#we'll see how long this lasts. i really do want to stick with the skateboarding. im having so much fun with it
scp-113 · 2 years
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Do you think the reason why El wants Mike to tell her he loves her so bad is because she actually needs someone to say it to her? And that she might realize this? That it’s not Mike’s love specifically she wants, she just feels the need to be loved and to be told so without misunderstanding. I feel like that might be something that could help her move on from Mike (which I sincerely hope, ships aside). Also, the last conversation between Mike and Will, when Will says “especially if they don’t like the truth” sounds as if it could apply to both Mike and Will, not only to Will. Do you think that’s what we’re supposed to get from it?
El spent a year in a cabin watching soap operas while spying on Mike from time to time.
In that time, she built up an idea of Mike that she fell in love with because of the soap operas. This became the thought she held onto that kept her feeling like everything would be ok. He was her secure base. This is also why she clung to him again after Hopper "died."
She needs him to love her, otherwise she feels like she has nothing. Her life has been terrible, Byers family aside, ever since she lost Hopper and moved from Hawkins. She has no friends, she's bullied, she had to leave behind the Party, and the closest thing she ever had to a father died.
I've been saying for years that the difference between Mike/El and Mike/Will is that the former is "I love you because I need you" while the latter is "I need you because I love you." El thinks she loves Mike because she's dependent on him. Look how she reacts when the bullies get on her at the roller rink. She's so afraid of what Mike would think that she pleads with Angela to tell him it was a joke and they're really friends. She hasn't been telling Mike the truth, either.
I do think that El sticking with Mike would be horrible for both of them. I just don't know how they'll advance El's development in that regard in the span of two episodes, even if they are long episodes. She hasn't really had any development involving relationships since she left, aside from Brenner telling her that the whole superhero and monster dichotomy is fairy tale stuff not applicable to actual people.
Maybe she notices Mike and Will and sees what it's really supposed to look like, but she also has a history of being very possessive of Mike. She tripped up Max just because he was mildly amused by her skateboarding. Her growing out of that would be a good thing, but, in my opinion, they haven't done anything to allow for that, yet.
I suppose we can get more development on this in volume 2. The California storyline suffered for screentime while El was at the base, but, once they're reunited, we should get to see more of them. I imagine we'll get a Mike/El conversation where, hopefully, they're both finally honest with each other. If this results in them making up and telling each other they love them, then I'll lose all respect for these writers.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Suddenly she raises her face to the sound of something rolling.
It looked like it was a dolly.
The morning dew turned everything milky white.
The light red of cherry blossoms stretched over her and the world turned pink.
A school route that shouldn't be there yet.
The refreshing air that touched the surroundings was cold, humid, and heavy.
The cool green was also wet with dew and reflected the morning sun softened by mist.
There was still a little time left before the morning dew cleared, the air warmed with the breath of the students going to school, and spring felt warm and joyful.
"Super Ashinaka High School, huh."
From today she will attend classes here.
Her new uniform was a bit embarrassing.
A mixture of anxiety and tension, she could barely sleep last night. She should be weak in the morning, but she woke up at 5 in the morning.
She was told that she had to go to the school principal's office in front of the classroom to register and receive various explanations from her teacher in the staff room. So she left early, but it may have been a little too early.
She walked alone before a row of cherry blossoms full of morning dew.
Being alone in a world that melts into light red made her uncomfortable.
She decided to move to this school because she no longer wanted to be alone. But after all, she had the unpleasant feeling that she here she too would be alone.
Thinking it too much, she wondered what to do with everything from the first day of moving, but she kept thinking.
When she was desperately trying to get rid of the anxiety that was born when she moved out, she heard a jerky sound again.
Was there anyone? At this time of day?
Suffering from loneliness and anxiety, she was scared and ran away. She continued to the plaza in front of the school building.
In the gradually fading milky-white morning dew, she gasped as she encountered a figure that seemed drawn in light ink.
Along with the sound she heard earlier, the shadow made strange movements.
She was a little scared, but at the same time, her curiosity grew.
Beyond the miserable line of sight, there was a boy.
A boy in a black school uniform.
Navy blue hat. Peculiar auburn hair that bounced.
The open-chested shirt was hemmed at the pants and was a bit baggy.
She instinctively looked at the bright sky blue jacket he was wearing.
A school uniform? Hey? What? Student from another school?
But here on the school grounds? But the uniform here was...
She didn't know why, but she tilted her head.
However, when she suddenly saw his feet, she was convinced of only one thing. Ah, she already understood it. That shaking sound was the sound of a skateboard.
The boy, who seemed unaware of her existence, was skating and skating, whether he was playing or practicing.
She thought he was jumping energetically. He turned the skateboard under his feet a few laps and got back on the skateboard. He spun on impulse, lifted the skateboard with one foot, and mounted again.
Although he was gliding at considerable speed, he avoided obstacles like nothing.
A series of light techniques that made him feel like the skateboard was part of his body.
Involuntarily, she likes it.
She wondered if she could do it, or she would fall terribly.
How will he balance it? Why does that skateboard stick to his feet even if he jumps? It was strange…
It was like playing with the wind. It was like the wind itself.
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Light, fast, refreshing and unpredictable. Freedom anywhere.
There was nothing to bind or trap him now.
His appearance was carefree and he didn't seem to have anything to do with worries and problems.
Integrating with the wind as he wanted.
It was at that moment that she became curious and was watching every move he made.
The boy with the skateboard got on the railing of the stairs and went down.
In an instant he was gone and involuntarily screamed.
Hey? Uh, it can't be! He fell?!
Before thinking, her feet moved forward. She was running out of breath.
She immediately reached the stairs and stood on them. Looking down with her heart pounding, he seemed to skid over the railing, landing brilliantly at the bottom. He slid down as he was and leapt to the top.
Did he hear her when he inadvertently held her chest with both hands and took a relieved breath?
Her shoulders shook and she quickly looked up at him.
He had amazing eyes. Sharp, fierce, warlike, and savage. Hot and strong. It was like a flame.
She took a breath and opened her eyes. He looked at her too.
At that moment, he suddenly turned bright red and hurriedly turned around.
As he was, he kicked the ground several times and accelerated. Without stopping, he left her behind.
She swallowed the words that rose to her throat, surprised that the words were coming out of her throat.
She rambled a bit and lowered her hand, which reflexively pursued his back.
She felt that she wanted to see a more splendid technique, but it was a bit disappointing, but was it enough to stop him?
She turned her head and turned around.
The morning dew was quite sunny and the petals of the cherry blossoms fluttered happily in the blue sky.
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks."
The letters "Konohana Saya" written on the board. When she bowed her head, she received crackles and scant applause.
Super high school "Ashinaka", 2nd grade group.
Ashinaka Junior High School, an integrated education school from kindergarten through college. This island centered around the school is called "Super Ashinaka Gakuenjima".
The economy is established only on the island and it feels like another country other than Japan. In fact, it seems that few people come to the island, even if they are not related to the school.
Until recently, she didn't even know such a school existed. She found out about it from a letter of recommendation to move suddenly.
But she believed that this was exactly like a ship for migration.
At the time, she was in a situation where she had to transfer to another school and hopefully she would stay away from her parents and the environment around her.
So, she came to this school, which has a dormitory on this island far from her parents' house, and they recommended that she move.
Suppressing her nervous, throbbing chest, she looked around her at all who will be her classmates.
And then, she gasped when she saw the boy with a bat on the window seat.
Eh? Was he the boy from this morning?
Was that boy from this school? Was he wearing a black school uniform?
Behind him... a big blond boy with sunglasses, he was wearing the same school clothes.
Why just those guys?
The moment she turned her neck, she realized she was wrong.
She was wrong. Not just those guys.
On the side of the hall, she glanced at the boy who was looking away.
The boy with glasses was wearing a pure white school uniform.
She did not believe that the uniform was free choice. She had not seen such a guide.
Then why?
When she was filling her head with question marks, the master said, "Then, Yukizome-san. Please take care of her.", and he walked around the main room.
In the classroom, where there was a lot of noise when the teacher left, she was a little anxious and looked around her. A girl with sincere and friendly eyes ran up to her and smiled at her a friendly smile.
"Yes. Transfer student. Nice to meet you. I'm Kukuri Yukizome."
"Call me Kukuri. I'll call you Saya-chan too."
She was relieved that she had a carefree smile.
"So, Kukuri-chan."
"Hehehe. If you have any questions, ask me anything! I'll show you around the school today after classes, but trust me for whatever you need."
"So what comes first?"
Kukuri begins by explaining the PDA, which is a student ID card.
Ah... the uniform. She had wasted the time to ask.
She wanted to know about the boy she saw in the morning, but at that moment Kukuri's explanation was more important. She couldn't be rude to overlook her kindness.
She regains her mind and look directly at Kukuri.
After all, that question solved itself after lunch.
"It looks delicious!"
Around the same time that the teacher left the classroom, she looked for a place to sit for lunch, and suddenly they hugged her from behind her.
"Oh, I'm hungry! It smells good!"
When she hurriedly glanced back over her shoulder, she met stunning strange eyes, blue and gold, and her eyes widened.
She was a beautiful girl. Literally, truly, a beautiful girl.
White skin and cherry cheeks. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes came towards her, who was stunned and hardened, and clasped his hands in a hurry.
"Sorry. Hey, Neko!"
"Shiro! That gohan smells delicious! This class was really difficult!"
Hmm? Is it a delicious gohan smell?
Eh? Isn't that the delicious smell of gohan?
Kukuri smiles bitterly beside her like a poker.
"Wagahai-chan, Saya-chan = Gohan, right?"
"Yes!" She said cheerfully.
"Sorry. Neko isn't good at remembering people's names. She's not malicious."
"Eh? Oh, it's fine. I don't feel uncomfortable. I was surprised."
Um... when she looked at the boy, she thought he realized the meaning of that line of sight. The boy smiled and bowed quickly.
"I'm Yashiro Isana. Everyone calls me Shiro. So I'm glad you call me that too. That girl is Neko. Shiro and Neko."
"Yes. And this is Kuro."
A boy approached before she knew it. He had beautiful black hair and straight black eyes.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank you for your continued support."
"Huh? Oh, yeah! This is it!"
Unexpectedly, she bowed at the harsh self-introduction. She was shocked. By no means, when she introduced herself, have they thanked her for any support.
"Shiro~. I'm hungry~."
"So, let's make a lunch box. Konohana-san, we'll let you go then. Konohana-san has to have lunch too."
Neko suddenly let go of her and looked at Yatogami-kun's heavy weight with her eyes shining.
"Hmm. Okay. Then Saya-chan, let's go. I'll show you the school cafeteria and tell you the location of the shopping department."
"Eh? But…"
Kukuri's hand seemed to have a lunch box.
"If it's a cafeteria, I think I can go alone with the navigation system. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right?"
"That's right, let me go with you. Oh! I'm not just a guide am I? I want to eat lunch with Saya-chan."
"Eh? Ah…"
She said those words softly to her. She was so happy that she was going to cry.
"So, I take your word. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank, because I want to talk a lot and get to know you well, Saya-chan. Let's go!"
Kukuri called out to her and smiled.
She wanted to meet her. Those words were a bit shocking, but she was still happy. It was amazing that she wanted to be her friend.
They greeted Shiro and left the room together.
"Oh, it's true."
They were probably boys from another class. She remembered the uniform when she saw the boy in the black school uniform fluttering around and came forward.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan.", she told her as she showed her the back of the boy who was walking away from her.
"Why do some guys have different uniforms?"
"Oh, that boy belongs to a special club."
"Special club?"
"Yes. Special club activities. It is one of the characteristics of this school. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Club members will be able to use special skills when they join the club. They are popular among students, because the word "special ability" is great, isn't it? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones?"
"Yes. Not everyone can enter. In that sense, it is 'special'. The one wearing that black school uniform is from the red club."
"Red club... There were two people in the class, right?"
"Yes. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun. Yata-kun has auburn hair and a hat. Misaki Yata. The boy with the big sunglasses is Rikio Kamamoto."
"Yata-kun. I see. His name is Yata-kun...", she thought.
"Some boys wore white school uniforms, right? That boy was from the blue club. Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"Blue. So all seven of them have different uniforms?"
"No. There is also a regular uniform section. For example, the silver part. There is also a club that wears a rabbit mask and wears a ninja costume only during club activities."
Ninja costume?
Did she wonder why? Was she the only one to whom all this was really suspicious?
"In this school, the special club activities are something special. Well, I think you will know right away. Oh, Saya-chan. There are several ways to get to the cafeteria and the shopping department, but the shortest route is to through this courtyard."
Saya pushed open the glass door that led to the courtyard.
She involuntarily screamed into the courtyard, which was much bigger than she expected.
The well-kept flowerbed had colorful spring flowers. The fresh green of the plantation was also visible.
The lush grass. No trash had fallen on the cobblestones. Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs below were very fascinating. It would be very nice to deliver her lunch there.
"Ah, but it's better to stop by on limited menu day. I think it's best to tour the school building. There are plenty of places to shop."
"Eh? Did you buy it now? I heard it well?"
Eh? A joke? Would they laugh?
Kukuri just laughed kindly, "Yes. Is that true?"
"As Miwa-san says, it is a tactic. It is a strategy to expel the rivals. Most of the students cross the courtyard, so the courtyard is inevitably the most dangerous place."
She said it naturally, didn't she? Waiting? Was it weird that she didn't understand?
"I set up a purchase to get a limited menu... I haven't had any experience with that."
"Oh, is that true? It's interesting once you get used to it."
So it was.
But surely it would be fun to think of getting a limited menu through the differences? Should she think of it as a game?
That was when she thought about it.
"Sorry. I can't come here."
Kukuri sighed and looked back.
"Eh? Why?"
When she tilted her head, Kukuri pointed at something, saying "That." She was just looking around her and, for the first time, she realized that there were a lot of people gathered there and she opened her eyes.
Also, the atmosphere was not good for compliments. It was terribly upsetting and she felt bad.
A group of black school uniforms and a group of white school uniforms staring at each other. Was it a special club activity?
People who wore black school uniforms had a slightly mischievous impression. In contrast, many of the people wearing white school uniforms appeared to have a tight look. She felt like they were honor students.
However, all white school uniforms with his honors wore sabers at the waist.
So those sabers were weapons that can kill people. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be looking at each other, but what the hell are they doing? And what they have around their hips is a saber, right?"
"It's a conflict. What they wear on their waists is a saber."
The answer is so simple that she doubts the ears of her.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Of course it is."
"Eh? Are they fighting? Students?"
"Oh. It's a good reaction. Fresh and cool. Okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
What was that reaction?! It was really weird.
She realized that she was used to conflict.
However, when she looked around her, there were people looking away, but no one was surprised or made noise, and it seemed that Kukuri's reaction was correct there. She said it was a statement of fight, maybe the common sense of this school was a little strange?
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Oh, Yata-kun..."
"Yes. I told you that he is a member of the red club and wears a black school uniform. There is also Kamamoto-kun."
Kukuri pointed a finger at that big blond boy with sunglasses.
"Most of the red club members are bad. Oh, but that's fine, you'll be sure. We don't take the word 'bad' as a bad thing, so they are accepted by the students in general."
Eh? What kind of place was this? She didn't understand anything.
"Isn't it bad?"
"Hmm. It may be wrong to use the word 'bad', it doesn't mean they are bad people. How to say it? I think it's like people who aren't good to keep up with everyone. People who live their own way can be the closest ones. The principal is Mikoto Suoh, a third-year student. He is also one of the heads of this school, it is said that he has a lot of fights. You see, it's that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri points to the person in the middle of the black group.
Chillingly sharp red eyes. Tense and delicate cheeks.
Was he really older? He seemed charismatic. Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The blue club are wearing the white school uniform. They have excellent grades and good behavior. Most of the members of the group are super elite who also serve as student organizers and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, student orientation, activities such as leading students at a school event, etc."
Discipline, right? Eh? So... what about sabers? Isn't it a violation of the law to use weapons and swords?
"That's why they don't seem to get along with the blues from one point of view. The director of the blue club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. He is the director of the Student Organization within the School, the example! of exemplary behavior!"
That's right, the central figure of the white group that Kukuri later showed was like the "exemplary student".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the red club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"You saw the one next to him in the hall, right? That's Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"That's why I can't come through here. It's hard to get involved."
Well, could they involve her?
She was scared and just wanted to get out of there immediately.
"Hey, Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
However, at that moment, a strong voice rang out from the courtyard.
She turned around and looked at the group again.
"Oh, I'll tell you a few times. Your power is below mine. MI SA KI."
Fushimi laughed vividly. Delighted, as if he was intoxicated with something.
He was creepy.
What was that look?
Furthermore, Misaki really looked angry.
"Hmm...! I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped up, fierce fury fading into his eyes. That's it… Misaki is Yata's name.
Suddenly, his classmates began to move.
"Wow. It's started. This is the end of the story for the special part. We have to move fast."
Kukuri came out in a hurry.
But she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the fiery bat metal that rose from Yata's hands.
What? It was certainly a flame.
Born from empty space, grew up in the blink of an eye and covered Yata's hands.
She was stunned by the fist that burned like a torch.
The shape was slightly different, but everyone in it was able to easily create a flame and target the blue club. The members of the blue club also drew sabers one after another and defended themselves.
It wasn't just a saber, there was a blue light on the blade.
Is that a special ability?
It's like the magic that appears in the story... Wasn't it a dream?
Well then, what about her...?
Her shoulders were shaking and she suddenly returned to herself.
"Ah... sorry. Kukuri-chan..."
"Okay. It's dangerous here. Let's go now."
At that moment, Kukuri urged her to move quickly.
Yes, it was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
Looking back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them.
And that was the last thing. She didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
In the bright light she was unable to open her eyes, and a tremendous destructive sound was heard.
However, it was only a moment, and soon the light disappeared like a lie.
However, the numb ears remained as they were, and the sound of the world that was lost immediately after the destructive sound had not yet returned, leaving only a high-pitched beep.
She thoughtfully held her ears with her hands and shook her head to shake her eyes and limbs from her.
A vague hum came from a distance, and she suddenly lowered her eyes over Kukuri in her arms.
"Ah...! Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. Nothing happened to me, but... Saya-chan..."
"Well, the light is coming out of Saya-chan's body, but..."
She was surprised by the words. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
When she looked around her hastily, the stone pavement was severely broken and scraped only around her. It was like they had excavated with heavy equipment or something.
The knife... strangely, it pierced the stone pavement with the flame burning.
The knife turned to stone. It was also deep. That should not be the case.
Many of the impossible visions piled up and the blood rose again. Reflectively she hug her.
Oh! She again...
"Saya-chan. What's wrong?"
Kukuri's question chilled her back.
When she stood up, she took a step back and walked away from Kukuri.
Kukuri's astonished face stared at her back.
What did she have to do? What was she to answer?
She didn't even know what that was.
It was at that time...
"A 'skill', right?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she shook her shoulders and raised her face, the person standing there was Reisi Munakata, who was the head of the blue clan and the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
It was horrible, but... no, more than that.
She was amazed at the words she heard for the first time.
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strain'."
With that said, Reisi Munakata put the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his glasses with his fingers.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind at that moment.
She instinctively she pursed her lips.
"It is also our job to prevent that from happening. The other day, there was a report that a Strain had entered the island, but are you a transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer. He turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off campus is infinitely equal to zero."
"Oh, that, I ..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a Strain. Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen to you. Surrender quietly and quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a dignified and sharp light in the eyes behind the glasses, showing that the words weren't a joke.
"Here we go."
Reisi Munakata approached her.
She knew she must accept. She should quietly surrender.
But what would happen as a result of the surrender? She already knew what to do after that.
She didn't want to think like that again!
A trauma revived in the back of her eyes.
She shook her head violently and took a step back. And when she held her head, she screamed.
"I do not like it!"
At that moment, the flame worn by the knife driven into the stone pavement on the rocky shore swayed and suddenly turned into a terrible glow.
Munakata was shocked and flew away.
At the same time, a column of fire that was burning the heavens unnaturally swelled and surrounded her.
The heat increased and the view was surrounded by flames.
Although she glanced around her hastily, it was a flame on one side. A flame surrounded her.
What?! What was happening?!
No way, this was her too?!
She thought about it for a moment. Suddenly feeling congested, she looked at her limbs.
She got worse and worse and she knelt on the spot.
The field of view was blurry. The smoke soaked her and tears came out, she spilled and got wet, she was fed by the heat and she dried herself quickly
Her head was shaking and she fell.
Was it Munakata senpai? A sharp voice rang out.
Beyond the flames she was terribly crowded, with countless footsteps flapping.
Why did this happen?
The earth was burned, the sky, while the flames protected it and prevented other invasions.
No, it could be the other way around. Maybe to protect everyone from her. She maybe she was trapped in a fire ship so as not to harm her surroundings again.
That's. The witch must be burned at the stake. So the price to pay is fixed. She is not a good common person.
She fell and coughed.
It was painful. The air was not getting well into her lungs.
Severe pain ran down her left hand.
It was a stabbing pain, but she could no longer move her body.
She tried to stand up, but she couldn't even see anymore.
However, as if she were hazy, her consciousness blurred and vanished.
(Oh really. Why did this happen?), she thought.
She wanted peace. But that was it. It must have been terribly modest.
It was at that time.
Lowly, a voice echoed out.
When she opened her eyes slightly at being invited by that voice, a black figure appeared in the fire in front of her. She seemed to rush there without hesitation.
No way, because such a burning flame. She couldn't just touch him and be sure.
It sure was a hallucination. It was a convenient illusion, because no one would come to her like this.
The moment she thought that, she felt something put on her head.
She was surprised by the feeling. Her vague awareness woke up and she opened her eyes.
Immediately afterwards, she had the sensation that her body was floating gently.
She didn't scream (she couldn't), but she was in awe.
When she hurriedly raised her face, it was red that was occupying her field of vision.
His red hair swayed from the heat and his red eyes stared directly at her.
Certainly, Suoh. He was the head of the red clan.
She gently touched what she had on her head.
Something with sleeves and black, maybe the school uniform?
Suoh said "Let's go.", while he held her, but did not understand the situation (it was not a hug like holding a princess, but a hug where she felt his arm. As parents do with small children).
Go where? How?
However, she still couldn't say those words.
And it seemed that he did not ask for her consent, and Suoh began to walk with her in his arms without waiting for her response, towards the flame.
It was no longer a scary story, and she reflexively tightened Suoh's shirt and supported her face to cling to his shoulders, but strangely it was no longer hot. The flame that had burned her skin a while ago was completely gone.
On the contrary, the cooling breeze immediately caressed her feet and her hair, and she widened her eyes in amazement.
"Hey! Transfer student!"
At the same time, a strong voice echoed out from the vicinity.
The voice was the same that started the fight, she shook her shoulders and raised her face from him.
His fierce eyes were now terribly anxious, painful, and distorted.
Nor did her voice come out.
"You, your hands..."
Yata's expression, who seemed to be terribly surprised, slowly looked at her left hand. Both her blazer and shirt were charred and the back of her hand was swollen red.
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Looking around her, the pillar of fire was still there. Behind Suoh and her.
How did they get out of it? What the hell happened?
As he held her in a self-defeating state, Suoh looked around him.
When she turned her gaze from her to him as if she was invited, she saw Munakata and Fushimi holding a saber.
Behind them, people in white uniforms were still busy moving.
Suoh stared at them, raised the edge of his lips and laughed lightly.
"This girl is mine."
Saying that he began to walk calmly.
She had a lot to say, but she couldn't get it right, she couldn't speak, and she closed her eyes softly, clinging to his neck.
"It's a clubroom, but... sorry I rarely use it. It's dirty."
Silky light brown hair. A good man with tender eyes offered her a can of juice and smiled.
"I am Totsuka Tatara. I am a third year student from the red club."
"Yes. You burned yourself, are you okay? How about the infirmary?"
After that, Suoh took her straight to the infirmary.
Her wound was a burn on her left hand. A slight low-temperature burn on her right knee. When she fell, she hurt her left knee a bit. It looked like her left hand was a bit awful.
She let the burns cool, then applied an ointment, covered with a bandage, insured and strap up.
All she had to do is wash, disinfect, and apply an ointment.
The time was about fifteen minutes, but during that period, the members of the red club stayed in front of the infirmary and nobody could get close, so it became a bit of a scandal.
So the nurse told her to rest, but she rejected that and immediately left the infirmary.
At the time, she was surrounded by a group of black school uniforms and in the meantime, she was led into a somewhat crowded empty classroom.
Several desks and chairs were stacked in one corner, and an old black leather couch was placed in the shape of three triangles. Juice cans and bottles were placed on the central floor, and it was really like a "gathering place".
Oh, Suoh? Suoh left her with the nurse and left immediately, but where did he go? He wasn't there either.
He had helped her and she wanted to thank him.
Sitting on one of the couches, Totsuka, who was sitting next to her, offered her some juice and looked at her left hand, which was bandaged.
"The burn on your left hand seems to be a bit terrible. You should go to the hospital after school."
At her words, Yata, who was near the door, made his shoulders explode.
"Yes. I am concerned. I hope there are no marks left."
"Scars, what ..."
That didn't matter to her.
When she smiled and shook her head, Totsuka frowned.
"I have to find a new school again."
When Totsuka was surprised, his eyes rounded.
That was a bit strange.
She was sure that this person was also in the yard. It was very strange to see that and not think "why?"
She smiled selfishly and slowly spread her hands.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. Did you see it? A while ago, in the courtyard. I did that in the previous school. I broke the school building in half, injuring a lot of people. That made me incapable of stay at the old school."
"That is exactly what Munakata-senpai said. I hurt a lot of people with my abilities. I have done something irreparable."
People from the red club were looking at her.
"Living as a 'normal person' in this school. Hide the ability. Never let my abilities go crazy. Do not disturb anyone, just control myself, do not stand out anyway and live calmly. That's what I imagined."
But it does not work. No way, and it all happened on the first day.
Oh, no matter how she fixed it, she was a "monster".
She couldn't do anything else.
It went dark in front of her.
That show that never went away while kept burning in her mind.
Perhaps even a big earthquake happened, a part of the school building was ruined and turned into ruins.
Students who were at that time. A blue sheet placed in the schoolyard. The groan that filled the place. A bloodstained towel. And…
Involuntarily, she clenched her back teeth tightly.
She was unharmed. It was as if she was protected by the light emitted from her body.
A mixed look of amazement and fear towards her. It soon turned into disgust. Neither her friends, her classmates nor her eldest looked at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and they always tried to be in a good mood. If they were in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents believed they could be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
She didn't want to repeat that feeling.
"No, wait. Um, Konohana-san, right? You don't have to do that. Konohana-san, you can stay here. Rather, I think you should be in this school. The "Ashinaka Super High School" is a school. where talented people meet."
"Eh? Are you gathering talented people?"
"That's right. Did you ask anyone about extracurricular activities?"
"That is…"
She had heard it.
But it was a story where you could use special abilities when you entered a special club, wasn't it a story that people with abilities met in this school?
At her words, Totsuka understood easily.
"That's right. That's true for most, but some people have the ability before joining the club, like you."
"Ah… Before joining?"
"Yes. It is training. But that is not what I mean. The important thing is that there are many talented people in this school. The skills are both congenital and acquired. That is this. It is the 'normal' of the school. You understand It is not "abnormal"."
"It is normal..."
"Yes, no one discriminates against talented people."
"But... that person, Munakata-senpai said that I should give up..."
"That's because your ability is a mystery. I think I wanted to have it on hand before the hardships happened. It seems that Strains are rarely born outside of the school island."
Does that mean that she was a "foreigner" among talented people?
"You are so different from other talented people that he wanted to keep you close and monitor you."
She involuntarily clenched her back teeth and squeezed her skirt tightly.
Her burned left hand ached, prompting tears.
Why? Why did he have that ability?
The overflowing sound slid gently down her cheeks, and the voice of Totsuka and the members of the red club breathing in the room echoed out.
She didn't need something like that. That is why she lost everything. On top of that, he said it was different in another way and will likely be a target in the future. Until she surrenders, until she's under his control.
She didn't want to be a talented person. She wanted to be normal.
All she wanted was "peace". That was all.
Normally, she just wanted to enjoy school life every day. Why wasn't even that allowed?
"Usually I want to enjoy school life. I don't need any skills..."
That's when she told him to leave her and roughly wiped her tears away.
"That was wrong!"
Yata, who had been standing in front of the door until then, suddenly threw himself in front of her and sat on the ground. Then, with a loud voice echoing through the room, he screamed, "It was wrong!", and rubbed his forehead against the floor.
"Eh? Ah…"
"That knife, I threw it at you!"
""I threw the knife thrown by the monkey! Well, that's why I was the one who created the opportunity for you to use your skills!"
So it was like that.
But beyond that, she didn't know what to say.
She may have misinterpreted him as angry. Yata looked up and stared at her, then leaned down to slam his forehead hard against the ground again.
"The knife flame was probably me too! I hurt you...!"
But it was probably she who created the pillar of fire, and it was Yata who was injured.
She shook her head and wanted to say it. No, she was trying to say it.
But before that, Yata raised his head again, stared at her and yelled, "I won't let you do that!"
His eyes pierced her and held burning flames.
Dedicated to it, he gasped.
"Thanks to you, I didn't hurt the average student! And yet my benefactor saved you... Let me make it up to you!"
"Huh? But the wound is..."
"I will never let them monitor and control you! I will not let you do that!"
She involuntarily lost her words at the powerful scream.
"I won't let the blue club do anything! I promise to take care of other departments too!"
There was no hesitation in his hot eyes.
It was a trustworthy word that she could understand from the bottom of her heart and made her heart warm.
"I'll protect you!"
"It has nothing to do with talented people or Strain! You are you! Enjoying normal school life, it is not allowed to do anything to you! Absolutely!"
"Yata-kun ..."
"Like I said, you'll be fine! So... uh, uh, don't cry, uh... that face..."
Yata lowered his eyebrows as if he was in trouble.
But still, Yata did not take his eyes off her.
The tears overflowed again.
"What?! Did I say something strange?! Or did your wound hurt?"
Yata fluttered hastily and looked at her.
He was wrong. That was not. What should he do? She was happy.
She was a "monster" and there were people who wanted to "protect" her.
She could have hope and "peace", be "normal". That was forgiven.
She never thought that she would get a word like that.
Oh what should she do? She was happy!
When she brought her hands together, she squeezed her eyes tight.
Yata's worried voice, "Hey, Konohana…" made her heart flutter.
She was glad. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything more.
She could not believe it. From that day on, her life was going to change completely. She had experienced it. They hurt her and she suffered. It was still in her, too vivid a memory.
Talented people weren't special. She could stay at this school. She should calm down. Although she was happy with just that word, they would protect her.
She now she was normal.
She could enjoy her school life in peace and safety.
Will she be forgiven? Such thing. Furthermore, she, who caused such an incident...
(Oh, but I don't want to be a "monster" anymore! I'm so scared of myself! I want to recover "every day".), she thought.
Nobody said anything anymore.
Yata didn't even say, "Don't cry."
They were all there, silent.
A bell rang on the way to announce the start of classes, but no one seemed to mind that.
He was kind and gentle and surrounded her.
Kamamoto looked at her.
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom with Yata and Kamamoto, but she was scared and she stopped in front of the door.
Kamamoto breathed as she clasped her hands, holding her breath.
"Are you afraid?"
"Okay. There's Yata-san. I'm also."
"It's true, but..."
"Okay. Maybe there's nothing Konohana should be worried about."
Was that so?
Was it really possible that they saw her with the same eyes as this morning when she knew nothing happened?
"Okay. Come in."
But she couldn't escape.
She couldn't say that she couldn't get into the classroom if she was going to stay at that school.
She took a deep breath and desperately suppressed the tremors in her body.
When she looked up, Yata looked at her and opened the door.
Kamamoto patted him on the back.
She takes a breath and half shaking she enter the classroom.
Immediately afterwards, the classroom, which had been noisy until then, quieted down.
At that moment, something cold ran down her back.
Ah! Ah! After all, she couldn't lift her face and closed her eyes. Was when…
"Hey, Saya-chan!"
It was Kukuri's strong voice.
Then there were turbulent steps and they grabbed her by the shoulders.
When she opened her eyes in amazement, Kukuri's crying face appeared right in front of her.
"I was worried! Oh, bandages! You're hurt! Oh, your legs! Do you hurt? Are you okay? I was worried because you didn't come back soon."
Shiro and his friends also run towards her with other classmates.
Was this a reality?
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard! I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away!"
That said, Kukuri hugged her.
The warmth of her finally made her realize that this was not a dream.
Her back back of her nose hurt, and at the same time, her chest.
"Kukuri-chan... Am I not unpleasant?"
"Hey, why?"
Kukuri looked into her eyes as if she didn't really understand her meaning.
"Because, this ability..."
"Yeah?! I don't believe that at all. You were great as an ally of justice, right?"
"Because you are a lifesaver, I don't think I could feel uncomfortable. Tell me if there is anyone who thinks otherwise! I will preach for about three hours! Hey?"
At Kukuri's words, Shiro and Yatogami took control.
Oh, she already understood... what should she do? She was happy.
The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities. Still, it's the same thing that was destroyed here and there with the non-human ability. However, by no means, would it be accepted like this!
"Eh? Saya-chan? Why are you crying?"
"Gohan~? What's wrong? Does it hurt?"
Both of her hands caressed it gently.
That invited more tears.
When she suddenly looked for Yata, he was already moving by the window.
When Yata looked into her eyes, he turned red and turned away from her. That was not the case a little while ago. Kamamoto gave him a small blow.
Finally, she was relieved.
She took a deep breath and put her hand on Kukuri's back.
"Yata-san! I'm here!"
Around the same time that the teacher was leaving the main room, the members of the red club entered and greeted Yata.
"Oh, come in."
"Wow, Saya-chan."
Wow, she?
As she prepared to go home while glancing at him, she was shocked when she was suddenly called by her name. Surprised, she looked at the boy who was looking at her with a smiling face.
"Oh, hi. I'm Chitose Yo. This guy next to me is Dewa. We're sophomores and members of the red club."
"Chitose-san and Dewa-san?"
"Yeah. The blonde over there is Eric. It was a bit noisy to get into the room, I wonder if it would have been better later. Let's go first."
Eh? Where?
"This is your bag."
"Yes. Princess. Please give me your hand. Right hand. Take your left hand, don't you?"
What? What was happening?
When she looked at Yata with a feeling of confusion, for no apparent reason, he turned red and turned around. Kamamoto who was next to her raised his hand and said: "Okay."
But that was it. She did not understand the meaning.
As she filled her head with question marks, they gently lifted her up and carried her out of the classroom.
(What? Well, wait. Where are we really going?), she thought.
"Ah, that? Where are we going?"
"Let's go to the red club room."
"Eh? Let's have lunch, that?"
"Oh, no. Not there. It's where we usually hang out."
Eh? Oh, that's right, Totsuka said, "We rarely use the place for lunch."
"Yes. That's right. I'll show you, so follow me."
He asked Dewa to please give him her bag, while Chitose tugged at his hand.
A boy in sunglasses and a hoodie under his school uniform pushed his back.
Behind it was a slim blond boy. Next to them, a boy who seemed to be serious, although his hair was standing on end, seemed to be calm. There were many others.
Yata was the first to walk. Kamamoto followed him diagonally behind.
Kamamoto suddenly turned around and raised his hand saying, "Okay."
Really? No, she didn't think Yata and his friends would do something to her.
But was she worried after all? Because she didn't understand the meaning or the intention.
Why were they trying to take her to the red club?
The appearance of walking surrounded by the members in black school uniforms of the red club seemed strange, and all the students who passed by had round eyes.
"It's unreasonable, it's not good."
Anna Kushina. A mysterious Japanese teacher, a beautiful girl with long straight hair and big red eyes, looked like a girl.
It was Chitose, not Yata, who replied with a smile: "I understand."
Anna nods and passes without stopping.
She looked back over her shoulder and saw Dewa.
"Huh? What happens now?"
"Anna-sensei. Doesn't she know?"
"No, I know. I know."
"Oh, Anna-sensei, the red club advisor."
After thinking about the meaning of her question for a moment, Dewa convinced her. It was true, that's why she couldn't resist.
"We got to the living room. Yes, let's go."
"Ok. You can change clothes yourself!"
Chitose, who tried to be fragile, is hastily stopped and their shoes are changed.
Oh, she's already seen it! She can look at it with a sense of interest!
However, apart from her, they march around her began again, probably because they didn't mind the direct gaze of other students.
She was embarrassed and lightly clasped her hands in front of her chest and denied.
"Oh, should I go to the girls' dorm? I'm out of school, but something..."
"Is this outside of school? Even though it's a clubroom?!"
"I wonder if it is a clubroom or a place that replaces the clubroom."
"Yeah? Well that's..."
"By the way, do you think Anna-sensei and other teachers will get mad when they find out I'm going in there?"
Would they be offended?
When she asked them all of a sudden, not all of them showed a congested expression, they just looked at each other and said, "Okay."
"Yes. It's fine during the day."
She got more anxious.
It was like that, they walked a bit. She went to a bar where they took her.
The name of the store is "HOMRA".
"Yes. Homura. The common name of the red club."
It was strange. Was the red club commonly known as Homura?
Retro look and nice British flair. The deep, calm red was very impressive. The gold lettering "BAR", the lights and the exterior menu board were very atmospheric and liquorous.
The tenant on the first floor... but the building itself was made of brick and the window frame was dark green. It felt like you were on an English street that you see in the movies.
She knew it was prejudice, but it wasn't a "bad hangout."
"Oh, I see. It's fine during the day because it's a bar."
"Yes, please!"
Chitose opened the door with a smile.
A bright caramel colored wooden counter that can be seen as antique. A wooden floor that squeaked when you stepped on it. A classic that flowed smoothly. Various traditional and elegant interiors. The spacious couch seats looked very comfortable.
At the back of the counter, there were many bottles of liquor.
One person was polishing glasses, had shiny auburn hair and purple glasses. She wondered if he was the age of a college student. He was like an older brother with a big smile.
"Oh, that boy?"
The boy smiled as he watched her enter.
"Then Kusanagi-san, do something sweet."
Perhaps he arrived a little earlier, Totsuka, who came out the back, beckoned her to come.
"Yes, sit there on the couch."
"Eh? Ah, that..."
"Saya-chan, right? You don't like it?"
"Huh? Oh, I can't drink alcohol."
When she answered that while she was sitting on the couch, they looked at her like everyone was shocked for a moment.
"Ah, that?"
"Well, did you think they'd be drunk? Well, it's definitely a bar here, right? But it's not good for minors. It's a waste."
She smiled and waved her hand.
She believed that it was different for not drinking because it is not good...
Oh, but that's not what she just said.
She shook her head, looked at Totsuka and then looked back at the young man.
"I thought they were drunk, but it was about making sweets. I'm not good at cakes made with western liquor, nor compotes boiled in alcohol, although I skipped the alcohol and the rum raisins. I mean, sorry. I think I am. I said many words."
"Oh, that's how it is."
"Wow, did you think it was going to be bad?"
She felt bad. In a hurry, he waved his hands and apologized, and put the glass he had polished on the shelf and laughed mischievously.
"If you forgive a man too much, he will eat you, don't you think?"
"Hmm, wait a minute. Look, you guys are scaring the princess, don't you think?"
"Ah, that?"
Eh?! Princess?!
She was surprised to hear that, but the boy started to prepare.
When she looked at Kamamoto, who was standing next to him, Kamamoto said "Oh." and he point to the young man with his hand.
"Izumo Kusanagi. He is a college student at 0B and from the red club. He is the same age as Mikoto. He is the owner of this bar."
What should she be surprised about?
Is he the same age as Suoh? Does that mean Suoh was repeating a year? So he was a college student and a business owner? College student?!
"Kusanagi-san, what about Mikoto-san?"
"He comes in the afternoon, now he is sleeping."
Kusanagi responds without stopping to Yata's question.
"Oh, upstairs? The second floor is also a store?"
"He has nothing to do with the store. He's using the empty room on the second floor as a nap spot. He's the King."
At Kamamoto's complementary explanation, she looked ahead.
Late? So after that he came there? What? And the lessons?
"The basement is the storeroom for the store and it feels like our gathering place."
"I'll tell you. Even though I'm immersed in this all year, it's never been quiet in the basement and they've interrupted my business."
At Chitose's words, involuntarily, she chuckled softly.
"Oh, now you have a nice smile."
Then Totsuka laughed, gestured with his thumb and forefinger, and looked at her.
"You brought her in because you wanted to see her smile, right? Yata."
When she looks at Yata sitting on the counter, Yata turned his bright red face and turned around, saying, "Ah, that's not it!" She's been thinking about it since noon, but maybe Yata was really shy?
"Yata-kun, really?"
"Ah...! But I said you would have fun in your school life!"
When asked, Yata yelled as he looked away. His profile was tinted red, and surprisingly the red was turning redder.
He somehow embarrassed her and her cheeks heated up.
"That's right. That's why Saya-chan…"
Chitose knelt on the ground and reached out in front of her.
"Plays with us."
"Oh, I said it, it's not because Saya-chan is a Strain. I'm sure she created that pillar of fire. I'm glad she protected the students in general. No, I'm really grateful. I think she is. It does worst thing to do to injure a student in general."
When she shook her shoulders, Chitose rushed to shake her hands and said, "Oh! I don't blame Saya-chan!"
"We want you to join this special club, we have skills too. It's different from you that you didn't even know you had the skills. We got them because we wanted it. I think there is a great responsibility there."
Totsuka looked at her and said calmly.
"That's right. It's like Chitose said."
"Everyone in the red club is grateful to Saya-chan."
(Wow, thankful to me? Um... why did I do that?), she thought.
She was confused and denied, but everyone was smiling at her.
"Yes. Thank you. Oh, and we're sorry that your hand got hurt, Saya-chan. I'm not saying that because I feel responsible, only Yata got hurt."
"The rest is fine. Because the red club has a reputation for being bad. It's great that you didn't see us with that kind of eyes, but, above all, seeing those tears and doing nothing would make a man leave."
"We're having fun. Maximize that out now. I want Konohana-san to have fun. So I thought. That's why you came to this school, right?"
But, she was a different "Strain".
(I'm happy, but...! But it can be a hassle!), she thought.
However, no one seemed to care about that. Why?
On the contrary, everyone was very happy.
"I'm happy. The first female member! It's the first time I've seen it of all generations, isn't it? Kusanagi-san!"
"Saya-chan. It certainly is. There has never been a female member in the red club. I hope you join the club."
Kusanagi, who came out of the counter, said that and placed a fruit-filled parfait in front of her. It was cute and it looked delicious.
"Yes, here you go."
"Oh, thanks! It looks delicious..."
Well, everything was getting really good. It would be good?
The moment she received the spoon that was offered to her while thinking about it, the floor creaked.
They all looked back in surprise. Kusanagi also laughed and stood up slowly.
"Good morning, Mikoto."
Suoh, who came down from the second floor, yawning sleepily.
No one said anything, and naturally everyone turned away. There was nothing to block his red eyes staring at her.
Great charisma. A bottomless flame.
She shrugged reflectively.
That wasn't horror, it was amazement... she felt a bit shocking.
Looking at her like this, Suoh scratched his head.
Then he took a little breath and walked over to her silently and sat down casually next to her.
"Oh, yeah!"
"If you feel like it, join."
The hand that reached out in front of her, made her eyes open inadvertently.
She was instantly engulfed in flames, and she gasped.
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"Okay, it's like a rite of passage."
Totsuka told her gently, and she turned to look at him.
"A rite of passage?"
"Yes. Sorry, but it is absolutely necessary to join the red club. There are many people who cannot take that hand and stop joining, but trust."
Totsuka wiped the smile on his lips and looked directly at her.
"Trust me. We, the red club, will never hurt you."
Looking at Yata, there were some members who seemed a bit concerned, but his gaze was very sincere, determined, direct, and fiery.
She was relieved, it should be fine. She had just met them, but she could believe it. There were no lies in those words. They would protect her. She looked at everyone around her.
They were all staring at her.
She swallowed her breath and looked at him.
That's why? There was no wonder or anxiety.
Without anxiety, she had no reason to be surprised.
This is where her words wanted to come out of her throat.
When she pursed her lips, in the hand that held the flame, she placed her hand.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I am ready to go to sleep. Today was a good day. But it was way too hot. And that made everything pretty hard.
Just slept okay last nightbot I woke up feeling okay. I got up and and sweet pea. Got dressed and felt okay. I had a nice morning.
I stuck to my schedule of working on a lesson plan. I'm almost done the one. I think I'm going to have to stick to you like a half hour a day because that seems to be all I can focus on. But it was something.
She spent the rest of the morning just kind of chilling. Watching videos. Playing with sweet pea. I was very annoyed about my wagon. Because I waited for it to be delivered last night and then I got a message that they lost it in the mail. So I got a refund and I'm going to wait till Wednesday when the refund goes through before I rebuy it. And it looks like it's $10 cheaper now anyway. Still very annoying.
I left here around 11 and like two streets. I got watermelon and iced tea and a cookie. And I sat outside and enjoyed my snack. I brought a mozzarella cheese from home as well and I just enjoyed the nice weather.
It did get way too hot today though. It got up to about 90 and it was very very sunny. By the end of the day there was sunshowers and that was nice. But right now I'm just kind of laying in front of my fan. Tomorrow supposed to be cooler. That'll to be nice
I got to work around 12:30. And did a bunch of cleaning and organizing. Got all the kids artwork sorted so that I could ask them what they wanted to hang in the shower and told them that everything else is getting thrown out. And we stuck to that. I also organized the coloring book so when Chelsi got there I asked her if she could get all the copies made of that. She's such a good teammate.
While I was back in our storage area I was checking on eBay because I wanted to post some stuff to my Instagram and ended up finding the last color variant of the clock Furby that I don't have. And I made an offer in the person accepted after some back and forth. And so I'm really excited that I won the last wish Furby I have wanted. So that was really cool. I'm still always going to be on the lookout but this is still very exciting.
And today was a lot of fun. The kids were good. At recess we finally got to use the basketball court again we skateboarded and worked on things. And that was nice. I got to sit and talk to Tiffany for a bit. I did fall on the skateboard and ripped my shoe which was annoying. But I hot glued it when we got back inside so it was fine.
We have to push bookbinding till tomorrow because of some printing issues. It just took longer than we thought it would. So I jumped in with the project that we were going to do tomorrow which was beading. Teaching the kids how to attach beads on fabric. When I was in grad school I took that workshop with a Native American girl who taught us how to bead traditionally and so I just adapt that.
We talked about Joyce Scott and Native American beading. The kids told me some stuff that they knew about beating. And then I have them all go sit down and wait to be called up to get their Fabric and their thread and their needle. I told each child that they only got one square of fabric and one needle and if they lost it they would be sitting for the rest of the week. I was very serious about that because our needles are kind of terrible. But we don't have a lot of time. They're all kind of chewed up on the inside of the eye so it's hard to string the embroidery floss through it. I was able to make most of it work but some of the beads which is too small and they wouldn't go over the needles. We figured it out.
They really took to it once we got the needles threaded though. At first I was saying I wasn't going to help them. I just didn't have the wherewithal to try to help every single student. But after 10 minutes of them trying I did go around and help them out. Some of them got it better than others. I switched out needles for better ones and figured out a good system. But I am going to bring in different thread because the embroidery floss is just too much to deal with. It just doesn't want to work with these needles. Hopefully they have better luck tomorrow.
They did work very hard though and they all got a little bit strong. Tomorrow I think because we're going to do a little bit of bookbinding and then we met scrap one of our projects that they can keep sewing next week depending on how well it goes on Wednesday and Thursday. We'll see. I'm not that concerned.
There was one issue because Damon stole Ahmad's needle. And then he threw it across the room. So I took Damon's needle and gave it to Ahmad. And told Damon that he can go find the needle that he threw. He then proceeded to have a hissy fit and I told Chelsi that he's not going on the field trip. It was already a close call because he's barely ever with us anymore. But after that it's just not going to happen.
We cleaned up at the end of the day and with the last 5 I had we play the vocab game. Finished up and went home.
I was able to catch the early bus and looked out because the next one wasn't coming for 40 minutes. I'm at James at Straits and we got drinks and snacks. A lemon and an avocado. And then we biked to his house
Jimenez quesadillas for dinner. And it worked on our puzzle. I'm just not good at it. I get too overwhelmed. But it's fun watching him do it. We cleaned up his apartment a little talked about what furniture is coming to his house and what's going to storage. And then I headed home.
I got back here and fed my cat. Took a shower. Talk to a kid on Instagram about Furbys for an hour. I thought they were just weird but it turns out they're just 13. Kept telling me that he was like an adult. I just kept telling him that you were 13. But he was nice and just wanted to talk about robot toys and that was cool. Seems like a nice kid
I'm going to go brush my teeth now and get ready for bed. Tomorrow is a long day. Have to be at the museum at 8:30 because I have an in the neighborhood and city builders. Another small group so we'll see how it goes. I think it'll be okay but still. Wish me luck. At least it will be cooler.
Sleep well everyone. Good night
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djzerp · 3 years
Zerp Skateboards?! ... ...
When I was 9 years old. I got a skateboard (an amazing Teen Wolf Themed skateboard from the J.C. Penney Christmas Catalogue - haha). I rode it. Dug it. It was good fun. However, I didn't grow up in a "skate scene"... no skater friends, no skaters in the family, so I didn't really know that there was more than just rolling (or riding).
Flash forward 5 to 6 years, and I'm more aware of what a REAL skateboarder can do. (Mind you, this is pre-internet....no google, no YouTube, just Thrasher mags and other skate magz). So, I get a new skateboard that is shaped differently (a Popsicle vs the 10" "Pig" shape from the late 80's) and I start skating again. Still.... I'm just a "coaster". I push around and make turns and just carve parking lots.
Regardless, it was such a great feeling. So righteous.
A few months after I got that new board, I decide - I'm gonna learn to atleast ollie. "I gotta do that! That's the most basic trick!"
Not really?... I could ollie (barely) when the board wasn't rolling, but when I approached the object I wanted to ollie over (typically a stick) my mind got twisted in nervous-knots and I always failed.
That was when I was 15 to 17 years old.
... (Super Flash Forward) ...
Now I'm 40 and my kids have showed an interest in skateboarding which has re-ignited my own passion from my youth. This is the time to try again, before I get "too" old (honestly though, I don't think there is ever a "too" old - but, you know what I mean).
My adventure back into learning to skateboard, and to hopefully successfully ollie over thin objects has begun! AND!... I'm stepping it up a notch.... I'm learning to skate vert as well on a quarter pipe.
And.. I am stoked for the journey.
... ... ... ... ... ...
Questions many of you who are in your late-30's and beyond may be asking?
1. Why?
Because. Because there is a fire in my heart that has rekindled and my interest is here for the moment. That's why. This is a new adventure for me which brings me joy, so why should you care anyways? To quote Jimi Hendrix, "I got my own life to live. I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die. So let me live my life the way I want to." (Song: "If 6 Was 9", Album: "Electric Ladyland")
2. Am I scared or anxious?
Um...yeah. Kinda.
It's scary to fall. There is definitely anxieties about how my body and bones have aged. But why should that stop me? I'm wearing full protective gear (helmet, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads). And if I don't do it now.... if I don't try again now, will the negative feeling of regret be stronger than if I didn't try to skateboard again before I'm older? Probably.
3. Is this your mid-life crisis?
No. But... maybe. And... who cares? It's a healthier mid-life crisis than a gambling addiction or buying an over-priced sports vehicle. And, I get to spend time with my kids and make righteous epic-fall videos!
4. How long will this new hobby last?
Who knows. But, it's a door I'm opening to new adventures in my life and, as far as I know/believe, we only live once. So I'm following my heart and opening the door and we'll see what happens.
I'm just going to live in the moment and enjoy it. :-)
- Zerp.
P.S. Stay tuned for more updates. (If you "follow" my Tumblr you'll be updated of future posts.)
Cheers my friends!
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
0 notes
ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
0 notes
ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
0 notes
ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
0 notes
ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
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ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later.   Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
Special thanks to
0 notes
ererigarbage · 7 years
You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal.   So, do allow the shimmering lights of summer to refresh and illuminate   - your fertile young minds. - What's she talking about?   The future greets you with its magic mirror,   reflecting each golden moment, each emboldened choice.   Dude, Miss Darbus has snapped her cap.   Dude, you're actually listening?   Yes, Jason.   So, what was your favourite summer memory, Miss Darbus?   Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age,   but I remember each with poignant clarity.   Summer. Summer.   Summer.   Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. - Summer.   - Summer. Summer. - Ashland Shakespeare Festival of...   - Summer. Summer. Summer. ...'88 leaps fondly to mind.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Finally summer's here   Good to be chilling out   I'm off the clock The pressure's off   Now my girl's what it's all about   Ready for some sunshine   - For my heart to take a chance - Oh, yeah   I'm here to stay, not moving away   Ready for a summer romance   Everybody's ready, going crazy Yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Goodbye to rules No summer school   I'm free to shop till I drop   It's an education vacation   And the party never has to stop   We've got things to do We'll see you soon   And we're really gonna miss you all   Goodbye to you and you   And you and you   Bye-bye until next fall   Everybody ready, going crazy yeah, we're out   Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   No more waking up at 6:00 a.m.   'Cause now our time is all our own   Enough already, we're waiting Come on, let's go   Go out of control   All right   Everybody   Yeah   Come on   School pride, let's show it We're champions and we know it   Wildcats, yeah, are the best, yeah   Red, white and gold   When it's time to win, we do it   We're number one, we proved it   Let's live it up, yeah, party down   That's what this summer's all about   What time is it?   Summertime is finally here Yeah   Let's celebrate   We wanna hear you loud and clear now   School's out   We can sleep as late as we want to   It's our time   Now we can do whatever we wanna do   What time is it?   It's summertime   We'll be loving it   Come on and say it again now   What time is it?   It's party time Party time   Let's go and have the time of our lives   Let's go   Yeah   No, but seriously, guys, this summer I gotta make bank.   My parents keep talking about how much college is gonna cost.   Yeah, my folks are gonna match whatever I make,   but I gotta get hired first.   Me, too. I'm saving up for a car,   so I can take that little hottie on a proper date.   Gabriella.   I understand you've moved every summer for the past five years,   and I'd hate to think today is goodbye.   No worries. My mom promised I'm here until graduation next year.   Bless Mom's little heart.   Sharpay, we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.   I mean, you helped me with the winter musical.   I did?   Those vocal exercises?   See you.   Gabriella and I have had, like, five job interviews,   but we keep getting beat out by college kids.   Yeah, same here. I guess I'm back in the babysitting business.   Hey, Martha. Hey, Taylor.   Hey, Kelsi, what are you planning to do this summer?   Grow, write music. Grow.   Your summer activities consultant has arrived.   Hopefully some of those activities will include a job.   Hey, whatever happens, as long as we're together, it's cool, right?   You promise?   Here's my promise.   - "T" as in Troy? - Well, I... Yeah.   Hey, man, how's it going? There you go, boss.   Hoops. Let's go.   Yeah, sure, sure. We're not busy or anything. Let's go.   We could go to the movies, download music.   Oh, I'm definitely teaching you a twisted-flip on the skateboard.   Oh, and I have first-aid training, so I can patch myself up afterwards.   All right!   "Going to movies, listening to music.   "And, golly, Troy, I have first-aid training."   Oh, please.   Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.   At our country club.   Our rehearsal pianist is evidently moving.   Or hiding.   - Pardon? - Sounds great.   Cheer up, Shar, it's summer.   We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.   Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High?   I'd say Troy Bolton has that category pretty much locked up, don't you think?   And East High's primo girl?   - Just answer the question! - Gosh, you?   Troy, Sharpay. Sharpay, Troy. Sharpay...   Shar.   - It just makes sense. - Evidently not to Troy.   But it's summer, Ry. Everything changes.   What time is it? Summertime   Hey It's our vacation   What time is it? Party time   That's right Say it loud   What time is it? The time of our lives   Anticipation   What time is it? Summertime   School's out Scream and shout   Nice workout, fellas.   - I'm starving. - Me, too.   I'll tell you what. I'm seeing moves I didn't see last season.   - Keep it coming, guys! - Yeah. What team?   Wildcats!   All right!   Yo, time for milk.   - So, guys, how's the job hunt coming? - The big zero.   - Girlfriend alert. - Talk to me.   This is Thomas Fulton, General Manager   of Lava Springs Country Club here in Albuquerque.   I understand you've been looking for summer work.   Hey, Troy, does Gabriella still remember your name,   or did she find somebody new to karaoke with this summer?   That sounds fantastic, Mr Fulton. But how did you get my name?   Well, we've always had a student summer work programme   here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?   Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl... I mean, student.   Straight A's, quintuple straight A's,   and it would be so amazingly perfect if...   Man, he's really working someone.   It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes.   Yeah, I never said that.   Yes!   - What's up, dog? - Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!   Okay. I'll tell you what, you guys stick together this summer,   you work on the game, and we are talking back-to-back   - championships next fall. - Yeah!   Can we all redirect this energy by carrying in the groceries?   - Yes, Mrs Bolton. - Yes, Mrs Bolton.   Hey, we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.   So, for those cool enough to have a convertible,   crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air,   and say hello to summer!   Miss Evans, Mr Evans, looking very sharp this summer.   Welcome back to Lava Springs.   Thank you, Charles.   Hi, boy!   Oh, can you find some shade for my car?   - Even if we have to plant a tree. - Fulton.   And may I say, welcome back.   It's good to be home.   Are the flyers ready?   This year we embossed the flyers for the show.   Inspired.   I plan to limit member talent auditions to 30 seconds each.   Amateur performers are very...   - Draining? - Yes.   Understood.   And should I...   We be so fortunate as to win the Star Dazzle Award again.   But where would we put it?   We're planning on expanding the trophy case.   The designs are in my office.   - Fulton, you are so efficient. - Well...   The staffing matter we discussed?   Done. With discretion.   Fabulous.   - Oh, stop it. Yes. Yes. - Ryan!   - Sharpay! - Girls.   Your chaise in its usual spot, Miss Evans?   Thank you, Javier.   Emma, Jackie and Lea, east of me.   Oh, and you'll be a prince to angle our chaises on the hour, as the sun moves.   Well, thanks to the kind words from your mother last season,   I've been promoted.   But, no worries, I'll make sure that the new lifeguard   is fully briefed on just how you like things.   So, what's the theme of the summer talent show, Sharpay?   - Redemption. - Love it.   It was a very trying year, ladies.   My drama department was invaded by outsiders,   singers coming from the chemistry lab and locker room. Shocking, really.   Sis, we've got the pool, the entire club, and the whole summer to enjoy it.   And the spa has been redone.   There's a guacamole facial and a seaweed body scrub on the menu.   What could be more fabulous?   - More ice. - Right away, Miss Evans.   It's out with the old And in with the new   Goodbye, clouds of grey Hello, skies of blue   A dip in the pool A trip to the spa   Endless days in my chaise The whole world according to moi   Excuse me.   Thank you.   Iced tea imported from England   Lifeguards imported from Spain   Towels imported from Turkey   And turkey imported from Maine   We're gonna relax and renew   You go do   I want fabulous That is my simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   I need something inspiring to help me get along   I need a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops   Where is my pink Prada tote?   I need my Tiffany hair-band   Then I can go for a float   A summer like never before   I want more   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   Fabulous pool   Fabulous splash   Read my lips.   Fabulous parties Even fabulous trash   Fabulous fashion   No.   Fabulous bling   Yeah.   She's got to have fabulous everything   Nothing to discuss   Everything's got to be perfect for...   Me!   She wants fabulous That is her simple request   All things fabulous Bigger and better and best   She needs something inspiring to help her get along   She needs a little fabulous Is that so wrong?   This won't do That's a bore   That's insulting I need more   I need, I need, I need I need, I need, I need   I need fabulous   I want fabulous   Fabulous hair, fabulous style   Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile   Oh, I like what I see I like it a lot   Is this absolutely fabulous?   Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous   Absolutely.   Not.   Yeah!   I got you. I got you. It's okay.   - What are you doing here? - I'm the new lifeguard.   Wait, are you a member here?   I told you to hire Troy Bolton, not the entire East High student body!   You told me to hire Troy Bolton. "Whatever it takes."   Well, why didn't you warn me about the rest of them?   I did discuss the matter with the Lava Springs board, of course.   The board. You mean, our...   Mother!   Gabriella Montez and the Wildcats? Mother, how could you?   Think of your future, kitten.   These are your school chums, not the fuddy-duddy Lava Springs staff.   These are not my chums!   They'll steal my talent show.   And what fresh talent you'll have for your summer show.   Mother, did you hear what I just said?   Ryan, talk to Mother.   - Hi, Mom. - Ducky! How's my dashing boy?   Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she'll get frown lines.   Namaste.   - I want them out! - But your mother specifically said...   Oh, don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!   If you can't fire them, make them wanna quit.   I'm hoping Chef Michael's gonna teach me   the art of Austrian flake pastry.   And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day.   How much better can summer get? Right? Right?   - A real dream come true. - Lf you actually get to know her,   - I mean she's... - Dude.   Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place.   Mr Fulton just said, you know,   there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs, and jobs are available.   So, I said let's go for it.   Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring.   However, what we're looking for from all of you,   is not inspiration, but perspiration.   Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters.   And, when needed, caddies.   What?   Miss McKessie, I'm told that you're efficient.   - Well... - Prove it.   You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times.   Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour.   That means mood music, not new music.   Capisce?   Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates.   Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits   I assume you currently possess.   Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the...   The promised land.   You hold on to that.   Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir,   would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?   Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay.   Oh, yes. Snap.   - You will be serving Miss Evans. - Who's that?   Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise.   - Do we have to? - Shall we?   "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"   Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason.   - It smells so good and I am so hungry. - No, wait. You don't...   - No, no, no. - What's for lunch?   Miss Montez.   It would seem your lunch break does not start for 3.5 minutes.   I do hope no members drowned in your absence.   Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.   Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated.   Capisce?   Chop, chop, chop.   - Okay, that man officially scares me. - Yeah.   Suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus.   - How sick is that? - Come on.   We got a hoop out back, two free meals a day,   and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty.   All for one, and one for all. All right?   - This is our summer. Now, what team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Come on.   How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?   I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep   We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet   Well, we got rags instead of riches   And all these dirty dishes   Just wish I had three wishes   Okay, guys, break it up.   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer if we work this out   Dude, what have you gotten us into?   Come on. We can totally turn this thing around!   I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post   Yeah That sure beats hanging here   And burning someone's toast   I needed Benjamins But this ain't worth the stress   Maybe there's a better way to fix this greasy mess   We're a champion team A well-oiled machine   And we've faced tougher problems than this   I know it's a grind But I'm sure we can find   A way to have fun while we get this job done   We've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   We got to work, work There'll be no doubt   If we all come together We can work this out   Let's work it!   Tell me what you want   Tell me what you need   A little bit of sugar   A little bit of butter   It's the perfect recipe   Payday It'll taste so sweet   Payday Good enough to eat   Gonna make some motion pictures   Hit the mall with all my sisters   Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers   Kick it with the music mixers   Buy a ride that suits my style   Lounge around the pool awhile   Make a date with my favourite girl   We've got it made   Whoa, we've got to work, work to work this out   We'll make things right The sun will shine   If we work, work, there'll be no doubt   We can still save the summer If we work this out   Work this Got to work this   We can work this out   So, can we work this out?   Yeah, we can work it out.   Send the waiters right in.   Miss me? Of course you did.   Hey, you ever been on a golf course?   We're employees, Troy. Not members. And I don't play golf.   Who said anything about golf?   Are you sure it's okay for us to be out here?   Yeah, unless the jackrabbits turn us in.   So, how's kitchen duty?   Oh, you know, the team that washes dishes together, wins together.   My mom said summer jobs look good on college applications.   All part of the frightening concept called "our future."   Are you worried?   Hey, college costs a fortune.   My parents are saving pennies, unlike the people at this place.   You're a cinch for a scholarship.   I'm only as good as whatever happens next season. It's...   I always liked the idea of being in charge of my future,   until it actually started happening.   So, let's just think about right now,   because I've never been in one place for an entire summer,   and this means a lot to me, especially being here with...   Such an outstanding peanut-butter and-jelly-sandwich maker like me?   I want to remember this summer, Troy.   - Here, catch. - Oh, I love this game.   - Ready? - Go.   - Beautiful. - Very nice! Oh. Your turn.   - You didn't catch a single one of them. - You...   That was so bad.   Fulton, when I was on the fourth fairway today,   it seemed bone dry.   Oh, no way!   Could you tell maintenance to give it a little extra splash?   No way!   - May I have this dance? - Why, of course you may.   Let's go then.   You are gonna get so wet!   Yeah!   Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted.   Why are you smiling?   No worries, Ryan. This is our turf, remember?   First a break-time infraction, now frolicking on the golf course.   We are not off to an auspicious start, are we, Miss Montez?   Actually, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, so she's...   How gallant, but irrelevant.   We won't allow this to happen again, will we?   Good morning, everybody.   - Good morning. - Good morning.   - Smells good. That smells good. - Hey, Martha.   - Hey. - Hey, Jason.   - Hey, morning. - What's up?   Yeah You are the music in me   - Sounding good, Kels. - Thanks.   Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.   Won't exactly be rocking out.   You know, I am so excited about the club's talent show.   I mean, the employees get to do a number,   and I have ideas for everyone.   You guys can sing the lead,   and maybe Zeke and Chad can do backup,   and everyone can dance.   Big timeout on that one.   My singing career began and ended with the East High Winter Musical.   I'm just here to make a cheque and sneak in the pool after work.   That's... That's really it.   What was that you were playing a minute ago?   Oh, it's... It's nothing. It's just nothing.   What's this?   Well, I was thinking if you'd do the show,   that I wanted to be ready, and I wrote this for you guys.   Come on. Go.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen, there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   It's like I knew you before we met Can't explain it   There's no name for it   I sang you words I've never said   - And it was easy - So easy   Because you see the real me   As I am, you understand   And that's more than I've ever known, oh   To hear your voice above the noise   And know I'm not alone   Oh, you're singing to me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Together we're gonna sing   We got the power to sing what we feel   Connected and real   Can't keep it all inside   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   - Oh, yeah - Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   Oh, yeah   Oh, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   We belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us It's brought us here because   You are the music in me   Oh yeah Oh yeah   You are the music in me   Yeah   - Oh, I love that song. - Great job, Kels.   Oh, I've got the talent show sign-up sheet right here. Are you in?   Maybe we can work this out, but only if we're all in this together.   Yeah!   This is going to be fantastic.   I'm going to coordinate rehearsal to coincide with all of our schedules.   Goldenthroat, this is Jazz Square. We may have trouble.   Now, it's an amazing song, but Kelsi didn't write it for us.   Hi, Mom.   - Seaweed scrub, darling? - Maybe later.   Ryan, it might be wonderful if Troy participates in our talent show.   What? If he sings with Gabriella   then our whole show is going to be the "Troy and Gabriella Show."   I'm not certain Gabriella is ideally suited   to help Troy realise his full potential at Lava Springs.   Mommy, what time is Daddy gonna be here?   We tee off at noon. Join us?   Love to.   Up. And how shall we get to the food today, sir?   - I don't know, perhaps skipping. - Very well then.   Shall we?   Hipty scouty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty, hipty skipty...   Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today.   $40 a bag. You've been requested.   - What? - By who?   Dude, who cares? For $40, I'd caddy for Godzilla.   Close, very close.   Thank you.   - Thanks. - Thanks, man.   Hey, boys! So, Troy, I thought it was time for you to meet my parents.   Enchantée.   - Awesome. - Hi.   Hello.   So, where's your dad?   Hi, Daddy!   Where's the first tee and what's the course record?   I'm just kidding. I built the course myself and I hold the record,   but who's counting? Princess.   - Son, you've been working out. - Yoga.   Bring that around, there you go. Quite a season you boys had.   Oh, Troy played for the golf team, too, Daddy.   Oh, versatile. How about you, son?   - Baseball. Track and field. - Outstanding.   Might come in handy the way I play golf. Fair warning.   Fore!   - Brilliant, darling. Brilliant. - Lovely.   Chad, you'll be caddying for Mother. Troy, Daddy.   Daddy.   Bravo!   Brilliant. Let's take a walk.   - Is that a new outfit? - Yes, just this morning. And yours?   This old thing? I got it last week.   Come on, Chad.   What do you think?   Well, it's 190 to the pin, downhill lie, elevated green.   I'd go with a full five, sir.   Hi.   - Nice call. - All right.   Princess, grab your pitching wedge. This one's yours.   Thanks, Daddy.   Line it up.   That's my girl.   That girl needs to take up knitting.   Or some sport where she can only injure herself.   - I'm in the sand. - Me, too.   Knees, hips, shoulders, hat. Good. Drill it.   Backboard.   Yes!   That's my boy.   - Where... - I have no idea.   Gabriella! Dinner tonight? Sneak a swim?   Troy!   - Oh, lovely, darling. - Nice.   Daddy, why not let Troy try a shot?   - Of course. Of course. - No, I shouldn't.   - Come on. - Are you sure?   - Yeah! - Yes, sir.   - Are you sure it's okay, Mr Evans? - It sure is.   - Give it a ride. - Thank you.   - Here you go, Daddy. - Thank you, dear.   - That's a beautiful swing. - Really beautiful.   That is a beautiful swing.   - That was awesome. - Thanks, man.   - Come on! What do you say we... - What? I don't know.   Off we go.   I'm saving up for a car. I'm saving up for a car.   Well, Tiger Woods would have been proud to make that putt!   What a shame that Troy is only bussing dishes all summer,   given that he's a potential star for your alma mater, Daddy.   I've seen Troy play basketball.   I think the U of A Redhawks will be very interested in him.   That's inspired, Daddy. Troy is very concerned about college.   - Really? - Yeah.   - How's Coach Bolton these days? - Oh, fantastic.   Outstanding.   What?   Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess,   I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake.   I'll build the ramp, buddy.   Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa.   You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room.   Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me.   In case you're not familiar with this particular item,   it goes around your neck,   like a dog collar.   Chop-chop.   - And she stepped on the ball. - I did not.   - Yes, you did. - I can believe that.   Hey! Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter.   - Peter. Good to meet you. - How are you?   - This is Claire. - Hello.   - And you know the family. - Hello.   This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court.   Bet you worked up yourself an appetite   lugging those bags all over the place, huh?   Yeah, yeah. A little bit.   What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future.   - My future? - Yeah, sit down.   Have a seat.   Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque.   So, Troy, I saw your championship game. I mean, wow!   That last-second shot at the buzzer... Outstanding.   Actually, my teammates here stole the ball,   otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance...   Oh, you're much too modest, Troy.   You were voted MVP for the entire season.   This shirt positively screams for a Windsor knot.   - Thank you. - Let me get that for you.   You know, we've got a heck of a basketball programme over at U of A,   and an excellent scholarship programme as well.   Scholarship?   Yeah. You know, between the two of us here,   we... We pull a little weight over at the school.   Well, time flies when you're having fun,   but Mr Fulton will probably want me clocking out.   Come on. Don't be silly.   You haven't had any dessert, and we haven't talked about golf, yet.   Oh, basketball and golf are just the beginning with Troy, Daddy.   Have you heard him sing?   Oh, triple threat.   Oh, how wonderful. Troy can participate in the talent show.   Oh, come on, Troy. Give them a sample. Kelsi!   Kelsi. No, actually my voice is...   Is feeling a little bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.   But thank you very much for the food and the golf and everything.   It was amazing.   But you will sing some other time, though? With me. Promise?   - Promise. - Perfect.   Dessert?   Sorry I'm late! Give me two more minutes.   Nice tie. Your shoes don't match though. Kidding.   Honey, two minutes is being late, but an hour is approaching a felony.   Just because Troy's a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.   Boy disease?   Yeah, forgetting things he shouldn't forget.   Oh, so now you're a boy expert?   My older sister has 10 rules about boy behaviour,   and nine of them involve boys forgetting things   they should never forget, like dinner dates.   Well, it wasn't an official date type of thing.   Rule number three, all dates are official,   whether the boy knows it or not.   - You're not done. - But I'm done for the day, sir.   And actually, I have a date.   Mr Bolton, you're under the mistaken impression   I'm interested in what you have to say. Just follow me.   - But I... - No more speaking.   - Hey, where are we going? - Please, Mr Bolton.   - How long is this gonna take? - Watch your step. Insurance issues.   I'm supposed to have a date tonight.   But the evening is young and so are you.   Well, where are we?   Hold your applause until the very end.   What the heck? Mr Fulton?   A long time ago In a land far away   Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki   She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way   But so sad that she hardly speaky   Still, if you listen well You'll hear her secret wish   Aloha, everybody, my name is Tiki.   I long to free A truly remarkable fish   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Ryan, the fog!   She dreams of a boy Who is under a spell   That has left him all wet and scaly   I sing from my heart Of the power of love   Just a girl with a ukulele   - Come to me - Come to her   - My sweet one, and be still - Be still   I'll grasp your tail Then stroke each tender gill   My sweet prince   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a Ooh   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Now this is where we lead into the whole Kabuki thing.   The clouds turned grey And the big sky cried   And the ocean had a fit   Ryan! Where's my ocean?   Then the wind went whoosh And thunder cracked   And mighty Mount Fufu spit Mighty Mount Fufu spit   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   With the mighty spirit Fufu   Tiki, Tiki Want to speaky, speaky, speaky   - The words I will not mince - Word!   Please make a man Of my fresh fish prince   This is real fish talk. No lie.   And then the fish turns into a gorgeous prince and sings...   I'm Prince Humu Humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   No. No way.   Makahiki malihini who   With me.   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Everybody!   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Makahiki malihini who   Humu, humu, nuku, nuku, a pua'a   Hawana waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   Waka, waka, waka Niki pu, pu, pu   One minute.   We'll talk about this later.   So, you love it?   Look, you ever tried just singing?   I mean, without all the lights and sets and, like, backup people?   Well, it'd be much harder to get applause that way.   I'm not talking about applause.   I'm talking about hanging out with friends.   You know, doing nothing, and singing for fun.   Wait a minute. Not doing anything.   That might work. A dark stage, a single spotlight.   We break out of darkness into the circle of light.   - Wait, "we"? - No set, no frills.   - Oh, man. - Simple.   Dramatic. Just you and me.   That is such a great idea, Troy. We could do it at our club talent show.   Look, I'm here to work.   Sharpay, I already told you being onstage really is your thing,   it's not mine.   It could be our thing.   Time out on that one, okay? I've got an "our thing,"   it's with Gabriella, and... And I'm very late for her, so I got to go.   - But the show could be so amazing... - I love your shoes.   - You like them? - I really do.   I bought them in New York. I have them in nine colours.   Girls! Again from the top.   Hey, lifeguard!   You're crazy, Wildcat!   And so late, but I brought food, a few little candles.   I'm good for a poolside picnic. What do you say?   Zeke even made desserts. But first, I dare you to jump in.   You know we're not supposed to be in the pool. Club rules.   Cramp!   I need a lifeguard! Rescue me! Rescue me!   Here I come!   Thanks for coming in. Follow me.   Oh, listen.   You know, right now, with you,   it's finally starting to feel like summer.   Yeah, it is.   The water bugs are back.   Look, Mr Fulton, this was my idea, she had nothing to do with it.   I generously overlooked your previous break violation,   but then came the golf course jaunt,   and now this. Two strikes.   Don't get a third. Out of the pool.   Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes   and then invited me to dinner with some U of A alumni.   Really?   And they were talking about scholarships,   while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me.   And getting paid for it. It's called a job.   You were invited, nothing wrong with that.   Yeah. I don't know. It felt weird.   I love that you've got the team working together,   but you're not gonna be a Wildcat forever.   The team is now, and that's... It's good,   but everybody's got their own future.   I'm not sure I know what you mean.   Well, when you graduate,   lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities.   There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize.   In fact, if you don't, you get left behind.   Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, I didn't get my friends jobs at the club   so they could sit and watch me eat in the dining room.   You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention,   as long as you've earned it.   You know, a scholarship's special,   that's why there's only a few to go around.   Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad.   Okay. So, how was the food at Lava Springs?   Insanely good.   - Take it out for a spin. - No way.   Well, you didn't think I was going to drive this heap, did you?   Yes! Yes!   Okay, bring those knees up as high as you can and circle those arms.   Hey, water bug. Last night was so fun.   I really didn't mean to get you in trouble.   Same here.   - So, maybe today we can have our... - Troy?   What time is your lunch break?   Troy!   - 1:30. - 1:30, great.   Free cheeseburgers are on me. Everybody looks great. Awesome job.   Okay, now, some jumping jacks.   Hey. What is she up to?   - Who knows? - Believe me, she does.   I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Fulton,   but about the pool thing last night, you can't blame Gabriella...   - I'm promoting you. - You're what?   There's an opening as an assistant to the golf pros.   Salaried job, no clocking in.   - But, I... - $500 a week, plus tips.   What? Per week?   Oh, my... That's off the hook! I think it sounds very manageable.   Shall we?   Bolton!   - Wait. So you want me to teach golf? - To kids. Oh, the joy.   - But, sir, I don't think I'm qualified. - Worry not.   Simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold,   tee the ball up, then duck.   In addition, the board is extending membership privileges to you.   You have complete use of club facilities, but do so prudently,   meaning, fellow Wildcats? Not.   Congratulations.   You'll find an appropriate choice of clothing here.   Do not mix checks with plaids, blue with browns,   and avoid wearing white socks at all cost.   Leave your shoes outside the locker,   they will be buffed and polished each evening.   Yes! Oh, man!   Save it for the first tee.   And to get there, this might come in handy.   That's the key to your golf cart. Number 14.   The same number that's on your basketball uniform, so I'm told.   Questions?   How did this happen?   It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential.   Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters,   and this family has real clout, so I suggest you take the ride.   Yeah.   Italian.   Awesome, junior golfers! You guys look amazing!   Hey! Hey! Slow down, champ. Slow down.   Save some for the other kids. There you go.   Cool shorts, buddy.   All right. Hey. Hey, cutie. Try holding the club that way,   you're going to hit it way farther.   All right. Nice backswing, man. Nice backswing.   Good job, killer. Make the ball fear you.   You look good. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys!   - Bolton. Bolton. Your 11:30 is here. - Thanks, man.   Good luck, buddy.   Troy!   Oh, man.   - Cool balls. - Thanks.   You're welcome.   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   Yeah.   If I live that long.   I'm so excited about the show.   Oh, and don't worry. We'll find something great to do.   Look, Sharpay, I already told you, singing really isn't my thing.   And here's the best news, all the Redhawk boosters will be there.   - Really? - Of course.   We'll lock up your scholarship with a high "C" right from centre stage.   We're all in this together, right?   Your parents have been really, really nice, Sharpay,   but singing with you isn't a part of my job.   I know, just something you promised to do.   Remember?   You look fabulous in your new clothes, by the way.   - You like the shoes? They're Italian. - Nice.   Let me show you how this is done. It's really easy.   Just line up to your target. Nice, easy backswing.   - Hey, Gab. - Hey!   That girl's got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match.   - Nah. He knows how to swim. - Yeah. Troy can handle himself.   I did overhear him asking her for her opinion   on his new Italian golf shoes.   He didn't ask me.   So, wake up, sister! She's basically offering him a college education   just to sing with her in the talent show.   - Troy would never do that. - You got eyes, use them.   - Let's go eat. - Yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?   - Okay. - Okay.   You're going to take it back and through.   - Troy, Fulton wants you in the lobby. - Fantastic. Thank you. See you.   And she steps on the ball.   - Troy Bolton. This is... - I've seen them all play at U of A.   Oh, all right. Well, come scrimmage at our gym.   It'll be good for your game.   - Play with you guys? - Yeah. Let's get down, bro.   - Awesome. - All right.   - Let's all get some awesome lunch. - Yeah.   I knew it! Coral blue!   It's perfect for your skin tone. And mine, too!   We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   - I have no idea what that means. - You don't need to. I'm here for you.   - Who's hungry? - Let's eat.   I mean, how can you hit the ball straight if your clubs don't trust you?   - That's the key. So, it's all in the grip. - Okay.   You got to hold it just right. That looks great.   Hey, I almost forgot.   I ordered Swiss on my burger.   So, go ahead and check it out, man. Try it. See what you think.   Danforth, table three needs more iced tea.   Now, rotate your hands over the top.   - Put your thumb on that side. - Okay.   There you go, man. You're good. I'll see you on the course.   - Yeah. Let's do it, man. - Yeah.   - Zeke! Troy wants Swiss. - Coming right up.   You know, you were right.   There's a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton,   but I have no idea who he really is.   Oh, hey. Kelsi's got some great new ideas   - to spice up the talent show. It's got... - I'm thrilled.   That new duet that Troy and Gabriella sang? I need it.   - Actually, it's not available. - Repeat.   Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella,   just in case they decide to...   You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it.   Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.   Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake.   What about our song?   - What about Humu Humu? - Change in plans.   What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?   Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!   But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats.   If they're planning on being in the show,   which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me,   I don't want any surprises. Oh, and don't worry,   I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show.   - Or the next show. - Really?   Don't strain yourself, slick.   Entertainers are so temperamental. Transpose!   Look at you.   - Go, team. - Yeah. It's a gift from the guys.   The "guys"? Oh, you mean all those tall people?   Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute,   but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck   and we'll go to a movie. I promise.   "Promise" is a really big word, Troy.   Yeah. I know.   And we've got the staff baseball game after work.   Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?   Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there.   - You forgot, didn't you? - No. I just got the date mixed up.   And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today. I just...   It's been wild, you know?   I can't believe how things are working out here.   So I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes, golf carts.   That's crazy stuff. Hard to keep track of it all, I bet.   So, what's your point?   It just doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new Troy.   All right, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot.   - Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on! - Hey!   Why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up?   We'll show them some game.   You know, I don't think that's how they roll.   That's not how they "roll"?   No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry.   Wow. Well, maybe you can get us a video?   Bolton, come on!   But yesterday you said we were going to play two-on-two after work,   - before the baseball game. - I know. I know, man. I'm sorry.   Come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!   - Hey, man. - Hey, how's it going?   Hey, Bolton! That's my ball.   - Here we go! - How's it going, guys?   Would you guys be mad at me if I ask him to get me   one of those cool Redhawk jackets?   Hey. Come on.   I'm so excited about the game. It's going to be so cool.   Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals?   My sister is working up something new.   So, you coming to the baseball game?   I'm not staff. Wasn't invited.   Hey, everyone's invited. Come on. Hop in.   All right.   Hold on!   All right! Right here!   Beep, beep!   Beep, beep!   What, did Fulton send you out here to spy on us?   Nah, my sister did.   She thinks you guys are going to upstage her talent show.   Oh, no worries. We were going to do the show,   but then Troy bailed on us, so, whatever.   What do you mean "whatever"? It's our summer, remember?   I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.   - Well, I think so. - Me, too.   - Who are we kidding? - I don't think so.   We don't know how to put together a show.   No, but he does.   If we have a real director putting it together, it could be great.   Have the employees ever won a Star Dazzle Award?   - Hey, now... - I know what you can do, Ryan,   - so why not do it for us? - All right, look,   if you want to play ball, then grab a mitt, but I don't dance.   You don't think dancing takes some game?   - You got game? - A little.   Yes!   Hey, pitcher. Ball.   All right! Let's hustle! Come on! Wildcats!   Get your head in the game!   Hey! Oh! Play ball   Hey, hey!   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah   I'll show you that it's one and the same Baseball, dancing, same game   It's easy Step up to the plate, start swinging   I want to play ball now and that's all   This is what I do It ain't no dance that you can show me   Hey, hey, hey   - Yeah - You'll never know   - Oh, I know - lf you never try   There's just one little thing that stops me every time   - Yeah - Come on!   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No   - lf I can do this, well, you can do that - But I don't dance   - Hit it out of the park - I don't dance   - I say you can - There's not a chance   - Oh - Slide home, you score   Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   I've got to just do my thing   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter Swing   Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah   Two stepping, now you're up to bat Bases loaded, do your dance   It's easy, take your best shot Just hit it   I've got what it takes playing my game   So, you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me   - Yeah - I'll show you how I swing   - You'll never know - Oh, I know   If you never try   There's just one little thing   - That stops me every time - Yeah, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   - Not a chance - No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   - But I don't dance - Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance Oh no   Slide home, you score Swingin' on the dance floor   I don't dance no   Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance   Swing it out, spin around do the dance   I wanna play ball not dance hall I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call   I can prove it to you till you know it's true   'Cause I can swing it I can bring it to the diamond too   You're talkin' a lot Show me what you got   Stop Swing   Hey Swing it like this   Yeah oh   - Swing - Come on   - Jitterbug - Just like that oh   That's what I mean That's how you swing   You make a good pitch but I don't believe   - I say you can - I know I can't   I don't dance   You can do it   I don't dance, no   Nothin' to it Atta boy, Atta boy, yeah   Hey, batter batter, hey, batter batter What   One, two, three, four Everybody, swing, come on   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   There's not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I know you can   Not a chance No, no   If I can do this Well, you can do that   But I don't dance   Hit it out of the park   - I don't dance - I say you can   - There's not a chance - Oh   Slide home, you score Swinging on the dance floor   I don't dance, no   Safe!   That's it!   It's okay!   Hey, Evans.   I'm not saying I'm going to dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?   Hey! Get back, get back!   Here we go, here we go! Defence, hold him tight!   Oh, dang!   This kid's good. I like what I'm seeing.   Troy gives 110, 24l7, that you can count on.   Here we go!   - Game. Game. - Good game!   Was I right?   Great.   All right, so you call that a "little" game?   Little League. World Series. Newport, Rhode Island.   Champions.   - Good job! - Nice hat.   - You're so awesome. - Hey.   What can I say?   - Troy, you ready to run it back? - Let's run it, man.   - All right. Let's go, yo. - Let's go.   Let's go, yo, let's go. Let's run it back.   - Looking good. - Wow, Wildcat!   - Too much? - Only in daylight.   - Yeah. - East High colours, very impressive.   - Hey. Be true to your school, right? - Absolutely.   Everyone's excited about doing the show.   Hey, I know everyone thinks that I'm Sharpay's poodle,   - but I really think that I could... - Hey.   If they were thinking that, they're not thinking that today.   How do you do that swing-step you did last night?   That's easy.   Hey.   - Hey. - Hey.   So, I called last night. I got hung up at the gym.   Hey, my dad says you're doing great with those college guys.   Oh. Yeah. They're awesome.   Playing with them is like being in another world.   Well, you missed out on a fun night. It was a great game.   But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part.   Her mom makes the best brownies   - in the entire world. - Yeah, I know. I've had them.   Well, I'll see you guys later. �� Hey, LeBron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?   You know, they're very tall.   We got Vince from maintenance to play, so it worked out.   - In case you were wondering. - Maybe we could play later today.   I don't know. Check with Vince.   Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me.   Did you even ask to include us, Captain?   I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me. Okay?   I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes.   My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man.   You get a speck of dirt on your pants,   - and someone dry cleans you. - And you wouldn't do the same thing...   - lf I was as good as you? - I did not say that.   - You didn't have to! - And neither did you!   You know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shot.   Okay, we did it because you're the guy who usually knows what's up.   - But I guess things change. - You think you got me all figured out?   Well, I don't think so. And I don't answer to you.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   Look, we have been like brothers since pre-school.   If I don't know who you are these days, then who does?   Excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop-chop.   Table settings, nice. Oh. No, no.   No. No. No. Now, that? Fabulous.   Troy!   Daddy will make certain the entire scholarship committee is right here.   Perfect view.   I've already spoken to your mother.   They're going to be sitting at a table right next to ours.   It's going to be a fabulous evening.   - Come on. - Great.   Rehearsal, everyone!   - Taylor, I'm signing off on everything. - Fabulous!   - Thank you, Mrs Evans. - Good job.   Look, Sharpay. I know I promised I'd do this, but just take it easy on me.   I'm kind of new to the whole performing thing.   Five, six, seven, eight!   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Makes you listen, there's a reason   And when you dream there's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice   Above the noise   Like a common thread Sing it to me   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in me   You are the music in   You are the music in Are the music in   Harmony to the melody   Echoing inside my head   When I hear my favourite song I know we belong   'Cause you are the music in me   It's living in all of us   It's here Because you are the music in   Me, me, me, me, me   You are the music in   You are the music in me   Yeah, yeah   Oh, yeah   Great job! One second.   Great rehearsal!   Everybody break!   You know, Troy, I've always known you were special.   And it's pretty obvious I'm special, too.   I think we were meant to sing together, don't you?   I need some air.   Don't be long! We're going to run it again!   Show me what you got!   Come on, everybody! Here we go!   You're up! You're up! You're up first!   Here we go! Give it to me!   Come on! Oh, yeah!   You got it! Here we go! Pass it to me!   Come on, let's dance!   You're up! You're up!   Let's show them what we got!   Come on! All right!   Oh, cut that! Get out of here!   - You got it! Hey. - Good job!   - Thank you. - You're welcome.   I said keep an eye on them, not turn them into the cast of Grease!   Pretty cool, huh?   Do you want us to lose the Star Dazzle Award to a bunch of dishwashers?   Us? Well, I guess that's showbiz.   When did you become one of them?   You know, I'll take that as a compliment.   But you and Troy have a good show, sis.   Oh, we plan to.   Give me a beat.   The Midsummer's Night Talent Show means something to me,   - and to my family. - Well...   Those Wildcats will turn it into a farce.   I'm... Your brother is one of "those Wildcats," I'm told.   Oh, don't you mention that traitor to us.   Employee involvement in the show is a tradition here.   Traditions change. My parents have important guests coming.   We'll need every employee working the party, and not on stage.   Pardon moi, but we're not just talking about employees,   we're talking about your classmates. You might want to think this one out.   All right.   Done. Now do it.   - Hi, Taylor. - Hi.   Distribute these in the staff area, but not until the end of shift.   - What? Wait! Mr Fulton... - No discussion, Miss McKessie.   This is a business. Welcome to the world of adults   who wish to keep their jobs because they have mortgages they wish to pay,   tuition bills, car payments, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.   So, sometimes, we have to perform tasks, however unpleasant,   that are necessary for that all-too-important paycheque   to land in our all-too-empty pockets!   - May I get you a cup of tea, Mr Fulton? - Chamomile would be lovely.   - Go, Martha! Go, Martha! - Go, Martha! Go, Martha!   May I have your attention, please?   You guys, I need to make an announcement.   All junior staffers will be required to work on show night.   - What? - Yeah, it says,   "No staff participation in the show will be allowed. No exceptions."   - No show? - There's a show. We're just not in it.   That's great.   I'm sorry, you guys. There's nothing we can do about it. It's Fulton's orders.   There's no way this is Fulton's idea.   Unless Fulton suddenly has blonde hair and wears designer flip-flops.   Excuse me.   - Totally! - Sharpay!   Forget about the rest of us, how about the fact   that your brother has worked extremely hard on this show?   Oh, boo-hoo. He'll be in the show. He'll do his celebrity impersonations.   And don't lecture me about Ryan,   given the way you've been interfering with Troy's future.   What?   You've gotten him written up by Fulton for sneaking on the golf course,   swimming after hours. I had to step in just to save Troy's job.   I'm not interested in what you think you're doing for Troy.   That's between you and him. But you're messing with my friends,   my summer, and that's not okay with me.   You don't like the fact that I won.   What's the prize? Troy? The Star Dazzle Award?   You have to go through all of this just to get either one?   No, thanks, Sharpay.   You're very good at a game that I don't want to play,   so I'm done here.   But you better step away from the mirror   long enough to check the damage that will always be right behind you.   Girls!   Hey. What do you mean you're done here?   I mean, you can't quit.   Us working together sounded good, but plans change and people change.   The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay,   and evidently for your future, so it's cool.   Just make it happen.   - Wear your new Italian shoes. - Hey, I'm still me.   Blowing off your friends, missing dates?   - Lf that's you, it's good to know. - No, no, no, no, no.   I was only doing that because I'm working on the scholarship thing.   You know that.   But if along the way you act like someone you're not,   pretty soon that's who you become.   I meant what I said about movies and summer and just being together.   I'm sure you did, at the time.   But I also meant what I said, that I want to remember this summer.   But not like this, Troy.   I gotta say what's on my mind   Something about us doesn't seem right these days   Life keeps getting in the way   Whenever we try   Somehow the plan is always rearranged   It's so hard to say But I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find a place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   Don't wanna leave it all behind   But I get my hopes up   And I watch them fall every time   Another colour turns to grey   And it's just too hard to watch it all Slowly fade away   I'm leaving today 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me   You'll be okay   I've got to move on and be who I am   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   What about us?   What about everything we've been through?   What about trust?   You know I never wanted to hurt you   What about me?   What am I supposed to do?   - I gotta leave, but I'll miss you - I'll miss you   Oh, so   I've got to move on and be who I am   Why do you have to go?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find a place in this world someday   - But at least for now - I want you to stay   I gotta go my own way   I've got to move on and be who I am   What about us?   I just don't belong here I hope you understand   I'm trying to understand   We might find our place in this world someday   But at least for now I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   I gotta go my own way   You're usually taking these right off the grill.   Maybe I've been eating too much at the club.   You've barely been out of this room the last three or four days.   - Let's call the guys, get a game going. - They wouldn't come even if I called.   I find that hard to believe.   Dad, do I seem different to you this summer?   You dress a lot better, that's for sure.   Oh, man, I'm serious. Maybe my friends are right,   maybe I'm turning into a jerk with new shoes.   New shoes, not a new kid. Where's this coming from?   I've been so focused on my future.   I mean, Gabriella quit. Chad won't talk to me.   I don't see the Wildcats running around here.   Is this about going after what you want?   Yeah, Dad. The scholarship's important. I get it.   Hey, hey.   Look, it's only a big deal if it makes sense to you.   I don't even know who I am any more.   You know what?   I've known this kid for a long, long time.   And I got a lot of faith in him. He looks a lot like you.   I'm absolutely sure he's going to figure out the right thing to do.   It's so good. I cannot wait.   Yeah, I'm eating so much breakfast,   I won't be able to eat my dinner at night.   Oh, yeah. It's okay, Ryan's gonna help.   - I don't know. - We'll get it eventually.   Excuse me.   Everybody's always talking at me   Everybody's trying to get in my head   I wanna listen to my own heart talking   I need to count on myself instead   - Did you ever - Lose yourself to get what you want?   - Did you ever - Get on a ride then wanna get off?   Did you ever   Push away the ones you should've held close?   Did you ever let go? Did you ever not know?   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   How will I know if there's a path worth taking?   Should I question every move I make?   With all I've lost, my heart is breaking   I don't want to make the same mistakes   Did you ever   Doubt your dream will ever come true?   Did you ever   Blame the world but never blame you?   - I will never - Try to live a lie again   I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way   I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am   I'll give it all I got, that is my plan   Will I find what I lost? You know you can   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it   Oh, hold up   Gimme room to think Bring it on down   Gotta work on my swing Gotta do my own thing   Hold up   It's no good at all to see yourself   And not recognise your face   Out on my own It's such a scary place   The answers are all inside of me   All I got to do is believe   I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop till I get my shot   That's who I am, that is my plan We'll end up on top   You can bet on it, bet on it bet on it, bet on   You can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it Bet on me   I wanna make it right, that is the way   To turn my life around Today is the day   Am I the type of guy who means what I say?   Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it You can bet on me   This way.   What do you mean you're not doing the show?   - Exactly that. - We're singing a duet, Troy!   A duet means two people.   Well, mostly me in this case, but whatever! Duet!   I'm an employee. Employees aren't allowed in the show.   No, no, no, no. No, no. You're an honorary member.   Not any more.   - I asked Fulton for my kitchen job back. - What?   Sharpay, I don't like the way you've been treating my friends.   And I don't like the way I've been treating them either,   so I'm doing something about it.   An entire table of University boosters are coming to see you, thanks to me.   So, I'll be their waiter. They'll be thrilled.   Troy, Troy. This could change your life!   I'm more interested in about what my friends think of me,   and what I think of myself.   Oh, we could all hold hands around the campfire some other time!   Right now we've got a show to do.   No. You've got a show to do. I got a kitchen to clean.   It's okay.   Kelsi, find Ryan.   Welcome this evening. You'll be seated at table 21.   Kelly, will you escort them, please? Excellent.   Ladies, you look gorgeous   - this evening. Beautiful. - And now, returning with   a abridged version of last year's tap-dancing epic,   Tina and her Tippety-Tappity Toes!   There you are! Thank goodness you've come to your senses.   Plug in the volcano. Humu Humu is back on.   Enjoy your pineapple on your own, sis. I'm not doing the show.   What? Oh, put some fresh batteries in your Tiki Warrior costume   - and let's get going! - Took your advice. Sold it online.   You've always wanted the spotlight. Now you've got it. Break a leg.   The curtain's up. Showtime!   Kelsi told us what went down between you and Sharpay.   I'm more interested in what went down between me and you, man.   - I was a jerk. - Yeah.   But, hey, brothers fight.   And they're still brothers.   All right!   Guys, I messed up your show and I'm sorry.   Yeah, because show business is our entire lives, right?   Hey, I hope you haven't permanently filled my spot in the two-on-two game.   And, Ryan, I know how hard you must've worked on this show.   Making these Wildcats look good couldn't have been easy.   - Hey. - So, I apologise.   Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.   At least, I have.   Hey, you gotta see this dude play baseball.   I'm looking forward to it.   - All right! - Yeah!   Troy, listen, all these people out there,   I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn.   At least, I think I don't. I think you should sing with her.   My life is over. I've been a good girl.   I've never lied, except when necessary.   I always bought my parents expensive gifts,   using their credit card, of course. But I don't deserve this humiliation!   You need to get out there. Mrs Hoffenfeffer and her sock puppet   are stinking up the premises.   Well, the only thing that would make it any lovelier would be   that if I won that Star Dazzle Award! Sharpay, I'm going to find you.   That award, I tell you, it's mine! Mine! Mine!   Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the... Oh, forget it.   How's your show going?   How's it going?   My show makes the captain of the Titanic   look like he won the lottery.   - I'll sing with you, Sharpay. - What?   I promised. And I keep my promises.   But what was the first thing you said to me when I started working here?   - Bring me more iced tea? - Think harder. We're...   - All in this together. - Exactly.   Well, we are.   So, let's get out there and knock them dead, Troy Bolton!   I do the show if the Wildcats do the show.   And I'd think fast.   I just sort of wish you were doing this for me.   You're a good guy, Troy.   And actually, right now, I think I like you better than I like myself.   Did I just say that?   Girls! Places!   - Okay. Everyone. Ryan, the show's on. - Where's the music? Where's Troy?   Talked to Sharpay, everything's cool.   Hey, speaking of my sister, she wants you to learn a new song.   Everyday. I can't learn a new song!   - Kelsi will help you with it. - What?   - It's showtime! - Yeah!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   - What team? - Wildcats!   Once in a lifetime   And now it's time for our five-time   Star Dazzle Award winner, Miss Sharpay Evans,   singing this year with our assistant golf pro, Mr Troy Bolton.   Where is Troy?   - Hey. Why did you switch songs? - Switch songs? What?   - Yeah, Ryan said... - Bolton!   - But I didn't learn a new song. - Exactly.   Girls!   Once in a lifetime   Means there's no second chance   So I believe that you and me   Should grab it while we can   Make it last forever   And never give it back   It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at   Because this moment's really all we have   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Celebrate   Oh, every day   They say that you should follow   And chase down what you dream   But if you get lost and lose yourself   What does it really mean?   No matter where we're going   Oh, yeah, it starts from where we are   There's more to life   When we listen to our hearts   And because of you I've got the strength to start   Yeah, yeah, yeah   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   Oh, every day   We're taking it back We're doing it here together   It's better like that And stronger now than ever   We're not gonna lose   'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Keep the faith   Every day of our lives   Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight   Gonna run   While we're young And keep the faith   Oh, yeah   - Every day - Every day   From right now   Gonna use our voices and scream out loud   - Take my hand - Take my hand   Together we will celebrate   - Every day - Oh, every day   Oh, oh, every day   Oh, every day   Every day   - Oh, yeah, yeah - I'm singing every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Every day   Yeah   Just fabulous! Fabulous!   Well. If you'll all please take your seats.   I have one last task to perform this evening.   The Star Dazzle for this year goes to, of course, our one and only...   My brother, Ryan Evans!   That's our boy!   Fix the hat.   Yeah   You are the music in me   You know the words "Once upon a time"   Make you listen   there's a reason   When you dream There's a chance you'll find   A little laughter, or happy ever after   You're harmony to the melody   That's echoing inside my head   A single voice above the noise   - Here's to the future. - No. Here's to right now.   And like a common thread   You're pulling me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   Oh, you are the music in me   Yeah, it's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   - Because you are the music in me - Because you are the music in me   Yeah, yeah, yeah   You are the music in me   When I hear my favourite song I know that we belong   You are the music in me   It's living in all of us   And it's brought us here because   You are the music in me   You are the music in me   One, two, three, four   The summer that we wanted   Yeah, we've finally got it   Now's the time we get to share   Each day we'll be together   Now until forever   So everybody everywhere   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   - All for one - All for one, one   Summertime together   Now we're even closer   That's the way it's meant to be   Oh, we're just getting started   Come and join the party   You deserve it same as me   Let's take it to the beach Take it there together   Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another   We're stronger this time We've been there for each other   Everything's just right   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all And all for one   Everybody up   Everybody rock it   Take it from the top   And never ever stop it   It's not about the future   It's not about the past   It's making every single day Last and last and last   Fun and sun What could be better?   Let's have fun Everyone together now   Everybody, everybody now   This is where our summer really begins   The very last time it's ever gonna be like this   It's a party you don't wanna miss   Guys, show them we can make some moves, hey   Girls, show them we know how to groove, oh   - Here - And now   - Let's turn the party - Out   Everybody jump in   Everybody, all for one   Our real summer has just begun   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Everybody one for all   Everybody, all for one   Let's rock and roll, and just let go   Feel the rhythm of the drums   We're gonna have fun in the sun   Now that all the hard work Work is done   Come on, everyone, let's dance   We can't let the moment pass   Let's make the party last   All for one   All for one   Yeah!   Coral blue! It's totally like your skin tone.   And mine, too! We are majorly skin-tone compatible, Troy.   My daughter.   Then maybe you should start answering to yourself!   By the end of summer, you'll have me playing like a pro.   If we live that long.   For you.   Cut!   Troy!   - Put it in forward. - It is!
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