#we only missed part of the parade and i got back to it in time for the cauldron once we'd put to her bed
dreamsrunfaster · 2 months
Gritting my teeth like no of course we can stop watching the opening ceremony halfway through! No you're right it's getting late! Don't worry i have only been looking forward to it since 2012 when paris announced their bid!
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mj0702 · 9 months
The other Bronze – Part 2
For my Bubs and @cyclingbigirl who demanded a part 2
Keira woke the next morning, you draped half over her body. Your right leg was across her lower half, your face was laying on her shoulders, your right arm was over her chest, gripping onto Keiras left sleeve. As carefully as she could, she fished her phone, making a selfie of you and her. She saw that she had 6 unread messages from Lucy, asking about her little sister and if everything was alright. The last message not even 15 Minutes old, so Keira decided to just respond with the picture. A minute later her phone vibrated again
Lucy: “Someone is cuddley”
Keira chuckled and texted back “Aren't all Bronzes cuddley around me?”
Lucy: “My Brother too, Keira?! Seriously? Don't you have any shame?”
Keira: “Maybe ;)”
Lucy: “Kinda disturbing, but whatever... she okay? You okay?”
Keira: “She misses you – a lot... just a fair warning.. she's not to keen on Ona, so keep their time spent together to a minimum in the beginning”
Lucy: “She doesn't even know Ona... what is her fucking Problem?”
Keira: “Language, Lucia... she doesn't really have a Problem. You know she always struggled with Change – she feels guilty for our breakup and just needs time to get used to you dating again”
Lucy: “I'm sorry... not only for the swearing – I think I didn't realized just how much it affected her... still affects her... thank you for watching out for her too, Kei... it really means the world to me”
Keira: “No need to thank me, Lucy... you know I love her just as much – so... brunch?”
Lucy: “You think you can get her up and presentable in an hour?”
Keira: “Oh please – I tell you the same as her yesterday... I'm not you – I'm not a push-over”
Lucy: “Oi!! I'm not a push-over”
Keira: “With her you always were... and still are”
Lucy: “One Hour starts now, Walsh... tick tock”
Keira laughed lightly, not even bother to respond, before she started to softly stroke over the younger Bronzes face.
“Wakey wakey” she whispered in your ear. Your nose scrunched up and you pressed your Face deeper into Keiras shoulder.
“Come on, Bitsy.. time for brunch” the older Woman said smiling, knowing that the promise of Food always gets the Bronze women going. Food and Caffeine. Your nose scrunched up again, but at least your head moves a little bit, looking sleepily at Keira.
“Breakfast?” you ask, your Voice thick with sleep.
“As soon as you up, showered and presentable” the older woman smiled.
“Noooo...” you whined sleepily, your head laying back on her shoulder.
“Yes” she said in the same tone as you “Your sister said you won't be presentable in an Hour... you really want to prove her right??”
Keira also knew, like the whole world does that the Bronze Family was highly competitive. You were up in a flash and a minute later Keira heard the Shower going. The older Woman laughed loudly, standing up herself, walking into the Kitchen starting on the Coffee.
15 Minutes later the youngest Bronze emerged from the Bathroom just covered in a Towel “Kei?? Clothes? Please?”
“I bet your Sister would be so happy to see you parading through town just covered by a short Towel ” Keira laughed “Here” she pushed a cup of Coffee in your Hands before walking back to her Bedroom looking for some Clothes.
She came back with a white T-shirt and some of her kit shorts “Up to wear my number for a change?” She smirked at you.
“Replacing the old Bronze with the newer, younger, sexier Model, are we?” you smirk back, but grab the offered shorts nonetheless.
45 Minutes later, Keira and y/n stood outside the little Place, Alexia mentioned the other day, waiting for the Rest of the Girls to arrive.
“Gosh she got so slow since she hit the 30” you rolled her eyes as your Sister obviously was late. Keira burst out laughing next to you.
“I don't think it has anything to do with her age...” she smirked, waiting for you to catch on. You look at her confused, until you realized what she implied, gagging loudly. The older woman laughing again loudly.
“You're her ex, you shouldn't talk about her having sex so easily... especially NOT with me” you gagged again.
“Who's having Sex?” a voice behind you asked, startling you.
“Speak of the Devil” you mumbled before turning around, your facial expression neutral “You're glowing... disgusting”
“Excuse me?” your Sister taken aback by your “greeting”
Keira just keeps on laughing, her hands on her sides, as she bends over trying to control herself. “You heard me, Arse Biscuits” you grumbled.
“Oi” your Sister said upset, taking a step towards you “watch your gob, wee shite”
Keira sensed that the two of you start to push each other so she interfered, knowing Ona – who arrived with your Sister – didn't know how to handle the two of you in situations like this.
“Both of you... take a step back” Keira said sharply. You and your Sister not reacting, staring at each other. You were so close to each other that your noses were nearly touching - Keira firmly said “Now!”
Lucy and you snapped out of it and you both took a step backwards. Keira looked at Ona, who stood there with a shocked Face “Don't worry... normal sibling behaviour between them – you just need to know when to intervene. And you need to be strict about it, because they're both hot headed and stubborn” she smiled.
“Okay” Ona said, her voice unsure, looking from Lucy to you and back.
“You'll get used to it” Keira chuckled and patted Onas back.
“You calm again?” Keira asked the two Bronze sisters
“Yes” both of them mumbled ashamed
“Good... then let's go inside, I need something to eat” Keira said, leading the Way.
Just as you all sat down, Mapí, Alexia, Ingrid, Patri and Pina joined the Group, all squishing themselves around the small table. Since the table was originally for four People and now there are nine, you got shoved around until you ended up getting placed on Lucys lap by Mapí, claiming she reserved the seat you were sitting on before you even arrived.
Lucy tried to shove you off her lap just for you to look at her with puppy eyes holding onto her shoulder “There no seats left”. Your Sister groaned, but laid her arm around your back
“The things I let you do” she rolled her eyes, but you could see a smile tugging at the corner of her Mouth.
“Love you too, Luce” you mumbled quietly
She squeezed your Side lovingly, before joining the Conversation at the Table, while you just looked around the small Place, taking in the Atmosphere – the Conversation was in Spanish anyway, so it was not like you could follow it.
“Cariño?” Alexia looked at you expectantly as you looked at her confused.
“Did you hear what I said?” the Barca captain looked amused
“No?” you admitted ashamed.
Alexia laughed before repeating her question “I asked for how long you're staying”.
“Oh... Mum said I can stay until Lucy gets tired of me...” you shrugged your Shoulders
Your Sister grabbed her Phone grinning “Wait, let me get an Uber for you”
“KEIRAAAA!!!” you yelled down the Table “LUCY IS MEAN AGAIN!!!!”
“Lucy!!” Keira scolded your Sister.
Lucy looked at you “You little backstabbing...”
Before she was able to finish you grinned wickedly, shouting again “KEIRA!!! She's calling me bad names”
“LUCIA!” Keira warned and Lucy knew it's getting to a point were she was in serious trouble.
“I didn't do anything!!!!” she defended herself annoyed.
Alexia just starred at the two of you, as you wore a shit eating grin your Sister looking like a kicked puppy, Mapí high-fiving you over Ingrid.
“You two are really children, aren't you?” the Barca captain asked amused.
“She brings out the worst in me” you grinned, taking your Sisters head into a headlock “Noogie!!” you laughed.
Lucy hugged your stomach, standing up, lifting you in Process, swearing at you, while you locking your legs around her waist. You didn't let go of her Head, laughing loudly as Lucy began to spin herself to get rid of you.
Meanwhile, Keira rolled her Eyes then looked at Ona “Now you should interfere... otherwise they will take the whole place down rough housing”
Ona looked at her shocked “Me?”
Keira grinned “Yeah you... they're your Problem now... welcome to the Bronze Family”
Mapí started to cheer you on while Ingrid tried to keep her in her seat so she wouldn't jump on Lucy to help you win. Ona tried to get your and Lucys attention, but it was no use, since she was still to reserved about you. Lucy managed to get you to let go of her, now having you in a light headlock. “Dear bloody Christ” Keira swore under her breath, turning to Ona “Watch and learn”
The Englishwoman stood up, walked over to the wrestling pair of Sisters and just grabbed both of you by the Ear before dragging you outside. Both of you stumble after Keira begging her to let go, but in secret you knew better that your plea would fall on deaf ears. Keira lead you outside the small restaurant, coming to a scattered halt outside.
“Are you two actually completely bloody mad??” she scolded the Sisters
“Sorry” you mumble and looked to the ground embarrassed
“You're going to be sorry, y/n Bronze... Mapí won't be the only one doing laps today” Keira said angry before turning to Lucy “And you... don't encourage her behaviour... you're the older one – you should be the grown up”.
Lucy looked guilty and started do fiddle with her fingers “I know... but she started it”
“Did NOT” you immediately exclaimed.
“Quiet.. both of you” Keira said sternly “I don't care who started it... we're in public.. what if Fans take pictures or god forbid a Video... and just as a small information, Lucia... Your new Girlfriend is very taken aback of your behaviour right now... I mean I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. I knew the two of you beforehand and knew your Actions, but she doesn't... I know you genuinely love each other and it's your weird language of love rough housing around, throwing insults at each other, but Ona can't understand it.. so either both of you pull yourself together OR I'm going to make sure the two of you will only have supervised visits – supervised by me”.
Both of you looked very guilty, not knowing what to say.
“Are we clear?” Keira hissed out at your silence.
“Crystal” Lucy and you said simultaneously.
“Good” the other Woman nodded.
“Do I really need to run laps?” you asked carefully, shuffling your feet.
“Yes” Keira said strict “But don't worry, you'll be in good company... Mapí and your Sister will join you”
“I'm doing what?” Lucy looking at Keira confused.
“You really didn't think that I punish her and you'd walk, did you?” Keira raised an eyebrow.
“You can't make me do Laps” Lucy said.
“True.. I can't.. but Alexia can and I'm VERY certain that she's on my side this Time” Keira smirked wickedly, before rentering the small Restaurant.
You looked at your Sister “How fucked are we?”
“Very...” Lucy sighed out “When she really involves Ale, than we're very VERY fucked”
“We could bolt?” you suggested
“You can... I need to be at Training at 3pm... it's my Job” your Sister shrugged “I can say you just bolted, when I didn't look”
“Naah” you smiled “We survived angry Keira before... Tobronzher”
Your sister laughed “Still the most stupid word you ever came up with... it sounds nothing like together”
“You still understood” you shrugged your shoulders
“I should talk to Ona” Lucy said contemplative.
“I really didn't want to cause trouble Luce” you said apologetically
“I know... and you didn't really.. I should have talked to her beforehand... our bond is special and Keira was right... she doesn't know how the two of us work...” your Sister said encouraging. You just hummed.
“Why don't you like her?” Lucy asked softly.
“I don't know her...” you said reflecting “... so I don't know if I like her or not”.
“You didn't even gave her a Chance” your Sister said, but it wasn't accusing or angry – it was simply a fact.
“When Luce? When did I had a chance to get to know her? Yesterday when I walked in on you? Or yesterday evening, when we sat like... 15 Minutes at the same Table, where you choose to drift off to your own World with her, which is okay, really.... or today, where we sat like half an hour together and all of you started speaking Spanish – even you – and I starred at the Wall? You didn't really put up an effort to introduce us too, Luce... you called me Devils Spawn the first Time we met... probably freaked her out” you said, shrugging your Shoulders sadly.
Lucy realized that you were right “I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not realizing how stupid I acted.... I'm going to make it up to you, I promise”
“I'm not the one you have to make up anything... I know you my whole life... I know you... but you should probably talk to her” you said.
“Dinner tonight... only the three of us?” your Sister asked hopefully.
“You... should talk to her first... if that's okay for her” you said carefully.
“I know I’m going to sound like an egotistical asshole in a second, but... you're my SISTER... you will always come first...” your Sister said and pulled you into a tight hug.
You hugged her back and mumbled into her shoulder “But she's your girlfriend...”
“She is... but your feelings will always be important to me... so if she says no, which she won't, I know she won't, than that's one thing... but if YOU say no... than that would really hurt” Lucy said, not letting go of you.
“I'm not saying no... but.. I need time?” you said carefully “I need time to process the whole situation...”
“That's okay... you want me to talk to Keira if you can stay at hers? Or maybe Alexia” your Sister offered.
“I'm not staying with the Scary Woman” you exclaimed shocked.
Lucy laughed out loudly “She's a big softie... she acts all scary when she's mad or on the pitch... but in private... mushball... oh... and she has a girlfriend, so you don't have to be scared she would take advantage of you... you will leave Barcelona still a virgin...”
“Oh please... THAT ship sunk long time ago” you mumbled and rolled your Eyes.
“EXCUSE ME??” your Sister screeched out surprised.
“Nothing” you answer quickly and try to push passed her.
Lucy grabbed your Arm, making you look at her “Who? When? Where? Why?”.
You knew it was no use in lying, so you answered reluctantly “Won't tell you... my Birthday... very classical in a bed... because it felt right?”.
Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose “Please tell me you were careful, used protection and you're definitely not pregnant”.
You looked at her with a shocked impression, before recovering “This... Person... wasn't... a dude?” you said carefully, not knowing how your Sister would react.
“A girl?” Lucy asked surprised. You nodded, but didn't meet her eye. “Hey” Lucy grabbed your chin gently and make you look at her “it's okay.. I mean... I'm gay... Publicly gay”
“I just... never told anyone” you mumbled ashamed.
“I feel honoured you told me, Bubs... did she... look after you?” your Sister asked carefully, knowing this wasn't really a Topic you should discuss in Public.
“Still is...” you admitted softly, started to play with the hem of Keiras shorts, a soft blush covering your cheeks.
“Good...” your Sister said, hugging you again before pulling back looking at you shocked “Oh my God... it wasn't Keira, was it??”
“What?” you looked at her confused
“Was it Keira?! The one who... you know”
“Oh my bloody God NO... god you're disgusting! NO!! That's wrong on SO many levels” you exclaim shocked.
“I KNOW it would be wrong... Just the way you said that the person was still taking care of you and you started to play with your shorts, which are actually Kei's shorts... so...” your Sister stuttered.
“Did you actually just listened to yourself?! I wear Keiras shorts, because I slept AT hers with my clothes still at your place...”
“Oh god... that was like a major shocking confusion just now... We should go eat something” your sister sighed out relived.
“You better not bring that up again.. that was just SO wrong” you shake your head.
“Do I know this person?” Lucy smirked as she held the door open for you
“Drop it, Lucia” you said annoyed but with a smile on your face
“So that's a Yes then” she grinned back at you, walking inside after you
“I said drop it... I won't tell you” you smirked
The two of you made your way back inside, immediately getting spotted by Keira, Alexia and Ona. You just sat down, you on Lucys Lap again and started to grab some Breakfast stuff. Keira smiled slightly before returning to eat her Cereal with Yoghurt and Fruit, while Alexia and Ona look at you baffled.
“What happened with the two of you?” Alexia asked confused
“What do you mean?” you mumble, chewing on a piece of Toast with tomato on it which your Sister offered you
“Stop talking with your mouth full, Y/n” Keira scolded you
“Like.. 10 minutes ago, you were basically pulling each others hair, nearly biting and now you're sitting here like nothing happened” Mapí looked at you puzzled.
“That... was 10 minutes ago?” you answered and looked like you didn't see a problem
“Again... welcome to the Bronze Family” Keira smiled at the Spaniards “One moment they're at each others throats, next they share food”
“You know what their problem is?” you ask your Sister confused
“No... on the other Hand I don't care” she shrugged her shoulders, pushing more food in front of you while eating the slightly healthier version of brunch.
After all of you finished your food you left the small restaurant all walking roughly in the same direction before it was time to go separate ways.
“See you later” Alexia said smiling before turning to Mapí “Want to run your laps before or after training?”
“You were serious about that?” the younger player exclaimed, her eyes growing big.
“When did I ever joked about you doing laps?” Alexia said, pulling an eyebrow up
“After, if that's okay” Mapí mumbled defeated, her head hung low
“Don't worry, Mapí... you won't be alone... Lucy and Y/n will join you” Keira smiled wickedly
“I think it's a little unfair that young, unfit1 me needs to keep up with world class players... Lucy can do my laps too...” you said innocently
“Nice try” Keira looked at you impressed “But no”
“Aaaawww maaaan” you groaned out
“If I need to run, you will too” your Sister growled
“Then it's settled” Alexia said grinning “The three of you, laps after training”
Lucy, Ona and you started to walk in the direction of Lucys apartment as you nudged her side
“Why do we want to run after training? Isn't it counterproductive to run when you're already tired and sweaty?”
“Theoretically it is a bad decision, because we’re already tired.... practically... we can use it as part of recovery AND it's a little cooler later in the afternoon...” your sister explained, while smiling slightly.
“Ah...” you say understanding “And how many laps do we need to run?”
Lucy started laughing “If Alexia is gracious maybe five”
“WHAT? FIVE?” you shriek and look at your sister shocked, which caused even Ona to chuckle
“Bubs... Alexia can make Mapí and I run... she can't make you run” Lucy winked at you
“Then why am I running laps with you and Mapí?” you looked at her like she’s growing a second head.
“Because you pissed off Keira?!” your Sister provided an answer
“Ah... yeah... I forgot about that” you said defeated
As you arrived the apartment, Ona wanted to say goodbye but got pulled inside by Lucy while you make your way to the kitchen.
“We need to talk” Lucy mumbled to her girlfriend
“¿Estás rompiendo conmigo?” Ona said sadly
“¿qué? no claro que no!!!” Lucy exclaimed shocked
Ona just shrugged her shoulders and looked up at Lucy sadly. Lucy took a step closer to the younger catalan woman taking her face in her hands.
“¿Por qué crees que rompería contigo?” your sister asked her girlfriend softly
“Necesitamos hablar suele ser un paso muerto” Ona said a little unsure
“I don't understand anything... could you please switch to english??” you yelled from the kitchen, where you prepared yourself a sandwich
“This is a PRIVATE conversation...” your Sister yelled back “... so get lost”
“Then don't hold your PRIVATE conversation in an open space like the living room, which is right next to the kitchen... your apartment ist very open” you answered, gesturing around the apartment.
“Are you seriously eating again?? We just had breakfast” Lucy exclaimed as she saw the sandwich “... and I told you to get lost, I want to talk to Ona... privatly”
“It's not like I understand anything” you rolled your eyes
“Los dejo a ustedes dos... No quiero entrometerme” Ona said quietly
“No te quedes... por favor” Lucy said a little desperate “Ignórala... lo siento, puedo enviarla a su habitación si te hace sentir incómodo”
“No, you should enjoy your time with your sister” Ona smiled but her eyes show sadness
“Thank you” you said, chewing on your sandwich, completely oblivious to what’s happening.
“I told you to get lost” Lucy growled at you and you noticed it was serious
“I don't know where to go... you never showed me around” you said annoyed
“Here” your sister reached into her pants pocket, pulling out some money “Here are 20 Euros, find the next Starbucks and buy yourself an Iced Chocolate Frappe... or something else without caffein... just PLEASE leave”
“Wow you really love me” you said sarcastic “It feels like I'm 13 all over and you wanted me out of the House so you can have “quality time” with Keira”
“I want you out of my apartment, because I need to speak to my girlfriend in private and you eating like harvester doesn't help... take your phone with you, god only knows Mum will kill me if you get lost in Barcelona because you took a wrong turn and ended up in La Mina – IF you get lost or need to get picked up, phone me.. or Keira! Be aware of pick pockers and don't interact with groups of spanish guys... DON'T GET KILLED” your Sister said, already pushing you towards the front door and outside
“I... hey...” you tried to protest but it was no use, since you found yourself already outside of the apartment
“Lucy... I need SHOES” you knocked hard on the door, which promptly opend and a pair of shoes were tossed outside.
Part 3 is in the making 😅
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imaginedanvrs · 5 months
when the world stands still
part 1 l masterlist
natasha romanoff x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: explosions, manipulation, coercion, descriptions of stage 4 cancer, character death, grief
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“I don’t like her,” Natasha said to her friend freely from where they sat at the bar, the Russian’s eyes focused on the woman in question.
  “I know,” Wanda replied, glancing briefly at the small crowd gathered on the opposite side of the room. “She seems better than Ross though.” Natasha scoffed lightly. 
  “Doubtful. If he practically gave her his old job then they’ve got to have the same agenda,” Natasha theorised. “Doesn’t this worry you?” She asked, turning to the younger redhead with a furrowed brow. She had more reason for concern than the Russian did.
  “Of course, but it’s nothing that we can control or even have a say in. It’s best if we just try and stay on her good side,” Wanda explained. “I doubt we’ll ever see a Secretary of State that actually likes the Avengers. They don’t like what they can’t control.” The mentor didn’t respond, still examining the newest political figure Tony had invited to his party, most likely having the same thinking as Wanda. 
  “Krasnyy,” Wanda muttered. “Don’t give her reason to make things difficult for us,” she said with a slight plea. 
  “I’ll play nice,” the older woman assured with a teasing smile that didn’t help put the Sokovian’s mind at ease. She hummed and followed Natasha’s gaze to where it had travelled to the spacious balcony outside. There were few people scattered around on the other side of the closed doors to keep out the evening autumn breeze that proved to be too much for most of the guests. They retreated back into the warmth, leaving you to stand alone. 
  “You don’t like her wife either?” Wanda queried.
  “Fiance,” Natasha corrected. “Of two years,” she added with a knowing smirk over the tip of her glass. 
  “Spreading gossip about them is the last thing you should be doing,” Wanda scolded lightly before taking her own sly glance in your direction. Your back was to the party, the city beyond captivating your attention instead. You had dutifully shown your face by your partner’s side at the start of the party but apparently hadn’t felt the need to mingle like most did at such an event. “Two years?” Wanda asked as though it only just clicked. Natasha chuckled with a small nod. “Well I suppose they must be quite busy.” 
  “Too busy for a lot of things I bet,” Natasha continued. 
  “Tasha,” Wanda warned again, unable to hide her smile this time. “It’s my turn to escape early,” she said as she stood up. The brunette had a mission early the following morning, a card Natasha had been able to play at the last few events. It wasn’t that either of them disliked Stark’s parties, they were infamous for a reason, but nights like that one didn’t compare when there was a clear political motive and the heroes were paraded around like trophies that could perform tricks. 
  “Tell me what I miss when I’m back,” she said, leaving the spy to her own devices at the bar where her attention soon flickered back to you. 
  Play nice, she reminded herself as she started towards the balcony. You didn’t turn around when the door opened behind you, taking another drag from the glowing cigarette as your gaze remained fixed on the night life below. 
  “I’m glad someone can admit how tedious these events can be,” Natasha called out, putting several paces between you as she leant over the railing next to you. You glanced her way in acknowledgment but gave no indicator if you were pleased or irritated by the company. 
  “This is the third one this week,” you told her simply. 
  “Just don’t laugh too much at the unfunny jokes or they won't leave you alone,” Natasha advised. “Oh and pretend you don’t find them incredibly irritating,” she added. You took another steady drag as you eyed the Avenger, unsure what her angle was with you. Most of the guests at such parties that approached you on your own just wanted some gossip about your personal life. Vultures.
  “Is that what you do?” A genuine smile crept through Natasha’s strategic features that you apparently saw through better than most.
  “And find the right people to pass the time with. I suppose your fiance is preoccupied though,” the redhead stated as she peered back at the party. You didn’t reply, nor did you show any interest in what you were missing behind you. “If you can stick it through, it gets better once people get drunk,” the spy continued, set on getting some kind of reaction or exchange from you. 
  “They’ve got the right idea,” you muttered as you crushed the cigarette but under your heel and finally peered back at the party. Your fiance was still immersed in conversation with Steve, one of the few heroes that was willing to converse with her for so long. Natasha’s eyes twinkled in a way she knew Wanda would disapprove of. Regardless, she opened an invitation to you. 
  “Not many people know this, but I’m a pretty great mixologist,” she told you. You considered her for a moment before turning back to the party you had no interest in attending. Might as well enjoy the free drinks, it’s the only perk this new lifestyle seems to come with.
  “Screw it, why not,” you shrugged, allowing the Avenger to lead the way back inside and to the edge of the bar where she and Wanda had sat, out of the way of the main events. “How often does Stark throw these events?” You asked as Natasha began pouring from bottles you didn’t know the names of. 
  “Not as much as people think,” she told you. “And there’s usually less people.”
  “Is it better that way?” You asked out of your own sheer curiosity. 
  “Much,” Natasha admitted. You had to give her credit for her honesty. “Events like this just feel like a show.”
  “For my fiance?”
  “Who else?” The redhead placed a martini glass on the bar and pushed it gently towards her. You thanked her and briefly glanced back in the direction of the main party, seeing the guest of honour still mingling with Steve. “Now that bit isn’t an act. They’re talking shop because he’s the only one who can make it seem so harmless at these events,” Natasha continued. 
  She didn’t stop there. As the evening became night, the redhead analysed everyone in the room to you as she continued to push more drinks. You weren’t entirely sure why she was doing it, but it did make the event more interesting to know the unkept secrets about some of the other guests who had appeared. It was also helpful. The gist of it was, none of them were as powerful, generous or influential as they believed themselves to be. 
  Though as enlightening as Natasha’s tale’s were, you couldn’t sit at the bar and listen to her all night, as reminded to you when midnight came around as indicated by the chime. The Avenger was about to pour from another bottle when you stopped it all, the content smile remaining on her imperfect features. 
  “Stop,” you muttered under your breath. 
  The world obeyed. 
  You examined Natasha for a moment, noting the lonely stillness that had fallen over her features and that of everyone else's in the world and briefly wondered if it would ever stop feeling so isolating. You couldn’t ponder on it, even if you did quite literally have all the time in the world, because you had a job to do. 
  Begrudgingly, you stood up from the bar stool and leisurely made your way across the grande room with a slight intoxicated sway to your step, passing by every statue without a second glance. You always felt guilty when you saw all their oblivious faces. 
  You had never uttered that magic word after a drink before and you could feel yourself having less of a control over keeping everything still than you usually did. You were playing a dangerous game, resuming everything too soon could have endless consequences that you weren’t planning on exploring. She certainly wouldn’t be happy. 
  More than that, you had never performed the task on a building with such impressive technology either. What if you were finally caught? It couldn’t have worse outcomes than the only other time you had been found out. For you. Someone else would pay that price though and you weren’t ready to deal with the debt that would follow, ironic for someone with your abilities. 
  Even though you had tried your best to memorise the route to the control room prior, you still found yourself getting lost numerous times on the way. It didn’t help that such a large tower only had two sets of stairwells for you to use because Stark apparently had too much faith in his building's ability not to catch on fire and render the elevators useless. You couldn’t use them yourself, having to be sure that everything was left in place when you resumed the world. 
  Finally, you found the main control room and didn’t waste any time placing the small chip under the nearest surface. It was hard to believe what it was supposedly capable of, but you had no doubt that their plan was flawless, it always was. 
  Just like that, your work was done and you returned to the party, feeling far heavier than you had when you left from the guilt that was already weighing on your shoulders. It wasn’t the first time you had done something like that, but you were sure this deed was going to have a worse impact than any of the prior ventures. 
  You let go of your hold on the world’s time so that the chaos could resume. The midnight chime ended and was replaced with another sound, one that was far grander. 
  The explosion shook the building, startling every guest that looked to each other for solace and guidance with terrified expressions. Alarms blared, people screamed, orders were yelled from the building’s AI and heroes. “Stay here,” Natasha ordered as you painted your features with the same fear that everyone else carried. 
  “But Cecilia-” you started, because anyone would be first concerned about their lover, right? Amidst the chaos, you really couldn’t see her. 
  “Wait!” Natasha repeated, springing over the bar and starting down the hall you had come from as the AI reported where the explosion had started. Steve rushed off after her, then Tony, then a few others. Then the next alert came. 
  “Security breach within the mainframe!” The robotic voice alerted. 
  You were so focused on watching the crowd panicking around you that you didn’t even notice the presence behind you until her body crashed into yours, supposedly to embrace you in a blaze of panic and relief. “Are you okay?” Your fiance asked as she examined your features carefully, playing the role without fault. 
  “Yeah, I’m okay,” you told her, staring long enough into her features to give the nonverbal answer she was looking for. She hardly needed it, the scenes unfolding around you were evident that you had done as she instructed. 
  “Good,” she exhaled, pulling you flush against her into a tight hug that gave her enough cover to whisper into your ear. “Good girl,” she praised, maintaining that fake worry as she pulled away. You felt sick. People were crying around you. God, you hoped no one was hurt. 
  The situation was handled with impressive ease and it wasn’t long before everyone was being evacuated from the tower. Despite yourself, as you followed the crowd out of the building, your arm protectively around your fiance’s waist, your eyes drifted back in hopes of catching a glimpse of the redhead that had entertained you for the last stretch of the party. Part of you actually wanted to thank her for making the tension you had been feeling lessen, but that couldn’t happen, so you carried on. 
  The moment you were in the car together with the driver speeding off to your home, Cecilia was on the phone to her team. “Did you get it?” You didn’t hear the response, you didn’t want to know. Still, her chuckle told you it had. They had hacked the Avengers and retrieved whatever files they were looking for. You weren’t sure which ones, all you knew was that you had been able to damage the controls enough to provide a window for them to enter and take what they pleased. 
  “I don’t know what you’re looking so down about,” Cecilia sniped when a silence fell over the vehicle. “You know the deal, your sister gets more treatment now,” she said simply. 
  Yeah, she will. That’s all that matters. You nodded. “Thank you,” you muttered. “Can I see her?” You asked, hoping you could make a stop to visit her before you were taken back to the house. 
  “She’s already in surgery,” she told you with a smile. You returned it politely, willing yourself not to argue that that meant you really should have been taken to where she was so that you could wait for her, so that you could be there in case… Fuck, you didn’t even know she needed another surgery. They never told you anything. 
  You fought back tears, adamant that you wouldn’t show weakness in front of her, especially when she was on a power trip of success. She had the job, she had the files, she had you. To her, everything was working out perfectly. To you, it was all falling apart. 
“What files were accessed?” Tony asked, feeling an uncertainty arise within his chest. No one had ever hacked him before. No one had ever successfully attacked the base. What was worse, there were still no answers as to how it had been done. He sighed, running his hand through his hair as he gazed at the monitor that offered no comfort. 
  “Just under half of all existing documents. Displaying now.” Files streamed onto the screen on cue, all ranging in dates and topics. 
  “Anything?” Steve and Natasha entered his space cautiously, knowing that the billionaire was stuck in his own head that was no doubt flooded with anxiety. 
  “No, keep the tower shut to all other personnel until we know for sure that there are no more bombs.” 
  “They’re already gotten what they want,” Steve said. 
  “We can’t know that for sure,” Natasha input, leaning over to examine the different documents that were presented and trying to pinpoint any recurring themes or patterns. “We don’t even know who they are.”
  Gently, you ran your fingers over the skin where your sister’s hair should have been. You always used to do that when she was sick, from her fevers as a baby to the start of her diagnosis, you were always there to provide her with whatever comfort you could. Getting her the medical help she needed had been a long, greying, journey that you had never for one moment considered might not lead to the destination you wanted. It had been difficult for you both, but you had never dared let her in on what you had done to get her there. 
  It wasn’t a hospital by any means, yet the equipment they carried in the building was far superior. There was a team of professionals that were so highly trained in their respective fields, you had to wonder how much they were being paid to treat your sister and the other unknown patients. It was certainly money that you had never handed them, but you had worked for it. It wasn’t the personnel that had drawn you to the facility, it was the medicine they used. It wasn’t from Earth. 
  You had seen first hand the miracles that occurred on the hostile city streets, the last place anyone would expect to find them. Sicknesses being rid of, disabilities being lessened, burdens released from those who could never have afforded lesser help from elsewhere. All they had to pay with was their services. Thieves, thugs, gangs, dealers, the skills that flourished in the city’s underbelly were revived and given the chance to be used in ways they never could have imagined. 
  Once those rumours fell on your ears, you thought you had found the solution to your problems and that if you gave yourself to the ones pulling the strings behind the curtain, you could save your sister's life. Even as you gazed down at her pale features, you refused to believe your efforts were in vain. 
  Footsteps broke you from your trance as they thudded into your space. You knew who it was, she had a habit of interrupting what little time you had with your sister, as though she was genuinely jealous that your attention was on someone else. Cecilia was hardly in love with you and your relationship was purely for the convenience of getting you access to restricted events and places, but her possession was fierce. She was adamant on knowing where you were at all times and who you were with, preferably being the one to send you to those specific places. You kept to the diet and workout plan she set for you and never let you sleep in a different bed to her. You didn’t understand her insistent dictatorship over your life that was already in her hands, you just knew to obey it. 
  You didn’t react when she pressed a kiss to your neck and snaked her hands around your waist to peer over your shoulder at your sister. She didn’t comment on her declining condition, instead, she brought up the absolute last thing on your mind. “I’ve finally decided on a venue,” she informed lightly, humming into your neck. You could have slapped her. You didn’t want to think about the goddamn wedding. “You’re gonna love it,” she added when you remained silent. 
  “Can you ask the doctors what they’re gonna do next?” You asked. They never told you, too busy to make conversation with someone that didn’t matter to them. You felt your fiance exhale against your skin. She was frustrated, as though your little sister’s cancer was an inconvenience. 
  “She’s dying,” she said bluntly. You stiffened and hoped she didn’t notice. You weren’t in the mood for a fight. 
  “Not yet.” Cecilia kept her hands on your waist as she moved around to your front, placing a fresh kiss to your cheek that you refused to let be stained with tears in front of her. 
  “I love that stubbornness,” she told you with a small smile. “There’s so much fight in that heart of yours,” she added, trailing her finger over your chest to where your organ was thumping. “So much strength.” Her hands threaded around your neck. “It’s why you’re my favourite,” Cecilia said fondly, kissing you once more before finally leaving you be. 
  Your sister died a week later. 
  The only comfort you were able to take from it was that you were by her side when she took her final breath. You were there to tell her that she didn’t have to hang on for you, that she could rest, go be with mum and dad, be without pain. You told her that you would be okay on your own, even though you knew you wouldn’t. You held her hand and felt her give a final squeeze of recognition, of comfort. Her silent goodbye. 
  Just like that, you were left alone. 
  Your sobs could have been heard throughout the entire building. You were inconsolable, grasping onto your little sister’s lifeless body like it would keep her around. You begged for her to take you with her, to let you join them and come home. You begged for an ending. You cried so much your throat felt as though it had been ripped out, torn to shreds from the source. They only intervene when you tried to draw out your time with her. 
  “St-” you couldn’t complete the desperate command because hundreds of volts were sent through your body. You convulsed and collapsed to the floor in a defeated heap, unwilling to ever get up again. What was the point if you didn’t have her to fight for? 
  “Shh, it’s okay,” Cecilia cooed as she pulled the taser clips from your back and pulled your head into her lap. She cradled you, offering her solace for something that never concerned her. She was probably happy your sister was gone. She finally had you all to yourself, even if you were hardly present. “We’ll make it better. You’ll do your best work without the distraction, get you training more.” You weren’t listening, too engaged with setting your eyes on the opposite wall. You didn’t care for her plans for you. 
  “She never would have died if you had been given more help,” she explained, catching your attention. “But no one cared, not the government, not the people, not the Avengers. They just kept you away from us until it was too late.” You didn’t entirely believe what your fiance was telling you, but your mind was so fractured you were desperate for some kind of explanation and someone to blame. 
“Humanity cannot be trusted with its own freedom. We fail time and time again because we aren’t led in the way we should be, the way we can be. Help us change that, y/n.” Dutifully, you sat up and nodded.
“We’re the only ones that looked after you and we’re the only ones that ever will,” she explained. That was true. You had no more foundations or life beyond the commands you were given. No one else could give you a future. 
  “What do you say?” Cecilia asked. You moved to kneel in front of her, features dead straight and eyes as dull as your sister’s behind you. 
  “Hail Hydra.” 
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
The Summer After Graduation
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Epel Felmier x fem!reader (separately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: Fluff, domestic
Warnings: suggestive jokes, nothing inappropriate.
It’s the summer after graduation and the beginning of the rest of your life. After moving to your boyfriend’s hometown and living with his family, you begin to realize that there may be a future in Twisted Wonderland for you after all.
Part One (HERE) || Part Two (Malleus, Silver, Sebek)
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Four years have passed since the Dark Mirror beckoned you forth. Your time at Night Raven College and as the Ramshackle prefect have come to an end. You and your high school sweetheart have made the decision to move back to their hometown and build a new life together, starting with the summer after graduation…
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Kalim Al-Asim
‘The Asims are a generous family that love and cherish their son and future daughter-in-law. In tradition with our past, you and your lover will spend the summer at  Port Ormos, a seaside village off the coast of the Land of Scalding Sands. Don’t worry about transport or living situation- it will all be taken care of for you. We love you, Kalim, and we’re so proud of you for graduating!’ 
That’s what the letter from Kalim’s mother and father to him read. Right after graduating from NRC, you and your boyfriend were swept up in a gaggle of servants and guards. Jamil had packed all of your belongings already, and a bashful Kalim informed you that you were on your way to something he referred to as the ‘Asim pre-honeymoon vacation.’ It’s a tradition in my family for newlyweds to spend some time together at the village, he laughed. I guess they were just super excited to know I had someone as wonderful as you by my side, and got a little hasty! I hope you don’t mind.
With that, you were off through the magic mirror and on your way to your new summer home.
Kalim’s parents weren’t kidding when they said everything would be taken care of. Not only had servants transported all of your things neatly and carefully to the Asims’ manor overlooking the town, but a parade and festival had been thrown in honor of your arrival. Why, you might ask? Because the Asims owned the entirety of Port Ormos. You knew they were wealthy, but this was a whole other level. 
Immediately upon arrival, Kalim was dragging you into various shops and restaurants around town. Each time you walked through a door, you would be greeted warmly by eager staff and ushered in to have a look at their finest goods. Point to any one you like, and an attendant will be by your side, packing it into a bag for you or loading it up to carry it back to the manor. Only the best for Lady Asim, you hear managers whisper to their employees. 
In fact, it seemed like everyone in the harbor town treated you like you were part of the Asim family already, even though you were an ordinary student at Night Raven College not even a week ago. For the duration of the trip, you would take on the family name and honored titles. You don’t miss the happy, flustered grin that Kalim gives you every time someone calls you Miss Asim or Lady Asim. You’ve even caught him browsing jewelry shops for rings on more than one occasion… What could he be planning? 
Jamil, as usual, had been chosen to accompany you and Kalim on this trip. However, he wasn’t staying with you two in the manor- he and his own family had been given a beachfront home to stay in. While Jamil did check on you and Kalim from time to time, he mostly gave you your space, and for good reason. His eyes were still scarred from the time he walked in on you two in the dressing room… He’ll stay in his own home, thank you very much. 
Mornings in the harbor town with your boyfriend are much like those in Scarabia dorm, but with a lot more privacy. Kalim likes to sleep in late, and get up whenever he feels like it. So you two will be cuddled up in bed together for a while, even after waking up. If you do try to leave early you’ll be met with arms looped around your waist, and a sleepy Kalim mumbling in your ear, five more minutes? By the time you manage to roll out of bed, it’ll be noon. 
Your room in the mansion is just as luxurious as you could expect from the Asim family- a king-size bed with crisp white sheets, sheer curtains, and a gorgeous view of the sprawling port town far below. Breakfast consists of light sandwiches and wraps to start off your day, plus fresh-squeezed fruit juices or coffees to compliment the meal. It’s all cooked by Jamil of course, and brought up to your rooms by him as well. The Al-Asims weren’t taking a risk with the food prepared for you or Kalim- they would never forgive themselves if the newest member of their family were to get sick. 
Kalim is a very spontaneous person, one of the reasons you love him so much. Every day he’ll think of something new and fun for you to do. The world is his oyster, and you’re the pearl! You could stroll along the docks, holding hands and greeting every sailor along the way, or browse the street markets for artisan goods. Any time you stop to look at something for more than a few seconds, Kalim will drape himself over you and join you in ogling it over your shoulder. Anything fascinating to you is interesting to him too! There won’t be a boring day anywhere in your summer. 
When your time in Port Ormos comes to a close, you can’t help but feel a little sad. You and Kalim will spend one final day around town, enjoying your time together. Another festival is held in your honor- this time, in the evening- and Kalim will bring you out onto the balcony of your room to watch fireworks being launched into the sky. 
When the first round of sparks explode high above your head, you’ll notice he has a ring box in his hand. He even might trip a little as he gets down on one knee, he’s so hasty in trying to get everything right. 
I know this was supposed to be just a little taste of what life together is supposed to be like, but I want this every day with you, for the rest of my life! You bring me so much happiness and my family just adores you, too- not to mention, we’ll get to come back here! So please… won’t you marry me?” 
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Deuce Spade
Moving into Deuce’s childhood apartment after graduation was a quiet but well-managed affair. You didn’t have much to transport anyways. However, formal introductions would have to be made when you arrive in the Kingdom of Hearts- you had never met Deuce’s mother before. You already knew what a generous and kind person she would be, though. Deuce spoke highly of her at all times. Her greetings to you are warm, and Deuce’s cheeks are dusted with pink. He looked as if his heart was going to explode- The two people he loved most in the world were finally meeting! Everything was all coming together now. 
Deuce’s family’s apartment is cozy and well-kept. The shelves are dusted and everything seems so homey. Looking down the hallways, you notice small, faded marks low on the wall- crayon scribbles. Frayed edges of carpets and photos on the walls make it clear- your boyfriend had been raised in such a loving environment. It’s not very big, Deuce tells you with an embarrassed look, but it’s the best we can do at the moment. I promise we’ll get a bigger home in the future. You look back at him with love in your eyes. It’s perfect, Deuce. Just take things one day at a time- little steps.  
Though Deuce tried his best in school, he wasn’t able to make it onto the honor roll. Still, the moment his mother saw his diploma from Night Raven College, she gasped and pulled him into a tight hug. His diploma and graduation photo were framed and hung on the wall- and with your permission, Deuce’s mother would frame and hang yours as well, right next to his. You and Deucey are first in our family to graduate, she would tell you proudly, admiring the papers on the wall. I’m so proud. Thank you for looking after him…
Well, you could say the same back to her. 
Within just a few days of returning home, Deuce had to start work. He had been hired in a mechanic’s shop halfway across town, and was gone on long shifts for most of the day. He’s not around much, but when he is, he tries his best to spend time with you. No matter what he’ll kiss you good morning and good night, even if you’re asleep when he leaves or arrives home. On his rare days off, he’ll make sure to take you on a date, even if it’s just eating a meal together in the park on a picnic blanket. He’ll bring you small gifts from the shops around town, from extra tips he’s collected over time. You will never feel unloved under his watch. 
During the day while Deuce is out working, you help his mother around the apartment. She’s perpetually cheerful when her son is around but sometimes, when it’s just the two of you at home, you’ll notice her having to sit down often and rub aching joints. The poor woman has worked herself to the bone trying to care for Deuce by herself all those years. When you ask her about it, she’ll confide in you- I haven’t told Deuce about this, she says with a rueful smile. I don’t want to worry him. But I’m so happy my little Deucey found someone so lovely and kind. I’d be proud to call you my daughter. 
After that conversation, you write a letter to Riddle Rosehearts- an old friend of yours who is studying to become a magical doctor. He agrees to have a look at Ms. Spade, and give her a trial medicine he’s been working on, free of charge- hopefully it will help with the pain. Deuce’s mother tries to protest- There’s no way I can accept such generosity! But in the end, she caves. She’s not quite ready to tell Deuce yet, but that’s alright. It’s just like you told him; things might take a while- we’ll start with little steps. 
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Trey Clover
Living with your boyfriend’s family is hard work, but rewarding. Trey is expected to inherit the Clover family bakery when he gets older, and he works tirelessly to keep business up and running. His parents had doubts about you moving in at first- since the Rose Kingdom is on an island, they weren’t able to meet you previously. But with a bit of hard work and effort, they’re willing to look past your inexperience and see you for the wonderful person their son has come to love. 
During the day, when Trey is busy with work, his mother or father will help teach you the basics of running the shop- how to work the ovens and give orders to the employees, as well as use more advanced equipment they use to make the delectable treats they sell. Don’t mind the little ones when they ask for a sweet, Trey’s father tells you, sending a disapproving glance at his two younger children. Chances are they’ve already stolen one or ten from the back counter when you weren’t watching. 
Speaking of Trey’s younger siblings, they absolutely love you. His little brother has a bit of a puppy crush on you and will hang around the bakery when you’re working there. He’ll often have a little gift in his hand when he returns from playing outside. Look, I found this flower on the trail near the stables!  
Trey’s younger sister is just as adoring of you as her brother, but in a different way. She’s so used to roughhousing with two boys, and is super excited to have a sister around now! She’ll chat your ear off about anything and everything, and is always willing to help you out if you don’t know what to do with certain ingredients or bakery customs. 
Though Trey works long hours, the Clovers live above their bakery shop and he never has to deal with long travel times. That leaves him with a decent amount of time to spend with you. He’ll often ask you to accompany him on strolls around the village, where he goes out of his way to help neighbors. You learn that Trey has a bit of a reputation as a heartthrob in the small community where they live- they’re so excited to know someone has finally won his affections! The town’s golden boy is growing up so fast… 
At home above the shop, you and Trey are mostly left alone to your devices. His parents trust you enough not to monitor your every move- but Trey’s father has one rule. You two sleep in separate rooms, and no closing the door when you’re in the bedroom together! We have enough little sprogs running around underfoot already. You have to promise him that no funny business will be going on in the home. (Well, at least for now- but don’t tell him that!)
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Epel Felmier
Having visited Harveston once before, the trip to Epel’s home village was like returning home after a long vacation. Epel’s grandmother, Marja, welcomes you back as kindly as ever, all the while nagging Epel for not visiting home more often! You should think about your lonely old granny from time to time, Epel. You aren’t in the village for long, though- for the summer, you would be visiting an entirely new place- a town a few hours south of Harveston, where the rest of Epel’s extended family resided. 
Epel’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and more have yet to hear about you. When you first step into the large farmhouse where the family has gathered, you’re immediately swarmed by dozens of blue-eyed, lavender-haired relatives, all gushing- Epel! Who is this young lady, and why didn’t you tell us about her before? She’s so cute! How did that sailor-mouth of yours manage to snag you someone so lovely? 
Epel might be a little sour over their comments. He gets a bit possessive at times- he wants your attention on him as much as possible, and there are so many people to compete with! I’m not rough all the time, y’know! I can be a gentleman when I want to be. Now hands off’a her, she’s mine. He’ll ease up a bit when you remind him to overstep. 
It’s a bit impressive how similar all of Epel’s relatives look. They’re all a bit on the short side, with the same hair and eyes. Small differences are evident in separate branches of the family, but overall they look very put together. You might feel like a bit of an outsider at first, but don’t worry! The feeling won’t last for long. It’s hard to feel lonely among such a boisterous crowd. 
During the warm months, the apple orchard is still in full capacity. While most of the apples aren’t ripe yet, a small sect of trees, the summer orchard, is ready for harvest. Everyone in the family pitches in to pick apples. Though you’re not as practiced, you join in on the fun! At least, you try until Epel’s youngest cousins grab your hands and pull you away to play with them. Marja tells you not to worry about work- they can handle it. Go have some fun!
Epel glares at his cousins as they retreat, dragging you in tow. Marja pokes him in the back with a smile on her face. Go on, boy, she tells her grandson. You can have the day off- spend some time with your lady love before those little rascals steal her away. She pauses. I wouldn’t mind having a granddaughter in law before I leave this earth. 
Red to the tips of his ears, Epel scurries after the children to find you. He joins you laying in the grass watching the kids nearby and mumbles in your ear- Y’know… I’ve been thinking- maybe it’s not a bad idea to get hitched after all. 
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A/N: The Kalim favoritism is so obvious here… 
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 
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Whumpuary Day 15-16 & 25-26
Prompt: “You look awful.” | “I’m fine.”
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Depictions of illness; vomiting; allusions to symptoms of stomach virus
A/N: Daryl’s human so humans with stomach bugs experience icky symptoms. There are allusions to those but nothing gross.
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You were bouncing on the balls of your feet, your lip securely tucked between your teeth in anticipation. Carol chuckled behind you and patted a hand between your shoulder blades. 
“I think you’re actually vibrating, Y/N.” She laughed a little louder when you beamed at her before it softened into something a bit gentler. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone other than Judith so excited to see Daryl come back. Well, and me but that’s a given.”
“It’s been two weeks. I’ve been going out of my mind!” You made a crazy gesture with your hands and then clasped them together again and continued bouncing. 
“How does he do around all this…energy?” You went still and blinked at her, a great many questions swirling in your gaze. “No, no. It’s not a bad thing! You’re good for him. Great for him. I just wanted to make sure he’s not being a total grump and raining on your parade.”
Pursing your lips, you tilted your head. “No, not really. I mean, at first it was like he didn’t know what to do when I would do a cartwheel through the living room. He just stared a lot. But he smiled!” Daryl always smiled for you. In the beginning, it was only in private. All of it was. He was wary of you. 
You had lived in Alexandria since the beginning. Knowing now what you didn’t know then, he was justified in holding back, keeping secrets. When you had proven to be just the average person trying to survive, it was like a switch had flipped. He’d show up at your house unexpectedly. Sometimes you’d find him just sitting on the porch steps, having a cigarette. Other times, he’d actually knock and ask you to go for a walk. He even taught you how to defend yourself with and without weapons. He wouldn’t teach you to hunt though. Always said you’d scare off the game. 
Things evolved from there. It started small. Daryl wasn’t the type of man who enjoyed public displays of affection. Well, he wasn’t before you came along. He would still blush and duck his head if you kissed him in public. You were always the one to grab his hand but he never pulled away. Hugs were okay but he’d yelp (in a very manly way of course) when you’d grab or swat at his ass. 
It had been nearly two years and you couldn’t imagine life without the grumpy, quiet bowman. 
“I’m glad he found you.” Carol wrapped her arm around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head when you laid it against her. You were about to say something else when the shout came to open the gates. 
You jumped up and down, jostling the woman beside you but even as she laughed, you paid her no mind. Your eyes followed the man on the motorcycle. He rode through faster than he should have, something you always scolded him for but he’d only scoff at you. 
“You’re back!” You leapt on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, just as his boot touched the ground after dismounting the bike. “I missed you!”
“Ain’t been tha’ long.” He spoke into your shoulder. His arms held you steady but if he had let go, he would have found you securely latched to his front. 
“It’s been two weeks! That’s the equivalent of forever!” You pulled back and pouted at him, your lip jutting out further when he lowered you. “You hurt? Bring back all your parts?”
“Nah, M’good.” He answered tiredly. Your eyes narrowed when you realized how exhausted he actually looked; something off by the way he was even just standing still. 
“I think we should get you to bed and not for the fun stuff. Not yet anyway.” You stepped around him and retrieved his bag and crossbow, smacking his hand when he reached to take them from you. “I got it. Come on.” He was grumbling something about stubborn woman as he walked just beside you. 
You watched him from the corner of your eye, making certain to be discrete. Daryl would never openly show vulnerability, especially outside your home. He rarely let it be seen inside your home. At the very moment though, you weren’t sure if he realized he was doing it. His hand was clutching his stomach over his vest, fingers digging into the leather until his knuckles were white. His face was neutral but the pallor to his skin wasn’t something he could hide. 
You balanced his bag on your shoulder and opened the door for him, smiling cheerfully when he scowled at your special treatment. “Go on upstairs. You want a shower?”
“S’tha’ yer way’a tellin’ me I stink?”
“Yes, sir.” You noticed his hand had left his abdomen, but was flexing at his side. “You want something to eat? There’s some leftover venison stew that I could—”
The archer blanched, any color that was left present drained from his face while his throat visibly worked to swallow convulsively. Oh shit. Before you could even put down your burden, he dashed from your sight and into the downstairs bathroom, the sounds of his retching painful to hear. 
You placed his bag on the floor and the crossbow against the wall, walking quietly to the bathroom door. When you peeked around the doorframe, Daryl was on his knees, arms draped around the toilet seat with his forehead resting on his hands. He was no longer heaving but still spitting into the water below. 
You knew what his reaction would probably be but you couldn’t act like you didn’t care. “You okay?” The archer didn’t look up. He stretched out a leg and kicked the door shut. You had the good sense to not be in the way of the wooden barrier. 
You were expecting wounds and bruises, not stomach ailments. The medical supplies you had set up in the en-suite bathroom would remain there. You hadn’t seen much of him before he was sick and he could still have injuries that needed care. Now, you needed to add some fresh towels, clothes, and a basin of water with a cloth to put by the bed. You had some Tylenol from the infirmary, just in case he needed it for pain, not anticipating he’d probably need it for fever. 
There were a few cans of chicken noodle soup that you could drain the broth from later, but for now, until the nausea passed, you went downstairs for a few bottles of water. You doubted there was any ginger ale in the pantry but if you were able to see Carol or she came for a visit, you could ask. There was no way you were leaving him for it. 
Everything was set up, including the shower. You were hoping you could coax him in just to get him clean and comfortable. With a gentle knock on the door, you placed your forehead against it, wincing at the sounds coming from inside. Seemed like the toilet and sink were receiving his attention. 
Definitely a stomach virus, but you’d have to ask about what he’d eaten the past few days to rule out food poisoning and other gastric ailments. 
“Daryl? Are you okay?”
“Go ‘way.” The reply was gravelly and weak. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen.” You replied softly, promptly walking away from the door. He was going to be ultra embarrassed after that, so you had to handle things carefully. The last thing you or he needed was for him to try and run because he was ashamed of things he had no control over. 
You set about cleaning up the kitchen, though it barely needed it. You kept everything spotless most of the time. Daryl was always out doing physical jobs while you helped with inventory or delivered meals to the elderly residents. He didn’t need to worry about the state of your home when he was able to be there. 
It was about half an hour before you heard the toilet flush and the tap turn on. It ran for longer than usual. You assumed he was washing his hands and rinsing his mouth. His toothbrush was upstairs but you made a mental note to ask for two more to keep downstairs. 
You were leaning on the kitchen island when he finally emerged. He was drenched with sweat, his face flushed from embarrassment or fever. Maybe both. His belt was still undone but his pants were zipped and buttoned. Poor guy looked like a wreck. 
“Hey.” You called softly, earning his attention. “You look awful. Are you okay?”
He nodded, the movement jerky. “Thank christ fer indoor plumbin’.” He rasped, joining you on the other side of the island. He leaned forward and placed his forehead on the cool surface of the countertop with a sigh. 
“Did you eat anything weird while you were out?” You circled the structure to stand by him and rub his back in slow, soothing circles. 
The bowman rolled his head back and forth against the countertop. “Nah. Jus’ the regular expired canned shit we could find.” It made you sad to think that this was the norm now. Relying on food that was far past the date of recommended consumption. 
“When did you eat last?” You rubbed the back of his neck, his muscles stiff and knotted. 
“Yesterday afternoon. Wanted ta get back. Didn’ go lookin’ fer anythin’ today.”
Still could be food poisoning. You’d have to ask if anyone else was sick. “Let’s get you upstairs. Think you can shower?” Daryl straightened with a grimace before nodding. You met his gaze with a gentle smile, bringing up a hand to sweep the damp hair away from his eyes. “Come on then.” A hand on the small of his back gently urged him forward, his shuffling steps and unsteady gait giving him the appearance of a living walker. 
You trailed behind him up the stairs, braced and ready in case he lost his balance, but the ascent was successful without any tumbling. The archer was shedding clothing before even reaching the bathroom, down to his jeans and socks by the time he was standing in front of the shower. 
“Do you need me to stay?” It was a reluctant question. Daryl hated it when you hovered but he was sick and exhausted so it was an offer you had to give him. 
“Nah. M’fine.” He was unzipping his jeans when you pulled the bathroom door closed behind you. 
The shower began running moments later, so you busied yourself with grabbing your own pajamas, turning down the bed, and pulling a chair over to his side. As an afterthought, you placed the room’s small wastebasket there as well. The shower was still running when you heard the unmistakable sounds of another round of vomiting, your heart clenching at the painful noises. 
“Daryl?” You called loudly enough for him to hear through the door and over the spray of water. 
“M’…m’okay.” A low, strained answer from the other side. 
With nothing else to do, you sat down on the end of the mattress to wait for him. The toilet flushed but the shower continued for several more minutes. There was a brief silence followed by a shuffle of clothing, and the sounds of him brushing his teeth. 
When the door finally opened, he looked clean in his sweats and t-shirt but no less miserable. His hair was still damp, beads of water dripping from the ends. Even as undesirable as the situation was, it was hard not to take note of how normal he looked dressed like that. It was as if you were a couple before the end of the world, spending an evening at home in comfort and without fear. But the reality was that fear was always lingering. Always. 
“Bedtime for you, mister.” 
He couldn’t even manage to scowl at you properly, ending up with a tired frown dripping with resignation. He was slow to lower onto the bed and said nothing when you pulled the blankets over him. 
“Anything need stitched or bandaged?” You asked, brushing his hair away from his face. There was always a warmth that crept into your chest when he didn’t flinch away from your loving touches. 
“Jus’ a few bruises. Nothin’ ta worry ‘bout.” When you fixed him with a skeptical stare, he sighed. “Promise.” Daryl didn’t take that word lightly and never used it carelessly. 
“Okay, try to sleep.” You perched yourself on the chair, noticing he couldn’t be bothered to care. He turned onto his side, facing you with his legs drawn up slightly. His stomach was surely angry and cramping, muscles tired from heaving on top of feeling nauseous. There was no hesitation in your hand resting just below his knee, rubbing the area in what you hoped was a comforting gesture. 
He was asleep within moments. 
Watching him grimace and tense without waking, you let your mind build scenarios and how you would handle them. If Rick came knocking with requests of the archer, you’d kindly tell him to get bent. If Carol came over, you could get her to fetch some things for you that would help keep him comfortable while he recovered. If he continued vomiting and couldn’t keep down the water at the very least, you’d need to leave long enough to grab Denise. 
Daryl woke suddenly, lurching over the side of the bed to retch into the wastebasket you had been smart enough to grab earlier. There was nothing left but acidic bile to bring up but it sounded no less brutal. You could do nothing but keep his hair out of the way and rub his back. There was a moment of consideration. Maybe if you could alert Denise, she would have something for the nausea. 
That train of thought was interrupted by the hunter shakily pushing himself back up only to sag back against his pillow. 
“Sucks.” He mumbled, eyes closed.  “Ain’t been sick since…S’been a long time.”
You were gently rubbing his stomach which he either didn’t notice or it felt nice so he allowed it to continue. 
“It won’t last forever.” You whispered, watching as he dozed off again. 
He was still resting comfortably when the knock came on the front door downstairs. Reluctantly, you rose from the chair, taking just another second to brush Daryl’s hair away from his eyes. He mumbled something, turning his head away, but remained asleep. You wanted to be quick.You just weren’t willing to leave him alone for long. 
“Hey!” Carol greeted with that gentle smile of hers. After all she’d been through, even with her apprehension about settling there in Alexandria, she was able to keep that kindness. Especially when it came to Daryl. 
“Hey.” You said, turning to look anxiously at the stairs. 
“What’s wrong? Where’s Daryl?” When you turned back to her, the smile was gone, replaced with growing concern. 
“He’s asleep. I need a favor. He’s sick. Could you grab a few things for him? Anything he might be able to keep down.” The other woman was already nodding. “Maybe put a bug in Denise’s ear in case she has anything for nausea.”
“Is he alright? Really?” Carol was leaning closer toward the doorway. It was obvious she wanted to go to him. 
“Yeah, he’s okay for now. He hasn’t thrown up in an hour or so but when he first got back…” You trailed off, looking back at the stairs again. “Could you please do all that for me? Then maybe come upstairs and see him? I know he won’t want anyone else seeing him like this. But you and me? We don’t count.” You smiled, knowing it was true. Carol and yourself were the only people Daryl was fully comfortable relaxing around. 
“You got it. I’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll leave the door unlocked.” You watched her swiftly descend the porch steps before closing the door and nearly sprinting up the stairs. The bowman was still sound asleep when you returned to the bedroom. He still looked pale but there was no fever, no signs of dehydration just yet. 
You made yourself comfortable in the chair, drawing up one knee to rest your chin on it. You’d be his silent sentinel until he was better. 
Whether he liked it or not. 
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 26: Tour Date
Word Count: 724/Rating: G/Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie x Mom!Reader/CW: angst, hurt/no comfort, Eddie and Reader are married with a daughter, he ran away this time/Tags: Eddie Munson, Mom!Reader, Disney World, angst, hurt/no comfort
Divider credit to @silkholland
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Beep beep beep!
Eddie barely heard his pager chirp over the sound of the parade. Lydia, his three-year-old daughter, was perched on his shoulders and waving frantically as Snow White’s float glided down Main Street, U.S.A. It wasn’t until the older couple next to him began glaring that he realized that the jingling wasn’t part of the show.
“One sec, Lyds.” Eddie lifted the little girl and gently placed her on the ground, trying to ignore your scowl as he darted away to find the nearest payphone. 
She’ll understand when I tell her it’s Pat, he thought. Hoped, more honestly. If it was anyone else other than his agent, Eddie would have waited to call back, but Pat wouldn’t interrupt a family vacation without a good reason. 
“Hey, Pat.” Eddie’s toes tapped on the ground. He gave a tight smile to a fan passing by, hoping the photo she snapped wasn’t horribly unflattering. “What’s going on?”
Eddie could practically hear Pat grinning through the phone. “Ed, you’re not gonna believe this, but I just got a call from the people who represent Guns ‘N Roses. Their opening act is having trouble leaving the U.S. and getting into Mexico—some passport issue or whatever. Anyway,” he barely paused for a second before blurting out, “they want Corroded Coffin to be their opening act for the next few nights!”
“Holy shit!” A mother covered her son’s ears when she walked past and frowned at Eddie, but he didn’t notice. Corroded Coffin would be playing internationally? “Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack.” Pat chuckled. “You’re in Orlando now, right? I’ll send a car to bring you to the airport within the hour. Be ready.”
Eddie nodded before remembering that his agent couldn’t see him. “Y-Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll be there.”
It’s only when he hung up the phone and caught a glimpse of his surroundings that reality sank in. He was supposed to be on vacation—Lydia’s first trip to Disney World, as it were—and skipping out on that would not bode well. 
He spent the entire walk back to you and Lydia rehearsing what he’d say, but words failed him the moment he saw his daughter’s face. The pure joy in her smile, brown eyes alight with wonder. 
“Daddy, I saw Ariel! And she waved to me!” Lydia jumped into his arms and held on tight. 
Eddie mustered up a small laugh. “I guess you really are a princess.” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Eddie turned to you. “Guns ‘N Roses needs us to be their opener in Mexico for the next few nights.”
He braced himself for another lecture about putting the band before family, putting money before love, but that never happened. Instead, you responded with one word. 
Flat, affectless, apathetic. As though you were expecting it to happen. 
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he scrambled to explain. “Their regular opener can’t get into—”
“I said it’s fine.” You reached out and took Lydia, breaking Eddie’s heart further. “Go ahead. Don’t wanna miss your flight.”
He knew he should stay. Knew he should call Pat back and let him know that Corroded Coffin would have to be a trio. Jeff could take lead guitar, and Grant had solid vocals. 
But visions of the cheering crowd, everyone singing along with their songs, was too enticing. And what if he actually got to meet Axl Rose and Slash? What if this was fate beckoning him towards his big break?
“Thanks.” He leaned in and kissed Lydia’s cheek. When he looked at you, your eyes blazed with fury that warned him not to even try to feign affection. It meant nothing without the actions to back it up. “Have fun.”
You plastered on a smile for Lydia’s sake. “We will. We’re gonna meet more princesses later! Right, Lyds?”
Stay. If you leave now, your marriage is over. 
Lydia nodded emphatically and beamed at Eddie. “Are you gonna see me meet the princesses?”
Stay. Don’t miss these precious moments in your daughter’s life.  
“I’ll be back soon.” A non-answer if he’d ever heard one. “I love you guys.”
Stay. Give your wife the husband she deserves. Give your daughter the father she deserves. 
And as he walked away, he could’ve sworn he heard your broken voice murmur, “love you, too.”
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MCR moments that send me to the 80% of the ocean we haven't seen yet
Here's parts of My Chem songs that make me feel feelings, in no particular order
The desperate, gritty, sad second "And we'll love again, we'll laugh again, we'll cry again, and we'll dance again", I could write an essay on this part I swear
Vampires will never hurt you: "I'll never let them hurt you, i pROMISE". I believe her every time
Also in vampires pretty much any of the distorted screams like the "COME ON"
ALSO ALSO vamps "Someone get me to the doctor and someone call the nurse" and the entirety of that verse - smashing my head on my desk pounding my fist on the ground palpitating my heart with my ribcage ahhhhh (we're done with vampires I promise)
"l i g h t u p t h e s t a g e a n d w a t c h m e KICK OUT THE JAMS"
Fronk's rabid dog backing vocals in Honey this Mirror
The final line in the Dead! bridge (Is that the most both of you can gi-i-i-ive?) literally leaves me Dead! every single time
The grief-stricked, utterly DESPERATE bridge of Helena
Any Ray Toro solo
But especially Vampire Money (when i speak of the milf it is he who i speak of)
And all of Mama's guitar tings (I am dead in Seattle SIR PLEASEDFRWSASRSEAEW-)
boy division
Scarecrow Rocals
early sunsets over monroeville
When all the instruments cut out in the intro to This is How I Disappear and G screams "GO"
Also the unhinged spiraling vocals and instruments during the breakdown of Disappear
The Light Behind Your Eyes
"I AM NOT AFRAID TO KEEP ON LIVING, I AM NOT AFRAID TO WALK THIS WORLD ALONE" (I spontaneously burst into tears when I first heard this as a depressed 13-year-old, i will never forget that day)
The "WOO" at the very end of Headfirst for Halos
The harmonizing fuckworthy rayrard(?) vocals during "You and I" in Headfirst for Halos (there's probably more but it's most noticeable there)
Aw sugar
Desert Song. Especially the first verse
Mad Gear being so fucking old and so fucking alone in Mastas of Ravenkroft
"The World Is Ugly, but you're beautiful to me"
Also the Vampires reference in the World Is Ugly at the very end
Kiss the Ring: "Fist up, head down, Hail! (Hail!) to the King!"
The weird-ass high-pitched pussy-loaded submissive and breedable squeaky moan in the Sharpest Lives
The "ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" in Make Room!!!
Heaven Help Us
Planetary dance vibes
Welcome to the Black Parade breakdown bridge thing, and the climactic earth-shattering "I DON'T CARE WE'LL CARRY OONNN" that leveled new jersey
G dropping bars in Heaven Help Us (second verse)
The very rocals in the Ghost of You (Lotms version)
Also rocals "One, two, three, four!" In PP
The background "saaay goodbye"s in To the End
Also To the End funkiness
That part in Tomorrow's Money where I misheard one part as "I fell in love with a vampire / 'M gunna throw you in the air fryer"
The complete incoherence of overlapping yelling and guitar noises before it all stopped with the last "Make Room!!!"
"YOU CAN FIGHT THIS ALL YOU WA-A-A-HANT" run in Surrender the Night
Demo Lovers Guitar Solo
This list will only get longer and longer
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
cowboy!reader likes pop music I've decided. he also drives a truck that looks like it's a fossil yet runs perfectly fine. he knows about horses and will try to talk about old wild west movies whenever. definitely loved woody from toy story as a kid. 1000% baby talks dogs. goes to pride parades in full colorful cowboy outfit. can do bird calls back. stress eats sunflower seeds instead of smoking. the list of ideas goes on really
- 🦦
More (Not) Allergies
Okay, so I've only focused on the pop music for this one. Also it directly follows from 'Alergies (Not Really)' (which wasn't titled earlier but it was the one with Mia in). But I do have them all noted down (I'm working on the sunflower seeds on at the moment).
EDIT: Sunflower seeds one is now done and available here
Warnings: minor sad reader
Word count: 621
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23
"Hey, where's your cattleman?" Spencer asked as you sat down in your usual seat. 
"I er, I need to find a new one."
"Did you lose it? We've probably got time to find it before we take off-" Spencer said, already starting to stand up.
"Nah, I didn't lose it. I gave it to Mia," You said. "I'll go lookin' for a new one tomorrow,"
"Isn't that your favourite one?" JJ asked, turning to you.
"Yes ma'am," You answered, 
“Wait, is this the one you wouldn’t let any of us try on?” Derek asked, looking up from his ipod.
“That would be the one,” You said with a small nod.
“Oh man, you must be getting withdrawal,”
“A little,” You joked. "She's a special kid. Plus, I think she might’ve tried to steal it off me anyway. Y’know she called me old? Three times? Imma spring chicken,"
"I don't know about that," Emily teased, "You're nearly thirty,"
"'Scuse me ma'am, Imma spring chicken."
When the conversation dialled down, you sighed slightly, sliding your hands into your pocket out of boredom. You furrowed your eyebrows when your fingers brushed against a small chain. You gently removed it from your pocket.
"Where'd you get that chain?" You asked, seeing Mia fiddle with it, running her fingers along the links. 
She shrugged, "I found it on the floor a few years ago," 
"'s pretty," You commented, she looked at you in disbelief. "What?"
"I wore it once, it turned my skin green," 
"Maybe you're just a zombie." You said with a shrug
"Rich coming from you old man."
"Hey, you okay?" You look up at JJ in confusion and she motioned to your eyes, red and brimmed with tears.
"Oh, yeah," You clear your throat wiping your eyes slightly, "Allergies."
She has a knowing look on her face, but goes along with it. "Allergies are the worst,"
"Tell me about it." You muttered. 
"But," She whispered, despite the team chatting amongst themselves, "If you are… upset or concerned about anything, I'm always here if you want to talk about it." 
You pause for a moment, brushing your thumb against the chain as you frowned. "I-" You paused, "I dunno," You stuff the chain into your pocket as you looked at JJ, giving her a small smile. "'M fine," You gave her a nod, "Just missing ma cattleman, is all," 
"Uh-huh," JJ said with a raised eyebrow before she gave you a small smile, dropping the subject (not wanting to push you). "Alright, well, I believe we are all going for drinks, you should join us."
You look unsure for a moment before nodding, "A'right," You said, "Just don't tell my Mama I'm getting drunk,"
“Ooo cowboy’s finally gonna get drunk?” Derek asked with a grin, “How about you sing some good ol’ country music for us?”
“It’s gonna take a lotta shots to get to that point,” 
“Well, we have tomorrow off,” Rossi smirked. 
God damnit. 
“Y’all do know I don’t just listen to country, right?”
“Yeah, okay,” Emily grinned, “What else do you listen to?”
“I started listenin’ to er, what’s her name?... Arianna Grande, she’s a’right,” You said with a nod, furrowing your eyebrows as the team all let out a laugh (minus Spencer, who was just a bit confused). “What?”
“You listen to Arianna Grande?”
“She’s good!” You argue, “N’ she hits the whistle tones well. I listen to Dua Lipa ‘n’ Selena Gomez sometimes too,”
“Oh my god…”
“You have the music taste of a teenage girl!” Derek snorted loudly.
“JJ, defend me here,” You said, turning to JJ.
“Sorry cowboy,” She teased, “They’re right…” You groaned, letting your head fall to the back of your seat. 
“God damnit.”
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nohoney · 10 months
briefly back on my hunger games au
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you’re expected to attend a banquet to meet fellow victors from the past hunger games, but you’ve yet to leave the tub. the water is lukewarm, your hair is slightly damp, and you keep your knees hugged to your chest.
the capitol had the most lavish washrooms you had ever been in. the new house you occupy in the victor’s village is much less opulent, but it’s a huge different from the small cottage that you had grown up in. the water from the faucet is instantly warm when you turn it on and although the resource of it is endless for a victor who has taken residency in the village, there’s still the habit of being conservative that you can’t shake off.
your quality of life has improved but your mental well being had deteriorated.
when you used to play in the lake as a child, you loved swimming underneath the surface and trying to test how long you could hold your breathe. now since the near death experience in the hunger games, impulsively jumping in after bakugou when he tried to make you the victor, you could barely stand to dunk your head in the bathwater.
there’s too much space around you, the ceilings too high, and you miss the creaky wooden floors of your cottage. it felt unfamiliar to walk on gorgeous wooden floors that made no sound and it was chilly to walk on the marble of certain rooms.
you hadn’t felt like yourself since returning from the games, though part of that could be contributed to the tranquilizers you were prescribed. the doctors had put you through hell trying to find the right one that kept you the least agitated and able to function, but without bad side effects like losing your appetite or having crying fits out of nowhere.
there’s a knock on the door that startles you, your reaction at least much calmer since you have gotten used to the new medication. you feel like you know who is on the other side, you know why they’re coming to fetch you, and you know that you should be getting ready.
hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you muster up your voice to allow the person on the other side to enter.
keigo enters the room but lifts a hand upon still seeing you in the claw foot tub, turning his head away so that he catches no glimpse of you. “(name), we need to get going soon. there’s a lot of things that we need to do and very little time to do them.” he informs you, blindly searching for one of the neatly folded towels on the countertop. “we gotta head to the capitol.”
“do i have to? can’t you just keep on saying that i’m not used to the meds yet?” your voice is so small, becoming shaky at the thought of having to step foot out of the tub. to step foot out of his unfamiliar home into an even more unfamiliar life that you don’t think you will get used to. “please?”
keigo unfolds the towel, holding it up so that it acts as a barrier between you and him. “i’m sorry, i did try. but we’re no longer in a position to hold off the festivities, they’re waiting for you and bakugou.”
your heart jumps upon hearing his name. at the arena, when it was just you and him, you could still remember how vividly your fellow tribute had looked at you. the childhood friend you had known forever, speaking so softly and reassuring you that keigo would take care of you. bakugou had never give you such a tender look before until that moment.
since the two of you had become victors, he had only gotten colder. not to you, but to everything around him. unlike you being uncomfortable to the new life given to you, he seemed to be resentful.
“we already did the interviews and the parades after we won, why do we have to do more?” you question with more bitterness than you intend to.
“i’m sorry,” keigo knows that there’s not much he can offer but a gentle tone to comfort you, “but you’re not alone in this. c’mon, get dressed.”
your body moves as if you’ve got weights attached to your limbs, standing up from the tub, water trickling down your body that you’ve inspected too many times since returning. the towel is wrapped around your body and keigo is quick to turn his back so give you your privacy. he leaves you alone rather quickly.
when you dress in the clothes set up by your mother, you step into the dining room to find keigo and bakugou waiting for you. your fellow victors, both of whom you feel very confused about now.
keigo looks at you the same way he always does, with a soft affection that had always made you feel safe.
bakugou is a little more shy, the public unveiling of the feelings he has for you has made him a bit more stand-offish.
the capitol had labeled the three of you in a love triangle, demanding to define what you feel to who. it was hard enough breaking the rules of the games, ending with two victors instead of one, but this new dynamic added a more complicated layer of how to navigate your new life.
“um… i guess i’m ready to go.” you announce awkwardly, unsure who to look at, “there’s a lot to do right?”
“there is, but remember that all of us have to stick together.” keigo approaches you, pulling out your medication bottle from his pocket and only taking out one pill for you, “remember to take this with food, okay? don’t take it on an empty stomach like you did last time.”
as much as the meds kept you calm, you also didn’t like how they made you feel. you recognize how sensitive you had become since returning home and although they were helping you, you also no longer felt like yourself.
you look at keigo, admiring how he always looked so sweet before, always handsome that the girls in the district were fond of. and when he was chosen as a tribute for his games, he was a favorite from just his looks alone. pretty blond hair swept back with even prettier eyes, you wondered why he wouldn’t settle down with another beautiful girl.
he kisses your forehead gently, a gesture that was done back then even as kids, one that you never thought twice of until people were whispering around you that he had romantic feelings for you. it was always innocent before, it was comforting, and it still was in a way but now it loomed over you with a deeper implication that the older victor had not bothered to define.
truthfully, you’d rather not know… at least for now.
when you glance over at bakugou, he looks away quickly and your cheeks burn. you could swear that he looked a little jealous but you also know that he wouldn’t admit it out loud, probably not even if he had a knife to his throat. but he was there with you, he was in the bed next to you when you woke up from almost drowning in the rushing waters. you remember how he was still passed out with his hand hanging off the bed, and you had reached for him hoping to confirm that he was alive with you.
keigo leaves first to ensure that everything is on track for the newest event to attend, already seasoned from his past few years of attending. this year was different since they were accommodating two new victors instead of one, so he was playing the vigilant eye for you and bakugou.
“how are you feeling?” you ask him, choosing to stand a respectable space away, “i’m… kinda nervous.”
“yeah, me too.” bakugou agrees, shoving his hand into his pants pocket, “not looking forward to this.”
“you never look forward to anything.” it’s a poor attempt to lighten the mood, but it does manage to crack out a small amused noise from him. the small moment is gone quickly though. before when you were nervous, you used to hang onto bakugou’s arm and use him to anchor you.
you felt reluctant to rely on that old method.
but as you board the train to go to the capitol, you desire to have both of them close. to have some semblance of the old dynamic of life before the games. your anxiety rises and you take the pill, forgetting the reminder keigo gave you to take it with food.
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soulkeeper801 · 1 year
Lost Chances pt 2 - Twice Sana
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Requested: sana keeps seeing r with chaeryeong, and she just gets so angry and jealous. she decides to become evil and try to steal r back. maybe sana asks for someone's help to seduce chaer and make it look like chaer is cheating, thinking that r would come running back to her arms
Angst, fluff
Words: 2.4k
Part 1
The brightness of the phone made Sana squint for the nth time on the night. 
4:30 am.
She was supposed to be up in two hours for practice yet there she was, turning around on her bed, trying to keep her mind from going all the way to the memories that hurt her heart.
In an ideal world, Sana would have turned to discover you nestled beside her, your form fitting perfectly. Gently, she would have enveloped your waist with her arms, peppering soft kisses along your neck, coaxing you from slumber just so she could enjoy looking into your eyes for a couple of minutes before she had to flee to the studio.
But her heart broke even more when she realized you must have been in Chaeryeong’s arms. 
The image of the both of you being together from a couple of weeks ago still haunted her mind. Chaeryoung was pouting in your arms and you were looking at her as if she was the most precious girl you had ever laid eyes upon. 
Sana groaned.
She could swear she still remembers the scent of your perfume, so if she closed her eyes and tried hard enough, she felt as if she was still holding you in her arms.
Hers, not Chaeryeong’s.
Her lips on yours, her hands on your body, her movements and skills making you lose control as you would let sweet sounds fall from you due to what she was doing.
“Y/N…” she whispered, reminiscing the way she would call for you when you used to disappear between her legs. “Y/N…” 
A hand delved into her as she shut her eyes closed. She knew it was wrong but at times like this she couldn’t control her own body nor her mind.
She didn’t only miss the way you made her feel, she missed the sound of your voice, the look on your eyes. 
Sana couldn’t keep living with the image of you in her mind. She needed you back in her life.
“Don’t look at the entrance,” Jihyo warned as her eyes widened, realizing who had just arrived.
They were at a popular cafe located in the heart of the city. Enough people recognized them but gave them privacy to enjoy their day off calmly.
Despite Jihyo's advice, Sana's curiosity got the best of her, and her gaze involuntarily shifted towards the entrance.
Jihyo's sigh carried a touch of sadness as she witnessed Sana's heart shatter into countless pieces before her eyes.
“I told you not to,” she reprimanded, her hand reaching out to nudge Sana's shoulder, urging her to avert her gaze.
But Sana’s eyes were fixed on the source of her pain.
You and Chaeryeong, hands intertwined, made your way into the café where they sat. It was a momentous step: the first public display of affection between the two of you. While it was an open secret within your company that the two of you were together, parading as a couple in front of fans occupying tables nearby... What were you doing? 
Jihyo's voice dropped to a hushed whisper as the scene unfolded, fans approaching Chaeryeong for pictures as she politely excused herself, her focus clearly on her date. "Do they have any idea what they're doing?" Jihyo mused, incredulous. "Do they even have the company's approval for this?"
Sana’s eyes filled with tears unconsciously as a knot formed on her throat.
How did it feel to have you by the hand and flaunt you to the world? She could only imagine.
"Can we please leave?" Sana's voice was barely audible, a solitary tear tracing a path down her cheek as she whispered her plea.
“Bam Bam?” you raised your eyebrow as Chaeryeong wore a confused expression on her face, showing you her phone screen. “What is he saying?”
“You read it,” Chaeryeong insisted, pushing the phone closer to you so you could have a better look.
Several unanswered text messages from the Thai boy asking how Chaeryeong was, if she had eaten something and telling her how pretty she looked that day.
“Is he…” you started formulating a question as the idea popped into your mind, “hitting on you?”
Chaeryeong shrugged, retrieving the phone from you to take a look at the messages one more time. “It seems like it, doesn’t it?”
“Do you want me to scare him off?”
The younger girl bursted out laughing at your random suggestion. “Why would you do that?”
“Oh, so you want him to keep flirting with you?” you asked, a playful smile on your lips.
“Not at all,” she replied in a breath. “There’s only one girl I want to be flirty with”.
You chuckled at her answer, knowing exactly what she meant with those words.
Her phone buzzed one more time.
“Is it him again?”
Chaeryeong pouted, the most adorable confused face you could have ever seen, “he wants to have dinner with me,” she read the message. “Why is he insisting so much? We aren’t even that close as friends…”
You thought carefully, trying to put the pieces together. “When did it started?”
“Mmm,” she looked at the ceiling as if she was trying to look for the memories, “since the day we went out holding hands,” she replied after a couple of seconds.
The day you saw Jihyo and Sana sneak out of the cafe you were at.
Could it be?
They were friends with Bam Bam and the boy was known for doing everything the girls would ask him to. Was somehow all the flirting orchestrated by them?
You knew they could be resourceful when they wanted something but would they get to this extent? To the extent of breaking a healthy relationship between two people who are just trying to move on with their lives without hurting anyone else?
“What are you thinking about?” Chaeryeong asked, examining your features since you were silent for a minute. 
“Nothing,” you replied, trying to make it seem like it didn't matter that much. “Just keep ignoring him”.
Chaeryeong nodded and rested her head on your shoulder to keep watching the movie you chose to spend the afternoon at her dorm.
A couple of weeks had gone by and Sana witnessed how your relationship started to establish between headlines, dates and silly shout outs in TV shows. 
JYP had already given a statement regarding the relationship you and Chaeryeong had and encouraged everyone to welcome you as her partner since you two were starting the journey as a new couple.
Sana couldn’t help but feel almost hopeless, being her last resource, a 26 year old boy who wasn't as skillful as he bragged to be when it came to taking a girl away from someone.
“Really?” a voice echoed in the practice room where Sana was waiting for Bam Bam to inform her what he was doing and how it was working. “Asking someone to flirt with Chaeryeong?”
Sana’s heart skipped a beat as she slowly lifted her head to look through the mirror where the voice was coming from. She knew who it was, but for a second she thought she was imagining things.
Your figure was leant against the frame of the door as a disappointed expression adorned your face.
Sana felt weak once again. You weren’t supposed to be there, she hadn’t considered having to face you so soon. A couple of minutes before, she was angry even at how things were turning out for her. 
She was confused.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, as a trembling whisper left her lips.
“I should be the one asking that question,” you replied, stepping into the room and closing the door behind you. “Bam Bam told me everything”.
Sana’s eyes widened, confirming what the Thai boy had confessed to you while drunk the night before. He was just trying to do a favor to her friend, he didn’t mean anything bad with it.
“I…” she stuttered, her eyes diverting from yours since she couldn’t hold your gaze anymore.
“You what?” you asked, taking a few steps towards her.
Sana breathed in. 
As a wave, all the memories she had with you rushed through her head, all the cozy sundays, all the passionate nights. She could almost feel how real all of it was and how it almost physically hurt not to have you with her anymore. 
She knew she fucked up. She knew it very well, yet she also knew you both deserved a second chance. Chaeryeong was just a rebound for you after ending things so badly.
“She is not for you,” Sana replied, not facing you yet. Her voice was tinted with sadness and regret, “I know we could have been forever if I didn’t mess things up,” she continued, her emotions taking over, “I just needed a chance to show you that that one thing was a mistake I’ll never make in my life again”.
When her eyes found yours, you couldn’t help but feel all the memories hit you at once. Her eyes portrayed regret and sincereness, you could sense the vulnerability in her gaze. The room seemed to hang heavy with unspoken words, the weight of your shared history pulling at both of your hearts.
For a moment, there was silence. You looked at Sana, searching her eyes for any sign that this wasn't just another fleeting moment of emotion. The sincerity in her voice, the way she held your gaze, it all made you realize that the wounds from the past hadn't completely healed.
“And maybe I’m sounding like a jerk, I know Chaer doesn’t deserve any of this, but don’t we owe it to ourselves to try and fulfill all the what ifs that I’m sure have gone through your mind every now and then”.
You found yourself torn between the rush of memories and the weight of the present moment. Sana's words had opened a floodgate of emotions that you thought were buried deep within. You could sense the sincerity in her voice, the longing for a second chance, but the scars from the past were still fresh.
As her words lingered in the air, you took a deep breath, trying to steady your thoughts. Looking at her, you could see the remorse etched into her features. It was true that the memories were powerful, but they were also accompanied by the pain of betrayal and heartache that had once shattered what you both had.
You took a couple of steps towards her, knowing very well there was no going back to what you were about to do.
Sana’s startled eyes widened at the motion of your body, instinctively she reached out to pull you to her.
Your arms wrapped her waist as she encircled your neck with her arms, your breath mingling with hers seconds before your lips crashed in a desperate, longing kiss.
The kiss deepened, fueled by a hunger that had been suppressed for far too long. The weight of the past started to dissipate, replaced by a current of intense desire. As your lips moved together, it was as though you were relearning each other—the contours of your mouths fitting perfectly, the taste of familiarity mixing with the novelty of rediscovery.
But eventually, as all moments do, the kiss had to end. You pulled away slowly, your foreheads resting against each other. Sana's eyes were closed, her breath uneven, and you could feel her heart racing against your chest.
For a while, neither of you spoke. The air was charged with unspoken words, with the echoes of your past and the uncertainty of your future. It was clear that the connection between you was still electric, still capable of igniting flames that could either consume you or offer the warmth you had once craved.
“What does this mean?” she asked, her face buried in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent she had missed so much.
“Chaeryeong and I never dated,” you stated.
Sana’s eyes widened at your words, pulling away just enough to see you, studying your face to be sure you were telling the truth. Although deep down, she wouldn’t have cared as long as she could still hold you like this. 
The tears that formed in her eyes finally spilled when you went in for another kiss.
The second kiss was softer, gentler—a connection that seemed to bridge the gap between your shared past and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. It was a kiss filled with promises and hope, an unspoken agreement to explore the possibility of a fresh start.
As your lips parted once more, Sana's tears glistened in the soft light of the room. You gently wiped them away with your thumb, your touch soothing and tender. There was a vulnerability in this moment, an acknowledgment that the path forward wouldn't be easy, but that the depth of your connection was worth the effort.
“Do I want to know?” she asked, not letting you go.
You sighed deeply. “The company needed something so people could talk about them and look forward to the album they’re releasing this year,” you explained, feeling a little embarrassed of being part of such a cheap strategy.
Sana chuckled, softly at first but as soon as you smiled at the silliness of the situation, you both laughed together.
Just like old times.
“She’s actually outside,” you whispered, taking a quick look at the door that was well protected by Chaeryeong in case anyone wanted to go in. “She knows everything about us and actually encouraged me to talk things out with you,” you continued. “She’s a good girl, don’t be mad at her”.
Sana chuckled once again.
It wasn’t what you said, it was the fact that you were back in her arms once again.
Sana's fingers traced the contours of your face as if she couldn't believe you were real. "I missed you," she admitted, her voice barely more than a whisper.
"I missed you too," you replied, your own voice filled with sincerity.
As you held each other, it became clear that this was the moment you had both been waiting for. It wasn't about the past mistakes or the pain you had caused each other; it was about the love that had never truly disappeared. 
It was about giving yourselves a second chance, a chance to rewrite the story that had once been filled with regret and thought to be lost.
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9w1ft · 8 months
I always interpreted evermore as a song about depression, I never linked it to Kaylor, can you tell me your view on this song?
dang i had a conversation about this with someone several months ago but i can’t find it. ill give you the abridged version. firstly, i think it can be about both! because the situation got depressing there for a hot minute!!
taylor said in an interview with zane lowe for apple music that she had written the song when the election was upon us and she didn't know what was going to happen. evermore the album was released in december 2020, which suggests that she wrote it pretty close to the release date, but also had time to reflect on what she knew to be true before releasing it— that trump wouldn’t win reelection. there’s a billboard article where she talks about the moment she learned biden won and i think it meshes really well with how evermore concludes thematically and emotionally.
when we think about the impact that trump being elected had on kaylor back in 2016–throwing a birthday party for lorde only days before the 2016 general election and wearing the vsfs angel wing ring in public for the first time, and that picture of them both kissing lorde on the cheek, going from that to at once enacting a love blackout and never being seen regularly in public again (the next time being rep tour 2018)— and on top of that, them going out of their way to separate themselves in the media via the creation of a “feud” during 2017 (swish swish, sushigate, etcetera) which pitted karlie with katy perry and kanye and cast her as someone for swifties to hate, guilty by association, we can imagine the weight and sadness of this chapter in their story. this is the start of the pain. this choice (i consider it a choice), to take the battle underground, sunk kaylor little by little into the world of the improbable for any casual observer. and it also put somewhat of a hex on karlie indefinitely, and for as brave of a soldier as she is, its an awful long while to be put in jail for something you didn’t do.
with these details as the background, i consider evermore to be a song chiefly about 2019 onward, though you might also position some of the date markers in the song within a sort of 2016/2017 focused timeframe. personally though i tend to think that 2019 events work just as well and operate under similar themes. for example, “hey november i’ve been down since july” could be in reference to the period of time where it became slowly more clear that the 2016 election results might not be a non-starter. or, it could reference the day after the masters sale (which was end of june 2019) and the theorized “failed coming out” that many expected her to do at the new york city pride parade that week. this followed by november, the conclusion of editing Miss Americana which would be released the following month (“motion capture put me in a bad light”) or alternatively november 2020, the point at which she is writing this song. there’s also an lsk theory that taylor and karlie were broken up from july to november 2019 but im not so versed in that so i’ll just keep it to a mention.
in any case, “hey december” can circle back to miss americana being released, not as a coming out documentary but as a “political coming out” documentary. hence the “can’t remember what i used to fight for.”
or it could be both, in a way. for example rewinding the tape but all it does is pause on the very moment all was lost could be both the rewinding of the miss americana documentary released in 2019, and/or perhaps conceptually the idea of the 2016 election night footage being rewound by everyone in the disbelief that occured the night that “all was lost”
because all was lost that night, in a way, no?
i tend to see justin vernon’s part as being a depiction of karlie after kaylor was exiled to a new level post the masters sale. i don’t mean this to say they were broken up. it’s just that they had to do a factory reset on a lot of the progress that had been made up until that point, and they would not be seen together (in order to accomplish some vigilante shit, is what i think anyway). back to justin vernon’s lines. it just reminded me deeply of all the hate karlie got that summer. and indeed, all the hate she had accrued until then. whether summer or winter, this feuding arc had put karlie in a position that i would argue was growing unbearable and incessant. “out on waves im being tossed, is there a line that i could just go cross?” referring to the latest wave of said hate. in this scenario, “can’t not think of all the cost and the things that would be lost oh can’t we just get a pause to be certain we’ll be tall again?” seems like karlie calling out to taylor, amidst the haze and confusion of the masters sale, think about everything that we would be giving up if you don’t come out right now. (think of me.). and then upon that line leading nowhere saying hey let’s pause before we hurt each other, to be certain we will make it through. here “tall again” reminds me of paper rings “standing here so tall”
so what of the ending? well, as a time marker i would once again refer to when the song was released, post-2020 election, where taylor saw that trump had lost and they would have a path forward. …covid-19 was yet to happen of course, and with that i think there were life priority shifts, but i just see evermore as a song that covers taylor and karlie seeing a light at the end of the tunnel that had been their love lockdown to love blackout to exile story. its a song that encompasses so much hope and i just really really really love it as a kaylor song because of the specificity with which you can tie it to their story, specifically a more contemporary chapter, the likes of which we hadn’t had too many songs depicting up until that point (basically just peace/hoax/the lakes).
so yeah that’s why it’s a kaylor song to me 🫶
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
I knew after coming off an action packed episode, the pace would've slowed down and I'm not mad at it.
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The Targtowers parading around Meleys head this episode has got to be one of the dumbest shit besides putting bbq Aegon on the throne they've ever done. Yes let's galavant the one thing that keeps us in power and the realm in order for a petty show of arrogance. That makes sense. The small folk immediately being “nah this ain't it” is so funny and a sign of all the things to come for them. They're idiots! Meleys wasn't no traitor you bums, you were. Get all the greens off my screen.
Aegon's suffering, I used to pray for times like this. It's highly unlikely Sunfyre is dead. Alicent and Crybaby Cole aren't together anymore..... Fuckin yes. I told you guys Alicent is delusional as hell, she really thought the same council that she helped usurped Rhaenyra's birthright because she's a WOMAN, would've let her, a woman rule them? Criston, Larys and Aemond not backing her had to taste like gravel going down. It's deserved. She had the opportunity to do the right thing and she forfeited it again and again and again. Fuck Almond today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next day after that and the day after forevermore. If I was him I would take Haelena's words as an ill omen.
I felt for Corlys man. Like he pisses me off don't get me wrong but that's still my guy and he's lost a lot. Rhaenys was Corlys practical to his idealistic delusional. That man never listened to his wife until it was too late. Him trying to name Baela his heir, when Rhaenys wanted Rhaena to be his heir at first, can't do that now anyway, Rhaena's not around right now and Baela absolutely refusing and gagging tf outta him in the same breath , I cheered. Baela is upholding her grandmother's last wishes. No more but “BaElA hAD MoRe ClaIm to Driftmark” discourse, she's “FIRE AND BLOOD!”, Driftmark should be passed to “SALT AND SEA”. She said it herself. Now a certain demographic could stop equating her being a poc to her Velaryon roots. She every bit a Targaryen. Don't start with the Rhaena discourse either because she's the same as well. The only reason Rhaenys wanted her to have Driftmark is because it would've gone to Rhaena either way had she married Lucerys and Corlys had no intention to claim those boys atp in time. Corlys is trying to honor Rhaenys wishes, I could respect that but do it in the way she wanted it in her final moments Corlys. He's still my guy though.
I am sick of this Harrenhal plot. That scene with Daemon and his mom....... Just why? He never even met his mother either. I am so sorry Mama Alyssa. Even for the incest in the Targaryen lineage, did the writers have to take it that far? That shit was egregious. The only good part was seeing Laena again. Answer the question though Daemon. “Are you taking care of her girls?!” Get Daemon out of there now. Alys has that man gone off his rockers. I'm over it. I love how Simon is sick of Daemon's shenanigans though, he's real asf for that 🤣😭. Caraxes sighting 🥺. I miss my chaos noodle boy.
Rhaenyra comforting Baela. We won. Look she mightn't have had the best relationship with the girls in the show and it's not developed on screen properly, thanks for that HBO, but she does love and care for them. Her telling Baela about her Grandma (I still refuse to believe Rhaenys is gone💔😭) and we got an explanation for why Rhaena didn't try to claim a dragon on Dragonstone (she almost died and Rhaenyra wouldn't allow her to do it again), that was for me. In the books those girls were close to her and Rhaena was her “Realm's delight” namesake, I'll never forgive them for taking that and the team black family dynamics away from me. We got a Luke mention 😭. Her and Jace working out their issues and she knowing he snuck away to be a diplomat, more of that please. She's finally acknowledging her strengths and weaknesses and starting to move and think like a leader. I love it here.
Jace finally got a chance to do more than just mew, tweak and brood. I understand why Rhaenyra wasn't sending him out, that boy is out for blood, as he should be and he's inherently going to be reckless if he did go out to scout instead of Baela. Just listen to him last episode and tell me if he sounded like he had a clear head on his shoulders. I wish we saw more than that shot of Vermax and him actually riding his dragon but a win is a win. Him subtly threatening the Freys with Vermax, he's a diplomat alright. His mother needs “bent knees” and that is exactly what he got her. Proud of him. Baela going about her duties and whacking the men that are being annoying as she goes. Proud of them. Diplomat husband and battle wife is just *chef's kiss*. I'll say it again I absolutely adore his relationship with Baela. It's so healthy and I don't get into fandoms to “ship” but I love them your honor. Their soft way of speaking to one another, even when they're disagreeing. Him confiding in her about how humiliating it is that he thinks he's being coddled because of his standing as prince and her getting to go out and scout and fight but her still understanding and trusting him on his secret mission (that's what it was, he snuck out to go treat with the Freys), him being considerate of her at all times, “Rhaenys is dead and Baela can't face the burden alone” yeah I love them. Plus she has him trained 😩🤣. One look, then she grabbed him and he stopped immediately in his tracks and he backed up and started paying attention. Whew. The greatest King and Queen that could've come out of the 7 realms.
We had a Rhaena sighting. Look I love Jeyne but I'll need her to watch her tone with Rhaena please and thank you. Rhaena you're not powerless love. She's been through enough, I just need everybody to get out of her way and give her everything that she wants, it's what she deserves. I didn't like how she found out about Rhaenys though💔. I think they're really scrapping Nettles though 🙃. Wtf Sara and Ryan. I'll not get into that, it's literally grinding my gears though.
Next week we'll see Silverwing and Vermithor!!! I'm excited. Until then guys.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
I need to start this by the very strange scene at the brothel. It took me so much by surprise I had to pause it. Like we all know these boys have mommy issues but I always thought it was more Aegon than Aemond. Like wow. I was left like this
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It was the intimate position, his hair was down, the lack of clothes. He was completely vulnerable. Aemond wanted to be coddled and to be told reassuring words.
I didn’t understand well the part where she tries to kiss him and he says “not here” like sure man. you’re just naked and telling the keeps secret but go off [ngl i was waiting for her to pop a boob out and breast feed him]
that woman is a dangerous woman. she had scheming eyes. we’ll see where that goes.
Following up with the mommy issues I am so disappointed in Alicent. Aegon is clearly not her favorite child I do not know how she can bear seeing him weep as he seeks her out and she just nopes out. WTF. No wonder your other son is seeking refuge elsewhere. Also forcing Haelena to do the funeral proceeding. What sort of mother are you? The Greens think they’re so high and mighty but they barely resemble a family. They are not a united front.
The funeral proceedings almost had me in tears. I didn’t think they’d show the poor child with its head sewn back together. I thought he’d be covered. Now more so than ever I curse Alicent. You are forcing your daughter who had to witness his death relieve this scene. You forced her to watch her son be paraded around the city.
Daemon fucked up and it’s because of him that a child is dead and yet I can’t bring myself to hate the Blacks. The Greens are terrible people.
Aegon is falling apart and mourning and he has no one to come to. He doesn’t know how to control his emotions and I can’t blame him for it when his mother and grandfather only use him as a puppet and not a real human being. I pity the Hightower children.
That being said WTF was that? Making Ser Criston Cole the hand to the king? Disgusting. He was projecting so hard during this episode. Bitching about Arryks dirty cloak and blaming him for Jaeherys death.
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I’ve got more to say regarding the Greens but my blood pressure is going up. Let me recap I hate them and I pity them all at the same time because the three children are only products of Alicent and Otto’s parenting (Viserys up to some point to)
Oh and let’s not forget Otto’s kind words for Viserys. He probably just misses how easy he was to control.
Baby Jace and Baela I love that little moment and yet I fear it because she’s out there on cute little Moondancer and it sounds like trouble.
Love the Ser Harwin talk. They acknowledge it and they accept it. Talk about being progressive.
But also so sad that Baela feels that way towards Daemon. I had high hopes for their relationship considering that deleted scene in season 1.
RHAENYS HAVING RHAENYRAS BACK TALK ABOUT FEMINISM. HELL YEAH! I fully want Rhaenys to be Rhaenyras ride or die!!
Daemon fucked up, yes. Will we ever know what he told Blood and Cheese? No. Still I can’t blame Rhaenyra for doubting him. He’s a sketchy man who puts on his little cloak to commit war crimes.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a Daemon stan but if he didn’t act so sketchy maybe we would trust him more.
He’s a dramatic guy he’s out commuting yet another big declaration of love for Rhaenyra. Like “look i’ve got harrenhal for you” I think idk we’ll see next episode.
Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk how fucking tragic. and whose fault is it? FUCKING CRISTON COLE PIECE OF SHIT
breathe nikki breathe
a part of me thinks he killed himself because he knew they would live in doubt if he’s really sir erryk. but in reality they believed they share a soul so that was probably why. he killed his other fucking half. they might be divided by believes but they still love each other.
I have so many more thoughts so if anyone wants to talk please feel free to hit me up. I’ll probably rewatch the episode tomorrow again to process
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tqmies · 1 year
Can I request Mark + College or Fake dating + prompt 42?
Rush | Mark Lee
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Part of Tqmies 1K Event!
college & fake dating au, 42. “Who’s laughing now?” “…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.”  wc: 1k Note: why choose an AU when we can have both ?!
"I want to piss off my parents - Which isn't illogical, by the way - so what better way than to drag you into it?!"
"Is this supposed to make me agree?" You quirk a brow, tapping a nail on the desk in front of you. And your wearing a frown, taken aback by the sheer audacity of the male in front of you, who you haven't spoken to in years, asking you for help.
"It'll only be for a bit! I'll parade you around for a bit, make my mom blow up in her chair, and then we'll fake break up!"
"I'm missing the part where I benefit from this.. And why me anyways?" You loll your head to the side, its not like you were a particularly bad influence or anything. You were nice, hard working, and a good student. If anything, you were a mothers dream for their son.
"My mom hates your mom."
Ah there it was, the moment of truth. You and Mark's mom had attended high school together, and from what you know, the two weren't fond of each other at all.
But your mom held no ill intent towards Mark, would Mark's mom hate you? How immature, doesn't sound too far off of what your mom would say.
"Still don't see what I get from it." You shrug, going back to your book.
"You'll get to date me." He points at himself, eye brows raised as he's dead serious. He thought of himself as a catch, why weren't you jumping at him?
You want to laugh in his face.
"And I'll pay you."
"Now we're talking." You nod, not one above being payed off. Hey, you'd done far more questionable things for as little as twenty dollars.
But being faced with someone as affluent as Mark, you're sure you'd get a check out of this.
Which is why you're now standing beside him as he shoves his hands in his pockets, waiting for his parents to get the doorbell. You had to admit it, you were kind of nervous.
Not that you really liked Mark or anything, but you weirdly felt pressured to win over his parents.
The door opens and you're met with Mark's dad, and he offers his a son a curt nod before he turns towards you. "Oh, will you be joining us for dinner tonight?"
The smile is wiped off your face. "He didn't tell you?"
Mark's dad shakes his head, and Mark avoids any direct eye contact with you. Oh you were going to piss Mark's parents off, that's for sure. Mark's dad just turns and heads inside, the two of you following after.
You enter behind him into the kitchen, where Mark's mom is. Her eyes widen among seeing you, "Mark, honey, I didn't know you were bringing a guest."
"Ma, this is my girlfriend."
You expect steam to blow out of her head, for her to angrily rage and demand you leave, to even start cursing out her son.
But she does none of that, instead offering you a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you. Mark didn't tell me we were having guests, or else I would've cooked up something special."
You shake your head, unable to stop yourself from returning the kindness. "The food smells amazing."
Why'd Mark want to piss off such nice people anyways?
The evening goes pretty well, and Mark thinks that he's not getting his moneys worth. He had bet by this time at night that you'd be getting ran out of the house as he got berated for dating you.
But none of that is happening, in fact his mom looks happy as ever. She doesn't mind your mother either, she had to know by now, you had even given her the names of your parents when she asked. So why was she keeping it together so well? Didn't they hate each other?
You tell Mark's mom your major and she jumps up. "Oh wow, so pretty and smart. How did my son manage to snag you?"
You just nervously laugh, shrugging playfully. "I don't know either."
"Mark usually brings home such trouble makers." She shakes her head as she cuts into her food. "It's a relief to see he found someone so good for him."
Mark slams the door as he climbs into the drivers seat, and you can tell he's mad. And really, you can't blame him, seeing as his parent's didn't seem pissed off at all.
"Well, guess your genius plan didn't work out after all, guess I'm just too likable." You make a snark comment, crossing your arms.
Mark leans his head against his steering wheel as you continue.
"Tried to use me to piss off those sweet people! Jokes on you, Who's laughing now?" You mock, facing Mark when he doesn't respond.
Instead you notice wet tears fall off his face, the sound of sniffling as well. You grow confused at that. ".. Clearly not you. You're crying, dear God."
He wipes as his face aggressively as he sits back up. He looks at you as he scoffs. "My parents don't like anyone, okay? Even if they didn't care about your mom, I knew they'd find something to pick at you for. They always comment on my date's outfit or their manners."
"Oh wow, I'm sorry Mark. That's really shitty." You respond.
"But the one time I try and piss them off, they like you?" He says, bewildered. "Not a single bad thing to say? And it's all for a girl that I'm not even dating. God, I'm such a loser, why did I think this was a good idea? How am I going to explain that I let the one good thing I had go?"
You assume he's referring to you not showing up anymore, and for as little as you know the boy, you find yourself sympathizing. "I can always show up again, if that helps."
He nods a little, "Sorry I dragged you into this."
You can't believe you ever agreed to this fake dating thing, but something you tells you that you'll be sticking around longer that you intended.
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
Halo Reloaded: Seeing Triple III
The Warthog's engine growled under Silver's deft control, its tires kicking up clouds of dust as it navigated the desolate landscape. The inside of the vehicle was thick with the tension of its three very similar, yet distinctly different occupants. Silver, with a driving style that could only be described as 'enthusiastically reckless', seemed to find a sort of grim amusement in the occasional jolt that threatened to unseat them. Chief, for his part, sat with the stoicism of a boulder, his gaze fixed on some distant point, lost in thoughts that likely weighed as heavily as his armor.
Ranger, unable to stand the silence any longer, swiveled his turret around, a mischievous glint in his one good eye. "Hey, fellas," he started, voice dripping with a blend of curiosity and the kind of cheerfulness that only comes from blissful ignorance of true despair. "How long have you been playing the galaxy's most reluctant heroes? Feels like we've got enough grimdark backstories to start our own band."
Chief let out a sigh, the sound somehow carrying all the weight of his years. "Feels like since the dawn of time. It's been a never-ending parade of enemies. Insurrectionists, Covenant, Flood, Prometheans... And now these Banished chumps. Honestly, it's like the universe has a personal vendetta against my downtime."
"Banished? No such thing where I came from. Back in my timeline, it was more about Spartans going rogue and interservice, political in-fighting." Silver waved a hand dismissively, as if brushing away the memories along with the dust that had settled on the dashboard.
"You boys make my timeline sound like a walk in the park. No Banished, just a bunch of Forerunner tech that doesn't play nice," Ranger chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. He paused, his expression turning thoughtful under his helmet. "Makes me wonder what I'm missing out on. Or not."
The topic of age came up as naturally as anything else could in a conversation held at gunpoint by existential dread. "So, how old are we talking here? I'm a sprightly 2530 baby, myself," Ranger offered, injecting a note of pride into his voice.
"2511," Chief responded, his voice as flat and unexciting as a history lecture.
"Same." Silver chuffed, glancing over at Chief with a look that could almost be considered camaraderie if one squinted.
Ranger nodded, a smirk playing on his lips, "Makes me the kid, huh? Guess that explains the youthful charm." He laughed, a sound that bounced around the Warthog's interior.
"Y'know, I got a girl back home. Spartan Linda. Tied the knot and everything. You guys would love her; she's a real charmer, once you get past the sniper rifle."
Chief's reaction was almost comical, had anyone been in the mood for comedy. A slight twitch, like he'd been zapped by a low-voltage current, betrayed his surprise. "Linda..." he echoed, the name carrying a weight that seemed to anchor him to the spot. The moment stretched, filled with unspoken thoughts and feelings, a saga of 'what-ifs' and 'if-onlys'.
"Got a thing for your Linda, huh?" Ranger nudged, his tone playful yet edged with understanding. "Can't say I blame you. If she's anything like my Linda, she's one in a trillion."
The conversation meandered from there, shifting to less emotionally charged topics... that's a lie, it got more emotional. Ranger glanced back at his companions, a new thread of curiosity weaving through his thoughts.
"You know, I've been thinking... It's weird how everyone in your world can just... interact with Forerunner tech. In my dimension, it's a no-go unless you've got this rare Forerunner genome thing going on. Which, luckily, I do." He tapped the side of his helmet, as if to punctuate his point.
Silver, who had been navigating a particularly treacherous patch of terrain, perked up at this. "Yeah? That's a thing for me too." He noted with a half-smirk, then, as if a thought struck him, he directed a queston to the other Johns. "You ever hear of someone named Makee in your world?"
Both Chief and Ranger shook their heads, their interest piqued. Chief’s voice was the first to break the ensuing silence. "Makee? That's not a name that's come up. Who is she?"
In the rearview mirror, Silver's reflection showed a man wrestling with how to frame his next words. "She was... unique. A human, but the only one who joined the Covenant, believed in their cause. She could interpret the words of the Forerunners, activate and use their tech... She's like me, but she used her abilities for them."
The weight of the story hung in the air, heavier than the gravity on Onyx. Ranger, always one to push forward, nudged the topic. "So, what happened to her?"
Silver's grip on the steering wheel tightened, the muscles in his jaw working as he chose his words carefully. "One of my Spartans killed her," he said, a simple statement that carried layers of unsaid emotion.
The silence that followed was telling, filled with a mix of curiosity and respect for the delicate subject. It was Ranger who broke it, his tone treading the line between sensitive and inquisitive. "You sound... kinda fond of her?"
There was a pause, long enough to be uncomfortable, before Silver finally let out a breathy chuckle, laden with a cocktail of emotions. "Yeah, well, she was under my custody, and... we ended up falling for each other. And, uh, she—We..." He stumbled over the words, a rarity for someone usually so sure of himself.
Chief, the ever-stoic warrior, found himself at a loss, his brain trying to reboot like an old, overworked computer. "You were... involved with a POW?"
Ranger’s reaction was a mixture of shock and an almost irrepressible urge to laugh, not out of mockery, but sheer disbelief at the complexity of Silver's situation. "And let me guess, there were... consequences to this?"
Silver sighed, a sound that was half resignation, half defiance. "If by 'consequences,' you mean a baby, then yeah. I'm raising our child. Her name's Angel."
The revelation hit like a gravity hammer. Chief looked as if he’d been physically struck, the concept so foreign and shocking to his disciplined mind that it nearly sent him into a state of system failure. Ranger, on the other hand, clamped a hand over his mouth, his shoulders shaking with the effort to contain his laughter, not at the situation itself, but at the sheer absurdity of life and how it seemed to throw curveballs at the most unexpected of times.
Silver glanced at both of his counterparts through the mirror, a sheepish yet defiant look in his eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's a mess. But she's the best thing that's come out of all this chaos. Angel, I mean."
The Warthog trundled on, the silence now filled with a new understanding, a recognition of the complexities and the unanticipated paths their lives had taken.
Chief, still processing, finally nodded, a gesture of acknowledgment if not full comprehension. Ranger, finding his composure, offered a supportive clap on Silver's shoulder, his laughter subsiding into a knowing smirk.
"Life, huh?" Ranger mused, the landscape around them unforgiving and barren, yet somehow less desolate with the sharing of their intertwined tales. "Doesn't get much crazier than this."
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Raspberry Riddle
A little fic I wrote about Eddie meeting Scoops Ahoy Steve, sort of from Robin's POV
Word count: 4.8K Ao3 Link
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Despite it being the summer holidays and despite it being warm weather, Scoops Ahoy was virtually empty. The reason was that there was some sort of parade going through Hawkins, so the mall was pretty dead, but once the parade was over, it might get hectic here.
A rounded face with small tight curls and heavy-lidded eyes looks through the store window, his mouth hanging open and their eyes blinking slowly. A sleepy smile sweeps over their face as they point upwards and beckons someone else over.
Two other faces appear, also slowly scanning up at the menu above the counter, until their sloth-speed eyes catch up to where their friend's finger is pointing. Giggling ensues.
"Brace yourself, Steve, we've got some little stoners on the way," Robin says with false excitement, "They'll probably buy us out, and we'll get to go home early," she says her words dripping with sarcasm, as her elbows land on the counter and her freckled face lands in her hands.
Steve reverses through the swinging door, arms laden with fresh tubs of ice cream, "If only", he observes the mirthful trio who are contemplating entering the store but seem to be deciding who should go in first, "This looks like your department Rob, three guys? I can't really turn on the Harrington charm for upselling here, can I?" He laughs at the ridiculousness of the prospect.
"Well, you aren't gonna make it as a salesman if you can only sell to one gender, Steve. I'm sure your charm would be as effective on these chumps as on all the ladies you served today." Robin laughs, pointing at the whiteboard under the counter. The tally under You Suck looks extensive, but zero tally marks are beneath You Rule.
"Hey, that's just because I have to wear this stupid hat, ok? The hair is part of the total package! With it covered up, it's not quite as effective, alright? Being dressed like a little sailor boy doesn't lend itself to being…er…alluring." Steve complains but then tries to see the bright side, "Though these shorts do make my thighs look great." He adds, trying to catch his reflection in the polished glass or metal surfaces.
"Gross!" Robin retorts, "Stop looking at your own ass."
"I wasn't… that's not…urgh" Steve resigns himself to refilling the tubs and taking the empties to wash as Robin takes point on sales.
"Ahoy, Mateys. What can I get you?" She says in a lacklustre tone.
They eventually all get to the counter, all three misjudging where it was in their own way, but all three sets of eyes trail up slowly to Robin's face simultaneously, and two sets continue up to the glowing menu above.
The set that remained on Robin belongs to a plaid-vested young man with jaw-length wavy light brown hair. He leans one hand on the counter and misses but rectifies his mistake quickly, "Good Moro, fair lady. We have travelled far to sample your wares."
"I know exactly where you've come from, and it wasn't all that far, well, not for anyone currently experiencing space and time like an average human being", Robin chides, knowing full well all three of them had just spilled out of the back of Eddie Munson's van along with their own personal cloud.
The young man gently strokes his chin, "You know where I've come from, huh? Spying on me were you, m'lady? Oh, to be under your beautiful watchful eyes is truly a tonic for my very soul."
"I know where you've been because you smell exactly like the van parked out back, where I take the trash out" Robin folds her arms and looks at him disapprovingly.
"Forgive our sweetleaf aroma, fair Robin. I sincerely hope your nostrils be not offended." He bows low, almost hitting his head on the countertop, which does raise a laugh from Robin but purely in response to his idiocy, not his flirtation, "Your name so apt as your voice trills like a beautiful birdsong to the ears of Gareth the Great. I will pen a masterpiece. With the crumbs of your laugh and the sea in your eyes, as the ink ."
Robin's eyes widen as Gareth tilts his head, leans his other hand on the counter, and sighs.
"STEVE!!!!" Robin shouts in his direction, not taking her concerned eyes from the floppy-haired rocker at the counter.
"I'm kinda busy here, Robin!!!" Steve's annoyed voice rings out, followed by a loud metallic clattering, "God damn it!"
A fourth wiry frame enters the store, carrying several shopping bags. Robin breathes a sigh of relief, "Eddie, finally. Can you keep your little drummer boy under control, please?" She gestures at Gareth, who tries to catch her hand as it flies towards him, but Robin is too fast.
Gareth receives a sharp backhanded slap on the arm from Eddie, "Gareth! For the last time, leave Buckley alone before you get your waffle cone privileges revoked!"
Another chorus of metal objects falling over comes from the other side of the hatch.
"New crew mate, Captain Buckley?" Eddie laughs, nodding towards the back of the store.
Robin sighs and gives Eddie an exhausted look, "Yeah. About a week now."
"Is there to be a mutiny? Will the new scoop-slinging chick usurp the mighty Dread Pirate Buckley?" Eddie grins broadly, taking out his chain-attached wallet.
"Doubtful, that new scoop-slinging chick only wants to serve the ladies. Adverse to guys for some reason, can't think why." Robin says sarcastically, looking at Gareth.
"Oh really?" Eddie says, raising an eyebrow, handing Robin $10 and jutting his thumb at his bandmates, indicating that he was buying for them as usual. He adjusts his battle vest, "Challenge accepted"
Robin opens the hatch for Eddie, takes a look through and then engages with the other three, but now with an enormous smile on her face.
Eddie skips around the counter and throws his head through the hatch. Robin knows he is only to be greeted by a little pair of shorts and the back of some ample lightly tanned legs as the rest of the sailor is searching for something under a trolley.
"Hey! Sweet Cheeks! Your shipmate is drowning out here," Eddie shouts, making the sailor jump and bang their head on one of the trolley shelves.
Eddie shuts the hatch and runs back around to the customer side of the counter. He fixes his hair a little, adjusts his belt buckle and does his best casual lean and finger drum on the countertop waiting for his sailor.
The door to the back swings open. Eddie takes a deep breath and puffs out his chest a little, which is almost taken straight back out of him, in a wheeze, when he realises the sailor shorts he'd been admiring belonged to none other than Steve Harrington, former King of Hawkins High.
The alarm on Eddie's face is evident, and Robin bursts out laughing and almost loses it entirely as Steve gets to the counter with an official "Ahoy, there. What flavourful voyage would you like to embark upon today?"
Eddie glares at Robin tight-lipped before continuing, "Hmmm…" he looks up at the menu and taps his chin thoughtfully, "Which one would you recommend…" he looks at his badge as if he doesn't know his name, "er…Steve?"
Steve lets a small smile slip and then straightens up a little, spinning his scooper into its holster, "You want my advice on the best ice cream we have?" Steve asks, looking Eddie up and down.
"Yeah…" Eddie drawls out slowly, "Wouldn't ya know it, some days I'm just so darn indecisive, and I find it best," Eddie leans a hand on the counter and himself towards Steve as he looks down and backs up into Steve's eyes, "to ask an expert."
"Huh," Steve says, "Well…". Then, as he moves towards the ice cream on display, as they pass Robin and the rest of Corroded Coffin, Eddie gives Robin a smug smile, and Robin replies with a silent look of disbelief.
Eddie waits on the other side of the glass as Steve seems deep in thought, "Normally I would say banana, but this cherry has actual cherry pieces in it, so you know it's a treat and got some goodness in it too."
"What other goodness does ice cream need? It's ice cream!" Eddie says, tilting his head.
"Well, it's got actual fruit in it, well...kind of, but it's still better than none. I guess?" Steve shrugs, and a slight concern pinches his brow.
Eddie quickly catches the thread before it's pulled and unravelled, "Absolutely, quite right." He gives a big broad smile, "I'll take a scoop."
A half smile sneaks into Steve's face as he grabs a tub and spins his scooper in his hand.
Eddie pulls an impressed face as Steve hands over the tub and anoints it with a small spoon and an extra cherry.
Steve is standing a little taller. He adjusts his hat and heads back through the doors to the backroom.
Eddie sidles up to the counter, "Told ya!" He smiles smugly at Robin, taking the cherry off the top, dangling it in his mouth, and pulling off the stalk.
Robin is totalling up the ice creams for them all, "You've proved nothing, Eddie."
Eddie leans over to shout whisper so Steve can't hear, "What do you mean, nothing??! I'm not a girl. He served me. I. Win."
"No. You see. You told him I, a girl, needed help. So he rushed out here to do so. You only win if he serves you before a girl waiting to be served." Robin smiles back at Eddie, "So. You. Don't. Win."
Eddie wrinkles his nose, "I. Will. Win!"
Robin shakes her head and laughs, "No. You won't. Just cut your losses, Eddie. The odds are against you."
Eddie points at her, "Never tell me the odds!" Then, he grabs his tub of ice cream and beckons the others to follow him out of the store.
A few hours later, the store is rammed. The queue is out the door, and surprisingly Steve is at his most efficient under pressure. Seeing Robin's stress, he had asked her to cover the register, and he'd manage the ice creams.
Which, to Robin's alarm, he did with gusto, entertaining the waiting people with spins of the scooper or bottle flips of sauce in the air. The customers ate it up, and if it hadn't been helping, Robin's cringe-o-metre would be rocketing into next week.
After some time, the queue thins out, as does the amount of ice cream they have left. Several makeshift signs have adorned the window to advise what Ice cream flavours have run out.
Finally, there is a break, no customers, and the tables are all clear.
"Why don't you take five? I've got this," Steve offers kindly. Robin jumps at the chance for even a few minutes with her feet up and not having to pretend to smile.
What was odd was almost as if Steve didn't seem tired at all. Instead, he appeared energised, like that mad rush had somehow charged him up to full power.
Robin sits at the table for no longer than two minutes when she hears a loud and cheerful "Ahoy Matey!" from Steve, but the noise that follows isn't a smattering of girlish giggles. Instead, it is a low, piratey accent, "Arrr me hearty, another round of ye good stuff, if ye don't mind. What be your sage advisings this time?"
"Well, honestly, there isn't much choice left, but there is a lot of vanilla. I can always jazz it up for you," Steve replies with enthusiasm, and Robin is sure she hears the shaking of a bottle. She peeks through the hatch window, and sure enough, Steve is tossing the bottle around his back. Eddie is following it with his eyes and suddenly catches it out of the air a split second before Steve does and hands it over to him, leaning over the counter.
"There you go, sailor," he smiles.
"Hockey player." Steve points at Eddie's hand.
Eddie's mouth opens to say something and then promptly bites his lips together for a second, "I was, yeah, how could you tell?"
"Oh, you know, I've got an eye for these things." Steve shrugs, trying not to sound pleased with himself as he coats the base and sides of the tub with a jumble of sauces and sprinkles.
Eddie's eyes shoot directly to Robin's peering through the glass, and he pumps his eyebrows at her with a smile, then quickly reverts to his previous stance as Steve looks up at him again.
"Are you allergic to anything?" Steve asks thoughtfully.
"Like what? Ice cream? A bit late for that sunshine," Eddie laughs.
Steve's hand goes to his dropped hip, and he gestures with his scooper, "No, like, um, bananas or nuts."
Eddie's fist goes to his mouth for a moment, and his eyes flash with mischief before he clears his throat, "No, I'm not allergic to any of those", Eddie says with a smile before promptly turning around to face away from Steve. His face looks like it's contorted in pain.
Eddie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bubble gum. He unwraps it, takes out the small temporary tattoo inside, puts it on top of his money and slides it over the counter next to the register.
Steve hands over the ice cream to Eddie, who is reading the inside of the bubble gum wrapper, as Steve picks up the money and tattoo transfer.
"Huh. Interesting one today…." Eddie says, trailing off.
"What's interesting? Oh, I'm ok for stickers, thanks," Steve says, pushing back the tattoo transfer paper.
"Ok, well, today's riddle is interesting, and it's not a sticker. It's a temporary tattoo. I don't need 'em," Eddie says, pushing up his sleeve to reveal his puppet master tattoo.
Steve shakes his head and pockets the temporary tattoo, "A riddle?"
"Yeah, wanna give it a try?" Eddie raises an eyebrow at Steve.
"Nah, you're good," Steve says very quickly and starts cleaning the counter.
"It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?" Eddie says, ignoring Steve's answer, collecting his ice cream and change. "Until next time, Cap'n", he salutes and walks out of the store.
Robin watches Steve continue cleaning the counters and register until Eddie is out of sight, and then he leans back on his hands for a moment watching the front door, muttering, "friends use it more…".
Robin frowned. What was Eddie trying to do here? Confuse Steve into liking him more? If anything, this was gonna do the opposite. She didn't know him exceptionally well at this moment, even though the rate at which she and Steve were getting to know one another was rapid, the one thing she knew about him for sure: he didn't like to be made to feel stupid.
But then something interesting happens.
Eddie returns the next day, a quiet spell, the exact exchange of all American sailor and bloodthirsty pirate. An ice cream, a bubble gum, a temporary tattoo and a riddle.
"I am hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. What am I?" Eddie says, tapping a finger to his lips in thought.
"Oh, that one I know!" Steve says excitedly, "A friend!"
Eddie smiles hugely, "Really?" He unravels the wrapper a little more and flicks it, so it makes a snapping sound, "By Jove! You've got it!"
This time Robin can clearly see Steve's face, and he is beaming with pride, though he is trying to hide it, Eddie dips his head to chase it for a moment before reverting back to his normal stance and picks up his ice cream cup, as they make their goodbyes.
Eddie passes Robin and gives her a nod and a wicked smile, "Buckley".
As he reaches the doorway, Steve's voice rings out, "I think I got yesterday's too. Your name!"
"It's Eddie!" he yells back before exiting the store.
Steve smiles back and shakes his head whilst wiping down the counter.
Then over the next two days, the same thing happens. All that differs is the ice cream, the riddle and the behaviour.
Robin keeps a notepad
Cherry, Your Name.
Vanilla Craziness, A Friend.
Strawberry with a single strawberry. A Heart
Banana Caramel with a chocolate straw, A Promise.
Triple Chocolate with Fudge sauce and chocolate drops, A Secret.
Over those few days, she notices a shift in behaviour, it's not huge, and it's not as rapid a bond as she and Steve had, but it is something, it was different.
So different that Robin had done some investigations of her own. She got her own set of bubblegum sweets. Whilst they did indeed contain a random temporary tattoo, none of them had anything written inside.
For the past two days, she'd hurriedly decided to take out the trash as Eddie left, and both times, she saw him handing the ice cream and his change to a homeless person outside the mall before hopping into his van.
Then came Saturday, and the hordes of hell itself had descended upon the mall as usual. After the sell-out the other day, the order was triple the size, so there was absolutely no chance of the selling out today.
Last week there had been a decided split between Steve serving the girl customers and Robin getting lumped with the guys, but today, maybe because it was so busy, they had adopted the same team positions as before. Steve on scooping, with his additional flair and Robin on the register.
A few hours into the shift, both their tummies growling, only to be staved off by sneaking the occasional piece of fruit or broken waffle cone hurriedly crunched around back whilst grabbing a refill, a familiar silhouette enters the store.
Robin immediately sees Steve's eyes drawn to it, and his energy shifts. He's no longer showboating. Instead, he's opting for speed. Churning out requested ice creams so fast, Robin can barely keep up on the register.
Eddie finally reaches the counter, Robin is unceremoniously hip-bumped to the side, and a scooper is thrust at her, "Raspberry ripple, with the freeze-dried raspberries and dark chocolate sauce, please", Steve says to Robin quietly.
A group of older teen girls are also at the counter, all coiffed hair precisely placed on make-up and smacking their lips from chewing gum. Next to them was the tall, wiry-framed metalhead.
Eddie looks at the girls next to him and casts his eyes down, waving a hand in front of himself for them. Robin can see Steve's eyes dart between the ladies and the gent.
"Ahoy, ladies," Steve says, and Robin locks eyes with Eddie, who mouths, "You win" at her.
Robin thinks a win over Eddie should have felt a lot better than this. But instead, it feels flat as she passes the ordered ice cream to Steve at the register.
He takes the order from the girls and asks Robin for it, and as soon as they are dealt with, Eddie steps forward with a big smile and pushes over his money and temporary tattoo, and Steve pushes the Raspberry Ripple order over to him, and Eddie positively beams at him and lifts up a wrapper to his eye line.
"No, not today, Eddie. I've got one for you." Steve says and takes a handmade miniature scroll, made of two matches and rolled paper, from the crevice of his hat, placing it next to Eddie's change as he passes it over.
Eddie collects everything up, and off he goes again. Robin waits a few minutes and offers to take out the trash, a fully charged and weirdly grinning Steve nods, and she heads out back. She scrambles up the wall a little to peek out at the parking lot. Eddie does the same as usual, hands out his ice cream and change before walking to his van.
But this time, there is a pause at his door. He leans against the van and marvels at the little scroll with a big sweet smile. He opens and closes it a few times as if he were about to read a royal decree.
Robin wrinkles up her nose. Eddie was not ever this happy about losing anything.
He unrolls it, reads it, his smile disappears entirely, he shoves the scroll into his pocket and looks around quickly. He even does once around his van before getting into it to reread the note. Then, finally, he sits back in his seat, looking out the window and tapping the paper with his finger.
Realising she probably has been out back for too long, Robin runs back inside to help Steve, but once back inside, the place is virtually empty again, and Steve is in the process of winding down, stacking up boxes ready to take around back. Whistling The Sailor's Hornpipe tune to himself.
"Sorry, Steve, is everything ok?" Robin asks, a little out of breath.
Steve smiles at her, "Yeah, all good here", and he lets a little sigh.
Robin is desperate to ask what Steve put in that note, but she knows she shouldn't.
The next day, Eddie didn't turn up again, and Robin was disappointed, to say the least.
Robin wasn't sure if she was ready to tell Steve that she also had a history of striking out with the opposite sex. In hindsight, it's probably because she wasn't all that into them in the first place. So she could say she understood or at least could see a similar pattern, except that Steve seemed to only focus on pursuing his attraction to girls, but it was clear to her some guys caught his eye too sometimes.
This back and forth with Eddie these last few days must have been what Steve had been trying to instigate with the girls, but they either didn't get it or gave him that pitying look that shook and ultimately starved his confidence.
Eddie fed it.
And though Eddie might not have noticed, Robin sure did. Steve was letting Eddie do that.
Letting him lean a little too far over the counter, serving up innuendos that Eddie would pretend flew right over his head, saving up new tricks with the sauce bottles for when he turned up, but then purposely missing something so it would drop to the floor for him to go and collect and leaving pauses in the conversation for Eddie to fill in with one of his riddles.
Despite all of that, there was a tiny bit of Robin that was also glad Eddie hadn't shown up again that next week because that's when everything kicked off. First, Dustin had turned up, then the Russian code, the Russian military, Robin's confession to Steve in the bathroom stall, and the giant melted flesh beast.
The subject isn't brought up again until she and Steve have a movie night, deciding on their next steps after their last job got burned to the ground. Tonight The Breakfast Club.
Steve is poking around in his tub of strawberry ice cream, "Do you ever miss working at Scoops?"
Robin wiggles her way to sitting-up position, her legs still lying across Steve's lap, "Yeah, I guess. The money was ok, and sometimes you were bearable." She laughs, "What made you ask that?"
Steve holds up his ice cream tub at her. Robin narrows her eyes in response, glances at the TV screen, then back to Steve, and folds her arms, "So all those other times we've had ice cream, you've not missed Scoops?"
Steve shakes his head in a no and continues eating.
She doesn't press the issue, but she knows for sure this isn't about the ice cream alone. So she leaves a silence.
"Robin?" Steve says cautiously, "Why did you egg Eddie on with the getting served first thing?"
Robin keeps her eyes on the tv, but her pulse is racing. Was he going to call her out on attempting a set-up? "Um, I don't know what you mean, Steve."
Steve shifts in his seat, "You sure about that?"
"It was just Eddie and I having a bit of fun", She replies as casually as she can.
"Funny because from where I was standing, it looked a lot like you were trying to set him up to lose." Robin can hear the smirk in Steve's voice.
"Why would I do that?" She scoffs with a laugh.
"First of all, I heard you. Second of all, you one hundred per cent knew that Eddie would not be ungentlemanly enough to be served ahead of a girl" Steve takes Robin's arms gently so he can look her in the eyes as he talks, "I think you wanted to see what he would do to win me over. I think you wanted to see one of your little movies play out in real life."
Robin throws her hands up and slumps back against the arm of the chair, "Ok, you got me, alright? Eddie is a nice guy, if a little weird, but-but you know, you're a nice guy, and a little weird too…, and he's the only person that knows who you are and was over fifteen to come to that counter that didn't judge you for working there. Plus, you kept striking out with these girls, and I thought, what if-if there was a reason for that…." Robin lets her last words hang in the air.
Steve looks at Robin and swallows nervously, "Yeah…I kinda started to wonder about that too…."
"When? Now??" Robin rapidly sits up and curls her legs behind her, so she's now kneeling on the couch, looking at Steve and grabbing his shoulders to turn to her.
Steve laughs, "Hey, easy. No. Well yes. Now and then too."
"So wait-wait-wait, you liked Eddie? Did you speak to him after? What happened?"
Steve gives her a small forlorn smile, "Ah, you know, I don't think…um…I don't think he felt the same, but at least he was kind enough to keep it to himself."
Robin's eyes go wide, but she doesn't peel her eyes from Steve as she reaches for the popcorn bowl, "Tell me everything…immediately!" She says in all seriousness.
Steve shakes his head, "There honestly isn't much to tell. I wrote him a riddle thing back, and I think he didn't like the answer."
"Ok, I disagree hugely, but we'll circle back to that. What did the riddle say?" Robin asks, leaning over the bowl towards Steve in anticipation. So close, she sees the little flush of embarrassment hit his cheeks.
"Alright, but don't laugh too hard. I'm not Shakespeare, ok? It said:
I can be at hello
I can be at goodbye
I'm on the tip of a straw when your mouth is dry
But you can't have mine if you're too shy." Steve mutters faintly.
In joyous disbelief, Robin pushes Steve's shoulder, "Are you kidding me? You wrote that on that tiny little scroll thing you made?"
Steve looks a little embarrassed and nods.
"Well, do I have news for you. He didn't hate it. He loved that little thing. He had this great big grin on his face! He wasn't even coming in for ice cream! He gave them away, and when he opened it, he was thinking about something." Popcorn is flying everywhere as Robin animatedly reels off all the snippets she saw, gesturing wildly.
Steve laughs heartily and captures her arms, "Hey, calm down. Even if all of that was true, he never came back or tried to contact me about it. So you know, that's that."
Robin throws her arm around Steve in a big side hug.
"It's fine, honestly. I've got a few dates lined up this week, so it's all good. But, in a way, I'm kinda glad he didn't come back to the mall. He could have got dragged into all that stuff like you did, and honestly, I wouldn't have wanted to get drugged, crash a car or set fire to the grossest thing I've ever seen in my life with anyone else," Steve smiles bashfully and feeds Robin a spoon of ice cream.
She smiles back reassuringly at him for a moment, and then she recalls something. Something she thought at the time made no sense, but now it was all slotting together. Robin points at him, "Fire! Fire!!"
Steve frantically looks around as they both leap off the sofa. Robin has a huge smile on her face and runs out of the room and up to Steve's room and pulls out their scrapbook. She flicks through the pages of photos, newspaper clippings and debris of the mall incident and scoops.
She finds the article she wants and flicks through the surrounding pages excitedly, "There!! Right there!!" She pokes at the black and white grainy photo of the Mall site when the clean-up crew was there.
Steve circles the bed to kneel next to her and looks at the book.
Burnt into one of the panels around the site are the words, "NOT SHY JUST STUPID X"
There is a kind of sequel to this as requested by a reader. It is a small completed series and is set after the events of S4 in a universe where everyone is still alive Cryptic Cupid
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