#we meet our destiny on the path we took to avoid it or however that goes
bhmallorie · 2 months
"I’m not going to create a language for my fantasy setting," I repeat to myself, as I come up with how an in-text citation for an academic essay would be written. 
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 13
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC New as of 8/07/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: "Please be patient with him.” 
In the weeks that followed, things were more chaste between Dieter and I, however, we were spending significantly more time together. We had even started spending time with his sister and her family on the weekends. She and I were becoming close. Even exchanging numbers and chatting on occasion. 
Ever since Lauren had mentioned the wine and paint night, Dieter kept talking about doing it. He thought his sister might enjoy it and that it would be a fun activity for the kids (minus the wine for them of course). We decided to have it during one of our Friday night gatherings at my place since I had a lot of supplies on hand. What I didn’t have, Lauren provided. 
Dieter and I got started setting everything up in the back yard to avoid any major messes. Rather than cooking, we planned to order pizza, just to make our lives easier. Lauren came early to help set up since she was bringing additional supplies. To my surprise, Alex showed up early too. I had a feeling that was Dieter’s doing, but he didn’t mention it. Alex was quick to help Lauren with the extra folding tables and the tabletop easels that she brought from her shop classroom. She had also brought some smocks for the kids. Dieter and I hung back, getting things set up for the food so Lauren and Alex could have a few minutes to themselves. 
As far as we knew, neither one had pulled the trigger and asked for the other's number yet. However, Alex was definitely inquiring about her when the opportunity presented itself. Dieter said that Alex tried to be casual about it and would only ask questions when the topic came up. He would never directly ask about her. Lauren took the same approach with Dieter, never directly asking him anything about his brother. However, she had made it very clear to me that she was interested but didn’t want to make things weird with Dieter in case it didn’t work out. She valued the friendship they had built and didn’t want to mess it up.
Shaun dropped Gabby and the kids off soon after we had everything ready to go. Shaun, unfortunately, couldn’t stay due to a prior commitment, so he was missing out on the festivities. We got started as soon as we helped the kids pick out their paint colors. Each of them fought over who was going to sit by Uncle Dieter and Uncle Alex. The guys ended up pushing two tables together so that they could sit in the middle of the three kids. Gabby and I got one to ourselves, where Lauren later joined us. Lauren did take a few minutes to show us some techniques using different types of brushes and painting knives. 
Dieter and Alex were both helping the kids with their “masterpieces”. Sara insisted that Dieter paint a unicorn to match hers, and he obliged by painting a rather realistic looking one. Samuel and Luke begged Alex to paint one of their favorite cartoon characters. He agreed and they tried to do it exactly as he did on their own canvases, though they were not quite as successful. Alex ended up having to make two of the same things to give to each of them. 
The ladies were already a few glasses of wine in when Gabby momentarily got up to run to the bathroom. Lauren took the opportunity to lean over to me to say that she was pretty sure her ovaries just exploded as she watched Dieter and Alex with the kids. Dieter had smeared paint on Sara’s nose and Alex was leaning over in concentration explaining how he was doing something to Luke and Samuel. I was not expecting that sort of comment from her. It took me a moment to realize what she had said before I burst out laughing, which drew some interesting looks from the neighboring table. I apologized for my outburst. Not that I didn’t agree with her assessment.
When Gabby came back, Lauren decided she was going to join the kids table and show them how to make some fun paintings with their hands because they seemed to be finishing up what they had been working on. Though, I’m pretty sure she was just using it as an excuse to be near Alex. That left Gabby and I alone to chat. 
Dieter briefly left his station to get everyone something to drink, stopping to ask us if we needed anything as he went. As he did so, he ran his hand down the back of my hair, leaning down to give a brief smile as he spoke. He looked like he was having a good time. He was genuinely happy, showing no signs of the sadness that often plagued him. His boyish charm was on full display as his eyes crinkled from his smile. When he came back with an arm full of cold bottles of water from the cooler, he took one and stuck it to the side of my neck, causing me to jump from the contact, which incited a burst of laughter from him and Gabby. I gave him a dirty look as I took the water from him. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head and apologized, but muttered, “Worth it!” as he walked off. He was looking back in my direction with a sly grin on his face as he went. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his antics.       
“You know,” Gabby started, but paused briefly as she watched her brother. She seemed to weigh her words before continuing. 
“I’ve noticed a big change in him since he’s been on his break. He seems different…with you.” 
“What do you mean?” I could feel the confused look forming on my face. 
She shrugged, “He seems happier. I mean, I know he has his bad days, but they seem to be happening less.” 
I wasn’t sure how to respond. I knew what she was insinuating. 
“Gabby, we aren’t together like that. We’re just friends...” 
She held up her hand to silence me while she gave a doubtful look. “I’m still hopeful he’ll finally open up and let someone in. I really do hope that someone is you. You fit into this family so well. I feel like it’s meant to be.” 
Her eyes turned glassy as she looked down at the drink in her hand. I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat. I hoped it would be me too, but I was afraid to admit that, even to myself. I looked at her with my brows drawn down together. Fighting the emotion that was trying to spill out. She looked back up at me, continuing to speak. 
“I don’t know the details of what happened to you in the past, but I can see how you hurt sometimes, a lot like he does. It’s not obvious to everyone else, but I see how you two silently communicate with each other. You both know when the other needs…” she briefly waved her hands around as she struggled for the words. 
“I don’t know what it is, reassurance maybe? It’s interesting to see that dynamic and how it’s changing him. He isn’t as closed off as he used to be. He’s opened up to me some, but I know there’s things that he hasn’t told anyone about his trauma, that he needs to say. I just hope you won’t give up on him before he makes it to that point. Please be patient with him.”   
I always knew there was some type of trauma that troubled him, but hearing it confirmed out loud was hard. I felt a tear sliding down my cheek. I turned in my seat so that my back was to everyone else. All I could do was shake my head in agreement. I didn’t trust myself with words at that moment. Gabby leaned in close, reaching over to squeeze my arm that was propped on the table. I took a steadying breath and wiped my face. 
She smiled, “Clearly, I don’t need to drink. It makes my mouth a little too loose.”
We both chuckled at her statement. Sara appeared beside me with her unicorn painting that Dieter had made for her. She wanted to show it off. I looked it over. There is no way this was his first-time painting. There was too much detail. Gabby must have noticed me studying the painting.
“You know, Dieter used to paint. He was really good at it too, but he stopped when his acting career started to take off.”
Why did I always feel like she was reading my mind? She was just as perceptive as her brother.
“Really? He hadn’t mentioned that.” I looked over at him. He was laughing out loud about something Lauren had said to them.
I had wondered why he was so eager to have the paint night. Maybe he missed it? Maybe he would pick it up again after this? He seemed to be enjoying it. Or maybe he was just enjoying spending time with his family. This evening was certainly giving me a lot to think about. 
A commotion drew me out of my thoughts. Dieter, Alex, and the boys were now chasing each other around the yard with paint on their hands, smearing it on each other’s faces and arms when the opportunity presented itself. Lauren was quick to get away from the fray and join us girls. We sat laughing at their antics. Once they had finally worn themselves out, I had to get out the water hose and spray all of them off the best I could. There was no other option. Luckily, Gabby had brought extra clothes for the kids. Dieter had to lend his brother some of his clothes from his gym bag, which I silently hoped were clean. 
As everyone was getting settled, I put in the pizza order. It didn’t take long for it to arrive, and everyone immediately dug in. The kids started getting tired soon after they ate. We all sat around talking for another hour or so, giving the wine a chance to get out of our systems. Once Gabby announced Shaun was on his way to pick them up, Dieter and Alex helped the kids pack up and walked them out to the car when Shaun arrived. Alex and Lauren hung around to help us clean up and he also helped her load the tables back into her vehicle. They both left soon after that. 
At this point, it was around ten thirty. Dieter and I both came inside and collapsed onto the sectional, exhausted from the day's events. He started telling me about some of the funny things the kids had said while they were painting. The boyish grin had returned to his face, and he had a glimmer in his eye as he talked through it. Both of us laughed during certain parts. When he finished, I spoke up. 
“Can I ask you something? Without you getting upset or offended?” 
“Of course,” he looked taken aback by my question. 
“And you don't have to answer me, just so we’re clear.”
“Ok, you’re making me nervous. Out with it already,” he said as he made a waving motion with his hand. 
I chuckled before I continued, “Did you not ever want to have kids? I only ask because you said you had a vasectomy. It surprises me, especially after seeing you with Gabby’s kids.”     
He was quiet for a moment, thinking about his response. His face tensed. 
“That’s a complicated answer.” He took a deep breath before continuing. 
“I would love to have kids, I mean the procedure is reversible, so it’s still a possibility. I just…never felt like I was in the right place for that. I’m too afraid of everything that could possibly come with it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m too afraid of loss. So, I avoid it. That’s why I haven’t really done the whole relationship thing. At one point in my life, I was hopeful that someone would come along that I’d be willing to fix myself for, but I’ve realized I need to do it for myself before I can take that next step, or else it’s never gonna work out. I’m just afraid it’ll be too late by the time I finally get there.” 
He paused for a moment with a pensive look on his face as he stared off into the distance at nothing. Again, I felt like he had an underlying meaning to his words. 
“What about you, did you ever want kids?”
I sighed. I brought the topic up, so I might as well be honest and open. 
“Initially, yes. When I first got married, we tried. It just never happened. We never went to the doctor or anything, so I’m not sure what the issue was. Though, looking back now, I’m happy it didn’t happen or else I’d be tied to that asshole for life. At this point, I’ve accepted the fact that it’ll probably never happen. I’m not sure that it can or ever could.”  
He reached over to grab my hand that was at my side, giving it a small squeeze. We sat in silence for a few minutes, seemingly mourning the lives that we could have had if only things had gone differently. I briefly wondered how things would have turned out if we had known each other back before things went so wrong. Maybe we wouldn’t have wasted so much of our lives on meaningless pursuits. I realized I was still wasting it, insisting we stick to the “just friends” agreement. I know he keeps saying that’s where he’s at too, but some days, I feel like he wants more. Especially after hearing the comments from Gabby earlier in the day. 
Dieter broke me out of my thoughts when he released my hand, indicating that it was getting late and he better head home because we had plans for the following day. We were finally going to go look at furniture for his house and look at some paint colors. He had been talking about it for weeks. He was insistent that he would like anything I came up with, but I wanted a better idea of his likes and dislikes. 
I walked him to the door. Rather than the loose hug and chaste kiss on the cheek that he usually gave me, he pulled me in for a tight hug, completely engulfing me with his body. We held each other for a moment before he kissed me on the top of the head and told me good night. He released me reluctantly and kept his head down. He wouldn’t meet my eyes as he opened the door and walked out to his car.
I tried not to think too hard about his change in mood as I got ready for bed. We had left on a heavy topic that had most likely started to weigh on his mind. It had definitely weighed on mine as I laid in bed, trying to sleep.  
I woke up the next morning to a text from Dieter asking me what time I wanted to leave, noting that there was no rush, of course. He sent it at 6 AM. I looked at the time and it was almost nine. He had been such an early riser here lately. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of it. When I closed my messenger app, I noticed I had an alert on my security camera app. I opened it to check, figuring it was an opossum or something. To my surprise, it was a clip of Dieter entering through the basement door a little over an hour ago. He must have come over to workout, which was odd. He didn’t usually do that on the weekend. 
I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen to make us some coffee. Once it was ready, I filled up two travel mugs. I made sure to make his cup the way he liked it, then headed downstairs. As I walked into the room, he was walking out of the bathroom, buttoning up his jeans. His hair was still wet from the shower he had just taken, and he hadn’t yet put a shirt on. I paused briefly, taking in the sight before me. My eyes roaming up and down his body. He gave me a lopsided grin and raised an eyebrow.
“See something you like, cariño?”
His morning voice was husky and low. His words went straight to my core. I could feel my face getting hot.  
“I’m just surprised to find you here this early on a Saturday to work out, is all.” 
He narrowed his eyes at me before he continued, I didn’t think he was buying my response.  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep and was feeling a little keyed up. I thought it might be good to get rid of the excess energy. I was coming to pick you up anyway. So why not?” 
“Maybe I should have made you decaf then,” I said as I handed him his coffee. He gave me a look of disgust, shaking his head from side to side as he took a sip.
“Well, I’m gonna go shower. I’ll be ready in like forty-five minutes.”
He nodded and said he would be up in a minute to watch some tv or something.  
The entire time I was in the shower, I kept thinking about Dieter with his wet hair and shirtless torso and his hands as they worked to button his pants. He looked fucking amazing, and it was dredging up memories from New York. Memories of being in the shower with him, what his hands felt like on my body. I could feel my reservations about a relationship with him slowly slipping away. I needed to get it together. 
After I showered, I rubbed some products through my hair, opting to let it air dry. I went light on the makeup for a more natural look. I changed into a floral print wrap skirt, a white tank, and threw a jean jacket on. I rolled up the sleeves of the jacket. I grabbed my white sneakers and sunglasses out of the closet, then walked out toward the living room. As I went, I realized I didn’t even give my outfit a second thought. I just grabbed something and went with it. I was really starting to embrace the more casual looks and realized that I felt more like myself in them. I felt oddly proud of myself for the progress.
I walked into the living room to find Dieter dozing on the sectional. He had his right arm folded behind his head, while the left rested across his stomach. A sliver of his abdomen was peeking out from under his tan short-sleeve Henley. A small area of his chest was showing where he left his shirt unbuttoned. He looked so relaxed and comfortable, I hated to wake him. Especially since he said he couldn’t sleep last night. 
I walked over and stood next to him, reaching down to grab the remote that was lying on the couch, against his hip, and turned off the tv. The movement seemed to stir him. He moved his right arm down over his face and groaned. He reached out with his left hand, sliding it around to the back of my thigh, just above the knee and gave it a squeeze. Then he just left it there. I looked down at his hand, slightly confused and also enjoying the heat of his touch a little too much. I reached down and removed it from my leg, giving it a tug to wake him up. He groaned again before he finally uncovered his face and sat up sleepily. He looked up, giving me a lopsided smile as he rubbed the bare skin of his stomach underneath his shirt. 
“Are you ready to go, or would you rather nap some more?” I gave him a playful smile. 
“Ugh, whose idea was this anyway. It’s terrible,” he mumbled as he got off the couch. 
“Pretty sure it was yours,” I said through a chuckle. 
He came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders for a tight embrace. He put his face to my hair and inhaled deeply. I was surprised by his actions but hugged him back. 
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry,” he said into my hair.
He didn’t even let me answer before he released me and walked off to go in search of his phone, wallet, and keys. I watched him for a moment, he was acting a little off.
I grabbed my purse and phone and followed behind him as we walked downstairs to go out the basement door next to where his car was parked.   
As we got in the car, he reached for his sunglasses. I felt like he was avoiding my eyes. I reached out and lightly touched his arm, leaning my head forward to look directly at him.
“Are you ok?”
He finally looked up at me, seeming startled by my question. His eyes looked sad and tired. 
“Yeah, I just haven’t been sleeping well. I guess it’s making me a little moody.” 
He gave me a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes, then he put his sunglasses on. By this point, it was getting close to lunch time. He mentioned a cafe that he liked going to on occasion and asked if I had been there. I hadn’t but was open to trying it. He put the car in reverse and started to head that way. 
It was about a thirty-minute drive, and it took several more minutes to find a parking spot. As we were walking in, he looked me up and down for the first time since waking up. He put his hand on the middle of my back, running it up the center underneath my hair to rest on the back of my neck, where he started rubbing with his thumb. I immediately got goosebumps all over my body from the contact. He leaned in closely, laying the side of his face on my head to tell me that I look nice today. I gave him a half smile as I glanced up at him. 
I thought back to what Gabby had said, about giving each other reassurance. Is that what we were doing? He dropped his hand from my neck, and I reached over to link my arm with his. He visibly relaxed as he smiled over at me. He must have been having one of his bad days I thought to myself. I felt like he was seeking comfort, but I didn’t know why. As we reached the front of the cafe, I held back while he went to reserve a table for us. It was a little crowded around the hostess stand and I didn’t want to get in the middle of it. I aimlessly paced around as I waited. When I turned toward the direction we had just come from, I was met with a familiar face I had hoped I would never see again.
Next Chapter
A/N: Are you all ready to see snarky protective Dieter? Cause it's coming...
Tag List: @rhoorl, @bitchwitch1981, @readingiskeepingmegoing, @runningmom94, @for-a-longlongtime, @hisandsnakes
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euterpessi · 3 years
Romance Manhwa/Manga Recommendations:
Historical Manhwa/Manga:
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
I’ve reincarnated as the reverse harem game’s villainess, the one and only adopted daughter of the ducal Eckart family.
But the difficulty just has to be the worst!
Everything I do will only lead me to death.
I must be paired with one of the main male characters from the heroine’s harem before the ‘real daughter’ of the duke family appears!
Two older brothers who always pick a fight with me on every little thing.
The insane crown prince whose route will always lead to my death.
‘I only see the heroine and no one else’s wizard, and also her loyal slave knight, too!
‘First, let’s take some of them which I see no hope in, out of the list!’
“I didn’t know my place up until now. From now on, I’ll live as quiet as a mouse so you wouldn’t care the slightest bit!
But why do their interests in me keep on rising every time I draw the line?!
The Villainess is a Marionette
Cayena, the Imperial Princess, was known as the most beautiful woman in the Empire. She was a woman who knew nothing but evil and luxury.
However, she was destined for ruin: she would be used as a chess piece by her younger brother to secure his throne and killed by her crazy husband.
“I’ll make you the Emperor.”
“… Sister, are you referring to me?”
“In exchange, give me freedom.”
She had to change things before she became that Cayena.
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke’S Mansion
Poisoned to death by her own betrothed?! Eunha didn’t wake up in a novel’s story just to get killed off again as an unfortunate extra! To change her story she needs a cover… 6 months pretending to be the fake fiancée of the novel’s male protagonist, Duke Noah Wynknight. But will this cold-hearted, angel-faced demon of a man really help her avoid another ill-fated ending?!
Your Throne / I Want to Be You, Just For A Day
The story follows main characters Medea Solon and Psyche Callista, who become archenemies after competing for the position of crown princess of the Vasilios Empire. On the day of the Yearly Prayer, Medea and Psyche accidentally switch bodies.
The Remarried Empress
Navier was the perfect empress, however, the Emperor wanted a wife, not a colleague. And so, the Emperor abandoned Empress Navier and placed an enslaved girl beside him. That was fine until Navier heard the Emperor promise the slave the Empress’ position. After many ups and downs, Navier decided she would accept being the Queen of the neighbouring country and remarry.
Kill The Villainess
Eris Mizerian was the villainess of a novel. The only daughter of a marquis, she got executed after scheming against the pure and lovely protagonist, Helena. My only goal, after possessing her, is simply to leave this world and go home. I am prepared to face even death, but the laws of this world keep stopping me.
A changed Eris begins to draw the attention of three men who once loathed her; the Crown Prince, the High Priest, and the Knight.
"It doesn't matter. I will never be able to love this world."
Even if the only way out is death,
even if the only way out is make a deal with a witch...
I will absolutely leave this world!
This is the story of the villainess who defies fate, Eris, and her escape from this world!
The Way To Protect The Female Lead's Older Brother
I accidentally took possession of someone in a 19+ reverse harem novel.
The problem is that I became Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the sub-villain. My damn father kidnapped the heroine’s brother. Now, is the only thing left to meet a terrible end from the vengeance of the heroine?
But what if I can avoid that horrible development?
“I’m also interested in this toy.”
“I’ll protect you until you can get out of here safely.”
The heroine’s brother, Cassis Pedalian, will definitely be able to pay me back later.
Shadow Queen
“Can you be my daughter for me?”
By his offer, Elena became Duke of Franceschi’s fake daughter.
She became the queen and gave birth to Crown Prince’s son.
Then suddenly, Princess Veronica who was assumed dead came back.
She was only just a toy.
But eventually, Elena gets her son taken and is murdered.
However, she went back to the past.
“I’ll destroy all of you.”
I’ll never live as a toy again.
Elena decides to seeks revenge.
Under the Oak Tree
The daughter of a duke, the stuttering Maximilian, married a knight of lowly status at her father’s coercion.
After their first night, her husband departed for an expedition without another word.
He comes back three years later, this time as a famous knight in the whole continent.
How would Maximilian face him on his return?
"The more I think of you, the more lonely and lonely I become. I don't know why I can't quit even though it's so painful."
I'm Stanning The Prince
Angela’s fanfic became such a sensation that it even reached the Imperial Family, leading her to get arrested on charges of treason. Nevertheless, her fanfic improved the First Prince’s image, and his sister, the Princess, decides to take political advantage of this and keep Angela by their side. 
The heroine who can now fangirl to her heart’s content, and the Prince who doesn’t know how to act around her. As they bicker back and forth, they start growing closer…
Miss Not-So Sidekick
Hyejung loved to read to escape her daily stress. But that’s before she woke up inside the bizarre world of her favorite novel! Instead of the main heroine who courts three eligible men, she is now Latte Ectrie – a minor villain that everyone hates?! One way or another, it’s a chance to live out her most beloved storyline, with popcorn in hand to watch all the drama! Taking charge of the narrative takes on a whole new meaning!
Even Though I’M The Villainess, I’ll Become The Heroine!
I wasn’t able to overcome the harassment and took my life, but I was reincarnated with the perpetrator? The perpetrator is the heroine, Florre, and I am the villainess, Dahlia, who’s going to die horribly.
“They said you are a villain with neither blood nor tears, but unlike the rumors, you often shed tears.”
“Your Highness must believe all the nonsense the idiots are talking about, huh?”
Grand Duke of Cervian, the half brother of the Male lead and who will be punished for treason afterwards. He approached me. I can’t lose the man who will be my greatest ally.
“Your Highness, would you marry me?”
“Now…… what did you say?”
“And take revenge together.”
A similar situation, a fixed ending. The heroine is not the only one who knows the ending of the novel. I took a long and arduous path of revenge.
Who Made Me A Princess
The beautiful Athanasia was killed at the hands of her own biological father, Claude de Alger Obelia, the cold-blooded emperor! It’s just a silly bedtime story… until one woman wakes up to suddenly find she’s become that unfortunate princess! She needs a plan to survive her doomed fate, and time is running out. Will she go with Plan A, live as quietly as possible without being noticed by the infamous emperor? Plan B, collect enough money to escape the palace? Or will she be stuck with Plan C, sweet-talking her way into her father’s good graces?!
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
With the marriage of her prostitute mother to the Count, Aria’s status in society skyrocketed immediately. After leading a life of luxury, Aria unfairly meets death because of her sister Mielle’s schemes. And right before she dies, she sees an hourglass fall as if it were a fantasy. And just like that, she was miraculously brought back to the past.
“I want to become a very elegant person, just like my sister, Mielle.”
In order to face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess. This was the new path Aria chose to take revenge on Mielle who murdered both her and her mother.
The Evil Lady's Hero
Junipe Magnolia, a villainess friend of the heroine in this novel called Rael Cania.
The Junipe inside the novel has always loved the male lead, Iseed. To the point where she harassed Rael out of jealousy because she's loved by Iseed.
And thus, Junipe is destinied to die in the hands of the male lead of this novel.
But one day.
"Why did I become Junipe?!"
But let's think about it, it's still one year away from the time Junipe is going to get killed by Iseed. So, I have to meet Iseed and Rael first, I'll be able to find a way out of my death if I do so.
Yeah, let's meet them first!
But, this man is just so tender-hearted and kind. Would Junipe be able to escape from this man?!
I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away
God gave me a chance to relive my life. Before the rebirth, I had been used for the past 400 years as the empire's sword. And so, I swore to destroy the empire. I found the young prince of the country and became his teacher. I taught him how to become a tyrant and asked for the country.
"I will do the lady's will."
He conquered the whole empire for me, and I ran away.
"I came to take you, Charlize Ronan." Dylan became a perfect tyrant and searched the entire empire for me.
"You tamed me, so why did you run away?"
Untouchable Lady
“Please, Hilise. Please die in place of Gabrielle.” My always dignified brother begged me for the first time. He wants me to die for our stepsister, whom we don't even share a drop of blood with. “For the first and last time, I ask you this.” I've always been miserable, and there is no exception this time. The seventh time that I was betrayed and killed, I was completely free of lingering feelings. “I'm glad that you're a scumbag until the end.” I won't be swayed by love anymore. It's my turn to abandon them first.
I’ll Live On As A Villainess
I reincarnated as the villainess in a book!
The one who dared to commit attempted murder on the heroine is the owner of this body?
Let's just live in a quiet place where we have fun and eat! That's what I thought for a while.
It was so, so, so cold here in the north, where I was kicked out as a punishment.
Before I froze to death, I called the Great Demon of Fire and set fire to the fireplace but...
Why isn't he going back? If you've done the job, shouldn't you go back?!
I was flustered to find out that I had signed a life contract with a demon just to start a fire but to think that I'd be responsible for relieving his desires!
The bickering romance between a big puppy demon and a small villainess lady!
It Looks Like I’Ve Fallen Into The World Of A Reverse Harem Game
When I opened my eyes, I was in a different world. I had become the game’s villainous princess who was feared by all. Not to mention… Completely naked men I didn’t even know were approaching me left and right! “Are you cold? Shall I warm you up with a hug?” “Oh? Have you not had enough yet?” Seriously, what’s up with this situation? And just how the hell am I going to get out of this freaking game?!
Father, I Don't Want to Get Married!
I’m Jubelian? The daughter of the duke and the villainess of this novel?
I managed to avoid my death with some previous knowledge about my life, as this was my second time at it. Now, I should be able to live a peaceful life!
“I’m not going to marry a man unless he has everything. I want the most wealthy, famous, and competent man there is.”
I dreamt of a glamorous life as the daughter of the duke, but my father tells me the Crown Prince who is known to be a lunatic is to be my husband! As an extraordinary measure, I couldn’t help but start a contract relationship. That is, with a handsome side character that looks better than the main one.
“Why are you trying to avoid being engaged to the prince?”
“He’s scary. I heard that he even kills his own entourage if he doesn’t like them.”
A few days later, the prince sent a terrible letter to me.
“I will not kill you.”
Oh no, did I set up another death trap for myself?
Like A Wind On A Dry Branch
"Hi, You."
Count Casarius fell victim to a plague and died suddenly, leaving behind a will stating that Rietta, his beautiful young widow of the manor, whom he tried to use as a concubine, be buried alive alongside him. Just before Rietta is buried, Archduke Axias, rumored to be a cruel tyrant, arrives at the funeral to collect the enormous debt Count Casarius still owes him.
“Everyone here seems to feel sorry for her, and I still have a debt to collect from Casarius… If I take her instead of debt, I think all of you here should be happy," he smiled.
"Hello, Temptress."
Everything was a Mistake
Roa Valrose reincarnated as villainess in the book. In order to avoid the fate of being burned at the stake, she approaches the hero, Nocton Edgar.
It hurts every time she gets closer to him. Nevertheless, for her survival, she does everything he wants her to do.
“Come again, Valrose.”
The mysterious Nocton unexpectedly sought her out every day.
Then one day, her friend for 10 years says something unknown to her.
“Actually, I have a dream. The Duke of Edgar is a terrible villain!”
He is not the hero, but the villain?
As soon as she realized that she had misinterpreted the role, she decided to get away from Nocton.
“Let’s not meet anymore.”
But the villain’s reaction was strange.
“Don’t go. You’ve always been special to me.”
She was suspicious of his sudden change of attitude.
Will she able to get rid of Nocton safely?
I Became the Tyrant's Secretary
I became the secretary of a tyrant in place of my clumsy brother to survive.
But I have so much potential for it. I’m so darn good at my job. Because I served the tyrant so well, ‘Everyone has a happy ending’.
Well then, shall I quit being a secretary and live a leisurely life now?
“Rosaline, tell me what you want.” He asked as he stepped down from his chair.
“I want to quit.”
His eyebrows twitched slightly.
“Do you want to die?”
Your highness, you never hold on to people who want to leave, so why’re you being like this to me?
Seduce the Villainess Father
After being in a bus crash, I woke up to the world of my favourite web novel.
Not only that, It was before the protagonists were born, to their parents’ world!
To stop the incoming multiple bad events.
I tried to prevent the kidnapping of the sister who is pregnant with the female lead!
But I got kidnapped instead?!
It's depressing to be kidnapped, but my body couldn't handle the mana and became a sunfish-like state
But... if I am next to the emperor who kidnapped me, my body becomes normal!
Right! The way to save that man from marrying a witch and getting killed by his son, and for someone who is vulnerable to mana such as myself to live, is for us to get married!
The Villains Savior
Set on a path to tragedy and misfortune from a young age, Aseph Randell is doomed to die a villain. That is, until the mysterious Elzay Tiathe appears in his life with a promise: "I can save you." After having vivid visions of him for so long, can Elzay untangle the twisted fate tied to Aseph... or will they both be dragged down together?
Contemporary Manhwa/Manga:
Night Crying Crow
This woman; who is she?
If something was action, it'd be action. If something was romance, it’d be romance. The A-list actor Cheon Woo Kang, who's great at every (genre), had his heart stolen away by an unknown woman who’d broken into his house!
“We'll meet again.~"
Woo Kang contracted an over imaginative illness as he drew the woman, whose name he didn't even know. In front of Woo Kang, she reappeared as the police officer Park Tae... Could the shadow of the crisis that appeared in front of them be a coincidence?
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Yoshino Somei would have been a normal high-schooler if not for the fact that she is the granddaughter of the leader of the Osaka-based Somei Group, the Kansai region's largest yakuza organization. One day, Yoshino hurries home after hearing of the news about the unification of Kansai and Kanto's biggest syndicates, the Somei and the Miyama groups. This, according to the article, will result in a marriage of the leaders' grandchildren—one of whom is Yoshino herself! Despite her best efforts to annul the arrangement, Yoshino has to go to Tokyo to visit her fiancé, Kirishima Miyama, who is unexpectedly nice and charming.
During their first meeting, Yoshino is swept up in various events and becomes unable to refuse moving to Tokyo, which is why, half a year later, she now lives with the Miyama group. At school, she soon realizes that Kirishima is very popular, so her relationship with him garners the hate of his fangirls and subsequently results in bullying. To make matters worse, Kirishima could not be further away from her prince charming since he, after all, was born to be a yakuza member.
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii follows Yoshino and her new life in Tokyo that is filled with nothing but troubles connected to the underworld. However, though she wishes to be as far from it as possible, this isn't Yoshino's first time dealing with the world of the Yakuza...
Positively Yours
To Hee-won’s dismay, the BFF she crushed on and her other BFF are now dating! Seriously bummed, Hee-won decides to go wild just one time, and find solace with a handsome stranger. A very satisfying one night affair has now turned into more — she’s pregnant! Fate brings them together again, and now the regimented Doo-joon is determined to do the right thing and marry her. But they’re basically strangers! Except... their bodies have been very intimately acquainted. What’s this mother-to-be to do?
True Beauty
After binge-watching beauty videos online, a shy comic book fan masters the art of makeup and sees her social standing skyrocket as she becomes her school’s prettiest pretty girl overnight. But will her elite status be short-lived? How long can she keep her real self a secret? And what about that cute boy who knows her secret?
Cheese In the Trap
Hong Sul is a ordinary college student. Yoo Jung is the school's most popular upperclass man. He's good looking, rich, smart, and even nice. However, Hong Sul thinks there's more to Yoo Jung than what meets the eye…
The master spy codenamed has spent his days on undercover missions, all for the dream of a better world. But one day, he receives a particularly difficult new order from command. For his mission, he must form a temporary family and start a new life?! A Spy/Action/Comedy about a one-of-a-kind family!
Doppio Senso (18+)
“What are you thinking about?”
“I’m thinking about a guy.”
KyungHyun stopped in the middle of a deep kiss and sighed. His lips began to form a smile, but his fierce glare said otherwise. Possessiveness and jealousy spread across his sculpted face.
“Will you tell me his name?”
His easygoing and languid voice reached her ears.
“So that I can shoot him down.”
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expensiveglasses · 3 years
Charming chapter 6
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Summary: Prince Jungkook was as infuriating as he was beautiful. In line to one day be king, he requested your guidance in the ways of his people. In turn he will make you laugh, give your family fine gifts, and become an invaluable friend. Unfortunately, he will also make you fall in love with him. But the most unfortunate thing of all was his betrothal…to Snow White
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Fantasy, Angst, Snow white/au
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4590
Warnings: This is the chapter the warnings have been about. It’s a heavier chapter in the second half dealing with “death” and attempted suicide. Nothing is graphically described, but if you are sensitive to that subject matter, you may want to avoid the last few paragraphs.  
Trigger warnings are TW: Major character “death” TW: Thoughts of suicide TW: Attempted suicide.  
. .
A month had passed since Else’s wedding and the summer was slowly coming to an end. It made it easier to do chores when the air was cooler; more pleasant to sit outside and do the washing. Though you’d mostly neglected that for the last few weeks.
You hadn’t seen your friend as much since her marriage and so you’d spent even more time with the dwarfs and Snow in their cottage. The prince joined most nights, bringing food and humor with him. You’d quickly learned he was a master of terrible jokes and couldn’t help but like him all the more for it.
This morning your mother had sent you in search of berries. She claimed to want to make preserves, but you were wise enough to know she just wanted to go see a friend and gossip. You didn’t mind so much as you chose to dawdle around the edge of the forest, plucking blueberries from bushes and placing them in your basket.
You saw the prince making his way towards you long before he reached you. The sight of him made your insides feel funny, like little wings sweeping delicately against your ribcage and you bent down to survey a raspberry bush, plucking eagerly at the juicy red fruit.
“Good morning.” The prince greeted as he reached your side and you stood straight to gaze up at him.
“Good morning, Jungkook. You’re out very early today; normally I don’t see you until evening.”
“I finished my lessons early today.” He grinned, something mischievous in his twinkling eyes, and you felt that perhaps he’d snuck out before actually finishing his training.
“I hope you won’t get a tongue lashing for this.” You teased, moving further up the path towards a strawberry bush and plucking one to try. “Mmm, they’re amazing right now. Would you like to try one?”
You moved to take another bite of yours, but the prince was faster, grabbing your wrist and pulling the berry towards his mouth, allowing plump lips to encircle the rest of the berry and separate it from its calyx.
For a moment, everything stilled, your heart thumping wildly in your chest as his fingers remained delicately around your wrist. His gaze was wild; heated on yours as he stepped towards you. Heart racing, you let the end of the strawberry fall from your finger tips and onto the ground.
“Sweet.” He murmured, licking the juice from the corner of his mouth and your vision was pulled toward the sight before you quickly looked away.
The prince paused before stepping back, staring down at the strawberry bush and into your own basket. “You’re picking berries this morning? May I help?”
“Yes, of course.” You nodded, turning back to the strawberry bush and plucking fresh fruit to drop into your basket. “There’s more in the forest.” You signaled, beginning to walk and he followed after you.
“What were you studying today?” You asked as you began to pick from new bushes. Jungkook stood nearby, loading his hand with blueberries.
“Foreign politics and language specifically. These are topics that I studied in school as well, but my father wants me polished in the policies of our own kingdom, of course.”
“Are foreign policies of other lands so different from our own?” You asked, walking closer to him so he could drop the berries in his hands into your basket.
“It depends on the country.” He mused, crouching low to pick from more difficult spots. “The ones nearby are very similar, but across waters it begins to diversify greatly. Of course, all people are human at their core, intrinsically the same if we’re all torn down to the beginnings, but traditions and belief systems vary. It’s good to have a working knowledge of any land we may come to have dealings with.”
“Ah, the duties of a king.” You smiled softly as he stood to his full height beside you. The prince drifted closer to you as you weaved your way deeper into the forest. Close enough that you could feel the graze of his sleeve against yours, smell the fresh saffron against his tunic.
“Duty, I find, is a very inconvenient thing.” He looked at you and you pondered his words curiously.
“What do you mean?” You inquired gently, slowing your pace to match his.
“Always to be bound to one’s duty, never to allow the heart to decide.”
You paused a moment. “And what does the heart wish for?” You whispered, looking up at him. He’d come to a stop and you stilled as well, turning to face him.
“I think you know.” He returned just as softly. The weight of his words was heavy to bear; it brought with it a joy you’d felt was impossible. You had hoped he would say something like that; that he’d been feeling what you were feeling. You were flush with warmth at the admission. 
“But your heart cannot have its desires?”
He smiled sadly, eyes softening as he looked at you. “Duty, you see. It seems it bends for no one.”
“I wish it would.” You admit timidly and he sighed, taking your hand carefully in his own.
“As do I.”
“Snow says we mustn’t worry now, after all, the future continues and we do not know what it holds.” You smiled, feigning an optimism you didn’t really feel. If even a prince could not choose for himself, why should you feel things could be any different for you?
At least you knew you weren’t the only one wishing.
“Should we go see her?” Jungkook smiled and you nodded. He released your hand and you strode ahead of him, leading him further into the forest and eventually into the clearing that held the dwarf’s cottage.
Snow was not alone when you arrived; however, and the two of you stood startled in the doorway as you took notice of her with a young man by the hearth of the fire. They looked up at the two of you as the door swung open and Snow smiled, coming to pull you into a hug.
“You’ve come!” She cried happily. “I was so hoping you would. I wanted to introduce you both to my friend, Diterich. He’s the one I told you of, who saved me.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your majesty.” Diterich said, bowing low. “Ma’am.” He said, inclining his head towards you and you smiled in return.
He was a handsome young man, dark, shaggy blonde hair and bright green eyes. He was well built and had a bow strapped to his back; you wondered if that was his profession. He was certainly not close to Snow in rank, but he held himself as though he were made for something more than his station in life and you liked that quiet confidence. You supposed Snow did too, based on the way she looked at him.
Love sick. It made your heart ache for her and you looked carefully over at Jungkook. Destiny had not been kind to any of you.
“I’ve heard of your kindness to my friend.” Jungkook said, “When everything is well again, you should be rewarded.”
Diterich shook his head, staring down at Snow, the same look of love she’d bestowed on him, and smiled. “With all due respect, your majesty, I didn’t do it for reward.”
“I like you all the better for it.” Jungkook smiled. “How did you come to find her, though?”
“Snow sent me a communication through letter. One of the dwarfs found me in Snow’s kingdom, at her direction, and delivered it personally. I am indebted to him. It has given me much comfort to see her safe and well. I am only sorry I could not bring her some of her clothes.”
Snow waved his comment away. “It is a small inconvenience. Besides, I am far happier to have your company than to have all my dresses back. All three of you. Will you be staying for supper?”
She looked to both Jungkook and yourself and you smiled with a shrug. “It’s still so early in the day so it’s hard to say, but I imagine I’ll be able to spare some time this evening.”
“I should hope so! By the way, did you happen to notice if there are any gooseberry bushes nearby? I want to make a pie tomorrow.”
You nodded, pointing out the window. “Yes, in fact, there are some just before the tree line. Over there.”
“Wonderful!” Snow cried, clapping her hands together. “Then tomorrow you can expect some pie.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” You said.
“Snow has said you’ve been friends since childhood.” Jungkook said suddenly, “but I never did ask how the two of you had met.”
He inspected them with the same interest you had and you wondered if he could see what you could. The prince was intelligent, so you imagined the shared looks of longing had not been missed. Diterich looked to Snow before answering.
“We met as children. My father was a huntsman in their court and I was raised to take his place. As children, we would play in the castle together. We got into trouble a lot,” he grinned, “a princess wasn’t meant to be wrestling with a common boy. Kindred spirits, my mother would say. When my father passed, I took his place as a huntsman in the royal court. Youngest in Vildüngan history.”
His chest puffed as he said it and you smiled. “Your family must be very proud.”
He nodded, expression dropping suddenly. “My mother and sister are all I have left. They’re in hiding, though. As am I. The queen found out about the pig’s heart and ordered my head. It’s why I came here; to warn Snow.”
You looked to the princess in alarm, but she smiled at you with all the serenity of one whose life isn’t in perpetual danger. “She doesn’t know I’m here.” Snow assured, squeezing your arm. “All is well.”
“We need to start thinking of ways to get you back to your kingdom. You’re its rightful heir!” Jungkook insisted and she tutted, moving away from the hearth of the fire and towards the kitchen to keep her hands busy.
“It will all work out somehow, I have faith.” She replied flippantly and Jungkook looked angry.
“Why won’t you take this seriously?” He chastised. “She wants you dead and is actively seeking your heart. Let my father help, we can do something; go against her.”
“No.” She insisted, turning sharply to look at him. “I don’t want anyone else to be pulled into this. No one need inconvenience or injure themselves on my behalf. I’m already uneasy with how many people are involved; how many lives are directly affected because of this…I won’t have anymore.”
“But,” Jungkook began once more but was silenced as she frowned at him.
“I said no, Jungkook.”
The prince sighed, rubbing at his forehead in frustration. “Fine, I can’t make you take your safety more seriously. I must return home.” He bowed before turning towards the door and you looked from Snow back to Jungkook before following him out into the clearing, basket full of berries swinging from your arm.
“Jungkook!” You called, rushing to his side. He didn’t slow so you walked with him through the forest in silence. Just as the trees were thinning, Jungkook slowed his pace, sighing loudly.
“I’m afraid I won’t be seeing you again until the day after next.” At your questioning look, he proceeded. “My father and I are expecting foreign dignitaries this evening and we will play host until tomorrow evening as well. I won’t have time to spare while they’re here.”
“Duty, as you say.” You smiled. He returned your soft smile, nodding and reaching for your hand.
“I will be seeing you.” He said, leaving a soft kiss on the back of your hand before making his way back up to the castle. . .
Your mother was in the garden when you returned, cutting cucumbers from their stalks. She looked up as you came through the gate, waving you over.
“Why did it take so long to pick berries?” Your mother asked with a frown, taking the basket from your arms.
“I went to say hello to the dwarfs while I was in the area.”  You said, bending down beside her and helping to dig up carrots at her direction.
“You’re there too often these days; what business does a young woman have visiting 7 old men so often? Aren’t they in the mines at this time of day anyway?”
You sighed, brushing hair from your face as you dropped a couple carrots into the basket beside your mother. “Well, now that Else is married I don’t always have anyone to visit.”
Your mother frowned. “Perhaps you should think of getting married soon.” She said and you looked up at her startled.
“Get married? It’s not that easy, mother. I’m not even being courted.”
She gave you a look, eyes shifting over to the house. “If you gave a little more effort where prudent, perhaps that wouldn’t be a problem.”
You sighed, shaking your head and pulling another carrot from the dirt. “I’m not in love with Peter.” You whispered.
Your mother laughed, wiping her hands on her skirt. “Love? We don’t have that luxury, my dear. You know that.” She stood, hands extended for the basket full of vegetables and you handed it up to her before standing and grabbing your own basket with berries. “I expect you here all day tomorrow. You’ve been neglecting your duties and it’s time you start preparing to run a house of your own. Time waits for no one, you know.”
She walked into the house and you watched after her, chewing on your bottom lip as you willed the tears of frustration back. You wiped your hands on the apron over your dress before walking into the house and out of the sun.
Peter and your father were in the corner, both working with new fabrics. Peter looked up at you, offering you a small smile before returning to his work and you sighed softly to yourself. Why couldn’t you just love him? . .
Your hands were sore. You’d been at the river all morning with your mother washing linen. It had been your job to beat the linen with a poss-stick as your mother insisted that’s what youth was for. You wondered if you’d ever be able to move again. What good was youth if it was wasted away on chores?
Hands feeling like they might just fall off, you wrung out the last of the fabrics before dropping it in your basket and heaving this onto your hip. Your mother chatted aimlessly as you walked from the riverside and around the edge of the forest towards your home.
You cast your eyes up towards the castle as it came into view around the bend of the trees and wondered idly what Jungkook was doing today. You knew he was entertaining foreign dignitaries, of course, but you couldn’t even imagine what that entailed. Perhaps they were holed up in some room discussing trade.
“Can you imagine living there?” Your mother asked, taking note of your gaze. You sighed, looking from her and back to the castle.
“Only in our dreams, mother.”
She hummed, shifting her own laundry basket in her arms. “If we lived in a place like that, I imagine we could have someone else tend to our washing. Our cooking, too. What must their food be like, hmm?”
You chuckled, kicking a pebble across the dirt path. “I suppose we’ll never know. Grand, I imagine, though. Warm potatoes and bread, sweet dessert’s whenever we ask for them. I would eat everything and die happy if I were them.”
“Thanks to the prince, we can have some share in their prosperity.” Your mother commented and you could see her looking at you from the corner of her eye. “He’s been very generous, as of late.”
You nodded; eyes trained on the dirt path beneath your feet. “Yes, he has been very kind.”
“He was never so kind when he was a boy. I wonder at the change.” She remarked and you wondered if she suspected more than she let on. She’d never seen the two of you together; aside from when he and his father had visited your home a few months ago.
“Perhaps he had a very good education.” You said as the roof of your home came into view. “Rumor has it he went to a school for training.”
“Rumor, you say?” She asked and you nodded, pushing through the gate in front of your house.
Conversation stopped then as the two of you went about hanging the laundry from the lines and working in the garden. Peter and your father were working on mending clothing in the home, so you didn’t feel like discussing the king and his son in their presence. It seemed your mother was also of the same mind set.
As the sun waned and the evening became cooler, Peter left your home with goodbyes and well wishes. You were only just finishing supper when the wind outside began to howl. Your father peaked his head outside the door and you watched as you ladled stew into bowls.
“A storm is approaching.” He commented softly. “I must make sure the animals are secured.” He left the home to the small stable behind your house and you listened as the wind whistled loudly from outside the walls.
“We’ve not had rain in a while.” Your mother said, helping you to bring the food to the small table. “It will be good for the crops.”
The storm raged loudly through the night, rain pounding against the timber frame of your home. It was difficult to sleep with all the noise; thunder and lightning bursting loudly across the sky. You could hear your father snoring from the small room next to yours and it soon lulled you into a fitful sleep. . .
Mornings after a storm were your favorite. The calm as opposition to the fierce raging of wind the night before a reminder that brighter days always followed the rain. You’d managed to convince your mother to allow you to check on the dwarfs this morning. You imagined they were mostly protected from the elements in their place among the trees. Even so.
After a quick breakfast of pottage, you dressed and made your way towards the forest. The sun was already sitting comfortably in the sky, illuminating the crystal blue sky and you listened happily to the sounds of birds singing as you walked through the fields.
You found, to your surprise, the prince already waiting by the forests edge. He sat upon a boulder; legs draped out in front of him as he pulled blades of grass apart as distraction. He looked up as your footsteps roused his attention, smile spreading across his lips.
“Y/N.” He beamed, standing and coming to meet you.
“I’m surprised to see you so early!” You exclaimed. “Won’t your father be missing you?”
“Actually, he and our guests drank well into the evening. They will be spending the next few hours recovering in bed.” He said with a roguish grin and you chuckled, making your way into the forest.
The prince followed quickly. “Did you not drink yourself, your majesty?” You teased and he smiled at you.
“I did, but only a little. I knew I wanted to use the opportunity to see you.”
You looked away with a small chuckle, smoothing hair away from your face.
“Well, here I am.” You smiled. Before you could continue, there was a heavy rustling in the trees and both you and Jungkook stopped, watching with unease as something came crashing through the branches.
To your surprise; it was the dwarfs who came rushing into sight and they stopped suddenly, panting before you.
“Y/N, your majesty!” Doc gasped, clutching at his rounded belly as he took deep steadying breaths. The panic in his tone was palpable and your back straightened in alarm.
“What’s wrong?” You asked. Jungkook seemed just as tense from their unusual greeting and you waited with baited breath for your friends to continue.
“It’s Snow.” Doc finally said and your alarm rose.
“What of her?” The prince asked sharply and all eyes turned to him. The dwarfs were still breathing heavily from their run; disrupting the usual quiet of the forest.
“Your majesty!” Sleepy blubbered, hardly able to contain himself. “Snow has died.”
“What?!” You gasped, eyes swiveling desperately to each face, each as stricken as the next.
“How?!” The prince demanded and Doc was quick to try and calm the atmosphere.
“She has not died.” He pacified. Your chest was so tight you thought it might burst. How could someone possibly die and not die all at the same time? “She’s been put under a spell; a sleeping spell.”
“I don’t understand.” Jungkook said tersely. You’d never seen him look so distraught.
“Allow me to explain.” Doc continued, “An old hag came to the cottage when we were away. She had a basket of apples. I’m unsure how, but Snow came to acquire one.”
“It was poisoned and that foolish girl took a bite.” Grumpy cried furiously.
Doc tried once more to continue, but Happy spoke first. “We chased the hag, but it was difficult in the storm. Chased her up the mountain but she slipped and fell off. It was the queen, your majesty. It was her stepmother.”
“Did you capture her?” Jungkook asked angrily, back ramrod straight as he paced back and forth. “Did you tie her up to be tried for her crimes?”
“No need,” Bashful said, shaking his head. “The queen is dead. She died from the fall.”
“What of Snow?” You rasped, “where is she?”
“That’s why we were coming for you, your majesty.” Doc said once again. “It was old magic the queen used; ancient. Unless she can find true loves kiss, she’ll remain asleep forever. We can take you to her.”
“True loves kiss?” Jungkook asked, voice cracking in his grief.
The dwarfs nodded. “It’s the only cure.” Sneezy bemoaned. “That’s why we came to find you, your majesty.”
“Me?” Jungkook asked, looking to you and back to the dwarfs.
They looked to you; gazes filled with pity before Doc spoke once more. “You are her betrothed, your majesty. If not you, then who?”
The pain in your chest was severe. Fracturing from the loss of a friend; ripping apart as the prospect of losing the one man you truly loved loomed like a shadow over you.
“What do I have to do?” He whispered and you looked up at him.
“True loves kiss.” Dopey murmured, eyes shifting over to you sadly and then back to the prince.
It was silent for what felt like eternity, the gravity of the situation sinking in and you felt buried under the weight of it; the forest floor waiting to accept you. The prince looked to you, tears already in his eyes, but your own vision of him quickly blurred.
“I have to try.” Jungkook choked and you could feel your heart break a little more, “she’s one of my closest friends. I can’t sit back and do nothing; I couldn’t live with myself. I have to try.”
“I understand.” You murmured. “What if you’re able to wake her?”
Jungkook paused, his eyelashes fluttering closed, a line drawing between his eyes. “Let’s not think about it right now. I have to go.” He gave you one last glance before darting further into the forest with the dwarfs and out of sight. Was it possible to die from a broken heart? You were sure the question had been asked before…you were also sure the answer was yes. Your heart ached in a way you’d never imagined it could.
The love of your life was running to the side of another woman, and though you knew his reasoning was righteous and sound, you ached for the inevitable outcome. A prince was meant to be with a princess. This was no fairy tale, not for you, at least. You can’t always have what you want.
But as you stood there in the grass, surrounded by your broken dreams, you mourned what you could never have had. Even if Snow had not eaten the apple, even had she not been born at all, you would never have been given your heart’s desire; your class was decided before you were born and you would do well to remember it.
When Snow awoke, as she inevitably would, you would be left to watch them marry. Worse still, your father would likely be commissioned to make Jungkook’s wedding clothes and you would be expected to help. That was a bitter truth you could not swallow. To carry the wedding clothing of the man you were desperately in love with…only for him to wear them with someone else.  
You could not do it.
Your feet began to take you before your mind could catch up. The dwarves’ home, tucked delicately between the trees and the stream. The lighting surrounding the cottage was dim despite the morning hour, the house dark in the absence of the once warm lighting; filled with the dwarfs and Snow’s laughter and song.
Now it felt as empty as your heart. The evening turned chilly, the storm from yesterday taking with it the sun from the late summer and you shivered at the thresh hold, lifting your hand carefully to push against the door.
With a soft creak, the door swung open and you glanced inside. In their haste, everything had been left exactly as it was. An uncooked gooseberry pie sat on the counter top, flour strewn across. The fire in the fire place had long gone out. And there, by the table, an apple with one bite.
You stood in the door way a moment, staring down at the beautiful red skin of the nearly pristine apple. Contemplating. You could not bear to face a future without him in it.
With three quick strides, you picked up the apple and ran from the house, seeking out the privacy the trees afforded you. Not far from the home, in a particularly dense part of the forest, you stood staring down at the beautiful, red fruit.
A choice, so simple yet so difficult. One bite; you knew that’s all it would take…but was it really worth it? The light was fading fast this deep in the forest and you shivered, looking around in the darkness.
You thought of Jungkook again, of his handsome, smiling face. His kind and gentle heart, his loyalty and good nature. Was he with Snow White now? Had she already woken up? He was no longer your Jungkook; forever the kingdoms Jungkook and your heart wept.
You wouldn’t even be missed.
Staring down at the apple you closed your eyes, breathing slowly out of your nose before bringing it to your lips and taking a bite. It was bitter, acidic, and it burned. You coughed, dropping the apple to the ground and fell to your knees, spluttering, eyes watering as your tongue swelled and you felt your blood turn to ice in your veins.
Everything hurt, your limbs felt like they were made of fire, burning, burning, burning and then black.
Here’s the second to last chapter! The 7th is already finished and in editing. I hope you loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it and I can’t wait to hear from you! <3
Copyright © 2019 by Taeken-My-Heart. All rights reserved.
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devnicolee · 4 years
The Chosen Ones (7)
A/N: Enjoy! There is one chapter left, which I am really excited about :)
Warnings: Slow burn, verbal abuse (and one mention of physical abuse), angst
Word Count: 6,000 words
Pairings: M’Baku x OC 
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Asha groaned as she felt something nudging her shoulder, assuming it was M'Baku's feeble attempts to wake her up. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, her voice groggy and tired. She shifted on her side, burying her face deeper into his chest, her hand sliding across his midsection to hold onto him tighter. There was no response to her exhausted pleas for more sleep. In fact, she quickly realized that all she could hear were his loud, deep snores. Yet she still felt another more forceful nudge hit her back, forcing her eyes to pop open.
Her eyes trailed up his torso and landed on M’Baku’s face, eyes closed as he continued to sleep. Her lips curved into a content smile as she just stared at him… her boyfriend. It amazed her how far the pair had come in mere weeks… from only existing in quiet, hidden moments to being able to love each other loudly and freely. She decided to lean on his advice, not to dwell on those broader implications, the details they would have to sort out back home. She knew he already gained her sister and brother’s approval, which was all she truly cared about. But the jury was still out on the Council and her mother. Asha already had two strikes against her where the majority of them were concerned. 
It does not matter, she decided. She seceded 25 years to the will and opinion of the Council and her parents, she refused to cower or give them a day more. She worried about the other things and how to be in a successful relationship when she had no experience. But she and M'Baku loved each other and they both had the will and desire to be together. That meant they would climb any walls, weather whatever storm, and extinguish any fires this world threw at them. She finally had the person and love she prayed for every night; she would not let him go without a fight. Her thoughts were interrupted by something hitting her yet again. She frustratingly turned around to come face to face with the same black panther as last night. Inches away from her face, the panther used its nose to nudge her shoulder, a silent demand to start the day.
"Fuck!" she yelped, sitting up abruptly. She, of course, knew it meant her no harm but was also not expecting such a jarring wake up call. Her traveling companion, however, did not have this luxury. Her loud outburst immediately pushed M'Baku out of his restful sleep. Forever the warrior, he leaped out of the sleeping bag, robbing Asha of his warm body heat, and immediately raised his knobkerrie, ready to strike. He examined the cave terrain wildly, searching for an unknown threat.  
"Stand down soldier," Asha chuckled as she ran her hands through the soft, thick black fur of the now resting panther, laying down relaxed after doing their job to wake the couple up. Her heart still thumped loudly against her chest as it tried to return to its resting rate. "It woke me up and I was n-not expecting a Bast wake-up call. Sorry for screaming," she offered before standing up herself.
"Damn panthers," M'Baku mumbled angrily under his breath. But he shook off his annoyance rather quickly as Asha cleared up their makeshift camp. "What time is it?"
Asha fiddled with her beads, immediately distracted by two texts from her brother and sister. "U-u-uh just after 7. But we better get going. Brother called an emergency council meeting 2 hours before the King's Exhibition. We need to find the herbs and get back to the palace before then." The balls of light keeping them warm the night prior bounced around as the two moved about, getting ready to finish the last leg of their journey. Asha raised her hands, each instinctively moving back toward their owner as her skin absorbed them. 
"Why a council meeting?" M'Baku asked as he pulled bags of fruit out of his bag for both to munch on for breakfast and swung it back on his shoulders. 
"Well, we do not need to convince the whole country... just the Mining and Border Tribes. No need to wait for the King's Exhibition if we can avoid it. It is supposed to be a fun and joyous event, believe it or not."
The two emerged from the cave, the Panther waiting for them on the small cliff. They fell in step behind it as it led them back to their original trail. The morning air was crisp and cold, the sun peeked through the swaying tree tops giving them a sliver of light. It still didn’t look like morning on their path though, the thick forest blocked out most of the sun. The mountain had a new layer of fresh, undisturbed snow, which did not remain long as their footprints smashed through it.
"What is the King's Exhibition anyway?" Despite not following the Panther Goddess, all of Wakanda was invited to partake in the celebrations of the week-long Festival of Bast. This was to be the Jabari's first year and he planned on participating to show solidarity. However, M’Baku quickly realized he had no idea what was involved.
"Oh, it is just a show of our King's strength and prowess in battle. Really just a chance for my oh-so-humble brother to show off. He basically fights the Dora, members of the King's Guard and then any challenger from across Wakanda. But unlike Challenge Day, no one is fighting to the death. It is more of a public training session. Everyone loses to him, of course," she added. 
"What is the point of it?" he inquired, knocking some branches out of their path. 
"It shows the strength Bast gives her protector. Her power and by extension, his power to protect all of us. It is quite fun to watch, or so I have heard," she added as a caveat. Snow drifted down lightly around them from the branches and leaves above them, immediately melting to water as it connected with her clothes. 
"You have never been?" 
She chuckled, managing to keep at least some of the bitterness out of her voice. "You would be surprised at the amount of things I have never seen or done. I have not celebrated a Festival of Bast in 15 years. Though, I didn't much care to celebrate her in those later years to be honest." M'Baku glanced over at her and noticed a flicker of shame and regret passing behind her dark brown eyes. 
"Hey," he said gently, pulling on her arm to stop her. "You don't need to feel ashamed about that. You did the best you could. Bast forgives, clearly," he said, gesturing toward the panther that stopped a few feet ahead of them to wait. 
Asha nodded softly, looking up at him to find concern in his big brown eyes… concern and intense love and adoration for her. Love and adoration that made her legs grow weak and the butterflies in her stomach flutter. She couldn’t explain it but it felt like the farther they went on this journey, the easier it became to open her heart and share her soul with this gentle giant beside her. She immediately thought back to what Bast told her, how the journey of loving and accepting herself would make loving others that much easier. Bast is rarely wrong.
"Thank you. I needed to hear that... be reminded of that. T-there is just so much I would have done differently had I known what I know now… you know?" she responded as they broke their eye contact and continued uphill. Asha, being someone who did not train incredibly often, was beginning to feel the strain of this journey as the air grew thinner and the path steeper. M'Baku seemed perfectly capable and fine with the hike but she was starting to grow that uncomfortable stitch in her side that she usually got when she trained with T'Challa. 
"Yes, regrets are the price we pay for living. We all struggle with that… trust me. But it is not about how you lived before, but how you choose to live now. All those things you would do differently, you can do going forward. You have a bright future ahead, Asha. You have to just decide what you want to do with it."
Silence fell over the two; the only sounds were the soft crunch of snow beneath their boots, the random babble of animals moving through the trees around them as she contemplated his words. Asha went from having no real future at all to the one she always dreamed of. However, she now had to apply those dreams to her real life. She was no longer limited, chained in darkness with small fleeting glimpses of the sun. She was fully stepping in the light and she could finally bask in its warmth, serenity, and peace. Now that she was standing in the sun, she was not sure exactly what path she should forge. But she knew, a path without M'Baku was not a viable one. Where the light took her, she was determined to have him by her side loving and affirming her. 
The inner light now flooding Asha's life was only eclipsed by the darkness the forest plunged them in as they trekked farther up the mountainside. It was as ominous as the night before, possibly even more so since they both knew the sun was shining above the thick treetops. The rustles and chatter of the forest seemed to get louder as they went, M'Baku constantly raising his weapon and shielding Asha as if a monster was seconds away from emerging from the trees. Each step seemed to dial up the creepy meter of the whole journey, putting the two on edge. They were not deterred; at the top of this summit laid their destiny, their reason for being. They had no choice but to press forward, stomping out any anxiety or fear that tried to poke through their armor of confidence. 
"Do you like Jabariland?" M'Baku asked out of the blue.
Asha gave him a confused look from the corner of her eye, noting the way his hands fidgeted. Was he nervous? "It is gorgeous... the people were amazing. I felt more at home there... more at peace than I ever had in the Golden City. What is not to like?" 
"Yes, but could you see you-" he started to say before he cut himself off, raising his hand to stop her. The panther leading their way had stopped, halting in front of a break in the trees. Asha walked to stand behind it and saw them.
"Glory to Hanuman," M'Baku whispered, amazed that a childish dream and a hunch led them to this. The only two people in the world who could make it to this promised land. The herbs sat in the middle of the clearing, covered in thick clear ice. But nothing could diminish the distinct and almost magical purple glow of the heart-shaped herb. The purple glow reflected across the white snow as the bright sun shined down on the field, filled with more herbs than either could have dreamed of. 
"Bast... M'Baku, this is it. You were right!" Asha exclaimed, clutching his thick bicep. "W-we can save T’Challa, w-w-we can save the Black Panther." She hadn’t let herself get too attached to the idea that they were right, after all, it was a longshot. But here they were, staring their and Bast’s dreams in the face and it was glorious. 
The moment her foot connected with the hard Earth in the clearing, it started. It was soft initially, like faint distant whispers as several quiet voices invaded her ears. She pushed forward, ignoring them. Nothing would stop her now. With each inch forward, the voices grew louder and more unruly. Asha had no idea what they were saying, what they wanted. She knew it was all in her head but she understood why such a phenomenon would drive people away from this place. It was almost impossible to ignore and it was terrifying. A piercing pain started to spread through her skull as she tried to continue. Soon the pain, the symphony became too loud to ignore.  
"Ah!" she cried out as she fell to her knees, so close that a herb was within arm’s reach.
"Asha!” He had been watching from the tree with the panther and rushed forward when she hit the ground. He was at her side in record speed. He clutched her face, rotating her head in his hands as tears streamed from her eyes. He examined her head and body finding no obvious injury, realizing that the voices they were warned found their next victim. 
She whimpered slightly from the pain, unable to speak as it became too much to handle.  He felt his world crumbling at her pain and distress. He wondered if his hypothesis was wrong. Had he brought her all the way here, pumping her soul with false hope with every mile only to push her into a world of pain? 
"Asha... It's gonna be ok... Go back and I will get the herb. It is ok, you have done more than enough," he whispered, offering more encouraging words as he helped her to her feet. The pain had yet to subside, she was not sure if she had experienced agony such as this before. But as she started to walk back toward safety, the black panther, a casual and quiet guide up until this point, brandished its teeth at her and growled deeply. Its body blocked the way back toward the trees, forcing her to stay there. As if a cue, more panthers emerged from the trees surrounding them, pacing so neither could retreat. M'Baku, deciding that the sooner they had an herb in hand, the sooner they would be allowed to leave, reached to pull one out of the Earth. However, he pulled and pulled but its roots were unmovable. The ice casing around the herb was too thick to break and remove the herb from its flower and the ground was too hard to rip the flower from the soil. He tried everything he had in his arsenal while whatever magical properties inhabiting this mountain brought his all-powerful partner to her knees. 
Asha pushed through her pain and watched him struggle with the plant, a realization dawning on her. There was a reason it was the two of them and no one else. Further proof that their survival depended on each other, that their destinies were intertwined long before they knew of each other's existence. He got them here and now, she had to do her part.
"I-I h-have to melt th-th-the ice, M'Baku. W-we can’t t-take them frozen l-like… this. I c-can do it," she pushed out, her breathing labored as she tried to overcome the pain and channel her powers. 
M'Baku immediately shook his head, "Asha... you were on death's door not even a full 48 hours ago, you are not strong enough to use your powers like this yet." 
Asha shook her head, "I made it up this m-mountain. This is my purpose, I c-cannot.... I w-will not fail.” She crawled closer to the herb and sunk her warm hands into the thick snow around the herb closest to her. 
“Bast, give me strength," she whispered to herself. She closed her eyes and channeled all the fire, the heat in her being down into her palms and fingers. She imagined the field in her mind and pictured projecting that heat outward like a blanket. Her labored breathing grew as she fueled all the power in her body into the ground beneath her. the heat from her internal flame slowly melting the clear ice protecting each herb. 
Asha grew concerned, as she tried to melt all the herbs that she did not have enough energy for this task. She could feel her steam running out. Thankfully, the ice transitioned to water on the last herb just as her body grew cold, void of any flames. As soon as the last herb thawed, Asha's eyes fell closed slowly, her body slumping into the snow as her mind succumbed to the voices and tumbled into her past. 
T'Challa and Asha circled each other on a deep blue training map, the 10-year-old pushing her exhaustion aside to train with her older brother. She and T'Challa went blow for blow for a few minutes, trading hits as they danced across the training floor. She had gotten surprisingly better since they started training together, improving far more in their secret limited sessions than her actual training. She was small and quick, which helped her keep up with him even though he was clearly more skilled and stronger. 
A few minutes of skillful fighting and she found herself on her brother's back, arm around his neck holding him in a chokehold. "Yield!" she demanded playfully. 
"Never," he retorted as he flipped her over his head and forced her to the ground. He did it as slow as possible, as to not actually hurt her. She rolled on her back for a few minutes, catching her breath before standing again and starting the process over. 
Their second fight went similarly. However, Asha suddenly felt different. She felt like another energy source coursing through her veins. She figured it was merely a second wind to help her fight. It propelled her to fight harder than she usually did, forcing T'Challa to up his game. She and T'Challa circled each other before he lunged toward her again. She raised her hand to block his first attempt when he jumped back unexpectedly, dodging with grace toward the side. Bewilderment filled her eyes until she saw a line of fire separating the two siblings. 
"A- Asha... what is going on?" he asked tentatively as he pushed himself to stand.
Asha looked down at her hands to find them covered in flames. "Oh my bast!" She dropped to the ground and tried to stomp them out by banging her hands on the floor, but they wouldn't die. Her hand felt fine, she did not feel the agony of being on fire and yet she was. "T'Challa... what is happening to me??" she cried, panic setting in as she stared at this peculiarity.
"I do not know. But stay calm, I will get baba. It will be alright Asha."
Asha sunk to the ground, tears streaming down her face as she watched her hands and, unbeknownst to her at the time, her future burn right before her eyes. 
The training room dissolved, her father's office replacing it as Asha sat, hands back to normal, next to T'Challa as he tried to calm her down. He rubbed comforting circles into his young and extremely distraught sister's back as they waited for their father to speak. Her father paced by his desk, throwing agitated looks at his daughter every few minutes, making her feel as though she had done something wrong. 
"She is one of them. A mutant," he spat out with disgust. 
"So what do we do?" their mother asked quietly from the other side of the office, keeping a healthy distance from her now dangerous daughter. "You have campaigned against mutants in our borders for years. This will look like hypocrisy." 
"We do nothing," T'Chaka hissed. "We do nothing, we say nothing. No one can know about this." 
T'Challa stood, a look of disbelief painted on his face, "How do you expect to keep this a secret? She is a princess? It is not like you can just hide her away." 
"No, that is exactly what we are going to do. She almost killed you, T'Challa! Her powers are uncontrollable. We will find a way to suppress them until she is old enough to control them. Until then, she will not leave the palace," her father decided resolutely. It was not lost on Asha how they all spoke about her as if she were a mere object and not a person sitting right in front of them. 
She shared a scared look with her brother before the scene changed again. She was now sitting on her brother's bed as he prepared for his 18th birthday party. They had been laughing and joking around, until their father appeared in the doorway. 
"Yes baba?" he asked. 
"You look good, strong. Please finish quickly. It is not good to be late to a party in your honor." Asha wanted to shrink herself or have the floor dissolve her as her father's eyes scanned the room. In the last three years, she found the best way to survive in her home was to simply avoid her father at all cost. At least then, he could not verbally castigate her for merely existing. 
"Asha!" he barked, "What are you doing?" 
Asha hung her head, "I was just helping T'Challa get ready. I will go back to my room." 
He nodded, "Good. We cannot have anyone seeing you wandering around during the party. Go now." 
"Yes, baba." Asha climbed off T'Challa's bed and started to walk toward the door. "Happy Birthday, T." She gave him a tight hug and a wide smile, mainly for his benefit. She did not want him worrying about her on his big birthday and knew he was already concerned about leaving her without her only advocate when he went away for university. That smile carried her until she was out of the view of his door and down the hallway to her own room. 
 Her brother's room disappeared as an intense argument in the royal gardens formed, Asha face to face with Hasani.
“What is the issue? It is just a date outside this Bast forsaken palace?" 
An adult Asha tried to let him down easy, gave all the excuses her father outlined for her and he refused to accept any of them. It was almost as if he wanted to catch her in a lie. "I cannot leave. I would feel more comfortable if we just stayed in." 
"No! I want to go on a real date outside of this palace. Today!" he demanded rudely. Asha scoffed silently. She knew the courting dates were part of the royal deal, her dad's attempt to pawn her off on someone else. However, she did not need to put up with another verbally abusive man in her life, her father was more than enough. 
"Perhaps we should just chat another day? You seem upset, Hasani and I do not wish to upset you further. You know your way out, yes?" she said politely, deciding to deescalate the situation before it grew out of control. She turned away from him slightly, preparing to walk out of the gardens. 
"No!" A hand enclosed around her wrist and yanked her back. His grip was so tight that Asha knew a bruise would blossom on her wrist later. 
"Hasani, you are hurting me! Let me go!" she whispered, trying to avoid a scene as she failed to tug her hand out of his grip. She looked around for a passing Dora, cursing herself for telling Alexis that she did not need to watch over her during this date. She could feel the Panther beating against its cage, determined for release as someone attacked its owner. Even with the rings donning each of her fingers, she knew the flames were growing to uncontrollable levels. "Hasani, I do not want to hurt you, please let me go!" she begged, knowing that this was not headed in any good direction. 
He scoffed, "What could you do to hurt me?" 
As if on cue, sparks flew out of her hands, one hitting him right on his wrist causing him to jump back several feet. Fire shot out of her extended hand, drawing a line between them to protect her. 
"W-w-what the fuck? I-I knew you weren't sick!" he cried, outraged. 
Asha's hands clamped over her mouth in shock as she tried to approach him and make this right. "Hasani, please! I-it is not what it looks like!" But it was too late, he was off, Asha knew, to tell his mother who was meeting with her father in his office. She took off running after him, knowing that whatever happened next... she would certainly pay for this. 
She was back in her father's office, Asha arguing with her father who refused to listen. "But I do not love him, baba! And he doesn’t love me! H-he hates me! H-he treats me horribly. You cannot expect me to marry him!" 
"I don't particularly care if you love him or not. Sometimes arranged marriages are a necessary part of being royalty. You were the fool that showed your… disease to him. These are the consequences."  
Asha threw up her hands, anger causing tears to stream down her face as she defended herself for the 100th time for the incident that thrusted her into this mess. She shared an exasperated glance at her brother and sister, the only two people who were ever on her side. "It was an accident, baba! I swear." 
She knew she messed up, she regretted it everyday but she didn’t deserve this. She especially didn’t deserve the bloodied cut and bruise on her face, the reason her brother dragged her to her father’s office to demand the engagement be called off. It took Asha, Okoye and three other Dora to pull T’Challa off Hasani after he happened to walk in on an argument between the couple right as the back of Hasani’s hand connected with Asha’s cheek. It was the first time he had ever done such a thing and Asha knew it would be last since her brother made it clear he would not live to tell the tale if he touched her like that again. 
"Sometimes I think you are determined to destroy this family and everything I built," he said as he settled behind his desk. "It is like you do not care if this family survives."  
If he had slapped her in the face, that would have been less painful. "How could you say that?" she whispered, the hurt clear in her words. 
"Baba! Please!" T'Challa said, no longer a young boy now but a grown man who refused to let anyone, even his beloved baba, attack his sister. He pushed Asha behind him as if he could act as a physical barrier between her and their father's verbal abuse. He, of course, knew it was too little too late to protect her from him but he tried to mitigate where he could. "Asha is not trying to destroy us by refusing to marry an abusive man. You did not hear the way he spoke to her. Why would you want her to marry a man who cares so little for her? Who is blackmailing our family into it? He has already proven that he has no self-control or respect for her. If you think those bruises were a one-time incident, you are mistaken. These lies have gone far enough, it cannot be worth it anymore." 
"Enough!" King T'Chaka yelled, silencing his disobedient and reckless children. "T'Challa, you will stay out of it. You will be king one day but that is not today. And Asha, you will marry Hasani. You are lucky I was able to find this man for you. He is of royal blood, far better than you could have hoped for. Now, T'Challa and I will be leaving for Sokovia in a week's time. I suggest you take that time to accept this. I will not have this conversation with you again." 
Asha nodded softly, her "Yes baba" so despondent and quiet that it broke T'Challa's heart. She shrugged off his comforting hand from her shoulder and raced out of the room. Asha rarely left her dad's office without tears clouding her vision, today was no different. 
Asha woke among the dirt and swaying grass of the Ancestral Plane. Her second visit was far less confusing, almost as if she expected it. Bast did say she would see her again so she supposed this was that time. And this time, she knew she was not actually dead, which offered a small comfort. 
She stood up and dusted the dirt off the long white dress with gold trim now hanging over her shoulders. Her bare feet sunk into the soft dirt as she walked toward a tree overflowing with black panthers. She did not need prompting, did not need Bast to lead her way. The path, the course forward, who she needed to speak to was as clear as day. She did not get very close before one jumped down from a high branch and landed in front of her. 
Baba, she thought to herself. Sure enough, she watched as the panther quickly turned into a man... her father. 
The two simply stood there, feet apart and stared at each other. He looked smaller than he did in life. He was never a big person, but his presence made up for what he lacked in stature... strong and intimidating. She never got to see the gentle King everyone else adored and worshiped. She had always only gotten the worst of him. She could not deny the small part of her that was filled with the urge to rush forward and hug him, the part that was still desperate for his approval and his love. But the larger part forced her feet to stay planted like a tree firmly in the same spot. She expected there to be more resentment toward him. What once was a burning inferno seemed more like a small contained fire, still present and noticeable but not all consuming.
"Why are you here... again?" he asked. 
"That seems to be a question for Bast, not me... I found a new garden of the Heart-Shaped Herb and when I thawed it, I passed out. And I guess she brought me here." 
"You found a new garden?" He did not even try to hide the surprise in his voice. 
Asha scoffed, bowing her head slightly, turning away from him to study the horizon and the pale yellow and orange sky. "Always a tone of surprise. Apparently, Bast doesn't hate me or my kind as much as you did." 
"I never hated you Asha." 
"Really? You could have fooled me. 15 years... 15 years, you treated me like a prisoner, like I was nothing to you. If you did not hate me, you certainly didn't love me. It does not benefit either of us to pretend otherwise," she added coldly. If she was going to speak to him, it would be rooted in honesty, not historical fiction to sugar coat his actions simply because he died. 
"I did not know how to deal with a child who was more powerful than I. Bast told me you were destined for great things and I refused to believe it. I was so obsessed with the mantle of King that I lost sight of... well, everything. I have had much time to think since being here." 
"Yes, I would imagine death gives you all the time in the world to contemplate your failings," Asha responded, that small fire of resentment showing in her words, regardless of how she tried to contain it. The beautiful and serene terrain of the Planes did nothing to counter the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. She did not know what she expected from a conversation with her father but this was lacking. But she wondered if every conversation would; after all he could not come back from the dead and redo her childhood. His damage was set in stone and no words would fix it. 
"What will you do now?" 
"I will take the herb down the mountain and save your golden son and your tribe from being uprooted. That is all T'Challa and I seem to do lately, save our country from your failures. I will save your country, as Bast destined it. And then, I will find my place in that country, the place you selfishly denied me for decades," Asha responded. 
T'Chaka nodded sadly, "Can you forgive me? I was not perfect in life. I made so many mistakes that forced you and T'Challa down paths that almost led to Wakanda's destruction. If I could go back, if I could have a chance at life anew, I would do so much differently. I did not hate you, I hated your powers and what they represented. But for you, I am sure that distinction means little. I failed you as a father... I failed you as your King and unfortunately, my realizations came too late. I can't fix it; I can't make it up to you. But I can apologize… and I am so sorry. Truly." 
Asha did not hate her father, that was true. She did not know if she loved him either. But she had finally lost almost all the anchors of her past life, this was the final one. No amount of harbored resentment would fix his mistakes. Hating him until the end of her days, refusing to forgive until she was in a tree in the Planes next to him would not give her the life and childhood she desperately had wanted and deserved. She knew she needed to learn how to move on, to stop being weighed down by the past. She did not need to love her father to forgive him. She could not carry this pain, this resentment into her new life. She deserved to be light, not weighed down by someone else's failures and insecurities.
"A king who admits his faults? Quite the rarity." She refused to look at him, still studying the horizon, "You know I used to pray to Bast to take my powers, take my life, take everything so that you could love me. So that you could look at me as you looked at T'Challa and Shuri, with love, adoration, and hope. I wanted that so bad for so long that it almost killed me. Everyday felt like a festering wound that just would not heal. Your ego allowed me to wake up every day without hope, without light. Y-you caused that and, to be honest, I never thought I could forgive you for it. For planting seeds of hatred so deep in my heart that I started to believe them to be my own thoughts, my own insecurities." 
She turned to face him finally, "But I cannot live that way anymore. I have finally started to uproot those weeds and my soul is so light," Asha sighed as tears sprung to her eyes, "that sometimes it feels as though I could fly away. I will never again be weighed down by the hatred you sowed nor the hatred your actions sowed in me for you. I will never feel for you as your other children do, but I do not need to hate you. I appreciate your apology and I forgive you."
 "Thank you. I wish I could be there... to see the new garden," he whispered. "I wish I could be there to right so many wrongs." 
"You are right where you need to be, T'Chaka," an angelic voice interrupted. They both turned to find Bast behind them. T'Chaka bowed slightly, stepping aside so the Goddess could approach. Asha stood tall as Bast stood directly in front of her, her face beaming with pride and joy. 
"So, you solved my riddle?" Bast asked. 
"Yes, but you couldn't have made it easier?" 
"Well... There is just no fun in that. I am so proud of you, Asha. You fulfilled your destiny and Wakanda's future, that was once destroyed, is now like that garden: overflowing and teeming with life and hope. That is because of you and Lord M'Baku. Now I have a few final requests of you before you return to your life, if you do not mind?" 
Asha raised her eyebrow, knowing the only acceptable answer was yes. She just nodded and waited for Bast to proceed. 
"One, keep the Garden where it is. There will be a desire to move them to the Hall of Kings. But that mountain will serve as the bridge that connects the Jabari to Wakanda and the Black Panther. It must stay where it is to thrive. Two, you are learning about your powers, finally understanding and controlling them. Do not let another living soul limit them again. Three, love is overflowing in your life. It has not always felt like it, I know, but I hope you feel it now. Do not lose sight of the love you have, the family you have, as you settle into the mountains with your new one. There is space for it all." 
Asha wrinkled her nose, laughing lightly. "Family in the mountains? M'Baku and I certainly are not there yet. Besides, I still need to find my place here." 
"Of course... your place in Wakanda just may have a bit colder climate than you think, Asha Udaka," Bast mused. "It is time to go now. I expect I will not be seeing you again until your life has run its course, but worry not. You have a long and vibrant life ahead surrounded by those you love and who love you immeasurably." 
Bast wrapped Asha into a hug so loving, so tender that only a Goddess could conjure such a thing. So much waited for her on the other side, and for the first time, she could not wait to get back to them. 
Tag List: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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dragonologist-phd · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Cousland/Anora Mac Tir Characters: Anora Mac Tir, Female Cousland (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Gay yearning, thats it just a lot of gay yearning, I'm Sorry, pre-game Summary:
Anora Mac Tir knows what she wants- she wants to marry Cailan and become the greatest Queen Ferelden has ever known. But on the eve of her wedding, a visit from Sirena Cousland reminds her that there might be other she wants, as well.
(Alternatively, read below!)
It was the night before Anora was to be married, and try as she might she simply couldn’t get a wink of sleep.
Of course she couldn’t. How could anyone expect her to, with such a momentous event looming on the horizon? She’d known her entire life that she was meant to one day become Queen of Ferelden; tomorrow, with her marriage into the Therein family, that destiny would become official. And while any wedding had its share of preparations, the marriage of a future king and queen required a good deal more than a gown and a recitation of vows before a Chantry mother. There were public appearances to be made in front of the Denerim crowds, long speeches to be delivered beneath the Chantry roof, and of course a reception to be held for the visiting nobility who were traveling from all across the country to witness the union.
Anora had never been one to sit back and let others make arrangements in her stead; she had been involved in every step of the preparations, and had poured hours of effort into ensuring that everything would go exactly according to plan. Truth be told, she would be quite relieved when the whole thing was over and done with- the trappings of the wedding were important, a vital part of the image she and Cailan needed to display to the country, but Anora was long ready to turn her attentions to something a bit more stimulating.
She would have the freedom soon enough, she kept reminding herself. She just needed to get through the coming day. And although she knew a proper night’s sleep would help with that, that logic didn’t help as her mind continued to circle over the details she had so carefully planned out for her future.
The restless energy buzzed through Anora like a gnat she couldn’t swat away, filling her with the need to do… something. At last she threw her sheets to the side and rose from her bed, abandoning the pretense of peaceful slumber. What she needed was to move, to occupy herself, to do anything other than sit still and wait for morning. At the very least she could wander the palace gardens- perhaps the fresh air would be enough to free her mind until fatigue finally caught up with her.
As she pulled a warm woolen cloak over her shoulders, Anora told herself she wouldn’t be long. The last thing she wanted was for someone to come across her like this, with undone hair and tired eyes; or worse, for someone drop by her empty room and think her missing.
But as she stepped outside Anora was greeted by a gust of refreshingly chilled wind, and the night sky above was clear and full of stars, and for the first time that day she felt some of the tension leave her body. Even as the hour grew later and later, Anora found herself lingering, her thoughts drifting as she strolled aimlessly along the dirt paths. Perhaps there was no need to rush, after all. She’d memorized the guard’s schedules long ago, and knew how to avoid them; no servants had any business in the gardens this late; any nobles still awake were probably deep in their cups, just as Cailan likely was.
Just as Anora had convinced herself that her solitude was complete, however, a voice rang out across the gardens.
“Anora? What in the world are you doing out here?”
The sudden voice made Anora jump, and she heaved a sigh of annoyance as she realized she’d been spotted. The annoyance fled, however, once she realized who it was that had done the spotting.
“Lady Sirena? Is that you?”
A closer look revealed that it was indeed the Lady Sirena Cousland, who for some reason was perched on a garden wall, one leg hanging carelessly off the side. She laughed and leapt from the wall, heading towards Anora with a grin. “Oh please, don’t lead with the Lady. If you do, I’ll have to call you ‘soon-to-be Future Queen Anora of Ferelden’, and as lovely a title as that is, it’s quite a mouthful.”
Anora fought back a smile. Nobody else would ever speak to her in such a way, but this was Sirena- always ready with a teasing response, hardly worried about any offense she might cause. The Couslands ruled over Highever, and were, along with the Mac Tirs, one of the most respected noble families of Ferelden. That reputation, coupled with Sirena’s disarming smile and easy temperament, was a perfect recipe for the effortless confidence that constantly radiated from the youngest Cousland child.
That disarming smile was now turned upon Anora in full force as Sirena asked, “Really, what are you doing out here?” She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me I’m interrupting a clandestine meeting under the moonlight? And on the eve of your own wedding?”
A huff of laughter escaped Anora’s lips even as she rolled her eyes. “Oh, banish the thought. I was just thinking how pleased I was to see you, and now you’re making me change my mind.”
Sirena just laughed again and wrapped an arm around Anora’s shoulders, pulling her close for a hug. Her long dark hair smelled of rain, and she wore a thick fur cloak over plain traveling clothes; she must have arrived very recently.
“How was the journey from Highever?”
“Too long, as always,” Sirena answered with a shrug. “But you don’t want to hear about a boring carriage trip through the rain and mud. How are you? I am genuinely curious as to what brings out so late on this of all nights.”
Anora waved a dismissive hand in the air. “It’s not that late. And I couldn’t sleep.”
“Too excited?”
“Too preoccupied, rather. There’s so much to think about for tomorrow. Every time I close my eyes, I remember yet another detail that I want to check up on.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Sirena said. “But don’t you have people to do that sort of work for you?”
“Of course I do,” Anora admitted. “But if you want something done correctly…”
“Do it yourself,” Sirena finished. “You’ve been living that motto since we were children.”
“And it’s still true,” Anora pointed out wryly. “Anyway, I could ask the same question of you. How did you end up out here instead of in our rather lovely guest chambers?”
Sirena shrugged and looked back in the direction she’d come from, her gaze traveling over the garden, toward the training ground, beyond the towers that looked over the Denerim marketplace. “Oh, traveling always leaves me nostalgic. I was just wandering around, revisiting a few spots before they’re filled up with people tomorrow.”
Anora could guess as to which memories Sirena was reliving. They had both spent many days at the Denerim palace, watching their parents go about the duties of nobility, knowing that someday they would take their places.
That knowledge had been with Anora for as long as she could remember; her entire life, she reflected, was a preparation for rulership, and it had always been a perfect fit. Even as a child, Anora had loved listening in on the courtly proceedings and hearings, things that bored Cailan to tears as he dutifully followed her lead. In sharp contrast, the silly games and childish play of the other children had always seemed, to Anora, to all be horribly dull.
But even at a young age, Sirena was hard to miss. Always something of a troublemaker, she was direct and honest and said things as they were without layers of political machinations. Her friendship with Anora was something of a mystery, even to Anora herself. But she had to admit there was something about Sirena’s easy confidence and strangely insightful remarks that managed to hold Anora’s interest where few others could.
“It’s been too long since you’ve visited,” Anora remarked, and Sirena’s focus shifted from the palace grounds back to Anora. Her dark eyes were, for a moment, unexpectedly thoughtful. But only for a moment- they quickly brightened again as Sirena gave Anora a warm smile.
“It really has, hasn’t it? We should catch up. And you obviously need to relax a little.” Her grin took on a mischievous edge. “And I have just the thing for that.”
“I need to sleep, not drink myself into a stupor.”
Sirena gave a bark of laughter as she poured the liquor into two glasses and held one out to Anora. “Cailan and his buddies are getting good and drunk out in the courtyard as we speak. Why should they get all the fun?”
The two women were back in Anora’s quarters, having quietly returned after making a quick detour in the kitchens to pilfer a bottle of spirits. Sirena now sat cross-legged on Anora’s carpet, the very picture of temptation as she waggled the glass in her hand towards Anora.
Anora simply rolled her eyes. “You’re relentless.” And yet despite the scoffing she sat down anyway, gathering her skirts around knees, and graciously took the glass. Sirena had chosen a strong liquor, one of the more expensive selections from the wine cellar; today, the choice seemed appropriate. “But I suppose I can’t refuse a toast on the eve of my wedding.”
“Exactly.” Sirena turned her attention to her own glass, carefully measuring out the drink before holding it aloft. “To the bride, and future Queen of Ferelden.”
Anora brought her glass to meet Sirena’s with a soft clink, and then swiftly lifted it to her lips and swallowed the entire drink in one quick gulp.
Sirena downed her drink as well, then laughed in delight. “That’s the spirit I was looking for! I must say, I’m impressed.”
“Don’t tell me this comes as a surprise,” Anora said with a smirk. “Handling one’s drink is a requisite of Ferelden nobility.”
“Ah, yes, I almost forgot. They fit that right between the lessons on Andrastian recitations and history of the Fereldan Rebellion.
With a grin, Anora held out her glass for more liquor, and Sirena happily obliged. As they drank they fell into conversation, a simple rhythm of chatting and drinking between two longtime friends. It was, Anora had to admit, a situation that she was not particularly accustomed to. Cailan was the one who happily entertained others for hours on end, the one who brought about conversation and laughter. Anora was the one who already was known as serious, severe, domineering. This reputation rarely bothered her- it was a good reputation for a future queen to have.
But simply being a woman chatting amicably with pleasant company was nice, too.
“Tired yet?” Sirena asked eventually. She gave Anora a look that was half-joking, half-sincere. “You can tell me to leave whenever I start to get annoying. Believe me, you wouldn’t be the first to kick me out of a room.”
“No, no, stay,” Anora assured her. “If you begin to annoy me, I will certainly let you know.” She giggled- an effect of the drink, of course, for under normal circumstances Anora was most certainly not a giggler. “Believe me, you wouldn’t be the first I’ve kicked out of a room. I’m not exactly known for my gentle disposition, am I?”
“Oh, please,” Sirena said, rolling her eyes as she poured another glass. “Who needs a gentle disposition?”
“My thoughts exactly,” Anora agreed. “Better that they think my too hard than think they control me. I decided that a long time ago.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Sirena said, raising her cup. She was quiet for a moment then, and Anora thought she may be dozing off. But although her eyes held a distant look, they did not close, and eventually Sirena said, “Anyone who would try to control you is an idiot, by the way. You’re smarter than everyone in this castle combined. They should just…get out of your way and let you work your miracles.”
Anora smiled, surprised to feel heat rushing to her cheeks at the compliments. She blamed the drink for that, as well; she knew her own worth and was hardly unaccustomed to recognition. A simple compliment from Sirena Cousland shouldn’t have such an effect on its own. She looked away, hoping the redness in her face wasn’t obvious to the other woman. “Thank you.”
“And you’re going to make a marvelous queen!” Sirena continued. “Ferelden is lucky to have you. I mean that, truly. Nobody else could do a better job.”
“Well, I should hope not,” Anora said. “I have been preparing for this my entire life, you know.” She sighed, tilting her head back as she thought of all the work she had put forth, and all that lay ahead of her.
Lost in her thoughts, she almost missed the next words spoken quietly by Sirena. “Cailan is lucky, too.”
Anora blinked, startled by the apparent change in subject. Recovering quickly, she gave a thin smile. “Ah, yes. I’m certain he’s thanking the stars that he will have someone to handle the details of his future rule. He’s wonderful with people, of course, but try to talk to him about economics or resource distribution and he’s completely lost.”
“That’s true enough,” Sirena agreed, pushing back a long lock of hair from her face. “Although I did mean something more along the lines of…” She paused, and seemed to fumble for words for a moment. “He’s lucky to be marrying someone he’s actually fond of.”
“Oh.” Anora wanted to say more, but she didn’t quite know how to respond to that. It felt such an odd subject to bring up- but her wedding was tomorrow, after all. Perhaps it was a natural point of conversation, after all.
“Not to pry, of course,” Sirena said quickly, noticing Anora’s hesitation. She paused, chewing on her lip for short moment as she regarded Anora with curious, measuring eyes. “I mean, you are fond of each other, aren’t you?”
“Of course,” Anora said at once. Realizing her reply came a tad too quickly, she sighed and leaned back against the wall, resting her head against the cool stone. “I’m certain you’ve heard me complain about him, and he can be quite the fool at times. But he has his talents, and he loves Ferelden, and he knows better than to try and order me about. We make a good team, he and I. We know each other, our strengths and weaknesses. As far as arrangements go, it could have been far worse.”
Sirena nodded, turning over Anora’s words in silence. She shifted her position until she, too, was leaning against the wall, close enough that their shoulders brushed against each other. “Do you think you could grow to love him at all?”
This time, the question did not take Anora by surprise; in fact, it was something she had often asked herself. “I don’t know,” she said truthfully. “But I hardly think that’s the most important thing in marriage. Especially between rulers.”
That earned her a chuckle from Sirena. “You’ve always been a pragmatic one.” Anora frowned, and Sirena gave her an apologetic smile before she playfully bumped her shoulder with her own. “And right, of course, I know you are. I only hope I’m that lucky if I ever get married.”
Anora was so relieved by the lack of judgement from Sirena that she nearly missed the implication in her words. Almost. Her brow furrowed, and she gave Sirena a questioning look. “If? Certainly you have your pick of suitors.” It only made sense- the Couslands were a family of wealth and renown, and Sirena herself was certainly not lacking in beauty. More than that, she was intelligent and skilled with a blade and easy to speak with; any lord would be lucky to win her hand.
But Sirena only shrugged, a playfully crooked smile on her lips. “Oh, there are plenty of men sniffing around for a chance at marrying into the Couslands. Some are even somewhat tolerable. But…”
“But none quite meet your standards?” Anora finished. Her tone was teasing, but she knew the feeling well enough. After all, if she hadn’t been promised to the future king at such a young age, she would probably have found herself in a very similar situation.
“They’re fine enough. Fine enough for flirting and dancing with at parties. But fine enough isn’t something I went to settle for in the long run.” Sirena sighed and looked down, tracing her finger around the rim of her glass. “It’s just that I grew up watching my parents, never realizing what a rare thing they had. They’re so in love that people have written songs about them. That sort of thing doesn’t happen often. Not when marriage is something for duty and politics and…”
“And pragmatism?” Anora asked pointedly, and Sirena gave her another apologetic grin.
“No offense. Like I said, you have the right of it. Eventually I shall likely choose someone, and I’m sure it won’t be as bad as I’m making it out to be. I know my parents would never marry me off to someone I dislike.” Her eyes flicked up to Anora’s face. “I just don’t think the odds of marrying for love are very high.”
Sirena’s voice was low and sorrowful, a startling change from her usual light tone. Without thinking, Anora reached out and put her hand over Sirena’s. “You never know. The future may surprise you.”
Sirena seemed startled at the contact, and Anora wondered for a moment if she was being too forward. But she didn’t pull away, and neither did Sirena- in fact, the other woman shifted her fingers, securing the grip. They stayed that way for a long moment, until at last Sirena recovered herself enough to straighten her shoulders and give Anora a bright smile. “I don’t know about that. But we’ll see.”
Something unfinished still lingered in her words, but for now she at least seemed comforted by Anora’s presence. Anora knew she wasn’t the most comforting sort of person, even at the best of times, but she was happy that she seemed to be doing some good. She gave a firm nod and continued, “And should you never get married, you would be just as well off. If I had been born to royalty on my own, well…as I said, Cailan and I make a good team. But he needs me far more than I need him.” Anora felt a small twinge of guilt saying that out loud, but it was true, and they both knew it, and saying it made Sirena laugh.
“You’ll hear no dispute from me,” she said. “In any case, I have far more exciting things to look forward to than marriage.” She stopped suddenly, and closed her eyes in apparent embarrassment. “Which is probably not what I should say to someone about to get married, is it? We’re supposed to be celebrating you, and I’ve gone and turned it bleak!”
“Oh, please,” Anora said with a laugh of her own. “I believe I’ve made my position on the whole situation rather clear. And I’m interested in hearing more of these grand plans of yours.”
Sirena still looked sheepish, but she obliged. “Well, Fergus will inherit rule of Highever. First-born gets all the perks. But I’ll still be around to assist. I’ll likely take command of our troops.” A small smile crept onto her face. “That’s something I’d be good at. I’d have them all whipped into shape in no time.”
“And if a lord swept you off your feet, you’d have an entire arling of your own to whip into shape. Troops and all,” Anora pointed out. Sirena looked unconvinced, and on impulse Anora added, “Or you could always come here to Denerim. Become a staple of the court. We certainly have plenty of troops that need the help. And I wouldn’t mind having a…”
Anora stumbled over the word friend. Even under the influence of the drink, it was difficult to let something like that slip out so easily. Anora was not accustomed to having friends. She had Cailan, of course; she had her father; she had servants and fellow nobles whom she trusted to varying degrees. But her friendship with Sirena was something different from any of that.
“…a confidante,” she said finally, hoping Sirena hadn’t noticed her momentary conflict. She glanced at the woman from the corner of her eyes, and was satisfied to see that she looked pleased at the notion.
“A tempting offer, I admit,” Sirena said. A smirk played on her lips. “What would my duties as a confidante entail?”
That smirk made Anora oddly flustered, and she had to glance away before she could respond. “Oh…this sort of thing, really. Keeping me company. Listening to me complain. Suppling me with alcohol.” She smiled and raised her empty glass in the air as an example. “You’re doing a splendid job already.”
“And those are just a few of many talents,” Sirena laughed. “I’m honored by the offer. I’m sure there must be fierce competition.”
“Oh, certainly,” Anora agreed. “But most of the other competitors care less about me and more about the power I will wield. They simply want to be close to the Queen.” She grimaced. “Or the King. It’s difficult enough to reign him in without my own companions making eyes at him.”
“Their loss,” Sirena said definitively. “All of them. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend, and as…well, Cailan is an idiot and a fool if he even looks at another woman when he has you.”
Maker, Anora could feel herself blushing. She straightened her shoulders, trying desperately not to show her sudden nerves. “I admit, it’s a pleasant change of pace for someone to rush to my defense like this. I certainly tell Cailan the same often enough. Honestly, I would hardly mind if he could at least be discreet about it. But he never thinks of things in such a way. And it certainly doesn’t help that he’s found so many who are ever so eager to indulge him. I’d be thankful to have at least one woman around who’s not chasing after him.”
It was a jest, but the possibility was a heavy weight in Anora’s chest, and she would be lying if she said it didn’t lighten when Sirena wrinkled her nose in obvious distaste. “Cailan? Maker, no.” Her expression faded into something more contemplative as she looked at Anora. “If I’m to be honest…I was always chasing after someone else.”
That was unexpected- it took Anora a moment to process her words. That same heaviness was back, which made no sense; why should she care if Sirena was holding a torch for someone after all, so long as it was not Cailan? “That’s an unexpected revelation if I’ve ever heard one. What happened to never finding love?”
“Ah. That.” Sirena looked abashed and quickly shook her head. “It would never have worked out. Not with me. They’ve got other things in their life. Other people.”
“Not married, are they?” Anora inquired. She didn’t know why she was still pressing. She didn’t want to know about this person, didn’t want to know who it was Sirena was pining after. But she couldn’t stop the questions from coming.
Sirena was quiet for a moment, although her dark eyes never left Anora’s face. “Engaged, actually.”
Anora’s breath caught, and when she spoke the words were soft and quiet. “Engaged?”
“But only for one more night.”
There was soft moment of realization, a quiet oh in the back of Anora’s mind, and before she could think better of it she whispered, “Then you still have time.”
And suddenly Sirena was kissing her. It was soft at first, uncertain, her lips barely hovering against Anora’s, but as Anora leaned in she became more confident and soon enough the kiss had deepened. Sirena brought a hand to Anora’s face, gently caressing her cheek, and Anora threaded her fingers through Sirena’s long hair as she pulled her even closer. It was like nothing Anora had ever experienced; this was no polite show of carefully cultured affection, no hesitant testing of what was expected of her. This was passionate and earnest and real.
Anora wanted more. She wanted to pull Sirena to her bed, to get even closer, to explore every inch of her body, to completely and utterly forget about everything else in the world-
And then it was over. Anora’s eyes fluttered open, and she realized Sirena and was hastily rising from the floor, muttering hurried, half-formed apologies. “I’m sorry- that was stupid of me- I didn’t intend-and tomorrow you’re-Maker, I’m sorry-”
Anora hurriedly stood as well, reaching out for Sirena as the woman was turning for the door. Her fingers brushed Sirena’s wrist, and although the touch was light Sirena froze in place.
“Sirena, I…”
Anora faltered. She was accustomed to knowing what to say. Knowing exactly what she wanted, and how to get it. But now…now she had no idea. She wanted to be the Queen Ferelden needed. She wanted to follow through on the promises she’d made. She wanted Sirena to stay. She wanted too many things, and those desire could not exist in the same space.
She couldn’t hold on to everything. And that wasn’t fair, not to her or Sirena. But it was the way things were.
“I’m sorry, too,” Anora whispered as she pulled back her hand. As she let Sirena go.
Sirena closed her eyes for moment, then nodded and left the room without another word. Anora numbly reached for the bottle she’d left behind and drained what little remained, trying to chase away the taste of Sirena’s lips. Then she went to bed, and once again she did not sleep.
Sirena almost didn’t show her face the next day.
But if she hid out all day she’d eventually have to explain why. So the next morning she dragged herself out of bed, threw cold water on her face, donned her formal attire, and watched Anora get married.
The ceremony passed in a blur, with the songs of the Chant and the words of endless speeches lulling the day into a hazy rhythm. The only moment that stood out was when Anora entered the Chantry. She walked in with her head held high, the picture of beauty and confidence draped in gold and ivory-white. Just looking at her sent a piercing pain through Sirena’s chest.
She was being ridiculous. Childish. Selfish. Sirena cared about Anora, and she knew this was what she wanted, and she had no right to the longing and jealously that burned through her.
What had she been thinking last night? She’d done so well all these years, fighting back those feelings, telling herself it was a passing crush…and then last night it had all come crashing out. Maybe it was Anora’s suggestion to come to Denerim. The idea of seeing her every day, of being so close to her…all while she was married to Cailan.
Sirena wasn’t capable of such cruelty towards herself. But oh, she’d been tempted.
At least the slip in her defenses hadn’t ruined Anora’s wedding. She was still here, betraying not a single doubt or worry as she recited her vows with clarity before the Maker.
And that was a good thing, Sirena told herself throughout the ceremony. The only thing worse than Anora rejecting her advances would be Anora risking everything she had and everything she wanted over her. That was what Sirena told herself during procession back to the palace. That was what she told herself in the reception held in the ballroom for the new husband and wife, when drinks were had in honor of the happy new couple.
Someone thrust a glass of wine in her hand, and Sirena realized with a start she was being called upon to make a toast. She wavered for a moment, looking across the room and meeting Anora eye to eye.
For the first time that day, Sirena thought she caught a hint of something mournful through Anora’s well-practiced mask of assured certainty. She remembered Anora’s lips against hers, wanting, drawing her in closer. She remembered Anora’s hand on her wrist, silently pleading for something she couldn’t voice. She remembered those whispered words. I am sorry.
Sirena raised a glass and gave the room a smile, big and bright, just what they expected from the ostentatious Cousland girl. “To the bride and groom,” she said, her eyes never leaving Anora’s. “To your bright future. I know you will do amazing things for Ferelden, and it is my truest hope that this life brings you every happiness.”
Anora smiled at her- a small, sad smile that that spoke volumes more than any speech and utterly broke Sirena’s heart. It was there and gone in an instant, wiped away as the next person stood to make their toast. But every now and then her gaze would return to Sirena, and that smile would come back. Never for long. Never noticed by anybody else. But Sirena saw it, and she knew she would never forget it as long as she lived.
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naferty · 5 years
Happy Holidays!! Here’s some good ol’ winteriron for you. Thank you for my wonderful followers for helping me decide on winteriron and for the wonderful anons who helped with the idea. You’re all the best! 
It had been all Steve’s fault. 
Steve was the first to initiate the challenge. A challenge he and Sam had accepted every year without fail. It was a challenge that couldn’t be ignored. 
The streets were frozen over. The sidewalks covered in snow and black ice. The park a battlefield. It was destiny. 
The three of them had separated as quick as a flash into their own corners. Bucky scooped up snow like no tomorrow and set up his fort and ammunition. The pelting of snow had begun. Snowballs after snowballs flew between the three. There was never any shortage of ammo, even with all of the misses. 
A snowball hit him square on his shoulder. He looked over his fort to see Sam readying his arm for another lucky throw but Bucky wasn’t going to let him. Locked and loaded and with precise aim, he threw the deadly cold projective and nailed Sam right on his forehead. Sam jerked back, desperately batting away the crumbling snow. 
“That’s a dick move, man!” 
“This is war, Sam,” Steve said from behind his own fort, head sticking out briefly. “There’s no mercy here.” 
“Yeah?” Sam said before throwing the snowball that had been meant for Bucky to Steve, hitting him square on the face. Steve made an indignant squawking sound as he stood from the shock of the temperature change. “No mercy, Babe,” Sam fired back. 
Bucky saw his chance. While his best friend was distracted he grabbed another snowball and aimed it perfectly to Steve’s face, wanting another strike at it. He pulled his arm back, locked it and threw. It all happened in slow motion after that. 
Bucky could see the snowball moving through the air. Spinning as it got closer and closer to Steve’s scowling face. Bucky held his breath as the snowball was within inches of hitting its mark when, unexpectedly, Steve’s face moved. Just a few inches over. Enough for the snowball to miss and keep going, following Newton’s first law. 
An object in motion stays in motion. 
True enough, the ball kept going until it was stopped. By something in its path. By a someone in its path. By a face of a someone in its path. By a complete stranger that Bucky had just struck with a snowball because his dumbass best friend decided to move on that one second. 
The stranger reacted fast. Not having expected a snowball to the face, he took a wrong step and that step just happened to land on black ice. Unsurprisingly, the step kept going, unbalancing the man and down he went, but not before trying to right himself and having his other leg stick out for balancing before finally giving out. 
If Bucky had not been so mortified, he would have laughed internally at the image. Just his luck, Bucky had been very much responsible for the man falling and so no internal laughter for him. Instead, he squeaked out “damn” and went running to the fallen man who had not gotten up yet. 
As he got closer the panic set in. The fallen man still hadn’t gotten up, meaning possible injuries, and if the fancy coat that probably cost more than Bucky’s prosthetic arm was any indicator, this wasn’t a man he wanted to be held responsible for injuring. 
“Shit, are you okay?”
The fallen man needing life alert groaned. Definitely not okay. 
“Look, sorry about that. That snowball was meant for my friend. It hit you on accident.” 
The man was faced opposite of Bucky. If there was an injury to his head or face, Bucky couldn’t see it. He kneeled down and gently aided the man to sit upright by his shoulder. The man did so with little trouble. 
So not a serious injury. Perhaps winded? 
Bucky finally got a good look at the man’s face. He was gorgeous. Model material. The kind of face Bucky expected in a magazine. The kind of face in magazine’s Bucky collected. 
Hot damn. The snow might as well have melted away when the face of this man was upon them. 
“What happened?” The man said with the sexiest sounding voice Bucky had ever heard. 
“You fell.” 
The man looked around him as if barely noticing he was on the ground. “Huh, guess I did.” He looked at Bucky. “You happen to know why’s that, handsome?” 
Bucky felt the temperature rise on his face. “A complete accident. I meant to hit my friend. Instead, the ball found its way to you.” 
“Sure did. Felt the whole impact and everything.” The gorgeous man stood, aided by Bucky in order to avoid the black ice and a repeat of earlier. 
“You okay? Maybe you shouldn’t be walking yet.” 
“I’m fine. Not the first time I fell on my ass and it won’t be the last.” 
“Shame. It’s too nice an ass to be treated like that.” 
The man let out a surprised laugh. Bucky considered it a win. 
“You’re cute. If I wasn’t in a hurry I’d stay and have you make this up to me, but I gotta fall and run.” 
“Too much in a hurry to not maybe give me a number?” The weather was chilly. The temperature below Bucky’s comfort, but somehow his hand still managed to sweat. 
The man thought about it for a second, giving Bucky a once over. He must have found something he liked because he nodded. “Sure, why not. Let’s see what happens, huh?” He pulls out a card from somewhere and hands it over. “If I get an unsolicited dick pic from you I’m saving the picture and blocking your number. I’m not that kind of girl. Not on a first date anyway.”
Bucky snorted. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Can I get a name?” 
The guy looked surprised for a second. “Tony - my name - huh, Tony.” 
“Tony,” Bucky repeated. Hot name. Hot voice. Hot guy. Hot everything. “I’m Bucky. Talk to you soon?” He held up the card. 
“Yeah,” Tony said, already walking. “Text me, Handsome.” 
Bucky grinned. Oh, he’ll text him, all right. 
He turned when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. Steve and Sam were standing there. Eyebrows high to their hairline and arms crossed. 
“What are you both doing here?” 
Both were smirking now. “Having a snowball fight,” Steve said. 
“Looks like Bucky is interested in a whole other game here,” Sam added. 
“Yeah, yeah, so what?” Bucky tucked the card away in the pocket of his jacket, making sure to zip it. No chance of losing the thing. 
“So what? You even know who you just smacked with a snowball and got a number from?” Steve’s voice had gone higher towards the end. 
“Does it matter?” 
“Shit, he doesn’t know,” Sam shook his head, grinning. “Dude, you just got Tony Stark’s number.” 
His mind went blue screen for a moment. 
“I what?!” 
He texted nonetheless, not really expecting much. It was surprisingly fun to chat with the billionaire. He wasn’t as stale as one might have expected a billionaire to be with their fancy clothes and cars, mansion and yacht. Tony was very down to Earth, loved to get his hands dirty, couldn’t function without coffee and was apparently a disaster bi. He was Bucky’s type of man. 
Time, however, was true for a COO of a large company. Time was limited for Tony and trying for a date seemed impossible to plan. When Bucky was free, Tony wasn’t. When Tony was free, Bucky wasn’t. It was hard, but Tony had expressed multiple times he was very interested. 
Bucky was willing to try if Tony was willing to put the effort, too. 
One day, the most peculiar phone call came from Tony. 
“Hey, Handsome! How do you feel about joining me for a holiday party with my Carbonell side?” 
“Uhh,” Bucky said, not truly understanding. 
“It’ll be only for two days, then I’ll have you back safe and sound before your bedtime. Your parents won’t even know you’re gone!” 
“Tony,” Bucky couldn’t help but smile, “are you inviting me to spend the holidays with you?” 
“Yes and yes, but don’t be fooled. This is me being a little selfish, too. My grandparents have been nagging me to settle down. That hasn’t happened and probably won’t for a while so, at this point, they’ll be happy if I just bring someone to meet them for the holidays. They’re getting old and I don’t want to disappoint them for another year. We haven’t gone out for a date yet, but I figured what we’re doing is close enough. We know stuff about each other already. You can come with me and be my fake date!” 
Bucky’s heart sank a little. Fake date? 
“Wait, scratch that. Horrible idea. You’ll be my date-date. No fake anything. My better half. Consider this our first date.” 
Bucky exhaled. That was a relief. “So you’re taking me out to meet your grandparents for a first date?” 
Tony paused. Not something he often did. “Is it too much?” 
“No - no, I mean, yes. A little, but it’s for your grandparents, right?” 
“No, not just for them. For us, too. You know what - this was a bad idea. Forget everything I said. This is just me jumping without thinking -” 
“Wait, Tony,” a few weeks of chatting with the genius, Bucky was getting used to his quirks and thoughts. He was interesting, and Bucky looked forward to unlocking every corner in true Bucky Barnes fashion. “Sounds like a fun time. Just tell me what to pack.” 
“Yes, really.” 
“Oh, okay, great! Get ready for me to romance the shit out of you.”
“I can’t wait.” 
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5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With The Law Of Attraction (Learn This)
Johanna, a college student from Kuala Lumpur, had been struggling to finish her studies.
She was living in a dorm with other students and had trouble making ends meet.
Johanna was on a scholarship which meant she needed to keep her grades high while working part-time to support her living expenses.
Strapped for time and resources, she barely got by and started feeling burnt out. If Johanna wasn't hitting the books, she was working.
Everything started to become a blur and she was losing motivation to keep going.
It got so bad that Johanna even thought about telling her parents she couldn't do it anymore and drop out of college.
But then a classmate from her philosophy class introduced her to the Law of Attraction.
Jacques, a foreign exchange student from Canada, had been reading up on it and applied it in his own life.
According to him, it had helped him manifest a solution to his own problems.
He had lived in an abusive home growing up, and Jacques learned how to shift his thinking and perspective to change his circumstances.
Johanna wasn't sure at first what to make of it, but she took Jacques's word for it and started applying its principles in her own life.
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After she made a shift in her own mindset and attitude, Johanna started to experience some positive changes.
She eventually quit her part-time job and found another one with better pay and hours which helped with her living expenses.
It also helped free up her time, so she managed to study AND start a side income project selling items online.
Johanna ended up growing her side business so much that she got Jacques to help her manage it.
By the end of the academic year, she had turned into a completely different person.
Johanna was no longer a depressed, burned-out student from before. She had become a self-sufficient student and even made the dean's list!
The Power of Changing Your Focus
Sometimes, we get so discouraged that we feel powerless to change our situation.
Like Johanna, we fall into a FIXED mindset where we think things will stay the same and we can't do anything about it.
But the only way to break out of this negative spiral is by changing your INNER world.
This is the key to influencing your external world so you can move forward in life.
In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction is a way of living that requires you to change your frequency.
When you do this, the Universe will pick up your signal and your life will change for the better.
As for the frequency I mentioned, this is basically the vibration of energy that your mind gives off.
You can either operate at a high or low vibration, and each type will give you a specific result.
Most people don't realize they're giving off low-frequency energy, which is actually making their situation worse. Discover the Lazy Person's Secret To Get Everything You've Ever Wished For - CLICK HERE
The main problem is when you attach your emotions to your external circumstances.
For instance, it's easy to feel bad when you're broke. And naturally, it's just as easy feel the opposite if you had money in the bank.
Similarly, seeing other people in a happy, romantic relationship will make you bitter and angry if you're single.
And so on…
I'm not saying it's wrong to feel bad about things like that. However, you shouldn't use your circumstances (and how you FEEL about them) as an excuse to STOP trying.
People fail to realize that NOT doing anything about their situation will only make them feel WORSE. And this further traps them in a vicious cycle of negativity and inaction.
Thus, the Law of Attraction will help you install a more positive attitude in your consciousness.
This keeps your mind from being overrun by negativity - and more importantly, give you the leverage to BREAK FREE from your situation.
With some practice, your thoughts and actions will effortlessly work together to attract positive circumstances in your life.
But where should you start? Here are some ways to put the Law of Attraction into action and start creating massive changes:
#1: Share Your Gifts to the World
The Bible talks about the power of giving, and how it outweighs the benefits of getting.
But no matter what your faith or beliefs are, it helps to think of generosity on a LARGER SCALE.
Giving is more than just a virtue - it's a type of cosmic currency.
When you perform acts of kindness or share your resources for no other reason than WANTING TO, you're putting this currency into circulation.
And soon enough, this positive energy you send into the world - and the Universe as a whole - will find its way back to you.
You won't get it in the same form, but it will come around, one way or another.
I know that sometimes, giving feels like the LAST thing you want to do - especially when your own life is lacking in some capacity.
Why bother extending yourself when you've got enough to worry about for yourself?
But that's exactly the point.
Giving - even when you THINK you can't - will prove that this is a FALSE perception.
Let your acts of generosity serve as a reminder to everyone that in spite of everything, life IS and will ALWAYS be abundant.
Trust in the infinite energy of the Universe and tune into its unique frequency.
Your selflessness is the key to that. A generous attitude raises the quality of the vibrations you send out into the world.
Escaping the scarcity mindset and the fear of not having enough is one of the most liberating things you can do.
By doing so, you're FREE to improve the lives of others - and yours in the process.
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#2: Stop hanging out with losers
I don't mean to sound judgmental, but there are people in your life that will try to drag you down, whether they're aware of it or not.
You should avoid them at all costs.
People in a bad situation will try to feel better about themselves by spreading their toxic way of thinking to others.
They pull others down with their hurtful words, or convince them that they're not good enough.
Instead of doing something about their own situation, it's easier to go down this dark path and take everyone else with them.
And the Law of Attraction states that when you focus on something, the Universe will feed you more of the SAME.
So the good news is that you can choose to avoid this downward spiral and get on another path instead.
This is why you need to be careful about the company you keep. Choose the people that can share their constructive energy with you.
If their attitude, mindset and words lift you up, you know you're in the right place.
Their energy is contagious, and you'll naturally raise your own frequency and attract only good things in your life.
As for toxic people, I know there are times when you simply can't avoid them.
They could be family, friends, or co-workers - and you might be even living with some of them.
It's a challenge for sure, but do your best not to let their negative energy get to you.
You don't have to butt heads with them and simply respond with positivity.
If you're in a conversation with them, try to frame it in a healthy, positive way so you don't get sucked into their toxic field of gravity.
You don't have to change their mind; just take the “agree to disagree” route and leave it at that.
Who knows, your own energy might “rub off” on their consciousness. They might even think about what you told them and re-evaluate their own perspective.
#3: Get out from under the grind
We all have our lives to lead, and that means falling into a routine.
Now, don't get me wrong - having structure in your life is important and even necessary.
At a basic level, we need it to function on a daily basis. Incorporating helpful habits into your everyday routine is a GOOD thing.
However, there is a danger in being TOO embedded in it and shutting yourself off to trying NEW things.
Sticking too closely to your routine could make you afraid of the unfamiliar and uncomfortable - and hinder your GROWTH in the process.
So if you want to attract new and exciting things into your life, you should carve out some room for that.
Learn How To Use Destiny Tuning To Manifest The Life You Want - CLICK HERE
Doing things that help you grow ALWAYS has a place in a well-balanced life. A stable, healthy routine is the best way to avoid a soul-crushing existence.
What are the things that inspire you?
Outside of your usual chores and duties, what gives you a sense of fulfillment - even if it doesn't pay the bills?
People usually shoot down any desire for this because they're afraid they “don't have enough time.”
But you'll see just how flimsy that excuse is once you actually take the plunge and spend that time you didn't think you had.
In as little as half an hour, you could engage in a fulfilling pursuit. Find (or rekindle) a hobby, take up an online course or watch free videos.
Let it energize your senses, inspire you to greatness and empower you to create something wonderful in this world.
More than that, you can acquire knowledge to advance you in some way, like learning a skill, for example.
I recently came across a post on Twitter that made me smile.
It said: “There's too much free information online for y'all not be crushin it in whatever field.”
Use your precious time to invest in a better you and express yourself through your passions.
Don't worry about the “if”s and “how”s. Just get started with something now, and the rest of your life will adjust to it.
You won't know what new avenues will open up UNTIL you get the ball rolling,
#4: Quiet your mind
Meditation is one habit that goes very well with practicing the Law of Attraction.
When you learn how to control your thoughts (instead of the other way around), you're in the best position to manifest the things you want.
A lot of people find it challenging to keep their thoughts above water when they're flooded with negative emotions.
With meditation, you can take a step back and remove yourself from a situation in a healthy way.
There are books, free content online and mobile apps that can help you with this.
For instance, I just tried out the Insight app on my phone which is kind of like the YouTube equivalent for meditation.
Learn How To Use Destiny Tuning To Manifest The Life You Want - CLICK HERE
You can search by a specific person or channel, or even topics like easing anxiety, anger management, and so on.
This is a low-maintenance habit which will only take about 10-15 minutes daily. You could even spend five minutes if you're really strapped for time!
This basically works by sitting down on the floor (or a chair) and closing your eyes.
The idea is to take slow, measured breaths and pay attention to the physical sensations you're feeling at the moment.
Are your muscles tense? Is your heart beating quickly from the stress you're currently experiencing?
These are some of the things to be mindful of as you breathe in and out. If any other thoughts enter your mind, don't resist it.
Don't chase after them and just let it pass. Then you can go back to focusing on the rhythm of your breath.
Take this time to focus on the feelings of love, health, success and prosperity.
In other words, the things you want to ATTRACT.
Concentrate your attention on inhaling and exhaling. Once you've calmed your mind enough, you're ready to visualize the things you want to manifest in life.
This will have a powerful effect on your subconscious and put you on the path towards your goals.
And that brings us to the last life-changing habit…
#5: Affirmations
Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest boxers in history, was known for saying, “What you're thinking is what you're becoming.”
That attitude helped him become what he was, and it will serve you well, too.
Most of the time, people don't pay attention to the kind of thoughts they hold in their heads.
Left unchecked, they often feed into a toxic narrative they have about themselves without realizing it.
Like I said earlier, what you put in your subconscious affects you.
The things you tell yourself are like seeds you plant in your mind and they'll grow over time. Those same thoughts will express themselves in your actions and the choices you make.
So, you need to be careful which seeds you plant.
Joseph Murphy, author of the book, “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”, tells us that this part of your mind can't distinguish which thoughts are real or imagined.
As far as it's concerned, your subconscious will treat it as FACT whether it's happening in the physical world or NOT.
Thus, people don't just operate on these subconscious beliefs. Without being aware of it, they're turning their thoughts into reality.
And it WILL happen - one way or another.
The perception you have about yourself is largely influenced by the people you had around while growing up.
Their input - whether good or bad - left a mark on your subconscious that's hard to shake off.
And this programming kicks in whenever you make decisions and it dictates how you respond to tough times.
This inner dialogue can act as your inner voice of confidence and self-assurance…
…or as in most people's cases, it's the voice of fear and self-doubt.
You might think you're not good enough or smart enough because you couldn't stop the bad things from happening.
You curse yourself for messing things up, then blame it on some pre-assigned character defect.
Usually, it's in the form of labels like “Loser”, “Hopeless Case”, “Slacker”, “Weirdo” and so on.
But remember, these labels only have as much power over as you ALLOW it.
You can apply the Law of Attraction to change this inner chatter and rewire your mind for success instead.
It's impossible to attract wealth, abundance and happiness if you're focused on putting yourself down.
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You can do the opposite by using encouraging statements that will empower you to take action.
Here are some examples to try during your meditation sessions:
Affirmations that span across time: Think about what's already happened, what's happening now, and what's yet to come. Then put it all together like this: “BEFORE, I was broke, miserable and hated the world. But I know better NOW and want to turn it around. Things are about to change, and SOON I'll be prosperous, happy and living my dream life.”
Affirmations that are crystal clear: Saying something like “I am loved” or “I am blessed” is a good start, but they're a bit vague. Try elaborating on these ideas and flesh them out even more. Then you'll end up with a statement like “I'm surrounded by people who love and support me. They help me grow as a person and want to see me succeed.” As for being blessed, you can say “I'm blessed with infinite opportunities and resources, and my life is full and abundant.”
Affirmations with an attitude: Another way to supercharge your subconscious is by being a little cheeky with your statements. When that voice of fear and insecurity kicks in, drown out the noise with, “Whatever, I'm amazing at everything I do. I fight like hell and do my best, and I can't hear what you're saying!” Adding some lighthearted humor amplifies your signal and makes it easier for the Universe to hear your thoughts. Try this the next time you're feeling especially down on yourself.
When you improve the quality of your thoughts, it's as if your circumstances will rearrange itself on their own.
These changes will seem to happen without doing much on your part. But the truth is that you're already doing the heavy lifting by disciplining your mind.
Starting today, you can apply these five tips I've just shared with you to create ripples of change in your life.
The more you practice them, the bigger waves will result from your efforts. I hope you make use of this knowledge and empower yourself for greatness.
Before I go, there's ONE MORE gift I'd like to share with you…
It's called the Manifestation Breakthrough Kit, and for a limited time I'm offering it totally FREE of charge.
You can combine this kit with the five tips you just learned to get even BETTER results.
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red-applesith · 5 years
The Skywalker saga is coming to an end and I spent virtually four years hiding in the shadows to avoid the discourse (™). Well, to that I say no more! Rey isn’t a Skywalker! Finn is important even if he’s not a Jedi and Ben Solo is going to redeem himself! 
And to rest my case below is a long thread about the Skywalker Lightsaber, the place of each character in the sequel trilogy and their narrative function. Buckle up!
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First, let me postulate that--in-universe--the Skywalker lightsaber, throughout the trilogies, is the mythical sword of power, the Excalibur of a galaxy far far away. Some characters are meant to care for it for a short period of time while others are meant to wield it.
On a meta-level, we can advance that the Lightsaber stands for the Skywalker saga itself. This is why salty fans complain that toys packaging read “Rey's lightsaber” instead of “the lightsaber that once belonged to Anakin then lost by Luke.”
It bothers them that A GIRL  inherited/took the lead of Star Wars. 
Without further ado, let’s jump into the meta and explore the symbolic function of the Skywalker Lightsaber in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. 
In TFA, Maz Kanata is our Lady of the Lake, and perhaps it’s not a coincidence she lives by a body of water in a quasi-medieval setting. Like Obi Wan before her, she’s the custodian of the Lightsaber and her function is to bestow the magic laser sword to the protagonist.
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The how or why she’s gotten the sword isn’t important in the grand scheme of things. The important thing is she’s here to kickstart the adventure.
But where Luke was simply handed the sword by birthright in the OT, Rey actually receives “a calling” as well as a Force vision of things past and things to come. Through Maz’s words, the audience understands that Rey is our protagonist. 
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Unlike Luke, Rey freaks out and runs away thus refusing the call to adventure, one of many steps on her Campbellian monomyth journey. Paradoxically, running away is how Rey is definitely sucked into the story since it’s in the forest that she meets Kylo Ren.
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Ultimately--in-universe--her latent Force powers awaken thanks to this fateful encounter, and Kylo becomes--from a narrative standpoint--the reason why Rey joins the fight/the story. There is no hero without a villain but we’ll come back to that later.
Meanwhile, Maz is pulling the same kind of trick with Finn. I don’t know if you remember but before TFA Finn was marketed as the one wielding the lightsaber and people were lead to believe he would be Force sensitive.
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In the following sequences though, Maz isn’t bestowing the lightsaber to Finn, she’s giving him the task to deliver it to Rey. This is how Maz lays out to the audience that Finn is our Deuteragonist. This is also how she prevents him from running away.
In the OT, it’s Han who was the deuteragonist, and the next few scenes where Finn is given the opportunity to wield the Legacy lightsaber, inform us on his own heroic journey.
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Although he demonstrates great bravery during his fight against “Nine”, Finn is bested and almost immediately relieved of the sword. It’s only after the Resistance saves the day that he picks it up, alongside a weapon he’s more comfortable with, a blaster. 
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We are to understand that Finn’s destiny isn’t to become a Jedi or follow Rey on her path to becoming one, instead, he’s destined to become “a big deal in the Resistance”. 
After that, we don’t actually see the Lightsaber before the end of the movie. But before we dive into the symbolism of the epic fight on Starkiller base, we need to discuss the role of our third main character: Kylo Ren.
Kylo Ren, formerly known as Ben Solo is the only son of Han and Leia, nephew of Luke and grand-kid to Anakin thus making him the heir to the Star Wars legacy. He’s also obsessed with Darth Vader, which makes him the most meta character of the trilogy.
His function in the ST is...complicated. On one hand, he’s the antagonist, the character who opposes and causes trouble for the protagonist but if we analyze his relationship to the Legacy Lightsaber, we quickly   that the lines are blurred.
Because the movies are told from Rey’s POV, in TFA all we are given to see are his actions, but not his motivations--although J.J. gives the audience plenty of hints, but I digress--The first time Kylo lays his eyes on the Legacy Lightsaber, his reaction is visceral.
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Some called it entitlement, and in a way it is. But at the same time, it is not--the Lightsaber/Star Wars does indeed belong to his family. In this scene, it is the first time that Ben Solo actually embraces his Skywalker heritage!
It’s important because the first time we saw him, he sliced Lor San Tekka for implying he’s a Skywalker, then we witnessed him murdering his father in a desperate bid for embracing the dark side for good (which he failed). 
Moreover, the Skywalker lightsaber isn’t a relic of Darth Vader, it is Anakin’s sword, a sword of light he lost when he committed to the Dark Side of the Force. In this context, it shouldn’t be something Kylo Ren is seeking. Yet...
Anyway, Finn--who for dramatic effect kept the lightsaber instead of giving it to Rey when they met in the corridor--readies himself to face Kylo Ren, whom we know he’s terrified of, in spite of his previous failure with that weapon.
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By allowing Finn to wield the lightsaber a second time, the writers allow us to witness another step in his character progression. But once again, Finn is not destined to win this fight, and the lightsaber lands into the snow.
This is another exciting Excalibur moment--Like the fabled blade in the stone, the Legacy saber starts vibrating until it chooses its champion, flying past Kylo into the hand of Rey. 
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Follows a beautifully choreographed fight in the snow, chock-full of raw emotion and symbolism that culminates when Rey slashes Kylo’s face and--for a split second--considers ending his life. But the force and the directors have other plans.
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The movie ends on a sort of bittersweet note for me as we see Rey embarking on her journey to Ahch-To. On one hand, she receives the blessing of Leia, the “other Skywalker twin” who places her faith in her.
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Yet, on the other hand, we also see her afraid as she reaches Luke and presents the Lightsaber to him as if she was a mere messenger and not the hero of the story.
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Thankfully, our Lord and savior Rian Johnson (I’m not being sarcastic- turn around right now if you hate him and TLJ) picks up the story right there to assuage that fear.
Allow me to digress before I dive into TLJ. Imagine J.J. Abrams, wearing Jedi Robes handing over the Skywalker Lightsaber to Rian. “Here. Star Wars is yours now. Go play with it.” (or see alternative image below)
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The first thing that Rian does is to take his toolbox and take the lightsaber apart: What is it made of? What part goes where? Do I need all the parts for it to work? How can I make my own lightsaber?
TLJ is a very meta Star Wars movie, even more so than TFA. It’s also a character-driven story,
and presumably, that’s why so many people didn’t “get it”. They either expected the characters to stay static or they wanted a completely different story.
However, as we’ve seen, Rey was destined to become a Jedi, Finn was destined to be a part of the Resistance, and Kylo was destined to not be a mustache-twirling villain.
In the second installment of a series, you need to shake things up, push the characters further down their path. And that’s exactly what Rian does. Rey hands the Skywalker lightsaber to Luke, who simply throws it away.
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The Last Jedi is a movie about self-realization, that gesture leads Rey to question her place in the narrative. Until now she convinced herself that her mission was to bring Luke back to the Resistance so he can defeat Kylo Ren and magically fix the galaxy. 
She picks up the lightsaber and tries to convince Luke to come back or to train her because she’s afraid and doesn’t know what to do. She can’t go back to Jakku and has nowhere to go on top of being magically linked to a guy who killed his dad.
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The next scene with the Lightsaber occurs after the second Force Bond. Between Luke’s stubbornness and her conflicted feelings towards Ren, she decides to work out her frustration. First, with her staff, then--as her confidence in her abilities grows-- with the Lightsaber. 
It’s a way to show that Rey is slowly starting to understand that she needs to take her destiny into her own hands, and the response won’t come from outside of her. That realization though isn’t made to happen further down the line.
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Before that, there are two more times where Rey is trying to hand out the Legacy Lightsaber to a Skywalker before taking it for herself and embracing her destiny.
1 - Right after her fight with Luke. Now that she understands that Ben Solo’s turn to the dark side stems from a big misunderstanding she gives one last chance to Luke to be the savior of the galaxy everyone expects him to be. But Luke has his own demons to fight before being ready (we’ll come back to it)
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2. When she ships herself to Ben. Symbolically she’s reiterating that he’s the Skywalker of the trilogy and that his place isn’t by the villain’s side. She wants him to be good (and to climb him like a tree)--But Ben also has his demons to slay before being ready.
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The next thing, they’re standing in front of Snoke. Immediately, the raisin-faced villain takes the Skywalker lightsaber away from Rey and tries to manipulate the narrative, in an effort to render both Rey (and Kylo) powerless. 
First, he coldly explains that he laid out a trap to both Rey and his apprentice, and that he’s going to discard Rey because she doesn't have a drop of Skywalker blood in her veins and thus isn’t relevant to the story. 
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Whether he lies about the Force bond doesn’t matter because--in the end--Snoke’s obsession with the Skywalkers is his downfall. 
It’s no coincidence Kylo kills Snoke with his grandfather’s weapon, a light side weapon. In that moment it’s not about power, it’s about saving someone he cares for, like Vader saved Luke. 
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And the weapon he so desperately wanted to keep for himself in the last movie? He floats it right back to her, proving once and for all he wants her to live and be a part of the story.
Ensues the battle with the praetorian guards where our protagonist and our antagonist fight back to back for dear life. For the second time Ben Solo saves himself thanks to the Skywalker lightsaber that Rey throws back at him.
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But then…as he looks down on Snoke’s corpse, Ben/Ren pockets silently the lightsaber.
The thing is, we’re at a crossroads in the story. This is the second episode of a trilogy and both Rey and Kylo have made tremendous progress in their self-realization journey. But they’re not there yet.
In this moment we understand that Kylo has bigger demons to fight before being ready, whilst Rey needs to fully embrace her role in the story. 
Her heart breaks as she listens to Ren’s plea to join his side “because nobody else believes she’s worth it because she’s not a Skywalker”. He wants her to be bad (and marry him)--she wants to save everybody.
She reaches out and calls the Skywalker lightsaber to her but this time, the weapon “hesitates” and Rey and Kylo end up locked into a game of Force tug of war.
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Eventually the Lightsaber breaks. In this moment are we to believe that Rey isn’t worthy? Or that Ren/Ben is maybe not so unworthy, and there’s still hope for him?
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Fast forward to Crait, where Luke appears to face the First Order alone armed with a laser sword. Many wondered why he’s using the blue Skywalker lightsaber instead of his own green lightsaber.
Well, one answer of many is that not knowing what went down on the Supremacy, Luke appears to the FO--and the audience--as if he’d listened to Rey’s plea on Ahch-To and took the lightsaber she was presenting him.
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On a meta level the battle against his nephew is Luke’s climactic moment, and we’re here to witness his last and most daring heroic moment in the saga, where he accepts to embody the galaxy’s “last hope” once more.
Not unlike Obi Wan’s before him, Luke’s sacrifice ensures that Rey becomes “the new hope”.
Some found Luke’s death cheap and tacky, but I found it very moving and thematically relevant to the concept of birth, death and rebirth evoked on Ahch-To. By becoming one with the Force like his mentor before him Luke became more powerful than before. 
With that in mind, is it a coincidence that the title of the next movie is The Rise of Skywalker? I think not. Now we need to discuss the last shot where the Skywalker Lightsaber appears. Rey holding the two shattered pieces in her hands while Leia delivers words of hope.
That’s some powerful imagery here because Rian spent a whole movie shaking up Star Wars and he knows it. That’s why he shows the shattered lightsaber. It is “broken” but not beyond repair. You just need to reassemble it. 
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At the same time, it is no longer the “Skywalker lightsaber”, it’s about to become something new, something else, something I’m very much looking forward to discovering in December.
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shenlongshao · 4 years
If you could change something about the story of the Guilty Gear series, what would it be?
I’m sorry for the late response to this. >w< I really like this question, especially since my answer kept getting longer because I wanted to give a detailed answer. But I decided to revise it a bit and save the rest for a in-depth analysis post. One story aspect I would change about Guilty Gear is the “complex” family dynamic GG2:Overture introduced between Ky, Dizzy, Sol, and Sin. From how it’s written and done, it has some unnecessary retcons, character derailment, forced relationships, and contrived drama that doesn’t make sense. I’ll explain what I mean starting with Ky & Dizzy. Ky briefly encountered Dizzy in the Guilty Gear X/X2 Drama CD: Black. The episode is “Arrival- Village Rumor”, but he didn’t know it was her due to Dizzy being in disguise. The drama CDs are Japanese exclusive audios that describes the events before GGX & GGX2, but obviously after the Missing Link. Here is the link to the specific part. You’ll have to scroll down a bit, though. http://gearlegacy.tripod.com/rtt/id28.html Ky officially encounters Dizzy in The Grove in Guilty Gear X Plus. He felt compelled after contemplating Justice’s words and later when reading a report of a half-Gear who’s against violence. I’ll show you the translated dialogue between them. 1-8 Ky: I'm sorry, but I've come to pick you up. Dizzy: Why... can't you just leave me alone? Ky: You have a great power. Dizzy: I didn't even want this power... Ky: I sympathize. But, I cannot leave you. Dizzy: Why?! If you did, everyone would be at peace... Ky: You must learn... the meaning of having power! Ending 1 Ky: Please, stand up. The outside world is waiting for you. Dizzy: Why... is that? Ky: Even if it's a power we didn't want, we all have a responsibility to    our powers. Instead of running, you must show the world what kind of    person you are. That is what it means to live. Dizzy: But... if I leave here, it will become a burden to everyone... Ky: Didn't you know? To live is to be a burden on others. Dizzy: I... didn't know. Ky: See? There are good things to living as a person as well. Dizzy: To live as a person... can you teach me that? Ky: That's why I came. Source: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/536497-guilty-gear-x-plus/faqs/31309 There’s an ending picture of the two going to the flea market together. Which establishes Ky & Dizzy did become good friends. He’s also the one to arrange so legally there’s no longer a bounty on her and allow her to live with the Jellyfish Pirates. They haven’t contacted each other since then nor was there any official source material or interviews that indicated Ky & Dizzy are meant to be a couple. It wasn’t until GG2: Overture short stories and the game was released that made the two lovers. Chronically, GG2:Overture takes place 5 years after the Missing Link, but Guilty Gear X and X2 took place only months after the Missing Link. This is a huge plot gap, so when Revelator 2 released, Ky & Dizzy’s first encounter got retconned. Here’s the link, you’ll have to skip to 1:58 of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrf2ohwR_GE Notice how the original didn’t have Ky say about “cutting her down” or “having a chair in her heart”, LOL. It’s unnecessary retcon because it radically changed the lesson Ky was teaching her showing the world who she is and the responsibility of her powers, not “I want to show you people can withstand your power”. Dizzy’s demeanor is also very different, which ruins the impact and meaning of the original scene because she was lonely and sad, yet longed to connect with others. The fact the writers changed Ky & Dizzy’s first encounter is proof they were forced together. It’s also ironic because the original can be interpreted as romantic and also way more endearing than the retconned one, XDD. In GG Overture Short Stories, the writing of how Ky & Dizzy fell in love is generalizations instead of giving specific details. Like this one... He now knew he had to protect her. If you were to define the beginning of love, it would have been precisely that moment. This isn’t how romantic love is. Protecting someone is the act of loving and/or caring about someone, not the beginning of love itself. Here’s another one of it narrating Ky and Dizzy living together. Spending their days as such, they communicated from their heart and trusted each other -- it did not take long for them to begin wanting each other. Source: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/6496-gg2-overture-story-translations-updated-w-sins/ You notice how it doesn’t specify what attracts them to each other romantically like core values, what they have in common, etc.? It’s too reliant on “they live together, so they’ll eventually fall in love” concept, which isn’t how love works either. It doesn’t specify the moment they had undeniable sexual tension and romantic chemistry to “wanting each other”. It’s another generalization, which gives more evidence of Ky & Dizzy being forced together for...contrived drama. Especially when reading and thinking about this part below... Ky decided to put her under his protection. Despite the fact that such a decision was against the belief of justice and humanity he had been true to always. Rofl, now it must be dramatic. The highlighted part can easily debunked by using the fact Ky chose to meet Dizzy and help her. Justice(the Commander Gear) made him realize his perspective of justice(the moral virtue) at the moment was narrow-minded and if he continued to keep that mindset, it would actually be against what true justice is about. It’s why it made him ask God if he was doing the right thing, which later was lead change his views on Gears. There’s also evidence from the drama CDs too, particularly side Black. Here it is below... [ Reality v2.0 ] Dizzy: Kyaah! What are you doing? I-No: Oh, such a cute scream! Won't you let me hear it some more? Dizzy: Kyah! Please stop... I can't hold back any longer... I-No: It's for him you know... you're a bother. Won't you disappear? Dizzy: That's... I-No: Huh... not very obedient. You're just a bunch of noise! Dizzy: Kyaah! Ky: Wait! I-No: Oh? And why are you here? Ky: Even if your opponent is a wanted person, I can't accept that behavior! I-No: Protecting a bounty? Do you understand what you're doing? Ky: Even if mankind has several paths, I only have one. And if there is grace in that, then God shall save me! Source: http://gearlegacy.tripod.com/rtt/id28.html Even though this is an alternate timeline, the important part is highlighting the core part of Ky’s character; his core beliefs of justice for everyone along with his faith. It shows protecting Dizzy isn’t against his values or what is right.  The character derailment starts with Ky allowing himself to be manipulated to being a puppet king by the UN delegates. The threat one of them used is supposedly claiming they seen his wife(Dizzy) with “Your secret wife, she’s quite charming. I felt like I’ve seen her from somewhere...” There’s a huge flaw with this; there’s no specifics of how they knew about Dizzy. This makes the threat empty because a person can’t be blackmailed without tangible evidence the person can’t refuse. It also means the dilemma greatly lacks the compelling impact it needs for it to make sense for Ky to agree to their terms. However, Ky just assumes they know everything just from their vague statement instead of proof. This is against Ky’s character because the moment the UN delegates made it obvious they want to control him, he would have firmly refused instead of “needing time to think”, lol. This also means the scenario of needing to entrust his son to Sol Badguy is also baseless. Next is explaining how Sol Badguy and Sin Kiske got subjected to bad writing, etc. Sin Kiske was first introduced in GG2: Overture, which unfortunately his debut is dependent on Ky being derailed for more contrived drama. He has resentment towards Ky because he(Ky) had to do what was best for others, causing him to neglect his family. This makes Sin think his father puts value in strangers over him and his mom(Dizzy). And how he couldn’t have a normal childhood because of his race, thus needing to be careful when going outside. But he views Sol as a father figure and his friend. In the GG Overture short stories, Sol and Sin go bounty hunting together to make a living. Sol doesn’t want Sin to go inside the building to collect bounty to avoid unnecessary suspicions and etc.(since Sin is naturally overly curious and hyperactive). He wants him to stay behind and how he does so is.... Sol tied the chain he had in his hand to a roadside tree in a back alley and started walking. Obviously, on the other end of the chain was a collar. And of course, the collar was fastened onto Sin. Sol juiced his wisdom from his former scientist days in order to come up with this strategy to restrain the restlessly noisy Sin. At first Sin greatly disliked it, but with Sol’s loving discipline, Sin gave in Source: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/6496-gg2-overture-story-translations-updated-w-sins/&page=3 There is so much wrong with this, lol. Sol’s ideology is freedom, which is why he not only has the word “FREE” on the buckle of his belt, but also why him and Ky clash, but also compliment each other because both freedom and hope are right. It’s why he clashes with That Man because he(That Man) believes things to follow a certain path and can’t be changed while Sol’s mindset is to follow your own path and destiny instead of what others dictate, etc. To write him binding someone, especially his adopted son, like a slave with a collar to a tree is the opposite of what Sol stands for. It’s also not how Sol would’ve used his knowledge as a former scientist. A better display would be him inventing a device to keep Sin occupied because he observed how overly curious he(Sin) is. If you continued reading from the link, you’ll see how this leads to Sin being bullied by the other kids.  Later, Sol arrives after the commotion and asks Sin if he caused this. Instead of allowing him to explain what happened, Sol just kicks him(with people watching) across the area. Yet, he goes over to talk to the bullies and ask them what happened. This is more character derailment because while Sol outwardly isn’t the most friendly person, he isn’t a heartless gorilla like this scene wrote him. Even if considering the fact Sol is new to parenting, he’s much smarter than how he appears. The scene is also against common sense because if a child is bullied and you don’t know what happened, you go to the child that got bullied or an adult if he/she was present, not the bullies, lol.  Another part is thinking about what Sin experienced. Derailed Sol chained him like a slave, which allowed him to get bullied. He got kicked in the stomach while within the tree in front of everyone while trying to tell Sol what happened. Yet Sin doesn’t resent Sol for it, but resents and has resistance towards Ky. This is bad fanfiction writing, XDD. Even when later in GG2: Overture game when it showed Sin realized his resentment towards his father was misplaced, there’s still not really a bond between them. He only refers to Ky “dad” once because Elphelt urged Sin to since there’s no hate anymore. Which he later did in this video below, you’ll have to skip to 19:06. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igII20nrDo&list=PLLxMx3Fmb9Jk3nfaGIxfhdI9oztUQ40A0&index=8 But this scene lacks the necessary impact it should have because it’s mostly to fulfill a checklist in a plot point rather than because of a genuine bond that would spur Sin to do it. If not for Elphelt suggesting it, Sin likely would not have called Ky his “dad”. But after that, in the following games Sin still keeps referring to Ky by his name instead of “dad”. Story-wise, while Sin himself went through character development and benefits certain characters like Sol Badguy and Ramlethal, he adds nothing towards his father Ky other than a catalyst for contrived drama.  His interactions with Ky doesn’t reveal a different side nor expanding viewpoints, nor character growth, etc. I’ll even say it could easily be retconned to Sin being a distant cousin instead of Ky’s son and the key plot points won’t really change like Sin being raised by Sol, etc. Even Dragonball Z did a much better job displaying father and son characters that benefit each other in character development and overall story like it’s explained in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWDJL5LHiVA I had to stop myself from going further, but I hope my answer helped explained what and why I wanted a certain story aspect of GG to change if I was allowed to.^_^
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spectraspecs-writes · 4 years
Kashyyyk - Chapter 79 (Jolee, Juhani)
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 78. Chapter 80.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
As I head towards the medbay, I think I hear Bastila mumbling. And Jolee mumbling back, their voices are hushed. But when I enter the room, the talking stops. Wow, that’s a weird feeling. “Don’t stop on my account, I’m just here to look at the bump on my head.”
“The conversation was finished, anyway,” Jolee says nonchalantly. Which I doubt, but Bastila leaves so whatever. 
I start looking for something to tend to my head. “What were you talking about, anyway?”
“Eh, you know the story,” he says, “Young impressionable Jedi meets old man with lightsaber and asks him to share his great wisdom. Ha!” That, I buy. That sounds very much in-character for Bastila. “Asking about avoiding the Dark Side, what lessons I had for her, yadda yadda yadda.”
“Yeah, she bugs me about that, too,” I say, “Frankly if you can get her off my back, I’ll be grateful for it. She gets pushy sometimes.”
“I can tell she means well,” he says, “but even so, ‘pushy’ is a good word for it. And I’ve only known her for a day.”
“Kinda makes you regret tagging along, huh?” He chuckles. I find what I’m looking for and get to tending my head. “You never did say why you wanted to come.”
“No, I never did, did I?” he says with a cryptic smile.
“Are you always going to be this elusive?” I ask.
“Elusive? Me, elusive?” he repeats incredulously, “Obviously you've never tried to grab a Twi'lek dancing girl after drinking too much Ondaran willek juice.”
“As a matter of fact, I have.”
He laughs. “At any rate,” he says, “I already told you why I wanted to leave. I've seen everything I wanted to on Kashyyyk. Time to go, time to move on.”
“Move on to where?”
“To bed!” he says without hesitation, “I’m old and tired, you know.”
“Waking up before dawn will do that to you.”
He laughs again, shortly. “Your wit is a relief after all these years,” he says. “How many kilometer-high trees can you find an interest in before you figure you've had enough?” he continues, “I'd bet you can't be bothered to stay in one room for more than fifteen minutes. And then there's all the critters in the Shadowlands.” He shudders a bit, before handing me a small kolto patch. “Use that, it’ll take the swelling down,” he says, before finishing, “I'm just happy to be back in space, doing something new. Is that too much to ask?”
“You could have done that on your own,” I say.
“So I could,” he agrees, “Not having a ship does tend to put a damper on that kind of idea, however.”
“You could have bartered your way onto a Czerka ship or a merchant vessel.”
He shrugs. “I'll admit, for all its flaws, Kashyyyk was home enough. But when you came along and I saw the destiny you had before you, I couldn't help but be intrigued.”
I scoff. “You’re telling me you know what my destiny is?”
“Of course not. Weren't you listening this morning?” he says, “I can see that you have a destiny before you… but the details are far from clear.” He shifts a bit, like he’s trying to get a better look at me. “In fact,” he says, “everything about you that I can see is odd. Slightly off, as if my eyes are trying to trick me. Something…  something is very dark about you…” Well, that shit is ominous as hell. And why isn’t he talking anymore? You can’t just leave a statement like that hanging in mid-air like that, dude! “Bah!” he suddenly says, and I jump from the surprise of it, “I'm sure you don't need to hear my ruminations. You've probably got enough nosy Jedi offering you one opinion after another to make you sick.”
“Well, yes, but you can’t just tell me you see something dark and not tell me any more!”
“Your future will come of its own accord,” he says, trying to get me to relax, “Trust me. Sometimes navel-gazing at it doesn't get you anywhere. And I wouldn't worry about it too much, if I were you. You remind me a bit of Nomi” - he laughs a little - “and that can't be all bad.”
“Nomi Sunrider,” he says, reminiscing, “She came late to the Force, just as you have, and became one of the greatest Jedi ever. Oh, fine, fine lass.” Sounds like when he talks about love, he’s speaking from experience. “Whether you'll follow the same path remains to be seen. For one thing, we'll never get anywhere if you stand around chatting up old men all day. I’d almost say this little escapade reminds me of my adventuring times before the war, if we didn’t stand around so much. What’s keeping you? You’re too young to be this talkative. Your head is tended - shoo! Shoo!”
“Oh, because the medbay is your jurisdiction, now, is it?”
“I’m old, I’m allowed to camp out wherever I please,” he says, ushering me away, but smiling the whole time.
The thirteen hours back to Tatooine are relatively boring. I did a bit of tinkering with HK, recovered some memories about his owner before the senator on Coruscant. He served as an assassin droid for a Hutt. (The Hutts didn’t build him, which means I’m still trying to get to the bottom of that mystery.) But what goes around comes around, and the Exchange took said Hutt out. In HK’s words, “the residents of that sector were fishing pieces of Hutt out of their soup for weeks afterward.” He’s still got more memory I could recover, but I got zapped by his support systems a couple times, more than I like on any given afternoon. Even if I hadn’t been, I think, from what I saw, I’ll need a specialized tool to get any deeper. A tool that I have - it’s a microspanner with a different end, a beam splitter - but I haven’t used it in ages. Most droids don’t have the insides that need it, not anymore. Like HK was built from older or salvaged parts. Either that or someone really liked that sort of system, which I can understand. It is pretty elegant, in my opinion. Some people like systems a little smoother, more intuitive, but when I’m building a droid I like to make it a little harder to get into, personally. At any rate, the tool is buried in my stuff, and I want to dig it out while I’m thinking about it, so I head into the starboard quarters to dig it out.
Juhani’s in there, alone. Her face is red. Redder than it’s supposed to be. “Juhani?”
She didn’t notice me come in. “Yes?” she says, “What is it?”
“Are you okay?”
“I… have been bothered by something of late,” she says, and she sounds like she’s struggling, “I never told you where I came from, did I? Where I grew up as a child? I suppose I was trying to deny what I was feeling…”
She starts to sound angry. “I have been wrestling with my feelings inside. Trying to come to terms with it, but I find I cannot. I must have someone to blame!” She starts to get tense, clenching her fists. “Someone to blame for the destruction of my homeworld!” Destruction? “Someone who is responsible for the death of everyone I have ever known except those on Dantooine!”
Oh, God. “Do you mean…?”
“TARIS!” Oh, God, no. “It was Taris that the Sith destroyed to try to kill you and your precious Bastila! Taris, my homeworld!”
“God, Juhani,” I say, even though there’s nothing I can say, “I’m so sorry, I had no idea.”
“If it were not for you and Bastila, the Sith would have never had reason to destroy that world!” she fires at me, “It was your fault for being there, and your fault for rescuing Bastila! Without your intervention the Sith would have had no cause to lay waste to my childhood!” I try to stammer out a response, but she interrupts me. “Just let me vent my anger! I need someone to blame! Something -- anything!” I can understand that. “I hated that world, yet everything I learned as a child I learned there. It is as much a part of me as the air I breathe. I have this ache inside me where all my childhood memories lay, and I find your face there with them. If it was not for you, that world would still exist!”
Seems like Zaalbar coming home, his exile ending, stirred up some tensions I didn’t even know were there. Carth and his wife, and now Juhani, unable to ever return home. “I’m sorry, Juhani,” I say, “I don’t think there was any way to prevent it.”
“I… I know,” she says, suddenly calmer, “… I suppose I realized that. The Republic needs you and Bastila. Maybe needs you more than it needed Taris. But it is so hard to lose your entire past. You would not understand.”
“You’re right,” I say, “I don’t.” I don’t.
“I suppose that is to be expected. Everything will turn out for the best as long as we remain focused on our task.” She shakes her head. “I am sorry. I will try not to distract you in the future with my trivial experiences.”
“They’re not trivial, Juhani,” I say, “Maybe when you’re feeling up to it, you should talk to Mission. She’s from Taris, too, she went through something similar.”
Juhani shakes her head with a small grin. “Perhaps, but Mission and I clearly felt differently about Taris. She loved it. But for me, it was hell. To walk down the streets. To have people look at you in disgust; like an animal. Most did not know anything about me, but it was there all the same. Because I was an 'alien'. Because I was different from them, frightening. I doubt any of them had even seen my people before. So they persecuted me… They looked down on me and my family. Charged us more for food. Would not let us walk their streets. They spat on us. You are human… you could not possibly know. And Mission… things were different for Twi’leks. There were more of them. There were no other Cathar on Taris. No one to talk to. No one to confide in.” She huffs a bit. “But you must think me weak for saying this. But I am strong enough to admit it!”
Why are you putting words into my mouth? “You’re not weak, Juhani,” I reassure her, “It must have been hard.”
“I thank you for your concern, but… Bah!” she exclaims, “Maybe I am weak. To think that some stories of my stupid past could possibly interest you.”
She has a tendency to put herself down a lot, have you noticed that? “It’s alright,” I say, “I'm always here to listen if you want to talk.”
“I thank you,” she says, “You are kinder than I would have expected… To put up with me using you in this way. I hope that I will not use your time so badly in the future. Thank you.”
I find the tool in my foot locker, in the pocket of my old vest. Hardly old, I was wearing it a couple of months ago. I wonder where Mission is. I feel like playing some Pazaak.
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cssns · 5 years
Ok, sorry y’all! NOW here’s the monthly roundup for September!
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Have y’all enjoyed all the INCREDIBLE updates we got last month? I know I did!! Please be sure to give our authors and artists all the love for all their hard work!!! And have a look at the end of the post for a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! And now, without further ado, here we gooooooooo!!! Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
@snowbellewells completed A Story Told at Last. Rated T. Artwork by @branlovestowrite.
Historical Literature Professor Henry Mills has the chance of a lifetime before him. He might finally uncover the truth of a folktale that has intrigued him for years. But, when the whole story comes to light, will he be able to accept the story that needs to be told?
@let-it-raines completed Not Your (Soul)Mate. Rated M. Artwork by @captainsjedi.
Killian Jones doesn’t like the idea of soulmates. He sees how happy his friends are with theirs, but he still doesn’t like the idea, not when he’s found love and lost it time and time again only to still not know his sign. He has no markings on his skin, no voices in his head, but then one day he meets Emma Swan and everything changes. Because, well, he may not have ink on his skin to tell him who to love, but the very first time that he hears Emma’s voice he knows that she’s the one for him. Then again, that could simply be his desire talking. After all, for every word she speaks, he becomes aroused.
It’s not the worst thing in the world to be incredibly attracted to a beautiful woman, but things aren’t that simple when she doesn’t have any interest in being his soulmate.
He’s screwed. And not in the good way.
@courtorderedcake posted Roses, a CS rendering of the classic fairytale Tam Lin. Rated E. Artwork by @eastwesthomeisbest.
A CS retelling of Tam Lin, the classic fairytale.
Liberties taken. Magic and Fae BS in play.
@teamhook posted Rionnag Dorcha Gorm (Dark Blue Star). Not rated. Artwork by @hollyethecurious.
It is said that evil is not born but made. This is how an act of kindness is twisted into a story about revenge. Emma and Killian are childhood friends until a tragedy separates them will another reunite them.
From last years event, @kymbersmith-90 updated Divine Intervention. Rated E. Artwork by @hollyethecurious.
Brothers Liam and Killian Jones are on the hunt for their father, Brennan Jones, who has gone missing in his hunt for the supernatural creature that killed their mother. But along the way, the brothers discover that the supernatural world is much bigger than they could ever have imagined.
And someone else has big plans for one of them.
@thejollyroger-writer completed What Happened in Berkshire. Rated G. Artwork by @captainsjedi.
When Emma’s boyfriend leaves her for the woman he’s been cheating with, she accepts an offer from her hospital to move to England. While she is out celebrating her thirtieth birthday with her friends before they head back to America, she drunkenly kisses the statue of Captain Hook in front of Eton College, and he comes to life. Together, he and Emma try to figure out what this curse means for them by searching for the witch that cursed him in the first place — are they really True Love, as he wants to believe they are, or did Emma’s magic go awry?
From last year’s event, @seriouslyhooked updated Lost Souls and Reveries. Rated M. Artwork by @shipsxahoy.
Killian Jones is a wolf shifter without roots, without plans, and without a pack. He’s a rogue, someone humans should avoid and shifters should be wary of given his lineage. But one night years back set him on a path he didn’t realize he was taking, a path leading to the future he was destined for. That future is tied up in one woman – a human named Emma Nolan. Together Emma and Killian will find not only answers but a love that’s truly fated. But will love be enough to set both of them free, or will past demons win out in the end?
@snowbellewells updated Face to Face in the Broad Daylight, her sequel to last years fic, Run to Me (In the Dead of Night). Rated T. Artwork by @branlovestowrite.
Here we have a sequel to my werewolf, alternate season two and beyond fic from last year’s CSSNS. You probably want to read that story "Run to Me (in the Dead of Night)" first, or it might be a bit confusing in places. This second story in the same universe partially exists just because I wanted to revisit these couples and enjoy a bit more of their fluffy happily ever afters. However, we may also see them get into some new surprises and challenges, and of course we need to see if Rumplestiltskin is still under control or back to his usual scheming and plotting. I hope you will enjoy. I’m so glad to be part of this event again, and this is just the opening chapter.
@courtorderedcake updated Hallow with accompanying artwork 1 2. Rated E.
"The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King's will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time."
This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
@jarienn972 updated A Simple Spell. Rated T. Artwork by @cocohook38.
This story is my entry into the 2019 Captain Swan Supernatural Summer event and is my first venture into AU territory. Storybrooke remains our setting but I've switched up some of the characters and familial relations to better suit this tale of prodigal witch Emma who returns to her birthplace to learn lots of secrets about herself and cast a spell that could change everything.
@whimsicallyenchantedrose updated Until the Stars Are All Alight, her CS LOTR au. Rated T. Artwork by @clockadile.
When Emma Swan steals a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, she has no idea it will lead her toward an adventure filled with danger and intrigue, sacrifice and a love stronger than anything she could imagine. Tasked with bringing the Savior home, the elf, Killian Jones of Misthaven travels to the Land Without Magic. Can he convince Emma to fulfill her destiny before the Dark One regains power and takes over all of the Enchanted Forest?
@welllpthisishappening completed All Was Golden In the Sky. Rated M. Artwork by @resident-of-storybrooke. Chapter artwork by @distant-rose and extra artwork by @optomisticgirl can be found on Laura’s blog posts.
Magic is dying.
Emma knows it. She can feel it, the emptiness rattling around in her, like it’s trying to make sure she disappears as well. What she doesn’t know is what to do about it, because, suddenly, there is a man in Storybrooke claiming she’s the Savior and a seeress certain a prophecy promises the same and the last thing she expects is for her minimal amount of lingering power to pull her away.
To New York City.
And another oddly familiar man with blue eyes and a smile that sinks under her skin and makes magic bloom in the air around her. Things are about to get interesting.
And finally, we had original art post from @djlbg.
WOW!!! I mean… WOW!!! What a MONTH!!! We had 4 fics complete, 2 updates from last years event, original art, and all the other updates in between!!! I’m so thankful to be a part of such a talented and prolific fandom!!! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your participation and enthusiasm!! I can’t wait to do this again next year!!!
Which brings me to the VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! CSSNS 2020 is a GOOOOO!!!!! We’ve had a tremendous response for the past two years and so we’ll do it for one more year. So for those of you who have participated either year and want to do it again, for those of you who just recently joined the fandom, or for those of you who, like me, have just started writing or arting, start thinking about what you might like to do next year. Signups will open in late January and I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!! So spread the word!!! Any questions, be sure to send us an ask, or you can contact me directly at @kmomof4.
I’ll be back in November with the monthly roundup for October. Until then y’all!
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willofhounds · 5 years
Storm that shakes the pine ch1
A/N yes I know I have a lot of fics to finish but I couldn't help myself. If you dont like m/m go elsewhere. If you dont like soulmates go away. For the rest of you enjoy the story.
Once the reincarnation happens they will be called by their new names. Not by their old.
Ozpin's POV
Oscar's body was barely holding itself together. Around them lay their comrades and Salem who was finally dead. Three years in the new reincarnation and they had finally done it.
A tinge of guilt and sadness went through him. This was his fault. If he never returned to the world he this wouldn't have happened. Salem would have stayed a lone witch in the forest.
As his green brown eyes swept over the field he saw Ruby Rose. His brave silver eyed warrior had been the one to defeat Salem.
With the help of Maria Calavera she mastered the powers of her eyes. In the end Jinn had been right. Ozpin and Oscar fighting together in harmony were unable to kill Salem. Their shared body sustained mortal injuries. It was a testament to their sheer willpower that they stayed standing.
All of his friends and colleagues lay dying now. Just when they had saved the world from Salem they weren't going to see it rebuild itself.
Oscar he could tell was tired of war. The war had burdened them all. Oscar being as young as he was got hit the hardest. He was just a boy who was pulled from everything he knew into a war he never wanted to fight.
Ozpin guided Oscar. Trained him mentally and physically. There was only so much one could prepare. Watching ones friends die wasn't something he could prepare Oscar for.
:Oz... it's not your fault. We did all we could was fight our hardest. We won...: came Oscar's tired voice.
Ozpin answered as his own exhaustion coming out, :I only wish I could have done more. We've lost our friends.:
There wasn't a chance to respond to Oscar. The four relics began to shine their power enveloped them. All of his aches and pains receded.
Ozpin blinked. The world around them whited out. A familiar setting was before him. A golden dragon floated above him.
It took Ozpin several seconds to realize he looked like Ozpin before he was Oscar. Looking around he saw Oscsr. For the first time in thousands of years he was alone in his head.
Ruby and the others also stood around the dragon. As the God of Light he would be able to bring their souls to him. Just as he had done with Ozma.
Ruby asked carefully, "Are you the God of Light? Why are we here?"
The God rumbled as it looked at each of them, "Each of you have played a pivotal role in bringing down Salem. You have overcome your shortcomings and put aside your differences. Some of you even learned from mistakes of the past to get where you are now."
Ozpin flinched. That last part was meant for him. It was his actions that led Salem here.
God of Light continued, "Each of you have earned the right to either go on to the after life. Or to go onto another world where you will be reborn. Things will be different in this world than what you know. No creatures of Grim as you call them. Magic is born into some souls but not others. As a gift those that choose to go to this world will be given magic."
Oscar questioned softly, "What about me? My soul is intertwined is intertwined with Ozpin's."
"That is up to you. Should you both go on to the new world you will not be the same person."
Relief flooded them both. The last thing they wanted was to forever be connected to each other again. Ozpin knew what a burden it was. He didnt want to be such a burden upon the boy again. Let him live his own life without the threats of war and death.
This was a second chance for him to do good. Good without having causing the evil.
Ozpin declared, "I will go on to this new world."
"As will I," came from Qrow.
"You're not getting rid of me that easy, Ozpin," from James.
"I want to see this new world," Ruby.
The God of Light rumbled once more, "Despite you all leaving this world at the same time; not all of you will not enter the next at the same time. Ages and lives will vary but you will all find your own path. Never forget the bonds you have forged. They will serve you well.
White lights surrounded them accepting their choices. Yang was the next to speak, "I'm sorry Ruby but I will not be going with you. I'm tired of the war and fighting. All I want is peace."
They didnt get to hear what anyone else said. The God of Light sent them on.
In the end Ozpin was reborn as Newton Fido Artemis Scammander. He was the second son of the Scammander family.
The Scammander family was a Dark family. His magic was naturally dark as it came from blood first then what was practiced second. Even if Newt was to practice light magic his magic would never be any lighter than dark neutral.
His parents were not what he had grown to expect of the dark. They were gentle with him. There wasn't an ounce of hatred in their eyes.
Newt's biggest struggle though was accepting help. It had been thousands of years since he was so vulnerable. In his previous reincarnations they were all at least 12 or older. They were able to take care of themselves.
Along with accepting his parents help he had a brother five years older than himself. Theseus Scammander was an intelligent boy if his parents were to be believed. They treated him like he was a genius.
When they first came face to f eyes were familiar. Three years of seeing that when he looked in the mirror made them hard to forget.
They were Oscar's eyes. His own eyes were green with a hint of an amber swirl. Both of them groaned internally. The God of Light had a sick sense of humor.
When Theseus turned seven he did something unexpected. Newt was watching from one of the chairs as he unlocked his aura.
Theseus's aura was a dark green. No longer the light green that they had grown used to. The look on his brother's face was comical. It was the final proof that their souls were no longer fully connected. That their destinies intertwined but not overlapping.
Not two months after that Theseus got his soulmate mark. It was that of a raven taking flight. His brother was excited and so were their parents.
Powerful families had the crest of the raven. His parents offered to help Theseus with the search but his brother only shook his head. He would find his soulmate on his own.
The years passed until Newt was five. One day he was out in the gardens and a small green twig like creature moved down the tree he was laying against. From the children books he was allowed to read he knew it was a bowtruckle.
Normally a shy creature it came to rest on his shoulder. With a fascination that he had not felt in a long he began to play with the bowtruckle. Through trial and error he found out that they had their own language. It was through clicks.
With its helps he was able to meet the other bowtruckles in tree. Unlike the one on his shoulder they were more suspicious of him. Earning their trust took weeks but eventually they accepted him.
On Theseus's eleventh birthday they went to Diagon Alley. He got his Hogwarts letter. As Newt would find out every magical child in Britain got this letter. One day Newt would too.
It was in one of the lesser shops that Newt found his cane. It seemed that even in a new world he would never escape the past fully. At first his parents didnt want to buy it since it was Theseus's birthday.
At Theseus's insistence however they got it. As with all his previous lives it felt right in his hands; though to small to wield it properly. Theseus watched over him as he began to practice movements that were second nature once.
By the time he was seven Theseus was a second year in Hogwarts. His own soulmate mark had appeared. It was a circle in a triangle with a line through the middle. The symbol he recognized through his books. It was that of the Deathly Hallows.
Who his soulmate was he didn't know. What he did know was that they would be searching for the Hallows. Most believed it was just a fairy tale. Newt knew that every had some truth to it. Wherever the Hallows were he would avoid them. He had no interest in soulmates.
So he hid his mark with long sleeved shirts or a bracelet. If no one saw it then there was a lesser chance that he would find whoever his soulmate was.
He had learned that dark, light, and neutral magic weren't evil or good. It wasn't like Remnant were dark magic was evil. A lot of it depended on the wizard's intentions.
This made accepting his heritage easier. Having seen what the darkness had done to Salem he at first was wary of it. Now he knew as long as his intentions were true then he would not be consumed by the dark. That was what would push him forward.
The main event in his seventh year of life was unlocking his aura. He remembered the power and sense of duty it gave him every time he had unlocked it. The oath every huntsman had made. This would be his final time making it.
Inside the library away from prying eyes he said, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death," his heart pounded in his chest. Something in him gave away at the words and a new feeling of duty filled him, "I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."
A familiar light green light erupted from his chest. It flashed over his body exhausting his energy. His energy was the same level of a seven year old so he couldn't hold it for long.
This encouraged Newt to train every day. On the holidays when Theseus came back he was surprised when his brother offered to train with him. Theseus had decided to be an auror the police of the magical world. He wanted to train both his body and magic for whatever was to come. Newt obliged.
Spars were immensely difficult for the younger Scammander. He was smaller and lighter than his brother. His reflexes slower than he would have liked. Giving up wasnt in him and he pushed through working the old memories into muscle memory. His aura growing stronger with each passing day.
Along with reading and retraining his magic there was little time for idleness. What little time he did find was spent with the creatures. The creatures watched him as he worked through his training. Slowly but surely warming up to him.
From Hippogryffs to bowtruckles all creatures of his home accepted him. In turn he accepted them. They were beings to be cherished.
Finally his eleventh birthday came and he like his brother. Theseus was entering his sixth year and still had not found his soulmate. Not unusual by any means but it discouraged him.
Newt knew that Theseus would find the one meant for him. As long as they lived he would search. Newt would look for the mark that matched it.
September 1st rolled around and Newt felt excitement. He was curious to see what was learned in the schools here.
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sparda3g · 5 years
Attack on Titan Chapter 121 Review
The truth hurts. The truth will not set you free. It goes without saying: this series is full of surprises. At the same time, the actuality made a lot of sense. The next anime season can’t come any sooner; the reactions will be jarring. I believe so, because I was floored by the revelations. This chapter had me in one crazy emotional roller coaster; the cliffhanger was the cherry on the top and that’s one sundae I don’t want to have.
Going in to the chapter, I was expecting Eren to try to convert Zeke’s opinion with the rest of the memory trip. Technically, I was right, but not the exact outcome I was expecting. Zeke summarized the last chapter well by stating Eren wasn’t manipulated by Grisha. His life was all lively and well until the wall was tore down, of course. The point is, Grisha has nothing to do with Eren’s influence. So why Eren backstabbed Zeke? Why not end the war? What is his agenda? Life truly began with Eren saving Mikasa. Remember the image of Eren and Armin happily hanging out. The tone is going to get heavy.
The scene with Eren’s first visit with Mikasa now carries more weight than simply Mikasa’s turning point, let alone a defining development. It speaks for Eren’s character to be a boy who will grow up to be a man who will fight for his freedom. If there are men that intend to steal his freedom, he will steal theirs. The shot of the worrisome father trying to calm his furious son let out a troublesome feeling.
The way I see it is, Grisha didn’t want to see his son to go to the path he made a mistake to take. When you recall the last chapter, life was going to be normal with not following Krueger’s order. However, this moment was the beginning of a path that will ultimately set the story straight. Eren’s pride denies Grisha’s desire to restore Eldia. In a twisted way, Eren should be thankful for Grisha’s actions to open his eyes, which means the father is the savior of the world. Wrap your head around that.
I do wonder what is up with Eren’s expression when he watches his young-self wrapping the scarf around Mikasa. It’s a look of guilt if anything. I don’t want to interpret as a pairing moment, but I do believe Eren owes her an apology after that act of heartbreak. It was seriously messed up; hate is a strong word. Hopefully, they patch up their relationship and well, we’ll see where we go from there.
I recall fans were confused on why Zeke, who has the Founding Titan’s power in control, would go to this memory trip to help Eren. I called it, he did it to save him; not going to abandon him. I like the fact he referenced Tom; clear indication of what he considered family. Eren is the only one Zeke has left and despite not being the little brother he wished for, blood is thicker than water. I also like more of the collage of Grisha’s moments, including the famous basement; leaving the note for the story’s great advancement. Then, this is where the chapter unfolds the craziest revelation to date.
Shifting back to chapter 1 left me feeling a good kind of nostalgia. However, that’s not the intention. It builds up the moment when Grisha leaves the house with his family alive and well for the last time. The tone I’m feeling is morbid because we know the downfall begins on that day. The panel paid close attention to Grisha’s expression as Eren argues with his mother about joining the Survey Corps. It’s all going accordingly, but then shocking part number one comes in.
The scene when Grisha promised Eren to return with secrets waiting to reveal is seen much differently. In fact, I was horrified. The truth is, Grisha was in fact staring at adult Eren when he made that promise. I couldn’t shout, “What” any louder. The scariest part is, the scene wasn’t altered; it’s like that in chapter 1. It’s not like Isayama went out and retcon the position. It was designed that way from the very start. It’s most likely just me, but it’s downright eerie to see Grisha watches his family one last time with only Eren being happy and joy. After all, the path will be favoring him from this point on, and Grisha can’t escape the inevitable. Massive foreshadow for the major revelation.
The confrontation with Grisha and Frieda is an emotional roller coaster that I won’t forget for a long time. This is the moment where the series took the course of the story we know today. As we all know prior to this extended scene, Grisha invaded Frieda and the King of the Walls’ HQ, and killed them to devour the Founding Titan. My first impression was Grisha was a murderer that would do whatever it takes to fulfill his destiny. After the last chapter, I assumed he had no choice but to kill them because of the invasion; awakened his old mission to fulfill and carry forward. Now, I am lost with words.
Right from the start, Grisha announced his heritage and plead them to save his family and citizens of the walls from the titans. This completely destroyed the thought of him killing them from the get-go. The fact he begged them first gives me a better impression of his character. He was no longer the old self who was hell-bent to save Eldians; he wanted to avoid hell at all cost. I felt bad for him before, but now, my sympathy is growing more. It doesn’t stop there.
Frieda turned down his pleading, because of her belief. She believed this is their sins and judgment day has come. They can’t afford to use the Founding Titan and fall to the wrong hand. They must accept the price they made. In short, Frieda told him to deal with fate. I guess it’s not a bad argument on falling to the wrong hand, but it does irritate me to think maybe the conflict could have been prevented. I find it funny how Zeke thinks he and Frieda will get along well. They might as well, considering how their train of thoughts are quite similar. The sensation gets worse.
Grisha begged them again, but now it’s making me sad. His expression screamed pain, agony, and broken apart. Frieda, on the other hand, started to frustrate me. Maybe you don’t find her wrong, but it’s mainly due to how Grisha was suffering from a possible solution. If it wasn’t for the last chapter, I wouldn’t be this sympathetic. It’s not to say she’s the villain, but two different belief don’t collide well. No matter how much he cried for help, she stick to her words and let them perish as they felt they are rightfully judged. Eren’s face is filled with anger. I got chills. Now, this is where the chapter begins to drown me in a pool of revelations.
Grisha finally gets to the part where the fans know exactly what happened: genocide. Not without a shocking reveal. We all know that each Shifting Titan has its own perks. Attack Titan was interpreted as a fighter, hence the title, “Attack.” But, was that really it? The real perk is the ability to receive the message from the future successors; in other words, foresee the future. Many have guessed it, but it’s great to have clarification now. I’ll explain more on the reveal later.
The amazing part about this reveal is the contrast. Attack Titan revolves with the future as the Founding Titan revolves with the past. It’s practically the future versus the past. It gives the name “Attack” more meaningful when you include the mythology, let alone the fitting nature for Eren. Isayama, you are a sly man. Grisha was ready to shift to Attack Titan and begin to kill them all for the greater good; well, at least in story viewpoint. I think. Then, a big surprise happens. The scenery led me to believe this is the moment. It was, but something is different. Grisha refused to kill them. I was downright confused.
I thought we have a multiverse in our hands. I thought I needed sleep. Part of me believed he gave up now, only to rebound later to kill them. But, it wouldn’t be necessary for Isayama to write this. It was depressing to watch him cry and refused to kill children, which again, gave me a much better impression of his character. However, if the timeline is fixed for him to kill them, how can he recover?
Adult Eren approaches to Grisha; screaming at him to get up and kill. Like Zeke, I was completely lost with words. Eren shouts at Grisha in tyranny tone and words that are painful as stabbing. It’s not even encouraging; it’s purely manipulative. He pressured him on and on, until he finally made his move. This is the story he started. The scene is far worse than before, and that’s saying a lot. I couldn’t comprehend on what just happened, but it’s actually what it was shown: Eren manipulated Grisha.
My brain isn’t processing well enough to continue. Our hero is the main villain. Well, not really, but the action is incredibly twisted. When you have to fight, you fight. Eren has stuck to the code since the beginning and this is where it led him to. It’s not to say he loves to kill, rather had no choice on the matter to advance to freedom. You can tell by his reaction towards the mass killing. It’s “whatever it takes” gone horribly disturbing. This is madness. As for Grisha, I’m astounded. First, he came off as a villainy character. Then, a redeemed character. Now, I can safely say, he’s the most tragic character of them all. That is unholy.
It’s incredible how Isayama can decipher a character that is more than meets the eyes. I haven’t changed my opinion on a character this many times before, but here we are. It’s hard to watch him cry; wondering if this pleased Eren. He also begged to see the rest of the future. Attack Titan was tearing him apart. Although it’s more than black and white, Eren comes off as a villain to his mind. The son manipulating the father; that’s messed up. Grisha’s life is suffering.
To add more weights to his character, he can finally clearly sees Zeke in the current time. The following scene is really heartbreaking. I didn’t expect Zeke to receive a closure under this circumstance. The way how it was written made it seem like Eren is hell, but Zeke is the son he wants to communicate. He tells him that Eren’s future is chosen and Zeke won’t have his. Once he sees him clearly, he embraces for forgiveness. It hits me in the feel with Grisha hugging his first son, and Zeke calls him, “Dad.” That’s powerful. Family is family. Before closing out, Grisha has one last words: stop Eren. It seriously paints Zeke as the protagonist.
In case this is too confusing for anyone, Zeke summarizes the whole revelation. I like the detail on Zeke calling Grisha dad, only to revert back to calling his name. The embracement affected him dearly, and understandably so. It’s the fatherly love he wished to have, and he got it. Long story short, Eren foreseen the future through his future-self’s memory, which led him to manipulate Grisha to set the path we’re journeying through today. Eren learned about everything four years ago; the moment when he held Historia’s hand. How rewarding.
Let’s discuss about the reveal on time messaging. Some speculated that they can travel through time. The reality is, they can only receive the message from the successors as well as see their presence, based on Grisha’s early turmoil. This eliminates actual time traveling, and it’s probably for the best. The series could get really messy when one can actually jump through time and alter it at will. By that, I mean changing a timeline multiple times alas multiverse. It narrows down to one timeline to focus on with the use of possibly multiverse visions.
It’s kind of hard to explain. I like to think of the series Orange. In there, the story involves with students that received messages from future selves in order to correct their mistakes. There’s no time jumping, no other multiverse to explore, aside of one for characters’ purposes, and it only focus on one timeline. In short, what we see is one timeline that has been “invaded” by the future. It doesn’t mean they will jump time now; the damage is done. This is the path.
As for Eren the Mastermind, it made tons of sense. It’s no wonder Grisha appeared in miserable pain prior to passing down the Titans to Eren. Now I get why he told Shadis to not get involved. He was manipulated by that point and his destiny was to fulfill Future Eren’s future. It connects far back to Krueger with his confused statement about Mikasa and Armin. Maybe there will be more towards it, but since Eren is the mastermind, it’s no wonder those two names were brought up. It’s incredible when you look back and see the pieces coming together.
As for Eren’s character, it’s believable to think he has changed when he saw the memories. The only part that is missing is whether he can see everything or only certain pinpoints. It’s addressed more or less at the end, but we’ll get to that very soon. The reason to be concerning is due to how Eren has been plotting and reacting. It’s not said the future is pre-determined, but perhaps it’s why Eren has been trying to change something.
Once he saw the memories, his focus changed drastically; wanted to take down the world for freedom. What I want to know is, does he know every outcome, including Sasha’s death. He was frustrated when he heard the news; was it a reaction to his future fate unchanged? Connie did say he laughed as well. Did he laugh because of an act of a villain, or was it a reaction towards his destiny to be inevitable. It’s clear that Eren is trying to change the journey, but the destination is locked in. This is merely a speculation. There’s a chance for Eren to elaborate his memory trip in depth. We know he has, but we don’t know what he has seen.
One of my predictions has Zeke converting to Eren’s side alas the good side; if you can even call it that. Honestly, it sounds pretty damn silly. Reminds me of Naruto in its worst days; which is why I hope it doesn’t happen. Fortunately for me, Zeke resume his first and only intention and force Ymir to enter the PATHS to end the Eldians. You would think Grisha’s forgiveness will change his mind. Instead, it encouraged him; now, against Eren and favor for Grisha. What a crazy round about.
Zeke does bring an interesting point though. If Eren becomes desperate to stop Ymir, wouldn’t that mean he didn’t see this coming? Can he only see certain destination? My guess is, he has seen everything, so he is trying to change its journey, but the destination remain the same. That or it’s gotten worse. It’s hard to say, but regardless, if Eren fails to stop Ymir, the future doesn’t belong to his.
This chapter was quite something else. It’s remarkable with its execution and paneling. I couldn’t do justice on describing the impact of these panels, especially the last scene with Grisha and Frieda. The artwork has come a long way from chapter 1 and it’s fortunately presented really well here with deep and sorrowful expressions. The revelations were mind-blowing, yet the puzzles fit in place. It ended on a hell of a cliffhanger; probably worse than the time Eren lost his head. This is it; the path to end all. We’re in the endgame now…
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dragonhrte · 5 years
Destiny? Chapter Two: Somewhere
Author’s Note:
Thank you so much for giving this work a read! Quick disclaimer, for all intents and purposes MHA/BNHA are not mine they do not belong to me. The manga and anime have inspired me to write this fiction and dialogue as well as events are given credit to the beautiful people who have blessed us with this series. Aside from standard story line events this work is mine. Here's a long one for you guys, sorry about the long wait. I've been busy with finals and such.
Word Count: 1,398
Please note that
*abc* is a sound effect
'abc' is internal thoughts of whomever
"abc" is dialogue
(abc) is a side note from yours truly ;)
*~Love, DragonHearte*
     The next day, I walked into class and someone was in the seat that I had chosen in the class before lunch yesterday. A small in stature purple-headed boy, upon approaching him, I realized the top of his head was barely even with my hip. He was standing up, clearly trying to be incognito in his approach towards the other girls in the classroom. 'He wasn't here yesterday, so I took his seat. Now, what am I going to do?' I think to myself as I look around and spot another desk clearly put there after my arrival earlier the previous day. It was off-set from the regular formation of the desks, in the middle of the line between Bakugo's row and Midoriya's row. I walk around the front of the line of desks I was in and go to the one that was empty. After sitting down, I see a tuft of pink hair rush towards my direction, I immediately brace myself for impact.
"Evaangeeliine~" Ashido exclaims with a lilt in her voice, "Are you excited?!"
"What for?"
"We have hero lessons now!"
"Yes, we do, quick question. Who's the small-fry over by the desk I was sitting at prior to lunch yesterday?" 
'I immediately face palm, small-fry is a slang term, I need to adapt, get with the times Eva!'
"Small-fry? Oh, you mean Minoru Mineta? He got a nosebleed right before you came in, he probably was trying to stay as long as he could with Recovery Girl to avoid the rest of the lecture. From what I can tell so far, he's a massive perv."
"Oh, by the way do you know who-"
"I am... Coming through the door like a normal person!"
'Oh my gosh! It's frickin' All Might, I can't believe he's actually a teacher here. I thought that the rumors were what they were, just rumors.' I sit there mouth agape at the sight before me.
"I teach Hero Basic Training..." He then goes on to explain how crucial the Hero Basic Training course is to our paths to become Pro Heroes. "...Today we will be doing, Combat Training. With that comes the use of your costumes based on your Quirk Registrations and the requests you sent in before school started. We will meet up at Ground Beta after everyone is done getting changed."
Everyone is so excited, they're teeming with energy. I walk with the rest of the girls to the changing room. I quickly suit up. I'm a transfer from a different school.
Uraraka peeks over at the area I'm changing in and lets out a quick exclamation of surprise, then says, "Wow, your costume is really cool, what is it?" 
Ashido and Yaoyorozu walk over too, they're already done getting dressed as well.
"It's tight-knit with copper fibers to promote circulation. When I use my quirk for extended periods of time my circulation becomes crappy, so I get rigid and tense, the fabric is supposed to stave off that effect. There's thinner mesh on my shoulders for movement purposes. The leggings also are tight-knit to prevent my blood from accumulating in my legs, my leggings also have rubber soles on the bottom with tread. I've tried shoes separate from my costume, but I found that my body was losing the circulation by my ankles into my feet, which left me with swollen ankles."
During the whole explanation Ashido and Uraraka have this look of awe on their face, meanwhile Yaoyorozu is nodding her head to different sections of my explanation.
"Anyways, it's time to go now don't you think?"
They all nod their head in agreement, and we head out of the tunnel to Ground Beta. When we step outside of the tunnel we split and I follow Ashido, while Uraraka waits for Midoriya. When we get to the other members of the group, the boys meet us halfway with some high-fives. Most of them at least, Bakugo just stands there with a demented smile on his face.
"By the way Evangeline, sweet birthmarks, they're really cool looking."
I instinctively touch my cheek with one hand, the back of my neck with the other, and smile nervously, "Yeah, birthmark..."
'There's no reason for me to tell them the reasoning behind the cracks on my skin' I think to myself.’
"Hey Kirishima, what's the deal with Bakugo and Midoriya?" I ask.
He looks over at his classmate and shakes his head, "I don't know I think they were friends before, but they had a falling out of some sorts. Bakugo really doesn't like Midoriya." 
"That's putting it lightly." Kaminari adds, the others nod their heads in agreement. I'm lost in thought for a while until Ashido nudges me and I tune back into what All Might was saying just in time to hear the brief summary of what's going to happen and the process of choosing the teams.
"The hero team and villain team will be chosen by lots. The villain team has hidden a nuclear missile on one of the floors to the building they need to protect it for the full allotted amount of time, or capture the heroes. The hero team needs to find the nuclear missile, they win if they capture the villains or obtain the nuclear missile within the allotted time frame." 'So I'll be fine as long as I don't end up with-'
"Katsuki Bakugo and Evangeline Shaffer..."
'-Him. We should be okay as long as we're not going against that green haired boy, what's his name?'
"Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka."
'Welp. I'm screwed, based on this match up, we're going to lose this exercise.'
I'm spaced out yet again, when an ash-blonde boy with furrowed brows and a grimace comes into my field of vision.
"Hey, you're my team mate right? Just stay out of my way."
The words on my skin emitted a pulse of heat, my eyes snapped wide open, in realization. There is a possibility that the person in front of me right now is my soulmate. Still reeling from my conclusion, I nodded my head yes. I follow Bakugo into the building for training, agreeing with a nod of my head at his plans. He doesn't think too much of it and continues leading the way. Most of the time has passed for the heroes to enter the building, that's when he turns to go down the stairs and I call out to him, "Hey are you just gonna leave me here?"
He turns his head barely acknowledging my presence and replies with, "I'm taking care of Deku because he's more dangerous. All round-face can do is make shit float." 
I simply nod my head and let him go, caught up in the slight throbbing on my hip. 'It's only a matter of time before they show up and Evangeline, whatever is supposed to happen between the two of you does not matter, in this moment you need to focus on keeping the missile safe. As well as preparing yourself for when the other team inevitably shows up.' I execute my strategy, eliminate all objects of floaty capacity. Limit Uraraka's options, it sounds like from the yelling downstairs that it's Midoriya and Bakugo leaving Uraraka and myself as opponents. I shake my head to get the residual fog of finding my soulmate out of my head making a weird noise as I shake my head from side-to-side.
I snap my head up at the noise.
"I know you're there Uraraka, come on out. I've gotten rid of all the items in this room that you could possibly use as one of your little play-things" I say with my wide eyes and creepy smile, "It's no use, you're here by yourself. And we both know one-on-one, you're outmatched."
Uraraka stands before me frozen in a mixture of what appears to be shock and fear. She says something into her comm. device, speaking with her team mate about her situation.
After a couple of moments, she turns to me and takes a running start in my direction, 'Is she gonna jump for it?' I ready my capture tape. She jumps and activates her quirk on herself?! I quickly use the capture tape to redirect her movements, after lassoing her foot, she's like a kite on a string. I flick her back to the direction she came from. The capture tape slips off her foot before she lands, which is unfortunate but, 'I just need to hold out until the timer is up.' However, as soon as this thought enters my head there is a loud boom and all the glass from the windows shatters. Uraraka grabs a pillar, and then proceeds to execute and impromptu special move called, "Comet Home Run" which distracted me enough for her to retrieve the weapon, causing our defeat, and our loss of the exercise.
"Hero Team wins, now come up to the monitor room for your evaluation." All Might says into the comms.
Chapter Three: Someplace
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fourangers · 6 years
Perhaps, in the end, it’s fate
Summary:  With one different tilt of the destiny, many other paths can be unfolded. However between them, there would be always an automatic pull since they share an interchangeable fate.
It's ninjaverse AU, completely different timeline. Teacher!Naruto, father!Sasuke, lil!Sarada with a harmless crush on Nardo. No prior pairings with Sasuke (and Naruto btw) because babies can be created through power of SCIENCE! (or in this case, Orochimaru’s experiments).
Based on February prompt from Sun and Moon Challenge, check it out once you can! SNS, T-rated. Comedy and Romance.
AO3 link | FFnet link
Squinting his eyes, he swallowed dryly with fingers crossed. He hoped his future mentor would be wise and kind, his teammates nice and welcoming. If he could stretch a little bit more in this wishing department, maybe Sakura will be part of his team. Well, anything, anyone but Sasuke. It was already humiliating enough losing his first kiss to that bastard, going on missions with him would be. The. Worst.
Iruka cleared his throat, staring the list. "Well, Team 7 will be Haruno Sakura..."
Naruto inhaled sharply, tightening his fists.
"Uchiha Sasuke..." He could hear Sakura's jubilant scream all across the classroom, in midst of other feminine complaints and whining. Naruto groaned too.
"...and Hyuuga Neji."
That was...sort of unexpected. Really unexpected.
Naruto frowned, wondering why it felt so out of place that he wouldn't be part of this team.
Iruka continued to recite. "That means that the last team will be Rock Lee, Tenten and Uzumaki Naruto."
He threw a tentative glance towards his future teammates, trying not to get freaked out towards the most humongous eyebrows he had ever met in his life. This boy was also wearing a spandex, a bowl cut haircut style and a goofy smile. His female teammate, on the other hand, simply smiled once she noticed him, waving her hand.
Naruto awkwardly waved back, butterflies squirming in his stomach. A brand new life lied ahead of him and he couldn’t wait to get into his first ninja mission.
His new teacher was a bigger weirdo named Maito Gai. He wore Lee’s same spandex and had even thicker brows, but every qualm was instant quelled once he showed impressive taijutsu skills. He was also unbelievably patient and kind with his protegées, taking notes of their strengths and deficiencies, even teaching basic ninjutsus skills to Naruto that he didn’t manage to learn back in ninja Academy.
Gai had auto-proclaimed rival to Team 7’s leader, some shady guy named Kakashi. They stumbled towards that team on a rather frequent basis while watching Gai’s bravados and weird contests with Kakashi laidback responses. That also meant that Naruto and Lee were busy wooing (or at least trying to) Sakura. Noticing Lee’s unsuccessful attempts to ask her out made him shift for another strategy; concentrating on the other rival ergo Uchiha Sasuke.
(though frankly, while sprawled on the bed after another grueling day of training, Naruto had to admit that what he wanted the most was to check if Sasuke, who is another orphan like him, was doing ok on his own)
Sasuke egged him on, honestly. Calling him a total dumbass, smirking while they bickered, it was refreshing someone acknowledge him aside his teammates.
Sakura was treating him better in comparison to the Academy days, much to his positive surprise. She muttered something about Sasuke giving her a blistering lecture, defending Naruto out, which broke his wall for a second.
Chuunin exams arrived, Lee and Tenten losing in the preliminaries, fueling Naruto to get a victory for the team. His fight against Hyuuga Neji ended with some broken bones, painful conversations, a promise and a new friend. He was looking forward to see Sasuke defeat Gaara to honor Konoha, however, as life was full of unexpected changes, that innocuous exam ended with the Sandaime Hokage murdered and the village being attacked.
The village council convinced Kakashi be a temporary Hokage, everyone gathering around to fix the destruction. Soon they returned to their old routine with the usual genin missions while they went back to train. Naruto kept helping Tenten to conjure better weapons as well as sparring with Lee. He had to admit that while Gai was a good teacher, he wished he could expand even further his skills to something other than taijutsu…
Before he could get back to the idyllic days, out of nowhere, Sasuke disappeared. Rumors spread seeing Sakura’s swollen eyes and Kakashi handling a mission to retrieve him. All genins he knew assembled a team with Shikamaru as the leader and Neji to talk him through.
The mission was a complete utter failure.
“He just didn’t listen to me. I even mentioned you Naruto-kun, how it’s possible for anyone to get out from our personal darkness and conquer fate but still…” Neji shook his head, swallowing a soldier pill to replenish his depleted chakra.
Words of disagreement lodged on his throat but he couldn’t voice it out. Naruto knew, somehow, that if it were him, instead of Neji, maybe…Maybe he’d be able to convince Sasuke, or…
After this incident, he noticed Sakura’s grim expression when she started her medic nin training, as well as Neji’s renewed determination to change the Hyuuga clan. Naruto questioned himself, why he wanted with almost the same intensity to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, despite wondering if he’d make a difference. He’s not even his teammate…
And yet he pondered; was this the reason why he accepted Jiraiya’s tutelage, when Gai mentioned about him when they went to retrieve Tsunade?
But as painful that experience was for everyone involved in, life moved on. Even shadows casting on Team 7’s eyes were blurring out, Sakura mentioning her ex-teammate with a somewhat nostalgia instead of bitterness, and Neji found a closer friendship with Naruto as years passed by.
Naruto questioned himself then, the irrational need to work to the bone 24/7, red iris plaguing his dreams sometimes. He was evolving, he was becoming a stronger ninja and yet he always felt that he didn’t reach his full potential. As if his body was waiting for a worthy rival to inspire him.
Team 7 and Team Gai were celebrating together for gaining their chuunin title, as well as Neji’s jounin promotion. Lee and Sakura used this opportunity to reveal that they were dating, shocking them all. They were a cute couple; Naruto figured, so he approached her to drop a quiet confession.
“You know, it’s funny but I used to have a crush on you.” He muttered, sipping his tea.
Sakura stared with wide eyes, before letting out a short chuckle.
“What!” Naruto yowled. “I mean, don’t sell yourself short, you are cute so a lot of boys liked you and I used to be one of them so⏤”
Sakura shook her head, giggling. "No, no, no, I mean...I thought you used to have a crush on Sasuke.”
His jaw dropped to the ground. “What?!”
“Yes, whenever our teams met, you were busier staring at him and trying to get him to fight you than trying to talk with me. So I thought maybe you were into him? Like the typical boy who pull the girl’s pigtails because he likes her. Well, though you two were boys. Was I wrong?”
Naruto was scarlet red to the tip of his hair, mouth still slack, unable to formulate any complete sentence. Sakura’s smile grew more mischievous so he settled to avoid looking at her, wolfing down his plate.
Sakura pursed her lips, sagging on her seat. “Sasuke huh...he’s coming back, you know.”
For a second, the world stood stock still. “What?”
She shrugged, fingers twirling strands of hair. “You heard that right. He wants to go back to Konoha, claiming that he saw the errors of his way. So he traded important information about Sound Village and Orochimaru to regain his citizenship and ninja status in Konoha.”
A silence fell between them as they both took their time to absorb this bout of information. Sakura cheered up once her boyfriend was back with fresh food, but Naruto was lost thinking about all possibilities.
Few days later, Sasuke arrived at the gates, battered and tired, cradling a cloth wrapping with his arms. He was already the main gossip of the town, then the whispers grew exponentially once they confirmed that he was, indeed, holding a little child.
At a tender age of 18, this young man was already a father.
Naruto hid in some corner of a store, glancing surreptitiously as Sasuke strolled through the streets, uncaring to people gawking and muttering around him. The toddler began shuffling, hiccuping. Those small noises soon turned to loud wails that made him stop at once, cradling her close as he made little bounces though this wasn’t enough to calm her down. People made annoyed faces and had quicken their paces, everyone refused to help him out.
Listening to the cries that increased in volume, he bit his lip, taking a deep breath. He emerged from his spot, walking closer to Sasuke who appeared a little frantic.
“Um.” Naruto scratched the back of his head when Sasuke turned to face him with a glare, hands busy while his daughter kept crying. “Maybe you can try putting her body resting over your upper arm, like a tiger resting on a branch.”
Sasuke stared skeptical, despite obeying his suggestion. Her short yowls decreased, breathing becoming more even till she slept in his arms. Needless to say, Sasuke was rather impressed.
“Uh yeah⏤Iruka-toosan sometimes asks me to help him out taking care of children in the daycare center. I got some of those tips.”
Sasuke grunted back, gazing upon his baby.
“So…” Naruto smacked his lips. “Welcome back? Uh, what’s her name?”
Sasuke huffed, placing her head on his left shoulder. “Sarada.”
Naruto held her tiny hand, smiling with a whisper. “Sarada-chan~welcome to Konoha. You’re gonna love living here, meeting auntie Sakura, uncle Neji, Kakashi, me...how old is she?”
Sasuke scrunched up his face, staring downwards. “9 months. I thought...I’d be fine on my own but in the end, we needed⏤” He thinned his lips. “I said too much.” Before Naruto would ask any further question, Sasuke said. “I should get going. Thank you, Naruto.”
Naruto nodded back, watching the brisk steps moving away from him.
Once Sasuke had settled in the old Uchiha compound, Sakura, Neji and Kakashi visited him. They were welcoming, but absent. After all, Sakura was busy in Konoha’s hospital, Kakashi was going to be officially appointed as Konoha’s Hokage, Neji was helping his cousin changing Hyuuga clan’s laws.
There was a significant chasm between Sasuke and other ninjas of his generation, since he was now a father between young adults, and left Konoha while the Rookie Nine nurtured their relationship over the years. He made no effort to draw the bridge too, cooped in his house taking care of his daughter most of the time. And even when the gang would reunite, he was always the last one to arrive, the first to go.
On some occasions Sakura would succeed in convincing him to bring his daughter whenever team Gai and team 7 would gather in her house. Sasuke however, maintained his distance with the crew, aside some quiet conversation with Neji.  
It was almost like living in an old film reel, rolling all over again. Watching Sasuke as a child from afar, craving to reach his hand and talk to him but never building enough courage to do so. They became mere acquaintances, the occasional nod of recognition when they crossed paths, making small talks while Sasuke was nursing Sarada. Soon Naruto became jounin when Sasuke managed the chuunin title, Lee mentioning he and Sakura took care of Sarada while he was doing the exams.
He stared down the porcelain mask while the townspeople cheered the end of Kakashi’s appointed ceremony. Gai stood next to him, and Naruto smiled from his teacher’s happiness emanating from afar. Long time ago, he remembered desiring conquering such coveted position, but nowadays he was content knowing that Kakashi would make a decent Hokage.
(why did he lose so easily his determination to follow his ambitions?)
Kakashi didn’t waste much time in celebration, throwing mission after mission on him, one longer than the other and in some faraway sketchy places. Most those times Naruto could only hear the faint echoes of their sprinting, casting long shadows on the cavernous walls. He was responsible exploding laboratories while Tenten gathered reports, weird shapes submerged in purpleish water.
How bizarre. Sometimes he could swear some of those shapes had some resemblance with Sasuke.
Iruka was like a father to him and he deserved this long vacation after years of tireless tutelage. But still.
Screams. Collisions. Little imps running around all over the place. Those squirmy little brats slithering out of his grasp and making a racket.
Naruto really needed to work in refusing Iruka’s requests, but the older nin was just this damn persuasive.
He spread his clones in every corner of the daycare center, however, it didn’t seem to be enough. The moment the kids understood that his bunshins could pop out with some harder shove, they made their newest game dispelling as many clones as possible.
Yet those kids were old enough to learn basics of ninja skills, so other teachers threw such responsibility on Naruto’s shoulders, considering he had a higher rank. He had a hard time tampering down his strength, why are children such squiggly delicate beings that cried with the littlest wound?
Naruto spent only one day with them and he was already wondering if he would leave this experience unscathed. Nevertheless he summoned every bit of his patience and taught the fundamentals of aiming, giving them the chance to train too.
He heard collective praises and some gasps coming from afar, approaching and noticing the dark haired girl concentrated on her task. Whoa...time surely flies by pretty damn fast. He had forgotten that Sarada was already 5 years old. Naruto snorted when he saw that most shurikens she threw hit the bullseye.
But that wasn’t enough to satisfy her, since she picked all the paper shurikens and threw with renewed zeal. The rest of the kids went away playing on their own, but Sarada remained in training. Heaving tired breaths, she flung another shuriken but this time it flew past the target.
She made a frustrated growl, running to dislodge the weapon that dug deep in the bark of a tree. Naruto heard a concealed hiccup, as Sarada rubbed her eyes with her arm.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, I got this.” Naruto appeared in a blink, quirking a mollifying smile and removed the shuriken with ease. He offered to the young Uchiha, she accepted the weapon with contemplative eyes.
“You’re Lee-san’s friend right?” She realized.
“Sure am! I’m Uzumaki Naruto, it’s nice to see you again Sarada-chan.” Naruto patted her head. “You know, it’s really important to train your skills, but taking a break is also equally as important. Letting your body rest when it’s so tired, so it can grow stronger the next time.”
Sarada pouted, then muttered. “Auntie Sakura told me stories about back when my father was my age. He was a genius, always great with whatever he did, but I’m…”
“Ah yeah your dad...I also remember that he used to train all day and night over and over again. You’ll get as good as him in no time, don’t worry about it.”
“But…” Sarada bit her lower lip, shuffling her feet. “Father once talked to me about the Uchiha clan and how it used to be a very respectable clan and I have to follow their footsteps so⏤”
“Ugh, who cares!” Naruto rolled his eyes. “I think it’s too much that this bastard⏤”
She gasped. “You said a bad word!”
“S-sorry.” He scratched his head. “Anyways, I think it’s unfair to put such heavy duties on your shoulders. Your dad suffered back he was your age, I don’t want you to suffer the same. You should be only Sarada-chan after all right! You’ll make your father proud in your own pace.”  
“You think so?”
“I know so! After all, I’m already proud of you and I’m your teacher, right.” He messed her hair, patting on it.
Sarada stared down her shuriken, thumbs sliding over it. She peeked through her fringes, a rosy blush dusting her cheeks. “Thank you Uzumaki-sensei.”
“Oh, you can call me Naruto.” He grinned.
Her voice pumped with more excitement as she said. “Naruto-sensei!”
On the following days Naruto continued with his ninja classes, juggling between paying attention to all students, focusing on the rowdy ones, teaching those lessons and avoid any kind of catastrophe might ensue. He had found another mounting respect towards Iruka, those kids just can’t be real.
In every class Sarada was the first to complete it with pristine score, dashing next to him with eyes silently asking for his praise.
And praise he did, with words of encouragement and approval, injecting an impressed tone as he ruffled her hair. Every single time this gave her renewed motivation to improve herself. Naruto gazed fondly from afar as Sarada hopped between trees with ease. His entire childhood was consumed by hatred and neglect from adults until he met Iruka, he’d never subject any other kid to such trauma once again.
“Naruto-sensei!” Sarada exclaimed, hugging his arm with a tight grip.
Naruto beamed, patting her hair. He was starting to see the perks of this profession, was this the reason why Iruka continued to be a teacher despite having to take care of these little brats everyday?
A baritone voice chimed from behind. “Ah, I see. Expected nothing less I guess.”
They turned around, facing the familiar piercing dark eyes. Sasuke gazed back in fond amusement.
“So you’re really the Naruto-sensei my daughter kept gushing about all last week.”
Sarada pale cheeks reddened at once. “Father!”
“Alright little one, it’s time to go home.” Sasuke hushed by patting on her back. “Go grab our things ok.” After Sarada obeyed him with a pronounced pout, Sasuke muttered once she was out of the picture. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah…” Naruto rubbed the back of his neck. “You look well I guess.”
“Hn. When Lee told me you’re subbing for Iruka-sensei, I didn’t quite believe at first. I thought you’re a jounin?”
“I am, but Iruka-toosan made me promise that I’d take care of them while he’s on vacation. I thought, well, kids right. I took care of ‘em sometimes, one whole month would be nothing and⏤”
“It’s hell isn’t it?” Sasuke smirked.
Naruto dropped his shoulders at once, a long groan vibrating on his throat. “Totally. I was already dead on the first day.”
Sasuke nodded in agreement. “Sarada thankfully is more helpful than most children. But still, where do they get all this energy?”
“I know right??” Naruto laughed. “They look so small I thought they wouldn’t be much trouble but whoa, did I misjudge on this one.”
Sarada arrived with backpack ready. “I’m back father!”
“Good. Maybe we’ll go eat outside for a change.”
“Oh! You should eat Ichiraku Ramen then, it’s perfect for cold day like today!” Naruto said.
Sasuke shook his head. “You and your Ichiraku Ramen, I remember you used to drag Lee and Tenten to eat at that place.”
“Ichiraku Ramen is the greatest, I was just doing them a favor to acknowledge such fact. There’s no other restaurant that would have such delicious braised pork, a tender yet firm noodles coupled with the rich texture and savory miso broth. It’s the best.”
“If Naruto-sensei said so, maybe we should try it!” Sarada chirped. A lightbulb went off and she added. “Maybe he could go with us!”
Both young men crossed their eyes before deflecting in haste, Naruto cleared his throat as Sasuke thinned his lips. “Naruto-sensei looks pretty tired, maybe we shouldn’t bother him too much Sarada.”
“Oh, she’s not bothering me for sure.” Naruto retorted. “But maybe you want to have some quiet time together with your father, right, Sarada-chan?”
“Father wouldn’t mind if you tag along Naruto-sensei, right?” Sarada pulled out the most pitiful expression she could ever muster, jutting her lower lip. “Right?”
Glancing in between her frantic daughter and the bewildered blue eyes, Sasuke exhaled tiredly. He mumbled under his breath. “Is it ok for you to go with us Naruto?”
“Um, ok. Sure!” He messed with Sarada’s hair when she jumped in joy. “I’m going to ask my favorite Ramen flavor for you Sarada-chan, I’m sure you’re going to love it.”
Despite initial reservations, they maintained a cheerful conversation peppered with Naruto’s booming voice and Sarada’s exclaims while they were walking on the way to the restaurant. This time though, Sasuke appeared to be a more sociable mood, chatting back with occasional grunts, which Naruto didn’t mind with his easy-going nature.
Sasuke insisted paying the bill despite all his protests, explaining that this was a small gesture of gratitude for taking care of his daughter. After waving goodbyes, they went on separate ways, smile playing on both their lips.
“Naruto-sensei is like the sun right!”
Sasuke blinked, head tilted to one side to gawk at her. Sarada linked her fingers together, placing to one side of her cheek as she whispered with a dreamy voice.
“He’s so nice and friendly, full of energy and bright. And when he smiles you just feel happier too, it’s wide and sincere, he makes your mood so much better. I love his hair, it’s golden exactly like the sun and his eyes have such a beautiful shade of blue, I’d never get tired looking at his eyes and⏤” She stopped her diatribe once she noticed her father’s peering eyes. “What?”
Sasuke studied his daughter, before settling with a long sigh.
She wrinkled her nose. “Anyways, as I was saying…”
2nd chapter here
AN: at first I thought that it’d be a one-shot but it got too much material for only a one-shot. So...lol. It’s gonna be a two-shot.
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