#we promise regular haikyuu stuff after this
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astra-ella · 1 year ago
𝐙𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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fandom: haikyuu ship: nishinoya yuu x oc/reader status: complete ao3 link
"I think you're really pretty. Will you go out with me?" That was the first thing he's ever said to her. And needless to say, Amari Chiyo was not impressed. So as promised, Nishinoya Yuu will get to know her better and confess again. And again. And again. And again. It'll take 6 years and 9 confessions, but he'll get there. Eventually.
⌦ content: fluff, light angst, love at first sight, friends to lover, slice of life
⌦ note: you are free to insert yourself into Chiyo, just keep in mind she has her own character/backstory. i know some people don't like that, so just a heads-up.
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The fourth time he confessed was about three months later — on a hot summer day during their break.
After the incident with Hotaru, Nishinoya became a regular visitor at the Amari residence. However, it wasn’t exactly Chiyo's choice. Every morning when she dropped Hotaru and Kaito off at school, they’d pester her about bringing “that super cool big bro” over to come to play. And as someone with a soft spot for her younger siblings, she couldn’t help but oblige.
Nishinoya was always more than happy to come over. Sometimes he’d be too busy with practice. But there were times when he’d drop at eight o’clock in the evening to join the Amari siblings for dinner. If it was Chiyo’s home cooking, he wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
There were a few things Chiyo learned about Nishinoya since he started going over to their place. Firstly, he lived alone with his grandpa, who ran a local bike shop. Apparently, he has three older sisters, but they were all much older than him and going about their business elsewhere in Japan. Secondly, they liked the same manga and regularly bought the newest edition of Shonen Jump magazines. Thirdly, he loved over-the-top action movies. He gets so excited that he often starts yelling in the middle of it. Fourthly, he took his role as a libero very seriously. Chiyo realized that fact after poking her head into a few of his volleyball matches lately.
Last but not least, he was a terrible student. 
As a class rep, Chiyo already vaguely knew about that fact. It was hard to miss all the 40s and 50s marked in red in the top corner of his tests every time she was tasked with handing them back. But she didn’t realize exactly how bad it was until she started helping him with his schoolwork during his occasional visits.
On top of all that, he was an awful procrastinator.
Which was why they were sitting in the local library, on a hot summer afternoon, doing their summer homework.
Chiyo knew if they stayed at her place, Hotaru and Kaito would pester them to the point of distraction. And if they went to his place, Nishinoya would get carried away talking about the latest manga. So the only alternative was to work in the public library, free from interruptions.
Or so Chiyo thought, because judging by the big grin on his face, even she was considered a distraction to him.
“Nishinoya, I need you to focus,” she said.
“I am.”
“No, you’re not. You’re just staring at me.”
“I’m thinking.”
Chiyo’s eyes flickered up and she raised an eyebrow.
“If you keep doing this, I’m just gonna move to a different table.”
“Wait, no!” That seemed to pull him out of his trance. He sat up straighter, jotting down a few more answers before groaning. “It’s just, this is so boring,” he slammed his forehead on the table. “Summer’s almost over and it’s a nice day out. We should go out and swim or something.”
“Then you’ll never gonna get this done on time,” Chiyo tapped the edge of his English workbook. “Besides, you had training camp all summer. Haven’t you had your fun?”
“Training camp isn’t for playing, Amari,” Nishinoya gave her a serious look and Chiyo cocked her head to the side. 
“But don’t you get to have sleepovers with your teammates and stuff?”
“You do, but you spend most of the time training, hence the name,” Nishinoya leaned back in his chair and spun his pencil. “By bedtime, most of us are way too tired to stay up and chat like we do on school trips. So it’s not as exciting as you think it is.”
“I see.” She hadn’t realized. From what she’s heard from her friends in the softball club, training camps were more like school-organized sleepovers where they spent goofing off rather than training. She didn’t realize the volleyball club actually took things seriously.
From what she’s heard, they were supposed to be a powerhouse school.
After finishing the last question on her page, Chiyo glanced up at Nishinoya who seemed to be actually working. She hummed. 
He must’ve heard her or felt her eyes on him because he soon looked up. 
“What’s up?”
“Nothing,” she readjusted her reading glasses – a result of developing farsightedness earlier that year. “Let’s take a look at what you’ve got so far.”
“Sure!” His reply was assured as he slid his workbook across the table. 
Chiyo caught it with a wry smile and began skimming through his answers.
Her smile quickly faded.
He perked up. “Yes?”
“Here,” she slammed the workbook onto the table and pointed to one of the questions. “‘Please translate the words below into Japanese.’ ‘Shine’ isn’t ‘go die!’ That’s just Japanese!”
“Dang, so that was a trick question!” He clenched his teeth in frustration. 
“No, it’s not!” She then pointed to the next section. “Here! Multiple choice! Circling all the answers and writing ‘one of these’ does not work!”
“But I’m not wrong! It is one of them!” 
“And circling all of them is not answering!” Chiyo narrowed her eyes. She then flipped the page over. “‘Yuuto needs help identifying all the animals in this zoo,’ and you wrote ‘They’re all just animals, Yuuto!’ in Japanese. Seriously?!”
“What am I supposed to do? Actually know the English for those animals?” 
“Yes!” Chiyo slammed his workbook shut before letting out a long sigh in frustration. “Seriously, what have you been doing during English class?”
“Staring at Nakano-sensei,” Nishinoya gave her a huge thumbs up. “She’s super hot, isn’t she?”
“Uh-huh,” she returned his confidence with an exasperated look. “And for math class it was Sato-sensei, and for history it’s… Wait, why weren’t you paying attention in history? Takahashi-sensei is a guy.”
Nishinoya pulled out his history workbook and pointed to the cute girl mascot on the front page.
“Cause of Aya-chan, of course!”
“Start paying attention in class, you idiot!” Chiyo flicked him on the forehead, causing him to recoil in pain.
That was another thing she learned about him in the past few months. Nishinoya had a huge appreciation for pretty or hot women. 
Not that she cared.
“Seriously,” crossing her arms over her chest, Chiyo sighed. “High school entrance exams are coming up soon. What are you gonna do? You know schools are allowed to reject you, no matter how good you are at volleyball, right?
“Hm? What are you talking about?” Nishinoya looked a little confused.
“I mean, even if you get scouted by a powerhouse school, they can still say ‘no’ if your grades are not up to their standards.”
“Oh, I don’t really care about that,” Nishinoya said, taking his workbook back and flipping to the page he was previously working on. “I’m not gonna go to some powerhouse school.”
“What? There’s no way!” Chiyo’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “You won an award for the best libero. There’s no way there isn’t at least one powerhouse school trying to recruit you!”
“Oh yeah, there are,” his response was relatively nonchalant. “I think there are about four already? But I’ve already decided where I want to go.”
“And where is that?” 
“I wanna go to Karasuno,” he grinned. “You know the one not far from your place.”
Chiyo thought about it a little. “Why?”
As far as she knew, Karasuno wasn’t really known for their volleyball. She did remember briefly seeing them on TV at some national tournament many years back, but they haven’t really come up since.
“Because,” Nishinoya’s expression turned oddly serious. “I like the girl’s uniform there. A lot.”
Chiyo blinked.
“I mean hear me out,” he continued. “Don’t you think our uniforms are kinda lame? Brown and in blazers? Way too bland. Karasuno’s uniforms, on the other hand, are those cool, black military uniforms.”
“Are you serious?” Chiyo rolled her eyes. “All that talent and you’re picking a school based on their uniform?”
“You gotta understand, Amari. Black uniforms are what youth is all about! That’s how it’s like in all the shonen manga! Plus the school is pretty close to where I live, so it’s pretty much a no-brainer.” 
“Uh-huh, uh-huh.” At this point, she just started tuning him out. “You better pray you end up with a team that’s good enough to actually follow up on your receives.”
Nishinoya looked a little surprised at her comment. “Hey, Amari?”
“Have you been going to my games lately?”
Chiyo’s pencil snapped from the sudden added pressure. “Wha-?!” She glanced up. “What kind of question is that?!”
“Well, you just seem like you know more about volleyball now,” he pointed out. “Don’t you remember the time Kaito and I were playing outside? And you thought volleyball was a sport where you had to throw the ball into the opponent’s net? But now you actually know about follow-ups and receives,” a big smile slowly began to spread across his cheeks. “You’ve been going to my games, haven’t you?”
“I’ve been to a few,” Chiyo looked away, feeling her cheeks heat up under Nishinoya’s prying gaze. “But it’s only because Kaito keeps asking me how you are during big games! S-So I had to go!”
That was a lie.
“Still, that means you went,” Nishinoya looked like this was the best day of his life. “What did you think? I’m pretty cool, aren’t I?”
He was. When he played volleyball, he was almost like a completely different person. Calm, collected, and focused. There were some saves he made during games that had Chiyo’s heart hanging in her throat, and the way he roared in victory each time their team scored a point gave her butterflies.
Not that she would ever admit it.
“You were fine, I guess,” her reply was curt and Nishinoya pouted.
“What? Only fine? You didn’t think I was awesome, or handsome? Or oh my god, I want that guy to be my boyfriend?” He batted his eyelashes at her. “Because I want you to be my girlfriend, Amari.”
Chiyo glared at him as Nishinoya grinned. She then abruptly gestured to his workbook before going back to her own.
“Still, I can’t believe we’ll be graduating soon,” Nishinoya murmured as he took an eraser and began scrubbing out his nonsense answers. “By the way, which high school are you aiming for?”
“Karasuno High School,” she replied off-handedly.
“Really? Then we’ll be together even after graduation,” Nishinoya’s face lit up at first before falling. “But that’s surprising. With your grades, you could definitely get into some top high school here in Miyagi.”
“I’m going for the same reason as you.”
“The girl’s uniforms?”
“No,” Chiyo shot him a dirty look. “Because it’s close to home. And close to Hotaru and Kaito’s elementary school.”
There was a moment of silence before Nishinoya spoke again. “You know, I can always help you pick them up. Why don’t you aim for a better school?”
“It’s fine,” Chiyo shook her head. “I need to find a part-time job once I turn fifteen. Being at a better school will probably mean they have policies against it.”
“A part-time job?”
“Money’s been tight recently,” Chiyo shrugged. “Whatever highschool I end up at, I’ll just work hard to get into a good university on a scholarship. Then I’ll graduate and get a good job in the city that’ll make enough money to be happy and successful.”
Resting his chin in his hands, Nishinoya hummed. “That sounds so boring.”
Chiyo’s brows furrowed. “Well, I’m not like you. I don’t have the choice of becoming a professional volleyball player just because I’m good at it.”
“What do you mean?” Nishinoya looked her dead in the eyes. “I never said anything about wanting to be a pro volleyball player.”
“I mean, I like playing volleyball and all. But even if I were to become good enough to go pro, I don’t think that’s what I wanna do in the future,” Nishinoya peered out the window, watching the fluffy clouds drift over their heads. “I wanna pack up all of my stuff and go somewhere far, far away. Go experience things I would never be able to here in Miyagi. A backpacking around the world, type thing. You know?”
“You’ll need a lot of money for that,” Chiyo frowned.
“Who says?” Nishinoya retorted her statement with a smile. “I’ll just save up a little, then go from there. If I’m short on money in some town, I’ll work at a local diner or something to rack up enough cash for my next adventures.”
He turned his attention back towards the sky and Chiyo followed his gaze, just in time to see a  sparrow take off into the sun.
“Grandpa always told me that limits are whatever you put on yourself,” he said. “And I choose to make the sky my limit, so I can go as far as I want. I’m gonna do whatever I want and be the freest person in the world.”
At that moment, Chiyo felt entranced by him. Nishinoya looked so excited and unburdened, she was a little jealous. She wished she could think like that – that the world was her oyster and she could do anything she set her mind to.
But she was too afraid.
“Hey, look!” Suddenly, as if snapping out of a trance, Nishinoya jumped out of his seat with sparkling eyes. “The firework festival!” He pointed at a telephone pole out the window. Chiyo followed his finger and saw a brightly coloured poster, obnoxiously advertising the festival coming to Miyagi in a week’s time.
“Do you wanna go together? You know, just the two of us?”
Chiyo felt all the admiration she had for Nishinoya drain out of her body and her face returned to a disgruntled expression. She knew the implications of going to the festival alone together. And her answer was simple.
“In your dreams.”
“Ouch!” He laughed. “Shot down again.”
“Now focus on your work,” she tapped the top of his workbook as Nishinoya sat back down.
Shaking her head, Chiyo quickly tucked a few strands of her hair out of her face before turning her attention back to her workbook. She was about to move onto the next section when she felt Nishinoya’s gaze still lingering on her.
“What?” She asked, feeling herself grow a little self-conscious.
"I like you a lot, Amari." He said, a lovestruck grin dancing across his lips.
"I said focus!"
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ilydenji · 4 years ago
Please do a pt 2 of toxic traits that had kenma, kageyama, and Tsukishima. Please make it fluff in the end🥺. I loved it
❝toxic pt. 2❞
↳haikyuu boys toxic traits part two
characters: kenma kozume, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei
warnings/tw: toxic relationships
a/n: I'm so glad you loved the first one !! I hope this is good enough afndjsmsj
(this kinda long sorry lmfoaodjrnf)
part one here
kenma ;
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-its been a few weeks since the two of you had talked properly.
-you did what he wanted, you had broken up with him.
-it felt weird going back to your regular life as if nothing had happened. as if you didn't spend half a year with him.
-it did hurt when you realized he didn't even care. that day when you walked away from him, you doubted that he gave it a second thought.
-but, unknowingly, the whole situation was slowly eating kenma up with guilt.
-after your breakup, he briefly had talked about it with kuroo and that’s when he realized how much of an asshole he really was.
-he missed it when you watched him practice, apparently, the other members of his team did too.
-“where’s y/n? are they okay?” lev would ask the most.
-“they broke up idiot- if you’re wondering how they are ask them yourself” of course, yaku would hit him for even mentioning them.
-up until now, kenma never noticed the little things that you did for him. how you would praise his hard work after practice or a game.
-how you would softly comb your fingers through his hair while playing games. or how you would bring him lunch every day in case he forgot to eat.
-not only that, but he started missing the little things about you as well.
-how your nose would scrunch up when you laughed,
-when you would hold his hand, you’d always rub circles on his thumb.
-how you would hum when playing with his hair.
-all those things, why hasn’t he realized them before? why did he let you go?
-why did he hurt you so bad?
-he wanted to— no, he needed to apologize to you.
-he wanted to be with you again, though he didn’t really think he deserved you anymore.
-he wanted to try anyway.
-you received a text from him in the afternoon. you were hesitant to answer. what could he be asking for? his hoodie that he left a month ago?
-when you finally decided to answer it, it read-
-“Can I please talk to you.”
-he wanted to talk now? he had a chance weeks ago. months even.
-you just sighed and texted back saying yes. he asked if he could come over and you agreed, maybe things would end off on a better note? you’d be lying if you said you didn't miss him.
-when kenma came over, he looked different than how he usually did. he didn't have his psp and he didn't use his phone once.
-he slowly walked to your bed and motioned you to sit next to him.
-“I’ve been a big fucking asshole to you, y/n. I'm so sorry I treated you like that.” he would start.
-he ended up apologizing for everything and told you he never realized how much care relationships need.
-“you deserve so much better. it’s selfish of me to even consider the fact you’d take me back but. I missed you a lot, I'm so sorry for hurting you.”
-you wanted to be with him again, to hold him and tell him it’s alright.
-instead, you rest your hand on his shoulder with a squeeze.
-“it's okay, it’s fine. I messed up along the way as well.” you’d start. kenma kept the same stoic expression he usually had. but you can tell in his eyes, he was hopeful.
-“but maybe we don’t belong in a relationship. maybe not yet at least.”
-kenma understood what you meant.
-in the end, the two of you had agreed that to ever get back into a relationship again he had to work on letting himself be vulnerable around you.
-he had promised to be better for you, and wait until you were ready to be with him again. although you had promised to be with him sometime in the future, the pang in his chest didn't fully go away.
-the day ended with him in your arms, comforting him.
-his arms were wrapped around you, his head in the crook of your neck.
-“kenma, I still love you. you know that right?”
-kenma didn't exactly answer. instead, he pulled you closer to him. you could feel his smile against your neck.
-you both still loved each other but decided to take it slow this time. not wanting to hurt each other.
kageyama ;
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(reader is into photography bc that's the only thing I could think of I'm sorry lfmsoakedjdnsn)
-it’s been a few days since his last game, where he basically told you that you “clearly didn’t love him”
-in those few days, kageyama couldn’t explain what he was feeling.
-he always had trouble expressing his emotions. so he often ignored them.
-but this time, there was a pit in his stomach that just wouldn’t go away. whenever he looked at his phone he would be tempted to call you.
-he wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea, but the silence was killing him.
-one day during practice he had asked hinata if he had seen you.
-hinata nodded and told him you were out in the courtyard doing club activities.
-kageyama didn't know you were in a club? though, he hardly payed any attention to that stuff.
-he wondered how he could be so clueless, you two have been together for months.
-that day, he skipped practice. that on its own was a whole different story.
-he managed to find you outside, taking pictures of the flowers and anything remotely interesting you could find.
-but no matter how mundane, kageyama didn't fail to notice the smile you had.
-he recognized that look in your eye, that was the look he had whenever it came to volleyball. how could he have not realized how happy your little hobby made you?
-he wanted you to be happy, to see you smile with so much passion like that.
-kageyama approached you cautiously, trying not to scare you.
-“what do you want kageyama?” you started. it startled him a little.
-you didn't need to turn around for you to know he was there. hinata had texted you that kageyama was coming, of course.
-“Nothing... I just.. missed you I guess” he sat down next to you. neither of you had talked, it became awkward fast.
-“so... you like photography? I didn’t know”
-“of course you wouldn't.”
-kageyama cringed at the words. you weren’t wrong in the slightest, he had been ignoring your interests for the longest and he feels like such an ass for it.
-“I'm sorry for not paying attention” he stated. you nodded at his words. but that wasn’t enough for him.
-“I should’ve payed more attention to you, it’s my fault I got so caught up in my own head” still, you didn’t say anything but you did turn your attention to him. progress he thought.
-“I should’ve realized that this, is just as important to you as volleyball is to me.” he rested his hand on top of yours. in return, you squeezed his a little. he smiled softly.
-“I’ll give you more of my attention from now on. okay? I'm sorry y/n. I love you, I really do.” he finished. and that’s what you wanted to hear.
-you wanted him to acknowledge his wrongs and apologize. you knew kageyama struggled with his emotions sometimes but he would eventually come around.
-you rested your head on his shoulder.
-“did you really skip practice for me?”
-“of course I did”
-by the end of the day, kageyama had learned that relationships aren’t just a one-sided thing. that you cant constantly be supporting him without him supporting you.
-he promised to you that no matter what it is that you would do, he would be right by your side cheering you on.
tsukishima ;
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-the days had turned to weeks, and tsukishima was barely paying any attention to you. after your little fight, it was clear that he wouldn’t say a word until you said something first.
-but you were scared to.
-how could you not be? his teasing crushed your self-esteem.
-you would notice things about yourself that you never saw before. picking at your skin for the tiniest imperfections.
-or even trying to change your appearance in any way you could to seem different, but in the end, tsukishima didn't pay attention.
-but someone else did, yamaguchi. he was close to tsukishima and knew what was going on.
-he was the first one to comfort you after your fight with your boyfriend. he promised to you that the things he said weren’t true and he never meant it.
-yamaguchi was slowly replacing tsukishima as the days went by. still, the two of you remained friends.
-“I think you should talk to him, y/n. he misses you I know it” he told you one day. he was on his way to practice and asked you to come with.
-you didn't know if that was really true but you decided to put your trust into him.
-instead of going into the gym yourself, you waited for practice to end nearby. you didn't want to be a distraction.
-when practice did end, tsukishima and yamaguchi ended up being the first ones to come out. yamaguchi was smiling as he yelled out for you. tsukishima stayed silent.
-walking towards the two made your anxiety rise. it was nerve-wracking honestly.
-the three of you ended up walking to the gate before yamaguchi told you that he had somewhere to go first and he’d meet you two later.
-after that, it was just the two of you. you noticed how although his house was in the opposite direction, he still walked with you. you smiled a little at that.
-“So what’s up with you and yamaguchi?” he said bluntly. the abrupt interaction kinda scared you a little.
-“Nothing, we’re just friends. why?”
-“nothing. I just don't like seeing you all friendly with him.”
-“Are you jealous?”
-“I guess so”
-his words were so blunt it left you confused.
-you asked him how he could say something like that when he’s been ignoring you for days. and not only that but just straight-up bully you.
-tsukishima stayed silent at that. he had stopped walking at this point, and so had you.
-“listen. I'm sorry for saying those things to you, I was just stressed and took that out on you. I never meant to hurt you y/n, I mean it” you knew tsukishima wasn't the type to talk so openly about how he felt.
-he probably meant it.
-it doesn’t take away the fact that it hurt you. you told him what his words had done to you, that you had tried to change yourself for his approval.
-at this, tsukishima brought you into a hug. he held you close to him, softly petting your hair.
-“I'm sorry y/n, I’m sorry for taking it too far, for making you think so low of yourself. I promise you I never thought those things about you, I was just mad. I should’ve never taken it out on you.”
-at this point, you didn't know if you should be happy about it or cry.
-“it hurt tsukki.” was all you said to him.
-“I know. I'm so sorry y/n, I understand if you cant forgive me.” he pulled away from you to move your hair away from your face, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
-“I understand that I’ve hurt you. you don't need to forgive me. but please know that I love you so much.”
-afterward, tsukki ended up walking you home, holding your hand the rest of the way.
-he knows things might not go back to being the same, but he’s willing to work on letting you past his walls, being nicer towards those he loves, you especially.
-you know old habits die hard and that relationships aren’t always easy. but this was a journey you both were willing to take. both learning from each other to make sure this never happens again.
I'm really hoping this is okay uh- I tried to make this as wholesome as I could but continuing the theme from last time. I might have to just make fluff has for these three after HANDFJDNN (i’m also very sorry for my terrible english @(*$@*(24)
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toroikawa · 4 years ago
Haikyuu!! fic rec 3
I'm back back back again! I made up another fic rec with my fav ships and big name fics which I hope will make you smile. Please stay happy and healthy <3.
Part I & Part II
Character Development by silvercistern (T / 75k) - I gave it the Best Summer fic of 2017 award. "That’s some kinda gratitude. What happened to my painfully polite little brother? I get the ideal guy to take you to prom, and you act like he's not even here!"
"I doubt I’d let him take me to the hospital if I were bleeding to death."
In blackwater woods by snowlighters (T / 4k) - at their last match during nationals, akaashi breaks his promise.
Undeniably Special by togekissies (G / 2k) - When Keiji looks at his team, the corners of his mouth start to turn upward. He looks at Bokuto and thinks, I’m going to make this into a team that supports you.
Year round love by masi (G/ 3k) - In his first year of university, Bokuto realizes that he really adores Akaashi.
The Courtship Ritual of The Hercules Beetle by kittebasu (T / 66k) - Who hasn't read this one?. Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
Trial by fire by bluu (E / 76k) - Iwaizumi is a young, bright-eyed criminal prosecutor fresh out of law school. After half a year of trying misdemeanor cases and learning the art of argument through his mentor, Ushijima Wakatoshi, he finally gets his first felony case: a murder of an affluent CEO by his son, Daishou Suguru.
A Bouquet of flours by guyfierimpreg (G / 5k) - “Is that a flour sack in a diaper,” Iwaizumi deadpanned, looking at the offending thing with a Look saved only for dealing with Hanamaki and Matsukawa.
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia (E / 91k) - They've always been really close friends, but Hanamaki begins to question how close when Matsukawa begins dating someone else - someone else that doesn't treat him well. When he suspects that Matsukawa may be in an abusive relationship, Hanamaki realizes that opening his best friend's eyes to his situation may be harder than he had ever anticipated.
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E / 91k) - Atsumu has a long history of pissing people off, but this time he’s gone too far. Someone wants him dead, and although he doesn’t know who or why, it becomes clear very quickly that both he and Osamu are in danger.
curse breaking by allicanseeispink (T / 9k) - Nearing the fourth hour of the silent treatment, Kiyoomi’s already frayed nerves began to whittle down to their last fibers. Today, it was raining. A proper Tokyo monsoon tantrum just shy of a full-blown typhoon that left puddles on sidewalks and fell from an angle so wicked it eluded umbrellas. It was raining and they haven’t spoken in almost four hours.
let's get physical by rosegoldwriting (T / 4k) - Cheesy. “Yer beautiful,” Atsumu says. “And you’re 73.3 kilograms,” Sakusa responds with an eye roll.
liminal spaces by hatsuna (T / 25k) - Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the team photo on his bedside table.
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink, moonlumie (E / 111k) - If the series were a song, they'd be a BANGer (pun included). BDSM AU featuring Experienced Dom Sakusa and Kink Newbie Atsumu. Post-time skip & loosely canon compliant.
you make my heart burn by myhopeisjhope (G / 11k) - “What’s up with that awful expression?” Atsumu asked. He leaned against the counter with his hip, looking directly at Kiyoomi, his regular fox-line grin plastered on his face.“What’s up with that awful hair?” Kiyoomi shot back.
An Inconvenient Espionage by DeathBelle (E / 26k) - Osamu and Atsumu have fucked up one too many times, and in an attempt to tame the Miya Chaos, Kita assigns them to different partners.
miya atsumu's private investigation into touch, change, and the rin voice by rosegoldwriting (T / 3k) - For some reason, his brother, the least touchy person Atsumu knows, has been all over Suna Rintarou since the end of the regular season. Atsumu would like to know why.
The Loss We Learned by DeathBelle (T / 41k) - When Suna and Osamu broke up, it wasn’t on good terms. The end was bitter, and Suna has tried his best to forget about the breakup - and about Osamu - over the past five years.
In Orbit by neonghxst (T / 27k) - turtleneck atsumu, that’s all you need to know. It's easy to see why constellations are named after people, for you shine as brightly as any star I've seen.
Msby black jackals online! by mooshys (T / 56k) - listen everybody, if you’re looking for a platonic environment full of entertainment: this is your place. As the MSBY Black Jackals' on site social media manager, you're often stuck dealing with the boys of the team. You're their go to person when it comes to what they post online. And a lot of the stuff they want to post is just flat out ridiculous.
Shiratorizawa anctics by mooshys (T / 57k) - A collection of stories involving the manager and the rest of the Shiratorizawa team.
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17tetsuro · 4 years ago
could u do fake dating headcanons where they slowly fall for u w atsumu, kenma & oikawa,, gn pronounces are fine :)
haikyuu boys slowly falling for you (fake dating edition) (gn!reader)
feat: atsumu, kenma, oikawa
warnings: fake dating, abuse of cliche tropes and commas and question marks, timeskip setting because im anything but creative, swearing
requests are open!
a/n: thank you for requesting this!! i hope you like it :D
* you’ve been friends with him ever since high school and you watched his career grow
* youre both equally proud of each other n your friendship is built on mutual respect, trust and love
* you basically live in his apartment, with how much time you spend over there
* he would complain 24/7 about not having anyone to go to events with
* at one point you wanted to strangle him for never shutting up about it so you propose you go with him from time to time
* atsumu: “yeah, that was a setup”
* he KNOWS you’re drop dead gorgeous and everyone will be jealous of him that you’re with him (and you also look very good in formalwear, which he very much enjoys)
* and you get to have free food and drinks and also wear immaculate expensive clothes
* so,, you became his regular date for sponsorship events and stuff
* and you never really outright said you were just friends?? so you’re used to the media portraying you two as lovers but your close circle is aware that your relationship is platonic
* everything was going great until one of his sponsor company’s heir started hitting on you
* atsumu saw you flirting with the person and his mind went blank
* he,, he didn’t understand why he wanted to commit multiple crimes on the spot
* bokuto conveniently showed up next to atsumu at that moment
“hey, atsumu? why is your date flirting with them?” bokuto asked, suddenly appearing next to atsumu, which startled the latter out of his thoughts.
a better question would be why atsumu saw red at the thought of you getting friendly with anyone but him that night. he tried his best to keep his composure, but it was hard when you rested a hand on the heir’s shoulder, leaning your head back while laughing.
“atsumu, are you not going to answer me? your lover is-“
“my what?” atsumu asked, attention now completely off you.
“your lover? is that a term you don’t like? i could say partner... significant other... or anything you want, really,” bokuto answered, apologizing.
“you- you think me and (y/n) are together?”
“aren’t you? what, with the way you look at each other i was convinced you two were like... high school sweethearts or something, who hate pda,” bokuto explained, while atsumu’s eyes trailed back to you.
“you think... you think they’d wan’ me?”
“are you blind, buddy?”
you must have sensed their gazes, because as soon as those words left bokuto’s mouth, your eyes snapped towards atsumu and bokuto. the latter started waving with a cheerful smile while the former just stood, entranced by you and your presence. atsumu noticed traces of confusion appearing on your face, and watched as you excused yourself from the conversation you were previously interested in.
“‘tsumu, are you alright?” you questioned, approaching the pair. bokuto grinned and left, which made you even more confused.
“yeah, i’m fi- fine. hey, uh, (y/n), say... do you- why did you offer to come to these events as my date?” atsumu asked, eyes dead set on yours. you cracked a confused smile. you seemed to be capable of nothing but confusion at the moment.
“because you’re my best friend and i hated to see you so down because of your loneliness at these gatherings,” you replied, holding his gaze. “why didn’t you oppose it?”
his eyes studied you and when he saw nothing but sincerity, he let out a loud sigh. this was all very new and confusing to him. it’s like bokuto calling you atsumu’s lover set off a bomb inside his head that instead of causing a mess, made everything fall into place; why his gaze seemed to linger on you more often than before, why he was so eager to choose your outfits for these events, why he went to parties he didn’t even have to attend, why he got so jealous and angry when he saw you with the cute heir.
“holy shit,” he breathed and ran his hands through his hair, letting out a nervous chuckle and lowering his gaze to the ground. “holy shit.”
“you look like you’ve been enlightened, and i love that for you, but ‘tsumu, i’m still very confused.”
“i’m in love with you,” he said in disbelief, and quickly snapped his eyes back to your face when he realized he said it out loud. “i- i mean- i’m not in love with you, no way in hell, you’re- you’re my best friend, you- you smack my head whenever i say somethin’ inappropriate, you keep me from underminin’ myself, you always lift my spirits and for fuck’s sake, please, stop lookin’ at me like that because i will be getting hopeful and if you’re just joking, i will never hear the end of it and-“
you finally hd enough of his rambling and cut him off with a kiss. at first he froze, but seconds later he melted into your embrace, hands sneaking around your waist, pulling you closer.
when your lips separated, atsumu gasping for air after his word vomit and the long kiss you shared, you spoke up. “miya atsumu, you’re a real dumbass, you know that?”
his breath hitched and you kept quiet for a second to let him suffer a bit.
“but you’re my dumbass. i love you, you absolute piece of work.”
atsumu honest to god giggled and leaned in for another kiss, which you gave him without hesitation.
somewhere in the room, bokuto was collecting the money sakusa promised to give him if he got you two to kiss.
* kenma and you are both twitch streamers with similar content so you knew of each other but weren’t properly introduced
* until one of your mutual friends invited you both to stream among us with them
* you obv accepted
* so during the 3 hr stream, you and kenma were imposters together a lot and had the biggest, most twisted imp plays
* a friendly competition broke out at one point, too, trying to see who exposed the most impostors between the two of you
* your fans ate your dynamic up
* from then on, you two interacted more and started to appear in each others’ streams
* kenma even invited you to his minecraft smp
* you became besties basically
* SO
* all fun and games
* and then a huge sponsorship opportunity rolled in
* and the people at the company assumed you were dating
* uh oh
* you couldnt just tell them they have it wrong bc the whole thing depended on your relationship
* so
* big brain kenma suggest you two start to “date”
* you were against deceiving your followers but kenma assured you you could have a public breakup and tell everyone you were better off as friends
* so you reluctantly agreed
* it was only for two months anyways, what could go wrong?
* both of you, on week 3, in separate discord calls: uh oh, im in l*ve
* you both tried to cope (read: repress everything) but the realization on both of your parts threw your dynamic off a bit and fans have noticed
* so you had to do something abt it
* so kenma suggested you try your hand at a minecraft challenge together
* it was all fun and games until it wasnt
* you somehow ended up flirting back and forth ????
* chat was goin crazy, even in sub only mode
* both of you: ha ha im in danger
* when the stream ended, you stayed on call, because that was a routine you stuck to no matter what
“so... how are you doing?” you asked kenma, trying to clear the awkwardness from the air.
maybe you should have taken kenma’s refusal to talk about anything into account when initiating conversation.
kenma, on the other end of the call was anxiously playing with his fingers, trying to figure out if his chat was right, and you were indeed flirting with him. and him with you. god.
“hey, y/n,” kenma said after a while, “were you flirting with me?”
his bluntness startled you and you had to mute yourself for a few seconds while you collected yourself.
“is there a correct answer?” you asked hesitantly.
“oh... uhm, maybe? it wasn’t intentional. or maybe it was, subconsciously, i don’t know,” you admitted quietly.
“good. it was intentional on my part, i think,” and okay, that was not the reply you expected to hear.
“yeah, i- i like you i guess,” he said, sounding more confident by the minute. “do you like me too?”
“i- yeah. i do. i like you, kenma,” you replied, sighing a breath of relief. it felt good to admit it aloud to him.
“do you- would you maybe want to come over?” he asked sheepishly, which made absolutely no sense because he sounded so confident a second ago. “we could play mario kart?”
you let the beaming smile you were holding back take over your face. “i’ll be there in 10, kenma.”
“i’ll be waiting for you.”
* on god mans hated your guts
* like,, okay, you were iwa’s close friend but you were so annoyingly honest all the time
* it drove him mad
* what also drove him mad is the fact that you loved to tease him
* no matter what the circumstance, whether he was in japan or in argentina, you always found a way to make him blush
* okay so maybe hate is a strong word, because he kind of thought you were pretty, but in a platonic way
* dumbass
* iwa always give both of you shit for not liking each other
* so you came up with a big brain idea
* you: ”oikawa! we should date!”
* oikawa: “what”
* after you explained the concept of fake dating to him and its benefits (which included a staged dramatic breakup, giving you both a reason to hate each other without iwa complaining)
* he was totally down
* iwa, when he first saw you holding hands: “i knew it”
* SO!! thus began weeks of pretending to be in love with each other for the sake of iwa
* which turned from pretending to not pretending real quick for your liking
* falling in love with oikawa was not a plan of yours
* (falling in love with you wasn’t his, either)
* with iwa’s constant nagging of “i knew it, you both were head over heels for each other from the moment you met”, the time for the breakup came quicker than expected (maybe you both had enough. so what.)
* you agreed to do it in front of iwa so he could see it happen
* you chose a mcdonalds parking lot, because then you could storm off and iwa would follow you to make sure you were ok and oikawa could go home and sleep
* maybe winging it was not the best idea
“babe,” you said with venom, “haven’t i told you a thousand times that i do not want to hear about your exes? seriously, it’s like the only thing you talk about,” you complained, as your fake-boyfriend took a sip from his drink.
“well, babe,” his tone matching yours, “i would shut up about them if took the hint sometimes. maybe i don’t like going to the movies as much as you seem to, it’s boring,” he rolled his eyes, subtly glancing at iwa, who looked very uncomfortable third wheeling your argument. good
“jerk. i don’t even want to go to the movies that much, asshole,” you spat, crushing your empty cup in your hand.
“oh, you want to go to the movies plenty. face it, (y/n), you’re boring. no wonder you didn’t have a boyfriend before me,” he replied and his words, even though you knew were fake, still hit hard and you couldn’t help the tears gathering in your eyes.
“okay, then, thanks for these wonderful past few weeks, so glad you decided to take pity on me.” you tried to keep acting, encouraging yourself with the fact that if oikwa meant what he said, you wouldn’t have to talk to him if iwaizumi finally saw you two break up.
you expected a lot of things, but genuineness in oikawa’s eyes was not one of them.
“(y/n), i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it like that,” oikawa pleaded, clearly forgetting about your mutual goal.
with a mumbled whatever, you started walking home, letting the sunset wash over your face. when you knew you were out of sight, you sat down on a bench and just started crying.
you don’t know how much time passed, but you heard a voice behind you speak up.
“hey (y/n).”
“what the fuck do you want, oikawa? to rub in the fact that my first boyfriend was just faking it so his best friend would get off his back? leave me alone, jerk,” you said, trying to wipe your tears away.
“i- i didn’t mean it like that, please, believe me,” he replied, taking a seat next to you. you scooted away from him. he sighed.
“why would i believe you? why do you want to make up, anyways? this fight was pretty real, no way iwaizumi didn’t believe it,” you sniffed.
“because maybe... maybe i was very happy about the fact that i could be your boyfriend, even if it was fake. maybe i’m in love with you,” he said softly, leaning towards you.
“please, stop playing games. it’s over,” you replied, trying very hard to ignore the raw emotion in his voice as he spoke.
“i really am, (y/n). i wasn’t at first, i admit it, but now i am. i love you, please, believe me,” he begged and you finally made eye contact with him. eyes were mirrors of the soul, after all.
you studied his face for a few minutes, looking for anything that could indicate he was trying to pull a shit prank on you, but you found nothing.
“asshole. maybe i’m in love with you too, what would you do if i said that?” you asked, wiping your nose with your sleeves.
“kiss you.”
“do it, then, i guess. but you’re still not completely forgiven.”
“what do i have to do to earn your forgiveness, (y/n)?” he asked and you sent him a mischievous smile.
“take the blame for this whole fiasco with iwaizumi.” he froze at your words and visibly gulped, but nodded nonetheless.
“okay, i will. can i kiss you now?”
you rolled your eyes. “yeah.”
and he did.
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kagedaddy · 4 years ago
late valentine’s day - haikyuu!
warnings: explicit content
gala days [masterlist]
holy fucking onigiri! 500 followers, that’s a mad thing. thank you so much! its white day today, i’ll try to whip up something special for you guys. thank you again!
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miya atsumu
“Well what do we have here, doll?”you jumped in surprise and you freeze in your spot, leaning on the doorway was your tall boyfriend with a disapproving look on his pretty face. “What did I say about playing with yourself without me, hmm?”he pushes himself off the doorway and walks to the bed, eyes darks like a predator approaching his prey. “Tsumu, I-I!”you couldn’t answer as his hand finds purchase on your neck squeezing tightly, “Such a bad doll, can’t even follow simple rules.”your hands come up to the band of his shorts tugging it down.
“I think you need to be punished. You’re so desperate to cum, I’ll fucking have you cumming all night until you can’t handle it.”his promise has you shivering in delight, he swats your hands away and pushes you down on the bed, he spreads your legs forcibly, running a long digit over you slit and between your folds, playing with your arousal before plunging two of his fingers inside you. He pumps at a steady pace, thumb rubbing circles on your puffy clit, the hand on your neck comes down to pull and pinch your sensitive nipples. Your orgasm coils and you can feel it fast approaching, "Tsumu, Tusmu, Tsumu!"you chant the setter's name, eyes clenching as you let go on his fingers, coating them in your ejaculation. "That's number one."he licks his fingers, tasting your sweet juices, he kneels infront of your core, leaving kisses on your inner thigh before his mouth finds your now overly sensitive clit.
"Ahh Tsumu!"you yelp, you were still sensitive from your previous orgasm, his mouth is mercilessly sucking on the bud and his fingers again find themselves in your cunt and this time he pumps them at a quick pace. The sloshing sounds of your pussy has you clenching your eyes shut in embarrassment. He curls his fingers grazing your sweet spot and it has you seeing stars, your hands weave themselves in his faux blonde hair, tugging at the strands as he pushes you over to the edge, searing white hot pleasure dots your vision.
“Is my doll already fucked out with just my fingers.”he stands to his full height, tapping your drool stained cheeks, he pulls down his shorts revealing his erection, angry red with precum dripping from the tip. His thumb pushes down on your clit again and it has you mewling and clawing his arms, you were sure you couldn’t handle another orgasm as your legs trembled uncontrollably, you’re tripping over your words for him to stop but only to receive a dark chuckle from the tall male.
"Don't even think we're finished."
miya osamu
Food Play Kink
It was a regular date night for you and Osamu, he had some special prepared for the both of you. As soon as you got to his apartment, various smells travel to your nose and god it smelt like heaven. “Is there anything I can do to help babe?”you hug the grey haired male from behind, leaving a soft peck on his shoulder, standing on your tippy toes to peak at what he’s whipping up. “Don’t worry about it kitten, I’m all done. Go sit your pretty ass at the table.”he turns and slaps your ass to the direction of the dinner table. “Samu!”you yelp at the sting to your ass which earns a melodious laugh from your boyfriend, you settle in the table and he serves up the meal, like a true chef his presentation was beautiful. You take a bite and you’re moaning at the mouthwatering flavour, “You’re such a tease kitten.”
After clearing and washing all the dishes, you squeal as Osamu pulls you in his arms and presses a sweet long kiss to your lips, you moan into the kiss as he nips on your bottom lip. Opening your mouth to allow his tongue to dance with yours, his hands travel down from your waist to your ass lifting you up to sit on the newly cleaned kitchen counter. Hands messily fumbling with the buttons of your blouse wanting the material off your body, he roughly rips your skirt and panties in one go, leaving you all bare on the counter. He steps back admiring the sight of your body before leaving you on the counter, you look at him in confusion, he rummages through his fridge before pulling out the chocolates, whipped cream and strawberries.
“Dessert time kitten, I can’t wait to eat you.”he heats up the chocolate for chocolate syrup and you watch as Osamu takes a strawberry dipping into the syrup before eating it. The fucking sight has you mewling for his mouth, he leans to kiss you and you can taste the chocolate strawberries. Pulling away he takes the chocolate syrup and drips it down breasts, the warmth of the syrup brings pleasurable chills down your spine. Moans fall from your lips as he sucks on your chocolate covered tits, “Fuck Samu!”you throw your head back, hands in his grey hair fisting it as he abuses your pink bud. His thumb runs over your clit down to you leaky slit, you thrust your hips up from more friction but he pulls away and feeds you a chocolate strawberry with a cheeky smile on his lips.
He shakes the whipped cream before coating your little clit and drizzling the still warm syrup, he connects his mouth with the now sugared spot, sucking at the little nub. Your legs shake at the sensation drawing such a pornographic moan from your lips, his fingers slip into your opening, fucking you at a rough pace. He pulls away and unbuckles his pants, angry erection slapping firmly against his abs, he kisses you roughly before thrusting up into your weeping hole. “Oh kitten, yah feel too good.”he bites down on your shoulder as he rocks his hips against you, tits bouncing at the force egging him to spray more of the whipped cream and sucking it off you.
Your teeth bites down on your lower lip as your orgasm begins to build up, the tight coil forming as his positions himself in an angle that wrecks your poor sweet spot. Your body filled with different sensations, your mind begins to fog as your orgasm racks through you and your body shakes in pleasure. The tight clench of your pussy send Osamu into his own orgasm spilling inside you and filling you up with his cum. “Samu now I’m all sticky.”you pout, he stares at your chocolate covered form and licks his lips before leaving kisses on your stomach, sucking bruises on the chocolaty spots.
“Round two in the shower, kitten”
hehe finally the last part to the valentines special, hope yah all enjoyed this little special and i’m mad that it took me so long to post this shit but stuff came up. anyways leave a like and comment, i’ll try to throw up some white day specials hahah. i don’t know but have a great day, jaa ne!
if yah haven’t read the other late valentine’s day special click [masterlist] , it’s under gala days.
all the love xx
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engekihaikyuu · 5 years ago
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Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu
Prince of Stage vol. 9 - Interview Translation with the new Karasuno cast!
Part 1: The First Years Hinata Shouyou: Daigo Kotarou Kageyama Tobio: Akana Ryuunosuke Tsukishima Kei: Yamamoto Ryousuke Yamaguchi Tadashi: Oribe Yoshinari
Full interview translation and more photos under the Read More! Please do not repost my translations or scans.
Please give us a highlight or something to watch out for in the upcoming play. Daigo: The atmosphere and activity that’s in Engeki Haikyuu is really distinctive, and I think it inspires a very unique feeling when you watch it.  This production is going to have few scenes with matches and instead portray more of the main character’s shared emotions.  We’ve changed everyone in the Karasuno cast, and we’re all challenging ourselves at something new!  Right now in this moment, I feel a burning desire to not lose to the previous productions.  I have a hunch that the outcome will be a spirited production.  Please look forward to it as you wait! Akana: Even though it’s a play, it does have the flavor of a live concert.  With the footage, the music, and the acting... it’s a production that has really a lot of realism.  I would rather people come with the same excitement as if they were going to see a concert rather than a play, and then I think they’ll be able to enjoy it even more.  When it comes to the production, I think there are parts that will leave you pondering after you’ve seen it, but I hope that when you finish watching Engeki Haikyuu that you leave feeling refreshed.  Maybe if you can feel like, “Tomorrow I’ll work hard!”  It’s a show that can cheer your up and leave you feeling brighter, and I think that’s something that a lot of other productions don’t have.   Yamamoto: When it comes to enthusiasm, the previous cast have definitely passed that on to us... in that respect nothing’s really changed.  With Worry-san as our director and our chief, we’re gradually taking in new ideas, and trying a lot of new methods that haven’t been used in Engeki Haikyuu before, so I think it’s going to turn out completely different from the previous shows.  And with that difference, I hope we can show off our new “Karasuno colors.”   Oribe: I was able to watch the previous show, but it’s like everyone else has said, we’re going to be a completely different Karasuno from before.  And I really want the audience to see us already.  Rather than a specific highlight, I feel like I want people to really pay attention to all of it.  We want to surpass what the previous Karasuno cast have created, in a sense.  To have inherited something that has this three-year history, it means that we’re the ones who have to keep it going.  So everyone is working together so that we can continue the legacy of those three years.  It’s a promise we have within our team, and I’d like to be able to convey that to the audience.  
Please tell us something about how you relate to your characters. Oribe: Well Ryousuke-kun and I are like the actual characters. (laughs) Daigo: I do wonder if you’re just normally like that or if you’re being in character, as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, I mean. Oribe: Isn’t it fine if just being normal matches being in character? Akana: …..I think if you were really like them, people might dislike you? Everyone: Hahahah! (laughs) Daigo: But doesn’t Yamaguchi feel the same way?  Maybe. Akana: But he doesn’t hate being that way really? Daigo: But Ryousuke-kun might dislike Yoshi.... Yamamoto: ….I mean if I did, I can't really say so. Oribe: Hey!  At least deny it?!   Daigo: I don’t actually have a lot in common with my character...  I think just about everything is different.   Akana: You aren’t really alike, huh. Daigo: But maybe we’re a little alike in our enthusiasm?  Or at least I’d like us to be.  As an actor, I can really respect how much he loves just that one thing.   Akana: I’ve been told that my face is like Kageyama’s, also my aura.  Or the shape of my head.   Daigo: Your personalities aren’t that similar at all though.   Akana: Some of our circumstances are a bit similar.  If I’m trying to manage a group, people usually hate me at first. (laughs)  But fundamentally our personalities aren’t the same.  I can’t love something to the degree that I’d be that much of an idiot. Yamamoto: For me, I also have bad eyesight.   Daigo: Oh that’s very true. (laughs) Yamamoto: And I’m also very smart, and have blond hair. Akana: Hang on, no you don’t! (laughs) Oribe: You’re also very tall! Daigo: And you can jump really high.  It’s actually really amazing.  He’s exactly like Tsukishima that way.  
If you could pick a favorite character within the series, who would it be? Daigo: Kiyoko-san!  Because I always love the cute girls in anime...  I’m kidding.  In all seriousness, I love Hinata Shouyou.  He’s so bright and energetic, and I love that about him. Akana: For me, it’s Oikawa Tooru.  I mean, he’s popular, right?  Girls are screaming kyaa kyaa for him during matches, so he’s basically like a star.  I kind of want to live my life like that. Yamamoto: My favorite character is... well I kind of end up focusing on my own character as I read? Daigo: Yeah.  That’s really true! Yamamoto: So because of that my favorite character ends up being the character I play.  In the end, my favorite is Tsukishima.  When I’m reading the manga, I get excited whenever Tsukishima does anything.  If I could try playing a different character, it would be Kageyama I think.   Oribe: In all honesty, I didn’t have any favorite characters when I first read Haikyuu.  But when it was decided that I would play Yamaguchi, it’s exactly like Ryousuke-kun said, I started being really aware of Yamaguchi while reading, and in the end Yamaguchi became my favorite character.  If I could try playing a different character, I’d also pick Kageyama.  Kageyama and Yamaguchi are complete opposites and their personalities are completely different.  So I get kind of curious as to, “If I played him, how would I do it?” and stuff.   Akana: ...ohhhhh. Yamamoto: It really doesn’t matter to you, does it? (laughs) Daigo: That was suuuch a displeased response! (laughs) Akana: No no!  I’m actually really happy.  The fact that other people think of my character and go, “I wanna try playing him too.”   Everyone: ….hmmmmm. Akana: Okay, good job everyone! Everyone: (laughs)
Please tell us a story from your rehearsals. Akana: Everyone’s getting to be really good at volleyball now.  Because everyone keeps playing during breaks so our breaks aren’t even breaks. (laughs)   Daigo: Kou-kun is always moving around so much at rehearsals, but even for like 10-min breaks he’s still practicing volleyball.  It’s to the degree where I kind of wonder if he might be an idiot! (laughs)   Kanegae: Hey, I can hear you!  Who are you calling an idiot?!   Everyone: Hahahah! (laughs) Daigo: No but really, he'll always stay super late for more volleyball practice.  He’s getting better than everyone else, so I think he’s pretty amazing. Akana: I mean his athleticism was outstanding to begin with. Yamamoto: And he’s got that shaved head. Kanegae: Hey!  Who are you calling bald?! Daigo: He didn’t actually say ‘bald.’ (laughs)
What were your first impressions of each other, and your impressions of each other now? Daigo: My first impression of Nosuke (Akana) was basically, I thought he was crazy. Akana: Hang on a second... how many times have we had this conversation? Daigo: I mean I’ll say it however many times.  It was my first impression after all.  Because we met during our costume fittings.  Nosuke went first and I went in after he did, and he just went, “Ah!  I forgot to wear underwear!”   Oribe: Ehh?! Yamamoto: Why were you going commando?! Akana: Well, I can’t sleep with underwear on.  And that day was in winter and it was cold, so I had on thermal leggings, and I’d put on my pajama pants over those to sleep.  And leggings feel pretty snug on the body so they’re basically the same as underwear anyway.  That’s why I thought I had them on, and the next morning I took off just my pajama pants and put on regular pants instead over the leggings.   Yamamoto: Do you call them leggings?  Aren’t they long johns?   Akana: Eh?!  Don’t people call them leggings?   Daigo: Yeah, if you’d said long-johns I’d know better what you were talking about.  I don’t know about leggings.   Akana: People from Nara say leggings* though...  Ah, well, then, I was wearing long johns. (laughs)  So then when it was time for costume fittings and I had to strip, I had to say, “I’m... not wearing any underwear...”  
*Akana actually uses a slang word for thermal leggings that’s borrowed from Korean, which is partly why Ryousuke doesn’t really know why he’s saying that instead of the more standard word: 股引.  This is difficult to translate exactly because English doesn’t have a very slangy word for leggings or thermals and certainly not one that we borrow from another language.  Leggings was the best I could do because in all fairness, guys don’t really wear them.  
Daigo: That was before we became friends so it wasn’t something you could really joke about, but you laughed a lot. (laughs)  So that was us at first, but lately I’ve found some things I can even respect about him.  Nosuke’s really really good at dancing.  And he’s really quick to memorize choreography, and then he takes the initiative to teach people who can’t do it yet.  He’ll even suggest like, “Maybe it would be better if you tried it this way,” and so I thought he was really dependable.  I respect that a lot about him. Daigo: Actually, Yoshi and I went to the same high school.  And we used to hang out a lot privately. Oribe: It’s pretty funny.  When we were in school we used to just hang out normally as friends, but now we’re working together.  It feels a little off.   Daigo: It’s not like that anymore, but at first it did feel really strange.  
Please give one final message to people who will be going to see the show. Oribe: I want everyone who’s going to come see Engeki Haikyuu to be able to feel the passion and enthusiasm of the show in person.  I think there are a lot of different ways they can enjoy the show, thanks to our teamwork, and so please look forward to the tour!   Yamamoto: Worry-san said to us, “Let’s make this next productiong while keeping in mind the keywords, ‘connect,’ and ‘entrust.’”  This production is something that’s been entrusted to us by the previous cast, and we have to connect with that in order to continue, it’s important to understand that.  While being mindful, we as the new Karasuno generation will make a new wind blow, this is our starting point, but first we have to take that first step.  I hope we can really burst onto the scene together.  We’ll be working really hard! Akana: Since we’ve had some time at rehearsals now, I can say with 120% certainty that it’s going to be a fun show.  There’s no way it won’t be with this cast.  I’m sure there are fans that are uneasy because of the completely new cast, but I think if they just make their way to the theater to see us even once with all of their expectations, the rest of their time will be spent just enjoying the show.  Please wait for us! Daigo: I want people to feel extra motivated and invigorated because of watching Engeki Haikyuu.  I want to work hard and do my best together with everyone who comes to see the show.  I have this image where the audience can be motivated because of us and that we also work harder for them, and I’m going to work extra hard at the thought of seeing everyone’s smiling faces.  I want to make a show where we all encourage and empower each other.  
Translated by @nimbus-cloud Please do not repost my translations!  To me, this includes screenshots of bits and pieces taken out of context, especially if they don’t link back to me.
If you appreciate the work I do for this blog and want to support my translation efforts, please consider donating a ko-fi!  (x)
If you’d like to buy the magazine that features the original interview, you can find it on Amazon JP: (x)
Parts 2 and 3 with the second and third-years will follow!
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lonelysetter-blog1 · 8 years ago
Okay so we worked really hard on this trash we hope you enjoy! It is basically the boys fangirling over bts.
Ji-mini 0.5 aka Hinata, PG Police Kookie aka Kenma, Translator aka Tsukishima, Not yoongi aka Suga, J-hoe aka Yamaguchi, and last and not least I want agust’s d aka Oikawa
 I want agust’s d:  TSUKISHIAM
                               geT TF ONLINE
                               TADSHI TELL YA BF TO GET ON
                   J-hoe: ok first of all
                               Not my boyfriend
                               Second of all
                                I FUCKIN KNOW RIGHT TSUKKI GET TF ON
             Ji-mini 0.5: IDK WHAT I JUST WATCHED BUT           JHOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE Dx
                                AND JIMIN TOO LIKE WHAT TF HAPPENED TO HIS ARM
   I want agust’s d: EXCUSE YOU BUT WHAT ABOUT JIN
                                ARE WE JUST GONNA IGNORE
                                THE LOOKS HE WAS SERVIN
PG Police Kookie: Oikawa-san pls stop right there
            Ji-mini 0.5: lmao caught
   I want agust’s d: FUCK DA POLICE
                               YOU CANT DENY JIN LOOKS DADDY AF
            Not yoongi: it’s like the police don’t do anything these days
                                And neither do the translators
                                Tsukishima please we’re desperate
Tsukishima heard his phone buzzing as if it was having a seizure. He turned his head towards the area where his phone was, observing how the device buzzed so much that it moved from the center of the desk to the edge of it, about to fall (everything) fall (everything) fall (everything) off the table. He finally unlocked his phone and noticed the BTS fan group chat he was dragged into by Yamaguchi was sending him many messages about the new Love Yourself highlight reels.
Of course he knew about these reels already and translated them ahead of time, but he needs to keep up the image that he doesn’t really like the group all that much and doesn’t check his phone often. Sighing, he began to type his response.
              Translator: I would really appreciate it if you all could stop blowing up my phone.
             Ji-mini 0.5: you could say it might start
                                Burning up
                    J-hoe: get off the stage
PG Police Kookie: Shouyou are you sure you haven’t been watching too many videos of Jin
                               Or hanging around Sugawara-san too often
           Not yoongi: I thought Hinata’s joke was funny
   I want agust’s d: ofc you did you dad
             Translator: So do you guys want the translations or are you going to keep fighting over the jin jokes?
            Not yoongi: We’ll stop
             Ji-mini 0.5: even though Suga-san is so far away i can feel his angry aura from here ;-;
PG Police Kookie: and there’s the agust d fanboy mode activated
   I want agust’s d: Like you don’t listen to this song everyday Kozume
PG Police Kookie: true
                               It’s relaxing
                   J-hoe: Tsukki pls
Tsukishima smirked. Should he give in, pretending to be reluctant while doing so in order to get them to shut up, or continue to be mean?
            Translator: Perhaps, once the obsessives are done obsessing enough to even read what I’m saying, I will do so.
   I want agust’s d: Ok ok we’ll stop
                               I wanna know what that pretty face is saying
            Translator: My pretty face? Why, I’m flattered.
   I want agust’s d: I would call you a brat but then you won’t send the translations
                               So pleeeaaaassseee Tsukishima tell us what Jin said
            Translator: Stop arguing and I will.
           Not yoongi: Everyone shush he is the only one that can give us what we NEED
   I want agust’s d: *cough*
           Not yoongi: Pervert
            Ji-mini 0.5: Tsukki we’re ready
                    J-hoe: Yea
   I want agust’s d: give it to me
PG Police Kookie: not again
Tsukishima began to look for the document where he held the translations that he wrote. Once he found it, he sent a link to the chat. Leaning back on his chair, he waited for the burst of notifications that was to begin soon.
            Ji-mini 0.5: OMGGGG
                    J-hoe: So is jin a time traveller????
           Not yoongi: I am so confused
                               wHY CANT I BE AS SMART AS TSUKISHIMAAAA
PG Police Kookie: I think Yamaguchi could be onto something
                               He looked as if he knew the girl was going to be hit by that car before
                               And that the vase was going to fall
   I want agust’s d: I can’t believe kim seokjin is doctor who
            Ji-mini 0.5: im just gonna nod and agree to everything being said because i can’t theorize so have fun~
           Not yoongi: But that means the multiverse theory is correct
PG Police Kookie: Yes but what about the situation between Taehyung and Namjoon
                               That is still unclear
            Ji-mini 0.5: idk everything is confusing for me
                    J-hoe: Maybe the girl that was with Taehyung became friends with him and they started doing crimes together
                                And the girl with Namjoon was Taehyung’s sister and he wanted to make up for not being able to take care of Taehyung in HYYH
PG Police Kookie: Taehyung’s girl could have seen Taehyung like he used to see Namjoon
                               As an older brother
   I want agust’s d: damn
                               Wish i had namjoon as that brotherly figure too
                               But that means i can’t date him so its kinda like hwarang all over again
           Not yoongi: Look there are people over here trying to live normal lives not thirsting over every cute boy they see tone it down a little
PG Police Kookie: can you really say we’re living normal lives when we’re here theorizing over a made up story
           Not yoongi: We are just some fanboys and here because we love them as people not as objects like other crazed fans
   I want agust’s d: Look suga #2 i just appreciate the boys bodies along with their talent it doesn’t always seem like that but i mean dayum they are so beautiful
                              And art must be appreciated in all its forms
                              Plus its not like you can talk mr. has a whole fanblog dedicated to taehyung’s hands
           Not yoongi: -__-
            Ji-mini 0.5: okay so that is a thing that happened
                               But i still don’t know what is happening Kenma-san helppp
                               The only thing I know is that poor kookie got hit by a car ;-;
PG Police Kookie: ok so Jimin obviously likes the girl but accidentally hurt her and J-Hope but in different ways
Tsukishima laughed out loud at the chaos that the chat had turned into. The group chat was a sneaky way to theorize and to also fanboy about BTS while not even having to participate much. Although he could really do without Oikawa’s spamming of pictures of the boys while calling them unmentionable names, he enjoyed being in the group more than he let on.
As the others continued to theorize, those that weren’t able to connect the dots themselves started helping out by sending screenshots of the videos that could help. Tsukishima had to fight the urge to contribute, because he really did want to bring up some points that the others haven’t noticed. For now, he had to keep his love quiet because he wouldn’t hear the end of it from Yamaguchi or Hinata. He continued to read the texts while listening to Kim Taehyung attempt to rap to Cypher Pt. 3.
                    J-hoe: WHere hixtape at tho?
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lethesomething · 7 years ago
2017 fic roundup
So I blatantly stole this meme from @themorninglark​. Feel free to make one for yourself, you writey people. I found it pretty helpful.
Because it's as good a time as any for some retrospective, and honestly, my writing can probably use some reflection.
my 2017 in fic writing
Total year-long word count: 287,599 Word count by fandom: Haikyuu!!: 241,726 Kuroko no Basket: 4,181 Boku no Hero Academia: 43,790 Original: 960
Fics completed: (I’m not going to do all of them, but these are notable)
The Lock, the Key and the Sacrifice (138,040 words): Haikyuu!!, a sprawling urban fantasy story and my first big fic (started in 2016, last third finished in 2017, but I’m counting the whole thing)
Monsters (45,038 words): Haikyuu!!, a rarepair TenSuga romance in a Vampire Yakuza Urban Goth Coffeeshop au. Because I can.
Chocolate Hearts (42,308 words): BNHA. A slow burn romance for Aizawa x Reader.
A Fairy-tale Haikyuu: Flash fic edition (497 words): The first time I tried my hand at flash fiction. Made for HQBrofest.
On villains and trust (888 words): BNHA. A serious attempt  to start a rarepair by writing fluff for Tokoyami x Shinsou
Thirst (596 words): BNHA. Poetic naked Aizawa.
Putting the rest under a cut for length
 Works-in-progress: My Girlfriend is a Goddess?!: Haikyuu!!, a gift for the Fantasy Exchange, which got out of hand completely. (we’re currently 52,280 words in)
 This year I wrote and posted: 10 fics
 Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? Absolutely. Somewhere around August, I became Extremely Wordy, and now everything I write takes up way more space than anticipated. I'm still not sure what happened, but all those long ones up there, apart from The lock, the key and the sacrifice, were all written in the last half of the year.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Tokoyami x Shinsou came out of nowhere and started out as a sort of joke with @leeva-z-kai​. I also never thought I'd be writing Aizawa reader inserts, but here we are. Considering my tastes in fictional characters, I should have probably seen that coming.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? I'm going to have to say The lock, the key and the sacrifice, for the sheer amount of time and effort I put into that, and for the immense sense of relief and satisfaction upon completing my first big project. I wrote a friggin book. That is a thing I did and I'm pretty proud of that.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I try to do new things to challenge myself with everything I write. I think the biggest risk I took, from a… fandom type side, is Monsters, because I knew from the very start that it definitely wouldn't be popular. It literally started as a way to prove to the world that you can dump several au's together, and then why not add a rarepair and lots of gore for good measure.
Your best story of this year: It's kinda hard to discern here between huge, enormous fics and the little ones, but, um, let's go with Thirst, because while that is very short, I like every single sentence in it.
Your most popular story of this year: Without a doubt Chocolate hearts. Still kinda reeling from the popularity of that one. I don't know if it was the timing, or the fact that the Aizawa is strong in the fandom, but it seems to have really hit a nerve.
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: That which was not broken is one of the most personal stories I've ever written, which probably clouds my judgement. To a regular person I assume it's a cloying, angsty, almost teenager sentimental rarepair, and that's… fair. But it's currently sitting at 66 views and that's mildly disappointing.
Most fun story to write: Intersectional feminist mermaids. For the rather simple reason that I don't remember writing most of it. It's one of those 'chat lodged a story idea in my head' moments that I quickly typed out. I found the story months after initially writing it and then just finished it.
Story with the single sexiest moment: I've written surprisingly little smut this year. For some reason, my sexiest moments are mostly Aizawa, and he is just a lot better in soft, fluffy touches and understated movements and just… subtext than as straight up porn. So that whole scene with the hair in Thirst is Peak Sexy to me.
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you" story: Yeah… Monsters. It has like… people-to-food factories and stuff. There’s a lot of weirdness in there.
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: On Villains and Trust was a lot of fun, because I wrote it almost on a dare and I'd never considered those characters in that setting. The thing with writing rarepair is that if you do it well enough, those two characters suddenly look like they're made for each other. So that happened…
Hardest story to write: I struggled a lot with Monsters, but I think I'm currently struggling more with My Girlfriend is a Goddess!?, so I'll pick that because it's fresh in my mind. It has something to do with how hard I find it to focus on a specific set of characters, and to find the balance between telling too much of their mundane life, and telling too little.
Biggest surprise: Considering Chocolate Hearts was mostly written in a fever dream, a random flash of inspiration that pushed actual, planned fics out of the way, I wasn't really expecting it to go down as well as it did. The near daily feedback and the full blast of emotions from the people in the comments was incredible.
Biggest disappointment: This is gonna sound stupid. But after having one fic that was really warmly welcomed, the gap that came after Chocolate Hearts was… difficult. Like, I'm used to fics getting a hundred or a couple hundred views, and a few comments from friends and the occasional wanderer. But after seeing what Could Be, it was hard to go back to life as normal. So while I realize that because of the timing, or the fandom, or the subject matter, I shouldn't expect too much from some fics, the reception of Monsters, and especially My Girlfriend is a Goddess?! has been… disappointing.
Most unintentionally telling story: I suppose That which was not broken was an intentionally telling story. So let's go with A man walks into a bar, because I never realized how big my personal need is to write a ridiculous space opera.
Favorite opening line(s): He drinks his coffee black.  (from Monsters)
Favorite closing line(s): It had been two years, but Akaashi still painted any new men he met with the same brush, only to find that the picture wasn’t as beautiful as Kuroo’s. (from That which was not broken)
It holds promises of friendly conversation and creativity and maybe, just a little bit, of adventure.(from The lock, the key and the sacrifice)
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
Cheese crackers, also, because everyone likes those, even mermaids. (from A fairytale)
Tortugan native beer was only 'beer’ because they changed the definition of the word for marketing purposes. The tortugans didn’t so much brew, as drink rocks. Literally. They dissolved minerals into water to get high. Unsurprisingly, it tasted like dirt. (from A man walks into a bar)
« He nodded and said 'I understand', » he went on. « And then we agreed that he doesn't ask questions and I don't tell him things that could cause an existential crisis for an experimental physicist. »(from My Girlfriend is a Goddess?!)
His skin is flushed, heat turning it a shade darker than normal, and the low light raises up his scars, turning them into islands of gold in a pool of vermilion.(from Thirst)
Semi Eita, 1,8 metres of undiluted sex appeal, folds his arms and looks around the coffee shop with a small pout.(from Monsters)
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
Kageyama Tobio on the world's creepiest beach, being a badass (in The lock, the key and the sacrifice)
The elaborate, alt Venetian feast, full of gaudily costumed people twirling around to music, like cogs in an overstuffed clock, would make a pretty picture, I think. (from The Golden God)
The flashback scene to Aizawa's graduation party, partly because of the sheer cringiness, and partly because hey, it’s a party under fairy lights. (in Chocolate Hearts)
Tendou fighting Iwaizumi in an abandoned homeless camp is one scene I wrote almost exclusively for the visual (in Monsters)
Bokuto and Akaashi at work in a mirrored attic feels like it would look really cool (in My Girlfriend is a Goddess?!)
 Fic-writing goals for next year:
I’m trying very hard to understand my own fic writing. I've written a lot this year, like a LOT, (probably too much, if I’m honest, not even counting the meta and the analyses and stuff) and I can feel myself evolving, but I have no idea where I’m going and why certain things work, and other things don't. So that’s something to figure out.
My main goal, I think, is to start writing slower again. I feel like I’m just more pleased with works that have been given the time to ripen, to stew a bit. Pacing, if you will.
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