#we need the people who are on the fence to be like hmmm much to think about
isthisjackie · 5 months
On another, less angry note, the democrats in my state have started running ads that are very similar to like traditional conservative/republican ads and I fuck with it SO much. Like I totally believe it has made a difference in how things went in the fall for us with the special election we had for recreational marijuana and reproductive health care. Truly amazing
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readingwiththestars · 4 months
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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witchlingcirce · 4 months
I miss Luke I need him to be more present in TWP as headmaster!!! Him and Clary’s relationship was so cute I wish we got to see that more :( ALSO do you think Mr Max Trueblood (Maryse’s brother that left shadowhunting bc he married a mundane) will make a comeback?? That’s a NEED. Especially because Alec is consul now and his rules are different and I’m sure they need more people to ascend sooooo ugh I don’t know I want the Lightwoods to have a little cousin
Jace has Kit
Clary has Ash
Izzy and Alec need a little Trueblood cousin
Anyway I would loveee to hear your thoughts and predictions on TWP!! I miss the TMI gang I want to know how they’ll be involved 😔 Literally scrambling for crumbs at this point
So glad someone is talking about Luke and Clary. I love there relationship so much. Overall I think so many of the characters in tmi become disregarded as the series goes on!!! While I don’t think Luke will be any kind of major character in TWP, i definitely think he will have some kind of role. We know Dru gets in a lot of trouble, I can also see him being present in Ash’s life one way or another. Not only is he Ash’s step grandfather (LOL) but I think Luke is someone who constantly has a positive impact on peoples lives, and I think that’s something that will be seen in TWP.
As for Maryse’s family, I’d love for them to make some kind of come back. I feel like it could be something fun. I also think it depends on the age of the kids hahah! Either way, if he does make a comeback I hope the cousin is a girl. Enough with the male cousins! I need to see another Maryse and Isabelle lightwood. However, I don’t think they will make a comeback. As Cassie said in the first book where not spending alot of time in any school or institute setting, so as for the first book I don’t think we will see them. 😭😭😭
Hmmm some thoughts an opinions on TWP??? I don’t really have any theories I’ve made up myself but I do really enjoy some other theories I’ve seen online, but I also do have some other hopes.
- TWP is loosely based on the athurian legends so I can see Dru and or Kit having an Excalibur sword.
- someone mentioned to me once of a parallel between Matthew and James as Ash to Kit and I’ve always really liked that.
- Thule!Simon making an appearance. This one is SO MEANINGFUL TO ME!!!! Imagine if our Simon lost his Clary :(. Also the fact he told Janus “I’ll kill you jace herondale” before his disappearance??? Yeah somethings cooking.
- Julian mentioned having the blackthorn sword remade, and I’d love for it to be remade into a sabre!!! And on that note, I’d love if Dru got it. I can see Dru fighting with a Sabre to honour her sister, especially since in LM it’s mentioned how they fence together.
- This ones lwokey not a prediction but I deadass need Livvy to come back like full, that’s my icon 😭😭. If not I need the final goodbye between her and Ty to be gut wrenching.
ALSOOO YESS I MISS THE TMI GANG!! When I saw that Sizzy literally got a short story in the better in black book I jumped with joy. I HOPE twp ends with Claces wedding!! A cute parallel between Jocelyn and Luke in COHF!
TYSM for the ask!!! 😭😭😭 I’m glad there’s other hardcore TMI truthers out there.
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Bloody Comfort
pre borderlands!Niragi x fem!reader / Niragi x fem!reader
A/N:  i feel like i only post Marvel on this blog and i missed my show so here it is, finally an AiB fic! :D also, minigame: how many alice in wonderland references can you spot? also also, bloody comfort is an awesome name for a band and if you do name your band that, i want my money. enjoy the fic! also also also i didn’t proofread SHIT so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
trigger warning: bullying, mentions of violence (nothing too graphic, i think but beware nonetheless), death (graphic. i mean, i’m not that good of a writer but still, beware), very slight mentions of nsfw, especially torwards the end, niragi (HE’S A WARNING OK), niragi having disturbing thoughts (what else is new. but fr, ok), sliiiiiight yandere niragi torwards the end. (also I tried not to describe in too much detail the bullying that niragi and the reader suffer in the fic so it wouldn’t be too sad). 
@dreamingofanisland here it is bestie! 
Niragi couldn’t pinpoint when he stopped being sad and when he started getting angry. From a suffocating hopelessness came a desperation he could only describe as feral. He often fantasized about just jumping over his desk and strangling each one of them to death but his thoughts quickly ended with Niragi envisioning himself being overpowered and beaten. He started to not only get angry at his bullies, but people in general. Things. Life.
How could so many people turn a blind eye? How could life be so unfair to give people like this the upperhand and not him? Not him that clearly deserved it? This world was backwards.
He knew he was fucked when he saw the bat, and although he braced for the impact he couldn’t help but fall to his knees and wince at the sickening sound that the baseball did in contact with his nose.
He just sat there and while all he wanted to do was to rip their throats with his teeth all he did was to endure a few more punches before they left with a promise that there would be more. He sat there trying not to cry with sheer frustration. His papers were scattered around, the left arm of his glasses was broken and his pristine black outfit was now covered in dust from the gravel, his hands scratched. He could taste blood on his tongue and he felt a sick satisfaction, pretending for one moment that it was another person’s blood he was tasting.
“Do you need help?”, a voice woke him from his violent daydreams. Suddenly everything boiled over and he felt an overwhelming anger rise inside of him. In a blink of an eye he was standing up, yelling at a somewhat blurry image of a girl who he towered over, even more as she shrunk under his anger. If he wouldn’t be so busy screaming profanities, he would be madly aroused.
“WHAT, HUH? CAME TO SEE THE SHOW? TO LAUGH AT ME?”, he was furious, and as he approached her, she proceeded to walk back.
“No. I just wanted to help”, she said. It seemed another flash and suddenly he could see a bit clearer. Although startled, she didn’t seem afraid of him, and was extending him a tissue. “Your nose is bleeding”, she said, and Niragi wanted to scoff at her for stating the obvious. But she was being kind. And as angry as he was, kindness wasn’t something that he could say no to. He tried his best to control his shaky hands as he took the tissue from her hands and carefully dabbed his nose, as she ducked to collect his papers, and tuck them back into his bag.
“Saw what they did to you. ‘m sorry”, she mumbled. Niragi wanted to strangle her out of sheer embarrassment.
“And you just took some popcorn and enjoyed the spectacle?”, he spat.
“I wanted to help but I wasn’t sure what to do. Would you rather if I had called someone?”, she asked. He breathed once, twice. She wasn’t mocking him, but was unnervingly calm. Something about her being calm while he was practically foaming at the mouth had him seeing red and suddenly he regret having wiped the blood off of his lips.
“No”, he said, calmly. “No, I wouldn’t. Sorry. I have to go”, he said, ripping his bag from her hands with such force that he tugged her arm with it.
“Wait! I mean what I said! I want to help!”
“You, help me? What are you going to do, huh? Be my bodyguard?”, he mocked her one more time. He couldn’t help himself, his brain got used to this. Fight or flight. His adrenaline was pumping and everytime he was around school grounds he looked over his shoulder.
“Hmmm, sorta? Not exactly but I could show you a place. A safe place”, she said. He just looked at her.
“If we get there and it’s a prank of some sort I’ll let you punch me. Square in the face”, she said.
“Are you insane? You just go around letting people punch you in the face?”, his mouth was quicker than his brains and suddenly he felt his face grow hot at the irony of what he had said. But if she noticed it, she didn’t mention.
“Let me help you”, she said.
And he did.
He followed her through a wooded area near the school grounds after walking through a hole in a fence.
He was getting ready to beat you to the punch and hit you so hard that you’d bleed as hard as he did, until you stopped until you reached a very underwhelming toolshed with a padlock.
“We’re here”, you said, and he realized that she sounded different. All this time she was on edge. ‘Of course, Suguru, you threatened the girl like, 3 times’, said the voice in the back of his head. She pulled a key from her bag and the padlock opened easily and they heavy chains fell to the ground and she pushed open the door, going inside. He hesitantly followed.
The inside is nothing as he thought it would be. For starters, it was surprisingly clean and  it didn’t smell bad. And instead of tools and brooms and leafblowers, it had bean bags, blankets, a table with a radio full of knickknacks in the corner and a chair that had clearly seen better days but looked comfortable none the less. The girl walked to a corner of the room and his eyes followed her as she closed the door, which had small sharpie drawings on it. She reached for a white box and settled it on the floor between the two bean bags, and reached inside a very small thermos to pull out an artificially blue isotonic drink and settled it down too. Then from the plastic bag he previously assumed was trash, she pulled a bag of chips.
She then patted the bean bag next to hers. “Welcome to my clinic”, she said, placing the white box on her lap.
After an entire afternoon of bonding over unhealthy food and an impromptu first aid rescue, Niragi learned that her name was Y/N, she was a year below and that this little world she created was her refuge from the girls in her class that picked on her.
“I found this and decided that it would be nice. No one’s using it, it’s far from everything. It’s on the Beheaded Woman’s territory”.
Niragi heard the rumors through his bullies. “One day we’ll drag you to the Beheaded Woman’s woods and fucking kill you”.  After further investigation, he learned that allegedly a girl was dragged through the woods and beheaded with a blunt axe.
“I made the rumors up. I had to make sure no one would find my safe haven”, she explained. “And once you write something in the girls’ bathroom stall, there’s no turning back. It’s out there and it’s truth”, she sighed. “I would know”.
He wasn’t the most up to date in all the gossip but she told him her story. The rumors they spread, the things they did to her. She almost seemed amused. He in turn told her his story. By the end of it, he could kill someone. She then offered him the other key to her safe haven.
“You can decorate it too. Don’t tell anyone else and make sure to lock it after you use it. Use it as much as you want, just make sure they don’t follow you, okay?”
He took the keys with shakey hands, a knot on his throat. Another type of adrenaline was pumping through his veins. When a few moments ago there were a fast white heat, coursing through him like an electric current, this was slow and almost overwhelmingly warm, like molten lava.
“Why are you doing this? Being so nice to me?”, he whispered as if it was a secret, as if this moment was another fantasy, a deer that’s easily spooked. He had fantasized about this too. A safe haven, an ally. A friend.
“Because we’re the same, you and I”.
You hated him. You hated him with a burning passion. What was at first an act of pity, born from the empathy you felt by seeing someone go through what you did, quickly became a friendship and like a disease, it spread to beyond your safe haven. You would spend your free time together, walk home together. You became friends. And what did he do? Exactly what he told you he would.
“Sometimes don’t you wish to disappear?”, he whispered to you once.
“Yeah. Like, run away? Yeah, I do”, you replied agreeing with him.
 ‘You’re the only one that understands me. We really are the same’, he would say. What at the beginning of your budding crush on him gave you butterflies on the stomach now made you want to throw up.
You lost your only friend. You despised the sound of music now, because every single song you heard, you shared with him. For the same reason, you didn’t enjoy your favorite movies anymore. Your bullies banded together to target you. And the worst part of all, is that you couldn’t even care. There was no silver lining anymore.
“Don’t you get furious?! Don’t you want to hurt them, make them pay?”, he said as he watched you apply concealer to a bruised cheek.
“I mean, I get angry but I try my best to not let it get to me. It’s what they want. I despise those people, I can’t get in a funk because of them”, you said nonchalantly.
But you had loved him. And now you felt like even moving around was an herculean task, like you were almost dead trying to get to safety. But there was no safety anymore.
Ironically, you started to understand him more and more after he disappeared. The anger, the hatred. How could anyone just follow their lives? When there’s people like you just suffering through yours?
Suguru Niragi was an illness, a parasite. He carved his way under your skin and into your heart, laid eggs of his hate on your veins and sucked you dry of your life’s essence. Then, after you were a shell of a human, he disappeared out of thin air, leaving you alone. Leaving you with those people. Leaving you to die.
And you were still in love with him.
You thought you were finally insane when it happened.
The streets were empty. Absolutely no one. You wondered for a moment if you felt so alone that your mind convinced itself that that’s exactly what had happened, if any moment now you would be locked in an insane asylum for running around and screaming until you throat got raw.
It took you two games to understand what was going on. You made sure to change clothes. Running shoes, leggings and a warm hoodie that you never let the hood down. You decided to significantly shorten your hair after you saw a man pull a young girl by the ponytail in a spades game. You loaded a backpack with food and bottles of water, anything you could find. And an axe that you took from an emergency box from the building you slept in.
It was on your 5th game that it happened. You saw people die in these games, but none of it was hands on for you. You just watched your back and hoped to win and let whoever was running this show take care of the rest. Honestly, you didn’t even wait to know if anyone even survived. You were done doing that.
When you got there, there were five people already. They banded together and whispered amongst themselves as you passed them by and grabbed a phone. Probably just a group of friends that got stranded at the same time and decided to stay together. You clutched you axe harder.
You didn’t even realize that you had zoned out until you heard hollering and four guys heavily armed walked you by. Where the fuck did they get guns? One of them let out a boisterous laugh that reminded you of someone that you wanted desperately to forget. You couldn’t even get over him during fucking Saw? That sound made your skin crawl.
Registration closed, said the mechanic voice. Difficulty: 8 of clubs. The first 5 players will be the first team and the last 5 players will be the second. One team must eliminate the others without losing any players. Both teams will be identified by the color of your screen, and will have one minute to hide.
You saw the armed guys’ screens light up red. You sighed in relief as yours did too. You made sure to keep your head down and thank whoever that not killing teammates was a part of the rules. They seemed amused and absolutely calm, and the guy with the rifle laughed again. You were shaking by now.
When the minute started, everyone bolted in different directions. You didn’t even look back to see if your teammates had accompanied you but by the sound of your footsteps crushing leaves, you were alone. You decided to go back after a while, looking around. A lamppost. Huh, lamppost it is. You leaned against the cool metal and focused on the silence. The minute had ended but they were still hunting. You didn’t come across anyone, which was good. After a while, all you could hear were distant gunshots.
You looked to the floor, only to see a shadow approaching you quick. You barely had time to dodge before a man hit you behind the head with a rock. You reacting made him lose his balance, falling to the floor and letting go of the rock. You looked at him. It was one of the boys from the other team. He had on a white button up blouse and a black hoodie. His hair had fallen over his brown eyes and he looked so scared and so alone.
This will have to do.
You didn’t stop, suddenly lifting the axe and bringing it down was like an automatic thing.
You didn’t stop when he started praying and then screaming. You didn’t stop when he started bleeding profusely or when the strength of your movements made your hood slide down from your head. You didn’t stop when his head got detached from his body and if you weren’t so angry, you would’ve listened tfootsteps. You didn’t stop until you had made mincemeat out of his face. Just for the sheer audacity of reminding you of him.
He looked at you from afar while you looked at the body of the boy whose skull you just had destroyed, a maniac, victorious smile on your face. You were pretending the boy was him. You really thought he had abandoned you? He would be absolutely heartbroken if he wasn’t so aroused. That’s what he always wanted to see, the instincts that you tried to push down. You were right, you were both the same. He wanted to lick that blood off of you, use it as lube to take you right there. When he first arrived at the Borderlands, when he first killed someone and liked it, he thought you would be disgusted by him. But look at you now. You were here, perfect for him, soaked in blood, feral. He’s never been so hard.
“Y/N”, he said.
“Niragi?,” you said. He ran to you, held you even when you fought back, even when you screamed bloody murder that you were going insane, begging to die already, even when you passed out on his arms. He licked a drop of blood from your neck.
“Let me take you to our safe haven”, he whispered against your skin.
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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in our cthulhu game, being fused with Bendy the Lurker (who, i cannot stress enough, is an eldritch horror in addition to being our cartoon friend) gives Joey some terrifying inky powers so honestly why WOULDNT you just immediately pounce on the first person who catches you somewhere you’re not supposed to be while distorting your body in mind-rending ways?????? 
anyway here’s some out of context quotes for Session Four under the cut
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] Are you planning to break in? [Joey] I wasn't not planning to.... not... break in.... [Jack] Jack might be giving Joey a look. [Joey] They broke in first! [Sammy] Sammy shrugs and nods, this makes sense.
[Henry] I want to say by now Henry has finally read the room and is also looking at Jack. [Joey] (Henry has realised it's Looking At Jack Time) [Jack] Now he's mute AND self-conscious!!
[Jack] He's going to write "I'll be fine," pause briefly, and then write, "probably."
[GM, as Bendy] Are you sure you want us to go alone? [Sammy] I'M sure I DON'T want him to be alone! [Joey] I won't-- I won't be alone! I can't be alone right now! We know this!! [Bendy] Uh-huh. [Henry] Mm-hm. [GM] A skeptical look is interjected.
[Sammy] But if we told you to go and take a look but not do anything stupid, I'm not sure you're capable of that!! [Joey] I'm-- wait. I can do non-stupid things!!
[Henry] While Joey is getting ready in his room, Henry has already stolen his plate and is finishing it.
[Sammy] I'm just laughing at the concept of Joey and Sammy being in separate parties but like, watching each other across the street, [Joey, interrupting]: in a NON gay way. [Sammy] Mostly not gay. [Joey] Definitely Not Gay [Jack] The MOST heterosexual, [Jack] That's his middle name! Joey Heterosexual Drew! [Sammy] That's what I remember from the book, yeah.
[GM] Roll lockpicking. [Joey] Uh, that was, a bad roll, so instead of pushing it, can I use one of my... points, and just unlock it with my finger? [GM] .....SURE, [Sammy] WHAT. WHAT!! WHAT IS HAPPENING. [GM] Henry should make a Spot(Hidden) roll! [Henry] oKAY??? [Sammy] PLEASE make this Henry, I need to know what's happening
[GM] It looks like a landing, and a staircase, going up! [Henry] Still no one around? No symbols? [GM] Nope! [Joey] Then let's go up! [Henry] ...didn't you say this building was one story, though? [GM] :) I did! [Henry] oh..... [Joey] OH,......
[GM] There IS a person puttering around in there. [Joey] Hmmm... I did say I wasn't going to do anything stupid.....
[Joey] *inspecting pen covered in weird goo* Can I smelllllll it? [GM] ,,,,YOU SURE CAN,
[GM] So you currently have this symbol-painter gaping up at you guys at the top of the stairs [Joey] UM, [Jack] He sees it. He is looking. [Joey] UHHH,, [Henry] No! He does not see it, he is looking away!!
[Joey] I feel like we should just,,, graB HIM, AND uH, i- th- uh, drag him up the roof, or pin him down--- I don't knOW, dEFERS TO BENDY! [GM] I mean, Bendy's instincts are definitely to pounce on something that is doing something he doesn't want!
[Henry] uh, I, uh, w- wELL HENRY, was planning to put his words together, and try to convince this man that, y'know, we're supposed to be here, like we're roof maintenance or something, but then JOEY just fUCKING JUMPED ON HIM! [GM] Down the stairs! [Henry] DOWN THE STAIRS! I think his first action in this fight is going to be "Joey, what the FUCK"
[GM, cheerfully] Joey also needs to make a Sanity Check, his body is distorting in horrifying ways! [Joey] (Joey made it!) [GM] Just one sanity damage each! No big deal. [Sammy] YEAH, no big deal!! Just part of your sanity, dripping away!!!!
[Sammy] This is NOT the jungles of Haiti, this is an establishment in New Orleans, please don't murder people! [Joey] He wasn't planning on murdering, he just wanted to make him shoosh! [Sammy] YOUR METHOD MATTERS!! [GM, speaking for Bendy] ...There might have been some miscommunication in the desired result,
[Jack] Joey's lowest skill is "stay out of trouble" and his highest skill is "get self out of the trouble you got yourself into”
[GM] The Lurker rolled a fumble, so he's super distracted with something... he is NOT paying attention. [Sammy] Super distracted with all of Joey's human emotions at, uh, murder, which is normally such a fun, wholesome activity!
[Sammy] Sanity check for the greatest horror of all: TAXES.
[GM] Weirdly, Henry thinks he recognises this from descriptions he's read in some of the books he's looked through of Joey's; he thinks this is a drink that lets you survive in the vacuum of space!! [Sammy] WHAT [Henry] Why the heck would they need that... [Henry] ......how big is this jug? [Sammy] (*laughing* "I wanna survive the vacuum of space! Lemme at it!") [GM] It's like a gallon? [Sammy] (glug glug glug!) [Henry] He's not going to DRINK it, he was just considering taking it! [Sammy] I've seen Henry go at bacon soup. I believe he can do it.
[Sammy] This isn't important and I PROMISE I'm not going to get distracted but I just want to know if there's any nice instruments in here,
[Sammy] He's not going to wait, he's just going to turn around and leave. [Jack] Jack will -- now that he can use his words! -- say, “thanks for the help anyway,” and then go follow Sammy.
[Sammy] Ugh, Sammy might take a drink, [Jack] Jack is very much not going to take any drinks. [Joey] (Jack takes the drink OUT of Sammy's hand and hands it to somebody else!) [Jack] ......he MIGHT do that,
[another player returns to the call] [Sammy] Welcome back! Sammy did not do a good job vaulting over a fence, in case you were wondering, which is why my HP is now listed here!
[GM] He makes like he's going to close the door again. [Joey] (Stick your foot in the door!) [Jack] HMMM, tries to think if I have any good words for being polite, [Jack] “hey, no, please don't shut the door haha your so sexy,”
[Sammy] Cool, Sammy will walk in. [Jack] Jack will thank him! And walk in.
[Jack] (i'M REALLY DISTRACTED BY THE CAT,) [Sammy] (I'M SORRY!! IT'S MEOW TIME!!!) [Sammy] (The cat needs us to know about the King in Yellow, it's VERY important) [GM] The rune expert's cat, clearly. [Jack] I think this guy needs a cat, in these trying times.
[Jack] Jack would definitely have been petting the cat, I'm just mentioning that.
[GM] He opens the door and gestures inside. [Sammy] O...kay, looks inside closet? [GM] "Go, go on, look, look!" [Jack] (LOOK IN THE CLOSET, I'VE GOT ALL THIS WINE!!)
[Joey] Is there a window? [Jack] IN THE CLOSET???
[GM] You definitely sense something in one of the shoeboxes. [Sammy] SAMMY'S TRYING VERY HARD TO IGNORE THINGS THAT HE SENSES RIGHT NOW
[Sammy] I've got Joey luck today, it's weird!?! [Jack] It's to protect Jack! [Jack] The shepherd must protect the sheep!!!
[Sammy] Yeah, let's git, let's skeedaddle, let's just run, [Jack] Channel our inner Wally Franks, [Sammy] and get outta here!!
[GM] Henry does have at least one person try to trade drinks and get some of the jug he's carrying. [Joey] *sulky* No!! Our special juice!
[Sammy] Joey and Lurker are the two children who should not sit next to each other, because they are a bad influence on each other
[Sammy] (Oh, P.S., Jack can talk now!) [GM] Oh, you're better! [Sammy] Sammy's feeling better too, but that might just be adrenaline.
[Joey] As long as the show isn't Alice In Wonderland or The King In Yellow! [GM] Do you say that? [Joey] [Sammy] NO [Sammy] That's out of character, I think, [Joey] UMMMM, [Sammy] Is, is it-- jOEY DREW, [Joey] ...........it is out of character.
[Joey] We're down here due to something to do with that symbol coming to bother us at the Studio! [GM] She wants to know if that's why your eyes are weird. [Joey] [Joey] Yes.
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Lies
Warning: Spoilers! And possibly having your heart torn into pieces. Other than that, have fun!
We open up with Marinette figuring out the recipes for the power ups as the new guardian.
I am disappointed that she still has not stopped oogooling over Adrien when he appeared on the news. Especially since she was allegedly with Luka by then. (I'll explain what I mean in just a minute)
Adrien was tired after the day he had as Adrien, which is a contrast of what Marinette believes his life is like. But being Chat Noir is the highlight of his day...
...only to not see Ladybug show up for patrols. And we see that it was all due to her figuring out the powerups.
Also, the patrols are a thing in cannon and I am still not over it after "Truth".
Chat Noir hoping for an akumatization so he can escape his civilian life radiated the same energy as Alya asking for akumatizations to interview the temporary heroes on her IG post. I get it, but still! We do not have people in danger for our needs.
Plagg being the one who announces any voice messages for Chat and asking for cheese through the feature on the Chat Phone brings me a whole other level of life.
Also, the whole milk thing at Le Grand Paris bar counter. It was hilarious, but also very sad. He really missed his m'lady
He ends the patrol after he saw Kagami training with her mom. And the smiles on his face! *Cries in Marichat and Ladynoir*
Plagg is the one that encourages Adrien to move on from Adrien, just like he applauded him from doing so in Loveater.
Kagami apparently said that fencing lessons are scheduled an hour in advance and Adrien (with that goofy grin on his face) knew what was up!
Both Ms. Tsurugi and Gabriel are very pissed at one another for the schedule change. That's hilarious, although everything comes at a price.
The parallels! Kagami is apparently learning Russian at her mother's request. Truly is a reflection of Adrien, civilian life wise.
Kagami? Lying???? The hell???? Who are you and what have you done to Kagami????? (Why am I surprised, y'all did this in Desperada)
She lies to their parents and the teacher to be in the art room with Adrien. I get it, teenage rebellion after being under an uninvolved parent, but still!
I like how the writers gave Kagami another dimension by saying she loves art, but her mom does not like her passion for drawing.
Also, art reflecting the truth? Hmmm.....
Since people like mentioning that Marinette has a thing for people with absent parents after "Truth", I will now say that Adrien has a thing for people who are great at drawing. I do not take criticism.
Kagami is hinting that Adrien's civilian life is not his true self (thank you for understanding him!)...
...but also says that being a "clown" (it was the Chat pose) is also not who he really is. The fandom would disagree with you. Although that brings up the question of whether both personalities merge to form who he really is and cannot be seen completely by anyone in any part of his life. But he is more like Chat Noir regardless.
Also, I want to see Adrien and Kagami spend more time together prior to this episode to see why she was not pleased with him being a clown if that's who he truly is, because her repositioning him against the wall made me feel like she is trying to place Adrien into a mold that reflects the image she might have created in her mind. (I don't know, this was just the first thought that came in my mind.)
They almost kiss, with Adrien being taken into shock (not terrified as we thought) until the alarm saying they have fencing lessons starting interrupts them and Adrien runs out, not before BLUSHING LIKE HELLO?!?!?
This is what I referred to in my second point and confirms what everyone was saying about this episode: this is "Truth", but through Adrien's perspective. Finally, an Adrien-centered episode!!!
To continue, every time Adrien and Kagami are together or were about to kiss, a sentimonster appears, with Ladybug trying to do something about it. Just like Lukanette, just like Adrigami: being a superhero affects your love life as a civilian.
Chat being thrown off the roof by accident and being rescued will never get old or less funny lol.
Montages continues up until the boat scene, where Adrien missed the intro to the performance, but I will never get over the fact as to how Adrien made it there before Marinette. It is beyond me.
Kagami not letting Adrien stay for 5 more minutes. Hmm...
Their cute moment together was what will lead to the demise of Adrigami as Kagami noticed he dropped the infamous lucky charm bracelet. *le gasp!
Why *le gasp*? Because 1) I fear it symbolizes that something will happen to Adrienette or that Adrien has forgotten about her, and 2) Wait until later.
Kagami revealed she lied so she can spend more time with Adrien alone, lying about leaving rehearsal earlier, lying about the fencing lessons rescheduling, and who else knows what else so she can be with him.
She tells him she loves him. But Adrien notices Ladybug and an Akuma. Oh boy, he wasn't able to give her any attention.
Because he left towards the direction of the boat (and said he left something there), Kagami used that to conclude it had something to do with Marinette. Oh boy.
Either I missed an entire scene about Ladybug knowing ShadowMoth's name, or we were not supposed to know how they know until this episode. It feels out of place to me, but oh well.
"I..am...AN INCREDIBLE SWIMMER!" still cracks me up even when I know how important it was in protecting her secret identity.
Happy Birthday Prince Ali!
Apparently, Kagami lied that her mom was in charge of watching over Adrien (or maybe not? I can't tell at this point.)
Yep, Kagami believes that Adrien is going after Marinette and probably resents them both if her facial expression says anything
We get to see that Ladynoir moment from "Truth"!! I love these two and their banter.
Adrienette stans, not much has changed. Adrien was concerned that he lost the Lucky Charm bracelet, for real. But said again because he though he would be clear of the lie since he thought he had it on him.
Thinking that she lies to get out of being with her, she leaves. With the bracelet. The leaving part is understandable, especially because she does not know about him being Chat Noir or what entails him to do. But why take the bracelet???
Adrien is also saddened by what happened. He also liked her.
We've never seen that part of city hall. Well designed in my opinion.
She was the akuma in City Hall with the glowing sphere! We were right!!!
Adrien feels guilty, though it is not really his fault. He has a duty to Paris!
Why is the music sounding different in French.
Jagged Stone. How do I feel about you after learning you purposefully abandoned Luka and apparently Juleka? Also, what's with the song??? (Rhetorical question. Do not answer)
We were wrong about Kagami's power: it paralyzes people who lie, not kill everything in its path.
Jagged, you abandoned your children. And you apparently lied about your age?!?!?! Both episodes show something about Jagged Stone that make him seem like an awful person on the inside.
Ladybug, how do you know about Lies's powers?!?!? There is a hole in the plot here! Unless there were other paralyzed civilians that gave her power a dead giveaway.
Chat Noir, if you lie as a civilian for whatever reason, of course Ladybug will too, since as a civilian, you need to lie to keep your secret identity a secret. Same rules apply to Ladybug, especially as the guardian.
The Lucky Charm is a drone, not a camera like I thought. How the hell did I get into an ivy if I can't tell the difference?!?!
Chat Noir pretending to lie is funny. It might also be his peppy attitude to lying. Also, his funnier version of ShadowMoth's name.
Ladybug finds the akumatized object and gasps. I wonder if its only a eureka moment or also the fact that she recognizes the bracelet, especially if its custom made.
Brutally honest people does not exist (we have all lied at some point, even Kagami who is usually brutally honest with people), but animals can't lie.
Fang being involved in destroying the akuma is cool.
This is the moment that we dreaded so much, yet knew was coming: CHAT NOIR DIES!
JK! He actually is paralyzed by truth because he jumped into the glowing orb. We were right that this is an anguishing scene to watch, but we're wrong about the part that he's killed. Yet, he still unnecessarily sacrificed himself and caused Ladybug to be angst about it.
Yes Ladybug. Chat is crazy. And also crazy for you. And you are right about the crazy unconscious part. My Ladynoir heart!
ShadowMoth almost won until Fang bit off the charm bracelet. Thanks Fang!
Chat backing away from Fang licking him is a mood.
My favorite Ladynoir moment of the evening: Ladybug telling Chat to stop sacrificing himself and Chat saying she likes her adorable angry face. Her smirk afterwards.. And then their pound it.
But no seriously Chat. You need to stop doing that to Ladybug. She cannot take it anymore
Plagg said that even if Adrien loves someone else, he is likely to go back to Ladybug. Just like he goes back to Camembert. Seriously, despite his cheese analogies, he gives great wisdom.
Not Kagami almost beating up Adrien during his fencing lessons. And Mr. D'Angercourt notices this too as he stopped Kagami's final blow.
Also, isn't it illegal in fencing to push people? Oh boy.
And there's the Adrigami breakup scene: Adrien telling Kagami that he enjoys their time together and Kagami knowing their is sincerity in him. It is sort of unclear who actually ended things when Adrien asks if they could still be friends, but Kagami ends it all by saying that she will let him know once she can face him again. Ouch.
Adrien is hurt and stares at the lucky charm bracelet with what looks like sadness. Once again ouch.
Like Lukanette, I want to see Adrien and Kagami be happy together at least until halfway through this season. The issue is that it will hurt them more in the end.
Also, I noticed the difference between Luka and Kagami when ending their respective relationships. It hurt them both, but Kagami was more forward about it and Luka was somewhat passive. It could be based on what they know about their now exes (Luka knew that Marinette had feelings for Adrien and was not secretive about it even when they were together if the truths her friends said and the opening scene to this episode reflect this, whereas Kagami only has a suspicion and Adrien does not say anything regarding to it.
Also, I really did not like how the breakup on this end resulted in. While more realistic for a lot of people, it did not help that it involved Kagami as there are people who will go after Kagami after watching this episode, and I believe that the writers know this. Kagami is a good person who has a different response to the trust issues and lack of communication, as well as lies in their relationship. Not saying its a perfect one, but an understandable one. In conclusion, don't trash Kagami, especially if you saw this coming.
I take back what I said before; this is my favorite Ladynoir scene. I want to hug them both because they have to lie and keep secrets from everyone, even have some secrets between themselves! But at least they can trust each other! Excuse me while I cry over how much we are being fed. Also, the fact that they broke up with their respective partners makes this both heartwarming and heart breaking.
Overall, this episode is just as good as Lies! It is the first fully Adrien-centered episode, which makes this a first and already exciting. While I did not like how their breakup was handled, it was realistic and showed that honesty and communication are important. Also, can my children be happy together for longer than an episode??? I swear, their pain hurts me.
But at least Ladybug and Chat Noir have each other's company to get them through. May us Ladynoir stans continue to be fed!
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lady-literature · 4 years
hi hi hi i'm new here but i just got through your entire (at least i think so) accidental crime boss mari au and i love it so much!!! also my imagination went wild and here's what it came up with (this is so long, i'm so sorry 😂)
so, Jason teaching the kids street stuff, like pickpocketing and such, nobody can Ever pickpocket Mari (not that they'd try, i think, hahaha), somehow it's just not possible. you think you have her and then find out otherwise. furthermore! she'd probably actually know how to do A Lot of what Jason is teaching (look, saving Paris that many times and seeing the shit she's seen must have taught her something about street smarts, okay?), but whether she's aware of all of it or not remains... unanswered. she absolutely surprises everyone, jaws-on-the-floor style, the first time she does it, especially when she does it consciously. every time she does something unknowingly (and still in the Nicest Way Possible, how even--) Jason probably quietly gathers the kids around so that they can watch and learn in real time from an example. and also, even though she's The Responsible One between the two of them when it comes to this stuff, sometimes Mari helps the kids do something, like maybe pickpocket someone in the family, as a prank
now about the Rules!! more specifically the sword fighting and duelling etiquette rule: auntie Kagami teaches everyone who wants to learn fencing every time she visits. there are tournaments. there's probably a pocket dimension designed specifically for that. it doesn't help lessen the amount of Shenanigans happening all the time but boy does it get competitive
also also also i love the name Mother of Heroes!!!! it's so cool!!! The Brood too!!!
if you've got any, i would love to see some more headcanons with the Sirens or the other dark/darker characters of the city (i'm not that well-versed in the DC universe, so idk what to call them if they have a name, sorry)
also, we already know she's called the Pixie and that she's kinda considered a mob boss and etc., but like, what about the point of view of an outsider? the way it all came to be really must sound like something from legends or fairytales out there on the streets. something so sudden and kind, and if you look a bit closer magical and just so unexplainably other???? kids just disappearing off the streets in that area and then resurfacing again looking well fed and taken care of???? to those disillusioned enough with life it must literally sound like an urban legend or something. but she's real. if you need help you just gotta find her.
HI HI HI!!! oh my gosh all of it??? thank you so much!!
1) i think that Mari knows theoretically a lot of things about being on the streets, but not a lot practically. living on the streets has less to do with being able to fight and a lot more to do with instincts and experience and all these little tics you pick up when all you have to count on is yourself.
there are, of course, certain ‘street talents’ as i call them, like being able to pick locks and con people and having a sense for danger etc, etc.
mari knows that tangible things, because she’s bound to pick them up, obviously. the kids just don’t forget what they’ve learned, so often she sees it in action. Jason also teaches her street talents as well, sometimes on purpose, most times on accident.
there is a difference though, in how Mari uses said talents. when the kids use them, there is an edge to every movement. they use their talents like weapons, like they are shields, all bared teeth and fingers like claws. their talents come from pain and necessity and there will always be something a bit vicious about it.
Mari doesn’t have that, and never will. her talents are tools and tools only, one more to add to her vast repertoire. it’s as impersonal as it gets for her, which means its soft and sweet and used with care. her talents, even in combat or duels, are velvet over steel.
2) Oba Kagami, unfortunately, can’t visit often but when she does, oh boy is it intense. Mari and Chloe are always delighted when she and Adrien visit, but mari spends most of the trip running around and quelling fights and making sure no one loses a finger
3) thank you! i’d like to say id been planning the Mother of Heroes for a while but i came up with it mostly on the spot lol. it fits really well though and makes a lot of sense imo
i quite like it
4) hmmm. im not sure about much of that. despite being thought of as a crime boss, she stays away from the other rogues mostly. I think, if given the chance, Mari would likely adopt killer croc without question, and I think she’s on okay terms with Riddler in that they like to exchange brain teasers and the like, but other than the Sirens, mari stays away from crime.
for the sirens though, i very much like the idea that Harley basically thinks of Mari as a younger sister and is liable to just take her out on the town and leave Selina and Ivy to watch the kids while they go cause trouble for whatever group has caught Harley/Mari’s ire this time.
Ivy and Mari have a comradery in their shared love of plants and similarity in their powers. mari is more expansive and flexible than Ivy’s, but they share the same roots and the two spend lots of time gardening and keeping crops for the kids. (though, harvesting is often a chore for the older ones)
5) Mari being an urban legend is the truest thing I have heard. god, i’ve never really considered the outsiders perspective but yeah. could you imagine the stories people would whisper about the faerie living near crime alley? in the beginning, just after things start picking up and Mari has somewhere upwards of a dozen kids, I think it’d look something like this:
“People say there’s faeries living near crime alley. Magic folk settling back into the city that tried to drive them out. No one knows what they want, but they keep taking kids. The strange ones, the ones that are like them, that aren’t quite human.
“They say that they’ll help you, if only you ask. But be careful. There hasn’t been a kid to go in there and not come out different. They’re stronger, normally. And well-fed. But they also talk of strange creatures and stories no one’s ever heard of and you stop seeing them on the streets so much. (They say they live with the faeries now.)
“No one knows what the faeries want, but we know this: they help when you ask and they keep taking kids. I suppose, in the grand scheme, it depends on how much your willing to risk for some help.”
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vidalinav · 4 years
Burning Questions I Still Have:
You know SJM really hasn’t given us too much substance in these book talks so I’m just going to put down these questions as my own way of expanding the topic of the book beyond Eris, Azriel, and the copious amount of sex they’re going to have (Nesta and Cassian) though all of that is very exciting. 
1. How much does Mor factor into this story? Are we going to see her at all or would she be more focused in on an Azriel story if we get one? 
2. Does Elain have any say in sending Nesta away? Will she have some involvement in Nesta’s healing? Will we see her in Illyria, visiting her sister perhaps, or will it be short instances? 
3. Does Nesta make new friends? Assumedly she does, but right now it’s looking very established character centric, but you know with these lack of spoilers. (rolls eyes)
4. Will the witch concept brought up in ACOWAR come up in ACOSF? Is Nesta technically a witch? Because her power extends beyond her natural reserve “technically.” Will we see other witches? Witches vs Illyrians... Maybe?
5. What is the main conflict in Illyria? And how will it be resolved? So far we know it has something to do with rebellion, but how do you fix that realistically? 
6. How will the women in Illyria gain some autonomy, because lets be honest, everyone learning to fight is and is not going to fix everything? 
7. Where is Bryaxis? 
8. Eris has a deal with Rhysand to help him kill his father. How would that work? Does it involve Nesta, does this then involve her more in the Inner Circle’s antics in which she’ll gain a job in some way? Whether she wants to or not. 
9. How does Nesta suffer? We know emotionally, yes. Power, yes. But how does that come about when there’s so much potential conflict in this book. 
10. What is the main conflict of this story? There seems to be many, that I’m sure will be extended to the other books that come out, but to what to extent does this book extend to the others. Will we see all of the same characters in the books after this one? 
11. Eris’s mom and Helion; Helion and Lucien. Enough said. 
12. Nesta dealing with her father’s death. 
13. Cassian’s mom, who is supposedly dead. (Jury is still out on that one; no dead body, no dead)
14. What’s that shadowy evil substance that Mor discovers by her estate?
15. Will Mor get a story? Especially since if she does then she’d be the first LGBTQ character from the SJM universe to have their own book... I think. Don’t quote me on that. But she’s got a lot to deal with too and I think she deserves a book. She’s a very interesting character. She reminds me of a mixture between Aelin and Bryce and the more secretive aspects of Nesta. 
16. Will Elain ever get a mate or significant other? Honestly, I’m on the fence with this. Mostly because one, Elain is purely side-character to me. She’s interesting, but not enough right now to warrant a whole book. I also just think that right now she’s kind of useless, and I don’t mean that to be mean, I just mean that she doesn’t have a purpose yet and most of her personality right now is purely fodder. It’s her main personality I say. Maybe not the honest to god deep one, but she’s got at least the surface level personality with hints of iceberg feelings. 
Interestingly enough it makes more sense I think to have the next book centered on Lucien and Azriel if they’re going to settle that conflict. Even though I hate love triangles in any sense, but none of them love each other right now anyways... And I think that it would be hard to figure out these three relationships when they’re already linked together in ACOWAR and ACOFAS. 
17. Will we ever know why Amren and Nesta got into a fight? Will their relationship be fixed? Also where she at in this whole conflict of interest that is this book and Nesta being sent away? Will we see her often? 
18. Will Rhysand have a good amount of time in this book? What is his involvement with Nesta--his sister-in-law lol? Will their relationship reach some level of understanding? Will they hate each other for ever? Will they have some semblance of mutual respect and a common denominator that is the love for Feyre and their protectiveness for their family? 
19. What are Cassian’s conflicts? To be quite honest, I feel this book is very Nesta centric, and I do hope that Cassian is not just thrown in there for romance and that’s it. BUT we know the Illyrian conflict, the Mor/Azriel conflict, the issue with being born a bastard, not belonging with his people. The Nesta conflict, the war probably. But like besides Nesta, all of these conflicts have existed for as long as he’s lived. So is that really a conflict or an issue to be dealt with... A lot of this will be resolved through the “Powers of Love” lol and whatever else they can do in Illyria, but then what else? Internally, I don’t feel he has too much to deal with because well... a lot of his problems center around other people. 
20. What will Feyre being doing? Let me be honest, I don’t like the thought of Feyre being pregnant. I understand her body her choice, but this girl literally went from let’s spend time with each other to let’s have a baby, because maybe it won’t happen in a few hundred years. But let’s be honest, if I was her I would not be thinking that it would happen in a few hundred years. Things happen in the most inconvenient times, and right now with all this, it’s very inconvenient. I also think I really don’t like it because right now she is really playing into that role of a wife and not as everything we know her as. I mean she’s allowed to relax, to be loved and what not, but I don’t know. Lame, I think, that she became high lady in name, but probably not in any sort of empowerment way, and I think that’s sad because she could do an awful lot of good, and should do it, because right now her court has soooooo many issues, even issues that Rhys kind of just puts in the back burner and hopes for the best. She is the equal to Rhys, but so far she’s not seeming so equal and she also seems to have lost some purpose. So I’m also wondering if this want of a child and planning for it is Feyre’s way of being useful again... because she spent so much of her life taking care of other people. Which again..... ehhhhhh. 
21. What the f*** are Nesta’s powers? What do they do? I hope it does not end in some vague inclination like Mor’s truth power whatever. But like, she should be all powerful, death god status. I want to see Nesta as the goddess she is. 
22. Koschei??? The stealer of the hero’s wife or whatever as he’s referenced in Russian lore... I think? Is he going to be more involved in Vassa, or Elain even (because Elain right now has always been the damsel) or Nesta, because of the queens and “their powerful ally.” Wouldn’t he be the best teacher for Nesta’s power really, when he’s a powerful sorcerer in the book/death god that has worshippers and what not and collects women.   
>>> My theory is that if Elain and Lucien are the next pov’s then maybe Nesta will be kidnapped by Koschei at the end, and Elain gets to really show what she’ll do for her family, and what she’s made of. But it also keeps the story going without cutting it off completely, and we keep the bigger conflict which is that there’s a whole world of problems and rulers and that Nesta’s story can’t really end at this book, because again she’s suppose to be all-powerful, cauldron incarnate, the wind has heard of her, spreading the news around, and that she does need to learn her powers and I doubt anyone can really teach her, but she for sure probably can’t teach her self. 
23. Will the love triangle situation not be between Elain, Lucien, and Azriel, but Vassa, Elain, and Lucien, or maybe a love square like A Midsummer Night’s Dream? That would be kinda cool. I just don’t really know if Azriel will be a love interest for Elain, even if he has that fondness for her. Azriel has a lot of problems, but he’s also like... I don’t know. Off topic. 
24. The Queens--what the hell? What about that one who turned old and is now immortal? They were chilling in Vassa’s kingdom. Where are they so Nesta can beat their asses? Also, these human kingdoms--what? What are they doing now that their queens are just in hiding and that allied with Hybern to be fae? Do they know? 
25. Magical humans--fae blood sometimes trickle into human lines from that one fae whoever she is. Doubt she’s the only one. Probably will have magical humans, realistically. 
26. Vassa--all of Vassa. Maybe Vassa and Mor.... You never know. I doubt they’ll get that curse reversed and she’ll be completely human, so maybe she’ll a be a shifter of a sort. If I can remember she’s like the only successful experiment. So maybe she got some fae blood and she can live for a long time and can be with Mor. I certainly hope Mor does not give up her immortality for her love interest, which I’m assuming you can do like in TOG. 
27. The fae kingdoms, that conflict needs be somewhat resolved. Doubtful. There’s three main ones I think. No one’s been signing treaties. How? That is all. 
28. Azriel powers, shadows, how did that happen? Does it elude to something bigger. 
29. Cassian’s background. Who the hell is he? Will we know papa? Mama? Past? He’s the most powerful Illyrian commander, he can’t be normal. The laws of fiction dictate otherwise. 
30. Last names? Middle names? Titles. Give me everything Sara. 
31. Eris. After daddy is dead, what next? Is his conflict so small and easily taken care of. He is very interesting to me. 
32. Did they actually take care of the cauldron? Miriam and Draken, will we see them again and their ideal world? 
33. Will Nesta travel? Because she should. She deserves to, it was her plan in ACOTAR, but then she stayed, and now she’s a shell. Please have Nesta see the world. With Cassian or without. Don’t care. Maybe both. 
34. How is a treaty going to be established, when humans hate fae, fae enslave humans, and the fact that there is so much more than fae that exist as we know????? Hmmm???
35. Oh Tamlin! Where he at? What he been doing? How will he help this conflict? Assuming he’s probably going to factor more in Lucien’s story, I’m almost positive he’s the next POV. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise to my fanfic writer/ obsessive reader brain.  
36. The objective of different worlds. I know SJM probably won’t get into it too much and it would probably be very complicated, but other worlds. Are people still coming in? Do some want to leave? Is it easy to travel between them--provided you know how? *whispers* can Nesta do this?
37..... I don’t know. I will add more if I can think of any, because I probably can. Honestly this was like therapy and made me feel so much better than any of SJM’s lives about the future of this series.
38. ADD YOUR OWN; unless I wrote almost everything. But doubtful!
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
How about a drabble of Barok serving as Klint's judicial assistant in his younger years, before he officially studies law to become a prosecutor? I like the idea of him becoming interested in and familiar with law from his brother. "Judicial Assistant van Zieks" has a certain ring to it.
Work Experience
Oh that's a lovely idea, anon! I'd imagine that by the time he's promoted to 'Director of Prosecutions', Klint would most likely have been a very senior barrister known as a Q.C. ('Queen's Counsel'); they're also known colloquially as 'silks' because they 'take silk' (i.e. acquire a robe made of silk) upon attaining this lofty rank.
When a barrister becomes a silk/QC, they often only handle the most difficult (and expensive) work, but they will usually have a junior barrister assisting them (i.e. doing all the work, though I doubt Klint would conduct himself like that).
I can very much imagine Klint taking Barok as his junior and allowing himself to be 'led' by the latter. The term 'leading' basically means the barrister in charge of conducting the case where there's more than one involved.
Content Warnings: legal gubbins (that's the technical term btw... it's not); I take liberties with all things van Zieks, as usual...
Klint's office was the very best place to study as far as Barok was concerned - the vast table in the centre of the room allowed him to spread his books out while the peaceful calm was greatly conducive to reflective reading. It was as good as, if not superior to, going to the university library. "Barok!" Klint said as he entered his room and shrugged out of his formal scarlet jacket, tossing it haphazardly on a coat rack, "What a pleasant surprise-- drink?" "Good afternoon brother," he looked up and nodded in greeting, "Mm, yes please. How was court?" "Fairly standard stuff," Klint sighed as he took two glasses and poured a measure of whiskey into each. Truth be told it was yet more of the depressing hypocrisy that grew ever-apparent to him day by day, but there was no need to sour a visit from his brother with such things. He set the glass down beside Barok and held up his own in a toasting gesture. Their glasses chimed melodically before both took a sip. Barok coughed a little, still unaccustomed to way whiskey punched the back of his throat when he swallowed it, "I imagine you were splendid, as always." "Oh?" Klint chuckled, his brother truly did worship him. Then, while he leaned against his desk, an idea came to him, "Hmmm! That's a thought..." "Huh?" "How about you take on a little work experience by my side, hm? I'm sure it would be fun to have you as my junior counsel for a while." "What? Really?" Barok looked simultaneously shocked and delighted, "I'd very much like to learn at your side, brother, I imagine there is much you could teach me about court etiquette and procedure!" "Then it's settled! I'll write to your professor and tell him you're to undertake a period of practical study beside me. After all, you're planning to become a prosecutor are you not?" he knew full well his brother intended to follow in his footsteps, which was incredibly flattering-- though he did have his reservations about what such a career might do to his darling brother's character. The younger nodded, "I should very much like to become a prosecutor." "Very good," he set his glass down and sat at his desk, taking a sheet of paper and his quill in hand, "We'll have that letter sent out today!" ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── Barok had been to court many, many times but mostly to observe by way of the public gallery when safe to do so, or from a corner of the courtroom once he started being targeted due to Klint's ever-growing renown as the 'bane of criminals'. This, however, was on an entirely different scale: today he would be assisting with the proceedings -- a participant rather than a spectator. "You look nervous," Klint remarked as he stood beside his younger brother. "What... what do you mean?" "Your eyes," he said, chuckling behind his fist, "They're darting all over the place like a furtive rabbit's" "....O.. Oh..." he took a deep breath and shook his head, "I... didn't sleep much last night, my mind seemed to want to go over the case details again and again." "Mmmm, I had forgotten how it felt to be quite that nervous in court... still, it's good you feel that unsettled sense in the pit of your stomach. One should never be blasé about standing in this sombre hall of justice. It should always create a sense of disquiet, that is how you know you yet hold the essence of what it means to be an officer of the court," Klint took a glass and a decanter from under the bench and filled it with a small measure, "But, here, it doesn't hurt to settle your nerves." "Is that... whiskey?!" Barok uttered. "Yes, go on, for your nerves, little brother." He took a sip as directed, and choked again; still not used to that fiery punch in his throat, "T...thank you." Suddenly there were three loud knocks at the door followed by the court clerk's booming voice: "All persons who have anything to do before my Lords - the Queen's Justices - at the Central Criminal Court, draw near and give your attendance. God Save the Queen!" the clerk bowed to the judge then took a seat in the corner so as to record a transcript of the proceedings.
The Judge sat down, "In the name of her Majesty, Queen Victoria, I declare this court to be in session. God Save the Queen," the middle-aged man, whose hair was starting to fail him, though it was hidden under his white wig, cast his gaze over the persons in attendance, "Lord van Zieks, I see the prosecution has a junior member today." "Correct, my lord," Klint replied with a smile, "This is my younger brother, Barok, he desires to become a prosecutor, so I thought it only proper for him to accompany me on a few excursions so as to get a feel for the thing." "Quite right and very good," the Judge nodded, "I bid you welcome, young man, I hope you will learn much from your older brother, he is a skilled prosecutor and an invaluable asset to this court." "Y... Yes sir!" Barok said, standing straight to attention. Klint chuckled before placing a hand over his heart and bowing, "Thank you, my Lord, you honour me." "Now, Counsel, your opening statement, if you please." "With pleasure, my Lord..." ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── Barok dutifully passed evidence and case notes to his brother as the case progressed, while also taking notes of things that struck him as important in terms of procedure, witness testimony and the general way in which matters progressed. He also made a few notes on Klint's control of the courtroom and general demeanour; the way he eloquently developed his arguments and appealed to the Jury with a seemingly effortless, poetic grace. It was a true masterclass in courtroom conduct and he longed to commit every second of it to his memory so that he might mimic his brother's style in the future. "I already told ya!" snapped the witness in the box, "I ain't never had nothin' to do with the gobshite!" Klint sighed while removing a handsome goblet, fashioned from silver and crystal, from under the bench and filling it with a measure of whiskey, "I'm going to overlook your use of a double negative, no doubt you'd have no sense of what that actually means, and presume that you're trying to deny all knowledge of the accused." "Double wot?" "Never mind all that, " Klint took a sip, startling Barok-- was his brother drinking in court?! The Judge didn't seem remotely bothered by it, in fact no one said a word. Did he do this often?? His brother continued, "You say you don't know that man in the dock." "That's right!" "Are you sure about that?" "W-Wot?! Why'd you keep askin' me that?! If you got somethin' to say about it then say it!" the witness looked flustered and vaguely guilty to Barok's untrained eye. "I'll do better than that," Klint said, setting his goblet down, "I'll show that you're lying to me, to this court and these fine men and women of the jury." "... U..urk..." the witness bit their bottom lip, "Yer lyin'! There ain't no proof to be had!" "I don't play games of bluff, good sir. Like any lawyer worth his salt: when I assert, I go on to prove what I'm saying," he held up a document, "Do you know what this is?" ".... Looks like a bit'o paper..." "It's a contract, signed between you and the accused. A... 'gentlemans' agreement of goods and for services rendered –– you, sir, would receive the stolen property from the accused and his associates, then sell it on for them via your Pawnbrokery!" "W-Whaaaaat?!" the witness recoiled, "W...Where'd you get that?!" "It was well hidden, I'll give you that," Klint replied with a smile, "But not well enough to escape my notice. You're as involved in this intricate criminal fencing enterprise as the accused!" The court descended into a shocked furor... ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── "I think this is a good place to adjourn proceedings for today," the Judge observed after the breakdown of the witness, "Bailiff, have that man arrested and handed over to the Yard so he can answer questions about his involvement in this sordid affair!" The bailiff did as ordered and apprehended the witness.
"Thank you to both Counsel's, and our young junior, for their assistance today. We shall continue again first thing on Monday. Court is adjourned!" the Judge rose, nodding to the courtroom once before leaving.
Klint turned to his little brother and grinned, "Well? How was your first real day in court, brother?" "It... it was amazing!" Barok replied, eyes practically twinkling, "I was so awed by your performance! You truly are an exceptional legal mind and practitioner, brother!" He laughed, "Stop it... you'll make me blush!" "It's true! Though, I must say... I had no idea one could drink in court or kick the prosecutor's bench... those were most flamboyant and striking displays!" "Most people can't," Klint conceded, "But, well, it seems I have a flair for the dramatic. It must run in the blood... Our lord father was a similarly passionate man when it came to matters of court –– even when he occupied the bench as a Law Lord. Many a lawyer would refer to him as 'Good Lord Kicking' behind his back!" he laughed at the thought. "Wow... really?!" "Yes, really!"
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
And the Woman Clothed With the Sun...
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3.1k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, dead bodies, nightmares, talk of children and having them 
Author’s Note: I really really liked this episode. I love playing with dynamics SO MUCH. I hope you guys like this? 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: As the search for Francis Dolarhyde (Richard Armitage) continues, Will starts imagining himself in Dolarhyde's tormented psyche -- and asks Hannibal for help with the serial killer's profile; a new woman (Rutina Wesley) enters Dolarhyde's life.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif)
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“That’s the same atrocious aftershave you wore in court,” Hannibal said. He turned around slowly, acting as though he were not surprised to see you and Will together. The thin line of glass between the two of you Hannibal seemed so thick.
The truth was, you had never truly gotten over Hannibal. You had pretended to, for the sake of Will, but you had never really stopped thinking about what he could be doing. There was a link that the three of you had with each other that was unexplainable. You had started a new life. But your old one still called your name. 
“Hello, Dr. Lecter,” Will said simply. He was contained. You fed off of his energy to keep yourself in check as well. 
“Hello, Will. Y/N.” He stepped closer to the two of you. “I believe congratulations are in order. I apologize I couldn’t make it to the wedding. Alana gave me some pictures, to taunt me presumably.” You smiled. You thought about Hannibal holding the pictures of you and Will laughing, beaming at each other. “Did you get my note?” You nodded. 
“We got it. Thank you,” you said simply. You and Will stood close together. He had his coat draped over his arm and you held the papers from the cases. 
“Did you read it before you destroyed it? Or did you simply toss it into the nearest fire?” Hannibal asked. You scoffed a bit.
“We read it. Then he burned it,” you promised. He nodded. 
“And you came anyway.” Hannibal eyed you. “I’m surprised you let that happen.” 
“We all falter in some ways,” you said simply. 
“I want you to help me, Dr. Lecter,” Will said to break the conversation. He still didn't trust Hannibal with you. Reminiscent of the days you used to work with Hannibal.
“Yes I thought so. Are we no longer on a first-name basis?” Hannibal asked. 
“I’m more comfortable the less personal we are,” Will said. Hannibal looked over at you, eyeing your entire body. He made note of the scent. The scent off of both of you. 
“Your hands are rough Will. I smell dogs and pine and oil beneath that shaving lotion.” He looked at you. “Did you steal that perfume from my home?” he questioned. You stiffened. You had gotten some perfume from his home as they cleaned it out. You ended up liking and buying another bottle over the years.
“I’m here about Chicago and Buffalo. You’ve read about it, I’m sure,” Will said. 
“I’ve read the papers. I can’t clip them. They won’t let me have scissors, of course. You want to know how he’s choosing them,” Hannibal commented. You held up the case file. 
“Thought you might have some ideas.” 
“You just came here to look at me. Came to get the old scent again. Why don't you just smell yourself Will? Or your wife?” Will let out a sigh. 
“I expected more of you, doctor. That routine is old hat.” Hannibal nodded stiffly.
“Whereas you are new people,” Hannibal said. “Let me have the file. An hour, and we can discuss it like old times.” You nodded happily at that, pleased he would help. You shoved the file through the document tray and into the cell. Hannibal came close to collect it. 
“Thank you,” Will muttered.
“Family values may have declined over the last century, but we still help our families when we can.” He took the papers. “You’re both family.” 
Will grabbed you around the waist, eager to leave. Your eyes lingered on Hannibal’s for a moment longer before you and Will left the room, swallowing his true words. 
You looked around Alana’s office. You hadn’t seen it since she had moved in. It looked better than when Chilton had run it. Perhaps that was just because you liked Alana more. The problems you once had with each other had mostly scabbed over. She was maid of honor at your wedding. Interesting, considering the fact you had once fought feverishly over Hannibal.
“It’s good to see you looking well. But I can’t help wishing you weren’t here,” Alana said. She sat on her couch. Her suit was pristine, her hair perfect. You admired her. 
“You aren’t the only one,” you commented. 
“I was surprised Jack came back in one piece,” she said. You nodded, running a hand over your pants before sitting down on the couch beside her. Will stood up, looking out the window. 
“You weren’t the only one,” Will said, turning to both of you. 
“How did it feel to see him again?” she questioned. You looked at the ground. Will sat down beside you, in between you and Alana. 
“Like Hannibal was looking through to the back of my skull. Felt like a fly flitting around in there. I had the absurd feeling that he walked out with me. Had to stop outside the doors and look around, make sure it was just Y/N,” Will commented. 
“I know that feeling. At least Jack Crawford’s pleased.” You pursed your lips but stayed quiet. 
“He showed me pictures of the families. I looked at Y/N and couldn’t say no,” he argued.
“Damn my presence,” you joked softly. Will slung his arm around the couch behind you, his fingered brushing your shoulder. 
“And Jack was counting on it.” 
“Are you still with Margot?” you asked, eager to change the subject. She took a deep breath and nodded, thinking fondly of her wife. 
“Yes. We have a baby. A Verger baby. A son,” she said. You smiled. You and Will had talked about kids. You wanted one. You were working for one when Jack spiked both yours and Will’s stress levels. 
“Good for Margot,” Will said.
“Good for me. I carried him. He’s my son. He’s the Verger heir.” You smiled. 
“Then what are you doing here? You’re set for life,” you pointed out. 
“There are only five doors between Hannibal and the outside. And I have the keys to every one of them,” she said. A daily ‘gotcha’ to Hannibal. Will admired that. “Hannibal has never been great with boundaries. ‘He who sups with the Devil needs a long spoon’.” 
“I am not letting him in, Alana. Don’t worry about me,” Will said. She looked at you sympathetically. 
“Last time, it didn't’ end with you Will.” 
“I want you to stay here,” Will said, standing outside Hannibal’s cell door. He hadn’t stepped inside yet. Hannibal could not see him. You scoffed.
“We’ve been over this. I follow you, even if you say no.”
“This time, I mean it. I think I’ll get more out of him if he isn't’ distracted with you.” You raised an eyebrow.
“You sure you aren’t jealous?” He gave you a look. “Fine, fine. Please be quick.” 
Will stepped into the room, leaving you outside to wait. Hannibal looked up at him from his desk.
“This is a very shy boy, Will. I’d love to meet him,” Hannibal said. He looked around. “Just us?” 
Will nodded.
“Just us.” 
“Have you considered the possibility that he’s disfigured? Or that he may believe he’s disfigured?” Hannibal asked. 
“That’s interesting.”
“That’s not interesting. You thought of that before.” Will nodded. 
“He smashed all the mirrors in the houses, not just enough to get the pieces he wanted. The shards are set so he can see himself. In their eyes. Mrs. Jacobi and Mrs. Leeds. And their families,” Will said. Hannibal pulled out the picture of a dead Mrs. Jacobi. 
“Could you see yourself in their eyes, Will? Killing them all?” 
Will instantly regretted leaving you outside. 
The two boys imagined themselves in the crime scenes, looking across the dead bodies of the families. 
“The first small bond to the killer itches and stings like a leech,” Hanibal said. “Like you, Will, he needs a family to escape what’s inside him.” Wills head shot up but he did not look at Hannibal. “You know a fair amount about how these families died. How they lived is how he chooses them.”
“How is he choosing them?” Will asked.
“I was surprised to hear you actually married Y/N. Not because I thought you weren’t a match made in heaven but it made more sense for you to start a family from scratch. No one that had even an inkling of me in their eyes. Find a mom with a stepson or daughter, not having to breed. You know better than to pass the terrible traits that you fear the most,” Hannibal said. Will did not look at him. Hannibal continued. “But Y/N wants children with you. How will you stand to look at a child you may have ruined before they were even born?” 
Will desperately wished he hadn’t left you outside. 
“Why are there no descriptions of the grounds? I see floor plans, diagrams of the rooms where the deaths occured, no mention of the grounds. What were the yards like?” Hannibal continued, satisfied with how he had shaken Will’s personal life. 
“Big, fenced, with trees. Why?” 
“If this pilgrim feels a special relationship with the moon, he might like to go outside and look at it before he tidies himself up. If one were nude, say, it would be better to have outdoor privacy for that sort of thing. One must show some consideration for the neighbors, hmmm? Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight, Will?” 
Will suddenly saw himself in place of the killer, naked, drenched in pitch black blood. 
Will snapped back and nodded quickly.
“Thank you Dr. Lecter,” he said before stumbling out of the door. You sat on the outside in one of the waiting chairs. Will looked over at you and seemed to relax but not completely. 
He grabbed you and you stood up quickly, hugging him tightly. He buried his head in your neck and you let him, rubbing your back.
“This is why you don’t go without me places,” you muttered. He scoffed but his breathing was already evening again. “What did he say?” He moved back and shook his head softly.
“We’ll talk about it later. I want to see the backyards.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Alright, I suppose.” 
He walked out of the asylum, holding your hand tightly. Freddie snapped a couple pictures from the bushes.
“Have you come to wag your finger?” Hannibal asked as Alana entered the room behind him. 
“I love a good finger-wagging.”
“Yes, you do. How is Margot?” Alana ignored the remake as she gleaned down at the picture of her as Botticelli’s Fortitude.
“Your cogs are turning, Hannibal. I can hear them clicking.”
“Click, click, click, boom,” he whispered. 
“I don’t know what you’re planning with the Grahams. But you’re planning something. Why wouldn’t you be? You’ve already cracked the lid, can’t resist peeling it back.” 
Hannibal pursed at the name. Alana noticed this. 
“You can’t comment on her last name anymore you know. They’re married. She is, in the eyes of the law, a Graham now.” Hannibal stiffened.
“They came to me,” Hannibal said, ignoring her words.
“Yes, they did.” 
“I advised them against it.”
“I’m sure.” 
“Are you suggesting I don’t have Y/N and Will’s best interests in mind?” he asked. Alana scoffed.
“I’m stating it as a fact.”
You stepped into the room with Hannibal’s cage. He looked up, quite surprised to see you. You held your purse in both hands, stepping closer to the cage. 
“Hello love,” he said quietly. You let his words fall off of you like rain. They stayed for a moment, dripping down your arm before hitting the ground. “I don’t imagine you’re here to talk about the murder cases.” You shook your head softly. He walked up to the glass quietly. You stepped close to it, so you were really only a couple of inches apart. 
“I came to yell at you,” you said. He raised an eyebrow.
“Whatever for?” You smiled gently and shrugged.
“Lots of things. Firstly, you didn’t kill Jack when you got the chance. I’ll never forgive you for not feeding him to me in soup.” His eyes went wide.
“Careful Y/N. Alana watches these tapes.” 
“She would probably agree with me.” You took a deep breath. “Secondly, not coming to my wedding. I know you were otherwise indisposed but I thought it was rather rude.” 
“I thought it was rude of you to get married.” You shook your head playfully. The same banter. Joking with a cannibal serial killer. Just another Tuesday.
“Third, I told you to leave.” The air seemed to calm. 
“Does Will know you’re here?” 
“No. I didn’t tell him.” 
“Did he tell you he’s scared of his own children?” You raised a finger, shaking it gently. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Will is no longer my boyfriend I dated a couple of months. He’s my husband. You can’t wedge yourself between us no matter how hard you try.” You wanted to put your hand against the glass but you didn’t. “But I miss you.”
“Where do you work nowadays?” You shrugged.
“I had to get another secretary job but I’ve mostly worked up enough to take this amount of leave. My last employer wasn’t exactly the best reference.” He laughed. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He paused. “Eating well?” 
“Better. No people in the diet these days.” 
“Will!” You broke Will out of his thoughts. You were standing in the back of the Jacobi house. Will had just found a small sign on one of the trees. He was about to get into it but you had broken him out of his mind. “It’s Freddie.” 
Will walked out from the trees and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Now are you just keeping America clean or is that evidence?” Freddie asked. 
“You’re trespassing, Freddie,” Will said sternly.
“I was trespassing before the blood dried.  When did they call you? Interesting to see The Bloody Valentines back at action. Beautiful ceremony by the way.”
“We aren’t talking to you,” Will said, grabbing your arm. You followed him.
“We’re co conspirators, Will. I did for you and your cause.”
“You didn’t die enough. You came into my hospital room while I was asleep. You flipped back the sheets and shot a picture of my temporary colostomy bag,” Will said, turning to her. 
  “Covered your junk with a black box. A big black box. You’re welcome,” she said.
“Justly so,” you argued carefully. 
“You culled us the ‘murder threesome’. Little crude, don't you think?” 
“You did run off to Europe together. Doesn’t help that the two of you ended up getting married. How does the Tooth Fairy compare to Hannibal Lecter? Haven’t seen anything like this since the Massacre at Muskrat Farm. Funny thing about that massacre. Not only did Dr. Bloom survived, she got rich. Lecter’s living in the lap under her care. What kind of arrangement you suppose they have?” Freddie asked. 
“A complicated one,” you said sternly. 
“Couldn’t be more complicated than your relationship with Hannibal. Both of you. You paid him a visit? Before you lie, know that I know that you did,” she said quickly.
“Good-bye Freddie.”
“I read your note before my office forwarded it to the Grahams,” Jack said, standing in front of Will. Hannibal swallowed, understanding. 
“To whet their appetite or yours? You’ve placed him back in the pot and you’re letting him cook.”
“We’re all in this stew together.” 
“Arguable considering how close Y/N is to drowning you.” 
You stepped into the hotel room where Will was already sitting on the bed. You ran a hand through your hair and let the chilly cold wash over you as you entered the warm room. 
“How are the dogs?” he asked.
“Good. The dog sitters said they were missing us but other than that, they’re okay,” you promised. You looked down at the dog that was laying on the ground beside the bed. “She’ll be right at home with them.” 
You sat on the bed and Will sat up, putting his arms around you from behind. You smiled about him, happy to see he was feeling better.
“I’m worried about the kids,” he whispered.
“The kids who don’t exist?” He laughed gently.
“Yeah. I don’t want them to end up like me.” You nodded slowly.
“So that’s what Hannibal said that got you worked up.” You took in the information. “If the kid isn’t like you I don’t think I’d be able to love them as much as I love you.” 
It was his turn to take in the information. 
“You’re just saying that.”
“Nope. I’m serious. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I’ve had the pleasure of loving you Mr. Graham.” He kissed your neck gently and smiled to himself. 
“I love you too Mrs. Graham.”
You let out a small sigh of relief. 
Will screamed as he sat up quickly, sweating aggressively, blankets flying. You got up just as quickly, turning to him but he had already gotten up, rushing into the bathroom. You followed him, sleep that had just taken you over long gone. 
You practically ran up to him. He was looking at himself in the mirror, fear in his eyes at his reflection. You grabbed him quickly and he turned to you, wrapping his arms around you. You didn’t speak. You didn’t ask questions. You just held him as close as you could get him.
Nightmares had come back. Neither of you had had those in a while. You rubbed his back and let him breath. 
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Mr. Pigeon 72!
I knew this was going to be a really good episode, just because the synopsis we got and the trailer seemed pretty bland. Whenever ML does that, a lot of big things happen in that episode. I screamed and choked on my water in the opening scene where Ladybug's with Alya in Marinette's room. I've been looking forward to Alya and Marinette scenes sooo much since Gang of Secrets! Wayzz & Alya: Hey Marinette, you should take a break and rest. Marinette: Nah, I'm good I gotta keep working Alya: YOU'RE LOSING IT, GIRL! Marinette: Don't care, must work Alya: Okay... you know Adrien and Kagami broke up, right? Marinette: Wait what?! Oh no, Kagami needs me! Alya: Not the reaction I was expecting but okay "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." I really like this quote! Even during bad times, you need to find the good and enjoy it. And Marinette reaaaally needs to do that. But in a literal sense, please don't dance outside during a dangerous storm.
ALYA AND TRIXX ALDJFSLJDS oh I love them, I'm so happy we'll get to see more of them. The way they both reacted to Marinette saying she has to go console Kagami, they weren't expecting that. xD But I was! I find it very amusing how in episodes like Frightningale she was more upset with Chloe being Ladybug than Chloe being in a video with Adrien that Alya's shocked by her decision, and in Frozer where Marinette was putting Adrien's wants before hers. I really don't understand why people think just because she likes Adrien, she'd not want to help make those around her happy even if it wasn't what she wanted for herself. I'm not surprised at all that Marinette would do this for Kagami, but I'm very happy that she is. "Alya, in Paris, Kagami has no other friend except me. Only I can console her." This makes me so happy. The only times in this show I like Kagami, is when she's with Marinette. After watching this episode, I'm more and more thankful she finally told Alya about being Ladybug I don't even want to know the state she'd be in had she not. O.O She almost ran out of her room as Ladybug (whoops), then almost ran out in her pjs (again, oops). Thanks to Alya, she didn't do either. xD That little detail where Marinette runs out and the sun's really intense, letting us know she's been inside a really long time, so everything outside is really bright. I really appreciate the little things like that. Or at least, that's what I take it as. Unless they're hinting at summer coming up soon... Dang Marinette, just jumps on Kagami's back LOL Kind of reminds me how Chat Noir likes to come up on Ladybug. xD "Your so original friend." Marinette is pretty original! I know the tone implies that's not a good thing, but eh. She's letting her go with Marinette and spend time away, so who cares! Marinette trying really hard to convince Kagami to get back with Adrien and how she's going to help her. I think it's really sweet of her, but Kagami of course clearly doesn't want to. Plagg: What's wrong with you, jumping into ice water! YOU'RE LOSING IT! Adrien: *exposes duffle bag full of Camembert* Plagg: I take back everything I said about you Also huh, Alya just told Marinette she's losing it, now Plagg tells Adrien he's losing it...hmmm. Bob Roth is a horrible person and each time we see him, he does something else to show it. Poor Adrien's allergic to pigeons specifically. I guess he's okay with some birds but not others? Idk? But he told Gabriel it'd be doves, so he approved. But it turned out to be pigeons instead. To be fair, at least in the US, Mourning Doves are often mistaken as pigeons, at least where I live, so they'd make a decent substitute... if it wasn't for Adrien's allergy. Adrien in Gorizilla to Wayhem: If you stop following me around screaming, I think we could be good friends! Wayhem with Cardboard Cut-out Adrien in Mr. Pigeon 72: ADRIENNNNNNN! :/ Marinette has a bag full of everything she may need in all kinds of situations. Comes in handy but good grief girl! How do you lug that all around??? What kind of scenarios do you think up to think of
some of that stuff!? Marinette's so adorable in her bathing suit awwww! Dude. Bob Roth. He said he's allergic to pigeons! And you blame Mr. Ramier because Adrien sneezed and it scared the pigeon away? How is this man successful again? He doesn't listen to anything or anybody. Marinette's like hey Kagami, look at Adrien. You'll start liking him again. Do you feel your heart beating fast now? And she's like "I feel especially bad for the trainer (Mr. Ramier)". I mean same though. He's being treated horribly! x.x Next take, Adrien dives and he sees Marinette with Kagami. But I think he only saw Marinette. Because he says he thought he saw a friend from school (Kagami doesn't attend their school, just the fencing class, as far as we're aware) and also he makes no mention of Kagami at all in this episode. Which means...
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Why's your jaw dropping at the sight of your "just a friend" in a bathing suit, Adrien? And, you know, Kagami's literally right there in a bathing suit, too. Just saying. But it's like she's not even there to him. Hmmmmm. Poor Kagami's like, this entire thing is embarrassing, I feel embarrassed for me, Adrien, and this situation. Kagami: Marinette, stop! It's getting crazy! Marinette: Love is crazy! Don't think about it! I love how the more Marinette tries to help Kagami, the more things are working out in Marinette's favor. Interesting, isn't it? The more she tries to tell Adrien her feelings and make opportunities for them, the more they fail. The more she tries to help Kagami, or someone else, the more opportunities for her land in her lap. Hahahahaha the way they both fall LOL "Marinette? 😮" *guilty smile* AND THEN THEY TAKE DOWN POOR EDGAR! :( Mr. Ramier's in the background giving the poor bird CPR as he's drowned and Marinette and Adrien are just casually talking not paying attention lolol "What are you doing here?" "I came to surprise you." Kind of, she was hoping to help Kagami get back with Adrien. So that's a kind of surprise! "Uh, well to relax!" True too, actually. Alya did send her off because she needed to get out of the house and relax from her Ladybug and Guardian duties. Marinette, everyone needs to be careful when at a pool. Clumsy people like you especially need to be careful! lol Good thing Adrien's already seen her fall so many times, it's nothing new lol Gabriel: It's a failure Bob Roth: It's not my fault, it's his! Mr. Ramier: You are under arrest! Edgar is my best friend. He's the most intelligent of the pigeons! Gabriel: It's a pigeon Bob Roth: WHAAAT? IT'S A PIGEON? RAMIER, YOU LIED TO ME. Sorry Gabriel, I'll replace this man! I know a shark trainer First off... LOL that whole scene XDD I actually knew Bob Roth was going to say that entire thing before I heard it lolol Second... awww Edgar's okay! c: and third... I'M SORRY, YOU WANT OUR PRECIOUS BOY TO BE AROUND SHARKS?!?!? Who keeps this man employed?!?! Idk why but this whole time I thought that everyone would turn into giant talking pigeons lol ah well "I realized my mistake! We'll recreate the moment where you fell in love!" ohhh? Like I mentioned earlier, whenever she tries to do something to help Kagami (or someone else) that's when her intentions work out best for her. 😉 One of my favorite things from Style Queen was Plagg and Ladybug working together. Now they're working together again and just... ahhhh I gushed so much at that scene! x3 YESSSSSSS what I've been waiting for! Ladybug can just call Alya now and be like hey, I need your help! And Alya can just be like okay cool, and either goes to her room to get the Miraculous herself, or finds her and gets the Miraculous. So cool! Of course, I'll be most excited if she ever gets to just keep it on her, but... baby steps. Rena did a phenomenal job speaking as both Ladybug and Chat Noir lol. She's such a fan of them both, she knows just how they are around each other. Oh, oh no. We're trapped against a wall by a few pigeons. Looks like our only option is to give up and remove our Miraculous and reveal our identities. Are you seriously buying that, Gabriel? Plagg's like HELLO I'll be taking this! Alya did everything from inside Marinette's room. Ladybug was trapped in that room at the pool the entire time. All it took for this akuma to be defeated was Illusion that can be done from anywhere and Plagg getting the object off Mr. Pigeon. That's amazing! Also, this is the first time Ladybug didn't have to actually see things around her to know what to do. She just focused and thought about it. o.o Okay so hold up. Thanks to Alya, Marinette now knows she can create charms to protect past akuma victims and keep them from getting reakumatized, which is wonderful. I love how much of an impact Alya knowing is having! BUT How exactly does Monsier Rat come about then if he has a charm to protect him??? 🤔🤔🤔 I really like how her drive to want to figure things out was
especially because Mr. Ramier's been akumatized so many times, and she wanted to help him from having to continue to go through that. "This girl is truly Miraculous" awww cute how he got to just watch that this time.
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I screamed at this moment because I knew. Since Origins, we have not seen this exact sky. Even during rainy scenes like in Chat Blanc or New York, they didn't look like this. YES, Kagami knows that the way Marinette feels about Adrien shows how much she loves him, but she knows she doesn't feel that way about Adrien too. And "You're right, Adrien is perfect... perfect for you." With a smile and everything! Awwwwww! This acceptance, and the Marinette and Kagami friendship in this episode is really, really good! 😭 "Wow, have you kept it [the umbrella] all this time?" She sure wasn't expecting that!! But wow Adrien, you noticed? Then Coup de Foudre happens again. Yeah, this girl is never getting out of her feelings for him.
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Of course she's having trouble with her words still, but that's okay. But she's like oh, I'll give it back, and he just pushes it to her and says she'll need it to get home... unless she'd like a ride with him. AND SHE ACTUALLY ACCEPTED AND WRAPPED HER ARM AROUND HIS OMG.
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To then only have the umbrella close on BOTH of them!
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AND THEN ASKS IF HE WANTS TO WALK INSTEAD BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE UMBRELLA! She's come so far! And the sheer disappointment when he remembers he can't because of his Chinese lesson :/ And then, because he can't not be looking at Marinette, he hits the back of his head on the car, making himself look silly, just like in Origins she made herself look silly. This time she laughs, and he laughs with her. And it's literally Umbrella Scene 2.0 and it's absolutely everything.
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DORKS ❤️❤️❤️ "They are made for each other." awwwww instead of Master Fu, this time it's Kagami. And she sounds very okay with that, that's so nice. "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." Then proceeds to dance in the rain!
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Ahhh what a refreshing, good episode after how much she's been struggling and crying! So lovely! Her friendships with Alya and Kagami were really strong in this episode, her doing her best to help her friend with the guy she herself has always liked, and then Kagami was the one that wasn't really into it, and it made both girls realize that Marinette loves Adrien and is the one best for him, not Kagami. And I'm pretty sure this episode helped Adrien to open his eyes to Marinette more too. At least, this is the beginning of that, anyway! Alya's such a tremendous help to Ladybug now, which is everything. I do wonder if more friends will very slowly start to find out her identity and they end up contributing more to bringing down Hawk Moth, so she really, really isn't alone like she once thought. I don't really have any complaints about this episode at all! Just a bit sad we had no actual Chat Noir, but we got Ladybug and Plagg from it, so it's fine with me! x3 I know some may see it as "Chat Noir isn't necessary, how dare they do this to him!" but no, he's very necessary, sometimes he just can't be there and she can't do it alone. You have to remember how much Chat Noir means to Ladybug, and that she wouldn't even BE Ladybug if it weren't for Chat Noir! I'm really curious now about what episode 5 is, since now we've gotten Episodes 1-4, 6, we're getting 7,8, and 13 later, and we've already gotten 11. Filling in the gaps for the first half of the season! This entire week is going to be crazy with the new episodes, and for each one I'll be writing one of these posts for, so be on the look out for them!
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
MerMay 2022 Day Two Secret Meeting
It was an unusually hot day for this time of year. Chase rested his head on the rotted wooden boards of the old dock, closing his eyes. The sun was warm on his back. He’d have to go back underwater soon, since all this heat could dry him out quickly, but for now he enjoyed the feeling of it.
Suddenly, a rattling noise clanged through the still air. Chase jerked his head upward and looked over at the chain link fence that blocked off this part of the beach. There was a group of three human teenagers standing in front of it: two boys and a girl, all wearing colorful swimsuits. As he watched, one of the boys started climbing up the fence. 
Chase stared at them for a moment. They couldn’t seriously be trying that. There was a lifeguard well within sight. But apparently that didn’t matter to these teens, as the other boy and the girl started climbing the fence as well. It only took a few moments for them to get up and over, landing on the pebbly ground on the other side. Immediately, Chase ducked under the old dock, hiding from view.
The teenagers started walking along the beach, looking around. Chase tried not to panic. What were they doing here?! Had they seen him?! Were they going to get in the water?! This was horrible timing. He’d come here for a meeting, so he couldn’t just leave. But if they saw him—
As the three of them walked closer to the old dock, he could hear them talking. “No way, no way,” one of the boys was saying. “There aren’t sharks in this part of the ocean.”
“Well why else would they have blocked it off?” The girl countered, her hands on her hips. “I mean, it’s not as sandy over here, but it’s not, like, dangerous or anything.”
“Maybe someone owns it,” the other boy guessed.
“Nahhh, if someone owned it, they would’ve been using it,” the girl said. “Look at that dock. It’s all old and broken and stuff. They would’ve replaced it.”
“Whoa, that’s like...really old,” said the first boy. He walked over to the dock. Hidden underneath the wooden boards, Chase backed up further. “It looks like it’s gonna fall apart at any moment.” The boy put a foot on the dock, but stepped away when it creaked beneath his weight.
“Heh. Hey, how much could we pay you to walk all the way to the end of it?” The other boy asked.
“I have cash in the car, we could pay you right now,” the girl added, smiling.
“Hmmm.” The first boy considered it. “Twenty.”
“Deal,” the other two said in unison.
“Well, alright, then.” The boy grinned, and walked out onto the dock. The rotten planks groaned. Chase shrank back, almost completely going underwater with just the top of his head sticking out. If the dock collapsed and that boy fell, he’d definitely see him. There would be no hiding his tail or any other fishy parts. Sure, the other teens might not believe him, but they might tell people at their school, and rumors might get out, and that was the last thing they needed right now—Chase stopped his thoughts from spiraling any further.
He had to leave right now. He couldn’t risk it. But just as he was about to swim away, he heard a new voice shout “Hey!”
All three teens turned towards the sound. There was a woman walking down the beach, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. “What’re you kids doing here?! You’re not supposed to be here!”
“Oh shit! Book it!” The girl shouted. Instantly, all three of them sprinted back towards the fence, scrambling to climb over it. 
The woman stared after them, hands on her hips and eyes narrowed. Only once the teenagers were back on the other side, running farther away down the beach, did she turn towards the water. “You there?” she asked, sitting down at the edge of the water.
Chase surfaced, swimming over to her. “You know, technically, you’re not supposed to be here either,” he said.
Stacy laughed. “Yeah, but they don’t know that.” She sighed. “Ah. Remember being like that? Idiots who thought they could do anything?”
“Of course I do.” Chase smiled softly. “But...” His expression fell. “It’s a lot less fun when you’re trying not to get discovered.” He paused. “So...how are things? Has anything happened on your end?”
“No.” Stacy shook her head. “TridentCorp has no idea we broke in. Well, actually, they do know. But they don’t know it was me.”
“Did Roxy get in trouble?” Chase asked. When they broke into the TridentCorp building to rescue Jack, Stacy had pretended to be her sister, who had been invited. That ruse had fallen apart quickly as the two of them had to run out of the building with rescued merms in tow.
“Not so far.” Stacy shrugged. “All she has to do is deny she knows anything. It’s not like I went disguised as her, it was just me, and none of those TridentCorp assholes have seen me before.”
Chase let out a breath of relief. “A-alright. That’s good. So...they're not after us.”
“For now, at least.” Stacy paused. “Even if they figure it out, I don’t regret anything. No matter what happens.” She reached out and grabbed Chase’s hand, squeezing it tightly.
Chase smiled a bit. “How are the kids?”
“They’re great. Busy with school and all that. We’ll come to visit around the Easter holidays.”
The two of them talked for a couple hours, catching each other up on events in their respective worlds. The sun had moved noticeably by the time Stacy headed out. Chase waved at her as she left, then headed out to sea.
Hidden on the shadowy sea floor, half-buried beneath silt and sand, a figure with glowing green eyes watched him swim away.
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dahoomanprincess · 3 years
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Miraculous: Tales of Redbug & Kuro Neko
Chapter 1: Origins Pt. 1
3rd Person POV
beep beep beep beep
Luka groaned as he was woken up by the alarm, his sister's alarm. He rubbed his eyes and slowly got out of his bed. He noticed that the alarm was still ringing which meant that Juleka was still asleep, she was a deep sleep after all. He then looked over to her desk and saw the yellow sticky note with the words 'first day back at school :(' written in purple ink stuck to the mirror. Luka smiled, first days back at school were tough, luckily he had finished school the year before, and went over to Juleka's bed to try and wake he up.
He turned off her alarm which, still hadn't waked her up. "Juleka, wake up, it's time for school", Luka said while slowly shaking her, trying to wake her up, but it was no use. She had been sleeping and still remained sleeping. Luka noticed and did the only thing that he knew would wake her up. He removed the sheets from her and started dragging her off the bed by her legs.
That seemed to do the trick as she stirred and woke up. She took notice of what was going on and tried to move closer to the other edge of the bed; where her pillow was. "Luka stoooop, let me goooo, I wanna go back to sleeeep", Juleka whined as her older brother was still dragging her off the bed.
"Hmmm... how about... no.", Luka said, with a mischivious smile on his face. Juleka huffed and said, "okay, okay, I'm awake", which caused him to let her go. "Now what do you want?", she asked, annoyed at him for waking her up. "Come on Jules, it's your first day back at school!", Luka told her. "Oh how exciting", she sarcastically said, adding an eye roll too. "Can't you be a bit more excited?", he asked, knowing well that Juleka despised going to school, and most of all interacting with people that were out of her friend group. "No", she responded with a straight face.
"And why's that?", he asked, even though he already knew the answer. "Oh you know, homework, eventual exams, talking to people, getting asked to answer questions and there's a high chance that Chloè's going to be in my class again.", Juleka answered, playing with the hem of her pyjama shirt. "Three years in a row!? Is that even possible!?" "Everything's possible when it comes to Chloè, Luka, I thought that by now you'd know it.", she said, adding a huff at the end. Juleka hated Chloè, well practically everyone did apart from Sabrina, her 'slave'. "But isn't that the school's thing to decide in which class students go?", Luka asked again. Juleka just shrugged.
"She won't be in your class this year Jules, don't worry", he tried reassuring her. "She will", Juleka responded. "Won't" "Will" "Won't" "Will" "Won't" "Will". They continued like that until Luka decided to do something. "You know what, I'm so confident that she won't be in your class that I'm betting €20 on it." Juleka smiled and rolled her eyes before saying, "And I'm so sure that she will that I'm betting €20 AND the loser has to buy the winner anything of their choice" "Anything?" "Anything"
Luka smirked and said, "Well Juleka I hope that you thought this well because there is this new guitar that I've got my eyes set on..." She then smirked back and said, "Luka, I hope that you have enough money saved up because there is this nail art set that I have been saving up for too..." They looked in each other's eyes with a challenging look and then Luka held out his hand and said, "Deal?", by which Juleka responded by shaking his hand and saying "Deal".
beep beep bee-
Kagami hit the snooze button on her mobile for what felt like the millionth time that morning. Why couldn't she sleep till noon like all the others her age that she sees on social media do? She pulled the covers back on her and tried to continue sleeping in the warmth of her bed.
Why couldn't she go to normal school like everyone else instead of being homeschooled? She barely got any holidays as she had to be the best of the best according to her mother. Kagami did want to do good in school, she wasn't one to not care about her grades, but also a break once in a while would also be good. Many people would say that they would prefer to be homeschooled, but it wasn't the case for her.
She wanted to be normal; go to school, have some independence, ineteract with other people, make friends. That's what she wanted most of all; to have a friend. Sure she did go to fencing lessons, but nobody would talk to her. Everyone saw her as the formal, strict, cold fencer, but she wasn't at all like that.
Kagami just needed a chance where she could be herself.
knock knock
She huffed, there went her 'extra' sleeping time. She responded with a groggy "mhm?" and the door to her bedroom creakily opened. One of her mother's servants walked in, stood near the door and said, "Your mother is waiting for you in the dining room." Kagami just responded with a thumbs up while still laying down in bed. The servant nodded and left her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Kagami reluctantly got out of her warm bed and streched before seeing what she had first in the morning. "Fencing first", she thought while seeing her timetable for the day, "I can wear the uniform after having breakfast and shower after fencing. Mother won't know if I stayed in pjs for now anyways..." She wore her slippers and made her way downstairs to the dining room.
Luka and Juleka were at the side of Françoise Dupont school, where students can park their bikes. Luka had gone with Juleka as he had been called to work at his part-time job in the morning that day.
"Do I have to go to school?", Juleka whined. Luka sighed and said, "Yes Jules, you have to if you want to succeed in life." She huffed and muttered something under her breath which he didn't hear. She then said, "If Chloè's in my class this year will be another bad one..." Luka smiled knowingly, he knew how Chloè makes everyone's lives a nightmare. "Well if she is in your class you will win the bet, and if she isn't you won't have to be bothered by her. It's a win-win situation in the end." "More like a lose-lose situation...", she muttered, but this time Luka had heard her.
"Aw come on Juleka- hey, isn't that Rose?", he started, but changed the topic when he saw Rose, Juleka's best friend (or maybe more) climb up the steps. Juleka looked at where her brother was looking, smiled and nodded. "Then go talk to her, and say to her from me!", he said. He had known Rose as during that summer him, Juleka, Rose and another student, Ivan, had started a rock band called Kitty Section. Juleka nodded and with a "bye Luka, love ya" she went off running. He responded by saying, "bye Jules, have a great day at school."
He then got on his bike and started biking to his workplace when he saw an old man slowly crossing the road while there was an oncoming car. Luka quickly got off his bike, ran to the man, grabbed his arm and took him to the other side of the road, on the sidewalk. "Are you okay sir?", Luka asked the old man whose life he had practically saved. "Yes young man, thank you for saving my life back there.", the old man replied, "I don't know how I can repay you for your act of kindness and for risking your life for me." "Don't worry sir, you don't have to give me anything.", Luka told him, smiling, "I have to go now, have a good day sir!" He crossed the road to get his bike and continued biking to his work.
The old man walked to a side road and took out a black, wooden, octagonal box with a strange Chinese symbol on it in red. He smiled and while looking at the box said, "Thank you very much, young man."
"We have arrived at your destination, Ms. Tsurugi.", the voice of Tatsu said as Kagami and her mother arrived at Mr. D'Argencourt's fencing academy. She went there three times a week for private lessons in the morning, plus her lessons with the other fencers in the afternoon. She usually went to her fencing lessons alone but since it was the start of a new term her mother had to pay Mr. D'Argencourt for the lessons.
"Tatsu, open the doors", Tomoe demanded. "Yes, Ms. Tsurugi", Tatsu replied and the car doors opened. Kagami went out and was about to head inside the building when she noticed an old man wearing a shirt with a Hawaiian print on the floor, trying to get his cane so he can get up. She cast a quick glance at her mother when an idea formed in her head.
She started jumping, as if she was trying to catch something that was flying away, while moving closer to the old man who was looking at her with a confused look. When she got near him, she quickly bent down, gave him his cane, whispered, "here you go sir" and helped him stand up. He smiled at her and she winked back before returning to her mother.
"Kagami! Where did you go?", her mother demanded. "I'm sorry mother, but a paper flew away and I went to retrieve it.", Kagami said, smiling slightly. Her mother's blindness did have its advantages at times. Not that she wanted her to be blind, but it made stuff like she just did easier. Tomoe just nodded and started walking inside. Kagami went after her, waving to the old man, who waved back, before she went in. After both of them went in, the old man got out another box, identical to the one before but with a different thing inside, and said, "Thank you very much, young lady" before walking away without the need of his cane.
Luka was almost half-way to his job when the ground rumbled and he almost fell off his bike. He saw everyone's confused faces and then heard gun shots. He saw a lime green glow from a bit further away than he was and saw something rocky grow. Some people were taking out their phones to see what was happening and he did the same. He went on the news website and saw Mayor Bourgeois saying that all Parisians must stay home until the current situation was under control.
Then his mum called him and he answered. "Luka is everything alright?", Anarka said, with slight panick evident in her voice, "where are you? Are you already at work?" "I'm fine mum, and I still haven't arrived to work yet. I was about to head back home." Anarka breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, at least you're not hurt. I went out to do some grocery shopping but I'm staying here till everything's all under control. Now head home and call me when you arrive, 'kay? And try to call yer sister, she didn't answer when I called her." "Yes mum, I will, bye" "Bye Luka", she said, and then he hung up. He got on his bike again and started cycling back to the Liberty, taking the route where there wasn't this supervillain thing.
Kagami had just started her fencing lesson when the ground shook and she fell over, shocked. Her first thought was that there was an earthquake but then she heard a very deep voice, like how monsters sound in movies. It was as if Paris was suddenly being attacked by a monster, but she reminded herself that monsters only exist in fictional stories. Mr. D'Argencourt ran over to get his mobile and it was shown that Paris was indeed being attacked by some sort of supervillain.
Nah, she had to be dreaming. Maybe she had hit her head when she fell over from the earthquake. Yes, that had to be it. Kagami tried pinching herself to see if she actually was dreaming and it hurt so she wasn't dreaming. But then how was there a literal stone monster? Her thoughts were cut short when her mother demanded that she get her things quickly so that they return home immediately. That's what she did and then the two females were on their way back to their house.
Luka arrived to his house boat and immediately called Juleka. It wasn't unlike her to forget to charge her phone or not notice when someone was calling her but he was still worried. Fortunately, she picked up after a bit. "Yes?", she said with a whisper. "Juleka! Are you okay?", Luka said. "Yes, yes, we are hiding in the school so we don't get caught. But this rock monster took Mylene and Chloè with him. I don't mind him taking Chloè but not poor Mylene!", Juleka said. Luka heard a faint snicker from someone near Juleka when she said the Chloè part.
"Are at work or back at home?", she asked. "I cycled back home, do you maybe have any idea on what has happened?", Luka said, wondering what Juleka was referring to when she said monster. "I might have", she replied, "Kim was picking on Ivan about I don't know what-" "Our drummer Ivan?" "Yes, that Ivan, he is in my class. Anyways, then Ms. Bustier sent him to the principal's office and then a giant stone monster thing with Ivan's voice ripped our class wall apart and took Mylene and Chloè since Kim disappeared somewhere." "So you're saying that Ivan got turned into some kind of monster!?", Luka exclaimed. "Yes, but I have no clue how. Maybe he will explain after he turns back to normal.", she calmly said. Juleka had always been a fan of horror movies so she loved these kind of things. "Maybe. Oh, and mum told me to tell you to call her. Tell her that I am safely home, will you?" She said that she will, and after they said their goodbyes Juleka hung up.
Meanwhile, Kagami had arrived home, luckily not attracting the attention of the thing that was outside. She asked her mother if she could go to her room and Tomoe nodded. Kagami removed her shoes and placed them besides the door before running upstairs to her room. She switched on the television and found a channel where the news was being broadcasted to try to understand what on earth was going on.
She rewinded the news a bit to when they started. "As incredible as it seems, it's been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain. The police have been struggling to keep the situation under control." Nadja Chamack said. "Be confident, the strong arm of the law will come crashing down on the...", Officer Roger said as he tried lifting an arm that was in cast, probably broken. "... I mean the other arm", he continued, wincing after lifting his injured arm.
Kagami got up from the sofa to go change when she noticed an unfamiliar wooden octagonal box on her desk. Luka had also noticed a similar box on his bed when he had walked in his and Juleka's room. They both picked it up at the same time and said, "Huh? What's this doing here?", before they opened them.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 26~
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Chapter 25
-------Part 1--------
The very next day after spending the night with Kurama----
(This should do it!)
Yoshino: "All patched up. Thank you for your hard work. I'm relieved that your injuries are all minor."
Morinaga: "Thank you. But I'm also sorry Yoshino. Your deal with Tamamo was broken last night and I had to make you come all this way, even though now you don't have any business with the Shogunate."
Morinaga-san smiles apologetically as I finished treating the cut on his shoulder.
Before leaving for Hiraizumi, I had asked Yoshitsune-sama to allow me to stop at the Shogunate camp.
(Some people have been injured because of me, and I want to work as a pharmacist for them for one last time.)
Yoshino: "No at all. Is there anything else that hurts?"
Morinaga: "No no. I'm strong, so I get hurt less."
Kurama: "Then leave. You've been touched too much by Yoshino."
Yoshino: "No!! Kurama!!!"
Kurama, who was leaning against the nearby fence was waving to drive Morinaga-san away.
Morinaga-san who didn't seem to care much laughs and puts his kimono back on.
Morinaga: "He's a tough nut to crack."
(I am happy that he came all this way for me.)
Yoshino: "It's natural to touch a patient while treating them. Don't take that in a weird way, Kurama."
Kurama: "That's why I kept quiet during the whole treatment."
I was about to say something back when I heard the sound of one person's footsteps in my ear....
Shigehira: "What's an outsider doing here?"
Yoshino: "Oh, Shigehira-kun."
Shigehira: "Thank you for your hard work, Yoshino-san."
Shigehira-kun walks and stops right in front of us.
Shigehira: "Also thank you for looking after my men."
Yoshino: "No no, please..... I'm going to leave some medicines for the people who haven't been treated. Can I give it to you two?"
Shigehira: "Okay. About the ones who didn't get treatment----"
While Shigehira-kun was about to say something, we heard the voices of some soldiers behind us, talking near their tent.
Shogunate soldier 1: "By the way, did you receive treatment from Yoshino-san?"
Shogunate soldier 2: "No no, I'm...fine."
Shogunate soldier 1: "Ah...well, I can't blame you. A lot of them were scared including me. Even though she was manipulated, she was terrifying...."
Shigehira and Morinaga: "..........."
(I went around apologizing but I knew a lot of soldiers wouldn't see me the same way as before.)
The soldiers had left without noticing us.
Shigehira: "----I'll be back in a bit."
Yoshino: "No wait!"
I hurriedly grabbed Shigehira-kun's arm as he was about to chase them.
Yoshino: "It's only natural they'd react like that, so I don't mind."
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,Shigehira: "But...they're wrong. You're not a scary person."
Yoshino: "You can't force them to change their mind. And I'm sure someday, they'll understand. Even if someone was afraid of me, I didn't behave in a way that would bring shame to myself or to my friends. That's all I need."
(I think I would have paid more attention to people's reactions before, but now...)
(I know there are more important things to do...)
(And the one who taught me that was.)
Kurama: "That's right. There's no point in trying to understand a bunch of humans."
------Part 2------
Kurama: "That's right. There's no point in trying to understand a bunch of humans."
Kurama who was watching us completed my sentence.
Kurama: "They don't deserve your mercy. Instead, it's best to destroy those loudmouths like Shigehira was about to earlier...."
Shigehira: "Wait, I wasn't gonna kill them..."
Yoshino: "And I won't let you."
Morinaga: "Looks like you're already having a hard time, Yoshino."
Shigehira: "Are you sure about this....? You can still say no if you want, Yoshino-san."
Shigehira-kun pointed sullenly at Kurama.
Shigehira: "He's crazy. He's not nice at all."
Kurama: "I'm a demon and that's how demons are."
Shigehira: "That makes another reason to not date you!"
(Hmmm. I can't help but think that about Kurama from an outsider's point of view.)
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Yoshino: "Kurama is kind. He's just got a slightly peculiar way of showing it. He's just unique."
Shigehira: "Are you really sure? You weren't fooled by him, right? Because you're so friendly with everyone, you might've been mistaken about him."
Kurama: "It is only Yoshino's peculiar interpretation that I am kind. But don't you talk about her."
Kurama looks down at Shigehira-kun.
Then he walks over to me and takes my medicine box which I was holding close to my heart.
Kurama: "If you've finished your treatment here, let's go. I suppose you'll be treating the Rebels next."
Yoshino: "Ah, I'll hold that."
Kurama: "Not happening."
When I reached for my medicine box, he easily lifted up to a height I can't reach.
Kurama: "You've been working since morning. What if you die from overworking?"
Shigehira: "Die from overworking? Why are you exaggerating..."
Morinaga: "No, Shigehira. Let's hear it."
The murmuring between Shigehira-kun and Morinaga-san makes me shy.
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Kurama: "I don't have any problem with humans not getting treatment, but....I'm ready to make concessions to your lunacy. In return, I want you to not sacrifice yourself for anyone but me."
1. You don't have to do that much...
2. I'm happy but scared.
3. It's not concessions... (+4/+4)
Yoshino(blushing): "What you're doing is surveillance, not a concession!"
Kurama: "That's because you have been treating others like you're their personal maid. I don't like that."
Shigehira: "I'm getting very confused. I can't understand if he's being kind or over-possessive. What should I do? Maybe this is what Yoshino was talking about earlier? Showing kindness in a peculiar way."
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Morinaga: "Kind or not...I'm relieved to see that Kurama cares about Yoshino in his own way."
Kurama: "It's only natural, right?"
(I think he's a little possessive.)
(Am I allowed to assume I'm getting special treatment from Kurama?)
That thought made me tickle and my cheeks were also red.
After saying a final goodbye to everyone in the Shogunate and treating the Rebels soldiers.....
Finally, we left for Hiraizumi.
-----After a few days, we arrived at the Rebel mansion and I felt nostalgic.
From then on it was a busy and hectic life....
Sueharu: "Hmmm. So, after that, Kurama and Yoshitsune-sama went back to making a deal again."
------Part 3-------
Sueharu: "Hmmm. So, after that, Kurama and Yoshitsune-sama went back to making a deal again."
Kurama: "I broke it for my own reasons and now we went back like we used to be."
One day, the three of us, Kurama, Sueharu-san, and me, were having a peaceful conversation.
Yoshino: "I was worried about the plan failing, but it happened exactly how he predicted. You should have seen it too, they were really cool....."
Sueharu: "Hehe, I can imagine how crazy it was."
Yoshino: "I was also surprised how they managed to pull it out without having any meetings at all."
Sueharu: "I know. Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama are like each other in some way, aren't they?"
Kurama: "How am I similar to that vague man?"
(I think Kurama is the only one in this world who can call Yoshitsune-sama vague.)
Sueharu: "Yoshino, I hope you're not having a hard time."
Kurama: "Why are you saying the same thing as that Adachi Morinaga?"
Sueharu: "......What?"
Suddenly, Sueharu-san's smile disappeared.
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Sueharu: "Can you please not mention his name?"
Yoshino: "Do you know, Morinaga-san......?"
Sueharu: "Hm? Oh no, we don't really know each other that well."
The tension suddenly eased and Sueharu-san gave me his usual smile.
(It's alright now...but it seemed like for a moment something wasn't right.)
Sueharu: "Rather than that, Yoshino. I heard that you and Kurama are dating."
Yoshino: "Mm. That's right."
Before I could continue, he takes my hand and comes closer.
Sueharu: "What a waste of a pretty sweet girl like you. Why don't you let me have her?"
Kurama(glares): "Hey."
Yoshino: "Oh."
Kurama quickly intervened and knocked Sueharu-san's hand away.
Kurama: "What are you doing with my love toy?"
Sueharu: "Are you seriously still addressing her as a toy? You must be grateful for Yoshino's open-mindedness."
Kurama(clueless): ".......?"
(Yeah, the exact same face he makes when he says his favorite line 'I don't understand.')
Kurama: "What's wrong with calling a toy a toy?"
Yoshino: "Umm....you can call me you're 'partner'?" (She says 'Koinaka, which means lover, I think in Japanese. 'Koi' means love and 'naka' means friend.....so 'love friend'?)
Sueharu: "A goddess like you doesn't deserve Kurama's outlandish remarks, right?"
Muttering in a light tone, Sueharu-san held up his index finger.
Sueharu: "But as a preacher of love....I want to know. Kurama, have you told Yoshino that you love her, properly?
Kurama: "Of course. On the battlefield, our hearts connected."
Sueharu: "Not like that, what I'm saying is....have tried saying things like 'Good morning, you look lovely today' and when you're about to go to bed 'Good night, I love you' something like that?
Kurama: "Are you telling me to be frivolous like you?"
Sueharu: "Hey! Don't look down on me! It's only a common thing to do once you start dating someone. It can make your love last longer."
(As expected...Sueharu-san has a lot of experience.)
Sueharu: "Awww. I feel bad for Yoshino who ended up with a man who has no knowledge about love."
------Part 4------
Sueharu: "Awww. I feel bad for Yoshino who ended up with a man who has no knowledge about love."
Kurama: "......"
Sueharu: "Ouch! Stop grabbing my head!"
Kurama: "I don't know why, but it made me angry."
Yoshino: "K-Kurama. Let go of him."
When Kurama loosens his fingers as if he doesn't care, Sueharu-san quickly escapes and shrugs his shoulders.
Sueharu: "Well, I guess, the idea of love and romance is different for demons. But your life spans are also a problem. Have you thought about that? It's even serious...no matter how much you care Yoshino, she'll die long before you. Don't tell me you just overlooked that, Kurama?"
I was surprised by the serious tone of the question.
(I had thought about the same thing too.)
(No matter how I try, I can't make Kurama happy for the rest of his life.)
A feeling of sadness washed over me and I waited for Kurama's answer.
Kurama: "I don't think about the future."
Sueharu: "Wow, that's refreshingly flat."
Yoshino: "Really...?"
Kurama: "Humans die long before me. What's the point in worrying about the obvious? I would rather make her happy in every moment of her dream life than spending my time on such things. As long as she smiles till the end, my heart will be filled with the memory of it. Whether it's for hundred or thousand years..."
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama...."
(I didn't think it that way.)
I was deeply moved and I couldn't think what to say back.
Yoshino(smiling): "Thank you."
Kurama(smiling): "Yeah."
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-----For that first time, he didn't tell not to thank him like he always does.
Sueharu: "!!!! ......Thank you very much for the food. I'm afraid I have some business. So I have to go for now."
Sueharu-san smiles and stands up.
Sueharu: "Oh, Yoshino!"
Yoshino(still blushing): "....? Yes."
Sueharu: "May you live long and prosper. But if you ever get tired of Kurama, you can always come to me, okay?"
Yoshino(blushing): "Eeeehhh!!!???"
Kurama(glares): "Get lost."
As if he ignored Kurama's words, Sueharu-san turns and winks at me before leaving.
(Maybe you were just joking, but you're a sinful man in many ways, Sueharu-san.)
After we were alone, Kurama turned to me.
Kurama: "That man is a tricky one. Don't let him get to you too much, Yoshino."
Yoshino: "I think Sueharu-san was just joking, so don't worry about it."
Kurama: "That man talks a lot of nonsense. But he's very popular with human women."
Kurama touches my cheek and stares at me.
Kurama: "Also, is it necessary to tell you regularly that I love you like he said?"
------Part 5------
Kurama: "Also, is it necessary to tell you regularly that I love you like he said?"
Yoshino(blushing): "......It is natural."
(I didn't know Kurama had the personality to say this kind of thing outright before we became romantically involved.)
My cheeks get hot from embarrassment and joy.
Kurama: "You're completely flushed."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....It's because of Kurama."
Kurama: "I'm not sure if I like that idea....but if you want to hear it, I'll give it to you."
Yoshino: "Ah!"
He holds me in his arms, and his masculine face gets closer making my heart beat faster.
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Kurama: "I love you. You are the one and only toy that can fill me up and the first and last thing I'll ever give my love to."
The words were whispered in my ear and it struck straight to my heart like an arrow.
(.....His love confession is exactly like him, ARROGANT! But....)
I also want to be bold enough to offer my feelings in words.
Yoshino(blushing):: "I feel the same for you too, Kurama.....I love you, so much."
Kurama: "-----I know."
He scooped up my chin with his fingertips and observed my flushed face.
Kurama: "It's certainly not bad to say it in words. It mysteriously fills my heart."
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah...mm....?"
Kurama: "Yes. And the look on your face is telling me how much you loved it."
(He is really teasing me now!)
Yoshino(blushing): "...Kurama is so weird sometimes.."
Kurama: "Then I suppose you like weird men like me. But it's too late to run away now."
Once again, Kurama puts his lips to my ear, this time without laughing.
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Kurama: "Yoshino. I will kill anyone who harms you. If you leave me, I will kill you."
His red eyes were clear in the sunlight and looked at me without blinking.
I could tell by the quiet expression on his face that he meant what he said.
Yoshino: "........too noisy."
Kurama: "Don't like it?"
Yoshino(blushing): "I don't mind. But I'm asking you to relax because it's impossible for me to leave Kurama as well."
(I can do my job as a pharmacist, wherever I want. So I'll live along with Kurama for the rest of my life, happily.)
Kurama(smiling): "Then, everything is okay."
Our lips meet and we kissed deeply as if we were attracted to each other.....
Yoshino: "......Mmm.."
I was pushed down, and he stole my breath.
(I'm sure our relationship is different from that of a normal man and woman in love.)
(But I'm sure this is Kurama's way of love.)
The proof of this is that I now embrace boundless happiness.
Our lips quietly separated and we gazed at each other.
Kurama: "I've decided."
Yoshino(blushing): ".....What?"
Kurama: "I'll be a better man to be worthy of your love."
Kurama was excited thinking about his new resolution.
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Kurama: "I'm going to learn how to behave in a way that's so in love that no one will tell me what to do."
(Oh my....)
I'm really curious to see Kurama's idea of 'behaving like a lover.'
Romantic END // Dramatic END
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch25: Keep it Simple
Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned. 
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and beside him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my Dad's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was, as usual, humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back. 
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes! 
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No it’s a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no!." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching his reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines. 2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad." he pulled back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
****** Fliss, Frank and Mary’s adventure continues in RIDING ON
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I think i have another request. Well i do i mean lol. It may be a little dark but the idea just came to me... y/n spending Christmas break with the Weasleys (because she is best friends with Ron or the twins?) at burrow because her family are not that pleasant to be around and treat her poorly.. y/n is self harming and no one knows til one day fred (her crush )finds out somehow some way and consoles her and they end up confessing their true feelings for each other?
I just want to say: if anyone needs to talk to someone I'm here. But if you want some sort of therapy or anything there is a app where you can talk it out called 7cupsoftea.
Suicide hotline:800-273-8255
text hotline: 741741
Love you all. You are loved, please know that.
Trigger warning: self harm, abuse
You spent a lot of time in the background. No one seemed to take notice of you, no one seemed to really notice if you were sick or not. Well. Except for Ginny. Ginny saw you. She actually noticed you and asked Fred and George, who were in your year to keep an eye out. She noticed you, talking to you from time to time and noticing you needed more friends. So who better than to go to than the boys who literally knows everyone including the portraits on the walls.
You seemed jumpy, always nearly dropping things when they appeared. But you appreciated the boys, checking on you and talking to you. George had a surprising lack of classes with you though compared to Fred. After a few... Pranks/possible murder plots? The teachers put Fred and George in only two classes together. So Fred had his with you, always sitting next to you and making sure you were good. He didn't really catch on to anything wrong. He just noticed the long sleeves and figured "so she's cold all the time". Ginny and Luna knew this wasn't the case though. They knew you, truly so. You hid the marks from your brothers and the self inflicted scars. You bared so much and they hated to see you tear yourself apart.
Ginny would always change the subject when your family came up in the great hall, Fred and George always being confused to why that happened. Fred was closer with you than George and knew something was up but didn't understand the extent of it. George could see his brother begin to slowly fall for you, him whispering funny little jokes to you making you smile or laugh. However the thing that everyone seemed to notice was the lack of light in your eyes when you showed positive emotion. You would smile, sure. But your eyes seemed dull and tired.
Fred would sometimes skip class with you, sitting under a tree and talk to you about life in general with his head in your lap. Today was one of those days, it being particularly colder but Fred was warm so you didn't mind. "Hey Y/n... What do you think about spending Christmas with us this year?" He asked. You blinked a couple of times. "Are you sure you have the room? I mean... Your family is massive Freddie." You asked. "We always have room. Plus don't you wanna spend the holidays with your fwiends?" He asked, playfully poking your cheek. You chuckled. "Okay... I'll let my parents know."
You felt a slight relief being able to leave hogwarts and it not being associated with going to your parents house. Molly greeted you with a hug and you seemed shocked to receive affection like that right off the bat. Fred noticed though, when Molly's hands slid from your shoulders to your hands you seemed to flinch ever so slightly at the touch. No one else seemed to notice so Fred kept it to himself. Ginny kept close to you, showing you things all throughout the house. Fred however soon whisked you off with George to go off and see the cooler things. The fields, the places they had to just sit and talk or the test area for a few of their pranking devices.
At night it seemed peaceful. But you had these terrible nightmares where you woke up sobbing and Ginny was always there, comforting you when you did. However tonight was just a silent wake up. Still, you didn't want to sleep in case you woke up again but louder. Ginny was still awake and she looked over. "You okay?" She asked. "Do you mind if I step out for a bit? Just need some fresh air." You asked. "Go ahead." She nodded. So you walked out, letting the cold air hit your face as you sat on the back steps of the house. You pulled back your sleeves and saw the scars, closing your eyes.
Six months clean... Yet the reminders were still there. You pulled them back down and sighed before you noticed someone sit down next to you. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" Fred asked, handing you a mug of hot cocoa. "....Do you ever just want to scream for hours to get out your emotions and be free of the weight on your chest?" You asked before taking a long sip of the cocoa. "...Not really. But we can literally just scream in a field out here if you really want?" Fred suggested.
That's exactly what you did, making sure that no one could hear you before you kicked a fence post and Fred rose a brow. "Any particular reason why you're upset?" He asked. You kept kicking it, harder and harder as you went. "Does trauma count as a reliable fucking answer?" You grunted before really kicking it hard. You were panting by the time you were done. "Y/n... Princess, what's up?" He asked. You shook your head. "I want to be happy, I should be happy. I am surrounded by people who care but I can't stop thinking about my God damn--" you kicked the post again. "Family!" You yelled. The pained expression on your face made Fred concerned. "Do you want to go home--" "That place will never be home." You said, catching your breath again. "Y/n... What's going on, what do you need?" He asked. You shook your head, your hair hiding your face so Fred couldn't see the tears, the angry tears falling. You kicked the post again, Fred finally pulling you back by your wrist making you yelp. He frowned and you looked into his eyes with this upset look. "Help me." You whimpered. He said nothing, letting go of your wrist and pulling you into a tight hug.
You told him everything. The abuse, the nightmares the inability to sleep, the crying, all of it. But you also told him you stopped hurting yourself because of Ginny and him. You stopped because you didn't want your friends to lose you in their lives because you grew attached and you didn't want to be a cause of sadness. Fred brought you back to the living room, both of you sitting on the couch and talking all night.
When Molly found you, you were asleep on Fred who was holding you close. She didn't wake you until much later but Fred was determined to have you stay at the burrow rather than go home. Christmas rolled around and Fred got you this necklace. It had a Demiguise engraved on it after he remembered you saying it was your favorite magical creature. You loved it and for the first time your friends saw you genuinely smile. Like your eyes lit up and everything. You got Fred a new broom, him smiling like crazy telling you that one day he was teaching you how to fly with him.
Ginny noticed the nightmares take a slow down. But when they did happen you asked for Fred and sure enough, he'd come in and lay with you. You two were closer, that was becoming very clear. Nights would come where you couldn't sleep, Ginny would tell him and you two would just play a card game and talk. He listened to you, giving you genuine advice before cracking a joke and making you genuinely laugh.
When you went back to school you were more talkative, you actually participated in events, Fred was proud of seeing you slowly come out of your shell. A day of skipping did come along, you sitting underneath the tree and playing with Fred's hair. "So... How are you... With everything?" He asked. "Almost a year clean." You said with a smile. He smiled, looking up at you from your lap and put a hand on your cheek. "I'm proud of you Y/n... Truly." He said. You looked down at him and smiled noticing a strange tension looking at him. "...Y/n..." He breathed looking at you. You swallowed and looked up, a blush slowly forming. Fred leaned up and cleared his throat. "Sooo. What's our next class?" Fred asked. "This was our last class of the day." You said with a chuckle. "Ohhh.. I really gotta start paying attention." He said making you laugh. "Dinner is going to start in a few minutes, want to go?" Fred asked you. "Mmm.. I don't think so. I wanna see the sunset on the lake." You said. Fred sat cross-legged in front of you. "Then I will too." He said. "Wha-- Fred what about--" "I want to stay here." He said simply.
You pulled a deck of cards out of your binder and he chuckled. "Go fish or Rummy?" You asked. "Hmmm. Let's go simple today and say go fish." He said. You two played two rounds before you looked over at the sunset. "That's so pretty." You said with a smile. Fred smiled looking at you. "It really is." He said as the pink skies seemed to bring out your eyes. You looked over and Fred swallowed. You loved this boy... Didn't you?
He felt himself lean forward and you soon felt his lips on yours before you cradled his cheek, pulling away for air and resting your forehead on his. "I-I'm sorry I just reacted and--" "Fred... Please tell me you're going to do that again." You whispered. He chuckled and held your hand that was still on his cheek. "Only if you want me to." He said softly. You nodded with a smile and he kissed you again, feeling his arms slowly slink around you, pulling you almost into his lap.
"Promise you'll never leave me?" You asked. "Never would dream of it Princess."
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