#we can't spell srry
endermen-impasta · 8 months
Announcement of Mistakes
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So we have the new AU called Rise Amber Alert AU! Unfortunately we're dyslexic and didn't know we spelled " Alter " instead of Alert.
Also for any confusion over the title; NO ONE IS BEING KIDNAPPED! Don't worry.
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forgettable-au · 9 months
Does Flowey exist in this au?
Yes, he does.
Everything's pretty much the same when it comes to the regular story in this AU. It's just the past, especifically Papyrus' past (wich we don't know much about to begin with) that changes
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Actually Flowey is one of the main characters in the story! (the main story of this au is divided between the past before the game and a post-pacifist timeline:D)
He and Papyrus will have a fun dynamic
-some thought I had in tags behind the keep reading
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Srry for the spelling mistakes in here but I can't go and fix tags because I would end up erasing everything😭tumblr struggles
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miskamix · 6 months
Hii!! Can I req Chuuya x SH reader? Can be both angst and fluff, you don't have to tho if you don't wanna <3
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𝓒𝓱𝓾𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝔁 𝓖𝓝! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
This is another thing i didn't expect people to request, and it brings me so much comfort when i find sh comfort fanfics:(
If you are struggling with sh please know i'm always open to talk if you want:) and i'll try to comfort you to the best of my ability! (i'm usually not on here during the day so you can ask me for my discord in dms)
Also, English isn't my first language so please dont mind any spelling errors!!
TW: SH, gore? Talk about fresh SH cuts, Might be ooc😓 please tell me if i missed anything!
Words: 1,3k
sometimes in life things don't go the rigth way, is what people say, they say "sometimes in life things don't go the way we want, but thats just how it is"
But right now it felt like absolutely nothing was going the right way, you felt like the whole world was against you, like you were some useless peace of garbage that could be thrown out at anytime, like there was no one in this damn world that would sit down and listen to your pityfull problems. you were at your abselut worst.
And the only thing that could help the with it was the razor in your hand, which is cutting your thigh. you move almost like a robot, you don't even feel the pain of the razor anymore. everything seems like a dream, all the blood coming out of your cuts and dripping and mixing in with the water of the bathtub, your vision being slightly blury.
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you bring your razor to your Radial vein. you shake slightly as you look down at your wrist debating if you should cut it or not.
As you start breathing faster you look at the suicide note you left on the chair next to the bathtub. you wondered how long it would take for chuuya to find you, would he even care if you died?
you feel tears start to run down your face and you start to sniffle uncontrollably.
As you're about to cut the vein you hear a loud knock on the door, "[name]? baby are you in there..?" your boyfriend chuuya asks in a quiet voice.
You quickly wipe your tears and panic a bit as you didn't lock the door since you weren't expectinc chuuya to come home this early, "Y-yeah.." you say trying to not sound sad, but knowing chuuya he most likely heard the saddnes in your voice.
"Darling.. is something wrong..?" He asks in a conserned voice, "i'm just.. washing my hair" you try to come up with an exuse while your whole body is shaking. "Darling, you washed your hair yestarday tho? are you really okay in there..?"
'Damn i forgot about that' you think while trying to find a place to hide the razor. While you panic you some how bump into the soaps and knock them down making a loud noise. "Baby are you okay? i'm coming in" he says and opens the door, "NO WAIT!" but before you can stop him, he has already opened the door and seen your cuts.
After a few moments of silence and staring at each other, chuuya finally makes a move closer to you.
"...Chuuya.. please i'm sorr-.." You try to explain but your voice starts to shake and you feel a lump in your throat. "...shh.." He quitelly walks closer to you and wipes the small tears that have started to for in your eyes.
"...I'm so sorry.. i k-know i said i'd.. try to stay clean for you.. i tried my best.. i swear.. i'm sorry.. please.. p-please don't get mad.." You sob as more and more tears start falling from your eyes. Your vision is starting to blur from all the tears, so much so that you can't even see chuuya anymore.
"....shh... darling.. i would never be mad at you.. what could ever make you think that..? i understand how hard it is to recover from something like this.." He whispers into your ear while holding you close, not even caring about the blood staining his clothes.
All you can do is cry and cry, you cant even manage to answer his question, all that came out if your mouth were pityfull sobs and 'i'm so sorry'. Chuuyas shoulder was becoming wet form all the tears but he didn't mind, he would do anything just so that you could feel better.
After some time of Chuuya trying to comfort you and trying to get you to tell what happened, did you finally calm down slightly, just enough for you to able to answer his questions.
Chuuya starts washing your cuts gently, you both sit there in silence with the only sound beinf your small sniffles and some small choked sobs.
After a few seconds chuuya decides to break the slience, "..Darling, please.. what happened that made you relapce..?" he asks with a gentle tone while holding your shaking hands in his. For a moment you stay slient, wiping your tears. "...i... i-i've...", you say in a shaky voice trying to break out into a crying mess again. Right at this moment you didn't know what to say, you really didn't know how to say what made you do it.
"...take your time..", Chuuya's soft voice snaps you out of your trance, you feel his thumbs rubbing on top of your hands in a comforting way.
"...its hard to say.... i-i don't know how to put it into words..", you whisper, hoping chuuya wouldn't be mad. You're scared he'll be mad at your answer, scared he'll force you to talk, force you like your mother would always do. You remember the first time you relapsed she got mad and forced you to talk, even when you were crying.
"..thats fine.. its not always easy to put something like this into words.." Chuuya caressed your back in a comforting way, making you want to just cry, cry so hard and let everything out, everything that has been bothering you, all your worries and troubles. You felt so comfortable in his arms, like you were safe. "would writing it help?", he asks and runs his fingers through your hair.
You burry your face in his neck and nod, feeling him pick you up and carry you over to your bedroom. He gently puts you on the bed and you slightly whine from the stinging pain that came from your cuts, holding back your tears. '..i'm sucha an idiot..' you think while watching chuuya leave the room to go get paper.
Chuuya comes back after some time with a piece of paper and a pen. He gives you the stuff and sits down next to you while waiting for you to write on the paper.
You sit there for a second before starting to write about how you've been feeling really insecure about yourself and thinking that you arent enough for him and that he should be with someone else. Once you're done writing you hesitate to give the paper back to chuuya for a bit, but you decide to just do it.
Once its in Chuuyas hands, you look away embaressed about the thngs you wrote, hoping he wouldn't judge you for it.
After a bit of silence, chuuya finally says something, "Darling.. why didn't you tell me..? i could've helped you feel better.." He says quietly and you just look down ashamed feeling like everything is your fult. You knew you should have told him, maybe then you wouldn't be in so much pain at the moment.
You felt like you were about to cry again, you felt weak. You just wanted to lay down and forget about the world around you.
"...i was scared.. i'i was so scared you'd be mad at me..." Your voice breaks as you try to explain everything to him. Chuuya sit there with you in his arms listening to you with a worried look on his face.
"...darling i would never hate you.. you're the most important person in my life, i would never be mad at you for relapcing.." He says while stroking your hair and rocking back and forth slowly. you hug him tight, like your scared he'll be gonne once you let go of him.
For the rest of the night chuuya keeps you in his arms while he comforts you and tells you how much he loves you.
Grr the end was rushed 😓😓
Anyways, pleae give me some feedback, it really helps me when people tell me what i should try to be better at.
Do not repost this on any other website without asking me first and giving me credit!!
Requests: Closed for now
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cz19y · 7 months
Heyyy, I was wondering if you could pls do head canons with sae, rin, isagi, n shidou (separately) w/ a fem!s/o who is thick (big booty n pudgy stomach)? It can be either sfw or nsfw. No pressure tho, take ur time n have a good day! 💕
Multiple × Thick!Fem!Reader
FT.: Sae & Rin Itoshi, Isagi Yoichi, Shidou Ryusei
∆ SFW/fluff & suggestive, mention of bad comments, hint of insecurity, mention of abandonment issues[Rin’s part], characters aged up, OOC[? prob], some of them will be quite short[sorry], first time writing thick!Reader, grammar spelling errors[?].
NOTE: I never had an ask before and I have NO experience in writing for thick!Reader, so, perdon me for bad writing (:’0
I tried to do some research/reference from other fics cuz I really don't want to get y’all uncomfortable with incorrect wording, perdon me once again. Aside from that; I was shocked when I saw that I had a surprise in my inbox[I was giggling and going crazy bc I got nervous]. I hope I got the request right ! Srry if not :0
[ Stating . . . ]
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SAE ITOSHI
Glares and glares hard when someone makes you uncomfortable.
Likes to steal you from whatever is occupying your precious attention and makes ya take his afternoon nap with him.
Pinches softly your sides — finds it soft.
His fetish can be clear as a say behind locked doors haha-
No place on this earth is better to take a nap on your tummy.
He had no idea of what to do when you first got insecure — he’s aware he lacks comforting skills and for that moment, he was desperate to learn it for the sake of his heart to see you happy again.
Keeps you away from the public's eye if you're comfortable with attention.
But if you're okay being seen in public, he's also okay.
Although, he likes keeping you to himself.
His manager is tired of him running off or ditching him to some place because he saw something that you’d like.
I feel like he'd get a little jealous when you interact with Shidou a little too much.
Keeping you away from Shidou.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RIN ITOSHI
Takes notice of every outfit and his eyes soften every time he can admire you.
So pretty. So beautiful.
Thinks you're breathtaking and will shut down whatever makes you uncomfortable or insecure.
His words are sharp — nobody dares talk badly about you anymore if that was ever the case.
Rin craves touch if knowing him enough — watching horror movies while cuddling are the best.
Tries his best to comfort you whenever insecure.
“Don't let those lukewarm lowlifes get to you.”
If his lover worries about him going for someone better; just know that he’ll never do that.
He knows what it feels like to be abandoned — he’s somewhat emotionally mature[I think], Rin wouldn't get emotionally attached to someone just to abandon them.
“You know I’ll never abandon you, idiot.”
Reassures the best he can.
Likes kissing your gummy hands. Adores how they feel.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ISAGI YOICHI
Hypnotized when you sit.
The fat of your thighs only makes him lose the goody-shoes manner he has.
Dreams of sleeping in between your tight.
Fetish aside, finds you stunning.
Really- he worships you with stars in his eyes and kisses all over his beloved, favorite girl without being asked or hesitant.
Likes cuddling after practice or a tired day. You fill out his energy bar like no one can.
A feeling of proudness washes over him seeing you getting along with his friends.
Slur Isagi can be found outside the field if anyone talks bad about you.
begs Talks to Chigiri to give him some tips with girl stuff cuz he has no experience with it.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SHIDOU RYUSEI
Absolutely in love with you.
No matter your form — thick, chubby, fat, — he doesn't care.
Says it's even better that you have that extra fluffiness.
Can't keep his hands to himself — adores how your tummy is soft and warm.
I can picture him taking a chomp out of you.
You're not allowed to feel insecure, not under his watch 🗣️🗣️
We all know he slapped your booty [more than] once.
His whole team is tired of him talking about his girlfriend — especially Rin, he’s ready to cut out his ears and fill out the hole with concrete.
Likes your tummy rolls. Finds them adorable.
You two can go nonstop about anything and everything half asleep while his hand caresses your sides.
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Mentally mixing bitter Neuvielttle (I can't spell his name srry) with petty reader cause honestly the way I was with my last ex was "We could keep staying together, but I'd rather break up tbh".
So stay with him, why not. Is he overbearing? Yes. Do you get your life (mostly) back? Also yes. But you're not gonna roll over. You make sure this is a give and take.
He makes you move into his house? Only if he let's you redecorate. He wants to bring you to a party so he can show you off like some kind of poodle? Come dressed like you're ready for a funeral.
You drew the line at him refusing to let you meet with friends because of jealousy. If he's gonna treat you like an animal, you'll act like one.
He knows whenever he's pissed you off because you'll suddenly be like "Cuddles? Sorry honey, I'm too busy being blackmailed by my ex :) ". He has learned the hard way that pressuring you into things will only lead to both parties being extremely upset. At least if he let's you fume for a while you'll come back to bed.
The relationship eventually becomes a strange sort of consensual. One where you're irritated by his controllingness but eventually it's accepted by both parties that you get to be petty in exchange for physical affection.
You, sitting in his lap while he does paperwork, reading: Wow this romance story is so good, the lady leaves her ex for a man who actually listens to her.
Neivelette patting you on the head: storybooks are quite whimsical aren't they?
He keeps trying to organize a wedding but every time he proposes the ring gets chucked out the window. You've already gone through eight engagement rings claiming you don't like any of them.
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This is so funny and sad at the same time help ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Bitter-ex!Neuvillette is marginally petty as well, seeing as how he's hell-bent on making this work even if it requires him to breath in this constant tug-of-war to establish power — which he has in a literal sense. Although, as soon as the doors close he knows he'll have to fight for it all over again. And to pair him with a darling who's also determined on giving him the hardest time? Focalors would forget the word ‘boring’ existed if she had a front row seat to this all the time.
It's almost like you two keep an invisible tally on who has acquiesced the most amount of times. You can have your victory sometimes but Neuvillette is just too persuasive for your peace of mind. Oh well, you make sure that if he's going to win eventually, you'll give him a reason to want to tug at his hair from utter frustration first.
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cherriesfromeden · 1 year
stan with a reader who can't spell
[style : headcanons]
[requested : yes]
[pairing : stan uris x fem!reader]
aww look it's grammarly x might as well be dyslexic
okay so i'm gonna just say you guys met cause you were paired up for a group project and he sees you write something and he's just like
tf does that say
he probably thinks it's a different language at first so he doesn't question it 😭
but then he's like
'oh we should write this'
so you go to write it down and he glances at it and does a double take
'what...what is that'
'oh um, what you said'
poor boy he rlly is whipped for you but his inner english teacher is sobbing
'uhh...how about you present it and i can write it?'
you agree cause you don't like writing and prefer to present
wait this is becoming extrovert gf x introvert bf-
so after you present the project you guys get an A
and then you guys just keep talking in class
you start doing this thing where you explain the topic when stan doesn't get it and he writes notes for you
also richie is in the class cause i say so
'so stan the man i see that you and-'
'shut up'
'i didn't even fini-'
'i said shut up'
i'm gonna skip ahead a little to after you meet the other losers and start dating
he leaves you little notes
like if you forgot your book at school he'll drop it off on your doorstep with a note <3
stan makes fun of you CONSTANTLY
like you'll write your name and he's like
'wow you spelled it right this time!!'
but if someone else richie makes fun of you he's like
'at least she gets dates besides eddie's mom'
srry eddie
richie learned his lesson
basically it's just team work with you guys
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simplychestnut · 2 months
Written by: me, SimplyChestnut, and my chaotic sister whom I love very much
Fandom: Alan Becker
Green named the group chat 'The Backrooms'
Green added Second to the group
Green added Blue to the group
Green added Red to the group
Green added Yellow to the group
Green changed Yellow's name to 'Not allowed to talk'
Yellow changed Green's name to 'Treehugger'
Treehugger: >:0
Green changed his name to 'Yourlocalprince'
Yellow changed his name to 'ImmaHacker'
Second changed his name to 'thisismyusername'
Blue changed his name to 'JustgoogleIt'
Red changed his name to 'Rueben4ever'
JustgoogleIt: we forgot to add Purple
Yourlocalprince: oop-
Yourlocalprince added Purple to the group
Purple changed her name to 'cherryblossom105'
ImmaHacker: nice to see u too ō ō
Rueben4ever: y did we mak thiz chat anywahs
Yourlocalprince: if u even talk like that I'm kicking u
Rueben4ever: 😁
Yourlocalprince: don't even start the emojis. I'm warning u
Thisismyusername: leave Red be. It's not his fault he can't spell
Rueben4ever: :3
JustgoogleIt: Y get yer foot outa my face
ImmaHacker: dude, I'm right beside u, just tell me
Cherryblossom105: lol
JustgoogleIt: nuuu. Texting is more fun :p
ImmaHacker: -_-
Thisismyusername: srry I'm not very active rn. I'm trying to do some laundry rq
ImmaHacker: kk
JustgoogleIt: k
Yourlocalprince: k
Rueben4ever: ok
Cherryblossom105: okie-dokie
JustgoogleIt: r u finished?
Thisismyusername: no, I haven't taken in an efficient amount of air to stand up yet.
Rueben4ever: ar yoo dun yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet??????
Yourlocalprince kicked Rueben4ever from the group
Thisismyusername: green!!
Yourlocalprince: that wasn't me!! Yellow hacked into my account!!!
Thisismyusername: are you serious? You can't just blame yellow for everything.
ImmaHacker: :3
Yourlocalprince: please you've got to believe me I don't know how to convince you but I swear it's not me!
Yourlocalprince: nvm. Don't believe me. I'm just a jerk. Yellow is really smart, but too angelic and kind to ever do such a thing! Besides, I'm so fat when I sit down at the dinner table, I sit by eeeeeeeverybody.
Thisismyusername: ok I believe you now.
ImmaHacker has left the chat
Thisismyusername: where is he?
Yourlocalprince: upstairs in his room
JustgoogleIt: I'm up here, too. He just locked himself in the closet.
Cherryblossom105: again??
Yourlocalprince: I'm coming up there with an axe
JustgoogleIt: run, brother, run D:
Cherryblossom105: should I call 911 ō ō
Thisismyusername: sure whatever you feel you should do. Imma finish the laundry.
Thisismyusername: green, add red back rq
JustgoogleIt: I've left the room for fear of getting caught in the crossfire, but I can hear screaming from upstairs. Please send help before they break something valuable. Like their bones.
JustgoogleIt: oh no, it's quiet. That's worse
Yourlocalprince: green is no more. I have bedridden us of that vulgar scum. My envisioned conquest had been unaltered by the unbreakable prophecies of fate!!
Cherryblossom105: could you repeat that in a language we can understand pls
Thisismyusername: yellow give green back his phone
Yourlocalprince: what? And run the risk of physical contact with the creature? He's the color of my vomit
Thisismyusername: where's green? ō ō
Yourlocalprince: in a better place.
Cherryblossom105: k im calling 911 rn
Thisismyusername: don't make me come up there
Yourlocalprince: ok Purple since green wont say it to u I will he loves u and he thinks r beuwehwh
Yourlocalprince: sry I'm back. Yellow had me gagged and tied to his chair but I'm
Yourlocalprince has left the chat
Thisismyusername has been made admin
Thisismyusername: he just saw Yellow's message...
JustgoogleIt: lover boi's in denial fr
Thisismyusername added Yellow to the group
Thisismyusername added Red to the group
Yellow: bro's blushing in at least 15 different languages rn
Red: wut happened?
Cherryblossom105: um... o o
Thisismyusername: aight. Imma go take a nap. Whatever happens, Blue's in charge.
JustgoogleIt: yes!
Yellow: what?! Noooooooo we're doomed D:
JustgoogleIt: oh, come on. I'm not that bad.
Yellow: *panicky Italian noises*
Cherryblossom105: since when were u Italian?
Yellow: 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
Yup. Hope y’all enjoyed this
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responding to multiple tags like i said i would (finally)
i've been busy (read: depressed and lazy) for a while now and decided that, before i start writing today i'd reply to the tags i got a while back :P
might be a bit of a long post due to that but uh...
alright, here we go (srry for stealing your formatting @jev-urisk)
✨️Headcanon Rating Tag✨️
Rules: use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
Using the two main parties from Party of Three
Taka has an intense fear of people. 3/10: While Taka is a very nervous/anxious person, I wouldn't say he has a fear of people. He has a fear of social situations maybe, lol.
Taka is an extrovert. 0/10: Taka is a introvert. This ties into him not liking social situations where he's near a ton of random people, why he's so nervous wandering around Leln for the first time, and why he has a hard time sleeping on the carriage ride there. He's obviously far calmer/extroverted around his friends, but i'd say around strangers he's 100% a introvert, although if you approach him he might find it easier to open up and talk to you after a little bit.
Taka gets bullied on roblox. 4/10: Taka would be the one doing the bullying on ROBLOX. This is such an incredibly funny one to me, if Taka and Beriyl and Arthur had been born into this world instead, I 100% guarantee a few things. Taka is the kind of kid to play Fortnite and do the dances irl to piss off people. Beriyl would hate it and Taka would find that so funny. Secretly, Beriyl would actually like Fortnite and if Taka found out, he'd make him duo with him. Taka is also the kinda kid to go on TikTok and start repeating all the brainrot terms out of a weird ironic comedy, not actually having brainrot but thinking that pretending to would be funny. (Also because it would piss off Beriyl) Arthur would stop them from fighting like he already does.
Beriyl gets into Twitter discourse. 10/10: 100% 100% ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT, he is the exact type of person to be easily anger-able by pretty much anything, ESPECIALLY if he's already in a bad mood, he would one HUNDRED percent have fruitless, long arguments with random internet strangers on youtube or something lol
Beriyl voted sans in the tumblr sexyman poll. 0/10: Beriyl probably would play Undertale but I don't think he'd find sans attractive. He'd probably draw some connections from sans to Taka's sense of humor (i bet Taka would vote sans cuz he'd think it'd be funny) but idk if he'd vote sans. maybe if Taka hijacked his account and voted for sans (which i could see happening, and then them fighting about it)
Beriyl is tumblr famous. 5/10: Either Beriyl would be very popular or very unpopular, but believe he deserves to be popular. He's a very vain person for a good part of the story, so his reaction to either way sorta depends on how much growth he's undergone personality-wise. Let's say that early Beriyl would believe he deserves popularity and not have it, and if he DID have it it would massively go to his head and result in a big ego trip, and if he didn't, he'd be really mad about it. Late-stage (i hesitate to say lategame but not sure how else to describe the end of book 1 chargrowth wise... latebook? XD) Beriyl probably wouldn't care either way.
Arthur can't spell resturaunt. 0/10: The headcanon website misspelled restaurant. Arthur's parents were merchants and educated him as best they could. I kinda doubt he wouldn't be able to spell restaurant. Beriyl can spell it. Taka maybe. Sometimes he has trouble writing long/"big" words. Qlul and Ecirr probably could write it. Eirairr would probably scribble all over the page and start laughing when you tell him that he didn't even write anything.
Arthur has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night. 0/10: For the most part, i'm assuming this is an AU where they were born on Earth and not in Tamalnh, but Arthur has such a crazy work ethic I imagine he'd stay up all night to the point where this would happen. I mean, for the most part, if he has something he needs to do, he will just not sleep, to the detriment of his overall health. So for that reason, I was going to say 10/10, but Arthur is the kind of person to just refuse to sleep if he feels like he has something he needs to do (i.e protect someone) so, 0/10. Maybe 1/10, but... ok, moving on
Arthur has been canceled on Twitter. 0/10 Arthur would either not use Twitter, not understand Twitter, or have an account cuz Taka told him to sign up and barely use it. I can see him maybe having a cooking twitter or looking at Gordon Ramsay or smth, but he wouldn't be cancelled.
Qlul is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. 4/10: The site misspelled oblivious. Anyway... I mean, he's dating Ecirr. But I can see this going two ways, him being oblivious or him knowing more than he lets on. so due to my indecisiveness, 4/10
If Qlul was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question. 1/10: Most likely not, it depends how it "feels" to him. Is Ecirr there? What does Ecirr say about it? What are the stakes-- what does he stand to gain/lose? He's not the impulsive type-- I can't say I can see him jumping into a portal, especially not in a world where, yaknow, orbs of destruction exist. Eirairr probably would, if he "sensed" that it wouldn't kill him. Maybe. It depends lol (i doubt i'll end up calling them that, but i imagine that in dungeons things like that do exist. yes im talking about the destruction orbs from 5e)
Qlul is very willing to eat inedible things. 0/10 No. Kaardan cuisine is sorta weird, they probably use a lot of bugs, monsters and make lots of soup/stew, but... no, Qlul isn't gonna eat rocks.
Ecirr has a stuffed animal under their bed. 3/10 If he did, it'd be of the messenger ravens he and Qlul communicated with back in school, or of Qlul himself. But he'd never let anyone know-- so i'd say this is a fifty-fifty :p
Ecirr is a sleepwalker. 0/10 He's not.
Ecirr set a public school on fire and got away with it. 0/10 Ecirr would not do something like that lol, none of them would. I'm not sure "public school" even exists in my world... but anywaaayyy, on to Eirairr!
Eirairr does not know what sleep is. 10/10: This is absolutely hilarious. Eirairr has never slept before in his life. Eirairr is a full-blooded elf, and does not need to sleep. While i'm sure he knows what the concept of "sleep" is, he has never personally experienced it. With that logic, you could say he does not know sleep.
Eirairr is a cry baby. (I got the sleepwalker one again and i was like....i dont wanna do duplicates, that's boring. also he can't sleep, so no. although i can see him pretending to sleepwalk to be funny, definitely in his personality to do something like that.) 0/10: No, but Taka certainly cries a lot. Just like me.... that means i'm a crybaby D:
Eirairr is great with kids. 8/10: Honestly, if Eirairr maintained his calm personality for a extended period of time, I could see him being a great babysitter. He definitely has that childish energy. So maybe he'd destroy the house with the kid. But on the off hand he controls himself, then yeah, he'd be great for both the kid and the parent. But if he doesn't... well, let's say the parent won't be very happy when they get home and both of them are climbing all over the place.
Bonus: Villain Round!!! Vitsmunir!!!
Vitsmunir likes to eat straight coffee beans. 7/10: maybe. I could see Vitsmunir being a dark chocolate, licorice, and black coffee sort of guy... if he let himself relax and wasn't on the verge of a psychotic, murderous-rage-filled mental breakdown + panic attack every second of his life.
Vitsmunir bullies kids on roblox. 10/10: I know I said I wouldn't do duplicates but this is very funny. Yes, yes, he would. He 100% would bully people and try and feel better about himself through this. And then he'd wonder why he doesn't have any friends. :(
Vitsmunir is a simp. 0/10: I kind of feel like if he were in our world, he'd be asexual/a-romantic. And probably in prison for murder.
Okay... that was a really long one, i'm tempted to just do two posts but eh, whatever, here's the second tag thingy (again, ty jev, im stealing ur formatting XD)
✨️OC Questionnaire Tag✨️
My questions:
So you're one of those people?
Is this really where you wanted to end up?
Why can't you just.. stop?
Your questions:
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
If you could change just one thing about your current life, what would it be?
What is your favorite thing in the whole world?
I'll be answering as Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz from Party of Three.
For the purposes of this one, Beriyl will be his early book self. Cocky, self-indulged, and worst of all, bri'ish.
Imagine him speaking as a posh British noble, with a hint of uh... flamboyance? He's a very dramatic person. Anyway, on with the questions...
1. So you're one of those people?
What the hells do you mean by that? One of those people? If you mean, beautiful, wonderful, and much better than you, then yes! I am Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, after all! So glad you noticed. Of course I'm better than a worthless commoner like yourself! Hmph.
2. Is this really where you wanted to end up?
Wh- I must say, what is it with you and all these rude questions?! What does that even mean?! I- *he pauses* ... Crossing his arms, he peers outwardly at you. Are you speaking of Taka? No, I must say... I did not wish to end up stuck in a party with a commoner like him, nor a brute like Arthur. Gods, they're so unrefined. They're so imbecilic! Hmph... yes, that is quite the apt descriptor for them. Well, I suppose, put any of lowly birth next to one of such high status like myself and they'd appear a fool next to a saint, or some such... Saint Beriyl, I do like the ring of that! Are you-?! Why are you scoffing at me?! How dare you!! I am Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, and I-
3. Why can't you just.. stop?
Stop, stop what?! This entire conversation has been one of the most unpleasant I've had since I met that damnable fool, Taka! Are you as stupid as he is, or are you just trying to get on my nerves?! Hah! If anything, you should stop! Stop breathing, that is! Yes, hmm! Stop breathing near me, commoner! I, Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, refuse to breathe in your disgusting commoner air! Away, away from me! Thank you!
welp, there ya go jev. told you you'd piss off Beriyl with questions like that :sob: Hope you had fun reading all that :D I certainly had fun writing it. Feel free to tag me in more of your stuff, I love answering them. It's a lot of fun, and a nice writing exercise/warm up.
Have a good day everyone :)
(For those who enjoy reading the weekly posts, i will try and have the third... or was it the fourth, out soonish.... soonTM, okay? :p)
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berryblu-soda · 11 months
:D HIIIIIII!!! SRRY FOR THE LATE REPLY!!!!!! (was busy getting my assignments under control when you sent this sjdfhjsshfhg)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DUDE THE ACTION WAS SO FREAKING COOL!!!! every attack is drawn so dynamic and with so much creativity, im obsessed!! taking notes mhm ✍️ mhm ✍️
everyone got a chance to shine and i bet theyre glad they just oiled up the team´s metaphorical gears bc they wouldve been crushed 100% by this a couple chapters ago hahaha. but broooo Arrio and Quintin´s moment specifically!!! i´m obsessed!!!!!!
it´s such a direct reflection of them as characters, with their priorities, values, etc... front and center. Quintin´s reckless heroism, saving that kid despite the obvious risk of death vs Arrio´s protectiveness letting him pull off whatever the *heck* that spell was!!, im genuinely wondering if he´s okay afer that, probable answer is yes, but he was already drained as heck!
also huge fan of Jackie just- BEATING THE SHIT out of the seemingly normal guy in the rock monster, like, babygirl... you have super strength, that *kills* people ToT!! dhgfyhdfhfdg
super excited for season 2!!! it really feels like we´ve barely scratched the surface; even in regards to our own main characters, not to mention the worldbuilding and such
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freshairforrabbits · 11 months
any anti-problematic community/"problematic" community itself
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i think only in cat pictures srry
Oh my god, I love all your cat pictures ❤️😂 and shit, yeah, to be fair they can totally both look like the cats on the left, I have witnessed some things in my wonky wobbly time on the Internet. But the people simply enjoying art and enjoying their friends art without shaming them for what they read, create, or find creative satisfaction in are truly the best ❤️ the right picture is how human creation should be; not a competition, not a moral grandstanding, but like coming around a table to share and indulge in each other's cooking, loving brewed teas, and passing big bowls and plates of food around-- deciding if something is to their taste and if not, they happily pass it over to someone who would enjoy it far more rather than decide it shouldn't be enjoyed by anyone at all because cranberry sauce is too bitter and icky for them.
We were meant to share and support each other, not walk on eggshells and virtue signal to our so-called friends that Look! Look! We're the Good Ones. People are going to hate you for pretty much anything you do, someone out there will hate you for the smallest, innocuous thing, they'll think you're horrible and awful and undeserving for just existing, so the best you can do is prop up your friends, even their artistic interests you don't understand, even the ways in which you can't figure out how they can stomach certain storylines. It's not productive to try and understand everything and everyone. It's not productive to train yourself to have knee jerk reactions to certain words, to be hyper vigilant of every miniscule detail, of trying to weed out Us from Them when the lines blur so fucking much. When I know for a fact people who condemn works like mine are the very ones to read them, to read my fiction and claim it's somehow a cut above the rest, that it does it all "right"-- which it doesn't, it's not, it's ugly and raw and it feels slimy and unproductive to know people hold stories like pretty boy snuff film up against others.
And in the same breath it's not productive to allow your triggers or discomforts to dictate the decisions of others (insert all of groupthink throughout history and today here).
I hope for people to one day be able to have the image on the right and that they move away from friends who would stab them in the back given half the chance. I hope that the people who read my fics and enjoy them and discuss them with their friends, who have to be so, so careful about what they say and feel as if they're being watched, stalked, and made to curb their most honest reactions and feelings– I hope they too find people who will let them speak openly and without fear of unfounded retaliation.
I hope for everyone to be able to share themselves wholly and completely, their darkest works and their thoughts included; how else are we gonna learn to grow and shape ourselves, y'know? How else can we learn to relate with others without being honest with ourselves.
Get freaky with it. And find people who support your work for you, not for the act of doing it all good or right, but for doing it bad and not giving a fuck. For fucking up grammar, for fucking up spelling, for getting gross and weird and wrong and complicated. For feeling safe and secure in your ability to create and your ability to share as you were meant to.
There are people out there; you don't gotta stick with assholes who'd sell you for a corn chip and some Purity Points. Keep looking and keep making ❤️
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sopebubbles · 1 year
omg i just finished reading ch 2 & i have sm to say!!🤩🤩 but 1st lemme tell u that once i finished reading i had to resist the urge to just start clapping out loud fr! 😂
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HI! hope to find u well!^^
so 1st of all i wanna TRY to go in order & write my thoughts in a way that isn't as messy & chaotic as usual,hope i succeed(doubt,knowing myself🙄)
u already mentioned how there would be some parallels to various things that are also found in our society & it's a sensitive thing to include if u don't do it in a proper way & don't handle important subjects well in the fiction BUT up untill now you'r doing an amazing job,literally perfect!!💜💜💜
this may be what u intended to communicate through your writing or maybe just my overthinking-ass interpretations:
-the one that stands out the most is the obvious discrimination against lykos in society,as a marginalized group. & we can see how in the ff-au it is also a systemic oppression(some ppl don't hire omegas or alphas. 4 lykos it's harder to pursue studies & carreers,like yoongi. the whole crisis of homelesness,abandonment,abuse & mental health issues. the active violence against lykos that we see mentioned more than once through the presentation of yoongi's & jk's jobs..ETC)
-through jk we can see how the police wrk in a similar way to how it does irl. it's a body that thrives on bigotry,discrimination & brutality & its inneficency in solving or descalating situations that include lykos is bc it is part of the systemic oppresion & upholds the system as well & bc of this,u can't make it better by joining this system,even if u don't directly partake into the violence,u'll end up being complicit or find yourself w/ your hands tied like poor jungkook. poor boy had nothing but good intentions & wanted a way to help & change & better but now he's just stuck in the role of a helpless witness to the violence around him who can only try to do as much as he can,given the situation😭💔
-through the experience of jimin & what is narrated in the story,we can also see how fucked up & exploitative the foster care(& sheltering) system is,esp when managed by saps.
sidenote: i really appreciated the way u gave us introspection into how it may feel to be an alpha through jungkook,a beta,wondering if they always feel this worried & anxious over an omega's safety all the time. by giving them this characteristic instinct of protection & need to provide it & be sure to have provided it,it further humanises them & distance them from the common harmful stereotype of just being driven by aggressive,territorial instincts of dominance & need to overpower etc. ofc it's a thing that may be present or not,depending also on the personal believes & way of thinking of the alpha themselves. we can see it missing in the 2 alphas in the alley in ch & the ex-neighbour lone-wolf alpha in ch 2 & we see it present in all the pack's alphas(even when not being influnced by y/n scent,yoongi still had a reaction to the lack of security when he noticed that there weren't locks)
uhm...i'm sure there's way more depth & elements in your writing that i glossed over/missed/didn't catch enough & i'm srry 4 that,i have a goldfish brain😥 but what i could get made up 4 an excellent read!
ik i got a bit too much excited abt your writing & i'm truly srry if i made u feel overwhelmed or uncomfy by talking this much & abt topics that may be sensitive to you or if my interpretations were a bit too pushy😖
but i hope u know how good your writing is & feel proud & satisfied w/ it!
i look forward to seeing more of what u can create,at your own terms & w/ your own timing ofc!💜💜🐇
(apologies 4 any spelling monstrousity,english is a hard beast to tame😭)
😂✋️ not clapping! Lmao that's cute
I think your interpretations are spot on! The lykos could stand in for any marginalized group in different scenarios. Personally i think im working through some identities things in this fic, but thats just me. Im not trying to make it about one group in particular and there are a lot of possible interpretations!
Poor jk. He really wants to be making a difference. I'm not totally sure he wont be looking for a different career by the end of this.
The foster care/adoption thing will be a big deal and will be emphasized in the coming chapters! Both mc and jimin have been in this system. In particular there are a lot of abandoned lykos babies who end up adopted out and kept away from their culture to the point of making them ashamed of it, and for that i think there are lots of parallels to the situation of native american children in the United States.
I'm glad you liked the slightly different perspective on the alpha betas and omegas! I wanted to step a little outside of stereotypes bc i dont see why secondary gender stereotypes should be any different from our gender stereotypes. I dont think protective=possessive/agressivr and nurturing=soft/weak. I think there can be a lot more nuance than that!
Im so happy you appreciated the depth and it made you think about things 🥰 i really enjoyed your analysis and it wasnt too much at all! Keep em coming. Thanks for taking the time.
P.s. you're english is just fine!
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed part 2 of the tlk au and I hope you continue it because you're such a wonderful writer! Also I just got through season 3 and I can't believe they did that to Thyra she was such a sweetheart 😭
Ok. Deep breath. I am calm :) this was kinda mentioned in another ask I got today, but like, tlk is notoriously so bad with writing women it's insane. Like... Like it's not even the women themselves MOST of the time that are badly written (tho some lack substance tbh), it's just what happens around them or who interacts with em or if they. Yk. LIVE. ...okok imma go down the list I'm srry
Iseult: her death REALLY made no sense. Her character was interesting and even tho they had that classic "he's MY grubby good for nothing man" trope going on with Midrith (I dunno if that's her name, can't remember) her whole thing with seeing and saving Alfred's kid was like. Actually really good. And then to have her ask Uthred to essentially fuck the prophetic powers out of her only so that she can't see her death coming.....boo. boo she was so cool fuck uuuuu. But yk she was set up to fail from the start tbh
Hilde: I won't get into her but I'm thinking if you're at season 3 you must be starting to be like 👁️👄👁️. That feeling will continue they fail her high-key
Gisela: I HAVE NEVER SEEN. A DEATH MORE WORTHLESS. literally died OFF SCREEN TOO if I remember and like why. She was a good character that didn't REALLY drive the plot but she literally was just That Girl yk. Every line was iconic and awesome (also we get Uthreds iconic "now I will never be taken away from you" line which was!!!!!!!!) Also how did she move the plot along more with her death than when she was alive I mean. C'mon.
I won't talk abt brida :)
Stiorra: actually just brida-ed. You'll get what mean later.
Eadith: godsent. Perfection. She can do no wrong. Somehow she made it through amazing and iconic
Skade:..... Imagine having an entrance like a god. And then being done so dirty. They way she was reduced to three men fighting over fucking her was like. When Uthred LITERALLY TEASES FUCKING HER THAT WAS IT FOR ME. NOT HIM BEING LIKE "YO DONT PROTEST BEING TRADED AND ILL COME BACK FOR U AND FUCK U :)" BITCH LICK HER FEET U GODDAMN– (fun fact I went thru my very first watch thinking everyone was better than Uthred. I still kinda do...other than Alfred lmao...also I still don't know how skade dies. I always skip thru somehow????)
Uhh I forgot how to spell her name, the lady of Mercia: I feel like she had the most character. Like everything that happened to her was iconic. I don't know why she loved Uthred tho. Like the romance was neat but like that guard dude was. There. Anyways won't say more but she and Erik for life.
I can't think of anyone else but as u can see I am very invested into tlk :)
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meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath! 'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool???? WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind) 'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u 'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT 'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier. 'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT 'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow 'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!! ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing? and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening. in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed. i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings). that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more?? giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession? you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah?? take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
heelloooo lovie!!!! <3 <3 (((((((((:
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love letta toime <3
meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath!
good morning too? ig idk what time you read my letters now that i think of it hahahahh (It BEtttter not be in the late hours of night 😡)
'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool????
ok ok youre so right that was so stale cinnamon roll of me im sorry 😞 youre right you can be amazed by things that seem cool to you and you should always feel that way. it was just surprising/odd to me so ///: now i feel like a old soulless man T_T ewww BEGONE
WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind)
lol i think i already your account but i decided not to say anything about it (all will continue to do so) because youre on anon for a reason and i respect that. its fine that you dont do anything (a gross exaggeration considering you send me letters everyday) you we dont have to be mutuals if you dont want to. i'll always be here on my small side of the internet
'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u
daMB masTER? T_T my child you are not subservient to me. we are equals. we are friends T_T i have decided
'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT
imma show myself out hahahaAHHAHAHA
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'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier.
so true, so real, im so 😬🙄 girl its not that deep
'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT
you dont actually inspire my rage because i have not seen you face to face lol. you dont have to crash into the ceiling, youre safe... for now
'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow
[gives you some kibble]
'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!!
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thank you. i appreciate your efforts of comfort. you can mother me still even though im your mom HAHAH again im honored that you have such a high regard for me <3 i mean it. thank you my love. i love you. i learn from my little sister irl so i can 100% learn from you too <3 dont feel stupid. dont feel frustrated. i hear you <3 and i am glad for it.
ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing?
and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening.
in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed.
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i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings).
NO BUT SO TRUE! as much as possible, i try to write strong readers cos i aint no naive girl i have a mind and strength. even in times where i want to make her meek, i cannot bring myself to make her have 'naive' qualities. i love your story so much i might just give it an express ticket pass T_T
that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more??
T_T the patriarchal values so imbedded. i mean to each their own. i will say if you're really in that position, growing up in that era where women were oppressed and you're faced with a 'grotesque' prince that is trained with the sword, sure being terrified of him is not far fetched, but it's human nature to fight back i think. annoying your captor AHHAHAH honestly HAHAHHAHHHA i mean it could be a power move if done correctly HAHAHHAH. we should give women more credit though
giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession?
GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS. youre so right. maybe YOU should write that. i will say though, people try to escape because the thought of being captured/kept against your will is not nice. no one wants to be a prisoner/slave. that's why i would think its hard to manipulate someone in any case.
you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah??
so true, you should learn how to adapt to survive. but i will say, part of the reason why i became a writer was because i disagreed/didn't like the plot points of the fics i was reading so maybe you should try it!!!!! id love to read them if you do <3. im glad to hear about anything you want to tell me my love <3, especially since we are so similiar in personality
take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
love you baby <3
0 notes
a-very-tired-raven · 3 years
oc master list. Master list 1.
Sure I have my own headcanons and stuff for the characters I write but here are some of my ocs that I've made!
My Addison oc Remix/Mixtape.
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(Srry 4 bad quality)
Meet remix/mixtape!(haven't picked one out of the two lol)
He's a shy little bean who sells music and art products! He's very fond of spamton(well at least when spam was an Addison. Yes I have that headcanon deal with it.) He's almost never seen without his scarf. The weird shapes on it? They movie and have a faint glow, kinda like a lava lamp or those weird advertising videos on big screens. His beanie is white, and he himself is are very kight orange, almost pink color.
He's the Addisons distant cousin and basically lives with them. Hes great with buisness and helps them quite often.
Like spamton he's short lol. Not as short as spam of course but he gets the problems we short ppl have to deal with.
He enjoys jokes and puns and owns quite a few joke books!
My favorite OC, and the one I relate to the most. Jordan!!
Ah yes finally we talk ab her.
Side note, I can't draw humans yet so no drawing, apologies.
Female, Human
Jordan is a tall, slinky woman with mixed skin. She has almost but not quite neck length wavy hair, that's kinda of a light brown but brick red color.
She has Amber orange eyes, that are kinda squinted every now and then.
I'm very very particular with what her hair color is but can't explain it. I'll try and use an example later.
She's quite laid back and relaxed and loves jokes. But be warned, she's also pretty tough, has some scars, and know how to handle herself and she's fiercely protective and loyal to those she trusts.
She can be mostly seen wearing t-shirts, baggy hoodies, shorts, and occasionally jeans with a plaid hoodie wrapped around the waist.
Her mother and father are not good people in the slightest, and she doesnt consider them family with how she was treated and the weight put onto her by having to raise her siblings by herself at such a young age.
She lives by herself with three of her siblings, and although she loves her older brother dearly, she kinda resents him a bit.
Species mentioned below
Hannah is a half human half werewolf! She was Originally 100% human before getting bit by a werewolf while she was on the job. She's tall and lanky with mixed skin. She has shoulder length brown hair that's a nice medium brown with brick red running through it and at the front ends of her hair. It's tied into a short ponytail almost at all times. She has smokey Grey eyes and a scar on her left cheek and right eye. She has various freckles dotted around her face and hands.
She normally wears black, grey, or navy tanktops, shorts, jeans, and baggy camouflage pants and black military boots. She has three earrings on her left ear. A shark, a wolf, and a bear. She carved them all herself. She has a small rip on her right ear.
Shes pretty independent and headstrong. She's bold and brave and is fairly strong. She served 2 and a half years in bootcamp and knows what she's doing. She used to work odd jobs when she was 16 and 17.
Her current job is to capture, kill, domestic, or sell any creature that's not human. Basically an exterminator for mythical creatures like vampires, werewolves, fae, etc etc.
Despite this job she has pretty strong moral compass and is considering quitting. And since she got bitten by a werewolf on the job that makes it more risky. At times she feels like a traitor to those magical critters and to be honest guilty.
Slinky (or could be called link/slink as a nickname)
Species: Demon and Fae mix
Slinky is unfortunately 17 forever due to spell cast on her by her mother and older brother. Like her name suggests she has slinkies for arms (don't ask why. She doesn't like talking about it), long pointed ears, speckled black, white, and gold demon horns, jagged teeth, a long scar on her neck, one on her ear, and another going down her left arm.
She's almost always wearing an ashy grey scarf with torn ends. She wears a straight jacket alot to hide her arms. She hates them, and doesn't want anyone to see. She has light purple skin and black eyes with deep purple goat like irises. She also has a indigo colored serpent tail that is wrapped in bandages and those colored rings that you toss on bottles at a fair. Her ankles down to her feet are a deep purple with green dots and her stomach is littered with green and teal speckles.
She usefully wears leggings, knee high socks and capris to hide the spots on her legs. She loves to wear long sleeved black and navy shirts, t-shirts and occasionally crop tops. She has long white hair with grey and magenta streaks and purple ends.
She's pretty wonky and wittey. She has a great sense of humor! pretty introverty but can loves to socialize with people. She's quiet though. She loves to read and swim and works in a magical florist shop. Also a wbit of a wimp. Can control fire, water, and electricity. She uses this to her advantage when caring for flowers.
She's not the best fighter but if she can't use her powers she prefers spears and daggers. And she has a huge scale made of emeralds in the middle of her tail.
Golmux Major
Species: Orc, fae, and alien hybrid.
Poor man is unfortunately forever 32. Hes Very tall (8'2) and very muscular. He has tinted dark brick red skin, dirt and emerald eyes(so hazle but...more prettier i guess lol) a bit longer then shoulder length but not quite chest length black hair. 98% of the time tied into a ponytail or man bun, short stubby black horns, inky black finger and toe nails, sharp teeth with two thick ones sticking out the bottom of his mouth.(those like orc tusk thingies? Ye you know the ones), and an abnormally long tounge a with pointed ears.
He has many scars including a very large and thick one covering his right eye, a small one cutting through his left eyebrow and the top of both his ears have been ripped off. He has two big golden hoop piercings on both ears, and two sliver ones on his left brow has well.
He usually wears baggy and torn tanktops, various marbled looking ripped jeans, crimson combat boots, leather fingerless gloves, red or black fishnet sleeves, thin cuffs that were welded and shaped into bracelets.
He's overly skeptical, not easily intimidated or threatened(mans has gone thru a bit), loves to eat, kinda takes him a bit to trust or consider you a friend, kind, friendly, can be hothead at very specific times. He's not a total hot head but it depends. And finally, he loves children. Like he adores them. They have him wrapped around their fingers I swear.
He play guitar and drums in his spare time, he loves card games and is a master at them. Is a total sweet heart. He's a very strong and experienced fighter, so don't get on the man's bad side.
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ksjknj · 8 years
i'm that anon that had the opinion that namjoon was under appreciated & with the spelling mistake (i was too angry to realize srry) but i'm more than happy that everyone is realizing how true it is & finally loving the man for what he stands for. also,, i can't wait for his mixtape!! better believe i'm gonna get noise complaints with it.
lmaooo no problem it got me kinda confused for a moment there (but then i just found it super funny) and yeah i hope we can all bring more attention to namjoon and how amazing he is
I CAN’T WAIT EITHER!!! i know he’s been working on it for a while and i’m sure it’s gonna be amazing i am seriously looking forward to it a lot
nd that’s the only right way to listen to it - why keep your neighbours from good music, you gotta be a good person and bless them with some awesome tracks
okay but no joke i blasted rm at 2 in the morning last year while working on my projects and i’m kinda surprised my neighbours at the time never called the police /rubs chin/ probably enjoyed the music too much
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