#we love our gay mathletes
limalosershq · 3 months
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WELCOME, DEEJAY! OR IS THAT SANTANA LOPEZ? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours, if you need more time just let us know! That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: deejay PROUNOUNS: she/her AGE (21+): 29 TIMEZONE: est ACTIVITY: probably a five out of ten, maybe a six? it's hard to tell with my job because i pretty much work sm. however, i am dedicated to working on being active more and more
NAME: santana lopez FACECLAIM: maia reficco AGE/BIRTHDAY: 21, august 21st GLEE CLUB: the trouble tones SONG CHOICE: back to black by amy whinehouse MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: economics major with a minor in music (junior ) LOCATION: thanks to her parents, santana lives in an off campus apartment OCCUPATION: spotlight diner CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: cheerios, gay-straight alliance, mathletes.
santana acts like a bitch, because she has to. contrary to what she wants you to believe, when she was little she was innocent, kind and the complete opposite of what she is today. people actually didn't call her satan,. even though her parents spoiled her rotten with whatever she wanted, santana always managed to keep herself on the light side. however, when middle school came around and false rumors about her started flowing and spreading like a wild fire and in an instant that innocent child turned into a stone cold bitch. no longer was she going to be ridiculed by others and made fun of behind her back. once she entered high school, the snixx and santana combo people hate to love but love to hate was born. although, don't judge a book by it's bitchy cover because santana might sometimes tend to be heartless if someone manages to not annoy her and get on her good side, she's loyal and dedicated to defending her friends no matter what the cost.
while being famous is something that santana lopez aspires to be, don't think she doesn't a backup plan. she's a realist and knows that her aspirations might not be something that not even she can grab ... that's why she is decided that she was going to at least make her major in economics where she hope could score her a well paying job because if she can't be famous, she could at least use her love for math to good use and make her a little rich.
despite being the daughter of a well renounced dr, santana does try to be humble and not flaunt her family's wealth too much. of course, she does tend to use it a bit to her advantage say for her off campus apartment, nice clothing, etc etc ... she does try to at least show her independence by working at the spotlight diner. it's not enough to get by, but with the tips she tends to get by at least flaunting her hotness tends to help pay some of her bills.
at this particular moment? no and before you get all depressive, i love my life right now. i love where it is heading and i wouldn't change it .. you know all that sappy stuff. however, in the grand scheme of things : it's not on somewhere relaxing on a beach in the tiniest bikini, sipping on a margarita. THAT is much better than being in little lima, ohio.
does it really look like i give two cents about some show choir rivalry? don't get me wrong, snixx loves herself some drama just like the next person, but lets all be real here. it's sooooooooooooo boring when you know the outcome. these other show choirs can sing and dance to their hearts content but no matter what santana lopez always manages to find her way on top and the trouble tones ... well they will just be along for the ride.
a lima loser? you're joking. i'm santana freaking lopez, the hottest person in lima, hell the hottest person anywhere. the last thing i will ever be is a lima loser, unlike some of these idiots around here. see, i have this little thing called talent and much sooner rather than later it will be noticed and i'll be on my way to grab me a piece of fame and fortune. 
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incxrrect-mxlti · 6 years
Boyfriend Material (Marvin)
So I saw this thing that was Kevin x Plastic Reader and I was like "WHAT IF BEFORE THE GIRL PLASTICS THERE WERE GUY PLASTICS" and thus, I formed the idea of Marwan Jitla and two other somewhat popular dudes at North Shore (Shane Oman and Jason Weems) being the Plastics but as dudes. So Shane Oman is definitely the Regina of the group. And Jason Weems is probably like the Karen of the group. So that leaves our sunshine boy Marwan as the Gretchen. Kevin is not really like the Kevin we know and love. Sorry.
Era/AU: It's a year before the plastics take over. So, like 2 years before Cady goes to North Shore.
Ship(s): Marvin duh
TW: Swearing. Kevin uses terrible pick up lines on Marwan. Marwan is a feisty little bitch and he almost breaks Kevin’s fingers.
Edited?: Heck no lol
Lets do this thing.
One day after calculus, Mrs. Norbury approached Marwan. "Marwan? I noticed you failed your last 4 tests, and you have a 67 in my class, is everything okay?" She asked. Marwan nodded. "Yeah, I'll try harder." He said, and tried to walk out. She stopped him. "Are you sure? I could get someone to tutor you." She said. Marwan thought about this. Yes, his grade sucked, and he needed to stay in this class, and his parents were going to be pissed at him if he got below a B.
"That would be great, actually." He said, and smiled. Mrs. Norbury smiled back. "Great! I'll get my best student to do it. I think you're going to like him."
2 Days Later
Marwan was supposed to meet Mrs. Norbury's "best and most favorite student" in the library, but he was already sitting down and there was no one to be seen. This guy was already 10 minutes late, and he wasn't making a good impression.
A bit later, the library doors slammed open and in ran a guy with a stack of books so tall they were covering his face. He walked over to Marwan and dropped the books on a table. "Phew. Those were really heavy. Oh! Hi! You must be Marwan! I'm Kevin." Said a tall boy with glasses. He smiled and waved at Marwan. "I'm sorry I'm late, my presentation of the organ processes and what causes them lasted longer than I thought it was going to. Anyway, it's nice to meet you!" He said, and shook Marwan's hand. He pushed his glasses back so they wouldn't fall off and he sat down and opened a book. Marwan didn't know whether to call him a nerd or pat his shoulder and apologize to him, so he did neither. Instead he smiled back and said, "It's nice to meet you, too!" He wondered if it was even possible to be as Kevin as, well, Kevin.
After a bit, Kevin stopped teaching Marwan math and asked him a question. “So, um, do you like, actually know everything about everybody?" He asked. Marwan laughed. "Not everybody. Just a lot of people. Like, people who Shane doesn't like." Kevin nodded and frowned. "I don't like him." He said under his breath.
"I can hear you." Marwan said. Kevin's eyes widened. "Shoot. Please don't tell him I said that." Marwan smiled. "I won't. Maybe I just won't tell him that you're tutoring me." Kevin smiled back. "Okay. Thank you so much." He said, breathing a sigh of relief. Over the course of the next few weeks, Marwan started to realize something. I mean, he wasn't an idiot. He could tell when people were faking things.
Kevin Gnapoor was faking being a nerd.
He could tell because he saw him after school one day. He didn't have his glasses. Instead he had a leather jacket on. He just looked annoyed. And he was being sarcastic to the boy next to him. And Marwan realized something else. He was faking being a nerd so he didn't look like a threat.
Damn, this boy was good.
So one day at the library he walked up to him and said, "I know your secret." Kevin's eyes widened. "Please don't tell anyone. People tend to leave me when they know I'm gay." He said. Marwan looked shocked. "You're gay?" He asked. Kevin's eyes widened again, and he nodded. "Wait, that wasn't it?" He asked. Marwan laughed. "No. But anyway, I know that this is all just an act so you don't look like a threat. You're not actually a nerd, are you?"
Kevin shrugged. "Kinda. I mean, I wear contacts when I'm not at school. And I really do like math, and I am kind of a nerd. But I guess I'm also kind of an asshole sometimes. And I do wear leather jackets sometimes. Anyway, please just don't tell anyone." Marwan smiled. "I won't. It's kinda cool, anyway." He said. Kevin smiled back. "Thanks. I just don't want anything to happen involving me." Marwan nodded. "I get it. I'm like that too sometimes." Over the next few meets, Marwan noticed something else. Kevin was hitting on him.
With terrible pick up lines.
At first it was subtle, like, "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." But then it turned into, "Hey Marwan, you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material." And then it became "I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?"
Now he was using references to books as his pick up lines. “Hey Mar, guess what?" He said one day, when he walked up to Marwan with a new stack of books. Marwan sighed. "What?" He asked. "Are you sure you're not a Dementor? Because I'm sure I'd die if you kissed me." Said Kevin, trying not to laugh. Marwan laughed so hard he choked on air. "Oh my gosh. That is by far the worst one you've used."
A few minutes later, he struck again. "You must play Quidditch. I know a Keeper when I see one." And then another. "HAVE I BEEN STUNG BY A TRACKER JACKER? BECAUSE I MUST BE HALLUCINATING ALL YOUR PERFECTION." He practically screamed that last one, because he was trying to hard to keep a straight face.
"Kevin?" Marwan asked. "Yeah?" Kevin replied, his eyes bright. “What do I have to do to make you stop using the terrible pick up lines?" He asked. Kevin contemplated this. "Make an A on your next test." He said. Marwan practically spit out his Pumpkin Spice Latte."WhAT?" He asked.
"You heard me. Get and A on your next test and I'll stop hitting on you." Kevin repeated. “I never asked you to stop hitting on me. I just asked you to stop using the terrible pick up lines." Marwan said, inching closer to Kevin. “Oh, so you WANT me to hit on you?" Kevin asked. Marwan felt his face get red. “I never said that." He replied. “You basically just did." Kevin said, grinning. "Kevin, stop being an asshole." Marwan swatted him away. “Right back at you." Kevin did finger guns at Marwan. "Ugh! I hate you!" Marwan said. "No you don't." Kevin replied. "Yes I do!” Marwan half-screamed. "You just told me you don't want me to stop hitting on you!" Kevin also half screamed. "I did not." Marwan said, calmly. "Really?" Kevin asked sarcastically. "I-I don't know, okay?”
"Oh yeah, and now you're going to say you're 'not gay'" Kevin said, making quotation marks in the air. "I'm not!" Marwan full on screamed.
"I can see the pride flag pin on your jacket."
"You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Are you sure?"
"Do it."
"Kiss me."
"Prove you're not gay."
"You know what, fine." Marwan sighed. Except he didn’t kiss Kevin. Instead he grabbed Kevin's hand and bent his finger back so far he almost broke it. "Shit! Why the fuck would you do that?" Asked Kevin. Marwan shrugged. "You were kind of being an asshole." He said. Kevin shrugged and nodded in agreement. "I guess." He grinned. "And I'm still up for that kiss if you ever want it." He said. Marwan laughed. "Keep dreaming."
Marwan got a 92 on his next test.
So he made a decision.
The next day, he marched up to Kevin in the library. Kevin started to say something like “Back again, I see?” but he was cut off. Marwan grabbed his shirt, pulled Kevin toward him, and slammed his lips against his. Kevin's eyes widened, but he kissed back. Marwan wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and he felt Kevin smile against the kiss. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes. Marwan pulled away first, and smiled at him.
Kevin ran a nervous hand through his black hair as his eyes widened again. His face was extremely red. He took a deep breath and said. "Woah. Okay. That just happened. So, uh, I guess you did want that kiss after all." He said, a bit out of breath. Marwan smiled, put his hand on Kevin’s shoulder, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and said, "I guess I did,” inches away from Kevin’s face. Kevin’s face got even redder. Then Marwan walked out of the library, books in hand, and a smug grin on his face.
So, that was my first Tumblr oneshot. I also posted it on Wattpad but I also wanted to try it on here. Hope ya enjoyed!
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the gangsey as things my friends have said
"those bees have balls!"
"the West Virginian mountains could fuck me"
"pack the wife and kids and go watch Mt. St. Helena erupt"
"Just let the fingers have a little dancing fun!"
"He does not need a straw to drink his chair"
"Uranium can't be transuranium... unless it wants to be and that's fine"
"My favorite amusement park: Seven Flags"
"I love the sound of smooth jazz and distant screaming"
"Do you wanna consider the lobster?"
"My elbows need some windshield wipin, if ya know what I mean"
"no, [Blue], I'm not gonna do a line of smarties off of your buttcrack"
"Its time to brush the tiny orange. go to college."
"stop infecting me with your lesbian coldness"
"what the fuck? it's not even whale time!"
"The rectangle and the rhombus fell in love and made a baby named the square and then they eventually commited suicide"
"Blue highlighters will never amount to anything"
"Fine print is for wimps"
"Have fun getting shanked by the bathroom clown"
"If I have a kid their middle name will be dragonfucker2000"
"Just casual arson, I guess"
"Javelin throw [Noah] out the window"
"If you give the baby LSD maybe it'll be happy"
"I wanna see an emu with a gun"
"The waters turning the whales gay. no wonder they're eating our plastic"
"The best way to ask someone's sexuality: what's your favorite flavor of crotch?"
"bikes are causing discrepancies amongst the skeleton mating habits"
"Juice is temporary. Sauce is forever. My brother said that. he's dead now. the juice got him"
"live your best life. eat your own ass"
"facial absorption of math"
"I learned mama, dada, and the distributive property"
"Why am I not making enough good meat hunk sauce???"
"Everyone is just an allele goodwill"
"The shamrock shake gave me ptsd"
"Wait, there are recipes in the bible?"
"Heroine is not a bird"
"We're having a sauce crisis!!!"
"Y is bisexual. Y-sexual. It goes both y-s"
"I need some barbeque sauce to drown my math problems"
"Have a vengeance against the sight reading. This piece killed your father."
"don't upset sister scantron"
"911 YES HEWWO??!?!"
"my sexuality is Nickelodeon slime"
"what, you have boneless water where you live like some fancy person?"
"I don't deserve fingers"
"who tried to assassinate my pear??"
"I want a Graham cracker taped to a rock as my tombstone"
"What flavor is your bus?"
"The city is very city. Very, very cultures."
"I forgot to water my baguette!"
"Trains are just worms!"
"You're just like leech, and I'm just like LEECH"
"How am I supposed to fall on my face if there is no worm?"
"Dying alone, GONG. Now there's a bell in your head."
"Chickens are fine. I don't think they have feelings."
"I shall always be loved for my corn bones"
"Sticks is a spectator sport"
"is the thumb no longer crunchy?"
"tea? Like, slurp slurp???"
"Alright. Lime screaming over"
"Martha Speaks wrote James and the Giant Peach"
"you must have the highest knees"
"My leg is not the Protestant Reformation"
"TV static, yum!"
"I promise I will never call you a beanie bitch"
"Spanish colonists were furries confirmed"
"Its called a prayer circle, dumbass"
"You can't force your granola culture on me!"
"Rainforest won't make you feel bad about yourself"
"I'm just an intern stripper"
"The spinoff of Five Nights at Freddies: Four Nights at a Hotel Somewhere"
 "you put the 'hobo' in 'chobani'"
"What's it called... English? is it English? fuck English"
"keep it in, walrus man"
"You don't tell a lady to keep her spear in the trunk"
"are you an athlete or a mathlete? I'm a bitch"
"this is discrimination against string instrument players and lesbians!!!"
"how do you smoke weed? oh you SMOKE it!"
"Now I'm definitely not voting for you because you stole my tangerine"
"Are you implying that all other spas are run by robots?"
"The sun..... cannot slide"
"Out of all the animals that would dab, the Clydesdale horse is not one of them"
"Thymine is a power bottom"
"Only white people are legally allowed to play ultimate frisbee"
"I wanna get jumped by second graders"
"No! Rice crispies baby daddy!"
"That ladybug is thirsty AF"
"duck shit? that's hot"
"there's a lot more gay popes than I thought"
"government funded orgies"
"I don't know what God tastes like but pussy tastes like good fuckin food"
"remember that thing we did yesterday? yeet the moon"
"hell yeah ladies get on this scarf dick"
"have you ever seen the human centipede?? THAT WOULD BE THE BEST ORAL SEX EVER!!!"
94 notes · View notes
waterloou · 6 years
Pretty Girl
So here’s some gay shit with queenie displaying both Big Dick Energy and Big Dork Energy
Queenie glanced over her shoulder at the petite girl sitting at the desk behind her. She had transferred in halfway through the semester and immediately joined the mathletes. Queenie was thrilled. She’d been eyeing her for weeks.
Maya was a very short human being. She barely reached Queenie’s shoulder, but her lilac afro made up for her height. Her skin was a deep tan, and positively glowed in the sunlight. Her wardrobe consisted mostly of oversized pastel sweaters and black leggings, paired with some kind of boot. Her hazel eyes peeked behind round glasses that took up half of her face, covering the splattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. In short, she was gorgeous. She was very soft spoken and rarely talked, but when she did, her eyes would light up, and her smile shone like a thousand suns. Queenie was in deep.
Maya looked up and caught her looking. Queenie waved and the other girl blushed before waving back and lowering her eyes to her paper.
After the meeting, Queenie waited for her to pack up her things.
“Hey Maya”
“Hey Queenie”
“Do you have anyone to eat lunch with?” Maya shook her head, she had been eating in the library since she had arrived.
“Well, now you do, come with me” she held out her hand.
“Of course” Maya took her hand and the taller girl pulled her out of the classroom.
“We usually eat outside” she grinned back at her before pushing the doors open to the quad.
“QUEENIE! OVER HERE!” a booming voice echoed and Maya looked to see the source. Her eyes widened as she saw a tall teenager with dark hair and a neck tattoo, beconing her friend over.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh, him? Thats sweet pea. Don’t worry, he’s a big teddy bear. Also, if he gives you any problems, I can rough him up if I need to- oy! Make room boys!” she hip checked the taller serpent out of the way before pulling the shorter girl to sit next to her.
“This is Maya, she’s in the mathletes with me” a chorus of various greetings met her.
“Maya, this is Fangs, Sweet Pea, Toni, and Cheryl” she introduced the table and Maya waved, before realizing Queenie was still holding onto her hand.
“Um, Queenie I need to-” she pulled slightly, Queenie let go.
“Woops, sorry, almost forgot” she shot her a wink before turning to the rest of the table to gab about her day. Sweet Pea sat next to the smaller girl and held out his hand.
“Nice to meet you” Maya took his hand and craned her neck up to see his face, his hand nearly engulfed hers, and shook it.
“You as well” she let go, and got out her lunch. Sweet Pea reached across her to snatch two cookies from Queenie’s bag and held a finger to his lips as he did so. Queenie whipped her head around and smacked his hand.
“Give them back” he shoved one in his mouth before giving the other one to Fangs.
“Fangsy” Fangs handed her the cookie back.
“Want it?” she offered it to Maya.
“I’m good, thank you”
“Might wanna keep an eye on your sweets, or this one might snatch them up” she nodded her head in Sweet Pea’s direction. Maya opened her lunch to see her candy missing and turned to the other boy. He sighed and pulled the butterfinger out of his pocket before giving it to her.
“Oi, don’t give her a reason to not sit with us” Queenie whacked his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and fished another one of Queenie’s cookies out of his pocket to eat.
“So Queenie, have a new addition to your love fest?” Sweet Pea teased as they got out of school.
“Maya? Damn I hope so” he chuckled
“Oh come on, you had the charm turned up to an 11 missy” Fangs poked her in the side. Queenie giggled and batted him away.
“You caught me there. I guess. You think she’s into me?”
“She followed you like a puppy, she’s already smitten, I can tell. Besides, you’re irresistible to all” he reached up to pinch her cheek.
“I mean I guess,” she batted his hand away
“You’re being too modest and you know it.” Queenie shrugged.
“I guess so” 
After a week of hanging together, Queenie pulled Maya aside after class.
“Wanna come with me to Biorgs after school? They have a used bookstore in it, its fun”
“Yeah, I’d like that”
“Great, I’m driving, see ya then!” Queenie winked before rushing away to her next class.
Queenie walked out of the school to see Maya on the steps, headphones on. She slid down the holding bar and landed in front of the other girl. Maya looked up and beamed.
“Ready?” Maya took off her headphones.
“Lets go!” She took her hand and pulled her to her truck.
“Here, let me help you up, its a bit of a hop up” Queenie opened the passenger door and held out her hand.
“Oh, thanks” Maya took her hand before stepping up on the step before hauling herself in.
“All situated?” Maya nodded, and Queenie shut the door. To get the other side, she jumped and slid over the hood before jumping off and opening the driver’s door.
“You could have walked around”
“And ruin the fun?” Queenie flashed her a grin before shutting the door and buckling up.
“Apologies in advance for my driving. I go fast”
“How fast is-” Maya cut herself off as Queenie peeled out of the parking lot. She held onto the door handle until they arrived in the parking lot of the cafe.
“We’re here-you ok?” Queenie turned to see Maya white knuckling the door and wide-eyed.
“I did apologize in advance”
“Its ok”
“You want a minute?” Maya nodded, and Queenie hopped out.
A minute later, Queenie gently opened the door with an apologetic expression.
“Sorry. You can drive us back if you want?” she pried the other girl’s hand off the door and helped her down.
“No” Maya regained herself, “just wasn’t expecting that fast” Queenie nodded, before shutting the door and leading the other teen inside.
Once they were situated with their treats, coffee, and books, they settled at a table outside.
“So, what did you end up picking out?” Queenie peered over at the open book in front of Maya.
“Origin of Species”
“Nice pick, I’m impressed.”
“What did you pick up?” Queenie held up a book that read ‘all about dinosaurs!’
“Dinosaurs?” the taller girl shrugged
“I love me a good historical vertebrate” Maya giggled and took a sip of her coffee.
They chatted, drank, and read until the sun started to disappear from the horizon.
“It’s getting late, want me to drive you back?”
“I take the bus, so maybe just drop me off at the stop?” Queenie thought.
“Where do you live? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“Just on the border between North and South side.”
“Let me drive you home. It’s not that safe around that area at night.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be too much trou-”
“Nah, its ok! I’m heading there anyway and it would make me feel a lot better knowing you got home safe.” she squeezed her hand before getting up to throw their trash away.
She drove her home, making sure to go slower than normal. Maya directed her towards the house.
“Oh, I live literally three blocks away!”
“Yeah! Need a ride tomorrow morning?”
“It wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
“Nah, I already drive two boys to school, another person isn’t gonna hurt. Here” she pulled out a slip of paper and wrote a number on it.
“Here’s my number. I’ll pick you up at 7?” Maya nodded, and Queenie grinned.
“Great.” she hopped out herself and walked the other girl to the door.
“Night” she kissed her hand and squeezed before walking back to her car, stopping only to throw a wink over her shoulder before rounding the other side to get to the driver’s seat.
“Sweet Pea, get in the back.”
“Why? I don’t have any room back there”
“We’re picking up Maya, you’ll make room”
“Keep it in your pants, Abrejo”
“That’s the opposite of what I’m doing. Wesley” he scowled, but hopped in next to Fangs, squished and brooding. Fangs just smiled and snuggled up to the taller boy.
“Makes cuddlin a WHOLE lot easier though” that got a small smile out of Sweet Pea before the scowl was back.
“Cut it out before we get to Maya’s”
“She still wants to ride with you after riding with hot wheels?”
“You two do it”
“That’s because Bertha is out of commission” Fangs whined and turned to Sweet Pea.
“I told you duct tape wouldn’t solve that”
“I work on bikes, not cars. I was the wrong person to ask and you knew it”
They soon arrived at Maya’s and the girl came out, wearing a nicer outfit than usual, and her hair half up in space buns.
“You’re drooling”
“Am not”
“Might as well be” she shoved Sweet Pea before hopping out and helping the shorter girl inside. She tried to do the hood thing but stumbled on her way down, nearly eating shit before catching herself. Sweet Pea and Fangs burst out into laughter.
“Caps you good?”
“Shut it” her cheeks were blazing as Maya stifled a giggle behind her hand.
“So Maya” Fangs started, leaning forward as the Queenie sped off to school.
“How are you dealing with our lady driver’s speed?” he pointed towards the hands that were gripping onto the seat. She didn’t answer.
“Yo caps! Slow down you’re being chased by the cops!” Sweet Pea yelled.
“I am right here, no need to yell, geez” she slowed down to a reasonable speed, and Maya relaxed.
“You should ride with us more often” Sweet Pea said, “She never usually listens”
“That’s because you’re usually an asswipe about it”
“No! Thats because yo-FUCK YOU!” Queenie hit a bump that caused Sweet Pea to knock his head against the ceiling.
Once they got to the school, Queenie helped Maya out and nearly shut the door on her other two friends.
“Watch it Abrejo!”
“Sorry Sweets!”
“Oh I bet you are” he grumbled, getting out before helping Fangs out. He stretched his long legs and caught up to the other two girls, slinging an arm over Queenie’s shoulder.
“So are you giving us a ride back today or do you have soccer?”
“Sorry boys. Soccer. Might wanna ask Scar if he can give you a ride. Or you can wait until I’m done.”
“His jeep doesn’t have doors”
“No one’s fallen out yet!”
“We’ll wait”
“I’ll wait”
“Ok then”
After school, Fangs caught up with Maya.
“Hey! Maya, right?”
“Wanna watch Queenie at soccer practice? Sweets and I are gonna sit in the bleachers.” he jabbed his thumb back at the taller serpent approaching. She nodded and he smiled.
“Great, come on! We’ll show you around!” he slung an arm over her shoulder and guided them to the field.
Queenie was stretching for practice, when she heard a hollar from the bleachers. She looked up to see Sweets, Fangs, and Maya. She beamed up at them and waved excitedly. Practice better be good today.
During practice, Queenie kept glancing up towards the bleachers, the three students showing varying levels of interest. Maya was leaning forward, elbows on her knees with the utmost attention. When they made eye contact, Queenie waved and winked, causing the other to glance down for a second, trying to hide a smile.
Once practice was over, Queenie jogged up to the other three.
“You smell gross”
“You are gross-shove off I need to take a shower-Maya, could I talk to you for a second?” the other boys stayed, “ALONE” the two rolled their eyes and walked down the steps. Once they were out of earshot, Queenie turned back to the other girl.
“They didn’t give you too much trouble, did they?” she shook her head.
“No, not at all. Really nice, actually. Sweet Pea even gave me some candy”
“Oh?” Queenie quirked a brow and spared a glance at the other serpent, currently play fighting with the shorter boy.
“Yeah! He pulled out a little box and told me to pick one”
“He shared his stash?”
“Long story, but wow-didn’t think he had it in him,” she paused, “Anyway…you wanna go to pop’s tonight? My treat” Maya nodded, and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Queenie’s ear.
“Sounds good to me” she smiled, her dimples showing. When did she have dimples? They were cute. Maya’s hand still rested on her cheek before she leaned in to kiss her other cheek.
“We’ll be waiting.” Queenie grinned wildly and rushed down the stairs, nearly barreling into the two tussling boys.
After she dropped the guys off, she drove the other girl to pop’s, where they ordered their food and sat down.
“So” Maya beamed at her and Queenie rested her fingertips on the other girl’s.
“How was your day?”
“Good, and yours?”
“Excellent. At least it is now” Maya giggled and ducked her head down, her fingers sliding forward under Queenies, so they were interlaced.
“Mine too”
Once they got their food, they talked about the day, the weather, really anything that came to mind. Queenie held her hand even when eating, when Maya pointed out that it wasn’t practical, she waved her off and winked before shoving a fry into her mouth.
After they finished off and paid, Queenie drove her home. As they pulled up to Maya’s house, the girl turned to the serpent.
“I had a really great time tonight”
“Me too” their grins matched. Maya paused for a moment, before leaning forward to press her lips gently against the other girl’s. Queenie reacted quickly, kissing back. It was sweet and made both of their lips tingle. Maya pulled back to see the other girl looking at her adoringly and had to give her another quick kiss before she opened her door and hopped out, unable to hide her wide smile.
“Thanks again”
“Anytime” Queenie gave her a wave before the other girl closed the door, and walked to her door. Once Maya had gone inside, Queenie leaned her head back, and her face broke out in a cheek splitting grin.
“Wow” she breathed.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
The Plastics: Phase 2
(Phase 1 - part 1, part 2)
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart!” Roman was looming over the sink, trying his best not to stare at his boyfriend.
His very much shirtless boyfriend.
Roman knew how much Virgil loved his 7-Eleven slurpees. (Part of him liked the fact that his boyfriend was a less-homicidal version of JD.) But sadly, so did Remy. So when Remy told Roman to throw Virgil’s slurpee at him... he couldn’t argue against that.
It was Remy, after all.
But he isn’t going to complain about his boyfriend being shirtless.
“It’s perfectly fine, it was just a slurpee.” Virgil gave Roman a smile that he would never be caught, dead or alive, giving to anyone. “Just... do you have a spare shirt?”
“Do you mind that it’s Wednesday?”
Having lunch with the Plastics was like leaving the real world and entering “Popular World”. And Popular World had a lot of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row,” Roman told me. “And we only wear track pants on Fridays.”
Well... let’s consider the issue with the statement. That day, both Remy and Roman were wearing jeans. Remy’s blue, and Roman’s white. Their shirts were pink, though.
And Emile... yeah. He was in a skirt.
“I mean, not just you. Like, any of us. Okay, like, if I was wearing track pants today, I would be sitting over there with the drama kids.” Emile started giggling. “You think this is a joke? Drama club is not a joke.”
“We know, Roman.”
“Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group.” Understandable. “Well, I mean, you wouldn’t buy clothes without asking your friends first if they look good on you.”
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right. Oh, and it’s the same with guys.” I think this was when Roman’s leg started jumping. “Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
And then Roman looked at Virgil. Who was playing with a pair of aviators. Well... if I had to guess...
“A hundred and twenty calories, and forty-eight calories from fat...” So Remy could read labels. Nice. “What percent is that?”
“Forty-eight into one-twenty...?”
“I’m only eating foods with less than 30% calories from fat.”
“It’s 40%.” The confused looks I got from Remy and Roman were... weird. Let’s call them weird. “Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X.”
“...whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.”
Sure, Remy. Sure.
As soon as Remy got away, though... Roman started talking. “So, have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet?”
“We’re all gay here,” Emile said. I think to himself. I hope to himself.
“Well...” Better be honest. “There’s this guy in my calculus class-”
“Who is it?”
“It’s a senior?” Yes, Roman. It’s a senior.
“His name’s Patton Graham.”
If I had to compare this moment to anything... it would probably be a bomb drop. Roman started a chorus of “no”s, with Emile joining in every now and again.
“Oh no, you can’t like Patton Graham!”
The literal angel descended from heaven to grace this world with his beauty and overall being? Sure. Why? Can you explain why, Roman? Huh? You wanna try an explanation, bitch?
“That’s Remy’s ex-boyfriend.”
“They went out for a year.” Thankfully, this was said by Emile. Roman’s voice was starting to annoy me.
“Yeah.” And... we’re back. “And he was devastated when Patton broke up with him last summer.”
“I thought he dumped him for Ollie Hendricks.”
“Okay, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends. I mean, that’s just, like... the rules of feminism. Or something.”
I swear I heard Virgil snort.
“Don’t worry. I’ll never tell Remy what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
I seriously doubted it.
“We define the sum of the infinite geometric series...”
Even though I wasn’t allowed to like Patton, I was still allowed to look at him. And think about him. And talk to him.
“Hey, Pat-”
“Hey, you’re the Africa guy, right?” A guy (who, to be fair, looks like a top hat would just fit him perfectly, he’s just that kind of creepy) asked me. As I was going to talk to Patton.
Rude much?
“I’m Dorian Pechmann, captain of the North Shore Mathletes. We participate in math challenges against other high schools around the state, and we’re missing a member. You should think about joining.”
“Oh, you’d be perfect for it!” Our teacher - Ms. Torres - jumped in.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Great, great. Let me give you my card!”
This guy has a card...?
‘Dorian Pechmann - Math Enthusiast/Bad-ass M.C.’
It even includes his phone number. Lovely.
“Okay, so... think it over. Cause we’d like to actually compete this year.”
Patton actually almost talked to me later that day, if only Remy didn’t pull up near the football field and screamed “get in, loser, we’re going shopping!”
Remy is like the Barbie doll I never had. I’d never seen anybody so glamorous.
“So how do you like North Shore?” Emile asked me in the mall.
“It’s good. I think I’m joining the mathletes.”
And again with the booming chorus of no.
“You cannot do that,” Remy said. Incredibly harsh for a valley girl. “This is social suicide. Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you!”
And then Roman spaced out. And I could see why. Over in the shop we were passing...
There was Virgil.
I was starting to suspect more and more.
Being at Old Orchard Mall kind of reminded me of being home in Africa. By the watering hole. When the animals are in heat.
“Oh my god there’s Jason!”
“Where? ...oh, there he is.”
“And he’s with Taylor Wedell!”
Remember Jason? From the cafeteria? Yeah. The poor person he was now picking up...
Was a girl.
“I heard they’re going out.”
“Wait...” Remy’s smirk grew into a vicious smile. If we can call it that. “Jason’s not going out with Taylor. No. He cannot blow you off like that. He’s such a little skeez. Give me your phone.”
“You’re not gonna call him... right?”
“Do you think I’m an idiot?”
It took Remy exactly three seconds to dial up a number - how exactly? - and ask for “Wedell on South Boulevard.”
“Caller ID-”
“Not when you connect from Information.” And then, “Hello, may I please speak to Taylor Wedell?”
I swear his voice became more feminine when he said that.
“Oh, this is Susan from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could have her give me a call as soon as she can. It’s urgent. Thank you!”
And then, “she’s not going out with anyone.”
“Okay,” Roman said, finally smiling. “That was so fetch!”
It took just a couple seconds after that for Taylor Wedell to run away screaming.
Remy’s house was bigger than I have ever known a house to be. His step-mom was incredibly plastic-y, like a tv trophy wife or something, and his sister - oh god, his sister! His poor, sweet, innocent preteen sister - was watching MTV.
I honestly don’t think the content was entirely age appropriate.
His step-mom also offered us drinks that could have passed for alcoholic, which was even more worrying for a second.
But his room...
“It was my parents’ room,” Remy told me. “But I made them trade me.”
Even worse, bitch who flaunts around his ex-boyfriends. Like all the pictures of Patton he has hanging on his door.
“Logan, do you even know who sings this?” Remy asked me about the music that was playing on the radio.
“Umm... One Direction?”
“Oh my god, I love him! He’s like a Martian!”
Is that a... compliment...?
“God, my hips are huge!” Emile was checking himself out in the mirror... why?
Is that what friends do...? Gay people as a whole...? What?
“Oh please, I hate my calves.” Something about Roman’s tone sounded incredibly fake.
“At least you guys don’t have huge shoulders.”
I used to think there was just fat and skinny. Apparently, there’s a lot of things that can be wrong about your body.
And so, after listing about eleven hundred things that are wrong about their bodies, they turned to me. Expected me to talk.
Well... “I have really bad breath in the morning.”
And then, “Oh my god, I remember this!” Emile was holding a pink album.
‘The Burn Book.’
“I haven’t looked at that in forever! Come check it out, Logan!”
“It’s our Burn Book,” Roman told me. “See, we cut out pictures of people from the yearbook, mostly girls, sometimes also guys, and then we wrote comments.”
“Trang Pak is a grotsky little bitch.” “Still true!”
“Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin.” “Still half true!”
“Amber d’Alessio masturbated with a hot dog.”
“Virgil Thompson,” Emile read out. “Stoner.”
Wait, what?
“Who is that?”
“I think it’s that kid Thomas,” Roman said. His voice still sounded... well, off.
“Yeah. He’s almost too gay to function.”
“Ha, that’s funny! Put that in there.”
Oh no. What have I done. Maybe that was only okay when Virgil said it.
“And they have this book, this Burn Book, where they write mean things about a lot of people in our grade.”
Virgil looked incredibly enthusiastic. Maybe a bit too much for the situation.
“What does it say about me?”
That you’re a stoner. “You’re not in it.”
“Those assholes.” He seemed to enjoy it far too much.
“Will this minimize my pores?” Thomas was holding a tube of... whatever cream that was.
“No. Logan, you gotta steal that book.”
“No way!”
“Oh, come on! We could publish it and then everybody would see what a dick he really is!”
“I don’t steal.”
“That is for your feet!” Virgil literally snatched the new cream from Thomas’ hands the second he brought it up. “Logan, there are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff, and people who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”
“Does that mean I’m morally obligated to burn that lady’s outfit?”
Thomas really shouldn’t have said that, probably.
“Oh my god, that’s Ms. Torres.”
“I love seeing teachers outside of school! It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs!”
“Oh, hey, guys,” Ms. Torres called as she came to the counter. “What’s up? I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, moderately priced soaps are my calling.”
“You shopping?”
“No, no. I’m just here with my boyfriend.” Yeah... literally the only other customer in the shop. “Joking. Sometimes older people make jokes.”
“My nana takes her wig off when she’s drunk.”
“Your nana and I have that in common,” she deadpanned. “No, actually I’m just here because I bartend a couple nights a week down at P.J. Calamity’s. Logan, I hope you do join Mathletes, you know. Because we start in a couple weeks.”
“I think I’m gonna do it.”
“You can’t join Mathletes, it’s social suicide!” Thomas rushed to say.
“Thanks, Thomas.” And then, “well... this has been sufficiently awkward. And I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Oh man, that is bleak,” Virgil sighed when Ms. Torres left. “So, when are you gonna see Remy again?”
“I can’t spy on him anymore. It’s weird.”
“Come on, he’s never gonna find out! It’s just... it’ll be like our little secret!”
Okay then...
Tag list:
@broadwaytheanimatedseries @anony-phangirl @itsthemoooooooooon @whatwashernameagain @illmamnim @anotherfanboyonline @illogical-anxieties @allsortsofgeekery @ask-m423 @samwantstobereal @creepy-crawly-death-dealer @nepturanus-thy-planet @impatentpending @pheo742 @the-randomest-ofthe-fandomest @fanderily @tripleaaace @jokesequaljoker
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limalosershq · 3 months
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WELCOME, ABBY! OR IS THAT TINA COHEN-CHANG? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours, if you need more time just let us know! That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: abby  PROUNOUNS: she/her  AGE (21+): 28  TIMEZONE: est  ACTIVITY: 7-8/10.
NAME: tina cohen-chang  FACECLAIM: park sooyoung  AGE/BIRTHDAY: 21, september 20th  GLEE CLUB: new directions  SONG CHOICE: dolls by bella poarch  MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: performing arts / junior  LOCATION: on campus, in the dorms  OCCUPATION: Tina works part-time as a cashier at Hot Topic in the North Hills Mall in Lima, Ohio  CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: drama club, film club, gay-straight alliance, mathletes
for the majority of her life, tina had gone by unnoticed by her peers. she felt unseen, like she was a ghost walking among them, watching from the outside as everyone else lived their lives. it wasn’t until she joined glee club her freshman year of college that she really started to feel like she’d come into view for the first time, and realized that, when she actually opened up, people wanted to get to know her.
though she’s been fortunate enough to find some really great friends, tina’s luck perpetually seems to be in low supply. for some reason, whether it’s in her love life, on stage, or just in general, misfortune seems to follow her around. it’s something she tries to cope with as much as she can, but there are times where she feels like she wants to just burst into tears because of it all (…and more often than not, does).
it’s not something a lot of people would guess about her, considering her usual, rather quiet demeanor, but tina is a big gossip. she’s always listening, using her powers of being unseen to overhear things she probably shouldn’t, and occasionally spreading along those bits of information to her closest friends. it’s a bad habit, she knows, but she simply can’t resist the urge.
honestly, though it might not seem like it to some people, because i know i still have a good way to go, i think i’m doing a lot better than i expected. i have friends, i no longer feel the need to fake a stutter just to get out of talking to anyone, and i even had a pretty big role in the spring musical last year. it’s not much, i guess, but to me it is. i’ve come out of my shell a lot more than i thought was really possible, and day by day i’m coming out even more. maybe by graduation i’ll be totally out of that thing.
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it’s a little intense, and, i’m going to be honest, i don’t totally get why it’s all so vicious. don’t get me wrong, i can be competitive, and i like to win, but i think that all the fighting and dramatics just get in the way of focusing on what we’re supposed to be doing.
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i think if you’d asked me this a year or two ago, i might have said yes, but not anymore. maybe my light doesn’t shine as bright as some of my teammates, but that doesn’t mean it the flame isn’t flickering. i want to be a performer. on broadway, in hollywood, or madison square garden, i’m not totally sure which just yet, but i want to be somebody. someone worthy of applause.
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incxrrect-mxlti · 6 years
Marwan: I love you
Kevin: I love me too
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