#we don't have to do this song and dance okay i need a job and have the credentials and you need expendable workers desperately
dorkylittleweirdo Β· 2 years
Getting turned down from a job like um excuse you who else are you gonna find who's gonna work in hazardous conditions at disgusting hours for minimum wage and zero benefits when they could work at McDonald's at reasonable hours for more money and less damage to their mental health
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keerysfreckles Β· 4 months
newsies β€” MV1 (smau)
pairing: max verstappen x musical theater fem!reader faceclaim; kara lindsay !
summary: when lando drags max to his favorite musical, max takes a liking to the leading lady
warnings: none!
a/n: this is 100% made for me, i can't shut up abt newsies or jeremy jordan... sooo why not combine my two loves (newsies and f1 😁)
masterlist !
⋆ ˚ q ⋆ ΰ­¨ΰ­§ ˚
yourusername just posted !
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liked by jeremymjordan, landonorris and 11,037 others
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user1 tickets have been secured since last year IM SO EXCITED
user2 oh to get a hug from jeremy jordan 😞
yourusername I CAN'T SIT STILL JERE
user3 "jere" they're too cute 😭😭
mikefaist guess who has a front row seat 😁
yourusername MIKEEE πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή
user5 oh i've been waiting YEARS to see y/n in a broadway musical
landonorris missing fp1 to be there 🫑
yourusername lando no that's your job??
landonorris not that important πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ plus there's someone i want you to meet
user6 someone to meet?? another driver??
yourusername just posted !
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 19,728 others
yourusername opening night, race weekend, and max picking me up from rehearsals! (eventful week if you ask me)
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user2 y/n and jeremy being the power duo on stage IKTR!!
user3 lando looks like he's hating the rain 😭
user5 PICKING HER UP TOO??????
landonorris your fault i dnf'd ☹️
yourusername not my fault it was raining??
user7 oh your onto something
maxverstappen1 still can't believe you know how to tap dance AND sing at the same time
yourusername i'd say it's harder to be on broadway than it is being an f1 driver
maxverstappen1 no need to go around lying on social media sweetheart
twitter !
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yourusername just posted !
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liked by landonorris, jeremymjordan and 20,188 others
yourusername spent my time off with this guy, anyone know who he is?
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user1 he's so pookie ugh
jeremymjordan come back to new york ben and mike won't shut up about you (i guess i miss you too)
yourusername only if max can come too
user2 the duo i didn't know i needed
user3 okay but what's max's favorite newsies song πŸ‘€
maxverstappen1 i think he's a formula one driver, could be mistaken
yourusername thanks for clearing that up!
user4 max slowly becoming all of y/n's feed is so entertaining
user5 y/n and max the unexpected duo i didn't know i needed
landonorris you didn't hang out with me πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
yourusername sorry max is just better company???
twitter !
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yourusername just posted !
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 305,984 others
yourusername when f1 update accounts expose you and your boyfriend 😞😞
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user1 SO IT WAS THEM??????
maxverstappen1 the secret was coming out sooner or later love
yourusername i know but now we can't soft launch ☹️☹️
landonorris call me cupid 😏
yourusername no
maxverstappen1 no
jeremymjordan proud to say i knew before twitter did 😁
maxverstappen1 just posted !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 450,177 others
maxverstappen1 dating y/n means listening to the newsies soundtrack on repeat ❀️
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user2 this had to mean max has a fav newsies song omg
jeremymjordan take care of her please
maxverstappen1 never plan on stopping
user3 y/n's bway bf 🀝 y/n's real bf
landonorris CALL. ME. CUPID.
maxverstappen1 still no
yourusername i don't think you can have your phone out in the theater sir 🀨🀨
yousuername but seriously you love the newsies soundtrack
maxverstappen1 i never said that
yourusername so what do you go to all the shows for??
maxverstappen1 my beautiful talented stunning girlfriend of course πŸ˜‰
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avocado-writing Β· 8 months
hi! i was just wondering if you could write some headcannons for astarion, gale, halsin, karlach, and shadowheart about what they are like when you're pregnant/them as parents to a baby
So cute! I love wholesome family requests like these!
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When you're pregnant: he tries not to be too fussy, but let's be realistic, he likes to cluck about and make sure you're okay. He gets a bit overbearing actually. "Should you be doing that if you're pregnant?" sort of thing, you have to wave him off a couple of times. When you're asleep you hear him whispering to the baby bump about how he's going to protect them, make sure nobody would ever hurt them. (Also when you're in your third trimester the two of you like to pretend that you've gone into labour to get out of social situations you don't want to be in. He's all, "we have to GO my PARTNER is giving birth RIGHT NOW" then when you're far enough away you burst into laughter)
When you've given birth: as an elf, he only needs four hours to trance a night, so he's often holding the baby when you're awake. Speaks in whole sentences, he has no time for baby talk. "babababa..." "Mm, yes darling, I'm just worried this fabric is too sheer for that particular design." Catch him watching you cradling the baby looking utterly smitten from the doorway. He's happier than he ever believed he could ever be.
When you're pregnant: constantly reading up about magic to make things easier, whether it's to ease back pain or make the delivery more comfortable. Likes to stay up late discussing baby names with you, Tara resting on your lap and cuddling happily into your belly. Also armed with facts about the growing baby is during each month of your pregnancy, lmfao.
When you've given birth: wants to be there for every milestone possible, so takes lots of paternal leave from his teaching job. Baby's first word is 'dada' and he goes crazy for it, he's so so happy. Casts little, harmless spells which make the baby giggle - summoning Dancing Lights above their head to soothe them to sleep in their crib. As the baby drifts off you can often hear him whispering that "the two of you have made my life complete."
When you're pregnant: knows all of the natural teas he can brew to help you relax. Always offering backrubs. Talks to the bump a lot, falls asleep with you as his little spoon so he can have his hand on your belly, keep you both safe as you slumber. Waxes poetic about what your baby might look like, whose eyes it will have, whose hair. If it will take to druidic magic or something more scholarly? All he knows is that he can't wait to meet them.
When you've given birth: the baby is usually in a papoose around his chest (when you're not holding them!) He's totally caught up in how lovely they are, how the two of you made something so wonderful. When they get a little older he is a big fan of letting them ride on his shoulders, encouraging them to run their hands through leaves on the boughs of trees and answering every endless question they can think to ask.
When you're pregnant: constantly offering to carry things for you so that you don't strain yourself. Talks to the bump all the time. "Come on, kiddo! Mama can't wait to meet you!" Loves to have her hand on your belly and gets so excited when she feels a kick! "We've got a little fighter in there, I reckon!" Every so often asks if you really think she'll be a good mum, a little bit of anxiety creeping in - but you reassure her she'll be just wonderful.
When you've given birth: always standing over the crib to look at the baby, she just seems to happy when they're peacefully asleep. Likes to hum little made-up songs to them when they're settling down for the night. If the baby starts fussing for no reason, she picks them up and bounces them around until they're both giggling wildly. She is most happy when she has you in one arm and the baby in the other πŸ’•
When you're pregnant: does a lot of healing magic to help you with your aches and pains which helps a lot. She gets super into pregnancy books and is constantly offering you suggestions for how to make things a little easier - maybe because she feels guilty that you're the pregnant one. Offers up lots of soft prayers to her goddess for a happy family and your good health. The two of you bicker good-naturedly about names but do eventually settle on one you both like - maybe after one of her parents.
When you've given birth: constantly checking in that you're alright and happy as a new parent, because she is. Always makes sure there's a bunch of night orchids in the nursery. When the baby gets a bit older and is scared of the dark, she makes sure to teach them the Light cantrip so that they always have a nightlight if they need. And she teaches them to swim, just like you taught her all those years ago.
taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate @dhampling @wereallbrokenangels @tilldeathdonugget (lmk if you want to be added)
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kiwiikato Β· 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Nine
note: so like i died.... IM SORRY EVERYONE, i have so many comments to read and respond to so i'm sorry for the disappearing. i just get so busy with my mental health and family. i don't have tumblr on my phone always, it's an on and off thing so thank you for the patience. this chapter is really choppy and maybe misspelling. sorry guys <3 :(
you sat cross legged on the floor at the hidden base under kenji's house. kenji and mina were with you as you stared at the baby kaiju who babbled and cooed at the cartoons that played for her.
you watched as kenji admired himself in the reflection of the containment unit, styling it for his public image. you couldn't help but to tag along in admiring him as well, it isn't everyday that you get to admire athletically attractive kenji sato! but it was not your everyday, for the past months it has been.
"mina, we got plenty of fish and pon de rings, right?" ken asked as he straightened out his coat. "yes ken, we're all stocked up." ken turned around, turning to the both of you. "now if she wakes up, put her show on. let her dance her little heart out to that stupid song. and if there's any trouble, you let y/n know. and if you need additional help, you ping me on this."
ken raised his arm, showing off his watch to you both. "ken, she's never been safer. have a good time." mina said reassuring him of the baby kaiju's safety. he smiled softly, turning to you as he crouched down to your level. "let me know if you need anything, okay? i'll drop everything and come back. i'll be back soon, don't worry that pretty little head of yours about this interview either, okay?"
you nodded, giving him a happy "okay!" to which he smiled back. "atta girl." his hands found your face as he pulled you in, placing a kiss on your lips and then another on your head. you blushed at his affectionate actions, still not so used to them. he smiled as he got up, walking away to the interview he had promised to ms. wakita.
you got rid of the containment unit that held your baby kaiju in, asking for help from mina to pull up a hologram of an area covered with trees. the reason why was to show the baby how to play a game of hide and seek.
she was getting restless and persistent asking for kenji to come back. none of the videos playing were enough to satisfy her so you took it upon yourself to distract her with a new game.
you showed her you hiding behind a tree or a bush of sorts, giving her time to mimic you. it didn't take long for her to get the movement down as she copied you. "good job girl! you got this." you said cheering her on.
it was then that an idea came into your head. "mina, can you help me with a demonstration?" mina floated down towards you. "yes y/n, what would you like me to do?" she asked as she hovered in front of you.
"can you do me the favor of counting to twenty, letting me hide in that duration of time like your typical game of hide and seek. i want to show the baby kaiju how to do it so we can both play." mina nodded in her own way, flying to a tree near by.
she 'closed' her eyes as she faced the tree and waiting for your signal. "okay baby, me and mina are gonna show you hide and seek. just sit and watch, okay?" you told her as she cooed. "okay, ready mina!"
you ran as you heard mina began to count down. your feet hit the floor as you ran through the trees, looking for one in a closed area to hide you better. diving into the area, you crouched down, pulling your body to your knees to make yourself look smaller, more hidden to mina.
mina soon hit twenty, moving away from the tree and began to look for you. the baby kaiju watched, wondering where you went. her eyes followed as mina searched for you, yelling your name out to lure you out. no response came from you, showing no signs of who she considered to be her parent.
it wasn't long before she panicked, her eyes began to glaze over with tears, bringing her to cry as she yelled out for you. your body that was hidden stiffened hearing her cry, instantly jumping away from the trees that blocked you from her view.
"mina! call the hologram off!" mina instantly stopped playing, returning the big room back into its metallic silver state. you turned into your ultra form, rushing to her as you picked her up. you held her to your chest, softly rubbing her back as you rocked her side to side. her head perched at your shoulder as her small hands wrapped around your neck and shoulder.
"there there. i'm here, everything's okay." you hummed softy, trying to soothe her. "would you like me to pull out the containment unit for her?" mina floated up to you asking. "yes please, that would be nice, thank you."
the containment unit rose from the ground, opening to allow you to put the baby kaiju inside the familiar area. she grabbed the crushed car, hugging it to her body. "do you want to see daddy?" mina asked her to which she cooed. you watched as her eyes lit up, having a soft spot for kenji.
"here you go." mina pulled out videos of kenji making her happily spin around to watch them all, forget in about the incident from earlier. "how about a snack while you watch?" mina asked as a small platform with a huge fish rose to her. "oooh look at the fishy, so yummy!" you cheered as she grabbed the fish and ate it happily.
her joyful expression didn't last long, changing into one of discomfort as her stomach grumbled from the fish she ate. she burped out, a green circle of gas leaving her lips as she looked at it weirdly.
"oh my! what you're experiencing is acid reflux. symptoms include heartburn, nausea-" mina was cut off by the baby opening her mouth, a nuclear burp of sorts shooting out a laser that burned through the glass of the containment unit.
you and mina panicked, as she escaped, pushing through the hole, letting her out into the open space. the whole room set off with alarms, flashing the room with red and sirens. mina ran to the side waving her robotic arms. "look over here. look at daddy. he's right here!" a inflatable figure of kenji grew from the ground, looking slightly disturbing at the way his face was plastered on.
you stared at it confused. "where did you even get this mina?" "please do not question." you laughed slightly, returning back to the situation as the baby kaiju ran up to the inflatable and hugged 'kenji'.
"y/n, go searching for kenji. he's not answering his watch and i'm worried we won't be able to fix this situation ourselves. he's at tonkatsu tonki."
you nodded your head, quickly running out of the place, not without hearing the pop of the inflatable. you ran into kenji's garage, taking one of his other motorcycles to reach him. 'sorry ken, hope you don't mind this.' you thought to yourself as you revved the engine and drove forward.
the wind fought against your body as you sped quickly off onto the bridge, stunned at how it grew over the body of water that separated you from the city. it wasn't long before you reached the main land, driving around in a hurry to where ken would be.
you had to stop at a red light, impatiently waiting for it to turn green. your eyes widened, watching a pink object jump over the city as it landed down and chased after something. "is that-" your phone rang, quickly answering it to mina.
"y/n, the baby is in daikanyama, i was able to contact ken, he is currently heading that way." "thank you mina." you hit the gas in the motocycle when the lights turned green, quickly cutting between traffic in a rush to reach the baby kaiju.
ken frantically drove through the roads, searching for the baby after his alarm had went off signaling him of the chaos that was happening at his house.
"ken, a disturbance has been reported in daikanyama. there seems to be a large, pink creature terrorizing the locals. i am sorry. i'm a terrible babysitter." mina told him over his helmet of his motorbike. "yes, yes you are! where is y/n?!" he yelled over to mina.
"she is currently searching the baby kaiju. i had sent her out to contact you since you had not been answering my alerts over your watch. in the short time that she was gone, the baby had escaped." he groaned, worried but glad to know that he wasn't the only one looking for her.
"ken, i have located her, she is not too far from you." "maybe i can get to her before-" he was cut off hearing the sound of the KDF drones fly over him. panic set over his as he watched them for the baby. "send the location to y/n!" he yelled out in fear.
"location has been sent, she will be there." mina responded back as ken zoomed through the colorful city. you, on the other hand, zapped into your ultra form, jumping into the sky as you flew quickly over the city. the motorbike had been set down on top of the roof of a building, trying to prevent it from being stolen.
your eyes landed on the baby kaiju who chased after some people. you recognized one of them as the reporter that ken had the interview with, as she ran with an older lady and a child in her arms. you landed roughly on the ground. you were started to see that kenji had arrived right after you.
the both of you made eye contact, focusing on the problem at hand. "hey! come on, come on." kenji yelled out to her, making the baby turn out at look at you both, jumping up at joy. "come to mommy and ...daddy." you heard as he hesitated to call himself that, not used to the idea of being a caregiver for something officially. "come here baby." you said as you crouched down, opening your arms for her to run into.
the crown around gasped, reminding you of being in public. you quickly stiffed up as kenji verbally panicked. "uh i- i mean, stop there, beast!" he posed dramatically, kneeling on one knee as he placed on hand on his hip and the other in front of him in a stop motion.
you snickered at him, until you heard the familiar rumbles. your eyes turned to see the babies eyes grow wide as she closed her mouth in a desperate motion. "no, no, no..." kenji mumbled watching as she look like she was about to barf. but she didn't, instead another laser shot out from her mouth, slamming against shields that the both of you had made in front of you to not get hurt.
the laser bounced off from your shields, knocking down a pac man statue that kenji picked up. "uh mina, we have a situation. baby just melted pack man." you got up from the kneeling position, "kenji!" you were calling out for him to turn, seeing the baby kaiju start to walk away.
leaving him in his conversation with mina, you chased after the baby. desperate to reach for her and to have her back in your arms. she bounced and jumped after people who sat in go carts, excited to catch what she thought was a toy that shined colors in the road. you fearfully moved around after her, scared of stepping on something or someone.
"hey! baby!" you yelled out for her to look back at you but instead she continued to run. you internally cussed, aggravated at the situation at hand. finally she stopped running, causing you to skid to a stop.
you looked up seeing her eyes on something. a sort of robotic machine, just like in the shape of mina floated around her. tiny coos of happiness came out from her, possibly confusing it for mina. her joy was gone as she watched it change shapes, making her turn her head to the side.
"baby, come to me, please." you took slow and quiet steps but the machine flew in front of her, right in between the both of you. "stupid KDF." you mumbled as you walked slower. the thing suddenly shot out a needle with green liquid at her leg, causing her to stumble.
you weren't that clothes, and you were still in the main street of people, so walking was becoming an issue. you watched with fear as she pulled out a street light pole, holding it up to her body as she whacked the robot towards you. you quickly caught it in your hands, squashing the machine and dropping the broken pieces of metal.
she happily jumped towards you, you went to grab at her. she was right there, in the grasp of your fingers, yet she slipped away. it felt like the world was against you. all you wanted more than ever was her in your arms.
she jumped high, highest you've ever seen as she's launched herself a metal tower. she was far from your reach again. you groaned as you ran through the street, hoping you hadn't stepped on anything.
you watched as she jumped up, climbing the tall structure. it was almost like the world held some pity for you as you saw kenji run up to her. "where's baby? there she is! come down! right now, be careful!" you watched him yell for her to return as you got closer. jumping, you were able to land next to him.
"she's not listening ultraman! she's not going to come back down. we have to go up." you said panting slightly. your hands found the bar of the tower, grabbing onto it as you climbed up in a hurry. you just wanted your baby. kenji took the hint and climbed up as well, jumping up farther, almost like a spider monkey.
a swarm of KDF jets and robots swarmed in at the both of you, surrounding the baby. you watched as they shot more of the similar needles from earlier ago, covering her back in multiple needles.
a shrill cry was heard from the baby kaiju, now slightly dangling at the attack she experienced. you quickly climbed up trying to get to her but a jet flew in front of you, trying to stop you from reaching them. kenji shot out a blast of energy, hitting al the small robots to get away from the baby kaiju.
the jet in front of you flew into your hair, shooting out a smoke bomb of sorts, blocking our your vision. you waved at the smoke, trying to get rid of it as you coughed. you heard kenji yell out. "hold on! i'm coming!" making you panic more since you couldn't see much.
you heard a cry from the baby kaiju, making you climb up in a hurry, unaware of your surroundings, just to reach her. "NO!" you heard kenji yell out, till a snap of sorts was heard. "y/n y/n, please help." you heard a voice call out to you in a soft whisper, laced with worry and panic.
"i can't see, fuck, where are you?" you called out. "climb higher, i'll be right here." you quickly climbed up till you could finally see. you stared at the baby kaiju who laid in kenji arms. "what happened??" you asked.
"she was right there - she was falling and i tried reaching but i just could barely reach and something snapped - she's hurt, fuck, she's hurt." he turned to look down at the baby while breathing heavily. "shh it's okay, you're gonna be okay, daddy's here." you went to reach out to him, to carry the baby, but before you could the jets of the KDF surrounded you.
"ultras! turn the infant over to the KDF and we will take no action against the both of you." kenji and you looked at each other. you felt your eyebrows furrow in anger at their offer while kenji growled to himself. he turned to you, giving an almost 'up' motion with his head. you knew what he meant.
the both of you blasted off into the air, flying away from the scene of the attack. "give her to me kenji, i'll make sure she's okay." kenji passed the baby kaiju to you. you held her to your body, your body wanting to protect her from any more pain.
"mina, she's hurt! prepare the base! we have to call him. call my dad." his voice sounded hurt, scared of what was to happen. you could only hold the baby closer than before, careful with her arm, as you floated to his house.
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @ldykir4 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @m00nd0v3 @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney @haitani-zoe @mtheooo @chreiiii @secretlyapartofthisfandom @greenmanshoe @badbishsblog @reallysparklychaos @deimmortales99 @ashsallyblue2 @matchalatte06 @random-3455 @reivelmin @jennyfernan @solatiiium @liliabrary @maxi-ride @22carolina08 @coffetears @vyxnn-xage
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theprenderelliepalace Β· 13 days
Tag, you owe me
β˜†β€’ Five x reader β€’β˜†
Season 4 AU -The Umbrella Academy
A/n I'm pretending season 4 happened a lot less season 4ish- so imagine this:
Summary: After The Umbrella Academy stopped The Cleanse and saved the world, life was just as crazy as it had been before. It's Grace's 8th birthday and a lot has happened in two years for Five and the other Hargreeves, you being one of those things. Tensions are high at what should be a simple birthday party, so Five asks you to help him out. But when have you ever listened to Five?
Warnings: Fake dating, cannon typical Hargreaves chaos, fluff, s4 spoilers(!), no Five x Lila nonsense (but maybe a bit of drama...), no use of y/n, readers not a marigold baby (but could be), gramatical errors I'm sure, swearing etc.
You met Five Hargreeves 2 years ago when you were a paper pusher for the CIA's cold case unit. He was rude, obnoxious in every sense of the word and irritatingly good at his job. Naturally you couldn't resist getting a coffee with him.
You only got strung along from there. Your first case that he dragged you into almost cost you your job and your life, but it also got you bumped up to your own undercover unit, where you spent your days bickering with the worst partner you could've dreamt of.
Two years later and you couldn't have hated him less, but you're trying to be civil.
"Hey Fiver, where'd you put those case files I asked you to sign off? - Mmph!!" Your words are muffled by a calloused hand covering your mouth. You squirm for freedom, your training kicking in. You look up briefly at your captor and physically deflate at the sight of him. You are tempted to scream and get him in trouble, but the look on his face makes you think twice.
"Not a word, or I swear-" You elbow him in the gut, not hard enough to hurt him, just hard enough to get a word in edgewise. His hand falls away in surprise.
You gasp for breath. "The hell are you doing you crazy mother-" His hand clamps over your mouth again. With his free hand, he points out into the lobby. You clock a Hispanic man with scraggly hair at reception. He seems to be talking to Sally at the front desk.
Based on your 2 years of experience with Five. You assume this is either a terrorist, or a family member. Judging by his overreaction, you guess family.
The man sighed at whatever Sally said to him and turns, walking down the hall towards the exit. Five frees you from his iron grip. You stumble away from him, turning on your heel with outrage written all over your face. "You need help."
He smirks, although he appears distracted. "Tell me something I don't know honey." You give him the finger.
"Fuck you. The hell was that about?" You snarl at him.
"Family business. Birthday party. Ugly, ugly stuff. Wouldn't want you to get involved. You might just mess up your nails." He mocks. Shuddering at the thought of his family.
"First of all, my nails are always fantastic. Secondly, don't bullshit me." Five quirks a brow at you. "You've been doing this song and dance with your mysterious 'family' since I first met you. You're just a coward in my book Fiver." You watch his jaw clench, taking satisfaction in striking a nerve.
"Oh. Okay, I see how it is partner. You want my crybaby, backstory? Well come 'n get it sister." He glares at you, waiting for you to accept the challenge. You scoff. This is ridiculous, you're well into your 20s, this whole thing is just juvenile.
"Can't we be more mature than this?" You plead, though sarcasm drips off your tongue with a lazy ease.
"One of us can't." He retorts. You roll your eyes. You've learned that when he gets like this, it's best to bow out for a few hours and wait for everything to return to normal.
"Okay. Okay. I'll get lost. But I warn you Fiver, this whole thing will only bite you in the ass one day." You shrug, making for the break room. He grabs your wrist.
"I hate that stupid nickname."
"I know you do. Honey." You taunt him. It's dangerous, but oh how it thrills you. He pulls you closer, your lips are dangerously close, but achingly far.
"You owe me, you know..." You watch the gears turn in his head as that look you know so well falls over his face. "An eye for an eye. What'dya say?" The smug smirk on his face is enough to make you want to smack him.
"How'd you figure that you fuckin' cowboy?" Your stomach swirls with hot, unadulterated hatred, and something else...
"Remember the Fortheim case?" He gambles, knowing he's already won.
"Okay! Okay... Enough said..." He leans back, satisfied.
"Atta girl." You slap him.
And that little backstory, was how you ended up drinking apple juice at an 8 year-olds birthday party at a Lazer Tag joint downtown.
"Happy?" You ask Five, who's had you glued to his arm for the last 2 hours.
"Not a day in my life." He sighs. You shake your head, itching to snap back when you hear someone call his name.
"Five! Long time no see man." A gangly looking hipster saunters towards the two of you. You smile at him, you're not sure what it is, but you like him already. "Oooh, who's your little lady friend?"
"Girlfriend." You say.
"Date." He states. You and Five exchange glances.
Five clears his throat. "This is my brother, Klaus." Your partner straightens his tie, as though trying to blend into the wall and out of this conversation. Klaus hums in amusement, his eyes crinkling with silent mirth. The hippie extends a graceless arm towards Five, enveloping him in an iron side-hug.
"You'll forgive my brother. He's never been the social butterfly of our family." Klaus smiles, it's a stupid smile, but it makes your heart warm to the brotherly love evident in his gesture.
"I noticed." You smile at Five, who shrinks even further into the wall, if possible.
"So, Miss Five's Secret Girlfriend. Where did he find you?" Klaus inquires, almost as though he's speaking about the weather.
You laugh. "Oh some back alley somewhere. Nothing fancy."
"Klaus let me go." Five warns. Straining against his brothers grip. For a guy so skinny, he has incredible grip strength to hold onto his whirlwind of a brother.
Klaus ignores this demand. "Oh yes. Makes sense. Not that you look the alley-type sweetheart, I just know my brother." He winks at you.
You smirk in return. Thoroughly enjoying Fives suffering. "I guess you do."
Abruptly, Klaus releases Five, sending him hurtling backwards. You can barely stifle your giggles now. "Well, it's been a pleasure missy. You're too good for him by the way." Klaus struts off towards the food table, eyeing the chocolate Γ©clairs hungrily.
"I agree." You say to Five, who's look of pure rage could topple buildings.
"I hate him." He scowls.
"Oh hush. He's great." You grab your fake boyfriend by the arm, tugging him towards a cluster of people talking behind a drink cooler, suddenly feeling all the more chatty.
"Five? I didn't think you'd come." Says a strikingly tall man with spiked blond hair. He glances at you and then at your hand clenched around Fives. The look of confusion on his face is priceless. "I- who? What -" Internally cackling at your newfound revelation, you make to reply.
"Hi, I'm Five's partner." Not entirely dishonest. You stick your hand towards him, he shakes it dumbly, lost for words.
"Five? A girlfriend? What, are we on a Prankshow?" Says the woman at his side. She eyes you suspiciously. "Sloane." She affirms. You nod with practiced ease.
Five looks about ready to kill. You decide to ease off some. "My other brother, Luther." Your partner growls. Luther smiles now, almost like he's somehow in on a very bad joke. He begins to say something, but you cut him off.
"It was nice to meet you both. Excuse me for a moment." You smile sweetly, heading for the bathrooms. You catch Fives deathstare. "Fiver." You wink. You cackle as you listen to the onslaught of questions and abuses from his family. Serves him right, dragging you all the way out here, explaining nothing and still managing to be the most cantankerous jerk you've ever met.
You duck behind a corner, taking a corridor that leads into one of the Lazer Tag rooms. You decide to wait until they cut the cake before you make your showstopping final appearance. You're feeling on top of the world until you feel a familiar hand clasp your wrist.
"When I said come to my nieces birthday party as a distraction, that was not what I meant."
You turn to face Five. "What, did you want us to make-out or something? Would that have been distracting enough?" You scoff, pulling your hand out of his. "You're such a prick Hargreaves, you know that? Dragging me out here as bait! What the hell am I even doing here? You've got a good enough relationship with your brothers. Why bother?"
He looks at down at his polished brogues, the lilac light from the strobing LEDs above making him look older, haggard even. "It's complicated."
"By all means, uncomplicate it."
"I- I had this thing with my brother's wife..."
"Jesus Five!"
He glares at you reproachfully. "Not like that dammit! He just thought... it was a godawful time in my life okay?" He sighs, like the weight of the confession was boring into his chest.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry like that, but we're partners Five. We don't trick each other for petty stuff." You smile. "If you wanted to ask me out that bad, you shouldda just asked." You tease.
He smiles wryly. "That obvious huh?"
What? "What?" You gulp, dumbfounded.
He laughs at you, this achingly amazing laugh that catches you, making your laugh echo his in a sweet bubble of silliness.
"I've got to have a word with my brother, but," He smiles nervously at you. That's a first. "Do you wanna get outta here?"
"Depends on what I have an itch for." You smile coyly.
He winks at you. "You got it partner." Suddenly your face becomes hot, you look away, enjoying the new meaning in the word. You glance up again, ready for a comeback only to find Five absent. It was strange, you could've swarn he couldn't have gone anywhere without you hearing him go. It was such a tight space, with hartily creaking floors.
In your stupor, you made your way back to the main party area. Finding Five, engrossed in conversation with the Hispanic man from earlier. You make your way over to them.
"Don't sweat it man. We're cool, Lila's cool."
"Says who?" You hear a woman's English accent from behind a brightly coloured piΓ±ata. The Hispanic man rolls his eyes.
"Don't listen to her. We're all good now Five. I get it, it was seven years."
Five tenses. "Nothing happened Diego." Diego laughs.
"I forget what a prude you are sometimes man. Chill. But I get it, you're trynna impress your new chica, right?" Diego glances at you slyly. You squirm slightly. Five turns, spots you and huffs.
"Okay. Goodbye. I've had enough of this family for one afternoon. Come on you." He waves at you over his shoulder.
"What? What girl- oh!" Lila, apparently, peers around the piΓ±ata and laughs, the complete hysterical kind. "Never in my life..." She pats Five on the shoulder, uttering something you can't hear.
By now, there are 7 people surrounding you, all smirking like idiots. You find it endearing.
You decide to take matters into your own hands. You take Fives hand, drag him away from his family and towards the door, but not before planting your palms tenderly on either side of his face and pressing your lips to his. He gasps into your kiss but his hands find your waist eventually, pulling you into him.
His siblings jeer and catcall, but you get the sense he doesn't care anymore. You giggle into the kiss as you watch him give them the finger. He pulls away from you, stranding out to the parking lot.
You gaze fondly at the people in the lobby and give them the bow they deserve. "Thank you and goodnight!" You smile at the laughter that echoes after you as the doors close behind you.
You race to catch up to Five, who's already waiting to open the passenger door for you. "I like your family Fiver."
He smiles, "They like you honey."
Here's my masterlist if you like my stuffs...
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spidybaby Β· 1 year
Okok but hear me out, it's okay if you don't wanna do it, I just keep thinking of this scenario😭 Reader helping Pedri shave even if she loves his beard and now that he's injured, he's growing it and one day she notices and it's like "Ok, let's do some shaving" and he's like "No, you like it and I'm not playing, the beard is staying"
"I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan." You sing using the hair brush as a microphone. "Welcome to the land of fame excess"
"Woah" Pedri shouts as he walks into the bathroom. "Am I gonna fit in?"
He was helping you with your routine
You both laugh but continue with the singing, changing to a Quevedo song.
"Dale caele uh uh uhhhh," you point at him, he blush at the thought of the World Cup and the video of him singing this song. "Dance with me."
You play a bachata song, grabbing his hands and pulling him to be closer. One hand on your waist and the other intertwine with yours.
"Te dirΓ­a que volvieras pero eso no se pide." He sings while moving his hips at the rhythm of the song.
You dance in the middle of the bathroom. Laughing and enjoying each others company, something you loved about him. Every moment was like the first time.
"Okay, let's finish here so we can see that movie you like." He kisses your cheek, breathing your smell.
"Can I help with your skin care?"
"Only if we match headbands."
You laugh, nodding your head. You open the drawer where you have some hair bands, clippers, bobbypins.
You grab two blue headbands, the same ones you got with the purpose of him using it while leaning how to do his skincare.
"Okay, come here." You place the headband on his head, making sure to place it right so his now dry hair doesn't get wet again. "Pepi, not to be a hater, you know I love your beard, but I think you need to shave."
You squish his cheeks, kissing his now ducky lips.
"Oh please, mom says it looks good." He pouts, bringing his hands to his face. "Plus, I'm not playing, so it's not like I have to forcefully shave it."
"And it does look good, you look amazing."
He notices how you want to say something else but you stopped.
"But you're letting it grow a little too much."
He turns to the mirror, hands patting his cheeks, trying to make it less crazy.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, mi amor." You massage his shoulders, kissing the nape of his neck. "You know you look amazing with every look you pull."
But he's not convinced. Now that you mention he did, in fact, let it grow a little more than usual.
"Pedro?" You ask after he stared at himself for a good five minutes. "Sorry if I made you feel bad, I didn't mean that."
But it wasn't about that. It was about him maybe being to attach to this look. It makes him look older, and to him, that's good.
Being in a job where most of your workmates are older or with stronger looks makes him feel some type of way. Being young is good, but not when the ultras decide to comment on how of a kid he resemble.
"Do me a favor."
"Yes, whatever you need."
"Come here." He opened his arms to you, embracing you and making you turn to the counter of the double sink.
He kisses your head, getting out of the hug but not letting you go. His hands on your hips, lifting you carefully, making you take a seat on the counter.
"You, preciosa." He taps your nose. "Are going to be my barber today."
He prepares everything, taking a new razor, some shaving cream, and his after shave lotion.
You watch him move around the bathroom. Still feeling a little bad about the comment, not thinking it will make him feel some type of negative way.
"You didn't do anything wrong, stop with those puppy eyes, amor." He says, placing the things next to you.
"You really don't have to. I love your beard so much."
"A new look never fails, plus this baby will grow back in a few days, so don't worry." He leans over to kiss you. "Now, grab some shaving cream and apply it to my face."
You let him guide you through it, carefully smearing the cream on him. Laughing at him, looking weird.
"Pedro." You laugh, he kissed you and left some cream on you face. "Stop it, let's be serious."
"Okay, now pay attention." He says, tapping the back of the razor on your head. "Don't press it too hard, like when you shave. And don't worry about timing, we have all night."
You nod, nervous about the job. He wet the blades and handed you the razor. You think where to start and decide that you're using the same logic that you use when saving.
So you begin with his left cheek. Hand shaking a little, and tongue out in concentration.
"Ouch." He screams, backing off and turning his back to you.
"Joder. Pedro, I'm so sorry." You were panicking, thinking you were being gentle.
He turns back to you, laughing. You grab the hand towel you have on your lap and throw it at him.
"Not funny." You pout.
"You should have seen your face." He laughs, forehead sticked to yours. "Such an easy target."
"Quit it." You warn him with a smile. You push him by the shoulders. Opening the water and wetting the blade again.
After some time and some light jokes, you finished the job. You turned on your seat to the mirror, where he was retouching some areas you were scared of doing.
You helped him with taking every extra of cream. Adding some after shave lotion, carefully patting his skin to finish with the job.
"God, you look so fresh and handsome."
"I'll give you two days before you start asking me to let it grow."
You laugh, splashing some water from your wet hands onto his face. "I love every look."
"Thanks for the help, missis Barber." He jokes, arms around you, chin on top of your head.
"Same time next week?"
"Yeah, fuck no." He says, making you both laugh.
🏷: Miss @gadriezmannsgirl πŸ’•πŸ€­
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zionworkzs Β· 1 year
Okay, but I need to talk about Good Omens and The Sound of Music.
First of all, I’m genuinely obsessed with it being explicitly canon that The Sound of Music exists in the GO universe and is, for some reason, God’s favorite movie. Neil says here that Heaven misses the point of the movie/musical, but I find it incredibly fascinating that Aziraphale outwardly despises it.Β 
Brief summary of The Sound of Music incoming as well as some really interesting parallels:
So we've got Julie Andrews playing Maria, who is studying to become a nun in an abbey in Salzburg. Problem is, she isn't the best nun, and is often late to chapel and just isn't the shining beacon of holiness that the rest of the nuns expect her to be.
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In response to this, the Reverend Mother of the abbey decides to send Maria to live with sexy widower Georg von Trapp, a navy captain who desperately needs help with his seven children. The Captain is a bit of a hard-ass since the death of his wife, and has been treating his kids like little soldiers as well as banning music from the house.
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The 7 kids are rambunctious and make things difficult for Maria at first. But one night, a thunderstorm scares them, and they run to Maria for comfort. The kids realize that Maria is really fun, and then later, when their dad is off to Vienna, the kids and Maria end up running around Salzburg singing, dancing, climbing trees, and having a blast.
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When the Captain comes home and hears about this, he sends Maria away. But then he overhears the children singing a song Maria taught them and he gets all emo and remembers how much music meant to him and his late wife. He asks Maria to stay after hearing the song, telling her she's brought joy back to their house.
And oops, Maria and the Captain are falling for each other, but the Captain is sort of kind of dating this blonde bombshell.
There's a big fuck-off party, and the Captain and Maria dance together.
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But, oh, no, Blondie saw them and can clearly tell they're in love. She tells Maria what she's seen and Maria is freaking out cause she's just realized she's in love.
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Mentally, my girl Maria is going through a lot. She thinks she’s disappointed God by falling in love when she was supposed to be doing a job. She feels scared by the depth of her feelings and because of all these emotions, she runs away. Back to the Abbey. Back to presumed safety.
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Mother Superior figures out what happened real quick and tells Maria that she isn’t wrong for falling in love. She sends her back to the Von Trapps, and it's such a great scene. If you wanna watch, I included a link below.
Maria goes back, and the kids are elated and she and the Captain confess their feelings (and oh my god, don't even get me started on the lyrics to the song they sing to each other while confessing, Something Good).
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(I’m unwell.)
So that's the Sound of Music. There's a subplot going on with WW2 and the Captain being pressured to join the Nazi regime (which he is very against). King, we love him.
I pointed out some obvious parallels, but I'd also like to pull some random thoughts together here:
Mother Superior (God) is the one that sends Maria (Aziraphale) to help the Von Trapps (humans) in the first place.
Maria (Aziraphale) extends grace and patience with the children (humans) and refuses to give up on them, even going so far as to disobey their father by letting them fuck around and be kids (going against God's wishes and giving humans the flaming sword).
Mother Superior (God) also sends Maria (Aziraphale) back to the Von Trapps after realizing that Maria (Aziraphale) is in love with the Captain (Crowley).
Here's to hoping we see God telling Azi that loving a demon is chill and he should go back to earth in S3.
Overall, it's incredibly amusing to me that Aziraphale, our Aziraphale, doesn't like The Sound of Music, with the main plot being about a woman who choses love over religious obligations and a man who rejects an authoritarian regime so that he might make his own way in the world.
Maybe Aziraphale recognizes the parallels and is in denial. Or maybe he just prefers Sondheim...
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midnightshaze13 Β· 4 months
I must say something because since I attended the Eras shows I feel this and I need to say it.
I've been a fan since crazier came out and she appeared on the cover of a disney magazine that my mom got me because I liked the song and wanted to know more about her, around 2010. Since then, I've always respected her and her work and came more and more in love with her writing and music. That hasn't changed a bit. But these family that we used to be has changed now a lot.
Lately, I've seen on social media and at the shows of the eras that many people who attended recognized to have had hated on her in the past, but they now "adore her". Something about this feels wrong to me.
Literally, "the old taylor is dead" was made to win over the general public. She had to metaphorically kill all her previous versions that people didn't trust or tolerated; these versions of herself with which she managed to make her name in the music industry AND those are the same ones they all rejected and now they sing with their mouth full.
She was FORCED to get the approval of people like these who pointed and criticized every little nonsense*ΒΉ about her in order to be able to do what she does now: succeed, fill stadiums with thousands of people and create a legacy which will be in the Music History books.
What I want to get at is that Taylor Swift, in order to continue growing in the industry, has had to overcome and prove wrong all of them who were at hater position 2, 3, 10 years ago.
In order to be valued and respected for her job which is creating music, and for her is specially writing her own songs, she was forced to learn how to dance "better" to beat the "she doesn't know how to dance" allegations; she had to change her dressing style and many other things like that to be what people wanted her to be so she could have the recognition she deserved previously and all.
To this day I think many don't like Taylor Swift for what she is and has been. Many people attending the Eras are people loving the results of her growing into someone "different" to earn that respect and admiration. And most of those love that performance of a (now considered) cool girl on stage that she puts on every night on the Eras more than her for what she is and more than the music.
But to all those I must say, she's on the bleachers. That's how it was and that’s the narrative most of them rejected her for. It's not okay to me that they claim to love her now that she's cheer captain, as if they never said a bad word about her.
If these people would have known taylor swift at that age when she wrote those and wasn't "cool" they may have bullied her for the same things they claim to love her for now.
These are the same people who have bullied me and my other Swift's fans friends for decades just for us liking taylor's music. I had to battle and fight for tickets & a seat at The Eras Tour against people who used to bully me at school for liking her music.
In her own words: maybe you've reframed it and in your mind you never beat my spirit black and blue. But I don't think you've changed much.
I welcome those who discover her recently with open arms. But to the "haters to fans" that "now I can see how good she is" no thanks.
I've been here through a lot watching from a distance (tumblr, youtube) and I always dreamed about going to a Taylor Swift's show. I watched the videos of the speak now world tour when my parents wouldn't let me go because I was 13 years old. I watched the Red Tour while experiencing my first romantic heartbreak and the 1989 world tour when I was 16 and decided to not have boyfriends for a long period of my life. When I started uni and had the clean speech tied to my folder binder to see it every day, these people looked at me like if I was GREEN. And then at the Uni I watched the reputation stadium tour every late night before falling asleep wondering what it must felt like to be a part of it and I grew more into the desire of traveling to a show but couldn't afford it back then. The Eras Show was amazing, it absolutely blew all of my expectations, it truly is my once in a lifetime experience that I'm so grateful for. To have been able to experience all the past eras that I dreamed of in my past.
It feels wrong to see every person who once bullied me for dreaming about it out loud back in the day standing there making their own of the lyrics that for so many time were mine to scape real life and dream.
*ΒΉnonsense: there was this time when every day we had a battle on twitter and other social media of people attacking taylor for the absurd fact that she was blonde, rich and famous and also thin. It was like that back then, they didn't had anything else to attack her for.
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hetr0ph0bic Β· 2 years
I got sumn!!! Y/n seduces and sleeps with riri and Shuri SEPARATELY and they figure it out while chatting in the lab and decide to teach her lesson ;) w/ smut obvi
our girl
tag : shuriri x reader warning :ropes? public hunching? coochie eating! fingering! Strapping! n more summary: yes porn, whats but u already knew tht wrd cnt :7.3k+
a/n okay so thxxxxxx for the req i had so much fun writing it! fr i luv u!!!!!!! title inspo -
oh, that's your bitch? That's my ho too We gon' share her, call her, "Our girl"
riri walks in sync with ayo and aneka, the three of them in dire need of a fun night. they find themselves outside of a old ranned down club, the dim neon lights read β€˜club usana’.Β 
β€œ yall really wanna go in here? it look like a hole in the wall” riri points to the walls of the club.Β 
β€œprincess we wouldn't have you just anywhere, i promise its nice inside” ayo drags riri inside of the club aneka following behind. β€œwe are going to dance, i know, i know you're not staying with us. don't make any stupid decisions! stay here and ring us if anything is wrong!” the couple scurries away. riri looks around the dark club, trying to find something or someone she knows. not finding a familiar face, she settles for the bar. riri steps up to the long bar leaning to the side, she rubs shoulders with you. riri looks you up and down, drinking your warm skin.
β€˜hm i knew this dress was the one’
Β β€œoh my bad- i didn't mean too” riri apologies swiftly. with a small smile you reach out to caress her arm.
β€œdon't worry you're all good, and what might your name be”
riri answers with a soft pretty giggle, β€œriri, what's your pretty”
β€œ y/n, but it can be yours”
β€œooh i see your slick with it”
Β chuckling β€œyeah i try to be, wanna drink then dance?” you nod over to the bartender tagging them down
β€œyeah, a lil drink can't hurt” 
β€œcan we get a lil whiskey on the rocks?” you then press your kimoyo beads to the top of the counter, successfully paying for the drinks.
Β β€œcheers!”
Β β€œto what though” riri questions
β€œa fun safe night!” you two down the burning drink, getting up to walk to the dance floor. the two of you find yourselves in a nice two step to the loud beat. but slowly that changes as you reach for riri hands. with nonverbal permission, you place them on your shoulders. a steady grind is unfolded, as you drag your hands from above her waist to riri’s hips. swinging your hands around to feel on riri’s ass, with a gasp the girl scooted closer. so close you can feel your cores meet. riri looks down, feeling the lower connection. the music blares on as a kompa style song comes to play. already knowing what to do, you mold riri’s body into the perfect shape. placing each other in the needed spot, you move her body into yours. making your cores and legs never leave each other. riri tips her head up to whisper in your ear.Β 
β€œyou know this song?” she fully relaxed in your arms, body flowing with the music.
β€œyeah it’s a classic” you rest her hands on your neck and place your hands back on her waist continuing to drive the dancing.
β€œwhat’s the name” she rests her head on your shoulder
β€œsomething going on by kaysha, it’s a bit old but it never gets old”
riri gets into the rhythm, you too being able to move your feet in a steady way. you lift riri’s head and hold onto her neck, she looks into your eyes as you move her body in tune with yours. both of your dresses ride up, but you do a good job at keeping them down. keeping the movement, you pull her bloody red dress down again for the 14th time in the few minutes. your fingers drape over her thigh, to squeeze the thigh.
β€œis this okay?”
β€œ mhmm yeah good” she mumbles out
you lift your hand from her thick thighs. placing a hand under her chin, she parts her lips letting air blow through them.
β€œcan i do .. more” you rub your thumb across her bottom lip. nodding you both close the space. its nasty and hungry, the kiss. her lips are so fucking soft, like your kissing clouds nothing like-
β€˜stop, just enjoy the night’
Β the growing whines from riri causes you to rip your mouth from her
β€œwe should stop right now, if not im going to fuck you right here.”
β€œwell i think the bathroom is better.” she replies smugly, with a smirk you lead riri to the bathroom in a rush. smashing your lips together again now in the locked stall. smacks and groans fill up the empty room. you explore the girls mouth, tongue feeling everything possible. riri begins to control you and the kiss, licking on your and lips lower jaw. she slowly backs you up to the black stall divider, pushing you back to the wall,you break the kiss from the impact.
β€œplease, fuck!” riri attacks your neck, littering in with nasty, sloppy marks. your pants echo throughout, lucky the bathroom is empty.Β  attempting to utilize that emptiness, you eagerly pull up your dress to your chest. riri drops her knees to the floor wasting no time.Β 
β€œplease, i need you” you lift your heavy head to look at the other. riri looks up from the ground, eyes dark and filled with need. riri rubs her hands along your thighs pushing for legs apart.Β 
β€œcome on you're begging now open up your fucking legs” she takes her sweet time pealing your soaked panties from your oozy core.
lifting for hips with a cry she hurriedly pulls your soaked panties to the side. pushing her thumb inside your lips, she lets your juices soak the finger. pulling your panties to the side more she reaches up to circle your clit.
β€œfuck just take them off” you groan at her antics. using her strong shoulders you step out of the underwear, praying for her to continue. instead of continuing to tease you, riri dives head first. licking and sucking on your clit, prying her arms in between your legs, she forces your legs apart.
Β β€œkeep your fucking legs open, fuck” she rocks her face up and down on your core. using her knees, she is able to bounce and keep your legs spread wide, allowing her all access. she moves down from your clit, to tease your hole. sucking on your red swollen clit she sticks a inch of her finger inside playing with the muscles of the entrance.Β 
β€œstop fucking teasing and go all the way in ” you say through the deep waves of pleasure.Β 
β€œonly because you sound so nice” 
riri goes for your clit again, sucking so hard. she strokes two fingers in between your lips, spit and slick covering them in an instant. riri thrust the two fingers inside of you, immediately creating scissoring motions with the digits. you arch your back, combing fingers in her hair as she jolts your body up. with her slamming and curving in you, riri finds a weak spot. repeatedly smashing, shoving against the soft tissue inside. your moans echo through the bathroom, a little lower than the blasting music, lucky.Β 
β€œfuck, ri- im close” standing up on one leg you start to slam down to meet her movements
β€œ that’s it mama just like that” she snakes her hands up pinching your brown erect nipples
β€œ ri im cumming” riri applies a last bruising suck to your clit, your body quivering as your knees slowly gives out. she grabs you and pushes you up the wall again holding you as you ooze out, applying sloppy pecks to your red neck. seconds go by as you regain your energy.Β 
swapping places, to deliver soft nibbles to her skin. from her neck to down her legs you scratch and bite. finally flopping on the tile you cup her wet heat, while kissing her thigh. looking up into riri’s low teary eyes, you begin to fondle with the black lacy underwear.
β€œ don't worry love, after that i promise you're gonna cum even harder, ill make sure of it” you end the promise with light kisses to her clothed pussy. you pull her underwear down pass her knees, helping her step out of them. roughly to grip riri’s leg and sliding in on your shoulder. looking at her core, seeing the slick ooze out and onto the outer lips and even down her thighs. licking your lips you lick up the limb, collecting wetness on your tongue.
Β staring into the other's eyes, β€œi knew you would taste like this, so fucking good”.
Β riri tosses her head back as you dive in, moving your head in a infinity motion. slick pools out as you, eat her with need. backing up you stand up to share the taste. riri jumps to kiss you, tasting her own glossy liquids she moans.Β 
β€œi know i know” you slide down again to meet her heat face to face again. dipping your tongue inside her lips, licking a heavy pointed up and down, devouring her clit. her sweet moans gets louder, deeper. you place the same leg over your shoulder again. spreading her apart with your hands, you show the most attention to her clit wanting it to be swollen. showing no mercy, you give all undivided attention to the small nerve. standing on one leg the other around your neck she searches for some type of placement. riri can't reach above the stall to short, like a headboard. the other connecting wall is too far, the only choice, she rakes her hands through your hair. as you nibble and suck on the bundle riri gives you high pitch praisesΒ 
β€œ fuck fuck yes god yes.”  working your mouth lower to begin to tease her hole, she you begs add something in her.
β€œplease i don't care, just do something, please i wanna cum hard like you said i would”. you finally give in, presenting her your tongue. she looks down as you slip inside. you start to fuck into her, face hitting her pussy. hands rubbing her clit and tongue fucking her senseless, she starts to unravel. as you slam your tongue in and out, you lock eyes with her, digging your nails in her thigh every time she looks away. her legs now showcasing red nail marks, she moans into her palm. a lousy attempt of snuffing the sounds. she silently screams as you thrust inside of her, body shaking as riri drags her nails up and down her body.
Β placing her other leg on your shoulders, you continue to ruin her. shaky moans getting caught in her throat, riri squeezes her thighs hard as she gasps and groans.Β  riri’s small body quivers and becomes more broken, you can tell she is nearing the end. she trembles hard, unable to keep still for a split second. she starts rutting against for face, hands full of hair she begins fully face fucking you as you swirl with her dripping pussy.Β 
β€œ don't stop, talk to it” riri pulls your hair as you hollow your cheeks, slurp on her clit. then pull it out of your mouth with a pop, repeating the action her pants reach a higher octave, chest expanding and contracting needing more air. you roll her pretty clit in your fingers, pushing her over the edge. she cums silently, mouth hung open, pussy pulsing, and convulsing to squirt. you continue fucking her on your tongue. rough hands pulling at your scalp, aiming to pull you off. failing to pull you off, riri begs and pleads β€œplease pleaseΒ  y/n no more i can't” ignoring her you continue to hollow your cheeks on her clit, she pushes against your face attempting to run. wrapping your hands around her thighs and holding tight she is forced to take the pleasure in over stimulation. seconds later riri is chanting again β€œy/n, y/n” as she comes. face and neck dripping with cum you slowly let her down from your lifted shoulders. still holding her riri takes deep long strides of air. after a few finally riri cools down, now sitting down on the sink, she recovers.
β€œyou good ri?” you grab your belongings. you also grab and put the other things in her own purse. reaching for riri’s phone you type in your number, she is still seated on the sink.
β€œyeah im good, you put your number in the phone?” you two stand in the mirror fixing your dresses, hair and face.
β€œyeah well you got my number call me if you need anything” opening the phone you check the time β€œ its like 3 and i gotta be up in the morning, ill see you around” with a wave you walk out from the bathroom heading home. riri begins rinsing out her mouth and washing off her face. she drags herself out of the bathroom, going to the bar to find the dora lovers.Β 
β€œready to go ms. riri”
β€œyeah gotta be up tomorrow”
Β *
days latter
you feel the yellow pool concrete under your feet as you find an unoccupied mini jacuzzi at the packed party. summer time in wakanda is the place to be, the heat, the music, the food, everything is like a true dream. you settle in the mini jacuzzi calling over a waiter. they show up in a pink patterned bikini.
β€œwhat can i get you” the young girl questions
β€œdo yall got a fruit platter, and a few water bottles” you look up to her blocking out the setting sun with your hands
β€œyeah i got you, anything else?” she finishes tapping the order on the tablet.
β€œnah that’ll be it thanks”
after a few minutes you feel a presence behind you, thinking its the waiter again you stand up in the water. but its not, in fact the last person you would expect here. the black panther, queen of wakanda
β€œumm sorry to bother you it’s just all of the mini jacuzzis are all full. can i join you, it’s just me.” shuri looks down on you from outside the water
β€œoh nah join i don't mind”, looking around you all of the other mini water heaters are full. each and every single one. each circle is able to fit five people, and even then it's about 10 in each. so it's a mystery how you had this all alone to yourself.
β€œoh i never got your name” shuri ask setting down all her belongingsΒ 
β€œit’s y/n” you take the time to get a good look at the royal, it’s rare for her to be out like this. she sports a black cutout bikini with golden rings to hold the top and two bottom sides together. along with that, she has opaque cover up. shuri has a gorgeous dainty black pendent on, you can bet money that is just her suit.Β 
β€œoh that’s really pretty” she smiles, sinking into the water
β€œnot to be rude or anything but where are the doras don't they watch over you?” you honestly wonder
β€œnah your good, but i don't need to be babysat, i am the best fighter of the county remember.” you feel your skin get hot at the thought.
β€œoh yeah your right’’ you chuckle β€œi have some fruit and water coming over here you can have some when it arrives” 
β€œokay thanks” 
Β sitting under the water, afro beats blasting around them
β€œso what's it like being the queen and stuff”
shuri breathes out, β€œwell hard” she chucklesΒ 
β€œeveryone expects you to be here and there, and they don't ever let me rest. and still having to mourn and work…. its a lot.” they take about any and everythingΒ Β 
β€œyeah i completely understand, well not to your extent obviously but i know what pressure feels like. from everyone around you and even people you don't even know.”
β€œbut it is better since i am here today, getting a break.”
β€œif you ever need someone to help you relax call me” you say as you put a strawberry in your mouth.
β€œ i know i just met you but i feel like, i could tell you anything or just be natural with you.” you place your hand on shuri’s lap. not moving your hand you look into her eyes.
β€œoh umm sorry im sorry” you move to create a bit space
β€œnah your good”, shuri grabs your hand examining it.
β€œyour nails are so pretty, but why are the two middle ones short?”
β€œoh umm”, you look up the meet her eyes β€œwell, its so i dont hurt (your) walls with long nails”
dropping your hand she backs up against the wall, a red warming seeping into her skin.
β€œoh oh okay”, you can still see her stare at your handsΒ 
β€œmy queen are you okay?”
she breathes out β€œyeah im fine, i just wasn't expecting that” 
β€œoh im so sorry if i made you uncomfortable”, shuri shakes her head, arguing.
you reach for a piece of fruit β€œ so who said your life is are pressure and deadlines, what do you do?” the royal scoots back over from hugging the wall.
β€œi run a clothing company, i do literally… everything. i make the clothes, i do the accounting and managing of every little fucking aspect. im actual wearing me right now.”
β€œ whaaaa, how do you make time you anything? it has to take up your life!?”
β€œyeah i does even caused relationships to fail, well not really but it did at the same time”
β€œoh im sorry” shuri gives a sincere lookΒ 
β€œdon't sweat, its fuck her alllll the way”
β€œ wait, what happened?”
β€œlets just say she was controlling as fuck. i couldn't do anything without her aproval. partying, clubbing, working, eating, clothing it all had to be on her terms and the sex was lousy at best! most definitely toxic”
β€œdamn, well so im glad you’re away from that. no human should be on those restrictions”.
β€œyeah me too, i’ve been single for a little over a month and im just now getting back outside, andΒ  just enjoying life.” you both reach for a fruit, hands grazing. with a smile β€œopen up”.Β 
shuri obeys opening her mouth wide you place the pineapple in. slowly itching your piece watching her closely, she finishes the piece.Β 
β€œwant another”, she nods her head. β€œshuri you have to use your words” you reach for the slice.
β€œ i want it.” 
you put the smaller piece in her mouth again, letting your fingers swipe her tongue. pointing to the fruit, β€œyou want something else” she nods her head again. β€œuh uh words” she quickly finishes the fruitΒ 
β€œyeah something else”
Β β€œoh really, what do you want” moving closer you stroke your hand from her neck to the middle of her breast, dropping your hand into the water playing with the golden ring that ties the black bottoms together.Β 
β€œ please, just do it” she begs in a hushed tone
β€œdo what my queen” you whisper in her ear
β€œfuck, just put your fingers in me” shuri breathes slow, finally letting her orbs lock with yours.
β€œ i don’t know” you scan around the area. the surrounding groups are drunk, high or smoking and pouring bottles of dark liquor down each other’s throats.Β 
β€œokay fine- but don’t make a fucking sound, eat the fruit and act like i’m not touching you. if you gain any attention, i will stop.”
β€œ yes okay got it”, she grabs the platter of fruits and places them in the water. the tray is able to float on its own. shuri holds the tray with one arm fully covering her lap. you dip your hand into the royals bathing suit. instantly met with soft skin. quickly, you move your hand down to her core.
Β β€œi’m gonna push in okay” you search for doubt or question in the panther's eyesΒ 
β€œyeah okay” with one finger you drive in and out and a easy speed not trying to splash all the water. β€œ put the other one in” she whispers in your ear, she turns to grab your phone. needing something to distract her. as you add the second finger, she clenches around you. you start to curl your fingers back in forth hitting a spot in shuri. she opens her mouth to moan but quickly closes it. you look down at the royal and see her clenching your phone, β€œput it down before you fucking break it” with low breathy moans she manages a sentence. barely. β€œshut up… your fucking me like this and got the-” you cut her off with your same hand. rubbing circles on her clit, side to side with the pads of your thumb. shuri tosses the phone on to the concrete. grabbing handfuls of fruit, stuffing them in her mouth she then moans. not loud but something for her to feel release. shuri body shudders as you work your fingers in her. she clings to your shoulder, egging you on.
β€œplease don't stop feels too good” you curve your fingers harder rocking her body in the deep water. shuri voice cracks as you rock her, entranced with you and your fingers.
you focus on scissoring her, taken in by the squelching sounds from the water, you sit and watch as the royal looses her fucking mind.Β 
Β β€œcome here” shuri pushes against your hands, letting her hand slip free from the tray. she creates small splashes in the now dark water. shuri leans far back into the wall, doing anything to buck from the intense pleasure.
soon she feeds into the thrusts, turning her head to make her pants fall on your shoulder. shuri’s cries get louder, her hands continuously ranking up and down her body. nails scratching her own body β€œ oh shuri” you singsong β€œmmmm” she answers. you smile at her while curving your fingers to touch that point that know will make her see stars β€œ be quiet love” pressing deep into her. shuri gnaws at her lips, trying to drown out her cries and sobs. taking your free hand from her leg, you rake your fingers through shuri soft curls. you pull her hair hard, her back in a sinful arch. through closed tight lips she mumbles β€œ y/n im- im cumming”.
β€œ i know i know just ride it out” pushing the platter of fruit to her right hand she digs she sharp nails into your thigh. shuri fights to keep her eyes from rolling back. not wanting a soul so look over and see what’s going on. you place her on one leg still fucking her. with a hand you rub circles into her back. β€œthats it, just like that, so good, no one noticed, you did so good” after shuri comes down she slips off your thigh and you slip your hand out.Β 
β€œhey you with me” you rub your hand up and down her neck.
β€œyeah im here” shuri scoots off your lap, to your side. placing a hand close to your core.Β 
β€œthis okay right” shuri questions looking for conformation.
β€œ don't worry love, im good” 
β€œare you sure i don't mind, i promise”
β€œno no im sure you already did a number on me. remember im here for you, to relax, im good right now”.
you and shuri spend the rest of the night there, till the people start to file out.Β 
β€œthis was fun ill keep in touch” shuri says as you use a towel to dry your body off. grabbing your black tote bag, you head off home. stepping off the train, using your beads to unlock the front door. you walk into your apartment. in much need of a shower, shuffle into your bathroom. slipping out of the wet bathing suit is hell but you somehow get it off. hopping into the warm shower, soap running over your body. you can't but think about the past few weeks. a wonderful booming business, getting out of a terrible relationship. god that alone is a fucking blessing. its so good being single, being able to make your own decisions, no one asking for your where about every two seconds. questioning you on cheating, dictating what to eat, wear, and how to fucking act.
walking into the kitchen, in search of food. opening up the fridge and every fucking cabinet, you settle of pizza. using your beads you order the food, waiting for it to get here you clean up the house. but shit two back to back, riri and the queen
Β what. the. fuck.
how the fuck was that even possible. drying off you grab a big old shirt from the closet. dirty clothes, dishes, laundry, by the time you finish the food is here. you scarf down the food and head to bed. waking up in the weighted blood-red covers. you start up on the new clothing orders.
1 week later,
β€œso ri hows life been treating you”
β€œwow so thats code for im noisy tell me all your business”
the two sit in the small lab in their connected room. blueprints and oil spread all around the many tables. they both have been in here since the crack of dawn, so cans of energy drinks are pilled up in the trash can.
β€œwell if you wanna be rude about it, come on its been so long since we spilled dirty secrets” shuri pauses walking over to riri on the floor. β€œand i have news alsoooo” she drags out.Β 
β€œwait you have news, okay you start first” riri wipes the oil from her hands, giving the oder her attention.
β€œwhat? no! you're just gonna have me tell everything, while you keep it on the low.” shuri points her finger accusinglyΒ 
β€œ i promise i wont” shuri gives the engineer a look of β€˜stop lying’ β€œ i promise for real for real.” 
β€œokay so i’ve been doing good, you know i pulled back from working as much as i do. well passing little shit off to m’baku. he likes to feel important so i give im all the annoying work that really doesn’t call for me.”
β€œ okay good, good… what have you been doing with all your time then”
β€œ well duhh i’ve been with you. i when out to a pool party and honestly i just sleep the rest of the time away.but the thing is the pool party that’s the thing.” the royal goes quite finding it hard to find the right words. β€œ i don’t even know how to say what happened” shuri hides her face in her hands
Β β€œ just spit it out”
β€œ riri give me time im not like you dang!”
β€œ what you mean not like me”
β€œ you have no problem being unfiltered and i cant do that”
Β riri shakes her head finding the truth in the statement β€œ okay so what did you kiss a girl?”
β€œ... no”
β€œ what grind on?”
β€œ noo… worst” her voice gets higherΒ 
β€œomg did you, fuck a girl???” 
β€œ wellll she did the fucking”
β€œWHAT” riri jumps up yelling. settling back down on the floor , β€œyou did what. stop. wait. what. i want every fucking detail! don't you DARE leave a single thing out. was this at the pool party? bitch, i knew i should’ve gone with you. fuck, but you wanted me to do my homework! yeah i bet so you can get your fucking rocks off. what’s her name? omg okay go imma shut up. go… go.” riri holds her hands over her mouth
β€œokay so a pool party, downtown by the shops”
β€œ yeah and everything”
Β β€œ right so its a real nice pool over there, its sections for kids and adults inside. itsΒ  from like dawn to dusk. okay so it was my off day right. so i went there to have a little fun, a nice day by myself, cool. so i get there and i me this girl-” 
β€œpause what was the fits, yours and hers? do you have pics?”
shuri rolls her eyes at the interruption β€œ i sent you a photo of it the black bathing suit with the rings”
Β β€œthe one with yo tetas out! oh my good, your a whore! continue!”
Β β€œokay and she was wearing a nude bathing suit, god she was so fucking fine. anyway so i walk up to her and ask to sit and she was okay with it.then we started talking about work in stuff and she tells me that i can call on her to chill or relax because she has a demanding job also. oh i almost forgot so like i knew it was gonna happen when i asked about her nails.” 
β€œcolor and length”
Β β€œ pink but they blended into her skin like perfectly, but the two middle ones were short so i asked why”
β€œ you asked her why her… two middle nails was short…. wow clueless gay!”
Β β€œ anyway, she told me why and like okay so she started to FEED me. then im like hot i ready she was super good. and she keep asking me if everything was okay and you know meee.” they crackle at shuri’s antics.
Β β€œso anyway she fingered me in the mini jacuzzi” riri mouth is agape, lost, she is stuck for a while. β€œwait what happened again” clearly just imagining that.
Β β€œ she fingered me, in the jacuzzi, in front of others. ri i had to not moan and i covered me up with the fucking. fruit. tray.”
Β β€œno your a liar” riri stand up pacing. β€œ this cant be true, its shuri miss stand-off, miss cold shoulder. no way what’s her name, did you even get her fucking name” riri now kneeling in front of the royal.
Β β€œyeah it was y/n” she plops down on the floor messy floor.
β€œ what, y/n, is she brown with dark eyes and long braids.”
β€œ wait you know her”
Β β€œum yeah we did it in the bathroom and club usana”
Β β€œHUH” 
β€œshuri we ate each other in the fucking bathroom” β€œso she smashed both of us.. ion like that”
β€œ she said she just got out of a shitty and i mean shitty relationship-” 
β€œ and she getting pussy like that damn. you think she down for threesomes”
β€œ ri! have you no shame!”
Β β€œ i don't get it i like her, i like you, you like me, and you like her why not. plus i dont like the fact that she smashed both of us” 
β€œ oh no, i know that look. she might not even be into that!” 
β€œinto what, what look are you taking about” riri yells back
β€œthe look where your horny and angry, you probably wanna punish her or something”
seconds pass and they both are quiteΒ 
β€œi dont give a fuck, send for her as the queen. we ask her with full consent, if she agrees we have fun” with that riri leaves shuri in her side on the room.
the loud sewing machine noise filters through the entire house. clothes scatter the office space, but luckily all the orders for today have been made. you clip the hanging thread from the dress as you hear a knock on the door. running to the door, you place your hand on the keypad to unlock it. the door swings open and you're faced with general okoye.Β 
β€œ oh! general, is everything okay? ” she gives you a warm smileΒ 
β€œyes, the queen calls for you.” looking down at your clothes, you know you have to change. blue penguins pajamas and dino house shoes aren't appropriate.
after swiftly cleaning up you change into a basic workout two piece. then you and the soldier are off. walking into the palace doors, okoye leads you to an empty room with a sleek white triangle table in the middle. the door shutting is the only reason you know you’ve been left alone. walking up to the table you sit, now spotting a clear chair and small folder.
the papers inside read:
β€˜ hello y/n i’ve called to you like this because i want no form of intimidation. you're here because me and riri ( the girl from club usana ) would like to invite you into our bedroom. if you are not comfortable with this you can put down the papers and walk out, okoye will take you home safely. at anytime you feel uncomfortable, you are allowed to leave. if you are interested, read our and list your intimacy boundaries. on the bottom lines, if you need to express anything, you can write it all there. once done, place the folder in the slot on the wall. you can then explore the palace after that.’ taking up the pen you get to writing.
the two others watches from a camera.Β 
β€œ well she didn’t walk out that’s a plus” shuri sits on riri’s bed tablet in her hand.
Β β€œ zoom in! i wanna see what she’s writing” riri bumps shoulders with shuri.
Β β€œwow aren’t you eager, wasn’t this excited when we did it.” shuri tosses riri the tablet.
Β β€œoh my bad i was too busy fearing for my fucking life.” 
Β β€œwhich was your fault by the way. trying to prove old white people wrong, about to get yourself killed.”
β€œ and i was excited, lame, im just cool so you didn’t peep it ” riri says zooming on the paper
β€œ okay so she likes….”
β€œbreath in and out, at anytime you wanna stop say red.”
you feel the two grip your hand, walking you up to something hard. the left hand tugs at your wrist, making you tip over. yelping as you fall over, your face hits something so soft.
β€˜it’s just the bed’
the same hand that tugged you pulls again, you start to crawl. on your hands and knees you make your way up the bed. slender hands make their way across your torso, flipping you on your back. immediately your arms are pulled up and part, you then feel something cold. crisp handcuffs are tightened around your wrist. you hear their footsteps and warm leave from around you. shuri and riri didn’t show you around the room again, only blindfolding you and cuffing you to the bed. hell you were even still clothed in your sleeping clothes from this morning, days after you signed and went over the papers with them. sounds on smacking pulls you from your thoughts.
β€œahh” you scramble to sit up, back flushed with the headboard. squishing sounds come after, almost like a bottle?
its lube, fuck i wanna see
it goes silent, then soft pants barley detectable. as the time goes by the squelching gets louder and louder. unable to tell the moans apart you grown restless.
β€œokay im ready put it in” riri pants outΒ 
β€˜so its shuri strapping riri fuck’
β€œfuck look back at me” shuri’s voice has gone low, deeper
β€œyeah just like that baby”, clapping sounds gradually build up. your core as been pulsing ever since they tied you up. mixed with the moaning, you can feel your panties wet and cold on your warm pussy. you slide to the side, trying use your propped up hand. with avail, you can’t reach the blindfold. sliding down the bed, you can bring your shoulders and upper arm to your face. using all your strength, you slowly work the tight cover off.Β 
β€œfuck harder shuri, harder” riri demands. soon as the order leaves her mouth, deep sinful moans fill the room. finally sliding it down your face you can see the two. mirrors placed at each of their heads, clothes throw by the foot of the bed. shuri and riri have the most sinful arch in their backs, you could go and sit a cup on it. legs locked and intertwined, they fuck themselves from the back. a clear double-sided dildo, you can see their insides from the angle. closing your legs, shut tight. water blurs your vision, voice fully of desperation β€œ please, i-” 
β€œshut. up.” riri seethes through her teeth pausing on shuri.
shuri’s broken voice cuts through β€œdon’t stop” riri begins again, slamming back meeting shuri’s movements β€œri maybe she can join now?” shuri look over to you sorry all on her face.
β€œwhat fuck no, we just started. don’t look or talk to her she’s just gonna persuade you to let her go.” riri turns her head from the mirror to look at you on the bed β€œslick with your words huh? shuri she’s a business person, her job is to fucking talk and trick people. she can get released once we cum and only if she’s good.” so you take it, quite as your body shakes with need. yearning to be with the two on the floor. shuri lies face down, turning her head towards you. she latches orbs, taking her hand to rub circles on her clit. rubbing till she creams with a scream. moaning shuri slips off of the toy. manhandling riri, so she’s on her back, legs behind her head. shuri works the toy deep in the small girl, taking her time. you can tell she enjoys watching riri lose her assertive demeanor.
β€œfuck, fuck- umm please! please shuri, harder” riri cries out
β€œy/n ri so wet just for us” shuri starts to thumb her clit. β€œawww your already swollen” riri shakes her head frantically. shuri replaces her thumbs with her lips. kissing, lapping at the poor girl.
β€œuhh uhh take it” shuri mumbles while eating β€œim never gone stop” riri’s leg glitch as they tense behind her head. shots of slick and cum shoots up into the air, landing all over the room. manly on shuri’s face since she dove back in once the spraying first started.
β€œfuck shuri hold her legs down! shes to strong.” shuri grips your legs forcing them to stay part. she drives the special made strap deep inside of you. your skin and brain are on fucking fire. riri works you with a vibrator on your puffy clit. it wasn't supposed to go like this. fuck, your body is shaking the table. you want to touch them so bad, but the tight ruff ropes prevent you from moving.Β 
β€œfuck mmmmm” you twist your head into the side of your arm trying to keep your moans down. what if someone hears you, or look up or just fucking sees you.Β 
β€˜why the fuck are they fucking you on the patio?? in broad fucking daylight??’
β€œ fuck i can’t i can’t.”  
β€œoh now you can't, but you can do a lot of other things. you can fuck me in front of hundreds of people without a fucking care. you can fuck riri in bathroom stalls, but you can take this.” β€œpathetic.” riri adds on to shuri’s rant
β€œright, tell me y/n does is feel good.” riri takes her fingers to open your lips spreading them apart. β€œlook at her shuri, so fucking pretty. so pink and fat”
Β shuri grabs unto your hips bucking up into you, hitting a spot that makes you scream.Β 
β€œdon’t stop! shuri, just like that baby. yes.” you look up at riri, with tearful eyes β€œri kiss me please please” β€œawww okay baby” riri leans down to place her lips on yours. a soft sweet kiss the total opposite of the sensations she's causing to the rest of your body. riri keeps one hand at the bottom, holding the vibrator to your clit. she throws one leg over your waist now straddling you. she places her dripping pussy on the vibrator opposite side of you. as she bites your sensitive bottom lip, she rocks back and forth on the toy. causing you pure ecstasy, the toy mixing the wetness from both of you.Β 
β€œfuck just like that ri” shuri speaks up hands traveling up your legs. reaching your thigh, she pulls you both down the table near the edge. holding your thighs, she drives in and out at a nasty pace. a loud clapping sound comes as she hits your body with hers. waves making you and riri rock on the table with each hit. the pressure of your body builds up, the two making you spill over.
β€œ that’s it don’t stop don’t stop” your pussy pulses, squirting all over the three of you.
β€œ alright that's it love” shuri begins to pull out.
β€œ what no don’t stop! matter a fact-.” riri pushes shuri all the way out and grips your hair.Β 
β€œyou think that’s fucking funny”, her eyes low and black, she stands you up on your knees. seating herself in front of you, she then lays back legs spread open.
β€œ well start eating”, you scoff in disbelief β€œwho do you think you-” but shuri pushes your back in, molding you with your ass up and face down. she slips back in and continues fucking you till you see stars. your face lays on riri’s open pussy, moaning and slobbing on it as you're fucked into oblivion. shuri pounds you from the back. her hand twirls your hair around her palm. once wrapped around two times, she pulls you up.Β 
β€œdidn’t she fucking tell you to eat”,Β 
β€œso fucking do it”. as shuri ease you down to meet riri you slip your hands under her brown soft thighs. opening your mouth you let a long line of spit leak out onto her lips. as your body rocks with force, you see how her lips glisten with spit and her own wetness. looking up into the smaller pretty eyes β€œriri its so fucking pretty, so pink, so perfect for me” riri throws her head back with a deep moan. you take that as a clue to get going. you begin by licking a long strip from her hole to her clit. lifting up her hood to lick fast over the small hole. ri’s legs shake in your arms β€œfuck y/n keep going” so you do fully sucking on her cilt hard, rocking your face side to side covering your face in her juices.Β 
β€œyeah more more”, just like before you kiss your way down to her hole. sticking your tongue inside, you struggle as you try to find the correct rhythm with shuri drilling you behind. going out on a whim, you fuck back on the special made strap. shuri gasps from the interruption, taking advantage of the open window you fuck down on the strap tongue still inside riri. soon shuri joins, finding the opening too. three different tones of moans leave the patio.
β€œgood girl, keep going don’t stop yeah just like that keep fucking her just. like. that” shuri lands hits to your ass cheeks. you can feel your energy and willpower slipping away, tapping riri’s thighs β€œwant you ride”.
β€œhuh” she picks her head up, tilted it in confusion.
β€œ ri ride my face” finally understanding, riri scrambles up. matching your same position, she backs her ass up to your face. lining up and slipping in all by herself, using her knees riri rocks back on your tongue. as you place your hands on her thighs, slamming her back down harder. she looses her mind. as riri whines and shivers around you, you hear and realize shuri is close also. the thrust are uneven and sloppy. the burning skin from her digging her sharp ass nails in your skin. the high pitch drag out moans aren't unnoticed. creeping a hand to rub riri’s clit, you lock your legs around shuri. destined to make them both come hard, moaning on riri and squeezing the strap from inside sends them over the edge. shuri coming inside you and riri coming on you. feeling shuri’s cum inside you and riri’s lovely pleas makes your eyes roll back. slipping out of riri and off the toy, your body slumps down, trembling as you continue to release.
okay thts im tired and i know this is trash!!!! any typos? u didn't see shit goodnight
@widowmakker @letitias-fav @rxcently @acommonwhor3 @garbagesleepschedule @nightlife-things @sweetalittleselfish-honey
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missholloween Β· 10 months
Spies are forever in 54 below performances are amazing. We have:
Daniel Belnavis amazing job in spies are forever and the coldest goodbye
Curt singing "my partner... No!" in Spy again
All of Somebody's gotta do it. Joey of course does a great job, but Pomme Koch just flexes during the whole song. Amazing job istg
Also Curt sings so sweetly and nicely the "stop being such a little pussy"
Before the chorus in Eyes on the Price I Lauren goes down instead of up and it sounds really nice
Curt mouths "yeah" when Tessa sings "you think I'm crazy"
The dance during Eyes on the Price II and the horniness of it all
Pomme does a great job, what a good torture tango
Also Curt whimpers and moans when he's hurt
Mary Kate does also an amazing job
Joey gets closer at the end of the song (in the "Owen?") so he can look at Curt
I'm obsessed with Joey's the prince, but AJ Holmes does also a great job as Vanger Borschtit
"Would you please turn around?" "No" "Okay"
Also "I'm sure you don't need to remind him" "I also fucking despise him"
Tbh all the lyrics updates are great and I'm glad they've revisited some of them
Curt and Mary Kate joking about an upbeat, fun song just before prisoner of my past
Curt making the audience cheer Mary Kate (deservingly) after it
Curt almost drops the mic when Lauren enters the scene during doing this
Lauren totally steals the scene
"So you're into" "yeah" "agh!"
Curt is specially nervous during the conversation :') and his little smile after the "til the end"
I can't believe they did the pay attention reprise and not the coldest goodbye reprise
Lauren kills it tho. She could do an amazing toad cover
Curt and Mary Kate failing to clap during one more shot
"Curt's ex-lover slash partner"
Joey directly goes to queer smug villain and he looks amazing doing it
Joey sitted in the piano
Curt looking so hurt and conflicted during the whole song, he does an amazing job acting
"feeling a lot of dΓ©jΓ  vu again" AND THEY GRAB EACH OTHER AS IN SPIES ARE FOREVER. WHAT.
Joey's little taunt so that Curt goes with him and they run to the mics again
They gave a special shoutout to Esther because she had covid and couldn't be there (video-called her during the ending)
"If you think about this show, it's timeless. Because spies are, what? Forever?"
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crybyemissamericanpie Β· 10 months
Old friend - Mike Schmidt x gn!reader (angst)
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Old friend - Mike Schmidt x gn!reader (angst)
TW:Mention of suicide attempts,Mention of abuse,Bit of cursing
The office was thick with tension as Mike met their gaze, the lingering smell of coffee seemingly in line with the general ambience of the room.
While others may have assumed there was a deeper layer of resentment at work, the truth was that there was simple too much pride involved between the two of them to acknowledge any animosity.
Mike spoke up first, voice low and carrying a hint of tension in it, β€œI’m doing my job perfectly fine, I don’t understand why they brought you in."
They were no strangers to eachother and they had some history too,they knew each other way back in high school,they weren't in good condition now for sure
"You fell asleep on the job"They says looking at Mike with a calm face
β€œI was resting my eyes…” Mike murmured,annoyed β€œThey look just the same as closed ones, anyway.”
He shifted in his seat, the chair letting off a slight creak. Mike hated this place with a passion, the night-shift being too quiet and lonely for comfort, so he had always taken to having a nap whenever possible. It was a wonder the boss hadn’t caught on by now…but suddenly an old ex-friend of his decides to show up,and get the job just to be with himβ€œYou and I have been through this song and dance before…”He said.silence fills the room
"We both fucked up okay?you don't have to always bring up the past"They say,frustrated.Looking down at Mike who is sitting infront of the desk with the cameras to the whole place
β€œWhat exactly haveΒ IΒ ever done wrong?” Mike demanded, voice low - although more out of his general dislike of speaking.
The truth was, he and them had always been the same,both just as stubborn as each other and too proud to concede on anything.
β€œI’mΒ not the one who left my responsibilities to chase a boy.” Mike muttered,looking away from their eye trying not to hold eye contact.
Mike and Their fathers really liked each other so they grew up together,but when both of their parents died, something clicked inside of them
They stays quiet for a moment,looking at Mike
"I was going through something too, you know what it was...And yeah I chased a boy! Yeah! I left my whole life behind me for a boy that just ruined me,cheated on me and abused me physically and mentally and I was left broken."They burst out
"I didn't get in contact with you cause I knew that I couldn't even take care of myself not even you and Abby,i didn't wanna give both of you another hard thing, to deal with also with me. When I accepted of what happened I tried helping cause I knew that I could finally help and not just be a distraction"They says,their eyes full of hope
Mike stayed stone-still as he listened to your sudden and lengthy explanation, mind racing with different thoughts and reactions. His own mothers hadn’t been fond of them either, although there weren’t any concrete reasons for their dislike they simply β€œhad a feeling”.
He considered their words for a long moment.he understood their struggle, and understood why they did what they did. But they couldn’t run from your responsibilities when it came to family, and leaving Abby behind didn’t help any.
β€œYou could’ve tried a bit harder.” Mike muttered eventually.
They sigh"mike.listen here, I tried to kill myself a lot in that time but do you know why I didn't do it?Because of you and Abby,cause I knew and thaught that if I'm in a better place of mind I could help and you would accept it"They confesses hardly and a bit harshly,their eyes darting into his trying to not shed a tear
β€œI understand that….” Mike mumbled, shifting his weight uncomfortably in his seat. He hadn’t known that they had dealt with anything close to that, but now he could see the toll it had taken on them.
Mike didn’t want to seem weak, despite his true thoughts and feelings on the situation, β€œIt’s still not great that you just left us like that. What if I needed you?”
"I would have been a distraction,I couldn't help you or Abby if I didnt know how to help myself,I would have been just another ton of weight on your back for you to worry about"They say,trying to keep their breath steady
β€œAnd I wasn’t a distraction to you?” Mike demanded, voice louder than before out of spite.
He couldn’t help but feel hurt by some of their words - they were true, yes, and they had certainly done the right thing by staying away at that time, but it still sucked that they hadn’t kept in touch with him or Abby.
β€œYou left me, and Abby, and we didn’t hear anything from you for years!” Mike pointed out.
"Bullshit,I sent birthday cards and holiday cards everyday with a small stupid qoute on it and my name!"They said fighting for justice ,for mike to realize that they arent that bad that mike think they are
β€œYou think cards meant anything to me? You know Abby, she loved those cards, she used to read them over and over as if they were some kind of message of hope,” Mike said, voice softening.
β€œBut for me? They only served as a reminder that my best friend had left.” Mike murmured.
"I was ashamed of who I was of what have I become,I moved country side,I had food delivery,I had a job that I didn't have to talk to people and stay in my house and just write, I would have never had a thought that maybe I could show up to your guys house"They whisper and admit,they were dreaned at the time,mentally and that made them sick
they wouldnt get out of bed,brush teeth,eat,work out,cook.
do anything.basically.
But Mike didnt know that even after they confess,he would never understand,he saw them just as a person who cut him and Abby out of their life without saying goodbye and now suddenly wants to come back or...
Mike thought about it for a moment, considering their words and what they had gone through.
He knew the feeling of shame, and the weight that accompanied it, and knew how hard it was to escape from that place.
Still, no matter the reason, they had left his only sister for years without a word although they had suffered, what right did they have to do that to not even Mike but Abby?
β€œWhy did you come back?” Mike asked,raising an eyebrow as he looks up at them
"im-..."They sigh"im here to help you guys,i talked to Abbys teacher and im worried and finally i can help"They say
Mike furrows his eyebrows,a bit of guilt washes over him but he tries to ignore it
"you dont have to accept,if you want me to never talk to you or abby ever again and just keep sending cards,ill do it."They say as they look into his eyes
He sighs"We dont need your help.You can leave"Mike mutters under his breath
They nod and walk out of the office.
The guilt was still on Mikes heart but he didnt trust them now,he didnt want them to come back to their life and then leave like a building
Mike just sat there and thought was he right was he wrong?questions filled his head but his choice was final.he sees them leave throught the cameras,getting into their car ,then driving away...
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blueepink07 Β· 1 year
Okay, so I'll make a compilation of all my random thoughts about Amane's MV. (it's very messy and the wording is lazy) If I feel like it, I will explain in much proper words... I will try to write some symbolism, but idk when it would be finished. (mentions of child abuse, murder!)
First, let's start with the title of the MV: Purge March
Purge in dictionary means:
->rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling;
->remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.
->physically remove or expel (something) completely.
The title summarizes the cult beliefs: erasing the people who don't accept their religion, those considered unwise, unpure by them. It can also symbolise Amane's unwillingness to change her ideals, ignoring the voices and Es:
"I disavow you, eyes corrupted must be crushed
So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too"
Moreover, a march has the purpose to spread an idea, an belief. Amane is expressing her attachment for her religion and the cult's beliefs, as well spreading it, in order, for other people to accept it and join.
March members
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(they are in order of their appearance)
We start the march with the drum captain:
"The Drum Captain or leader of the drumline plays the center snare and will tap or count time in order to set the tempo and lead the band in marching and following the drum major. This is the most recognized member of the drumline with exceptional playing skills as well as strong leadership skills."
Amane drum captain is doing her work very well, because she is the one that starts the song and sets the tempo. (an experinced member)
Continuing, the color guards are next:
"Color Guard or Flag Corps are teams of performers who combine the use of flags, sabers, rifles, and other props or equipment to perform choreographed dances and routines that enhance the visual effect of a Marching Band or Drum Corps."
Interesting, the Amane that receives punishment is a color guard. However, why such a harsh punishment?
"Flags have always been an important part of history. They often represent the pride and unity of a group or nation. They are respected and revered as a symbol of beliefs and values."
By messing up the choreography, her action was demeed as disrespect to the cult beliefs. It is pretty much prestabilated that the cult is teaching by giving punishments, so the Amane with the blue flag was "erased" from the blank space to learn.
Next, the most important member and the heart of the march, the drum major:
"A Drum Major leads the band in Marching, rehearsals, and performances. Their job is to follow directions given by the band director, be an example to the other students or members of the band, and help the program run smoothly. Generally, the Drum Major is a senior member of the band."
No wonder why Amane drum major appears in the thumbnail, but is also the one that gives punishments! The band directors are most likely the adults in the cult and her mother, so based on their teachings, Amane drum major is behaving and acts accordingly to the circumstances. She is an example, a perfect member of the march, who needs to be sure that everything goes smoothly. The color guard Amane made a mistake, so in order to learn and to not mess up she needs to receive punishment to learn.
I honestly was torn between the little girl and the mother, but ultimely I believe the murder victim is the mother. And I will give some reasons for my reasoning.
->First: this interrogation question
"Tell me what your family consists of."
"It was my father, my mother and I."
The use of the past tense never made much sense to me. It could imply, that she is talking like this because her father is not a lot at home. However, the question is pretty straightforward, so for Amane to use the past sense just to imply that her father is away at the moment, doesn't make much sense? Unless if of course, one of them is already dead. Even with only the first trial interrogation question we can already guess that Amane respects and loves her father more than her mother, so if we have to chose between those two, whose the one dead, I think the choice is obvious...
->Second: the victim's hand
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I find it difficult to explain why the little girl would be in Amane's home. Yes, she goes once, but there is an adult with her. I find it hard to believe that the girl will come on her own will. I believe this scene more likely shows that the man and the girl went to Amane's home to tell her mother about Amane's actions of healing the cat.
Moreover, the hand looks bigger than Amane's. The little girl and Amane seem to be the same age, if not, younger, so the size difference is really questionable.
->Third: body parts
The little girl has all the body shown, with the exception of the face features.
The mother has just her hand shown, nothing else. Not only it implies that Amane remembers her mother just for the abuse, showing the hand with which she caused her harm, but it is also the only body part shown of the victim. So why hide the victim and only show the hand? It makes harder to find who is the victim, but it also can lead us to the reasoning that the mother is the one murdered...
-> Fourth: lyrics
"If you're going to break you vow/Here and now/It's my turn to tear you apart/ So there is no second time/ I'll give back the judgement you gave to me/ After you cry, repent and kneel/ It's now your turn to say that hopeless "I'm sorry" /You are sorry? I don't care! / Please go ahead and die already/Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
This part is clearly directed towards the murder victim. Who do we see abusing and hurting Amane in her MV? Her mother. She is the one who is tearing Amane apart by hurting her. Also, these lyrics:
"Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
I don't think Amane will apologize to this extent to a random little girl. Also, it's more likely for her to cry, repent and apologize if she was beaten up at that moment. Because she wanted the pain to stop, the punishment to be over.
The mascots
With the new MV, I don't think the mascots represent real people anymore. They are just beliefs, rules of the cult.
The poster pretty much shows that they are used as advertisers, and so it explains why in the first MV, Amane was watching them at the TV.
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The beliefs in question:(colour=mascot)
"Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny"
"Tis ordained, thou shall discard vulgarity"
"Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in"
"Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish"
Why Amane killed her mother?
To answer this, we have to go to the scene with the cat. It's pretty clear that Amane wasn't the one who killed it, in fact, after helping it, she goes next day and notice that it's gone. The man and the girl who are most probably part of the cult, only watched from afar and told the mother what Amane did.
Let's take a look at the rules of the cult, shall we?
From those four, the ones which seem to be againts Amane's actions are the first and the last one.
"Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny"
Meaning that if the cat was injuried, only the destiny will tell if it will live or not. Amane shouldn’t intervene and heal the cat.
"Tis ordained, thou shall stay thine course, then perish"
Quite similar meaning, the cat has to remain on the path that it taken (what caused it to be harm) and then perish. Amane prelonged its life, and such the rule was broken.
The cult members only told Amane's mother what her daughter did, but they never were shown approaching the cat, they went straight to Amane's house. If you think about it, it makes sense for them to not hurt the animal. It will again be against the rules. The second rule implies that they are against vulgarity, it's not socially accepted to kill an animal, it's rude and violent. The first and last rule will also be broken, because by killing the cat, they wouldn't let it to follow its destiny, to see if it will heal or not. How Amane will tell "it's a trial from God". If the cat was killed, it wouldn't have the chance to overcome this trial.
This means that the only person who killed the cat was her mother.
When Amane comes home after healing the cat, she is punished by the mother for her actions.
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But if the mother killed the cat and broke some rules along with it, doesn't that mean, that the mother also deserves punishment...?
Amane was taught that with a proper punishment she will learn. Combined with some feelings of resentment towards her mother, for the pain she caused, and the knowledge that her mother also broke the rules, she has all the reasons to give her mother a punishment.
"If you're going to break you vow/Here and now/It's my turn to tear you apart/ So there is no second time/ I'll give back the judgement you gave to me/ After you cry, repent and kneel/ It's now your turn to say that hopeless "I'm sorry" /You are sorry? I don't care! / Please go ahead and die already/Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "I'm sorry" / that I said to you"
These lyrics really start to hit harder and make even more sense...
The weapon
The transition between Amane with an umbrella and the thumbnail, implies that the main murder weapon is most likely the umbrella.
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(the quality is so bad...)
Not only is shown in the last sequence with the victim, but it is also very similar with the weapon in undercover.
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After Amane sees the dead cat, she comes home with a weird expression: she is happy and the eyes look hypnotized. It can symbolise how the only thoughts that she has in her mind are the cult rules. Moreover, in the white world created by Amane, the march is no longer organized, the members are chaotic, enthusiastic that they found the bad person, as described in the first lyrics, in this case, the mother. (I will explain in the next section!)
It means, that the murder took place soon after Amane saw the dead cat, most likely the moment she came home. In the last scene, there is water on the floor. In that day, it was raining. If she used the umbrella during a rainy day it could explain the water on the floor when she was beating up her mother.
Ok, ok, but why did I said main weapon? Realistically, a single blow will not be enough to knock a person unconscious with an umbrella (At least with her umbrella, as it looks pretty cheap and mostly made of plastic). Also, the mother could easily see if Amane was approaching her with such a big item. So, what other weapon do we see in her MV? Well, simple, the taser... The object that the parent uses to punish Amane.
"Tasers (and stun guns) are designed to temporarily incapacitate a subject, not knock them unconscious"
Amane doesn't need to knock her victim unconscious. A simple blow with a taser will be enough to incapacitate her mother, shock her, being unable to process what is happening. After that, the more Amane hits her with the umbrella the more damage she is doing to her parent's body, to the point the victim will be unable to protect themselves.
Also, this thunder from at the end of her first MV:
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The way she was swinging the wand in her first MV may resemble the hits with the umbrella.
The march
The march at the beginning is very organized, strict and serious. I believe this strictness is the way Amane perceived the mother's behavior. The color guard Amane with the blue flag is punished, because she messed up and broke the blue rule. It's interesting that the one who punishes in the white world is the drum major, the same Amane that kills the mother. I think this symbolise how Amane changed her views of her parent. At first, as the drum major, she is making sure that the march is going accordingly to the rules, as the "band director" (the mother and the cult) wants to.
"A Drum Major leads the band in Marching, rehearsals, and performances. Their job is to follow directions given by the band director, be an example to the other students or members of the band, and help the program run smoothly. Generally, the Drum Major is a senior member of the band."
However, once the mother hypocrisy is is brought to the surface, as she is also breaking rules, the drum major Amane no longer finds her worthy of being a band director. The march is no longer organized and strict, Amane no longer wants to listen to her mother.
Moreover, the reason why the members lost control is because they found their target, the reason why they were marching.
"However, there are blasphemers and silent by-standers/ Who would have it otherwise/ We must not give in to them/ they are the ones that should be judged/ With pure, unsullied body and soul/ Let us preach all that is true and right/"
Of course the lyrics can also imply Amane's hatred to the voices and Es, basically us, voters. However, if the mother broke the rules, the one that should have been an example for Amane, that means betrayal and disloyalty to the cult. As the parent never fully believed in the religion.
The colours of the confetti
At the beginning they are white and bland.
White -> symbolises purity, certainty, illumination and insight; it is associated with knowledge and learning
Considering what white symbolises, I believe the beginning of the MV is when Amane first started to learn the cult's teachings. She is still innocent and pure at this stage, as she never killed anyone and was not indoctrinated with the cult's rules. She is clumsy, inexperienced, but determinated to please her parents. (the fact that the drum major Amane gives punishment to the inexperienced member, might show that Amane is very hard on herself).
At the end, the confetti change colours in the mascots colours: pink, blue, yellow, green. Amane already learned everything that the cult has to offer, and is the moment when she decides to murder her mother.
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The clouds
The clouds appear in both MVs, and they are really interesting!
First, I want to point out that in the first MV, Amane is shown together with the mascots on top of the clouds, after the murder, while in the second MV, Amane is under the clouds, before the murder. The clouds may represent, again, Amane's experince as a cult member, but also how she escaped from her mother's punishments. Notice how when she is under those clouds she gets hurt, but when she is at the top, she is happy, because there is nothing that can hurt her anymore? It can also represent that Amane found confort in this religion, because while it harmed her, it was also the reason for why she escaped from the abuse.
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Rain -> symbolises unhappiness, rebirth, determination, cleansing
Rain represents one of the punishments that Amane received from her mother. Considering the symbolism, we can say that it represent Amane's determination to learn more and how the mother thinks that punishing her daughter, she is "erasing her sins".
It appears before every punishment. It can symbolise Amane's "rebirth", as she is considered to be redeemed after every punishment, the fact that Amane should be happy, because she is slowly becoming a better person.
Also, a reference to the flood and the Noah's ark: Noah was instructed to build an ark, and in accordance with God's instructions he took into the ark male and female specimens of all the world's species of animals, from which the stocks might be replenished. Consequently, according to this narrative, the entire surviving human race descended from Noah's three sons.
The reason why God wanted to flood the Earth was because there were to many bad people in the world.
Amane's shown drowning -> represents her mother's opinion on her -> a bad child for not following the rules
The hand
It's the last one, I promise!
This is mostly an observation...
Because of the hand placement, I think in both scenes the mother uses her left hand when she is punishing Amane. The second one is more obvious, than the first one. In the first one, because of the big thumb, it's very unlikely to be the right hand, at least I can't imagine how it would work. However, when Amane kills the mother the weapon is in her right hand. Not only when she is punishing the mother, but also when she is punishing "herself".
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(somebody tell me why I can only put 10 photos in a postπŸ’”)
This detail can show the mother and Amane's opposing ideas and how Amane's mother was a hypocrite when it comes to the cult rules. Also, if we take the literal word "right" hand it could imply that Amane was respecting the cult beliefs, while the mother wasn't.
Symbolism of the right and left hand
"The right hand is often associated with dominance, strength, and good luck in various cultures. It symbolizes power, blessings, and positive actions, often considered the β€œHand of God” in religious contexts."
"On the other hand, the left hand is linked to subtlety, intuition, and feminine energy. It may represent creativity and emotional expression but has faced negative connotations and taboos in some cultures."
Considering that Amane's mother was abusing Amane, the symbolic meaning that it is associated with evil forces makes sense. Also, i know that is pretty much clear that the hand belongs to the mother, but it's interesting that the left hand is associated with feminine energy.
The right hand symbolises Amane's kindness and good intentions by heliping the cat. In the context that she killed the mother, it can symbolise how she got rid of an evil person, who didn't actually respected the cult's beliefs, such why she is a hypocrite.
Thank you for reading!
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keymintt Β· 4 months
Not sure if this has been asked before but, how did you start doing professional work for traffic cabinets? Was there some sort of job fair or exhibit that you advertised your art at and the city decides "this guy is really good, let's get his art in public"?
OKAY so the thing with public art is it's all local and every city kinda does it differently, but so far in my career all of the public art stuff i've done has been application-based
this got long so i'll go into details about what the searching/application process looks like under the cut but tldr: a big part of finding work like this is knowing where to look for local opportunities and submitting applications
generally the cities/towns/whatever will put out a call for artists (also sometimes called a request for qualifications or RFQ) that's basically like "hey we need some artists to do this, this is how much we'll pay you and the details for the project" and from there they'll link a form (or sometimes give you an email address) to apply to where you submit stuff like your contact info, resume/portfolio, sometimes references, and usually a letter of interest on the project
because i submit applications to things pretty regularly, i'm usually good about keeping track of what i use to apply to thingsβ€”this includes what i've written for applications and stuff like image descriptionsβ€”so when I apply to new things it's a lot of copypasting and editing things to explain how i'm a fit for the specific project yadda yadda it's cover letters. it's basically cover letters. pain and agony
in terms of finding the applications, i'm signed up for several local newsletters and arts organizations, but i also check sites like the az commission of the arts (bc i'm az-based) for their updated list of opportunities pretty regularly, as well as searching for stuff like [city] arts and culture and poking around the .gov sites to see if they have an arts opportunities page. in all honesty a pretty big component of finding this work is knowing where to look, and unfortunately if you're doing public art a) it's not always listed on social media b) the best places to look/start are local, and that differs for everyone so i can't say like "oh look here and you'll find something"
once you apply it usually takes awhile to hear back (they usually give you a timeline on the initial application of how long it takes to review all the applications), but i've found people in these fields are good about letting you know when you didn't get something so you can move on with your life lol. atm i'm waiting to hear back from....over five things so i'm kind of always doing this "applying to projects while i'm working on other projects" song and dance which is honestly just...kind of the freelance artist experience?
i feel the need to mention that public art stuff like this consists of about...2/5 of my yearly income...? i'm not solely making a living off of doing these things bc i also usually have teaching and ttrpg illustration stuff in the mix BUT there are artists who can and do make a living off public art and murals and whatnot. i simply cannot resist the urge to stick my finger into any pie i'm even remotely qualified for
working with public art stuff is also that same thing with a lot of fields where once you get some sort of experience, it's easier to get more jobs, BUT as an artist your portfolio can do a lot of speaking for you, even if you don't have experience with public art specifically. take my traffic boxes for example: i've done three of them now and have a fourth lined up, i know that if there's an application for one i have the exact experience they're looking for and will in all likelihood be one of the selected artists at this point. however with my very first one, i obviously didn't have a traffic box in my portfolio so i included a digitally illustrated city banner i designed, several other digital illustrations of mine (bc they wanted a digital artist), and a mural i had painted on a 3d object (to demonstrate i could design with 3d forms in mind), and together these things all helped my credibility as someone who could do this project. as much as i loathe writing letters of interest these are also good places to elaborate on how your portfolio can connect to the project
also with public art starting local is also your best bet at first (not to say you can't land other opportunities right off the bat though), bc people like their artists to know the local scene. i have the experience to back me up more nowadays, but when i was first applying to things you bet your ass i was all like 'i love it here and want to give art back to my local community bc i'm an artist and i'm fresh out of college yaaaaayyyy' you don't have to mean this when you say it, but they don't have to know
thank you for the ask !! and best of luck with any of your potential artistic endeavors (to anyone reading this)!! feel free to ask any more questions, i'm happy to elaborate on anythin btw for anyone :>
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afreakingdork Β· 6 months
Everything Leo's done and he's outclassed by SANDWICH /j but oof. I knew Leo must have an understandable miff against Reader but seeing him admit just how deep that jealousy goes?? Because of course. Because Donnie's his *twin*, because they've had this song and dance of being at eachother's throats and in spite of that Leo still yearns for some sort or connection or an excuse to sever it completely.
It lowkey makes me remember the discussion if how WS!Donnie would react to his close-canon self/Crush too much self. How would *Leo* react to seeing a version of him that got into Donnie's space freely and without worry? A version of himself that got to wholly have Donnie as family,as a full fledged twin brother with no hard eggshells to walk on?
This Leo reveal is so momentousness because I've been sitting on it for years and you've summed it up so nicely here! If we think about the timeline first in Weak Spot, though scary, when the bastard's three are introduced, we seem them as a little scary, but Leo is trying to do this bit in the midst of it and it doesn't fit and it feels wrong. Then when reader really meets Leo, he's bitter and paranoid and nothing like that person and so knowing what we know now, you see the aptly named song and dance was Leo's only source of connection. As bitter and cruel was it was, as lethal, it was the only one he had and that worked, but then we piece in more such as how Leo talks about how Donnie was finally gone, how they finally beat him back and there's such a bile there, like that's not something he wanted and then Donnie reappears, with some human, and he's different, he isn't playing the game and by all accounts he's wrong. Donnie is new and not the person Leo has known almost a lifetime and this upset Leo so so very deeply. Then, then, we place a recent piece about how reader said they understood Leo's banter comment from chapter 60. That's Leo comment about how they always do banter from chapter 19. In 60, Leo laughs. Leo laughs. Why laugh? Just because of the callback or because of something else? Because Leo then specifies he's lost his mind. Because reader doesn't get it. Because reader has made a critical error. Reader interfered.
I don't know! That came from somewhere where I've been sitting on this for WAY WAY too long!!! Thanks for letting me expound on it!
Oh DOING THAT WITH LEO!? THAT'S DELICIOUS, LET'S SEE: WS!Leo would need to talk to CTM!Leo. He would need to hear the story, just seeing it would not be enough for him. Hearing this other Leo talk about being the ultimate wingman and how he sacrificed for the team and all he did would bring WS!Leo to absolute tears. CTM!Leo would be sort of embarrassed like, hey big guy, it can't be that bad right? And WS!Leo would clamp a hand on his shoulder and try to suck it back up and tell him he did a good job which would surely water CTM!Leo's eyes from that (older) adult and self approval! For canon, he'd watch it like he were watching the TV show and just smile.
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earthbaby-angelboy Β· 9 months
The vibes Vince Everett, Danny Fisher, and Clint Reno and give as littles
Vince Everett (Jailhouse Rock, 1957):
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Let's get this squared away: Vince's regression is rough. Because of this, some of his more negative habits come out to play. How often he slips is determined by how much stress he is under, and he began regressing after he got out of jail to deal with the things he saw and experienced while he was there. He usually holds off regressing and bottles up all his emotions until he drops hard. He regresses through a broad range of ages, anywhere from 3 to 9 (most often around 7.)
He becomes bratty and defiant, trying to break any rules you may have put in place for the sheer joy of seeing how far he can take it. Then, he throws a complete fit when you punish him. Speaking of which, this little boy needs RULES, and strict ones at that. He also needs a routine to provide him with some consistency. He believes that acting out is the only way to get attention, so you quickly need to teach him that it's not okay to behave like that, and all he needs to do to get attention is to ask. He needs a caregiver that has the patience of a saint, because when he's throwing a tantrum, he'll get in your face and shove you around as a way of provoking you to hit him. Sometimes, he'll actually slap you just to get a reaction. You definitely have to remain calm and even-keeled, but also teach him that it is never okay to hit people.
This kiddo chews on his nails and sucks his thumb all the time, and it makes you worry about all the germs going in his mouth. No matter how hard you try, you can't get him to use a pacifier. It drives you INSANE. As a way of compromise, you buy him a chewy necklace, which he always forgets he has. It's definitely not an easy job to be his carer, but it's so worth it for the little bit of relief it provides him.
Danny Fisher (King Creole, 1958):
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Danny found himself regressing a few days after his mother died. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, and quite frankly, it scared the crap out of him. In all honesty, I don't think he'd be comfortable with having a caregiver who wasn't a family member. So, Mimi often takes care of him. She's extremely confused about it; all she knows is that her brother sometimes acts like a kid and gets really clingy. He's very closed off about his regression, and if Mimi mentions it while he's big, he immediately shuts her down and changes the topic. She knows he's not hurting anyone (and that he's been through hell), so she chooses not to further question him and goes along with it.
He regresses into babyspace, and can usually tell before it happens. Before he fully drops, he tells Mimi his head is "getting fuzzy.” So, she prepares a safe area for him and gathers some items he likes to have with him when little. A teddy bear his mother gave him, a blanket from when he was a kid and a pacifier from when he was a baby are the only β€œlittle items” he has. He likes when Mimi reads him the books his mother used to read to them as kids. Sometimes, he finds himself crying softly because of how much he misses his mother, and Mimi is right there to comfort him. When little, he often forgets who his sister actually is, and ends up calling her "mama." She doesn't mind; whatever helps him, helps him.
When he's not crying or being read to, he likes to have dance parties with Mimi! They'll put on a record of some kid-friendly songs, and they have a little jam session.
Clint Reno (Love Me Tender, 1956):
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He regresses out of anxiety, and it's the only thing that keeps him from going headfirst into neurosis while his brothers are in the Army. He is very playful and energetic when little, but also becomes extremely defensive and more protective of his siblings than when he is big. (I didn't think that was possible, but here we are.) He is quite reckless when it comes to his own safety, but if someone threatens his brothers, he's squaring up and ready to fight. Although he's filled with feral energy, if unprovoked, he's very well behaved. He doesn't throw tantrums, and is a very respectful boy (doesn't matter if you're younger than him, he says "sir" and "ma'am" to EVERYONE.) He doesn't really have a definite age that he regresses to: he's just a kiddo!
He has no problem regressing in front of Vance, Brett and Rey, and is very nonchalant about it. They absolutely freak out the first time this happens and they think he's lost his sanity. When he goes back to being big, they have an intense interrogation session with him, and he explains that sometimes he just feels a little different! After the shock wears off, they melt because for once, their kid brother is allowing himself to be...well, a kid.
He is definitely a gentle giant in the sense that he actually forgets that he isn't physically small. Sometimes, he'll flop on top of Vance and almost crush him. Vance literally does not care, because if Clint is happy, he's happy. I don't think his brothers would treat him differently when he's regressed than they would if he was big; if anything, they just speak in more gentle voices and tone down the rough-housing. He loves playing outside, especially in mud and dirt! He takes a bath every night because somehow or another, he always ends up outdoors.
He's very clumsy, and has A TON of bruises on his knees and elbows. He's more than likely to be wearing at least one bandaid, and his brothers have a first aid kit with them at all times. When he falls, he thinks absolutely nothing of it; he gets right back up and continues playing!
(A/N: i originally wanted to make this with all of the ECU littles, but i haven’t watched all of elvis’ movies yet. with that being said, i’ll most likely divvy this into a few parts, and continuously post as i watch them!)
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bobbydagen24 Β· 5 months
Okay, this has honestly been in the back of my mind for years now, but I feel like I must ask. Did anyone else feel an immense feeling of anger/discomfort when Poppy brought the entire village into Branch's bunker? Because I did. When I first saw it, I felt uncomfortable. And to this day, I get the ick thinking about it. Like, I get why she did it, and I understand that it was the safest thing to do for the village, but like... I can't explain just how upsetting it was to me. Branch is a better person than I am, because if it were me, just... no. And she didn't even ask properly! And then had the audacity to say it was a solid burn returned like??? No? No it wasn't? That was a home invasion, not a snipe back at him, what? In what world is his comment on her life skills even remotely on the same level as her just letting the ENTIRE VILLAGE in his house? And they weren't even good houseguests either! They IMMEDIATELY started messing with his stuff, like, have these trolls never heard of proper guest etiquette? Look, I love Poppy, but she can seriously get on my nerves a lot. Especially since the movies made it so that in the end, she doesn't really learn much because her screw ups have a way of completely disappearing with little to no consequences.
To add to this, anyone else feel like when rewatching the first Trolls movie, that Branch was in the right, and that he was done so dirty by so many? Like, the ukulele scene. As a kid, I did think Branch was being rude, but now? Those 2 were literally out in the woods, with who knows what out there. Poppy literally got her friends kidnapped by a BERGEN literally the DAY BEFORE, and she's going back to singing loudly? Like, Poppy, babe, are you TRYING to die? Her whole song just shows how much plot armor Poppy has because, seriously? Not to mention, trolls are tiny, so her singing could genuinely put a target on them. I feel like the only reason Branch didn't up and say this is because it probably should be common knowledge, but apparently, pop trolls don't really have much common sense. I really wish they had Branch explain it though, because as a kid, I thought him to be a killjoy and unnecessarily bossy. But now? Yeah, I can see why singing in the forest when you're tiny might not be the best idea. Makes me wonder just how the pop trolls survived all this time?
I love Poppy, I really do. She's fun, nice, and is a complex protagonist (who is awesome and not a Mary Sue, though the same can't be said for TBGO/Trollstopia Poppy) whose character development is very visible. However, the writers really focus more on Branch's character development than hers and focus more on finding new ways to traumatize him than finding ways to make Poppy more mature, and that's what really bugs me about Poppy's character.
I really wanna start a petition for DreamWorks to lay off Branch for once and give Poppy more attention. I'm not asking to all out traumatize her (though the idea of DreamWorks giving her the Branch Treatment is funny in the mean way) but it would be nice if they gave her another journey where she has to learn and grow, and for there to be consequences that aren't easily waved away by a song and dance. TWT did a decent job at it (it could have been better, but it was a start), and I really need DreamWorks to do something like that (but better, obviously) again.
That being said, I do like how they handled Broppy. They went from rival/strangers to friends to lovers. It didn't happen instantly, and the progression of the relationship didn't feel rushed or forced. They both have an equal standing in the relationship and are supportive of each other. It's cute, and I'm glad DreamWorks at least got that right.
This should have probably been separate asks, but oh well. YOLO or whatever. I just really wanna know your thoughts.
I'm mostly of the same mind it angers me but I get why she did it I feel at the very least she should have told everyone to behave themselves and not act like they were teenagers throwing a house party while their parents were away for the night.
some people have said that maybe she did in on purpose to pressure Branch into going with her but I prefer to think that wasn't the case because in my opinion that would be straight up villainous.
a Royal abusing their power to put pressure on a civilian to Risk their life to rescue a group of your friends who are in danger due to your incompetent leadership.
not to mention a civilian who she knows is more terrified of the Bergens than anyone else in the village.
yeah that would make her an out and out villain imo so I prefer to think that wasn't her intention.
I don't feel its so bad it needs to be changed in the story overall but I would have liked it had Branch actually called her out on it.
basically just have him angrily point out to her after she acts like it wasn't a big deal because it was just a bunch of old Junk. that it wasn't just a place to him it was his home and that wasn't just a load of old Junk it was stuff he worked hard for years to make and it made him feel safer it was the only place he actually felt safe and like he could relax.
maybe prompting Poppy to actually give a more genuine apology as before she just thought of his home as him being over the top for the sake of it.
since she and the village just viewed him as a Drama queen and she didn't really realise his fears were actually so genuine that the Bunker actually mattered to him that deeply.
part of me thinks the intent by the writers was for her consequences in the first film to be being betrayed by Creek who she cared about but yeah that whole thing could have been handled better.
her and her dads leadership put him in danger and he literally said what he had to say in order to avoid being eaten alive he didn't really have any agency in the betrayal.
so Poppy's somber pleas for him to not go through with it kinda make me mad tbh like this whole situation is your fault yet my guy Creek is expected to die because of it.
so your incompetent dad can live? yeah no.
also if you made that Petition for Branch I'd totally sign it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
and I agree Poppy deserves some more focus and development tho a touch of angst for her I think could maybe be a good thing in making her character stronger.
like I've said before maybe having Peppy die in a future film and her at first trying to ignore her grief by focusing on her queen duties and slapping on her usual smile worrying both Branch and Viva.
or having her mother turn up in the future like some fans have suggested only for her to be a selfish villain who couldn't care less about Poppy and Viva.
and this is the proper shock to Poppy's "" family is always great "" mentality as even with Bro zone they worked things out in the end making her think no family could be entirely broken.
but her mother literally doesn't give a shit if her children live or die and she maybe abandoned them both when Poppy was a baby.
drawing a little contrast with Branch only for the mother to have zero remorse since she didn't want children and maybe she was only with Peppy for status as royalty.
and Bro zone could be shown as being more remorseful over the past even a while after the events of TBT which contrasts with Poppy's mom kinda nicely.
anyway I'm getting off topic a bit lol but yeah I agree Poppy needs more focus and Branch's needs to be picked on less by the writers.
but I feel a touch of angst directed Poppy's way could give her some good development and make her a stronger character overall.
edit. also as someone who doesn't like Hugs Poppy's smug stunt with the Hug time Bracelets does make me a little mad like tell the Trolls to Respect people's Boundaries Girl.
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