#we do a little time dilation as a treat
averagegtenjoyer · 10 months
Being loomed over. Receiving little flirty comments from someone a hundred times your size. Your difference in size and power is nearly indescribable - you can barely comprehend how large they must be even as you look at them. Their voice comes out as a low rumble, their body moving slower than normal due to the dilation of time caused by their size (or, perhaps, your size), and as their hand reaches down towards you impossibly slowly, you still cant escape it, in all of its vastness. A finger taller than you are poking you in the stomach and causing you to nearly topple over. The larger is on another plane of existence, in a way. But as they look down at you with such infatuation, regardless of your survival instinct telling you to run, your pounding heart, and your trembling form, you feel oddly safe. Its nice to be doted on a little. To be observed by eyes larger than your torso. To be treated gently by something that could crush you like a bug. To be loved by something beyond comprehension. Erm. Yeah.
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toxycodone · 27 days
Laios x Beastkin!Reader
an. Senshi, Chilchuck, and Marcille x Reader are mentioned quiiiite a bit in here. Izutsumi x reader is more sparse. split between furry/scaly/feathery beastkin after the more general ones in the beginning. SORRY if the formatting is weird I got "text limited" a lot on this lmfao
this is a lot so. <3 show sum luv
general sfw
when you two first meet...bro is ELATED. He knows Izutsumi, which is fine, but you're an entirely different one. Who also doesn't seem to be super against him getting to know them
He asks SO many questions. What are you mixed with? Are you naturally born or artificial? What's it like having wings? A tail?
He's testing out all your features. He loves them so much.
When there's downtime, he likes to conduct "research". This goes for analyzing your features and making notes, comparing them to his books and other notes, and even more intricate tests like reaction time and stuff.
He'll hold a candle/torch by your face and test your pupil dilation. It's oddly intimate because he's just staring you down and its like. okay. are we gonna kiss orrrr
Loves. Loves. Loves just WATCHING you. Seeing the way you pounce on little bugs for fun or get spooked by certain noises. He just smiles and is all amused.
You'll catch him doodling you pretty often. He makes notes like "y/n caught a treasure bug today. They seem pretty skilled at hunting. Failed to kill it for some reason...just played with it until it scurried off." The doodles are like...surprisingly pretty decent. The monster portions of you are the best looking and most detailed. But it's so cool to see just how much he pays attention to you and your idiosyncrasies.
Your interactions with Izutsumi also interest him. Do you guys get along? Are you prey to her? Or is she to you? If you and Izu are talking or around each other he's watching like a hawk out of pure curiosity.
However...there's a particular page in his journal where he's providing feedback on how he would make you "better" aka cooler. It's basically just his own ramblings. No Laios, an extra set of eyes and the ability to breath fire and ice and everything in between is not. better. you're just salivating over the idea of your monster OC
If you bring this up to him he actually agrees. After a lot of note taking and observation he's really fascinated just on how well suited your entire existence is to...surviving. He has a lot of theories he'd love to share about you.
But he has e x t e n s i v e notes on your body. It's something that fr makes you blush because, why is he theorizing about the base of your tail and how it connects to your spine? and the number of nipples you have? wait...how is his guess right...?
But Laios is so useful. You might as well call him your owner. You don't have to lift a finger when it comes to taking care of yourself. (He misses his dogs so you fill in.)
He takes care of your skin/fur/scales/feathers, cuts your claws, helps you file down your hooves or horns. He's very into taking care of you if you'll let him. (Marcille also hops in on this since its her love language LOL. When she's not busy with Izutsumi she helps when she can.)
If you are like...afraid of water or don't enjoy bathing. You are like the party's pet. They're debating on how to get you clean before Chilchuck is like "if you don't take a bath I am going to kill you and throw you in there myself." Laios then goes all puppy dog eyed bc he thinks Chil is being to hard on you and then he sighs and is like "fine. I'll buy you a treat when we get back to the surface."
Marcille/Laios are really good when it comes to bath time. They aren't weird about it (Laios is checking you out but. In a curious type of way. Marcille is giving him side eye if hes getting too...Laiosy. But he respects your boundaries. Just imagine Laios happily scrubbing you while humming a tune awe.)
And when it comes to sleeping arrangements...you can alternate between anyone in the party. But Laios and Chilchuck are your best bets. Marcille is an excellent sleeping partner if the dreams don't bother you, shes soo happy to have you sleep with her and she's soft and smells nice.
Laios happily lets you sleep with him. He's actually not super cuddly (unless you are he'll reciprocate). But he is very much like, giving you a ton of space. If you fall asleep before him he just relents and sleeps as comfortably as he can around you lol. Literally just like any other pet owner.
Chilchuck....sleeping with him is difficult bc Izutsumi will fight you on it, but she relents if you can fit in without much issue (bonus points if you're warm) so. You guys can both overheat this poor man. Izu may even start cuddling with you more. She finds a lot of comfort in having another beastkin in the party even though she won't say it.
And speaking of Chilchuck...you're likely a bit more cooperative than Izutsumi, so he gets your help when it comes to checking for traps and finding treasure. With your elite hearing and other abilities, he's actually really pleasantly surprised how useful you are. (If you were a half-foot he'd definitely want you in his guild). He gives you pets and treats when the others aren't really paying attention (He doesn't want them to see him doting on you is all LOL).
Okay. So. Your diet. This is an anime about eating so. Let's get down to it.
Whether you're a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore--Laios is ENSURING your needs are taken care of in the party. It is of upmost importance to him.
He takes notes and asks about how certain foods make you feel. Are you more energized? Less energized? Stomach hurting? Pooping well? (Will ask this with upmost sincerity, he wants to make sure the butter/milk/etc used in their cooking isn't interfering with your tummy. Whether you want to answer this is up to you lol).
Laios and Senshi happily adjust things to your needs. Laios will spend time foraging with you, Senshi will find certain monsters with more nutrients that meet your needs. Senshi is also like, really knowledgeable about nutrients, so sometimes in your food he may grind up shells or bones to meet calcium needs and such. When he cooks he'll give you bones or soften them up in water so you can eat the marrow. :-)
Senshi...is the coolest though. He also lets you perch on him (like Izutsumi) and since he's lived in the dungeon for so long, he knows a lot about monsters firsthand. If it applies, he'll give you tips about yourself or some monsters you should prey on. Senshi and you go on little foraging trips too. He'll have you sniff things out in return for extra food during dinner.
Laios likes to see you hunt prey and eat it raw, though. Everyone else would rather not and it makes them sick but he thinks it is SO cool. He honestly wishes he could do that. He takes hunting lessons from you and will give you tips on being stealthier and such.
Your teeth really fascinate him. He likes testing your bite strength on different types of material (Like wood, stone, bones, etc.). He'll stick his fingers in your mouth and admire them if youd let him. He gives you so much praise in general its so cute.
AND. PETTING YOU. He is so tactile if you let him (i mean look how much he tries and fails to pet izutsumi). When you give him the all clear he is like. jumping for joy. he LOVES to pet you and praise you. He absentmindedly pets you when hes sitting down or standing by you. And when you nuzzle into his touch his heart SOARS. You can see on his face he's blushing and has that like. excited wiggly smile <3
I think when he's just sitting around he just messes with your tail. He likes it.
Lay down beside him and he will happily pet you and be like "do you like this? Is this a good spot?" Present. Your belly to him. and he is over the moon. He pets you wildly and is like "Who's a good boy/girl/monster?" He is so unashamed about doing this too. Chilchuck would put a stop to it if you didn't like it so much.
If you give him kisses or tongue bath's he's eating that shit up (i mean. look at those extra comics w him and dogs he lets dogs just kiss all over his face omfg). He isn't a huge fan of getting his hair wet (sensory issue) but when it's your drool...he can't help but be excited. Laios is all like "they're grooming me?? this means they like me, right??? Can I officially say I befriended a monster???"
It's proof that you care for him and view him as apart of your pack...he is just over the moon at this.
I will say...Laios is way too "has no backbone with you" for a while. You're chewing shoes? You can't help it! Stealing snacks? It's instinctual! Playing too rough with Izutsumi? C'mon guys...
But when he notices his party actually getting upset. You will be surprised how he can put his foot down. Not even max puppy eyes work on him. He will leash and muzzle you if needed.
But you can always get away with messing with his stuff. He thinks its fun to chase you around when you got his shirt in his maw. Then he happily wears the torn up gear and Marcille is like "let me sew it..."
For Scaly Beastkin:
He's so helpful when it comes to shedding season. Laios finds nice rocks all the time and helps scrape off any patches that are drying and crusting and hes not even phased and doesn't think its gross at all. He would keep some skin to test its resilience if you let him.
And going with that, when you need to shed and soak he would help you find a place and will happily assist with the shedding. He's so excited to be there honestly. But he feels bad you are uncomfortable so he lets you cuddle up under the water with him while you wait for your shed to soften up <3
Laios runs his fingers over your scales absentmindedly...just loves feeling how smooth they are, especially after he spent so much time helping them maintain that pristine smoothness.
He gets Marcille's help to make a moisturizing ointment to put on you every now and then so you don't get to dried out in the dungeon!! Marcille starts to fret about that too. You're just kinda chillin and she'll reach over and put ointment on your hands/cheeks/tail. Just areas you may be susceptible to drying out.
Also...he lets you use him as a heating rock. Sunshine is really limited in the dungeon, so...when you need a warm up he's there and waiting and extremely excited to warm you up with a hug.
For Furry Beastkin:
Brushes you. He'd do this EVERY evening (and morning) if you let him. He takes notes, too. Do you have an undercoat? Or is it just one? What does this mean about what environment you originated from?
He probably tries to use your shed fur to embellish his own clothes or put in his pillow/blankets. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I guess?
And to add to that...remember how Marcille made a cute little cat head from Izutsumi's fur? He does that too. He and Marcille make cute little shapes outta your shed and giggle together about it.
If you get fleas...he is the party member you should tell. He'll help you get rid of them and won't rat you out to the other members LOL. He'd probably blame himself if it spread and the rest of the party is like "you expect us to beleive. you got fleas. Laios you would be excited if you got them."
For Feathered Beastkin:
Preening....<3. When you have pin feathers he is so sweet and gentle. gently picks them out. It kinda tickles bc he's just gliding his fingers over your wings. You'll catch him sighing in content and burying his face in the softness. It's so sweet.
He collects your feathers and shows them off to Marcille (who also really likes them.) Your down is SO useful too. The party has the softest blankets and pillows thanks to you. When you're molting everyone is calling dibs on the feathers to stuff in their bedding.
Laios examines your wingspan and is really interested on stuff like weather you can fly or not. If you can, he's in awe. He wants to see it. Maybe even fly with you if he can. Its always been a dream of his to do that.
tw (for nsfw). monsterfucking? if that counts. mentions of vent/cloaca/knot
This man. It is so easy to tell overtime just how fucking horny he gets over monster stuff. He is addicted to just how much you differ from him. Your scales, fur, feathers, wings, etc....he thinks they're all extremely sexy.
He just loves the primal aspect of it? Like you act on instinct. Do what makes you happy. Like of course you have human reasoning and such but STILL. You're so non human and otherworldly it makes his stomach knot up and his dick hard as a rock. He wants to know EVERYTHING about you.
If you have a heat/rut cycle...he is. fucking. begging you come to him for help. jfc you don't even have to let him stick his dick in you. He just slowly probes your hole with his fingers and legit GASPS when he feels it clench around him. Not only is he learning so much about you and monster anatomy but hes also having his monster fucking dreams come true.
I mean it is a given with Laios but his fucking face is always in your hole. He loves eating pussy/ass so fucking much. And having your dick, clit, or knot down his throat drives him wild. He eats your slick and cum like he's starving. He's so sloppy with it too--there's spit and slick and cum all over his face and he's just slurping it all up like its his last meal.
He definitely "examines" you. He'll stick his fingers in you and stretch out your hole just to get a better look at what's inside. (imagine his thumbs sliding in and prying you open.) The muscles pulsating and the color and the smell...god he's drooling. You feel all vulnerable and exposed but he's just constantly praising how amazing your body and its functions are.
He busts so quick with a beastkin it....wow. Like. You are seriously all he has ever dreamed of and shit. I can't imagine he'd be able to contain himself. He cums and just still wants more, he fucks you through the overstimulation until he cries
Oh he wants to know whats in your pants so bad its ridiculous. Like. I cannot explain just how much he is vibrating with excitement
If you have a cloaca...he's very gentle with your hole at first. You explain to him what to look for, what feels good. He'll gently explore with his fingers until he finds the right hole and then he's going at it. He's shoving his tongue in there happily too. He knows what a cloaca is. He knows it's a singular vent for waste and sexual functions. Doesn't matter. His tongue is going in there. Laios is beyond excited to taste everything and see what makes you squirm.
If you have a knot...it's a given he wants you to knot him. It takes him a few tries (he can't take your knot at first because he's too tight) but when he finally is able to its like. euphoric for him. He loves feeling your warm cum in his ass and your desperate pants against his throat as your overstimulated self gets adjusted to being stuck to him. Gods.
Plus...I've discussed this on my blog in more detail but with a beastkin reader he's definitely into
You biting/scratching him up. He lovvveess being marked. Use him as a chew toy PLEASE
Predator/Prey rp: He's a trained hunter but he wouldn't mind being hunted...He loves how strong you are and how you can turn the tables on him if you wanted.
Just?? You being feral?? He likes it when you act more like your monster side and just treat him like a toy.
Breeding Kink: Even if you aren't able to get pregnant or breed (either due to sex or incompatible genetics due to being part monster), he's still really into it. You can fill him up vice versa...He loves the feeling of having you last inside him and he loves knowing you're still filled up from him. Plus, it adds to the more animalistic part of sex which is what he likes
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jpitha · 7 months
The Oxygen Breathers: With one hand tied behind my back!
The human sat on the bench in the common area for at least one of their hours before the children worked up the courage to approach.
"You're a human right?" One of the children - an Innari - said as they approached the human. They were taller than the human, and seemed to have barely any bones. They moved and undulated like an octopus that was used to being out of the water.
The human's helmet flashed an cartoon icon of its face and smiled - without their teeth - broadly. "That's right! My name is Harold, but everyone calls me Harry. What's your name?"
"I'm Opian, this is Downward Draft, and standing in the back is Vizxxian." They gestured with their tentacle-like appendage. It had manipulators on the end which could be seen a little like fingers. Good for fine detail work.
Harry put up his gauntleted hand and spread his fingers. A wave. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. What can I help with?"
"Downward Draft says humans are the strongest of the Coalition peoples. Is that true?"
Harry sat up slightly. His icon continued to speak while he did. "Well, I don't rightly know if that's true, Downward Draft. I haven't met everyone. Of the ones I did meet, I have a hunch I might be stronger, but you also have to remember, we come from a heavier world than most of the other Coalition species. Earth's gravitational pull is half again what it is here on this station. There were gasps and noises of surprises from the kids. "That's so heavy!" Downward Draft rustled their feathers they caught the light and sparkled. "This station is already heavy for us; our homeworld's gravity is even less. I bet I couldn't' even walk on your planet!"
Harry's icon nodded. "You might be right, Downward Draft. But, gravity aside, it's nice here. I like the colors you use to decorate, and I like your plants. Everything back home is just different shades of green."
Vizxxian was working themselves up for something. Harry peered over Opian's head. "How about you? Do you have a question?"
Viz's eye slits squeezed shut and they blurted out "My parent says you're all a bunch of 'rock throwers' and that we should have never let you into the Coalition. They say that outside of your suits and ships, you're not so tough."
Downward Draft nudged Viz. "Don't be mean Viz! Harry is a guest here. You know how to treat guests."
Harry chuckled. "It's all right Downward Draft. We learn things from our parents. Part of growing up is trying to figure out what is true and what isn't. Now, I'm not mad, but you know that 'rock throwers' is a slur, and not a nice thing to say, right?"
Viz's ears wiggled in assent. "Yes, but that's the word father used. I know it's a bad word though."
Harry nodded. "Context is important though. I could say 'I picked up this rock and threw it' and that's not a slur, but if I said 'those rock throwers always go back on their deals' that is a slur. It's all right though, I'm not angry." Harry's helmet cleared. The kids looked across as his face became visible for the first time. Opian's eyes dilated in surprise. "So your dad thinks that we're not so tough outside of our suits? How about we place a little wager? I'll get out of my suit, and if any of you can touch my arm, I'll buy you a snack."
Opian shrinked back. Downward Draft raised their feathered arms in a gesture of dismissial. "You can't breath the atmostphere here! You'll die!"
Harry put up a hand. "It'll be all right. I'll wear a breathing mask, and the pressure and atmosphere difference won't hurt me for the time I'll be out of the suit."
"Oh we couldn't-"
"I'll do it!" Opian and Downward Draft turned in shock to Viz. They had stood to their full height, just a little taller than Harry and bent their legs just a little. "I can touch your arm."
Harry grinned. "Good. Let's see." Harry stood up, and touched the pad on his suit's arm. There was orange light that illuminated his face and he frowned and pressed more buttons on his suit. After a moment, it turned green, and lines appeared all over the suit. Joints. With a hiss of pressure and a whine of servos, his suit unfolded like a flower, and Harry stepped out.
He was much shorter than the kids. Just two meters tall if that. On the top of his head was a dark fur that was closely cropped, and he had fur all over the lower part of his face that was the same color. Under the outer, armored suit he wore a tight body suit that connected to the outer suit with thin wires. Harry reached down and unplugged them and they slid up into the suit he was wearing and disappeared. Opian was impressed. Their suits seemed to be far more advanced than ones of Innari make.
"There." Harry's voice was much lower than his translator made it sound. Maybe it was the difference in breathing gas? It was also a little muffled by his mask. "Okay Viz. Whenever you're ready."
Opian and Draft stood back and watched. Viz stood stock still and seemed like they were trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, Viz howled and ran towards Harry. Their long legs consumed the distance between them relentlessly. At the last half meter, Viz spun and in one fluid motion bend down and lashed out with one of their legs. Opian gasped. He was attacking Harry! That's a lethal kick if it connects.
Before Opian could react any further, Harry... wasn't were he was before. He was standing a meter to the side, and Viz was flying backwards into the bench. Viz jumped up, and roared again. This was a roar of frustration as well as a battle cry, and charged Harry. Once again, Harry stood there watching, and as Viz turned to kick him, he wasn't were Viz expected, and they went skittering across the smooth floor.
Harry stood with his hands on his hips. His eyes flicked to Opian and Draft. "Remember, strength isn't everything. Know your opponent. Know how they attack, watch for signs, paying attention and then you can move out of the way and dodge." Harry was grinning and put his hand out and curled his fingers towards himself. "Come on, Opian, Downward Draft, you try too!"
Downward Draft bent low and leapt towards Harry, using their legs to absorb as much potential energy as possible, releasing it as they sprung towards him with arms outstretched. Quicker than Opian could follow, Harry ducked underneath the Avar, and Draft sailed harmlessly overhead.
Harry, looked at Opian and raised one of the small lines of hair above his eyes. "What about you, Opian? Give it a try?"
"No, thank you Harry. I concede. There's no way I could touch you."
Harry's nodded. "That's all right. Mayb-"
Harry looked over and Downward Draft was standing mere centimeters away, with his arm out, and the barest edge of one of his iridescent feathers brushed against Harry's arm.
"Got you." Draft whispered.
Harry tipped his head back and laughed. The kids all took a step back in fear. "No, no, it's all right. that's a fair touch. You win, Downward Draft. I'll buy you snacks. Just let me get back into my suit. My skin is starting to itch."
It only took a moment for Harry's suit to climb onto him and fit around him as he stood there. "I have to say Downward Draft, you can move quietly."
They ruffled their feathers in pride. "Thank you Harry. On my world, moving without noise is a prized skill."
Harry darkened his helmet and his icon re-appeared. "Harry?"
He turned, "Yes, Viz?"
"You don't have to darken your helmet. We don't think you're scary anymore."
Harry's helmet cleared. He smiled without showing his teeth. "I'm glad to hear that Vizxxian. I'm glad to hear that."
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aemnds · 1 year
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❛ ♡. gif credit.
★ ⎯⎯ aemond targaryen is needy for his wife.
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◜ ♡ ⃗ ⎯⎯ [11:40 am — aemond targaryen]
“so soft… so warm, gods— you were made for me,” aemond praises in a low murmur, pressing wet kisses along her quivering thighs, breathy moans escaping his pretty, little wife’s lips as he ravished her with teasing, wet kisses— never truly touching the place where they both knew she needed him the most.
“tell me, sweetling,” he demands, but his voice is soft and teasing— almost like a lover’s caress.
“how much do you want me to eat your sweet, little cunt.. hm?” he asks conversationally, as if he weren’t pressing open-mouthed kisses closer and closer towards her wet cunt— instead, he decided to torture her with his pillowy lips and press loving kisses along her inner thighs, happily taking his time and enjoying every second of his begging, little wife.
if there was one thing for certain— aemond targaryen loved and adored his wife… and most of all, he absolutely loved feasting on her sweet, honeyed cunt -- for it was his and belonged only to him.
she whimpered, grasping the silk, cream colored sheets below her with her head tilted back against his pillows, doe eyes shut in bliss.
“please, p-please, please— husband, do not punish me so… i need you,” she answers breathily -- needy, breathy moans escaping her pink, swollen lips.
perhaps, he would have to have her suck his cock more often… if this is what she would become afterwards— his dirty, desperate, little whore.
the sight of her was absolutely breathtaking, delirious with pleasure, cunt oozing sweet cream and swollen lips from sucking and licking his poor, aching cock was enough to drive him insane with lust and desire for her.
aemond hummed, never taking his sharp eye off of her.
“perhaps, you’re right, my beloved wife— i have been too greedy with you… mayhaps, i shall give you a treat for all of your efforts and devour your little cunt, hm?” he asks teasingly, running a long, index finger along her soaked, silky folds, hearing her breath hitch and her body visibly twitch from his touch as a gush of her sweet arousal gushed out of her little, fuck hole.
it seemed no matter how many times he had fucked his little wife, her little cunt remained tight— just like a virgin and just the way he preferred.
“hm, yes— i think that shall do quite nicely… don’t you think, sweetling?” he cooed, before lowering his face and running his hot tongue through her silky folds repeatedly, humming in satisfaction at her sweet, honeyed taste on his tongue.
she moaned loudly, gripping the silk sheets until her knuckles turned white. “oh, gods…!” she wails, her plump lips parting as sweet moans escaped her, her hips thrusting upwards to gain more friction from his mouth.
“aemond, aemond, aemond,” she pleaded, her voice so sweet and innocent. “please, please— do not stop, oh!” she sobbed, feeling his plush lips circle around her throbbing, aching clit and beginning to suck on it greedily— giving it the attention it so angrily demanded.
“i wish to propose an idea that i think you might enjoy— i shall eat your little cunt until you come over and over and over again… and if you so much as make a sound…” he says huskily, an amused smirk curling across his glistening lips from her sweetened arousal.
“well,” he drawls, looking up at his wife’s heaving, perky breasts with a dilated, amethyst eye that darkened hungrily for her.
“...i dare say that we shall have to begin all over again,” he murmured softly— hearing her whine in protest, making him slap her needy, drooling cunt in punishment, chuckling deeply at the girlish yelp that escaped her.
“shh, shh— my sweet wife, everything will be alright,” he cooed, as if calming one of their many babes that she had provided for him ever since they’ve married.
“you must behave, my love— otherwise, i will punish you… do you understand me, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice low and soothing, though there was a hidden darkness behind it.
his wife nodded eagerly, always ready to please her husband.
“yes, y-yes…aemond! i promise to be your obedient, little wife,” she babbles sweetly, her voice needy and desperate for him.
aemond grinned, his sapphire eye glinting with mischief and desire. “good, good… my sweet darling, you’re already doing so, so well,” he coos again— slipping two, long and calloused fingers inside of her little, fluttering fuck hole, feeling her arousal gush around his deft fingers and her velvety walls squeeze his fingers tightly.
“hm, i dare say that you’re ready— don’t you think, sweet girl?” he asks sweetly, though his tone is anything but— if anything, it sounds sickeningly sweet and condescending.
she gasped loudly as he shoved two of his fingers inside of her, her walls clamping down on them eagerly— as if to never let him escape.
“yes, yes… i-i am ready,” she says, her voice trembling as a small sob escaped her, her little belly already beginning to coil into knots of pleasure.
aemond hummed, looking up at his beautiful wife from between her spread legs, exactly where he was laying between them— where he belonged, and could spend hours feasting on her sweet cunt.
grinning in delight, he slowly began to pump his two, long fingers in and out inside of her oozing cunt, making her wail in pleasure and squirm from her euphoric state.
he smirked, his mind kept repeating the words -- ‘mine, mine, mine— all mine.. my sweet, devoted wife… all fucking mine’— they kept repeating in his crazed, possessive mind.
aemond chuckled, before giving his wife’s little, aching clit a harsh suck, before kissing it tenderly as he heard her whimper in agonizing pleasure.
the wayward prince gave a small nod, his lips forming into a small smile and his eye glowing as he took in his wife’s beauty, his cock twitching and throbbing once more as he eyed her swollen, glistening cunt.
“good— let us begin then, my darling.”
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satansindexfinger · 2 years
Hc of The brothers and accidental kiss
Note: Thanks for the request! I'm a sucker for these ahshd
Warnings: none
Summary: You leaned over the demons shoulder, intending on handing him a report/class notes. You called his name while doing so, naturally prompting him to turn his head your direction... only for your lips to connect due to the miscalculation of distance between your faces.
Fluff; GN! MC, Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeous;Beelzebub; Belphegor
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O h. Lucifer certainly didn't expect to meet your lips when he was about to thank you for handing the paperwork. He had been too engrossed in his work to notice where you were situated.
Aside from his pupils dilating, he makes no visable reaction. Expects you to be the first to separate from the kiss. Definently not because he's internally flustered beyond belief and stuck in place. No sir.
Once you pull away his eyes will linger on you for a few beats, taking in your expression; you liked that, right? Your face is adorable when you're flushed like that. It takes Lucifer every bit of will he has not to let his own blush show.
Has the nerve to appear completely unbothered and even smirk.
"Well.. that was unexpected. I must say, I am kind of dissappointed - it wasn't a proper kiss. How about we try that again, if you don't mind? Come closer."
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It takes a moment for Mammon's brain to send him signals about what's happening. As soon as it does, this man is shooting backwards so fast he trips over air and falls on his back.
An absolute mess. Stuttering, blushing, covering his mouth, the whole nine yards. His fingers keep trailing on his lips, you notice. Cannot look you in the eyes to save his life.
"W-what's the big idea, sneakin' up on me like that?! Scared the crap outta me.. give me a warnin' n-next time, ya dumb human! How bold can ya get, doin' that to me?!"
Mammon, you're the one who turned.
Once he's calmed down he gets back up and makes an attempt to face you again. Albeit with a blush going up his ears and fingers still on his lips; as if he's savoring your exchange.
"No fair.. I wanted our first kiss to be special, damnit. So this one doesn't count, okay?!"
Immediate regret felt and tantrum thrown after he realizes what he just said.
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If you thought Mammon had a freakout... oh boy. Levi is ten the times embarrassed and overreacting. Looks like he's committed every possible crime; he's that emotional about it.
Both hands covering his overly red face, speech too frantic for you to understand aside from a few 'sorry's and some self deprecating comments.
The situation reminds Levi of a certain anime and that only makes him more flushed, and somewhat wistful. He liked it, dont get him wrong! He just thinks you might have not appreciated it like he did.
Please reassure him. The avatar of envy needs it as to not regret it for the rest of his life.
"A-are you sure it's okay? I mean, we just k-kissed, y'know?! This kind of thing only happens in my fantasy world.. wait, h-hold on, I didn't mean-"
Has trouble looking you in the eyes after that little incident. Keeps the memory of it close to his heart though, and always will.
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It takes him off guard for about two seconds. In those two seconds he debates on whether he should deepen the kiss, since it's something he's been wanting for awhile, or if he should pull away. He decides on the latter as he wants to confirm your feelings (if you have any) before doing that.
"Ah.. sorry about that. I didn't realize you were that close."
Treats it like it's no big deal, but his heart it hammering inside his chest. And you don't miss the faint blush on his cheeks as he coughs in his hand in an attempt to change topic.
Thanks you for the notes and makes casual conversation, hoping to change the mood and pretend the kiss never happened.
Satan's eyes seem to, unconsciously, trail towards your lips when he's talking to you for the next week or so.
Try as he might he cannot forget that brief moment and will bring it up to you, asking if you liked it and if you'd rather get a proper kiss from him.
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Surprised as he is, Asmo wastes no time in keeping your lips pressed just a second longer than would be considered accidental. It's his way of enticing you, hoping you liked the taste of him enough to ask for more.
Pretends to be shocked, squealing and giggling like a high school girl. All the while teasing you like
"Oh, sorry honey! Then again.. was it really an accident~? It's okay to admit you just wanted to kiss me! I would never deny you that. You were so sneaky with it too~ Ahh, it's adorable!"
You'd think the avatar of lust doesn't think much of it.. if it weren't for all the situations he'd tried to get both of you into where just a turn of his head would result in you "accidentally" kissing again.
Is honestly flabbergasted you don't intentionally seek out his lips after that! Maybe he should try harder to captivate you next time~
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It takes you pulling away sharply for Beel to realize what had just happened. He's a bit frozen in place, the hands holding his snacks at a standstill while a faint blush decorates his face.
"Ah, sorry... thanks for the homework, MC."
His face doesn't return to its normal colour the rest of the day. He apologizes again if he's made you uncomfortable, even if it was an accident and he had no way of predicting it.
It is kind of a problem for Beel.. he enjoyed the taste of your lips, brief as it was, more than any kind of food he'd put past them. He's hungry in a way he didn't even conceive before.
But Beel is respectful. Will not bring the incident up until you do, and if you do he will make it known he enjoyed it.
"Sorry again, MC. It's just... I want more. You don't have to kiss me again if you don't want to but.. Could you?"
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Tries to appear unbothered and apathetic but the colour on his cheeks, going all the way up his ears gives his true feelings away. He cannot meet your eyes too, trying to distract himself.
"Jeez... thanks for the papers, but you didn't have to get all close like that. What if I butted my head on yours? You'd probably be crying instead of giving me the face you are right now."
Belphie, you can't even see their face with how you refuse to look at them-
Waves his hand in an attempt to dismiss you and assures you he's got whatever it is he needed the notes for.
Although as soon as you make your move to leave, Belphie is giving you a confused look and tugging at your sleeve.
"Really? You're gonna pretend this didn't happen and just leave me like that? I don't think so. Either tell me what you thought about it or just.. let me redo it."
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timedhoney · 5 months
Seokmin is such a gentleman. He buys you roses, cooks dinner, and has never once in his life worn a bad cologne. Thank goodness. You love making him smile and treating him the way he spoils you. You love covering him in lipstick kisses to accent his own heart shaped mouth. Perhaps love even more baking him his favorite treats, tucking him into bed and taking him on surprise movie dates.
You love most letting him come wherever he wants.
It was such a pleasant discovery when you found out how Seokmin reacted seeing his cum adorn you.
You had been rushing to suck him into your mouth, and spectacularly missed. Felt his cum sliding down your cheek instead. Heard a moan like you've never heard before spill out of his mouth.
You'd very much like to hear that again, you think, reaching a finger up to wipe away his mess.
His hand shoots up to grab at your wrist.
"Leave it for a second, won't you sweet?" You smile in understanding as you reach for his phone so he can take a couple of pictures. And so it begins. Seokmin would do anything for you, so of course you have to treat your lover right
It definitely doesn't hurt that it wildly turns you on when you see how his pupils dilate.
Watching him whine and sweat as he rubs himself along your tits, smearing his cum into your skin. Making you dribble his cum out of the corner of your mouth so he can watch how it mixes with your saliva to drip into you collarbone. Collapsing exhausted into the bed after an incredible round of doggy as he paints your ass with satisfied groans.
You love how vocal he is. Just another thing that makes him such a polite lover. He never fails to shower you in dirty praise and wonderful whines that feel almost as good as the way he plays with you now.
You wouldn't trade anything for when Seokmin gets in this mood. He has you splayed out in his bed as he rubs his cock along your clit, collecting the wetness from your pussy and catching his head along your hole without actually making that final push in.
You whimper at how incredible he is at teasing you out of your mind.
He's kissing along your chest unhurriedly as he slides along you.
"This feels like the dirtier version of if we were teens dry humping with our clothes on," you sigh to him.
He waits before he responds, grabbing at your nipple with his teeth and pulling up, up, up before releasing it to watch how you jiggle. "But that was always my favorite part when I was younger."
You let your eyes crinkle. "Mine too."
He's starting to move faster now, the tip of his dick weeping precum as his thrusts grow more urgent between you. "Fuck sweet, how can every part of you feel so amazing..."
You love being able to watch him thrust, love seeing the way he peeks out towards your stomach with each movement. Of course this man is so stunning that even his cock is hypnotizing. Beautiful and pink and velvety and every other accolade you can give him.
The pressure he's putting on your clit is making your toes curl. Each bump of his dick has both of you gasping at the same time. Your nails make themselves at home in his back as you arch into him, helping him drop his full weight between the two of you as he starts to get desperate.
"Jesus sweet I'm-" and you feel that beautiful sensation of his hot cum dripping along your abdomen. Watch him as he watches you. You lay there and pose for him, let him trail his hands in it and squeeze at your hips.
You let your eyes roll back as his warm tongue slowly slides up your stomach, tracing the lines that he just drew on you. Gentleman that he is, never leaving anything a mess.
"So polite, cleaning me up," you coo. You let yourself get carried away in the little nips he gives your hip bones as he works his mouth all over you. He laves wet kisses down your belly button until he's satisfied with his duties, and only then does he turn to sloppily kiss at your pussy.
He always eats you out like its his last duty on earth. You certainly know that if heaven is real, the way he works you is a service enough that he should get entrance. He sucks your clit into his mouth like the two are long lost friends reuniting. His tongue dips into you and he kisses at you in a way that almost makes you wish he was doing that to your tongue instead. Almost.
You selfishly grab at his hair as you orgasm, and he deftly slides two fingers inside you to help you ride out the way you shake in bed for him.
God what he does to you. You look down between your thighs to see him hard again, and make eye contact as you laugh.
"Come inside this time though, yea?" The way he throws you onto the pillows tells you he very much agrees with how you feel.
What a gentleman, he really is never one to make a mess.
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paranoiastudio · 27 days
Good company
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pairing: Art Donaldson x f!reader x Patrick Zweig
warnings: +18 smut, threesome, p in v, oral (f for m and m for f), cumshot
word count: 1,7k
English is not my first language, sorry about mistakes
- She won’t come... - Art looks at the ceiling.
- Why do you think so? - Patrick smiled, but seemed no less nervous. - Are you afraid that she didn’t like you?
A quiet knock on the door. Then another one, a little more confident. Both athletes rush out of their seats and quickly get dressed. When they finally opened the door for you, they were both breathing heavily.
- Did I distract you two from something? - You straighten Art’s blond curls and walk into the room.
- We just... We were waiting for you.
- I get it. - You sit down on the edge of the bed, noticing that they pushed them together. - Very nice room.
Patrick called you, you met at a party. You, ambitious and active, barely out of junior age, attracted everyone’s attention with your white dress.
Art treated you to a cigarette, Patrick brought you beer and you didn’t notice how you gave these two all your attention. And this is exactly what you planned to do today.
- Will you have a drink? - A cold bottle of cider, foggy and wet, ends up in your hands and you immediately take two large sips.
- What are your plans? - Art sits down next to you and you hand him the bottle. -Have you decided how you will entertain me, boys?
- There are a couple of options. - Patrick sits on the floor in front of you. - But...
- But?
- I don’t think all of us are ready. - You catch his gaze, it slides over Art’s figure and you yourself fix your gaze on Donaldson.
- What are you talking about? - You frown, seeing how Art is slightly nervous under your gaze.
- Our babyboy wasn’t... Well, you know... - Patrick smiles, seeing his friend’s embarrassment.
- So what? - You take the bottle from Art’s hands and hold the touch, playing with his fingers. - I don’t see a problem with that, especially when he’s such a cutie.
Art’s ears turn red and you want to spoil this innocent baby even more, who, as intuition tells you, is full of passion and desire.
- We can show him how to do it. - Patrick is already stroking your bare knee, you know why you are here and Zweig clearly did not intend to waste time.
- I think it’s easier to learn in practice. - Art finally looks into your eyes and you can’t help but smile at him, you liked him much more than Patrick and you wouldn’t mind being alone with him at all.
The guys are silent and you take the first step, taking everything into your own hands. Handing the bottle to Patrick, you quickly sit on top of Art and giggle when he grabs your hips, holding you close to him.
- You hold me so tightly. - You kiss the man on the nose and move your hips, watching his pupils dilate. - Tell me the truth, Art...
You could haven't asked, he could never lie to you. Especially when you sit on him, hug him by the neck and are not at all embarrassed by the fact that his dick is already resting against your clothed pussy.
- I want you so much. Is it true. - Art strokes your back. - But I really wasn’t with someone... There are three of us.
- Don't worry. - You kiss him on the corner of his lips. - I will be near.
He really hopes so, Art wants to be as close to you as possible. Now he regrets wearing the T-shirt; he wants you to feel him.
- You won’t be offended by me, will you? - You bat your eyes and look sweetly at Patrick. - You can sit here for now, you will see everything very well.
Patrick doesn’t object and sits down next to you, not taking his eyes off you. You kiss Art, moan into his mouth from the taste of the gum that was just recently in his mouth and raise your hips again, catching his boner hidden by his underpants.
Art answers you, pulls you closer and moves his hips towards you, thrusting into you with a precise rhythm and with that amount of despair that only spurred you on more.
You hear Patrick quietly grumbling and puffing next to you, opening your eyes, you see that he has already grabbed himself and is not at all embarrassed to touch himself in front of you.
- We won't need this. - You pull off your top and grab Art’s T-shirt. - So what about you?
You wink at Patrick and he, without wasting any time, undresses completely, brazenly sitting on the bed. He is big and looks better without clothes: not too pumped up, flexible and strong, he looks at you with greed, wanting to be in the place of his friend.
Art places kisses on your neck, squeezing your breasts, glad you weren’t wearing a bra. You whimper, your nipples already hard and Art’s movements as he slowly licks your breasts cause a tingling sensation between your legs.
You stand up and pull down Donaldson’s underwear, freeing his dick. The head turned red, you smeared the droplets that appeared at the tip and earned a pitiful moan.
- My poor baby. - You coo, moving the fabric of your underwear under your skirt. - You really need a release, right?
- Please. - Art himself doesn’t know what exactly he’s asking for, but he doesn’t intend to let you go.
You spit on your palm and pump the tennis player’s penis a couple of times. There's a wet spot on your underwear, but no one notices because the next moment you rise up and impale yourself on Art in one motion.
The stretch burns your muscles and you hiss with pain and pleasure. The sight of Art gasping with pleasure flatters you and you pull him into another kiss.
- Shit... - Patrick attracts your attention and you reach out your hand, wanting to touch him too.
He crawls closer and now you are already holding him by the balls. Your pussy quivers around Art's cock, and Patrick's tongue rules your mouth. You move your hand more actively and the guy moves his hips towards your gentle palm.
You raise your ass and fall back onto that perfect cock, clutching the other one in your hand. You hear squelching sounds when you touch Art, you spit on your palm again and jerk Patrick off with renewed energy.
-You look so hot, baby. - Patrick squeezes your tits, twists one of your nipples and reaches hand down, spreading your folds and touching your clitoris.
You squeak and speed up, Art moaning loudly from how hard you’re squeezing him.
- I wanna cum... - You look into Patrick’s eyes as you say this and he lets out an obscenely loud moan. - Please.
Your long, neatly manicured fingers play with his balls, with your other hand you touch yourself and rub your clitoris, chasing an orgasm.
Art enters you harder and harder, he caught the right pace and each thrust ended with a precise blow to your spongy spot. Everything swims before your eyes and you open your mouth, you feel saliva running down your chin and dripping onto your bare tits.
You stick out your tongue and guide Patrick’s pulsating length into your mouth. He groans again and grabs your hair, holding you down, carefully and gently.
Art, watching this, feels his balls tightening, he needs to cum, he desperately wants it. But your pleasure is much more important and the man only squeezes your hips harder.
You move your head, taking all of Patrick, your throat taking him in so perfectly that it’s even strange. The member twitches and you suck it in harder, and after a moment you feel hot sperm flowing down your throat.
Patrick moans, tugs at your hair, and mutters something in post-orgasmic ecstasy. You move your head a couple more times and release the dick from your mouth with a loud, wet pop.
Your pussy tightens more and more and you fall apart on Art’s dick, mewling and rolling your eyes. Art wanted to cum inside you, he was almost ready when Patrick pulled you off of him and threw you onto your back.
You, flushed and out of breath, don’t even try to close your legs when Patrick falls to your wet folds with his mouth. His beard is slightly scratchy, but the strong grip on your hips does not allow you to dodge these caresses.
-Are you going to sit like this or what? - He throws it over his shoulder and Art is immediately next to him, you extend your hand to him and open your mouth again, ready to accept everything he gives you.
Patrick rubs his nose against your sensitive clitoris, his hot tongue penetrates inside and you squirm, rising on your elbows and swallowing Art’s still wildly hard cock.
- You are so beautiful, so kind to me... - Art strokes your head, whispers sweet nothings. His eyes are closed, his lips are red, and his hair is flying in different directions. He looks beautiful and you almost cum just looking at him while Patrick fucks you with two fingers.
You lick the underside of Art’s cock, squeezing his in you're small hand. The sensations are so pleasant that it seems as if it was all a dream.
-Will you cum for me, baby? - Patrick lifts his tongue from your clitoris and moves his fingers more actively, your pussy squishes with excitement, you feel yourself dripping onto his hand like the last whore.
- Yes, yes, yes, please! - You fall on the bed, releasing Art from your mouth and he immediately hugs himself, caressing your body with his eyes.
Patrick doesn't stop and you come again, squinting from the force of the stimulation. Art watches his friend eat you out and can’t look away.
- Can I?... - You nod and squeeze your chest, bringing it closer. Art whimpers and spills onto your chest, white droplets now decorating your neck and tits.
And only when Art lets go of his dick does Patrick stop, only caressing your quivering pussy a couple of times.
- Everything is fine? - Art sounds hoarse, he is still standing next to you.
- It couldn't have been better. - You pick up a couple of drops and lick them off your fingers. - I need a shower. Who will carry me?
Patrick, who was still holding your hips, pulls you closer and rises to his feet. You wrap your arms around his waist, feeling that he seems intent on continuing the party.
- Let's go to. - You manage to put your hand on Art’s shoulder. - Rub my back.
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weministertomonsters · 5 months
"Please? Please, please! I'm fucking starving," your incubus whines.
"Crybaby. I told you this was going to be a problem," you sigh, gripping the steering wheel of your rented car.
You had stopped at a gas station ten minutes ago and gotten yourself some food. With your belly full, you're prepared for the next three hours of your roadtrip. Not your incubus though, he's acting like he hasn't had anything in days.
Which might be true. It's been a confusing couple of weeks.
"What was I supposed to do? This is a six-hour road trip," he sighs. "And you said you'd let me."
"Dude, I was drunk and horny," you laugh sheepishly.
He petulantly jams his foot against the glove compartment and tugs his shoe off. The unnatural purple veins in his skin are starting to make an appearance as his glamour wavers.
"Ah, get your demon foot down! What if someone sees it?"
"When was the last time we passed another car on this god-forsaken road?" He pouts. "Besides, my glamour is slipping. I don't have enough energy to keep it up."
"Why don't you sleep the rest of the way? We'll be there soon enough," you reason.
"Fine," he grumbles, tipping his seat back so he can recline comfortably.
Despite all his huffing and whining, he ends up falling asleep. He has one hand draped over his face, sheilding his eyes from the sun. His glamour is in the halfway stage, revealing pointed ears and a body that's now a little too large for the car seat. He twitches in his sleep and moans.
"God no," you mumble in mock horror and stifle a giggle.
The sounds he makes in his sleep are worthy of a porn audio and you feel like you shouldn't be listening. Still, that kind of thing doesn't bother you as much as it did weeks go. You've come a long way. The ride is manageable for a while, until his wings suddenly unfurl like a rebellious umbrella and thwack you in the face. You're forced to pull over.
"Wake up, idiot. You almost made me crash the car." You grab his shoulder and jangle it.
He wakes up with an inhuman growl and grabs you. There isn't much space for either of you to move, so all he ends up doing is pulling you into his lap. Tears spring into your eyes when you hit your elbow on the car door.
"You did that on purpose!" You moan, rubbing the tender spot.
"You can't just touch me when I'm sleeping," he says in exasperation, peering at you with blackened eyes.
He's right. This isn't the first time you've tried to wake him up and he ended up freaking out. It's obvious something happened to him in the past to make him act that way, but he wouldn't let you pry.
"Sorry, I forgot," you admit. "You were moaning in your sleep."
"Was I?" His eyes twinkle. "Look at you, getting all flustered. Hey, don't look away."
To change the subject you say,
"Your glamour is gone."
"It appears so." He flares his wings out as wide as he can, wincing. "I miss flying."
"Soon you'll be able to fly again," you promise, your heart going out to him.
Even though summoning him was an accident, you could have done so much more to make the experience a little less weird for him. You treated him like a literal demon thanks to your religious upbringing. Only when you realized that holy water and crosses and exorcisms were no good did you start to treat him with a modicum of respect. And he endured all of it for you. You've gotten better with your hellish companion since then.
Someone takes the initiative to kiss, but you're not sure whether it was him or you. All you know is that the wall you've built has come crashing down, and all the secret desires you hid away come clamoring forward, demanding attention.
You can't get out of your clothes fast enough, growling in annoyance when you hit your elbow again. You should have rented a bigger car.
"Hold on," he says, ripping his face away.
His lips are swollen and bruised from the heavy makeout session and his pupils are ridiculously dilated, but he still looks aware and a little worried.
"An hour ago you were denying me. Why now..."
"Don't ruin the mood," you tell him, wiggling into the backseat. "I just realized all my little rules are pretty stupid, that's all."
He twists around to look at you in the back.
"You won't regret it later?"
"I will if you made me take all my clothes off only to say you don't want to do it anymore," you say, leaning back and opening your legs. "Come here."
His eyes light up. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. The last of his glamour sheds, and you stare at his ebony-colored horns in admiration. Just a few weeks ago the mere sight of them had you stammering the Lord's Prayer and dousing him with anointing oil in an effort to make him go away. Now you grab one of his horns and drag him closer. The small car means you are both in pretty uncomfortable positions, but you'll complain about your back later.
His licks a blazing trail down your stomach, the purr in his voice muffled as he presses his lips to your body, tracing the red lines where your too-tight jeans aggravated your skin.
"I love this."
"My muffin top?" You snicker.
"All of it. All of you. Goddess," he says reverently before he dips between your legs.
His long, slippery tongue is talented. As he stokes your pleasure higher and hotter, he drinks from the blaze of it. Once he has enough energy to use his glamour again, he glamours his claws away and slides two fingers into you, looking up at you with gleaming, burning eyes.
The way his wings arch makes you think of an eagle protecting its dinner. You dare to touch them, stroking the struts of bone and the delicate membrane stretched between them.
"You're so beautiful," you admit. "And I'm not just saying that because you're so good at this."
He looks amused with the compliment. Maybe he's remembering the time you called him a "vulgar hellion of hell" in a fit of religious indignation.
You jump at the sudden zing of pleasure when he nips your inner thigh.
"Focus on me," he demands. "Let your mind go blank for just a little while."
You nod frantically, clutching the sturdy leather of the car seat. Your hips follow the thrusting motion of his fingers, desperate for more. He gives you what you want. You come when he adds a third finger, the stretch, and the pleasure and the stimulation of your clit throwing you recklessly off a cliff. It feels like he takes some of your energy, crafts it into a gem of pure gold, and passes it back to you in a hard kiss. It's like you've died and gone to heaven.
It's only when he taps your stomach that you remember you have to breathe. You suck in great gasps of air, squinting at him. He wears your cum on his face, his lips glistening as they part into a pretty smile.
"What was that?" You finally ask.
"The best orgasm of your life," he grins. "Please tell me I've ruined you for other people."
"Don't get ahead of yourself," you scoff playfully as you tug your clothes back on.
You think he has though.
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clockwayswrites · 5 months
“I’m going to assume there’s not actually any data I need to look at,” Phantom said with a little fanged smirk. He leaned against the table, putting the lovely lines of his body on display.
Dick chuckled. “You got me. I just wanted to check in that you were doing okay. We got a little, ah, intense yesterday.”
“Isn’t that sweet of you, bluebird,” Phantom said. His smile softened some. “Who knew that your mother henning would continue over to your fuck buddies.”
Fuck buddies, as if this was something Dick was out doing with just anyone. He pushed aside the bitter taste at being seen that way. It’s not like Phantom was implying Dick was fucking other people right then… just that this was Dick’s usual M.O.
He didn’t know how to tell Phantom that it wasn’t, not without stepping too far over that line again.
“Hey, what can I say,” Dick said, putting on his best smile. “It’s only fun for me if it’s fun for everyone.”
Phantom tilted his head curiously. “That’s not the same as it’s only fun if no one gets hurt.”
“Never said it was.” Though wasn’t that a thought what with the spark of interest in Phantom’s eyes.
“Huh. Well, I’m sore, sure, but in a good way. You don’t have to worry about me, though you still get a firm down boy. I am not up for a round two—”
Phantom rolled his eyes. “—today.”
“Okay, but,” Dick stepped forward, bracing his arms on the table so that he was bracketing Phantom. “I could blow you.”
As close as they were, Dick could see Phantom’s eyes dilate at the suggestion.
“Thought that might interest you.”
“What can I say, I’m very aware how pretty of a mouth you have,” Phantom said, that fanged smirk back gracing his own lovely mouth.
Dick couldn’t help but reach up and run his thumb over one of the fangs. He was very aware that if he pressed just a little harder that the pointed tooth would slice into his finger. “I think you have me beat on the pretty mouth.”
Phantom laughed and god if it wasn’t always a pretty sound. “Well, next time you’re willing to be… a little hurt I’ll let you enjoy that.”
Dick swallowed.
“But you’ve already made me an offer.”
“I have.”
“Better get to it before we’re missed then.”
Dick had no issue falling easily to his knees at Phantom’s feet.
It was a quick effort— they both knew that they didn’t have too long before someone came looking for them— but it didn’t really need to be. Phantom still seemed to be riding a bit of a high from last night and Dick certainly had no issues treating Phantom to all the skill he had.
He obediently let the rough hand in his hair tilt his head up enough so that he could meet Phantom’s green eyes as the other came down his throat.
“Such a pretty mouth,” Phantom practically purred.
And damn if that didn’t feel like the highest of praise right then.
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sixosix · 1 year
bachira!!!! but jealous bachira…. and he’s very confused about it
( ! ) i haven’t read too far into the manga, so the characterization i have of him (and when this takes place) is from what i’ve seen so far in the anime 💞
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you’ve seen bachira excited, contemplative, and pouty. you’ve seen the way his eyes brighten, hollow, and dilate. you know how his face casts a shadow when he’s thrilled, followed by the slow, terrifying grin spreading across his face. you know him.
but you’ve never seen bachira meguru frown the way he’s doing right now.
the unfamiliar furrow of his brows and the downturn of his lips is a far cry from his usual expression.
it’s a cold evening, and you’re being treated to free food because you’re a friend of the team, so why not take the offer, right? more time to spend with your friends—and bachira—and a warm meal to fill your stomach sounds like the perfect way to spend your time before you head off to bed.
from across the table, kunigami continues talking about something, and though you were genuinely giving him all your attention earlier, the sight of bachira is distracting you. you nod absentmindedly, and bachira looks like he’s pouting, so your patience wears out.
“sorry, kunigami, can we continue this later?” you ask, but you’re already standing up and turning away.
kunigami blinks up at you. “oh, sure—”
bachira is sitting on the grass. he’s still staring at you, deep in thought.
“hey,” you settle down on the ground to nudge him with a curious look. “did something happen?”
bachira looks at you, and it does not make you feel warm like his usual sunny disposition or shiver with dread when he feels excited about a match. it’s a frown, hopelessly lost, and it makes you feel for it. he still hasn’t said anything.
you hesitate. “meguru?”
bachira seems to trail off from his daze. “y/n-chan,” he says, and you haven’t even realized he snaked an arm around your waist until he pulls you closer, shoulders against each other, faces closer than ever, and bachira still frowning.
a little more worried about his lack of energy today, you cup your palm over his forehead. “are you alright? maybe you should eat more.” his temperature is fine.
bachira clasps a hand around your wrist, staring, contemplative. “y/n-chan, i’m not mad at you.”
you blink, placing your free hand on his shoulders to gently pull away. “i didn’t say you were.”
bachira looks frustrated. the pout he has going on is adorable, though, and you would’ve cooed if you weren’t so concerned. “i’m not mad at y/n,” he insists, staring past you and glaring at the ground as if he’s convincing someone else—rather, something else.
bachira’s eyes clear, all of a sudden. if you had looked any closer, perhaps you would’ve also heard the whisper that floats into his ears. with newfound clarity and determination, bachira pulls you closer again until you’re draped on his lap, befuddled.
“you won’t leave me, right?” he asks.
when you can only blankly stare at him, bachira huffs, leaning on the slope of your neck to nuzzle sweetly into you, as if that’ll entice you to reply with the answer he wants.
“i wouldn’t leave you ever,” you say, sighing. exasperated, fond. “what brought this up—”
bachira pulls away only to lean closer where your noses are touching. “you wouldn’t leave me for kunigami, would you?”
“meguru,” you laugh, “are you jealous?”
he blinks, as if he realized it simultaneously as you did. the arms around your waist tighten, and he relaxes like a pleased cat. “was that it? i was jealous? ahh, y/n-chan, you’re making me feel too many things i can’t even understand! i’m not mad at you, just jealous of him.”
“oi, lovebirds. if you’re done making out, help us clean up!”
bachira smiles at chigiri sweetly, pushing his cheek against yours when you both face the team, “does that mean we have to make out first?”
chigiri makes a face. “what—”
bachira laughs brightly. in one smooth swoop, he lifts you bridal style and starts to trot away. “too late, haha! see you tomorrow!”
his other teammates yell at him to come back, and you find yourself chuckling along bachira’s delighted giggles.
with a sharp turn of an alleyway, bachira spares you the shakiness of the free ride and sets you down, his eyes wide. “i don’t—” he breathes slowly, and as always, his arms somehow around you in an instant, “—i don’t like feeling jealous. so keep promising me that you’re mine, okay?”
you laugh, “okay, meguru.” you let him kiss your knuckles one by one, hopelessly fond. “i promise.”
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a/n WOW A BLLK fic i don’t even have a masterlist AND THIS SUCKS?? but i want everyone to know that i adore bachira sooo much
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a-killer-obsession · 27 days
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Kid Pirates x AFAB Reader Modern AU Campground Series
It wasn't something you'd ever admit to those who knew you, they all made the reasonable assumption that you went camping to spend time alone. At first, that had been the case, but you'd quickly come to learn that other single men your age were doing the same thing, and you found yourself loving the thrill of a romp with a stranger.
Masterlist || AO3 || Part One
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PART 2/6 - JUICY TREAT (Killer)
CW: sex with stranger, public sex, oral sex, food fetish, vaginal sex, degrading language, afab reader
WC: ~2k
Taglist: @nocturnalrorobin
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The sun was well and truly set by the time your movie ended, and you had a hankering for a snack. It was a little warmer than you expected, so the popsicles you bought earlier sounded like a nice refreshing treat. You climbed out of your tent and were immediately hit with the dank smell of weed, your neighbours were having somewhat of a party. Maybe you could find a way to squirrel yourself in and get to know them, the night was still young. You caught the blond's eye as you left your tent and headed to the kitchen, still parading in your satin nightie. You went to the freezer and examined your small selection of individually wrapped popsicles, but on hearing footsteps behind you it was easy to select one. You turned back and saw the blond entering, brushing past you to open the fridge next to the one you had just been bending in front of, a coy smile on his face before he disappeared behind the fridge door. You unwrapped your popsicle and sat yourself on a counter. The large kitchen had four stacked ovens on one side, several fridges on the opposite, and a long line of counter space broken up by sinks along the surrounding walls. The center of the room had a long metal table running down it, with evenly distributed hobs for stove top cooking.
The blond pulled a handful of items from the fridge and placed them on the counter next to you, pausing for a moment to watch you run your tongue up the length of the phallic shaped ice lolly before sucking it into your mouth. He made a small amused huff before starting to cut up some fresh looking fruits.
“Strange snack for munchies,” you noted, letting your ice lolly go with a pop.
“You could smell that huh?” He replied. He had a deep, smooth baritone that sent a shiver through you, you'd love to hear how that voice sounded saying all manner of dirty things. “Sorry, I hope we didn't bother you. The boys like to party.”
“Didn't bother me at all,” you smiled, kicking your feet over the side of the counter, “you don't like to party as well then?”
“I prefer to keep my head about me,” he explained, “they've got plenty of snacks, the fruit is for me”
“Looks nice and fresh,” you noted, examining the selection.
“Want some?” He asked, pausing his knife.
“Sure, if you're offering,” you smiled sweetly. He held up a juicy looking cube of watermelon, expecting you to take it, but instead you leaned in close and ate it right off his hand, licking the juices from his fingers while you watched his pupils dilate till only a sliver of his icy blue irises were left. Hook, line and sinker, we got one boys.
Fruit and popsicle quickly forgotten, he was on you like a predator, standing between your legs and pulling your waist forward so your core was flush against him, forcing his tongue inside your mouth which you eagerly accepted. His kiss was rough and wet, all tongue and playful nips at your bottom lip, pulling greedy moans from you as you felt him harden against you. He grinded his tented jeans between your legs and you pulled hard on his hair, your legs winding around his waist to encourage him.
“You're such a fucking tease,” he growled as he pulled away from the kiss, pulling your hair as he made marks on your neck, “laying around in that skimpy little swimsuit, parading around in this sexy fucking slip with those delicious thighs out”
“You like what you see, big boy?” You purred, “why don't you get a taste?”
He bit down on your shoulder, making you groan, before pulling away and kneeling eagerly between your legs. You spread them invitingly, pulling your already soaked panties aside and using two fingers to spread your folds open for him.
“Eager little slut,” he mumbled against your bare thigh as he nipped at it, “came in here looking for a juicy treat and I certainly found it”
You pushed aside his bangs so you could see his hungry eyes as he ran his tongue up your core, grunting into you as he sucked on your clit and bullied his tongue inside you. The thick wet muscle felt heavenly on and in you as he alternated, before he settled on working at your clit and pumping you with two long fingers. You leaned back against the counter with your other hand, awkwardly still holding the popsicle before deciding to suck on it while he watched you.
“Give me that,” he growled, standing back up. He took a long suck from the popsicle before giving you a devious look. “Can I fuck you with it?”
You took advantage of your flexibility, showing off as you put your feet up on the counter, planting them flat either side of you, leaning back now that you had two free hands to lean on. “Go ahead blondie”
He gave you a smug grin as he brought the popsicle down to your core, and you winced slightly at the sudden cold as he ran it over your clit before sliding it easily inside you. The slightly grooved edges and the foreign temperature had you moaning immediately, not to mention the fact that it felt downright filthy to let a stranger fuck you with food. The grooved edges were quickly melted away and smoothed by your hot centre, and the man knelt again to lap at the sticky juices that were dripping from you until the popsicle was no longer big enough to satisfy. He pulled it out and sucked the juices from it, a mixture of the melted treat and your slick, before biting away what was left and throwing the stick in a nearby sink.
“You're one nasty bitch you know that?” He grinned as he stood in front of you, undoing his belt and pants. You stayed in your spread position, watching him hungrily, your pussy pink from the cold as you reached down to toy with it.
“I'm not the one who suggested it,” you replied smugly, fingering yourself as he pulled his pants down enough to free his cock. He pumped himself a few times, he was long and thick, a soft bed of blonde pubes at the base, his tip pink and dripping with precum. He pulled a condom from his jeans pocket and slid it on and you eagerly removed your fingers as he lined himself up.
“Pretty little thing though,” he cooed, lifting your chin and reconnecting his mouth with yours as he bullied the head of his cock inside you, the rest of him sliding in easily with how well lubricated you were. He swallowed your moans as he let you stretch around him, before pulling away with one last tug to your bottom lip. He pulled your legs up and rested your knees on his shoulders, folding you in half as he began to thrust deep and fast into you. Your head lolled back as you moaned, giving in and letting your back lay flat against the counter, your hair splayed out around you. He pushed your nightie up till your breasts were exposed, groping at them with one hand while his other held your hips tight so he could piston into you.
“Fuck, so tight,” he growled.
“So big,” you replied between moans.
“You take me so well though,” he pinched your nipple before moving his hand down to your clit, rubbing it with his thumb, “so fucking tight and wet for me, good girl”
You preened at his praises, your back arching from pleasure as you tried to keep yourself from smashing against the wall with every hard thrust. Seeing your struggle he pulled out, and you barely had time to whine at the emptiness before he had flipped you over, your feet on the floor and your torso bent over the counter as he plunged back inside you. He held your hips tight as he resumed his brutal pace, grunting behind you as his fingers sunk into your skin.
“Oh fuck, just like that,” you mewled, “just like that baby, I'm gonna cum real soon”
“Yessss, fuck,” he groaned, “cum for me beautiful, then I'm gonna paint that pretty ass of yours”
You reached back and grabbed his forearm for support as your orgasm tore through you, your legs shaking as you let out a long, satisfied groan. He worked you through it as long as he could before he had to pull out, tearing off the condom and shooting stripes of cum over your lower back and the curve of your ass. He kept one hand on your hip, his heavy length resting against your ass as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck, and here I thought this camping trip was going to be boring,” he half laughed as he stepped away, pulling paper towels from the communal roll on the counter and cleaning his cum off you. He dampened another and wiped it between your legs and down your inner thighs, cleaning away the sticky remnants of the popsicle. You stood back up and righted your clothing, sticking your head under a sink faucet to get a drink and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. He'd already tucked himself away and gone back to his fruit by the time you turned back to him, and you sat yourself back up on the counter next to him, a satisfied smile on both of your faces. He handed you a slice of watermelon and you happily chomped away at it while he finished cutting up fruit, placing the snacks on a plate and cleaning away his mess.
“I'm Killer, by the way,” he told you as he dried his hands with a teatowel.
“[Y/N],” you smiled as you finished the watermelon and hopped down, throwing away the rind and washing your hands.
“What's a pretty thing like you doing camping on your own?” He asked curiously.
“Oh you know,” you replied coyly, “just unwinding”
He huffed in reply as he started to follow you out the kitchen door with his plate in hand. “Did you want to join us, by the way?” He asked as you approached the juncture of your two areas.
“Nah, I spent all morning driving,” you explained. As much as you'd love to smoke some weed and fool around some more, this was already more than you were expecting from today, and you could really use some sleep. “Another time though, definitely”
“Alright then, I'll hold you to that,” he smiled. You bid him goodnight and he returned to his friends, who were none the wiser as to what had happened in the kitchen given the volume of their talking and music. You used some wet wipes you kept handy in your tent, usually for use after pleasuring yourself, to clean up a little more thoroughly and changed into a clean set of panties before heading to bed. Before laying down to sleep you sent one more message your bestie.
You: blondie put out. So big too! 🤤 Bestie: damn you work quick, but then who can resist that banging bod of yours? You: lol thanks girlie 😘 ttyl, im off to sleep, nite! Bestie: night! Stay safe, use protection!
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
okay i had to after our conversation i had to request it
wandanat x fem reader smut
prompt reader being little bit bratty breaking some of the rules such wearing there favourite slightly revealing outfit out that they only let us wear around the house and having a attitude
doing all this for attention that we fill we had lack of
so wanda and nat take us home for punishment
can it have
pet play
face sitting
strap on use
soft mommy wanda (praise) wanda the one on our face
harsh daddy nat ( degration) maybe nat using bit pain kink nat using the strap
can i ask for none of the to be gip
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PAIRINGS: WandaNat x reader
WARNINGS: smut, top!Nat, switch!Wanda, bottom!reader, punishment, bratty!R, pet play, face sitting, strap-on use, praise, degrading, overstimulation, mommy (W), Kitten (W), daddy (N), puppy (R), edging, breeding kink, masturbation, exhibition, soft!Wanda, mean!Nat, think that’s all!
“What the fuck do you think you were doing?” Nat asked with anger evident in her tone. You were a few steps ahead of her as you started racing to your bedroom, but they weren’t going to let you off so easily.
“Y/N Y/L/N, get your ass over here right now.” Hearing your full name made you stop in your tracks, your head falling down as you sighed heavily.
“What do you want?” Nat scoffed, speed-walking over to where you stood frozen. She gripped your arm tightly and turned you around, you hissed.
“You should know better than to speak to me like that, little girl.” She stood close enough to where her breath was hitting your face. “Remember what happened last time you thought it was fun to act up?” You had decided to test your waters that night and accepted an offer to dance by a clearly drunken man. You only wanted to get a rise out of them, wondering what it would be like to get punished when you were always considered good. Wanda was against punishments, she thought they were just cruel. But secretly, there was a sense of arousal that would be sent straight to her core the second she’d watch as you’d cry over Nat’s lap, your skin turning red with her slaps.
She noticed the way you gulped and smirked, calling over Wanda as she now stood next to her. You could see the vein in Wanda’s neck ready to pop, it was clear you had frustrated her with your choice of clothing, but you couldn’t help the licking of your lips when spotting it.
“What do you think we should do with our girl, Wanda?” She ran her hands up and down your arms as Wanda slowly trailed to a spot right behind you. You shivered as her breath hit your neck, her lips brushing the skin as she whispered,
“I think they deserve to be treated like the slut they’re trying to be.” Nat hummed in agreement and ushered Wanda to the bedroom, telling her to prepare everything the two would need for tonight.
You watched her leave with fear evident in your eyes. Nat grabbed your jaw and forced you to turn and look at her, you could see the dilation in her pupils.
“I want you to strip, right now.” You opened your mouth to say something but were immediately shut up by her glare. You hesitantly removed both spaghetti straps from your shoulders and lowered them, letting the dress come just under your breasts.
“Did I ever tell you to stop?” She asked when seeing your lack of movement. You pulled down the rest of the clothing and watched as it fell from your knees to the ground. Nat eyed you up and down, you had chosen to wear nothing under the dress, bad mistake.
“Touch yourself.” She murmured, and you almost didn’t hear her.
“I- what?”
“You heard me, darling. Touch yourself for me.” You looked around as if you were in public, but you were locked in the safety of your own home where no one but your girlfriends could see you.
“Right here?” She nodded, clearly becoming impatient. You did as told and slowly slipped a hand down to your folds, letting your fingers tease your clit with gentle circles. You sucked in a broken breath when you smeared your wetness around your bundle of nerves, the cold air hitting it and causing you to gasp.
“That’s it, just like that.” You continued your torture to your cunt until you were struggling to stand. She only watched with an amused face as you humped your palm desperately.
“Mm, please.” You whimpered, already chasing the high they deprived you of this morning. She could tell you were close, so she placed her hand on top of yours, stopping your movements.
“Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear your pathetic whining for another second.” She dragged you with her into the room where Wanda had anything and everything sprawled out on the bed, including herself.
“I could hear you from here, I just couldn’t help myself.” She said as you watched her pump two fingers in and out of herself. She moaned, and you wished you could’ve captured the sound forever.
“You see that? You made mommy so horny, that isn’t fair, is it?” You shook your head slowly, still clearly obsessed with watching the way she touched herself just as you did moments prior.
“Now, now, Wanda, don’t cum just yet, we haven’t even gotten to the fun part.” Wanda whined but listened, ridding herself of her pleasure as she drew out her now sticky fingers.
“Go lay on the bed next to mommy, dear.” She did this so often, acting nice with pet names and convincing you she’d be nice, but it was always a lie that you continued to fall for over and over again.
But you still listened, sitting next to Wanda as she pulled you in for a deep kiss. There was no time to process it as she climbed onto your lap, already starting to grind against your thigh that had her moaning into your mouth. Nat watched with a roll of her eyes as she attached the harness around her waist. You couldn’t see it, being too occupied with your other girlfriend to notice the length of the toy. It was new, and they weren’t even able to surprise you with it until now. They planned to ease you into it, but seeing how you wanted to give yourself to anyone with your outfit choice, they thought they’d give up the treatment you were always given.
“Such beautiful little pets. My sweet kitten,” she stroked Wanda’s cheek. “And my naughty puppy.” She stroked your cheek as well, only to then slap it moments after. Wanda only disconnected her lips from yours so she could lean into Nat’s praises, she almost felt sorry for you when you didn’t receive the same.
“And since my little kitten has been so, so good, I think you deserve a little treat. You agree?” She nodded her head rapidly, looking up at Nat with pleading eyes.
“Now, Wanda, why don’t you tell me what you want?”
“I-…I don’t mind, daddy.” Nat sighed and grabbed both of her cheeks in her palms, making her look her in the eye.
“Sweetheart, daddy needs to know what you want so she can reward her kitten for being so good. Unless you don’t want a reward, that is.” She started to lean back, only to hear Wanda’s booming voice.
“No! No, I-I know what I want.” She grabbed the collar from the end of the bed and wordlessly hooked it around your neck. Afterward, she grabbed the leash that had been right next to it and attached it to the item.
“I want to ride my puppy’s beautiful face, daddy.” You gulped nervously when you were suddenly pushed to lie down, Wanda still on your waist from before. She was looking down at you with a nervous grin as she spoke.
“You’re so pretty, baby, I could stare at you forever.” Wanda cooed, smiling when you blushed in reaction.
“Don’t be so easy on them, darling, you know they’re in trouble.” She spared you an apologetic look before straddling her thighs around your face and sinking down until she felt your tongue on her clit. She gasped when you didn’t wait for approval, only diving in with clear hunger.
“Oh- baby, you’re gonna make mommy cum already.” She whimpered, mindlessly tugging on your leash and eliciting a moan from you.
Nat watched in fascination, already nearing the end of the bed where your legs sat clenched together. She ran her hands up and down your thighs before spreading them apart, not letting you get a choice before she was kneeling between them.
When you tried to speak, you were cut off by Wanda pulling you closer into her cunt, desperately rutting against your face.
“That’s it, such a good girl for mommy. Mommy’s so proud of her puppy, so good.” You mumbled a thank you into her, only to be shut up by a slap to your thigh. You jumped, hearing Nat’s chuckle echo throughout the dark room.
“So reactive to my touch, you’re such a pain slut, baby.” Her cock teased your hole, her tip prodding at your entrance. You tried wiggling away from it, only to feel her pulling you back. It wasn’t easy to move with Wanda’s body wrapped around you either, so Nat had a clear advantage.
“What? You don’t want it? Maybe you should’ve thought of that before, then, dove.” You’d never give in and tell her the truth, that you secretly loved the abuse she gave you. But she was a spy, after all, she knew everything.
She slowly eased herself into you, her hands grasping your waist in order to keep you still. You whined the further she went, making Wanda whimper in pleasure.
“Shh, just a little more now, love. I-I’ll make sure she goes easy.” Wanda remarked from above you. Nat scoffed at the way Wanda continued to be unbelievably soft on you. She didn’t seem to realize just how much of an attention-whore you really were, she just needed to see you through her eyes.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Mommy’s gonna- ah!” Wanda screamed, feeling your tongue circle her clit before sucking harshly. You felt her juices painting your face and smiled, licking every inch of her clean. When she tried ridding herself from you, clearly being too sensitive to continue, Nat forced her to stay in her spot.
“You’re not stopping ‘till you can’t cum anymore, Wanda.” She weakly nodded and gripped the headboards as she instantly felt your tongue back on her.
“D-daddy, it’s too much.” Nat didn’t care to listen to her as she focused on the quickening pace of her hips. Your body slid back and forth on the bed, your tits bouncing along with her rhythm.
She used one hand to slap one of your neglected breasts, watching as your back arched without thinking. Her other kept its place on your thigh, lifting it to reach a better angle.
“Fuck, luck at you right now. You’re practically dripping.” You felt her faux-cock slide against your velvety walls. You wanted to plead her to slow down, but you were restricted from speaking.
“Oh, kitten, you look so cute riding our little girl.” Each word was labored with a thrust into your pulsing heat. “Does mommy taste good, baby?” She knew you couldn’t respond, but she had fun watching the way you squirmed in response.
“Mm, look at this, Wands. Look at how wet our little slut is.” Nat collected your juices with her fingers before placing them in front of her face, groaning as she sucked the digits as if they were her cock.
“Oh, baby, daddy’s right, you’re so wet. Does mommy riding your face turn you on this much?” You nodded as much as you could as you felt the coil in your stomach about to snap.
“Looks like someone needs to cum, hm? You think they deserve to cum, Wanda?” She nodded rapidly while chasing her high, quickly feeling herself come undone once more. She wasn’t able to warn you before it happened, but you could already sense she was near.
“Fuck, yes! You eat mommy out so well, puppy, such a good girl for me.” She could barely even grind herself further against your face with how tired she’d become. And yet you still weren’t allowed to reach your peak, according to Nat’s rules.
“You’ll cum when I say so, got it? Don’t be so fucking greedy, just be lucky we’re even touching you, you whore.” Your thighs slapped against hers with every thrust. Repeatedly, you felt the tip just barely prodding your walls to her base hitting your skin. There was no gentleness, she was rough and fast, just how she liked it.
“Daddy, please, I can’t take anymore. I wanna please my baby, they deserve it, don’t you think?” Wanda murmured from above you, her hips stilling as she finally tried calming herself. She hoped Nat would set her free, and to her luck, she did.
She was instantly sitting by your side, her hands coming to tease your nipples. She brought you in for a searing kiss that had the both of you moaning. She could taste herself on your mouth as her tongue slid inside of you, eyes fluttering as she lost herself in the feeling of your lips.
“You two look so cute, so fucking desperate.” She pressed down on your stomach where there was an evident bulge.
“Oh my, look at how big daddy is inside of you, and I’m not even done yet.” She was panting on top of you now, the rubbing the strap was doing to her clit caused her to nearly shake.
“Go- shit! Daddy’s gonna cum, baby. Daddy’s gonna fill you up real well, okay? You just sit back and take all of what she gives you.” You all knew that, unluckily, neither of them were able to actually fill you with their seed. It wasn’t possible. But little did you know Wanda had been making this one special. She wanted your fantasies to be filled because, at the end of the day, she’d do anything you asked of her.
“Please, daddy, please f-fill me up.” You whimpered, trying your best to hold back on your arriving orgasm. Wanda using her magic to toy with your clit wasn’t helping, and you were closer than you ever had been.
“M-mommy, I…I need to cum. Please, please let me cum. I’ll be good, I promise!” She debated with herself for a moment before replying.
“No more breaking the rules?”
“No, mommy.”
“You’re ours, right? Nobody else’s?”
“Only- only mommy and daddies.” You felt Nat draw your attention back to her, grasping your chin in her hands as she pulled you in for a long kiss. Suddenly, you felt spurts of liquid gushing into your tight hole. You gasped, giving Nat the advantage to slip her tongue inside of your mouth as Wanda had done prior.
“There we go, darling, daddy’s gonna make you a mommy, okay? You’ll be all nice and round with our pups, how does that sound?” Your hand squeezed hers as Nat finally let you breathe, her mouth instantly colliding with your neck and leaving very noticeable marks.
“I’m gonna- please! I need to cum, I need it so bad!” Nat only chuckled as her hips slowly returned to a slow yet hard pace. You whined, your head resting in Wanda’s lap while you struggled to focus on anything but the feeling of your upcoming orgasm.
“I can’t-“
“C’mon, let go for us, little dove.” The moment the words were spoken you let go, your release hitting Nat’s stomach as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Fuck, that’s it, you’re doing so well, angel.” Nat praised, and if you weren’t in the headspace you had fallen into, you would’ve questioned why she wasn't degrading you like usual. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy it, it always seemed to tip you over the edge, but it wasn’t like her. Wanda was always the one praising you, telling you how good you are, while Nat used harsher words, harsher tones. It really was a mind trick with them, you never knew what side you’d get.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You babbled out incoherently, your lips moving faster than your brain. Wanda shushed you with a giggle as you felt Nat slowly starting to pull out. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, it seemed to cause you more pain than relief. Wanda knew this and kissed your forehead softly, smiling onto your skin as she let her lips linger a moment too long.
“You still with us, sweetie?” She asked, noticing your exhausted form. Your eyes were heavy and shut over, your body turning limp as you subconsciously cuddled closer into her. Nat quickly ridded herself of the toy before lying down next to you both, grinning at the small noises leaving your mouth.
“You think I went too hard?”
“Are you kidding? You know they love it.” And with that, the two of them fell into a peaceful slumber on either side of you, an arm from each of them being wrapped around your fragile form.
The clothing from earlier was now a part of the clutter out in the hallway, and you were back in their arms, right where you belonged.
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adelliet · 1 year
Joel Miller x F!reader
Relax for me
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Summary: You work at Jackson as a helper not only for kids but for everyone, but no one is kind of there for you. Every men in here aren't just your type, unless someone appeared here and show you how to treat a woman right.
Warnings: 15+, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex (piv), dominant, dirty talk a bit, nicknames, one mention of Y/N, beeast playing, soft Joel, apocalypse period
A/N: Hi! I am so sorry for mistakes, if there are any, but english isn't my first language. Enjoy, sending love!
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You are washing dishes right now, trying to get off every dirt you could see by your sharp eyes. You already had a half of dishes done, half still waiting for you. It was boring, you have to admit it, but at least you have a window right infront of you, so you could see every act or move that someone do outside. It would be nice, but the town is very quiet, as usual, and nothing is really happening.
You sigh tiredly, as you look back at your hands, washing the already clean and nice white ceramic plate. You put it to the dripper right next to you, and as you reached for another plate to wash, you heard horses and people chattering loudly outside. Your attention was immediately drawn to these sounds and you peered out of the window curiously, pupils dilated and eyes as big as buttons.
Your washing motions suddenly slowed as you saw several men on horses, and behind them were two people you hadn't seen before in the city. They looked like travelers, as if they got lost here. On one horse was a little girl, around 15 years old you would say, while on the other was an older big man who immediately caught your eyes, but also your whole body. When you saw him, goosebumps ran up your spine and your legs and arms began to shake. You had to put the plates down and stop washing or you would have broken something because of how much you were shaking at the sight of the handsome man.
This time you stopped watching the other people and surroundings and just focused on the handsome old man who looked surprised when he focused on someone from the big group of people, that were standing curiously around them. He quickly dismounted from his horse, as Tommy approached him. You raised an eyebrow at him in confusion, as you saw Tommy and the man hugging each other. It seemed like they were pretty good friends and hadn't seen each other for a long time. You figured that was exactly how it was and got a little mad at Tommy, when he didn't tell you about the man. But your rage only lasted for a moment, when you then saw how Tommy was leading the girl and your dream man straight to you, to your house, where you were just washing the dishes.
You started panicking a little, your shaking started raising and you couldn't evem hold something in your hands, because if you do, you would let it fall immediately. You have no idea what to do, the only thing that was on your mind right now was looking a little good infront of the unknown man. That's why you look at the window, so you could see yourself in it a little, and started to style your hair. But there wasn't really much you could do about it, because after a while you heard the wooden door creak and the cold winter wind enveloped the whole house, including you. You were a little knocked up by the coldness, but you weren't shaking so much as you were with the nervousness and excitement of seeing this man face to face in a moment.
“So you can be here now, and then we can figure out where you will be living next” you heard Tommy saying this to the new people, and the steps, that you could definitely say they contained two big men and one tiny girl. You turn around to be ready and put your hands behind you, making your boobs pop out a little. You set a big cute smile on your face and wait, till everyone will see you and you will see them too.
They finally appeared around the corner. Of course there was Tommy and the little girl, but it was the man who looked even more attractive up close that caught your attention. His mustache and beard, which were slightly gray with age, and his soft hair, which curled slightly and was gray-silver in color. He was wearing a brown coat with a checkered dark green shirt underneath that you longed to wear. You'd bet everything he must look amazing under all those clothes.
You stared at him like he was a beautiful painting, like a living version of the mona lisa. You couldn't take your eyes off him, your body just wouldn't let you, and the man felt the same way. As soon as he saw you, he didn't take his eyes off you just like you couldn't take yours. He even stopped paying attention to anything Tommy said or what the little girl said, his focus was only on you. You could catch a glimpse of his beautiful brown eyes, which reminded you of warmth and sunshine, as if you were lying on the beach and the rays of the sun were tanning your whole body in pimps.
Tommy started realising, that there is something between you two, because the way and the lenght you were staring at each other, wasn't definitely normal. That's why he started to act more, to get both of your attention. He clear his throat pretty loudly and started talking intensely and distinctly. “Okay lovebirds, I think it's time to introduce yourselfs” he tap few times with his palm on the man's back pretty hard, till he was finally focused only on Tommy.
“This is my brother, Joel, and there is…uh…” he wanted to talk about the little girl, tha were standing beside Joel like some oath, but he didn't know who exactly she was, so she introduced herself. “Ellie, Joel's cargo” she joked making you chuckle slightly. When Joel saw and heard your sweet soft laugh, his heart melted and his facial muscles automatically formed into a loving smile. Tommy started being more and more suspicious about Joel, because he never saw him smile like that, not even at a woman.
“Hi” you said really quietly, they hardly even hear you and you wave shyly, at Joel and Ellie, your face turn red as Joel's smile got bigger after your cute move. He just nodded as a greeting back and he still didn't take his eyes off yours, his smile still held on his face as if it was stuck. Even Ellie looked surprised at Joel's reaction too, it wasn't really common behavior from him. She put on a mischievous smile as she kept glancing at you and at Joel, in circles and alternately. Tommy was in a similar situation, but at least he managed to get Joel's attention for a moment.
“And this is our helper, Y/N” Tommy made your job easier and introduced you. You didn't hear much of what Joel responded to your name, but you could read from his lips that he repeated your name silently to himself with with loving eyes and his smile still didn't drop until you broke eye contact with him, and looked at Tommy, who made it clear to you that from now, you are taking care of both of them. “She will show you around and show you your nee rooms. Be nice to her" he added to Joel's ear and pat him on Joel's back, which made him balance a little, but he coped it well.
When Tommy left, you do as he told and take control of them. “Follow me” you said with a gorgeus smile on your face, looking at Ellie but when you look at Joel again, your face started being so warm that you needed to look away. You get infront of them, so that they could see where are you going. You led them to the second floor, up the stairs where there were several doors. You walked over to the two of them, that were at the end of the hall, and waited for them to come up to you so, they could hear and see you. “So these two rooms are free, exactly for you. It's up to you how you split them up now" you said and pointed your hand at the doors next to you, so they could see a demonstration. Ellie immediately rushed to the door that was closer to you. You therefore stepped away from it to give her a better passage inside.
When she entered into the room, "Holy fuck!" was heard, which caused a slight joy and laughter in you. Joel chuckled too, but still apologized for Ellie. "I'm sorry, Ellie doesn't know her manners-" "It's okay, I understand her” you snapped at Joel but not in a rude way. “Joel, you need to fucking see it-!” “ELLIE!” Joel raised his voice a little, trying to point out to her not to speak obscenely at last, but she was so impressed with her new room that she did not even notice this little thing.
“Well come in and see by yourself” You nodded your head towards the door that was only inches away from the one Ellie had just appropriated. Joel turned towards the bright cherry red door, opened it slowly and safely, and stepped smoothly inside. Normally you would have left him to meditate in his room by himself, but clearly, this was not a normal situation, at least for you. Joel left the door open, thus indicating that he expects you to follow him there.
You didn't cross the line, that split the hallway and the room, but you get closer to the door to look at Joel, how he walk around the room and ran two fingers over the furniture, making you felt a little pulsw down your panties, as you watch his big fingers. Of course your mind started working immediately, and you imagined and creat a milion, maybe bilion scenarios of Joel, putting these fingers into you, making you come without seconds. You needed to stop these thoughts, otherwise you would literally leaked the wettnes through your shorts. “Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?”
When you ask him this question, you could see his slight, devilish smile appeared on his face and he took a deep breath as he tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling. Oh god he's seriously torturing you! You kept yourself from making any sound of excitement. If you had a dick, it would already be up long time ago, but instead you have a complete fire in your panties. You needed to cross your legs to keep the fire only in this area, and also so that Joel wouldn't know anything. After he take a deep breath, he turned his head to you, still smirking at you. “Even though i like it, call me Joel” he said, now his body was directly facing you too.
“Okay Joel, is there anything?” You voice was kind of shaky as you said his name. It felt so strange but good, maybe too good. “No, I don't think so princess” your legs started shaking as he teasing you with the nickname he just called you. Even that your pussy was literally dying for Joel's cock, and you whole body, including your voice, was fully shaking, you trying to kept your decency. “A-alright. Good night then” you ran away quickly, closing his doors and smile at him, one last time, as the smallest inch that still left, before you close the door fully, hit and you could make the last eye contact for today.
You quickly get to your room, closing your door right behind you, and sat on the floor, relaxing your back and head on the white door, that you just closed. “Oh my gosh” you whimpered in the air, trying to process what just happened. How can a human, make you feel like this? That you cannot talk, walk, or do anything. That he could say anything, and you would do it right away. You were surprised by your reactions at Joel's words, but you weren't really surprised either. When you recapitulated the whole thing in your head, you would always react the same way over and over again, that's just the way it is.
As you finally, aftwr a while, went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed, you couldn't stop thinking about Joel, his shirt, his bushy hair that you'd love to run your fingers through and scratch his head, his incredibly amazing puppy eyes, the which you could look at for hours and never stop being entertained, and best of all, his hands. He wasn't very muscular, like some bodybuilder, but he was muscular to you. His hands look big from a distance, what must they look like up close? How it must look on your cheeks, your hips...oh god.
The horniness that Joel aroused in you, began to increase with every millisecond just thinking about him. Not only did he start doing mischief in your vagina, but also all over your body. You wanted so badly to pleasure yourself, to touch yourself and come over the man of your dreams, but your anxiety wouldn't handle it. After all, the man you'd be touching yourself over is only a few feet away, what if he heard you? Or worse, what if he caught you? You couldn't let this happen and you had to endure it through gritted teeth and finally go to sleep.
Few minutes past, to be specific half hour, and you were finally smooth and clean, ready to go to sleep. Everything was going smoothly until you decided not to go to sleep yet. After all, Ellie and Joel are your guests, you have to take care of them, it's your duty, your job. So you decided, in just a low-cut top and light shorts, to go check on both of them. When you lightly and quietly knocked on Ellie's door, nothing came, so you decided to walk in slowly. Ellie was already in bed sleeping under the covers, so you just turned off the lights and closed the door back, you didn't want to wake her up. Now comes the hard part, Joel.
You take a deep, deep breath before you knock on his door, quietly too, and wait for answer. He was clearly awake, because you heard him saying: “open”. You walk in then, steady and slowly, and your eyes immediately catch Joel laying in his bed with a knife in his hand. You got scared at first, but he calmed you down as he explained that he just cleaned the knife and examined it closely. “I-i just wanted to ask you if you need anything, before I go to sleep” you said, pointing your thumb behind you, to show that your room is in the hallway on the other side. Joel was only staring at you for a moment, without a single word. His eyes darkened all of the sudden and you could felt the cold, coming from his, now dark black eyes. “There is actually”
Your heartbeat started raising, as his hungry eyes travels up and down, checking your body and clothes you wore. You both knew, that you are fully naked behind them. You had no bra, no panties, no underwear at all. You never sleep with underwear on and this night was no different. You felt goosebumps running fast and intense from your legs to your shoulders as Joel slowly stood up. He looked like a bear, a hungry wild animal that is still gentle. “W-w-what is it?” You asked really quietly, your voice shaky and stressed, as he slowly moved closer and closer to you. You had mixed feelings of horror and fear, but excitement and anticipation at the same time. His smirk still hasn't fade out yet.
You getting ready to step behind you, as Joel was getting really closer, but he stopped at a pretty distance from you, so you don't even need to back up. He stood right infront of you, still checking you out without any feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness, not at all, he looks pretty confident. After a while, he finally look at your eyes, making the most intense and exciting eye contact in your whole life. “Can you show me how to make my bed? You know after the apocalypse I wasn't able to even see a normal bed in a few years” he said, slightly in his normal husky voice and scratched his neck as his head tilted back on the bed. You didn't know if you were more relieved or sad that he didn't say what you wanted, but either way you calmed down and got some of your confidence back.
“Yeah, sure” you said with a smile finally and calm face, and walked around Joel, feeling his eyes glued on you. When you get close enough to the bed, you started your 'teaching'. “So you just take this side, and you put it right here, nice and straight…” you said as you were folding his shriveled duvet. You were mostly focused on showing Joel how to make the bed, but you knew very well that he was right behind you, and apparently not looking at the bed at all. “And with that, you do just one more step, and you're done!” You straightened up and happily watched the perfectly placed comforter on the man's bed. You were proud of yourself because you had never done it so well. “Well and-” you turned your back to the bed only to bump into Joel's huge chest that was dangerously close to you.
Horrified, you looked up, only to see Joel with his sly smirk again. You really started to panic in this situation. You could smell his alcohol smell mixed with the smell of nature and weapons, you loved it. “Uh I- um” you trying to find the words but you just can't. This was the situation you were thinking before, that he made you just lise your words and balance too, which showed itself in a moment. Joel was slightly moving forward, so he forced you to back up, but since the bed that you touched with your feet was right behind you, you unexpectedly bumped into it, lost your balance and fell on it. The fall was accompanied by a slight squeal, thanks to the shock and surprise.
You were sitting on the bed, your arms leaning on the bed, and you watched Joel gracefully drop to his knees. You didn't stop looking at each others eyes, his eyes were so mesmerizing and he is all too aware of it. You widened your eyes as Joel's smile get bigger, when he slowly starts touching your legs with his big, big hands and arms. He was scrubbing some part of your legs with his thumb, making you sqeeze the sheet under you. Joel was trying to read from your eyes and see, if you like it or not, but it was really difficult. You looked scared but excited at the same time, and you actually were scared and excited.
“W-we can't” you whispered, thinking Joel won't even hear you but he clearly did, and answer immediately. “Why not?” His hands started slowly and steady spreading your legs apart, making his view on your very sensitive area from your whole body. You exhale deeply as he do that, trying not to scream. “Is it because of my brother?” he asked gently, teasing you as his hands goes further to your thighs, closer and closer to your entrance. You watched every move he made, and it felt so fucking good. The feeling of his massive hands on your thights, the warm that went through your whole body, it was an incredible feeling.
You shooke your head to no, and still watch him with a big pupils. “Then what is stopping us?” his voice was groany with hunger and lust, only for you. His hands were now only few, really few centimetres from where you were desperate for his fingers to have, and not only for the fingers. “I don't know” you were so innocent and quiet as a mouse. If only Joel knew all the things you imagined you would do with him, he would look at you completely differently, but since he doesn't, he saw you exactly like this, quiet and innocent, which attracted him immensely.
Before you even finish your sentence, he he attacked your lips drastically and desperately with his own, placing both hands on your cheeks so he could correct your face as he pleased. You imagined that Joel was a good kisser, but you couldn't have imagined this much in your wildest dreams. The way your lips met, the way your tongues touched, the way his hands hold your head tight, your heart was melting. Just like you, Joel loved the way your saliva mingled, the way you didn't even fight your tongue too much, showing your submissiveness. Of course he would have kissed you much longer, but this was not in his plan.
He pulled away from your lips, immediately made eye contact with you and slowly leaned down, right between your legs. You started to get a little stressed and nervous, so you stopped thinking about everything and just focused on Joel's touches, only on him. He smile as he saw your worried eyes and your shaking legs, it made him feel powerful. “Promise me, you will make that noises as much as your body will allow” he said, licking his index and middle finger and with puffy chocolate eyes he waited for your answer. You just nodded your head briskly and watched eagerly as his hands removed your shorts in one powerful movement, ending up at your ankles on the ground. Now you were directly exposed, your main sexual organ and Joel could proudly say he was the first man to see it.
He then waited no more seconds and gently put his index finger in your entrance, making you moan quietly and close your eyes. It wasn't painfull, of course it wasn't, but it was something different. The feeling that someone else is putting his hands inside you, even better when it was Joel, gosh your butterflies in your stomach started going wild. He then began to lightly curl his finger inside you, making you throw your head back and sigh softly but clearly. This was all just the beginning.
Unbeknownst to you, he subtly stuck his middle finger in as well, which made you sigh louder, but still formally. Your surprise made you feel even better and you enjoyed his big fingers in your small vagina. A few minutes and your legs started to open and close on their own, occasionally touching Joel's head by mistake, but he loved it. It was all beautiful but something was missing, which Joel added in a moment. He added his other hand to the situation, gently rubbing against your most sensitive part of your body, your clit, and this was just something. You were twitching all over, you couldn't not move, it wasn't possible. The way both his hands and fingers were interlocked, they created an even bigger fire down there.
He watched you like a statue. He recorded your every movement, even if it was just a tiny one, perhaps invisible to the naked eye. He trying to learn your body, your moves, everything about you. He try a magical things with his fingers inside you, and try to find out what position of them make you feel the best. It didn't take long for him to find the exact way to make you moan louder and more often.
You weren't yourself anymore You flinched as Joel teased your clit and made a complete ripple inside you with his fingers. All the worries and stress and problems were suddenly there when you felt that you were approaching the edge. It felt like a battle in your lower abdomen, excitement and the feeling of having to go to the bathroom rushed through your whole body, and you knew very well that you wouldn't last too long. His thick big fingers inside you made you stretch so much, that after that, you could fit in there anything.
“Oh fuck~” you sighed as you started feeling the climax taking total control over you. Joel were staring at you like a creep, smiling that you will come in a minute on his hands. “C'mon princess” Joel tries to cheer you up a little and it definitely helps, because every time you heard Joel's deep warm voice, you whole body started heating up in a unimaginable speed. You imagined in your life a lot, you have very good fantasy, but you wouldn't have imagined this even for God's sake. The excitement, the passion, the heat and the feeling of fullness was so beautiful that you thought for a moment that Jesus was fucking you with his hands.
“Oh my- Joel~”
There it comes. You feel it. The strange feeling to get it all out and fearing that it will be an awkward moment. The feeling that makes you quickly throw your head back, close your eyes tightly and dig your nails right into the covers beneath you, thightened your walls around Joel's fingers so that he knew too, that you gonna come in a second. Moaning Joel's name across the whole room, you finally realise your self on his hand.
You didn't really care if anyone heard you or not, the only thing you could focus on right now was your unforgettable orgasm causes only by Joel's fingers. After the nice tickling that spreads all over your body, including your lady part, you struggle to catch your breath, eyes still closed. Now all your senses came back and you started to blush in embarrassment. You quickly opened your eyes and lowered your head only to see a wickedly smiling Joel who was as happy as if he had just received a Christmas present, as far as possible your orgasm was a present for Joel, but definitely not the last one.
“Good girl sweetheart,” he said with a comforting smile on his face, not bealiving that he really exist how gorgeous this man is. “-but I am not done with you yet” the soft smile immediately transformed into a devilish grin. But before you could even widen your eyes in fear and raise your eyebrows, Joel stopped you and the surprised gasp turned into a comforting moan.
Joel now had his lips glued to your vagina, his tongue inside you again, it went smoothly as you were already wet all over from the previous orgasm. His large sculpted nose rubbed pleasantly against your rather sensitive clitoris, which you couldn't take anymore, and you had to make another physical contact with Joel. You grabbed his soft gray hair and very gently that he didn't even feel it whenever you flinched at his curling of his tongue inside you. Once again, all your senses went blank and all you could feel was his wet tongue, bulbous nose and velvety hair. You didn't even notice how loud you were as you sighed with delight at Joel's name and vulgarities over and over. At the same time, you didn't care that now you don't look like the decent and well-mannered girl you did when you met.
Joel wanted to talk to you, to make you feel safe and horny at the same time, but he really couldn't as his full face were on your labia, but he still groan into you, sending the vibration of his voice to your cervix. How much your body were overstimulated, you knew you wouldn't hold your realise in for too long. The heat that goes from Joel's mouth to your cheeks, made your face goes red but not only because of the hot air. The room was soon filled with nothing but your sighs and Joel's mumbling into your genitalia. Joel knew exactly what he was fucking doing.
The way his big palms going back and forth on your thighs, where he sometimes squeezed them gently, the way he sometimes pressed his nose on purpose against your clitoris, which caused a pained squeak to escape from your languid lips, and the most important part, how his most flexible muscle in his body made different shapes, moving from side to side, front to back and in and out of your hole. All these combinations together drove you crazy. His beard tickled you slightly and sometimes it stung, which made it worse...or better? Your strokes of Joel's hair started to get stronger and more intense as you felt that tight feeling again not only in your stomach but also in your vagina.
“Joel I am gonna-“
You said real quick, like you were in a rush and you actually were, because in a few seconds after you said that, your sweet liquid came out from you, right inside Joel's mouth, making him hum in in pleasure as he sipped all your juice. Your eyes wide opened, your chest moving up and down in a rapid speed, your mouth trying to get enough oxygen into your lungs so that not only your breathing but also your heartbeat finally calms down and returns to the normal position it was before you experienced all of this with Joel.
He let you rest for a while and gather strength. Meanwhile, he licked off all your liquid that was still left on his mustache and fingers, which he didn't have time to eat earlier. When you started seeing normaly again and everything wasn't blurry anymore, you looked at Joel again, with a relief and a relaxing light smile. To be honest, you didn't feel the least bit embarrassed, more like guilty that he had given you two orgasms in quick succession and you hadn't done anything for him. “Are you okay princess?” he asked with his deep but soft voice, raising both of his eyebrows so that he give you his cute chocolate puppy eyes. You couldn't really talk, so you just nodded with your heavily breath and the sweat were dropping from your forehead.
His face immediately formed into a grin of happiness, but after a moment you could see nothing but darkness, black and cold from his eyes again, which permeated the entire room at an abnormal speed. Goosebumps automatically appeared on all parts of your body and you shivered slightly as the chill went down there as well. You wanted to ask him, if he want something too, you would do anything. Even if he want to fuck in your ass, you would allow it, but before you could even breath in and say something, your lips were on Joel's, where you could still taste your sweet juice.
They were very aggressive and rough, he even bit your lips a few times, making you bleed from them slightly, but you loved it. He was tasting your saliva and wrestling your tongue. His body weighed you down so much that you had to lie on your back on the bed and this automatically wrapped your arms around Joel's neck while his were on your bare sides. “Your lips taste amazing” he growled as he attacked them again, his large warm palm traveling down your body. You felt his hand on your stomach, slowly riding up until he bumped into your light t-shirt, which was a very light challenge for Joel. He gently moved his hand under the t-shirt where he found your bare breasts and squeezed one of them tightly, causing you to moan into the kisses. You could feel his devilish smirk after you moan, so of course he put a bigger tension in holding your breast, which caused that you needed to break the kiss and breath the air.
“You like that, don't ya?” he asked, voice like a hungry wolf and fingers moving slightly around your nipple. Your eyes were still closed, you didn't even had that confidence to open them and look at Joel, how hungry he was for you. As he massaged your breast gently but hard at the same time, you heard the belt unfasten quickly and immediately after a sound of dropping some material on the floor, which you logically deduced that Joel had just removed his pants with only one hand, and really quickly without inhibitions. It turns you even more on feeling his cock's head on your thights, and you could say only from that, that it's huge as fuck.
“Are you ready sweetheart?” he asked gently, slowing his moving with his hand around your boob and focusing on your face, to see your answer. You open your eyes finally, little curious how his dick is looking, but his eyes trapped you from looking anywhere else, but only in his dark eyes with a lust. You nodded with agreement, but you were still little frightened about it, and of course Joel recognized it on you. That was the reason why he moved his palm to your cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb, making you feel a little more comfortable and safe. A tear were dropping from your eyes down your face, still from the last two orgasm you had earlier but not only because of them.
His puppy eyes tells you that it's gonna be okay, that you don't need to worry about it. Joel didn't even need to say anything to make you trust him, so when you relaxed your eyes and whole body, Joel immediately took advantage and slowly entered you with his penis. Even though you thought it would be painless, it certainly wasn't. Joel wasn't even halfway through and you were already squealing in pain, more and more tears welling up in your eyes and you had to bite your lips with your teeth so hard they started to bleed. Your back arched and your walls closed, not allowing Joel to continue any further. He groans as you stopped him before he was even halfway there. “C'mon babygirl, relax for me” he said, started rubbing your cheek by his thumb again, but this time all you could focus on was that feeling of fullness and you couldn't even imagine that anything else could fit in there.
“Princess look at me” your eyes still closed, but your body sligtly relax as you used to the lenght, or at least temporary length for now. “Look at me” Joel repeat himself, with more roughness and aggression in his voice that it automatically forced you to open your eyes and look at his chubby face. You were still bitting your lips, as you try to eased the pain. “Can you relax for me?” deep, comforting and the ear-pleasing voice intoxicated you so much that without you doing anything, your body practically relaxed on its own, making more room for Joel to continue and push him all the way into you. He didn't hesitate for a second and slowly pushed it in, even though you were more relaxed than before, it still hurt. He stretched you so hard that you thought you might burst, it looks like his lenght was infinite.
“Good girl, good girl-“ his voice cracked as he was getting closer to put all his lenght into you, and as your walls started getting slowly tightened around his cock. You felt that you won't take any more, that this is your maximum but apparently, it wasn't. Few inches left and Joel lose his patience about taking it slowly, so when he was really close to the root, he pushed it aggressively into you so much, that the sound of the slap could be heard along with your loud sigh, full of pleasure but relief at the same time. “Wasn't that hard, was it?” he whispered with a little pain, as he tries so much to hold back his natural instinct to thrust into you hardly.
You shake your head for answer, your vision gray and blurry, all sounds muffled and all you felt and sensed was Joel and his cock inside you. “Focus on my voice alright?” his voice was sweet but harsh and rough at the same time, but above all it was soothing. He has exactly the kind of voice that would make you fall asleep within minutes. You nodded again, not using your words or speaking and you started getting ready for the pushing. But you couldn't prepare enough for that, it's impossible.
Joel slowly, smoothly and lightly started thrusting into you, which was uncomfortable at first and you had to hold on so you wouldn't kick Joel away with your legs, but after a while of thrusting it just got better and better. It started to become more smooth as you slowly but surely started to fill again with your endless juice. Your pained moans slowly began to turn into full pleasure and your legs opened, feeling you want more. Joel quickly picked up on all these signs and understood that he should start adding speed, which he did. The sound of his pelvis slapping against your ass, the breaths he made and the wet sounds, god it was amazing!
It didn't take long for him to find that sweet spot deep inside, that made you even wilder, than when he licked or fingered you. As he was speeding up his speed as well as the force of his thrusts, his sighs gets louder and more devastated, but they weren't as loud as yours. “That's right baby, just like that” pulling him out of you, and then all the way in again, makes you jumped a little and digging your nails into the back of his neck, which was already so scratched. He thrust it into you faster and faster. And again and again and again. “F-fuck” he groans as his orgasm started being too close, so was yours. You started curling your toes and thick closing your eyes, as you felt that you are going to come soon too.
It really didn't take too long, and after a few fast and hard thrust of Joel, your walls thightened, wanting to pull his dick away and the cold and fresh feeling of realise swallowed you whole as you sighed Joel's name one last time as loudly and cuttingly as you could. Joel didn't last long as his cock was wrapped around your walls anyway, and moments after you reached your orgasm, you heard Joel's attractive and loud growl like a bear, as he threw his head back and filled you all over with his cum.
You both stayed like that for a while, breathing like you had just run a marathon and sweating just as much. But after a while, Joel needed more rest, so he gently pulled his massive cock out of you, which was again an incredibly pleasant feeling, and collapses right next to you. You both had your eyes closed, all you could hear was your hot breaths. You were so tired, exhausted and out of energy that there was no way you were going back to your room and Joel totally respected and understood that. He himself was abnormally tired.
“Great job princess” he complimented you after a while when he finally had enough oxygen in him to speak. You couldn't help but smile at his praise. Right after he said that you felt the sensation of a large hand underneath you, pulling you closer to the hot sweaty male body. You purred pleasantly and rested your head on his toned chest, listening to his heartbeat. After a while, when your bodies weren't so overheated with adrenaline, Joel covered you both with the blanket you had laid so nicely.
“Hope we gonna see each other more often” he said, finally in his normal relaxing voice. You smiled even more when he said that. “I swear on my life we will” making both of you giggled a bit, Joel gives you a sweet little kiss into your hair for goodnight. You move a bit to make yourself comfortable and it didn't took you long enough to fall asleep.
And there you are, sleeping in big man's arms, making your dream come true, after a wild night you never forget, because it was your best night you ever had, and the best part is, that this isn't definitely your last night like that.
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creepling · 1 year
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make it quick this time - leon s. kennedy | <;1k
tags: smut, MINORS DNI, fem!reader, a lil quicky with the snarky narc, friends with benefits, fckin from behind, clothes on, underwear pushed to the side, bareback, degrading, gotta stay quiet, leon is so mean to you but you love it.
“You better stay quiet. Otherwise, we’re both dead,” Leon snarked into your ear, pulling your trousers down.
You giggled in anticipation, arching your back and parking your ass towards his crotch, where his hardened cock began to protrude. Leon clocked your eagerness and treated it with his hard hand smacking your bare ass.
Your body tensed, but you let out a pleasant moan. Failing at the one thing you are supposed to do: stay quiet. Leon gripped your cheeks in annoyance, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“If you’re not gonna behave, we can forget this thing altogether,” He warned, his eyes telling a different story as they gazed down your breasts. Your nipples poked through the thin fabric of your shirt. The sight of you was driving him nuts.
“I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet. I promise,” You begged, reaching your hand behind to rub his crotch and unzip his trousers.
He grunted in your ear, grabbing your hand and placing it behind the small of your back, releasing his cock from his trousers with the other hand. The tip of his cock grazed your ass as he touched himself.
Leon pushed your underwear to one side, revealing the sight of your glistening slit. His cock twitched at the sight of you, his strong hands pushing you against the wall.
“Are you gonna be good for me?” He asked, his hands holding the small of your back, his tip teasing your entrance.
You nodded in response, biting your lip and mentally begging for him inside you. The cold air against your wet pussy wasn’t enough. You ached for the heat of his body pounding into you.
“Good girl,” He whispered, his cock slipping inside you quickly. Your eyes dilated, your mouth agape, but Leon grasped his hand over it before you could let out a moan.
He was initially slow, picking up the pace when he was sure no danger was around. He wished the setting was a little more romantic. He could have you lying in a bed of roses. Yet, there was something about fucking you in a dingy, disgusting basement where danger is in every corner that turned him on even more.
When Leon could trust you, he took his hand away from your mouth, gripping both sides of your waist to pick up the pace of his thrusts. His cock pounded in and out, sending you on a high. Hitting all the right places, your legs began to grow weak, but Leon efficiently managed to hold you up. Your hands were desperate to grab something, clawing at the damp walls. Once you were steady, Leon’s cock was deeper inside you, your eyes dilating.
A moan escaped your mouth, something you couldn’t control. How could you when you’re getting fucked this good? But Leon didn’t have it. This time, he wrapped his fingers around your neck, pulling your body towards him and pinning you in his grasp.
“Shut your whore mouth,” He exclaimed in a harsh, hushed tone.
You obeyed, keeping yourself in place and allowing Leon to fuck you into oblivion. He quickened the pace, his lips beside your ear, degrading you into submission.
You’re such a slut. You like it when I fuck you like this, don’t you? Letting me use you whenever I want. You beg for my cock because it’s all you think about. You’re my little slut. Go on, say it. Say you’re my little slut.
I’m your little slut.
Good girl. You’re doing so well. I’m so close, baby, so close.
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monimccoythings · 10 months
Bad Pick up Lines
I'm facing writer's block in this Bowser x reader so for now we are getting this T.T but I wanted to pull something after leaving it with a cliffhanger. I really love my Bowser x reader series hopefully I'll get to continue it some day.
`Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff @harpy-space (Please tell me if I'm forgetting someone, unfortunately I'm very dumb and forgetful)
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Your head hurt, just like a nasty New Years Eve hangover. What happened?? The last things you remembered was a blast, a lot of fire and smoke and then...
Oh no.
You immediately opened your eyes. You were inside a darker and grittier castle, certainly not the Disney Princess vibe Peach had going on. What the fuck.
This couldn't be happening. You were dreaming. You had inhaled too much smoke and were in a coma at the ER. There was no way this was Bowser's castle.
He seemed to like the Middle Ages dark castle style, whelp at least the bed was cofortable. Still, you didn't want to stay longer than you needed to. If everything that had been told about your ex cutie patootie was true, which you were sure it was. What awaited you inside this walls was something worse than death.
Fuck, you had treated him like a pet, you had babie talked him, dressed him up, fed him apple slices and combed his luxurious red mane!! You would do all of that again given the chance tbh. It was worth it.
Escaping seemed impossible, the room you were in was too high; and the doors, though more obvious, were too heavy for you to move, whoever put you in there (Bowser) wanted to make sure you didn't get out.
You felt sick, even if you haven't had anything to eat since that morning. Was this how it ended?? With you dying because once you called the turtle equivalent of Genghis Khan 'chimken nugget'.
You heard thundering steps approaching your room. Big man was coming. There was no place for you to hide. Better face death with dignity.
The door opened and the King of Koopas himself came in. Woah. He was even bigger than you remembered, las time it was too smokey for you to see clearly, but boy did you see know his might and glory. I you put it him in your lap now the weight of his head alone could easily break your legs.
Your eyes quickly diverted towards his face, and noted that he looked anything but murderous. He had this weirdly dilated puppy eyes like the Puss in Boots in Shrek 2, his hair had been sliced back, and he was wearing a purple bowtie. Given his actual size, it wasn't as cute as he thought he would look. Still, you swallowed down the urge to laugh at the randomness of it all.
"Did you sleep well?" Wow, his voice was even more thunderous than last time, and now that it wasn't high pitched, it actually sounded kinda nice and fitting, but you couldn't let your guard down.
"Yeah?" You weren't sure where he was going with this. Bowser raised one eyebrow in confusion "Are you asking me?" "No?" God this was going to be a bloody mess.
Bowser, for a behemoth of his size and mass, looked kinda sheepish. It would be endearing if he didn't tower over you and could't crush you with a single hand.
"You-you know, it was quite helpful my bed was there..." He looked at something scribbled in his hand, squinting his eyes. "... for when you hell-fell! from Heaven..."
You snorted a bit, you couldn't help it, that was the worst pick up line you had ever heard. The tension dissipated from your body, only to return with full force when you realised that he may take offense in you laughing. You quickly clasped your hands over your mouth a blush colouring your cheeks.
Apparently he took it as you blushing with delight, because he shyly scratched the back of his head. It was cuteness oversized. For a second you saw your little buddy again, enjoying your pets, gradually warming up to you, and quietly listening when you rambled about everything that crossed your mind.
"Ha... that was a good one..." You managed to say. "I actually have like, so many more." He seemed happy that you had liked it. Oh you actually wanted to hear them all.
They did not disappoint, each one of them was as good (or bad) as the first one he had told. So cheesy. You felt more eased in his presence the more pick up lines he told, at certain point you felt like back at Peach's castle, but the sizes had been reversed. If you made a huge effort to look past the numerous atrocities he certainly had comitted, you could see that he was just lonely.
"Hey, wanna hear my pick up line?" For a second, he looked shocked. Nobody had ever told him a pick up line before. You cleared your throat, hoping it was as fun as it was to you. "So... Are you into the bad types? Because I am bad at everything."
His eyes shone with mirth, glad your audience loved your terrible sense of humour. You smiled at him and he smiled back. Peach had warned you due to previous experiences that once Bowser got a hold of someone he very rarely let them escape their grasp.
It seemed that Bowser had now moved his fixation towards you. Maybe you were not ready to jump into marriage immediately, and maybe you needed to return home to your job and duties. However, you wouldn't mind exchanging phone numbers... That could be a good start.
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rosemary-rothlorein · 5 months
Victor Hugo: not relevant but there is an urgent need for a close-up shot of Enjolras.
Text was copied and pasted from wikisource.
3.4.1, introduction paragraph
Woe to the love-affair which should have risked itself beside him! If any grisette of the Place Cambrai or the Rue Saint-Jean-de-Beauvais, seeing that face of a youth escaped from college, that page's mien, those long, golden lashes, those blue eyes, that hair billowing in the wind, those rosy cheeks, those fresh lips, those exquisite teeth, had conceived an appetite for that complete aurora, and had tried her beauty on Enjolras…
Poor Enj, walks on the street and gets harassed by random passers-by.
Also Victor Hugo, next paragraph: now let’s talk about Combeferre, “He was less lofty, but broader. That’s all. Thank you.”
Enjolras, the believer, disdained this sceptic; and, a sober man himself, scorned this drunkard. He accorded him a little lofty pity. Grantaire was an unaccepted Pylades. Always harshly treated by Enjolras, roughly repulsed, rejected yet ever returning to the charge, he said of Enjolras: "What fine marble!"
Grantaire, are you sure you are there for Enjolras’s faith and (chaste, healthy, firm, upright, hard, candid) nature NOT FOR HIS FACE???
3.4.5, Combeferre’s être-libre big show
Enjolras, whose blue eye was not fixed on anyone, and who seemed to be gazing at space, replied, without glancing at Marius:
Thanks, Victor, for reminding us of something you said four chapters ago.
4.12.3, basically Grantaire’s love confession
Enjolras, who was standing on the crest of the barricade, gun in hand, raised his beautiful, austere face. Enjolras, as the reader knows, had something of the Spartan and of the Puritan in his composition.
Maybe the reader also knows Enjolras has a beautiful and austere face.
4.12.7, Javert’s identity is discovered.
"Spy," said the handsome Enjolras, "we are judges and not assassins."
Javert: …Why?
4.12.8, Le Cabuc’s execution
Enjolras, pale, with bare neck and dishevelled hair, and his woman's face, had about him at that moment something of the antique Themis…
Victor Hugo: I know one minute ago you were not doing anything intense, merely talking to Javert, but now I need you to cosplay Themis, so please get rid of your cravat and dishevel your (beautiful, golden, shining) hair.
Enjolras: …okay.
His dilated nostrils, his downcast eyes, gave to his implacable Greek profile that expression of wrath and that expression of Chastity which, as the ancient world viewed the matter, befit Justice.
Victor Hugo: Killing in the name of justice can easily get us into endless and heated ethical debates, and the issue is further complicated by the very situation, given it is a revolution, where a judicial system has not really been established. Let’s not get into deep water but make our life easier: this is divine justice.
Le Cabuc attempted to resist, but he seemed to have been seized by a superhuman hand.
Le Cabuc: I am armed, and I am evil and impetuous enough to murder someone without a second thought. Am I not supposed to fight this schoolboy?
Victor Hugo: No. You are supposed to be shocked by his beauty. And chastity.
Le Cabuc: Is that something I can tell by LOOKING AT HIM?
Enjolras ceased. His virgin lips closed; and he remained for some time standing on the spot where he had shed blood, in marble immobility.
Marble x2.
Jean Prouvaire and Combeferre pressed each other's hands silently, and, leaning against each other in an angle of the barricade, they watched with an admiration in which there was some compassion, that grave young man, executioner and priest, composed of light, like crystal, and also of rock.
Enjolras reappeared. He returned from his sombre eagle flight into outer darkness. He listened for a moment to all this joy with folded arms, and one hand on his mouth. Then, fresh and rosy in the growing whiteness of the dawn, he said:
…He literally says hey guys, we are going to die now.
Victor Hugo: Yeah I know. But light technician, light on Enjolras please!
5.1.5 barricade speech.
All at once he threw back his head, his blond locks fell back like those of an angel on the sombre quadriga made of stars, they were like the mane of a startled lion in the flaming of a halo, and Enjolras cried…
How can Victor Hugo forget to highlight his revolutionary gold boy’s beauty?
Enjolras paused rather than became silent; his lips continued to move silently, as though he were talking to himself, which caused them all to gaze attentively at him, in the endeavor to hear more. There was no applause; but they whispered together for a long time. Speech being a breath, the rustling of intelligences resembles the rustling of leaves.
No virgin lip this time. Good thing that Victor is learning self-restraint (but not for long, apparently).
5.1.8 the death of sergeant of artillery
And a tear trickled slowly down Enjolras' marble cheek.
Marble x3.
Victor you are using Grantaire’s vocabulary.
5.1.23 the martyrdom of Enjolras
The audacity of a fine death always affects men. As soon as Enjolras folded his arms and accepted his end, the din of strife ceased in the room, and this chaos suddenly stilled into a sort of sepulchral solemnity. The menacing majesty of Enjolras disarmed and motionless, appeared to oppress this tumult, and this young man, haughty, bloody, and charming, who alone had not a wound, who was as indifferent as an invulnerable being, seemed, by the authority of his tranquil glance, to constrain this sinister rabble to kill him respectfully. His beauty, at that moment augmented by his pride, was resplendent, and he was fresh and rosy after the fearful four and twenty hours which had just elapsed, as though he could no more be fatigued than wounded.
(The most obvious evidence that this guy is divine. Human biology DOES NOT work in this way.)
It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo."
Were you at the barricade for the revolution or for something (someone) else???
A National Guardsman who had taken aim at Enjolras, lowered his gun, saying: "It seems to me that I am about to shoot a flower."
Le Cabuc symptom: brain stops functioning properly at the sight of Enjolras’s beauty.
Noise does not rouse a drunken man; silence awakens him. The fall of everything around him only augmented Grantaire's prostration; the crumbling of all things was his lullaby. The sort of halt which the tumult underwent in the presence of Enjolras was a shock to this heavy slumber. It had the effect of a carriage going at full speed, which suddenly comes to a dead stop. The persons dozing within it wake up.
Now we have music fading into a suffocating silence, light focuses on Enjolras, twelve guns arranged in a way according to the rules of one-point perspective. Your turn Grantaire!
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