#we know that he has pouches. he is being a dick.
sciderman · 11 months
Am i the only one always kinda anoyed at the "i don't carry wallet with me, ruins the lines of my suit" joke from Deadpool 1 for the simple reason of missing a great set-uo for a belt pouches joke?
i always thought the joke was a dickish excuse for wade to get away without paying when he very clearly has pouches with which he can very easily carry a wallet - classic "i am a dick" behaviour from wade wilson, my favourite dick
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Check Yes (to go on a date with a dead guy)
Chapter 1
The expectant smiles froze on his siblings’ faces.
Jason blinked, still shaking off the disorientation of the green twisting blur that always came when he took his turn with tHe RitUaL. “What?” he said. It came out defensive. Usually they were all laughing by this point.
Dick reached out and took the post-it off his forehead. “We may have misunderstood this sacrificial thing.” He frowned at the note.
Jason tore it away and flipped it around to read it.
“...Please stop the bridal sacrifices,” he read, voice instantly trembling with the need to laugh. Holy shit. “Proposal is kinda forward. But if you really want, I’d totally go on a date with you. Check yes or no. Danny.” There were two smiley faces after the name and a scribbled drawing of a human looking guy with tall hair.
The batcave was in total, mortified silence. The ritual that had become their pre-patrol goof-off activity of choice had maybe… maybe been a mistake?
“I’m kinda hurt,” Dick broke the silence. “I’m marriageable. I’m a catch, even.” He was joking, but Jason was pretty sure that it wasn’t totally baseless. Who would look at Dick and then choose Jason, of all the people?
Stephanie snorted. “It’s probably your reputation as Ritchie Rich,” she soothed. “I’m sure if this… is it the same guy every time?” She blinked, clearly distracted from her original thought. “Have we all been proposing to Danny day after day?” She wondered. She started counting on her fingers.
“Twice last week,” Tim said thoughtfully. “I proposed to him twice last week.” A line formed between his brows. “I should probably tell Bernard, huh?”
“We must communicate with whoever this Danny is,” Damian said immediately. “If this realm possesses both animal life that resembles our fauna and sentient beings capable of the bad judgment necessary to select Todd as a suitor over Richard, we must know more.”
Jason made a face at Damian and flipped him off, but didn’t disagree. “How is this supposed to work?” He waved the post-it. That did imply some modernity, at least. They were communicating with someone who had stationary. “If I was going to check it, would he know what I picked? Or would I have to– should be bride sacrifice a notebook back and forth?”
“A notebook,” Tim said scathingly. “We can do better than that. A communicator, a phone.”
“Who says Danny has signal, dingbat,” Jason shot back. “He’s probably out of the service area.”
Cass took the paper out of his hand and peered at it. “Yes or no,” she asked, cutting off the disagreement before it could get heated.
He didn’t have to think about it. “Yes,” Jason said, mischief in every line of his body. “I gotta see where this is going. We should at least meet the guy.”
“He said you were tempting!” Dick gasped. He grabbed Jason by the arm and clung on. “Remember? The first time? You’re his type!”
Damian made a ‘gross’ face, features scrunched up like an unhappy cat. Stephanie ‘ooooed’ like she was watching a wrestling match. Cass merely looked thoughtful.
Jason shook his annoying brother off and kept him at a distance with a palm on Dick’s forehead.
“Oooh, the void boy has a crush on you,” Stephanie teased. “You’d be such a beautiful bride, Jason.” She didn’t react to Cass reaching into her hip pouch and withdrawing a sparkly purple pen. Jason loftily ignored Stephanie and watched Cass carefully check YES.
The note disappeared. Cass looked at her empty hand. She flicked the pen between her fingers. Her brow scrunched up.
“Shit!” Jason cursed. “Did-”
The group broke out into an explosion of excited sound.
A throat cleared from the stairs. “Kids?”
Batman stood there, wearing wary suspicion and most of his patrol outfit. He was under the impression that they had agreed to stop sacrificing each other to the green void.
“She took my pen,” Stephanie wailed, instantly switching tracks. Cass backflipped away three times and then leapt directly upwards into the rafters, waiving the purple pen tauntingly. Stephanie chased after her.
“Jason won’t let me hug him,” Dick tattletailed. He lunged to grab at Jason. Jason dodged on reflex and threw himself into the scuffle.
“I need to call Bernard.” Tim turned and outright left the Batcave. “I’ll be about five minutes late for patrol, B.”
Bruce watched this chaos with bewildered eyes. “...We leave in ten,” he said, and visibly gave up.
The date, when it came, was a fuckin surprise to Jason. He was minding his own business compiling a report on everything the Two-Facers had done last week. (There was a surprising amount of bureaucratic process involved in making yourself the judge, jury, and executioner of people who sucked.)
And then there was a violently green hole in his wall. “Huh,” Jason said, leaning back in his chair. He pulled the handgun out of his desk drawer and cocked it at the portal. “Not sure I care for that.”
“Thanks, wolf,” came a warbled and nonsensical reply. Jason turned off the safety.
His brow furrowed. “What?”
The portal flashed white and it closed. He was lifting his gun to point at the man now standing in his apartment before he’d actually processed that someone had come through. This guy moved fast.
“This is where you live?” The other man was peering around Jason’s apartment. He seemed politely interested at best, and, Jason felt, much less concerned by the gun than he should have been. “I heard bats before. I thought there would be more bats.” His tone was disappointed. He looked at Jason and then flinched his palms out and up, as if he thought he might have come off rude. “Not that you need bats! Or that I’m disappointed by the lack of bats in your decor. In fact you have wonderful, uh, curtains.” He very obviously named the first thing that he saw. He pretended to be fascinated by them. “The red sure is a choice.”
Jason snorted.
“A great choice! I’m not criticizing your home. It’s great.”
Jason realized that if he didn’t say anything to save him, Danny was going to ramble himself into a verbal corner and slink out of the dimension to escape his obvious embarrassment.
“...You hair looks just like in the picture you drew,” Jason said. He put the safety back on. “Hello, Danny.” The name tasted odd in his mouth. It twas just a little pedestrian for the other man– no, teenager, the other teenager.
Danny looked young. No wonder he’d thrown Dic back like the wrong fish.
Jason felt a little less smug about having been the one chosen. Maybe he was just the most age appropriate candidate, not Danny’s type. Timmers was only two years younger, sure, but he was petite enough that it was a little ambiguous.
Danny turned away from Jason’s window and beamed up at him like that was the greated compliment he could have ever received. “I don’t actually have your name! Which is funny, since you kept manifesting in my house.”
God help him, Danny was cute. Jason reached out a hand. “Jason.”
Danny looked at his outstretched hand and then back to his eyes. He blinked. “Are- oh!” He flushed green and his hand shot out to meet Jason’s in what was very clearly the first handshake of his life.
It was a struggle not to laugh. He didn’t wanna make Danny feel bad so he held it in. There was a helpful distraction in that Danny was fascinating to the touch. It didn’t feel like he was touching a human hand. First off, the hand was about the temperature of butter straight from the fridge. Secondly, somehow the physical contact made Jason taste mint in his mouth.
But really, it just… it didn’t feel like human skin. It was too smooth. There was a raised line from a scar, but the texture was as if all the wrinkles and pores of human skin had been polished off. Like if you held the hand of a marble statue and it was somehow also soft.
Jason pulled his hand away before he could wonder too much if that supernatural smoothness extended elsewhere. Ah. Too late. He flushed a little red, even though the only exposed skin was Danny’s hands and face. “So you’re here to uh, set up a date?” he offered.
Danny blinked at him. “Are you busy now? I was thinking now.”
…He was sort of busy. Jason closed his notebooks, only now concerned that Danny might have seen extremely sensitive information. “Nope,” he lied, attention catching on Danny’s freckles. Something about them was pinging as relevant. Was there a pattern? They weren’t symmetrical or anything. Were they fake?
Danny beamed and - he floated up a few inches in his excitement. Holy hell that was cute. “Great!” he enthused. “Should we go to your place or to mine?”
Jason turned violently red. “We are already in my place.” His voice came out tight. He- he hadn’t meant that. That was not a first date activity for him.
It took a few seconds for the penny to drop. “Go out in your city or go to the Ghost Zone!” Danny waved his hands frantically. “I’m not being a creep I swear! I mean, we are kind of spiritually engaged but I’m also engaged to– are those people your friends and family?” He was outright horrified. “Oh my GOD, I’m-”
“I would love to take you out around town, but you’ll stand out,” Jason interrupted. He couldn’t hold back the smile. “We can make it work, though. Thoughts on hats and glowing less?”
“Oh, that’s easy.” Danny twitched his hands outward in a motion he probably didn’t even know he was doing. There was another flash of white light that crawled up and down his body.
And Danny one was gone. Danny two stood in Jason’s apartment with dark hair, patched jeans, and a loose t-shirt that hid the musculature his jumpsuit had displayed. He had a full palette switch of his eyes and skin tone as well.
He was obviously the same guy. He just felt more down to earth now.
“Useful,” Jason said, and tugged at his snow-white forelock. “Think you could teach me to change my hair like that?” He was only half joking. It was the bane of his existence when he needed to go undercover. It was too distinctive.
“No, but Doctor Frostbite might be able to sort that out for you,” Danny replied absently.
Jason grimaced instinctively. He knew way too many gimmicky villains to want to do to someone called Doctor Frostbite. “That sounds like the name of a B-tier villain with blue hair.”
Danny paused and clearly contemplated it. “That’s Ember, actually,” which made no branding sense because the word ember evoked warm colors. “Lead the way!” He bounced on his heels, which Jason guessed was his human form equivalent to floating up.
Jason cleared his throat. “I, uh, am gonna want to change.”
For the first time, Danny really looked him up and down and realized that he was wearing a white sleeveless undershirt and black boxers. Jason waited patiently as Danny went through all the stages of grief and social mortification. That didn’t stop Danny’s eyes from followed Jason’s bare arms when he casually lifted one and flexed a little, rubbing at the back of his head. Ha. Eat that, Dick.
“I’m going to go drown myself,” Danny said, now violently pink. Huh, even blushing for a color change. “Can I use your restroom?”
“Stay alive enough to pick between Korean or Mexican,” Jason advised. “I’ll be right back. Should I find you a coat?” He didn’t wait for an answer, frowning at Danny’s bare arms. “I’m gonna find you a coat.” He was already on the way to his bedroom. “It’s freezing out.”
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poppy-metal · 4 months
Bro patrick is def a mocking/degradtion/asshole fn. like im just thinking of him sitting down, manspread, head lazily lulled to the side with that dumbass smirk. He still has his boxers on instructing you, move by move. "go ahead and take off my boxers." And if you did it too hastily he'd make you do it all over again.
He'd tut at you for gagging on his cock when its "not even all the way in"
He laughs at you when youre all teary-eyed with all of his fluids on your face out of breath. "Awe, you're all out of breath? womp womp. Go. deeper."
he'd mock you while youre breathlessly pleading for him to stop hitting that gummy part inside of you over, and over again. "what? you want me to whattt? I didnt hear you." he smirks
"pl..please stop...pa..patrick please.."
"oh! ohhhhh ok. 'Patrick stopppp..Patrick pleaseeee" He laughs. "patrick please stop what? tell me what you want i might stop." He hisses every last pound harder and slower.
"cmon and lick the sweat off my balls." he'd order you after practice, Hands holding his cock back so you wouldnt miss one spot.
omfg we all know pat is a FREAKKKKKKKKK like i ust know he loves that nasty shit. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
womp womp LMAOO
love how we're all brought together by the thought of patrick zweig brutalizing our throats <33 just absolutely disrespectful about it - and you can't fault him because you love it just as much, he's not some shitty guy who's shoving your head down when you dont want him too, no, you'd practically choked your own self on his cock the first time you got your mouth around it, he'd just followed your lead - almost always towering over you, or locking your head in with his thick thighs. you like it best when you straddles your chest, balls dancing against your chin as he saws in and out of that throat - ass flexing with the movement. and you'd like to grip it, but you cant arms pinned under his knees. utterly helpless.
the more like a toy you feel - like a fleshlight - just a tight hole to stick his dick - the more slick between the legs you become. its something about feeling useful, something about being so dirty and small that you're reduced to a wet pouch patrick pumps his loads into.
love it when he grunts and grips your hair, the back of your neck, holds you hostage on his dick, until all you smell is the musk of his crotch and the sweat of his pelvis and your brain turns off. feels underwater, like you're worlds away. you dont have to think when you're just a hole.
and when he pulls you back and lifts your face and you eagerly open your mouth to show him all his cum on your tongue and he grins at you, flushed and looking so fucking pleased, you feel like you're high. moan into his mouth when he leans down to kiss you all sloppy and wet, licking his own cum from your mouth with greedy pulls of his tongue.
its messy and gross and demeaning but with the two of you, its love.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
A Comfort or Two
Mike Schmidt x Gender Neutral! Reader
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Summery: Vices never killed anybody.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no use of gendered pronouns for Reader, pre-established relationship, hurt/no comfort, Reader has ✨️issues✨️, this isn't a vent fic what are you talking about???, use of cigarettes, brief mentions of sleep medication, arguement, and this is barely proofread. (Read: Isn't.)
Notes: I have had writers block for three months. I shit this out in ten minutes. What the fuck?
Anyways, phone blapple teet.
"Since when do you smoke?"
The voice rings clear in the dead of night, the only sound surrounding us being the crickets chirping and mosquitos buzzing past my ears.
"I don't," I answer, taking another drag off the cigarette between my cold fingers.
Mike doesn't speak as he steps onto the patio, softly shutting the glass door behind him with a sort of 'thump' sound that it always makes when the door seals shut.
For a moment we don't say anything. Then I exhale, and the noise that makes must be his silent blessing to speak.
"American Spirits," he notes, too awkward to say what he really thinks.
"Turquoise," I say. I take another drag, then speak as I hold my breath. "You know how many people that work at gas stations don't know what the fuck turquoise looks like when you ask for a pack of this shit?"
He sucks his teeth. I wonder for a moment if he knows what the color looks like.
"Most people are pretty good on red, blue, yellow," he says.
Yeah, he doesn't know.
"Pretty warm out here for a sweater," he notes.
"I don't like bugs," I say, exhaling. "They pick at my skin, eat me alive. Sue me."
His foot scuffs the concrete, a nervous habit.
"Can I bum one?"
This makes me turn my head to look at him, almost glaring as I try to gage how serious his request is, looking him up and down in his undergarments before speaking.
"Seriously?" I ask.
"If we're having a cheat day, yeah. Count me in," he says, walking to sit beside me, crossing his legs and resting back on his palms, then readjusting as he decides he doesn't like the feeling of the gravel on his skin, brushing the pepples off on his shorts.
I shrug and scoff, but pick up my pack and open the flap, shuffling out a little bit of tobacco and then finding a paper, getting to work on rolling a cigarette for the man who watches me curiously.
"Why not buy pre-roll?" He asks.
"You gonna give me the extra money to buy pre-rolled?" I ask, my tone too dull to be sharp, but too pointed to be sarcastic. He relents, looking away.
"Bad day?" He asks after another moment of silence, daring to glance back at me.
"Not a good one," I answer around my own cigarette, then hold it between my left pinkie and ring finger so I can stick my tongue out to wet the paper so it'll stick together.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asks.
I don't acknowledge his question, instead picking off a spare bit of tobacco that sticks out from the end of the new cigarette, then put the leftover back in my pouch. I offer it to him, asking if he needs a lighter. He nods, and he takes it with such a gentle hand it's like I'm watching a 15 year old try to act cool for his sisters college friends or something.
I lean back, removing the cheap, purple BIC from my shorts pocket and hand it to him. It shouldn't irritate me how he looks at the items like he's completely clueless, failing to hide it as his brows furrow in thought.
"It's not gonna kill you," I say to him.
"I mean... they will," he says quietly.
There's another silent moment. He toys with the lighter, flicking it to life.
"Why purple?" He finally asks. I look at him, our eyes meeting. He doesn't look less tired than me, but he looks concerned more than anything, which irritates but sates me all at once.
I contemplate answering honestly. Take another drag, hold, exhale.
"When I graduated high school, I started fucking this guy. Awful man, great-" I pause. "Mediocre dick."
I don't say that for Mike's benefit, let me make that clear.
"But I thought it was great at the time. And I thought I liked him. And his favorite color was purple," I say.
Mike looks down at the lighter again, letting the flame die.
"We smoked together," I clarify. "I thought he would like it."
"So, you've had this since high school?" He asks, sounding slightly impressed.
"No," I say. "I just became the friend with the purple lighter, so I stuck with the theme. They're cheap, so it's easy."
He nods, then finally lifts the cigarette to his chapped lips, licking them and carefully holding it as he lights it. I watch, anticipating his coughing fit, which he tries to suppress after his first inhale, though there's already tears in his eyes. I look away, trying to let him pop his cherry in peace.
"Did he?" He asks in a very strained voice, sounding pathetic as he holds in his breath.
I furrow my brows, looking back at him. His face is red, his chest is trembling.
"You're gonna die," I point out, reaching to pet his back, rubbing right next to his spine, under his lung. "Hold your arms up, that'll help."
He obeys, exhaling and coughing so disgustingly it makes me grimace. But I just rub, trying to help him as he sounds like he's trying not to vomit. I should take the cigarette away from him, but I kind of don't want to. This is the D.A.R.E. exercise that works, in my opinion.
"Like it," he coughs out, gasping for clean air. "Did-"
"Okay, okay, I got it now," I reassure him, patting a bit harder on his back. He gives me a thumbs up, finally starting to recover, and sniffling back tears that threaten to trail down his face. This man is 25, by the way.
I sit back onto my palms, relaxing now that he isn't going to die. I let him recover for another moment, then watch as he decides to go in for another hit.
"He didn't," I answer. Mike does better on this inhale, not trying to act cool and letting himself cough, which helps extremely. "He didn't even notice it, and when I pointed it out he just told me it's his favorite color because girls thought it was cool."
Mike's brows furrow in disgust, and at first I think it's from the cigarette.
"Dick," he coughs, smoke pouring out of his mouth and nose, which must burn based off of how he picks at his nostrils, trying to wipe away the burning sensation.
I nod. "Yep," I say, popping the 'p.' Then there's silence again, me smoking, Mike trying.
Eventually, I reach the end of my stick and snub it out. Mike contemplates holding out, then decides against it. Probably for the best. He looks a little green around the gills.
"So, what makes you go out and buy loose tobacco and smoke like you're used to it?" Mike asks me, handing me back the lighter and remainder of his cigarette, which is warm in my palm.
"I don't even know," I sigh, looking down at the semi pregnant joint. Not my best roll. "I've just been exhausted lately."
"Work?" He asks. I shake my head. "Friends?"
"I don't know," I sigh irritablely.
"Is there-"
"Don't ask me what you can do, because everyone else had already asked and if I have to sit through another grilling on this shit, I'm gonna fucking bite someone's head off," I snap, raising my head to look at the fence in front of us, closing us in and providing privacy from the neighbors that drink too much and party too loud during football season.
Mike sucks his teeth again, looking down at his lap. "Think you just did," he points out quietly. But it's not to make me feel bad. The delivery is almost comedic, really. More for my entertainment than guilt.
"I'm sorry," I say softly, shame creeping into my stomach and making me bury my head in my hands. I try to think of something else to say, an explanation to give. But all I can say is a repeat, "I'm sorry."
Even though I can't see him, I know Mike's face softens. His arms encircle me gently, pulling me closer to him, smoke so wrongly mixed with the taste of mouthwash on his breath.
"Hey," he soothes. "It's okay."
"I'm just tired," I say in a strained voice.
"I know," he says.
"And my head hurts."
"I'm sorry."
"And I can't sleep at night."
Mike's quiet at that, trying to figure out what to say, what to offer. My insomnia isn't new, and he's offered his own sleep pills, but I decline everytime. I'm just glad by the time my leg starts bouncing enough to rock the bed, the medication has such a deep hold on him he doesn't appear to notice. I wonder if he feels guilty that he sleeps so much easier than I, a relief that escapes me.
"Have you been eating?" He asks.
I scoff. Rude.
"I'm serious," he says.
"Yes, I'm eating," I answer, not raising my head from my hands, my palms digging against my eyes.
"How much?" He asks.
"I just want to make sure-"
"Don't baby me-"
"I'm not babying you-"
"Than what the fuck is this?" I ask, looking up at him.
"This is me being worried over you," he says as though it were obvious, furrowing his brows.
"Well, I don't fucking need it," I tell him, now trying to rise, but his hands hold me down, pissing me off.
"Hang on, let's talk about this-"
"What the fuck is there to talk about?" I snap, standing so abruptly it throws us both off balance.
Mike stares up at me incredulously, his mouth slightly agape. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asks me, his concern turning into a glare.
I don't answer, storming back into the house wordlessly as he calls my name, opening the door with strength I don't mean to use because it sends the glass sliding door ramming into the other side of the wall, but thankfully it doesn't break.
"Hey!" I can hear Mike's snap echoing sharply in the room, loud and making me flinch as I storm away. "You don't fucking slam that door!"
I don't respond, too irritated and guilt ridden to acknowledge him, my mind scrambled on locations of where I can run for comfort. My feet carry me automatically to the living room, my hand snatching my keys off the coffee table.
Mike calls after me again, demanding of me that I come back, that I talk about this. But I don't want to. These emotions inside of me, I don't even know why they exist, what they are, what part of my soul to bare to force them to go away.
I unlock the front door, and there's part of me that acknowledges I don't have a phone on me. I'll be on my own, alone. A state in which I used to never find comfort, but is now the only state in which I know how to exist in.
Mike grabs at me, a bit too rough to be appropriate. He's desperate, maybe angry, maybe scared of what will happen if I walk out that door. He's stronger than me, which makes me react in fear rather than logic.
I jerk my arm out of his grasp, but I have to use such force it sends my fist flying into my own face, my eye getting a good hit in the process, making Mike freeze temporarily.
It just makes me run out the door, into the night, scurrying into my car and turning the key quickly, leaving both of us to wonder where the hell I'm going and when I'll be back.
For both of our sake, I wish I had an answer. And I'm sorry that running feels better than staying.
I'd be a better person if I could be. If it could bring me comfort.
Rawdogged this like I did your mom last night.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 @jhutchissupercool @laurrrelise @sleepyhutcherson . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where YN is dragged along by Harry for Coachella but she ain't complaining
CW: smut
More of my work
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YN never expected to ever step a foot outside of London until she has graduated and spent at least fifteen years of her life practicing Law until Harry asked her - no basically dragged her along with him to LA.
Who was Harry to her you may ask? He didn't liked the title but it is the truth that he's basically her sugar daddy.
He liked to say he is sponsoring her education for nothing in return. And it is also true that he hasn't gotten anything in return. Yet. Nor he expects it.
What an amazing sugar daddy he is!
But it eats away at YN's mind and heart seeing how much he spends on her. Her tuition fees and textbooks eat majority of what he spends on her. His hard earned money, he spent all his teenage years earning to be spent on her like pouring water into a river - it was pointless.
And exactly, it made no sense!
Not to her, when he doesn't expect anything in return from her, like other sugar daddies do, he expects no sexual favours or even public outing in return. But she was drowning in debt from her car loan, student loan and she was three months behind her rent and was just two days away from getting evicted from the flat she has been living in since she was eighteen. Her two jobs she worked weren't enough to get her by, even if she cut down on most essential things.
When and how Harry came as her saviour? How has her life been before they met each other? Those are stories for another time.
But she is really in fear of when his mood would strike and he'd ask her to suck his dick off for him, or fuck her to oblivion. Well, he doesn't seem that kind of guy but she has got major trust issues. Especially since this guy she dated tried to take her advantage when she was drunk her ass off, luckily for her that night her friends were with her. But men her whole life have been very unpredictable to her.
Apart from making out a couple of time, her and Harry haven't done anything. That too with her consent. He doesn't even holds her hand without asking her. He's nothing but just so kind, and nurturing, and caring, and soft, and calm, and patient, and the list goes on. But could it be a mask for something which doesn't or wouldn't favour her.
One thing she takes with her into getting in her career is fo never trust anyone. That's what she has been doing her whole life. She learned to never trust anyone at the very tender age of six.
Harry has, no doubt become first constant in her life. If not anything more he's a good friend. A very good friend, she might add.
And spoiler alert, she would admit that she has fallen for him hard.
There was a big internal turmoil she found herself in as she stepped on that private get with him that night. It was scary because she doesn't remember being on a plane, let alone a private jet with sofa like seats.
But she tried to negotiate in not going to LA with him. She fears. She fears of dying somewhere and her friends being unknown of that. What if he is a serial killer as well as a global star? You never know!
"But what about DumDum?" She asked, packing a duffle bag Harry got her last minute with a sweater and other small things as her only suitcase she own is full and very small for a two week long trip. "I can't leave him alone."
"That cat will be taken care of, sugar, don't worry about him." Harry sighed as he sat patiently on the edge of her bed.
"He is not just a cat, he is my son!" YN argued as she threw everything of makeup she owns in a small pouch. Yes she found that black ball of purring fur beside a dumpster not even a month ago, but she loves him very much - and the feelings are mutual! "Where is he going?"
"To the cat hostel." He shrugged.
"You are not sending my baby to a hostel. He is too young!" She gasped, "maybe, I shouldn't go. He needs me here."
"You are making bad excuses, Sugar, now stop stalling, we have to leave in ten minutes." Harry chuckled as he got up to gather the rest lf her stuff, her carry on bag pack he sees her carry everywhere she goes and her suitcase, and even put DumDum in his carrier. "There is a surprise for you there, come on now."
YN stood there on the other side of her bed, with a nervous and scared face, making him ask, "do you trust me?"
"No," she mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" He enquired.
"I said, I can't afford the trip." She gulped, nervously. Harry kept the bag aside and set DumDum's carrier carefully on the floor before he walked upto her.
"Look, I won't force you anymore." He assured her, "wanted to keep this a surprise but, since you won't trust me. I'm taking you there with me is because Billie Eilish is performing there, and I can take you to watch her."
"Mhmm," he nodded, "you appear to like her a lot, so yeah, I thought that would be a good early present for m'kitten."
"Wait, I, I don't like her." YN stuttered, deadass lying on his face but all he did was look down.
She was dressed Billie Eilish merch, a large Tshirt and sweat pants. There was a poster of the girl on her wall and her album vinyls too, even though she doesn't have a record player.
Harry also remembers her running back home after finding the things she's wearing at a thrift store, ranting and squealing about it and how good of a steal it was to both her best friends on a phone call as he waited for her to let him in with her.
Harry sent off DumDum with his other manager Tommy to be signed into a cat hostel.
To focus on one thing, YN is very nervous to fly in a plane for basically first time. It was killing her soul. She just sat there, looking like a scared little puppy in a corner seat when she got to know she can sit wherever she pleases.
"Hey, what's wrong love?" Harry asked.
"I'm just nervous to be on a plane." She shared, a sheepish smile on her face. He sat next to her.
"Here, you can hold my hand. But you've got nothing to worry about." He assured her, "our pilot is amazing, he's flown me many times around the world." He strapped her seat belt for her as she was fiddling with it.
"Oh, has he?"
"Mhmm." Harry nodded, "so it's okay, I know you worry a lot." He went to put on his own seatbelt.
"You're lying." She deadpanned.
"About what I'm lying you think?"
"That you know the pilot." She squinted her eyes at him, "Harry don't lie to me about this, it is going to make me more anxious. I might literally throw up on the floor."
He chuckled, "my love, wouldn't lie about this. I care about you, so of course I don't lie. Not to you at least."
"So you do lie?"
"What about we watch your favourite movies?" He suggested to distract her switching the subject.
Once about halfway to LA, YN was still anxious.
"YN, it's okay, love." Harry cooed, "I'm sorry I forced you to come along with me."
"No, I'm fine." She sniffled on her tears, taking in deep breaths.
Harry was genuinely feeling bad for dragging her along with him. He wasn't aware of her this fear or he would have never even mention it twice to her. All eight months he have spent with her, he'd come to conclusion that she's naturally very anxious person, that she is paranoid most of the time.
"We're almost there," he assured her. "I'm sorry again, love."
"Harry, no, it's okay." She cooed in attempt to make him feel better about this. It wasn't his fault that she's scared of her first time on a plane since she was a toddler. It was no one's fault.
"Do you want to get pizza after we land?" He asked, she loves pizza more than anything.
"I'd like that." She nodded.
"Thought so," he smiled pressing a kiss of her head.
There was definitely something reciprocated from his side, or at least that's what she likes to think about. The way he looks at her doesn't fail to make her skin heat up, or the way he call her all his sweet names. Her favourite was Bunny or Kitten.
Her friends would argue otherwise that it was normal for her fall for him when they're sleeping together and he's essentially taking care of her in a way, which isn't entirely true. He hasn't touched her in that way. Though she could feel the sexual tension in the room they're in.
Like now, as she sat next to him, hugging his arm as he read his book silently. He's a big reader she reckoned. He's always reading some or other book. She can never do that. He pulls it off too, with a pair of reading glasses perched up on his perfect nose.
She didn't realise when she fell asleep, but Harry woke her after they landed, she is indeed a heavy sleeper as he says. She didn't wake up when their plane landed.
"Did you had a good sleep, babylove?" He enquired, a sleepy look on his own face as he smiled at her.
"Yeah," she nodded smiling back. Harry leaned down to press another kiss on her head.
"C'mon love, let's go to our hotel now." He grabbed her stuff for her like a true gentleman he is out of the plane and handed it to one his guard so it can be put into the car.
YN was expecting a different room for herself but Harry had different plans she reckoned, they'd have to share a room. A suite to be exact, which was so fucking luxurious it made her own rented one bedroom flat like a dumpster in comparison.
It had it's own kitchen, a living room, a balcony, bedroom and en suite bathroom, a whole ass walk in closet! The sofa looked so luxurious she wouldn't mind switching it up with her bed at home.
"Are we going to share a room?" She asked.
"Sorry I didn't tell you about it, but yes, there are no more suites available whilst our stay here on this floor." Harry shared.
"Oh," was her reaction.
"Can get you different room on another floor if you're ot comfortable." He suggested.
"It's fine, I guess." She shrugged dropped her carry on bag on the floor as she checked out the room. She doesn't want him to spend on another room for no reason. She so badly wanted to jump on the bed and do a bounce test but she was afraid to break the frame as everything looked so expensive.
Her friends would have gone nuts at the site of this room alone, destroy the perfectly made bed in a matter of minutes. She'd join them too, without any hesitation!
Just as she was about to go to the balcony she felt a tug on her hand. Harry had pulled her in, he took a seat on the edge of the bed they were to share for their entire trip. He trapped her between his thighs, making her sit on his lap. It wasn't a new thing for him to be physical with her, she quite liked it. Afterall she's been deprived of physical touch with human her whole life, so she'd shamelessly indulge into his cuddles, and even sweet little kisses.
This all had no label to it, as he doesn't like the idea of giving their relationship a label of Sugar Daddy and Sugar baby. He hates that for some reason. Maybe she can call it friends with benefits? But they're lacking the benefits part to the major on his side.
She grabbed a gentle hold of his hand which was wrapped around her waist from behind to her side, he wasn't wearing his usual rings so it was easier for her slip her fingers between his. Feeling his warm palm against her own gave her a sense of security in some way. Which she doubts is healthy, to be dependent on someone like this, her therapist would agree to that if she even had one. But she doesn't care.
"Do you want to go get dinner tonight with me?" He asked.
"Mhmm," she nodded.
"What do you feel like eating, sugar?" He spoke, his mouth closer to her skin of her neck as he peppered her with ticklish kisses.
"I don't know," she shrugged, smiling, "I'll tell you when I decide."
"Yeah? I was going to say we go eat some Lebanese food?" He suggested, lifting his head up to look at her. He knows that's her favourite cuisine to have, the look on her face was what he was expecting.
"Yes!" She beamed.
"Thought you'd like the idea." He teased, "do you want to rest whilst I get few things sorted for the show tomorrow?"
"I'm fine, I'll just go take a shower." She said.
"Okay," he kissed her cheek, "wear something pretty for tonight, yeah?"
She just nodded dumbfounded. He has never asked her to wear something "pretty" before. It was not something she was expecting coming from him. What did he meant by that? Something pretty on the outside or inside?
She was going to embarrass herself if he meant something pretty inside with her granny panties.
She decided to stick to her usual regardless. She didn't packed anything necessarily pretty thinking she's not going to need any as being their normal self was something she was actually expecting.
None the less, the dinner was amazing!
"Harry, no!" She whined when she stole a Felafel from her plate, so in return she stole a Kebab from him.
"You're stealing."
"You started it."
And they play argued about it all night. Going back and forth from stealing from each other's plates, but ending up sharing anyway. Harry decided they walk back to their hotel, he was quite liking the weather he said.
He loves to walk, and she's not used to that much walking but she isn't going to complain because she is having an amazing time. By the end of the night, YN stopped him halfway on their way back to hotel to take off her heeled shoes.
"Here lemme do it," he crouched in front of her, placing her hand he had in his on his shoulder as he proceeded to take off her shoes for her.
"Harry you don't have-"
"Shush!" He sounded, "do you want to wear mine?"
"No, I can walk barefoot." She said, "thank you," watching him so focused in untying her shoes and not getting the lace tangled was so adorable to her. A stray curl managed to plop out of the mop of hair he had gelled down earlier to keep tame, he needed a hair cut he said but honestly she liked his hair like that. It was a bummer she did not felt she had the right to tell him that she should maybe opt not to cut it, she is not his girlfriend after all.
She tried to take her shoes from him but he did let her as he grabbed her hand with his free one again stood up.
"No problem," he pressed a soft kiss on the full of her mouth.
"Harry, we're on a street." She reminded her as he started walking again. All of a sudden he was now tall again to her being flat on her feet again.
"Are you afraid of PDA?" He scoffed confusedly.
"No, but allegedly you've got a girlfriend, you can't be caught like this." YN said.
"I could care less about it." Sighing, he draped his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him. Instead of feeling remorse she gave into the warmth radiating from him, she wouldn't want to be involved with him if he were in a relationship, it's just those PR articles which made her feel bad sometimes.
Once back in the hotel room, Harry let her go finally so she can get ready for bed.
"When did you get these?" Harry asked placing her shoes on aside.
"They're my friend's I borrowed for this trip." YN shared.
YN was having a good day, she decided as she managed to wash her make-up off without getting anything in her eyes and having a burning eye until morning. Her hair was acting amazingly. Her PJs felt more comfy tonight. The sheets on their bed were changed she noticed, they were nice and cold and cosy when she got under waiting for Harry who was taking way too long, she was going to fall asleep then and there.
"Did you had a good time today?" Harry asked when he got out of the shower, agressively rubbing his hair dry with his microfiber towel, a pair of basketball short hung on his hips. These little things about him were making her fall hard for him, uncontrollably.
It was going to be hard on her when things come to end with him eventually in future she reckoned. But she was going to cherish every moment of it till it lasts, she also decided.
"Don't rub on your hair like that!" She exclaimed. He just shrugged and threw his towel on the spare chair with rest of his random clothes there and got in bed next to her. He's a messy one and it for sure trigger her OCD in some matters.
"Why did you ask me to wear something pretty?" YN asked, catching him off guard. She isn't this unpredictable.
"Why? Are you wearing something pretty?" He counter questioned, brows furrowed in anticipation.
"No!" She had a sheepish look on her face, regretting ever asking that question, "I didn't bring anything pretty with me." That earned a heart chuckle from him.
"I don't expect you to, sugar okay?" He assured her. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable asking that."
"You just caught me off guard." She not so subtly scooted closer to him, "it's okay."
"Yeah?" He sounded, taking her in his arms gladly, "I wouldn't mind seeing you in something pretty you know? You look pretty in anything in my opinion."
"Shush, stop it now go to sleep you've got a show tomorrow." She put an end to this conversation. She is embarrassed okay!
YN felt left out most of the time when she's surrounded by people Harry have known for years. All of them are older than her. She doesn't know many of them. Most of them look at her like she's some alien. Just the girls from the love band really put in effort to be nice to her and actually talk to her kindly from Harry's team. Especially Harry's manager and his wife and his pretend partner gave her constant side eyes. She feel out of place.
She didn't wanted to be there. She felt cold of a sudden, maybe it was the skimpy crop top she wore today deciding it's going to be hot. She even tried to distract herself by going to the Pleasing store there and even getting her nails done even though she never liked it one bit. It made everything worse when she saw Harry having lunch with the woman she felt so jealous of, for a few pictures whilst she was gone. He then was dragged over for the sound check for the night.
She'd put so much effort into her look today for the first time in life. She wore the crop top she crocheted herself, even did her makeup, red eyeliner with cherries and strawberries under each one winged out pigment she spent and hour drawing this morning. But now she just wanted to and bury herself in piles of blankets and disappear from the face of the planet.
"Harry?" YN went over to him when he was done. She grabbed onto the hem of the yellow Pleasing hoodie he was wearing to tug on it to get his attention.
"Yes, my love?" He gave her his undivided attention without any hesitation, "you look so red, did you not put on any sunscreen, baby?" He was already dragging her to the shade by his trailer she thought but instead he took her inside. "Are you okay?"
"I want to go back to our hotel." She said, looking for her carry on she left somewhere.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question.
"I just want to go back, I don't want to be here. Does it look like I am okay?" She snapped panicking to find her bag so she can leave.
"Hey, hey, sit down here." He made her sit on the sofa there, "what is going on? It's alright, you know you can tell me, baby." He assured her, "you trust me?"
"I just don't like the way they treat me." She admitted. He watched as the corners of her mouth started tucking down with a sad pout becoming more prominent as she tried to hold back her tears.
"Who are they you're talking about, sugar?" He really got worried, because he wouldn't want anyone to treat someone who's become so dearly precious to him badly. Especially given the setting of things they had agreed verbally upon to be in with one another. "Is it just one person?"
"I don't want to name any names, Harry, I just want to be alone now." She really seemed on the edge of a breakdown now. "Find my bag please?" She now felt the heat her body was disguising during her moment of panic, she started sweating all of a sudden, her lips have turned white till then.
"I'm not letting you be alone like this, look at you." He sighed, quickly fetching her a bottle of water from the portable fridge. He had never seen her like this since he first saw her at the bar in the hallway to the bathroom about to pass out, that's how he met her, took her out to the fresh air and gave her water. She wasn't crying that night but she was in same state of anxiety.
"No, I just want to go back." She mumbled quietly.
"C'mere." He ushered her towards him wrapping her up in his arms once again. She was quick to bury her face in his chest, even sobbing when she felt the weight of his hand on the back of her head caressing her hair. That one gesture made every anxious feeling she carried about him and her in a second. "Hey it's okay." He decided it's better to have that moment until she calms down herself. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Not now." She shook her head.
"You still want to go back to hotel?" He asked.
"Yes, please!"
"Okay, come on we'll get you there now, yeah?"
Despite her protesting that she can go by herself, Harry drove her to the hotel himself. Made sure she was still doing okay before he left for the show tonight.
"YN, you feeling okay now?" He asked. She has been lying in bed from past three hours with AC on full blast with the blanket pulled over to her ear with her back faced to him.
She was feeling horrible. For having a sudden breakdown whilst he was just trying to work. She did not expected to have this kind of reaction to hear Jamie, his pretend girlfriend and his manager Jeffery, talk shit about her behind her back like that. She has bad that happen to her all her life. This one got to her because those were complete strangers to her with very false assumptions about her. Her mind was racing again.
Maybe she should just...
"YN, talk to me baby." She was interrupted by Harry, she could feel his warmth and weight on her upper bod. Realising he was leaning onto her as if to hug her. He likes his hugs and never compromises on them, but he's heavy even though he appears to be dainty and delicate in person. He's six feet tall for gods sake and her five and half feet body could take so much of that weight.
"You're heavy." She mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled moving away just enough so she can trun on her back, "you're feeling okay now?"
"A little." She nodded, earning herself an affectionate kiss on the apple of her cheek.
"You want to come see me then at the show?" He asked, hopeful that she'd go because he's got a tiny surprise for her.
"I don't know." She said hesitantly. "I'm sorry."
"You want to tell me why, hm? Never seen you cry like that before, sugar, is everything okay?" He requested, stressing on the subject a bit more. He knew someone was being rude and mean to her and he needed to know who it was.
"I heard Jamie and Jeffery talking about how I'm taking advantage of you, and I'm hogging all your money. You just don't see that according to them." She blurt out feeling safe to be vulnerable enough to share how she was truly feeling and what and who made her feel that way, "I just don't want to deal with that and please don't say anything to either them. I want to stay in. That really made me upset because somewhere it's the truth."
"Oh my little love," he sighed, "that's not true. No one can tell me what to do with my earnings, you're not hogging all of it, okay? Don't let get to you please? No one can tell you what you feel is wrong or what you do is wrong unless you're not hurting anyone. You're the kindest and sweetest one I've met in painfully long time, I've never once felt that you're taking advantage of me. In fact if it were anyone else they'd probably ask for more than what I have to offer, you put up a fight against me if I try to get you something, that's enough for me to trust you, okay? What we have is not anyone's business to talk about but us."
"Since we're being vulnerable here, I want to tell you that you become very precious to me. I've grown to care about you." He grabbed her hand in a gentle hold, as he pushed her hair out her face with his free hand. "I am sorry for not listening to you here, but I'm going to have a conversation about this with Jeffery. He's my friend doesn't mean he can talk shit about people I care for, okay?"
"Okay." She nodded, "thank you. And I'm sorry. I promise I'll return you every penny I've borrowed once I have a proper job after graduation. And ehm-"
"Don't talk about that." He interrupted her, "now do you still want to stay in here? I was hoping you'd come see me play, Shania Twain is performing with me."
That made her freeze there. She's been obsessed with Shania Twain since she met Harry, he introduced her to the artist and she's never stopped listening to her since. But she'd still rather stay in than even see Jamie's face for saying those disgusting things about her which Harry doesn't know and will never know.
"I'll watch it from here." She suggested, "I just really don't want to go there, want to be alone."
"Okay, I won't force you." He agreed, "you want me to order you something for dinner?"
"I think I'll go out to this restaurant I saw," she shrugged, "before your performance starts."
"You promise you're going to eat?" He asked.
"I promise." She held out her small pinky making him giggle, he wrapped his own around hers and kissed it to seal their promise.
"You got your nails done?" He beamed seeing her red and baby teal blue shade, "even like your makeup and this pretty top you made. You're so talented, baby." He leaned down to pepper her face with sloppy wet kisses, making her giggle, "I am gonna steal it from you."
"I'll make you one so we can match." She suggested.
"Yeah?" He looked at her, "I'd love that, kitten."
"I think you should go before you manager calls you." She reminded him. He dropped his head low sighing, their cheeks touching each other she could feel his stubble poke against her skin.
He didn't wanted to leave her alone!
"Don't wait up for me, okay? I'll leave as soon as I am done." He mumbled before lifting himself up from her finally, press a tender kiss on her mouth and then on the corner of her lips.
"Okay." She nodded.
Harry came back by around half past one, found the bedroom lights in the suite turned off. But he saw a yellowed blue-light of phone illuminating YN's face there as she lied on their shared bed texting.
"Hi lovie, you didn't sleep?" He walked over to her not bothering to turn on the lights and ruin the calm atmosphere she had created in there.
"No, I was talking to Brielle. She said your performance was amazing." YN shared as she sat up and locked her phone when he sat next to her there.
"Thank her from me." He smiled, "I'll go and shower, okay? Be with you in ten."
"Take your time." She said. He was still wearing the outfits he wore whilst performing, "I really like your outfit."
"Thank you baby, I knew you're gonna like it." He beamed glanced down at his outfit once. "Go to bed now, we're going out tomorrow morning."
"Mhmm." She nodded, "I want a kiss."
"C'mere then," with his hand behind her neck he drew her closer to him with a tilt to her head, he connected their mouths together. Keeping it short and sweet for now he pulled away but got a kiss on his cheek. "Is that enough to hold you off till I shower?"
"Mhmm." She nodded again, he pressed another little peck on her mouth before retrieving entirely.
"I'll be back, yeah?" He ran to shower gathering a change of clothes, just a pair of boxers and basketball shorts he liked to wear to bed.
He looked very happy. He sang songs from his new album tonight which she's heard before, he played the album to her after he was fully done by it to get her views on it as she hardly listened to his music. Seeing that dimpled smile of his warmed her heart so much.
She got out of bed to go fetch the little chocolate cake pastries she got for dessert but saved to share it with. She did went out to get dinner, ate some nice Gnocchi, on her way back she stopped at a bakery to get the last slice of chocolate cake. It's been sitting in the mini fridge of the hotel room since. She was proud of herself to say the least for going out on her own and ordering for herself. Ordering her meals or coffee gave her serious anxiety, resulting her to more home cooked meal which took pride in, but when she was feeling shit and didn't wanted to cook she'd just had settle on a pizza she'd order from an application so she wouldn't have to talk to a person on a phone call. She was feeling shit today but still made an effort to go out herself.
"Did you get dinner baby?" He asked as he came out of the shower, towel drying his hair quite vigorously.
"Yes. And I got us cake!" She announced earning a confused glance from him. "What?"
"You really went out?" He asked even though the cake from a bakery was very big evidence she did. "There was nothing charged on my card."
"You gave me your card three months to get you coffee on my way back from errands once and refuse to take back doesn't mean I'm going to use it." She proceeded to take out a slice of cake for herself from the box because it looked so fucking delicious and she couldn't wait, he went back in the bathroom for some reason.
"I gave it to you for the exact reason. Haven't yet got the time to get you one with your name." He sat next to her, dipping his head down he have a kiss on her cheek. "I am so proud of you for going out on your own, sugar." It was the truth. She'd only go out to eat when with him (or her best friend Brielle a handful of times), he ordered for her everytime knowing pretty well she'd rather stall all night that actually talk to a waiter to tell them what she wants to eat at their restaurant.
"Thank you." She smiled. "Did you had your dinner?"
"Mhmm." He nodded, proceeded to ask, "What else did you do today?"
"I stayed in bed and watched you perform. Shania looked so pretty!" She shared. "Also did a little face mask."
"Without me?" A little upset pout took over his lips.
"We can do one tomorrow." She suggested taking his faux-upset look to heart, but he grinned not bothering to correct her adorable concern. She offered him a bite of the cake on the one-time-use wooden spoon which he gladly accepted, she got it for both of them to share. "It's so good, isn't it?" She searched his face for a reaction excitedly.
"It is baby." He agreed. "Too sweet for me though, you can have the rest."
By the time she finished up her cake she filled him with the tea of this on going drama in her friend circle. Apparently one of her classmate got pregnant with the guy who she was cheating on her boyfriend with, now the guy doesn't want to be involved in the scene by all mean and with all his rights and it's created his huge entertaining drama around it. Her friend Brielle takes in huge interest in gossips. And that why even though YN's known the girl her whole life she doesn't tell her more than just a few bullet points with anything Harry and her related. She respects his privacy and doesn't want her friend to go and accidentally spill all the information to everyone. Though she haven't yet told anyone about YN and Harry, which is a good thing that she promises to keep it the same way.
Harry threw her the trash for her watching her mood lifted from earlier today. He did had a talk with Jamie and Jeffery after the show though.
"Oh, I have a few things to show you." YN remembered watching Harry get in bed with her, "where is my phone?" She looked around.
"I don't know?" He looked under the blanket and pillows.
"Maybe I left it outside." She got out of bed and ran out to look for her phone.
Harry didn't know if she really remembers what she's wearing considering it's three in the morning. It was pretty rare for her to prance around like that just in a pair of panties and one of his shirts which is always too large for her somehow. She just runs away to put on a pair of pants when he's around and he respects that though he wouldn't mind.
"I saw this man walking his cat on a leash." She spoke entering the room with her phone in her hands, her pretty face illuminated under the blue light as she searched for something she wants to show him. "I want to train DumDum like this."
"Do you want to get in bed with me first, sweet girl?" He suggested, eyeing her up and down and then up again. Caught. She looked down at her state of clothing, the shirt barely covered her ass.
"I'll go put some pants on, sorry," she kept her phone on the side table in hurry. She didn't mind what she wore, she's grown to love her body, she liked to go to bed properly clothed in respect to Harry when he's around. It might make him uncomfortable, there are chances. She respects his personal space and boundaries like he does.
"It's alright sweet girl, c'mere, it's hot for you to sleep in sweats. I don't mind come on." He urged her. "I'm half naked too."
"Go put a shirt on!" Her fake scold sent him into a fit of laugh that he missed watching her snuggle up next to him. She showed him the pictures and videos she took of the cat she was talking about, apparently he was named Sushi and was there ar the shushi restaurant next to the one YN went to eat Shushi. "He's going to love your song Music For Sushi Restaurant."
"Mhmm, I wrote that so g about him." Harry pointed out, "look he's got green eyes." He zoomed in on the picture of the cat making YN giggled, she locked her phone and kept it away to get under blanket with him. Harry couldn't help but get a peek at the baby blue of her cotton panties she was wearing. He just pulled her in a bear cuddle letting her use his bicep as a pillow wrapping his free arm around her waist. His nose skimming against her, he closed his eyes feeling her soft breaths warm up his skin. "What happened today, won't happen again baby. Not on my watch, okay?"
"I'm okay now." She assured him, "it just hurt in that moment."
"I want you to tell me of it happens again." He said with a firm tone, "won't tolerate it again."
"I will." She pressed a tender kiss with all lovely feelings she has harboured for him during their time together as she proceeded to snuggle into him their cheeks pressed together in feathery contact. She could feel his hand wander lower and lower, over the expanse of her bum and back up sneaking under her shirt a little, it was set into pattern now.
"You're comfortable?" He asked, she knew exactly about what and it had her nodding her head gently. She liked the way he was touching her, it was first but she was already addicted. He's never gone this far ahead touching her affectionately before, so it was pretty intimate for her. Last two days spent with him without going out for work or anything, she felt safe with him. Her fear of chances of him being a secret serial killer had vanished just today though it didn't kill all of her anxiety, it is going to take time for her.
His wandering hand snuck under her shirt feeling adventurous running up her side over her tummy, she suddenly didn't felt uncomfortable with her not-flat stomach. Letting him to whatever was best decision, she decided as it was making all happy feelings having a firework in her skull. It only got more as she felt butterflies floating up to her brain processing brushes of his lips on her neck and shoulder. Feeling tingly in between her legs she squirmed under his touch there.
YN was pushed gently to lay on her back with his hands under her head even though there was a fluffy pillow to protect her. She cracked open her eyes to find him hovering over her, close enough to feel his soft exhales on her skin. His hand still under her shirt slowly creeping up to rest to her ribs closer to the swells of her breast before he stopped. The lack of another layer of clothing under her shirt added just more to his anticipation and cravings of her, even though he's never had in this way before.
"This okay?" He asked, earning just a nod from her, "I'm gonna need words baby, yes or not?"
"Yes." She rushed. A rewarding kiss was pressed on the corner of her mouth as his fingers squeezed gently around her breast. She gasped softly. He rolled over her, making sure to not put any on his weight on her as he managed to fit between thighs. With his knees folded her sat on his knees to look at her.
"Thought you said you didn't brought anything pretty with you," a comment on her baby blue cotton panties had her flushed in a second, "you brought your pretty self." He added with a smirky grin on his face, dimples appearing on his cheek and all. "Do you want to tale this off?" His other hand snuck under her shirt.
"Would you want that?" She asked biting down her lip in anticipation.
"It's not entirely about me, would you want that?" He shook her head, still affectionately caressing her sides.
"I want that." She consented, having him help her slip her arms out of the shirt and have him carefully pull it over her head.
"Hi," he greeted with a chuckle watching her shake her head in attempt to move her hair off her face.
"Hi," she beamed at him.
"You're so pretty baby," he glanced at her longingly before he leaned down to kiss her with more affection, pressing his mouth on her a little too hard but she isn't complaining, "perfect for me, can tell already!" She kissed him back with same affection if not more. "You okay with me loving on you?"
"It is okay." She confessed.
"Yeah?" He was amused and smitten by her in the moment.
Harry left a trail of soft, sloppy wet kissed down her jaw to her neck. Lingering that much longer on her pulse, it was surely going to leave a mark with the way he sucked on her soft skin before he kept down lower and lower. Giving the peaks of her breasts attention, one hand wrapped around one as he wrapped his lips around the peaks of her nipple sucking that little harder each time, rolling the other in between his thumb and forefinger. That alone had her squirming and gasping as she felt the pool of wetness in between her legs grow.
"That's okay, don't hold your pretty sounds back, sugar, lemme hear them." He urged her hearing a soft squeal from her.
"I won't, I won't, please don't stop." She mumbled.
"Wasn't planning on bunny," he looked at her smirking all while searching her face as he let his hands wander even lower between her hands, brush of his fingers over the wet patch on her panties was enough to make her gasp again, louder this time. "Y'like that, sugar?"
"Mhmm, yes!" She nodded throwing her head back as he pressed his fingers harder on her clit, setting a rhythm of circled pattern causing another firework all over her brain. It felt different from the times she does it herself for sure. "More, please!" She requested, pulling him closer with his face cupped in her palms for a kiss. And he gave her more.
"Feel good, sugar?" He asked urging her, his finger tips running soft circles on her clit. "Wanna taste you, baby, would you mind that."
"No," she nodded followed by a soft whimper, "please." Just on request he pushed himself up so sit on his heels as he pulled down her panties. Taking a moment to look at her as she was lied there in layered in dreamy haze. He definitely did not expected this even though he started it but he isn't going to complain. He moved them both so he was now kneeling on the floor as he tugged her down with his hands wrapped from under her thighs. Without saying anything he started with pressing sloppy wet kisses up her skin. Hearing little whimpers of request for him to stop teasing, not giving into her begging he threw her legs over his shoulders to reach of her hand and intertwine their fingers together. He pushed her thighs apart licking a bold stripe over her clit before he was going down to her slit having her already shuddering under his touch. Pressing his mouth on the full of her pussy with the shake of his head making her clench her thighs around his head.
Propping herself on her elbows to look at his ministrations he wasn't going to stop anytime soon, nor she wanted him to. He saw him glancing up at with his mouth still attached to her core, with his free arm flexing which could only tell that he's jerking himself. That just edged her closer to her high. His humming of pleasure sending waves of vibration down her spin making her let slip her own moans.
"Are you going to cum, baby?" He asked pulling away just enough before diving back in the sweetness he seemed to be already addicted to. He was in complete sense of euphoria, buried in between her legs being the best decision he's made.
"Yes! Oh, Harry!" She let out her little whimpers.
"Yeah? Cum for me baby," he urged her, "lemme taste it, you taste so good!" His tongue lapping over her slick pussy he guided her through her high, hearing her little soft whimpers of pleasure. Sucking at her slit as his nose nudged against her clit with a particular hard shake of his mouth. He proceeded to lick her clean telling her how good of a girl he was for him. He could have a go again if she'd let him, but he pulled away with a last firm kiss placed on her clit before he rose up to check on her. He lied there like an angel falled right from heaven with her chest heaving, eyes shuttered closed in bliss. He leaned over to press a kiss on her cheek to get her attention.
"You doing alright baby?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, leaning into him being fond of the closeness she felt with him in that moment, it was very different than she's used to but god she didn't want it to end.
"Did so good, m'good girl you are." He praised her. His nose skimming against her before he placed his lips against her. She could taste herself which the natural taste of him she was grown so familiar with, but she pulled away with his face cupped in between the plams of her hands
"Did you finish?" She asked.
"You saw me, didn't you?" He smirked pressing on the tip of her nose he rested his forehead on hers, "I didn't. But don't worry about me now, tonight is about you, my little love."
"I want to help you." She urged him, "only if you let me." She felt his chest heave as he took in a long breathe as if he was contemplating. "Please?"
"Yeah? You want to help me?" He asked earning a sound of hum from her, "can I cum on your tummy then, don't want you to do anything while you're so tired."
"Uh-huh!" She nodded, "want you to feel good."
"Move up for me then, baby." He urged her to move up on the mattress, she did exactly watching him shimmy off his boxers and shorts fully before he managed to fit himself in between her thighs just like he was not even five minutes ago before he pulled her to the edge of their shared bed. "You sure you want this, baby?"
"I want it." She said, softly with a jerky nod of her head desperate to see him feel the same he saw her feel. It took everything in her to not touch him, especially when he hasn't given her his consent to do so as she watched him wrap his fingers around his cock, sliding his hand up and down slowly. YN looked up at him with her lip buried under her teeth. "Are you close?"
"So close," he shared, deep rumble of moans left his kiss swollen lips as he jerked himself over her. YN felt butterflies in her tummy all over again, wanting so badly to help but he won't let her touch him in anyway. She needed to find a way to urge him like he did.
"I want you to cum for me, Harry." She said, resting her hand over his which he had propped on the full of her thigh, running her palm up and down his forearm. "Are you going to?"
"Fuck yes, baby!" He moaned as his eyes shuttered closed. He couldn't help the smile taking over his lips as he heard her speak those words.
"Look at me, Harry!" She demanded, with all her rights making him instantly follow her words. He sat back on his heels as his fucked his own hand looking at her. Just the sight of her lied there bare had his cum spurring out with couple of hard strokes of his hand, landing right in between valley of her breasts.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." He told her.
"Please cum for me." He urged him more, lacing fingers of his free hand with her. Enough for him to cum all over her making a mess of both of them until his cock went soft in his hand with heavy and breathy moans filling their room. With a soft tug at his hand she pulled over her as soon as he was done, pressing soft and lazy kisses on his cheek. "Made me cum so hard, baby, thank you."
A soft chuckle left her own kiss swollen lips, "it's two ways, right? You made me feel good too."
"Mhmm," he nodded.
"I want to help you next time like you helped me." She shared, "please?" Just the mention of a next time made Harry want to go at it again, but she looked tired, really tired he could tell by the tone of her voice.
"I promise, my love." He agreed. "Come on, let's take a quick shower then we can get dressed and go to bed. Got you all tired, didn't I?"
With his arm's wrapped around her waist he picked up with no efforts as made a way to their en suite bathroom. He carefully placed her on her wobbly feet stealing in a few tender kisses from her mouth.
"Need to get us a change of clothes, go on and get in first I will join you, okay baby?" He suggested earning an upset pout from her, "promise won't take long." He kissed her pout away before he stepped away and stepped out of bathroom reminding her, "make sure you take a wee too."
His casualness made her shudder in cringe on herself. How and why did she find that weird, whilst it's something important she does? He casualness wasn't something she found cringey but the feeling that took over her. But brushing it away she did what he said so and got into shower settings the water to luke warm even though she's used to taking burning hot showers. In no time Harry was joining her like he promised and helped her clean up the mess he made of the pair of them, making sure to give her extra kisses and praises.
"Harry?" She spoke as he wrapped a towel around her before her wrapped one around his hips.
"Hmm?" He sounded, proceeding to dry her off so she wouldn't catch a cold, "what is it lovie?"
"That was my first time being intimate with anyone." She confessed, with a hint of fear she might upset him for something.
"You didn't tell me?" He stopped dead on his tracks, "why baby?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I'm sorry, I should've."
"You should've told me, yeah," he agreed resuming his work of drying her off, "but I should've asked you. And it's okay."
"You didn't know."
"I know baby, but I started it, didn't I?" He sighed.
"Did I make you upset?"
"No, but I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable in anyway." He shared, leaving the towel draped over her shoulders as he reached for the pair of panties he got for her from her suitcase. He crouched, "step in."
"You didn't," she told him as she stepped into the pair of clothing and watched him pull it up her thighs to her waist, "you made me feel so safe."
"I did?"
"Mhmm." She nodded watching him reach for his hoodie he got got her, "I don't quite feel comfortable with myself, but I felt it with you. I should've told you." His shoulders deflated hearing her words, it was quite emotional thing for her he could tell and she isn't the most open person he's met but at least she's telling him the truth now. And he's glad he didn't gave into her begging of wanting to help him like he did. They can go slow if she wanted to do anything like that again.
"Precious, look at me." He set her up on the counter top next to the sink and stood in between her thighs, "thank you so much for telling me the truth." He started, his hands warming the sides of her hips, "I don't know how I feel, but it's okay, just need you to know that you can tell me anything next time when we're doing something intimate. Now I wanna everything. You said it's two ways, right?"
"Then that's how it's going to be." He stated quite firmly yet with tender feeling towards her, "like I told you, you're very precious and wouldn't want to do anything-even unintentionally- to hurt you, my love, okay?"
"Okay, I will." She agreed on it, earning the prettiest smile and a gentle kiss from him. "I don't want it." She refused watching him bunch up the hoodie he got for her to the neckline.
"Why not baby?"
"I want to cuddle close to you." She shared.
"You sure, you won't be cold?"
"No," she shook her head. He put on his own boxers before he was picking her up again, her legs wrapped around his hips and arms draped around his shoulders. He whispered his sweet nothings to her making a way back out with their half bare selves, as her soft giggles filled their room. He lied her down gently on their shared bed joining her closely. Wrapping her in duvet.
"Good night, sugar." He kissed her temple.
"Good night." She whispered snuggling as humanly close to him as possible.
The morning after was nothing but sweet and tender for YN, she was woken up by soft whispers from Harry. A huge breakfast in bed, and even bigger snuggle sesh as they watched her favourite show before getting into a warm bath together in the afternoon and get ready for the evening.
Harry took her to the Billie Eilish merch shops, bought her almost every single item they had to offer despite her little protests, and extra pair of sweats and crewneck for her best friend as her birthday present from both of them. They spent their time watching few of his favourite artists playing all the while without catching anyone's attention with Jamie and Jeffery with them. YN found it very weird as anywhere Jamie goes they have camera's following them but she wasn't complaining.
"Harry, can we go out to get dinner?" She suggested on their way back to their hotel.
"Where do you want to go, baby?" He asked, opening the door for her with his free hand as he held the bags with her new clothes, be let her in first.
"I don't know, I feel like eating rice cakes." She shared.
"Yeah? We can go to my favourite Korean restaurant then." He set her bags down by her duffle bag which was spilling out with stuff she had carelessly stuffed inside.
They just did that. Alone they both went to get dinner like their first night in LA. She taught Harry how to use chopsticks, laughing as she watched him still struggle. He stuck to using fork and spoon as they ate. They ordered a few desserts which Harry hardly ate from before they headed back to Coachella to watch Billie perform.
"You didn't eat any dessert." She pointed out as he walked just behind her, "we could have ordered something you like?"
"What if I tell you, I want my sugar for dessert, hm?" He leaned in closer to her ear, "tasted you once can already rell you're the sweetest dessert there's ever going be." He whispered, making goosebumps take over her skin.
"I don't mind that."
"I know you don't," he cooed, "would take you back with me now but we're here for you, aren't we? Unless you want to go back to our hotel."
"We can wait." She said, firmly, not wanting to give into his teasing even though she could feel those same tingles in between her legs as last night. Harry didn't said anything as they proceeded to walk towards the VIP area to watch her favourite singer.
It was a bummer Harry wasn't her favourite singer, but he's certainly her favourite in other ways.
YN had to walk next to Jeffery and Glenn as Jamie and Harry walked together. She was already craving the warmth of his palm against her watching his hand wrapped around someone elses. Yes, she felt the tinge of jealousy creep up in her mind and heart even though everything was just for show. It wasn't until a few songs in YN felt Harry tugging towards him to make her stand right in front of him as he wrapped his arms around smaller frame, she felt a soft press of his lips on her head through the hood she had up oh her head. Now that made that teeny bit jealousy go away for a second before she noticed Jamie was stood right next to him.
"Do you not want to take videos?" Harry wondered.
"Oh yeah," she realised as she fished out her phone from her pocket, and turned on the video to later send it to her friend and post it on her stories and keep it back in her pocket to enjoy the moment in person. Harry still had her caged in between his arms, their fingers intertwined together. YN brought their hands upto her lips before placing a soft kiss on the back of his hands before placing the bundle of their hands over her chest, letting his sway them both to the soft music of Ocean Eyes now playing.
Harry pushed her closer to him with his hand on her chest, holding flush against his own. "Gimme a kiss." His voice soft, just for the two of them.
"We're out." She reminded him. She cared for his public image. And to the public he was dating Jamie and if anyone saw him kissing her, he'd be a cheater which she would never want for him.
"I don't give a fuck, now gimme a kiss or I might die because of lack of kisses from my baby." He said, as dramatically as he could making her giggle before she turned her head to look at him. He dipped his head down desparately to button his mouth of her, he turned her around so he can indulge in the contact better.
He had her wrapped up in his arms for entire time they were there. His heart felt full whenever he is with her and that's what he wanted her to feel until Jeffery had to drive buldozer of his bullshit over their sweet time together saying people have started to notice he's not close to Jamie but someone else and had escorted them out of there.
YN felt so hurt, she was really just someone else? Why wouldn't his team address her like a human being but as if she's some weird mutated creature Harry liked to be around? She walked beside Glenn watching Jamie take a hold of Harry's hand, even proceeding to cling to his arms giggling her way out at something Jeffery said. She could see Harry's face as he walked ahead of her this time.
Jamie has been doing nothing but plaguing their time together. Worse part was thar Harry gave into it, even though he's obliged to do so. Not even just now but it's been like this since a month after Harry met her and he had to get into this pr relationship, it was very annoying from day one. Especially since Jamie hated her for apparently no reason at all. And so did Harry's team, especially his manager.
Well, YN didn't had any right to be that upset it's not like she's his girlfriend. She's just someone's he basically pays to hang with him throwing away the fact that she would do all this without any conditions because she fallen in love with him. You don't put any conditions in front of a person you love so much.
Love is always supposed to be unconditional, she knew that.
She brushed it off and decided to walk ahead and get in the car in back seat knowing very well she'll be told to do so when Harry's driving, there are paps called outside and many screaming fans stood there with their cameras out. Harry drove off to their hotel, everyone annoyingly stayed at the same hotel.
YN still walked ahead and stook the stairs instead not wanting paps to even click even a single picture of her. As a college student with almost all of her batch being Harry's fan was mot going to make her life any easier than it already is. But she truly felt bad. Be isn't going to back off his backend deal with the movie he worked in for some girl he met more more than half year ago and pays for her college for her. That's some weird ass shit she thought is going on there. All her life she's felt unwanted and worthless and being around his people makes it even worse even when he insists he wants her in his life.
She one stupid to fall for him.
She reached the fourth floor huffing and puffing looking through her phone to distract her mind from wandering from streets to gutters. She bumped into Harry stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, an upset look over his features.
"Why didn't you get in the lift?" He asked her.
"I didn't wanted any pictures taken of me on accident." She said walking down the corridor to their shared room. He followed her like lost little puppy trying to keep up with her fast footsteps.
"Hey, what's wrong love? I'm sorry we had to leave early." He cooed trying to still catch upto her, he hated how down far their room was, "she's performing next weekend too we can stay till the very end, sugar!" Finally they came to their room and YN tried to open the door with spare key card she had, but struggled to do so with her vision blurred out by her tears. Harry calmly took the key from and opened the door leading her in he shut the door behind them making sure to lock it. He walked her inside and made her sit on their bed and took a seat on the yellow ottoman in front of her.
"What's wrong?" He asked again.
"I don't know." She shook her head, pulling her hand away from his grip.
"I know you know when you say that," he sighed, "what made you this upset, my love? Why are you crying?" He waited patiently for her answer his concerns but she didn't, she's very stubborn when it comes to sharing her feelings. "If you don't tell me what's wrong then how I'm gonna help you fix it?"
"I don't know."
"You want me to assume what happened?" He asked even though he had no assumptions about what must went down.
"I don't know."
"YN c'mon stop being stubborn, baby, I'm tryin' to figure out what got you all upset when you were so happy." His shoulders slumped in defeat, he ran a heavy hand over his face and through his hair. "Fine if you're not going tell me."
"I wasn't." She deadpanned. A heavy sigh he released calmed him down.
"What are you upset about, my love?" He asked, again, with much more patience than before.
"It's embarrassing." She shook her head, dismissing the thought of wanting to share that she's jealous of his pretend girlfriend because she's fallen head over heels for him after he'd shown just some affection towards her.
"You know I would never judge you," he cooed to her, reassuring her as took a gentle hold of her hands. Still amused by how much smaller her hands were in compare to his, they fit perfectly in his like that last piece puzzle. "Did Jamie or anyone said anything mean to you again?"
"No," she looked down at their joined hands in her lap.
"Are you upset we left early?"
"I didn't liked the way Jeffery had us escorted back to hotel because he saw people were starting to, to notice us, us sharing a kiss." She stuttered through her little complain, "I, I don't like it when she's around whenever we're out and I have to be pretend I'm not someone to you."
"But you're everything to me." He confessed, "and I mean it. I am really sorry you feel that way, sugar. I promise we're going out when she's not around, yeah? It is just going to be us, I promise."
"You do?" She asked.
"Mhmm, I do." He nodded, "see it was that easy to fix this, didn't need to cry on this." He wiped off her tears from her face, holding both her hands in one of his as if she's going to run away. "Did you get jealous of Jamie hogging all of our alone time?"
"I did." She cemented, without any hesitation glaring at him for his unnecessary teasing in the moment.
"I'm sorry," he rushed, "but you do know I don't even look at her, don't you? You know I'm coming back to you at the end kf the day, don't you?" He wasn't even trying to conceal the little he'd harboured on her now. Not when their alone time being invaded made her that upset for her to shed tears. "You've got nothing to worry about you know that, don't you?"
She gave him another jerky nod of her head, "mhmm, I know."
"Then gimme me a hug now." He dropped her hands just so he can wrap him up in his arms, she had hers tucked in between them. He even peppered the exposed skin of her face with as many kisses as he could.
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@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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reorientation · 4 months
zyn anon. sorry to spam your dms, i just have some updates i can't really share elsewhere lmao. only one of my irls know im fucking this boy but she doesn't know it was for nicotine pouches lmao
im not even "exchanging" my "services" for zyns anymore. i didn't like them at all, but id still occasionally ask for a tin or two here and there. to not let it get to his head ☺️. a month and a half later im just doing it for free 😒 he makes jokes now that im not even fucking him for product. and jokes that he got me addicted to him instead. so you were right about me becoming a budding addict for a straight mans cock.
we never had a convo about us being official, but he made it clear early on that he wants to be the only guy fucking me rn. i asked if he sleeps around with other girls, and he said he doesnt need to when im so eager for him. :/. he calls me his girlfriend in front of his roommate and gamer friends, too. but not to people we know mutually.
he's also a lot more affectionate now. we've been on an actual date, it was surprisingly romantic and really sweet, and not just me blowing him in his car. though I did after but that's not the point.
i pretty much dress exclusively femininely outside of our programs unisex uniform, i used run errands in boymode but im not even doing that anymore. i have a chosen name that can be shortened into something kinda feminine sounding so he just calls me that. even in front of classmates who dont know i have a pussy, and one that hes been inside of. and the "nickname" is catching on with our classmates too lol.
z anon. forgot to include the update. sorry, i ramble a lot.
i skipped my last two T shots ☺️ im still waiting on my iud appointment in a few weeks. unfortunately this also means i havent really been letting him inside me as often, since im still really scared of pregnancy especially this early on in this weird situation. i am blowing him a lot though lol. it's a win win for me since being on my knees for him with his cock down my throat is so damn hot, especially when he's kinda fucking my face and pulls my hair during it. but fuck its probably been at least a week since his cocks been in me and i miss it. a lot lol. hes so manly and strong, i miss how feminine i feel when im under him. his body would just inadvertently pin me in place, im painfully aware of how small and feminine i am in comparison to him. how truly heterosexual it all is.
but i cannot trust myself bro like i know even if i insist on him using a condom ill end up asking for him to take it off. if he doesnt outright refuse. and like it's so difficult because that turns me on more. i know ill end up having his dick in me sometime before I get my iud, i just gotta be responsible and power through the demons.
im still dysphoric through this situation, especially since stopping T and the fear of like. the few times hes cum in me before havimg a little more serious consequences. despite taking plan b after each time. but the horny part of my brain has never been happier. whenever i feel like backing out, i send him nudes or text him smth risky just for extra self encouragement. but he's on a camping vacation thing rn with his family, and the service is shit and i miss him 🥺 even outside of sex.
like I want to become his girlfriend, truly. and that would have me become a girl for him. which basically means becoming a girl fulltime. i guess that would actually just be going back to being a girl. all for a straight boy 🤦🏻
its hugely dysphoric but kinda nice, like a part of me hates how he's so much bigger and way more masculine than me without any effort, even outside of us having heterosexual sex. i get so dysphoric that he's taller, bigger, way stronger and just so clearly male. but apparently, i enjoy being a girl for him more than i hate it.
You know, Anon, this is awfully romantic.
I mean, listen to yourself. You got into this as a whore, offering to suck his dick for discounted nicotine pouches, but now you're pining over him, and wanting to be a proper girl so that you can be his girlfriend. You're definitely still a whore, but you're a whore with a heart of gold.
Not a smart whore, though. So scared of pregnancy, but you stopped your T before getting on real birth control, knowing that you can't stop yourself from begging for his bare cock. You're so desperate to be a good girl for him that you're consciously ramping up the risk of having his baby, just so that you can return to full femininity a little sooner.
You know, I got this anon after your last ask:
Tumblr media
They're not quite right, in that this first update doesn't include a pregnancy announcement. But it's been a bit since you sent me this, and reading what you sent me, it's not hard to imagine you having already gotten started on the path to being a cute little baby mama to your straight boyfriend.
But even if you haven't... You're never going to be able to forget what this was like, will you? Losing your virginity to a straight man, and so easily losing your identity with it. Being pinned down by him with your legs spread and his bare cock in your pussy. The simple force of a man on top of you, and how simple it was to slip back into womanhood and welcome him in.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I have nsfw analytical thoughts about levi dyck so yeah, for those who wish to read/listed, Nsfw twin dick analysis following:
Due to some research on my own part i have some things to say about possible Levi dick theory: firstly, if he has more than one dick, there is absolutely no way to quietly or secretly have sex unless his room is sound proofed and we know it isn't t because everyone can hear him yell all the time. I say this because the two dicks in question, no matter the size or shape (tested this theory on multiple things including tentacles) it creates a gap that allows a significant amount of air to be shoved in an out of MC. Im afab so i have only tested the i tended entry for this >_>
That being said, said gap not only is going to allow for "air noises" it also means any cum or eggs or what ever else scenario is happening, is going to be thrusted out n several directions upon entry thrust.
The other thing i noticed, if it is tentacle like, it requires a lot more lube for some reason? Dunno y or where tf its going but it gets used up quicker.
The next bit i know from having kids: even if ur like me and like having ur cervix hit with the dyck, having it opened HURTS LIKE A BITCH. A nurse checked regularly to see how open it was and her shoving fingers n it hurt, none the less if you're re putting some penile protrusions in there to lay eggs. Thats gunna hurt so bad. Even when numbed. I took all the meds they would give me and it still hurt. This from someone with a high pain tolerance.
(Do with this what you heathens reading this will, to each their own.)
On the egg thing; while oviposition is cool, this also implies that Levi is trans. Even if he's also adding sperm to inseminate, that would mean he's hermaphroditic and you the reader are just a holding cell. So yeah, egg levi says trans rights no matter what 👍
The only species on earth where the male is the female position baby wise are sea horses and sea dragons, neither of which lay eggs. The female lays them and the male carries them in a pouch to give birth later.
For mc to then birth what ever kind of egg levi has to give, that egg is going to need to be soft shelled to get past the super tight cervix and through the curved birth canal. The egg could harden after the fact like a snake, but that might pose some higher risk to MC as that kind of egg usually has some glue like substance its laid with and if that hardens inside a human MC they might have medical issues to follow; and should those eggs not be of the soft shell variety, MC needs a cesarean [c-section] to remove them so they don't shatter upon contraction or push.
This all assuming they're a size that is smaller than a human baby that can be pushed out to begin with. As with egg laying creatures they are born the size that can fit in the egg and just grown normally unlike human babies that r born and then continue to develop before growing. Its a minor difference but kinda important.
I won’t lie- I’ve used a tentacle toy before the lube is so true helpshdj but never two- like wow- I bow to you anon 🙇🏼‍♀️
‘n the whole ’cervix fucking’ is fun to read but like irl not really my thing, and I don’t even want to imagine the pain of having it opened 😭 fanfics are amazing!!!but I could never jshsjsj
Honestly I love the idea of Levi being hermaphroditic- (so many ideas)
Also this is all gonna be super helpful for more ‘realistic’-ish writing!!! Omfg- thank you!!
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curio-queries · 26 days
I’m loving your production breakdown posts, they are so interesting and insightful.
I think you mentioned it maybe in the first ep breakdown but it was about expenses. I just thought it was interesting in ep4 when JK mentioned at the chicken place, paying in cash, and he solely has this conversation with Tae, not Jimin. Would there be an arrangement do you think? Or was that scene cut and he’d have asked Jimin too? I’ve noticed in comparison to Bv where they were usually only allowed a certain amount of money between them, with one usually being in control, or a sum for a task, in AYS, Jimin and JK have been whipping out their cards, be it their own or a company card, in Big Dicks store, in Walmart etc.
I just found it interesting
Hi anon,
The finance bits are interesting in the most boring corporate sense if that makes any sense. 😅 Trust me on this. Let's dive in:
In my opinion, it really boils down to two concerns: taxes and sponsorships. Taxes to insure the company receives every possible benefit for every dollar they spend. Sponsorships because some brands can have fussy rules about how individuals interact with their product and especially any competitor's products while they have an active agreement.
Obviously I have no actual insight onto how the finances and budget were managed for any of these specific shows and I know absolutely nothing of the intricacies of taxes in South Korea but in the US, there are many regulations when it comes to how companies can claim expenditures for tax breaks.
Every company that has had me travel for work has gone to a lot of trouble to insure that I was aware of exactly all of the requirements on my part regarding expenditures. I'm 100% sure all of the BTS members are aware of their requirements as well so I don't particularly think there's any motive other than as a cute convo for the moment between JK and V. Imo, the only reason it made it to the final cut was JKs endearing tone in his response.
Let's go through some examples though:
Receipts: in both AYS and Bon Voyage, we see the members be very specific in getting Receipts. JM and JK talk about it as they're leaving Walmart. In BV, it's all of the shenanigans with the money pouch they acquired in Malta and continued using in New Zealand. This is usually documentation required for any operation that's going to be claimed as a business expense for tax purposes.
Personal Spending: off the top of my head I can think of several clear instances where we know that the members are using their own money for purchases we see them make on the shows. In Run BTS ep.70 in Toronto, JK pays for the member's clothing purchases himself. In BV4, JM pays for the member's clothing himself a couple of times (remember the drama of his lost wallet? 😅)
Budget as Content: BV 1 & 2 mostly only include finances as part of the game-ification of the show. The members had to earn money as an allowance for the activities and determine the best ways to spend it. (I do vaguely remember some members wanting to negotiate for more when buying souvenirs? Was that just in the extra scenes? It's been so long, I've been holding off on rewatching until I'm done with my Run series).
Thankfully, the success of BTS has basically nixed the budget games. I think the last time we saw something like this were the Run episodes of a hotel staycation? But the prices were ficticious and not necessarily about real-world spending but rather determining the secret number to not exceed. (If I'm misremembering and there are more recent examples, please share!) Imo, it would just be too tone-deaf to continue portraying the members in that context. I know we all joke about them being broke millionaires, but there's a reason why celebrity game shows always make it clear that the money involved is for charity.
Anyway, back to AYS, the interesting bit to me is wondering about the inclusion of Taehyung from a budget standpoint. How was that reconciled? None of us can possibly know the answer, but it's interesting to think about. Some costs wouldn't have changed at all with one extra participant, like the house rental, or booking the climbing gym or yacht tour. But there were a few extra concessions, getting the extra mattress likely was more a logistics headache on short notice rather than an impact to the budget. And most Korean meals are served family-style so there honestly isn't a huge difference cost-wise. Except maybe the omakase. That I can imagine was noticeably more expensive with an added individual.
But really, the most expensive item per person would likely have been travel. Did someone say Tae was already in Jeju prior to filming? If he wasn't, did the show cover his flights like they would have JK, JM, and the crew? Or is the budget on these shows big enough that it was just another drop in a bucket? Also, the intent likely was for JK to zip around on the motorbike and JM to be on the scooter. I'm curious if they weren't logistically able to get another such vehicle with the short notice or if the budget/sponsorship constraint didn't allow for a third one the day. Or it could be that the scooter exists because of the 3 member count and production thought one of them could be JKs backpack. That bike has the space for it. But perhaps the difficulty to get coverage and/or converse wasn't appealing. Or maybe there just wasn't a third radio-enabled helmet prepared?
I know the various shippers are using this in their arguments. I'd like to firmly state that I am not building a case for either side here. Go do that on your own and leave me out of it. Lol.
There are so many questions and it's interesting to theorize how the finances could have impacted the development of the show. Maybe we'll get some more insight with the remaining episodes and bonus footage but I doubt it. Finances don't usually make for engaging content.
Thanks again for the ask! It's one of the points I want to discuss when I start doing my BV and ITS posts but who knows when that will be!
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whenits--notreal · 3 months
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➼ Batman hits Tim shouting "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING" in Batman (2016) issue #71 (1) (2). It is later explained that this [Batman spinning Tim's jaw] was a form of communication, a "language" which they had established between themselves beforehand. In this language, what Batman said roughly translates to "shut up". No, I'm not joking, this was later explained in issue #81.
➼ The exchange between Bruce and Damian in which Batman very much breaks character is from Batman (2016) issue #145. Spoiler alert: it's not Bruce. The whole dialogue went smthn like:
D: …is it really you? B: It is. D: prove it. B: After you moved in with me… you couldn't sleep. Nightmares. I'd sit in your room with you until you'd finally drift off. /The next day you'd always pretend like it never happened. D: Father… B: I'm back, son …and nothing can stop us.
Despite it not actually being Bruce, I included this for 2 main reasons: 1 ) because it's so obviously not Bruce and still his kids go [in the next panel] "So, the big question is… is it actually Bruce…" and 2 ) because it precedes a POV change to the actual Bruce who is trynna survive solo and is having a cute flashback in #147 (1) (2).
➼ The panel showing Bruce staying at home with a sick Jason instead of going on patrol is from Red Hood and the Outlaws (2012) issue #3. It's pretty self-explanatory, Jason was too sick to go on patrol so Bruce was gonna go alone, but then he changed his mind and cancelled patrol for the night. This is real big tho cuz he prioritised his son over his mission for once (1) (2) (3).
Context: RH and the Outlaws were in a situation where they had to leave their "most cherished memories" with this guy called S'aru as collateral and this was the memory that was taken from Jason (he doesn't want the memory back after they're done with their mission ☹). Also, the art is gorgeous.
➼ The one where B says that Tim isn't his soldier but his son is from Batman (2016) #127. It's an internal dialogue between him and Zur (the other Batman who is a bit bonkers). It's like when he's physically faced with the personification of his Batman persona and his mission, he is finally able to wrap his head around the fact that Robin or not, his kids are his kids, not his soldiers. Otherwise when it's just him, he kinda just ignores the fact and pretends that he doesn't feel/act in two completely conflicting ways when his kids are in question (1) (2) (3). He's a hypocrite and I'm still salty at the "In memory of -- Robin -- A good soldier".
Anyway, it's pretty heartwarming that this was one of the only instances in which he was able to keep the Batman of Zur-en-Arrh in check.
➼ The "I love you, dad" is from the 2016 Nightwing Comics #100 and while I have certain... qualms about Tom Taylor and his writing (don't get me wrong, he's a technically good writer and I enjoy reading what he writes. I just don't like what he's done with the bigger picture if that makes sense-- anyway), I really like this moment and B+N's relationship throughout the past few issues.
For me, Dick is a character with sooo much baggage to unpack and, honestly, I believe he's almost as emotionally closed off as Batman is, he just wears a smile while he's at it and believes the best of people where Batman assumes the worst. But when it comes to his own personal emotions, he bottles them up like he's Doraemon's pouch and has space to spare.
Here though, Bruce takes the initiative, taking off his cowl, and finally says what needed to be said long ago. With no miscommunications! In fact, Bruce delivers with eloquence! And he apologises! It only took Alfie dying...
Anyway, here're the panels: (0) (0.5) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Added in a few extra pages because Dick was getting the recognition he deserves)
➼ Now following the comic with the heartfelt conversation and Nightwing appreciation, we have the sixth panel: Bruce knocking out Dick's tooth. Yippee. And that would be from Batman (2011) #7. Dick is angry at B cuz he swiped a tissue sample from him without telling him then B just backhands (Backfists? backpunches?) one of Dick's molars right out of his mouth (1).
The reason was that there was evidence in that very molar that Dick was selected by the court of owls when he was young to be trained as an assassin. (2) Now here's the thing, B had no evidence and instead of idk telling Dick about his thoughts (and this is all happening as Dick is going off at Bruce for keeping secrets) and taking an x-ray or smthn, he forcefully knocks it out.
And then they just move on like what just happened was okay. There's not even a hint of remorse or the like, instead, B just rebukes Dick for "underestimating" the Court of Owls. Bro, he was max 8 years old when he was still in the circus, why would he think something happened then? Anyway, Snyder has a real propensity for writing Bruce as a wacko imo.
➼ The next one really pisses me off. Bruce swiping Dick across the face and shouting, "DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR JASON'S DEATH! DON'T YOU DARE!" is from The New Titans (1988) #55. Let's put aside the fact that yes, it is his fault that a barely 15 y/o kid was trapesing the streets in glorified underwear and making enemies of psychologically challenged, overqualified, criminal masterminds and was eventually brutally beaten to death by one of said criminal masterminds in some twisted parody of a love confession.
Dick comes back from an off-world mission with the Titans 2 weeks after Jason's funeral. He ends up finding out about Jay's death from this little twat who I'm not even gonna bother naming and then after confirming the news he goes to comfort Bruce. He prioritised comforting Bruce over his own hurt at not being called or told in any way.
Bruce, in turn, takes to being an antagonistic asshole like they didn't both just lose the same person and subtly blames Dick for how things turned out. Dick goes, 'hey don't blame me' and Bruce goes 'DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME' with a side of punch-to-the-face (1). Bruce then continues to rage at his own decision to take a sidekick (twice) but in a way that puts the blame on them (them being Dick and Jason), then he sort of disowns (?) Dick, and stomps out like the toddler that he is (2).
I could honestly never be Alfred.
➼ The page showing Bruce beating Jason is from Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016) #25. Jason shoots the Penguin (he doesn't die but neither B nor J know that) and Batman subsequently tracks him and beats him down like the loving father he is and Bizarro has to come save him (dk how much worse B could've done tbh) (1) (2).
Anyone with eyes would be able to understand why Jason finds it so hard to believe his father-figure loves him. Cuz he doesn't blood well act like it
➼ Next is Batman driving Dick Grayson to his new home or "hell" as he put it (weirdo?) after he officially made him his ward (consent wasn't included in the package). This is set in the Arkham Knight universe and is from All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2. I'm not gonna link any more than that because the whole run stars a messed up Bruce.
Idk in what world, the symbol of Justice of a city would think it's okay to legally kidnap a recently orphaned child, gas them in your car, and call them "dense" or "retarded" when they ask the genuine question, who tf are you? And then he slaps him for grieving his dead parents because, and I quote, "Grief is the enemy. [...] There's no room for grief. Grief turns into acceptance. Forgiveness. Grief forgives what can never be forgiven. Never."
And then he attacks Alfred for feeding him because 'woe is me, I (voluntarily) survived on rats and without any help and I decree that this young 8-year-old does the same'.
➼ And finally, the last one (Batman beating Damian and sending him flying across the floor) is from the Battle of the Super Sons Movie. To his credit, Batman's body was taken over by this starfish-looking parasite thing.
Not a fan of the movie, personally. Not much to say either, I just put it there cuz one of the key aspects of the movie was meant to be Dami and B's father-son relationship (and the gif was kinda funny).
By the time Damian came along, DC writers half-realised that blatant physical abuse towards your kids was not cool.
Anyway, this turned out wayyyyy longer than I'd originally intended. I was just gonna cite the sources at first, and then decided to give context for those weren't gonna read the comics, and then a bit of my opinion slipped in towards the end ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ ...
Happy Father's day, ig?
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Things I LOVED from NATLA Episode 5 - Spirited Away
Katara creating a water version of the earth disks!
Small moment, but Sokka and Aang don't jump until Katara is there and grabs their hands to lead them off in the jump onto Appa
Love that Momo's the one who picks up the acorn to give to Katara - he's so cute!
Katara calling on Gran Gran's teachings <3
"Seeds for the future, not past mistakes" - bringing back up the themes around needing to let go of past guilt so you can step into the future
Big brother Sokka 😭😭😭😭
Zuko is such a sassy dick to Lt. Jee XD but like, kinda deserved atm as a girl with ice is kinda, really, something that should raise some flags.
But damn, Jee's face - it makes the next episode all the more satisfying
"Water the most promising seed" ooooohhhhh
"Not self-serving flattery and coy whipers" oooohhh BBUUUURRRNNNNNN
Though it burns all the more as we know that children want the approval of their mentors/parents and it's unlikely Azula has ever gotten that organically, so she feels the need to prompt it.
tHiN pLaCeS????? Sorry, Bruce from Dungeons of Drakkenheim has just primed me to fear that phrase and what it will bring.
Jumpscare where I really thought Sokka had just been yoinked into the Spirit World by that tree branch XD
Aang and Sokka bickering because Sokka can't stop talking and Aang is trying to concentrate - love the group dynamic here
Sokka's little "sshhhhhhh" in the back
Katara practicing her forms!!!
Blue Aang!!
Sokka being absolutely not here for a Spirit World journey and Katara quickly accepting it and just enjoying the ride
"When have I ever caused trouble?" 🙄 "When indeed." 😐
The most AWKWARD and NOT SLICK questioning by Zuko 😩 failing to smoothly slide the money pouch over the counter, just…he's SOOO BAD at being 'nonchalant'! He wants to just scream at you and demand you obey his orders, damn it!!!
Just Dallas' whole performance here - so fucking funny
Pirate mention! Canyon guide!! Stopped the volcano from erupting!!!
All those side quests get nice little mentions <3
Iroh's little run as he chases after Zuko throwing his tantrum 😭
Omg perfect. So perfect. Perfection. Gorgeously perfect. Did I mention perfect?
Zuko and Iroh's little slap fight XD
June noticing Iroh is cute 🙌
And Zuko's disgust at that 😂
Love Aang always mentioning Gyatzo and all he taught Aang - and Katara really wanting to soak in the knowledge
I like that they brought the entire Gaang into the spirit world here so we could have a natural in-road to deep character work
Nice birdie!!!!
Also great touch with only Aang being able to understand him here, humans just can't
Pretty eye shot!!
Azula's blue fire!!!!!
Really like the choice to let us see her progression to the blue flame - more character development is always a good thing in my book
"Everyone knows you're perfect" "That's not good enough" - smash cut to Zuko
SOOOOO GOOOODDD - seeding her fear that if she doesn't prove herself adequately, her father will treat her like he did Zuko
Showing not telling, people! This is what that means!!!
Zuzu!! Being disgusted - love it
Love Iroh trying to seed his lessons in with pai sho anecdotes
I'm sorry, this scene is hilarious and I cannot unsee it being Iroh trying to prep Zuko for the news that he and June are a thing XD "I know it's unexpected, and she's much younger, but open up your mind to new ideas! There's much you (I) can learn from a dommy mommy."
Again, reinforcing that Zuko has a strong sense of right and wrong - right now, that's leading him down the path of following the Fire Nation's rules, but that very same integrity will be what makes him change sides
Ugh, Iroh's lessons wrapped in pai sho terminology are soooo gooooddd
Creeeeeepy spirit world!!
Who's a cutie patootie panda bear?? YOU ARE!!!!
Oh no, Sokka!!! He went flying.
Suspicious 3-tailed fox!
Her talk about pain right here is so poignant not only for this storyline, but the future one with the ocean spirit
"Do you always make jokes when you don't want to talk about something?" - cutting right to the heart of a lot of Sokka's humor as a coping mechanism
Just… everything with Katara's spirit vision
Her getting to see her mom again and hug her, the women joking around about braiding and Kya encouraging Katara with her waterbending
The absolute gut-wrenching horror as Katara knows what's about to happen, the viewer knows what's about to happen, but the helplessness you feel as you have to watch it play out
Katara trying to save her mom but not being strong enough - it's so well done and we see why the trauma is so very deep when it comes to her and waterbending
Omg Koh's introduction was sooooo terrifying
The sounds, the way he senses despair - it's everything I love about the spirit world
Hakoda!!! DX
I like how we're getting to see that Sokka's feelings of inadequacy as a leader and warrior aren't unfounded - he DID struggle, it didn’t come naturally
I don't blame Hakoda in this moment - he knows the war is coming and he's going to have to leave Sokka in charge - he knows it's not fair - he knows it's an impossible situation, and he's desperately trying to exert some control over the uncontrollable
It makes sense that he'd want Sokka to be magically perfect, that way he could feel marginally better about abandoning him and the village - it's not like he has a choice to stay, everyone is in impossible situations and wishing your kid could be the perfect leader when you know it's going to be forced on them anyways is totally rational
Love that Aang immediately clocks the vision as not real
Despite wanting nothing more than to go see his home and people again, he's a master of the spiritual side of his nature - he knows how to rein it in.
It hurts all the more when we get to Gyatzo and there's the initial distrust - completely founded
Koh's lair!!!
Creepy centipede boiii
Love their chat and I like to think that Aang's past lives subtly let him know not to show emotions with Koh
The whole situation around Koh's face that opens and closes - thanks, I hate it.
It's well done. And I hate it. Please get it away from me. I do not like. Please, kill it with fire. Thank you.
But Gyatzo!!! He waited for Aang for 100 years!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna say it again - everything with Gyatzo is pure gold. I'm so glad they expanded more with him being Aang's first mentor, even after his death
Gyatzo trying to relieve Aang of his guilt over not being there for the fire nation attack ): It's something Aang really needed to hear and I'm glad it was someone who was present who told him that, not someone just trying to make him not feel as sad.
Aang leaving Appa and Momo in charge of watching over Katara and Sokka!!! So sweet
Gyatzo's monologue is great - how sometimes it feels like we'll always be alone, the only thing keeping you company is your own pain
It ties into every single character of the series and it's such a great through line - they're all suffering in different ways. They NEED people (even Azula) 
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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rosanna-writer · 7 months
Ok, but in this scenario is there a boating accident in which mermaid!Feyre has to rescue the idiot prince from drowning? Has she secretly been in love with him for years from afar and longs to walk among the other Fae of Velaris? Can mermaids even shift form to the appropriate parts needed for sex!?
Ok. So.
Do I have any plans to write mermaid!Feyre? No. Have I thought about this too much? Yes.
Putting this under a cut because I think it'll get long.
You CANNOT convince me there isn't weird shit living in the Sidra. River that passes through a magical city??? There's no way it's just some normal fish and plants in there. And since we know the Spring Court has water-wraiths living in at least one of their lakes, I think it stands to reason that there are some river mermaids living there. (Love at First Sight's for Suckers almost had Feyre as a Sidra water-wraith instead of a shadow-wraith!)
SIDRA. RIVER. BOAT. RACES. ARE. CANON. (In ACOFAS Rhys says, "I’d grown up in these houses, attending the parties and feasts that lasted long into the night, spending bright summer days lazing on the sloping lawns, cheering the summer boat races on the Sidra."). Drunken party boy prince falling off a boat and into Feyre's arms??? It's a perfect meet cute. There's even potential for a childhood-friends-to-lovers story if Feyre's a Sidra mermaid (just the thought of her being the first person Rhys seeks out every time he gets a chance to visit Velaris during breaks in his training in Illyria......it's so cute)
Look at the boathouses of Philadelphia and tell me they don't give you Velaris vibes:
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But if you're a mermaid purist and insist that Feyre needs to live in the sea? As @thesistersarcheron would remind you, the Night Court is bordered by the sea on three sides. There is a LOT of untapped potential with things like pre-High Lord Rhys serving in the Night Court navy during the war, mermaid!Rhys and NightCourtSailor!Feyre, and the general aesthetic of the cold, icy sea in the far north Night Court.
Mermaid sex just requires some imagination:
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I think a dude from Crescent City also has a pouch that opens up??? I'm not really a Crescent City fan so idk for sure, don't quote me on that. But in general, I think the concept of a hidden pouch (with or without a dick inside and regardless of gender, mermaid!Feyre penetrating Rhys would be hot, for example) more or less solves the mermaid sex conundrum.
And finally, we can't talk about Feysand and the sea without a mention of MB's lovely tentacle sea monster Rhys Feysand fic: High Tide Came And Brought You In (and in addition, if you're interested in a non-oceanic Feysand story about lesser fae Feyre secretly being in love with Night Court prince Rhys, Bejeweled is one of my favorites)
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Westopolis Dystopia part 1
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Intro Post | Next | AO3 Link And so it begins. Project Shadow, our protagonist, is over at Amelia Rose's place. All of a sudden Amy's cousin, Rob, runs in with interesting news he heard about some new changes the Eggman Empire is doing and it kick starts a new adventure.
Shadow thought he knew a lot of things, his mind wanders constantly as he walks down the smoke filled streets of Westopolis. Yet no matter where he goes, it senses a heavy feeling down his spine.
He’s never seen a calm day in his life and even less so in a world like this, recalling the days it all went down and the few months that came afterwards is rather difficult for him. All he knows is that he’s painted as a threat, a misfit. The question to be asked is.. Does he even care?
No. No he doesn’t.
Until… recently…
“Guys, everyone! gather 'round. Pardon the rapid intrusion yet I hast important tidings that I gathered from when I was out and about!” Called out a green hedgehog in a hood with a cybernetic bow and arrows on his back as he quickly opened the door, setting down his weapons and pouch by the same door he came through.
“Huh? What’s going on, cuz?” Spoke a pink hedgehog named Amy who had been sitting on the couch of the small home, cleaning her hammer.
“HEY! Pipe down, you don’t have to scream about it!” Said a semi frustrated echidna named Knuckles who had been eating in the kitchen while listening to music.
“Oh calm down dear, what Rob has to say is probably better than your aspiring rap career.” Those words came from a bat in heels named Rouge with very nice clothes and makeup who walked up to the echidna to just mock him.
The only quiet one of the crowd that were present in the room, was a black hedgehog, our lovely Shadow who was mentioned before, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, pointy claws and a long tail to accompany it. All it did was lift up his head and look in the direction in which the chatter and yelling came from. He was only there because the bat had forced it to tag along. Something about ‘Not being an emo loner’, whatever that means.
“I be sorry if my intrusion made ye all argue. I but doth say that this is actually revolutionary information I hast gathered and it’d be best if I could tall ye as soon as possible.” Rob said as he adjusted his hood once he walked to the center of the living room.
“Eeh, don’t be sorry. You know that this is a very normal and calm reaction from everyone” The pink hedgehog giggled a little after saying that. “Especially from Knuckles” She also pointed out as she made a small sign to the echidna in the kitchen. Causing him to push out his chair and stomp his way over to where the two hedgehogs were.
“I’m not deaf you know, you could have just told me to come over here and not be a dick about it” He complained as he looked over at the pink hedgehog who made the snarky comment prior, who’s reaction to this was just to laugh a little.
As the pink hedgehog and the equidna bickered, the bat swooped in and sat on the couch with grace as she laid down slightly leaning against the arm rest of the couch with her legs crossed on the ground, one boot in the air as she got comfy.
“Settle down now you two, you’ve kept the poor boy waiting. If this is as dire as he says it is, then we probably should listen instead of picking on one another.”
The equidna and the hedgehog looked at Rouge and nodded. The equidna lifting up to fingers and making the typical ‘I have my eyes on you’ signal to the hedgehog, who just rolled her eyes and sat beside Rouge.
“Thank you kindly m’lady. As I was trying to say ere. Wherein I was out and returning from mine time of stealing riches, I befell to hast overheard some talk towards the outskirts of the Empire’s base…”
“Ooh this just got interesting, hmm~” Said the bat as she was listening to Rob speak.
“What the hell is he yappin’ abo-” Interrupted the equidna before being bonked on the head by the pink hedgehog.
“ 'Twere a couple of guards speaking about how there shall be some supposed changes 'i this land. I couldn't hark much details, yet I didst understand that there shall be some kind of alliance going on 'twixt the Empire and another group of not so pleasant people. Whom they are? I hast  not a clue. Yet I doth wot that they are not from hither”
When the green hedgehog got done talking about what he saw, Shadow got up from leaning against the wall and walked over to where everyone was gathered around.
“Alliance? And no names?”
“Ah! Yes that is correct. And I be not allowed to up and ask 'em for further details.”
“AN ALLIANCE? You have to be kiddin’ me! Those dirtbags are up to no good and the situation has already been hard recently” Shouted the pink hedgehog as she wasn’t pleased with this news.
“Calm down sugar, we can’t do anythin’ if you’re all riled up”. A sudden voice responded as a cyborg bunny wearing a cowgirl hat walked in. Everyone turned around upon hearing the lady speak.
“BUNNIE!” Amy cheered as she got up and hugged the person who just walked in.
“Hey hey, careful there little lady” replied the cyborg bunny as she hugged the pink hedgehog. She then patted her on the back and started walking to Rob.
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation, so you know about this hidden alliance that’s going on behind the scenes?”
Rob was caught off guard by the fact that Bunnie understood that so clearly, mostly because Bunnie never understands him, so she must know something. “Correct, I overheard a conversation today as I was fleeing the place where I got today's riches. We hast no names of whom the alliance is with though”.
“Funny thing ya say that bucko… Because I actually heard that it may be the Black Arms alien race.”
As soon as everyone heard those last words come out of Bunnie’s mouth, everyone was left shocked but the one who was the most stunned by it was Shadow.
“You’re telling me that..”
“Mhm. I ain’t sugarcoatin’ it one bit. Your species has returned to make our life even more of a livin’ hell.”
Shadow clenched it’s fist after hearing Bunnie say that, as much as he wanted to just go and punch her in the face, he knew that it shouldn’t because it would make the situation worse.
“Thank you for your brutal honesty and damned opinions, but I have nothing to do with them and I thought I had disposed of them.”
Bunnie crossed her arms and tapped her robotic foot on the ground as she stood there staring at Shadow. “Well, if ya did then why are they back? Answer that.”
The mood in the room started to sway as the conversation started to get heated. Everyone but Bunnie and Shadow were left sitting there in silence.
“I’ll be real, I don’t fucking know! I killed off their leader, they should be all dead and burning in the pits of hell, they can’t function without a leader!” Shadow yelled as he raised his fist a little, his claws starting to tear his gloves slightly, other than anger, he felt something more profound in it’s heart as he said that.
This is now when the bat got up and decided to intervene, walking up behind Shadow and resting her hands on his tense shoulders.
“Hey…” She said as she looked towards Bunnie. “Cut the bullcrap, I understand your frustration, I feel the same way, we all feel the same way, even Shadow. If he says he isn’t on the side of the Black Arms, then he is not. Alright? We’re not getting anywhere with stupid fights.”
Bunnie put down her arms and sighed as she faced down, before looking back up at the bat and alien hedgehog. “Right, I apologize for gettin’ myself carried away. I don’t trust you, but that doesn’t mean I get to be mean about it. It’s just stressful.”
Shadow just groaned and moved Rouge off of him before turning around and heading towards the door.
“Shadow-” Rouge said as she reached out for him after seeing it’s sudden actions. Shadow just looked at Rouge and walked out the door, slamming it from behind. Bunnie sighed and put her hands on her hips as she shook her head with disappointment. “What troublesome times. He’s gonna throw an adult temper tantrum while we sit here and suffer knowin’ that those aliens are gonna use us for food.”
“That’s enough Bunnie.” Said Rouge as she turned back to look at the cyborg bunny. “If all you’re going to do is stand there and be an adult bully, then I’m leaving too. If this is all true, I am better off spending my time preparing than having to teach you a lesson about bullying.”
Bunnie looked up at Rouge with a face of annoyance as she watched her also walk out the door and then fly away.
Everyone else who was gathered around the living room was just sitting there blinking.
“Wow. That was something.” Said the pink hedgehog as she pushed herself upwards on the couch. “Say.. How did you even get that information anyways?”
Bunnie turned to face Amy after hearing that, lifting a hand up with a finger out to poke her own cheek as she spoke. “Uhh… I know a few folks who gather information about the government’s plans and stuff.”
Rob, the hedgehog in the hood, who had been sitting there quietly for a while now took a minute to look at Bunnie and then back at Amy. He then lifted up a hand and spoke. “But dear cousin, lady Bunnie hath mentioned ere about these groups of people. I also associate with 'em from time to time, one of 'em is a lady by the name of Relic Lapis”
Amy sat there thinking for a moment, she hadn’t known of the existence of such a group before hand, probably because nobody wants to associate with her, she then lifted up her head and answered. “Huh… Interesting.”
Once again, Shadow was left wandering the streets of the city, left alone with his thoughts that taunted him every minute and the heavy emotional pain falling down his spine.
“AAUUURGHH” A ‘schkhrouching’ noise was heard as the alien hedgehog scrapped his claws against metallic jugs in the alleyway, only to then kick said metallic jugs that were scratched.
He stood there, breathing so heavily you could see his chest moving and his eyes glow slightly, like an enraged monster. But he then calmed down and just stared at his dark reflection in the now banged up metal. Shadow lifted one of it’s hands and face palmed himself as the hand moved down from his face.
“I have to get myself together…
Nobody can stop them but me….
But why are they back…? How… How are they back…?”
Shadow said to himself as he looked out from the entrance of the alleyway, looking up to see the huge building from afar that was the Empire’s main building, where the leader of everything resided. “Whoever you are… I will find you. That’s my mission.”
And just like that, the alien hedgehog walked back into the alleyway, returning to the place in which he stays to plan out how it will proceed with the new objective he has in mind.
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macrosoftgo · 2 years
Daddy yankee gasolina english
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This the one that tramples and the one that helps al human being, the good friend exists that is loyal like a brother. They launched us al jail and with the death penalty they gave us. If by the government was the rappers not toĮxist. If the looks killed to' the time used a gavana a priest accompanied me continuing me in a caravan If he was by my enemies at the table me trairian a vivora of meat and vinegar of beverage they Crucified Me in a raw act homicida But they are mistaken my God with health raises me and life. She likes the gasoline.Īfter averaging 500-700 daily pageviews for.Daddy! Ecko! It says. Gasolina is the smash hit from Daddy Yankees third studio album Barrio Fino. Original Tu Madras Sea Breeze Sangriiia Pink Martini Mojito. What I like is that you like to be taken away hard To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar duro To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar duro Mi gata no para de janguear porque. Daddy Yankees Gasolina first came out in 2004 and took the world by storm when it debuted at No. Sign up for exclusive GASOLINA Party news offers. Wednesday - Sunday 830am - 230pm There is a 20 service charge added to all checks this allows us to pay equitable wages to Front Back of House. Gasoline ˈ ɡ æ s ə l iː n or petrol ˈ p ɛ t r ə l see the etymology for naming differences and the use of the term gas is a transparent petroleum-derived flammable liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in most spark-ignited internal combustion enginesIt consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum enhanced with a variety.Įste lunes los precios de las gasolinas iniciaron la semana con ligeros cambios respecto a los precios reportados la semana previa recordando que el día sábado entraron en vigor los nuevos montos de los subsidios a los precios de los combustibles pero cada gasolinera establece los precios de los combustibles que vende. Gasolina song from the album Barrio Fino is released on May 2005. HttpsgooglyypZyaEscúchala en tu plataforma digital favoritaSpotify. Here we are the best unable to translate this part On the dance floor they call us The killers. Gasolina cafe is a lively all day restaurant in woodland hills led by chef sandra cordero bringing spanish influenced food to the table in an exciting new way. Hecho en Puerto Rico.ĭaddy YankeeGasolina - Video Oficial ReUploadSuscríbete. Httpsidjtunesfanlinktogasolina Subscribe to IDJVideosTV. Gasolina Cafe is a lively all day restaurant in Woodland Hills led by chef Sandra Cordero bringing Spanish influenced food to the table in an exciting new way. Gasolina translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary see also gasolina con plomogasolina de aviaciónbomba de gasolinadepósito de gasolina examples definition conjugation. If you feel that youve received excellent service you. Gasolina Urban Blends are Ready-to-drink Cocktails in a pouch made from premium spirits and 100 natural fruit juices. Bebida lista para tomar en variedad de tragos. Bitch on my dick I got money now I got a ho in like every town I make it pop in the underground We goin up and you know it now Green in my pockets and in my lungs Im. Listen to Daddy Yankee Gasolina MP3 song. Over the past two days Daddy Yankees reggaeton classic Gasolina has surged in popularity on Genius.
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Translation of Gasolina by Daddy Yankee from Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Brasil Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어. It features female reggaeton artist Glory La Gata Gangster in the chorus. Gasolina Ready To Drink Cocktails Gasolina Sangria U-u party sam manijak Fire Klub po meni satove navija Od tvojih bivših mnogo lukavija Stvarno misliš da me sad napijaš.
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You make anyone to fall in love with you.
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batfam-imagines · 2 years
Been Awhile - Part 2
As soon as initial introductions are made you and Kon quickly make your way to the Zeta-Tube. Clark had promised to slow Bruce down enough for you to get away, but your father wasn’t Batman for nothing.
“Y/N!” He sounds almost frantic as he tries to get to the tubes before you. “Y/N, wait!”
Conner quickly inputs the coordinates to Metropolis and pushed you into the machine, “I’ll meet you at home. Love you”
“Kon, what - !” But it was too late, the Zeta-Beam has already started and soon Metropolis materializes around you. “Shit”
Kon stands tall in the Watchtower hallway, his wife safe on Earth, and Batman standing menacingly in front of him.
“Step aside Kon-El, I need to speak to my daughter.”
The Kryptonian snorts, “Y/N hasn’t been your daughter for years now, Batman. Just because you find out she’s married doesn’t give you the right to speak to her.”
Bruce yanks off his cowl and glares at his, supposed, son-in-law, “I have every right to speak to her! She’s my daughter!”
“And she’s my wife! Y/N and I have been together since we were sixteen! I proposed after her high-school graduation, and we got married a week after her college graduation! How many years is that, Bruce?!” Batman opens his mouth to respond, but Kon doesn’t give him a chance, “Six years now, Y/N graduated with two bachelors degrees in 3 years! And you haven’t been there for any of her accomplishments! Last time she was at the Manor, Damian told her that she was a burden!”
“I didn’t -”
“All these years she’s been waiting for you to notice! Waiting for you to reach out, hoping you’d remember you had a daughter at all! But no, the only brother she’s talked to is Jason and he’s off the grid so often it hardly counts!”
Kon stops and takes a deep breath, “I have no doubt that she’ll forgive you eventually. Y/N sees the best in everyone, no matter how often people disappoint her. But I won’t. I won’t forget how many nights I had to hold my wife while she cried because of you and your family. I won’t forgive everything I heard you say to her. Before I wasn’t able to do anything about it, but now I can.”
Bruce’s hand drifts toward one of his belt pouches, “Are you threatening me?”
“No” Kon flashes a bright smile, the one Y/N says is so wide that it ends up being creepy, “Not yet”
When Kon finally shows up at home he immediately wraps you in his arms, squeezing as tight as he dares, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, we really didn’t think he’d be there.”
“I know, doesn’t make it any easier to see him,” You pull back and give Kon a smack in the chest, “But what you did was even more stupid! You know he carries Kryptonite on him and you still wanted to go up against him!”
Kon chuckles, “I wasn’t really thinking about that at the time, ya know? I was much more concerned with getting you away from him”
Before you can respond, your cell phone starts going off, “We aren’t done with this conversation, Kon-El.”
Your husband just grinned and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, “Go see who it is, maybe Alfred heard about today.”
“Maybe,” Before you can even pick it up the phone goes to voicemail, and immediately starts ringing again, “Hello?”
“Y/N? Y/N, is that you?” Your fathers voice trickles through the phone, “I wanted to talk about today -”
“How did you get my number?” Kon glances up from where he’s started on dinner, his head tilting – asking to listen in, you nod, “How did you get my number!? We haven’t spoken for years, and you think -”
“I’m sorry! I called to tell you that I’m sorry! Connor told me what you had been doing these past years … I didn’t realize – I didn’t realize how much I’d missed.”
“You didn’t realize that it’s been four years since we’ve had an actual conversation? You didn’t realize that I’d moved out, graduated from high school, got engaged, graduated from college, gotten married? You didn’t realized that I made a name for myself? You didn’t realize that - that Damien hates me, that Tim doesn’t think I’m smart enough to be in the family, that Dick has never trusted me? Tell me, did I miss anything, Father?”
“Y/N … I’m so sorry”
“Sorry isn’t enough! It isn’t enough for everything you and my brothers put me though!” You take a shuddering breath, trying to regain your composure. “I found my own family, one that loves me for me. I have a husband, a mother and father-in-law, a - a crazy uncle, even a grandmother now. Alfred is the only one who knew about everything that was happening, he’s the only one I still talk to consistently. Jason tries, but he’s gone on his own missions so often that we’ll go months without talking.”
“Y/N -”
“Stop interrupting damnit! I don’t want to talk to you! I don’t forgive you! And if you even want me to try it’ll a hell of lot more than you finding my phone number and randomly calling it. Now, goodbye and goodnight”
Let me know what you think! Send any ideas or requests you have to my Ask Box!
Been Awhile - Part 1 
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
What about centaur denki fucking the absolute crap out of the reader 😳
oh i love this. this is in a slightly more fantasy world. have fun with a non-human reader too. i can’t believe i looked up horse anatomy for this.
pairing: centaur kaminari x slime male reader content tags/warnings: monster on monster, belly bulge, cumflation, milking word count: 1.4k
Slimes aren’t exactly the best monster to be cornered by. They’re difficult to fight considering what their bodies are made of, they rarely have any sort of consciousness and worst of all, they’re constantly hungry. So when Kaminari is cornered by a group of a green slimes, he thinks he’s doomed. 
“Sorry, sorry!” 
A male voice catches him by surprise and he sees you coming out of the woods. You’re made of the same green gelatinous substance as the slimes surrounding him and they instantly focus on you when you enter their line of sight. They hop over to you, nuzzling against your form. He has to take a moment to process it. There’s some who talk about the infamous “slime people” who exist among the groups of slimes, usually being their leaders. He never believed it, but now that you’re standing in front of him, he has to believe them.
“They’re a bit hungry. They see anything move and assume it’s food. You weren’t hurt, were you?” You take a few steps towards the centaur, shooing the small slimes back into the forest. “Could I help you with anything? Are you lost?”
You can’t help your doting nature. The small slimes don’t have the ability to really think on their own. They see something moving and chase after it. You always have to watch over them so they don’t get in trouble, so they don’t get hurt. It translates towards any other living being you come across.
“I’m alright! So... Never seen one of you before.”
“We tend to stay out of sight, you know? It’s safer.” You give him the bare minimum for an explanation. A tinge of hunger goes through you and you shift uncomfortably, a few bubbles growing in your form. 
Kaminari notices and he takes a step forward, looking you over for a moment. You look uneasy to him, like you’re almost waiting for the conversation to end. 
“Are you hungry too?” He opens his pouch, pulling out a bit of dried meat to offer to you. It’s clear he’s not sure what a slime actually eats but he wants to help. When you don’t take it, he starts thinking about what you might eat but he can’t come up with anything. “Uh- what exactly do slimes eat?” 
“Technically slimes can eat anything that’s living, but...” Slimes can’t blush, but if you could, you would. “I don’t like hurting people so I think that consuming bodily fluids is better...”
How Kaminari wound up with you on your knees, lapping at the precum leaking from his cock, is lost on him. Your tongue feels strange yet pleasant. This entire situation can be described that way as well.
“Does it feel good?” You peek out from under him, looking at his face for any signs of discomfort. “Should I stop?”
“No, you’re good. Could we try something else, though?” He watches you nod and get out from under him, your body jiggling slightly as you move. The centaur can’t stop himself from reaching out to grab at your body, fingers sinking into the slime. You let out a small moan and only makes him want to touch you more. 
He pushes you against a nearby tree so he can properly grab at your form, enjoying the way his fingers sink into it slightly. Even though you’re made completely of slime, you don’t lose your humanoid form when he grabs you. Your body must be some sort of erogenous zone from how much you’re squirming and moaning. It’s only confirmed when you a cock forms from the slime and slaps gently against your stomach.
“You... Did you just make a dick?” 
“It’s a reflex, okay?!” Your voice’s pitch and volume is raised as you respond. It’s obvious to both of you that you’re aroused by the situation. There’s a strange fluid leaking from the tip of your cock that can only be an imitation of precum. Kaminari reaches out to touch it, watching how it twitches from the feeling of his hand. 
“Fuck, that’s hot...” He has to lean down to properly wrap his hand around your cock but he doesn’t mind. The way you squirm and whimper shows that no one has ever touched you like this. No one has ever returned the favor. Even if you did it as a way to eat, you were still making that person feel good.
“Okay, where’s a tree stump or something? I’m gonna make you feel the best you’ve ever felt in your whole life.” 
Excitement fills you and you eagerly take his hand and tug him into the forest. You practically throw yourself onto a large stump, your body jiggling from the impact. As you bend over onto it, you spread your ass and hold your cheeks open, showing where your hole would be. 
“You’re so eager, damn. Don’t worry, you’re gonna love this.” 
Kaminari trots over and puts his forelegs on the stump to lift himself up. It’s a little difficult finding where your body is without being able to see you, but one of your hands leave your ass to guide his cock towards you. He can feel the cool substance against the head of his cock and when he can make out your fingers holding yourself open, he pushes in.
Neither of you are sure how to describe the feeling of him sheathing his entire cock in your body. He doesn’t have to worry about hurting you at all. Your body doesn’t have any skin or organs, nothing to worry about squishing when he thrusts into you. 
“Shiiit, you feel amazing. You feel good too?” 
The moans and groans coming from you say everything for you. Your entire body is overcome with pleasure, an intense feeling you’re not used to. Part of you wants to turn into a pile of slime from the pleasure- but if you do that, you won’t get to feel it anymore.
“If I had a brain, yooouu-” Your body tenses and the slime surrounding Kaminari’s cock constricts for a moment as you cum. A sticky, white substance spurts from your cock and paints the tree stump. 
The centaur isn’t close to finishing at all. He’s planning on working you past several orgasms before he fills you with his cum. 
“Give me another one, okay? Cum on my cock again, cum for me.” 
It’s like your body is following his orders as you tense again, more cum coating the tree stump. Your cock twitches and stays attached to your stomach by a few strands of slime. Who knows when it’s going to go away, especially with your body feeling like it’s being constantly thrown into an orgasm. 
The blond is feeling like you’re entire soul is trying milk him dry- which you are, in a sense. You’re begging him with your body to give you his seed and feed you. His cock twitches and pulses inside you, especially when you reach into your own body to play with the head of it. Your fingers tease the slit of his cock and even dive in a little, rubbing the inside of his cock. 
“Fuck- yeah, keep doing that.” Kaminari’s hips stutter from your fingers. “Play with my cock more.”
You let your slime slide into his cock, sounding him. The slime goes as far as it can comfortably, reaching his prostate to tip him further towards his orgasm. It’s something he’s never experienced before and he lets out a confused moan. It almost feels wrong to have something thrusting in and out of his cock, but the feeling of it directly playing with his prostate overpowers it.
He continues to fuck you, pounding into you without a care. Your cock twitches against your abdomen and spurts more cum onto the tree stump. There’s a small stain on it now.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum! Take it-” 
As his cock twitches, your slime is pushed out of his cock followed by ropes of cum filling your body. The slime of your body clenches around Kaminari’s cock to milk out all the cum that he can possibly give. 
When he pulls out of you, none of his cum is left on his cock. It’s all inside you, not a single drop wasted. His cock retracts back into its sheath and he moves away to look down at you. You’re fucked out, belly full of his cum. The centaur gently turns you over onto your back so he can see your blissed face from the feeling of being completely full. 
“You okay?” 
“Mhm.” You smile up at him. “That felt amazing- I didn’t know I could feel that good.”
“I’m glad you felt good... I should probably head out, but I’d be willing to come back and feed you again. Keep you full and stuff.” Kaminari looks almost embarrassed to suggest it, not able to meet your eyes. 
“I’d love that. Right, I’m Y/N.” 
“I’m Denki. It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
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80s4life · 3 years
The Things I Feel For You
Word Count: 1,349
Status: Requested!
Ask: "Hey! Could you write number 15 on the Fluff Prompts list for Barney Ross please? hope you're doing well!" - @one-boring-person
Fandom: The Expendables 2010-2014 {1-3}
A/N: This was very fun for me! Now I know why people use prompts! It gives you something to work towards, doing whatever just to make that one sentence click! I appreciate every prompt maker lol!
Relationship: Barney Ross x Reader
Summary: After a long mission, the team parties off all of the month-long-jitters. But, with the fuse of alcohol and strong feelings, the drunk host speaks the sober truth, the reader and Barney finally revealing things they've kept under hard wraps, some things their field of work may call a weakness. And weaknesses are dangerous, or are they?
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, partying like crazies, fluff, sexual themes (mentioned, not actually in here), Christmas being a child, the GROUP being children
Masterlist The Expendables Masterlist
Prompts: #15 (from this list @waiting-for-motivation)
15: "I'm asking because I've seen the way you look at me."
{I do not own the prompts, credits to original owners above, nor do I own the gif below -> @slystallone}
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{God damn! Sorry, this gif tho}
Flying head first into the cabin of the aircraft, I crash right into Gunnar, the broad Swede quickly grabbing my waist on instinct, just as a bomb and multiple rounds of ammunition are fired in futile attempts of subduing us. Quickly pushing past us, Barney quickly glances at us as he and Christmas charge to the front of the plane, starting the engine and pulling out as quickly as possible.
As for the rest of the team, Toll and Yin Yang protect the rampart of the bridge as the door pulls up to a close. All the while Caesar checks his bag, securing the sole purpose of our mission, all the stolen goods accounted for. With a sharp nod, we all take a collective sigh of relief, knowing we had done well once again, knowing we are gonna hear shit from Barney, but not as much this time 'round.
As the plane is led safely out of danger, all we have left is ample free-time as we wait for the long ride home. Gunnar, making note of this, pulls his flask from his chest pouch, walking over to the radio, putting it on full-blast. Caesar, not one to miss a party, hops up to grab himself a shot of whiskey, joining Gunnar on the first shot of the night.
I giggle, nudging Yin Yang, "This is gonna be a long night."
He just grimaces, knowing the extent of my words. Last time, we had gotten so trashed, Gunnar and Caesar became male strippers, Yin Yang became the Keg Drinking King, Barney has painting pictures with the ashes of his cigars against the walls of the plane, Christmas had left only about a dozen phone calls to Lacy, and Toll had been found laying naked on top of the plane the next morning. Given, we had luckily been home before the party had started, hidden in the shadows of the warehouse, Tool also attending that time.
However, that was one of the last parties he had attended afterwards, having given himself a horrible, unstable handiwork of a dick on his thigh. I guess he had thought it was the most intricate design yet though, as I had recalled bits and pieces of that night, him being drunkenly pleased with himself. He was less than pleased when he awoke that next day.
"We deserve it. Besides, how bad could we possibly get this time? It can't be any worse than before," Toll adds, handing us each a beer, leaving shortly after to hand the new arrivals, Barney and Christmas, a drink of their own as well.
Christmas all but laughs, already watching as Barney goes to get the keg out of the closet, knowing damn well how this night's gonna play out. Yin Yang nods approvingly, not going to let anyone beat his new record of 2 minutes.
This had surprised me as we were both around the same height, him being similar in size and weight as myself, both being light-weights in a group of drunkards. In our defense, we were smaller in comparison compared to the rest of the muscular 5'10" and up men. Drinking came easy for them, Yin Yang and I having to watch ourselves as the alcohol hits us the worst and quickest.
I, however, did not take this mental note seriously as, about an hour and a half in, I was already more than buzzed. In a giddy mood like this, my mind tends to wander to the one person that makes me feel special, Barney.
Looking around the room, I realize he isn't anywhere in sight. Taking this as a sign, I make my way silently to the cockpit, avoiding the men in the middle of a poker and drinking game full of laughter, punches, and teasing.
Toll gives me a look of appreciation and an "I know what you know" kinda look, making me blush crimson. He was always good with the women, something I will never let his pride get a hold of, stating the fact very often to the group of mercenaries.
I take a seat in the co-pilots chair, Christmas' usual throne, just missing Barney's sideways glance. I instantly know what's going on, him going through his moods every now and then. Something's making him overthink, plaguing his mind, and making it uneasy for him to enjoy the party in full swing behind him.
"What's up Old Man? You've got that look on your face again," I say easily, looking out the window in front of me.
"Nothin', just shit...as usual," his natural husky voice grunts, deeming his side window more interesting than the person on the opposite side, trying to ease his mind.
"Well if it's nothin' then why are you acting like a stubborn asshole? C'mon Barn, I've known ya' long enough now to know your thinkin' of something," I muse, trying to coax him into letting go and confiding in me.
Sighing, he turns his head to the front, gazing out into the blank space, mumbling, "Are ya' int' me Kid?"
Taken aback, I blush furiously, now being the one avoiding eye contact and looking out the side window. "Why do you ask?"
"I'm asking because I've seen the way you look at me. It makes me think things, messes with my mind...makes me hope," he almost whispers the last bit, just barely catching my line of hearing.
I can't help but gasp lightly, noticing the alarm in his features as he'd hoped I didn't hear the ass-end of the sentence at all. He's into me. And I'm into him. This shit's nuts.
With little confidence, I turn my whole body in his direction, the same as he had. I take on of his hands, bundled together as he had been anxiously cracking them, playing with his fingers and marveling at how small mine are in comparison.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm into you, and I've thought everything over, trust me. Your age doesn't bother a thing at all, I never really minded it honestly. I just want you," I say, forcing myself to meet his gaze with every word, wanting him to know the sheer weight and sincerity behind them.
He's the one to take a sharp gasp now, not expecting the answer I'd given to him just now. His eyes skim my face and features admiringly, never in a million years seeing himself right here, right now.
"Well good. 'Cause I feel the same and it'd be a damn shame if this shit was one-sided," he teases lightly, pulling my chin upwards to meet his gaze once more.
Giggling, I indulge in the moment as I press my lips to his lightly, sealing the bond we've longed to share. Him quickly deepening it, pulling me as close as possible, my body straddling his waist now. I moan out a feeling pleasure as he bites lightly on my lower lip, teeth clashing.
We quickly break apart, however, as Christmas screeches like a little girl, running back to the group, yelling something like, "Guys! They're together!" Followed by laughter and cheers as Barney and I, now greatly embarrassed, shuffle into the doorway, some of my lipstick smearing both of our faces.
Barney quickly recovers, "What? Why you all starin' like you haven't seen two people together before? You guys are children, I swear," he muses lightly.
Giggling flow in the room once more, Caesar motioning to his lips, Barney following suit and looking at his fingers. The red shade coating the pads. He's the one laughing now, looking at my smeared complexion, his fingers, and his own face as Toll tosses him a small, hand-held mirror.
"Fuck you," is all Barney says, laughter flooding his very being, now contagious as I have to give in as well, knowing we've been caught.
All I do is give the group the bird playfully, leading Barney back into the cockpit, locking the door behind us. "So, where were we?"
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