#we'll gonna die
sysig · 4 months
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Blood sugar levels (Patreon)
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arcanegifs · 5 months
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gastrobrack · 4 months
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if this song has zero fans assume i died
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sneeb-canons · 21 days
I've decided to overanalyse them again and put them in a different fandom situation.
Mind is most likely to. It would take him a while, but he would cave, if Bill had the patience to work with him. He would cave because Bill promised him the thing he wants most: power and recognition from the other two. Being promised that he'd finally be recognised as important to Soul and not as an annoyance to Heart, made him accept the deal.
Heart would, but Bill would have to do it based on his insecurities. Heart is more mentally guarded and would probably deny any promises that Bill would give him. Until Bill would use his emotional instability against him, making Heart deal with him in an attempt to prove him wrong.
Bill would try to team up with Soul, since they both have the ability to see through different timelines. Soul would rather die than accept this, though he knows the offer is tempting. Bill's numerous attempts to get the (arguably) strongest side as an ally would all go to nothing, as Soul would usually yell or threaten death.
Headcanon #759
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moregraceful · 10 days
I will say that East Coast biome goes CRAZYYYYYYYY I don't think my eyes have stopped itching or my nose has stopped running in two days. My body which is normally about 40% antihistamines on a good day is now 80% antihistamines hoooooo and you know this is not clearing up for the next 3-6 months
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palidoozy-art · 10 months
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some additional character designs, including:
Kjosev (in cold weather gear, and dude just cut his hair)
Miruna (Kjosev's mom)
Hagnin (dwarf guy/"the jackhammer")
Sabine (civilian girl they picked up and keep alive).
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gouinisme · 8 months
i truly do not think alice can possibly stop being a character bc of previously stated reasons so now my working theory is the "i'll die down here" is mostly a distraction from "i was born down here" and alice Is some kind of reborn or construct or undead or something in the way that what she Is, her Current form of life was born from whatever weird alchemist shit is going on in the OIAR and the Magnus institute
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Bernd: Fight me!
Ter Stegen: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Ter Stegen: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
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good-beansdraws · 9 months
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runs in, out of breath, and several years late to the teen emo anime phase of "oohh my fave is a killer and dangerous and in a straightjacket ooooohh"
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frforlosers · 9 months
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@wrathful-reptile thank you so much!! He's gonna have THREE EYES.
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
I am once again going insane thinking about Kalmaar I cannot put into words right now how much I love him he is such a great villain I'm gonna scream
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mfjenks · 1 year
Crazy heartbreaking theories of mine about season 4: 1) Charles gets seriously wounded due to another murder attempt, Oliver and Mabel are worried as fuck 2) Charles disappears, but he is not actually kidnapped by the real killer, Oliver and Mabel are worried as fuck 3) Mabel accidentally gets a shot for Charles (I've kinda calculated it's her turn to lie on the floor "dying" with the others worrying BUT I WON'T SURVIVE THIS), Oliver and Charles are worried as fuck, Charles blames himself, Oliver tries to reassure him
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oh boy i can't wait to sit down and eat my perfectly timed dinneraaand its 1 in the morning. Cool
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
Um. Uh. Hi, Amoneki blog, pinned post let's go (very important please read !!)
This is probably the most important thing by Far: I haven't actually finished the manga yet; I recently got a :re box set but I (at the time of writing this) only just got to :re volume 10 and I don't have a lot of time on my hands to read !! (I've already gotten spoiled a lot cough while trying to look for content cough cough but I'd still like to avoid as many (mostly for major plot points/character deaths especially) as I still can)
Having said that please try to respect that as much as you can !! It's already really tough avoiding spoilers for a series like this (which is why I'm laying pretty low with this fandom, but I'll try to get through the manga when I actually have time)
I'm gonna be honest anything amoneki is pretty much fair game though the tumblr tags have already told me. A lot This mostly applies to. Everything else in the series. If that makes sense? (I hope it does at least orz)
Asks and interaction are greatly appreciated !! (Just a warning that if I get started on these two I can hardly shut up) I love rambling about my silly guys (both individually and as a ship, these two drive me absolutely insane)
If you have headcanons or thoughts you want to discuss or share, please definitely absolutely share !! I want to hear them really really badly trust me !!!! Let's spiral into insanity together :))
Okay that's all I think
Tags for future organization: amoneki doodles/amoneki ramblings / amonhaise CCG AU
Also. 1.5K word amoneki ramble because honestly it sums up a lot of my thoughts about them if you're interested, here
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navree · 2 months
This whole thing is frightening. Do you possibly have any words of wisdom?
If you're not Donald Trump you're gonna live to see tomorrow, so there's that (he'll live too, it was literally just the ear, unfortunately for my belief in karma, he is fine).
In all seriousness, I'm not an election forecaster or statistician in any capacity so I can't say how this'll Affect The Election but in my view, it's not gonna be much. The sympathy vote is not really a thing anymore, it hasn't been a thing since Dubya so I'm not concerned about that. I don't think it's gonna move actual undecideds one way or another, and people who are already committed to one party aren't going to be swayed in a new direction either because polarization is simply too entrenched in political parties these days. And he can't do much "look how I'm ailing" shit because his ear got grazed and that is literally it. Not to mention the election is five months away, which in politics is the equivalent to like ten million years. Remember when Joe Biden had that bad debate performance that sent everyone into a tailspin for no reason? That was two weeks ago, but it feels like a decade, because news cycles, especially in politics, go really fast. Last month we were literally still talking about the impact of the college protests on the election. Yeah I bet you already forgot about those, didn't you?
The only thing that really concerns me is that his base is already violent and whacked out of their minds, and they'll use this, and any hysteria he and his allies drum up about it because they're incapable of not doing so, to promote more violence against people they perceive as enemies. And we know they're already capable, because one of them literally tried to beat Paul Pelosi to death with a hammer (another point in the 'sympathy vote doesn't exist' column because did that man trying to break into Nancy Pelosi's home to kidnap and torture her before trying to kill her husband when she wasn't around sway anyone to be more in favor of Democrats/less in favor of Republicans? no, it didn't), so I wouldn't be shocked if some idiot tried something in retaliation. Which is cause for concern, yes, because it is always important to remember that Republicans as a whole are violent and bloodthirsty and do not see their opponents as people (and that is just another example of why both parties are NOT in fact the same, tankies), but use that to galvanize you into working as hard as you can to get Dems in office and support Democratic policies and platforms and officials.
Ultimately anon, I am not someone who catastrophizes, and I also know that I can only control me and you can only control you. So just remember to focus on what you can do and how you react to things. And if you need to log off, log off. Keep your peace, and ultimately, I think just remember that this all seems new and exciting and insane because it's fresh and happening now, but we also felt the same about that time he got COVID. That became old hat fast, and odds are this will too.
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warmsol · 1 year
i miss makoa and elia so much but my motivation to story tell is at zeroooooo
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