#we hang out a few times and he tries to flirt and make moves that i dont want
prinzrupprecht · 12 hours
When someone else gives you gifts
Featuring: Okita, Sasaki, Loki, and Anubis ( part 3 )
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I’m doing young Sasaki instead of 60 year old dilf Sasaki. For those that don’t know who Tatsunosuke was. He is an actual character in chapter 5 Chiruran.
Read part 1 and 2 for the other characters
TW: some possessive tendencies, and cute/fluff moments and hurt/comfort
Everyone from the Kondo’s dojo always teased how Souji liked you even though he denied it. A part of you hoped that he does like you more than a friend. Deep down it always hurt hearing how he always said you two were just friends.
You decided to visit Tatsunosuke who was a sick young boy dying from a fatal lung disease. He reminded you of Souji a lot and he was nice to you. He was the son of a high-ranking samurai at the military centre. He was too far gone for any treatment to work. “Here, you shouldn’t move much.” You went to hand him a mug of herbal tea.
“I don’t think I’ll be here much longer,” he was breathing heavily and his condition looked to be worse than the last time you saw him. You didn’t say anything and thought back how he never looked down on you for being a part of another dojo.
He went to grab his wakizashi and looked down at it. The scabbard was red and the guard was silver. “I want you to have it and remember me when I’m no longer here.” He put it in your hands. It was painful but you silently accepted it. This might be the last you see him.
Tatsunosuke was like a younger brother to you but the others from Kondo’s dojo thought you were dating him which was embarrassing sometimes. Souji on the other hand never said anything about your visits with the dying boy. As you forbid your farewell with him and left to return back to the Shieikan dojo. You saw a few of the kids playing outside. “Where have you been?” A voice asked you from behind.
“Hi to you as well?” You saw how he looked irritated while giving you a murderous stare. You avoided the question. Souji knew but wanted you to be honest. Did you like Tatsunosuke? Were you seeing him as if you two were dating? What pissed him off more was the unknown wakizashi you were holding. It looked oddly familiar as if Souji hadn’t studied the boy you liked hanging out with.
“No need to give me that look, Souji-san. You know where I was at. Besides, where are those fan girls that normally come around here?” You weren’t making the situation better.
“They don’t mean anything to me unlike what he means to you,” he muttered while his gaze met with the ground. You wanted to say something else. You always found comfort with Souji more but Tatsunosuke was dying and didn’t have many friends close to him. He tried to move past you to go back inside the dojo and probably avoid you for the rest of the week.
“Souji wait!” you called out to him. He stopped and waited for you to say something without turning his head to look at you.
“He… he doesn’t mean as much to me as you do. He’s dying and doesn’t have much time left to live.” You wanted to grab ahold of his sleeve but the wakizashi gift still irked him. He would have to give you something better for you to protect yourself. Was he acting jealous over this boy? He met him once or twice and beat him without trying in practice training.
Souji unexpectedly turned his head and smiled. “It’s fine, I would get you something better for you to protect yourself. Maybe me perhaps?” Was this his awful way of flirting with you? Huh? Him protect you? That doesn’t sound too bad.
Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around him accepting that offer. “How about we put a label on us?” It was about time you two would stop denying it around the others and are official and he’d be your only gift.
During the closing years of the Sengoku period, you had met some interesting people and one in particular caught your attention. Sasaki Kojiro. He was a bit skinny but his determination to keep fighting had made you curious about this young man.
You were just some odd woman training in the same dojo as him. It was Toda’s dojo and it was owned by Seigen. You saw him enter the dojo late like usual and took a smacking by the owner’s nephew like usual. “Sasaki-san, you should take this dojo seriously if you want to get stronger,” you light-heartedly sighed.
You and him sparred a bit but he normally gave up and said you were stronger than him. It made you wonder if you were strong or if he was just weak. You saw how he sparred with Kagekatsu numerous of times and forfeits the matches normally. “Sasaki-san, why don’t you actually try and put in your all?” You pouted but he awkwardly laughed and said there was no point because if he were to fight you a hundred times you would still beat him. Huh?!
Sasaki was always one to follow you around like a lost puppy in the dojo which was cute and you admired that side of him. He wanted to get better but his confidence wasn’t there. His training lacked so you were certain he was either going to be kicked from the dojo or he would train elsewhere. You wanted him to stay and not slack off. You would help him if he would take your help but he doesn’t want it. He said it numerous of times.
After a few weeks had gone by of not seeing Sasaki you were growing more and more upset. Did he already quit? Give up with the sword? One of the members of the dojo gave you a kimono robe and said it was a gift for your hard work. The kimono was patterned and made with silk and not cloth. You had no idea whether to accept it but it was better than what you normally wore. Short baggy pants and shirts with no sleeves.
You had left the dojo to see if you could find Sasaki. You were worried someone could’ve killed him with the time he was gone. Yet after some time wandering the woods, you heard ruffling from a few leaves and saw a rabbit. Then what surprised you was Sasaki jumping to catch it from behind. “Wh—what the hell?! What are you doing?” You were furious how he was turning into some animal.
“Haha, what are you doing here? I was training,” he scratched the back of his head. You sighed and sat down on a fallen log.
“Sasaki-san, I was worried you were killed from the missing weeks you stopped coming back.” You mumbled and the truth was you didn’t want him to disappear from your life.
“I would… eventually return when I feel like it. Besides what is this? I have never seen you wear something like this before,” he walked up to you and touched the sleeve of the robe.
“Someone from the dojo gave it to me for my hard work. I don’t feel like I deserve it though, and you look like you need new clothes eventually.” You scolded him for always getting dirty.
“Oh well, I actually wanted to get you something… nicer. I guess someone else beat me to it.” Sasaki was giving up already? Your left eye twitched.
“There’s no limit to who can give me things. How about I take you somewhere to eat properly that isn’t raw bunnies and snakes?” You stood up and grabbed the front of his kimono. Sasaki admired how you were persistent and wanted to check up on him when no one else has.
“I don’t eat them raw… I still cook the meat.” He raised his hands up in defence.
“Agh, never mind. Let’s go somewhere and this time I’ll watch over you.” He didn’t say anything after that but a part of him was happy and he would prove to you one day that he would take care of you better than anyone else.
You were incredibly close to Loki and had long accepted him for who he was. His tricks never worked on you and you can easily tell if he shape-shifts into someone else. He wasn’t that unpredictable. You could tell he had a troubled past that he wouldn’t tell anyone, not even you.
As the two of you resided in the same Asgard palace, Loki liked to follow you around even if he was disguised as small animals that would not be in your peripheral sight. He couldn’t help but grow irritated by how some of the guards would joke with you and talk so freely around you.
One of the guards gave you a ring and this made Loki snap on the inside. This guard— was he proposing to you?! He didn’t want to out himself that he was spying on you or else this could strain your friendship. He wanted to kill the guard for trying to steal you from him.
He found you alone in the library reading and this was the time to ask you if you feel the same way as he did for you. Love? He couldn’t deny how utterly in love he was with you even if it was obnoxious or just infatuation.
You heard him enter the room and turned your head. “Loki? What are you doing?” Your calm voice eased his anger from what he saw earlier. Confusion was written on his face. You weren’t wearing the ring?
“Ya I— I was bored and wanted to see you!” He tried to give you one of his not-so-innocent smiles. He was hiding something and you knew it.
“What is it?” Your expression grew more serious and Loki grabbed your shoulders.
“It’s just— I want us to be more than what we are now." you couldn’t deny how you had never seen this desperate side of him. Was he playing with you?
“Don’t play with my feelings, Loki. Whatever this trick is—"
“I’m not playing any trick! I swear— I swear I wanted to kill that guard from earlier who tried to propose to you.” What?!
“You admitted to spying on me? And Balder wasn’t proposing to me, you idiot. It was one of those rings that can open portals for fast transportation.” You had no idea why Loki was so upset but he looked a bit more at ease. So he might’ve been telling the truth.
“So— sorry, I assumed too quick…” he was embarrassed but now you know how he feels when he’s around you.
You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. “You shouldn’t have hidden your feelings from me like how you hide yourself in different forms,” you smiled genuinely. Loki was frozen in place but reciprocated your comfort by keeping you in his arms. It was better than feeling as he did before assuming others wanted you just as badly as he did.
“How about I make you mine completely?” he tilted your chin up and gave you a smug look as if he was hinting at something else.
“We can take it slow, no need to rush things." you lifted the palm of your hand to touch his cheek. Even though he frowned at your words, he still had you at the end of the day.
You were his, and he made sure everyone knew that. As you resided in the Aaru, the heavenly paradise for the Egyptian pantheon. Some of the other Egyptian gods didn’t like messing with the hyper-energetic god of funerals. He was strong and devoted to being your loyal guardian and companion.
He expresses his feelings a lot and doesn’t hide things from you. Something about him made you more drawn to the god. He saw something in you that even you couldn’t see yourself. Were you as perfect as he always tells you?
You didn’t believe it. As some moments passed, you found Bastet and Hathor whispering to each other in the main hall. They stopped and saw you staring at them. Bastet snickered and called you a pet. “I uhm… was looking for lord Ra—" you were interrupted.
“He’s not looking for you nor cares what you want. Tell me what it is and if it’s important I’ll relay the message to him.” Hathor stared down at you as she had her arms crossed. Bastet smirked and you knew in the back of your head that these two never liked you.
“Sorry.. it’s not important.” You lied as it wasn’t any use to talk to them. You needed to tell Ra that Osiris left the Aaru without permission. You went to leave but Bastet spoke up.
“What does my nephew see in you? Is it your pretty eyes? Face? Hair? Hmm… maybe something else? Are you two fu—"
“No—! It’s none of that. I— I don’t know exactly. We’re good friends! That’s all… I think.” You raised your hands up but Bastet wasn’t done interrogating you. Hathor pulled her back and told her there was no reason to start a fight.
Good friends? Bastet heard Anubis call you his consort on numerous occasions. Even Osiris and Set disapprove of his behaviours and obsession with you. Yet you called him a close friend? Or were you embarrassed?
“Here take this and think of it as a small courtesy thing, and go level your head a bit. Sorry about my sister.” Hathor passed you a bottle of red wine, but the worst thing was, that you had never drank before. Only higher authority gods were allowed to. You were just a simple deity of the pantheon. It was no wonder no one approves of you around here.
You walked back to your corridors with a frown on your face. Were the other gods right? You were unworthy of Anubis’s attention? It brought you discomfort for some reason and the fact he says he loves you a lot without thinking made you believe that he knew what the emotion was. Yet you wondered if you feel the same back? Some of the women and maids would try to get his attention but he acts oblivious to their advances.
You decided you wouldn’t drink since it wasn’t your thing. Anubis was lying on the bed in your room. “Why are you in my room?” You put the bottle on one of the stands in the corner. You didn’t expect him to be waiting for you, well it’s not the first time.
“I really really wanted to wait for you. I couldn’t find you so I decided to wait here instead.” He jumped off the bed like an excited animal. You couldn’t help but blush a bit at his excitement.
“Well, I ran into your aunts in the hall and Hathor gifted me this.” You picked up the bottle to show him and he stuck out his tongue in disgust. He was exaggerating. You quickly chuckled. You can tell he hated the taste of alcohol.
“Yuck yuck yuck! I should tell them to not give you this stuff!” He pouted but you sat on the bed and had already decided that you weren’t going to drink— at least not try it in front of him. Anubis looked unhappy and you had walked over to him and asked him if he was upset that they tried to get you drunk. He looked a bit flustered but he wasn’t entirely stupid. Part of the reason was that he doesn’t like others giving things to you. The wine could’ve had poison in it.
“It’s nothing! It’s nothing, let’s just cuddle!” He pulled you down on the mattress and was suffocating you with his arms squeezing around your body.
He soon forgotten why he was mad since you were with him in his arms. His soon-to-be wife for sure.
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Note: this is the end of part 3! I saw a request in my box for Valkyries and it intrigued me that if I do a part 4, I’ll probably do side characters and Valkyries but they’ll probably be shorter than normal.
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there's this really good restaurant that i went to a while back that had the best burgers i've ever had istg. i wanna go again but the only problem is that the last time i was there i flirted with the dude at the bar and gave him my number so i could get a free sundae lmao (he didn't know i was trying to get free desert). it worked and i've only texted him like one time since then and just never spoke to him again. it'd be awkward if i came back and potentially ran into him again but the food was SO GOOD so perhaps i should just take the risk. Their truffle fries and green chile burger were *chefs kiss*
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iholdwhatican · 4 months
part two to reunions - must read part 1 first!
pairing: art donaldson x reader x patrick zweig
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length: 3.2k
author's note: this took wayyyy too long for me to do yall, i'm so sorry. these two have a tight hold on me and i'm in the trenches. i've got some good stuff lined up tho, and i'm super excited to write it heeheehee :) also smut in the future will be much longer and much more detailed, just fyi
tags: y/n is art donaldson's wife ; birthday party ; art is down bad ; patrick wants y/n ; possessive!art ; the boys are fighting ; no use of y/n ; pining ; sexual tension ; sugar mommy y/n? ; unapologetic flirting with your bff's wife at his birthday party
warnings: sexual content, p in v, not super detailed but still there!
summary: the stressful night of the birthday party continues, and you find yourself pinging between art and patrick like a tennis ball. how the hell did you get yourself into this?
originally posted by iholdwhatican
It took four minutes and 36 seconds of Art and Patrick being alone outside before the anxiety became too much. Your dress was too tight against your skin and the chatter of the guests rattled in your skull. Your mind replayed the anger on Art’s face over and over, convinced that he’d direct it at you the moment he came back in. And if you were being honest, you couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. 
Your blood boiled with the ferocity of it, and an ache in your core begged for another taste. 
Another three minutes and 18 seconds passed while you downed half of your second glass of wine. You made conversation with a few people who caught your eye, making sure all the food and drink were up to par. Not that you really could care about that right now. Your mind was a jumble of thoughts about the two men on the balcony. 
Art, Patrick, Art, Patrick, Art, Patrick, Art, Patrick
“You look like you’re gonna puke.” 
For the second time that night, Patrick Zweig’s voice made you jump. 
You looked at him, catching sight of that damned smirk that made your stomach flip, and furrowed your brows. One quick scan of the room came up empty for your husband, forcing the anxiety in your chest to worsen. 
“Where’s Art?” You asked, not missing the way your voice wobbled slightly. 
“Relax.” Patrick responded, resting a hand on your shoulder, “He went to the kitchen, I think. I didn’t kill him. And he didn’t run for the hills either.” 
You decided not to comment on how easily he’d read your worries without you saying anything. For some reason, you were an open book to him. 
A deep sigh left you. You licked your lips anxiously- which immediately caused Patrick’s eyes to fall on your mouth. 
“What happened out there?” 
The man gave you a shrug, letting his hand fall back to his side, “Nothing, really. We just talked for a bit. He told me I could stay, as long as I stopped flirting with you.” 
“So does that mean you’re going to stop?” The idea made you slightly unhappy, which in turn filled you with guilt. Why were you so excited by his flirtations when you had a wonderful, loving husband who treated you like a queen? 
But then Patrick grinned, and you knew the answer before he said it, “Well, I’ve never been one to do what I’m told.” 
A smile grew over your lips, and you tried to hide it with an eye roll, “Why don’t you mingle? Try some food. I’m going to find my husband.” 
He didn’t miss the enunciation you put on ‘my husband’, and you didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened as you said it. You didn’t give it time to linger, instead turning away and moving towards the kitchen. 
You knew the look Patrick had in his eyes. You’d seen it a dozen times in Art’s. On the court, over a board game, in all sorts of scenarios. And every time, even now, the look sent a chill down your spine. 
That expression was clear, resolute competition. 
Just as Patrick had said, you found Art in the kitchen. With his back to you, you had a perfect view of his tense shoulders and hanging head as he poured himself a glass of water. He was all wound up, and you knew it was your fault. Now it was your responsibility to fix it. 
You stepped up behind him, sliding a hand between his shoulder blades. He didn’t hesitate to lean into the touch, a subconscious reaction. He knew it was you just by the feel of your hand on him. And, even if he might be furious, he still found comfort in it. 
“Hey…” You breathed, leaning to the side to meet his gaze. Art looked at you over his shoulder, a half-smile quirking his lips up, “How are you doing?” 
“Hey.” He responded, turning and sliding his hands over your hips. Your chest pressed against his as he leaned down and placed a kiss on your hairline. Then he just lingered there, breathing in your smell, “I honestly don’t know. I just- it was so weird to see him.” 
“Yeah, of course it was.” Your words reached him in a soft, comforting tone. The guilt of putting your perfect, doting husband in this situation was enough to make you feel like you had barbed wire around your neck. You had to pay penance- somehow. You rubbed your hand in circles over his back, “I’m sorry, sundrop. I don’t know what I was thinking when I invited him.” 
Sundrop. A nickname that went way back to the early days of your relationship. Art was an energetic puppy dog with a halo of golden curls and a smile that made your insides feel hot. He was what you pictured a personification of the sun to be, hence the pet name. He pretended not to like it, but his eyes always sparkled a certain way when you said it. 
Art pulled his head away to peer down into your eyes, his own pensive and confused, “No, baby, don’t be sorry. It was a great fucking surprise. Just… a surprise.” 
You shook your head. He was so fucking good to you, “You’re allowed to be mad at me.” 
“Mad? At you?” In one quick motion, he picked you up and set you on the counter. Your legs opened for him without hesitation, allowing him to slot right in between them, “I don’t think that’s possible.”
You fought the blush rising in your cheeks and rolled your eyes, “You think too highly of me.” 
“No. Never.” He replied instantly. He kissed your chin. Then your jaw. Then your neck. Then down your throat, “As far as I’m concerned, you’re God.” 
“Art-” You argued, though you weren’t sure what for. You tilted your neck back and offered yourself up to him. 
“I could spend my life on my knees for you and be happy.” His words were muffled as he mouthed at your neck, sending shivers down your spine. This, combined with the kiss from earlier, was making you ache with need. You were half-tempted to end the party early and take your pretty husband to bed. 
You bit your lip when he ran his tongue over a sensitive spot above your collarbone. If he wasn’t in between them, you’d be squeezing your thighs together. 
When Art pulled away, his eyes had darkened. Dilated pupils and heavy breaths told you all you needed to know. He was just as fucking horny as you were right now. His hands held your hips tighter. 
“Do you think we’d be left alone long enough for me to show you how much I mean it?” He asked. It was almost as if he were begging. As if he couldn’t bear the idea of doing anything other than dropping to his knees and devouring you. 
And God, when he looked at you like that, you had no choice but to say yes. 
Unfortunately, fate intervened, and you were kept from making a scene at your husband’s birthday party. 
“Hey, you two, quit snogging and come entertain us!” One of Art’s tennis friends called, sticking their head into the kitchen. The big grin on their face told you it was just teasing, but you still felt your face burning with embarrassment. 
“It’s my birthday, let me do what I want.” Art jeered right back, lifting you off the counter and back onto your own two feet. You laughed airily at the comment, feeling more light-headed than anything. 
Before following his friend back into the action, he whispered a quick, “Later, okay?” to you. And then he left you standing in the kitchen- touch-starved, foggy-headed, and excruciatingly aroused. 
It was then that you realized you didn’t even get to ask him what happened with Patrick.
Upon re-entering the party, you found yourself taking note of two things- or rather, two people. One, Art- conversing with some friends from the foundation with a big grin on his face. Two, Patrick- having his fill of finger foods from the refreshment table. He was alone. And though you tried to fight it, you found yourself gravitating towards him. 
“Do they not have food where you’re from?” You teased, falling into place at his side. Your gaze slid over the spread before flicking up to his face. 
You’d caught him mid-bite, and he attempted to swallow quickly and regain his composure. Something warmed slightly in your chest. Endearing. 
“Well, I’m kinda… in between places right now.” He explained, tongue stuck in his cheek to clear out residual bits of food, “And there’s never stuff as good as this.” 
You let the compliment slide away, instead focusing on his more troubling response, “Are you homeless?” 
“What? No.” He chuckled, as if the question were preposterous, “I go all over for tennis. It’s just easier to stay on the move.” 
You raised an eyebrow, “And on off-season?” 
Something in his expression darkened, only for a moment, and then he was back to cocky smiles and overwhelming confidence, “I’m too busy to care about that. And what’s it matter to you, anyway?” 
“I’d like to think I’m a good person.” You said, plucking a snack off the table and popping it into your mouth. You chewed it halfway before continuing, “And a good person worries if they think someone they care about isn’t doing well.” 
Patrick grinned at you for five long seconds. And it took him actually saying the words to realize where you’d slipped up. 
“You care about me?” 
Shit. You had not meant to say that. Why was this man so damn good at getting every little thought in your head to spill out of your mouth? 
“If caring about you means I don’t want you sleeping under a bridge somewhere, then sure.” 
“Okay, I would never let it get that far-” 
“I wanna help.” 
He blinked, “Help how?” Briefly, very briefly, you thought of your bed. Your comfortable, spacious bed, perfect for three individuals. You could picture it- you, safe and sound and nestled between the two men. Art, your lovely, obedient husband on one side, letting himself love and be loved. And Patrick on the other side, nice and cozy with a roof over his head and a full belly. 
The image flashed in an instant, and you were left with hollow, heavy guilt. You swallowed. 
“How much do you need?” 
“Huh?” You rolled your eyes at him, “How much money do you need? To keep you afloat for the next little while. And I’ll send you home tonight with leftovers.” 
Patrick let the words wash over him, slowly smiling as they did. He took a step towards you, close enough that one tiny shove would have your bodies pressed together. You could smell him, all sweat and cigarettes and woodsy cologne that made your head spin. You’d been wound up all night, and this was absolutely not helping. 
“You gonna write me a check? Use your hard-earned money to get a practical stranger a hotel for a couple nights?” He murmured, heavy on the charm, “What would your husband think?” 
He knew he’d gotten under your skin. He knew what he was doing. He was fucking enjoying this. 
You tried to hold your ground, looking up at him through your lashes, “It’s his money, actually. He makes sure I never have to work unless I want to.” 
“Guess he treats you pretty well. And look how you’re taking advantage of it.” His hand lay on the table next to yours, his fingertips nearly brushing the skin of your wrist. How bad would it be if you closed the gap? 
You bit your lip, “You’re allowed to turn me down.” 
“I don’t think I’d ever turn you down, Mrs. Donaldson.” 
Something about that title, something about the way he said it, made your blood run hot and cold at the same time. It reminded you of the myths of sirens. Beautiful monsters of the sea that used their voices to bring others to their demise. Talking to Patrick had that same type of allure, and the sense of danger. 
“Then tell me what you need.” 
“What do you think I need?” 
Oh, you could think of a few things. But you could also feel a pair of eyes on you, and you knew exactly who they belonged to. Part of you wanted to tempt him, see if you could get another reaction like out on the balcony. However, you quickly shot the idea down. Not right now, not in the middle of a crowded party.
Lips curving into an innocent smile, you pushed yourself a step back from him, “I think you need a nice place to sleep. And a few good meals. And maybe a hug.” 
The sudden switch-up took Patrick by surprise, but he handled it smoothly and responded only a beat later, “You’re offering?” 
“At least for the first two.” You didn’t know what you’d do if you were in his arms. With the way you were feeling now, with two glasses of wine in your system, your boundaries were getting blurrier and blurrier. How humiliating. 
His bottom lip jutted out into a pout. Which unfortunately dragged your gaze right down to his mouth. It took you a moment too long to meet his eyes again. 
“What, we can’t hug? Don’t you consider me a friend?” 
“I do.” You shrugged, tucking loose hair behind your ear, “Maybe I’m just not a touchy person.” 
A lie. You knew it, and you could tell by the look on his face that he knew it too.
“Yeah.” He smirked, sounding the opposite of sincere, “Art’s wife isn’t a touchy person. Sure.” 
You needed a cold shower. Or to go have some one-on-one time with your vibrator. Or maybe move to the seaside and spend your days going mad in a lighthouse. You weren’t sure. All you knew was how increasingly hot you were feeling. 
“Speaking of Art, go talk to him. Try to make amends. Meet some of his friends.” You suggested, glancing over at your husband. He wasn’t watching you anymore, at least not straight on. But he had a radar when it came to you, and he was very diligent in keeping tabs. No matter what.
“You trying to get rid of me?” Patrick asked lightly. No heat behind the words. 
“Oh, yes.” You admitted, placing your hands on his shoulders and pointing him towards Art, “Find me again before you leave and I’ll have your check.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned at you over his shoulder, sending a wink before sauntering off. 
Finally, you felt like you could actually get a breath in your lungs. 
The party had ended. Guests went home, Patrick got his check and headed to a hotel you recommended, and you and your partner left all the cleanup for the morning. You barely gave it a second glance as you went up to bed with him, your hand held tightly in his. 
Art fucked you like a starving man that night. You barely got into the room before his lips were plastered on your skin, his hands unzipping your dress with quick precision. He was usually much more reserved, but something about tonight had made him ravenous. And he wasn’t the only one.
You ended up on his lap; bare chests pressed together, skin sweaty and breaths heavy as you rolled your hips into him. His hands clutched your thighs, keeping you close, fingers pressing into the flesh. You pulled on his hair and his head immediately fell back. As if he were a puppet for you to position and use however you wanted. His eyes looked up at you with a fire in them you’d never seen before, but the adoration, the reverence, was all too familiar. 
Your name fell from his lips over and over again like a prayer. The single word weaved with threads of devotion, possessiveness, desire. A song joined in chorus by whatever nonsensical phrase entered his head. I love you, so perfect, all mine, please, please, please. 
He was claiming you. Marking his territory in his own special way. It didn’t matter that Patrick wasn’t here to see it, or that he probably would never even know. As long as Art could tell himself that you were his, he’d be okay. Jealousy was a good look on him. 
You could feel your core tighten with each and every movement of his hips against you. You weren’t going to last much longer. But by the look in your husband’s eyes, neither was he. 
Parted lips claimed yours in a messy kiss, tongue sliding into your mouth and exploring every open space. Then you were being flipped over; back pressed into the mattress as Art rocked into you with reckless abandon. He intertwined his fingers with yours and pinned your hands above your head without ever breaking the kiss. 
You lasted about thirty seconds. Finally, the tension in you snapped and your orgasm washed over you in waves, leaving you limp and trembling. Art finished only a moment later. You could feel him pulsing inside of you as the aftershocks slowly faded away. The room reeked of sweat and sex and your head was spinning. 
Art, your precious, dutiful man, rested his head on your chest as he attempted to catch his breath. You could feel the tickle of his lips kissing your skin, the soft squeeze of his hands on your hips. You ran a hand through his damp hair, fingers massaging his scalp. 
“I love you.” He murmured against your ribs, right over your thundering heart. He said it like he couldn’t quite believe he was allowed, like he didn’t believe you were here, that you were his. 
Dark hair and cigarette smoke flashed through your mind. Almost-touching hands and paper checks. 
“I love you.” You responded, kissing his hairline, “Happy Birthday, baby.” 
The only response you got was a tired, happy sound and another kiss to your collarbone. A quick adjustment later and the two of you were tucked under the blankets, your head on Art’s chest and his arm around you. Neither of you cared enough to clean yourselves up or to put pajamas on. Art was already softly snoring next to you, and you could feel your eyelids getting heavy.
As you listened to the baddump of his heart, a strange thought flitted through your mind. You’d just had the best sex of your life, and it was because of Patrick. You weren’t the only one who’d been thinking of him while in the throes of passion. The notion made something strange twinge in your gut. 
And then, like he’d somehow read your mind, your phone lit up with a text. 
Patrick Zweig: You free for lunch tomorrow?
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ravenromanova · 1 year
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Pairings: Bucky x Female avenger
Warnings: Mentions of self deprecating, Sharon carter (she’s always a warning) Smut 18+ (breeding kink, metal arm kink, daddy kink, fingering, oral, p in v)
Summary: Bucky cant stand the thought of his girl flirting with someone else other than him.
Word count: 3.3k+
Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
If looks could kill let’s just say John walker would’ve been dead the second Bucky saw you with him. Was it Bucky’s place to be jealous? No especially after he broke off your little fling a few weeks ago. But that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous at the sight of his girl with that insect.
You had been flirting and talking with walker for the past hour much to your displeasure. In all reality the only reason you had even came up with this plan in the first place, was to piss off a certain super soldier. He deserved it after he had broken your heart and left you a broken mess of a person. So even though you despised walker you flirted as if you loved the man.
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*Flash back to two weeks ago*
You had just come back from a three week long mission and you were exhausted. But you were also really excited to see Bucky again. You and him and started kinda seeing each other a few months ago. At first it wasn’t much other than just sex but it quickly became more than that… at least for you.
When you had gotten back to the compound you immediately went to take a shower before going to see him. You had done all your normal things before you slipped into Bucky’s favorite black lingerie set of yours on. Once you were satisfied with how you look you sauntered over to Bucky’s room on the same floor.
You softly knocked on the door and heard a soft ‘come in’. When you opened the door you saw him sprawled out on his bed in nothing but sweatpants.
“Hello solider” Your voice was seductive as you crawled on his bad and straddled him. Bucky didn’t say anything as you sit on his lap he didn’t even touch you like normal. A frown formed on your face at his lack of affection. What came next surprised you as well as broke your heart. Bucky put his hands on your waist and moved you off of him.
“Not in the mood Y/n” He said harshly as he sat on the edge of his bed with his back to you. Your heart tightened at his words and you felt like your world just came crashing down.
“Did something happen? Are you okay my love” The words came out a little more shaky then you would’ve liked as you spoke. You sat next to time and tried to hold his metal hand and he ripped it away from you. Tears formed in your eyes as he stood up and got off the bed leaving you there alone.
“Did i do something?” Your voice cracked and he turned to look at you. His demeanor was stiff and his eyes are dark. He scoffed as he looked at you and ran his hand through his long hair.
“You’re just too much” Bucky blurted out and that’s when the dam broke and the tears fell.
“What?” You choked out as you covered your mouth to muffle the sobs.
“You’re too much for me and i cant do this anymore” The bluntness of his words cut you deep. In that moment you didn’t know what to say or do so you just left his room in tears. You ran to your room and locked the door. You didn’t know what to think or feel all you knew is that you were broken.
What you didn’t see though was how Bucky broke down when you left the room. Truthfully you weren’t too much and he knew that. The reason he broke it off was because no other than Sharon got in his head. She had come up to him after you left for your mission asking him what you two were. He responded with ‘we are just hanging out for now. But when she gets back im making it official.’ To which Sharon scoffed.
She proceeded to tell him that if he thinks a sweet and innocent girl like you, would love a man like him that he was insane. Sharon went on for fifteen grueling minutes about how much of a monster he was and you deserved better. And he believed it and so that night he swore to himself that he’d step away from you. No matter how much it hurt he couldn’t break you and taint you.
And that was the last time you had spoke for two weeks
*End flashback*
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That day haunts Bucky like a ghost haunting its old home. He knew he had hurt you by what he did. But in his mind he did the best thing he could for you he set you free. It’s not that he thought he was a bad person now he knew he wasnt, it was his past. Bucky thought that if you truly knew all the evil things he had done like Sharon said then you wouldn’t love him anymore.
His time in Hydra was awful and the things they made him do were worse. How could anyone move past that? How could anyone love the broken man he’d become? How could you love him?
Bucky’s self deprecating thoughts were cut off as he saw walker get a little too close. He had placed his hand on your waist and brought you in closer to him. That simple and small movement was enough for the solider to see red. He knew he shouldn’t, he knew he had no place but he wasnt thinking clearly as he approached you and walker.
He was silent as he approached but you noticed him out of the corner of your eye. You can see the metaphorical daggers he is shooting to the man in front of you. You dont pay Bucky any mind as you continue your conversation smirking ‘cause you know what lies ahead.
He comes up behind you and wrap his metal arm around your waist. A smirk is quick to form on your lips as your turn around to face the solider.
“Can i help you James?” You ask playing dumb looking at with dumbly. His hands find your hips and he squeezes them and brings you closer.
“Мой” (mine) He husks out in russian and you smirk up at him. You both are quickly reminded that John is still present when you hear him clear his throat.
Bucky looks up at walker and shoots him a look that tells him to get lost. John doesn’t say anything as he just grabs his drink, nods and walks away.
“Это был довольно грубый солидер. Я был в середине разговора” (That was quite rude solider, I was in the middle of a conversation) The words are taunting as they come out and you earn a grunt in response. He doesn’t say anything as he takes your hand and leads you away from the party.
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His grip on your wrist is firm but not hard since he doesn’t wanna hurt his girl..yet. Bucky leads you up the stairs and down the hallway to his room. You don’t have time to ask what he’s doing as you’re suddenly pressed against his door.
“Bucky wait-“ You breathe out as his hips find their way to your neck. He doesn’t stop as you weakly plead.
“Bucky stop-“ And that’s what gets him to stop what he’s doing and back away a little too worried of hurting you or scaring you.
“What? What happened?” He asks almost as if you two hooking up is still normal. You look and him and roll your eyes before even attempting to speak.
“What do you mean what?” You scoff at him as you sit on the edge of his bed looking up at him. “You tell me i’m too much and that you dont want me but then go and do some shit like this” Tears form in your eyes out of frustration and Bucky looks like he’s just been stabbed.
“Doll- i know i fucked up” He sighs and he gets on his knees in front of you. “I pushed you away and made you think i didn’t want you because i was scared” His hands land on your soft thighs and then he softly kisses your inner thigh. “I was scared that you wouldn’t be able to love me for my past, That the things i’ve done would turn you away from me” His words come out a little broken as his blue eyes meet your gaze.
“It also didn’t help that i had someone telling me i wasnt good enough for you” Rage filled your veins at his confession.
“Who” You cut him off before he got the rest of his words out. His grip tightens on your thigh as he lets out a deep breath.
“Sharon, She had asked me what we were when you had left for the three week long mission. Short story short when i told her i planned on making us official when you got back she told me that you deserved better. That you might think im a good person now until you heard about the things i was forced to do. She also made a comment about the arm” His eyes move to his metal arm as he makes a fist with it.
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Anger, Sadness and Love fill your body as he finishes speaking. Anger because Sharon really thought that this beautiful man was a monster. Sadness because he believed her words and thought he was a monster. And love because this was the first time he has ever been vulnerable and open like this with you.
You reach your hands out and cup his cheeks and bring him up to your face. “I dont think you’re a monster. Then or now. I think you’re the most beautiful soul in the world Bucky. I wish you would’ve told me about this because i would’ve put all those fears to bed. I know some of the things you did in Hydra. But i also know that you didn’t have a choice, that you didn’t want to do those things” Nothing but love and honesty laces your voice as you speak.
Bucky looks at you like he just might melt at your words. He finds the courage to slowly close the gap between you two with a passionate kiss. All the love you two have for on another is poured into this one kiss.
After a few minutes you break the kiss and come up for air as you both pant. “And as for the arm” You say grabbing the dark grey and gold arm and smile at it. “Is the sexiest thing i think i’ve ever seen” His metal arm whirs as he makes a fist and grunts at your words.
“Dont say things like that Malysh” He husks against your lips. You get a surge of confidence and grab his metal hand and place it on your inner thigh.
“Why not?” The faux innocence drips off your tongue as you look at with with doe eyes. You can feel the grip of his metal hand tighten on your thigh as you groans. What you don’t know is he is fighting an internal battle right now. A part of him wants to absolutely devour you and the other part doesn’t want to hurt you and wants to cherish you.
“Because i wont be able to control myself if you continue” He says honestly as all traces of self control slowly fade away as you grip his hand.
“What if i dont want you to? What if i want you to ruin me solider?” And that’s all the needs before his head is dipping under your dress and slipping off your panties.
He lifts your dress to your hips before he dips his tongue into your wet folds. His hands spread your pussy and focuses on sucking your clit which had you screaming.
“oh fuck-“ You moan as Bucky picks up his pace and sucks at a faster pace. He looses himself in the way that you taste. Bucky eats your pussy as if he’s never eaten before, They way he devours you can only be described as feral.
“fuck i’ve missed your pussy malysh” He moans into your clit as he slowly adds two fingers into you.
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“i’ve missed you daddy” You mewl as his fingers hit that spongey in you when he curls his fingers up. Bucky smirks at you as you moan and picks up his pace as he fucks his fingers into you.
“you’re mine” He grunts and brings his face up to yours. “You hear me malysh? You’re fucking mine. No one else’s. This pussy is mine and so are you” As he finishes his sentence that’s when you claw at his back and scream as you hit your climax.
“Fuck yes im yours!” You say as you try to catch your breath. He smiles he leans in and kisses you with more passion that earlier. You moan as you taste yourself on his tongue. The kiss goes on for what feels like forever until Bucky breaks it and looks at you.
His hands rub up and down your sides and he grows frustrated that you’re still in your dress. So Bucky being Bucky rips your dress off of you and leaves you naked at the edge of his bed.
“Much better” He smirks and then rids himself of his own clothes. Your eyes widen and your mouth waters at the sight of his hard cock standing at attention. He motions for you to lay against the headboard and you do as your told and wait for his next instruction.
“Now im gonna remind you who you belong to malysh.” He husks as he crawls over to you and hovers over you. You eagerly nod your head and slowly take his cock in your hand. His head flys back at the contact and he lets out a guttural moan.
You pump his cock a few times before he stops you and pushes himself in you without warning. “OH FUCK!” The moan comes out broken as it passes your lips. He bottoms out quickly but he doesn’t move as he waits for you to adjust to his size.
“move” You whisper as you pull his face towards you and place your lips on his. Bucky wraps his arms around your neck and thrusts into you at a medium pace. The both of you moan in satisfaction when he moves against your g-spot.
“You feel so good baby, i almost forgot what is like being in this pretty little pussy” His words are filthy as they come out and you can help but be even more turned on.
He continues to thrust into you and kiss your g-spot with the tip of his cock every thrust. Bucky dips his head down and grabs a nipple and starts sucking as he thrusts get harder.
“Yes-yes oh fuck” The moan that comes out of your mouth is straight out of a porno. He doesn’t say anything as he takes his metal hand as wraps it around your throat and lightly squeezes. Your mind goes blank and fuzzy as the pleasure builds in your stomach.
“Fucking shit babydoll i can feel you squeezing my cock. Keep doing that and im gonna fill you up and fuck a baby in you.” His words unlock something in you as he speaks. Were you aware of your breeding kink before? no. But you sure as hell love the idea of carrying his kids.
“Do it. Fuck a baby into me daddy” You egg him on as you feel yourself about to cum again.
“Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you baby? You’d love to carry your soldiers seed wouldn’t you? You’d love to be my breeding whore wouldn’t you?” His questions are clearly rhetorical but you nod your head in response not being able to form words right now.
“Fuck baby im gonna cum” He moans as his pace starts to get sloppier and you get closer and closer to your high.
“FUCK!” You scream as you cum all over his cock. That’s when he grabs your hips and fucks you relentlessly as he reaches his high.
“Oh fuck malysh gonna fucking fill you up.” He moans as he finishes inside of you. But he doesn’t stop fucking you as he fucks his cum into you since he really does want to get you pregnant.
“Too sensitive” You protest as he grinds his hips into you. He stops his movements and nods his head then slowly pulls out of you and you whimper at the loss.
“You did so good baby. just sit here for a minute okay?” And then Bucky leaves you on the bed real quick while he grabs a cold cloth to clean you off with. When he comes back he sees you sprawled out on his bed and smiles softly.
“Come here baby” He say as he gets in between your thighs and uses the wet cloth to clean you up. You squirm as the cold hits your core but you soon relax and enjoy the feeling of him cleaning you.
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Once he’s done he throws the rag on the floor and moves to put you both under the covers. He pulls you to him so you are laying in his chest. You absentmindedly grab his metal hand and start playing with it and watching the light of the moon bounce off it.
“It really is beautiful” The words are barley audible as you say them but he heard them and smiled. He feels all his worries and fears melt away as he looks at you.
“Y/n?” He asks softly as his blue eyes look at you with anxiety.
“Yes my love?” Bucky’s cheeks go bright red at the pet name and he tries to compose himself before responding.
“I know i fucked up and i know that i dont deserve it but will you give me another chance and officially be my girl?” His nerves are starting to get the best of him as you just look at him for a moment.
“Of course i will solider” In that moment Bucky feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders as you respond. He leans your head up and kisses you in a soft and loving manner. When he breaks the kiss he just looks down at you with love and admiration.
“I love you doll” Your eyes widen at his confession not because it was too soon or anything but because he’s never said that to you before. Your heart melts at his words and your eyes fill with tears.
“I love you too solider” You whisper the words against is lips before you kiss him again.
And the rest of that night was filled with showing one another just how much love the other had. Bucky smiled down at you after you had fallen asleep and just admired you for a while before he fell asleep as well. He felt at peace with you in his arms again and he vowed to himself that he’d never hurt or let you go again.
~ Little bonus scene~
The next morning when you had woken up you were on a mission. And luckily for you your target was very easy to find. You walked into the kitchen in one of Bucky’s henley’s and walk up to your target. It took both you and her by surprise when you had pushed her up against a wall and held her by her neck.
“You ever disrespect him again and i will not hesitate to kill you and hide the body somewhere they will never find it” You spat as Sharon just stared at you with wide eyes. She immediately nodded and once you out her down she was gasping for air.
“crazy bitch” She coughed out as she rubbed her neck to soothe the pain. You smirked at her before walking back to Bucky’s room and slipping back in bed with him as if nothing ever happened.
~the end~
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I do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other cites
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nctsplug02 · 1 year
hi can i request for mark smut where he's just obsessed with your boobs and nipples. like he doesn't even care if you're at public place he just needs to touch them. he also likes to play with your nipples at home hehehe
Do Not Touch Mark.L
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GENRE: fluff, smut, fwb
WARNINGS: kissing, flirting, banter, FWB, fingering, breast play, nipple play, riding, slight anal play, unprotected sex, spanking, standing doggy, mirror sex, public sex-ish, getting caught in the act, consented recording, possessiveness, and slight food sex play!
AN| i tried being cheesy by using MISAMO as my title.. get it.. hehe.. anyway, the first scene was inspired by a twitter NSFW artist!! this is their account and the art that really was stuck on my mind for a week! i’m gonna make a jaemin ver but i’ll keep itfor valentines… happy readings! ;)
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“mark, give up! just face the fact that you’ve used up all the syrup!” you say with your lips pressed together and curved down into a frown.
your brown syrup covered breasts pressed together as mark shakes the bottle and presses it firmly together to squeeze more syrup.
“there’s still a little more, baby. i promise, just be patient and wait with me.” the bottle of chocolate syrup farts and bubbles up as mark uses all his strength as an attempt to squeeze the rest of the syrup out from the bottle.
you sigh as your arms begin to cramp. “dude, my arms are starting to hurt.” you whine and drop your arms, your breasts falling with your arms.
“i know, baby. i know but just.. just a few more minutes, it’s almost all out!” his desperate bug eyes focused on the last tiny drop that teased him by taking its sweet time to drip from the bottle.
“mark, i’m just—“ as you go to sit up, mark pushes you back down and squeezes your breasts together, licking the last bit of the syrup from the tube and mouthing one of your nipple.
you moan and grab a fistful of his short locks. “you’re such a greedy jerk.” you mumble and lock your legs around his waist.
mark throws the bottle and it hits the closet door with a loud thud.
mark moans and moves to your other nipple. you squeeze your arms around his head and kiss his head. “are we done yet?” you ask, playing with his hair.
you give him a smack on the head when he doesn’t answer. “i’m hungry,” you whine. “i want to eat something.”
mark pulls away, his face absolutely covered in chocolate syrup. “eat this dick.” you shove his face and roll the two of you over. “you’re disgusting.” you slide off the bed and grab your clothes off the ground before leaving the room.
“i was just kidding, babe.” mark says while following you to the bathroom. “shut up and go cook me something.” you use a rag and you wet the material, squeezing out the extra water and wiping away the sticky syrup from your breasts.
mark watches with admiration and with a cute grin from the doorway.
“god, how did i let you get away with this idea. ‘such a stupid idea.” you sigh and wash the rag after cleaning your breasts with it.
you hang the rag and slip on your bra, taking little glances at mark who watches you through the mirror. “mind helping?” you struggle with your clips.
“mm,” mark pouts with a smirk. “after you calling me stupid, disgusting and a greedy jerk.. i think you can do it yourself.” his eyes squinting in a taunting way.
you turn to him while holding your straps. “okay, first; i didn’t call you stupid, i just said your idea was stupid. second; i’m hangry and i’m gonna get more angry if you don’t help me. third—“
mark yanks you by the waist and kisses you. “shut up.” he whispers when pulling away. “or i’m gonna shove my dick down your throat.”
before you can protest your angry thoughts, mark spins you and grabs your bra clippings, clipping them together and spinning you back around. “c’mon, i’ll go cook us some ramen.”
mark takes your hand and drags you to his kitchen. “yeah, because that’s the only thing you can cook.” you mumble.
“you should be thankful you’re getting ramen instead of raw, burnt eggs.” you glare at him from behind and you can visualize his smirk.
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mark walks into the practice room with two bags of candy and drinks. “oh, finally.” he huffs when seeing the peacefully sleeping haechan on the couch.
“how’d you tire him?” mark asks, removing his black mask and black beanie. “y’know, did what i always do to tire you out.. a little bit of cowgirl.. missionary.. and a blowjob.. whatnot.” you shrug while scrolling on your insta feed.
“hey!” you whine when your phone is snatched from you. “don’t say those type of shit, y/n.” you glare up at him and giggle. “gotcha there, didn’t i?” you stand up with your hands on your hips. “don’t be jealous, remember you’re the one who said no strings attached.”
mark chews the inside of his cheek and watches as you walk past him.
“so, what kind of snacks did you get?” you dig through the bags and pull out a few snacks and drinks. “mm, chocolate covered mushrooms, yum.” you tear the bag open and plop one of the treat into your mouth.
you moan and grab another one. “thanks, markie.” you smacks your lips together and toss a handful into your mouth.
you drop the bag of chocolate when being spun around. “hey!” you’re met eye to eye with an angry looking mark. “if you wanted some, you could’ve just asked.” you go to turn and grab the bag but mark drags you by your ankles so that you’re now underneath him.
“you like donghyuck?” your eyebrows pinch together. “are you actually jealous? really, mark? wow, who knew a little joke would make the mark lee jealous.” you scoff and marks jaw ticks.
mark looks down at your legs and then back up at you. “no, mark. haechan is sleeping right over there— he’s literally six feet away from us!” you didn’t actually know, you just didn’t want to be caught.
“pretty girl doesn’t want to be caught in the act, huh? that’s never stopped you, has it?” you press your lips together and glare up at mark who stands over you with a smirk.
“what, you don’t remember the time you snuck me in your room while your best friend was asleep on the floor next to us?”
you bite your lip. “ugh, you’ve made your point! stop being a jerk and hurry up.” mark watches as you undo your sweats but he stops you.
with frustration burning in your eyes, you glare up at him. “i thought this is what you wanted, no?!” mark shakes his head and quickly glances at haechan who stirs with a moan.
“c’mere,” mark pushes himself off his knees and walks over to the dim corner, he sits himself by the mirror and spreads his legs. “c’mon, brat.”
with a huff, you crawl over to mark, sitting in between his legs with your back against his chest and your knees barely pressed against your chest.
“stay quiet for me, yeah?” mark whispers and gives you a kiss on the shell of your ear.
with your shirt pushed up and exposing your breasts and your sweats pushed down by your knees, mark fingers you with one hand and uses the other hand to tweak your nipples.
his fingers moving fast and curling every time they enter you. his lips softly cursing into your ears while you quietly moan.
his hand curling up and his palm rubbing against your clit. you roll your hips as an attempt to get more pleasure from his palm.
“i’m gonna cum— fuck!” you whimper and gasp when seeing haechans body toss and turn on the tiny couch.
“i said to be quiet, didn’t i?” mark whispers.
you squeal as mark picks up his pace and fucks your pussy with his fingers. the thought of just his fingers getting you off blew your mind, he was talented in so many ways.
“mark,” you pant. “mark,” you roll your hips and grab the back of his neck, bringing his face closer to yours. “i’m cumming.” you whisper before clamping your legs shut and shivering with your orgasm.
you gasp and turn, burying your face into the broad chest of mark. “ooh, fuck!” you cry out into marks chest and dig your nails into the back of his neck.
“ah, fuck. that’s it, baby.” your hand squeezes marks wrist as he tries to keep fucking you with his fingers. “stop, stop..” you pant and push yourself from mark.
mark stares at you, his chest rising slowly and shrinking in the same pace. a worn out grin on his face as he watches your legs twitch and you sitting so breathlessly.
“you’re mean, mark.” you pull your bra and shirt into place and move onto your pantie and sweats. “you know you love it, brat.” you stand and tie your messed up hair into a high ponytail.
“what do you say,” mark stands and grabs you by the waist. “head back to my place?” he bites your shoulder as he stares you down through the mirror.
“we can’t just leave haechan here by himself.” you drop your hands after tightening your pony. “he’s a big boy, he can handle being alone.”
“yeah, i’ll be fine.” haechan says nonchalantly.
you gasp and turn to haechan who lays on the couch with an arm over his forehead. “no fucking way.” you mutter and walk towards the pile of stuff, grabbing your bag and leaving the practice room.
“nice tits and moans, y/n.” haechan says with a small giggle.
mark sighs and chases after you.
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“hey, hey, you’re my favorite kind of night.” the song sings while you circle mark with a hungry look in your eyes.
mark grabs your waist and dips you in a circle, gradually grinding his hips into yours. “so, i love when you call unexpected.”
he brings you back up and your noses are barely inches apart. “‘cause i hate when the moment’s expected.” you look at his lips then back at his eyes before smiling cheekily.
you step back from him, slowly and matching the beat. mark follows, curling his lips as he pops his body to the beat.
“so, i’ma care for you,” you stop and look to the side. “you,” mark snakes his hands up your waist and under your breasts. “you.” he smirks and gropes your breasts.
you shove him off you and walk away from him, shutting off the music and turning back to the mark and the crowd.
“damn, you guys choreographed this?” taeyong asks while slipping on his beanie.
“yeah,” mark smoothly fixes his hard-on while staring you down.
“the tension is there, it’s sexy.. hot.. hungry.. just a sexy type of tension is what i’m getting from this routine and i love it.” johnny says.
you snatch your water bottle and unscrew the top. “that’s what we were going for, weren’t we, y/n?” you nod while chugging down a few gulps.
“we’re still working on a few things. i’m a bit rusty and mark has to.. loosen me up a bit.” you screw your lid back on and wipe your sweat away with your backhand.
“although,” you set your water bottle and catch everyone’s attention. “the boob grabbing wasn’t apart of the routine, now was it, mark?”
everyone turns their attention to mark who turns into a tomato. “uhh.. it wasn’t.”
“i think it looks amazing right now.” jungwoo comments. “thanks, pup.” you wink and jungwoo who giggles right after.
“i think you guys should keep that part in, it makes the tension and chreo look more better and attractive.” one of the dance instructor comments.
you look at mark while biting your thumb. “i guess we could make it work, can’t we, markie?” mark lifts his eyes to you and slowly his lips turn into a smirk. “yeah, i guess we can.”
you sigh and clear your throat. “well, i have to go. need to go feed my friends cats and turtles since he’s on vacation in italy.” you grab your things and leave while bidding everyone, excluding mark, a goodbye.
excluding mark; you were going to see him later anyway.
“yeah, yeah. see you guys later!” you could hear marks faint voice while you turned a corner.
feet hitting the floor and loud pants have your head turning. it was mark obviously.
“mark, go back to practice. you’ll see me later.” mark grabs your hand and turns you. “he?” your eyebrows pinch confusingly. “what are you talking about?”
“you said he earlier in the practice room. who is this he dude?” you roll your eyes and fix the strap on your shoulder. “it’s just an old friend from my high school.”
when you try to walk past mark, he pushes you against the wall. “old friend, huh?”
you could hear faint voices from the next hall and it triggered your brain. “mark! get off me, do you want people seeing us like this?!” you whisper and push mark.
mark looks toward the direction where the voices could be heard and sighs, taking your hand and dragging you to an empty dance studio.
“i don’t care, y/n.” mark says after shutting the door, he hits the lights and lights the room in a dim way.
“what do you mean you don’t care, mark. what’s been up your ass this past week? being possessive, obsessive, clingy, bold and letting us get caught by haechan? you’re the one who started this, mark. sure, we fuck but you said no strings attached. stop tugging me in different directions and give me a full on answer!”
after your little rampage, mark grabs you by the jaw and slams his lips against yours. you kiss back and moan, ignoring the taste of blood mixing with his sweet watermelon chapstick.
marks hands move down to your breasts and he tugs down the stretch fabric. exposing your breasts and letting your nipples grow hard.
“fuck,” you mumble in between the kiss and drop your bag, it hits the floor with a thud.
mark grabs your leg and pins your thigh against his waist. you moan when feeling his hard bulge pressed against your thigh.
mark pulls away, biting his lip. “you taste so sweet.” he lifts you off the ground and brings you over to the couch.
“can you be a good girl and ride me?” you bite your lip and slide off marks lap. you kick off your shoes and undress yourself all while mark pushes down his sweats and frees his hard-on.
with excitement bursting through every part of your body, you climb back on marks lap and sink yourself down his cock.
with moans coming from both you and mark, you bounce your hips slowly. taking in the thickness and length of mark.
“you feel so good, markie.” you moan and hide your face in the crook of his neck.
you squeal when mark lands a spank on your ass. “you’re doing so well for me, baby.” mark groans, cupping your ass with his hands and giving your ass more spanks.
you roll your hips side to side and in circles. every now and then, clenching around mark who’d groan every time you did that.
mark reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone. “wh— what’re you doing?” you ask while panting and slowing your hips down.
“can i record this?” you look behind you to see your ass pushed out with mark inside you, the view in the mirror was amazing.
“yes,” you turn back to mark.
mark hits the record button and spanks you, you let out a moan and jerk forward. the head of marks cock stays out inside you before mark pushes down your hips.
“oohh, fuck.” you sigh, the thickness of mark filling you up oh, so perfectly.
you bounce your hips and hug mark to your chest, his mouth collecting your nipple. you moan and arch your back, pushing your breast more into his face.
mark brings his hand up to his mouth and sucks on his finger. you gasp and slow down your hips when feeling mark push a finger into your ass. “mark,” you whisper. “i’m sorry,” he pulls his finger away from you. “i should’ve asked first.”
you look down at him. “no.. it’s fine, i.. liked it.” mark smiles a little and circles your rim before pushing in gently.
you pick up your pace and bounce your hips in the same pace as before.
“fuck,” mark growls and stops recording. he tosses his phone aside and picks you up, gently setting you aside and then pulling you off the couch with him.
mark kicks off his shoes and steps out of his sweats.
“i want you to watch me fuck you.” mark pulls you in front of him with his hands on your naked hips.
mark knocks your legs apart and bends you forward. he grabs his cock and looks at you through the mirror. “watch, alright?” you nod and stumble forward when feeling mark push into you.
“oh, fuck.” you moan, hands on your knees while you watch as mark lifts his shirt, tucking it under his chin and showing off his shaded abs.
mark holds your hips with both his hands and fucks into you. his hips already roughly pounding into you. your loose hair bouncing with every thrust.
“you feel so good, y/n. so fuckin’ good.” mark moans and tilts his hips to the side, giving himself a good view of his cock slipping in and out of you.
mark hisses and pinches your hips while thrusting his hips. his hands coming up and grabbing your shoulders, pulling them back and tucking his arms under yours.
your back to his chest, your breasts bouncing freely, you on your tiptoes and your hands grabbing marks nape.
“fuck, baby.” mark hugs your waist with one arm and uses the other hand to rub your clit.
your knees buckle and your moans fill up the room. you free mark and you fall forward, knees bent and hands on them while mark still fucks you.
“you’re so perfect.” you clench around him and squeeze your knees together. “i—i’m cumming.. god, i’m gonna fucking cum.” you mumble, eyebrows pinching together as you frown.
“yeah, baby. cum on my cock. show me how good i fuckin’ make you feel.” without being told another time, you cum.
creaming all over marks cock before he shoots into you without warning. “fuck— mark!” he pulls out and jerks himself on your back.
mark pulls you up and turns you to him. “so,” he sighs and holds your waist. “how’s that for an answer?” you bite your lip and look down, trying to hide your flushed face.
mark grabs your jaw and makes you look him in the eyes, his eyebrows flicking up once, asking you to answer.
“it’s a.. good way to answer.” mark kisses you with a giggle. “exactly, now let me clean you up then we can go get dinner and talk about this whole situation.”
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“so, you like me.” you say, chewing down your chicken drumstick.
mark snorts, “and, you like me.”
you look to the side and grab your cola can, chugging a bit down and sighing at the fizzy after taste in your throat.
mark sets down his chicken breast and grabs a small onion ring. “miss y/n,” you look down at his hand and snort. “will you do the honors and be my one and only girlfriend.”
mark holds the onion ring with two hands and touches his chin to his chest. “i, (last name) y/n, will do the honors and be your one and only girlfriend.” you hold out your hand and mark slides the onion ring on your middle finger.
“cute.” you examine the onion ring.
“look at me, baby.” you look up to see mark holding his phone up in a position that said he was ready to take a photo.
you hold your hand with the onion ring next to your face and you smile big.
“say, cheeseee!” mark says.
“cheeseee!” you repeat after him with a giggle.
when seeing mark lower his phone, you lower your hand. “you’re so beautiful.” mark giggles and shows you the photo. “you’re good at taking pictures.”
“i’m even better at taking videos. you should see the one i took earlier.” you gasp.
the video he took earlier in the practice room!
“you better delete that, mark lee!” you whisper in a hushed tone. “but, send it to me before you do.”
mark reaches over the table and rubs your cheek, you lean into his touch before he hands disappears. “wha— mark!” you tsk and smack his hand away when feeling his hand cup your breast.
“we’re in public, you perv!” you repeated push his hand away when mark comes back for more. “that’s never stopped us before, has it?”
“oh, shut up! do not touch, mister mark lee.” you back up with your hands crossed in front of your chest.
“i’ll always have access later.” mark says with a shrug.
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AN| pt.2 | just like my PUNCH post, it literally has ALMOST nothing to do with the title. i tried to including it but i only tried to include it after i wrote everything and it just didn’t work out for me. but, omg i’ve been so obsessed with ‘Do Not Touch’ by MISAMO. it’s me and sneakylinks current new song beside ‘New Jeans’ by NewJeans. anyway, i hope you enjoyed reading this even though it got very sloppy in the end (i really wasn’t feeling the ending). love you all and thank you to the anon who sent this in a while ago.. i only just answered this now.. sorry, love you! <3
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rootedinrevisions · 9 days
Jealousy in Motion
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SUMMARY: Tired of waiting for Damian and Rhea to make their moves, you and Jey decide to stir things up with a little game of jealousy. What starts as harmless flirting at a club quickly turns into a night of heated glances and rising tension.
WARNINGS: Teasing, Alcohol Use
TAG LIST: @miss-kuki-nz I @just-another-personal-side-blog I @caramara3 I @yana3sworld I @terrortwinunicorn I @hotwheels1108
The backstage area of the arena buzzed with the usual pre-show energy—wrestlers preparing for their matches, production staff rushing around, and the distant hum of the crowd filtering in through the walls. 
You found yourself leaning against a storage crate backstage, your eyes drifting to Damian as he finished lacing his boots. The sight of him—tall, imposing, tattoos snaking across his arms and shoulders and back to his back—always sent a thrill through you. He was magnetic, and you had been caught in his orbit for months now. But as you watched him, the ache of wanting more twisted in your chest.
"Ready for tonight?" you asked your voice light, hoping to catch his attention. 
Damian looked up, his expression as casual as ever. He offered a half-smirk, nodding. “Always am. You?”
You shrugged, trying to play it cool even though your heart wasn’t in it. “Yeah, feeling good. Maybe I’ll catch your match later, see what you beat up Dom.”
He chuckled, that deep, resonant sound that always sent shivers down your spine. “Yeah? I’ll make sure to put on a show for you, then.”
It was the same banter you’d had a hundred times. Light, playful, but never deeper. You’d heard a few people backstage gossip about how Damian seemed to have eyes for you—how he was different when you were around. But standing here now, you weren’t so sure. If he did have feelings, he never showed it in a way that mattered.
You glanced around, checking to see if anyone was nearby. Then you stepped a little closer, just close enough that your arm brushed against his as you leaned in. “You know,” you started, your voice a little lower, “I’ve been thinking...”
He raised an eyebrow, his attention still on you but with the same calm, unreadable expression he always had. “About?”
You hesitated for a beat, trying to gauge his reaction before continuing. “About how...maybe we could hang out outside of work. You know, not just...the usual.”
There it was—your not-so-subtle hint. You felt the tension rise between you, hoping he’d finally catch on.
But Damian just chuckled again, brushing it off like it was nothing. “We hang out all the time,” he said, standing up and stretching his arms. “Just hung out with you last night, didn’t I?”
You swallowed the disappointment that settled in your stomach. Yeah, last night. When he’d snuck into your hotel room after his match, spent the night with you, and then slipped out before anyone could see. The same routine you’d been doing for three or four months. But it wasn’t enough anymore—not for you, anyway.
“Right,” you murmured, forcing a smile. “Just last night.”
You took a step back, crossing your arms as you tried to shake off the frustration that was building. Every time you hinted at the idea of something more, it was like he didn’t get it—or maybe he didn’t want to get it. And now you were starting to think that the rumors, all the whispers about him being into you, were just that: rumors.
It wasn’t that Damian wasn’t kind or caring—he was, in his own way. But you wanted more than secret rendezvous and stolen moments behind closed doors. You wanted to be his. His girlfriend. Not just the girl he came to when he needed to blow off steam.
“You know,” you started again, your voice quieter now, “sometimes I feel like I’m just your dirty little secret.”
Damian’s eyes flickered with something—surprise, maybe. But he quickly masked it with that same casual demeanor, shrugging it off like it didn’t matter. “Come on, don’t say that,” he said, offering you a grin. “You know it’s not like that.”
But you weren’t so sure anymore. You sighed, your shoulders slumping as you realized he wasn’t going to get it—not tonight, maybe not ever. “Right. It’s not like that.”
You turned away, trying to put some distance between you before the sting of rejection hit too hard. You were stuck in this endless cycle—always wanting more, always hoping he’d step up and make things real. But as the weeks that turned into months had dragged on, it was becoming painfully clear that maybe you were just the secret he kept from everyone else.
Damian stepped closer, his hand gently grazing your arm. “Hey, don’t get in your head about it. You know I care about you.”
You nodded, but the words didn’t hit the way you wanted them to. You knew he cared—but was it enough?
With one last glance at him, you gave a small smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Yeah. I know.”
But deep down, you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep pretending that was enough.
The low hum of chatter echoed through the hallway as you made your way backstage after your match. The adrenaline from the night still coursed through your veins, but it wasn’t the excitement of the crowd or the rush of getting another win that had you on edge. It was Damian. Or rather, the frustrating conversation from earlier in the evening that had been bugging you ever since.
As you turned the corner, you spotted your friend Jey Uso leaning against a crate, his eyes locked down the hall where Rhea Ripley was doing an interview with Cathy Kelly. A smirk tugged at your lips as you sauntered over, nudging him with your shoulder.
“Not gonna make your move?” you teased, raising an eyebrow.
Jey’s gaze didn’t leave Rhea, but he smiled, shaking his head. “Not sure she’s even noticed, to be honest,” he admitted, his voice light but tinged with frustration.
You laughed, crossing your arms as you leaned beside him. “Oh, she’s noticed, trust me.”
His eyebrow arched as he glanced your way, curious. “Yeah?”
You nodded, casting a glance down the hall at Rhea, who was still mid-interview. “We’re close. You don’t even know how many times I’ve had to listen to her talk about you in the last few weeks. Pretty sure she’s more interested than you think.”
Jey’s grin widened, but it quickly faded when his eyes flicked back to Rhea. There was something vulnerable in his expression, like he wasn’t sure if he should believe you or keep playing it safe. You could see why he’d hesitate; he and Rhea had been circling each other for a while now, both giving mixed signals but never making the first big move.
Just then, Rhea’s eyes darted in your direction, and for a split second, you caught the way her face changed. She’d seen you and Jey talking, standing close, and a flicker of something unmistakable flashed in her eyes—jealousy.
A slow grin spread across your face as an idea began to form. You nudged Jey again, leaning closer as you whispered, “She’s jealous.”
He blinked, his focus snapping to you. “What?”
You nodded, motioning subtly in Rhea’s direction. “She sees us talking. I know that look.”
Jey’s eyes shifted to Rhea, and when he saw the way she was glancing at the two of you between interview questions, his grin returned. “Damn, you think?”
“I know,” you said confidently, the idea cementing in your mind now. “You going out with some of the crew after the show?”
Jey smirked, standing up straighter. “You know I keep it lit on the dance floor, baby.”
You laughed at his swagger, but your mind was already spinning. This could work. This could solve both your problems. “I’ve got an idea,” you started, lowering your voice as your eyes flicked back to Rhea and then down the hall where Damian had just passed by, his attention elsewhere.
Jey tilted his head, intrigued. “What’s that?”
You leaned closer, a mischievous smile pulling at your lips. “We’re gonna make them jealous. You and me. A little flirting, some dancing, maybe getting a little too close for comfort. That’ll get their attention.”
Jey’s eyebrow shot up, his smile turning more playful. “You trying to stir the pot, huh?”
“I’m trying to get Damian to step up,” you said, sighing. “He’s been...distant. Or, I don’t know, maybe just not getting the hint. But I know him. He won’t like another guy getting close to me.”
Jey chuckled, crossing his arms as he considered your plan. “And Rhea? You think she’s gonna bite?”
“Oh, she will,” you assured him. “She’s already looking over here like she’s ready to step in. Trust me, once she sees you and me getting close, she’s not gonna let it slide. She’ll make her move.”
Jey thought it over for a moment, the gears turning in his head as he glanced back toward Rhea one last time. Then he smiled, that signature confident grin of his, and nodded. “Alright. Let’s do it. If it gets her to stop playing games, I’m in.”
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face as your plan fell into place. “Good. Pick me up at 11. Room 4112.”
Jey nodded, flashing you a wink before turning to head off, but not before you gave him one last parting shot. “And make sure you bring your A-game, Uce. We’re gonna have some fun tonight.”
He laughed over his shoulder. “Oh, don’t worry. I always do.”
As he walked away, you glanced back toward Rhea, who was still watching. The look on her face told you everything you needed to know. The game had just begun, and tonight, things were finally going to get interesting.
The night air was cool as you walked side by side with Damian toward the parking lot, your boots crunching softly against the asphalt. The energy from the show still buzzed around the arena, but out here, it was quieter. Just you and him, under the soft glow of the streetlights. You glanced up at him, taking in his relaxed demeanor, the way his hands rested casually in his pockets. It should’ve been a perfect moment. But your frustration still simmered beneath the surface, a constant reminder of the limbo you were stuck in with him.
“So…” Damian started, breaking the silence, his voice low and casual. “I heard a few of the guys are heading to some bar after the show.” He glanced over at you, his dark eyes searching yours. “You wanna go?”
You almost smirked, but you caught yourself. Of course, now he wanted to hang out. Now that you were making moves to get his attention. 
Instead, you played it off, pretending to be a little caught off guard as you reached for your keys. “Oh, uh… I’m actually already going with Jey.”
Damian stopped walking for just a second, his brow furrowing in confusion. “Jey? Like… Uso?”
You nodded with a smile, keeping your tone light. “Yeah. He asked me earlier if I wanted to go with him.”
Damian’s expression shifted, just for a moment, but it was enough. You caught the flicker in his eyes, something sharp and possessive flashing behind his otherwise calm exterior. Bingo. Your plan was already starting to work. But you didn’t want to push too hard too soon. You had to play this carefully.
“But maybe I’ll see you there, though?”
Damian’s jaw tightened just slightly, and he gave a small nod. “Yeah. Maybe.”
You could see the tension in his posture now, the way his jaw clenched briefly before relaxing again. This was what you had wanted—Damian’s attention. But now that you had it, there was something almost thrilling about making him stew just a little longer.
You turned to get into your rental car, turning to give him a final smile before you closed the door. “See you later, Damian.”
He nodded again, though his gaze lingered on you longer than it usually did. “Yeah. See you.”
As you pulled out of the parking lot and headed back toward the hotel, you couldn’t help but grin to yourself. Damian’s reaction was exactly what you had hoped for. The flash of jealousy, the uncertainty. He wasn’t oblivious anymore.
Tonight was only going to get more interesting.
You hadn’t been on the road for more than a few minutes when your phone lit up with Rhea’s name. You smiled to yourself, already knowing where this conversation was going to lead. You had a feeling Damian had talked to Rhea and that was the reason for her call. Keeping one hand on the wheel, you tapped the screen to answer.
“Hey, Rhea. What’s up?”
“Hey,” she replied, her usual confident tone slightly off, a hint of something uncertain hiding underneath. “So, I heard a few of us are going out tonight after the show. You in?”
You bit your lip, holding back a grin. Here we go. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m going. Jey actually asked me to ride with him.”
There was a brief pause on the other end, and you could almost picture the way her brow furrowed in surprise. “Jey asked you?”
You made your voice sound casual, as if the question wasn’t loaded with the tension you knew she was feeling. “Yeah. He asked me before the show if I wanted to join him. Sounded fun, so I figured, why not?”
Rhea didn’t reply immediately, and you caught the slightest edge of jealousy creeping into her voice when she finally spoke again. “I thought you were just blowing Damian off when you said that.”
The corner of your mouth lifted as you kept your gaze on the road. “Nope, Jey actually asked me. I mean, Damian hadn’t said anything, and clubs aren’t always his thing. So I figured, why not go with someone else, right?”
You could hear her shift on the other end of the call, probably trying to find the right words to respond without giving herself away completely. “Right... I guess I just didn’t realize you two were, you know, hanging out outside of work like that.”
Your smile widened. She was trying to play it cool, but the jealousy was there, simmering just under the surface. Your plan was working, just like you hoped it would.
“Yeah, well, Jey’s seems fun to hang out with,” you said, keeping your tone as light and innocent as possible. “I guess we’ll see what happens. Maybe I’ll see you there though?”
Rhea hesitated again, and you could hear the unspoken questions swirling in her head. “Yeah... maybe.”
You ended the call and couldn’t help but feel satisfied with how things were playing out. Damian’s possessiveness had already started to show, and now you had Rhea on edge too. The night was shaping up exactly how you planned, and it was only going to get better from here.
The thumping bass of the music hit you the moment you stepped into the club, the energy of the crowd buzzing in the air. You and Jey walked in together, fashionably late, just as you’d planned. You scanned the room, catching sight of Damian and Rhea almost immediately. They were at the bar, exactly where you hoped they’d be. Perfect.
Jey’s hand rested lightly on the small of your back as he guided you through the crowd, both of you pretending not to notice the two people you were trying to get a rise out of. It was part of the plan, after all. You could feel eyes on you—probably Rhea’s, maybe even Damian’s—but you kept your focus on Jey, playing your part flawlessly.
As you reached the bar, Jey leaned in close, his voice low and playful against your ear. But also just loud enough for the two people standing next to you to hear him say it. “What you drinking tonight, baby?”
You tilted your head up, locking eyes with him as you smiled. “Hmm, I don’t know. What do you think I should start with?”
He chuckled, his arm draping casually over your shoulder as he signaled the bartender. “Let’s start with something light,” he suggested, glancing down at you with a grin. “I gotta keep you in good shape for the dance floor later.”
You grin at him and pretend to reach for your purse but he reaches out and stops you. “Nah, I got you tonight, baby.”
You laughed, nudging him slightly. “You really know how to take care of a girl, Jey. That’s sweet.”
The way you said it wasn’t lost on anyone. It wasn’t just a simple compliment, not with the way you let your fingers trail down his arm as you spoke, or the soft smile you gave him as you tilted your head just slightly, enough to let anyone watching see the ease between you two. You could feel the tension coming from behind Jey, the way Damian and Rhea were likely taking in every detail, even if they were trying to hide it.
Jey played along perfectly, his own smile widening as he leaned just a bit closer. “Sweet, huh? Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”
You laughed again, the sound light and easy, and let your hand rest on his chest, feeling the heat from his body through his shirt. “Maybe I am.”
As the bartender handed over your drinks, Jey slid one toward you, his fingers brushing yours. You could practically feel the weight of the stares coming from behind you, and it took everything in you not to glance back at Damian and Rhea. But you knew better than to break character now. The game had only just begun.
As you lifted your drink to your lips, you felt Jey's hand lightly graze your back again, the touch casual but deliberate enough to keep up appearances. The warmth of the alcohol mixed with the buzz of the club had you feeling confident, ready for whatever came next. You tilted your head, flashing Jey a smile before turning away from the bar, deciding it was time to up the ante.
With your drink in hand, you turned to leave the bar, making sure to brush close enough to Jey that it would look as if you were moving together. As you did, you caught sight of Damian and Rhea out of the corner of your eye.
Damian’s eyes were locked on you, his brow slightly furrowed, and you could see the way his jaw tightened as he watched you interact with Jey. It was subtle, but you knew Damian well enough to recognize the telltale signs of his possessiveness flaring up. You let your lips curl into a smirk, satisfaction blooming in your chest. The plan was working.
Rhea was standing next to him, drink in hand, but her expression was much less controlled. Her gaze flickered between you and Jey, and there was no mistaking the spark of jealousy in her eyes. Her lips were set in a thin line, her posture stiff as she watched you practically draped against Jey. You knew that look—she didn’t like it one bit.
You exchanged a knowing glance with Jey, and as he flashed you a grin, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of triumph.
Turning back to Jey, he leaned in just a little closer, his voice low enough for only you to hear. “I think they’re starting to notice,” he whispered, the amusement in your tone unmistakable.
You chuckled, his hand resting on your hip as you reached up on your tip toes to reply. “Told you this was gonna be fun.”
You straightened, taking a slow sip of your drink before glancing back in Damian and Rhea’s direction, letting your gaze linger just long enough to make sure they saw. Damian’s dark eyes hadn’t left you, and Rhea’s fingers tightened around her glass as she muttered something under her breath to Damian.
Satisfied, you turned your attention back to Jey, the smirk still playing on your lips. “Looks like round one goes to us.”
Jey raised his glass in a silent toast, a mischievous grin lighting up his face. “Oh, we’re just getting started.”
The tension in the air was palpable now, the game in full swing. All you had to do was keep pushing the right buttons, and Damian and Rhea would break. And when they did, it was going to be so worth it.
After a few more rounds of playful banter at the bar, you felt Jey’s fingers gently brush against your arm, pulling your attention back to him. His smile was easy, mischievous, as if he had something up his sleeve.
“You know what we need to do now?” he asked, his eyes glinting.
You raised an eyebrow, playing along. “What’s that?”
He straightened up, looking over toward the packed dance floor, where bodies swayed and pulsed to the heavy beat of the music. “We gotta hit the dance floor. I promised you I’d keep it lit, remember?”
You bit your lip, already anticipating what was about to happen. Glancing over to where Damian and Rhea were still standing, you noticed Damian’s eyes briefly flicker in your direction before shifting away, as if he were doing his best to act unaffected.
Jey reached out his hand, palm up in a silent invitation, and without hesitation, you slipped your hand into his. He gave it a slight tug, pulling you closer, and the two of you made your way through the crowd toward the center of the dance floor, where the music seemed to throb even louder.
As soon as you reached the middle, Jey spun you around with a playful grin and pulled you close. Your back pressed against his chest, and his hands naturally found their place on your hips, guiding you in time with the music. The moment you started moving together, everything else seemed to fall away—the lights, the noise, the crowd—it was just you and Jey, playing the game you both knew so well.
Jey leaned down, his voice low and teasing in your ear. “This okay for you?”
You nodded and then leaned your head back, resting it on Jey’s shoulder. There weren’t many guys on the roster you would let hold you and touch you the way Jey was. But you trusted Jey. You knew he wouldn’t push it too far. 
He then whispered into your ear, “They’re already watching. You ready for this?”
You laughed softly, your fingers resting over his hands as you started swaying together. “Oh, I’m ready.”
The two of you moved effortlessly in sync, your bodies shifting and swaying with the rhythm, close enough to leave little to the imagination for anyone watching. The heat from Jey’s hands on your waist and the feel of his body behind yours made it easy to slip into the role you needed to play, pretending to be lost in the moment, when in reality, your mind was focused on one thing—getting Damian’s attention.
Your hands glided up, grazing Jey’s forearms lightly as if you were completely comfortable with his touch. But in reality, you were simply waiting for the exact moment to strike.
With a subtle glance over your shoulder, your eyes scanned the room until they found Damian.
There he was—standing by the bar, his drink forgotten in his hand, his jaw clenched as he watched the two of you. Even from this distance, you could see the flash of frustration in his eyes, the way his posture had shifted from relaxed to tense. The possessive gleam that flickered there was unmistakable, and it sent a jolt of satisfaction through you. He wasn’t liking this at all.
Jey’s hands tightened slightly on your hips, his voice brushing your ear again, a knowing edge in his tone. “Think he’s mad yet?”
You smirked, your eyes never leaving Damian’s. “Oh, he’s definitely mad.”
As the music continued to pound, you took things up a notch. You pressed your body closer to Jey’s, your movements slowing down, becoming more deliberate, more intimate. Your hips swayed against his as his hands followed your lead, guiding your rhythm. 
You let your head rest back against his shoulder, your lips close to his ear as you murmured something irrelevant into his ear, loud enough for Damian to see but not hear. Jey chuckled, playing along perfectly, his lips grazing your ear as he responded, though you didn’t even need to hear the words to know you were in sync.
Finally, you couldn’t resist it any longer. You looked back across the room, and your eyes met Damian’s. His gaze was locked on yours, burning with a mix of jealousy and frustration that made your heart race. His body was tense, his grip on his drink so tight you were surprised the glass hadn’t shattered in his hand.
You smirked, letting him see just how much fun you were having, knowing that this was driving him wild. And it was working. The game you and Jey had started was finally beginning to pay off.
Damian wasn’t going to let this go much longer—you could feel it in the way his eyes bore into you, dark and heated. He was on the edge of stepping in, of making his move. And you were more than ready for it.
Jey must have sensed it too because his grip on your hips tightened slightly, and he whispered in your ear, “Any minute now.”
You nodded, your smirk widening. “He’s almost there.”
As the music pulsed around you, the tension between you and Damian crackled in the air like electricity. You could practically feel his frustration, his desire to intervene, and the satisfaction of knowing your plan was working filled you with excitement.
Before you realize it, Damian is weaving his way through the crowd, his eyes locked on you and Jey. The intensity in his gaze makes your heart race, knowing that this moment is exactly what you had been waiting for. Jey, clearly noticing Damian’s approach, doesn’t hesitate. He steps back just as Damian reaches you, offering a quick nod and a knowing smile.
"Mind if I cut in?" Damian asks, his voice low but commanding, half-expecting Jey to protest. But Jey just motions toward you with a grin, as if to say, “All yours.”
With Jey stepping aside, Damian wastes no time. His hands immediately find your waist, pulling you back against his solid, muscular chest. His grip is firm, possessive, and the heat of his body seeps into you as he takes control of the moment. The atmosphere shifts, and it feels as though the entire room fades away, leaving just the two of you in the middle of the pulsing crowd.
Damian leans down, his breath hot against your skin as he presses a soft kiss to your temple. You shiver, the intimate gesture sending a thrill through you, but it’s what he says next that really makes your pulse quicken.
“You let him touch what’s mine,” he whispers, his voice laced with both frustration and desire.
You turn your head slightly, just enough to catch his dark gaze. Your heart skips a beat, but you won’t let him get away with that statement so easily. "I didn’t know I was yours," you tease, raising an eyebrow, the challenge clear in your voice. “I thought we had a casual arrangement.”
Damian smirks, that cocky, confident grin of his flashing as he pulls you even closer, so your bodies are flush against each other. His hands tighten on your waist, his fingers pressing possessively into your skin. "Oh, you’re mine," he says, his voice firm, leaving no room for doubt.
You’re about to respond when Damian moves faster than you expect. In one swift motion, he spins you around to face him, his eyes dark with intent. Before you can catch your breath, his lips crash against yours, the kiss deep and hungry. It’s not just a kiss—it’s a claim, a statement to everyone in the room, especially Jey, that you belong to him.
The kiss leaves you breathless, your mind spinning as Damian pulls back just slightly, his lips brushing against yours as he murmurs, "You're mine. My girl."
Your heart pounds in your chest, the words echoing in your ears. His hands don’t leave your body, staying firmly on your hips as if to prove his point. His eyes search yours for any hesitation, but instead of pulling away, you feel a sense of relief, the very thing you’ve been wanting for so long finally falling into place.
In that moment, the game is over. You’re no longer just his secret—you're his, for everyone to see.
As Damian’s words sink in, your heart still racing from the intensity of the moment, you glance over toward Jey. Just in time, you catch Rhea stepping up to him, her arms snaking confidently around his neck. A smirk spreads across Jey’s face, his hands naturally resting on her waist as if they’ve been in this position before.
You watch as Rhea leans in, her lips brushing against Jey's ear to whisper something. Whatever she says makes him smile, his expression softening in a way you hadn’t seen before. It's clear that Rhea’s walls are coming down, just like Damian's did with you.
For a fleeting second, Jey looks up and your eyes meet across the room. There's no need for words—just a shared glance, an unspoken acknowledgment of victory. The plan you hatched together has worked.
You smile knowingly, feeling the weight of success settle in. Damian's grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you closer, his lips brushing the top of your head. Meanwhile, across the dance floor, Jey's hands slide up Rhea's waist as she moves even closer to him, their chemistry undeniable.
Everything has fallen into place.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Hi, would you be able to write Oscar Piastri x Shy!reader. Maybe she’s absolutely stunning so other drivers go up to her and flirt with her but she doesn’t respond. Then they see her with Oscar and are a bit shocked.
Thanks 🤍✨
Oscar Piastri x reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: yes :)
Summary: Sometimes being shy makes people want to know more
Warnings: terrible flirting
Notes: I cracked myself up writing this because I am terrible at fluffy things. I love it.
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To say you're shy is not exactly the word you would use. More like... particular.
Your words are few, and you like talking to the people who matter most in your life. Mingling at parties is not something you get joy out of.
When your friend decided to drag you out for the night, you were already frustrated. Even more so when everyone seemed to want to talk to you about their personal lives and amazing achievements.
Then there was Oscar.
You hid from the party in a quiet corner. The breath you'd been holding finally escaping through your teeth. Until He came around the corner.
His stupidly pretty eyes and fluffy hair caught you off guard. You blame the alcohol you had to help you get through this event.
"I take you your not one for parties?"
You wanted to say something snarky and sarcastic. But his voice was far to pleadent to let you do such a thing.
"It's okay, I'm not either, wanna get out of here?"
A simple proposal that changed everything. Oscar kept conversation going, and if you didn't feel like talking, he didn't care.
Sometimes, you would just bask in the comforting silence of each other. Words became unnecacry.
He obviously made the first move as you were far too shy to attempt an advance.
You blushed a lovely shade of red when he kissed you the first time.
And now you're here, traveling the world with him as much as possible, watching him race. It's funny how things work out.
You spend time walking around the paddock looking for the few friends you'd made. Lando being one of them. He teased you and Oscar relentlessly because of how private you are. The papaya colored Brit seemed to be the only one who knew you two were dating.
Other drivers had asked on multiple occasions if you were with Lando. The majority of them thought you were someone's relative and tried to hit on you.
The awful pick-up lines were becoming a running joke in the McLaren garage.
Finally, it became too much for you. The reporters wanted to know who you were. The drivers would nit leave you be despite your best attempts at politely telling the to 'fuck off.' And the fans were starting to get out of hand.
"You sure you want to do this? If your not comfortable with it I can always talk with the PR team."
"Yes, but this way will make them all shut up."
"Fair point."
You walk into the paddock with the two papaya boys that day. Again, you could see people's wheels turning.
Oscar dragged you to one of the skysports reporters, knowing they would be the best ones to get their point across.
Lando pulls his phone out to record, and Daniel, Esteban, and Carlos, who'd been trying to win you over, sidle up next to him. Confused as to why you're standing with Oscar, your hands intertwined.
"Oscar, it's great to see you! Can I ask who the lovely lady standing with you is?" Greets an enthusiastic Laura Winters. You'd always liked her the most.
"Actually, Laura, if it's alright with you, I have a request."
Laura eyes him skeptically as he whispers something in her ear. She nods enthusiasticly, which is a good sign to you.
Oscar turns to you and takes your hands in his. You were expecting him to kiss you. Prepared for it all week. You'd already deleted your social media.
It's a real shock when he gets down on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket.
Lando is squealing in excitement. The drivers next to him stand frozen, their mouth hanging wide.
You mimick that.
"So I know we planned to just kiss so everyone would finally leave you alone, but I thought this would be even better." A blush creeps across his face, and Laura is grinning so widely you think it might fall off. "I've known since pretty early on that I wanted to spend my life with you, regardless of if anyone says we're too young. I've never cared what they thought, and I'm not starting now. You are the most amazing person I've had the pleasure of meeting. Your witty comments reserved only for me make me feel incredibly lucky. You make me feel important, and I hope I make you feel the same. I want that, forever and always. So, marry me?"
Just like with most times in your life, words don't come easy. You manage to squeak a quiet yes, barely Audible to anyone but Oscar. But he's trained his ears to hear everything you say.
He places the ring on your finger and spins you around in utter joy, landing a perfectly placed and loving kiss to your lips.
Everyone is clapping for you, and you couldn't be happier than I'm this moment. The rest of the world is falling away.
The drivers next to Lando are still processing.
"Did we ever have a chance?" Asks Daniel finally.
Lando snickers. "Afriad not, mate. She's been trying to tell you guys, and you didn't take her reactions as a hint. Looks like you wasted your time on a girl who had her heart stolen."
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vscabarca · 2 months
polish love - pablo gavi
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summary: gavi and you have been seeing each other for a while, but only now does he realize your not Spanish but Polish!
genre: fluff
a/n: for a dear Polish friend of mine!💗 Hope you like it🌟😘
„Mamo, nie teraz! Jestem teraz zajęty…“ („Mom not now! I‘m busy…”) You said quite a bit embarrassed, sitting alone in a coffee shop waiting for Gavi.
The footballer and you had been seeing each other for the past few weeks, going on cute little dates every now and then.
At first, you met Gavi through mutual friends, hanging out in groups at each other’s homes. Over time you felt closer to the number six, sharing glances and little inside jokes while your other friends did not seem to notice how you two grew closer.
Now, on a gloomy Wednesday afternoon, you sat in a quiet corner of a local cafe, waiting for the footballer to arrive.
„Ah! Jesteś na randce z uroczym Hiszpanem! Jak on ma na imię? Paul? -“ („Ah! You’re on a date with that cute Spanish guy! What’s his name again? Paul? -“) Your cheeks grew bright red, your eyes widened when you heard your Mom‘s words. You loved her endlessly but she could be shameless when it came to a boy.
„Ma na imię Pablo. Ale o co właściwie chciałeś mnie zapytać?“ („His name is Pablo. But what did you want to ask me again?“)
You tried to switch the topic, feeling a bit too embarrassed to talk about boys with your mom.
„Potrzebuję dowodu tożsamości, aby zarejestrować się w firmie ubezpieczeniowej.“ („I need your identity card to register you with the insurance company.“)
You furrowed your eyebrows, laughing slightly at the random question. After fumbling around in your bag you found the card, ready to send it to her.
What you didn’t realize, Gavi just walked inside, immediately smiling once he saw you sit there.
Though his smile quickly changed into confusion as he heard you talk (for him) gibberish.
„Wyślę ci zdjęcie.“ („I‘ll send you a picture.“) You felt someone walk up beside you, and when you realized it was the footballer you had a crush on, you gave him a soft smile.
„Porozmawiamy później.“ („I‘ll talk to you later.“) Rushed, you hung up, greeting Gavi with a wide smile. He gave you a warm hug, pecking your checks twice. You felt your face heat up and tried to play it off by putting your phone away.
„What was that?“ He grinned, curious about what you were saying just moments ago.
„Oh I was on a call with my mom.“
Baffled he looked at you, making you feel a bit confused.
„Wait so you’re not Spanish?!“ Gavi asked astonished as you shook your head with a grin.
„No actually. My parents are from Poland but we moved here when I was little.“ You explained. You never actually told him, it just never came to that topic so you understood why he was surprised.
„I didn’t know that! That‘s cool though.“
That’s how you immersed in stories of your childhood from Poland, telling him how beautiful and versatile the country was which you moved away from at the age of eight.
„And at home you still only speak Polish?“ It was cute how much Gavi was interested in your origins, it made your stomach flutter when you just thought about it.
„I try to encourage my parents to speak Spanish with me because they always complain theirs isn’t as good as my Spanish, but they answer me in Polish. It‘s bit of a mix.“ You giggled, remembering the cocktail of different languages spoken at home.
„Teach me something.“ He spoke softly, the afternoon sun shining perfectly onto his face, making it hard for you to stay concentrated and not get lost in his eyes.
„Hmm, what do you want me to say?“ You asked, leaning your chin onto the palm of your hand, tilting your head a bit, giving him a small smile.
„How about… I like spending time with you?“ You laughed at his attempt to flirt, his and your laughter resonated through the small cafe, making curious heads turn around.
The vibe between you two became a bit more flirtatious over the last couple of meetings, but both of you were so awkward sometimes that a laugh slipped through once or twice. But, this just made the situation a lot more wholesome, right?
„Lubię spędzać z tobą czas.“ („I like spending time with you.“)
More laughter resonated through the cafe when Gavi looked at you with wide eyes, but tried nevertheless. It took him quite some time to get the pronounciation right, but with laughter and giggles he made it work.
„It sounds so cool, are you kidding me.“ He patted his shoulder proudly as if it didn’t take him at least ten minutes to learn.
„Okay hear me out. I‘m serious, lubię spędzać z tobą czas.“ (I like spending time with you.“) Gavi said more serious, his eyes glistening with affection.
Your cheeks heat up for the nth time this afternoon, but you didn’t hide it this time.
„ja też.“ („Me too.“) You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ears.
Gavi and you decided to slowly head back home as both of you had a tight schedule the next day.
„I go to the bathroom real quick.“ He announced once you two stood up and gave your temple a quick kiss before disappearing in the bathroom. You bit your lip, not believing any of this was real. You hoped in the end everything would work out as you really started to like the midfielder.
The sun was already setting outside once Gavi came back. You two started walking in comfortable silence, enjoying the mild breeze coming from the sea.
It already happened once or twice, your finger brushing against Gavi‘s, your eyes shyly meeting when it happened. The third time it happened, Gavi finally decided to interlock his fingers with yours, giving you a quick glance to see if you were okay with it.
With fingers intertwined, he walked you back home while exchanged quick little anecdotes and already planning the next date.
„That was a really nice cafe you chose for today. I loved it.“ You said once you stood opposite him in front of your porch.
„You choose the next place, okay?“
It felt like time slowed down, Gavi standing there with his hand in yours looking into your eyes while you felt your heart beating in your chest .
Gavi came closer, his hand moving some hair that had fallen into your face behind your ear and cupped your cheek.
„Czy mogę cię pocałować?“ („Can I kiss you?“) He spoke not above a whisper, eyes moving from your yours to your lips.
Without answering you grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a tender kiss.
Everything in that moment was perfect, the sunset, the kiss and Gavi.
You two broke apart with a smile, him still holding your waist.
„How did you learn Polish so fast?“ You laughed, hiding your face in his shoulder.
„I may or may not have gone to the bathroom to learn this sentence by heart?“ He said with a smile, making you laugh even more.
„How do you say I really like you and want to kiss you again?“ Gavi asked, still having both of his arms around your body, his thumb gently stroking your skin.
„Kiss me first, then I‘ll tell you.“ You grinned slyly, already feeling his lips on yours again.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Hi! I love your fics so much ❤️ I was hoping you could write an Eddie Munson x Cheerleader! Reader were Jason's friend (Andy) tries to date cheerleader reader and she doesn't want to but he doesn't takes no as an answer, so Reader convinces Eddie to fake date her, but, they're very physical, and they end up realizing that they like each other, so they start dating for real this time, but Andy and Jason suspect abt them bc they heard Chrissy and other cheerleaders talking about Reader and Eddie not being really a couple and maybe Andy tries to make a move on Reader but Eddie sees it and he protects her from Andy, and they end up together and happy!
Oh, thank you so much! That means a lot!!!!
underage drinking
Never proofread
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Y/N wasn't new to guys liking her, but she knew half of them liked the fact she wore a small skirt and was flexible. And her popularity. They saw her as a trophy, and not as an actual person. Y/N blames all of that on why she was still single. And she was okay with that. She rather is alone than be with someone that saw her as an object to hang on their arm.
Andy was no different. He was a friend of Jason's and would not take no for an answer. Y/N was on a team with Chrissy, which meant she was with Chrissy the majority of the time. And Chrissy was never away from Jason, and Jason brought Andy. Therefore, Y/N could not escape Andy and his flirting.
She needed a plan, she needed a fake boyfriend to get Andy off of her back. But he couldn't be someone Andy knew, so that crossed out every popular guy Y/N has ever talked to. Who the hell would she even as-
Eddie Munson.
"What's in it for me?" Eddie questioned, crossing his arms as the smirk stretched across his face. It's not every day a cheerleader stands against his locker asking for a date.....even if it was fake.
"I'll keep Jason off your ass, and the rest of the team, all the way to graduation." Y/N offered, a questioning smile on her face as she shrugged her shoulders.
To Eddie, it didn't sound like he had anything to lose. He gets to date a cheerleader and his ass won't get pushed around for the next few months. She's the one that had it all to lose being seen with a freak.
"You got yourself a deal, gorgeous." He winked, grabbing her hand and facing her palm to him. Stealing the pen out of the side of her backpack and wrote his number on her palm.
"Now Chrissy invited me to hang out at this bar, chances are Andy will tag along with Jason. I'm thinking we arrive early, get a drink, and work on our story, yeah?" Y/N ranted as she walked with Eddie to his van.
"Damn, been my girl for like half a day and you are bossing me around. Feels like a real relationship." Eddie joked as he unlocked his van. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Isn't he going to be a little suspicious you randomly are talking to the freak? And that we are all of a sudden together? I mean we've barely ever talked. Little popular cheerleader all of a sudden as the hots for me? I can't see anyone believing that for a second. We've never shown interest in each other, and now we are like in a serious relationship he is supposed to respect?" Eddie questioned, sipping on his beer as Y/N sat at the bar top next to him. The more he thought about it, the more this plan sounded like it would never work.
"Fuck, you are right. Why did I ever think this would work? He is going to see right through my lie, and maybe I just need to go on the date and get it over with. Maybe he won't be too horrible, he could be a nice guy. Slight chance he sees me as more than just a cheerleader. Thanks anyway Munson, It was stupid to drag you into this. I'll still keep Jason and his dogs off of you." She smiled, patting his arm as she walked towards an empty booth.
Now Eddie felt like an asshole. Watching as she played with her fingers, eyes watching the door. Eddie sipped on his beer for the next few minutes. The sound of Jason screaming as he walked into the bar. Eddie felt himself rolling his eyes, catching Y/N doing the same. He watched as she shrunk underneath Andy's stare, smiling politely as she hugged him.
Eddie took a deep breath and called out to the bartender.
Y/N was hating every topic Andy talked about. She just wanted to go home, but maybe if she tried to give him a chance, it wouldn't be so bad.
"FROM THE GENTLEMEN AT THE BAR!" The waitress screamed over the music, placing the drink in front of Y/N.
Y/N looked up confused, her eyes catching Eddie's as he winked, and nodded his beer in the air.
Y/N could feel herself giggling as she nodded her head back as she sipped on the fruity drink. He already knew her well.
"I think I'm going to say thank you to my kind gentlemen," Y/N said to the table, not bothering to watch their reactions as she swayed her hips back up to the bar.
"Is she walking up to Eddie freaking Munson?" Andy gasped from the booth.
"She sure is" Chrissy stated proudly.
"I see you got my drink" Eddie teased, pushing out the stool for her to sit.
"I did, fruity drink, you know me well, Munson." She teased back as she took the seat he offered.
"I figured this is a way to get them to notice our first interaction," Eddie said, keeping his eyes on her, not bothering to look over her shoulder to see the watching eyes.
"Thank you, Eddie." She smiled.
A few days later more people began to notice Y/N and Eddie talking in the halls, flirting and soft touches.
Y/N told Chrissy that Eddie asked her out that night and they've been on a few dates since. Building up their fake chemistry and trying to make it believable to her best friend. Which was a lot easier than she thought.
Chrissy knew it was all fake to get Andy off of her back, but Chrissy also knew Eddie Munson is the type of guy that will sweep her off of her feet. Chrissy had a feeling they'll end up together in the end, so she didn't question the lies.
Eddie and Y/N let a week pass before they got more public. Branching out to going on dates to popular places, and throwing in public displays of affection.
That's when Y/N learned Eddie was an amazing kisser and she loved kissing him.....a little too much. The way he missed made her heart race, palms sweat, thighs clench, and head dizzy. She lost herself in the kiss every time, yanking him closer and kissing him harder. Her head spun every time he slipped his tongue in her mouth. The way his hands gripped her hips, the sounds that came from his chest, and the taste of him had her dizzy for hours.
But he'd pull away, a proud smirk on his face whenever Andy would storm off. Eddie's touch would leave her hips and she'd feel the ghost of his hands. And she hated more than anything that she missed his lips.
It's supposed to be fake dating.
Eddie was just better at faking than she was.
The more dates they went on, the more Y/N began to adore everything she was learning about him. His favorite songs, the ones he'd crank up louder in his van. The names of his guitars, and when he learned to play. His hobbies, his family, and just everything that made him who he was. She memorized every detail of his face. Searching day and night for a flaw but falling short.
He was the perfect boyfriend.
Eddie knew it was all fake but he couldn't tell if he was acting anymore. The way she moaned against his chest when they'd make out. How soft her hand felt in his as they walked. The way she laughed at his jokes. How her eyes stared right back at him when he was talking to her. Every part of her body facing him to show all of her attention was on him.
Eddie never felt so seen in a good way. He opened himself up and he didn't hate it. He learned almost everything about her. And now he saw it, she was so much more than a cheerleader on his arm. If people knew who she really was, they'd be even more jealous of her being on his arm.
Eddie could tell he was falling but he couldn't. It was all play pretend.
The more they spent time together, the more it got harder to remind themselves it was all fake. But maybe they didn't have to pretend.
Neither of them was looking elsewhere, making sure Andy never grew suspicious. Eddie knew she wasn't interested in anyone, otherwise, she would have asked them to be her fake boyfriend.
Y/N was reaching her breaking point. Spending all her time with Eddie was the happiest she's been in years. She didn't feel like just a cheerleader with him. He learned things about no one cared to find out. He knew more about her than Chrissy did. She just wanted to be with him. All she had to do was get the courage to talk to him about what she was feeling.
Another night in Eddie's bedroom, her laying on her stomach as she flipped through a book, Eddie playing guitar softly next to her. Her eyes couldn't help but stay on him. One thing she always loved was admiring him in his most relaxed state. His hair was half tied up in a bun, curls landing on his shoulders. His mouth closed as he hummed, his fingers strumming softly. His eyes flicked down to the strings then back up again.
"How can you read without your eyes on the words?" He teased, not looking at her as he looked down at the strings. But she could see his lips were curved up in a smirk.
"Shut up," She mumbled, embarrassed that she was caught. Feeling her face heat up, quickly darted her eyes to her book.
After a few seconds of silence, she closed her book. Nodding to herself as she moved to her knees. Softly grabbing the neck of his guitar, his eyes lifted up to look at her.
A questioning look on his face as he sat still.
"You okay?" He asked softly
She didn't respond, just leaning forward to place her lips softly on his. Her heart skipped a beat as he smiled and kissed her back.
She slowly pulled away, keeping her eyes locked on his.
Eddie felt his stomach fluttering at the soft look in her eyes.
It wasn't uncommon for them to kiss, but staring into each other's eyes afterward was new for both of them.
"I have a new proposition for you." She whispered
Eddie watched as she let go of his guitar, holding her hands as she nervously skimmed around his room.
"And that is?" Eddie asked, setting his guitar on the floor as he moved closer to her.
"Instead of fake dating...what if we....just dated?" Too scared to look at him, she kept her eyes on the posters on the wall.
"I'm sorry, what is the difference?" Eddie chuckled
"What if we didn't pretend to date, and dated for real." Y/N shrugged, trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.
"Look at me." He demanded
She took a breath and looked at him.
"Are you saying that you like me and want to be in a relationship for ourselves, and not for Andy?" He asked, enjoying how shy she was becoming.
"Yes." She answered honestly, nothing left to lose now.
"Yes." He replied
"Actually?" She asked, keeping her eyes locked on him, trying to see if there was any teasing in his expression.
"I like you too, and I enjoyed having you as a fake girlfriend. I think having you as my real girlfriend would be even better. " He said, leaning close to bump his nose with hers.
Officially being together, neither of them noticed a difference. They stopped pretending for Andy a long time ago.
Since Y/N didn't notice a difference, she forgot to let Chrissy know that it was official.
This led to her letting another cheerleader know the truth behind it, and that led to Andy overhearing that the relationship wasn't real.
Y/N was waiting at Eddie's locker when Andy approached her. She faked a smile as she acknowledged his company. But her smile dropped when his arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her into a kiss.
Before she had time to react, his body was being yanked off of her.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Eddie yelled as he held Andy in his grip.
"Oh come on man, I know she isn't your real girl. Drop the act." Andy scoffed. Shoving Eddie's hands off of him.
"Yes, she is." Eddie snapped back. His blood was still hot from seeing Andy's hands all over Y/N.
"Eddie, it's okay." She said gently, grabbing his hand and preparing to drag him to his van.
"Really, Y/L/N? The freak? You pick trailer trash over me?" Andy scoffed, his eyes judging Eddie as he looked him over.
"Go fuck yourself." Eddie sneered
"Oh shut up Andy, I never was interested and I never will be. I didn't pick the freak or trailer trash. I picked the boy I liked. I picked Eddie. Use his name." She spat out, this time yanking Eddie out of the school.
"Are you okay? I tried to grab him as fast as I could." Eddie breathed out, looking over her body.
"Yes, I'm fine." She smiled, reassuringly.
"Good, because no one touches my girl," Eddie smirked, throwing his arm over her shoulder as they walked to his van.
"And no one calls my man names." She teased back, her arm going around his waist.
Maybe she picked Eddie Munson from the start for a reason.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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melon-fodder · 3 months
ALL YOURS • T. Hiragi
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Summary: A store associate flirts with your boyfriend, and you do not appreciate it. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Word Count: 1Kish
Warnings: pwp, female-bodied reader, reader wears a skirt, dressing room sex, possessive behavior but it’s all good, dirty talk, p in v, creampies, reader is petty and we love her for it 💚
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Scowl on your face, growl rumbling in your throat, you tug your boyfriend into the dressing room, shutting and locking the door to the little cubicle then turning to look up at him.
Hiragi stares down at you, one eyebrow raised, tiny smirk playing at his lips.
“I didn’t ask for any of that,” he immediately tells you.
Your voice is light when you respond, “Oh, I know.” Too light, too high-pitched, betraying the rage bubbling inside you. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Sure look like ya are,” he snorts, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
“I’m not!” you repeat, “I’m mad at her.” The little sales associate who batted her eyes and giggled and held up different shirts while complimenting your boyfriend. Your very hot, very spoken-for boyfriend.
“This color would look great on you. Your shoulders would fill this out really nicely.” Teehee, look at me twirl my hair and push my tits together, oh is that your girlfriend? Oopsie.
Even when you’d glared at her, she didn’t relent. If anything she tried to turn up her so-called charm, which is when Hiragi finally started catching on and let you pull him away.
“So, you’re not gonna yell at me?” he questions as if you have a habit of doing that.
You squint at him in confusion before shaking it off and stepping toward him.
“No, I’m gonna fuck you in this dressing room and hope that bitch hears.”
His eyes flash, mouth curling into a cocky grin. “Oh yeah?”
You hook a finger in his chain and use it to bring his face closer to yours.
You may be the one initiating, but Hiragi is the first to move, catching you in a searing kiss while allowing you to back him up into the little bench.
You’re glad you decided to wear a skirt—a little short, a little showy, but the ease of access can’t be beat, and your boyfriend proves it by slipping his hand under the fabric, rubbing your slit through your thong so that you gasp.
He pushes the flimsy material to the side, exhales when his finger dips between your folds to feel you.
“You really think I’d ever look at anyone else when I’ve got you?” he rumbles, teasing your hole as you fumble with his belt. “I’d never give up this pussy, not when she’s so sweet to me.”
You surge upward to kiss him again, trapping his bottom lip between your teeth, and he responds by shoving his finger deeper inside of you, causing you to release him when your jaw drops open.
Pulling himself free from his pants, he strokes himself a few times, still thrusting his finger inside of you, and when he sits down on the bench he uses that finger to guide you to his lap, pushing hard against your g-spot so that your knees wobble and you all but fall on top of him.
He adds another finger, scissoring you open before fucking them deeper into you. Lewd, wet squelches fill the little room, and Hiragi grins, speaking against your ear, “whole store’s gonna hear how messy I make this pussy. Is’at what you want?”
Maybe not the whole store, but definitely the perky little associate.
“Want everyone to hear how hot you get me,” you moan, growing more breathless with every movement. Fuck, Hiragi knows exactly how to touch you, makes you buzz like an exposed nerve.
You whimper when he slips his fingers out, but they’re quickly replaced with the fat head of his cock. He slides it up and down your slit a few times, gathering some of your glossy slick before he slowly begins to bully his way into your cunt.
“Ffffuck,” you hiss, letting your head hang back as you wiggle your hips in an attempt to accommodate him.
He uses one hand to guide you further down his length, the other still holding your panties to the side until he mutters something under his breath and takes a couple seconds to tear them in two, carelessly tossing them aside.
“You don’t need tho—oh, fuck,” he groans when you let yourself drop down until Hiragi’s bottomed out inside of you. “God dammit, baby, warn a guy.”
“But you’re so cute when your eyes roll like that,” you play, rocking in his lap as you get used to his size.
He growls, crushing his mouth against yours as he starts bouncing you up and down. Your whine is muffled, just like his promise, “gonna make your eyes roll so far in the back of your head, they get stuck there.”
“Sexy,” you mumble with a smushed smile, but he ignores it, fingers pressing into the fat around your hips, starting to move you up and down to his liking.
“Gonna make you drool for me, baby. Make sure you’re all fucked out when we leave so that little girl sees.”
You’re already fucking drooling for him, your mouth and your pussy as your arousal leaks out around his length. The bench leaves you with little surface area to use for leverage, but you manage to angle your hips just right so that the flared head of Hiragi’s cock drags against your g-spot.
“Gonna make me squirt, Ragi,” you warn him when you feel the pressure building. “Gonna get you messy too.”
“Good, that’s what I want.”
He bites your neck, teeth nearly breaking skin, and he reaches between you to swipe over your clit, growling when he feels a sudden gush of liquid against his hand.
“That’s my fuckin’ girl, just like that.”
He doesn’t stop, keeps rutting up into you, hitting that spot so that you see stars. Your jaw hangs slack, barely registering the way he reattaches himself to your neck and starts sucking.
You squirt for him again and again, uncaring of his pants or the soaked carpet beneath you.
“I’m yours, ya know that?” he huffs, thrusts starting to get erratic—reckless as he nears his peak. “m’yours just like you’re mine, yeah?”
You nod mutely, feeling your muscles start to tense, body wanting to curl inward, but Hiragi doesn’t let it, not with the way he pulls you flush against him.
“Say it, babydoll,” he commands, cockhead kissing your cervix and pulling pitiful sounds from you.
“I’m—I’m yours.”
The heat inside of you reaches its boiling point and overflows, your orgasm crashing into you, making you clench and spasm and chant, “you’re mine—mine, mine, fuck…”
He topples after you, slamming into you from below as he shoots lines of hot cum deep inside of you.
“That’s right,” he slurs, “all yours, baby.”
You ride it out, falling against Hiragi’s chest when he rests against the wall. Heavy breaths are passed between the two of you, a few languid kisses, then a groan when you clench around him just for fun.
“They’re gonna have to shampoo the carpet in here,” he mumbles, eyes closed, smiling.
“Sounds like a them problem.”
He laughs, a deep, beautiful sound that vibrates in his chest.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m territorial.”
“Still cute.”
You roll your eyes then dismount your boyfriend rather ungracefully, already able to feel him seeping out of you.
“You know what’s not cute? Walking outta here with your cum dripping down my legs.”
Hiragi flashes you an easy grin, taking his time tucking himself back into his pants.
“Want me to clean it up for you?” He asks, licking his lips.
It’s tempting. And you tell him as much. But…
“I’d rather let her see.”
He makes a strangled noise and swears. “Talk all slutty like that, and I’m gonna get hard again.”
You wink at him, double check to make sure he’s all zipped up, then open the door.
Hiragi follows you out, neither of you bothering to grab your ruined panties off the ground. You know your hair is a bit mussed, clothes wrinkled, and you are extremely aware of Hiragi’s cooling cum streaming down your thighs. That’s just you, though. Your boyfriend might look even more disheveled than you with his blond hair out of place, neck still flushed pink, pants stained darker over his crotch and thighs from your squirt.
It’s worth it when you run into the little sales associate, though. Just outside of the dressing rooms, as it happens. Her cheeks are red, and her eyes widen when she takes both of you in.
“Did—ehem—did anything fit?” she asks, forcing an unconvincing grin.
“Oh yeah,” you answer with a sugary smile, “we found something that fit perfectly.”
“Good! Glad to hear it.” She doesn’t bother to mention that neither of you are holding any clothing.
“Yeah,” Hiragi nods toward her, grabbing your hand and leading you away while calling over his shoulder, “thanks for all your help.”
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wonton4rang · 4 months
i freaking love your writing aaaa 🫶🫶
im kinda biased here but leehan doing sumn under the table or blanket and continuing conversation like the menace that he is 🤭
also rlly honored to have been ur first ask 😚
stoooooppp, you're so nice :(( i'm glad that you like my writing and tysm for being my first ask, it was greatly appreciated <33
and you are not biased !!! i am honestly the same so we are kinda sharing one braincell tbh, the leehan brainrot is rEAL. hope you like this!
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i feel like it would happen when you too are hanging out with the other guys, you dressed up so prettily since it was a big night for sungho, he just got that promotion that he wanted for years. it was a celebration! but leehan just couldn't wrap his mind over the fact that YOU had to dress SO cute AND hot when sungho was nothing more than a friend of YOUR boyfriend leehan. was he jealous? yes. not because he saw sungho as a menace but more because everyone was looking at you whenever you laughed or said the most basic things, being pretty obvious that they just found you as beautiful as he did. but what actually made him grin a little bit with disbelief was the way you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and looked down while laughing, were you really flirting back? "y/n, what's up with you?" he whispered to your ear, his right arm grapped around your waist before you asked him what he meant "what's so funny about what riwoo said?" you were not stupid, not even a little bit, so you backed up to look into his eyes, suddenly all the fun left your body when you were just met by his blank stare. "he has a great sense of humour, baby, nothing personal" excuses was all leehan heard coming out your mouth so he just ignored your words, his free left hand (that was not around your waist) going up your tight instead and making you panic when he looked back to the front, joining the conversation with the boys while his fingers dangerously ghosted the front of your underwear. and he was kinda rough the moment he threw your panties aside and entered a finger without warning. "fuck, leehan" you called under your breath so the others couldn't hear you but leehan ignored you again and just moved his finger, joining another one after a few seconds; it was so embarrassing to be feeling this good while your boyfriend fingered you right in front of his friends, just under the table, the blanket being the only thing keeping the obscene action covered as the table was made of glass. "stop it" your hand went to grab his but you wished you didn't say or did anything when he finally payed attention to you again. "did you say something, baby?" he would ask you, accelerating the movement of his fingers, not being in and out but now just curling them up inside of your cunt. "guys, i think y/n wants to say something" you just couldn't believe it, he was such a bitch, such a tease, and well shit, you were up for the challenge. your pussy clenched around his fingers and your cheeks flushed when he laughed at you being so nervous, and how could you not be when all the other boys were looking at you in expectation. "c'mon, baby, tell sungho what you wanted to say" leehan better sleeps with an eye open from now on, his fingers not stopping at all when you tried to gain composure and smiled to the party boy "i'm so happy you g-got this promotion, sungho, you definitely deserv-" but your words got lost when your boyfriend got his finger's pace faster inside of you "you deserve it, congratulations" and you thanked god for letting you finish that sentence without moaning in front of all of them, certainly traumatizing woonhak if it happened. the boy sitting next to you just removed his fingers from your pussy and laughed a bit at how wet you were and the pout you made by not being able to come, he leaned in to your ear and whispered "next time you make me feel like this i'll vent you over the table and fuck you in front of them" you were kinda mad, yes, but tbh your pussy throbbed at the thought. maybe leehan wasn't the only one that was kinda crazy.
and there goes again another leehan thought again of my system, it's like a plague, they just keep coming back 😭
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zoro-chwaan · 4 months
Oh my gosh!! Y’all are so sweet! I love each and every one of you! Anyways I know I said not to except another fanfic anytime soon, but I had a day off and I was thinking of finishing it soo here we are!!
Again ftm reader, so ladies or she/her identifying folks dni!!
Word count: 0.9k
Content warning: Mirror kink (is that what it’s called?), overstimulation, praise kink (let me know if I missed anything!!)
Slutty thoughts. . .
Imagine being the boyfriend of a CEO’s son, now he doesn’t brag about his dad or his status at all. He actually prefers to keep it in the down-low. Actually when you two first started dating you didn’t know about any of that, other than that he works with his dad and is able to keep income in.
Now that’s not saying that you were looking for someone to date to leech off on, yes, you had a salary of your own. Though not as good as your boyfriend, but good enough to keep you fed and to pay the bills (and also to spend). So after a few months of dating, he decided to be honest.
At first you were shocked, then confused, then you were okay with it. The reason you were confused was because you questioned why he kept it a secret. He told you that he wanted to make sure he wasn’t dating someone who was there for the money. You understood that and went on with your day.
That talk was about 6 months ago, your one year anniversary with your boyfriend is in a few days. You’ve been planning to go all out, though you aren’t as rich as he is. You still want him to have some time to relax and spend the day together. You asked him a couple weeks ago if he could get the day off on that day, and of course he was fine with it.
When the day came he already looked excited since he would be able to hang out with his sweet and perfect boyfriend. The both of you finished your coffee date and went to the mall and walked around. You both entered a store and went separate was to look around. After a while you went to look for your boyfriend only to see one of his coworkers trying to flirt with him.
Your boyfriend looked uncomfortable and was trying to tell the lady to leave him alone. You felt a ping in your heart and thought nothing of it as you walked up to them. When you were in his view he could help smile in relief. He apologized to his coworker and moved her out of his way and made his way to you. He gave you a hug and kissed you, which surprised you!! Since when did he become this affectionate in public?! Not that you were complaining though ♡.
When he pulled away, he turned his head towards his coworker and saw her shocked yet frustrated expression. He smirked he leaned into your ear and whispered, “Let’s go home, I want you and only you.” You gasped and nodded.
Moaned loudly as your boyfriend continued to rub your clit. “Look into the mirror, love.” He spoke seductively. When you looked at the mirror, you was him staring back at you. He rubbed faster as he gave your neck tender kisses.
“Do you know how much I love you? More than anyone. That skank doesn’t mean anything to me like you do, love. You’re the only one for me.” He said as he nibbles your ear and enters his fingers in you which made your moan come out ragged. After a bit of pumping his fingers in you, he pulled them out as you whined at the loss of friction. You tried to grind your hips only for him to hold your hips down.
“Patience, dear.” He lifts your hips up and line’s up his cock to your hole. He slowly brings your hips down, when he fully enters you he moans softly in your ear which made you tighten around him. “Fuck, dear, your boycunt loves me. Doesn’t it?” He chuckles and grunts. He waits a bit till you move your hips a bit signaling him that you’re ready.
When he sees that he takes a hold of your jaw softly and makes you look at the mirror as he slowly, yet roughly pounds into you. Your eyes become cross-sided from all the pleasure you’re getting. His pace starts to speed up as his tip hits that sweet spot in you which made you squirt.
“Awe, look at my sweet boy.” He comments as he moved his hand from your jaw down to your clit and rubbed it at the damn speed that he was pounding you. “One more. Can you do that for me, love?” He ask as he lays you down on your stomach and lifts your hips up and thrusts deeper into you.
You grab a hold of the sheets as you looked into the mirror and saw him smirking as his hand continues to rub your overstimulated clit. You scream as his movement becomes sloppy. Tears fall down your face as your boyfriend kissed your shoulders, “It’s okay, love. Y-your- fuck- doing great. Oh ahh~ shit- coming!” He says as he comes in you while you cum again. His hips slows down and basked in the afterglow.
After a while, he pulls out and walks into the bathroom to get a wet rag. He then comes back in the room and cleans you. “I know you had an entire day planned out for the both of us, dear, but being with you is something that brings me joy. Still thank you for the day, it helped relieve some stress I had.” He said and kissed you. You smiled and wrapped your arm around him.
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livelaughlovesubs · 5 months
Submissive who pretends he isn’t interested and tries to escape but femdom finds him because she knows he’s shy please
I’m not sure if you meant the girl kidnapped him or not. Like it sounds as if she kidnapped the dude, cuz she’s a yandere, and he pretends he doesn’t like her and hides his feelings then escapes, but she finds him and goes, “aww you are just shy, just a thundere.” I’ll try my best to fulfil your request though
Femdom x subbyboy (a little different than what I usually write)
It’s just some fluff
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“Aww, I love you~!” You said, spreading your arms and trying to hug your friend. Instead of doing the same, he avoided you and took a step to the side. “Damn, that hurt me.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your words, then he put his hands into his pockets. “You keep saying weird things.” The male said, starting to walk off. Without a moment hesitation you followed him, replying, “It’s true, my babyboy.” And winked at him. “Bro… nu uh.” Your friend shook his head, laughing awkwardly.
The two of you have been friends for a few years now, so those antics were common. But lately, you’ve been wondering if you genuinely had feelings for him. In the end you came to the conclusion you did, and you tried to tell him multiple times. Every time you’d hang out, even over texts you’d keep flirt with him. Despite all that, he won’t listen to you or acknowledge your feelings for him. He wasn’t turned you down though..! So, is he perhaps shy?
Before you started all this, you mentioned to him how you valued your friendship, and if he turns you down you wouldn’t be mad. Sometimes he was a pushover, and thought his feelings aren’t that important so he wouldn’t tell you things, but you made sure he understood what you meant. You really liked him, which was also very obvious by the way you act. Hugging him a lot, complimenting him and making flirty but funny comments. Though if you ever sensed even a hint of discomfort within him, you’d stop at the spot.
You were conflicted. Should you try and keep pursue him, or move on? The later was easier said than done, especially since you two still hung out a lot. There was lot of pull and push, heart races or stings. In the end, you decided to give it up. He was starting to lessen the physical contacts between you two, you really should take a hint shouldn’t you?
Let’s just act like your feelings perished, that’s what you had planned out while walking to his home. Today was a weekend, and he invited you over to cook at his place, something you both did a lot. He was a pretty good cook since he lived alone, and you’d always jokingly call him your housewife. The sound of the doorbell rang through your ears, followed by the click sound of a lock. As expected, your friend opened the door and welcomed you inside. Without wasting too much time, the two of you went to the kitchen and started cooking. To your surprise the food was already chopped, he had prepared it in advance. You immediately turned to face him, then hugged him tightly, “ahh!! Cute! Be my wife alright?!” There goes your plan…
His eyes widened and he grabbed the kitchen counter. Your sudden attack made him back up a little, hips hitting the table. “Get off woman! You are heavy!” He shouted, his hands were kept far away from you. “Alright alright! Sorry.” You answered and released him, then asked, “sooo, what do we have to do first?”
After the cooking session, which consisted of him giving you instructions on how to make the dish, you two decided to watch the movie. The curry was still boiling, and he set a timer for it. Now you were all alone, sitting on the couch next to each other. Some intrusive thoughts plagued your mind. Should you bring up your feelings again? Or confront him about it? With all those things running through your head, you were barely able to focus on the film.
In the end, you sceptically wrapped a hand around his shoulder, while your eyes were glued to the horror movie in front of you. That’s when you thought your heart skipped a beat, when he suddenly inched closer to you, and put his head on your shoulder. This continued for a bit, neither spike a single word. After some time, the position changed and you were basically hugging him from behind, while he rested his head on your chest. You whispered, “why don’t you just sit on my lap at this point?” Since he was getting awfully close, but to your dismay he refused.
Oh well, it’s something at least. But you really thought he didn’t like physical contact with you anymore? You were even worried that it was harassment, what if he didn’t like it after all? Leading to your question, “you don’t mind me being clingy..?” “Not when we aren’t in public.” Your friend replied in the split of a second, his answer shoot out immediately. “Oh.” Honestly, you were really glad to hear that, the last thing you’d want was for him to hate you, or to hurt him.
As the film progressed, you found yourself enjoying his company more and more. He also smelled so good, so fresh and.. just pleasing. At some point you commented on that as well, “you smell nice.” To which he said, “mhm.” If only you were able to take single glance at his face, then you would have noticed the blush on his cheeks. Then you continued, “you are so handsome~ man, why won’t you date me?” Surprising your emotions? Screw that. You were fully back to your usual self again. In response to your compliment he stood up, grabbing his phone and saying, “the timer is up.” Then he went to the kitchen, leaving you alone and dumbfounded.
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Part One of the Newly Wed Game
A few things happened that evening. 
The first was Steve quickly came to terms that he knew a lot about Eddie. That made sense. They hung out a lot. He knew a lot about Robin too because he cared about her. The difficult part of this was the fact Eddie knew a lot about him. And how warm inside that made him feel.
It was the way after the game, Steve went for seconds on the hot dogs and Eddie handed him the barbecue sauce and relish without a word. Steve only hesitated for a moment.
The second thing that happened was Steve tried to imagine how he’d feel if a girl he was dating knew all those things about him.
The third thing was trying to imagine Eddie as a girl.
But he didn’t need to. The image was already perfect with Eddie as is.
The fourth thing was a talk. After the barbecue, Eddie drove him and Robin back in his van. Robin was dropped off first and that was the first time Steve spoke up the entire ride.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah”, Eddie answered easily.
He drove them out to a convenience store. Eddie went inside and Steve thought he’d come back with beers or something but Eddie surprised him with Coke flavored slushies.
“Meet me in the back”, Eddie said through the window. He went through the van’s back door while Steve just climbed through the front. Eddie closed one door, leaving the other open to get a breeze from the warm summer night.
Steve started speaking and it felt so disjointed and chaotic and oh god is this what was going on in Robin’s brain all the time? It was like he was vomiting words and by the end of it he expected Eddie to have either the blank face of someone not following or the bewildered look of someone caught in a verbal storm. Instead he looked, almost contemplative.
“Sooooo, lemme get this straight. You think you might be into me, based on what happened in that game?”
He said it so plainly and succinctly and it made Steve feel like an idiot. But he nodded anyway.
“Dude, I think you’re getting your wires crossed. I mean I know I’ve got the curly locks, but it’s Nancy you should be after.”
“If all it took was curly hair to make me fall I’d be dating Dustin!”, Steve shouted. He kicked his legs a little, hanging off the edge of the van. He was feeling restless. This was new territory and he didn’t know what came next.
“The only reason we did all that was so Nancy would see you’re still boyfriend material.”
“Yeah well, we shouldn’t’ve gotten every question right then”, Steve said.
Eddie’s back was against the side of the van, his legs stretched out right behind Steve. “I kinda lost track of the plan.”
“Why’s it so important to you that Nancy and I get back together?”
Eddie smiled a little before looking away. “Because it just makes sense, man. I mean, nothing against Jonathan, but you and her are like....a couple at the end of the world.”
Steve let out a frustrated laugh. “Is that your way of rejecting me?”
“Has this been your way of coming on to me? And I thought you were flirting royalty.” Eddie had seen Steve in action. He was never this timid about it. He always went for what he wanted.
“I never flirt unless I’m sure the other person is into me to.”
Eddie felt his walls getting weaker. Inside of him there was a mini-Eddie screaming to be let out. I’m into you! I’M into YOU! Flirt with me! Fucking do it!
Eddie pushed it down. Steve already had a high school sweetheart with whom to live his picket fence dreams. And those dreams couldn’t happen with him.
“You and Nancy just make sense.”
“Everyone keeps saying that.” Steve tossed his empty cup to the ground and moved, closing the van door, shutting out the sounds of cars going down the street. “It doesn’t make any sense to me at all.”
And then he straddled Eddie’s lap.
“Steve....what are you doing?”
“Hmm”, Steve moved a bit to get comfortable. “Now see, this makes sense to me. It’s just missing...” Steve moved Eddie’s hand, the one currently empty to sit on his hip.
The straw hung limp in his mouth. Was this really happening right now?
“Does this make sense to you?”, Steve asked, his hands against the van walls, caging Eddie in with his body.
And fuck if that didn’t do things to him. Then he remembered witnessing King Steve pull similar moves in the hallway, getting girls to focus solely on him. And fuck if getting the Steve Harrington Special didn’t do things to him. Eddie said the half finished slush down, only half caring if it fell over and put his other hand on Steve’s hip.
He didn’t know if this made sense. In fact, he was pretty sure it was all nonsense. But Eddie wasn’t about to tell Steve to get out of his lap.
“You and Nancy”, Eddie said in a low voice, although it was more of a reminder to himself than to Steve.
Steve didn’t want to hear her name anymore. So he leaned in and kissed Eddie. When he pulled back, Eddie’s eyes were closed but he was still trying to talk.
“You and...you and Nan-”
Steve kissed him again. This time when he pulled back, he watched Eddie take a breath as his eyes fluttered.
“You and-”
“You. Only you Eddie.”
Steve leaned in for a third when someone banged on the van.
“Hey no loitering! You and your broad get a move on!”
Steve grinned. “You’re my broad.”
“Actually, it’s my van and I’m driving. So you’re the broad sweet-cheeks.” And then Eddie gave him a daring squeeze of those cheeks and Steve felt his blood jump.
Years of getting his ass slapped by other jocks didn’t prepare him for this.
It started as a slow, on the down low thing. For Steve, it was because he was afraid of falling too hard too fast. Of Eddie getting tired of him. Of a devastating dumping. For Eddie, it was because he was waiting for Steve’s experimentation to be over and for him to go back to be the straight boy right out of every father’s dream for their little princess.
They kissed in private but in public the affection showed in other ways. In ways they were both realizing had always been there. Eddie being loud and obnoxious in most places but still knocking politely when coming to Steve’s house. Steve buying more hair spray for himself and throwing some hair ties into the basket as well.
The little things.
This goes on for a month and while it kills Steve to not tell Robin, he himself is not entirely sure what he’d tell her. “Yes I like girls but I also like Eddie. No, not guys. Just Eddie.”
What sense did that make? Steve tried looking at other guys but none of them compared. He tried looking at other girls too with the same result. So maybe he was just attracted to Eddie for the rest of his life. He could deal with that.
What he couldn’t deal with was coming out to Mike Wheeler.
Mike had been tasked with going to Eddie’s trailer to try and finesse some info about the new campaign. He’d lost rock, paper, scissors. Whatever. Mike took this task seriously. So of course, he was gonna scope out the situation. He noticed Steve’s car was parked out front. Mike didn’t know what those two did all the time together. They didn’t share any of the same interests as far as he knew.
He tiptoed around the trailer. The blinds to Eddie’s room were shut. So he went over to the kitchen window. If Eddie was in a good mood, this could be easy. If Steve ruined it by saying something stupid, that made Mike’s job way more difficult. He stood on a milk crate in time to see Steve come into view and go into the fridge.
Eddie came soon after, his hair looking crazier that usually, like he’d been thrashing it around. He hugged Steve from behind and kissed the back of his neck and Mike almost lost his shit.
“I thought you were too tired to move?”, Steve asked.
“Baby I just couldn’t wait. Missed you too much.”
There was more gooey, lovey-dovey stuff which would gross Mike out if he wasn’t already pissed.
“I can’t believe this!”, Mike shouted, grabbing their attention.
“Wheeler...”, Eddie said in a warning tone.
“You guys were cheating at that game!”, he accused. “You rigged it by pretending to not be dating!”
Both let out an exasperated sigh before Mike disappeared from the window.
“I’m telling Nancy!”
Tag Team:
Part three
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buckys-wintersoldier · 2 months
Heyyy, my talented friend ♡
I want to make a lil request for a drabble from His Forever And Ever series ;) 
Mob!Bucky's reaction to Y/N dating someone else after him?? (maybe we can see a glimpse of a jealous boyfriend 👀) Heehee i just know it's gonna be amazing 😉 pls take your time, no pressure 💕
Also have an amazing day ! ✨️
Hey, thank you for the sweet words and the request. Bucky being jealous mhmm- I like that and I gives me a lot of filthy thoughts.🤭😂
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// Paring // (Ex-)Boyfriend!Mob!Bucky Barnes x (Ex-)Girlfriend!Reader
// Summary // After the break up Bucky sees you flirting with another guy.
// Wordcount // 1.160 Words
// Warnings // bit of stalking behavior, mention of sexual content (blink and you miss it), insults
// Authors Note // This is a Drabble which could be a possibility situation in the “His forever and ever” series. Plus it’s a bit changed because don’t wanna hurt our poor Bucky! Hope you still like it.
// Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist //
// Series Masterlist //
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Bucky knows that you tried to move on, but it doesn’t mean that he will let you off that easily. Seeing you working and hanging out a lot with your best friend, Steve, doesn’t annoy him that much. But the thing — the person that really annoys him — John Walker.
How can you even dare to think that this blond haired little bitch could be as Bucky, could make you feel like him, could give you what the monster could give you, or love you like Bucky loves you.
He doesn’t really understand how you be can close to the other man without a disgusted expression. Bucky only has to hear his name or see him appearing somewhere and he immediately wants to beat that blond haired man up.
“She is in the bar with him,” Sam says, standing in front of Bucky’s desk while the mobster is growling. You’re out with John way too often for his liking, why can’t you see that Bucky’s the only one who loves you like you deserve it?
He messed up and he knows it but there can’t be a man who can love you more than Bucky does. If he wouldn’t love you, he wouldn’t keep an eye on you, he wouldn’t follow you and he wouldn’t need so much time because of his nervousness to talk to you.
“Gonna need to talk to that guy, thinks he can touch my girl,” Bucky groans frustrated while running his hand through his long brown hair.
His beard grows just as his hair. Bucky likes that style, especially because you always loved his beard and maybe he gets you back when he shows you how good his beard is working in between your legs?
“Don’t you think you shouldn’t do that? When she finds out she will be mad,” Sam mumbles. Luckily he is one of Bucky’s best friends and he knows that no matter how angry Bucky is he often listens to him or at least doesn’t throw him out when he says something.
“And then he is gonna fuck her? No! She is mine and I won’t let Walker touch my girl!” Bucky says through gritted teeth, getting off the chair to make his way to the door and drive to the bar where you’re going to meet John.
Sam sighs, following his best friend out of the room before he turns around a corner and makes his way into the office. He is just going to work — he knows how much you mean to Bucky.
Bucky walks to the car, two of his bodyguards going with him. And while they are in the car, the mobster already makes a plan how he is going to get you back and how he tells John that you belong to Bucky.
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"Bucky, please," you say, pushing him back by his chest, his eyes darken and his jaw clenching while he looks at John. He doesn't know what you like about the other man, he isn't - he isn't Bucky.
"Only when that son of a bitch fucks off and never talks to you ever again," he growls, his hands gripping your forehearms firmly. A big grin forms on his plump lips when John walks a few steps away from you.
Bucky’s blue eyes are on the other man, while you hold Bucky pressed between the bar behind him and you. You know that he could push you away easily but he doesn't. Especially not when he can be so close to you, feeling your soft skin underneath his fingers and inhaling your sweet, intoxicating scent.
"I'm sorry, dragâ mea," Bucky apologizes when John finally leaves the bar. His head falling forward to rest against your shoulder. And suddenly there is nothing left of the big, fearful mobster he usually is. He inhales deeply, tears that flow down his cheeks soak your shirt and you're surprised that he lets his emotions out in public.
"Bucky, you can't come here and just insult the guests," you mumble, sliding your fingers through his hair. He isn't the only one who missed one, and sliding your fingers through his soft hair gives you a moment of everything back that you miss.
You don't support his behavior, nor like it but you can't deny that it shows that he still loves you. You still have the same comforting and calming effect on him. It only needs your arms around Bucky, your intoxicating scent and your soft voice to make the muscular let go of everything because he knows you will catch him if he falls down.
"B-But he can't have you," Bucky whispers, knowing that he shouldn't stop you from being happy. But can you be happy when he isn't with you? "'m sorry. Doll, I miss you, y- I can't be without you. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that, but I miss you so much."
"I miss you too, but there are better ways to talk to me. And he could never replace you, he came here a few times, asking me out but whenever he did-" you inhale deeply, feeling your own tears building up in the corner of your eyes. "I always thought about you, I couldn't go out with him, because he isn't you, Buck."
"I don't want someone close to you who isn't me. Please, come home, it's so empty when you're not there, no light, only darkness. I messed up, but I will make it better this time," Bucky mumbles, lifting his head to look at you with his red eyes.
His heart is racing while he waits for you to answer. He wouldn't be mad would you say no, how could he? He messed up but you still help him calm down, you don't kick his ass for interrupting you. But living with him is more than just a hug that calms him down.
"I asked Sam to help me with the work to have more time for you," Bucky adds when you don't answer after a moment. You chuckle, knowing that he really means it when he lets someone else do the work he thinks is important. Bucky loves having control and giving his work to someone else always scares him.
"You get the chance to prove it to me, to prove that I'm not self-evident for you," you say. Bucky eyes immediately light up and he nods his head. His big hands make their way to your face, cupping it. He pulls you closer, his lips trailing over your nose to your forehead where he presses them softly against your forehead.
"Thank you, I love you, dragâ mea," Bucky mumbles, smirking against your forehead. He will prove it to you, prove that you're not self-evident and that he can be the best version of himself for you. That's what he wants to show you and he will, and he does with the brightest eyes and the widest smile.
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
We're Good
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: TVD/TO
Summary: Kol meets Davina and finally seems serious about someone, so his best friend convinces herself to finally let go of her secret crush. But when Kol gets jealous of her paying attention to another guy, what once seemed settled might not actually be finished.
Word Count: 3,092
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Title is lightly inspired by the Dua Lipa song, although the fic doesn't totally fit it.
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I tried not to scowl as I watched Kol from the second level of the Mikaelson compound. He was down on the dancefloor, in the middle of the latest party he and his family had decided to throw. I knew Nik or Elijah had some ulterior motive for hosting, but I hadn't cared because this time, I'd had my own ulterior motive. I'd put on my absolute best outfit and made sure I looked like a knockout, all so I could finally tell Kol Mikaelson, my longtime friend and crush, how I really felt about him.
And now, before I could, he was standing at the edge of the dancefloor trying to make a move on Davina Claire.
I should've known. Kol and I had been friends for a long time, and despite pretty regular flirty moments between us, he'd never taken any steps to make us something more serious. Instead, he flirted with, hooked up with, and even dated whatever mortal he'd most recently fallen for while I stood by pretending not to get my heart broken.
This time, I was done with it. For good.
I set my jaw and squinted, refusing to let the tears fall as I turned from the balcony. I almost made it into a hallway off the Mikaelson compound where I could disappear from everything, but of course, I couldn't quite get that lucky.
"He's a bloody idiot, you know."
Rebekah Mikaelson, my best friend in the world, stood before me with her hands on her hips, blocking my exit.
"I'd love to have you for a sister-in-law, but you deserve better than one of my idiot brothers. As a boyfriend and as a friend."
"Bex, I don't want to hear it right now."
The sympathy on her face almost killed me, but she stepped aside. I thought that would be it, but then she called out to me just before I could turn the corner and escape this whole mess.
"Mourn all you like tonight, but tomorrow we're going out! There are plenty of men in this city to help you forget all about Kol!"
Rebekah gave me exactly one day before she started hounding me about going out on the town to forget her "idiot brother". And honestly, I might've ignored her, except for the fact that Kol spent the entire day after the ball with Davina.
I'd always known he was a flirt, but this time, he actually seemed to mean it. So I gave him more space than usual, for my sake as much as his, and spent more time wih Rebekah. We baked and went on walks, and after a while, I stopped shooting her down when she tried to drag me to bars. Kol kept hanging out with Davina, but slowly, seeing them together was starting to hurt a little less. I always thought if he found a girl to get serious about, it would be me. And a tiny little part of my heart still tore to shreds when I saw how wrong I'd been. But unlike those first few days, the heartbreak wasn't eating me alive anymore.
Which is how I ended up out at a bar with the entire Mikaelson family, dancing my heart out on the dancefloor without a second thought for whether Kol would join me.
We'd first started a montly tradition of the firve of us going out and just having fun a few years ago, and despite various dramas and the siblings scattering to the winds, we'd more or less managed to keep it up. We always picked a place a few hours from where any of us were living and planned to stay the night, so we could well and truly forget everything but having a good time together. Normally, I spent the night orbiting Kol, to the point that Nik usually had a field day giving me shit about it. Tonight had been a little different.
I'd joined Nik in dragging Elijah out of the house, gone with Rebekah to order all of us some truly strange, fun cocktails, and danced the night away on the dancefloor with all of them, without my mind or gaze constantly circling back to Kol. He didn't seem to even notice the shift, and I was surprised to find that it didn't really bother me. Kol was a good friend, after all, and with a little more time to process, maybe we'd even be better off.
"Hey!" Rebekah shouted into my ear, still barley making herself heard over the music around us. We'd been here for hours, but none of us showed any signs of slowing down just yet. "That guy at the bar has been staring at you all night!"
I turned to follow her gaze and found a handsome guy looking back. He smiled, a little sheepish, and I returned the gesture before whipping around to Rebekah.
"Why are you so fixated on setting me up with somebody?"
"Because it's fun! And I haven't got to do it once in all the time I've known you because you've been so hung up on Kol. So come on, let me have my fun!"
I made a face. I wasn't sure I wanted to take a chance on the random person Rebekah had found, regardless of me finally being over Kol. She huffed, then leaned in to speak in my ear again.
"Just trust me! I compelled him and asked him some questions, and he seems like someone you'd get along quite well with!"
I closed my eyes. "You compelled him, Rebekah? Seriously?"
"Well how else was I supposed to make sure he wasn't some sleezy werewolf or something? Go on, just talk to him!"
"Fine! Fine, but it's still our Mikaelson Family Fun Day, so I'm just going to talk."
"That's fine with me! Although I promise not to judge you if you don't come back to the room tonight-"
I picked up the nearest thing I could find (a stack of napkins) and hucked it at her, which she easily dodged. I did my best to ignore her laughing behind me as I headed for the bar.
The guy smiled as I approached him, and I smiled back. I headed for an open spot standing next to him at the bar, and he started speaking as soon as I came within hearing range.
"Hey! I've been hoping you'd come over and say hi all night."
I smiled. "Why didn't you come over and say hi yourself?"
"Didn't want to interrupt you and your friends if you didn't want to be bothered," he said with a shrug. "Although, that girl Rebekah tried awfully hard to get me to come over once or twice."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, Rebekah loves nothing more than meddling, especially in my life." I paused. "I'm glad she convinced me to come over and talk to you though."
"So am I! I-"
He broke off at the same time as I felt someone slide up to the bar behind me, chest almost pressed into my back. I started to turn around to tell whoever it was to back off, but a familiar voice spoke up before I could.
"Why don't you go find someone else to bother, mate?" said Kol, his tone laced with the slightest undercurrent of a threat. Apparently, he'd decided to make sure he got what he wanted, because a moment later the guy whose name I hadn't even been able to get yet turned on his heel and walked away.
I rounded on Kol with a furious scowl, but he just grinned back at me, still very close and in my personal space. Normally, the proximity would've left me with butterflies, but right now all I felt was anger growing in the pit of my stomach.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, an edge to my voice that I'd really never directed at Kol before. His eyebrows shot up, but otherwise, he didn't seem bothered.
"I was getting rid of that creep who was bothering you. Come on, darling, I thought you'd be thanking me-"
"Thanking you? Kol, he clearly wasn't bothering me! I came up to him, for God's sake!"
"Well I'm sorry, it just looked like you might want me to step in-"
"How? How did it look like that, Kol?"
My voice was getting louder now, enough that a few people were starting to take notice, but I didn't care. I was furious at my so-called friend and he was going to hear about it.
Kol cleared his throat. "Love, maybe we should take this somewhere else-"
"Knock it off with the pet names! Kol seriously, what the fu-"
In a split second, the bar disappeared around me. Instead, I found myself thrown over Kol's shoulder as he vampire-sped out of the bar. When we finally stopped, it was just inside the front door of the house we'd all rented, with Kol's back to me as he closed the front door.
I took my opening and hurled the nearest pillow at his head. It hit its target dead on, and I got halfway through picking up another one when Kol used his vamp speed to close the distance between us and grab my wrist.
"Hey! Knock it off, alright? What's the matter?"
"What's the matter? Are you kidding me Kol?" I wasn't sure whether I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, or all three, but I focused on the screaming part as I faced a bewildered Kol. "You absolute hypocrite, how dare you pull me out of that bar, and how dare youstep into my conversation like that!"
"What? Is this seriously all about me scaring off that one guy? You hardley knew him!"
"Obviously it's not completely about him, although that move still sucked, Kol! It's about you thinking you have some right to barge into my life and scare off a guy who might be interested in me! Because that's what it was, right? There's no way you thought I wanted him gone, so you did all this because you wanted him gone, right?"
"...I- I guess I didn't really like seeing him with you, but-"
"But nothing! Kol, we've had just a kind of flirty friendship forever. And whenever it seemed like we might be heading into something else, you were always the one to bail out. And last month, when you found Davina and got serious about someone else, it ripped my heart out. But I forced myself to take some time and get over it! Because that's your choice, and I care about you regardless of if you want to date me. But Kol, you have been clearly, specifically going after Davina lately. Which means you have absolutely no right to come tell some guy at the bar to back off when he's flirting with me."
"Darling, come on-"
I held up a hand to cut Kol off. The storm of emotions had finally started calming, hardening into something more manageable. I'd let myself struggle in this relationship without ever having an up front conversation for far too long. We were going to set some boundaries and have it all out, whether or not Kol wanted to. I was done with the rollercoaster ride.
"Kol, I know you call a lot of people 'darling', but if you want to stay friends with me then I'm going to need you to stop calling me that."
Kol just stared at me for a few moments, blinking and apparently processing everything I'd just said. His eyebrows knit together and he looked seriously distressed, but I refused to back down. After a moment, he took a half step towards me, his hand reaching out slightly towards my own.
"...And what if I don't think I want to be friends anymore, darling?"
I scoffed, another overwhelming wave of anger rising up and over me. I shook my head and turned around, walking a few steps away and hoping the space would help me cool down.
"You better not be flirting with me right now, Mikaelson, after everything I just said and everything you've been up to with Davina lately."
"Davina and I aren't together, love. We went on a few dates after Nik's little party, but we've hardly seen each other since then, and I don't intend to keep anything going. You might have noticed, but you started avoiding me after the ball and I had no idea why."
I turned to face Kol at last, scanning his face for any hint of something that might help me make up my mind on how to feel about all this. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile, and I scowled.
"I wish you'd said something earlier about this little crush of yours, honestly. I didn't think I had a shot in hell with you. It would've saved us both some time."
I shook my head, slowly at first and then much much faster. Before I completely realized what I was doing, I crossed the room and smacked Kol in the chest. He was one of the oldest vamipres to ever live, so it didn't have much of an impact on him, but it definitely made me feel better.
"Kol Mikaelson, you jackass! You do not get to use this as an excuse to confess feelings for me!"
He laughed, holding up his hands and clearly fighting a beaming smile. I slowly tapered off my assault, instead opting for crossing my arms and absolutely fuming at him.
"Seriously, Kol, this isn't funny. I show interest in someone else for the first time in our friendship, and all of a sudden you're dropping everything to come and confess feelings for me? You get why I don't feel like that's completely sincere, right?"
Kol sighed, the smile finally falling off his face. He moved to close the distance between us again, and this time, I let him.
"I'm sorry. I'm not joking because it's a joke to me, I promise. I've had feelings for you as long as I've known you, darling, but I didn't think I had a chance with you. And you've been important to everyone in our family for just about as long as we've known you. If I made things complicated, or made you want to stop spending time with all of us, my siblings would've literally killed me."
I snorted, looking down so Kol wouldn't see me fighting a smile off my face. No matter what, Kol always seemed able to make me smile when I least wanted to. Normally, it was one of my favorite things about him.
"What can I do, hm? What can I do to prove I mean what I'm saying?"
I sighed, crossing my arms and at last looking up at Kol. With wide eyes and no hint of the sardonic smile I knew so well, he looked more serious than I'd ever seen him before.
"...If you're really sure about this, Kol, that you really mean this...?"
"I do. Darling, I swear I do. I promise you, I won't waste the chance if you give me one."
"Okay, then prove it. I've never seen you go more than a week without flirting with some human, witch, vampire, werewolf, or whatever other sentient beings we come across. Make it a month, and maybe I'll believe what you said about being serious about this."
"...And will we be dating for that month?"
Slowly, I shook my head. "No. I want to, Kol, and I want that to be where this goes, but... I need to see that this is real first. I want to believe it is, so badly, but after centuries of meaningless flirting and dancing around each other without a conversation, of seeing you have flings every chance you get and watching each one of those burn out... I can't just take it on faith."
Kol sighed, glancing down at the ground before meeting my eyes again. He didn't say anything, just closed the little remaining distance between us as he brought his arms up to circle my waist. He pulled me to him, leaning down with a glance at my lips, and I didn't stop him as he pulled me into a kiss.
Fireworks exploded in my chest. My knees went a little week as I leaned further into Kol, resting my hands on his shoulders. After a few long moments, just as my common sense started returning to tell me what a mistake this was, Kol pulled back with a grin.
"Sorry, darling. But I couldn't wait a month to do that."
I snorted and shook my head, stepping carefully out of Kol's grip. He watched my every move with a smile, and my heart did a backflip when he licked his lips. I told my heart to calm the hell down.
"I... certainly didn't mind the potential preview," I admitted.
Kol laughed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at me.
"This is going be the longest month of my life... but if that's what it'll take, I'll make it through. I know it'll be worth it, especially now."
I rolled my eyes, but this time, I couldn't quite keep a smile off my face. Finally, my heart started returning to a normal pace, and I managed to meet Kol's eyes again without having a cardiac event.
"Alrlight, so... what do we do now? I don't know about you, but I don't particularly want to go back to the bar."
"Is that a joke, darling?" He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shook my head. His mouth dropped open like he couldn't believe I was serious. "I may not get to do the activity I most want to do right now for another month, but I did just get my best friend back after extensive radio silence. We have so many episodes of our favorite shows to catch up on!"
"...You didn't watch them without me?"
"Of course not! Did you watch them without me?"
"Of course not!"
"Well then, there you have it! That's our evening. You make the popcorn, I'll turn on the tv."
I laughed as Kol turned on his heel, getting immediately to work. I still wanted to wait the month I'd made him promise; I still wasn't confident his romantic affections wouldn't wander. But despite all that, a massive weight lifted off my chest as I headed into the kitchen for snacks. I had my best friend back, and finally, after a ridiculous amount of waiting and dancing around each other and poor communication, we were actually getting a shot at our happy ending.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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