#we'll see if they actually pan out lol
indecisivelyrics · 1 year
the full set 🧡
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I love a mix n' match. It felt right for him
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Something I've seen a couple people saying is that they want to make sure that Laudna understands that she's not the only one who has been through trauma. But like. Laudna is not the only one who needs to learn that lesson. Actually, it's not even that Laudna needs to learn that she's not the only one that's been through trauma at all, because they're all very aware of what they've all been through. This became an inevitable confrontation when Laudna decided to let Delilah back in, though, and after rewatching the scene, I actually think the only people who managed this situation correctly were Imogen* and Ashton.
Orym and Laudna are both more focused on their own pasts with the sword and not thinking about each other. Orym should have talked to the group and come to a decision with them about using the sword and Laudna should have talked to him about it instead of trying to steal it.
*my feelings about this are still up in the air don't read into this too much
#our faves aren't exempt from having to learn these lessons and orym has also not learned this lesson i'm sorry but it's true#ashton and chet are the only ones who have even tried to deal with their personal shit in a semi-productive way tbh#i could elaborate on the imogen handling this correctly but i'm not delving into interpreting that ship so i'm not going to lol#that's another post people wouldn't actually like and it's because i definitely don't mean this in the way you think i mean it#i'm not saying laudna was RIGHT#honestly i'm not getting my hopes up about how this going to be dealt with because i've done that before#and it hasn't panned out in a way that i enjoyed#so we'll see how this goes#also tbh orym walking in wielding that sword was a ballsy move to begin with#props to marisha for instigating tough rp over it#literally laudna going 'i was felled by this blade' and orym going 'so was i' LIKE SHE WASN'T PERMANENTLY DEAD THOUGH#for a long fucking time#and chet saying that orym's lost more like laudna didn't lose her entire family and her entire life lmao#if ANYONE in this group might be able to understand orym's loss it's HER#i know people are going to interpret this as me saying there's a right or wrong to this and i'm not saying that#people acting like one of them had more of a right to the sword than the other is bugging me though#although my vote would definitely be throw that thing in the lucidean ocean#(i mean really i'm like USE IT IT'S PROBABLY COOL) but like if i were IN the situation it would be to toss that thing so far away from me#cr spoilers
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foreignobjecticus · 2 years
My Year in Review
My actual personal year in review that isn’t autogenerated from a bunch of marketable statistics lol. I’m writing this down and putting it here in a semi-public place because I kind of do want to share it, but I also don’t entirely want to be shouting from the rooftops everything I’ve written. I just feel like I want to put it under a cut and if it’s read, so be it. Don’t feel obligated to read or respond. I usually write things out and find enough catharsis in not posting them, but for a treat, I’ll post it for myself to remember this time.
 I’ve been incredibly hard on myself this year, mainly because I’ve been unable to write properly or “produce” anything at all despite having had the time. I guess it’s all a knock-on effect of having been stuck where I was for so long, with a giant, governmentally inforced TBA on every single aspect of my life for most of that time. I’m slowlyyyyyyy getting better, but I’m so conscious of how “badly“ I’ve been “performing“ when I used to be so “good“ in the past. Beating myself up about it clearly isn’t working, and nor is saying “I’m getting there“. But I will. Anyway, here’s a super quick summary of life this year (the first lockdown-free year), including some of the shite and bitterness, so I can remember that I’ve done a lot, even if it quite honestly feels like I’ve done not one bloody thing.
Started a new job in a career I’d been trying to get into for 10 years. Finally making more than minimum wage for the first time in my life. Battled incredible imposter syndrome the entire time which made an originally part-time job feel exhausting.
Finally moved out of Victoria and got caught in inevitable but unavoidable major flooding while trying to find a new home.    
A lot of issues with crooked real estate agents, cleaners, removalists. Lost a lot of money, as is usual, despite having written evidence of everything and being “in the right“. Never been more stressed in my damned life. Engaged lawyers, nearly took people to court until they relented. Still have debts to settle but they’re not worth my health nor time, so I hope cosmic retribution smites them instead.
Officially left 10 year relationship and moved back home up north to live with parents, which was another trial in itself.
Condensed all my possessions down, left furniture with old partner. Now it fills their owned (not rented) apartment and sits next to their new MG, which I am still bitter about, sitting in my scratched up, insurance-voided car I lent them. Where was all this financial help from their parents when we were together? Oh, hidden from me while I supported them. Gotcha. Thanks. I suppose that’s what you get for keeping someone alive.
Caught up with a lot of life admin, cleaned things up, did my aviation medicals, started basics of learning to ride.
Painted my bedroom with mum (finally painted over all the teenage poetry I’d written on the walls). Built a bookcase shelf and other things with dad and grandfather who I’d kind of been distant with for quite a few years (grandfather, not dad). A little touched to see he had my very first photographs on the wall at his front door (a picture I took when I was 3 years old with dad, on old fashioned film, developed with him and came second in a photography competition).
Tried thc while painting. A stepladder has never, ever felt more dangerous. Didn’t do it again; it was really just for the sake of trying it. Not my thing, not surprised.
Flew a vintage bomber plane. Did my first ever real life loop-de-loops, barrel rolls, and Cuban-8s. It was like living a video game. I have never felt such an adrenaline rush. I wasn’t 100% sure I could handle doing aerobatics even though I knew I wanted to do them. Now I’m positive I want to do them. I didn’t control the plane through the manoeuvers but I had my hand on the stick to feel what the PIC was doing.
Investigated some health issues that were attributed to “women’s issues“. Practically verbatim there. How utterly useful.
Spent the past three months flying and riding pillion constantly. Got my pilot’s certificate on the day I flew out (on a commercial plane) down to Brisbane and onwards to the UK. Did 40 landings by myself alone in that plane that day, starting at 6am on dawn flights right up until I had to go check in for my flight to Brisbane. Even spoke on the radio to the pilots who flew me down later that evening. Flew over my house that’s nearly dead on the centre line of the runway and wiggled the wings at my     mum who waved back, then flew out over the wharfs and waved to dad. Even flew over my old schools where I used to run around and pretend I was an aeroplane when I was tiny. 25+ years of my personal and family history growing up and developing underneath me where I circled the city watching the Qantas planes landing from above instead of below after all these years. Christ, if I ain’t ever felt more proud of myself than I did     up there all alone in that plane. That wasn’t even my “first“ solo but it     felt so much more special to be flying over my home town (and the commercial pilots watching and congratulating me on the radio upon landing was another thing in itself). You can’t top that. You can’t even come close. How many people have done that? Fuck. Genuinely the proudest day of my life.
Went on a trip around the UK, cosplayed at Forever Avon, met lots of new and lovely people including people I’d only ever met online before that point.
Had the month off, which was nice, but no income which made it hard. It simultaneously felt unreal and completely expected to finally be truly out and about after two years of home lockdown back in Melbourne. The few months living at my parents’ home felt like it didn’t really count as true freedom because I was still working, I suppose.
Finally signed the lease on somewhere in the UK, met some (now) good friends. Had a lot of trouble and had to borrow money to pay 6 months in advance on the rental because my old real estate agents were crooks and my HR didn’t respond to emails for two weeks.
Felt a little bit stressed out when the money got down to about £10 and I was eeking out a pint of milk to last 3 days in a bucket of melted ice in the sink in 45C weather. Then the month’s pay came in and all was right with the world again.
Started flying in the UK, and gliding. Realised I have to start from scratch despite having just completed a certification and having exactly enough hours already to qualify for a license here. Struggled to do lessons because of bad weather. Now I’m very out of practice anyway.
Went to London a few times, saw a play, figured out I’m lactose intolerant. Was a good, if busy, month of travelling and making connections.
Idk. Had a bit of an over-it month and kept getting viciously angry with myself. Was so upset, I cancelled going to London to see a play I’d missed the month before because I was sick (Stephen Greif’s, who I paid to see twice and now will never). I take bailing out on things incredibly seriously and very rarely do it, so I felt utterly wretched about it. This is one reason why: an opportunity missed is just a regret, and I don’t like having those.
Analysed everything I’d been going through and actually started thinking about how I handled the past few years. Tried to take it a bit easier. Very tired. Still processing and trying to “fix” myself. No focus, no concentration, whole days went by and it felt like I did nothing of value. Belatedly realised I’ve been trying to push through things for a lot longer than a full year and I haven’t had a proper and true rest. Part of me wonders if such a thing even truly exists.
Played harp and sang on some backing tracks for a friend’s album that’s still a WIP.
Lost my job abruptly (not from performance but due to being a contractor). That was a great thing to tell my mother on her 60th     birthday: “happy birthday! I’m jobless and poor on the other side of the world”. Hurt infinitely more to cancel my flying lessons than it did to lose my job. Knew it would take two months to find a new job as everything stops over Christmas. I was right.
Started getting severe tooth pain and found the earliest possible appointment for January (pain is okay now; bruxism. Must have hurt myself, still twinges). 
Lots of job interviews, suddenly got taken on to do a rebranding of my old company, the final final edit of my PhD student’s final thesis, and design my friend’s new website for his album release/art collection. Still no job. Those other things don’t pay anywhere near what a real job would.
On the final stages of one job interview with a job that includes having clients… which I’m incredibly apprehensive about because having clients in jobs in the past made me so stressed out, I’m so reluctant to ever do it again. I have another job that I might get to the later stages of that pays at least £18k (seriously) more than the client one, but I’m not at the next stages with it yet, so I’m really worried about being offered one job and holding out for the next and then losing out on both. It’s useless to feel stressed, but I am. That’s just how it is.
Been very tired and wondered if I’m sick. I seem to dream too much to ever get a good night’s sleep anymore. I can now control quite a bit of the dreams but not usually enough to stop having them all together.
Had Christmas dinner with some of my new friends, as well as popped in on someone else and met their son. My landlord baked me cakes and I sanded, revarnished, painted and hanged the farm sign out the front as his Christmas present since he can’t do chocolates or wine, which is always my go-to present. He’s quite poorly atm from various things, so     I hope he comes right. I don’t really celebrate Christmas but it felt     lovely to have been thought of by so many people here, so have been sent cards from near and far. I’m certainly not lonely alone here on the farm; it’s actually been utterly perfect. For the first time in my life, I feel     like I have the perfect personal life balance in terms of living space,     area, number of friends, and social obligations. It’s perfect.
After Christmas, I stopped pushing myself and now I’ve spent a few days playing Skyrim in an attempt to do something for an extended period, to let myself focus for a long time and get back into the swing of one single thing without getting distracted. And it’s WORKING! Hell, I’ve taken a while to write this post, but I’ve not gotten distracted at all. I get so angry at myself because, even up until about ohh maybe November 2020, I’d never had a problem in my whole life with focus, and then it started getting bad. It’s a primary reason I’ve not written a bloody thing all year (and I know what I have in WIP and I do still feel guilty as all hell and it’s getting there! or I’m getting there!, but still). I’ve even found it difficult to read anything, whether it be a fic or a book or a news article. Small tasks have become something I put off for months instead of doing immediately. I bang on about it myself and it’s all well and good to say “one step at a time“, but it really is one step at a time, and now I have room to grow my old habits again, to pick up the way I used to live before I couldn’t live it anymore. So I’ll still be staying offline-ish for a bit, until I feel like I’m ready to reintroduce more of XYZ into my life. Take it easy, take it slow. Pushing clearly doesn’t work.
 So that’s my year in review. I’m healing, I’m processing, I’m letting go, I’m moving on, I’m picking up what I’ve never really put down because I’ve carried it with me the whole time. Thanks for hanging around, if you’ve read this far, and take it easy yourself. Life’s about having fun in the end, not a list of good and bad shit that you can hold up against other people’s years in review. Everyone lives differently. Hell, everyone’s lived wildly different lives just during the past three years, and no one really understands what others have been through even in that time. So Happy New Year. May 2023 bring only good things and you find contentment in yourself.
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vagueiish · 10 months
durge playthrough but make it handsome jack from borderlands
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
just finished episode 6…. truly don’t know how to feel about these changes. would love to know your thoughts bc i’m just kinda baffled by some changes tbh
Mixed feelings as always:
Percy's dream slapped. I loved Kronos's actor. It felt perfectly eery. No notes.
No percabeth late night convo on the truck. This doesn't surprise me given we sort of did that on the train already, but now there's just another iconic book moment that we'll get bits and pieces of, but never actually get to see in its entirety/original setting.
I did vibe with the glass prism tool for the iris message and it was pretty cool. The Percy + Annabeth argument was great but I'm gonna be honest, Luke being like "you're arguing like an old married couple" was laying it on a tad thick to me idk idk. I know I'll probably be in the minority there lol but I think it would have liked the line better if Percy and Annabeth got more embarrassed to his statement but they both reacted to it like :/ so it just felt heavy handed on the show runners part more than anything
Lotus Hotel vibes? Lackluster. Uninspired. It just didn't capture that outrageous paradise for kids feeling from the book because they turned it into Hermes' hangout so there's a whole bunch more adults than kids. Basically felt like if you took the movie's version and turned down the energy of it by a mile lmao. (Which is also ironic given RR's post about it today).
And of course the kids immediately know what's happening so like. No fun mystery. No Percy figuring it out. Just them being like "omg we need to be careful" and then immediately separating from Grover lmao.
Okay. LMM's Hermes.... it wasn't bad. Thankfully there was no singing. He was fine. It's more or less that turning the Lotus story line into a Hermes' storyline was like an "okay, I guess we're doing this" thing. I mean I guess we finally introduced something for the non-book reader's to pick up on that Luke might not have the best relationship with his dad (and consequently the gods). But like, nothing about this storyline is something that isn't introduced later on in the books. Nor was it better or more interesting than the original lotus storyline in the books.
Again, its the constant replacement of everything fun and silly and absurd in the book and turning it into a very serious moment, is just like, killing the energy. Seriousness is good. Silliness is also good. The book balanced it greatly. The show struggles here.
Glad we got a Pan mention tho!! Finally!
But um 4 pearls, so no dilemma about who to save. A part of me is relieved because the show's created like 3 other sacrifice convo scenarios so its gotten bit reductive, but Sally being a part of the equation is an entirely different dynamic and now that dilemma is theoretically gone. (unless he loses one of the pearls?)
And Percy's missed the deadline?? Right?? So like? I really don't know what we're doing anymore. In the book the deadline was pretty strict lol. Here I guess the deadline was like, a loose suggestion? Percy's walking into the middle of the god's battle field with master bolt in his hand? Idk.
Overall things in the show feel messy and way less cohesive. They seem to know that certain things from the book are important but not necessarily why, or they'll introduce events or plot points strangely late or way too early.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
How about an insecure reader who thinks she is unworthy of love and keeps pushing JK away and wants to keep it just friends but he doesnt care and snaps one night showing her how much he wants her 🤭😉
Awe! So cute! Got you right now! Lol
Title: I can handle it
Warning(s): Talks of body weight, Insecure!Y/N, Face-S!tting, Dom!Jungkook, D!rty Talk, Spank!ng, Some Hair Pull!ng, Curs!ng, and some well-earned fluff!
Author's Note: So this will follow a curvy and/or plus sized Y/N because as a fellow 'big girl', I know we deserve some damn good smut too! Hope you enjoy! Oh! And this will be and "Idol!AU"...
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"Jungkook, stop!" You snap, finally fed up with today as you move out of his arms. "I'm not going." You declare as you walk back into your closet to change out of the dress. Tonight was nerve-wracking. Management had given Jungkook the green light to make a public outing with you in order to confirm that he was in fact in a relationship.
This would be your first introduction to ARMY, this giant mass of unstoppable force, that could make or break you and your relationship. And you were panicking.
"Y/N, what was wrong with that one?" Jungkook asks in the same calm and soft tone as he always had with you.
But how long would that last?
How long would he put up with you before realizing he could have literally anyone else? Famous or not.
You were spiraling now.
Just fucking great!
"I looked like a fucking pumpkin!" You say with an eyeroll. "Tell the guys I'm sorry, go out with them on your own. We'll do this reveal another time." You state and Jungkook frowns, walking into your closet to actually face you.
"First off..." He says, eyebrows knitted together in slight frustration. He would never let that out in his tone though. "Orange is a great color on you. And secondly, we can't keep putting this off..." He says as you rummage through your rack of clothes to try and find something. Nothing looked good enough.
"Baby, could you please just leave? I wanna change." You say, never a fan of changing in front of him. He rolls his eyes at that.
"Y/N, we've literally had sex before, yet I can never see you naked? It makes no sense." He sighs and you turn to him.
"Out, Jungkook. Now!" You order as you fuss at him. He sighs heavily before just giving in and leaving. There was always tomorrow...
"Mm... Something smells good..." Jungkook says pleasantly as he wraps his arms around you from behind. You sigh deeply and move from his arms, not liking the feeling of his hands so close to your stomach.
"It's nothing special." You say casually and Jungkook frowns a bit at that and sighs softly before letting it go. He did that a lot when dealing with you. But you were worth that. Even if you never saw it that way...
"Oh? Nothing special, my ass. It smells like Samgyeopsal!" He laughs softly and it almost melts your icy demeanor. Keyword: almost.
"Wait till it's done, to see." You mutter and he laughs more.
"No. Let me see!" He says as he tries reaching over you to uncover the pan.
"Kookie, no! Let it be a surprise!" You laugh as you move in the way so he can't uncover the pan.
"Let me see!" He laughs as he starts to play fight with you.
"No! Go away, wait till dinner!" You fuss and gasp as you feel Jungkook wrap his arms around you and you feel him begin to lift you.
"No! Jungkook, put me down!" You practically shriek in panic. He's quick to put you down and you push him away. "Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!" You say as you back away, feeling panicked. Hiding your body with baggy clothes was one thing, but having him always trying to grab you and hold you? God, it was like he'd find out, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was dating a plus-size woman. And you didn't want that.
"Y/N, calm down. I was joking. Plus, I lift more than that at the gym-" You cut him off.
"I don't care! Don't do that again!" You say and huff before storming away, leaving your boyfriend upset and hurt in the kitchen.
"What are you looking at?" You scrunch your nose as Jungkook gets comfy on the end of your bed, watching you as you read your chapter for the night.
"Just... Watching my beautiful, smart girlfriend read." He chuckles softly and you shift at that.
"Don't be weird." You mutter as you go back to reading.
You had this theory going. See, if you let yourself fall for Jungkook and all his sweet words, you'll only feel stupid when he finally comes to his senses and leaves you. So, acting cold and nonchalant? At least you could act like you don't care when he breaks up with you. And what's better is he'll never get the satisfaction of knowing he hurt you! It was the perfect plan!
"Why do you do that? Just take the compliment..." He sighs and you look up from your book at face him and breathe deeply. You knew you didn't have much time with him left. He only had this week off, hence why he wanted to come out publicly with you this week...
"No." You say finally and shut your book. He sighs and moves closer to you, gently touching your thigh and you grab his hand. "Night, Jungkook." You say simply and he sighs.
"Hey, baby. Good work out today?" You ask gently as Jungkook comes bouncing into your apartment.
"Yeah! It was great. You should come with me next time to-" You cut him off.
"I like working out alone." You state fast. Last thing you wanted was for your, very toned, boyfriend to watch you run on a treadmill for an entire hour.
"Well, I just thought-" You cut him off again.
"I like my privacy." You say and walk past him to go to your room.
"Y/N... Come on, I... I just think It'll be cool for you to watch me!" He tries as you shut the bedroom door. He groans and rubs his still sweaty face. He sighs and shakes his head. "Ok. I'll cook dinner tonight?" He calls with no response. "Ok. Got it..." He mutters and shakes his head.
"Oh! Here." Jungkook says as he tries pouring more noodles into your bowl and you're fast to pull it away.
"No! I'm good." You assure fast as you shake your head.
"But you only had a little bit." He argues gently as he tries again.
"No, Jungkook. It's not like I need the extra food." You snort, trying to make light of your appearance. He frowns.
"What does that mean? Food is food." He says and you hum at that. "Y/N, I don't like when you-" You cut him off.
"Tell the truth?" You raise an eyebrow. "Jungkook, you look fucking amazing. That's a given." You state. "I don't, and that's just as obvious." You shrug.
"Y/N!" He says just as offended as he'd be if you were to make fun of him. "What's been going on with you this week? Ever since I brought up going public with you, you've been-" You cut him off again.
"A bitch?" You ask. You couldn't explain the attitude change. Maybe a part of you was hoping to tire Jungkook out enough for him to leave you? Maybe you were hoping to spend this whole week picking fights with him so you wouldn't have to go public with him? And then he'd go back to Korea and you two could go back to skype calls and long text messages instead.
"No! Y/N, stop." He says, shaking his head. "You're fucking perfect the way you are. I love you. Stop acting so... Cold." He says and you watch him closely and feel your heart clench at the fear of letting yourself believe him. You couldn't.
"I'm gonna go wash dishes." You state and get up, walking off.
"No. No this is all wrong." You sigh as you eye yourself in the mirror.
"I think you look sexy." Jungkook smirks as he comes around to grab you from behind as your eyes stay glued to your stomach area that you could see through the tight black dress you had on.
"No. You can see... Everything. And it's so... tight." You pout a bit as you feel the cool metal of Jungkook's lip ring trail along your neck.
"So? We're going out to a bar. You look good." He encourages as he trails his lips towards your pulse point.
You feel the anxiety building up as you think about tonight. Going public, what that means for you both. The 'what if's pile on as you stand there.
What if he gets bored of you?
What if you guys don't last?
What if you get hurt?
What if it becomes clear to everyone that he can do so much better?
You couldn't do this...
You liked your relationship over the phone. Where it was safe. Where he was where he was, and you were where you were. Where he only saw what you wanted him to see. Where you could hide from him. It's always easier to love from afar. You get to use your imagination for the rest and fantasy is always better than reality.
You were spiraling again...
Just fucking great.
"No. I'm not doing this. I can't." You say finally and pull away. "I look horrible, I'm not going out like this." You state as you try moving away from Jungkook, only to be yanked back.
"Y/N, enough." He says and you move away from him.
"No! 'Enough' yourself! I'm not going!" You huff and turn to go to the closet. "My fat ass is sitting hom-" You're finally cut off by Jungkook.
"Stop talking about yourself like that, god damnit!" He finally snaps and you pause, never hearing that tone from him before.
"I am sick of you acting like this. You're so fucking sexy, and you wanna walk around like you're not? You're driving me fucking crazy. Come here." He orders as he pulls you right against him.
"Jungkook-" He cuts you off again.
"I don't wanna hear you anymore." He orders. "Do I make myself clear?" He asks firmly as he grabs your neck to make you look up at him. You feel your face heat up and you can only nod. You feel his strong arms wrap firmly around your waist before he lifts you up. You want to stop him, you want to warn him about your weight, but you can't speak as he takes you to the bed and tosses you back on the bed.
He grips your thighs. "So fucking sexy. I love your thighs and ass." He pants and turns you on to your stomach fast. You're stunned by the strength. "And all you wanna do is talk shit about the body I love..." He growls and smacks your ass cheek, groaning. "Fuck, I love watching it jiggle." He groans and you moan at the sting.
You feel your dress bunch up at your waist and look back at him as best as you can as he smacks your ass again. "Fuck, baby..." He whispers and grabs your hand, pulling it to his crutch.
"You feel how hard you get me? Hm? And you still think you're not perfect? Please." He scoffs as you shiver at the feel of his bulge under your hand. You can't help but open your legs more in anticipation.
He moves away from you and lays back on the bed. "Come here." He orders and you open your mouth, but he grabs your face. "Did I fucking say talk? Hm?" He whispers as he shakes your head for you as you moan out a soft 'no', loving how he controlled your body.
"No. I didn't. Shut the fuck up. And get on my fucking face." He orders and your eyes widen, but you move on top of him, mindful of your weight still.
You hover over his face, and he grips your hips. "I said sit." He whispers.
"Jungkook, I don't wanna-" He cuts you off.
"Why do you think I work out every day? Hm? I can handle you, Y/N. I want you smothering me." He orders and you blush hard.
"Jungkook... I... J-Just... Tap out if it gets too much..." You whisper and he snorts at that.
"I'm a man, Y/N. Tapping out is for wusses." He states.
"You say that till you pass out." You mutter, trying to joke too. He looks you right in the eyes.
"It'll be the best way to go. Now sit." He orders and you bite your lip, but slowly lower yourself on to his face more.
"Watch yourself. In the mirror. Watch how sexy you are..." He whispers against your underwear covered pussy. You nod and slowly look up at the mirror as you feel his mouth move between your pussy lips. You gasp softly and run your fingers through his hair as he teases your clit through your underwear and leaves bite marks along your inner thighs.
Soon, your underwear is pushed to the side as he focuses on sucking and licking your clit. You try and keep your eyes open, but you're a moaning mess as you feel him work his tongue deeper between your folds.
"Ah... Ah... Oh, baby!" You moan and feel his tongue wiggle towards your entrance, slowly sliding into you. His arms wrap around your thighs, and he pulls you harder against him. You can feel his nose on your clit and his tongue moving deeper inside of you, and it's as if he's smothering himself in your pussy.
Looking in the mirror by your bed, you can see your hair a mess, your dress bunched up around your waist, and Jungkook's hand undoing his belt as he lays under you.
You groan at the sight of him using one hand to pull out his cock that's already hard. He strokes it as he focuses on eating you out.
"Oh, baby!" You practically purr, never feeling so... desired before.
He moans deeply into your pussy, and you can't help but rock your hips against his face, gripping his hair more tightly. "So good! It's so good! Baby!" You moan as your head rolls back a bit. You can't lift yourself up from his face even if you wanted to. His tatted and solid arm was still wrapped tightly around your thigh to hold you on his face like an oxygen mask. Oh, the irony...
"I'm gonna cum!" You moan out loudly, unable to stop yourself. God, you loved feeling manhandled like this.
Hearing your moans and cries, Jungkook grips your hips with both hands, moving you more so you're riding his tongue and grinding against his nose, making a mess on his face. "Oh... My god, yes..." You whine as you feel it building effortlessly. You needed this release. And all at once, it hits you.
"Jungkook!" You call out as you cum hard on his face. He doesn't stop though. You squeak at the constant rubbing on your now sensitive clit and fall back on to the bed to lessen the pressure on your bundle of nerves, but Jungkook doesn't let go of your hips, and instead moves to lay on his stomach, still eating you out.
"Oh my god! Baby! T-Too... Too much!" You pant as your back aches at the aftershock.
"Mm... so fucking sweet..." He mumbles against your clit between heavy pants, your juices covering his face like a freakin face mask. It makes you blush as he kisses up your body. "Get on your stomach. Face the mirror." He orders.
"I get it, you like my body-" He cuts you off.
"Too late for that. I want it drilled into you." He says and forces you into that position.
You blush hard and try covering your face, but he's quick to smack your ass hard. "Look. Look at how pretty you get when I slide in." He pants in your ear, and you shiver and look in the mirror.
You gasp shakily as you feel him start to slide in. "Atta girl. Stay just like that..." He praises breathlessly and reaches around to hold your neck as he fucks you slow and deep. His hand moves to your chin and pulls your head back so you can look up at him.
"You like to overthink? Hm?" He whispers and you blush but nod, admitting to being so trapped in your own mind. "It's ok, baby. I'll just fuck your brains out." He assures quietly against your forehead in an innocent and comforting tone before he kisses your forehead.
You can't help but hum excitedly and feel his thick cock slide out of you slowly. He moans lowly as your walls clench around him. "Fuck, baby. Don't wanna let me go?" He taunts and you giggle breathlessly.
"Fuck no. You feel too good..." You shiver and he smacks your ass.
"Yeah? Beg." He whispers and you moan softly as he slowly slides back into you.
"Please. Please, I-I don't wanna think more. Fuck me. Fuck me, please, bab-" You're cut off by him grabbing your hair hard and making you look at the mirror.
"Look at you. You see how fucking pretty you are? Hm? Did I get it through your thick fucking skull yet?" He whispers in your ear before slamming into you deeply, which makes you scream out in pleasure.
"Yes! Yes! Yes, baby. Yes!" You call out as he starts fucking you roughly.
"Say sorry for being so mean." He growls in your ear as he pounds you relentlessly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, baby..." You whine, eyes rolling back as he starts hitting your spot. "Right! There! Oh my god!" You scream out as he keeps going, no desire to stop just yet, smirking at how he had turned you into a moaning mess.
"Fuck me back, baby. Let me watch that ass jiggle." He orders as he grabs your waist to pull your ass up. You shiver and start to fuck yourself on his thick cock as he smacks your now red ass cheek.
"Fuck yes. Bounce that ass on me, baby." He groans as you watch through the mirror as he watches your body in awe. He really did love you...
You feel your heart skip a beat. He did find you attractive. He did want you. And you had him wrapped around your finger with such ease. You'd spent all this time treating him wrong, to what cost? He was still here. He still wanted you. Who were you to get in his way?
"Kiss me." You shiver and he does just that, kissing you sloppily as your bodies move freely...
"Congratulations, you two! Beautiful couple, really." The paparazzi calls out as he snaps more photos of you as you hold Jungkook's hand tighter while being led out of the coffee shop you'd just finished having brunch at. You both smile sheepishly at the attention and say nothing, deciding that a statement wasn't needed...
You get in the back of the car first so Jungkook would have some time with his fans, to wave at them and such. You see different girls screaming to him about how much they love him and for a second you feel a tug to your heart. An ugly 'what if' trying to rear its ugly head. But instead, you just watch the man who had made love to you all night long last night and feel your breath return to normal.
You had nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to worry about. Because you had a man who could handle all of you just fine.
And you could handle him too...
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makeste · 10 months
Do you actually believe the DFO theory? What do you think supports it? (Genuine question)
I do think Deku and AFO have a yet-to-be-revealed connection, and back in my early BnHA fandom days I did think Dad For One was a possibility. nowadays though, I'm convinced there's a different explanation for the link between them -- namely, that OFA and AFO are actually the same quirk, and Deku is effectively a horcrux of AFO. I have a post here which explains this theory more in-depth, but basically the gist of it is that OFA was never a separate quirk at all. Yoichi really was quirkless, and when AFO attempted to force a quirk on his brother, he accidentally gave him a piece of his own quirk in the process. just broke off a lil section of it, like a Kit-Kat bar.
I will say that regardless of which theory turns out to be true, there's definitely something going on between AFO and Deku. chapter 217 in particular is practically overflowing with hints that the two are linked. Katsuki sees it right from the start, and even theorizes that AFO might have something to do with the SIXQUIRKS activating. and rather than disagree, All Might simply says "I didn't want to raise that point," meaning he made the connection as well. and then they just freaking drop the entire subject never to mention it again. and Horikoshi lays this panel on us as a parting gift.
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which to me is confirmation that we'll be revisiting this at some point. simply because you do not lay the symbolism on that thick without some kind of game plan for the future. this isn't merely setting up OFA and AFO as foils; this is deliberately (and ominously) drawing attention to the numerous "coincidental" similarities between their two quirks. such as the fact that OFA is the only other quirk capable of holding multiple quirks within itself. and the only other quirk capable of being passed down to another user.
not to mention there's also the as-yet-unexplained link between Deku and AFO. the fact that Yoichi can "hear" his brother, and vice-versa. back in Jakku, the pre-Danger Sense Deku somehow knew that Tomura was awake before anything had actually happened. and when Deku first activated SIXQUIRKS, AFO was somehow aware, even miles away locked up in Tartarus. and we're just supposed to pretend this is all perfectly normal and makes total sense, lol.
so yeah there is definitely some sort of reveal coming up before this all ends. but I think DFO is more likely to be a red herring at this point. Horikoshi definitely knows about the theories, and that's probably why he still hasn't revealed anything about Dekupapa. he's the Hagakure in this scenario. distract me us with speculation about her, when in reality Aoyama was the culprit all along. it's the same tactic here. convince all the fans that AFO is Deku's father, when in reality the truth is even more insidious. he's not Deku's dad -- he's Deku's quirk. and the final final boss, secretly lurking not within Tomura, but within Deku himself.
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tell me that's not the perfect final showdown setup. you know it's true. you know it's coming. or at least I hope it is lol.
incidentally, during the process of typing this all up, it occurred to me that if AFO is capable of creating horcrux!quirks (which we know for a fact he is regardless of how this theory pans out, since that's essentially how TomurAFO was created)... then why not Deku as well? which immediately led me down a whole new different theory rabbit hole. that's going to have to be its own separate post, though. my mind is now going a mile a minute, holy shit. this is going to be a busy weekend.
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cadaveerie · 1 month
the things i'm the most and least excited about for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
includes DATV spoilers from the trailers and articles
i might continuously edit this post until the game actually launches as we receive new info!
all of these have been confirmed by the devs, except for those in which i clarify the opposite (ie: those that i write with a "possibly", which have probably been only suggested). if you want the source for any of these specifically let me know!
and a big shoutout to felassan for answering my question, because i started wondering if i just made up the 'pause during cutscene' thing, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where I'd heard that lol
anyway, here it is!
no EA app or online mode/internet to play the game
pause during cutscenes
interruptible and resumable banter
no micro-transactions
the character creator!!! - more diverse bodies, better (and darker. and better dark) skin tones and afro-textured hair!
change of voice pitch for Rook!
trans Rook! they/them Rook! and the ability to express that in-game!
b-bulge slider.......? t-tittie slider?????
different lighting options in character creator :]
in-game name suggestions for rook :]
nudity :D:D:D SEXOOO
PURPLE ROOK!!!!! (sarcastic/charming, like hawke. im gonna be insufferable to solas specifically)
"not that skeleton, but we're not saying no skeletons" as an answer to whether we can romance manfred (..... the fuck. idk what that means but... im game)
bi/pan romanceable companions! - it makes me happy, especially as someone non-binary and genderfluid. i'll die on this hill
paraphrasing: “the most romantic game yet”..... mmmm… yes….
the companions overall... i rly like both the designs and what we know of them
"are there companions gifts again" John: "(...) you very well might find things in the world that certain companions would appreciate!"
John: "Not going to get into specifics on interactables, but there is more to do in the Lighthouse than conversations with companions. The Lighthouse does have a kitchen, and your companions acknowledge it/use it both narratively and ambiently. Some maybe better than others."
more focus and intentionality on the companions' stories and relationships! yay!
inquisitor presence :D
maybe solas and inky? - not confirmed that they'll interact, but pleaaaase let them. no matter if it's a romance, friendship or hateful relationship, i need to see a reunion
the relationship between solas and rook! - from what they'd said it looks like they're gonna have a fun dynamic!!! i hope that it's kind of a bad relationship but that at some points there can be some appreciation, or respect. i think they said that it could be change, depending on you
cameos!!! - we know there will be some. confirmed morrigan cameo! my bets for others are on dorian (and mae), fenris (copium), zevran (copiumx2). and maybe these are reaches but... perhaps cassandra? leliana? illario? alistair? sten? either way im looking forward to it!
700 characters (wtf)
140,000 lines of dialogue (wtf x2. almost double of Inquisition's (80,000))
visiting places we have never seen before like Tevinter, Antiva, Anderfels, Nevarra, Rivain, etc
more thedas deep lore!!! - elven gods! and this hasn't been confirmed, but since we'll go there... will there be tevinter lore? anderfels lore? rivain lore? antivan lore? titans lore (my theory is because of Harding)!?
possibly a camera mode
beautiful textures!
beautiful landscape!
very nice hair physics! (big improvement)
gear customization + transmog
enable/disable helmets for cutscenes
I rly like the subclasses… they feel so…. gothic
combat looks more dynamic overall!
combos with the companions!
finisher animations!
mages can move while attacking apparently?
and they^ can use staffs, daggers and orbs :0
parry + shield toss :0
and i'm just excited to see how it actually feels while playing and how everything progresses!
things I'm kinda sad/disappointed about. just a little
only can bring two companions along (probably a 3 party total?)
probably no trans, they/them or they/x companions? :( (im assuming there will be characters that are trans (mae) and go by them/them or multiple pronouns, but i mean companions specifically)
only 7 companions. i was a little disappointed at first but tbh im fine w it now haha
they haven't talked about rook as a character much so im a little worried about that, their personal journey, their dialogue etc :')
that rook doesn't seem to have different beginnings depending on his origin :( not a huge deal but tbh i loved that about origins
can't choose multiple pronouns :( perhaps it's possible? they've explicitly said that you can go by he, she or they, but i don't think that implies multiple at the same time. it can't be that hard to program it so that it randomly changes between two or more pronouns, right? idk about game development so i dont actually know, sorry if i'm ignorant
this is suuuper nitpicky but in relation to the graphics.. i kinda wish the skins looked slightly.. different? idk how to put it, but they look kind of smooth? maybe too much? i just wish they had a little bit more texture, it kinda looks like they have a beauty filter, imo, and i think it would look better if they look slightly differently
and i have mixed feelings about how the characters are stylized overall. like... y'know, the whole "cartoony" discourse. at first i didnt like it at all, but since we've seen more im way more on board. still... i kinda feel like some things could look a bit nicer
idk how i feel about how the darkspawn look. like it's not a huge deal to me either, but... i just wish they looked different. lol. they do look a little bit goofy
and idk if i like the... veiny/nervous system looking-thing in demons either? like, i like it in theory but tbh in practice im not too sure
the remake of the warden's logo :((
that's it!
tbh im just happy about most things they've said and shown so far. i think a lot of these things are a good sign. also, things like the "not ea app necessary" make me inclined to believe that this is something they've had to fight for (cause you know, if ea could choose they'd do things their way) and that's something i appreciate a lot. that's why i think this and a lot of other choices and changes they've made in relation to the last game, are good signs that they've listened to our feedback in a lot of things! and i hope this reflects in the entirety of the game. i hope it's the case. idk i'm positive about this game! a little scared ofc, because i care and i want it to be as good as possible, but excited nonetheless!
are there things i didn't include but that you are excited about? what are you looking the most forward to, overall? i'd appreciate to see your excitement and know what you like the most!
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nikki-152006 · 19 days
tokyo rev characters replying to comments on a fanfic!
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Smiley: I'm so used to it, me and Mikey single handedly carry all the simps of Toman. Mikey: That's soo true. We're partners in crime and the crime is breaking hearts. Draken: *stares hard at the ground with his hands folded at his chest* sure, absolutely, but might I just mention that Smiley has been hit on the face by a girl with a pan and Mikey has been slapped by one. Meanwhile you and Hina: *sneeze in another room*  Hina: That's definitely Akkun and Takemichi You: we better teach them a lesson for bitching about us later Hina: totally .
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Ameliorate - [Tokyo Revengers Various X Reader]
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Reference to what Draken said:
In chapter 8 of the fanfic, Smiley steps out of the line with a comment of his because he has no filter. The reader has only recently met him and he hasn't put on a good impression of himself.
So, when he steps out of the line while the reader is washing dishes, she slams the pan to his face (not hard enough to break his teeth, come on).
The reader is introduced to the twins, Baji, Chifuyu and Mitsuya from Toman and the following group chat takes place (after Smiley gets hit, just adding it here for fun):
Baji-san : Nice shot! 10/10 Matsuno-kun: (Name)-chan He looks pretty this way Mitsuya-kun : I've never seen anything more satisfying (L/N) Btw Mitsuya here  And yes, I'd want that red spot to stay there forever
Smiley mf: Fuck off Not-Angry : It's gone maroon now YOU: Sorry i hit too hard  😅 Shouldn't be a problem for a "strong" guy like you ig Baji-san: Just me or is it sarcasm intended Matsuno-kun: Mikey-kun almost died laughing when Smiley told him  what happened and Draken had to lecture him about holding his tongue  when talking to a girl YOU: He did say sorry tho and it was fine really Smiley mf: See?? I even told the little shit to  give me a punishment if she wants to she didn't
Baji-kun: I'm telling Draken about last night too Mitsuya-kun: How about no? He'll lecture me* too And it was an accident from my side BTw (L/N)-san, I am sorry YOU: It's okay Mitsuya-kun I know it was some other mf's fault plus who is this Draken and why  would this person lecture you Baji-san: He's some mf who drinks a glass full of  respect women potion every morning Mitsuya-kun: Yes. Smiley. Learn. Smiley mf:  Fuck off Mitsuya I told you it was a mistake YOU: It was actually and it's fine plus I'm sorry if I hit too hard I hope your teeth aren't damaged Baji-san: LMFAO I need to see toothless Smiley!! Not-Angry: He's good with teeth ig Matsuno-kun: (Name), wanna hang out later? Are you free today?? YOU: No guys Someone beat up my friend and  now I need to take care of him Baji-san: 😲😲 Name the mf we'll beat him up YOU: this mf won't tell me who that mf is Smiley mf:  Have you tried threatening him? YOU:  Lol I even told him I'd whip him. (seen 8 minutes ago) Hello?? Baji-san: That's not very threatening you know Smiley mf:  Try more like "I'll get you bet up by Smiley" type of threat YOU: Why do you think you're that popular? I doubt he knows you Mitsuya-kun: 😲 I guess he might Smiley is* popular for being a crazy mf YOU: Lol, suits him But what do I say? I'll get you beat up for not telling me who's beating you up? Not-Angry: Try to tell him you need to know because you care YOU: You need to learn from your twin sometimes Smiley I tried that actually
Matsuno-kun: Get him drunk? YOU: Underage Baji-san:  Get him sleepy Guys lose their senses when a pretty girl asks them something when they're sleepy Mitsuya-kun: 😲😲😲😲😲 Not-Angry: 😱 YOU: Nice idea, he's asleep Where do I get a pretty girl from Baji-san: 😲 Matsuno-kun:
😲 Smiley mf: You're trolling, right?? You: uhhh??? Baji-san:  nevermind that fucker Try yourself, you're his friend, right? I guess he'll answer to you YOU: okayy Thanks guys lemme try that Mitsuya-kun: Good luck Just tell us once you get to know Matsuno-kun: We'll make sure the fucker's dead YOU: Can't say that's what I want, but thanks. Baji-san:  NP Good luck!!
(I won't be explaining the references in the chat though yeah, Reader's neighbour Akkun got beat up by Kiyomasa and he wouldn't tell her)
Other than this, there's mention of "Max" who is the reader's brother and so also neighbour to Sendou Atsushi
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hello i know you get this alot but i want to say i love his lighthouse it's amazing lol i hope your requests are open cause i was curious if you can do something spicy between joker and y/n where y/n has been playing games more often and joker seems jealous cause she isn't giving him attention so he would have to get her attention by.....you know👉👈😅 (IT'S EMBARRASSING TO SAY IT)
His Lighthouse: Not Jealous (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Not Jealous - Oneshot
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Hey hi, @ambergluskin 🖤✨totally used your request as a mental break while I struggle finish up the chapter update to His Lighthouse. Who loves a good jealous Joker? I do!! He gets all... needy.. #GamerJ is back although he isn't playing the game you think he is lol. I wonder if anyone will guess what video game Y/n is playing. Or the names of her teammates 🤭
ANYHOO!! 1 oneshot request down, two more to go!! Enjoy loves!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
"Left! Left! Left! Dang it Tim! I meant your left!"
Joker was rather curious when he first heard the loud shouts and adorable giggles late at night.
Recently you've been spending more time in the living room than with him in the bedroom. When you weren't on your computer typing away, you were on the couch controlling your player through various levels and campaigns.
Joker understood your line of work was stressful even if you only 'sat around all day.'
It was taxing on the brain to create an entire story from nothing. You needed a mental outlet.
Joker let it slide when you chose your love of gaming to relax. He wasn't worried when you finished your work, ate a quick bite, and hopped online. It was nice to see you smiling and full of life again. J did not like a stressed bunny.
No, Joker got offended when you started ignoring him.
He would try to get you to call it a night or encourage you to eat something heavier than a sandwich but got your sass in return.
It was cute. At first. But then Joker noticed that you were actually irritated whenever he interrupted your game or hounded you to take a break.
Of course he was acting all clingy! You spent more time with your online friends than with him! Joker wanted your attention too..
But make no mistake; Joker was not jealous hearing you compliment and praise these strangers during gameplay.
However he did consider tracking them down and ending their pathetic lives for stealing your attention away from him.
Joker would sit on the couch hoping you'd notice him brooding while the loading screen lit up the dark living room. You would turn his way for a nanosecond until the conversation in your headset took priority over him.
"Omg facts! They dropped a new patch update so I want everyone on their A game. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Tim. Be a good boy and stay on my six. If you get snipped in the first thirty seconds again, bruh oh my god. We'll watch your death in the recap and dog you out!"
You laughed as the map loaded and the camera panned out showing off the area.
It was futuristic and boring looking to Joker but you immediately took interest and guided your team to high advantage points in order to pick off the other team.
"Up high near the tower, Cass. Yeah, yeah ghost em' sis." You were at ease with a controller in hand as your e/c eyes darted across the tv.
Your curls swallowed your headset and only the arm for the speaker was seen poking out from your thick tresses. You looked like a professional gamer. Joker thought it was hot.
"YO! They hoed me!! Avenge me, stop laughing! I thought it was clear!"
Joker rolled his eyes when you leaned back on the couch as you waited for your character to respawn back into the game. It was taking longer than usual and so he got an idea.
It started with scooting closer to you. As if you noticed.
You were back in the game, leaning forward and talking smack through the comms, too focused to catch wind of Joker's schemes. Good. It would make this soooo much easier.
If you wouldn't give him any attention, he would take it by force.
Joker rested his hand on your thigh and kept his focus on the tv. Your eyes flickered over to him for a second before you shot an enemy down with a headshot. Now.. that was definitely hot.
"Yeah! Put some respecK on my name! That was all me son! No scope. Foh is you talking bout?" You paused, listening to your teammate's rowdy response. "We up! Let's keep it that way."
Joker couldn't hear them but knew any sounds you made would be heard instantly.
Which is why he let his fingers walk up your thigh to the band of your lounge shorts. He tugged the drawstrings loose as your player ducked behind a generator.
You cast him a look. "Uhh what're you doing?"
FINALLY! You gave Joker some attention! Too bad you swatted his hands away and returned to your match.
You shook your head and focused back on your team. "Not you JT. Sorry I was distracted. It's nothing."
Joker narrowed his green eyes. He was nothing?? Just what would it take to have your undivided attention? He moved onto phase two of his plan.
Joker leaned forward and licked your collarbone and left a teasing bite to the skin at the base of your neck. You smacked his head like a pesky fly. He noticed you blink rapidly and shift in place.
Progress, but not enough.
Joker chuckled and continued biting and kissing your neck, slowly making you lose focus on your game until..
"Cut it out, I'm mid game." You breathed out.
Joker knew what got you going. His bunny was a sucker for neck kisses and your voice ratted you out. You were enjoying this.
But to play along, Joker raised his hands as a sign of surrender and backed off. You relaxed now that he was gone but it was short lived.
One of your teammates added a kill to win the game and you erupted in joy! "Let's GO!"
The scoreboard and top kill recaps started to play as everyone congratulated one another on another win when it happened.
Joker suddenly pushed you down on the couch and yanked your shorts off. You landed with a huff and he used your shock to rid you of your panties as well.
He brought them up to his nose and took a deep inhale. He smiled at your horrified gaze and shoved them into his pocket for later.
"J what has gotten into? AGH! I uhhh I-I was talking to... um. M-My cat!" You quickly mumbled into your mic.
Were you really still using that lame excuse?
Joker held up a finger to his lips as he helped you spread your legs for him. You looked down at Joker in front of you, free of makeup, eyeing his next meal in delight.
He couldn't hear Cass asking if you were up for another round yet he knew you were debating it. The controller was still in your hand with your thumb over the A button.
"I-I can play a-another game but..." Your eyes flickered down to Joker's.
The mysterious green all but dared you to.
You smirked. You liked playing with fire. "I'm down. I'll meet y'all in the lobby."
So you wanted to keep ignoring him? Joker mirrored your devilish grin and licked his lips. Let's see how long you would last once he commanded all of your attention.
You waited for the new game to load, only this time Joker's calloused thumbs were rubbing circles on your inner thighs as his hot breath fanned over your pussy in soft even pants.
He wasn't doing anything but you were tight as a drum. Joker was content with resting his head on your thigh, humming softly to himself.
You noticed it was the theme of the game you were playing. What a dork. A timer went off on screen. Finally, it was time to start.
"Ughh I hate this map. JT... come thru for ya girl." You whined but winced when J's nails dug into your thigh.
You didn't think much of it. It was the only warning you got to watch your mouth.
The game began and you took off searching for cover but had to act fast to avoid a melee by an opposing player. "AH! They got shooters n' hunters in these streets!"
Everything was going well. You let the others score kills while you played defense for a change. You almost forgot about Joker nestled between your legs until you slipped up and said something stupid.
"I forgot about the power ups on this map! They got the uhh.. is that a bazooka? Please omg someone help me!"
You laugh cried into your mic and ran. JT was the closest to your location so you called out to him. "Daddy please help me! I'm gone die!"
This time Joker was close enough to hear this JT guy's response when he shouted back.
"Hang on baby, daddy's coming." His amused voice irked Joker instantly. Did you just call him... and did he...
Who the f__k....?
So that's how it was gonna be? Aight. See... Now you were asking for it. Joker hadn't killed anyone in a while but today might be the day to break his streak.
Joker didn't care if you were mid game or that your friends could hear you. He let his intrusive thoughts get the better of him and simply acted.
He latched onto your clit and began sucking like his life depended on it. Of course— you screamed.
It was no surprise that your player was killed; you could care less with the way Joker held onto your hips and flickered his tongue over your bud. No warning. No warmup. Just straight to business.
Could he blame you for the noises you made? Absolutely not, in fact, he wanted to hear more.
Your teammates panicked and asked if you were okay.
Joker hummed, letting the vibration drive you nuts, before he leaned down and lapped at the juices escaping your pussy. That only made you squeak even louder.
'Y/n! Are you alright? Your player didn't respawn?!"
"She died and glitched into the wall, that's so OP!"
"D__n girl, you couldn't wait till I got there? Poor baby."
They all talked your head off but you were too busy clawing at Joker's hair to hear. He wasn't budging no matter how hard you tried pushing him away. It only made him pick up his intensity after hearing that guy flirt with you more.
Who did he think he was? Is he the reason why you spent so much time playing video games recently?
Were you cheating on him? Did you like this other guy more? Joker couldn't think straight! The only thing he could do was take out his frustration on your pussy.
He shifted his weight to free up a hand. Then suddenly two fingers were plunged into your wet hole.
You slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your scream.
On the tv, your team was down a player but still managed to secure a win. Your player was still glitched out in the map's wall. The real Y/n wasn't too far behind.
You've been so busy recently that you and J had yet to have sex this week. It would not take much to send you over the edge and it seemed like Joker knew that.
He curled his fingers just right to hit your g spot and you saw stars. You couldn't muffle your broken sob fast enough.
"Girl. Is you crying?"
"Y/n chill, it's just a game! If you want, we can report that glitch tho. That was not bueno."
Joker chuckled when your legs started to shake beside his ears. He could hear your climax rushing up to the surface, he was scissoring you so fast.
"You close baby?"
Your entire body froze. Surely you heard that wrong. You glanced down at Joker but he looked absolutely furious. Yeah you heard that right and so did Joker.
One minute you were reaching an orgasm, the next Joker ripped your headset off (tossing it who knows where) and had you flat on your back.
"What did he say, Bunny? Hmm? You close baby? How does he know what ya sound like? Don'T tell me you've been a bad bunny this week and uhhh... played with others?" Joker growled as he pumped his fingers even faster into your pussy. His hand was completely soaked with your juices.
Now that the mic wasn't picking up your voice, you moaned loudly. "No! I.. J, please! I-I don't know what he's on a-about!!"
Joker added a third finger and used his other hand to grab your throat. You drew a deep breath right as he squeezed.
"Ya thinK I'm dumb Y/n? Calling him daddy in frontT of me? Bad move cuz I heard him.You like that? Being called a baby? Let's show em' just.. how.. close ya are baby doll. Cum Y/n. I won'T tell ya twice."
His palm connected with your clit with each slam of his fingers, sending bolts of lightning throughout your body. You were unraveling at the seams.
"Hmm, your legs are trembling Princess. Good. Girl."
A week's worth of stress was being unleashed from your body and it didn't know what to do with itself. You finally let J have all of your attention.
You grabbed onto Joker's forearms and bared down with a loud wail. He loosened his grip on your neck so you could scream and he laughed at the sopping mess you made of his fingers when you came.
"That'sss it my Light. Get loud.. it's all for meee."
Joker's jealousy was rearing its ugly head but there wasn't much you could do when your own was on the verge of shutting down. It felt so good it hurt, yet you couldn't stop cumming.
Joker must've noticed since he prolonged your orgasm and unknowingly guided you into another. Your body felt on fire and J's fingers squelching in and out of your pussy was making things worse.
You came again but this time you pushed Joker's hand away so you could curl up into a ball on the couch.
That just wouldn't do.
"Oh nooo no no! Is my Bunny tryna.. run away? Did I.. say you could?" Joker growled. He pushed your wireless controller off the couch and it landed on the floor while simultaneously powering the system off.
The entire room was plunged into darkness with Joker's eerie green eyes hovering over you as the only light source. It was both creepy yet hot at the same time.
"J please.."
He didn't care much for your pleas and sucked his teeth.
He bent down to flip you over. You quickly caught your weight on your hands and knees right as Joker pushed your head down further into the cushions. "Joker, wait!"
"Shut. Up. I wanted your uhhh, attention all week but you were sooo busy.. with that stupid game of yours. With.. him. Mmm, now I gotcha righT.. where I want ya." Joker smacked your rear and the loud crack it made echoed throughout the silent room.
He wished there was some light to see your skin ripple from the impact. Your body was so amazing to watch.
Your soft whimpers were music to his ears and with two delicious orgasms squeezed out of you, Joker literally slipped right in.
That didn't mean you didn't feel the stretch from his entry. Your back bowed like a cat feeling Joker slide into your pussy with one thrust. Your moan got caught in your throat, you were so overwhelmed.
"Shh shhh I know. I know, you take me sooo well bunny." Joker's words were pure sugar but his actions were the exact opposite.
He bit the skin at your shoulder as his hips rammed into yours. He gave you no time to adjust before he found a good brutal pace to pour out all of his pent up frustration to.
Was he jealous? Yes.
Would he have gotten over it? Ehh perhaps, but once he heard another man call you baby, Joker couldn't think straight.
"I want his username. I-I'll hunt him down and mmm, f__k! Work with me here, Y/n. Relax and ha, let me in. Ahh, I'll kill him for talkin to ya like that. Only I get to call you p-pretty names.. ya got thaT, bunny?" J arched an eyebrow when you didn't respond.
He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled hard. Your neck almost snapped with the motion. "I said... do you got that Bunny?"
What was Joker talking about?
Your head was foggy and you honestly didn't hear a word he said but if you thought his dick was splitting you in half now, if you didn't respond, J would blow your back out as punishment and he would enjoy doing it.
You gathered all the brain cells you had left to respond.
It was more moans than words but it would have to do. "Yessss! Yes sir!"
Well that was new. Joker kinda liked the sound of sir escaping your lips. Maybe a little too much. It made him throb inside of you like a heartbeat.
He groaned and drilled his dick deeper into your pussy to chase after that feeling. The grip he had on your hips would bruise but that was nothing new.
Joker tipped his head back and laughed once he felt himself inevitably getting closer to his release. You just had that effect on him.
You were probably brain dead right about now, (you had a tendency to get cock drunk fairly easily) not like Joker minded, but your pleasure was always his top priority. He couldn't finish unless you were satisfied.
"Bunny? Are ya still with me?"Joker bent down to kiss up your spine until he made it to your ear.
You turned your head and locked eyes with glowing emeralds. You couldn't look away.
"Need ya to cum.. again. Can you do thaT? For mee?" J kissed your cheek and rocked his hips deeper within you, groaning loudly for once.
He covered your hands with his own on the arm of the couch and picked up the pace. The intimate gesture had you right there near the edge, ready to jump over. You nodded your head frantically.
Your body was ready to crash any second but just because J asked you nicely, you'd muster up the energy to cum again.
Joker had never been more proud of his Light. The second he felt your walls begin to flutter around his cock, he hugged your body closer to him and bucked his hips uncontrollably.
You were so tight and incredibly wet, it was insane. You were his. His bunny, his baby doll, his Sugar, his Princess, his Light. The list went on and on. He was probably missing a few pet names. The point is.. you were his, no one else's.
Was Joker jealous? Without a doubt. Yes.
Joker moaned your name right in your ear as his cock painted your walls white. He left kisses on any available patch of your brown skin and maneuvered you back to lie on the couch. He became the big spoon as he softened inside of you.
Joker was used to a brief moment of silence after sex with you. While you floated back down, Joker let his own afterglow wash over him.
He hummed in response and played with a curl of your hair. You loved how affectionate he was right after sex. J was so soft and unlike himself; you could ask him almost anything.
"I.. I'm sorry for neglecting you this week. I didn't mean to make you jealous either." You heard him sigh on your back.
Would he talk about it? You were unsure if this was still soft J or if your patient, but easily irritated Joker had returned.
"Wasn't jealous bunny. It's just.. you don't call me uhhh, daddy so when I hearD it and then he... I just.." J sighed again, this time though more out of frustration.
It was rare that Joker was flustered. This was really bothering him then. You let him gather his thoughts without interrupting.
"You're mine. You're my Light, I don't. Share. I'm gonna kill him."
"Joker, please don't kill my friend. JT's been through enough in his life. It's just harmless banter, I promise. He's older than me so.. I call him that to mock his age. D-Did you want me to call you that? L-Like when we're intimate?" You asked.
You rolled over onto Joker's chest. He let you rest there as he continued to run his fingers through your curly hair, thinking to himself.
Great, another friend he wasn't allowed to kill. At this point, he had a growing list but he had to accept your connections with others.
It was hard for you to make friends so whenever you did make one, they were close. It just took Joker some time to adjust since he was so possessive and if they were male it was more difficult.
Joker caught your hesitant smile and scoffed. "If ya can't say it now, how will you say it in the errr heat of the moment? Besides.... uhh I like sir better."
You paled two shades lighter. "S-Sir? W-When did I say that?"
Joker chuckled and tugged some of your hair in his grasp. You moaned softly and your eyes glazed over.
"Hmmm, my Light is such a slut. Moaning when I pull hair. You like thaT?" He did it again but harder.
"Y-Yes si—" Your eyes widened in realization. Your inner walls tightened around him.
"Ohhh I like that... a loT." Joker thrusted up into you, making you also realize that he never pulled out.
Perhaps you should make Joker jealous more often.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 1 month
future friends 1/2
james 'logan' howlett
part two
shes not edited so sorry in advance lol
im mad i cant write whump for this man so have some angst instead. because if we cant help heal outside wounds maybe we can help heal inside wounds
song: i lie to me by as it is
i sat across from rogue as we ate our lunch, quietly munching to myself. neither of us had spoken yet but she knew i always needed a minute when getting together with someone. it was the nature of my powers. i could see everyone's past just from being near them and though hers wasnt as hard to watch as some others she understood it was exhausting. she made that mistake once, touching me to experience it for just a moment. she ended up crying hysterically and i felt so bad because i couldnt even hug her to console her.
"Hey have you gotten a chance to talk to Logan yet?"
I raised a brow as I looked over at her, her pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You know the professor told me not to."
She nodded a few times, popping a grape into her mouth.
"And why are we still listening?"
She questioned and I laughed, wiping my mouth on my napkin.
"He said that I need to keep my distance until he finds his place here. You know we aren't supposed to use our powers on each other."
She looked at me with a stupid look on her face.
"Is it really using your power on him if you can't help it?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've already read him. Every time he gets close actually. Every class I have with him. His life flashes before my eyes and I have to pretend I don't know everything about him."
She frowned and ate another grape.
"Logan deserves to know about his past. And you're the only one that can give that to him now that jean and the professor are dead."
I sighed and looked down at my half eaten sandwich. all i would have to do is touch him, then i could show him too.
"I guess I'll talk to storm about it. See if she has anything to say. She's the dean now after all."
she sent me another disapproving look before bobby came in and sat with us. i frowned, reading him quickly, before going back to my sandwich.
I knocked slowly on her office door, the wood creaking slowly. I could hear storm talking quietly to someone and suddenly my mind was flooded with his life again. His childhood, scraping his knee falling off his bike and it healing slowly. He freaked out but got up and kept riding. He never told his parents. Then his wife came into view, their wedding, her death. Then came him volunteering for strikers project. I could feel the ache in my chest as I felt all his pain. The cold rushing through my veins as he streaked butt naked through the Canadian wilderness trying to escape.
"Come in."
Shook me of my thoughts and I pushed the door open, seeing ororo and Logan talking. He was sat against her desk, legs crossed and cigar in his mouth. I panned the room to her standing in front of the TV, remote in hand. I could hear the electricity like she had just turned it off.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise."
I swallowed hard and looked from her to him. He had his brows drawn and I could tell he was trying to place me. Even in the two classes I had with him I was easy to ignore. I kept quiet. Answered questions when prompted. But ultimately stayed out of sight.
"storm I was wondering if I could ask you something but it's a private matter so I might come back."
I tried to suppress her time line, blinking away the hot African sun of her childhood.
"No need. I was just going."
Logan said sternly, pushing himself off the desk.
"We'll talk about this later."
She directed at him and he gave a tight lip smile, closing the door behind him. She looked back at me, placing the TV remote on the end table to her left.
"I have a feeling I know what this is about."
I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.
"I don't want to disobey professor Xavier -"
She held her hand up.
"You can't tell him."
I watched her, defeated as she paced to the desk.
"He deserves to know. Something. Anything. That he was married, he volunteered for experiment x, anything from his childhood."
She shook her head as she sat down.
"You know why that's a bad idea. We've already been over this after the fight at alkali lake."
I sighed and slumped down into the chair across from her.
"His time line is so intense storm. I can ignore most people's but they aren't as long or traumatizing as his. He's two, three, times as old as everyone here. Except myself."
A sad expression fell over her face as she folded her hands on the desk.
"He knows what happened with striker. We need to leave it at that. Until he finds something else out naturally."
I clenched my jaw and stood up.
"I can't keep hiding the truth from him ororo. And eventually he'll realize that I don't age either which will raise questions about my mutation. Then what am I supposed to say?"
She inhaled deeply.
"Y/n you are older than even the professor. You are the one that denied the position to teach-"
"Because I look like any other student!"
I interjected and she looked at me sternly.
"But if you are going to act like a child then you are going to be treated like one."
I scoffed and headed for the door.
"If the position reopens let me know. Teachers seem to be dropping like flies around here."
I pushed the door open harshly, it slamming behind me as I walked out of the office. There was a part of me that understands but I can't believe she is against me on this. He has found his place here. And I can't keep up with this. It's so much harder to keep people's time lines out of my head when they don't know I know.
Like rogue. I told her shortly after I met her. Even though it was after she took the "cure" from the Worthington corporation. She introduced herself in the same span it took me to see her time line. Bobby was there to help explain my powers to her but I haven't had to watch her find her powers since then. Same with him. And everyone else I've talked to on this campus. just small pieces of their childhood or finding their significant other.
but logan wasn't like everyone else. he was complicated. and so was i. but now, also, i was mad. i walked quickly down the hall, passed the dining room and kitchen to the elevator. if i couldnt get his frustrations out of my brain by telling him then i might as well work them out. i hit the down button and tapped my foot as i waited. when the door opened i strode down the hall to the danger-room.
i walked in slowly, the lights turning on and the control panel popping open. i quickly selected a series of test and waited for the room to start changing. i watched as sky scrapers appeared in the distance, small shops coming into view as well. then cars and people. then i saw a plane ahead, watching in shock as it crashed down in front of me. then all these creatures started climbing off of it, pieces of the plan in their unsightly jaws as it burned under them.
i moved quickly, running forward and dodging the creatures as they came at me hissing through bloody teeth. i pulled on the torn metal, making and opening and helping some civilians out of the plane as it burned. i looked up, seeing one of the creatures charging back at me. i grabbed a piece off the top of the plane and swung myself towards it kicking it square in the face and knocking back down to the ground.
i checked to make sure that the people on the ground were helping the others out of the burning plane before turning to fight another creature as it came at me. i struck it, pushing it away from me before lunging at another one. when the rest finally realized i was there they came in waves, attacking me. i fought back as hard as i could and for once thats all i had to focus on. then one of them knocked me down. as i tried to get up another lunged on top of me, pinning me down to the roof of the plane. i grunted and and tried to keep it away from me, its teeth gnashing and slobbery in my face.
then from out of nowhere i heard a yell and the sound of metal. i looked over to see logan shoving his long claws into the side of the creature. i watched him, his past flooding through my brain as he attacked the others as they came at us. i breathed deeply, stumbling to my feet and putting my back to his. we fought together until they were all gone, going to get the few stragglers out of the plane that hadnt made it out yet.
then he moved to help me down, taking my hand in his and pausing as i hit the ground. my eyes went wide as a tear slid down his cheek. shit. i had transferred his memories without even meaning to. all i had to do was touch him. usually i had my gloves on when we went in the danger-room but i didnt put my suit on first.
"i had a wife."
he said quietly, side eying me. i held my breath, holding onto his hand still as the simulation dissipated around us.
"i had a brother."
he laughed, really looking at me now. i took my hand out of his and held them both together in front of me.
"im sorry logan, this isnt how i wanted you to find out."
he drew his brows.
"have you known this whole time?"
i could feel tears stinging as i nodded.
"thats my curse to hold."
he shook his head, looking angry before walking off.
"logan wait!"
i called after him and he held his hand up.
"kid. just dont."
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austinslounge · 11 days
I think k&A broke up with the comment she left on her friends instagram post
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That comment that she makes, isn't that a song lyric or something that Nicole Kidman says at the beginning of her AMC movie theater promos? 😅
Anyway, I wouldn't read too much into this for right now. Don't you all know by now that Kaia is a troll? I peeped this about her back when rumors of her being pregnant with Pete Davidson's baby came out years ago, and she posted a photo of her sticking her bare belly out to resemble a pregnant woman.
She is a notorious troll. 🙄
I even suspect she took that photo of that guy in the Library Sciences shirt with the cropped head (neck gate! Lol) because she knew people would be speculating that it was Austin in the photo. (Which I highly doubt it was)
She's one of those dry sense of humor girls who thinks she's oh-so-funny with her dead pan sense of humor, but she's just not.
I might be in the minority in feeling this way, but I think that when Austin and Kaia break up, it will actually be a quiet thing, and we'll just hear of sightings of her (and him) getting cozy with other people, or being spotted with other people. I actually don't see her throwing shade on her social media (like V did), or putting out hints about "breakup" or "heartbreak". I actually think she will be more quiet about it. Most celebrities like her aren't putting their business all out there. Look at how she and Elordi split.
I could be wrong though.
I will continue sipping this tea 🍵
If you all find anything else though, let me know in my asks! 😊
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marcspectorstannie · 5 months
⁂Meet the parents⁂(Steven grant x f!AA! reader)
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Summary: reader takes Steven to finally meet her parents for dinner and has to prepare him for what her family is like
Warnings: slightly cursing most likely, a little angst if u squint, black trauma
A/n: this is intended to be a female/feminine and African American reader so just a heads up! I've been thinking about writing smth like this for a while now
A/n2: this is honestly so fuckn long and I'm so sorry LOL
"Now I have to warn you, my family is a bit...much." You both sat in the car in front of your parents house. The car was turned off so you were both is a weirdly comfortable silence. As much as you loved your family it was always rough bringing people to meet them as they always scared them away by being too loud or gossiping a bit too much. But Steven insisted on meeting them, even after your constant warnings.
"Your family can't possibly be that bad, love. I think you're just being a bit of a scaredy cat." Steven raised his eyebrows at you and tapped your nose playfully. You rolled your eyes and smiled a bit. He never met your family personally, he just knew the little stories that you would tell him that you remembered from your childhood. You closed your eyes and sighed softly "I'm not scared I have nothing to be scared of. It's just..." it was hard to tell him straight up that black families are a lot different from other families "they have their many differences to say the least, and I'm not even sure if it's just my mom and dad there or if they invited my cousi-." Cutting you off, your phone rang violently. It was your mother. Hesitantly you picked it up and placed it on speaker.
"When you gon' get here? This food gon get cold now." Your mother questioned, the pots and pans clattering in the background. "We're actually just looking for parking mama, we'll be there soon don't worry." You looked over at Steven with a nervous expression. "Aight now don't be making me wait for you and you bringing company ova to my damn house.. " You rolled your eyes at your mother's comment. "I'm not mama, I'll see you in a few." And before you could say anything else she had hung up. You sighed loudly once again and placed your head on the steering wheel. "I guess we shouldn't keep her waiting, might ring you again." Steven said softly. "Don't worry, this night will so swimmingly. " You smiled at his vocabulary and opened your car door. "Let's get this over with."
Soon enough you were knocking on the front door. Your mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts of what could happen throughout the night. "And when you're speaking to any adult just say yes or no sir or ma'am, you will quickly be called disrespectful. " You rushed out any last warnings to Steven at the door. Surprisingly he was the more calm one for once. "Breathe. I've got it. Besides,im always respectful." Just after he finished the door swung open and you both were greeted by your mother, wearing her good blouse and church shoes. "There's my baby! Come in, both of ya! " Your mother let you in and closed the door behind you. The house was exactly how it was after you moved out. That yellow-orange tint to the lighting and brown cabinets and floors. The scent of homemade food traveled through the whole house.
"Ray! Get in here, your daughter and her lil friend are here!" You'd forgotten what her yelling sounded like after so many years. She knew Steven was your boyfriend but still denys it, especially your father. You watched your father hobble into the living room with his patterned button up shirt and glistening bald head. "Though you had forgot about us, so busy thinking you grown and allat." You smiled and shook your head. You looked over at Steven at seen him picking his nails and examining the old house."Mama, dad. This is Steven." He finally looked at your parents after hearing his name and gave a small smile, sticking out his hand for them to shake. "Happy to finally meet you both,I've heard so many nice things about you." Your mom chuckled and shook his hand "Good things huh? Back then we were such awful parents to her apparently, couldn't wait to get out and live her own grown ass life." You smiled out of embarrassment "Mama I never said that at all." She put a hand on your back "Come, let's get to what y'all really came for, that good food. "
After a while of getting settled and your mom blurtting out your business to everyone, you all finally sat down in the to eat in living room. You had a kitchen and dining room, of course, but your mother would have lost her head if anyone got food in the dining room. Steven had helped your mother pass out the plates as you stayed and talked with your father on the couch.
"So tell us a lil bit about yo self, Steven. What's yo last name?" He felt his face get warm from embarrassment, "Grant, miss." Your mother turned to you with an eyebrow raise, "think you got a cousin with that name, think they up there with the Lord now though." Your eyes widened as she continued to eat as if nothing happened. "So what do you do for work, son? " Your father finally chimed in to speak after almost eating half his plate. You looked at Steven as he looked at you as well. You knew how this was going to end. "I used to work at a gift shop at a museum but I got um, fired.Sir." You saw him look down at his plate and tried to eat to distract himself from your parents reactions. "Don't be letting him use you for yo money, girl. Don't be hangin' 'round no bums." "He is not a bum, mama! How and why would you even say that?" You quickly shut down your mothers disrespectful comments. "Don't be getting smart with me girl! I can still whoop yo ass at yo grown age, don't phase me none." Your father placed a hand on your mothers shoulder, "Not in front of company, Jeanine." "I don't give a damn, Ray. I don't want my daughter with a bum. Ian saying that he is, I'm just lettin' her know to remember that."
You bit the inside of your cheek to hide your anger and you look over at Steven. He had his chin almost to his chest as he picked at his plate of food to distract himself from the argument happening in front of him. You grabbed his hand from under the table, causing him to pick his head up. "Wanna head out?" You whispered to him. He hesitated before he shook his head no,"I can handle it.." You pressed your lips together and squeezed his hand tightly. "Ok mama, I get it. Can we at least try and act presentable?" She shrugged and continued eating her food. "You watch football? Basketball? Anything like that?" Your father knew bringing up sports would annoy your mother, but it was better than the constant arguing. "No sir, I'm uh more of a cricket person myself." Steven gave him a small shy smile. "Ahh" he exclaimed "I just noticed you had that lil accent, where you from son?" "England, sir. I moved here about a year or two ago.Been trying to pick up on the american slang, so many different words."
Steven and your father talked for a few while you and your mother sat in silence. You didn't wanna say anything, the slightest thing said to you by her would be considered disrespectful and get the black slapped off you. She was silent until she suddenly let out a weird comment. "You know them British didn't like us black folks, we was slaves to them back in the day." Your eyes widened as she continued to talk "Had to follow what they said. Yo great grandmother was a slave to those British people until she was finally a free woman and had yo grandma, may her soul rest in peace." She drew the cross across her chest and pointed towards the sky. Your face was so scrunched up you almost couldn't see. Why would she bring that up, especially in front of company? It was like she wanted to embarrass you. Ever since Steven said he got fired your mother has been slick with her comments and disrespectful remarks. And of course, your father fails to do anything. You had to go home.
"You know what, it's actually getting pretty late. Think we should start heading out, he's got that job interview tomorrow." That last part was a lie, but you know your parents believed it. You just wanted to get out of there. "Lemme wrap that food up for y'all then, bring me yo' plates." Your father grabbed the plates and headed into the kitchen. Your mother didn't do anything but continue eating, not looking up once. It was like the memories from your childhood started to flood back to you just standing there. Steven took the 2 plates that your father had placed in a bag and shook his hand "Pleasure meeting you both, sir. Have a wonderful evening." Your father smiled and went to hug you. "Bye baby, sorry about your mother." You gave a fake smile to him and hugged him back before finally walking out the door. You didn't say anything until you finally got into the car and put your hands in your head.
"I'm sorry, love." Steven said quietly, placing the food on the floor of the car. "I should have insisted on meeting your family so much,this would have never happened." You felt your eyes began to sting as you quickly blinked them away. You removed your hands and shook your head, "Just wish she would change.Nothing changed since I left." You grabbed your keys and started the car before finally driving home in silence, thinking about your mother.
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unorcadox · 10 months
howdy, i'm mabel! it's the 3 year anniversary of unorcadox today, so i've prepared a decent bit of surprises. (and yes that means i started this blog in 2020, which is terrifying to think about.) i'll go into those new things under the cut, but first... check out the carrd linked in the header text of this post :3c
sooo soo so so so where on earth do i begin. uhh honestly let me just break down the new stuff first since i can talk about that more easily.
THE NEW LOOK! ok so like truth be told, i've been a faceless blog on purpose up until now. it wasn't until this summer where i actually liked how i looked or had any solid sense of my own aesthetic or what i wanted to look like. it also made it easier to protect against dysphoria and transphobes in the same breath, as no one could ever comment on any aspect of my appearance, or even the mere suggestion i even had one to begin with! but that all changes now, i'm going to actually have a presence on this blog, as it is MY blog and tbh i'm tired of being so faceless on here. that's why i've been doing more asks and non-edit posts recently, and those will increase in frequency. check out the carrd for more info, my sona's ref, and art credits for assets on here <3
mondays -> MUSIC MONDAYS! so it might come as a shock i'm actually a musician in addition to making stuff on here! i've promoted my music a couple of times by now, but nothing all that substantial. sooo, considering that, i'm going to be replacing monday oc posts with a music post! just a link to a song on my bandcamp and a little description about it. i don't really care if these perform particularly well, but i want to give people a chance to actually hear it without having to deep dive through my entire internet history to get it. i also will be releasing more soon-- whether via compilations of older work or new stuff altogether :3
MORE IN THE FUTURE! i have a couple other ideas up my sleeve, we'll see how they pan out but i wanna keep trying new possibilities on here. i think at this point i've proven my consistency, and it's about time i let myself have a little fun and explore my options. these will be announced individually but probably added here over time as this is the new pinned post lol.
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ok so anyways, i do wanna have the mandatory sappy segment because of course i do. i want to say a couple of things but i'll split them into bullet points again bc yeah i do that.
this year has been really good for me and the blog, in most ways it's been the straight up best year of my life uncontested. not everything has gone perfectly, i had other plans that fell through, but hey that's just how life goes huh. at one point, i was easily projected to hit 20k by the end of the year, and now i'll be happy if i hit 17k lol. tumblr has not been that kind to my blog's growth this year and it's making me consider other options in the future, but everything's so scary rn i don't wanna commit to anything.
as for the blog itself, i've kinda been in a weird spot with it for a while. i've been scraping by on here intermittently for the entire year on and off, and i might have some ways to help keep me on top of the ball during the next year, but i also do wonder how long i can really keep doing this, and how long people will still like weirdcore and my work in particular. i've been considering branching out in terms of my presentation, or format, or style, but i feel incredibly weird about doing so.
in my personal life, this is the year i finally started transitioning and seeking treatment for my most pressing issues. i've finally started dating the love of my life, my best friend of 10 years, and despite some interpersonal turmoil all around me, i think i'm finally finding safe ground and knowing what i wanna do next. i don't really talk about it on here because i'm very private about it, but i've been kinda slowly becoming like a Real Adult Person this year. i didn't really have much of a chance to prior and i still am struggling a lot, but hey i know what i want now!
it's really silly to say but this blog still means a lot to me! it's seen me through the craziest times in my entire life, it's brought me so much perspective and knowledge and opportunities i wouldn't've had otherwise. i wake up every day and go on here and never stop feeling starstruck that people chose to follow me. i know tumblr success means nothing but to me it's the only community i've ever actually belonged to, so thank you all.
ok so like i really just don't have much else to say anymore, so i think i'll end it there! thank you all again, i can't wait for year 4 as it's going to definitely be a crazy one lol. let's hope it's a good one too!
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ineffableigh · 1 year
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 3
You know the drill at this point. Off we goooo! [Part 1][Part 2]
"Maggie and Nina are depending on me!" Azi's really drunk his own Kool-aid at this point, or he's putting on a complicated show to pretend this is a serious endeavor. Giving away a valuable book just to trick Heaven? Something's really not adding up.
Another weird noise for the logs: A bassy 'whoosh/boom' noise right after Mutt says he has anniversary dinner with his beloved spouse and the camera pans to Crowley. Not sure it means anything, but it did stand out to me lol.
Something that stands out to me a lot as well, assuming it was done deliberately (I don't know the actor) - Mutt seems to be having an awfully hard time handling the cards he's currently sorting. Like, after he says 'no' at first, I cannot figure out what he's trying to do with his right hand.
Also of note: The mysterious Bird Box is nowhere to be seen in the shop, even though MANY of the set items are identical to the 1941 scene. Where that bird at??
"Under no circumstances can I there be for tonight." ... what? This has to be on purpose, right? I'm digging, I know, but that's what we do here lol.
Big sad empty warehouse for the Demon Legions. Why on earth (or in Hell) is Hell so short staffed? Where them demons at?
"I can only be there 'til 7" so that's a half hour window for the meeting, at least for Justine. Fair, she can only handle so much of Azi's painful French lol.
The metal barrier just outside the cafe is... awfully snake-y isn't it?
"Looking where the furniture isn't..." is definitely going to be VERY important. Crowley absolutely knows something about losing AND regaining memories and it's been telegraphed all season.
Michael has eye earrings! This feels like a huge tie-in with Maggie's all seeing eye necklace.
Skimming through the rest since I've gone through it multiple times through other posts, but quick takeaways include...
Ms Cheng looking at the Pub before she goes in. Suspicious given we know that's the Hellevator, but have no reason to believe she'd be looking for someone else coming from that direction as the cafe AND record store are the other way.
Mr Brown has to be suspicious because we HEAR him getting mulched by demons when he's taken, but he survives? WEIRD.
Maggie's main character moment as I mentioned in my 'Thoughts about Maggie' post.
Azi seems very genuine when explaining the Coffee Shop Love Plot to Nina, so maybe he really did believe he was helping. I don't get why they steamrolled past her already having a partner, both the lads knew it. It's weird for that much.
Maggie blankly standing by the open window in range of trash is weird, especially since she like Activates and Becomes Brave right after.
I do wonder... how does Shax know Maggie couldn't pay the rent? That seems awfully specific. Like REALLY specific.
Throne, Dominion or Higher Crowley - what a way to drop that info! That moment hits so hard lol.
"Institutional Problem" I wonder if we'll learn more about The Fall next season. What was it that actually triggered it (in this universe)?
I love that the archangels clearly interact with each other SO LITTLE that no one even knows if Gabriel actually has his own bloody desk lol. Talk about isolation.
Huh. I wonder why Shax didn't get discorporated by the Exploding Halo...
You know who else is wearing a damn turtleneck? SARAQUAEL. OOH. COVERT AGENT? HMMMM
No one looked at the damn box, I still can't believe it. Everyone was so busy Being In A Story that they didn't think of it lol.
Analysis of the last chunk of the episode has been done to death, so I'll finish by underlining that it's SO awfully convenient that Maggie INSISTED that she and Nina talk to "them" while Aziraphale was waylaid by the Metatron.
In fact, it's Very Fortunate that the Metatron made a point of going and sitting at JUSTINE'S CAFE out of sight of the bookshop AND Nina's Cafe. Otherwise Nina might have been like hey you, get in on this chat! Like he knew that was the plan...
Plus the fact that they do that even though Justine's cafe is clearly CLOSED. I doubt she'd be chill with that so I guess she's not around.
Anyway that's enough so here's the TLDR:
The Metatron pretty much just LETS Gabriel escape, knowing that the Archangels will go down and muddle about trying to investigate.
We still don't know why Michael thought they had the right to strike people from the Book of Life. The Metatron seems to think that's out of the question, so where did that idea come from in the first place? It was a major driver of the early plot this season.
It seems convenient that Maggie cried about Nina RIGHT before the Angels arrived to inspect the Jimbriel miracle, and then RIGHT AFTER THAT, Mr Brown (of Brown's World of Carpets) shows up to set up the venue. That alone, all happening in the span of maybe 15 minutes, is a LOT.
It really feels like much of the plot was specifically orchestrated to keep Aziraphale and Crowley apart and NOT TALKING to each other. They keep hiding shit from each other to protect each other, but just hamstring themselves.
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wuxianxkexing · 11 months
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So the cake is done! I can't speak on the taste as of right now since I haven't tried it yet but I'll talk about the process.
I don't think I let the cake cool enough before removing it from the pan so the shape is a bit messed up. It literally fell apart on me so I kind of just pieced it back together and covered it up with frosting. lol The chocolate avocado frosting didn't turn out as smooth as it looked in the recipe I copied, but I bastardized both the cake and the frosting recipes that I used for inspiration so maybe my experimentation is to blame for both of those mishaps. Also I'm not sure if its the mixture of the different types of icing or what but the store bought icing I used for decoration started to bleed, as you can see, so it isn't as pretty as it could've been.
In the middle of the cake is a layer of thinly sliced cinnamon apples topped with cinnamon pumpkin. Does cinnamon go with chocolate cake? No idea but it seemed appropriate to add (to me) so I did. Apple because of Wei Wuxian's donkey Lil' Apple, and pumpkin because his birthday is on Halloween and what is Halloween without pumpkin? The writing is supposed to say Wei Wuxian, but my writing also sucks so if you can't read it or if it isn't quite right sorry about that. lol I did ghost bunnies and ghost fires for the cake (because Wei Wuxian loves bunnies and he likes going on night hunts, also Halloween). The roses were store bought and are just there to look pretty (and maybe symbolize what a simp I am for him but we'll ignore that one). The blueberries were originally going to be used for the ghost bunnies eyes and mouths but they ended up being too big so I just made them hold them instead and used the rest for decoration. I was going to put ghost bunnies all around the side of the cake but I stopped at just those two because the second one looked so horrible. I didn't actually use any proper cake decorating tools/tips so I was limited on what I could feasibly do with the store bought icing I used for decoration.
Anyways I'm a loser and here is Wei Wuxian's birthday cake!
Edit: Taste update! The apple is a no go in my opinion. It just brings too many different flavors into the cake. I recommend sticking with only pumpkin as the filling and then topping it with blueberries. It tastes way better that way. The fake roses, while edible, taste pretty bad. The rest is pretty good!
Another edit: Yup I totally fucked up spelling Wei Wuxian's name. This is how it should look. 无羡. So I didn't mess up terribly bad but it still wasn't quite right. 😔
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