spending those modelling funds] Libi: [how exciting, and there's a room for you boy, until you are with child lmao then you gotta share or go into the basement moment] Bobby: [it makes me happy in my heart] Libi: [I think we should say you've bought it and then have a honeymoon and then start moving in because there's usually decorating and cleaning and all that good times to do] Bobby: [that feels right, I agree] Libi: [Bobby should already be planning to stay with mcvickers and Libi 'cos fuck you Ian] Bobby: [we have to because imagine all the cuteness and yeah mcvickers would like him because he's just a nice chill boy unlike all of theirs lol] Libi: [they could go after xmas so a bit of it like a week ish is in the holibobs, or if they went literally just after xmas and before NY, you could do the full 2 and do nye together] Bobby: [love that] Bobby: [and I'm still having you sleep over tonight boy even though you've probably been at that party for like a couple of hours at most so you can stay up talking about how wild everyone is and the Gary situation] Libi: [got to debrief, what's your deal gary] Bobby: [another question is are we saying you've been around a while or has it all just started happening and your mum is being extra] Libi: ['cos 2 different but equally as potential giving moods, 'cos if it's fast that's like AHH but if he's been being a dick for a while, then it's already established, fair, we are going to be forward to do most of Bibi so perhaps it's like he's just shown up on the scene now but she's had a few before and they never last?] Bobby: [yeah like he's already lasted longer than her usual who bounce after a few dates but it hasn't been ages yet] Libi: [like they already had some stability issues from their own dads fucking off but when this one lasts and is then an arsehole, it can get steadily worse, maybe even though their mum is p crap now she totally changes towards 'em too] Bobby: [exactly and it's okay to go to your nans sometimes but you can't both lowkey move in when things get more serious for this notp, literally imagine being your mum's shameless fave and then it's like well I only live and breathe for this man now so] Libi: [I vibe that she's always like this when she gets a boyfriend, one of those that is obsessed but they never last so we're back to all about me and my gurls but then this one don't leave so she's just 😍 and they're like teens so she's like you don't even need me as much now anyway yeah? byeeeee] Bobby: [that is such a real energy and reminds me of a Jacqueline book tbh I'm so invested] Libi: [maybe the vibe is when this goes down China and America have to get closer because they've both been forced out, so then that's how we get them both in the circle, it'd probably make sense for you to be America, 'cos that's the established relationship so far with Libi, and it'd probably be more interesting to build with China, but we can also do sibling shit and America getting to know Bobby more because she's more Libi's friend atm] Bobby: [I'm so excited about this, not soz to the giantness of gen 4] Libi: [we can totally put a pin in this and skip forward to do some of this if you like]
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