#we need to teach uncool people that being uncool is not cool
firealder2005 · 4 months
Things that happened in the past that looking back might be because I am ADHD:
*I would read before class and COMPLETELY zone out. Ears blocked, unaware of time passing, the whole shabang. Missed the first 20 minutes of class a few times.
My English teacher (from the same class as above) straight-up told me that he didn't consider me one of the 'good students' because I read a lot (like. sir. what the fuck. so many things wrong in that statement. why are you teaching kids.)
(i wonder what he would say if i said 'you know when i would read before/in class and completely forget where i was? :) yeah turns out it's because i'm neurodivergent and have the kind where i literally can't turn off my brain and zone out/daydream without realizing it :)) you weren't being helpful when you lectured me all the time :))) )
*Hyperfixated like HELL on astronomy. ONLY astronomy. rest of science could die and i wouldn't have blinked an eye (nevermind astronomy wouldn't exist without other sciences but eh schematics). i was The NERD.
*I was considered The Weird Kid. for the typical stupid middle-school reasons;
Liked to read (gasp! how uncool! until it was suddenly 'cool' in high school)
Was nice to the one teacher everyone else hated for no reason (no wonder i was his favorite smh. the rest showed Zero respect. and he was a really nice and helpful teacher i literally have NO idea why they hated him)
Loner (wonder why that was. 😒)
Into science (how NERDY!)
Likes history (how even NERDIER!)
Actually Liked School when people aren't being shitasses (SUPREME NERD)
(sidenote: the nice teacher i mentioned was my favorite middle school teacher :3 i BEGGED him to give me one of the astronomy chapters for the end of the year assignment and he gave me THE BEST ONE - BLACK HOLES. NEUTRON STARS. GALAXIES. I WAS THRIVING. also he called out mean behavior. which...might be why the rest of the class hated him. mmm...)
*I can focus WHILE listening to music. but ONLY if it's music I chose. If not, I CANNOT DO ANYTHING. i am INCAPABLE of focus without my choice of music if music is playing. I baffled my teachers and parents when I did this.
*Not school related one- Caffeine seems to have little to no effect on me. I'm able to down a can of Coke or Pepsi at 11 PM and have a nice, restful sleep. My family was ALSO baffled by this lol Caffeine CAN wake me up (I've had a can in the morning a few times when we leave early for something or other and suddenly feel Awake) but it also doesn't keep me from falling asleep like I was told all my life (idk if that's an ADHD thing but from what i know caffeine affects the brain and ADHD affects the brain so i always assumed it could be connected to ADHD. don't quote me tho.)
*Needed/Needs brain stimulation to stay on-task. Work goes by SO AGONIZINGLY SLOW without my MP3 player. This is why I'm day-dreaming 24/7. There is ALWAYS something going on in my head. I have a ZILLION wips.
*also music helps my brain sort itself out when it's Full Of Stuff. decompresses and all that.
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
JD isn’t great with kids. They know that. They have accepted that about themself. There are some people like Harry that know exactly how to act around kids and raise them without fucking them up and don’t accidentally teach them curse words quite literally known only to the deepest pits of Hell, and JD is not one of those people.
Now if only everyone else would realize that and stop letting them babysit.
It could be worse, they supposed. Teddy is a good kid. Curious and eager and with enough mischief in his ever changing eyes that makes them feel like they’re looking in a mirror whether Teddy is mimicking their face or not. They did like hanging out with Teddy. They just couldn’t get rid of the lingering anxiety that they would fuck up somehow.
Which meant when Teddy tripped while running towards them to show them some cool rock he had found and stayed down they had about half a second worth of pure panic before jolting into motion.
Teddy was already crying by the time they got to his side, hastened by a quick wing beat that Mac would definitely have grumbled at them for with how open the park they were in was, and JD barely felt the flash of paining heir own knees as they slammed down too quickly next to him.
“Hey, hey, pup. You’re alright. I’ve got you, yeah?” They weren’t paying attention to the words tumbling out of their mouth as they carefully took in the damage. Nothing too bad. A couple scraped knees and one palm. They could handle that. What was it Diego had told Harry the other day? Since Teddy healed faster than most humans the first priority when he got hurt was to make sure the wounds were clean?
But… with the blood and Reddy crying there was no way they could get everything fully clean…
They pulled a scrap of fabric out of their jacket, snagging the water bottle they had been carrying (“Kids need water, Jordan,” Diego had grumbled at them the last time they had slid a soda to Teddy. “Even werewolves.”) to wet the tiny cloth before carefully staring to wipe away the blood and grime from Teddy’s knees.
A sniffle sounded from above them. “Is that a hanky?” Teddy asked. He moved to wipe his tears away with his injured hand but JD carefully grabbed it. Scrapes they could handle. Debris in the eye would definitely require a surprise visit to the good doctor.
“It’s a tiny cloth. They’re very useful.”
“Grace said only old people carry hankies.”
Their wounded expression drew a laugh out of the kid. Which was totally what they were going for with that. They definitely weren’t offended by an eighteen year old indirectly reading them. Not at all.
JD laughed as they moved from one knee to the other, careful, always so careful. (Were kids always this small? This fragile?) “I am the second oldest person you and Grace have ever met,” They pointed out. “And besides it’s not a hanky. It’s a tiny cloth.”
Teddy laughed again then frowned. “Won’t it ruin it?” He asked.
“Nah. Razi’s laundry game is magical.” Teddy laughed again, his eyes briefly flashing a bright happy orange before going back to his usual green. “And you’re more important than any cloth tiny or not. We only have one baby wolf, and I can make as many of these as I want.”
They expected Teddy’s usual denial of being a baby but what they got instead was a tiny hand (thankfully the uninjured one) toying with a clean corner of the cloth. “Will you make me one? That way we can match even if I’m not in my jacket. Like our special secret!”
JD blinked then beamed. “Yeah kiddo I’ll make you some… if you don’t think it’s too old and uncool for you.” They poked at Teddy’s sides until the tears in their eyes were from laughter not pain.
JD wasn’t good with kids but… maybe they only had to be good with one.
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cookieswithay · 2 years
Skate to me Bakugou x female reader Ice-skating AU
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⚠️Warning: swearing (it is Bakugou's pov) Somewhat proof read⚠️
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• When I was about 11, my parents signed me up for "figure skating". (As uncool as it sounds, I was in ballet before this. So I was prepared.) Since my counselor wanted me to put my "feelings" to less "violent" use, she suggested it. The old lady wanting me to get out of house, she signed me up in a heartbeat. It was okay, I guess. I got used to the ice pretty quick. (Not without kissing it a few times, though) After a few lessons, I kept going back to the rink in my free time. And before I knew it, it was a hobby. (Or is it passion?) About 2 years later, I entered a competition.
• I was stoked, I was finally gonna show Japan what I was made of. That is until I heard it was duo event. Being the stubborn little shit I was, I refused. Until, I saw her. To my dismay, she was beautiful. Kinda short, hazel hair tied back into a bun, and the prettiest orange eyes. Her name was Kiyone. My coach, (being the manipulative bastard he is) brought her out on purpose. THEN, proceeds to her I didn't want do it. IN FRONT OF ME. Her eyes welled up. Then she proceeded to (fake) sob, saying she was seriously looking forward to it. Since I wasn't a fan of making girls cry, I apologized. She immediately perked up. (I was such a pushover back then)
• As the training went on, I realized I had a crush on her. (Who wouldn't fall for someone who was constantly in their arms?) I wanted to tell Kiyone after we totally DESTROYED the competition, but I didn't know if she felt the same. It would be crazy embarrassing to get rejected after winning. So I held my tongue. When it was time for the final leap, I was worried I wouldn't catch her. (A bunch of doubts filled my head that day) Forgetting about reality, I barely caught her. But being the badass she was, she added few twirls. And forcibly made me bow her down. (I thought I was gonna die.)
• Before the crowd could cheer, Kiyone kissed me. And after that performance, we started to date. Cute, right? HELL NO! When I turned 14, Kiyone took me to a skating rink for my birthday. Trying to be cool, we attempted the move that got us together. Unfortunately, they were a TON of unsupervised brats there. Long story short, I tripped over one of 'em. Which landed me in the hospital for 3 months. Being the dumb romantic I was, I wanted to surprise her after dispatch. (With roses and other mushy crap) When, I went to rink, I saw it. Kiyone skating with someone familiar. Izuku Midoriya. And to make matters worse, she was teaching him OUR special routine. Kiss included. Not able to process all this crap, I ran off.
• I had so many questions. Like, why Deku!? Or was I not good to her, stupid ones like that. When I made it home, my parents bombarded me with "What happened?" I couldn't answer them. I just hugged into my mom and cried. After that, I avoided her like the like the plague. (I was gonna be damned before I skated with her again) When Kiyone FINALLY grabbed me, I snatched my hand away. And firmly told her I was moving. (Yeah, we weren't. But I wasn't gonna skate that rink anymore) I shouted the same at Deku. And that was the last time I saw her. That was 2 years ago, let's get to the present~
• I laid on the ice. As usual, I skated 'till I crashed. But I'm training for a tournament. I have zero time for breaks. Or friends, or any other crap teens "supposedly" need. The moment my lungs defrost, I'm getting back to it. That was until my phone chime. Lifting up my sore body, I checked it. It was the old lady.
• M: Are you done training?
• K: Not really
• M: Too bad, get your butt back home
• K: What the- why?
• M: Didn't I tell you yesterday we were having guests over for dinner
• K: ...
•M: Now, get your butt back home. Now
• Ugh. As usual, she's trying to force me to meet new people. I could fight with her again, but I'm too worn out. So I grabbed my duffel bag and headed to the door. That is, until my coach stopped me. "Leaving so soon Kats?" (My coach is Gojo Satoru. He's a serious weirdo. Unfortunately, though he's a weirdo with skills. So I'm stuck with him.) "Yeah, the old lady's nagging me about a dinner or something." I said. Gojo blushed. "By any chance, is Mitsuki-san coming to pick you up?" I gagged. "No, ya weirdo!" Did I mention that he has crush on my mom? "I walk here, remember?" He thought for a second. "Oh yeah." I sighed and continued towards the door. "If you need any help making small talk, call me!" "Screw off!"
• "Katsuki, if you keep overdoing it" I accidentally let a groan slip earlier. "You'll land yourself in the hospital again." And my dad noticed. We were waiting for our new "guest" at the moment. Hmph, they're late. "Ow!" As usual, my mom hit me to get my attention. "Listen to your dad, I was really worried last time." She said. "So be more careful." Ugh! "Fine." I muttered. "Eh?" She said gripping my shoulders. "I'll be more careful!" I said, wanting the pain to stop. She kissed me on the head. "Good." Geez, what's the number for children protective services?
• ~Ding~
• "They're here!" My parents said in unison. They raced to the door like kids. I, on the other hand, wasn't as jazzed. The old hag would freak if I had my phone, so I planned on not talking. As usual. (Although that Jirou chick was interesting.) Immediately the house was filled with "I'm so glad to see you again!" And other annoying greetings. I sighed and stood up. "She can get mad if she wants." I muttered to myself. "I'm not smiling this time." Suprisingly, they didn't look like the usual people she invites. They weren't over dressed. And they actually seemed interested in my sport. Nice. "Oh! Your probably wondering where are daughter is? Aren't ya, Katsuki?" Iwata-san said. (The husband) Wait? They have a daughter?
• "I bet he was, he is blushing." (Meiji-san, the wife) What the- "I am not!" Which just made the adults laugh. How was I supposed to know?! They made her sound like a boy! "She's at the skate park, dear." Meiji-san said, pointing to the door. Before Mom could give me "permission", I got up from the table. Mom snickered. "Aw, look Meiji you flustered him." Iwata-san chuckled. "Hell, wait till he meets Y/N." Did they think they're whispering or something!? Ugggh!
• After searching for who knows how long, I found her. Or I think I did. There was a ton of teens skating. I walked through the gate, when a girl came right at me. Skating right at me. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to evade. So I was SLAMMED on the concrete. The pain felt surreal. Not only are shoulders already screwed, but then a whole girl crashes on me! "What in the- holy shit." I...wait? "Sorry!" She said scrambling off of me. She pulled me up as well. "Heh heh, sorry someone unsavory popped up." She said brushing yourself off. "Oh wait!" She said putting her focus back on me. "I forgot to ask if you're okay." I...I, oh my God. She is hot as hell. Who made this girl, Aphrodite? (That's that lady's name, right) "Are you okay?" She asked. Snap out of it! "I'm great, I'm great." I stuttered. Keep it together. "Oh good."
• She smiled. "I'm Y/N Iwata, by the way." Wait!? She's Iwata and Meiji-san's daughter? She looks nothing like her description. I cleared my throat. "Katsuki Bakugou." Y/N chuckled. "Cool dude." She turned back to the park. "Hope I'll see you soon." And with that she skated off. ...Dammit.
•~Later that night~
• Why can't I get Y/N outta my head! She's just a RANDOM girl that I met and probably won't see again! Not to mention, friends will take my eyes of the prize. And I'll be damned if I lose this year! Shit. And...what if it's the Kiyone incident all over again. I get close to her and... No. Not now, not ever again. (Author's note: He's lying in his bed)
• ~Somewhere else that night~
• "What's this about, Satoru?" The sleepy coach said. (Aizawa-sensei) "Nothing~ Just wanted to let you know something." Gojo said in a cheery tone. "Our kids met today," he said suddenly serious. "Do you think they can help one another?" Aizawa sighed. "Can't say," he said with a shrug. "Y/N is crazy passionate, while your boy is a former shell of himself." Gojo laughed. "Well that's one way to put it." Serious mode again. "But, she could seriously help Bakugou as well." He sighed. "He needs to remember why he loves the sport. Y'know." The sensei sighed and turned to the exit. "Wait, wait, wait!" Gojo shouted. "Will you bring her?" Once again, Aizawa sighed. "I'll ask Y/N." And with that, their conversation was over.
•Next day~
•Forget about yesterday. Forget about the mr and mrs Iwata. And DEFINITELY forget about Y/N. No distractions, no second place. If I stick to that, I'll be fine. When I walked into the rink I saw someone I WISH I didn't recognize. Izuku Midoriya. He was talking to tired looking guy and MY coach. (So I actually like weirdo, sue me) Since they didn't notice me yet, I hung back by the entrance. What are they even talking about? "I'd be glad to help her, but does she even know how to ice skate?" The twerp asked. "She roller skates, she'll pick it up quick." The other guy said. Coach smiled. "I'm so glad you were available," He shook his head. "I was gonna ask MY kid, but he doesn't like partners." He's right, but... why him? The sleepy guy patted Deku's head. "I'm sure Y/N will take to you."
•Hold on? Y/N. WTF! What, did he get tired of Kiyone or something!? Forget about past trauma, this ain't happening on MY watch! I stormed in, shoving Deku in the process. "Coach, I'll train her no problem."
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That was part one! I hoped you enjoyed it. This was my time first doing Bakugou's pov so if it seems lame or uncanon. This was my first time. Please go easy on me
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shinekittenace · 3 years
On the Popularity of Fidget Toys
Stim toys or "fidget toys" have become mainstream. On one hand, it's great that it's so much easier to find them now, but at the same time, it really upsets me how they're seen as "this year's biggest trend." It's great that it's becoming more acceptable to play with stim toys; I'm sure a lot of people are benefiting from their popularity, but it makes me SO UNCOMFORTABLE how they're being treated as something trendy, because the thing about trends? They go out of style and once that happens, you become "uncool" if you still like the formerly-trendy thing. Remember in like 2016 when fidget spinners got popular? And then neurotypical kids started misusing them and schools banned them for everyone? Yeah.
And maybe i just sound like a bitch who's claiming that I liked stim toys "before they were cool," but it concerns me how something made for neurodivergent and especially autistic people can be co-opted, made trendy, and then discarded with disdain by neurotypicals. Everyone stims, but neurodivergent people tend to do it a lot more and have a lot more different stims than neurotypicals, and we need to be respected and not treated as a tiktok trend. We are still going to be stimming after the trend falls out of favor, and we do not deserve to be bullied over it like we always have been. And that's not even mentioning the stigma against less "normal" stims.
Neither has it escaped my notice how these toys are being referred to as "fidget toys," rather than stim toys, which has the effect of divorcing them from the autistic community. Yes, people know what fidgeting is and won't necessarily know what stimming is, but would it kill them to learn???? Can't the popularity of stim toys be used as an opportunity to teach people about neurodivergency instead of as a cash-grab?
tl;dr: It's great that people know what fidget toys are now, but I really wish there were more respect for their origins in the neurodivergent community instead of the mainstream treating them as just another throwaway trend.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH5
Aaaand it’s finally time. Surprise! Work has been kicking my butt the past couple weeks, so I’ve been really tired and writing has been slow. But we are still plenty ahead of schedule on this project, so don’t worry your pretty little heads! You’ll still get a chapter every Friday! We’re getting closer to the big shifts. Only a couple more chapters until the real fun begins >:)
Previous   First   Next   AO3
Chapter 5: when the party’s over
“Good morning, sweetie.”
“Morning, Mom.” Marinette made her way down the stairs, carrying her boots in one hand. She yawned and stooped to kiss her mother’s cheek.
“How was the concert? Did you all have a good time?” her mom asked.
“I had an amazing time! We got to stand backstage for the whole performance, and you’re not gonna believe it! I fixed Jagged's jacket, and to thank me, he invited me to sing a song with him!” Marinette relayed as she grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“Oh, how exciting!” her mom said. “I always knew you would do something amazing.”
“If Eliott hadn't suggested that I ask for tickets, Jagged would have canceled the show. It was really lucky that I was there,” Marinette said, ripping the peel.
“So, I take it everything is going well at your new school?” Her mom took a seat across from her.
“Yeah. I'm making new friends, and I helped someone with their bully,” Marinette answered around a bite.
“Are you happy?”
Marinette slowed her chewing as she mulled over an answer, and sensing her hesitance, her mom placed a hand over hers.
“I know there are things you don't tell me, but I can tell when you're upset,” she said. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. All I care about is that you're happy.”
“It's just that…” She took a deep breath before spilling everything. Following Lila and Adrien, the situation with seats, Lila's threats in the bathroom, Alya's akumatization.
Once she started, she couldn't stop. Words tumbled from her mouth in a rapid current until hot tears spilled down her cheeks. Her mother moved to hold her, rubbing her back and kissing her hair.
“When you said you wanted to transfer to this new school to focus on your talents, I had no idea you were leaving behind so much,” her mom said. “You've been carrying all of that weight for so long.”
“I didn't know what else to do,” Marinette whimpered. She sniffled against her mother's shoulder.
“Look at me.” Her mom lifted her chin. “You do so much for other people, and that’s wonderful. But I think it's time that you focus on what makes you happy.”
That was the understatement of the century, but Marinette wasn't going to say as much.
“Your father and I raised you to always help others when you can, but we never wanted it to be at the expense of your own happiness. Sometimes it's okay to do what's best for yourself, and I think that changing schools was a smart decision.” She brushed a tear from Marinette's cheek with her thumb. “I know you're hurting now, and if you ever need anything, Papa and I are always here for you.”
“Thanks, Mama,” Marinette said.
She hugged her mother tightly, her worries washing down her face in thin streaks. For once, she wasn't a superhero with the weight of the world on her shoulders—she was a young girl, abandoned and hurt by the people she once trusted. There wasn’t a clever solution to fix everything. No lucky charm to get her out of a messy situation. It was the hardest lesson she'd ever learned. That sometimes there was no magic to reset everything. Some wounds didn't heal, and some bonds stayed broken.
For the first time since she became Ladybug, Marinette didn't have to carry anyone's burdens but her own. For once, she could just cry.
♪♫♪ When I’m Gone ♪♫♪
“Well, class, by an overwhelming majority, I’m happy to announce Lila as our new class representative!” Mlle. Bustier said.
“Mlle. Bustier, I would like a recount!” Chloe demanded.
“You only had two votes, Chloe. I don’t think a recount is necessary.” She gave her a sympathetic smile.
“What? That’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe folded her arms over her chest.
“Can you blame us?” Alya asked.
“Yeah, Lila is way cooler than you.” Alix shot back, a sentiment echoed by several others.
Chloe slouched in her seat, seething. “Well, at least Sabrina recognizes my natural leadership,” she said, but her bff averted her gaze. “Don’t tell me you voted for her too?”
“Sorry, Chloe.” Sabrina shrank when Chloe gasped in disbelief.
“Are my ears deceiving me? How dare you!” Chloe slammed her fist on the desk as the whole class erupted into laughter.
“Wow, even Sabrina is tired of you,” Nathaniel said.
Chloe’s jaw clenched, cheeks burning angry and hot. Even the shrimpy comic book nerd was laughing at her. What had the world come to?
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, but I did win fair and square, Chloe. I hope you aren’t too mad at me.” Lila curled her shoulders. “The last thing I want to do is make another enemy like I did with Marinette. I just want to do my best to make your lives as easy as possible here.”
“See? Now that’s natural leadership.” Alya smirked.
“You’re all so lame. I wouldn’t want your votes anyway.” Chloe glared at Lila as class resumed and clicked her stylus pen. Lila wasn’t some nobody like Marinette. She was going to be harder to push around. Regardless, if there was something Chloe wanted, she always got it.
♪♫♪ I Don’t Care ♪♫♪
“Congrats on winning class representative,” Alya said at the next class change. “I can go over all of your duties with you this afternoon if you want. Marinette and I used to discuss things over ice cream.”
Lila suppressed an eye roll. The sooner Alya stopped talking about that brat, the better. Things were working out in Lila’s favor already now that she was gone. Pretty soon she’d own this school, and no one would even remember Marinette’s name.
“Actually, I’m recovering from tonsilitis, so my doctor said I’m not allowed to eat any dairy.” Lila touched her throat delicately. “Besides, you and I should pick our own rituals and forget about Marinette.”
“True, I guess.” Alya pursed her lips, and Lila placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know it’s hard to move on, but honestly, Marinette is nobody,” Lila said. “Though not many people can say they saved an entire village from a stampede, so I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge.”
“Not all of us can be so amazing.” Alya chuckled good-naturedly. “I guess part of me just wishes that Marinette could have gotten to know you and seen how cool you are.”
“Her loss.” Lila shrugged as they entered the locker room.
“Did you see-”
“Is that for real?”
“No way!”
“What’s going on?” Alya asked Adrien and Nino.
“Marinette sang with Jagged Stone last night at his concert here in Paris.” Nino explained, tilting his phone toward them.
“What?” Lila snatched it from him.
“Miraculous, yeah I got this! I gotta confess I feel so strong!”
“She asked him for tickets yesterday on Instagram, and he gave her backstage passes,” Mylène said.
“She looks so happy and confident,” Rose cooed.
“Wouldn’t you be if you got to sing with Jagged Stone on stage?” Alix said.
“I miss her.” Rose slumped, and several classmates followed suit.
“Yeah, me too,” Max echoed.
“Hey, Lila, since you’re such good friends with Jagged Stone, do you think you could get us tickets to his next show?” Kim asked.
Every eye turned to her expectantly, and her annoyance flared. Of course Marinette wouldn’t go quietly. That stupid brat was causing her problems even after she was gone. Lila wasn’t worried though. This situation just needed a little precision…
“Well, I would love to, but celebrities like Jagged really don’t like to give stuff away for free. It’s kind of taboo to even ask. I’m sure Jagged only complied this time because he wanted to save face. He cares about his fans so much, but it’s actually very rude to ask someone for special treatment,” Lila said. “I feel really bad for Jagged being put on the spot like that. She could have ruined his reputation.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t realize…” Kim rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d hate to put you in that position.”
“I can’t believe Marinette would do such a thing.” Nathaniel glared down at his phone.
“Yeah, way uncool.”
“Everyone, please don’t make a fuss and blame Marinette. She isn’t used to dealing with celebrities. I’m sure she meant no harm.” Lila assured them. “If only she were still here. I have so much I could teach her.”
“We’re so lucky to have you, Lila,” Nino said. He draped an arm across her shoulders.
“Yeah, thanks, Lila!”
“You’re the best.”
Lila smiled as the bell rang, and everyone shuffled off to class. Marinette wasn’t going to get ahead so easily. Everyone was still exactly where Lila wanted them, and she’d make sure it stayed that way.
♪♫♪ Primadonna ♪♫♪
Later that afternoon, the girls gathered in the bathroom to comfort Mireille who was crying over some stupid argument she’d had with her boyfriend, not that Chloe cared. All she wanted was to find dirt on Lila, so she slipped in unnoticed and hid in an empty stall to listen.  
Nothing was right in her school anymore. Lila was stealing away everything she’d worked for, and while everyone was too busy paying attention to her, Chloe barely had anyone to boss around. Something needed to change. Fast. She would have to be smarter if she wanted to dethrone this queen, but she’d have order restored in her kingdom soon enough.
Chloe peeked through the crack in the door as Alya and Lila entered. She was going to find Lila’s weakness, then she was going to take her down.
“What’s going on?” Lila asked.
“Mireille and her boyfriend got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset,” Mylène said in a hushed tone.
“Marinette used to give advice to everyone and help them stay positive.” Rose glanced up at Lila. “Since you’re the new class representative, you can help, right?”
“Well, Mireille isn’t really in our class,” Lila said, but when Mireille let out a loud sob, she scrunched her nose and knelt beside her. “Hey, there’s no sense crying over some boy. I’ve had my heart broken before too, so I know how it feels. Boys are dumb. He’s not worth your tears,” she said. “If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have argued with you, and if he doesn’t love you, then you shouldn’t waste your time crying over him. I think you should move on because there’s no better revenge than finding someone cuter.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Mireille sniffled and ran a hand across her cheek.
“We can get some ice cream later if you want.” Alya offered.
“Thanks, girls.” Mireille smiled. She turned to the mirror to fix her face as the bell rang.
“See you later.” They all waved goodbye, shuffling to their next class and leaving Mireille alone.
Drat. Chloe would have to figure out another way to get to Lila. Everyone had a weakness, and Chloe would find hers if it was the last thing she did. But first she needed to get out of the bathroom stall.
She peeked through the crack in the door, but Mireille was still pouting over her lock screen—a picture of her boyfriend hugging her lovingly. Too preoccupied with her sadness, she didn’t see the little black butterfly land on her charm bracelet.
Chloe gasped as Mireille transformed before her eyes, closing the stall door before she could be noticed. She hated to admit it, but she actually missed Maribrat Dupain-Cheng. At least with her around giving pep talks to every miserable face she came across, akumas had reached an all-time low at their school. Where was Ladybug when she needed her?
♪♫♪ Listen ♪♫♪
“So, you really saved his whole show?” One of Marinette’s new classmates asked as everyone crowded around her.
“I’m sure they would have found another solution but-”
“Oh, don’t be modest!” Eliott cut her off with an eye roll. “She totally saved the whole show.”
“Yeah, Jagged Stone adores her.” Macy added with a giggle.
“I still think it should have been you up there, Macy. You’re a much better singer than I am.” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.
“You have such a cute voice! We should sing a duet together for our next art project,” Macy said, and several classmates agreed, much to Marinette’s chagrin.
“Alright, class, everyone take your seats,” Mme. Allard instructed as she strolled into the room. To Marinette’s relief, the group surrounding her dispersed. “Today we will be discussing themes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Now, who can tell me-”
When Marinette’s phone buzzed in her bag, she checked it under her desk. “An akuma alert!”
“What’s that?” Eliott leaned over.
“Is something the matter, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng? M. Chasse?” Mme. Allard paused her lesson and quirked a brow.
“Uh, there’s an akuma loose in the city, ma’am. Shouldn’t we evacuate?” Marinette held up her phone.
Mme. Allard removed her glasses to read the report. “It says here that lockdown orders are only for the area surrounding Notre Dame. We will continue our lesson until it becomes a threat on this side of town,” she said. “Now, put your phone away. They are prohibited during instruction.”
“Yes, Mme. Allard.” Marinette tucked her phone back into her bag and exchanged a nervous look with Tikki. “Actually, Mme. Allard?”
“What is it, Marinette?”
“Can I be excused to the bathroom?”
“You just went before we got here.” Macy gave her a quizzical look.
“Do you have a documented medical condition that requires you to frequent the restroom, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?” Mme. Allard asked.
A few classmates giggled, and Marinette’s cheeks burned.
“No, ma’am,” she mumbled.
“Then I think you can hold it until the next class change. Now don’t interrupt my lecture again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She lowered her head, shooting Tikki an apologetic wince.
Her foot tapped the entire lecture, fingers drumming, pen tapping, eyes watching the clock. Part of her hoped the akuma would make its way to their side of town, but she wasn’t so lucky. When the bell rang, Marinette jumped from her chair and stuffed her tablet into her bag.
“Uh, I’m not feeling too well, so I’m gonna go see the nurse,” she said.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” Eliott offered, but she shook her head.
“I, uh, think I might be getting the flu, and I don’t want to infect you guys, so I’ll see you later.” She raced up the hallway.
The third-floor bathroom was empty when Marinette burst through the doors and ducked into a stall—her first stroke of luck all day.
“Your new school is so strict,” Tikki said.
“We can talk about it later. Transform me!”
Dashing across the rooftops, she hurled her yoyo as far as she could. She just hoped Chat Noir managed to show up and keep things at bay. When she made it to the school, she swooped down just in time to deflect an attack before it hit Chat Noir.
“Oh, nice of you to finally drop in,” he said dryly.
“Sorry, kitty, I got held up,” she said. “You okay?”
He relaxed and offered her a wink. “Better now that you’re here. You had me worried.”
“I’ll try not to make a habit of it.” She vowed, readying her yoyo. “In the meantime, I think we could use a little luck to get us out of this mess.”
“Be my guest.” Chat Noir bowed.
Her magnifying glass made quick work of Heartbreaker, and Mireille blinked in confusion as Ladybug purified the akuma.
“What happened?” Mireille asked, dazed.
“You were akumatized.” Chat Noir explained.
“Oh no!” She covered her face. “I got so angry…Now Jean will never take me back!”
Ladybug placed a hand on Mireille’s shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Hey, arguments in relationships happen. I’m sure you both said things you regret, so why don’t you try talking to him now that you’ve both calmed down?” She advised. “I’m sure you can come to an understanding.”
“I will. Thank you, Ladybug.” Mireille smiled. She waved as Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted off.
“Thanks for your help, m’lady.” Chat Noir kissed her hand.
“Sorry it took me so long, kitty. I’m glad you were able to manage,” she said. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Don’t be late,” he called as she swung off.
Landing back in the bathroom, she leaned against the wall with a sigh. That was too close. She’d have to figure out a better way to escape to fight akumas, but at least she made it in time for this one.
She slipped into her desk in physics quietly and leaned over to Eliott. “What’d I miss?”
“I thought you had the flu?” Eliott recoiled.
“False alarm, just allergies,” she said.
“Oh, we should go to the spa later! The sauna is really good for your sinuses,” Macy whispered.
“Uh, sure.” Marinette nodded, shifting in her seat as they tuned back into the lesson. She relaxed when no one seemed suspicious of her.
Being a superhero just got a lot more complicated.
♪♫♪ Delicate ♪♫♪
“How is your new school?” Adrien asked that afternoon over tea and cookies.
“I’m…adjusting.” Marinette pursed her lips. “How is the old school?”
“Well,” Adrien drawled. “Lila is the new class representative, and she may have convinced people that you almost ruined Jagged’s image.”
“What a brat.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “She’s really class rep?”
“Don’t look at me, I voted for Chloe.” Adrien held up defensive hands.
“Somehow I don’t feel like that’s better.” Marinette leaned against her fist with a smirk.
She fixed her gaze on her cup with a sigh.
“Rose said she misses you.” Adrien offered. “Before Lila convinced her you were clueless about dealing with celebrities.”
“I miss her too,” Marinette said. She traced the rim of her cup with a finger. “I miss everyone, but…”
“I know.” Adrien winced. “For what it’s worth, I thought your performance with Jagged was awesome.”
“It was pretty awesome,” she admitted with a giggle. “And I got you an autograph!”
Adrien pressed his palms together appreciatively as she retrieved a signed poster of Jagged’s face from her desk.
“You rock, Marinette!” he said in his best Jagged impression, then more sincerely added, “I’m glad that you’re doing what’s best for you. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
“Thank you, Adrien.” Her cheeks warmed as he held her gaze, her mind clouding into a lovestruck haze. She almost got lost in his gorgeous green eyes, but footsteps pounded up the staircase, breaking her trance.
Marinette jumped as her trapdoor swung open, and a familiar pair of icy blue eyes poked through. It was Chloe Bourgeois, and she was pissed.
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Reki and Langa’s dynamic
It’s speculation at my part and a shameless rant on what i like about sk8 just to get it off my chest I’ve been so fixated help
it’s 5am I’m at uni and i have a shit ton to do, am I really gonna make an essay about sk8 instead? yes abso-fucking-lutely. strap on to your metaphorical skateboards kids. this is going to be long ride
this isn’t to call out anyone lol so in case you get that impression I’m sorry. I understand everyone is out to interpret media in whatever they like and that’s fine, but sometimes i feel like either some missed some points of the story? anyway here are my thoughts tho
alright so what i absolutely love about sk8 is how they didn’t make anyone into a genius.Genius is a mockery of the hardships everyone does to attain that level of skills. And no Langa is not a genius or a prodigy which I will explain later. I’ve seen enough shounen animes back in the day and usually it’s ‘annoying heart of gold beginner vs. calm and collected genius’ they usually hate each other’s guts and bicker all the time though secretly, deep down care for each other but would rather die than admit it dynamic. While I’m glad we’re moving past that, I really thought Reki and Langa would be like that so....
imagine my surprise when Langa was the ‘beginner’ in skating. He has the potential to be a second sasuke here lol. (blue, handsome, cool) but no he isn’t. he’s an adorable idiot, an airhead, head empty only skating dude and i love it. 
Reki as well. He could have been the usual protagonist. (sucks at his sport, loud, hardworking, and by the power of friendship he suddenly beats everyone else which i think is pretty overused at this point, don’t you think?) some people complain how Reki despite being the MC isn’t given screentime and hasn’t won a single beef. (and sure that’s true. he should have won some and langa lose some but we only have 12 eps so lol) but he’s not the usual protagonist you know? and sk8 isn’t about winning. if it was, I think they would have focused on the techniques. the hows and the what to do.
Idk if you noticed, but sports anime with winning in its goal would often explain in detail certain techniques. (see haikyuu) but shows like Free and Yuri on Ice isn’t exactly talking about how to win that seriously as Haikyuu did. It’s more focusing on the feelings and how their lives are affected with their passion for this sport. it’s about the character development!!! and i think SK8 is something like that too. It explores the character’s feelings rather than sport. (like what i tell my sister, they use the sport as a character device if that makes sense?)
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this was literally in the opening lol. it’s really about the feelings you know?
so anyway it’s been pointed out several times that Reki was already feeling insecure about his skills in skating since ep 1 way before Langa came. But he still likes to skate and despite feeling never enough, he still enjoyed it. (some also pointed out that Reki’s reason of going into a beef against Shadow has been because he insulted his way of skating not because he wanted to be the best) so the show from the get go was already hinting at his self esteem issues.
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this also implies that Reki has always been feeling like this in a while, added with his tendencies to bottle things up, it makes sense that he’ll blow up at some point and he’ll need to release all of those feelings. (so yeah i think this is just the right amount of eps for their fall out. i see some people complaining shush. otherwise it would also feel too rushed. this is years weighing him)
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and i guess it’s also implied in here he’s had days like these too in the past! seriously it’s an ongoing problem he’s been carrying. i think 3 eps is pretty good enough pace to internalize it
so point: Reki was already down way before Langa came. langa just added to that. And don’t go blaming Langa cause the boy did nothing wrong.
Consider that Langa just lost his dad (i think we need more backstory on this though. please sdsjkdksl i need little Langa and his dad interactions) he just moved countries, and the only connection to his dad (snowboarding) is gone cause it doesn’t snow in OKinawa
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though one also argues that Langa hasn’t been snowboarding since his dad was gone.
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so for Langa, Reki introducing skating to him was revolutionary. You’re someone grieving over the death of what is probably the most important person in your life, the thing you love the most no longer gives you joy (as was shown in the flashbacks and basically Langa going ‘it’s the same’) and you’re in a new country with a language you barely are fluent. you can’t even read or write, and you barely have friends granted you don’t have much back in the day. it’s horrible.
and then this guy you barely know talks to you, befriends you, helps you get a job, and teaches you something you thought you’ve lost and through that you made more friends??
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yeah you see why Langa likes Reki. You also see why he’s obsessed with skating. It’s kind of like a coping, a fixation. plus he’s bad with social cues i guess? the interview says he’s likely to get dumped for being too inattentive lmao and that’s what makes him interesting!
also the thing that really surprised me when they first interacted was how supportive Reki is to Langa. it also got to me with how much Langa thinks highly of Reki. Again a deviation to the ‘i say i hate you but deep down i care for you’ trope. they’re full on supportive and protective. i like that. it’s fresh to me. I thought Reki was going to the tsundere ‘hmph that’s not a big deal’ route at the start of ep 2 but he’s really amazed. (kinda also says he’s been very desperate for someone to share skating with but that’s another topic)
so Reki teaches Langa how to skate. and Langa sucks. Which was interesting to me because I thought Langa would be some flawless prince-like character. But nah. He trips and faints at his own blood lol. He’s so uncool and i love it.
Some people say Langa is over powered with a thick ass plot armor which gets him to win (which is why i see people saying he should have won against Joe and I actually agree that Langa should lose some beefs but again only 12 eps, so little time)
but I still wanna talk about it anyway so it’s revealed Langa was snowboarding since 2. That’s 15 years. I think that should be around the same time Joe and Cherry should be skating. and i think if you start earlier as a kid, your body develops differently. (should Langa, “an amateur” win against Joe a pro? the question falls more on whether you can classify Langa as an amateur) i think it’s like Langa being very used to motorcycle tricks from age 2 then suddenly he’s using a regular bicycle, and sure the feeling is mostly the same but there’s just something off. Your body doesn’t easily forget what you know, especially if it did it for 15 years. and so Reki customizes a board for Langa so it’ll feel exactly like snowboarding
So Langa has a customized board that he needed to get used to before he went pro. He really sucked the first few eps lmao. but that’s more of him getting used to the new rules. he pretty much told Reki in ep 2 that he can’t do a skateboard ollie, but he can do a snowboard one bec it’s attached to his feet.
(i may just want to add that one thing i also like about sk8 is that it really doesn’t care what you need for accommodation? if that’s how you do it best, then go for it. When Langa says to Reki he can’t do the ollie without the board attached to his feet, Reki immediately goes his way to accommodate him. usually people in real life might say ‘it’s not real skateboarding if you need a modification etc. but look at Cherry with a freaking AI board and people are like yeah whatever do what you want man. whatever rolls your board.)
so anyway Langa vs. Joe with Langa winning despite being an amateur? if you can even call him an amateur that is. Plus all his tricks are snowboarding tricks lol. everything he’s done is testament to his 15 years of snowboarding?? We don’t even know how good Langa is in snowboarding. Someone make a post about how difficult the snowboarding equivalent of those tricks Langa has done just to show people it means he’s pretty pro (I’ll even argue maybe Langa’s real talent is his creative ways of going around things which kind of why Adam is highkey obsessed, and calls Cherry who calculates everything to the last second boring but that’s a different can of worms I’m opening later) plus Langa barely won against Joe so there’s not much difference in level i think. Should Langa have lost though?
I think some have missed the point of that beef in Reki’s pov. and if the Renga reconciliation is done well, it would be worth it.
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that beef got Reki to realize he what he really wants! that it’ll kill him if he can’t skate anymore! that he doesn’t wanna only cheer on for others and be a support! THAT HE WANTS TO SKATE BY LANGA’S SIDE WHICH IS THE REASON FOR ALL THIS INSECURITIES if Langa lost, that cathartic realization might not have happened. He might have gone to Langa and cheered him up, brushed off his insecurities and, made up with Langa halfheartedly without addressing his problems
I’m going to go back to Reki’s insecurities. In ep 6 he’s been afraid of being left behind, and sure Langa came back for him but he still forgot until midway. (will that parallel how Langa got too excited with the idea of skating, the same feeling he thought he lost forever. The same thing that he thinks connects him with his dad, and might have left Reki behind, but later remembers and goes back to chase him? hopefully) in ep 4 it’s obvious he’s afraid of the near death experience Adam gave him, and he’s just realized how different their skills were. in ep 5 he worries about Langa, enough to get nightmares about it. mixed with his friend getting hurt. it’s obvious the feelings are very very muddled there.
So he begs Langa not to skate with Adam.
And what did Langa do? say that he wanted to skate with Adam. (again he’s not the most attentive. he probably thinks he’s just skating with his best friend, all is good then boom. Reki leaves. as a person shit with dealing with other people, i don’t blame him at all) he’s trying to fix it though, but his bond with Reki primarily revolves around skating! how else was he going to warm up with Reki? He also doesn’t know that Reki has self esteem issues that’s always been there since the beginning. He probably doesn’t understand it too because he holds Reki up highly. in ep 6 when Reki was going over his board, Langa thinks he’s pretty cool. he didn’t hear what other said to Reki. He’s earnestly having fun with his friend
We should also note that Reki was never angry at Langa’s skills, he wasn’t resentful that Langa was far ahead. Again he’s been nothing but supportive. He doesn’t want to pull Langa down. He wasn’t like Miya’s friends that lashed out at Miya for being better. in ep 7 he tries his best to follow Langa
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it feels like he’s mostly regretful that he can’t catch up. he doesn’t want Langa to slow down, he wants to go faster and meet him where he was. So it makes the realization that all he wants to do was be in equal with Langa more frustrating because he thinks he can’t keep up. (and this only ever started when he heard he’s like Langa’s plus one. there’s that daunting feeling about being pulled around. not being his equal) 
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if you need further proof, when Langa and Joe were having a beef, he wasn’t aggressively hoping Langa would lose. in fact he encouraged him. He worries deeply He calls him out when he was doing badly. Still very supportive as ever. So really the frustration isn’t to Langa, again, it’s all internal. He wants to be better
so he’s feeling shit and Langa goes to him in the middle of the rain, bless langa for trying, thinking talking about skating (what he thinks Reki loves and would probably cheer him up, not knowing that’s exactly his problem) tells him
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which is probably the worst he could say.
THAT’S what got Reki mad, not really Reki being insecure though that’s part of it, that’s what they’re fighting about, Reki is angry he’s breaking his promise. He thinks Langa doesn’t care about Reki, that he’ll easily break a promise between them that Reki obviously cares about just so he can go skate with Adam who is way better than him. It blows to the self esteem. Reki probably also think that if only he was better, langa wouldn’t bother skating with someone that dangerous. it doesn’t help at all.
but langa doesn’t know this. he doesn’t see all this. Langa might have been too up the high of skating like in ep 6, he sorta left Reki behind again.
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it kinda makes Langa’s mom’s words hit harder though
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and he did just that. he got too engrossed.
It parallels adam, cherry and joe’s friendship then probably tadahsi’s too but who knows? reki and langa, and tadashi and adam might parallel too, the master and the student thingy Adam might have gotten too obsessed. So Joe trying his best to make sure Reki and Langa won’t end up like them hits a little harder in my chest ;’)
but Langa won’t be to engrossed i think
because unlike Adam who’s aggressively looking for his ‘equal’, Langa is just looking for someone who makes his heart beat, to make him feel like he’s skating with his dad again, someone he loves dearly. (there’s a parallel about loves here too between Adam’s and Langa’s. but I can’t write it now) and he probably already thinks Reki is his equal anyway. He just wants to have fun. he doesn’t think much about the skills.
maybe at first he does. that’s why he’s drawn to Adam but from ep 9, it was pretty much shown that skills really doesn’t matter from when he skated against Joe
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if Adam easily discarded his friends because he think they’re boring (which was why the whole skateboard to the face thing with Cherry), langa doesn’t think like that
if anything Reki is important to Langa because he only has fun skating with Reki, who taught him how to skate and made his board. (his board that was customized to fit his style btw, and arguably the only reason he could skate that well. without it, he might as well be a beginner once again.) so without reki, langa is left with nothing. especially with his broken board
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no fun in skating, no way of skating. He’s only manage to get this far because of Reki and he knows that now. All of it would be pointless if he doesn’t have Reki (and either he gets so obsessed in chasing that feeling again, or he stops completely) but in case you haven’t noticed it, Langa’s motivation revolves around having fun with skating no matter the skill or place. And he’s having most fun with Reki.
But Reki obviously doesn't know Langa’s feelings. He thinks Langa was forever looking for someone better. So he’s still caught up in the idea that Langa won’t want to skate with him (even though Langa has never shown this) and he left S entirely, thinking what he wants is impossible. fucking just talk you two motherfucker
(I also wanna point out that Reki has always been shown from episode one to be good at making boards. And that’s amazing? We need some support recognition and appreciation, seriously) I think maybe most who find problem with Reki not winning beefs like the usual shounen protags aren’t used to the nuance and perspective of being someone ‘ordinary’. Reki’s character is relatable because most of us feel ordinary, never enough, surrounded by geniuses, ‘inferior’. And if we’re being realistic since a lot are saying joe should have won because langa winning is unrealistic and you want realism so bad no I’m not salty at all there will always be someone better than you. ALWAYS. but what’s important is for you to have fun in what you love! in what makes you happy! AND even if you’re not good at one thing (in Reki’s part, skating) he’s also good at other things (making boards) so does he need to stop one for the other? no. He’s shown to enjoy skating with Langa, he doesn’t wanna stop it hurts him so much he quit. But he can also hone his skills in making boards as well as skate. He’s equal with Langa in a way he doesn’t even notice when he made that board for Langa, but even Reki’s presence alone makes Langa enjoy skating the way Reki also wants Langa by his side.
So I think the next ep is the best time to confront all these feelings. And how it happens might be what’s tricky. Like romantic or not, i personally can read it both ways though i prefer if they do become canon. (idk if it’s queerbaiting. i guess friends can care as deeply as that but ngl, these shounen bestfriends having deep connections that are written off as friends while also giving us bland af hetero love interests who did nothing but exist and be straight really is messing with my perception of romantic and platonic love irl) anyway their talk better be done really well, or else all those episodes of tension would be for nothing
It’s a nice perspective to give a shounen protagonist this time. It’s new, it’s fresh. How many incarnations of underdog turned the best at their craft can you take? variety is nice! and if you don’t like it, there are always a dozen other animes like that for you to turn to. to conclude, IT ALL GOES BACK TO THE START: WHAT IS YOUR HAPPINESS???! AND FOR THEM IT’S THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP BUT IN A VERY DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE. FRIENDSHIP DOESN’T  SUDDENLY GET YOU TO LEVEL 100000000000 TO DEFEAT THE FINAL BOSS. FRIENDSHIP IS WHAT MAKES DEFEATING THE FINAL BOSS WORTHWHILE
Anyway tldr; maybe the real Eve is the friends we made along the way :D  and idk if I’m making sense but obviously I’m head empty only sk8. Renga needs to talk, i can’t believe they have the audacity to make a recap episode as if i wasn’t head empty only sk8 since february, and if there’s more emotional edging to come, i will burn some of the palm trees outside my house
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Oneshot about how Sirius obtained his motorcycle. Prompt by @daylily-evans.
I should add, to all my non-UK readers, I use the word f*g in this as a slang word for cigarette, which is what it’s commonly used for over here, especially at the time the oneshot was set. I tried not to use it, but eventually it was impossible, and unrealistic, for the characters to not use it, so I apologise for the use of the word and I promise in this context it is not a slur word, and is only a slang word for cigarette. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Request a oneshot here!
When Sirius graduated Hogwarts, he really had no idea what he wanted to do. Short-term wise, he wanted to go on missions for the Order, help out in any way he could and take down the death eaters one by one until only You-Know-Who remained. He couldn’t wait.
But long-term, after the war had ended, he was clueless. Truth was, he hadn’t planned that far ahead, just in case he didn’t survive to see it. But he was beginning to see that having a job now would be beneficial in a number of ways. Maybe as a cover-up, or a hiding place, or at least an opportunity to earn some well-needed money.
Dumbledore wanted him to get a job at the Ministry, to try and collect any inside information. But this suggestion made Sirius angry enough to ignore it completely. For starters, he didn’t care about what Dumbledore wanted. He tried to hide this of course, as he didn’t think the others would approve. But he’d lost his taste for obeying the old man ever since Dumbledore had forced Remus to live among the werewolves. And while Sirius could vaguely understand why it was useful, he couldn’t forgive Dumbledore for placing Remus in such a horrible situation, away from his friends, and possibly making Remus feel like the monster that Sirius knew he wasn’t. When Dumbledore had first suggested it, Sirius had been absolutely livid, and it was only Remus himself who managed to stop Sirius from marching down to Dumbledore’s office and giving the guy a piece of his mind. Remus had calmed Sirius down, but Sirius knew that he’d never shake off the resentment he had for the headmaster.
The other reason that he was angry at Dumbledore’s suggestion, was because he hated the Ministry. It was full of people like his parents, making rules to oppress anyone who wasn’t a pureblood wizard. And after having grown up with Remus, watching as the boy had to work for a future he didn’t have because of the Ministry, the last thing Sirius wanted to do was work for the bastards.
But what other jobs were there in the Wizarding World besides a ministry job? Hogwarts teacher? There wasn’t anything he could teach, and he certainly didn’t have the patience to deal with a bunch of teenagers, and nor did he want to give Dumbledore an opportunity to keep a close eye on him. Healer? He couldn’t think of anything less suited to him, though maybe Moony wouldn’t mind seeing him in a healer’s skirt and cap.
No, the problem was, wizarding jobs didn’t suit Sirius. So perhaps he needed to look outside the Wizarding World for a job.
Sirius wasn’t exactly familiar with muggle jobs, at least not first-hand. He’d seen plenty of them before. He, James, Remus and Peter had been to a few muggle clubs and bars together, and Sirius had spent all night chatting up the male bartenders, until he was quite knowledgeable on the job itself.
Sirius thought he’d be a great bartender. All he had to do was serve drinks, listen to music and chat up hot guys. And okay, so there was probably a little more to it than that, but he had the people skills, and he could easily learn about all the different muggle drinks.
Yes, he decided. I can be a bartender. I’ll be safe in the muggle world, I can still go on missions, and I can earn some money for the Order, or at least to support myself and Remus.
Sirius even knew about a bar that had an opening, since he’d been there so many times. He had to walk there, since he couldn’t apparatus, or floo there, and he still didn’t know how to use the muggle bus. But it wasn’t too long a walk, and it was a nice day at least. Sirius liked muggle towns, especially the underground-type, diverse, grunge places such as the one where the bar was situated. The streets were lined with music shops, pubs and all things that screamed rock n roll in the 70s. Sirius loved it.
When he was almost at the bar, he suddenly got distracted by a shop he hadn’t noticed before. He noticed it this time because Queen was blasting out of the speakers of some tinny radio from inside.
Sirius looked at the exterior: Lomax Motorcycles said the sign at the front. Another, smaller sign, stuck onto the window said: job vacancies with some smaller writing underneath that Sirius couldn’t read. But he was intrigued enough to go inside.
The interior- Sirius was quick to notice- was incredibly cool. There were two adjoining rooms, all filled with motorbikes. Sirius had seen motorbikes before, mainly in the films that he watched with James, Remus and Peter, but he hadn’t realised how much he liked them until he looked at them up close. These ones were all slick and shiny, some with patterns of fire along the side. They were like broomsticks, but with a muggle twist, and from Sirius’s limited experience, they were always ridden by punks in leather jackets. Sirius could definitely see himself riding one.
The shop itself was dimly lit, but he could see a number of framed posters lining the walls, of muggle bands that he loved: Pink Floyd, Ramones, Blondie, Joy Division. Not to mention all the cool-looking accessories that hung above the motorcycles.
Just then, the owner of the shop walked out.
“Alright, mate?” Greeted the man. Sirius nodded, taking the guy in. He looked around his late thirties, with a dark brown mullet, a badge-covered sleeveless jacket, leather gloves, at least twenty different piercings and full sleeves of tattoos. Sirius looked like Sandy from Grease compared to this guy.
“Yeah, hi.” Sirius replied, immediately intimidated.
“Looking for a bike?” The man walked behind a counter against the wall opposite to Sirius and started restocking a container of different locks.
“Nah, I’m just looking. I’ve never actually driven a motorbike before.” The man looked him up and down.
“Really?” Sirius nodded, awfully self-conscious. The man took out a cigarette pack and lit one up. The shop was quite smoky, but Sirius actually enjoyed that about it.
“I saw you had a job vacancy sign in your window,” Sirius plucked up the courage to mention.
“You looking for a job?”
“Yeah.” Sirius of course hadn’t intended to try for a job here, but since he had the opportunity he thought he might as well. See how far he could take it before the man asked him to leave. The man exhaled smoke out of his nose.
“You haven’t even driven a motorcycle.”
“I can learn. I pick things up quickly.” He realised that he sounded inexplicably uncool. It was typical. Around his friends he was effortlessly punk. Laid-back and relaxed, cigarette balanced between his lips, fluent in witty remarks and sarcasm. But here, in front of an almost carbon-copy of his cool persona, Sirius was sounding like someone who’d only recently entered the punk scene and had no clue on how to act.
“How old are you?” The man asked.
“Pretty young, you even out of uni yet?”
“Oh, uh... I’m not going to uni.” Uni. University. Remus said that muggles went there to learn even more. Sirius didn’t see the point of it.
“I didn’t go either,” replied the man. He seemed very friendly, which certainly didn’t match with his overall appearance. “Didn’t interest me. Started working here instead. It was my dad’s.”
“Oh.” Sirius wasn’t sure how to respond.
“I’m Darren by the way. Darren Lomax.”
“Oh right, like the name on the shop. I’m Sirius.”
“Sirius? Never heard that name before. It’s cool.”
“Thanks?” He’d never thought of his name as being cool before. It was run-of-the-mill in the Wizarding World. In fact there were already two other Siriuses in his family. He was Sirius the Third.  “If you’re interested in motorbikes, I can take you on as an apprentice if you want. Give you a bit of money. Teach you how to fix up these babies.” Sirius blinked.
“Really?” He hadn’t expected any kind of offer. His resume wasn’t exactly impressive, especially not to a muggle. An inexperienced eighteen year old with no muggle qualifications and less knowledge of motorcycles that literally anyone else who could’ve walked through that door. Sirius wouldn’t hire himself.
“Yeah why not? If you’re shit I’ll get rid of you. We’re not a professional garage. Really we just piss about fixing engines, listening to music and smoking. That your style?”
“Yeah, blimey.”
“Great. You can start tomorrow. Fag?” Darren offered him his cigarette pack, and Sirius took one. Darren lit it for him.
Dumbledore wasn’t happy with his choice of job.
“How are you planning on gathering information for the Order if you’re spending your days working in a muggle shop?” The man asked. Sirius had no intention of being guilted by him.
“Isn’t the information that Remus is gathering enough for you? I should hope so, considering everything he’s going through to get it.”
“Mr. Black, in case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on. You can’t spend your life thinking about yourself and Mr. Lupin and no one else.”
“I am thinking of everyone else! And what everyone needs is money. And I can get them that money, as well as staying safe in the muggle world. I’m not exactly useful if I’m dead am I?” Dumbledore sighed as if he was talking to a child. The old man was pleasant with everyone, but with Sirius there was a slight curt undertone to everything he said. Dumbledore knew that Sirius wasn’t happy with him at all, and it showed. Sirius didn’t care. Dumbledore hadn’t done shit for him. He didn’t owe him anything.
Sirius was taking that job.
~ His first day went well, in the sense that he got along with Darren and he enjoyed the environment of the shop very much.
Because of his very limited knowledge of how to fix a motorbike, Sirius’s main job was at the front desk, talking to customers. He really did have great people skills, as he quickly discovered, and he put this to his advantage, bagging more sales in a day than Darren achieved in a week. So even if Sirius was shit at the mechanical side of things, he certainly wasn’t going to be fired any time soon.
At the end of the day, when the shop closed, Darren asked if Sirius would like to stay late and learn his way around the motorbikes. Sirius, who hadn’t been assigned any missions, and therefore didn’t have much going on, agreed immediately.
Darren showed him the engines of one particular motorbike that was in rather a lot of disrepair.
“Completely useless she is,” explained Darren. “Not likely to get her running any time soon, probably won’t even be able to fix her. Engine’s blown, parts are missing, tyres are a wreck.” Sirius knew that she’d easily be fixed with magic, but obviously this wasn’t an option. So he was sad that she’d never be ridden. But even if she was little more than a shell, she was a good example for Darren to use as an introduction to the inner workings of motorcycles.
Sirius listened intently to everything Darren had to say, learning how to change the oil, how to change a tyre, how to know when a motorbike needed new spark plugs (and learning what spark plugs were in the first place).
Outside of the workshop, Sirius tried to research more on the motorbikes he was working with. When he wasn’t spending time with the Order, or talking to customers in the shop, or following Darren around like a puppy, he was at the library reading up on all the different motorbike types, how they worked and how they were made.
Whenever Remus was permitted a break from staying with the werewolves, breaks that usually only lasted a few days maximum to avoid any suspicion, Sirius proudly took him down to the shop and showed him all the motorbikes that he helped to fix.
Darren greeted Remus happily, commenting on his name too. “The weird name couple” he called them. Darren, being the punk anarchist that he was, that was so prevalent in the late 70s, didn’t give a shit about Sirius and Remus’s relationship. Sirius didn’t need to hide it for very long, especially since he hadn’t tried to hide his sexuality in the first place.
Remus was very interested in the shop, and as soon as he stepped foot in it his first response was “Shit, Pads, this place was made for you.”
Sirius showed him the motorbike that was “unfixable”, but that Sirius had still been determined to work on as much as possible. The engine was still a bust, but he’d at least changed the tyres, and given it a new paint job (red and black). Sirius felt very close to the bike, especially once Darren had struck up a deal with him, saying that if he could fix the bike he could have it: “even if it’s fixed, it’s a shit model. No one’ll want it, believe me. Besides, I’m already paying you fuck all, so consider it a raise.” Darren was paying Sirius, but it was apparently much less than the usual muggle wage, since Sirius was still technically an apprentice. However, the current muggle to wizarding exchange rate meant that Sirius got a lot of galleons for his pounds. So, he was perfectly able to support himself, and if he ended up with a free motorbike in the process? Well, he almost couldn’t believe his luck.
Sirius fixed up the engine as much as he possibly could, until it was simply a case of the engine just not working. It had been months now since he’d first started, and the engine was the only thing left. The motorbike looked good as new, and despite Darren claiming it to be a shit model, Sirius had fallen in love with it. He’d even named it Rizzo, after Betty Rizzo from Grease.
Sirius was absolutely determined to have Rizzo, and deciding that the engine simply needed a boost, he risked using magic out of sight of Darren. Darren would never know, and Rizzo would have a new lease of life.
“Fucking hell, you actually got her working!” Exclaimed Darren the next day, as Sirius showed off the brand new humming engine of his prized motorbike. “How the fuck did you do that?”
“She just needed a boost, that was all. Good as new.” A boost with a little bit of magic, thought Sirius. Darren was shaking his head in disbelief.
“Well, shit. I guess a deal’s a deal. She’s all yours, mate.” Sirius couldn’t refrain himself from grinning. He patted Rizzo’s paintwork proudly. She was all his. He couldn’t wait to show her off to Remus and James and Peter and all the others. James was dying to get a glimpse of her: Sirius had been bragging about his motorbike for weeks now, annoying the hell out of the others.
“This motorcycle better be fit for Merlin himself, Pads, or I’m gonna be pissed,” James had semi-joked. Sirius assured that she was even better than Merlin. “She was made for me,” he claimed.
When James did finally see Rizzo, he was very impressed, but then again, he was as knowledgeable about motorbikes as Sirius was when he first started at the shop. Sirius probably could have put a mound of metal in front of him, moulded into the vague shape of a motorbike and James would still have been impressed.
“Can’t believe you named her Rizzo,” James laughed. “You’re such a fucking nerd.”
“Yeah, well. I have a motorcycle and you don’t, so jokes on you.” James put his hands up in surrender.
“You’re right. I’m just jealous.”
~ Sirius had a lot of fun with Rizzo. He rode her everywhere, through muggle and wizarding towns alike. It felt even more freeing than a broomstick. He could weave in and out of traffic, the wind in his hair and the roar of the engine blocking out everything.
There was also room for two. Or at least, two was the legal amount. But Sirius could be rather lax with the law sometimes, especially muggle law. So it wasn’t uncommon for all four of the marauders to squeeze onto the back of Rizzo and go driving off into the night.
Eventually though, Sirius decided that four people on one seat could damage Rizzo, which was the last thing he wanted (and he supposed it could be dangerous as well). So he splashed out some of the money he’d saved on a sidecar. James was particularly keen on it.
Remus on the other hand nearly always opted to sit on the back with Sirius. Sirius loved these journeys the most. Just he and Remus, the man holding tightly onto him as they zoomed down roads, ending up in country lanes. He could feel Remus’s arms around his waist, and Remus’s head on his shoulder, and after everything Remus was going through, as well as the risk of sudden death around every corner for both of them, when the two were pressed together on the little black and red motorbike, roaring through the countryside without a care in the world, it felt like the most precious moment of their lives.
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kozumebunny · 4 years
Dabi x reader (with minor x bakugou)
Prompt: During the USJ incident the villains kidnapped you. UA has been on high alert after that incident, metal detectors at gates, students having to check in during breaks on campus, and more. You have been at the villain bar ever since, quirkless thanks to All For One, and with no memory of UA or your life before it. When Dabi started hanging around the bar, he became attached to you, playfully teasing you for being forgetful. Things fall apart when Bakugou is captured during the summer camp training and he gets to see you, his stolen s/o again.
-When you woke up in a wood panel room with no memory you panic and look for a way out
-The door was unlocked so you opened it, found an empty hallway with the staircase at the end, so you go down it
-Its only kurogiri there at the bar, you look towards the door and bolt for it
-Kurogiri terrified you at first
-Kurogiri just teleports you upstairs
-It repeats for about three more times before you come down and hug the wall asking who he is
-“Kurogiri.” he makes a glass of apple juice and puts it on the bar counter. You walk over and take it
-“Are you hungry?” “yeah”
-He starts asking about you, gauging to see what you remember
-He makes you food and keeps talking to you
-He tells you you can’t go outside yet
-You ask him if he knows why you have amnesia and he says you had a mental break of sorts
-Your family left you in their care with no phone number
-Shigaraki comes in, he’s very demanding and childish
-You all get to know each other, you play minecraft with shigaraki, specifically those hunger games ones
-He gets better, calms down and learns how to be more strategic
-You never meet all for one, and shigaraki and kurogiri are careful never to mention him around you
-Enter: dabi
-Shigaraki HATES him lmao. He hates how Cool and Chill he is
-So he saddles dabi with babysitting you, and he lets dabi take you outside
-Dabi keeps a hand on your wrist the whole time, he never lets you out of his sight and he doesn’t let you let go
-You two had never talked outside of introducing yourselves
-You happily thread your hand through his and tug him through the shopping district
-You’re constantly talking to him and wanting to explore so he goes along with it, sticking to the busier parts of the shopping districts to help blend in
-He has on glasses, a beanie, and a face mask so no one can see him
-There are cameras that identify you in the district so UA is alerted. The heroes immediately head out to get you back, the local police are alerted
-Dabi notices that there are more police around, he doesn’t even know what you’re doing at the villain hideout all the time. All he knows is you have amnesia and that you’re quirkless. He immediately withdraws his hand from yours and slings it across your shoulders. He leads you into a shop, “follow my lead, doll.”
-He picks out a dark pair of sunglasses for you, sloppily restyling your hair and picking out a big jacket and a new outfit for you
-He rips the tags off them and says to change and wait outside the dressing rooms. He comes back to get you, giving you a face mask too
-There are police and heroes there in the whole area. Dabi tightens his arm around your shoulder and walks faster. He’s calling kurogiri trying to coordinate a way out.
-The police and heroes are going through the crowd picking certain people removing glasses and masks. 
-The whole area is closed off, there is no way to a private spot for kurogiri to open a portal
-Dabi calls someone else
-And then someone behind you says excuse me
-Dabi’s fingers loosen off your shoulder and his palm starts to hover so he can move his hand if needed
-He slowly turns the both of you around
-Its a kid
-‘You guys dropped this’
-Its a bracelet you bought
-You say thanks and take it back
-The kid blanches. He grabs a piece of his hair and awkwardly scratches it, then throws it to the ground
-Its a purple ball
-Seriously what the fuck
-Dabi panics and moves his hand
-Nothing comes out
-All might is running at you yelling to let go of one of his students
-But you arent his student
-Does he mean the kid in front of you
-Dabi is panicking youre both stuck in place
-And then the floor falls under your feet
-Dabi puts his palm back on your shoulder pressing down to keep you close
-And you fall into the bar hideout, shigaraki pacing and toga, twice, and shuichi all watching you
-Toga is asking about deku, twice comments how uncool it is for dabi to not even say a villain one liner to the heroes and shuichi is grateful you guys are back but thinks dabi is an idiot for not keeping on moving
-It unconsciously puts a target on dabi’s back, the heroes cannot have it confirmed that the masked man who had you was in league with the league of villains
-Twice, toga, and shuichi all take turns hanging out with you
-Twice likes to be dramatic so you guys get screenplays and act out scenes together
-Toga likes to do boy talk and make up and shop online
-Shuichi likes to watch anime. The sword fighting ones that are super philosophical. Kill la kill. Attack on titan. THAT philosophical stuff.
-They go away on missions often but they always come back with stuff, plants, flowers, something from the outside world
-You have not been able to go back out after the shopping district incident
-Dabi realizes from your amnesia you cant read
-He bought you a very cheesy very embarrassing very risque manga
-He teaches you to read, do math and you learn it all very very fast
-Its more remembering than relearning
-He also brings music
-You all have small dance parties together and kurogiri doesn't mind
-Shigaraki is NOT invited he just stands and. Watches. Its unsettling.
-Kurogiri teaches you how to make drinks in a flashy bartender style
-Dabi tests out what you make
-You two typically spend time casually but movie nights with you all is fun
-And then they have a big mission to go on
-He has to go to a forest camping trip to take one of the students
-Hes gone for about three hours before coming back 
-Kurogiri and shigaraki have you go upstairs
-They lock you in
-You can hear angry yelling and then it gets muffled
-You go to sleep for the night
-You wake up from the door being unlocked and yelling
-Dabi pulls your blankets back and you are immediately awake
-A little embarrassed to be caught in your star and rainbow pajamas
-He puts one hand under your chin and makes you look at him
-Toga is behind him saying not to
-Twice is saying that theyre being rude for barging in
-Dabi talks “what do you remember?”
-“I don’t remember anything.”
-He turns to twice and toga “told you everything is fine”
-He looks at you, “remember that outfit from the shopping district? Change into it. We have a guest”
-Its a simple outfit, a big hoodie, casual jeans and a white t shirt with a smiley face heart on it
-You step out of your room and dabi is in his same outfit
-He puts a hand on your shoulder and saunters down the stair with you
-He looks smug
-You come downstairs and there is a boy with spiky blond hair yelling muffled things from behind a steel mask
-His hands are bound too
-You think that this must not be a nice guy
-Shigaraki is hunched over at the bar while twice and toga are laying on the couch
-Spiky haired blond boy looks surprised to see you
-Dabis hand drops to your waist and spiky hair’s eyes follow it
-He looks angry and starts thrashing
-You take a step back but dabi’s hand keeps you in place
-“Are you willing to listen now?”
-Dabi takes a seat in a one person chair and you sit on the armrest
-Shigaraki gives a big long winded speech about everything wrong with society and how heroes are not bettering society but protecting the one thats already in place
-Dabi eventually gives you a tug and sits you in his lap
-Spiky hair has his eyes on you the whole time and he starts yelling again when dabi puts a hand on your knee and rests his chin on top of your head
-You don’t like this kid, he seems violent
-Thats how the first day of bakugo’s kidnapping goes
-Bakugou has to sit and see you his upper classmen crush sit in the lap of a villain and look at him with fear
-You’ve been here this whole time, why haven’t you left?
-Shigaraki wants you two to play this up, wants dabi to pursue you and rile you up in order to help break bakugou’s spirit
-Enter fake dating au
-Becomes real when all might saves you and dabi almost loses you when one for all forcefully opens the portal
-Bakugou is so angry to have you then lose you again
-You and dabi live happily ever after uwu
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Dash & Lux
Dash: ☀️🧙🏽‍♀️🎶🥁🎸🪕🧚🏿‍♂️🌿🌼🧚🔮💃💫🔥🕺🏻🌳💗🍯🍻
Lux: That is almost exactly what the inside of my head looks like right now!!!
Lux: Is mind-reading a power that is bestowed upon you believers this eve?! 🤔😲
Dash: Right on
Dash: it’s one of many, trust
Lux: I’m ever sadder I can only be an observer now
Lux: Telepathy would be the most useful!
Dash: you gotta open your 👀 at least twice
Lux: I can 👀 at it, all of it in its splendour, just not participate
Dash: Bummer! What’s got you backing off? You don’t look like no wallflower chick to me
Lux: I got the dress code 🌻🌻🌻
Lux: Sunflowers are so strong-looking for flowers, don’t you think?
Lux: Not dainty and delicate
Lux: Well, I’m a Christian and technically this is a Pagan ritual so it’s a big 🚫🚫
Lux: I am finding it super interesting though
Dash: they don’t look strong, they are, babe 🌻🌻🌻 cleaned up Chernobyl, it’s far out what they can do
Dash: its roots, yeah, but we’re not all pagans here & we all still find something to celebrate, you could do St John the Baptist’s birthday as a christian, bonfires were big for that too
Lux: Whaaaaaaaaaat????! TELL ME MORE
Dash: about 🌻🌻🌻 or 🎂🔥🎇🎆?
Lux: 🌻🌻🌻 birthdays are contentious too
Dash: Helianthus annuus, from the Greek helios, meaning ☀️ they can remove poisonous chemicals & metals from the ground, water or air
Dash: they spread rapidly & can stabilize if not totally clear a field in 3 years, it’s 🤯
Lux: I wish I’d gone to school
Lux: Do you know any more fascinating things?
Lux: That sounds like magic
Dash: the world’s full of magic, but it wasn’t school that taught me to recognize it
Lux: Share the secret, kind sir
Dash: you’ve got the 🔑 & this here’s your kingdom, all you have to do is hang out & stay hip to what you 👀👂👃👅
Dash: 🧠➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️
Lux: I’ve 👅 so many wondrous tastes today
Lux: I feel full in so many senses of the word
Lux: How long have you been a member of the kingdom, stranger?
Dash: quest accepted to lay that feeling on you in every sense, then it’ll be a rad celebration
Dash: I’ve been here since I could walk, everywhere else is too big a drag to keep me
Lux: Oh, that’s so kind!
Lux: Everyone is so open and willing to teach me things
Lux: For instance, quick, when’s your birthday, wolf boy
Dash: it’s that kinda space 🦊
Dash: 20th of January 🎂 got me on the cusp ♑♒
Lux: Twins!
Lux: My birthday, which I’ve never celebrated before, is the 20th of March 😱
Lux: Someone, I’m not sure who, was just telling me about the Celtic tree signs
Lux: ‘If you were born in the month of the birch, you probably have a fresh and unusual outlook on life. People born under this Celtic tree astrology sign tend to be highly driven and are always full of zeal and ambition. They always want more and try to reach new horizons and expand their knowledge. Some of the characteristics attributed to the Birch sign are tolerance, toughness, and leadership. The Birch signs can brighten a room with their smile and quickly charm other people’
Lux: Yay or nay 🐺
Dash: you charmed so far or nah? [obviously smiling at her wherever she is as well like heyyy]
Lux: [definition of this emoji 🤭]
Dash: What’s your celtic tree sign?
Lux: ‘Those born under the Alder sign are natural pathfinders. They have the ability to move people and quickly gain followers to their cause. The Alders have a way with words, mingle easily and people love to be around them. They possess a mystic charisma, confidence and strong self-faith. Other character traits are: a good focus on goals and ideas, can’t tolerate fluff and waste.’
Lux: I am unsure but flattered 😊😊😊
Dash: I dig it
Dash: they let you know if we’re compatible? Your ♓♈ cusp makes you mad desirable to all signs
Lux: You need to see who here was born 15th April to 12th May or 2nd September to 29th September
Lux: But it says I’m compatible with you, so how does that work?! 😣
Lux: There’s so much I have to get my head ‘round
Dash: You’re gonna be 🥰💖 for me while I’m 🔍 for a 🐈 or 🐤 born on those dates?
Lux: Hey, that’s way less nice!
Lux: but I can also be looking for people born 13th May to 9th June AND 10th June to 7th July so 😋
Dash: those signs are full of it, trying to make me look uncool but don’t sweat it, I’d never cut you that low, like
Lux: If it’s not in the 💫s I can still say I’m pleased to meet you today as friends, Mowgli
Dash: Look up
Dash: if you don’t see a 🌠 I can show you a 🐺🌟 & 🦊🌟 chasing each other across the sky
Lux: [obviously literally does]
Lux: That’s very Disney 🏰✨
Dash: is that allowed?
Lux: I watched some at a friend’s house one time
Dash: & how was it?
Lux: 😭 but romantic
Dash: Anyone told you the oak king story yet?
Lux: Okay, thank Goodness
Lux: this lady with the dreads and the big back tattoo tried to tell me but I couldn’t understand her 🙊
Lux: Redeem your gentlemanly reputation and save both of us the embarrassment
Lux: Her accent was wild! 🤯
Dash: did her version start with Fadó, fadó?
Dash: wouldn’t be a wild guess
Lux: I won’t credit you with any telepathic skills this time, then
Lux: also I’d need to 👂 it again to confirm fully but yes, I think so
Dash: [send her an utterly unnecessary voice memo]
Lux: It sounds more intriguing when you say it
Dash: [obviously gotta tell her the full story in an irish voice memo purely for the #flex and the flirt cos you know damn well you’re gonna have to translate it, boy]
Lux: 🤩
Lux: Did you learn that here too?
Lux: I’ve lived so many different places and yet I only know the one language
Dash: My ma started it but when the establishment took over it was a bad scene & turned me off for time, last few years here it felt groovy again having that connection & I refound the 💚☘️
Lux: It’s really cool
Lux: it sounds old, or like elvish or something else not real
Dash: it’s a trip, you’ve gotta get someone to teach you while your fly by lasts
Lux: Oh, I live here 😊
Lux: I room with Nora, do you know her?
Dash: Beats me, what’s her deal?
Lux: Her and her brother Finley have been here for a while, but not forever like you
Lux: but there are a lot of people here so I’m not surprised you’re not sure 😅
Dash: not a clue but loads of people are too rattled to wanna get involved, could be her vibe
Dash: or she just ain’t outta sight like you
Lux: She’s totally involved, she secured like all of the sunflowers for today
Lux: well, me and Amber helped but she was definitely the most enthusiastic
Dash: 🌻👑! I do know her, but her in with Amber & instant karma means she’s not gonna mess around with me
Lux: Ooh, what did you do
Dash: jack, Amber’s hassling me cos I’m not trying to be her old man, she gets super rash & things get heavy with 0 slack
Lux: Hmm I shouldn’t have asked 🤐🙉
Dash: ask her why she’s making a move on my older bro now if not to try & lay a trip on me, babe’s lost it
Lux: Whaaaaaaa
Lux: You have a brother?!
Lux: Is he invisible?
Dash: I wish
Lux: Which one is he, point him out
Dash: [points in the direction of their house lol]
Lux: [a face of understanding like oh okay]
Lux: How does Amber know him then?
Dash: from stalking me
Lux: I don’t think she would do that
Lux: She must’ve just bumped into him or something
Dash: at my house, yeah
Lux: It’s cool, it’s not really my business
Dash: open 👀 like I said
Lux: 📖
Dash: that too 🧠💗🤲
Lux: I can agree with that sentiment
Dash: we’re groovy then
Lux: Of course 😊
Lux: enjoy your evening
Dash: back at you, golden girl ☀️🎇👸🏼
Lux: I like your outfit too
Lux: it’s very ☀️🧙🏽‍♀️🎶🥁🎸🪕🧚🏿‍♂️🌿🌼🧚🔮💃💫🔥🕺🏻🌳💗🍯🍻
Dash: [comes over and ties a chain of flowers around her wrist like it’s a friendship bracelet energy]
Lux: [clearly delighted with this]
Dash: [ask her if she wants to dance even though you know damn well she’s only observing because kind of boy you are]
Lux: [so rude lowkey when she’s struggling so hard with what she does and doesn’t believe now, we’re in enough of a dilemma without your help but there we go; thus we will go dance with you because we do want to and we can make arguments that that isn’t joining in with the rituals of it all]
Dash: [he’s lucky Amber is busy because she would fight him, but instead enjoy your dance you two]
Lux: [the audacity of your lies about her, we were so awkward like 😬 anyway, we will have a nice dance though]
Dash: [such a dickhead he can only be humbled by fire, full offense Nora because we’re ignoring you hen cos you’re clearly wise to his bs]
Lux: [there’s clearly a growing group of gals who are unimpressed by your nonsense and that will be interesting to navigate]
Dash: [Definitely, but yeah probably do slip away like a snek before any of those gals do kick your ass]
Lux: 🎃👠🐁🌠🕛
Dash: A 📘 for the 🔥
Lux: 🤔?
Dash: it’s a drag, all that heavy shit with her fam is a bummer, she gets to split but only til 🕛 that’s some 🌠
Lux: Yeah, it’s enough to get help though and then she gets saved
Dash: nah, to get shafted, she don’t get to dance with anyone else there, it’s a scam
Lux: 😅 who else does she need, she’s got the prince, silly!
Dash: someone who recognizes her next day?
Lux: Touche 😏
Lux: Being a 🤴 is a lot of work
Dash: What 🤴 told you that?
Lux: Where to begin
Lux: I’ve known several who would say as much and the 👸s would never disagree
Dash: Fadó, fadó, fadó a bhí ann…
Dash: but I’d shut it down from the beginning, they gotta be shining you on
Lux: I’m going to have to have translate open constantly, I see 😰
Lux: but very noble
Dash: I try, like you & your ☘️ it’s chill we’ve all got your back
Lux: It would be way worse if it was the only language any of you spoke
Lux: thank goodness 😅
Lux: there’s lots more that’s more pertinent for me to get a grip on
Dash: 🧝🧝🏻‍♀️🧝🏽🧝🏾‍♀️
Dash: we’ve got you on the rest too, like, goes without saying
Lux: Most everyone has been super welcoming
Dash: how long have you lived here?
Lux: Not long enough that that’s insulting 😋
Lux: but gosh, a couple of weeks? Must be
Dash: nah I meant cos I don't wanna explain to you what sorta place this is like you're fresh through the door if you've had loads of time to find your own way
Lux: Oh no, I’m a total n00b
Lux: Hazel got me here but I’ve kinda just been left to it since
Lux: Anything you wanna tell me would be appreciated
Dash: did Amber or Nora give you the tour?
Lux: Amber’s been super busy and Nora likes to stay in our room mostly
Dash: not super welcoming
Dash: but it’s no sweat, I’ll show you round, we’ll have a blast
Lux: they’ve both got their own stuff going on, I don’t expect them to drop it for me
Lux: but that would still be cool, thank you!
Dash: say when
Dash: it’ll be as electric under the ☀️ as the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: I can 👀 in the dark
Lux: You choose
Lux: find me when you’ve stopped having the MOST fun?
Dash: 🐺🐾🦊
Dash: Meet me in the orchard at midnight, ditching your shoes before
Dash: there’s an 🍏🌳🍎 you can 👀 the whole farm from the top of
Lux: And you’ll remember what I look like?
Dash: you look unreal
Dash: unforgettable
Lux: I got creative with the arts and crafts 🌟⚡️☀️
Lux: I’ve always made my own clothes
Lux: well, I made them for my sisters before
Lux: looking unforgettable was not the end goal there though
Lux: that was for secret
Dash: my nan would be hip to you, she used to make her own clothes, for her girl & her sister too when they wanted, it’s still a vibe for her
Lux: I will make her something then
Lux: what’s her style?
Dash: indescribable
Dash: I’ll show you pics
Lux: Awkward if your nan is cuter than you
Dash: at our age she totally was
Lux: Awh, you’re so sweet
Lux: I have nothing nice to say about my meemaw
Dash: keep it for mine when you meet her
Lux: You’re gonna introduce me to your nan? 😊
Dash: right on, she’ll wanna put whatever you make on for you to 👀 & it’s only a few fields over
Lux: 🏞 it’s a crazy beautiful spot to live, that’s for sure
Lux: so you live with her?
Dash: Yeah, my ma grew up there & when my parents called it quits she wanted to move back
Lux: You’re close-knit
Lux: that’s special
Dash: closer than I am to my da
Lux: Does that upset you?
Dash: I don’t let it upset my equilibrium, he’s uptight, that’s his problem not mine
Lux: I understand
Lux: I don’t agree with my dad on a lot of things
Lux: it’s still sad though
Dash: I got killer people round me, a 2nd family here accepting me for who I am, it ain’t cool he don’t, but they give me what I need
Lux: I’m happy for you
Lux: Seriously
Lux: again, that’s special, you should be really grateful
Dash: I am, believe me
Dash: you’re gonna scope out how special it is here now I’m in charge of showing you everything
Lux: I’d love to see your 🌍 how you see it
Lux: Kinda sounds like everything I need, honestly
Dash: you can, easily when we’re sharing a branch
Lux: 🧚‍♀️ you’re dainty, I trust you won’t let me fall
Dash: I’ll let you fall into something good though, new heights
Lux: Will it hurt?
Dash: no way
Lux: You aren’t pranking me, are you?
Dash: there’s no plastic on me, I’m being real with you
Lux: If you’re gonna try and jump me out in the orchard I’ll have to show you crazy and I really can’t afford to lose this place okay
Lux: so if I believe you right now and you were lying, it’ll be worse than it would’ve been, you feel me?
Dash: Hurting you isn’t my action, I’m about a gentler touch than that
Lux: and I’m not a bully, that’s not my vibe so that’s the warning out of the way
Dash: avenging 👼 I get it
Lux: My costume has you fooled, I think
Dash: Wait, so you’re pranking me?
Lux: No, I swear! 😅
Lux: I don’t feel like I’ve been anywhere near as nice to you as you have to me though
Dash: but you did dance with me & that was choice
Lux: I wanted to
Dash: me too, I wasn’t asking just to be nice
Lux: even though you’re very nice
Lux: I believe that
Dash: I think we’re getting somewhere
Lux: You understand why I’d find a boy like you being interested in me dubious at first, right
Dash: Nah, but I’m listening
Lux: Well it’s embarrassing to say
Dash: alright, listen, I think you’re the most
Dash: I’m embarrassed I’ve not met you before tonight
Lux: There are so many people to meet
Lux: and you’re like the 🤴 of this place, huh
Lux: you have to dance with all the ugly stepsisters too
Dash: if Amber said write that to bait me I’m shutting up
Lux: I think Amber left 🤔
Lux: And who’s calling her ugly, even if you guys have beef, like no way
Dash: & Nora’s gotta be back in your room cos that’s her bag, yeah?
Dash: so where are you?
Lux: I’m in the middle of [one hippie activity] and [another]
Dash: [go find her and dance with her again obvs, we can be bolder about if some of the haters are gone and it’s later so he’s clearly a bit more drunk/high by now too]
Lux: [the way you’re probably sober like how lmao, not saying you always are or will be ‘cos no but gotta have our wits about us ‘cos witchery is afoot; but yeah we all know it can shamelessly way more of a Thing™]
Dash: [at least Amber was too until her row with the bae even if she wasn’t the most present in other ways, so it wasn’t just you gal, but yeah, dispel any remaining fears she may have that you’re not into this please boy with this moment]
Lux: [we know you got your own going on, it’s good, this drama has to happen whether you like it or not babe sorryyyy, when you’re then even more into it because it’s like HELLO IS THIS ALLOWED, so new and fresh to get to remotely be this brazen]
Dash: [shouldn’t LOVE that for you but I do, we should probably let y’all go on your tour then because we’re both in a mood and there’s nobody to separate you]
Lux: [probably, but I will insist on making you wait ‘til midnight regardless]
Dash: [it is a fat mood and I did pick that time deliberately so yeah, dance the night away first hens]
Lux: [sure it’s probably near that time anyways]
Dash: [yeah absolutely]
Lux: [we can skip to the after in this if you like?]
Dash: [are we thinking am like did y’all fall asleep together or?]
Lux: [Hmm, do we go with the Cinderella and have her bounce or do we go against it and not, because then she would think he wasn’t a dick later]
Dash: [even though he’s a dick I still want all the cute I can grab with my smol hands]
Lux: [it’s not like you can’t be like I just fell asleep it’s nbd with it so yeah okay
Dash: [I also like the camber parallel of it all so]
Lux: [true true, we can do it, then you can just have breakfast as a group because duh, was it sunday or monday today?]
Dash: [I think it’s sunday aka Cosmo is having his 2nd date with Ruby tonight and then Camber breakfast dates start monday]
Lux: [okay then you will have to think of a creative way to ditch her then boy hohaha]
Dash: [at least he can just go home because Amber only stayed to angrily eat some fruit and Cosmo had a busy day ahead because I doubt the shower situation at this commune is thriving, water probably runs out always]
Lux: [what a poser lmaooo]
Dash: [and very rude not to invite her when she probably wants to shower or bathe too]
Lux: [we literally got gems stuck to our face but pop off]
Dash: [we know you’re not because your mother is there and sick of your behaviour but yes, it wouldn’t kill you to let her boy]
Lux: [no offence but run him over, anyway, some time later]
Lux: are you ⬇️🍄?
Dash: 🛹⚡️
Lux: aha, cool
Lux: good thing you didn’t invite me I’d end up 🤕 for sure
Dash: I didn’t stop you falling out of a tree last night to have you fall off a board later in the AM
Lux: Hey, you make it sound like I was 🤏 close! 😆
Dash: nah, your balance is sound
Lux: I don’t recall you stepping on my toes, either
Dash: don’t wanna have to start the day off doubting your 🍒 recall, that’d be a bad scene
Lux: I was totally sober thank you 😅
Dash: easy to claim the magic’s all you when I ain’t met you before but I’m a believer
Lux: Wait, was that a compliment or a diss?
Lux: Maybe I’m contact-wasted
Dash: contact with Nora would get you more sober, there’s a diss
Lux: Awh, don’t be mean!
Lux: She’s been really nice
Dash: chill out, I’m only playing
Lux: Hmm 😏
Lux: anyway, what are you doing later?
Dash: I said I’d hang with Yara
Lux: Oh cool, who’s that?
Dash: I’ll introduce you after
Lux: after what?
Dash: we’re done messing around
Lux: wow, alrighty then
Dash: you’ll like her, she’s a trip
Lux: I’m not totally sure she’d want you to 💬 that
Lux: or I’ll know what to 💬 now
Dash: it’s no biggie
Lux: idk, this is not the way I was raised
Lux: you say it’s not but idk, you know
Dash: you don’t have to meet her
Lux: Yeah
Dash: I think she’s rad but you gotta make up your own mind
Lux: It’s not about her
Dash: nah, you, I understand where you’re coming from, it’s a new world
Lux: Right, it seems really icky to me that you’d tell me any of this
Lux: it’s not about how rad she could be
Dash: Come on, Lux, I’m keeping this honest
Lux: I guess
Lux: Why do you need to tell me though, I don’t get it, for real?
Dash: I like you, I don’t want it to get twisted
Dash: 📖
Lux: Okay, I appreciate the sentiment then
Dash: I’ll come find you later, on my own
Lux: That’s okay
Lux: I’ve got lots of chores to catch up on
Dash: they’ll be done faster if I help you
Lux: I can’t stop you
Lux: the place is a mess after last night and the more people who pitch in the better
Dash: I don’t get why you’d wanna stop me
Lux: I don’t really wanna hang out now, not today anyway
Dash: I can’t believe you’re being like this
Lux: Being like what?
Dash: Amber
Lux: I’m not
Lux: you can’t hang out now, I can’t hang out later, how is it any different?
Dash: the way I’m travelling through today is a straight line, yours is all over the place
Lux: Good for you?
Lux: It doesn’t matter either way though
Dash: doing a u turn on me does matter
Lux: It does?
Lux: because last night you thought I was rad, so obviously this morning I wanted to hang out with you again, so I think it’s my turn to do the 180, if you think about it
Dash: I still think you are, last night was unreal & we can be again, I’m just asking you to take 5 cos I can’t split on Yara after making plans time ago
Lux: That’s fine, it’s not fine to be mad at me ‘cos I ask you to take 5 too
Lux: that makes it make no sense
Dash: I’m not mad at you, I’m trying to make sense of why you’re mad at me
Lux: I’m not mad at you, I’m upset
Lux: You only need to ask
Dash: idk I didn’t think this would go down how it is
Lux: Me either, I guess
Dash: you for real want space?
Lux: I don’t know
Lux: Can I get back to you on that?
Dash: yeah
Lux: I wanted to see you again
Lux: I thought you’d want to see me too
Dash: I do, you read me right last night, why are you gonna start disbelieving yourself today?
Lux: You want to see Yara more
Dash: I wanna see her too
Lux: Okay, have fun then
Dash: we cool?
Lux: I don’t know
Dash: idk what's turned you different, you were laying it on me like you got it, how I'm
like royalty & everyone wants a piece of my time
Lux: Oh my Gosh
Lux: I wasn’t being serious and I didn’t think you were
Lux: do you honestly think that, like what?
Dash: It's a touch plastic saying I'm like 👑 but still close to how it is
Lux: Um, you don’t even live here
Lux: you have a whole house and family
Dash: I'm here with my chosen family as much as I can be
Lux: Yeah, but what do you
actually do for this place, or anyone here?
Lux: The audacity to act like it’s your kingdom, that’s laughable and gross all at once
Dash: back off babe, I do whatever they need me to do
Lux: Babe-ing me right now isn’t a good look
Lux: manual labour at best makes you help, not visiting royalty
Lux: are you crazy, like, who do you think you are, seriously I’m so curious
Dash: Who are you? Thinking you can lay this trip on me about what I can & can't do
Lux: I’m not telling you you can or can’t do anything
Lux: I asked you not to call me babe, which is basic politeness
Dash: nah, you're telling me I don't belong to this place
Dash: questioning how I do like
it's up to you
Lux: I said you don’t live here, and you don’t
Lux: and I’ve never seen you contribute, maybe you were super busy before I got here, then I’ll apologize for that
Dash: you're doing a census, yeah? Hold up [everyone currently who doesn't live her like the petty prince he is]
Dash: I've got family here, they all keep me busy
Lux: Cool? Thanks for telling me who else is a tourist ???
Lux: You’re just being defensive, there’s no need if you’re secure in that and your place here
Dash: quit trying to rattle me
Lux: I’m truly not
Lux: but no, we’re not cool now
Dash: I made it known from the top where I live
Lux: Where you live isn’t the issue
Dash: what's your issue? I'm loved & welcomed here, that's all I said
Lux: That’s nice
Lux: I don’t really want to discuss my issue with you, with you, right now, if that’s okay
Dash: later then
Lux: See you around, Dash
Dash: I can't believe you think I'm a flake, this has me totally unglued, you know
Lux: I don’t feel great about it either
Dash: how can I make you feel less bummed out?
Dash: your tour was the most far out I've ever given
Lux: I don’t think you can, it’s done now
Lux: I just need some time to change what I thought this was, or was gonna be, in my head
Lux: but thanks, for offering
Dash: take your time to 👀 what we can be & how you wanna evolve
Lux: Maybe we can be friends later on
Dash: I’d dig it
Lux: I liked talking to you last night
Dash: I felt more connected to you than I usually do
Lux: I don’t think you’re an awful person, FYI
Lux: I just think you could’ve been clearer, and accept that you hurt me without getting way defensive, you know?
Lux: I can accept you didn’t mean to
Dash: I thought I was being clear
Lux: Yeah, I know
Lux: I’m from a very different background and place, it just didn’t translate well, clearly
Dash: yeah
Lux: but I thought I’d put that across well enough that you got that too
Dash: I do get you, but I can’t 180 myself to fit
Lux: No, I’m not asking you to fit my understanding, it’s fine you don’t
Dash: What are you asking?
Lux: Nothing, honestly, I’m trying to explain why I’m upset
Lux: Just like you can’t 180, I can’t change how I see and feel about it immediately, even if some of the ways I were raised are outdated or potentially bad, you know
Lux: You don’t need to do anything
Lux: From my perspective, it felt like a 180 and hurtful to tell me about hooking up with someone else the morning after
Lux: I know how you think and operate is totally different, but that’s it
Dash: but I wanna do something, to help you
Lux: You are nice…
Lux: I don’t know though, what would help?
Dash: I meant what I said last night about showing you this place, making it feel more like a home, how it is for me
Lux: Maybe you could come back and help with the chores
Lux: I shouldn’t have said you NEVER help out, I’ve not been here long enough to make that observation
Dash: maybe it looks like I don’t, cos with family you take liberties sometimes, that kid who’s naughty at home & don’t say shit at school, comfortable to play up
Lux: I have 8 brothers, I understand 😅
Dash: you can have that too, should
Lux: I did, as much as any of us did
Lux: I was a boy, remember
Dash: with 0 limits though, people trying to control & change what you do is for outside of here, I don’t have to think in my dad’s 🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪⬛️⬜️🟫 way or do what my ma reckons is righteous
Lux: Sounds idyllic, Dash
Dash: it is
Lux: You have to understand my experience of people doing exactly what they want means someone is being exploited or abused for that person’s privilege
Lux: my parents had their utopia at the price of the things we wanted, needed
Dash: that’s why you need this new experience
Lux: Okay
Lux: I do want new experiences
Dash: the farm has the magic to grant you whatever you’re here for, no wish is the wrong size
Lux: You really seem to believe it so I will try too 😊
Dash: I’m about to 🛹⚡️ back if you wanna clean the opposite end or hide from me in the 🍏🌳🍎
Lux: That’s cool
Lux: but thanks for the warning 💗
Dash: don’t let how out of this world you look distract me then
Lux: I so don’t so that won’t be an issue 😌
Dash: It's an accident, huh? I feel you, it must be my fault I can’t look away
Lux: You’re way too smooth for your own good
Lux: but I wouldn’t say that’s a fault, necessarily 🤭
Dash: Hey, I didn’t manifest you into being, even if last night did feel like it had to be cosmically devined somehow
Lux: I felt it too
Lux: no one has ever
Lux: not like that anyway
Dash: you’re like a song I can’t get out of my head, I don’t want it to turn sad
Dash: I’m sorry I got you unglued too
Lux: It’s a lot more complicated than just you
Lux: it’s a whole thing
Dash: You’re gonna find people to share how heavy it is
Lux: 🤞
Dash: they’ll carry you through & even if it’s Amber I won’t let it bug me
Lux: I’m sure that’s a misunderstanding
Lux: I could talk to her? Subtly, of course
Dash: yeah, her misunderstanding me, you’ve got your reasons, she’s not new to any of this
Dash: her problem is she thinks she’s the most & everyone else should think she’s choice no matter what
Lux: Do you think she likes your brother?
Dash: no way, unless she’s got a football obsession now too
Lux: 🧲 maybe
Dash: idk
Lux: Me either
Lux: it just seems a bit crazy otherwise
Dash: he’s as uptight as my da, she’s never gonna get nowhere trying to mess around with him, whatever she’s doing it for
Lux: She won’t have any problem finding someone new
Lux: you said he’s older, right?
Dash: not loads, but he’s gonna be done with school in a sec
Lux: I see
Lux: so you’re the 👶
Dash: til my dad’s new lady puts her demands in
Dash: how many sisters you got to go with your 8 bros?
Lux: you don’t like her at all, huh
Lux: and 5, so they had a tough job being outnumbered
Dash: you heard of a WAG? That’s her whole deal
Dash: whoa, so you had a full time secret sewing job
Lux: yes, we lived in England for a while, that’s how I ended up here
Lux: like a Kardashian, I can see you not having a lot to bond over
Lux: exactly 😂
Dash: you gotta teach me, my nan would be jazzed
Lux: I’d love to!
Lux: there’s a surplus of old clothes to practice on
Dash: still a chore, we get to skip cleaning, yeah?
Lux: Mending isn’t as fun as creating but you’ve got to start somewhere so, I think so 😊
Dash: 😁
Dash: we’ll have a blast cos I gotta start somewhere on earning your forgiveness too
Lux: You’re sweet, Dash
Dash: I’m being for real
Lux: I know you are
Lux: I don’t know what to say though because I’m awkward 😳
Dash: it’s a hands on kinda task & you already know what you’re doing with it, it’ll be me feeling 😳
Lux: No flirting, only crafting
Dash: 🧷📏🧵✂️🧶📍✨
Lux: That’s a very impressive emoji selection
Dash: missing 😍💞🥰💓😘💘 but it’s chill
Lux: Idiot 😏
Dash: 💟 is the compromise
Lux: Okay, that’s adorable
Lux: allowed 🤭
Dash: [show up and take her hand to lead her off to sew, we know you weren’t far away bitch]
Lux: [the way you just melt when he shows, oh gal]
Dash: [I’m upset about it]
Lux: [we know you really like him, for better and worse rn]
Dash: [thank god he does actually like you and it’s not a straight up Drew and Ro situation happening]
Lux: [we can only do that ‘cos they both lowkey suck so we aren’t sad lmao]
Dash: [I like this gal too much to be that evil]
Lux: [it’s drama enough without it being entirely one-sided like no lol]
Dash: [I hope some sewing does take place amidst the blatant flirting because learn a useful skill for once in your life dickhead]
Lux: [we aren’t gonna just roll over immediately ‘cos actually did upset us so you will have to]
Dash: [yay]
Lux: [so that’s probably the vibe for today ‘cos yeah we absolutely won’t even though it’s clear we still like you like that too, so you’ll just have to hang out platonically]
Dash: [it’s gotta be the vibe for a while, sucks to suck boy, but obviously hang out until that girl comes to find you because you clearly do also wanna hang out with her platonically it’s not just like that vine where he breaks the skateboard]
Lux: [a quality vine]
Dash: [do we wanna leave this here?]
Lux: [I think we can]
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so-writing · 4 years
Sitting - Bill Skarsgard & Alex Hogh Andersen
Note: This was written for the wonderful @walkxthexmoon! It’s my first go at children so I'm not sure if the relationships between kid/sitter come off the right way but I gave it my best, ha. Enjoyish!
This situation was definitely new, for a lack of better words, to Alex. 
Bill, however, was used to children. He’d grown up in a large family and had dealt with just about everything. 
“I’m trusting the two of you to look after my girls,” Gustaf quirked an eyebrow at Bill, “don’t let me down.” 
“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.”  
Bill looked to Alex and he nodded weakly. He had little experience with children of any age so babysitting them overnight was definitely going to be an experience.
The two friends had agreed to watch over Gustaf’s daughters, Stella aged 4 and Klara aged 13, for a bit. Alex assumed he wouldn’t have to do much because they were Bill’s nieces and not his, but when he found out Bill would be gone nearly half the time, he began to panic. 
He might be able to handle a younger child but there was no way he knew how to interact with a teenager. According to Gustaf, Klara spent most of her time in her room listening to music as loud as she could and being irritable when she had to interact with anyone. 
Stella, on the other hand, was a little ball of joy. She was constantly smiling, laughing, and showing genuine curiosity about the world around her. Her infectious smile had Alex hooked, it was the reason he agreed to help Bill sit for Gustaf in the first place. 
“I’ll see you in a few days, keep my daughters alive, yeah?” 
“Ok, ladies and Alex, what should we have for dinner?” 
Bill rubbed his hands together as he stood in front of the stove with Alex holding Stella and Klara hanging back a bit behind them. 
“Can we order something? Your cooking sucks.”
Klara left the kitchen and dropped onto the couch, ignoring Bill’s frown and turning on the television. 
“No it does not. Alex, a little help?”
Alex smiled sheepishly and set Stella down before joining Klara on the couch. 
“She’s got a point, man,” he gave Klara a quick wink, “it’s not great.”
She allowed a small giggle to escape her lips before settling back into her normal scowl and rolling her eyes.  
“Fine, we’ll order something. Anything to keep the grumpy princess from glaring so much her face stays that way.” 
“Bill,” Alex hopped up from the couch and went into the kitchen to get out of earshot of the girls, “don’t be a dick. She’s just a kid.”
“I’m not,” he raised his hands in defense and chuckled, “I promise I’m not. This is the only banter I can make happen with that kid. She’s like a stone. I’m kind of jealous you got her to laugh so soon after meeting her.” 
“What can I say? I’ve got a way with kids.”
“Wake up, I have to leave for this meeting ten minutes ago and Stella is going to need her breakfast soon. She’s already up and playing in the family room.”
Alex rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while Bill rambled through everything that needed done while he was gone. He showered and dressed quickly, leaving just enough time to get into the family room before Bill was running out the front door. 
“Ok, you’ve got to help me here,” Klara was laying on the couch messing with her phone and barely paying him any attention, “Klara I know nothing about children.” 
He got an actual laugh from her this time, “we need to make breakfast first because Stella is a bitch when she’s hungry and I’m an even bigger one.” 
Alex had no idea whether she was allowed to swear or not but he definitely did not want to butt heads so he went with it.
“Yeah, I’m a big bitch when I’m hungry too. Let’s make some breakfast!”
Klara and Alex made food while Stella played at Alex’s feet, occasionally pulling on his pant leg to get his attention. Alex tried his best to bond with Klara as he cracked self deprecating jokes while making sure he was giving plenty of attention to Stella. 
This is going well, Alex thought to himself, I’m actually doing this. 
The three of them feasted on the breakfast they’d made before retiring to the family area to figure out what was next for the day. Stella wanted to play outside while Klara insisted on spending the rest of the morning in her room by herself. 
“Does your dad normally let you do that?” 
“No, but you’re not him! You’re actually cool and you probably get it. People need their space sometimes.” 
She’d led him to a crossroads. He could continue being ‘cool’ and let her do what she wanted, or he could keep her in line with what Gustaf would do and potentially start a fight. He made a decision that married the two ideas and hoped it would work.
“You’re right, they do. But you said I’m cool right?”
“Yeah,” she dropped her voice and shook her head so that her hair covered her face, so?”
“So, you should hang with me and Stella and soak up my coolness.”
“Ugh,” Klara sighed dramatically before falling into the recliner, “I guess I could do that.” 
“Great! With our combined coolness, we can teach your little sister everything, yeah?”
Bill fumbled with his keys as he searched for the spare to Gustaf’s home. He was almost nervous to go inside and see how the girls were doing with Alex. He realized about two hours after he left that it was probably pretty dumb to leave his nieces with a man they’d never met before. As good of friends as they were, he had no idea if Alex was capable of taking care of kids or not.
He could just picture it, Stella was probably eating sugar straight out of the bag while Klara was kicking Alex as he lay on the floor in the fetal position begging her to stop. There was definitely something on fire and at least one of the toilets was clogged. The plants in the house were probably all dead and the family cat that barely came out had somehow escaped out the window and Gustaf would be furious about all of it.
Bill’s anxiety was mounting as he pushed the key in the lock and turned it, expecting to open the door to complete chaos. 
Instead, he heard nothing but the television and faint voices. Making his way deeper into the house, he realized that his expectations had been proven completely wrong. Alex was sitting in the recliner with Stella fast asleep in his lap as he and Klara, who lay on the floor with a pillow under her head, discussed the show on TV. 
“Dwight is definitely my favorite character,” she whispered, “he’s so weird but, like, completely independent. It’s interesting.” 
“Hey guys,” Bill quietly interrupted their conversation, “how was your day? Was Alex on his best behavior?”
“I think I did ok,” Alex smiled and summoned to the passed out Stella laying on him, “what do you think, Klara?” 
“He doesn’t have great taste in ‘The Office” characters, but he’s fine I guess.” 
They smiled at each other and she jumped up to give him some handshake they’d probably made up that day, both taking care not the bother sleeping Stella.
“So you wouldn’t mind if Alex came over again?” 
“Nah,” Klara ruffled her hair and covered her eyes with her bangs, “he can come back.”
“Wow,” Bill sighed, “I can’t believe I’m not the favorite anymore. Uncool, Klara.”
He gave her a wink and she returned it with a small smile. 
They had done good, Gustaf would be pleased.
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thecardsimagine · 5 years
Julian x Reader college AU
a/n: Yes! I finished the second giveaway price! Thank you @bazzpop for the idea, I hope you like it! Had some struggles with more specific things (we don’t really have these concepts of colleges here in Germany) but I asked around and I hope I got it right! Just for some clarification, I wanted to portrait Julian as a medical science student for infection, immunity, and inflammation, I just didn’t find a place to specify it more lol
Genre: AU, Fluff Rating: Teen ______________________________________
In college, everyone has that little bit of stereotype they fall under. But Julian is a bit of a wild presence on the campus, respectfully called the campus cryptic from time to time. He's the person people will talk about as if they knew him for years when in reality, they don't even know his last name. "Oh, that's so like Julian."/"I saw Julian today. He still owes me ten bucks."/"Oh, you know. Julian. Everyone knows Julian." are common things said between the students. And it's true - everyone knows him and greets him when they see him walking from one building to another, smiling back curtly, sometimes waving in response. But then again, people have very wild guesses about what he's actually doing. Is he a student? Is he an assistant teacher? Is he one of the professors? No one knows, and no one asks him either
In reality, Julian is the most chill medical science student you have ever seen. Especially for someone studying such a hard field, no one could ever expect the pressure or the amount of work he puts into his studies, behind his brilliant smile and inviting aura. He'll always have an open ear to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on for no matter who. A good joke for someone that needs some cheering up and a laugh for people that need some confirmation in their life. Just from giving advice he keeps away, not even trusting himself to be an all-knowing presence. He much rather sends people to his person of trust who just so happens to be roaming the campus too, knowing that Mazelinka is way better in that - though maybe a little unconventional in her methods of problem-solving
One day, you can find him in the library, head deep in books and notes that are so unreadable, you don't even dare to ask him about his phone number. The next time you see him is outside on a bench, feeding crows. Whenever you sit down next to him, he will tell you about the birds, pointing out that there's this one called Malek - who, in response, will caw. He's his favorite crow, and he can pick him up too, which he will gladly demonstrate and assist you in holding up Malek too if you are up to that. You can't help but admire the soft spot he has for this bird, even though you often hear Julian curse Malek's name for multiple reasons. But, at least, Julian seems to be really relaxed when he gets to feed the crows
Passing by his place, you are always more than welcome to knock on his door, especially if you like coffee. Because Julian has plenty, plenty of coffee. Always freshly brewed and if you are not there in time, gone in about an hour. When you point out that his coffee consumption is way too high, especially for someone studying about medical conditions, he will laugh sadly before loudly slurping on his cup. That aside, he is very willing to put his studies aside for a while to have a cup with you. He'll be open for any conversation topic you feel comfortable sharing with him, as well as ready to answer most questions about himself too
Admittedly, Julian is a little outdated especially in his clothes, but he barely cares for appearance - never taking himself too seriously anyway - and he has no one to fear really, aside from a few douches who randomly started picking fights with him before. He has an old mobile phone but loves texting you back and forth, especially at night when he can't sleep - as in, most nights. He uses old-timey emoticons like: :) / :D / xD / and his favorite :*
Additionally, the longer you stay awake, the more emotional the conversations will become, to the point where you wonder if he just managed to hide details of his life and feelings in very dramatic and voluminous texts about an unrelated topic, or if you are just imagining things because you are so incredibly tired. He's always the one to tell you to go to bed once he notices the time, leaving you to wonder if he will sleep too. You can't help and anticipate the coming night though, where you two will be able to share your thoughts again
If there's a party, he's there. Sometimes Julian is the main attraction on it, sometimes you will find him with some alcohol in his cup - he doesn't even remember what it was - in a corner, philosophizing with some of the other students that are already piss drunk. He claims it's quality, unfiltered opinions and he appreciates that. If you don't mind the conversation, you are more than welcome to have a seat, and Julian is sure to always listen to your point of view and think about it before agreeing or discussing it. On the other hand, hopefully you like dancing because if it's one of those nights and he spots you, oh boy, your feet will hurt the next day. But you won't have laughed like on these nights every before, and it will help you take your mind off of things for a while
There is one bad habit he might actually pull you into, that is sneaking into classes. See, Julian has an immeasurable passion for pirates, and if he finds out there's a history class about the topic, he will go there. It's quite fun, though admittedly, depending on the college you two attend, could get you in some trouble. But it's worth it when you can see him so passionately taking notes about what the professor is teaching, smiling from ear to ear and eyes shining at every new fact he learns. Julian always makes sure to not get too enthralled though, asking if you are okay from time to time, hoping you don't find the lecture or his interest boring
Most people view him as a bit too leisurely and wonder how he even managed to get into medicine. But what he doesn't actually show to most people is just how much he studies. All you ever find around him are notes and books, his room is a sorted mess, and he points out medical conditions before you can address them. Julian actually makes a point out of not telling people about his studies, claiming it would make him uncool. Though in reality, he just doesn't want to bother people with topics that he might think are interesting but could be boring to some. He is even reluctant to tell you after all the time that you two knew each other when he found out a really cool, medical fact. He will give you the dreamy eyes if you allow him to tell you and you actually find it interesting, blushing lightly and feeling only adoration for you
He also worries - a lot. Mostly about you. Did you eat anything since exams started? Did you take that cold medicine he advised or do you sniffle from allergies now? Are you drinking energy drinks again? Heaven forbid, he's not going to judge you, but you can get the subtle hint that he'd like you to sleep at night in every one of his messages when it gets darker. He once texted you to look out of the window of your room, only to find him standing outside and telling you, you should go to sleep. Really, he was just passing by and saw your lights on, but it's 11 p.m., and he knows you have exams the next morning. Don't think he wouldn't climb up to your window and put you into bed if you dare him
Julian knows the absolute best spots there are. If you are serious about being his friend or getting even closer than that, he will make sure you have a good time with him. He will take you to the building-roofs when the stars twinkle cloud-free, into the labs to show you some cool researches he heard about, to the less known bars that serve delicious cocktails, and also the handful of hotspots where you can get a real meal even after midnight. It makes the college life a little easier to have him by your side and who knows, you might just make his so much better too
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I see!! I'll make note of that, then! So I can wish you good luck for school <3 you'll be in a new grade when you start, right? and AAAAH thank you!! We will have online classes off and on, but when we actually go to school (physically) we will have exams right off the bat (ugh).
oh wow the coincidence is so cool!! Yes, the more food the better, tho some are coastal states so they have mostly seafood ._.
it really is, and you have to be very thorough with it or you might make a mistake :( I'm glad!! You should do what you enjoy, and freelancing is definitely much easier and less stressful xx
omigosh bae aaah you're so cute. No one is going to think you're uncool, don't worry. And I'm sure they'll get it in the first time you teach, you seem to be a very gentle person and I think that's one of the main characteristics of being a teacher. Tho yes I can understand getting frustrated after the second time. I'm actually the least patient person I know, so I relate to what you've said a lot skhdskks. I guess it's an ENTP thing 😔
I'd low-key just be a koala bear or something :> I know right!!
Icouldn't find it, ugshshshhhhh :(((
Awww. Okay, playful hitting is cute. I don't do it at all, but my friends do, whenever I flirt with them 😭😭 I think they're just flustered 😼
Oh God yes. I hate my braces but I'm glad they're coming out soon. And then I'll be able to eat anything I want. What is one food you don't think you'll be able to live without, btw? (BESIDES CHEESE, SIR).
oh Turkish delights are WONDERFUL. I've also only tried it once. Your school seems to have such wonderful food! And wow I just googled maklube, and it looks so good?? Rice and meat are low-key the perfect combo 😭😭💖 (and the name is so cute?? It means upside down, right?)
oooh omg I'd totally read an article like that. Make sure you add "catboy supremacy" at the end 😹😹😹
yessss I love She-Ra! They're all actually remakes from old TV shows my parents watched when they were younger, and now Netflix remakes them with amazing graphics!! I also love Voltron (it's actually my favourite), and I was really into it before my anime phase as well xD I hope you're able to watch them sometime! What were you into, before anime?
And oh, love! How was your day? Mine was okay. I woke up really early and studied (and kinda burnt myself out) so I slept for an hour after studying for five. And then I had another meeting, and I watched an episode of money heist xD this may be off topic, but my Leo club is collaborating with three others from different schools and we're doing a project together! It's kinda like a tutor thingy, and there's 8 tutors who'll have 1 and a half hour slots to teach their specific subjects. I'm a tutor too, and my subject's English, so I'm really excited. I hope I'll be able to teach well, so lol, fingers crossed xD
I love you btw!! Like so so so very much. You make me smile. Let me be cheesy here, BUT THANKS FOR BEING MY SNOWMATE 😼☃️
Hello!! Not really, this is just a small break, hehe. I'm in the last grade actually, and I'll be out of school in 25th of May~ Awhh that sucks😭 They have no chill, huh? Couldve at least given a revision day or something
Ouch😔 it's always the small things that ruin it all😭
Yeah, you're right!!! Though I'm afraid I might not make enough money for a living 💔 I'll try my best though!! Cant live without failing eh?
Ahh I really hope so~ still kind of worried. Because, you know, people are different? And I dont really wanna make them think bad of me XD I wonder if theres tutoring on how to teach someone. Thatd be useful
Koalas are so cute though🥺🥺 just like you😭
Nanwndnnwnd💔😩 dont worry, I'm sure itll float up when you least expect it hehe
Heheh, I also flirt with my friends and I remember one time one of them just headbutted me😩😭😭😭😭
Hmm~ I dont even know, probably noodles. Extra spicy instant noodles<3 or homemade noodles. Any noodle is a fine noodle😭 I love them a lot, not as much as Kuro though. He's literally that vine where a guy cries over spilled spaghetti.
Yes yes yes!!!! We absolutely adore those, and if we dont have one during teatime some people just refuse to come along xD they're still forced to lmao,,, I really hope you can try them again soon!! I'm not really sure about the translation, I dont think it has one hehe, all I know is that they taste good 😝
I really feel like making a clickbait thumbnail for a video about that. I'll show you when I do😋
Ahhh I really need to catch up on old fandoms hehe~ before anime i was really into Steven Universe... and video games, like Undertale, FNaF, Sally Face, Fran Bow... all that 2015 stuff xD I also enjoyed watching gameplay videos, because as a broke baby child I couldn't afford a game or a PC. I also liked Camp Camp, hehe
Mine was pretty good!!! Yesterday nothing much happened, I went to eat out and watched some guys dance on the street. It was fun, hehe~
Huhh??? Noo you really should've rested:(( Well, I'm glad you had a nap though!! You deserve it<3
That sounds so cool!!! I really hope the meeting went well, how'd it go? Was it hard?
Our class also made a project, where we post in a group anonymously about something that we had learned. It sounds really nice, I'm not really gonna post anything but I'm looking forward to whatever my classmates come up with xD
I love you too!! Your messages always make me so happy🥺 Its really an honor to be your snowmate💞💕💞💕💞
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More Erasermic Model AU??
Part 1
Shouta can’t hide the small smile that crosses his face as he steps off the subway platform into the station proper. It would take a stronger man than him to remain expressionless in the face of Hizashi Yamada, grinning at him and waving like a loon. 
“Aizawa!” Yamada says, hurrying over to him. “You’re right on time!” 
“So are you,” Shouta says, appreciatively. There’s a lot to appreciate about Yamada, though his punctuality certainly isn’t the least of it. Currently, Shouta’s admiring the line of his shoulders beneath his leather jacket. 
“I hope you’re hungry!” Yamada says, linking their arms as they walk out of the station together. Shouta stiffens at first, startled by the unexpected display of affection, mild as it is, but after a moment he decides to roll with it. Yamada seems pleased with the arrangement, and Shouta finds that he doesn’t mind the closeness. 
They make small talk as Yamada leads them through the neighborhood. Shouta keeps an eye on their surroundings - it’s not the kind of place he’d want to walk alone at night, and he wonders how well Yamada knows the area, if there was a reason he’d wanted to meet up at the station and travel together. 
“Here we are!” Yamada says, coming to a stop outside a shabby building, the first floor of which is a yakitori restaurant. At least it’s clean, Shouta thinks to himself as Yamada holds the door for him like a gentleman. 
The man behind the register flicks his eyes disinterestedly in their direction. “You brought a friend today, Yamada?” He asks, eyes on his newspaper. “My wife will be excited.”
“Nooo,” Yamada groans in the way people do when they really mean yes. “Don’t tell her! She’ll scare him off.”
“You did it to yourself,” the man shrugs. “Does your friend need a menu?”
Shouta doesn’t hear Yamada’s answer, too busy looking at the photos on the wall behind the register, casual snapshots that must be the owners’ children and grandchildren. There’s a picture of Yamada there too, smiling at the camera and pointing at a magazine with his own image on the cover. It’s not a very good photo - the lighting is poor, Yamada’s smile is too wide and foolish, and he’s not quite centered in the frame, but Shouta likes it. There’s nothing studied or inauthentic about it; Yamada’s giddiness is nearly tangible. 
He only breaks his gaze when Yamada beckons him away from the counter. “You must come here often,” Shouta says, nodding towards the pictures. He hopes he doesn’t sound as surprised as he is. 
But Yamada just grins, leading Shouta over to a booth in the corner. “Not as much now as I used to. I live upstairs.”
“You live upstairs?” Shouta can’t help repeating, wondering if he’d misheard. Yamada hasn’t been in the Industry all that long, sure, but he’s a big enough name now to own a flashy penthouse in a nice part of town. Not an apartment above a cheap restaurant in a neighborhood that had seen better days. 
“I got the place when I moved to the city a few years ago. The rent was low but I could still barely swing it.” He shoves a worn menu in Shouta’s direction. “Everything’s good, but the tsukune’s unbeatable.”
Before Shouta can answer, a girl appears at the end of their table. “Is this your boyfriend, Yamada?” She asks, curiously. “And do you want your usual?”
“No!” Yamada flushes prettily across the bridge of his nose. Shouta feels a sudden flare of longing for his camera. “I mean - yes I want my usual, but no he’s not my boyfriend! And you are being super uncool right now!” 
“How would you know? You’ve never been cool,” she smirks at him, then turns away from his sulky pout towards Shouta. “Do you know what you want?”
Shouta doesn’t bother trying to keep the smile off his face. “Whatever he’s having, I’m not picky.” 
“Clearly,” she rolls her eyes, turning back to Yamada and ignoring his outraged gasp. “Grandma’s gonna kill you for not telling her you were bringing someone.”
Yamada slides down into the booth, then brightens, like he’s thought of something. He looks at the girl, saying a few words Shouta doesn’t understand. They sound like English. 
The girl scowls, then says a few words back in the same language, much more slowly. Yamada’s small smile widens. 
“You need work,” he says smugly. It’s a cute look on him. 
“Maybe if my tutor were around more,” the girl says as she turns away, towards the door Shouta presumes leads to the kitchen. 
“Hey! I’m here every day! You’re the one who never - aaand she’s gone,” he sighs, dropping an elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand. “University entrance exams are coming up. She’ll be singing a different tune then.”
“You tutor her?” Shouta asks, because he’s curious. He hadn’t heard that Yamada spoke English, let alone well enough to teach it. 
Yamada smiles. “Yeah! She’s pretty good actually. Back when I first moved here, I couldn’t afford much besides rent. Sometimes I barely had enough for dinner. The Hasegawas - they run this place - would let me hang around even when I didn’t order much. Hanako - she’s their granddaughter - would be hanging out too, studying. And I didn’t have much else to do, so I’d help.”
“That was nice of you,” Shouta says. 
Yamada just shrugs. “Nah, she’s a good kid. And Mrs. Hasegawa started sending me home with some of the leftover food when the place closed, so it was a good deal for me too!”
Shouta doesn’t know what to say to that, and before he can figure it out, Yamada changes the subject, asking him about his work that day at the studio. His answers are short at first, clipped and impersonal, but soon enough Yamada gets him telling stories about all his most difficult clients. 
“You’re shitting me,” Yamada asks, after hearing about a particularly irritating model. “So she wanted mixed nuts - a specific brand of mixed nuts - but with no cashews? She wanted you to pick the cashews out?”
Shouta shrugs. “I mean, I don’t thinks she cared who picked them out, as long as she never tasted, saw, or smelled them. Took for-fucking-ever.”
Yamada’s jaw drops. “Holy shit! You actually did it?!”
“Had to.” Shouta takes a sip of his beer. “Until I get an assistant, and can shove the grunt work at them.”
“I pity them already,” Yamada grins. 
When they’ve both finished eating, and the conversation reaches a natural lull, Shouta leans back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. “Can I ask you something?” 
“I’m an open book,” Yamada smiles, gazing at him flirtatiously through his eyelashes. It takes Shouta a moment to remember what he was going to say. 
“Why did you bring me here?”
Yamada straightens, his mood shifting mercurially. “Don’t you like it?” He asks. The words are casual, but Shouta gets the sense that a lot hangs on his answer. 
“I do,” he says. “But it seems very... personal. This place clearly means a lot to you. More than most people would show a first date.” 
“Ah,” Yamada smiles slightly, shoulders relaxing. “Yeah, I suppose it does, but-” he runs a hand through his hair, like he’s a little embarrassed. “If you were just going out with me because of my job, you would have hated this place, and it would have been really obvious.”
Shouta is saved from responding by Hanako bursting out of the kitchen and half-running over to their table. “Grandma’s gonna be done in the back soon,” she says, handing Yamada a paper bag. “I packed you up some stuff to go. If you hurry, you can make it back to your place before she comes looking for you.”
“I owe you,” Yamada says, vaulting out of the booth before opening his wallet and shoving some bills at her. Shouta follows more slowly, just to give him a hard time. 
“Don’t you want me to meet all your friends?” He asks as Yamada herds him to a side door. “Isn’t that why you brought me here?”
Yamada cringes. “Aizawa! She’s gonna talk your ear off! Be nice to me or I’ll let her!”
“Does she tell embarrassing stories about you? Maybe I’m interested,” Shouta says, though he follows Yamada into a hallway and up a barely-lit flight of stairs. Like the restaurant, the rest of the building is clean, but poorly maintained. Good tenants, bad landlord, Shouta thinks to himself as the steps creak under his weight. 
Yamada’s apartment is no better. The one window is cracked, and the floor is uneven in places. Most of the furniture is old and beat-up, but a few pieces are nicer, clearly new additions. If Shouta had to guess who lived here, he would have said a poor student who suddenly came into a bit of extra cash, not one of those most famous models in the country. 
They settle in front the the kotatsu to continue their conversation. It’s easy to fall back into it - Yamada is personable, and an important part of Shouta’s job is coaxing people to open up to him, to reveal things they’re used to keeping hidden. 
“You wanna know a secret,” Yamada asks after a while, leaning in conspiratorially and smiling in a way that makes Shouta want to agree to things without thinking. Even knowing this, he nods. “I own the building.” 
“You own-” Shouta glances around at the shabby walls, the cracks in the ceiling. “You own this building?”
“The Hasegawas were always so worried about the rent going up,” Yamada says lightly, like he’s talking about the weather. “I used to hear them talking about it, when I was waiting around to see if there was any leftover food. So when I started doing well with the modeling, I bought the place and hired a property manager to offer them a ten-year lease.” 
There’s a strange feeling in Shouta’s chest. He can’t identify it, but it makes him want to slide closer to Yamada. “And they don’t know?”
Yamada grins wider. “Nope,” he says, eyes bright and pleased. “Though they might suspect when the repairs start.” 
Shouta thinks back to that first day with Yamada, how annoyed he’d been at him before they even met. He’d nearly made such an ass of himself, assuming Yamada was the kind of person who’s throw a tantrum over mixed nuts or which brand of bottled water he was given, and Shouta half-wants to apologize for it. 
But he’s never been the kind of man who dwells on the past. It’s much more rational to focus on the future. “Are you still accepting applications?” Shouta says, inching his hand closer to Yamada’s and linking their pinkies together. 
“Uh - applications?” Yamada stutters. He’s blushing again. Shouta makes a mental note to bring his camera next time. 
“For a personal photographer.” Shouta smirks, enjoying the way the flush spreads down Yamada’s neck. He wonders how low it goes. “I’m very interested in the position.”
Yamada’s eyes darken. He licks his lips. “I can think of several positions you might be interested in. Maybe we could discuss them over another dinner?”
“Or breakfast,” Shouta shrugs. “Like I said earlier, I’m not picky.”
Yamada’s grin is sharp around the edges now. He leans very close, lips nearly brushing Shouta’s ear as he whispers. “How do you feel about cold yakitori? It’s all I have in the apartment.”
Shouta turns his head sharply, quick enough to catch Yamada’s lips in a brief kiss. “It’s a date.”
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mobius-prime · 4 years
185. Sonic the Hedgehog #117
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Cyber Race!
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
So you may be wondering. How exactly has Eggman managed to survive and even continue his relatively normal operations in a hidden city when his body was destroyed? Well, ever since the destruction of Robotropolis, he and Snively have been stranded as mere snippets of code within cyberspace (…somehow. I mean, were they contained on some kind of external server or something? 'Cause code can't just exist without hardware…). Snively, upon trying to hurry along to a new body in the real world, accidentally catches a ride on some fast-moving zeroes and ones, and suddenly finds himself materializing in a new and improved body… one which makes him tall and handsome, with a head full of hair! He's even more delighted when he realized Eggman didn't follow him, and is ready to take on the world himself without his uncle to give him trouble, when…
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…you know, Snively, he's kind of got a point. Eggman's ego is already so massive that any more being added to the comic would just result in the universe breaking or something.
The Tortoise and the Hedgehog
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Jason Jensen
Within the wind-blasted, desolate Forbidden Zone, a lone hare makes his way through the unforgiving landscape, locating an old abandoned factory in which he's supposed to meet his contact, Tommy Turtle. When he enters, he's surprised to find not only his friend, but also the Fearsome Foursome, Sleuth Dawg, and Drago Wolf grinning down at him unpleasantly.
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The hare quickly agrees with Tommy's tale, explaining that they have been friends ever since they were younger. The hare was much quicker than Tommy and became arrogant because of it, and ended up challenging him to a race that ended, well, exactly as the famous original Tortoise and the Hare story did, with Tommy ultimately winning and gaining the respect of his former bully. The villains seem somewhat unconvinced by the story, but sneeringly escort the hare to a room where he can rest - however, they take Tommy with them, refusing to let the two catch up. Now that the hare is alone, he can pull off his mask and fursuit and reveal his true identity - of course, he's Sonic the Hedgehog, who else? His story was actually true, and he hadn't heard from Tommy all the way since the beginning of the war, assuming he was dead until just recently when he and Sally received a message from him.
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It's quite bizarre to think of Sonic as a bully. After all, in basically every canon, he's a genuinely nice guy who looks after others no matter how strange anyone else might find him - you need look no further than his friendship with Tails in the games, which began when Tails found himself bullied by everyone else until cool-guy Sonic befriended him. Sonic has a big ego, sure, but he's always struck me as the type to extend that confidence to everyone around him - sure, he's super cool and he knows it, but that doesn't make everyone else around him uncool. However, I can indeed see the version of Sonic in the Archieverse being somewhat of a cocky asshole in his youth. I mean, we are talking about Sonic at the age of five years old here. Plenty of little kids can be initially very mean to those around them - especially those suffering from trauma at an early age, like with Sonic losing his parents even before the war started - but later grow up to become compassionate, friendly individuals who protect those same people they would once have mocked. Either way, it's an interesting way to paint the previous personality of the story's hero.
Anyway, Sonic sneaks through the vents to listen in on Tommy's conversation with the others to make sure he's not here against his will, and finds to his dismay that everyone else has gone to the next room to meet with none other than Eggman and Snively, in their new robotic bodies. Drago is slyly trying to sell Eggman back his own former factory, and Eggman, unimpressed, pretends to accept and seals the deal with a handshake… which of course just roboticizes Drago immediately. He then quickly shoots out more of his awful mecha-tentacles to roboticize the Fearsome Foursome as well, but Sleuth holds up Tommy, retracted into his shell, in front of him as a shield, stopping Eggman long enough to get his own word in.
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Tommy regretfully apologizes for his role in the deception, saying he didn't know until it was too late, and Sonic of course forgives him immediately. He leaps away from Eggman's grabby tentacle hands and slides away using Tommy like he's a skateboard. Eggman turns back toward Sleuth, intending to roboticize him before going after Sonic, and Sleuth declares that if he must go then he'll take Eggman with him, and flings a grenade in the enclosed space… which Tommy realizes that they can't both escape the blast of in time.
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So… like, this is a really sad sacrifice scene and all, but I feel like it would have more impact if Tommy wasn't literally just some rando who was never mentioned before this point. He was literally only introduced here to sacrifice himself and teach Sonic a life lesson, but we have no other reasons to care about him. Like, I get the comic doesn't want to just start killing off major characters left and right, but damn, you could at least go for someone or something that would have a little more impact.
Ultimate Power (Part Three)
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Dawn Best Colors: Jensen
Before heading to deal with the Dimitri situation, Remington leads Knuckles to a room in the hospital which contains our poor friend Harry. It's unclear exactly what happened, but somehow he's ended up severely injured after giving Mogul a ride, and is missing his payment to boot. Knuckles, after being reassured by the Chaotix that this is a friend of theirs, uses his Chaos abilities to heal Harry enough so he can wake up and speak. While they discuss things, learning that Mogul is behind everything (as they already kind of knew, due to him contacting them about his hostage and everything), Mogul has himself a nice chat with Dimitri in his private room.
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I know I've already pointed it out, but this change in Dimitri's attitude has just been so fascinating. It's obvious he's starting to regret a lot of the more extreme actions he's taken in times past, and truly believes in bringing echidna society back together as one unified whole. While this discussion goes on, Lien-Da and Gae-Na, having heard of the news by now, discuss what their next move should be.
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As practically everyone on the island waits with bated breath, Knuckles teleports into the room Mogul is holding Dimitri in. He angrily demands that Mogul leave and give up his scheme, but Mogul finally shows his hand - he intends to force Knuckles to submit to his own version of the Chaos Syphon, and if Knuckles doesn't do it willingly, he threatens to disconnect Dimitri's life support permanently…
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itsallavengers · 6 years
1 and stony???
Come over here and make me.
If there was one person Steve Rogers hated, it was Tony Stark.
God, that asshole. Thought he was hot shit because he was popular and the star player of the school soccer team and smart and funny and beautiful. And he always walked around wearing that ridiculous leather jacket with about a hundred zips and buttons on it, and it wasn’t cool, no matter what he said.
And the worst part about Tony Stark was definitely how nice he was to Steve.
Because it didn’t make sense, alright. For the first few years of highschool, Tony had laughed at him, he’d thrown pencils at the back of his head in class and bumped him in the halls and Steve had automatically bitten back on a sigh whenever he’d seen Tony in the corridors with him. He’d known Tony Stark was an asshole from day one, when he’d been twelve and Tony had told him how weird his backpack was.
And yet over the past few years, Tony’s attitude had changed. He’d stopped being such a dick. He smiled at him rather than laughing at him, and he waved on the corridors rather than just shove him, and Steve didn’t get it. Tony Stark was definitely plotting something, and was in it for the long haul here, because he wouldn’t just be nice to Steve for no reason. No way. 
Steve always watched him, just in case. Seeing as an attack could be at any moment, it was better to always be alert. He glanced over to Tony in math class and kept his eyes on Tony’s ass back when he walked through the corridors. Sometimes Tony would say hi, and Steve would say it back warily, keeping a hand tight around his backpack as he watched where Tony’s beautifully hazel eyes went, and whether they were plotting anything. 
One time, he’d overheard Tony talking to his friend Rhodey about one of his dates when they’d been sat nearby one another in bio, and Steve had heard all about how shittily it had gone, which definitely made him feel good. Because not only was Tony Stark an asshole, but the guy he’d been on the date with- Tiberius Stone- was an even bigger asshole, and Steve felt uncomfortable with the thought of Ty being anywhere near him.
Because then they’d just make each other worse, and it’d be bad for Steve, obviously.
He thought about it a lot during that biology class, actually. How, if he were to go on a date with Tony Stark (for information gathering purposes), he’d make it perfect. He’d learned a lot about Tony over the years. He knew that the boy liked Metallica, but he also had a soft spot for Frank Sinatra. Steve had a record of that which he’d play. And then Tony loved Twinkies, too. Steve could buy them, and he’d declare it their main course, and Tony would laugh that pretty laugh where his mouth curled up and his eyes crinkled and-
And yeah. That Steve would have the bastard right where he wanted him. Totally. 
But God, he’d never do what Ty had done- a shitty movie and then copping a feel in the back of the cinema? So fucking trashy. And cheap. Steve might be broke as shit, but if it was a date, then he’d put some Goddamn effort into at least making it nice for Tony, Jesus-
Hypothetically, of course. Because Steve wouldn’t ever date Tony Stark.
That being said, he probably shouldn’t have been talking about how crap Ty’s dating skills were to Bucky when the guy’s friends had been right behind him in the corridor anyway, hypothetical or not. Because as soon as they saw him again when Steve was alone, they didn’t waste any time with shoving him up against the lockers and then doing their level best to shove him inside one of them.
God, Steve hated highschool.
“Get the fuck off me,” Steve growled, yanking away as hard as he could against their hands as they tried to shove him backward. It wasn’t much use though- two versus one, and Steve wasn’t exactly fighting material, no matter how many times he managed to get into them. 
“Shut the fuck up, loser,” the bigger guy spat on him, actually fucking spat on him, and then punched him in the mouth for good measure, “this’ll teach you not to talk shit about people who are gonna be more than you ever will. The fuck were you even talking about- Ty’s a fuckin’ beast, he’s got people fallin’ at his feet.”
Steve rolled his eyes. What, were they going to start worshipping at his alter now? 
“You’re only jealous,” the second guy said with a sneer, and Steve laughed out at him blindly but the first guy pulled him back, opening him up for a bodyshot to his ribs that definitely made something crack, “we see the way you look at Tony. You’re obsessed with him. You got Rogers + Stark written on your notebooks, huh?”
“Fucking pathetic.”
“As if he’d ever look twice at you.”
Steve snarled, lashing his head forward and actually managing to brain one of them. “Fuck off- Tony Stark is an asshole,” he told them- the same thing he told everyone, because it was true-
“He’s right, you know.”
Steve’s head jerked as his brain recognised the voice immediately, and he watched as none other than Tony Stark himself marched forward, coming up behind the two guys currently doing their best to fit Steve into the locker. A strong hand curled around the first guy’s shoulders, and then Steve felt a sharp relief of pressure as Tony flung him off Steve and into the opposing wall. The second one backed off in surprise, putting out his hands as a show of peace.
“Whoah, hey, Tony, just calm it,” he said hurriedly, “I didn’t know you were buddies-”
“We’re not buddies,” Steve said viciously, raising his fists and then wiping his bloody nose with his sleeve. In front of him, Tony just looked vaguely amused. “If you want to try it as well, go the fuck ahead,” Steve growled, “I’ll fight all three of ya, I don’t care-”
“No one is doing any more fighting here, thank you very much,” Tony said, raising a hand. When he did, all of his stupid fucking zips jingled. “Morris, Elland- get fucking lost. You’re both getting black eyes tomorrow, and if I see you putting hands on Rogers again then I’m burning your Air Jordans, understand?”
Steve blinked in confusion, watching the two guys nod nervously and then scurry off down the hall, muttering to one another and glancing back as they did so. Which just left Steve and Tony with his stupid jangly zips.
“What do you want,” Steve said, not lowing his hands.
Tony leaned against the lockers, shrugging. “I was coming back from detention and saw them beating on you. Thought I’d step in.”
Steve frowned, wiping his hand across his face and probably smearing more blood everywhere. “Yeah, well I don’t need your help,” he said gruffly, “I totally had that.”
Tony’s eyes twinkled. “They definitely seemed like they were only holding on by the skin of their teeth,” he said in amusement, as Steve just scowled and turned away.
He heard Tony step forward. “Hey, I didn’t mean that to sound... I’m sure you would’ve survived on your own, God knows you get into enough altercations as it is- just thought I’d help you out. They shit their pants when I get mad at them because they’re fucking pussies, so.” Tony shrugged, “it’d be cool to have someone like that on your side, I figure-”
“You’re not on my side!” Steve snapped, stepping forward, “you’re just... you’re just being weirdly nice so that I let my guard down and then you can make fun of me again, or humiliate me in class or shove me over in the halls. Don’t think I’m not onto you, Stark, okay, I know your game!” He waggled a finger menacingly.
Tony just sighed, and looked genuinely remorseful as he said, “yeah, really sorry about that. I was a prepubescent teen with no idea what to do with the sudden influx of gay thoughts I’d have whenever you entered a room. So I pulled on your pigtails in order to get your attention.” Tony pulled a face, before smiling, “but I’m cooler now! Comfortable with my sexuality, at least thirty percent more stable and also, still kind of crazy about you.”
Steve just blinked. “No you’re not,” he said.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Nope. No you’re really not.”
“Well, I beg to differ.”
Steve made a face. “You don’t even know me!” he spluttered, “you’re not... you don’t like me, don’t be ridiculous. You think I’m dorky and uncool.”
Tony laughed, and God, it really was a nice laugh. “I do,” he agreed, “and that is the most endearing thing in the world.” He paused, before adding, “actually no- the face you’re making right now is the most endearing thing in the world.”
Steve... had no idea how to respond. He... well... I mean, for starters, he didn’t even like Tony. “I don’t even like you.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“You’re- you’re an asshole, I hate you! I’ve always hated you. You suck.”
“Yes to the asshole part. No to the ‘you hate me part’, Yes to the ‘you suck’ part, but probably in a different context to what you’re thinking.” Tony paused, before looking at Steve’s face with a frown. “You might want to go A&E for that nose. Looks broken.”
Steve’s head was spinning. Tony was completely bamboozling him here. Why was he saying that he liked Steve? That was... that couldn’t be true, could it? Anyway. Steve didn’t even like him.
On a completely irrelevant note, he bet that if he kissed Tony now, he’d probably taste faintly like the strawberries Steve had seen him eating for lunch. 
“I’m not going to the hospital,” Steve said, shaking his head and pressing gently on his very sore nose, “it’s f-”
“Yeah, you’re going to the hospital,” Tony nodded slowly and then pulled out his phone. “It’s fifteen minutes away. I’ll drive.”
Steve looked at him incredulously. “Stop ignoring me! I’m not going!”
“You are, Steve.”
“You think?”
Steve spluttered indignantly, hands going to his hips. “Then- then come over here and make me!” He said, attempting at confrontational. 
But Tony just cocked an eyebrow in amusement, and before Steve knew what was happening, Tony had swooped down and then picked him up in a perfect fireman’s carry, walking them both down the corridor with absolute ease. Steve just froze in complete and utter shock. This was the first time he’d ever been this close to Tony. Oh God, he smelt like metal and lemony things, and Steve was looking right down at he perfectly shaped ass.
“I hate you so much,” Steve said grumpily, “and I really hate being carried.”
Tony continued on, unfazed. “Okay, so I have a proposition,” he said casually, pushing open the main exit doors and then plodding easily down the stairs. He stopped halfway down, however. “I’ll let you down if you agree to go on a date with me.”
Steve froze. “That’s not fair,” he said weakly. 
Above him, Tony sighed. “Okay. So that was a lie. I’ll let you down right now if you want me to, I’m not an asshole, and I’m not going to force you to go the hospital, but I really think you should. And. Also. The date thing. You should do that too. Because I’m an asshole and my jacket probably does have too many zips, you’re right, but I also really like you and have done for six years, I’ve always just been too scared to tell you?” Tony shrugged sheepishly. “But there. Offer’s on the table. Hey! Kill two birds with one stone- the hospital trip can count as our date, and then if you decide that actually I’m not evil whilst we’re there, we could maybe go for a second one sometime?”
Jesus, Tony actually sounded nervous. Steve couldn’t see his face, but he knew what it would look like, because he’d memorised all of Tony’s facial expressions. 
So maybe he didn’t hate Tony Stark as much as he thought.
“Put me down,” Steve told him, and with a small sigh of defeat, Tony did. He looked down at his expensive shoes and stepped back, readying to accept defeat. 
Steve just sighed. “I suppose I could go to the hospital,” he muttered, “if you insist. And. Uh. The date, too. We could do that sometime as well.”
Tony paused, but then his head jerked up and he practically beamed. “Really?” He asked, beginning to bounce on his toes. 
Steve couldn’t help but laugh, even though it really hurt. “Yeah, really,” he said, “I guess I was kind of exaggerating how terribly evil you were in order to save myself from uh- going too far the other way.”
Tony’s smile, if even physically possible, grew bigger. “That’s the biggest compliment anyone has ever told me,” he said, holding out a hand for Steve to take, “now can you please take my hand and let me escort you to the vehicle?”
Steve raised an eyebrow, but tentatively slid his fingers through Tony’s. “I can walk, you know.”
Tony squeezed their hands together. “Oh, I know. I’ve just wanted to hold hands with you since I was twelve.”
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Original CH6
Hey, I finished the next chapter ;D Get your bodies ready!
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Chapter 6
“Good morning, sweetie,” Sabine greeted as Marinette made her way down the stairs, carrying her boots in one hand.
“Morning, Mom,” Marinette said with a yawn, leaning to kiss her cheek.
“How was the concert? Did you all have a good time?” Marinette smiled to herself as she sat down at the table and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“I had an amazing time! We rode in Macy's private jet and got to stand backstage, but the best part is, I helped fix Jagged's jacket, and to thank me, he invited me to sing a song with him!” She recounted.
“That's incredible,” Sabine gaped, eyebrows raising. “I always knew you would do something amazing.”
“If Eliott hadn't suggested that I ask for tickets, Jagged would have canceled the show. It was really lucky that I was there,” she said, smiling down at her cup of yogurt.
“So, I take it everything is going well at your new school?” Sabine pressed, taking a seat across from her.
“Yeah. I'm making new friends, and I helped someone with their bully,” Marinette answered around a bite, and Sabine gave her a soft look.
“Are you happy?”
Marinette slowed her chewing as she mulled over an answer, and sensing her hesitance, Sabine placed a hand over hers.
“I know there are things you don't tell me, but I can tell when you're upset.” Marinette averted her gaze. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. All I care about is that you're happy.”
“It's just that…” She took a deep breath, flicking her gaze back up to her mother's before relaying everything. Following Lila and Adrien, the situation with seats, Lila's threats in the bathroom, Alya's akumatization. Everything. And once she started, she couldn't stop, words tumbling from her mouth in a rapid current until hot tears began to spill down her cheeks. Sabine move to cradle her in her arms, rubbing her back and shushing her softly.
“When you said you wanted to transfer to this new school to focus in your talents, I had no idea you were leaving behind so much,” Sabine said, caressing her hair. “You've been carrying all of that weight for so long.”
“I didn't know what else to do,” Marinette whimpered, sniffling against her mother's shoulder.
“Look at me,” Sabine said, pushing her back gently and cupping her cheek. “You do so much for other people and carry everyone burdens on your shoulders. I think it's time that you started focusing on what makes you happy.”
That was the understatement of the century, but Marinette wasn't going to say as much.
“Helping others is a wonderful thing, but you shouldn't destroy yourself to do it. Sometimes it's okay to do what's best for yourself, and I think that changing schools was a smart decision that will benefit your mental health in the long run.” She brushed a tear from Marinette's cheek with her thumb. “I know you're hurting now, but you're on the right path to heal. If you need anything, Papa and I are always here for you.”
“Thanks, Mama,” Marinette smiled, leaning in for a tight hug.
In that moment, she wasn't a superhero with the weight of the world on her shoulders. She was a young girl, abandoned and hurt by the people she once trusted, and for once, she didn't have a clever solution to fix everything. No lucky charm to manipulate to get her out of a messy situation, and that was the hardest lesson she'd ever had to learn. That sometimes there was no magic to reset everything. Some wounds didn't heal, and some bonds stayed broken.
For the first time since she became Ladybug, Marinette didn't have to carry anyone's burdens but her own. For once, she could just cry.
“Well, class, by an overwhelming majority, I’m happy to announce Lila as our new class representative!” Mlle. Bustier said, gesturing to Lila standing beside her.
“Mlle. Bustier, I would like a recount!” Chloe demanded, but Mlle. Bustier gave her a sympathetic smile.
“You only had two votes, Chloe, I don’t think a recount is necessary,” she said, holding up a soothing hand.
“What? That’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe growled, folding her arms over her chest.
“Can you blame us?” Alya cocked a brow.
“Yeah, Lila is way cooler than you,” Alix shot back, a sentiment echoed by several others, and Chloe sank down in her seat, seething.
“Well, at least Sabrina recognizes my natural leadership,” she said, glancing over at her bff who averted her gaze guiltily. “Don’t tell me you voted for her too?”
“Sorry, Chloe,” Sabrina shrank, and Chloe let out a dramatic gasp.
“Are my ears deceiving me? How dare you!” Chloe slammed her fist on the desk as the whole class erupted into laughter.
“Wow, even Sabrina is tired of you,” Kim chortled, and Chloe’s jaw clenched, cheeks flashing an angry red.
“Now, now, everyone, I don’t want to cause any trouble, but I did win fair and square, Chloe. I hope you aren’t too mad at me,” Lila said, curling her shoulders. “The last thing I want to do is make another enemy like I did with Marinette. I just want to do my best to make your lives as easy as possible here.”
“See? Now that’s natural leadership,” Alya said, casting a smirk Chloe’s way, and Chloe crossed her arms again with a pout.
“You’re all so lame. I wouldn’t want your votes anyway,” she said, glaring at Lila as she passed by to take her seat and clicking her stylus pen. Lila wasn’t some no body like Marinette, and Chloe was going to have a harder time pushing her down much to her annoyance. Regardless, if there was something Chloe wanted, she always got it.
“Congrats on winning class representative,” Alya said once class was over. “I can go over all of your duties with you this afternoon if you want. Marinette and I used to discuss things over ice cream.”
“Actually, I’m recovering from tonsilitis, so my doctor said I’m not allowed to eat any dairy,” Lila said, touching her throat delicately. “Besides, you and I should pick our own rituals and forget about Marinette.”
“True, I guess,” Alya pursed her lips, and Lila placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know it’s hard to move on, but honestly, Marinette is no body,” Lila said. “Though not many people can say that they saved an entire village from a stampede, so I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge.”
“Not all of us can be so amazing,” Alya chuckled good-naturedly. “I guess part of me just wishes that Marinette could have gotten to know you and seen how cool you are.”
“Her loss.” Lila shrugged as they entered the locker room.
“Did you see-”
“Is that for real?”
“No way!”
“What’s going on?” Alya asked Adrien and Nino.
“Marinette sang with Jagged Stone last night at his concert in Berlin,” Nino explained, tilting his phone toward them.
“What?” Alya gaped, snatching it from him and pressing play.
“Miraculous, yeah I got this! I gotta confess I feel so strong!”
“She asked him for tickets yesterday online, and he gave her backstage passes,” Mylène said.
“She looks so happy and confident,” Rose added.
“Wouldn’t you be if you got to sing with Jagged Stone on stage?” Alix cocked a brow.
“I miss her,” Rose admitted, slumping a little.
“Yeah, me too,” Juleka echoed.
“Say, Lila, since you’re such good friends with Jagged Stone, do you think you could get us tickets to his next show?” Kim asked hopefully and every eye turned to her expectantly.
“Well, I would love to, but celebrities like Jagged really don’t like to give stuff away for free. It’s kind of taboo to even ask, and I’m sure Jagged only complied this time because he wanted to save face. He cares about his fans so much, but it’s actually very rude to ask someone for special treatment,” Lila said, curling her shoulders and lowering her voice. “I feel really bad for Jagged being put on the spot like that. She could have ruined his reputation.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t realize,” Kim rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d hate to put you in that position.”
“I can’t believe Marinette would do such a thing,” Nathaniel said, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah, way uncool.”
“Everyone, please don’t make a fuss and blame Marinette. She just isn’t used to dealing with celebrities. I’m sure she meant no harm,” Lila assured them, holding up defensive hands. “If only she were still here, I have so much I could teach her.”
“We’re so lucky to have you, Lila,” Nino said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Yeah, thanks, Lila!”
“You’re the best.”
Adrien turned to his locker to hide his sigh, shaking his head before shutting it and heading to their next class.
Apart from the group stood Chloe, watching the scene unfold with narrowed eyes. She tapped a perfectly manicured nail on her arm and pursed her lips sourly. Nothing was right in her school anymore, and she wasn’t going to stand for it. Lila was stealing away everything she had worked for, and everyone was so busy paying attention to her that she barely had anyone to boss around. Something needed to change. Fast. She was going to have to be smarter if she wanted to dethrone this queen, but she’d have order restored in her kingdom soon enough.
Later that afternoon, the girls all gathered in the bathroom to comfort Mireille who was crying over some stupid argument she’d had with her boyfriend, not that Chloe really cared, but she did want to find dirt on Lila, so she slipped in unnoticed and hid in an empty stall to listen.  Alya and Lila entered a couple minutes later, and Chloe peeked through the crack in the door.
“What’s going on?” Lila cocked a brow.
“Mireille and her boyfriend got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset,” Mylène said in a hushed tone as Rose patted her shoulder comfortingly.
“Marinette used to give advice to everyone and help them stay positive,” Rose said, glancing up at Lila. “Since you’re the new class representative, you can help, right?”
“Well, Mireille isn’t really in our class,” Lila said, averting her gaze, but when Mireille let out a loud sob, she scrunched her nose and knelt beside her.
“Hey, there’s no sense crying over some boy. I’ve had my heart broken before too, so I know how it feels, but boys are dumb. He’s not worth your tears,” Lila said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have argued with you, and if he doesn’t love you, then you shouldn’t waste your time crying over him. I think you should move on because there’s no better revenge than finding someone cuter.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Mireille sniffled, running a hand across her cheek.
“We can get some ice cream later if you want,” Alya offered.
“Thanks, girls,” Mireille said with a smile before turning to the mirror to fix her face as the bell rang.
“See you later.” They all waved goodbye as they shuffled to their next class, leaving Mireille alone.
She glanced at her phone where a picture of the two of them hugging lovingly flashed back at her, and she felt her chest tighten. Maybe Lila was right, and he didn’t love her. Maybe she should move on and find someone better. That would show him…
Bubbling with anger, she lowered her phone and glanced back into the mirror just in time to see a little black butterfly land on the charm bracelet he’d given her on Valentine’s Day.
“Hello, Heartbreaker.”
Chloe gasped as Mireille transformed before her eyes, quickly closing the stall door before she could be noticed. She hated to admit it, but she actually missed Maribrat Dupain-Cheng. At least with her around giving pep talks to every miserable face she came across, akumas had reached an all-time low at their school. Where was Ladybug when she needed her?
“So, you really saved his whole show?” One of Marinette’s new classmates asked as everyone crowded around her.
“I’m sure they would have found another solution but-”
“Oh, don’t be modest,” Eliott cut her off with an eye roll. “She totally saved the whole show.”
“Yeah, Jagged adores her,” Macy added with a giggle.
“I still think it should have been you up there, Macy. You’re a much better singer than I am,” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.
“You have such a cute voice! We should sing a duet together for our next art project,” Macy said, and several classmates agreed much to her chagrin.
“Alright, class, everyone take your seats,” Mlle. Allard instructed as she strolled into the room, and the group surrounding Marinette dispersed much to her relief. “Today we will be discussing themes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Now, who can tell me-”
Marinette’s phone buzzed in her bag, and she discretely checked it under her desk.
“An akuma alert,” she gasped, under her breath.
“What’s that?” Eliott leaned over.
“Is something the matter, Miss Dupain-Cheng? Mr. Chasse?” Mlle. Allard paused her lesson and quirked a brow.
“Uh, there’s an akuma loose in the city, ma’am. Shouldn’t we evacuate?” Marinette held up her phone, and Mlle. Allard removed her glasses to read the report.
“It says here that lockdown orders are only for the area surrounding Notre Dame. We will continue our lesson until it becomes a threat on this side of town,” she said, passing Marinette her phone. “Now, put your phone away. They are prohibited during instruction.”
“Yes, Mlle. Allard,” Marinette said, tucking her phone back into her bag and exchanging nervous looks with Tikki. “Actually, Mlle. Allard?”
“What is it, Marinette?”
“Can I be excused to the restroom?” She asked, and Macy gave her a quizzical look.
“You just went before we got here,” she said, and Marinette felt her spine prick.
“Do you have a documented medical condition that requires you to frequent the bathroom, Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Mlle. Allard asked, and a few classmates giggled, bringing a flush to her cheeks.
“No, ma’am,” she answered, sinking a little in her chair.
“Then I think you can hold it until the next class change. Now don’t interrupt my lecture again.”
“Yes, ma’am,” she lowered her head, shooting Tikki an apologetic wince.
Her foot tapped the entire lecture, fingers drumming, pen tapping, eyes watching the clock. Part of her prayed that the akuma would make its way to their side of town, but she wasn’t so lucky. When the bell rang, she jumped up from her chair and stuffed her tablet into her bag.
“Uh, I’m not feeling too well, so I’m gonna go see the nurse,” she said in a rush.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” Eliott offered, eyebrows furrowing, but she waved him away.
“I, uh, think I might be getting the flu, and I don’t want to infect you guys, so I’ll just see you later,” she said before rushing off.
The third-floor bathroom was empty as Marinette burst through the doors and ducked into a stall.
“Your new school is very strict,” Tikki remarked.
“We can talk about it later. Transform me!”
Racing across the rooftops, she hurled her yoyo as far as she could. She just hoped Chat Noir had managed to show up and keep things at bay.
Once she made it to the school, she swung in just in time to catch Chat Noir as the akuma sent him flying.
“Oh, nice of you to finally drop in,” he said dryly.
“Sorry, kitty, I got held up,” she said. “You okay?”
“He relaxed a little and offered her a wink. “Better now that you’re here. You had me worried.”
“I’ll try not to make a habit of it,” she vowed, readying her yoyo. “In the meantime, I think we could use a little luck to get us out of this mess.”
“Be my guest,” Chat bowed.
Her magnifying glass made quick work of Heartbreaker, and soon Mireille blinked in confusion as Ladybug purified the akuma. She paced over to place a hand on Mireille’s shoulder with a reassuring smile.
“What happened?” She asked, dazed.
“You were akumatized,” Chat Noir explained.
“Oh no,” she covered her face. “I got so angry…Now Jean will never take me back!”
“Hey, arguments in relationships happen. I’m sure you both said things you regret, so why don’t you try talking to him now that you’ve both calmed down?” Ladybug advised. “I’m sure you can come to an understanding.”
“I will. Thank you, Ladybug,” Mireille smiled, shoulders relaxing, and she waved as Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted off.
“Thanks for your help, m’lady,” Chat said, kissing her hand.
“Sorry it took me so long. I’m glad you were able to manage,” she said with a laugh. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Don’t be late,” he called as she swung off.
Landing back in the bathroom, she leaned against the wall with a sigh. That was too close. She’d have to figure out a better way to get away for akumas.
“What’d I miss?” She asked as she slipped into her desk in physics.
“I thought you had the flu?” Eliott leaned away instinctively.
“False alarm, just allergies,” she said with a sheepish grin.
“Oh, we should go to the spa later! The sauna is really good for your sinuses,” Macy whispered.
“Uh, sure,” Marinette nodded, shifting a little as they tuned back into the lesson. She relaxed a little when no one seemed suspicious of her.
Being a superhero just got a little more complicated, but she would manage. Paris depended on her, and she wasn’t going to let them down.
“How is your new school?” Adrien asked later that afternoon over tea and cookies.
“I’m adjusting,” Marinette said, pursing her lips. “How is the old school?”
“Well,” Adrien drawled, averting his gaze. “Lila is the new class representative, and she may have convinced people today that you almost ruined Jagged’s image.”
“What a brat,” Marinette threw her head back with a groan. “She’s really class rep?”
“Don’t look at me, I voted for Chloe,” Adrien held up defensive hands, and Marinette leaned against her fist with a smirk.
“Somehow I don’t feel like that’s better,” she said before fixing her gaze on her cup with a sigh.
“Rose said she misses you,” Adrien offered. “Before Lila convinced her you were clueless about dealing with celebrities.”
“I miss her too,” Marinette said quietly, tracing the rim of her cup with her finger. “I miss everyone, but…”
“I know,” Adrien winced, placing a hand on her shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I thought your performance with Jagged was awesome.”
Marinette bit back a smile.
“It was pretty awesome,” she admitted with a giggle. “And! I got you an autograph.”
Adrien pressed his palms together appreciatively as she retrieved a signed poster of Jagged’s face and passed it to him.
“You rock, Marinette,” he said, glancing up at her with a warm smile. “I’m glad that you’re doing what’s best for you, and if there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
“Thank you, Adrien,” she felt her cheeks warm as he held her gaze, her mind clouding into a lovestruck haze until footsteps pounded up her staircase.
Marinette jumped as her trapdoor swung open, eyebrows raising when a familiar head poked through. It was Chloe Bourgeois, and she looked pissed.
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