#we need some more diversity around here
savechivasfemenil · 7 months
Need to see more of anette and Ivonne in the mid
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plumbheadsims · 2 months
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the exteriors do NOT look like casita from Encanto, in fact, most of them are just big boxes with a little bit of color, also we don’t have open entryways, we usually have gates surrounding the main door.
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we also don’t use the typical american mailboxes, we use the small metal ones like the ones from City Living and Snowy Escape.
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and most of us have this metal things around the windows for safety reasons so if you want to add them it would make your builds more realistic
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a tip for the interiors is that we don’t use carpet or wooden floors, we use tile floors in all the house, also the walls are usually plain white but of course some of us paint them to make it feel more like a home so you can also add that
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here are some floorpans in case you need some inspiration, as you can see most of the houses are not that big, but of course you have freedom to make them bigger and also make your own floorplan.
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now moving to the patio area, most of our houses don't even have patios but if we are lucky we will have a small one like these, don't forget the water heater, we also have lavaderos where we wash our clothes but I think the sims don't have any item similar to that one so you can just put a sink instead, you can also add a washing machine and instead of a dryer, you can add a clothes rack dryer like the one from Laundry Day
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and if you don't want to add a patio you can do everything in the azotea (the rooftop), just add a small stair inside or outside the house that leads you to the roof, don’t forget to decorate and add life to the houses.
and to finish this thread I just wanted to say that this is not how ALL Mexican houses look like, we have so much diversity in our country, I just wanted to add the ones im familiar with, you can look up higher class Mexican houses, you can create ranchos, vecindades, haciendas, colonial houses etc, I hope this thread helps you <3
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alltimefail · 27 days
We have some unfinished business and a case to solve: The Case of the Curious Cancellation! 💀🔎
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Here are the ways you can help (be sure to read until the end).
I'm not sure how many people here on Tumblr are also over on DBDA Twitter, but there have been MANY developments in the last 24 hours and it's important for all of us to be on the same page if we're going to have a chance in hell of saving our show.
First and foremost, we need to get Dead Boy Detectives in the Netflix Top 10 again. This means running it as much as possible. Read about that below:
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As the graphic says, the goal is to have it running on a loop constantly, as much as you physically can. Be sure to have some level of volume on or else it won't count. If you're on Twitter be sure to post your rewatch (photos of your tv, commentary, etc.) with the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives !!!
Also, there's no better time to do this: the Tweet below brings up a great point! 👍
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Second, and easiest thing: KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE SHOW AND CREATING CONTENT ABOUT THE SHOW. Analysis, fics, fanart, shitposts, gif sets, memes, tik tok videos, so on - do not stop! Reblog other people's stuff and talk about it! Give fics kudos, comment, make fic rec lists and post that WIP or sketch! The most important thing to remember is to TAG YOUR POSTS AND CREATIONS. We need to trend!!! On Tumblr make sure you continue tagging your posts as you probably already are (look at my tags on this post if you need help, and remember not to use "DBD" on here because that is another fandom! We use DBDA here). On Twitter you want to use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives for the rewatch and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives is a popular one, too. You can also use #DeadBoyDetectives. Hell, I usually use all three if I can! Hashtag every post you make about Dead Boys, no matter how annoying or "cringe" you may feel. Flood the fucking tag and do not stop.
Third, everyone needs to sign and keep circulating the petition. We've surpassed 5,000 signatures in a day which is fantastic, but we need more. Get everyone you know to sign it; tell them it takes no more than 15 seconds. Be annoying until they do it just to shut you up.
Fourth, request "Dead Boy Detectives Season 2" through Netflix's support website. It's a small thing but if we all do this a couple times a day it will get their attention. They really do vet these suggestions, and an influx of requests for a canceled show will raise eyebrows.
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Lastly, if you decide to write Netflix (via email or a letter - their office address has been floating around) please remember to stay concise and professional. Don't curse at them, don't call names. State that you are disappointed with the cancellation of the show, maybe add an anecdote about what it meant to you, and I would even recommend attaching some articles that emphasize people's displeasure with the platform abandoning shows on a whim and Netflix's flippant attitude toward queer shows in particular. Dead Boy Detective Agency on Twitter has retweeted every article on this topic so far, you can find their page here.
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You can also use graphics such as the ones below to affirm that the cancellation was unjust.
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(Source 1, Source 2)
I know this feels like a lot: know your limits and take care of yourself. Whether you do every single one of these things or just a few of these things, every llittle bit helps!
Even in the worst case scenario where nothing changes, this gesture will mean so much to everyone who made this show. We owe it to the writers, cast, crew, and each other to TRY. We can all agree that this show deserves at least another season and if Netflix isn't going to do it, they need to be open to selling it to someone who will. We cannot keep allowing them to axe these queer and diverse shows with little regard for their customers and their employees, but also because it sets a harmful standard in the industry that is destroying television.
Let's crack this case and bring our agency back! I truly believe in this community!! 💜 We can do this!!
If there are any spelling errors or issues with links let me know! I did this on mobile because I want to mobilize this information as quickly as possible! I'll be adding on to this with new developments and can answer any questions you all might have. Lets save our show!
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weebsinstash · 5 months
I want yandere Alastor being the biggest fucking hypocrite on the block and getting painfully humbled by reality so fucking bad you don't understand
I want a story where you stumble into becoming his friend with benefits, become the person who gets him interested in sex as a physical activity, and then one day you ask him "hey, what are we?" And his response being ABSOLUTELY RUDE AS HELL, albeit unintentionally, and you immediately cut him off from sex because his reply was basically the equivalent of "you're fun to sleep with, but the rest of you? No :)" (and also maybe he didn't even fully mean it, maybe he only partially meant it but he can tell he's forming some kind of new emotion for you and he doesn't want that to become a point of weakness for him so he's pushing you away but once you're actually gone he wants you back more than ANYTHING--)
I want yandere Alastor who laughs in your face if you nervously ask him if you're his girlfriend or something but then when you show up around town with another man less than a week later and he sees how easily you REPLACED HIM, he's just absolutely losing his mind. What do you MEAN you were still sleeping with other men this whole time?!?! The Radio Demon was getting SLOPPY SECONDS??? WHY would you let these-these disgusting bastards DEGRADE YOU-- meanwhile you and him could've been having like hardcore bdsm sex with actual degradation or some semi respectful form of it and he's STILL over here "B B BUT THESE MEN PROBABLY DONT EVEN RESPECT YOU--" and neither did you, you laughed in my fucking face you bitch!!!
yandere Alastor just having to sit and have a fulllll glass of whiskey and ruminate on his thoughts as he tries to come to terms with these sudden EXTREMELY POSSESSIVE feelings and urges he has. What do you MEAN he wasn't providing anything for you that you couldn't get somewhere else AND BETTER AND ALREADY HAVE BEEN? what do you MEAN you're making gifts for and going out and having actual fun dates with some of these men? What do you fucking MEAN YOU'RE 'ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH SOMEONE ELSE NOW' AND WOULDN'T SLEEP WITH ALASTOR EVEN IF HE APOLOGIZED BECAUSE YOU REALLY LIKE THIS GUY--
Alastor hardcore coping, trying not to think about you at all, telling himself he just needs time and this'll all blow over and he wont even think about you anymore, and eventually finds his feet carrying him to your favorite jazz club that he would take you to, AND YOU'RE ALREADY THERE WITH ANOTHER MAN. Now THIS is what causes Alastor to finally have a public episode. No, some RANDO can't come with you HERE, this is YOUR place, OUR place, it's special, it's for Alastor and you ONLY!! basically turns him into a little kid stomping his foot going no no no that's MINE!!!
This narcissistic ass man really ain't shit, over here responding to your actually extremely valid question of "what are we?" because you were actually trying to respectfully ask him if there were any certain boundaries or if you were now exclusive, and he hits you with some deflective dehumanizing diversion like "what makes you think I would have THOSE kinds of feelings about YOU?" until he's painfully aware you're sleeping with another man, kissing another man, making hot meals for another man, holding his hand tenderly as you take a leisurely stroll, GOD FORBID HE CATCHES WIND OF ANY MARRIAGE TALK, HE WILL FUCKING L O S E IT
Juat the idea of him being so close to having what he wants - your body, heart, AND mind- and he fucks it up big time and ruins your relationship and self esteem so badly. He tries to pretend that he doesn't need your attention and/or affection but the second he doesn't have EITHER, he's a jealous mess trying to literally one-up whomever you're with, show off, impress you, usually digging his hole even deeper. Alastor becoming more unpredictable over time, literally losing sleep over you, absolutely CONVINCED 500% that all of these, shall we say, "more modern men" that you're choosing are not even worth the dirt in the treads of your shoes.
Just twirling my hair kicking my feet thinking bout yandere Alastor, becoming dead-set on genuinely and fully believing he has to save you not just from these men, but also yourself. Oh honey, he's so sorry, CLEARLY this is his fault for not watching over you better. He already knew you were... delicate and naive, but here you are, running around letting these men treat you like some kind of object just because you need what you perceive as acceptance and validation. It almost breaks his heart, truly, but don't worry darlin'! He's a southern gentleman and, SURELY he can turn up the charm and make it clear to you that you MISUNDERSTOOD HIM, right? :) You're going to GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE, right? :)
genuinely, i feel like this man is more likely to try and gaslight you into believing you completely misinterpreted what he said instead of just apologizing let alone ADMITTING that he himself didn't communicate jack shit about shit, wasn't honest or up front about his feelings, and may have even be intentionally cruel to you in a moment of weakness to try and keep his own insecurities at bay, but then is fully capable of convincing, some may even say BRAINWASHING you into believing, oh sweetie, if these DEGENERATE DELIQUENTS somehow convinced you that your best friend and future husband is somehow your enemy, then, CLEARLY he hasn't been keeping you close enough to properly care for you and help you keep a clear head, has he? guess it's a good thing both of you are Sinners and he has NOTHING but time to show you EXACTLY what his intentions are. So, dear doe, which do you like the sound of more: a spring wedding, or a summer wedding, or maaaaaybe you two could even get hitched during some lovely acid rain so your new spouse can demonically laugh at all your screaming "gentleman callers" captive in the wedding audience who "accidentally" weren't put under any gazebos or any sort of protection while being forced to watch Alastor take you away--
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Not Like Me - Lando Norris
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<word count - 893>
"Baby?" you heard from the upstairs as the front door was closed. 
"Up here!" you called back, waiting for Lando to walk through the door of your bedroom. 
"Why are you in bed already?" he asked, checking his watch as he came into the room and saw you, still in your pyjamas with the curtains closed and blinds drawn. "Didn't feel like getting up," you said, sinking further into the pillows. 
You hadn't been feeling like yourself recently, and sometimes you just needed to stay in bed in the dark to clear your head. Today, however, the darkness wasn't taking your hand and pulling you out of the slump you were in.
"Hey, you OK?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. Lando placed his hand on your duvet-clad thigh and gently ran his fingers up and down the span of your thigh. "Yeah, just a bit tired. How was golf?" you asked, changing the subject. 
As much as you tried to deny it, Lando knew every one of your little diversion tactics, and he knew exactly how to get around them. "It was pretty good, Alex won and George was pretty dismal, but that might have been due to how we changed George's club so he was hitting it skew," he lightly giggled, hoping to put a smile on your face. 
You weakly smiled, trying to show that you were alright and you were trying to figure out ways to get him to leave you alone for another hour or two. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate him trying to help, but sometimes, you just wanted to be alone. 
"What have you been up to today?" he asked, the first attempt at getting around the diversions was slightly pressing questions. "Nothing much,  just watched a couple movies and stuff,"
"Do you want to come downstairs with me for a bit?" he asked, trying to get you out of the darkness for a bit. Maybe stretching your legs might do you some good, and Lando hoped it would lighten your mood a bit. 
"I'm alright, I think I'll stay here for a bit," you said, hoping he would get the hint and leave you for a little while. Lando sighed almost in defeat, but he had one more plan to get you to open up. Well, it wasn't a plan, it was just asking you straight up.
"Come on, what's wrong?" he asked as you rolled over in bed to face away from him. "I know something's up," he spoke, earning absolutely no response from you. 
"Look, you don't have to tell me, but it might help," you turned back around and just looked at him for a few moments. There was no denying that Lando knew you weren't feeling great, and he would do everything in his power to help you feel like a million dollars again. 
"I just-" you started, immediately doubling back on your words. "It's silly, it doesn't matter," you said, starting to turn back over for a third time. But, Lando braced his hand on your waist to stop you from rolling.
"Baby, if it's how you feel, then it could never be silly and it most certainly matters. It matters more than anything else in the world," he softly soothed, tangling his fingers in your hair and soothingly tickled you.
"I just don't feel like... Me. And I don't know why," you groaned, leaning more into his touch as it made good vibrations ripple through your brain. "You don't need to know why you feel the way you do. They're your feelings, they don't need a reason," he explained, and the pieces were clicking in your brain.
"I just don't know how to get back to feeling like my normal self," you complained, wanting to be like yourself again. "Give it some time, darling. These things take time, and you can talk to me at any time about anything if you think it will help," he smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
"I love you, Lando," you said, appreciating what he was doing for you. Sometimes, you felt bad for putting your problems onto him, but he always dismissed your apologies. "I love you too, Y/N. Is there anything I can do?" he asked.
"Can you cuddle me?" you batted your eyelashes at him as if there was a possibility that he'd say no, but it just added to the scene. "Of course," he smirked, rounding the foot of the bed and you felt the mattress dip behind you. 
Rolling over, you saw a few of Lando's curls had fallen over his eyes as he flicked them out of the way. "C'mere," he mumbled, pulling you as close to him as possible. Your legs tangled together as he wrapped his arms around your torso and held you tight. 
 "You're brilliant," you yawned, already feeling tired even after you had spent the whole day in bed. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck as one of his hands gently trailed up and down your spine. 
"I try," he quietly laughed in your ear, his lips ghosting over it. As you drifted off to sleep to the sound of Lando's soft breathing, it already felt like a part of you was returning, and maybe the darkness had been reaching out for you all along.
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lafemmemacabre · 1 year
Goth 101
🦇 tl;dr version for those who prefer that format
Goth is a music-based subculture that started out in the UK in the late 70s/early 80s and spread internationally from there. It spawned from the UK Punk scene, keeping the DIY ethics but turning the music more melancholic, introspective and experimental.
The music genres that the subculture was built around are (dark) Post-Punk, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Ethereal Wave and a few other smaller subgenres.
While the fashion and other non-musical aesthetics are very prominent and beloved by goths, they're non-essential to the subculture. What defines a goth is the music we listen to.
Our "big 4" bands are The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus and the Banshees. However, 3 out of 4 of those bands are Post-Punk acts (Sisters of Mercy being the exception Gothic Rock band), and while very influential to the rest of the goth music scene, they by no means are the end-all, be-all of what goth music sounds like. The genre has evolved through its over 40 years of existence, creating diverse sounds. Anyone darkly inclined can find something to love, even if it takes a bit of research.
The Dark & Gothic playlist on Spotify is a pretty decent way to get started into goth music. In my old blog I had entire tags dedicated to goth music as a whole, and separately to Post-Punk, Gothic Rock, Darkwave and Ethereal Wave too. I had a few playlists based on popular goth aesthetics here.
The longer description of goth music will include playlists for each bigger goth subgenre, but please keep in mind they're made by me in a way that appeals to my personal tastes for each subgenre. I don't know every band that exists and my personal taste is biased towards the 90s.
Now, to a more detailed introduction to the goth subculture...
🦇 Dark alternative vs Goth
What a lot of people need clarified is that the goth subculture doesn't have a monopoly on the dark alternative world, nor are we the home for everyone sad, spooky and weird who doesn't fit in and might listen to any sort of sad, spooky or weird alternative music.
There are SO many dark alternative music scenes that have nothing or very little to do with the goth subculture. We've influenced a lot of them fashion-wise, but just because they copied us we look alike doesn't mean we're interchangeable.
There's no scale that goes from Prep to Goth and measures how Valid™ your inner darkness is, in which if you're anything below goth then you're a poser and lame. It's perfectly fine and cool to be dark alternative without being a goth. Goth isn't a badge of legitimacy or honor, it's just one specific flavor of dark alternative among so many.
Goth is a very small and obscure subculture despite our superficial hypervisbility (our looks and infamy are hypervisible, what we're actually about is extremely buried underground), and most dark alternative people aren't goths.
🦇 What does it take to be a goth?
There's one rule, and one rule only: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC. You wouldn't call yourself a metalhead without being a fan of Metal music, would you? The same principle applies to goth.
There are many types of alternative subcultures; some examples are fashion-based subcultures, another are lifestyle-based subcultures. A third type of subculture that's very prominent (especially in the West) are music-based subcultures.
Goth is a music-based subculture, just like the metalhead, punk, emo, rivethead/Industrial, hip-hop, rave, K-Pop and grunge subcultures are.
This means that, while the music isn't THE ONLY aspect the subculture has, in order to be a goth you have to listen to goth music, and we have a specific set of music genres that our subculture was built around, so not just anything dark and melancholy will do, as we don't have a monopoly on that, but we do have something closer to a monopoly on a specific sound and musical legacy.
You don't have to listen to goth music EXCLUSIVELY to be a goth, that'd be insane. You don't even have to limit yourself to dark alternative music either. You just have to listen to goth music to a relevant degree and be passionate about it and you're in, the rest is up to you.
This means too that the way you dress has no impact on your validity as a goth, whether you don't have the gothic wardrobe of your dreams yet or you just don't want to dress goth at all. I'm TikTok mutuals with a girl who dresses exclusively in pink-white sweet lolita coords, but who's passionate about goth music. She's a goth, no questions about it. On the other hand, a lot of the influencers you'll see online who look like a lost Addams cousin aren't goths at all, and no house decor or outfit will make them gothier if they don't listen to the music.
🦇 What music counts as goth?
From the previous points I made you probably gathered that Industrial and Metal ⁠– both genres that outsiders usually associate with the goth subculture ⁠– aren't actually part of the goth genre. So, what is goth music?
Goth music developed initially in the UK in the late 70s/early 80s off of dark Post-Punk. Post-Punk itself developed from UK 70s Punk Rock, being also influenced by Glam Rock, experimental electronic music, and many other influences more specific to each band that took part in this musical development (Bauhaus were very influenced by Reggae!).
What characterizes the goth sound are elements such as; being bass-driven rather than guitar-driven (in almost every case), guitars playing more of a decorative or atmospheric role instead of being the main focus (which contrasts starkly against genres such as Metal), preference for voices with a lower vocal range (altos, this is your genre to shine in!), optional use of synthesizers, recurrent replacing of human drummers with drum machines, and common use of lots of reverb and delay effects everywhere for an extra sensation that you're listening to music recorded in a catacomb.
Dark Post-Punk was the starting point of the goth subculture, and from it, all other goth music subgenres developed. Depending on who you ask there's a billion goth micro-genres. In my opinion a lot of those subgenres are rather meaningless (a lot of them are just specific flavors of Post-Punk or Darkwave) but the main 4 subgenres of goth music are:
(Dark) Post-Punk
Gothic Rock
Ethereal Wave
Post-Punk took the standard sound of Punk Rock and its DIY ethics and made the sound more melancholic, romantic, experimental, less angry, and more introspective. Dark Post-Punk in particular was influenced by gothic literature and old horror movies (including their soundtracks, the Banshees created their characteristic guitar sound after the violins in the Psycho soundtrack).
Besides the 3 Post-Punk bands I listed as part of the goth "big 4", there's bands such as Skeletal Family, Twin Tribes, Specimen, She Wants Revenge, Sex Gang Children, Xmal Deutschland, Lebanon Hanover, Cruex Lies, The Secret French Postcards and The Birthday Party.
When goth became slightly more established in sound, Gothic Rock is what happened. Less experimental than Post-Punk, a bit more Rock-based, more decidedly dark and miserable than Post-Punk necessarily is, and finally severed from goth's punk roots. Sisters of Mercy is THE most popular and influential Gothic Rock band; they popularized the use of extremely low baritone vocals and drum machines. Despite existing since the 80s, its popularity peak was in the 90s.
Goth as a whole has its "big 4", but the subgenre of Gothic Rock has its own "big 3", which are Sisters of Mercy, The Mission (UK), and Fields of the Nephilim. Other Gothic Rock bands are Rosetta Stone, Corpus Delicti, Inkubus Sukkubus, Mephisto Walz, Angels of Liberty, Two Witches, Nosferatu, Wisborg and Soror Dolorosa.
Goth going electronic! There's basically two types of Darkwave; the one that's more a combination of Post-Punk + Synthpop (very popular in the past decade), and the one that's more a combination of Gothic Rock + electronic music in general (most popular in the 90s). EXTREMELY danceable, but then again goths can dance to literally anything. This genre has existed at the very least since the second half of the 80s and has never stopped being relevant in the goth scene, save maybe during the Deathrock revival phase.
Clan of Xymox might be the single most influential Darkwave band. There's also The Frozen Autumn, The Crüxshadows, Switchblade Symphony, Collide, Dark, Ghosting, London After Midnight, She Past Away, Drab Majesty and Boy Harsher.
This genre is heavily linked to Dream Pop, Neoclassical Darkwave and Shoegaze. Like with Darkwave there's basically a few styles of Ethereal Wave, I can pinpoint three; the one that's like, regular Goth Rock/Post-Punk but with a lot of extra delay and reverb and other stylistic choices that make it sound, well, Ethereal, dream-like. There's the type that has lots of Folk influences (be it Medieval/Rennaisance-ish type of Folk or "ethnic" type of Folk), and there's one that's synth-based but, unlike Darkwave, sounds like what ketamine must feel like. This genre has existed since the mid 80s but its peak in popularity and relevancy in the scene was in the 90s.
Dead Can Dance is THE most influential Ethereal Wave band, but there's others such as Cocteau Twins (started as Post-Punk, ended up as Dream Pop and Ethereal Wave), Miranda Sex Garden, Faith and the Muse, Lycia, Claire Voyant, Hamsas XIII, Love is Colder than Death, SRSQ, Black Tape for a Blue Girl and Mors Syphilitica.
What about Deathrock, Gothic Metal and Industrial?
Deathrock is goth's American twin, basically. While in the early 80s in the UK morose ex-punks were playing Post-Punk, in the early 80s in the LA Punk scene morbid and brooding punk kids were playing Deathrock; it's closer to Punk Rock in sound than Post-Punk, being more about being spooky and brooding than about being eerie and romantic. Goth is to vampires and witches what Deathrock is to zombies and werewolves.
To summarize the consensus on Deathrock and its place within the goth subculture; it's rare to find a goth who's not also into at least some Deathrock, and even rarer to find a deathrocker who's not into goth. Personally, I think Deathrock is its own separate though very similar thing, but I don't mind Deathrock being lumped in with goth music.
I made a whole TikTok video on why Gothic Metal isn't a goth subgenre, but in summary; Gothic Metal is a Metal subgenre that was somewhat influenced by goth music in its earliest stage of development, but is for the most part a cross between Doom Metal and Death Metal with lyrics inspired by gothic literature. By adhering to a Metal sound it doesn't fit the type of sound goth music has. The goth influences in Gothic Metal were mostly only present in the earliest bands and a majority of the newer acts are completely disconnected from the goth scene.
As for goth's ties to the rivethead subculture (and thus, Industrial music): We've been sibling subcultures since at least the early 90s. Both very, very small and underground scenes that despite being different, had enough similarities in music, idiosyncrasy and aesthetic sensibilities to comfortably band together for the sake of scene viability. That's why you might hear people talking about the "gothic-industrial scene".
Keep in mind too that 80s and 90s Industrial music sounded very different from how it does now (compare your average Grendel or Combichrist song to your average Skinny Puppy or Die Form song). There was a lot less influence of raver music in the rivethead scene back then, and a lot more influence from 80s dark alternative music and New Wave, which are key influences for the goth scene as well.
As told by goth YouTuber Angela Benedict (goth since 1995), every goth back then listened to at least some Industrial, every rivethead listened to at least some goth music, and they all loved 80s New Wave, so DJs at shared club nights had a very easy time entertaining both audiences simultaneously.
🦇 Trivia & other things to know
The term "gothic Rock" was being used in music journalism as early as to describe releases by The Doors and The Velvet Underground, but the word "gothic" there wasn't so much used to point to a specific type of sound at that stage, it was used to imply the mood of the music and that's not where the subculture gets its name.
We don't know for sure why this subculture began to be referred to as "goth", initially the music was called either New Wave (just a darker and more underground variety of it) or Positive Punk. However, one of the potential roots of this name for our subculture is that it comes from an inside joke from members of Southern Death Cult/The Cult about Andi Sexgang (Sex Gang Children) about how he was a creepy little guy obsessed with the macabre and dark romanticism living at the Visigoth Towers, so they called him a "goth goblin" and if he was a goth, then his fans were goths too.
From the comments that the goth bloggers/vloggers I follow get, apparently it's common for baby bats and people interested in the subculture to think that they HAVE to find a goth "type" to lock themselves into, like "trad goth" or "romantic goth" or whatever else, and if they don't, they're a poser. This isn't true at all. Most goths wax and wane between fashion styles and goth music subgenres. These terms are far more useful to describe aesthetics rather than people or music.
If you ever hear people talk about "1st/2nd/3rd wave goth/Gothic Rock"; that's an (in my opinion) outdated and not too functional terminology to differentiate between "eras" of goth music, 1st wave being between 1975-1985, 2nd between 1985-1995, and 3rd between 1995-? That terminology was used widely when I was a baby bat but not so much anymore.
"Baby bat" is what a lot of more established goths call newbies! It's NOT meant as an insult nor to be condescending. It's a loving cutesy term and while of course most baby bats are very young, it's perfectly plausible to be a very grown adult and a baby bat if they just got into goth instead of getting into the subculture as a teen.
Most goth bands are easily found on Spotify except for more underground ones that haven't been active for a while (I have so many beloved bands and songs that just don't exist on Spotify), but the real goth jackpot is at Bandcamp.
Facebook is still useful for one (1) thing and it's for finding goth events; that's where I've found out about gothic fairs, goth nights and gigs; from the largely popular ones in my local scene to the very underground ones.
The song most of the subculture agrees is THE first official goth song is Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus, which was recorded as a singular take. It was the first track the band recorded together, too.
The Batcave is infamous nowadays as a huge goth night club in Soho (London) during the early 80s, owned by the band Specimen, BUT as told by the very people who used to frequent the nightclub, the whole thing has been a little overblown and its current reputation is more legend than fact. YouTuber Gothcast has a great video on the subject that was praised by members of Specimen itself!
Most of the most iconic pioneer goth musicians HATE being referred to as goths or to have their music referred to as such. When the term "goth" was first starting to be used to describe our music and scene it was a pejorative used by outsiders and/or mostly associated with the campier and more "low brow" bands (Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend come to mind). Andrew Eldritch from Sisters of Mercy especially hates it, to the point he refuses to even say the word and refers to it as "the G word". Which is hilarious since he sounded the most stereotypically gothy out of the big 4 and looked like this at the time he started to be a piss baby about it:
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Goth isn't really a "youth" subculture anymore if you ask people within the scene. Unlike people from many other subcultures, goths have a tendency to stay goth far into adulthood (even if covertly). When you go to any events, besides teens and people in their early 20s, you're gonna see plenty of goths in their 40s and older, a few of them will bring their kids along if the event is family friendly.
Besides the obvious chance of many goths being professional creatives (musicians, writers, artists, etc), for some reason A LOT of goths work in tech and healthcare!
Metalheads headbang, they and punks also mosh. What do goths do to vibe to our music together? We dance! We don't dance the same as non-goths but we LOVE to dance to our music, together or solo. There's no established dance styles to adhere to; it's just letting your body flow to the music. Some goth dancing is very intricate, some of it is very simple, it depends on the goth in question. Just in case, this is NOT like the dance gifs of cybergoths/rivetheads under that damned bridge. Think less that and more Wednesday Addams dancing to The Cramps, or the girl from the Night of the Demons movie. Here's some videos about how goths dance:
We fucking love 80s New Wave. No, Depeche Mode isn't a goth band; yes, you'll have to dig deep to find a goth who doesn't ADORE them. The only one I've come across who disliked Depeche Mode liked Soft Cell instead.
Goth IS international! Not just in the sense that there's fans of goth music basically everywhere, but that there's local goth scenes with their own local goth bands everywhere. Outside of the US + Europe + Canada, there's huge goth scenes all over Latin América (our Deathrock and Post-Punk are at times even popular among 1st world goths), and there's also smaller but still present goth scenes in Africa, Asia and Oceania. She Past Away is very much one of THE most popular goth bands in recent years and they're from Turkey.
The goth scene has always been in friendly terms with the LGBT community. Not only are many of our biggest icons LGBT themselves (the whole band Specimen, AVC from Sopor Aeternus, both members of Diavol Strâin, the vocalist from Male Tears, Cinnamon Hadley, and many more) but plenty of cishet goths (especially the men) embrace gender non-conformity and/or androgyny. In most local scenes, goth club nights are held at gay bars/nightclubs, as they don't tend to have privately owned venues. And either way, at any goth night there'll be tons of gay and gender non-conforming goths no matter where they're held. To varying degrees depending on the locality of the scene, gay and bi people are completely normalized in the goth subculture, and gender non-conformity and androgyny aren't just encouraged, but praised and coveted.
There's goths of any religion you can think of, but Neo Pagans are somewhat over-represented in our community compared to the rest of larger society (for better or worse). Funnily enough, very few goths are actually Satanists of any sort. I'd say the numbers go more or less similar to our local non-goth peers. In the West and westernized countries I'd say it goes; majority culturally-Christian atheist or agnostic goths (usually not militant about it), a few practicing Christians of whichever denomination (usually whichever is dominant in the country they inhabit), the rare but entirely plausible Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist goth, and a bunch of Neo-Pagans. Probably one (1) or two (2) actual Satanist goths per state/province/etc, tops.
World Goth Day is celebrated every year on May 22nd.
"Mallgoth" isn't a type of goth in either a musical or fashion sense. I made another TikTok about it, but in summary; it was originally hurled as an insult towards a very specific type of poser; the American kids in the late 90s and early 00s who imitated how goths dressed and called themselves goths while only listening to Nu Metal and maybe the most mainstream Industrial Metal. They tended to congregate at malls and behave particularly obnoxious to everyone there, further ruining our already delicate image (especially at that time).
Cybergoths aren't really goths either. Their music scene is centered around EBM, which is basically slightly darker and slightly more aggressive raver music that may or may not have Industrial influences. And to be honest they behaved like a rapacious invasive species in goth club nights to the point that they almost decimated the actual goth scene and it took us a while to recover from that.
Goths are sometimes perceived as too self-serious but honestly? We love making fun of ourselves and we tend to have a very silly or dry sense of humor. We're just tired of the same cheap and inaccurate jokes made by people who don't know anything about us. The best jokes about goths will often come from goths ourselves; you can only properly make fun of something you understand well! The few times outsiders get it right though? (Sad to confirm that the South Park goth kids are hilarious and I wish they were in a better show) You'll see goths sharing the SHIT out of it, such as me being obsessed with the goths from Ridonculous Race, or the clip below:
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marvelwitchergilmore · 4 months
For A While...
Summary: Spencer Reid x Fe!Reader -> You were first introduced to Spencer through Emily, however, six years later, it seems some things are beginning to change.
Disclaimer: 16+ CM level violence. Descriptions of torture, death and stalking. This is part two. Part one can be accessed here. Fluff towards the end. Pining. Angst (kinda). Not proof read.
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Five Months Later…
The last five months had been like agony for Spencer. 
He’s spent the last five months trying his best to figure out his feelings for you until one morning he walked into work, determined to look less like a complete confused mess as he had done for the last several days. 
His tie was still a little crooked, but his hair was neater than when he’d rolled out of bed, and his shirt wasn’t creased. And with a coffee in his hand, he was waking up a little faster than usual. Except, just as he stepped through the doors, he saw you by your desk. 
No-one was in the office yet. You’d been removing your scarf and coat, laying them on the back of your chair when he spotted you and the voice in his head said…
I love you.
He’d shocked himself. 
Of course, he had already known his feelings ran deep for you. But it was the first time the actual words had been spoken out loud, or in the very least, to himself. 
And it had been agony ever since. 
He was pretty sure he managed to hide it, though he doubted that the team didn’t at least have their suspicions. If Emily had figured it out with only a couple of days, the team had seen them both for months. 
However, Spencer was certain of one thing. 
He had it under control. 
Like he had told Emily, he didn’t want to lose you. And if that meant forever being your friend, living with a cage around his heart when he was with you that felt as if it was crushing his soul, he could happily live with that. 
Until, one day, Spencer wondered why he’d built the cage in the first place. Because as much as he was aware of the dangers both of your jobs posed, he never thought he could lose you because of that. 
The team had been flown to Oregon for a case. Four women had been killed in the town, all with a similar look, background and lifestyle. And the further you were looking into the case, it didn’t just seem to be in Oregon. The bodies trailed over the years across the country, and from what you could figure, the first had been in Virginia. 
However, the longer you all worked on the case, the more the nagging feeling in your gut grew. Something felt too familiar about the case. 
“We have to be missing something. We already know this guy stalks his victims, right. He knows what they do for work, he makes sure he knows what they’re doing at all times. He prays for the right moment when they're alone or they’re away from their general routine.” 
“If it was a bigger pattern you could say he’s picking them at random.”
“But I don’t think he is. I mean, look at how each of the victims are described.”
They were described as smart, happy, hard working. If they ever stepped out of their routine, it was because they had to. The first victim drove a little out of town because her usual restaurant she ordered from was shut. The second because she needed cabinet hinges. The third because she needed to stop for gas but there was a diversion on the road, sending her to another. 
The rest of the team continued talking but when Spencer looked over to you, you seemed…off. 
“Hey, I’m gonna go and get some coffee. You guys want some?”
“Sure, that’d be great.”
Spencer knew that look on your face a little too well. You needed space. Why, he didn’t know. But he also knew it was better not to follow you. 
Except, he couldn’t help but wish he could turn back the clock and do exactly that. 
An hour later, you still hadn’t returned. 
After twenty five minutes, they figured maybe there was a long cue. After thirty five, they figured maybe they had been changing the coffee filter just as you got there. 
When you didn’t pick up your phone after an hour…they got worried. 
So, sending Derek and Spencer to the coffee shop to try and find you, Hotch, JJ, Rossi and Blake stayed behind in case it was just that they were changing the filter and there was a long cue and your phone had died. 
Except, when Spencer and Derek returned half an hour later having searched up and down the block, in every cafe, coffee shop, convenience store and gas station, they all knew something was wrong. 
“She’s not any of them. The cashier said she hadn’t even come in today.”
“That’s not good.”
From the screen, Garcia popped up. 
“Guys, I’m getting a live feed. You’re gonna want to see this, though…I don’t know if you’ll want to.”
“What is it, Garcia?”
Garcia said nothing, but her face said it all. With a couple of clicks, the feed was up on the full screen and everyone in the police department was watching it. 
“How long have you had this Garcia?”
“The alert came in only a few moments before I called you, but according to the chat room, it’s been prepared for a couple of hours, but went live about forty minutes ago. I think you should also know, I was invited to this.”
“Invited?” JJ asked. 
“Believe me, I’ve had every corner that I know of, being monitored. But apparently this is a new one.”
Everyone looked a little closer to the screen, and eventually it got a little brighter. Most likely from a light on the further wall. 
And everyone’s hearts sank. 
It was you. 
You had a gash on your head, most likely where the unsub had hit you across the head. From the look on your face as you move your body ever so slightly, it wasn’t the only place on you that was wounded. 
The camera angles kept changing, offering a different view of the room, though there wasn’t much to see other than you, beaten and bloodied, zip tied and chained to a bolted down chair. 
Then someone came into shot. 
The unsub. 
He approached you slowly, bringing with him a damp cloth, gently pressing it to your head. 
“It’s okay. Take it easy.”
You forced your eyes open, but when you were met with the reality of who it was, your face turned into shock, fear, disgust and anger. 
You jerked back, unable to move any further than you had tried before. 
“Get the hell off me.”
“It’s okay, don’t be like that.”
The unsub spoke softly to you. 
“Get away from me. Get off me.”
“You don’t have to be like this.”
Then you spotted the camera. 
“You’re filming this?”
“I thought your friends might like to see it. See how safe you are.”
“Safe?!” both yourself and Spencer asked. 
“Garcia, can you get a clear shot of the unsub?”
“No, sir. He hasn’t looked at the camera fully.”
“Then look into Y/l/n’s past. She knows him. Or, he knows her. Maybe they’ve crossed paths somewhere before.”
“Already on it, Sir.”
It would take a little longer for the team to realise your relationship to the unsub. And your connection to the victims. 
“I told you you’re safe with me, you don’t have to worry any more.”
“You kidnap me and tell me not to worry?!”
“I can take care of you.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Why take her though? Why follow her? It’s too risky.”
“Maybe it’s his endgame.” Spencer said out loud, the cogs turning over and over in his head. Then he moved towards the evidence board, rearranging things around where he’d written your name in a bubble. 
He needed to keep moving, proving to himself he was alive. Or else he might break more than he ever had. 
“How would you describe her?”
“Smart.” JJ began, following what Spencer was getting at. 
“Hard working.”
“A stickler for routine. She’s fixed. Doesn’t often change what she likes.”
More comparisons came out and Spencer had proven his point. 
“I’m wondering if he was her first victim. Or if she was his catalyst.”
Everyone turned back to the screen when they heard a loud strike. 
“It WAS me!”
It took you a moment before you rolled your head back up and looked from the camera to him. 
“It never was you, that was the whole point.”
“Only because you couldn’t see what I could offer you.” He pulled a chair harshly in front of you and sat down. The camera still had a clear shot of your face, but just the back of his head. 
“I saw you, a few years ago. Who was he?”
“Who was who?”
“That-that-that guy! The one you think you wanted! The one you thought could offer you everything!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Another strike across the face. Then he grabbed you. 
“I saw how you looked at him. Like he was the whole world. Your whole world.”
“When even was-”
“Six years ago. I was coming out of a bar. Couple of buddies wanted me to go with them but I knew I had to find you. And I was stupid enough to think you’d be waiting for me. Instead, I found you with him. Standing outside your apartment. I didn’t wait around for the kiss.”
His name slipped from your mouth before you could stop yourself. 
“So, you remember him? You remember him? You remember him…” 
Of course you remember him. How could you not? You worked with him every single day. 
The unsub was growing more emotional. From accusatory to confusion to a sadness of acceptance. 
Then anger. 
“You remember him!? And all he had to do was walk you home?!” The unsub laughed before pausing and kicking the chair over, sending it flying into a wall. 
You jumped at his quickness and the loudness of the noises. 
“Do you know how long I have been trying to get your attention?! How long I have spent trying to show you that you have feelings for me? You might deny it, but we both know it’s true. It has been since we first met. I know you didn’t know, but I saw it in your eyes, in that kindness you showed me when no one else did. You volunteered to be my partner, remember?”
“For the…the forest run?”
“You do remember.”
The unsub got down on his knees in front of you, clutching at your jacket. 
“See, this just proves-”
“I volunteered because Sophia didn’t want to be left alone with you.”
“I opted to take her place to make her feel safe.”
As you continued to explain, Hotch and Garcia tracked your phone numbers and social media posts until she found Sophia. 
“So you don’t feel safe with me, but you’ll feel safe with Spencer?”
“Please, don’t bring him into this.”
“Why not?”
The unsub sat back. “Why not? Go ahead, tell me. This wouldn’t happen to be the same Doctor Spencer Reid, would it?”
You tried to deny it, but no words came from your mouth. 
The unsub became deflated. 
“And let me guess, you have feelings for him…you…you even…love him. Why do I not measure up? Because I don’t work for the FBI? Because I’m not a Doctor? What is it that makes  him so much better that he earns your love?”
“Please, just-”
“It should be me! What can he give you that I can’t?”
Then he pushed the hair from your face and held it against your head, forcing you to look at him. 
“I could have given you everything. I still can. Just tell them you’re safe, and I’ll make sure nothing ever happens to you, ever again.”
“Please, don’t-”
He turned to stand behind you, forcing you to look directly into the camera where the team could see the trails left behind through the blood on your cheeks, where your tears had flooded through them. 
“Garcia, please tell me you have something.”
“Uh, maybe, I-I don’t know. I can’t be certain.”
“I’ll take what I can get, Garcia.”
“Well, I, uh-”
“Now, Garcia.” Spencer called out, his voice oddly even and a little cold. 
“Sophia said his name was Toby-something. But I’ve looked through her files, her socials. There isn’t a single Toby, or Tobias or even Tobe.”
“Can you get a picture of him?”
“I’ve got a few, I’m running them through my database now.”
“What about Emily?” JJ asked. Everyone looked at her. “She grew up with Emily, right? Maybe she’ll know something.”
Spencer was already on the phone. 
“Emily? Emily, listen to me. Was there anyone in Y/n’s past that she had trouble with? An ex boyfriend or something in college?”
“I- Reid, is everything okay?”
“Garcia will catch you up, but please. Was there anyone she talked about? Maybe a Toby-someone?”
Suddenly, Emily’s voice turned cold. “Reid, where is she?”
“Back when she was in college, she was having trouble with a guy. Everyone called him Toby but his real name Jonathan. Toby was his middle name. He seemed fixated on her and one day, she found him in her apartment on campus. She called me and I got her out. After that, he seemed to disappear, but she always was weary.”
“Okay, send all the details you can to Garcia.”
“Already happening.”
All the team could do was wait and watch, hoping something would jump out at them to help find you. 
“Do you love him?”
“I need to hear it from you. Do you love him?”
He picked up a weapon of some kind. A knife maybe. 
“No, no, I can’t watch!” Garcia called out, turning her chair away. 
A backhanded slap came across your face, the edge of the knife, cutting your cheek. 
“Do. You. Love. Him?” Toby screamed louder. 
Garcia squealed a little, hearing his arm movement. But just when she expected you to scream in pain, anyone who was listening heard what you said next. 
“YES!” you screamed, fear of what was going to come next taking over. Maybe it would have been best to lie. But he wouldn’t have accepted it. And if he was going to kill you…
Toby faltered, looking down at you in heartbroken shock. 
“Yes, yes. I do. I love him. Please…please don’t hurt me…I-”
Toby dropped the knife, the sound clattering on the floor, and he stepped back. Even from behind, they could all see the changes in his body movement. 
From shock, heartbreak, to more shock to…anger. 
And fear flashed across your face. 
“No, no, no. Please. Toby- what-what are you doing?”
He was moving around the room, gathering things. 
“Toby, please. Please don’t-”
Then the screen went dark. 
“Garcia! Please tell me you have something!”
“Almost. Hold on. Wait.”
“We can’t-”
“The footage is still running. There’s no picture or sound, but it’s still running. Maybe if I can just- I’ve got her.”
“Garcia, send us the address.”
“Already done. Please bring her back safe.”
Toby had taken you forty minutes out of town, held up in a small town shed on a small plot of land he’d rented in cash, save for the electric bill that was in his name from a month earlier. Garcia couldn’t trace the address, but she could find the closest cell tower. And with a little cross reference, she found you. 
All the team could do was hope you were still alive by the time they got to you. 
It was agonising to listen to, but your screams let them know you were still alive. And when Morgan kicked down the door, Toby turned around you, holding your body against his front. 
He’d changed you from being tied down in the chair to being strung up by your wrists. By the looks of it, however, you had managed to fight back, presumably in the small window of time you did have. 
“Come any closer and I’ll kill her.”
“No you won’t, Toby.”
“Won’t I?!”
You whimpered a little as the blade pushed further into your skin. 
“You love her, don’t you? Don’t you want to see her happy?”
“She IS happy. She’s happy with me.”
“Really, Toby? Because I wouldn’t say she looks happy. I’d say she looks scared. Terrified, even.”
“No, no, no she’s not.”
“She loves me! She has to love me!”
“But she doesn’t. And do you really think this is how she’s going to fall in love with you? By forcing her into it?”
Toby changed. 
“Doctor Reid. Doctor Spencer Reid. This is him, isn’t it? This is the one that took you from me? Maybe once I’m done with you, maybe, maybe he’ll be next.”
“Or you can choose me. Choose me and they don’t get hurt. Choose me and-”
You jumped at the sound. 
A gunshot. 
Everything went silent and then the knife clattered to the floor once more, soon followed by Toby’s body. 
For a moment, you heard JJ’s voice coming from Derek’s wire, and then everything came back into a blurry focus. 
“Is it over? Is-is he dead?”
Reid moved closer, checking his pulse before nodding to Morgan. 
“It’s over.”
“Thank god, please get these off me.”
Spencer was closer, taking his pocket knife out before cutting your binds, allowing you to stand fully on the floor once more. 
Your arms wrapped around Spencer both out of necessity, since your legs gave way for a moment, and out of need to hug someone, anyone, who wasn’t Toby. 
In his arms, Spencer could feel your entire body shaking. So he simply held you tighter. 
“Is-is it-are you sure it’s over?”
“It’s over. Let's get you out of here.”
Spencer helped you out of the shed before walking you over to the ambulance that was pulling up behind one of the SUVs. 
“P-please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.”
And he did. 
Spencer stayed with you as they helped you into the ambulance and drove you to the hospital, he stayed with you as the doctors talked you through where they were taking you and what would happen and he was right there waiting for you, as you had asked, when you got out. 
And when they finally found you a room, he stayed by your side, holding your hand. 
Even hours later, you were still shaking with nerves and adrenaline. 
“Have you called Emily?” you asked after a few hours of silence. 
Spencer nodded. “She knows what happened. She’s also said she’s gonna catch the next flight out once they open the airports in London. Some storms closed the runways.”
You just nodded. 
“Hey Spencer?”
Spencer hummed. 
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“For…for what happened. I-I don’t know how much you saw from the footage but Toby…I should have lied. I should have tried to keep your name-”
Spencer shot out of his seat and sat on your bed facing you, slowly taking the hand you used to squeeze your eyes shut from crying, into his. 
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s-”
“It’s okay. All I care about is that you’re safe. Emily…she already knew. She… a couple months ago, she talked to me about it…because she figured that was how I felt about you.”
“Spence, no, you don’t have to-”
“We can talk about it more, when you’re better, but I just…I need you to know, you’re not alone. And I don’t want you to be sorry for what you said. Because, even though I’m sorry for how it had to happen, I’m not sorry about what was said.”
“You…you’re not?”
Spencer shook his head, looking down at your hands in his, his thumb tracing a constant pattern over your knuckles. 
However, the familiar clicking of heels down the hall broke your intimate silence. 
“We’ll talk about it?”
You nodded.
Garcia was calling out your name before she found your room and took a look at you. 
“Oh, thank god.”
“Penelope,” you smiled. 
And Spencer smiled, too. For the first time in the last week, let alone the last twenty four hours, you smiled. Genuinely smiled.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t find you sooner. If I-”
“It’s okay. You still found me. I’m okay.”
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again. And Emily will be here soon so it won’t just be me, you’ll have both of us. Maybe we can live like the Golden Girls.”
You struggled to laugh, but laughed all the same. “I’d like that.”
“Good, because you don’t have a choice.”
“I’ll give you two some space to plan your move,” Spencer smiled. 
You smiled softly back at him as he slowly walked out of the room, but not before Penelope called his name. “Bring her back some jello! Orange, if they have it!”
Spencer nodded, however he didn’t need telling why orange. It was your favourite. 
“How do you know that’s my favourite?”
“Emily told me.”
You smiled. There had been a week back in middle school when all you could stomach was orange jello. You’d have thought that after being sick for a week, you’d never want to eat it again. But that never happened. 
The doctors kept you in hospital for the next couple of days whilst the rest of the team helped finish the last couple of cases at the police department. 
When you were finally cleared to fly, Hotch and Emily were the ones to help you with your things. 
Hotch explained what would happen when you all got back to the Bureau and what would happen with yourself and your job. 
“I know you’ll be itching to get back to work, but I want you to take some time off.”
“I will. I promise.”
By the time you got to the jet, you weren’t up in the air an hour before you excused yourself from Rossi’s story time to sit by the one person who brought you the most peace. 
“Mind if I sit here?”
Spencer smiled and shook his head, making space for you beside him on the sofa. 
“Do you want to sleep?”
“What are you reading?”
He showed you. 
“Wizard of Oz.”
“Want me to read it to you? Studies have shown it helps with sleep.”
“I’d like that.”
Within twenty minutes, you were fast asleep against Spencer’s chest. He’s turned himself so you could lean against him and see the small pictures that had been drawn, as he read. 
And thankfully, Rossi’s stories kept everyone distracted long enough for yourself and Spencer to not experience the embarrassment of getting caught in such a compromising position, considering you were both just meant to be friends.
A week later…
Yourself and Spencer had seen Emily off in the Airport, and after that, Spencer had driven you home. You’d stopped off for some chinese food on the way back, and even though you’d both had…half conversations about what you’d said in the hospital, neither of you had come right out and said, well, anything. 
Until you stopped in your tracks, forcing Spencer to do the same. 
“Is everything-”
“I feel I need to confess something.”
“Do you need a church or-”
“It’s not that kind of confession.” you turned to face Spencer fully. 
In two weeks time, you’d be going back to work. And you couldn’t take another two weeks, plus additional ones of whatever the awkward…thing was between you both. Like you each knew each other's secret, but didn’t know its full whereabouts. 
“I love you,” you told him, finally. “I know it seemed forced, but it was the truth nonetheless. I love you. I am in love with you and…I don’t know what to do about it. Because, first and foremost, you’re my friend. And no matter what, I don’t want to lose what we have. I love you, but most of all I like you. I like being around you. I like listening to you talk about different books and music and the fact that whales can produce sounds up to 188 decibels. I-”
“I love you, too.”
That forced you to stop. And Spencer could see your eyes searching for an explanation. 
“I don’t know how it happened. All I know is that one day I just…breathed for the first time. That I saw you and knew that if I stopped, I might die.”
“Sounds a little dramatic.”
Spencer laughed a little. “I guess it does. But it’s true. I’m in love with you. And I like you, too.”
You smiled. 
“You know, I had a crush on you for the longest time.”
“Really? How long?”
Part of it baffled Spencer that you had perhaps had feelings for him longer than he did you, but most of all it baffled him how he hadn’t noticed. 
“For a while…”
With a smile, you felt yourself leaning into Spencer. And he felt himself do the same thing until finally your lips met his. 
The kiss was gentle at first, but became a little more searing as his hand gently brushed the hair from your face to behind your ear, and pulled you a little closer. 
And you both just stood there for a while, pressed against each other, allowing each kiss to let you both know it was, in fact, very real. 
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ghouldump · 2 months
Hiiiii I absolutely love your work thanks for feeding us with iwtv content!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️
I was thinking of a lestat x bi/queer fem reader, in which they’re just cuddling and chilling as they share their past experiences with lovers with no judgement and how they both came to terms with their sexuality, just something very fluffy!
That’s just a suggestion in case you needed ideas, don’t feel pressured at all! Have a great day🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
As You Are | Lestat De Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ summary in request above ^
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“You sure you okay, ma chérie, you've been awfully quiet, Lestat said, his fingertips brushing against your hip.
It was one of those rare nights, after hunting, there was nothing else to do but to spend time with each other. You both spent decades without companionship, drowning in loneliness, before meeting each other and now you treasured quality time together.
“I’m okay, today is an old friend's birthday, and I can't help thinking of her,” you told him, climbing out of bed, you grabbed the folded photo from inside of your coin purse.
“You two are a little close be friends,” he said, making you laugh.
“She said people would say that,” you smiled, folding the photo back up.
“You’ve been with a woman, this friend of yours,” he quickly realized.
“Yes, you aren't the only one who doesn't discriminate,” you laughed at how theatrical he was. Lestat had been open about his diverse tastes and history, while you were oftentimes a closed book, listening to his stories, rather than telling your own.
“How did I not know this?”
“I guess it slipped my mind, I don't talk about it, I've learned things and healed, and have no regrets,” you shrugged.
“You cannot tell me that and not elaborate…”
“Well, early 1900s, I had obviously just been turned, I tried dating around for a bit, but nothing worked out, until Helen. I always felt things towards women, but you know how things were back then, I couldn't dare express these feelings to anyone. I probably would've gotten a lobotomy,” you said, making him snicker.
“I realized if I would be here forever, I needed to come to terms with myself. Helen lived in the same apartment building, and I, of course, began to flirt with her. She was like I once was, hiding her true identity, afraid of judgment from outsiders. We were together for some time, in secret. I eventually wanted to turn her, but she was too afraid, blinded by her own internal conflict. We ultimately parted, and she went on with her life. I didn't hear from her again, until I was invited to her funeral, by her children,” you told him, he listened attentively, his softened eyes staring at your face, as he held you close.
“Oh, ma chérie”
“For the longest, I struggled with accepting who I was, questioning what was wrong with me, but I eventually could see myself healing, as time went on. I dated a few others, but none could capture my heart like her, I wouldn't allow myself to fully enjoy and give in until I met you,” you smiled, pecking his lips.
“I thought I wasn't able to love again, after my Nicky, until you came along, and I suppose things worked out perfectly,” he said, his finger brushing against your face.
“We’re one and the same”
“I agree, although it does make things more interesting knowing you also have equally eclectic taste, we’ll have to explore this scandalous side of you,” he grinned.
“What did you have in mind?” you asked, laughing at the mischievous grin on his lips.
“Nothing, for now, I just want to love you, completely and unconditionally, as you are,” he snuggled against you.
“Yes, we can invite someone except not that banchy-singing whore,” you said, hearing his thoughts, questioning if you would be open to a third joining you two in bed, from time to time.
“Thank god, I thought I would have had to beg,” he said, wrapping his arms around you, as he rolled over.
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afictionalwhor3 · 10 months
Mrs. Serensin
A/N: Back again from the dead lol. College is kicking my ass I cannot even lie. Also, I've been pissed at the lack of diversity in fandoms/fan fics until I realized I can literally change that lol so here's my take enjoy. One shot, I wrote wherever the wind took me.
Dad!Jake Serensin x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, established relationship, fluff (Jake and reader being domestic and in love), only minorly proofread.
It wasn't the warm sun on your skin that woke you up. Or even the usual patter of feet and knocking at your door that pulled you abruptly from sleep. It was the feeling of soft lips on your skin. Feather light and if you didn't focus you might've missed them. You stirred softly looking over your shoulder as Jake looked back at you with those gorgeous green eyes you fell in love with so many years ago.
"Morning Mrs. Serensin" He says with that famous boyish grin on his face as he presses a soft kiss to your lips.
"Morning" You mumble wiping your eyes after you kiss him back. "What time is it? Where are the kids?" You asked him. In seemingly no rush Jake went back to his previous role applying warm kisses to the column on your throat and along your shoulder. As much as you wanted to enjoy the moment you couldn't help but anticipate the screaming of children.
"Relax... kids are still sleeping. It's pretty early. It's just me and you darling" He says and some of his Texas drawl slips out making you smile. You lay on your back to properly look at him your hands tracing over his exposed chest down to his defined stomach. His ability to keep up with his physique while parenting three kids always ceased to amaze you. Jake smirks down at you putting his hands on your hips and giving them a squeeze.
"So are you telling me Mr. Serensin that I have you all to myself for the unforseeable future?" You ask smiling at him as he leans in close to you.
"You do Mrs. Serensin. But I don't know for how long so I plan on making the most of it," He says pressing his lips to yours passionately as you wrap your legs around his waist. After your third child, you were scared that yours and Jake's sex life would die down, or maybe he wouldn't even find you attractive anymore. Boy, you couldn't be further from the truth. You could swear that after each kid Jake only began to worship you more.
"You're gorgeous. Always so pretty" Jake whispers to himself when he pulls away from your lip to kiss at your jaw. He then quickly gets rid of his old navy shirt you had on. Slipping a finger up your slit smirking as you whimper. "Always so wet for me mama. I love it." He says pressing his lips to yours again as he slides a finger into your pussy making you moan.
"Jake please. I need you so bad. No teasing please," You beg. The nagging feeling of getting caught lingering at the back of your brain and you don't know what you'd with yourself if this moment between you two was interrupted. Jake slides another finger into you curling them just right to make your eyes roll back as you grab his wrist.
"There you go baby. I got ya. Always gotta make sure you're ready for me." Jake says pressing kisses to your collarbone as he gently pulls his fingers out and takes off his boxers. He guides himself up to your slit teasing you briefly before slowly sliding himself inside your heat both of you letting out breaths of pleasure. "Fuck you're always so tight for me mama. Three kids and you're still tight as the first night we met" Jake breathes into your neck.
One of the many things you loved about sex with Jake was how he wasn't scared to be vocal. You loved all the filthy things he would tell you as he fucked you into oblivion. No matter how many times the two of you had sex it would never get old. And this time was no different as he began thrusting in and out of you, "Yes Jake. Right there baby" You moan your hands finding his back as your nails dig gently into his flesh.
"Pussy's always ready for me. Always ready to take me. Ain't that right baby?" Jake asks as you nod. Usually, he loves to take his time with you, always wanting to make you cum before he even thinks about pleasuring himself. Unfortuantely this morning he didn't have that luxury and there is no way he would pass up an opportunity to watch you lose yourself on his cock. He sits up putting one leg over his shoulder and after a couple of hard thrusts he watches your jaw go slack and your eyes roll back. "There we go mama. There's the spot I was looking for. Feels so good doesn't it baby?"
All you can give him is moan after moan as you spiral deeper and deeper into pleasure. Jake realizes you losing your volume control and presses his lips to yours. "So loud for me. Love when you vocalize how good I'm fucking you baby" He whispers against your lips.
"Jake you're fucking me too good. Don't stop baby and I'll cum. Gonna cum all over your cock" You moan locking eyes with him. Now it is Jake's turn to get lost in your big brown eyes. The same ones he saw everytime he looked at your children.
"Gonna make a mess on my cock baby? Go ahead. Cum for me, I got you" He instructs as he slips a hand in between your body and begins to toy with your clit. That is the final straw for you as you bite softly into his shoulder to control your moans of pleasure. The spasming of your orgasm around Jake's cock has him cumming only a few strokes after you "Fuck baby I'm stuffing your pussy Oh god!" He moans into your ear before relaxing against your body.
You both lay in post orgasmic haze for what feels like forever "We should probably get ourselves together sometime soon before we end up having the birds and the bees conversation a lot sooner than we planned," Jake says making you smile. You run your hands through his hair a few times always trying to maximize the alone time you two shared,
"I guess you have a point there" You say as he smiles looking at you and kissing you "You are the love of my life Mrs. Serensin" He says before slowly pulling out of you as you whimper at the loss of contact. He stands up getting a warm cloth to clean you up with before he uses it for himself. After he does so you stand up so you can start getting ready for the day. You walk over to your closet finding clothes to put on after your quick shower. As you do so you hear Jake whistle behind you making you look over your shoulder,
"Looking good has always Mrs. Serensin. Do you know that everyday we are together you get sexier?" Jake asks as you roll your eyes and go back to the task at your hand biting your lip to hide your smile. You grab a towel before looking at him again,
"You know you don't have to sweet talk me anymore? We're married you know I'll give it to you whenever you want. Also I have a name outside of Mrs. Serensin" You say rhetorically loving that he calls you that all the time and never stops trying to woo you like the days he asked for your number.
"You know better than anyone I love the chase. As long as I'm on earth I'll spend that time hitting on you. You're too hot not to. And if I wanted to call you by your name I wouldn't of married you." He says as you continue to hide your smile from him and walk towards the bathroom. Before he can even ask you say, "No Mr. Serensin you cannot join," you smile as you see him fake pout out of the corner of your eye.
"They have the little festival thing in the park we could take them to. Wyatt and Cam loved it last year with the face painting and the balloon animals." You say as you and Jake finish getting dressed for the day almost ready to wake the kids up. Jake walks over slapping your bum gently before wrapping his arms around you.
"Whenever you tell me to go Mrs. Serensin is where I'll be" He says as you roll your eyes. He buries his head in crevice of your neck enjoying the fresh smell of vanilla that is so uniquely you he can smell it wherever he goes.
"Well there's also-" You start before both you and Jake hear a loud crash from downstairs. Both looking scared you race out of your room and downstairs. Jake keeps you behind him the whole time as you walk into the kitchen and see your three children covered in some kind of mix and eggs. Both of your jaws hanging open.
"We wanted to surprise you and make you guys pancakes" Your oldest Wyatt says as you sigh taking a deep breath as you see Jake try to refrain himself from laughing. You hit him lightly in the arm as you get closer to your babies.
"That is so sweet of you guys but next time you can get one of us and we will help you. Just to make sure no one gets hurt." You say picking up your youngest, your little girl Julia as she smiles that big toothy grin at you. "Surprise!!" she says holding her arms out as you hold her at an arms length laughing softly.
"How about daddy helps you guys get cleaned up and dressed for the day while I clean this mess up. After that we will all get breakfast and if you're good go to the park." You say as they all clap in unison. Wyatt and Cam make a dash past Jake racing to the bathroom as you walk over to him putting Julia in his arms.
"Get to cleaning Daddy. There's a lot of work to do" You smile giving him a kiss as Julia cuddles into him leaving Jake stunned and just as dirty now. Yet he can't help but smile at you, then his little girl, and at the life he currently as. Despite the egg yolk on his shirt, and the mess that he can already hear happening in the upstairs bathroom, he swears he wouldn't change his life for anything.
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onelittlespiral · 4 months
Hey, it's been pretty hard to motivate myself to write lately with my new job, so I want to reward someone who's doing a great job getting his work done lately. I want to give idesofrevolution a nice musky dudebro transformation he'll really love, and hopefully the mystery transformation gives me some more free time to be horny and creative.
Subject: Order #100690
Dear Fred,
Thank you for your recent purchase from The Spiral, home for all your transformation needs! Your order #100690 has been received and is on its way as we speak. Your order includes:
(1) Bro(Musk)_From_Friend(Online; Blog)
(1) Mystery(Self)
Please note that due to the subject’s history with transformations, delivery methods may be delayed or gradual. Expect fulfillment in 2-3 weeks.
The Spiral
We knew you’d come around and round and round and round…
You couldn’t wait to hear back from The Spiral, checking your inbox every couple of hours for any updates on delivery. Training was slow and boring at the new office, so there wasn’t much to do besides sit through the standard HR videos on one monitor and scroll social media on the other. That was when you received an email notification. You opened it up, and excitement turns to disappointment. Just another boring diversity video. You pop it up on the side, plug in your headphones, and wait for the stock music and graphics to start. Except, this one is different. You are watching from a first person perspective as a man walks into a room and lies down on a couch. The camera captures his enormous pecs, hiding the rest of his torso, as they flex a little. You glance around the office, nervous about who may be watching. Something must be wrong, this can’t be your afternoon assignment. But your eyes are drawn back to the screen when the door opens again and another beautiful man graces the screen. Your eyes fix on his, as he leans into the camera for a kiss. You can almost feel his heat through the screen, and you’re soon relaxed in your chair, watching the show.
As he slowly grinds against you, you subconsciously begin to rub at your own crotch, simulating his movements. You begin to feel a horny fog fill your mind as you begin to buy into the fantasy, beginning to ignore your surroundings and forget about your coworkers. It isn’t long before your dick is fully out, imaging how good it feels to have his soft hands rubbing your hardening member. You don’t even notice how much you are beginning to leak pre-cum, synchronized with when he places his delicate lips on your cock and takes the whole member in one motion. You lean back in your chair and let the waves of pleasure relax your muscles. You begin to feel so heavy, as your arms grow tired of stroking. You place them behind your head, letting this experience overtake you as you continue to have your cock expertly worked by a pro. You begin to match his tempo, thrusting in time. Your grunts are getting deeper as you begin to get close. Your partner feels it coming, and steadies his tempo. He doesn’t want you to come too soon. But the fog in your brain is only intensify, leaving you more aroused by the moment. You aren’t able to hold it in much longer.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum in you, and you better not miss a drop,” you say, and his eyes show understanding. You reach out and tug at his hair, taking control of the tempo as his eyes begin to water. But he doesn’t have to worry for too long. You are soon dumping your load in his stomach, and he cums hands free in turn, as the director gets the money shot.
“CUT! That’s a wrap.”
Your partner gets up and wipes himself down. You just grab your shorts and sit back down on the couch.
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It’s going to be a long day of shooting, but you love it. At least here you get to be horny and own it. And, more importantly, get paid. Could be worse. You could be stuck at some stuffy office job. Just then your phone buzzes with a notification. One of your friends just posted, let’s see… oh, @idesofrevolution. Good thing too, you had been worried about Frost. Annnnd a second notification from your management company, The Spiral. They were sending you some confirmation info… something about the Doctor himself coincidentally enough. Seemed to be some details about a movie scene or something meant for him, so probably some mix up. Let’s see what it says…
Dr. Frost was has some background knowledge on our methods from years of research into his own transformation methods. Consequently we took a more gradual approach. Slowly, we began introducing neural waves throughout his day to prime him. In his home, in his car, on his blog, we implemented subtle messages about growth. About muscle. About musk. After all, who needs to waste so much time showering every day? When his deodorant sticks keep going missing, what was the point in buying more? After all, he no longer had much time to go to the store, as he logged off from work and drove straight to the gym every day. At first he wondered why he was suddenly so worried about his health. But as we continued to amplify our waves, he soon stopped worrying. It was natural to want to be strong. It was natural to reek. It was natural to feel good, bro. I’m in control.
As his musk intensifies, he is only conditioning himself to become more and more self indulgent. We began alternating frequencies, sending his testosterone through the roof, driving a new crop of hair growth and keeping his balls plenty full. Between his pit stench and constant gym pump, he is keeping himself at a near constant leak of pre-cum, and quickly soiling any attempt at covering himself up. Not that he cares. He hasn’t showered in a few weeks, only allowing himself tongue baths from whatever gym bro he catches staring and manages to get into his truck for a make out sesh. His memories are evaporated, nothing more than a sweat stain on his favorite cap. His brain is so high on his own supply, our neural waves had to be amplified to get through his brain fog. Hell, he can hardly form a proper sentence, bro. We have taken the liberty of updating his blog to more accurately reflect his new interests. His stories have been replaced with his thirst traps and progress photos. We are satisfied with his progress and have left him to continue his journey of his own, new and improved, free will.
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You should really reach out to him sometime. See if he wants to take his modeling career in a new, more exciting direction. Could be fun to suck that musky cock…
Subject: Order #100690 Fulfilled
Dear Fred,
Your order has been fulfilled. We know you have many options, but thank you for supporting The Spiral.
The Spiral
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so-bitya · 3 months
Whitewashing in Anime - Agni ft. Cithis
Browns of the Same Shade
Hello again! I decided to revisit this topic again now that we have Agni's official appearance in the anime. I also wanted to go over some aspects that I did not get to include in my first post.
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In the end, Agni also got lightened! His skin tone was always somewhat darker than Soma's in both the anime and manga appearances. Yana does describe his appearance as a "dark-skinned woman" in her genderbend sketches. So, for the anime to lighten him this much to such an degree is disappointing.
The skin diversity in the anime has been pretty lacking so far. Once again, A1 studios was not perfect, but they did manage to give all three Indian characters different dark skin tones, while this anime has every Indian generally the same lightened shade.
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(every indian character in the anime are the same skin tone... cloverworks stand up, you can't let a-1 studios beat you like this)
Personal opinion of mine, I feel like animation studios aren't willing to play with skin color values as much anymore. I remember even seeing white characters being various shades of brown, especially under certain lighting and environments. Unlike now, when every character looks bleached the second they hit the sun.
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I also wanted to review what I think of Soma's appearance. Soma's skin tone isn't any darker than it was in the teaser shot sadly, so we can't blame the lighting. I already was expecting it, but it's still a shame.
One positive feature I'll give to the anime is that Soma's nose isn't pronounced all the time. In certain scenes, his nose isn't as sharp as it would be for other characters. I believe that's just the style for the anime and its dependent on the shot.
Anyway, I felt this image was pretty on topic with Soma and Agni's situation and just anime remakes/reboots in general lately:
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Brown ≠ Grey
Something I'm embarrassed I forgot in my last post is saturation! I mentioned often how darker skin tones tend to be neglected, but not only that, but the color! The vibrancy in the skin, the life!
A common feature I noticed, especially in East Asian media, is how they avoid the "brown" in dark-skinned characters, by constantly making their skin tone duller, ending up with more grey-toned skin.
I often see art advice for digital artists that they should pick desaturated colors or colors in the "grey zone" as to not overwhelm the art piece. Which is fine most of the time! But when you apply that advice for brown skin, what you get are mostly grey tones, and end up having your character look like a zombie.
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Here are some colors I randomly picked. The colors on the left are those sandy, dull grey tones I was talking about. If you want to get those richer, deeper-toned browns, you need to pick colors with more saturation like the ones on the right.
Now of course, color is relative and you can't just color pick your way around without considering how it fits in with the rest of the piece. You can even end up washing out your brown character despite choosing a strong brown color. You have to consider the background, lighting, undertones, the environment, and how they'll affect your character. There may even be times desaturated colors work better, but you have to at least consider why it works "better".
Let's take a look at everyone's favorite manga artist right now, Ryoko Rui! Ryoko Rui is praised often for her diverse character roster and creature design, however I always found her darker skin tones rather... lacking, as such for the elf Cithis.
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(I color picked her skin tone and it matched my light grey shades above lol)
Her skin tone is very washed out and grey. She not nearly as dark as she appears in the manga. Once again, there's that dissonance between skin tones. Now take a look at the manga's grey tones.
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When you see this, what skin tone do you imagine for her? Do you imagine the greyish, washed out tones from above or do you imagine something more akin to these black fae models I found?
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(credit: @jaharajayde on twitter and @glassmarigolds on pinterest)
I'll give Rui credit that her color illustrations of Cithis improved and she's gotten better giving Cithis stronger undertones. I really like how the fandom has been illustrating her too, there's been some amazing fanart of Cithis such as these (the lighting in the last one is lovely).
Just adding saturation helps so much with skin tone. I even found an fan edit of Soma that added more color back into his skin, and he looks so much better for it.
One might say, "Oh what's wrong with having grey skin tones in a fantasy story!" Well... nothing really! You can have green or purple or blue characters if you like. But when there's already a startlingly lack of brown characters in a fantasy story, it can get awfully uncomfortable seeing the story portray different fantasy "races" with obviously non white racial features... but don't want to include any black/brown skin tones.
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(fantasy artists would sooner give an orc dreads than a human, forget a "noble" creature like an elf... such decisions only reveals the artists' viewpoints)
It all just comes back down to avoiding that dreaded "brown". When it comes to these "reasons", we have to question whether they aren't just more excuses to not include black and brown people in stories, which makes me come to my next point:
Essence of Brown
There's some severe misinformation I want to address about Soma. I saw a fan a while ago say that Soma has a white mother which explains why he has light skin.
Firstly, that information is false. It was a concept Yana had for Soma, but quickly decided to drop it. Soma is not half white.
In the early drafts of the series, Soma had a white mother and, thus, white skin. However, this was later omitted in final revisions.
(quoted from the official kuroshitsuji wiki as an excerpt from the character guide)
Yes, you can have mixed parents and any kind of skin tone really! But it feels... dishonest to create "reasons" why the manga's first major Indian character, joining a cast of white people in a European country, should have white skin as well. Especially considering Yana's artstyle, without Soma's skin tone and Indian wardrobe, is his physical characteristics like his face even distinguishable enough for him not to be mistaken as white?
Imagine I wrote a story set in France, and teased an appearance of an African character in story that only had white characters until now, only for him to be completely white in appearance, and identical to every other white man, except for the occasionally exotic dress and other drab stereotypes.
What would you think? That his race is only a dressing to fulfill an exotic need at times? That he's a supposed homage to another culture, but it's wrong to have him actually look like the majority of people who made said culture? Why is he even this way?
Did he have a white parent? A white upbringing? Lived in a white culture, lived a white life? Maybe he was separated from birth! From his hometown, his country, his people, anything to justify why my "brown" character is so divorced from that part of his identity, from that side of the family whose skin tone runs a little too dark.
And I think that's why Yana decided to drop the concept of giving him a white mother. Why go through all those loopholes and explanations? Why all that justification for him to have white skin?
It's just another way to avoid the "browness" again for a character, what makes them brown in the first place and related to black/brown cultures. It's what we should consider in the future when we find ourselves coming up with "reasons" why black/brown characters should be anything but themselves.
Whitewashing in Anime - Soma ft. Usopp
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sanakimohara · 9 months
“GAME OVER” [Stalker/Ghostface] K.S. + Y.J.
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WARNINGS: Blood, gore, stalking, cnc, drugging, and primal play (later on in pt.2)…?
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin isn’t friendly to at first. You’re the new girl, from a smaller town, and stick out like a sore thumb from the rest of the girls he’s around. Not in a bad way. No, you’re prettier than most in his opinion, soft spoken, but headstrong. That’s what makes you different from the rest. He doesn’t easily understand you and your aura the first time you meet him in the hallway during free period. It throws him off a bit when you smile and joke about how you’re new and haven’t found you’re footing yet. New. So shiny. So guidable. Manipulating you is all he can think about from that day forward, mind running scenario after scenario on how he’d get to you, or what you’d sound like screaming your lungs out for him to stop. Stop what? He doesn’t know or care, but it’s rotting his brain with desire. All. The. Time.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin is the first friendly face you meet at your university. He’s energetic and kind. Very aware and confident in himself as well. All the things any girl feels attracted to -most already do- but unlike the rest Jeongin takes a liking to you first. You’re so down to earth, curious about things you shouldn’t be, and unknowingly reining him in with your witty humor that’s always followed up by a shy smile. It’s so obvious he’s into you, always teasing, and lingering. Sometimes he’s right by your side, arm over your shoulder as he walks you back to your dorm. Other times you don’t even realize he’s trailing your every move. He’s constantly fighting the urge to drag you into the nearest dark alley or seminar room just so he can do whatever he pleases to you. Oh, the fantasies Jeongin has are indeed sinful. They worsen over time, turning from innocent day dreams about taking you on picnic dates to locking you in an abandoned classroom for the sole purpose of defiling you at any given time. It’s all he wants. It’s all he needs. There’s nothing wrong with that in his mind… nothing at all.
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin refuses to admit his growing crush on you when Jeongin brings you up in a conversation. The younger presses his roommate for an opinion, considering the idea of dating you, but Seungmin derails it with an eye roll, “We have other things to worry about. Liking some random girl will fuck our plans up.” Jeongin knows he has a point but can’t let you go that easily. He bugs Seungmin constantly, referring to you any chance he gets, and one night while sharpening their knives Seungmin snaps at him as he once again brings you up. “Would you shut the fuck up about Y/n?! Every goddam minute she’s on your mind! Fuck! We have a load of shit to worry about…a pile of assholes to kill, and here you are crushing on the new girl! Get a fucking grip Jeongin…” and for once the younger is speechless, it’s only a few seconds, but it’s long enough for him to put two and two together. He starts to laugh hysterically, realizing all too quickly Seungmin’s outburst stems from his own attraction to you. “Jesus fucking Christ…you like her too don’t you hyung?! That’s rich!” The older is burdened with listening to Jeongin’s gloating for the rest of the night, angry at himself for giving way to his emotions, and a little jealous his partner in crime shares the same feelings for you.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin invites you over to his dorm after only getting to know you for a month. You don’t think anything of his offer, all smiley as you accept it, and excited at the prospect of getting to know more about his personal life. Jeongin is kind to you, but never reveals much about himself. He’ll redirect any question you ask to a compliment or an inquiry about your life instead. Pure flattery. He uses it well, subconsciously molding you to accept his diversions as innocent interest, which leads to your curiosity about him heightening. Why not spend the evening with him and his roommate and quell that curiosity. Why not take the chance? What could possibly go wrong…?
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin lets his anger shift into envy rather quickly. He’s determined to beat Jeongin to the punch. Researching everything about you, inspecting your social media, learning your class schedule, and even breaking into your dorm room once or twice. The fact that you were new, a mid year transfer, and involved with many extracurricular classes made it easier for him to lurk there unbothered. You had no roommate to bypass which left Seungmin with a lot of time to invest himself in your private space. You don’t realize how many pairs of panties you’re missing, the occasional displacement of your plushie collection, or the random makeup products that mysteriously disappear from your vanity. Seungmin collects the items like sentimental trophies. Leaving the items strewn around his dorm to agitate Jeongin. The gesture has the exact effect he’s hoping for, creating a somewhat friendly competition between the two men, and amping the stakes of their shared affection to a dangerous level. “Really, her lipgloss too? You’re a sick fuck Seungmin,” Jeongin glares at him, tossing the expensive tube of gloss on their kitchen island, and the older smirks as he picks it up to admire. “I’m sick? You’re the one wanting to know what….cherry chocolate…tastes like on her lips. I’m just one step ahead of you..” he smugly replies.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin is elated later that same evening when you knock on the door. Seungmin doesn’t pay his roommates’ newfound energy any mind, typing away at his laptop with AirPods on full blast, but when he catches the sight of you from the corner of his eye he freezes immediately. Jeongin leads you straight to him, engaged in conversation with you already, and inwardly cackling at the upper hand he has on Seungmin. “Y/n, this is my roommate -and best friend- Kim Seungmin. I think you met him once before, right?” he beams a smile as he needlessly introduces you to Seungmin -who is gritting his teeth to keep from punching the younger straight in the jaw. You nod your head, oblivious to the tension between them as you hold out your hand to shake Seungmin’s. His eyes flicker from your outstretched hand to your hopeful smile, ears tingling as you speak to him softly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you…again.” You laugh nervously, unsure of why his stare makes you blush, but hoping he doesn’t notice. Unfortunately, both men see it and as Seungmin takes your hand in his Jeongin can’t hide his glare while the older places a kiss on the back of it. You arrogant son of a bitch, he thinks to himself as Seungmin achieves his goal of flustering you. “Glad to have you over Y/n. The pleasure is all mine..”
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin sheds his anti-social shell entirely the first night you visit, inserting himself into your time with Jeongin, and slowly changing your first impression of him. He’s charming, possessing a sharp sense of humor too, but calmer than Jeongin. You joke about how much they contrast each other, five shots of tequila deep into a drinking game they suggested, and unaware you’re spilling your guts to the two men who are unnervingly obsessed with you. Seungmin can’t hide the cocky smirk on his face when you gaze lustfully at him and Jeongin, unable to hide your emotions under the influence of the spiked drinks he’s been serving you all night. He’s careful with the dosage of drugs he puts into your alcohol, tallying the amount you can take before you pass out sitting in Jeongin’s lap. “75 milligrams of ketamine will work on her,” he tells his roommate later that night as they tuck you into his bed. Jeongin nods, biting his lip as he stares down at you, trying to stick to their agreement of keeping their hands off you until the timing is right.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin fills in the gaps of the previous night for you when morning rolls around. He reassures you nothing sketchy happened and you believe him. He’s never lied to you before, they both were sweet to you the whole night too, and nothing feels out of place on your body…..so he must be telling the truth. Right?…plus it felt good to relax with them. So, when Jeongin invites you over more regularly you don’t refuse him once, unknowingly conditioning yourself to his and Seungmin’s mind games. You don’t think to reconsider staying with or near them more often when the news of gruesome murders taking place on campus start. If anything you draw closer to Jeongin, sticking to his side with each new body that turns up, and inevitably getting attached to Seungmin as well.
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin upholds the pact to not lay hands on you for as long as possible. Taking his sexual frustration out on his victims, frequenting your dorm more often, and jerking off with your panties works for a while. He bores of those outlets soon after you begin hanging around in their dorm on a daily basis. You’re comfortable there, lounging around in their shirts that are way too big for you while rummaging through the kitchen for snacks, and spending the night asleep in one of their beds after a long movie marathons. Sometimes he doses you. Other times your exhaustion come naturally. Either way Seungmin watches you sleep when Jeongin isn’t doing so himself. Seeing you so peaceful, under the impression they’re the safest people to be with while a string of murders happen turns him on. A twisted type of lust he’s keenly aware of…It would be so easy to reach out and drag you underneath him at any time. Use you for all your worth with no one there to stop him. Jeongin surely wouldn’t try -he’d join in. However, outright aggression wasn’t Seungmins taste…no, he wanted you fully committed to their “friendship” first. That way you’d break easier, beg more, and fight for your innocence a little longer. A prized victim, in his opinion. One he could be patient for…
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin has a shameless erection more often than you realize. His victims suffer a blood rage as a result. He starts to kill more often than Seungmin, blood thirst surpassing his partner’s the longer he buries his urges, and the frustration starts surface when he interacts with you. He can’t focus, dazing off as he watches your lips move while you talk, and struggling to keep his eyes focused on your own. His skin goes cold when you place a gentle hand on his arm or leg, wide eyes full of concern as you stare at him. “Everything okay?,” you ask him politely and Jeongin stifles a groan as his cock twitches hearing your sweet tone. Why hasn’t he tied you up already? Why hasn’t Seungmin agreed to taking you yet? Why couldn’t he just kiss you now?! All those questions racked his mind as he swallowed thickly, forcing his usual smile to adorn his face, “I’m fine. Finals week is just kicking my ass. That’s all.” You study his face, not believing him, but assuming he’ll tell you what’s actually bothering him eventually…”Okay…just checking…”
Stalker Jeongin/Ghostface Seungmin come to the conclusion that you’re a liability for them both. An unknown wrench in their grand scheme that needs to be..eliminated swiftly. In one way or another. The two discuss their options while you’re in the bathroom during one of your weekly movies nights with them. Voices barely above a whisper as they plot your fate and plan the rest of the night out in intricate detail. “We won’t kill her, hyung..” Jeongin states matter of factly, eyes glued to the credits rolling on the TV in front of them and Seungmin blinks thoughtfully before nodding in agreement. “No…we won’t. We’ll keep her for a while. I’d like a pet anyway….” His response brings a smile to Jeongins face, both men smirking as the sound of you washing your hands echos from the bathroom. Seungmin rises to his feet first, leisurely walking into the kitchen, and pouring you another ‘drink’. Jeongin waits, observing him for a moment, then opens the bottom drawer of the coffee table to retrieve the knife hidden there. He stands up hearing the bathroom door open, slipping the blade behind his back between his belt and pants’ loop, intently listening to your voice carry through the hall as you make your way back to the living area. “So, what movie should we watch next, guys?” You smile at them both as your gaze shifts from Seungmin to Jeongin. The older hands you the drink in he’s made, watching you take a sip before answering your question. “I was thinking we should do something a little more exciting for the rest of the night, hun..” His suggestion makes you perk up, “Mm, okay, what’d you have in mind?” You take another sip, still not unsettled as he shifts to hug you from behind while Jeongin approaches you with that familiar charming grin. “You’ll love it, Y/n. Me and hyung planned a surprise just for you…”
Stalker Jeongin/Ghostface Seungmin share a knowing look, one you don’t understand, and can’t attempt to comprehend as the room starts to spin. The glass in your hand slips, shattering on the floor with a loud “crack” , and your breaths slow rapidly as Seungmin trails a hand up to your mouth, muffling the panicked cry you let out from the alarming loss of body control. Jeongin’s voice is the last things you hear before everything goes dark and the distinct chill of a blade is pressed to your neck. “75 milligrams worked perfect, hyung…”
…uhm so I really enjoyed writing this…. Idk I’m partial to darker themed stories and fanfics. I know a lot of people may not like this but it’s been on my mind lately. If you’d like a part 2 please lmk… 🖤
….”oh please don’t kill me mr. Ghostfaces I wanna be on the sequel!…” 🥺🖤 I know I need help lol…but like…LOOK AT THEM THEY’D BE GORGEOUS AS SLAHER MOVIE KILLERS RIGHT?!? 🖤 credits to creator 🖤
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Your prompts 5, 14, and 26 with Gojo from JJK, please?
I wanted some diversity in the plots so... Cheater! Gojo manipulating you into staying with him. I have made yandere Gojo worse somehow, you're welcome.
Here's your pathetic ex who can't seem to live without you.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 5, 14, 26
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Toxic relationship, Cheater! Gojo, Mature themes, Stalking, Delusional behavior, Tension, Dubious affection (possible harassment), Implied stalking, Mind break (?), If you read a certain line right... possible murder, Forced relationship implied.
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The grin Satoru Gojo wears around you makes your blood boil. Especially since you know what he's done. You know he's a liar, a liar who loves to string you along like you belong to him.
Truth is, you haven't belonged to him since he decided to touch someone else.
Even when confronted, Satoru just thinks he can lie his way out of it. He always treats you like you can't live without him. He always makes you feel like you're reliant on him.
It felt so good to hurt him when you cut him off, when you took all that power he had over you away from him.
It felt great to watch Satoru's smug expression fall away when he realized he didn't have you. You broke his confidence and left the man begging for you to not leave. He can change! He loves you and wants you safe!
It was just a fling, just a little bit of fun...
All lies.
You moved out and found your way to a friend's place to clear your head. For weeks you had received texts and calls from him. All pleading and begging... all wanting you back.
Satoru had already gotten rid of the person he was toying with to show he loves you. He sent you screenshots of the conversation. He sent you all sorts of things.
Satoru sent you pictures and messages. His pictures varied from him showing how much he missed you to downright lewd images and voicemails. All for you he'd say, like he didn't cheat on you.
Satoru is desperate without you. Of course he craves something he can't have. He ruined things with you... but he can't seem to let it go...
So he'll convince you he still belongs to you... that you still belong to him.
You knew things were bad news the moment you opened the door to your new apartment that your friend hooked you up with. The second the door opened, Satoru is leaning against the frame with flowers and gifts. You go to close the door on his face, but he keeps it open with his foot.
"I just want to talk...!" Satoru pleads, gaze determined. "Please, baby... please let me show you I'm sorry!"
Deciding to humor him, you let your ex in your house. He breathes a sigh of relief, giving a thankful smile as he walks inside. The moment he sits down on your couch, negotiations begin.
"Baby..." Satoru whispers, looking at you as you sit down on the opposite side of him. "They're gone now, I got rid of them. I only belong to you, okay...?"
"We aren't together anymore, Gojo." You saying his last name stings him, your tone of malice. "I don't care if you speak with them or not."
"Come on... you can call me Satoru, I'm your Satoru." Satoru answers, tone pleading. "Let me make it up to you... I'll give you anything."
You watch as Satoru strolls over to you, leaning against the back of your chair. His blue eyes are pleading, desperate... needy. He just couldn't let you go.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!" Satoru continues making his case, strolling in front of you to stroke your cheek. "I could give you whatever you wanted... I'll be all yours... just take me back and I'll protect and love you...."
You slap his hand away, startling Satoru slightly as you stand up. More lies, more falsehoods to keep you under his control again. You glare at him.
"Don't manipulate me. I know what you're trying to get away with. It isn't happening." You hiss, another wound to Satoru's heart. He doesn't give up, unfortunately.
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" Satoru laughs softly. "Remember how happy we were? I just lost my way... maybe you can... help me find it?"
Satoru's voice deepens to a lovesick murmur as he steps closer to you again. Oh how he's missed you. Oh how he wishes you'd just let him spoil you again like a little pet.
He goes to give you affection, yet you keep your distance. Your hate for him makes him frown. Oh, he needed you...
Why won't you take him back? Don't you love him?
"No way." You growl, Satoru staring at you with need. "We are not getting back together."
"Then at least let me show you I still care..." Satoru weakly smiles, reaching out just enough to pull you into his chest by your shirt. You struggle against him but he's stronger. Your ex presses a delusional kiss to your forehead, blue eyes looking as though they'd devour you.
"I want to make it up to you..." Satoru whispers, moving his kisses to your cheeks. "I want to show you I can't live without you... that we're meant to be partners... that you're meant to love me...."
"Let me go...!" You growl, pushing against his chest. Satoru just looks amused when you do so. He likes your warmth against his skin.
"Nuh uh...!" Satoru teases, falling further into delusion. He plans to drag you with him. "Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
"This isn't bonding!" You hiss, causing Satoru to chuckle.
"Not yet~" He purrs, holding you as though you're merely having a tantrum. "Oh, baby... don't you miss me?"Satoru leans close, a devilish grin on his face. "I missed you... no one touched you, did they?"
"That's none of your business-" You counter, only for Satoru to push you onto the couch lightly.
"That's okay, no need to lie, baby... I already know no one has." He grins more, pinning you down. "After all... I can't keep my eyes off what's mine!"
"I'm not-!" You try to say, only for Satoru to cut you off.
"No need to deny it, dear. I can tell you miss this..." Satoru murmurs, looking into your eyes. In a way... yes... what he said was true.
You did miss this... as much as you wished it wasn't true... you missed his touch.
Yet aren't sure if you want to be his again.
"Just let me convince you, baby..." Satoru purrs, voice as soft as velvet as he leans close. "You'll see you need me... I don't need anyone else but you... promise."
With that, Satoru kisses your lips with a hungry force. The kiss is passionate and needy. As though he was a starving man. After some time... you return the gesture.
As much as you hate to admit it...
You're beginning to feel you need him again.
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percervall · 1 year
you make it rain (but I make it shower)
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Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader Words: 834 Request: Lando Norris + Little Mix - Power + fluff/angst Warnings: Christian Horner, sexism
In which you've had enough
“They’re only here for the hot drivers,” the RedBull team principal comments as he walks behind you and Lando. The two of you are watching a group of girls exchange friendship bracelets with some of his fellow drivers, their joy audible as the girls make them remember silly moments that have become inside jokes. Something about Horner’s dismissive tone has you seeing red. You feel Lando’s hand on your shoulder, trying to hold you back from doing something stupid –like getting yourself banned from the paddock.
“No, he needs to hear it. I won’t stand for this,” you brush off your best friend, “You’re such an ass, you know?” you call out to Christian Horner. The man stops and turns around.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you heard me. You should be thanking these girls, they’re the reason F1 has gotten as popular as it has. There’s a reason Daniel’s merch is pulling the numbers it does, why Lando’s own merch sells better than the McLaren stuff, or why Ferrari post literal thirst traps on Instagram every race weekend, and it’s not the 40-something-year-old men with beer bellies clad head to toe in RedBull, setting off flares –illegal flares– in the grandstands. The only reason for your success is because of Max and his army of loyal fans. Every single driver in that number 2 seat has failed to live up to your standards, but then again you also don’t offer them a particularly nurturing work environment. I’m not done,” you say as you see him open his mouth to respond, “Your team has the highest driver turnover rate on the grid. It also has some of the worst transparency when it comes to diversity. I know you hate him, but you could learn a thing or two about how Toto runs Mercedes, about Lewis’ dedication to making the sport more welcoming, and also about profit margins. Their car may be shit, but they’re actually making money. They were also one of the first teams to promote F1 Academy, something your own social media team was quite late with. Gee, I wonder why that is. So please forgive me, Christian, when I say that your opinion of girls and female fans of motor sports means absolutely nothing to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you finish your rant as calmly as you can with your heart hammering in your chest, and walk away from him. Behind you, you hear Horner splutter something about Lando needing to keep his friends in check. You can only imagine what Lando’s reply might be to that. The adrenaline of calling out a team principal on his behaviour is beginning to wear off and you can feel your entire body tremble. You almost jump out of your skin when someone wraps an arm around you.
“Sorry, it’s just me nena,” Carlos says as he stears you into the Ferrari garage, “Horner is on a warpath, you’ll be safe here.” Both him and Charles walk with you to Carlos’ driver room. As soon as the door closes behind you, the tears begin to fall.
“I’m fine,” you splutter at their concerned looks, “I’m- f-fine.” Carlos pulls you into a hug while Charles mumbles something about finding Lando.
“How did you find me so quickly?” you ask, face still half buried in his shirt. Carlos chuckles.
“We were right there, signing some things for fans when it all went down.” Taking a deep breath, you pull back and wipe away the tears. “Pretty sure I’m about to get my paddock access revoked,” you joke through your tears.
“They have another thing coming if the FIA decides to do so,” you hear Lando say as he walks into the room. 
“I won’t apologise,” you say adamantly, allowing your best friend to pull you into a hug.
“Good. Besides, what should you apologise for? You didn’t call him names and all of it is true,” Lando replies. 
“I didn’t even tell him that even the grid struggled to name drivers during that grill the grid video,” you mumble into his hoodie, much to the amusement of Lando.
“I don’t think the FIA would dare revoke your pass, nena,” Carlos comments from where he’s looking over Charles’ shoulder at his phone. “Looks like someone’s filmed it. The video is going viral on social media already. From what I can see all the women in the comments are backing you 100%. If they ban you, there will be a riot.” You can’t help but smile at that. Wiping your nose on the sleeve of your sweater, you straighten up and, after saying goodbyes to Carlos and Charles, you walk back out of the Ferrari garage and head towards the McLaren one. Knowing that all the girls in the paddock will have your back, fills you with warmth. Whatever shit was about to come your way, you’d face it with your head held high, back straight and your friends on the grid supporting you no matter what. 
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I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't sure where to go with this song at first until @curiousthyme allowed me to just word vomit to her to get ideas and this is the result of that. Had so much fun writing the rant (even my heart was racing by the end of it 🙈)
Please let me know what you think! Your comments, tags, and likes mean the world to me
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crowleysgirl56 · 1 month
The vast majority of people who work on a show are paid upfront for their labour
They don't get paid dependent on how successful a show is
They also don't do work that doesn't get paid- if they are working on a show that gets cancelled, they get paid for the work they did
All this 'stream GO for the hard workers behind the scenes' is bullshit
They work for companies are will be put on different projects
Just be honest that you want more GO (despite the message that it sends to studios- that audiences are ok with abusers! Just turn a blind eye to them! Yes that gives them more power but who cares because people will watch and make them money!)
Don't pretend your doing this for moral reasons
(And acting like you're doing this for Terry- for all we know he might want his work with an abuser completely destroyed- it's stupid to assume he'd want the series to be continued)
Like say this shit with your chest, you know?
Oh boy, ok. Gonna take a minute to answer this.
Firstly, I and a lot of the fandom, are heartbroken over what NG has done. Because we were duped into thinking he was a decent person. From the things that he wrote to the things that he said we thought that he was good person. And it is horrible that there are people out there suffering because yet another rich powerful white man decided he had the right to take advantage of them.
You seem rather angry and if that anger stems because you have experienced something similar yourself then I hope you have love and support around you so that you can heel.
If you want to talk about money, let me remind you that NG has already been paid for season 3. He will continue to get royalties, and thanks to the writers strike last year, he will now get more money for those royalties than before. If S3 doesn’t go ahead then hundreds of people will lose their jobs. Will they get other jobs? Sure, maybe. But any loss of job in this current economic climate is terrible and stressful (and I’m not talking about DT or MS here. They’ll get more work).
I don’t know if you understand how hyper fixation in neurodiversity works, but this is extremely painful for some people and takes a lot of time and energy and therapy to get over when a hyper fixation is threatened or taken away. Some people, like myself, need closure for things otherwise we can find it extremely difficult to move on emotionally. This obviously does not compare to someone trying to survive after SA, but emotional diversity can be extremely debilitating as well. They are apples and oranges to compare, but you can’t invalidate one person’s pain because you think another person’s pain is worth more.
As for the show itself, there is so little queer representation in media. There is a lot more nowadays compared to a decade ago, or even 5 years ago, but the little representation we have is so extremely important. Do you know how many people have found a truth to themselves thanks to GO? How many people discovered something about themselves that finally gives them answer to how they feel? How at the age of 40 I finally realised that I’m asexual and NOT BROKEN. That’s fucking important.
And this. ALL of this is why everyone, including me, are so fucking angry with NG. Because he has left us emotionally devastated. He has not just physically hurt these women. He has emotionally hurt hundreds of thousands of people. He is a stain.
I have spoken before when this all first happened about how I was angry that my one teeny tiny corner of the internet that made me happy was on fire. I left for a bit. I came back. I want to continue to interact with like minded people who love this fandom. I won’t stop that.
And frankly, and here’s the last I’ll say on this, the world is on fire. It is filled with a lot of fucking awful shit right now. I have suffered a very deep depression of late where some nights after I put the kids to bed I just stare and cry. You don’t know that about me because I don’t say those kinds of things on the internet, because our internet personas are facades. They’re not real. They’re not true life. I’m a real person and I’m aching inside about so many things. And these kinds of messages are just breaking me further. Seriously, when you send stuff like this do you even consider that?! So when I decide to hold onto one of the last bastions of entertainment that brings me joy, I’m not going to be guilted into dropping it because someone involved happens to be a monster. Because let me tell you if we did that every time someone turned out to be horrible, then we would never watch or enjoy anything ever again. EVERYTHING you watch or listen to or enjoy or like or cared about is connected to someone who is horrible or produced by a gigantic evil corporation (Nestle, Disney, Microsoft, Facebook, Google just to name a few). Every. Single. Thing. It’s the clothing you wear, the electronics you buy, the food you eat, the furniture in your house, and ALL the entertainment you consume. So if you gave up everything for some moral stance, then you would literally have nothing left.
Dropping Good Omens does nothing. It sends no message to anyone because the next really fucking awful person is about to produce the next big thing you might happen to love and care about. So what’s the point?
Let me have Good Omens. You don’t like that, then you can block me. That’s what the button is there for. You don’t need to send anonymous hateful messages. And if you want me to “say this shit with my chest” maybe you can send me an ask with the Anonymous off. So I can see your chest too.
I’m turning off anonymous asks now. Considering the only asks I’ve ever received is abusive shit telling me to kill myself or saying David Tennant is a paedophile or just telling me I’m a horrible person for supporting NG (when I’ve already stated before that I don’t anymore).
Sorry for those who’ve managed to get to the end here. Thanks for reading if you have, sorry it was so long. I hope you aren’t receiving the same type of messages. If Anonymous has read this far, I don’t know, maybe think twice before being horrible to random people on the internet?
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Steve doesn’t think anything of it when he says it.
He’s lying on Robin’s bed, squished between a diverse collection of childhood teddy bears. Robin’s sat opposite him up by the headboard, her feet knocking against his knees; she’s massaging Pond’s cream into her elbows, and the room smells of cocoa butter.
Steve breathes in leisurely.
He thinks back to just a few months ago, when he’d first gotten the job at Scoops Ahoy—when he’d found out that his only co-worker was going to be a Robin Buckley: who the hell is she? he’d thought with a familiar carelessness, an echo from his junior year. Before the monsters. Before…
“Hey, Robin,” Steve begins. The words come slowly, like he’s wandering through the thought. “Do you ever think that, like… that it’s kinda crazy, y’know, how we ended up here?”
Robin pauses in her massaging. She gives him a dry look. “This is a pretty standard Sunday evening for me.”
Steve snorts. “Not like that, dickhead.”
Although maybe it is like that actually.
Maybe it’s about how he now watches Murder, She Wrote in the Buckley’s living room without Robin’s parents batting an eye; how they said he could join them for dinner beforehand, and then he kept showing up earlier and earlier to the point where him and Robin just spend the whole day together, and it’s never awkward, there’s no quips or whatever from her dad about them secretly being together; and maybe it feels sorta like a fairytale in the best way; maybe he feels a little like Laurie except he doesn’t want to propose to Jo.
And maybe it’s that the whole thing is just insane: that the entire goddamn trajectory of his life somehow took this wild turn, has made him land here, of all places, and he doesn’t even mean it in an asshole kind of way.
He means…
“Guess I’m just… just thinking. Like, it all kinda worked out, y’know?” Even as he says it, he knows it’s a risk—because they’ve not talked about Starcourt, not really, they’ve just talked around it, but this hardly counts, right? It’s just a joke, it’s just… “Yeah, I, um, got my head knocked around, but, it, uh, it meant I ended up here, so.”
He wants Robin to laugh—or at least, he thinks he does.
She doesn’t. She just goes very still.
He feels something twist in his gut; she’s got this way of looking at him, like he’s accidentally said more than what he thought he did.
Robin crawls forward, clumsy and urgent. She grabs hold of his wrist. He feels the grease of body lotion as her thumb moves in tiny circles against his skin.
“That didn’t need to happen,” she says so seriously, and for some reason that’s almost the thing that does it, the thing that almost gets him to break on a slow Sunday evening in October, because whenever his stupid brain brings him back to July, to blood and pain and a deep, unimagineable fear, he tries to remember how it felt: how he laughed through it with Robin in a bathroom stall, and it would almost be enough to soothe the sting, that he could endure it, could endure anything so long as he could have this, please just let me have—
“We could’ve had the most boring summer of our lives,” Robin says, with a smile that’s a little sad, a little wistful, but always kind. “And I still would’ve…”
He hears them again, those words he’s been clinging to.
Listen to me, Steve. It's shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you.
“It just would’ve taken longer,” Robin finishes. Her eyes dart all over his face, and he suspects that he knows part of what she’s seeing: the ghosts of bruises. “Okay?”
For a moment, Steve can’t speak. “Okay.”
Robin shuffles up next to him, sitting right on top of one of her bears—“You’re squishing him,” Steve points out, to which Robin just snorts—and then she’s hugging him, maybe tighter than he’s ever been hugged before.
He lets his head fall forward and breathes.
They break apart eventually. If there’s a wet patch on her shirt, Robin doesn’t point it out—just says there’s cake for dessert, and she doesn’t move back to her spot, so her elbows are practically always in danger of catching Steve in the ribs.
And God, Steve tries to believe it: that he could have all of this without… That he could’ve always had it.
He tries.
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