#we can humanize another blonde woman who died for winchester man pain
pregstiel · 3 years
there should've been a s15/general dabb era episode where we learn that jess has started haunting the building where she died (this is literally the era that brought back mary i want to see it deconstruct "sam's blank slate girlfriend dies to kick off his journey").
- sam going back to stanford accomplishes a few purposes - he can be triggered to discuss jess (a lot of the episode is focused on these flashbacks/recountings as they try to solve the case), giving the audience a feel for her character, he can learn how his friends/peers/mentors are doing now, he can learn how HE is viewed (because you know "guy's who girlfriend died in a fire then disappeared then became wanted by the fbi" is a commonly discussed stanford tale), and he can reflect on how he's changed since then (depending on the writer, this would also let them take finale jabs - think "it was a good car")
- scene early on where sam's posing as an fbi agent talking to jess's parents trying to get information about the haunting, and they tell him they think her boyfriend, who had a sketchy past and skipped town afterwards, set the fire. one of her parents looks sam in the eye when they say that sam winchester killed their daughter while sam can only nod. he agrees.
(it's been 15 years since, i think people in the episode can be excused for not recognizing sam. possibly the show would simply weasel out of it by sam insisting on coming and getting rowena to cast a glamor on him as a disguise - this could also serve as comic relief early on)
- dean goes back to stanford! talk about stanford era dean on my television screen! bastards!
- saileen growth! even years later, jess is still a ghost in sam's life - and her relationship to sam was radically different from his relationship to eileen. i want to see the deconstruction of the dead sainted figure vs. the living flawed human! i want to see eileen supporting him when he's lost someone so tragically (and possibly being able to relate to losing a partner like this? for $10 cw network please expand on eileen's backstory). i want to watch sam confide in her, and watch this bring them closer together!
- while i doubt eileen would have much conflict about how different these relationships are, i do think seeing her confront the original "killed by sam winchester's dick" character would be interesting! sam deals with a lot of guilt over these deaths - how does eileen handle that? how does she handle her own worries that being close to sam will get her killed (again)? does she feel guilt over the fact that she was resurrecting but jess is now a ghost - the exact same situation she was in? yet again, eileen was placed in a situation where she was the only survivor - i want to see her struggle with it!
- jess never really learned about the supernatural, she died confused and afraid, with no idea what was happening. she isn't tied to an object, but her need to have the question of why? answered keeps her trapped in the veil. to stop her (she has been hurting people, possibly replicating her own murder in an attempt to understand what happened) the climax would be sam confessing to jess who he is and what exactly attacked her that night, along with telling her she was avenged, but still frantically apologizing. i don't know if she would absolve him or even care that vengeance had been cared out - but either way, she would finally be able to rest
- episode ends with eileen taking sam to a place he mentioned loving in college, and she jokingly remarks that the food isn't as good as he remembers. they make a new memory there, and it's the first time we see sam happy since the stanford case kicked off - but he seems lighter, knowing jess is at peace.
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What He Deserved (Lucifer X Reader) REQUESTED
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AUTHOR NOTE:  This was requested by @oopstheregoesmysoul13​ Summary: While bonding with Jack, you also start to notice feelings for a certain blue-eyed archangel. Will he return them?
You come from an alternate world where you were under the rule of the archangel Micheal. It was a world in complete ruin. You had managed to survive by hiding most of your adult life. Then you ran into to a group run by a woman named Marry Winchester and a young boy named Jack. They were building up a group that was dead set on taking down the archangel ruler. You learned soon that Jack was actually a nephilim. A being that was half-angel and half-human. He was also the son of the archangel Lucifer from their world. Jack was sweet and caring. He had this innocence about him that no one in your world had. You were soon welcomed into the group as you learned to use different weapons and was filled in on the plan to take down Micheal. You didn’t think it would work but it was worth a shot.
As time went on you bonded with Jack. You could almost say you looked at him like a son. You two were doing training and supply management together. One day the angel warding went down and Mary and a few others went to check it out. Turns out it was Mary’s son Dean but tragedy had struck and her other son Sam had died before they reached the group. Your heart broke for Jack. He seemed to be very attached to Sam being as how hard he was taking it. “He can’t be dead!” Jack said becoming more upset.
“Hey Jack,” you said gently rubbing his back. The young boy turned to you and hugged you tight, “it’s ok Jack. It’s ok sweetheart,”. You softly patted his back trying to comfort him the best you could. You all soon headed to the camp area. Jack didn’t really leave your side and you were ok with that. Mary was trying to talk Dean into not going back to get Sam’s body when a bell sounded indicating something was happening. Mary, Jack, and Dean watched in shock as a tall guy with long brown hair and blood-soaked clothes appeared. Dean ran over to him and hugged him. “Who is that Jack?” you asked. He smiled.
“That’s Sam,” he said. Just then another guy came walking into the camp. He had shaggy blond hair and he was smirking a little. You even noticed his shining blue eyes. Everyone gathered around as the man approached them. He smiled at Jack. You could see a look of pride on his face. 
“Hello son,” he said. Soon there was a lot of shouting from Dean. He didn’t want Jack talking with who you now knew was Lucifer from their world. It got so bad Jack got upset and fluttered off.
“Where’d it go, dad!” Dean shouted at Lucifer.
“Actually, I think he fluttered away because you were trying to get his uncle to kill his father,” you stated matter of factly, “I’ll go track him down,”. You didn’t notice Lucifer watching as you headed off. He had never had anyone stand up for him before or take his side. You found Jack sitting behind a big tree. “You ok Jack?” you asked.
“I don’t like it when there’s a bunch of yelling,” he said.
“I know Jack,” you said sitting beside him and pulled him into a loving hug.
“Do you think I should talk to my father?” he asked.
“Jack,” you said, “I think everyone deserves to know where they come from. No matter who your parents are. If you wanna know about your father than I support you in that,”.
“Thanks, Y/N,” you said, “I love my mother, but you feel like a mother to me too,” You smiled.
“That means a lot to me, Jack,” you said giving him another hug.
“We should head back,” he said as you both stood up. He held onto you tight and zapped into a little shed area. Once you gained your balance you noticed Castiel and Lucifer standing by the doorway. They had been talking but stopped when you two appeared. You looked and Jack and gently patted his arm.
“I’ll be by the weapons if you need me,” you said. You offered a smile to the two angels as you walked passed. You could hear a bit of shouting from Dean. You couldn’t understand why Dean was so dead set on Jack not knowing his real father. Despite him being the devil or whatever. Soon the boys came over to the weapons stand with Lucifer. That’s when you noticed he had cuffs on.
“You can keep an eye on him until we come up with a plan,” Dean said and walked away. You rolled your eyes. As you prepared the weapons you could feel the archangel’s gaze on you but it didn’t bother you.
“So, you’re close with my son?” he finally asked.
“I am,” you said. Just because everyone else was rude to him didn’t mean you were gonna be.
“What’s he like?” he asked. You looked over at the angel. You could tell by the look on his face that he just wanted to know his kid.
“He’s sweet. Cares,” you started, “wants to protect the ones he loves,” you went on and Lucifer listened to every word. It wasn’t scary or intimidating to speak with the archangel. You found it easy. Lucifer was feeling the same way. Usually, any human annoyed him but he found himself wanting to talk with you more. So you two did talk. Small things at first. Then the angel told you the story of how he fell. You listened intently. The pain and sorrow on the angel’s face as he told his story broke your heart. You were tearing up listening. When he finished you both sat there in silence for a moment. “Lucifer I am so sorry,” you finally said, “that you had to go through that. And just so you know I don’t think you fell,”. He looked at you. A small hint of tears in his eyes, “you were pushed,”.
“Ok,” Dean said, “we’re gonna head on foot to Dayton,”. Soon you all were walking. Gabriel went ahead to look for any signs of angels. As the group walked Lucifer and Jack talked. You were getting so annoyed with Dean. Why couldn’t he just let Jack talk to his father? Soon the group met with Castiel who had gone ahead a while ago to look for Gabriel.
“Any sign him?” Dean asked. Castiel shook his head no then suddenly Gabriel came bursting through some trees.
“Angels!” he shouted. Before you all knew it a group of angels appeared. You all drew your weapons. Just as they were about to smite you they all turned into puffs of smoke. You all turned to face Lucifer as the cuffs melted off his wrists. You listened as he explained to the group how he knew the cuffs wouldn’t actually hold him in this world and then pointed out to Jack that he was being a team player. Later that night The boys, Cas, Jack, and Mary went on a rescue mission for that world’s Charlie and their world Ketch. Everyone else stayed behind to defend the camp in case Micheal’s angels showed up. You were standing a few feet away from the angelic brothers as they talked. With each harsh word Gabriel spoke you could see the pain building in Lucifer’s face. It made your heartache seeing tears in the angel’s eyes. Once Gabriel was far enough you walked over to Lucifer. “That wasn’t true,” you said. The archangel looked a little taken back.
“What?” he asked.
“What you’re brother said,” you explained, “you can change and you can love and care. Why no one else can see it I don’t know,”. You went to walk away, “oh, and since no one else said it earlier. Thank you. For saving our lives,”. Lucifer just stood there. He wasn’t really sure how to respond. Later that night when the boys returned Bobby filled them on the vote the hunters had and that everyone voted on going to their world with them. You couldn’t wait to leave. It had to be better than this place. Plus part of you had known there was another reason you wanted to leave as you snuck a glance at Lucifer. By the next morning, the group had a bus up and running. To Gabriel’s surprise, Dean was going to let Lucifer drive. As you were helping people board the bus you noticed Jack walking off. “Where’s he going?” you asked Sam as you both hurried off after him. You and sam listened to Jack explain about how he wanted to defeat Micheal. A bit of pride built in you as Lucifer was to trying to make Jack see that wasn’t the best idea. As Lucifer headed back to the bus with Jack you could tell Sam wasn’t happy that Lucifer was able to change Jack’s mind.
“Mom,” Jack called looking back at you. You smiled, “will you sit with me on the bus?”. 
“Sure Jack,” you said heading back. The drive to the portal was uneventful. Lucifer would keep glancing back to you and Jack. The way Jack seemed so calm and happy talking to you. The archangel couldn’t help but notice his growing attraction to you. But he knew it was foolish to let himself thank maybe you felt the same way. You soon arrived at the portal and people started getting out of the bus. As everyone made their way to the portal explosions were heard as something big hit the ground a few times killing a few hunters in the process. You and the group watched as Micheal appeared from the settling smoke. His wings folding back and fading away.
“Gentlemen,” he said. Your heart sunk a little as Lucifer headed toward him, “Lu, you don’t really wanna try this again do you?”. Lucifer’s eyes turned red and he shot a blast of power at Micheal. It pushed him back but Micheal shot back and within two hits Lucifer was down. You couldn’t stop yourself as you ran to him kneeling down.
“Are you ok?” you asked. He looked up at you shocked. Like he couldn’t fathom you actually checking to see if he was ok. He nodded. You heard Gabriel shouting at the boys to go while he fended off Micheal. You helped Lucifer up and headed for the portal. Sam stopped you.
“Not him,” he said.
“Come on Sam,” Lucifer said, “I'm hurt,”.
“Sam either he goes or I stay,” you told him.
"Y/N,” he started but you cut him off.
“My terms Sam,” you said. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he said and you all went through the portal just as Micheal stabbed Gabriel. Over time the hunters from your world got used to being in the bunker. Some even stayed in the bunker. The place almost had enough rooms. You were in the kitchen with Jack. He looked lost in thought.
“You ok Jack?” you asked.
“I’ve been considering something,” he said.
“What's that?” you asked.
“I think I want to get to know my father,” he said,” he’s been trying hard to show others he can be a team player,”. It was true. Lucifer had been helping. Sometimes he did complain or get really snarky but he helped.
“If that’s something you wanna do I’ll support you,” you said.
“Do you think I should?” he asked, “do you think he’s evil?”. You smiled and softly laid your hands on his.
“I think your father has done bad things,” you started, “but I can understand why and I do think with a little more time and trust he can continue to redeem himself,”.
“Why do you think that?” he asked.
“Has anyone ever told you how your father fell from grace?” you asked. Jack shook his head.
“Go to your father and ask him to tell you,” you said, “and take it from there,”. Jack nodded and headed to the other room where Lucifer was. He had heard everything you and jack said. A little while later you were cleaning up from preparing dinner. You turned around and were startled by Lucifer standing behind you.
“Thank you for telling our son to talk to me,” before you could even register that he had said our son or say anything his lips were on yours as he gently pulled you to him. To the archangel’s relief, you wrapped your arms around him too and kissed back. When he knew you needed air he ended the kiss. You locked eyes with the angel.
“You’re welcome,” you said as he rested his head against yours.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
10x07: Girls, Girls, Girls
A woman runs down an alley, clearly escaping someone --or something. She’s eventually found by the man pursuing her. She stabs him in the eye, but that doesn’t slow him down. He flashes black eyes and snaps her neck. 
Sam and Dean are enjoying a meal and no case on the horizon. Dean’s phone keeps blowing up with alerts, so Sam grabs it and sees Dean’s joined a dating app. Impala67, lol. Sam is having the TIME OF HIS LIFE, and thinks the woman that Dean is pursuing is a little too available. “Is it so hard to believe that an attractive, red-blooded, American female could be interested in someone like me?” 
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Sam’s proven wrong when Shaylee shows up and Dean takes off with her on his arm. 
Castiel is still working with Hannah on finding rogue angels. She suddenly strips right in front of Cas. It makes our bumbling, awkward angel spontaneously combust with embarrassment and confusion. 
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His little huff and awkward casualness about her nakedness is --hearts. Also, how he just hangs on to the laptop with one hand like it’s nothing is somehow very pleasing. 
Dean, meanwhile, is slightly bummed to find out that Shaylee is really a prostitute. 
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And she’s not just any prostitute. She doesn’t want money--she wants his soul. You picked the wrong mark, girl! 
Hannah gets a visit from her vessel’s husband. 
Back at Dean’s motel room, the demon shows up for Dean’s soul, but he’s greeted by both Winchesters --and a devil’s trap. They learn there’s an entire brothel somewhere before Shaylee stabs the demon with an angel blade. The dude was carrying a card of where the brothel is located --so lucky them! 
At Raul’s Club, Raul and another dude are ---OMG ROWENA. Yep, she wanders in and they tell her that they’re not hiring and she’s too old (sigh). She tells him she would never do business with filth like him and throws a hex bomb at him. 
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Raul dies a most horrific and perfect death. Rowena then invites the girls for a bit of food. 
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Hannah talks with Joe about why Caroline disappeared. Joe wants answers. Hannah struggles with finding an adequate way of explaining Caroline’s absence. Castiel walks in the room then and things get even MORE awkward. Joe asks if they’re together --which Hannah doesn’t get right away, but realizes that’s the best way to explain things, and grabs Cas’s hand. 
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Joe doesn’t believe it. “This guy?” Um, that guy is probably on A LOT of people’s cheat lists. Just sayin’, Joe. But Joe knows his wife, and knows deep down that it is false. Hannah kisses Cas to prove her point.
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Sam and Dean find the chaos left in Rowena’s wake. 
Rowena brings her new charges to a fancy restaurant, and they are prompt asked to leave due to their sartorial choices. Rowena casts a spell to keep the wait staff in order. The girls ask her how she did it. “Magic.”
Gerald, the demon that wasn’t Raul, reports back to Crowley and spills that they opened the brothel. He wanted Crowley to know about what the powerful witch did.
Sam does his research on the demon killing spell. It turns out to have not been used in over 300 years and it’s only been used by the witch who created it, Rowena. (SMART LASS.)
Rowena explains witches to her new friends. She talks of being a natural witch, and how the Grand Coven kicked her out. She’s been on the run and in hiding. Now she’s ready to fight, and is looking for witches to train. The girls wonder when they can start their training. Rowena sees the waiter go up in red fire and they make a bee line out of the restaurant.
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A demon wakes up in a trap and immediately starts hurling insults at an unseen captor. When the captor comes into view, we learn that it’s Ass Hat and he’s after Dean. I didn’t remember that Ass Hat was in this episode! I DEMAND A REFUND.
At a gas station, Hannah and Cas share an awkward conversation. Hannah is perturbed by the confrontation with her vessel’s husband. She’s feeling, more specifically, plagued with guilt. Cas consoles her and tells her that the “affair” gave him a reason to walk away. He then speaks of Jimmy Novak, and how he took him away from his family - twice. But “the mission comes first. Always.”
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Dean investigates the waiter’s death and catches a lead: there were two sex workers in the restaurant who came in with another woman. Meanwhile, Sam researches mysterious deaths at fancy hotels. The brains were all boiled, just like the waiter’s. 
For Calming Scenery Science:
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Cas trails Hannah to a quiet bridge. She apologizes to him but she won’t go with him to track down any more angels. Hannah is horrified to experience an echo of the sacrifice humans have made to become vessels that allow angels to walk the earth. “It’s time to put [humans] first,” she says. Working with Cas, she felt human things. “Passions. Hungers.” (Me: eyebrow waggle) When she was confronted by Caroline’s husband, she felt their pain. She kisses Cas on the cheek and says goodbye. 
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Caroline wakes up in his arms. It’s time to go home. 
At a swanky hotel, there’s a knock on Rowena’s door. She rustles up her troops to cast her spellwork and opens the door for a hotel employee. Unfortunately, that employee is already MEGA dead. Two demons step inside. 
We cut to Rowena captured and her protégés destined for doom, when the Winchesters intercept them. They dispatch the two demons quickly and then circle in on Rowena. She lobs a spell at her blonde minion and drags away the other woman as the blonde shrieks. Her eyes bulge red and she launches herself at the Winchesters with superhuman force. 
Outside, the other woman confronts Rowena, who explains that she used an attack dog spell to create a decoy to stall the Winchesters.
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The other woman is entirely uninterested in being Rowena’s gal pal after that, and punches her. Rowena’s about to hex the ever loving stuffing out of her, when Dean interrupts. He’s got a gun pointed at Rowena! Rowena smiles because behind Dean...is Dumbass, who has a gun pointed at DEAN. Dumbass compels Dean to free Rowena, who flees merrily. 
Dean apologizes to One Entire Butt, but he’s not having it. Dean explains that he was only a demon TEMPORARILY. One Entire Butt concludes that Dean is a monster through and through (demon or no demon) and they fight.
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Sam hides out in the hotel room while the woman under the attack dog spell pounds frantically at the door. She pounds and pounds and pounds until...she just stops. Sam opens the door and she falls down, dead. 
Dean defeats Worm Guts and insists that they talk it out. He gives him the monster talk. It turns out that Dean remembers every detail of that kill and how Worm Gut’s father was out murdering people and eating livers. Dean retells that evening until Sam arrives. There’s another gun standoff with twitchy Worm Gut before Sam finally lowers his weapon. Worm Gut experiences emotions while trying to reconcile what he just heard with his memory of the past.  
Dean has one last revelation to drop. “I get it. That was your story. Look, man, I got one of those, too. Okay, but those stories that we tell to keep us going? Man, sometimes they blind us. ...The people who love me, they pulled me back from that edge. ...Now, the truth is I'm past saving. I know how my story ends. It's at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun.” DEAN WINCHESTER SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH.
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Sam chimes in, urging Sack of Raw Eggs to go back home to his family. Dean gets his gun back though so, yay?
Caroline arrives home and knocks on the door. She reunites with her husband while Cas sits alone in his rain soaked car.
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Cas opens up his laptop and looks up Jimmy Novak on the web - he’s still marked as missing after all these years. Cas bby.
Sam confronts Dean after Slime Mold takes off. Did he really mean all the sad things he said about himself? OF COURSE NOT, Dean tells him. He is FINE and has always had a healthy self image!
For Brooding Boys Science:
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Cut to Crowley who’s being escorted by a minion to someone in a holding cell. The camera pans down to show ROWENA. She smiles at Crowley from her shackles and lobs barbs his way. The camera zooms in on an utterly gobsmacked Crowley.
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“Mother?” he asks. And we fade to black.
Nice screen name, Dean. Impala67
Who knows what a soul is, really?
Hardly the most appetizing process in the world, but killing demons always makes me hungry
Screw the grand coven and their silly rules
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tigerlilynoh · 5 years
Almost Got ‘em
Written for the 2019 @spnsummergen. Rating: G Featuring: Original characters, and a couple familiar faces Word Count: 3,143 Warnings: foul language Author's Notes: The prompt was “Early season - demons in hell plotting to take the Winchesters down.” I was immediately inspired by the Batman: The Animated Series episode “Almost Got ‘im.”   Summary: Deep in the depths of Hell, a group of demons discuss the two latest pains in their collective ass: Sam and Dean Winchester. Rumor is that the brothers had found the Colt and even killed a demon. Of course, rumors are just big talk— yet a pair of demons patiently listen; their plan is already in action.
Two figures made their way through the halls of the third lowest dungeon in Hell.  As they walked the jagged stone walls seemed to close in around them, but their petite, female forms prevented the blade-like rock from tearing at their temporary flesh.  Even if they were injured it would be of no importance; they were demons and there was a meeting that they very much wanted to attend.
Both were wearing lean, blonde women who might’ve been mistaken for sisters, but that was the limit of their outward similarity.  The slightly older of them wore a gauzy, white dress that, when combined with her delicate steps, gave her the air of a drifting spirit.  Her partner was another story.  The younger demon’s black combat boots thudded with every step, announcing her presence.  Her attire was entirely leather—the cow sort, not human—dyed dark enough to hide spilled blood.
Neither of them said a word as they approached the auxiliary dungeon rumored to be containing an unusual sort of rendezvous.  The pair didn’t have anything more to discuss for the moment.  They both knew their immediate goals, responsibilities, and when push came to shove, which of them was in charge.  They damn well better have known.  Between the two of them, they’d spent over a decade putting their respective pieces in order and double-checking their work.
When they reached the unmarked door that they’d heard whispers about, the demon in the white dress pushed it open without hesitation.  She stepped through the door with an unassuming demeanor.  Her colleague followed her, studying the contents of the chamber with a wary eye.
Inside there were eight lesser demons standing or sitting around a storage room.  Three racks had been laid out flat, then pushed together to create an improvised conference table.  Five of the occupants were perched on crates of acid, steel nails, and other implements of pain.  The remaining three leaned against the far wall, cautiously keeping some distance.
A brutish-looking man with pasty skin, a pronounced brow, and stringy black hair glared at the newcomers from the opposite side of the table.  He stared with the intensity of someone who had taken charge—he certainly didn’t hold any noteworthy rank as evidenced by his badly calloused hands that hinted at many decades or centuries of wielding a whip, the shoddy ones meant for working souls.  
In a low growl he asked the two women, “What do you want?”
“We heard that this is the place to be if you truly hate the Winchesters,” answered the elder one.
He stared at them for a moment before replying, “Get inside and shut the fucking door.”
The pair entered, closing the door behind them.  From the way that everyone turned their attention to a stout demon sitting on a box labeled ‘spiders’ they assumed that it was his turn to speak.  The two women settled themselves on a non-technically-iron maiden that was lying along one of the walls as if it were a bench.
The stout demon resumed addressing his audience.  “So then I tore the cow apart—six chunks, big ones but still enough to spread around, and some smaller hunks.  You don’t want to waste it by piling the whole cow in one corner of the room.  You might as well not bother cutting the damn thing up—Anyway, I hung pieces of it throughout the house.”  The sound of scuttling inside the box he was sitting on filled the room as he fumed for a moment in anger.  “It’s a classic omen!  It’s a horror!  And the older of the brothers makes a joke about hamburgers!”
“So disrespectful,” muttered a female demon with hollow eyes and frayed white hair.  Several demons nodded in agreement with her comment.
“That kind of work takes time,” complained the portly demon.  “I’m not a high-caste demon.  I can’t just wave my hand and make things move.  Do you have any idea how long it takes to cut up a cow?  And the first cleaver broke and I had to find a store—”
“Was it a vegetable cleaver?” asked the lean demon with a mangled left arm and long, frizzy brown hair sitting next to him.  When he looked up at her face in confusion, she rested her hand on his thigh, then said in a soft voice, “Milmont, sweetie, two kinds of cleavers.  Vegetable ones aren’t made for bone.”
“I don’t fucking believe this,” muttered a red-haired demon.  He was dressed like Billy Idol but his rosy cheeks undercut the attempt at an edgy look.  “Did you fight them or not?”
“I fought them!” Milmont replied indignantly.  “I had a knife—”
“Paring or bread?”
“—and I swung at the older one’s neck.”
One of the demons standing in the shadows noted aloud, “Swung means a miss.  You got your ass kicked.”
The stoat demon flustered a bit before reluctantly explaining, “He shot me in the chest with rock salt and hit me in the face with his gun—” 
“You fell on your ass,” guessed the red-headed demon.
“The younger brother can perform an exorcism really fast,” Milmont said while shifting, jostling the box of spiders.
“You shouldn’t have gone after them,” said the brutish leader of the group.  “You’re too weak.”
The stout demon glared as he hissed, “I have every right to go after the prey I choose.  I’m allowed to prove myself!”  He waved his hand at the rest of the room as he asked, “How many of you have been exorcised by them?  If you’re here bitching about the Winchesters on your weekly one-hour break, yeah, I’m guessing they made you look like an idiot too.”
Several of the demons nodded in acknowledgement of the point or murmured agreement.  The leader let out a small grumble as he reached into an open crate next to him.  He pulled out an unlabeled bottle containing reddish-tawny liquid, then yanked the black cork from it with his teeth.  After taking a swig, he handed it to Milmont.
“Corceo.”  The stout demon toasted him before having a sip.  
“You’re lucky that you were only exorcised,” the hollow-eyed woman told him while reaching out, wordlessly asking for a drink.  Milmont passed it to her and she took a sip before continuing.  “Rumor has it they possess the Colt.”
“Dajhila, they don’t have the Colt,” replied the demon with the bad arm.  “I brawled with them ten days ago and they didn’t shoot me.”
“Maybe you aren’t worth the bullets?” jabbed the rosy-cheeked punk.
With her good hand, she picked a knife up off the ground and stabbed it into the wooden table in front of her, inviting him to fight.
Corceo, the leader, hit the table, drawing everyone’s attention.  “Tisha, don’t carve Frey a new asshole.  He has plenty already,” he joked, earning a chuckle from one of the demons watching from the wall.  “The fact is that they had the gun.  They killed Tom.”
“Tom was an idiot,” huffed Frey.  “The only reason he wasn’t wading through viscera like the rest of us was because he was Azazel’s son.”
“Apparently he was attacking Sam, and Dean shot him,” Dajhila explained.  “There were witnesses.”
Frey shrugged indifferently at Tom’s death.  “Silver-spooned nepotist should’ve been the one to get his ass beat before he got shot.”
“I’m fine with the younger Winchester getting that bludgeoning,” interjected Tisha.  She snarled, “You know that little shit is a psychic?  I was so close to killing them.  It took me three weeks to lure them to this abandoned insane asylum.  I’d murdered twenty people in there—six hunters came before the brothers finally took the bait.  That’s the shit I had to deal with in order to roll out the red carpet for those thick-brained, underwear-model-looking—“
“They aren’t that good looking,” said Milmont.
“They are,” countered Corceo.  “Now let her finish or I’ll tear your fucking tongue out.”
Dajhila with the hollow eyes quietly said, “We should’ve kept the talking stick.”
Frey held up the pointy, splintered remains of a blood-stained wooden dowel that had evidently been used to stab someone.  The woman shrugged, conceding that it had worked better in theory than in practice.  The red-haired demon tossed it aside, grabbed the bottle of alcohol from where it had settled on the table, then gestured to their current storyteller.
Tisha waited a beat to see if anyone would interrupt her before continuing.  “I swear on my life, that Sam kid really is a psychic.  They knew it was a trap.  I’m sitting there with a semi-automatic rifle—I’m not fucking around—and all of a sudden the sprinklers are raining holy water.”  Her lips curled downward at the memory as she snarled, “Sam used a megaphone from the parking lot to exorcise me.  I only got to see their faces as my cloud was getting dragged back down.”
“Jesus,” exhaled Frey.  “A megaphone… and you had a rifle.”
“What weapon did you go after them with?” asked Tisha.
He thought for a moment before finally admitting, “A big rock.”  Everyone stared at him for a moment, then burst into laughter, so he added, “Sometimes simple is best.  We’re stronger than them and there was a big rock right there that I could throw—  It was a tactical decision.”
“With genius thinking like that, it’s no wonder we can’t catch a break against them,” said Corceo.
Dajhila commented, “The only good news is that the dad, John, he died two months ago.”
“John Winchester, hunter savante—  That piece of shit finally dropped?”  Milmont looked around, eyes wide with excitement.  “What did ‘im in?”
“I do not know.”  The hollow-eyed woman crossed her bony arms.  “Margot, down in processing, says his file is classified, but it is there.”
Frey leaned forward with interest.  “File—  We got him?  Fucker isn’t playing a harp?”
“In the pit as we speak,” she replied smuggly.  “Rumor is that Alastair’s working him personally.”
“Alastair?” asked Corceo.  “They’re breaking out the Grand Torturer himself for a Winchester?”
Tisha nodded slowly to herself as she put together a few pieces.  “Well, he is classified.”
The two women silently observing from their place on the iron maiden exchanged a knowing glance.  The one in leather subtly placed her hand on a bulge by her belt that was obscured by her jacket, but the woman in the white dress discreetly shook her head and gestured for her to wait.  At the order, the younger demon gave a quick roll of her eyes before relaxing her posture.  By the time they’d turned their attention back to the meeting, the conversation had switched back to discussing different methods of pursuing the still-living brothers.
“Dean is a hedonist,” commented Dajhila.  “Take a meatsuit with a figure as an hourglass and lay yourself in his path.”
Tisha raised an eyebrow.  “You really think he’s going to fall for something like that?”
“He’s young and proud.”
Tisha countered, “He’s a paranoid with low self-esteem—“
“Here we go,” muttered Milmont.
“—You all think they’re heroes out of a fucking Greek epic, but they’re just men—feeble, petty little things—“
“Little,” Frey scoffed.  “Have you even seen them?”
Tisha slammed her fist on the table.  “They are mortal children, too absorbed by their grief and self-pity—Yes, they are little, but that makes them paranoid, partially-psychic, sneaky cunts who use megaphones.”  She paused a moment to look around the table at the others, then said, “And maybe they don’t have it now or maybe I wasn’t worth the bullets, but they know about the Colt.  They know how to kill us—  Kill, not exorcise.”
After a brief, pensive silence, Milmont asked, “When was the last time you heard of one of us getting killed?  Cain going nuts and turning traitor?  That was almost 150 years ago—Earth time.”
Corceo nodded.  “Half the crew in my dungeon wasn’t even turned back then.  The sniveling pups thought we were immortal until they heard the news:  the fucking Winchesters killed Tom.”
There was a grumble of shared frustration at the indignity.  Humans had managed to kill demons, for the first time in over a century—and the bastards hadn’t even had the decency to stick around long enough to be killed in return.
“We have to stop them,” said Milmont quietly.  
Frey scoffed.  “Have you been listening or are ya’ as dense as iron?”
“Oh, choke on a ball of blades,” Tisha hissed.
The red-haired demon waved his arms, sarcastically miming fear.
“Save it.  The enemy is up there.”  Corceo waited to see if anyone would interrupt, then continued.  “I’m tired of all this theatrical, solo bullshit.  We murder them in their sleep.  If they salt the door, we use guns.  If they ward the building, burn it down.  Fucking drive an oil tanker truck into them—this is war.  So how do we find them?”
Milmont replied, “Since their dad died, my denmate, Bahshin, spotted them a few times with another hunter:  male, middle-aged, reddish-brown greying hair and beard, baseball cap, one of those grizzled sorts.”
Tisha nodded.  “I know the one.  His name is Bobby—don’t know the last name.  I’ve run into him and his partner a few times.  He sticks to the north central U.S.  Rural looking, lots of plaid.  He had an old truck.”
“Fucking hick hunters,” muttered Frey.
The woman in leather sitting along the wall wordlessly withdrew a small notebook and pen from her pocket, then wrote down, “Margot:  soul processing department grunt,” and “Bahshin:  den-dweller, has an Earth pass.”  
Corceo eyed the two silent newcomers from his place at the table.  “Taking notes?  Dainty little things like you gonna go gunning for the big bad Winchesters?”  He laughed.  “Well get in fucking line.  You come here, don’t say shit, and crib off our hard work—  How close have you come to offing them?  What makes you so cocky you’re gonna be the ones to kill the bastards?”
The woman with the notepad gestured to her partner, inviting her to address the challenge.  The demon in white stood up and smiled, unconcerned by the hostile attitude of the others in the room.
“We haven’t tried to kill them,” she replied.  “And we have a plan, the likes of which history has never seen.”
“Ready to shared with the class?” Frey asked.  “What brilliant plan are you two peons gonna try?”
“We’re gonna give them what they really want.”
Corceo’s eyes passed over the two women.  “A pair of eager-to-please blondes in suggestive clothes?”
The woman in the white dress corrected him.  “The only one we’re eager to please is our lord, Lucifer.”
A few of the demons chuckled at the absurd statement.  Lucifer was a fairytale, as much as God and angels were to the humans.  
“I’ll bite.”  Corceo’s mouth curled into an amused grin, punctuated by the occasional barbed fangs.  “What are you gonna give them?”
“We’re gonna make them heroes.”
The demons around the table laughed outright at the reply.
“You’re going to make them heroes?  Those hunter bastards know about the Colt.  They killed Tom.  They’ve been exorcising us.”  He placed his hands on the table and stood up, ready to confront them.  “The Winchesters aren’t scared of us—not the way they should be.  We’re demons.  That still means something.  So I don’t know what crazy scheme you’re thinking up, but it isn’t happening.  They don’t get to be heroes.  They die.”
“They’ll die when we—” She gestured to her partner “—say they die.”
“Looks like we have something of a race on our hands.”  Cerceo walked up to her and stood so that they were only a few inches apart.  A head taller than her, he glared down at her before hissing, “You think you can beat me to them?”
Her eyes turned white, causing his jaw to drop.  “Child you’re busy boasting and we’re on step fifteen.”  Lilith waved her right hand, locking the door to the room.  In a quick backhanding gesture, she threw Corceo against the far wall, then turned to look at her companion.  “Ruby.”
Ruby stood up and smiled as she drew her knife from the holster on her belt.  She systematically worked her way through the room, killing the others while her partner held them in place with telekinesis.  Afterward, she placed the bodies on the table, then rested her palms on the topmost corpse.  A few lines of Aramaic later, blue flame engulfed the bodies, destroying the evidence.
While watching the fire, Lilith asked, “Is Meg ready?”
“She’s still running recon on the other children.  In terms of pressure points so far:  four have lovers, eight of them are close to a parent, and we have a few like Sam where the sibling could be an incentive.  As of yesterday, she was watching the stoner with imprinting telepathy to figure out his achilles’ heel.”  Ruby wiped her bloody blade on the sleeve of her jacket to clean it while asking, “Did you take care of Crowley?”
“I encouraged several of his aides to let a few deals lapse.  Numbers are down.  He’s dying to get a big deal.”  Lilith looked at her.  “The second Dean Winchester’s soul comes across his desk, he’ll sign off on the contract just to get his name on something.  The grubby-fingered broker didn’t check the fine print on John; why should the son be any different?  I’ll hold Dean’s contract and the moment he bites it, he’ll get expedited delivery to Alastair’s dungeon.  No official processing.  No gossip—”  She gestured to the smoldering remains of the demon who had accidentally outed Margot as a leak in the processing department.  “—No mistakes this time.”
Ruby huffed an unamused laugh.  “The two of us sure as hell won’t have time to clean up any messes once this show gets rolling.  Round one we could afford to have things go a little sideways.  Once we pop up on Sam’s radar, that’s it.  We’re in, and I’m not coming back downstairs on a fucking milk run.”
“It will all turn out,” Lilith assured her.  “Our lord wills his return.  He cannot be denied.”
Ruby didn’t reply to the pious statement.  Instead she studied the charred racks in front of them.  “I know he’s your mentor and we couldn’t have done this without him, but Azazel can’t survive this.  You know that, right?”
Lilith nodded.  “When he finishes aligning his pawns, he’ll throw the fight.  He knows how important it is that Sam’s anger be directed solely at me.  That means clearing the field for the next generation of nemeses.”
“Don’t worry,” Ruby placed her hand on her partner’s shoulder.  “When I’m done with him, Sam will be foaming at the mouth to kill you.”
“I envy you,” Lilith sighed.  “You’ll live to see our lord.  It’s going to be beautiful.”
If you enjoyed this story, check out my Sam/Ruby Fic Masterlist or my Full Fic Masterlist.
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the--blackdahlia · 6 years
Natural Born Killers Chapter 18 (Sam x Dean)
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Title: Natural Born Killers Chapter 18
Summary:  It started as an accident. That’s what it was. But things escalated from there and now the law wants Dean Winchester, one way or another.
Warnings: Smut, language, violence, torture, murder
Diana and Peter looked up from their desks as Victor made his way towards the interrogation room. They looked at each other for a brief second before following him towards it. Sam’s twenty-four hours were up. He was free to go. Victor unlocked the door.
“You can leave.” Victor said, letting Sam out. Diana watched as Victor glared at the back of Sam’s head. “But if I find out your lying…”
“I’m telling you, I haven’t talked to Dean in a long time.” Sam said. He turned and walked away from Victor, Diana showing Sam the way out. He offered her a smile before he walked out of the building. Victor disappeared before Diana could talk to him about everything. She sighed and made her way back to her desk.
Sam walked a few blocks, glancing around to see if anyone was following him. He found the car he was looking for and smiled, opening up the passenger door and sliding in. When Sam had gotten cornered by the FBI, he had sent off a text to a number that was labeled Joe Perry. Sam had sent Funkytown, and Dean stayed sheltered in place while getting Kaelyn to track down Sam’s phone signal. So he was waiting for Sam now.
“How’d it go?” Dean asked, starting Baby up.
“I told him about a werewolf. He thinks I’m crazy now.” Sam laughed. “Told him dad died of a heart attack. Told him that we haven't spoken in awhile.”
“Yeah, we haven’t. It’s been twenty-four hours.” Dean laughed. “He didn’t hurt your or anything, did he?”
“Besides leaving me in the room by myself for awhile so I could take a nap, no he did not.” Sam said. “But I know that’s not going to stop anything.”
“Damn right.” Dean said. He turned the car around and started driving, while another, bland looking car followed them.
The boys had spent the year hunting. It’s what Sam wanted to do and honestly, Dean was enjoying it himself. The apple pie life had been fun while it lasted, but the Winchesters were hunters. That’s what they were made to do. There hadn’t been much in the form of demon activity, aside from a few that talked about raising Lucifer.
They had taken on a blonde haired demon named Ruby who tried to convince them they were on the same side, she even shared a recipe for making more bullets for the Colt with Bobby while the boys were on a hunt in Nebraska. But the minute that she touched Sam, she was exorcised. The poor girl she had been possessing died not long after, but when Dean went to find her ID, he found a strange knife.
“Sam, look at this.” Dean said, handing the blade to his brother.
“What the hell is that?” Sam asked, turning it over, looking at all the markings. When they got back to the motel they were staying at, Sam started researching. Dean showered and dressed in comfortable clothes before Sam was finished.
“So, get this…” Sam said, getting Dean’s attention. He held up the knife. “This is a knife of the Kurds.” Sam said. “The handle is make of an ancient deer antler. And the rough translation I got from all the markings is that it kills demons.”
“You’re kidding.” Dean said.
“Nope.” Sam told him, shutting his laptop.
“Guess we need to find us a demon to try it out on then.” Dean laughed. “Maybe that bitch will show back up again and I can stab her with it.”
“Dean, she was just trying to help.” Sam said.
“Yeah, help herself to you with her tongue in your mouth.” Dean grumbled. Sam laughed and shook his head.
“Normally, the jealousy looks good on you, but today it’s just making you bitchy.” Sam laughed. Dean glared at him.
“I need to kill a demon.” Dean said. He picked up the knife. It wasn’t like his favorite one, but it would do. If it didn’t work, he could possibly be killing a human and leaving the demon to wear them to the prom. Either way, he was killing something.
The boys stood side by side at a deli counter, ordering some things to go. As they stood there, Dean felt on edge. Something didn’t seem right. He turned around the scan the area around the deil. There was a woman sitting a table, reading a newspaper, a man typing away on a laptop, and another woman looking at the pricing to decide on what she wanted. Dean side eyed all three of them before turning his attention back to Sam, who was grabbing their bag of items. Dean shoved a couple bills in the tip jar before they left.
The woman with the newspaper lowered it, watching them go. She made her way out to her own car, sitting in it and watching as they climbed into the Impala and drove. The motel they were staying in was pretty much abandoned, outside of them and a couple other people that used it for other activities. But it was nice and quiet.
“I think we’re being followed.” Dean said to Sam as they drove towards the motel. “How about we go for the scenic tour baby boy?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Sam agreed, glancing in the side mirror at the car that was behind them. He could make out some of the drive’s features, but not much more. Mainly a mop of dark hair. Dean took a left down a dirt road, heading towards an abandoned farm that Dean had seen when they first came into town. The house looked haunted, just had that vibe. And the last time they had stayed in an actual haunted house, Sam almost ended up scalped by an old plantation owner’s wife.
And, sure enough, the car followed them.
Dean parked the Impala and sat there, waiting to see what the other drive was going to do. When they made no move to get out of their car, Dean got out of his, his trusty knife and his favorite pistol on him. But it seemed like in a blink of his eye, that the other driver was on him, pushing him up against the Impala with his arm twisted behind him.
“Where is my knife short bus?” The brunette woman growled into Dean’s ear.
“Hey Ruby. Nice to see you again.” Dean said. She shoved him harder into the side of the car. Sam came around, gun pointed at her.
“Let him go.” Sam said.
“This isn’t between me and you Sam. It’s me and him.” Ruby hissed. “I was a nice and caring person, and he abused my charity.” Dean took this time that she was distracted talking to Sam to counter her hold and push her against the Impala the way she had just had him.
“Hey bitch, just calm down okay.” Dean said. “I had my reasons for doing what I did.”
“Yeah. It’s called being a dick.” She bucked against him, trying to get free. God, he loved it when the struggled. “Let me go Winchester. I swear…”
“Why aren’t you smoking out?” Dean asked. Sam walked over and pulled down the collar of her shirt, showing a irritated marking on her collarbone. “What’s that?”
“Binding mark.” Sam explained. “She must have pissed someone off and they wanted her stuck. And you need the knife to cut it and break it, don’t you?” Sam asked. Ruby glared at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Dean said, letting go of her. She swung at him, but he dodged easily. “Sammy, where’s the knife?”
“Someplace safe.” Sam said. Dean smirked.
“Hand it to me.” He said. He saw Sam staring at him, confused. “I know what I’m doing Sammy.” Sam nodded and reached into his jacket, pulling out the knife and handing it to Dean. “Okay, show me the mark. I’ll cut it for you.”
“Really?” She asked. Dean squinted.
“On second thought, let’s go in the barn. It’s a little too bright out here and I’m having painful eyes from the sun.” Ruby was so blinded by the thought of getting out of her rotting vessel that she didn’t even think twice, heading into the barn. An evil grin spread on Dean’s face as he followed her in, with Sam bringing up the rear. Ruby stood in the middle of the barn. She pulled her shirt over her head.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked. She smiled at him and licked her lips.
“I like this shirt. I don’t want blood on it.” Ruby explained. Dean gripped the knife tighter. “Maybe I should take the bra off too. This shit it expensive.” She gave Sam what most people would called “bedroom eyes”, but Dean would call “she’s dead” eyes. “What do you think Sam?”
“I know what I think.” Dean said, turning his head to smile at Sam before he quickly plunged the knife into Ruby’s side, making her scream out in pain. She couldn’t leave the body, so she was forced to endure the pain.
“Bastard!” She screamed. Dean pushed her down, putting one boot on her wrist and pressing down as she screamed.
“Been awhile since I’ve tortured a demon.” Dean said. “I thought I was a little rusty. What do you think Sam?” He turned to look at him, seeing the lust in his eyes. He was sure that his matched Sam’s.
“I think you’re doing great De.” Sam said, pulling Dean to him and kissing him. “Finish her off. I need you.”
“You’re both sick!” Ruby screamed. Dean turned back to look at her.
“You’re interrupting.” Dean knelt down by her, caressing her face. “Thanks for the knife and the bullets.” He stabbed the knife into her chest then. Her back arched off the ground as the demon and the girl were both officially dead. Dean pulled the knife out of her and wiped the blood on her jeans. As soon as he did, he had arms full of Sam.
“Let’s get back to the motel. I need your cock inside me.” Sam whispered in his ear.
“I don’t think I can wait.” Dean took Sam’s hand and pulled him toward the house. “We’ve fucked in worse places.” Sam nodded in agreement. “Think you’re still slick from this morning?”
“Yes.” Sam moaned, remembering what they had just done that morning. Dean nodded and pushed open the front door to the house. There was graffiti on the walls, a mattress in the corner, beer bottles and other trash littering the place. It looked like this was a teenage hangout at one point. But Dean was prepared if they showed up now. He wasn’t above shooting some teenagers.
It was a rough and rushed time of pulling off clothes. Normally, Dean wouldn’t subject his Sammy to a dirty mattress that teenagers used to screw on, but the floor didn’t look much better. He led him over to it, biting at his neck and shoulders.
“Hands and knees baby boy.” Dean instructed. Sam obeyed, getting on his hands and knees. Dean didn’t take long to finger Sam, just enough to make sure he was still a little loose from the morning and still slick. And he was. Dean pulled his fingers out and lined up his cock, sinking into Sam quickly.
“Fuck!” Sam called out, throwing his head back and moaning. His moans echoed off the bare walls of the empty house. Dean gripped Sam’s hips and used the leverage to pull him back onto him, so he was fully inside of Sam. His thrusts were hard and fast. Grunts, moans, pants, and Sam’s curses rang out in the house. Dean was sure that anyone coming up to the house could hear his baby boy. But if they tried to interrupt, well, they wouldn’t be leaving the house.
“God, you fit around me so good.” Dean praised Sam as he all but screamed at the attack on his prostate. “So perfect for me Sammy.”
“All yours.” Sam panted. Dean gripped his hips tighter.
“Damn right.” He told him. “Gonna fill you up.” This wasn’t love making. This was burning up anything pent up from killing Ruby. And it didn’t take them long to find their release. Dean inside of Sam, and Sam on the old mattress.
“Oh fuck.” Sam whispered as they finished, Dean slowly pulling out of him. “God, that was amazing.” He leaned up to kiss Dean.
“Let’s get you back to the motel and clean you up baby boy.” Dean said, rubbing his back. Sam nodded and got dressed with Dean, walking out towards the car. They peered into the barn. Ruby’s host still laid there, unmoving.
“We just leave her there?” Sam asked. Dean shrugged.
“Sure whoever’s been coming out here will alert the authorities.” Dean said. Sam nodded and followed him to the car. They got in and headed back towards the motel.
“Hey, we do know one thing.” Sam said. Dean gave him a brief look. “The knife works.” Dean smiled, a genuine smile, and held Sam’s hand as they drove back.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories
Natural Born Killers Tags: @mysteriousharmony @webcraft4eveh @mereka18 @writinginthesecrettrees @i-write-for-all-soulmates
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celestedeacon · 5 years
On the Side of the Angels Chapter 11
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TITLE: On the Side of the Angels Chapter 11 PAIRING: (Castiel/Celeste) RATING: T CHAPTER: 11/? SUMMARY: Celeste, the daughter of a fallen angel and mortal. Ever since she was born, the angels were given orders to protect her, specifically Castiel and Gabriel. When she was 16, she was in a horrific car accident, which Castiel saved her from. When Castiel comes back to Earth, she’s in his thoughts 24/7. This poses a problem for him. How can he love her and still follow orders?
Loud sirens were going off as Castiel stepped onto the scene of the crash.
It was at least a 10 car pileup.
Castiel briefly worried about the humans that may have been involved and whether they were okay or not. His mind went back two years to when Celeste was in her car crash. He could still hear her cries and screams for help. He remembered the fear he felt that day.
He shook his head to clear his mind of those thoughts. Castiel waved his hand and silenced the car sirens. He walked over to a woman’s body, clad in white. He knelt down next to the body and moved part of her clothing off her neck.
There was a stab wound in the center of her chest.
“Goodbye, sister”, he said and disappeared as the authorities arrived on scene. He appeared in Celeste’s bedroom.
Celeste’s eyes shot open and she sat up.
Castiel placed a finger on his lips and Celeste nodded. He’d been visiting her more often, but only if Gabriel was out of the house doing whatever it was he did.
Both Castiel and Celeste suspected the archangel knew about their secret meetings, but he said nothing about it.
Castiel laid down next to Celeste and she curled up on his chest. “Another one was killed tonight”, he told her.
“I’m sorry”. Celeste knew how much he cared for his fellow angels. “I hope you catch them soon”. She couldn’t bear the thought of Castiel getting hurt or maybe even killed.
“Me too”, he said, pressing his lips to her forehead.
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Sam and Dean entered their hotel room. Sam flipped on the lights and Castiel and Uriel stood in the room.
“Winchester and Winchester”, Uriel said.
“Oh come on”, Dean sighed.
“You are needed”.
“Needed? We just got back from needed”.
“Now, you mind your tone with me”.
“No, you mind your damn tone with us”.
“We just got back from Pamela's funeral”, Sam told them.
“Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her. You burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times. Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freaking minutes!” Dean yelled.
“We raised you out of hell for our purposes”, Uriel said.
“Yeah, what were those again? What exactly did you want from me?”
“Start with gratitude”.
Dean scoffed. “Oh”.
“Dean, we know this is difficult to understand”, Castiel said trying to calm the situation down.
“And we…” Uriel said giving Castiel a look, “—don't care. Now, seven angels have been murdered, all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight”.
“Demons?” Dean asked.
Uriel shrugged.
“How they doing it?”
“We don't know”.
“I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?” Sam asked.
“We can handle the demons, thank you very much”, Uriel snapped.
“Once we find whoever it is”, Castiel said.
“So you need our help hunting a demon?” Dean asked.
“Not quite. We have Alastair”.
“Great. He should be able to name your trigger man”.
“But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse”.
“Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are out of your league”.
While the angels weren’t paying attention, Sam swiped Dean’s phone and texted Celeste: Halo. SOS.
“That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got”, Uriel said.
Celeste appeared between Uriel and Dean. “Now wait just a damn second”, she said putting her hands on her hips.
Dean looked down at the small blonde.
“The Nephilim”, Uriel said.
Celeste turned to Castiel. “You can’t be serious Cas! He can’t do this. I understand you want to find out who’s killing your garrison, but this is insane!”
“We have no choice. Dean, you are our best hope”.
“No. No way. You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this”, Dean said agreeing with Celeste.
Uriel shoved Celeste out of the way and walked up to Dean. “Who said anything about asking?”
They were suddenly standing in an abandoned warehouse without Sam.
“This devil's trap is old Enochian. He's bound completely”, Castiel explained to Dean.
“Fascinating”. Dean turned away from Alastair and said, “Where's the door?”
“Where are you going?” Castiel asked.
“Hitch back to Cheyenne, thank you very much”. Dean walked past Uriel and then stopped because Uriel stood in his way.
Celeste jumped between the two men.
“Get out of my way, abomination”, Uriel snapped.
“If you want him, you’re going through me first”.
“Angels are dying”.
“Sounds like your own damn problem”.
“Everybody's dying these days. And hey, I get it. You're all-powerful. You can make me do whatever you want. But you can't make me do this”, Dean said turning to Castiel.
“This is too much to ask, I know. But we have to ask it”.
Dean watched Castiel for a moment and then turned back to Uriel. “I want to talk to Cas alone”.
“I think I'll go seek revelation. We might have some further orders”, Uriel said.
“Well, get some donuts while you're out”, Dean told him.
Both Uriel and Celeste laughed. “Ah, this one just won't quit, will he? I think I'm starting to like you, boy”, Uriel said and then vanished.
“You guys don't walk enough. You're gonna get flabby”, Dean said and Celeste laughed.
Castiel didn’t react, except to narrow his eyes at Dean.
“You know, I'm starting to think junkless has a better sense of humor than you do”, Dean said.
“Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone”.
Celeste rolled her eyes at Castiel. Even after all these years, the angel still didn’t understand sarcasm.
Dean walked up to Castiel. “What's going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?”
“My superiors have begun to question my sympathies”.
“Your sympathies?”
“I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You”, Castiel said, his eyes landing on Celeste for a moment, “They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt. This can impair my judgment”.
“Well, tell Uriel, or whoever...you do not want me doing this, trust me”.
“Want it, no”, Castiel said agreeing with Dean, “But I have been told we need it”.
“You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out”.
“For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this”.
Dean closed his eyes and then wheeled a cart into the room.
This left Castiel and Celeste alone. Celeste hopped up on the table. Castiel turned to her.
“What are you doing here?” Castiel asked her.
She pulled out her cell phone, showing him the text from Sam.
Castiel sighed.
“Trust me. It took a lot to get out of the house. Gabe’s had me trapped there. He told me about everything. The boys, the seals. He warned me to stay away from those Winchester boys”, she said.
“You shouldn’t be here”.
“Well too damn bad, Cas. Because I am”.
“Celeste, you do not understand. You could get killed in all this”.
“But you’re here”, she said.
Castiel looked at her as Alastair started yelling in pain. Castiel wanted Celeste to go home and stay out of all this, but he knew her pure heart wouldn’t let her.
The light flickered, catching Castiel and Celeste’s attention. The bulb exploded.
Anna appeared behind Castiel.
“Anna”, Castiel and Celeste said together.
“Hello, Castiel. Celeste”.
Castiel turned to look at her. “Your human body…”
“It was destroyed, I know. But I guess I'm sentimental. Called in some old favors and...”
Alastair’s screams became louder.
“You shouldn't be here. We still have orders to kill you”, Castiel told her.
“Somehow I don't think you'll try. Where's Uriel?”
“He went to receive revelation”.
Somehow, Celeste didn’t like the way she said that.
“Why are you letting Dean do this?” Anna asked.
“He's doing God's work”, Castiel said.
“Torturing? That's God's work? Stop him, Cas, please. Before you ruin the one real weapon you have”.
“Who are we to question the will of God?”
“Unless this isn't his will”.
“Then where do the orders come from?”
“I don't know. One of our superiors, maybe, but not him”.
Celeste hopped down off the table. “I hate to say it, but maybe she’s right Cas”. As for who was giving the orders, Celeste had a strong feeling it may have been one the archangels.
“The father you love. You think he wants this? You think he'd ask this of you? You think this is righteous?” Anna asked.
Castiel couldn’t look Anna in the eye. He was like a little boy being scolded by his mother.
“What you're feeling? It's called doubt”, Anna told him. Anna touched Castiel’s hand. “These orders are wrong and you know it. But you can do the right thing. You're afraid, Cas. I was too. But together, we can still…”
“Together?” Castiel yanked his hand away. “I am nothing like you. You fell. Go”.
Anna vanished.
Castiel turned to Celeste who had tears in her eyes.
“Should I go too?” she asked.
Castiel moved closer to her, but Celeste backed away.
“I might as well be fallen. Does that mean you should kill me too?”
“Celeste. Please understand”.
Before Celeste could say something, they heard commotion coming from the room. They burst in and Castiel grabbed Ruby’s knife, jamming it into Alastair’s chest.
Alastair dropped Dean and Celeste ran over to him. “You’ll be fine”, she said stroking his hair.
Dean went limp.
Celeste looked and saw Alastair trying to send Castiel back to heaven. She rolled her eyes.
When would people learn to not fuck with her angel?
Just as she was about to go after him, Alastair was forced up against the wall by Sam. Celeste went over to Castiel and helped him up as Alastair started saying how it wasn’t demons killing the angels.
Castiel and Celeste shared a look.
The whole room started to shake as Sam killed Alastair.
When Alastair was dead, Celeste turned to Sam and said, “We need to get Dean to the hospital”.
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The next day, Castiel and Celeste went to the hospital to check on Dean.
They met with Sam before going in the room.
“Sam…” Castiel started to say.
“Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now”.
“I can't”.
Sam turned to Celeste and said, “You do it then”.
“I don’t know how. Because I would, believe me”.
“You and Uriel put him in there”.
“No”, Castiel argued.
“Because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together”.
“I don't know what happened. That trap...it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry”.
“This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers”.
“Perhaps Alastair was lying”, Castiel said, not wanting to believe it. He and Celeste had discussed who could be killing the angels and it pointed to one person.
“No, he wasn't”, Sam said, walking away from them.
“Go and do what you have to do. I’ll stay with him”, Celeste said kissing Castiel on the cheek.
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Castiel returned to the hospital and found Dean in much better condition.
Celeste sat next to Dean’s bed. “Hey”, Celeste said softly.
Castiel walked over to her and stroked her hair with his hand. “Are you all right?” Castiel asked Dean.
Dean opened his eyes and looked over at Castiel and Celeste. “No thanks to you. She’s done more than you did”.
Celeste smiled at Dean. She had somehow managed to heal him enough to have his breathing tube taken out.
“You need to be more careful”, Castiel told him.
“You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap”.
“That's not what I mean. Uriel is dead”.
“What?” Celeste asked Castiel, not quite sure she was hearing him correctly.
“Was it the demons?” Dean asked.
“It was disobedience. He was working against us”, Castiel explained.
Celeste wanted to say “I told you so”, but chose not to. Her angel didn’t need to be kicked even more while he was down.
“Is it true? Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?” Dean asked.
“Yes. When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to you before you…”
“Jump-started the apocalypse”.
“But we were too late”.
“Why didn't you just leave me there, then?”
“It's not blame that falls on you, Dean, it's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it”.
“Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean?”
Castiel looked away from him.
“Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean!?” Dean yelled as loud as he possibly could in his condition.
“I don't know”.
“I don't. Dean, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with you”.
“Well, then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alastair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not—I'm not strong enough. Well, I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me”. Dean hung his head and started to cry.
Celeste got up and dragged Castiel out into the hallway. “Lay off him. Can’t you see he’s been through enough”.
“You know as well as I do that it has to be him”, Castiel said, his blue eyes bearing down into hers.
She could see emotions flying around in his eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked him, cupping his cheeks.
“I’m no longer following the orders of heaven”.
Celeste’s heart started beating quickly.
“I…I don’t know what to do. For the first time”, he said.
“Shh”, she cooed, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs, “You have me. I’ll always be here”. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his and for once, Castiel returned the kiss. Maybe she and her angel could finally be together now.
Tags: @waddles03
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wayward-hell · 7 years
A Red Moon
So this is the crappy Lucifer x Reader i was nervous about posting, but due to the comment from @beksib, I decided i’d write it. 
I like exact numbers so here you go: 
5346 words in this story
Warning: Swearing (if that is a warning), oh and unfortunately this ain’t smut sorry
Lucifer x Reader (Non-human)  Fluff! Fic!
Father. Dad. More commonly known as God, had transferred Lucifer back into his first vessel. Intimidating stature, dusty-sand short blonde locks, and frozen, cold, piercing blue eyes. After a particularly stupid idea he was left quite damaged, forcing him to be vulnerable. He could be killed in this state, as Amara had stolen much of his grace and Chuck – God – had said he “couldn’t” give it back to him. Lucifer was being forced to stay with the Winchesters in the bunker. Surprisingly, neither Sam, nor Dean were bothered by the extra presence of Lucifer as he kept himself locked away in the room they let him stay in.
It had been only a few days after the incident that Sam had gotten a call from a panicking man over the phone that Lucifer emerged from his room. He silently moved to the doorway to stand in the shadows and listen in on what was happening. Though most of his grace was gone he was still a good listener, years upon years in hell listening to every sound and creak come from outside the cage made you a really skilled listener.
Sam revealed that it was a voicemail from a few hours ago, the location the man gave was little under a day away, and Lucifer immediately concluded that the guy was most likely already dead.
“Sounds like an extreme ghost. You?” Sam asked Dean having listened to the voicemail three times now, Dean nodded and they both started packing up and grabbing tools, weapons and things they would need. They headed for the impala in the garage and Lucifer followed intent on coming with them. He was not going to sit vulnerable in an underground cement cage. Sam was already in the car when Dean moved to get in and spotted Lucifer about to climb in the back seat.
“Oh no. No, you are not coming on this, you’re staying here. You understand? Hey!” Lucifer completely ignored the elder brother and got in the car. He stretched out over the back seat getting comfortable.
“I’m coming, and neither of you are going to stop me. Besides daddy said you two knuckle heads had to watch over me remember? And you wouldn’t want to upset dad, now would you?” He stated it clearly, but dripping with sass. The brothers looked to each other warily. Sam finally looking over Lucifer once last time before settling back into his seat with a deep sigh. A sly grin slid over Lucifer’s face.
“No way Sammy. No, you, you of all people should not be-“
“Dean.” Sam stared straight out the front window, then deadpanned over to meet his brother’s gaze. Obviously against this, but having no other choice.
“Drive.” An aggravated huff and some angry mumbles later Dean settled and started the car, pulling out of the bunker and out onto the dirt road.
The trip to the small town was silent. Dean didn’t even turn the radio on to drown out his mind. Both brothers stared out the window as Lucifer sat in the back seat bored out of his mind. As they all got closer Sam went over the voicemail and what it could possibly be a few more times, Dean now calm enough to talk about the case, pitched in some ideas. Lucifer stayed uncharacteristically quiet the whole time, resorting to nodding to himself.
They pulled up to the address and the house looked like a wrecking ball had been swung through the building. The mail box thankfully had the address on it, and it was still standing just on the edge of the lawn. The three got out and went into the wreckage. Must have been a one story house as there wasn’t too much debris or structure still standing that would suggest a second floor.
“Try calling the number Sam, see if the ape is in this mess.” Lucifer suggested keeping his hands in his pockets as he casually walked over the wreckage. Sam looked to Dean, who shrugged and nodded to his brother, both were surprised that Lucifer was giving actually good advice. Both brothers had previously thought that he was just going to be a pain through this whole case. Lucifer had thought he might as well help solve their little case so he didn’t get bored.
Sam called the number and not seconds later a ring tone started up, but it was faint. Lucifer went to it first moving some wood and glass aside to find a hatch cut into the floor, a thick circular handle attached to it. He lifted it and the sound was immediately louder. He looked down into the darkened basement and spoke without missing a beat.
“Ladies first.” Missing the glare from both the brothers he held the hatch open and let Sam and Dean go through into the basement first. Their flash lights were crap as they could barely even light up a whole room. Lucifer sighed and grabbed Dean’s phone and turned the flash light on and pointed it towards the ceiling. The light bounced from the ceiling to faintly light up the whole basement. Both brothers were once again impressed, but Dean hid it as he glared at Lucifer for taking his phone.
How are these two even still alive? Lucifer cockily thought to himself as they moved through the seemingly untouched basement. A few things were knocked over, but otherwise everything looked in order. Until they found the mangled body of a man, the man which had made the call. The phone lay, face down ringing next to the man’s outstretched hand. His chest was ripped open and multiple organs were missing, including his heart.
“Werewolves?” Dean offered. Sam nodded and hummed in agreement. “Looks like.”
The brother’s examined the body as Lucifer lazily wandered through the rest of the basement looking at nothing in particular. Pictures, post-it notes with lists of items, scattered tools, but no weapons. Curious Lucifer moved to the farthest section of the basement and found a cabinet. Looking back to the brothers who were still busy with the body, he turned back to the cabinet and opened it. A light filled the section he was in and the numerous weapons within the cabinet.
Not only were there weapons, but there were jars as well. They seemed to be empty now, but once contained something with blood in them, the lids half broken off, small dotted blood trails leading out of the cabinet. However not one of the weapons were touched, still in their safe assigned spaces.
“What you got there Lucifer? Woah. So we can rule out civilian, definitely a hunter.” Sam nodded looking through the large cabinet.
“Woah. Wait is that a message in blood?” Dean pointed past Lucifer’s head to the door he’d opened. Sure enough there was a message written in blood.
Forgive me Goddess of the Moon
“Lucifer you know any ‘goddess’s of the moon’?” Sam asked hopeful, Lucifer shook his head just as confused as they were.
They had gone back to the motel they chose, one room three beds. As the days went by there were more killings, not all the same. Some houses still intact, some victims outside all together, but what was definitely the same was the hearts missing and the message. However the message was similar, but not exact for all of them, but written the same way - in the blood of the victim.
“Forgive me Moon Protector”
“Forgive me Warrior of the Moon”
“I have sinned Mother Moon”
Three other kills and they had finally gotten a strong lead. This was more of an identification, as the last one the fourth was not fulfilled, the woman was still alive and was quickly taken to hospital, where she later died from her injuries, but not before giving up all the information she had to the “FBI” agents which the brothers and Lucifer pretended to be. She knew the person who had attacked her, a man, in fact her boss.
That night they dug up any and all information they could on the guy. As far as the world was concerned he was a wealthy, charitable and clean soul. The next morning they went to the office building he worked at, his office was on the 50th floor, and he actually agreed to meet the FBI agents. Coming out of the office they got his work hours and found that he stayed long after everyone was gone. The brother’s decided, that night they would go back up there and confront him in his office, it was the top floor of the building after all. There was no where he could go.
That night they didn’t realize that he was willing to go to the roof top to get away. The three men chased him up the small stair case, after him to the roof where they found him near the edge – crying?
“Why’d you do it? Alexander! Why’d you do it!?” Dean yelled at him getting his attention away from the streets below. He turned to find the three men slowly moving closer, both brother’s had weapons, but refused to give one to Lucifer as they still didn’t trust him.
“The first one, he was a hunter. He thought I-I had something to do with the weird animal, killings out in the forests…” He sniffled and kept crying. Obviously this werewolf didn’t like to kill.
“Alright, so let me get this, you’re a werewolf that doesn’t like to kill? What about all the messages? Huh?” His brow scrunched up, but not in confusion like the brothers thought.
“Forgive me Warrior of the Moon. I have sinned Mother Moon. Forgive me Goddess of the Moon?” Dean quoted them, but they came across snarky and judgmental to the werewolf. He looked up at the men, his eyes glowing in anger and in supernatural power. He charged the brothers and got knocked to the ground by Lucifer. They stood and the wolf was on him again this time now fully transformed. The brother’s couldn’t get a clean shot in so they were forced to stand, waiting for the opportune moment.
Claw, punch, knee, kick, claw. Each was now bloody, but it seemed that Lucifer was winning even without his grace he was still physically strong. Finally he threw another punch and the wolf lost its footing and was exposed to the edge. Sam and Dean shot twice then each watched as it staggered back and fell off the edge, but not before grabbing hold of Lucifer and pulling him over.
The wolf was dead and just continued to fall, but Lucifer was falling with no wings. Without his grace he couldn’t hope to open them quick enough. The street gradually became brighter and brighter the closer he got, the lights flickering below him. A sense of fear, or pain ran through his veins for what felt like the first time in forever.
He was out of reach nobody could save him now. He would hit the ground and die a human from lack of grace. His wings would only then show, burning into the ground, massive. He shut his eyes already giving into the worst possible end as the street blurred out of vision. Not afraid of death, but afraid of dying a human.
Seconds. Minutes past? There was no ground. No death, just more air? Had he misjudged the fall and was he still falling? Just wind, air, fresh air. The town’s air had been harsh, this was fresh.
“Just close your eyes, the sun is going down you’ll be alright. No one can hurt you now, come morning light.” A woman’s voice rang through his head. It sounded delicate and soft, yet strong. A warm feeling filled up his body and for once he actually felt secure.
The night was beautiful, who wouldn’t want to be out and about. In truth you were always more a night person. Having been born non-human you lived most your life in the shadows in the darkness, but the moon gave you hope that one night, or rather day you’d see the light in a city or town without judgement.
For some twisted reason you were born non-human, you had something little kids only dreamed about. Having no parents and abandoned in the hospitals new born room you were taken to an orphanage. You remember little, but the hate and fear in that place, and the joy you felt when you ran away at ten. You had wings, and unnatural colored eyes, at the time.
You lived on the streets, then moved to forests opting to live away from others. This enhanced your senses and it was only just recently that you’d found a way to hide your wings, and you almost constantly wore contacts or said you were so people didn’t look at you like you were a freak, or worse. 
A monster.
You didn’t bother wearing contacts tonight as you had no plans to meet with people. You did however have you wings hidden under your jacket, the feathers uncomfortably moved and forced into hiding by the restraints. Each feather was black at the tip, a deep blue in the center then finally a varying degree of teal, or silver at the base of each feather. Giving your wings a starry night sky look to them.
You shook your head walking into town not wanting past thoughts running inside your head, nor the thought of your aching wings. The memories of everything you’d done and had been done to you. Your motto playing in your head now: whats over is over. 
The streets were fairly clear and the werewolves of the town seemed to be asleep this night. This newer generation having more control even when the full moon was out like tonight.
The lights on the streets flickered with your presence, but you paid it no mind it always happened, you couldn’t help it. You walked further down the block and around the corner to find a beautiful black four door Chevy impala. You looked up to the roof of the building, now a perfect silhouette in the moon.
You watched as two men fell from the face of the building. One seamed limp and you could smell blood on the air, something connected in your head and just from the sent you could tell it was one of the many werewolves from the town. The other however was alive he just kept falling and you couldn’t just stand there and watch.
You quickly looked around as you tore off your jacket, the tank top you wore had an open back allowing space for you wings. The street was thankfully clear. With that you turned back to the man still falling and at increasing speeds. You lifted off the ground with a searing pain erupting from your back as you tore your wings from the restraints you’d created, thankfully your wings were much stronger then metal and leather.
The wind raced past you as you rose up above the ground towards the man. You stopped your wings from flapping now just falling above the man. He was at first cold to the touch when you grasped his shoulders. You pulled him flush to you and realized how cold your body must have been, he was so warm now, you noticed he’d shut his eyes and let his body go limp.
He’d completely given up all hope, he wasn’t scared, being scared of falling to his death would have killed him a few floors up with a heart attack. No. He just didn’t care anymore, didn’t see how he could be saved. Your heart broke a little for the man you didn’t even know.
Wanting to make sure you didn’t drop him so you carefully pulled your arms over his chest to form an x, gripping each of his shoulders with the opposite hand. It was then that you leaned forwards, gained speed then lifted above the ground.
Higher and higher, just enough that nobody in the town below would have a clear imagine of the two of you flying. You felt him stir and that’s when you whispered in a soft voice to him, close to his ear.
“Just close your eyes, the sun is going down you’ll be alright. No one can hurt you now, come morning light.” You didn’t know what came over you to say it, but you remembered it from a song and it just felt right.
The wind was cool and the moon lit up the night as you slowly descended towards the ground. No people on the streets, or in the area as far as you could tell, and it was just outside a motel on the edge of town, so it was perfect. You could get the guy a room and leave him a note then go about your night.
You landed and carefully moved to hold him and support him as if he were just a sleeping drunk friend. His body leaning on yours arm over your shoulder, your arm around his shoulders. As you hit the ground he suddenly woke up and stood then stumbled about ‘till he fell over none too delicately. He had a confused shock look over his face. You reached out to him, happy that there wasn’t anyone else here.
No you just couldn’t catch a fucking break could you? That sleek black Chevy stopped right next to you both, skidding to a halt. Two men got up and raised two pistols at you ready to fire. You glared at both of them coming to your full height, which compared to them wasn’t much, but you still looked intimidating. Your wings coming up behind you, framing your body and giving you height.
(Original/mixed POV)
Lucifer got up as the brothers came to a racing halt next to him and his savior. Bet they wouldn’t have saved me if they knew who I was, who I am.
“Ah, the brothers. Coming just in time to point your weapons at the one who saved me.” Lucifer spoke quite sarcastically as he brushed himself off and for the first time came to look at the one who saved him.
He stood froze staring at her. The warm feeling returned to his chest and through his body as he looked her over. He focused on her wings and it felt like all the breath had been taken out of him.
She was talking, but he couldn’t hear her, or anything else. It was the most odd feeling ever, he’d never felt something like it before, and yet it was happening to him. What is this? What is she? What’s happening? Am I becoming human?
Lucifer finally snapped out of it and he could hear her and the brothers talking. He looked at the two men, both had put their guns away and Dean of course seemed to be hitting on her. Sam made eye contact with Lucifer and stepped closer to him without thought.
“You alright?” He couldn’t process the question properly and the feeling was still there though dull now he couldn’t shake it. It aggravated him.
“Fine.” He lashed out, sounding less than fine. He stormed off to the motel room angered now, but not knowing fully why. Unbeknownst to him you’d been standing there politely glancing over at him every so often to see him staring at you. It sent thrilling chills down your spine and through your body, but having him lash out and walk away left you feeling defeated, though you didn’t really know why.
He was a handsome stranger that you’d saved and you felt attached to him for some reason. The brothers had introduced themselves, explained what had happened and thanked you – sort of.
Sam was confused as he watched the stranger storm off. Dean seemed angry, and before another word was said you lifted up and flew after him. A few wing beats later and you were landing in front of him stopping him in his tracks.
“Hey. You don’t just get to storm off after that buddy.” Lucifer was shocked for a moment seeing you land in front of him just to tell him off. The making their way over as you stood in front of this man, hands on your hips in defiance.
“Excuse me, I must not understand. Do you take me for someone who cares?” He spoke harshly though he didn’t know why it just came out. He moved to pass her, but her wing stretched out to stop him.
“Oh hells no. I was going to be nice, but not after that. I just saved your life and I don’t even get a “hey”, or a thanks? Not as much as a fucking name?!” The brothers were just behind Lucifer now as you carved into him with your words.
“You know I don’t even generally save people, I usually am the one keeping the damn werewolves in this town in check, but no you couldn’t be bothered to even give me your name? After I got out of my way, and risk my future to save you? Yeah alright if you don’t care, then fine go on.” You’d moved you wing back to frame your body as you crossed your arms.
“If you don’t care at all that I just risked my future and personal safety to save your ass then fine go to your room like a child. I’ll leave, and if you ever need my help again I won’t be there to save you.” You let out a huff at the end and the silence consumed the space between you two.
The moon shone down on you both and on the shocked faces of the brothers, who were both looking between you and the man they knew as Lucifer.
“Lucifer.” Then he stormed off down the small walkway to the shared room. You turned to the brothers a confused look on your face, arms outstretched in confusion.
“Lucifer? I can’t tell if he just gave me his name, or if he was trying to swear at me?” Sam was the first to sober up and come up the stairs and sigh.
“No. It’s not just his name, it’s who he is. That was Lucifer.” As Sam spoke watching you for any reaction Dean went back to the car. You looked to Sam searching his features for any sign of a lie. None.
“That. That was Lucifer? The archangel?” Sam nodded as you pointed to the door in which he disappeared. You huffed out a “huh” then moved down the stairs and stretched your wings as you walked.
“Hey wait! Do you – uh – you mentioned keeping werewolves in check? Maybe tomorrow morning you want to meet over at the café and tell us more about that?” Sam jogged up to you and asked you. You bit the edge of your lip thinking about waking up in the morning and actually coming into town and being in the light of day, where people can see every detail of you. Even your eyes.
“Uh, well if you really need to know then I guess I could?” you said it as more of a question to if you would go through with it or not. He smiled a little and moved away saying his goodbye. You flew back down the street and scooped up your jacket and restraints off the ground without landing, then went home.
A secluded space in the forests just outside of town, that was home. Had been since a few years after you ran away from the orphanage. You’d found it and ever since you’d been stealing, buying and shoplifting things to put inside the house. Fixing it up so that it was yours, so that it was safe.
The house itself was a small cabin, there was a second floor, but no basement. That is until you made one. It was difficult and nearly impossible, but you did it. A secret basement, and in that a secret tunnel leading to a heavily protected base underground in which was huge. It had taken you many years to make it, but it kept you busy. It kept you out of sight from others, and from judgement.
The next morning you eagerly got up, dressed and put your wings in the newly made restraints. They ached the entire walk back into town, but when you got into town even at the edge of the building you stared in shock at how the light had bounced off the buildings and how it all looked so perfect. So bright and happy, the morning sunrise still red in the sky.
It was a particularly hot day so you had opted for a dress, it was short, but the style went well with your sneakers and black leather jacket. You had brought your sunglasses as well as you didn’t feel like putting contacts in today. You’d just met these men, but they didn’t run scared from you, or fall down begging thinking you were an angel of vengeance.
They actually seemed to know a lot about the supernatural. The conversation you’d had with the brothers in the parking lot was quite interesting. You finally got to the café and walked in taking a breath in as you did. You stepped up and ordered Y/F/D. You pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to the lady. You didn’t have a job, but sometimes the werewolves paid you for what you did, or you lifted a card off someone and got some of the money out of the account. You were smart though, sometimes going to entirely different country’s just to take some of the money out of the account, just too then take the cash, leave the card and leave nothing for the cops to follow.
You sipped your drink, satisfied that you made the right choice you found a booth to sit in and proceed to wait for the brothers to show up. You left your glasses on not caring that you looked like a total jerk, you’d rather look like a jerk than a monster. You set the drink down on the table and your hand stilled around it, as your mind drifted to darker thoughts.
The ring of the little bell above the door snapped you out of your darkened thoughts, a fake smile flowing casually onto your face as you saw the brothers and Lucifer step into the café. They obviously had been arguing the ride here. They got their coffees and you flagged Sam down, he led the other two right to your booth. Sam and Dean sat together while you moved further into the booth so Lucifer could sit next to you.
You all silently sipped at your drinks. The brothers looking you over and you them and Lucifer.
“You look nice. I’m glad you came, we’re really interested in your role with the wolves.” Sam broke the silence first. Dean followed suit after you accepted the compliment with a smile.
“Mind if I ask what’s with the shades?” Dean gestured to the aviators you wore and you blushed a little.
“Uh, don’t like people seeing my eyes, freaks them out a bit, and I didn’t put contacts on today.” You brought both hands to hold your cup nervously. You missed the look the brothers shared as you sipped your drink and glanced out the window next to you.
“It’s alright Y/N. Promise we won’t get freaked out, we’ve probably seen freakier things.” Sam tried to calm your nervousness with a smile, but you looked to the others. Dean nodded, Lucifer just watched you carefully, curious. You took in a deep breath and held it. Shutting your eyes you took your glasses off, folded them, and placed them down near your drink. You let out the breath as you opened your eyes to see the brothers.
The light danced over their skin, and through each strand of hair that was out of place. They both looked handsome and absolutely stunning. You looked to Lucifer and had to stop yourself from gasping. The light shone into his eyes making them look silver, his sandy gold hair was lit up by the sunlight and it looked like a soft and messy, but it fit him perfectly giving him a bad boy look.
“Woah. You know the bible says you’re supposed be the most handsome archangel there is, I think that was an understatement.” You flirted with him and you didn’t care, it needed to be said. There was no way you would have gotten through a conversation without saying it. You noticed a smile tug at the edge of his mouth and it filled you with a happiness to know that you did that. You made Lucifer almost smile.
You turned back to Sam and Dean, your eyes now fully adjusted to see them proper without squinting. You took in their expressions and frowned in confusion.
“What did I say? I warned you the eyes freak people out. It’s not every day you meet a girl with a crimson blood color for eyes.” You crossed your arms and lost the confused look as you came to your own conclusion.
“It’s not that –no it’s just” Sam stumbled over his words.
“They’ve seen eyes like yours before, but they only see it when I get angry.” Lucifer spoke up sounding a little proud, a triumphant smile on his face as he looked from you to the brothers.
“Okay, well I hate being the center of attention so let’s get to the wolves shall we?” You offered a topic change and thankfully they took it.
“This town is probably a good 50% wolf, but they’re the new generation types, you know can change at will. Some of them, actually most of them don’t like to kill, and in fact most haven’t had a human heart yet.” The three looked shocked and rightfully so, it took a great deal of effort to not go after a human, especially once changed.
“When I found one of the wolves I talked with him and he led me to the others here, I know almost all the wolves in this town. I’m the one who gets them hearts. I usually go after small game in the area or in other states. Due to my abilities I can get almost anything. I have even gone hunting with a few of the wolves. I’ve been helping and because I haven’t told them anything about myself they call me the moon goddess or something.” You shrugged not even completely sure about it.
“Really? So you’re the Moon Goddess?” Dean questioned, leaning onto the table. You nodded, the confused look still on your face.
“Yeah, they set up this… thing out in the woods where they leave me gifts. The offerings are just leaning against a tree with a detailed hand drawn picture of a set of wings, along with small messages posted to it and the tree. Things like, protect us Moon lady, help us Moon lady, and forgive me. I honestly think that they believe me to be an angel, it’s getting real fucking annoying.” Lucifer looked you over paying no mind to the brothers.
Although his grace was slowly returning, but just barely he couldn’t sense any angelic grace on you, so you were definitely right you weren’t an angel, but these idiots’ humans would think you one simply because you had wings.
“So that’s it? They just think you’re an angel who they pray to bring gifts for and you feed them and hunt with them in return?” Sam questioned leaning back in the booth seat, seeming a little disappointed. You nodded and sipped your drink again, and realized there wasn’t much left so you chugged it. You slid the empty cup to the center of the table and licked your lips and leaned back. The temperature of the drink filling you up.
“It’s nice not having to hide for once. Thanks for understanding guys.” You smiled and leaned on Lucifer subconsciously. He stiffened under your weight then fell into it, bringing his arm up around your shoulders as if it were natural. You were dead tired and didn’t care when you felt his arm slide up your back and rest on your shoulder. Sam let out a disbelieving humph at what he was seeing.
A beautiful tired woman leaning into Lucifer’s side, and completely out of his character he held her close to him, his arm around her comforting her.
Please leave a comment or feel free to message me or send an ask to me! I appreciate feedback, don’t care if you’re nervous or only have bad feedback because this was crap, just send it! I’m still getting a hang of Tumblr so i shall have a Masterlist up... eventually.
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Touched by God ( A Supernatural Imagine )
Author : ThatPleasantNightmare 
Word Count : 1847
Characters involved : Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Chuck!God , Castiel, Claire Novak, invented characters.
Summary : There she was. God's most perfect creation.
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They though it was going to be an easy case. A hunter going rogue and saving angels. Even if they weren't that evil, Sam and Dean had a past and spend most of their time fighting with them since they heard of their existence. Dean was humming to the rhythm of the Metallica song playing in his car, tapping his hand on the wheel, while Sam was going through her file. " - So, get this, he started, she is registered in the French branche of the Men of Letter, was born in France and was hunting with her father around Europe until he was killed by a pack of werewolves. - Learn the job on the field ? Asked Dean, eyes focused on the road. - Yeah, pretty much like us. She was... thirteen when her father died. She moved a few months later to Ireland, where she was hunting ever since. - Ireland? The Brits didn't say they had no monsters anymore? - Dude, Ireland is independent, answered Sam, rolling his eyes. He continued ; Apparently, Ireland got a lot of monsters and all the sigils protecting the country were removed when they won their independence. Guess they're not "friends" with the British Men of Letters. - Yeah, I bet, Dean snorted. " He parked the car in front of a motel where they decided to stay for the night. " - So what the Irish French girl is doing here and why she's attacking people trying to hurt angels? - No idea, that's what we need to understand, retorded Sam, getting off the passenger's seat. There she was, standing over the vampire's body she just killed. Trying to catch her breath, she swiped her face full of blood with the hem of her shirt. He's been watching over her for a long time now, and couldn't stop admiring her courage. Even with all the crap she'd been through, she still believed in God, she was still praying, asking for forginess, when frankly God should have been the one apologising to her. She took her phone off her pocket and seemed to text someone, probably telling her team that she eliminated the nest. She sighed quite loudly and before he knew it, he heard her prayers. She was asking God to forgive her for killing thoses vampires and hoping they would find peace wherever they were going. This is what drawn him to her; she had the purest soul he had ever seen. She concluded her prayers and walked slowly to her car, her leg pretty hurt. She checked her pockets and furrowed her eyebrows; where the hell were her car keys? Thinking she dropped them while fighting, she was going to head back to the empty building but before she could make a step, he appeared before her. She took a step back but didn't touch the machete fixed to her belt; curiously, she felt at ease, but still suspicious. Before she could talk, he snapped his fingers and all her body pain seemed to vanish. She checked herself, still not sure of what was happening and took a look at the man in front of her ; casual t-shirt & jeans, scruffed beard and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He smiled shyly to her, scratching his beard before clearing his throat. And honestly, she never felt more at peace. " - I heard your prayers, and I'm here to help, he stated, placing his hands on her forehead. " Dean was waiting by the car, enjoying the sun before taking the road again. Closing his eyes, he leaned on his Impala, sighing calmly. " - Ok, thank you for the intel, he heard Sam and opened one eye, looking at his brother hanging up. That was hmm... Rory McLead, a fellow hunter from Ireland. He is one of the last person to see her. Apparently, they left her takes an entire vampire nest on her own, which she did but she came back different. - Different? How? The older brother wondered. - Took her belongings, and bought an airplane to the States. - Tired of the job maybe. - It's more than that. Apparently, she was a very devoted person and she was acting ... oddly. - Oddly ? Cas-like oddly ? You think she could have say yes to an angel? - That's what we need to find out. This is the last place she had been seen. Cas will meet us there, the youngest concluded. " Dean nodded, and opened his car door, ready to hit the road. Two hours later, they were taking their gears in the truck, taking slowly the path to the abandonned factory. Holding their guns down, they opened doors after doors, taking turns on who was protecting who. " - I'm starting to think that this place is empty, mumbled Dean but Sam made a movement to shush him. " The older finally heard voices, coming from the next room. With his hand, Sam showed Dean a door on the left, slightly opened while he took the direction of the door on the right. Slowly making their way, they finally saw what was happening; A group of demons were talking around a person tied up to a chair, Sam, from his point of view, couldn't see the girl being beaten by the demons right now, but Dean could, and it wasn't what he was expecting. " What the hell, he growled. "
The two girls were sitting on their hotel beds, facing each other. The oldest smiled gently at the other, putting her hands on her knees, pressing carefully. " - It's gonna be alright, I promise, she assured, trying to catch the other's blue eyes. The youngest chucked; passing a hand in her messy blond hair. - Yeah, I guess you're right, just gonna be a bait for a bunch of demons, no big deal, she retorted sarcastically. - I told you, the other one said, passing her hand on her face, I know what's going to happen. I don't like the idea either but I saw it happened like that. You know I wouldn't put you at risk if I could. - I know, always trying to protect me in each hunt. - I don't want you to get hurt, the oldest murmured, letting her head down. " The youngest looked up at the brunette in front of her. They had know each other just for a few months now but have been hunting together since they met. She believed her story, and wanted to help her in her crazy quest. She knew she had to be careful with strangers after all that happened to her but she was differend, she could tell. And all that mattered by now. " - I believe you. If you say that's gonna be okay, then I'm in, she annonced, kneeling in front of her so that she could see her face. The words made her look up, smiling. - Thank you, she articulated, her eyes planted in the blond's one " After a while, they started making plans and get ready for action. " Jody is gonna kill me if she found out " the youngest thought.
Sam saw his brother mouthing the name "Claire" and understood that she was the one tied up. And before one of the demon could hit her again, Castiel appeared, grabbing his hand with one of his own and stabbing him with his angel blade with the other. " Son of a bitch " utted Dean, attacking the demons without any plans, Sam following behind. They killed the seven demons there pretty easily but gulped when they saw more than twenty demons coming after. Before the first demon could get the youngest Winchester, they saw a woman storming out from the door at the first floor, jumping in the air and landing on the demon's body, angel blade planted in his throat. Before anyone could react, she took a second angel blade in her other hand, going into fight. The three men looked at each other, a bit shocked. " - Guys, go help her! " They heard Claire shouting, making them react and helping the mysterious woman who had already took down half of the demons. Killing her last demon in sight, she saw Dean struggling with one while another one was coming after him. He stabbed the first one in the abdomen and faced the second, a bit surprised, mostly, by the angel blade going through his skull, killing him instantly. Dean standed there, dumbfounded. " You're welcome " he heard the brunette snickered while taking her angel blade out of the demon face. She snapped her fingers and Claire was out of her chair, coming right at her. Putting two fingers on her forehead, she healed the bruises and cuts she had. " - You're okay? She asked her, Claire nodding and smiling. - Ok, now, what the hell? Who are you? Claire, get away from her, Dean whisper-yelled. Castiel was silent, observing the scene. Claire didn't moved and stayed side to side with the brunette, taking her hand in hers. " - No Dean, she objected, eyes planted in his. You need to hear her. " Dean was going to object but Sam put his hand on his shoulder, silently telling him to calm down. " - Okay, I'll hear you out. Are you an angel ? Asked Dean, crossing his arms. - Bad pickup line, even from you. And no, I am not, she answered calmly. - You have grace in you but no vessel's mind, I don't understand, murmured Cas. - I could say the same about you, Castiel, she smiled. - I've been rebuild by God himself, I don't think it's...oh. He finished abruptly, starting to understand. - What "oh" Cas, what's going on in here ? The older brother yelled, this all thing starting to get to his nerves. " She looked at Claire, who gave her a reassuring nod and a squeeze to the hand. She cleared her throat and started. " - My name is Céleste. I'm a hunter. Less than a year ago, God found me. He... I've been touched by God. - That sounds sexual, she heard Dean whisper to his brother, smirking fading when he saw her eyes. - I am human like you – except Castiel – but I also have angelic powers. I'm a living weapon created for God's war.I have his knowledge and I can predict things that are going to happen. And let me tell you that a war is coming from Hell. You'll need me and I'll need you by my side. So what do you say ? "
Hi guys! It’s been a while ahah. Coming back with a Supernatural imagine this time, wanted to try to get my idea on paper and decided to publish it for you ! Any ideas? Feedbacks? Part 2? Let me know xx
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Ladies Drink Free: Recap
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Claire is a hunter in training.
Outside the Lucky Badger Ale House, a young woman texts her brother about her false whereabouts, but he catches her in her lie and they start walking home. She wants to head back to the bar, and he wants her to act her age. On the lonely, snow covered path, they hear a noise from the surrounding forest. Hayden, the sister, seems scared, and wants to turn around. Her brother insists there’s nothing scary out there, and proceeds to walk deeper into the dark woods. OOOoooOOO. Hayden is the one who screams though, and her brother rushes to find her knocked out in the snow. Masked attacker monster reveals himself, and Molo Ram’s brother’s heart right out of his chest.
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At the BMoL high-tech trailer, Sam and Dean wait. Dean is impatient catering to the Brits, but Mick soon shows up with a case. In Wisconsin, a young man was found dead with his heart ripped out, his sister survived the supposed animal attack, but is in the hospital. Mick pings it as a werewolf attack. The boys wonder how Hayden survived. Then Mick nerds out over his fancy British boarding school for Men of Letters, Kendricks. He learned everything there is to know about Lycanthropy there. Sam’s impressed with the Hogwarts for Hunter-lites. Dean, not so much. 
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The boys are cool to take care of this milk run, and Mick wants to tag along. Dean’s still pushing back at working with the BMoL, but Sam thinks they can use their knowledge. “If he’s coming, you’re babysitting him,” Dean insists, before heading out.
Of course, once on the road, Dean is subjected to a hella interesting boring podcast of Mick’s. 
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Mick fills the brothers in on the British history of werewolf hunting. They’re efficient, and because of that, there hasn’t been a werewolf outbreak in Britain since the 1920’s. Sam wonders about friendly ones. They bring up Garth (GARTH!) but Mick doesn’t believe in monsters staying on the right side of the law. (STAY HIDDEN GARTH!)
They finally arrive at their destination (Boris strongly suspects they’re in Wisconsin Dells --this isn’t a fun times, water-park, resort weekend guys. There’s werewolves to hunt.) The Winchesters are a little overwhelmed with the 3-star, baby-shampoo, pool having lodge, but adjust just fine by morning. Dean even went for a swim (GAG REEL PLZ). Sam did more research. He discovered that in the 1930’s the BMoL were working on a plasma therapy to cure werewolves. “Useless, I’m afraid,” Mick interjects.
At the hospital the brothers try talking to Hayden’s mother, but she shuts them down cold. Dr. “Mick” Buckingham walks in and casually escorts the mother out for a quick exam. He discovers that Hayden was bitten, but declines to inform the brothers. Sam and Dean discover that the mother has been bombarded by “Big Foot Truthers” --one a young, pissed-off, blonde “Fish and Wildlife” employee --CLAIRE!
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Claire is busy texting/lying to Jody about touring UW-Madison. She gets a call on her fake phone, and it’s just a trolling Dean. (Beatrice Quimby! 9 year old Boris is happy--although I thoroughly identified with Ramona.) She sees right through his nonsense. Meeting up at the hotel, Claire fills the others in on her investigation so far. Dean activates protective!Dad mode. Mick decides to take off, which allows the brothers to grill Claire about her shenanigans.
Dr. Buckingham pays another visit to the hospital, this time with a syringe of silver nitrate. He starts sending it through Hayden’s IV, but she awakens, all rabid werewolf-y, and attacks Mick. He plunges the syringe right into her heart, killing her.
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The next morning, the gang get the low-down on Hayden’s death. The strangest thing about it all: Her wounds healed. “Ok, what the hell?” Claire wonders out loud. Mick continues to lie. The salient point being: whatever attacked Hayden is still out there. They split up to investigate further.
Sam and Claire head off to interview Hayden’s friend. Claire tells her “old skeezer” friend Sam to wait in the car. Aww, remember when Sam was Claire’s age? Where does the time go?
Dean and Mick head to the bar. Inside the bar they ask the bartender about Hayden. Dean tries to level him his best intimidation face.
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It turns out that Conner, the other bartender with the douche tribal tat, had a thing with Hayden. (Not dating, though, bro.) Conner insists that he worked and then went straight home the night before but Dean presses him, insisting that he's lying. Dean turns to Mick and, as an illustration, asks him what he did last night. (Dean, you don't trust Mick one bit – you beautiful, clever, special crocus.) Mick stutters out a shoddy reply about writing a report and going to bed, clearly caught off guard.
Conner still insists that he did nothing wrong the prior night. Dean then asks if he met Claire. When Conner chortles about their less-than-stellar interaction Dean leans in nice and slow and says, “You ever touch her again, I'll break your face.” Thanks, Dad <3 (Stepdad?)
Outside Dean calls Mick out on his ultra lame alibi. Young girls – particularly new werewolves – don't just die out of nowhere. He slaps a hand on Mick's injured shoulder and Mick, the noob, grunts in pain. He admits to injecting her with silver nitrate. “She attacked me,” he protests, “and...I had orders.” Oh, Mick. Mick insists that he's just doing the job, then needles Dean about “palling around with witches and demons.” MICK, them's fightin' words.
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“Things aren't just black and white out here,” Dean insists. He brings up psychic Magda as an example of someone who deserved the second chance. (Oh, Magda, by Grabthar’s hammer...you shall be avenged!)
“That's your luxury,” Mick says. “We have a code.” Dean angrily reminds Mick that a mother has now lost both of her kids and, mic dropped, walks away.
Outside the school, Claire emerges triumphant. “You really do look like a creeper,” she tells Sam as he lounges outside the high school on her car hood. Which...yeah. True. Claire had success weaseling information from Hayden’s best friend. She found out that Hayden was dating an ultra-possessive guy - which was why she was at the bar that night.
Sam barely acknowledges the latest clue, instead shifting to ask her why Jody thinks she's in Madison looking at the University of Wisconsin. BUSTED. Sam didn't tell Jody yet about Claire’s werewolf hunt, but he presses her for information about why she's hiding her hunting.
Claire confesses that she did try hunting with Jody for a while. But instead of Claire taking an action role, she ended up sitting in the car or on the sidelines while Jody bad-assed her way through case after case. (I feel for you, Claire...but I also really want to watch Jody kicking ass all over the place. #torn) “I'm better off on my own,” Claire says. She imagines that'll make everyone happier.
“I'm so sick of you guys dive-bombing my life like you care,” she growls. She stalks off into the woods around the school to cool down, rage music blasting in her ears. Down at the school’s baseball diamond, Claire's spidey sense starts to tingle. She whirls to see the tall masked man from the cold open and whips out her knife.
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The two engage in fisticuffs. Here, fisticuffs means she goes at him with the knife but he gets the better of her, presses her into the ground, rips aside her jacket, and bites her in the shoulder. (Hello, rape parallel.)
Sam rushes to help and gets her back to their swanky resort hotel. Claire burns with fever. When Mick tries to drop werewolf health care tips, Sam tells him coldly that they're done with him. He killed a kid; he can GTFO.
Claire asks how long she has until she turns. Dean kneels in front of her and assures her that she can live with lycanthropy. She just needs to lock herself up for a few nights every month. Claire chokes out, “Maybe some people control this, but I can barely keep it together on a good day. If there's any chance that I could hurt Jody or Alex or...anyone, I'd rather die.”
Sam, reading through the MoL book Mick brought along, suggests trying the blood therapy. One in nine test subjects were cured! Mick is less optimistic. “That study was on mice,” he explains. They once tested their blood therapy on a human but the subject died in agony. (Query: WHY wouldn’t you test it on an animal that’s a better physiological parallel to humans like pigs or monkeys instead of jumping straight to human trials? Amateurs.)
Claire is immediately on board with trying blood therapy.
“You don't get a vote in this,” says over-protective Dean.
“It's my life. I get all the votes,” Claire tells him. That's fuckin' right, Claire.
Dean, pissed off, turns to Sam for backup. Sam agrees with Claire (though he can't meet Dean's eye) – it's her life. Dean bows his head and begrudgingly asks Mick how the werewolf cure works.
Easy as pie - they need the sire's blood. Back to the case it is, then! Dean still suspects tribal tat douchebro bartender Conner. He orders Mick to stay behind, which seems like a questionable decision. However, Mick understands the threat that boils persistently under Dean's skin and acknowledges that if anything happens to Claire in his charge, then he's a dead man courtesy of Dean Winchester.
The boys intercept Conner outside of the Lucky Badger and immediately threaten him with a silver knife. The silver has no effect on Conner (other than scaring the poop out of him.) In the sky clouds begin to drift away from the full moon.
At the hotel Claire is in intense pain. Mick prepares another syringe of silver nitrate for his protection while Claire peels back her bandage. Before her eyes the wound heals. Claire jumps for the gun, ready to end her life, but Mick grabs it first. She begs him for death before it's too late. He tells her that he knows a man who would kill her without any hesitation. His instinct is to do the same...but his “instincts haven't been so grand of late.” Claire huddles miserably onto the couch. Mick proposes sedating and restraining her and, with any luck, she'll wake up cured.
“If I wake up,” Claire whispers. “I gotta call Jody. She's gonna be so mad at me.” She looks so young as she says this. It breaks my heart.
Just then the masked werewolf breaks in. He knocks Mick out, then punches out Claire and drags her away. (Fuck you, werewolf.)
Sam and Dean bust in and Dean immediately looks like he's ready to make good on his threat. Mick protests that he tried to prevent her abduction. Furthermore, he can be useful. He put a tracker on Claire. And...now he’s pissed off Sam now, too. “You can kill me later,” he tells them. It's time to find Claire.
At a house in the woods, Claire is tied up in the kitchen while Hayden's boyfriend Justin does his evil villain speech.
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Justin had been part of a happy pack until hunters found them and broke them apart. He attacked Hayden so he could rebuild a pack again. “I'm a nice guy,” he protests to the woman he turned and tied up against her will. He pulls out a refrigerated heart and shoves it in her face – literally.
She spits the heart – and his words – into his face. She has a family so he can fuck right off. Claire doubles over in pain again and when she lifts her head her eyes glow yellow.
Just then the Winchesters bust in. Dean rushes up to Claire and then backs away cautiously when he sees her bloodied face and yellow eyes. She breaks free from the ropes.
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The werewolf gets the drop on the boys. It looks bad until Mick shoots him in the back. We all freak out about the werewolf cure and then Mick takes a vial of blood from an injection site on Justin’s back and fills up his plasma syringe with the sire's blood.
Claire stands up, growling as Dean takes the syringe from Mick. “She wanted this, right?” he double checks with Sam, and then they inject her. (<-- I really like this consent angle.)
The blood therapy is rough. She writhes, whimpering on the couch for who knows how long. It's long enough that Dean needs to leave the room to “get some air.” So...probably a fuckin’ long time.
Claire suddenly lies still, stops whimpering, stops breathing. Sam sorrowfully calls Dean back in. Dean shoves his emotions down about as far as they can go.
Suddenly, Claire's fingernails retract, she opens her eyes which leach of yellow, and she starts breathing again. “You guys look like crap,” she says to everyone's relieved faces.
Later, outside the lodge, Mick looks on her in wonder. She's fully cured and packing her car to go. “That girl is a walking miracle,” he marvels. Dean agrees and you know at least one layer of that is him just being a stupid soppy dad about it. (Dean, you snuggly tulip.)
Dean continues his streak of thanking people he doesn't particularly like for saving those dearest to him and thanks Mick “for the win.”
“So we're good,” Mick says happily. Eh, not so fast. Mick gets just one more chance to prove he's not a useless bag of dicks.
Claire comes up and jokes about craving a milkbone. Oh, Claire-bear. She apologizes to the Winchesters, thanking them for being there when she needed them. They hug and she's off.
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Claire calls Jody, leaving a confessional on her voicemail. She's hunting. It can be scary, but it's something she needs to do on her own. “I'm ready, but I never would have been if it wasn't for you being my mom. I love you guys.” Oh, Claire. <3
Claire drives off into the world, lone cowgirl, ready to kick some ass.
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(whispers: But I'm still so worried about Gaaaaaarth)
(also whispers: weremiiiiiiiiice)
It’s Better if I Quote Alone:
You either get good fast, or you get dead faster
Long story, and like, Downton Abbey boring
So your foreign exchange student is totally lame
I didn't sign up for this reporting to duty crap
I'm ruined, Sam. Those limey sons of bitches ruined me.
Those three stars are wasted on you
They're like nerd soulmates
Things aren’t just black and white out here
Eat me, Teen Wolf
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