#we have like 4 cabinets worth of food and even more of pots and pans and shit bc this is everything we own
screamingay · 2 months
somehow these current roommates we have are the worst that ive known yet and last semester we literally had a girl who smoked cigs IN her bedroom. list of grievances below lol
#first of all they turn all the lights on all the time. the other day i was hanging out in the living room w one light on bc it was light#enough outside thru the windows and one of them walked in and flipped another light on automatically. then walked through#the living room right to her bedroom... girl youre not even using this room and i was clearly fine with the light level??#they always have all 3 kitchen lights on when they cook and dont turn them off plus none of them have lamps#they all use the Big LED Ceiling Light in their bedrooms which is baffling to us#they dont know how to organize the kitchen and they took up so many of the cabinets with bullshit. like 3 pans here a few plates there#we have like 4 cabinets worth of food and even more of pots and pans and shit bc this is everything we own#and we cant afford to use disposable everything like some of them do#theyre always leaving the fridge open while they cook too and i have to physically hold myself back from becoming my mom#and yelling at them to close the fridge when theyre not actively getting smth out of it!! like theyll stand there cooking and have it open#for 2 minutes straight#theres only room for one water filter pitcher in the fridge and one of them brought a big one which is nice but theyre always forgetting to#refill it which defeats the purpose of even having it#and they always somehow start cooking right when we decide we need to eat#one of them sent this long sort of condescending post abt ants and how it stresses him out when the kitchen is messy so we all need to clean#more and try harder to keep ants away as if 1) ants care at all abt dishes in the sink or stains on the stove and 2) as if the ants will#stop coming around if theres no food out in this building where there are notoriously always ants even on the 4th floor#(we are ground floor this time) and 3) as if he isn't one of the people leaving food around and not taking the trash out#nobody responded to it in the groupchat lmao bc he sounds like a fucking cop!! and is dating an rotc guy??? and also is a streamer or just#likes to play games on vc with friends bc hes always very loudly doing that#but obviously we have sex all the time so we're at a sort of loud noise stalemate where neither of us can complain abt the other#to be clear this is in no way the absolute worst situation theyre nice enough people and havent reported us for anything (they both work for#student housing -_-) and generally things go okay in the apartment#but like. ive never been this annoyed this often with any other roommates#ALSO someone spilled soy sauce all over our designated level of the fridge door where we had all our little bottles of stuff#but also a carton a Paper Carton of milk and a pack of butter standing upright which soaked up the soy sauce and for several days#even after id cleaned the bottom of the carton the best i could i swore it tasted like soy sauce from it soaking into the bottom or smth#but it's still all over everything in there bc it was so much it like. pooled in there and splattered on everything#like. u see that happen u clean it up wtf.??#anyway i just felt like i needed to complain and see if im being silly or if these things really are so annoying
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janeyseymour · 3 years
Anne Boleyn: Captain of the Chaos Squad- pt11
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10.
Title: Out of the Kitchen
Anne Boleyn was never one to step into the kitchen- Jane Seymour had made that very clear after the first debacle that took place within their house.
What began as a nice day between the third queen from the second would turn out to be an escapade neither of the women were planning on dealing with that day.
“Janey, do you want to make cookies for me?” Anne slid onto the couch next to the blonde who was watching television in peace.
“Make them for you?” The silver queen’s eyebrows shot up. “I don’t think so lovey.”
“W-Why not?”
“I’ll make them with you, not for you. And I do expect that the others and I will be able to enjoy some of the sweets as well?” she proposed.
The woman with space buns grinned at this. “That sounds like a good idea! What all do we need to bake cookies then?”
“You don’t know?” Jane couldn’t imagine not knowing how to bake. It came as a second nature to her. With a shake of the head from her predecessor, she began to list out the ingredients. “Flour, suga-”
“I’ll stop you right there,” the shorter woman interrupted. “We’re out of flour.”
“That’s impossible I bought some the other day for Catherine and Anna to make-”
“Do you remember when you were complaining the other day that there was just “so much dust” in the kitchen?” A smirk appeared on the green woman’s face. “When Anna brought it back to our apartment, she dropped it trying to put it in the cabinet for you.”
“You’re kidding,” Jane’s face morphed from shock to disappointment.
“‘Fraid not ol’ Janey. So, should we go to the store and get some?” Anne stood and offered a hand to her friend.
“Well, I suppose that’s just what we’ll have to do, now isn’t it?” She grabbed the hand being offered and allowed herself to be pulled off the couch.
The two found themselves at the grocery store with a basket full of flour among other baking needs. All was going well until Anne Boleyn decided to attempt to sneak other sweets into the basket without Jane noticing. And it was working. She had hidden a bag of gummy bears, a coca cola, a few packs of gum, some chocolate, and a pack of starbursts by the time they made their way up the register.
Jane was loading the groceries onto the conveyor belt when she eyed the woman accompanying her trying to grab her hidden gems and place them closer to the cashier to scan first.
“Anne Boleyn,” Jane’s voice was eerily low, low enough so that only Anne could hear her. “What have you done?”
The look Seymour was giving her alone was enough to make her tremble slightly, but along with the tone she was using? Well, the second queen knew she had made a mistake.
“Well, uh,” she scratched the back of her head as she thought of what to say. “You see, I think a little kid thought that our basket was hers and put her goodies into ours?”
“Hm,” Jane hummed. “So I suppose that this small child has all the same favorite sweets as you?” Anne nodded. “And I suppose that if I put it back, this small child wouldn’t know the difference, right?”
“Well, I mean... we don’t have to do that. We would have to get out of line and put it all back, so it’s really not worth the hassle,” the second monarch laughed nervously.
“Well, I can just tell the cashier I don’t wish to buy these add-ons. You know that dear.” The blonde’s voice was sickeningly sweet, but Anne knew the fire that was growing in her.
“Yeah, but I know you always feel bad doing that because then the workers have to put it back for you.”
“Well, you’re right I suppose. Just don’t pull any more shenanigans like this again. Understood?” Once again, her voice was dripping with honey, but it was not to be taken lightly, and the green queen knew that. With a quick nod, Jane continued to put the groceries on the conveyor belt.
The two had returned home and were getting ready to begin their adventure in baking.
“So, what’s the first step?” Anne looked at the woman in front of her curiously.
The third queen smiled softly. It was always nice to spend time with Anne. “Well love, the first step is to put on an apron. Lord knows you’re going to need it. And then I’m going to need you to wash your hands while I set everything out that we need.” And so, the two began their baking extravaganza.
“You have to level out the dry ingredients hun. If you don’t level it off, the cookies won’t bake properly.”
“Who says?”
“Me,” the woman in grey laughed while showing Boleyn how to even out the dry ingredients.
“Well,” Cathy smiled as she made her way to the coffee pot. “It’s actually a science. Chemistry.”
“That’s a better answer than yours, Janey,” Anne laughed. “So, now what?”
“Dump it into the bowl. Just make sure to do it gently because if you don’t, it’ll-” she was interrupted with a face full of flour and a nervous smile from her predecessor. “-go everywhere.”
“Sorry. I didn’t know that would happen.”
“It’s alright love.”
“So now that we’ve mixed the dry and wet ingredients separately, we have to mix them. Only do a little bit at a time though. Lord knows we don’t need more flour flying around the kitchen,” Jane instructed. “Think you can handle it while I clean up a bit?”
“You got it boss.” Anne mock-saluted her successor before turning to the ingredients.
“Annie, how have you only done like a quarter of the mixing?” Jane was shocked. It had taken her ten minutes to clean the various measuring spoons they had used before she had been dragged away for another ten minutes to help Katherine braid her hair.
“You told me small amounts!”
“How much have you been putting in at a time?”
“Like three of these?” the second queen held up a teaspoon. “I just didn’t want to make another mess.”
“Oh love,” Jane sighed goodheartedly. Her sweet friend was really trying. “You can do a bit more than that. Here, let me show you.” The blonde took the bowl of dry ingredients and dumped a good amount into the mixer before turning it on.
“Alright. I got it from here.”
“So now, you take a tablespoon and get some dough on it. Roll it into a ball like this, and then plop it down on the baking tray,” Jane explained as she demonstrated the first one. Anne followed her lead, and soon enough the two had a few baking trays full of cookie dough balls ready to be baked.
“You preheated the oven like I asked, right?” At the question, the green queen nodded. Surely she couldn’t have messed something as simple as pressing a few buttons up. Oh how wrong she had been.
“Wonderful love. Grab a tray and then we just have to pop these into the oven.” The third monarch picked up two trays and carried them across the kitchen. Opening the door to the oven, she was shocked to see all of their pots and pans still sitting on the racks. “Oh dear.”
“‘Oh dear’ what?” Anne glanced around the blonde. “Oh dear.”
“That’s quite alright love,” Jane assured her. “It’s an honest mistake. I’ve done it before. We’ve just got to get these out before popping the cookies in.”
A few minutes and curses later, the pots and pans had been taken out of the oven and replaced with the cookie trays.
“We have to set the timer for about eleven minutes. If they’re not done by then, we leave them for another two minutes.”
“Sounds good. Thank you for baking with me, you ol’ mom,” Anne joked as she gently pushed her friend.
“Of course sweetheart. It’s always nice to share my passions with you queens.” Jane pulled the green queen into a tight hug before pressing a kiss to her temple. “Thank you for asking me to bake with you.”
“Well, we both know if I tried to do that myself, we wouldn’t end up with cookies,” the second monarch laughed.
“I don’t doubt that what you’ve said is true,” Jane agreed in a silly manner before turning serious. “Now, while they’re in there baking, we might as well begin to clean up the mixer and bowls.”
In the middle of tidying up around the kitchen, Jane’s phone rang.
“This is Jane!” She answered the phone as happily as always.
“Seymour, it’s Cleves. My car broke down,” a rather panicked Anna of Cleves’ voice could be heard through the speaker.
“Where are you?”
“By Bryant Park. I’ve already had it towed and all that, but I don't know how I’m going to get back to my place.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen. It’s too cold to stand and wait for me, so go into the Whole Foods across the street and wait there.”
“Roger that. Thanks Seymour. You’re a lifesaver.”
“You goin’ to pick up Cleves?” Anne already knew the answer, but it didn’t hurt to confirm.
“I am. I trust you to not burn down the apartment in the thirty minutes I’m gone. When the timer goes off, check the cookies. If they’re golden brown, they’re done. Turn off the oven and let the cookies cool. I’ll be back soon.” The blonde pulled on her coat and made her way to the car to rescue the fourth queen.
Jane knew leaving the second queen home alone with an oven full of cookies that were bound to finish baking any minute was a risk, but she wasn’t about to let her successor freeze on her trek back to her apartment.
“Rounding the corner now,” Jane had been on the phone with the red queen. “Get ready to get in, I’m at a stoplight.”
“I see you. Unlock the door Seymour.” The blonde unlocked the car door and was hit with the bitter cold that was swirling around outside. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“Not a problem Cleves,” Jane looked at the woman sympathetically. “Gosh, you must be frozen. How about you come back to my place and warm up a bit before we head back out into the cold to get you home?”
“If you and Bo are doing something though, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“It’s really not a problem. She’ll understand. And, if Annie didn’t mess it up, we should have cookies to offer you.”
“Bo baked?” the fourth monarch raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I helped direct her. She did a pretty good job. Let’s just hope she can follow through with the last bit.”
The instant the third and fourth queens entered Jane’s apartment complex, a smell of something burning hit them.
“I swear to-” Jane cut herself off. “If that’s coming from my apartment...” The two sped up their walking.
“What the hell?” The blonde threw open her door, her fears of the burning coming from her apartment being confirmed.
“I don’t know what happened!” Anne yelled frantically, the smoke from the oven still heavily present within the room. “The cookies were goo one second, so I left them in for five more minutes like you said to and-”
“Two minutes Anne! Two! On what planet do “five” and “two” sound identical?” Jane retorted as she hurried to the window and flung it open.
“Jane! It’s cold out!” the second queen protested, instantly wrapping her arms around herself.
“And our apartment is filled with smoke! It needs to be let out!”
“If you two need to be alone, I can call Cath-” Anna began.
“No!” The two women who lived in the apartment all but shouted at her, making the red queen throw her hands up in surrender.
“Okay! I’m sorry!” Cleves defended herself before making her way over to the oven and helping guide the smoke out the window.
Anne kept her eyes trained on the ground once the room was cleared, as she was determined not to let the blonde see the tears threatening to spill out, but her voice could be heard clearly saying guiltily, “I’m really sorry Janey. I didn’t mean-”
“It was a mistake Annie; it’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to almost set our apartment on fire,” she joked lightheartedly. “We just know not to do that again, yes?” With a nod from her counterpart, Jane continued. “Why don’t I whip us up some hot chocolate to warm us up? Yeah?”
“Let me,” the fourth queen offered. “It’s the least I can do for interrupting your baking together.”
“That’s very kind of you Cleves. Thank you.” Jane seemed satisfied to not have to be in the kitchen any longer. “Annie and I were just going to spend the day watching television and enjoying the warmth of our apartment if you’d like to join us before heading back home.”
“Bet,” the red monarch smirked before turning to make her infamous hot chocolate.
As the three settled on the couch, Anna of Cleves pulled a box out of her backpack.
“I assumed something like this would happen. Here’s some replacement cookies.” She opened the box and placed it on the coffee table in front of them.
“You little-” Anne howled with laughter, failing to pretend to be offended. The three plowed through the box in no time.
From then on, Anne Boleyn rarely made appearances to cook or bake in the kitchen. Sure, she ended up in that room in the apartment often to “annoy” her roommate (who would tell her it wasn’t annoying- it was nice having company while she cooked), but she would never be allowed to use any appliance other than the microwave again.
“What’s for dinner?” the green queen would ask almost every night. “Do you need any help? Can I put anything in the oven for you?” she would ask in a joking fashion.
“Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen,” the blonde would reply without even looking up from whatever she was preparing for supper that day.
It was probably better that way.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
if you’re taking prompts uhh “the darkness encroaches (you keep it at bay)” idk for who maybe tony?
Tony, for one thing, did not like the fact he was apparently part of a long line of magic-users. 
His mom had always been tight-lipped about her own family history, even after she left dad and they moved back to New York. 
Tony had asked one time about her family. They had to talk about family history in one of his classes, and there was no way in hell that he wanted to talk about Howard in any capacity that was even neutral. (After all for his debate class, he was talking about how much he sucked in terms of universal weaponry policy.) 
Mom had given him a sharp look from the kitchen counter, and even though she was wearing rubber gloves and her hair was pushed back by a bandana that had little Mickey Mouse print on it, she still looked terrifying. 
“They’re not worth mentioning, Tony. Make something up.” 
“Geez, okay. Touchy subject...” 
“Not touchy. Just not worth the time.” 
Tony didn’t make a comment after that, because in all honesty he and his mom have never been excellent liars to each other, and this time is no exception. 
He does make up his family history. He knows his family is probably from Italy somewhere, they moved in...1923? Yeah, that sounds good. And he’s named after an uncle. 
(He isn’t.) 
Tony doesn’t ask his mom again because he knows that she won’t give in or break down to answer his questions, and there’s probably good reason why he doesn’t know. 
Oh, there’s a reason alright. 
He likes science. He likes understanding things. In his (correct) opinion, magic is just science that no one understands yet. Everything has an explanation. 
He accidentally set an asshole’s Mustang on fire. 
To be fair, he was an asshole. He had been talking over the professor during every single slide in the lecture presentation for his lecture, and Tony had just about yelled in frustration. 
So instead as he saw the guy rev his engine for his stupid fucking car and make a whole big scene about how he had a Mustang, how fucking cool is that you absolute shit-heel of a person-
Nothing serious, but Tony knows he did it. 
He could feel how his hands twitched, how something came to him and from him. Something not normal. 
Or at least if it was normal, health class never came close to covering it. 
But it’s a one-time thing, he thinks. He’s not really doing anything else, so maybe it only happens when he’s really mad? That’s probably it. That has to be it. 
Except the ramen that he likes at the grocery store is on the top shelf, and Rhodey wandered off to get actual food, and so he can’t reach it because he’s not a freak who is like 6′4″. 
It floats. 
It fucking floats. 
The sweet-chili-ramen floats into his cart and Rhodey sees it, and he stares. 
"Either I took an edible and it finally kicked in, or you just did something that definitely isn’t supposed to happen.” 
“Maybe the latter,” Tony says faintly. 
“Oh,” Rhodey says. “Do you think we have time to get that queso you wanted, or do we have to pay for the groceries and go to the car to process?” 
“Queso over my mental state,” Tony responds automatically. “Let’s go.” 
They eat in silence when they get to their apartment, and they don’t say anything for about ten minutes. 
“So. Do you think you can fly on a broomstick?” 
“What? No!” Tony exclaimed, but pausing. “Well, I’ve never tried before, so...” 
“Then we have to try. For science reasons,” Rhodey says. “Where the fuck do we get a broomstick?” 
As it turns out, you can’t really get a traditional broomstick, so they went to the store and bought a mop. 
“They have a mop, but not a broomstick?” 
“To be fair, it is April.” 
“Why does that matter?” 
“Well,” Rhodey starts to explain, “April showers bring May flowers, but also wet boots into the hallway. Also, it’s not your holiday yet.” 
“Well yeah, it’s not May yet.” 
“I didn’t mean your birthday, dipshit. I meant your holiday.” 
“What the fuck is my holiday?” Tony demands. “No one has a ‘celebrate Tony Stark’ day in their calendars, as far as I or my ego knows, so-” 
He stops. 
“Oh, you little shit.” 
“I’m not little,” Rhodey brags. “I’m taller than you.” 
“For now.” 
“For permanence!” 
“I’ll make you pay for this broomstick with the last ten dollars in your checking account.” 
“Then I’ll tell Jarvis!” 
“Damn your need to know my family,” Tony curses. “Fine.” 
Tony can’t fucking fly on a fucking mop. 
One broken arm later and a phone call to his mother later, Maria Carbonell is sitting on her son’s dormitory mattress and wondering just why the hell he lied to her about how he broke his arm. 
Here was her son’s lie: 
“Um. I broke my arm because dinner sucked.” 
A.) There was no follow up. 
B.) Her son is bad at lying as she is. 
Unfortunately, she did not announce her arrival, and so she gets Tony’s roommate opening the door and screaming that the liquor is in the second cabinet from the left. 
Maria raises one eyebrow. 
“Did Tony at least pick out good wine?” 
“Uh...you’re Tony’s mom?” 
“I didn’t think you were coming to visit until move-out.” 
“I...we had an interesting conversation. You wouldn’t happen to know why Tony actually broke his arm, would you?” 
(Rhodey is also a bad liar.) 
Tony gets home about ten minutes later and promptly says: 
“Oh fuck.” 
“Is that any way to greet your mother?” Mom asks, already sipping delicately on her glass of water. 
“Um...move-out isn’t for another month.” 
“I know. But you lied to your dear mother.” 
“How did you know?” 
“You can never hide anything from your mom, and your excuse needed work, honey,” Maria answers. “So. How did you break your arm?” 
Tony sighs. 
“Promise me you won’t laugh. And don’t tell Jarvis.” 
“What did you....what?” 
The mop. 
Maria doesn’t laugh at first, at least until she sees the pictures that Rhodey took and chuckles. 
“You promised me you wouldn’t laugh!” 
“What were you doing? And why?” she asks, laughing. Tony rubs the back of his neck nervously. 
“Um, well...funny story...” 
Maria should have known that her son would have her...abilities. But she had hoped that if he had never known the family, had never known what she could do, that maybe...maybe they wouldn’t come. 
“So what you’re telling me,” Tony says, nostrils flaring, “is that there’s magic?” 
“Yes,” Maria says. “And what we deal with specifically is good magic.” 
“Oh, so I could’ve put Glinda the Good Witch on my family tree project,” Tony says sarcastically. 
Maria scowls. 
“Don’t sass me, Tony. I did it for your own good.” 
“I set a car on fire!” 
“Well, what kind of car was it?!” 
“A Mustang!” 
“Then that makes sense!” Maria says. “Your father drove one, and we all know how that turned out!” 
Tony blinks for a moment. 
And then laughs. 
Maria starts laughing too, until they’re both giggling in the apartment, and Tony tells her about the grocery store incident. 
Mom tells him, essentially, that they have a job: defend from the darkness. She doesn’t say if the darkness is someone or a group or a concept. She just says that she’ll send him some of the spell-books (fucking spell-books!) over and talk about how emotions and different hand motions can affect how spells go. 
“So, why never the family? I mean, you could’ve told me about them and then just not mentioned the magic portion,” Tony asks when he’s moved back into their house, and has grilled Mom on just about every single page in the book. 
“Because as much as your father is a terrible person, you’re still like him in some aspects,” Maria says. “And you are stubborn and don’t let information go. You want to know how everything works, and that includes family. You would’ve been wreaking havoc since you were eight.” 
“I was already wreaking havoc when I was eight,” Tony whines. “But, this also raises the question of when are we doing a family reunion?” 
She stops, looking at him. 
“They weren’t exactly pleased when I married a millionaire.” 
“Not even when he became a billionaire and you got half his fortune?” Tony teases. 
“Not even then,” she answers. “I have a...complicated relationship with magic.” 
“As in, you don’t use it.” 
“Correct,” she answers. “You don’t need magic in your life, and quite often, it gets you in more trouble than you anticipate.” 
“Are you going to give me a ‘magic has consequences’ speech?” 
Maria laughs. 
“No. Magic, as far as I know, doesn’t really have consequences. The actions you do have consequences. You could blast up an entire country and as long as you don’t get caught, no consequences other than what you do to yourself.” 
“Like having guilt?” 
“Like having guilt. But enough about that, it’ll make you feel weird for a week if you keep thinking about it. I want you to light candles from two feet away.” 
“Of course I can do that,” Tony scoffs. 
“Sure you can.” 
Tony also sets the curtains on fire! 
Maria realizes that her son is perhaps just a tad (okay, a lot) more powerful than she was (and is). 
So, she regrettably calls her mother. 
Nonna Carbonell is a very imposing figure. A woman who is four-foot-eight and about seven-feet-tall in terms of personality, and dresses only in questionable 1970s-print dresses. 
“Ah, so you finally come back home, Maria. And you brought your boy! Who I only see twice in the magazines!” 
“You know exactly why I didn’t come back, Mama,” Maria says, rolling her eyes. “But enough about that. You need to teach Tony.” 
“Antonio,” Mama says, grinning at him and pinching his cheeks. “Ah, so good to see you have the Carbonell nose, your father was ugly as a mule.” 
Tony pointedly does not say that everyone else seems to think that he is the spitting image of his father, but...
His mom and Nonna do not get along, if family dinner is anything to go by. Tony’s lucky that his mom got him at least some Italian lessons so he’s not completely lost with all of his aunts, uncles, and cousins. 
He sees pots and pans coming off the shelves themselves. Ladles and knifes dance out of the drawers. 
His baby cousin-Geraldine, who is only two-is waving her fingers lackadaisically, and in what seems to be no effort, her bottle of juice is off of the counter. 
Great. A two year old is better at magic than he is. 
Nonna is a great teacher, who also happens to terrify Tony with how much she can do. 
“You’re important,” she grins. “You have more power than your mother, thank God.” 
“Why thank god?” Tony asks. 
“You always thank God, Tonio,” Nonna says, waving the curtains shut. “Now, let’s see you get the flour off the shelf.” 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get, like, a salt shaker?” 
“If you spill the salt shaker we get the devil!” Nonna declares. “Flour is better.” 
It is not better. It turns Nonna into a ghost, and Tony has to spend ages dusting it off his black jeans. 
“Maybe pepper shaker next time,” she says weakly.  
Tony does call Rhodey. He was supposed to go on a road trip to see him, and now he’s in Italy learning how to fling flour sacks across the kitchen at his idiot Uncle Theo. 
“How goes your magic training you fucking nerd?” 
“Literally I call you, and that’s how you greet me?” 
“I told my DnD group that you moved to Italy to play on a campaign for a worldwide championship.” 
“You are quite literally the worst friend ever.” 
“False, because when I moved out I found your favorite Black Sabbath shirt and am saving it for when you move back. Please tell me you’re moving back so I can plan friendships accordingly.” 
“I’ll be back. Who knows, I might be able to help with some lifting.” 
“I still don’t trust your noodle arms, no matter how much ‘magic’ you have now.” 
“Hey! They’re not noodles!” 
“Says you, noodle-arm boy.” 
“I’m going to curse you into a toad.” 
“There’s no way you can do that,” Rhodey says, laughing. “I guarantee you that you wouldn’t be able to turn me back.” 
“And then we’d have so much more space in the apartment, darling.” 
“But then I wouldn’t have to pay rent! Huzzah! And I wouldn’t have to do my stupid business classes!” 
Tony laughs. 
“I’ve missed talking to you, Rhodey. I can’t wait until I get to come home again.” 
“Me too,” he responds. Tony can practically feel his smile through the phone. 
There’s yelling that Rhodey can hear, something about “come back here you American bastard and learn how to knit with magic!” and a hurried “goodbye, love you” from Tony. 
Tony does get good at magic. He gets very good. 
It’s terrifying to Maria, really. 
Darkness has always existed, and it will always exist. Their family exists as a way to keep it balanced, and Tony...
He plays with magic as if he’s always known it, now. He can do things that not even the older family can do. He has meshed magic with mechanics, and he’s started on ideas that Maria was quite sure no one had thought of. 
And then, of course, family does what family does best: 
They tell you things you should’ve known about three months earlier. 
With most families, the thing that they don’t tell you is something like “oh, Aunt Margaret made a terrible choice in husbands again.” Or perhaps “did you see his tattoo? Who in their right mind gets a Sonic the Hedgehog tattoo on their chest?” 
With this family, it is the fact that darkness is coming within the next four years, and Tony is probably their only chance. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” Maria hisses at her sister. 
“Because you moved to America!” Gia hisses right back. “We can’t afford to collect call every single time we had trouble.” 
“You couldn’t tell me that the darkness is approaching way sooner than we expected?! Because what, you didn’t want to pay for a phone call!” 
“To be fair, Nonna made that decision,” Enzo says. “She thought we could handle it. And we can! We can!” 
“Oh sure, that’s why Nonna told me that my son is your only chance,” Maria says, dry tone to her voice. “God, I need wine...” 
“Everyone needs wine, it’s practically a requirement,” Gia says. “Don’t worry. Things will work themselves out.” 
“But will it work out for us?” Maria asks. “I don’t want to be the modern model for the next pietà someone wants to make...” 
Tony, unfortunately, is his mother’s son and has listened in on every single conversation that’s ever been had in their house. Here are three things that he has learned: 
1.) Apparently, his mother used to bake the best bread, and they forgot to write and ask her for the recipe, and they also didn’t call her. 
2.) He’s the last hope for everyone of existing with good things, and no one’s sure how to beat the darkness and he has no clue how to. 
3.) Apparently his grandfather (named Basil, of all names) could out-drink anyone and had publicly threatened at least six government officials just because he wanted to see if he could. 
You will notice that one of these facts is most likely important than the others. 
Who the hell names their kid Basil? 
(Just kidding.) 
Tony gets back to the US, promises his mom that he won’t tell anyone, and then immediately tells Rhodey when mom goes to the grocery store. 
“Wait, so...they’re trusting you?” 
“I know! What a terrible idea!” 
“God, I know. You can’t even clean a microwave.” 
“That was one time!” 
Rhodey laughs, tackling Tony in a hug. 
“I know, I know. Welcome back, Tones.” 
He feels safe. Protected. 
He has to learn how to fucking throw knives. Mom has decided that she is going to call in a favor from Howard, and it involves dragging Tony to a most-likely-illegal-pseudo-government-set-up and training under a guy who goes by Hawkeye and a lady who goes by “Black Widow” and expects Tony to be fine with it.  
Rhodey also attends, because Tony appreciates misery with company. 
Plus, they can complain together as they’re getting their asses kicked. 
“Do you ever think about taking a vacation?” Rhodey asks, panting as Natasha once again slams him down on the mat. “I’m sure that Florida or the Philippines would appreciate you. Tourism or the economy, or something like that.” 
“You’re not getting out of your fighting lessons by bribing me with a nice vacation,” Natasha says simply. “Tony, adjust your left arm. You’ll break it when Clint comes into contact.” 
“Maybe I want to break my arm!” Tony declares. 
“Do you want to have to wrap your cast in plastic every single time you shower?” Clint asks. “Because that’s what’ll happen.” 
“Why don’t you just spray the cast with some sort of waterproofing spray?” 
“Would that even work?” Clint asks. “Because you might have just blown my mind.” 
“It might work, I don’t know,” Tony says, panting. 
It is eight months when Tony first brushes with darkness. 
It’s the morning, which is...odd. He wouldn’t think that darkness would show up in the morning, but here he is on his morning walk trying desperately hard to fight it off and also not grab attention. 
He manages to slam it down on the road and have a car run it over, and for the most part, the darkness retreats. He sends it off with a curse, and he runs all the way back to the apartment. 
Rhodey frowns. 
“We probably need other people, right?” 
“A regular family reunion and then some.” 
So as it turns out, they’re not getting a family reunion. At least, not any time soon. 
Apparently, Nonna is demanding that they have to be there from October 31st through December 7th, according to Holy Days of Obligation and Holidays (specifically, Christian holidays.) 
“Nonna, isn’t witchcraft considered illegal or something?” Tony asks. “Like, I thought the church didn’t like that.” 
“Too bad, too late. We stay. Talk to your mama, Tonio. She will have answers.” 
Maria has absolutely no answers! 
“I didn’t seek out witches who live here, baby,” she says, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Why don’t you email people? Ask around?” 
“You can’t just ask people if they’re a witch!” Tony cries. 
“Why not?” 
“Because you get people who think you’re insane, or they’re insane!” 
“...good point.” 
Pepper Potts is not sure why she answers the post. It is probably something else not related to what she does. Maybe she’ll be meeting with weirdos. But when you get an ad that’s about “stopping darkness from engulfing the world in two-to-four-years: you wanna help?” you listen to that. 
So she answers, and she walks in her business-casual outfit, and she meets two guys who are sitting at a shitty folding table at the park. 
One of them is wearing cargo pants. 
“Are you here about the darkness?” one of the boys says, blinking up at her behind gigantic glasses. 
“Um. Yes?” 
“Good. My name is Tony, this is Rhodey in the terrible pants. And you are?” 
“Um. Pepper?” 
“Oh, cool name.” 
“Thanks, picked it out myself.” 
Rhodey laughs. 
“Good. Now, what kind of magic stuff can you do?” 
“I’d hardly call it stuff.” 
“Tony uses his to make us ramen while we marathon a crime show, I’m calling it stuff,” Rhodey defends. 
Pepper watches around her, and satisfied with the lack of people around, lifts Rhodey out of his chair and floats him about thirty feet over. 
When he jogs back over, he’s grinning. 
“Very cool. What else?” 
Pepper is well-versed in technique, spells, and a few tricks that Tony doesn’t know about involving manipulation of light. 
“How can you do that?” 
“Practice,” Pepper says. “And a late-night conspiracy theory documentary.” 
“Cool,” Tony and Rhodey say at the same time. 
Pepper actually doesn’t live that far away, and she goes to the same college. They see a lot more of her and become friends. 
She helps them update the spell-book, get it organized online, and focus on finding out where the darkness is going to appear next. 
Tony is trying very hard not to break down from stress. He’s barely twenty, ate ramen for lunch and dinner yesterday, and is not very sure that he can do this. 
People keep telling him that he’s the only hope they have, and he doesn’t want to be that. 
He just wants to have a regular summer and make fun of Rhodey’s questionable fashion choices. 
He doesn’t even know how to defeat this. At all. And he just wants to graduate college, and get a job somewhere and annoy his mom into teaching him how to make homemade pasta. 
Not...not this. 
But you don’t get to choose what you have to do for others. You have to do what they need. 
Rhodey, at least, understands this. 
That is why he is outside of Tony’s door with a half-cold burrito of questionable origins, a smile, and no knowledge of personal boundary space. 
(Not that Tony minds.) 
“Hey,” he says. “So, you have to save the world and I still remember the fact that you forget to get your shit out of the microwave.” 
Tony laughs at that, taking the proffered burrito and biting into it. 
“You still have shitty taste in burritos. Where is this even from?” 
“A badly-painted truck two blocks from here. I think I was their first customer of the day.” 
“No shit,” Tony says, taking another bite of the burrito. “You want to watch a movie or play a video game?” 
“Movie. Something light.” 
This is how they get to watch a movie that honestly doesn’t mean anything to either of them, but it is mindless and it allows Rhodey to sneak his hand over Tony’s, and it allows Tony some sort of happiness that at least Rhodey is still by his side. 
“Hey Tony?” 
“You think if I managed to find an actual broomstick, you could fly it?” 
“Oh, fuck you!” Tony laughs, tossing a pillow over Rhodey’s face. 
“I’m serious. You managed to charm the coffeepot into being sentient, so...” 
“That was a mistake, and now we’re stuck with Maggie, don’t bother her.” 
But it does have him thinking. 
If he can charm a coffeepot, what else could he charm? 
A suit of armor. 
That’s what he charms. He was originally shooting for a broomstick, but then Pepper surprised him and now he has a charmed suit of armor that stands in the hallway of his mom’s old house. (Their base of operations.) 
It gives him an idea. 
Why not combine the old with the new? 
After all, it’s not like darkness hasn’t adapted to hundreds of years of battles. Why not throw a curveball? 
“I don’t like using my major,” Rhodey whines as Tony makes him lift one of the arms for his own suit. 
“Too bad,” Tony teases. “I’ll get you pizza after.” 
“Good enough for me.” 
Pepper thinks they’re both idiots, at least until she gets her own suit and is positively thrilled when she looks like she’s a superhero from a television show. 
“Yeah, yeah, we look cool.” Tony says. “Now, who’s ready to learn how to conduct magic and electricity at the same time?” 
It works out better than anticipated, all things considered. 
“You ruined the couch, Anthony Edward Stark-Carbonell!” Mom fumes. “The couch! Where I sit!” 
“To be fair, it’s a really ugly couch,” Tony says weakly. “And it’s, um, for the betterment of...magical society?” 
“Don’t you dare quote your Aunt Gia at me!” Mom goes on muttering in Italian, and it sounds suspiciously like “why did I have to have a son who blows up couches” to Tony. 
The darkness comes in full-force on a Saturday night, which is really inconvenient for a lot of reasons: 
1.) A Saturday? Really? It couldn’t come on, like, a Thursday? 
2.) They’ve been celebrating Rhodey’s birthday and perhaps Tony has enjoyed two or three drinks and gotten a pleasant buzz out of it, all things considered. 
3.) It’s midnight. Why midnight? That’s late, Pepper wanted to get to bed. 
4.) Mom is going to kill them, because technically they weren’t supposed to be out on the town. 
So here they are, panicking and throwing shitty restaurant chairs around in order to main some sort of ahead-of-the-game mentality. 
“Do you think if we called your mom, she would help?” 
“She would probably kill me first!” Tony wails. 
“Before darkness can?” 
Maria won’t kill her son yet. 
But god she’s going to come close. 
“You could’ve just asked me to buy you wine!” she says. “You could’ve had a movie in!” 
“Well sorry, I didn’t think that the darkness was going to come on Rhodey’s birthday!” 
“Oh when would you have thought it would come? Next Thursday? Or something more convenient for your year?” 
“I mean, when I have to visit Howard over the summer, that would be beneficial.” 
“I’ll make up a different excuse,” Mom hisses, deflecting a tendril of darkness from the window and wincing as it smashes a painting down from the wall. 
The fight is a hard one. All good fights are. (Although the best fights are ones that are over in five minutes, give or take.) 
It’s been hours, Tony is tired, and honestly he really is debating calling a break and going to get a shitty fast-food burger. 
Rhodey says “no” even though his stomach is growling. 
Pepper has been having fun finding new ways to animate cars, but she’s getting tired. 
And then it gets all of his family that he’s made. 
He can see Rhodey writhing in it, can see his mom fight it off, and watches Pepper scream. 
Tony is not sure if he can do it. 
But he has to. He has to beat this fucking terrible thing back because if he doesn’t, everyone else dies. And they don’t get families, they don’t know what will happen. 
(And he also really wants to plan a vacation with Rhodey and Pepper next year.) 
So he takes himself and all of what he knows, and launches himself directly into it. 
By all accounts, he wasn’t supposed to do that. But he hasn’t been able to cut it down into a more manageable size, so he figures that maybe it’s time to try something that has never been advisable by anyone on either hemisphere of the world, or anyone who has ever been rational. 
Going into darkness is a very difficult thing, because for one, you can’t see shit. 
For a second thing, he can hear everything. 
Darkness is not just absence of light. It can be absence of every single damned good thing on the earth, in your head, or anywhere around you. Some people have described it as hell. 
Tony is alone, and he is not sure what to do. 
There’s a table, and there is someone sitting there. 
The woman is stirring an olive around her martini, and she looks impeccably dressed. A fitted skirt and suit, manicured black nails, and eyeliner that looks impossibly intricate. 
“You are...?” 
“The person you’re supposed to destroy.” 
“But you’re not exactly a person, are you?” 
“Smart guy. No, I’m just the personification of what you’re fighting. You intrigue me, Tony Stark.” 
“Just Tony.” 
“Fine then. Tony.” 
“Why do I intrigue you?” 
“Most heroes are alone,” darkness says. (Does he capitalize her name? He’s not sure. “They go alone, they don’t involve people in their struggle. You have involved your family, put them in danger.” 
“They would’ve been in greater danger if I had gone by myself,” Tony says. “People have a nasty habit of sticking together, you know.” 
“Do they now?” 
“Yeah,” Tony says. “And now, I have to make sure we stick together anyways.” 
“And what do you mean by-” 
He’s already lunging at her. 
She wasn’t expecting him to lunge, he guessed. 
She goes down, and yells. 
Tony scrabbles to fight again as she sends out a blast his way, and he ducks. 
“You can’t hide from me!” she yells. 
“I’m not trying to!” he yells back. “I’m just trying to kill you!” 
The fight goes on, and she plays dirty. Her nails tear into his armor, and he tears his fingers through her hair. 
“You can’t beat me,” she howls, triumphant as she manages to pin one of his legs down, and trying to claw at his face. “Darkness always exists! You would be nothing without me!” 
Tony pauses for a second. 
“So what you’re saying is...as long as you exist, so does everything else?” 
Tony grins. 
“Aw, you shouldn’t have told me that honey.” 
With darkness being the beginning, everything else comes forth. Tony summons his cousins, his family, Rhodey, Pepper. 
And eventually, her physical form gets smaller and smaller. 
Darkness is not something that can be eradicated from your life. But you can beat the shit out of it with help. Tony learned that. 
He also learned that Rhodey has a phenomenal flying kick. 
They spend the following day laying on the couch or adjacent chairs and staring at the decorations that they need to replace. 
They also learn that Nonna has learned how to call, and is not quite sure if she can be heard or not. 
“Nonna, quiet,” Tony groans. “I literally just saved the world yesterday, please don’t yell.” 
Tony groans. 
“Sure, Nonna. I will come.” 
“You...when did you have time to get gifts...the pope?” 
Tony looks at Mom, Rhodey, and Pepper. 
“So. When should we leave for next week?” 
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ganocompagnon · 5 years
Kitchen Questions
It’s been fun reading through all of your questions about our kitchen! The majority of questions I received were about our counters, our range, white cabinets with four kids and the chairs in the coffee bar area.
As I mentioned before we had marble counters in our last house because I had to have them. It was one of those things that people warned me against and I just put on deaf ears because I loved them so much. And you know what? I don’t regret doing them because now I know what they are like. It’s sort of like buying clothes that are dry clean only. Your clothes will always look gorgeous if you upkeep them but it comes at a cost. I hated the constant staining (even from water glasses!) and in this kitchen we decided to go for a much more practical option, a quartz that looks like marble. Best. Decision. Ever.
We have had them since last January and after having them for 10 months I cannot sing their praises any higher. There is ZERO maintenance. I can use vinegar and water, Comet or 409 on them. It is amazing with all of us daily making messes all over them! I have never had problems with heat on them (someone mentioned someone having trouble using an InstaPot on them). We regularly have our pressure cooker, coffee maker, Cuisinart Griddler and crock pot on it with no problem… hot grease kept coming out of the griddler the other day before I realized that I’d forgotten to slip in the grease catcher and the counter is totally fine.
We opted for the thicker counter with a double ogee edge. I think it looks classy while still looking relatively simple. If you want to do this ask your counter fabricator to only make it thicker for 4 inches in around the perimeter so that you don’t have to pay for it to be double thick all around the inside.
The simple answer is that we have five heat zones in the house which was a HUGE selling point to us coming from our last house with one heat zone. We have triple the amount of space in this house but a heat bill that isn’t exorbitantly higher than our last house because we are able to heat only the area of the house we are in… and the kitchen area is a different heat zone than the dining room and office are on (and the French door would be going into the dining room). It isn’t very often we keep that zone on during the week continuously at a higher temp. We’d love the dining room and kitchen area to open up to each other though because one, windows inside a house are one of my biggest pet peeves and two, just last weekend we had 20 people over and it would have been perfect to have French doors here so all the kids could be better connected to the adults. As it is now we walk through the kitchen into the hallway then into the dining room or through the living room (to the left of this photo). Is it the end of the world to have no direct entry into the dining room? Not at all. But if we are looking for ways to make our house function at 100% and to utilize the space we have best we want to maximize comfortably the amount of people we can have over and still have it be practical for our day to day lives.
We’ve had these chairs for a few years now and LOVE them… that being said you’ll probably see new ones in here sooner than later because we foolishly didn’t Scotchguard them when putting them where kids have food (they were totally safe in the living room and office before this
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). They are an amazing bang for your buck. When you sit on them for the first time they feel hard but after about two weeks the seat cushion breaks in to a normal comfiness and hasn’t become wimpy in the amount of time we’ve had them. You can sit in it for hours… it’s not just for decoration.
There is one chair with a little tear in the fabric where a seam was pulling apart a tiny bit from wear and one of the kids pulled it apart. That is the only spot of poorly made-ness I’ve seen on all the chairs.
Keep in mind when you are purchasing them you are buying a $250ish chair… not a $2000 one. It may not last you 20 years but if we had put Scotchguard on these I could see them lasting 8-10 years no problem. They are light enough weight that I can easily move them from room to room and the only assembly you need to do is screw the chair legs on to the chair, it will literally take you under 5 minutes and you don’t need a single tool.
Verdict: amazing chair and I would totally recommend them. I’m sitting in one right now cuddled up in a blanket.
Let me preface this by saying they are definitely not as clean as they were when they were installed. BUT keep in mind they are probably cleaner than they would be if they were darker wood, because I see the drips sooner which reminds me to clean it. We clean them with 409 or something like it or more often with just baby wipes. It’s a chore I can give to Drew and Elle that they can mostly handle! I think for the most part I just need to go over everything with a Magic Eraser. The trickiest part is just getting into the trim work around the shaker inset and probably just need to devote time to do that with a toothbrush but I have better things to do pretty much every single day.
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I really like the range. It’s a convection range so everything cooks a lot faster (my cookies take 10 minutes instead of 13 in a traditional oven). I’ve never cooked on gas before this range and it’s incredible how easy it is to burn things (I’m was used to everything cooking slowly and evenly on an electric top!) but for the most part I’ve become accustomed to it.
The larger side of the oven is amazing. I can fit two large roasting pans next to each other with only a slight overlap. The smaller side of the oven is incredibly small. My little pan that came with my toaster oven fits perfectly in it. It’s good if I need to do something small but for the most part it’s too small for our family of six unless I’m cooking in the one small cookie sheet or this LeCruset dish which is the perfect size for it.
Verdict on if it is worth the money: Hard to say because we’ve had it less than a year and am not sure about maintenance yet but looks wise and how it works thus far it’s been a good investment for us. Would I do it again in another kitchen? My dream would be a 60 inch range to have to 30 inch ovens or to have another 48 inch and a wall oven but only because I want more functional space in the oven, not because the range has been poorly functioning.
Yes, I think so… and we purchased the extra protection plan because we wanted assurance it would last at the price we paid. We decided to do a mid to high-ish end remodel because of what we hope to have the price be when we sell but we also wanted to make decisions that we liked and worked for our family in case we decided this was our forever house. It’s rare that I have the fridge bursting at the seams because I generally grocery shop 2-3 times a week. My biggest pet peeve with the unit is that it’s hard to get a frozen pizza box in the freezer except for the top shelf, everything else works beautifully.
Sources Tile and Counters: North Shore Marble & Granite  (backsplash tile was gifted)
Range: ILVE (given to us at cost)
Cabinets: Building Supply Outlet, Peabody, MA
Dish Towel: Home Goods (similar here and here and the exact one here in red)
Tea Pot and Serving Board: Home Goods (exact one here and similar here in color)
Champagne Bucket: Pottery Barn (similar here)
Glass Pumpkin: Marshalls (similar here or here)
Serving Tray on Range: Mariposa (gifted)
Flowers: Alice’s Table, Magnolia Blooms
Faucets: Single Faucet: Amazon but it’s now out of stock (it was under $50 I think!) but here is a similar one
Bridge Faucet: Amazon
Chandelier: Amazon (similar here)
Hardwood Floors: NTP Hardwood
Rug in coffee bar area: Amazon
Chairs in coffee bar area: Wayfair
If I missed any questions please feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].
The post Kitchen Questions appeared first on Migonis Home.
Kitchen Questions published first on https://unscratch.blogspot.com/
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greg38mcall · 5 years
Our HGTV Urban Oasis Experience
Did you all see that this year's HGTV Urban Oasis giveaway house is located right in my backyard? That's right! This year it is located in Minneapolis, MN and you are going to want to hurry and enter to win this beauty!
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Photo Credit: Tomas Espinoza for HGTV
I know many of you come here for our organizing and house projects, but this quick story is just too great not to share! And I would be beyond thrilled if one of my readers happened to win this amazing home.
I have really gotten to know designer Brian Patrick Flynn over the past few years, and he is one of the most generous and kind humans I have ever met. He is ridiculously encouraging, really supports independent artists and small businesses, has an impeccable design eye, and can find beauty in just about anything.
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Brian is the designer of the HGTV Urban Oasis home and he asked ME to be the organizing stylist! Organizing a house that no one actually lives in is slightly different than my typical duties; it has its own set of challenges but it is a bit of a dream at the same time. You have to work within the parameters of specific sponsors and design styles and be sure it is editorial, while also being able to use beautiful props. The ideas still have to be relatable and sensible, which of course is my favorite part! I wanted the folks that are entering the giveaway to be able to see the organization as possible solutions that they would be able to incorporate into their daily lifestyle.
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Photo Credit: Kelly Christine Photo for HGTV
After the organizing was complete and the Urban Oasis was being prepped for media, Brian asked me back again. This time he had me bring my crew to be photographed enjoying the Hygge lifestyle at the house! My oldest son had college prep and work so he couldn't be there, but my younger boys were absolutely thrilled to take part of a really fun HGTV photoshoot. These pictures were such a treat and we will cherish the opportunity forever. Kelly Christine was the photographer behind the camera and she did such a great job of capturing us as a family pretending to live our best Minnesotan lives. As you can see, they definitely wanted to show the relaxed, comfortable, family-friendly lifestyle that this home provides. My son couldn't believe that he had a once in a lifetime opportunity to jump on a sofa and get away with it!
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Photo Credit: Kelly Christine Photo for HGTV
This year's Urban Oasis is a Modern Scandanavian Farmhouse, which is an extremely popular design aesthetic around here. It is not necessarily my personal style (I lean more colorful and traditional), but I was still able to find so much inspiration throughout the entire home. It instantly hugs you when you walk through the front door and the entire place feels like a cozy nordic sweater. It is layered with plush and textural textiles and has art sourced from really incredible talent. And don't even get me started on the finishes and hardware and oak kitchen cabinets... #sigh
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Photo Credit: Rustic White Interiors for HGTV
You can tour the entire house here, and enter to win here (GO DO THAT NOW!). Although this post is somewhat of a "check out this cool home and our awesome experience", I also wanted to share some images of my favorite no-fuss organizing tips that anyone can incorporate into their living spaces.
As soon as I was hired, I searched Overstock.com (the sponsor website) to recommend some of my favorite organizers ahead of time and crossed my fingers that everything would be fluid enough to work when I was finally able to see the home in person. My first day on location everything was a blank slate of freshly painted walls and empty cabinets and drawers. It was an experience in itself to watch the house transform as the team worked to install and style all of the rooms. TIP #1:  SELECT VERSATILE ORGANIZERS
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Photo Credit: Tomas Espinoza for HGTV
My biggest money-saving tip is to try and source products that are versatile enough to work in a variety of spaces and can move and evolve right along with you. I knew I would be tasked with organizing the master bedroom closet and bedroom, the studio armoire, and many of the kitchen cabinets/drawers. The key items I sourced were a mixture of wire and woven baskets, spring-loaded drawer dividers, clear bins, wooden hangers, and glass jars. I was able to mix and match these items in each area that I touched, which made my job much easier in the end. I do believe in measuring and purchasing storage that makes sense for each project, but by selecting items in basic and natural finishes, you are guaranteed that they will stand the test of time. TIP #2:  SPRING LOADED DRAWER ORGANIZERS ARE AMAZING
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Photo Credit: Rustic White Interiors for HGTV
I have mentioned before that sometimes I am the last to hop on any trend train, and for some reason I wasn't quick to take advantage of spring-loaded drawer dividers. This experience flipped me completely. I am IN LOVE. I used the dividers throughout the kitchen and I now want to be the poster child for these special organizing tools. They were so easy to use (ANYONE can install them in a jiffy), and they instantly created flexible drawer dividers for all the things.
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I used them for the maintenance drawers, utensil drawers, and even to hold pots, pans, and lids in place. A bonus is that the natural finish of these particular dividers fit right in with the custom wood drawers. Swoon. TIP #3:  FILE YOUR CLOTHING
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I know that most of you know this by now but it is always worth mentioning. File your clothing. If your clothing is filed, it is always easier to see exactly what you have. It is also infinitely easier to take clothing out and put it away.
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BONUS TIP: Use small bins and baskets inside of your drawers to corral the little things like undergarments and accessories. Sometimes the most obvious ideas are the most helpful. TIP #4:  MATCHING HANGERS
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Hangers have come a long way over the years. Wooden and velvet options are both readily available and are fairly inexpensive in bulk. Anytime you can, swap out all of your mismatched hangers for ones that match. It will instantly take your closets up a notch and help them feel more uniform and calm. BONUS TIP: Color blocking the items hanging in your closet will have a similar effect. I like to hang items in order by type first (jackets/cardigans, long sleeve, short sleeve, sleeveless), and then color within each category. TIP #5:  USE DEEP BINS IN DEEP CABINETS
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Organizing deep cabinets and pantries is always perplexing. It is truly wonderful to have all of that extra space, but making sure items are not being lost in the back can be a major problem. It is my goal to find the deepest bins possible in this situation because they turn into instant drawers. These bins not only categorize everything, but they also take items from the back to the front in a single motion. Also, whenever possible I like to organize from shortest to tallest. If space permits I will also add lazy susans to the mix.
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Photo Credit: Rustic White Interiors for HGTV
Another tip is to place your small appliances inside of the deep cabinets and relocate your more frequently used items and foods into your standard cabinets and drawers. Small appliances are generally only used on occasion, so it may make more sense to store them in places that aren't as easy to access as the items you use every day.
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This house didn't have closets in the two main bedrooms (one styled as an office, another as a guest room), so armories were added in their place. We use armoires in our own home where we are lacking in built-in closets also, and I love that they can offer customized and space-saving storage opportunities.
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I especially appreciate the option of adding them to a home office, as they are an ideal way to conceal anything from printers, electronics, and craft supplies, to cozy sweaters and work totes. A clear workspace translates to a clear mind.
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Speaking of clear... I love a good woven basket when I am actually trying to conceal and streamline visual clutter, so I find they are a great option for open shelves and in open areas. But when it comes to organizing behind cabinet and fridge doors, I say the clearer the better. Anytime you can quickly see what you have on hand, you are one step ahead of the game. It also allows you to identify items without the need for fussy labels. Heading to the grocery store? Clear jars and bins will give you a quick look at what you have and what you may need. TIP #8:  PRETTY AND PRACTICAL AT THE SAME TIME
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Photo Credit: Tomas Espinoza Interiors for HGTV
If you are limited on space, or even if you just love to keep things right within reach, find creative ways to use the walls as both decor and storage. Just off of the mudroom, Brian installed the most darling rail system and I was absolutely obsessed over how it was used to display and organize the ordinary in such a beautiful and organic way.
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Dedicate a spare cabinet or drawer to entertaining essentials. Our homes are best when filled with folks we love, so be ready to entertain at a moment's notice by keeping a drawer stocked with your favorite linens, candles, vases, napkin rings, serving dishes, etc...
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This eliminates the stresses that come with hosting last-minute dinner dates and happy hours, or at the very least, quickly and easily elevates the setting for a nice mood boost. TIP #10:  DRAWERS ALWAYS GET MY VOTE
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I was recently having a discussion with a friend about kitchen planning and storage and whether she should install lower cabinets or drawers. Drawers always get my vote if there is an option between the two. I typically find that lower base cabinets are a recipe for that deep and dark area of doom (standard depth is around 24"). Sure, you can add pull out drawers and mechanisms inside of the cabinets, but you have to open the cabinet doors all of the way, navigate around them, and then pull out the contents. A drawer is a quicker way to access everything while ensuring nothing is getting lost. Drawers are also much easier for kids to use and maintain while maximizing overall space (no need to install any extra components).
Last but not least, let's just celebrate this amazing backyard moment. I am so envious of this year's lucky winner!!
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Photo Credit: Kelly Christine Photo for HGTV
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Photo Credit: Rustic White Interiors for HGTV
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Photo Credit: Kelly Christine Photo for HGTV
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Brian and I had such a great time working together that he invited me to take part in another HUGE project last month. I can't wait to share more!
from IHeart Organizing http://www.iheartorganizing.com/2019/11/our-hgtv-urban-oasis-experience.html
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: How to Sell a House with a Small Kitchen: No Major Renovations Required
American kitchens have evolved dramatically over the years. Once a utilitarian workspace where mom spent her days over the stove, the kitchen is now considered the social center of the home where design and style matter. Since the 1960s, the average kitchen size has more than doubled from 70 to 150 square feet. According to a 2019 study by the National Association of Home Builders, 86% of buyers today prefer an open kitchen layout complete with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. If you have an older or more modest house, however, it’s possible that your kitchen hasn’t kept up with the times. You keep hearing that it’s too small to attract an offer. That puts you in a tough position when the time comes to sell—should you invest in overhauling it to appeal to the modern buyer? HomeLight data indicates that’s not always a smart move. Top agents say the ROI on a $23,000 kitchen upgrade is actually -1%, meaning you’re bound to lose money on any major kitchen renovations. Plus, due to the rise in food delivery services, there’s some evidence suggesting small kitchens are making a comeback. Who has time to cook anymore? If you get the same feedback from buyers about the size of your kitchen, turn to these tricks top real estate agents, professional stagers, and interior designers vouch for. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to sell a house with a small kitchen. Did we mention there’s no sledgehammer required? Source: (Al Kawasa/ Unsplash)1. When you think your counters are clear, check again. What else can you remove? Any amount of clutter is going to make a small kitchen feel even tinier. “Make as much counter space as you can,” says Justin Riordan, interior designer, architect and founder of the Portland-based home staging company Spade and Archer Design Agency. “While the counters should not be empty, they should never be cluttered.” To give the illusion of more space, follow this simple step by step: Clear clutter and junk from counters. Kitchen counters become home to junk mail clutter, coupons, party invitations, and old newspapers. Clear off anything from your countertop that isn’t kitchen related. Papers can be recycled, stored, or take a picture of them on your phone if you’ll need the information later on. Can’t part with that stack of printed and clipped recipes? Opt for a minimalist recipe box to keep them organized with style. Depersonalize refrigerators and other magnetic spaces. You might love your kitschy magnet collection that tack on last year’s holiday cards to your fridge but it’s that kind of personalization that can turn buyers off. Take down family photos and magnets from surfaces and store them for your future home. Put in some elbow grease and remove any stickers from appliances. Maximize floor space. If you’ve got a bulky trash can or recycling bin taking up precious real estate on your kitchen floor, check out The Wirecutter’s top reviewed in-cabinet trash cans to save floor space. Remove countertop appliances. You might’ve cleared clutter and junk from your countertops, but gadgets like coffee makers and toasters have to go as well. Pack these appliances away in storage, or find them a home in cabinets, space permitting. Artfully decorate your cleared space. In regards to staging your countertops, “one item per surface will make the kitchen look functional and spacious,” says Riordan. Prop open a popular cookbook on a stand for a pop of color, display a vase with fresh flowers, or place a small glass bowl with fruit on an open surface. Source: (Becca Tapert/ Unsplash)2. Ditch the island, seriously.  If you have an island in your kitchen, get rid of it for pictures and showings. While your floating island might be a necessity for storage and prep on a day to day basis in your kitchen, it’s not helping you sell the home. “Here’s the rub: Nobody will be cooking in the home during showings or open houses. Adding a few feet of counter space is not worth the price of making the kitchen seem cramped. If you shoe-horned in a makeshift island, just shoe-horn that baby right out to your garage,” suggests Riordan. This removal might feel weird or illogical, but ultimately, the goal is to open up space in the kitchen, not showcase a functional kitchen. 3. Paint it white. Every interior designer, professional stager, and real estate agent we spoke to agreed—if you want your kitchen to look bigger, white paint is your best friend. “The more white you have, the cleaner and more open it will feel. Removing the hard edges in the space will make the kitchen actually feel bigger,” Riodran says. White will not only make the space look larger, but will also complement nearly any accent color—making it easier for buyers to visualize their linens, china, and kitchen accessories in your home. If your backsplash has a loud, or busy pattern, consider retiling it a calming white to match the walls, advises Caryn Schulberg, studio director of Stone Interiors, a luxury interior design studio in San Francisco. Home Depot has a wide range of classic subway tiles starting at $1. If that’s outside your budget, consider stick-on tiles from Art3d or LongKing on Amazon. When it comes to painting the walls, Schulberg swears by “Winter White” from Benjamin Moore with a semi-gloss sheen. “This variation of white is ever-so-slightly tinged with a soothing, cool grey,” she says. Here’s the simplest way to prep your kitchen walls for repainting: Kitchens, especially small ones, are more likely to have grease and grime on their walls. Scrub the walls down with a kitchen sponge to make sure there’s no residue before painting. Mask or tape along the floors, ceilings and countertops. Place a drop cloth on the floor to keep drips from dripping and staining. Use plastic sheeting or masking draped over appliances and large cabinets to protect them. Start painting! If you can repaint the cabinets, opt for a white or very light grey. “Make sure you paint both the outside and the inside of the cabinet doors a light color,” says Schulberg. With nearly 100 years in the home improvement space, Lowe’s has an easy step-by-step video on prepping, priming, and repainting your kitchen cabinets. 4. Invest in good organizers Your kitchen might be small, but with mighty organization skills, you can keep buyers from wondering whether there’s enough room in the pantry or space in the drawers. “Well-thought-out organizational components will eliminate the need for potential buyers to question where they will store everything if they choose to purchase the house,” explains Schulnberg. When organizing shelves and drawers for showings, you should prioritize: Pull-out racks under countertops for pots and pans Pots and pans can take up tons of cabinet space when not organized efficiently. Made of metal or wood, you can purchase cabinet organizer kits, or build them from scratch. Not up for DIY? Check out these alternatives: Lynk Professional Organizer Pull Out Under Cabinet Shelf Rev-A-Shelf Metal Cabinet Organizer Simply Put 1-Tier Wooden Cabinet Organizer Simply Put 2-Tier Pull Out Metal Organizer Most importantly, you’ll need to take exact measurements of the width, depth, and height of your cabinets. Then make a plan of what systems you’ll use before installing them. With a level, a screwdriver, and a tape measure, you can install these in an afternoon using this beginner installation guide. Wall shelves for plates and glasses If your cabinets don’t have much shelving, plate and glass racks can double the amount of storage with little effort. Rather than stack mismatched glasses and plates on top of each other into piles, you can neatly arrange the cabinets for a clearer display. Measure the height and width of your cabinet, and find a shelf that can fit within your dimensions. Then slide it into your shelves—there’s no additional installation required. Online buying guide The Strategist recommends YouCopia StoreMore Height Expandable Kitchen Shelf Organizer. Organizers inside of drawers for tools, utensils, and flatware Dividers can take the chaos of your kitchen drawers and turn them into manageable, spacious spaces. However, they’re not all built the same. Consider a few different kinds of organizers to tackle tidying your drawers. Best Utensil Divider: Home-it’s expandable flatware divider can expand to fit the width of your drawer, making it simple to install. Best Tool/Gadget Divider:  Adjustable drawer dividers, like InterDesign’s adjustable set, make it easier to store oddly shaped gadgets and tools. Best Wrap and Bag Organizer: RubberMaid’s Cabinet Organizer uses the back of your cabinets with a mounted storage rack for aluminum foil, cling wrap, and garbage bags. Best “Do it All” Junk Drawer Divider: Tame your junk drawer with interlocking organizers like Madesmart’s set. Use the dividers that snap together, making it simple to customize the set to your space. Most people have a hard time imagining how their things might fit into a space, so giving them an idea might make the sale easier. “It is a small step that makes a big difference when people feel they do not have to take on the organizational challenges on their own,” Schulberg says. 5. Remove dated accents and update with modern finishes. No need to rehaul the design of your kitchen space. Just change out accents and finishes for a modern touch. “Definitely stay away from frosted glass light fixtures, multi-color mosaics, ornate hardware and swirling or circular lines—all of these things harken towards more traditional features or fads of past times,” recommends LA-based eco-friendly interior designer Erica Reiner. Give your kitchen a small modern update with stainless steel drawer handles. Reiner recommends the European bar-style pulls for an expensive look for less. Source: (Mark Rabe/ Unsplash)6. Make windows the focal point. Open up the space by accentuating natural light and windows. Remove old, heavy, or outdated window fixtures. Replace old blinds with a light or white colored wood, such as: The Cordless Celestial Sheer Double Layered Shade offers privacy and rolls up completely to provide a clean design. It’s consistently one of Houzz’s best sellers. Levolor’s Faux Wood Blinds resemble wood, but are more durable. They’re also The Spruce’s top pick for budget blinds in 2019. Deluxe Cordless Faux Wood Blinds are award-winning blind provider Blindster’s best selling model. Or, you could hang simple, gauzy light or sheer curtains on a modern rod: Threshold’s Linen Grommet Sheer Curtain Panel comes recommended by interior designers by New York Magazine’s sister site the Strategist. The neutral palette can make your kitchen look larger, and the linen panels can be machine washed for easy upkeep. Mystic Home’s sheer curtains are a top seller on Amazon and offer a balance between privacy and light. For the illusion of more space, Home Guides from SF Gate, a sister publication to the SF Chronicle, recommends that you pick curtains with vertical design elements, hang them high, and open the curtain rod as wide as it will go to make any windows appear larger. 7. Install new light fixtures. A small kitchen will look even tinier when there are shadowy or poorly lit corners in the space. While you update your fixtures, put some TLC into your lighting to make your smaller space appear brighter and bigger. First, swap out any decorative lighting fixtures with modern, decorative lights, like this top-selling KingSo spherical light, or the Staunton 1-Light Pendant, a top recommendation from Houzz. If you’re not experienced with electrical work, you might want to hire an electrician to get the job done right. Professional light installation, on average, costs less than $100 a visit. After that, add under-cabinet lights to rid the space of shadows. If budget and time is a concern, you can install affordable LED under-cabinet lights that operate with battery, no electric work required. GE’s under cabinet lights are top reviewed and require only a simple installation, or Brilliant Evolution LED Puck Lights stick on and can be installed one at a time. 8. Ditch oversized appliances. You might’ve already cleared small appliances such as toasters, drip coffee makers, and blenders from your countertops, but also consider removing large appliances that stick out in your space. “Every once in a great while we deal with a vintage kitchen that was never designed to have a modern refrigerator. In this case we simply remove it and let the buyer figure out that it is missing,” Riodran shares. “You would be amazed how many buyers never notice that it’s not around!” It’s extreme, but removing a fridge or a portable dishwasher from the space is cheaper and faster than remodeling an outdated and small kitchen. With the less is more approach, buyers have the chance to visualize what they’d do instead of only seeing limitations. Source: (Dane Deaner/ Unsplash)9. Remove overhead cabinets and create open shelving.  You might not have the time or budget to replace your kitchen cabinets, but you can take off the doors of high-placed overhead cabinets in your kitchen. Show off your now meticulously organized shelves above in a few quick steps: Use a screwdriver on the cabinet hardware to remove the doors. Depending on how many cabinets you have and what you need to store, you might choose to keep a few doors on to store less photogenic kitchen tools like canned food or baking sheets. Depending on the build of your cabinets, you might be left with middle stiles. If so, you can cut these out using a double-edged pull saw. With the stiles removed, you’ll have large, open shelves in place. With a putty knife or similar tool, get rid of splinters and loose wood from around the stiles and where the hinges used to be. Fill in any divots or holes with putty, then sand it over to smooth it out. From here, you can add a trim around the shelves using a nail gun, or leave it be if you want a simpler finish. Use caulk to fill in any seams in the trim or gaps. Paint the cabinets once the caulk dries. Need a visual to picture it? Fourth best-selling magazine in the US, Better Homes and Gardens has a quick one-minute tutorial. 10. Revisit your price In a recent survey, 58% of buyers who purchased a home in the past year ranked buying a home their preferred style of kitchen as “extremely or very important.” Having a desirable kitchen is a major selling point in a home. If even after making some of the above changes, you’re still getting feedback on size, then you have a few options to consider: Invest in heftier renovations to attract buyers. If you’re not bound by a tight timeline, you could take your home off the market to make some larger renovations on the kitchen.If your structure allows it, you might “pull down some cabinets or open up a wall to make that change and flow out into the family room,” suggests Chris Minteer, top-selling Fort Worth-based agent with over three decades of experience. Depending on the market in your area, you might need to.“In our area, we’re going into a market where we’re seeing more competition, so sellers are going to need to be a little more focused on the condition of the property,” explains Minteer. If you’re in a buyer’s market, renovating portions of your kitchen could make your listing more competitive. Adjust your price. Time might not be on your side, and in that case, you could consider reducing the price of your listing. Work with your agent to research the market and similar listings that sold. Depending on the price point of your property, the condition of the kitchen might not be as relevant for your market.“That’s part of the counseling that happens in a listing appointment,” Minteer says.With a comparative market analysis from your agent, you can get a better idea of how your home should be priced with the kitchen as it is. If you’re in a buyer’s market but don’t want to pay for renovations, that might mean reducing the listing price. Small kitchen owners, don’t despair! The key to selling your home with a small kitchen is bridging the mental gaps for the buyer. Use white, clean surfaces and simplify design and storage wherever you can. The more work you can do on behalf of the potential buyer the better. Instead of buyers coming in and wondering where they might store their pots and pans in the small kitchen, create that space for them. Make it easy to visualize a clear, organized life in that small (but mighty) kitchen. Header Image Source: (Greg Rakozy/ Unsplash) #PreparingToSell #AddValue
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/how-to-sell-a-house-with-a-small-kitchen-no-major-renovations-required
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Top 25 Best Lid Racks 2019
  Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart - 18/8 stainless interior is easy to clean and will not react with food, keeping flavors intact. 3-in-1 roasting pan can be used as an open or covered roaster, dutch oven or stockpot lid can be used separately for cooking and serving. Signature viking handles for comfort, and secure grip usable capacity of 85 qt can cook up to a 14lb turkey. 3-ply construction works on all cooktops including induction, stove top, oven , grill and broiler safe to 600°f/315°c. Stainless wire rack elevates food for even cooking, suspends from rim of pan for easy draining.   Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel - Removable draining tray design, the lifewit pot lid rack with removable plate which can keep drained water for easy drying of kitchenware and serves as a dish rack, while cross-bar design prevents items from dropping onto the wet plate. Durable heavy duty construction, improving upon the chromed steel racks, lifewit cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that’s anti-rust, stain resistant & corrosion resistant to ensure easy cleaning, optimal esthetics, and lasting durability. Fully adjustable dividers, unlike traditional racks, the lifewit pot lid rack features 6 distance-adjustable dividers that can allow you to configure your cookware storage to fit your needs it can be calibrated to accommodate to fit kitchen stuffs of different sizes user-friendly design meets the demands of various customers. Easy to assemble, everything you need to put the lifewit pot lid rack together comes to you in the package no more tools are required within just a couple of minutes your product will be assembled and installed hope you will enjoy this rack. Ideal storage solution, the lifewit adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink ( please make sure the space is taller than 95 inches ).   Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black - Hanging for plants, towels, pan pot, and more. Saves space on the countertop rail measures 24 inch long, each hook is in 2 3/4 inch height. Constructed of steel ensuring durability and dependability. Will blend in beautifully with any industrial or rustic style kitchen set up. Wall mount kitchen rail system for storage can also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze - Dimension 101” w x 75” d x 775” h, compartments height is about 225”. Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Sturdy metal construction with classic bronze paint. Stores pod lids, thin pan, cutting board, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 4 pans.   Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer - Drained-water holder design the fecihor pan pot organizer owns a water holder which can help hold and draining water, serves as a dish rack and also keep our kitchen cabinet countertop dry make your kitchenware more durable and clean. Lifetime warrantyif our product have any question, please feel like to contact us, we guarantee to give service of lifetime warranty or refund. Anti-rust stainless steel material, fecihor cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that is corrosion resistant, easy to clean, and durable make your kitchen health and clean. Ideal storage solution, up to 6 lattices for pan pot lid storage with adjustable rack the fecihor adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink. Customizable length 14 inches by 95″ by 7″ please make sure the space is taller than 95″ at least  it’s ideal for use where space is at a premium such as smaller or busy kitchens, its ideal for use on a counter top, in a cupboard or even under the sink to reduce clutter.   Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a simply stylish touch to your home. This organizing storage solution allows you neatly store baking sheets, lids, plates, cutting boards and more. Organize your cupboards, shelves, pantry and counter tops with spectrum’s modern lid organizer.   Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) - Your health is worth it put your dishes or pot lid on the dish rack to prevent growing the bacteria. Easy to clean clean with water and mild soap and then dry thoroughly. Make it strechable when you don’t use it, fold it for storage. Multifunctional use not only dishes drying, but also organizing for pot lid, book or ipad charging etc. Made of 100% natuarl bamboo bamboo is a natural alternative to wood,more environmental and recyclable finished without stain to keep the natural feeling.   Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack - The handle keeps your hands free of the hot water. 75″/25cm-hand washing recommended. A canning lid rack is an essential canning tool that provides a quick and easy way to sterilize your canning lids. The canning lid sterilizer holds up to 12 regular or wide mouth canning lids to sterilize. Measures, 9.   Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) - [Solid construction] made by heavy duty iron, more durable and holds heavy weight cookwares without shape change premium black coating provides a 100% rustproof and makes it easy to clean. [Fully adjustable tiers] the height adjustable design provides you more options to organize pots with different sizes with a large solid base and 4 adjustable tiers, you can store cookwares quickly and efficiently after cooking. [large storage capacity] this height adjustable rack is a perfect solution for storing all the pot and pan, saving you lots of space in kitchen effortlessly stack up to 5 frying pans, sauce pans, griddles or pots of various sizes. [Quick installation] the pan pot rack comes with everything you need and can be set up in less than 1 minute as the package arrive, everything is ready for you and you’re good to go. [Multifunctional] this pot rack could be placed horizonally or vertically accroding to your needs while being used vertically, the special u shape groove design is able to hold the pot lids steadily in place.   ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black - The pot lid organizer designed with five compartments is perfect for storing pots, pans, bakeware and cutting board of different sizes saving you a lot of kitchen cabinet space. Made by hand-welded strong iron wires, this pot lid organizer is durable and can withstand the weight of cast iron skillets it is coated with black matt paint and not rusty besides, the classic black is suitable for all kinds of kitchen design. The pot lid organizer can be tapped or erected in cabinets and other places in kitchen, easy to install and no need to punch or screw. Size1181″ x 984″ x 984″ with a unique shape design outer edge of the concave arc is for placing different handles of the lid and the inside of the convex arcs can disperse weight to prevent it from bending the 335-inch-high bottom tier is available for larger pans. Top priority is given to quality and customer satisfaction we are trying our best to create a pleasant shopping experience for buyers please feel free to contact us if you need any help.   Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool - ❈Easy to install hardware screws are included to provide secured installation, removable mounting base, easy to take down for cleaning. ❈Compatibility the storage organizer rack is able to hold 3 pan or pot lids with different type of handle. ❈Strong bearing load bearing up to 5kg, heavy duty to hold pot and pan lid screw connection, stronger and more durable. ❈Wall mounted pot lid organizer wall or cabinet door mounted to save space, utility kitchen gadgets to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. ❈groove design keep your kitchen lids in place and will not fall off, with water tray, available to hold the water to avoid falling to the ground.   Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack - Fits easily in most cabinetsmaking it easy to retrieve exactly what you need without taking everything out. Organize plates, lids, bakeware or cutting boards with this freestanding, upright storage rack. 10 1/2″ long x 5 3/4″ wide x 4 1/2″ high. Plate/lid rack is coated steel.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 - Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose - Package contain 1 rack includes 15 utility hooks. Unique design saves space on the kitchen countertop. Material made of sus304 stainless steel, solid, durable, rustproof. Easily clean can be clean very easy do not use steel wool to clean it may scratch the products. Multifunction pot rack, pan rack, cup hanger, lip holder, spoon rest, towel rack.   Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - With 8 roomy sections, this organizer keeps your cooking essentials upright for easier selection when you need them. Most of spectrum’s products are protected by intellectual property rights including issued design patents and pending design patent applications. Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a modern touch to your home. This rack organizes your lids, plates and baking sheets with ease. Spectrum products incorporate original designs created by and for the exclusive use of spectrum. 25″h x 13. 5″d. Measures 4. Protection for certain products may be provided and/or augmented by other federal and state proprietary rights including trademark, trade dress and copyright rights in the appearance and design of the products. 5″w x 4. Clear up precious cupboard space with the euro kitchen organizer.   Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) - Easy to install with included screws pack. Constructed of stainless steel ensuring durability and dependability. Brushed stainless steel finish bar with polished finish 7 movable hooks. Wall mount kitchen rail system is great for storage and also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack,neckties, belts, handkerchiefs etc. Save space and make your kitchen look arranged in good order.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze - Varied installation free stranding includes vertical or horizontal installation. Allowed to be secured to a fixed position by incerting a screw into the bottom screw hole, hardware included. Dimension 875” w x 9” d x 12” h, compartments height is about 25” to 3”. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 5 pans.   Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA - Handcrafted in the usa from select northern hardwoods. Mounting holes are now at 16″ centers to match typical stud spacing. Comes with 6 silver hooks that slide in adjustable tracks for customized hanging. Lids held file fashion are easily accessible and kept separated for cookware protection. Rack measures 19-1/2″w x 9-1/2″d x 8″h weight capacity is 75 pounds.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 - Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum - It is easy to be mounted on wall or cabinet door. Instead of horizontal one, this pot lid rack can be mounted on wall or cabinet door, which is more space-saving. Made of high quality material, which would last long time for using. Practical kitchen and dining tool. Perfect for holding 3 lids.   2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome 2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome - Flexibility install racks on each side of cabinet doors or install two line up vertically/horizontally on the wall. Compatibility hold lids with different type handle, rounded, ear knob etc. Best value two packs included, each rack stores 3 lids, that’s totally for 6 lids capacity. Easy to install hardware screws included, 3 screws for each rack provides secured installation. Dimension 95” w x 112” h x 4” d.   Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) - Rack measures 11″(w) x 17-1/8″(h) x 3-3/4″(d) approximately. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Mounted on kitchen wall, cabinet door to free up limited cooking space (hardware included). Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc.   Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) - Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Measures 10-1/8 by 7-5/8 by 7-1/2 inches approximately. Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen.   Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack - Amazing value talented kitchen’s 4oz glass jar set offers a complete set with amazing options new the set includes 2 different types of pre-printed spice labels clear pvc labels and also round chalkboard labels two great options that allows you to customize your spice rack as best suits your need and preference. Organize your drawer spice rack, cabinet or pantry with a uniform look talented kitchen’s square jars are perfect for storing in a drawer since they won’t roll around this set includes talented kitchen’s exclusive spice labels that can be applied to the glass body or metal cap so that you will identify spices with ease everything you need for creating your own custom spice collection and a neat cooking space. Stay fresh with premium quality glass upgrade your kitchen with talented kitchen set of 14 premium glass spice bottle jars classic french square design bottles 4 1/8″ x 1 3/4″ with a 1 1/4″ opening fit 4 fl oz of spices, exactly the contents of most store-bought spice jars exact same jars that trader joe’s and whole foods uses glass bottles includes aluminum metal caps for an airtight seal and bpa-free snap-on shaker caps. 14 jars, most complete set on amazon 14 glass bottle jars, 14 exclusive sift and pour shakers, 1 silicone funnel and 2 different types of spice stickers 113 pvc spice labels and 126 chalkboard spice labels included. 100% money back guarantee if you purchase the talented kitchen 14 jar set you can be confident you are purchasing a great set and a great solution for your spices if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked 100% money back guarantee, risk free purchase today.   Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack - The ne home cabinet door lid rack organizer is a great addition to organize pot and container lids. This over the door pot lid rack has a hard metal frame with white finish which makes it look stylish and strong enough to hold up to six lids. It can easily be mounted on doors, thus it gives additional floor space to organize other stuffs. #Kitchen
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/top-25-best-lid-racks-2019
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Eating better...or something
So grocery shopping happened last night by head of household. She bought eggs and butter and cat food - because 10 hours gone to do ALL the household shopping meant paper goods and cat food and eggs and butter. (Can I scream?) So I’m trying to make a shopping list to hopefully get 2-3 weeks worth of meals out of it and not break what’s left of my check. My list so far: Big bag of potatoes big bag of shredded cheese (it is the same price per # as the unshredded stuff and I don’t have to spend a day grating cheese) jar of shaker cheese Oatmeal PB (that's mine and I won't get yelled  at for using) PB powder 2 - 18 pk eggs  - again mine.  Dried onion Cheap beef roast that I can slice and saute  Whole milk for mixing with the protein powder I have left  big pack of flour tortillas  2 heads cauliflower Packet of ranch dressing mix Sour cream 2 cucumbers pt plain yogurt small bag mini chocolate chips 3-5# bananas 2-3 large grapefruit 3# bag frozen chicken breasts (probably walmart, aldi’s or the low-end kroger in town) my one splurge is 2 boxes of lipton cold brew teabags a month...though I’m down to using just one box because I can make a pot of tea at work and refrigerate half for the next day.
Pre-existing in house: 1# cream cheese, 16# of ham, strawberries, 6# of bacon (and a bunch of other unhealthy crap I can’t/won’t eat because it’s got mushrooms in it); yeast, flour, sugar, spices, enough fat free flavorless microwave popcorn to supply everyone in a large movie theater at least once, 6 cases of ramen - all of it chicken flavored and a lot of canned soup that would send me to the ER - again mushrooms and like 4 gallons of maple syrup if I cover every cabinet and freezer...and possibly sausage which I’ll check before I go.
Since I’m on the road most of the time and can barely manage single bites of lunch at work on the days I do work I’m thinking things I can eat that are high protein and energy that I can eat on the road or when I get to work a few minutes early. And lighter snacks but still higher in protein for later evening things since the  odds of finding a dinner thing happening when I get home requires days of pre-planning and me doing most of the work the night before (and no one else moving a muscle). My ‘healthy’ snack is always raw cauliflower or broccoli and ranch dressing - I figure I can save $ there and make my own. I usually end up with 3/4 cup of cauliflower and at most 2 tbsp ranch per ‘serving’.  Mostly I’m thinking eggs and potatoes and shit like that for weekday meals when I’m home and/or protein shakes to use up what I have until I find an alternative that doesn’t have artificial sweeteners in it or work out some other option. And protein oatmeal or smoothies or homemade oatmeal breakfast bars for both home and on the road breakfasts.  Meat in the house will disappear unless I pre-cook it into something like a thing we affectionately call “fighter bombs or scooby snacks - depending on who you ask - basically eggs, cheese, sausage, pepperoni and/or bacon (or chicken or beef) baked with a biscuit type bottom in a muffin pan. Mini ones work great for poppable snacks and regular size or large make a good meal or half meal. Things like bananas, eggs, milk, - shit that’s going to spoil and doesn’t handle pre-prep and freezing is going to be bi-weekly purchase. Most bananas will get mixed into bars or oatmeal pucks that I’ll be freezing and portioning out after they’re frozen.   But simply I’m tired of eating the same crap and always being (1) hungry (2) fed up with the option limits in the house (or 3) getting harassed for having a ton of x food in the house. If I pre-make things like oatmeal pucks or breakfast bars I can freeze and eat at work or when desired I can put them in the big freezer and not hear about it being in the way all the time.  This is (1) a stress reliever  and (2) a way to improve my diet AND not get harassed for my food being in the way or me getting home exhausted and bitching about not having anything to eat except fried everything. And it’ll save me buying breakfast or something on the way to work.  There’s always juice in the house, I tend to go for OJ, or something else that only I can have or like - that get’s bought without issue. And other than that I mostly only drink unsweetened black tea. Because I’m fucking weird. Am I insane? Is this going to work? Am I going to feel better because I’m not eating junk? Am I going to see the scale go south of 210 anytime soon doing this? Am I going to have more money each week from NOT having to buy breakfast each day?
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cearyfloyd · 4 years
How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets
Learn how to organize kitchen cabinets with these simple tips and tricks. A step by step plan to help get your started on designing your perfect kitchen organization system.
How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets
For most households, the kitchen is one of the busiest rooms in the whole house. With all of the traffic and multi-users, it can be a difficult space to keep organized. With a good organization system in place, however, it is possible to get and keep your kitchen organized. {If you think that I’ve always had organized cupboards, check out these before photos from when I first started my organization journey. Yikes!}
Here’s my step by step plan to help you organize your kitchen cabinets. Remember that it will take a little time and some trial and error before you have it set up just the way you’d like. Once you have it all organized, however, it should be relatively easy to maintain and will be well worth your effort!
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Come up with your strategy.
There are basically two ways that you can work on organizing the cabinets. The first option is to just jump right in there and do it all at once. This works best if you have a smaller kitchen, plan on doing a lot of cabinet reshuffling {i.e. rearranging items between cabinets}, or really need to do a lot of decluttering. Depending on the current state of your cabinets and how many you have to organize, this could take anywhere from a couple of hours to a full day {or more!}. Be patient with yourself – things WILL get worse before they look better. lol!
The second option is to work on a few cabinets at a time. This works best if you don’t plan on doing a lot of shuffling items around, are just going to swapping items between two cabinets, or tend to get overwhelmed easily with organizing. Since I now have my cupboards set up the way I like them, this is usually the method that I use. if you have a large kitchen but would like to switch up your storage spaces, you could also do a hybrid model of the two, and divide the kitchen up into half. They key is to not make things too overwhelming for yourself.
Declutter, declutter, declutter!
I can’t say this enough, but it’s SO important to declutter any space before organizing it. First of all, a good decluttering lets you know what you actually have deep within those cupboards. Secondly, your cupboards will be so much easer to keep organized and clean when you have less stuff. {It’s kind of ironic, but I also find that I use my items more when I have less.} And lastly, there is no point wasting your time and energy organizing and maintaining items that you don’t really love or need.  For help with the decluttering process, check out this post on how to declutter any space and this post with 20 items to declutter from the kitchen.
The first step with decluttering is to always completely empty out the space. Now I know that it can sometimes be hard to get rid of things, but you really do need to be ruthless when you purge.  Obviously, anything that is broken or you no longer love or use needs to go.  As a rough rule of thumb, donate or sell non-seasonal items that have not been used in the past 6 months or seasonal items that were not used during the past season.  For items that you use only once or twice per year, think if you could just borrow a similar one from a friend or family member rather than keep it around your own home.
If you’re not sure if you should keep it or not, set the item aside until the very end and see if there is even space left. For me, seeing how nice my organized cupboards look is enough motivation to part with those so-so items that are left.
Do a thorough cleaning.
Once you have everything emptied out of your cabinets, make sure you do a good cleaning of the space. Be sure to clean all surfaces of the cupboards {including sides and top} and get right into those corners
vacuum up crumbs and loose particles with a hand held vacuum
wipe the cupboards down with multi-purpose spray and a microfiber cloth. For extra greasy areas, you can use a bowl of warm water mixed with a few drops of dish soap.
If you have any concerns with food spills, you can then use some disinfecting spray and then wipe down to remove residue.
For pots and pan scuff marks, make a paste of baking soda and water to scrub or use another abrasive cleaner.
Line your cupboards and drawers.
This is totally optional, but lining your drawers can provide a few extra benefits. Firstly, if your cupboard or drawer bottoms have seen better days, liners will cover up any stains or chips. I used a simple white liner for our kitchen, but you can also find many colorful or patterned options or make your own from wrapping paper and clear contact paper. Secondly, if you want to protect your surfaces from any damage or spills in the future, the liner provides an extra barrier of protection. I didn’t line all of my cupboards and drawers but did end up doing most of them.
For most projects, I do recommend choosing a non-adhesive liner as it can be removed for washing when needed and won’t be difficult to switch out if you change your mind in the future. If you need to secure the edges you can always use a bit of double sided tape or small Command strips so it doesn’t slide.
Organize by zones.
Organizing by zones means that you try to group all similar items together and closest to the area that you will be using them. If you’re just starting out organizing this way, it may mean moving some of your kitchen storage around from cabinets that you currently use. Depending on your kitchen layout and cupboard storage options, you may have to make a few exceptions, but this is generally the most functional way to organize the space.
The first step to organize kitchen cabinets by zone is to take a few minutes to think about where you want to store your items and how you want your kitchen to function. Here are some ideas for zones that you may want to think about…
cooking/baking zones
food prep zone
food storage zone
storage container zone {dishes, glasses, silverware, food storage, etc.}
cleaning product zone {usually around and under the kitchen sink}
coffee, tea or other beverage bar
Depending on your needs, you can come up with other zones that make your space more functional. For example, we have a little smoothie/health bar in one corner of our kitchen for our blender, kettle, teas, vitamins, smoothie ingredients, etc. It contains everything we would need in that one small area so we can get things done quicker and easier.
Make things accessible.
Kitchen cabinet space is generally at a premium, so you want to make the best use of the space and make items as easy to access as possible. Store frequently used items in easy to reach locations at the front of cabinets or in canisters on the counter.  Save the back of the cupboard space or higher shelves for items that you use less frequently. And don’t forget about using the inside of your cupboard doors for extra storage!
If you’re short on kitchen space, infrequently used or seasonal items can even be stored outside of the kitchen in another area that has a little more storage space. Keep kids items at a level that they can access them so you’re not always having to help them out.
To make things easy to grab {and to put away!}, I try to make sure that everything in the cupboard can be removed {and put back!} by removing only one other item {or block of items} at most.  If you have to take out 4 or 5 items stacked on top of each other to get what you want, chances are that you’re either not going to use it or that it will not get put back properly. These drop down storage racks work great for storing items on higher shelves. They pull down easily and are perfect for spices, canned goods, breakfast condiments {like peanut butter, jam, and honey}, etc. A double lazy susan also works great for optimizing the vertical storage space.
Use those awkward spaces.
Every kitchen seems to have at least a couple of awkward cupboards or poorly designed storage spaces. Get creative! Think of different items that might work better to store there or find bins or other organizers to make the space more functional. We had a super tall and narrow cupboard that really didn’t fit anything, so we added a few shelves and turned it into our cleaning cupboard.
Declutter your counter.
Kitchen cupboard organization and decluttering your counters goes hand in hand. Keep out your most used items and try to find storage for other less used objects.  Find pretty containers, tray, or baskets to corral those items that you keep on the counter. It will make your counters much quicker and easier to clean and provide you with more work space {as well as make your kitchen seem instantly cleaner!} You also want to try to keep your counter storage limited to the back 1/3rd of the counter, so there is still plenty of space for prep work. For more tips on decluttering kitchen counters, check out this post on how to keep your counters clutter-free!
Whew! I hope this gives you lots of kitchen cabinet organization ideas! If it seems like a lot, remember that you can just work on one cabinet at a time. Once you have your system down, it gets a lot quicker and easier.
Happy organizing! Let me know if you have any questions!
More Home Organization Ideas
For more home organization projects and ideas, check out these posts…
Bathroom Cabinet Organizer Ideas
Garage Peg Board Organizer
31 Day Decluttering Challenge
      The post How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets appeared first on Clean and Scentsible.
from Home Improvement https://www.cleanandscentsible.com/organize-kitchen-cabinets/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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samslater305 · 4 years
Moving to Scottsdale? 21 Moving Tips From the Pros
If you’re like most people, moving doesn’t make your “Top 10 fun things to do” list. It’s probably not even in the top 50 – but with these 21 moving tips from the pros, you can make your move easier and a lot less stressful.
Moving to Scottsdale? 21 Moving Tips From the Pros
While we can’t wave a magic wand and move your belongings from your old house to your new one, we can give you these 21 moving tips from the experts to help you de-stress the process.
Moving Tip #1: Schedule utilities ahead of time.
Call well in advance to set up your electricity, gas, cable and other utilities. That way, everything’s ready for you when you move into your new home.
Moving Tip #2: Hire movers ASAP.
Get on the phone (or internet) and schedule your movers as soon as you can. The sooner you can schedule them, the better – that way, you don’t risk getting bumped for an “emergency” move.
Moving Tip #3: Work with movers who have plenty of time for you in their schedule.
Avoid working with a moving company that says it’ll “squeeze” you in an otherwise busy day. If you take that cramped spot on the schedule, you’re likely to get the company’s most exhausted moving crew – and they might even show up late because they were on another job.
Moving Tip #4: Book an early morning move if possible.
Try to hire your movers to start early in the morning. That way, they’re fresh and haven’t already done three other jobs before they get to yours.
Moving Tip #5: Think about renting your own moving truck.
If you’re on a cost-cutting mission, sometimes hiring movers to pack up a truck and then unpack it in your new home is a lot cheaper than using a moving company’s mode of transport. You might even be able to save hundreds of dollars.
Moving Tip #6: Move during the week and save unpacking for the weekend.
It’s a pain taking a day or two off during the week, but if you move on the weekend, you’re going to be pretty wiped out by Monday morning. However, if you move on a Thursday and take Friday, Saturday and Sunday to unpack, you’ll spread out the work and make things easier on yourself.
Moving Tip #7: Skip grocery shopping a few weeks before your move.
If you can, work through all the food in your refrigerator, freezer and cabinets before your move. That way, you don’t have to rush from one house to another with ice cream (and let’s be honest – do any of us need an excuse to eat ice cream?).
Moving Tip #8: Get all your moving supplies at one time.
Going back and forth to buy more moving supplies is a huge inconvenience while you’re packing, so try to buy all your moving supplies at once. If you have extras when you’re finished, you can return them to the store or donate them – but there’s a good chance that you’ll use everything.
Moving Tip #9: Sell, donate and get rid of items you don’t use.
You’ll save time (and space) on moving day and simplify your life if you sell, donate or otherwise get rid of items you don’t use. A good rule of thumb: If you haven’t used or enjoyed something in the past 6 months, it’s time for it to find a new home.
Moving Tip #10: Hand-carry important documents.
Don’t risk losing insurance documents, birth certificates, passports and other important documents. Keep them with you when you move. On moving day, stash them beneath the seat of your car (just don’t forget to take them back out when you arrive at your new place).
Moving Tip #11: Pack an overnight bag for moving day.
Keep an overnight bag with all your essentials ready for moving day. Think about adding:
Blankets, sheets, pillowcases and pillows
Pet foods
Phone chargers
Tablets and other kids’ essentials
Moving Tip #12: Leave your clothing on hangers.
If you’re packing yourself, there’s no need to take your clothing off hangers. Use wardrobe boxes or even fold your clothes over their own hangers to pack in boxes – that way, you don’t have to do “chores” when you get to the new place.
Moving Tip #13: Put plastic wrap over your silverware tray and other organizers.
Don’t pack everything separately! Wrap plastic wrap over your silverware tray and other drawer organizers (you can even do this with dresser drawers if you’re so inclined) so you don’t have to find individual items and refill them in your new home.
Moving Tip #14: Invest in space-saving bags for fluffy items.
Puffy items like comforters, pillows and blankets can go straight into space-saving bags, and you can vacuum the air from them to save space.
Moving Tip #15: Store kitchen items in pots and pans, and secure the lids with rubber bands or tape.
Put measuring cups and other small kitchen items in pots and pans, put the lids on, and secure the lids with rubber bands or tape. That way, you’re saving space in your boxes and you’re keeping all your like items together, which makes unpacking much easier.
Moving Tip #16: Take pictures of the backs of your televisions and other electronics.
Snap a few photos of the backs of your electronics before you detach all the wires. That way, it’ll be easier to put everything back where it belongs when you’re setting up your new home.
Moving Tip #17: Keep screws, bolts and other fasteners in plastic bags, and tape them to your items.
Keep everything together (and organized) by stashing screws, bolts and other fasteners in a zippered plastic bag, then taping the bag to the items that need those fasteners.
Moving Tip #18: Finish packing two days before you move.
Don’t put off the last bit of packing until moving day. Aim to have everything finished two days before the big day, and then, if you need more time, you have the day before the movers arrive to pick up your belongings.
Moving Tip #19: Set up your new bathroom before moving day.
Head over to your new house and set up the bathroom before you actually move in. That might mean putting up a shower curtain, stocking towels, washcloths and soap, adding tissue and bringing an extra tube of toothpaste (and some new toothbrushes).
Moving Tip #20: Fill the refrigerator and freezer with easy meals before moving day.
While you’re stocking your new bathroom with essential supplies, put a few things in the refrigerator and freezer. That way, you’ll have everything you need for quick, easy meals as soon as the movers unload the last box.
Moving Tip #21: Pack a cooler with snacks and drinks before you move.
You – and your movers – will appreciate your forethought if you pack a cooler with simple snacks and some drinks on moving day. Let everyone know it’s available and make sure to stop and re-stock it between your current house and your new one.
Are You Searching for the Perfect Home for Sale in Scottsdale?
While you can use this Scottsdale relocation guide as a springboard to learn more about the area, we’ll be happy to show you the homes that interest you most. While you’re here, explore all our Scottsdale real estate listings or look in specific communities:
Desert Highlands homes for sale
Hidden Hills homes for sale
Legend Trail homes for sale
Pinnacle Peak homes for sale
Sincuidados homes for sale
South Scottsdale homes for sale
SunRidge Canyon homes for sale
Winfield homes for sale
If you’re selling a luxury home in Scottsdale, we can help. You can use our home value calculator to get a ballpark idea on what your home may be worth – and you can call us at 480-351-5359 to talk to a REALTOR® about how we can market your home to all the right buyers.
Don Matheson REALTOR® | Founder The Matheson Team RE/MAX Fine Properties 21000 N. Pima Rd., #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 480-351-5359 [email protected]
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Don Matheson 21000 N Pima Rd #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 602-694-3200 Map Location
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$2,350,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
18946 N 97TH Place Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
6 Baths
5,469 SqFt
      #6034721 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
14620 E Sierra Alegre Court Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
4 Beds
5 Baths
4,903 SqFt
      #6068746 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
6748 E Horseshoe Lane Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
5 Beds
7 Baths
6,282 SqFt
      #6062700 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$1,300,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
17822 N 95TH Street Scottsdale, AZ 85255
5 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
4,212 SqFt
      #6048542 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
13429 E CANNON Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85259
5 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
3,793 SqFt
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$900,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
20534 N 95TH Street Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
2,806 SqFt
      #6062642 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
7868 E STAGECOACH PASS Road Carefree, AZ 85377
6 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
4,479 SqFt
      #6034180 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
26590 N WRANGLER Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255
5 Beds
3 Baths
3,328 SqFt
      #6059274 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
30203 N 51ST Place Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,214 SqFt
      #6062689 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$399,000 (Pending)
18911 E Quartz Way Rio Verde, AZ 85263
2 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,446 SqFt
      #6021725 | Condo
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$265,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
4949 W Mindy Lane Glendale, AZ 85308
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
1,556 SqFt
      #6081099 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
20400 W TOPAZ Boulevard Goodyear, AZ 85338
4.36 Lot Acres
      #5813681 | Lots / Land
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
      The post Moving to Scottsdale? 21 Moving Tips From the Pros appeared first on Scottsdale Real Estate.
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crowsurvivalcom · 6 years
The Best 5th Wheel for Full Time Living
If you’re considering taking to the roads full time with a fifth-wheel trailer, we know that it takes a lot of careful planning and it can be a thrilling yet daunting experience. It’s not uncommon amongst full-timers to feel like it’s impossible to make the right decision, either leading to incorrect purchases or buyers regret.  When my wife and I took the plunge, we ended up replacing our original fifth wheel after a year of use.  Our second purchase met our needs much better and it was worth the small financial hit we took to get something we really wanted.
Even now many years later, we love looking around RV dealerships.  I’m personally of the opinion that the gross vehicle weight rating, unloaded vehicle weight, and the cargo carrying capacity is the three most important specs for any RV.  What your vehicle of choice can safely tow has a huge impact on the size of trailer you can have as well as how much of your gear and possessions you can take with you on your adventure.
Most full-time travelers will want to ensure they have at least the following:
Summer and winter appropriate clothing
Shoes, boots and summer footwear
Jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves
Plenty of bedding and blankets
Household appliances
Pans, pots, and dishes
Tinned, dried and fresh food
Spare parts, a range of tools and cleaning materials
Toiletries, soaps, shampoos and related items
Barbecue equipment
Recreational items such as bikes, hiking gear etc
A generator as well as fuel
The weight of all of these items quickly mounts up and it doesn’t take into account the numerous optional items that you might want to consider taking such as washer/dryers, spare batteries, solar-powered chargers or gear.  Not to mention the LP-Gas and spare cylinders and water holding tanks.
If you’re staying at a fully equipped RV campsite, then you can probably hook into the mains water supply. However, it’s always a good idea to keep your freshwater tanks topped up and the wastewater tanks empty.  If you end up staying at a dry camp, then you’re all set to stay there for a few days without any additional planning.
Even though our 36-foot camper has what seems like a ton of storage capacity (3,500 pounds), it’s extremely to max this out once the water tanks are full.  That’s even with half-empty shelves and very little in the way of excessive gear.  We’d love to have an extra 1,000 pounds to play with.
Given all the factors details above, we’re now planning to upgrade our fifth wheel trailer again.  We’ve carried out a ton of research, looked at dozens of RVs in person and we know from experience exactly what we’re looking for in a fifth wheel trailer.  Our requirements might not be the same as yours, but we’ve tried to cover all the bases and we’re confident that there’s something in our list of the best 5th wheel trailers for full time living to suit everyone.
The Best Fifth Wheels for Full-Time Living:
Coachmen Chaparral Fifth Wheel
The Coachmen Chaparral Fifth Wheel offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to the layout of your RV.  With an impressive array of 11 floor plans to choose from, there’s little doubt in our mind that you’ll be able to find a plan to meet your needs.
If your truck has a limited towing capacity and you need to keep the weight to a minimum, then the Chaparral 298RLS is a great option.  It maxes out an impressive 9,575 pounds dry weight, which is decent given the dimensions and the room offered by the RV.
If you can afford to tow something a bit heavier and you need a ton of room to accommodate all your friend and family, then the Chaparral 371MBRB will meet those requirements.  Spanning a massive 41 feet and managing to comfortably sleep 11 people, the Chaparral 371MBRB is big enough for most people.
In-between those two extremes there are loads of other floor plan options, so as we’ve already said, the Coachmen Chaparral Fifth Wheel range is flexible.
To ensure it feels like a home away from home when you’re on the road full time, Coachman has added lots of features and storage options.  For example, a state of the art HD entertainment system, motion activated lighting, numerous USB charging points, a massive refrigerator, a high powered large microwave, a fast heating oven as well as a ducted furnace.  If all of this is not enough for you, there are more than a few optional luxury upgrades that will make sure your RV rivals that of many apartments.
Key Features:
11 distinct floor plans to choose from
A rear-mounted camera for increased visibility
Sliding fascia crafted from solid hardwood
Attractive cabinets made from solid lumber
Ample storage capacity including under bed storage
Heat-retaining dual pane windows
Jayco North Point Fifth Wheel
We’ve long been a fan of Jayco RVs, and the Jayco North Point Fifth Wheel is no exception.  The North Point series does an excellent job of meeting the requirements of full-time travelers due to their increased dimensions and ample storage and accommodation. Typically, the trailers will range between 12,000 and 14,000 pounds dry weight.
As with most Jayco RVs, you can expect a seriously well made, sturdy and reliable trailer which should see you through all weather and road conditions.  Depending on the floor plan, you can expect to comfortably sleep between 4 and 9 adults.  Trailers range from 38 feet all the way up to 43 feet, which is the North Point 315RLTS and North Point 387RDFS respectively.
Due to the insulated design, impressive furnace and more than capable AC unit, you’ll find this RV is at home in the sunny south as well as the colder North.  Whatever the outside temperature is doing, you can be assured that the interior will be kept at a comfortable level.
Once you’ve set up your camp spot, you can keep yourself or any guests entertained with the addition of outdoor speakers, a fully equipped outdoor kitchen, awning to provide shelter and optionally an outdoor barbecue and grill.
We’re confident that you’ll be more than happy with your purchase if you decide to go with a Jayco North Point.  Not only is it a solidly built RV, but it excels at keeping you comfortable, relaxed and entertained. It’s a great option for anyone looking for the best 5th wheel for a full-time living.
Key Features:
9 distinct and capable floor plans to choose from
Stable and easily deployed front landing gear
Weather resistant high-grade external speakers
Well-equipped dining area with standalone table and chairs
Roomy and sturdy glass surround shower
Heartland Sundance Fifth Wheel
If you’re in the market for a lightweight yet spacious fifth wheel trailer which is well suited for couples or solo travelers, then the Heartland Sundance 269TS might just be the RV for you.  This trailer weighs in at a diminutive 8,307 pounds and measures in at just over 30 feet in length, making it ideally suited for couples looking to hit the road full time.  However, if you have your heart set on something a bit bigger, then there are floorplans such as the Sundance 3710MB or Sundance 3700RLB that offer more room and can quite easily sleep a large family.
If you appreciate your modern home comforts and require comfortable surroundings, then the Sundance delivers that in spades.  Every floor plan offers a minimum of 3 slideouts, which directly translates into tons of space to store your gear and supplies.  In addition, the Heartland range comes with slam latch doors, powerful and capable air conditioning and a refrigerator which can rival many domestic models. If you so choose many of these fittings can be upgraded, such as 15,000 BTU furnace/air con unit as well as n upgraded fridge freezer option.
Given the range of options, the size, and durability, as well as the proven track record, the Heartland Sundance Fifth Wheel trailers are an amazing option looking to RV on a full-time basis.
Key Features:
11 impressive and distinct floor plans to choose from
Low power LED lighting
Comfortable tri-fold sofa bed
Rear mounted reversing camera
Powerful ducted Air conditioning
Sturdy fiberglass design
Jayco Eagle Fifth Wheel
The Jayco Eagle Fifth Wheel offers many of the benefits, design features and build qualities of the other trailers on our list, however, it’s often much cheaper.  The MSRP price of Jayco’s is often comparable to most other trailer manufacturers, the big difference is that it’s often possible to secure substantial discounts or free upgrades during the bargaining process.  If you’re looking for a fifth wheel trailer for full-time living, and budget is a concern, then you need to take a close look at the Jayco Eagle.
Jayco Eagle’s are available in a range of floor plans, for example, measuring in at 35 feet and topping out at 10,310 pounds is the Eagle 293RKDS.  Or if you need additional room, look at the Eagle 347BHOK, which measures 40 feet and weighs 12,300 pounds.  Both are sturdily built and offer more than a few luxury fittings.
In terms of fittings and features, the Eagle fits in a ton of great equipment.  The near silent 15,000 BTU AC unit will keep you comfortable no matter the weather, while the powered awning and external LED lighting will make sure you can enjoy the outdoors day and night.  By default, this fifth wheel trailer comes fitted with the luxury package, which amongst others, provides a sound bar, solid maple wood fittings, and insulated frameless windows.  If you really want to take things up a level, then you can choose any number of upgrades and optional upgrades.
The Jayco Eagle is very competitively priced fifth wheel trailer that provides everything you could want for full-time living.
Key Features:
9 versatile floor plans to choose from
Powered awning and power efficient LED lighting
Insulated frameless windows
Weather-resistant high-quality external speakers
Intelligent command center which offers real-time tank monitoring
Forest River Wildcat Fifth Wheel
If you have your sights set on something spacious yet incredibly light, then the Forest River Wildcat Fifth Wheel should be at the top of your shopping list.  It beats even the Sundance trailer above in terms of dry weight, maxing out at very small 7,466 pounds, which is impressive given its 31 feet length.  If lightweight is not what you’re looking for, then be assured that there are other floor plans that offer beefier and roomier designs such as the Wildcat 35WB.  At this point, you should be interested in what the wildcat has to offer, but if you need more convincing then you check out its impressive features.
The Wildcat provides some pretty decent kit as standard, ranging from marine rated external speakers, all the way through to flexible seating dinette area.  All of these are present as standard across all floor plans without any need to upgrade.  If you’d like to splash out and get some additional features, then you can pick from a range of optional extras and upgrades.  Including, an additional 13,500 BTU AC unit or a luxury king sized bed with memory foam mattress.
Key Features:
Massive range of 23 floor plans to choose from
Inbuilt residential style chrome drawers and doors
Robust and hard wearing hardwearing slide out fascia
Powerful 15,000 BTU air conditioning unit
Warming 4,600 BTU fireplace
Residential brushed chrome door and drawer hardware
Adaptable home entertainment with Bluetooth connectivity
Final Thoughts
When you’re looking to buy your 5th Wheel Trailer for Full-time living, then there a few additional things you should consider.  Many features such as entertainment systems can be added later, or even upgraded if you find your current options lacking.  However, features such as finish and insulation are trickier to upgrade, so it’s worth getting this right the first time around.
Full-body paint is one of the most durable finishes and is easily maintained, while a gel coat finish can look stunning when buffed to a shine.  Fiberglass roofs will last through many years of use, while rubber is more prone to damage from weather and wear and tear.
If your RV is fitted with skylights that don’t open, without shades, or if the trailer is lacking in insulation, then controlling the internal temperature during hot and cold periods can be tricky.
Disc brakes are a must-have feature in our opinion as they offer far superior braking ability, this can make a massive difference in an emergency.  If your manufacturer of choice doesn’t give you the option of disk brakes, then seriously consider them as an aftermarket upgrade from a third party.  It could be the smartest decision you make. You may also wish to upgrade the shocks and tire ratings.  Considering you’ll be spending so much time on the road, these are all sensible options.
Always opt for more towing capacity if you can, it’s better to be under your max tow weight rather than maxing out every time you set off.  But most of all, make sure you’re comfortable and happy with your planned purchase.  Hire one for a week before taking the plunge and get out on the road to try things out in person.
The post The Best 5th Wheel for Full Time Living appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/the-best-5th-wheel-for-full-time-living/
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gordanladdskitchen · 8 years
The 7 Best Ways to Store Garlic For Future Use
Have you ever wonder does garlic goes bad if left unused for too long? How long is the shelf life of garlic? And, how to store garlic correctly so that this herb remain fresh for future use?
Frankly speaking, it never crosses my mind to think that garlic can get rotten because I never got the chance to see it happen even once since all the fresh garlic that I bought from the market will be swiftly used within a week.
Today I am going to blog about garlic shelf life, how to store garlic correctly as well as general knowledge about this wonderful herb.
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Quick Navigation
Is Garlic a Spice or Herb?
Garlic Shelf Life
How to Store Garlic – Whole Bulbs
7 Storing Methods for Peeled Garlic Cloves
Garlicky Household
Is Garlic a Spice or Herb?
Often confused for being a spice, garlic is actually a herb species in the onion genus Allium and is closely related to onions, shallots, leeks, and chives.
Known for its pungent, spicy, and to some extent nutty flavor, garlic certainly deserves its place amongst the world's most widely-used aromatics.
Quite surprising for a herb with a relatively strong heated taste, garlic on its own, or used in conjunction with other herbs and spices, pair perfectly with almost any recipe’s main component be it meat, poultry, fish, or vegetable.
The garlic versatile flavor profile, which may also be mellowed with proper technique, makes it a staple ingredient in various cuisines around the world. Soups, stews, roasts, stir-fries, curries, salad dressings, marinades, sauces, and a whole long list of internationally-renowned dishes just wouldn't be authentic without the characteristic flavor that only garlic can give.
On top of the irreplaceable flavor that the garlic has, the proven myriad of health benefits from cooking with garlic account for its presence in most kitchens. Though relatively easy to cultivate, and thus readily available, it does lose its state of freshness and potency over time. Hence the need for knowledge on how to store garlic to maximize its shelf-life.
Garlic Shelf Life
Does garlic go bad? Yes, it does, just like most fresh produce does. If stored properly, though, fresh, raw garlic left whole in their bulbs can last for 3 – 6 months if stored properly. But preferably not to keep for so long, though.
Chopped garlic on the other hand, if refrigerated may be good to use for up to seven days. Sprouting of green roots from the garlic clove, or the visibility of brown spots, clearly indicate that it is no longer safe for consumption.
Also, do not assume all garlic you see at the market is fresh. Some of the garlic, especially those at the bottom of the basket can be left there for a long time already. Just be alert when buying from the vendor.
With equal importance to knowing how to store garlic properly would be knowing what to look for when in the market for this herb. So let’s start this discussion with these simple pointers:
Look for samples that are firm to the touch. Soft garlic is definitely over ripened and will have a relatively short shelf-life.
A dry papery white skin indicates the lack of moisture which is ideal. The presence of moisture in garlic makes it susceptible to bacterial and mold growth.
Check for visible sprouting. Green roots growing off the center of each clove is a clear sign that the garlic is no longer fresh.
Stay away from garlic that is stored in the refrigerated section of the supermarket. These most probably are samples that have shown signs near of spoiling and have been refrigerated to extend their shelf-life for just a few more days.
When buying peeled cloves, look for the presence of brown spots which are late signs of spoilage.
To put it simply, before thinking too much about how to store garlic optimally, it would still be best to begin by sourcing for only the freshest garlic that is still intact in its bulb whenever available.
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How to Store Garlic – Whole Bulbs
Bulbs of garlic left intact have a shelf-life of up to three months if purchased fresh. Breaking the cloves apart will significantly shorten this storage period down to several days.
A rule-of-thumb on how to store garlic, for whole bulbs or skin-on cloves at least, is to keep them at room temperature, in dry but well-ventilated areas, and away from direct exposure to sunlight.
Opposite to these would be conditions that are favorable for bacterial growth that would hasten spoilage. Here are some storage guidelines based on these facts:
Contrary to most misconception, skin-on bulbs or cloves of garlic must not be refrigerated.
Do not store garlic in tight plastic bags or covered containers. Doing so will allow for the accumulation of moisture which we all know by now is not favorable. It would be best to keep them in mesh-constructed receptacles that allow for constant airflow.
Some kitchen equipment manufacturers like Le Creuset, have released specific-use garlic crockpots that have holes to allow the garlic to “breathe.”
Cloves of garlic that have been broken off the bulb will not stay fresh for long and must be used within a week or less.
Place your garlic, in its receptacle, on a shaded part of your kitchen, but not inside a closed cabinet. When thinking of how to store garlic, always look for a place that would allow a free flow of air.
Bulbs of garlic may be roasted whole softening them to a fully-cooked paste that can last up to a week refrigerated. To do this, just arrange as many bulbs of garlic in a pan and bake them for about 40 minutes in an 365 Fahrenheit (180 Degree Celsius) oven.
After that. you should be easily able to squeeze the flesh from their skins when done.
7 Storing Methods for Peeled Garlic Cloves
Individual cloves of garlic that have been peeled should never be left at room temperature. Especially for peeled garlic, it can get spoiled even more quickly. But here are a few solutions to delay this from happening:
Refrigeration. Peeled whole, chopped, or minced cloves of garlic may be stored in well-sealed containers and refrigerated for about 3 days to a week maximum. Any leftovers beyond this holding time though must be discarded in concern of food safety. Eating garlic that has been stored for too long can cause food poisoning.
Freezing. Peeled garlic may be frozen to preserve it for up to six months. This method though is inadvisable as freezing would alter its flavor and texture. There are several ways to do this: 1) Wrap whole peeled garlic cloves individually in foil or plastic wrap and arranged these in a container to go in the freezer. This would allow for using them in the number pieces needed without having to defrost a whole clump. 2) Spread chopped or minced garlic in a single layer inside a plastic bag or a covered tray. This way they may be broken easily into needed quantities without having to thaw out the whole batch. 3) Minced garlic may be combined with some liquid like lemon juice or simply water, then frozen into ice cubes which also allow for thawing only the amount required by your recipe. 4) Peeled garlic may also be pureed with oil in a ratio of 1:2 respectively. The oil prevents the resulting paste from freezing completely solid, allowing for the required volume to be easily scooped out of a chosen container.
Pickling. This time-tested preservation method involving the use of an acidic component would work with garlic as well. Pouring in vinegar or wine, with the possible addition of choice herbs and spices, to completely submerge a bottle of peeled garlic will give it a shelf-life of about three to six months. Note that this preparation must be tightly covered and kept in the refrigerator.
Brining. Prepare a simple brine with 1 tablespoon of salt for every cup of water enough to get all your garlic fully-submerged. Store in an airtight jar and allow to ferment at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, for about a month. Then store in the refrigerator. This brined garlic should easily last for six months.
Canning. Similar to pickling where a bottle of processed garlic is filled with an acid-based preparation which may either be raw or cooked. The difference is that with this method, the bottles are finished in a pot of boiling water or in a pressure canner to give them an airtight seal.
Dehydration. It is the moisture present in most food including garlic that accelerates spoilage, and taking this moisture out would marginally extend shelf-life. This may be done with a commercial dehydrator, under the sun, or inside an oven. Simply lay evenly-sliced garlic pieces on a baking pan in a single layer and allow them to dry up completely in a pre-heated oven for about 2 hours at 149 Fahrenheit (65 Degree Celsius).
Garlic Powder. Put pieces of dehydrated garlic in a food processor or coffee grinder and pulse to your desired texture. Additional dried herbs and spices may also be added at this point for additional flavors.
Garlicky Household
Honestly, I grew up in a household where literally garlic is the core ingredients for cooking most of the dishes, and our weekly stocks for this herb were consumed before they can even start going bad.
​Because of this, storing garlic was never really a question that bothered me for once. But having an understanding of garlic shelf life and how to store garlic correctly in the context of food safety would surely be worth knowing.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: How to Sell a House with a Small Kitchen: No Major Renovations Required
American kitchens have evolved dramatically over the years. Once a utilitarian workspace where mom spent her days over the stove, the kitchen is now considered the social center of the home where design and style matter. Since the 1960s, the average kitchen size has more than doubled from 70 to 150 square feet. According to a 2019 study by the National Association of Home Builders, 86% of buyers today prefer an open kitchen layout complete with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. If you have an older or more modest house, however, it’s possible that your kitchen hasn’t kept up with the times. You keep hearing that it’s too small to attract an offer. That puts you in a tough position when the time comes to sell—should you invest in overhauling it to appeal to the modern buyer? HomeLight data indicates that’s not always a smart move. Top agents say the ROI on a $23,000 kitchen upgrade is actually -1%, meaning you’re bound to lose money on any major kitchen renovations. Plus, due to the rise in food delivery services, there’s some evidence suggesting small kitchens are making a comeback. Who has time to cook anymore? If you get the same feedback from buyers about the size of your kitchen, turn to these tricks top real estate agents, professional stagers, and interior designers vouch for. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to sell a house with a small kitchen. Did we mention there’s no sledgehammer required? Source: (Al Kawasa/ Unsplash)1. When you think your counters are clear, check again. What else can you remove? Any amount of clutter is going to make a small kitchen feel even tinier. “Make as much counter space as you can,” says Justin Riordan, interior designer, architect and founder of the Portland-based home staging company Spade and Archer Design Agency. “While the counters should not be empty, they should never be cluttered.” To give the illusion of more space, follow this simple step by step: Clear clutter and junk from counters. Kitchen counters become home to junk mail clutter, coupons, party invitations, and old newspapers. Clear off anything from your countertop that isn’t kitchen related. Papers can be recycled, stored, or take a picture of them on your phone if you’ll need the information later on. Can’t part with that stack of printed and clipped recipes? Opt for a minimalist recipe box to keep them organized with style. Depersonalize refrigerators and other magnetic spaces. You might love your kitschy magnet collection that tack on last year’s holiday cards to your fridge but it’s that kind of personalization that can turn buyers off. Take down family photos and magnets from surfaces and store them for your future home. Put in some elbow grease and remove any stickers from appliances. Maximize floor space. If you’ve got a bulky trash can or recycling bin taking up precious real estate on your kitchen floor, check out The Wirecutter’s top reviewed in-cabinet trash cans to save floor space. Remove countertop appliances. You might’ve cleared clutter and junk from your countertops, but gadgets like coffee makers and toasters have to go as well. Pack these appliances away in storage, or find them a home in cabinets, space permitting. Artfully decorate your cleared space. In regards to staging your countertops, “one item per surface will make the kitchen look functional and spacious,” says Riordan. Prop open a popular cookbook on a stand for a pop of color, display a vase with fresh flowers, or place a small glass bowl with fruit on an open surface. Source: (Becca Tapert/ Unsplash)2. Ditch the island, seriously.  If you have an island in your kitchen, get rid of it for pictures and showings. While your floating island might be a necessity for storage and prep on a day to day basis in your kitchen, it’s not helping you sell the home. “Here’s the rub: Nobody will be cooking in the home during showings or open houses. Adding a few feet of counter space is not worth the price of making the kitchen seem cramped. If you shoe-horned in a makeshift island, just shoe-horn that baby right out to your garage,” suggests Riordan. This removal might feel weird or illogical, but ultimately, the goal is to open up space in the kitchen, not showcase a functional kitchen. 3. Paint it white. Every interior designer, professional stager, and real estate agent we spoke to agreed—if you want your kitchen to look bigger, white paint is your best friend. “The more white you have, the cleaner and more open it will feel. Removing the hard edges in the space will make the kitchen actually feel bigger,” Riodran says. White will not only make the space look larger, but will also complement nearly any accent color—making it easier for buyers to visualize their linens, china, and kitchen accessories in your home. If your backsplash has a loud, or busy pattern, consider retiling it a calming white to match the walls, advises Caryn Schulberg, studio director of Stone Interiors, a luxury interior design studio in San Francisco. Home Depot has a wide range of classic subway tiles starting at $1. If that’s outside your budget, consider stick-on tiles from Art3d or LongKing on Amazon. When it comes to painting the walls, Schulberg swears by “Winter White” from Benjamin Moore with a semi-gloss sheen. “This variation of white is ever-so-slightly tinged with a soothing, cool grey,” she says. Here’s the simplest way to prep your kitchen walls for repainting: Kitchens, especially small ones, are more likely to have grease and grime on their walls. Scrub the walls down with a kitchen sponge to make sure there’s no residue before painting. Mask or tape along the floors, ceilings and countertops. Place a drop cloth on the floor to keep drips from dripping and staining. Use plastic sheeting or masking draped over appliances and large cabinets to protect them. Start painting! If you can repaint the cabinets, opt for a white or very light grey. “Make sure you paint both the outside and the inside of the cabinet doors a light color,” says Schulberg. With nearly 100 years in the home improvement space, Lowe’s has an easy step-by-step video on prepping, priming, and repainting your kitchen cabinets. 4. Invest in good organizers Your kitchen might be small, but with mighty organization skills, you can keep buyers from wondering whether there’s enough room in the pantry or space in the drawers. “Well-thought-out organizational components will eliminate the need for potential buyers to question where they will store everything if they choose to purchase the house,” explains Schulnberg. When organizing shelves and drawers for showings, you should prioritize: Pull-out racks under countertops for pots and pans Pots and pans can take up tons of cabinet space when not organized efficiently. Made of metal or wood, you can purchase cabinet organizer kits, or build them from scratch. Not up for DIY? Check out these alternatives: Lynk Professional Organizer Pull Out Under Cabinet Shelf Rev-A-Shelf Metal Cabinet Organizer Simply Put 1-Tier Wooden Cabinet Organizer Simply Put 2-Tier Pull Out Metal Organizer Most importantly, you’ll need to take exact measurements of the width, depth, and height of your cabinets. Then make a plan of what systems you’ll use before installing them. With a level, a screwdriver, and a tape measure, you can install these in an afternoon using this beginner installation guide. Wall shelves for plates and glasses If your cabinets don’t have much shelving, plate and glass racks can double the amount of storage with little effort. Rather than stack mismatched glasses and plates on top of each other into piles, you can neatly arrange the cabinets for a clearer display. Measure the height and width of your cabinet, and find a shelf that can fit within your dimensions. Then slide it into your shelves—there’s no additional installation required. Online buying guide The Strategist recommends YouCopia StoreMore Height Expandable Kitchen Shelf Organizer. Organizers inside of drawers for tools, utensils, and flatware Dividers can take the chaos of your kitchen drawers and turn them into manageable, spacious spaces. However, they’re not all built the same. Consider a few different kinds of organizers to tackle tidying your drawers. Best Utensil Divider: Home-it’s expandable flatware divider can expand to fit the width of your drawer, making it simple to install. Best Tool/Gadget Divider:  Adjustable drawer dividers, like InterDesign’s adjustable set, make it easier to store oddly shaped gadgets and tools. Best Wrap and Bag Organizer: RubberMaid’s Cabinet Organizer uses the back of your cabinets with a mounted storage rack for aluminum foil, cling wrap, and garbage bags. Best “Do it All” Junk Drawer Divider: Tame your junk drawer with interlocking organizers like Madesmart’s set. Use the dividers that snap together, making it simple to customize the set to your space. Most people have a hard time imagining how their things might fit into a space, so giving them an idea might make the sale easier. “It is a small step that makes a big difference when people feel they do not have to take on the organizational challenges on their own,” Schulberg says. 5. Remove dated accents and update with modern finishes. No need to rehaul the design of your kitchen space. Just change out accents and finishes for a modern touch. “Definitely stay away from frosted glass light fixtures, multi-color mosaics, ornate hardware and swirling or circular lines—all of these things harken towards more traditional features or fads of past times,” recommends LA-based eco-friendly interior designer Erica Reiner. Give your kitchen a small modern update with stainless steel drawer handles. Reiner recommends the European bar-style pulls for an expensive look for less. Source: (Mark Rabe/ Unsplash)6. Make windows the focal point. Open up the space by accentuating natural light and windows. Remove old, heavy, or outdated window fixtures. Replace old blinds with a light or white colored wood, such as: The Cordless Celestial Sheer Double Layered Shade offers privacy and rolls up completely to provide a clean design. It’s consistently one of Houzz’s best sellers. Levolor’s Faux Wood Blinds resemble wood, but are more durable. They’re also The Spruce’s top pick for budget blinds in 2019. Deluxe Cordless Faux Wood Blinds are award-winning blind provider Blindster’s best selling model. Or, you could hang simple, gauzy light or sheer curtains on a modern rod: Threshold’s Linen Grommet Sheer Curtain Panel comes recommended by interior designers by New York Magazine’s sister site the Strategist. The neutral palette can make your kitchen look larger, and the linen panels can be machine washed for easy upkeep. Mystic Home’s sheer curtains are a top seller on Amazon and offer a balance between privacy and light. For the illusion of more space, Home Guides from SF Gate, a sister publication to the SF Chronicle, recommends that you pick curtains with vertical design elements, hang them high, and open the curtain rod as wide as it will go to make any windows appear larger. 7. Install new light fixtures. A small kitchen will look even tinier when there are shadowy or poorly lit corners in the space. While you update your fixtures, put some TLC into your lighting to make your smaller space appear brighter and bigger. First, swap out any decorative lighting fixtures with modern, decorative lights, like this top-selling KingSo spherical light, or the Staunton 1-Light Pendant, a top recommendation from Houzz. If you’re not experienced with electrical work, you might want to hire an electrician to get the job done right. Professional light installation, on average, costs less than $100 a visit. After that, add under-cabinet lights to rid the space of shadows. If budget and time is a concern, you can install affordable LED under-cabinet lights that operate with battery, no electric work required. GE’s under cabinet lights are top reviewed and require only a simple installation, or Brilliant Evolution LED Puck Lights stick on and can be installed one at a time. 8. Ditch oversized appliances. You might’ve already cleared small appliances such as toasters, drip coffee makers, and blenders from your countertops, but also consider removing large appliances that stick out in your space. “Every once in a great while we deal with a vintage kitchen that was never designed to have a modern refrigerator. In this case we simply remove it and let the buyer figure out that it is missing,” Riodran shares. “You would be amazed how many buyers never notice that it’s not around!” It’s extreme, but removing a fridge or a portable dishwasher from the space is cheaper and faster than remodeling an outdated and small kitchen. With the less is more approach, buyers have the chance to visualize what they’d do instead of only seeing limitations. Source: (Dane Deaner/ Unsplash)9. Remove overhead cabinets and create open shelving.  You might not have the time or budget to replace your kitchen cabinets, but you can take off the doors of high-placed overhead cabinets in your kitchen. Show off your now meticulously organized shelves above in a few quick steps: Use a screwdriver on the cabinet hardware to remove the doors. Depending on how many cabinets you have and what you need to store, you might choose to keep a few doors on to store less photogenic kitchen tools like canned food or baking sheets. Depending on the build of your cabinets, you might be left with middle stiles. If so, you can cut these out using a double-edged pull saw. With the stiles removed, you’ll have large, open shelves in place. With a putty knife or similar tool, get rid of splinters and loose wood from around the stiles and where the hinges used to be. Fill in any divots or holes with putty, then sand it over to smooth it out. From here, you can add a trim around the shelves using a nail gun, or leave it be if you want a simpler finish. Use caulk to fill in any seams in the trim or gaps. Paint the cabinets once the caulk dries. Need a visual to picture it? Fourth best-selling magazine in the US, Better Homes and Gardens has a quick one-minute tutorial. 10. Revisit your price In a recent survey, 58% of buyers who purchased a home in the past year ranked buying a home their preferred style of kitchen as “extremely or very important.” Having a desirable kitchen is a major selling point in a home. If even after making some of the above changes, you’re still getting feedback on size, then you have a few options to consider: Invest in heftier renovations to attract buyers. If you’re not bound by a tight timeline, you could take your home off the market to make some larger renovations on the kitchen.If your structure allows it, you might “pull down some cabinets or open up a wall to make that change and flow out into the family room,” suggests Chris Minteer, top-selling Fort Worth-based agent with over three decades of experience. Depending on the market in your area, you might need to.“In our area, we’re going into a market where we’re seeing more competition, so sellers are going to need to be a little more focused on the condition of the property,” explains Minteer. If you’re in a buyer’s market, renovating portions of your kitchen could make your listing more competitive. Adjust your price. Time might not be on your side, and in that case, you could consider reducing the price of your listing. Work with your agent to research the market and similar listings that sold. Depending on the price point of your property, the condition of the kitchen might not be as relevant for your market.“That’s part of the counseling that happens in a listing appointment,” Minteer says.With a comparative market analysis from your agent, you can get a better idea of how your home should be priced with the kitchen as it is. If you’re in a buyer’s market but don’t want to pay for renovations, that might mean reducing the listing price. Small kitchen owners, don’t despair! The key to selling your home with a small kitchen is bridging the mental gaps for the buyer. Use white, clean surfaces and simplify design and storage wherever you can. The more work you can do on behalf of the potential buyer the better. Instead of buyers coming in and wondering where they might store their pots and pans in the small kitchen, create that space for them. Make it easy to visualize a clear, organized life in that small (but mighty) kitchen. Header Image Source: (Greg Rakozy/ Unsplash) #PreparingToSell #AddValue
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/liR7RwM8yrE/how-to-sell-a-house-with-a-small-kitchen-no-major-renovations-required
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Top 25 Best Lid Racks 2019
  Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart - 18/8 stainless interior is easy to clean and will not react with food, keeping flavors intact. 3-in-1 roasting pan can be used as an open or covered roaster, dutch oven or stockpot lid can be used separately for cooking and serving. Signature viking handles for comfort, and secure grip usable capacity of 85 qt can cook up to a 14lb turkey. 3-ply construction works on all cooktops including induction, stove top, oven , grill and broiler safe to 600°f/315°c. Stainless wire rack elevates food for even cooking, suspends from rim of pan for easy draining.   Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel - Removable draining tray design, the lifewit pot lid rack with removable plate which can keep drained water for easy drying of kitchenware and serves as a dish rack, while cross-bar design prevents items from dropping onto the wet plate. Durable heavy duty construction, improving upon the chromed steel racks, lifewit cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that’s anti-rust, stain resistant & corrosion resistant to ensure easy cleaning, optimal esthetics, and lasting durability. Fully adjustable dividers, unlike traditional racks, the lifewit pot lid rack features 6 distance-adjustable dividers that can allow you to configure your cookware storage to fit your needs it can be calibrated to accommodate to fit kitchen stuffs of different sizes user-friendly design meets the demands of various customers. Easy to assemble, everything you need to put the lifewit pot lid rack together comes to you in the package no more tools are required within just a couple of minutes your product will be assembled and installed hope you will enjoy this rack. Ideal storage solution, the lifewit adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink ( please make sure the space is taller than 95 inches ).   Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black - Hanging for plants, towels, pan pot, and more. Saves space on the countertop rail measures 24 inch long, each hook is in 2 3/4 inch height. Constructed of steel ensuring durability and dependability. Will blend in beautifully with any industrial or rustic style kitchen set up. Wall mount kitchen rail system for storage can also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze - Dimension 101” w x 75” d x 775” h, compartments height is about 225”. Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Sturdy metal construction with classic bronze paint. Stores pod lids, thin pan, cutting board, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 4 pans.   Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer - Drained-water holder design the fecihor pan pot organizer owns a water holder which can help hold and draining water, serves as a dish rack and also keep our kitchen cabinet countertop dry make your kitchenware more durable and clean. Lifetime warrantyif our product have any question, please feel like to contact us, we guarantee to give service of lifetime warranty or refund. Anti-rust stainless steel material, fecihor cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that is corrosion resistant, easy to clean, and durable make your kitchen health and clean. Ideal storage solution, up to 6 lattices for pan pot lid storage with adjustable rack the fecihor adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink. Customizable length 14 inches by 95″ by 7″ please make sure the space is taller than 95″ at least  it’s ideal for use where space is at a premium such as smaller or busy kitchens, its ideal for use on a counter top, in a cupboard or even under the sink to reduce clutter.   Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a simply stylish touch to your home. This organizing storage solution allows you neatly store baking sheets, lids, plates, cutting boards and more. Organize your cupboards, shelves, pantry and counter tops with spectrum’s modern lid organizer.   Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) - Your health is worth it put your dishes or pot lid on the dish rack to prevent growing the bacteria. Easy to clean clean with water and mild soap and then dry thoroughly. Make it strechable when you don’t use it, fold it for storage. Multifunctional use not only dishes drying, but also organizing for pot lid, book or ipad charging etc. Made of 100% natuarl bamboo bamboo is a natural alternative to wood,more environmental and recyclable finished without stain to keep the natural feeling.   Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack - The handle keeps your hands free of the hot water. 75″/25cm-hand washing recommended. A canning lid rack is an essential canning tool that provides a quick and easy way to sterilize your canning lids. The canning lid sterilizer holds up to 12 regular or wide mouth canning lids to sterilize. Measures, 9.   Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) - [Solid construction] made by heavy duty iron, more durable and holds heavy weight cookwares without shape change premium black coating provides a 100% rustproof and makes it easy to clean. [Fully adjustable tiers] the height adjustable design provides you more options to organize pots with different sizes with a large solid base and 4 adjustable tiers, you can store cookwares quickly and efficiently after cooking. [large storage capacity] this height adjustable rack is a perfect solution for storing all the pot and pan, saving you lots of space in kitchen effortlessly stack up to 5 frying pans, sauce pans, griddles or pots of various sizes. [Quick installation] the pan pot rack comes with everything you need and can be set up in less than 1 minute as the package arrive, everything is ready for you and you’re good to go. [Multifunctional] this pot rack could be placed horizonally or vertically accroding to your needs while being used vertically, the special u shape groove design is able to hold the pot lids steadily in place.   ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black - The pot lid organizer designed with five compartments is perfect for storing pots, pans, bakeware and cutting board of different sizes saving you a lot of kitchen cabinet space. Made by hand-welded strong iron wires, this pot lid organizer is durable and can withstand the weight of cast iron skillets it is coated with black matt paint and not rusty besides, the classic black is suitable for all kinds of kitchen design. The pot lid organizer can be tapped or erected in cabinets and other places in kitchen, easy to install and no need to punch or screw. Size1181″ x 984″ x 984″ with a unique shape design outer edge of the concave arc is for placing different handles of the lid and the inside of the convex arcs can disperse weight to prevent it from bending the 335-inch-high bottom tier is available for larger pans. Top priority is given to quality and customer satisfaction we are trying our best to create a pleasant shopping experience for buyers please feel free to contact us if you need any help.   Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool - ❈Easy to install hardware screws are included to provide secured installation, removable mounting base, easy to take down for cleaning. ❈Compatibility the storage organizer rack is able to hold 3 pan or pot lids with different type of handle. ❈Strong bearing load bearing up to 5kg, heavy duty to hold pot and pan lid screw connection, stronger and more durable. ❈Wall mounted pot lid organizer wall or cabinet door mounted to save space, utility kitchen gadgets to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. ❈groove design keep your kitchen lids in place and will not fall off, with water tray, available to hold the water to avoid falling to the ground.   Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack - Fits easily in most cabinetsmaking it easy to retrieve exactly what you need without taking everything out. Organize plates, lids, bakeware or cutting boards with this freestanding, upright storage rack. 10 1/2″ long x 5 3/4″ wide x 4 1/2″ high. Plate/lid rack is coated steel.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 - Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose - Package contain 1 rack includes 15 utility hooks. Unique design saves space on the kitchen countertop. Material made of sus304 stainless steel, solid, durable, rustproof. Easily clean can be clean very easy do not use steel wool to clean it may scratch the products. Multifunction pot rack, pan rack, cup hanger, lip holder, spoon rest, towel rack.   Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - With 8 roomy sections, this organizer keeps your cooking essentials upright for easier selection when you need them. Most of spectrum’s products are protected by intellectual property rights including issued design patents and pending design patent applications. Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a modern touch to your home. This rack organizes your lids, plates and baking sheets with ease. Spectrum products incorporate original designs created by and for the exclusive use of spectrum. 25″h x 13. 5″d. Measures 4. Protection for certain products may be provided and/or augmented by other federal and state proprietary rights including trademark, trade dress and copyright rights in the appearance and design of the products. 5″w x 4. Clear up precious cupboard space with the euro kitchen organizer.   Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) - Easy to install with included screws pack. Constructed of stainless steel ensuring durability and dependability. Brushed stainless steel finish bar with polished finish 7 movable hooks. Wall mount kitchen rail system is great for storage and also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack,neckties, belts, handkerchiefs etc. Save space and make your kitchen look arranged in good order.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze - Varied installation free stranding includes vertical or horizontal installation. Allowed to be secured to a fixed position by incerting a screw into the bottom screw hole, hardware included. Dimension 875” w x 9” d x 12” h, compartments height is about 25” to 3”. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 5 pans.   Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA - Handcrafted in the usa from select northern hardwoods. Mounting holes are now at 16″ centers to match typical stud spacing. Comes with 6 silver hooks that slide in adjustable tracks for customized hanging. Lids held file fashion are easily accessible and kept separated for cookware protection. Rack measures 19-1/2″w x 9-1/2″d x 8″h weight capacity is 75 pounds.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 - Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum - It is easy to be mounted on wall or cabinet door. Instead of horizontal one, this pot lid rack can be mounted on wall or cabinet door, which is more space-saving. Made of high quality material, which would last long time for using. Practical kitchen and dining tool. Perfect for holding 3 lids.   2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome 2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome - Flexibility install racks on each side of cabinet doors or install two line up vertically/horizontally on the wall. Compatibility hold lids with different type handle, rounded, ear knob etc. Best value two packs included, each rack stores 3 lids, that’s totally for 6 lids capacity. Easy to install hardware screws included, 3 screws for each rack provides secured installation. Dimension 95” w x 112” h x 4” d.   Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) - Rack measures 11″(w) x 17-1/8″(h) x 3-3/4″(d) approximately. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Mounted on kitchen wall, cabinet door to free up limited cooking space (hardware included). Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc.   Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) - Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Measures 10-1/8 by 7-5/8 by 7-1/2 inches approximately. Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen.   Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack - Amazing value talented kitchen’s 4oz glass jar set offers a complete set with amazing options new the set includes 2 different types of pre-printed spice labels clear pvc labels and also round chalkboard labels two great options that allows you to customize your spice rack as best suits your need and preference. Organize your drawer spice rack, cabinet or pantry with a uniform look talented kitchen’s square jars are perfect for storing in a drawer since they won’t roll around this set includes talented kitchen’s exclusive spice labels that can be applied to the glass body or metal cap so that you will identify spices with ease everything you need for creating your own custom spice collection and a neat cooking space. Stay fresh with premium quality glass upgrade your kitchen with talented kitchen set of 14 premium glass spice bottle jars classic french square design bottles 4 1/8″ x 1 3/4″ with a 1 1/4″ opening fit 4 fl oz of spices, exactly the contents of most store-bought spice jars exact same jars that trader joe’s and whole foods uses glass bottles includes aluminum metal caps for an airtight seal and bpa-free snap-on shaker caps. 14 jars, most complete set on amazon 14 glass bottle jars, 14 exclusive sift and pour shakers, 1 silicone funnel and 2 different types of spice stickers 113 pvc spice labels and 126 chalkboard spice labels included. 100% money back guarantee if you purchase the talented kitchen 14 jar set you can be confident you are purchasing a great set and a great solution for your spices if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked 100% money back guarantee, risk free purchase today.   Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack - The ne home cabinet door lid rack organizer is a great addition to organize pot and container lids. This over the door pot lid rack has a hard metal frame with white finish which makes it look stylish and strong enough to hold up to six lids. It can easily be mounted on doors, thus it gives additional floor space to organize other stuffs. #Kitchen
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/top-25-best-lid-racks-2019
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Top 25 Best Lid Racks 2019
  Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack, 8.5 Quart - 18/8 stainless interior is easy to clean and will not react with food, keeping flavors intact. 3-in-1 roasting pan can be used as an open or covered roaster, dutch oven or stockpot lid can be used separately for cooking and serving. Signature viking handles for comfort, and secure grip usable capacity of 85 qt can cook up to a 14lb turkey. 3-ply construction works on all cooktops including induction, stove top, oven , grill and broiler safe to 600°f/315°c. Stainless wire rack elevates food for even cooking, suspends from rim of pan for easy draining.   Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel Lifewit Adjustable Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder with Draining Tray, Cookware Organizer for Cabinet Worktop Organization, 18/10 Stainless Steel - Removable draining tray design, the lifewit pot lid rack with removable plate which can keep drained water for easy drying of kitchenware and serves as a dish rack, while cross-bar design prevents items from dropping onto the wet plate. Durable heavy duty construction, improving upon the chromed steel racks, lifewit cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that’s anti-rust, stain resistant & corrosion resistant to ensure easy cleaning, optimal esthetics, and lasting durability. Fully adjustable dividers, unlike traditional racks, the lifewit pot lid rack features 6 distance-adjustable dividers that can allow you to configure your cookware storage to fit your needs it can be calibrated to accommodate to fit kitchen stuffs of different sizes user-friendly design meets the demands of various customers. Easy to assemble, everything you need to put the lifewit pot lid rack together comes to you in the package no more tools are required within just a couple of minutes your product will be assembled and installed hope you will enjoy this rack. Ideal storage solution, the lifewit adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink ( please make sure the space is taller than 95 inches ).   Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black Fasthomegoods Steel Gourmet Kitchen 24 Inch Wall Rail and 10 S Hooks Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer Set, Black - Hanging for plants, towels, pan pot, and more. Saves space on the countertop rail measures 24 inch long, each hook is in 2 3/4 inch height. Constructed of steel ensuring durability and dependability. Will blend in beautifully with any industrial or rustic style kitchen set up. Wall mount kitchen rail system for storage can also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer, Bronze - Dimension 101” w x 75” d x 775” h, compartments height is about 225”. Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Sturdy metal construction with classic bronze paint. Stores pod lids, thin pan, cutting board, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 4 pans.   Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer Fecihor Stainless Steel Pan Rack Pot Lid Holder – Adjustable Kitchenware Cookware Drying Rack Kitchen Cabinet Pantry and Countertop Organizer - Drained-water holder design the fecihor pan pot organizer owns a water holder which can help hold and draining water, serves as a dish rack and also keep our kitchen cabinet countertop dry make your kitchenware more durable and clean. Lifetime warrantyif our product have any question, please feel like to contact us, we guarantee to give service of lifetime warranty or refund. Anti-rust stainless steel material, fecihor cookware rack is made of fda approved material food-grade 304 stainless steel that is corrosion resistant, easy to clean, and durable make your kitchen health and clean. Ideal storage solution, up to 6 lattices for pan pot lid storage with adjustable rack the fecihor adjustable pot lid rack is suitable for organizing a wide variety of cookware, bakeware and even dishware it is an ideal organization solution for shelfless cabinets, disorderly worktop & areas under the sink. Customizable length 14 inches by 95″ by 7″ please make sure the space is taller than 95″ at least  it’s ideal for use where space is at a premium such as smaller or busy kitchens, its ideal for use on a counter top, in a cupboard or even under the sink to reduce clutter.   Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Modern Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a simply stylish touch to your home. This organizing storage solution allows you neatly store baking sheets, lids, plates, cutting boards and more. Organize your cupboards, shelves, pantry and counter tops with spectrum’s modern lid organizer.   Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) Artmeer Stretchable Bamboo Dish Rack, Plate Holder, Drying Strainer, Pot Lid Book or Ipad Organizer (6.3 x 4.6 x 4.5 in) - Your health is worth it put your dishes or pot lid on the dish rack to prevent growing the bacteria. Easy to clean clean with water and mild soap and then dry thoroughly. Make it strechable when you don’t use it, fold it for storage. Multifunctional use not only dishes drying, but also organizing for pot lid, book or ipad charging etc. Made of 100% natuarl bamboo bamboo is a natural alternative to wood,more environmental and recyclable finished without stain to keep the natural feeling.   Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack Norpro 605 Canning Lid Rack - The handle keeps your hands free of the hot water. 75″/25cm-hand washing recommended. A canning lid rack is an essential canning tool that provides a quick and easy way to sterilize your canning lids. The canning lid sterilizer holds up to 12 regular or wide mouth canning lids to sterilize. Measures, 9.   Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) Height Adjustable Pan Organizer Rack, VDOMUS Pan and Pot Lid Holder Black Metal (Black) - [Solid construction] made by heavy duty iron, more durable and holds heavy weight cookwares without shape change premium black coating provides a 100% rustproof and makes it easy to clean. [Fully adjustable tiers] the height adjustable design provides you more options to organize pots with different sizes with a large solid base and 4 adjustable tiers, you can store cookwares quickly and efficiently after cooking. [large storage capacity] this height adjustable rack is a perfect solution for storing all the pot and pan, saving you lots of space in kitchen effortlessly stack up to 5 frying pans, sauce pans, griddles or pots of various sizes. [Quick installation] the pan pot rack comes with everything you need and can be set up in less than 1 minute as the package arrive, everything is ready for you and you’re good to go. [Multifunctional] this pot rack could be placed horizonally or vertically accroding to your needs while being used vertically, the special u shape groove design is able to hold the pot lids steadily in place.   ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black ZESPROKA Kitchen Cabinet Pot and Pan Organizer, Pot Lid Rack, Black - The pot lid organizer designed with five compartments is perfect for storing pots, pans, bakeware and cutting board of different sizes saving you a lot of kitchen cabinet space. Made by hand-welded strong iron wires, this pot lid organizer is durable and can withstand the weight of cast iron skillets it is coated with black matt paint and not rusty besides, the classic black is suitable for all kinds of kitchen design. The pot lid organizer can be tapped or erected in cabinets and other places in kitchen, easy to install and no need to punch or screw. Size1181″ x 984″ x 984″ with a unique shape design outer edge of the concave arc is for placing different handles of the lid and the inside of the convex arcs can disperse weight to prevent it from bending the 335-inch-high bottom tier is available for larger pans. Top priority is given to quality and customer satisfaction we are trying our best to create a pleasant shopping experience for buyers please feel free to contact us if you need any help.   Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool Pot Lid Rack Cookware Organizer, Heavy Duty Wall Mounted Aluminum Pan Lid Holder with Drain Tray, Kitchen Cooking Utensil Tool - ❈Easy to install hardware screws are included to provide secured installation, removable mounting base, easy to take down for cleaning. ❈Compatibility the storage organizer rack is able to hold 3 pan or pot lids with different type of handle. ❈Strong bearing load bearing up to 5kg, heavy duty to hold pot and pan lid screw connection, stronger and more durable. ❈Wall mounted pot lid organizer wall or cabinet door mounted to save space, utility kitchen gadgets to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. ❈groove design keep your kitchen lids in place and will not fall off, with water tray, available to hold the water to avoid falling to the ground.   Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack Miles Kimball Plate Lid Rack - Fits easily in most cabinetsmaking it easy to retrieve exactly what you need without taking everything out. Organize plates, lids, bakeware or cutting boards with this freestanding, upright storage rack. 10 1/2″ long x 5 3/4″ wide x 4 1/2″ high. Plate/lid rack is coated steel.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Gourmet Steel Silver 24 Inch Set of 2 - Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose Wall Mounted Pan Pot Rack Kitchen Utensils Hanger Organizer Lid Holder 39″ Stainless Steel 15 Hooks Multipurpose - Package contain 1 rack includes 15 utility hooks. Unique design saves space on the kitchen countertop. Material made of sus304 stainless steel, solid, durable, rustproof. Easily clean can be clean very easy do not use steel wool to clean it may scratch the products. Multifunction pot rack, pan rack, cup hanger, lip holder, spoon rest, towel rack.   Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome Spectrum Diversified Euro Lid Organizer, Plate Rack, Lid Holder, Square, Chrome - With 8 roomy sections, this organizer keeps your cooking essentials upright for easier selection when you need them. Most of spectrum’s products are protected by intellectual property rights including issued design patents and pending design patent applications. Made of sturdy steel, its clean design will add a modern touch to your home. This rack organizes your lids, plates and baking sheets with ease. Spectrum products incorporate original designs created by and for the exclusive use of spectrum. 25″h x 13. 5″d. Measures 4. Protection for certain products may be provided and/or augmented by other federal and state proprietary rights including trademark, trade dress and copyright rights in the appearance and design of the products. 5″w x 4. Clear up precious cupboard space with the euro kitchen organizer.   Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) Yunzhicheng Stainless Steel Gourmet Kitchen Wall Mount Rail with Movable Hooks Set Utensil Pot Pan Lid Rack Storage Organizer (7 Hooks Length:15.75″) - Easy to install with included screws pack. Constructed of stainless steel ensuring durability and dependability. Brushed stainless steel finish bar with polished finish 7 movable hooks. Wall mount kitchen rail system is great for storage and also be used as a towel rail or a pot lid rack,neckties, belts, handkerchiefs etc. Save space and make your kitchen look arranged in good order.   SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze SimpleHouseware Kitchen Cabinet Pantry Pan and Pot Lid Organizer Rack Holder, Bronze - Varied installation free stranding includes vertical or horizontal installation. Allowed to be secured to a fixed position by incerting a screw into the bottom screw hole, hardware included. Dimension 875” w x 9” d x 12” h, compartments height is about 25” to 3”. Great pan organizer to save cabinet and countertop space, stores up to 5 pans.   Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA Pot & Lid Rack, White MADE IN USA - Handcrafted in the usa from select northern hardwoods. Mounting holes are now at 16″ centers to match typical stud spacing. Comes with 6 silver hooks that slide in adjustable tracks for customized hanging. Lids held file fashion are easily accessible and kept separated for cookware protection. Rack measures 19-1/2″w x 9-1/2″d x 8″h weight capacity is 75 pounds.   WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 WALLNITURE Kitchen Pot Pan Lid Rack with Hanging Hooks Painted Steel Black 24 Inch Set of 2 - Space saver ingenious design make room in your cabinets for other things that need storing, you can use the space from your handled cookware functionally, your pots and pans will hang beautifully from this set of 2 wall rail. Sturdy and multi-functional get your baking spatulas, cooking utensils, rolling pins, aprons, measuring cups and spoons out of your drawers to efficiently store them where you can see and at your fingertips your beautiful apron collection deserves a neat display option. Game changer kitchen rail save-up on space inside your cabinets and tidy up your counter while decorating your bare kitchen walls with a beautiful display of colorful cookware these wall rails are a definite game changer in any kitchen set-up. Countless purposes of uses you can use these wall rails to hang your towels, belts, handbags, umbrella’s, coats, hardware, and many more use it in your bathroom, entryway, bedroom closet, or kitchen create a coffee station in your kitchen to functionally hang your mugs to drink a cup before you head out for work. Well-constructed and practical each 245″ x 3″ x 3″ kitchen rail is high-quality and comes with 10 2 ¾” hooks this functional storage solution is great for hanging your pots, pans, utensils, apron, oven mitt and gloves while safely storing your fragile lids on top of the rack.   MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum MyLifeUNIT Cabinet Door Mount Pot Lid Rack Organizer, Aluminum - It is easy to be mounted on wall or cabinet door. Instead of horizontal one, this pot lid rack can be mounted on wall or cabinet door, which is more space-saving. Made of high quality material, which would last long time for using. Practical kitchen and dining tool. Perfect for holding 3 lids.   2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome 2 Pack – SimpleHouseware Cabinet Door / Wall Mount Pot Lid Organizer Rack, Chrome - Flexibility install racks on each side of cabinet doors or install two line up vertically/horizontally on the wall. Compatibility hold lids with different type handle, rounded, ear knob etc. Best value two packs included, each rack stores 3 lids, that’s totally for 6 lids capacity. Easy to install hardware screws included, 3 screws for each rack provides secured installation. Dimension 95” w x 112” h x 4” d.   Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) Wall Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer for Kitchen, Cabinet (Black) - Rack measures 11″(w) x 17-1/8″(h) x 3-3/4″(d) approximately. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Mounted on kitchen wall, cabinet door to free up limited cooking space (hardware included). Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc.   Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) - Use in kitchen cabinets, pantry, or on kitchen counter. Stores pod lids, bakeware, serving trays, placemats, etc. Constructed from durable steel incorporating “simple is best” concept into functional stylish design. Measures 10-1/8 by 7-5/8 by 7-1/2 inches approximately. Non scratch coating protects stored pot lids from being damaged color match any kitchen.   Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack Talented Kitchen 14 Glass Spice Jars with 2 Types of Spice Labels and Funnel. Complete Set: 14 Square Glass Jars 4ounce, Airtight Cap, Preprinted Chalkboard and Clear Label, Pour/Sift Shaker Lid. Rack - Amazing value talented kitchen’s 4oz glass jar set offers a complete set with amazing options new the set includes 2 different types of pre-printed spice labels clear pvc labels and also round chalkboard labels two great options that allows you to customize your spice rack as best suits your need and preference. Organize your drawer spice rack, cabinet or pantry with a uniform look talented kitchen’s square jars are perfect for storing in a drawer since they won’t roll around this set includes talented kitchen’s exclusive spice labels that can be applied to the glass body or metal cap so that you will identify spices with ease everything you need for creating your own custom spice collection and a neat cooking space. Stay fresh with premium quality glass upgrade your kitchen with talented kitchen set of 14 premium glass spice bottle jars classic french square design bottles 4 1/8″ x 1 3/4″ with a 1 1/4″ opening fit 4 fl oz of spices, exactly the contents of most store-bought spice jars exact same jars that trader joe’s and whole foods uses glass bottles includes aluminum metal caps for an airtight seal and bpa-free snap-on shaker caps. 14 jars, most complete set on amazon 14 glass bottle jars, 14 exclusive sift and pour shakers, 1 silicone funnel and 2 different types of spice stickers 113 pvc spice labels and 126 chalkboard spice labels included. 100% money back guarantee if you purchase the talented kitchen 14 jar set you can be confident you are purchasing a great set and a great solution for your spices if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked 100% money back guarantee, risk free purchase today.   Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack Organize It All Cabinet Door Lid Rack - The ne home cabinet door lid rack organizer is a great addition to organize pot and container lids. This over the door pot lid rack has a hard metal frame with white finish which makes it look stylish and strong enough to hold up to six lids. It can easily be mounted on doors, thus it gives additional floor space to organize other stuffs. #Kitchen
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/L00SBdhufpM/top-25-best-lid-racks-2019
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